#Nimue's Family
nimue-hidden-lake · 7 months
Ngl this is kinda adorable...
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I read this and know how this ends but... I can't help it. I smiled a little too much reading this scout story ngl.
I mean look, how can I not grin like an idiot!?
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I am still grinning... Help...
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thelakeofnimue · 8 months
Izumi Teleportation Real
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Don't worry Tsukasa, I get you a new Tasty Baton!
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achirding · 3 months
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"Queen Elaine of Benoic [Lancelot's Mom] saw a young lady holding him, clasped to her breast and kissing him repeatedly on the eyes and mouth because he was such a beautiful boy.”
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gawrkin · 2 months
The (Alternative) Daughters of Uther Pendragon
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Morgause - Historia Regum Britanniae
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Morgan le Fay - Wichecraft and Vilaine by Zoe Enstone
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Lady of the Lake - Wikipedia
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aboutzatanna · 5 days
You know, I would be down for another 'magic is dying' or 'universe is in danger because of magic' if we can get more exploration of Zatanna's great grandfather Luigi Zatara and Leonardo Da Vinci. Most of the time she is stuck fighting her Dad's villains (and Sindella is lucky to even get mentioned) but her other family members deserve exploration.
For instance if Da Vinci backwards writing was a form of magic then what he was weaving spells for? Did he face any occult magical threats during? If so, what kind? Imagine if those threats were coming back. What about his rivals; Michelangelo or Raphael? Did they have magical powers too? If so, what kind? And are there characters who are descendants of them like Zatanna is a descendant of Da Vinci?
I'm saying we need Johnathan Hickman to write a book on Zatanna's Family tree akin to his 2010 S.H.I.E.L.D mini series.
There is also Luigi Zatara who introduced John Zatara to magic:
First in DC Special Blue Ribbon #5
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and then in Secret Origins Vol 2 #27:
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Did Luigi have magical abilities as well? What happened to him? Did he lose his powers?
And looking closely, you can interpret this as him intentionally leading John Zatara to the path of being a sorcerer.
There is also this scene from Madame Xanadu #9 which somewhat contradicts what was previously established:
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I think you could fudge canon to say the Giovanni had aptitude for magic at a young age, discovered stage magic later and then rediscovered Da Vinci's book as an adult.
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lake-archive · 2 months
Today's Salary: Sleep And A Name
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AO3 Link - CATZ Discography
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Doppo Kannonzaka, Ann Wolff (OC)
Summary: Ann meets the depressed salary man again! And this time he seems to be beyond exhausted...
Words: 1,376
It had been a while since they had come across him, the depressed salary man. Well, they had not actively thought about him either to be fair. Yet when Ann had spotted him again it came back to their mind pretty much right away. 
Once more they had returned home later than they would have liked. They had to text Eli, having been stuck with a project. He warned them to not return home too late or he’d lock them out. Of course they panicked for a short moment yet he assured them that it was a joke. ‘ Just be careful to not run into a creep. ’ That was all he texted at the end.
And by the time Ann had wrapped everything up it was dark yet again, thus hurrying to the train station pretty quickly. And that was where they saw the salary man again.
Yet instead of him keeping his head down and sulking or mumbling nonsense they heard none of that. Or rather, they did not even see him open his mouth over and over. But it was more than that.
Sure, he was sitting there while holding onto his small suitcase yet he was more hugging it if anything, like a pillow. His head had been hanging more down and his eyes closed. Was he… Sleeping? Right in the cold, at this train station? It looked like anything but save. In fact, it also looked very uncomfortable. 
Given their first interaction with him they really couldn’t help but pity him a little. The tiredness finally had gotten to him it seems. Yeah, they recalled him looking overly tired so this may have not really been a surprise to them in the end.  They were surprised that he had not crashed during their very first conversation together actually. He had managed to keep himself awake one way or another, to their surprise. 
However, this time things seemed different. He seemed to have been in a somewhat deep sleep, deep enough for him to not hear the loud trains passing by. Talk about being exhausted. After all, he also managed to sleep in that position.
Not thinking much of it Ann had slowly approached the depressed salary man, though not to wake him, far from it. Instead they quietly decided to sit on the bench right next to him, taking a seat before deciding to slowly push him down, enough so his head would rest against their thighs and not against the mere air.
They spotted his head move and for a moment they believed that he had woken up from this. However, his eyes remained closed and his breath steady, making them sigh in relief.
They had a clear view on him however, the bags under his eyes having gotten worse than last time. It would explain even more why he was in such a deep slumber, unable to wake up from any noise. ‘ Office workers seem to have it tough… ’ they thought, though maybe they just met an unlucky case? Hard to say honestly, they had little experience working. 
And yet, right now he looked rather peaceful. He was most likely exhausted to move at all which is why he kept lying there in one position, probably. Soft breathing, all the noises he would get out of his mouth. How deep was it?
Deep enough to last for a few long moments, enough to see a train pass by. Yet Ann couldn’t move away, or refused, so they stayed put a little longer. At least until he woke up. And after some time passed he did…
They saw his eyes opening slowly, blinking a few times rather weakly before asking rather drowsy: “Where am I?” 
He sounded and looked half–asleep, having to process where he was until he lifted himself up, or was about to, yet seemed to have gone stiff shortly after. “Hah!? Wh… What did I–” And after a few moments a scream of panic before he sat up again, bowing over and over. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
They were used to it from the first time though, leaving them to sigh. “Hey, it’s fine. It’s me from last time, remember?”
This got him to stop, pause his movements and look right at them for a second, taking some time to process… Until he seemed to notice. “Huh? You’re that girl from that time.”
Ah, there it was, of course. And yet, they couldn’t blame him. In fact, oddly enough, they did not feel insulted or anything like that. Nor could they bring themself to drop their usual line at him. It only made them smile a little nervously. “Uhm… I know it’s not the best time but… Please, don’t call me a girl or anything like that.”
“You’re not? But–” Yet then it seemed to hit what they were hinting at, making him even more visibly ashamed. “I’m–”
“Don’t apologize! It happens!” They interrupted him before it could escalate, then sighing. “Besides, I didn’t say anything last time. Don’t worry about it.” Yeah, they clearly didn’t.
He only nodded weakly for a moment before his gaze seemed to shift somewhere, eyes wide yet again. “Wha– It’s already this late!? I missed the train too!” He pointed out in shock before dropping his head. “This is bad…” 
“Well, you were pretty much asleep.”
“ It’s over… My life is over… ”
“All you did was miss a train!” He was a handful sometimes, wasn’t he? “Just wait for the next one. I’m sure it’ll arrive soon.”
And then silence for a moment. They would like to ask directly. ‘ Is your work that exhausting? ’ but wouldn’t that be too much? Before he had been complaining but now he was just asleep. Wait, then that would be a stupid question, wouldn’t it? And also too personal. They didn’t even– Ah! Wait, good conversation starter!
“Say, we didn’t introduce ourselves last time, did we?” They began, trying desperately to find something. This is the second time they met now so who knows when they bumped into each other again. “I’m Ann Wolff. Ah, but just Ann is fine! And you are?”
A moment of silence, him looking away for a moment. Did they say too much? Go too far maybe? Conversing with strangers is hard! A tough battle to fight! Maybe they did go too far… Maybe… Perhaps? Uhm…
“Kannonzaka Doppo.” He slowly responded, very hesitantly, stuttering all too audible. 
“Kannonzaka–San? I’ll keep it in mind!” They may have said and yet… What else could one mention? Ugh, this was just horrible. ‘ Nice weather ’ maybe? No no no, that was not an option. Besides, it’s already dark! What weather!? Hah… How to small talk. Things they taught no one at school… Or they just suck at it.
And yet there would be a saving grace when the speakers echoed for a train arrival. Ann recognized it right away, one of theirs. Talk about timing. So they jumped up quickly, taking a deep breath before saying: “Ah, I’d like to keep talking but my train is about to arrive. Sorry!” 
They even had turned to Kannonzaka, trying to keep up their smile. “Try not to fall asleep again, alright?”
Being reminded of that seemed to make him at least slightly flinch, yet he nodded a little. “I won’t…” He responded, although a little quietly.
“Ok, it’s a promise! I’ll ask next time we meet!”
“Eh!? N… Next time!? But–”
“Hey, may as well. Maybe we’ll be lucky~” They may claim yet were not so sure. Then again, if they met once more they might meet again over and over. Just like in some stories where characters always bump into each other by ‘sheer coincidence’. 
Regardless, the train arrived, an empty one luckily. “Alright, gotta get going. Bye bye Kannonzaka–San.”
And then they turned away, quickly leaving to enter the train yet turning back to look through the window. All they could see from afar was said depressed salary man Kannonzaka, seeming to have his head still in a slightly surprised expression. Yet when they waved at him with a smile, he waved back as well, although a little weakly. 
Yeah, something told them that they will meet each other again.
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
sorry i know i cant stop people from having their headcanons or aus or whatever but i find it kinda silly when people present the idea of silver being shadows son as if its an actual plausible theory.... because all the "evidence" for it is very minor stuff thats easily explained away . and then theres also the fact that in the 06 timeline shadow was put back into stasis shortly after iblis destroyed the world because humanity was looking for someone to blame for it. and silver also says that iblis has been around since before he was born. im aware that the future is always changing so a future where an adult shadow is around to interact with a tiny little baby silver isnt entirely out of the question but wouldnt this plot detail make shadow being silvers biological father very unlikely if not outright impossible??
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marmiteprinter · 3 months
Content warning: unexpected death, bereavement. This post is under a cut. If you're experiencing loss in your personal life at the moment and don't wish to read this, please do skip this post.
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The next morning, Thomas decided to give Nimue and the nooboos some space and time to rest. He went into the back yard to watch the clouds.
Suddenly, he noticed something unusual falling from the sky and it seemed to be heading straight for him... Before he could even blink, he had been crushed under the weight of a fallen satellite.
Nimue heard the commotion outside and rushed outside only to realise her beloved husband was gone.
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sonysakura · 11 months
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SatBK Week 2023. Day 5: Magic + Day 6: Lake
A story that happens pre-game... where Galahad isn't a knight yet, and Sir Lancelot is his fondly exasperated mentor. But in the centre of it is, of course, an enchanted lake 🌊✨
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
Hi there! I hope you’re doing fine! I have a question for one of the siblings.For Felix to be exact! I’m curious… Siblings tease sometimes, don’t they? So who usually does the teasing (in a sibling–like way of course)? And how does the other react? Is it becoming a back and forth or is the other party too flustered to fight back? @nimue-hidden-lake
Felix: "Oh, that's absolutely Catarina. Not that you'd probably call her the type to tease - not when comparing her to some of my friends, at least - but she has certainly got it in her. I don't even know if you'd call it teasing, but.. it's the way she just bites back with some sort of answer, any time you say something that's either wrong or that she can counter somehow. She's so quick to retort with some- cutting response or other, it's kind of ridiculous how perfectly she does it at this point!
And she doesn't even do it all the time, either - only when she can actually prove her point. I admire it about her a lot, don't get me wrong - it's just not always fun to be on the receiving end of if I'm already in a bad mood, you know? At least she knows when to drop it, though.. And quite often, we do end up sending things back-and-forth pretty well. Usually in the middle of training, actually. Her tongue's almost sharper than her sword work, but we're both pretty evenly-matched at this point - in wits as well as blades.
That.. probably wasn't the most concise answer I could have given? So, sorry about that. Still, I hope that it works."
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nimue-hidden-lake · 8 months
Hold on a sec...
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Tsukasa is eating a watermelon like I usually am!
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That's all I wanted to say.
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exhaustedpirate · 6 months
parent for hire
and here we are, as promised the last chapter of our trio's adventure! enjoy and weep! as always, krystal has been the most amazing beta i could ever ask for, this fic is definitely my gift to her so @kmomof4, this is for you!
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Chapter Seven - Avalon
word count: 16,443 words 
rating: Teen and Up
tag list: @cocohook38 ; @bluewildcatfanatic ; @piraterefrigerator ; @sotangledupinit ; @booksteaandtoomuchtv ; @teamhook
read on AO3 | prologue | one | two | three | four | five (1) | five (2) | five (3) | six
Emma’s hand was on the hilt of her sword as she looked between the newcomer and Killian. He could feel their eyes on his face. Henry’s hand came up to his sleeve making him take a deep breath and finally face the man he considered a father.
While he had expected disappointment, Nemo’s face was unreadable with a small smile threatening to break through. That caught Killian off guard.
