valiantarcher · 1 year
I’m not sure what irritates me the most about this book:
“socks can be easily modified for a perfect fit”
“creating a sock is a magical experience”
insinuating that women during WWI were largely constrained in war work to knitting and that they knit because they “were forbidden to bear” arms.
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
"Masters Of The Air" WW2 miniseries vs. H a r r y
I’ve been watching the new miniseries “Masters Of The Air” (produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and starring Austin Butler) about the US Army Air Force 100th bomb group stationed in the UK during WW2 the past few months while simultaneously reading about Prince Harry and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games this May.
It’s really incredible that American airmen flew in unpressurized bomber planes in minus 60 degree Fahrenheit temperature during WW2. The airmen had to wear special heating suits because if for example they took their gloves off during a fight at high altitudes because their guns jammed, their fingers could painlessly and bloodlessly amputate all the way up to their knuckles. The airmen could literally see their own fingers snap off and fly across the belly of the plane.
23% of all US Army Air crews survived during the WW2 air campaign in Europe with the rest either being shot and/or killed while in the air or their planes were shot down.
Those who survived via parachute after their planes were shot down either escaped back to the UK via resistance groups, were taken to POW camps for the remainder of the war or in some cases were killed by enraged German civilians on the ground.
The first episode started in January with the last episode concluding in mid-March. 
I mention all this because Harry has been in the news for weeks, whining about his lack of taxpayer funded security while not feeling safe to attend the Invictus Games 10th anniversary event in London and tonight another article popped up in the Daily Mail about Harry going to a Better Up conference in San Francisco to lecture people about 'Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength.’
Harry has no clue about executives in stressful jobs. Nor does he have any clue about serving in combat or what honor and loyalty means. Harry actually endangered troops in Afghanistan during both of his tours overseas because he wanted to play soldier.
It’s incredible to look at genuine heroism and sacrifice from WW2 servicemen and women vs a complete royal fraudster who couldn’t even be accepted into the British Army on his own merits because Harry was reportedly too busy drinking and doing drugs while at Eton. Harry got into Sandhurst because his grandmother was the Head of the Armed Forces.
All of these battle hardened WW2 veterans would scoff at this whiny, treacherous, cowardly ginger prick who reportedly is so afraid to attend a church service for the Invictus Games on his own despite bragging about killing 25 enemy combatants in Afghanistan in his memoirs. 
It’s a damn shame the Royal Family had the British media to help turn Harry’s PR image from a drug using frat boy into a “war hero” as Harry is anything but a genuine war hero– and uses disabled veterans from IG in order to make himself look good.
And BTW, the miniseries “Masters Of The Air” is quite good and is based on the book by the same name. I’m proud and grateful for WW2 veterans while simultaneously shaking my head at the royal disgrace that is Prince Harry.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The hardships that the soldiers of WWI, WWII and other wars suffered to defend their countries are incredible to read about. They were all courageous at a level that is not brought out by circumstances today (I say this knowing veterans of those wars and having them in my family).
Harry is nothing in comparison. He does not have the courage that those men possessed. His cowardice and entitlement are thrown into relief by the service of true veterans everywhere. The idea of him coping with stress, let alone using it for anything else, is laughable because, as you said, he has no clue about working in a stressful job. 
The palace PR did a brilliant job with “Hero Harry”, but I am glad it has come to an end and we can all see Harry as he really is. I much refer the truth over PR lies.
I have learnt to tune out Harry’s whining. If he is not whining about something he is bragging about how wonderful he is, both of which are very unattractive traits.
I believe you can find military men commenting on Harry’s behaviour on some sites, and what they say is not flattering. The truth always comes out in the end.
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for anyone who’s interested, here’s an update to that old ask I answered re;
what do you think are steve and bucky's favorite paintings and artists?
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Joseph Stella, The Voice of the City of New York Interpreted, (1920/1922.) Catholic stained-glass-style art deco altar piece love letter to NYC, inspired by the Brooklyn Bridge? How tf did I forget to include this in the first answer?!
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Richard Eurich. Preparations for D-Day 1944.
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Edward A. Reep, Smoke Screen at Livergnano, (Italy, 1944) 
I thought these two ^ would pair interestingly with Thomas Moran’s ‘The Chasm of the Colorado’ (1873) from the other post.
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Anzio Italy Battle 1944 Irish Guards Tank Regiment. WW2 Military Painting Postcard.
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Guy de Montlaur, One June Early Morning, (1972). It was inspired by the Normandy invasion, on June 6, 1944.
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Edouard Cortes, Parisian Scenes (1935) ...But surely Steve and Bucky and the lads must also have had some happy times in liberated Paris?
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Daniel Ralph Celentano, Mending. Sarah Rogers at home vibes; in this house we acknowledge her existence!
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Daniel Ralph Celentano, Wine Making. Barnes Fam at home vibes??
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This sweet series of ‘WWI Women Doing Mens Jobs’ watercolours by Victoria Monkhouse, showing: a female post-mistress, bus conductor, and window cleaner, respectively.
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Edward Casey, Stevedores Bathing Under the Brooklyn Bridge, (1939). Bucky works on the docks for the money? pff yeah sure.
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Vincent Van Gogh, Prisoners' Round (after Gustave Doré), (1890). Pretty apt given Bucky’s escape from imprisonment into nature (notice the butterfly top left!) and Steve’s meteoric rise to fame as a prison-escapologist!
And speaking of butterflies...
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Jean-Jacques Bachelier, White Angora Cat Chasing a Butterfly, (1761).
I also had an idea about Steve and Bucky (especially) pairing disconnected paintings together in darkly comic diptychs, when they hang them up in their home.
So here are some examples! 
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George Bellows, The Lone Tenement, (1909). /  John R. Grabach, The Lone House, (1929). If Steve and Bucky Were Sentient Tenement Buildings AU 10K
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Joseph Hirsch, Mercy Ship Navy Hospital Ship USS Solace, (C. 1943) / Nurse in Newfoundland, (World War II).
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Van Gogh, Shoes, (1888) / Wicked Witch of the East's ruby slippers, The Wizard of Oz (1939).
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^ For when Steve’s inner Mama’s Boy is showing (i.e. always...)
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...and for when Bucky’s inner gay is showing (ie. always) Tom of Finland sketches.
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Joseph Hirsch, Night Shift, (Italy 1944) / Reginald Marsh, Wonderland Circus, Sideshow Coney Island, (1930). I think of these two as ‘Bucky’s Two Experiences of Night Life In the 40s’ diptych.
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John Sloan, McSorley's Bar, (1912) / McSorley's Back Room, (1916). Contrast post-serum Steve preferring a nice quiet Irish bar, with a mens only rule 😬.
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Peter McIntyre, Into Cassino, (May 1944) / Joseph Hirsch, Company in the Parlor, (Italy, 1944). These are Bucky’s pics from his time fighting in Italy; by the time Steve got there ruins is all he saw!
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Joseph Hirsch, High Visibility Wrap, (Italy 1944) / Vincent Van Gogh, Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette, (1885-6). And these! 
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
So - I promised my full take on Within the Wires, and here it is.
First of all, Night Vale Presents continues to be very good at shorter, self-contained stories. WTNV lost me because it just got too long and formless for my tastes - which is fine if that's your jam! but it's not mine - but Alice isn't Dead was a good length for me, and these ten episode standalone seasons really allow them to tell a tight story without wearing out their welcome.
I love the use of the audio medium. WtW started back near the start of the audio drama renaissance when everyone was justifying the medium, and they do a great job - relaxation cassettes, voicemails, audio guides, memos, etc. Nothing else bowled me over quite as much as episode 9 of season 1 in the way it broke down the barriers between speaker and listener, but I really enjoyed the choices made.
I guess I have to accept that the Society is just a weird dystopia concept created to let these stories happen, because it doesn't really make sense. Sure, authoritarian societies don't always make sense or tell the truth about their motives, but family as the primary driver of discord between humans? It seems like the Reckoning started as WWI and then kept rolling, and most of the soldiers in WWI were not fighting each other because of personal animosity. The Society got rid of parents but kept corporations and politicians - that's rich. It would be reasonable to say the Society saw an opening in that taking over the socialization of new generations allows it to indoctrinate everyone, but I read the tie-in novel and the original designers seemed to genuinely believe family was the root of these issues. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. (Also the novel having a Black woman be the proponent of this theory was a bit odd to me.)
