#Not to mention all the nurses and (I think) ambulance drivers and others I am forgetting
valiantarcher · 2 years
I’m not sure what irritates me the most about this book:
“socks can be easily modified for a perfect fit”
“creating a sock is a magical experience”
insinuating that women during WWI were largely constrained in war work to knitting and that they knit because they “were forbidden to bear” arms.
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Prompt: Buck and Reader are dating (maybe even engaged) before buck joins 118. Buck doesn't tell about reader at anyone in the station. Eddie could already be part of 118. And then buck gets hurt or something and they meet reader. Athena loves her and then can we have a scene of buck&reader with the fire kids.
Emergency Contact 
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of hospitals and injuries, a mention of pregnancy 
Category: Angst and fluff
Word Count: 3.3k 
Author’s Note: Italics is a flashback :) 
A house fire, a normal occurrence for the 118. They arrive, Buck and Eddie make their way through the house whilst Hen and Chim tend to the others. The family that lived there, the Smiths, couldn't find their daughter outside and figured she was still inside so they had gone in to find her. 
Buck and Eddie had spilt up when they got inside, Buck going left and Eddie going right. Eddie had found the little girl and managed to get her out of the house, her parents were grateful that he brought her back to them. 
“Where’s Buck ?” Bobby turns to Eddie. 
Eddie glances around, unsure as to where his friend was. “I thought he was right behind me, I swear I saw him on the stairs” 
Bobby radioed, “Buckley, come in” 
Before they could get an answer, there was a loud crash from inside the house. Eddie and Bobby run back in to see Buck on the floor of the kitchen, the ceiling had a massive hole in it and he was covered in dust. Buck tries to sit up a little too fast but falls onto his back. It seems like the floor had given out under him and he had fallen through. 
“Buck?” Eddie calls to him, checking his pupils. “Yeah, definite concussion,” he tugs on Buck’s coat, feeling his abdomen area. “At least 2 broken ribs, if not more.” Eddie looks up at their captain, his hand still gently feeling Buck’s abdomen.
Bobby comes over, grabbing Buck’s feet as Eddie sits Buck up carefully and loops his arms under his. The two men carry him out, Chimney rolling a stretcher over to them. From that point, Hen and Chim took over, checking his vitals and if they had missed any other fractions or broken bones. The ambulance pulled off first, Chimney in the driver’s seat and Hen in the back with Buck. The firetruck followed, both vehicles headed to the hospital. 
“Did anyone call Maddie ?” Hen breaks the silence filled waiting room. Bobby looks up at her, Hen speaks again, “she is his emergency contact, isn't she?” 
Something about that didn’t sound right to Bobby. He hadn’t been there when Buck started as a probie but he had gone over everyones forms when he became captain. He can’t remember who Buck’s emergency contact was but he didn’t think it was Maddie. 
“Does anyone have her number ?” Bobby asks, no one answers. “I’m gonna head back to the station, I'll give her a call and come back. If anything changes, let me know?” Eddie answers with a yeah and Bobby heads out. 
Once he arrived back at the station, he searched through the drawers of files - which truthfully, should be organized better, but that was a problem for another time. Once finding the file, his finger runs down the page. Maddie’s name was on the form but as a secondary contact. y/n l/n was the name listed as primary contact so he called this mystery woman. She answers after the first 2 rings. 
“Hi, is this y/n?” 
“It is, who’s this?” 
“I’m captain Bobby Nash with the 118.” 
“What can I do for you, captain ?” 
“You’re listed as Evan’s primary emergency contact.” there was a pause in the conversation, the line had gone silent. 
“Yeah, is he alright ?” the woman’s voice returns. 
“He fell through the floor during a call today. He has a concussion and a few broken ribs- one of the ribs seems to have punctured a lung and he’s in surgery now. I was calling to notify you, we’re at the hospital if you’d like to join us” 
“Thank you for calling, I'll be there soon” and with that, she hung up. Bobby still had no idea who this woman was or how she knew Buck. The lack of emotion in the call didn’t help him gauge who it might be. He pushed the thought from his mind and called Maddie - surely whoever this y/n woman was, was obviously important to Buck if she was listed before Maddie but Maddie was his sister and she deserved to know so he called her anyways. 
When Bobby returned back, Buck was still in surgery. He sat down just as Athena arrived. A box of donuts in one hand and one of those huge containers of coffee in the other, Bobby got up and helped her, not before pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
“You didn’t have to come by,” he tells her as he sets the thing of coffee on the table in the middle of the room, she gives him a small smile. “Buck might be trouble but he’s still one of ours. I’d show up for any of them, you know that” she nudges him with her shoulder softly, he smiles at her once more. Everyone gets up, helping themselves to the coffee and donuts that Athena brought- they all thanked her as they all know the horrors of hospital food. 
A woman walks in, she’s at the nurses desk which is across from where the team sat. She’s asking for Evan Buckley and the nurse points her in the direction of the team in the waiting room. She approaches, her hands shoved in her sweater pocket- rather Buck’s sweater pocket. Bobby had seen him show up to work in that very sweater a few days before. 
“You must be y/n” Bobby stands, his hand stretched out to her. 
“I am, you’re Bobby, right ?” your hand comes out to reach his, shaking it. It didn’t take long for Bobby to notice the large diamond on your ring finger. Your hand lets go of his, returning to its spot in your pocket. Bobby gives you a small smile which you mirror. 
“Everyone, this is y/n. Buck’s- sorry, I didn’t ask. How do you know Buck?” Bobby asks you, you glance around the room. Everyone's eyes were on you. 
“I’m Buck’s-” 
“Y/n!” a woman calls for you. Turning around, you see Maddie approaching you. “Mads!” your arms open as she gets closer. She embraces you in a hug, your hand rubbing up and back her back. 
“Did you hear anything yet ?” she asks you, letting you go. Shaking your head, “I just got here” 
“You know her too ?” Chimney pipes up from his chair, Maddie looks over at him. “Yeah, obviously. She’s Buck’s fiancee” she tells him, the entire room goes silent. 
You look over at your sister in law, “they didn’t know that yet Mads” chuckling, you pat her back before taking a seat across from a woman in a police uniform. Maddie’s eyes went wide, her mouth slightly opened in shock. “Sorry! I thought you told them” she says, sitting beside Chimney. “I was about too but you called for me” 
Everyone’s attention is on you, the woman sitting across from you speaks up. “Well, it’s nice to meet you” she says, “I’m Athena, Bobby’s wife” she introduces herself. 
“Ah, so the whole family’s in law enforcement huh ?” you smile, Athena chuckles. “Seems like it. What do you do ?” 
“I’m a nurse over at General” 
“I thought I had seen you somewhere before” Athena smiles.
The room goes back to quiet, the team talking amongst themselves. Maddie sat beside you and on her other side was Chimney, you had seen him for the pictures Maddie showed you when she started seeing him. Beside him was a woman, she wore glasses and had a friendly smile- Hen. Buck had told you about her and her wife, they seemed like nice people. Sitting beside Hen was a man, cute with somewhat of a resting bitch face- that was Eddie, Buck’s best friend. Buck practically lived at his house when you worked night shifts and you had also seen a million and one photos of his son, Christoper, who was the sweetest little boy on the planet from what you had heard. 
Your hand rested on your lap, your thumb pushing and pulling the engagement ring on your finger back and forth. 
“He must really love you because that’s one hell of a rock” Athena was pacing the room and was now beside you, her hand reaching for yours to take a closer look at the ring. You laugh, “it is, isn't it?” 
“I have to ask, how long have you two been engaged ? Because he’s never mentioned you.” 
“Oh I know,” you hum, “we like to keep things low key but um, it’s been 2 years since we got engaged. We aren't really in a rush to get married.” you tell her. 
“2 years? That’s a long time to keep a secret like that” 
“Yeah, it’s been a challenge- but it’s not like he didn’t want to tell you guys. He just didn’t know how. Oh you know how he is- actions over words.” 
You and Athena talk a bit more, she tells you how Bobby proposed to her on Christmas Eve. She showed you a picture from when they got married- her own massive ring adorning her finger. You told her about how Buck proposed to you. 
“Babe! The pancakes are going to get cold!” you shouted for your boyfriend from the kitchen of your apartment. 
“I’m coming woman! Calm down” he shouts back, his footsteps coming closer with each step.
Buck had the weekend off and so did you- a rare occurrence for the two of you. You decided that instead of going out to get breakfast like you normally would, that you would cook instead. Hence why you were up at 10:15 on a Saturday morning and why your boyfriend’s shirt that you were wearing, was covered in flour and eggs. 
Buck’s arms wrapped around your waist, your attention on the stove. His hands coming ups under your shirt to feel your bare skin, he was busy peppering kisses down your neck. You nudge him with your shoulder, “go sit down, I'll bring the pancakes over in a minute” you tell him and he hums. Pressing one more kiss to your neck, he untangles himself from you and goes to the table. 
The layout of your apartment was a bit strange, the kitchen was by the front door but the kitchen didn’t have much space so your table was closer to your living room than the kitchen and there was a wall blocking you when you were in the kitchen so you weren’t able to see the table. 
Now heading to the table with a plate in each hand, you were focused on not dropping the plates. That went out the window when you entered the room to see your boyfriend down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand. 
“Buck” you breath 
“Y/n, you are so amazing, you just- god, this is so cheesy but you really do take my breath away. Last night, I was laying beside you and I had this perfectly rehearsed speech that I was going to give you but it just doesn't make sense now. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You stood by my side and didn't complain when I worked long hours or didn't have time because I joined the fire department. You are the woman of my dreams and I would do anything for you. So I hope you would do me the honour of being my wife ?” 
“Yes, oh my god yes” you lean down to kiss him. Buck smiles, “baby?” 
“You gotta put the plates down” he chuckles, you hadn't realized you were still holding the plates. Setting them down, Buck gets up. The ring that was in the box was now in his hand, he slid the ring on your finger. Holding your hand up, you admired the ring. 
“I think this deserves a proper breakfast” 
“I don’t think there’s anything better than this” he pulls you in for a hug. 
Athena laughs when you tell her, “he ambushed you when you were making him breakfast ? This kid has no sense of the right time” you chuckles at her comment. “It was perfect. I don’t think I would have it any other way, you know?” 
The doctor comes in, he asks for Buckley and all 7 of you stand. “Wow big group. Okay- we were able to patch the hole. He’ll need to be off work for the next 3-4 weeks before he can even consider going back but he should make a full recovery.” a few breaths of relief were let out around the room. “He’s in recovery now, I can take you in one at a time. Who would like to go first ?” 
Everyone's looking at you and you glance over your shoulder. “Do any of you want to go ?” you ask, no one answers you. 
“Maddie ?” 
“I’m gonna get some air and some coffee and then I'll be there. Give him a hug for me” she gives your hand a squeeze, you smile at her. Following the doctor down the hallway, you pass multiple rooms all with different families and people with different injuries. That’s one of the things you enjoyed about the hospital- if you looked past all the sadness, there were so many success stories, so many happy families. 
Room 276 at the end of the hall was his. Buck was asleep, a few wires and such were hooked to him. Pulling a chair up to his bedside, your hand reached for him, holding it gently as your thumb rubbed the top of it. Your eyes drift to his monitor by his bedside, steady heartbeat and blood pressure. There was nothing to be concerned about yet you couldn't look away. 
“y/n,” a faint whisper left his lips, you glanced down at your fiancee, his eyes barely opened. 
“Buck,” you smiled, your hand coming up to touch his face. He nuzzled closer to your hand, turning his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to the palm of your hand. 
“Can I- water?” you let go of him to get the glass from the counter. Pouring some water in it, you stick the straw in the cup before holding the straw to his lips. He sighed and looked at you as you set the cup down. “I guess the secret’s out ?” he smiles, you nod. 
“Maddie let it slip, but I was about to tell them so it’s fine” you kiss his forehead. 
“Is everyone here?” 
“Yeah, in the waiting room. They all thought you’d look horrendous so I came in to check, lucky me right ?” you joke, Buck lets out a weak laugh before his hand comes up to his chest. 
“Ow, don’t make me laugh” he pouts, you smile at him. Sitting at the edge of the chair, your hand finds his hair, brushing it back softly. 
“Surgery isn't a good look on you” 
“Hey, I always look good” he pouts once more. 
The few weeks go by a lot quicker than expected and Buck is set to return to the 118 on Monday. Athena had helped you plan a little surprise get together for Buck but you had just told him that you were headed over to Bobby and Athena’s for the day because you were going shopping with Athena. You left home around noon and helped them set up all day and you called Buck around 6. 
“Hey babe, how’s shopping going ?” 
“It’s alright, we’re back at the house now. Bobby was saying that you should swing by, we could all have dinner together”
“Hm yeah, that sounds good. I’ll be there soon”
Now you wait. The entire team was already there, everyone scattered amongst the living room, waiting for him to arrive. He knocked on the door, Athena shouted for him to come in. He walked in, everyone waited for him to round the corner, the surprise evident on his face. 
“What’s all this?” he smiles, he makes his way down the stairs. 
“Welcome back” Bobby goes over to give him a hug. Buck makes his way around the room, saying hello to everyone. Eventually, he finds you in the kitchen with Karen who says hello to him and then leaves the two of you in the kitchen. 
“So did you really go shopping ?” he asks, his arm over your shoulder and your arm wraps around his waist. 
“Yeah but for party supplies” you smile at him, he leans down and kisses your head. Chris, Denny and Harry all come into the kitchen on the hunt for sweets that you previously heard Eddie, Athena and Hen all telling them that they weren't allowed to have. Of course they assumed that if they sweet-talk Buck that he would give them, and he did, he never said no to those boys. 
All three of them made themselves comfortable on the couch as Buck returned with a plate of cupcakes for them. Buck sat beside them, pulling you onto his lap. 
“Do you have any scars from the surgery ?” Denny asks him, looking over at Buck. “Yeah, do you wanna see ?” Buck asks, the 3 boys nod eagerly. You smile at them, Buck unbuttons the top of his shirt, pulling it to the side to show the boys the scar from the surgery. It was fairly tiny but still noticeable. 
“Woah that’s cool!” “Can I poke it?” “That’s weird looking” 
You and Buck laugh at the responses- boys will be boys. The 3 boys ask a few more questions and Buck shows them a couple other scars that he had gotten over the year, eventually they get bored of Buck and his stories and go off to find someone else. You leave Buck in the living room as he was talking to Maddie and Chimney. 
Now in the backyard, you and Athena were talking about when you'd actually go shopping when someone bumped into your leg. Looking down, you see Nia beside you, you pick her up and hold her, Nia sitting comfortably on your hip now. The two of you go along with your conversation and Nia cuddles into your side, you glance down at the little girl who was smiling at you, you give her a smile too. 
Buck’s arm wraps around your shoulder, he presses a kiss to your temple. “Hey,” he smiles before leaning forward to take a peak at Nia, “Hey kiddo” he reaches out to hold her hand, she smiles at him. 
“You 3 look comfortable together” Hen says as she makes her way over with Karen. Buck laughs. 
“If you’re open to babysitting, feel free to take the kids anytime” Karen jokes, you smile. “I might take you up on that. It’d be like to have an actual kid around rather than just Buck” you laugh, Buck pouts. “Hey! I’m not that bad” the 3 women all give him looks. Athena pats his shoulder, “that’s what you think Buckaroo” 
“Having the kids around would be good practice” Your fiancee thinks out loud. 
“Practice for what, darling?” 
“You know, one day maybe we’d have kids” 
“Oh not now? Not a fan of the whole pregnancy glow thing ?” 
“Oh I am, I do it right-” “don’t finish that sentence” you laugh, leaning up to give  him a kiss. You had a feeling that your fiancé’s family was about to become yours too. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21 @fernandaweasley2 @yikesyikesyikes95 @hotchsdarling @venusrosepetal @luke-alvez  @caitsymichelle13 @averyhotchner
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kurowrites · 4 years
“I hit you with my car and was the only one to visit you in the hospital” AU Prompt for Wangxian, if you like?
When Wei Ying woke up, he had to blink a few times to adjust his vision to the bright glare of the lights overhead, momentarily blinding him. Something was weird. This definitely wasn’t his own bedroom, whose lighting was rather dim and most definitely off when he was sleeping.
He blinked a few times more and then turned his head to examine the room he was in.
It took him far too long to understand what he was seeing, but once his brain actually started processing it, there was no doubt. He was in a hospital room, complete with barren walls and the strong smell of disinfectant. But he had no memory that could explain why he would be waking up in a hospital bed. In fact, now that he thought about it, he had no idea what he’d been doing before he’d woken up here, or even what day of the week it was.
Impatient to have his questions answered, he tried to wriggle around and slip out of bed, but his body felt oppressively heavy, and his vision started to swim as soon as he lifted his head off the pillow.
Exhausted and distressed, he fell back into bed. What the hell had happened to him? Why was he feeling so terrible?
Just that moment, the door of the hospital room opened, and a nurse stepped in.
“Oh, you are awake,” she said. “Good.”
She moved up to the bed and started to check his vitals – or harass him, Wei Ying couldn’t really tell which one it was. She was probably around fifty and had a distinct aunt-y vibe that made Wei Ying lay still on danger of getting stabbed with a needle.
“Do you know why you’re here?” she asked, after she had apparently determined that he was conscious and held it together enough for conversation.
“No,” Wei Ying croaked, and immediately started coughing. His throat felt terribly dry.
The nurse went to his bedside table, where a cup and a pitcher of water had been placed, and filled the cup for him. Then she made him drink.
“You’ve been in a traffic accident,” she told him without ceremony. “You got hit by a car and had to be brought here in an ambulance.”
Shit. Could that be true?
He didn’t remember any of that.
“I don’t remember,” he told the nurse.
“Honey, it’s probably better if you don’t,” she said, patting him on the arm absent-mindedly. “That’s your brain protecting you. You’re also on painkillers right now,” here, she pointed at one of the drips that went into his arm, “and they tend to make your brain a little foggy. You only need to focus on getting better right now.”
That wasn’t particularly comforting to Wei Ying. He’d been lying here, doing–
“My work!” he suddenly remembered.
“Oh, don’t you worry about that!” the nurse said, shaking her head. “I think that nice Mr. Lan has taken care of all that.”
She checked her watch.
“It’s almost time for him to visit, too. Such a nice young man, if only youngsters nowadays were a little more like him.”
She sighed, patted Wei Ying’s arm again, and then left, hopefully to tell someone else that he had gained consciousness again.
Wei Ying sighed and stared at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure what the nurse had meant with “that nice Mr. Lan,” because he didn’t know anyone with the last name Lan. Certainly no one who would visit him at the hospital. Had she gotten his visitor’s name wrong? He tried to think of a different possibility, but couldn’t think of anyone. Wen Ning was away. And Jiang Cheng still wasn’t speaking to him, not to mention that no one in their right mind would ever call Jiang Cheng a ‘nice young man’ if they had spent more than 30 seconds in his presence.
He wasn’t kept in suspense about the identity of his visitor for very long, though. Only minutes after the nurse had left, the door opened again, and through came a man that Wei Ying had never seen in his life. He would have definitely remembered meeting him, Wei Ying was sure, because the man was a devastating combination of tall, handsome and well-dressed. Very memorable. Even in his current drugged-up state.
The man hesitated for one small moment when he saw Wei Ying looking at him, but then continued his progress through the room with a measured pace, finally arriving at Wei Ying’s bedside. He did not speak, but silently placed several items onto Wei Ying’s bedside table. Wei Ying saw a book, what looked to be some healthy snacks, as well as… his phone? It looked terribly beaten up, but a traffic accident might do that to a phone. He should probably be glad if it still worked.
The stranger must have noticed the direction of his gaze, for he finally opened his mouth.
“I have taken the liberty of contacting you place of work.”
“Thank you,” Wei Ying said, sending the stranger an ironic smile. “What I’d rather like to know, though… who are you?”
The stranger bowed slightly, as if to apologise for his rudeness.
“Lan Zhan,” he said. “I was the one… who hit you with my car.”
“Oh, I see,” Wei Ying said, several things suddenly becoming clear to him. “This is a ‘I’m feeling guilty’ visit. Don’t worry about that. It’s fine. I’ll be out of here in no time.”
The stranger, Lan Zan, frowned at Wei Ying’s words.
“It is not guilt that has made me come here,” he said.
Then he was silent again. Wei Ying waited for a moment, but when nothing else happened, he raised his eyebrows at Lan Zhan, encouraging him to go on. Lan Zhan looked as if he’d rather do anything else than open his mouth again, but eventually, thanks to Wei Ying’s pathetic wheedling, he conceded.
“The one responsible for your accident was the driver who suddenly came out of a side street and nearly ran you over,” Lan Zhan explained. “You ended up in front of my car because you were trying to escape his path of collision. He also crashed into my car, nearly hitting you a second time. I have no guilt to speak of, but I am grateful that you survived. I was worried, however, when your family could not be contacted.”
“Oh, uh, well,” Wei Ying stuttered. “Honestly, that shouldn’t be any concern to you. I’ll be fine. My family… well, it doesn’t matter.”
“Your family should care for you if you are injured.”
There was a stubborn set around Lan Zhan’s mouth, and Wei Ying suddenly found himself smiling. He wasn’t sure if he should call it fortune or misfortune, but this Lan Zhan was clearly an incredibly stiff man with very strict notions of propriety, to the point where he involved himself into the affairs of others.
“Ah, Lan-gege,” Wei Ying sighed. “Not to say I’m not very grateful for your help, which I am, but let me assure you that you have officially fulfilled your obligations and are free to leave. You have already done more than I can ask for. If it is as you say, I have no ill feelings towards you. Feel free to go on with your life, and sorry about the car. I think I need to sleep again, I feel very tired.”
He was, in fact, feeling very tired, and it was getting harder to keep his eyes open by the minute.
Lan Zhan seemed to realise that that was the case. He said his goodbyes, but before he left the room, he announced, “I will come again.”
Wei Ying wanted to object, but Lan Zhan was already gone, and Wei Ying’s eyes were closing.
The next few days passed in the monotony of sleeping, check-ups by doctors and nurses, terrible hospital meals, and occasional visits from Lan Zhan.
As handsome as he might have been, at first Wei Ying really didn’t want Lan Zhan to come back again. He quickly learned to be grateful for his frequent visits, however. Staying in the hospital was extremely boring, even with the books that Lan Zhan brought him, and everything was much better once he trained Lan Zhan to bring him spicy snacks.
After a few excessively boring days in bed (more than he cared for, certainly), he was finally allowed to walk around a little in order to regain his strength, and Lan Zhan would take him outside into the garden whenever he visited. Wei Ying was extremely grateful for that, since the nurses didn’t allow him to go alone.
Wei Ying quickly learned on their little excursions that Lan Zhan rarely spoke, but was an extremely attentive listener who would prove said attention in the most unexpected moments. It was almost shocking sometimes; Wei Ying would ramble on about something, and Lan Zhan would suddenly say one thing or another that made clear he had been paying attention when most people would have tuned out already. It was… flattering, to say the least. To have someone pay attention to him so much. Definitely something Wei Ying could get used to.
Lan Zhan was also very attentive to Wei Ying’s physical state. More than once, when Wei Ying felt his own strength lagging, he suddenly found Lan Zhan’s hand at his elbow, steadily and unobtrusively making sure that he didn’t fall over his own clumsy feet. Lan Zhan seemed to know that he needed support almost before Wei Ying himself realised it.
Normally, he would complain about being thought a weakling, but if Wei Ying were honest, he would admit that sometimes, he really needed the support. And well… he couldn’t really bring himself to mind being spoiled by a handsome man. If he were really honest, he would confess that he simply liked Lan Zhan’s hands on him, and any excuse that provided him with an opportunity was good enough, even if he had to play up his weakness.
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying said when they were on one of their garden excursions one day, eating little cups of mango panna cotta that Lan Zhan had brought with him today on a bench. “I will be released tomorrow. You don’t have to visit me here any longer after today.”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan agreed. “What time?”
“Around ten, I think? Why do you ask?”
“I will pick you up.”
Wei Ying sighed deeply and swallowed the last spoonful of dessert.
“Lan Zhan, ah, Lan Zhan. I can ask a friend to pick me up. You shouldn’t do so many things for me. If you are too nice, people will end up misunderstanding. Well, I will end up misunderstanding. You wouldn’t want that to happen, now would you?”
He directed his best salacious grin at Lan Zhan.
“Nn,” Lan Zhan replied noncommittally. “I will pick you up.”
Wei Ying stared at Lan Zhan for a moment. Could it be that Lan Zhan was that thick? That he didn’t realise what Wei Ying was getting at? Did he have to spell it out for Lan Zhan? That he meant misunderstanding in the sense of kissing and possibly getting naked with each other?
“Lan Zhan, I’m serious,” Wei Ying complained, tugging at Lan Zhan’s sleeve to make him look at him properly. “I will misunderstand.”
Lan Zhan looked at him, and it struck Wei Ying again how beautiful Lan Zhan’s eyes were. He had thought that Lan Zhan was pretty much expressionless when they first got to know each other, but that had been patently untrue. His perpetually serious eyes were the source of so much deeply felt emotion. Everything Lan Zhan felt, he felt with his entire heart. So when Lan Zhan looked at him, Wei Ying automatically felt his pulse speed up and his cheeks start to grow hot. That was the effect Lan Zhan had on anyone he really directed his attention towards.
“I will pick you up,” Lan Zhan repeated once again. Stubbornly, insistently. Mulishly.
Without breaking their line of sight even once. Just serious. And steady.
“Oh,” Wei Ying whispered.
Oh. Lan Zhan didn’t want him to misunderstand. Lan Zhan wanted him to understand.
Wei Ying shot up from the bench they had been sitting on and walked over to the trash can close by, to throw away his empty cup of panna cotta. Lan Zhan followed him, throwing his own cup into the trash. As he did it, he looked about as disquieted as Lan Zhan ever did, but right now, Wei Ying was unable to handle anything.
Could he be right? Did Lan Zhan – that Lan Zhan –
As he stood there, he slightly tilted to the side – and there he was, Lan Zhan was right at his side, steadying him. But right now, Wei Ying didn’t want to be steadied. He leaned further into Lan Zhan’s side, putting most of his weight on Lan Zhan right until his head a found a home in the crook of Lan Zhan’s neck.
“Ah, Lan Zhan,” he sighed. “Taking advantage of the weak and injured, I see. Do you always flirt like that? Picking people up at the hospital?”
He looked up at Lan Zhan and smiled.
Lan Zhan didn’t answer, but one of his arms most definitely found its way around Wei Ying’s waist, holding him securely to Lan Zhan’s side. It was… intimate.
It was answer enough.
“This is the part where you’re supposed to say ‘No, Wei Ying is the only one for me,’” Wei Ying pouted.
“Wei Ying is the only one for me,” Lan Zhan intoned seriously.
Wei Ying had to bury his face in his hands and scream a little.
“You can’t say things like that out of the blue!” he complained. “My poor, beaten body won’t be able to take it!”
Then he peeked out between the gaps between his fingers, up at Lan Zhan.
“Say it again.”
 (When Lan Zhan picked him up the next day, he received a kiss for his efforts.)
(One kiss, or many.)
(Who was going to count.)
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127-mile · 4 years
Damsel in distress.
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Pairing: Hero!Kun x fem.reader.
Genre: Hero/villain!au, feelings realization / Angst, fluff, mature content.
Warnings: Smut (thigh riding, handjob), violence, blood, injuries, revenge seeking, mention of nightmares, of shadows, vulgar language (reader curses a lot).
Plot: More commonly referred to as Kun by his friends, and Pyro by the citizens, he is a hero. He is adored by the citizens, and it is rare to find someone who does not know his name, or the way he handles fire. You know him too, and for many reasons.
One day, he found you, what he thought was a damsel in distress. You were, yes, but only to get to him.
Word count: +15.9k.
A/N: This is part of the Twisted Truths collab hosted by @yangyanghater​. 
+ I really hope this fits the theme of the collab, if not, well, I’ll write something else.
Your breathing is rapid, and choppy.
You know that if you do not calm down within a minute, you will pass out right in the middle of the deserted and dark alley where you are. It was a bad idea to go down an alley, you know, but being in a street surrounded by houses would have turned out to be just as pointless. The crime rate is so high that locals turn off their lights and pretend they do not exist when they hear someone calling for help. Sometimes they'll call a hero agency, but that's very rare. They prefer to remain anonymous, and observe from behind their windows.
You do not blame them, you would certainly do the same if you were in their situation. But at the moment, it doesn't really help. When you feel tears rolling down your cheeks, you wipe them with the palms of your hand, which is also a bad idea, because the blood from your hands spreads more on your skin, and the metallic smell makes you gag hard enough for some bile to go up in your throat. "Help, please help me." you sob weakly, ready to give up your race to drop onto the asphalt to wait for your inevitable death.
A sudden rush of adrenaline makes your legs move before you can stop them, and when your vision clears a little, you notice that you have stepped out of the alley. The streetlights help you see your surroundings, and even though you move further and further away from your apartment, you are a little safer. No villain would dare to attack you right in the middle of the busiest street in town, right?
Your blood runs cold when you hear the growl of the Beast chasing you, and ignoring the burn in your legs and lungs, you start to run again. You do not know where you are going, and why you do not look for a place to hide instead, but you run. You run until you come in direct contact with someone. Your chest hits hard against the chest of a man who has little time to catch your hand before you fall on your butt.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" the man says, and you shake your head. You are not in pain, but for a moment, you feel like you are losing all sense of direction, and the little bit of sanity you have left. "Are you okay? You are bleeding!" even though your eyes are closed, you can feel the man crouch down in front of you, and he takes your arm where what you think is a cut continues to bleed. He grimaces, and cups your face to force you to look at him. "Answer me."
When you open your eyes, you are surprised to find large dark eyes starting at you. Even if he wears his civilian clothes, it would be hard not to recognize Pyro, the hero. You grab his t-shirt, oblivious to the traces of blood you leave on the white fabric. "Help me, I'm begging you, he is chasing me." the pro-hero frowns, and sits up looking around. "Who is?" you shrug, and when he lowers his head, you see flames dancing in his eyes.
