#My sister joined me into the abyss
circusislife · 1 year
I am on a holiday with my family, which Is good.
I Is the ird day and we already have visited Seven museums, about three churches and a couple of locali points of interest, which Is also good.
What Is not good, Is the fact that my sister an mother (but primarly my sister) have a trak record of leaving museums only when they have to (aka closing hours or having enough time ti visit another Museum before closong hour) and the current record for longhest time spent in a Museum Is eight hours (without break)(It was the Vatican Museum, so Fair, but still).
We are now visiting an etnical (?not sure that's the right Word but don't have the energy) Museum of cultures around the world. It Is beautyful, Amazing and has tons of things that are simply breathtaking. But...
I think I'm going to go INSANE.
Thank all that is good and holly the last section Is on asian culture (which I find particularly interesting), but my attention Is limited and already strained. There's only so much I can take before I loose It, and that limit Is 4 h MAXIMUM.
Afterwards It Is a Battle between wanting out and wanting to actually see things and both sides are loosing.
Also, we have been walking and standing around visiting museums for the last three days and my feet are killing me!!!! T_T
Even the history entusiasts are dead on their feet, I Just cant!!!
Update, se finally got out, After a Total of 4h 30min. I have seen sunlight again !!! T-T
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thesunloveschips · 5 months
Eye of the Storm - Chapter 10: An Unfamiliar World
Summary: In the wake of Rhysand’s ascension as High Lord, the Bone Carver gifts a prophecy. More than five hundred years later, Azriel continues to wait for the one who is finally reborn as his High Lady’s sister. All it takes a dip in the Cauldron for things to start falling into place.
Chapter Summary: Nyra tries to recall her memories from the Cauldron which includes the silhouettes of unfamiliar people. Rhys's sister makes an appearance. Nyra confronts Nesta. Shadows are supportive little darlings.
A/N: I am immensely thankful to @stormhearty. Your friendship is something precious for the real me who is a slightly crazy woman who loves food and fictional men. Thank you for helping me with this chapter. I will continue to fangirl over characters from books and manhwa with you.
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Nyra's POV
Approximately an hour was left for dinner. I was still sitting by the window in Elain's bedroom. Nesta was sitting on the armchair across me and the occupant of the room was still unconscious.
None of us were talking but I could hear the Cauldron cry as if it was in the same room. Its cries and pleas which I did not want to hear. Not after what it did to my sisters. I closed my eyes and remembered it.
It was cold and lonely in this place. The sensation on my body made it seem like I was floating. And then there was a rip. Pain shot through me. Pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I could not move. Could not open my eyes to see what was going on. It started from my head, from between the eyes. And then it was there, on my chest. I felt like something was being taken from me and that my body was desperately clinging on to it.
It was exhausting. I don’t even know if I was crying. And then pain vanished. I was someplace warm now. I opened my eyes and saw the darkness around me. I was a silhouette of light. Underneath me, a body floated. My body. My weak, mortal body. I was still connected to it. A single glowing string continued to connect me.
And then there were whispers behind me. I turned around and saw other silhouettes. There were many. Each of them were standing at a different distances from me. All of them with glowing eyes. They were different in appearance—different heights, build, sex, skin colour, hair colour, clothing and so much and yet, the only thing that was common was the glowing eyes. I noticed that only one of them did not have glowing eyes. In fact, her eyes were closed. She was the one standing closest to me. A young girl with large bat-like wings.
My entire being felt a pull. I looked around trying to identify the source. It was that string connecting me to my body that floated in the abyss. I looked behind at the figures and found them facing me. Even the young girl with closed eyes. Everyone except the girl lifted their hands and a string flowed out from their palms towards me. With a bundle of strings in my hands, I let them go. The strings floated around me. I waved my hands and with knowledge I did not know I possessed, I manipulated the strings.
They weaved themselves under my guidance into something. A string from my own palm emerged and joined the creation. Whatever that was finally created, came to rest in my arms and I held it. I looked at the body below me and dropped the thing on it.
I had created a body which was merging with the mortal one that floated. The golden body and my own body were merging. I felt more strings from those behind me and I pushed them towards the merging bodies. Something happened. It seemed to help with the merger. And the final product was complete. I looked behind at the figures and they were looking at me, not with glowing eyes but with their own eyes. Approval, happiness, determination, pride—many emotions floated in their eyes. All of them giving me the nod to do something.
I looked at the girl whose eyes were still closed but this time, her lips were parted. And her young voice spoke. “You were poisoned.” I froze.
Another voice from behind her spoke. “You fought well.” It was a woman—tall and larger than women. Easily six feet.
The girl spoke again, her voice pained. “He has been waiting for so long.” And her hand darted forward to push me towards the new body that had been created.
Something stopped me from reaching my body. Some creatures. Many creatures of different shapes and sizes. They were blocking my path. I had to go. The pull was getting stronger. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I was moving—fighting. Like a warrior with practised ease and strength, I was destroying the demons surrounding me.
A familiar presence was nearby. I looked around and felt the gaze of a predator. A familiar presence. I walked closer and identified that to be the one whom I shared a womb in this life. A sibling. What was their name? Was it a girl or a boy? Either way, they shouldn’t be in this place. I raised my hand when I got close enough and pushed them away. Their presence completely vanished and I was left alone with the figures around me.
My fight continued. I won. I walked over to the body waiting for me like a vessel to fill it. A pained cry caught my attention.
“Please.” It begged. And some stupid part of me walked over and helped it. It was wounded and I healed it. “I am forever in your debt.” We talked a lot and then I walked back and felt my essence enter the body.
Once I had entered the body, I looked around. There was no light, no screams, nothing. Just pure darkness. I lifted my hands and checked them. I was glowing. Energy crackled around me. Something glowed from above me. I looked up and saw a bright thread, the only source of light in this darkness. An identical thread sprouted from my chest and ascended to meet it. I watched as the two thread merge into one, as though they were never separated. And then something grabbed my wrists. It coiled around them like a rope and pulled me upwards.
The next thing I knew, I was exiting the Cauldron. People around me were screaming my name. What was it? I could not even see anything clearly. Wisps of darkness and water blurred my vision to the maximum. Something cool and comfortable was all over me. Some energy. It helped me walk and led me to the source of the shining thread. And then they laid me down and I fell a wave of comfort and relief. And I fell asleep.
There was much more to all of this than what I could comprehend right now. That girl and all the figures lined up behind her. This silence in Elain’s bedroom was too loud. I wanted to scream and run and vomit and do so much, all at the same time. The beast within me was my own self. My real self. My power. At present, she was tame; like a cat curled up for a nap. But the cat was starting to get irritated. It was on the verge of transforming into another feline creature of greater size and power should it be provoked for too long. The only thing calming my inner self was the night sky. The stars were a calming sight.
But why did I feel like this? Like a part of me was absent. And the emptiness was seeping into the rest of me. A desperate feeling of yearning was there. For what? For who? Why? To be yearning so much to the point where it was starting to frustrate me—whose absence was affecting me so? I knew it wasn't father. I did not interact with the man who had been so absent from our lives. During our childhood when we were wealthy, it was a physical absence. During our teenage years when we were poor, it was an emotional absence. When Feyre was taken and we mysteriously became rich, the physical and emotional absence became far too much that I did not bother. We talked only when it was required. With him entrusting the keys of the house to me because he was too afraid to face Nesta, who was the healthier twin.
Was it for Feyre, who had been taken from us only to return as a completely different person? I did not even recognise the girl who came back the first time. A girl with life breathed into her only to tell us about the man she fell in love with. She left to save him. And then she returned as a fae. A broken shell of the woman she had become previously. Her subsequent visits showed improvement but I did not recognise her even then. She was no longer the woman who was our sister. She was free and powerful and independent and that was good for her but my sister had died and a new woman had taken her place. Feyre was no longer our sister in many aspects. And yet she was. But I had this powerful feeling that she would not have come to us after becoming fae if it weren't for the mortal queens and the Book of Breathings.
From what Nesta told me, Elain had begged not to be drowned in the Cauldron and yet she had been the first one to be Made. The woman who went in crying and the woman who returned were two different beings. And now, she was lifeless. The only semblance of who she was could be found in the open curtains. I looked at the sleeping sister. She was pale and thin and the bones of her hand, cheek and neck were too prominent.
Nesta, who had kicked and screamed, before being thrown into the Cauldron. How did she emerge? She hadn’t told me anything. But the woman who was sitting in front of me was withdrawn. She was no longer the panther who waited in the dark before striking. She was a cat who had retired to sleep. Nesta’s claws were no longer sharp.
Then for whom was I feeling so much? This burning sensation. I think I would've cried if I hadn't averted my eyes to look at the sea. Even in the darkness, I could identify where it was after having looked at for so long during the day. So much love, it made me feel like I was bundled up in a velvety blanket. But the other emotions made me feel like the blanket would be ripped away from my body and I would have to wake up to a horrible world.
Nesta's movement began to distract me from my own inner turmoil. She had stood up, walked towards the door, opened it and peeped outside to see if anyone was there and then closed it again. She came back but did not sit down. "We ought to get ready for dinner."
"I suppose we should." I stood up and then looked at Elain. We did not speak because we did not know what to speak of. We walked over to the door connecting Elain's room with Nesta's and entered and closed the door behind us.
"Your room is ahead." Nesta pointed towards the door straight ahead.
"What do you feel about all of this?" I turned to the window. I knew that Nesta required space before she could answer difficult questions. Not looking at her meant that she would feel less pressurised and that she would have more clarity of thought.
Nesta looked outside the window. "We are in an unfamiliar world. I do not mind it much. I do not have a marriage waiting for me. But…"
"You worry for father?" I wanted to know what she felt for him. She did not despise him as much as she tried to pretend. And she would always leave the room whenever I tried to confront her about it, knowing my sick body couldn't follow her. But now I could. And it seemed like she was realising that bit too.
Nesta scoffed. "The man could barely pick himself up even when Feyre went out to hunt. You were sick. We needed the money for your medicines."
"What about you and Elain? What were the two of you doing?" This was it. This was everything. Our lives had revolved around this for so long. Feyre had continuously begged me not to confront Nesta or Elain about this and I truly found her foolish for that. Her kindness had been extended to undeserving people.
"We could never send Elain out. She…"
"Then what about you?" I asked softly. I did not have the patience to shout at her and she was no longer poised to strike. So would she answer me? "Feyre was just a child."
"I know you would've gone out." Nesta's voice was a mere whisper. "You would've done anything and everything for all of us. You're like Feyre in that aspect."
"I think I would have." I spoke. The salty scent of her tears spread around the room. "Do not try to deflect, Nesta."
I knew how much Nesta hated that cottage. That bed where mother had birthed us and died. Everything around us was a reminder of the weakness we carried within ourselves.
"And that trait of yours made you push me out of the Cauldron." Nesta looked at me, vision blurred by tears.
"What were you doing, Nesta?" I had to be more firm with her. I was rarely firm with any of them. That had costed us too much. And whenever I was, I snapped too badly.
"I was scared!" Nesta's voice rose.
"Scared of the world and in that house, only our father knew how to navigate through it." I added and hummed. "He disappointed you, didn't he? When he did not go out to find work and instead remained… hopelessly hopeful for a miracle." I moved towards the door Nesta had pointed at, the one that would lead to me bedroom and stood by the door. The door knob was a beautiful piece of wood, simple and shaped. "Our mother's lessons never included any survival skills but our father's travels did."
I remembered how Feyre had snuck into our father's office to see the maps and the trinkets he brought back from his travels. How father sat her on his lap and told her stories of the world outside. Nesta was staunchly against that. I simply smiled and encouraged Feyre to listen to father's stories. He would tell her about the different people, cultures, cuisines and adventures he had. And eventually those stories shaped Feyre into becoming the one to step outside their home to be the breadwinner.
"And even now, you love him."
"That's ridiculous." Nesta sneered.
"Because I am my mother's daughter."
"All of us are."
"I am more of her than any of you ever was."
"And what are we?"
"Not hers." Nesta did not say anything more but I understood that this was a partition that would remain in her mind. That Nesta would forever see herself as someone apart from her sisters.
"Is that why you never stepped out? Because our mother would've deemed it beneath her to toil for the family? And you're her daughter?" The words escaped me before I could filter them. I saw Nesta flinch. I knew I had struck well when she reacted and I did not like this. I did not like this conversation. Did not like that she was like this. Nesta would've done anything and everything for Elain and I but for Feyre, what was it?
I remembered all the times when we were young and Feyre used to look up to us. I spun my history lessons into stories and told my own version of it to put the younger ones to sleep while Nesta silently watched even though she pretended to be uninterested. Stories of kings and queens, princes and princesses and adventurers and treasure hoarders. Mythologies were the easiest to tell her.
Feyre learned words easily as she listened to my stories and Nesta's advanced speaking. Maybe that's why mother never realised she did not know how to write and read. And for a long time, I did not. Not until mother had passed. Feyre was friends with Elain in a way she never was with me. Friends who would run around the house together, paint together, garden together. To her I was an older sister, but Elain was a friend more than a sister. But Nesta?
For so long, I'd seen her hopefully look at Nesta for the love and companionship she received from us. She did pick up the fierceness from her but she never knew how to wield it. She learned it all on her own and while I was proud of her for being able to do everything on her own, why was she? Why was she the only one providing for us in a house with two more healthy women? Why was she the only one who could do anything and be useful in a house with two capable women?
I'd fed her false hopes during our childhood that Nesta would come around but I believed them to be true. I'd seen how Feyre, fascinated with the first set of paints, had created something and gift it to Nesta. The first of her creations was a gift to someone who simply took it, said her thanks and retired to her room impassively. Feyre did not know what it was called but she saw Nesta using something to mark the book from where she paused; a bookmark.
I saw Nesta keep that bookmark for years, not even allowing me to touch it. Elain did not know where that bookmark was from. The same went for her drawings. Every little scribble, Nesta kept them guarded in her drawers and never told Feyre. She never scolded Feyre for continuing to draw even when we had limited paper after losing our riches. She simply kept them when Feyre thought they were being burned to feed the fire in the cottage. Nesta was a woman of actions and words so why did she not act?
"We are our own person before we were her daughters." I twisted the doorknob to open the door to my room. The luxurious space greeted me with nothing but unfamiliarity. This was not home. "And you are no longer hers. No longer her daughter. I hope you come to accept it someday." I took a step but my other leg remained where it was. "You must apologise to Feyre for not stepping up. The both of you need to move past that."
I let the door slam behind me and began pacing the room. The fact remained that Nesta and Elain did nothing while father and I were physically incapable of going out. Feyre was the only one who did it. And I did not know why I kept defending both of them in my head. I removed the hair tie and enjoyed the feeling of my hair being free.
What did it mean to be an elder sibling? To step in for the younger ones? If that was the case, Nesta and I had done that many times before mother died. Things changed after that. Even then, I'd seen Nesta actively step in for Elain and in my sickness, for me but Feyre was someone she left behind.
I opened the closet wondering whether I needed to dress for the dinner or whether this gown would be appropriate enough. A silk gown of midnight blue grabbed my attention. I took it from where it hung and admired how it was more soft than the one I currently wore. I closed the door of the wardrobe and took the dress with me to the bathing chamber.
The bathtub sat there like the king in his kingdom. I looked away from it and stared at the mirror in front of me. A woman with incomparable beauty stared back but she was so confused. What good was flawless hair and skin and body when I could no longer identify myself? The woman in the mirror was an unfamiliar face. I was never this beautiful, never this healthy. This was definitely someone else.
This is not home. I wanted to cry at that.
The Cauldron had demanded far too much from me. It had exhausted me before I could leave its clutches. I felt it all over my body and I knew I was close to hyperventilating. I'll never return home. And all that pain. I would have died and yet, here I was.
What was the point of snapping at Nesta? We were here, no longer human. We could never return. And what was there for us in the land of the fae? There is nothing. This is not home. My home with my sisters and father. And when I inadvertently looked in the direction of the bathtub, I saw the Cauldron—black and cruel. I screamed in my head at myself to run away. But my legs, why weren't they moving? The Cauldron seemed to nearing me and I wanted to vanish into the shadows.
And as if my prayers were answered, the shadows emerged from behind like the waves of an ocean. I saw their reflection in the mirror and I crumbled as they embraced me and took me away. It was cold and calm. Only the wind remained for me to hear. I could not process anything but my own cries and tears. Where's my home? I screamed into the shadows and wailed. Tears had blurred my vision but I could see enough to identify that I was someplace dark. I sat down on the cold floor with my knees to my chest.
Home was Nesta's stubbornness, my father's hopes for tomorrow, Elain's smiles and Feyre's wildness. But I was somewhere where I could recognise none of my sisters. My stubborn sister had left everything to the youngest, who in turn lost a part of herself. My happy sister no longer smiled. And what was I?
I don’t know how long I was crying but a hand grabbed my shoulder. It was the only source of warmth. It was a large hand and I looked back. There was no one. I could not see the hand on my shoulder but I could definitely feel it. It was still there. And the shadows retreated and I was on the bathroom floor with a worried Nesta in front of me. She saw me and was saying something. She hugged me and rocked me and I closed my eyes. It was when I could hear my surroundings that I dared to open my eyes. Nesta was crying as she held me.
I moved my hand, took her elbow and tried to remove it away from me. It was a heavy arm and my movement made her release me from my embrace to look at me. Her tears were flowing and she looked so worried. “Are you alright?” She grabbed my cheeks and inspected me. “Did something happen? Talk to me, dear.”
Nesta was never affectionate unless she was worried. And that she definitely was at the moment. “I’m fine.” I whispered.
I escaped her embrace and stood up. I had yet to wash my face and I did just that. I kept on gathering cold water in my hands and splashing it on my face until I felt content. I looked up at the mirror and saw someone who I was starting to recognise. Me. The broken me. I took the towel hanging nearby and dabbed my face with it. I had to change clothes. As I was removing my clothes, I heard her call my name.
"Come to me after you've spoken to Feyre." Nesta knew what I was talking about. I wore the midnight blue gown which exposed my neckline and clung loosely to my figure. My hair was in a bun but with a few stray curls escaping here and there. We stared at each other until I made the move to leave for dinner even though I did not know where it was going to.
I walked ahead. I could hear Nesta behind me but I descended the stairs and heard the noise coming from one of the floors. I followed the voices and halted. I was suddenly reminded of the fact that I will be dining with strangers. Even though I'd met a few of them and dined with the brothers before, that was back in my own home. I saw Feyre and her family and I felt like something was attacking me. Meeting her in-laws was not how I ever expected it to be but when I saw Feyre walking towards me, I realised that I did not recognise her at all. Where the hell was my sister and who was this woman?
@waytoomanyteenagefeels@impossibelle@esposadomd@starswholistenanddreamsanswered@judig92@bunnyredgirl@sh4nn@a-frog-with-a-laptop@kattzillaa@ronnieglennn@wallacewillow0773638@forgiveliv@justdreamstars@donttellthecats@cat-or-kitten@jojodojo02@wandas-dream@evylynny@weasleyreidstyles@stqrgirlies-blog@why4anne@acourtofdreamsandshadows @saltedcoffeescotch @mybestfriendmademe@macimads@footyandformula @noelli-smv @mqlfoyelf @thehighlordishere @slytherintaco @spideytingley @deeshag @footyandformula @nebarious @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @prettylittlewrites @lilah-asteria @5onedirection5 @eatsleepreadance1 @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @maddybraps @mrstepes @violet-potter
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veronicaphoenix · 7 months
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Title: Into the Abyss of Bad Habits — Part Three | Words: 10k
Tags & trigger warnings: unresolved to resolved feelings, polyamorous relationship, angst to fluff and comfort, mentions of anxiety, sexual content, including threesome, p in v (protected), oral sex (both receiving), overstimulation, edge play, slight bondage, blindfolding, mentions of spankings, double penetration. (Let me know if I'm missing sth).
Author’s note: here it finally goes :) this is for you all. Thank you for reading and sharing your reactions 💕
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“Where are you?” My brother’s voice reached my ears through the phone line.
I stopped the absent-minded tracing of letter on the surface of my Costa Coffee cup and furrowed my brow. “What do you mean, ‘where am I’? I’m in England. I told you I’d be here until—”
“I know you’re in England, smartass,” he retorted. He was likely in his office, settling into his morning routine in Los Angeles, while it was mid-afternoon in the UK. “I mean, where exactly? I got a call from Noah twenty minutes ago. He’s freaking out because you’re nowhere to be found and you’re not answering his calls or messages.” 
Noah had indeed tried reaching me several times since morning, calling and texting and then joining the iMessage group where Oliver had also added his fair dose of worried and then angry messages. I should have said something, I realized now, at least to reassure them that nothing had happened —besides getting fucked by both of them and feeling very sore—. 
The memories from last night flooded back and I tightened my grip on the cup of hot chocolate, tuning out the noise of the people around me. 
When I left the hotel that morning, I walked far from it hoping a change of scenery might clear my head and provide some clarity on what I’d done and its implications for my relationships with Noah and Oliver. But even after skipping lunch for a coffee at Starbucks, then trying my luck with a hot chocolate at Costa, nothing seemed to help.    
I was doomed, and my brother’s call was the last thing I needed.
Jack called my name repeatedly until he had to raise his voice, pulling me from my thoughts. “Are you there? What’s going on?”
“Yeah, I’m here. I’m—I’m just in a café. I was feeling suffocated with all the coming and going between hotels and venues, bus rides and all the work and…”
“Did something happen?”
“No,” I replied too quickly, knowing he’d detect the evasion.  
I could almost envision his raised eyebrow on the other end of the line. 
 “You slept with him again, didn’t you?”
“Jack, that’s none of your business.”
“I know, but you’re my sister and your well-being is, in fact, my business. I know something is up by the way Noah was speaking, and there was some Brit losing his mind in the background, too. What is this all about?”
“Jack, trust me, you don’t want to know.”
There was a silence coming from his side and my cheeks started burning. I glanced around nervously, feeling as thought every eye in the café was on me.
Jack’s sigh reached my end. 
“Listen, baby sis, whatever you’ve done, you need to fix it. This situation with Noah has been going on long enough, and you two are lying to each other,” he acknowledged. “If there’s a third party involved… Well, I don’t know. That’s your business but sort it out. Don’t bury your head in the sand. That’s not like you. You’ve always been the one preaching all that shit about talking about your feelings and communication being so important. Don’t shy away from it now. Whatever it is, I’m sure it can be fixed, and don’t be afraid of what might happen. You know you can always call me, whenever.”
I was the one rising an eyebrow now.
“How much has Noah told you?”
Jack chuckled.
“Just talk to them.”
There it was again. 
I wondered if leaving had been a mistake, after all. 
Not long after my conversation with Jack, I returned to the hotel. 
As I stepped into the room, I was met with a potent blend of sex and masculinity that engulfed my senses. 
The bed was still unmade, a reminder of the recent sinful activities. I noticed the ‘do not disturb’ sign still hanging outside the door and decided to leave it be, my fingers tingling with the weight of my growing anxiety.  