A few other things that pinged me the wrong way - WtW highlights a relationship between women in each season, which is great and probably (alas) why it is not more popular.... except season 3 which highlights a trans man. Wondering what the intended implication is there.
I also noted the issues with Native Americans in an earlier post. Season seven sort of addressed that? On one hand you have the mention of Aboriginal Australians reclaiming part of their land and Aotearoa using the original place names, almost like the Society is being framed as this decolonized paradise, but the season progresses to a critique of how clinically teaching children ripped from their families about their 'culture' in classrooms isn't the same as letting people pass down their heritage, just as a family bakery isn't the same bakery if you're just handing new people the recipes. Still, it's interesting that the past treatment of Indigenous people in the Americas has not come up at all, given the aforementioned similarities to residential schools. It looks like the co-writer is from New Zealand which explains why Māori stuff has come up multiple times, but Jeffrey Cranor is American. (Though, I've noted, has a history of overlooking Native issues.)
Some seasons were stronger than others. Season 6 was definitely my least favorite - didn't feel like it tied in much with any of the others. Overall though, the writing was strong, episode 9 of each season usually punched you in the gut, and I really liked how complex a lot of the characters were. Truly a podcast committed to morally grey women.
Verdict: Compelling characters, emotionally impactful storylines, very clever and interesting use of the audio medium, worldbuilding does not really hold up to close scrutiny but that's ok.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
Tiny bit of my additional research into Story Structure... (1970′s-1980′s)
So I’m covering loosely the 1970′s -1980′s for European and European diaspora and why 3/5 act conflict narrative got mythologized. I should note a few historical things before I launch into this:
1970′s-1980′s had a huge backlash against the 1960′s as the boomers grew up (US-side at least and somewhat in UK, not quite sure about AU and NZ as much). Such things like commercialization of toys became super, super gendered. And while there was an economic boom, there was also a lot of tightening that was going on culturally.
Also the rise of computers as a household object has a huge influence on particularly the 1980′s and thus discourse about it follows and influences stories and who is getting published. (Yes, I’m using Historicism, because Death of the Author doesn’t work well when you’re asking why to Literary history)
The other big thing to note, which I can’t quite find the source of because some people don’t track Literary history well... is there is a sharp increase in French Literary theory, particularly in the 1980′s. This is what Barthes coins as “Structuralism” which is Foucault, Claude Lévi-Strauss, etc. I have heard of a reason for structuralism, but most of this work was from the 1960′s, being translated in the 1980′s by mostly US publishers, but some UK publishers too. For example, besides Barthes, you have other French Structuralists from this time being translated Such as Paul Ricoeur’s Narrative Time, which was published in the 1960′s. I personally think this particular essay would have been much stronger if he went over cultural concepts of time and how they are reflected in structure and story concepts. He mostly covers French ones, when Dutch ones are right on his doorstep. (French are called laissez-faire about time, while Dutch are called “Punctual”)
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Of course you have Barthes, too, who is arguing for structuralism and at the same time questioning how stories are put together.
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Though he’s credited for “Death of the Author”, I still think it’s worth it to comb over his other work, especially since “Death of the Author” seems like it was plagiarized from a line by Percy Lubbock.
But you get the general idea.
So, I’m painting you the background on the discourse (and if you’ve been following so far, the “rules” started to be instituted in 1921, right after WWI, and probably were doubled down due to PTSD in WWII. (If you’ve actually read any of the books I outlined, such as Rowe, Lajos Egri--takes potshots at Rowe, etc).  BTW, PTSD is weird because often PTSD makes people both not adhere to the rules (Such as excessive drinking, drugs, etc), but can also make people want to super follow the rules or make up new ones to control the PTSD, but it was not well studied and delineated until very, very late and a handle on trauma, in general, doesn’t come until about 2000′s. This might explain some of the sharp increase in wanting “rules” particularly for those Boomers writing in the 1980′s.
Anyway, super adherence to made up rules becomes a huge theme of the 1970′s-1980′s discourse, which is unlike the 19th century--no rules, and if there are some, explore art for yourself mentality.
But there are now camps being laid out and they are at loggerheads:
Men on one side saying 3/5 act is the ONLY way and you need structure and rules for ALL stories.
And the other side, minorities... who are saying things like this: “How to Suppress Women’s Writing 1983″ by Joanna Russ.
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The thing is the white (mostly cishet) (mostly abled) men of the time are making you believe there is only ONE way to write a story: Their way and if you chance to deviate from that, you are “idiotic” “part of a conspiracy” and basically the same discourse against diversity these days every time someone chance to say something like “Conflict isn’t the only way.”
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This BTW, is from two women originally, but used for a Japanese paper about story structure. The original paper from the 1980′s BTW, have authors who are still alive. Mandler, Jean M. (Has a bunch of papers on the topic of Story Grammar) and N. S. Johnson (also still alive, BTW)--their first paper is in 1977, but the same paper also has a man’s version which puts conflict at the center of stories. Most of the time they were published it’s a “What about the men” moment. Urrghhh. But if you follow when their 1977 paper was often cited throughout the 1980′s, (mostly) and their subsequent work, you can find a trial of what? Women and PoCs. This should not shock you, what did that screenshot from Russ say? Make women look stupid through juxtaposition? (paraphrasing).
In the 1980′s, you did have women argue solidly for development as the core of stories, and in the 1990′s (later, granted, but she was also writing earlier) you had people like Toni Morrison on the Charlie Rose show promoting Beloved arguing with him that the book wasn’t about conflict at all, but morality and why would he think it’s about conflict.
What strikes me about the groups is that the privileged men basically did a lot of subtweeting of people they didn’t like because they knew they were going to be believed (You catch the difference with Syd Field going oh crap with his last edition of his book after creating the Hollywood formula and suddnenly citing Lajos Egri before he died...). But minorities in the same time period, because they knew they were going to be disbelieved did citations in such work as this, sometimes down to page numbers. The only problem is in the 1980′s, some of the citations were wrong because no internet pressure. (Lack of citations in white cishet abled men’s work gets fixed roughly in the 2010′s for writing advice books where they actually start to do inline citations. --;;)
But the suppression in the 1980′s, is stifling. Men called women stupid basically, compared writing to sex with a woman (cishet sex), and basically did everything, even this late to demean women as substandard and not worthy. At the same time, putting down modernism (still), which has now wormed its way into Universities (started around Rowe’s time) and the standard is getting split. I think men simply won because from my sampling, Books like this weren’t shelved in the “How to write a novel” section, but more university libraries (from my impression, and rough guess) along with any arguments women had about the current discourse on “How do you write a novel” while Barthes, etc were being lauded in universities, also downplaying women and other minorities (as I said, structuralism became fashionable at the time). So the push for “Development” as a story center never really took off because the argument itself became highly inaccessible and even when accessible was curtailed by the argument of “But Barthes, Death of the Author and men.” and I find that super sad, because women, in general, from what I’ve read of the writing advice books were more like, “There are less rules, find what works for you.” and pushed hard for it.
So I’ve answered my second question: How is there such a split between the advice from women and PoCs v. men and why did men win for genre and popular fiction. The above frustrating thing. This also explains why academia went off the deep end, as well, because women were also being suppressed in universities with things like “Death of the Author” but I think sometimes a little Authorcism isn’t a bad thing and engaging in the questions of the impact on the reader v. what the writer thinks they were doing is always worth asking. How would you reread Beloved as a “morality tale” instead of only conflict--that would be a dissertation if not an interesting class in of itself, I would think...
Anyway, I’m feeling really angry at the baseline suppression I’m seeing as a theme. I mean, I’d have loved to read Joanna Russ’s discourse on how minority writing was suppressed in my classes especially when we were doing the “token woman writer” and the “Token PoC writer” and discuss the lines of things like what makes this a “more academic read” v. “What is public” and if that distinction is *fair* to do. And the impact of things like the Hays codes on novels (yes, I said novels, though it was for movies). ‘cause that, to me, is far more interesting than guessing the “symbolism” and doing pure readercism. Why not engage with the Literary history as well and where it fits into the landscape, then question *everything* you ever knew and see if you really know it? I have no problems with people believing things, but blind repetition is never a good thing. Find the source and see if you believe the source itself.
