#Nighttime sleep aid
onefite · 4 months
The Best Products for a Restful Sleep
The Best Products for a Restful Sleep Introduction Are you tossing and turning at night, struggling to drift off into a peaceful slumber? You’re not alone. A good night’s sleep can feel like a distant dream for many, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right tools at your disposal, you can transform your bedtime routine and welcome restful nights. From soothing gadgets to comfortable…
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heartshattering · 1 month
Is there anything that helps with the nighttime panic? :/
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empressofthelibrary · 7 months
God comets are so romantic
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skunkes · 1 year
Drug tw / But skunke i must ask would you ever partake in smoking Ouid or have you before ..
i havent, im not really interested in anything i have to Inhale
im more interested in edibles BUT last month i had my closest brush with that (little weed candy thing an acquaintance gave me) and like. All it did was make me incredibly sleepy and drowsy and made me forget every single word as I was saying it and unable to follow conversation if someone spoke to me (because I couldnt hold their words long enough in my brain either) so im like disillusioned neow.... would only use as like a sleep aid lol....
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marketxmax · 23 days
Restful Nights Are Back: My Positive Experience with NightDry Supplements
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For years, disrupted sleep due to nighttime urination plagued me. Waking up multiple times to use the restroom not only fragmented my sleep, but it also left me feeling exhausted throughout the day. I tried various strategies: limiting fluids before bed, cutting out caffeine, even pelvic floor exercises – all with minimal success.
Seeking a Natural Solution
Determined to find a natural remedy, I embarked on some online research. This led me to NightDry Supplements, a product specifically formulated for bladder and kidney health, promising to promote restful nights. The ingredient list, featuring cranberry extract, pumpkin seed oil, and vitamin D, resonated with me as it seemed to target the root cause rather than just masking the symptoms.
First Impressions and Dosage
NightDry Supplements arrived promptly and came in a sleek, easy-to-open bottle. The capsules themselves were a manageable size and didn't have any unpleasant odour. The recommended dosage was two capsules daily, one in the morning and another before bed. I incorporated them seamlessly into my existing routine.
Gradual But Noticeable Improvement
The first few nights, I didn't experience a drastic change. However, within a week, I noticed a significant reduction in my nighttime bathroom visits. By the second week, I was typically sleeping through the night with just one, if any, trips to the restroom. This newfound consistency in sleep was nothing short of a revelation!
Enhanced Energy Levels and Overall Wellbeing
The improved sleep quality translated into a noticeable boost in my energy levels throughout the day. I felt more focused, alert, and able to tackle my daily tasks with renewed vigor. The constant fatigue that had become my norm started to fade away.
More Than Just Restful Sleep
Beyond the immediate benefit of better sleep, I believe NightDry Supplements have positively impacted my overall well-being. The inclusion of cranberry extract, known for its urinary tract health properties, gives me peace of mind. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function, is an added bonus.
Would I Recommend NightDry Supplements? Absolutely!
If you're struggling with frequent nighttime urination and disrupted sleep, I highly recommend giving NightDry Supplements a try. While individual experiences may vary, the natural ingredients and focus on bladder and kidney health make it a compelling option. For me, NightDry Supplements have been a game-changer, and I'm finally enjoying the restful nights I've craved for so long.
Shop Now 👈
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alldruginfo · 1 month
Sleepy Snacks: The Best Edibles for a Good Night's Rest
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, quality sleep often eludes many of us. Whether it's stress, screens, or simply a busy mind, getting a good night's rest can feel like an elusive dream. But fear not, for nature has provided us with some incredible remedies to help us drift off into the land of dreams. In this guide, we'll explore the best edibles for sleep, natural solutions that can help you relax, unwind, and finally achieve that restful slumber you've been craving.
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vitality-plus · 2 months
A Life changer for My Sleep and Stress: My Experience with Magnesium Breakthrough
For years, I struggled with restless sleep and occasional anxiety. While I exercised regularly and ate a healthy diet, these issues persisted. After some research, I discovered the potential benefits of magnesium for sleep and stress management. That's when I came across Magnesium Breakthrough, a supplement specifically formulated to address these concerns.
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A Multi-Strain Magnesium Formula for Optimal Absorption
What initially drew me to Magnesium Breakthrough was its unique formula. Unlike many single-ingredient magnesium supplements, it offered a blend of seven different magnesium strains. This includes well-known forms like magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate, each with its own benefits for absorption and effectiveness. This multi-strain approach promised to optimize my body's ability to utilize the magnesium, maximizing the potential benefits.
Improved Sleep Quality and Reduced Nighttime Waking
Within a couple of weeks of taking Magnesium Breakthrough daily, I started noticing a significant improvement in my sleep quality. Falling asleep became easier, and I experienced fewer nighttime interruptions. This resulted in deeper, more restorative sleep, leaving me feeling more energized and focused throughout the day. The improvement in sleep was a welcome relief, and it made a noticeable difference in my overall well-being.
Reduced Anxiety and Enhanced Stress Management
Beyond the sleep benefits, I also noticed a positive impact on my stress levels. The calming properties of magnesium seemed to help me manage daily anxieties and worries more effectively. I felt more centered and resilient in the face of stressful situations. This newfound sense of calm translated into improved focus and productivity at work.
A Gentle and Safe Supplement
Magnesium Breakthrough is a gentle and safe supplement. The multi-strain formula minimizes the potential for digestive discomfort, which is a common concern with some magnesium supplements. I haven't experienced any negative side effects, and the capsules are easy to swallow.
A Valuable Addition to My Wellness Routine
Overall, Magnesium Breakthrough has become a valuable addition to my wellness routine. The multi-strain formula, the noticeable improvement in sleep quality and stress management, and the gentle and safe nature of the supplement have all contributed to a more positive and balanced life. It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, but for me, Magnesium Breakthrough has been a game-changer. If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, manage stress, and enhance your overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Magnesium Breakthrough a try.
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“daddy! it’s still light outside! why do i have to be in pjs and my nighttime diaper now?”
you pout as daddy finishes taping up one of your thick nighttime diapers with a booster in it around your waist.
“you’ll see in a minute princess, be patient.”
daddy pulls up your pajama bottoms, clearly displaying the bulk around your bottom.
as you slide off the changing table and grab your blankie, you hear the door bell ring.
“that must be her now!”
daddy begins striding to the front door.
“who daddy?”
he ignores you, but your question is answered a moment later as daddy opens the door to show a gorgeous older woman.
“you must be jackie! i’m nick and this is the little princess you’ll be watching, grace.”
daddy grabs your arm and pulls you into the doorway.
the woman, jackie, beams at you,
“hi sweetheart! i’ll be your babysitter for tonight! you can call my auntie jackie! aren’t you precious!”
she leans forward and pinches one of your cheeks, daddy and her laughing as you whine and try to pull away.
“i don’t need a babysitter! i’m a big girl!”
you take a step back, but auntie jackie just ignores you and follows you inside, closing the door behind her.
“you better behave little girl, unless you want me to give you a spanking before i leave?”
daddy shoots you a stern look, effectively quieting your whining.
he gives auntie jackie a quick tour of the house, you waddling behind as he shows her your changing table, crib, high chair, etc.
eventually he leads her to the living room, she settles in, putting her bag down while daddy puts his shoes and coat on.
“alright! she should be all set for the night, just remember to give her one of the special “nighttime bottles” so she can sleep without any fuss!”
you let out a whimper. those “nighttime bottles” have not only a sleep aid, but also a laxative and muscle relaxant, so you will definitely be waking up in a packed diaper.
“anything else i need to know? favorite cartoons? anything to watch out for?”
daddy shrugs, turning to you as you sit on the floor with your blankie.
“she’s a bit of a heavy wetter and messer, but don’t worry about changing her, she’s padded up well. but if you think she’s going to leak, feel free to put her plastic panties over her diaper, they’re in the top drawer of her changing table.”
you blush. it’s not your fault you daddy keeps you so hydrated!
“gotcha! well you go have fun on your date! i’ll make sure your little pamper packer is well taken care of while you’re getting lucky!”
he laughs, thanking her and heading towards the door.
“daddy! no! i’m your girlfriend! you can’t just go on dates!”
he rolls his eyes, seeming annoyed.
suddenly, you hear a loud hissing noise, and feel your diaper start to get warm.
“oh! it looks like your little princess is going peepee in her diapey!”
auntie jackie exclaims, reaching down and patting your newly soggy padding.
“you proved my point yourself sweetheart, who wants to fuck a potty pants? big girls don’t need diapers, so daddy’s going out and finding you a mommy.”
you whimper, embarrassed beyond means, and cover your face with your blankie.
he’s right, you’re closer to an toddler daddy takes care of than his girlfriend. you don’t even remember the last time you and daddy and sex.
