#OC bullshit
purpletyrant · 5 months
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two wives
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marygodwin-bsd · 9 months
writing fanfiction for bungo stray dogs feels so weird because I'm writing about Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, and Percy Shelley having a throuple relationship and they died in 1881, 1852, and 1822 respectively, and my roommate has read ALL of them so I can't ask her to beta because how on earth am I going to say "yeah percy shelley is kind of their lapdog in this universe" like what
is this what people who write hamilton fanfiction feel like??
on the flip side designing Percy is so freaking fun i am having a BLAST
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mystery-skulls-ghost · 11 months
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woe! spider brainrot be upon ye
Yuri Yusico (Spider-Yuu)
Dorm: Ramshackle Universe of Origin: Earth-10212 Year: 1st Birthday: February 15th Pronouns: He/Him Relationship Status: Single Age: 20 Height: 150cm Dominant Hand: Right Likes: Puzzles, the mystery genre, podcasts Dislikes: Big-time criminals, repetition, napping Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake Disliked Food: Calamari Special Skill: Over-analyzing
The odd, not-so-social Ramshackle prefect. Yuri Yusico is the analytical type, hyper-focused on getting home rather than interacting with other people. Fate likes to taunt him. He's built different.
With the mask, however...
Spider-Yuu is charming! Charismatic! Cocky! Flashy! Just imagine there's glitter flying around wherever he goes. He keeps going out of his way to save people from an inky demise. Considering this world, he doesn't even bother trying to hide the fact of his true identity.
Oddly enough, his suit seems to get darker and darker as the months go by... Probably nothing to be concerned about, as long as he doesn't keep being a dick.
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starrbee · 5 months
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aller-geez · 6 months
Getting to know: Perry Ryuu
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27 // he / him // Bisexual // Chinese Dragon Shifter
Full name: Perry Ryuu
Nickname: N/A (unless Rex singing the Perry The Platypus theme song when he enters a room is a nickname.. 😂😂😂)
Date Of Birth: December 31st
Big Three: Capricorn 🌞 Leo 🌙 Scorpio ⤴️
Physical Appearance —
Age: 27
Eye Color: half green, and half Yellow
Hair Color: green, periwinkle, and indigo
Weight: 139 pounds
Height: 6’
Race: Chinese Dragon Shifter
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: two sharp horns protrude from his head that start out being periwinkle by his scalp, and fade to a dark forest green.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: his patience and overall willpower to be able to repetitively engage in ‘the long con’, convincing Rexar’s aunt and the rest of the Fang family that he had been reformed during his eight years of boarding school. But in reality, he was sneaking away from their watchful eyes and consuming the souls of the innocent that had not been marked for The Culling, leaving behind empty shells of the victims corpses.
Greatest Weakness: his narcissistic tendencies tend to make situations more difficult to maneuver than they need to be.
Soft Spot: his unexpected friendship with the hellboys
Mannerisms: without knowing his traumatic past or his unconventional hobbies, Perry seems to be an extremely smart guy who simply oozes charisma and confidence. With very minimal effort, he was usually the center of attention at parties and other social events he attended, and had no problem making friends.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Was found in an abandoned mine shaft as a young child by Rexar’s aunt, Lilith. When he was found, he had pretty much resorted back to being what you might call ‘feral’. He couldn’t speak any actual words, and he ran through the mine shaft tunnels like a wild animal on all fours, snarling and gnashing his teeth with veracity. By his body condition and overall appearance, it was clear that he had been on his own for a long time without much contact from any humans/other shifters.
Can manipulate and control electricity, an ability he had discovered and perfected while trapped in boarding school to guarantee himself a spot in Rexar’s prestigious family once he had returned.
He survives by feeding on souls instead of consuming actual food. Tends to be gluttonous while out feeding every other night, and he frequently goes into a sort of feeding frenzy which results in excessive, unregulated fatalities that aren’t being tracked meticulously like the souls that are assigned to the rest of the family on the nights of The Cullings.
Sneeze Content —
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None, although he does get allergy like symptoms whenever there’s a thunderstorm.
How severe are they?
Do they get sick often?
He naturally has a lower immune system, but since he only really has the kink for himself, he will try any way he can think of to get sick and exploit his symptoms.
How bad is it usually?
Even with his weak immune system, he’s typically only sick for 2 days at a time before his shifter abilities begin to overpower his illness and leave him scrambling for his next idea to make himself sick,
Do they stifle?
Not usually on purpose, as he gets off on the explosive release, although he will if the situation is an emergency and stifling is necessary.
How loud are their sneezes?
Medium to loud in volume, although they tend to be more harsh than loud.
What do they sneeze into?
When he’s at home with the Fang family, hes very polite and usually sneezes into an elbow or his hands if needed, to keep up the facade that he had been reformed when forced into boarding school. However, half the time, Perry tries to avoid Rex, who is too much for him, and will simply invite himself to stay over at the Hellboys’ and crash on their couch. He refers to their couch as his room, waving off any complaints from the demons easily.