BTW, Fuck the Hays codes. They should have died sooner. They should have been stabbed. And as bell hooks said, in summary, White Male hegemonic state needed to die the way it did. Oh and for the Lit profs out there... I think it’s worth it to ask yourselves, this too: How sure are you about the things you know about stories? Are you sure that Death of the Author is the best way? Why can’t you engage in other ways to think about the text? And I think you should revise the lack of women’s and other minorities Literary discourse on HS and colleges. I mean you have a plethora of it, but engaging with it means changing the way you think about books which might be difficult, but I think it worth your while. Eudora Welty’s On Writing is also a treat, in addition to this book, for example. You also have higher academic writings from women about how they think about writing. It ain’t that difficult to reintroduce the concept that the split might be silly and trivial, rather than “breaking the rules because Modernism was “innovative” and supposed to be “hard to access” Modernism wasn’t *that* innovative, it was more like a continuation of some of the flexibility found in the 19th century that we’ve up and forgotten and the push towards making it purely academic was a suppression tactic to make it less accessible. (And if you don’t think so, read Rowe and all those other men I cited about how terrible they think people like Gertrude Stein is and then come back to me and then I’ll reference you other international modernists who are considered “popular” and “academic” and you can think about it. I don’t think it’s worth cutting off people’s knees making one Skeksis and the other urRu to do this psychology. It’s not like this for other lit in other countries... this huge split.)
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greektravelblog · 2 years
Day... whatever?
Y'all thought I was slacking on my last post.
Alright most of you know I had covid and had to quarantine for five days, and I thought I was going nuts quarantining in my house two years ago when I was exposed.
This. Sucked.
I was stuck in a 20x20 room, thank god with a balcony, and the only bright spot was that I didn't have to share a bathroom with anyone. Although I have been released from my tiny room, I still have to wear an N-95 mask until Sunday. It sucks but I am just so thankful WHO changed the quarantine requirements. Otherwise I'd be bored to tears. So not much to talk about for those days.
I finally got out yesterday and went to my classes. Nothing spectacular for the day, nor today most likely, but I did learn some cool things.
So my art class is easily my favorite, the professor is descriptive and gives us more than the technical view of ancient Greek art, she provides us with the classical stories and events that influenced it as well. We discussed this piece below:
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So, this piece is located in Delphi and was a statue dedicated for their panhellenic games. It's made of bronze (ya girl was the only one to answer that question, dad) and it's obviously missing a few pieces. It would've had horses as well! We have very very few bronze statues left because they were often melted down to make new statues, weapons, or currency. But the rarity and material isn't why I love it.
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The eyes are a mix of white and brown stone and provide a beautiful contrast to the rest of the piece. The statue would've been decorated with gold and silver as well, since silver remnants were found in place of his headband!
(Also the man has freaking sideburns, this is just a masterpiece on every level!)
Anyways, I took my midterm so I'm praying that that went over well. I'll get my results by monday.
Not much else happened yesterday, other than seeing this lil guy (he ain't little though lemme tell you.)
My second class was another reality check into just how much the western world has screwed over the Middle East. Like, Lord it's no wonder some of them hate us. WWI consisted of the British and the French forcefully drafting Arabs into fighting a war they wanted nothing to do with. Not only that, but the Ottoman Empire were friends with Germany. Germany was the only western country to actually create a friendship with them and a mutually beneficial relationship that treated each party fairly. So when the war came, Muslim was fighting against Muslim and around 60,000 of them died by disease (brought by the invading Britain and France) and frostbite alone. The professor for this class isn't the best, and he's obviously extremely biased whether he realizes it or not, but the documentary he's showed us is wonderfully informative. More so than him.
Today will consist of me cranking out my midterm paper for my Middle Eastern History class. It's not too bad, only 2000 words, and I will be doing so in the library. Hopefully next to that rad fish tank they got. I'll let yall know if something cool happens, but today is likely to be chill. Tomorrow, though, I'm going to the Acropolis museum again with my class so I'll likely have more to share.
See y'all later!
Things I've taken away from today:
Greeks don't cut down trees if they can help it. They build around them.
I love art history when it's taught with competence
I'm increasingly angry about the treatment of the Middle East by the western world.
(Don't take that to mean I'm not supporting women. But since I don't live there and it's not my religion, it is not my place to begin the movement that may not be wanted or needed. It IS my job to support those of that culture who start it and ask for help.)
I'm pissed at myself for forgetting to pack tylenol cold.
Greek people are intimidating, but all of them are nice. (Looking at you, Mr. Barista at Starbucks. Thanks for remembering my exact order even after not being here for a week)
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Sometimes it can be easy to forget that LGBTQ+ identities are not new to the past few decades. Finding LGBTQ+ histories can be very difficult either because it wasn't recorded or it got lost or destroyed or rewritten. A piece of queer history that we do have though is the story of Lili Elbe, the semi-autobiographical narrative was published after she died in 1933 under the title Man into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. The story of a transgender woman and some of the first recorded gender affirming surgeries.
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This book consists of memoirs that were written by Lili during her lifetime. Before her death she had begun compiling these into a narrative with the help of Ernst Harthern. After her death the novel was published first in Germany with the help of an editor friend that published under the name Neils Hoyer. A story like this was sensational. It was so revolutionary for the time because for the first time an international  general audience got an insight into transgender lives and struggles. In Germany (where Lili got the surgeries done and where her doctors came from) there were some transgender publications such as newspapers and magazines but they were few and far between and weren’t widely circulated. They functioned more as a way to spread information between who was already in the community rather than outreach to the world. 
Whether or not going in the readers supported transgender rights and movements, lots of people had a burning curiosity about the medical aspects of a procedure like this. Which again, was REVOLUTIONARY at the time. There had been a rising interest in gender affirming procedures since the beginning of the 1900’s. Most of this audience wanted to know about the medical advancements rather than the psychology surrounding transgender individuals at the time. 
So to get into who she actually was: Lili Ilse Elvenes was born in 1882 in Denmark as Einar Wegener and was a moderately successful painter married to fellow painter Gerda Gottlieb. She began her transition in the 1920’s. By the 1930's this woman was not only able to transition socially, but was able to get gender affirming care. She managed to get her name legally changed, she got her passport changed to reflect that she was a woman, and she was one of the very early cases of a medical sex change.  Lili had the first recorded uterus transplant as she wanted to become a full woman and be able to bare children. (As was the social expectation and ideal of women at the time) Not long after her surgery she died due to complications relating to organ rejection.  
The beginning of Einar’s transition into Lili actually began because of her wife. Her wife was basically like “hey I need a female model and I think you would be beautiful as a woman. Here dress up as a woman to model for my paintings” Which Einar ended up greatly enjoying and discovering this other side of themselves. One thing led to another and Einar started to go out in social settings cross dressing and trying to pass as a woman. The couple moved to France as it was easier for Lili to exist there. France being what it was at the time masculine fashions and silhouettes were IN so that helped her fit into society. Lili felt this war and dichotomy between her male side and female side, probably so harshly because of the social gender divide that was wider than ever following WWI and the tensions between women who had stayed on the home front and men who had gone to war. She felt like the woman had won and if she couldn’t live as a full woman she didn’t want to live. 
Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld was the guy who really made Lili Elbe’s transition possible. He was a German doctor and sexologist and literally wrote the book on transgender people and coined the term transvestite. He was the one who introduced Lili to the doctors that would perform her gender affirming revolutionary surgeries. In Wiemar run Germany where she got her surgeries you could cross-dress in public and get cross dressing certificates, as pre Nazi Germany was surprisingly progressive and was even looking to decriminalize homosexuality until the Nazi’s took control. Germany had housed Hirschfeld’s research institute which held Lili Elbe’s medical records, all of which were lost due to Nazi students burning the institute down.
Now because of the loss of these medical records, we can’t be certain of the realities of Lili Elbe’s medical history and therefore what parts of the narrative presented in her biography are factual and what was edited to make a more compelling and acceptable narrative for the general public. As much as I want it to be, this book isn’t a perfect representation. Many of the actual medical details have been obscured and put into euphemisms. Everyone involved in this story was given pseudonyms so it's hard to cross reference accounts. It was made for a larger audience and likely wanted to reflect the sort of ideal scenario that didn’t push the boundaries or what they believed was moral. We don’t know for sure if Lili was intersex or not or the exact details of her transition due to her medical files being destroyed. It is likely they over exaggerated the biological aspect of her story because that was the only way being transgender could be accepted in those days. Performing gender affirming surgery on someone who was already halfway to the opposite sex biologically was much more acceptable than changing a fully biological man into a woman. The psychological reasonings behind and studies of transgender identities was less accepted and explored at the time. 