Every time I looked towards the tousled sheets, vivid and colorful memories flooded my mind. I could see myself on top of Oliver, Noah behind me, the three of us drowning in a sea of collective groans, screams, and wails of pleasure. 
 I could also see their slumbering forms occupying each side of the bed. 
 To divert my mind, I looked for something else to do. I needed to sort out my things, indulge in a hot shower, maybe eat something or have another coffee. Instead, my eyes fell upon the lingerie set, neatly folded, and placed on the desk next to the TV remote. 
Which one of them took the time to gather the garments from the floor and fold them so meticulously?
My heart fluttered at the tender gesture, adding another drop of confusion to my ongoing crisis.  
I made a beeline for the shower. Noah’s and Oliver’s scent still lingered on my skin, and the love bites and hickeys wouldn’t leave me for a few days. I had no other choice but take my brother’s advice and pull myself together. 
After a grueling day spent replaying the events of the previous night and a near-anxiety attack in the confines of my hotel bathroom, I decided I had to talk to them. Hiding and pretending none of it had happened would only lead to further complications and would strain my relationship with Noah and Oliver to the point of ruining everything. I couldn’t afford to let it fester and seep into their professional lives. I would not let that happen. 
An hour slipped away while I debated when it would be the best time to approach them. 
Should I text them? Send a message on the iMessage group? Or should I just talk to them face to face? To one of them first or to both at the same time? 
By the time I resolved that this was something that needed to be talked to face to face and I gathered the courage to admit my mistake, evening had descended, and everybody was already at the venue where the bands were playing that night.
I was still unsure of where this would go. I’d had the entire day to think about my feelings and, well, I was still a mess. The only certainty I held onto was that I didn’t want to lose any of them, so I was willing to do whatever they said, whether it was keeping everything in professional terms, remain friends, or… 
Taking a deep breath, I watched as the Nicks and Jolly descended from the stage, their faces beaming with sweat and satisfaction. Jolly squeezed my shoulder as he passed by. In return I sent a faint smile his way. 
Moments later, Noah appeared, descending the metal steps clad in black pants and a tank top. His eyes briefly widened as he caught sight of me. He paused, the towel in his hand frozen mid-motion as he registered my presence. Then, without a word, he continued past me, following the same path as the rest of the band.  
“Noah,” I called out, a tinge of desperation in my voice. But amidst the hustle and bustle of the stage preparation for BMTH, my plea seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
Noah stopped, half-turning towards me. His gaze was cold, and he was angry. That much I could tell. 
I couldn’t fuck it up anymore, so the last thing left for me to do was to be honest. 
“I got scared,” I said, the words catching in my throat.  
“Scared?” He echoed, his tone sharp.
If I nodded, it was lost on me because his dark, penetrating gaze made me freeze on the spot, and when he drew nearer, my heart thundered in my chest.  
“No, you don’t get to tell me that you got scared,” he retorted, barely inches away from me, his voice low and intense. His scent enveloped me: he smelled just the same as last night, except for the missing addition of my own sweat and the magical residual scent of sex.  
I wanted him again. I wanted him covered in sweat from the heat of our intimacy, of our entwined bodies. 
He towered over me, his presence overwhelming, making me feel tiny and inconsequential.
“I was the one scared,” he admitted, his voice laced with pain and fury. “I was scared every time I fucked you in my bed and I found you looking at me with those beautiful fucking eyes. I was scared because I knew I was falling in hard. I was terrified,” he emphasized, the last word dripping with raw emotion. “Then you slept with Oliver. When I got to know, I was on the verge of nightmares. I was terrified at the thought that I might have lost you. Then you told me all those things, and yet, I decided to give you what you wanted even though it scared the shit out of me. It scared me to hell to think of what it would do to me —to us— if we crossed that line with Oliver. And yet again, we did. And then this morning you were gone. You were not there by my side when you made me promise not to leave. So no, you don’t get to tell me you were scared after you got fucked by two men who fucking adore you!” 
My throat constricted, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 
Instinctively, my hand reached out towards him, but Noah recoiled, stepping back with a shake of his head. Not a single strand of hair moved from its place on his forehead due to the layer of sweat covering every inch of this tall, muscular frame. 
“You wanted honesty? There it is,” he continued, this time his voice low and composed. He dropped the towel to the floor, as if he was… giving up. “You were right to demand that from me, but you should have done the same in return.” 
And yet, I had left him before the sun rose, just as he did with me in that moment, stepping back with his brown eyes locked on mine until he couldn’t stand my gaze any longer and he turned away, rushing out the corner and disappearing from my sight. 
I realized then the severity of my actions. It had taken me years to get Noah to open up, and just when I had managed to get him to, to unwrap another layer of him, I had turned my back on him. 
He had all the right to be furious, to hate me, to never want to see me again.
I just didn’t think I could take it because, with each passing second, my feelings for him were becoming clearer. What I had been feeling for months was more than just platonic adoration. 
Waves of anxiety engulfed me. Some of the staff members, having caught up in the intense exchange, cast various glances my way as I stood there alone, drowning in my own misery. Some of their looks were pitiful, others were dripping with disgust. 
With a dry throat and some tears streaming down my cheeks, I hid in the nearest restroom and in a feeble attempt to regain my composure. I told myself that there was a way to get Noah back, that we could be mended and we could move past this. 
But another voice in my head told me that I had fucked up beyond repair; that I hadn’t just fucked up a wonderful relationship with two wonderful men; I had also hurt them, and that knowledge tore my insides apart. 
I didn’t recognize myself.
Why had I acted the way I did? Why hadn’t I stayed? 
I had always been the one to push others to improve their communication skills. I hated unresolved tension and not having a clear idea of what I felt and what others felt around me. It was something that consistently plunged me into anxiety, so why had I chosen this path? 
Desperation seized me. 
Fifteen minutes later, after washing my face and trying to move the hair away from my face, I headed to the green room. 
Though greeted with nods and briefs hugs from the people crowding the room, my focus was on one individual. 
My stomach knotted at the sight of Oliver’s eyes on me, the look on his green orbs not much distant from the one Noah had had mere moments ago. Swallowing hard, I walked to him, ignoring some lighthearted joke Mat attempted to engage me in. He must have sensed my unease, not from my lack of response, but from the weight of Oliver’s stare as he stood in my path.  
His bandmates had known him for than I did, and it was clear that they knew when to shut their mouths and redirect their gazes away. 
Perhaps I should have felt terrified, but terrified had led me to ruin one of the best nights of my life, so no, I wouldn’t let it happen again. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” 
I would need more than a minute to say everything I wanted to say, though.   
Instead of replying, he eyed me for two seconds, twirling the Red Bull can in his hand before addressing the room at large. 
“Guys, can you give us some privacy?”
In another circumstance, I might have felt embarrassed by the sudden attention, knowing that everyone present was likely speculating about why Oliver wanted to be alone with me in the green room and we both had those long faces on. However, after the events of last night, I found myself beyond the capacity for embarrassment. 
“We’re going on stage in ten minutes,” Lee interjected. I could feel his gaze boring into my back while he sent a warning directed at Oliver. 
“Got it,” Oliver replied, his tone firm.  
It took the others a full minute to gather their stuff and vacate the room, some muttering under their breath as they left. 
Taking a deep breath, I met Oliver’s gaze head-on, steeling myself.
“I fucked up," I began, watching him closely for his reaction. The weight of my words sank in as I tried to get my shit together after my failed attempt at sorting things out with Noah earlier. 
I waited for his reply with my nerves eating me alive.
“You fucked up by having sex with me and Noah or by leaving in the morning?”
“By leaving in the morning. I should have stayed. I just… I panicked.”
Oliver narrowed his green eyes at me, a mix of frustration and something else flickering across his face. 
“I can understand that,” he conceded, his tone softening slightly, “but then you bailed on us and disappeared the entire day. What are we supposed to think?” 
Standing up straight, he moved away from the cheap white IKEA table he had been leaning on, circling me before disposing of the can in a nearby black bin. 
Yeah, I should've stayed and talked to them instead of running away, but what was done, was done. Now I had to find a way to fix it on my own. 
“Noah doesn’t want to talk to me," I said, feeling like a whiny little girl for being denied a lollipop.
“I’m not sure I want to talk to you either,” Oliver replied bluntly. His words hit me like a punch to the gut. My panic momentarily increased until he continued talking. "I’m torn between that or bending you over that table and fucking you hard and fast after giving you a good spanking.”
I froze for a beat, my cheeks flaming. Closing my eyes, I dropped my shoulders and released the air I’d been holding. 
“I don’t need that right now. I need to talk to you and Noah before I make it worse.”
“Yes, obviously. This is not going to work if there’s no communication”
I bit my lip, only to get chided by Oliver. “Don’t do that. You’ll bruise yourself.” 
“I know time is not on our side now,” I continued, “but is there anywhere we can meet to… talk? The three of us?” 
Oliver hummed in thought. 
“Considering we need to hop on the tour bus early tomorrow, I suggest you get some good sleep tonight and we talk when we reach the hotel in London after lunch.”
I nodded again. I was defeated, so I would just do whatever they said. I just wanted to fix things. 
With my eyes on the floor, I startled when I felt Oliver’s fingers on my cheek. He was eyeing me from under his eyelashes, a tiny furrow between his eyebrows. 
“Are you sure you just want to talk?”
How could I tell him that every fiber of my body was screaming to be touched again by both their hands, by their fingers, their mouths…? 
Maybe I didn’t need to. Soon enough, he was smirking knowingly, and he pulled gently at my lower lip with his thumb.
“That’s what I thought. But I’m not touching you again until you’re honest with me and Noah, so take the time you need to think. Whatever it is, I’ll respect your decision.”
“Will you?” I couldn’t help but ask, uncertainty coloring my tone. 
 It took him a moment to respond. 
“Hell, no. You think you’re the only one terrified, doll?” he countered with a tilt of his head. “That makes threeof us. I’ve been thinking about you since before I knew you were coming to Europe with Noah and the band. I just assumed that whatever you had with Noah was restricted to the two of you even if you weren’t dating. But then you came back and you reached me with that pretty smile and you shared so much of yourself with me… and then, to make it worse, you let me touch you… and I knew I was doomed because I’d never get enough of you.”
“Oliver, I—” I began, my voice shaking, my vision getting blurry. 
“No crying, come on,” he admonished. “You’re a big girl. You took both of us so well last night,” he reminded me, a flash of lust crossing his eyes. “You can manage this. We’ll get through it the three of us together, wherever it takes us, even if it’s on different paths.”
“I’m not sure I want us to go on different paths…” I confessed quietly, surprising not only him but myself. 
He sighed, seeming relieved. 
“That’s why I said to get a good night’s sleep and think about it. I’ll let Noah know we’ll be talking tomorrow as we reach London, okay?”
I swallowed my tears and nodded. 
When I asked Oliver if I could travel with him in BMTH’s tour bus the next morning, of course he readily agreed. But what I didn’t expect was Noah’s unexpected appearance at seven in the morning on the same bus, seeking me out. He wasn’t as pissed as he had been when we talked right after Bad Omen’s show the night before, but he was definitely not happy that I was evading the band’s tour bus—evading him—.
I was still tired. Exhausted. Drained from a sleepless night. Despite Oliver’s assurances that things would be sorted out, I was scared that Noah wouldn’t accept it, that he would never be okay with a relationship between the three of us, and that he would never forgive me.
That’s why when he appeared on BMTH’s bus, I simply sank onto the sofa when he instructed me to sit, and I let him settle next to me, his thigh and arm brushing mine. I was ready for the worst.  
“I might be pissed at you,” he started saying, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you around,” he stated. His gaze had softened as he looked at me, a hint of vulnerability peeking through his almond-shaped orbs. Our faces were barely inches away from each other. The fact that he smelled so good wasn’t helping the chaos going on in my head. “Or is it that you don’t want me?”
I frowned. 
“You know I do,” I assured him. How could I ever stop wanting him? His brown eyes would always held me captive.  
I considered that, if I got both of them, if I was just lucky enough, I would have those beautiful brown eyes and those mesmerizing green orbs gazing adoringly at me every day. Could I ask for more after that?
“I just made this whole situation so uncomfortable that I don’t know how to behave around you anymore,” I admitted, the weight of my mistakes heavy on my shoulders.
His hand found mine on my thigh. Noah clasped his fingers around mine in a comforting gesture. 
“I’ll tell you how: be a good girl. I’m angry at you, but it’s nothing that won’t be solved after we talk with Oli and you… get punished.” A smirk tugged at the corner of his thin lips. 
I could only sigh and sink myself deeper onto the seat. What did that even mean?
“Come back to our bus,” he said. When I took a while to answer, his grip on my hand tightened and he pleaded, “please?”
How am I supposed to resist the puppy eyes? 
“All right,” I relented.
I stood up, only to be met with Oliver’s figure standing not far from us, frame leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest. 
“We should have hired another bus, huh?”
Noah raised an eyebrow and after a couple of seconds snorted, shaking his head as he placed a hand at my back, nudging me forward.
“One for the three of us,” Oliver mused, his eyes eyeing my casual outfit and lingering on my chest for a little longer with a suggestive glint, as if he could see through. “Just imagine how much fun we would have had on our way to the big city.” 
I looked between him and Noah, blinking. I was missing something there, some understanding between the two of them that I was not a part of. 
It was at that moment, with the chill of the January morning creeping in through the cracks of the bus and the look the boys shared with each other that I realized that maybe, very maybe, I had been wrong all along, but… could there really be a chance that... things would work out between Noah, Oliver, and me?
Ignoring the racing beat of my heart and the wave of relief and joy that suddenly seeped through me, with a newly found bravery I said, “May I remind you that despite the distraction I’m being, you’re here to work, both of you?” I wanted to sound rational, and I was, but of course they found it amusing.  
“You can remind us later,” Oliver said, leaning over me to peck me on the cheek. 
 “Get going,” Noah indicated, his tone firm yet affectionate. “I’ll be there in a minute. Nick and Matt are playing Elden Ring. Tell them to hand over the controllers.”
I hesitated for a moment, glancing between the two of them. Then Noah put a hand on Oliver’s shoulder and squeezed, both their eyes on me, as if trying to send a reassurance to the apprehension taking hold of every nerve on my body. 
Not long after 2pm, we arrived in London, its iconic skyline piercing the sky much like the needle of anticipation jabbing at my insides as I awaited the moment of being alone with Oliver and Noah in a hotel room again. 
Our stay in the city was scheduled for three days. Under normal circumstances, I would have been looking forward to my free time to explore the city’s most wonderful streets and charming corners. However, other than the work-related stuff, nothing was going as planned, starting with the fact that I found myself not dreading to explore the city at all. My thoughts were consumed by the desire to explore something else —two men’s tattooed bodies, the seas of their skin, every imperfection and scar… 
I followed the Bad Omens’ crew into the lobby of the InterContinental next to the O2 Arena, pulling at my suitcase with one hand and typing a couple of texts to my brother while Matt handled the check-in at the reception desk. I waited for him to get the hotel card keys and hand mine, but he never approached me. 
I looked at him, confusion all over my face as I slid my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and saw him the rest of the guys head to the elevators on the left side of the lobby.    
I was about to call out to him when I noticed that Noah was still beside me, a few steps behind me. 
“Where’s my room key?” I asked.
Noah raised a hand, displaying a card. 
Despite his towering height, with the backpack slung over his shoulders, I always thought he resembled a little kid.    
“Oliver wants us to share a room,” he informed me evenly.
“What?” I sputtered, taken aback. 
Oliver and the rest of the band were not there yet. They had an interview in some radio station and the bus had dropped them off at the location before reaching the hotel, so they wouldn’t be checking in until later. 
“We’ll talk there”, Noah clarified. “If you want to have a room for yourself after that we’ll make sure you get one. It’s not a big deal.”
Truth be told, I hoped I didn’t have to get one. I dreaded sleeping between their warm bodies again, perhaps indefinitely. I knew that I was dreaming too much, but it was all I could cling to while I waited for the talk. 
During the elevator ride, I buried myself in my phone again, ignoring Noah’s presence on the other side and trying my damnest hard to block memories from last year’s tour when Noah had nearly fucked me against the elevator walls in some hotel in Las Vegas before we could make it to his hotel room. 
When the door of the suite opened after Noah swiped Oliver’s card on the reader, I gasped at the dimensions of the room. We were welcomed by a spacious common area, complete with a sofa, a dining table, and a massive TV that we were not going to use. Passing through white French doors, we were met with the bedroom. The pièce de resistance? The king-sized bed positioned in front of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Thames. All I could suddenly think about was… probably the same Noah was thinking as our eyes met after they’d landed on the huge bed. 
I could have felt embarrassed. Instead, somehow, I managed to offer him a sweet smile that he reciprocated. 
In silence, we began to unpack, though I refrained from unpacking too much, considering that the veredict of our current situation was still to be decided. 
Noah retrieved some of his electronics from his backpack and returned from the common area to find me standing by the large windows in the bedroom, looking down at the river.  
“Why don’t you take a nap?” He suggested, his eyes betraying his concern. “You look like you haven’t been sleeping properly.” 
I sighed. “No, I haven’t.”
“Sleep,” he urged gently.
“Are you staying?” I inquired, looking in his eyes in need of reassurance. 
“Yes.” Of course, his eyes said.
We stared at each other. When the emotions grew too big, I removed the distance between us and stood on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug. 
He hugged me back, sinking his face in the crook of my neck, and the gesture felt like a soothing balm. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry or strip him off his clothes. 
It must have been the same for him because I felt him tensing after the hug went on for too long. When he pulled away, he adjusted his pants before I managed to take a quick look at the spot. Guilty.
He urged me to rest for a while again. Oliver wouldn’t take long, he said. 
As sleep claimed me, I found solace in the thought of waking up to both of them in the room.  
Their voices reached my dreams, coaxing me awake. 
I stirred in the bed, stretching my muscles before lifting my head from the comfortable pillows and looking over my shoulder, towards the origin of the sound. The doors to the bedroom were slightly ajar, and I could see their silhouettes through the open space. Noah was seated at the table with a cup of coffee cradled in his hands while Oliver leaned in close, practically with his ass on the table as he talked to Noah, his thigh very close to the hand Noah was holding the cup of coffee with. Oliver had another one in his hand. They spoke slowly, softly, as if they were lifelong confidants. I lingered in the quiet, watching them, taking advantage of the fact that they hadn't noticed I was awake. I was captivated by the way Oliver would occasionally smile at him, and how Noah's eyes would sparkle. 
I sat up in bed as a surge of warmth flooded my senses. Before revealing myself, I hurried to the bathroom on the opposite side of the bedroom.
When I emerged, their voices had died away, and I could hear them moving about the room.  
With hesitant steps, I opened the French doors, my eyes falling first on one man and then on the other. 
"Hi," I said in a slurred voice. 
Oliver was pouring hot water from the kettle into another cup and Noah was hanging one of his winter jackets in the wardrobe by the entrance.
“Hi there, sleeping beauty,” Oliver greeted. 
I accepted the cup of tea he offered and thanked him with a shy smile as I brought the cup to my lips, making sure it wasn’t too hot. Lemon tea.
“Are you okay?” Noah asked with a frown, getting closer to lift my chin with two fingers and scrutinize my face. “Your cheeks are flushed.” 
“It must have been the heating in the room,” I explained, gesturing towards the bedroom. 
The answer satisfied him for he nodded, his features relaxing. 
“Do you want to sit down?” He asked.
I instantly shook my head. 
“I will if I need to, but I rather stand while I sort this out,” I said. Both of them shared a look and locked their gazes with me a second after. “I don’t want to drag it out any longer,” I said, gulping down the next sip of the tea.
“Alright,” Oliver did sit down on the sofa, facing me. 
Noah took a seat next to him. 
Great. Now it feels like I’m back at uni, about to start my thesis defense. 
While Oliver reclined comfortably against the sofa cushions, his arm casually draped over the sofa’s back, he nearly touched Noah, who was leaned forward, his arms resting on his thighs, hands clasped together. 
Green and brown eyes were fixed intently on me. 
I moistened my lips and hesitated for a moment before speaking. I didn’t know where to start, and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I steadied myself against the TV furniture.  
“I left because I didn’t want to,” I began.
Of course my answer elicited raised eyebrows from both.
“What I mean to say is…” I averted my gaze momentarily, “I don’t think I’ve ever felt as good as I did when I woke up,” I explained. “Despite… the ache between my legs, I was sure that I wanted that every next morning, and I realized it wasn’t right. I couldn’t be having such thoughts. This,” I gestured between me and them, “is not normal.” 
I waited for them to interject, but they didn’t. Their silence encouraging me to press on.
“After our night together, I thought about everything else that happened before that, and a voice in my head told me that it had all been a mistake: sleeping with you,” I said to Oliver. His features morphed into ones of pain and then, defeat, “and then dragging you,” I said to Noah, “into this without having sorted out first what was going on between us. I didn’t want to fuck up any of our relationships; the friendship between you two, and the one I had with each of you. On top of that, we’re in the middle of a tour and I can’t help but feel that I’m a burden and a stupid girl for dragging both of you into this mess. And then…”
“Then, what?” Noah pressed; his eyes suddenly alight. He could sense what I was about to get into. He could sense it very well, and instead of the expression I had expected from him, —the look of fear—, he seemed to be… excited?
“Then I focused on what I was feeling, on what I feel and…” I took a deep breath, gathering the courage. “I want you both. I’m sorry for what this means, but I don’t want to lie or hide it. After I took on your offer of sleeping with you, I thought that once it was done, nothing would change, or that whatever pleasure I was seeking would be satisfied, that we would have fun… but it wasn’t just that, and things did change. I had all day to think and to come to terms with my feelings. After spending the night with you, I can safely say that I want more. Not just sex. I want more of you, of both of you. Anything you want to give me. I’ll take everything, the good and the bad. I just… need you like I never thought I would, and I’m sorry for it.”
As I finished my confession and realized how much I had needed to hear my own voice say it, I couldn’t bear to meet their eyes. The pounding of my heart drowned out any other sound.  
There was a minute of silence that stretched painfully, each passing second amplifying my discomfort. I wished the ground would swallow me whole. That was the most excruciating minute of my life. 
“First of all, fuck normal,” Oliver said. “Second, yes, this is a mess, but I fucking love this mess if it means I get to have you at the end of the day. I want you vocal and naked,” his words were a firm statement. “That doesn’t seem too hard to me, does it?” His gaze shifted to Noah, the question also directed at him. “I also told you last night that my feelings for you have been more than just those of a friend since a while now. Did you hurt me by sleeping with me and Noah and leaving in the morning? Yes, you did. Do I resent you for it? No. We’re here talking things out like fucking mature adults. I only expect you not to make that a habit, otherwise we will have problems. As for everything else concerned,” he shook his head and raised his hands, “I had my time to think about it, too. And I felt fucking fantastic as I fell asleep next to you two.” His eyes landed on Noah again, who wore a mix of guilt and satisfaction on his face. 
