#National Eat Beans Day
rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Eat Beans Day
National Eat Beans Day (or National Eat Your Beans Day) occurs on July 3 each year, and we guarantee it will be a holiday that will give you a whole new appreciation for legumes as a food group. And if not, perhaps our fun facts and riddles will have you full of beans.  Try this one on for size — ‘I am a bean, very lean. I am not fat, I’m sure of that. Like all beans, I’m small and round — but unlike others, I don’t grow in the ground’. Giving away the answer would be too easy, but we’ll give you a hint — this may be a kid’s favorite kind of bean. It may also surprise you to know that beans are not strictly classified as ‘veggies’ either since legumes by definition are any seeds or fruits that grow within pods or the edible pods themselves, which grow on leguminous plants (i.e. those belonging to the pea family). This opens up a whole world of beans to us, which should be exciting, especially for those who grew up being forced to eat beans as a vegetable.
History of National Eat Beans Day
Though the exact date and reason for National Eat Beans Day being made a holiday are not known, we do know that the history of the bean itself predates even the invention of the pots used to cook beans.  Bean cultivation dates back as early as 7,000 years ago, making it a staple that has stood the test of time, and we’re not surprised. With amazing health benefits, legumes are plant-based, protein-packed powerhouses of nutrition. So this also means that they’re for everyone, no matter the diet or lifestyle choice. It’s very rare to find a person allergic to beans too, though some legumes can trigger allergic reactions, such as peanuts.
Beans are originally from wild vines which grow in Central and South America. This is known as the common bean, and since then, thousands of bean varieties exist today and are cultivated all over the world. They are one of the most versatile crops and can be grown almost anywhere. 5,000 years ago the lima bean and other varieties were a popular favorite among the Incas and Aztecs, and the popularity of beans is so much so that they are worth a mention in Homer’s “Iliad,” where he uses beans as a metaphor. Ancient Egyptians seem to have also been partial to beans and lentils, as paintings and physical evidence shows that bodies were buried with beans, to nourish them on their journey to the afterlife. By the 1500s, with the advent of trade via ships, beans began to reach all the corners of the globe and more varieties began to be cultivated. Though often viewed as a poor man’s food, beans have been an important source of nourishment for people in dire circumstances; such as the soldiers who fought in the First and Second World Wars, or the Europeans who were dying out due to the spread of the plague in Europe, during the Middle Ages. Who would have thought beans could be such lifesavers.
National Eat Beans Day timeline
700 B.C. The French Revamp Vegetable Soup
The French begin to add chickpeas to their vegetable soup, making it a heartier meal in every way.
800 A.D. Chickpea Cultivation Helps Save Lives
Emperor Charlemagne orders the cultivation of chickpeas to save people from the ravage of war, and it works.
1700s Beans Spread Across the World
With the increase in trade, beans begin to be traded all over the world.
1920s Beans Help Ward Off the Great Depression
Beans become the poor man’s meat during the Great Depression in America, enabling many families to survive.
National Eat Beans Day FAQs
What are the healthiest beans to eat?
The top nine healthiest beans/legumes to eat are — chickpeas, lentils, peas, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, pinto beans, navy beans, and peanuts.
Is it bad to eat beans at night?
Yes, eating beans at night is not recommended. This is because beans can cause indigestion or gas problems, so it’s better to stick to eating that bowl of chili during the daytime.
Is it okay to eat beans every day?
Yes! Not only are beans low in fat, but they are also great sources of protein and fiber, and they come packed with nutrients like iron, folate, calcium, and potassium. This can help protect against high cholesterol which may lead to heart disease. The recommended portion size of beans/lentils is 25-38 grams a day.
National Eat Beans Day Activities
Eat beans
Grow your own beanstalk
Fix up a care package
Yes, you guessed it. Sometimes simplicity is everything. In this case, we’re keeping it real simple, by telling you to go eat some beans — green, black, red, or yellow — the choice is yours. Boil them, bake them, saute them, mush them, or eat them raw; beans are bound to have your body thanking you for years to come.
Though we cannot guarantee a hen laying golden eggs at the end of it, we can guarantee that there’s nothing better than the feeling of eating your own home-grown produce. And what’s more, the golden glow of health which your beans will bring you is worth far more than any golden egg-laying hen!
One of the things we love about beans is how affordable (we daresay cheap even) they are. So why not take the time to gather some different types of legumes, a hand-written little booklet of recipes, and give them to a family who may need extra beans.
5 Recipes We Bet You Never Thought Used Beans
Beanie brownies
Honey-roasted chickpeas
Navy bean pesto
Bean burger
Alfredo sauce
These ooey-gooey delicious brownies come with a surprising twist — black beans are the star ingredient!
Step aside, caramel popcorn, as this delicious, crunchy snack takes over the coffee table at your next movie night.
Pureed navy beans with any greens can make an amazing and hearty pesto sauce.
All the flavor, all the protein, but not meat. Perfect for everyone, even those hardcore meat lovers.
White beans can make the perfect, silky alfredo sauce, which will cause all to go “mama mia”!
Why We Love National Eat Beans Day
Beans are healthy
Beans have a variety
Beans are cheap
If we have not said this enough times already, we will say it again — beans are so good for you. Not only are they amazing sources of protein and fiber, but they also contain folic acid, iron, potassium, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to prevent all sorts of medical conditions.
Some say that there are as many as 4,000 varieties of beans out there. If that doesn’t inspire you to start exploring and experimenting in the kitchen, we don’t know what will. Trying out different beans can also bring you one step closer to exploring a whole new cuisine or culture, and variety is the spice of life, after all.
We’re glad that beans were overlooked by the rich snobs throughout history so that we all can enjoy the delicious benefits of beans without feeling the pinch in our pockets. For something to be cheap and nutritious almost stretches belief.
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murderousink23 · 3 months
07/03/2024 is National Chocolate Wafers Day 🇺🇸, National Eat Your Beans Day 🇺🇸, National Crown Day 🇺🇸, National Stay Out of the Sun Day ⛱️☀️🇺🇸
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orcelito · 1 year
Can't let anyone forget about my practically obscene love of mushrooms. I will post about it constantly.