"Captain." Killian acknowledged with a nod, confusion and uncertainty making him more nervous. "Nemo, I-" 
"Wait, you're Nemo?!" Henry interrupted, the confirmation of his identity enough to make him confident of the lack of danger.
"You've heard of me?" Nemo asked with an amused expression as he glanced at Killian before he turned back to the child.
Killian felt Emma's gaze on him as he tried to discern Nemo's thoughts. He glanced towards her with a shy half-smile, his cheeks reddening. Her lips pressed in a thin line in an effort not to laugh. 
He made quite the figure, he was sure, acting like the child he hadn’t been for a long time.
"Killian talks about you a lot!" 
"Not a lot, just-"
Henry ignored Killian’s feeble attempt at an unnecessary argument as he continued to watch the captain. "I feel like I already know you."
A warm smile graced Nemo's face as he turned to Killian, who scratched the back of neck in embarrassment. Henry seemed completely unaware of the shared look.
"I'm Henry and this is Emma,” he continued, excitedly. “We have so much to tell you!"
Emma placed a hand on Henry's shoulder to gently pull the boy away from the two men. She leaned down to whisper something in his ear. Whatever she said was enough for the boy to settle against her, his hands on her wrists from where they were placed against his chest.
Killian would have to thank her for that at some point. 
"What are you doing here?" Killian asked, clearing his throat at the childlike tone of his voice.
"It's like I said, I have been looking for you," Nemo answered, placing his hand on his shoulder, warmth swirling in his eyes.
It was a welcome weight and it felt as if no time had passed by since the last time he did that. It felt like home, like care, like love. Killian tried to hold back his feelings with a nod.
Nemo smiled with understanding. How he missed that smile. 
"Come, children, we're your transportation for the last leg of your journey," Nemo said with a pat on Killian's shoulder before walking past them towards the docks.
Killian had already seen the ship, but now, no longer desperate to run away, he was able to properly look at her. He hadn’t seen her in a decade and she still looked the same, despite the clear signs of use. The fabric along the balloon had been changed - his fingers still stung from sewing the fabric on it all those years ago. She still looked like home.
But his companions hadn’t seen her and he watched amusedly as Emma’s surprise took over her face and heard Henry’s loud excited gasp and saw his starstruck eyes.
He had been much the same when he first saw the ship.
"We're going on that ship?!" Henry spoke loudly as he rushed to grab the Captain’s sleeve.
“Finest airship on the seven seas,” Nemo proudly proclaimed.
“And skies,” Killian added, receiving a fond smile from Nemo.
“Skies? Wait, it flies?” Emma asked, shocked.
“Of course.”
“You never said it was a flying ship!” Henry turned betrayed eyes towards him.
Killian looked at his companions with a flustered expression.
Nemo laughed. "Welcome aboard the Caspartine!" 
"This is great!" Henry began running up the gangplank, stopping halfway when a man appeared standing at the top of it.
"I believe you need permission from the Captain to come aboard." The man's voice was stern, his hands clasped behind his back.
Killian took a step forward as Emma's hand went to her sword. He turned to Nemo, gauging his reaction to a stranger aboard his ship but all he saw was a calm smile that reached his eyes. Killian placed his hand on Emma’s arm reassuringly.
"I thought-" Henry's confusion caused a smile to stretch across the stranger's lips.
"Friends," Nemo began as he reached Henry's side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "This is Captain Alberic Shakespeare."
Killian recognised the name and turned wide eyes to the man he never thought he’d meet.
"You have two Captains?"
"It's a big ship, my boy," Shakespeare answered with a secretive smile towards Nemo.
"Can I be a Captain, too?"
"Henry," Killian called, attempting to calm the boy’s enthusiasm.
"You have to get acquainted with her first, don't you think?" Nemo answered with a raised eyebrow.
"May I?" Henry asked, turning to Killian and Emma with pleading eyes.
Killian sighed with a smile. 
"As long as the Captains are okay with it," Emma agreed with a warm smile.
Henry turned the same look towards the two men in front of him. Killian's smile widened as he thought about just how effective that look was.
"Of course, Master Henry. It's our honor," Shakespeare answered with an outstretched arm towards the deck.
Henry wasted no time running inside.
"Be careful!" Killian called out, completely ignored by the excited boy. He heard Emma snort and turned a raised eyebrow towards her. She shrugged with an innocent smile.
With their intermediary gone, Killian and Emma joined the two Captains on the deck. Killian’s amusement vanished as his nerves returned with a vengeance.
"Alberic, this is Emma," Nemo introduced, motioning towards the blonde.
"Emma Swan," she added, holding out a hand towards the Captain.
Shakespeare took it in his own before turning it to place a soft kiss on the back of it. Emma smiled as her cheeks turned red, much to his amusement. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Swan."
“Call me Emma.”
Shakespeare smiled before turning towards Killian. "And this must be Killian Jones." 
Pushing his nerves down, Killian nodded before stretching his hand towards the Captain.
"I've heard much about you," Shakespeare said as they looked at each other. His unreadable expression made Killian wonder about his opinion of him, on what he did to Nemo. Was it possible to have disappointed the man before they even met?
“As have I.”
Killian wondered if his nervous expression was noticeable. Shakespeare smiled, a warm smile that reminded him of Nemo and Killian’s heart calmed.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Killian.”
Killian returned the smile.
“Likewise, Captain.”
They separated somewhat awkwardly to find Emma and Nemo looking at them. Killian recognised the thinly veiled pride in Nemo’s eyes while Emma seemed to have found their interaction fondly amusing. He rolled his eyes at her even as his smile grew.
"Emma, Killian, look at me!" Henry called from the top of the rigging. Killian's heart stuttered in his chest and Emma gasped.
"Henry, get down from there!" Emma called out as they moved toward the ropes where a crew member watched the boy amusedly.
"He's safe. You know that, Killian. You used to be a lot worse," Nemo commented drily with a fond smile.
"But I was also older than him."
"Not by much."
It was just a moment, where everything felt like it was back to normal. But that wasn’t the case, and they both knew it. The truth was in Nemo's older face, the fact that Killian no longer needed to look up at the man, in the weariness in their eyes.
It had to be visible to the others.
"Why don't I show you and Master Henry around the ship?" Shakespeare placed his hand on Emma's back catching her attention.
She took a moment to look at Killian. He smiled back reassuringly. Emma touched his arm in support before she turned back to the Captain with a smile.
"That would be great. I just hope you're ready for how excited Henry is going to be," Emma warned with a wide smile.
"There's two of us and one of him,” Shakespeare replied confidently. “I think we have the advantage, don't you?" 
He winked at her and Emma couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter as they walked together towards the rigging. "You'd be surprised."
Killian smiled longingly at their retreating backs wishing he could be present for Henry's tour of the ship - even if he knew he'd get a detailed retelling of it. Turning back to Nemo’s patient smile, he knew he had something more important to do at the moment.
“We’ll be setting sail shortly. Why don’t we go to my quarters?” Nemo asked with a nod towards the heavy door ahead of them.
Killian nodded, not trusting his own voice.
All at once, all the feelings he had spent the last decade pushing down, threatened to drown him. For years, Killian had despaired over how angry Nemo must have been at him. Over how disappointed he was, how much he must hate him. 
Looking at his Captain now, he knew he had been blinded by sadness and guilt. Still, his heart beat faster at what was to come.
As they walked across the deck, the bustling crew frequently stopped them to give him enthusiastic handshakes, nods of recognition, and even one bone-crushing hug. Starkey still had a lot of strength for someone as old as he was. Killian thought they'd be angry. That they’d resent him for what he did. But the outpouring of love was as unexpected as it was overwhelming. But also good. Very, very good.
Once they were below, Killian took a deep breath in preparation. He followed in silence through the familiar passages until they reached the doors of the Captain's Quarters.
Like the ship, it still looked the same. The back wall was still full of the books Killian loved to read, there were still rolled up maps on top of the desk ready to be used, the chair he used to sit on and pretend to be captain was still the same.
But there were differences. The amount of books had grown exponentially, there were things on both sides of the made-up bed, there were flowers in the vase by the window that had stood empty for years. Chief of all, there was a second large chair next to the old one.
The door closed behind him and the silence was beginning to swallow him whole. He turned towards the Captain, itching to break the quiet.
"I understand you must be angry with me, I shouldn't have left, but-" 
Killian's confession was interrupted when strong arms surrounded him. For all the many times he imagined their reunion, he never thought he would experience Nemo’s embrace again. It was almost embarrassing how quickly Killian reciprocated the hug. The feeling of comfort, of love, of home that he thought he had lost long ago surrounded him.
His fingers turned white where they grasped Nemo's jacket, his face hidden in the man's shoulder. Later, he would notice the equal desperation in Nemo’s grip.
"I'm so happy to see you, my boy." 
His heart was set to explode right out of his chest. For so long, he thought Nemo would be angry with him. He vividly imagined his rejection if they were ever to see each other again. It would have killed him to see the dismissive expression he imagined on the man's face. But it would have been no less than he deserved.
Now, all those thoughts felt like a nightmare.
"I'm sorry for leaving." It was easier to say without looking at his face.
Earlier than he wished, Nemo broke the hug to place his hands on Killian's shoulders, keeping the younger man's eyes on him. They both ignored the watery shine to their eyes.
"Don’t apologize, Killian. All that matters is that you’re back."
"How are you not angry at me? Y-You asked me to stay, and still I…I left."
"I couldn’t stop you." Nemo shrugged with a soft smile. With a pat to his shoulder, he sat at the table, urging Killian to take the other seat. "I realized that, no matter how much I wanted you to stay, you needed to go."
"I wanted to stay," Killian admitted. He sat down, forearms on the table, fingers playing with his hook. "I felt ashamed that I couldn't let go of my grief, of my need for revenge." 
"Why did you feel ashamed of that?"
"You told me what happened when you lost Shakespeare and how you found the person responsible. How you stopped yourself from killing them.” Killian paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “I thought I was failing you for not being able to let go of my grief, of my anger.” He paused again, struggling to keep his voice level. "I thought that the only thing that mattered was getting my revenge."
“You must know that isn’t true. You’ve never failed me.”
"I headed down a dark path. I didn’t want to see the disappointment in your eyes." Killian's head dropped as he scratched the back of his neck. “I did much that I’m not proud of.”
"I know." He raised apprehensive eyes to meet Nemo's even as the man smiled in understanding. "I’ve been checking on you," he explained. “You will always be my son, Killian. Grief doesn’t change the fact that you are very much the boy I saved from the sea.”
Killian swallowed around the lump in his throat as he clearly heard the reassurance and love in the man’s voice. He realized that his fear had taken him away from his father, from the support he needed. He nodded minutely, still overwhelmed by the sentiment.
“I missed you.” It felt good to say it, to let out the breath he had been holding for a decade. “I wanted to find you so many times in the years we’ve been apart, but never more than in the past few weeks.”
Killian kept his eyes away, not wanting to get distracted.
"I accepted a deal that would bring me very close to my revenge. They told me they would give me a weapon strong enough to kill my demon. All I needed to do was bring them someone, a wizard, they said.” Killian took a deep breath, finally looking at Nemo’s caring eyes. “It turned out to be Henry. When I saw him, actually saw him, I knew I couldn’t go through with it. I just… couldn’t.”
“I know.” Nemo nodded, a compassionate look in his eyes.
He would know. If there was anyone that would know, it would be him.
"Aye. After that, it's been chaos. Henry… h-he's special." 
"Yes, the Heart of the Truest Believer."
His head shot up, looking at Nemo with wide eyes. Instinct brought his hand to his waist, the hilt of his dagger skimming his fingers. Deep down he knew Nemo could never, but with all they had been through…
"Relax, my boy, I am not a threat to the child," Nemo said placatingly, hands raised from the table.
"How do you know about him?" 
There was a glimmer of pride in his Captain’s eyes that he didn’t understand. "I had been trying to find a way to get Shakespeare back and one of my journeys took me to Avalon.” Killian’s eyes widened but he let him finish his tale. “There, I met Nimue. She helped me get him back and enlisted my help to guide Henry to her.”
“You’ve been to Avalon? We’ve been trying to find it for weeks.”
Killian took out the map he carried in his satchel, extending it on the table, only to find Nemo with a different map in his hand, a smirk on his face.
“When you were preparing your bags, you should have grabbed the right map, lad.” Smirk widening, he opened the map over Killian’s.
They looked the same - same lines, same layout - the only difference was an island on the top right corner. On Killian’s map, it was simply a storm prone area, uncharted. On Nemo’s, there was a defined layout of an island, Avalon scripted over it.