“Noah?” I mumbled his name with a sense of urgency and fear. 
“Tell her,” Oliver ordered him, his voice suddenly demanding. “Tell her those damned three words, man. You’ve waited long enough. Don’t make me kick your arse.”
Noah hesitated, his eyes darting from Oliver to the floor then to me and all over again. 
“I love you,” he confessed with his brown eyes boring into mine with a vulnerability that I had never seen before. “I’ve been in love with you for longer than I care to admit.”
“He isn’t the only one that does, doll,” Oliver added, his voice resolute yet tender. 
That was not what I had expected at all. 
Yet, I fell to my knees. 
Immediately, Noah and Oliver rose from the sofa, coming to me, hand trying to grab me to get me back up. 
“Hey, hey. What is this?” Oliver asked.
“Come on, no need for…” Noah started saying.
But as I fumbled with the zipper of Noah’s jeans, confusion clouded their expressions as they froze, realization dawning in their eyes. 
“What are you doing?” Noah asked, his Adam’s apple bobbing with difficulty. 
“Showing you how much I love you both, too,” the words slipped from my lips as my hands moved instinctively, pulling down Noah’s jeans and swiftly unbuttoning Oliver’s, “and starting to repay you for my mistake of leaving the bed without talking to you. I won’t do it again, I promise. Just… I want this to work.”
“It will,” Oliver affirmed, “as long as we keep communicating with each other,” confidence dripping from his lips.
Beneath my touch, I could feel him growing aroused, hard. I glanced at Noah from my kneeling position.
“I was worried that I had fucked everything up by making you share me with Oliver,” I told him honestly.
“You didn’t make me do anything,” he replied firmly. “I’m a grown man. I make my own decisions. Besides, I wouldn’t have agreed to share you with anyone unless I was certain that the other person cherished and valued you like a goddess.”
“Noah and I have already talked about it. We’re on board with this, baby,” Oliver added. 
My heart was going to explode, but I felt a pang of frustration at how ahead they were on this and how behind I felt. 
“Why is it that you two always have these talks before the three of us are lone?" I grumbled; my frustration evident. I pulled down Noah’s boxers to free his erection. He let out a sigh of relief.  
“We would’ve had this conversation as a trio in the morning if you hadn’t disappeared,” he interjected, already breathless, his focus wavering.  
He had a point. 
“Moving forward with this,” Oliver continued, “means you’ll accept your punishment tonight. Are you ok with that?”
“Yes, you can punish me,” I replied as I slid down his underwear. Oh, the view in front of me. A sight to behold. “I accept my punishment; you can do whatever you want to and with me as long as I get to have both of you.”
“Those are big words,” Noah remarked. “Are you sure you’ll be able to take it?” His hips pressed forward. I wrapped the fingers of my right hand around his shaft while reaching for Oliver’s cock with my left.  
Their synchronized moans were music to my ears. 
“I can take both of you,” I asserted confidently with my chin up. Hadn’t I proved it already? I tugged at them, drawing two beautiful, restrained groans from both. “So yes, I’m sure.”
“Oh, the kitten is feisty,” Oliver sang. “What should we do about it, Noah?”
“Open your mouth,” Noah instructed to me, his voice husky with desire. “Show us how vocal you’re going to be from now on, and then we’ll decide what to do with you next.”
And that I did. 
Not even ten minutes later, I was cleaning the last remnants of Oliver’s and Noah’s release from the corner of my lips with the back of two fingers, still reeling from the intoxicating taste of them. 
Oliver lay sprawled on the sofa, one hand pressed against his forehead, his pants still unbuttoned.
“My soul has left my body,” he mumbled weakly.
With Oliver’s words hung in the air, I could still feel the ghost of Noah’s hand on the back of my head, his fingers grazing my hair gently before guiding me towards him, whispering a restrained ‘good girl’ as I took him whole. I could still taste Oliver’s release in the back of my throat, accompanied by the memory of his passionate wail as his legs trembled with the intensity of his orgasm. 
I rose from where I’d been kneeling, steadying myself with a hand on the nearest chair as I still felt dizzy. Despite my spinning head, I fought back a laugh at Oliver’s comment. It hadn’t been my intention to leave them drained before the show. 
“I’m not sure how I’m going to perform tonight,” Oliver admitted with a wry smile, his exhaustion evident.
“That was a killer blowjob, baby,” Noah’s voice cut through the air from the main bedroom of the suite as he emerged from the bathroom, a wet face towel in hand, pants on and glorious cock tucked away. Before heading towards his suitcase, he planted a kiss on my lips. “You okay, man?” he inquired, addressing Oliver over his shoulder. 
“I need a minute,” he replied. 
Turned out he needed five. After pouring myself a glass of juice from a bottle I found on the mini fridge, I offered one to Oliver, who accepted gratefully. Noah declined, opting for water.  
“I should head to the venue,” Noah announced as he checked his phone. “I have a couple of messages from Folio. They’re already there.”
“I should head there, too,” Oliver said, finally standing up. 
“I will stay,” I interjected, earning their attention as they collected their things, “at least for a while. I need to get some work done on the MacBook, but I’ll make sure to be there on time for the shows,” I explained with a smile. 
Oliver nodded and headed towards the bathroom while Noah placed his suitcase on a bench and retrieved the Adidas boots he wore during the show. 
“I’ll see you in an hour, then?” Noah asked. 
“I’ll ask Matt to let me join him in the sound deck.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” he replied. 
He approached me, sliding his iPhone into his pocket before stopping right in front of me. I looked up at him, expectantly. He moved the hair away of my face with tender fingers and bent down to kiss me ever so slowly. I couldn’t recall having been kissed by Noah like that ever before, so I melted in his arms. 
I heard him whisper the three magic words against my lips, a hint of shyness in his tone, but he said it nonetheless, and I had to remind myself that this wasn’t a dream. 
“I love you, too,” I whispered back.
I didn’t miss the way his smile lighted up his face as the withdrew from our embrace. My body instantly missed his touch, his warmth, his scent. 
“Do I look like a just experienced a mind-blowing orgasm?” Oliver asked from the bathroom door, drawing a circle with a finger in the air near his face.
“Yeah, you do,” I responded with a smile and an apologetic expression, “but it just makes you look more delicious. Perfect for the show.” 
He laughed, dropping his head, perhaps feeling a bit shy? 
“You’re impossible,” he muttered, standing in front of me. 
He cupped my face and kissed me. His kiss was deeper, more intense, harder than the one I’d just shared with Noah. I loved it just as much, realizing that from that moment onwards I couldn’t bear to live without either of those kisses.
“I love you,” he said. I was going to reply that I did, too, when his words brought a rush of dizziness to my head. “No touching yourself until tonight, are we clear?”
“We haven’t decided yet if we’re letting you come,” Noah added from the door, before stepping out into the hallway.  
“One thing is for sure: you’re in for a few spankings; you’re getting tied up and we’re going to edge you for a good while until we’re satisfied with your punishment for leaving the bed yesterday morning and not talking to us.”
Oh dear.
“Great,” I muttered.
“No rolling your eyes. Be good,” Oliver instructed, pointing a finger at me. 
He grabbed his phone and wallet from the dining table, and with a mischievous grin, he closed the door behind him, disappearing with Noah from my view. 
Two seconds later, I let myself collapse onto the bed, closing my eyes with a smirk of satisfaction on my lips, the whole sentiment etched on my face. Nighttime couldn’t come soon enough.
My heart swelled with pride as I watched them from the center of the arena, Noah’s and Oliver’s figures tiny in the distance but looming on the screens flanking the stage, commanding the attention of thousands and stirring a fervent response. Watching them lead the crowd together in ‘Antivist’ was astonishing. I was so proud of them. Of us, actually. Every time the stage lights fell on them and illuminated them, I felt as if the universe was repeating to me over and over again that those two men were mine, and that I was theirs. 
It was hard to believe that forty-eight hours ago, things had been so different. After the events that my conversation with Noah had led to, I had been flooded with insecurity and fear, and a voice in my head had come very close to making me believe that I had screwed up so badly that I should turn around and go home because never everwould Noah and Oliver give in to being in a polyamorous relationship. This would never work, the voice said, and if part of me believed it would, it was because I had read too many books. 
But look and behold, reality often surpasses fiction. And watching them perform, knowing that they loved me and that we were going to give this a chance, that we were committed to making this work, I felt complete. I was no longer alone to grasp with my conflicted thoughts and emotions. We were three, now. 
These two men, with their music and their love, were mine to cherish and adore.
The rough and complicated start we had endured seemed like a distant memory, and it was just overshadowed by the promise of bright and beautiful days to come. 
By the time the clock struck midnight, I was already a whimpering, trembling mess splayed on the bed. My throat parched, breaths ragged, and legs shaking. I had just been denied my fourth orgasm, and even though I would be lying if I said I hated it, I found myself in a state of overwhelming overstimulation. 
Lost in a haze, I couldn’t even discern which one of them was between my legs. 
As soon as we came back from the venue, I was promptly tied up and blindfolded. Again. Noah and Oliver decided to take turns swapping their place between my legs and working me up, first slowly, gentle laps of their tongues and soft rubs from their fingers inside of me, then fastening their pace, heating me up, driving me to insanity every single time they took me to the edge and then withdrew, leaving me whining their names and crying for release, their wicked laughs the only thing I could hear amidst my own desperation. 
In my delirium, I really couldn’t tell anymore whose tongue was on me, whose teeth was nibling at my pebbled nipples.
“Feeling punished enough, love?” Oliver asked from the foot of the bed, giving himself away after one last flick of his tongue that wasn’t enough to make me fall off the edge. Damn him. 
I couldn’t manage a single word to tell him how I felt. 
Noah’s fingers moved the hair away from my face. Despite wearing a blindfold, I doubted I could have bear to open my eyes. 
“I think that’s enough,” he said. 
“Getting softer, huh?” Oliver teased him.
“Nah, she’s shaking. I don’t want her to pass out on us if we keep going. Let her have it.” 
“You said it.”
Their decision to show mercy on me brought a rush of sensation that threatened to engulf me entirely.  
My climax racked through my body as a hurricane, so violent that my back arched from the mattress. If not for the silky rope binding my wrists to the headboard, I might have pulled Oliver’s hair so hard in my ecstasy that I’d have hurt him. 
With sweet words whispered against my hair, Noah’s praised me, encouraging me through my orgasm, but as I began to descend from my high, he withdrew from the bed. Oliver’s mouth left my swollen center, gifting me two loving kisses on the inside of my right thigh. Then he took a seat beside me on the mattress, replacing Noah. 
“That one was for me,” Oliver said. “Now you’re going to give Noah his.”
I couldn’t grasp my mind at what he meant, but soon enough the hands that had clasped my thighs and kept me grounded on the bed were replaced by Noah’s. I felt him kneeling between my legs again. I gasped. 
“Another one?” I managed to breathe out. My mind had still not come down from my euphoric high and they expected me to…? “I—I don’t think I ca—"
“You will, kitten,” Noah asserted, draping an arm across my hip and stomach to keep me restricted to the mattress. “I know you. You’re going to give me mine.” It was an order. 
Two nights ago, I had damned them both for denying me release in their mouths. Yet now, despite this being a punishment and my exhaustion, their actions felt like a reward. I resolved not to complain, no matter how powerless and lost I felt. 
I remained silent, holding my breath, as Noah slid his slender fingers in, easily navigating through my so embarrassing slickness. He quickly found that sweet spot that I loved having touched, and he started licking me, once, twice, thrice, from my entrance to my clit, drawing circles around my clit until the pleasure was so high that it tore a scream from the depths of my being.  
“Don’t hold back,” I heard Oliver say, his hand on my hair, stroking it.  
For a second, I lost my all sense of rationality. I was sure I was going to pass out with the vibrations from Noah’s voice in my core as he mumbled things and his lips touched my lower lips. My first orgasm cascaded into a second and suddenly, I was enveloped in white, a sharp headache gripping me as I came undone. Fortunately, it passed quickly, and I savored every other second of my long-awaited double release. 
Gradually, Noah’s licks and gentle sucking relented, his hands releasing the grip on me and moving to my thighs, where he started rubbing his palms up and down, trying to soothe down my shaking. Oliver peppered kisses across my chest and sternum, nibbling at my chin with his stubble tickling my skin 
“Kitten?” That was Noah. He kissed the side of my knee. “Are you back with us?” 
As I searched for the answer within my mind, Oliver removed the blindfold and untied me, his touch soothing too as he massaged my wrists and kissed them reverently. Though I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes, a mumble escaped my lips as I shifted my head against the pillow. It would take some time for sensation to return to my body, but I was fully aware of the satisfaction that ran through my veins and straight to my heart, and every other feeling that accompanied it. 
The first night together, I had felt safe and cherished. This time, I felt utterly loved, and despite my mistakes, I was sure that I deserved this. I deserved these two men, and I was willing to give them my best self.  
“Love,” Oliver insisted, his touch soft as he lifted my chin, “open your eyes. Are you alright? Was it too much?” 
“Baby,” before I could muster the answer, Noah settled down on my other side, his unattended erection nudging against my side. He placed his palm on my tummy, and the warmth of his body seeped into my skin.
“I’m fine,” I replied with a smile, peering at both of them through blurry vision. I placed a hand on my forehead. “I got a headrush,” I admitted, “but I’m okay.” 
The worried look on their faces persisted. Oliver glanced down at my still trembling legs. “I’ll get you something to drink before we continue. Let Noah take care of you. I’ll be right back.”
He returned within a minute. I had shifted onto my stomach, and Noah was inspecting the light bruises on my buttocks, his fingers tracing the reddened skin with a frown. 
“Shit, that’s a nasty mark,” Oliver mentioned, eyeing two small spots turning purple on my left cheek. He set a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. “Did we spank you too hard?”
I shook my head. “I bruise too easily. Don’t worry. I enjoyed it.”
“You’ll tell us if we ever go beyond boundaries, right?” Noah pressed.
“Yes, I will.”
“Good girl,” Noah praised. “Have some juice,” he instructed, gesturing towards the glass as he stood up from the bed to position himself next to Oliver. 
Both eyed me with special attention as I sat on the bed and sipped the juice, my body feeling grateful for the light sugar intake. After draining the glass, I licked my lips, and my smirk grew as I noticed how hard his erections were, and both seemed to be pointing straight at me. 
How wonderful that they were mine and mine alone.  
Noah gestured for me to approach him with a finger, his gaze narrowing with anticipation. I crawled on the bed towards him, swaying my hips playfully, enjoying how desired I was. With my hair falling around me, I positioned myself on all fours at the edge of the bed, Noah lifting my chin to capture my lips in a hungry kiss. Meanwhile, Oliver’s hand returned to my backside, caressing it before his fingers slipped between my cheeks, eliciting a moan from me.  
“Would you put them on us?” he asked a few seconds later. 
Noah released me, and suddenly Oliver’s hand was presenting two square silver packages to me. 
Sitting back on my heels, I tore open the first package and rolled the condom down onto Noah’s cock, his posture steady and unwavering, watching my hand’s work as a hawk. I repeated the action with Oliver. The familiarity of the task felt oddly comforting despite it being our first time.  I hoped fervently that this would become a nightly ritual from now on.  
“Ready for us, baby?” 
Instead of answering, I straightened my back and slowly parted my thighs, revealing the warmest, most inviting part of myself to them once more. 
My boys exchanged a glance with a raised eyebrow. In an instant, Noah lifted me up, prompting me to wrap my legs around his waist as he wasted no time in nudging my entrance with the head of his dick and in one slow trust filling me up. 
I was still adjusting to the wonderful sensation of Noah being inside of me when Oliver’s hands found their way to my shoulders from behind, his touch gentle as he traced a path down my sides until they settled near Noah’s hands on my butt. 
I felt the tip of his cock against my backside, and his voice softened as he urged me not to tense. It was easy for him to say, yet I was surprised at how easy I welcomed both of them inside of me, as if my own body had been waiting for it since the first time it experienced this hot burst of desire, pleasure, and… love.
Five minutes after, they were moving inside me in perfect synchronization, a relentless rhythm that drove me to the brink of ecstasy and beyond, my breasts rubbing against Noah's inked pecs, my back against Oliver's hard tattooed chest. Their alternating thrusts, a mix of withdrawal and surging in, had me moaning their names repeatedly, making me feel full of ecstasy and wild pleasure. Whenever Noah withdrew in a slow, teasing friction, Oliver would go all the way in. 
This experience was sublime, and I didn’t ever want it to end. 
"I wish I could show you exactly what it feels like to fuck you while Noah fucks you,” Oliver growled into my ear, his words sending shivers down my spine that intensified as he nibbled at my earlobe with his vampire teeth. 
At some point, with Oliver’s mouth nibling at my shoulders, clavicle, and neck, I opened my eyes and reached for Noah’s silver necklace. I could see the restraint in his eyes. I pulled at the accessory and kissed him fiercely for a long minute before releasing him. Then, I turned to Oliver, wrapping my hand around his neck and capturing his mouth in a passionate kiss that ended with me biting his lower plump lip, making him growl like a lion against my mouth and eliciting a laugh from me. 
“Touch yourself,” Noah said. He was close, so close, and Oliver wasn’t far behind. I was dying to feel them both tense and pulsate inside me. I was dying.
Closing my eyes once more, I let my head fall back to rest on Oliver’s shoulder and slid my hand down to my clit. Their arms held me securely while they stood, anchoring me in the midst of the overwhelming pleasure. I squeezed myself around them. When I heard their moans and growls intensify, I knew I had them. 
Joining their cries of release, I followed them down to the depths of bliss.
About twenty minutes later, I was lying in bed again. Only this time I had Oliver and Noah on either side of me, spoiling me and giving me cuddles and kisses. 
After the passionate crescendo we had caused while climaxing, the mood in the room was now quiet, and a lovely silence enveloped us as we looked at each other with our eyes shining and our bodies sated and spent, we felt at heaven.  
Both of their hands roamed up and down my body. Noah's fingers traced delicate lines between my breasts and down to my navel, while Oliver's traced my temple and his lips pressed tender little kisses just below my ear and on my jawline. 
It was just perfect, and the only thing that topped it was the way I sensed Noah and Oliver glance at each other from time to time, as if something new had awakened in them as well. Or maybe it had been there for a while and was finally coming to light. Whatever it was, it was obvious that all three of us were enjoying it, that all three of us were happy and wanted to be there. 
That was all that mattered.
It was past eight in the morning when I stirred from sleep. 
My head was resting on Oliver’s chest, with Noah’s warmth enveloping me from behind, his arm draped over my waist and his palm resting flat against my stomach. The sheets had become a tangled mess at the foot of the bed, leaving our naked bodies exposed in a blissful picture. When I wriggled my feet and they brushed both Noah and Oliver’s legs, I smiled at the sight. 
However, the urge to visit the bathroom was urging me to leave the bed. I could revel in his scene again in just a couple of minutes. 
But as I began to shift away from Noah and Oliver’s embrace, preparing to swing my left leg over Oliver’s broad body, a hand clasped my wrist, halting my movements.  
Turning my head, I saw Oliver, his eyes still closed, his face peaceful in slumber with Noah’s sleepy face now so close to his own. Oliver’s grip tightened on my wrist as I spoke.
“I’m just going to the bathroom,” I whispered.  
“I’ve heard that before,” he replied, his beautiful green eyes meeting mine as he opened them. “I’m going with you.”
“But…” It shattered my heart to think that he still doubted me; that he still feared that I might not be there if he closed his eyes again and woke up a while later. “I’m not going to leave. I promised,” I reminded him with a serious expression. “I just need to empty my bladder. Just give me a minute?”
“A minute. Then I’m coming in,” he concluded, stretching his arms, I couldn’t help but steal a quick look at his morning naked figure. Glorious. “We have shower sex pending so…”
My eyes quickly went back to his. A smirk played on his lips as his words trailed off. 
That sounded… incredibly appealing and undeniably hot.  
To hell with sleep.  
“Are you sure you’re up for it? Aren’t you tired?” I inquired. With the shows and the sex, both might be beyond exhausted, but a voice in my head said, please don’t be.
“Are you?” chimed in another cheeky voice from the other side of the bed. 
Okay, they were both up and ready. Just my luck. Hell yes.
I hurried into the bathroom with a giggle escaping my lips as I knew that they were both staring at my ass as I ran off from the bed.  
Five minutes later, Oliver pulled me with him inside of the tiled shower. I shivered as the water touched my skin, though it didn't take long to get used to the temperature and I appreciated the feeling of being under the warm water and everything that followed. Oliver's hands took the reins and, with some shampoo in his hands, he began to wash my hair, massaging my scalp and thus earning my first moan of the day. 
"You guys started without me?" Noah asked, walking into the bathroom, and letting himself and his perfectly erect, hard cock be seen. 
"Not really," I replied, reaching out to take his hand and pull him closer to me. Noah greeted me with a good smooch, his cock stroking my lower belly while Oliver's fingers went on to massage my shoulders and a delicious spot just below my neck and at the beginning of my spine. 
Never in my wildest fantasies had I ever imagined I would experience a morning like this, soaking wet all over with two fucking gorgeous men washing my hair, massaging my shoulders, my breasts, and making sure the marks on my ass and other parts of my body from their nibbling the night before were nothing to be alarmed about, treating me to my first orgasm of the morning with Noah's long slender fingers as Oliver's mouth played with my nipples and he gulped down the clean water falling from the shower jet. 
I found that washing and rinsing them also filled me with a tender pleasure. They behaved like two good, but mischievous, children, waiting their turn as I washed their hair and scrubbed their bodies, leaving kisses here and there after rubbing their skin too hard and earning me their beautiful moans, which echoed between the bathroom walls. Their jokes also added to the joy; they took advantage of the fact that they were both fucking tall to make me stand on my tiptoes every time I tried to rub the top of their heads. Then they had the audacity to ask if there was a problem every time I mumbled a curse between my teeth. Whenever I reprimanded one and the other for laughing at me, it only earned me a playful slap on my ass.
Eventually, the space was filled with our casual talks, then laughter, and finally, moaning. 
When they entered me again under the warm spray of the shower, I was sure that I was in love to the hilt with both of them, and that I never wanted to stop hearing their laughter and seeing their smiles in the mornings ever again. 
So, as I tensed around them both and their grunts mixed with my moans, I surrendered to Oliver and Noah. Their fingers tightened on my thighs, where traces of the night before lingered, and I happily followed them into the abyss.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hey, can you do a Yan!Visenya and Yan!Rhaenys Targaryen prompt where the reader is Rhaenys' twin and is very innocent. Both sisters are romantic yanderes for him (Aegon aswell but only platonic for him). Where reader wants to take a lover/mistress and Visenya and Rhaenys protests against it.
[8] "Nobody else can love you the way I love you. I would do anything to prove that to you."
[20] "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again."
[28] "Every part of me belongs to you, and I will do anything to have every part of you with me."