“told you she’s a super soaker! you be good for auntie jackie, maybe if i get a good report back you can use mr. buzzy wand tomorrow, hm?”
you squirm in your wet diaper, knowing the closest you’ll ever get to big girl sex from here on out, is cumming into a wet and messy diaper.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Remus Lupin Drabbles
✩ = 18+, mdni ♡ = mae's favs
Remus x Scamander!reader after a full moon
You teach Remus some French
Remus joins you outside in the rain ♡
Comforting aftercare with Remus ♡
Remus helps you with a tummy ache
Your Slytherin pals find out Remus is your boyfriend
You use Halloween to tell Remus you know his secret
Remus gets possessive before the full moon
Remus makes sure you get some much-needed sleep
You admit you want to kiss Remus (he's more than okay with that)
Remus x hearing impaired!reader when your aids are being fixed
Remus reassures you about your compulsive overchecking
When you're sick ♡ | cont. Healing your grave injury (small cut) He can tell when you're trying to power through During a panic attack He discovers you at his work He helps with your fear of needles He goes soft when you're hurt ♡ He rubs your stomach When you're afraid of hospitals When you have a migraine When your medicine makes you feel gross Your chest hurts when you're stressed He comes over when you're sick He's casually dominant You're nervous to get blood drawn, and he helps You have a high fever, and he's lovely and caring ♡ Your med student boyfriend practices on you He humors whimsical!reader's alternative health practices Whimsical!reader wants to help He calms you when you come into A&E He dotes on a miserably sick you He's protective when you hurt yourself You help your med student boyfriend study anatomy ✩
Apocalypse!Remus and you are lost in the woods
Apocalypse!Remus and you are attacked
He gets you flowers
You steal shy!Remus from his friends
Remus thinks you deserve better company
Roommate!Remus comforts you after a nightmare
You and shy!Remus give each other flowers ♡
Remus gives you a scalp massage
Remus gives you a beginner's guide to scar care
Remus really, really likes you (you're oblivious) ♡
Remus wants you with him always
Remus won't let you call yourself ugly
Remus is your first kiss ♡
Remus defends whimsical!reader from taunting ♡
Remus apologizes for snapping at you
Shy!Remus gets set up with whimsical!reader
You're loopy after surgery, and Remus is smitten
Remus comforts you after you do poorly on an assignment
Remus thinks your glasses are adorable
Remus is absolutely besotted with you (plus size!reader) ♡
Remus puts your hair up ♡
Remus comforts you when you're overthinking
You and Remus have a bookstore date
Whimsical!reader's first snow day after moving in with Remus ♡
Remus is rude to you, and apologizes profusely
Remus helps when you go nonverbal
Remus and american!reader disagree about tea
Remus reassures you when you're insecure about your stutter
You comfort Remus after a nightmare
Self-reliant reader goes subby for soft dom!Remus
Shy!Remus (reluctantly) introduces you to his friends
Remus comforts you when you're insecure about your skin
You and Remus have a sleepy nighttime routine
You're Remus' "fake" wedding date
Remus is your tutor, and you're his unwilling student
Grumpy!Remus x sunshine!reader
You make Remus share his cigarette
You're scared of the future, and Remus comforts you
Remus sets you straight when you're being bratty
Remus takes care of sub!reader feeling clingy after sex ✩
Soft dom!Remus is obliging when you're needy ✩
Remus is obsessed with your small boobs ✩♡
Remus finds out you like to be choked ✩
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
High Maintenance 101
Prissy Girl Beauty Regimens 🎀
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my prissy girl guide to beauty services and building a beauty lifestyle that fits you 💗
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Essential Skincare Routine ❤︎︎
twice daily, in the morning and at night
daytime: gentle cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, SPF
prep and protect skin
nighttime: double cleansing with oil and cleanser, exfoliation, treatments, moisturizer
wash away the day and help skin accept treatments and actives during your beauty sleep
products will change depending on skin type and goals, but sequence will more or less stay the same
Face Masks + Treatments ❤︎︎
Face Masks -
typically done at home 1-3x/week
clay, gel, mud, cream, liquid
my fav masks at home:
aha + bha liquid mask by the ordinary: a literal overhaul of my pores. it’s refining and helps reduce texture and hyperpigmentation. 1-2 x/week
korean modeling mask: i use this after doing everything in my routine. it’s super cooling and smooths my skin out. the low temp of the mask reduces flushing of my skin and helps the steps in my routine absorb better. 2-3 x/week
Treatments -
done either 1-3x/week and/or exclusively at night
consumer grade Retinols, AHAs, BHAs at high strength
little extra things i like to use to enhance my routine:
gua sha, ice pack, rose quartz roller, however often i choose
Facials ❤︎︎
done every 1-2 months by licensed estheticians
often includes exfoliation and extraction
Classic Facial: cleanse, extract, massage, moisturize
HydraFacials: extracts pores while infusing serums to boost skin’s vitamin and nutrient content
dry, dehydrated skin
Microdermabrasion: microabrasive tool removes outermost, textured, damaged layer of skin using suction to reveal a smooth and refined new layer of skin
sun damaged, aged, textured skin or skin with hyperpigmentation
Chemical Peel: application of medical grade AHA, BHA, Lactic Acid, Fruit Enzymes, or Retinol to peel away top layers of skin over the course of 1-2 weeks
pore refining, brightening, and anti-aging
after care is crucial. skin will be peeling and sensitivity to sun is increased. SPF MUST be used. it’s heavily advised that clients stay home for the first few days.
HydroJelly Facial: facial made of electrolytes, algae, organic white grain oat flour, rice flour, and white willow bark powder. leaving your skin hydrated, plump, and nourished. forms a vacuum-like seal that compresses facial contours.
there are 25 different hydrojelly pro masks for most skin concerns you may have, check here
More Facials ❤︎︎
Contouring Facial: sculpting, tightening, and lifting of facial muscles
LED Facial: uses LED light to soothe inflammation, aiding in acne healing and prevention
Vampire Facial: plumps skin and improves wrinkles by extracting blood, removing its platelets, then either re-injecting it into the skin or applying it topically
Diamond File Facial: finely ground diamonds resurface skin by filing to improve dark spots
Glass Skin Botox: multiple tiny botox injections just below the surface of the skin. alleviate fine lines, redness, texture, and more achieving glass skin
AquaGold Facial: microinjections that combine vampire facial methods, hyaluronic acid, botox, stem cells, antioxidants, vitamins, peptides, etc. improves fine lines, wrinkles, pores, pigmentation, acne scarring, dryness, tone, texture, skin elasticity, and more
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Hair Care ❤︎︎
Wash Routines:
curly textured: wash and condition every 2-3 weeks, deep condition every 1-2 weeks
straight: wash and condition every 2-3 days, deep condition every 2-3 weeks
Styling ︎❤︎︎
Hair should have a style everyday! At home hairstyling is limitless and really depends on your taste and lifestyle. The everyday woman does her own her once every 1-4 weeks using natural hair products, heat, or other tools.
Professional Stylists:
hair is styled every 1-3 months: uses heat to straighten or curl, extensions to lengthen and add volume, shears to maintain/attain a shape and length
trim ends: every 6-8 weeks
hair color: touched up roughly every 6-8 weeks (depending on how fast your hair is growing and how fast your color will fade)
Silk Press:
after a clarifying wash and deep conditioning, natural hair is straightened using flat iron and/or pressing comb, then usually curled in feathers or pin curls to preserve the style
lasts 3-4 weeks depending on maintenance
preserved by wrapping hair at night, keep hands out of hair, and using a wide toothed comb only
can be further styled with different kind of rollers, or with pin curls
afrocentric hairstyles typically done to protect hair while maintaining beauty
lasts 3-8 weeks
styles include knotless braids, faux locs, stitch braids, french braids, etc
hair added to natural hair to enhance length or volume
can be done at home with patience and proper materials
sew-in extensions: (my personal fav) 1-2 months
your natural hair gets braided down flush to your scalp and the bundles are sewn on by the wefts in a flat pattern typically with a section of hair left out to cover the wefts $100-600
microlinks: up to 4 months
i-tip extension is added to hair using micropliers, clippers and loop tool. takes far longer than most extension methods but looks the absolute most natural $500-1000
tape-in extensions: up to a year, touch ups every 4-6 weeks
medical grade tape is used to attach extensions to small sections of hair $200-400
clip-in extensions: 3-6 months
extensions are clipped on by the wefts. the hair itself can last up to six months, but it’s not recommended to sleep, shower, or swim with the extensions in $50-100
Natural Styles:
all last roughly 1-2 weeks at most. allowing hair to completely DRY is crucial for these styles. your natural hair can be further changed in styles like buns, puffs, etc once dry
natural hair essentials: scalp oil, leave in conditioner, detangling brush, wide tooth comb, curling cream, styling gel, edge control and edge brush
wash n’ go
wash and detangle, then use leave in conditioner to keep hair moist. oil on the scalp and ends is recommended for growth and healthy ends
bantu knots
a traditionally african style where the hair is cleanly sectioned (usually parted in a cute pattern) and twisted into knots. style can be worn just like this or taken down for curls
braid/twist out
a specific pattern of curls is achieved after hair is twisted or braided with curl preserving products. end result depends on how big your twists or braids are
roller set
hair is sprayed with water and curl cream applied before roller of your choice is added. hair is left to dry usually overnight for springy well formed curls
Brows and Lashes:
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Brow Shaping ❤︎︎
in salon or at home
Waxing - every 3 weeks
Threading- every 2-3 weeks
Razor Shaping - weekly
Brow Enhancement ❤︎︎
Tinting - monthly
can be done at home or by pro in the salon
Microblading - every 1-3 years + annual touch ups, exclusively professional work
cosmetic tattooing using a manual tool with nearly invisible hair-like needles to inject pigment in brows to create your desired brow look
Lash Enhancements ❤︎︎
*done exclusively by professionals
Lifts - every 6 weeks
basically a perm for your lashes to curl them semi-permanently for lashes to appear longer
Lash Extensions - new set every 6-8 weeks, fill ins every 2-3 weeks depending on quality and style
false individual strands of lashes glued to natural lashes to create semi-permanent length and/or volume
lash baths: wet lashes and apply a small amount of gentle cleanser or a “lash bath” to lashes. cleanse lashes and eyelids for about 10 seconds. hold a towel under your eye and use a nozzle bottle to flush soap and bacteria from lashes then dry with a disposable lint free towel. finish by brushing your lashes with a spoolie. daily.