“We’ve been following Cygnus, like you always taught me, like the prophecy said.” Killian kept looking at the maps, embarrassment threatening to peek through. “We’ve been going back and forth through this realm, putting ourselves in danger, when I could have prevented it all by just grabbing the right map…”
“You didn’t know,” Nemo reassured him, placing his hand over the map to bring Killian’s eyes back to him. “You did the best you could and from what I could see, you’ve done a great job.”
“Henry’s been through too much. He’s had to watch us in very dangerous situations, all because I-”
“Because you cared for him enough to stay by his side, despite the danger.”
Killian’s accusing thoughts quieted.
“Do you know what I see?” Nemo asked. “I see a boy who found two people to love when he thought he was doomed to unhappiness.”
Killian frowned, confused over Nemo’s phrasing. 
“I see three people who were alone in the world, wanting to find love. I see the way you found each other and realized you could find a home in each other and fought to preserve it. Am I wrong?”
Killian looked away, trying to hide his reddened cheeks but he knew the way he scratched the back of his neck was a clear sign of discomfort. Because Nemo was right.
“You’re not. You never are. I love them.” Killian sighed with a pathetic shrug before standing up to look out the large window at the sea. “Emma is incredible. She’s brave, clever and we understand each other. And Henry… Well, he has my heart.”
He could see Nemo’s smile from the corner of his eye. “I know how you feel.”
“No, he really has my heart.” Killian turned to look at him and his smile ticked up at Nemo’s confused expression.The weight on his chest is heavier now that he has had time to process what they just went through. “He died. Gave his heart to Pan to save us. So, we decided to save him, too.” Killian took a deep stabilizing breath. “Emma and I split our hearts and put them together to give to Henry.”
“Killian…” Nemo stood up from his seat to join him at the large window.
“We couldn’t let him die. He’s only a child. He had so much life to live yet.” He couldn’t control his wobbly voice and blurry vision anymore. “I would have given him my heart, I would have died in his place if I had to, but… Emma…” He sighed her name. “Emma suggested we split our hearts, give the halved pieces to Henry, and it worked.”
“Seeing him lifeless on the ground…” He continued to look out the window, not seeing the bright blue ocean but instead Henry’s dead body. “You’ve met him, he has so much energy, he’s so warm, engaging, always on the go, and to see him so quiet and still…”
Killian hadn’t noticed the tears that were making their way down his cheeks until he felt Nemo’s thumb wiping them away. The way the older man pulled him into a tight embrace helped him sustain the heavy weight on his chest. His tears flowed freely.
“He’s alright, my boy,” Nemo whispered, his hand on the back of his head. “At this moment, he’s somewhere on the ship asking a million questions and touching everything.” Killian let out a watery chuckle and took a much needed deep breath. “He’s safe.”
For a moment, Killian wondered who had been there to reassure Nemo when he had lost his hand. Who had told him that he would live, that he would be safe.
Nemo’s constant reassurances and steady support managed to calm Killian’s breathing, his tight grip on the man’s back to loosen. They separated from the embrace and Killian wiped away his tears under Nemo’s caring gaze.
“I’m so proud of you, my boy.” 
Killian’s smile was watery. “I never thought I’d see you again, much less hear something like that from you.”
“Then we’ll have to make up for lost time.” 
Nemo’s smile was wide and inviting and Killian could only nod in response. It was all he had ever wanted for the past decade - to be with his father again.
“But for now, we have a rambunctious young boy loose on the ship and, just between the two of us, I don’t know if Emma and Alberic are able to control him alone.”
Killian laughed, his heart full at the idea of his whole family aboard the ship he called home for so many years. He nodded.
“Aye, we should go lend them a hand.” He wiggled his hook as well as his eyebrows and reveled in Nemo’s surprised laughter.
Despite his happiness at being back aboard The Caspartine, his nerves had stopped him from completely appreciating the agelessness of the ship. Walking down its corridors now felt exactly as it had all that time ago, despite the few differences.
“You found a way to bring back Shakespeare?”
“Ah, yes,” Nemo’s smile was involuntary and Killian could only return it. “As I said, I went to Avalon and Nimue told me where he was being kept and how to find the weapon to rescue him.”
“Who’s this Nimue?”
“She’s the Lady of the Lake. She’s the one who will take you to Merlin.”
Killian nodded, even as dread filled him - Nimue would be the one to take Henry, to separate them. For a moment, he wished he could stop time, have more time with him.
“It’s his destiny, Killian, he needs to be taken to Merlin.”
He wasn’t surprised that Nemo knew what was on his mind.
“I know.”
“Besides, he’ll be back.” Nemo spoke with such certainty that Killian turned to him with surprised eyes. “The boy loves you. He won’t want to stay away forever.”
Killian smiled. “I hope you’re right.”
They approached the door to the study. Inside, they heard music and laughter. His smile widened, already expecting what he would find.
They opened the door quietly to see Henry sat between Emma and Shakespeare, the three huddled on the small piano bench. The music from the instrument filled the room, accompanied by Henry and Emma’s irregular and dissonant tune drowning out Shakespeare’s attempt at a song. Their laughter was a far better symphony, anyway. 
Killian imagined enjoying this happiness for the rest of his days and he yearned for it. He felt a gaze on the side of his face.
The three maestros finished the improvised song in a fit of laughter and Killian joined Nemo in a round of applause. The noise drew the trio’s attention and Henry almost fell from the bench trying to turn to the new arrivals.
“Did you hear our song?” Henry asked. “The captain is teaching us to play!”
“I’ll make a virtuoso out of you, Master Henry,” Shakespeare boasted with a wide smile.
Henry scrunched his nose. “What does that mean?”
“It means that he wants to teach you to play piano like a professional,” Emma answered.
“Yes, please!” Henry’s face lit up. “This was so much fun!”
“It’s a deal.” Shakespeare grinned before he turned to Emma. “Although, our Emma has quite the talent for someone who’s never touched a piano before.”
Killian relished her red cheeks - to see the strong, confident Emma falter under such appreciative words. “Must be that royal blood of yours,” he said. Emma shot him a look of utter betrayal even as her cheeks turned impossibly redder.
“We have a princess aboard?” Nemo asked and Killian noticed how he straightened his posture, much to his amusement. His navy days might be in the past but it was clear some things had stuck.
“Yeah, she’s the princess of Misthaven!” Henry said excitedly, much to Emma’s dismay.
“Just a very recent discovery, it doesn’t really matter.” Emma tried to wave away before glaring at Killian, who had the decency to look properly chastised.
“Nonsense!” Shakespeare spoke up. “We shall celebrate tonight.” 
“Oh no, there’s really no need to fuss.”
“Actually, there is,” Nemo interrupted. “We have Killian back home.” It was Killian’s turn to blush and Emma smirked.
“Exactly,” Shakespeare continued. “We’ll celebrate Killian’s return and the two of you. The crew will love it!”
It was surprising to see the interactions between Nemo and Shakespeare. For all that he had heard about the man, he had never thought he would be such an enthusiastic character. The way Shakespeare brought out Nemo’s more animated, lively side while Nemo made sure Shakespeare’s feet didn’t fly too high from the ground. 
Nothing made him happier than to see his captain happy.
“I do like parties.” Henry grinned.
“That’s a boy.” Shakespeare returned the smile with a ruffling of his hair. “Alright, you three go have some father-son bonding getting this ship sailing while Emma and I go have some fun of our own.”
“Really, it’s okay,” Emma tried to protest, smiling to disguise the panic in her eyes.
“Trust me, dear.” He wrapped his arm around Emma’s shoulder while his other hand fingered the fabric of her sleeve. “A princess deserves more than cotton and I haven’t had the chance to tailor a dress in a long time.” His voice was soft despite his enthusiasm and Killian saw Emma soften under it. “I can only make so many sailor outfits, you know?” 
Emma laughed. “You know how to make clothes?”
He nodded. “My mother taught me to sew and I enjoy making people look pretty.” Shakespeare gestured with his head towards Nemo who preened slightly under his gaze.
“Yes, most of our money goes into luxurious fabrics he finds in the markets,” Nemo interjected, receiving a stuck out tongue from his partner. Killian laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.
“Alright,” Emma smiled. “I trust you.”
“You won’t regret it, I promise.” Shakespeare smiled before walking with her towards the door. “Have fun, boys!”
“Alberic, this is your ship!” Nemo half-protested, his amused smile and excitement over spending time with Killian and Henry overwhelming his tone.
“But it’s your crew!” With a dazzling smile, Shakespeare and Emma were gone.
“He’s fun, I like him!” Henry laughed.
“Evidently, so do I.” Nemo shook his head with a smile as he held up his ring finger that was adorned with a silver band, his only piece of jewelry.
It turns out that you can take the man off of the ship but you can’t take the ship out of the man. Helping Nemo and the crew get ready for take-off felt like no time had passed. The feel of the ropes in his hand, the shouts of orders, the sounds of rushed steps across the deck was wonderfully familiar. 
For a moment, he felt like he was that kid again.
But he wasn’t.
Now, he had to accommodate for his hook. Even if, after a decade, he was proficient at wielding it. Now, he didn’t have so much difficulty pulling on ropes, having grown into his muscles. Now, he was taller. Now, he had Henry.
He could see the boy’s bright eyes from where he stood at the rigging. How he sat away from the action, as instructed, able to see everything and everyone. He could feel his desperate need to be involved, to help, to participate. And so could Nemo.
With a questioning glance towards his captain and a returned nod and smile, Killian called Henry to where he stood, stiff rope in his hand.
“Care to give me a hand, my boy?”
Henry’s smile was dazzling, too excited to help to comment on Killian’s poor joke. “Yes!”
“Stand in front of me and hold the rope,” Killian instructed, making space for the boy. “With both hands.”
He was able to see the boy’s concentrated brow before his back was turned. “As soon as the first mate calls for it, we need to pull with all our strength.” He smiled and kept a tight grip on the rope to help the boy as Henry shifted on his feet. “You got it?”
“Aye, aye.” Killian’s smile widened.
Across the deck, he found Nemo’s eye. There was fondness in his smile, a pride Killian shared. This must have been how he felt all those years ago. 
He was happy to be aboard the ship again, to be with Nemo again but to have Henry and Emma with him felt like a dream come true. Felt like a family.
The first mate gave the order and, even before Killian began, Henry was already pulling on the rope with all his might. Killian grinned at the boy’s concentration and eagerness and began pulling the rope in tandem.
They helped the crew take the ship to the skies together. Killian relished Henry’s starstruck expression - the brightness of his eyes, his dazzled smile. That’s likely how he had looked himself the first time he watched the ship set sail. 
It filled his heart to the brim to be able to share this with Henry. Especially when the setting sun reflected in the boy’s face as he leaned against him in contentment.
“Nothing like watching the sun set high above the clouds, don’t you think, my boy?”
“I could stay up here forever,” Henry sighed.
“Me too.” 
“Fantastic work, my boys.” Nemo approached them with a wide smile, placing both his hands on each of their shoulders.
A surge of contentment filled his chest, his heart feeling fuller than ever. He felt Henry’s heart beat steadily under his hand and the warmth of Nemo’s hand on his shoulder. Killian took a deep contented breath.
“You two should go get ready for the celebration,” Nemo spoke calmly, not wanting to disrupt the moment too much. “I’m sure Alberic will want to start everything promptly.”
“Aye, we should go.” Killian nodded and he began to remove his hand from Henry’s chest only to be stopped by the boy’s hand on his wrist.
“Just a little longer, please.” 
His voice was quiet and he hadn’t taken his eyes from the sky. Killian felt the happiness in it and in his touch, of wanting to keep this moment going for a few moments more. It didn’t take much convincing for both men to acquiesce to his request. They were content.
He wondered if Shakespeare did it on purpose. 
Killian decided he didn’t care if he did.
After a bath, Killian and Henry stood in front of a large mirror fixing their outfits. Their outfits were made from the same soft fabric, the same deep blue color and style.
However, where Henry’s was looser, more conducive to a young boy’s excited movements, Killian’s was fitted, contouring the shape of his body. He had to commend the Captain’s talent.
“We look rather dashing, don’t we?” Killian grinned as he looked at Henry in the mirror.
Henry matched his grin. “And ready for a pirate party.” 
They shared a laugh. From the main deck, they heard the lively jaunt of music and Killian looked down to see Henry’s excited grin. 
With practiced efficiency, he used his hand to style the boy’s hair in a similar way to his, letting his hand move down to caress the boy’s cheek. Killian looked up to see Henry watching him with something bright behind his eyes.
“What is it, lad?”
