elbowreveal · 2 years
"i was just washing my hands busy buying VR equipment, that's why my hands are wet i was busy. no other reason." (holding deed to his new house behind hisback)
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theminecraftbee · 27 days
i think that the funniest thing about the swedishbeans saga so far is picturing it from joel's point of view because. okay. imagine. you are joel smallishbeans. you are new to this whole hermitcraft thing. you've met iskall like, twice, and he's been kind of weird every time, but you're kind of weird back so you guess it's fine or whatever. you leave for vacation. you come back. someone has sent you dozens of unsolicited love letters and as much as you joke about etho it's probably not him. you find out it's iskall. you go to confront him to figure out hey, what the hell is this about? he gives a dramatic speech about you being in love and having left a sign on a prank you didn't do (and didn't actually leave) with a kiss on it, and how that means you're in love. you're just like. nah, man, i don't... know you? i have a wife. the man wails about how you're an awful person who has been leading him on, a terrible trickster. you aren't entirely certain what you had to do with any of this. you get home. he's mailed you bad breakup poetry now and declared that he's moved on but you haven't. you're still vaguely confused as to what has happened. then he invites you back to his house to build a statue of yourself so that he quote "doesn't need you anymore". i cannot emphasize enough you have talked to this man like twice. gem accuses you of being in a love spider's web and you honestly can't say she's wrong you're just confused about why everyone thinks this is in any way your fault,
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birthedstars · 6 months
“The Duchy”
Birth Parlors are an extremely exclusive, and extremely underground business that have begun cropping up due to this advance in technology. There were little to no limits as to what could happen here…as long as you had the money. A patron could spend millions on customization in a single night on a single labor & birth experience or even a full package Impregnation experience. The amount of money this business made was unprecedented for such a taboo.
“The Duchy” was one of the most popular and untouchable Parlors in the business. As long as there were no bodies to bury, the doors stayed open and workers stayed employed.
Millie, A petite woman with pale skin and red hair, cries out in her room. She was a newer worker here and this was her first labor and birth. Her large belly quivers as her patron raises the intensity of the orgasm function on his remote.
"Oh God, I'm gonna cum!" She said as she felt the pressure build in the base of her belly.
The man stroked his cock at the sight of the woman riding a dildo. "Yeah, pop for me, cmon!"
He specifically ordered to see an orgasmic labor and popping. That much Millie knew. Afterwards, a quick birth that he'd paid extra for Millie not to know about. Her entire body shook as she came and her waters burst around the thick dildo. She grasped her bump as it contracted hard.
“I-is there anything else you need sir?” Millie asked.
“Nah, part two is already starting,” the man groaned as he rubbed his cock.
Millie was about to ask what he meant, but a severe contraction took hold of her body. Her baby shot through her cervix as fast as lightning. Millie cried out and desperately hopped off the dildo, falling onto the room's couch. Instinctively, the young mother began pushing down on her unexpectedly fast coming baby.
“What did you order!” Millie shrieked as the big head forced open her tight pussy. Her whole body shook as the heavy babe spread her wide to the point she'd feel like she was going to tear.
Her pussy lips were drawn tightly around the head. The man smiled and jerked his cock as her labia strained to stay together. This is exactly what he'd paid millions for.
Kelcie, a more experienced birther next door, was groaning under the strain of labor and the need to cum.
Her body wasn't her own at this moment. It was this woman's, who rubbed her tits and throbbing clit endlessly.
“Let me give birth already,” Kelcie moaned softly. Her birth had been stalled at full crown for nearly an hour. Her affluent patron had her strapped up in a harness, legs spread and arms overhead for at least double that.
The woman caressed Kelcie's bump and tits hungrily with one hand and her fingers twisting Kelcies clit with the other.
“We still have so much time left, I want to savor you more,” the woman whispered.
Kelcie just let her head roll back and bear the brunt of the pain burning her pussy. Fluid squirted onto the ground around the big head. This wasn't the first time she had a birth stall, but god did she wish they'd turn off the pressure and pain sensitivity because it was maddening to push with no progress.
In a few rooms over, a group of white collar business men were hazing their new underling.
“We do this with all of the newbies, just gotta pump her full and enjoy the show,” one of the older guys said.
The young man stepped toward Zora, with his cock tenting through the zipper of his pants. Tense, he slowly thrusted his dick into Zora. His face scrunched as he felt her tight canal around him.
Zora trembled as the young man thrusted into her. It had to have been his first time with how hard he was trying not to cum within his first few thrusts. But it was no use, he came in huge, clearly pent up bursts of cum.
Zora had been pregnant before working at “The Duchy”, but she’d never experienced what was about to happen as the young man's seed took.
Her stomach bubbled, then began to swell. Swiftly and suddenly she felt her flat stomach rapidly grow from a pouch just below the navel to a giant round belly with a poked out belly button.
Zora's nails dug into the bed as the weight crashed onto her barely prepared body that still leaked cum. She gasped as her tits strained and leaked against her lingerie. Her legs flared out as the babe dropped into her pelvis. She groaned as her bump subtly twinged and movement fluttered beneath her palm.
Then, she felt a familiar pressure in the base of her taut stomach. Her stomach seized against her and then her waters burst onto the linen. Before she could process it, a huge head drove through her cervix.
“Too fast, too fast!” Zora shrieked.
As she cried out in pain, pushing on her rapidly grown baby, the salarymen jacked their dicks off at the sight of her. She pulled her legs back as the young man's baby quickly spread her pussy to a full crown. The burn encompassed her entire lower half.
Her back arched, poking her huge belly in the air. Zora shrieked as the huge babe popped out of her pussy in a rush of fluid. She fell into a heap on the bed, panting. The afterbirth didn't even have a chance to come out before the men started laughing and chatting again.The men then pushed another newbie forward.
In the basement, a large scale birth show was occurring. Dozens of patrons filled the seats, cheering and hollering as their entertainment spread their pussy wide for them.
Alex grasped their hands around the pole with a fully crowned head between their legs. Their low hanging belly, still full with three more babies, swayed stiffly as they bore down and sensually rotated their hips. They moaned in a showy manner despite their body dripping with sweat.
The patrons whistled as the quadruplet carrier slid up and down the pole. They pleasured themselves as fluid squirted around the shoulders and Alex moaned over the crowds clamoring. Their belly twisted and released in repetition until their first baby fell out of them, onto the cushioned floor of the stage.
The crowd shouted in celebration.
Alex's hand shot straight to their bump as one of the The Duchy employees gathered the child. The second baby was ready to make its rapid descent.
“Oh god, the second baby is comiiing!” Alex moaned into their mic. They slid down the pole and got onto their hands and knees. Their huge belly grazed the ground as they shook their ass. Soon after their waters burst for the second time in the night, making the crowd go wild.
Riley, “The Duchy"s owner watched from the box booth above the amphitheater as she rubbed her own swelling twin belly. She could hardly bear watching her beautiful workers have all of the fun. This was how she made her money and she wouldn't have it any other way.
But, she definitely needed to add some more new hands to the roster. People were becoming insatiable for new content. Time for a recruitment rally.
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loveinhawkins · 15 days
a cherished headcanon I keep coming back to is that Eddie is very much invested in the school basketball team right up until the graduating class of ‘85 leaves. By an incredible series of mental gymnastics, he tries to convince himself that this has nothing to do with Steve Harrington’s presence on the team.
(And maybe Eddie avoiding the championship game of ‘86 in the near future will have more to do with Jason Carver being on the team, but that’s a sadder story for another time.)
The thing Eddie can easily admit he loves about the bigger games is the fleeting anonymity: while he’s got notoriety in Hawkins High, as soon as there’s a rival school involved he can blend into the crowd for a couple hours, lost in the roar of support.
It’s nearing the end of just such a tournament game when the ball accidentally goes flying into the crowd. Eddie’s reflexes kick in and he manages to catch it before it can take out the back row of the marching band.
The clock’s been stopped for a timeout—a kid on the rival team is injured—so more eyes are drawn to Eddie than normal as they find where the ball ended up. He feels acutely like a spotlight’s on him—holds the ball to his chest almost like he’s a part of the game himself.
A whistle cuts across the court. Steve Harrington.
He’s looking right at Eddie, raising his hands for the ball.
He has more than enough time to say something, some jeer that would well and truly break the spell of anonymity. But Eddie knows underneath the knee jerk worry that it’s not Steve’s style; it’s more the kind of thing Billy Hargrove and his ilk would do, and he’d thankfully been benched at halftime.
Eddie inhales then throws the ball, praying that he doesn’t end up smacking Steve in the face.
He doesn’t, thank God; Steve catches the ball smoothly, manages a thumbs up in thanks before the spotlight shifts back onto the game.
Eddie quietly sighs in relief, loses himself in cheering again.
They don’t win, but it’s still a good game. It’s like Eddie’s reasoning for campaigns: not everything needs to be an all-out victory for it to be entertaining.
The parking lot is a nightmare so he contents himself with waiting it out by his van while the worst of the crowds clear. It’s only when he hears a car door opening and closing nearby that he realises Steve is parked right next to him. Of course, of course he—
“Good catch back there, Munson,” Steve says, tossing his gym bag into his car. He notices something on one of the seats—Eddie can’t tell what it is, but he hears Steve mutter under his breath in benign exasperation, something about, “Dickheads, I keep telling them not to…”
“Yeah, thanks. All my years of training finally paid off.”
Steve makes a face at the build up of cars, chatting parents leaning out of their windows. “You could’ve been on the sub-team.”
“Kinda resent that you don’t think I’m star player material, Harrington.”
There’s the beginnings of a grin on Steve’s face. He has no right looking that smug for someone who’s just lost a game, Eddie thinks.
“Dude, I can hear you. You’re loud.”
Eddie wills his face not to flush. “You’ve got no proof.”
“Nah, just firsthand experience.”
“What, do you have ears like a bat?”
“Nope. Don’t need that to pick you out.” Steve chuckles to himself as he gets in the car, sits side-on to face Eddie as he speaks. “You’re worse than Tammy Thompson’s singing.”
“Uncalled for,” Eddie says, firmly locking away the part of his brain that’s screaming in embarrassment, because if he’s unable to fire off a comeback, he’ll actually never recover; he might as well go and tell Higgins that next year is already a wash, because he has to go and live in the woods—
“Hey, c’mon Munson, I didn’t say it was bad.”
“You implied it,” Eddie says, totally overselling the entire thing, like he’s been greviously wounded.
It works; Steve laughs, shakes his head.
“I didn’t,” he insists as he reverses out of his space. “I just meant it’s… distinctive.”
“Wow. Thank you.”
“That’s your whole shtick, man, don’t act like that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Sure. Eddie ‘Distinctive’ Munson, that’s me.”
And post-game sentiment must be in the air, because as Steve leaves the parking lot, he calls out the car window, bright and teasing, “Hey, maybe I’ll miss the cheering!”
But Eddie can’t be sure. Unlike Steve, he might be mishearing things.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Lock Me Up | Intro/Part 1
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In which his job is pretty clear on paper; find the witness, bring her in, write down what she saw and then let the witness protection program handle the rest. The only problem: You've got other plans.
