#NOT minji's writing
evilminji · 1 month
So, I was reading some Percy Jackson fic stuff today and....I had a Danny Phantom thought.
And thought you might vibe with this at least a little bit.
Anyways, you know how the Phandom frequently has Clockwork be Kronos, or at least a piece of Kronos that regrets his actions towards his children?
Now, Danny being adopted by Clockwork. Who keeps bringing him little pieces of clouds and stars to bake into cookies and turn into marshmallows, and always has a pitcher of fresh rainwater for Danny to drink from if he feels thirsty.
Danny is very much vibing with this. He gets to Eat Space!!! The Sky is a part of him now, and he can FEEL that final frontier so very much at hand. He can close his eyes and See.
Earth below him, kept safe and warm under him, like a mother duck with an egg.
Looking up, Space is right there. It rolls against his back like a friend. The Sun bears down on him, as if bearing witness to him.
And then Danny...Dreams. He dreams of a Time that is not his own, but yet is, all at once.
Time's sickle takes him apart. Methodically, but as painless as he can make it. Kronos his son weeps, even as he and his siblings his babies reach for their Father's pieces and carefully, lovingly, place each and every single one amidst the sky.
"Forgive us" they say.
"We did as we must. We could not let you continue" they weep all over again.
"We will take care of the world you leave behind" They promise.
And so, Ouranos watches. Even with the weight if a Prophecy, and Fate upon them, his children would forever love their parents. He could've been stuck underneath the ground, where that detestable Tartarus was locked away.
But every child of Sky and Earth took the care to place their Father amidst his element. His pieces became the very Sky itself.
And then Danny wakes up.
His hands shake, and his everything aches with fleeting memories. The Infinite Realms are home to dead Gods and Titans. Who's to say, the Father of the Titans could not be spawned with it's embrace?
The next time Clockwork hugs him, Danny knows. His very skin sings with love and joy, that at least one of his children did not forget him.
But no matter how many pieces of the Sky he may eat, no matter how many memories of Old Man Ouranos Danny regains, that has passed.
Time greets the Sky once again, Father and Son reunited, but this go around it falls upon Kronos to be the Father, and Ouranos the Beloved Son.
In the back of his head Danny hears a song. One that Ouranos and Gaea used to sing for their little ones. He knows where the other half of the melody is. Soon, they shall be reunited.
(Hope that's at least halfway coherent? I know some people are gonna be mad that I'm making Danny more than Just Some Guy again, but is that not the spirit of fanfics? To take your specialest blorbo and Put Them in Situations?
Anyways, TL,DR: Danny's Space Obsession is in part his previous life as Ouranos, the Sky, Father of the Titans. Kronos, as Clockwork, is raising his Father's reincarnation and returning his pieces to him, now that pesky Prophecies aren't in the way.
They decide that letting Clocky be the Dad this time around suits them just fine.
Danny hears the song he and his wife, the Earth used to sing, and will answer her call soon, ((who Gaea is is up to interpretation, although I the show itself practically tosses Sam into this role)) once he's NOT a mess from the split memories)
Oh THIS? This is lovely! I DO vibe. Honestly can't think of anything I want to add, but I SURE DO WANNA MAKE SURE EVERYONE SEES IT.
Look at it! o/ *smacks it on your dashboard*
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vex91 · 1 year
Husseyz - Sick girlfriend
Pairing: Kim Minji x Female Reader x Danielle Marsh
Fandom: NewJeans
Summary: You cancel a date with your girlfriends due to being sick. You didn't expected them to come take care of you.
A/N: This fic is all @shushi1 fault because of a pic she posted so....
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3rd's POV
Hey? Sorry but I won't be able to make it to our date today. I'm sick :(
Don't worry baby, it's not your fault💗
How are you feeling? A little better than before?
Still running a fever unfortunately but I'm managing😕
Don't forget to call us if you need to okay? We're here to help you❤
Remember to drink lots of water and eat some delicious food, we'll text you later. Love you😘
Remember to call us if you need anything, I love you❤
Okay MinMin, you don't need to tell me twice😂 I love you both so much💕💕
You turned off your phone and tossed it away as you turned away from it. The sun that came through your window blinded you, causing you a bigger headache than you already had. Standing up weakly, you managed to close the blinds before plopping back down on your bed.
You were starting regretting going out with your friends 2 days ago. If you knew that it would be raining on that day then you would come home immediately and now you would be able to go on a date with your girlfriends. Instead of choosing an outfit for it, you were laying in bed, running a fever and just feeling miserable.
The whole situation sucked even more when you remembered that you will have to wait ages for another chance to have a date with them since tomorrow they are starting preparations for their new comeback. How much more unlucky you could get huh?
Sighing you looked at the photo of you, Minji and Danielle on a date at the amusement park 2 years ago. Smiling at the memory, you relaxed and became sleepy. Closing your eyes you made a mental note to call them when you wake up.
You woke up to the sound of the keys jiggling and the door opening. You sat up, rubbing your eyes. When you realized what you heard you got a little scared about who was in your house but you relaxed when you heard a very familiar voice "Shhh Dani, she's probably still sleeping" "Sorry sorry" You smiled at their interaction as you started making your way downstairs.
In the kitchen you noticed Minji and Danielle taking out the groceries that they bought. Minji noticed you from the corner of her eye and smiled "Hey baby, you shouldn't be up yet" You slowly made your way to her and snuggle into her chest as you felt her arms being wrapped around you. From behind you felt Danielle also hugging you. Her breath tickled you on the back of your neck making you giggle loudly "Ahh so cute. Y/Nnie is such a cutie" Danielle excitedly pushed herself more into you causing you to fall a little bit forward but fortunately you didn't fell because of Minji who held you tightly, already used to Danielle's antics.
"Okay okay, that's enough. We have a sick baby here so let's get her to bed" Minji said earning a whine from you and Danielle. A smile spread on her lips but she still picked you up bridal style, surprising you and made her way up and into your room with Danielle following closely behind "Here you go baby, all tucked in" She wrapped a blanket tightly around you before giving you a kiss on your forehead and a smile "Now we go and make some soup for you to get better quicker and after we can watch a movie" Soon she stood and started making her way out only for you to protest.
"Don't leave me alone" Your pout made Danielle squeal as she got under the covers, hugging you tightly "Too cute!!! You make the soup unnie, I will keep our precious baby company" Sighing Minji nodded and left you two alone "Did you took your medicine?" Danielle layed down and looked at you "Yeah I took some around the time I texted you" Your girlfriend nodded and laughed at you. You always were cute but for some reason you were just too adorable right now.
Time passed and when Minji finally got back with the soup and some medicine, she saw you both all cuddled up, asleep. Smiling at you both she putted everything down and kneeled next to you "Wake up baby, you need to eat and take your medicine" Her thumb caressed your cheek as your eyes opened slowly, a tired smiled appeared on your face when you saw your other girlfriend looking at you so softly. She looked like an angel. You didn't know what you did to have her and Danielle in your life but you were so grateful.
Minji helped you sat up, waking Danielle up in the process who looked up with a confused expression. Minji only laughed openly at her making her whine again. They started to jokingly argue as you watched them, eating the soup that Minji made. It was delicious. When Danielle noticed that you were eating, she quickly took your spoon and started feeding you. You and Minji looked at each other and then at her with a judgmental look before cracking up and laughing but you did accept her offer.
With your girlfriend's help you ate the whole bowl and they made sure that you also took your medicine. With that finally out of the way Minji could also get under the covers and now you layed between your girlfriends as they hugged you from both sides. Your laptop layed on your lap and the three of you looked through Netflix to find something to watch. In the end you decided on some random comedy but around 20 minutes later all of you were fast asleep in each other's arms.
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jiihu · 1 year
heyhey iwas the one who requested the minji fic and i ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT maybe i cld req a sequel where minji finally hits reader and hanni witnessed it? and hanni like pulls reader away from minji and lets her sleep in her room for the night? then u cld go on w ur own plot after that🫶🫶thank you
﹅ 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗹 (𝟮); 𝗸𝗶𝗺 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗶
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﹅ summary — after promising to do better in the future, minji tries her best to follow through, but old habits die hard. after being scolded by hanni for it, will you stay, or will you finally go?