Henry thinned his lips and he finally understood that it had been his unshed tears that brightened his eyes. The boy shook his head as a watery smile spread on his lips. Killian kneeled in front of him, keeping his hand on his cheek.
“What is it?”
“Nothing.” Henry’s voice was wobbly with emotion. “I’m just happy.”
Killian’s smile matched the boy’s as his hand rested on the side of his neck. “Me too, lad.”
Without warning but not unwelcome, Henry wrapped his arms tight around Killian’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, my boy,” Killian whispered, his hand moving up and down on the boy’s back, even as his eyes grew watery themselves.
It was a few minutes before Henry’s breathing relaxed, his small body releasing the tension, but Killian continued to reassure him. He let the boy be the one to break the emotional hug, but he still kept himself in the space of Killian’s embrace.
“I’m so happy I found you,” Henry whispered, his bright eyes on Killian’s, full of so much love. “I never thought I’d have a family, someone to love me. But then I found you and Emma and I’m just…happy.”
Henry sighed with his whole body, a contented breath and Killian smiled, his own emotions threatening to burst out. 
“I know how you feel, my boy. I really do.” 
Killian’s soft smile was met by a similar one from Henry before the boy wrapped his arms around him once more. His hand was on the boy’s head and he felt him hide his face on Killian’s neck.
A knock on the door broke the moment. “Are you two ready?” Nemo asked as he popped his head inside the room, only to frown at the reddened faces of the two inside the room.
“Aye, we’re ready, right?” Killian asked, clearing his throat at the raspy tone of his voice.
Henry nodded, using his hand to wipe at the tear tracks on his cheek.
Nemo’s smile turned knowing as he entered the room and handed the boy a handkerchief. “Come on, the party isn’t the same without you two.”
“Yeah.” Henry nodded once more, taking a deep breath to settle himself as he used the cloth he was handed. “We have to go to the party!” His bubbling excitement under the strong emotions was obvious and the men chuckled as they all left the room.
“Why do I have to wait?” They heard Emma’s voice from behind a door to their right, stopping them in the corridor. Killian recognised it as the door to the study. “They are all up on the deck already and I’ve been here for hours.”
Killian shared an amused glance with Henry at Emma’s impatience as they approached the door.
“My creation is a wonder and deserves to be appreciated by all.” Shakespeare’s voice was calming but even they knew it wouldn’t work. “Besides, a princess always has to be escorted to any event, even if it is aboard a flying ship.”
Killian and Henry shared a wince under Nemo’s confused gaze.
“Right, well, I’m not really a princess, Captain, so I can very well escort myself above deck.” Emma’s frustrated voice preceded an abrupt opening of the door.
Without time to react, they all stilled as Emma, in a whirl of red fabric, stomped out of the room running directly into Killian. He wrapped his arms around her in an effort to stabilize her and felt her hands on his chest doing the same. 
Her hair was pulled up, exposing her long neck. Her lips were painted red to match the color of her dress, her wide green eyes were bright. The fabric was soft under his palm. It covered her arms but left her collarbones exposed. Despite its bright color and tight corset, it fell lightly down her body, a comfortable dress yet elegant.
She was beautiful, utterly breathtaking, and the dress only enhanced her beauty.
“Uhm, hi,” he stuttered out and appreciated her similar flustered expression. 
Snickering from next to him made him aware of his surroundings, making him realize that they had been staring at each other far longer than normal people should.
“Another successful mission, wouldn’t you say?” Shakespeare grinned from his place inside the room Emma had just burst out of.
“Aye, you look…” Killian began, trying to force his brain to think of actual words.
Nemo, Shakespeare and Henry’s suggestions broke the spell between them, making them look away from each other, releasing each other from the sudden embrace. Instantly, he missed the warmth of her hands on his chest.
“Aye.” Killian cleared his throat, hoping the darkened corridor hid his reddened cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Hmm, thanks.” Emma looked away as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
The mutter from behind Emma had him look up at their companions. They all shared amused, knowing expressions even though Shakespeare’s sported a hint of disappointment.
“Well, if you were looking for an escort,” Nemo said, thankfully breaking the silence and Killian’s embarrassment, “you have two wonderful gentlemen to choose from,” he continued, placing his hands on Henry and Killian’s shoulders. Killian couldn’t help but tense up.
Emma looked up at Killian with wide eyes and mouth, before shaking her head and looking at Nemo. “I don’t know if you heard but I was very much against having to be escorted anywhere. I’m a princess only by blood, not in practice. I’m very capable of walking myself.”
“Believe me, dear,” Shakespeare interjected. “No one thinks otherwise. But I did make your outfit to match with the boys’...”
Emma sighed, her shoulders dropping. “Fine.” She turned towards Henry, holding out her hand. “What do you say, kid?” 
Henry looked between Emma’s pleading eyes and Killian’s disappointed ones before holding his hands behind his back. “Well, I already did that in Misthaven so maybe Killian can do it this time, right? Yeah, see you above deck.”
Without warning, Henry dashed up the stairs under his companions’ shocked looks. Shakespeare tried and failed to contain his laughter behind his hand, and Nemo was also losing his composure behind him.
Nemo’s hand tightened on Killian’s shoulder and he took a deep breath. “I’ve been told I’m not a terrible second choice. What do you say, love?”
He held out his hand towards Emma and couldn't help his pleading eyes. Her eyes found his, the fear in them trying to overwhelm the hope. She took a deep centering breath and took his hand, nodding her head.
His smile bloomed across his face as he guided her towards the stairs, under the amused eyes of the captains. “Surely, I was better than that, right?”
“Of course, dear,” Shakespeare reassured Nemo with a smirk. “Of course.”
Killian climbed up the stairs to the main deck with Emma by his side. He couldn’t take his eyes off her - the way she held his hand, the way she focused on the steps, the way she looked even more beautiful under the lantern light.
He felt more than saw the way the whole crew turned to look at them. He could feel Henry’s excited energy from across the ship. He felt the happiness filling the deck. Emma’s discomfort at being the center of everyone’s focus was palpable.
Killian tightened his hold on her hand, her eyes immediately finding his. He saw the anxiety in her eyes, the plea for help she wouldn’t speak aloud. He smiled in reassurance.
“I thought this was a party, lads!” Killian called out towards the quiet crowd.
That seemed to break the stares as some of the crew laughed and the others urged the music to restart. Killian winked at Emma, turning her thankful smile into an eye roll.
“The Captain really outdid himself,” Starkey commented, bringing their attention to him.
“I’d say it’s all about who wears it,” Killian agreed, looking at Emma to see her beguiling red cheeks.
“No, the Captain does know his craft,” Emma tried to argue.
“Be that as it may,” Starkey continued with a conspiratorial smile, “the men are eager to fill out your dancing card.” The two of them glanced around to see some of the crew still chancing glances at the princess. “They are not bad,” he quickly reassured them at Emma’s panicked look. “Just terribly uncoordinated and not the most charming bunch.”
Emma’s shoulders dropped in relief as she chuckled. 
“Yes, they are nothing like our Killian here.” 
Killian startled at his words and at the pointedly rough nudge from the older man. Starkey’s eyebrows rose and fell as he not-so-subtly gestured towards Emma with his head. When Killian turned to her, her smile was amused, even if nervous, too.
“Right, uhm, aye, I can-”
“Shut up and dance with me, Jones.” 
Her grin widened, his nerves enough to calm hers. Killian returned the smile as his nerves calmed, as well. With a short bow, he did as he was told and pulled her to the middle of the deck, his hand moving to her waist and his hook holding her hand.
“That’s a lass.” 
For the first time in weeks, he was able to ignore everything else except for the blonde in his arms. He ignored the looks, the chatter, anything that wasn’t her and the music.
They were safe. They were together. 
As he led her around the deck - in between and around the celebrating sailors who had decided to join them - Killian couldn’t help but remember the last time they danced. His hand tightened on her waist, pulling her closer, hoping to keep her in his arms as long as he possibly could.
Her face was calm, her cheeks keeping their reddish hue, her lips curled into an easy smile, her hand laid comfortably on his hook. The fruity scent of her hair filled his nose. Her other hand moved up to the nape of his neck, her fingers ghosting the tips of his hair. His heart beat loudly against his chest.
His eyes hadn’t left her face when she looked up at him. His movements slowed as their eyes locked, not really dancing anymore, just moving in time.
“I’m sorry.”
Killian frowned at Emma’s whisper. “What for?”
“For lying.” He kept quiet as she took a deep breath, giving her time to gather her thoughts. “In Misthaven, when we danced, when you… when I said that-”
With his heart threatening to beat out of his chest, Killian interrupted. “When you said that our kiss meant nothing.”
Her eyes widened as her gaze locked with his once more. She nodded. “It wasn’t nothing, I lied.” Her grip tightened on his hook and shoulder, and his hand tightened on her waist in response. “I lied because I was scared, because it did mean something.”
Killian didn’t dare to say another word, his emotions doing their own jaunty jig in his chest. 
“I won my battle against Regina because of you, because of Henry and when I left that room, all I could think about was finding you two.” Her voice was quiet, her eyes bright. “And when I did, when I saw you two alive, safe, I kissed you because…well, because I couldn’t find a reason not to.”
“Why were you scared?” His voice matched hers.
“Because you scare me, Killian. Because you make me feel things I have never felt before. Because you almost died, because Henry almost died. Because I thought I had lost my chance to tell you the truth.”
“So you can only admit how you feel when one of us is facing certain death?”
Her laugh was self-deprecating and he couldn't help but join. “I think…I’ve had to protect myself for so long - for all my life - that I forget I don’t need it around you, around either of you.”
They had given up on dancing. They had tuned out the music, the laughter, anything else that wasn’t the two of them. This was it. This was the moment he had hoped for since they had left Arendelle, since he confessed his feelings for her.
The sound of two bottles clinking against each other broke through their bubble. “A toast,” a crew member announced.
He heard her disappointed sigh at the same time he expelled his. It was cold when she left his hold, her place standing next to him too far away. Everyone on the main deck turned their attention to a young crewmate standing on a wooden crate.
“A toast to the Caspartine!”
There were cheers and raised tankards.
“A toast to the Nautilus!” Another crewmate called from the other side of the ship receiving the same loud cheers.
“Why did they call two different ships?” Henry’s voice had them turning to find the boy next to them.
“Ah,” Killian cleared his throat, remembering his Captain’s answer to the same question from him years before. “Well, Caspartine is the name of the ship, it was Shakespeare’s ship. The Nautilus was Nemo’s vessel. When Shakespeare disappeared, Nemo gave up his ship to keep this one.”
There was a fond smile on Emma’s lips, a similar reaction to the one he had had.
“Why did he give up his ship?”
“He told me this ship had always felt like home to them. It was where they planned to spend their future together,” Killian said, smiling. “He told me that when he got Shakespeare back, he would want him to have the future they planned, no more waiting.”
Killian felt a spark at his side, the outward expression of Emma’s matching emotions, he suspected. He hoped she would agree - no more waiting.
“Wow.” The two adults turned to see Henry’s awestruck expression, sharing an amused glance. “That’s awesome.”
They chuckled and Henry turned to them with rosy cheeks, joining them in their laughter. The cheers finished and the music turned lively, a fast-paced dance. Killian saw Henry’s face light up, his eyes bright as he watched the sailors begin a bouncy dance.
“You can go dance, lad.”
“Hmm,” Henry’s wide eyes and wringing hands showed his nerves. “I don’t know…”
“I can dance with you, if you want.”
Both Henry and Killian turned to Emma at her suggestion. Henry’s eyes were full of excitement, of enthusiasm, clearly having had hoped for this outcome. Killian’s were full of concern, of fear that she was trying to escape their interrupted conversation, of having to take too many steps back after having trekked this far.
“Will you?” 
“Of course!”
“Yes, let’s go!” Henry grabbed her hand and began to pull her towards the middle of the deck.
“Emma…” Killian tried to call, to stop her just for a moment.
She turned back to him and smiled - an open, reassuring smile. He took a deep breath. It wasn’t over, they would have their chance. He just needed to be patient. He nodded.
The night’s celebration was dying down. After that first dance with Henry, the boy ended up convincing her to share a few more dances with him. Once he was done, there was no time to save her from dancing with an happily drunk Starkey, who twirled her around the deck faster than a man of his age should be able to.
Killian waited, joining the crew in a few dances, watching Emma dance, watching Henry have fun, watching Nemo finally join in the merriment - he was quite the talented dancer. 
He waited as he divided his time between watching the crew and the dark sky. He waited as the large crew slowly dwindled in number, returning to their bunks to rest for the next day. He waited as a lone fiddle played the last song of the night.
