#My well wishes have come true I am a super lucky person
hajihiko · 1 year
remember to drink water and have a good day :)
I'm about to go stoned movie watching & I had a cheap dinner and mozzarella sticks & vibed with people at work! It WAS a very good day ty
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aqua-dan · 6 months
Fav artist for Garth?
I have been thinking about this ask for multiple hours, and I am unsure if I can pick a true favorite because there are so many wonderful artists who have drawn Garth over the years! However, I think I built a pretty solid list of my top 5 artists for Garth (oops!), so here goes:
#1: Phil Jimenez
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I have so much love for the way he draws (and writes) Garth! Of every artist out there, I feel he has the most love for drawing Garth and I can feel that care and attention to detail in all his work. I am absolutely in love with the way he draws Garth's expressions too! He allows him to have exaggerated expressions and really allow us to feel the emotions of the story through the art. He's not afraid of showing him in painful and less than idealistic moments, and allows his face to reflect that. I think it's something that a lot of current comic book artists shy away from for fear of making characters look "ugly." But Jimenez goes all in on it and still makes Garth look stunning 24/7!
#2: Ramona Fradon
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Ramona Fradon was one of the co-creators of Garth, and was, in my opinion, one of the most incredible people in the comic's art industry. She sadly passed away last month at age 97, and she only just announced her retirement from art a month prior to her passing. Her influence on the industry, especially for female artists, was monumental, and her art style stood out so uniquely amongst others. I've always loved how fantastical her art is. She creates fascinating underwater creatures and has an absolutely precious way of drawing Garth. I appreciate that she made the decision to draw him looking as young as he was at the time, especially since a lot of other teen sidekicks were drawn to look older. I feel very lucky that I was able to get a piece of art from her (the first pic in this section!) around the time of her passing. I will treasure it forever!
#3: Nick Cardy
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There is something so charming about the way that Nick Cardy draws Garth! There's a simplicity and retro feeling to it that comes off as so fun! I don't know exactly what it is about his art, but it always makes me smile!
4: Mark Buckingham
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Buckingham's style is like if "stretch and squash animation" was a static art style, and I LOVE it. It looks so funky and bouncy and expressive! It's one of those styles that I don't think everyone loves, but it really works for me and makes the comics extremely enjoyable to read for the art alone! It's not super polished and has some rough edge qualities, but that's precisely why I like it!
5: Lucas Meyer
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Meyer is a newcomer in the scene of comics, but WOW! I am not immune to how gorgeous his art style is. I'm so happy that he's been named the ongoing artist for the current series! (Even if I can't get good writing, I'll at least take the nice art!) I think his style is so clean and pretty. I do wish that he went more "all-in" on expressions sometimes, as I do feel that his characters all look slightly generically pretty and don't emote particularly much. That said, the art is undeniably gorgeous, and he's already skyrocketed himself up onto my personal favorites list despite only starting with DC in 2022.
I do have a few honorable mentions as well, which include: Ivan Reis and George Perez.
There have been plenty of artists who did a great job, but these are my personal favorites! Thank you so much for the ask!
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madame-fear · 1 year
Tag five moots that you admire, love, and adore - and type out why you love em so much, too! Let's say a nice word or two about those in the fandom and genuinely spread some good vibes!
Tag five people when you're done❤️ Let's spread some good vibes!
Only 5?! Damn it, i will break the rules and tag 7 because i say so! Alrighttt, here it goes; thank you so so much nonnie! 💜💙
@damatheirin :
Esto era de esperarse, no? Siempre mi número uno. 👀💜💙 I love you more than anything because not only you are my one and only best friends, but because you always understood how I thought, you never dismissed all my feelings no matter how high or low I felt, sticked by my side in all situations, and we passed through bad situations together. You are like my big sister, and words or actions aren’t enough to express how deeply I love and admire you. Even if I am a bit weird when it comes to expressing feelings, I just hope you know how lucky I feel to have you in my life, and cherish our friendship. Te amo muchísimo, mi tonta! 😍💞💞
@sabrinasstar :
Mel, my love! Alright so we are just recently really knowing each other and talking often, but I just want you to know that I deeply appreciate you, my dear! You are the sweetest, most funny girl I ever met! Your memes and your way of behaving makes me laugh a lot, and I love it when you share your personal things with me! I also love the enthusiasm you share for my stories, and i love returning you the favour because I just get too happy when I see your comments. Ily! 💜💙
@capellaadara :
My dear Carlo, your messages, comments, and ask boxes ALWAYS bring a smile to my face no matter what they are about. You are the most positive person I ever met on the HotD fandom, and I truly am glad to have met and befriended you. I deeply cherish the friendship we have, and you always make me so joyful with your sweet words, calm self, and how cheery/colourful you are! I hope you receive all the good vibes in the world, and receive all the best that you give. 💜💙
@amiraisgoingthruit :
Fellow Amira! Just like with my other mutual Mel, we are just beginning to know each other. But either way, I truly adore the way you so amazingly write your fics! And you are super incredibly sweet person that makes me glad to know you feel included and loved whenever I send you messages. You are amazing and very much loved, keep up the amazing work! You are a true delight of a mutual, and I mean it genuinely 💜💙
@hopelesswritergall :
Mir my love, we also just met (yesterday, funny enough!). But even so, I can tell you are a very amazing person and very sweet as well! You immediatly made me feel comfortable when we started talking, and I’m grateful we could share a few things about one another. Never let anything or anyone put you down! You are marvellous 💜💙
@jacevelaryonswife :
Ella my darling! One of my first mutuals in the HotD fandom. I absolutely always adored your way of writing, and the way you are so sweet and genuinely understanding. You are very kind and nice to everyone that places themselves upon your blog, and not only that, but your profile is so beautifully aesthetic! Thank you for everything, truly. I am glad I met you, Rebeca (Dama), and also @faces-ofvenus. Ilyyy sweetie girl, i fangirl when you give me a nickname. 💜💙
@manuholland6 :
Manu! I am so glad we did that Elliot Grihault page together. Even if I don’t interact much with the HotD/Elliot content like I used to do (for some reasons), I still always feel happy when I see you tag me in the fanpage we decided to make, and help our accounts mutually grow. You are so very sweet, cute and lovely! I wish I could hug you tightly. 💜💙
tagging! : @damatheirin @elusive-honeydew @patisilence @amiraisgoingthruit @captainsophiestark @simp-aholic
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arcticmonkeysx · 4 months
Part 2!!!
Eating mindfully is perhaps the most important tip I have… so don’t do things like watch tv or go on ur phone when u eat- that’s oftentimes what leads to mindless eating and binges!! It’s very important that whenever possible, u try to be as present as u can when ur eating anything, because the more in touch with ur mind & the present moment u are, the less likely it is that u will binge. It’s very hard personally for me to binge when I’m focusing on my food. Some tips I have for mindful eating are: eat with your non dominant hand (breaks the habitual aspect of eating, makes u more present in the moment & focuses ur brain on the action of eating), close ur eyes while u eat and focus on everything u can taste (I love doing this! I’m not one to genuinely enjoy food but when I do this, I feel like it’s the closest I get to having a true appreciation for the tastes), EAT SLOWLYYY!!! Savor it! You deserve to enjoy food!!! Chew thoroughly (helps with digestion too as well as just being a nice balance in comparison to eating suuuuper fast / binging) have some sips of water or take deep breaths in between bites to ground urself, eat outside, don’t eat in bed or on the couch- i like to sit on the floor when i eat bc it personally helps me digest better but it’s also a lot harder for me to shovel in food without thought when im not laying on the bed or couch. PRACTICE GRATITUDE FOR EVERY MEAL- food is a gift, and we are so lucky to even be able to eat at all! When we binge, we don’t think about what we are truly doing like we should in the moment, and food becomes something to satisfy our cravings or emotional desires rather than something to be enjoyed, appreciated, and cherished. So saying thank you before every single thing u eat or taking a few moments to pause and quietly reflect on the gratitude ur able to have for everything u eat is super important both for being mindful and just in general! After a binge, I like to try as hard as possible to switch my mindset from negative things like “I hate myself, I’m so disgusting” etc to “I’m so grateful to even have the privilege to have so much food to be able to consume.” That personally really helps me. I also like to do light yoga after a binge or when I get the temptation to binge, I try to practice yoga to get me more grounded in the moment, or take deep breaths, go outside, journal or any other mindful activity that works for u! The most important thing is staying present in the moment and in ur body. Binging is what happens when we feel disconnected, so it’s really crucial to practice mindfulness as much as u can!! Prioritizing ur health is such an important key in preventing binges, because when u truly care about ur mental & physical wellbeing, it honestly becomes a lot harder to treat ur body like that. I don’t have specific advice on that because I think it needs to come from a place of genuine care for urself and motivation, but it’s definitely possible to achieve that. And it’s really essential to identify ur binge triggers emotionally speaking. Notice when u have thoughts of binging- does it happen when ur bored or sad or angry or anything else? Binging is the result of emotional imbalance and it’s sooo key to get to the root of that in order to prevent them! Identifying food triggers is also very important but I would say is secondary to the emotional roots.
Though it might sound impossible, try and not be too hard on urself if u do binge, we are all human and these things happen! It’s all part of the experience and we’re just honestly so lucky to even be here at all.. every day is a gift that many did not get to receive and if nothing else, try to be grateful for that :) I hope this helped some and I really am wishing u all the best and remember that breaking the habit of binging is not something that will likely happen overnight, so just take it easy on urself and give urself the grace that u can, because any effort to improve is worth celebrating!
Also, PLEASE only take what applies to u and leave what doesn’t. I can only speak from my own personal experience and though I believe a lot of this is pretty universally sound, what works for u is going to end up being entirely personal and dependent on ur own life and ur body! Idk ur health history but if u have a history of anything like diabetes or other illnesses then definitely please double check me on some of the specific foods I recommended - it’s also good to fact check info too. I’m human & don’t know everything! I just know what’s helped me and I’m hoping it can help you too. All the best!
Love, 🤍
thank you so much 🥹
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akugyu · 2 years
you all are never going to believe what day it is, today. if you guessed monday, you’re wrong. it’s @pixelwisp ‘s creation day! so be prepared for a lot to happen. mainly, some soft things that i hardly find myself saying, that’s gross, i know right? but also, some best birth wishes from her ultimate favorites.
hello, my darling dearest bestest friend (already sappy, stab me now). i don’t often show my true apperication for you, nor do i discuss the things that you’ve helped me through-- i really should start doing that more. in my eyes, you’re underrated by so many people. whether it be as a content ceator, as a person, or as my friend. you are. when you first reached out to me, and invited me to that hellscape, i was in a really weird place. despite it being, in fact, a hellscape, it really helped me. i was on the verge of no longer wanting to be a content creator, and lay down the career path that i had chosen for myself. being there, meeting you, and being introduced to all of the people and the good friends that i have now, reignited so much love and passion within me and i will forever be grateful for all of that. you truly will never have any idea on how much it helped me.
aside from that, you’ve stuck by my side since then. not only have you seen the highs and lows, but also the worst and best sides of me. despite the actual mess i can be sometimes, you choose to be one of the greatest friends i have ever had. you showed me what friends are supposed to be, and that it’s okay to be open with one another. that it’s okay to not be okay, and need a shoulder to lean on sometimes. that it’s okay to feel stuck, and unwell, and just seek comfort in the form of a friend. a lot of the reason why i’ve gotten better in life, with myself and my relationships at least, is because of you helping to give me advice and try to steer me in the right direction (even though i am a stuborrn asshat sometimes-- it’s the only time i’ll admit it.) my point being, you’ve been a beacon of genuine happiness in my life. whether that being the fact that we vc as often as humanly possible, harassing each other, digging into crack lore for genshin impact, shitting ourselves over being incompetent at videogames, or... just talking. no matter what it is that we do together, it brings me joy.
so, thank you for the year(s) of friend we’ve had thus far, and thank you for the years of friendship that is to come. i can’t wait until our apartment is full of incoherent screaming, friendly fire, and just postive vibes. <3 i hope that you have had the most wonderful day that a person can have on their birthday. you truly deserve it, bub. i love you so much... not only do i love you, but so many others do too. let’s here from them, shall we?
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@larkspyrr : Happy birthday! This morning I went for a walk in the woods to forage some of your favorite flowers and nuts and things... or well, I tried to, but I couldn't find that much, and so I bought some snacks from this merchant in an alley over by the blacksmith. They said they had some really rare specialties for super cheap, only a few thousand mora each! Lucky, right? I also bought this holy water from Springvale, the nice man I got it from said that it will make you feel really refreshed and powerful. You're just really great and one of my favorite people so I wanted to make sure I got you a bunch of stuff to let you know how glad I am that you were born. Oh, and this one here is my favorite! It was all I could find in the woods. It's a really, really pretty matsutake mushroom - I mean, I think it is... I... maybe don't eat that one, actually.
@karamfilmare : Happy birthday! Today, I spent some time trying to figure a gift, and I think I figured it out... let's see, no, not this one...aha! Here, it's a mechanical ball that activates little tunes when in contact with the different elements! I hope you like it. It's a good use of my Spantamad studies, don't you think? Anyway, I hope your day is going well! We should go to your favorite tavern at some point to celebrate.
@akugyu : Oi! Wake up! Hello? *taps your forehead* Anybody in there?! Oh, hey! There you are... Happy Birthday! I know you must be exhausted from last night. What do you mean you don't remember last night? Oh, haha... About that. We went to the tavern last night, you had one too many, so I let you crash here! Besides, I figured I could make you a nice herbal tea to fix that hangover and we could go find some of Port Ormos’ merchants! That sounds exciting right? Anyways... Happy day of birth, friend!
Kazuha: Hey sleepy. Finally awake, I see. You know what today is, don’t you? Don’t tell me you forgot... It’s your birthday. Happy Birthday! I have a very special day planned for us. First, I was thinking that I could take you around Liyue Habor and let you buy a few things from some shops. I know you’ve been eying a few books recently. It’s on me. I’m not much of a planner, as you know... but I hope that a peaceful dinner by the ocean with me, to watch the waves and the stars up above is sufficient enough for you. I wish to make the best out of today, so that my ears may be full of your laughter and enjoyment.
Atsumu: HEY! Why didn’t you pick up the phone?! Ugh, now I have to leave a lame voicemail, c’mon... I know you were real upset about me being out of town on your birthday- believe me, so was I. Buttttt~ I managed to pull some strings, and make it back just in time. So I need you to hurry up and listen to this message, so you can come open the door for me! I miss your beautiful face, I can’t wait to kiss you again. SO COME ON WILL YA?