Tags/Warnings: Detective Agust D my friends, Criminal Kitty!Reader, hybrid Yoongi, mentions of murder, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of past abuse, strangers to enemies to I don't even know, sexual tension
Length: Long, 4k words
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"So, just her then?" He asks, reading the files about his most recent case. "Double homicide, and she got away?" He wonders, as the young officer shrugs at the table.
"According to another witness, she saw her run out of the house we found the victims in, and she apparently got chased down the street- but a butcher downtown told a patrolling officer that she was fine the day after." He explains, making Yoongi sigh.
"Well, finding a cat in D-Town." The man takes the files for himself, grabbing his coat. "How hard can it be?"
Turns out, it's not that hard at all, considering the high percentage of hybrid population in D-Town.
He's walking into the small restaurant, most of the people eating and working being hybrids, immediately looking at him with suspicion as all conversation quiets down. He's used to it by now, most hybrids aware of what he is, his reputation amongst each and every one of them one of a traitor. "I'm searching for a female hybrid. Feline." Yoongi asks one of the servers behind the counter, cooks turning around to watch the detective. "Has a ID number tattooed into her left ear. 0713." He offers an image depicting you caught by the security camera of a small grocery shop nearby.
But much to his expectation, everyone shrugs, shakes their heads, won't tell him anything. It's a typical pack-mentality amongst hybrids- no matter what, they stick together against the human dominated police force.
"Alright, let's ask for your papers then. Mind me having a look at all the legal documents for your little establishment?" He melodically threatens, and it's clear that it makes the young server and her husband close by nervous, her eyes immediately looking at two young twin hybrids watching a cartoon on an old CRT-TV. "She's.. upstairs. She didn't do anything, she's a good girl-!" The woman begs, yells after the detective as he immediately makes his way up the stairs, only her husband holding her back.
The moment Yoongi opens the door to what he assumes might be a bedroom though, you're clearly there-
Jumping straight out of a window.
"Fuck.!" He calls out, running back downstairs to run after you, whole restaurant laughing and cheering for you as you dash away from the detective, heels clicking on the pavement as you run away. He has to admit that he's a little impressed by your ability to jump over obstacles and run so fast with those mary janes, though it's clear after a while that he's got the better stamina of the both of you. He's catching up to you.
But you're clearly already very knowledgeable in police chases, because you suddenly jump up against a wall of a small building, managing to somehow heave your entire body up the ledge to get onto the roof.
"So what now, huh?!" He calls out to you, breathing heavily just like you are. "One call and I've got the fucking thing surrounded. Just get down, I'm here- fuck.." He breathes for a second, before catching his composure again. "-I'm not here to arrest you."
"Hmm.. nah, I'm good." You simply answer, sitting close to the edge of the roof now.
"That wasn't a question." He calls out back up to you, one brow raised in annoyance. "Get down."
"No." You simply answer stubbornly, your tail swaying from left to right behind you, since you've moved to lay on your stomach instead, arms on the edge of the rooftop, chin resting on top of them.
"Alright. Hybrid 0713, you're under temporary arrest for suspicion of involvement in a double homicide case." He orders out to you. "Now get down here-"
"Does that ever work on anybody?" You ask after a moment of silence with an almost bored tone to your voice, face clearly showing genuine interest in the answer though.
He licks his lips, hands now in his pockets. "Not really if I'm honest." He shrugs honestly, making you giggle. "Come on now, I seriously only need you for questioning, I don't care about any other shit you've done."
"How about you buy me dinner first?" You ask, rolling over onto your back, now looking at him upside down, and he's unsure if you're aware of your cleavage ready to spill out of your dress, or if you're trying to put him under your spell.
With eyes as enchanting like yours, he could see it work if the setting was different. Wait- what the hell was he thinking?
"Are you serious?" He growls. "You're not in any place to make demands." He argues, and you shrug at that, before getting up to leave, moving out of sight. "Hey-!" He calls out, walking around the small shed you've climbed up on, unable to spot you. "I'm not getting paid enough for this shit.." He mumbles as he moves a trashcan closer to the side of the building, slowly climbing up onto the roof- to find nothing.
"I'll give it an eight out of ten, but only cause you've got a nice ass, Mister Detective-" You giggle behind him down on the floor, before you laugh. "See you later, Imposter!" You laugh as you run off-
leaving him sighing on the rooftop, questioning his life choices.
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Every day you're out there on your own, is a day where you run the chance of getting yourself killed. And while he's got no emotional connection to you at all, you're still an important witness to his case- so he's got to make sure he can avoid you biting the dust anytime soon.
He spots you near an old fountain that's now worked for years, but still holds water, back turned towards him. From the movement of your ears and the way your tail snaps upwards once, you've clearly notice him already though. "Don't worry-" You chuckle, moving around as he walks closer. "-Won't run off this time." You say, as he's finally close enough to see what you're doing.
The side of one of your legs is severely scratched up, from your ankle straight up to almost your thigh. You're using the water to wash off any dirt, shoes and socks neatly placed next to you. "What happened?" He asks, and you shrug, calmly cleaning yourself as he sits down next to you with a respectful distance.
"Tripped. Fell." You shrug, and it's clear to him that you're not telling him the whole story. Even so, he doesn't need to know it- the only thing he needs to know, is what you've seen the night of the murder.
"We'll get that looked at at the police station." He offers, standing up, and you grin impishly, leaning your head back to look at him above you. "What?"
"You gonna carry me, Mister Detective?" You ask, tail swishing from left to right in your amusement.
"First of all, stop calling me that, second of all, why would I do that?" He asks, putting his hands in his pockets.
"I'm hurt!" You whine, turning around with your now wet legs, holding the scratched up one out towards him. "I can't walk." You say with big sparkling eyes, and he squints his own as an answer to them it feels like.
"It's just scratched, now dry off and put your shoes on." He demands, making you pout and cross your arms.
"No." You answer, and he has to take a deep breath to contain himself.
He's however, internally, a little confused at himself. Why does this whole thing amuse him so much? He's not so much angry or frustrated, but there's something entirely different brewing inside him. "Hm, that angry look doesn't work quite right with human eyes like that." You say, catching him off guard. "You'd have a way better chance without those fake lenses." You offer, and he doesn't react to it at all.
"Get up." He simply says, and you do so, limping on one foot. "Come on, drop the act now. I don't have all day for your games."
"We could already be on our way if you decided to be a gentleman, Mister Detective." You snap back, picking up your shoes and socks.
"I told you to stop calling me that." He bites at you, and you have the audacity to laugh.
"And I told you to carry me, but I guess we both won't get what we want today." You joke, before you're suddenly lifted up over his shoulder, one arm over the back of your knees to simultaneously keep your dress from lifting up by accident. "What are you doing!?" You stammer out now, and he can't help the smirk growing on his lips as he walks towards the police station.
"Being a gentleman, just like you wanted."
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"She definitely needs some sort of protection until we've found and arrested everyone involved." Another officer named Namjoon says. "She's already been targeted judging from her injuries. She's been lucky until now, but luck is a gamble. Until they've been prosecuted, we'll have to keep her under protective surveillance." Namjoon orders, before he looks at Yoongi.
"Absolutely fucking not." He immediately says, but it stays quiet.
There's no arguing with orders given, so he does ends up walking into the interrogation room, where he unlocks your handcuffs. "Oh, Mister Detective!" You perk up as you catch his scent, tail swatting into his face almost as he leans away from it. "Finally! I'm so hungry, I swear.." You whine, eagerly freeing your hands out of the cuffs before you get up, jumping on one leg as the other ankle had been put inside a brace since you've sprained it. "Can you carry me back to the restaurant downtown?" You wonder hopeful.
"You're not gonna go anywhere for a while." He tells you, moving your hair away from your neck. It's weird that the way his hands touch you makes you shiver a little- nervousness bubbling up inside you as he places the leather collar around your neck, something clicking in place in the back. "I'm legally required to inform you that you've been electronically tagged until you're no longer required to be. You'll be staying under both GPS surveillance and house arrest until the case has been officially closed or dropped, and the tag can be used at any given time to locate you or send out police enforcement to retrieve you in case it's deemed necessary. Did you understand everything I just said?" He asks, and you sigh, kicking out your feet stubbornly.
"…yeah.." You mumble with an attitude, pulling on the collar. "Can you loosen it a bit though? You're kind of choking me and I'm not really into that." You say, and he clicks his tongue.
"That's as much as I can do." He tells you after loosening it a little. "You'll get used to it."
"I guess." You snap with your eyes rolling, standing up. "So.. I'm gonna be locked up?" You ask, looking at him.
"You're just under house arrest, like I said." He shrugs. "Close monitoring is what they call it. I'll basically be forced to be your babysitter until the case is finished, but they'll let you stay at your own home unless decided otherwise." He explains, and you suddenly seem a lot more relieved about that.
"Alright I guess." You say, getting up to grab your shoes, still barefoot., before you lift up your arms towards him.
"What now." He asks with an emotionless face, hands in his pockets.
"I still can't walk." You say.
"You can hop around on that thing." He answers, turning around, before he opens the door- though you've sat back down on your chair, arms crossed.
"I don't wanna hop around." You simply say, looking at him challengingly. He pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek- and you just know, if he did have cat ears, they'd be full force airplane-mode right now to visualize his growing frustration with you.
And you love it- because he's so stuck up in being professional that there's no way he'd ever act on whatever the hell he's thinking inside his head. He's probably used to getting his way, a macho and alpha-male who's deep down so insecure about being seen as a proper male that he-
Suddenly your world is upside-down again as he carries you over his shoulder yet again, and you kick your legs out in denial. "Hey no, that's not fair-!" You whine, tail swatting into his face before he grabs a hold of it in the palm of the hand belonging to the arm holding your legs. "-Let me down you suit-wearing di-"
"Better watch your mouth, sugar, or I'll have to charge you with disorderly conduct." He tells you, and you huff in frustration to yourself as you shut up at that, hanging limply off his shoulder as he walks out of the police station with you like this.
"You think Detective Min is going to be able to handle this on his own?" A young police officer wonders to the leading detective Kim, who just chuckles in his office as he watches the scene unfold.
"Oh, I'm not worried about him whatsoever." He simply says, grinning amused.
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It's in the middle of the night, when the small monitor on his wrist begins to buzz, waking him him from his sleep. He's squinting his eyes painfully against the bright light of the small screen, before he realizes what he's reading.
He's instantly on his feet, rushing to put on clothes and shoes before he rushes out his door and onto the streets, where he checks the monitor to know where he needs to go. The tag alert itself isn't something he's surprised about- he's expected you to start wandering around even with your little issue- but you're moving way faster than you should be capable of, indicating that there might be something terribly wrong.
In front of the restaurant you've been living at, the mother with her twin children is already standing outside, pointing down the street with one of her toddlers in her arms, making Yoongi immediately run to where she'd directed him to. There's drag marks on the ground, alarming him further as he starts to smell your fear and panic- fueling his instincts to get to you before anything could happen.