"I'll take care of it, but taking care of the victims is a priority." he mumbles more to himself than to you. "Can you stand up?" he asks, and when you shake your head, he is pulling his cell phone out of the pocket of his pants. He types a message, probably to notify another hero from his agency that he needs backups, and when he is done, he turns to you. "I'll call an ambulance."
That simple sentence seems to be what your body needed to give up the fight. Your limbs go numb, and the darkness embraces you tenderly. You feel your head banging against the asphalt, and the pain radiating through your neck and jaw, but that's it, after that it's a mix of noises, movements and then nothing. Complete darkness.
When you regain consciousness, you know that you are no longer on the streets, and for a minute, you wonder if this was not just another nightmare. "Don't move." a voice commands you when you try to turn, and that's when you feel it. The pain in your body, a sharp but fleeting pain. You open your eyes, and you close them when you are attacked by the rays of the sun. "Oh shit, sorry." the voice mumbles.
The person in the room with you is busy closing the curtains, and you are grateful for that. You flutter your eyelids, and when you finally see where you are, you are hardly surprised to see a white room, to hear the steady beep of your heartbeat on the monitor, and to smell the disinfectant smell that is often the one in hospitals. An IV prevents you from moving your right arm the way you want, but it's for your own good, you think.
"How are you feeling?" the voice asks you, and when you finally look at the person, you frown when you see him. Pyro. Why is he here? Yes, he was with you on the street when you passed out, but he should not be by your bedside, the police should be. "I feel like I've been run over by a dozens of cars." you answer with difficulty, your throat dry. "Yeah, I suspected as much. The doctors said your body was really at its limit when we brought you here last night."
With a nod of his head, he points to your other arm, and you see the bandage covering part of it. "They gave you 9 stitches, and they injected you with an antidote to combat the poison the villain injected you when he bit you." poison? It is a lot for your poor head which is ready to explode at any moment. You are also very tired, but you have questions for the hero. "Pyro? Why are you still here?" you ask in a weak voice, and he sits down on a chair that has been brought closer to the edge of the bed.
"You can call me Kun, I'm not here as a hero." he explains, and you nod. "Unfortunately neither I nor my colleagues were able to track down the villain who attacked you last night, so we are taking turns to make sure he does not come back here to finish what he started." yeah, that makes sense, even though you do not know what the villain would like to end, when you do not know why he started chasing you in the first place.
"The doctors said that apart from the tiredness of your body caused by the poison, and the injury to your arm, you have nothing worth staying in the hospital for a few more days. So you will be allowed to go out tonight, do you have relatives with whom you could stay until the situation calms down?" he asks, and you bites your lower lip. This is painful. "No, I am alone here." your answer does not seem to please the hero who crosses his arms against his chest. "We can have heroes stand guard oustide your house."
"I live in an apartment complex with a majority of seniors. Seeing heroes outside my door 24/7 might worry them." Kun sighs, letting his head drop back, and you admire the column of his throat and the way his adam's apple bob as he swallows. It's definitely not the best time to think about it, but Pyro is quite a handsome hero. "No need to worry about me, I'm sure the villain will not come back. I was just a victim who got in the wrong place, at the wrong time."
Kun seems to be thinking, and he stands up to take a piece of paper and a pencil. On it, he writes two phone numbers that he gives you. "Here you have my agency number, and here you have my personal number. If you ever have the suspicion that you are being followed, or hearing noises behind your door, at any time of the day or night, you can call me. I'll send a few of my heroes to check on you every now and then without worrying anyone."
It's definitely not a good idea, Kun knows, but he can't force you to live with heroes outside your door. And the kids at the Hero Academy would get even more attention, even though they are all extremely gifted for their age. "I'll do it, thank you Py-Kun." he nods, and he looks at the bedroom door before getting up from the chair again. "The police is here to take your statement. I'll be outside if you need anything."
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Like Kun had said, the doctors let you out after dark. And they even called a cab so you would not have to walk back to your apartment, which is really sweet of them, you think as you are looking at the city behind the car window. The hero had to leave while you were talking to the police, a villain problem in the streets, at least that's what you understood as he was apologizing loudly for having to leave so early.
When the car pulls up in front of your apartment complex, you give the driver some money before getting off. Nothing is different from last night, although you may had expected to find a horde of villains waiting to kill you. And going up the stairs to the door of your apartment is calm, you meet an elderly person who asks you where you were last night, and that's about it. Nothing life threatening.
You close the door behind you, and you press your back against it, sighing. You slid down until you are sitting on the floor with your eyes closed. You feel like your skull is going to split open if you do not stop moving or even breathing. It is attrocious. "Come on, let's calm down." you whisper, pressing the palm of your hands to your eyes. "Everything is fine. We are fine."
After several minutes, you get up.
In the bag the nurse gave you before leaving, you take out your cellphone. The screen is cracked, but it still works, giving you the opportunity to see the various messages and missed calls from a couple of your friends. You do not read them, only the last one.
From Ten: Where are you? Did it work?
You sink onto your couch, trying to ignore the black dots playing in front of your eyes, and your headache. You could call Ten to make it easier, but you do not know if you can bear to hear him yell at you. Not tonight. Tomorrow maybe.
To Ten: I just got back from the hospital. I'm at my apartment now.
Ten's response is immediate.
From Ten: Fuck. From Ten: Do you want me to come? To Ten: Please, don't. I'm tired, and I have a terrible headache, I just want to sleep it off. Tomorrow. From Ten: Okay, I'm here if you need anything.
You turn off your phone, it will be easier for you, and you grab a blanket to cover yourself up, face included. And in less time than you would have thought, you fall asleep. Sadly, like every night, you wake up in the middle of the night feeling like you are being suffocated by someone or something. You remove the blanket, your breathing heavy and rapid, and you look around. Nobody is here. Like always.
You mumble a few insults at no one in particular, and you sit up. Beads of sweat slide down your face, and you can feel them down your spine. At least your headache is gone, and you do not know if it's because your body is still asleep, but you do not feel like all of your limbs are numb and sore anymore. That's a good thing, you hope.
You prick up your ears when you hear whispers behind the door, and you stand up silently. Of course, since you and luck are not friends, your floor creaks with every step you take towards the door. But luckily it's not loud enough to be heard by anyone in the hallway. You glance through the peep-hole, and sigh in relief when you see two people. According to the clothes they are wearing, they are heroes. You remember seeing them on TV when Pyro opened his own agency.
You know they are there to check that your door is still intact, and that no one is hiding in the common places, but you open the door anyway, startling the two heroes who turn to you. At least, they have the decency to look ashamed having woken you ip at 3 in the morning. "We didn't mean to wake you up." one of them whisper, and you nod. "Don't worry, it's okay." you place your hand against your mouth to hide a long yawn that makes the second hero smile. "Nothing to report?" he asks, and you shrug. "Nothing at all. But like I told Pyro, nothing will happen to me, don't waste your time here."
The man, with his long blond hair and his teasing smile, shrugs his shoulders. "It's our job miss, maybe you can thank us later with a drink, or two." you roll your eyes, and you return inside the apartment, closing the door in front of the two heroes. The first hero punches the other, who whines loudly, earning him a second punch. "Johnny, you are such an idiot. We are here to work, not flirt with the person we are supposed to be protecting!" he mumbles, and Johnny, as you learnt, chuckles softly. "I didn't say she had to do it right now, you really need to chill Yuta."
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Unsurprinsingly, you spend the next day in your bed, sleeping. Your headache did not come back, and the wound on your arm stopped stinging, and you had no nightmares during the 20 hours you spent sleeping. Maybe you could get attacked by a villain more often, it would allow you to get through a full night without being bothered by the shadows.
When you come out of the bathroom after a long, hot and well-deserved shower, you find your phone on the coffee table, and when you turn it on, you see Ten and Doyoung bombarding you with messages. You sit on a chair around the dining table, and dials Ten's number for a video call, which he answers almost immediately. He is not alone, Doyoung is sitting next to him on a dirty and dusty old leather sofa.
"Oh my god, we thought you died overnight." Ten says in a calm manner which contrasts with the anger evident in Doyoung's eyes. "What happened to you?" he asks with clenched teeth. "That fucking villain turned out to be more dangerous that I thought. I thought we said no injury, or at least nothing serious?" you mumble, and the boys frown. "What are you talking about?"
You show your arm still wrapped in a bandage in front of the camera. "That motherfucker decided to bite me, and to inject his fucking poison in me! The doctors had to inject me with some antidote so I wouldn't fucking die." you spit, and Ten and Doyoung look at each other, worried. "It was not in the plan." you let your shoulders drop before crossing your arms over your chest. "No shit Sherlock, I was there when we put together this stupid plan."
"Do you want us to come?" Doyoung asks after calming down, and you shake your head. "No, Pyro has asked several heroes to come and check that nothing is happening to me." Ten grimaces, he knows that if he steps outside, he will be immediately recognized by the heroes, and not just those belonging to Pyro's agency. "I will come, don't take the risk to approach my apartment." the two boys nod, and you end the video call.
You walk over to the front door, and you look in the peep-hole and you are relieved to see that the heroes are not here. You go back to your room to get dressed, before putting on a coat and a scarf in which you can nuzzle your face in. Pyro has not told you that you were not allowed outside by yourself, but you do not want to risk being recognized by him, or by one of his hero friends. You do not want to be forcibly taken back to your apartment, or locked in a hotel room like he said could be a good and safe idea.
You leave your apartment, swinging your backpack over your shoulder, and you leave the building quickly. A car is parked in front, and you see the flashy colors of what must be a hero costume. Luckily, he is too busy looking on his phone to notice you. The rest is also easy, you know the way like the back of your hand, and in twenty minutes, you are already at the door of the bookstore where Doyoung, Ten, and probably Taeyong are waiting for you.
You push the door open, and you smile at Renjun, the young student who works here during the school break when he is not living on the second floor. "Y/n! How are you?" he asks, approaching to give you a quick hug. "I'm doing just fine, and you kid? School?" he nods, smiling. Renjun is an orphan whom you all took under your wing a few years ago, and he has became a perfect little gentleman with good grades, and a smile that would make you blind if you looked at it for too long. "I'm fine, and school is going great too."
"I am proud of you!" you say, and he smiles even more brightly before the door to the bookstore opens to a potential client. "I'm going in the back to talk to the boys, if you need anything come see us, okay?" he nods and you ruffle his hair before you walk though a door behind the counter. The back shop serves as a reserve for books, and as a meeting place. It's not much, a coffee table, a TV hanging on the wall, and two old, dusty sofas on either side.
Oh, and there's a fridge and cupboard filled to the brim with snacks in case Renjun gets hungry. Or Taeyong. Ten and Doyoung's gaze turn to you, and Ten is the first to stand up. He helps you remove your bag, scarf and coat before inspecting the bandage. "I'm fine, Ten. Otherwise I would not be here." he shakes his head. "I know that, but nobody can be trusted. Who tells you they didn't inject you with something weird with the antidote." he mumbles and you tilt your head. "Idiot."
"No but it is true what, since when do we trust doctors." he says, offended and you roll your eyes before sitting down on the other couch. "Because they are doctors, and what would they gain from injecting us with strange drugs, Ten?" Doyoung answers for you, and you look at them. "You scared us when you didn't answer your phone." Doyoung is not one to be sentimental, or even worried, but sometimes he does, and you enjoy seeing the human behind the shell he has created for himself over the years.
"The poison he injected into me made my body tired to the point where even the shadows did not wake me up." you say, and both boys look stunned to hear something like that. "Maybe we should ask him to give you some extra so you can get through the nights." you laugh softly, not a bad idea, but you do not know how many doses you can take before your body completely shuts itself down or stop responding to the antidote which will certainly be harder to find without having to break into the hospital.
"He'll be dead by the end of the day anyway, so that doesn't matter." you turn your head to see Taeyong, his arms crossed against his chest, and his head resting against the doorframe that leads to the bookstore. "We can't kill him. Not now." you say, and Taeyong walks over shaking his head. "He hurt you, Y/n, that was not the plan, why should we let him live?" you take Taeyong's hand when he sits next to you, and his hand is ice cold, as usual.
"Because we still need him. We have a plan, and he is the only way to do what I didn't do the other day." Ten is about to speak, but Taeyong stops him by raising his hand. "What if he attacks you again? What if this time he decides to kill you?" he asks, and you turn completely to him. "Well he'll kill me. We knew from the start that we could not trust him despite the money we gave him, it's a risk I'm willing to take. If we don't do it, only god knows how long will pass before we have another opportunity like this."
Taeyong sighs.
He was born to be a leader, he knows it, and everyone else knows it. But he does not know how to keep his mask of leader on when, you, one of his dearest friends is ready to risk your own life for a mission which should be very simple if only the villain he hired could just stick to the fucking plan and obey him. The simple idea of losing you is something he cannot imagine, it is too much. He is the leader, sure, but you are the glue that keeps the team together. If you die, the team will no longer exist, and once again, he will find himself alone. Because he knows Renjun will resent him and go with Ten.
Or Renjun will find himself alone once more, because, because of him, Ten and Doyoung can hardly be outside without being recognized by passers-by. He is pulled out of his thought when a warm hand lands softly on his cheek, and he flutters his eyelids as he looks at you. "You were getting lost in your thoughts, Taeyong."
Like a cat, he leans against your hand to enjoy the warmth that he misses so dearly. "I know what I'm doing, Taeyong. I'll do everything in my power to finish this mission safe and sound, I promise you." he shakes his head. "You can't make that kind of promise, you know that." yes, you know it, and yet you do not hesitate to do it. It won't be your first rodeo after all, and it sure won't be your most dangerous mission either. It's even one of the simplest if you had to be honest with yourself. "I know, but I'll be back."
"She knows she can't die because I will do all I can to hunt her down even in Hell and bring her back here by the skin of her ass so I can kill her myself." you nod, and you bite your bottom lip so as not to laugh at Ten's choice of words. He always does what he can to make conversations easier, and you appreciat that. Not all the time, but right now, you do, because you can feel Taeyong relaxing.
"Call him Taeyong. Call the Beast."
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The same evening, you are back in your apartment.
You are reading a message Renjun sent you, something about a book he is writing when he is not in class, when noises start coming from the common hallways. You  frown, but you do not move. Even though you know what is going to happen, your heart starts to race. Because unfortunately, when you see how the first part of the mission ended, you wonder if this one is going to turn out as bad. But knowing Taeyong, he probably briefed the villain on what he could do, and could not do.
To The cheap villains alliance: It's starting. From The cheap villains alliance/Taeyong: Please, be careful, and keep us informed as soon as possible.
Before the door swings open, you dial the number Pyro gave you, and when you hear the thud of the door crashing to the floor, probably in several pieces, you call the hero. It is not very late, and yet, he does not answer. It was not in the plan, again. "Where are you, shadow handler?" the hoarse voice of the Beast echoes in the apartment, and also in your head, so that you have to held your head in between your hands. "Do not do that." you whisper.
"Do you really think your boss's threats are going to stop me from doing what I want?" Oh shit. You get up from the couch, and hide behind it, as if it would stop a villain like the Beast from reaching you. "If you are here, I guess the antidote worked. Too bad my poison can only be cured once. The body still remembers it, and this time, it will be fatal for you." you dial Pyro's number once more, but this time, you hands are shaking so much that you wonder if you'll make it.
"Answer, you stupid hero." you mumble, and that's when you hear a sleepy voice from the other side. "Kun! Pyro! Oh my god, he is here, he is in my apartment!" you hear a noise, and you do not know if it's coming from your apartment, or the side of the hero who gets out of bed suddenly. "Help me, please, please." the sobs are fake, but you know that if you set your gaze on the Beast, you will cry for real this time, and that's the last thing you want. A villain does not deserve to see you cry. A hero either for that matter.
"I'm coming! Hide somewhere." you nod even though he can't see it. "Hurry up, please, I'm scared." you whisper, and the man makes an affirming noise before hanging up. It takes a lot to scare you. Heroes don't scare you, and neither do villains. But there are always some exceptions, and god, you would have liked to never meet this exception. If you make it out alive, you'll make Taeyong understand that next time, he'll have to hire a normal villain, not someone like that damn Beast.
"It surprised me when your boss contacted me to help you on a mission." the Beast says, and you hear the heavy sounds of his footsteps on the creaking floor. "I didn't think he was stupid enough to contact someone wanting you dead." okay, your death is wished for by many villains, heroes, and humain beings like others, but the Beast? What did you do to make him so angry that he risked betraying someone like Taeyong just to get revenge? Petty much?
"I don't care if I die, if that means I would have had the chance to kill you first." after that, he is silent. He has stopped moving, and his voice is still ringing in your head, so you have no idea where he is. He may very well be in front of the sofa, as he may be in your bedroom. You lower the brightness of your phone to send a message to the group chat.
To The cheap villains alliance: Taeyong, if I get out alive, you are a dead man.
Yes, you have to let him know that from the moment you leave this apartment, preferably alive, he will have to watch his back.
"I expected better from you, shadow handler." you lift your head and your breathing hitches when you see the Beast watching you over the back of the sofa. Oh god gamn it. You get up, and you walk around the sofa. "What did I do to you?" you ask when you finally find your voice, and the Beast laughs so hard that you clench your teeth so as not to scream to cover the atrocious noise. "Don't you remember? Don't make fun of me, I know you always remember everything."
He approaches you dangerously, and as he takes a step forward, you take a step back, at least until your back makes contact with the living room wall. You are stuck. But it is not over, not yet. The Beast made a mistake. He didn't turn off the lights when he entered. If he knew you as well as he says he does, he should have known that with the lights on, you can do whatever you want. You close your eyes, and you concentrates. At least you try, it is hard to think with the breath of the Beast so close.
He is so close that you can feel the warmth and the putrid smell of his breath against your face. "Come on, try harder, I'm sure you can remember." he whispers, and he raises his hand, and before he can make any movement, his arm is blocked. He looks shocked at first, and when he turns his head he laughs when he sees a hand around his biceps. "Do you really think your little shadows are going to keep me from turning you into dust?" he asks. "No, they are not strong enough, but yours on the other hand.."
He frowns when he is thrown back by his own shadow. Even though it's just a shadow, it has the same strenght as the Beast, so it's easy for the shadow to get rid of him. The Beast crashes on the dining table, and one foot goes loose under his weight, and he collapses to the groung. "You will pay for that." yeah, you don't doubt it. You haven't used your power for a while now, so that simple use of the Beast's shadows is enough to tire you out. You won't be able to do it any more.
When the Beast gets up, other footsteps are heard in the apartment, and damn it, you are relieved. It could very well be help for the villain, but for once, you want to be positive, and think that this is Pyro, and his little hero friends. You slip down the wall, and you do not even have to pretend to cry, since your cheeks are already wet and shining with tears. You hadn't even realized it. Is it because of fear? Fatigue? You wish you knew.
You close your eyes, and you take a long breath that is cut short when two hands rest on your shoulders. "We are here, hey, we are here. Take a deep breath." it is not the voice of Pyro, but that of one of the two heroes who have come to check on you. Yuta, if you remember his name. Death Stare, yeah that's him. You hold your head in your hands when the Beast screams, and you are hardly surprised to see that you are the only one affected by his voice. "We're gonna get you out of here."
Death Stare takes your hand, and he helps you stand up. "I'll join you in a minute." he says before taking you out of the apartment. "The Beast..The Beast.." you continue to whisper, and Yuta squeezes your hand in his. "Everything will be fine, don't worry, you are safe now." you almost trip down the stairs a few times, but Yuta is always here to put you right back on your feet. When you are outside, you are shaken by the cold wind which whips your face, and your bare arms. You didn't have time to take a jacket. You didn't have time to take anything either. At least, you have your phone in your pocket.
Your gaze is caught by the lights of the ambulance and police cars that are parked outside the apartment complex, and you bite your lip. That's a lot of people, luckily your face is not known by the police, unlike Ten and Doyoung who think a mask is unnecessary when using their powers in public. "I have to let her here, I'm trusting you with her, I have to go back." Death Stare says to a woman who nods, and put her hand on your arm to get your attention. "Come inside, or you'll get cold."
She helps you get into the ambulance, and immediately makes sure you are okay. She checks your pulse, your heartbeat, your blood pressure, and finally the stiches. Fortunately, they are still intact. "How do you feel?" she asks nicely, and you shrug. "Shaken." that's all you can answer, and the woman understands perfectly, she does not pressure you into talking more.
The next minutes are quite strange.
It is sometimes silent in the street, or it is sometimes noisy because of the screams. But silence always returns. At least until you hear the sound of broken glass, and the sound of gunshots being fired. You straighten, and you grip your thighs with your fingers, so hard that you hurt yourself, but at least it helps you keep your head cool. After a while, the ambulance door opens, and when you turn your head, you see Pyro. He is not in his civilian clothes, but in his hero costume. It's black, and understated, unlike the heroes who like to add flashy colors to their costumes.
"It's over." he says angrily, and you sit up, your head tilted. "The Beast ran away." oh.
Heroes don't kill villains. They are here to stop them, and to bring the victims to safety, and sometimes it does not go as planned, and the villains escape. It is very rare, especially against heroes like Pyro, Death Stare and Mayhem (John). You start to shake and once again, this reaction is natural, and not forced. If the Beast was close to killing you today, you know he will come back, time and time again, no matter what Taeyong tells him, to finish whatever he started.
"What am I going to do?" you ask in a weak voice, and the hero gets into the truck, closing the door once the paramedic is out. "I have nowhere to go, especially now that he knows where I live." Kun takes off his mask, and he runs his fingers through his hair where they stick to his forehead from sweat. "I will protect you personally. You have nothing to fear anymore, I promise you."
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Kun didn't lie.
After the Beast's attack, he decided that it would be safer for you to move in with him, in his apartment. Heroes don't do that. Normally in this kind of situation they let the police deal with the victims who are still in danger, but for some reason, Kun decided it would be different this time, that he would protect you himself.
You looked surprised, but deep down, you were very happy about it. Despite the Beast not obeying Taeyong's basic plan and orders, you came much further than you had thought you would. Because yes, getting closer to Kun is what you were looking for, not for a second you would have thought to be in his apartment. By offering you that, he had just made it easier for you without even knowing it. Heroes are not so bad after all.
Kun's apartment is not as you would have imagined. You know that pro-heroes make a lot of money, even more so when they have an agency and great heroes working for them, so you expected a large apartment, with floor to ceiling windows giving a splendid view of the city, with expensive furniture and artwork on the walls, but not at all. Kun's apartment is large enough for two people, and the decor is simple, just like him.
It's easy to feel good here, to feel at home, even though you are here on a mission, and not to imagine what your life would be like if you had made different decisions. Well, you still need protection from the Beast who will not give up until he sees your dead body at his feet, so being here is always a plus.
Taeyong, Doyoung and Ten do not think the same.
You had to wait until Kun left for work the day after the attack to contact them. Before that, you had to convinced Kun to go, you had to convince him that everything would be okay, and that he would not come into an apartment devastated by the Beast. You made it clear to him that even if the Beast found you thanks to your scent, he would never dare set foot in the apartment of a hero like Pyro. The Beast is brave, yes, but not to stupid as to sign his death warrant. At least, that's what you want to think.
Now you are sitting in Kun's bed, your back against the headboard, one leg pulled up to your chest, and you phone poised precariously on your knee. You dial Taeyong's number, the latter waking up much earlier than the other boys. After two rings, he answers.
"Y/n, how are you?" he asks, he is trying to sound calm, but you can feel the tension in his voice. You do not know if it's because of your radio silence last night, or because of the message you sent him, promising to make him a dead man. "The Beast made it clear to me that he was going to use the contract you gave him to kill me, so I don't know how I'm doing Taeyong." you mumble, and you hear his breathing quicken. "But on a more positive note, I'm at Pyro's. He lets me live in his apartment until they find the Beast."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Taeyong whispers, and you imagine him walking down the halls of the apartment above his bookstore, trying not to wake the boys up by talking too loudly. "You have to do something for me now, Taeyong. Find the Beast. Kill him, because if the heroes find him, he will not hesitate to throw everything out about the contract for a remission. And if he does, I'm next on their list."
You hear the sound of the door opening and closing, probably the one in the kitchen where he is going to lock himself up to prepare Renjun's breakfast. The other boys can do it on their own, and also because Taeyong enjoys torturing them a little. "The heroes don't know who you are, even if he gives them your alias, they will not believe him, they won't have any proof to arrest you."
"Taeyong, if he speaks, I won't be the only one in danger. Ten and Doyoung will be even more so. What about Renjun? What will he do when the heroes show up in the middle of the night in the bookstore to take you out? He'll be alone, once again. And god damn it, I don't want this kid to have to suffer one more time because you are not doing your fucking job properly!"
Taeyong remains silent for a long minute, and even though you know you crossed the line, you do not blame yourself. He needs to hear it. "You're still here?" you ask weakly, and hear him clear his throat. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to spit out some more of your poison. It's the first time you've really told me what you're thinking, so go ahead, tell me everything, you know I can take it."
You bite your lip. You and Taeyong have known each other since high school, you know that nothing you can say will change your friendship. At least you hope so, because you have a lot to tell him. "Taeyong, you are a good leader, believe me, I've met some terrible ones. But this time, you screwed up completely. The minimum to do when you hire a villain for a mission like this is to check if they have something against one of us, for fuck's sake! I almost fucking died twice because of you, and the fact that you trust the first person who dares to smile at you show that maybe you should step away from being a fucking leader! You're so fucking needy for attention that you are ready to put us all in danger."
"Is that what you really think?" he asks in a small voice, and you sigh. But before you have time to answer, you hear the sound of the key in the lock of the front door. "I have to go." you hang up and shove the phone the the pocket of your hoodie. "Y/n, where are you?" Kun asks, and you turn your head towards the door. "Your room." the young hero pushes the door open, and he smiles when he looks at you. "Is everything okay? Is the guest room not good enough for you?"
You shrug, ignoring the question. "What are you doing here? I thought being a hero meant being overworked, especially right now." you tilt your head, and Kun smiles, giving you time to look at his dimples. Cute. "Touché. The other heroes take care of everything, so I asked for some free time to be with you. I can't protect you if I'm on the other side of town." he is not wrong, you think, pushing yourself to make room for him on the bed.
Kun settles down, hugging a pillow tight against his chest, resting his head on the headboard. "And how do you plan to protect me?" you ask, and he shrugs. "By preventing you from leaving the apartment, by not letting you go anywhere on your own." you frown, giggling. "Try to follow me in the bathroom, and I'll show you that it is not just heroes who can fight." it's enough to make Kun laugh, and it's a sound you might have enjoyed under other circumstances. "I can not wait to see that."
"You don't think I'm capable of fighting you, mister pro-hero?" you ask, turning to him and he closes his eyes, laughing softly. "I have powers too, you know, and I'm sure I can kick your little flames' ass." Kun suddenly seems very interested as he straightens up, resting the pillow back on the bed. "Do you really mean that? Do you want to show me?" you do not think your body will be able to withstand a fight with someone like Pyro, but you know you could kick his ass under normal circumstances.
"I would love to, really, but we are not intimate enough for me to show you my powers." Kun throws his head back, laughing heartily. "You really are something." you shrug, what can you say, you are amazing. "Did you go to the hero academy?" he asks, and you nod, biting the inside of your cheek. "I went there, and I missed the provisional license, twice, so I decided to give up." Kun pouts, and luckily, you are strong, otherwise you would have leaned down to bite on his lower lip. "It's a shame, who knows, we could have been partner."
"I would have hired you in my agency, because we know very well that my agency would have been way more successful than yours." you smirk, and you know you are looking for troubles, but you need to know where Kun's limits lie. "Do you think you would have found better heroes than mine? Better than Death Stare, Mayhem and Strike?" you run the tip of your tongue over your lower lip, sighing, ignoring the way Kun's gaze follow your tongue. "Mayhem spends too much time flirting with victims, so of course we can always do better." it's a slippery slope you are going down, because you know that Pyro and Mayhem have always been best friends.
"I take it that he flirted with you." he says, and you shrug, you are not going to tell him. "It doesn't surprise me, but you know, that's part of his charm, the citizens adore him anyway!" well, you can't deny that Mayhem is hot. He is tall, muscular, and his long hair suits him perfectly. "Maybe I should have flirted back, I would have someone else to help me kick your ass." Kun rolls his eyes, getting up from the bed. "Two against one? That's not really fair, but even like that, I know I would win."
You have to show him what you are capable of, within the limits that your body imposes on you. You close your eyes, and it only takes half a second for one of the shadows who love to torture you during the night to appear in front of you, watching you curiously. With a nod, you indicate the curtains, and the shadow hastens to open, bathing the room in a yellow light. Immediately, Kun's shadows looms behind him as he prepares to leave the room.
"What the hell?" he frowns when he feels a pressure on his arm, preventing him from going any further, pulling him in once more, and slamming the door in front of his face. "A problem?" you ask, tilting your head. Kun is surprised to see you on the bed, as someone seems to be holding him back, but when he turns his eyes, the shadow is back on the floor, as still as Kun. "What just happened?"
You get up from the bed, shrugging your shoulders. "You are getting old Pyro boy." you say as you open the door and leave the room without the slightest problem. "Did you do that?" he asks, following you. "Me who did what?" you open the fridge to take out the bottle of water which you open to take a sip. "You used your powers to keep me from going out!" you laugh, practically choking on the water in your mouth; "I told you Kun, we are not intimate enough. You probably just imagined it all."
Kun shakes his head, he knows what he felt, and it was a hand on his arm. A cold hand, almost ghostly. He knows you did it, but as of right now, he can't prove it. But he will. He'll for you to show him your powers.
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For the week after moving in with the hero, you need to put yourself back in your place when you start to feel more at home than with a man you are supposed to betray. But it's difficult, because Kun is such a lovely host, who puts your needs and protection first, even arguing with his friends because he does not want to leave you alone. But at the end of the day, you know you can't afford to fall for him.
In another life, maybe.
