Scrivere di lei,scrivere per lei,che bella sensazione.
Camminare,entrare in un posto e pensare a lei.
Il pensiero che in un attimo blocca lo scorrere tempo.
Tutto attorno a te si ferma e vieni attraversato da un turbinio di emozioni.
La tua mente prova ad elaborare questa sensazione frenetica ma non trova un risultato logico:così tu per salvarti,ti aggrappi alle parole.
Parole che sicuramente non rendono appieno quello che stai provando,ma scrivi ugualmente.
Scrivi per farle capire,per abbandonare le tue paure,per poterle stare vicino anche quando non c’è.
Scrivi per fotografare l’attimo in cui gli dici:
‘Io sono tuo,portami ovunque andrai’.
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italiasparita · 2 months
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Neirone. Chiesa di San Maurizio
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ahaha-ahahaha · 7 months
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yeah i made a neurone a character yeah it works a 9-5 what are you gonna do about it
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littlelightfish · 5 months
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They bonding here
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charlikesalmon · 6 months
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seabass 🎸
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dandanjean · 9 months
Ce que la vie doit au rire
L’humain est une créature dont le cerveau possède 100 milliards de neurones et chacun d’eux peut se connecter à des milliers d’autres. Ainsi, chaque personne qui lit ce texte développe plus de connexions nerveuses qu’il n’y a d’étoiles dans la Voie lactée. Armé de cette machine de création et de destruction massive dans sa boîte crânienne, l’humain décortique les lois de la nature et chambarde la…
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bloominflowers · 5 months
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funny dungeon dwellers
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marothro · 1 year
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periwinkla · 3 months
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Goodmorning kiss... ♡ what's with me and kissy narumitsu sketches lately...?
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matchabot · 5 months
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swordmaster fashion
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noodelak · 1 month
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kissing him to make him shut the fuck up
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pinkiepig · 8 months
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Was that sarcasm..?
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Anything can be a seat,,,
VERY rarely do I pull out the colored comics let alone comics in general I’m in deep with this one yall, they make me happi 🫶🥺hehehheheehhehhehehehehehehehheeh
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This eye shape is so…
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I love drawing Michael’s eyes wide and he gets the look✨
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linterteatime · 5 months
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Have you ever forgotten your dead wife? Tune in next week for more iterator problems
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new-twitter-memes · 1 year
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Teen me pre adhd diagnosis just casually disassociating from stress & anxiety👌💯
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faceeeeee · 1 year
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The show isn't even out yet and I've made a fully rendered piece of this paranoid man- I love him he's my favorite of the bunch
he only has two lines in the promotional videos and they consist of him screaming (also there's a quick interpretation of what he actually looked like before the whole "trapped inside the digital circus" thing happens- it came out kinda wonky)
Kinger belongs to @gooseworx
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