#No Beta - we die like Adam
heavenlyraindrops · 5 months
♱ Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Thirteen ♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Thirteen Warnings: profanity Click on the first tag to see all the other chapters
♱Where the purest soul in Heaven falls for the Devil♱
[Chapter Thirteen]
One month had passed. Your decision was approaching, faster than you had thought it would. What would you say?
You still didn’t know.
“I’ll be back from the extermination,” Adam said smugly, Lute crossing her arms behind him. He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Decided yet?”
“Yes,” you lied through your teeth.
“Not coming this year?” Lute smirked, unaware of your and Adam’s whispered conversation going on in front of her. Adam’s eyes slid to you, then he rolled them, making you scowl.
“No,” you said flatly. Adam’s eyes hardened.
“We’re gonna go after Lucifer’s brat’s shitty hotel first,” he sneered. “Shame you can’t be there to watch it.”
“Shame,” you replied, heart pounding against your ribcage.
You watched them disappear down the portal to Hell, along with another rush of the exterminators, eager for bloodshed, before the portal closed up completely.
You rubbed your eyes.
“Keep Charlie safe,” you muttered, as if it was a prayer, except one in a god you were slowly losing faith in.
Adam was dead.
It had been almost a week since they had left for the extermination. Everyone was in such a flurry, a mess, that no one bothered to pay any attention to you or answer your questions. Sure, you were the great [name], but you were just another angel when it came to status.
Sera was stressed. Emily was in shock. You were in shock. And the last time you had seen Lute was the last time you had seen Adam.
What seemed to scare everyone to their core, however, wasn’t just Adam’s death: it was the fact that angels could die. You remembered Avery, and her missing friend. No doubt the girl was dead. You fiddled with your bracelet, before ripping it off and tossing it onto the table.
You hadn’t heard from Lucifer, either.
The front door creaked open, spilling pale light into your dim living room. You shot up as Lute entered.
“Lute, God, you’re okay,” you breathed, your concern for her shocking the both of you. Your eyes fell to her shoulder, and your heart leapt into your throat. “Where’s your arm?”
She stared at you, and you could have swore her eyes were glowing with barely restrained fury. You took her by the shoulder and steered her into the room, sitting her down where you were before.
“Do you need anything?”
She stared at you, and you wondered if she was ever going to speak. And then, finally, she did.
“On it,” you said, rushing to the kitchen for a glass.
You thrust it towards her, a few droplets spilling over the edge and rolling down the glass. She took it with her remaining hand. You sat next to her.
“Tell me everything.”
She downed the water, but her voice was still raspy. You couldn’t place the aura that surrounded her, but you could see the anger in her tensed muscles, her furrowed brow. “Adam’s dead,” she muttered, setting the glass down. “We were fucking winning, then Lucifer showed up and…” she rubbed her eyes, albeit aggressively. You noticed them glistening with unshed tears. “That stupid child, demon, thing- stabbed the shit out of him.” She looked away again, as if to hide her grief from you. You rubbed her back soothingly, and she tensed up, turning back to look up at you.
“If you ever need to talk,” you murmured. “I’m here.”
She sighed, doubling over. You decided to prompt her to speak with another question.
“What happened to your arm?” You pressed gently. Her lip curled.
“That bitch Vagina-“
“Vaggie,” she seethed. She buried her head in her hand, shoulders shaking. You pressed your arm against hers, trying to offer her as much comfort as possible. She wouldn’t elaborate on the single name she had mentioned, and you wondered if Vaggie had cut her arm off.
“Adam told me something,” Lute said abruptly. “Before he died.” She looked at you, and you could feel your heart rate picking up, beating so hard it was painful. You stopped yourself from pulling away in case it would seem suspicous.
“What did he say?” You asked gently, doing your best to keep the tremor out of your voice. She shook her head soundlessly. “That’s fine. You can tell me when you’re ready.”
A few more minutes of sitting in comfortable silence before she had stood up, mumbling that she had to go. You showed her outside, before hugging her fiercely while still being mindful of her arm.
She’d left and you went back inside, staring out the window and watching her fly away into the sky. Your stomach churned.
You looked down at your clenched fists. He was dead. Lute’s affirmation had let it sink in for you properly now. You felt sick and relieved at the same time.
Because your secret died with him.
You stumbled to the bathroom. You were going to throw up- again, and you did, all into the toilet. You flushed it, slumping down onto the bathroom floor and breathing heavily. Adam was dead. You didn’t have to marry him. You didn’t have to choose. No one in the world knew anymore- except you, and Lucifer. You stood up with trembling legs, scraping yourself together and steadying yourself on the sink, staring at your reflection. Your face had gone pale.
He was dead. He was really dead.
He wouldn’t barge into your house without knocking like he used to, anymore. He wouldn’t scream your name down the street. He wouldn’t laugh the raucous way he did, that you had gotten so used to. You stifled any regretful feelings, pushing them down, not allowing yourself to cry. He was an asshole to you. It was for the best.
You went to the living room, and your eyes fell on Lute’s half-empty glass. You suddenly remembered the bracelet, the one you had tossed onto the table where the glass now sat, your link between you and Lucifer. Your eyes skimmed across the table to the spot you had last left it, and…
It wasn’t there.
A/N: second chapter of the double release! Damn exams are killing me. Njoyy (Coco if ur reading this. I made the cliffhanger bcuz ur such a nosey bitch 😡😡)
hey guys I thought I posted this but turned out that I didn’t and it was just sitting in my drafts like an abandoned child
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mintartem · 7 days
Can't we ask something just wholesome and neutral for once?! I swear people love angst way too much!
Guitarhero but Eden trio care, they are neutral towards Michael and Adam's relationship and are a bit glad Adam has someone even if that someone it's Lucifer's twin, they just sends their regards and that's the end of it. No drama no mocking just a neutral regard
While I do love angst, I agree with anon here. We should have something wholesome too!
This has been in my drafts and it’s an old ask.
Eve took a deep breath to calm herself down. It’s been years since she saw Adam. The last time she saw him, they were on Earth, alive and breathing. When she died, she ended up in Hell and has been there ever since. She wouldn’t have known Adam ended up in Heaven if it weren’t for one of her children that ended up down there.
She felt a glove covered hand gently hold her shoulder. She glanced behind her to see Lilith giving her a warm smile.
“Don’t worry, we’re with you. However he’ll react, we will be there” Lilith assured her. She knew Eve is nervous about how Adam will react to seeing her. She’s currently in a polyamorous relationship with his ex-best friend and ex-wife. Eve thinks, no, she knows Adam will react terribly.
The doors of the Heaven embassy opened revealing a massive empty lobby. They went to the desk and rang the bell. A golden paper appeared before them with Heaven Embassy written on it. Lucifer grabbed the quill first and signed his name with Eve and Lilith following suit.
“Creepy…” Eve mumbled to herself.
Another door magically opened with light coming out of it.
“That must be our meeting room. Ladies first” Lucifer said with a bow. Eve shook her head with a smile while Lilith giggled.
The three of them walked in the room to see a massive round chair with two chairs on one side while one chair on the other. On said chair, an angel about the same height as Lilith sat with big golden wings and a very bright halo. The angel has brown hair, golden eyes, and a very familiar looking face.
“Adam” said Eve in awe. Her love for her ex-husband may not have been the same as before. But she did still loved him.
At the mention of his name, the angel who was looking at the scroll on his hands looked up in surprise.
Adam was shocked to see his ex-wife there. He was expecting only Lucifer and Lilith to meet with him. He knew Eve ended up in Hell but he always assumed that she would want nothing to do with him after he heard the news that she got together with the king and queen of hell. The thought stung but she is someone he truly cares about.
Silence and awkwardness filled the room. Lucifer and Lilith felt out of place as the former lovers stare at each other in surprise, speechless. Lucifer broke it by clearing his throat. Adam snapped out of his trance first.
“Ah right. Have a seat” said Adam gesturing to the two chairs. Lucifer pulled one of the chairs for Lilith and pulled the other for Eve. Eve shook her head.
“Right… Umm… I didn’t expect you to join Eve. Here.” With a snap of Adam’s fingers, from the ground sprouted golden light like a plant and it shaped itself into a chair.
“Thank you.” Eve replied awkwardly. She sat on the chair and was surprised to find how soft it was. It appeared to be solid but it’s as soft as their own plush sofas at the palace.
For a minute, Adam just twiddled his fingers not really looking at them, well not at Eve. And Eve is doing the same. They both avoided eye contact with each other. Lucifer and Lilith felt like they were intruding on something if they speak.
“How are you?” Both Adam and eve said at the same time making them both gasp.
“I’m fine. Thanks.” They replied at the same time again.
“How’s our children?” Again.
“Doing well!” Again.
“….. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” they both said at the same time. Adam chuckled while Eve giggled. The tension in the air lessened and even gained a sense of familiarity. The king and queen of Hell can’t help but smile at their interaction.
“You first.” Adam gestured at Eve. “Hey, Adam! How’s Heaven treating you?” Eve asked. She knows its a terrible conversation starter but it’s still a starter nonetheless.
“Oh! Well… I’m doing great. Heaven’s treating me well. I hope Hell is doing the same to you” Adam replied.
“It’s fine! I’m fine down here. Lucifer and Lilith are treating me well” Eve said shyly, tucking a stray hair.
“That’s good! That’s good to hear.” replied Adam. The first man started twiddling his thumbs as the room atmosphere started feeling awkward.
Lilith cleared her throat gaining the attention of first man and the second woman.
“May we start the meeting?” She asked. Adam looked annoyed but nodded anyways.
The topic they’ve discussed was about Hell’s sinners and the royal family. Heaven wanted to inform the Royals of Hell that the sinners are acting up and even started threatening the Heaven Embassy, fuelled by their queen’s songs.
Lilith assured them that she did not want the sinners to rise up against Heaven at all, but wanted to lift their spirits up. She promised that they will keep an eye on their subjects more and ensure that such incidents will never happen again.
Heaven also addressed the concerning population growth of Hell. Lucifer promised that he will look into it and find a solution.
“Good. Heaven actually considered one of my ideas as a ‘last resort.’ Honestly, I only said that stupid idea so Sera would leave me the fuck alone.” said the first man with an annoyed tone.
“What was your idea?” asked the Devil.
“Exterminate the sinners.” Adam replied.
“Adam!” Eve exclaimed. “These are our children! Our descendants!”
“I know! Fuck! I know.” Adam said while holding his forehead in frustration. “If you can keep your people in check, Heaven wouldn’t have to interfere. Don’t worry, Eve. I’ll make sure Heaven won’t go through with it.”
This made the mother of humanity sigh in relief. If there’s one thing she knows about Adam, it’s that he would never lie.
A metallic glint caught the mother of humanity’s attention. There on Adam’s ring finger lies the gleaming ring, an engagement ring. Her eyes widen is surprised before a wide grin appeared on her face. She squealed in delight surprising everyone in the room.
“Adam! I didn’t know you’re engaged! Who is it? Who is it?” Eve asked excitedly.
Adam was taken aback. He forgot that he was wearing his engagement ring. He glanced at his left hand and sure enough, his ring gleamed at the heavenly light as if trying to gain attention.
Lilith also leaned forward with obvious curiosity on her face. He suppose that just like him, that sense of curiosity never left her. In fact, it never left the three first humans.
“Oh, it’s beautiful!” The first woman muttered.
“I know! So who is it, Adam? Who is the lucky soul you’re engaged too?” Eve asked excitedly.
Adam felt his eye twitch and his face warm up. While everyone in Heaven know who he is engaged to and even celebrated it, he doesn’t understand why he felt bashful now!
“It’s fucking Michael, okay?!” Adam exclaimed, face flushed.
Lilith’s eyes widen in surprise. Eve’s eyes were wide open staring at Adam with genuine happiness for him. A glance at Lucifer told him that the guy was shocked at the news. Adam knows that it’s not because he’s engaged to Michael, but the fact that Michael actually got engaged at all.