How often do they sneeze?
If he’s successful at getting himself sick, he sneezes quite often. On a normal, healthy day, however, he will only sneeze ONCE, every day. No more, no less.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
Three or four sneezes are typical, although it can vary slightly.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Often he has build ups that get drawn out, but the tease only tends to get him going more.
Do they sneeze in public?
Of course, but he hates to be fawned over or taken care of in any capacity. He’ll take a simple “bless you,” but won’t stand for being babied.
Some examples of their sneezes?
Backstory —
‪Perry is a Chinese Dragon shifter that was found within an old abandoned mining shaft as a child by Rexar’s Aunt, Lilith. She was on one of her many exploration trips between the monthly Fang family Cullings, and a mute, dirty child was the last thing she had expected to find while trekking through the inhospitable wilderness. He was almost feral and even at such a young age, he’d seemed to have been on his own for a long time. Upon instruction by the heads of the Fang family, she ended her trip prematurely and brought Perry back with her. After countless weeks of intensive therapy with the Fangs, the boy still had made little progress, and was sent to boarding school for the next 8 years, where he was slowly able to regain his speech and simple humanity. He returned afterward to live with Lilith, and everyone seemed to almost forget about Perry’s strange and mysterious past. He is hotheaded and slightly homicidal, often killing and consuming souls for entertainment. It is said that he has a commanding presence, often exuding a kind of ethereal magnetism that grabs the attention of those who are around him.‬
Reference Sheet —
Coming soon…..
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In a relationship with @m1lo0o ‘s OC, Gallay. 🩶
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adreamingofguns · 8 months
Speaking of weird bisexuals, imagine if you had a nice rom-com meetcute with a hot forest ranger who rescued you and your friends from a skiing mishap in the mountains and you guys are slowly falling in love and then he's like "Actually the mountain is not the first time we met. It turns out your best friend at the time was dating my little brother in high school, so I was the one who had to drive your cringe teenager asses to prom and then picked you up afterward. You were underage drinking and your drunk cringe 17 year old ass kept asking me if I was single and petting my hair" LIKE I would die on the spot my dudes (it's fine they're both legal adults now)
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almaprincess66 · 2 months
Would anybody be interested in me posting a group picture of my OCs and based on vibes alone guess who are/ will be in a relationship?
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zurxmxru · 8 months
maruuuu……i keep thinking about a specific meohara angst scenario…..for if they shared an apartment in like college…..ehehe. what wld hibis major be if this were real
man,, I hate angst 😭😭😭 /lh I MADE A POST ABT ADULT HIB AND she’d major in forensic science!!
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calierthewolf · 1 year
Pinned post... AGAIN
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Refs (by @crytekdiablo and Theelectroshark on twitter) Your standard DNI applies here too (No terfs yadda yadda yadda) I have tags for me rambling about stuff as well a tag for songs I really like
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tootytootsmcfroots · 3 months
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A blinking animation spoof with Mars.
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creativriot · 6 months
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Laurel and Mari ride up in this
AU where Mari’s shitty Twisted Metal ah Van is replaced with this 💀 if anything happens to the Inferno this is plan B
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purpletyrant · 3 months
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They move in a hobbling line, coarse hoods drawn up to their horns. Even in the shade, they all look identical. Their movements perfectly mirror one another, and only by their shadows can she be certain that they are not one person. Orchidee watches them bob in a slow procession to the dark hutch, with its windows all obscured by thick growths of vine. Eubora follows the direction of her stare. “The Eunomiads,” he says - as if this answers everything. “The reason you’re permitted to be here. Don’t stare. It’s rude.” Orchidee blinks. “Are they sisters?” Eubora gives her a withering look. “You’ve not retained your studies.” It’s true that in the weeks before their departure, Eubora lectured Orchidee persistently on the history and politics of the village they’d call home for the next year. The trade language spoken in that region, their traditions and etiquette, and yes, the leadership responsible for the settlement’s isolation – all of it was taught to her in hours of insufferable study. He did not even permit her respite on the final journey. At some point, the brown and green blur of trees out the carriage window became far more interesting than Eubora’s voice. The Eunomiads vanish into their home, and Orchidee stares at the door after it shuts. Eubora lifts the silver handle of his cane and gently nudges her gaze in a different direction.