He waited as he watched Emma and Henry dance the last dance, Nemo and Shakespeare joining them. He waited as he strived to memorize that moment, how it felt to have his family around him again. How it felt to feel happy, content.
He waited as they finished their dance, Henry holding Emma back for a moment. He watched as she kneeled in front of him, as he spoke to her, as their eyes sparkled in the dim light. As they came together in a tight embrace, the boy’s face hid in her neck. He imagined Henry had expressed the same feelings he had to Killian at the beginning of the night. He waited as they took control of their emotions together, Emma cleaning their tears with her sleeves.
His waiting ended as Henry joined Nemo and Shakespeare, where they would continue teaching him about the ship and as Emma finally joined him by the railing.
“You’d never think that he escaped death this morning.” Her voice was heavy, emotional.
“He’s a resilient lad.” With a careful hand, Killian wiped away a stray tear, leading Emma to turn her bright green eyes towards him. “He’s learned from the best.” 
“I was so scared,” Emma sighed, leaning her elbows on the railing to copy Killian’s posture. “He is always so full of life and then he was just…not.”
He placed his hand over hers, her hand turning to interlock their fingers. Despite his initial surprise, he moved his thumb to caress hers.
“He’s alright now, we saved him. Look at him, he’s alive.” His voice was quiet and he heard her sigh as she turned to look at Henry excitedly talking to the captains.
“I still… I can’t believe how that boy can have so much hope, so much belief.”
“You could say it’s his super power.” 
Emma laughed in surprise, inching closer to him.
“You know, he thanked me…he thanked me for loving him, for saving him.” She shook her head, a disbelieving smile on her lips. “Like I could have done anything else.”
“He doesn’t understand, what he gave us in return - the love, the belief he has in us - we’re just giving it back.”
“He gave us a family,” Emma agreed and he turned to her, his eyes finding hers. “He gave us each other.”
Her eyes were open - no fear, no panic, just belief and hope. His heart beat faster.
“Emma-” He stopped himself at the clenching of her hand on his, her eyes begging for him to let her speak first.
“We don’t know what’s going to happen next,” Emma took a deep breath, completely turning towards him, their hands still holding each other in a tight grip. “But I know that, with all that we’ve been through, we can get through anything together.”
He mimicked her posture. “I believe in us, Emma.”
“I do, too.” Her hand rested against his cheek, his eyes closing in response. “Thank you for waiting for me.”
Killian opened his mouth to tell her, tell her that she didn’t need to thank him, that he’d wait for her until the end of time itself. But Emma didn’t let him. 
Her lips touched his in a soft, careful kiss. His left arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss, unwilling to lose the feel of her lips against his. Her body relaxed against his, her hands on his chest. 
Killian slanted his mouth across Emma’s, her quiet moan quickening the pace of his heart. A spark where her hand found the skin of his neck again caused him to gasp.
“I’m sorry…” She murmured close to his lips, her hand beginning to retreat from its place.
With his hook, he stopped her, instructing her to place her hand once more against his neck. He shook his head, his eyes still closed, his voice a mumble. “No, it’s fine.”
Killian smirked at the breathlessness of her voice, knowing that it matched his. “Aye, I like it.”
He took pride in turning her wide smile into a moan with a kiss, his arm wrapping around her once more, pulling her closer against him. 
Henry’s quiet exclamation grabbed Nemo’s attention. Noticing that his focus was across the deck, he followed his gaze to find Emma and Killian sharing a passionate kiss.
Henry flushed and cut his eyes to Nemo who looked on amusedly. “They’re not really subtle...”
“You’re a clever lad.” 
Henry’s chest puffed up at the praise and Nemo laughed, his hand settling on the boy’s shoulder where he stands with his hands on the helm.
“I’m glad to see Killian so happy,” Nemo sighed, sparing a quick glance to the distracted couple. “I have you two to thank for it.”
“No,” Henry smiled, looking up at the captain. “He just needed the right push.”
Nemo laughed again. “You’re quite right, my boy. Nevertheless, thank you for staying by his side.” He took a deep breath. “I had hoped he would find a way back again to the boy I once knew and seeing him with the two of you… I was right to hope.”
“You really love him, don’t you?” Nemo turned startled to Henry. The boy nodded with a knowing smile on his face. “He loves you, too.”
“He’s the son I never had.” 
Henry frowned looking out at the sky. Curious, Nemo stayed silent, giving him time. It wasn’t long before the boy turned back to him.
“So, are you like my grandfather?”
Nemo didn’t know whether to be shocked at the matter-of-fact way Henry asked his question or happy to know that the boy felt so strongly for Killian, in a way he knew Killian reciprocated. Happiness won. To Henry, it was natural to think that way, to feel that way.
“I suppose I am.”
Nemo returned Henry’s wide smile, his heart feeling as full as the day Killian accepted his care, the day he opened up to him. Suddenly, the boy’s eyes widened.
“Wait, does that mean I have another pair of grandparents?”
Nemo frowned, looking out at the couple now, no longer kissing, but keeping minimal space between them. “You mean, Emma’s parents?”
“Yeah…” His voice was breathless, his eyes bright with wonder.
“Is that alright, lad?” 
“Yeah, I just…My parents were gone before I even knew them really. I’ve always been alone, and now..”
Nemo smiled, kneeling in front of the boy, his hands on his arms. “And now you have more family than you know what to do with.”
“Yeah…” Henry sighed. “It’s exciting but scary. I don’t want to lose them…”
“You won’t, my boy. You know, you never really lose anyone.” Nemo placed his hand over Henry’s heart, feeling the strong beat of a patchwork heart. “They will always stay right here, with you.”
Nemo watched as the panic and fear was swallowed by the hope, love and belief in the boy’s eyes, as a small smile stretched his lips. Henry wrapped his arms around the captain’s neck in a tight hug. Nemo returned it, just as tightly. 
“Thank you,” Henry whispered.
“No,” Nemo murmured, “thank you, my boy.”
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Shakespeare said with a smile, placing his hand on the unmanned helm. “But I believe it’s approaching bed time.” 
“Oh,” Nemo looked up at his partner before checking his pocket watch. “You’re right. It’s been a long day.”
“But I’m not tired.” Henry frowned, even as he leaned more firmly against Nemo.
The captains shared an amused smile.
“I believe we can work out a deal.” Henry turned to look at Nemo with an intrigued expression. “If you go to bed now, I’m sure your grandfather has a great amount of stories he could tell you.”
While Henry’s look was one of excitement and eagerness, Shakespeare looked at Nemo with shock and hope. Just as Nemo had told Killian all about Alberic and their relationship, he had also told his husband how he felt about the boy he rescued from a shipwreck. He assumed Alberic had the same thoughts he had had before.
“Will you?” Henry grinned, excitedly as he held on to Shakespeare’s hand.
A wide smile stretched across his face. “It would be my honor, my boy.” 
Nemo stood to hold onto the handles of the wheel. Henry turned to smile at him. “Goodnight, granddad.”
He couldn’t help but return the smile. “Goodnight, my boy.”
Nemo turned back towards the bow of the ship, unable to dim his smile. From where he stood, he could see Killian and Emma now sitting on the deck, his coat around her shoulders, her head on his chest. They held hands over Killian’s thigh, and their smiles were content. 
Later, when his own bed time approached and Nemo left the helm to his first mate, he could still see them sitting even closer together. Emma’s eyes were closed, her chest rising and falling calmly. Nemo approached them with a warm throw in his hand.
“Don’t stay here too long, lad,” he said with a quiet voice. 
Killian turned calmly towards him, trying not to disturb Emma’s sleep. “We won’t.”
Nemo smiled, happy to see the calm, content smile on his face. “I’m happy for you, Killian.” 
Killian flushed at the sentiment and nodded, thankful. Nemo placed the blanket over them. With a last touch to Killian’s shoulder, he retreated to his chambers.
The moon was bright and high in the sky and Killian should really have been going to bed, the day’s high emotions finally settling. But he couldn’t bring himself to move. 
Emma’s head was cushioned on his chest and her hold on his hand, while loose, was unmoving. Her breathing was relaxed and ruffled the exposed hairs of his chest. With his face so close to her hair, the smell of citrus filled his nose. Her face was pure peace.
He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. And he really didn’t want to.
Killian was secure enough in Henry’s safety aboard to be able to relax, to delegate his duties to someone else, someone he trusted. There was no one he trusted more than Nemo.
He barely felt the cold of the high altitude, already used to it and with a metaphorical fire burning wherever her body touched his. It felt like a dream, to have kissed Emma, to have been kissed by her, to be so close to her, to have her trust him completely. He couldn’t help but fear that it would all disappear if he closed his eyes for more than a second.
Emma’s body shivered, then she woke up with a gasp. He noticed the tension in her body for a second before she relaxed. He waited silently as she took her time to look up at him. For a moment, he worried she’d regret their kiss, that she’d regret them.
But then she smiled. 
A small smile, just an uptick of the corner of her lips. There was peace in her eyes, joy, and trust. He let out the breath he had been holding, his lips curving with hers.
“Did everyone go to sleep?” Her voice was quiet, tired, still half asleep.
“Aye,” he nodded. “It's just us and the night crew.” He smiled teasingly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Emma blushed, her face looking even more beautiful than he thought possible.
“Well, I had been telling you the brave tale of when I captured my first Kraken, so you should be sorry.” He made his best attempt at lying, trying to control the widening smirk on his face from taking over.
The glint in her eyes told him she knew exactly what he was trying to do but also that she was willing to play along. “Oh yeah? How can I ever make it up to you?”
He could play this game all night long but any moment that he spent not kissing her, felt like a wasted moment. “You can kiss me.”
Killian saw the moment his words and his breathy tone registered and watched as her lips parted and heard her sharp intake of breath. His eyes couldn’t leave her lips as she ran her tongue across her bottom lip. “If I must…” 
Her arms over his shoulders, he closed the space between them, capturing her mouth with his. It felt as if it had been a year since he had last kissed her and not an hour. His left arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her as close as possible, while he buried his now free hand in her soft blonde locks.
The limited space and the curious eyes on the deck prevented him from taking this as far as he wished, as he could tell she wanted to as well. Her thigh found space between his legs, her skin warm even under the thick skirt. The moan she let out against his lips stopped him from feeling the cold altogether, his whole body burning up.
“Perhaps,” he spoke against her lips, “we should move this downstairs…”
She hummed against his lips, the delightful vibration making him pull her back for another thorough kiss where he mapped every inch of her mouth and recorded every sound she made.
“Where- Hmm, where are you going to sleep?” 
“I used to sleep in the piano room.” He made a conscious effort to give their faces a few inches of space, lest he get distracted again, his lips curving in a smirk. “I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed with you again.”  
His body thrummed with excitement as he watched her smile longingly, her mind clearly going to the same soft bed in a cozy seaside home, on the feel of her body next to his. 
“I promise not to run this time.” Despite her amusement, he could see the shame she was trying to hide, the worry at her many attempts of pushing away her feelings for him.
He cupped her cheek and she involuntarily leaned into his touch, filling him with delight. His eyes were focused on hers, though, making sure she registered his sincere words.
“I knew you weren’t ready, love.” Her eyes wandered down for a second then came back to his after he brushed the apple of her cheek with his thumb. “I waited for you and I would have waited as long as it took because you are worth it.”
Her eyes shone in the moonlight at his words, at the truth behind it. He knew that her past never let her believe him before, but he vowed now to repeat it to her until she did, even after that. Her arms still around his neck pulled him closer, her lips pressing against his in a soft, chaste kiss but one that was a testament to her care, her trust, her hope.
“Take me to bed?” 
Her soft request made him smile wide, her lips curving in response. There was no doubt, no fear, nothing but happiness in their eyes. There was nothing he wanted more.
“Of course, m’lady.” 
Killian stood to hold out a hand for her as she smiled exasperatedly at him, rolling her eyes as she took it. He took deep pleasure in pulling her up against him, his jacket falling to the deck floor. Her cheeks reddened as she lightly smacked his chest.
“I’d have thought Nemo taught you some manners.” Her tone was teasing and he grinned widely.
“Of course.” He rushed to pick up the jacket to place it around her shoulders once more before holding out his arm for her to take. “He taught me to be a perfect gentleman.”
Emma grinned as she took his arm, both of them making their way to the door leading below deck, after wishing the amused crew a good night. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
It would take them three days to reach Avalon, according to Nemo. And, despite the mission they needed to complete, Killian was tempted to delay their arrival, if only for another day.