Lash Styles:
Classic: one lash on each fan, thin lashes
Volume: fluffier lashes with more lashes on each fan
Hybrid: uses classic and volume lashes to make an alternated look
Russian: volume lashes made with very thin individuals, 5-6 extensions per natural lash, fanned out look
DIY Lash Extensions - lasts about a week (sometimes longer)
lash fragments or individual wisps are glued either under the lashes or on the lash line. KISS Falscara is a product that makes this concept simple and easy
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all these services can be done at home with the proper materials and KNOWLEDGE
Classic Manicure ❤︎︎
every 1-2 weeks
nail service that consists of soaking hands in warm soapy water then drying them. nails are trimmed, filed, and buffed. cuticles are pushed back before applying nail polish (base coat, color, top coat), then finally cuticle oil is applied.
nails can be enhanced with rhinestones, glitter, or charms and attached with uv gel or nail glue
my fav styles are pink, cream, white, black and any french tip using those colors
Pedicure ❤︎︎
every 2-4 weeks
sister to the classic manicure, but can be upgraded depending on materials. steps are similar to manicure, except feet are scrubbed and exfoliated before feet are washed and dried to apply nail color
regular polish, acrylic, or gel can be used on toenails
Gel or Shellac Mani ❤︎︎
every 2-3 weeks
same process as the classic manicure, but traditional nail polish is replaced with uv base coat, gel or CND Shellac polish, then uv top coat that’s cured in a UV or LED lamp
longer lasting and more strong/3d than classic mani and is typically removed by soaking in acetone
Apres Gel-X Nails ❤︎︎
every 2-3 weeks
my personal fav at home nails using the artme yoko matsuda nails. after doing a classic mani sans polish, you apply a dehydrator and primer to prep nail for gel. then you apply builder gel to your natural nail and cure. then you apply that same builder to the nail extension after etching it using an electric drill or acetone. marry the gel to your nail and cure. then just shape to your liking and top with uv top coat. tutorial here
Acrylic Nails ❤︎︎
every 2-3 weeks, nails are fully grown out after 6 weeks
manicure done with liquid monomer and acrylic powder to build and extend natural nail, then polished with color or just a top coat if desired
Russian Mani ❤︎︎
every 4-5 weeks
essentially a gel manicure, but more invasive. the eponychium is snipped away so polish can be applied more closely and flush to the cuticle. this aids in visuals and longevity
service is seen as risky because the skin is more susceptible to fungal or bacterial infection. this is actually how i do my nails at home.
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Bathing ❤︎︎
2x daily
self explanatory, we all know how to bathe. i have other posts that talk about my shower and bath routines.
use a gentle cleanser then a scented body wash to complement perfume and smell fresh all day.
if needed, you can use body soaps with actives like aha, bha or retinol to exfoliate or treat skin at night
exfoliation - 2-3x/week. using scrubs, loofahs, bath brushes, etc.
Hair Removal ❤︎︎
shaving - 2-3x/week
waxing - every 3-5 weeks
sugaring - monthly
ipl device - a device that uses light therapy to slowly destroy hair follicles and unwanted pigment in skin. i use mine after every 5-6 shaves but i could really use it more often.
Vajacial ❤︎︎
a “facial” for your lady area
the esthetician will first wax, then cleanse and apply an enzyme exfoliant. then they extract any blackheads or ingrown hairs from the area before applying a soothing mask usually in the jelly form.
Moisture and Hydration ❤︎︎
body cream or lotion - daily right after bathing to hydrate skin
body oil - daily to seal in moisture and protect skin from debris and dryness
masks - weekly to address particular skin concerns
ex. when i was having eczema flare ups on my back, i used a dead sea mud mask every 1-2 weeks to help treat it
done at home or at spa
glycolic, clay, mud, salicylic, etc.
Enhancement Procedures:
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the goal is to look younger and balance facial features. all these services are exclusively done by professionals usually in a medspa and are widely considered luxury.
Botox ❤︎︎
every 6-8 months; between brows, smile lines, outer corners of eyes, etc
discourages muscle movement to reduce wrinkles
Lifts ❤︎︎
lasts about 10 years; face, neck, brow, eyelids
skin is lifted to desired look, then excess skin is removed
Fillers ︎❤︎︎
every 6-12 months; under-eye, lips, jawline, wrinkle sites, cheekbones
injects acids (usually naturally occurring) like Hyaluronic Acid and Calcium Hydroxylapatite to add volume to your face
Body Contouring ❤︎︎
every 2-4 months until desired results are achieved
non invasive liposuction to achieve desired physique
CoolSculpting - cryolipolysis freezes fat cells for the body to the metabolize and and remove them
SculpSure - essentially the same as CoolSculpting, but uses heat and laser technology to destroy fat cells
Laser Hair Removal ❤︎︎
every 5-6 weeks; bikini, underarms, legs, arms
touch ups done every 1-2 years
hair growth is inhibited by exposing follicles to light at frequencies that kill them
Building the Regimen 🗒️💕:
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when making appointments with your “glam squad” you can stagger your services by week depending on what’s being done. for example you can get your mani and pedi done one week. then your facials, brows and lashes another week.
Things to Keep in Mind 💭💞:
these frequencies won’t be the same for everyone depending on personal wants, budgets, etc. but will most likely land somewhere in the ranges i gave. if you need touch ups or redos any sooner than i mapped out, then the service most likely was of poor quality.
anything done at home may or may not be up to the level of detail and longevity as salon or spa work. if you see yourself doing the majority of your beauty maintenance at home, this can save money but may end up taking more time than professional services. so it’s a give and take.
More Resources:
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manage your routines, services and products using a beauty binder
a look at my skincare routine
at home beauty treatments for the summer
my hair care routine at home
pretty on purpose by @shefromhouston
monthly beauty routine by @angeljpg
dream girl routines by me
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throathole · 2 months
part of getting older that they don't tell you about is that one day nighttime masturbation becomes more of a sleep aid than anything else
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sapphire-writes · 9 months
Bandaids & Butterflies (modern hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 2 || masterlist || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: Your week continues at Citedal General. You try to figure out what ails Cece Lannister while tensions rise between you and Aemond.
word count: 4.1k
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
warnings below the cut!
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warnings: medical terminology, medications, CT scan, blood, infectious diseases referencing spicy times but nothing explicit in this chapter
dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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“What happened to you?” little Cece Lannister says when you walk into her room the following day, “You look terrible.”
There’s something about kids; like they’ve been force-fed truth serum and have to say the first thought that comes to their mind. You cock your head to the side, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. 
“Cerelle,” her mother hisses, cheeks red at her daughter’s brutal honesty. 
“What?” Cece says, eyebrows creasing together, “She does.”
“It’s okay, really,” you tell Mrs. Lannister, as she scolds her daughter again, “Maybe I should get a bed next to you.”
Cece shakes her head, golden curls vibrating as she does. Her hospital gown hangs too big, drooping off her thin shoulders. You wonder if she’s been eating much more than the ice cream they serve after dinner. 