This morning, you are awaken when the curtains in your bedroom are drawn open, letting in the sun which warms the bare skin of your legs. You turn onto your stomach, covering yourself with the blanket, muttering something Kun does not quite understand. "Get up, sleeping beauty, we have to go out!" at that, you stuck your head out of the blanket, frowing, your eyes still closed. "Go out?" Kun nods, but you don't see him do it. "I have to go to the agency, so you are coming with me."
You get out of bed quickly, and Kun laughs as you walk into the bathroom to get dressed. Unable to return to your apartment to retrieve clothes, you used the hero's credit card to buy everything you need until you are finally allowed to go home. And when you come out, Kun is already ready to go, his hand resting on the doorknob. "Ready?" he asks, and you nod.
The agency is not far from the hero's apartment, but he takes his car not to take the slightest risk. The Beast could be anywhere, stalking your scent or even your cell phone if he is smart enough, because you do not know if Taeyong did what you ask him or not. When he parks his car in the parking lot, he turns to you. "You better behave, with the heroes, okay?" he says, and you take a falsely offended expression. "Are you really doubting me, hero?" you ask, and he sighs. "You said you would kick my ass last time, god only knows what you can tell them."
He is not wrong, so you shrug. "I say this because I know it's true, and I could kick all their asses, trust me." he chuckles, and gets out of the car. You follow him closely, your hands buried in the pockets of your coat. When he pushes the door of the agency, you are surprised to hear nothing but silence. You expected to see heroes running to and fro, responding to call from panicked citizens, not to see them behind desks, speaking in low voices not to bother anyone around.
"Kun!" a voice breaks the silence, and the hero rolls his eyes as he watches the hero with the long hair approach you. "Oh, who do we have here, Y/n. You know I'm still waiting for you to buy me a drink." he says, turning to you and you tilt your head. "To thank you for letting the Beast come into my home in the middle of the night?" Johnny's cheeks take on a pinkish tinge under the attack, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Kun turn his back to you so you won't see him laughing. "You are not wrong." Death Stare says, leaning against a door that probably lead to other offices.
You wink at Johnny when Kun asks you to follow him into his office. When you enter the room, the bright colors attack your retina right away. "Oh my god, you are a fanboy!" you exclaim and Kun clears his throat. From all part of his office, you can see figurines, posters, and merchandise belonging to the current number one hero in the country. "I never thought your office would look like an 8-year-old's bedroom, that's really cute."
Kun whines as he drops into his office chair, and he busy himself working on his computer so as not to have to answer you. You laugh, and turn to a section of the wall where various newspaper articles are hung. "Are these the arrests you made?" you ask, and the man looks in your direction. "Yeah!" he bulges his chest, probably extremely proud of his achievements. It is not for nothing if he is so popular amongs locals.
You recognize several villains, for having spoken to them at least once, or for having witnessed the arrest live on television. But your gaze stops on one particular photo, and you frown. A boy, quite young, with red hair, and a smile on his face despite the handcuffs and the hero preventing him from making a move. Your eyes fill with tears, but you shake your head, you can't cry. Not here. Not in front of the hero. He would start to suspect something when you are so so close to succeeding your mission.
You do not hear Kun approaching you, and you jump when he opens his mouth. He must have noticed the article you dwelled on. "Red Arrow." he begins, and you bite the inside of your cheek. "I admit that catching him was all down to luck. From the moment he started causing chaos in town, I thought I would never get a hold of him." he explains. Yes, you know what happened. You know that Lucas has escaped the grasp of the heroes and the police on countless occasions. Thanks to you, Doyoung, Ten and Taeyong.
"Why?" you ask in a trembling voice, and Kun watches you, arching his eyebrows. "He was so young when he was arrested, not even 18. Why did you arrest him?" Kun sighs, and he pulls away from the wall to sit on the edge of his desk. "You can't let a villain go free because he is young, Y/n, that would be reckless. Powers get stronger and stronger with age, we could not risk seeing him grow bigger, stronger and more aggressive."
You scoff, shaking your head. Lucas was not aggressive, he would never hurt a fly, he just had trouble controlling his powers like a lot of people in the world. He didn't pass the hero academy entrance exams, and no one taught him how to wield his powers. Taeyong tried, but he too had to manage his own life behind. In a way, it's your fault if he is in jail now, you are the ones who didn't take the time to train him properly when he joined the family.
But it is also the fault of the heroes who refused to understand that it was not his fault. Sure, hanging out with villains does not promise a bright future, but he was not looking to hurt either, it was not in his plans to kill two people with his arrow that day. He couldn't control it. It's that simple, he never really caused any chaos in town, but it is nearly impossible to make heroes understand a thing. "Are you okay?" Kun asks, and you must be looking extremely suspicious, but you take a deep breath, turning on your heels to face the hero, nodding your head, smiling despite your anger. "I'm doing perfectly fine."
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Renjun's reaction is not what you expected. The boy has a bloody temper, he gets angry very quickly, especially when he doesn't understand something, and when he feels abandoned. So you thought he would get angry when he saw you walk through the door to the bookstore, but instead, he leaps into your arms, wrapping his arms around your neck. "I missed you." he whispers, and you rub his back. "I missed you too, kid."
After a little minute, he takes a step back, and he pouts looking at you. "I promise you everything will be back to normal very soon." he does not seem to believe you, but that's okay. You put your hand on his cheek, and he leans into the warmth of your hand. "You'll see, before you know it, I'll be back." he nods, and you place a kiss on his forehead before walking through the back door. The boys are not here, and you are not surprised, it's way too early.
So instead, you push a hidden door at the back of the room and you go up the stairs to the apartment they share. The place is quiet, except for the sounds of hushed conversation coming from the kitchen. The door is open, and when Ten's gaze lands on you, the conversation ends. "What are you doing here? Did something happen?" he asks, getting up from his chair, and you shake your head.
"Everything is fine, don't worry." you say as you open the fridge. You take out several ingrediens under Taeyong's suspicious gaze. "May I know why you are raiding our fridge?" you stuff everything in your backpack, and you turn to the boy. "Kun was asleep when I left. If he is up when I get back, I'll tell him I was at the supermarket to make him a well-deserved breakfast." they nod their heads, they don't question you anymore, they trust you. "I needed to see you."
"Oh, do you miss us?" Ten coos, and you almost regret coming. "Maybe a little, but I will not give you the pleasure to say anything more." you mumble, and Taeyong pulls up the chair next to him so you can sit down. "Everything is going fine, don't worry. The Beast doesn't seem to have tracked me down yet, and the heroes haven't seen him in town since the last attack." you explain, and Taeyong releases a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I'm close to my goal, so give me a few more days."
The boys worry about you, they let you know several times a day, and you understand. You are the target of the Beast, that Taeyong couldn't find, and on top of that, you spend your time surrounded by heroes. Heroes who could find out who you really are, and lock you up like they did with Lucas. "We are going to get him back, don't worry." you can promise Renjun to come home quickly, but you cannot promise the boys to bring Lucas back. It's a delicate situation, and even if you manage to get close to the goal, you do not know if you will be able to go that far.
Basically, the mission was to get revenge for Lucas' arrest, but over time, and in the sights of how your relationship with Kun progressed, you figured that maybe there was a way to get the young boy back. You do not know if it's actually possible, but you need that little bit of hope to hold on. You turn to Taeyong who is nervously playing with the hem of his hoodie, and you put your hand on his. "I'm sorry Taeyong, for what I told you last time on the phone." the man shakes his head, smiling tenderly. "Don't worry, it's already forgotten."
You do not know what you would do without him, or without Doyoung and Ten. "I have to go, I don't want him to send his squad to find me." you get up from your chair, and you sigh. It's harder than you thought it would be. Leaving what you call your second home, even if you live on your own on a daily basis. "Be careful, alright?" Doyoung says, and you nod. "Of course. Always."
When you walk through the apartment door, and walk to the bedroom, you find Kun still asleep. He looks peaceful, with his hair messy on the pillow, and his blanket covering part of his face. In another life, you think, heading for the kitchen. From your bag, you take out the ingredients you stole from Taeyong's fridge, and you busy yourself with preparing breakfast. You never had the chance to do so, because Kun always wake up before you, and he made it his personal mission to make you as comfortable as possible.
You are not as good as him in the kitchen, and it ends with an unmistakable uproar when the pan in which you were cooking the eggs fall to the ground. You do not know how it happened, but it did. What you don't know either is how Kun manages not to wake up in a hurry, ready to yell at you for being so reckless with his dear cooking equipment. But no, you can still hear his long breaths as you approach the bedroom.
"Weirdo." you whisper as you return to the kitchen to finish breakfast. Okay, the eggs don't look very good, and you are not even sure it's perfectly cooked, but it'll do. You pour coffee into a cup, and orange juice in a glass that you nearly drop. This is the last time you will enter a kitchen, you think, carrying the tray to the bedroom. You put it on the bedside table, and sit on the edge of the bed.
You do not need to open your mouth, because the smell of food is enough to make Kun stires awake. He pushes the blanket away, a smile on his face, his eyes still closed. "Good morning." he whispers in a sleepy voice, and you can't help but smile too. When he finally opens his eyes, and his gaze lands on the tray, he sits up against the headboard. "What is that?" he asks. "It's for you. It's not perfect, and I really don't recommend eating the eggs, but it's a way of thanking you."
"You don't need to thank me, I told you that already." he takes the cup of coffee, and he blows on it gently. "I do it because it's my job, and because I want to." he explains, and of course, you understand, but still. "Yes, but I'm making you miss your job, that's not good." he takes a sip of coffee which is, just as he likes it, and that makes his heart beat a little faster. Maybe. "I'll go back to work when I know you are safe."
Will you ever be completely safe? You are not sure, but it's something Kun doesn't need to know. You take the glass of juice, and take a sip under Kun's amused gaze. "What?" you ask with a frown, and he shakes his head. "Nothing." he doesn't stop smiling with amusement, and it starts to annoy you. "What?" you whine, and he throws his head back to laugh. God, you hate how much you love that laugh.
You put your glass on the tray, and you take the cup from Kun's hand to put it down too. Kun is startled, but when you get back on the bed to sit on his lap, he doesn't say anything more. He puts his hands on your hips to keep your from tipping back, and he tilts his head. "Hi." you roll your eyes. "Hi yourself." you put your hands on his shoulders. "Are you going to tell me why you are looking at me like that?" he shakes his head, and you pout. Kun is a simple man, and when you pout, he gives you what you want. Usually.
You see Kun's gaze slide over your lips and giggle softly. "Because you are beautiful?" you wrap you arms around the back of his neck to play with his hair, and that's enough to make Kun's head straighten up. "You're not too bad either." his fingers slide down your sides, and he tilts his head. "Can I kiss you?" he asks in a low voice, and you nod. Is it for the mission, or because you are actually craving it? Who knows, not you anyway.
Kun leans in and rests his lips on yours for a simple kiss, but in to time, the kiss becomes much more fiery. You nibble Kun's lip and he opens his mouth slightly, and you take advantage of it, finding his tongue, tasting the coffee he was drinking. The hero's fingers tighten around your waist, and instictively, you roll your hips, causing the young man to growl. "Do you know how bad I wanted to do this." he whispers against your lips, you did not know, but you are happy to know that you can have that kind of effect on the hero.
"I don't know, tell me." you whisper, and is surprised when Kun rocks you onto the bed to straddle your hips. He bends down, and runs the tip of his tongue over your lips, and the contact is gone as quickly as it happened, which makes you sigh, much to Kun's delight. "You wanted too, I know that." he seems so sure of himself that you roll your eyes. "What makes you say that?"
His lips slide slowly down your cheek, your jaw, ending in your neck which he kisses warmly. "I see you, you know. I see you looking at my lips when I speak. I see the way you look at me when I get out of the shower." You could laugh, really, because even though you are here for the purpose of betraying Kun, you are human, and the hero's body was sculpted by the Gods, there is nothing you can do about it if your eyes slide over his chest from time to time.
"Because you don't?" you ask, but your sentence is cut short when Kun bites the skin of your neck. He licks the wound, and he sits up, caging your face in between his hands. "Of course I do. It's hard not to." so much for being professional, you think, rolling your eyes. You push him to the other side of the bed, and it's your turn to be on top, your legs on either side of Kun's thighs, Kun who looks at you with a smirk.
"What do you think you are doing?" he asks, and you shrug, rolling your hips very lightly against Kun's crotch. "I was thinking of watching a movie." Kun sits up, his torso against your chest, and he smiles. "I do not think so, no." he puts his lips on your throat which he kisses several time, biting the skin a little harder each time, enough to make you buck your hips. "Eager, aren't we?"
He takes one of your ankles in his hand to maneuver your leg so that it is on the other side of the leg you are already standing above. He makes you sit, and when you roll your hips again, he clenches the muscles of his thighs, and it is enough to make you moan softly. "Are you so need that you are going to use my thigh to get off?" he scoffs, and you put a hand against his mouth. "Shut up Kun."
The friction of your clothed clit against Kun's thigh is something you cannot describe. It is rough, but good at the same time. "If you want to get off like this, you should at least do it properly." his voice against your ear makes you whine, tears already forming in the corner of your eyes with the pleasure flooding you so suddenly. He moves his hands on your waist to move you quicker on his thigh, the tense of the muscle against your heating core is absolutely delicious.
You try to bite your lips to quiet your moans, but it is useless, especially when Kun bites your lower lip, forcing your mouth open. He kisses you, swallowing all of your moans. He feels uncomfortably tight in the confines of his boxers, but he does not say anything. "You are doing so well baby." his mouth his hot, and you close your eyes shut. Seeing Kun's face, and his smirk would only bring you quicker to the edge.
He feels the way your thighs are shaking, and he scoffs. "Already ready to cum? Good girl." you are making a mess of his leg with your juices, and if normally you would be embarrassed, you can't find it in yourself to be right now. "Come on, cum for me, show me how good you can be." his voice is low, and honey-like. And like that, you feel your climax hitting you. And it hits harder than ever. You see stars behind your eyes, and you are pretty sure you black out for a minute or so.
"That's it." Kun whispers, and when you body falls limp against him, he rubs your back, kissing the top of your head. "You did so well." you feel the beads of sweat rolling down your spine, and you grimaces slightly. Without a word, and still out of breath, you take your shirt off under Kun's hungry gaze. It's when you move to sit back on his lap that you see and feel the tent in his pants. Poor baby must be so hard right now.
"I can take care of it." he whispers, his lips finding their way to your naked shoulder to kiss and bite as he wishes. "Let me." you say, and he helps you take off his boxers by lifting his hips from the bed, and when you are finally back in the same position, you take his hard and leaking member in your hand. You use the pre-cum to make the slide easier, and immediately, the boys huffs, eyes closing. He's been waiting for his release that he doesn't know how long he'll last.
You kiss him, all teeth and tongue, it is sloppy, disgusting, with drool running down your chins. Kun bucks his hips, fucking into your hand and you move quicker, twisting your wrist in a way that makes him moan. It's obsene the sound that come out of his mouth, but you love to hear him, so much. The hero is usually so composed, that seeing him coming undone because of your hand is a good ego boost.
"Fuck, I'm going to-to cum." he groans, and you smile softly, biting on the lobe of his ear. "Are you?" he nods with vigor, and you drop your head, opening your mouth big enough for a bead of spit to drop on the top of his dick, to make it extra wet, and with how he reacts, that's how he likes it. You run your finger in the slit, and with your free hand, you fondle his balls, and when you feel him tense up, you watch as rops of sticky cum dirty your hand. "Good boy." you say like he did earlier, and he smiles, completely blissed out.
"Gross." you say looking at your hand, and you rub it clean on Kun's abs. The hero winces at the feeling of the cum when it starts to dry on his skin. "You are gross." yeah, you are. You yelp when he takes ahold of your thighs to get out of bed, not letting go of you. "What are you doing?" you ask with a laugh. "We need a shower."
And if he showed you how wet he likes things in the shower, then so be it.
When you open your eyes, the first thing you notice is the warm body against yours. Kun's arm is firmly around your waist, and you feel his breath against your neck. It must have been barely two hours since you fell asleep, which means the sun is still shining outside, and you still have time to enjoy the day. Well, if you can. Because when you try to stand up, Kun's arm pulls you closer to him, and you sigh weakly.
If the boys knew what you just did, they would be pissed off. It was definitely not in the plan, but it takes what it takes to make Kun more open to you, more vulnerable. Enough to break him more easily, you think, looking at the ceiling. You remain motionless for a few more minutes, letting yourself be lulled by the hero's regular breathing, and after a while, he finally releases his grip on your waist to turn his back to you, you take the opportunity to get out of bed.
Your clothes have been thrown haphazardly around the room, and it takes a moment for you to find everything. But instead of putting them on, you throw everything in the laundry basket in the corner of the room, and you take a clean t-shirt and pants from the section of the wardrobe reserved for you in the guest room. When you return to the hero's room, you observe Kun. He is always so peaceful when he sleeps, and you have to refrain yourself from running your fingers through his soft hair.
In another life, you think.
There is a reason you didn't let Kun convince you to show him your powers. You needed to save it, to regain strenght so that you could use it as much as you needed. You walk over to the window and push the curtains so that the bedroom is completely bathed in sunlight. Even though the shadows are stronger at night, they are easier to manipulate and recall when there is natural light.
You call a single shadow. The one who is the most obedient, the one you spent all your childhood manipulating, the only one who does not torture you at the first given opportunity. "Prevent him from moving if he wakes up." you articulate without any sound coming out of your mouth, and the shadow nods. You walk out of the room, and with a silent step, you stop in front of Kun's office door. It is not difficult to enter, since he has nothing to hide, so the door is not locked. You only need one thing, the key to the agency.
And when you find it, you refrain from making a sound of victory, you do not have time for that. You pick up your phone, and open the conversation with the boys. You could call them, to make it easier, but you do not want to risk waking Kun up, or getting his attention.
To The cheap villains alliance: Are you there? From The cheap villains alliance / Ten / Doyoung / Taeyong: Yes! To The cheap villains alliance: Perfect. I have the key to Pyro's agency. The details of Lucas's arrest are out there, but to get there on my own, I need your help. I need chaos. I need all of the agency's heroes, Kun included, to be on the streets. From The cheap villains alliance / Taeyong: You can count on us. When do you want to do it? To The cheap villains alliance: Tonight. Wait until night has fallen. From The cheap villains alliance / Ten: The festivities will begin at 9 p.m.
You smile, you knew you could count on them. And they are the best at creating chaos without actually causing injuries. You do not want that, you do not want innocent blood on your hands. You just want the heroes out of your reach. You quickly leave the office, stuffind the key in your pants pocket. For Kun not to notice, you'll need to keep him occupied until it is time for him to go, and leave you alone.
So you go back to the room where Kun is only waking up. The shadow sees you, and it disappears with the blink of an eye. And you sit on the edge of the bed, you hand resting on Kun's cheek. "Hello sleeping beauty." he smiles, his dimples deep and tempting. You take advantage of the sight given to you by a very sleepy Kun, because it is certainly the last time you will see him like that.
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From The cheap villains alliance / Ten: Let the show begin.
From where you are standing in the living room, you smile when you see the message. You do not know what they are going to do, or whatever they are going to do it themselves or ask some trusted villains. But you think it will be the latter, the safest option. It would be silly to get caught by the police when they are so close to getting Lucas back.
To The cheap villains alliance: Be careful, kids.
You put your phone in your pocket, and you settle down next to Kun. The hero has spent the last twenty minutes searching for a movie on Netflix. He puts his arm around your shoulders, and you move closer to him, close enough that your thighs are touching. The movie begins, and when his phone rings on the coffee table, you try not to show your excitement.
"Sorry." he mumbles when he sees Johnny's picture showing up. He picks up the phone, and he leaves the living room to answer. You do not move, even though you are dying to know what they are saying to each other, but when he comes back to the living room, he is much more agitated. "I have to go." he says, and you stand up, frowning. "Is something wrong?" he shakes his head as he walks to his office. You follow him closely, and you watch him put on his costume.
"Villains have decided to fight in town. They need every hero they can get." oh, so that's it. You know that this is Ten's idea. The latter loves to create conflict between villains just to see them fiight, to see the strenght they really have. Little shit. "Be careful, Kun, please." you say in a low voice, and he turns to you. He cups your face and kisses you. "I promise you." he turns around you, and without another word, he leaves the apartment.
You have no time to waste, because you do not know how long it will take Kun before coming back. You dial Taeyong's number, and the man answer almost immediately. "So? Is he gone?" he asks, and you nod as you pull on your coat. "Yeah, just now. A brawl of villains, really?" the man laughs as you leave the apartment. "You have to ask Ten, I have nothing to do with it."
Yeah, that what you thought. You go down the stairs at full speed, while being careful that the neighbords do not see you go. "They haven't gone there, hopefully?" you ask, and the noise he makes does not bode well. "Ten wanted to go up there to watch, and Doyoung followed him to stop him from doing anything stupid." fuck.
"Yeah, that's Ten. If either of them gets hurt, or arrested, I swear to god I'll find them and kill them myself. I think being suffocated by your own shadow is a good way to die." you mumble, and Taeyong laughs softly. You know he must be rolling his eyes. "Is Renjun home?" Taeyong does not respond, and you hear the sound of doors opening on the fly, and you stop dead in your tracks.
"Taeyong? Taeyong, is Renjun home?" when you hear nothing but silence, you start to build up in tension. You do not know if it's worry, or anger with Taeyong who does not tell you anything. "Lee-Fucking-Taeyong, if you don't answer me right fucking now, you're going to die too." when he picks up the phone, he is out of breath, he must have run down the stairs to check the bookstore.
"He is not here."
"Taeyong, you only had one thing to do, and that was to make sure Renjun was home!" you say with clenched teeth. You want to yell at him, make him understand that the situation is much more serious now, but you cannot be noticed by passers-by. You probably already look stupid standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "The villains don't know Renjun, they won't know they have to be careful is he ever passes by."
It is not for nothing that they are villains. They don't care about anything. They only live to hurt heroes, and to cause chaos. If they have to hurt a teenager to beat a hero, or a cop, they'll do it without a second thought. Renjun cannot defend himself, at least not against them. "I thought I heard him in his room when Ten and Doyoung left, that's why I didn't check." Taeyong says in a quick voice, and you sigh.
"Call Doyoung, tell him Renjun is not home. Tell him to find him and bring him home. Ten too. That they don't stay outside, it's too dangerous." you are about to hang up when Taeyong speaks. "And you, are you going to continue the mission?" good god, you want to hit him right now, he wastes the little time you have. "Taeyong, Renjun trusts us to protect him, and take care of him, we don't have time to talk, you fucking stupid leader, call them!"
You hang up without thinking about what you just said to Taeyong, or the time you actually lost just to insult him. Renjun is important, and so does the mission. You cannot favor one in spite of the other. You've made up your mind, not only are they going to bring Renjun home, you are also going to get Lucas out. You shove your phone in your coat pocket, and run to Pyro's agency. As you predicted, the agency is empty, and silent. You close the door behind you, and walk to Kun's office.
No one has ever dared to break into an agency, and the heroes all trust each other, so you do not have to worry about cameras, since they don't have any. In the office, you rummage in the drawers, and cupboards to find the keys that will give you access to Lucas.
See, it's not for nothing that this date is so important. If this month is so important. A month ago, you were sitting in the back of the bookstore with the boys, and you were watching the news when Lucas's picture popped up on the screen. A hero, Pyro, spoke up, so proud of himself when he announced that Lucas would be sent to a higher security prison the following month. He also said that in the meantime, the boy would be kept by the heroes in the underground cells at the agency. That day, he spoke without knowing that his words were not going to be forgotten by three people eager to find their friend back.
"Is that what you are looking for?"
The voice is followed by the sound of keys. And when you turn, you tilt your head when you see Kun with the keys leading to the underground cells. You shove your hands in the pockets of your coat, your head bowed. "How did you know?" you ask, and for a second, the hero is taken aback by the lightness with which you speak, as if you had just asked him to talk about the weather. "I always knew."
"What do you mean?" you ask, frowning. The hero sighs, and he doesn't show the slightest sign of a struggle, which means he has not visited the other heroes. "I knew it the moment I saw you, on that street, when you passed out. At first, I thought you had really been attacked by the Beast. And then in the second attack, I heard him speak, I heard him call you the shadow handler, and the contract. That's when I found out." what follow does not bode well.
"All the heroes know you. You, and your little friends. You had caused quite a stir after the arrest of Red Arrow, and that's how I made the connection. Why did the famous shadow handler would come out of her hiding place if not to help her friend escape." you run your tongue over your dry lips and take a step in the direction of Kun who is not moving.
"So, why did you save me? Why did you ask me to live with you?" even in the dark of the office, you can see Kun's cheeks turn red. "Because it was the best way to keep an eye on you, but I guess I was wrong. You are way smarter than you seem." you and your friends are very smart, and you have a lot of resources.
"What are you going to do?" you ask, and the hero lets his shoulders drop. "Are you going to stop me? Are you going to lock me up with Lucas? Oh maybe you will kill me?" he shakes his head, and the sound escaping his lips is almost painful. "See, I knew you were manipulating me the whole time, and yet for a while, when I saw that nothing was happening, I really thought you had changed your mind about Red Arrow."
You roll your eyes as you look around. "Kun, a villain cannot change. Once they start doing evil, nothing can bring them back to the right path. You have said it yourself, and more than once." he approaches you in turn, and he is so close that you can smell his perfume, the smell of embers which clings to his costume. "But maybe you could have? You and your friends are not the worst villains we've had to deal with, quite the contrary. You don't do anything for fun. You don't hurt citizens, and you only tackle the heroes when you really have no other choice."
You know all this. You know the boys and you are not the worst. You do what you can to survive. The proof, what villain would open a bookstore for the love of books, and what villains would "adopt" a child without a family because they can't stand the idea of him being alone as they have been for too long. "Lucas has not done anything wrong. When a hero can't control their powers and hurts a citizen, we don't lock them up for the rest of their life! So why him? He never did anything bad in his life!"
Kun hears the emotion in your voice when you speak, you are really affected by Lucas' situation, and he understands, really. "I had no choice. It's the rules, Y/n." you laugh coldly, closing your eyes to keep the tears from running down your cheeks. "Your rules are stupid." you both remain silent for a little while, but your attention is suddenly drawn to the window when you hear an explosion. "So what are you going to do?" you ask with a sigh. You are tired of this situation.
"If you want to stop me, do it now, because the others are going to be here very soon, and really, you don't want to compete with them." Kun takes the last step between you, and he puts his cold hands on your cheeks. You do not move, because you know he will never hurt you. You've seen it in his eyes so many times over the past few days. He won't do anything to you, except if he has no choice. Being a hero means putting aside your human side to be able to make the best decisions, and the hero will have to fight against the villain.
"If you get Lucas back, whare are you going to do?" he asks, and you are surprised at his question, so you shrug. "We don't want anything other than to give him the house he hasn't had since he got locked up, Kun. We are not going to go out in the streets to make the heroes pay for the time we lost with him. Like you said, we are not like other villains. I just want to be reunited with my family." you whisper.
Your family, yes, that's what they are. A found family is sometimes much better than the biological one. Blood is thicker than water, it is true, but sometimes a found family is so much more. "And me?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. "Did you never feel anything for me, or were you just looking to see me weak to take advantage of it?" that's the question you unfortunately do not have an answer for. Feelings are not something you like to dwell on. Love attracts nothing good.
"What would that change? You won't let me go anyway." you respond, and Kun leans in to kiss you. And you are weak, so you respond to the kiss. But rather than delve deeper into it as Kun so desires, you close your eyes, focus, and let the shadows do what you can't do on your own. They pull Kun back, preventing him from moving. He is immobilized by invisible forces. You take the keys that have fallen on the floor, and before leaving the office, you give him one last look. "In another life we could have been happy."
The hero doesn't even try to struggle, he lets the shadows hold him in place, and all he can do is watch you go without a word. His heart is breaking, of course, but it's all his fault. He knew what you wanted, and yet, he let you get under his skin, he let you make him weak.
On your way to the underground cells, you pull out your phone, and the relief you feel when you see Taeyong's message telling you that Renjun is home, and that he is fine, the boys are fine is so strong that you could cry. Before losing the already weak signal, you send a message to Taeyong.
To Taeyong: Take the car, and be in front of Pyro's agency in 5 minutes. Don't ask question, and be ready to go.
If he answers, you don't know, since your phone stops working, possibly due to the technology used to keep the villains and their powers at bay. Lucas is not the only one here, all the cells are occupied by villains who seem to be asleep, or drugged, you do not know. "Lucas?" you ask, but get no answer. Good god, who would've thought the underground prison would be that big.
The prison does not only belong to Pyro, but to all the hero agencies in town. They all have access, so while Kun doesn't try to stop you, it's not a given, who knows if a hero is not going to descend on the other side of town at any time. It takes you a couple of minutes to find him. "Lucas." you sigh.
The boy doesn't react immediately, but when you approach, his eyes lift up to you. At first he is not sure what he is seeing, he thinks he is dealing with yet another mirage. "Lucas, we are leaving." he frowns and gets up on shaky legs, and walks over to the bars. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" his voice is so weak, your heart breaks a little. "I'm taking you home." he tries to smile, but you see that he is too tired to do so, but you know he is grateful to see you.
Opening the cell is another story.
You are not familiar with the tech they use, but if the villains are kept in a constant state of fatigue, it doesn't have to be that complicated, right? A computer and several monitors are close to the door that leads to the agency. Cameras that monitor all the cells and buttons. So many buttons. "Fuck." it may take some time.
"The green button." you turn when you hear a voice. That of a villain. "What?" you are not stupid, you are not going to be fooled by a villain. "If you want to open your friend's cell, you have to press the green button closest to his cell's camera." he explains, and you frown. "Why are you helping me?" you ask, and the villain shrugs in defeat. "He is young. He does not deserve what awaits him in prison." you agree completely.
The thing is, villains are vicious, who says that by pushing the button you won't open all the cells and release the villains in town? You want your friend, not to create chaos in the city. But you have no choice, if you call the shadows to bring Kun back here, he will certainly change his mind and prevent you from doing what you want to do. So you find the screen leading to Lucas' cell, and you press the button.
