#OC shipping bin
degrees-of-fuck · 15 days
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Gay little commission for lovely @pip-n-chips bonking our little guys together <3 I'm very happy with it so I thought I'd Post it...........
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jacenotjason · 1 year
Second welcome home OC spotlight! This is Mike!
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ghostwaffleheimer · 2 months
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Snowstripe's eyes swept across the gathering spot, snagging on the familiar black and white pelt of his colony's healer as he sat very cozily next to a stocky tom with thick grey fur. He squinted, trying to recall if he'd ever interacted with this cat, let alone what his name was.
Who but Robinswoop would hop by to sit next to him, chirping helpfully when he noticed Snowstripe's confused expression, "Oh, the grey tom is my brother's mate. Sootear."
"Hm?" Snowstripe blinked, getting Robinswoop's full attention now. Sootear... He sniffed thoughtfully, remembering how he'd been the first to pick up the scent of the cove near their borders. A sandy, salty scent, with something akin to seagulls mixed in. Then Mallowcloud had a large shell in his den and feathers in his nest, and he knew that Mallow, with his limp and preference for mice, was not one to be high-leaping for seafaring birds. "...Explains why his scent is familiar."
Being deputy and not much of a talker, Snowstripe had a reputation for being a stoic, closed-off character. Robinswoop, who had a way of making friends with ease, had known better. It was nice, actually, to just have someone to casually talk to. Robin had a tendency for making others comfortable around him, so happened upon all sorts of information by chance. Having family in charge must've made it easy, though his family was... eccentric, Snow had come to realize.
"Between my brother and your sister being... terrible parents..." It was a harsh way to put it, but he wasn't sure of another way. Smokestep was always a fool, and Honeysnap... well that wasn't his place to speak, but he'd noticed how Hallowpaw would stare after her, while Honeysnap blithely ignored her existence. Mallowcloud and Sootear were probably better parent figures to her. "And your brother being with a cove cat, that sounds--"
"Like quite a life, huh? Hahaha!" Robinswoop laughed, finding it funnier. He looked up at Snowstripe with sincerity. "But really, Snowy, I think you'd be a good dad. I see how Stormpaw looks up to you, and you're so gentle with him."
Snowstripe was taken aback. He knew about Stormpaw, that he idolized him from kithood, always talking about how he wanted to be deputy someday just like him. But he had never considered parenthood himself. Kits, huh? It didn't sound like a terrible idea. But there wasn't anybody... "...Thanks." After a moment of sitting with it, he figured he may as well be polite and return the conversation. "What about you?"
He thought he saw Robin's whiskers twitch as the small tom laughed again. "Me? No way! I'll stick with being the fun uncle!"
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mochablogger · 1 year
Can i get a hug i just kill myself today 🤠 yeehawwwww
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POV: You meet an idiot before you commit suicide
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Klee’s first club day
~ Mountain Lover’s Club ~
This is part two of @tokamiart 's, @berribabyyy 's and my MCs in their respective clubs at Night Raven College. All of them are first years experiencing their first day at club.
Please enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts ☘️🐟✨
A nervous smile was painted on Klee’s lips as he made his way to the main street. The hiking backpack felt heavy on his shoulders, but it was a good kind of burden to carry. He had made sure to pack everything he needed: his camera, notebooks for all three - flora, fauna, fungi - as well as a few older books in case he wanted to add anything to his herbarium. He had prepared a nicely arranged lunchbox for the club especially and was looking forward to eating it in a quiet corner within nature.
Klee took another peek at the information paper he had printed out for today. The group would be navigated by its club leader, namely a “Jade Leech”, through the Mirror and into a forest Klee hasn’t been in before. That fact alone had Klee excited all day, he had made it his personal quest to investigate every forest there is in Twisted Wonderland.
Truth be told, however, Klee was a bit unsure about going there with many other students that he most likely didn’t know. It might turn out great, since they must be fellow nature lovers like him, but also, he couldn’t think of a time where people had actually… supported his hobbies. Shared his fascination. Other things had always been considered “cool” and “interesting”, like sports, theatre…
Klee shook his head to ban the thought from his head. He shouldn’t be worried either way. After all, people would usually form their groups to hang out with sooner than Klee could even consider joining any of them, so he was sure he would be fine.
Stepping onto the main street, the Ignihyde student was surprised to see… no one, except for one tall figure in similar attire as himself. Since that student was looking around curiously, he was quick to spot Klee, approaching him immediately.
“Ah, there you are!”
