socialbutterfly19 · 4 days
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Keep pushing
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thereyvan · 2 months
Okay, so I've had some time to actually think, and I've come to a conclusion: The moment those gunshots went off, a Republican victory was basically guaranteed.
Even if the shooter killed Trump, another candidate would've come along, saying they were going to finish what he started, saying that they would carry out his plans- and that candidate would've won. They probably also would've been reelected, giving them two terms to do what they wished.
Just think about it. Even if Trump died, this shooting would've been bad for us.
But Trump's still alive. He's alive, he's being martyred, and he's all but guaranteed to win. This shooting would've been bad even if he died, but him living? This is the worst case scenario. The only positive is that he's an old bastard and might get an infection.
May God help us all.
That being said, you should still vote blue. Even in a situation as hopeless as the one we're currently in, we can't just lay down and let ourselves die. We've come too far to do that. Do not go gently.
Never give up. Never give in. - The Doctor
This should lead to Republicans arguing with each other and distrusting each other. Hopefully. If this is the case, then I think that means we've got a better chance in this fight than I originally thought.
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ablogofcourage · 7 months
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daniessence · 9 months
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Coffin- Black Veil Brides
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"Of the things that you initially proposed for yourself, consider which you have achieved and which you haven’t, and how it gives you joy to recall some of them and pain to recall others, and, if possible, try to recover even those that have slipped from your grasp. For those who are engaged in the greatest of contests shouldn’t flinch, but must be prepared also to take blows. For the contest that lies in front of us is not in wrestling, in which, whether one meets with success, it is possible for one to be of the highest worth or of little, and by Zeus, to be most happy or most miserable; no, this is a contest for good fortune and happiness itself. What follows, then? In this contest, even if we should falter for a while, no one can prevent us from resuming the fight, nor is it necessary to wait another four tears for the next Olympic Games to come around, but as soon as one has recovered and regained one’s strength, and can muster the same zeal as before, one can enter the fight; and if one should fail again, one can enter once again, and if one should carry off the victory one fine day, it will be as if one had never given in."
from Discourses by Epictetus
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coachtfd · 1 year
People think I’m kidding when I say I’d keep McTominay even if he’s not starting XI material (and it’s a very fair shout to say he isn’t). I’d keep him for his attitude and true United spirit alone, because we NEED that spirit. SAF once said Roy Keane wasn’t the fastest player but if you dropped a ball on the field he’d be the first to the ball. THAT’S what it means to be a United player: superior talent was a nice bonus but your attitude and work rate were non-negotiable prerequisites. What did he always say? “Never give in.” Well done Scott, well done United, well done Ten. 👏🏾👏🏾
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whatsnacks · 1 year
me trying to make umanic sleep but @aimseytv is alt streaming in 30…
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spitblaze · 3 months
[guy who doesnt watch shows voice] yeah ive been meaning to watch that show
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scramratz · 1 month
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Did you know it’s legal in the USA for mattress companies to put fiberglass in their mattresses? They don’t even have to label them! So if you wanna commission me so I can buy a new bed I won’t stop you
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startrekvsfaceapp · 11 months
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marypsue · 10 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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socialbutterfly19 · 6 months
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So give it all you got!!!
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canonkiller · 5 months
god I fuckign love ocs. my characters. my friend's characters. the characters of mutuals ive never spoken to. the characters of artists ive followed and maybe spoken to a little more. the characters of complete strangers I see in passing and think "aw that's cool". if you have ten fans I am one if you have one fan it is me etc etc. I love you
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ablogofcourage · 10 months
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tiger-grace · 2 months
Interviewer: as a father of many adopted kids from different social backgrounds than your own, what do you have to say about the concept of nature vs. nurture?
Bruce Wayne: well I love all my kids dearly and I’ve tried my best to see that they grown up responsibly so let me tell you-
(News plays footage of Dick swinging on the chandelier at a gala last week)
Bruce: let me tell you I’m just about nurturing a fucking headache at this point
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freddyrweddy · 3 months
(My Name)
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