At first, nothing happens, but after a few seconds, a metallic noise is heard and Lucas's cell opens. "Oh fuck, thank you!" you run toward the boy who seems reluctant to come out, as if expecting to be attacked, or laughed at at his idiocy before being locked up again. "Come on, Taeyong is already waiting for us outside." at the mention of the leader, his eyes brighten and you help him walk. Lucas is tall, like really tall, so it's hard to keep him from falling, especially in the stairs, but you get there.
"Wait." you whisper as you lean him against the wall so he can hold himself up while you lock the door to the cells. The freezing cold of the underground has seeped into your skin, and you begin to shake, so much that an easy task becomes difficult. "Come on." you mumble, but Lucas puts his hand on yours. "Let me do it." and he does.
"Let's go home." you put Lucas's arm around your shoulders, and you walk toward the door of the agency, but first, you stop by the office. Kun is still there, held by the shadows. When he hears the footsteps, he looks up at you, and.. and he smiles sadly. "Be happy." that's all he says before you force the shadow to release him. When the shadow disappear, you also disappear.
He will soon hear the sound of an engine, and that of a car racing away. And he will be alone. Alone with his broken heart, a bunch of villains to calm down on the streets, and a lot of explainations to give. Love brings nothing good, you were right about that.
In another life, you both think.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
exploded badger primary + bird secondary
Hi! I love the sorting hat system as a tool for better understanding yourself, and ive narrowed down my primary (exploded badger, but working on it) but Im lost on my secondary. I know the question it answers is "how do you do things" but when I try to write down how I do things it doesn't line up with any of the types. It might be badger or bird? But Ill explain it in more detail and I hope you can help narrow it down more.
So firstly my tactics in emergency situations is to follow the plan I have pre-prepared in my head. If I dont have a plan and dont know what to do I panic Badly (but that has only happened like. Once with a physical problem and a few times with Emotional problems). Like once before the pandemic I was in a train and this elderly man, his leg started bleeding really badly. So I know in these situations you have to 
Call 911
Tend to the wound.
Contact the train driver
 Keep others calm. 
And there was one person in the train who was a nurse so she could tend to the wound, two people stood up to check with the driver on both sides of the train, and this other dude was calling 911 but he didnt know much about trains and I Do so I could help by looking up which train we were in and where & when it would stop next so the ambulance knew where to go. 
I mean... okay. I joke about Bird secondaries always writing in with numbered lists... but come ON. Could this be any more Bird? Could this possibly be any more bird. Even solving the problem with existing knowledge of trains...
I’m a Badger. In a situation like that, I’d be keeping others calm. I’d be keeping the patient calm, and seeing if the nurse needed a second pair of hands. You didn’t even mention the emotional mood in that train car. The inside of your head looks neutral to you, of course it does. But to me it looks so Bird. 
Or this other time when I was Tiny and we had soldering lessons, and the teacher told us if we got injured we had to go to him first. So I burned my hand pretty badly, but didnt panic and went to the teacher, waited until he was done explaining things to another student and then said I burned my hand. And he thought it wasnt serious because I was calm but then he saw my hand and panicked and immediately brought me to the tap for the water. And I knew proper burn protocol.
You probably had a numbered list in your head when you were tiny too.
I could have gone to the water myself and sent someone else to fetch the teacher when my hand was cooling, but that wasnt how I was Supposed to do it so I followed protocol.
That’s probably more a function of your primary than your secondary. You’re an Exploded Badger? As a young Badger you probably followed ALL the rules. 
One time things went badly was when I was sailing with friends, and the wind was blowing pretty strong, and I know Nothing about sailing, and my only job was Sit in the boat and Move to the correct side when turning. But on a big turn water got in the boat, and I didnt understand how much water could get in the boat before it sank, and how diagonal we could go before we drowned, and then I completely shut down and only responded when people explicitly Told Me What To Do because I didnt know what was happening.
Panic responses happen. I’ve been so scared before that suddenly I’m just hiding behind a couch and at no point was conscious thought involved. Not my finest hour, I wish it hadn’t happened that way. But the whole thing is just a much older part of your brain. Nothing to do with your secondary. 
This doesnt mean I cant improvise! I can improvise pretty well, and if I start working on something without a plan it usually turns out great! I just have a lot of Base Knowledge that I can apply to those improvisation situations.
You are the definition of a Rapid-Fire Bird. 
The other question I've seen associated with secondaries is "how do you learn new stuff"? I usually learn stuff by starting to do it, failing, getting frustrated, stopping the thing and taking a break, and when I have calmed down Continuing The Thing until I am done. 
That’s just... an excellent strategy. And I think a Badger secondary would be WAY more tempted to just push though the pain. 
Which is really funny to write down because now I realize that my problem with a lot of my university work is that I started something, failed, and didnt pick it up again until just before the deadline because I was afraid for more failure or that I was too Inherently Flawed to successfully finish the thing, instead of taking a quick break and then Continuing.
That’s the language of an exploded Badger primary. 
Which all leaves me a bit confused about secondaries. The first part seems bird to me since I collect methods and apply them to situations, but the second part more badger since that's the hard work and when you fail work more bit. 
The ability to pick yourself up when you fail is probably more a primary thing, since it’s tied to motivation. 
Or maybe the first part is lion because I have a Plan and I will complete that Plan in the exact same way as I want and if I cannot do that I get unhappy.
See, I think you are so much a Bird, and so loudly a bird, that you conceptualize the other Secondaries as... Bird. Slightly different flavors of Bird maybe, but Bird. You’re comparing the battering ram nature of a Lion secondary to a Bird who wants to go down their checklist, when checklists make Lion secondaries anxious, constricted, and ineffectual. 
Thanks in advance for your time! Your blog is great and really interesting and it's a great way to figure out your own thoughts!
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
i’ll marry you someday : j.w
brief summary: jeff hopes that someday he’ll marry you, but after an accident that lands him in hospital, he’s more certain than ever 
word count:  2.5k (i kinda went off on this) requested: yes by the sweetest anon. i adore this idea and cause i’m super dramatic well, you’ll see   warnings: mentions of a car crash, some graphic descriptions. nothing too threatening, but if these are sensitive topics please read at your own discretion or miss this one (your wellbeing matters more than anything!)
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“You know, I’m gonna marry you someday,” Jeff mumbles as you curl up against his chest as you struggle to keep your eyes open long enough to focus on the film.
“That so?” You whisper, looking up at him as he smiles down to you, his fingers gliding through your hair as you hum in content.
Jeff nods, unable to hide his grin as your eyes close.
It’s true though, Jeff really means it when he says it. Even if you think he’s just joking around. As a matter of fact, in all his life, Jeff has never been more certain about something. That being with you, and spending the rest of his life alongside you, and only you. After everything he’s been through, the consequences he’s faced from his actions you’re just a ray of sunshine.
You didn’t care about his past, the things he once did. He’s grown, matured as a person into someone you want to be with and love him regardless.
Standing in the doorway, Jeff’s bags pile up outside whilst Todd patiently waits for his friend to depart from his house. If only it were easier said than done.
“Do you have to go?” You pout as your arms remain around his waist, not wanting to let go.
Jeff chuckles as he glances behind you, seeing Todd filming on his camcorder in the pathway. “I’ll only be gone a few days, baby.” Jeff reminds you, hearing you sigh loudly as your hands begin to slip away from him.
“Just, stay safe.” You nudge his arm as he picks up his bags before leaning down and kissing you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He blows one last kiss to you before walking out from your house, leaving you with Nerf sat by your side watching his Dad get into the passenger seat of Todd’s car.
“You really love her, don’t you?” Todd speaks up, noticing the way Jeff looks at you as if you’re the only person in the entire world.
Jeff can’t help but think of the ring he’s picked out and reserved at the jewellers, a quick pitstop on route to his and Todd’s destination. “I do, Toddy.” Jeff sighs as they pull away, moving further away from you, but closer to the next step in your future.
“So, airport?” Todd looks over to Jeff before returning his attention to the road.
Shaking his head, Jeff points to the left hand turn coming up, the opposite direction. “I just wanna make a short stop first.” Jeff states as Todd turns the car, and as they follow the road Jeff can see the old shop sign.
Feeling his heartbeat quicken pace, it isn’t something that goes unnoticed by Todd. “We going where I think we’re going?” Todd asks with a hesitant smile before Jeff points at the shop whilst Todd parks up just down the road.
“Yeah.” Jeff runs his fingers through his hair as he opens the passenger door, hearing Todd mutter his name as his right leg hangs out of the car.
“This is it, huh?” Todd chuckles, an attempt to hide his nerves for his friend. “You’re gonna ask her?”
“I really am, Todd. Got it all planned out.” Jeff states, feeling that familiar sense of uneasiness return to his stomach as he climbs out fully, his arm resting on the top of the car as Todd remains in the driver's seat. “Gotta say, I’ve never been more certain of anything.” He admits before turning away from the car, crossing the street toward the shop in question.
Whilst Jeff is crossing, Todd’s fingers tap on the steering wheel, humming to himself. Yet, Jeff doesn’t make it across the road.
Glancing through his rearview mirror, seeing a car speeding down the narrow street, shortly followed by a sharp break and a loud thud.
“No, no.” Todd mutters, feeling everything play too quickly for him to process. “Jeff?!” Todd yells, looking behind his car to see the small car in question with the window smashed as the driver crawls out, coughing violently.
A few shop owners and customers gather around behind the driver's car, some converse whilst others call for help. “Is he alive?” Todd hears one lady question whilst another bends down, her feet sticking out from behind the car as Todd hesitantly walks closer.
Fearing the worst, Todd took a deep breath as he moved between the gathering crowd to see what his fears be a reality.
“Jeff? Buddy?” Kneeling down, Todd couldn’t stop his hands from shaking as he reaches out as blood dribbles from Jeff’s mouth as his eyes remain closed. “Has someone called for some help? Fuck!” He looks around, desperation lacing his tone as faces blur together whilst blood coats his face and exposed limbs.
“An ambulance is on its way.” Someone speaks up, resting a hand on Todd’s shoulder with a sympathetic smile.
“You’ll be okay, buddy,” Todd mutters, forcing back his tears as Jeff’s limps are splayed out, lifelessly.
You couldn’t process the phone call as it came through. Part of you thought it was a sick prank call until you heard Todd’s hushed voice down the line, loud enough to understand without it cracking.
David picked you up with Natalie, understanding you were in no fit position to drive.
No words were exchanged as you sat silently in the passenger seat, thinking about what Todd had told you. He hadn’t even left town, they were making a pit stop and some sick fuck was speeding.
Tearing the images from your mind, you open the car door and rush inside without checking your friends were close behind.
“Is Jeff Wittek here?” You ask bluntly, remaining emotionless as you bite your lip, holding back a sob.
The receptionist looks up at you before averting her attention to her screen. You wait painfully as she types into the system, now aware of David and Natalie either side of you. Natalie rests her hand on your forearm, squeezing it lightly as a single tear spills from your eye.
“He’s in room 207. Turn left down the hall, and three floors up.” The receptionist tells you and before she can ask if you need anything else, you’re gone.
You can’t keep up with your own feet as you race to his room, a distortion of voices play as Natalie and David converse as they try to catch up to you, but you’re oblivious to everyone else.
Slowing down, you can see someone hunched over on a seat outside of a room. A tuft of brown hair, slouched form and his hands clasped in each other.
“Toddy?” You call out weakly, seeing him rise to his feet and rush over, engulfing you in a tight hug as you sob against him.
Natalie and David hang back as Todd focuses on Natalie with watery vision. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.” Todd mumbles into your hair as your whole body shakes. “He, he just wanted to get something. I should’ve gone with him.” Todd rambles, but you lean back, shaking your head to him.
“It’s not your fault, Todd.” You tell him bluntly. “Do not blame yourself. It was an accident.” You breathe deeply as you force yourself to look at the door number behind him. “Is he, is he awake?”
Todd scratches the back of his neck as he takes a hold of your hand, guiding you closer toward the room. “He’s still unconscious, but he’ll be alright,” Todd tells you, but you can tell there’s something else. “but he got hurt bad, Y/n.”
Taking a shaky breath, you nod. “How bad are things?”
Shutting your eyes, you wipe away your tears forcefully as you listen to Todd listing off Jeff’s injuries. Two broken legs, fractured ribs, a collapsed lung. He was lucky to make it out alive.
“Can I see him?” You question quietly.
Todd opens the door and guides you inside to the room where Jeff is being monitored.
As you lift your eyes up, the sight before you breaks your heart.
You listen to the sound of his monitor beeping as various tubes are connected to him. Discomfort is worn heavily in his face, despite him being unconscious as stitches line his cheeks and forehead. Bruises are starting to form across his exposed skin, but the damage evidently lies deeper than that.
A sob wracks through you as you cover your mouth, muffling the sound as you fall to the ground.
“It’s okay, Y/n.” Todd hushes as he helps you to your feet. “Jeff’s strong, we know this.” He reassures you as you step closer toward your boyfriend, sitting beside him.
Reaching out, you rest your hand alongside his.
Both you and Todd sit in silence until visiting hours are over, and at this point, you can feel your entire body is numb. You didn’t want to leave him, you didn’t want Jeff to be alone in that room, left in pain without anyone by his side.
Two days you were sat in the room, sitting in silence beside him as Doctors and Nurses passed by. Checks were made, vitals were monitored and silence was a frequent friend.
You saw many faces, most with sympathy etched into their smiles as they tried not to focus on the damages covering Jeff’s body or the tiredness lining your eyes. It felt like an ongoing cycle, just waiting for any kind of update.
Everyone was just waiting, waiting for him to wake up. And after three solid days of waiting, sitting by his side for as long as you were allowed to, Jeff started to stir in the bed.
“Where the fuck am I?” He mumbles, and you quickly jolt up from sleeping at an angle on the plastic chair beside his bed.
“Jeff?” You call out, blinking rapidly as your vision begins to focus on his confused expression as he winces. “Oh thank god.” You reframe from wrapping your arms around him, knowing he’s still fragile. “I, I’ll go get someone, I’ll be right back.” You tell him quickly as you rise to your feet, finding the first Nurse to pass you by.
Whilst you talk to a nurse, Jeff looks around the room as the events of that afternoon replay. He remembers seeing a blue car speeding toward him and being on the ground with faces surrounding him. But after that, everything is simply blank.
Jeff watches as you walk back in, your angelic smile plastered across your face as bags wear heavy beneath your eyes.
Sitting beside him, you rest his hand in yours as the Nurse checks his vitals and explains exactly what has happened to him. As you listen to the Nurse, you feel Jeff faintly squeezing your hand, letting you know he can feel you beside him.
“So, I got hit bad, huh?” Jeff tries to joke but winces at the pain spreading across his ribs.
“Take it easy, babe.” You remind him as he lies back down, letting out a strained sigh.
“Seen worse in jail, let me tell you that.” He continues his efforts to make you smile, even if tears fill your eyes as you focus on him, how casts cover both legs and bandages across his stomach. “Hey, Y/n, I’m okay.” He reaches out as you lean closer toward him.
Feeling his hand rest across your cheek is enough to comfort you as you let out a shaky breath. “I know, I just, I don’t know what I would do if you were,” You struggle to finish your sentence as Jeff wipes away your tears that fall.
“Don’t think ‘bout that, baby.” He hushes you, peering over your shoulder to see Todd leaning against the door frame. “If it isn’t my saviour,” Jeff calls out and you laugh lightly, leaning back as Todd walks in.
Rising to your feet, Todd hugs you lightly as you pass him and exit the room in search of the bathroom.
“Hey man.” Todd sighs as he sits down, taking your seat temporarily whilst you’re gone. “Good to see you awake, you, you had us worried for a moment.”
“Just a moment?” Jeff raises an eyebrow, ignoring the bruising around his eye and the stitches below.
Todd shakes his head as he reaches into his pocket, taking out a small velvet box. “I, I picked this up, thought you might want it.” Sliding the small box across the bed, Jeff hides it underneath the covers of the hospital sheets.
“Thank you, Todd.” Jeff smiles, and Todd simply nods as you return.
“Did I miss anything?” You call out as Todd stands up, moving away from the chair as he shakes his head.
“Nothing too eventful. Good luck getting him to pee for the next few months though.” Todd laughs, nudging you lightly as you roll your eyes, missing the wink he sends Jeff.
For the next few hours, you just sat with Jeff as the Doctors explained the next step in Jeff’s recovery. It wasn’t going to be easy, and you understood that there would be hard times, but you weren’t going anywhere.
“Thank you, Doc.” Jeff speaks up, processing everything he’s just been told.
“Looks like you’ll be my bitch for a while, huh?” You tell Jeff, hoping to see a smile cross his lips to ease the pressure of the detailed recovery process.
Jeff chuckles, looking up at you as you keep a smile on your face. “You’re seriously something else, Y/n.” Jeff shakes his head, watching as you shrug a shoulder. “You know, I’m gonna marry you someday.” He reminds you, and you laugh lightly.
“I know, baby. You tell me almost every week!” You smile brightly, but Jeff shakes his head as he reaches into the sheets, taking a hold of the velvet box.
“I really mean it, and, and I know this isn’t probably the way I envisioned it. And I can’t even stand, let alone get on one knee right now, but,” Taking a deep breath, Jeff reveals the diamond inside of the box, looking up as your lips part.
“Jeff,” You start, but Jeff shakes his head.
“Y/n, you’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met. You, you’ve seen past all the shit in my life, you’re willing to help me through this and wheel me everywhere for possibly months. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, and I don’t want to.” Jeff reels off all of his thoughts as you remain in a state of shock. “So, Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?” He finally asks the question, feeling his heart pause as he awaits your response.
“Yes.” You mumble, nodding as you rise to your feet, leaning closer and kissing him passionately. “Yes, yes!” You laugh excitedly as you sit back down, letting Jeff place the ring on your finger. “So, this is it, huh?”
“I told you, baby.” Jeff smiles brightly, fighting through the pain as his monitor continues to beep at a slightly rapid pace. “I’m gonna marry you someday, and that’s a promise.”
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Mending Hearts:
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Blood, Mentions/Descriptions of War and PTSD, Lil bit of Fluff and stuff.
Word Count: 3,296
Characters: Arthur Shelby x Reader
+ Ada, John, Finn, and Polly.
Request: (I got this super detailed request on my Wattpad: @jetblackheartsx but I loved it so much I wanted to post it on here :) For the sake of this one, it’s taking place around the first season-ish where Billy Kimber has become the Peaky Blinders’ current headache.
Paraphrased: “...Reader is new to Small Heath and makes friends with Ada. One day she invites reader to come to one of her brothers mansions. As they drive out there she tells reader about her family, and upon arrival they find blood and two men around the corner. They check to see if they’re alive and Ada calls an ambulance while reader figures out how to save them. After she manages to save them, the ambulance crew arrives and takes them to the hospital and the reader brings Ada home. The next day Ada and Arthur come to thank her and bring her flowers. Then Arthur asks the reader if she’d like to come for dinner one night to meet the rest of the Shelby family. Reader blushes and agrees to meet them after a couple days in order for them to recuperate. When there, she meets Finn who is sweet and charming, and then she’s led to the drawing room of the mansion where she meets Polly and John. And as typical Shelby’s they are a bit flirtatious and so as she sits down with them she wonders what on earth the future could hold.” 
Requested by: Wattpad Reader
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Y/n walked out of her apartment ready to meet her new friend Ada and her family. She had just moved to Small Heath a week prior and it wasn’t long before she’d gotten herself in a rut. She had just been rejected from a seamstress job, roaming the dark colored town and heading towards the Garrison to drink away her current feelings. When she arrived, she saw a brunette standing at the bar with a disgruntled look on her face. She smiled and walked towards her, not paying any mind to the ogling stares from the groups of men drunkenly hanging around during the day.
“What will you have miss?” The bartender asked.
“Oh, just a bottle of whiskey....thank you.” She said as he handed her a shot glass and a bottle. She slipped him the cash and he smiled as he went to tend to the other customers.
“You don’t sound like you’re from here...what’s your name?” Ada asked, staring at her glass of wine as Y/n took a seat.
“Y/n...and you’re right...I’m not from here. Just moved from London.” She said.
“Well...welcome to Small Heath then, Y/n. I’m Ada...Ada Shelby.” She said hesitantly.
“What brings you here?” She asked.
“Planning to drink away my sadness for the night, it’s lonely here. Job rejections and such...” Y/n said before taking a shot.
“I see...well I may be able to help you out with that if you’d like. I have some pull in this town.” Ada said winking.
“Really? You’d help me out? You barely know me.” She said taking another shot.
“I know...I just want to help for a change. You seem nice so I’m willing to take the chance. And....let’s just say my family is always looking for ways to expand their business. What do you do exactly?” She asked.
“Well I was a nurse back in London for a couple years, but then I got sent out to help in the war, stitching soldiers, mending wounds, repairing uniforms, things like that.” She said nonchalantly. She never opened up much about her experience, seeing wounded soldiers everyday, but she managed to integrate back into civilian life just fine, but it was the nights when she’d sit at home alone that worried her the most.
“Oh really? All of my brothers except for my youngest got sent to France...I’m glad they and you got back. It’s changed them though...” She said sipping her wine.
“War does that, yeah.” Y/n said looking down at her third shot. Remembering all the men she saw and helped mend.
“Are you wanting to drink that whole thing?” Ada asked smirking.
“Only if you‘d want to help me.” She said, pushing the bottle towards Ada.
They continued on like that for the day, becoming best friends by the end of the night.
“You...you’d like my brothers. Maybe I’ll let you meet them tomorrow?” She asked, slurring her words a bit. Y/n could see the poor woman was desperate for some kind of human interaction that wasn’t with her family, so she smiled, agreeing to meet them and looking forward to hanging out with her again.
“I’ll pick you up at noon tomorrow. What’s your address?” Ada asked.
Y/n wrote it down quickly, hoping it was legible in her current state.
“I’ll have my driver take you back, here come with me.” She said taking her arm as they both hobbled out. She paid no mind to the men whistling at them as they walked to the car.
Once in, Y/n looked around hazily and drunkenly talked with Ada as they both watched the dreary night blow by them as the driver made his way to her apartment, Ada only slightly more sober than her, helping her to her door.
“Noon tomorrow alright? Thanks for keeping me company tonight. You’re a good friend Y/n.” She said before giving Y/n a hug. Y/n smiled and waved her off, quickly going inside and heading for her scarcely furnished bedroom.
During the war she learned to live with next to nothing, as she constantly had to share stuff with her nurse mates and only had a few clothing items She could bring. Necessities were pretty much it for her, keeping her style in both clothing and furnishings to a minimum.
The next day, Y/n awoke with an all-too-familiar headache and so she took a quick shower and put on a white dress-shirt and beige skirt. Tying her hair up into a tight bun with a ribbon and some pins, just as she did years ago. It had to be done so often that she did it out of habit now.
Grabbing her coat, she walked out, seeing Ada parked outside.
“Hey Y/n! Nice to see you! How are you feeling?” She asked, her sunglasses hiding her own tired look.
“Hungover, but I’ve been through worse.” She said smirking. Ada laughed and continued on, driving down the road.
“So tell me about this family of yours? They have a business I may be of use to you said?” Y/n asked.
Ada gulped and smiled, trying to hide the uneasiness in her voice as she spoke.
“Well, they’re pretty well known here as am I. The Shelbys that is....my brothers mainly...are known as the Peaky Blinders...rigging the books, going to horse races, taking bets, smuggling drugs, weapons, the lot...” Ada paused, waiting for y/n’s reaction.
“Oh my...You know I think I’ve heard of them before, they got in quite the scuffle in London about a year ago.” Y/n said.
“Does that scare you? What my family does?” She asked, knowing many of her friends left her due to her status.
“Not really. They sound quite interesting. That or I’m insane...” Y/n said jokingly.
“Well Y/n you might be. But in that case I think you’ll fit right in.” She said.
“I don’t mean to barge in or anything though, to their business that is, I don’t want to seem desperate for a job...” Y/n said, fiddling nervously with her hands as they pulled into her brother Thomas’ driveway.
“They don’t mind. I’ve already talked with them. Tommy needs a new nurse and a seamstress if I’m honest. The bastard gets in dangerous fights and rips holes in almost all his suits at some point. Not to mention, the old nurse almost gave him an overdose of morphine once because she couldn’t see the dosage markers.” She said chuckling.
“Oh my. Well I’d be glad to help, thanks for putting a word in for me.” Y/n said before getting out of Ada’s car.
“No problem.” She said smiling and leading her into Thomas’ estate.
As they walked along the hallway, Y/n saw a trail of blood and Ada gasped.
“Walk to the side of it.” Y/n said sternly, walking down the long hall and towards the kitchen. The blood was fresh and a dark crimson, the light glinting off it as it led down into the cellar.
Groaning was heard from two dark haired men. Ada suddenly screamed and ran away from her to call an ambulance.
“Hello! Yes come to Thomas Shelby’s estate quickly. He’s been hurt again and so has Arthur.” Y/n heard her say urgently from upstairs.
Without thinking, Y/n carefully dodged the blood and ran towards them, seeing the man with blue eyes drifting in and out.
“Hey, stay with me. Focus on my voice. I’m going to put pressure on your abdomen okay?” He nodded and looked at her from bloodied eyes, he’d been beaten and stabbed badly.
“What’s your name aye?” Y/n asked as he winced.
“Thomas...Thomas Shelby.” He said quietly.
“Ada get me a first aid kit! Now!” She yelled from the cellar loudly, causing the other man to cover his ears as he bled from his arm profusely.
Ada came running down, a look of fear and disgust as she got blood on her heels.
“Here, I found some whiskey, a needle and thread, and some pliers. Oh and the former nurses morphine.” She said handing her the box with all of it and the bottle of whiskey.
“Ada I know you don’t want to do this but I’m going to need you to wrap your brothers arm in gauze and squeeze it. Talk to him. Don’t let him fade out.” Y/n ordered. Ada shakily went over to her brother Arthur and did as instructed.
“Oi! Ada who’s that?” He asked, panting as he held his hand over his stomach which was also bleeding.
“Sh-she’s my new friend, the one I told you about. I figured she’d be able to be of some use.” She said sloppily wrapping the gauze and squeezing his arm as he yelled out.
“Thomas? Hey. Hey! No don’t look up look at me.” Y/n said shaking her head a bit as she looked on the syringe and loaded the correct amount of morphine into it, administering it carefully into his arm. She could feel his eyes on her as she poured whiskey in the wound. His eyes opened wide and he bit his lip trying not to scream as she worked.
“A piece of the knife broke off and I have to extract it, bite down on this.” She said, putting his loose tie in his mouth.
She cleaned her hands with whiskey and then carefully extracted the piece of metal from his wound, causing it to bleed more. Then she quickly threaded the needle and put pressure on him to stop the bleeding before stitching him up just as she was instructed in the medical ward.
It seemed as if it took her forever but really it only took her about 10 minutes.
Ada gagged as she held the now saturated gauze, watching Y/n put the final touches on Tommy’s gauze before wiping the blood from his face and putting ointment on the cuts near his eye.
Thomas watched her as she ran towards Arthur who was losing blood more quickly. She didn’t think, just acted, as she undid Arthur’s belt causing Ada to give her a questioning look.
“Tourniquet.” She said sharply before yanking the remainder of it from under him.
“You did great Ada. Put his tie in his mouth now please.“ Y/n said, and Ada did as instructed.
“So I hear your names Arthur. Keep your eyes on me. I’m going to tie this alright? Bite down.” Y/n said as he weakly bit down.
He groaned and she saw tears escape his eyes as he looked at her, frantic and nervous as he was losing blood rapidly.
Y/n averted her gaze and pulled the belt as tight as she could, getting the bleeding under control gradually as she assessed his wounds.
He was stabbed like Tommy but not as deeply and not with a piece of metal embedded in his side, as his arm was what took the brunt of it.
Y/n unwrapped the gauze and flushed both wounds out as he yelled through the tie. Ada walked over to Tommy after she saw Y/n had Arthur under control and asked him about what happened, Y/n listening in as she worked.
“Kimber’s men...they came in here after we got back from the races. It was just me and Arthur here as we were going to go to the shop. They came here to get me Ada. They came here to kill me after what went down.” He said weakly.
“Well they failed miserably.” Ada said half smiling. Tommy took his sisters hand and held it as she watched Y/n work, waiting for the ambulance.
Y/n got the bleeding in his arm to fully stop for now and so she administered another correct dose of morphine and then stitched Arthur’s arm up and wrapped it, doing the same to the wound on his stomach, blushing a bit as his eyes caught hers as she shyly checked him out, his abs prominent as he tensed up from the pain.
As Y/n finished cleaning him up, he looked up at her and smiled weakly.
“Where did you learn all this? You’re a way better nurse than that old hag... isn’t she Tommy?” He said looking over at him. Tommy’s blue eyes darted over to him as he nodded, he itched to get back to business, to hunt down Kimber’s men, but he knew he couldn’t right now, no matter how much he wanted to.
“I uh...was sent off to France during the war. I helped take care of the soldiers.” She said hesitantly, remembering one of the nights when she had to rush into the field and help one of the men near the tunnels. He had the shakes and was doubled over in pain from the heat and an injury he had came into the infirmary for a few days prior.
Her heart raced as she remembered trying to help him out of the tunnel as a bomb went off near one of the trenches they were stumbling towards, killing the other soldiers near them instantly. The dirt, debris, and blood of her fellow nurses and soldiers raining down on her as she hit the ground, her ears ringing for what felt like forever as the man helped her hide despite his shaky and weakened state. He had brought her down near a dirt hole that was much less deep compared to the other trenches, urging her to hide as he looked around for more bombs. She tried her best to help him when he came back, giving him her canteen and helping him cool off as they hid. But he later died in front of her as he succumbed to the shock and from sepsis due to the injury he had gotten.
She sat there with tears in her eyes, snapping back to reality at Arthur’s voice as she remembered hiding with the mans corpse until sunrise.
“Y/n are you alright?” He asked. He must’ve said something before but she hadn’t heard him due to her flashing back to that night.