#speculation nation#im a little freak actually so i hope my collection of new followers r fine with that#loving mushrooms is not freak material but the level that i love them kind of is#this isnt even getting into my other odd eating habits. of which i have many.#or my habit of sampling anything and everything at work so long as it's Technically edible#up to and including plain matcha concentrate and rose concentrate and vanilla paste#and hazelnut extract and vanilla extract and caramel extract and#ive eaten plain coffee beans before and in fact DELIGHT in taking the lemon ginger shots. just plain lemon juice mixed with ginger juice#ginger juice as in just juice from the ginger. not a ginger beer no just straight ginger concentrate. i love that shit.#let's see what are other things ive sampled at work...?#plain sugar syrups. always awful. hate sweet shit like that. i will still sample them tho if i get some on me#uhm. boba dough. which ive heard unprocessed tapioca is uh. toxic. but i think ours is processed?#i havent gotten poisoned from it yet! and handmade boba dough is actually pretty tasty#raw store bought boba is one of the worst tastes and textures ive ever experienced tho#which yes i have sampled that too. and spat it out bc i couldnt bring myself to swallow. awful awful awful.#it's kinda a running joke at my workplace that i will sample basically Anything#i cant help it 😭 the other day there was a lil bit of vanilla paste left over on the tablespoon#so i just went and dripped it into my mouth w/o thinking on my way to put the tablespoon in the dish area#& the employee just saw me physically cringe. drop the tablespoon at the sinks. then rush to the hand washing sink to rinse my mouth#& he was just like. 'did you just SAMPLE that????'#& i had to be like. '....yeah😭😭😭😭😭'#to b fair some months ago he saw me sample the rose extract. run to the sink to rinse my mouth#then 15 mins later. not learning my lesson. sample the vanilla extract. then run to the sink to rinse my mouth.#the vanilla extract was slightly nicer than the rose extract. bc at least it didnt make my tongue numb (like the rose did)#Flavor Shock. that shit's real man#anyways ramble post is rambles. i just dont want anyone to think im cool or anything lmfao
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Zhiying Zeng’s eyes begin to sparkle and her gestures become more animated as she recounts the day her lifelong Olympic dream came true.
She had to wait longer than most athletes, too: At 58 years old, Zeng will be one of the oldest Olympians at Paris 2024.
But for Zeng, whose Olympic journey began in China in the 1970s and culminated in qualification for Chile’s table tennis team earlier this year, it was worth the wait.
She had even retired from professional table tennis aged 20 – something which allowed her the opportunity to uproot her life in Asia and move across the Pacific Ocean to Chile – and at one stage went almost 20 years without playing.
“It was the biggest dream of my life,” she tells CNN Sport with a thick, unmistakable Chilean lilt.
“Even when I was a little girl and they would ask me what my dream was, I would say: ‘Become an Olympian.’”
Chile has now been Zeng’s home for 35 years and she is as Chilean as they come.
She is known in her adopted country as ‘Tania’ – because Chileans struggle pronouncing the Z in her name – and her favorite dish is pantruca, a kind of dumpling soup.
She also eats beans, a staple of the Chilean diet, every week.
Zeng loves empanadas, too, but doesn’t indulge too much now that she’s an elite athlete again. “Too many calories,” she laughs.
From China to Chile
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Zeng was born in Guangzhou in 1966 and picked up a paddle almost as soon as she was physically able.
Her mother was a table tennis coach, which meant the then-government housed the family next to a sports complex, allowing Zeng to train every day and surround herself with professional players.
She was trained by her mother until the age of nine when, Zeng says, she became a typical grumpy child that didn’t want to be coached by a parent.
So her mother enrolled her in a school that employed a table tennis coach and after nearly two years, aged 11, she entered an elite sports academy.
Even in China, by far the world’s most dominant table tennis nation, Zeng’s talents were evident from an early age.
She became a national junior champion and won several regional tournaments before turning professional at the age of 12.
When she was 16, she was called up to the Chinese table tennis team for the first time.
“So many players in China have that dream because it’s so hard to achieve,” she says.
However, in 1986, two years before table tennis made its Olympic debut at the Games in Seoul, the “two color rule” was introduced, meaning the two sides of the paddle now had to be different colors instead of both black.
Zeng explains that the two faces of the paddle produce different types of effects on the ball and she would regularly rotate it in her hand to confuse opponents.
The different colored faces meant opponents could better predict her shots.
“The change of rules affected my game a lot,” she recalls. “That’s when I had a big downturn and left the national team.”
It was a painful moment for Zeng, who says she idolized players who were not much older than her that had already become Asian or world champions, and she was desperate to follow in their footsteps.
But the rule change paved the way for the next chapter in Zeng’s remarkable story.
In 1989, she received an invitation to coach schoolchildren in Arica, a city in northernmost Chile.
It was a job she adored, but it wasn’t until 2003 that she picked up the paddle to play competitive table tennis again.
She wanted to introduce her son, who was 13 at the time, to the sport in order to drag him away from playing too many video games and watching too much television.
In 2004 and 2005, Zeng comfortably won two national tournaments but once again stopped playing when her son was old enough to go to training on his own and travel with the team’s coach.
Third time’s a charm
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Zeng only picked up a paddle again when the Covid-19 pandemic struck.
“More than anything, just to exercise because we weren’t doing anything locked down in the house except eating!” she laughs.
“I got the bug and, once we were able to leave, I immediately wanted to play against someone to see what level I was at – and see if I could I still run or not.”
She contacted the federation in Iquique, where she lives today and owns a furniture business, and was soon playing – and winning – regional tournaments against mostly men given there were few female players.
“That gave me a lot of confidence,” she says.
“I had no problems with running, with fatigue or anything. I wanted to know how much more I could do.”
In 2022, the Chilean Table Tennis Federation sent an announcement to the regional associations that it was hosting a tournament to put together a team for the 2023 South American Table Tennis Championships.
Despite her success, Zeng was skeptical about going.
All of the best players in the country would be there and she doubted that she would be able to keep up.
In the end, she only went because a friend managed to convince her.
“‘Go and find out if you can compete or not. If not, at least you’ll be left with no doubts,’” she recalls her friend telling her. “I thought she had a point.”
Zeng qualified for the team, of course, and led Chile to first place in the team tournament, while also coming second in the singles and women’s doubles.
“I forgot what I was afraid of and what I was worried about,” she says.
But it wasn’t until the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago that her life really changed.
After her first appearance at the tournament, Zeng became a national icon overnight.
After losing the first two sets in her opening match, Zeng rattled off four straight to win 4-2 in front of her new adoring fans.
Chileans gave her the nickname ‘Tia Tania’ – Auntie Tania – and the AP reported that one young fan said he had gone just to watch the “table tennis grandma.”
Even Chilean President Gabriel Boric became a fan and congratulated her on a “tremendous” victory.