Megumi: I know that you aren’t very fond of birthdays, or, yours, I guess... So I decided to write you this letter instead of making it a big deal. Kugisaki suggested this, something about it being romantic. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I couldn’t ever see myself being, whats the word, excited? No. I’m not really sure. I just know you make me happy, and I can be myself with you, and I’m thankful for that. Never stop being you, okay? You’re perfect the way that you are. Love you.
Keigo: My my. Another birthday has come up! How exciting... So? You ready to be a milf, baby? KIDDING! Kinda... (You would definitely be a milf, though. Just saying.) I bought you this dress that I thought you would look stunning in. Maybe that was selfish, but I only want the best for my girl. When you see this note, you’ve got one hour. We have dinner reservations tonight, and no, before you yell at me, I won’t make them sing happy birthday to you. See you soon, doll. -Yours Truly <3
Akutagawa: Noé, why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday? That’s something I thought that your signficant other was supposed to know... I found out from Chuuya and Dazai, and their loud ass mouths. I guess it doesn’t matter now, because I am giving you no choice. Don’t even waste your breath responding to this text, I am already on my way to your place, and I ordered your favorite take out; the sushi is on its way. We will be having a stay at home date night. I love you... idiot.
NOW, GATHER AROUND FOR THE PHOTO GALLERY! aka the best moments of me versus noe, thus far in this blossoming, moronic, friendship.
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im a beauty
im one and only
im perfection
no one can take their eyes off of me
im a memorable person
no one forgets me even if they take a small glance
everyone wishes to be me
everyone wishes to have such a perfect life like me
im successful
im a valedictorian
my body is to die for
im the first millionaire in my familt
i drown in cash
i can literally buy everything i want
my money is limitless
my house is huge and beautiful
my house is so dreamy
everyone is jealous of my perfect life, body and brain
im the smartest person among my friends
everyone envies me
im married to him.
no one can take him away from me
he only has eyes for me
he wants to spoil me every chance he gets, and does indeed spoils me
he wants to touch me, kiss me, hug me every chance he gets
he loves me
hes in love with me
hes infatuated with me
he's blind to others
he proposed to me on a full moon night at the beach
he has written many, many songs about me
i reside in Australia, Sydney with my hubby CB
i visited over 20+ countries, and continue to do so in my entire life
we had two weddings, one in his hometown and other in mine
he proposed to me on the same beach we always met up
we have 3 kids, a girl and two twin boys
we visited Jeju Island for our honeymoon
he loves my body, my personality, my soul and flaws. he loves everything about me
its never a dull moment with each other
we have so many things in common. like music, movies, foods etc..
we are compatible each and every way
he's my twin flame, my divine partner, my soulmate and my lover in every and past life
i have a very BIG social life and circle
my best is Hermes, and we're best friends for life
nothing can destroy our friendship
i never had a seizure after 2024, never
i frequent to gym
i love myself
i love my beauty
i have achieved everything i wanted in life
i have a job as an hostess and i earn super well
i am SO lucky
EVERYTHING works out for me
all i seek is seeking me
i dont chase, i attract
im a money magnet
EVERYTHING works out in my favor
as soon as i desire something, its already MINE
NOTHING can hinder or delay my manifestations and my desires
other people are POWERLESS compared to me
i ALWAYS get the BEST outcome possible
my subconscious knows the best
i know, right? my life is a dream come true.
0 notes
humansun · 2 years
Written December 14th, 2022 at 12:26AM
Hi. I love being alone and the time I get to myself gives me an asston of energy. I think my mood is frustration on the fact that I have had no solid stool in the past twelve hours and that I haven’t had a chance to be by myself.
The time I have to myself means I get to take a moment to stop time and focus on my existence. It means I can meditate, write, and read. Reading is such a great way to get away, because I’m clearly invested in something and it gives me an excuse to not talk to anyone while entertaining and educating myself on a story.
What I’ve been thinking about today is a fear of not being able to change into the person I want to be. I feel as though the problems I’ve navigating today are problems that I’ve come across in my life before, and it scares me that I am not able to overcome them or address them more productively than in the past.
The truth is though, I don’t think it’s true. I know I am changing for the better and I’ll continue to get better because there are moments in my life where I witness the change and feel gratitude for it. Without meditating each day, it takes effort to recognize my existence and genuinely live in the moment. It’s difficult to, but I am absolutely trying.
Another weird feeling I’m grappling with is my fear that I am not a good creator or artist. That the writing I make does not contribute anything but the same lessons to the world. Just because I’m interested in something it might not mean I am good at it. It scares me because I witness how hard my sister works to make her dreams happen with the amount of talent she has and worry that I will never be as great as her. I’m afraid of not being as brave.
Even the little script I wrote feels like a failure project and that tiny writing piece is already bringing so much disappointment to my life. I think what’s important I hold on to though is that reminder from Benny. The reminder that it is my first short film script and although it’s trash and no one might see it nor like it, that I can still keep writing. I still have 75+ years to write anything I want whether anyone sees it or not and enjoy the craft for myself.
This creative journey is not a race and I shall not treat it as one. The creative journey is forever a process. One that will be vulnerable and difficult. I will not learn it in 3 months while in Vietnam. I will learn it over time and grow more ideas with each experience of my life. I can’t wait to see what’s in store and I’m so grateful to be the growing person I am. I am committed to being the best person I can be.
P.S. We watched Home Alone today and slept most of the day. I love Vietnam so much, and I love Da Nang with my whole heart.
Written December 14th, 2022 at 12:38AM
Here are some last thoughts of the day:
I feel so grateful to have the people I do in my life. I’m happy that they are the people they are as well. For example, Phoebe and all the wisdom and love she brings into my life. I think she and I fit together really well as friends because she is also a words of affirmation goddess. I’m grateful for my family in Vietnam as well, because they all have hearts of gold. They’ll do anything for their family. No matter who it is, I feel so lucky.
FLO is my most recent obsession. They’re just, everything and I love them all so much.
Water is delicious and we should all drink it as often as we can if we are afforded that privilege.
I don’t want to leave for the holidays ever again.
At the end of the day, I love being with Benny.
I’m learning a lot about family history. OMG! We were watching Vietnamese music videos today and so many of them had gay love triangles that gave me life. One of them was based on a historical account with Queen Nam Phuong. I read her whole Wikipedia page and thought she was such an awesome person in history that I wish I knew about earlier. Vietnamese history whether about family or the nation is super interesting.
0 notes
bonefries · 3 years
I rate Sigma Overwatch’s sprays from 0-10
alright lets go, just going in the order that these files come in this folder
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1000/10: Because I get to see him sitting and even though he’s thinking hard about something he’s throwing a bouncy ball to help him focus. Also his hair is particularly white here and I think thats very sexy old man of him.
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50/10: Catbox, Catboy, its all the same theory. Sigma likes catboys, not up for debate. We know why. 
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3/10: Just not fond of it. I know the sprays and their rendering gets super obscured but this one just got absolutely decimated I guess. Just being real with yall. 
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10/10: Like the shading colors, he’s smirking. Rock vaguely looks like a heart. Love that for him. 
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6/10: I just don’t like how the hat was drawn. I don’t think it needed to be there or could’ve been shaped better. Other than that decent spray. Wish he was happier looking though. 
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9/10: I have this spray as a sticker and its just very cute fsr. Its simple and the color is exquisite and nice on the eyes. 
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100000000000/10: There is something mysteriously and eerily sexy about this spray and it’s one of my favorites.  
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2/10: Just because he is my husband doesn’t mean I’m not going to be an honest man. I Highly Dislike this spray because I think the art style is unappealing af. It’s just a personal preference, I hate all of the sprays that come in this style.  i didnt realize how long this post was going to be so im doing the rest under the cut to spare everyone else’s life: 
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9/10: Solid rating with no goofing. While I take up some issues with some of the expressions in his other sprays showing pain, there is something about the composition of this one that I absolutely love. Its very aesthetic for me, speaks to his character, and the colors are beautiful. Wish his eyes were his usual periwinkle though which is why this isn’t receiving a perfect score. 
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5/10: Not really sure what it is about this one that I’m not so fond of. I can appreciate the colors and his profile. But other than that theres something visually here that I don’t find appealing. Not sure what it is.
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8/10: Decent rating, its nothing crazy. Since reference and has nice colors but thats about all my critique for this one.
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11/10: Lovely hand, lovely gesture. Wanna squish the bean pads. Nice colors. 
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6/10: This one is actually one of my favorites despite the rating not being solid. Only because while I love the colors and the concept, the idea of it makes me sad. The idea that it reflects Sieb’s trauma makes me sad, despite it being a rational depiction of such. 
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50000000/10: love little christmas charm sieb, hope he gets a skin of this outfit some day. Hes so cute. Happy smiles thats all I want. I could kiss him.
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3/10: CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF I’M NOT ACTUALLY SUPER ABOUT THIS SPRAY. WHY? Because I’m being nitpicky and I want him receptors on the sides to be THE TEAL THAT THEY ARE. Not GREEN. 
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5/10: I feel like halfway rating with this one is fair. I like to imagine that thats Sieb’s hand writing and that makes me happy. But this spray is hard to look at for long periods of time because this kind of text squish is hurtful on my eyes. 
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9/10: I actually hate this skin but fsr the spray makes it incredibly sexy. It actually got sexier the second time (this time) that I looked at it. Good for him.
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6/10: Reasons for this rating, while I love the pose and intimidation this spray is posing, I also get sad to see Sieb’s strained expressions. I think his powers do have limits and they do effect him depending. And seeing all this big ass heavy equipment on him gives me conflicted feelings. He has a lot to carry, and he’s just lucky he has gravity powers to help. (I mean this metaphorically and literally.)
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7/10: I love the art and concept on this one. He’s just so grumpy looking is all. My poor boy. 
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9/10: He’s 7 ft tall and it shows and I am here for it. 
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9/10: Remember when I said I was conflicted about seeing all that equiptment on him? Well its true, but I’m just going full thirst on this spray to say look at how fucking massive this man is. I want him to grab me with those hands and pitch me like a baseball. 
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4/10: The pained expression in this along with the concept of it (as well as connection once again to his trauma) unsettles me and makes me feel the brain hurting juice. Nothing further.
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1000000000000000000/10: This is one of my favorite sprays because its just casual work setting and gives me more insight on his lab uniform. His hair here also gets me barking like a rabid chihuahua. 
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10/10: This gets a solid rating for A) Lab Coat Outfit and B) Seeing him again with the help of an object to stim while he thinks. (The squeeze ball) 
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10/10: I cant not give halloween Sieb a solid score. I think this is adorable, but I don’t believe it’s Sieb as a kid. I think it’s just a child dressed up like him with no attachment to lore or anything. But its still very cute. 
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100/10: I love the pixel sprays so much, simple and cute. 
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6/10: I’m really not too crazy about the pose for the dragon spray. I feel like they could’ve done something a little more dynamic especially given he has gravity powers. But alas. 
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9/10: This spray is on the same level as the apple head spray from earlier on in the post. Congrats if you’ve made it this far btw. But I love the soft expression on the left being challenged with the frightened/frustrated one on the right. 
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0/10: I am not fond of this spray because of how much pain he appears to be in along with the implications all the junk flying around him has. Upsets me. 
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50/10: I don’t care about the fish onions I just care about looking at my husbands huge ass arms and seeing him enjoy a smelly fish treat. Its what he deserves. Also what that mouth do. 
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10/10: Solid perfect score because I have strong emotions about Van Gogh. And I think the interest between Siebren and Van Gogh, especially as two men who were/are fighting with mental illness speaks volumes about Sieb’s character. This spray makes me feel something in my chest that I can’t whole heartedly explain, but it isn’t a bad thing. 
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10/10: Another perfect score, because I think this spray is a good mixture of Sieb’s character between the musical elements and his scientific work. He’s also smiling which is rare to find in his sprays.  
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544386238043723507435742634387236804307403857435748035474803548744307384385740385748037408357438570480bark bark barK BARK /10: sexiest image in the entire game of overwatch nobody @ me i dont take constructive criticism 
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weirdbraincustard · 3 years
Hloooo🤗🤗I had a query😭😭 I want to increase my intuition and for that ig meditation is important. But I am confused what to do during meditation. Like is it simply concentrating on your breath or are there any extras to it?I am in need for this intuition for my exams especially bcoz only 50% of my total portions are complete and the exams are just a month away and I am struggling like hell . For my exam its mcq so ig I could use my intuition for this 😭😭😭bcoz this exam decides my college selection . PLSSSSS IF U HAVE ANY TIPS TO DEVELOP stronger intuition can u mention them . Thanks a lottt
Sending love and positive vibes💕💕💖💖☺
1) let go of the limiting belief or assumption that you need to meditate or do anything to manifest.
picking this up from your question : "i want to increase my intuition & i guess meditation is important for that" - you should recognise that this is an assumption of yours. you've assumed the fact that if you don't meditate, you can't be an intuitive person. to manifest anything, you don't need to take any 3D action or use any technique.
2) meditation can be anything you want it to be.
you can use it as a way to anchor your thoughts, resolve any feelings of restlessness, lack of faith and attaining peace when it comes to having your desire. meditation is a state of peace where you can observe your thoughts and then proceed to reaffirm or change them. if you do want to meditate, you should know why you're doing it, the clarity of mind is important. as stated in your question, you're unsure of what you're supposed to do during meditation. these feelings of confusion further re-affirm your assumption that since you aren't able to meditate, you can't improve your intuition.
• meditation can be anything you want it to be, this is your reality, only your rules apply. and meditation can be beneficial or not - that all depends on your assumptions.
• meditation implies deep relaxation & the state of peace (hence deep breathing is used to achieve that). this state is extremely beneficial to affirm or visualise. meditation can also help you pay attention to each passing thought so you can reflect upon your true inner self. meditation on its own can also be done to attain calmness in moments of anger, frustration or lack of faith about your desire - to ground yourself into the inner knowing that you're a powerful creator who already has their desire. you can't really worry about what's already yours, right? ;) personally, i love laying down right before i go to sleep, i put on a subliminal audio and deep breathe until i feel calm and almost don't have a focus on anything. i then proceed to affirm within my mind (if any visualisations come up, i observe them) you can affirm for your desire, or affirm the for the fact that you're a powerful creator. the point of a meditation is to anchor your thoughts & not feel like they control you, but you are in control of them & you're not a victim.
• meditation is great for starting off the day or when you go to sleep. although you can do it anytime you want to feel restful.