﹅ content — abusive/toxic relationship, 6thmember!reader
﹅ word count — 2.4k
﹅ a/n — this was actually so fun to write for some reason. i'm going to leave it here because i love angsty cliffhangers, and i don't want to drag it out for too long
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You smiled as you walked out of the bakery, bungeoppang in one hand, with Minji's arm in the other. She had taken you to a bakery after practice, offering to buy you whatever you wanted as a way to apologize for yesterday. "Which ones did you get?" She gently took the bag from your hands, opening it to peek inside.
"I got six custard and four red bean since I know Hyein doesn't really like red bean." Minji nodded, looking both ways before guiding you across the street.
"About yesterday-" You cut her off with a shake of your head, beaming up at her.
"It's fine. I forgive you." She smiled, pulling you closer to her. "But," she looked at you expectantly, giving you her undivided attention. "you can apologize to Hanni and Haerin. I'm sure they didn't appreciate you accusing them of being a homewrecker." She groaned playfully, holding the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically.
"Fine." She mumbled, looking over at you with a grin. "For you."
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"For what?" Minji glared at Haerin who had a smug smile on her face.
"For accusing you of flirting with Y/N." Minji had already apologized to Hanni, who accepted her apology only after she'd checked with you to see if it was okay. Minji looked over to you, who gave her a thumbs up in return. You walked away from them and headed into your room, seeing a large bouquet laying on your bed with a note.
'i'm so so sorry for what happened yesterday. let me take you on a date?'
You turned around to see Minji in the doorway behind you, a nervous look on her face. "It's fine if you don't want to. But I want to try to mend this between us." You grinned, pulling her into your arms. It'd been weeks since you two had gone on a date, Minji always being too busy to take you out. "We have to go somewhere lowkey, like a small restaurant, if that's okay with you?" You nodded, deciding that you'd take anything you could get with her.
"That's perfect! I'll get changed now." She shook her head, reaching out to grab your arm. You flinched, instinctively pulling away from her. "Sorry," you mumbled, reaching out to take her hand.
"Don't apologize. If anything, I should be the one apologizing." She tugged you out of the room, grabbing her wallet from the counter. "We're going out!" You looked over to Hanni as she tilted her head, giving you a thumbs up as if to ask if you were okay. You nodded, smiling as you realized that it had been your first genuine response in a while. Minji guided you out onto the busy streets, taking you behind a building. You nervously looked over to her, Minji gently squeezing your hand in response.
"Don't worry, it's just a small restaurant through this alleyway." She walked you to a restaurant that had no signs in front and would've seemed like it was abandoned if not for the light peeking under the door. She walked in and we greeted the staff, sitting down at a small booth.
"I'll take the grilled beef intestines and," you paused, trailing your finger down the menu. "And the pork belly with perilla leaves to share." Minji followed with her order, bumping your shoulder with hers after the staff walked away.
"Did you hear about the perilla leaf debate?" You shook your head, taking a sip of your drink. "Okay so, your partner, or me I guess, and a friend are sitting at a table. Then, your friend has two leaves stuck together, and I reach over and help them peel them apart. Would you be jealous, or not?" You shook your head, putting down the glass of water.
"I don't think so. I mean, it wouldn't really bother me at all. You on the other hand..." You joked, Minji playfully pushing your shoulder. The food arrived shortly after and you two quietly ate, Minji's hand coming over to lovingly caress your knuckles now and then.
"We've been practicing for so long for the collab stage for the MAMA awards tomorrow, my feet are so sore. Do you remember yesterday's practice?" You nodded your head slowly, fearing the direction that this conversation was going to go in.
"Yeah, I remember. Are you excited?" She hummed, stuffing a wrap in her mouth.
"Kind of. But," she paused, looking over to you and squeezing your hand again. "I’m trying to put more trust in you. I just don't want everyone pairing you with Liz like they did last time. I get that it's not their fault. They don't know we're dating. But I can't help but feel insecure because they think you two would look better than we would." She pouted, toying with the remnants of food on her plate. You laughed, shaking your head.
"I get it, Minji. I'll make sure to interact with you more that night." You pinched her cheek, leaning over to throw away your trash. She guided you out of the booth, opening the door as you two stepped out. Right as you opened your mouth to speak, Minji's phone started ringing and she looked down to see our manager's name.
"Hold on, I'm going to take this. Go home, it's cold. I'll be right behind you." You released her arm, walking away from her with a small wave.
Wrapping your coat tighter around you, you started smiling as you thought back to Minji's behavior for the past few hours. Before this, you two would've already had a few arguments in the same time that she's spent apologizing. You continued making your way to the dorm, looking up at the building as you felt a breeze penetrate the warm layers of your coat. Maybe this is the start of something new.
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You held your elbows in your palms, nervously bouncing on the balls of your feet. “Y/N, calm down,” Minji whispered to you, caressing your back.
“I can’t!” You whisper-shouted, your eyes nervously darting around the room. “It’s so many people in here!” Minji shook her head, pulling you closer to her.
“Yeah, but you know all of them, right? And despite my bias, Liz and all of IVE are here too.” You nodded, taking a deep breath and looking over to where they were standing. “Just go over there. To calm your nerves.” Your eyes widened, shaking your head.
“I can’t just go over there, Minji! It’s so crowded!” She sighed, grabbing your lower arm and dragging you over to their group.
“Wait, stop-” You were cut off by Rei looking up, and a smile spreading across her face.
“Y/N!” The rest of the girls looked up at you, guiding you into the middle of their circle. You looked back up and Minji was gone, already back and talking to Hyein.
“I haven’t seen you in forever!” Wonyoung held your hands in hers, pulling you into a hug.
“I know! And every time you come around, Liz takes up all of your time!” Leeseo whined, joining in on the hug. You pulled away, your eyes nervously darting back to Minji, only to realize that her eyes weren't on you for once.
"Y/N? Why are you looking like that?" Your head whipped around to see Liz staring at you with a concerned expression.
"Like what?" She pursed her lips, giving you a deadpan expression.
"You know. Like you're scared of Minji or something." You nervously laughed, looking down at your shoes.
"I'm not!" You rushed out, perhaps too quickly to sound natural. "She didn't want me to take too long so we could practice more, so I was just making sure time wasn't up yet." Liz looked over to Yujin, their expressions clearly telling you that they didn't believe your rambling. You stepped backward, moving in the direction of your group. "I should go now. Nice seeing you guys again!" You made a beeline towards the girls, Minji's arm coming to wrap around your shoulders when you stood beside her.
"You okay?" You nodded, relaxing into Minji's touch. They started talking about the stage again as you zoned out, feeling Minji's fingers trace circles on your arm.
"NewJeans to dressing room four!" You heard a voice boom from overhead, and you snapped back to reality, your heart starting to pound as you realized that this moment was real. You walked backstage, holding Minji's arm tight to calm your nerves.
"Relax," she whispered, running her thumb over your knuckles. You took a deep breath, following behind Haerin into the dressing room. You walked over to your changing area, quickly slipping out of your practice clothes and changing into your stage outfit.
"Eight more minutes!"
You ran over to your stylist who was beckoning you over, turning your head to the side so she could fix your hairpiece. "You'll do great, don't worry," she smiled as she fixed your skirt buckle. You felt someone come up behind you, turning your head to see Hanni holding a piece of chocolate in her fingers.
"To calm your anxiety." You took the square of chocolate from her, whispering a thank you as she went and stood at the door.
"NewJeans to center stage one!" You looked up and Minji gave you a reassuring smile, gesturing you over.