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Zeng, who will play Lebanon’s Mariana Sahakian in the preliminary rounds of Paris 2024 on Saturday, says being in Santiago as an athlete during the Pan Am Games was a surreal experience.
She spent much of her time with other athletes, going out to dinner and taking photos.
“I lived like that when I was 15,” she says, recalling her time as a professional in China.
“It had been a long time since I experienced something like this. I was like an excited teenager again. I forgot I was 56!”
It proved to be a successful tournament on the table, too, as Zeng won team bronze for Chile alongside Daniela Ortega and Paulina Vega.
Zeng’s sons also noticed that her Instagram following had grown by almost 10,000 in a matter of days and had to teach her how to use social media, so she could keep her hordes of new fans updated.
Finally, 38 years after she gave up on her Olympic dream, Zeng qualified for Paris 2024 at a pre-Olympic qualifying tournament in Lima, Peru, in May this year.
Zeng says she didn’t sleep at all the night before the deciding game as she played out every imaginable scenario in her head.
On match point, when she went to collect the ball, her mind again began to run wild.
“Calm, calm,” Zeng, who says mental fortitude is her biggest asset in table tennis, repeated to herself. “You’ve got one more point.”
After winning match point, the emotion of everything she had experienced in the sport came flooding out.
Her father, who is 92 and regularly visits her in Chile, and her brother stayed up until 5 a.m. in China to watch the match, while her husband and friends were in Lima to celebrate the moment with her.
“My dad was able to see his daughter qualify for the Olympics,” she says, visibly emotional.
“He used to take me to training and to matches when I was a girl and now at 57, I made it. I made it.”
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watch my amv, boy!
notes under the cut ♡
So, this is my first-ish amv that i put a lot of work into. Missed some school assignments while at it, but this will be fine.
So!! What I am very excited about is that the music is by one of my favorite national artists, Chico Buarque. Im not sure if yall have heard of him, but he was a very very relevant brazillian artist especially during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) and his songs are often critizing this very moment in our history, highlighting the feelings of the people that went through a period full of oppression, censure, suffering and torture.
His songs are incredibly well-constructed, especially the lyrics, with very rich rhymes, wordplays, good sonority and meaning. He also sings a lot about the everyday of the people, simple people, paying tribute to the value and humanity of the often forgotten. In this song, for example, it talks about the everyday of a simple couple; A housewife and a working man, that live the same things every single day. It reflects on the exhaustion and anxiety that comes with living a life that never changes, and that you can't ever stop, even if you really wanted, because that's how you live. It shows the routine of the couple waking up early, eating (probably rice with) beans for lunch, yearning for a bigger life, going back home at sixpm, sleeping at midnight. It also counts with the heavy gender roles, of the woman that takes care of her husband, staying home waiting and cooking for him and waking him up, and the husband that works for money. All the tension that builds up from the repetition sounded greately Utena-esque for me. A life where the routine is forever the same, but you and your feelings change, and the days go by, and you know that eternity is not actually there, and you might be wasting yourself for a life you can't change. Or can you?
So, I hope I made tribute to these both I combined. Anime of course is Shoujo Kakumei Utena and the song is Cotidiano by Chico Buarque. Thank you for listening !!
( There's also a song by him called "Geni e o Zepelim" that would match Anthy perfectly. It's about a possibly transgender simple woman that is always by the side of marginalized people but, despite being a "pit of kindness" everyone on the city uses her as a scapegoat, saying that "she was made to be beaten, she's good to spit on". Then, one say, an enormous zeppelin comes flying to the town, with the powerful commander saying that he'll explode the entire city because of its evilness. But then, he changes his mind if a beautiful lady agrees to be with him. I'll write this here so i can remember later, and to he a song rec if u want!)
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
Ok playing on the secret girlfriend thing: what if she's his emergency contact and the first time the team meets her is when she's called because Steve got injured. Cue the avengers meeting a heavily pregnant girlfriend/ fiance
Oh yes-I got a request about something similar and I think I’ll post it today or tomorrow, I’ve already started writing it👀
Steve’s a very careful man, when it comes to his girlfriend, well, fiancé.
He’d be scared of loosing you. You made him realise, he could actually be a normal man besides being a national hero; Captain America.
Even though he was a super soldier and healed much quicker than a average person, you still liked taking care of his cuts, when he cut his finger helping you with cooking-but it was also the reason he was banned from the kitchen.
He may be Captain America, but deep down, he was just Steve, the clumsy Brooklyn boy, you’ve totally fallen for. And who could cook for dear life.
You always massaged his tense shoulders and back.
You treated him like a normal human being-that’s why he didn’t want you to be a part of his life as Captain America. He wanted you to himself. And he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
Steve even thought about putting the shield down and moving with you, somewhere where you two could just be yourselves. Happily together.
It’s not like nobody knew about you relationship-your family knew. And they loved Steve. Especially your grandma. She always sat down with Steve and they talked about the old times. Your mother loved him too. She saw how good he treated you. And the two women also loved how much he could eat. Your grandma loved having him over, because she could prepare much more food, than she’d Normally would. Even your dad approved-especially after Steve let him drive his motorcycle a few times.
They wanted him in the family.
Then it finally happened.
After being together for two years he asked you to spend the rest of your life with him.
Without a second of hesitation you said yes.
A few weeks later he noticed your odd behaviour. You slept more, eat stuff you’ve normally wouldn’t even touch-for example olives. You didn’t like them, he knew it, because you always left them for him. And then there was this constant morning sickness…
Only a few days later you told him you were pregnant, giving him a shirt, with a text on it, saying; best dad ever.
He cried tears of joy, hugging you for a long time and talking to your tummy, even though your baby was still only a the size of a little bean.
Steve watched your belly grow, getting rounder. The first time your baby kicked-actually kicking his cheek-he looked slightly offended and then surprised at your stomach. “Oh god-did she-“, you nodded, grinning at him. He started kissing you and your belly softly.
Once again he cried, like like many times in the last few months. He’d never thought he could have this, a family, a normal life.
What he hadn’t expected was a emergency mission, about a HYDRA basis in Europe, with apparently many hostages.
He had to go.
But after two weeks he still hadn’t texted you. The worst scenarios played out in your head. It happened. Steve wouldn’t come back.
You’d be a single mom, not even married, because you fiancé had to-
Your phone ringing interrupted your pacing, while you were stroking your belly, to calm down your sweetheart. It’s like your baby felt your anxiety and was as you were.