3) you ARE the person who has always been extremely intuitive. affirm and persist in the same belief.
also just a reminder, you don't have to be intuitive in order to do well in your exam, if that's what you want to do by being intuitive, you can but you don't have to. you can directly affirm for your exams itself - "i know the exam is going to be super easy for me", "i have always been so good at exams" , "i'm always lucky when it comes to exams", "whatever i affirm for, comes in the question paper". etc. any belief persisted enough consistently in, HAS TO MANIFEST, THERE'S NO OTHER OPTION. the law is always working, it works for every single person ever.
wishing you all the best for your exams and i know you already smashed them ;) because you're extremely intelligent & lucky. everything goes in your favor because you're a god. you've always been so good at exams. you're the absolute best at everything you do. you are always happy & feeling your best. you are a wonderful person and everyone treats you like royalty. take care :) sending love & light xx
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
it's never too late... | b. jacob
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🏀 pairing: crush! basketball player! jacob x fem!reader 🏀 genre: high school!au, fluff, (sort of) strangers/acquaintances-to-lovers 🏀 word count: 5.2k 🏀 tw: very cliché 😳 and it goes kinda fast lmaoo 🏀 a/n: lisa I'm sorry I took this long to do your request, but I hope you'll like it nonetheless!! ALSO: to my fellow Americans, here football = soccer!! 🏀 requested: yes! thank you lisa!! @skrtbabe
You had waited for this time since the beginning of your academic journey there. Graduating from high school was two months away, and it felt just as exciting as weird.
It felt like you had started your first year last week, but the amount of work and time spent in those dull buildings makes you feel like you’ve been there for at least five years.
It was exhausting to attend classes and see the same people every single day of the year, with repetitive subjects, annoying or cool teachers depending on your luck and everything that followed. The homework, the assignments, the small -or not so small- fights between classes or groups of people, you were praying that university wouldn’t sound like that.
However, at the same time, you were almost starting to feel nostalgic for this time. The last years where you could remain a bit silly before entering the adult world, being in your last teen years with people that you appreciated and met there. You chose to do this before letting them go and live your own lives, memories that will disappear if you don’t cherish them enough.
So, with Soyeon, your best friend, you decided to enjoy the time that you had left to do things together while still studying and revising for the exams, which was sometimes not easy to do. Yes, you shared classes, but personal and private activities sometimes came in the way and prevented you from hanging out.
“It’s life after all,” she said one night over the phone as you shared your opinion on this topic, “it’s good that we can be together almost 24/7, but sometimes, things don’t allow us to be together. It might be for the best, we never know,” she said, trying to be positive no matter the situation she was in, but you knew her well. As much as she wants to appear strong, you had found her many times crying on her own. But it was her personality, and no matter how hard you tried to change her, what's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh.
Soyeon wasn’t your only friend, you were getting along well with most of your girl classmates, as well as the boys that weren’t suffocating under the number of pick-me-girls that were populating your school and your class.
Sadly for you, you’ve been eyeing the most popular (and prettiest) boy in your whole school since you crossed gaze with him at the very beginning of your first year there. Jacob, your crush, was also the star basketball player of your school, and constantly surrounded and attracting cheerleaders or rich, random, good-looking girls, which had a knack for getting on your nerves. He was always spending time together with his pals and teammates, but other people as well. Everyone wanted to be his friend because you know, he had a promising career ahead of him, so it was always nice to be friends with a potential future celebrity.
As defeated as you were, there was still a small voice in your head telling you to do something before he left to go back to his home country, South Korea, where he had a career already planned and traced out.
You were confused as it was almost impossible for you to get a chance with him since you were not one of those girls and you simply couldn’t compete against them, but Soyeon and her boyfriend Sunwoo were always there to praise you and reassure you about your potential chances of dating him. Never convinced by your friends’ words, you had tried many times to get him out of your head and focus on someone else, but it never worked. Everything came back to him. He was unique and oh so nice, everything reminded you of him, and it was sickening at this point.
“He won't get out of my head, it’s getting on my nerves,” you shared your thoughts to your best friend as you braced your head in your hands, slapping your cheeks as if it were going to change anything and help you throw Jacob out of your brain.
“Why do I keep this stupid boy in my head when I know I don’t stand a single chance against those girls,” you slapped your cheeks harder and whined as Soyeon’s hand landed on your wrist.
“Y/N, stop your nonsense. You are perfect, you don’t need to change anything for him!”
“It’s easier said than done, you pulled the football star player!” you exclaimed, and she rolled her eyes, shifting closer to whisper.
“He pulled me because he knew that I am pretty, and that wouldn’t change a single thing for him. If he’s not happy with who I am, he can leave,” she shrugs, signalling you to do the same if you dated Jacob.
Sunwoo was also among the popular boys, but your friend remained the same, not even trying to fit in with the popular girls. She claimed that Sunwoo fell in love with her for her true self, so she didn’t see the point of changing to please other people. And you wished you had her confidence and her strength, admiring her for not changing anything about herself to please others.
Back to the present.
You felt stuck, desperately in love with an unapproachable boy who was too popular and way out of your league to be lucky to have his eyes sparing you any sort of attention. Even if he was a sweet young man, he was always surrounded by popular people, who were trying to hook up or use him for his school fame and sharp features.
One day, while studying with your best friend at the library, Sunwoo and one of his friends, Hyunjae, the football captain, burst into the library and come not so quietly to your table.
“For the love of God, can you both be quiet for once?” Soyeon whispered-yelled but her voice got toned down by Sunwoo vividly pressing his lips on hers, an arm wrapping around her shoulders. Hyunjae laughed but quickly gagged as they didn’t stop the kiss as quickly as the captain wished.
“Gosh, please, get a room,” he mumbled before hugging you, your knee resting against his as his arms pressed you against his chest.
Your friendship with Hyunjae felt more like siblings, he was genuinely nice and caring with you, making sure that you were okay and that you had enough of everything before allowing you to go home. Despite all the teasing and a few rumours going around school, you were not dating and didn’t have any romantic feelings for each other. He simply checked that you had an older brother figure since you were the first-born child, and it felt relieving.
The thing you did not know was that Jacob and a few of his basketball teammates, Juyeon, Eric and Younghoon, were a few tables away from yours, your back facing them, the future star looking at you and Hyunjae from the corner of his eyes. He nodded at his friend at your table, who gave him a wink as an answer, Jacob’s eyes burning holes into your back as Hyunjae was close to you. Too close to you for the basketball player not to feel something churn in his stomach.
Two long, manicured fingers snapped in front of his eyes to get him out of his reverie, lazily looking at the girl that sat across from him, who he was supposed to get help from.
“Jacob please, pay attention to meeeeee,” she whined and pouted, giving him puppy eyes that he couldn’t give a single fuck about, too busy in his mind to hear what she had to say.
She had volunteered to help him study History, but she wasn’t any better, probably worse than he was. It was already the third time Juyeon corrected her basic knowledge without being an expert himself, not even caring about the death glares she kept sending him. It only made him smirk as he knew it irked her dearly yet amused the rest of the table a lot.
They all sighed as she finally took the hint and left their table, Jacob bitterly chuckling as Hyunjae rolled his eyes when she walked past your table, his demeanour making you laugh.
“Bro, do you think I should ask Y/N for help? Isn’t that a bit… lame?” Jacob sat on one of the soccer balls, hands joined and panting as Sunwoo practised his dribbling skills before shooting the ball in the cages, aiming for the up-right corner. He trotted to his friend and collapsed on the grass next to him, the last rays of sunshine offering his skin a wonderful, honey glow. He ruffled his hair after plopping down, checking his phone for any message before answering.
“If you need help, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask her. I mean, she’s super smart in every subject, but she’s just the boss in History. Her presentations are always golden, and she explains things a lot better than some of the teachers.”
“I got Smith as a teacher,” the basketball player grimaced, his left hand holding his right wrist as his gaze wandered in the grass.
“We’ve got Antal, and I can tell you that she’s always mad when Y/N does a presentation because they honestly just sound better than her lessons,” Sunwoo chuckled as Jacob pondered his friend’s words, the gears of his mind working at full speed.
How is he going to be able to approach you and get to talk to you?
“Bestie, no. I swear I saw that in the other book,” you said as you found yourself back in the library the following week, bending over the table to grab the book your best friend was resting hers on. You started flipping some pages when a loud, masculine chortle followed by some whispers of annoyance drawing your attention.
“Hi, babe! Hi Hyunj- Oh hi Jacob!” your neck almost snapped as you abruptly lifted your head up at the mention of your crush’s name, a small, embarrassed smile making its way on your mouth. You were a bit sad that your brother best friend was not here with Sunwoo, but you weren’t going to complain to have your crush instead.
“Can I sit here?” the basketball player asked in a soft voice while pointing at the empty spot next to you, making you quickly nod and gather your stuff to make him some space.
You resumed searching for the precious paragraph you were searching for your project as if it were nothing, trying to ignore your stammering heart in your chest and the couple eating each other's mouths. The only thing you hoped was that Jacob couldn’t hear the loud, irregular beats in your ribcage because it would give in your attraction to him.
“Hum, Y/N?” the voice next to you made you flinch, surprised that he knew your name and that he said it aloud.
“Y-Yes?” you said, cursing in your head as you stuttered.
“I heard that you were the Ace when it came to History,” Jacob started, and you couldn’t look at him in the eyes, fire spreading in your chest up to your face.
“I can’t really say that I’m the Ace, but I really love that subject, so yeah I have some… knowledge,” words tripped over your tongue, and your best friend pulled away from Sunwoo and scoffed.
“Some knowledge? Are you kidding?” she said, Sunwoo placing a hand on her mouth as she was louder than intended. She removed his palm and furrowed her brows at him, before turning her head back at you with the same angry expression.
“She knows so fucking much that Antal hates her because she feels humiliated compared to Y/N. So let me tell you one thing, Cobbie, if you need help, you’ve come to the right person. Y/N is just a living encyclopaedia,” your best friend proudly smirked as you glowered at her, Sunwoo chuckling at his girlfriend’s behaviour before immediately stopping.
“Wait, did you call him Cobbie? How come you call him like that when I get nothing other than babe or baby?” Sunwoo argued while pouting, and your best friend sighed, ruffling his hair before pressing her lips against his one more time, making you slightly grimace as envy flooded your veins.
You sighed and dared to look at Jacob, who was reading the beginning of your essay written on your computer, leaving Sunwoo and your best friend bicker like the cute couple they were.
“Do you have this project too?” you asked, and he shook his head, eyes remaining glued on the computer screen.
“It’s so interesting what you wrote, I like your way of writing and explaining stuff,” he offered a small smile as he looked at you, clearing his throat. For someone that was super popular and constantly surrounded by friends or people at parties, he behaved and sounded quite like an introvert.
“W-Well, thank you,” you said with a smile and turned your head to the side for a second, taking a deep breath before looking back at him, opening a new tab on your computer after he gestured to you that he was done reading.
“What do you need help with?”
You were astonished at how quick-minded Jacob was. Behind his fit, muscular appearance and obsession with basketball, he had the soul of a thinker and grasped the knowledge of historical concepts quite easily and rapidly. He just wasn’t good with the way Smith was teaching, the method not suiting him.
“You retain things well for someone who hates History,” you joked, and he shyly smiled, scratching his neck. His smile looked gorgeous, and you were pleasantly surprised at how much of a genuine person he was.
“Well, History is not my cup of tea, but it might be a bit more thanks to you,” he said, and you tried to stifle a smile, thankful that your best friend was no longer sitting across from you because she wouldn’t have let you two live.
“It’s nothing. You can come back to me if you need help, I really don’t mind. I actually like explaining things,” you said, and he nodded, clicking your pen close before placing it in your pouch.
“Thank you, really. Sunwoo was actually the one that told me about you, so I have to thank him as well,” you stood up and slowly started to pack your stuff, shutting down your computer with a smile.
“I’m glad he did so, I just hope it was positive,” you giggled, and he quickly joined you, twirling his pen in between his fingers as he cleared his throat.
“You know, it’s Sunwoo. It can only be nice and positive,” you genuinely smiled at him and fall in silence, throwing glances at each other from time to time as the conversation was slowly starting to die down.
“And... How’s basketball going by the way? Is everything going well?” you asked, and his heart skipped a beat at your question as it took him off guard.
“I-It’s going pretty well, I’m excited to finish high school to be able to focus on basketball. I’m gonna have to take some of my last finals in South Korea because the season and the training start pretty early in Summer so…” his voice trailed as his eyes widened, a hand slapping his mouth as you both stood up.
“What?” you quizzed, confused by his sudden change of behaviour.
“I… was meant to keep this a secret,” his voice trailed, the end of his sentence falling in a whisper as he started panicking. “Can we pretend you didn’t hear what I said?” he asked as you placed your bag strap on your shoulder, taking your sweater before pushing the chair against the table.
“Said what?” you replied with a smile, and Jacob sighed in relief, somehow feeling like his secret was safe with you, even if you’ve talked to him for the first time at the beginning of the afternoon.
The rest of the month rolled off smoothly, yet the stress and the revisions became more intense as the days went by. You didn’t hear anything back from Jacob, but you’ve caught him staring at you a few times, offering him an awkward wave and a smile as not to get noticed by some of his “fan girls”, as they called themselves.
You still had a whole month left before finals, and you felt blessed as summer decided to start a bit earlier this year. It was only the beginning of May, but you were already able to wear shorts and dresses. It felt good to see the blue sky and being surrounded by the warmth of the sun hitting your exposed skin after the cold, lonely winter and spring you’ve just got out of. Everything looked prettier and warmer, and it did nothing but make you happier and brighter, despite the stress of the finals piling up on your shoulders.
So, to get rid of this pressure, you decided to leave town with Hyunjae and let him drive to one of the lakes that surrounded your town, knowing that the beach and parks would get crowded in no time. It was a place that you used to go to with your parents when you were still a child, memories that you shared with your friend coming back flooding in your mind.
Hyunjae and his family tagged along to give you some company and take care of you as your parents were busy looking after your newborn twin sisters, Hyunjae and his younger brother acting like elder siblings to you.
After driving for a few dozens of minutes, you settled your stuff in the shade, right under a weeping willow that offered you freshness throughout the entire day. Your best friend napped almost the entire time you were there, hand lingering on his abs while the other plucked out some grass until he dozed off, trying to store as many hours of rest as possible before finals. By his side was you, reading a book and enjoying the chilly water to cool down from the hot temperatures of early Summer, playfully nudging the young man next to you each time he was starting to snore.
It’s near the middle of the afternoon that you heard another car pulling up near the lake, a bunch of excited teenagers coming out of a van. You didn’t pay much attention to them, only sighing as your peace was about to get ruined, their screams when they jumped in the water woke your best friend up.
He abruptly sat up next to you and rubbed his eyes, some sleeping marks lingering on his face, making you giggle. Being the short-sighted idiot that he was, he squinted to try and recognise some people, but he didn’t have to.