“Oh! Right, sorry. I just have memories...I’m sure you both know what that’s like...” She said, as he nodded and took her hand. She wiped her tears away as she heard the ambulance blaring in the distance and immediately went to help Tommy and Arthur up and out of the cellar, desperately shoving the memories away to focus.
After they’re swept off to the hospital, Y/n looked as Ada watched them leave, leaving her to clean up the mess scattered through Tommy’s house.
“Here I can help Ada. I’m great with washing blood out of things.” Y/n said smirking.
“You have a morbid sense of humor, truly.” Ada said as they both worked their way down to the cellar, cleaning every inch of the flooring with mops, soap, a pail of water, and some bleach.
When all was done, it was around 5pm, and Y/n could tell Ada was tired. Y/n was used to the stress and violence keeping her going, but Ada on the other hand was worried and exhausted.
“Here I’ll take you home. I’ll drive and then walk home.” She said.
“Oh no I’ll have a driver come pick you up, no friend of mine will be walking alone.” She said.
“Alright, well I’ll still drive you home though, no use tiring yourself more than you already are.” She said patting Ada on the back as she grabbed the keys.
“I guess. Just don’t speed too much.” She said jokingly.
“No promises.” Y/n said and then got in the car, driving off to Ada’s lavish apartment.
By the time they got there, a car was waiting for her and so she said her goodbyes and received a million thanks from Ada, and then tiredly got in the car and headed home, watching the lavish building fade into the night.
The next day she awoke to a loud knock on her door, and so she sprung up and slipped on a robe as her hair fell down around her shoulders. She sighed as she took in her tired appearance, but nevertheless walked to the door.
She was greeted with a tall man hiding behind a bright bouquet of flowers and a smiling Ada.
“Put the flowers down you doofus. She can’t see your face.” She said before forcing him to give Y/n the flowers. Once she placed them inside, she saw it was Arthur.
“Oi, hiya Y/n. We just wanted to say thank you. You uh saved my brother and I‘s lives back there and I wanted to tell you in person.” He said as he looked at his fresh bandage on his arm.
Y/n blushed as she glanced at him and the flowers.
“It was no problem really.” She said looking at him again as she blushed slightly.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, but would you like to come over to meet the rest of the family for dinner in a couple days? They’re keeping Tommy over In the hospital for a day or two so that they can get some things sorted and make sure he doesn’t run out like he did in the past.” He said smirking to Ada who rolled her eyes at the memory.
“Sure! I’d love to meet my new colleagues and....patients...should the need arise.” She said.
“Alright I’ll see you at Thomas’ estate then.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ada will you be there?” Y/n asked.
“Of course! I’ll pick you up at noon.” She said.
“Alright, see you both very soon.” Y/n said before closing the door, blushing like a madwoman as she took in what just happened. She smelled the flowers before bringing them to her table near the window, finally having a bit of color to brighten up the place.
A few days had passed and she got ready in her long green dress, putting her hair up as she looked in the mirror. She added makeup and then heard Ada’s car as if on cue.
She quickly pulled on her coat and dashed out the door, excited to meet the rest of the notorious Shelby family.
Upon entering, Ada introduced Y/n to her youngest brother Finn, who politely greeted her and directed her to the others.
They were all in the drawing room, discussing what happened when Ada and Y/n walked in.
“There she is! The woman of the hour!” Arthur said excitedly, pointing at Y/n, causing her to blush.
Polly and their other brother John came over and hugged her. Polly telling her how grateful they are for Y/n being their new nurse, and John eyeing her up and down and winking as she walked past him, advancing towards Arthur to give him a hug. John frowned, wondering why she’d go for someone that wasn’t him, but he soon sat back down, wiping the expression off his face when Polly came near.
“How are you doing Tommy?” Y/n asked making her way over to him, patting him lightly on the shoulder.
He put his hand over hers and looked up at her smiling slightly.
“I’m doing better. Thanks to you of course.” He said and she smiled.
“Hey I was there too you know!” Ada said slumping down in her seat by John and Polly.
“You did great too, holding my arm and all Ada. But nothing beats a badass military nurse aye?” Arthur asked winking at Y/n as he raised his glass.
“I’ll drink to that.” Y/n said, smiling and raising her glass at him as she took in her new friends and colleagues.
She never thought she’d end up here but she knew it was where she was meant to be. Coming from nothing in London, to finding some semblance of a normal life in Small Heath, eager to leave some parts of the past behind but reluctant to let go of others. She knew that this was better than where she had been before. And that despite her brief flirtatious interactions with the tall, short-haired man, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he wanted something more, and that maybe it was fate that she’d moved here after all, but only time can tell.
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Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @inglourious-imagines, @peakysabrina, @blinder-secrets, @ta-ka-shi-ma
141 notes · View notes
mochiikook · 4 years
my everything| jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader 
⇢ genre: angst 
⇢ word count: 2.6K 
⇢ warnings: cursing, blood 
⇢ summary: Jungkook is an emt and during his shift he gets a call about a serious car wreck and when he arrives at the scene, he notices a familiar car. Your car.
⇢ A/N: i’d like to thank grey’s anatomy for preparing me for this ask, enjoy!
© mochiikook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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The loud buzzing and shifting next to you had stirred you out of your sleep. You groaned and reached over to pull your fiancé closer to you. “Don't go” you mumbled into his back, he turned around to face you and grabbed your chin to make you look at him. “I have to, my love.” You pout as you hold onto him a little tighter. He stifles a laugh before saying, “y/n, baby, I’m going to be late and if I’m late I’ll get fired and if I’m fired how am I going to pay for our wedding.” You pout before answering, “I’ll pay for it, all of it. Just stay here with me.” You feel Jungkook shake in laughter as he replies, “I would never let you do that baby.” He kisses your forehead as you loosen your grip on him and he slips out of your grip. “I’ll be back before you know it, love.” Your hand grips the sheets on his side of the bed as you fall back into your slumber.
The buzzing of an alarm woke you up, your alarm. With a groan, you reached up to feel for your phone on the nightstand. Tapping the phone blindly as you try to turn off the blaring noise before finally lifting your head up out of the pillow you stuffed it in and turned it off. With a sigh, you got up and headed to the bathroom to do your daily routine as you got ready for the interview you had that was willing to pay you big time. You didn't mention this to Jungkook, fearing that you might not get the job you didn't want to get his hopes up. Nothing breaks your heart more than to see a sad Jungkook. Although he would try to hide it, you see past his facade as if he was transparent.
You zipped up your pantsuit and put on your blazer as you checked yourself out in the mirror, the white blouse going well with your navy blazer and pants. Before leaving the house you gave yourself a pep talk. “You can do this y/n, you’re perfectly qualified for this job, nobody is more skilled in this position than you are. You have tons of experience, god, please bring it up. Don't stutter and don't get lost in your words, take your time and breathe before you answer their questions. Got it? Good. Now let’s go kick some ass and get rich.” You let out a breath before leaving the apartment, your heels clicking as you made your way to the elevator and down to the garage where your car awaits.
Unlocking your car, you step in and turn it on. Before you start driving out of the garage you connect your phone to the bluetooth and play your songs to hype you up for the stressing interview. You had worked so hard to get here and you knew you could do it, but sometimes the nerves just ate you up inside. Starting the car, you backed up out of your parking spot and made your way onto the streets.
Blasting your music, your favorite song to pick you up came on and you instantly sang with it as you maneuvered your way onto the highway.
(song: Rose Golden by Kid Cudi)
“Since I was young, been grooving to my own drum
ain't that many teachers, showed me my potential
felt like a failure mama said you know better
Future in my hands God, She had a plan
stronger than I know soon I’d understand
The power I possess, the story of the chosen”
“WOAH, jeez buddy watch where you're going!” you screamed to the car that just cut you off but was so close to crashing into you. As the exit got closer you switched your lanes carefully however the truck that was in the next lane did not see you as it changed lanes. It made contact with your car and before you had any time to react your car flipped over at the impact, skidding a couple hundred feet on the pavement. Your windows shattered and the glass shards cut into your skin.
It seemed as if time stopped, you couldn't hear anything except for a ringing which you assumed was because of the impact. Cars stopped next to you and a man crouched down next to your, now shattered, window. He was saying something but you couldn’t hear anything. You tried to speak but nothing came out except for a weak, “h-help.” Everything was pounding, lifting your hand you touched your head but soon pulled away as you felt a gooey substance. Blood.
Sitting around at the fire department, Jungkook kept a conversation with his fellow paramedics.
“I should have called in sick today, it’s so slow.” I groaned to Dave, who was basically my mentor now. “Hey hey hey kid, never say that. Whenever someone says that-” He was soon cut off by a blaring alarm. “MEDICAL EMERGENCY TRUCKS NUMBER 49, 51, 70 RESPOND TO HIGHWAY 7 ACCIDENT MULTIPLE CAR PILE UP” Quickly getting up as the alarm sounded they hopped into their truck and left to the given location provided by dispatch. “Never say that again kid, something will always happen” Dave finishes. I nodded, “Noted.”
Pulling up to the scene, I see a familiar colored car in the middle of it all. “No.” I mutter under my breath. Dave turns to look at me, “C’mon kid we need to save lives.” I couldn't do anything. I was frozen, I prayed to God it's not who I think it is. My stomach churned as we stepped closer to the car. My heart dropped, Dave noticed me stop walking and turned to look at me. “What the hell is the matter with you.” I couldn’t even answer, all I saw was the hand. The hand that was lying on the pavement. Lifeless. Before I knew what I was doing I was running. It's like I didn't have control of my body. Something took over me and I found myself kneeled next to the driver's side where I saw the love of my life struggling to breathe “Y/N Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME!” I feel Dave rush next to me, “Kid you need to step aside.” He put his hand on my shoulder to get me up but I shrugged it off, holding onto y/n’s hand tighter. With my other hand, I felt around for a pulse. Yes, yes yes god she was still alive, but barely. “I’m not leaving her, I can’t.” Dave sighed before waving down the firefighters to get their help in taking the car door out so we can get her out safely. “Kid, you need to let go of her so they can get through.” I shook my head and something fell on my hand. Water? I reached up to my eyes. I was crying. No, I was sobbing and I didn't even realize.
Before I could do anything, I was ripped away from her. “LET GO OF ME, SHE NEEDS ME, I NEED TO BE NEXT TO HER! LET GO!” I scream as they dragged me away from her. I watched from afar, not being able to do anything. I was useless. I’m doing nothing but sobbing over the love of my life. Once they put her on the gurney, I ripped myself out of the grip the 2 firefighters held me in. I ran to her side and took her hand. “Baby? Baby? Can you hear me? Y/n, honey look at me, stay awake baby. Stay awake, okay?”
Her eyes shifted to look into mine. I hated seeing her like this, I should have been in her place. I’d do anything to take away her pain. Her mouth moved but I couldn't hear what she was saying, “Baby what? What are you trying to say? Don't speak right now, love. You need to save your energy.” I said as I walked with the gurney. We loaded it onto the ambulance and I sat next to her as we left for the hospital. Not wanting to let go of her hand. I couldn’t and I won't. She’s in a critical condition and Dave did everything he could to keep her stable while we waited to reach the hospital. My leg bouncing up and down wanting this ride to go faster. It had to go faster. I can't lose her. Not now, not ever.
We arrived at the nearest hospital, and thank god. What felt like an hour was actually just 5 minutes. Still, not fast enough. We pulled the gurney out, or rather they did, my hand never left hers as I kept up with the doctors who were rushing her to the nearest operating room. “Sir we’re going to need you to let go now.” How could they possibly tell me to do that? “Sir! She’s in critical condition if you want her to heal, you're going to have to let go.” I nodded and kissed her forehead, “I love you baby, please don’t leave me, stay strong for me.” I let go of her hand and the doctors rushed her into the operating room. The nurses showed me to the waiting room. “How long do you think it’ll take?” I asked one of the nurses. “I don't know honey, but if I had to guess, it would take a couple hours.” I nodded before sitting down in one of the chairs.
Sitting in the waiting room just made me wonder if I’ll ever get to hold her again. No. Jungkook don't think about that. She’s going to be fine. She’s going to come out of the operating room alive and I’ll get to hold her in my arms again and we’ll forget this ever happened and we’ll get married and have 2 -no- 3 children and she’ll be a great mom and we’ll be happy. Right?
My leg kept bobbing up and down and I had stayed in this chair for 5 hours, how long would this take? My other coworkers had left a couple of hours ago, but Dave stayed. “Why don't you try and get some sleep, kid.” He said as he rubbed my back with support. “I can’t,” I responded as I stared at the wall like it was my enemy. “You can't or you won't?” He rebutted, I turned to look at him, silently answering his question. “Alright, I’ll go get you some coffee then.”
As soon as he came back with the coffee, a doctor emerged out of where she was. I stood up faster than light and went to him. “Well?” I questioned the man that had his hands in my fiancée. “It was touch and go for a while, but she’ll be okay.” I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. “Oh thank god, thank you thank you thank you.” I chanted as I broke down in tears while I hugged the doctor that just saved her. He patted my back gently and I let go. “She’s still under anesthesia but she should be awake soon.” He finished off his report. “Can I see her?” I asked, he nodded and told me to follow him. I looked to Dave who smiled and handed me the coffee cup, “You're going to need it, I know you're not going to sleep until you see her eyes open.” I took the cup and gave him a hug, “Thank you for staying with me, you should go home and rest.” He patted my back and nodded. “Call me if anything happens.” I nodded and let go and went to follow the doctor. I walked next to him and asked for his name since I hadn't asked. “My name is Namjoon Kim.” I nodded, “Thank you, again, for saving her Dr. Kim.” He smiled and opened the door that led to her room and there she was, lying in the bed that was surely uncomfortable. Tears sprung to my eyes as I pulled a chair out to sit next to her. Wires attached to her and her head bandaged. I took her hand and Dr. Kim closed the door and left me with her. “You scared me, baby. So bad. I thought I was going to lose you.” I brought her hand up to kiss the back of it before letting it rest on the bed as I put my other hand on top tracing soft shapes. I let my head rest on the mattress and let out a sigh and before I knew it my eyes closed and I dozed off.
I felt the sun’s rays on my face and something warm on my hand. Ugh, owww why does everything hurt? What happened? All I remember was driving to my interview and then- oh. The accident. Fuck. I pried my eyes open slowly and was blinded by the lights. Jeez, do they have to be that bright? Once I fully opened my eyes, I looked to my hand where I felt the warmth. Jungkook. That has to be an uncomfortable position, he's going to strain his neck. How long has he been like that? I squeezed his hand in hopes of waking him up but to no avail. I should have known he wouldn't wake up to that, he's such a heavy sleeper. I went to move my arms and fuck it hurt like a bitch but I can't let it stay still, I need to have mobility, I need to regain my strength. I lifted my free arm and ran it through his hair, gently tugging on it to wake him up. “Jungkook. Jungkook wake up, baby wake up.” My throat felt hoarse as I spoke and I felt him stirring underneath my fingers and he lifted his head. It took him a few seconds to realize before scrambling to lock me in a tight hug “Y/N YOU'RE AWAKE!” I hissed in pain and he instantly let go. “Shit, sorry sorry, are you okay? Should I call Dr. Kim? I should call Dr. Kim to let him know you're awake.” He rambled as he pressed a button that alerted the nurses, I think? “Just shut up and kiss me.” His eyes widened in shock at my tone but complied with my request and his lips met mine. The kiss was passionate, sure we had others like this, but this felt different. I could feel all of his emotions, the fear, the sadness, and the blame that he was putting onto himself.
We parted and a doctor walked in, which I assumed to be the one he was talking about, Dr. Kim. “Hello Y/N, I’m Dr. Kim glad you’re back.” He said with a smile as he sat down on the stool next to the monitors. “I need to draw blood for some tests and you need to stay here for a couple of days while we monitor your condition and then you should be good to go.” He said as he prepped my arm for the needle. I nodded and let him do his thing and turned my attention back to Jungkook who was already looking at me. I smiled and squeezed his hand to reassure him that I’m okay. “Thank you for staying with me.” I told him. “What, are you kidding? I’d never leave you.” He responded and my heart beat a little faster at his words. My eyes couldn't leave his, I didn't even realize Dr. Kim had left. I just stayed focused on him. My everything.
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acreativeme · 3 years
Little Dove
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Little Dove
Clinton Skye x Reader
A/N: I don’t know Russian, so I am using google translate. I apologize for any mistakes. Also, there is some triggers in here about kidnapping, sexual assault, and sex trafficking. 
She left a note, along with her phone and her engagement ring.
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t say goodbye in person. I wouldn’t be able to look you in the eye and lie to you. I will be gone for a while, so I am not asking you to wait for me. I can’t tell you anything yet, but I will try when I get back. I love you with everything in me. 
 Clinton sunk down the wall, his heart breaking as he reread her letter. They had been together for a few years, only recently getting engaged. It took him a few minutes, but he called Jess for support.
...2 Months later…
With the help of her driver, Y/N stepped out of the town car-- the slips of her black bodycon gown showing off her muscular legs. Her hair was held back with silver dagger-like sticks, making it easy for her to hide weapons on her person. A bald man in a tight black suit held out his arm for her to take, escorting her into the ball room.
“Добрый вечер, мэм. Аукцион начнется через тридцать минут.”(Good Evening, Ma’am. The auction will begin in thirty minutes.) He said in a low tone. 
Y/N nodded, “Спасибо.” (Thank you.)
He let her go as they walked through the doorway of the ballroom. She walked up to the bar, ordering a gin and tonic. As she took a little sip, she scanned the room--picking out her targets in the crowd. A Russian human trafficker had kidnapped four undercover CIA agents, so Y/N was here to get them back and take out the traffickers.
She downed her drink, passing it off to a waiter as they walked passed by. She quickly reapplied her lipstick before heading towards her first target. He was standing off to the side, watching the crowd. Y/N acted as if she hadn’t noticed him standing there, to get him to make the first move. 
She watched him scan her from head to toe, smirking as he turned to fully look at her. “Вам нравится то, что вы видите?” (Do you like what you see?) She smirked, still facing away from him.
He smirked, “даже очень.” (Very much so). 
Y/N boldly took his hand, leading him to a door that was off to the side of the ballroom. She knew from studying the floor plans that there was a small coat room that was not being used. With her in front, she was not aware that he had pulled something out of his pocket. As he closed the door, Y/N reached for the dagger that she had strapped to her upper thigh. He wrapped one arm around her from behind, using the other to inject her with a sedative. 
“Goodnight, маленький голубь.’( Goodnight, little dove.) 
...6 months later…
Clinton’s POV
Clinton leaned against the counter, staring off into space-- which is something he’s been doing alot. His thoughts have been shifting towards Y/N, the ex that went missing. Everyone keeps asking how he knew she was missing and hadn’t just left him, and he’d always respond with that he felt it in his soul. He knew with his whole heart that she wouldn’t have left without a good reason. 
Jess stepped into the office with a grave look out his face. “Pictures of missing 16 year old, Irene Romanov, were found on sex trafficking website run by Russian Immigrant Dimitri Petrov.” He signaled Hana to pull up the website. “Many of the girls have been identified as missing in both the US and around Europe…” Jess froze as his eyes locked on one of the girls.
“Y/N…” Clinton whispered as he also locked onto her posting.
Y/N was laying on her back, hair dyed blonde. Her eyes were dull like life had been drained from them. She was in a matching pair of red and white lingerie with white fishnet stockings. There were bruises on her neck, arms, and inner thighs. 
“What the fuck did they do to her?” Kenny stated, anger evident in his voice. 
Hana clicked on the profile. “They say her name is Alyona. She is a ‘submissive and experienced’ lover.” She gagged at the end, as the team turned to look at Clinton. 
His face was unreadable. “I told you.” was all he said as he stormed out of the room.
She looked around the bare room that Dimitri had shoved her into, trying to figure a way out. She had been traded to Dimitri by the man that kidnapped her, who then moved her to America--not realizing that this was her home turf. She observed him as he moved around the warehouse that he turned into a brothel, noticing that he would leave doors open as he rotated girls in and out of the ‘business’ bedrooms. 
Dimitri had a schedule for each girl, like this was some union job, and would rotate out the women after their shift. Y/N, however, was the only girl that he didn’t do that with. He would send in John after John, only giving her small intervals of time to recoup between dates. The only other thing he did different from the other girls was that he didn’t drug her. The man that sold her to him had mentioned that she was a submissive bitch and that he recommends not ‘damaging good goods’ with drugs. 
Dimitri seemed to idolize the man that kidnapped her, so he listened to him about the drugs. Dimitri uses violence to keep her in line, especially when she acts out around the other girls. He would use her as an example to keep the other girls in line, which she would gladly continue to do if it meant she could protect the other girls. 
The only time that Y/N gets to spend time with the other girls is when they shower, as Dimitri forces them to shower together in a prison-like shower area. She will check on them as they pass along the cheap hygiene products, which makes them consider her a guardian angel. There have been multiple times where he has come in to find her holding one of the other girls, which makes him rip the other girl out of her arms and back hand her. 
“Are you ready for your next customer, Alyona? Heard he’s a dark one.” Dimitri stood over her with a dark grin. 
She internally sighed, not wanting to show her true emotions. “Yes, master.” She replied meekly. She moved to be sitting on the edge of the bed with her knees together but feet apart. 
He leaned out the doorway to signal for the customer to come. “You may enter, Sir. Your entertainment for the evening is ready.”
Y/N had to hold back a gasp as Clinton Skye walked through the door. “Good evening, sir. Thank you for accepting me as your entertainment.” She recited, just as she had been instructed. 
Clinton nodded, trying to school his face. “She’ll do just fine.”
Dimitri nodded, shutting the door as he walked out of the room. Clinton and Y/N stared at each other, not knowing what to say to each other. After a moment, Y/N launched herself into his arms. She sobbed into his arms as he held her tightly to his chest.
He let her bury herself into his chest. “Shhh. I got you, love.” He whispered into her hair. 
She pulled away to look at him. “I messed up, Clinton. I lied to you about my past and my relationship with the agency.  I took a mission that I knew was going to go wrong.”
“Don’t think about it now. We’ve got to focus on getting you and other girls out of here.”  He whispered darkly, shooting the door a hard look. “We’ve got a team surrounding the building and snipers on the surrounding buildings.”
Y/N took a deep breath, hardening herself. “You are right.” She brushed the tears away, “did you bring in any weapons?” 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to get involved. You’ve been through enough, let me take care of you.” He looked at her with big eyes, wanting her to listen to him.
She sighed, knowing that she was not in any shape to take down these criminals. “Okay, we will do it your way.” 
Clinton kissed her forehead. “It’s a go!” he whispered into his mic. 
Clinton made sure to put himself between Y/N and the door. He knew that Dimitri was going to try and come after Y/N, having heard some henchman talking about how she was going to be their golden goose. He promised himself, after seeing her picture on that website, that would protect her with his last breath. He also promised not to tell her, because she would lecture him about how she can protect herself. 
Within moments of the team storming the castle, Dimitri was throwing open the door- half expecting them to be in the middle of having sex. He froze as Clinton aimed his gun at his forehead. “Freeze.” 
“You’re a cop!” He yelled, charging at them.
Clinton fired his weapon, only after aiming for Dimitri’s knee. Dimitri fell forward with a scream. “I told you to freeze.” 
Kenny came in shortly after the gunshot, gun raised and ready. “Clinton, you guys okay?”
Clinton nodded, “Yeah, the idiot moved when I told him to freeze. I’m going to let you cuff him, while I take Y/N to the ambulance.”
Dimitri looked up, confused on who Y/N was. “Whose Y/N?”
She finally stepped from behind Clinton. “Me. My name is not Alyona.” She walked forward, trying not to show that she was scared. “You are not only going to be charged for crimes at a national level, but an international level also.”
Dimitri smeared at her, laughing under his breath. “You went from cop to whore. What an upgrade.”
Without thinking, Y/N slugged him. Clinton and Kenny jumped into action, and pulled them apart. “At least I won’t be someone’s bitch in prison.”
Clinton pulled her out of the room, not wanting to subject her to that creeps presents. “Come on, let’s get you to the hospital.”
Y/N just nodded, becoming increasingly more hollow the farther away they got from her room.
... At the hospital…
Y/N numbly as the SANE nurses poked, prodded, and took photos of her. She didn’t make a sound, no matter how much they made her uncomfortable. They hadn’t allowed Clinton into the exam room as they weren’t married. When they asked her to lay on the table, Y/N closed her eyes tightly-- trying to not picture the numerous men that had taken advantage of her. 
“This may feel a little bit uncomfortable, but we need to do a pelvic exam.” The nurse said, wanting to keep her clued into everything that was going on.
“I know.” She whispered, laying back and spreading her legs.
Everything goes black for the remainder of the exam, not that Y/N needed to pay too much attention. When she opened her eyes, Clinton was standing next to her-- talking with a doctor. 
“... she is going to need a lot of therapy and patience. We are going to prescribe anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and sleeping medications as she is going to have some trauma from what she experienced.” The doctor explained, not even bothering to look at her.
“You know, if you are going to talk about me, you better man up and look at me.” Y/N stated, hoarsely. “I will not be treated like I am less than human, because I am a sexual assault victim.”
Clinton squeezed her hand, wanting to bring her comfort. “Y/N, he is just trying to help you heal.”
She rolled her eyes, reverting back to silence. The doctor shared a look with Clinton, before stepping out of the room. “I know that you’ve been through a lot, but you don’t need to be snippy with the doctor.”
She glared at him. “He was acting cold, not caring about my feelings. I have feelings, Clinton. I am not just some piece of meat.” She cried.
Clinton pulled her into his arms. “I know, sweetie.” He rubbed her head. “You’ve been through something horrific, it is going to take some time to properly heal.”
She looked up at him with big eyes. “I don’t want to do this alone.” She whimpered.
“You won’t be alone, love. I promise.” 
A/N: There will not be a part two. I don’t feel comfortable writing a 2nd part.
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phoenixdaneko · 4 years
Amnesia. (Amnesiac Nix Story (Possible AU?))
@jackalclot here it be, your daily dose of angst
Today had been a normal day, a day like any other.
Emphasis on had.
Phoenix Grim, a hero in training, was walking towards her dorm at UA, after she had headed back to Aizawa's house, having dinner with her dads and her younger sister Eri. She had left around 8, and as she walked, the sky got darker and darker. She wasn't worried, she had her provisional hero license, so she could use her quirks if needed.
However, she never made it back to her dorm that night.
At first, her friends assumed she had stayed the night with her father, as she mentioned it offhandedly to them that she was going to visit him.
Except she wasn't in class the next day.
And then a day turned into a week. A week turned into two. Two weeks turned into a month, and there was no sign of the girl. Aizawa was looking more stressed, Mic was less peppy, Bakugou and Kirishima seemed drained, Shouto and Hitoshi were even quieter than normal, and even Izuku couldn't find the energy to be hopeful.
There was no sign of the girl. Her phone had been found in Hosu, completely destroyed. The only hope for a lead, gone. Underground heros were searching during their patrols, hoping for anything that could help. But hope could only get a person so far.
Another week had passed, and everyone's hope was dwindling.
Bakugou walked out of the school alone, heading back towards the dorms after he had stayed late to train, hoping the intense workout would distract him from the fact that one of his best friends could be dead.
As he neared the dorms, he stopped in his tracks. There was someone, or something laying there. Friend or foe was unknown, he had to be smart about this. Pulling his phone out, he dialed Aizawa Sensei. After the summer camp incident, she was there too, he'd been given his teachers number.
"Bakugou... What is it?" The tired males voice rang through the speakers, concerned, as the usually independent student had contacted him.
"As much as I hate asking for help, there's something laying right in the entrance to the dorms. I don't know what it is, but it looks humanoid." He spoke, making sure to keep his eye on the thing.
"Alright. Go back inside the school, I'll handle it." The blonde made a noise of agreement and walked back to the school as he hung up the phone.
Aizawa walked outside to the dorms, capture weapon at the ready, but as he got closer to the lump, his hands frantically flew to his pockets, dialing 119¹. As the line connected, he carefully rolled the lump onto their back.
Blood stained her skin, winding through her hair and soaking her clothes. He could barely recognize his adoptive daughter's face through all the injuries and blood.
"Emergency services, what's your emergency?" The voice crackled through his phone, startling him out of his inspection.
"I-- I need an ambulance to- to UA, please. My- My daughter is, she's, she's bleeding out, she's unconscious, I-- I don't know how bad her injuries are...!" He frantically spoke, crisis training failing him as he stared at the child he raised for 11 years.
"Alright sir, an ambulance is on its way. Can I get your name please?" The operator spoke calmly, typing in the background.
"Aizawa... Aizawa Shota." He spoke, not noticing the rain that began to pelt his skin until his clothes plastered against him, hair falling down around his face.
"Alright sir, I need you to stay on the line until the ambulance arrives, can you do that?" The operator's voice was soft, and Aizawa nodded before remembering he was on the phone.
"Y-yes, I can. I-- I can see the lights." He spoke, picking the broken girl up, sprinting towards the gates, phone crashing against the concrete.
"Sir..? Sir?"
Tired eyes slowly opened to blinding white. For a second, Phoenix thought she had died. Blinking, the room came into focus around her. She turned her head to the side slowly as her hand twitched, and she slowly, painfully lifted her arm, pressing the call nurse button, her arm falling back to her side.
Nurses soon rushed in, shocked to see the girl awake. They quickly got to work on sitting her up comfortably in bed, one nurse helping her drink a cup of water.
"Alright, honey, you've got a visitor, but remember, no talking." The nurse reviewed her rules for the third time, and the girl nodded tiredly. Finally, she let the visitor in, and a tear slipped from her eye as she saw him.
"Nix. You're ok. You're alive." The normally serious, stoic Eraserhead rushed over, gently gathering her in a hug before pulling away.
"Do you know who I am? They said you... You lost your memory. Parts of it." The girl stared at him, and he began to think she had forgotten him.
But slowly, shakily, she lifted up her hands, doing the sign language for dad. He smiled, squeezing her hands gently.
"Good. Are you hungry? You haven't been awake to eat anything..." The male spoke softly, and the girl nodded.