"Let go you crack-smoking rodent-!" He can hear you yell, loud commotion coming from down the street behind a closed grocery store- and it's at least a sign to him that you're still very much alive and kicking.
"Fucking bitch just bit me-!" Someone yells out, as Yoongi rounds the corner, gun drawn.
"D-Town police, hands up where I can fucking see them!" He yells, causing everyone to move and dash off, no shot of his landing to keep them there.
"Nice aim there, Mister Detective." You huff on the ground, rubbing the back of your head. "Thought you guys are trained with those things.." You mumble to yourself, as he walks closer to inspect any damage done to you.
"I'll ignore that comment for now." He says as he checks up on you. "What happened?"
"Broke in, took me from my nest, dragged me here like a bag of rice." You explain, as he lifts your head by your chin, thumb wiping your bottom lip where some blood can be seen. You know he's only trying to figure out if you're hurt or if it's not your blood, but it still affects you considering you're not used to be touched like that.
But another thing you notice, is his eyes- his entire appearance, in fact, as you reach out to move your hand through his hair.
"Hey, stop that.!" He barks out, but you've already done what you wanted to do.
"Huh." You simply hum. "Been wondering if you had anything hidden on your head."
"There's nothing to hide there." He growls almost, standing up instantly before he lifts you up by the back of your shirt. "Now come on. We'll get some of your shit from your place, and then you'll stay with me. I'm not taking anymore chances with you." He orders, and surprisingly, you don't question it, and don't even ask to be carried around, simply hopping alongside him for a while as you make your way down the street.
It's quiet, most people asleep at this point in this part of town, when he sighs, turning towards you to pick you up.
"Come here." He mumbles quietly, tapping his shoulders as he turns around and leans down for you to get onto his back. You silently accept the offer, letting him piggyback you to your home where you stay, and pack a small bag of things you deem necessary for your stay with the detective. He watches quietly from the sidelines as you say goodbye to the young cat hybrids, when he's spoken to from the sides.
"She's a good girl." The husband of the mother tells him. "Just shaped by the circumstances, you know? You bite others or get bitten, as simple as that." He explains.
"I'm not arresting her." Yoongi explains, and the man shakes his head.
"No, no, I know you don't." He exclaims. "But I know you guys always think of us as some sort of criminal bunch that don't follow the rules just to spite you, and we're not." He simply explains. "Just- ah, what does it matter to you I guess.." The man shakes his head, before he walks inside, leading his wife and kids into the safety of the restaurant-
while you walk out of it, ready to be carried away.
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Back at his place, you still haven't really said anything- making him suspicious, as he sits on the edge of his bed, having put up a mattress for you to sleep on close to him in case anything happened at night. "Who were those guys?" He asks, and you shrug, pulling out a rather worn down blanket from your plastic bag.
"Don't know." You answer. "Probably with Takehiko, if I had to make a guess." You shrug, before you pull out one small flower shaped pillow to sleep on- the man mentioned, Takehiko, being the prime suspect of the double homicide. He's well known for selling tampered drugs on the streets of D-Town, as well as blackmailing hybrids by threatening to report them to authorities to be taken into shelters.
Yoongi wants to question if you're alright- if everything's okay with you, but he doesn't. It doesn't concern him, it's none of his business, and the less he gets himself involved with you-
the better it will be for the both of you in the end.
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"Mister Detective!" You call out, and he turns around from his desk to find you rolling around on his carpet on the floor. "I'm bored." You whine, and he sighs, turning back around. "Mister De-"
"I swear to god if you call me that one more time, I'm gonna fucking gag you.!" He growls, turning back around again.
"Kinky." You wiggle your ears, and he takes a deep breath before he crosses his arms. "I'm still bored though."
"Go read something then, I'm here to protect you, not entertain you." He mumbles, before it grows quiet. It makes him turn around to notice you staring into nothingness, before you move to curl up on your mattress instead. It makes him wonder if you're always this stubborn if you don't get your way- or if there's something else going on you're just not telling him.
Either way, he doesn't care, and shouldn't, so he continues working on things he usually doesn't have time for during his workdays, while he assumes you sleep.
"Do you have a tail?" You ask out of a sudden, making him choke on his sip of water as he almost spits it out, cough interrupting him for a good moment.
"What the fuck!" He snarls out, setting down his glass as he wipes his mouth.
"So is that a no?" You wonder, and he shakes his head.
"No!" He says, grabbing tissues to wipe his desk down.
"No- no tail or no- yes tail-" You continue, but he cuts you off.
"No as in, none of your fucking business.!" He growls, clearly agitated at that question. "If your plan is to annoy the fuck out of me so someone else will supervise you, guess what, it's working great."
"Wasn't my intention, actually." You shrug, sitting up now. "Was just curious. You know- since you're clearly a cat too, but also not really. Confused me, that's all." You explain.
"Yeah well, you're not the first." He mumbles to himself, sitting back down at his desk.
"Does it confuse you too?" You ask, and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Alright, what the fuck does it take for you to shut up?" He asks, looking at you, and you just smile.
"An answer would be cool." You simply say. "Look, I knew a cat hybrid a few years back and he had a super short tail, but he was a really nice guy! Smoked a lot of weed, but still." You explain, and he leans back in his seat, arms crossed defensively. "So?" You ask.
"I don't have one." He tells you.
"Liar." You squint your eyes, ears tilted towards him. "It's short, isn't it?" You ask almost teasingly, and he looks away at that, giving you the answer needed. "Hey, that's totally alright though, no shame in it! Or.." You tilt your head. "Is that why you hate hybrids so much?"
"I don't hate hybrids." He scoffs, shaking his head at you.
"Yeah right, as if it's pure chance that you're known for putting hybrids into shelters left and right." You huff, crossing your arms as well now.
"It's because you belong there if you do not have a legal guardian or permit for independent living." He argues. "I'm only trying to help you out. A shelter provides you food, a place to sleep, education-" He tries to explain, but you're visibly becoming defensive now.
"Oh yeah and don't forget how they hit you with whatever they've got on hand just because you knock over a glass full of juice at the dinner table!" You hiss, annoyed that he's talking about shelters like they're as holy as a church. "Or how they lock you in the shower with ice cold water after you've pissed yourself out of fear as a kitten because everyone just keeps shouting at you-!" You angrily say, and his features remain without any emotion as he realizes you're not just making up examples you might've heard.
Considering the details and the way you tremble saying those things, it's clear to him that you're talking about your experience in a shelter.
"But what is it to you." You suddenly shrug. "You go continue cosplaying as a human I guess." You mumble, turning around to hide under your blanket again, silence engulfing the room for a moment or two, before he gets up and moves around. You don't know what he's doing, and you honestly don't want to know. You also don't know what you thought blurting your childhood trauma out like that would bring you as a result- but that's how you are, and have always been. Impulsive, wild, a little hyperactive and too honest most of the time.
Suddenly, he's close to you, and you hiss in pure pettiness at him, before you stop in your tracks, watching him.
His face is as stoic as ever, sleeves of his shirt rolled up as he wraps a blanket around you, tucking another one into places, and you're confused. "I- what're you doing?" You ask, and he scoffs to himself.
"You're the hybrid, I honestly got no clue how to do this shit." He mumbles, sighing in defeat as he sits back with crossed legs, letting his hands fall into his lap in defeat.
"But you're a hybrid too." You ask confused, though he shakes his head.
"I'm a freak, there's no need to try and sugarcoat it." He shrugs. "Neither here nor there. I don't know what it's like to be put through the shit you might've been, since I never lived life from your perspective-" He explains, "-and I don't know what it's like to be a human either, since you can only hide so much." The detective explains, watching how you correct his admittedly poor attempt at nesting for you.
It's clear to you that he's trying to apologize for his assumptions without actually having to apologize- the detective is a lot easier to read than he might think he is.
"Yeah, I mean you kind of suck at being both, I won't lie." You say, making him look at you with harmless offense. "What? Your nesting sucks ass, and those contact lenses you constantly wear creep me out." You jab at him. "But!" You bark out, leaning closer to him, catching him off guard a little. "Seeing as we're kind of stuck together, I can give you a rundown on being a hybrid!"
"And why exactly would I want that?" He asks you monotonously, and you roll your eyes.
"Because you clearly got some major identity-issues going on?" You tell him as if it's obvious. "And I also clearly can't magically turn you 100% human out of nowhere."
"I don't have Identity-issues-" He argues, while you look at him with an unconvinced gaze, arms crossed.
"Mid-life-crisis then?" You ask, "You do look pretty old.." You mumble at him.
"I'm not old!" He hisses, and you grin suddenly, ears in airplane-mode while your tail swishes from side to side in happiness. "What?" He asks annoyed again.
"Your teeth." You notice, and he instantly closes his mouth, lips pressed firmly together at having them called out like that. "And you're also not wearing those creepy lenses." You continue to point out, tilting your head to the side. "Handsome, I like it." You comment, and for some reason, that's what forces him to stand up and move away from you, all while you fall onto your back, laughing loudly.
"Shut the fuck up and tell me what you want to eat for dinner instead."
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 6 months
Sometime Dreamers (crossover fic)
Summary: Doctor Who/Sandman crossover, 2nd person femme/female reader (though it's very vague through most of the story)
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A/N: Launching this monstrosity as part of the Winter Solstice Writing Event even though I spent the morning puking and wrestling with a piece of toast. The Sandman elements will integrate in upcoming installments, I swear. *Eyebrow waggles* Interactions help me shout down my depression and get bits out faster! Love you all, and thank you for your support!
The extraordinary finds you on an ordinary walk.
The sky’s all grey clouds and rainy breezes, even when the forecasters insist it’s blue. Half of the year’s leaves crunch underfoot. Half still give you a reason to look up and marvel.
Really, everything’s fine, even if you’re tired, too tired, worryingly tired, and you’re too wrapped up with thoughts of the House to pay attention to your feet, and you should get back to your latest assignment, or maybe –
Brown fabric in your face, your sneakers tangling with his – a full-on collision in front of god and everyone. The man’s so skinny you could’ve dodged fifty ways around him. Instead, you’re wrapped around each other in a bid against gravity.
You look up into brown eyes full of questions. Pretty. And sad. And distracting. You’re still touching, and it’s time you did something about that.
“I am so sorry.” You sort out your feet first, reclaiming your balance before abashedly releasing the fistful of trench coat you’d snared. Then you catch yourself trying to smooth away the wrinkles. Shit. Well. Too late to keep your hands to yourself, but you fold them behind your back anyway, smiling to convince the stranger you’re entirely harmless and definitely weren’t coming on to him, and damn you’re spiraling again. Time for more caffeine. Past time. The walk’s left you tired. You’d hoped it would finally energize you past the malaise hanging over the House. No such luck.
“Oh, no. My fault entirely.” He smiles with his teeth, and it’s definitely a lie, but at least he’s being nice about it. “I never watch where I’m going. But if you wouldn’t happen to – Are you feeling alright?” His whole face wrinkles around the thought, sharpening to pierce your thoughts. He looks in one of your eyes, then swings to the next, mumbling as he reaches in his coat.
“I’m fine. No harm done. You?”