(You can put it in any order you want.)
Prompt [8] - "Nobody else can love you the way I love you. I would do anything to prove that to you." Prompt [20] - "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again." Prompt [28] - "Every part of me belongs to you, and I will do anything to have every part of you with me."
❝🔥 tw: typical Targaryen incest and perhaps a little suggestive.
❝🔥 word count: 1,552.
— note: the image/art does not belong to me and all credits to its creator. Unfortunately, I couldn't find its creator, but if you're reading this and want your credits or it removed, contact me.
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''I want a lover.''
Visenya choked on the wine she was drinking, Rhaenys froze, and Aegon frowned.
''How so?'' Visenya demanded after she managed to swallow the wine. You looked at her who looked at you like you were crazy.
''I want a lover.'' You repeated, sipping some wine.
''Why?'' The words that came out of your older sister's mouth were like poison.
You shrugged and sighed loudly, ''Because I want one and wish to have some fun. Why does anyone else have a lover?'' You replied as if it were obvious, but Visenya's violet eyes flashed with fury.
''You won't do such thing.'' She ordered, looking to the others for support.
''You don't give me orders.'' You said sharply, getting up from the table where you were having dinner with your sisters and brother.
''Where are you going?'' Rhaenys wanted to know. You looked at your twin, who crossed her arms.
''Fly with my dragon.'' You replied and without waiting for answers, you left the dining room.
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Visenya looked at her younger sibilings who looked unsure what to do. At least Aegon didn't know what to do, Rhaenys was strangely silent.
''So?'' She asked no one in particular. She looked at Aegon who raised his hands in surrender.
''What?'' He muttered, taking a piece of bread.
Visenya took a deep breath.
''We can't let (Y/N) have a lover.'' Rhaenys replied, her pretty face twisted into a grimace.
Aegon rolled his eyes, ''And why not? It's not like he's going to get married and leave Dragonstone. It's just a little fun.''
His sisters looked at him like he was insane. This angered Aegon, who just got up from the table.
''Where do you think you're going?'' Visenya questioned. ''We're not done talking.''
Aegon smirked, ''It's over for me. And if you want to know, I'm going to join our brother. It's been a while since Balerion and I have flown.'' With that said, Aegon withdrew from the dining room, leaving Visenya and Rhaenys alone.
''Our brother will not take a lover.'' Visenya decreed and Rhaenys agreed. ''He's very innocent and, I'm sorry to say, naive at times. Who knows what this lover could do to him?''
Rhaenys nodded and drank a glass of water, ''Agreed. Besides, he doesn't need one, not when he has me.''
Visenya thought for a while. You didn't need a lover, not when you already had her and, apparently, Rhaenys. It's nothing new that she had feelings for you, although you didn't know it. She wanted to become your wife, following your family's customs, but she feared that would not happen.
She was the eldest and Aegon was second. Traditionally, she would marry Aegon and Rhaenys would marry with you. She didn't like that, though. She liked Aegon, but she didn't love him the way she loved you.
She couldn't help but feel jealous of Rhaenys.
''What are we going to do?'' Rhaenys asked, snapping her older sister out of her reverie.
Visenya arched an eyebrow, and Rhaenys sighed.
''I will not and cannot allow my brother, my twin I might add, to get involved with anyone. He's mine.'' Rhaenys spoke sharply and that surprised her sister. Rhaenys's voice was always so sweet and gentle and the tone she used was nothing like her usual self.
''Yours?'' Visenya asked, amused.
Rhaenys stared at her sister with an icy glare, ''Yes. Mine. He is my future husband and my twin brother, so I believe I am entitled to claim him as mine.''
Visenya's face formed a frown.
''But,'' Rhaenys began, ''I know you're in love with him and I don't want there to be a fight between us, sister. So I propose a deal.''
''What kind of deal?'' Visenya asked suspiciously.
Rhaenys smirked, "One where we'll both get what we want."
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Your flight had been pleasant. You loved flying and you loved your dragon, two perfect combinations.
''Are you really going to take a lover?'' You turned your head to your brother who now walked beside you back to Dragonstone.
''I think so.'' You shrugged, ''Is it that bad?''
Now it was Aegon's turn to shrug, ''I wouldn't say bad, just... Unusual.''
''Why? You have a mistress, brother.''
''Yes, but that's different.''
''Oh? And why?''
''Because I don't have Visenya and Rhaenys in love with me.''
You froze, stopping in your tracks instantly. You turned to Aegon like a bolt of lightning.
Aegon chuckled, "Didn't you notice? Seriously?''
You shook your head, too shocked to speak.
''You are very innocent, brother. How do you intend to have a lover when our sisters are so in love with you? And, dare I say, possessive.''
''I...'' You didn't know what to say. You cleared your throat, ''Doesn't that bother you? You should marry Visenya.''
''No, it doesn't bother me.'' Aegon replied, starting to walk again. You took a deep breath, trying to organize your thoughts, and ran to catch up.
''What should I do?''
''Whatever you think is best.'' Aegon simply replied and when you entered the castle where you lived, he turned to you and said, ''I'm going to go get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow.''
You stood still for a few minutes, watching your brother turn his back on you. When he disappeared from your field of vision, you decided to go bath and go to sleep. You could think about what to do tomorrow.
Knowing what you wanted, you made your way to your room and when you entered, you were surprised to see your sisters in it.
Visenya sitting in a chair and Rhaenys lying on your bed.
Both dressed in a thin nightgown that showed more than needed to be seen.
''Welcome back, brother.'' Rhaenys smiled at you.
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You crossed your arms and took a few steps back as Visenya rose from her chair and walked over to you.
She chuckled when you pulled away and cocked her head to the side, ''Scared?''
''I would say worried.'' You replied, not knowing what to do. ''What are you doing here?''
Rhaenys has decided to get out of bed and approach you. Soon you found yourself cornered by your sisters.
''We've come to make sure you don't take a lover.'' She replied and smiled, ''Because nobody else can love you the way I love you,'' Rhaenys put her soft hands on your face, forcing you to looking at her, ''and I would do anything to prove that to you.''
''We.'' Visenya corrected and you swallowed hard when you saw the determined look on her face. ''Can't you see how much I love you?''
''We.'' This time it was Rhaenys who corrected.
Visenya gave her an irritated look, but then focused on you. Your hands were sweating when she pushed you against the door.
''Can't you see that we belong to each other?'' She whispered against your lips, ''Can't you see that every part of me belongs to you?'' Visenya's breath against your lips was hot and you felt an involuntary desire rise within yourself. ''And I will do anything to have every part of you with me.''
She finally broke the distance and forced hers lips on yours.
You groaned in surprise but didn't pull away. You allowed her to kiss you. Visenya wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing her body closer to you and you blushed when you felt her breasts against your chest. You placed your hands on her waist, squeezing lightly.
''I don't know whether to be happy or jealous.'' Rhaenys commented after you and Visenya parted.
''How about both?'' Visenya muttered breathlessly. She pulled back a little and licked her lips slightly swollen from the kiss.
Rhaenys rolled her eyes and pushed her sister aside, standing in front of you.
''You know, (Y/N), it's unfair that she's the one who tasted you first. After all, you and I share the same womb at the same time.'' She grumbled and touched your cheek lovingly.
You can't help but to close your eye at the affection.
''Do you know I would do anything for you?'' Rhaenys whispered, ''You are my twin brother, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again.'' She declared and closed her eyes, waiting for you to kiss her.
Against your better judgment, you kissed her.
Rhaenys blushed and returned the kiss passionately and softly. Her lips were soft and you found yourself enjoying all the love she had to give you. Your hands went to her face and you deepened the kiss, your tongues touching Rhaenys hugged you, touching your bodies and you could feel how hot her body was.
You found yourself enjoying all the love your sisters had to give you. Maybe it wasn't bad after all.
You loved them and they loved you. And you were a Targaryen, there's nothing wrong with that.
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elryuse · 2 months
Can u do a yandere fic vampire Red Velvet x Male Reader?
Details: YN is a hematologist and a certified nutritionist, he has rather a normal if not boring life, well, successful to be exact, but almost 24/7, his life is just work and work.
One day he thinks about life and tries to get out of his usual life, he doesn't like dating apps, but his friend insists him on trying one of those.
He then meets Park Sooyoung (Joy), he doesn't know why but he is captivated by her eyes and they match, they talk and go out, soon YN asks her out for a dinner date. After the dinner, Joy tells YN to take her home and, guess what, she then says sorry and traps him there.
There he'll meet her sisters, Joy apologizes 'cause her she and her sisters can't just go around and feast on people's blood or steal it from a hospital so they need a perfect (unlucky) candidate to fill their thirst.
The girls are not those who just know take but not give, having lived for a few centuries they have built up a big fortune so Irene gives him a deal, a hefty price a month, and YN is only allowed to go home under their supervision.
Why YN but not the others? During YN and Joy's time before that fateful night, Joy learns of YN's blood type and he has a mutation in his gene which makes his blood more rare and it can help them stay full for a long time, longer than usual compared to other people's or animal's blood.
Day by day, they (except Irene) fall in love with him more and start to hate and compete against each other more. Irene tells her sisters that he is just food, no more no less. Irene hates YN for turning her sisters into love craving maniacs, her words, her physical tortures, they hurt him a lot. Gradually, the girls start to resent Irene more. Irene then knows that she is losing her sisters, YN knows their history, what they've gone through together so while doesn't want to, he still helps her, at least for the sake of his love for the other girls.
After that, Irene spends nights thinking about her actions, she wants to redeem herself but not knowing that she will join the circle and compete against them to get YN.
The Cost Of Immortality
Red Velvet X Male Hermatologist Reader
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The fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a sterile glow on the endless rows of blood bags. My world, for the most part, resided within these pale confines. Dr. Y/N, hematologist extraordinaire, by day. Sleep-deprived researcher, by night. The monotony was a steady thrum in the background of my life, a rhythm I barely noticed anymore.
Until her. Park Sooyoung, or Joy as she insisted, was a splash of vibrant crimson against the beige canvas of my existence. Her laughter was like wind chimes in a gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the sterile silence of my lab. We swiped right on a whim, two lonely souls seeking a spark in the digital abyss. Our dates were stolen moments of whispered secrets and stolen glances, a world existing outside the confines of my workaholic routine.
One evening, after an intimate dinner bathed in flickering candlelight, her smile faltered for a fleeting moment. "Take me home," she pleaded, a tremor in her voice that sent a shiver down my spine. But 'home' wasn't the cozy apartment I envisioned. It was a sprawling mansion that loomed out of the darkness, an unsettling air clinging to its ancient bricks.
Inside, bathed in an eerie moonlight, stood two other women, the same captivating crimson eyes staring back at me, framed by raven hair in shades of red. Introductions were swift, clinical even. Wendy, the eldest, with an aura of quiet authority. Seulgi, the playful one, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. And lastly, Irene, the epitome of stoicism, her gaze as sharp as the glint of silver moonlight on a blade.
The facade they'd meticulously crafted crumbled in that instant. They weren't human. A cocktail of fear and morbid fascination bubbled in my gut as Irene, her voice devoid of warmth, revealed their true nature. Vampires.
Relief, a fleeting emotion, washed over me only to be replaced by a cold dread that coiled around my heart. Irene then explained the reason for the charade - my blood. A rare type, a euphoric feast for their kind. The offer they presented was a gilded cage - a hefty sum deposited into my account every month in exchange for my…companionship. Leaving was an option, but only with armed guards as my constant companions.
Trapped, I became their prisoner, their provider. Nights were spent in opulent rooms, my blood sustaining them. Days were a monotonous blur of tests conducted by Wendy, their resident physician, and guarded outings with Seulgi, whose playful demeanor couldn't quite mask the possessiveness simmering beneath the surface.
But it was Joy, with her intoxicating gaze that seemed to see straight into my soul, who held the key to my heart. As weeks bled into months, a twisted dynamic began to take hold. Wendy craved my intellectual sparring sessions, dissecting medical journals with a fervor that both scared and intrigued me. Seulgi sought out my laughter, our days filled with playful banter that often teetered on the edge of something more. Joy… Joy craved something deeper, a yearning that mirrored the burgeoning affection I felt for her.
Irene, ever the pragmatist, remained aloof. I was a source, a necessity, but never an equal. Their affections, fueled by my unique blood, twisted into a possessive love that bordered on obsession. One night, sleep evading me, I found myself wandering the cavernous halls, drawn by a sliver of light filtering from beneath a closed door. Straining my ears, I caught the tail end of Irene's scathing words, calling my presence a curse.
A flicker of hurt ignited in my chest, a silent plea that resonated with the others. A shift, subtle yet undeniable, began to take place. Wendy's once objective demeanor morphed into veiled defiance. Seulgi's playful banter took on a tinge of possessiveness, her playful swats laced with a silent threat. They began to resent Irene's cold control, their love for me blossoming into a silent rebellion.
I, aware of their history, a dark secret Irene guarded with an iron fist, found myself playing a dangerous game. I helped Irene, not out of fear, but for the sake of the fragile connection I had with the others. This unexpected kindness sparked a flicker of something in Irene's eyes - a flicker I dared to hope was redemption.
But redemption rarely comes easy, especially for creatures of the night. One evening, while Seulgi and I were returning from a guarded outing, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. Suddenly, the car swerved, tires screeching in protest as we veered off the deserted road. The world lurched, and then… darkness.
As weeks bled into months, the opulent mansion I was confined to became a gilded cage. The initial thrill of being around captivating vampires dulled, replaced by a gnawing sense of longing for freedom. Yet, a strange sense of camaraderie started to blossom between me and my captors.
Joy, with her fiery spirit and infectious laughter, was the first to chip away at the walls I'd built around my heart. Our late-night conversations, fueled by stolen glances and whispered secrets, transformed into a silent understanding that transcended the boundaries of our situation.
Wendy, the stoic doctor, surprised me with her curiosity about the human world. Our discussions, initially clinical and scientific, evolved into philosophical debates that stretched into the wee hours. There was a spark of intellectual intimacy that ignited a warmth within me.
Seulgi, the playful prankster, brought a lightness to my captivity. Her days were filled with teasing jabs and playful challenges, a subtle shift from her initial possessiveness. There was a sense of innocent affection in her touch, a camaraderie that soothed the ache for human connection.
Even Irene, the enigmatic leader, began to show a flicker of something akin to…gratitude? Her cold demeanor softened a fraction during our bloodletting sessions. The way her eyes lingered on me for a beat too long, the hesitant brush of her fingers against mine while administering the numbing agent – these subtle signs hinted at a transformation within her.
However, Irene's possessiveness manifested differently. Unlike the open affection of her sisters, hers was a veiled control. She dictated the terms of my captivity, monitored my interactions with the others, and treated me more like a valuable possession than a person. This dissonance between her actions and the subtle shift in her eyes created a confusing dynamic.
One evening, after a particularly draining bloodletting session, I found myself alone with Irene in the dimly lit library. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, I gathered my courage. "Why, Irene?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. "Why do you keep me here like this, a prisoner in your own home?"
Irene's gaze snapped to mine, crimson eyes blazing with a flicker of something I couldn't decipher. "You are…different," she finally said, her voice laced with an emotion I couldn't place. "Your blood…"
"It sustains you," I finished for her, a bitter taste in my mouth. "Makes you stronger, keeps you from succumbing to the sire bond completely."
She looked away, a muscle clenching in her jaw. "That's not all," she muttered, her voice barely audible. But before she could elaborate, the library door creaked open, revealing Joy, her face flushed with anger.
"There you are!" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing between me and Irene. "We need to talk." The air crackled with unspoken tension, and I realized with a jolt that the night was far from over. The delicate balance between affection, possessiveness, and a shared captivity was about to be tested.
Joy's anger crackled in the air, a stark contrast to the usual warmth in her eyes. "What did you do to him?" she demanded, her gaze fixed on Irene. Seulgi, her playful demeanor replaced by a cold fury, stepped forward, her voice trembling with barely contained rage.
"Don't play dumb, Irene," Seulgi spat. "We know. The bruises, the flinches… you've been hurting him!" Wendy, her stoic facade crumbling, placed a calming hand on Seulgi's shoulder, but her eyes held a newfound suspicion directed at Irene.
The accusations hung heavy in the air, shattering the fragile peace that had settled within the mansion. Irene, cornered and defensive, finally spoke. "It's not what it seems," she said, her voice strained. "I…" She faltered, the carefully constructed mask of control slipping.
"You what?" Joy pressed, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. For the first time, I saw a flicker of fear in Irene's crimson eyes, a vulnerability that sent a jolt through me.
Taking a deep breath, Irene confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "I was afraid," she admitted. A collective gasp filled the room. Fear? From the ever-stoic, ever-in-control Irene?
"Afraid of what?" Wendy asked, her voice gentle but firm. Shame tinged Irene's cheeks as she met their gazes. "Afraid of losing you," she said, her voice cracking. "All of you."
Confusion clouded their faces. How could their fear of losing them translate to the way she treated me? Sensing their bewilderment, Irene continued, her voice thick with emotion. "You've never needed me before," she explained. "The hunt, the sire bond… I was always the one who protected you from it all."
Her words hung heavy, revealing a truth I hadn't considered. Irene, the eldest, had always shouldered the burden of leadership, of protecting her sisters. "But now," Irene continued, her voice trembling, "he does it all. He gives you what you need. Makes you stronger. And suddenly… I'm not needed anymore."
A heavy silence descended upon the room. The revelation painted Irene's actions in a new light. Her possessiveness, her cruelty, stemmed not from malice, but from a deep-seated fear of abandonment. For the first time, I saw Irene not as a captor, but as a woman grappling with her own insecurities.
Seulgi, the first to break the silence, stepped forward, her anger replaced by a newfound understanding. "We need you, Irene," she said, her voice soft. "Just… differently." The other sisters murmured their agreement, their gazes softening towards their eldest sister.
Tears welled up in Irene's eyes, a storm of emotions battling within her. "But what about him?" Joy asked, gesturing towards me. "He doesn't deserve the way you've treated him."
Shame flushed across Irene's face. She looked at me, her gaze filled with a mixture of regret and something… hopeful? "I can change," she whispered. The night that followed was a turning point. We talked, all five of us, sharing our fears, our desires, and our newfound understanding.
Irene apologized for the pain she'd inflicted, her voice raw with remorse. I, in turn, confessed the strange mix of fear and affection I felt for them all. As the night wore on, a fragile truce formed, a new chapter beginning within the walls of the mansion. The future remained uncertain, but a flicker of hope, a tentative promise of a future built on trust and something more, flickered between us.
The aftermath of the confrontation was a whirlwind of activity. Wendy cleaned my wounds with practiced efficiency, her gaze carrying a silent apology. Joy hovered nearby, her touch hesitant but comforting. Seulgi, ever the pragmatic one, made plans to reinforce the mansion's security.
And then there was Irene. Shame seemed to cling to her like a shroud. Her apologies, though heartfelt, felt hollow in the face of my visible injuries. They were a stark reminder of her cruelty, the bite marks and scars a map of her failings.
Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the hallway. Guards bustled about, their voices raised in urgency. Apparently, there was a malfunction in the security system. They needed someone to manually reboot it – a job usually reserved for Irene.
With a resigned sigh, Irene turned to me. "I need someone to watch you," she explained, her voice strained. "It shouldn't take long." The others exchanged hesitant glances, but in the end, I volunteered. The tension in the room was thick, but the prospect of some alone time with Irene, however awkward, was strangely appealing.
We were escorted to a small, book-lined room that served as Irene's private study. As the heavy door shut behind us with a resounding thud, the air crackled with unspoken emotions. Irene approached the control panel, her back turned to me, her fingers flying across the keypad.
The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic beeps of the security system. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, I spoke. "It's okay, Irene," I said softly. She froze, her body taut. Slowly, she turned around, her crimson eyes filled with a mixture of shame and disbelief.
"You… you forgive me?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. I reached out, my hand hovering over the intricate web of scars marring her arm. Scars older, darker than mine. "We all make mistakes, Irene," I said, my voice gentle. "The important thing is we learn from them."
A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her pale cheek. The sight of it, of her vulnerability, broke something within me. In that moment, I saw not the stoic leader, but a woman burdened by fear and insecurity. A woman who, despite her actions, had always been fiercely protective of her sisters.
Taking a step closer, I cupped her face in my hand, wiping away the stray tear with my thumb. Her eyes, wide with surprise, met mine. Slowly, hesitantly, I leaned in, bridging the gap between us.
The kiss was a revelation. It was raw, desperate, fueled by a desperate need for connection, for forgiveness. Irene clung to me like a lifeline, her initial hesitation melting away into a torrent of passion. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken apologies, of a newfound understanding, and of a hope for something more, something real.
When we finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, a fragile peace settled between us. Irene, her gaze searching mine, whispered, "I don't deserve you, Y/n." "Maybe not," I replied, cupping her cheek once again. "But maybe, together, we can learn to deserve each other."
The future remained uncertain. But as we held each other close in the dimly lit study, a flicker of warmth ignited within me. It was the glimmer of a new beginning, one built on trust, forgiveness, and a love that bloomed in the most unexpected of places.
The following weeks were a whirlwind of stolen moments and whispered promises. My relationship with each sister blossomed in its own unique way. Joy's fiery spirit ignited passionate encounters, fueled by stolen kisses under the moonlight. Wendy, with her intellectual curiosity, discovered a new kind of intimacy in late-night discussions that morphed into explorations of touch. Seulgi's playful demeanor evolved into a playful possessiveness, her playful nips replaced by gentle love bites.
Surprisingly, it was Irene who turned out to be the most possessive. The initial shame of her actions morphed into a fierce determination to prove herself worthy of my affection. She'd watch, a flicker of jealousy in her crimson eyes, whenever I spent time with the others. But when it was her turn, her touch was the most hesitant, the most tender. It was as if she was constantly afraid of breaking something precious.
One evening, as the six of us sat nestled together by the fireplace, a comfortable silence settling between us, Irene surprised us all. "He's ours," she declared, her voice laced with a possessiveness that sent a thrill down my spine. The others, instead of protesting, simply chuckled, a knowing look in their eyes.
"Ours?" I echoed, feigning confusion. Wendy, a playful glint in her eyes, clarified. "Yes, ours, Y/n. Our lover, our provider, our… family." A warmth bloomed in my chest at the word 'family.' It was a concept I hadn't dared to dream of, not with these extraordinary creatures of the night.
The following months were a blur of shared experiences and deepening affection. We explored the hidden corners of the city under the cloak of darkness, their laughter echoing through deserted streets. We spent lazy afternoons curled up with dusty tomes in Irene's study, their thirst for knowledge rivaled only by their thirst for me.
The nights were a symphony of touch and whispered desires. We explored each other's bodies with a newfound reverence, the boundaries between human and vampire blurring with each passing night. The sire bond, once a source of fear, became a bridge, a way to experience each other's emotions with an intensity that defied explanation.