Truth was, their time aboard the ship was like a dream. Henry was safe from Pan, Killian had been reunited with Nemo, and Shakespeare proved to be a seamless addition to life aboard the Caspartine. The fact that he and Emma were rarely apart had definitely made a good situation even better.
Emma’s hand would occasionally slip into his when they would stand above deck. He’d feel her lips against his cheek or his own lips whenever she fancied, feel her body so close to his not even a breeze could pass between them. It felt like a dream, a fantasy made reality.
Henry had taken the whole situation in stride. He moved around the ship like a seasoned sailor, helped with any and all chores and slept like a rock through the night. He refused to take longer than however long it took to inhale his meals before rushing back onto the busy deck. It was commonplace to hear him talk or laugh around the deck but all they saw was a blur.
The boy would follow Nemo’s every word, every order, every instruction like the man hung the moon - just as Killian had, when he was around Henry’s age. So, it came as both a shock but also inevitable, when, out of nowhere, they heard Henry refer to Nemo as his “granddad”.
Killian’s hands stilled on the rope he had been pulling while, behind him, Emma dropped a thankfully empty bucket on the wood of the deck. They shared a surprised look, his eyebrows reaching his hairline. 
They watched as Henry and Nemo continued their conversation as if nothing had happened, like two peas in a pod and Killian’s eyebrows relaxed. He recognised the expression of happiness, of trust, of love in Henry’s face. He remembered how badly he had wanted to call Nemo “father” but had never felt confident enough to do so. Henry didn’t have that problem.
The boy loved and showed his love with abandon. Something Killian had never been able to do. 
He wondered then if his familial treatment of the captain meant that he also treated Killian the same way. If, in fact, Henry considered them his surrogate family. The same way he thought of Henry like his child.
Emma’s soft gaze at the two figures by the helm made him think that she might be thinking the same thing. Despite their rough start, it was unquestionable that Emma felt strongly for Henry, that she loved him. As if half of each their hearts didn’t now beat steadily in Henry’s chest, as if they couldn’t feel the love the boy felt echoed in their chests.
Killian’s eyes found Nemo’s. He saw love and happiness there, a content man. He remembered the way his eyes would shine when Killian completed a task successfully, the way he would smile and laugh, the way his hand felt on his shoulder. He saw the same thing now, directed at Henry. 
“As usual,” Killian said, catching Emma’s attention. “The lad takes to it like a swan to water.”
It took a second for her to react to his weak joke but her expression still softened, a smile curving her lips, before rolling her eyes at him, shoving him lightly with her free hand. His laugh must have reached the boy, since not even a full minute later, Henry appeared in front of them, ready to help and prepared to fill any and all silence.
There was an odd silence aboard the Caspartine after Nemo announced that they should reach the island in a couple of hours.
The sun was beginning to sink toward the horizon line, the golden light bathing the ship as the sky turned orange. The sky was clear and, when Killian looked over the railing, he could see the light reflecting on the waves.
He heard Nemo’s approaching steps before he felt the man’s hand on his shoulder. They both stood in silence for a few seconds, watching the sun’s slow descent.
“I’m very proud of you, my boy.”
Killian had to take a deep breath before he could find his voice. “I never thought I’d feel this happy again.” 
“I know how you feel,” Nemo nodded, his hands joining behind his back as they stood side by side. “I never thought this ship would feel like a complete home again.”
“A bigger family too,” Killian teased and relished Nemo’s laugh.
“That was definitely a surprise. But a fantastic one.”
“Oh, yes, ‘granddad’. I can see that.”
Nemo’s laugh turned soft, a smile so wide in his face that Killian wondered if it might hurt. Although, he knew by experience, it didn’t.
“Henry is a very special boy.”
“Aye,” Killian nodded with a wistful sigh. “I wish we could stay here for just another day. Maybe two.”
Nemo’s smile was understanding, compassionate. “If it was up to me, we would stay up here for the rest of our time, lad, but-”
“I know,” Killian interrupted, raising his hand. “I know that it’s his destiny, that he needs to learn and to be protected, but- but I don’t want to lose him now, not when…” He took a deep breath, acutely aware of his trembling voice. “Not when we have just become a family.”
The weight of Nemo’s hand on his back is a welcome comfort. He wasn’t grieving alone, not like when he lost Liam and Milah. As much as Nemo was a helpful rock by his side during that time, he didn’t know them, he didn’t love them. This time, there was a whole crew of people who would know how he feels.
“You’ll still be a family even if he has to go,” Nemo spoke softly after a moment, giving Killian time to absorb his words. “Nothing can take that away from you. Just like you never stopped loving your brother, you will never stop loving Henry.” Killian nodded, the cold air on his tear tracks stinging his cheeks. “I mean, he quite literally has your heart.”
Killian released a surprised watery chuckle, cleaning the tears from his cheeks. “I don’t know if I said it before, but I’m really glad you found me.”
“Always, lad.”
Nemo kept his hand on his back as Killian finally allowed himself to feel the impending loss, to bring his breathing under control. He focused on the warmth of the sun on his face, the wind in his hair, the rough wood on his palm. It felt like home.
Henry’s loud laughter caught their attention and they shared a smile. The boy stood next to Starkey as he and Emma listened to the older sailor’s stories.
“Why don’t you go spend some time with them?”
Killian returned Nemo’s smile, more than happy to follow his captain’s suggestion. 
“Aye, aye, Captain.” They chuckled amusedly.
He took a step towards his companions before stopping to turn back towards the other man. Nemo looked at him with a curious smile.
“Do you think you have a place in your crew for a man who misses sailing and his landlubber partner?”
Nemo’s smile wavered as his eyes water. “My boy, you’ve always had a place on this ship and I’d be honored to have Emma join us.” Killian nodded, hoping to keep his tears at bay but fails when his father wraps him in a tight hug, one he is more than happy to return. “Nothing would make me happier.”
They stayed there for a short moment before Nemo broke the hug to hold on to Killian’s upper arms. “Go spend time with your family, my boy.”
Killian nodded with a watery smile before turning towards the laughing duo and their satisfied company. Henry noticed him approaching first.
“Killian, Killian, Starkey tells the funniest stories!” The boy’s voice was breathless from laughter and he could see the tears in Emma’s eyes.
“Did he tell you the one about the time a swarm of flying fish got stuck above deck and we had to scoop them out?” 
Starkey laughed loudly remembering that tiring day.
“No!” Henry’s eyes were wide and his open mouth was lifted up in shocked laughter.
“It was Killian’s first trip to Glowerhaven,” Starkey began. “One of his first trips as part of the crew.”
“I got slapped by so many fish, it ended up cutting the skin. That’s how I got my scar.” Killian smiled as he pointed to his cheek.
“No way!” Henry exclaimed, approaching Killian’s face to look at the scar, regardless of the fact that he had been looking at his face for almost a month now.
Emma grinned, approaching him. He stood to his full height to turn to her. “I had expected it to have happened because of a swordfight, honestly.”
“Hmm, maybe I should have lied.” 
“No.” Emma’s hand cupped his cheek, her thumb running over the scar in a soft motion. “I prefer the real story.” 
Killian couldn’t help the soft smile, nor the way he couldn’t look away from the expression in her eyes and he especially couldn’t help the way his lips touched hers in a chaste kiss.
“I wonder if they would notice if we left…” Starkey’s voice broke their moment and caused Emma’s to chuckle against his lips, widening his smile.
“Probably not.”
They turned to look at Starkey’s amused expression and Henry’s happy smile. His arm wrapped around Emma’s waist, keeping her close to him, before turning to the two jesters.
“Actually, I came over because I was hoping to steal your two helpers,” Killian told Starkey with a smile. “I wanna watch the sunset with them.” 
Starkey’s smile was soft and he patted Henry’s shoulder. “Of course, my boy, be my guest. I’m sure there are a few blokes around that should be working.”
Killian nodded towards the man with a thankful smile before glancing between his two companions. “What do you say? Care to join me?”
“Absolutely,” Emma answered with a smile and a squeeze to his waist.
“Hmm, I don’t know…” The two adults were surprised at Henry’s response before they noticed his barely restrained grin. “Will you tell me two stories?”
Killian grinned, holding out his free arm. “My boy, I’ll tell you all the stories you want.”
Henry finally gave up the fight against his grin, rushing to wrap his arms around Killian. It was a jumble of arms as they hugged each other but Killian never felt happier.
They settled on the bow, backs to the railing, staying out of the way of the crew. A blanket over their legs afforded them protection from the weather so high up in the sky. Killian sat in the middle this time, Emma settled against his left side with his arm around her while Henry leaned against his right, his hand playing with the fingers of his right hand.
There was silence for a moment as they watched the sky turn red as the sun descended. Killian felt a warmth rising in his chest, a feeling of completion, of being whole. A feeling of love. He heard the pleased sighs of his companions as they all relished that feeling.
“I know I said I wanted a story, but I think I just want this, just us.”
Killian let out a relieved sigh. Despite how much he enjoyed sharing his stories with the boy, he couldn’t think of a single one at the moment. No matter how much they tried to put it out of their heads, they didn’t know what was going to happen next so every moment counted.
“We can just stay like this, together,” Emma agreed.
“I like that.” Killian nodded with a smile.
Despite the noisy crew, the whistling of the wind, and the hard deck, there was something perfect about this moment. He could feel the weight of Emma’s hand on his brace, her head nestled perfectly on his shoulder, her thigh against his. Henry buried his head more firmly against his chest, his body curled up against his. 
They were silent as the sun disappeared over the railing, over the horizon until the sky grew dark. Stars began to shine in the night sky. Cygnus seemed to spread her wings over the ship, flying on top of them in the same direction.
“There she is…” Henry whispered, his head turned to the sky.
Every time he looked up, he remembered the stories, the tales Nemo would tell him. But now, standing on the deck with the stars above him, it all felt more real than ever. He could feel the strain in his neck as he tried to keep an eye on the constellations, Nemo’s hands on his shoulders, the cold wind on his hands as he held the helm, the harmonious sound of his father’s voice. 
He had wanted nothing more than to share that with Henry, with his family. He hoped Henry would remember their moments as fondly as Killian remembered his with Nemo’s. He hoped the boy thought of him as he thought of Nemo - a son, a father.
Much too soon, Shakespeare’s footsteps approached their quiet cocoon. The man crouched in front of them with a small smile and Killian knew what he wanted to tell them. Killian nodded in acknowledgement. 
The captain reached over to run his hand through Henry’s hair. The boy seemed to stir, having nodded off in the quiet. Emma turned her head to the boy and he could see her fond smile.
“Did we arrive?” Henry mumbled.
“Just about,” Shakespeare replied. “We’re preparing to descend.”
The two sailors shared a look and, thankfully, Shakespeare understood his. With a nod, the older captain patted the boy’s leg before returning to the helm where Killian sees Nemo. His face was unreadable but the strained set of his shoulders provided a clue as to his inner turmoil.
“I guess our journey is coming to an end.” Henry’s low tone hurt Killian’s heart and he could tell Emma felt the same, as she took hold of the boy’s hands.
“It’s not over just yet, we’re going with you,” she promised.
The ship trembled beneath them and Killian pulled them closer to him. “You haven’t seen a flying ship land, have you, my boy?” Henry shook his head, his curious eyes shining through the sadness. “You’re in for a treat.” 
Killian’s excited tone seemed to rub off on the boy, his smile lightening his expression. He helped him to stand up before removing the blanket from their legs. Emma looked up at him and he saw in her eyes the same sadness that was in Henry’s and the same one he was trying to push down inside him. He kissed her forehead before standing up, then helping her to stand.
Killian pulled them with him towards the rigging, winding his hook in the ropes and urging Henry and Emma to secure themselves. He placed his free hand on the boy’s shoulder for extra security.
The ship trembled even more beneath them and they relished Henry’s excitement. It was not long until the ship hit the water, a mighty splash covering them. Killian laughed as Emma gasped and Henry giggled. She smacked his arm before joining their laughter.
“That was amazing!” Henry shouted once the anchor had been deployed. Nemo’s grin was instant as he welcomed the child’s spontaneous hug, unbothered by his drenched state. “Where are we going now?” 
“Now, you just have to take a small boat to the island,” Nemo answered, his voice clearly showing his unwillingness to end this journey. They could all relate.
“Are you coming too?”
Nemo looked away as Killian and Emma approached. “It only fits the three of us, lad.” Killian answered. “It’s our journey, remember?”
“Oh, right.” Henry’s shoulders dropped as he looked between the captain and his two companions.