A young woman screamed and started jumping up and down, waving her arms above her head in your direction, hearing her scream something towards you.
You looked at each other with Hyunjae, confusion painted on your faces, hearing your phone buzz in your small bag hidden by your folded clothes.
“Hello?” you said as Hyunjae’s phone started vibrating too, picking up the call as well.
“Y/N, it’s us! We’re on the opposite side of the lake! Come and join us!” you heard your best friend yell in your ear, hearing her as well through Hyunjae’s phone, who picked up a call from her boyfriend.
“Okay, we’re coming!” you excitingly said as you hung up, waving at your best friend from your spot as you started packing your stuff to get back in the car and meet up with your friends.
Your best friend excitingly jumped in your arms as soon as you got out of the car,
“Tt’s crazy how we’re so connected! Did you also think that the beach would be crowded?” she asked, and you nodded with a smile, happy to see her this joyful to see you.
The inseparable duo was here, as well as Younghoon, Jacob, Eric, Juyeon and Sangyeon, the striker of the football team. They all engulfed you in a tight hug, Jacob staying in the background the entire time.
“Hi Jacob!” you brightly said and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close. “Hi Y/N,” his answer vibrated in his chest and had repercussions in yours, sending your heart flying in your ribcage.
You looked so good being this carefree, it was thankfully a sight that he managed to imprint in his mind despite the shortness of the moment. Being surrounded by all your friends felt so good that you forgot to be awkward and worry about the stupidest things, and Jacob adored seeing you this natural and smiling in the company of your friends. He was a bit sad that he wasn’t fully the reason for your smile though, but he still managed to enjoy the rest of the day with you and your mutual friends, whether you were on the ground or in the water.
Sangyeon, Younghoon and Juyeon copied Hyunjae and joined him in a restoring nap, while Eric, Sunwoo, Jacob, Soyeon and you played different games in the water, improvising a volleyball match with an imaginary net and the ball Sunwoo took with him as the volleyball, but it did the job. It was just a bit hurtful for the liberos since it wasn’t as soft and bouncy as a volleyball, but the joy of the moment allowed any type of pain to become bearable.
The evening eventually started to settle in, and you all got out of the water, drying yourselves before deciding to spend a part of the night here. You helped Sangyeon build a bonfire in the safe area by bringing some different branches, the eldest placing them correctly before lighting them with his pocket lighter.
“Hyung! I didn’t know you were a boy-scout,” Sunwoo exclaimed and made everyone laughed as you all were sliding some marshmallows on a stick, Sangyeon smiling with modesty at everyone.
“Ya, don’t say this,” Sangyeon mumbled, and you smile, rubbing his upper back as he sat down next to you, thanking him when you handed him over his marshmallow stick.
“Oh no! Mine burnt,” Soyeon pouted when she retrieved her snack from the flames, and her boyfriend was quick to give her his sweets, Eric cooing at the gesture of affection.
“Give it to me, I like them burnt,” he mumbled as he bit in the fluffy texture, immediately regretting it as it was boiling. His girlfriend handed him water as he stood up, bouncing up and down to try and reduce what felt like flames in his mouth.
“Oh my, thanks babe,” he muttered with his mouth stuffed when he gulped down everything with a pained expression on his face. Eric’s eyes filled with boredom locked into yours and you both chuckled, your friend shaking his head.
“When is it gonna be my turn,” he huffed and Sunwoo hit him playfully in the back as you all laughed around the bonfire, relating to your friend.
“When you’ll stop being obsessed with football and mango juice,” Eric grunted and folded his arms over his chest as Sangyeon called him out, making you coo and playfully run to him, holding him against you as he fake-cried on your chest while everyone was laughing at him.
Except for Jacob, who only offered a weak smile, but you didn’t catch it, too busy having fun and being light-hearted with your friends.
After your stomachs were filled with sweets and soda, Sunwoo pulled out his guitar and strummed a soft melody until some became heavy-eyed or fell asleep against the other, his girlfriend succumbing to his musical talents first. Jacob looked exhausted as well but forced his eyes open, finding him even hotter with hooded eyelids and his hair slightly curling with the humidity of the air and the lake water.
When it was time to go home, Hyunjae, as well as Younghoon, Sunwoo, Soyeon and Eric decided to jump into Hyunjae’s car to go to the beach, feeling the urge and the thrill of going skinny-dipping. On the other hand, you and the rest of the boys were too exhausted and modest to do this, only wanting to go home and get some good rest.
Just like they had arrived, Sangyeon was behind the wheel while the rest was either next to him or in the back seat. And you didn’t know how it happened, but you got stuck between the window and Jacob, who was struggling to keep his eyes open.
“You good?” you asked, and he turned his head towards you before offering you a tired yet sweet smile, moving his head up and down.
“I'm just exhausted, tonight was simply amazing,” he mumbled, and you expressed your agreement by a happy hum and a nod, bringing your attention to your eldest friend.
“Are you sure you’re awake enough to drive?” you enquired on the current situation and Sangyeon looks at you through the inner rear-view mirror, eyes forming two crescent moons as he smiled.
“I just jumped in the water, I’m nothing but awake,” he clapped in his hands to motivate himself and started the engine, your best friend’s car already gone.
Jacob rested his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, his head rolling to the side each time Sangyeon took a turn. You settled yourself on the window and let the vibrations of the car lull you to sleep, the small talk that Sangyeon and Juyeon were having in the front seats acted like a background noise, which helped you dozing off.
However, when the car pulled up in front of your house, they didn’t expect you to have your head resting against Jacob’s shoulder, his hand on your knee. The two men smiled at each other before Sangyeon got out of the vehicle, drawing the door open. As he was about to carry you to your doorstep, Jacob’s arm was quick to wrap itself around your waist, keeping you close to him.
You woke up confused, blinking a few times as you saw the striker standing next to you with a wide smile on his face. He removed a limb around your body, and you felt someone groan under your right shoulder, noticing in dread that you snuggled up to Jacob for some warmth in your sleep.
“You gotta go before the beast wakes up,” Sangyeon joked and winked as he helped you get out of the car, closing the door behind you. It opened again a few seconds later, Jacob looking just as confused as you were.
“Come on, lovebirds, we don’t have the night.”
“Lovebirds?” Jacob and you asked in unison, the basketball player rubbing his eye with the back of his hand. He jumped out of the van and gestured to Sangyeon to get back in.
“You can go, I live just around the corner,” he drowsily said as he vaguely gestured behind him.
“You sure? Your house is on my way back home, I can drop you off,” Sangyeon suggested but he refused, offering a handshake to the striker before letting him go.
Being more awake now, you waved at your friends driving away before turning to your crush, who looked even more adorable as he was super sleepy and just woke up.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay? You look really tired,” you asked, voice still laced with sleep yet sounding caring, which made Jacob’s heartbeat fasten. He nodded and weakly smiled, taking a step closer to you. His attitude was a bolt from the blue as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“You felt so warm during the ride, it’s almost like I could get used to this,” he tiredly said with a smile, gently pulling away to stare at you, his fingers leaving your back to come and slide a wild piece of hair behind your ear. Your whole body stiffened at his words as he stared at you in the eyes, noticing a small, washed-out smirk plastered on his face.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit... late to start something with someone? I mean, we have finals and then y-you’re le-leaving for South Korea and-” you started stammering as his thumb gently stroked your cheek, loving watching you lose your composure at his display of affection.
“It’s never too late when you love someone,” he whispered, feeling his warm breath tickling your lips in such a delicious manner that you have to resist the urge to move forward and press your lips against his.
His words punched the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless as he kissed your cheek, mouth slowly moving to the side until it reached your lips. The kiss was soft yet a bit on the rougher side as if he wanted you to understand every feeling he had for you. Instinctively, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and you kissed him harder, deeper, his hands on your lower back pulling you flush against him.
You had dreamt, wondered about what it was like kissing Jacob, but it never felt as good as you were experiencing it now. Fireworks and butterflies were erupting in your stomach, leaving you dizzy with love and passion as one of his hands came and cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb gently caressing the skin.
Once you pulled away for oxygen, you held onto his shoulders for your dear life and he chuckled, his mouth slowly travelling down to your neck.
“I-I think my… my- oh my god, my parents will worry,” you gently pushed him away and he stared at you with a smile before diving in to capture your lips in another soft kiss.
“I'm only letting you go if you're free tomorrow. Let's put that off to tomorrow, shall we?” he asked, and your eyes widened at his suggestion.
“We can go back to the lake if you want, but only if we’re alone,” he said, his hand caressing your cheek while the other was busy stroking your upper back up and down.
“I want to enjoy this with you and you only,” he added, mumbling against your mouth and this time, you’re the one pulling him for a kiss.
“Come and pick me up at 10, then,” you said as you pulled away.
“I’ll be there, I promise,” he answered and started walking towards your house, closing the front gate behind you, waving at him with a smile.
He sent you a flying kiss with a smile and you waved at him one last time before closing the main door of your house behind you, both sighing with a huge smile and warmth painted on your faces.
You peeled the clothes off your skin and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, shaking your head left to right while chuckling as you recalled what just happened in your last month of high school.
Nothing was making sense, you didn’t know how you got there, but you were happy.
And that’s what mattered the most.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)
Part 1
No, no ignore the smily face i assure you it means nothing foreboding, nothing foreboding at all.
Next >
“It’s suspicious,” Marinette glares as they leave customs.
“What would that be, Mari?” Chloe yawns, not bothering to dedicate her limited remaining brain power apparently.
“Lila,” She whispers back, “She’s been so quiet all the way here,”
“What about how she weaseled her way into first class?” Chloe yawns again, sleep mask resting on her head.
“Or tried to steal your bag,” Kagami says with venom, her having saved Marinette from that disaster.
“Accused you of giving her the wrong flight time,” Adrien adds, somehow being full awake even after their long flight.
“Slipped metal into your pocket so security would go off,” Chloe downright glares at Adrien, but would never admit to the bags under her eyes.
“Came by and woke you up every time you fell asleep,” Kagami looks at her pointedly, shadows under her eyes being her only give away.
“Too quite,” Marinette whispers, the list going largely ignored as they approach the security scan.
“Just relax Mari,”  Adrien pats her shoulder, not enough to break her concentration, “Lila will be so distracted by being in Gotham she won't have time for you,”
Adrien was wrong.
Of course he was wrong.
This is Lila they're talking about.
“Oh Marinette!” Lila all but yells as Marinette is placing her bag in a tray, “I’m so glad you didn’t go through with it,”
Marinette cringes, the security guards all looking her way as Lila dances off. She just sighs as she is escorted away by the airport security, to the protest of her friends and not much else.
“No sir I am not holding any firearms or weapons,” Marinette answers as monotone as possible, the security guard didn’t deserve her ire not matter how tiresome this was getting.
“We interview the source,” Oh no “Apparently you were discussing terrorist activities,”
“I was not sir, Lila must be mistaken,” Yep big mistake, I’m sure that's all it is , “I’m simply here for a class trip,”
“You’re wearing a bulletproof vest,”
Yeah probably should have left that one at home
“My parents are protective, they know how dangerous Gotham can be,” They were not fans of the horror stories Aunt Selina used to tell her from this city, “They insisted I have it as protection,”
While they most certainly wanted her to be safe the vest was more her idea. It was also more for enabling trouble than avoiding it. At least she was trying to be safe about secret crime fighting.
“Makes sense,” He sighs from across the table, checking through some paperwork, “You’re seventeen, here on a class trip right?”
“Yes sir,”
“Well if you’re here on a Wayne funded trip they probably did and extensive background check,” He pauses for a minute looking deep in thought, “Alright then, you can go,”
That seems kind of lax
“Are you sure?”
“We literally have super villains walking through here every other day,” True that, “You’re holding no weapons and have been endorsed by the Wayne's that's better than most people that have been in here,”
“Well if you’re sure,” Marinette stands awkwardly walking to the door as he waves her off, “Is there anything I need to sign, or…”
“Unless I want to fill out extra paperwork, no,” He seems so tired, Marinette wished she could get back at Lila for making his job harder.
“Have a good day then!” She smiles brightly, getting a small one in return.
She leaves, the security guards handing back her bag, fortunately not mentioning the miracle box or her Kwamis. She smiles brightly, even with Lila trying to ruin her trip she could still enjoy her time here in Gotham- and her phone buzzes with an Akuma alert.
With a sigh, Marinette ducks into the nearest bathroom, locking a stall behind her.
“Kaalki,” The Kwami zips out of her bag, “Tikki, Combine,”
With a flash of light followed by another she appears in Paris dropping Kaalki’s transformation.
She looks over the city, some Akuma attacking the Eiffel tower. At least they didn't seem to be the brainwashing type, she didn’t have Chat Noir there to help with crowd control.
With a flip she jumps, planning to kick the Akuma on the way down. They dodge and she lands in front of them instead.
“Well, well if it isn’t the bug,” The Akuma, in a horrible patch work costume mocks, a purple mask appearing over their face, “Hand over your miraculous!”
How about you come and make me Hawkmoth? I promise to stick that cane up your ass
Oh how she wishes she could say just that, but it wouldn't be very Ladybug of her. Why did the younger her have to have a stick up her butt?
“Not today Hawkmoth,” She says instead, making sure to put the practiced amount of enthusiasm into it, “Or any other day for that matter,”
“How are you going to save Paris without your little kitty cat?”
How are you going to beat me with that terrible fashion sense
Besides Chat Noir deserved a break. At least she hoped he was taking a break, he couldn’t tell because of secret identity reasons. It wasn't like she had any right to stop him, she was having a vacation in Gotham right now, and she was out all the time for work. She could manage without Chat for a while, he deserved that much.
“I will do whatever it takes to protect the people of Paris,” Ladybug remembers to answer the question.
“Hand over your miraculous now!” The Akuma lunges at her
I should have chosen a different persona
She dodges the beam of light that can’t mean anything good. Jumping back to get some distance.
Chat Noir had the right idea
She bites back the cutting remark on the tip of her tongue. Instead throw out her yo to wrap around their arm. The Akuma pulls it forward, sending her through the air. She leans into it swinging around to get a better vantage point, studying the monologuing Akuma below.
Maybe I can for Starling
She has created Starling as a vigilante identity to use in Gotham, if the class was ever in trouble. No not if, when . With a sigh she summons her lucky charm getting a table tennis paddle.
Although I’m only meant to use that identity as a disguise to protect the class
The only thing that stood out was the Akuma's hand, she'd have to gather more information before striking.
Maybe Starling can have a word or two with Lila, that could be fun
She drops down in front of the Akuma. They seemed to like monologuing, maybe all she had to do was probe a little bit.
“Why would you want to side with Hawkmoth?”