“No roommates, please. I like my alone time; I get to choose whatever station I want,” she says smiling, holding the remote control to the television on the wall. 
“How’re you feeling this morning Cece?” you ask, reaching for the chart that hangs at the foot of her bed. 
The nurses of Citadel General are on top of everything; without them, the hospital would not be able to function. You flip through her chart, eyes scanning her nighttime vitals. 
“Okay,” Cece says, tugging the ear of her stuffed lion.
“I see they increased her muscle relaxant,” you note, “Did you have a hard time sleeping?”
“She always does but I think the spasms are getting worse, especially at night,” Mrs. Lannister says, concerned in her voice. 
“Are you gonna have a scar?” Cece chimes in, pointing to her temple, mirroring where your stitches are.
“Probably not,” you tell her, giving Mrs. Lannister a small smile, “The doctors here are pretty good you know.”
Cece leans over in her bed, pulling out a small toy doctor kit. 
“I’m a good doctor too,” she says, rummaging through the bag, “Tyrion has had extensive surgical procedures.”
She points at her stuffed lion, and you suddenly notice the different array of bandages and band-aids covering the golden fur. 
“Oh has he?” you ask, as Cece pats the bed beside her. You move to sit on the edge of the bed, holding her chart across your lap.
“Yes,” Cece says, holding out an assortment of bandaids for you to choose from, “I’ll let you choose. I like pink the best.”
You smile, pointing at the pink bandaid with yellow paw prints decorating it. Cece smiles, approving your choice. She peels the backing before pressing the bandage over your stitches, gently pressing on the edges to make sure it sticks.
“There, much better,” she tells you.
“Thank you, Dr. Lannister,” you tell her, which causes her to smile.
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“There she is!” Jace calls as you arrive at the nurses' station. His face scrunches as he looks at your forehead, “Nice bandaid.”
“Thanks,” you say, touching the pink bandage, “Courtesy of Cece Lannister. You run that CT scan for her yesterday?”
“You mean after the ruckus you caused?” Jace asks, leaning against the nurses' station, “No, Baratheon put me in the pit. Which is probably where I will stay for the rest of my life.”
“Did anyone get a CT?” you ask, frowning at his theatrics. 
“Um after you left Cory was supposed to cover her labs and stuff,” Jace tells you, “I’d ask her she’ll know-”
“Know what,” Sara says, placing a handful of clipboards between you, “I’ve been on scut duty all morning. Does anyone know why Baratheon is in such a foul mood?”
“Fouler than usual?” Nettles says, stepping up beside you. 
“I’m not sure if I’m able to determine that,” Sara says, groaning, “But she definitely seems angry.”
“Excuse me! Excuse me!” Cory says, weaving through residents, holding two coffee cups above her head, “Seven hells, doesn’t anyone know how to walk in this place?”
“Apparently not,” Nettles comments, as Cory holds a coffee out to you. 
“For you. Figured you’d need the extra caffeine,” she says as you take the cup. Her smile turns down into a frown, “What is on your head?”
You roll your eyes. This is clearly going to be a whole-day occurrence. 
“Interns!” Dr. Baratheon’s voice calls out, and you all turn, straightening yourselves. 
Dr. Baratheon looks down at her clipboard, before bringing her steely blue eyes to look at the five of you. She sighs, flipping through her pages. 
“Martell, now that Dr. Y/L/N is back I want you to assist me on Lyonel Beesbury’s Whipple this afternoon; You can write that on the board,” she says, nodding to herself. 
Cory lets out a soft ‘yes’ before quickly rushing across the hallway. Nettles’ jaw tightens and you can tell she’s disappointed to have not been asked. 
“Waters I want you shadowing Dr. Targaryen today in pediatrics, Dr. Y/L/N you may join her,” Baratheon continues.
Your heart lurches.
“Dr. Baratheon, I’m supposed to get Cece Lannister that CT scan,” you tell her, as she raises a brow.
“That’s fine. After that bring it to Dr. Targaryen up on peds, she’ll be interested in seeing it,” Dr. Baratheon says, returning her gaze to her clipboard.
“She?” you ask the question leaving your mouth before you can stop it.
Dr. Baratheon sighs, placing her clipboard across her stomach. Her eyebrows lift toward her hairline, blue eyes fiery.
“Yes, she,” Dr. Baratheon quips, “Was there someone else you thought I was referring to?”
“No ma’am,” you say, shaking your head. 
“Good,” she says, eyes moving past you, “Snow, Velaryon, you’re in the pit.”
Sara and Jace audibly groan. Baratheon gives them a stern look which stops their complaining.
“No drama today,” she says sternly, “Understood?” 
You all murmur words of agreement, and Dr. Baratheon brings her eyes back to your face; they flicker up to your forehead. 
“Take that thing off,” she comments, shaking her head and walking down the hall.
“She’s right. You look silly,” Nettles tells you.
“I can’t take it off, it was a gift from a sick kid. You know how much bad luck that will bring me?” you tell her, walking down the hallway.
“Speaking of bad luck,” Nettles says, smiling, “When are you going to tell me about how you know Dr. Sexy?”
“Dr. Sexy?” you say through a laugh, “Not the greatest name.”
“Girl but he is sexy,” she says fanning herself, “Guy’s name should be McDreamy.”
“McDreamy, Dr. Sexy, it’s nothing,” you tell her, “We….we may have hooked up. Once! That’s it and it was before I knew he worked here.”
“You bad girl,” Nettles hisses, though she’s smiling; her eyes bright, “How was it? Does McDreamy live up to his name?”
“Literally the best sex of my life,” you tell her, “But we already decided it can’t happen again.”
“What?” she says, her smile dropping, “It’s not like he’s your boss, he’s a coworker! People fuck coworkers!”
“What happened to not shitting where you eat?” you tell her.
“Girl you already did, might as well see it through! Especially if he’s that good,” she says, leaning closer, “Just….how good, if I may be so bold.”
You wet your lips, trying to fight your smile.
“Five orgasms good,” you admit and Nettles squeals loudly, jaw dropping.
“That does it,” she says, “You’re getting Dr. Sexy back. Do it for me.”
“Don’t you need to get to peds?” you ask, “And see…Dr. Targaryen?”
“Yeah I noted your confusion around that,” she says with a sigh, “Dr. B was talking about Dr. Helaena Targaryen. You know, renowned pediatric surgeon? She does fabulous research on infectious diseases as well; she came and spoke once when I was in med school about…”
Your mind trails off as Nettles speaks, still focused on Aemond. You hadn’t seen him today and yet he was all you could think about. Since dropping you at home you hadn’t spoken, besides the text he sent you. The door couldn’t still be open. Could it?
“...especially in the southern climates like the Summer Isles, Sothoryos, and Naath..are you listening to me?” Nettles says, punching your shoulder slightly, “Right. Anyway, Sounds like you’re boning her brother.”
“Brother?” you ask, connecting the dots, “Shit. He did say he moved back here for family. But a family full of doctors?”
“You really don’t know anything, do you?” Nettles says, shaking her head, “Sorry. That sounded mean. But the Targaryens are like a huge deal in the medical world.”
“I mean, I’ve seen names on research,” you admit, “And maybe a Ted Talk or two but….I mean I didn’t even know his last name when we…I didn’t realize..”
“You’d come straight into the lion’s pit?” Nettles says with a chuckle, “It’s okay, girl. But I’m giving you some homework. Seriously, look them up. Learn a thing or two.”
“I can’t google Aemond,” you tell her, “It’s just…I don’t know that doesn’t feel right.”
“Understandable,” she says with a shrug, “I mean, Spark Notes version, they’re a huge name within the medical community. Big money, big name, big influence. So don’t go pissing any of them off.”
“Right,” you tell her, “Got it.”
“I’m heading to pediatrics,” Nettles says, pressing an elevator button, “See you soon?”
“Yeah,” you tell her, “Just have to get this CT and I’ll be there.”
“Cool. Later, klutz,” she teases as the doors open.
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Cerelle Lannister’s CT scan takes much longer than anticipated. The wait is long and the small girl trembles when being taken into the machine, legs flailing each and every way. Only when they’re strapped down is she somewhat still enough to enter the machine. 
“I feel like a mummy,” she says when the straps are secured, “Being put in a sarcophagus.” 
“That’s pretty spooky,” you tell her with a grin.
“I like to pretend when I’m scared,” she says softly.
You reach out and take her hand.
“No need to be scared of this. The machine is just really loud, that’s all. I’ll be just outside,” you assure her.
“Okay,” she says softly, squeezing your hand. 
She does great, staying as still as she can the entire time. You praise her through the microphone and wave as the nurses escort her back to her room, wheeling her in a small wheelchair. Her stuffed lion was safely on her lap. You’ve noticed she rarely lets go of the toy. 