“But we’ll see each other again, my boy. I promise.” Nemo crouched, his eyes shining, his hands on the boy’s shoulders.
Henry didn’t answer, simply wrapping his arms tightly around the captain’s neck - another spontaneous hug that Nemo reciprocated instinctively. Nemo’s eyes closed as his hand cupped the back of the boy’s head. The lump in Killian’s throat gets bigger and he can clearly feel Emma’s tension next to him.
“We’ll go prepare the boat while you say goodbye, lad.” 
Killian didn’t wait for an answer before he pulled Emma towards the starboard railing. Once alone, she turned to wrap her arms tightly around his waist, her head hidden in his neck.
“I know, love, I know…” He rubbed her back comfortingly.
From where they stood, he watched as Henry hugged Shakespeare just as tightly as he hugged Nemo, the captain speaking quietly with the boy. It felt wrong to take the boy away from a family he just gained and the weight in Killian’s chest swirled with anger and sadness. 
Emma took a deep breath before breaking the hug, but she didn’t step away. Her hands cupped his cheeks and she pulled him in for a kiss. Only the feeling of her lips on his filled his mind, everything else was a blur. His hand clenched the material of her coat as he willed the kiss to never end.
But it did and when she looked at him, she smiled. “I know how hard this is for you, too.”
He wondered if she felt his inner turmoil or if she just understood him that well. He wondered if it even mattered. “Thank you, love.” 
Her forehead nudged into his for a moment before Killian took a deep breath. They busied themselves preparing the boat, joining efforts to lower it into the water. Behind them, they heard Henry saying farewell to the crew before joining them.
“Ready, my boy?”
“No,” Henry sighed. “Let’s go.” 
They all shared a thin smile before Emma began descending the ladder, waving towards the captains. As Henry did the same, Killian noticed the way Nemo and Shakespeare stood together, clearly finding support in each other just as he and Emma had. 
With a nod, Killian joined his companions on the boat.
The island was filled with apple trees, red fruits shining in the moonlight across a lush green landscape. They could hear birds and small animals living in peace as they followed the river towards the lake in the center of the island, just as Nemo instructed. Despite the darkness of the night, the flickering lights from fireflies over the water illuminated their path.
They held hands as they walked, Killian in front with Emma drawing up the rear. Despite the peaceful ambiance, he knew Emma held her dagger tightly, just as he was prepared for any trouble with his hook. Even Henry is uncharacteristically quiet.
The peaceful walk and pleasant surroundings gave them a feeling of timelessness - like they’ve walked for days or only minutes at the same time. The moon reflecting on the lake surface was their first clue that they had reached their destination.
Along the shore of the vast lake, beautiful white flowers seemed to glow in the dark giving the landscape an ethereal feel to it. The waters were calm, subtle ripples the only indication that there was life under the surface. 
“Wow…” Henry sighed.
“You can say that again.” 
There was something amusing at the way the three of them shared the same dazed expression. A ripple in the center of the lake caught their attention before a dark head began to rise from the water. On instinct, Killian pulled Henry behind him and Emma, only to realize the boy leaned his head against their arms to peer through them. 
A figure fully emerged from the waters, standing on the surface. Their long dark hair contrasted strikingly with the pure white of their long gown, the wide sleeves concealing their hands, the train floating on the water. Their face was shadowed in the moonlight as they raised their head and began to walk calmly towards them. It had to be the Lady of the Lake.
“Welcome to Avalon.” Her soft, melodic voice rang over the quiet sounds of nature surrounding them, perfectly in tune with them, blending seamlessly. “I have been waiting for you.”
“You’re the Lady of the Lake?” Henry asked, finally pushing his head through the space between their arms.
“I am.” There was a hint of a smile in her voice. “You may call me Nimue.”
Killian took a step forward, keeping his hand on Henry’s chest to keep him in place. He could feel Emma’s gaze on his back even as she stayed with the boy.
“We were told to find you, that you would know how to find Merlin. Is that true?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “I’m grateful that Nemo brought you here. Merlin has been awaiting your arrival.”
“Where is he?” Emma asked, her voice closer to him.
From this close, he could see Nimue’s small smile and the way it didn’t reach her dark eyes. He could see the sadness reflected in them, the heartbreak but also the hope. 
“Merlin went into exile in a pocket dimension when a very powerful enchantress almost succeeded in trapping him,” she explained. “Even after she was defeated, Merlin could still feel the strength of the dark forces of the world. He knew that the Truest Believer would appear and would need his guidance.”
“He knew about me?”
Henry’s question was a distant sound as Killian realized what their next step would be. Nimue nodded, her expression softening as she turned to the boy. 
“Merlin knows all, he is a great sorcerer. He will teach you all he knows.”
“What happens next?” Emma asked, her frown mirroring his conflicting emotions. Her dagger had been sheathed securely back in her belt.
“Come.” Nimue gestured with her hand, summoning the three of them towards the lake’s shore.
Killian and Emma shared a look, halting Henry’s almost immediate steps. Her nod is all he needed for him to walk towards the Lady of the Lake, his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“There is a reason I helped Nemo before he completed his part of our agreement,” Nimue began, the freckles on her cheeks more prominent with their proximity. “I saw his heart. I saw how pure it was and I knew he would help me.”
“You want to see our hearts?” Henry frowned, his small hand covering his chest, the first time the boy expressed anything other than excitement.
“I need to know if you’re pure of heart,” she explained. “I won’t take it from you.” Her tone was calm, reassuring and Killian squeezed the boy’s shoulder.
“I’ll go first,” Emma quickly said, causing the three of them to look at her. Her expression was fierce, a strong desire to protect the boy glinting in her eyes.
“Emma…” He watched as Nimue smiled and nodded. 
She took a step forward, her boots an inch from the water. Nimue raised her hand and Killian had to make a conscious effort to keep his grip on Henry’s shoulder light. They watched as her hand made contact with Emma’s chest, a white light coming from her palm.
He watched as Nimue smiled, a knowing smile, before removing her hand. 
“Thank you.” Nimue nodded before turning to Killian, a questioning look in her eyes.
Killian glanced at Emma, her reassuring smile and accompanying nod the only confirmation he needed to take a similar step forward.
As Nimue approached him, he wondered if all the darkness in his heart would ruin Henry’s chances at safety. His heart pounded in his chest as her hand settled over it. He felt the warmth as the white light appeared again. She smiled again, the same knowing smile, before removing her hand. 
“Are you ready, Henry?” Nimue asked in a soft voice as she looked down at the boy.
He looked nervous, his hand still over his chest, as he looked up between Killian and Emma. 
“My- my heart…” Henry looked back at Nimue as if he was pleading with her to understand.
Killian thought of Henry’s heart, the image of the boy dying on the floor flooding his mind like it had every quiet moment since it happened. He then thought of what they had done.
Turning to Emma, he watched as she bit her lip in concern, the same thoughts clearly running through her brain. Had they ruined Henry’s future? Was the Heart of the Truest Believer gone? Had they failed?
He tried to find some regret but he couldn’t. Seeing Henry lifeless on the floor had been the thing of nightmares. He would have done the same thing again if he had to and he knew Emma felt the same.
“We-” Emma began, stopping when Nimue raised her hand, a kind smile in her face.
They watched as the woman knelt on the water, her gown spreading around her. Her eyes were on the boy, open and soft. “I know.” 
“Y-you do?” Henry asked with a frown, his hand falling to the side.
Nimue nodded. She placed her hand over his chest, her palm lighting up with a golden light, as bright as Henry’s heart had been. Their surroundings silenced in anticipation, the only sound able to be heard was their breathing. Her smile widened as she removed her hand.
“A strong, pure heart. So full of love. More than I’ve ever felt before.” 
Nimue’s voice echoed in the vastness of the lake and the sounds of nature resumed, with a collective exhale. Henry’s smile as he looked up at the two relieved adults was brighter than any moonlight, a smile they were unable to not return. 
Nimue stood effortlessly as she took a few steps back. “I’ll open the door to Merlin, but I’ll give you time to say goodbye.”
Henry’s smile dimmed almost immediately, his eyes panicked as he looked towards Nimue. “Goodbye? Why? Can’t they go with me?”
Nimue held her hands in front of her, a thin smile on her lips. “No, Merlin can only be reached by the Heart of the Truest Believer. Only you can go through.”
“It’s okay, lad,” Killian reassured him, kneeling on the ground. He tried to tame the sadness in his eyes and voice but he knew he was unsuccessful. “You know you have to go.”
“Yeah.” Emma joined him, her voice unashamedly trembling. “This is where we’ve been trying to get to, remember?”
Henry nodded, his eyes shining with tears that he let run down his cheeks. Killian wiped away the tears on his right cheek with a small smile. 
“We’ll see each other again.” His voice shook and he gave up on any attempt at control. “I promise.”
He could feel Henry’s eyes on him before the boy turned to the Lady of the Lake. “How long?”
Her expression was understanding, her voice matching the emotion between the three of them. “I don’t know, Henry,” she answered truthfully.
Henry nodded, deflated, and lowered his head. “I don’t want to go,” he whispered and Killian felt his heart tear in half.
The boy’s arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug, before grabbing onto Emma’s sleeve for her to join. His hand tightened in Emma’s shirt as he heard Henry and Emma’s sobs against each side of his neck, his own tears landing on their hair. He placed his hand on Henry’s head, stroking it reassuringly.
“It’s going to be okay, my boy,” he mumbled, wanting to reassure him but unable to fully believe his words. Nothing that felt this heart-wrenching could be okay.
“Y-you’ll always have a home with us, Henry,” Emma whispered, her lips against the boy’s temple. “Never forget that.” 
Henry nodded as he tried to calm his sobs. “I’ll miss you. I’ll miss my grandparents, I just found you all…” 
“We’ll miss you, too, Henry. So much,” Killian said. What before caused him so much happiness, now was just one more thing that Henry would lose, if only for a moment.
Henry lost the battle against another onslaught of tears and Killian tightened the hug at the same time as Emma tightened her arms around the two of them. Over their heads, Killian looked towards Nimue with a pleading look. She seemed to be wringing her hands under the cover of her long sleeves and her eyes shone brighter than before. Mournfully, she shook her head.
There was nothing they could do.
Attempting to be their anchor, their stable ground, Killian broke the hug when Henry’s sobs calm. His hand moved to the boy’s cheek, wiping away the new tears from both sides. “We believe in you, my boy. You know we do.” His voice still betrayed the tougher demeanor he was trying to portray.
“We’ll be waiting for you, kid,” Emma agreed, her hand gripping the front of Henry’s shirt.
“I wish you could come with me,” Henry whispered, his voice rough from crying.
“We’ll always be with you, right here,” Killian reassured, his hand on the boy’s chest.
Henry nodded, even if it didn't seem enough to him. With a small smile, Emma reached for her neck. “And if you want something more physical…” She pulled the metal chain over her head, the ring swaying in the air. “You should take this.”
Killian’s heart soared at the image of his mother’s ring slipping over Henry’s head once more. The idea that he could provide some protection to his loved ones even when they aren’t beside him made the whole situation slightly better.
Henry let out a watery chuckle as he placed his hand over the ring on his chest. “I’ll protect it with my life.” 
Killian shared the laugh and shook his head. He tapped his hand over Henry’s before placing it back behind the boy’s head. Softly, he pulled Henry to him, his lips landing on the boy’s forehead. “No, my boy, it’s the other way around.”
Henry’s lips trembled before wrapping his arms around Killian’s neck once more. As he looked at Emma with tearful eyes, he watched as confusion melted into recognition. A memory from the beginning of their journey, when a celebration over the defeat of a green-skinned witch was reaching its end.
“Thank you, Killian,” the boy whispered.
His hand went to the back of his head, pulling him closer. “Thank you, my boy.”
After they separated, Henry wasted no time wrapping his arms around Emma’s neck. Her eyes closed as she deposited a long kiss on the boy’s head, her arms tight around him.
“Thank you, Emma,” he whispered again.
Emma laughed tearfully, placing a hard kiss on the boy’s cheek. “Thank you, kid. You’re the best thing that happened to me.”
Henry smiled widely at her even as his cheeks turned red. He held onto their hands. “Even if I’m not with you, I’ll still believe you’ll find your happy endings.”
Killian saw the statement for what it was - a way to change the subject, to give them some hope. Even though he had been their source of hope and belief for the whole journey.
“I’ve found mine,” Killian answered, his hand squeezing Henry’s. “You two are my happy ending.” 
“I don’t believe that,” Emma argued, an amused smile on her face when her two partners looked at her in confusion and worry. “This isn’t an ending. You gave me my life back, my parents, a family,” She looked between them with an adoring look. “This can’t be an ending, happy or not.” 