He pulls out a whining device and shines its blue light in your face. “No, that’s not what I mean at all. You look awful.”
After months of obsessive dreams and a lethargy you can’t shake, yeah, of course you look awful. You have a mirror. You had a first-row seat to watch the shadows grow under your eyes. It isn’t even something your roommates dare bring up, because they have their own bruises and drooping smiles. Trust the pretty stranger to be an asshole, though.
Using the side of your hand to guide the buzzing light away, you clear your throat and ask, “I wouldn’t happen to what?”
“What?” He returns the light to his pocket, fishes out a pair of glasses, and squints at you again.
“You were going to ask me something.”
“Oh, right. Yes. Well. I guess you would happen to. You sort of already have, or do, not sure yet. Nice to meet you, by the way.” He thrusts out his hand and grins again, trying to wipe the slate clean and yank the wool over your eyes, like this was a perfectly normal introduction. “I’m the Doctor.”
You accept the handshake but only offer your first name. He repeats it, beaming and glancing around like your name might appear in print on the side of a building.
“Live around here, then?”
Ah, nah. Too far, too fast. He’s not pretty enough to die for. Even though you don’t live alone, common sense screams against telling a strange man where you live.
“I’m just out for a walk.”
Nodding, slipping his hands into his pockets, he accepts the refusal. “Nice place for a walk.”
Thank all fuck. He has tact if not manners. “Very. And it was nice bumping into you, but I’d better continue on mine.” You pass, spin on our heel, and take a few steps backwards. Maybe he was going to ask you for directions, and you don’t want to leave on a sour note, because the poor man might just be awkward. “There’s a lake if you keep going that way. And if you cut through the empty lot there’s a little woods. Or just follow the road and you’ll find some pubs and shops and things. If you’re lost or thirsty, I mean.”
“Oh,” he smiles, “I love a little woods.”
Strange, definitely strange, but fun. So long as he doesn’t follow you home and murder your in your sleep, you’ll work a story around those deep, sad eyes. You’ll dream up fabulous, new worlds for those well-worn Converse to wander. “Good to meet you. Sorry I was a bit of a road hazard.”
“Mutual. The hazard was mutual. Enjoy your walk.”
You face away and continue in the opposite direction. When you reach a good corner you peek over your shoulder, but he’s gone. It’s a relief, if a little sad. The end of an odd little tale, and the end of the story is always the worst part, even when it’s happy.
It’s another two miles back to the House. Your feet carried you far away, but your mind is still in your room, turning over fragments of inescapable scenes.
Mind and body meet on the doorstep. You come back to yourself, vaguely aware of how shaky your legs feel as you put your key in the lock and push through into the entry way.
Art crawls over the walls, growing across the ceiling. Decades of creatives moving through have left their mark in every imaginable way, and the lot you live with are busy adding their own. Jeremy’s painted a starling over the hallway mirror, and Blithe Sharpied her band’s logo at the foot of the stairs months ago.
Despite the chaos of the House’s interior design, it’s dead quiet. Where is everyone? In bed, probably. Asleep or wishing they were. They’re all under the weather, too, and if they have the energy to get up and be productive, they can only work quietly.
Blithe’s guitar hasn’t serenaded anyone in the wee hours of the morning for weeks, and you’re sure she’s missing rehearsals. Trevor hasn’t been to an audition in just as long. And Jeremy, well, he was always a bit quiet. He liked to keep his headphones on while he painted, and the biggest racket he ever made was when he knocked over the tray with his palette and brushes.
But none of them had ever been so lifeless. Jeremy made the old house’s creaking boards sing in the odd hours as he went from the attic to the kitchen for tea or biscuits. Trevor should be laughing on the phone with someone. Blithe should be composing new music to transcribe on the walls. No one seems like themselves, and all the doctors could do was mumble about stress and lifestyle choices.
But at least you’re home.
You’re tired.
You’ll just have a little nap before you put the coffee on.
You make it as far as the couch.
Then the fatigue swallows you, and thought unstitches from reality as you fall into the ratty floral print. Loose threads of memory follow you down, the rhythm of your walk echoing in your feet, and you find green grass sprouting from your imagination. The dream smells like summer, and droning rattles in your ears.
It’s another story. The same one you keep slipping into when you sleep. Growth, and death, and the thing that sits between lurking underground.
A hill.
A door where there is no door.
Old magic pulling bits of you inside, tattering the edges of your fingers as they steady you against an oak. Skin, fingernails, and tendon shred away like burnt paper, pulled towards the point of entry that doesn’t exist.
Under your palm, the wood groans and flexes, breathing, or pulsing, alive in ways you’ve always suspected trees are but can’t articulate. It’s all impressions here, and it’s pulling you in. The tree has more life than you do. You’re feeding the green, green grass and the hill beneath without growing into it, and that must mean you’re –
Consciousness physically jerks you out of the dream, and a muscle seizes in your neck.
What’s happening? Did you jump scare yourself? As you try to rub the angry spot over your shoulder, the sound that roused you comes again.
A knock at the door.
Rolling your head to pop the bastard muscle back into compliance, you get your feet on the floor.
But the dream. You need to write it all down.
There must be a scrap of paper around here somewhere. A stubby pencil on the end table and an out-of-date band flyer come to hand. They’ll do. But as you scratch down words to shape the sensory madness of your wandering dream, the knock comes again, and you swear, stumbling to your feet.
“Damn it.”
You abandon your work and make your way to the door, pulling it open without checking who’s waiting on the other side. It creaks open as you glance down to make sure your feet are clear, and you look up to find the storied brown eyes from your walk.
“Hello again!”
He shoots the same, big grin, like this is not at all strange and really you should all remain calm while he stops in for a cup of tea.
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feariteriu · 2 years
𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 — 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬
— MasterList!
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𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Miles takes y/n out for some karaoke fun and in the midst of it the sexual energy between the two seems to reach its boiling point.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Sexual themes? Idk tbh just some sexual tension fr, some heated kissing.
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚: Miles Morales x female reader
𝗔/𝗡: I’m obsessed with this song so I had to write for it, enjoy! Would recommend listening to the song while reading this!
You ask as you step foot in the building. You guys had four hours and he chose karaoke as one of the things to waste your time with.
"Yeah." Miles simply said, paying the man at the front desk and giving him a room key, "You aren't going to kill me in there right?" You said half-jokingly, you guys just met a few hours ago.
"Nah I wouldn't take you here if I was going to kill you," Turning back towards you he smirked down at you, "Too many witnesses." Rolling your eyes you shove the boy as he chuckled opening the door for you both.
It was a nice room. Big tv mounted on the wall with dim white lights flashing in the corner but not too much to blind you. There was a long couch in the center of the room with a table in front, on the table was a big binder.
Once Miles stepped in he closed the door behind you guys and walked over to the table, picking up the massive binder and sitting down on the couch.
You sit down next to him.
"So it's safe to assume you're going first?"
Flipping through the binder he looks for a song not meeting your eyes at first, "Oh most definitely. If I want this 'experiment' to work then I need to sweep you off your feet."
"And you really think one song can do that?"
Pausing he looks over at you a cocky-like look forms on his face, "Think? Oh love, I know I can." And you can't help the blush that rises to your cheeks.
Clearing your throat you turn away from him and cross your arms mumbling a whatever as he just laughs going back to shuffling through the music catalog.
"Found it."
Closing the book he sets it down on the glass table in front of you two, him not wanting you to see the song he picked out. Getting up from his seat he grabs the mic off the table and spins around towards you smiling. It wasn't a cocky smile though, it was a sweet one, one of his genuine smiles that you found yourself loving.
He unbuttons the first two buttons on his shirt and rolls up the long sleeves as his eyes lock with yours and you sallow slowly. That was hot.
"Gotta be ready in case the song calls for it." He says keeping eye contact with you the entire time. Standing in front of you he looks down at his feet.
"I," And the song starts. He meets your eyes, and the lights glow red down on him making him look hotter than he already did. "Now, I don't hardly know her," He picks his head up and locks eyes with you.
"But I think I could love her. Crimson and Clover." Yeah, you were definitely swept off your feet you were obviously gone, putty in his hands and he hadn't even done anything yet, the song just started.
Good choice Morales.
"When she comes walking over, I've been wanting to show her. Crimson and Clover. Over and over." You get lost in his eyes as the tempo picks up and he doesn't dare to break your heated eye contact.
His gaze never leaves your figure.
He continued to sing the song to you the room was starting to get warmer and you remove your jacket placing it down next to you.
"Crimson and Clover. Over and over..."
And it's right there and then that you could see your whole life with this guy. You could see yourself spending late nights in watching movies, going out on dates, sneaking kisses and glances.
You could see yourself getting married, how happy you would be. On your wedding day him grabbing you just as the officiant shouts out 'you may now kiss the bride' but it all falls deaf around you as his hands find your waist and your lips met, a smile blooming on your face as your lips meet.
You could see yourself being truly happy with him marriage leading to children and children leading to late nights under the starry sky wrapped up in his arms.
And when you open your eyes again he's right in front of you a dopey smile on his pink lips, "Crimson and clover over and over, crimson and clover over and over ..." He drops the mic and your hands find his face pulling him in.
And soon you find yourself on top of him, him underneath you your lips locking like you were both starved for you each other's touch.
Touch starved.
Your hands find his hair as you thread your fingers between his black locs pulling his head back as you devour him. His lips leave yours and you open your eyes looking down at him with a half-lidded stare, "Today is not a coincidence. It led me to you."
And he's right about that.
One hand travels down the left side of your body, stopping to grip your waist before continuing down to grab at the back of your thigh. As he lifts your leg to settle on his hip, both your hands find purchase by trying to grasp what hair he has on the back of his head.
Yet, you pull away. Again. Miles's pupils are blown and his gaze keeps traveling back to kiss your swollen lips, but you plant your hands on his chest and push him back gently. "Not here," You say. "We need to get back."
"Mhm. Yeah."
You chuckle at his still lustful expression. "Cut it out, Romeo. We're going to get caught. Miles breathes out deeply, quietly groaning as he hides his face in the crook of your neck.
"So, does that mean I win?"
"Definitely." And at that, he chases your lips once more. Drunk on you. Not even paying attention to the song playing in the background.
Crimson and Clover.
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cultofdixon · 10 months
Taking Time
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns | AFAB • The fall of the prison brought these two together, and it meant so much more • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Canon Violence / Insecurities / Night Terrors / Burn Scars / PTSD / Abuse
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The familiar voice rang through Daryl’s ears thinking he was dreaming until he looked up spotting Y/N standing amongst a strange group. Looks like a biker gang. Without the bikes of course.
“Well shit boys. They modified the rules once again, but I’m kind of likin’ it” the man circled Daryl as he brought himself to his feet stepping close to Y/N about to embrace them when they retracted into themselves. “Aww. No hug for the newbie, anyway, you’ll learn about how we run things as we go along. But for obvious “what the fuck we doing” reasons. We’re tracking somebody”
“And helping this sweet piece of ass find that weird sanctuary place thinking the rest of their friends are there” and to the one’s mistake, he wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulder as Daryl watches their whole body tense and suddenly swing back one of their fists to meet his nose. The guy falls back with a thud and before he could get up Daryl aims his crossbow at his head resulting in a gun aimed at Y/N’s.