You sit in the room outside, watching as the scan produces results. Forehead creased, you click through the images as someone knocks on the door. You turn, smiling at Jace leaning in the doorway.
“Hey there,” you greet, “Shouldn’t you be in the pit?”
“Had to sneak away for a second,” he says, “Those Cece’s scans?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, beckoning him forward, “See that inflammation there?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, leaning forward, hands on the back of your chair, “So what’s your thinking?”
“Something bacterial,” you tell him, “I mean, there’s no sign of tissue or nerve damage, her labs are stable despite her on-and-off fevers. But it's progressing significantly. She’s having trouble sleeping due to the spasms.”
“Have you ever heard of something that causes this?” Jace asks.
“No, at least not off the top of my head,” you admit, “I’m heading to peds. Maybe Dr. Targaryen will have a better idea. Nettles says she specializes in infectious diseases.”
“Oh…..yeah,” Jace says, straightening up and rubbing the back of his neck. You frown as he tenses, his friendly disposition vanishing.
“Just an idea,” you tell him, gathering your things.
You follow him out of the room. Jace seems uneasy, he rubs at his face, and the collar of his scrubs. 
“No it’s a good one,” he agrees, “I should get back to the pit---”
“Strong,” a voice calls, sending your heart racing. 
Aemond takes several strides toward the two of you, a smug smile on his face. Something in your gut tightens, the memory of your night together burning in the back of your mind. He wore a similar expression then, one full of confidence. Goosebumps erupt on your skin. You can hear his voice from that night, as he whispered in your ear while sheathed to the hilt inside of you. 
“Who’s my good girl, hmm?”
You blink, shaking your head, trying to physically expel the memory from your mind. Your cheeks heat up and you notice Jace has turned several shades darker as well, fists clenched at his side. 
“I thought you were assigned to the pit, Strong,” Aemond asks, cocking his head to the side, “I would hate to have to tell Baratheon you’re disobeying orders.”
Aemond’s sentence hits you like a slap in the face. He’s not as cool, calm, and collected right now as he was the last time you’d seen him. He’s bordering on being cruel. You glance at Jace. 
“It’s Velaryon,” Jace says, through his teeth.
“Come again?” Aemond asks, “Don’t mumble, Jacaerys, it’s unseemly.” 
“My name,” Jace says sternly, “Velaryon.”
Aemond’s mouth quirks into an amused grin. 
“My apologies,” he says smoothly, “You’ll have to forgive me, it’s easy to forget.”
“Sure,” Jace says, nose wrinkling.
“Give my best to your dad,” Aemond says, “Whichever one, you’re choice.”
Aemond turns to you, something flickering across his eyes. 
“Dr. Y/L/N,” he says with a curt nod, before walking away, hands tucked behind his back.
Jace exhales, striding over to the elevator. You follow close behind as his pager beeps.
“What the hell was that about?” you ask, stepping inside with him.
“Jace, that wasn’t nothing.”
“He was just messing with me,” Jace insists, not meeting your eyes.
“Why was Dr. Targaryen messing with you?”
“Because he’s a narcissistic pig!”
Your eyes widen and Jace sighs, shaking his head. 
“He’s….he’s my uncle okay,” Jace admits. Your eyes widen.
“Your uncle?”
“Yes, and my side of the family doesn’t really get along with his side,” Jace says, as the doors open to your floor.
“But why-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter,” Jace says, shaking his head, “I have to go. Sara just paged, some drunk deadbeat riling everyone up downstairs.”
You step outside the elevator but turn back to him.
“I want the full story, Velaryon. Not the Cliff Notes, the whole story,” you tell him. 
“Okay!” he reluctantly agrees, “Later.”
“Tonight, Dragon’s Den, tell Sara!” you call as the doors begin to close.
“So I can air my dirty laundry to everyone?!” 
“Exactly!” you call as the doors shut. 
Turning on your heel, you head down the hall to pediatrics. You can’t wait to share the details with Nettles as you push through the double doors and head to the nurses' station. 
“Excuse me,” you ask a nurse, “Have you seen Dr. Targareyn?”
“Which one?”
“Dr. Helaena Targaryen,” you clarify.
“She was just here, she’ll roll around in a moment.”
“I’m sorry…..roll?”
Just as the question leaves your lips, the sound of wheels against linoleum is heard from down the hall. A woman in light green scrubs and a white lab coat rolls on her heels down the hallway. Nettles jogs behind her as she turns, coming to a stop in front of you. 
Her silver hair is shaggy, but the resemblance to Aemond is uncanny. A large butterfly pin holds some out of her face and she smiles brightly as you greet her. 
“Been waiting for you,” she says, holding a hand out for you to place your scans in, “Aemond told me all about you.”
You nearly choke on your saliva and Nettles’ eyes go round.
“He--he did?” you squeak.
“Mhmm,” Helaena says, flicking through the scans, “Quite the first day you had.”
“Oh right,” you say, relief washing through you.
“Glad you’re okay,” Helaena says, glancing up at you, “Nice bandaid.”
“Thanks,” you tell her.
“Cece Lannister,” she muses, “What is going on with you.”
“I was hoping you’d have thoughts,” you ask.
“Has she traveled anywhere recently?” Dr. Taragreyn asks, frowning at the scans, “You’re thinking it’s some sort of infection, correct?”
“Yes,” you tell her, “And I’m not sure about her travel history.”
“Find out,” she tells you, “If you’re going to find out what this is, you need to find out what caused it and where.”
She hands you the scans, smiling once more.
“Nice to meet you,” she says with a smile, “Officially this time.”
Your cheeks heat up. She knows. She remembers. You vaguely remember Aemond speaking with his sister before leaving; you’d barely caught a glimpse of her. 
“Yeah,” you agree, smiling weakly. 
You hurry off after that, eager to get back to Cece Lannister’s room to inquire about her recent travels. Walking down the hall you enter one of the many elevators, waiting patiently as it stops on nearly every floor, doctors coming in and out. 
Then it's just you and someone else, you look out of the corner of your eye and recognize him. 
Dr. Cole smiles at you.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“Better, thanks to my cool bandaid, not the stitches and rest,” you tell him, cracking a smile.
“So cool,” he says with a laugh, “I had a kid give me a bandaid covered in oranges the other day.”
“Tropical,” you comment as the doors open.
“Good to see under better circumstances,” Dr. Cole says, beginning to exit, “Ah Dr. Targaryen.”
Your blood runs cold as Aemond enters the elevator.
“Will I be seeing you this afternoon?” Dr. Cole asks, “I’ve got an aneurysm clipping if you’re interested.”
“Always, if you’ll have me,” Aemond says, and Dr. Cole nods as the doors close. 
You’re alone. With him. Alone with him. Your heart pounds frantically in your chest, anxiety making your senses heighten. The elevator suddenly feels very small, and closed in; the air not being pushed through the vents quick enough. Aemond stares straight ahead, not looking at you and not attempting to engage in polite conversation. Your stomach sours and you swallow. 
“Hey,” you say tentatively. 
You glance at Aemond out of the corner of your eye and watch him look down at his feet. You scoff softly, annoyed by his ignoring of you. The elevator hums and your anger pools quickly in your belly; flames licking upwards to your face. 
“So you’re ignoring me now?” you ask, getting no reply, “Really mature.”
Aemond continues looking at his shoes, hands folded behind his back. 
“We’re colleagues, the least you could do is make polite conversation,” you huff, pressing the elevator button once more.
You know it won’t make it arrive quicker, but you need something to do with your hands. 
“And that whole thing with Jace?” you say, pressing the button again and again, “I don’t know what your problem is, but clearly that was an asshole move--”
Your hand is yanked away from the button, long fingers wrapping around your wrist and suddenly his lips are on yours. The hand around your wrist falls and both his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
Your anger dissipates almost immediately, as you link your arms around his neck fisting the hair at the nape of his neck. The moan this causes him to release, sends your knees buckling, and he brings one hand to your ass, squeezing harshly. 
Spearmint and tea. He tastes so good, mouth so warm and soft moving against your own you can’t help but whimper as he cradles your jaw with his free hand. Desire pools in your belly, and a desperate gasp leaves your lips.
Aemond drags his lips to kiss your jaw, and your neck as his opposite hand cradles the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. You’re so needy, so responsive to his touch, you want him so desperately, and then---
The elevator dings and you push away from each other, breathing heavily as the doors open and more residents and attendings enter. You quickly get your bearings springing out of the elevator and onto your floor. 
“Y/N!” Aemond calls, walking after you. 
Your pager goes off just as he reaches you, and you squint down at it. 
“Code White Cerelle Lannister,” you tell him, going numb with shock, “I just saw her-”
“Go,” Aemond says, before turning to a nurse, “That’s a medical emergency, page Dr. Helaena Targaryen!”