Henry smiled widely. “It’s a happy beginning then!” 
“I like that.” Killian smiled with them, a loving expression on his face. “A happy beginning.” 
Henry pulled them in for another tight hug, a jumble of limbs wrapped around each other in a giggling mess. Pulling back, Henry kept a tight grip on their clothing, his knuckles white.
“Henry?” Nimue called, the tone of her voice soft, unhurried.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” His confident words contrasted greatly with his unwillingness to let go of his partners, his family.
“We love you, Henry,” Emma said, her fingers pushing back the hair from his face.
“Never doubt that,” Killian agreed, his hand on the boy’s back.
Henry shook his head. “I won’t. I love you guys.” 
Simultaneously, Killian and Emma stood up, Henry holding each of their hands. Their grip was tight as they walked towards the lake’s shore. Nimue smiled at them.
“Thank you for your sacrifice.” She nodded, a reverent bow before she hesitated. “Henry, would you do me a favor?” 
He seemed surprised and so were the two adults. “Of course.” 
“Would you tell him I’m thinking of him?” Her request surprised them further, especially due to the bashful sound of her voice, so different from her normal voice. “I’m sure he knows, but…”
Henry smiled wider. “I’ll tell him.”
“Thank you.” She returned the smile, relieved. “All you need to do is walk through.” 
“Thank you.” The two adults nodded, mirroring Henry’s sentiment.
Nimue began to submerge in the water, a natural slow sinking. As soon as her dark head vanished under the water, a small ripple grew to form a portal in the water.  From the portal, they saw sunlight, a blue sky, and a verdant landscape. A sharp contrast to the dark night of the island.
Henry took a deep breath, preparing himself to take a step towards his destination. Feeling his hesitancy, Killian took the first step towards the water. His boot didn’t break the water’s surface, though, allowing him to walk over it. Emma joined him, wanting to urge Henry to follow them. With a final nod, Henry joined them.
They walked slowly, reluctant to end their time together. As they stood an inch from the portal, they felt the ripples under their boots. Peering over the rim, they saw that the portal led to an island that looked like Avalon would during the day. They were looking out over the same lake, a purple-robbed figure waiting on the shore. The man’s kind smile was visible in the sunlight, his stance patient and inviting.
“This is it,” Henry sighed.
Emma pulled Henry to her, bending to kiss his head one more time. Killian joined them, unable to simply stand and watch. 
“You’ll do amazing things, kid.” 
“Aye, we’ll be waiting for your return.” 
Henry nodded vigorously between them, before taking a settling breath. They mirrored him, needing the strength to go through with this sacrifice. They released the boy from their hug and Henry took a step forward, not yet releasing their hands.
Killian had been separated from his loved ones more times than he ever wished, either by voluntary or involuntary reasons. And yet, he couldn’t help but appreciate this one. While it hurt and would hurt for as long as they weren’t reunited, he knew they someday would be. Henry would come back. Their family would be restored. 
In the meantime, Killian and Emma had each other.
They helped him cross his leg over the portal, his whole body following suit. Their hands were finally released when Henry crossed over, the portal impeding their passage.
“I love you,” Henry called out as he stood on the bright water.
Before they could say anything in return that their boy already knew, the quiet vortex of water closed in front of them, Henry’s saddened and hopeful expression the last thing they saw.
plot twist: i'm a lying liar and you're going to also get an epilogue that i'm going to post very soon! (if you come from ao3 you can probably tell but for my tumblr babies, this is my christmas gift for you!)
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achirding · 1 year
SatBK Scribble Comic: Dada
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Gilly’s first word is also his favorite person! As much fun as he had hanging out with grandma, he’s happy Daddy’s back. (The feeling is mutual, even if Lancelot is more reserved.)
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murdermeadow · 7 months
part three of the post Aionios series :3 ive been having lots of fun with these, hope u guys have too !!
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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kinclaiming the blacksmith’s son from nimue’s village of vyrva
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lake-archive · 5 months
The Depressed Salaryman
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AO3 Link
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Doppo Kannonzaka, Ann Wolff (OC)
Tags: Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Platonic Relationships, Tired Kannonzaka Doppo, Original Character(s), POV Original Character, Major Original Character(s), Talking, First Meetings, Trains, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Doubt, Awkward Conversations, Awkwardness, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited
Summary: It is late when Ann returns home from university. At the train station however they bump into a guy who is just sitting there, in a slump. At first they try not to pay any mind yet hearing how he puts himself down… They decide to approach him in the end.
Words: 1,878
They had not thought that they would be running so late yet there they were, all because they got soaked up in the library and were reading one thing after the other, all for their paper due very soon. The life of a university student, to say the least. But it had also gotten so interesting, all the different perspectives on one literary text, one book — How different people can view the same book so vastly differently… Even different to how they would read it. 
Ah, time could stay still and in their mind it did. And before they knew it, it was already dark outside and Eli was ringing through, asking where they were. That made them leave for the train station, praying that they were late enough to not catch a crowded train. Because if they did, it would be the worst thing. They’d rather arrive late at night than step onto a train squishing one person after the other. And they had not thought too much into this ride back, let alone when arriving at their usual platform… Oh how things would take a turn, one they did not really expect. Then again, who would?
It all had started when they were walking past someone, solely to look for a seat. There was a wide selection, the platform itself devoid of life. Usually there would be so many people chatting with each other, laughing or whispering. It made a loner feel out of place usually, unless used to it. And they were. But having it all quiet was something they preferred to be honest. Having no one around to look at you, no annoying voices going through your ear… It made it peaceful in its own right, especially with a dark sky right above. Only the lights of the train station itself were giving the space its color… Or what little color this train station had. Honestly, when looking closely it was a sad sight, the life it usually had drained but… It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable for them. It was odd to put… Yet that loneliness also meant that voices stuck out if someone decided to talk. And the whispering they had heard were evident about that.
“Ah no… I didn’t finish the papers today… The boss is going to freak out…” They heard the voice whisper, stuttering in between. It sounded panicked, that couldn’t be denied. At first anyone would just shove this aside as the usual worry of a worker maybe and yet… Something felt a little unsettling when listening to it. In fact, with each passing word the trembling became more and more evident, the panic morphing into fear, frustration even… No, a mix of all three things. The speech may as well have been stress incarnate. And they heard it all. Every single word.
“He’s going to blame me for it… Haha, then again… Maybe he isn’t wrong. I mean, I was supposed to do it. He shoved it onto me, work suited for a trash bin. Yeah, I’m as reliable as a trash bin. No no, a trash bin is more reliable than me. Haha, I can’t do anything right… I’m worse than trash… I can’t even keep it all together. Ah, what do I do? Maybe I get fired. I deserve it, don’t I? The documents are a mess… What if one went missing? Whose fault will it be? Mine. Even if it wasn’t part of the pile I was given… Haha, I mess everything up by just existing. My mere existence can’t do anything right… Ahaha… Haha… Ha…”
Honestly, it was not even nonsense, though it had been a little messy. Then again, that could happen from too much stress, couldn't it? That was not even the concerning part. It was the content Ann was hearing which was concerning… And they had not even an idea who this was to begin with! Not like it mattered, listening to it made their stomach turn. Claiming that trash was more useful than oneself was just… Too much to take in. 
Was it to get someone’s attention? No, this person seemed to ramble on and on, without a care in the world. They could hear it in the voice and thus decided to just stop and turn. They were still close enough to hear the endless ramblings of a… Salaryman? 
Well, of course it was a salaryman. He was talking about a ‘boss’ after all and a job… Then again, that was just the guess of a person who at most worked part time at a bookshop yet had never encountered the working world otherwise. But his appearance gave it away – The classic salaryman attire of a suit and tie. Messy, red hair, being sloppily taken care of… Better than their hair, they had to admit that much… Anyways… Not to mention the bags under his eyes and his overall tired way of sitting, he may as well be a sandbag placed onto one of the seats. His head was even facing the ground. And he didn’t even look that old if they were completely honest. Yet he seemed awfully tired next to being panicked. The great example of the overworked, depressed salaryman, one could find in some modern novels or even manga. That’s how he looked at least. 
They could hear him ramble on, he just wasn’t stopping. In fact, he seemed absorbed in his words, too busy taking himself down. “I’m going to get fired, aren’t I? It was only about time… Yeah, it was only a matter of time. Why are they still keeping me around? It would make no difference to put a filled plastic bag with trash in it… It’d be the same result, right? Ri—”
This was impossible to listen to. Someone had to bring him back to reality. And Ann just so happened to be close by. And thus they decided to do so. They just couldn’t stand it for a moment longer. This was getting clearly out of hand. Thus they had walked the distance back to occupy one of the seats next to him, being even so bold to grab one of his shoulders,then saying: “Oi, there’s no need to go that far now.”
It seemed to have worked, somewhat. They could feel him flinch in his seat all of a sudden and lift his head back up, startled by the mere presence of someone around. He had turned his head to the side, spotting the brunette who had been staring at him at least with a hint of concern. And yet he may not have taken note of it and instead asked, still in a bit of a shock: “Eh!? When did you get here!?”
“Just now.” They responded. It was not a lie after all.
He stuttered for a moment however, as if embarrassed. No, the wrong word. He was ashamed it seemed and from one moment to the next he was bowing down while sitting several times while repeating: “I’m sorry!” over and over. It had them a little overwhelmed as it had been on the spot. Not to mention that they had no idea what he was even apologizing for. And yet, he did for a good moment until they put a stop to it.
“Hey! I didn’t even say anything!” They reminded him, making him at least pause for a moment.
“Eh? But you were about to complain—”
“I didn’t plan on it!” They interrupted him just as quickly. This guy… Was a handful in another sense of the word. Was this the stress or was he always like this? It was… Hard to judge. And yet, some feeling told them… No, they shouldn’t draw conclusions like that now. It was not the time, not really at least. 
“R… Really? Then why are you here?” He asked, equally aware that there were many seats empty Ann could have picked. And yet, they chose to sit next to this salaryman. So it was a fair question.
“I overheard some stuff and… Well, I became a little concerned.” They decided to play it straight. Because honestly… Who wouldn’t be concerned after someone puts themself beneath literal trash!? 
Though it had the man surprised, to say the least, his eyes wide. “W… Wait… You— Ah, I’m so—”
“Please, don’t apologize. I think anyone would say the same thing…” At least they were certain that others would. All that resulted in however was the man turning away, a little more ashamed than before. Have they said something amiss here? Uh… Maybe they sounded a little harsh? Regardless, the two no longer shared even a hint of eye contact. Maybe they went a little too far here. Did they? It was hard to say… Ugh, talking to strangers is hard. One wrong step and they could come off as weird themself. Maybe they already were. How to fix this? How… How!?
“Ah– Anyway, you sound concerned about something, don’t you?” They quickly added, thinking of a comeback. Offering help would be the best in this situation, wouldn’t it!? And thus they continued, not even taking a breath in between while speaking: “Maybe I can help? Uh… I can only listen because I know nothing about working stuff but if just lending an ear helps then—”
“No, it’s fine.” He interrupted them, making them cut off with whatever they were going to say next.
“Ah– Alright… But, are you sure? That just now sounded—”
He turned back to them, face to face yet a smile had been clearly forced onto his face all of a sudden. It was easy to tell. And yet he didn’t seem to want to stress them either, playing it off as ‘everything is fine’. A face they themself were too familiar with… “Thank you but it’s ok, really. You shouldn’t worry about me.”
He was not denying anything, not really. And yet, he shoved them aside. Was it to be considerate? It was not sitting right with them and yet… Could they force him to talk? No, not really. Ann didn’t even know his name so they couldn’t be pushy either… Or rather they shouldn’t be. “Alright… Sorry… It’s just—”
Yet before they could finish their sentence an announcement echoed from the speakers and from afar one could hear a train arriving, stopping soon at the platform. The man got up, though slowly, and grabbed the bag which had been standing next to him and clinging onto it. “Ah, that’s my train. I should get going.” He said, about to enter yet turned back to Ann for a moment. “Oh, and please get home safe too!”
He then turned away, hurrying inside the train. The last thing they saw was the door closing and soon said train departed. All they could do was nod, letting out a quiet ‘Yeah’ and he was gone. The salaryman was gone, just like that. This had been the first time the two spoke to one another. Though at the time Ann had just dubbed him ‘The Depressed Salaryman’. After all, they had no idea who this was… Not yet at least. And they didn’t expect to figure it out anytime soon. What are the odds to see him again after all?
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