“I’m so happy for you!” Eve said with genuine happiness for her best friend. She leapt across her seat to the other side of the table to give Adam a hug, something that the first man happily reciprocated.
“I didn’t expect Michael of all angels to get engaged” he heard Lucifer mutter.
“Congratulations, Adam.” Lilith said getting over her surprise. “And I’m happy you get to marry someone whom you truly love and want to spend eternity with.” It was said with genuine happiness for Adam.
Adam felt a small smile creep on his face. “Yeah… i am really happy with him.”
A ding of a clock had brought them back out of their trance. Eve got back to her seat, clearly wanting to talk more.
“Ah, look at the time! I know we’re all busy with responsibilities and shit so we’ll end this meeting here.” Adam said with a shrug.
They all stood up and arranged the chairs, pushing it close to the table. The chair Eve sat at faded like light.
“Well” the first man shrugged his shoulders. “Meeting adjourned. See you all next year or if you make an appointment this year.”
“It was nice seeing you, Adam!” Eve said happily. Lilith nodded in agreement. Both women walked out of the room and to the lobby of the embassy.
The first man turned to head to the heavenly portal.
The angel stopped in his tracks to look at the Devil. Lucifer looked serious, but he doesn’t look angry at least.
“Don’t hurt my brother” he warned.
Adam chuckled and said: “We both know that he could literally beat me to a bloody pulp.”
“I’m serious.”
Adam nodded in understanding and glanced at his ring. His cheeks felt warm once again.
“I won’t.” From the corner of his eye, he saw the Devil relax.
“You better take care of Eve, too. If I hear that someone hurt her, I swear I’ll come down here myself and bring the fucking heavenly judgment on them.” Adam said.
“And I’ll gladly join you” Lucifer added with a smirk.
Adam gave Lucifer a long look, before rolling his eyes and heading to the portal. Lucifer chuckled and whistled while twirling his cane to follow his beloved queens.
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weebamian · 7 days
what am i doing
AU where present!Adam after death gets teleported to Eden before Eve's creation, meets past!Adam and makes hiself look like past!Adam's NEW guardian angel (Lucifer being past!Adam's "past" guardian angel but not really) and his new life just revolves around:
Make Lilith stay away from past!Adam
Make Lucifer's life impossible
And while L&L are left jaw dropped at this new bigass angel with the ONLY golden wings and weird mask in heaven present!Adam is just vibing to taking care of his younger, naive self while also dealing with heaven that doesn't recognize this new very different angel
This was an excuse to do selfcest/mirrorshipping I accept :(
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silly doodle about present and past Adam
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bunnytornado · 2 months
Okay so imagine Vox smokes way too much weed one night and is crying while Valentino just sits there on his computer. Velvet walks in and asks why he’s crying and Val just goes “I thought it would be funny to pretend to take his nose but all it did was make him realize he never had one.
No Nose Allowed
Valentino x Vox X Velvette
TW: Drug use
Crying, Velvette had to listen to crying for the past thirty-five minutes. While normally she had to listen to whining, normally from Valentino being a piss baby about something or another, hearing Vox crying was grating on her nerves. Velvette set up her phone to record whatever the hell was going on in the living, Velvette slipped on her loungewear, and made her way to the door.
She walked out of her room and stopped to see Vox curled up against Valentino, sobbing into the taller Moth Demon’s collar fluff. “What the bloody hell is fucking going on here,” she snapped and crossed her arms. “Someone want to tell me why he’s crying like Alastor stole his fucking balls?”
“He’s high,” Valentino said with a roll of his eyes, one arm tightening around Vox’s shoulders, his two lower ones holding his laptop on his lap, and the final typing away at his computer.
“You say that like he hasn’t been high before, with out the fuckin’ crying fit,” Velvette said and walked closer. “What the fuck is your deal Vox.” Velvette nudged him when Vox would not respond. “Dude, come on fucking tell me what’s up.”
“I don’t have a nose,” Vox sobbed loudly and buried his screen into Valentino’s collar more.
Velvette stood there a few moments, trying to register what she just heard. “The fuck did you just say?”
Vox looked at Velvette and sniffle sounds could be heard from him. “I do not have a nose. I never had a nose. Yet I can smoke, smell, and everything else.” He started sobbing again. “Why wasn’t I given a nose?!”
“It is okay Papi, your darling Valentino is here is here. You do not need a nose honey. Noses are for chumps. You are a big bad CEO who does not need one. Everyone else does so they can turn it brown,” Valentino purred and pulled Vox closer.
Velvette groaned and rubbed the bridge of her own nose. “Valentino. Why the fuck is Vox giving a damn about a non-existent nose.” The shit-eating grin on Valentino’s face made her want to wipe it off his stupid face.
Valentino laughed and tilted his head, his eyelids drooping slightly. “Well, I pretended to take his nose.”
“But I don’t have one,” Vox cried and flopped over on the couch. “I need a nose!” Vox was more dramatic than normal, while it was great for the camera, it was horrible for Velvette’s growing headache.
“Oh, my fucking god. This is unbelievable,” Velvette groaned and walked out of the room. She came back with a stick-on nose she used for one of her models. “Here. Shut the fuck up now,” Velvette snapped and shoved it on his screen. “There. You have a nose. Fucking ass cunt.”
“I have a nose,” Vox cried out happily. His hands flew up and started to touch it. His grin spread wide and looked up at Velvette. “You’re the best Vel.” If Velvette had a heart, it may have stopped at that look of pure innocent joy. Currently, it just made her want to throw up or punch Valentino in the face. Honestly, both sounded good at that moment in time.
“And you are high as fuck.” Velvette groaned and shook her head. “Val do not ever get him this fucking cry. He is a god damn headache when he is not this high. Even more so when he is crying of a fucking nose.”
“I have one now,” Vox proclaimed. The look on Valentino’s face said all, he was enjoying the fuck out of what he was watching.
Valentino nuzzled Vox’s forehead, a grin spreading wider, and his fingers curled possessively around Vox’s waist.
“This was on purpose, wasn’t it?” Velvette was almost completely sure Valentino had done this on purpose.
Valentino’s face split into a huge grin, his free arm stretching while the one wrapped around Vox tightened just a tad. “Oh Vel, you know I would never do such a thing to our dear friend.
Velvette gave a hum of disbelief and continued recording Vox’s high reaction to having a nose.
“You’re going to send me that right?” Valentino asked and tilted his head. He placed a small kiss to the stuck-on nose, causing a giggle from the normally stoic overlord.
Velvette smirked and shook her head at the scene. It was cute, in a gag me sort of way. “Oh, you know it.”
“Good, I can get him to allow me to have my own network on the air.” A laugh bubbled from Valentino as he blew more of his drugged smoke into Vox’s face to help keep the overlord malleable and high.
Suddenly, the stuck-on nose fell off. In an instant, the high Technology Overlord looked at the fallen nose. His eyes traveled to Velvette then Valentino. They then drifted back to Velvette, and he broke down sobbing again.
“Fucking Hell,” Velvette groaned and facepalmed. It was going to be a long night within the penthouse of Vee Tower. At least Velvette would have a lot of extortion fuel for later. She might even be able to get her favorite show back on the air.
The next day, Vox found the video playing on every TV in the penthouse. That day, Valentino went to work with a black eye, and Velvette with a broken phone. Vox also made sure none of the cameras worked in either of their studios. He would pay them back for their actions.
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wrenfxrever · 3 months
pt. 3
Lucifer sighed. With Alastor mad at him, he felt like his world was ending. He felt miserable. Alastor was his secret. They were each other's secrets. And all thanks to Vox's dumbass cameras, the whole pentagram could find out. So Alastor was off fighting Vox. Lucifer flopped back onto his bed, tucking his face into his knees and sobbing. How could he have messed up this bad? Alastor was going to leave him. Just like Lilith, and Eve- "Hmmnnn...what?"A black tentacle wrapped around his thigh. He shivered and looked up, tears still staining his face. He saw a shadow looming at the wall in front of him. "Al, baby, I'm sorry," Lucifer sobbed. "I miss you."The shadow creeped up onto the bed, it's face having a slight frown to it. "I l...I like you. Goddammit, fuck, no. I l..." More tentacles appeared, wrapping them around Lucifef's arms and legs. "Love you." He couldn't believe the shadow wasn't mad. Alastor told him it showed his true emotions. Yet it had a smile on its face now, with slanted eyes. It was happy. It wrapped its biggest tentacles around him. Lucifer giggled and gave it small kisses (in reality he was just kissing his bed. He knew Alastor would feel them on his real face, wherever he was. He continued kissing him all over, until his bedsheets were covered in pink stains. The shadow trilled with joy, a bigger smile on his face. Lucifer had to admit, the shadow was much more affectionate with him than the real Alastor was. "Al...come back..." The tears were coming back faster than before. He sniffled and sobbed, clutching his chest. "Al...need you," Lucifer hiccuped. "Love you...so much." The shadow frowned and wrapped itself around Lucifer. Meanwhile in the Vees' tower, Alastor could hear the words he was uttering and the warmth his phantom body brought him. Alastor shivered as he stepped away from Vox's files, clutching the tape in his hands. With a wave of his cane, he disappeared without a trace.
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sondrox · 1 month
Infernal Tales Ch. 11 - I trust you with my death
Summary: In a trust exercise led by Vaggie, Charlie tags along and everything goes horribly, horribly wrong. More than any of them two could have imagined.
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13958950/11/Infernal-Tales
AO3: Infernal Tales - Chapter 11
Alright Vags. You've done this before. You can do it again.
Vaggie saw the group of patrons on line waiting for her at the lobby.
Deep sigh...square shoulders...firm voice.
"Alright people! This week's activity will be about trust exercises. In 72 hours we will participate in turf wars with the sole objective of surviving and protecting your comrades in arms!" She walked in front of them with her hands on her back and with the most authority voice only 3 little sisters and 2 big sisters could give anyone.
"Until then you are to prepare and gear yourselves with what equipment you can carry to the battlefield! Accept is mandatory! If the heat of battle doesn't make you wish to want to die, I will!
"The next participants are as follow: Arackniss. Baxter. Cherri. Angel Dust–"
"I ain't coming for that shit again–"
"–You ARE coming and that's final! And Husk. Pueden irse." She was about to walk out, but felt a strong burning feeling on the back of her head. She turned around, looking down and saw Niffty, unblinking bloodshot eye directly at her, with an unnatural big smile for someone her size.
"You can come too."
Niffty immediately ran away while laughing and repeating "Stab!" Over and over again until her voice faded from her ears.
As Vaggie walked away, her senses failed to detect the pair of eyes and stimming hands watching her walk away.
Once at her room, Vaggie put a map of Pentagram City over a table. Extermination day has been just a few weeks ago, overlords lost power, gangs and their wannabe counterparts lost lives, creating a vacuum of power. New territory was fought for more on this time of the the year than ever.
New faces, unpredictable hazards. Vaggie wanted to label potential areas were conflict, while palpable, would not be as dangerous. She'd have to discuss it with Cherri Bomb and maybe even Husk for a second opinion.
She already hated the idea but maybe she would need a cup of cof—
"I want to go too," A soft voice said behind her.
Vaggie turned around and saw the only person she did not want to come to this exercise standing on the door frame. She has not even heard it open, when did she come in?
"No," Her mouth said before her mind could have a chance to speak, and even then it did not disagree. Vaggie turned back to the table.
"Why noooot?" Charlie tilted her head disappointingly as she walked to Vaggie. As soon as she was within her reach, she grabbed Vaggie by her shoulders and sat her chin on top of her head. "Pleaseeee. I'm the owner of this hotel. I'm supposed to get my hands dirty like everyone else."