“Now now. Len here clearly never learns from his mistakes when dealin’ with the feral animal like times before.” The man from before, became obvious that he’s their leader. “He won’t do it again Y/N. But since you claimed this fella here, until he proves himself. Anything he does out of turn…will result in punishment on you” he whispers his threat up close and personal to Y/N making Daryl surrender to make him step away, but the defensive body language from his…Y/N. Started to stress him out, thinking they’ll snap a bone if touched.
Once the group got themselves settled into a building for the night, Y/N quickly claimed the truck and shoved one of the guys of the way for it. They gestured for Daryl to join them as the others fought for the other places. The two sat in the bed of the truck watching the others get settled as Daryl brought his attention back to Y/N seeing the exhaustion in their face along with the stress that he doesn’t know entirely about.
Until he had woken to the sound of fighting that was quickly muffled by one covering the other’s mouth. In this case being Len covering Y/N’s mouth as he drags their struggling form outside the garage. Daryl didn’t wait another second but did his best to keep quiet going to save them when—
“Where you going?”
“You let this shit just happen?”
“Y/N has always been a piece of work with us. Not only is the helping one another find whatever either of us is looking for being a reason to stay, but because they’ve caused us trouble. And instead of putting a bullet between their eyes, they agreed to work with us. In any. way. shape. or form” The leader by the name of Joe, that was earlier told to Daryl while the group migrated, stated watching a bit of the horror his words intended write itself on his face. “Nothing sexual if that makes yea feel better. You should just let’em fight”
“Nah. Fuck off” Daryl hissed and before he could even get to the door, Tony knocked him onto his ass. “Piss off—-“ and he stopped when he heard the click of Joe’s gun.
“Just let’em fight”
Daryl was willing to take a bullet for Y/N in that moment, but there’s so much more to it. He felt like a monster letting it happen…but he didn’t want them to die in a quick way either. He needs to find a way for this to stop.
The next morning came and Daryl stayed up all night with Y/N. After they came back in, they stopped speaking. Part of it was the injuries to their throat, another was the rage brewing inside them. But one thing they did do was take Daryl’s hand at some time during the night to reassure him not to blame himself, even if he does that regardless.
“Explain your shitty rules”
Joe chuckles to the tone but was going to comply anyway. “You see somethin’ you want. Claim it. Before another does. Y/N picks fights—-“
“Shut it. Am I still claimed?”
“Nah. I think that fine ass did it so we wouldn’t have killed yea the second we saw you. Cuz we really didn’t trust how you just sat in the middle of the road and didn’t get bothered by any walkers. Force of nature in your own strange way” Joe took out a pack of cigarettes that he managed to find, offering one to Daryl as he shook his head. “So do whatever. But don’t pick a fight. Imma still keep that rule in play. You do shit. They pay for it” he gestured to Y/N walking in the center of the group.
Daryl had gotten an idea.
Resulting in Y/N freezing to the hand wrapped around their throat and being pinned against the wall. They had just gotten into a fight with Len again and Daryl was sick of this shit. Putting them in their place which got brownie points from the rest of the group. Joe especially.
“You do what you’re told from now on” Daryl threats watching Y/N tense up a bit more as they nod, feeling a tear roll off their cheek.
“Well done. The feral beast is now tamed.” Joe suddenly grabs Len by the collar and shoved him against one of the cars they found. “Len, we’ll put a bullet through your head if you mess with them. Let Daryl discipline them when they’re out of line” he smirks releasing the poor dude before finding their group another spot to hold up in.
As the others followed Joe leaving Daryl and Y/N to be the stragglers, Y/N wiped away the tear relaxing their body once Daryl removed his hand.
“Sorry” He whispers to them, Y/N still deciding not to speak but they patted his shoulder to give him some sense that it was all part of the plan and okay…it was just going to set them back a bit.
Another few days went by, resulting in one where Len died after trying to plant something of Daryl’s in Y/N’s pack. Joe was sick of the kid’s shit and ended his dumbass. As night fell, Y/N offered to keep watch after setting up another barrier of cans. But Daryl of course refused to let them be alone and the remaining few of the Claimers, something the two decided to call them, turned in for the night.
“I really did get stuck by hurting a few of them” Y/N blurts out to avoid the silence between the two. Thankful that they started the conversation making Daryl internally sigh. “Already didn’t come out of the prison unscathed. Had to fight a few Governor fucks on my way out…they found me bleeding and full of rage. Didn’t kill Lou but he was the one that knocked me down back to square one…” they rub their throat gently not enjoying the bruises, but Daryl noticed how hesitant they were to touch parts of their arm. “I was already found broken…then got thrown back down to that stage again”
While on a run by himself to mainly get something for Maggie, Glenn came back in a hurry startling everybody when he came in running with a body in his arms. Beth and Carl quickly took everything off the table letting Glenn set the person down as Hershel approached with Caleb, both assessing the situation.
“We bringing in walker-like strays now?” Daryl states watching Carol move to block Beth who’s carrying Judith and Carl in case the mysterious person turned.
“They saved me. They weren’t bit or nothing”
“But we know very well that even a bullet wound can turn a man. Carol take’em out of the cellblock” Rick gestures for his friend to take the kids out before turning to the two docs. “Y’all can do what you can. But the second things go south, you’re taking them out” he pointed to Glenn making it his responsibility given he brought them in.
But instead of a walker waking out of the person, woke was a terrified human being cornering themselves while the group mistakenly surrounded him.
“We ain’t gonna hurt yea.” Hershel reassures taking a step back as the person who looked as if they were mummified because of the bandages pressed themselves against the wall.
Glenn stepped into view seeing their eyes lock on him and a sense of relief washed over them but when he stepped close they retracted.
“You were severely burned when you saved me. Clearly you were in something else before saving me…So I had to return the favor when you passed out from I assume exhaustion” Glenn says with a frown watching as his words did nothing to calm them.
Daryl finally arrived back with Rick and Maggie seeing the situation for himself. He watches for a bit seeing the few trying to approach the stranger that was giving clear signs that they didn’t want them near’em.
“Ight. Everybody out.” Daryl states receiving confused looks. “I’ve got it. Now get the fuck out” he watches his family go from confused to he’s serious and did what was…demanded more than asked of them.
The second the few surrounding the stranger was no longer around them and Daryl was left to be with them. He watches them slide against the wall reaching the ground and curling up on themselves.
“Nobody here is gonna hurt yea.” He kept his distance kneeling to the floor to be their level. “What we heard was you saved one of our own. We don’t meet those who help with violence.”
“…He didn’t see the walkers following him, and the foundation was weak enough to knock over to take the crowd out” They sounded weak given their state. “I…Had Uhm…just…”
“You don’t gotta tell me what happened to yea” Daryl starts seeing the relief flood them instantly. “I’ll stop anybody that bothers yea for an answer. You don’t gotta share if you don’t wanna”
Later that day, Daryl helped them get settled into one of the office rooms. Since the cells weren’t giving them any comfort, hell he understands that feeling.
“Holler if yea need anything…uhm”
“It’s Y/N. Y/N…” Y/N gave him an appreciative look as he made his leave to let them settle in.
“You’ve said I never had to bring it up…But this, still doesn’t top being burned alive” Y/N scoffs feeling the tears coming. “Your family made me feel safe again, be able to trust again…then the second I extend my hand in asking for help. I’m shoved back into that place feeling the heat rise and the footsteps fade…”
“Let’s leave then” Daryl whispers to Y/N seeing the pleading look in their eyes mixed with the fear and anxious body language. “I’ve lost and I ain’t gonna keep losin’. I’m not losin’ you to these fucks” he continues to keep his voice low turning back to the group before quietly getting up and extending his hand to them. “I’m not losing you” and with that, Y/N took the chance and they left.
But when the next night came and Joe had found who he was looking for this entire time. Daryl couldn’t let anything more happen and revealed himself from the shadows. Given the two had gotten back onto the road by following it within the tree line, but when they heard the commotion of the Claimers, they knew something was up.
“What the hell you doing?”
“Well lookie here fellas” Joe smirks keeping his gun directed at Rick. “Where’s your partner huh? Len might not be around but I still got a thing or two to pick with Y/N”
“What. Are. You. Doing.”
“Paying respects to Lou. By killing his killer”
“These people…are good people.” Daryl states watching Y/N in the darkness start to pull up without being spotted.
“Yeah? He killed our friend, saying he’s good people…is a lie” and that triggered two of the guys to bring Daryl down. Taking his crossbow off of him and starting to lay a few punches. While the one keeping Carl in the truck, Dan, pulled the kid out so that Rick could watch what he’s going to do with him. “First. We’re gonna beat your friend Daryl to death, then we’re gonna take the girl…and the boy, and finally end you”
Without a second thought, Rick suddenly head butted Joe causing him to release a shot but topple back a bit. As Rick formulated a quick plan, another shot rang through. Seeing the man on Carl drop and the one who fired coming out from the dark being Y/N. Oh how the two tuned out the rest of the world in that moment…
Rick took care of Joe giving him a piece of his mind while Y/N tackled down one of the two on Daryl, giving him a window to take care of the other. As Michonne took down her attacker before checking on Carl.
As the sun started to rise, Rick sat in silence thinking of what had just happened and turned to the two beside him seeing the damage done on Y/N that has aged.
“Why did you stay with’em? Did you know—-“
“We were trackin’ somebody. Didn’t know it was you. I just wanted to find you guys. Got stuck in a predicament” Y/N wipes the blood from their lip after being punched a few times during their recent altercation. “Then found Daryl, and got roped into another problem”
“It was a lot, Rick. Couldn’t step out until there was a window. A bit of an obvious one but still” Daryl kept his attention to the ground below before turning to Y/N when they rest their head on his shoulder. They all were exhausted. Y/N’s body was starting to give in.
“…Need to find the others. Find out if they’re alright”
Following the directions on the signs that passed by to this sanctuary called Terminus the closer they got. Y/N’s anxiety started to eat at them realizing it’s a gated community and remembering they didn’t know much of it. It could be a trap was all they thought as Rick cautiously placed his hand upon their shoulder watching them retract.
“You stay out here in case shit happens and we need rescuing”
“I don’t trust it Rick.”
“I know, I don’t either. But we’ll need someone like you to help us out of there when given the signal”
But the signal never came in the form of the retired sheriff or even the archer or the swordsman.
It was Carol. She had startled them unexpectedly as she had a suspicion on the place when she noticed the signs for herself. But seeing Y/N had been watching the community from the outside and hearing that they received no sign from their group…she knew that the two of them would have to break them out.
With the help of an explosion.
After getting their group out of the hell with cannibals, real fucking cannibals. Everyone reunited with Carol and eventually we’re led to where Judith and Tyreese were.
Y/N watches the Grimes reunite with one another and couldn’t help but grip onto their chest.