"Thank you!" Your group members shouted as you all ran through the door, darting down the halls to your place on stage. "Ready?" You nodded, taking a few deep breaths as you felt the stage begin to rise. You quickly got into position, pushing down your nervousness. You felt a genuine smile spread across your face as you heard the cheers from the crowd. You walked across the stage to stand in your place, feeling your heart start pounding as ELEVEN started playing from the speakers.
"Are you okay?" You saw Liz mouth to you from across the stage. You nodded, digging your nails into your palm when the music switched to WA DA DA.
"You'll do good." Minji lightly pushed you forward into your place beside Haewon.
You smiled at the camera as your part ended, rushing from the center stage as the award show ended. "You did so good!" You turned to see Liz standing beside you.
"I did? I think I was too nervous." She scoffed, playfully pushing you away. While she began showering you in praise for your performance, the cameraman turned his sights towards your interactions. Liz looked up and pointed at the camera, grabbing your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You froze for a moment before remembering that you were on camera. Pushing your fear of Minji to the back of your mind, you teasingly bumped her shoulder, covering your cheeks.
She's getting better, so this'll be fine, right?
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"Y/N, what the fuck?" You jumped back from the sink, almost hitting your head on the faucet.
"What?" Minji shoved her phone in your line of sight, the video on the screen becoming a blur from how close it was. You lightly pushed the phone away, your vision focusing on the video from the stage earlier. "Oh! We were just playing around." Minji turned off the water, taking a step closer to you.
"This isn't playing, bro. You were clearly flirting with her! I mean, look at the comments!" She read a few comments to you as you zoned out. "You're not even listening!" You looked up at her, fumbling your words as you tried to find the right thing to say. You'd never seen her this angry before.
"No, it's not like that! It was just for the camera!"
"How many times are you going to say that?" She stepped closer to you as you clutched your face towel in your arms as if it'd protect you. "It's not like that," she mocked you, ripping the towel from your hands. "You have one more chance to explain this shit to me."
"Jiwon..." You trailed off as you saw her eyes widen, a humorless laugh slipping through her lips.
"Jiwon?" She shook her head, turning to walk out of the bathroom. Like something was telling her to turn around, she turned around and grabbed you by the hair, pulling you closer to her. "Since when do you call her Jiwon?"
"Get off of her!" You felt Minji being pulled away from you, looking up to see Hanni standing in the doorway with her mouth open in shock. "I knew she yelled at you sometimes, but I never knew she'd do something like this." Hanni shook her head, pushing past Minji to grab your arm. "The respect I once had for you has gone," she spat, dragging you out of the bathroom.
"Hanni, I'm okay, I promise." She silently walked you into her room, slamming the door closed.
"Do you think I'm buying that anymore?" She turned the lock, beginning to pace around the room. "I tried so hard to ignore the yelling because I know how much you love her. But this is unacceptable, Y/N? How long are you going to let this go on? You know it's only going to get worse right?" You nodded, hanging your head in shame.
"I'm sorry." She sighed, walking over to you to pull you into a hug.
"I'm not mad. You have nothing to apologize for. But I don't wanna see you get hurt again." She stood up, walking over to her dresser. "Change." She left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. You changed into her clothes, standing in the middle of the room while rubbing your sore scalp. She walked back in a few moments later with medicine and water.
"Y/N." You looked up at her from over the water bottle expectantly. "I know you're just going to go back to her in the morning. But please stay here for the night. Just for her to cool off until the morning." You nodded, admittedly wanting to take any excuse to get away from Minji. As much as you love her, you began to feel like her behavior was getting worse. While she had very high highs, she also had low lows.
"Sleep. The girls will deal with Minji. I'll stay with you all night, I promise." You slipped into her open sheets, letting her wrap you into her warm embrace.
"Thank you, Hanni. I don't know what I could do to repay you."
"Leave her." You laughed, pushing her shoulder with yours. "I'm serious, Y/N. Leave her." You sat up, looking Hanni in the eyes as her tone became more serious. "I could treat you so much better than she does."
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minjiarchive · 26 days
all your puppy posting has me thinking of petplay with minji... :(
i'm glad <3 minji and petplay is something that should be talked about more.
she'd probably have you on a collar and pull at your leash everytime she wants you to beg or listen to her (which you'd obviously would). she'd do something like make you eat her out but before that, minji would say something along the lines of:
“tell me how much you want to eat mommy out, pet.”
“beg me how you want to taste me.”
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ky-yk · 1 year
out of time (kmj x f!reader)
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genre: angst w/ a happy ending || word count: 1.9k author's note: i'd like to thank myself for making a playlist that's been creatively inspiring me recently and for being able to turn trauma into clout ANYWAYS hope y'all enjoy this one mwamwa
"okay, how're we feeling about this?"
you give yourself a once over in the mirror before turning to your sister for her opinion.
"i mean, it's giving date, you know?"
"really?" would she think so?
"it does. it looks great, but riddle me this: why are you trying so hard to look good?"
because i want her to see how much i've grown. how much...better i am than before. "because why not? you know me, i'm always dressing to impress."
"alright..." your sister trails off, giving you one last look that went unnoticed before going back to her phone and scrolling through her reels.
you grabbed your purse, double checking to see if everything you needed was there ("okay: wallet, id, charger, tissue...earphones alright i'm set") and made your way out the front door toward your car.
the drive was quiet with nothing but the hum of the engine and the weeknd's out of time filling the void. being the introvert you are, you enjoyed times like these. the world's too noisy, anyways; it was nice to let your thoughts run wild.
god, i can't wait to see her again. it's been, what, 3 years? since we last saw each other?
i wonder how this'll go, though. we haven't had a proper conversation in ages, coupled with the fact that i'm more of a listener than a talker, i just hope today will be fun.
but what if the conversation dies? good lord i'd rather shrivel up and die than have that happen--then again, though, we're friends: awkward silences should be comfortable. wait--are we friends? she said we could stay friends after the break up but everything i've heard from her has been secondhand; she never tells me things. she's also not obligated to tell me things anymore anyways but...the thought that i might not mean as much to her as she does to me still stings...
before you knew it, you'd arrived at the mall. shaking away all those thoughts, you got out of the car and started making your way to the mall entrance, all the while texting her.
y/n: heyy just arrived, wya?
min <3: yoo, im just at the music store. meet me here?
y/n: geurae, see ya soon!
with purpose in each step, you pocketed your phone and made your way over to the store where you both agreed to meet up. as you pulled up to the front, you caught a glimpse of the girl through the glass window with a racing heart. you've always imagined how your first meeting after so long would go, but nothing could've prepared you for the overwhelming weight on your chest seeing her in real life again -- even if it was just the back of her head.
you must've been shooting lasers at her skull because at once, she turned around and saw you. her eyes widened before a smile took over her whole face, turning her eyes into little crescents.
still as gorgeous as ever.
you returned the sentiment before you both started walking towards each other, meeting at the entrance of the music store. she opened her arms up, inviting you into a hug that ended right as it started. you tried to mask your disappointment at the fact you couldn't settle in and give her a proper bear hug when she pulled away and looked at you.
looked down at you, that is.
"my gosh, y/n, even after all this time you're still giving me neck problems!"
you looked back up at her, mouth wide in mock offense before you went in for the punch. "yah, watch it, kim minji."
"i'm kidding, im kidding! you know i missed you."
so did i.
"so, have you eaten yet?" minji asked, curiosity lacing her deep voice that still manages to have you swooning.
"nope. what about you?"
"nada. let's grab some lunch?"
walking in step with each other, you both started looking for possible restaurants that you both liked and also didn't dent your wallets. you settled on a cute little cafe that was pretty empty. you held the door open for her, which she then thanked you for.
"go find us a seat while i order."
"alright, i'll have a--"
"croissant and iced chocolate, right?"