You hurry down the hallway, breaking out into a run as you enter Cerelle’s room. Dr. Baratheon is there already, Mrs. Lannister sobbing holding onto Cece’s stuffed lion. Cece’s sheets are soaked with sweat as she thrashes. 
Not sweat.
It’s as if Cece is sweating blood. 
“Hematidrosis,” Dr. Baratheon says, readying a syringe, “Push one of epi.”
“Cece it’s gonna be okay,” you tell her, as Dr. Baratheon hands you the syringe. 
Cerelle’s eyes are wide, tears streaming down her face leaving clear rivers through his red-tinged cheeks. 
You give her the epinephrine. Slowly but surely her sweating ceases, and her forehead begins to dry. Her legs spasm, stronger than before. She’s getting worse. 
“Mrs. Lannister,” Dr. Baratheon says, trying to console the weeping woman, “Mrs. Lannister it’s alright. While Hematidrosis is quite disturbing, it’s not serious.”
“Not serious?!” Mrs. Lannister says in a shrill voice, eyes wide, “My daughter is sweating blood, and you’re telling me it’s not serious?”
“Paged,” Dr. Targareyn says entering the room, “Dr. Baratheon.”
“Mrs. Lannister, this is Dr. Helaena Targaryen, one of our pediatric surgeons and infectiology specialists.”
“Infecto..what?” Mrs. Lannister says as Helaena moves around Cece’s bed. 
Cece’s eyes are panicked and she holds onto your wrist with a vice-like grip.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you tell her, “Dr. Targaryen is just checking on you.”
Helaena brings out a penlight, instructing Cece to follow it with her eyes.
“Mrs. Lannister, have you traveled anywhere recently?” she asks, continuing her assessment. 
“Um,” Mrs. Lannister struggles to find words, placing a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes, “Yes. We got back a couple of weeks ago.”
“Naath. It was Cece’s idea, she’d been reading about the flora and fauna, she’s such a bright kid she loves all that stuff,” Mrs. Lannister says through tears.
Helaena smiles at Cece.
“I like that stuff too,” she tells the young girl, “Cece, what did you see on your trip? Any cool plants, bugs, animals?”
“L-lots,” Cece answers shakily, still holding on to you tightly.
“Tell me about them.”
“Um well…they’re famous for their butterflies,” Cece tells her, “They’re huge.”
“They are,” Helaena confirms, “I’ve never seen them in person, but I’d like to. Did you touch any butterflies?”
“Yes, but I washed my hands! Right after!”
“What color was the butterfly you touched?”
“There were so many--”
“Try and remember, the ones you know you touched.”
“Blue…..green…..one that was black and white,” she says teary-eyed, “Did the butterfly hurt me?”
“It didn’t mean to,” Helaena says softly, “They don’t know any better.”
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“Butterfly fever. It’s a bacterial infection spread in Naath,” Helaena says to you and Dr. Baratheon outside Cece’s room, “She’ll need a routine of antibiotics, I can consult with my team on a proper regime.”
She turns to you.
“Good work,” she praises, “Butterfly fever can get pretty nasty. Skin sloughing off, and so forth.”
“She’s right, Y/L/N,” Dr. Baratheon praises, “Good work.”
“Thanks,” you tell her. 
After establishing Cece’s antibiotic treatment and giving it to the nurses' station, you make your way to the intern locker room. You quickly change out of your scrubs, eager to be back in normal clothes. Closing your locker, you check your phone. Jace, Sara, Cory, and Nettles have texted saying they’re waiting down in the lobby.
You leave the locker room, putting your phone in your pocket when you see him. Leaning against the door Aemond’s head turns as you walk out.
“Hey,” he says, straightening up. He’s still in scrubs, clearly, his shift isn’t over.
He’s quiet for a moment, wetting his lips as he tries to find the words he wants to say.
“Look about earlier--”
“Aemond,” you cut him off, “We can either do this or not. You’re either in or out, but you have to make a decision.”
Aemond is silent, blue and violet eyes watching you. 
“What do you want?” he asks quietly.
“I just want you,” you answer honestly, “What do you want?”
“I….” Aemond struggles to speak, biting the tip of his tongue.
It’s not an outright rejection, but it still hurts like one. You sigh, looking down at your shoes. 
“I can’t decide for you,” you tell him, beginning to walk by, “That’s up to you.”
He doesn’t stop you as you continue to walk by, doesn’t reach out and pull you toward him. He lets you go. You find your friends in the lobby, force a smile on your face as you travel to the Dragon’s Den, and eagerly accept the tequila shots Cory buys you. There’s no text this time. 
Perhaps he made his choice. 
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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420 notes · View notes
sourbvgs · 2 years
rdr2 boys reacting to you getting mauled by an animal
characters (not in order) arthur, john, sean, javier, hosea, dutch, kieran, charles
tags: gore/blood, different animals attacking reader, hurt/comfort, past abigail/john, crying, angst, near death experiences, broken bones
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✧─── ★: *.✦ .* :★ ───✧
arthur | snake bite
he wasn’t actually in camp when you got bit on watch
a snake had snuck up on you and bit your leg, and whilst the poison was drained quickly by hosea’s quick thinking, you were still in rough shape
arthur comes back, money in his bag, and he puts it into the cache before looking to hosea who’s calling for him.
“it’s y/n… she’s not doing too well. snake got her.” he’ll explain, and arthur is immediately by your side.
he sits beside you, massaging your leg, taking your temperature, getting you food- whatever you want he’ll get you
will 100% not leave camp until youre better.
as soon as you’re up and on your feet he’ll let you lend his book to learn about snakes and such so the same thing doesn’t happen twice.
he will quietly admit how worried he was and how he was sorry he wasn’t there to immediately aid you. you smile and assure him it’s okay, give him a kiss and get back to helping pearson.
will 100 percent get rid of any snakes near camp.
sean | wolf attack
the two of you are out camping after you begged him to take you up near ambarino to get some plants for your work
sean begrudgingly agrees, but is now regretting it.
it will soon by nighttime and the two of you are having to camp in the wilderness
he’s very uncharacteristically worried, keeping the fire low to prevent any animals seeing it.
you start assuring him that everything’s gonna be fine when a howl interrupts you.
sean’s tense, rifle ready as he listens.
surely enough, a wolf pack comes barrelling into your makeshift camp, and sean immediately shoots.
you scramble to grab your pistol from your bag, a stray wolf jumping you
it left you with a large bite upon your jugular and scratches along your body
sean notices your pained shouts and immediately shoots the oversized dog, luckily the rest don’t like their odds and retreat.
he’s immediately by your side, defensives still raises in case they come back.
“it’s okay, darlin’. i got you. fuck..-“
is panicking so hard
quickly composes himself and rips up his shirt, tying your wounds as he cradles you close.
“i’m so sorry, baby. i’m so sorry.” he’ll whisper, leaning his head to yours as you whimper in pain
with your meek instructions, he’ll make you something to ease the pain.
panics when you pass out, but let’s you sleep and keeps a close eye on your breathing
as soon as you’re back in camp, he gets strauss and susan to look at you, explaining what happened. doesn’t care if people give him slack for ‘not protecting you’, will fight them even.
holds you close out of fear of you getting attacked again. doesn’t let you leave camp without a rifle or a strong revolver anymore
john | gator attack
you had spotted little jack near the swamp water, and your heart lurches as a pair of slit eyes stare back at him
you immediately snatch him up, throwing him from the bank as the gator lunges
jack, as he would, starts to scream, and everyone comes running
there’s a thrash and blood in the water, yet luckily you had your knife on you and killed the gator
abigail holds her son close as the men jump in to help, specifically arthur, john and charles
when john realises it’s you his blood runs cold and he’s on the brink of tears.
you push them away, rising up and getting out of the water, clothes doused in swamp muck and blood
you’ve got a large bite shredding through your side as you stumble up onto the bank
hosea immediately gets you to a tent and the camp attends your wounds
abigail thanks you countless times for your selflessness and quick thinking, and jack gifts you a pinecone he found earlier on as a get well soon gift
john is the last one to visit your tent, a guilty, kicked puppy look in his brown eyes
you beckon him over softly, and he immediately sits beside you, holding your hand
tells you all sorts of shit like how “it should of been me” and how he’s sorry
you shut him down and kiss his knuckles, saying how you’d do it again in a heartbeat
gives you a kiss and, much like arthur, will not leave your side until you’re better, will bring you plenty of stuff; whatever you ask for he brings you
javier | cougar attack
he hears it before he sees it, and just as he turns your horse bucks you and your arms being mauled
he immediately jumps off of his own horse, shooting the cougar and pulling its carcass from you.
you’re crying, because let’s be honest anyone probably would, and he immediately crouches down, hugging you tightly
wraps his poncho around the bite on your wounded arm, kissing it to try and ease you
you got off lucky, and he knows it, stays more alert when you’re both out and about
when you get to camp, he won’t let anyone else aid you. he’s good with his hands, he knows how to stitch
bandages your wound too, he’d do anything for you.