Klee couldn't identify his dorm in that getup, instead mustering the male's appearance as a whole: his hair had a teal colour, except for a darker strand that cupped his left cheek nicely. His getup matched his hair, dressing him in earthy colours that here and there took on marine tones – was that a tiny mushroom dangling off the zipper of his jacket?
As the student came to a stop in front of him, Klee also noticed his eyes were heterochromatic, one yellow, one olive.
He also was REALLY tall. Klee had to throw his head way back to acknowledge the smooth, pale skin of his opponent.
“Judging by your equipment" The student spoke up, mustering Klee himself. "I take it that you’re Klee?”
His odd eyes were decorated with a polite smile… that however began to fade as he somehow didn't seem to receive a response. He blinked in confusion, seeing as Klee was definitely staring at him, his mouth slightly opened but not answering. "... Hello?"
“... Beautiful ” Klee breathed.
“Pardon me?” The student tilted his head. “Did I perhaps mistake you with someone else?”
Klee flinched out of his stare in a sudden.
“NO” Klee blurted out. “You are sorry, I am beautifu- I mean, YOU’RE beautiful and I am right-'' His face contorted into a stressed mess. “I… I am Klee, yes” he finally said, breathing quite heavily from the inner stroke he just had. Nodding a few times as if to reassure he did make clear what he wanted to say, Klee then looked up, surprised to see a grin on his opponent's face. “... And you are?”
“‘Beautiful’, as it seems” his opponent grinned deviously, flashing his pointy teeth that had Klee’s curious eyes widened once more. “However, you may refer to me as Jade, your clubmate.”
"Ah… okay" Klee mumbled, not hiding at all that he was still attentively analysing him, which Jade on the other hand mustered in amusement. "So you are the club leader?"
Jade chuckled. "Seeing as I am the club's founder, you could say as much, yes." He straightened the backpack on his shoulders. "Shall we get going, then?"
Klee tilted his head. "Aren't we going to wait for the other members?"
"We're the only members," Jade explained, his smile now curling bittersweet. He moved his head to point at the way ahead, so now the two of them started making their way to the hall of mirrors.
“Oh…” Klee didn’t quite know how to feel about this. He assumed he was happy about having more privacy, yet his heart was beating faster somehow…
Wasn't that… kind of…
… romantic…?
Jade kept throwing his new club member curious looks. “It is sad, truly” he let out a sigh. “No one seems to appreciate the abundance and the beauty of what surrounds us. The nature on land has miracles to offer like I have never witnessed under the sea, yet neither of my childhood…” Jade’s voice drifted off, seeing that Klee’s sparkling pair of eyes had been glued onto him again. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “You’re quite the gazer, aren’t you?”
Somehow, the teasing tone in Jade’s voice completely missed Klee. “You’re a merman?” he asked instead, gasping in awe when Jade gave a nod. “I’ve never met one before…” Several thoughts crossed Klee's head, so many that he ended up not voicing anything of that fascination within him.
The two had reached the hall of mirrors, where Jade opened one of the mirror’s gates to their destination for today. When he turned around to make sure Klee had read the flyer and knew where they were headed, he was surprised to see the freshman rummage through his stuffed backpack.
“Is something the matter?” Jade asked, impressed to see the plethora of equipment peeking out of Klee’s bag. Finally, the Ignihyde student pulled out a small notebook and got back on his feet.
“Here” Klee started. “This is my forest to-do list. It’s not completed, but I remember the places I haven’t visited yet, and a compiled list might be more useful for you.” He handed Jade the notebook. “Since you probably haven’t been able to see that many yet. And since you’re merfolk and… I’m not. Y-you don’t have to take it, but… yes.” he gave a shrug upon having realised he said all he wanted to and kept quiet afterwards.
Truly surprised, Jade skimmed through the pages. In addition to the forests’ names and locations, Klee had made an effort to note especially rare sights to look out for in each of them. Some plants or animals were highlighted with exclamation marks or little hearts, and next to a few fungi, he noted a reminder to bring enough bags to collect mushrooms for dinner.
Jade’s odd eyes jumped between this remarkably organised list and that boy who could barely see between the messy strands of hair cupping his face. Who seemed like he was both, overly aware and attentive of his surroundings, but also so far, far away, somehow.
Another smile creeped up Jade’s face. This one was genuine, however.
“Thank you,” he said. “I will take only the greatest care of it.”
Klee’s lips curled into a tiny smile of his own. “Okay, that's good.” He peeked at the mirror. “We can get going now, I’m ready.” He didn’t notice that Jade’s eyes were holding onto him for a little longer. Then the Octavinelle student gave a nod before he turned to the gate, too.