"yeah..." i drink coffee now though.
even with all the free tables, you decided to take the one farthest away from the entrance. you took the couch seat so that you could put your things down beside you and stare from afar.
okay, you're doing good so far, y/n. just don't fuck this up and you'll get your girlfriend back. the small talk is small talking, it's not awkward, it's just like old times!
while you waited for minji to return to your table, you pulled your phone out and started scrolling through your instagram. you browsed through people's stories, giving them a once-over before clicking to the next one, until you reached minji's finsta account.
you found the account a long while after your break up. hesitant at first to shoot a follow request, you ended up asking for one to which she accepted a few days later.
once you made it in, you felt just a little bit closer to her again. she posted every second of every day about anything and everything: her favorite boy group, family troubles, and a potential crush.
when you first saw these stories, and every viewing afterward, you always exited the app, jumped up, and found something else to do. we're not together, so who cares if she had her eye on someone else? you'd always reason out. over the months, the ache in your heart started to weaken every time you'd see one of these stories, the promise of "if it's meant to be, it'll be" that you held so tightly onto stopped leaving callouses on your hand.
nonetheless, you still gripped on. every mention of her crush that resembled you even the slightest bit made you hold on even tighter until the next story.
out of the corner of your eye, you saw a tray being set on the table. you looked up at minji as she moved to transfer the food, hoping she could see the adoration that lingered in your eyes. you gave up, moving to help out instead when you saw that the tray's contents had just been unloaded onto your table. you pouted a little bit, taking your phone out to take a few pictures before putting it down and getting ready to dig in. as you ate, you and minji caught up on your families, friends, and new opportunities.
("wait, you're the new director of photography for your magazine? that's amazing, y/n!"
i was hoping you'd be proud of me; you were the one who pushed me to do this, is what you wanted to say.
what came out was a shy smile as you went to pick at your croissant instead, muttering a small "thanks, min.")
you talked about almost everything...except the new (old(?)) apple of her eye.
"so, has anyone caught your eye recently?"
you hesitated to ask for a plethora of reasons: she's your ex, and part of you didn't want to know the answer. then again, she was your friend too. don't friends talk about this stuff? you reasoned out.
she looked a little surprised, eyes wide and all, before she cleared her throat and started acting bashful. "i'm guessing you've seen my stories?"
"they're kinda hard to miss."
"i'm kidding! kinda. anyways, who is it?"
"why do you want to know?" she asked embarrassedly. because i want to know who i'm up against, i want to know if i'm better...i want to know where i fell short. "because we're friends, aren't we? i wanna know!"
"alright, alright. um...you know pham hanni?"
how could i not? she's the batch's ace: amazing singer, songwriter, all around artist, not to mention, extremely pretty.
she's everything i wish i was, is what i would've said.
"oh, i'm familiar with her, yeah," is what came out instead.
minji then stared going on about the details: why and when she started falling for the viet artist, how they got to know each other, and whether or not she stood a chance.
"i'm really confused because i feel like she's been sending me hints, but at the same time, i don't want to assume, you know?"
throughout all of this, you noticed how expressive and excited talking about the girl; how her eyes would light up just thinking about her. you thought the sight would make the rope around your heart tighten.
instead, you felt it loosen. like you were being set free.
you knew she was in good hands.
just not yours.
"well, what hints has she been dropping?"
"you know how we're both into music, right? that's how we got close?" you nodded. "every time she sends me song recommendations, they're always love songs. i mean, last time, it was would you be so kind? by dodie," you chuckled at how loud and rushed she'd gotten. "that's got to mean something, right?! tell me i'm not delusional."
months ago, you would've easily given in, telling her she was out of her mind. seeing her this happy, though? you had to be honest, especially after all those moments she filled you in on.
"well, from my expert opinion, i feel like you should go for it," you said without a single ounce of malice. you missed seeing her smile, regardless of the cause.
that, and you saw the vision.
you two kept talking about anything and everything until a certain hime cutted-girl approached your table. you looked up and saw the object of minji's affection. eyes wide, you greeted her hello. she returned the greeting with a bright smile. just like me, huh? she chose well. across from you, you saw minji beet red and covering her hair with her face.
"oh, are you guys hanging out?"
"yeah, but i was just about to leave, actually," you saw minji's eyes widen out of the corner of your eye as you stood to leave. "duty calls, you know?"
"so i've heard! congrats on that, by the way, you deserve it."
"thank you, hanni," you nodded in acknowledgement. "well, i'll leave you guys to it. the little mermaid's just come out, you guys should go watch it!"
"we just might. see you around, y/n!" you waved back at them, sending minji a look that held everything you were feeling before shooting her a wink and a smile and walking away.
the walk back to the car was quiet. as you switched on the ignition, your phone connected to the car immediately and started continuing where you left off with out of time before getting so rudely interrupted by a message notification. you picked your phone to read what it said.
min <3: i'm sorry our lunch got cut short, y/n, but i hope you had fun! i know i did hehe
you chuckled at the message.
y/n: no worries, min-ah. go get your girl! i'm happy for you.
you replied to her message before going into your contacts.
minji: thank you, y/n. know that i'll always be rooting for you. fighting!
a small smile took over your face as you put your phone down to drive off.
Say I love you, girl, but I'm out of time Say I'm there for you, but I'm out of time (no) Say that I'll care for you, but I'm out of time (hey) Said, I'm too late to make you mine, out of time (ah)
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amyunshader · 2 months
Warren x Sally
Okay, here’s a prompts/headcanon since me + writing = procrastination.
IF someone feels like actually writing something like that, do tell me.
I believe there will be one day, perhaps five years or shit from the current timeline, when all will be well and solved — a time of smooth sailing at last.
When we discover that Johan and Luah had been living together for quite some time
In that time, at long last, the Mighty Warren Chae will propose to Sally Park.
The thing is, Sally finds herself rather confused. She knows for certain that Warren is an orphan. So how does she have in-laws to meet? Warren... isn't too sure either.
Manager Kim invite his spiritual son and daughter-in-law to be at his home to congratulate them on their engagement.
Unfortunately? no way in the world Hansu Seong and Jincheol Park would miss out on meeting the rumored heir of their friend.
• Taehun really didn’t want to come. Unfortunately, Manager Kim is a man who can, has and will beat his ass if disrespected, so he had no choice but to be there in his most proper suit to politely greet the guests.
• Dabin heard her dad’s friends’ pupil were strong guys around her age, so she came out of curiosity, but now she feel wronged, no, in fact she feels personally offended. One is an a vicious looking ostrich, only it sticks his head in the ground whenever Mr. Kim so much as glance his way, and the other is a massive, collared dog with a freaking identification tattoo, who is always, A.L.W.A.Y.S standing at attention toward wherever his fiancee is. Ugh, so tamed it’s gross. At least the dads are raising the bar, with Mr. Sung being a Ninja Shrimp and Mr. Kim a Black Panther.
• Minji and Sally bond over being unimpressed at the whole shitshow turning into a successor competition between the three old men. Well, between Manager Kim and Hansu, while Jincheol is complaining about the wasted potential of his future? potential? son-in-law and he gets choked by his daughter who start screeching about the comparative merits of a bear and a honey badger.
• Bonus is that Taehun (bored) text a pic of the room to Hobin, who shows him to the others, and Rumi & Gaeul instantly identify Big Mama and Big Uncle from Like What & So Funny’s streaming, and pester Hobin to go meet them. Perhaps even Gaeul dad’s pursue follows them cuz he does not approve of his daughter going out so late at night ("What’s with the rat and the rooster," says Dabin)
• Chaos upgrade to another level as the old men are getting drunk — trying to get their respective successors fight, including Hobin. Meanwhile, the girls are… chatting? Appalled? Squealing over pic of Yenna? Trying to stop the stoopid guys from fighting? Watching with pop corn? Dabin at least sure is.
note on Dabin’s animals:
— Taehun is an ostrich cuz they are super aggressive, super territorial, super fast and have deadly kicks. Also there’s that thing about sticking their head into the ground facing danger, that isn’t actually true, but I found it funny to use it as a mark of Manager Kim’s dominance
— Warren is a dog. Yeah, I thought I would keep the dog for Johan, but ‘fidelity’ is Warren second name, so. Btw Johan is actually more of a lone wolf than a dog in my opinion. So dog Warren as a collar, and an ‘identification tattoo’ cuz while tattoos generally make for meany-scary, for Warren it’s more of an owner-branding. He’s a simp so dog-Warren is always turned towards Sally even (in the rare cases where) human Warren isn’t.