Our unorthodox relationship wasn't without its challenges. There were moments of jealousy, of possessiveness, but we learned to navigate them together. We were, after all, a coven, bound not just by blood, but by an unconventional love that defied definition.
One starlit night, as we lay tangled together in the sprawling master bedroom, Irene spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you," she said, her crimson eyes reflecting the moonlight. I smiled, pulling her closer. "For what?"
"For showing us that love can exist even in the darkest corners," she replied. And in that moment, under the watchful gaze of the moon, I knew that our love story, born from captivity and fear, had blossomed into something beautiful, something extraordinary. We were a family, bound by blood, by love, and by a shared eternity.
The End
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : boiled?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Dear scrambled eggs,
My letter's going to be shorter than usual today. Sorry in advance.
Sesame bun sounds adorable. I like the little artist rendition graced upon my letter haha. Little cutie. She sounds like the sweetest little thing, but I can't imagine the house being pitch black and hearing something meow at you from the abyss. Though, I'm sure that isn't much of a problem in Raccoon. The district that you live in sounds like it's downtown.
Tell you about my friends... well, I entered the agency at the same time as Claire (Chris' sister, also another rising model) and we did a bunch of shoots together at first. We bonded over our love for bikes at first, and then through her, I met Chris and then Jill. I wouldn't say we're super close, but we're friends. (I hope)
I don't have anything to send to you, but I did manage to snag an invitation to the runway show coming up from all Raccoon city models. It's an annual thing, and everyone signed under the Raccoon city companies walk. I'm one of the first walkers this time around, so I really hope you can come watch.
Please? Christmas
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Everything passes in a blur.
Leon is dressed and decorated, makeup perfect on his skin as he hangs around the backstage of the event while everyone files in. Three changes of clothes, most of which are sponsored by upper brands. He hasn't gotten a brand deal yet, but there have been people reaching out already.
"You alright?"
"Just the usual nerves." Leon sighs.
"Never gets old." Jill sighs. "Claire?"
"I think I'll be fine. I'm in the latter half with Chris, so at least I'll be walking with someone I know."
"You're allowed to have fun this walk too." Jill nods. "Find a partner to do the final walk with when all the investors are gone."
"You have someone?" Leon raises a brow. Claire's obviously going to run out with Chris.
"Ah, right." Leon mumbles. "In the corner of his eye, he catches you, and he excuses himself with a stumble. God, being in love is crazy.
"... so I threw a fit at her manager because WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T WALK WITH HER?!"
"Sorry, princesa. I'd walk with you, but my contract states I've got to be alone on all walks. Gotta keep up the ladies' man thing."
"God, I hope Ada's manager burns in hell. I'll be her manager or something. What do you mean you need her to walk with Wesker even when it's just the normal models? Piece of sh—"
"Mind walking with me, then?"
Leon's voice makes you jolt, stumbling as Luis steadies you.
"You scared me." You sigh, nodding at Luis as he smiles. "What?"
"Walk with me?"
"You're not bound under contract to walk alone?"
"Not at the end. They didn't push the bachelor title onto me. I joined after they stopped that."
"Great! Let's run out together at the end." You give him a thumbs up.
"Problem solved?"
"Nice doing, sancho." Luis winks, and Leon ignores it, nodding at you before rushing to his position.
"Did they agree?" Claire raises a brow knowingly, and Leon groans.
Leon forgets how his walk went. He knows he did a good job from the look of the investors and his agent, but that's about it. Even when he goes for a second and third walk out in different clothes, everything is muscle memory and not conscious. All he can think of is running out with you at the end. Was it a little bit childish of him? Maybe, but he would be walking with you.
He's never been so glad male-female relationships are so normalized in his company.
"Yeah." You tug at the clothes given to you for the final walk, adjusting Leon's to match as they call out the pairings. People walked alone, but it was a little sad to walk alone unless you were given the title of bachelor.
"How big are your steps? We need to match pacing, no?"
Leon meets eyes with Ada before she's out with Wesker, and he swallows at her side-eye. She doesn't like him all that much, he thinks.
"Don't worry about her." You laugh, patting his bicep. "She's just angry she can't walk with me."
"No, that was definitely a warning to stay away from you."
You tap your chin. "Maybe. But that's only because she cares about me. Don't worry, she doesn't hate you."
"Leon Kennedy!"
"Let's go." He offers you his hand, and you mock a bow, letting him tug and spin you around the runway. For extra drama, he dips you at the very end of the runway to earn a laugh from you, letting the two of you waterfall to the sides as everyone else files to the front for a selfie.
America's sweetheart, Ashley Graham, ends up at the very front of the crew, taking the .5 as she manages to get everyone in the photo, numbers and photos sent to each other as Ashley goes around asking who wants it.
Leon steps up, nodding. "Thank you."
"Of course! Leon, was it? I think I joined a little after you."
"Yeah. Am I that recognizable?"
"More or less. You don't exactly have a face that blends in."
"I suppose." Leon thanks her as the photo is sent to his, and the rest of his friends file over for the photo too.
Oh, he should take the chance to— where did you go?
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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lavendersartistry · 7 months
Devil Nightmares
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Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe, Bolt - @lavendersartistry
(CW/TW: nightmares, panic attack)
This is an angst/comfort fic for onyxonline's Space Riders AU! This is mainly centered my OCs Eve Ewe and Bolt! Please check Oynx out, their work is super cool!
Although the skies of the galaxies were forever a sunset to nightfall, it was no later than 9 in the planet of the Lilim.
Its princess, Eve, resigned to her chambers in the west palace, the planet's natural flora greeting her as she entered the room. She took a moment to touch the lotuses in the lily pond close to her balcony, enjoying their fresh and sweet scent.
She looked out to the windows and glanced at the stars and the faraway planets. She took a moment to remember how she and her sister tried counting how many planets there were and how many would soon come to their world in the following years. Now, that time had stopped.
Now, Eve would become a queen and her sister to be general their planet's military.
Eve quickly shook the thought and began to settle for the night. Her favorite book was at the edge of the other side, the portraits of her parents and grandmother looking back at how she had grown. She couldn't help but smile at how proud they could be while they watch over her with their goddess.
With a quick, soft clap of her hands, her lights dimmed as she hurried into bed. Then, to dream.
The unnerving void of nothingness felt like eyes were on Eve that watched her every move. She felt cold, yet she couldn't shiver nor try to exhale the coldness.
Red smoke clouded her view and it felt potent to her senses to even try to breathe in, so she kept her mouth closed. Eve kept walking on, to at least find a exit to this strange place.
A hand. Then another. Then more. All, so many, grabbed at her as whispers echoed in her ears.
"Join him." "He will bring us salvation." "He is our God."
And Eve ran. Ran far away from whatever was trying to lead her astray. She couldn't look back, not when she could feel those creatures, those voices, right behind her.
It felt like a loop, a never-ending hall to nowhere, no escape. Eve was starting to feel hopeless, like there was no one to come for her. She was vulnerable, easy to take and to indoctrinate. She couldn't even bear to look as the voices captured her and a long, lanky hand reached out for her as the sufferable red smoke corrupted her mind and her soul.
Eve never thought she could scream so loudly. She was in brink of sweat as tears rolled down her face and her hands shook violently.
Her chamber doors opened immediately as the dark wolf critter, her guard Bolt, looked at her with concern.
"Princess? You screamed. Are you-"
Bolt took a moment to realize how she was clutching onto her evening blouse tightly and her breathing rapid. He rushed to her side and kneeled.
"Can you hold my hands?"
Eve turned to him and quickly grabbed his hands as she looked down to her lap.
Bolt didn't clutch her hands nor fully held them. He knew she needed room as he did what he could to get her back calm. He spoke softly, never looking away.
"Good, princesa. Now breathe with me."
The dark wolf critter demonstrated first as his paws rubbed her hands to soothe her shakiness a little. Eve listened to him and started to take deep breaths, the shakiness in her voice slowly soothing away.
"Good, good. Now, tell me what do you see."
Eve's eyes glanced around her chambers before opening her mouth to speak despite her screaming earlier created a painful sensation to her throat.
"I... I see the lotuses.."
"What else do you see?"
"I see you.."
Bolt nodded softly as he sat up and guided her to the lily pond, his eyes on her. The two sat down at the edge, the lotuses gliding in the water.
He kept his eyes on the princess and held her close, his paw and her hand intertwined. With a small exhale, he softly sang a old song.
Seas invite in the evening sun,
To light the somber abyss.
Clouds dance up with the heavens stars,
Chanting an air of joyous bliss.
Water fades back from blue to jade,
Guiding young rainbows high.
Flowers bloom in to reds and whites,
Quenching our hearts as they run dry.
Angels chained,
By a beast locked in slumber.
Sin washed away,
By the swift flow of time.
I may know the answers,
Journey over snow and sand.
What twist of fate has brought us,
To tread upon this land?
Bolt looked down at Eve, noticing how she had gotten calmer after his song. He rest his chin on top of her head as his paws gently went through her hair.
Whatever her dream was, whatever had frightened her like this, was now a priority to discover.
The dark wolf critter looked down at her with a soft, small smile.
"Don't worry, my princess. Nothing will happen to you or our home as long as I am here and our friends."
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Not choosing
Pairing: Rey Mysterio x Daughter reader Dominik Mysterio x Sister reader
Description: After Dominik joins the judgement day you're caught between the two people you love most, your dad and big brother
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One minute you had everything anyone would want and the next it was all gone leaving you a mess as Dom ran to you while there were laughs down the hall. "I'm sorry but I can't be in his shadow anymore I love you so much mi hermana menor" you shake with sobs holding onto dom tightly until the rest of Judgement Day were a few feet away watching the interaction before the four ran off leaving a mess hugging your dad tightly then your mom and sister when the two of you got home, you were the youngest out of your siblings first was dom followed by Aalyah four years later then you three years later but even despite the age gap between you and dom the two of you were always attached to the hip even when the two of you got older and his career in wrestling began the two of you remained close always cheering him on ringside or in the crowd and now you weren't allowed to see him despite the tears and pleas to your dad leading to everything slowly taking a toll on you as tensions increased between your dad and brother along with the judgement day. You sneak backstage while your dad was walking to the ring for his match against AJ Styles looking at yourself in the mirror before leaving your dad's locker room you didn't look like yourself at all, you usually looked happy, full of light, always everyone's sunshine when they were down but now you were in an abyss of darkness with purple dark circles under your eyes, skin slightly pale, nonstop dread in the pit of your stomach, body full of endless pain basically willing yourself to walk, anxiety on a constant high always on alert, and depression with a tight hold to where you had developed insomnia and the loss of sleep really added to the disturbed state you were in stopping in front of the judgement day's locker room as the door opened locking eyes with Damian who stops seeing you staring blankly with tears slowly pouring down your face looking up at him backing away slightly but instead of passing you like they did with other people he slowly grabs your arm leading you inside and locking the door where Rhea notices you shaking even while wearing a jacket due to the constant feeling of depression, fear, numbness, dread, anxiety, and pure despair that left you freezing all the time as she wrapped a blanket around you being handed water by Finn who had went and got dom. The tears flowed more and the cold shakes turned to trembling quiet sobs as you stood up being pulled in dom's arms feeling his body shake with sobs as finn opened the door but the other three wrapped their arms around the two of you in a big, warm, tight, and safe hug as rey ran down the hall noticing the sight and stares you in the eyes as you break down having had enough staring at all of them "I'm not choosing between my family and if no one can at least get along for me then I guess I'll have cut everyone off just so I can be okay" dom immediately agrees along with damian who already grew a soft spot for you followed by rhea, rey, and finn being brought into another big hug and slowly things changed for the better and a month later you were back to yourself always visiting the five backstage becoming close with the boys and rhea while spending time with dom and then with your parents and aalyah feeling all the love you thought was gone forever back but in more ways than one.
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dreamseersystem · 2 months
Just a little drabble I made of a version of Leviathantale. I hope people like it.
Was this what it was like to die?
That was his thought as he sank into the dark waters below. The family he thought he had, they were all just lies. Used until he was no use anymore because of who he once was. Who he had left behind on the mainland when he joined Gaster and his crew of pirates. But that was what he was used for. A bargaining chip in some ploy to gain money and favors out of the family he abandoned. He never told anyone of his royal heritage, but somehow the captain knew. He acted like a caring father to him, and when the money and favors dried out...
It was amazing how fast a life can pass before one's eyes as they die. The betrayal of the captain as he revealed his birth name and the reason he was kept on the ship. The jeering of the crew he once thought of as brothers and sisters calling for his death. It was a crime to them to be born royal. Even if he rejected that life. Gaster himself pushed him off the plank, giving him a last chance to fight him, but he was too weak to defeat the captain. His magic was spilling out of him still, quickening his death in the sea. He could feel its cold tentacles wrap around him. Wait... No... He was really feeling tentacles around him. His instinct to fight made him flail in their grasp, but he was too weak to fight back.
"I would rather you not fight little minnow. It would quicken your death and make you just another dust cloud to feast upon by the small fish of the deep," a voice said. He froze.
"That's better," the voice said as a black face came into his sight. It's teal eye glowing in the darkness. "I am Nightmare. Tho, I guess greetings would be wasted if you just die on me." He pulls him close. "But you can live if your desire and hope is still there."
He wanted to live. He didn't want to die. His life had barely started and all because of his birth he was killed for. He wanted to live to be free of that past. He wanted to get revenge on the ship he thought was family.
Nightmare could seem to sense his will and emotions and chuckled. "Revenge and a desire to be free. I believe I can offer that," he said as he caressed his cheek. "But in exchange for a new life, I need something in return. Loyalty, obedience, and most of all, your knowledge of the world above. Do you agree or would you rather I end your life now?"
He wanted to say yes, but no words would come out. He didn't care he would have to be this abyssal's being slave. Just as long as he could live again. He just wanted to live. He nodded his head at Nightmare.
And Nightmare grinned. "It is a deal then. This might hurt a bit."
He reached into his chest and pulled his dusting SOUL out, sending magic into it as he kissed him at the same time. Pleasure and pain were what he felt and he couldn't even scream. Bones were shifting, everything was getting brighter, teal and purple magic surrounded his body as he heard bones crack below his waist.
Soon the feeling faded away, and with that the feeling of his legs. Now he felt something else, something new. A tail. He gasped as he took his first breath under water, not sure how exactly he was able to do it. He looked at himself in wonder. And ended up upside down since he didn't know how to use his tail yet.
Nightmare laughed. "Well, a shark on its belly, what a funny sight. You'll fit in with the rest of the shiver at least. But for now, we should complete our greetings shouldn't we. What is your name?"
He was able to right himself and felt his tail. It was powerful and strong. He could feel the power in it. He looked at Nightmare and bowed his head.
"My name, is Cross."
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yoruuuuuuu12345 · 5 months
My son, let’s talk about him…(spoilers up to 251)
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y’all i know what i’m about to say is actually delusional but this kid simultaneously brings me so much happiness and sadness every time i see him.
Imagine your soul being taken over by the evilest being in jujutsu history, watching through your own eyes as “you” kill your own sister, the person you loved and would protect with your life.
THEN. Your dad comes, you’re watching sukuna fight gojo as you slowly sink further and further into the abyss. Then boom. dead.
Now you’ve killed the two people closest to you, there’s nothing left but to sink and allow your body to be taken advantage of. There’s nothing you can do
there’s nothing you can do…
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One thing i need to stop is getting emotionally attached to characters, i can’t help but imagine myself in a situation like megumi’s and i completely understand why he wouldnt have the will to live. I physically feel pressure in my chest and stomach whenever i think about him and how sad his character is. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON AKI i’m gonna make a separate post for him.
But still, he’s only 16 at the time of this, which makes me even more upset.
I wish there was a way to comfort him, i constantly hope itadori can knock some sense into him so he can make the choice to come back, but i hate little faith because why?
i don’t want to hope, because i know something is about to happen and i’m gonna freak like when gojo kicked the bucket. I can’t loose my son and my husband
anyway that’s my rant. In all honesty if megumi doesn’t return i will be joining gojo /hj
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sgstories123 · 2 years
You are my Valentine
“You got Valentine’s date tonight?” Leena asked Peipei, as she poured hot water into her mug. The smell of Nescafe immediately filled the small pantry room.
“Why, you want to be my Valentine is it?” Peipei gave a naughty smile, caressing Leena’s perfectly round butt seductively before giving it a pinch and slapping them softly.
“Fuck lah! You think I lesbian?” Leena pushed Peipei’s hands away.
Peipei laughed. Since she joined the company about a year ago, Leena had been her closest colleague. They have lunch together most of the time and also meet each other to go shopping during the weekends.
Peipei thought to herself. Was she a closet lesbian? She looked at Leena closely. She must confess that Leena was indeed a voluptuous and sexy woman. Her breasts were the size of watermelons. Wearing a low cut, tight, bright red blouse, her breasts were squeezed upwards, screaming to be let out of the clothes, revealing a deep abyss of a cleavage that many men would be lost in. Her body tapered from the large upper body to a waist that was just right for any man to wrap their arms around. Wearing a short, low hung skirt, she showed enough of her smooth, light brown skin to make any man want to peel away all her clothes to see her naked.
“Adam wants to take me out for dinner at a fancy restaurant in Orchard Road tonight.” Leena continued. “At first, I thought it was a romantic Valentine Day’s dinner just for the two of us. But I was wrong. His cousin from Australia is in Singapore and wants to join us. So, I was thinking if you don’t have a date, how about you come along and double date? It will be so weird to have dinner with two guys on Valentine’s Day by myself.”
“What is so weird? You can do a threesome.” Peipei giggled, before adding, “Not like you have not done it before.”
“Fuck!” Leena shoved Peipei, spilling some of her Boh Tea.
Peipei was well aware of Leena’s sexual exploits as Leena had shared them freely with her. With Leena’s good looks and sexy body, she has no shortage of boyfriends. Sometimes, she even has more than one boyfriend at any one time. There was one time when she was caught on a date with one boyfriend by another of her boyfriend. To pacify both of them, they had a threesome. Somehow, all of them ended up being happy and broke up amicably after that. Leena was good not only in getting boyfriends but in breaking up with them as well.
“So, you have a date or not?” Leena persisted.
“You know I broke up with Ah Hock last July. How to have Valentine’s Day date? I am not like you, boyfriends lining up from one end of Orchard Road to the other end.” Peipei replied.
“No, you are wrong. My boyfriends line up from one end of Orchard Road to Changi Airport.” Leena laughed. “So you on for tonight?”
“Wait. The guy is ang mo?” Peipei asked, a little frown crossing her face.
“You stupid or what? Adam is Malay. How can his cousin be ang mo? I Malay. Is my sister Chinese?” Leena sighed exasperatedly.
“You say he from Australia what. How I know?” Peipei replied sheepishly.
“Why is that important? Whether he Malay, ang moh or Chinese?” Leena looked at Peipei curiously. “ You racist?”
“If I racist, I would not be your best friend, silly.” Peipei countered.
“Then why?” Leena’s curiosity was piqued.
“I only have a few boyfriends and they were all Chinese.” Peipei said slowly. “I am not like you. I don’t have boyfriends who are Malay, Indian and Caucasians. I am scared that they are different.”
“Different? What you mean? All the men are the same, just different skin colour.” A sudden realisation hit Leena. “Oh. You dirty-minded girl. You worried ang moh cock too big you cannot take it. You thinking of sleeping with Ahmad’s cousin, a guy you just met? You are a fucking slut!”
Leena roared loudly with laughter. She recalled telling Peipei about how her previous Caucasian boyfriend had a 9-inch dick and how Peipei was horrified of the thought of having such a large monster in her. Peipei must still be concerned with having sex with men with big dicks.
“Stop it. The whole office is going to hear, you idiot!” Peipei was embarrassed and pinched Leena on her shoulder. But that only made Leena laughed louder.
“Look. It is Valentine’s Day. I was only thinking that it is natural to have sex with your date. I am not dirty-minded.” Peipei said defensively. “If you don’t stop laughing, I won’t go on the double date with you tonight.”
It worked and Leena stopped laughing almost immediately, suppressing it into silent giggles and dirty looks.
Several hours later, Peipei and Leena joined Adam and his cousin Hazer at a fancy hotel restaurant in Orchard Road. It was the first time that Peipei had seen Adam. It was not surprising as Leena had only met Adam at a Christmas party. Leena change boyfriends so fast that Peipei has not even the chance to meet most of them.
Adam was good-looking with a boyish charm. He wore a long sleeved pale blue shirt and a pair of tight, black pants, with a very noticeable bulge. “Stop staring at my boyfriend’s cock.” Leena whispered when she noticed Peipei stealing glances at Adam’s crotch. Before Peipei could utter a protest, Leena teased her further. “Yes, he has a huge cock, thicker and longer than your Ah Hock and all your other Chinese boyfriends. You scared?”
Peipei ignored her and turned her attention towards Hazer. At thirty years old, he was the oldest among them. He wore a green casual jacket over a white t-shirt. He must have worked out in the gym as Peipei could see the muscular contours of his body behind the t-shirt. He told them funny stories of his life in Australia. Peipei caught his large eyes looking at her several times and could feel herself easily attracted to his charms.
After chatting and laughing over dinner, Leena stood up. “Sorry guys. Peipei and I have to go to the Ladies to touch-up our make-up.” Without waiting for a response, she pulled Peipei out of her chair and led her away.
“Did you see what the boys were eating?” Leena asked, once they entered the Ladies.
It was a buffet-style dinner. Peipei tried to recall what each of them was eating. “Adam ate chicken, prawns, noodles and ice-cream? I think Hazer had the rendang, soup and some cakes for desert. I can’t really remember. Why?”
“You silly girl. They both took oysters, a whole plate stacked right to the top.” Leena rolled her eyes.
“Oh yeah. That was quite early on. I forgot about it.” Peipei thought further before continuing. “And Hazer had some mussels as well.”
“You know what that means, right?” Leena probed.
“What?” Peipei was still puzzled.
“They want to fuck us. Oysters? They give men strength and stamina?” Leena offered. “Gosh. You are so inexperienced. Are you prepared?”
“Prepare?” Peipei asked.
“What do you have in you bag? Let me see.” Leena lost her patience and snatched Peipei’s clutch bag. It was only large enough to carry some cash, credit cards, keys and a couple of other small items. “I knew it. LuckyI prepared them for you. Here. Take this.”
Peipei looked at the small metallic case with a yellow smiley face on it. “What’s this?” She opened it and found three condoms. It was a condom carrying case.
“I can’t carry this. They will think I am a slut.” Peipei protested.
“Hazer’s staying in this hotel. I am sure they will ask us to his room later and fuck us there. Are you hoping that they are prepared? I don’t think so. Men prefer doing raw and don’t care if they get you pregnant.” Leena replied.
“You carry it. I get from you if I need it.” Peipei was totally embarrassed by this conversation. She looked around nervously and hope no one will overhear what they are discussing. Although Peipei tries to act mature at work, in reality, she was still sexually inexperienced and conservative.