“This is my family's greatest heirloom it has been passed from generation to generation for centuries, some fool broke it and I was crushed having disappointed all my ancestors!” The Akuma holds up a broach type jewel, “But Hawkmoth- Hawkmoth brought it back and now my greatest and dearest treasure will forever be-”
Ladybug smacks it to the ground, crushing it underfoot.
The Akuma looks at her shocked, letting out a long drawn out gasp. Marinette does not meet their eye as she catches the Akuma. She throws the paddle she used to smack it out of their hand into the air to cast the cure.
I must be really jet lagged, I’m usually at least a little more creative than that, but it worked
She pretends not to see the reporters coming in for interviews, seeing the victim and their broach in one piece. She makes a speedy exit, needing to transport back to Gotham before the class get too ancy.
“I’m sorry the rented bus left a long time ago,” The attendant informed her, looking sorry for the dishevelled teen.
Marinette groaned, so much for running around the airport for thirty minutes with a dead phone. Thanking the attendant she sulks off to collect her bag instead, she’d have to figure another way to the hotel.
She spends another hour hunting down her bag. Chasing after leads of people who might have mistook it. Checking again with Airport security, who again pulled her aside for having a suspicious missing bag. Luckily the security guard before defended her, she brought him a coffee and two for herself.
“Maybe someone will return it?” Tikki whispers, her and Kaalki hidden in the folds of her scarf.
“It’s fine Tikki,” Marinette sighs, halfway through her first cup in under a minute, “I have replicas of all of them anyway, I’ll just grab some samples from the MDC fashion show,”
She’d have to stop by later, the outfits should have been transported last week along with most of her recent catalogue. The only problem was all the other necessities she lost. But that wasn’t a problem, she carried the miracle box in her backpack and that's all that really matters.
“And some of my… special outfits when we go back home,”
She had altered her current outfit to transform into her vigilante disguise. Her scarf pulled up and could be turned inside out into a mask. Her skirt could be transformed into a cape and hood combo. A zip down the middle of the skirt to split it for the cape and a zip up hood that lay flat along her skirt. She simply turned it inside out and wore it around her shoulders. Combined with a bullet proof vest it wasn't half bad, her belt full of weapons could always be hid under her skirt which was a big plus.
She sighs waiting for a taxi in the cold Gotham air, hating it more than most. Although she supposed superhuman strength was a fair exchange for extra cold fingers. Marinette fought to stay awake, she had also been holding Kaalki for so long she was starting to develop the ability to sleep standing up and would doze off randomly. Certainly helpful at times, but not right now.
“Hello,” Marinette is startled out of her drowsiness.
She looks at the hesitant young man before her, looking just as tired as she is.
“Is something the matter?” Something sparks at the back of her mind, a feeling she often gets from Chloe whenever she is helpful.
Do I look that bad?
“Just a mix up with transportation,” She smiles, he clearly knows it’s fake.
“Do you need a ride?”
“No I’m-” She sighs, what could go wrong getting in the car of a random person in Gotham, “Yes, I do thank you,”
“Over here, I’m Tim by the way” He stifles a yawn, leading her towards a limousine, the door being opened by a driver.
“Marinette, here,” She hands over the extra coffee, “You look like you need it just as much as me,”
Tim looks at her like a god sent, taking the coffee as they reach the limo.
“Good call Alfred,” Tim whispers to the driver, slipping into the car.
“Hello miss, I am Alfred Pennyworth,” She shakes his hand, something stronger fires at the back of her mind, a true holder perhaps? But Chloe was a true holder right?
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” She smiles, trying to assess what miraculous would suit him.
“Best get inside Miss Dupain-Cheng,” She climbs inside at Alfred's behest, “Gotham is awfully cold for a Lady,”
She gets the feeling that is not chivalry.
“Where to Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Alfred asks, already in the driver's seat.
“Wayne hotel please,” She pulls her backpack onto her lap, still regarding Alfred suspiciously.
“Traveling alone?” Tim asks absentmindedly, still nursing his coffee cup.
“I’m here with my class, they left without-” No that's no good , “I got held up they went ahead,”
“Class… staying at the Wayne hotel…” Tim mumbles to himself.
“I believe what Master Tim is trying to ask is if you are part of the Martha Wayne foundation trip,” Alfred informs from the front seat.
“Yeah that,” Tim takes another scalding gulp of coffee.
“Yes I sent in the submission, I’m still surprised we got it,” Marinette had been thrilled at a trip to Gotham, it is where her Aunt Selina lives after all.
“You seem very responsibility Miss Dupain-Cheng,” Alfred complements, “Almost as if you could shoulder the weight of Paris,”
“I didn’t say where I was from,” Marinette tenses getting more than a little unsettled, he seemed to know something more.
“Not to worry, I have close connections with the Wayne's and was aware this years class was from Paris is all,”
“I see,” Marinette nods along, the possible meaning behind the comment still being concerning.
“We forgot your bags!!!” Tim suddenly yells, jumping up and making Marinette jump, they both curse in sync as they spill coffee on themselves.
“It’s alright!” luckily the coffee landed on her black tights, so no noticeable stains, “My bags were stolen,”
“Oh…” Tim relaxes back, “Wait… that's not alright at all!”
“It’s fine, I already have a plan to get some spare clothes and I just need to run to the store,”
“Right… to the Wayne hotel was it?” Marinette nods and Tim starts tapping away at his phone.
She fishes out some wet wipes from her bag, passing them to Tim, who looks confused until she points out the growing coffee stain. With a smile and a few more taps at the phone he takes them off her.
“Left behind and bags stolen, doesn't sound like your Lucky day,” Alfred presses, and he needs to stop, it could be chance, surely its just chance.
“I guess not,”
You don’t know the half of it.
“Well I hope the rest of your day is much better,” Tim bids as they pull up to the hotel.
“Thank you, and thank you so much for the ride,” Alfred opens the door for her to get out.
“Not a problem,” She waves them off, watching them disappear down the street.
They’re nice, probably wont ever get to see them again, thats a shame
“Dick! Holy fuck!” Tim kicks down the door of his brothers room, “I just met the nicest girl who's had the shittest day on earth,”
“First of all welcome back, how was your trip?” Dick greets hanging from the ceiling as Tim takes his desk chair, “Second, what are you talking about?”
“Met a girl at the Airport who didn’t have a ride, she gave me coffee,”
“That's enough to buy your loyalty,” Dick grins, Tim flips him off.
“Listen, she's part of that Martha Wayne Foundation trip and her class left her at the Airport!”
“What?!” Dick drops from the ceiling onto his bed, “Thats so dangerous, especially in Gotham,”
“Right?! She even had her luggage stolen!” Tim pushes the chair over to Dick, “And she was still so nice, even after an eight hour flight!”
“You said she was part of the Wayne foundation trip?” Dick asks, getting a nod from Tim, “Yeah, we are definitely seeing her again,”
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transdemigod · 3 years
Cutting Yourself Off from the Entities: A Comprehensive Guide
I am once again overanalyzing the Magnus Archives for fun. This topic is super interesting to me, and I haven’t seen it explored as much as other theories, so here we go.
So, you’ve pledged yourself to one of the Dread Powers, but decided that you’ve had enough of terrorizing others. Not to worry, there is a way out. Melanie King did it and lived all the way to the end of the series!
Here is the summary, though I’m sure a full explanation will be more satisfying:
To escape the Buried, lose yourself to the emptiness. To escape the Corruption, kill what loves you. To escape the Dark, give yourself to the sunlight. To escape the Desolation, choose kindness. To escape the End, cut yourself off from dreams. To escape the Eye, blind yourself. To escape the Flesh, give up control of your body. To escape the Hunt, tear out your teeth and claws. To escape the Lonely, bind yourself to others. To escape the Slaughter, remove your emotions. To escape the Spiral, destroy your voice. To escape the Stranger, make yourself known. To escape the Vast, trap yourself in a small place. To escape the Web, give up your autonomy.
The rest is under the cut. Let me know if you have any ideas that you think I missed, I would love to discuss theories.
We know for sure that the way to escape the Eye is to gouge your own eyes out. The other entities have less information, but we get a few clues here and there. In the season 4 Q&A, Jonny and Alex joke about leaving the service of the Stranger by running naked through the streets. They also mention that the Desolation can be left by an act of true altruism. With these details, as well as other details in the rest of the canon, we can make a list of criteria that must be satisfied for an act that will cut someone off from each of the 14 Entities.
Firstly, it isn’t enough to just stop feeding your god. Daisy and Jon both tried to abstain and ended up wasting away, and it is implied that they would have died if they had continued. Dying is certainly one possible way to escape the service of a Fear, but we’re going for living out the rest of your natural life here.
Secondly, there has to be some sacrifice made that relates to the specific power. This is where the Desolation’s explanation kind of falls apart; doing one good act doesn’t stop you from just continuing to be destructive, so the act must also include giving up the thing that ties you to your Entity. In the Stranger’s case, one could argue that exposing yourself does count as giving up your anonymity, and there are several Stranger avatars that seem to thrive on being unknown. My theory is that each Entity has a draw of some kind, a power that it gives its followers, which you would have to completely give up if you are to leave it for good. Jon mentioned that the blinding has to be permanent, so I’m assuming this applies to the others as well. Basically, the avatar who wishes to leave must give up something that one who does not wish to leave would never want to.
Third, the change can be physical or symbolic. Obviously blinding yourself is a very physical change, while committing acts of altruism or making yourself known are less so. Some of the Entities will have pretty clear parts of the body that connect you to the power, others will need a bit more of an explanation. In special cases where a person gets their power from an artifact or a Leitner, destroying the thing would probably be enough to cut them off from that power. And of course, if you are as lucky as Georgie Barker and manage to completely get rid of your fear, that would probably be enough to cut you off from them as well.
So, here are my explanations for what you would have to do to cut yourself off from each of the 14. I’m basing it on examples we get in the series, the few rules I have decided to set, and what would seem thematically or symbolically appropriate. Realistically, each individual would have their own personal journey and each avatar is different, but it’s more fun this way.
The Buried- The draw of the Buried is a little difficult to narrow down, we’ve heard about restfulness, the comfort of enclosed spaces, the desire to be a part of the earth, etc. The thing Buried avatars seem to dislike the most is wide open spaces, though I don’t know how that would translate to something you can change about yourself. How would a person cut themselves off from the earth? You could move to a place that is very open, but you could also just leave. I’m not sure if there is a way a person could give up the concept of space, so I’m probably going to have this same problem when I get to the Vast. Probably the only thing you could give up that makes sense is the type of space the Buried is tied to, so you’d have to keep away from enclosed spaces. However you’re supposed to do that, I have no idea. This one is just going to have to be a less satisfying answer, unless I find another idea later.
To escape the Buried, lose yourself to the emptiness.
The Corruption- Most people who get into the Corruption get filled with bugs, and we know from Jane that it is appealing because you have a sense of belonging and purpose. The Corruption focuses a lot on toxic love, and I think communities specifically because the things we think of as infections are multitudinous: insect hives, bacteria, fungal colonies, etc. Even in the case of that one guy with the beetle wife, it was implied that there would soon be many more beetles. So, I think to stop being fed by the Corruption, you have to get rid of the infection in whatever form it takes. The one woman in the statement about the cult ended up leaving, but she wasn’t a full avatar, so I think that would require a bit more drastic action. If Jane had wanted to leave, she would probably have had to kill every worm inside of her. Knowing what we know about her, she would never want to do that, but she also had no regrets about becoming the Hive. Someone like John Amherst would have to get rid of all the diseases inside of him, so it might be as simple as a hospital visit and getting pumped full of antibiotics. If you got hollowed out by bugs, you might have to fill in the space somehow to be able to move, but I’m sure you could find a way. Maybe some help from the Flesh? It does seems to be in opposition to the Corruption in many ways, so that would work thematically.
To escape the Corruption, kill what loves you.
The Dark- Another abstract one. What’s the opposite of blinding yourself? The Dark, aside from the literal definition, includes things like weird science and unknowable things that lurk in the dark. Seeking knowledge would be a good opposite to darkness, but that’s not making a sacrifice or a permanent change. It’s not very clear what avatars of the Dark would hate to lose. Manuela Dominguez describes hating the light, how traditional divinity and knowledge are unnatural as opposed to the dark state of the world. This might be another location based one. Apparently, the sunniest places in the world are in northern Africa and the southwest parts of America, so moving there might do it. There isn’t an easy permanent change to make, but committing yourself to being in the sunlight as much as possible would probably work. Change your sleep schedule, move somewhere sunny, just avoid the dark in general. Maybe even start worshipping the sun; that would be in opposition to the cult following the Dark has.
To escape the Dark, give yourself to the sunlight.
The Desolation- We know it’s an act of altruism. I think it might need some adjusting, though, to make it more of a sacrifice by the person who serves the Desolation. This fear is all about sacrifice and loss, so it’s a bit tricky to think of something a Desolation avatar could give up when they’ve already committed to giving up everything. Well, everything except themselves. Many avatars, like Jude Perry, have shown themselves to be selfish, but I don’t think even they would be opposed to going out in a blaze of glory. No, the hardest thing for them would be to settle down and live a prosperous life. This one probably would have to be continuous effort instead of one grand sacrifice. It doesn’t fit with the others, but it does fit the theme of the Desolation. Yeah, I’ve just gone in a big circle. Altruism does make the most sense. Just make sure that selfless gesture counts. It’s not a real choice if you don’t mean it. I guess that would be really difficult if you’re used to burning everything around you, so maybe it’s more of a sacrifice than I thought.
To escape the Desolation, choose kindness.
The End- We actually already have a canon answer for this one: lobotomize yourself. Adelard Dekker found an End avatar that was killing people with carbon monoxide through their dreams, and he stopped him by cutting through his pre-frontal cortex- the part of the brain that lets you dream. It’s implied that this didn’t completely work, but I think the reason for that is that the avatar was not the one to make the choice. It’s emphasized again and again that serving the fears is all about personal choice, so it makes sense that any attempt to cut someone off wouldn’t take if the person hasn’t decided to give up their connection. The End is associated with dreams in most appearances, so I believe that a person who chooses not to dream would no longer be bound to it. Oliver Banks could see those whose deaths were coming in his dreams, which directly led to him becoming an avatar, so if he had decided to stop dreaming, that would be it. This procedure might be a bit difficult, I can’t imagine performing your own lobotomy would go very well, but I’m sure getting someone else to do it would count if you were the one to make the decision. Of course, Terminus would still have you in the end, but that will happen no matter what you do.
To escape the End, cut yourself off from dreams.
The Eye- This one is already answered. The draw of the Eye is the power to watch, so you have to give that ability up. Simple, straightforward, and definitely fits the theme.