Most importantly, nothing was published until AFTER she had died so she didn’t even get final say on anything got left in or taken out of or edited within the narrative. This book has also been translated many times so even if her story was more or less accurately depicted at first, the translators writing for an English speaking British and American populous likely took liberties to censor and reword to fit the expectations of the audience they were writing for. 
When examining LGBTQ+ histories, it is so important to understand the context of what we are researching and how that changes how we interpret the source material. Lili Elbe’s story is an important part of history that deserves to be known and explored, just with an awareness of its context. She was able to open many peoples eyes to the transgender experience and her story inspired the well known 2000's novel, The Danish Girl, which was later made into a film of the same name.
To end off here is a portrait of Lili Elbe painted by her wife:
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P.S Once Lili was legally recognized as a woman her marriage with Gerda had been made null and void, both went on to marry men
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trevorubck614 · 2 years
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ATHLETES STAND Along with Sexual intercourse ASSAULT SURVIVORS: Some feminine athletes at St. Francis Xavier University have come up with a extraordinary response to intercourse assault costs against two users in the varsity football staff. Frank and Zoe:We failed to see Zoe previous 7 days (not which i'm complaining her "journalist" storyline receives to me), but in this article she's, front and Middle, as she attempts to keep her political source mystery from fellow reporter, Janine. It seems Janine, back again in her junior reporter times, did many sexual favors in return for scoops, and he or she missing a lot of trustworthiness due to it.
I are inclined to again them. I've always done that in my career and hardly ever been burned. She has also served as QUMSA advisor, both officially and unofficially, from the yrs which resulted in an involvement with QUMSA's Campaign To get a Despise Free Campus. Mona works with both of those kids and youth from the Muslim Neighborhood, as being the coordinator of the Muslim Children's Circle along with being an advisor for the Kingston Muslim Youth, and teaching on the ISK Evening Weekend university.
Hamilton whose evil, librul document developed howls of indignation by conservative Christians in the course of Fox Country. It appears that evidently Mr. The Palestinian chief could possibly be unwilling to interrupt far from his longstanding policies or absence the political bravery to do so, but not shifting course now could be even worse, explained analyst Bassem Zbaidi. And avoidance of conflict with Israel to a more confrontational solution.
Mike Gallagher was ecstatic about the potential for Hurry having arrested and starting to be a Republican martyr. With video. Will permit us to double the effects, and make up with the shortfall that will signify some programs go unfunded this year. On the onset with the LCF system, UWHPE had a loyal contingent of sixty seven leaders whose blended gifts equaled $98,043.
Suggest, to archive your escapades like that, you got to feel rather cost-free wheeling, Cenci told KOIN 6 Information. Received to sense like the probability of finding caught are like successful the lotto. Amongst the speakers were being Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a 2008 presidential prospect, Rep, Lynn Woolsey, Rep.
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Most individuals have a lot of tales in which their gut reaction saved them. For folks, sharing particular stories by which intestine reactions had an influence on your own lifetime is a starting point. Melissa Brown, Element of the visual Numerous factories in Britainhad a lot of women working in them during war time as Component of a authorities initiative for Females to carry out their part while in the war energy in standing in forthe Adult males who had long gone to war. Preston engineering works, Dick, Kerr was in fact no exception and was transformed to an https://www.proshopjerseys.co/ ammunition output manufacturing facility for the duration of WWI and had a sizable share of ladies Operating there and resulting from encouragement by the government agents for female employeesto have interaction in sporting actions, the women employees started to Enjoy football and manufactured up a group which they known as the Dick, Kerr Females.
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Right here was Japan many of the rumors and movies and dictionaries and encyclopedias were accurate. I stared in the quick approaching island of Honshu in the window like 1 politely stares in a just lately arrived relative. May hold the similar combat here. There is without a doubt extra interest due to What's going on at Cami.
Tulip of Amsterdam sits next door to De Waag, on the sting of your Red Light-weight District and during the midst of Amsterdam nightlife. A 17th century canal house, brightly decorated with all method of Amsterdamalia: clogs, tulip prints, black and white cow skin rugs.
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It feels a special beast a variety of beasts in actual fact towards the function of CS Lewis, Tolkien's Good friend and fellow member from the Inklings writing group. But whilst the Chronicles of Narnia is abundant with religious symbolism, Tolkien's fiction wears its impact with far more subtlety.I caught up with Stephen Tucker previous 7 days, and he explained to me how, like Terry Pratchett, he'd been a supporter of Tolkien due to the fact he'd been a teen: for Stephen, it was the 1960s BBC radio adaptation of The Hobbit that very first caught his ear.
Now, the after deaf Cole is the perennially smiling chatterbox of the loved ones. The final time W5 frequented the family, he was cracking jokes about getting on tv, making everyone throughout the desk chuckle. As being a statutory Company that depends on public money, the ABC must aim to make certain that enough time and assets Utilized in handling audience contacts are proportionate into the situations. The ABC applies a standard sense approach which normally takes action when warranted, engages wherever There exists value in doing this, and notes criticisms of our general performance when there is nothing additional of material we can offer you.
The 12 months before that? six 10. The 2011 year? 6 10. To the ideal, electricity lines slump down into your dirt. For the still left, what was a soccer field has become a pasture of trash, combusting and using tobacco in the sun. If only someone experienced revealed me The sunshine Once i was youthful, I might have expended much more of the last 33 many years ingesting beets. Oh effectively.
Place differently, a person who is ready to encourage made nations to commit billions in excess of they'd in any other case by exaggerating the significance of international assist is performing many very good. Pretty perhaps equally as Considerably (if no more) fantastic than an individual from the second group who advocates smarter procedures, but whose Strategies will inevitably discover a lesser viewers..
We already have Eur. 200000 for that I have only to discover some added 50 to one hundred thousand for that prize funds, which I'll do. So it really hard to consider Hurdle as vulnerable. And it had been a tad surprising to check out Hurdle limping to the mound previous 7 days in Atlanta to generate a pitching alter.
Along with the amplified use of private mobility units There's been a rise of incidents involving pedestrians as well as other automobiles and personal mobility units. Subsequently council has permitted a different bylaw that stipulates what a personal mobility unit is, exactly where a person can be employed, and how it is actually being operated..
Surely don In locker rooms, almost nothing is off restrictions. They go right after each other for everything. Researchers at Pennsylvania Condition College found that a compound present in eco-friendly tea that may induce a cycle which kills off oral cancer cells, leaving healthier cells alone. When earlier scientific studies experienced demonstrated that the compound, epigallocatechin three gallatte (EGCG), behaved With this way, it wasn't known why this was the situation.
I was just so centered on receiving the task accomplished and doing the best performance possible. And on top of that, With all the location staying so massive, I'm accustomed to an intimate environment where you know, at PROGRESS by way of example, It is really 700 people crammed into the electrical Ballroom in Camden, It can be an exceedingly diverse working experience.
Nearer to Keesic Bay would be the current day Local community of Whitefish Bay nestled alongside each side of the river's mouth sakeeng. To the north village of Whitefish Bay, in close proximity to the standard ceremonial grounds Are living the Bull, Thomas, Capay, and Angeconeb households.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
I want to make a hierarchy of "how deep in are you?" Tolkien content/lore. Anyone want to contribute some "oh jirt, we're really in it now" stuff for me to rank by intensity of obsession?
Here's what I have off the top of my head (not in order):
They're taking the hobbits to Isengard
Eagles discourse
The cartoon hobbit
The cartoon LOTR
the LOTR musical
Middle Earth is flat, but only to Elves
The various titles of the Red Book of Westmarch
Everything about Westron and the translation-ception
Intimate understanding of hobbit family trees
Intimate understanding of elf family tries
How many Glorfindels discourse
Do balrogs have wings discourse
Viggo Mortensen broke his toe on camera and you can see it in the final cut
Viggo Mortensen bought his horse
Sean Bean hiked everywhere
Most of the riders of rohan were played by women
All but one fellowship actor got a matching tattoo
The New Zealand airplane commercial
Tolkien hated it when people called the battle of helms deep "the battle of helms deep" because it should technically be called "the defense of hornburg"
Saruman's techinicolor dreamcoat
The Hobitit
Sauron is sexy, actually
C.S. Lewis and Tolkien friendship / inklings
Beren is Tolkien's self-insert and Luthien is his wife.