Kobolds have five sexes – and the fifth is exceptionally rare. Initially hatched from normal eggs of the other sexes, this sex is self-reproducing and will result in a lineage of clones. Kobold legend holds this sex as infallible, and as a result they are the ruling class of any settlement with a kobold majority. It’s expected that successive generations will take over other settlements or found their own partnering communities, but the leaders of Cybele’s village have hunkered down into a codependent pod of miserly and suspicious old women. As a trio, they are known as “The Eunomiads.” In recent years, the Eunomiads have expelled non-kobolds from the community and shut it off from its neighbors. The result is a village that is failing to subsist. With death and hunger on their doorstep, Cybele’s sister Gwydion is one daring member who has successfully fled. Why are the Eunomiads doing this? One of them is experiencing prophetic dreams of the forest’s destruction, a “White Death” that will sweep over them if they do not fortify themselves. Eubora and Orchidee are brought in to keep the village from collapsing, with its former allies arranging diplomatically for the unicorns to be accepted. Because Cybele’s family has already been deemed “tainted” by outside influence due to Gwydion’s escape, they are tasked with taking in and caring for the guests from Lafossa.
^^^ pasted all that shit from deerword lore doc 👍 i wrote the prose off the dome, so its not part of anything longer. i wanted these three to embody the three witches trope... two of their poses are actually referenced from artwork of baba yaga, lol
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sunflowerbeepwp · 5 months
Just a dump for a buncha drawings that I haven't posted on here yet ! ! ! (Too lazy to separate them all into individual posts rn)
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I love using stuff I made in gacha life 2 as refs
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Did an art trade a while ago n I asked them to draw my friend (@pippyparty 's) oc ! ! ! I actually don't rlly like my drawing I drew for the person tho . . . >:|
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Made this for a friend (bro ended up changing their Kyle design a bit after I drew this so might redraw it . . . )
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Rest r just random drawings of old ocs :3 (can't include the pose refs for the second last photo cuz of the photo limit :'^)
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mystery-skulls-ghost · 5 months
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Jonathan Vyce
Twisted from: Dr. Christopher Syn/The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh
Year: 3rd
Birthday: February 9th
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship Status: His heart is set on a boy back home. (Biromantic Homosexual)
Age: 19
Height: 191cm
Dominant Hand: Right (Ambidextrous)
Likes: The Voltures, long reads paired with the sounds of the sea, swashbuckling adventures
Dislikes: The Night-Rider, injustice, beetles
Favorite Food: "Bare Minimum" Salad
Disliked Food: "...Juice"
Special Skill: Disappearing when no one's looking
Hailing from a small village on the southern coast of the Queendom of Roses, Jonathan Vyce is unremarkable. He abides by the rules, one of the best of the best, and an overall goody two-shoes. Aside from being the Secretary of Noble Bell College's student council, (which, noticeably, only contains non-mages) there's not really much you can get from him. ...Unless?
The Night-Rider is a ruthless masked vigilante, fighting against crimes which terrorize this specific village, and that alone. He's a bogeyman of some sorts, appears when you least expect it, scares the hell out of you, then disappears into the night, riding his faithful steed Paimon. Surprisingly, he's been showing up in the City of Flowers a lot more often alongside his usual locale. Nothing to worry about, I guess.
Unique Magic:
...Hm? He isn't a mage. What gave you that idea?
"Like a Demon Ghost" Allows him and other objects/entities in physical contact with him to disappear into a dark mist for up to a few minutes. It's much more effective with the constant foggy weather of his home. In other words, it's a ~ magic smoke bomb ~
Rollo - His boss. Jonathan is kinda mousy around him, knowing the kind of person he is. But of course, all of that is an act. He worries about him sometimes.
Phineas - His second boss/co-worker. Jonathan shows great worry towards him despite everything.
Yuri - Shows respect towards him as a fellow costumed vigilante.
Tiny Tidbits:
A firm believer of "Support Your Local Businesses". For that reason, he often visits shops he's never been to, like ones that have been overlooked, or don't get enough traffic.
His life at home is complicated. Jonathan was raised by a single father who used to be the vicar of the village, but due to complications, couldn't spend time with his son half his life. Instead, Jonathan was put into the capable hands of Mr. Pim, a close friend of his father's. Everything came to a standstill when he turned 16, when his father was murdered in a convoluted incident. Mr. Pim became his sole guardian after that.
Often helps out at the school infirmary, leading him to be called "the good doctor" by some of the students.
As far as he knows, Jonathan is the last of the Vyce family. His father did mention ONCE that he had a brother, but his status is unknown.
You wouldn't expect it from a guy like him, but he's VERY romantic. If he ever fell in love, he'd do anything for his beloved. Even if it means sailing the seven seas in the event they were taken away by some lunatic.
A HUGE fan of a boy band and he's shameless about it. Jonathan has amassed hundreds of lore regarding The Voltures, rising stars in the music industry that started out with acapella covers and later broke out into other genres.
Feels nothing but contempt towards the vigilante called the Night-Rider. His methods of justice are violent, how can anyone admire him? I guess there's something reasonable about ridding the world of corrupt officials... It's odd that he took inspiration from a local legend from the same village Jonathan hails from. That might just be a coincidence. ...Or is it?
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13thsinnr · 2 years
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purpleyearning · 2 years
They give the same vibes
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