“Oh god, Steve, I was scared”, you cried into the phone, when you saw his contact pop up. But it wasn’t Steve’s voice that answered. “Excuse me, this is doctor Cho. You’re Steve’s emergency contact and-“ “I-I’m on my way.” You said, already putting on your shoes, which wasn’t all that easy having a stomach the size of a watermelon. This child was huge. It’s definitely Steve’s kid. There was definitely some kind of serum in this child.
It took you forty minutes till you finally entered the Stark tower. Normally you’d drive faster, but you didn’t want to risk anything happening.
Pepper Potts was the one coming for you-she definitely looked surprised, but tried not to show it. You knew Steve hadn’t told anyone about…well, you.
“Steve’s emergency contact-“ “Y/N, yes. I’m…im his fiancé”, you said, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, while you gently rubbed over your round tummy. Pepper smiled friendly and nodded. “Great, let’s go then”, with that you entered the elevator, letting the AL bring you to the needed floor.
She looked at your round stomach for a moment, a wide smile on her rosy lips. Especially when she saw the ring in your hand, when you rubbed over your tummy, where your babygirl was kicking.
“What happened to Steve? Is he-“ “he’s alive, but hurt. During the mission he tried to get all hostages out of the building-after getting the last one out he run back in, nobody know why. Then the building collapsed and they couldn’t find him for two days. Three of his ribs are broken, his leg and he had a concussion-they also had a scare his kidneys would fail, but luckily they manage to stop any more damage. Hes just out of surgery-we would have called you sooner, but it all happened so quickly, nobody really ex-“, pepper broke her sentence abruptly, looking away. “Nobody expected him to have a emergency contact?”, you asked quietly.
Pepper nodded, already apologising, but you dismissed her smiling, telling her you knew, they didn’t know about you.
Walking into Steve’s room, your gaze fell on all the avengers sitting around him. Everyone seemed to be bruised and injuries, but nobody looked as bad as Steve.
You gasped quietly, making everyone look at you.
Only the beeping of the monitor could be heard. Bruce immediately stood up, offering you his chair, making you smile kindly, while your eyes filled with tears.
Everyone just watched you sit down. They were surprised. Shocked even.
How could Steve hide a girlfriend-a pregnant girlfriend for this long? Looking at your round belly it had to be at least seven months. Maybe more.
Tony was the first one to talk. “So nobody’s gonna talk about Steve’s apparently knocked up girlfriend, who he kept-owch”, pepper slapped the back of his head, making him wince. You chuckled quietly.
Steve had told you, Tony was very….Tony.
But it felt good, to laugh after having been scared for so long.
“I’m actually not his knocked up girlfriend-“, all eyes were on you. Shocked-only Natasha seemed to have a cocky smirk on her face, because she saw the ring on your finger. You lifted your hand, showing it to the others. A bright smile on your face. “I’m his knocked up fiancé.”
The team laughed quietly, already loving you.
There were many more questions about your relationship and baby-and just about you.
After about two hours Steve started waking up, feeling a hand holding his, he gently squeezed, interrupting your story about how Steve once nearly set the kitchen on fire.
“Oh god, Steve”, you gasped, watching his eyes flutter open. Slightly confused he looked at you, then at the other. Under the bruised skin you could tell he was blushing. He cleared his throat. “I guess…I guess you meat the team”, he mumbled, feeling how dry his throat was. Bruce gave you a cup with water and a straw, for you to help Steve drink something. “Yes, Steve, I was just telling them how you set the kitchen on fire-for the first time” “first time? How often did it happen?”, interrupted Tony you, making Steve whine quietly. Tony wouldn’t never forget about it-not after Steve nearly set his kitchen on fire, too.
“But Steve, really. You should’ve bring your midgardian girlfriend in sooner. She’s great”, Thor said, patting his leg with more force that necessary, making Steve wince.
After Steve drank enough, you put the cup away. “Why did you run back into the building?”, you asked him, gently squeezing his hand. He looked away for a moment, but then back at you. “I nearly lost the picture”, he mumbled, confusing the team. You knew what he meant; the first ultrasound.
Sighing you gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, sitting on the bed next to him, and putting his hand on your belly. “You’ll never do that again, do you hear me? A picture is not worth losing your life, got it? Our girl needs her daddy in her life. And the next time you do something this reckless, I’ll kick your ass. Pregnant or not”, you mumbled everything gently, making him swallow hard. The others watched amused, while Steve nodded. “Yeah okay”, you raised your eyebrows.
“Yes, Ma’am, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again-“
“Oh we’re so keeping her-owwch, Pepper!”
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wandasaura · 6 months
hi aura! i think i have mega baby fever too honestly 🙁 like ik the convo abt them and babies and marriage has died down a little but i’m sparking it back up again
so ofc we know that wandanat is older than r so i feel they’re destined to have a friend who has a child already and basically said friend asks wandanat if they could babysit and despite their busy schedule wandanat says yes cuz i mean duhh and the baby like favors r for some reason and r just eats that up they’re attached to each other all day long but no one’s complaining
i feel r would’ve had one of those summer jobs to make some extra money before university and stuff and she was probably a babysitter which is why she��s practically a natural
r would def have the baby on her lap at her computer table “teaching” them how to do cs things but it obviously fails cuz baby probably just wants to play so r and baby go to the living room and like r does that thing where u hold the baby and guide them to walk
yeah like maybe the baby is on the brink of speaking and just babbles a bunch of words and r tries to teach baby how to say some names (including her own) and words and baby ends up saying some sort of mixture of rs name somehow and baby giggles a bunch and wandanat see this and it definitely just fuels their baby fever more
especially once r and baby are worn out from playing all day r feeds baby a bottle and they end up passing out on the couch and r is protective of the baby making sure they don’t fall or anything like either baby is surrounded by rs arm or maybe baby is on rs chest
wandanat just follow r and baby everywhere around the house snapping sooo many candid photos for the future
okay that’s the end of my baby rant but i just want one so so so bad or maybe just to babysit a relatives baby soon cuz they’re all so cute
- 🦕
it’s cannon that coulson and may are together and have a little one, and they ask wandanat to babysit on a whim when they’re both called into office for a national security threat. it’s an overnight assignment and while wanda and natasha have important office things to be doing, one of the main perks about running your own company is that you’re available to help your friends when they need it. the little bean is ten months old, an age r considers the sweet spot of babyhood. they’re not just a blob that screams for milk and sleeps, but they’re not entirely mobile yet and they’re cuddly. when she finds out that the baby will be joining them for a day, she goes into mother hen mode and starts frantically picking up the living room and kitchen, making sure all the remotes are places somewhere high and that nothing fragile or sharp is within reach. the baby isn’t walking yet, but she’s cruising all tables and couches so r takes no chances about what determined little hands can reach. the candles and glass decide pieces are all locked away in a closet upstairs, and she’s pleased to find that wanda and natasha have a couple baby toys stored in the garage from when morgan was little. she turns the living room into a playroom before wanda can even come back downstairs from taking a shower.