“Splendid” Jade hummed. “Then, hereby, I would like to officially welcome you into the Mountain Lover’s Club. I am looking forward to venturing through nature’s beauty with you, Klee.”
It took a moment, in which Klee’s expression was unreadable, pondering…
… then, he flashed a wide grin.
“I am looking forward to it, too, Jade.”
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sighmurderbot · 1 year
same ship different font
Rey/Kylo and Darkling/Alina
One side is an orphan who lived in poverty and is plucked out of nowhere and elevated to Chosen One status. They are mentored by an older figure related to the other partner in the ship, who is an established leader of the opposing side. Thematic mirrors with emphasis on light/darkness.
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shoshiwrites · 5 months
"gamble" or "quiet"? kissing out where nobody can catch them? - for Jo & Egan, of course, because I live the life of an enabler handing you another juicebox 🧃
You are the best, Killy, and thank you to you and @mercurygray for helping me break my little sick-time writer's block ♡ Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC, also on Ao3!
close to you
She’d gone with Kay back to London for a few days. Enough time to catch herself up, wire the stories she hadn’t already, knock her head against the wall a few more times over what did and didn’t go through. The damn blue slashes. Black ones too. Hell, a woman at the corner newsstand had showed Jo a letter from a boyfriend, cut into the RAF’s version of a paper snowflake. It fluttered strangely in the humid breeze, in the young woman’s hand. 
She’d seen Bill March’s broken arm, sustained in some manner during an air raid, though the correspondent still had his usual cheerful smile for her, and the pallbearers carrying a distant cousin of Kay’s out of the church in Marylebone, all of twenty when his ship had been torpedoed off the coast of Italy.
She’d gotten back to Thorpe Abbotts on a Friday afternoon, the air still soupy, her suitcase with a half-broken latch and her bitten nails, a growing hole in her last pair of stockings.
It wasn’t raining. Maybe that counted for something.
Trousers then, and maybe she was optimistic, thinking she felt the air cooling a bit around her. There were small scraps of blue sky, like she’d found them in the bottom of her mother’s rag bin. Calico up in the firmament.
The coffee’s warm, if bitter, she hardly pays attention to that now. A few Clubmobile women cleaning trays in the kitchen take pity on her and sneak her a donut. She dips, sloshes, remembers the good old days of milk and cream, and wanders back outside, wondering if she’d made a mistake in coming here straight from London. Her room is still hers in Norwich. Mrs. Fitzgerald had made sure she knew that. It’s a kindness she doesn’t quite have the words for. 
She’ll stay in the Clubmobile quarters tonight, on the extra cot. She’d left a book in Crosby’s care last week and he’d returned it to Tatty Spaatz, a piece of stationery stuck in the middle with neat, if hurried, observations. His handwriting reminds her of Evie’s, the block print of a planner.
“Major Egan will be happy to hear you’re back,” Tatty says, and there’s almost a smile playing at the corner of her mouth, her lipstick the color of red wine.
Jo hardly keeps stone-faced, a little scrunch somewhere between a question and an acknowledgement, distaste and curiosity. “I haven’t seen him,” she says.
They yawn, the seconds between the conversation outside and when he’s walking, seeing her, redirecting his path. His eyes look like he’s been squinting in low light, the mask-marks raw across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He’d come out of his office. Post-mission administration, she thinks. Letters home. He writes them longhand, someone had told her. He’s never spoken about it. She’s never asked him.
And she’s not sure happy is the word she’d use, right now. But Tatty knows what she said. Happy is on the ground. A girl smiling at you. The smell of her hair, clean. 
The question comes on an exhale, the tie loosened around his neck. “You wanna go for a walk?”
It feels faintly ridiculous, the way she’s not used to being asked. And it’s faintly ridiculous too, the way propriety and a respectful difference between his boots and her lace-up shoes becomes a sneak-around, a glancing journey to the far edge of the airfield, the side of an outbuilding backed by trees. 
Maybe he wants something else, she thinks. Another jigger of whiskey, playing cards on the table, chips or dice or jacks. Someone else. Someone who lets him forget.
He kisses her before they’ve even stopped moving, as she rounds the corner in the half-tall grass. 
She hasn’t snuck around like this in — god — she can’t remember. Years. 
She can’t remember the last time she’s been kissed like this. A sunlit kitchen, softer. Before the leather interiors of fancy cars and class rings. She never thought it could be dressed like this, callused hands and muscle. The flutter of tiny wings falls still. A fly buzzes around their ankles; she can hear it between the sounds of his mouth, breath hot between them.