Y/N cornered themselves in a cell in the quarantine block as they felt their chest tighten at every breath. They couldn’t remember the last time they were sick but it definitely didn’t feel like this. They were waiting like the rest still standing, for Daryl and the others to return with the medicine and it felt like it was taking forever with how incredibly slow everything was happening.
Then Daryl came through the cell block with those that accompanied him and immediately went to Hershel who made the cocktail for those still alive.
Leading the archer to instantly make his way toward Y/N’s cell as he didn’t wait a second to give them the medicine. And within that moment even if it didn’t go into full effect, he wrapped his arms around them holding them in his embrace.
Something he’s been wanting to do since they reunited
Ever since the prison collapsed, everything seemed to went down hill. Now the group walked aimlessly through the streets after losing a few of their own.
Both happened so suddenly that it will ache for a while.
As the group stopped in the middle of the road investigating the water that was left out there. Ultimately refusing it. The weather changed and it felt like a sign when the rain fell…that some good will come again with time.
The archer didn’t budge from his place letting the rain hit him and ultimately drench him like it did others. He only moved slightly when he felt their hand place itself on his arm. As Y/N looks up at Daryl with that concern look in their eyes, the same one he bore during their time with the claimers. He knew he could do what he wanted right then and there…
Carefully engulfing Y/N in his embrace feeling them wrap their arms tightly around him holding on for fear life. As no one could tell that they had started to cry silently in each other’s arms due to the rain.
It’ll take time to heal from it all.
But he was thankful for them in this moment.
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the0retically · 25 days
The Suckening #12: The Twilight Zone:
Thoughts and quotes below, a wild first half of the finale
- I’ve put this off for too long it’s time to do this
- Oh hi le frog
- God Condi and bizly having to switch accents is so funny it sounds SO WRONG CONDI CANT DO IT AND BIZLY IS JUST DOING HIS OWN VOICE
- Love that the plan hinges on Taylor launter??
- Shilo being so adamant about not punching Emizel but then just doing it, I love them
- But oh god shilo has to talk to Theo because he looks like emizel
- Love music coming up when they’re going over the plan and then immediately cutting out when Arthur said demons instead of dangs
- “I know you hit it off with Viv” “my homegirl yeah” ARTHUR??
- “Who is it?” “It’s me” “…alpha” I cannot believe this
- “Good boy” “…..” “HA I WAS GONNA SAY GOOD MAN”
- I shouldn’t be sad that emizel can’t actually talk to Theo
- Also it scares me every time charlie asks what phone they’re using
- “I already told him about the plan to change faces” “then WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS?” “I don’t know I forgot”
- “This is such a classic Theo move I love you” :((((((
- Awwww them all being so excited emizel is the phantom flipper is so fun
- Bizly losing his mind over the dangs new plan is so funny
- Forgot how Edwards voice sounded god
- “You know the plan, to be yourself” oh god
- Emizel you’re doing so bad this is awful
- 6 different Edwards??
- Why have they heard about shilo?
- Oh god this whole scene is like playing in my head I can see it so clearly
- Chester Chesser is such a cool name
- Paul with the unseen one freaky little dude I like him
- Ok yeah I love Paul he’s so fun
- You know who I miss though? Grefgore :( where is my boy
- Chet is insane??? Oh my god. The energy here is unmatched. Love Charlie and Condi just immediately going into laughter
- God the audio design is incredible in this campaign, the overlapping voices for Charlie is so good I love it
- “People think I’m weak do you think I’m weak?” “…you say that out loud in front of everyone?” OH GOD
- Paul and Chet being Emizel’s buds is so on brand I love it
- Oh it’s masquerade breakers that are competing
- …….and deacon rounded them up
- Interact with the show???
- “If there’s any invisible around” SO SMART ARTHUR
- Paul?? Oh they’re like the cameras. That’s really cool
- It’s fortnite, it’s fucking fortnite. Ok Charlie ok
- “I’d like to start-“ “ok shilo” “crying”
- Arthur is so cool I love him
- Oh there are humans—oh god it’s the dangs yikes that’s horrible
- “But I am walking the same amount of time!” “No” “….yuh-huh!”
- Charlie’s manic laughter was so fun who does shilo see?
- Love that they just keep saying minecraft and Charlie is like nah it’s fortnite building
- “Fortnite vampire” thanks Charlie
- “Now you’ve met the real devil” HOLY SHIT???? ARTHUR??
- A wolf you say? Oh god the squirrel
- 3 roll off in a row?? That’s epic
- Uhhhh shilo? Please be ok
- Grangle!! Love him
- “Can I talk to satan?” “I’m not a say no dm am I? Oh god” PLEASE WHAT A MOOD
- Bizly losing his mind when Chet started talking is perfect I love Chet so much
- “Hands too fast can’t stop them” Everyone breaks down laughing
- Oh, :( one of the old people. It’s the people who know about the masquerade
- “Can you take me home?” “Yeah I’ll take you home” oh I’m gonna sob
- “I just walk with him for a while” “and then what?” “I don’t know. I keep walking. I don’t know where to take him” “ok, just keep walking” “Ben can you tell me about your family or anything you like?” And he just pointed out a bird in the trees :(( NOW HIM AND SHILO ARE TALKING ABOUT BIRDS IM NOT OK
- :( I agree with bizly this is the saddest thing Charlie has ever done
- I get why bizly said this destroyed him because I agree Ben’s whole situation is so incredibly sad
- Gotta wait to do part 2 but that was a phenomenal first half of the finale I loved it!!
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utopians · 11 months
I mean s1 was deffo better than s2 but why do you say that it wasn't good? /gen
mannn honestly it would take ages to enumerate all my problems with it but these are the main ones
just a massive, massive tone problem. this show just has no clue what it wants to be and it's bad as hell as a result. the wilderness scenes in this season had some of the darkest stuff of anything in the show (eating jackie + shauna miscarriage + shauna beating lottie) and having all that next to like... misty's quirky reddit boyfriend just absolutely defanged it. the show doesn't want to commit to being either a quirky mystery/comedy or a gritty survival horror and because of that it fails to effectively be anything at all
misty's reddit boyfriend in general just sucked so bad. like what was that
the escalation from 'we're hungry' to 'let's draw cards and murder whoever gets the wrong one' occurred over the span of ONE EPISODE. one SINGLE episode without ANY NEGOTIATION. literally not one single scene of the characters even TALKING about it before it happened. what a joke. what an absolute joke. they had an entire season to build to it how'd they fuck it up this bad
this is a problem I had with the first season as well but the survival threat feels so told and not shown. like we're told all these characters are Soooo Hungry but none of them are ever actually like. fatigued. or ill. or Dying. like how the fuck is coach ben still alive man. it just makes the escalation to killing people that much more abrupt and the whole situation seem so contrived when it doesn't actually feel like they're in danger
just in general the show like. refuses to let any of its characters feel anything at all. shauna straight up killed an innocent man that she was having an affair with last season and the extent of the emotional fallout of that act is her making quirky Oh Whoopsie comments about it. like that would be an insane traumatic thing to go through and you'd think it would be the kind of thing the show would want to explore. but no. not on amc's yellowjackets
on that same topic. shauna beating lottie had weirdly little emotional fallout. like ik they didn't like each other but shauna almost beat lottie to death with her hands and seemed just like. kind of sad and apologetic afterwards. like you'd think that such an act would have some sort of extreme ramifications for her relationship with the group and her own emotional state but nah
in the same vein: this season did adult taissa SO dirty. all the little plot threads that made her story difficult and compelling last season have completely been dropped -- her wife and son were literally written out like 4 episodes in and we don't see any of the emotional complexity of her leaving behind those relationships. additionally the last season ended with her being elected senator (sth that could cause a lot of conflict and drama bc of the increased responsibility on her shoulders + surveillance and scrutiny of her life) and it literally just. never comes up again? like her wife is in a coma and her son is just left fully parentless and she walks away from her job as a US STATE SENATOR and not only are there no consequences she also just literally does not seem to care. I feel like the writers just had no clue what they wanted to do with her and so they just gave her... nothing. no conflict no emotions just nothinggggg
okay they did give her one thing. they gave her an evil alter ego. which is mad corny imo. last season it was weird and ambiguous enough that I enjoyed it but this season it was just so literal and on the nose and I did not enjoy it One Bit
similar to the cards thing lottie deciding that they needed to kill one of them at the end was so damn abrupt and stupid. like literally so pointless and out of nowhere
natalie's death was so silly and contrived that it actually made me laugh
adult van is not butch enough ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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caffeineandsociety · 2 years
Do you ever just stop and rage at how much just a bunch of shitty power-tripping assholes and their legacies have overcomplicated life and made normal human tendencies way more potentially problematic than they have to be? Because I do internally every fucking day.
Like. It is NORMAL to be fascinated by the unfamiliar! It is NORMAL to see a culture that is very different from your own and go "oh wow that's so strange but so cool!" It is also NORMAL to find a few things about different cultures to be weird and, hell, maybe even a little off-putting-
But it can't be as simple as "oh yeah that's always fun as long as you're not a dick about that last category of feelings" because so many people - particularly a few overly powerful assholes - HAVE been dicks about that last category of feelings in a way that has a massive body count, scarred the cultures, and in many cases built a cruel and unbalanced power dynamic that can turn a should-be-minor, should-just-be-FUNNY misconception into a potential deadly weapon!
Like! Fuck! It shouldn't be a big dangerous deal if someone assumes something stupid and false but not malicious about another culture! But here we are, living in a world where a bunch of genocidal assholes' lies and assholery are so deeply entrenched in our cultures that the NORMAL HUMAN FASCINATION with the new and unfamiliar becomes ridiculously easy to harm people with by complete accident!
Or what about gender? Being trans SHOULD be just a fascinating little quirk of the human condition! I mean, body dysphoria is fucking absurd, the fact that you can be born with one set of parts and your brain will just throw up error messages like "excuse me this is NOT what I have the driver for" is something that we should be able to giggle about with anyone! It is NORMAL to find it strange and interesting that a small but significant percentage of people just go "...nah bro this whole 'being a woman' thing is overrated as shit"! It seems like it would be NORMAL for someone without that experience to be intrigued by the idea of what it feels like to be born with "female" parts, be entirely happy with that, fully enjoy "feminine" clothing and behaviors, but internally be 100% confident that you are a man, like you're living as the protagonist of some comedic sex-swap magic manga! Saying "oh yeah my sister got in all kinds of trouble back when she was a boy scout" should just be a funny anecdote, not potential endangerment!
And yet here we are, having to tiptoe around the subject much of the time, with our name changes being even more confusing than most because it's not SAFE to tell everyone, even people who may have a good reason to know, that Jack used to be Suzie! Even just phrasing a name change that way can be considered a microaggression, because it's likely that Jack never felt like a Suzie, and someone not understanding you EXACTLY the way you see yourself isn't just some harmless little issue of differences here, because a bunch of historical assholes looked at a fun little quirk of the human condition and decided to convince everyone it's EVIL and DANGEROUS and the misconceptions that fill in that imperfect understanding can be deadly!