"Alright, let me ask for a wheelchair." He patted her head, walking to the hall, flagging down a nurse, who quickly brought him a wheelchair. He helped the girl in with help from the nurse, and wheeled her out of her room. She still had an IV attached, hanging from a post attached to the wheelchair. She let her eyes wander as she was pushed through the halls, cold air brushing against her mostly bare legs.
Her injuries had been horrible. A fractured ankle, 3 broken ribs and multiple bruised organs, lacerations across her whole body, and a previously infected stitch pattern across her cheeks and lips. The stitch pattern was now just a series of indents across the lower half of her face.
The worst injury, however, was the handprint branded into her throat. Unknown if it was her hand or another that inflicted the burn, the mark was a sight.
As they arrived in the cafeteria, she came back to her present situation. Aizawa brung her a tray of food, setting it on the table in front of her.
The female took a bite, looking to Aizawa slowly.
'Why can't I speak?' She signed out slowly, and Aizawa winced.
"Your throat had... Severe damage. If you try to speak, you might end up tearing your vocal cords completely." He spoke softly, refusing to meet the girls gaze.
The girl huffed, tapping the table and signing again. 'Can I leave? Go back to... U...'. Her hands faltered as she struggled to remember the name of her school.
"UA. And yes... You can leave tomorrow as long as your tests today go well." He spoke, gently squeezing the dejected girls hand.
She slowly nodded, slowly signing again. 'Are Papa and Eri alright?' The black haired man nodded, worried as to why she felt the need to ask.
She smiled slightly, wincing as the motion pulled at the healing wounds in her face, and the smile quickly dropped.
After she had painstakingly eaten, Aizawa brought her back to her room, pushing her hair back from her face as she laid on her bed.
"I'll be back to pick you up tommorow morning." He spoke softly, patting the girl's head, squeezing her hand gently before being called to leave.
The girl felt her eyes drift closed, and she hoped this night would go quick.
The next day, the girl was walking, with the help of crutches and a metal brace on her fractured ankle. Walking next to Aizawa, she climbed into his car with his help, pushing her crutches next to her on the floor. He climbed into the drivers seat, quickly driving towards UA.
As they approached the school, the girl stared outside, grabbing her crutches as they parked, waiting as Aizawa opened the door and took her crutches, slowly getting out.
The two walked into the school, and the two approached 1-A's classroom. Aizawa slid the door open, and the girl hobbled in.
The class was silent as she waved, and then they weren't.
¹- 119 is the emergency services number in Japan.
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Modern AU
Words: 2,481
Warnings: Don’t drink and drive kiddos. Mentions of abuse. Descriptions of injury. Slight cheating.
Request: Yup. Hey! I was wondering if you could do a Natasha x fem!reader based on the videoclip of Maps- Maroon 5. But with the reader not dying at the end, just getting severely injured. And with a happy ending if that’s not asking much :) love your writings btw Hope you like it!
Summary: She’ll follow you.
A/N: Sorry this might have taken a lil long, life ‘n’ stuff y’know? I finished this off whilst sleep-deprived, so, take that as you will. Also, this isn’t proof read.
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(Not my GIF)
2:45 a.m.
Oh, God did Natasha wish she had thoughts running through her head right now, instead of the deafening static echoing throughout her ears, as her body worked on almost autopilot.
But to be perfectly honest with you. Natasha wished for a hell of a lot of things right now. She wished she had a genie so that she could make more wishes.
She had never been so desperate.
Not when she was younger, trying to get out of the hell that was her childhood.
Not when Clint had been rushed to the hospital, because his father had beat the hell out of him. Which left the, then, purple obsessed teen, deaf in both ears.
Not even when she had been shot in a robbery, and was bleeding out.
But now? Now, she was desperate as she repeatedly pounded on the elevators buttons like that would magically make it go faster. That or it just gave her something to occupy her fuzzy mind, so she wouldn’t lose it. Finally, Fucking finally, the doors opened, and reviled the reception area.
Rushing towards them, she hastily ashed.
“Where is she? Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?!” Natasha knew she didn’t make sense. She had to give them a name. A description. Something more than what she was yelling at them right now. But she just couldn’t manage to get any words, other than these, out of her mouth.
“Hold on, Ma’am. Who are you looking for?” The receptionist asked, trying not to let the anxious waves coming from Natasha affect her.
Huffing out an exasperated breath, Natasha turned and ran down a random hallway, one she guessed would be where they had taken you.
And oh, how she was right.
She just didn’t know if she wanted to be, after finding you in the state that you were.
You were layed on an operation table, nurses and doctors swarming around you. Some prepping you and the room. Others just trying their hardest to keep you stable and alive.
Cuts and scrapes adorned your body. Split lip going as far to your chin, black eyes, a sliced cheek, and a head wound. Blood matting into your hair, and all over your forehead. Your right arm was undoubtedly broken, your shirt was torn, blood seeping from beneath it. Your left leg was bloody and gouged oped in a few long strokes, the jean cut to your mid-thigh, thanks to the doctors cutting it to get to your injuries better- Or at all. All that and glass shards added to the equation, ranging from tiny, to large, penetrated every body part of yours. Natasha couldn't look at a fresh inch of skin without seeing specks of glass embedded into you. And that was just the outside. God only knows what was happening inside of your body.
And Natasha hoped. For one of the first times, in her life, she silently prayed, she prayed that there would be nothing wrong with you inside and that you would make a full and fast recovery. With her by your side.
“What happened to her?” Natasha asked, gaining the medical staff's attention.
“Get her out of here!” One of the doctors, obviously the head surgeon, -the one by your legs- ordered. Pointing in Natasha's direction, before returning their attention back to your unconscious body.
“What?” Natasha whispered. The static in her ears and mind quieting instantly. Now the only thing that could be heard in her ears was the ever slowing heart rate monitors beeps.
The two doctors nearest her made their way over to her hastily. Both of them pushing against Natasha, trying to overpower and restrain her. As she shoved against the men trying to keep her from the room.
“What the hell happened to her?!”
“Ma’am, you need to leave.” One of the doctors, who were stopping her from moving further into the room, tried to reason with her.
“No!” Natasha roared, “Tell me what happened to her!”
Finally barging past the two doctors, she paused in the room, just watching the other doctors work around you.
Natasha couldn’t decide if she was lucky to have had found you. Or if she was so incredibly unlucky to have to see you like this. And for her to know that it was all her fault.
But if the was one thing for sure. Natasha needn't have prayed.
2:30 a.m.
You had been driving for near thirty minutes. Running away from Natasha, and trying to run from the feeling’s swirling around inside of you. You had to get away from it all. No destination. Just escape. But with the tears blurring your vision, and the level of your intoxication. It was lucky you were on the road for so long. No police chasing after you, even with you going twenty over the limit. But your “luck” was soon to run out.
You don’t know what happened. One minute you were driving smoothly, well, as smoothly as you could in your state, but the next you lost control of the car. Steering wheel spinning out of your grip, making the car drift to its side. Before flipping over, again and again.
Seven times the car flipped, jolting you around inside. Only on the third flip did you hit your head hard against the steering wheel, knocking you out.
When the car finally stopped, landing on its roof, did the repetitive sound of a siren fill the sky. The police were finally after you. And they would bring the ambulance.
They needed to hurry.
Blood poured from a multitude of places upon your body. The car was a state. The windshield and the driver's side glass smashed. Wheels concaved into the mechanics. Dents, scrapes, and cracks adorned the exterior. The hood of the car laid a few meters behind you. But the most worrisome thing was the fact that the engine was beginning to flame.
2:27 a.m.
The vibrating phone on the seat next to you pulled your gaze from the road. Natasha’s call name lit up the screen. That was the nineteenth time she had tried calling you, in the past twenty minutes.
Picking up your phone, you slid the decline button and threw it back on the seat. Frown growing angrier with Natasha, with every second that passes.
You couldn’t believe she would do this to you- that she could do this to you. She had told you many times before that you were the only one for her. The love of her life, she would say. And you, like a fool, believed her.
Was she always lying? Had she done this before? If so, how many times? All these questions, and more, ran through your head. You wished they would shut up, and let you drive far away. Drive until the gas ran out. Or drive until you were ready to go home, where Natasha probably would be, waiting for your return. Looking like a kicked puppy.
Another vibration from your now face down phone, had you groaning. Picking it up once again, you decided to switch it off. Fuck her. She could suffer in silence, for all you cared.
1:54 a.m.
Okay, so maybe this party wasn't so bad. You got to catch up with your friends, which was nice. However, you still wished that your night was spent at home, just you and Natasha, doing whatever you pleased. Not being dragged away from each other as soon as you walked through the door. That was definitely a downside to the party.
Now don’t get me wrong. You didn’t have to be around Natasha all the time. But you had been apart from each other, for the past week or so. So, excuse you if you missed your girlfriend. But, sadly, you had promise’s to uphold, which is why you were here in the first place.
After around an hour and a half o conversing with your friends, you decided you go find Natasha. Maybe even convince her to head home soon, so you could finally spend some alone time together.
You just didn’t expect to see what you did.
There Natasha was, being pressed up against the wall by some random girl, whose tongue was down your girlfriend's throat. That is if you would still call her that, at the end of the night.
“Y/N,” Natasha uttered in a hushed tone, looking like a deer caught in headlights, as she pulled away from the girl, pushing her away slightly, as Natasha kept staring at you. “Y/N, it’s not what you think.”
“Save it, Nat,” you spat, walking from the room.
2:01 a.m.
“Y/N, please!” Natasha called after you, as you bound down the steps, walking towards Natasha’s expensive Chevrolet.
“Piss off, Natasha!”
Thankful that Natasha had given you her car keys to look after for the night, you slid into her Chevy, throwing your phone on the passenger seat.
Natasha banged on the windows, yelling through them, as you started the car, intent on ignoring her.
“Y/N, please get out of the car, you’ve been drinking.”
“Fuck off, Nat. You can make your own way home.”
“Baby, please. It’s not what it looks like,” he begs echoed through the glass, tears begin to well up in her eyes.
“’It’s not what it looks like’?!” you roared, “Really?! Because I’m pretty sure it looked like, some woman had her tongue down your throat!”
With that, you made your speedy exit, not caring as to what else Natasha had to say.
“Y/N!” Natasha called after you, “Y/N!”
11:30 p.m.
“Do we really have to go to this fuckin’ party?”
“Yes, Y/N. We promised Tony, weeks ago that we would. Now, go get dressed,” Natasha chastened.
“I am dressed.” You opened your arms, looking down at your jean and t-shirt set.
“You are not going like that,” Natasha said, gesturing to your outfit.
“Why not? You can’t tell me, Clint isn’t going to the party like this,” you said, knowing full well that Clint was going to rock up into the party, wearing jeans and purple t-shirt.
“At least put on a t-shirt that doesn’t have paint all over it,” Natasha close to whined.
Glancing down again, you finally noticed the different hues of paint, that stained into your t-shirt, from your many decorating expeditions.
“Ohhhhh... yeah, okay.”
“Thank you!” Natasha called to you, as you walked back into the bedroom to get changed.
2:46 a.m.
If the flatline of your heart was to go by, praying was unnecessary for Natasha to have even tried.
The doctors that were now behind her, each grabbed one of her shoulders and threw her from the room. Slamming the door locked behind them.
Natasha would have continued pounding on the wood of the operation door, for far more than two seconds. If it wasn’t for the arms that wrapped around her shoulders, Natasha instantly knowing who they belonged too, let out a sob she didn’t know she needed to release. Turning in her spot, she pushed her face into Clint's neck and cried there.
6:33 a.m.
Well. You felt, like shit. No. In fact. You felt like you had been thrown off a cliff, dragged through a mile of cacti, and then left in some shit. Shit does not come close to how you feel right now.
Fluttering your eyes open, as to protect them from the harsh lights of the hospital room, you then looked at your surroundings.
Medical equipment.
Plain white walls.
More medical equipment.
Now, that. That was shit.
Slumped in an uncomfortable position, on an equally uncomfortable looking chair, was where Natasha slept. God, she looked beautiful, even like this. You hated that you still thought that after last night.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you groaned out, slowly moving your head to face forward, one so you didn’t have to look at Natasha much longer. And two, to ease the strain, your neck was feeling.
Your words brought Natasha out of dreamland, and into the harsh reality. “Y/N, you’re awake.”
“Yeah, and I asked you a question.”
“You remember,” she said slowly, shoulders slumping.
“Yeah, I remember. What? Hoping I had amnesia or something?”
“No, of course not,” Natasha replied, voice hurt and insulted at the accusation you had made.
“Why are you here, Natasha?” you asked, no longer wanting to fight, like you did mere moments ago. Only growing more and more tyred by the second. All you wanted right now was to go back to sleep.
“Because I love you.” But apparently, you weren’t going to be able too.
“Yeah, you sure seemed to love me last night when you were cheating on me.”
Natasha winced at that, “I didn’t.”
“What? You didn’t cheat on me?! Oh, that's rich, Natasha! I literally saw you-”
“I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. She was saying all of this stuff about how she was better than you, how I should be with her, and how good she and I would be together. I got really angry and told her to go fuck herself. Then she kissed me. I pushed her away when you came into the room.”
“You didn’t look angry,” you noted, voice small.
“Because you looked so heartbroken, and I knew it was because of me.” Natasha’s sniffling brought you to look back at her saddened face. Only now did you notice her redraw eyes, presumably from crying. Tears welling up in them again. And you knew for a fact, they were burning her.
And in that moment you believed her. Of course, you did. Obviously, she was right. This was your Natasha we’re talking about here. The one who never looked at anyone the same way she did you. The woman who had repeatedly blown off important responsibilities, just because she missed being in your arms. The woman who beyond all else, loved you with all her heart.
“Yeah, well, now my body’s kinda broken not, too.”
“Don’t make me feel worse, please,” Natasha uttered, placing her head in her hand’s. Your bed dipping as she rested her elbows upon the mattress.
Smiling sadly at her, you said, “It’s not your fault, Natasha.” Pulling her hand’s away from her eyes, so she would look at you. Your sad smile turning into a fond one. “I’m the one who drove the car while drunk. Which by the way, I might have destroyed, just a little bit.”
“I don’t care about the Goddamn car.” Natasha shook her head. “As long as your okay, I don’t care about anything else.”
“I love you, Nat. I know you didn’t cheat on me.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” Natasha replied, griping your hand, “Never scare me like that again. You flatlined. I thought I lost you.”
“Well, you didn’t, I’m right here. I’m right here.”
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
The Bough That Broke Pt. 3
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Synopsis: Jin is injured from an avoidable accident, leaving him partially paralyzed from the waist down. Reader is the nurse that is hired to take care of him once he gets back to the dorms and begins the physically and emotionally painful road to recovery. Will she have what it takes to spark determination in him to get back on the stage?
Characters: Idol!Jin x Nurse!Reader
Genre: Whump, Angst, Itty Bittyamount of crack, itty bitty amount of fluff, maybeeeeeee some smut
Warnings: First few chapters are rough, starting out of the gate with the Angst and Whump. I’m sorry!!! Don’t hate me for hurting Jin…. pretty please!!I promise to make him all better in the end!
Word Count: 2820
cr to gif owner
“Getting yourself psyched for your new case?”  Your colleague, Mardia, asked as she came up to the counter. She had been working with you the past three years at the hospital. When you had a particularly hard case, she was your sounding board. 
“Yeah. He’s going to be a handful, I can tell already. He is still pleasant, but I have a feeling that once he gets home, and reality has set in, that he is going to be the kind that fights me tooth and nail.  And, you know me, no holds barred, mean and crotchety. He’s going to hate me before he likes me.” Mardia laughed, only because she knew you were right. You weren’t one to let your patient have a pity party and delay rehabilitation. You would lay out the truth, even if it wasn’t what they wanted to hear. Then again, that is why you got the cases you did. You were one of a kind, compassionate, but headstrong. The private cases, the cases that no one wanted to get public until you had gotten them as close to a semblance of normality as possible, were yours. You thrived on it, your personal life on the back burner, because you didn’t want to get close to anyone. You had seen the pain of a marriage failed because of an accident or injury. You had witnessed the fragility of relationships when the other one gave up. You didn’t want to risk that, your heart already breaking enough for those under your vigilant care and ever watchful eye. 
“Y/N?” You looked up at the sound of your name. It was an older gentleman, eyes wide and full of concern. He introduced himself as Jin’s manager. You rose to your feet, leaning over the countertop as he began asking you questions. When would Jin be ready to go home? Were you going to be there today when he arrived? How was he planning on getting back to the dorms? You waited until he stopped to take a breath before interjecting.
“He will be ready to go once the doctor and surgeon sign off on his discharge papers and I set up his first follow up visits. I will be by later today when I do my admitting visit, and he will be getting home via ambulance. Now, I know you are worried, but please just take a breather and relax. From what I have seen, he is in good hands. He had a tremendous support system in his friends, and he’s going to be okay. I promise we are going to do our best to get Mr. Kim back on his feet.” You placed your hand on his shoulder, giving it a soft but firm squeeze. This was always the exhausting part of your job, having to comfort everyone else that was involved with your patient. The loved ones and friends could sometimes be more tiring than the patient. But you took it in stride, afterall you chose this field, or better it chose you, from an early age. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
You waited until the man left before making the last rounds of te morning. You discharged a few patients home, setting them up with home health and physical therapy. It was just about lunch time when you had finally completed your rounds. You were about to head to the cafeteria when you were greeted by six tall men with forlorn faces and tired eyes.
“Afternoon gentlemen. I thought you were going to be getting some rest today? Mr. Kim needs you alert and rested when he gets home.” They nodded but still stood in their place. It was Namjoon who spoke up first.
“We know, Ms Y/N. But we came to talk to you before he was discharged. Do you have any spare time?” You nodded, telling them to join you for lunch. They followed your down to the basement floor, ordering food to go. They then walked with you outside to the picnic style tables on the hospital grounds. Once everyone was seated you told them to start.
“Jin Hyung, what are his chances of a full recovery? Will he ever be able to get back on stage? To walk normally?” Namjoon was slumped, his fatigue and worry evident on his face.
“Jin, I mean Mr. Kim’s recovery is really based on him. His attitude, his drive, his desire. If he wants it bad enough, and works diligently, then he can surpass anyone’s expectations. Let me add, though. When he gets home, it will be very hard at first. He will get frustrated, angry, but you cannot let it get to you. It isn’t really aimed at you all, personally. He sees you as his dart board so to speak. You are the closest ones to him, his friends, his brothers. He will expect you to take what he dishes, without question. But don’t you let that happen. Put him in his place, tell him he needs to redirect that energy into something positive. It will help him in the long run. I will be there a lot of the time, so I will help when I can. But you all need to carry on with your daily lives too. Take care of yourselves first.” The solemn look on their faces were a sign that they weren’t aware of what taking care of an injured patient was truly like. You really did have your work cut out for you.
“Will you be there when he gets home?” Jimin asked quietly.
“That, I don’t know. As soon as his papers are signed, he can start the process of getting home. I will try to be there as soon as I can in order to admit him there, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be there at the same time he arrives. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get back to the floor. You are all welcomed to visit with him as long as he can tolerate it.” You stood and bowed in courtesy as you left them sitting. 
When you arrived on the floor, you saw Jin’s chart on your desk, opened to te discharge papers. You looked them over, verifying they were all signed and made copies.  You headed for Jin’s room, stopping just outside the door when you heard Jin talking. 
“I don’t know Joon. I can barely sit up for five minutes, and I am so uncomfortable in these braces and splints. They’re heavy and big and- I don’t know how long I can take this.” You knocked on te door before entering, placing a friendly smile on your face. The others were spread around the room, Namjoon sitting on the side of Jin’s hospital bed. Jin tried to quickly hide the frustrated look on his face, but you cocked an eyebrow at him. He lowered his head, defeated and resigned. Namjoon and the others stood to greet you. When they made a move to leave, you stopped them. 
“Okay, we are going to get one thing straight right now, before you leave this hospital. You can complain all you want, but. You will have to swallow that bitter pill and accept your fate as it is right now. You, and only you, have the power to change that fate. Now, I am not going to listen to you sit there and feel sorry for yourself. Yes, life sucks right now. Yes, you are in a hard place that I can only imagine being shitty. I can only empathize with you, and only they can too. I can only help you physically, you have to work on the mental aspect of it. If you ever think it gets too much, that you can’t handle it, I can set you up with someone to talk to. But, please, do not set yourself up for failure before you even start.” 
All eyes were on you as you looked around the room. You were never the one to let people feel sorry for themselves. You always, always, encouraged them to face their fears and face them head on. Jin finally looked at you, a faint glimmer of hope present. 
“Are you always going to be like this? If so, I think I have met my match.” Hoseok chuckled, which set everyone else laughing. You giggled along with them, smiling at Jin as he nodded at you. Just as you were about to start talking again, the ambulance drivers showed up with his stretcher.
“Ahh, here we go. Time to get you home and start the rest of your life. I will meet you at the dorms as soon as I wrap things up here. See you in a bit, and Jin, keep that smile. It suits you.”
You left as they loaded him on the stretcher, waving goodbye as they left down the long corridor. You quickly finished your paperwork, grabbing the admittance papers and stuffing them in your bag. You bid everyone farewell and headed for your car. You wer met with Taehyung as you neared the elevator.
“Do you mind if I ride with you?” he asked shyly.
“Of course. You want to talk about something, right?” 
“Well, yeah. If that’s okay of course.” He looked at the floor, shuffling his feet against the tile. 
You both walked to you car and you unlocked his door for him. Once he was in, you rounded the hood and slid into the driver’s seat. The first few minutes were silent as you drove down the highway. You were a bit startled when Taehyung finally spoke up.
“So, umm, I don’t really know how to say this. Umm, you mentioned offering someone for Jin hyung to talk to if he thought he needed it. I was wondering, could I maybe get their number? I am trying to hold up for him, but it is all very overwhelming and I don’t want to bother the others with my feelings.”
“Of course. You know it’s okay to ask for outside help when you feel lost. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, then I will help you get in touch with them. I won’t say anything. But thank you for trusting me with this.” He gave you a boxy grin, relaxing into the seat as he looked out the window. Twenty minutes later, you arrived at their dorms. You gathered your bag and followed Taehyung up the steps. You noticed the new ramp that was built, admiring the sturdy structure with a pleasing grin. You let Tsehyung lead you inside, taking in the rearrangement of furniture and nodded in approval. Jin was already in his new room, stuffed like a caterpillar in a cocoon with all the pillows he had to support him. You greeted everyone else, then made your way to his room. 
“I see you are settled. How do you feel, being back home? 
“Okay I guess. I just want to be out there, with all of them. I hate being stuck in a bed all the time, you know.” He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, and you sat down beside him, moving the pillows aside to make room. 
“Tell you what. You want to get out there? Then lets do it. You sat up earlier, maybe we can get you up for a bit and then when Jack gets here, we can set you on the couch and do some therapy. Sound like a plan?” His faint smile was all you needed. You gathered your things out of your bag and set them on the foot of his bed. You helped him sit up, being carful not to jostle him too much. Then you wrapped the safety belt around his waist, securing it firmly around him.  
“Okay. As before, on the count of three I’m going to help you stand. Lean into me, not away. One, two, three.” You rocked back and forth slightly to the count, tugging him forward and up as you both stood. Swiveling him , you sat him down in his wheelchair. Getting behind him, you grabbed the belt one more time and scooted him up and back. Placing his braced feet in the foot holds, you wheeled him into the gathering space of the dorms. The others gathered around sitting on the couches. 
“Hey! It’s good to see you up!”
“You look good hyung.”
Everyone sat around talking like the old days, almost. You could see the look on Jin’s face. THe look of uncertainty, the look that said he was questioning their enthusiasm. The doorbell rang, and jungkook scrambled up to answer it. Jack came in, arms full of therapy supplies. He greeted everyone and said hello to you and Jin. 
“So, here are the things that we are going to leave here. If you feel up to it and want to do something when we aren’t here, you can. Just don’t overdo it. You will still get tired easily and we don’t want you straining anything.” He set about, the others watching and learning, while you went over his medications and progress notes. You set up a care plan of what was expected of him during his first week home, and how you were planning on helping Jin achieve each goal. Just as you finished, Jack had finished his first therapy session. Jin looked and sounded exhausted.
“Now, when you all can, I want you to help massage and stretch his legs out carefully. I don’t want hi to get muscle cramps if we can avoid them. The more focused and diligent we are, the better.” Jack wrapped things up, finding a good storage place for all the items. 
“Alright then. Ready to get back in bed?” Jin shook his head.
“Can I? Can I stay on the couch for a bit? I’m not ready to go back to my room. I want to be out here, just for a bit.” he gazed at you an Jack hopefully. You thought on it, knowing good and well you would let him. 
“Yes, I guess so. I will be here for a bit longer, so we can get you to bed when I get ready to leave.” You walked Jack to the door, thanking him and telling him you would see him tomorrow.
“Tomorrow? Again?” you heard Jin cry out from behind you.
“Yes, tomorrow. Today we worked legs, tomorrow we work the arms and some of the back stretches. If it helps, you will be out of the braces for a while. I know you can’t pass up that chance.” You had to grin when his eyes lit up for the first time since you met him. You worked at a leisurely pace, giving Jin all the time you could to be up and about. He even played a few games with Jungkook and Jimin. When it neared time for you to leave, you informed Jin that freedom time was up.
“I know, but until they get comfortable helping you get up, you’re stuck with me and Jack.” He had a nervous questioning gaze and you stopped mid stoop to wait.
“Tomorrow, could I possibly get a shower? Anything? It has been so long since I had a proper bath.”
“You want me to bathe you tomorrow?” The look of shock on his face had you falling back somewhat. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His head shook with such conviction.
“What? No! No, not you. I mean. I just don’t know how I feel about a female bathing me. No offense or anything.” You gathered your thoughts, understanding te comfort level that you would be crossing. 
“Mr. Kim.”
“Please call me Jin.” he interjected.
“Jin. You will have to understand a few things. One, I have bathed more people, men and women, than you can count on two hand and two feet. Two, you will have to get used to having me do most of the things for now, until you feel able to accomplish them yourself. Jack can only help so much, but I am trained to do things. Bathing you being one of them. Besides, you will be doing most teh bathing, I will just be helping you dress and stuff.”
“Like that helps any.” he muttered under his breath. 
“I heard that.” you pushed his shoulder softly, garnering a chuckle from him. 
“I think I’m ready to lay down. My legs are aching.”
You stopped mis thought, looking up at him with surprise. “Did you say your legs are aching?”
The quizzical look etched his features, like it was a simple statement. Until. It hit him, he was feeling something he hadn’t felt in the past few weeks. No more numbness and tingling, but actual feeling.
“Jin! Thant’s great news! If we keep this up, who knows what you can be capable of.
@beautifulseoulliar  @astronomyturtle @aspaceformyself @dreamyoongi @holy-yoongi @trashkazuya @maxinaptak @micky1518 @rosiemilas @karri570
@seoulsunshineandstories @kwonnansi @xjamlessparkx @berryjam17
@kingsuckjin @flora-jimin
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squishydoesstuff · 5 years
Hey @yuchan-gunhakwonwoo-jibeom it’s done, thanks for indirectly giving me the idea by somehow invading my dream with your writing. I think mom, @waterfallsandrosebuds , may want to read this more like I want her to read it.
Word count: 1914
So I do need to put a warning before this one. This will include heavy angst, as well as mentions of violence and blood. Please take this warning seriously, if you are not comfortable with these topics do not read this.
It also picks up right in the middle of a scene and the spacing between paragraphs is messed up.
I promise the ending is fluffy though!!!
As the group of us continued running down the street, Esperanza spoke up from the back. “We have to find a place to hide or lose them.” As her pace slowed slightly, Seoho turned toward her, and grabbed her wrist.
“C’mon we have to keep moving.” He tugged her gently to match his pace. The small girl looked behind her and realized the men chasing them were starting to catch up.
I have to distract them, Esperanza realized. Waiting a few minutes until he was distracted again, she managed to slip her wrist from Seoho’s grip, keeping just behind him for a couple of seconds so he wouldn’t question the action. Reaching down into her bag, she found the pocket flare she had in case they got separated. Perfect! Once she was certain Seoho wasn’t watching behind him, Esperanza stopped and spun around on the sidewalk. Finding a small alleyway, she ducked in and lit the flare against a building wall. Turning toward the entrance, she took a deep breath to steel her racing heart.
Before running back out, she paused momentarily. I’m sorry, Seoho, but you guys have to be safe. Please don’t hate me for this. She took off back onto the sidewalk, flare burning in her hand. She turned herself toward the men that were chasing her and her friends. I have to stop them before they reach the group. Waving the flare, she gained the attention of the men. Yes, you want me, not them!
In the meantime, the group had continued ahead and found a sidestreet to an open library. Youngjo slowed the group, “Through here, quickly.” Seoho turned to pull Esperanza in front of him, only to realize she wasn’t there. He whipped around quickly and almost didn’t see her further down the sidewalk, holding her flare up. Panic filled his heart as he saw the men chasing them realize who was in front of them. “Esperanza!” he cried.
The girl turned and started running up the sidewalk toward them. She frantically waved the hand without the flare to the side, just as Youngjo turned to see why Seoho sounded so desperate. Understanding what the girl meant, he gripped Seoho by the arm, dragging the man back into the sidestreet. Seoho fought against the older man, trying to break free. Tightening his hold on Seoho, Youngjo turned over his shoulder and growled to the others, “Keep going. I’ll handle this.”
“What is she doing?! Is she trying to get herself killed?” Seoho continued to writhe against Youngjo until something made him freeze, a loud crack sounded in the air.
On the sidewalk, Esperanza’s footsteps halted as excruciating pain ripped through her side and she felt her back arch from the force of whatever had struck her. Shaking, she raised her hand to feel her side as she collapsed to her knees. Pulling her hand off to stabilize herself against the ground, she noticed blood staining her palm. She gasped softly as she processed what had just happened. They had shot her.