C.S. Lewis is treebeard
Middle Earth is post-apocolyptic from an Elf perspective
Tolkien is the magician's apprentice
Tolkien hated that santa was in Narnia
The Diana Wynne Jones encounter
Knowing how tall various characters are, especially Aragorn
wizards and balrogs are the same species
Why does Frodo suddenly forget sindarin when Faramir tells him about the a place literally called the spider steps?
Knowing exactly what pieces of early medieval northern european folklore Tolkien snuck into the books, especially The Wanderer poem.
Tooks kicking ass in the scourging of the shire
Knowing that Aragorn and Arwen are distantly related
Knowing what constitutes a legal marriage for elves
Do Elves get periods lore
Dwarf gender discourse
Is that a weed? discourse
Noldor propaganda discourse
Are Frodo and Bilbo unreliable narrators discourse
Sindarin accents/dialects discourse
Lobelia/Smaug parallels
Tolkien didn't like writing battle scenes
Tolkien hated it when people saw WWI/industrialization allegories in LOTR
conversely, C.S. Lewis REALLY needed everyone to know that Aslan was jesus
Tolkien didn't have enough female characters but he drank his respect women juice
conversely, C.S. Lewis had plenty of female characters but was frightened and confused by them
tolkien stole a bus one time
The Various Names and Nicknames of Jirt
Born of Hope
PHFs, PEFs, PDFs, and PMFs.
Related to the above, the Cassandra Clare connection
Leonard Nimoy's bilbo baggins song
Knowing Tolkien's first civilian job
2000s era Faramir discourse
Knowing who has the 3 rings
The terrifying implications of Tom Bombadil
Racism and Anti-semitism in tolkiens works
Conversely, the fuck-off letter Tolkien sent the nazis
Is the shire more technologically advanced that other parts of middle earth?
Historical migration paths of the hobbits
Hobbit class system analysis
Pippin is destined to be the highest ranking hobbit of his generation
Tolkien hated disney
The Heavy Metal/Black Metal connection
The names and marriages of Merry, Pippin, and Sam's children
The intense Swedish Translator rivalry
Okay that's it from the top of my noggin. I'm sorely lacking silm lore here but any other additions are appreciated!
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
I've been studying a course at my uni that basically covers the Balkan Wars, which in result got me interested to research about the Armenian and Greek genocide.
in regards of the greek part I've found that academically it's apparently controversial to even refer it as 'genocide' and some people view it as 'greek propaganda'. Now, I know media in generally always try to fuel the hostility, given they're very political. But I've read lots of texts and to me thee terminology seemed appropriate.
i don't mean any offense to anyone. if I'm wrong, I'm more than happy to be corrected and read better sources if you or anyone else can provide.
Obviously, for us Greeks, the Greek or Pontic Greek genocide is an indisputable and grim historical phase from 1914 to 1922 and is commemorated on May 19th. Depending on who you ask, the death toll was 300,000 - 900,000 Greeks. The reason it is not widely acknowledged is probably because those who argue against it consider Greece partially responsible for the nationalist uprisal in Turkey after the Treaty of Sevres with which WWI victor ally Greece was gaining lands in Asia Minor and then the Greek Army did the incredibly idiotic attempt to march farther beyond the regions of the treaty. I understand how this would aggravate the nationalism and I totally understand fighting off the Greek army, but these numbers of indigenous civilian, women and children's deaths cannot be justified. If anything, at least they could deport them to Greece like it happened in 1922 with the population exchange. And then of course Greece was afraid Turkey would take revenge by invading it, so it immediately ceded to the Treaty of Lausanne and didn't ask for reparations for the civilians' massacres and then Greece and Turkey tried to move on. But of course the supporters of the recognition argue that such frightening numbers cannot be explained in any other way than that of the genocide. So far, the Greek genocide has been recognized by Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands and the state of New South Wales in Australia, besides Greece, Cyprus and Armenia of course, where it is a given.
I gave you the generic arguments used by those against the recognition. However, I must say I never saw any non-Turk call it Greek propaganda.
Of course Turkey will never admit to a genocide. They won't even admit to the Armenian genocide, which is recognized by 33 countries so far and has the even scarier death toll of 600,000 - 1.5 million, depending on who you ask. I don't know if you saw but a couple of days ago was the eve of the Armenian genocide commemoration day and the Turkish FM was pictured smiling and doing an ultra nationalist gesture towards Armenian protestors in Uruguay.......
The countries I mentioned for Greece have also recognized the Assyrian genocide (300,000 - 750,000) but there is even less awareness about it, probably because opposers claim the Assyrians' deaths were a "side-thing" because they lived together with Armenians. As if that matters.
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ckret2 · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about the Hazbin's (minus Charlie) lives back when they were alive?
I scrolled through all 42 pages of the hazbin tag on my blog and literally every one of my premortem headcanons are about Alastor and Sir Pentious lmfao
So sure! Want an entire novella about my headcanons for Sir Pentious's backstory?
For Alastor, I can offer:
a traumatic toddler experience
his mother observing him with ghosts as a child
Alastor working with demons (funny)
Alastor working with demons (creepy)
Alastor and his asexuality/aromanticism (mostly postmortem but it has some premortem flashbacks)
Alastor with friends in the 20s trying to explain he does not get horny
a fic that didn't ACTUALLY happen but that demonstrates my headcanons for how he works with demons
And moving away from fics and on to tumblr posts!
For Alastor:
Alastor fought in World War I
another WWI post
headcanon about how he died (I've since changed my headcanon—hunting accident rather than manhunt—but the position's the same)
excerpt from one of the fics above about Alastor's first kiss
early headcanoning on Alastor's relationship with the queer community in life
Alastor saw but didn't learn the lindy hop in life
Alastor's accent makes people (in this case Sir Pentious) think that he's upper class when actually he's just had theater training
Alastor's family tree comes from a mix of socioeconomic backgrounds and before he died he achieved fame but not fortune
Alastor does not feel broken/insecure due to being ace/aro and never has
what people in Louisiana thought of Alastor as a radio host
what did Alastor look like (and Sir Pent)
Alastor only saw 10% of the Golden Age Of Radio and that's fucked up
fun fact when Alastor was on air radio stations weren't "just news" or "just (one genre of) music," a single station would play music and news and soap operas and sports etc
random links of queer history, 1920s gay culture, slang, and NOLA history
Alastor's mother grew up while Sir Pentious was menacing the US and she has very vivid memories of living in fear of him, and also she doesn't know her son is a cannibalistic murderer
Alastor wore glasses in life and only switched to a monocle in death
Alastor was never identified as a serial killer and there's probably unsolved true crime documentaries made about his killings (and these documentaries unknowingly use a recording of the killer's real voice, a clip from a news broadcast where Alastor read about the killings on air)
check out how hyped this newspaper in the 20s was for radio like goddamn
Alastor listened to radio all day every day
more 1920s research links
very loose overview of New Orleans race relations 1890-1920
how NOT to write about Voodoo
reminder that "alastor did magic in life" is a headcanon until we SEE him using magic before he died—also "Voodoo" is a religion not a magic power
how Alastor avoided getting caught as a serial killer
I doubt Alastor was famous enough for queer historians to have discovered he existed, only niche radio broadcast historians know about him
Alastor was raised to be courteous to (respectable) women, but not to genuinely see them as equals in a modern sense
1920s hair facts and headcanons on Alastor's hair
scene from one of the above fics of baby Alastor being haunted as shit
Alastor is a hedonistic thrill killer not a mission-oriented killer
his killing method was shooting from a distance, like hunting game
Alastor was kinda psychic in life and his psychicness interacted with radio signals
this includes developing a hella accurate sense of time
Alastor's always been hella into Mardi Gras
here he is in a ridiculous Cajun Mardi Gras costume
how the Great Depression probably affected Alastor
Alastor feels 0% empathy for other people but 500% empathy for fictional characters in musicals
For Sir Pentious:
he was so infamous that today he's a common character used in historical fiction in the same way that Victorian-era historical fiction commonly uses Queen Victoria as a character
(and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle references him in a Sherlock story)
(and he really did call himself Sir Pentious in life)
(and every character who lived after him had to study him in school, including Vaggie writing a paper about him and Alastor was cast as him in a school play)
(and now let's talk about historians dying and meeting the people they studied in Hell)
he has a son who's probably now in heaven
Sir Pent is trans
no seriously he has a son
Sir Pent has a chain of deadnames he used before settling on "Sir Pentious" and all of them are snake puns
one of Sir Pent's chosen names
based on Victorian sexual mores Sir Pent probably got kinda homoerotic with some dudes
this is just big Trans Sir Pent energy
what did Sir Pent look like (and Alastor)
I don't think Sir Pent used a wheelchair in life (but do think he had to for a while after he died)
Sir Pent is Pussyeating World Champ no I do not accept arguments
Sir Pent and his wife were very loving until his wife went "nope, you're planning world conquest, that's too evil for me"
he rigged his clothes to self-combust so he could choose death if he was ever on the verge of capture
his wife was named Helena and here's why
this is his self-destruct binder/corset
the one headcanon everyone shares
Sir Pent ain't Jack the Ripper
And there's a ton more headcanons on @dontasktheradiodemon my Alastor ask/RP blog but listen, I just went through 42 pages of one tag and it's 3 a.m., I'm not going to comb my roleplay blog for every premortem headcanon I've ever mentioned about him over there. It includes stuff like "he did deliberately shitty horoscope readings on air" and "the first time he summoned a demon he was on the Western Front and also coming down with Spanish flu so he's not sure how much of the ensuing chaos was real vs fevered hallucinations or how much was the Germans' fault vs the imp's" and "he lived a few years in New York and did drag."