I could go on! There are so many examples of this! It's NORMAL to find the unfamiliar interesting, exciting - fuck, sometimes even a LITTLE scary, but not worth being a dick about! This should not be something that can kill, injure, bankrupt, or traumatize people on a mass scale, yet it is, just because a bunch of morally bankrupt greedy bastards in history decided to build so many power structures around demonizing and exploiting people who are different from them! Fuck!
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melonteee · 6 months
See, I disagree with you saying that "we KNOW the Marines are unfixable from the inside" because I'm like 90% sure that the series will end with the Marines having been fixed from the inside. With like, Fujitora as the Fleet Admiral and Koby and Smoker as Admirals.
I would be honestly shocked if Oda would have Koby say something like "I want to become an Admiral" at Enies Lobby and then not follow through on it. That's Koby's dream. That's as important to Koby as the Straw Hat's dreams are to them. The Marines are obviously still going to exist as an organization after the Final War, even if the World Government doesn't.
My personal theory is that Akainu learns about Imu and snaps, ordering the entirety of the Marines to defect from the World Government in a coup. Then the Marines fight the Straw Hats, the World Government fights the Revolutionaries, and the Blackbeard Pirates fight the Red-Haired Pirates. Blackbeard kills Shanks and steals Imu's Mythical Zoan, and the ultimate final battle is Luffy vs 3-Devil Fruit Blackbeard.
Nah I truly believe the marines will be taken apart and rebuilt. When it comes to these world government workers, or anything connected to the world government, we can see just how broken everything is.
I see no possible way the marines can be fixed from the inside at this point, nor do I think Oda would head in that direction. At this point, One Piece is RAPIDLY heading towards the direction of tearing down the world government entirely, and the marines ARE part of this system due to working for them.
What I CAN see is Koby deconstructing the marines and building them back up anew, but the marines are ROOTED in unethical means and power hungry domination they label 'justice'. That 'justice' term, especially, needs to be radically destroyed and changed. The fact remains that so long as Koby is blind - wilfully or not - to how the marines operate, he CANNOT fix it from the inside. Right now, Koby is part of a power hungry system he's become susceptible to. The marines are now being hunted by the common person due to the Cross Guild, and they're complaining "Well now we have to look out for ourselves!! These people don't appreciate us at all!"
When, of course, the citizens we've SEEN hunting down marines are simply innocent people who have no other choice. These are people the marines COULD'VE and CAN help, but being lap dogs to the world government means they're not going to.
Koby, as ONE person, cannot fix this system. He cannot take what has already been establish, and re-establish it without completely tearing it down. The marines need a complete reform and a COMPLETE overhaul, and while I believe Koby CAN be part of that, he NEEDS to break away from thinking the marines are "just" or "good" as a whole right now.
This is why when Fujitora immediately turned around and went AGAINST the marines after seeing the horrors of the celestial dragons, I cheered! Fujitora understands this is NOT a just system, this is NOT something to work under, and he'd rather turn and fight it than continue being part of it. I'm hoping, at some point, Koby has this realisation, and it's why I'm PRAYING something similar also happens to Smoker who ALREADY has one foot out the door.
I would also be shocked - MORE than shocked - if Akainu EVER turned against the world government. This man is BUILT as a man who absolutely hates pirates, he's BUILT as a man who sees HIS justice, the MARINES justice, as correct. I think it would be totally out of character and completely insane if Oda just turned Akainu on his head and made the marines fight against the world government. After all, the revolutionary army is why that exists.
The marines are fundamentally broken and we KNOW they are, they've helped weave history into what the world government wants it to be upon their command, and they've participated in the genocide of numerous islands and peoples. This is NOT fixable.
They need a complete breaking down before they can even BEGIN to be changed. The world must be restarted anew in One Piece for there to be complete freedom, the systems that be must be shattered, and the marines are part of this. Koby can help, but as he currently is and with the beliefs he has of the marines, he's yet another solider propaganda piece for the marines to use.
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chattichat · 2 years
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Looks like someone’s still in denial.
This is disgusting. As someone whose been a fan since the 2014 buzzfeed days, watching the TRI guys statement brought me to tears. To see how hurt and betrayed they all looked and sounded. Eugene looks like he’s ready to hunt Ned down and kick his face in while wearing the most slay outfit ever. Zach looks like he’s probably broken down and cried over this everyday for the last couple weeks. Keith... don’t even get me started. Keith looks like he’s had a really hard time processing this situation and seems to be on the verge of laughing and crying simultaneously. I mean grief is different for everyone. They are grieving. They lost a VERY close friend. A man who they thought they could always trust. Someone they’d built an entire brand with. Can you imagine risking everything to build a company with your friends, laying it all out on the line, actually separating yourself from buzzfeed and making it big time... only to have the least entertaining one create a huge scandal and almost tarnish its name? We shouldn’t be making light of this situation, what Ned Fulmer did is unforgivable and is in no way justified. I’m sure you know that though. For the people making memes from his dumbass statement... you give his words power. Maybe it’s clearly to make fun of how idiotic he sounds, but you’re using the words he chose to use as a half assed apology to the fans... the guys- to HIS WIFE. Nah, what an embarrassment. Can you imagine how Ariel must feel right now seeing it all? The internet is absolutely unhinged. I won’t say anything about Alex because we’re not sure about that dynamic quite yet, but damn... this is a lot to unpack. Real people have been affected by this, a family at that! Let’s be kind and remember that we don’t have to make fun of every situation we see play out online. They are handling this with such care and professionalism we generally don’t see with influencers. Mad respect to them and their whole team.
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borathae · 30 days
Chapter 6
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
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who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
What are you? Secret vampires or something?” um
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So mysterious”, Hoseok says, ok ig
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
at least she got her sleep and is stress free now, i guess thats a win
they are quaking with the desire to punch each other’s faces in. BE LESBIAN, PROBLEM SOLVED YEEHAW
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
also u know what, i will make it unboring for you real quick, lets go on a pirate ship, that will make u scream
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dont judge my man yall, he was giving birth to lie on the pirate ship
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
“Oh you’re still here?” Taehyung asks STOP HE IS SOO SASSY, GIVE THAT MAN LONG NAILS
making Taehyung chuckle.......... one of his weirdly dishonest ones. tae when jin forces him to laugh at puns (that still makes me cackle)
He is a self-centred peacock PEACOCK DAMN GURL
“Violence is never the answer IT IS THE SOLUTION
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
we are going swing dancing today UWUW
I can’t dance. What if I make a fool of myself?” I CANT DANCE EITHER, LETS GET MARRIED we can swing dance together for shits and giggles and get drunk in each other's laughter and smile, kissing passionately as if we are still in high school.
(omg that was so romantic, lemme just copy that)
did i tell you i still love the way he talks, its so coquette, in a manly way
I am a terrible student. i got exams in a month i have barely studied 😃😭
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
“cake is quite the delicacy oof the fanciness
ah yes old stuff *sighs in delight and coziness
There is fog in the air. It got stuck on the rooftops of the houses. Like a perfect gradient it makes them disappear into a grey nothingness. if this scene was on tv, what color light would it have?? (background lights you know) i was thinking of yellow, since we are talking about antiques
“I guess…” you look out the window for quite some time to think of an answer. You look at the perfectly polished stones of the sidewalk. You watch how the rain builds little rivers in the nooks and crannies. And that is when you get your answer. and the lights slowly becomes cool and blue (blue for calm, unity and stability)
thats a nice perspective of history but for the love of god, i cant stay awake or mentally present during it 😭
With your cheeks burning up like crazy and a big smile on your face you look out of the window again. A swing song comes on the radio, Taehyung turns it louder the tiniest bit. AND THE LIGHTS TURN PINK
“N-no? I-I’m alright”, you stutter. we can see that
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
stop flattering me im shyyyyy *shakes booty like jimin
this is so cute bye im soo single
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
“Okay but that throwing thing you did? You can’t just do that without training first. Also why are you so strong? It’s inhuman really.” SAY IT SIS
I just think you are beyond precious”BYE IM GONE
Why do an elderly lady and Taehyung know each to such extent that they are hugging as if they were two old friends reuniting? dont overthink, they are just besties, um they met on a idk metro yeah
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
Perhaps I should have taken the offer back then.” 👀👀
“What offer?” um the plastic surgery offer, anti aging laser. HERBS YEAH IT WAS THE HERBS, SHE MISSED OUT ON AN HERBAL MASSAGE
No way! That’s splendid! Just what you dreamt of!” they are such cute besties pls
It is hard not to choke on your olive, not when your body is burning up like that. i choked on air
How is it?” WHY IS THIS SOO HOT STOP DONT FOLD THAT FAST BITCH NA UH *also folds like a lawn chair in a sec
Taehyung gets off the barstool and closes the distance between you and him. SIR MY MENTAL HEALTH???
you stutter, knees buckling slightly as he helps you stand up. SLIGHTLY???? u mean buckling like a trying on heels
You haven’t told anyone ever but in your dreams you always pictured your prince charming to be good with elderly people and kids. Not that you would tell anyone your stupid fantasies, but you really did picture him like that. we all do, tae is a prince charming *sighs in high standards
“I think you gave that lady proper heart palpitations fr, i got so giddy just reading
And so full of life”, 👀👀👀as opposed to what sir???
Taehyung seems properly flustered for a moment, eyes flitting downwards and blinking rapidly. YES WE GOT THE CUTIE PIE FLUSTERED YEEHAW THIS IS A WIN FOR THE GAYS AND UNGAYS (i love to use this in sentences unrelated to sexuality)
quite sad to think that we are looking at something which has died thousands of years ago ... Well if you say it like that mood sis
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
they are still burning bright. Mustn’t it be such a burden to never get to rest?” ooh
*starts playing love maze
“Then you mess up, you mustn’t worry about mistakes you haven’t even made yet” i will try to remember this all the time
because right now I am thinking that this lamp is also alone, surrounded by darkness and thick fog and it should feel so terribly lonely and yet here it is, outshining both of them." 
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
Yes darling” Taehyung whispers and there is obvious seduction in his voice. OHO HO HO I SEE U NAUGHTY BOI
this was a cute chapter im gonna sleep soo good with idk grass and unicorns in my dreams
lmoaoao he is so mean for no reason fajsdfja I love him JFAJDFJ
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
I miss him so much 😭 BUT ALSO LESS THAN A MONTH TILL HE IS BACK OMGMGMG (the most supportive for feet pics would be Tae though change my mind. you can't.)
who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
the foreshADOWINGNNG (i said too much)
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
i love their sass fr fjadsjf
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
perhaps something with her metaphorical blood HELLOO
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
AAAH (scared)
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
when this video dropped I lost IT
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
YES THIS OMFG the most painful thing ever 😭
ALSO I love how you thought of different colours during the scene <3 I love this energy heheh <3
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
there are no lies to be found here tbfh
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
NO BUT THANK YOU i LOVE HER SO MUCH she is so cute frrr
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
it IS
lmaooao you losing it over Tae existing is so me fr
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
me fr
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
THE FORESHADOWING GOES CRAZY FR ps: i forgot the stars and photography part during this chapter and now im <3 holy moly they were so cute together in the beginning im so soft
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
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bonesofapoet · 2 years
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my dear, how sweet we could be
[roy harper x you ]
author’s note:  he literally has my whole entire heart rn like i cannot believe it took me so long to Get It?? zero regrets, never turning back, etc, etc. still trying to find my voice within his character tho, so hopefully this isn’t too Off as a first go :) and beautiful header from this post by @donnastroya​
word count: 1536
It was gentle, being with Roy.