With a last straining effort, Seoho broke free from Youngjo and took off sprinting back the way they came. Reaching the exit, he spun wildly, just in time to see Esperanza fully collapse on her side, her eyes fluttering shut. Indescribable pain tore through his heart as he stood there frozen as he whispered. “No, no no. No, why?” Rushing forward, he tried to reach her, but something tackled him from behind and stopped him. Seoho knew immediately who it was. “Youngjo, get off! I have to help her!”
Pressing his weight into the younger male beneath him, Youngjo grunted against Seoho trying to throw him off. “Stop! Stop fighting me. You won’t do her any good if you get hurt trying to save her.” Lifting his head, Youngjo noticed the men chasing them had stopped. Why did they stop? Youngjo thought to himself. Then, a black van pulled up to the sidewalk by where the mysterious men were and they all turned around and climbed in the back. Tires squeaked as the driver threw the car in reverse and spun the car back down the street. In his shock, Youngjo had lifted his pressure of Seoho, giving the boy a chance to fight out from underneath the elder.
Scrambling to his feet, he began running down the sidewalk again. Sliding to his knees, he stopped next to the unconscious girl. “Esperanza! Hey, hey, Esperanza! Open your eyes for me!” He reached out to roughly shake her shoulder, “Esperanza, I need you to wake up, c’mon, please!” Desperate tears began to fall from his eyes as Seoho hovered over the girl. Gently, he began to lift the girl, “Hey, Esperanza, open your eyes! I need your help to get you somewhere safe!” As it became obvious she wasn’t coming to, Seoho picked her up in a bridal carry. “Youngjo, what do I do?!”
“Can you carry her?” Youngjo questioned.
“Yes! Why does that matter?” Seoho was beginning to panic more and more.
“You need to carry her to the library, we can get someone to help us there.” Youngjo turned and ran back down the alley. _The girls don’t need to see what happened yet, I can’t have them panic as well. _Meeting the rest of the group at the entrance, he spoke quickly, “We need to get inside now. Gunhak, keep the girls safe, I need to see if I can help Seoho.”
Skye stepped up toward Youngjo and began to question him. “Wait, what happ--”
“Not now, Skye. I’m sorry, but I need you guys to stay safe inside,” and with that he turned back toward the alley. Running forward, he met Seoho at the entrance. “Do you need help?”
The younger male shook his head, “No, I got this. Is everyone else inside?”
“Yes. If you can make it by yourself, I am going to call an ambulance.”
“Please hurry.”
Racing back, Youngjo spoke to a librarian. “Can you call an ambulance?! My friend and I were outside when we saw a young girl get attacked. They shot her! My friend is carrying her here now.” _Okay, maybe that wasn’t entirely true, but I need to make sure they call for help. _
The librarian stuttered before quickly nodding and picking up a phone. The doors slid open as Seoho stepped through, Esperanza gripped tightly in his arms. Stopping momentarily, he looked down at the girl he was carrying. She is still breathing, which means she has some time, he thought to himself. It didn’t provide him much comfort, but it helped alleviate some stress.
Within minutes, the ambulance arrived and Seoho had to force himself to let Esperanza go. These people could help her more than he could. Once she was loaded in and prepped for emergency care, the doors to the ambulance closed and Seoho’s view of the girl was blocked.
The vehicle took off and Seoho turned to join the others, his nerves feeling numb. By the time he reached them, Youngjo was telling the girls what happened. No one could really remember much after that, all of them suffering in a state of shock.
The following days, Seoho constantly visited the hospital. The doctors were certain by now Esperanza would be fine. She just needed to wake up and rest for a while more. While it relieved Seoho’s anxiety, he was still scared because of what happened. Why was Esperanza so willing to use herself as a distraction to make sure everyone else was safe?
Sitting beside Esperanza’s hospital bed, Seoho rested his head against the blankets. She was supposed to wake up anytime and he wanted to be there when she did. However, exhaustion slowly began to seep into his body. Seoho tried to stay awake as long as possible but sleep overtook him eventually.
A few hours later, a soft groan sounded from the hospital bed and a pair of brown eyes opened. Wincing at the light, Esperanza moved her arm to cover her eyes. She looked around to take in where she was. A blank white hospital room. Wait, how did I get here, she questioned mentally. There was a soft sound of rustling and Esperanza looked down to find Seoho resting on the side of the hospital bed. She almost wanted to wake him but then noticed how tired he appeared. Turning gently to avoid waking the male, she grunted when she felt her side burn slightly. Oh right, I got shot when we were being chased. Reaching over, she pressed the call button. Soon after a nurse appeared in the doorway.
“Ms Mitchell, it’s great to see you awake!” The nurse spoke cheerfully but stopped when the young patient raised a finger to her lips and pointed at Seoho sleeping. The nurse nodded and approached Esperanza. “I need to check your vitals and have you answer some questions.” Esperanza nodded and the nurse began checking the machines, recording numbers with her clipboard.
“Actually,” Esperanza spoke softly, her voice sounding hoarse. “Could you tell me how long I was out for?”
“It’s been about 4 days since we brought you in.” The nurse turned and looked at her clipboard. “How is your side feeling?”
“It hurts when I turn but if I stay still, I don’t really feel anything.” Looking back down at Seoho, she noticed him shifting more often now. Slowly, his eyes opened and he yawned. Then suddenly, he fully sat up, “Esperanza, you’re awake!”
The nurse laughed softly before checking her papers. “I can come back later for the rest of these questions. I’ll leave you two alone.”
Esperanza turned back to the man beside her. “Is everyone okay?”
For a second, Seoho’s eyes flashed with an emotion she couldn’t quite identify. “You’re the one in the hospital bed and you’re asking if the others are okay? Please, think about yourself for once. But yes, everyone else is fine.”
Esperanza rested her head against the pillow behind her before sighing softly. “Thank god, I didn’t think we would be able to escape.”
Seoho frowned softly at the girl, “Well, we made it.” He reached forward and grabbed her hand gently. “You are not allowed to scare me like that ever again, though.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Esperanza’s forehead. “I was so scared when I saw you on the sidewalk. I can’t lose you.”
Esperanza raised her hand to his cheek. “You won’t lose me. I’m too stubborn for you to get rid of me.” Seoho laughed at this before pressing his forehead to hers, opening his eyes to properly see her face.
“You have to promise me that you won’t leave me like that. And that you would recklessly put yourself in danger to save any of us.” Seoho’s voice was surprisingly serious. Esperanza nodded and smiled, however the male wasn’t satisfied yet. “You have to promise me this.”
Esperanza laughed, “I promise you I won’t leave you or do anything dumb to protect you.”
That got the male to smile as he nodded, “Good. I will be holding you to that promise.” Seoho leaned away from the girl, “How are you feeling?”
“A little sore but I’ll survive.” Seoho winced at that statement. “Sorry, right. Bad word choice. I think a kiss may help me heal faster.” Seoho snorted at her comment but leaned forward anyway.
“As you wish,” as with that he lightly pressed his lips against Esperanza’s.
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Protective - Mat Barzal
Request: Hey there! I love you’re writing style!! I was wondering if you could write a fic about Mat Barzal? There’s literally none on him and he’s my favvvv. I was thinking like maybe something bad happened you and Mat gets super protective over you (kinda soft but honestly the whole thing is up to your interpretation and I wanna see where you go with it!!) thanks love
Warning: mentions of street mugging
My phone buzzed several times as soon as I turned off airplane mode, some app notifications and one voicemail. I wasn’t super worried until I saw it was from Kelsey, my girlfriend. She usually just messaged me when she knew I was on the plane. I ignored all of my teammates as I pulled up the voicemail. “Hey Matt. So, don’t panic but I need you to pick me up from the hospital. They won’t let me leave without someone to drive me and apparently an Uber doesn’t count. I actually have a nurse watching make this call right now so that is why you are getting a phone call and not a message. Don’t worry I am fine, just a small cut that needed stitches. I will explain everything when you get here. Love you.” She also told me what hospital she was at before once again saying she was fine.
I quick shot her a text telling her that we landed and I would be there as soon as possible. I was the first one off the plane, I could hear some of the guys chirping me as I ran but I didn’t stop to correct any of them. As soon as my car started up I had the gps set for the hospital. I got there in less time then the gps told me it would take and I hurried inside, frantically looking around until a nurse came up to me. “Can I help you?”
“My girlfriend called me and said that she is here and that she can’t be discharged without a ride home. Her name is Kelsey, she’s like half a foot shorter than me and has blonde hair.”
“And your name? I need to make sure you are on the list of people allowed back.”
“Mat Barzal.” I followed the nurse up to the desk, watching as she looked up something on the computer while I was trying to not pace in front of her.
“Follow me, I can take you back to her. She was cleared for discharge about an hour ago but we have a policy that does not allow discharged patients to leave without them having someone to take them home.” I nodded as I followed the nurse back, I wanted to ask her what happened to Kelsey but she stopped outside a room before I could ask. “Right in here, have a good day.”
I said thank you before lightly knocking on the door before opening it. Kelsey was sitting on the bed, nose in a book and she must not of heard me knock or the door open because she didn’t look up. “Kelsey.” She jumped a bit, not realizing I was here. When she gave me a smile, I rushed to her side and hugged her while pressing my lips into her hair. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“I’m fine, I promise. The paramedics and police insisted that I come get stitches in my arm and get checked for a concussion since I fell.”
“What happened?”
“I was walking home from work and some guy came up behind me and tried to steal my backpack. He had a knife and when he was tugging on the strap of my backpack I started to fall and the knife hit my arm. I got lucky that there just happened to be a police car coming down the street and saw everything happening. They arrested the guy but since I was bleeding they had to call an ambulance. And that is basically everything.” She shrugged as she finished her story and I felt like my knees were going to give out, so I sat down next to her on the hospital bed.
My panic was interrupted by a knock on the door and a nurse coming in. “Now that you have someone to take you home we can discharge you.” I just sat there as Kelsey filled out the necessary paperwork, while nothing super bad happened this time my mind kept going to all of the possible bad things that could have happened.
Kelsey’s pov
I honestly pushed the whole thing out of my mind right away, it had been scary in the moment but I knew I couldn’t worry about it forever. I also thought that Mat had moved on from it too, that was until a few days later when I went back to work. When I was leaving the office at the end of the day Mat was waiting in the lobby, standing up when he saw me. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Missed you, and I figured it was a nice day out so we could stop for some dinner on our way home.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” As we walked to one of our favorite restaurants that was halfway between our apartment and my office where I worked as a party planner, I noticed that Mat kept looking around. “What are you looking for?”
“Nothing.” He seemed more attentive after that, listening to me complain about a corporate client that was dragging their feet on making decisions for the promotional event I was planning. We went home after dinner and enjoyed a calm night in.
I honestly thought nothing of Mat showing up at work until it happened again the next day. “Mat, what is going on?”
“I just want to spend more time with you.” I knew he wasn’t telling me something but I figured that the lobby of my office building wasn’t the best place to figure it out. Mat wouldn’t answer any of my questions about why he showed up to walk me home two days in a row even once we were home.
The next day I knew Mat wouldn't be there to walk with me since had a game tonight out on Long Island. So when I got a call from the security desk in the lobby I was incredibly confused. I gathered up my work, sticking it all in my backpack with my work laptop before heading down to see what was going on, I figured I could head home and finish working there while I watched the game. The security guard pointed me towards a woman in white button down and black dress pants. "Hi, can I help you?"
"Kelsey?" I nodded confused even more. "I'm you driver tonight, I am to drive you to this address." She showed me a piece of paper with the address of my apartment on it.
"I don't understand, I didn't order a car."
"All I know is I am supposed to drive you here." I nod and follow her out to where a black car was waiting at the curb. Luckily she seemed to realize I wasn't in a chatty mood so she just let the radio fill the silence of the ride, pulling up outside of my building 15 minutes later.
"Thank you." I handed her a tip before heading inside and getting settled on the couch with my work and some dinner, just in time for puck drop. It was a good game for Mat, he had a goal and three assists so I knew he would be in a good mood when he got home. I had wrapped up my work during the second intermission and had changed into pajamas so when Mat got home I was curled up with a blanket on the couch, ready to ask some questions.
“Hey babe, you’re up late.”
“Did you get a car service to drive me home today?”
“Yeah, I thought you might like not walking home.” He seemed nervous with his answer, so I patted the couch next to me so he would come it down. I watched as he pulled off his tie and suit jacket, tossing them aside before coming to sit next to me.
“Why can I no longer walk home from work by myself? Is this because of the attempted backpack theft?”
“Yes! I don’t understand how you can move on from that so fast. You were attacked with a knife! You had to go to the hospital! And if that police car didn’t come around when it did, I get scared just thinking about what could have happened. I could have lost you and I wouldn’t have even know because I was on a flight home.”
“Oh Mat, I didn’t realize this was bothering you so much. I’m sorry.”
“I just don’t get how you are worried every time you step out of the office at the end of the day, what if someone hadn’t been there?”
“Then I would have given the guy my backpack and then gone to call for help. Yeah, it was scary in the moment but I can’t spend every moment worried about what could be hiding around the corner. If I did that I would never leave the house, I wouldn’t be me. But I don’t need you to get me a car home every night and I don’t need you to walk me home, however I do love spending extra time with you. Can I tell you something?” He nodded, not looking away from my eyes. “When we first started seriously dating, I couldn’t watch you play hockey. I was always so concerned that every hit or check was going to send you flying across the ice and end your career.”
“But you came to almost every home game, you sat with all the other families.”
“Yeah, I did. But I couldn’t look down at the ice, I played with the kids or would look at something on my phone. I was so certain that if I saw you on the ice I would witness a horrific injury.”
“Do you watch now?”
“I do, during a random mid season game Grace came over to chat with me. She asked why I came to games but wouldn’t watch you.” I smiled, remembering the conversation I had with Anders Lee’s wife fondly. “She told me that worrying about something bad happening would just blind me from every amazing thing that was right in front of me. That if I focused on the potential bad I would miss all of the actual good. And she was right, while I wasn’t seeing a guy on the other team hit you into the boards I was also missing your face light up after scoring a goal.”
“Okay, I can try that.”
“And I will be more careful, I’ll carry pepper spray that my dad got be back in college and if it is dark or late I will get an uber.”
“I’ll stop being a worrier.”
“I love you, and I love that you are protective of me but this was a bit too much.”
“Love you too.” Kissing, I knew we could move past this. I knew we were stronger because of it and would grow closer because of it.
Request are open!!!!!
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softforcal · 6 years
Nascar and Neuro : Cashton
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summary: You’re dating Nascar!Ashton and whenever he gets injured or even slightly battered in his car, he has to go see Neuro Surgeon!Cal. You and Ash get used to Cal and there’s obviously a spark between all three of you.
word count: 3.5K
warnings: me trying to not be an awkward fuck writing smut. kinky threesome sex, DP, choking, all that jazz. once again, i know nothing about Nascar or actually working in a hospital. 
You waited with the medical team as Ashton’s car pulled up. The car door opened and you ran towards him, throwing your arms over your mans shoulders as your legs wrapped around his waist.
he chuckled and the sound vibrated through your being as you pressed your face against his neck. He had that distinct burnt rubber kind of smell that always reminded you of the track. 
“Mr. Irwin.” one of the medics sighed, “due to the small collision and possibility of whiplash we need to escort you to the hospital for a quick Neurology check with your Doctor.” 
Ashton sighed as he set you on the ground, “fine, but I’m not getting in the ambulance.” 
“Mr. Irwin, you can’t drive until we know for sure you’re not concussed-” the medic began but you held up a hand, “i’ll drive. don’t worry, we’ve seen Dr. Hood a lot. we know how to get there.”
the medic sighed but nodded, knowing he couldn’t argue with you or Ashton. Ashton’s arm went over your shoulders as the two of you walked through the arena to the private parking for the drivers and he tossed you the keys as you got into the front seat.
“are you feeling okay?” you asked, starting the engine.
“my head hurts a bit.” Ashton confessed, letting out a long sigh as he ran a hand through those gorgeous honey curls before his hand came to rest on your thigh.
You drove to the hospital, teasing the speed limit as Ashton grinned at how you drove. he was the professional but he made sure he taught you a thing or two. on your first date he had driven you out to a long dirt road and taught you how to properly drive a stick shift which could have been a super terrible mansplaining thing but with Ashton it wasnt. the pride in his eyes when you figured it out would be stuck in your mind forever because in that moment, on that first date, you knew this was a guy trying to find a partner. an equal. 
you parked and the two of you walked into the Hospital, Ashton’s arm over your shoulder as always.
the receptionists knew you and Ash by now. you came in after most races since Ashton was a target for other drivers, he was the one to beat. there were so many possibilities of neuro issues that Nascar figured they might as well just have a Nuero specialist regular who would know Ashton and know if something was wrong.
and that was Doctor Hood.
Like Ashton, Doctor Hood was young for his profession. which, like Ashton, was a testament to his abilities.
Ash had been seeing him for about a year. the first time you walked into Ash’s room at the hospital, you had noticed how cute the doctor was.
Beautiful tan skin, gorgeous dark hair and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. not to mention the tattoos on his hands that always made you think he had a wild side and wonder how many more he had.
as the nurse showed you to your room, Ashton took a seat on the bed and you stood between his legs, running your fingers through his hair. “my beautiful race car baby.” you smiled, fingers brushing over his face as he looked up at you adoringly.
“i think you should kiss it better.” Ashton smiled.
“tell me where it hurts.” 
he pointed to his mouth and you smiled before leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. his hands went to your bum as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
a cough made you tear yourself away from Ashton, who tried to follow you with his lips but sighed when he realized you weren’t going to continue kissing him. 
“Dr. Hood.” you greeted.
“i tell you every time, you can call me Calum.” the young doctor said, picking up Ashton’s chart. “so the other car bumped into yours, correct?”
“yup.” Ashton said.
you moved out of Calum’s way so he could come over and check Ashton out, “how are you feeling?” he used a light to check Ashton’s pupils.
“my head hurts a bit.” Ashton answered.
“how about your neck.” Calum asked, hands coming to gently touch the area around where Ashton’s jaw met his neck. 
“necks fine.” Ashton sighed. 
“so you have a head ache. how about dizziness, nausea, sensitivity to noise?” 
“no, no and no.”
“okay well you look to be fine but because of your history with concussions and the fact that i’ve seen you three times this month already, i’m going to recommend that you stay over night for observation.” Calum said, “i’ll get a nurse to bring a cot for you, Y/N.”
“thank you Doctor Hood.” you smiled warmly.
he smiled back, “if either of you need anything, here is my personal phone number, give me a message and i’ll be here as soon as i can.” he handed Ashton a card as he turned and left.
as soon as he was gone you sat next to Ashton on the bed, “i’m going to run home and grab an overnight bag so you can change out of your track suit.”
“you love my track suit.” he grinned.
“it’s true. but there’s no need for you to sponsor ADIDAS right now, i’m sure you’d be more comfortable in your sweats.” you kissed him softly, “i’ll be back soon, okay babe?”
you walked back into the hospital, a bag of stuff for you and Ashton in your hands. as you approached Ashton’s room you heard voices and stopped in the doorway to see Calum talking to Ashton.
“is he okay?” you asked, not sure why else Calum would be there.
“i’m fine. just bored.” Ashton sighed, “and hungry.”
“let me go grab you some food.” you suggested.
“thanks babe. i’m thinking pizza.” 
Calum laughed, “you don’t want hospital pizza mate.” Cal came to stand next to you at the door, “look, i’ll go with Y/N and grab you something off the secret menu.” 
Calum’s hand went to the small of your back as the two of you left the room and he directed you down the winding hallways to the cafeteria. as the two of you got in the small line of mostly faculty, you turned to Calum, “he’s going to be okay right? if something was wrong... you’d let me know.”
“a headache could be caused by anything. dehydration, anxiety, you name it. its quite likely he’ll be fine. i just want to make sure.” Calum assured you as he removed his hand from the small of your back.
“so you’ve been Ashton’s doctor a year now and you have no idea how hard it’s been for me to not ask you about these tattoos.” you said, grabbing one of his hands again to look at the letters. “what do they mean?”
“they’re my parents initials.” he explained, “nothing special.”
“no, i love them.” you said, “do you have anymore?”
he laughed, “i do. but i can’t show you them here.”
“maybe another time then.” you answered.
you got to the front of the line and Calum smiled at the lady working who grinned back, obviously Cal was a charmer. “we’ll have three sandwiches from the secret menu.” Calum whispered, looking at you and winking as the worker laughed.
“you’re lucky you have this guy with you, our secret items are VIP only.” she whispered to you.
you pulled out your wallet and Calum held up a hand but before he could say anything you stated: “Calum. i am buying.”
he looked at you, taken aback slightly. this was the first time he’d heard his name on your lips and he liked it.
he knew this whole situation was weird. after all, he was your boyfriends doctor. he had no idea how long the two of you had been together but you’d been together the whole year he’d known you both.
you and Ashton were a beautiful couple. 
from the first visit Cal had began writing down when Ashton had races so he could get himself ready to see the two of you. it was a whole ordeal for him. the waiting sucked but it was always worth it when he walked into that room and was finally able to bask in the sunshine that was you and Ashton.
the things he’d witnessed always made his heart soar, little glimpses into you and Ashton’s relationship. that one time he walked in to see you on top of Ashton on that hospital bed... Calum had been grateful for his long white lab coat and the deserted on call room.
and then walking in on you and Ashton kissing that morning... well, it had almost begun to hurt. 
it hurt because he couldn’t really do anything about it. being a neuro surgeon was hard enough as it was without having a complicated maybe relationship with a nascar driver and his super hot girlfriend. and thats if you and Ashton were even down for it, which he had no idea if you were.
polyamory had been a thing at the start of his residency at the hospital. surgeons never had time to really commit to a full relationship so having more than one lover made things easier. he was used to the idea. but a lot of people wouldn’t be and he was okay with that.
but you were showing interest in the tattoos. and Calum wanted, more than anything, to take this as a sign. a sign that maybe there was hope.
as he looked at your determined face as you paid for the food his heart thumped in his chest and he sighed. “you okay?” you asked, having heard his sigh.
“just tired.” he smiled.
you picked up the tray with the three sandwiches and turned to Calum, “okay, don’t help me, i can find the way back.”
he allowed you to walk a few steps in front of him as you maneuvered your way back to Ashton’s room. you set the tray down on the bedside table, noticing Ashton had changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, “you joining us mate?” Ashton asked, noticing the three sandwiches. 
“unless you have any big shot neuro surgeries or patients-” you began to make excuses for Calum in case he needed an easy way out.
“it’s really against protocol-” Calum began.
“well my head is sort of hurting again so i think you should stay to make sure i’m okay.” Ashton flashed a cheeky grin and Calum laughed, pulling up a chair next to yours and the bed.
“so why did you go into medicine and not modelling?” you asked making Ashton burst out laughing and Cal rub nervously at the tattoos on his hands.
“um... i like taking care of people.” Calum explained.
“you’re good at it.” Ashton said, taking a bite of his sandwich. 
Calum began to relax and he finished his sandwich before he got a message about a neuro consult and had to leave. you and Ashton watched him leave and you sighed, “pretty sure he’s single.”
“it would suck if he isn't.” Ashton said, taking a bite of his sandwich.
“are you sure we’re ready for this Ash?” you asked, twirling a piece of his hair around your finger.
“we have enough love to go around.” he grinned, pressing a kiss against your lips.
“especially for the hot doctor.” you agreed. 
you both finished your sandwiches and you crawled into the bed next to him, sitting between his legs with your back against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. 
it was around two AM when Calum exited his surgery. it had been successful and his blood was pumping through his body like he was on fire. as he turned a corner he bumped straight into you and Ashton.
his eye brows furrowed as he steadied you, “are you two alright?” he asked, “why are you out of your room?”
“we were looking for you.” You answered, “are you off work?”
“will be in a minute. was about to head to an on call room for some sleep, next shift starts at seven.” he explained.
“you’re here a lot aren’t you mate?” Ashton grinned.
“on call rooms arent so bad.” Calum shrugged.
“i bet they’re better than the patient rooms.” you said, “how about you show us which on call room you usually go to.”
the way you were smiling was suggestive and your tone confirmed his suspicion. you and Ashton wanted to go to an on call room. with him.
Calum’s heart raced in his chest even more. any other time of the day he might have said no. might have put his work at the highest point of importance. but it was a night shift. and no one was really around. and he was on call anyways...
and damn, that surgery had gone so well and Calum could still feel the adrenaline tingling over his skin like buzzing bees. and then he was leading you and Ashton to his favourite on call room.
the room was off to the side, secluded. Cal knew he was practically the only surgeon who used it. he opened the door and let the two of you in before following, closing and locking the door. 
“wanna see those tattoos Cal.” you said as you pressed your lips against his.
his back hit the door as his hands cupped your face, fingers lacing through that beautiful hair he’s wanted to touch for so long. 
your hands tore off his scrub shirt and your fingers traced over the tattoos on his chest, running down his abdomen and making him groan against your mouth as you teased his skin.
Ashton had come up behind you, hands on your waist as his lips sucked at your neck. his movements earned a moan from you and the sound was music to Calum’s ears.
Ashton tore off your shirt and pushed down your pants. as a race car driver, Ash liked things fast and neither you nor Cal were complaining. 
Meanwhile, Calum reached around you and unhooked your bra, tearing it off you so his hands could explore your body. His fingers brushed over your nipple and you groaned into his mouth, Ashton’s hands pushing down your panties.
Ashton’s lips on your neck drew your attention to him as you turned around to pay a bit more attention to him. You pressed your ass back against Cal’s dick as you pulled off Ashton’s hoodie and pushed down his sweats.
His lips attacked yours as his hands went into you hair, pulling slightly so he could move your head and gain access to your neck. Calum’s hand slipped down the front of your body as he began to rub your clit, making you moan loudly.
suddenly two fingers were in your mouth and you felt Calum’s erratic breath against your eat, “can’t be too loud gorgeous.” 
One of his fingers slipped inside of you as you groaned around the fingers in your mouth. 
“too slow.” Ashton stated as he bent down slightly to lift you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you over to the bed, tossing you down on it before he kissed down your body, tongue teasing your already worked up pussy. 
your fingers tangled in his curls while Calum watched, still breathing heavily, heart racing. the small sounds you were making were deliciously sinful and it was obvious that Ashton had made you cum by the way your eyes closed and your back arched.
Ashton pulled away from you with a grin, looking over at Calum, “you going to join or what?”
He reached over to his hoodie and pulled out a bottle of lube and Calum realized this whole thing had been really planned out. unless Ashton just carried around lube 24/7 but Calum doubted that.
you opened your arms, beckoning Calum to the bed, “take off your pants and lay down.” you instructed.
Calum opened his mouth, not used to being told what to do. but he followed your instructions, even accepting the condom Ash threw at him,  then he laid down as you got on top of him. your lips immediately attached to his again and his hands went to your waist as you ground down against him. he could feel how wet you were and let out a long moan.
you reached between your bodies, lining him up at your entrance before sinking down. you both just revelled in the feeling for a moments before his hands on your hips urged you to begin bouncing up and down. 
Calum’s head fell back against the pillows as his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling.
You leaned forward and your lips attached to his beautiful neck, biting lightly before using your tongue to sooth the skin.
Ashton had come on the bed behind you and was getting you ready for him as well, when he thought you were good, you slowed your movements and Calum pulled your lips to his to distract you a little while Ashton pushed into you.
you were all still for a moment, letting you get used to the feeling. Ashton gave an exploratory thrust and you all moaned in unison, your fingers digging into Calum’s shoulders. 
they began moving in and out of you at opposite intervals, a rhythm that they picked up almost naturally. one of Calum’s beautiful tattooed hands wrapped around your throat and you let out a devastated whine at the feeling.
a loud smack echoed through the room as Ashton’s hand came down on your ass causing you to clench around both of them. 
Ashton had always had a gruelling, rough, fast pace and you were used to that. But Calum did too. getting wrecked by both of them at once was driving you wild, especially with Calum’s hand around your neck and Ashton hands smacking your ass.
“fuck Princess, i’m not going to last much longer.” Ashton growled from behind you.
“me neither.” Calum agreed.
you moaned louder as their speeds somehow quickened even more, gripping Calum’s shoulders to anchor yourself as their thrusts became sporadic.
Calum let go of your neck and pulled your lips to his, eyes clenching while Ashton’s grip on your waist reached bruising levels. they both groaned loudly as they came, slowing down.
you all stayed in that position for a few moments before Ashton pulled out of you and you rolled onto the bed next to Calum. you were all breathing heavily as Ashton threw his condom away. you and Calum made room for him on the bed as you curled against Calum’s chest, Ashton slipping in behind you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“how’s your head feeling?” Calum asked, breaking the silence.
Ashton laughed, “fine. i had a bit of a head ache before but it’s gone now.”
“Sex can cure head aches.” Calum mused.
the sound of beeping drew all of your attentions to Calum’s phone, sitting on top of his scrubs, “shit.” he cursed, sitting up, “i probably have to go.” he threw away his condom and picked up his phone, hastily pulling on his scrubs, “okay there’s an emergency so i have to go but you two can’t stay here. do you know your way back to your room?”
“yeah we’ll be fine.” you assured him, standing and pressing a kiss to his lips, “go fix a brain or something Doctor.”
he laughed, a small blush creeping over his skin. he unlocked the door and left while you and Ashton put your clothes back on. Ashton’s fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt, “that was fun.” he mused, kissing you softly. 
his fingers intertwined with yours as the two of you snuck out of the on call room back to Ashtons room where you fell asleep cuddled together.
it was morning when Calum showed up, holding Ashton’s file in his hands, “how are you feeling?” he asked, “any head aches, dizziness-”
“nope, i’m great.” Ashton answered.
Calum looked up from the file at the two of you for the first time and he grinned, knowing all of you were thinking about the on call room. it was a dirty little secret and the tension was even worse than before.
“well, you’re good to go then.” Calum sighed.
Ashton stood and the two of you gathered your things, “see you in a month or so.” Ashton grinned as he brushed past Cal.
you followed and smiled, “oh, and nice hickie doctor.”