To escape the Eye, blind yourself.
The Flesh- Oh boy, this is a weird one. We have dysphoria, consumption, body horror, I can’t say this one sounds very appealing. But it must be, or else it wouldn’t have people serving it. A lot of the draw to serve the fears could be interpreted as dishing out what you can’t take. You don’t have to be afraid of being watched if you do the watching, you don’t have to fear harm if you harm them first. Maybe the appeal of Flesh is making others share that fear that you are nothing but meat. I don’t think it’s really possible for people to give up their corporeal form, unless it’s metaphorical but I have no idea what that could mean. I think those who serve the Flesh thrive on being “more” than others. More body parts, more mass in general. You could go on a diet or become a vegetarian, which I think the writers may have joked about once? I want a more concrete solution, though. Diets are easy to break. You can’t fully give up food without dying, so I guess you could give up the control of food. Giving up your sense of taste would be interesting, but I’m going to keep it more general. No easy answer for this one either.
To escape the Flesh, give up control of your body.
The Hunt- People are drawn to the Hunt by that deep, primal desire to chase and attack. Humans have both predator and prey instincts inside of us, so you would have to completely leave the predator behind to escape the Hunt. I think a good way to do this would be the get rid of your teeth, or nails, whichever you use to cause harm. Daisy was able to temporarily leave behind her power in the Buried, but as soon as she got out, she started starving. I think this is a good argument that you could partially cut off your power by using a power that opposes it in some way, but you would have to give up a part of yourself to make it stick. As soon as she had the freedom and ability to hunt again, that was when the urge came back, and she eventually succumbed to it. Getting rid of the parts of your body that do harm wouldn’t completely stop you if you were dedicated enough, but it’s the choice to do so that matters. This one is a bit more of a symbolic choice, and you could probably do something else to your body that would prevent it from hunting, but I am going with the cooler option.
To escape the Hunt, tear out your teeth and claws.
The Lonely- Probably all you have to do to escape the Lonely is just…be around other people. I’m sure this is easier said than done, but there are lots of ways to commit to other humans. Get married, join a club, make a blood pact and permanently bind yourself to another human. The possibilities are endless! This one, I think more than the others, would require a bit more of a continued effort. I know that the whole point is to make one drastic, permanent change, but the Lonely feels like something that’s easy to relapse into. Maybe it’s the depression metaphor, I don’t know, but I don’t think this one has as easy a solution as the others. It’s hard work forcing yourself to stay connected to others, and it’s something most people in real life struggle with. Giving up any of these powers is a difficult choice, which is the whole point. Life is hard, and we have to make tough decisions. Anyway, I’m okay letting this one be a bit more abstract.
To escape the Lonely, bind yourself to others.
The Slaughter- This one is very similar to the Hunt in terms of actions, so I think the solution might be similar as well. Destroying your weapon would fit well, but it is just way too easy to pick up something else and continue hacking and slashing away. To give up violence entirely, you might have to destroy a significant part of your body. For the Slaughter, I think we should go with a less physical act. The opposite of violence is healing, so maybe become a doctor? You would have to really commit to helping others instead of hurting them, and that is too easy to go back on. I think the sacrifice made here would have to be emotion. Anger and the desire to hurt would go away if you couldn’t feel anymore. I don’t know how you would do this, except through drugs, but that isn’t permanent. There is probably a part of the brain you could destroy that causes emotion. It’s not the same as the prefrontal cortex, which we destroyed back in the End section, so at least it’s not the same solution twice. Honestly, the drugs could work if you did them long term, it’s about the choice anyway. However you do it:
To escape the Slaughter, remove your emotions.
The Spiral- The draw of the Spiral is the power to lie and deceive. There are many ways to do this, and there are probably just as many ways to stop yourself from doing it. However, there is one way that I think fits very well and is absolutely a permanent change: destroy your voice. This is actually the first one I thought of because even though it’s not technically the only way to stop yourself from lying, it fits very well thematically. Michael as the Distortion calls itself the Throat of Delusion Incarnate, so what better way to break yourself off from the same power then by tearing out your throat? It’s not perfect, but I like it so much that I’m going to pick it. I don’t know how one would go about destroying one’s voice, except with very careful surgery. Or screaming for a very long time.
To escape the Spiral, destroy your voice.
The Stranger- We got our answer to this one in the Q&A. Run naked through the streets, and make sure to engage with everyone who talks to you so that you can’t hide. Utterly terrifying. It makes perfect sense though; we heard from the Not!Them that beings of the Stranger hate losing their anonymity. Whether by switching skins, tricking the mind, or looking so generic that no one can remember your face, being known is antithetical to the Stranger. There are probably other ways to go about losing your anonymity then running around naked. You could get up on a stage somewhere and pour your heart out, or publish an autobiography. Basically anything the Eye would like. As long as you are putting yourself out there in a way that you can’t take back, you should be able to successfully cut yourself off from that uncanny fear.
To escape the Stranger, make yourself known.
The Vast- This one might actually be easier than the Buried, because it’s not purely spatial. It includes things like longevity, our insignificance in the face of a massive universe, and large scary things in general. A Vast avatar would hate to be enclosed, but they would also hate to be made responsible. They enjoy making others afraid of their insignificance, but what if they were important to the universe? What if the world was actually very small, and they fit neatly into it instead of being lost? There’s a lot of different ways to go here, so narrowing down one sacrifice might not be the best answer. I can’t really think of any one action that makes a person feel as though the world is small and trapping them. Giving themselves to the Buried would, probably. A direct contrast is the easiest answer.
To escape the Vast, trap yourself in a small place.
The Web- Avatars of the Web are manipulators, through and through. There are so many ways to manipulate a person that no one action could prevent you from doing that, so this one would likely vary a lot between individuals. That movie director who had people puppet him in his own house comes to mind, I think giving up your freedom like that is a good way to do it. Being paralyzed wouldn’t stop you if you used your voice to control others, and giving up both would suck, but if that’s what you need to do, then I guess it’s your choice to make. Maybe all you would need to do is let someone else tell you what to do, and fully trust them. That would be difficult, coming from the Web where everything is tied together and you know how easy it is to manipulate you.
To escape the Web, give up your autonomy.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Request; from @tsundere-cherry-girl
Hello there! I love your writings btw, especially the Levi ones. I’ve seen you write scenarios like this before so I was gonna ask if you could do Zuko x pregnant reader. If you’ve read the comics, she becomes pregnant around the time of the Promise and goes into labor after the final battle in Smoke and Shadow. The child being Izumi. If you haven’t read the comics you don’t need to do that. I just want to see some Zuko and reader with baby Izumi fluff UwU
A/N: I changed it up just a tiny bit to fit the comic but also be it’s own story as well, ALSO! I’m sorry this took so long! 
Warning; Long, had to be cut for length
Please enjoy~🍰
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The night was calm, quiet, and warm. You laid in your husbands arms as you both slept. After so much chaos, hatred and war you were finally able to rest. Well, almost, Zuko has been very jumpy since being crowned fire lord. Although some of his hunches did turn out to be true, he was very set on someone trying to kill him 
“Guards!“ he had woken you from your sleep calling for the guards again, “Someone is here, secure Y/N and search the area!“ he ordered them as he jumped from bed. You following him to bring him back to bed
“Fire Lord Zuko, there is no one here, you’re safe“ one explained rushing to the door where he was ready to fight. Sometimes you thought he had too much trauma as a child that it will forever effect him
“Zuko sweet, please come back to bed. The guards have been here the whole night“ you said laying a hand on his chest attempting to keep him in a calmer state 
“You highness I can assure you no one is here-“
“There have been 5 attempts already on my life! Next thing you know they’ll come for my wife“ he grabbed the guard by the front of his uniform to make the message clear as to how serious he was 
“Sir we’ve-“ just as the guard spoke his head had been hit by an object knocking him out to the floor. Zuko pushes you behind him and gets into his fighting stance ready to defend you 
“Who’s there?! Show yourself“ just as commanded the intruder shows themselves whirling around what seemed to be a metal ball with spikes. Right before your eyes they go at it. Taking swings at each other, sooner than expected Zuko has his opponent at his mercy being taken away by his guards. He comes back to check on you
“Hey are you alright? Are you hurt?” he checks your face, you hands anything that could have gotten a scratch. You were physically okay but mentally you didn’t feel so well. You haven’t been feeling 100% for some time now and you were getting suspicious 
“I’m not hurt but, I don’t feel well Zuko“ you said leaning your head on his shoulder “Can you help me to bed please?“ You ask him, he wraps an arm around you and helps you walk to the bed and lay down. Walking back to the door his guards wait for his order
“I want double the guards here tonight and tomorrow I need the royal healer here for Y/N“
“Yes Sir!“ he closes the door and walks back to your side of the bed. Kissing your head he watches over you through the night. For one, you might not feel well, and the other being of what just happened. It was going to be a very long night....
The next morning the healer came as asked and took some time to check up on you while Zuko got ready for the day. He had given you some medical tea blends and told you to get rest. Turns out you were pregnant. Now you needed a way to tell Zuko, and with all the stress he’s under you wouldn’t know how to react. You had just finished getting dressed when he had walked in 
“Y/N, I’m heading out into town to settle last nights incident. What did the healer say?“ he asked coming over to where you sat
“Well, it’s nothing to be worried about but, something that will change everything“ you said fiddling with the tips of your hair 
“Well?“ he urges you “Come on Y/N, if I hear you’re okay it’ll make my day better“ he offered a soft smile which he knew, you melted for. You said and take his hands into yours and look into his eyes
“I’m pregnant...“ his jaw went slack almost as if he were frozen in time. It scared you “Zuko...?“ anything, he could just make a sound but you needed to hear him say something. 
“I....I have to go. I’ll see you later.“ he said kissing your forehead and leaving without saying another word. You were, hurt. You didn’t blame him completely because expressing his emotions wasn’t exactly his forte. Instead while he was out you went to the other person you trusted the most.
Knocking softly on the entrance to the garden Iroh was sat drinking some tea. 
“Ah Y/N, good morning come have some tea. I heard Zuko went to town to settle some things“ he said as he poured you a cup “I’ve also heard you’ve got something on your hands“
You simply nod and take the tea he held out to you
“So, why don’t you tell me about it“ he said with a kind smile. Iroh was probably the wisest, kindest soul you knew.
Later that afternoon Zuko came back and if anything looked more tired than before. You had a hunch as to where he was but you were hoping it wasn't true. Walking to him you cup his chin with both your hands and make him look at you in the eye
“You need to relax more...“ you said running your thumb over the bags under his eyes “You’re going to be tired before the baby gets here..and stop visiting your father, it’s not good for you“
His larger hands come up to hold yours “I’ll try, and I’m sorry about before...I’m happy” he offered a soft smile 
“Are you really?“ you pout slightly making him peck your lips 
“Yes I am, I know I’m not the best person for a father or husband..”
“Zuko“ you bring his forehead to rest on yours “You are the best person to be my husband and the father of my children. I couldn’t want anyone else“
As time went on things only weighed in his shoulders more. You were probably the only thing that kept him sane. You were also starting to show, your baby was growing nicely and very restless as well. On days when Zuko would have trouble sleeping the baby would get restless leaving both of you tired. But he had figured it out, if he lays in bed with you and talks to your bump, the baby calms down.
“What do you think it’ll be Zuko?“ you asked 
“Hmm, I think it’s a girl. They refuse to listen, and gets upset when I don’t talk to it, I’d say it’s you any day“ you gently wack his shoulder causing you both to laugh “I don’t mind what they are, if they’re healthy and we can make them happy is all I care about“
“You’re going to be a great father Zuko“ you said kissing his forehead 
“But...what if-“
“I’m going to stop you ahead of time. You are NOTHING like that man and you will never be. You are the kindest, strongest, best man I have ever met and our baby is lucky enough to have you as a father” 
Yes, he was terrified to make the same mistake this father make the same mistake his father made. You knew him better than anyone and if he were half as back as his father, you wouldn’t be there at that moment.
By the time you were almost due it seemed as if war had never left. From Azula attacking once again, to disagreements and even almost a Fight with Aang. Things were heavy on his shoulders, he’s tightened security because of your baby. The last thing he wanted was for anything to happen to you both.
Finally a day where everything was being settled, calmly he felt some kind of relief. That was until a guard barged into the meeting room to announce you had gone into labor. The funny thing about Zuko is that he’s fast and for some reason no one sees him. As soon as people looked away from the door and back to Zuko, only his chair was in their sight.
“Do you think he left that fast when he heard you were alive?” Sokka asked as the room became quiet
Rushing to the healers room at the door he was told he wasn’t allowed inside.
“What do you mean?! My wife is giving birth to our baby and I need to be with her!” This was going to be an old rule he was going to get rid of...
“I-I apologize sir but it’s been a tradition for generations-“
“ZUKO!!” Next thing you knew one of the midwives came to the door and saw Zuko and said
“The lady wishes for you to be with her Fire Lord Zuko” she said timidly. It took him less than a second to trip of his cape and run to your side. This was it, the end of your pregnancy, labor, the day your baby would finally be in your arms. It was a very difficult day for you, she took all day to be born and finally when the moon was high in the sky she made her appearance. She was just perfect, and for a moment the world seemed so at peace.
“She looks like you“ you whisper to Zuko as you both gaze down and admire her 
“Yeah but, she’s beautiful like you“ he whispered back, he truly felt something he’s never felt. It was happiness, excitement, protectiveness, and everything in between. He doesn’t remember the last time he was this happy, this was the best day right next to your wedding day.
Just as you expected he really was a wonderful father. During the first few weeks he wanted you only on bed rest. At night he would help care for Izumi and calm her when she needed it. He was actually the one who taught her to walk. When Aang and the rest of your friends met her, he was secretly super proud and cocky about it. They couldn’t get over how much she looked like him and just how cute she was.
He also liked to have her sleep in the same bed as you guys while she was still young. When he couldn’t sleep he would just gaze at her and talk to her, even though she couldn’t answer back.
“..and you could be anything you want to be, and you could rule the kingdom your way. If you’re like your mother I know you’ll be a kind and smart ruler. You probably can’t understand me right now but, I love you and your mother so much“ you felt your hear swell while you pretended to be asleep. 
Although your favorite memory was him showing her how to bend when she first made a flame. She was around 6 when she first bended and he felt the flame of pride light in his chest. He showed her how to meditate and control it instead of training. He was always patient and gentle with her. It was very safe to say he was never the same as his father was with him.
Izumi and Zuko were nothing more than the center of your universe, the apples of your eye. And you knew it was the same for Zuko when he looked at you. 