He may be all unyielding hero and crystal clear sarcasm deflection, but he was also made of soft touches and sweet kisses that found a home in your heart and melted the hardened bones that intertwined seamlessly with your glowing soul.
Some nights may be spent wrist deep in bloody gauze with fingertips navigating tweezers through valleys of torn flesh to discover a bullet, X Marks The Spot and, babe your shoulder is not supposed to be a treasure trove of gold plated bullets, y’know that, right?
I tried to tell the other guy the same thing, y’know? To show my deep gratitude for becoming his personal - ow, darling’ - pincushion, he’ll be finding arrowhead fragments for months.
But the others. . .those coveted nights where it was just the two of you against the world in your quiet, cozy apartment? The atmosphere would sing hymns of peaceful waters safely navigated while you were wrapped relentlessly around one another. Candles danced lazy shadows against your walls of secrecy, illuminating the shadows in this home you had created slowly, carefully, painstakingly - together.
His gear was tucked away safe and sound in another room, beloved arrows scattered mid-build on the coffee table nearby. Your own work was hidden far away for the night, in the small kitchen nook you reserved for such endeavors. Sirens sounded beyond windows shut tight against the raging downpour, with wind blowing sheets of rain aggressively into the glass. Night had fallen quicker and louder, thanks to the storm arriving unannounced on the horizon.
They grew louder, the sirens chasing the thunder, as they came closer and closer to your neighborhood, your apartment building, your crowned hero-vigilante, snuggled up tight against your chest. Your legs were tangled mercilessly on your sofa, completely lost and found under the soft blanket draped carelessly across Roy’s waist and both pairs of feet. Your lips slipped on a smile, and you couldn’t help but tease.
“Sure you don’t wanna get that? Sounds like a calling card.”
“Nah,” he says, hugging your arms closer, tighter. You mirror him, always, squeezing where they lay looped around his waist. He shifts in your arms, flops his head lazily against your shoulder. You feel him smile, breath warm when he huffs a laugh against your neck. “I’m right where I need to be.”
It’s mumbled into your skin, chapped lips singing his point home when he presses a gentle kiss to your neck, your shoulder, your jaw. It’s a sigh that leaves your lips next, all contentment on the brink of bubbling laughter that fills the silence of serenity, then - inevitably - nudges it into the empty spaces of this relationship - fragile, sometimes - that you and Roy had crafted by mistake.
It was almost as if Eros himself had descended from his place on Mount Olympus to mark you as the next impression upon the Muses, all those months ago. An unlikely love story worthy of a melancholy song. You snorted at the thought and ducked your head into Roy’s shoulder, hoping to muffle the laughter that irony pulled from your chest. A low, rolling thunder covered the sound, but it did not hide the way your body shook against the man laying on top of you.
“Ohhh,” he drags out. “I get it. It’s all fun and games until we start getting serious -” the word is accented by a surprise squeeze to your side, and the sharp crest of the sirens turning onto your street. They muted your yelp at the unexpected jab. “ - and sappy, huh?”
You hummed, tongue poised and ready to tease him back in kind. The act of pulling away from the man draped across your lap was required, but. Instead of meeting his eyes, your gaze was pulled to the closest window - and, oh.
Lightning flashed to illuminate rain streaked window panes. The blurry glow of silhouette street lamps drove home the surprising streaks of nostalgia, of comfort, of home - and you realized they were now associated with arrows, with crime-fighting, and. . .with Roy Harper. It trickled down through your veins, this newfound awareness. It decided to tug on your heart, just then, and the sudden sharp inhale had both you and Roy creating space between you that was not necessarily welcome.
“No, “ you met his eyes, all soft green and walking a careful line - yet they lit with a spark nonetheless, when you smiled something kind, something sweet, when he began to separate himself from your arms. “No, no, no - stay right where you are.” your hands slid back to rest on his shoulders, tensing ever so slightly at the shift in your demeanor.
The solidity of these lightbulb moments weren’t always conveniently timed - nor were the reactionary aspects - but god. 
“It’s just that - it’s kinda - funny, isn’t it? We never  expected to find ourselves like this, but - we are, and it’s - it’s nice, y’know?” The tone you spoke with softens, and it melts like the tension you feel disappear from Roy’s shoulders. “It just kinda hit me, I guess. That, and I thought of an Eros pun.”
Slowly, Roy leans back to settle against your chest once again. It’s hidden from you, the small smile growing upon his lips at the mention of your joke, and - well. You had never failed to make him smile.
“Care to share with the class what’s so funny this time?”
“Just a classic tale about how the archer god of love has very clearly shot you, another archer, with a nifty trick arrow of his own. Ironic, isn’t it?”
He feels your head tip forward to rest against his neck, shadowed red hair tickling your nose all the while. Your breath is warm and steady against his skin, and Roy reaches up to pull your hands from his shoulders, wrapping your arms snug around him one more time. His touch is gentle, and so is his soundless laugh. He relaxes gradually, into you - the one stoking the fire in his chest, the one inspiring him to embrace how simple things could be - if only, if only, if only.
“Can’t say I’m complainin’, sweets.” he says, sentiment dripping lukewarm from his words. Your fingers cling to his shirt. “So you’re saying you like the sappy,” he says. That slight build of tension dies under the lightness of his voice - chased away by the weight of his calloused fingers slipping themselves between yours to hold.
Your answering laugh is quiet in his ear, the soft kiss to his shoulder is sweet. And right now, that’s all he needs. All he wants, really, at least for the night.
“Yeah, Roy. I like the sappy. And the serious.”
“Good,” he says, playing with your fingers. You feel them rise, cradled carefully between his own before they’re pressed to his lips. His kiss lingers, and you can’t help but bury your face in his neck at your own attempt to quell the sheer adoration blooming through your whole being. “Because I have way more where that came from.”
He feels your smile ignite against his skin, leans further into you when he returns your hands to his waist and you hold him tighter.
“I hope so,” your turn now, to mumble into him. “That mean you’re sure you're not going anywhere? Because I can still hear those sirens -”
You couldn’t, actually. They faded into the pounding rain and roaring thunder only moments ago.
“Are we gonna ignore movie night to see who the reigning Champion of Sarcasm is? ‘Cause if we are, I’m gonna need to go polish my crown -”
“I mean. We could do both.”
He hums. Starts to get up. “I think I hear my phone ringing -”
“Harper.” He doesn't get very far - you don’t let him. Within a heartbeat, Roy is, unceremoniously, pulled back into your chest with an oof. Smiles, laughter, matching in every way - they light up the room with the tabletop candles very clearly losing the quiet battle of luminance. “You’re right where you need to be, remember?”
It was gentle, being with Roy.
He may be all unyielding hero and crystal clear sarcasm deflection, but he was also all golden hearts and tender intensity. He steps carefully and quietly following your lead, always, one step, two steps, three steps ahead of you regardless. He was the halo of the sun gifted sparingly, the glow of radiance that dispels shrouded shadows within minutes, seconds, breaths. He gave grace freely, and you whispered it right back to him on nights spent under the bright moon, stars, the heavy weight h.of the lives you lead as if it could all come crashing down within a minute, a second, a breath.
And it could, you supposed. You wondered if Roy almost expected it to, sometimes. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn’t. All that mattered to you was the here, the now, the man curled up fearlessly against you, with arms wrapped around you too, now, and this was how you always hoped it would be. The two of you standing on your own two feet, yet tangled together against the whole entire world, until your very last breath.
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msfbgraves · 2 months
What do you think of The Godfather Part 3? I honestly hate most of it, it just feels like poorly written fanfiction lol. I can't decide what's the worst bit: Mary, Mary and Vincent's incestuous relationship (WHY!!), Michael and Kay, Michael being totally OOC (smiling, being jovial), Michael's truly horrible haircut (might be the single worst offender for me OMG)...just a bad film in my opinion. I like to pretend it doesn't exist.
I personally really like Sherlock series 1 and 2, and ignore the existence of the rest of it, pretty much. That works fine. But if you don't mind me feeling differently while understanding where you're coming from, Nonnie - I really like the Godfather Coda, the Death of Michael Corleone. Part III, the first cut, nah, I think we can put that aside. And yes, the difference in Michael is too jarring for the most part. I've watched Pacino in different things, and he seems to prefer playing more extrovert men, and seems to have decided playing Michael that way was what felt best to him. And I could see it - there are some hints of that Michael very early in film 1 with Kay - but they'd need to do a better job bridging that gap visually. I can forgive it, because I do see this film as Don Corleone desperately trying to go back to being a man, Michael Andolini if you will, the man he would have been had he not picked up the mantle of Don, the man he can't ever be. Vito saw the tragedy in his son picking up that mantle, he almost apologised: "There wasn't enough time, Michael." Michael now sees Vincent being hungry for it while he cannot escape how his own choices are eating at him. When he wants his son to join him, he is rebuffed. When he forbids his daughter to join him through Vincent,he is rebuffed. I think the figure of Mary shows very clearly how he has lost all the loves of his life to this crime, in the dancing scenes: Apollonia, Kay, yes, Kay, people, and now the one who yet loves him as a man first - Mary. Connie, too, has been entirely corrupted.
The third Godfather gives us a whole film about this stage of alienation and power slipping from us, while framing the rise of Vincent not as a triumph but as a horror. Vito's rising was mostly triumphant, as he honoured his relationships. Michael's rising was terrible on everyone he loved... and Vincent's rising through Michael's eyes is sleazy. A rotten thing that Michael can't escape.
But most gangster films give that a couple of scenes at most, indeed a coda... but Coppola was like: if you insist on milking this, I refuse to go easy on you. I will not do it, I will give you the wreckage I spent two films building up.
Artistically brave, but a genre break, and a sad thing too that these men can't figure out a way to include a young woman in this action other than through love. Cousins marrying was not totally unheard of in the Sicilian old world, though, I don't think. Small island, few newcomers. These things die out hard. Just another way to show how this old world clashes with the life Michael chases and can never reach - through his own choices! It's a true tragedy! Could he have done differently? Yes, but also no, he is Michael. Who bears the emotional fallout of this, and this I love - the women! The ones who are supposedly so cutoff from all this! Connie gets abused, widowed, and has to submit to her own brother in an effort to save the other and herself. Again, she's lost two siblings and a husband to this violence! Kay lives in terror and still loses a daughter. Mary - poorly acted Mary, I'm sorry, even recut the others outshine her too much - killed by a bullet meant for Michael, and Michael, forced to live with his failure exiled in the Sicily he tried all his life to leave behind... it's tonally a break and not at all what a lot of fans of the first two would have come to the cinema for. But what do I think?
I think despite its flaws it's brave and necessary.
I mean I love that Michael ends this film alone, ashamed and cursedly alive.
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