when phil and may drop the littlest coulson off, r hangs back, not wanting to overwhelm the baby whose already upset that her parents have left. she glides around the kitchen making a snack (overly smashed blueberries and strawberries sliced to small they’re practically inedible) but she will not risk a choking hazard, so natasha doesn’t comment on the fact that the baby can eat normal sized strawberry pieces. when she does come into the living room and sits down besides wanda, whose giving the pitiful little human a bottle, she smiles so softly as she glances down at the little angel dressed in a chaotic blend of colors. she has a sneaking suspicion coulson dressed the little one and they were in too much of a hurry for may to get her redressed. the baby looks up at her and it’s literally game over after that, she reaches a hand out to r, completely transfixed on her to the point where wanda pulls the bottle away in fear that she’ll start choking. r laughs when the baby practically launches itself at her, tiny hands clapping against her cheeks as the little one babbles. they’re inseparable after that. r has the baby either on her hip, cradled to her chest, or they’re both laying on their bellies on the floor of the living room. r makes colors seem like the most interesting thing ever. she’s holding up little plastic blocks and giving full monologues about the color and what else in the world is that color. she practically kills natasha when she gets to the green block and goes, “greens the best color in the world. your aunt wanda and aunt natasha have the brightest green eyes, and sometimes they look like soft blades of grass in early spring, but sometimes, when they get all mean and scary, they look like a forest in the middle of summer that’s three seconds away from being filled with fireflies.” and the baby just drinks up every little word that r says as she chews on her fist.
a couple hours into babysitting, both wanda and natasha have things to get done in the office, and the baby is meant to be napping so they see no problem with sneaking away for a couple of hours, but at the first pitiful whine that slips through the monitor, r is going and picking them up, bouncing around the nursery as she sings a soft song that’s in no way a lullaby, but the baby doesn’t know that. she decides against sleep, and takes the baby to her office where she tries to show them about coding, but tiny hands keep banging against her keyboard and while it’s adorable, she doesn’t want to have to get another one, so she brings the baby downstairs. they have a bottle and a cuddle on the couch, and when wandanat find her again, they’re both sound asleep with a cartoon muted in the background.
when coulson and may come back for their little one, wanda and natasha are quick to offer to babysit whenever it’s needed, eager to fill their camera rolls with more pictures of the two precious girls that have wormed a way into their hearts
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exhausted-archivist · 22 days
So I'm working on drawing food for the headnotes of the recipes I've concepted out and haven't tested or fully worked out the kinks. I want to post something to celebrate The Veilguard drop, especially something I can queue up because I will be avoiding you all and the spoilers for at least a week haha.
The poll is below and the recipe headnotes are below the cut if you want an idea of what I'm working with.
Boiled Eggs and Pine Nuts Sauce (Appetizer) A simple and delightful dish one would not particularly expect from a nation of opulence such as Tevinter. A sweet dish with the perfect touch of zing, nutty, and savory notes, while holding a compelling contrast of being both crunchy and soft.
Deepstalker Stew (Soup/Stew) An uncommon meal, one that most won’t serve outside the appeal for an ‘exotic’ dish or in times of desperation. This stew is more often one to be consumed should you be stuck in the Deep Roads or an isolated cave. Not, at a tavern when one has been on the road for several days. It should be noted that depending on where you’re capturing these cave-dwelling creatures will dictate the taste. Many of the accounts I have heard from the Legionnaires describe the taste and texture akin to chicken. Whereas if you catch them near water sources they garner a fishy taste with the texture of chicken. But, this stew is simple in and of itself. Usually with very little substance aside from the meat and whatever edible additions you can forage for. In this recipe we have tried to enhance it with herbs, potatoes, and salt.
Braised Nug with Elfroot (Savory) This salty, aromatic dish melts in your mouth with its tenderness. Nug is a common and popular dish for Orzammar dwarves. One that lingers in some surface communities with a twist of new herbs and spices. Though humble is the nug and elfroot, this meal is filling and delightful in its own right.
Exquisite Misery (Dessert) The Orlesians are nothing if not indulgent and extravagant. From wyverns to phoenixes, Orlesians have a tendency to play chance with their lives for whatever element of decadence is in the trends. While deep mushrooms are perhaps the least lethal thing one can consume, I do advise avoiding eating too many of these little cakes. That said, should one partake and find that they are able to get past the musky, earthy flavor; these can be quite a treat. Fluffy, soft, and a touch sweet, it is a dessert I find best to consume after a rather savory or spicy meal.
Roasted Fiddleheads and Leeks with Goat Cheese (Vegetable) A dish available during only a few short weeks in the spring, fiddleheads have a delightful crunch from the roasting as well as their natural snap. They have a sweet, but not quite grassy taste to them almost akin to beans and asparagus. When paired with the sweet, caramelized flavour of the leeks and the creamy, tartness of your favourite goat cheese. It pairs well with a protein or on a bed of grains.
Seasoned Mussels (Seafood) The exact origins of this dish are unknown, given that Antiva, Rivain, and Tevinter hold strong ties to their coastal waters and each have several versions of how to make this dish. Most scholars declare it was Tevinter in origin due to the age of the Imperium, but the question then lies what area of the Imperium and when? The version I have crafted is a blend of Antivan and Rivaini flavours, as I prefer the shellfish off their coastlines to those of Tevinter. A rich dish that can be eaten with a fine pasta or spread over a bed of rice.
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deadmomjokes · 4 months
Do you have any adventures of bean to share before you sign off for a bit? good luck with the move!
I wish I had more specific ones, but life is all blurring together at this point so I must settle for Tidbits: Moving Edition
She loves to pack stuff. I have no idea where it's coming from, but holy cow this kid. She's going to be the only reason we're completely packed and ready to go on time. Every morning, she hops in my bed and goes "Can we pack another box?" And any time we're not actively doing something, "Should we pack more boxes?" Her dad whispered to me earlier, understandably dumbfounded, "What is with the packing thing? Why is she so into this?" And she somehow heard it from the next room and merrily hopped in holding the roll of packing tape and said "I dunno, I just really like packing things." So... yeah. She's keeping us on task.