These are not the only headcanons I have. These are just the headcanons I've been asked about or made time to type down. (And not counting all my postmortem headcanons. Or the premortem headcanons sprinkled into postmortem fics.) Feel free to ask me for more. Ideally with a topic you'd like to hear about; otherwise asking me "do you have any headcanons?" is like walking into a library and asking "do you have any books?" Gimme a section to start with.
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
Yes, @trustworthy-liar​ and I have plenty of headcannons regarding all the lives of Jonah Magnus.
Continuation of THIS POST.
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Jonah Magnus
Charming young man who has one day appeared in the society and acted like he always belonged there. He doesn’t like talking about his past.
When he was young he read all books in a family library. After arriving to London he was very surprised by how much he still doesn’t know.
Met Barnabass Bennet for the first time when the young man was travelling through Scotland.
Barnabass later intorduced him to all his acquaintances in the high society such as Robert Smirke and all the others.
Very easily forgets himself in his studies and research especially when there's no one around to drag him away and force him to eat and sleep.
Still genuenly cared about his peers but unfortunately he cared about a knowledge a bit more.
Infamous member of many gentlemen clubs.
Dissapeared at age 83. His body was never found. There are rumors his ghost still wanders through the halls of the Magnus insitute.
(years mark the time Jonah’s conciousnes was inhabiting the body - who would guess that it correspond with time as the Head of the institute as well)
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William Bennett
Young, pretty, had decent amount of money and fascinated by all the wierd and obscure things. He was naturally very intriqued when Jonah Magnus offered him a private tour through the artifacts...
Jonah took over William Bennett at age 21. Feeling sour after unsuccesful ritual he decided to enjoy the decadence.
Met with Mordechai once. Lets say Mordechai was not amused by Jonah figuring some way to live longer. And also by the name of the person he chose.
Accidentally got adicted to opium. Jonah didn’t realized till he skipped bodies becuase he was sure he could stop anytime he wanted.
The only time Jonah travelled out of England - to the world expo in Paris in 1989 (“oh it will be probably lame not as cool as ours”). He realized he did not get over his seasickness and fear of ocean by skipping a body way too late.
He met his death at age 47 becuase he got plenty of enemies and also there started to be several rumors about him. Also the opium addiction. Overall Jonah did not treat this body very well - yes, bodies are disposable but he is still living in them...
Jonah made the death look like a murder and framed one of his enemies for it.
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Edward Lyon
Edward was boring looking librarian of the Magnus Institute who cared more about books than he cared about people
Body snatched at age of 34
Everyone wrote off Edward’s sudden change of personality as power getting into his head
Jonah establisehed closer relantionship with the Lukas family again - through the dullest person ever, Thomas Lukas
Went back to meticulously researching the rituals and haven’t stopped since 
Died at the age of 64, written off as a heart attact (but for real Jonah just wanted to enjoy 1920′s as a young man)
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Augustus Moore
Served in the WWI and after it ended he´was seeking a new life in London and decided to give a statement to the Magnus Institute where he caught the eye of the Head of the institute who offered him a job in the artifact storage
Jonah was jeallous of Augustus being young and having fun so he took over his body at 28 even though he previously planned to wait a bit longer
Around year 1929 he shortly reconnected with Thomas Lukas (who never figured out that he is the same person as Edward or Jonah Magnus - no matter how many not even subtle hints he was giving him)
Spent most of the WW2 hidden in the tunnels scared for his life institute (”Did I miss a Slaughter ritual?”)
During the great fog in 1952 got scared that there was succesfull Lonely ritual
Because there was way too many fog problems in London he decided to skip bodies in 1965 just to be prepared if there was really some ritual
Died at age 65 in a fire, absolutely unrelated to the conflict Jonah was having with the cult of the lightless flame at the moment
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Richard Mendelson
Worked in the Library, double faced, acted nice to everyone but behind their back tried to discredit them to make himself look better
At last he got his promotion (to Head of the institute) at age 33
To Jonah’s dismay Mendelson turned out to be lactose intolerant (no cakes for Jonah :(  )
This time he did not come to Lukas but Lukas came to him and boy was he disapointed, Nancy Lukas turned out to be real pain in the ass
Made a wagger with Nancy wether woman can be the Archivist and survive at least 10 years on such position (almost no archivist actually did) - unfortunatley the chosen Archivist was no one else but Gertrude Robinson herself
Unfortunately met his end at age of 47 in a car crash (because Jonah really wanted an icecream and cheese without consequences)
This only fed the rummors about the position of the head of the institute being cursed by Jonah Magnus himself (technically they were not wrong...)
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James Wright
Filling clerk at the research department, unhappy, divorced and lonely man with past alcohol adiction problems
Body snatched at age 45, Jonah wanted much younger body of a man who he thouht was named Robert, turns out his name really was just “Bob” and he coudn’t have that
Turned out James had kids, one of them tried to reconect with their absent fater. Jonah was not very happy about it.
In 1989 met with Peter Lukas
Since he couldn’t have alcohol, he wanted to try opium again (moderately this time) and was shocked that it was illegal, so he turned to smoking and cake
Staged his death at age 68 as a suicide
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Elias Bouchard
Worked at the artifact storrage
Jonah took his body sooner than previously planned because Elias wanted to get some horrendous tattoo
Jonah threw away all his clothes...but he kept the funny weed socks
Til his end in the Spiral Michael Shelley never figured out why his friend started to act so weirdly (Jonah had it as his side hobby to induce the paranoia in him by acting like the good old Elias to him from time to time)
Peter was very much not amused by this little stunt of Jonah Magnus
Stabbed by his Archivist to death while he was crying like a little bitch he is
𝙁𝙚𝙬 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙇𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙝 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙪𝙨
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Mordechai Lukas
Already quite rich and well etabilished in the society
Owns a shipping company, which is later the only reason why he still interacts with people
Met with Jonah on gentleman business meeting, they were introduced to each other by Barnabas on Jonah’s demand
To Jonah’s disgust he got married when he was in his early forties
Around 1830s decided to disappear from the society completely only getting ocasionally annoyed by Jonah
After meeting William Bennett he decided that one lifetime with Jonah was enough and dissapeared into the Lonely forever (as you do)
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Thomas Lukas
Mordechai’s possible grandson/grandnephew
Rising child lonely at it’s peak
Already married and with few kids when he met Edward. He heard that cheating partner makes one feel very lonely...