"First. You're not really supposed to get your hands dirty." That's what I'm here for. "Second, we are ACTUALLY going to get our hands dirty. Blood, guts..."
"I can handle some blood!"                                                     
"Hun, you almost fainted when I cut my finger while cooking."
Charlie pouted. "That only happened once!"
"Once is more than enough. The point is, it's gonna be dangerous for you."
"And it won't be for you?" Charlie reached for Vaggie's hands and wrapped them softly. "I wanna learn how to face danger. Real danger,” Her hold tightened Vaggie’s hand, her eyes closed heavily for a moment. “The kind of danger you don’t talk about.”
Vaggie’s heart dropped to the bottom of her chest. She wanted a myriad of words to spurt out of her mouth.
Yet they all stuck in her throat and only a wordless stutter came out.
“I’m not saying you should! If…you don’t want to, you know I won’t pressure you. Is just…sometimes I feel like there’s a lot you don’t tell me about you. You rarely talk about your life in the living world, what it was like. If this way I can know you just a bit better, that’s enough for me.
“You’re always what I need, even if I don’t think you are,” A weak smile lit her face. “Especially when I don’t think so. So, let me be what you need, at least once.”
Charlie drew her face near Vaggie’s. Close enough they could feel each other’s warm presence, each other’s warmer breaths. With the gentleness one held a house of cards, Charlie drew herself closer and closer, until her forehead touched connected with Vaggie’s.
Charlie could feel how Vaggie’s feet trembled. The feet that could not be sweep off the ground even if the whole world cracked apart, those very same feet trembled as they spent the next few minutes in silence, eyes closed sharing each other’s presence.
“I don’t want you to be hurt.” Vaggie whimpered. Fragileness filling her every word.
“I don’t want you to be alone. Not like this. Not in this little head of yours you’re so…trapped in.”
Right. She was right. Vaggie thought. Sometimes she was so mind-absorbed, she let the world out. She let Charlie out.
Vaggie breathed deep. Her brow frowned while she tried to blink away the overflowing tears from her eye—
“Nuh uh, not yet, missy. Let it out.”
Vaggie’s eyes snapped open, staring into Charlie.
“I know you. Let it out. Let it out.”
She let a one, single, solitary wimp before she broke and fell apart, only for Charlie to hold her together the whole time while the quietest cries filled the room.
After what felt like an eternity—though they wouldn’t have minded if that had been the case—they separated. Hands still locked tight.
“Alright. You can come—”
“—With conditions. You follow my every command, no questions. I want you on my sight at all times, and stay behind me. And if I tell you is time to leave, is time to leave.”
Charlie tilted her head puzzled. “How can I be on your sights if I’m behind you?”
Vaggie.exe stopped worked just for a second before she shook her head. “Just!...Stay near me. Blood hot, mind cold. Quick feet. Got it?”
“Yes sir!” Charlie saluted like a soldier with as she feigned a male voice and a harsh face, eyes fixated to the front.
Vaggie sighed. “You’re so silly, hun.”
“That’s why you love me~!”
“Yes, I love you too.”
Charlie hugged Vaggie, making sure to wrap her around her arms. She stared through the window into the city. She couldn’t wait to go, while on her face grew a smile.
Charlie’s smile had become a myth by the time she and everyone else had spent little more than five minutes into the battlefield, but to them altogether, it already felt both it had been an eternity.
A scream overloaded her ears. She turned just in time to block a bat with nails from a fish-like sinner with her shield. The nails dragged against the shield’s metallic surface, creating a chirring, deafening sound.
A flashing piece of metal hit the bar, throwing it away from the shield. Vaggie used the aperture on the aquamarine sinner’s stance as he lost balance, to land a clear cut on his leg, making him kneel, and in one large, vertical swing, Vaggie cut his throat. The one-eyed sinner stood back from the spurt of blood before the corpse fell to the ground, and quickly focused back on the battlefield looking for new threats.
So far, the Hazbin Hotel crew had divided into three groups.
Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust were by far the more well accustomed. Cherri threw grenades across the dark clouds of smoke, while Angel took care of finishing off whoever survived the explosion with multiple Thompson machine guns. Though dangerous as fuck, Vaggie appreciated they two drew the more attention out of everyone.
To her surprise, Baxter was with them. Much like Cherri, he was throwing chemical grenades he prepared on the spot with several substances he harbored in his purse, even giving some to Cherri for the trickier shots.
Husk and Arackniss were trying to get by. Arackniss, much like his brother, shot with dual pistols without a care, being the one with the highest kill count on his group and raising while shouting curses left and right. Husk served as some sort of sniper, focusing on the gang members that were too far away and on those Arackniss’ bullet rain didn’t hit.
Vaggie was sure Nifty was…somewhere. She could hear her crazy laugh from time to time above the gunshots, explosions and screams.
She remained on the skirts of the turf war territory. Just close enough so she could see her people, and intervene if it was absolutely necessary, and far away so Charlie was not in great danger, but still able to taste the heat of battle.
After a while, Baxter had succumbed to the fight, he had gotten away just a bit too much away from his group, where he became easy prey, before he was dragged through the thick clouds of smoke, only for his glasses to be the only thing that came back.
Angel Dust ran out of bullets, and his current enemies knew about this. Husk too, and when he tried to cover Angel into safety, he became the first cannon fodder, followed shortly after for Angel.
Cherri saw the death of her friend, and when she hurried to check on her, grenade on hand, a gang member threw themselves over her, causing her to fail to throw the grenade on time.
And all of a sudden, Nifty’s maniacal laugh was no longer audible.
Vaggie saw all of this, and she only sighed tiredly. “This was prone to happen,” She thought to herself. She was too busy watching over them for a moment she forgot to keep an eye on the most important person there.
It had all happened too fast.
Vaggie heard the scream of the one member of the group who should have never come in the first place.
In one second, she was looking at the crew, fighting together.
On the next, she saw Charlie laying on the floor, shield far away from her. She could see blood running down her face. Four sinners strolling at her with wicked, twisted, dark smiles.
Her feet began running before Vaggie could even command them to. She ran fast, faster, as fast as she could, yet it never felt fast enough.
From her back, a set of gray wings with dark gray edges sprang, allowing her to take a large leap into the air, large enough so she could fall over one of the gang members enclosing Charlie, piercing her spear right through his chest and tackle him death right into the floor.
The other three took little time to react and raise their weapons, but Vaggie was faster and cut the hand with one flash vertical swing and kicked him in the face. She was about to charge straight into the one in her left, until he raised his gun at her.
Vaggie set off fly into the sky, leaving a small cloud of dust where she just was. Bullets followed her trail as Vaggie flew over their heads, dodging them like if she was an aircraft in a dogfight, just as fast as one, and lethal.
The moment the gang member ran out of bullets, Vaggie threw her spear from the sky with deadly precision, striking him right in the center of his chest. Blood tainting the tip of her weapon now.
Vaggie descended downwards in direction to her spear to retrieve it, her hair fluttering violentlyas if they were a bunch of snakes, ready to strike, but just as she was about to grab it, the last gang member left hit her with a rusted crowbar as she was reaching the floor. Vaggie hit the ground, shoulder first, and rolled through it like a ragdoll several meters. By the time she stopped, she had no time to gather herself, as the gang member had pushed her head against the floor with his hand on her face.
For a moment, Vaggie glanced at her spear, still impaled at the now dead gang member, so, so far away from her.
Vaggie managed to overpower the gang member by grabbing him by his neck and lifting him enough so she could switch places. The process repeated back and forward a couple of times before the gang member stabbed Vaggie’s hand with the sharper end of the staff on his crowbar, followed by him choking her.
Only one hand was not enough to take one of his hands off her, and even if it was, she’d still have the other fist around her neck.
Right when the lack of air began to burn her lungs, and her sight darkened more and more, Vaggie snapped her fingers, the spear on the corpse of the sinner vanished into thin air, and popped up right into existence at her free palm with a quick spark of light. Just when the last gang member noticed it, Vaggie already stabbed his abdomen, ripping his flesh open. His fist around Vaggie’s neck opened in pain and Vaggie stood up from the ground in an instant, both hands wrapped at the staff of her spear, lifting the gang member, still impaled, up in the air, only for her to smash him into the ground right back, leaving him in a small puddle of his own blood.
Once she made sure he was dead, she didn’t even allow herself to catch a breath before she checked on Charlie, still laying on the floor.
Vaggie rushed to her side, dropping her spear on the floor like it was nothing and gently grabbed Charlie by her shoulders, despite her bleeding hand.
“Charlie! Charlie! Are you okay!?” Vaggie checked her. She couldn’t decide whether to feel relief or shame on the fact Charlie only had a relatively small wound on her forehead. A thin trail of blood running down her face.
God, how could have she been so stupid?
Charlie slowly opened her heavy eyes. “Wha-what happened? What-Oh shit! Vaggie! Your face!” Charlie lifted her upper body off the ground. While still sitting, she grabbed Vaggie’s face with her hands, wrapping them softly. Her eyes opened so wide for a moment it looked like they would pop up.
The one-eyed sinner could only imagine what she looked like. Covered all in dirt and blood and who knew what else. “I’m okay, hun. It was just—”
“No, you’re not! Heavens, this is my fault, isn’t it? I got distracted a second and then…and then—”
“Is not your fault. These things happen.” Vaggie reassured, trying to come back to her commanding, firm tone. “I’m fine. I promise.”
“Vaggie,” Charlie sighed. “Alright. How are the others doing?”
Vaggie gulped down, but kept a stoic face. “Baxter and Cherri died.”
“Oh my—!”
“But is okay!“ Vaggie held Charlie firmly by her shoulders. “They are sinners, Charlie. Remember. They will come back, eventually. Perfectly safe and sound. Like if they have never left. Just like you would have wanted.”
Vaggie could still see the panic in Charlie’s eyes, just as her words sunk in her. She could feel in her hands how her shoulders softened bit by bit, alongside with her dreadful expression.
“Right…right. So, I guess this means…”
A tremble nearby interrupted Charlie. One big enough they could feel the floor beneath them shake momentarily like an earthquake. It came from one of the abandoned buildings. By the time Charlie was just wondering what was that, Vaggie already held her spear in a offensive stance, standing in front of Charlie.
The rotten doors leading to the abandoned building trembled. Whatever was happening inside was coming closer. Next the walls shook down to their cements as well. The old dust in every surface of the place fell off its edges. Their hearts dropped too.
Before any of them could have truly prepared themselves, a life-sized T-rex sinner busted out of the frontal wall of the buildings, flesh and viscera from countless sinners and hellbornes hanging from their blood-stained teeth. It charged straight at them, each step louder than the last.
Vaggie pushed Charlie out of the way before the T-rex grabbed Vaggie by her torso. Their hand being big enough to wrap her torso completely, but Vaggie could still use her arms, and by extension her spear, which she did not waste time to use and stab the T-rex’s hand, but no matter how much she tried, in comparison it was like she was a mosquito poking them with a toothpick.
A tiny part of Vaggie’s mind wished that could have been the case with her as well, but no. That couldn’t be the case when she felt like her bones cracked like the toothpick she was stabbing the T-rex with.
Just as fast as the T-rex had come, it opened its mouth with every intention to devour Vaggie. The one-eyed sinner could already see their dozens of teeth and smell its metallic breath.
As she was inches away from entering fully into their mouth, three large red sharp-pointed cones teared through the T-rex tongue, all the way to the ceiling of their mouth.
Vaggie could already tell what had happened.
That was Charlie’s trident.
She had never seen her use it like that with such power…
Before she could question any further what in the actual hell was happening, Charlie rammed her trident even further within the T-rex’s mouth through their chin, before drawing it out completely in one swift swing.
The T-rex dropped dead straight into the floor with a thunderous thump. Immediately, Charlie rushed to the T-rex’s hand Vaggie was still trapped in, wrapped between its fingers. Despite the sheer size difference between Charlie and the fingers, the princess opened them up like if she was only moving somewhat heavy boxes, not the weight of rocks.