She has Plans for the drive. -First, we need to eat at Subway (she was very excited to learn she can, in fact, have Subway in moderation). -Second, we need to stay at one of the number hotels-- those being National 9, Super 8, and Motel 6. (She is bummed there's no 7 hotel.) -Third, if we successfully get a number hotel for one night, we also need to do a Red Roof Inn some other night. -Fourth, she wants to go inside a gas station and look at the maps. (She means the visitors guides and brochures that truck stops have when they're near-ish to state lines and/or tourist destinations.) -Finally, she wants to borrow my phone to take pictures. Unbeknownst to her, we are getting an old digital camera tuned up and outfitted with a child-proof case so she can have her own camera, because when she starts taking pictures it's an hours-long affair, and I kinda need my phone for GPS purposes. We're presenting her with said camera next weekend when we get the trailer, so hopefully she'll stay occupied while we do the part of packing she can't actually help with. But yeah, she knows how to set realistic, attainable goals, and I honestly think we can make these things happen for her.
She's been obsessively watching that Bluey special every day, and it Concerns me. See, she's generally quite media literate, and knows how to separate fiction from reality, and we had our big group cry about leaving our friends the first time we watched it. But. I am deeply worried that she's under the impression that we'll get all packed and ready to go and then do what Bluey's family did and decide to stay. I desperately hope not, but hoo boy, if that is the case, that's gonna be one heck of a 4-day drive. We've tried bringing it up and talking about it, but we still can't tell what's going on in that little noggin.
She is really, really sad about leaving her friends. I know that's not fun to hear, but honestly, I'm really impressed and proud of the way she's been handling it. She's come up with some great coping mechanisms all on her own: asking if we can get everyone's parents' Facebooks so we can do video calls, asking if we can do a party before she leaves so she can play with her school friends again (both yes, of course), and the one that truly floored me-- she asked if we can find "a new therapy place" when we get to where we're going. My four year old asked if she can go back to therapy, y'all. She's been 'graduated' since before Christmas, but she remembered that it helped when she was feeling anxious all the time and wants to do that again after we move. I just... Holy moly! I am so, SO proud of her for how she's so in tune with herself and her needs.
Her requests for our next housing situation have been few, but very specific. It has to let her get a pet, either a rabbit (maybe two so they can be friends), or a ball python, or both. It needs stairs so she can bumslide down them. It needs a pantry with a shelf she can reach for her snacks. And she'd really prefer if it had hard floors so we can get a fuzzy rug. We don't have it on lock yet (fingers crossed!), but the place that looks most likely meets all of these criteria.
That's all I've got for right now, because I need to go pre-plan what tomorrow morning's packing adventure is going to be so I don't have to think about it two minutes after opening my eyes.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
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inspired by @sionisjaune's tags and THIS nico in glasses art by the incredibly talented @movieboyfriend
Becoming a sports psychologist had been easier than Nico expected. 
All he needed was a bachelor's, which he already had, and a Masters' degree which took 18 months and submitting a paper on eating disorders to achieve. Board certification was annoying, Nico just doesn't have that kind of time, but the workaround was simply calling himself a 'performance enchancing counselor.' A corner office in Monaco, a shiny plaque with his name on it, and a star studded roster of athletes and C-list celebrities he'd hosted parties for during his influencer days for potential clientele, he was all set.
F1 hadn't been the goal but at the same time... who better than Nico, who knew exactly how motorsport could chew you out? His karting dreams were long over, but the smell of gasoline and burnt tyres and the roar of the crowd is still his forte. It just so happened Formula One decided mental health awareness was totally in style now, and one of their main sponsors held an event on mindfulness and how it can be achieved drinking more Heineken. Having a father for a World Champion is helpful, when it means one has lifetime passes, and this had been a prime networking goldmine; not for the drivers themselves and their fragile egos at the implication of psychological help -- but sliding his practice's embossed gold card in the suit jacket of one Toto Wolff.
Lewis saw therapy as something good and necessary, but ultimately for other people. And then Abu Dhabi happened. And then the W-13. And Toto had mentioned what Keke Rosberg's son was up to, how it could possibly help him out of his slump, and hearing that name after so long made Lewis' usual 'thanks but not for me' die at the tip of his tongue.
"I'm not going to imply whether all your issues stem from trying to make your father proud or ask you about your childhood. I would remember. I was there." Nico had smiled over his thin-rimmed circular glasses, with that knowing sparkle during their first unofficial session and Lewis was sold.
"As long as you don't expect me to call you 'doctor,' man. Jeez, who would've thought? Dr. Nico Rosberg."
After that, every week unless he's in LA, Lewis finds himself in Nico's chic Monaco office. It's not stuffy like a therapist's office; a turquoise wall and Nico's dad's helmet is on a shelf display, a German national Team jersey hanging on the wall, there's even a YouTube million subscribers golden plate. Lewis is sprawled on the bean bag, the sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows hitting in beams, and not for the first time Lewis has to reconcile the kid he knew has grown up into the adult in distinguished glasses and same golden blonde hair in front of him. Nico dresses like he's about to give a TedTalk, in his monochrome tee and blazer combo, and that somehow puts Lewis more at ease.
"The car's been so fucking shit. I'm not here to fight for, what, p10? That's not me. And the team..." Lewis rants, and it's so freeing to be able to call the car shit without adding in how they're improving bit by bit and other optimistic platitudes that don't mean shit in terms of the championship.
"And the team's been prioritizing Russell over you, I can see how that can be a source of frustration." Nico finishes.
"What? No. He's not -- the team's not. I'm saying, it's annoying enough the car isn't where we were promised it was gonna be, and now every week I'm getting asked if I want to retire, like what's this all for?" Lewis is momentarily taken aback by Nico's claim. Is that what people think? The team... well, George has adapted to the car easier and has been finishing above him but he hadn't felt any particular favouritism from the team... Although he's been the one running experimental setups and helping the team collect data while his teammate gets dubbed Mr. Saturday. The seed of doubt towards the team makes him frown.
"You don't want to retire. Not until the 8th." Nico points out decisively, getting up from his armchair to walk behind Lewis where his plants are.
"I don't. Even if no one believes me, apparently." Lewis rolls his eyes, hearing as Nico spritzes his plants. He could've sworn they were fake.
Lewis feels a hand on his shoulder, surprising him. "You're just going to have to prove them wrong. Like you always do." Nico smiles down at him with absolute conviction, squeezing it once, and then the weight is gone; Nico moving back to his chair.
The gesture was friendly, but it makes something flare inside Lewis. Something about Nico, maybe the fact he can open up to him the way he can't even with the team; maybe because Nico knew him before seven titles, before he was anyone, makes Lewis instinctively trust him in a way he rarely does with new people. But Nico isn't new, even if the glasses are. Lewis finds himself wanting to know more, wanting to fill the gap between the years.