She can feel that little swatch of damp at the small of her back, the feeling of her hipbones beneath the wool of her trousers. He breaks away to kiss the side of her mouth, the short hairs of his mustache brushing her upper lip. 
John, she wants to say, but maybe she can help it, the desperate act of naming him. It all sticks in her throat, like a glob of too-soft caramel. Hardening. John, John, John. “Afternoon, Major.” 
He looks like he’s trying to decide something, kisses her again by her nose while he does. She’ll do the same if he’ll let her, the cuts of the oxygen mask and the freckles she can see in the light. “Afternoon, Captain.”
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techs-goggles9902 · 7 months
Oh oh oh Imma request something 🤔🤔
How about.... female character/reader who is unsure about how she fits in with the bad batch and Tech reassures her?
Was even thinking about my oc Raven and maybe our female character/reader is unsure of her relationship with Hunter and seeks out Tech for (brotherly) assurance 🤔
You can do it however makes sense 😊 also no pressure 💖
Female reader x Tech (platonic)
Summary: You're unsure about your role in the batch and you talk with both Raven and Tech.
No warnings. Fluff and stuff
Word count: 863
a/n: Raven is the lovely oc created by @hellhound5925 ! Go check her out! Sorry Raven doesn’t have a huge role but she’s here! I hope I did her justice 🙏🏻
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You sigh, bending over to pick up another piece of mantell mix. 
These things are everywhere! Wrecker, I swear… 
The light chatter from the cockpit reaches your ears as you discard the snack in the small trash bin in the corner of the Marauder. The squad, excluding Tech, are talking about the latest mission. 
Hunter, sitting in the pilot's seat, smiles gently at Omega as she exaggerates how she hustled a man on the last mission in a game of dejarik, earning enough credits to fix the ship. 
“Oh, and then I took out his Ghhhk! He said he’s a ‘Top Tier Player’ but he wasn’t! Hunter, you wouldn’t believe how he put himself in a bad position. Backed himself in a corner!” Omega rants with a grin, making big gestures with her small arms, imitating the game characters. 
Wrecker gives a big, hearty laugh as she continues. Echo sits back in the co-pilot’s chair, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his pale lips. You watch as the girl keeps proudly going on and on about her victory. 
You joined the Batch a few months after they began working for your employer, Cid. Ever since that day where you accompanied them for a mission, you were essentially adopted into their merry band of clones. 
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you sigh again. Although you’re “one of them now”, you still feel as if they have their own little circle that you’re not a part of. How long will it take for them to see me as one of their own? I’m more than capable…
“Hey, you okay? You don’t look the greatest…” A familiar voice says. 
“Raven, hey. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Just… contemplating things, I suppose.” 
“K’olar,” Raven says, pulling you to the nearest bunk. Lowering yourself onto the bunk, you pick at your nails. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m… not 100% a real squad member. I’m the last addition, not romantically tied to anyone, and just… here,” you admit. Raven has been your lifeline ever since joining the Batch. Both of you are non-clones, even if she did train them, and you related to her the most. 
“Vod… I… I felt that way, too, when I first came along.”
“You did?” Raven nods. 
“Mmhmm. This tight knit group with a very good looking sergeant-” 
“Okay, okay!” You both laugh, easing your nerves. This is why you’ve always liked Raven, she knows how to cheer you up. Always. 
“Cyare, c’mere for a sec,” Hunter calls from the cockpit. Raven gets up and sighs, mouthing the words, so needy, making you giggle once more. 
“Why don’t you go talk to Tech? He listens,” she suggests, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as she walks past you. 
You watch her go and you see a foot dangling from the ceiling panels. Tech…
You push yourself off the bunk and you stand beneath the opening in the ceiling and watch Tech tinker with the ship’s innards. 
“Hm? Oh, hello, vod’ika,” Tech replies, leaning over a little to see you better. 
“You don’t need to call me that. I’m older than you are,” you say with a quiet giggle. 
“Well, given the fact my brothers and I age twice as fast as the average being, I am technically older than you, vod’ika,” Tech says with the faint trace of a smile, emphasizing the nickname. 
You scoff with a smile, climbing up into the ceiling with him. He’s slightly hunched over because of his height, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
“Can I ask you something, ori’vod?” you ask, fiddling with one of his tools. Tech hums in acknowledgement. 