Unlike the other lonely avatars Jonah ever encountered this one was trully indifferent towards anything, driving Jonah mad by rarely showing any reaction
Had a brief relationship with both Edward and Augustus however never caught Jonah’s hints who he really is and just assumed that these eyevatars are all kinda the same
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Nancy Lukas
The great pain in Mendelson’s ass
Neither impressed nor charmed by him
Regularly calls him out on his bullshit (sexism)
Lonely feminist - believes that independce for women will make everyone more lonely so she supports it
Calls Mendelson “Dick” because that’s indeed short version of Richard
Slightly intriqued by Gertrude Robinson (what a beautiful loneliness right there)
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Peter Lukas
First Lukas after Mordechai who really intrigued Jonah
Originally started an affair with Wright because he thought it nice and lonely to be with someone old, who will soon die (boy was he surprised)
Except the train documentaries his guilty pleasure are also romantic movies with tragic ending (Titanic my beloved)
Actually figured it out on his own who Jonah Magnus is(because of course he wanted to play this game again with this fresh new Lukas)
Anyway both @trustworthy-liar​ and I still have plenty of headcannons about Jonah and all of his bodies (especially the oc ones) so you can probably expect more detailed posts with thorough biography of every single one of them in the future.
Just to be clear most of the dates as well as all the funfacts are really just our made up headcannons. We didn’t bother writing here some of the cannon events but they are marked on the  well-arranged timeline.
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
is there a consensus on what caused the past century or so of fashion to change so dramatically from what came before? or do you have your own theories?
Well, there are plenty of widely-held theories. One of the more popular is that the upheaval of WWI caused widespread disillusionment with everything about how the world had been before, and I think that may have been part of it. But it’s probably not the only factor.
What surprises me the most about the changes isn’t that they happened at all- obviously fashion had changed radically before the 1920s. It’s more the number that happened, and the speed. And I guess how fundamental the changes were.
Focusing on western women’s clothes- which are my general wheelhouse -you see the loss of any form of chemise or combinations. Corsets don’t disappear; they become girdles, and they’d already been trending that way for about a decade. But a non-supporting undergarment worn next to the skin, something that had been a fundamental part of women’s clothing for almost as long as we have data re: non-Roman Europeans, is lost by the end of the 1920s. And skirts reach a length by 1930 that’s shorter than even the shortest previous trend for centuries back. They get longer again pretty quickly, but knee-level (even bottom-of-the-knee) was still something of a barrier breached that would pave the way for miniskirts later.
Short hair on women had enjoyed brief periods of mostly localized vogue before, but this time it stuck. And pretty much negated the previous norm that all adult women with hair long enough to put up, did so. Long hair that looked unstyled wouldn’t become popular until much later, but even the carefully coiffed longer looks of the 1940s-50s still constitute wearing one’s hair down.
I feel like it’s a combination of social factors with the natural tendency of humans to arbitrarily decide that Thing Looks Cool. Which sounds fairly obvious, but I’m just thinking “out loud” here.
Women had been steadily gaining ground in terms of independence and rights for a while leading up to the 1920s, and while I don’t hold with the idea that ‘20s fashion was a liberation from Horrible Oppressive Pre-1920s Clothing(TM), literature of the time does show this idea among women of visually distancing themselves from their ancestors now that they’ve made such strides.
I think there’s an element of truth to WWI casting everything that had come before in a negative light- after all, that world and its mess of alliances created the nightmare that young people of the ‘20s had just come through. So wanting to thumb your nose at even earlier visual culture makes sense to me, on some level.
And finally, as I said, I think part of it is just...designers and trend-setters changing things, as they tend to do. 1920s clothing does follow a natural evolution from 1910s clothing, so it didn’t come totally out of nowhere. People, for some gods-forsaken reason that seems like a Talk To Your Kids About Excessive Neoclassicism PSA to me, decided that wearing potato sacks Looked Cool. Same with elaborate beading- okay, I get that one -and wearing hats that almost covered  your eyes. Humans are weird and sometimes we decide weird things are fun to wear.
(Though I do think some of the fundamental changes are stupid. Okay, we got rid of chemises because they didn’t work with the new dress styles- have you considered undershirts? Bra/girdle-liners of some sort? JUST LET ME HAVE LINEN BETWEEN MY GROSS SWEATY BODY AND THE WORLD, PEOPLE. PETTICOATS CAME BACK A FEW TIMES; WHY MUST WE GO ON LIVING LIKE THIS?!)
And from that big turning point, I think fashion followed a quasi-natural evolution based on the new norms that had been set. Except now it’s entirely possible that things have gone completely off the rails and aren’t changing in any logical way based on the immediate previous styles? Or maybe I’m just too close to the situation to tell? Certainly I couldn’t pick out the fashionable silhouette of any decade I’ve been alive for. Could also have to do with greater individualism in fashion becoming socially acceptable, which is another thing that really started to change around the 1960s and has been steadily gaining ground since. But I digress.
There are my extremely disorganized, rambly thoughts on the matter. Hope this was at all interesting or informative!
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 years
i've looked everywhere for gay literature/pamphlets that would have been available in the 1910s/1920s and I can't find anything, and I was wondering if you have any places for me to start? it's research for a fic!
so, my first instinct is to point you in the direction of the works of Mark Lilly, who has written and edited some academic volumes about gay media in the 20th century, under the narrow assumption that you are asking for prose published in 1910-1929 by and/or about gay men that are not condemning homosexuality - if that isn’t what you meant, he’s still great, but there are many other paths we could take here
more details would be helpful but some Thoughts, not knowing what you’re aiming for... "Gay literature” back in the day (i know this phrase did not exist, i am using it to define a nebulous concept) was really a venn diagram of “Books By Gay People” and “Books About Gay People”/”Books With Gay People” (very broad). 
In terms of the former, Books By Gay People
fiction written by gay men does not necessarily have anything to do with gay people at face value at all, and it is important to remember that many people we know now were gay were not necessarily openly gay (or, open-secretly gay). Some male public figures/society figures were known to be gay and some weren’t. 
rule of thumb: if it’s between the years of 1890 and 1929 in Britain and everyone and their mother knows an author is gay, either he’s French or he got in trouble. Literary circles you have a lot more leeway and especially in the 1920s there was a lot of movement between New York/Paris/London so you can get some breadth in terms of origin - lots and lots of gay American writers in this time, especially poets
In the same category are gay Themes.... many books by gay authors were chock full of heterosexual relationships but they touched a lot on themes of like, being an outsider of broader society or some kind of moral transgression that is inherent to the station in life of the participants and not to their behavior, in Britain you see this especially with class I think. (Think E.M. Forster) Literature without women in it is another part of that but that was kind of dying out by the end of the 19th century? 
My point there being that though it may not be known the author was gay at the time, there were common themes in works by authors we now know are gay, and they were themes that would have resonated then and still do with gay readers while also being, very often, popular and respectable literature
a list of names for you, authors of both narrative fiction and poetry, some major figures and some not, generally known at the time. note I am not making a statement that any of these men are gay, for some of them that is charged and may have been challenged contemporarily, but the Set is there
Oscar Wilde. (getting him out of the way because if this post makes it beyond my followers I will get people commenting about Oscar Wilde. you know who oscar wilde is. i know who oscar wilde is. back then everybody did too so if you wanted to be on the down low and read some gay books oscar was not your first choice)
More victorians/edwardians... John Addington Symonds, Edward Carpenter, A. E. Housman...  Edward Prime Stevenson, Thomas Mann (German), Andre Gide, Marcel Proust, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine (all Francophone; translation dates vary)
In the “if you have an ear in literary circles you’d Know” bin, Cavafy (complex), E.M. Forster, Somerset Maugham, Harold Nicholson (as in Vita Sackville-West’s husband), Osbert Sitwell.. in a similar vein the modernist Francophones... the can of worms that is Jean Cocteau and Raymond Radiguet
There are dissertations written on male love and relationships in WWI literature
I’m definitely leaving people out because I am sleepy
There was also a general interest in the Italian renaissance.... Early moderns... Greek classicism but we been knew that... 
I would also suggest, again depending on your goals here, to look at early 20th century theatre and film. If you jump a bit later, pre-code film especially was much, much more open about these things than many modern people would believe. Also moving into the 30s in general you start to see a lot more gay media
In terms of medical and/or critical texts especially into the 20s in addition to some of the above - recognizable names are Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirschfield, Norman Haire, George Ives, these people etc
Books that are explicitly gay are usually just that - explicit. Not a lot of pornography still exists but records of it existing do; depending on which time specifically you are working in and with which characters that might be relevant for you. there are a couple of famous ones. On a more general note, sex books did exist and did get published privately and there were several that mention homosexuality (usually not kindly). I don’t really know anything about like, anti-gay tracts in this era, how much of a thing that was. There’s a very behind closed doors attitude in this time
I don’t think any of the above is helpful alkfjalkdsf but I’ve spent too long writing it to not hit the post button. HMU w/ more specific questions if you have them :-) 
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queerticulate · 3 years
oh thank god, I'm sick of having American news, please tell me about your country, I'm legit asking them all because anyway if try to choose I will end up choosing half the ask game, you don't have to answer them all, but feel free to do so :D
Oh my god... so apparently Tumblr's notification system for asks isn't great and I didn't find out about this until now. It seems to relate back to this post: https://queerticulate.tumblr.com/post/634805289897639936/hi-im-not-from-the-us-ask-set I'm doing a random number generator to pick some questions from the list to talk about.