I hope this was okay!❤️
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bepp-ers · 4 years
“Ok. So ive read fanfics and headcanons of yandere!Diavolo basically getting with MC to annoy or make Lucifer jealous. What if MC feels like Diavolo is doing this and try to say no whenever Dia tries to ask them out? Hes the the future king and rarely gets told no. I feel like he wouldnt accept MC's refusal.”
Yandere!Diavolo x MC. Thanks beautiful anon for requesting. And it ended up being gender neutral because it just did. Also ever so slight Barbatos x Reader too bc i errr simp-- Enjoy lovelies! <3
TW: Kidnapping, warnings of physical abuse, deceit, emotional manipulation, Diavolo being a bitch
“Are you afraid?”
You were seriously annoyed. Living in the Devildom, fun right? 
Apparently not with the Prince around. Diavolo was nice, you supposed but very much arrogant. 
So here you were, faced with yet another proposition. 
“Look, Diavolo you’re nice but once again it’s got to be a no. Please understand that, I mean no disrespect.” You were a bit nervous, the way his eyes narrowed and his smug smile widened.
“Of course. But one day maybe you will give me a chance.” You forced a smile and turned to leave, wanting to return back to the house of lamentation.
“Oooh, MC you’re in a bad mood! What’s wrong?” As you walked into the kitchen to grab a drink, you heard Asmo quip at you.
“Nothing, nothing, I’m just tired...” You leant on the counter and sighed. “Come now, we both know it’s something more than that. You can tell me!”
“Fine, it’s Diavolo again.” “Eh? Again?” “Yep. He keeps asking me to be with him, and I’m almost certain it’s to make Lucifer jealous.” 
Asmo tapped his chin in thought. “Hm, well that is a problem. I can’t help you, although you’re super lucky to have the future King after you. Maybe Lucifer can help?”
You blinked. “Hey that’s not a bad idea. Thanks Asmo!”
You hopped down from the counter and left, to hopefully find some help on the situation.
Knock knock!
“Enter.” You quietly stepped into Lucifer’s study, where he was doing goodness knows what.
“Ah, MC. Need something?” You sank into one of the chairs and sighed. “I need you to talk to Diavolo for me.”
The scratching of the pen stopped at once and Lucifer fixed you with a look. “Pardon?”
“I meant what I said. I have utmost respect for Diavolo, but at the moment he seems... He won’t take my ‘no’ for an answer in being his partner. And he won’t listen to me, so I was hoping you could talk to him?”
Lucifer paused for a moment, taking in the information. 
“I see. So, you want me to discuss with Diavolo why you don’t wish to be his partner?” “Please.” “Very well. Next week’s student council meeting will--”
“I need you to do it as soon as you can.” Lucifer gave you a small smile. “MC, I appreciate the concern but I can assure you Diavolo means no harm. He is simply not used to being refused something.”
You stood up, and shook your head. “You don’t understand... Nevermind, it doesn’t matter.” 
With that, you left.
After closing the door in annoyance, you groaned, heading back to your room. It was unfair! No one saw the urgency of the situation!
‘Who else can I talk to...? Lucifer will only talk to him next week, and I don’t think any of the brothers would want to talk to him...’
An idea popped into your head, and you grabbed your D.D.D.
Scrolling through your contacts you clicked on a fairly unused one. 
Riiing... Riiing.... Click!
“MC. What a pleasant call.” 
“Hey, Barbatos. Listen, I need to talk to you about something, but I’d prefer to do it in person.” “That is completely fine. Would you like to come over tomorrow?”
You sighed in some relief. “Yeah, yeah that’s brilliant. Thanks.” “It’s no problem. I’ll escort you, if you’d like.” “Mm, thanks Barbatos. See you tomorrow.”
You hung up and grinned. Why hadn’t you thought of that before? Barbatos could help for sure... right?
In the morning, at breakfast you informed the brothers of where you’d be going.
“So what are you doing today, MC? You could come with me to Devil’s Kitchen-” “Or you could come buy a matching outfit with me for Devilgram!” “Yeah, or they could stay in and play the new game with me? Only if they wanted, of course-!”
You chuckled at the brothers bickering. “Actually I’m going out today, so I can’t join any of you.”
“Oh? And where are you going?” “To spend some time with Barbatos actually.” “Huh?! Why are you hanging out with that butler?” “Mammon, jealousy isn’t a good look for you.”
“I just thought I would, because I don’t spend much time with him. He’s picking me up soon.” “Oh! Is MC going on a date?” “I very much doubt that, Asmo.”
You gave Asmo a side glare and stood up from the table. “I just want to talk to him, that’s all. I’ve gotta get ready, catch you later.”
“Alright, see you guys later! If I’m not back by this evening assume I’m dead. See you!” You stepped out of the building with Barbatos and he gave you that oh-so-polite smile of his.
“MC, you look nice. So what is you wished to discuss?” With one graceful flick of his hand, Barbatos had both of you transported to the Demon Lord’s castle.
It wasn’t the first place you’d wanted to go to, but if the time was spent with Barbatos on his own then it would be fine.
“Well, actually it’s about Diavolo- No, before you say I don’t want to talk to him about this. Believe me, I’ve tried.” You leant back into 
Barbatos pursed his lips and glanced to the side. “I believe I know what this is about. Excuse my manners, I haven’t offered you anything. Some tea?” 
“Oh, thanks.” He nodded courteously and stood up, leaving for a moment.
You glanced around, taking in the grand carvings in the gold ceilings, and how everything from the paintings to the threads of the cushion you were leaning on had some air of royalty to them.
“Here you are MC. I hope it is to your liking?” “Mm.” “Wonderful. Now, about your concerns. This is about My Lord’s... advances, isn’t it?”
You nodded, and sipped your cup of hot tea.
“No need to say anything, I completely understand. My Lord is a wonderful demon, he’s just new to this kind of thing. But I understand why you are uncomfortable, and I will talk to him about it, if you’d like?”
“You will?” “Of course, I’d be more than happy to oblige. MC, are you feeling well? You look a little pale.” He suddenly commented, and you noticed a strange feeling in your temple.
“Ah- now that you mention it, I feel kind of... tired... Wait- Barbatos what’s in this tea...?” You trailed off, your delicate cup clattering to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, MC. Out of all the futures I’ve seen, yours was one of the brightest until you came here... I truly am sorry.” Remorse welled in his teal eyes and you slipped forwards, sleep overtaking you.
Gloved hands caught you swiftly, but you didn’t know what happened after that. You could only imagine Barbatos carrying you to the grand room, removing your D.D.D from your possession and glacing wistfully back at you as he locked the door.
“Ahh, you’re finally awake! It’s so lovely to see your bright eyes again.” ‘That voice, it can’t be...’
Your worst fears had come true. Here you were, just woken up in the lap of the demon Prince himself. ‘Angels save me...’
“What... Diavolo..?” “Yours truly. How do you feel, darling? Terribly sorry about getting you here, Barbatos was rather reluctant about the whole plan but seeing the future is such a nifty trick, eh?”
You scrambled out of his loose grip and hunched up to the head board, golden like everything else in this fucking castle.
“You- he- He tricked me! Let me go, you can’t keep me here!” “I think you’ll find I can, being the future King and all. Come now, what’s with that expression?”
You glared at him, eyes fixated on sending a look of pure hatred. “You’re a monster. I told you I didn’t want you. You can’t just kidnap someone if they don’t requite your feelings!”
“Can’t I? You don’t seem to be correct, this time.” “You bastard!” You cried, and jumped off the bed, sprinting towards the door. 
Of course it was locked, but that wouldn’t stop you from banging on it and screaming. “Barbatos, Barbatos please help me!”
“I’m afraid that won’t help you, MC. Barbatos is my servant after all, and a servant cannot disobey his master. As for you...”
You heard him stride across the room, and you turned to face him- only to wish you hadn’t.
“Are you afraid, MC?”
Diavolo’s usually wide smile had been replaced by a sinister grin, and he had changed into his demon form- a truly terrifying sight to behold.
“Not going to answer me? That’s okay, I don’t need you to.” You pressed yourself against the door, ready for some kind of agony, but it never came.
Instead, he picked you up and sat back on the bed, nestling you on his lap once more.
“I must say, it’s better when you don’t fight back.” You couldn’t move. You were genuinely paralysed. 
All you could do was whatever he wanted, evidently. 
“What... did you do to me...?!” “What an accusation, MC. I simply made the situation more enjoyable, wouldn’t you say?”
“The brothers will find me... The angels will find me too... You won’t get away with this..!” You hissed as he pressed gentle kisses to your neck, content.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. After all, they’ll be too sad to find that you left them, without even saying goodbye.”
“W-what?! I would never.... You cruel bastard!” Your eyes welled with tears, and he carefully wiped them away with his thumb.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You have me, right darling?” “I don’t want you!” “We’ll have to work on that, but that’s okay... but that’s okay, if it’s for you!”
“Don’t... don’t touch me.” He sighed, pulling you closer to his chest and ran his hand through your hair.
“I suppose if you keep denying me, there will be consequences, but I’m sure you’ll be a good little human and keep quiet, right?”
haha this was long. and i may or may not be working on yandere! simeon and solomon right now so uhhhh shhh. i’m not a huge fan of Diavolo but the dynamic is fun. see you soon lovelies <3 
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
make your own stereotype
pairing: soft dom!Choi Chanhee x reader
word count: 1.3k
synopsis: Chanhee changes his appearance and demeanor on his birthday and you have mind-blowing sex
a/n: happy birthday to the prettiest person in the entire world! this is inspired by the be your own king video
please send in requests!!!!
masterlist + requests
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You were lucky to have found the most amazing boyfriend in the world. The way you met had been an accident as you had texted the wrong Instagram account. Both your friend's and his were private with almost identical usernames. So you had been spamming his account with memes and all of your worries, wondering why your friend hadn’t been texting you back.
He eventually answered, matching your energy as well but he told you you must have confused him for a different Chanhee. You had felt so embarrassed and apologized profusely. He had just thought it was funny and told you it was okay. He kept on messaging you and you got along really well.All of this had happened during summer break so you had been talking a long time before school had started again.
By then you were already developing a slight crush on this sassy but also smart and kind human being and were kind of scared to see him. Apparently he was in your grade but you've just never had any classes together. But when he finally accepted your follow request and you saw his posts, you had immediately remembered him. You'd only ever seen him in the halls but his beautiful face hadn't gone unnoticed by you.
After summer, you actually had had a few classes together and had started hanging out in real life. Your chemistry was A+ and soon you were sure you liked him more than a friend. To your surprise he had actually confessed to you after four months and now it has been one and a half years since you'd been together.
Today was his birthday and you were so excited to give him your self-made cake and presents. Unfortunately you had school today so that had to wait until the afternoon.
Right now you were waiting in your first period classroom for Chanhee.
"Y/n!!" you heard someone call your name excitedly. You immediately knew it was Chanhee and stood up to run to him. When your eyes found him you stopped dead in your tracks.
Instead of his usual pink curls and bright, preppy outfits you were greeted with a straight, black haired, dark clothed Chanhee. You hadn't been aware that he had planned to dye his hair so this came as a surprise to you. He looked very different but just as beautiful nonetheless.
Ignoring the butterflies that were forming in your stomach you ran to him and gave him a very tight hug. He laughed at how excited you were and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"You look absolutely stunning," you whispered in his ear and noticed him blush.
You had a hard time concentrating in any of your classes. Your boyfriend's new appearance had taken your breath away and you couldn't stop thinking about how good he looked with his black hair.
After school you went home together and you finally gave him the cake.
He was really happy and gave you a kiss as a thank you. You almost started making out and he was extremely amused by the fact that he seemed to affect you in this way.
"What did you wish for?" You were quite noisy and wanted to know.
"Blow out the candles and make a wish," you told him and he closed his eyes before blowing.
"You.," he simply answered with a smirk. You put your arms around his neck and told him: "But you already have me, baby."
"I want all of you," he whispered against your lips before pulling you closer and kissing you hard. This time he let it escalate and soon your tongues were fighting with each other and his hands were roaming your body.
You let out a squeak as he picked you up and carried you to your bed. While making out he was grinding on you from the top and you could clearly feel his hard on.
In a matter of a few seconds, most of your clothes had been discarded to the side and you were mostly naked. Chanhee went in between your legs and started licking and sucking your clit. When he inserted his long slender fingers your hands went to his hair and started pulling at it. The sensation had felt so good.
Usually there was no real power play between you two, just soft and loving sex but this time you could tell it was different.
Right before your orgasm he pulled out his fingers and laughed at your reaction.
"It's okay. I have something better for you," he told you and pumped his cock a few times. You wanted to help and maybe suck him off but he pinned your wrists to the bed. "No need for that."
He slid inside with ease as you were, one, very wet and, two, already used to his length after frequently having had sex for more than a year now. The beautiful moan that came out of his mouth as he entered made you clench around him and that made him go wild.
He wasn't particularly rough but his thrusts were still quite hard and sharp. At some point you had your head buried in the sheets while he was grabbing your ass and fucking you from behind. This allowed him to go even deeper and find your g-spot.
He had a particular talent in making you come from penetration which was very rare. You had always thought that it was normal for girls not to come during sex so you had been really surprised when you had had an orgasm during your first time.
When he felt like you were close he turned you around again. With your legs over his shoulders, you were making out while he was pounding into you. Both of you preferred to see each other's face when you were coming.
"Can I come inside you?" Chanhee asked which surprised you. You had suggested this to him before but he had always declined. He had been too scared to get you pregnant despite you being on the pill.
You eagerly nodded and felt the all too familiar knot forming in your stomach. Your boyfriend increased his tempo which drove you over the edge.
You came around his cock which made him explode as well. His cum was filling you from the inside and he was fucking it back in while riding out both of your orgasms.
He stayed still like this with your foreheads connected waiting to calm down. When he pulled his dick out, all the cum started dripping out of you.
You both started laughing as this whole entire experience was pretty unfamiliar.
You felt more exhausted than usual so Chanhee made sure to clean you up so you didn't have to walk. You were sure you were going to be super sore tomorrow.
When you were both clean, you stayed cuddling in your bed.
"Is there any particular reason you changed your appearance for your birthday?" you asked him, slightly curious.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ears and laughed.
"You know how everyone always says that I am so feminine and fragile? Well, while that might be true that is not all I am. I just wanted to show I can be different. I wanted to make my own stereotype."
You admired him for this. He was right. He was more than what one would assume at first sight and this side was also just a part of who he was.
"I wouldn't mind seeing this side of you more often," you admitted sheepishly.
"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't," he sneered. "Just ask and you shall receive." His words made you wet again and it became clear that today's fun would continue on for much longer.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
“Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years.”