"Now, let's go over your daily mindfulness affirmations..."
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koreaguides · 2 years
Side Dishes in Korea
Why do we get served so many each meal? 
1. Background Information 
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One of the most appealing things about eating out in Korea is the unlimited free refill on the side dishes, known as banchan. 
This practice is deeply rooted in Korean history and character as a nation 
2. Kimchi 
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There are hundreds of different types of kimchi, but the signature cabbage banchan is offered at pretty much every restaurant. 
Koreans have for generations been storing vegetables in pots to ferment so that they will have food available for the winter. 
3. Common Banchans 
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Other than kimchi, there are bean sprouts, cucumber vegetables, and sesame leaves pickled in soy sauce. 
Some of the more luxurious Korean restaurant sever egg rolls, tteokbooki, and ganjang gejang. 
4. Banchans At Restaurant 
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Eating at a Korean restaurant is always an exercise in how to maneuver all the dishes to actually fit on the table. 
It is not uncommon to receive 3 or more different banchan dishes alongside the main course that you order. 
5. Homemade Banchans 
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During a kimchi-preparation event called kimjang, a large amout of kimchi is laid out for all members of the family work on. 
This practice is less common these days, but parents still like to prepare kimchi and distribute it to their children as a show of affection. 
6. Why Are Banchan Unlimited? 
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One reason is that white rice was much more expensive than kimchi and banchan during difficult times in the Korean economy. 
It was too expensive for restaurants to give refills of rice, but in order to make sure you were full, they offered you a second helping of banchan. 
7. How Is Banchan Served? 
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In order to reduce operating costs, some restaurants have suggested limiting or removing the unlimited banchan options, which many Korean people weren’t happy about. 
To meet in the middle, many Korean restaurants these days have adopted a self-service system in which you can eat as much as you like, but you have to approach the food station and fill your own bowls. 
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Eat Your Vegetables Day
Focus on getting ample veggies in your diet, and improve your overall health and well-being. Consider growing your own veggies for extra satisfaction.
There are so many things to consider when it comes to improving your life and having a balanced and healthy diet. You have a lot to think about when it comes to making the most of what you put in your body, and this is something that you need to make sure you get right. There are so many factors that play a role in helping you to have a healthy and balanced diet, and one of the best things to keep in mind here is to ensure you eat your vegetables as much as you possibly can. Make the most of National Eat Your Vegetables Day, and try to make sure you enjoy and indulge as much as possible.
They come in every color of the rainbow, almost every believable shape and size, and the flavors they bring to the table are absolutely astounding. Whether you’re just talking about the staple vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and onions that we all get from the store, or the diverse range of vegetables that come from around the world like Bok Choy and watercress, we’ve all been eating them our whole lives. National Eat Your Vegetables Day is dedicated to getting people eating their veggies, and also in spreading awareness of their diversity and necessity in a healthy diet.
You are going to have to make the best of this day, and try to come up with some ideas that will allow you to enjoy all kinds of vegetables in all sorts of different situations. You are going to need to do as much as possible to find some of the best vegetables out there. The idea of this day is to have a vegetable with every meal, as well as having a vegetable for a snack each day as well. So, let’s take a look at what is involved in the process of making the most of National Eat Your Vegetables Day, and this is something that can go somewhere toward improving your life as much as possible.
History of National Eat Your Vegetables Day
The history of National Eat Your Vegetables Day starts with an awareness of nutrition and the role it plays in a healthy lifestyle. Vegetables have always played an important role in the lives of humans, all the way back to when we were simply hunter-gatherers. Vegetables were one of the hallmarks of civilization, and are arguably the reason we settled and stopped being nomads, we couldn’t travel anymore when we planted our crops, we had to be there to tend them as they grew.
As we cemented our ability to produce them they stopped being an opportunistic part of our diet, and instead became a foundation part of our culture and cuisine. As time went on we established that there were benefits to eating them, better health and growth, but it wasn’t until much later that science confirmed what we already knew. Vegetables have evolved and developed over time, and this is something that you need to think about moving forward. They have become such a hugely popular part of mealtime experiences that it is vital to embrace every part of National Eat Your Vegetables Day as much as you can.
Eventually, it was established that yes, they were a vital source of nutrients that were hard or impossible to get from an animal source. These nutrients can help to prevent heart disease and decrease bone loss, offset diabetes, and even improve the health of your hair and skin. It is so important to be able to make the most of this, and you need to understand how important it is to be able to eat vegetables on a much more frequent basis right now. Do what you can to take things to the next level, and this is something you are going to have to keep focused on where possible.
How to celebrate National Eat Your Vegetables Day
Well, the easiest way to celebrate National Eat Your Vegetables Day is to ensure that vegetables play a major role in your diet for the day. To make sure you’re getting enough ensure that you’re eating at least a half a cup of each vegetable you decide to consume, or a cup of a medley. Think vegetables can’t be delicious? We have the simplest recipe to prove you wrong. Just take an equal mixture of cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots and steam them until tender. Then layer them in a casserole dish with seasoning salt, cheddar cheese, and sunflower seeds and place them in the oven to bake until the cheese is melted. If that doesn’t make you believe that vegetables are delicious, we don’t know what will! So get out there on National Eat Your Vegetables Day and gobble down a tuber, munch on a leafy green, or serve up a nice bowl of legumes.
If you are serious about making the most of this, you need to make sure you factor in family experiences. If you are going to be making decisions to help you have a great family mealtime experience, vegetables are going to play a massive role. You can combine them with so many different things, and there are a lot of elements you are going to have to consider. Do some research and take a look at the different vegetables that would be at home in your family kitchen.
Another great idea you need to keep in mind is the fact that you can grow your own vegetables. This is one of the best things you can do throughout the year, and it is something that is going to pay dividends when it comes to National Eat Your Vegetables Day. You can source veg from your garden and use it in home cooking or snacking, and this is something that you need to make a big difference to the process.
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murderousink23 · 1 year
06/03/2023 is National Chocolate Wafers Day 🇺🇲, National Eat Your Beans Day 🍛🇺🇲, National CROWN Day 🇺🇲
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
We’ve seen the 141 react to southern food but what about Roach and Jacksons reactions to british cuisine?