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? For me that is "kut" - which translates to "cunt" but is used in a very different way. The English version seems to be used to devalue a particular woman. In Dutch it's more used in the way "that sucks" or "oh shit" are used. A fun fact related to this topic is that my country stands out for being big on swearing with diseases. Pretty acceptable are "tyfus" (typhoid) and "k'lere" (cholera). In recent years however "kanker" (cancer) because most popular, while also being widely disputed as many people have seen a lost one suffer/die from that disease and thus find it hurtful.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? When I was a kid it was Belgium - for the general 'our neighbors are dumb' stuff. Both then and now a popular choice has also been Germany. Some of the jokes are relatively harmless, commenting on actual cultural differences. Some of them seem to (unknowingly) refer back to Nazi Germany however (the joke about how all of their language is headless shouting for example) and those bother me. Our countries are besties now (we even fucked our daylight hours bc we wanted to share a timezone with them), but there is a complicated history there. The Netherlands wanted to stay neutral throughout WWII (as they did during WWI), but got quickly invaded and taken over by Nazi Germany. During most of the war our country was simply occupied. There were factions which were all too glad to join the Nazi ideology (hence why there is almost no Jewish community in our country :'() and another faction constantly organized a secret resistance. When the war was over not only were Nazis punished, but also everyone who was deemed to have been too friendly with Germans (women who were thought to have been involved with a German were dragged into the street and publicly humiliated). In recent years - I would say around the time Trump got elected - America also became a popular target for jokes, mostly expressing the disbelief about how much of a dumpster fire it seems to be over there. 3. does your country have access to sea? Yes! The entire Western and Northern borders are made up by the sea. On the Western end this is the North Sea, and on the Northern end there is a special patch of sea between the Nothern most part of the main land and the islands. It's called the Wadden Sea. It's included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. What makes it so special is that during low tide large parts of it dry up, making it technically possible to walk from the main land to the islands. Another interesting fact is that large parts of our country - certainly the parts where most important commerce take place - are situated below sea level. Our ancestors must have been stubborn people, as they learned to protect the land from being taken by the sea. My country has become really good at that and now has an international reputation of being the guys to hire if you want to fight off the sea. We've become so good at it in fact, that we turned a third piece of sea we had access to into a lake, and then raised an entire province there. Yep, between the 1940s and 1960s it was just decided it would be nice to have some more land, so it was just goddamn made? It's the largest manmade island in the world now.
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hms-chill · 4 years
Hii! I see you've read RWRB (which means you obviously have impeccable taste) and was wondering if you could recommend any more LGBTQ+ books? Thank you!!
OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY!! It really depends on what genre you’re interested in and what you like; I’ll sort of try to break it down that way (and not just rec every gay book I’ve ever read lmao)
General fiction:
 Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz is about two Mexican boys growing up in El Paso in the late 1980s and the writing style is absolutely incredible. It was the first Gay Book(tm) I remember and I spent months of 2012-2013 trying to find a copy and it was 100% worth it.
Simon Vs. the Homo Sapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli. We know it, we love it, I wanted to include it anyway.
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee is a historical fiction (leaning on fantasy) romp about a boy in the 18th century going on his grand tour with the best friend he’s in love with; the sequel stars his aro/ace sister. Bi lead, Black gay love interest, and a sequel about the importance of girl friendships.
I’m on page four of Gail Wilhelm’s Torchlight to Valhalla but I love the writing style and the fact that it’s a lesbian book from 1938 that apparently ends happily almost made me cry so there’s that.
anything by Virginia Woolf, but especially Orlando, which is a love letter to her girlfriend.
Soft Place to Fall by Ba Tortuga is a fun gay cowboy romance; it’s dumb and sappy and predictable and fantastic.
Sci-Fi / Fantasy
THIS IS WHERE I THRIVE this is my wheelhouse so sorry if I get carried away lol
anything by Sarah Gailey. Their Upright Women Wanted is about queer librarian spies in a futuristic wild west. The American Hippo series (River of Teeth and Taste of Marrow) is about queer hippo wranglers in an alternate 19th century. Magic for Liars is a murder mystery set in a magic school, perfect if you’re trying to ditch She Who Must Not Be Named but still want your fun magic school itch scratched.
Nottingham by Anna Burke is a lesbian retelling of Robin Hood; I’m still working through it but I’m pretty sure all the merry men are queer women and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas is absolutely fantastic; it’s got an entirely Latinx cast with a trans lead and a ghost love interest; 15/10 almost made me cry.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo has that casual queer rep that I absolutely adore. Like yeah sometimes you need a book about Being Queer but sometimes you also need a heist where the badass gunslinger casually goes “oh yeah not just girls” and steals a tank, you know?
This is very I’m A Child Of The Late 90s/ Early 2000s but Tamora Pierce was huge for me growing up. She clearly stuffed as many queer characters into her world as publishers would let her, and recently she’s confirmed fan theories about even more queerness (ace/aro characters, trans readings, etc) in her work.
Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness was published in 1969 and treats gender as a fluid thing; I haven’t read it yet but it’s on my bedside table and I’m very excited to get to it.
all of it straight people don’t get poems
Badger Clark was a gay cowboy poet; I love his stuff so much. “The Westerner” made me absolutely feral and “Others” gutted me.
Wilfred Owen is best known for his work about WWI, but “Maundy Thursday” and “How Do I Love Thee” are absolutely incredible.
Whitman wrote poems about being gay and was one of the more iconic queer voices of the 19th century, at least in literary circles.
Byron was an icon and also incredibly queer.
Sappho is the iconic one; Anne Carson’s translation of her work (If Not, Winter) is fantastic and the one I’d personally recommend.
If you’re down to read between the lines do I have some books for you
Stoker was gay (and wrote thirsty letters to Whitman), and no one can convince me that Dracula is a straight book. Arthur and Quincey were dating thank you for coming to my TEDx talk.
The Iliad is long and complex but also Achilles and Patroclus wanted their ashes mixed when they died (fellas...)
anything by Wilde but especially A Portrait of Dorian Gray.
Les Miserables has a character who “admired, loved, and venerated” another man, and who “took great care not to believe in anything” but said other man (fellas...). There’s also an entire page about how the lead has never felt any form of love other than familial (fellas... is it aro to spend a whole page talking about how you’ve never loved anyone).
I haven’t read Moby Dick but I know there’s like three pages about how much the narrator loves his crewmate (fellas...)
A lot of people are scared of nonfic but I’m gonna let you in on a secret: you don’t have to read the whole book. Pick and choose chapters that interest you, put it down for a year, whatever. Nonfic’ll be there for you.
Portrait of a Marriage by Nigel Nicolson is a look into his parents’ open relationship and his mother’s relationship with Virginia Woolf; it’s a gorgeous exploration of the various ways that love and marriage can be flexible and it changed how I look at relationships.
A Queer History of the United States by Michael Bronski is a good intro to queer history.
We Are Everywhere by Matthew Riemer and Leighton Brown is a great look at the Stonewall Era and the time after especially, and it’s full of incredible pictures. They also run @/lgbt_history on insta and 10/10 for that.
Love and Resistance: Out of the Closet and Into the Stonewall Era by Jason Baumann is fantastic too; it’s got pictures and short descriptions of what’s happening in them. Maybe not a first place, but if you know the general scope of the queer rights movement it’s a fantastic thing (or if you don’t and you’re ready to google lmao).
My Dear Boy or anything else by Rictor Norton is incredible. My Dear Boy is a collection of gay love letters; he’s also got books on queer culture in 18th century London and queering the Gothic. You can find a lot of his stuff online here and My Dear Boy specifically here.
If you want more/ something more specific, don’t hesitate!! I work in a library and I’m always finding new gay stuff and I love it.
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