Part 2 to “You don’t share real well”
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
requested: yes 
word count: 3k
warnings: references smut but it’s not graphic, fluff
A/N: i didn’t plan on writing a part 2 to this, but i think it turned out so well so thank you so much for requesting it @immajustreadwritereblog !! I hope you like it just as much as I do Xx Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone that’s been reading, commenting, & reblogging my work!! I posted two different stories  y e s t e r d a y & they’re both super close if not already at 100 notes!! not to mention i’m also close to 200 followers already! like that’s absolutely crazy!! I feel like I just started this blog so i’m just very overwhelmed and grateful to every one of you! I hope you continue to like my writing and will continue supporting me! I seriously love you all so much <3
Taglist: i’m just going to tag some people that had asked to be tagged in other stories of mine, message me if you’d like to be added or removed!
@justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog
You groan as you turn over in bed, waking up a bit. You hiss as your head is already pounding from the lack of sleep you’ve had recently. Not only have you been working, but you’d also spend much of the night cuddling with Fred and George and just enjoying each other’s presence.
Since seeing the twins again at Bill and Fleur’s wedding you had nearly moved in with them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had to go back to school anyways so it’s not like you were missing much at the burrow.
Fred and George had asked you over for a week, which soon turned into two and then three until suddenly it’d had been nearly three months that you’d be there.
“Good morning, darling.” George smiles as he walks into the room carrying a mug of coffee.
“Morning, Georgie.” You smile, watching as he sets the mug down on the stand and then crawling on top of you, laying on top of your body as he wraps his arms around you.
You giggle, smiling widely as you kiss his forehead and run your fingers through his hair.
“Is someone a bit needy this morning?” You whisper, still playing with his hair as he whines a bit.
“I just need you to hold me.”
You smile and nod, kissing his forehead once more before letting him just lay there. Since you’ve sort of moved in with them, moments like this have happened more and more between all of you.
You've more than made up for those few months where you couldn’t see each other. Both of them are showing you more affection than all your years combined, however. It’s almost like they’re trying to catch up on all the time they’ve wanted to hold you and be close to you that they were too afraid do at hogwarts with so many other people around. it was obvious you were all close friends, but truthfully you all had been wary of being too cuddly to prevent any unwanted questions about your guys' relationship from peers and professors.
You weren’t going to complain, you loved the boys and any time you were held by them or got quick kisses from them made you more than happy. You still hadn’t shared your true feelings with them, but why would you when you already had this? If you told them you loved them you were afraid all of this would stop.
“Hey, George, I - what’ve we got here?” Fred asks as he walks into the bedroom, stopping and pouting when he sees George holding you.
“Morning, Freddie.” You smile, getting him to smile a little bit at you before going back to pout at his twin.
“Why am I not getting cuddled?”
“Because it’s my turn. I need some of y/n’s love this morning.” George mumbles out grumpily to his brother, his face pressed into your stomach.
“That’s not fair. You’re always cuddling her.”
“I got here first.” George argues and you sigh, shaking your head at the two.
One thing you could say for sure about these boys was that for being adults, they still very much acted like children at times. it was endearing in a way, however, because you were truly the only person who got to see them both like this.
Fred had made his way over to the two of you and was attempting to push his twin out of the way so he could have you instead. You sigh, chuckling ever so slightly.
“That’s enough you two. I am more than capable of loving you both.”
“You are?” They ask simultaneously, Fred looking up at you as George finally lifts his head from your stomach.
“Of course I am. I’ve loved you both up until now, haven’t I?” You chuckle, not yet realizing what you’ve admitted.
“You love us?” Fred asks, wanting to smile but in total disbelief that you would actually love the both of them like they do you.
“Of course I do.” You smile, pushing back the hair that’s resting on his forehead.
“Like, you really love us?” George asks, sitting up and straddling your body.
“Like as more than friends?” Fred asks.
You nod, blushing madly but not breaking eye contact with either of them.
“Well, yeah. Do you think I’d let anyone else kiss me like you guys do? Do you think I’d have anyone else hold me as much?”
They both try to stop the smiles from taking over their faces, but neither of them succeed.
“We love you too.” George smiles, kissing your lips.
You freeze for a second as this is the first time either of them have actually kissed you. They’d kiss your skin and your head and hands, but they’ve never kissed you.
You smile into the kiss as you kiss him back, you’re lips seeming to perfectly fit his.
“We’ve loved you for years, but weren’t sure how you would take it. We were afraid you’d only love one of us, or even worse not loves us at all.” Fred admits as you and George pull away, George going to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Well I guess you both got pretty lucky, huh?” You smile, leaning over to press a kiss to Fred’s lips.
“That we did.” George smiles, kissing your neck again.
“Let us show you just how lucky you are.” Fred smiles as he pushes you down so you’re lying on your back, placing another loving kiss on your lips before laying down beside you and kissing down your body.
“Boys.” You gasp as Fred kisses just below you belly button, working on removing your shirt as he trails kisses up your belly.
“We’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” Fred admits breathily, as he cups your breasts.
“I love you.” You sigh as George lifts your shirt over your head as Fred works on removing you’re bra.
“Take it all in, princess. This is all for you right now.” Fred smiles, kissing your lips as George presses kisses to your bare thighs below your pajama shorts.
You can’t help but be happy that night when the three of you head over to the burrow for Christmas dinner with the family. You had finally confessed your feelings to the boys you’ve been crushing on since the second year and Merlin did it work out in your favour.
Not only did they both like you back, but you found out pretty quickly just how blessed you were with these two. They certainly knew what in the bloody hell they were doing when showing you just how lucky you were.
“Merry Christmas, Molly.” You smile, hugging the woman who’s been a second mom to you as you get inside the house.
“Merry Christmas, dear. It’s wonderful to see you again. How has it been living with Fred and George?” She asks as the two hug their father and siblings.
You smile at them, loving how close they were with their family. This is honestly the only thing you've wished for for so many years. You spent hours upon hours imagining what it'd be like to be a part of a loving family with a loving partner that's proud to show you off to them. Little did you expect when meeting Fred and George, that they'd be the ones to give it to you.
“It’s been really nice. I’ve never realized how much I miss them when we’re apart.” You admit, chuckling as you get your jacket off.
She smiles at you, taking your jacket and setting it over the back of one of the kitchen table chairs.
“For the record, we miss you too whenever you’re not around.” George smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist as Fred hangs his around your shoulders.
They still can’t believe what had finally happened earlier. It almost felt like a faraway dream, but knew differently when they could both recall the taste of your lips and your scent. They couldn’t wait to get you back in bed tonight. Now that you were theirs, they didn't plan on spending much time away from you.
They'd never admit it, but those few months you guys spent apart were literal torture for them. So many nights the two of them had laid awake in their separate beds wishing they could conjure you there with them. They had missed the faintly sweet smell of your perfume that felt like home to them. They missed your body heat that was never enough to keep them warm if needed, but was comforting nonetheless. They missed having your voice and laugh fill the space around them.
“For Merlin's sake, you three look so cute together. When will you finally get together?” She chuckles, bringing a blush to your cheeks as you gaze down at the floor.
You look up at the twins as they smile down at you. After you had all finished this morning and lay in the post-orgasmic bliss, they finally asked you to be theirs and theirs only, kissing your fingers and nose and shoulders, pressing quick kisses to your lips as you said yes.
“Well, mum.” George starts, as you smile.
You knew she’d be excited. You had the inkling suspicion that she’s been well aware of your feelings for each other long before you guys were.
“Surprise.” Fred says, smiling at you and then over at his mother.
“No! Really?!” She gapes, smiling widely as she clasps her hands together.
“What happened?” Arthur asks, as the family come rushing to the kitchen.
“Wait, did they finally get together?!” Ginny squeals, rushing over to you as she notices how the twins are holding you.
“We did.” George chuckles, kissing your forehead as their mum and sister gasp, Ginny squealing some more in excitement.
“I knew it! I knew they liked each other!” She cheers, hugging you three and jumping in excitement.
“It’s about time. Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years to get here.” Ron states, earning a smack in the head from Hermione.
“What? It’s true.” He pouts, rubbing the place hermione smacked him.
“Yeah, but you don’t need to point it out. Just be happy for them, Ronald.”
You three chuckle at the younger sibling and his girlfriend before each of your boyfriends give you a sweet kiss on the lips to remind you just how much they love you, even if it had taken five years to admit it.
“Freddie, Georgie. It’s too early to be up.” You groan as the two of them are kissing you and tracing their fingers along your sides or arms. Essentially they’re just not letting you sleep and you’re not sure why.
“Princess, today’s a special day.” Fred smiles, placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“It’s my birthday, I’d like to sleep in a bit longer.” You huff, burying your face into the pillows.
You can feel George start kissing at your shoulder as he traces patterns into you thighs. You're not gonna lie and say it wasn’t turning you on, but it was certainly annoying you.
“Guys” you sigh as Fred sucks on the spot just below your earlobe.
“Are you really going to complain when you get to wake up to this?” Fred asks, chuckling at you.
“You two are unbelievable. I swear to Merlin you’re the horniest guys I’ve ever met.” You huff, turning over so your laying on your back
“And that’s a bad thing?” George asks, kissing your lips.
“Not bad, but annoying at times.” You quip, smirking and kissing him back as Fred traces patterns into the skin where your shirt has risen.
“We just want to treat the birthday girl to a  good morning. We have a few things planned for today and thought you’d enjoy this first.” He smiles, placing a few hot kisses to your neck.
“You know what I'd like even better?" you ask, smiling as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips as he keeps tracing his finger over your thighs.
"What's that, darling?"
"Some breakfast in bed. Maybe some pancakes and hot chocolate. With some strawberries and bananas cut up on the side."
Fred chuckles as George smiles at you, biting his lip as he admires your beauty.

"I'm sure we could do that for you, princess. After we finish here." Fred smiles, kissing your nose causing you to scrunch it because it tickles.
"I'm holding you to it, Weasleys." you smirk, moaning as george presses his finger against you in just the right spot.
As promised, Fred and George cooked you breakfast after you had all finished and you hopped in the shower. You sigh contently as the warm water hits your back. It's been just over a year and a half that the three of you have been together and you don't think you've ever been happier.
Sure you guys had your problems from time to time, usually one of the boys getting jealous for some silly reason or you getting upset with their continued immaturity on some topic or another, but you were always able to resolve it and move forward. Somehow you three just worked.
You rinse off your body and make sure the majority of your conditioner was rinsed out of your hair before you shut off the water and step out of the large shower. that is one thing you loved about this apartment, was how large the shower was. It was a walk in with a rain shower head and more than enough room for you, fred, and george to shower together.
You dry yourself off with a towel before wrapping your hair up in it and sliding your silk robe over your arms, tying it in a loose bow at your waist.
"Don't you look stunning." fred smiles at you when you walk up to the island and sit down. He serves you a plate of pancakes with a swirl of whipped cream on top along with some sliced strawberries and bananas next to them.
You smile, blowing a kiss at him as you take a bite of the food.
"mm, thank you loves." you smile at the two of them when george sets a mug of hot chocolate in front of you.
"I love you two so much. I hope you know that." You smile, taking another bite of your pancakes as Fred hands George a plate of pancakes and takes one for himself.
"We love you, darling." george smiles.
"More than you could ever know." fred adds.
you nod and smile at the two, feeling your heart inflate with love. you honestly aren't sure what you would be doing with yourself if you didn't have these two.
You smile as you take in the scene around you. After a day spent shopping around muggle London as well as diagon alley with fred and george, you were now having a beautiful dinner with the rest of the weasley's at your guys' shared apartment.
Fred and George had prepared a wonderful chicken casserole with bannocks (biscuits/rolls) and had invited their parents, their siblings (Ron, Ginny, Bill and Fleur being the only ones who came), harry, hermione, and some of the members of the order, including Sirius, Lupin and Tonks. You really couldn't have asked for a better evening. You were surrounded by people who loved and cared for and who loved and cared for you.
"I think it's about time for gifts, don't you, princess?" Fred asks after a few minutes of everyone chatting after eating.
"Oh, uh, if that's what everyone would like to do? I don't mind waiting." you smile.
"Yes, let's see you open gifts! I just know you're going to love mine." ginny smiles and you chuckle.
"alright, then. You guys tell me what i'm doing."
Fred and george smile as they start handing you gifts that you open one by one. Eventually you get down to one last gift that everyone seems excited about.
You look at it confused as it's such a small box, yet the twins had purposefully held it until last.
"go on, open it up, dear." your hear molly say and you smile, working on carefully ripping open the wrapping around it.
"What did you guys get me? As if you haven't already done enough for me today." you chuckle, looking at your boyfriends.
"just open it. I think you'll like it." fred smiles and george urges you to keep opening it.
you chuckle lightly, shaking your head as you continue unwrapping it to find a small, black velvet box. Suddenly you realize what it is and look up, mouth agape.
"you didn't. did you?" you ask, tears already starting to build in your throat and behind your eyes as you look over at the two red heads standing behind everyone else smiling directly at you.
"we did." george smiles as they both walk over to you, kneeling in front of you, fred taking the box from your hands and opening it to reveal a stunning two band ring.
you can't believe this, letting out a small gasp and covering your mouth as it hangs open when you finally see the ring in all its beauty. the first band is thin, consisting solely of tiny diamonds around the entire circumference. the second band is just as thin, also consisting of tiny diamonds around the circumference, but this one sporting a single diamond in the middle.
"y/n, darling, we love you more than life itself. we're honestly not sure what we would do with ourselves if we didn't have you." fred starts.
"fred and I were so excited when you told us you loved us that day just over a year and a half ago. we're aware that this may seem real sudden as we haven't been dating terribly long, but in our hearts we knew we wanted to be with you for life since our fifth year at hogwarts at least. it's probably been longer than that in all honesty." george chuckles, smiling at you as tears threaten to spill out of your eyes.
"we would be the happiest men alive if you agree to marry us. in return, we would do everything in our power to make you the happiest woman in the world. What do you say, princess?" fred asks, him and george watching you as you nod, choking back a sob as you answer.
"yes. yes! i can't imagine saying anything but yes. I love you two more than anything in this life." you smile, tears now free falling down your cheeks as you pull the two of them into a hug while everyone cheers around you.
"we're so happy for you three. you truly have no idea what it means to your father and I to see you so happy and in love." molly smiles, a few tears falling from her eyes as she look on at the three of you, so obviously in love with each other.
"welcome to the family, y/n! we're going to have so much fun now that we're sisters." ginny cheers and you chuckle, wiping at your eyes as each of your fiancés’ place a band on your finger, the diamond encrusted one going on first, followed by the one with the single diamond.
"we love you, darling." george smiles as he kisses you, holding your waist.
"so much." fred adds, taking his turn kissing you when george steps back.
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