Vaggie fell like dead weight from the fingers of the T-rex before Charlie caught her. Unlike when Vaggie found Charlie, Vaggie was moving so little it was unsettling Charlie. She was just barely breathing so quietly as if she did not want anyone could hear she was…there.
“Vaggie! Please, talk to me!”
Everything hurt. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to try and shift to make herself any more comfortable. Her bones were acid against her flesh.
As she laid on the ground, she could see Charlie returning from her demonic transformation, right as her horns finished vanishing and her red fire eyes turned to a soft yellow.
Charlie’s voice thundered against her ears and rest of senses.
It was fucking ironic.
Charlie’s touch hurt like fire, but it was also the only thing that brought her comfort.
“Charlie…I think it’s time to leave,” She said with some of her last remaining strengths.
Charlie opened her mouth, she wanted to protest, Vaggie was in no condition to move, but she had abided to not question her today. She gulped down.
“Alright.” Charlie complied with shaking voice. “Let me just…” Charlie was unsure how to proceed. She put one of Vaggie’s arms over her shoulders, and lifted her as carefully and quickly as she could, making her best so that all of Vaggie’s weight rested over Charlie. “Are you ready?” Charlie asked.
If it was not because Charlie was watching every feature of Vaggie, she would have missed the tiniest of nods she gave her.
The Hazbin Hotel was on the outskirts of Pentagram City, and Vaggie had had the brilliant idea of taking the crew to participate on the turf wars happening on the opposite side of the city.
But, sooner than later, Vaggie knew she was not getting to any other side. Her every step pounded nails on her body. Making the smallest of movements sent excruciating pain to every part of her body. She was no stranger to pain, and even less of a stranger to put up with it.
But this, this rose quickly to her limit.
They had not been going on their way for too long when Vaggie had enough.
“Charlie put me down! PUT ME DOWN PLEASE! FUCK!” Vaggie cried.
Charlie complied as quickly as she could, laying her down back on the floor on an alley. She took Vaggie’s head and placed it down on the ground as if it was made of crystal. Tears were brimming on Vaggie’s eyes as pain was getting the best of her.
“Do you need me to do anything? Anything at all. Just say it and it’s yours.”
“I want to…I want to go home. I want to—” Vaggie coughed blood. Somehow Charlie’s white skin paled even more.
“I-I know. I promise I’m trying to take you there as quickly as I can. I-ah, I’ll call my dad! Surely he can get here in no time, he can—!” It was then Charlie realized. She had left her phone on the hotel. It was prone to break due to the nature of what they had just done today.
And even if she had brought it with her, there would have been no time for anything.
Anything except…
“Yes, Vaggie, anything!” She held her hand firmly with both of her own hands.
“I…I need you to kill me.”
She must have misheard her, she must have—!
“Charlie…please…you’re the…only one I can…trust with this…” Vaggie now only had strength to turn her eye to Charlie. “…It hurts too much…”
“I…I—!” I know. I understand, she wanted to said. No, obviously she did not, she did not understand a great many things, but now was not the time for that.
“It’s okay hun…I’m a sinner…I’ll come back…like if I have never left…” Vaggie smiled at Charlie with her eye closing in. She stroke her thumb against her fingers. “Then…you can take care of me…as much as you want…”
The mere thought of killing her…despite Vaggie was giving her complete permission to do it. Heavens above, not even in her worst nightmares she would have imagined of something like this. Charlie was already crying. She knew she didn’t have a reason to. Vaggie was right. She’d return, like if she had never left at all.
“I’ve trusted you…with my life since…I met you. I know…Charlie…I know I can trust you with my death. I could trust you with a thousand lives…”
Charlie’s tears didn’t take long before they started dripping. Charlie pointlessly wiped them with her arms. “I trust you with my life too…”
Now was not the time for niceties. Charlie needed to be strong. Charlie tried to focus her mind and bottle up her feelings. She failed miserably, yet she kept trying.
“How do you want me to…do it?”
Vaggie had clearly not think this through.
Life escaping through her fingers so slowly made Vaggie reminiscent about her grandma. She died of age. In her sleep. The whole family was there. That sounded nice.
“Choke me.”
Charlie’s eyes snapped open for a moment, alongside her mouth to protest, but then again, no arguments. What other way could she think of in time to make it as painlessly as she could for her?
She would do it. Easy and simple.
Charlie’s hands lifted towards Vaggie’s throat.
With the smallest amount of pressure she could come up with, she—
Charlie’s hands stopped touching Vaggie’s throat like if it was made of knifes, and she turned back to Vaggie, eyes full of worry, unable to blink.
For the umpteenth time today, Charlie’s heart skipped a painful beat. She understood. The completely unspoken “I know you” mauled her heart.
Her hands placed themselves back on her throat, resting, as she prepared herself.
“Until we meet again…” Vaggie said before she closed her eye.
And then, she squeezed.
In one moment, Vaggie was laying peacefully on the ground. In the next one, her body tossed and turn like if she had been lit on fire.
Charlie wanted nothing more than to let go of Vaggie, more than ever when her lover’s hands held her own. She did not realize at the moment, but that was not Vaggie and her basic instincts trying to survive.
She was making sure Charlie did not let her go so she could finish the job.
It took less than a minute before Vaggie’s body stopped moving. For Charlie it felt like she had lived four lifetimes. And another four for the time Charlie spent crying for what she had just done. No matter how much she knew and reassured herself, in the grand scheme of things, everything was fine, she could not stop the tears.
Charlie could not even begin to guess how much time she actually spent in that alley, next to her lover’s corpse. By the time she stood up, her knees cracked badly, but she managed to become numb to that pain.
Maybe she was beginning to understand Vaggie a little more now.
Charlie’s now lifeless eyes watched at Vaggie’s corpse.
What was she supposed to do with her? Leave it there so some cannibals could feed off her? This was hell. Graveyards for sinners were as common as non-acid rain. Not to mention a fucking joke.
“Fuck them.” Charlie thought. She kneeled and lifted Vaggie’s corpse from the ground. She will bury her on her family’s palace. Maybe her dad would protest but she was going to do it.
Charlie took a moment to appreciate Vaggie finally at peace. Even dead she was a ray of light to her. Her eyes turned to the red sky of hell.
“Until we meet again…”
And Charlie walked off with Vaggie in her arms.
Fourth anniversary drop fic! Here to us for a lot more of these! Thanks for reading!
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glitchthebitchwitch · 8 months
"Out for love." just total yuri
"And to think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie." Adam's words rang through Vaggie's head.
Charlie was going through the streets, helping others who survived the extermination and such. She was walking through the alley way before seeing a person infront of her. The "sinner" was clearly in pain. Charlie walked towards them, noticing the details of her pain. A missing eye. She said nothing as she silently crouched down and bandaged over the eye, after the short moment ended, the sinner smiled. Charlie took in her details, short hair, on the shorter side, as the sinner gave a weak smile. Charlie was caught off guard by this, but for some reason it made her feel warm inside. She quickly looked away, smiling, but then looking back slightly. She held her hand out infront of the sinner, and she took it. "Are you okay to walk?" She asked, only getting a slight nod in return. "I'm Charlie. Daughter of Lucifer! Well, you probably already know that. Heh." Charlie pulled the sinner up by her hand. "Do you have a home I can take you to?" Charlie asked. "No." She answered, not when she was very clearly kicked out of heaven by Adam and Lute. But, she assumed Charlie didn't need to know that. "You can speak! Woah. Anyway! I think it's awesome you managed to survive the extermination looking as well as you do, besides the missing eye. And, you don't have a home? I can take you to my place! My dad has this old castle built for me, and you can crash there! I'm pretty sure it has a guest room." "Thank you.. You're kinder than any demon I've ever hea- met." Vaggie responded, she could put on a sinner facade, right? Just act like she normally does but replace angel terminology with demon terminology, easy! She had learnt alot about hell when training to be an exorcist. "Thanks! I try to be very nice. But, not many people respect me. You're one of the nicer sinners that have let me help them. Most people just tell me to go fuck myself or something like that. I get it though. It's hell!" Charlie responded, walking in the direction of her castle. As they walked up to the castle, the sinner looked in amazement. It was huge. Like, really huge. "This is where you live? Alone?" "Not really alone, I have Razzle and Dazzle with me! And KeeKee." "Who?" "Razzle and Dazzle are my bodyguards, they're tiny goats! KeeKee is a cat that can turn into a key, used for unlocking anything built and locked by my dad or me!" "That's, really, that's a lot." Vaggie smiled, though. She'd always had to endure Adam's basic misogynistic rambles, always talking about some 'bitch' who wouldn't subserve to him, but with Charlie, it felt nice for her to ramble. "So, you never told me your name." Charlie looked at her, she only thought. Vag-Gy, which sounded like "vagina" wasn't an appropriate pronunciation for a sinner, she could change it to the name she was called by Lute and other exorcists, as only Adam called her by that nickname. "Hello?" "D'ah- Sorry. It's.. Vaggie." Vaggie answered, Vag-ee was a better pronunciation, she decided. "That's a nice name! I hope you don't mind living with me, I never really gave you an option, did I?" "No, it's fine. Better than living on the streets." "We've been standing in front of the castle for awhile. Uh, let's go in!" Charlie grabbed Vaggie's hand and dragged her inside. "I'll show you to your room, and I'm pretty sure I have some clothes you can use for the night." "Thanks, again. You're one of the kindest people I've ever met, even when I was human." That was a lie, she was never human. But, the taller girl didn't seem to notice. It was fine. "Really? That's so sad! Maybe I can start a chain of events!" "Maybe you can." "Okay! Here's the guest room, if you want I can get rid of the decorative pillows. Nobody really uses this room. I'll go see if I can find Razzle and Dazzle. They're gonna love you!" Vaggie watched as Charlie walked off to go find her bodyguards. She really thought she was just gonna pass out and die right there in the alley way, but she didn't. Charlie saved her. She was different, much like how she had heard Emily was. She took off the decorative pillows and just laid there, on the bed.
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jesmalestiel · 2 months
Writer's Guild Presents: The One Where Crowley and Aziraphale Adopt the Antichrist
Writers of After Dark Community ( @goodomensafterdark )
The One Where Crowley and Aziraphale Adopt the Antichrist
Gather ye right close, good people. Come close until the computer screen near scorch ye, for I charge ye that all must see how the antichrist was raised by angel and demon. And let my insomniatic plot bunnies be a message to the archive. Gather ye right close, I say, and mark well the fate of all who meddle with such as they do not understand! — Or: Crowley takes the extra baby from the hospital and raises him with Aziraphale. Only God noticed that he took the same baby that he came in with… but she's not telling anyone except the readers.
God does not play dice with the universe; I play an ineffable game of my own devising. For everyone else it’s like playing poker in a pitch-dark room, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won’t tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.
Of all the players there have been few who have come close to understanding the game, though many have tried. Those who understand that fate and free will are one and the same, and the only way to win the game is to play it as though it was made for them.
Every game is different, no two players are the same in each round, no matter how they seem alike to those who played before, or after. Every game begins, and every game ends. This game began in a garden.
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nerdestiwrites · 6 months
Tales of the Shadow (Hazbin Hotel Pirate AU)
The taste of salt wasn’t something that Charlie would ever be able to get out of her mouth it seemed, even after being on land for a few days after making port. Everything had a salty taste to it, bread, meat, ale, or whatever was being passed off as ale in the small fishing port. It either was that she’d forever have the salt of the sea in her mouth for the rest of time or that salt was the only seasoning that the people of the port knew how to use. Perhaps it was a mixture of both or perhaps it was all in her head. Either way, she’d learn to live with it, and hope that the next time they docked somewhere would prove it one way or another. 