you smile and kiss his cheek, explaining how you’re a little shaken but grateful that he insisted to come along with you.
on the plus side the pelt was amazing quality and he gets it made into a nice bedroll for your saddle <3
charles | gila monster bite
the two of you were taking a week to travel and gather information and supplies for the gang
you were stood gathering certain plants sprouting from the humid desert floor when charles hears your yell of pain
is immediately there, watching you shoot the lizard
“did it bite you?” he’ll ask, grasping your hand. “yes… fuck- i didn’t see it- i must of spooked it, i’m sorry.” you’re panicking, which is never good.
your hand is swelling and charles leaps into action, keeping you calm as he leads you back to the makeshift camp he was setting up, not caring how the tent was slumped and not put up properly, he’d deal with that later
you start to cry due to the burn and how sick you feel, and charles nods sympathetically, draining your hand carefully
gives you some medication and a self made medicinal mix to help you feel better
your fever doesn’t go down, and you’re tired, but you’re not vomiting, not trembling in anyway, and your hand is becoming calmer
let’s you rest, keeps an eye out for any other threats. keeps insisting mentally that you’ll be fine but hes very anxious
insists that you both go back to camp so that herr strauss could look at it and give you proper medicine, but he lets you rest first before riding out.
sorry dutch, but your health comes first to charles
kieran | coyote attack
he wasn’t actually there when it happened, no one was
you had stumbled into camp all bloody and bit and the poor boy doesn’t even know you’re back until abigail starts shouting for help
does not leave your side, is muttering under his breath that he can’t lose another love, how he refuses to let anything happen to you- it takes dutch and hosea giving him a talk to calm him down
doesn’t let you out of his sight, watches everyone closely as they tend to you
gently strokes your cheek as you whimper in pain, assuring you how you’re going to be okay and that you’re in good hands
as soon as you’re all patched up, he hugs you and insists that he’s coming with you next time you’re out
even if you resist his words, he’ll come with you anyway
definitely holds a grudge against coyotes after that absolute heart attack he had seeing you covered in blood
he’s not great with aim, so he won’t hunt them, but he definitely steers clear.
if you’re both riding together, this boys a merchant with horses and keeps them both calm until you’re both safe
hosea | bharati grizzly bear attack
both you and hosea know you’re an amazing hunter, so he brings you on a trip with arthur to hunt a big bear he had saw
you were excited, you loved hunting, especially with hosea
arthur seems pretty stoked too, happily following behind you both as you trot together
you help out, readying your rifle nearby when the battered bear charges suddenly
you pushed hosea out of the way, the bear’s teeth snags your arm, claws digging into your torso
as it goes for your throat, both hosea and arthur shoot it, causing it to retreat
hosea is swearing loudly, apologising to you profusely as he sits beside you, helping you up
hastily grabs some rags from arthur’s satchel, wrapping your deep wounds
he doesn’t take you back to camp, he takes you to an actual doctor asap as arthur insists on staying and hunting the behemoth of a bear
you meekly wish him luck, leaving with your anxious lover
he won’t stop apologising, explaining how he just froze due to fear, and that you should of just let him get jumped
“i’d never let you get attacked, love. we’re a team, remember?” you mutter, slouched into his back as your horse follows behind
he has the money, the bonds, he pays this doctor top dollar to get you into peak physical form
you both go back to camp later in the day, and arthur had come back already, no scratches, much to your relief
you tell everyone what had happened, finding some humour in the new story you could tell, much to hosea’s bruised ego
dutch | horse kick
you had offered to help brush the count, and foolishly, dutch agreed
just as you were about to brush the muck from the elegant horse’s feet, he kicked your arm sharply, breaking it
you yell, obviously, and dutch immediately swoops to your aid
“ah, see darlin’ i said to be careful.” he scolds, not realising your arm is literally broken
as the day goes on, you can’t use your arm at all, and dutch starts to feel bad, but doesn’t assume it’s broken
you go the whole damn day without telling anyone, working through the pain until you literally can’t move your hand and shamefully go to hosea
dutch feels terrible when hosea says you’ve most likely broken your arm, a large bruise where the count had kicked you evident on your skin
you’re out of action until you’re better, dutch will see to that, on the bright side, he sits beside you and reads to you so you don’t feel bad
susan makes you a sling, and you feel even worse, but dutch kisses you and all the shame melts away
makes sure you’re always careful around the count from now on, neither of you need any broken limbs
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butterednuttered · 9 months
NOTE: These are TRAUMAGENIC EXCLUSIVE terms. We are anti-endo!
BELOVED: A beloved alter is an alter that often gives affection, joy and positive vibes to people within or outside of the system. This can be platonic, romantic, etc. A beloved alter often gives compliments and can be clingy, excitable, and optimistic. STARLIGHT: A starlight alter is an alter that is very in tune with spiritual or religious practices. They may be the only one in the system that practices any sort of spirituality/religion, or may just be the one who is best at it. CLEANER: A cleaner alter is an alter whose job is to clean the space around them, which is often their living space. A cleaner may be annoyed or distressed by the mess around them, which makes them want to clean, but is not always the case. FIRST AID: A first aid is an alter who takes care of the body or other people close to the system when they are sick or injured. FIRST RESPONDER: A first responder is an alter who is the first to front when there is conflict or distress, not necessarily to deal with the conflict, but to deescalate the situation before another alter comes to front to deal with the aftermath. CHAOS HOLDER: A chaos holder is an alter that holds elements of chaos in the system, whether good or bad types of chaos. They may be used to a chaotic and messy environment, or they may be there to express chaotic and hyperactive emotions. LIBRARIAN: A librarian is a type of gatekeeper who may have files or books in headspace (if there is a headspace) of information about the system, often oddly specific things. Librarians may also double as caretakers due to their often relaxed, laid back, chill, calm and/or logical nature. RESTRAINT: A restraint alter is an alter who puts restraint on a current fronter by fronting or using passive influence. Restraint alters restrain current fronters from making impulsive or bad decisions, typically, but can be other things, too. DREAMER: A dreamer alter is an alter that deals with dreams the system has. They may manage memories from dreams, feelings caused from dreams, etc. LANTERN: A lantern alter is an alter that deals with sleep/nighttime. They may front to put the body to sleep or they may front if the current fronter has issues being in the darkness at nighttime, etc. Lanterns deal with anything night related. MORBIDIST: A morbidist is an alter who is morbidly curious and dives deep into dark topics as a way to educate the system and keep them away from further traumatizing themselves (coined by myself and a friend)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 7 months
Learning curve Love
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Request: Tom peter x male reader where reader and Peter are both heroes and Peter gets in over his head one day and gets seriously injured which causes reader to enter a panic
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It's nighttime, and you and Peter are out-stopping criminals. Peter is happy that he doesn't have to hide his secret from you. And you feel the same way, plus it was hard to keep Venom a secret from Peter. You and Peter are on the roof and he is feeding Venom chocolate bars.
“Please don't throw it,” You said.
Throw it again!
Peter was throwing chocolate bars then Venom would catch them. But every time Venom moved rapidly, you would fall.
“Sorry. It was fun watching him catch it” Peter smiled.
You are no fun, Y/n.
“Shut up, V,” You said.
You shut up, Y/n
“Okay, Venom stop or no more candy,” Peter said.
You rolled your eyes at Peter. While on the roof, you and Peter see The Sandman and Shocker breaking into the bank. You and Peter jump off the roof and went to fight them. You start to fight the Sandman while Peter is fighting Shocker. But Shocker managed to hit Peter with high voltage and Peter yelled. You were going to help but Sandman didn't let you out of his sight. You were struggling to fight him, he punched you towards the wall then you feel a full force against your body. You barely can't move then The Vulture arrived, he helped his friends to get away with the money.
“I can catch them!” Peter yelled.
You fell to the ground and you are breathing hard.
“No!” You yelled.
Peter jumped on The Vulture before getting away. Peter and The Vulture start to fight then he flies all the way up, while his friends drive in the van. You and Venom wear going to stop them but you were worried more about your boyfriend.
What do we do!?
“Save Spiderman,” You said.
Before you can think of a plan, you watched Peter fall from the sky. He hit the ground hard and you run towards him.
“Talk to me!?” You said.
You start to touch his face but he can't move. You try to wake him up and slowly he closed his eyes, you keep telling him to wake up.
“V, go to him and take him home,” You said.
Let's go spider boy.
You watched Venom go to Peter. Venom is helping him heal then he used his abilities to take Peter home. You start to run home before the cops arrived at the crime scene.
When you got home, Venom has Peter in bed. Venom managed to heal Peter’s bones and some cuts.