— Hansu Seong is a ninja shrimp. Those little things are mad. Don’t wanna make a whole essay so I’ll just say their specialty is explosive hits.
— Manager Kim is a black panther. Dark, dangerous, silent predator, king of the jungle, I don’t think I need to explain
— Hobin is a rat 🐀 — sly little thing with higher intelligence than most other animals, and a great learning capability — plus they can use tools. Also Hobin is like, a rat for money stuff.
— Gaeul’s dad (= Hobin’s master) is a rooster 🐔 yeah I know the guy in rooster mask is Samdak, but he has the rooster vibe? Idk I’m running out of ideas. My first idea was duo rooster and chicken for him and Hobin.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Oct 21st [JiU + Dacryphilia] (also insecurities)
[9:12] You lifted your head from the comfy spot on the pillows as Minji came into the room. You had your biggest possible hoodie covering your body, pants kicked off the second you came through the door and legs under the covers. Phone in hand you were scrolling through videos, not really taking in anything and simply looking for some kind of distraction.
Minji met your gaze with a frown. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged, rolling onto your side towards the wall.
Minji put down her bag and kicked her own jeans off on the way to the bed. You snuggled under the covers more and avoided her eyes even more. She climbed in with you and cuddled up next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. She pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.
“So you don’t want to talk about it, then?”
“Nothing to talk about,” you said quickly. Truthfully you were trying to avoid any and all thoughts at the moment so opening a conversation wasn’t really on your to do list even if you knew Minji would know something was up the moment she got home.
“Alright,” she squeezed you in a hug before pressing a few kisses to the back of your neck. “Can I talk to you then?”
“Sure,” you sighed, putting down your phone and grabbing a pillow to hold.
“I missed you today,” she hummed, nuzzling into your neck. She slipped her hand under your shirt just to touch your skin, to feel closer. 
You hummed in response and she continued.
“I kept thinking about you, my pretty baby. I wanted to come and be next to you like this.” You squirmed a little in her grasp. Of course she knew you well, she knew the things that made you upset or insecure and it didn’t surprise you that she so easily guessed the source of your sour mood.
“You’re such a wonderful partner,” she hummed against your skin. “The amount of times I’ve come home exhausted and you have dinner ready. You keep the apartment so neat when I can’t. You make sure Cherry is happy and cared for when my schedule gets busy.”
“I’m not that great,” you mumbled, finally voicing one of the thoughts that had been running through your mind.
“Baby, I don’t know what you think a good partner needs to do but in my eyes you exceed every expectation. You take care of me, you listen to me, you show me how much you love me. What else do you think I could need?”
“Someone more…” You didn’t want to say the words, lest speaking them aloud make them more true.
“More…?” You had a hunch she knew already.
“More… in your league.” The cleverest way you had to circumvent saying the words fully.
“I don’t think there’s anything I could want that you don’t have,” she murmured against your neck. Her hand wandered along your body, down to your thighs. “You don’t get how stunning you are. From your pretty thighs that I love to look at when you walk.” Her hand slipped up your side. “To the pretty curve of your waist, the way it makes the sheets dip and I can see your form while you lie in bed. Something I can admire even when I come home too late and try not to wake you while you sleep.”
You wanted at once to curl in on yourself and to soak in every bit of praise she had to give you. Some part of your brain was rejecting everything she had to say while another was desperately clinging to every word. You pressed back against her a little more, feeling her lips smile as she pressed more kisses to your neck and shoulders.
Her hand came up, gently wrapping around your neck and making you sigh. “I love your voice so much. Do you know how comforting it is? I feel so much love and relief at the end of the day when I hear you say my name. I love the way you laugh even if my joke was bad. I love how you sound so loving and kind when I’ve had a hard day and you’re comforting me. I love the excitement in your voice when you have news to share with me. I love all of it.”
You squirmed a little again, truly realizing how much she had noticed these little things about you and unsure how to handle the emotions starting to well up inside you. 
“I love the way your eyes sparkle when you’re happy,” she hummed, poking your cheeks. “I love the way your lips and cheeks pull into a smile. And I love the taste of your lips, but you know that.”
She earned a faint giggle from you at her words. Her other arm came around you and snuggled into her embrace even more as her fingers came down your chest. 
“I love the way you smell, always so sweet and always comforting. Your smell makes me think of home now and I wouldn't have it any other way.”
She drew her fingers over your chest, drawing a breath from you and your body feeling more sensitive in that moment. You relished in the closeness with her now, reeling in her seemingly endless list of things she’d noticed and loved about you that you just couldn’t fathom.
“This must be one of my favourite things,” she hummed, gently squeezing your breast, “And not just because you make cute sounds when I play with them.” She pressed a long kiss to your neck that made you sigh before continuing, her fingers lazily playing with your nipples, simply to make you feel good and to feel close to you.
“I love laying on your chest, you’re soft and sweet and I can forget about everything when I’m close to you, like my own personal haven or sanctuary.”
You bit down on your lip, the sparks of sensation from her fingers both arousing you and confusing the mess of emotions you were feeling. You struggled to keep your breathing even, ignoring the small lump in your throat and trying to swallow it down.
“I can hear your heartbeat when I’m here. I can feel close to you and just hearing you I know you’re there even as I sleep. You bring me so much comfort, just being here for me, knowing your arms will be wrapped around me again, knowing I can press my ear to your chest and hear your heart beating, knowing that no matter what I can come home to you is truly what gets me through the hardest days. When you give me all of that, when I love all of that, how could I want anyone else? How could anyone else come close?”
You hid your face in the pillow you’d been holding as tears spilled over. Everything from her words to the sensation of her touching your chest to her closeness to trying to process all of it had finally overwhelmed you. She moved her hands and wrapped you in a tight hug, letting you cry and both of you knowing you’d be ready to talk after.
“I love you,” she hummed. “So so much.”
“I love you too,” you sniffed.
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amberuzumaki · 13 days
A bit of my idea
So we all know viral hit and manager kim are conneted
And Minji who is Kim66 daughter have a passion for acting and stuff could make a channel to film or smt
Then latter collap with Hobin through her connection with Teahoon
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tearfest · 27 days
i think between uni work n stuff im gonna cut out a lot of muses off my page... like i have 16 mains but i only Really main like... 8 of them at best ? i think the only reason i havent done this yet is bc i know for a fact i'll only have like 1 male muse left by the end of it n that might not bode well in my favour
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worstevils · 1 month
"Did you just snap at me?" - ofc from Minji!
from "The Menu (2022) Sentence Starters!" to @emergencylove119
In Seojun’s perspective, Minji is easy to read and please, as long as he was nice to her she would be content or rather satisfied when it meets her expectations. But the thought of letting himself be nicer than he usually is or giving in was troublesome for him, if he did let himself to feel he would know how giving he could be or how feeling in the same way wasn’t as bad. But ever since he found out it’s more amusing having Minji bicker back at him for the things he does not say or do, he does not behave towards her expectations of him. 
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“Yeah, I just did” he pauses, thinking how he has always been more gentle to her than anyone else he knows, that’s what he thought since he kept acting differently around her and that annoyed him in some aspect of their friendship. “Do you ever think about what I want or I am just here to please you?” he blurts out with one of his hands ruffling his own hair before he leans back, supporting his weight with both arms. He has been sitting on the floor where he was presented with a meal while haetnim slept on his lap, so he couldn’t really move away from the spot he already was. “Arrg. I know you will say you appreciate me and all. But you know, sometimes you ask me things that perhaps, you should actually get a boyfriend. You know, like the foot massage you asked me the other day. Would you ask any of your friends to do that for you or do you think we are at that level of intimacy?” He just babbles out his thoughts while he also wonders if he��s being too hard on her because nothing that he’s saying is that serious to even be an actual topic. 