Walking had gotten easier, she hadn’t fallen since the first day off the ship, even with her boots getting stuck in the muddy streets and nearly getting ripped off twice now. She’d only had to grab onto Vaggie twice for support, and once did Vaggie have to push her out of the way from a carriage nearly running her over. 
It had been a better day, the best out of the three that they’d spent docked. No one had tried to rob them or proposition them in any way, and most even stopped cursing them out when Charlie would try to talk to them. She couldn’t say it was all luck or the locals starting to like the two of them, a lot of it was thanks to Vaggie. She’d stopped the would-be thieves the first day, and on Charlie's behalf, only took a finger from each to teach them each a lesson. Vaggie would’ve preferred killing them but Charlie reminded her that wasn’t what they were there for. They needed people to want to come with them.
Charlie stopped in front of a tavern that they hadn’t ventured into yet and peered inside. The door was open, or rather, hanging off one of the hinges and the activity of the day had left the piece of wood pushed aside for easy in-and-out access to the place. Laughter, shouting, a crash of glass, and another loud shout covered the music playing from the poor bard on the lute in the corner. A bottle flew past her head and out into the street. It was as good of a place to find a crew as any. 
She stepped inside, took in a deep breath, and immediately made a face at the smell of the place, nearly doubled over. How it smelt a million times worse inside the building, just over the threshold of the doorway, she wasn’t entirely sure, but the smell was pungent. Vaggie took a step in after and placed a hand on her back, giving a warm half smile, “You okay?” She asked.
Charlie nodded, forced a smile as she attempted to breathe as little as possible while inside the tavern, and stood straight again. She adjusted the hat on her head and cleared her throat. “Right, should we split up again? That sorta worked yesterday. We at least got people to talk with us-”
“Absolutely no more splitting up in places like these. Did you forget how yesterday ended?” Vaggie interrupted as she led the others toward the bar. Best to get a drink before they start harassing the customers of the establishment. She was hoping they wouldn’t get kicked out, again, like they had been from every other tavern in the small fishing village. Vaggie was honestly surprised there were so many, and that they didn’t talk amongst one another and just had her and Charlie's faces plastered outside yet with a DO NOT SERVE written on top of the paper.
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad! The guy seemed like he genuinely wanted to join!” Charlie sighed, the optimism still shining through. This had to work, they needed a crew willing to go on this journey with them. Surely there’d be people who wanted to. 
Vaggie laughed at that and shook her head as she handed a mug of ale over to the blonde and placed a few silver pieces down on the bartop for the barkeep. She sipped the liquid, it was a poor attempt at ale, but it’d do the intended purpose of getting one drunk. “I keep telling you, the promise of treasure is much more enticing than just the promise of adventure.”
Charlie looked into the mug, spun the contents of it around slightly, and sipped it. She gagged at the taste and the mug was placed down on the bar as she shook her head. “But I don’t know if there will be treasure. It’s- We’re- I don’t want to lie!”
“It’s not lying per se, it's avoiding the unknown truth! There could be treasure.” She pointed out as she let a smile on her face at the other's reaction to the taste of the drink, “Besides, who knows how long it’ll actually take to find it? There’s bound to be some sort of gain between now and then.”
“Well, I guess that’s true.” Charlie huffed once. Then she felt a pat on her shoulder that caused her to look up at the other woman and she smiled, nodding once. “Okay, I guess we’ll try it that way… and if we don’t find any treasure along the way, it’s not like they’re not gonna get paid. I do want it to be worth their efforts.”
Vaggie gave another pat to the other's shoulder and nodded, downing the rest of her glass and grabbing onto the full one that had been placed down, replacing it with the now empty mug. “Right, well, if we don’t find anyone in this fishing town, there’s another one three days down the coast. After that, we’ll have to turn around and head north and try there.”
Charlie looked over at the patrons of the tavern, eyes scouring to try and find someone, anyone who she might get to join their crew. While she and Vaggie could sail the ship up and down the coastline easily, as long as the weather permitted, anything out on the open ocean needed a full crew. Even if the person didn’t know how to sail, they could teach them. Just extra hands.
“Or we could always tell them what it is you’re actually looking for.” Vaggie offered and that earned her a gentle hit against her arm, causing some of the ale to splash out of the mug and onto the wooden floor below, adding to the already sticky layer.
Charlie leaned back against the bar and ran both hands over her face. “I’m pretty sure that would mean fewer people would want to join our crew Vaggie! We can’t just tell them that we’re searching for the Shadow ship! Most people think that it’s just a myth and those who don’t are terrified of it.”
“Yeah, but it’s not a myth. Your dad went missing years ago searching for it?” The mug of ale was placed down and instead, Vaggie grabbed onto Charlie's hands and pulled them from the blonde's face, squeezing them. “And you say you’re certain he’s still out there somewhere. Some people just want to be known as the person to find it. Some might believe the myth of whoever finds the Shadow ship becomes the captain of the Shadow itself.. That’s plenty enough to entice some people.”
Charlie stared into Vaggies eye as she took in a deep breath to help ground herself, squeezing both of the other woman's hands. She opened her mouth to say something but a different voice cut her off. 
“I do apologize but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation just now.” A tall man stood in front of the two women, and Charlie couldn’t remember seeing him inside the tavern or how he approached without either one of them noticing. “But, the topic of the Shadow ship has been an interest of mine for quite some time.”
The man was well dressed, especially for the place they all stood in. Vaggie was immediately suspicious of him, her hands let go of Charlie and one rested on the hilt of her sword, lax but ready to react in an instant if needed. The ears on top of his head flicked once, almost in response to her actions, which caused her to stand straighter as well. 
Charlie, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice either action and she stood up off the bar with a newfound excitement in her eyes. “Yes! We’ve been trying to get a crew together to go after it, find it!”
As Vaggie stared at and studied the man in front of them, the more she began to recognize him. She placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder gently to try and lead her back and away, to get her to leave the tavern entirely if possible, as her other hand now tightened on the hilt of her sword. Charlie didn’t take the hint and instead took a step forward, putting her own hand out for the man to shake. “I’m Charlie, this is Vaggie, my sailing master and first mate!”
“Alastor, a pleasure to meet the both of you.” He took Charlie's hand into his own, brought it up to his lips, and pressed a polite kiss to her knuckles.
Charlie smiled at the action and once her hand was released, she grabbed onto Vaggies, pulling it away from the hilt of her sword. Alastor kept his gaze at both their faces, both hands returning to the top of the cane as he nodded and spoke up once more. “If you have the space for three, I have two…friends… that would be joining me if you would have us.”
“Yes! Of course, we do!” The blonde said immediately, much to Vaggies dismay. 
Alastors smile widened, “Brilliant! I promise that all of us will be a great deal of help on the ship, Niffty will ensure no rodents or vermin of the like survive past the first day of sailing, and Husker is a rather fine bartender and is a rather grand navigator.”
“Charlie I really think-” Vaggie started but was interrupted by the blonde.
“Okay! We were planning on leaving in two days. Tomorrow I can give you a tour of the ship, we can get all of your stuff moved onto the ship and figure out a real plan on where we’ll be heading next!” 
Alastor nodded as he bowed slightly. “We’ll meet tomorrow then, at noon?” He suggested. 
Charlie nodded. “Noon is perfect.”
With just as quickly and silently as the tall man had arrived, he left without another word. Vaggie let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding the entire time and grabbed onto both of Charlie's arms, turning the blonde to face her. Charlie’s lips turned upwards into a wide smile, she jumped up and down a few times as she grabbed onto Vaggies shoulders to try and keep herself from freaking out too much. “Someone actually wanted to join us!”
Vaggie watched her jump. She didn’t want to ruin the excitement that the blonde held and didn’t want to cause the other to worry but she was concerned about the new crew members that Charlie had just hired on.
“You do know who that was, right Charlie?” She asked.
That caused Charlie to have a look of confusion cross her face and she shook her head. “No? Who was that?”
“That was Alastor Altruist, one of the most feared Pirate Lords.” Vaggies voice lowered to a whisper, careful not to let anyone around them hear her words.
It was like the air was ripped from the building and like everything had gone silent. “Oh.”
The sun shined down and waves gently crashed against the ship's hull. Despite the nice weather and clear skies, the air was thick with nervousness and anxiety. Charlie couldn’t exactly go back on her invitation to the pirate lord Alastor onto her ship, on the adventure. They needed to help, and if he knew as much as he said he knew about the Shadow ship, then his help would greatly improve their chances of actually finding it. Vaggie had promised that if he even seemed like he had any ulterior motives she’d kill him, that was the only way he’d be allowed on the ship, so Charlie agreed to it.
The fishing village had long since started its day, a new ship had arrived with different supplies and trading goods and was already being filled with new cargo to be traded with wherever it made port next. Fishermen had been out and back twice already in search, hauling back different quantities of fish with varying qualities. 
Charlie paced back and forth on the ship, her hat on top of her head and she took in a few breaths. It was going to be fine. Alastor the pirate lord hadn’t been heard from in years, everyone had assumed he had died, his ship sunk, and that was the end of it. Yet there he had been, asking for a spot on her ship. This meant that he was missing his ship somehow, so something must’ve happened. Was he going to try and steal her ship? Once they were out on the open sea, was he going to cause a mutiny, throw her and Vaggie overboard? He hadn’t given that impression but she had been just excited that anyone was interested in joining.
That was why she was always so thankful that Vaggie was by her side. Without her, Charlie was certain she would’ve gotten into infinitely more trouble and misunderstandings that she wasn’t entirely sure she’d be able to get out of. As she thought of the conversation from last night, she now could see that Vaggie had tried doing the same there as well but Charlie hadn’t listened or paid any attention to it. Now they needed to deal with the subsequent outcome, whether that be good or bad.
Focusing on the good, Alastar truly was interested in the Ship as well, and truly just wanted to help her find it. He might not understand that the only reason she was after the ship was because of her father, but still, he had offered not only his help but the help of two more people as well. He was allowed to have his own interests in the Ship, two people with a common interest could get a lot done.
Now with the man being not only just a pirate but a pirate lord could hold problems on its own. Especially if they ran into the Royal Navy. Her father hadn’t been the Crown's most favorite person, though he never told her why, and he had always been on the run from the Royal Navy himself until he settled down on the small island she grew up on. Luckily for her, no one knew who she was, just someone interested in the ocean myths, searching for her father. No ties to the navy or pirates alike, or at least, she didn’t have ties. With Alastor joining her crew, ties were created. Perhaps if they ran into the royal navy she could convince them that he had turned over a new leaf, that he was no longer a pirate. Wishful thinking.
If they ran into other pirates, Alastors' reputation might be helpful. He would know what to say to make them not attack or to leave them alone. Or they might see him and just decide not to mess with them entirely, which would be the preferred option. The actual preferred option would be not running into any pirates and being left alone entirely while on the adventure but she doubted that would be the case. They needed to be prepared for any and all scenarios possible. 
Which was why Vaggie had insisted on having weapons on board, for protection against pirates and the navy alike, just in case she had said. Cannons, guns, gunpowder, swords, and knives alike. Charlie had been practicing her sword fighting with Vaggie every morning for an hour before they went on with their day and she was getting pretty good if she had been honest with herself. That or Vaggie was going easy on her.
“Heya toots!” A voice called out over the crash of waves that caught Charlie out of her thoughts and she stopped pacing. She looked out to the docks and noticed someone she didn’t recognize standing there waiting to be granted access to the ship. “Heard you were lookin for some hands, lucky for you I got four and I’m really good at usin ‘em!”
Charlie blinked a few times and watched as the man held up his four arms and flashed a toothy grin, the sun glinting off a golden tooth. She immediately smiled back and waved at him to board the ship. “You want to join my crew?”
“Been lookin for a way out of this small village for a while!” He walked up the board onto the deck and stuck one of his arms out for the blonde to shake. “I’m Angel, nice to meetcha!”