Gonna say a quick thank to the anons who have sent questions involving Jackson y'all know I love him and I love getting to include him
Also before we start I should just say that I'm an American, so my knowledge of British cuisine literally extends to what I've seen in tiktoks and tv. So my apologies if this is horribly stereotypical or wrong, but also I'm an American so it's kinda a national like expectation to make fun of the British, just know its all in good fun.
How Roach and Jackson React To British Cuisine
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First of all, before they've even tried anything I know these two are making fun of British food just based on what they've heard.
Roach jokingly replies "fish n chips" in a terrible British accent any time Ghost asks what he wants to eat. Soap lowkey thinks its hilarious but tries to hide his laughter.
(He always fails and Ghost always gets mad at them)
Jackson sends random ass like wack foods he see's online to Price and Gaz like "was this something you ate as a kid?"
One day sends Gaz the recipe for like raisin meat salad or some shit and is like "reminds you of home huh"
So its obviously only a matter of time before Jackson and Roach are forced to actually try some British food by the British.
The first time that Gaz or Price or Ghost looks one of them in the eyes and says "thats it, I'm making you try a Chinese" I think they die a little inside.
Both of them sitting patiently at a table as the boys debate on what to make them. Ghost suggests beans and toast and I think both Roach and Jackson have a little southern heart attack when they're brought out beans on plain bread.
Roach literally can't eat it because of a texture thing with the soggy bread (me too babes) but Jackson tires to power through it
He tries it and Roach swears up and down that Jackson actually starts to cry but Gaz swears that they were tears of joy (they weren't)
They try some other things, and that goes a bit better, but overall Jackson and Roach generally aren't impressed by most of the foods.
Jackson asks at what point which seasonings they used on the food and when Gaz answers back "salt" he dies a little inside (the poor man is from Louisiana you know he's sobbing)
Eventually the British Boys are just like "okay well you know what, fuck them what could we give them to make them gag."
They try black pudding
Immediately disappointed when, upon hearing what it is, Roach and Jackson don't flip out and instead try it perfectly fine
"This isn't bad. Could be a good way to use more of the animals during hunting season"
"Wonder how hard it is to make"
At the end of things, Jackson and Roach decide that the best of the dishes was the full English breakfast and they invite the boys to make it for them again, though Jackson warns he'll be adding more than salt the next time they make it
Then, Jackson, ever the evil man, suggests that he should share some Cajun food with them next.
Roach, despite knowing it may kill them, doesn't say a word
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95jezzica · 2 days
plz save us from the insanity in hetalia nordic tags do u have any soft hcs about den and swe
(You okay, anon?). Well, uh, sure? Here's some soft headcanons. 💝
"Bother my bother." / "Don't you mean Brother?" / "Did I stutter?" 😂 xD
In many ways they're two sides of a coin, and despite plenty of fights and bickering throughout the years they still love each other and always want the best for the other. (Though they sometimes disagree WHAT is the best for the other).
Depending on the situation Denmark and Sweden are either at their most powerful when they team up, or at their most ridiculous, or: "Holy shit someone get Norway to reel them in". 😂 xD
Denmark is an iconic ADHD-person.
Sweden is Autism icon.
Throughout history they've had their ups and downs, but in the end of the day they're still family. (Though some years it sat long back in their souls to admit it).
Closer to modern days when Sweden first announced he (Swe) had become a dad, Denmark at first thought he was joking. (Mostly shock tbh. Nations being able to become parents is RARE, after all). It took Denmark a few moments to realize Sweden was serious and that Denmark was now an uncle. 💖xD
And look, Denmark absolutely love the kids and his life as an uncle. 💖
Ladonia, being the kid who looked newborn when he "popped up" and so very slowly grew up, got SO MUCH DUPLO from Denmark. 😂 It was later switched over to Lego once they were sure Ladonia was old enough to not try and eat the pieces. x'D
Sealand, the part-time son of Sweden, took longer to warm up to lego, but he eventually fell in love with it as well. 💖
Ladonia eventually grew out of building with lego. His dear dad and uncle did not. 😂 Denmark and Sweden still have the time of their life building gigantic master-pieces with the lego together.
Denmark and Sweden once went missing for a week to their governments' distress. By the time they were found they had built an entire real-sized house with a mix of Duplo and Lego. It had running water and electricity. 😂 No one is quite sure how they did it, but for legal reasons Norway was forced to teleport the (literal) lego house into another dimension where it now serves as a home for some of Norway's fae friends. 😂💖 xD
Sweden has always been the (much) better medic of the two, but Sweden appreciates when Denmark still (tries to) neatly bandages Sweden's wounds.
They have both seen the other at their lowest and highest point(s). At this point there's nothing one could do to get rid of the other. 💖
When Sweden first fell in love Denmark teased Sweden merciless about it, but never spilled the beans and actually (tried to) be a good wingman. (With... Uh... Various success). 😂
Sweden is biding his time in hopes he will be able to soon return the favour, x1000. 😂 xD
Both of them hold multiple university AND job degrees at this point and are both very smart and creative on their own, but somehow their braincells usually come close to zero when they're together. And sometimes they come up something so brilliant it somehow does a loop around to become stupid again. 😂
Denmark once forgot his keys home, upon which he and Sweden proceeded to build an advanced "unlock door machine". It took them several hours. It (technically) worked! But uh... Then they realized the door had always been unlocked. The keys laid inside in the the little bowl for keys. 😂xD
Sweden is usually the first one Denmark will ask for advice. Denmark is usually the first one Sweden will ask for advice. Norway is the one they'll ask afterwards for advice which has a chance to work. 😂 xD
[This ask was kind of sudden, so I didn't really have anything prepared. Hope this works though, anon]. 💝 [With that said I should probably go check the tags now]. x'D
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env0writes · 8 months
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A Feud to Carry Vol. 2, 2.5.24 “Revolution"
What’s the use of working, to eat with silvered spoon All week, all day? Barely even able to pay For food, for rent, for friends, for fun All the while struggling to profit someone Else Often – I wonder how evolved we have become Taking the joy of making art To a mechanized stolen heart How weary will I be when workday’s end Looking at letters, messages of love to send Elsewhere I drive past prairies, and watch films of travelers Never to wander in my own neighborhood Nowadays more like a strangerhood How long can these coals burn? When such little for this heat is there to earn Erstwhile Why should I bother with futures? I work all day, sleep all night Struggle to keep the heat and light Surrounded by books Figures and nicknacks in nooks Estimates Never will I own my life now The business bean counters will sell it as a service Depreciated down so as to not miss A single update Buggy, slogged, and late Else I will fizzle out as a sparkler, celebrating the freedom of this great nation
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!   Photo by @mynamemeanscloud
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