He is alive.
“Thanks. Peter?” You said.
Peter is out cold. You put a blanket on him and Venom went back to you. You took a hot shower while Venom watches over Peter, but Venom is watching cartoons and laughing so loud. When you come out of the shower then Peter starts to wake up.
“Hey, V” Peter smiled.
Peter starts to sit up and you sit next to him.
“Don’t scare me like that!” You yelled.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. Everything happened so fast. My body is feeling sore” Peter said.
“You will need to rest for a while-”
Peter kissed you and he has his hand on your cheek.
“I love you, Y/n,” Peter said.
“I love you too,” You said.
You help Peter take off the suit now he is just in his boxers. Then you grabbed the first-aid kit, you start to clean his wounds. Peter put his hand on your cheek and he starts to kiss you. He moves closer and he has his hands on your shirt and you don't stop kissing him.
He is still feeling sore, but you helped him walk to the kitchen. Venom tried to help you make dinner but he made a bigger mess, Peter tried not to laugh when Venom squirted ketchup on you. He tried to get the ketchup bottle from you
“Not funny, Peter” You mumbled.
“It is funny” Peter smiled.
It's not my fault, Y/n that you can't grab a bottle.
“Oh my god” You mumbled.
You went to change your pajamas. After dinner, you and Peter cuddle in bed, and he lies his head on your chest. You and Peter tried to watch a movie but Venom snores when he is sleeping.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✯
It's cold, Peter snuggled close to you. He put his arm around you and his leg on top of you.
“You are warm, Y/n” Peter mumbled.
“Your feet are very cold. Where did you sleep by an igloo?” You said.
“Shhh, you talk too much. More sleep less talking” Peter said.
“Rude,” You said.
He kissed your cheek. You start to close your eyes again and Peter is snoring. Venom sneaked into the leaving then turns on the radio, and his favorite song comes on. Venom started to so loud that, you and Peter woke up.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special!!!
“I’m going to start a fire” You mumbled.
“V! Turn it down!” Peter yelled.
Venom kept on singing.
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writing-for-life · 2 months
Dream’s Therapist
I have prepared for the session by pulling up the notes from the intake.
The client is very punctual again, albeit only 15 minutes early this time. I have made sure that my office is not too bright since this seemed to have caused a certain amount of discomfort during our intake session.
Like the previous time, he will not take off his coat, and he does not engage in friendly smalltalk at the beginning of the session. My remark about the terrible weather brings up, “You have no idea what terrible weather is,” or some such like, and I begin the session without further ado.
DT: I would like to start today’s session with examining your current sleeping habits, since you hinted you were suffering from insomnia during your intake.
Dream: Sleep eludes me. But truth be told, I do not have any need for sleep. I inspire, and I have dreams and nightmares to create.
DT: And why do you think that is?
Dream (I notice a certain annoyance in the way he leans forward in his chair): It is my purpose and my function. And I am quite certain I told you this the last time. (I notice the wish to be perceived). As I have already pointed out: I weave dreams and stories. But lately, I have been feeling... uninspired.
DT: Uninspired? Are you feeling particularly stressed?
(I notice he is still rather enamoured with the paperweight on my desk. He proceeds staring at it without replying).
Would you like to hold it?
Dream (I notice his eyes dart towards me, and he looks at me for a moment with rather wet eyes): May I?
DT: Sure.
(I notice the way he picks up the paperweight and then holds on to it not unlike a pre-schooler would engage with a stuffed animal. I decide to carefully explore childhood nighttime memories)
DT: Tell me about your childhood. Did you have a teddy when you were little, or a favourite stuffy that you took to bed at nighttime?
Dream (deadpan): I am the anthropomorphic personification of dreams and nightmares. Stuffies are beneath my notice. (I might have hit a sore spot since he puts the paperweight back on the desk rather unceremoniously)
DT: Have you always believed you are a cosmic entity?
Dream (I notice the way he sharply exhales through his nose): I do not believe I am a cosmic entity. I am Dream of the Endless. I walk the realms of imagination and story, and I conjure dreams and nightmares. How often will I need to repeat myself?
DT (I notice the wish to be perceived again): I am aware of your beliefs. Do you think that all of these… responsibilities are a bit much and might be the cause of your lack of sleep? And before we go any deeper, let me quickly check in: Have you tried the usual, like counting sheep or a warm glass of milk?
Dream (I notice a degree of exasperation): It is usually I who sends sheep to dreamers, even to the ones who would rather opt to count lost socks, and milk is for mortal stomachs. Strictly speaking, your kind shouldn’t even drink cow’s milk, but not to get too involved in human delectations. That is to say (he leans forward in his chair again and gives me a piercing stare): I exist beyond such trivialities.
(The delusion seems to run deeper than I imagined, but I decide to stay on the topic of insomnia for today’s session. A better sleep schedule certainly won’t do any harm and will aid in tackling the deeper issues.)
DT: During our last session, you briefly mentioned that you have commitment issues (I notice he looks at the paperweight again). Take it, please.
(I notice his eyes turn wet once more, and I will need to get to the bottom of why a paperweight made of rose quartz creates such a strong reaction in him, but not right now. He takes the paperweight and this time, he lets it disappear in his coat pocket. I decide to ignore the attempted theft for now).
Is it possible that your problems with commitment extend to other areas of your life? Like committing to a sleep schedule?
Dream (I notice a degree of confusion that seems to morph into annoyance): I assure you, I am extremely committed to my realm. I do not shirk my responsibilities and adhere to… rules meticulously.
DT: I don’t doubt it. Do you avoid the bed?
Dream (He straightens in his chair and looks me dead in the eye. I notice his pupils have dilated considerably, which suggests sympathetic innervation/a surge of adrenaline): No. However, I do not peruse it to… sleep. (I notice he is not sitting still as a statue anymore. His legs are crossed, and his supporting leg is engaged in a tapping motion originating in his foot)
DT (I try not to linger on the uncomfortable silence that is only interrupted by the slight squeaking of the sole of his boot and the accompanying tapping): Did you ever try a bedtime routine that is more to your liking than counting sheep? Warm bath? Reading? Chamomile tea?
Dream (I notice teeth grinding): Chamomile tea tastes like mortal tears.
DT: And smells like urine, not keen myself (I notice a fleeting facial expression I cannot quite place. His mouth twitches). Are you open to suggestions?
Dream (I notice slight hesitation, and I decide to shrug my shoulders and smile. Daring move. He furrows his brow): You may… suggest.
DT: I think journaling might be helpful for a while to see what keeps you from sleeping. Write down whatever comes to mind, from what you have experienced during the day to what you’ve eaten.
Dream: I do not eat.
DT: You do not?
Dream: Well, sometimes I do, but… (He seems to contemplate something for a moment). No matter, I shall… write.
DT (I sense a basic degree of cooperation, which is a start): All day, but especially around bedtime. We can use it the next time and see if we spot any patterns. It might also be helpful with the topic of emotion processing.
Dream (I note he engages in his habitual nose-bridge-pinching, and he closes his eyes. I am fairly certain he is also rolling them behind closed lids, and I wonder if his cooperation has just disappeared into thin air): I already told you I do not “feel”. It is a…
DT: Quaint human invention? Like love?
Dream (I notice his eyes open at alarming speed. He looks annoyed for a moment. He then quirks one eyebrow): You have paid attention to my words after all.
DT: Did you expect me not to?
Dream (I notice uncertainty): Perhaps.
DT: Then why are you here?
Dream (I notice a facial expression that hints at confusion): I… because I respect your… delusional expertise.
DT (I am not certain if that is a compliment or an insult and decide to pay no heed): That does not answer the question though, or at least not in its entirety. Because this is not about my expertise, is it?
Dream (He leans forward in his seat): What is it about then?
DT (I notice he is trying to engage in subversion tactics): You.
Dream (I notice he flinches and immediately leans back again. His eyes are wet, and he does not speak. I decide to give the silence space.
The silence lasts for 12 minutes. One needs to be able to sit with the discomfort on occasion.
He stands up all of a sudden): I trust our time is up?
DT: No.
Dream: Good, I shall leave then.
DT (I notice the same pattern to end the session as the last time. He begins to walk out): Are you going to keep that?
Dream (He turns around): Keep what?
DT: My paperweight.
Dream (I notice he looks flustered and reaches into his coat pocket.): My apologies. (He hesitantly comes back and places the paperweight back on my desk.)
DT: No harm done, we all forget things from time to time.
Dream (I notice he lifts his chin and seems affronted): I do not forget things. Ever.
DT: Well, you just did.
Dream: I… (I notice he blinks thrice in quick succession) Same time next week?
DT (I notice the reversed initiative compared to our last session and choose to reply accordingly): Yes, let us pencil it in.
Dream: You may use ink…
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