“Charlie! Nice to meet you!” She shook his hand with enthusiasm and nodded. “You’re just in time, we’re leaving tomorrow morning!”
“Sooner the better,” Angel said as he looked around the ship, his lower set of arms and hands rested on his hips. As he looked out over the small fishing village, he cleared his throat and pointed down at the docks, “Know them?”
Charlie looked back down at the docks and smiled brighter as she saw Alastor standing there with a catman standing on his left and a much smaller woman with one eye standing on his right. “Alastor! Welcome aboard!”
Alastor walked up onto the ship first followed by the two others. None of them seemed to be carrying any bags or personal items at all and Charlie wondered if Alastor had changed his mind. Showing up might have been just a polite thing to do, to tell her in person that he had changed his mind and the three of them wouldn’t be joining. It wouldn’t be the best news but Vaggie would feel relief and at least they had one person joining it seemed.
She felt nervous, more so now that there was a practical stranger standing on the deck as well. Would Angel recognize Alastor? Would he care that Alastor was a pirate? Would he change his mind about joining? “Charlie, this is Husker and Niffty, the friends I was telling you about last night.” Alastor introduced them. 
Niffty smiled brightly up at Charlie and stepped forward, studying her closely before her eyes began scouring the deck for any movement. Husk grunted once as he lifted a bottle up to his lips, taking a sip from it as he fluffed his wings out a bit. It was clear he wasn’t a fan of the bright sunny day as one of his wings extended slightly to try and block the sun rays from his face. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both!” She said before stepping to the side and allowing more access onto the deck of the ship. She motioned for Angel to take a step forward and gave an encouraging smile. “This is Angel, he said he’s interested in joining us as well! Angel, this is Alastor, Niffty, and Husker!”
Alastor looked over at the stranger, the smile never leaving his face as he looked the other over once before nodding. “Pleasure to meet you as well, I am happy to hear that this little crew is growing. By the end of the week the ship will be filled to the brim I am sure. Shall we begin the tour of the ship?”
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kymanitaylorsversion · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Fanfic Part 2
Author's Note: So, this one has smut but it's not sexy, I mean it's sexual but it's attractive. Anyways I just wanted to warn anyone who is weary of smut. Also there are a couple people I'm gonna tag s that they know the new part is up, anyways enjoy!
@unfunnyaceartist @gummy-axolotl
“You didn't tell me I was gonna be a gay pornstar!” Adam exclaims dramatically.
“I didn’t tell you you would be a straight pornstar,” Valentino retorts, amused by Adam’s display.
“You said that I could fuck all the bitches.” Adam pokes at Val’s chest once, only for it to squeak making him give up on the sentiment.
“I didn’t specify the gender.” Adam sighs at that.
“The term ‘bitches’ implies that they are females.”
“Maybe to you.” Adam squints at Val, looking up towards him since he’s at least 3 and a half feet taller, although Adam would never admit that. “And besides, you signed the contract that had all the information right above the dotted line,” he continues as he trails off into his office.
“I thought I could trust you, dude.”
“Interesting,” Val says as Adam internally questions. “So you’ve been taught to never make a deal with a demon but not to read the fine-print. Huh.”
“He can’t help you down here, love.” Adam scowls at him. “Be right back.” When Val comes back out Angeldust is walking in.
“Hey boss, I’m ‘ere for ya emergency- What in the ever-flying-fuck?” Angeldust makes eye contact with Adam.
“Oh, Anthony.” Angeldust is taken aback by the fact that he knows that name but realizes he is the original man.
“Okay you two, ready?” Valentino re-enters with a knowing smile. He looks at his cameramen and other crewmembers to avoid eye-contact with the two actors.
“I’m fucking him?!” they both exclaim looking eachother up and down.
“What? It’ll be popular. You guys fought on opposite sides, it’s a… uhhh… enemies to lovers.” Angel shoots and eyebrow up as Adam shrugs.
“Let’s get this over with lady-dude.” Angeldust rolls his eyes.
What the fuck does that even mean?
“Okay, drugs, bitches, action!” Valentine says as if he’s going through a list.
“Hey, baby,” Angeldust starts. “I know we fought on opposite sides, but I want that perfect angelic dick.” Angel’s urge to roll his eyes is so bad he wants to rip his eyeballs out at this point.
“Mmm, you’re so hot,” Adam says in a more emotion filled voice than Angeldust’s monosyllabic voice. Adam goes down for a smooth, silky kiss. This isn’t as bad as he thought it would be. Angeldust reaches a hand towards Adam’s pants, lowering them as he falls back onto the bed, dragging Adam with him. As he unbuckles Adam’s belt he can feel his already hardened dick. “Well, I’ll be,” he lightly whispers to himself, feeling the length of Adam’s massive cock.
 “Oh, fuck,” Adam groans once he slips inside Angeldust in his frat-boy-ish voice.  A telltale sign he won’t be lasting very long, Angeldust thought to himself. His suspicions were confirmed 3 minutes later when Adam gave a simple “I’m gonna cum” before spewing inside of Angeldust.
“CUT!” Valentino yelled.
“Goddamn, that was…”
And then he did, again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Finally, several Valentino-punches to Adam’s face and Adam coming in Angeldust 5 times, Angeldust not coming onc, they finally got a 2 and a half hour take.
“Fucking finally,” Valentino lamented. “You two are free to go I guess,” he continued nonchalantly. Angeldust starts walking back to the Hazbin Hotel but Adam has no where to go. So, he follows Angeldust home.
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mintartem · 1 month
Adamsapple azazel as the villain he pretended to help both of them trying to be together. He want to take the rulership of hell, so set up a plan. He give them advice toward Adam and Lucifer who won't help them getting closer instead just make Lucifer get more annoyed with Adam. Azazel plan work everytime Adam come to him he give him another advice this time, when Adam fail again he accidentally kill Lucifer. That's when azazel reveal the truth to him
Azazel: Of course you could been together Lucifer loved you from the start, he was just scared of his feeling. For all his cockiness he didn't know how to act around you and you know Lucifer he like to run
Suddenly, a voice behind Azazel spoke.
“Oh so that’s your plan! Thank you for explaining everything!”
Azazel quickly turned around. Behind him was Lucifer, alive and in his devil form. His six wings on full display behind him to keep himself afloat. The fire on his head burned brighter than Azazel has ever seen it. The snake on his head serving as a mock halo hissed angrily at him.
Adam who was clutching the clone Lucifer’s body looked up, eyes filled with hope. A relieved and happy smile spread across his face after seeing his beloved alive. Adam gasped in surprise when the clones body turned into dust.
“YOU! HOW DID YOU-!!” Azazel was cut off.
“I’m the DEVIL, Bitch!” Lucifer yelled, his eyes turning pure blood red. He raised his hand and an angelic glow appeared. He aimed his hand towards Azazel and before Azazel could react, a huge blast came out, hitting Azazel then sending him crashing to the ground. The impact of the landing was so strong it created a creator around him and dust to scatter.
Lucifer softly landed on the ground. He walked towards the crater Azazel’s impact created and saw him unconscious. Golden blood bleed out of his forehead and nose. Out of nowhere, arms wrapped themselves around him.
“Lucifer!” Adam exclaimed in relief. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” Adam repeated. Tears fell from his eyes, regret, fear, relief, and happiness all evident on his face seeing Lucifer alive. Lucifer can feel how hard Adam’s hands clutch him as if fearing he’ll disappear.
Lucifer’s right hand reached up to Adam’s face and wiped his tears away while the other encircled his waist.
“Hey, hey, my Dove…. Shhh… I’m here. I’m alive.” Lucifer whispered softly to the crying Adam.
Lucifer comforted Adam for as long as he needed. At some point, Lucifer noticed that they’re both on the ground, Adam’s head resting on his chest. His crying and mumbling ceased to soft sobs while Lucifer continued to hold Adam while stroking his hair. He knows his beloved loves it when he does that. And Lucifer is proud to admit he enjoys stroking Adam’s hair.
Lucifer glanced at Azazel’s unconscious body. At this point, the golden blood had dried up. With a snap of his fingers, angelic bindings appeared out of nowhere and tied itself around Azazel to ensure he won’t escape once he wakes up. He needs to comfort his Dove first and foremost after all.
Adam’s breathing evened out. He glanced at Azazel’s body and asked: “Is he…?”
“He’s not dead,” Lucifer replied. “If I want him dead, I’d need Michael’s help for that.” Adam can’t help but release a giggle at the way Lucifer said Michael’s name. There was surprisingly no malice in it and more of an annoyed sibling tone to it. They are definitely brothers!
“How are you feeling?” Lucifer asked filled with concern and love. Adam was taken aback. How could this guy be concerned for him when Adam literally tried to (and is even sort of successful) kill him? “I should be asking you that.”
“As you can see, I’m perfectly fine! Do you want to go home and…. You know” Lucifer gave Adam a suggestive smirk, but it was ruined by Lucifer’s eyebrows going up and down. Adam laughed which made Lucifer smile.
“You just finished fighting!”
“Like I said, I’m perfectly fine”
“I literally tried to kill you”
“But you were manipulated by Azazel and you regret it. Besides, I think I deserve some compensation.” Lucifer’s tail wagged back and forth. His arms wrapped around Adam’s waist securely. There’s a happy and playful grin plastered on his face.
Adam laughed at Lucifer’s antics. Gently, he held Lucifer’s face and gave the devil a soft kiss on the lips filled with all the love he could muster. When they pulled apart, Lucifer’s face was flushed gold reminding Adam of the cockatiels. Lucifer’s eyes looked at him with a lot of admiration and love.
“I love you.” Said Adam softly. Finally, after all this time, he told Lucifer how he really felt.
The surprise on Lucifer’s face melt away to mirror the way Adam looks at him, filled with love and happiness.
“I love you too.”
I felt like writing something. The angst in this ask was killing me! I’m sorry but I need to give it a happy ending!!
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bunnytornado · 2 months
Between a Desk and a Hard Place Chapter 1
Cross-posted on Archive Of Our Own
Chapter 2
“Let’s make a deal…You scratch my back…I’ll leave yours alone for a set time,” Alastor purred out, the signature grin of the Radio Demon firmly placed on his face.
I frown and tilt my head. “What…kind of deal Alastor,” I ask cautiously. Alastor was never one to leave one alone or even offer this unless there was some sort of entertainment.
“Well… Let’s just say… I want you to do a little spying for me. I want you to search through Good ol’ Luci’s office and see if you can find something for me. See if you can locate anything that would make it where Charlie would be give up hope on her father.” The look in Alastor’s eyes told all. He didn’t believe she could do it, but it would be entertaining.
“I-I can’t do that! Charlie and Lucifer just started to rekindle their relationship!” In truth, the fact Alastor was even thinking along these lines was revolting, but not surprising. “And what if I get caught?”
“Then you get caught. He doesn’t know you, doesn’t know that Charlie even has you here in the hotel just yet. So, wouldn’t it be such fun for him to find a human in his office? What’s the worst he will do? If he’s trying to appease his daughter’s whims…You should be safe…in theory.” Alastor laughed and held out his hand. “If you do this, I’ll leave you alone for a month. No requests for your soul, no stalking, no invasion of your privacy.”
“And…no references to me being used as a meal?”
“Correct,” Alastor said with a twirl of his cane. “No references to you being the perfect little snack.”
I frowned and slowly took his hand. “D-Deal.” The room flooded with a green light as Alastor’s horns grew, stitches formed on his face, and his eyes turned black with red dials. Within seconds, everything returned to normal.
“Well then. Off you go,” Alastor laughed and instantly opened an Eldritch portal, and I dropped through, being deposited instantly into Lucifer’s Office. With a yelp, I hit the ground and winced.
Looking around, I noticed I was alone in the office. There were pictures of Charlie, random little rubber ducks, and the occasional odd trinket. I also saw on a small table some apples.