There were a lot of times he could guess what she wanted from him but when he didn’t understand, there was always some tension and bickering between the two of them and a lot of the times they would just end up laughing at the absurdities they say to each other. 
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And Away We Go
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memory is a friend i usually met on my way to the bottom pit. i find it comforting of some company, or a little food for the brain. and today, after a while, it came in the presence of you;
though you weren’t always there, but you stay the longest; one i hold dear close to heart. because you share your youth with me. i knew your most embarrassing stories. we made fun of each craziness. talked like we will last forever.
but promises broke, our back against each other, the laughs we shared now ringing in my head like an alarm i could never turn off.
before i realize it─ we drifted away, dissolved into silent tears. it was unnatural. i was sailing away. ‘sorry’ didn’t come out, you never asked and we go back to zero. to a time where i still look at you behind while the world centred around you─ nothing much changes, but not to me.
no matter how i tried to erase the memories, it’ll never come off. because i cherish all the times i spent with you. every single second of it
and though you weren’t always in my mind, but god, you’re my most painful memory. one i won’t forget even if it meant less the pain.
so, maybe we can try again, in another lifetime. if you want to be my friend once more, i’ll hold your hand and laugh with you again.
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evilminji · 3 months
Ooooh~ Drink mix up? >.>
Because! Wes DID, in fact, get that dream job. HAS learned... after many, many hours of "beat about the head and shoulders with an ethics pamphlet by his great aunt", to keep his mouth shut! Family curse of Sight? WHAT family curse?
He doesn't see shit! Mind your business.
What're you? A cop?
Look, he sent Fenton a gift basket. He was a shitty, shitty "I have to be RIGHT and nothing else matters!" Stubborn lil asshole of a kid. He got better. Grew up. No one is there best Self during puberty. He DOES, in fact, regret it.
Which is WHY, he is deliberately ignoring Kent's terrible, awful, paper-thin, "who meee~?" Aw shucks BULLSHIT excuse of a disguise, like it isn't blatantly obvious he's Superman. Yep. Nothing to see here! Nothing but us chickens! Mmmmm, morning coffee! Delicious.
But see, here's the THING.
The Itty, bitty, teeny lil PROBLEM...
Wes grew up in Amity "Totally Not Supernatural Hotspot For Centuries" Park. He is... to put it mildly, genetically? A freak. His biology is ALL fucked up. Everyone's is. And it WAS NOT made better by the Fenton's playing fast and loose with their hell basement. The Ectoplasmic NUKE that was that portal.
There is a REASON his morning coffee? Is COVERED. Contained. Fenton brand, LEAD LINED, specialty cups. The sort that can't be EATEN from the inside out. Eroded after a few uses. They're ugly as sin, but they work. He even ordered a few covers from Star's etsy shop. (Apparently he wasn't the only one who hated how ugly they looked. Good for her though, he heard it was doing well.)
He SAYS this? 'Cause his morning brew is less... straight COFFEE... and more... how to put this? A blend? Brew? Potion, really. Like an energy drink. From hell. Or, partially at least, the Zone. It's the combination of roots, seeds, and a few dried berries. Kinda like a tea, actually!
Tasty. Adds this nice fruity, warmth. A zing. Goes GREAT with the coffee. And it really perks you up... if you are Limnal. If you AREN'T? It'll desolve your esophagus like swallowing straight acid. And that's not TOUCHING the... witch-y, more Seer specific bit of the blend.
That stuff is medicinal. You know, "calm the mind" and "mental clarity". That sorta thing. With a good ol helping of "don't blurt out everyone's secrets, you spacey bitch! For the love of God, those are our INSIDE THOUGHTS!". Which? Really helpful! Infinitely less likely to get decked. It's a family staple.
Poisonous, though.
They're fine cause they've basically developed an immunity to that part, but like? Wouldn't recommend. It's why he NEVER shares his drinks. Food? On occasion. If he PLANS it and knows not to add and interesting spices. But DRINKS? Never. Weston family brews are basically NEVER safe.
Which? Begs the Very Important Question ™!
Who's Coffee Is This?
You never realize quite how fast you can go from "completely calm and kinda sleepy" to "bomb strapped to my chest, primal panic AWAKE" until it happens to you. His coffee was ON HIS DESK. People have passed by. He talked to them. Cups put down and picked up. Lazy early morning. He doesn't even register, really, as his chair crashes to the ground.
He's shouting.
People confused. They don't realize yet. His head whips around, looking for that distinct cover. Before it's too late. Before someone takes that fatal sip. He spots it. Bolting from his desk. Crashing through coworkers, over desks. Chaos and outrage. "It's 'just' coffee!" They cry.
Kent turns, confused. Pretending. Raises his (HIS! Oh god!) cup to his lips, unknowing. Wes SCREAMS a warning. But he doesn't listen. "It's 'just' coffee" They never listen. Curse of Cassandra. God's damn it. This is why his family fucking CONVERTED!
He TACKLES the man of steel.
RIPS his cup away from him, knows his eyes are frantic. How much have you had?! Spit it out! Wes voice ECHOES in the sudden silence. I'm a META, Kent! It could KILL YOU!
And oh, Oh NOW they get it. Or perhaps it is the burn in his mouth that finally registers. He rolls, spits oil slick nebulae that eat away the floor. There is blood mixed within it. It took mere moments. Superman stares, transfixed and horrified, as Wes shakes. He... he should probably get off of him.
He'll move in a moment.
When his legs no longer feel weak from terror.
The news room is in chaos. Lane kneeling by her husband, Perry trying to do damage control. He... he's probably gonna lose his job, isn't he? Wes wants to cry. Protection laws only go so far, after all. And warning his boss about his dietary needs means jack shit, after an incident like this. Beloved as Kent is. Not that anyone likely believed him.
They never do.
And now he's nearly killed Superman.
@hypewinter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @nerdpoe @lolottes @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @dcxdpdabbles
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vex91 · 1 year
Dreamcatcher - Always there
Pairing: Dreamcatcher x Female Reader (Platonic)
Fandom: Dreamcatcher
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Request imagine: 8th member dreamcatcher. Reader self harms, and the members find out. Very angsty. Sorry, I'm bad at describing
Summary: Being an idol was hard. All the expectations that people had on them were suffocating. Dreamcatcher members only find out how truly scary it can be when it happened so close to them.
Warning(s): Self-harming, Cutting, Blood
A/N: I hope that I wrote it well😅
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3rd's POV
You sighed when you were finally able to walk into the quietness and darkness of your and Yubin's room. You were lucky enough that your roommate was still at the studio with most of your members who decided to stay longer. The only ones who came back were you, Minji and Gahyeon.
Everyday was tiring for you but today seemed to leave you even more exhausted. The nearing comeback put pressure on all of you but you seemed to be affected by it more and the fact that out of all of your members you were getting the most hate didn't helped your mental health.
You looked over at the box sitting quietly between your many books. It looked incredibly suspicious so it's shocking that none of your members checked it. You're lucky they respect your privacy.
You walked over to the shelf it was on and looked at it closely, hesitating in picking it up. Strange, you never had any second thoughts about it. Finally you picked it up and opened it, revealing a blade. You took it in your hand and after observing it for a second you putted it close to the skin on your arm.
You kept it there, a last chance to stop and ignore the urge to hurt yourself....but you didn't.
Instead you made a cut.
And two.
You were about to make a fifth cut when the door suddenly opened. Your leader came in with a bright smile that dropped when she saw a blade and a blood. It wasn't hard for her to realize what you were doing as she looked at you with wide eyes. Behind her came also a smiling Gahyeon who gasped at the scene. Minji walked up to you slowly with a hand out "Y-Y/N please, give this to me" Tears blurred your vision but you still nodded and gave her the blade. You could never say no to her.
She put it away, making a mental note to throw it away later as she hugged you and fell with you on the floor. You cried in her arms with Minji rubbing your back, Gahyeon observed everything also crying. The other members came not long later and were surprised to see Minji bandaging your arms but one look at her and Gahyeon gave them an idea about what happened.