“Don’t worry. I have my own special ones for Adam.” Leena gave a devious smile. She took out another box of similar size but with a picture of a naked couple in hot embrace. She opened it and inside were Okamoto’s Big Boy condoms. “Adam’s cock is bigger than most. Maybe bigger than my Caucasian ex-boyfriend. Scared right?”
“You think Hazer’s small size meh? For all you know, his one bigger than Adam’s.” Peipei fell for Leena’s taunt.
Leena giggled. “You crazy bitch. You defending Hazer like he your boyfriend. That’s it. You are definitely fucking him tonight. You are such a cheap whore.”
“This cheap whore will not only fuck Hazer but also your boyfriend Adam. I will show you I love big cocks as much as you do.” Peipei raised her voice. She regretted immediately as the door to the Ladies swung open and a group of teenage girls walked in. They clearly heard Peipei as they stared at her, giggling uncontrollably. Peipei walked out quickly, head turned away, hoping that they  did not catch a good look of her face. Leena really knew her well, tricking her into saying and doing all the most embarassing things. Peipei sighed. Is that the price of friendship?
Leena was right. When they returned to their table, they saw the men finishing off another plate of oysters, the empty shells glistening in the light. Now that Peipei was more aware of the significance of the oysters, she also caught meaningful glances between the two men. After dinner, the men suggested that they go up to Hazer’s room to catch the night view of Orchard Road. However, once they entered the room, Adam started hugging and kissing Leena passionately. There was only enough time for Hazer to close the door before Adam started removing Leena’s dress. Adam was more interested in the view of Leena’s naked body than Orchard Road at night.
Once Leena’s clothes were fully removed by Adam, Peipei realised that Leena was really beautiful and sexy. Her large breasts were equal in size and shape, a perfect mirror image of each other. They were beautifully shaped, large, round mounds of pleasure with large protruding nipples, seemingly invitingly delicious. Even Peipei who was a woman felt desire in wanting to suck those nipples and squeeze those huge ripe melons of breasts. The curves continued downwards from Leena’s breasts to her contoured waists, expanding outwards again at the hips, providing support to the perfect globes of ass that just hours ago, Peipei had pinched and slapped them. Further down, the curves flowed into her legs, showing off beautiful skin covering tight, muscular calves. Leena was a sexy goddess, Peipei thought. No wonder she had so many boyfriends.
Adam continued to kiss Leena, covering her whole body with his mouth. His hands worked feverishly in removing his own clothes. Peipei gasped when Adam stood out of his briefs. Leena did not lie when she said Adam had a huge tool. Adam’s cock was already erect, protruding outwards, quivering just so slightly as if it was also anticipating the union with Leena’s vagina. Adam covered Leena’s body with his own, moving along her body as he continued hugging, touching and kissing Leena. The only sound coming from Leena was her satisfied sighs of pleasure. Adam must be one good lover.
Lost in the sex show of Adam and Leena, Peipei was awakened only when arms went around her waist, pulling her backwards. She felt a blunt rod pushing up against her ass. She turned around, only to have Hazer pushing his mouth onto hers, forceful, with a tinge of animal lust. She could feel his breath on her cheeks, warm and moist. Hazer forced himself down further. Peipei craned her neck backwards, opening her mouth. Sensing an entry point, Hazer stuck his tongue into her mouth, sending electric sparks along her body as their tongues touch each other. He continued exploring her mouth while his hand moved upwards, partly supporting her arched body and partly unzipping her dress. A cool draft touched Peipei’s skin as her dress fell to the floor. It was only when her skin touched Hazer’s bare skin, that he was already naked. He must have removed his clothes when Adam and Leena were removing theirs. Peipei had been too mesmerised by the sex between Adam and Leena to notice. She moved her hands towards her back to gain some balance but instead grabbed Hazer’s hard cock. That was the blunt object that was pressing against her ass.
“You like my cock? Want to suck it?” Hazer whispered in her ear. Peipei looked into Hazer’s eyes. It was so beautiful and enchanting that it seemed to hypnotise her. She simply nodded, kneeling in front of Hazer and kissing his cock on its head.
Hazer’s cock seemed to be about the same size as her previous boyfriends. She did what they seemed to like, licking the head of the cock with her tongue, making swirling motions. She squeezed Hazer’s cock, sliding her hands along the shaft, before licking it from the balls all the way to the top. Sufficiently lubricated, she swallowed Hazer’s cock, slowly taking it in till it reached the back of her throat. Slowly at first, her lips traversed along the shaft, her tongue wrapping it tightly and her fingers squeezing the base of the cock. She let Hazer’s hands on her head guide her, increasing her pace as needed, to provide Hazer with maximum pleasure. She knew she was doing well as Hazer started moaning louder and louder in pleasure. He started to push her head onto his cock at a faster pace simultaneously pushing his hips, fucking her mouth relentlessly. With several quick thrusts, he ejaculated into her mouth, as his body shuddered with pleasure. He held onto Peipei’s head tight, forcing her to swallow his cum. Peipei held onto his bare butt, her mouth pressed against his body as his cum dripped out from the sides of her mouth.
“Good girl.” Hazer smiled at Peipei, stroking her head lovingly as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He turned to look at Adam and Leena on the bed. Adam was now fucking Leena furiously in doggy style, his back towards them. “The bed’s occupied. Get up on the couch and lie down on your back.”
Peipei obeyed without a word. Hazer pulled off her panties, bringing them to his nose for a quick sniff. He closed his eyes and made a satisfied grunt. He unclasped her bra, revealing her erect pink nipples to the cold air in the room. Covering them with his mouth, he licked them, jabbing them expertly with his tongue and causing little waves of pleasure.
Peipei moaned softly. Hazer was so much better at sucking her nipples than her other boyfriends, she thought. She held onto his body, enjoying the touch of his muscled body, feeling the sense of masculinity strength behind the skin. She sighed as he pressed his body against her, feeling the contours of his muscles rubbing against her body. His fingers caressed her inner thighs and Peipei’s body tensed in anticipation. This is it, she thought. I am going to be fucking my first Malay man.
Hazer’s fingers rubbed against her slit, spreading the moistness that was emanating from her insides. Spreading them slowly, a finger pressed against the entrance, pushing its way into her. Peipei moaned in pleasure as a familiar feeling of warmth and completeness engulfed her lower body. It had been too long since she lost had sex. Her body jerked uncontrollably, beckoning the finger to enter her even more deeply, to fill her even more completely. Hazer allowed a second finger and then a third, expanding her entrance to pleasure. Peipei was now moaning even louder as Hazer quickened his pace. She grabbed his hands as the pleasure becomes more unbearable. She wanted him to stop and yet wanted him to continue. It was a dilemma. She thought she was going crazy with pleasure. Her body jerked upwards, towards Hazer’s fingers, willing it to go even faster and deeper. Her ass lifted, her body gave a final shudder, squirting her love juice all over Hazer as she groaned loudly, giving herself up to her orgasm. When she opened her eyes, she saw Hazer looking at her sweetly. She was tired but happy. She smiled.
Hazer returned the smile and spread open her legs. She saw Hazer’s cock was hard again and positioned between her legs.
“Wait. Put on a condom.” She remembered what Leena told her earlier in the evening.
“I don’t have a condom. Let’s just do it raw.” Sensing her hesitation, Hazer continued. “Adam is also not wearing a condom. What are you worried about?”
Peipei looked towards the bed. Leena was now riding Adam in reverse cowgirl position, her huge breasts swinging up and down, moaning loudly. She could not make out whether Adam was wearing a condom.
“Wait. I get you a condom.” Peipei sat up and retrieved the condom box from her bag, retrieving a condom for Hazer.
“You carry condoms in your bag? Alright. Looks like we are going to enjoy ourselves tonight.” Hazer smiled.
He rolled on the condom before spreading her legs again. He pushed it in slowly, enjoying the warm, tight cunt grabbing his hard cock. Peipei groaned in pleasure as Hazer’s cock filled her up. It was so different from his fingers, going much deeper and spreading her sides so much wider. This was what nature intended. A cock can never be replaced by anything else, not fingers, not a dildo.
Hazer lifted Peipei legs onto his shoulders as he pumped her, harder and faster. They were both now moaning and groaning in pleasure. Hazer turned Peipei over to her side, fucking her sideways. In this position, Peipei saw that Adam was done fucking Leena. He was seating on the edge of the bed, smiling at her while watching her being fucked by Hazer. Leena was lying motionless on the bed on her back, her legs spread wide open, proudly displaying her vagina for all to see.
“Cumming!” Hazer grunted as he thrust deeper and faster. He held onto Peipei’s body tightly as he ejacluated into her. Peipei grabbed her breasts, squeezing her nipples as she enjoyed the last few thrusts of pleasures. Hazer waited for his pleasure to subside before pulling his cock out of Peipei. Bending down to give her a kiss, he whispered “You are my Valentine.”
He got up from the couch and went to the bathroom. Peipei could hear the shower running. She was too exhausted to do anything except to continue lying on the couch.
She saw Adam smiling at her. She smiled back. Adam stood up, his cock erect. As he approached her, Peipei saw his cock up close. It was really much longer and thicker than any cock she has seen, much larger than Hazer’s even though he was older than Adam.
He kissed her, a gentle seductive kiss. Peipei knew it was wrong. Adam was Leena’s boyfriend and she is just sleeping in front of her in the same room.
“No, wait. You are Leena’s boyfriend.” Peipei whispered.
“So? When I first saw you enter the restaurant, I wanted to fuck you. You are so pretty.” Adam confessed. “I knew I had to fuck Leena to tire her out before I have a chance with you. So I ate a lot of oysters in preparation. I am so jealous that Hazer gets to fuck you first but now that both are away, you are mine.”
Adam turned her over on the couch and on her knees. Without warning, he positioned his hard cock onto her entrance.
“Wait. Wear a condom.” Peipei grunted.
“I can’t. They are too small and won’t fit.” Adam continued to pry open her vagina walls with his fingers, guiding his cock into her.
“Wait. Leena. Leena has condom of your size. Please.” Peipei moaned, trying to remain focused as Adam’s giant cock slowly entered her and the pleasure emanating from it started to blur her senses.
“No, she doesn’t. We fucked raw just now.” Adam insisted. “Just keep quiet and let me fuck you. I have been waiting for this the whole night.”
As Adam’s huge cock entered her, Peipei’s senses started to fade. She was only aware of a pleasurable numbing sensation from her lower body coursing through her whole body. She could not hear or see anything, just floating in pleasure. She is aware she must be screaming in pleasure as there was a vague sense of soreness in her throat. It was as if she was on drugs as she seems to see things floating past her. Then she came to her senses, as Adam bent forwards to kiss her. His body rubbed against her, one arm grabbing her from behind, fondling her breasts.
“Let’s cum again for me.” Adam whispered. He thrust harder and faster, and Peipei clutched the arms of the couch tightly, her body once again losing control to the her carnal pleasures. Arching upwards and backwards, she screamed in pleasure, as her love juices squirted in buckets, this time drenching the couch with a large dark patch.
Peipei was exhausted and wanted to rest, but Adam continued pounding into her, his cock seemingly reaching deeper and deeper into her, finding new spots of pleasure that was unknown to her. Adam pulled her up from the couch and pressed her against the glass windows. Peipei could see Orchard Road lit by the street lamps and the occasional vehicle. It was already well past midnight and there were few people on the streets. Peipei wondered if any of the people on the streets looked up, will they see her being fucked against the windows.
As Adam was taller than Peipei, in standing position, his cock dug even deeper into her. She tried to stand on her toes, to give herself some respite from the deep fucking that she is getting but Adam was not having any of that. He closed the distance between themselves and the window, flattening Peipei’s breasts against the glass. The cold glass on her nipples send another wave of pleasure coursing through her and Peipei no longer had the strength to resist whatever Adam wants to do with her. Several thrusts later, Peipei released another round of love juices, spraying against the window and onto the carpet.
“Please, no more. I cannot take it any more, Adam.” Peipei whispered as Adam now pushed her onto the bed. With her legs lifted upwards and lying on her bed, Adam entered her again.
“You are so fucking sexy. So tight. So warm. I have to try so hard not to cum even though I have already cum thrice with Leena earlier. I want to fuck you all night long.” Adam replied.
“Please. I promise to fuck you anytime you want. Please stop for now. I cannot take your big cock any more.” Peipei whimpered, all her strength sapped out of her.
Adam smiled and bent down to give her a kiss. He closed his eyes and thrust even faster and deeper. Minutes later, he groaned in satisfaction, ejaculating into Peipei. He opened his eyes and gave Peipei another kiss. “You are my Valentine.”
Withdrawing his cock from Peipei, he walked over to the bathroom. “Hey Hazer, you done yet? I need to use the shower.”
Peipei heard the bathroom door open and then close. She looked around. Both Hazer and Adam are in the bathroom. She looked down at Adam’s cum flowing out of her vagina. Then she looked down at Leena. She was sleeping soundly, her breasts heaving upwards slowly with each breath.
Peipei bent forwards to suck on a nipple, squeezing the large breast gently. Yes, it was very sweet. She whispered to the sleeping Leena, “You are my Valentine.”
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06sunnybunny06 · 6 months
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-1 part (Aren't we friends?)
Today that asshole didn't come again!- it wasn't the first time Childe missed your meeting. He always came running after a few days of ignoring you. And what got you hooked on him? Only the eyes, empty as the abyss of the sea, had an eerie appearance. In fact, his cheerful personality was much nicer with red hair and barely noticeable freckles on his cheeks. He always talked about his travels. He had a special love for his family. A nice guy, just a little weird.
* Damn it. Well, I was thinking about him again and only about the good things. What kind of a brat is that? It doesn't even give you peace of mind!* - holding her head, she almost started pulling out her hair. You tried your best not to fall in love with him. He's the devil knows who and the devil knows where from. For Li Yue, the clothes didn't match well. And in general, there is talk of a dangerous organization from Snezhnaya, which haunts the locals. If such dangerous guys are hanging around the city. It's better not to deal with them at all.
Turning around, you screamed when the long figure of the redhead loomed over you- What the hell?!
- Hi baby - he leaned against the railing of the bridge as if nothing had happened before. - I see you don't miss me. And I had to work overtime to make sure I didn't miss our date. His smile widened as he looked at you.
You snorted-Three hours have long passed. I thought I wouldn't see you......again. I think my departure would be a good revenge for the frequent expectations. What kind of girl do you think would do that? If you had missed another meeting, you would have been replaced by a more competent partner.
His eyes widened for a moment, but his face immediately assumed its carefree look. "I think I need to apologize to my unfortunate lady." I have a good excuse. I was working, but the work didn't end.
- then you need to warn me. I have things to do, too, and they don't fit in with your shift schedule. She snorted again, turning away.
Gloved hands lay on your shoulders, squeezing them a little tighter than necessary - If you wait a little, then I can solve some serious issues, and then we can see each other at least every day! There was amusement in his voice.
- every day? What about your job?
- Oh, don't worry. I'm going on vacation soon. I want to see my family and invite you to join me.
This offer looked tempting. Child often talked about
his younger brothers and sisters. His family was portrayed as a small light out of love and warmth in your head. Unlike yours, which is angry and cold. Moving to Li Yue was a good opportunity to cut off all ties with relatives. They stayed in their small village. You've become interested. How are they doing? These thoughts immediately flew out of my head like a cold wind. It's none of your business anymore. They didn't care about your departure. I didn't care about you. There's no reason to think about it....
A hand flashed before my eyes - the station is calling t/i! How do you hear?
After blinking a couple of times, you came to your senses - everything is fine. I was just thinking...
He frowned at you. He didn't like your mood. The sad eyes made him homicidal for the reason of this sight. Nevertheless, he will deal with this issue later, but for now... - what about my offer?
Blinking, you remembered a recent conversation. - I'll be glad. I've always been interested in getting to know you and your family better.
A smile sparkled on his face-that's what I expected, but first..- his face is closer to yours. "first, I'm going to give you a little test.
You frowned - if it's something vulgar, then I'll pass.
His laughter was louder than usual-what kind of nonsense is this? A little pervert. But we'll come back to that later.
Your heart is pounding faster and your cheeks are flushed. I knew I should have been more careful with my words. He can turn anything into a joke.*
- Okay, the trials are like this. He pointed to the piece of paper in his hands. - this is a treasure map. You must use it to get to your destination. You will have a compass, water for necessities and a snack at your disposal. If you get hungry on the way. You have the eye of God on your side and you can actually fight.
You looked at the Cryo-pendant and nodded. "I'm curious where you're luring me to." If the road is so dangerous, then maybe I shouldn't go there?
"firstly, it's a secret, and secondly, you have no right to refuse or you won't get the treasure. - he knew how much you needed the money. By the way, who doesn't need them? That's usually what people do. And in the case of you, who needs to pay for housing and be able to survive without dying of starvation is just a great option.
With a snort, you snatched the card out of his hands- So treasures, right?
He stared at you happily. "you have until sunset, starting the next day.
"Isn't this the map of old Li Yuey?" Even the city here doesn't look like a modern one.
- I guessed right. This way it will be harder for you to navigate in space, which gives you a small obstacle, but what a reward!
— Okay. If that's all you have. I think I'll go get ready. But if this is another prank, then our friendship is over.
- I will look forward to seeing you at the end of the journey!
You nodded slowly as you left him. Childe waved goodbye to you. A moment later, his eyes narrowed, and his gentle smile took on an unpleasant smirk. This was the role of the harbinger of Fatua: to change the mask of his personality depending on the situation. It's a good thing you fell into his hands and not some crazy bastard's. Your innocence reminded him of his brothers and sisters. But they were his family, and you were the prey. What will this game bring him? He sighed blissfully and walked through the streets of Li Yuey, whistling.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 5 months
Personality Through Quotes Tag
thanks @modernwritercraft for the tag!
My prompt: A quote about being called a monster when they made you a monster
This prompt fits all my characters so well, hahaha, almost like I keep writing the same tropes over and over again :/
"Oh, me? I'm the monster here? When you- You bloody, accursed bastards thought it was fair to hunt down a kid and rip her soul right out of her chest? Do you know what it's like to grow up knowing that your whole country considers you an irredeemable monster?! Do you know what it's like to cry yourself to sleep with nobody to hug you but your thralls?! Do you- Wait, let me answer that. No, you don't. You just decided that the chance of me turning on you was worth killing an eleven year old over.
"But I'm here now, I'm not eleven anymore, and you're going to pay."
2. Ina:
"First, they took my freedom. I could have lived in chains in any case. Then they took my sisters. I could have plodded on in my grief still. But they took my husband, the light of my life, and for what greater sin than loving me? They cast my daughter into the abyss and named her 'demon', they sentenced my people to eternal servitude. And when I took up arms against them, they called me their Bane, the Godhuntress, callous and cold. A monster in name and soul.
"They were right. But they will not live to enjoy that rightness."
3. Hans-el:
"Who, little old Hans here? Why, I'm honoured that you noticed! Was it the mounds of corpses that gave it away? The intricately woven tapestry of skin and intestine? Or was it the goblet of blood made of a skull? Please, as if you don't have your own rivers of blood. As if you didn't find it amusing to torment a weak, small, male child who would never amass the power to get vengeance. As if you never ripped my piercings whole from my ears and smeared mud on my face. Hah! You ought to be in a Kvi'ora routine, with how you make me laugh. You can join it right after I have your limbs cut off."
4. Iraela:
"You are correct. I am a monster. I am a monster you made, with your little room at the top of the stairs, your giggling behind the fluttering of fans, your silent nights with the faint music of galas I was not invited to. I am a monster, and I am taking what I deserve. When you're a corpse dancing to my strings, I want you to remember that you had a chance to be nice to me. This, all this, is what you deserve."
Your prompt: a quote about remembering the ones they lost
Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @kitkins13, @mywipsdontend, @memento-morri-writes, @drchenquill, @ink-flavored, @italiangothicwriteblr, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @oliolioxenfreewrites and anyone else!
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doevademe · 1 year
Short prompt: What if Nico was a year older than Percy? When Annabeth, Thalia and Percy went to Westover Hall to look for the Di Angelo siblings and saw Nico checking his Mythomagic cards (even if he's 15 he is still a lovely freak) Percy's first thought was "I want to play with him" and the second was "OMG he is dark and cool" and he got so crushed by teen!Nico. And being the adorable Seaweed Brain idiot he is, the first thing he does is going near Nico and blurts: Hey, I'm Percy. Wanna dance with me? (Remember they were on the school dance) What happens next, I'll let you think~~
Percy was uncomfortable.
But he needed to be here. Grover had found a couple of demigods, siblings, and very powerful. The loud music filled the cheaply decorated gym as he, Annabeth, and Thalia shuffled awkwardly trying to blend in.
Usually, he got expelled before any big balls like homecoming or prom ever took place, and he felt really out of place among the 11-16 year olds just dancing to the music or hanging awkwardly by the punch table.
He really wanted to join that second group, but Grover was panicking, since he only caught sight of the older sibling, a girl that was sipping from her fruit punch and looked like she wanted to run away or go Carrie on the attendees.
"We might find the other one on the dance floor," Annabeth said. Her tone seemed to be hinting at something, but Percy, for the life of him, couldn't think of what.
"You and Grover can do that," Percy said distractedly, then he turned to Thalia, missing his best friend's frown. "Can you stay by the one we found? We don't want two missing demigods."
Thalia looked like she wanted to argue solely because Percy had proposed it, but bit her lip and nodded curtly.
"What about you?" Annabeth asked, looking intensely at him.
"I'll... look by the bleachers," Percy said. Anything to escape this atmosphere.
He ran away before Annabeth could protest, and once he was behind the bleachers almost tripped on a guy wearing tweed sitting on the floor, organizing a deck of cards.
"Is that... Poseidon?"
His father's visage was extremely accurate, as he swung his trident around while atop a chariot pulled by hippocampi.
"One of my favorites," the guy said back. "He gives the best terrain boons if you have the right deck."
Now Percy didn't know what the guy was talking about, but the way his velvety voice said it made his throat dry as if he was tossed in the middle of the desert.
"Oh, cool," was all he could say. The guy looked up and smiled at him. Percy froze. His eyes were dark like an abyss, and his pale complexion almost glowed from the reflection of the gym lights.
"You're also hiding," he stated simply. Percy could only nod. "Me too. My sister is far more social than me. She gave up on making me interact with others long ago."
"Um... I'm Percy, by the way," he said. And because he hadn't proved how lame he truly was yet, he added, "Wanna dance with me?"
The guy looked shocked before looking back at his hand full of cards. With the low lighting it was difficult to tell, but his cheeks may have turned slightly redder.
"Everyone would see..." He said so low it was almost lost to the music. "Do you... maybe want to stay here and... play with me?"
"Okay!" He said stupidly, not even hiding his excitement at sitting close to the guy. "I don't know how to play, though..."
The guy smiled again and beckoned him closer. Percy followed and sat down as if bewitched.
"It's okay, I can teach you," he said kindly, offering him some of the cards. "I'm Nico, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Nico."