“Wow…this is…actually rather nice all things considered,” I said quietly and stood up and started to look around. Alastor didn’t say I had to bring anything back…I just had to look around.
So, I looked around at what Lucifer had out. After a while, I sat in his chair and spun just a bit. He had the cool spinning chairs. After a bit, I got up and went to the door to try and leave.
The lock rattled as I turned the handle of the door. I tried again, only hearing a “kgkgkgkgkgkg” sound as I tried the handle. There was no lock on my side, indicating that it was a lock that was on the other side of the door.
Panic settled in as I tried to figure out how to get out. I paced and tried to figure out a plan. There was a window, but judging by the view, I wasn’t going to be able to use that for escaping.
I looked up at the ceiling, trying to gauge if the ceiling tiles could be moved and I could escape that way. Realizing they were too high up for a mere human to even try to get to them, I shook my head and looked around for any other forms of escape.
I did not want to be caught in the King of Hell’s office. Regardless of Alastor’s assumptions that it would be fine, I did not believe it was a good idea. Honestly, Alastor probably just wanted the laugh factor of seeing the King of Hell rip a poor human apart. Or whatever a King of Hell did with a trespasser.
As I tried to figure out an escape from my predicament, I heard the clicking sound of the lock being undone and instantly dove under the desk. I scooted as far back under the desk as I could as the door swung open. I covered my mouth as there were footsteps walking to the desk.
A growl, and then a man’s voice could be heard. “I don’t fucking care if you took care of the fucking Incubus. You’re just now telling me there is a human in Hell! My daughter is trying to rehabilitate former human souls! Think of what heaven will say when they hear a demon dragged a living mortal to this realm! I do not want anything to destroy her dreams or create additional problems. The fact that your worker lost the human in my realm is even worse!”
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 2 months
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Female Reader!
Impromptu smut killing my friends led to this so enjoy me ignoring my WIP list and asks... I am not editing this... It's pure rough draft smut again 😂 I'm being tortured rn to post it lmao...
Alastor x FReader.
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CW: P in V sex, lots of talking from Alastor, radio broadcasting. No editing; no beta; we're going in raw, WE DIE LIKE ADAM!
(See male reader version here)
Scream For Me.
(Fem Reader!)
Alastor's eyes gleam with excitement as he obliges your request, to act like you're in a broadcast as he fucks you on the control panel.
His voice taking on the smooth, seductive cadence of his radio persona, the radio overlay seamless as he continues to fuck you relentlessly.
"Welcome back to the airwaves, my dear listeners. We have a very special guest in the studio tonight - an exquisite Sinner! Who's been brought to her knees by the Radio Demon himself. She's got a mouthwatering pair of tits, a luscious ass, and a swollen little clit that's just begging to be played with."
He reaches up, tweaking your nipples as he continues to describe your body to his imaginary audience, his voice dripping with sarcasm and lust.
"But the real treat here, folks, is her tight little cunt."
Alastor grunts as he buries himself inside you, his fingers digging into your hips as he picks up the pace, his voice growing more urgent with each passing second.
"She's soaked, practically drowning in her own juices. And the sounds she makes, oh the sounds... They're like music to my ears, a symphony of lust and desire that has me on the edge of sanity."
He leans in, his teeth grazing your earlobe as he whispers in a low, husky voice.
"You're mine. My personal plaything. And I'm going to make you cum harder than you ever have before, right here on the airwaves for everyone to hear."
You moan, body trembling cunt spasming, as you cling to him desperately while he takes you without mercy.
"I'm going to keep fucking you until you can't take it anymore."
As Alastor continues to narrate your intimate encounter, his words become more explicit and crude, pushing the boundaries of decency and fueling your mutual desire.
"Look at you! You're a mess. Your makeup's smeared, your hair's a tangled mess, and you're covered in sweat and cum. But you're still so fucking beautiful, so incredibly sexy. I can't get enough of you."
His thrusts become more erratic, his movements more aggressive as he approaches his peak, his voice rising in volume and intensity.
"I'm going to fill you up, Princess. I'm going to flood your cunt with my seed, marking you as mine for all eternity."
Alastor's words send a surge of pleasure through you, and you moan loudly, your body writhing under his relentless assault. The thought of being 'broadcasted' to an unknown number of listeners adds a thrill to your encounter, pushing you further into the realm of ecstasy.
"Oh god... yes... I'm yours... I'll do anything for you..." You pant, your voice filled with desire and submission.
Alastor's grip on your hips tightens, his thrusts becoming more forceful as he brings you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. The sensations build within you, a tidal wave of pleasure that threatens to consume you whole.
"I'm going to cum... Alastor..."
"And those tits... So perfect for playing with while I'm balls deep inside you... Scream for me."
Alastor's words push you over the edge, and you cry out in pleasure as your body convulses in an intense, shattering orgasm. He doesn't stop, though, continuing to pound into you relentlessly as wave after wave of euphoria crashes over you, cunt clenching hard, vision going white with pleasure.
His grip on your hips becomes almost painful, his movements rough and uncontrolled as he chases his own release, driven by the sight and sound of you, the feel of you clenching around him making him make his own delicious sounds.
Finally, with a roar of triumph, he releases his seed deep inside you, filling you up, flooding you.
"And there it is, folks! The sweet sound of this sweet sinners surrender. Her body convulsing, her voice screaming out in ecstasy as I claim her yet again. And now, I'm now painting her insides with my seed, branding her as mine for all eternity."
As Alastor continues to speak into the microphone, his words grow more ragged, more primal, reflecting the intensity of his own climax.
"Feel me, Darling. Feel my cum filling you up, making you mine."
His thrusts become slower, more measured as he savors the sensation of release, his body still convulsing with aftershocks of pleasure.
"That's it, my dear. Take it all. Let every last drop of my seed fill you up, marking you as mine."
As Alastor finally stills, his body spent and satisfied, he leans in to press a tender kiss to your lips, his voice softening as he addresses you directly once more.
"You were amazing, Sweetheart. Truly breathtaking. And remember, no matter where this journey takes us, you will always be mine."
He withdraws from you slowly, his semen trickling from your sated cunt as he moves aside to allow you to rest and recover from your intense encounter. As he does so, he reaches out to gently caress your cheek, his eyes filled with a mixture of lust, affection, and pride.
"Thank you, Alastor," you manage to whisper, your voice hoarse from moaning and your body trembling with exhaustion and satisfaction. "It was... incredible."
You lean into his touch, closing your eyes as you bask in the warmth and love radiating from him. For the first time in your life, you truly feel seen, understood, and accepted for who you are, flaws and all.
"I love you," you murmur, the words slipping past your lips without hesitation or fear.
Alastor's smile widens, his eyes sparkling with joy as he leans in to press another kiss to your lips.
"And I love you, Dearest Heart," he whispers against your mouth. "Now and forever."
(unbeknownst to you, he had actually been broadcasting the whole time, not just pretending.)
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sondrox · 4 days
Infernal Tales Ch. 12 - I trust you with my death aftermath
Summary: Vaggie returns with Charlie after resurrecting from their last misadventure.
Waking from death was always a bitch.
When Vaggie opened her eye, her whole body crunched at the slightest movement. She didn’t know if that was because of how she died, or the cold wasteland stone floor she slept on for an awful amount of time.
As a habit of hers, Vaggie endured through it. She inspected around her, seeing nothing but the reddish wastelands of hell expanding on every direction for miles. Red hills where little to no life grew up, it reminded Vaggie of the desert.
She hoped she could spot Pentagram City upon waking up, but her luck would not grant her even that after literally dying and resurrecting.
Stretching her arm more than she really had to, Vaggie summoned her spear, her underlaying anxiety dissipated, if just a bit, and used it as a walking stick.
It took Vaggie half an hour of walking aimlessly before she could finally spot Pentagram City on the horizon, after she had climbed to the top of a cliff, standing on the edge of it. Now if only she could only find a way down that didn’t take her forever.
Vaggie considered literally jumping off the edge and throw herself into the void out of pure spite.
She had lost track of time by the time she finally walked into streets she recognized.
Her legs weighed as if they were bags of gravel and her feet burned. A part of her, one that had not come with her to hell, told her she could—she should—take a break. It was not like the hotel was going anywhere, and Charlie was already waiting for her for…however long Vaggie took to respawn, she could wait just a little longer.
But her truth be told, Charlie was both Vaggie’s blessing and curse. Only Charlie was her safe heaven. Nowhere else, nothing else.
After what felt like an eternity, Vaggie had arrived into the hotel’s territory. That alone allowed her to breathe easier and mitigate her pain.
When she stood in front of the hotel’s doors. She took a deep breath and raised her fist.
The door opened immediately and before Vaggie knew it, Charlie embraced her in a hug that lifted her feet off the ground with a strength comparable to that that killed her before.
But she was not in condition or mood to complain about that and only tried to enjoy the moment.
“ImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorry. I’m SO SO SO sorry! I promise I will listen to you more from now on. It was all my fault-Aghhhhh.” Charlie’s voice broke down on a cry as she let Vaggie down and buried her head on her partner’s shoulder bending her back.
As second nature, the sinner put her hand on the demon’s back and gave it pats. “Calm down, hun. I’m here now, that’s all that matters.” Vaggie rested the side of her head on Charlie’s head for a moment as she reciprocated the contact, lingering on it. Charlie was like a perfect bed, soft, relaxing, and so goddamn warm and comfy. “Shh, shh, don’t cry, honey. Right now-oooow…” Vaggie had lifted Charlie’s head so she could see her face.
Charlie’s eyes were still crystalized, tears brimming on the edge of them, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. Her cheeks were soaked in strong defined trails of tears rolling down all across her white face, not to mention her eyes were red, but not as they would be in her full-demon form. A clear sign she has been crying since Vaggie died; probably non-stop.
“Right now I’m here,” Vaggie continued, “You can take care of me all you want, only if I can take care of you.”
Somehow Charlie’s eyes filled with even more tears for a second before she became a pool of tears once again. “What I did to deserve you!? Ah-oh-oh-oh-oh!”
“More than this place and I deserve,” Vaggie thought, “Let’s go to bed, hun.” She wrapped her hand softly on Charlie’s hand and they walked to the elevator, leaning into each other straight to their room.
Vaggie and Charlie did not let go of each other for a single second all night long.
I really had no plans to write this tonight. I was working on another project when I got fed up with it and wrote this out of spite. I had this idea behind the scenes for quite a while now. I wrote all of this in one setting.
Simple and fulfills its small purpose.
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Listen to your Heart: Adam x pregnant!reader
AN: Lol I enjoyed writing this wonderful prompt for @madmiriam! I wasn't sure exactly what direction I wanted to take with this but fluff felt the most appropriate (lol all it takes is one comment though for me to write a pt 2 with smut bc I lowkey can see the vision now). I hope y'all enjoy! The prompt kept getting away from me so I tried to reel it in as much as I could so please bear with me lol
Warnings/tags: Pregnancy, reader's death/graphic details (backstory), cursing, guilt, sickeningly sweet fluff, slice of life, no beta we die like Adam
Note: S1 and S2 refer to the heart sounds heard in a normal cardiac cycle (think lub, dub).
Part 2 (18+)
You had never given much thought to how your second "life" would turn out. Avoiding exorcists on extermination day? Sure, that was to be expected. Working the same job you had worked when you were alive? Eh, that made sense, the hospital you worked at when you were alive was basically hell on earth most days.
Falling pregnant with a fallen angel's baby? Absolutely not.
You had freaked out a bit at first when you found out. You had been a doctor for fuck's sake. You should have been smarter. Except for the whole "being dead thing", which you assumed meant reproduction was off the table. Which it was, in most cases. Except for—
"Angelic Sperm," Adam said when you told him you were pregnant.