Yoohyeon could be heard gasping as all of them surrounded you but in a way to give you lots of space if you needed it.
"Y/N Why? Why didn't you come to us?" What Siyeon said made you look down, an immense amount of guilt rushed over you and seeing this Minji squeezed your hand comfortingly "We're not blaming you Y/N. We're not disappointed in you in any way. We just want you to understand that you can come to us if you need to and we need you to come to us when you have any urge to harm yourself like that. You're an important part of our family" Her words touched your heart and you burst into tears.
Yoohyeon hugged you from behind "No matter what you should know that we're here for you, we're always there to listen to you. Don't forget that we love you so much" Handong crouched down in front of you and took your other hand in hers, agreeing with Yoohyeon.
"You deserve to be happy so let us help you be happy" Gahyeon said, the first thing that she said after seeing you with blood dripping from your arm. You smiled at all of them and they hugged you, giggling at how silly all of you looked at the moment.
"Thank you guys, really. I'm happy that I have you all as my members" Siyeon and Bora kissed the top of your head and Minji your arm where it was bandaged.
"Come on, you must be hungry, I'll make your favorite" Minji pulled you up and took you to the kitchen, still hugging you close. In the background you could hear all your members screaming in happiness at the mention of food which made you laugh.
You knew that it wouldn't be easy but you could try working on getting better with your members by your side supporting you.
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jiihu · 1 year
can i req minji and reader being in an abusive relationship you can think of any plot for this thx :)
﹅ 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗹; 𝗸𝗶𝗺 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗶
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﹅ summary — minji has always been neglectful in your relationship, but she has never laid a hand on you. that is, until you and haerin did "fanservice" during a show.
﹅ content — abusive/toxic relationship, 6thmember!reader
﹅ word count — 1.8k
﹅ a/n — i just read a wattpad story that was written using ‘you’ instead of ‘i’, and for some reason i completely forgot that was an option so here i am testing it out. please enjoy! i also didn’t know what kind of plot you preferred, so i just wrote like a more ‘psychologically abusive’ plot instead of physical
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“Y/N!” Minji called out, walking around the dorm to look for you. After hearing her voice, you quickly scrambled to stand up, pushing the sheets off of your lap. Hanni raised her eyebrow at your sudden movement, sitting up from her relaxed position on the bed.
“I’m in here,” you replied, your voice having a noticeable quiver. Minji turned the corner, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw you in the room. She looked over to Hanni, her eyes examining the bed where you two were just sitting.
“Can you come with me?” Minji pleaded, walking over to where you were awkwardly standing to grasp your hand. Hanni whined, holding your other arm in her grip.
“But we were watching something!” She exclaimed, tugging you back down on the bed. Minji gave you a warning look, clearly telling you to diffuse the situation, but you were too scared to speak up.
“Just let me borrow her for a second, bro.” Minji pulled your arm again, her hold on your arm beginning to cut off your circulation.
“Hanni, it’s fine. We can always watch something later.” You reassured her, giving her a smile that struggled to reach your eyes. She reluctantly let you go, her expression telling you that she knew something was wrong. Ignoring the part of you that wanted to comfort her, you let Minji pull you toward her room. She closed the door behind you two, holding your shoulders.
“What did I tell you, Y/N? It’s so obvious she likes you!” Minji scolded you, moving her hands to the side with a sigh. “I’m not mad. I just wish you’d spend less time with her. I don’t want her getting the wrong idea about you.” You nodded, taking a step away from her towards the bed. She sat beside you, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you closer to her. “I trust you,” she whispered. “Don’t give me a reason not to.” You nodded, relaxing into her touch. Minji pulled away from you and made her way to the door. Holding her arm out, she gestured outside. “You can go back to Hanni now.” You looked up at her nervously, trying to decide from her expression if this was a test or not.
Leaving her room and walking to Hanni’s room, you opened the door and saw Hanni dart back to her place on the bed. “How much did you hear?” She froze for a moment, before shrugging.
“Just the end. By the way, what did she mean by don’t give her a reason not to trust you?” You opened your mouth before closing it, attempting to formulate a response in your head.
“She gets jealous really easily. So…” You trailed off, not wanting to ramble on with too much information just in case it became unbelievable. She hesitantly nodded, patting the bed beside her. You moved towards her, sitting on the edge of the bed to create as much space between you two as possible.
After a few minutes of watching a movie, while paying very little attention to it, you began to feel uneasy. What if it was a test? You jolted up from your spot on the bed, saying your rushed goodbyes to a startled Hanni. You briskly walked into Minji’s room, seeing her sitting at her desk with her computer. “Minji.” Her head whipped around, a scowl taking place on her face.
“Y/N, get out! I was almost done recording my part!” She shouted, standing up from her chair. You froze, like a deer caught in headlights. The last thing you expected was for Minji to be upset at you for leaving Hanni’s room. “What are you waiting for? I said leave!” You backed out of her room, the door slamming in your face the second you crossed the doorway.
“Y/N?” You turned around to see Hyein standing behind you, the rest of the girls peeking their heads out of the room.
“It’s fine.” You blurted out, trying to speed-walk to your room so that they wouldn’t see your tears fall.
“It’s not fine!” You felt a hand catch your sleeve, turning around to see Hanni holding on to you. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard Minji yell at you like that. What’s going on, Y/N?” She begged for an answer, her eyes wide, almost doe-like.
“Nothing's wrong!" You snapped, immediately regretting it when you saw Hanni flinch. "We're all just really stressed because of the comeback. That's all." You freed yourself from Hanni's grasp, turning on your heel to walk back to your room.
"Whatever! Don't forget our comeback show in the morning!" Hanni shouted down the hall at your retreating figure. You closed the door, letting out a sigh as you pressed your back to the door.
You had already accepted the fact that Minji had never experienced a particularly healthy relationship, which is why she treated you the way she did. The unhealthy mannerisms that she'd absorbed from previous relationships slowly trickled into her current ones as well. Despite this, you felt as if you had some sort of duty to stay with her. It wasn't her fault that she behaved like this. If you didn't put up with it, who would?
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"Today's special guest is," the host paused for dramatic effect, even though there wasn't a crowd. "NewJeans!" You guys walked on stage, bowing politely at the staff behind the camera. "So, I heard you guys have a comeback soon. It'll probably be released by the time this is uploaded." 5 heads peeked out from their spots on their chairs, looking down towards the leader.
"We do. I don't want to give any spoilers just in case this comes out first, so I'll just hope you enjoy it when it comes out! We really enjoyed making it!" Minji smiled, holding her hand out toward the camera. That was something you'd always admired about her. The way she adapted to different situations so quickly. Time passed as you guys talked more about the comeback, laughing as everyone tried to avoid spoiling it.
"Haerin!" Her head perked up, looking up at the host. "Do you have anything to add? You've been pretty quiet." Haerin let out an awkward laugh, shaking her head.
"She usually prefers to listen and observe people, rather than speak herself." Minji chimed in.
"...listen and observe," Haerin confirmed, nodding her head, resulting in laughs from the others.
"Despite this, it seems like people enjoy your interactions with Y/N." Haerin nodded, looking over at you with a smile.
"Yeah! It's super entertaining to watch Y/N just ramble on about anything, and Haerin just loves to listen." Danielle interjected. You looked over to Minji, only to see her looking back with an unreadable expression. You turned your gaze back to the host as he started speaking again.
"Anything to say to the Haerin and Y/N fan club?" The host joked, holding an invisible microphone between you two.
"Our relationship is very new, and we've only known each other for a couple of months, but we'll do our best to bring you guys more interactions!" You exclaimed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and her hand coming up to complete your half-heart. For the rest of the show, Minji replaced Haerin as the silent one, seemingly deep in thought. Fortunately, the host didn't comment on it.
"Thank you!" The six of you bowed towards the staff, walking outside to the car.