Calum’s heart dropped as he turned to look in the mirror, noticing the purple welt adoring the column of his neck. “fuck” he swore under his breath. he had just did an emergency craniotomy with a fucking hickie on his throat. 
he watched you and Ashton grin hand in hand and he laughed to himself. the two of you would be back, that much was certain and if the sex was that kinky the first time? well, Calum could only imagine what would happen next time.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You //Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 9)
A/N: All the fact checking had me reeling to be honest and this is one long-ass chapter, longer than the one where I said 'it's the longest I've written' but actually this wins the competition. I've used some lyrics from the song Photograph cos I felt like it would go nicely with the flow plus I am weak with hospital scenes because of the distresses that occur within it but I tried ya know ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It's a little messy and dramatic on a side note because I had to deal with some outside disturbances as well and my mind was on other things 😔 But again, thank you guys for supporting this series! Your feedbacks mean a lot ♥ Tag list is always open!! (seriously, I need more people to tag xd)
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you the two of you met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: That angst from 8? Yeah, it just upgraded, fluff if you, like, use a microscope, explicit description of blood and injuries, swearing but I kept it to a minimum, mentions of death but there's actually no death. Melodrama, ig? Sorry, I had a hard time writing consistently this week ^^'
WC: 6.5k (Someone got carried away.)
Tags: @haendel-me-with-care
Parts: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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"Someone please help! Help us! "
"Bloody bastard just drove off without even stopping! "
"Are you fu- you left your phone?! He's barely clinging on to life!! Ask a random person to dial 911!"
"Oh god, what- what do we do- his head, his freaking head! There is so much blood right now!"
"D-don't move his neck! He's critical!"
"Rosy. Rosy. Calm down...he has to be fine..he should be... "
"An ambulance is on its way!"
"His head is fucking bloody! Do you even want- fuck! Someone help here! Someone, please help! "
"Is he even breathing?! "
"Oh god, Y/N! He's not- he's not! "
"You better not be joking around!"
"Joe! He is bloody dying and you think I'm fucking joking?!"
"He has no pulse as well..."
"I got to- I have to make an attempt to resuscitate him. "
"Are you sure?"
"We're not waiting for that goddamn vehicle! If I don't do it, he's going to die!"
"Wake up, Ben! Please, wake up..."
Blur. That's what everything was. A huge, uncoordinated, focal blur. A sea of people had crowded the scene like a flock of sheep ready to graze on the pasture, except the only green they had for their eyes was the sight of six, dreadful friends taking it in their hands to keep the seventh one grounded while they wait for professional help.
The ones with flashing cameras hoisted up high to document the scene disgusted you down to the pits of your stomach and you had wished for them to scatter away. You all, especially you had to bear the agony of seeing him motionless on the asphalt ground– without breath, skin drained of color while the only color highlighted in the spectrum was the copious but graphic amount of blood that had tainted the spot he was lying in– his hair coated in the sticky, sanguinary puddle, creating a traumatizing mix of blond and deep red that you now couldn't forget. The tears pricking from your eyes when you had given him mouth to mouth mingling with his bleeding forehead.
He had lost all consciousness at a maximum.
You had ached to cradle his body right there and then but had you acted on impulse; it would've worsened the situation.
Medics had filled in the scene seconds after you had given Ben a well-thought out CPR undeterred by your raging adrenaline. He was then brought into the ambulance with Rosy tagging along to be there when they rush him into the ER. You had gone after with the others in Gwilym's car, your shaking hands coated with drying blood -his drying blood- as you made your way to the hospital in a blistering cruise.
You're still in your dress, only topped with Joe's designer blazer to shield you from the cold and a warm, half-empty cup of brew situated between your palms partially substituting the natural heat of your skin, waiting quietly in the lounging room. They had transferred Ben to a private room after performing an operation on his head and scanning him afterwards. One of the emergency doctors remarked that if it weren't for your initiative to follow first aid protocol and give him immediate resuscitation before help had arrived– he would have gone ten minutes early.
You've been waiting an hour and a half for the doctor to step out of the room and deliver the news about his condition. And while you do that, Joe and Lucy have gone off to collect a fresh pair of clothing from the hotel for you to change into. Rosy is stood at the entrance making some calls, Gwilym and Rami have gone back to their respective hotels to change clothes and come back for the news.
You felt light hearing that comment but it's nothing compared to the aftermath of the accident. It was a hit-and-run and the driver didn't even step on his breaks or bother to stop to take responsibility.
Rami's blazer that had been used to delay Ben's bleeding has been given back to him for dry cleaning. To complicate the situation, you're supposed to be boarded on a plane back to England eight hours from now yet that's something you have to cross out from the bucket list, entirely. You're not going anywhere unless Ben heaves out a single sigh of life.
Not a single step out the fucking institution unless he opens those eyes.
Unless he parts his lips.
Unless he says your name.
You owe it to him for saving your life, nearly costing his.
And it's just 2 in the morning.
You put down the cup on the space next to you, bringing your hands up to your lowered head, underneath your eyes watering from all of that's happened tonight.
"We're back." Two figures stand before you minutes after your eyelids have fluttered shut in despair. You lift your head to be met with Joe and Lucy in their casual clothes, smiling sadly at you with paperbags in hand.
You return that smile with a much weaker one. They settle the bags down and Joe sinks down on one knee in front of you, taking your face in his hands gently while he peeks up at you. "I see the news isn't out yet. You can change, we'll take care of it."
"You sure?" You mumble quietly. He nods and you prolong a sigh as you sit up, getting tenderly lulled into a hug by Lucy. "He's gonna be okay." She expresses definitely as she rubs your back. You thank her for the reassurance before taking one of the bags that contains your clothes.
Pulling the hem of your sweatshirt in place, you couldn't wait to escape the lavatory. It smells of newly applied bleach and the pungent odor is plain nauseating. You close the door with the bag in hand on your way out but freeze in your spot as a certain, exclusive news breaks out in the TV screen above you.
"Just 10pm tonight, Bohemian Rhapsody and EastEnders star, Ben Hardy, has reportedly been gravely involved and injured in a hit-and-run just outside of Wallis Annenberg Center during the ongoing Vanity Fair after party. Sources said that he had dashed headlong down the traffic-jammed streets to what they said was an attempt to save co-star's, Joe Mazzello, date from an incoming vehicle– which he had succeeded in as he failed to save himself–" The rest of the news anchor's words go unprocessed in your head as you hurriedly trace your way back to the lounging area, unwilling to hear recurring reports at yours or anyone's expense.
It already hurts enough that you think it's partly your fault for acting so careless.
By now, the attending physician should be out and conveying the news to Lucy and Joe and as you arrive– he is, hands in his lab coat pockets, informing them in the most serious of tones.
They see you approaching and you ask immediately, words stumbling out of your mouth like perceivable beats. "Doc, how is he? How's Ben?"
With Lucy and Joe already informed about it, the doctor decides to tell you himself to save them the hassle. "He should be fine soon. However I must be frank with you, miss," your heart loses a beat for a fraction of a second at the suspense rising, "he flat lined twice in the ER. It took three sets of defibs to get his heart beating again." Hearing him break to you that Ben was a simple step away from death as they tried to treat him drains the warm color palette in your face, even with the affirmation that he's going to be alright; knowing there were two moments in which he had slipped in and out of life at the same time just upsets your stomach.
The doctor continues with his report, telling you that he's suffered from a mild to severe head trauma caused by the blunt force when he had his scalp dragged along the asphalt. Apparently he fissured the the near front of his skull and underwent neurosurgery for it.  You quickly get the idea, having studied a series of medical topics of course, but it doesn't invalidate the fact that it still sounds like a bad thing.
The doctor sighs and adds. "Although he bled internally at a minimum, he's lucky to have bled externally for the most part."
Forming a steeple of your fingers and stealing a quick glimpse of Lucy and Joe, you gulp hard. "How long 'til he wakes up?"
"I'd say in about 48 hours. His scan results after the surgery showed promise for a stable recovery though he might wake up a little dazed at first due to the moderate concussion," at least you're getting the assurance that he's waking up, "your friend has a thick skull. He'll recover in time, but with short-term effects."
48 hours. Not enough time for you to stay or leave.
"Can we see him? Right now?" Setting your expectations to the highest, you ask with a glimmer of hope and the doctor approves, minding you to turn down the lights in the room as Ben would likely be sensitive to it by the time he wakes. "A nurse will come by and check on him every once in a while as well."
You nod weakly, thanking him professionally as you gradually hang your head in disappointment. He wishes Ben a speedy recovery before turning on his heels, leaving you to it.
Lucy brings her short hair up in a pigtail, asking as she lifts up her share of the paper bags. "Are we going in now? I mean, the doc said we're able to." She vaguely points at the door of the room and you and Joe swap looks before deciding on it. You collect your items from the seats and draw in breaths as you follow suit, stepping into the room and being welcomed by the almost odorless whiff of paint and medicine; along with the light to moderate blow of the air conditioner.
As the door clicks close, you stand motionless yet internally trembling at the heartbreaking sight of Ben lying unresponsive, surrounded by various machines working to keep him alive. Flanking his bed are the heart monitor -fully functional- and a medical ventilator from which he is breathing from. He's hooked up to an IV bag with a breathing tube put into his mouth, his left arm is propped upon his abdomen but protected around a plaster and supported within a blue arm sling and lastly, his head is wrapped in a layer of roller bandage– the giveaway of his major injury.
"Y/N..." Joe cooing breaks you off from your vacant gaze but you hand him a forlorn eye as bring yourself to Ben's side, glancing over his limp body. He's taken quite a hit to have fractured his arm like this. His complexion didn't appear as livid as it is now and marking his bottom lip -which has lost that luscious red tint as well- is a small bruise, parted from his upper lip as he involuntarily breathes through the tube in his mouth. You don't hear his slow exhales but the normal rise and fall of his chest consoles a small part of you; the stable beeping of the heart monitor being the only occuring noise in the room. Concerned with how awfully quiet you've gone, Lucy and Joe give each other fitting looks as they share the same thought on the situation. As one of them begins to step close to ensure you're taking it well, you pipe up before them, your once honey-laced voice diminished to a monotone. "It's...not my fault."
"Of course, it's not," Lucy, being the one who has taken that step close, tenderly agrees but you add.
"It's not but it feels like it is."
Now Joe steps up next but stop as you add once more.
"And I told him I wanted to forget him and for him to do the same." Now some tears are inevitable.
"As impractical as it is to think about it now, but what if he does?" your hand has now hovered over him, the nerves of the pads of your fingers itching to skim themselves over his free hand, "I don't want to go. But I have to and he's still not gonna wake up by the time I leave."
His condition just yearns for your touch but you don't want to lay a hand on him just yet, out of the fear that you might hurt a small part of him.
Joe sighs softly as he puts his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them with ease. "Why don't you just email the institution about it? Tell them you're gonna have to delay because of an urgent matter."
"I can do that, but only a day after. I can't take long."
"Rami and Gwilym are on their way," Lucy reminds as she gets off her phone from messaging them, "with some food and water."
"None of us are burning the midnight oil then," Joe stretches his limbs and returns to the couch to take a moment to relax, eyes snapping wide as he remembers something. "By the way, Y/N. If you spilled your heart out to him earlier, did you include the bit where our relationship was all but pretend?"
Surely the stare you and Lucy are sharing towards him could render the atmosphere painful but you answer regardless of the topic, shaking your head as you turn your attention to Ben once more. "No. But he's bound to question it. That is if he remembers what happened."
Lucy rests her hand on her hip as she glances at the heart monitor, the waves tempting her eyes to follow them. "Doctor never implied anything about amnesia."
The three of you fall silent again with you locking your gaze at the man who didn't want to let you go. Who chased you down a busy highway knowing he'd bite the dust if he did and ended up saving you at the expense of his own well-being.
And life.
And his own soul.
He'll recover in a short period, yes. But when you had gently grazed your trembling hand over his bloodied head in the middle of the street, it was as if he was bound to never wake up. A visual you want to shake off for the sake of composure.
Joe and Lucy take notice of your stilled silence again, their expressions low-spirited. Taking small steps towards you, Lucy wraps her arms around your shoulders from behind and pulls out a certain object from her back pocket, slipping it to you. "Found this in the inner pocket of Ben's tainted blazer when the doctors gave his clothes to us."
You cast your gaze to what she's holding and hear your heart shatter at what it is. You slowly take it from her and sweep your thumb over it.
Ben's share of your Homecoming picture.
And behind it, the same date and continuation of what was written on your half.
You piece it in your mind and feel your eyes cloud with tears, a droplet making a small patter as it lands on the polaroid.
He kept it. In his blazer. He brought it along with him.
_I'm not going... anywhere at all. _
"But I am." You mutter as opposed to  the words in your head. For as long as you love him and he doesn't in the way you do, distancing yourself is something that needs to be done to make sure you finally let go. You'd stick around but it would further fragment your soul.
Just in time to tear you from reaching your breakfing point, the door creaks open to two men and a red-haired woman, two of whom are grasping paper bags containing some food and water and one with an overwrought look, respectively.
Lucy leaves your side and walks over to Rami's, kissing his cheek and helping them unload their items on the coffee table. Gwilym gives the three of you, and Rosy who had followed in behind them, an individual hug– asking you about Ben's condition as he lays eyes on him.
You assure him of a smooth recovery and it unknots the lump of worry he's under.
"Oh, Ben, baby... " Breaks down Rosy, who whizzes past you to tear up over her injured fiance. She gazes down painfully at the man before her and delicately fondles his blanch cheek, eyes narrowed to the point where her face has contorted to a scowl which she throws directly at you. "This is all your fault. "
Your brows crease at her in absolute confusion. "What are you talking about?" Sensing that an altercation is about to take place, the rest stumble quiet in preparation for the worst. Joe readies himself to butt in in case it escalates further.
"What did you say to him?" She asks you in a form of a hiss.
"Nothing! I-"
"He chased you down! You must have said something that set him off!" Her demanding voice echoes off the walls, overlaying the beeping and whizzing of both the heart monitor and ventilator. You begin swearing to her that you didn't say anything of the sort but trail off as you realize that what you had actually said, was something that indeed hurt him.
You draw your lips between your teeth and clench your fist, unable to respond with the truth, fearing it might just fuel the fire.
"That's- that's not important now." You shake your head dismissively and turn around.
"It is. You led Ben out into the street, agitated."
"Rosy, please. Can we not talk about this now? We're squabbling in front of an unconscious man-"
"Okay girls. Our boy is out cold but that doesn't mean he can't hear, right?" Eager to quench the growing conflict, Gwilym slides in between the dangerous proximity you've put yourselves in and you huff an apology.
On the other hand, Rosy does the complete opposite. "No, Gwilym. He has been acting strange for weeks and to think tomorrow's supposed to be our wedding! And this is all because of her."
Gwilym turns to her firmly and tries calming - or rather shutting her up for the sake of the peace Ben needs to heal- her down. "We're not throwing fingers here. I know tomorrow's the day and you don't want to put him under pressure, right? I don't think he's going to succumb to waking up if this goes on."
Rami, Lucy and Joe have remained unbelievably quiet but are as keen as Gwilym to prevent something unnecessary as this. It's barely 3 am in the morning for the love of God and you're all in a hospital room. Sleeping patients could bang their fists on the walls from the other side any time.
You, on the other hand, have already made four steps towards the door, ready to leave the room to be alone with your thoughts for the night but you're unable to twist the knob as Rosy snaps once more with the hint, distressing with a clenched jaw.
She's unrelenting.
"Please Y/N, you're overstepping and frankly it's getting in the way of my relationship with Ben."
"You have no idea what I'm trying to do," You mumble in the most bitter of intonations for Rosy to get the message, your fingers clenching around the knob and producing a faint chink. "But he's my best friend. Let me be the person I've always been to him, " you whip your head at her -a stare you're certain could equal to a pelted javelin- and draw your brows together, pleading on account of choosing to be present in a crisis such as this, " he's all yours anyway."
With a strong swing of the door, you march angrily out of the room, making your way outside the building to blow off steam – the smooth rub of the polaroid between your fingers surrendering you to tears.
You give yourself exactly 48 hours to stay before heading back to England to board your flight for Spain.
10 hours
Ben's accident was a clean hit-and-run. Apparently some bystanders had snapped a shot of the license plate the moment the car slowed down and accelerated afterwards. It was then delivered to the police to be given further investigation. His parents have flown in from England to visit him and you badly wish you could greet them but some things are just too heavy to do right now. Back at the hospital, Ben's been given hourly checks and assessments, with each desired result constant. He's not responsive to any physical contact but the doctor is certain that he can perceive sound and sound only.  His body is asleep but his mind isn't.
The rest will be visiting him at dusk while you're going in late with Joe.
After sending an email to the university about your 24-hour delay, you spend the entire day just waiting to go down there and be by his side. Regarding your solitude in the hotel room, Rami had Lucy stay in with him for the meantime and being initially worried about leaving you, she had asked for your permission to which you said yes to.
Sometimes in the day, you can't hold back a few tears at the flashing memory.
17 hours
Loving can hurt
Standing in front of the private room, you clutch the collar of your shirt anxiously, hearing incoherent but distinct murmurs on the other side of the door. Joe looks down at you and squeezes your hand lightly to relieve you of pressure. He knows how much this is affecting you, and though not visually shown, he's taking it hard too.
Loving can hurt sometimes
The door opens to a couple you've familiarized yourself with for so long. Ben's parents.
"Y-Y/N?" Says his mum, unable to believe that it's you standing before her. Your breath hitches as you grin sadly, being pulled into her embrace. "It's been so long."
"It has, Mrs. Jones."
Joe shakes hands with his father as he introduces himself politely. Mr. Jones greets you in with a light hug as well and you can't help but spill a few tears.
But it's the only thing that I know
They give you full access to the room
as they themselves have to leave for a while, thereby trusting their son to his closest circle. Knowing how tight you and Ben are, they give you much of their trust on this one and you'd want nothing more than to make sure he'll wake up without any further complications. They obviously know about Rosy but witnessing how long you and Ben have grown on one another, they trust you the most.
They bid you and Joe goodbye, leaving access to the room exclusive.
When it gets hard
As you begin closing the door behind Joe, he insists that you have some alone time with him. Though it may feel weird but he feels as if you need this the most with time going against you now. Touched by his thoughtfulness, you give him a quick embrace before he leaves you to it.
You know it can get hard sometimes
The sight before you hasn't changed that much.
The same monitors and the same person.
Same feeling.
However you'd rather take everything
in a different light and situation.
You fiddle with your fingers as you accumulate the strength to swallow the lump in your throat, drawing yourself to his side. The mild, incessant whirring of both the air conditioner and ventilator occupies the silent atmosphere along with the steady beeps of the heart monitor, blocking the huge gulp you've taken.
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive
Slowly taking a seat on the stool positioned beside the guard rails of the bed,  you let out a quavery sigh– the byproduct of all the tearing up you've  done today. You take his free hand in yours and stroke his pale knuckles with your thumb, leaning in to plant a kiss on it.
We keep this love in a photograph
"Ben? It's me. Can you hear me?"
One-sided conversations are helpful according to experts and this is the perfect opportunity to tell him everything without having to bear the flits in his expression.
But you beg to differ.
We made these memories for ourselves. Where our eyes are never closing.
You continue, allowing every crack and quiver to manifest in your voice no matter how relatively pathetic it will make you sound.
"Ben, please, you gotta wake up. You're leaving us in a hot mess here, bud. Hell, you gave your parents the scare of their lives. I know I'm starting off rough with this, but it's all cause you had to leap in like that. But then again, it was- it was not your fault. This- all of this is not your doing. I should've been more careful on that road. Would've been better if I had cut back on the melodrama, huh? Haha..."
You lick your lips and resume, owning the patters your tears have soiled on the tiled floor.
Hearts are never broken
"I'm sorry if I had to hide it all from you, " you build it up slowly, tears tenacious to leave your eyes, "it's just that I was afraid you'd soon forget me once you've married and I wouldn't be part of your life anymore. To make matters worse, I have always loved you, Ben. On every level and aspect, I still do. Sticking around to see you spend the rest of your life with someone else when that feeling is still present is just toxic. And to think you're supposed to be wedded tomorrow, "you sniffle, taking a few seconds to form your following words, "that's why it would be easier if we- if we...oh god, I'm actually much more of an actor than you are..." You want to chuckle for it, but nothing resembling a chuckle mopes out of your mouth. Just...short breaths.
Time is forever frozen-
"But I truly am happy for you. I really am. But I can't be happy myself when you've taken a huge portion of my heart and I'm just...I just want to make sure nothing will ever ruin your happiness," You close the distance between you and the bed, your hot tears dripping on his arm sling, the cloth absorbing it. You're really taking advantage of his inability to respond.
"I'm s-sorry, Ben. I don't know how long I can stay by your side like this. Literally like this. But as long as I am able, " you lower your head onto his chest, now shamelessly sobbing like you haven't broken down in centuries, squeezing his free but chilly hand like it's the only thing that'll give you warmth tonight, "I'm sorry if I'm going somewhere."
And still
Despite promising to give you a moment alone with him, Joe -having recurring, inquisitive tendencies- has acted as opposed to his promise and  eavesdropped on your unrequited talk due to having to wait too long, not realizing that after hearing all your words exit in sobs, you've fallen asleep with your head on Ben's chest.
Joe glances around the hall before budging the door open, careful not to disturb you as he sees you out cold next to him. He presses his lips into a hard line and chuckles quietly, amused as he grabs an available sheet from the couch and drapes it over you. The moment he notices a tear droplet stuck in the corner of your eye, he wipes it away with his thumb, sighing profoundly.
"Rosy's gonna flip when she gets back and sees this. So, " Joe, mumbling on his own, tumbles back down onto the couch and kicks back, "I'll be here just in case."
20 hours
So you can keep me
A nurse opens the door with a tray and clipboard in hand to conduct an hourly assessment of his condition, not minding your head placement on his chest. He's still unresponsive to anything external.
I**nside the pocket of your ripped jeans **
As the test ends and the nurse closes the door on her way out, his finger twitches.
30 hours
Holding me closer til our eyes meet
Joe wakes you up softly with a bowl of soup in hand– something he bought from the cafeteria upstairs. You lift your heavy head from its recent spot and blink your bleary eyes at him, giving away a wry smile and telling him you'll eat later on.
You won't ever be alone
"By they way, this slipped from your pocket." He slips something off the table and hands it to you with a knowing look, that something being the dual polaroids you've taped together the other night. You take it from him deliberately and turn your head to Ben, before staring down at the joint pictures, nostalgia ever so sudden like a whiplash.
Wait for me to come home
35 hours
Loving can heal
Rami and Lucy have stopped by to visit and take your 'shifts' considering Rosy is still absent and you and Joe had to return to the hotel to change. The attending physician and a nurse come in to replace his breathing tube with a nasal cannula, since the assessment done hours prior has shown that he's already capable of breathing on his own.
39 hours
Loving can mend your soul
"Funny how today is supposed to be his wedding but we're getting a funeral instead. " Morbidly comments one of Ben's visitors and closest friends. Every single person in the room who has come by to visit Ben shoots a death glare at him for making that joke within a two feet radius of Ben who is sure to give him a bop on the head the minute he gets up.
41 hours
And it's the only thing that I know
Meanwhile Rosy had spent the entire day rescheduling the wedding and the once volatile reactions she's had do a 360 and is brought down to one, constant look as she bumps into you on your way to Ben's room.
42 hours
I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you
You both don't say a word until you've settled down on the couch as she strays to Ben's side and wipes the glistening speckle of sweat on his cheek with her thumb, the silence coming to a close as you pry the words out of your mouth.
"Rosy, believe me. I have never harboured the thought of coming between you both. I'm only ever there for him as a friend."
And it's the only thing we take with us when we die
Giving you an impassive eye, she ignores your words entirely and turns her attention back to her fiance.
45 hours
We keep this love in a photograph
You don't leave the room with the hours progressing to the moment he's timed to wake up. A lot of people have paid him a visit, cracking jokes and talking to him notwithstanding the fact that he's utterly unresponsive. They've done all they can to lighten the mood in the room, hoping all their antics and bliss would lure Ben out of his induced insensibility. But he's nowhere near the edge.
We made these memories for ourselves
47 hours
With Rosy snuggled up against his side, Ben retains immobility and it's a sight you're not used to since he's one of the most fidgety arseholes who's ever graced your life. You know you'd be bombed by her if you do this with her close by, but you had given yourself exactly 48 hours to stay before heading back.
Where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken
And so you wander to the opposite side of the bed and peer at down your wristwatch for the time.
Time's forever frozen and still.
48 hours
"Ben?" You whimper close to his ear. He's not responding. You know he wouldn't wake up that quickly at the strike of the exact hour but you're impatient to say goodbye to him with his forest, green eyes on full display and wandering around your (Y/E/C) ones to bolster you up.
"Hey." You coax into his ear again, still no response. The racing beat of your heart has matched the beeps of the heart monitor. His heart beats. The similarity is sketchy but nearly symbolic. You're leaving in the morning and he's not up and lively for you to fervently crush in a parting embrace.
"Bud, please. I can't force you to wake up but I'm leaving tomorrow. You have to help me...here." At this point, though how eager you are to, you can't let some tears stream down from your eyes since the possibility of Rosy waking up to you catching sobs is feasible, but Ben's involuntary stillness is not helping you with that ordeal. Losing all hope for a night, you straighten up and collect your things from the couch, deciding to come back one last time tomorrow prior to your departure.
You quickly open the door to the attending physician who's about to step in to take physical tests but you whisk past him without taking a second look.
Easy to say you didn't have a good night sleep with all the stresses weighing down on you that night. Either you hyperventilated in your slumber or remained asleep but with tears seeping from your half-closed eyes.
You've sent Lucy a text in the early hours of the morning notifying her about your departure today. She hasn't responded yet.
"Just a 24-hour delay? Are they that heartless?" Leaning on the door frame of your hotel room with a bitten donut in his hand, Joe questions as he watches you prop your luggage against the open door. "I had to reschedule the flight thrice last month, this one being the latest. It's only reasonable," You huff as a matter of fact, fixing the scarf that has dangled loose around your neck and staring into oblivion barely a second after going tight-lipped.
Finishing his donut, Joe pokes you out of your momentary trance. "You alright?"
You shake your head.
"I don't even know if he's awake now. It's past 48 hours and what if he-"
"There's only one way to find out," appeasing your elevating worry, he grabs you by the shoulders and looks you square in the eye, silently guaranteeing you of his recovery.
Since he'll be driving you to the airport, your things are neatly stored in the confines of the backseat but of course, you have to see Ben one last time, setting aside all the excruciating anticipation.
You scurry into the entrance with Joe by your side, out of breaths by the time you arrive at the door of Ben's room. Taking precautionary measures, you knock firmly on the surface expecting someone or Rosy to answer. But nada. You swap some looks with Joe and twist the knob gently, finding the room free of visitors and medical staff. Perhaps they've assessed him an hour prior.
"No one's around."
As you begin slipping a foot through the ajar door, Joe puts a hand on your shoulder, stopping you mid-step.
"Lucy's on her way."
His update on her reply makes you smile and you continue into the room, seeing the curtains that had blocked the sunlight for two days cast aside, spilling some sunlight into the room.
You take small, wobbly steps along the floor, unable to accept that until now he hasn't fluttered open those orbs you loved staring into so much. You suddenly fear that a complication has risen and is causing his extended unconsciousness but that must be the least of your worries.
So you can keep me, inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
He has to hear you. He has to. He has to.
He's gone really pasty. Dark circles under his eyes despite being asleep for two days. He has grown a scruff and looks painfully unruly, but still a face of an angel. You crouch and take his free hand in yours– careful not to disconnect the IV tube from his wrist, caressing it and drawing in a sharp inhale to free yourself of any doubt to speak up. "Ben. It's Y/N. You're scaring us, you know. The doctor said you'd wake up earlier but why? Why haven't you? What are you doing in there?"
This being the end of the long haul for you, you're not forcing anything at bay anymore– not your tears, not your peeves and certainly not your feelings. You interlace your fingers around his and kiss the back of his hand, your cheeks growing scarlet and wet with tears.
Holding me closer til our eyes meet, you won't ever be alone.
You get up from crouching and throw your arm around him in defiance of the possibility of applying a lot of pressure on his chest. It feels so different holding him that way. For the time you have left, an overly emotional, one-sided conversation should make up for the lost times that would've been great for those.
And if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed
"You really kept that Homecoming picture, didn't you? Coincidentally I did too, just forgot it was there as well. But I pieced it back, by the way. Ironic that we both made a promise on those polaroids the night before graduation. I-I have it with me here, just so you know. Just thought I'd bring it out since...I'll be going soon." You pull the pictures out from the pocket of your coat with trembling hands, eager to wave them in front of him. Once out, you place it on the bedside table for him to keep once more but with your share of the picture.
Inside these pages you just hold me, and I won't ever let you go
You lay your forehead on his, your tears dripping onto his closed lids as you sob his name to get him to wake, at the same time feeling his soft exhales brush against your chin. " I told you I'd be strong and I'm trying to be. I know it sounds like a selfish thing to do but you have to trust me on this one. I want to move on, Ben. You're bound to be wedded soon and have a family of your own. I want to be there for that. I want to be that aunt who'll spoil your kids and make them fight you for the craziest demands. Those things I'd gladly do...if I wasn't this hopeless for you," Little by little, your voice comes out as broken whisper– losing your strength to add any more things to say in the process. On the other side of the door, Joe is finally joined by Lucy who has arrived not a minute late and they can't help but tear up a little at how uncontrolled your crying is slowly turning out, it's become audible enough to be heard from outside.
"Ben, buddy. Come on." He huffs against the hardwood as he and Lucy are tempted to barge in.
Burying your face into the exposed column of his neck with your arm slackening from being draped across his chest, you utter a voiceless but heartfelt statement.
Wait for me to come home
"I love you, Benjamin Jones. Be happy for me."
Your words hang thinly in the fragile air as you pull away from that proximity and leave a long kiss on his forehead, walking back sadly to the door with your hand outstretched ready to grab ahold of the knob.
"H-how could I be..."
The words released sound like a mere memory resonating in your head but you are proved wrong once you turn around.
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