Percy didn't know how much time passed as Nico explained the basics of Mythomagic (apparently it used both cards and figurines?), but he was entranced as this cool, older guy taught him how the game worked and a few tricks to the deck he had lent him.
"Okay, I think you're ready," Nico said finally as he set his deck down. "Let's start."
"Peercy!" Grover's familiar bleats interrupted them. Percy was about to look at him in annoyance when he noticed how panicked he looked. "The girl is... oh, you found Nico."
"You were looking for me?" Nico asked, and Percy remembered why he was here. The demigods. Chronos rising, make sure he didn't have more supporters.
"I... I guess I was," he managed to say. Nico looked bemused. "It's a bit of a long story, you see—"
"There's no time!" Grover interrupted again. "Dr Thorn! He... has Annabeth, and Bianca too! Thalia is going after them, but—"
"My sister?" Nico stood up, worried. "What does that creep want with her?"
"We'll explain later," Percy promised.
Despite being worried for Annabeth, a part of him was also excited. He could finally show Nico that he could be cool, too.
"Right now, we have a rescue to go to."
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theleechyskrunkly · 2 months
Lost and not so found.
Heya! I’ve been inactive lately for no particular reason, but I thought I’d post a little snippet of Aurinelle’s backstory since it’s still in the making. This part is not as heavy as the rest of the fic will be. My writing skills aren’t wonderful, but I hope it’s acceptable at the very least!
Word count: around 6k
regular text for present Aurinelle’s perspective, italics for the past. Bold for past Aurinelle’s inner thoughts.
I'm not one to speak of my past to strangers, but it seems I am being given no choice, am I? In all honesty, that day is carved into my memory to the point in which it haunts my dreams. To this day I wonder what I could've done to prevent the entire thing from going down; perhaps if I had paid more attention, or if I didn't let any of them out of my sight, or if I'd just gone hunting on my own... The possibilities are endless, yet pondering on them is not gonna change what has already happened.
That Tuesday I had taken all my sisters out on a hunt, they'd all been eager to come along — it was the day of the week in which I always took them out for hunting lessons, despite their young age. Down in the Abyssal Sea, all children need to learn how to hunt on their own when they're young, especially because you never know when your parents could just drop dead or get eaten alive. It was my turn to take them hunting that day.
"What's the point of taking us out to hunt if you're just going to corner the prey for us?!" Gia, the eldest of the Sireiwen sisters, complained. Her expression was as sour as always, for she always had something to protest about.
"Because your little sisters are far too young to find their own edible prey. Need I remind you that not everything that is alive down here is good to eat?" Aurinelle reminded his sister as he joined them behind the rock in which they were hiding, preparing to pounce on their prey. Aurinelle had rounded up a bank of fish — non-toxic fish — for them to begin their training. He did this mainly for the little ones, Nellie and Aurine, who were far too young to go after the fish, which were much faster than them.
"Yeah, well then, can you at least take me and Gianna on a more difficult hunt once we're done with this kids' play?" Gia insisted, throwing an arm over her twin sister's shoulders and pulling her in to emphasize that she wanted to bring her along. Gianna could only sigh. In reality, she was perfectly comfortable with going on small hunt with the little ones, but she'd humor Gia for now.
"Maybe. Catch me seven of the biggest fish in the bank, and I'll consider it." Aurinelle chuckled as he gave the girls the signal for them to attack, which meant Gia could bolt, which she did, being the faster swimmer out of all the sisters. However, being the fastest didn't make her the most agile. The fish were slippery and fast, swimming out of her grasp before she could even close her hand around them. Aurinelle simply watched in amusement as she grew increasingly frustrated. Seems like there wouldn't be a second hunt after all.
Aurinelle waited an hour until he declared the hunt over with a high-pitched cry only detectable by sirens like himself. The sisters soon crowded around him, displaying their catches, some with pride, others with disappointment. 
Gia, with only three of the seven fishes required in hand, looked down at her tail in disappointment as she attempted to hold back tears. Aurinelle smiled down at her with pity, patting her head as a display of affection and understanding. "It's all good Gia, you'll get better. This is still very good for a beginner!" He said gently, slowly opening Gia's clenched hands to take away the dead and bleeding fish pierced by her claws and put them in their hunting bag.
Next was Gianna, who had the same amount of fish as Gia. She, however, looked very proud of herself. She usually got one fish at best, so this was a particularly big haul for her. Aurinelle patted her head in the same manner as he did Gia, a gentle smile on his face. "Spectacular job, Gianna! You're getting much better." Aurinelle's words elicited a happy squeal from Gianna as she carefully put her fish into the bag, fish which were not as torn as the ones Gia had caught, which she had basically dissected due to the strong grip she had around the unfortunate creatures.
Anna and Ania always hunted together and brought back five fish in total. They had their usual stoic faces on, but you could tell they were expecting some sort of praise by the glint in their eyes. Aurinelle did as he did with the previous two, giving them both a content nod of approval. "Good work, you two. Your teamwork is really paying off." The identical twins smiled as they delivered their haul into the bag, content with the compliment.
Lastly, Aurinelle went to check the catch made by the youngest two. Nellie unfortunately hadn't caught anything. Her blind eye put her at a disadvantage when it came to hunting, so it wasn't all too surprising. Not to mention she was extremely young, being only three years old. However, it was clear that she was very unhappy with her lack of efficiency, her attempt at holding back frustrated tears not very successful. 
Aurinelle felt a pang of guilt. He was responsible for that blind eye. "Don't worry, Nellie. It's all a matter of practice. You're still young, after all." He said softly, pressing a soft kiss to the tiny gem on Nellie's forehead. Nellie moved to cling to Aurinelle's tail. It was an action that brought her an odd feeling of comfort. Clinging to her older brother made her feel safe.
Then Aurinelle moved onto Aurine. Except she wasn't there. Aurinelle's heart dropped to his stomach, a pit of despair forming. But he decided that perhaps she hadn't heard him call out for everyone to return. So he tried again. And again. And again.
No response.
"Did any of you see Aurine earlier while you were hunting?" Aurinelle kept his voice leveled while asking the question, wanting to avoid sounding as panicked as he felt. His question was met with collective head shaking from all five of the girls present, little Aurine missing from the head count. Aurinelle's heart began to pound fast. Something was wrong, and he felt it.
Despite his attempts at keeping things calm, Nellie's grip tightening around his tail brought his attention to the girl's agitation. She wasn't used to being apart from her twin sister, and she clearly felt that something was off as well.
And then came the scream. A loud, ear piercing, terrified screech that paralyzed all six of them.
Aurinelle wasted no time. He detached Nellie from his tail, handing her to Gianna and barking orders at her and Gia to get the younger girls home and alert their mothers immediately as he swam in the direction the scream had come from at full speed. He had to hurry.
tagging: @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @tixdixl @cyanide-latte @distant-velleity (ask to be added to tag list)
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theetherealbloom · 1 year
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Chapter 2: Sinners Come And Go
Summary: In the rafters of Clinton Church, a mysterious reader with the power of illusion manipulation silently watches over Matt Murdock, the blind vigilante known as Daredevil. As danger engulfs Hell's Kitchen, their unlikely friendship blossoms into a bond of trust and longing, intertwining their fates in a battle against darkness that tests their resolve. Will their connection illuminate a path to salvation in a city of darkness or lead them deeper into the abyss?
Paring: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Hurt to Comfort, ANGST, friends-to-lovers, Religion, Fluff, Anxiety, PSTD, Nightmares, Catholic Guilt, Amnesia, Violence, Blood, Dark Undertones, Eventual SMUT, Shy Reader, Mentions of Abuse, 
Word Count: 8.3k
A/N: HELLO UH!??!1 YA’LL ARE TOO KIND WHAT T^T You have no idea how nerve-wracking it is to write a Mattew Murdock fic because the perfectionist in me is afraid to get things wrong or things don’t connect or make sense ._. ANYWAYS… ENJOY MY WORD VOMIT.
Song: Mirage by Elina
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As you step out of the church, the bells ring in the distance, and your thoughts focused on the errands Sister Maggie entrusted to you, you almost miss a step and stumble forward. A startled yelp escapes your lips as you regain your balance, feeling a surge of embarrassment wash over you. At that moment, your eyes dart toward the nearby bench, and your breath catches in your throat.
There he is, Matthew Murdock, sitting with his cane resting against the fence gate. His neatly tailored grey tuxedo and tinted red glasses hint at a man who exudes confidence. Father Paul Lantom joins him on the bench, taking a seat beside him.
Realizing you've stumbled upon an intimate conversation, you instinctively begin to back away, hoping to go unnoticed. But Father Lantom's voice cuts through the air, calling your name, and you wince, feeling caught in the sudden attention. Reluctantly, you stop in your tracks, anxiety pulsing through your veins.
Father Lantom's gaze meets yours, and he motions for you to approach. The mixture of concern and curiosity in his eyes only heightens your unease. Gathering your courage, you cautiously step forward, bracing yourself for this unexpected encounter.
Father Lantom's voice holds a touch of warmth as he addresses Matthew. "I'd like you to formally meet Matthew Murdock, the one you've been asking me about," he says, his words punctuated by a friendly smile. Matthew, ever casual, interjects, "Matt is fine. You've been asking about me?"
Your heart races in your chest as you come face-to-face with the man you've heard whispers about, the enigmatic figure who walks the line between justice and darkness. The knowledge of his secret identity sends a surge of adrenaline through your veins, intensifying the already charged atmosphere. You struggle to find your voice, transfixed by his presence, unable to utter a single word.
Meanwhile, Matt's heightened senses pick up on the rapid thud of your heartbeat, an anomaly amidst the ambient sounds of the city. He furrows his brow, curiosity piqued by the accelerated rhythm that betrays your nervousness. His keen instincts compel him to analyze every detail, searching for answers to the enigma before him. 
Father Lantom, sensing your apprehension, redirects the conversation. "Allow me to introduce you," he says, gesturing towards you. With a gentle push, he prompts you to step closer. The world seems to slow down as you find yourself standing in front of Matthew Murdock, nerves tightening your grip. You spot the wound on the right side of his temple, fresh and red.
Matt's reddish-tinted glasses hint at eyes that he cannot see, yet his unsteady gaze feels piercing and perceptive. His voice carries a hint of curiosity as he speaks to you. "You've been asking about me?" he repeats, his tone inviting.
You muster the courage to respond, but instead, an odd noise escapes your lips—a mixture of surprise, nervousness, and the jumbled thoughts swirling in your mind. Father Lantom, concerned, leans in and asks, "Are you okay?"
You manage a nod, although your emotions remain tangled and your words trapped. It's an overwhelming moment, standing before the enigmatic man who walks a path shrouded in darkness.
"It's nice to meet you," you manage to say, your voice wavering slightly with nervousness. "Uh, I have to go, and you are probably extremely busy, and I have some errands to run. Bye." With those hurried words, you turn to leave, feeling a mix of relief and regret that the encounter was so brief.
Father Lantom watches you as you walk away, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity. He calls out to you, reminding you to be safe and not to return late like you did the previous night. The reminder strikes a chord within you, reminding you of the events that had occurred.
You offer a quick wave of acknowledgment to Father Lantom, a silent promise to heed his advice, before hastening your steps and practically running away. As you depart, you can't help but sense Matt's intrigue, his uneven gaze lingering on your retreating form. It's as if he detected something in your reaction, a flicker of recognition or understanding. His curiosity piques, and a hint of suspicion tinges on his thoughts. He wonders what Father Lantom might have said to elicit such a reaction from you.
Unable to ignore his curiosity, Matt turns to Father Lantom and asks, "Who was she?" There's a hint of guardedness in his voice, his instincts as a vigilant protector on high alert.
Father Lantom, ever the wise and compassionate priest, responds calmly. "She's a hardworking young woman who often helps out around the church, community centers, and hospitals," he begins. "She came back late last night after spending time with one of her friends. Completely exhausted when she returned."
Matt listens intently, his senses attuned to every word. He carefully considers Father Lantom's explanation, piecing together the fragments of information. There's something intriguing about you, something that transcends mere chance encounters.
Father Lantom continues, his tone filled with admiration. "She has a strong sense of responsibility and dedication. I've seen her commitment firsthand. She's a remarkable individual." His words hold a note of respect and appreciation for your character, subtly urging Matt to reconsider any suspicions he might harbor.
Matt's response is a thoughtful hum, his mind working through the puzzle that is you. There's a part of him that remains cautious, cautious of the secrets that lurk in the shadows. But beneath that caution lies a growing curiosity, a desire to unravel the enigma that is the young woman who crossed his path.
As the conversation between Father Lantom and Matt continues, you find yourself distanced from their words, lost in your thoughts. The encounter has left an indelible impression, and the significance of this meeting begins to weigh heavily on your mind.
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With the groceries safely delivered to the church, you embark on another journey, a more personal purpose drives this time. Making a swift detour to the nearby flower shop, you carefully select a beautiful bouquet of Bluebells, their vibrant hues capturing the essence of hope and renewal. 
Entering the familiar halls of Metro-General Hospital, you exchange warm greetings with one of the nurses, their friendly smiles brightening the atmosphere. Their words convey the anticipation of someone awaiting your arrival, and they mention Doris, someone who has been eagerly looking forward to seeing you. You respond with a gentle chuckle, a mixture of affection and amusement lacing your voice, "Yes, I'm here to see Doris. I had a few errands to run, but I brought some flowers for her."
As you make your way through the hospital corridors, a comforting warmth envelops your heart, knowing that this small act of kindness will bring joy to someone cherished. With a gentle tap on her door, you hear a soft voice inviting you in. Opening the door, you find her sitting upright in bed, her frail form nestled amidst the sea of white sheets. 
"I was starting to think you had forgotten about me," she teases, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
"Forget about you? Never," you reply playfully, a smile spreading across your face. 
"I'm just tryin’ to stick around long enough to see you married," she quips, her voice filled with love and concern. A hearty chuckle escapes your lips as you place the bouquet of Bluebells delicately into the vase beside her bed.
"If you have any suggestions, let me know because damn, the selection pool is tiny," you remark, a hint of playfulness in your voice. Doris raises an eyebrow, her gaze filled with knowing. "I have a feeling you've already met someone," she says with a knowing smile. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment at her sudden accusation.
"What? Me? No," you stammer, attempting to hide the truth behind a feeble denial. Deep down, though, you know there might be a sliver of truth to her intuition. Taking a seat beside her, you feel her soft touch as she gently holds your hands, her touch both tender and reassuring. The rhythmic strokes against your knuckles feel like a soothing melody, as if she's taming a wild creature with her gentle caress. 
"So, how is Ben holding up with the story he's chasing?" you inquire, your attention fully focused on Doris's response.
She rolls her eyes fondly, a mix of admiration and concern evident in her expression. "You know how he can get," she replies with a hint of a smile. You nod, understanding the relentless pursuit of truth that drives Ben.
"Maybe he's chasing the truth," you offer, contemplating the cost it may come with. Doris looks at you, her eyes filled with a motherly worry. "Maybe... I'm just worried that it might cost him something he cannot give back."
You nod once more, acknowledging her concerns. "The world needs more people like Ben," you say, your voice filled with conviction. "To shed light on the truth when no one else will. To have courage."
Doris reaches out and squeezes your hand, her eyes brimming with pride. "And the world needs more people like you too, my dear," she says softly. "People who bring kindness and light wherever they go."
Somewhere between then and now, irony found its place in your vocabulary, intertwining with your thoughts and experiences. Laughter, once a simple expression of joy, now carried the weight of bittersweetness and guilt. Sacrifice, once noble and selfless, became a mask for hidden shame. The haunting echoes of unnecessary deaths clung to you, a nightmarish burden that refused to let go.
In that elusive space between then and now, you grasped the profound truth that every action you took rippled through the world, leaving an indelible impact like the waves on an ocean stirred by a skipping stone. The concept of karma, once abstract, gained substance and became as palpable as the taste of seawater on your lips. It revealed itself as an undeniable force, shaping the intricate tapestry of existence and weaving its threads through your life.
Doris catches the flicker of longing in your eyes, sensing a shift in your mood that she can't quite pinpoint. Just as she's about to comment on it, a gentle knock resonates through the room, drawing your attention to the door. You turn, and there stands Ben, framed in the doorway, his presence both comforting and unexpected.
"Hi, Ben! Doris and I were just discussing your escapades," you greet him with a warm smile, noticing the forms he's holding in his hand.
Ben chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, really? I hope you were saying good things about me."
Doris joins in with a playful tone. "Well, we were just about to share all your deepest, darkest secrets."
Laughter fills the room as you engage in a lighthearted and witty conversation, exchanging banter and teasing remarks. The connection between the three of you is palpable, a testament to the bond you share.
Eventually, the topic shifts to Ben's work, and you inquire about his latest story. His expression turns slightly rueful as he replies, "Elisson put me on another fluff piece."
​​You can't help but roll your eyes in mock exasperation. "Let me guess, the Subway line? They know how to keep you on your toes, don't they?" Ben lets out a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "You have no idea. It's like they think I can't handle anything more substantial."
You shake your head sympathetically, understanding his frustration. "Well, just remember, even the smallest stories can have an impact. You have a way of uncovering the truth and shedding light on the overlooked."
A small smile tugs at the corner of Ben's lips, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate the reminder. I'll make the most of it." You nod, offering him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I have no doubt about that. Keep doing what you do best."
As you continue the conversation with Ben and Doris, you suddenly remember an urgent task waiting for you at the courthouse. Your expression shifts, and a touch of concern enters your eyes.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I just realized I have to pick up some important files from the courthouse," you explain, your voice laced with a sense of urgency. "There's a case I've been working on, and the deadline to submit the documentation is approaching. I need to get those files and review them before it's too late."
You glance at Ben, hoping he understands the pressing nature of your responsibility. "I promise I'll catch up with you later. We can continue our conversation then," you assure him, hoping to alleviate any disappointment.
Doris, perceptive as ever, gives you a knowing smile. "Don't worry about us, dear. We understand the importance of your work. Go ahead and take care of what you need to. We'll be here when you're done."
Feeling reassured by their understanding, you bid them a quick goodbye and make your way out of the hospital, your mind already focused on the tasks awaiting you at the courthouse.
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As you arrive at the courthouse to pick up the important files for your case, you find yourself drawn to the sounds of an ongoing hearing. Curiosity sparks within you, and a nagging feeling urges you to step inside the courtroom.
With the files safely in your possession, you discreetly find a seat in the back, hoping to observe the proceedings without drawing too much attention. It's at this moment that you realize the case being presented is none other than the trial of John Healy, and to your surprise, Matt and his partner are the defense attorneys.
With an exasperated sigh, you raise your eyes toward the ceiling, silently questioning God or some higher being in the universe as to why your path continues to intertwine with Matt's. The repeated encounters and the unexplainable pull you feel toward him have started to test your patience.
In your moments of frustration, you can't help but wonder if there's some higher force at play, orchestrating these seemingly chance encounters. It feels as if the universe itself is teasing you, nudging you toward a connection that you're not sure you're ready for.
Your eyes shift from the ceiling, bringing your attention back to the present moment. An intriguing mix of annoyance and curiosity swirls within you as you find yourself once again in close proximity to Matt. The mysterious dance of fate continues to weave its threads, leaving you uncertain about the significance of these encounters.
Your nervousness is palpable. The weight of anticipation settles upon your shoulders, making every beat of your heart resound in your ears. Matt's heightened senses come alive. His heightened hearing tunes into the rhythm of your heartbeat, the subtle scent that lingers around you, and even the nervous energy in the movement of your bouncing leg. It's as if he's attuned to every aspect of your presence, effortlessly picking up on the signals that betray your inner state.
It's as if Matt has unlocked a hidden dimension of perception, attuned to the nuances that others overlook. At this moment, he becomes an observer of your inner world, effortlessly deciphering the signals that betray your emotions. His acute senses offer him glimpses into your state of mind, painting an intricate portrait of your presence.
But for you, this silent exchange remains unknown. Lost in your thoughts, you are oblivious to the fact that your every heartbeat, every scent, and every nervous movement is meticulously captured by his extraordinary perception. Your inner struggles become part of a symphony that plays only for him, a delicate dance of emotions that silently unfolds.
"Mr. Murdock, we're waiting," the judge's voice breaks the silence, his commanding presence urging Matt to refocus his attention on the courtroom. Matt quickly offers his apologies, "Sorry, Your Honor."
Taking a deep breath, Matt sighs, his body shifting slightly as he gathers his thoughts. He speaks with an air of exasperation, his voice smooth as velvet, each word carrying weight. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, forgive me if I seem distracted. Lately, I've found myself preoccupied with questions of morality, of right and wrong, of good and evil."
There's a pause, as if the room holds its breath, anticipating his next words. Matt's confidence fills the air, his voice resonating with conviction. "Sometimes, the delineation between the two is a sharp line, clearly defined. Sometimes, it's a blur, difficult to discern. And often, it's like pornography. You just know it when you see it."
A ripple of laughter ripples through the courtroom, the tension momentarily lifted by Matt's skillful infusion of humor. Even you, caught up in the gravity of the moment, can't help but let a smile escape your lips.
"A man is dead," Matt continues, his tone shifting to one of solemnity, "I don't mean to make light of that fact. But these questions, these questions… are vital ones… because they tether us to each other… to humanity. Not everyone feels this way. Not everyone sees the sharp line, only the blur.”
His words hang in the air, their weight resonating within the courtroom. "A man is dead," Matt begins, his voice measured and deliberate. He pauses, allowing the gravity of those words to sink in. Licking his lips, he emphasizes the point once more, "A man is dead. And my client, John Healy, took his life. This is not in dispute. It is a matter of record, of fact. And facts have no moral judgment. They merely state what is, not what we think of them, not what we feel. They just are."
As the room listens intently, Matt shifts his stance, "What was in my client's heart when he took Mr. Prohaska's life, whether he is a good man or something else entirely, is irrelevant," he asserts. "These questions of good and evil, as important as they are, have no place in a court of law. Only the facts matter."
Matt gestures towards Healy, making his point clear. "My client claims he acted in self-defense. Mr. Prohaska's associates have refused to make a statement regarding the incident. The only other witness, a frightened young woman, has stated that my client was pleasant and friendly, and that she only saw the struggle with Mr. Prohaska after it had started. Those are the facts. Based on these, and these alone, the prosecution has failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client was not acting solely in self-defense. And those, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, are the facts."
He takes a few steps away from the jury, gesturing to Healy once more. "My client, based purely on the sanctity of the law which we've all sworn an oath to uphold, must be acquitted of these charges," Matt declares. His voice carries conviction and determination. "Now, beyond these walls," he points upwards, alluding to a higher being, "he may well face a judgment of his own making. But here, in this courtroom, the judgment is yours and yours alone."
Returning to his seat, Matt concludes his closing argument, leaving the jury to contemplate their decision. As you sit there, impressed by his eloquence and the strength of his words, you watch the jury's expressions shift, each member deep in thought. The weight of their responsibility is evident, as they hold the power to determine the fate of John Healy.