"That was fun!" Hyein sprawled out on the seat in the car. The conversation turned towards being nervous about the comeback, but you couldn't find it in yourself to join in. You felt Minji's cold gaze on the back of your head, while you closed your eyes and pretended to sleep, not being in the mood for any small talk. The car parked at the dorm and you felt as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest like you were a child awaiting punishment from your parents. You reluctantly stepped out of the car, picking your bag up from the floor. Minji stopped beside you, looking up at the building.
"Come to my room." She left no room for argument, briskly walking away from you. You turned to the side to see Hanni looking at you with a concerned expression, to which you gave her a reassuring smile and walked into the building to the elevator.
Once you buzzed yourself into the dorm, you dragged your feet toward Minji's room. "Minji?" You pushed the door open to reveal Minji pacing in the center of the room.
"Not only Hanni but now Haerin too?"
"Minji, it's not like that."
"Then what is it like?" She quickly pivoted on her heels, cornering you in front of the door. "Because to me, it seems like my girlfriend is flirting with two people, that aren't me!"
"Flirting? I wasn't flirting with them! I just made a heart with her, that's all!" She narrowed her eyes at you, stepping impossibly closer.
"And Hanni?"
"What about Hanni?" She grabbed your collar, slamming you against the door.
"Don't play dumb with me!" You looked down, swallowing spit and the lump in your throat. Minji released your collar once she realized the look on your face, taking a step away from you. "Y/N, I'm..." She trailed off, looking up when she heard the front door open. She took a seat on the bed, putting her head in her hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, seriously. You know that right?" You nodded, sitting in front of her on the floor. She ran her fingers along the length of your shoulders as if she were trying to erase her previous actions.
"I know. I just wish you wouldn't do it so often." She sighed, sliding off the bed to sit beside you.
"I don't do it on purpose, I promise. I just get so mad sometimes." Whispering, she let her fingers trace the hem of your sleeve. You looked down to where she was gliding her fingers, seeing the hints of a bruise hiding under the fabric.
"It doesn't seem like it at times..." You mumbled, looking up at Minji as her expression changed from one of regret to exasperation.
"Are you seriously suggesting that I do this on purpose, again?"
You chewed on your lip, looking away from her with a shake of your head. As always, Minji was unpredictable. She was difficult to read. One second, she seemed as if she'd change, and by the next, she was already back to her old ways. When she was at her best, it was as if you were on cloud nine. She'd be the best lover you could ask for, very attentive and caring. But when she was at her worst, she'd make you feel like you were doing something wrong by even being near her. You never knew how to please her. What if her behavior escalates? Should you leave?
Looking back up at Minji with tearful eyes, she wiped your tears away with her thumbs, pulling you into her embrace.
"I'm sorry. I'll do better in the future."
It wasn't a question of whether you would stay or not.
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serenanymph · 1 year
find the word tag
tagged by @lyssa-ink to find the words whisper, sing and smile!
“Don’t move!” Minji hisses in a barely audible whisper, eyes flashing, and Beatriz feels magic flood the entire cart, swamping their entire group and wrapping up around them like mist. It tastes faintly like laughter and mischief and the gold of summer, weaved throughout with a single thought, a single feeling, purposeful and intent: Hide us.
sing there wasn't a sing, but there was a singsong, so let's go with that
“Now, now, that’s enough of that!” Zephyr’s voice breaks through the air, singsong and obnoxiously cheery. “You’ll get in trouble if you continue fighting, you know – so let’s just calm down, ladies, we can agree you’re both very pretty and there’s no need to be brutes about it” – he comes up behind the boy and places a hand on his shoulder – “right?” The boy whirls, startled, and on instinct, his arm rears back – Zephyr blinks. “Ah.” The boy’s fist drives into his nose.
"And?" She raises an eyebrow. “Why does it matter? I’ve built a life for myself here, and ‘sides, damn AMA’s everywhere nowadays anyway. The last place they’d think to look would be right under their noses. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, isn’t it?” Icarus speaks up, finally, voice quiet: “You can’t be older than fifteen.” “And all the world’s out to get me,” she says. Her smile is wry, but the way she phrases it is like a statement, like it’s fact, pure and simple – and it is, isn’t it? For him and for her, for everyone he knows, everyone like them, just because of what’s in their veins and what they can do. “And it’s the same, isn’t it, for you? You’re like, what, seventeen? You’re pretty much still a kid too. They hacked your wings off anyway.”
Anyway, no pressure tagging @revenancy, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @hallwriteblr and open tag for the words return, embark and horizon!
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moguridragon · 2 years
You didn’t know how you had landed such a person. She was the embodiment of light, happiness and smiles. Her laugh was music to your ears and everything about her was just amazing.
She always tried to take on everything without worrying anyone. Keeping to herself without voicing her concerns until you had found her one night. She was sitting up in the bed, tears silently falling down her face at near three in the morning.
You had comforted her, allowing her to cry everything out in your arms. You were only younger by two years and you would never understand the amount of stress she put herself through just to be where she was in her own life.
Everything about her life screamed stressful to you. She was constantly under the spotlight, constantly being judged. Everything about it was horrendous. She would come home after long practices, her legs sore and her entire body near exhaustion.
You wished she would give up. You wished she would take a break. You wished that she could give herself proper time to rest.
But she would wake up early morning and do it all over again.
She was determined. Determined to keep her status as an idol and continue her life as such. She would talk about the fan interactions she had and would show you everything the fans had sent or tagged her in with the biggest smile on her face.
You loved it.
You remembered when you first met her, recalling the not so smiley Minji you had come to love in recent years.
You were standing on the platform, waiting for your train to arrive when a few unwanted men had started wolf whistling. Making comments to you and getting closer. You were extremely uncomfortable and near terrified until you heard a voice.
“Honey!” A feminine voice causing you to glance up and see a woman staring at you with a stern expression. You would’ve thought the voice was full of love until you saw her face. Her hand was stretched out, waving you to get closer to her. “Let’s go.” Her voice was calming, but her face meant business.
You had rushed over, hearing her voice again.
“Hurry, hurry.” Her voice was laced with concern before you felt her hand wrap around yours.
She had brought you to her small group of friends, and each of them had given you a small smile before another had asked if you were okay.
You ended up going in the same direction as them, listening to their conversation while you traveled. However, Minji was silent. She was keeping an eye on you since the unwanted men had joined the same train car.
When their stop came, Minji stayed seated while the rest of her friends left. You were confused until you saw her line of sight. The men were still there and she had a tight grip on your hand.
“Aren’t you coming?” One of her friends asked.
“Go, I’ll go home with her.” Minji whispered.
You were uncertain, but you didn’t really have a voice. You were afraid since the men were still there.
After the train had continued, Minji made small talk, allowing you to learn each other’s names and ages quietly. She spoke of her dog, showing you pictures of her before you showed her pictures of your own black Pomeranian that was waiting for you at home.
She had kept true to her word, getting off the train with you and walking a little ways before you had stopped.
“I’m… happy you stayed with me, but isn’t it odd to have a stranger follow me home?” You asked her.
“We aren’t strangers. You’re Y/N.” Minji chuckled. “But I won’t push. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She smiled.
“How about we exchange numbers and I text you when I’m home?” You suggested.
“I like that idea.” She pulled out her phone, pulling up the contacts tab while you did the same. You exchanged contacts and immediately she smiled at you.
“I’ll message you when I’m home.” You smiled.
“I’ll do the same.”
You loved how you met her.
You met her in an unsafe moment, and she made you feel the safest you had ever been. She was perfect in every way and she was yours.
“What are you thinking about?” Minji’s voice caught your attention, pulling you from your recalled memory.
“Just the night we met.” You smiled at her.
“On the train?” Minji glance at you, watching you nod your head. “You know, I was watching for a bit before stepping in. I should’ve spoke sooner.” She sighed.
“Stop beating yourself up. It’s been three years.” You frowned.
“But I could’ve gotten more time to talk with you if I had spoken sooner.” Minji chuckled.
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