"What?" Of all the things you had expected him to say, this was not it. You had expected him to grow angry or childish, as you had known him prone to doing.
"Angelic Sperm." He repeated again, giving you a curious look.
"Adam you can repeat that all you want but that doesn't mean I know what you're talking about."
"Angelic Sperm. I think that's the only way for a sinner to get pregnant in hell. I mean, think about it, Princess of Hell is technically half-angel, half-sinner. And you've got sinners fucking all the time without getting knocked up. Come on, Y/N, weren't you a doctor?"
Adam scratched his head in contemplation, taking in this new information. You looked over at him in anger.
"I tell you I'm pregnant and all you can talk about is sperm?"
Adam looks over at you, a calm look on his face. He takes you into his arms, more gently than he ever had, and pulled you close to him. He kissed the top of your heard, his lips lingering far longer than they normally would.
"I'm so fucking excited, Y/N."
And so now you found yourself 5 months pregnant in Hell. You had begun to wear baggy clothes to not show your swollen stomach. You couldn't imagine what some sinners or overlords would do if they found out there was actually a way to get pregnant in an otherwise barren wasteland.
Adam had been very attentive to you in your pregnant state. You still had to work at the local hospital, trying to get in as many shifts as possible before the birth. When you'd gotten of work, Adam would always have some kind of food craving awaiting you, and together you would rot on the couch until it was time for bed and the day to start all over again.
There was one such time of rotting that you had found yourself lying on the couch beside Adam, on of his hands dropped across your waist and a hand lightly holding your baby. Baby, which Adam had begun to affectionately call "Little Hellion", was kicking happily in against your bladder.
You grimaced at the sensation, your body tensing against Adam. Sensing your discomfort, he kissed your forehead and pulled you tight. "Living up to your name, Hellion."
"They get it from their dad," You replied, your breath becoming more even as Hellion decided to turn their kicking attention elsewhere. Adam rubbed circles around your stomach, which seemed to appease Hellion.
"What are we going to do about after? I can't even imagine trying to raise a child in Hell, constantly on edge even more than usual." You finally asked, a question burning in the pit of your stomach for months. Hell was no place for a child. Would the baby even age? Sinners stopped aging from the moment they died. The Princess of Hell aged, though slower than a human would, but you didn't know what that meant for your baby. And other sinners would notice if they aged. Questions would be asked...questions that would be dangerous to answer.
Adam sighed and ran a hand through his soft, brown hair. "I've been thinking about that too. I think we need to go to the hotel."
You turned to look at him, your brow furrowed. "The Hazbin Hotel? Where you got fucking murdered?"
Adam laughed without humor. "Fucking insane right? And it's such a lame-ass place. But, I have to think about my family. You and Hellion are my family now, Y/N."
Warmth spread throughout your chest, Adam's confession taking you by surprise. He was rarely so vulnerable with you, mostly choosing to hide behind his mask of bravado and masculinity. You smiled at him. Hellion seemed to approve of his words as well because you received a sharp kick in your side.
"I think we should try and see if Hell Princess' redemption plans are even worth a shit. And even if they aren't, she, or Hell forbid fucking Lucifer, might have a better shot at getting in contact with Heaven than I do."
"Heaven? You want us to try and get into Heaven?" You shivered at the thought. You felt...dirty. Unclean. Unworthy of redemption. You had been sent to Hell for a reason and felt you would always serve your sentence.
"We have to try everything, Y/N. I...I have to try everything." Adam looked desperate, his golden eyes shimmering in a way you had never seen.
Adam kissed your forehead and continued rubbing circles around your stomach. He began to softly sing a Rolling Stones song you couldn't remember the name of.
And that was how you found yourself at the front door of the Hazbin Hotel, face-to-face with Lucifer of all people.
"Ooh, not sure if there are any rooms left in the inn. Might have you stay in the stables. I'm sure we have a manger or two for your convenience."
"I'm sorry, are you seriously making a Jesus joke right now?" You deadpanned as you stared at the King of Hell with an unamused expression. You had a hand on your stomach and you could feel Adam tense beside you.
"Get the fuck out of our way, Morningstar, your kid told us she would meet us here."
"Daddd!" Charlie yelled, running closer to the group at the front door. "I told you to let me answer the door!"
Lucifer at least had the grace to look sheepish. He moved behind Charlie, who happily welcomed you and Adam inside.
She grinned at you as she led you both to your room. "Congratulations by the way! So sorry about my dad, he always likes to try and push Adam's buttons."
"Fucking pussy," Adam muttered. You shot him a glare. "Stay away from him as much as you can."
"And ugh, Congratulations by the way! Adam told me all about it when he came to meet with me about you both joining the hotel! This is so exciting! And we have so many crafts and exercises and —"
"Hey, one fucking step at at time, Princess." Adam interrupted, sensing you tense at Charlie's words.
Charlie nodded and looked at you apologetically. "Sorry, I just get a little over-excited! We are so happy to have you here."
You smiled up at her softly. "We really appreciate you for letting us come to the hotel."
That night, you both lay in bed in your new home as you began your paths of redemption. Your head was on Adam's chest and you listened to the constant beat of his heart. Listening to the beat of the heart or pulse had always had a calming effect on you, even when alive. S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
"Adam what if you get redeemed, and I—I don't. And I ruin everything. I don't deserve to be in Heaven."
"Why would fucking think that, Y/N. You deserve it more than anyone I know." He asked, his voice full of surprise.
"Because I killed someone!" You exclaimed, tears rolling down your eyes. "I was stupid and I killed someone and now I am meant to rot in Hell for all eternity. And I've damned our kid to this."
Adam wiped one of the tears that had begun to roll down your cheek. "And you don't think I have? Do you know how many sinners I've killed? Happily?"
"Adam, it's different."
"Try me."
You swallowed hard. "I was coming off of a 24-hour shift at the hospital. I was so tired. So fucking tired. And I knew better than to drive home. But my apartment was just 20 minutes away. And I thought it would be okay. I could have slept for an hour or two in the on-call room but I was so ready to get home."
Tears began streaming down your face at full force. Adam pulled you closer, surprisingly silent. "And then I fell asleep behind the wheel. I was only a mile from my house. I crashed into another car that had a mom and her kid in it. They died on impact. I was still alive, just barely, and bled out in my car before EMS could arrive."
"Y/N, you made a mistake. Fuck, I've made even more than that, definitely worse too."
"I just don't think I'm worthy of heaven."
Adam kissed your forehead and continued to hold you close. "Most of those fuckers who make it to Heaven aren't worth even half of you. You deserve Heaven. Shit, you owe it to yourself and Hellion to try."
"I'm just so scared Adam."
"I know. But we will take this one step at a time. Trust me, babe." He put a hand on your stomach. That had been one of his favorite things to do since the early days of your pregnancy. And Hellion seemed to know when their father was near, as you would get what you assumed were happy kicks in the direction of Adam's hand.
You nodded, cuddling in closer to him. One of his wings furled around you, creating a blanket for you and Hellion. You felt safe; warm. More so than you could remember feeling in a long time.
Everything would work itself out. And you and Adam would be redeemed just in time for Hellion to be born inside the pearly gates.
You found yourself focusing on Adam's heart once more.
S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
Everything would be okay. It had to be.
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scekrex · 7 months
Sooooo, about that idea 😂😂 I'm sure you already know where this is going 👀👀
Adam and reader casually talking about something and they get to the subject of being together somehow even after death, how it would or should go if either of them dies and reader just goes: "Well, I definitely wouldn't move on if you died (Oup-). I don't think I would be able to... " and Adam just looks at him with a bewildered look and goes: "Fuck you mean 'If I died you wouldn't move on'??YOU'RE MY HUSBAND, IF I'M DYING, YOU'RE DYING. WITH. ME. AIN'T NO CHOICE! WE ARE MARRIEEEEED, WE GON' DO EVERYTHING TOGETHER AND IF THAT INVOLVES DYING THEN SO HELP ME HOLY FATHER, YOUR SPICY ASS IS GOING WITH ME". Originally I thought about the reader to say all of that, but then I just thought: No, hold on, that's such an Adam thing to say 😂😂
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I swear Adam's so full of himself he'd simply be offended that reader's first intention wasn't "We're ride or die babe, if you die, I die with you" lmao
Baby we could be Bonnie & Clyde
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, talking about death, slightly cracky
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“What’s up, buttercup,” Adam hummed as he sat down next to you on the bed. The thoughts of the upcoming extermination weren't sitting right with you, it was really nothing more than a gut feeling but something told you that Adam and you should skip extermination day this year. And maybe that was part of the reason why you've been so quiet all day, maybe not, who knew.
Well, Adam seemed to at least know that something was bothering you.
You rested your head against his upper arm and sighed, maybe talking would get it off your chest for a moment, talking to Adam about the things that bothered you often helped. “I wanna skip extermination this year,” you started, you weren't able to look at your husband, not that you were afraid of his reaction but you knew how much that day meant to him as the leader of the exorcists. “Why?” was all the brunette asked as his wing softly wrapped itself around your back, the tip of his feathers were therefore resting on your thighs, not that you minded.
Yeah, why was a damn good question. Because of some stupid fucking gut feeling wasn't exactly the answer you wanted to give but it was all you had that came close to a reason so you said that. Adam remained silent for a moment, he seemed to be genuinely thinking about a response. “I get it,” he then mumbled and that made you peek up to him with curious eyes. You wouldn't have thought he did, or maybe he just said it to ease your mind a little. “Before my first extermination I was so fucking nervous,” the first man continued with a soft chuckle rumbling through his body and his arm came up to softly caress your shoulder, “I mean every time we go down there my life's on the line, and not just fucking mine but the lives of my chicks too.” Yeah, you assumed he was right. “I mean, it's not like these demon bitches would fight back or shit, but, y’know, they could, so what if they quit being fucking bitches and hurt my ladies? They're not going to, but they fucking could and-” he paused for a moment, took a deep breath as his eyes focused on the wall across the bed, “and that's fucking scary.”
Had Adam just admitted that he was scared of something? That he was scared of the demons in hell fighting back? It seemed that way. “I don't think I'd be able to move on if they'd kill ya,” your voice was quiet, shaking and far from sounding stable. Adam's eyes moved from the wall to you, an offended look in them, “The fuck you mean ‘you wouldn't be able to move on?” You backed off a little in order to look at him properly, “Y’know, I don't think I'd be able to ever be happy again.”
The first man grabbed your shoulders and shook you lightly, playfully, yet his eyes were dead serious when he spoke, “You’re my fucking husband, if I die you're dying with me, ain't no fucking choice.” You frowned a little at his words, but now that you thought about it dying with him sounded better than grieving his death for all of eternity. Your wing nudged his shoulder playfully and you replied, “Yeah well, that offer wasn't on the fucking table.” That caused a grin to erupt on his face and he pressed your upper body backwards until your back was flush against the mattress, “Yeah well, fuck whatever offer’s on the table and what's not, we're fucking married bitch.” His face came close to yours as he leaned down and for a brief moment you thought he was going to steal a kiss from you, but then his lips moved to your nape instead, “We’re gonna do everything together and if that involves dying, then holy father help me, your spicy ass is coming with me and if I have to drag you with me personally,” he paused to press a kiss to your jaw, his teeth softly scraping against your skin before he continued, “Then fuck, I fucking will, you got that?”
A laughter bubbled up from your chest at that and you grabbed onto his shoulders to flip you both over, now you were on top of him, “When the fuck did I sign up for a double homicide, huh?” He grinned up at you from below as his hands slid down your sides to come rest on your hips, “When you signed the fucking papers to marry me, slipped in a little contract that said your ass belongs to me and that you have to fucking die with me.” You pretended to punch his chest as you chuckled, “Fuck you, bitch.” Adam's grin only widened at that as he cheekily shot back a, “Do it yourself, you fucking coward.”
If he was inviting you so nicely, who were you to reject?
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