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As the judge enters the courtroom and takes her seat, signaling for everyone to be seated, a sense of anticipation fills the air. You observe the room, taking note of the individuals present. That's when a tall Caucasian man with glasses and curly hair takes a seat next to you. His neat and tidy appearance suggests a person with a strict schedule and a methodical approach to life. Your attention shifts to Matt, noticing his slight head tilt in your direction, indicating his keen listening to the man's wristwatch.
An envelope is handed to the judge, who proceeds to open and read its contents. "Madam Foreperson, it's my understanding from this note that you have been unable to reach a verdict," she states. The old lady among the jury stands and confirms, "We have not, Your Honor."
Your eyes widen in surprise. The jury is hung, and an Allen Charge is issued. The judge addresses the courtroom, emphasizing the importance of the case and the significant investment of time, effort, money, and emotional strain for both the defense and prosecution. She highlights the potential consequences of a failure to reach a verdict, explaining that the case would remain open and might need to be retried. The judge further emphasizes that another trial would only increase costs without any guarantee of a better or more exhaustive outcome.
Your gaze shifts to Matt, who has removed his glasses, revealing a resigned expression. Your eyebrows furrow in disbelief. They should have won. At that moment, the man sitting next to you leans over and whispers, "One hell of a trial, hm?" You glance at him and nod, acknowledging the intensity and complexity of the situation.
As the courtroom empties and the trial comes to an end, you stand alongside the others, preparing to leave and hoping to avoid any encounters with Matt. The man who had been seated next to you earlier has already departed. Taking a moment to gather yourself, you step out of the courtroom doors, relieved to be away from the tense atmosphere.
Just as you're about to make your way out of the courthouse, a distant voice calls out your name. Turning in its direction, you see a woman approaching with her young daughter, their faces filled with a mix of gratitude and hope. You recognize them as Amanda and Lily, a mother and daughter who had been victims of abuse at the hands of Amanda's ex-husband.
Amanda approaches you, her eyes welling with tears, and asks for a hug. Overwhelmed by the emotions of the day, you embrace her tightly, holding back tears of your own. She expresses her heartfelt thanks, explaining that she had tried to contact you before but was prevented from doing so due to safety concerns. She tells you that her abuser, Mark, is now behind bars, and it's all thanks to your intervention and support.
Feeling humbled, you try to downplay your role, telling Amanda that you were just doing your job. But she insists, her voice filled with conviction, "No, you did so much more than that. You helped us find safety and gave us the courage to fight back. You're our hero."
As Amanda speaks, Lily, her seven-year-old daughter, tugs at your pants, clutching her stuffed animal tightly. You crouch down to her level, and she looks at you with wide, grateful eyes. Holding up her stuffed animal, she says with a shy smile, "This is Mr. Cuddles. He wants to say thank you too. You're our superhero."
Touched by their words, a tear or two slips down your cheeks. You shake your head in disbelief, feeling honored to have played a part in their journey toward healing and safety. "You know," you say, your voice filled with emotion as you tuck a strand of her hair, "Lily's bravery and your strength, were the true superpowers that brought us here today."
Unbeknownst to you, Matt and Foggy have been silently observing the heartfelt interaction from a distance. Foggy's face is adorned with a small smile, finding solace in witnessing the positive impact you've had on the lives of others. Meanwhile, Matt stands nearby, wearing his glasses once again and clutching his cane. His heightened senses detect a familiar presence, prompting a mix of suspicion and intrigue. He ponders the curious coincidence of crossing paths with you once more, wondering what it could mean in the grand scheme of things.
After bidding farewell to the mother and daughter, you embrace them one last time, cherishing the connection you've forged. As you lift your gaze, your heart skips a beat when you spot Matt standing alongside his associate, silently observing your interaction. Sensing a surge of emotions, you swiftly turn on your heels and hasten your steps, eager to put some distance between yourself and the courthouse.
As you navigate the bustling streets of the city, a sense of solace washes over you amid the crowd. You reassure yourself that Matt remains unaware of your true identity and abilities. In his perception, you are simply a volunteer at the church, a passing acquaintance. However, an unsettling tremor of unease creeps into your thoughts, causing your senses to heighten. The nagging feeling of being watched lingers, evoking a shiver down your spine.
Casting a fleeting glance over your shoulder, you quicken your steps in an attempt to shake off the eerie sensation. The bustling crowd provides no answers, leaving you to dismiss the feeling as mere paranoia. Determined to carry on, you refocus your attention straight ahead, your sights set on reaching the church and delving into the paperwork clasped tightly in your hands.
Unbeknownst to you, Matt's curiosity had been piqued by your encounters and his instincts led him to silently trail your steps. Though you had committed no wrongdoing and had demonstrated your dedication to the community, his blind trust in his senses drove him to observe you from a distance. With each measured tap of his cane, creating a familiar rhythm, pedestrians instinctively made way for him as he kept a careful ear on your movements, unable to retract the decision to follow once it had been set in motion.
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Stepping into the hallowed sanctuary of the church, a sense of tranquility washes over you. The soft glow of candlelight dances on the walls, casting an ethereal ambiance. The faithful, lost in their prayers, offer a gentle backdrop of silence.
With reverence, you navigate through the aisles, careful not to disturb those seeking solace. The weight of the files pressed against your chest serves as a reminder of the important work that lies ahead. Determined, you make your way towards Clinton's church office, a sanctuary within the sanctuary.
Inside the office, the familiar scent of aging books and polished wood greets you, creating an atmosphere of quiet industry. You settle in, placing the files on the desk before you, ready to dive into the tasks that await. But first, you take a moment to offer a silent prayer of your own, seeking guidance and strength to fulfill your responsibilities within the sacred walls of the church.
Lost in your work, the minutes slip away unnoticed. The rhythmic tapping of keys on your laptop fills the room, creating a sense of productivity and focus. It's only when a sudden knock interrupts your concentration that you jolt in surprise, nearly toppling over in your chair. 
Your eyes widen as you take in the sight of Matthew Murdock standing before you. The unexpected encounter catches you off guard, leaving you momentarily speechless. Matt takes a few steps closer, concern etched on his features, and asks if you're okay.
Blinking rapidly, you find your voice, though it betrays a hint of nervousness as you stand up, "Uh, yes, I'm fine. Just startled. Is there something I can help you with? Are you looking for Father Lantom?"
A charming smile graces Matt's face, causing a flutter in your chest. He responds, his voice smooth and captivating, "Actually, I wanted to speak with you."
Slightly leaning back, skepticism tugs at your brows, "Me? What about?"
Matt's smile remains unwavering, seemingly attuned to the subtle changes in your physiology. His heightened senses pick up on the rapid rise of your breath and the accelerated rhythm of your heart. As he takes in your scent, a mixture of nervousness and natural pheromones, his smile widens further.
"My friend and partner, Foggy, and I happened to overhear your conversation with the mother and her daughter," Matt reveals, his voice resonating with warmth and sincerity. "We were deeply moved by your dedication to helping those in need, people like her."
His words hang in the air, carrying a sense of genuine admiration and shared purpose. Matt's ability to perceive the nuances in your demeanor adds an air of intrigue to his presence. “Both of us, we’d like to offer our legal services in those cases. Pro bono if necessary.”
You find yourself momentarily lost for words, your mind racing as you grasp the card in your hands. You notice the intricate details, including the raised braille text, a thoughtful addition that resonates with you. Your fingers glide over the bumps, feeling the embossed characters as if trying to decipher the tactile message they convey.
A soft smile forms on your lips as you finally look up at Matt, gratitude and a touch of curiosity gleaming in your eyes. "Thank you," you say sincerely, your voice filled with appreciation. "I'll be sure to keep this card safe and reach out if the need arises."
The electric connection you felt when your fingers briefly brushed lingers in the air, leaving an indelible impression on your senses. You tuck the card into your pocket, holding onto the promise it represents.
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You balanced the phone between your ear and shoulder, deftly maneuvering through the remaining dishes as you washed them. The sound of running water created a soothing backdrop to your conversation with Claire.
"Claire, I'm calling to see if I can come over with the wine tonight, the one I bought last time around?" you asked, your voice filled with anticipation. The children had just finished dinner, and now it was time for some well-deserved relaxation and catching up with your friend.
A warm chuckle resonated through the phone as Claire responded, "Yes, please! Oh, and you definitely owe me an explanation for the whole invisible thing you've got going on." Her playful tone brought a smile to your face, the familiarity of her teasing banter comforting.
Snorting softly, you replied, "It's actually more complicated than that. But sure, I'll be there in a few minutes."
As you hung up the phone, you glanced around the clean kitchen, satisfied with the completed task. Drying your hands on a nearby towel, you turned to see Sister Maggie, the ever-watchful presence in the church, smiling at you.
You rolled your eyes affectionately, knowing she had overheard your conversation. Sister Maggie's caring tone reached your ears as she said, "Be sure to bring some bread and cheese for her."
A genuine smile graced your lips, appreciating Sister Maggie's thoughtfulness. You nodded in agreement. "Of course," you replied, your voice filled with gratitude. "I wouldn't forget." With a sense of warmth and anticipation, you gathered the necessary provisions, ready to share an evening of laughter and friendship with Claire.
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With the strap of your purse on your shoulder, a bottle of wine held firmly in one hand, while the aroma of freshly baked goods and cheese wafted from the bag in your other hand. Stepping up to Claire's front door, you raised your hand and knocked, the sound echoing in the quiet evening.
As the door swung open, Claire greeted you with a warm smile, her eyes flickering with curiosity. "Hey! Come on in," she said, stepping back to allow you entry into her cozy apartment.
Upon seeing your arrival, concern was etched across her face. Claire's voice held a touch of worry as she asked, "Did you walk here?" She knew all too well the dangers of traversing the city streets alone, especially after dark.
Shaking your head, you reassured her, "God, no. I took a cab." The thought of walking all the way from the church to her place seemed daunting, even for someone as independent as you. With the brief moment of concern dissipating, the two of you entered the inviting space, ready to unwind, share stories, and savor the simple joys of good company and delightful treats.
As the evening unfolded and a couple of glasses of wine were enjoyed with the cat curled up on your lap, happily purring as you stroked the soft black fur. You found yourself sharing more about your unique abilities with Claire. With a mixture of excitement and caution, you explained the essence of your illusion powers, drawing from your personal experiences and knowledge.
"I have these... abilities," you began, your voice tinged with a sense of wonder. "I can create illusions, like visual and auditory tricks that can deceive people's senses. It's as if I can bend reality and make things appear different from what they really are."
Claire's eyes widened with intrigue, her curiosity growing. She leaned closer, eager to learn more. "That's incredible," she exclaimed, her voice filled with fascination. "How did you discover this? Have you learned to control it?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts, reflecting on your journey of self-discovery. "I had a mentor, but it took time to understand and harness this power," you replied. "Through practice and exploration, I've learned to control and manipulate the illusions to some extent. It's an ongoing process, but I think I’m getting better at it."
Claire nodded, absorbing the information with genuine interest. "That's amazing," she said, a smile playing on her lips. "You have a truly unique gift. I can only imagine the incredible things you can do with it."
You couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and comfort as Claire expressed her acceptance and awe towards your abilities. It was a rare opportunity to share this part of yourself with someone who could understand and appreciate it.
As the scraping and rattling sounds echo through the hallway, a wave of unease washes over you and Claire. Swiftly, Claire retrieves her phone from her purse and cautiously approaches the door, peering through the peephole. After a brief moment, she exhales in relief and lets out a chuckle.
"Just some old lady with a cart full of groceries," Claire reassures, her tension easing. She descends from her tiptoes and shakes her head at the unnecessary alarm. However, unbeknownst to both of you, ominous shadows cast by an unknown figure silently creep closer through the window behind you.
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"We're doing good here, Foggy," Matt affirms, a sense of contentment evident in his voice as his friend hails a cab for himself. Foggy raises an eyebrow and counters, "Are we?" 
Matt, reaching for his phone in his blazer pocket, reassures him, "Yeah, we're making a difference." Just as he retrieves the device, it starts ringing, interrupting their conversation. Matt quickly answers the call, saying, "Hey, uh, one sec," before turning his attention back to Foggy.
"Foggy, I'll see you tomorrow," Matt states, a hint of mystery in his voice. Foggy, suspecting the reason behind the interruption, quips, "It's a girl, isn't it? You got a new phone just for your girls. My life sucks." He opens the door of the cab, ready to depart. Matt, wearing a knowing smile, bids him farewell, "Get home safe."
Finally, Matt puts the phone to his ear and greets the person on the other end, asking, "Hey, what's up?" Only to be responded with shrieking and yelling from the other end of the line.
As the Russian man held you tightly from behind, you could be heard kicking and screaming. Claire was desperately crawling across the floor, trying to reach the phone, but she was abruptly pulled back by the ankles by the second mobster.
“Claire? Claire, can you hear me?” You heard Matt's voice through the phone. You realized how much danger you and Claire were in. Your powers were about to surge when suddenly you were knocked out with the butt of a gun. You faintly heard Claire screaming your name as the two men carried you away into the night.
Matt hung up and felt his heart race with panic. He had no choice but to run into the street, folding his cane and darting into the nearest alleyway. He tossed his folded-up cane into a nearby trash bin, gaining momentum as he took a hard right and climbed atop a closed dumpster bin, before scaling over railings to get to the apartment where Claire was staying.
As he arrived at the apartment building, Matt's heart pounded in his chest, filled with worry for Claire's safety. He pushed the door open with urgency, causing it to swing violently on its hinges. Exhausted and breathless, he called out Claire's name, his voice filled with desperation.
Utilizing his heightened senses, Matt detected the faint electromagnetic waves emanating from Claire's phone. He swiftly located it and tossed it onto the table, relieved to have found it. However, the weight of his guilt and frustration overwhelmed him.
In a surge of anger, he grabbed a nearby dining chair and with a forceful swing, smashed it through the wall. The sound of splintering wood echoed through the apartment, a physical manifestation of his pent-up emotions. Matt stood there, panting heavily, as he tried to regain his composure amidst the wreckage.
Gradually, Matt's acute senses picked up on your familiar scent and presence within the apartment. The realization struck him—those men had taken you too. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders as he questioned whether he was a harbinger of danger to those he cared about.
Taking a moment to center himself, Matt focused his heightened senses on the surroundings, seeking any clues or remnants of what had transpired. The lingering aroma of wine and cheese filled the air, indicating a friendship between you and Claire. The ethereal echoes of your presence, intertwined with Claire's, intensified his concern for your safety.
Moving swiftly, Matt navigated the apartment, guided by his heightened senses. He approached the partially open window and pushed it further, allowing the sounds of Hell's Kitchen to filter in. Leaning against the window ledge, he strained his ears, listening intently to the bustling streets below, hoping to catch any hints or whispers that could lead him closer to finding you.
As Matt focused his acute hearing, he sifted through the cacophony of voices and city sounds, honing in on the distinct Russian accents that caught his attention. Amidst the chaotic symphony, he detected the muffled screams of Claire, resonating with desperation and fear.
His heart sank as he discerned the sound of a car trunk slamming shut, accompanied by the absence of your heartbeat in his aural landscape. Worry surged through him, the possibility of you being severely injured or worse weighing heavily on his mind.
Determined to rescue both you and Claire, Matt swiftly devised a plan, relying on his honed senses and agile abilities. With a resolute expression, he runs out the door, embarking on a relentless pursuit to locate the car and free you from the clutches of your captors.
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You were abruptly awoken by a frigid deluge of water splashed onto your face, bringing you to full consciousness. You find yourself with your hands bounded behind your back, encircled by Russian mobsters, and as you look around, you see Claire slumped against one of the many parked taxis, coughing out blood and clearly battered. A man approaches you and you glare at him fiercely.
"If you cooperate, we won't have to resort to violence against you, nor will we have to keep hurting her," the man said in his thick Russian accent, gesturing with a metal bat toward Claire.
You resisted the urge to activate your powers, knowing that revealing your abilities would jeopardize not only your safety but also the lives of those at Clinton Church and St. Agnes. "What the fuck do you want?" you seethed, your voice filled with defiance. The man leaned closer, gripping your chin tightly. "Tell me his name," he demanded, his tone filled with menace.
You mockingly tilted your head at him, a defiant smirk playing on your lips. "His name? Oh, you mean the guy you're so desperate to find?" you taunted, despite the dire circumstances. "Why don't you try using those brain cells of yours to figure it out? Or are you too busy relying on violence and intimidation?"
The man's grip tightened on your chin, his eyes narrowing with anger. "Don't play games with me," he growled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "You think you're clever, but you're just making this harder for yourself and your friend."
You let out a dark chuckle, unyielding in the face of his threats. "Oh, I'm not playing games. I'm just enjoying watching you squirm," you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "But let me give you a hint, tough guy. You're barking up the wrong tree."
That earns you a strike to your stomach and to the side of your face from a different man. You cough out blood and spit it out on the concrete floor. The man with the bat yells once more, “Give me his name!” To which you say nothing, merely sneeringly staring at him. This fuels his anger and his about to swing the bat to your head a man blocks it before he strikes you while saying to his fellow mobster in Russian, “Sergei… Vladimir told us not to kill her until one of them talks.”
Sergei sighs and says as he walks a few steps away from you, “This gives me no pleasure. It really doesn’t. But I have been given a job to do. So please, answer the questions that I was told to ask.” He then points the metal bat to your chest and raising it to lift your chin, “Or I will begin breaking you, a piece at a time.”
You steal a quick glance at Claire, her eyes brimming with fear and pain, silently begging you to find a solution that won't compromise Matt’s identity. Your body quivers with exhaustion, blood trickling down your head and nose from the merciless beating you endured.
With a feeble chuckle, you manage to utter, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a fracture for a fracture. The one who caused the harm should suffer the same fate. But honestly, that seems a little too fair, don't you think?" The mobsters exchange confused glances, unsure how to respond to your unexpected remark. The tension in the air grows palpable as they hesitate, momentarily thrown off balance by your defiance.
Suddenly, the lights of the taxi service garage shut down, cascading all of you in a blanket of darkness. Sergei begins demanding orders to his other men while Claire begins to laugh, “You want his name?” she says, “Ask him yourself.”
They begin to turn on the headlights of their parked taxi’s, the yellow lights barely give any visibility. Utilizing your abilities discreetly, you create subtle illusions, distorting the mobsters' perceptions. Shadows dance and figures appear in the corners of their vision, distracting them from the real threat.
As Matt moves with astonishing agility and precision, the mobsters swing their weapons blindly, striking nothing but empty air. With each swing and bullet they waste, they grow more frustrated and disoriented, falling prey to the illusions you strategically place in their line of sight.
One mobster, driven by anger and desperation, charges towards Matt, unaware of the trap that awaits him. You project a convincing illusion of a wall directly in the assailant's path, causing him to crash into it with a resounding thud.
Seizing the opportunity, Matt springs into action, his enhanced senses guiding his every move. He swiftly incapacitates one mobster after another, his punches and kicks landing with calculated accuracy. The sound of bones cracking and groans of pain fill the air as the fight intensifies.
In the midst of the chaos, you continue to manipulate the shadows, obscuring your presence and diverting attention away from Matt's relentless onslaught. The mobsters, bewildered by the illusions, struggle to differentiate between reality and deception. With each passing moment, the tide of the battle shifts in Matt's favor. His acrobatic maneuvers and precise strikes leave the mobsters battered and defeated.
As the exhaustion and physical strain reached their peak, you found yourself unable to maintain your balance, even while bound to the chair. Dizziness engulfed your senses, and waves of nausea washed over you relentlessly.
Claire's panicked voice filled the room, desperately calling out your name, but your body refused to respond. Despite your best efforts to stay conscious, the overwhelming fatigue won the battle, and you succumbed to unconsciousness, slumped in the chair, your head hanging forward.
Bound and helpless, you drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep, unaware of the chaos unfolding around you.
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As you slowly regained consciousness, the sound of muffled voices reached your ears. Fluttering your eyes open, you found yourself greeted by the familiar figures of Sister Maggie and Father Lantom. A mixture of relief and apprehension washed over you as you tried to gather your thoughts.
Anxiety consumed you, and you blurted out, "Does Matt know? Does he know about me?" Your heart raced, fearing that your secret involvement with Matt's nightly activities had been exposed.
Father Lantom, his expression calm and understanding, shook his head gently, as if he had anticipated your concerns. He reassured you, "No, he doesn't know. We brought you here to ensure your safety. Matt dropped you off with us."
A wave of relief washes over you, your tense muscles finally relaxing. You nod, grateful that your secret remains intact. However, a hint of frustration lingers in Sister Maggie's voice as she voices her concerns about your willingness to put your life on the line for someone who remains oblivious to your assistance. She questions the fairness of your sacrifice.
"I don't understand," Sister Maggie says, her tone filled with frustration. "You're risking everything for Matt, and he doesn't even know the extent of your involvement. Is it truly fair to endanger yourself while he remains unaware?"
Taking a deep breath, you gather your resolve. You sense a hidden reason to Sister Maggie's concerns, but your conviction remains unshaken. In your determined voice, you reply, "Sister Maggie, sometimes doing what's right requires taking risks, even if it means staying hidden in the shadows. I believe in the greater cause, in fighting for justice, even if my efforts go unnoticed. Matt is out there every night, putting himself in harm's way for this city. It's only right that I do my part, even if it remains unknown to him. I trust that my support, can make a difference."
Sister Maggie's expression softens, a mix of concern and admiration in her eyes. She nods, realizing the strength of your conviction. "I understand your perspective," she says, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself. The path you've chosen is a challenging one."
You meet Sister Maggie's gaze, determination burning in your eyes. "I promise, Sister. I'll do everything I can to stay safe. But I won't stop fighting for what's right."
With a nod of understanding, Sister Maggie gently embraces you, her silent support and belief in your cause reinforcing your determination. You know the road ahead will be treacherous, but your resolve remains unyielding. You are the silent guardian, the hidden ally, fighting for justice from the shadows, even if it means sacrificing recognition and remaining unknown to the one you assist.
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Whoever invented 7am to 6pm classes with a one hour break being 12pm-1pm… I hope you never have a working charger and that you always get stuck in traffic. And know that I haven’t prayed in a while but I literally started to pray for an asteroid to come and hit me bcs I was completely exhausted today and I wasn’t totally sure if any of this makes sense… yay!
Obviously, Matt isn’t all that stupid. He’s more than likely going to check on you in a few days but like discreetly, not in a way he knows something had happened. Claire eventually has to leave but there’s obv a few things in between to tie up some loose ends.
When I got home I just sat in the shower and stared at the tiles for a good half-hour because yes, I was that tired. 10/10 would recommend.
Tbh, when I started this series I was like, hrm what if I just skip S1, S2, and immediately jump to S3. Yeah… nope.
Okay idk who reads this but yeah, I love you guys. You literally deserve all the good in the universe. <3
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