“I’m not sure if I… If I exactly fit in with you guys. You’re all brothers and I get that but I don’t feel-”
“Vod’ika, you’ve been one of us since the moment Hunter asked you to stick around. Omega especially felt that you would make a good friend, and I agree,” Tech cuts you off, looking away from his tinkering and directly into your eyes. 
“I…I’m a good friend?” You ask. 
“We may not have known each other very long, but you are an adequate fighter and an even more valuable member of our squad.” 
Our squad… Our squad… 
“You think so? Hunter… He’s nice and all but… We haven’t really bonded I guess,” you say with a small sigh. 
“Vod’ika, Hunter has to put up with Omega and Wrecker, has to find us jobs, feed us, and still sees himself as our leader, our sergeant, our protector. I’m honestly astonished he hasn’t gone gray with all the stress,” Tech remarks, that little smile tugging at his lips. That little grin is so contagious, managing to make you smile as well. 
You’re about to say something else when Tech continues, “Echo will come around eventually. He’s lost brothers and he’s distancing himself to save him the pain of losing a sister. I’m sure he’ll soon realize you’re not going anywhere.” 
Not going anywhere… 
“I guess I’m stuck with you, huh?” You say with a smirk, nudging Tech’s elbow. 
“For the long run.”
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Cyare = beloved [sha-rey]
K’olar = come here
Vod’ika = little sibling [vohd-eeka]
Vod = sibling
Ori’vod = big sibling [ori-vohd]
Ghhhk = character in the game dejarik
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @will-is-silly @skellymom @dangraccoon (feel free to tell me what you want or don't want to be tagged in!)
Dividers by @saradika
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ryn-loves-cheese · 11 months
Hi! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。 Welcome to my tumblr page! I’m Ryn I go by they/them! And I’m pansexual/demiromantic
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fandoms I draw for:
•demon slayer
•jujutsu Kaisen
•sk8 infinity
•Tokyo revengers(haven’t finished the show yet)
•the owl house
•the Magnus archives(haven’t finished the podcast yet)
•hazbin hotel
•sky: children of light
•bungo stray dogs
•Luigi’s mansion
•doctor who
•the apocathary diaries (haven’t finished the show yet)
•house MD
•gravity falls
•the outsiders
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☀️I TAKE ART REQUESTS☀️I can’t promise I’ll get to them but if you have any do send bc my ass always has art block- ill be doing two at a time at most
I will draw your ocs or any characters I’m okay with ships but i can say no if I’m uncomfortable with the ship that also goes for any other drawing I can refuse if I’m uncomfortable
Things I’m ok with:
oc x oc
oc x canon character (no minor x adults)
Canon character x canon character (DEPENDING ON THE SHIP)
Chibi characters
Regular animals: parrots, cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, fish, tigers, chickens, anything like that
mild gore or candy gore
any of the things on that list I will draw :]
Things I’M NOT OKAY with drawing! You will be blocked if you ask for some of these things! (Also this is a DNI list for some things):
proshipping(minor x adult) -immediate block don’t bother following me
racist or homophobic or transphobic don’t follow me istg
heavy and graphic gore
Anthro/furries (i don’t have a major issue with them i just don’t know how to draw them 💀)
mechanical or mecha stuff (idk how to draw this)
any depiction of ‘Yandere’ or unhealthy toxic relationships that shits not welcome here
‼️this should also be clarified i will NOT draw ANY nsfw or suggestive material i may make jokes but don’t ask it of me i don’t mind blogs with mildly suggestive material follow me along as its not straight up nsfw. I’ve seen a few blogs like that follow me but general rule of thumb here DNI if you are a blog that has nsfw art or material it’s just weird I’m a minor it’s not hard to understand you’ll be blocked :3 Ty for reading‼️
also if it’s a oc I will require a picture of them
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this is my oc ryn!
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my moots/freinds :]
@bin-s0 (lovely artist and very sweet :] and my bf they are literally one of my favourite people 🩷🩷🩷)
@boo-simplified (also a banger artist and a very wonderful friend i know them irl and they are so goddamn nice✨)
@mercurymaceo ( EDIBLE ART. Need I say more! And a very close friend ⭐️✨)
@kimetsu-chan (LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG 💖💖very pretty art and a good writer)
@thesimp-nicki (very nice very delicious chibi art)
@thesilliersakura (ART IS VERY SILLY AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and very silly freind)
@swisscheeselovers-blog (he is another close irl friend of mine dose some silly doodles once and a while. SO FUNNY ONG very goofy and silly friend 🫶💖)
@shycroissanti (some more edible art has one of the silliest ocs ever and is so nice!)
@clownpalette (ART IS SO SILLY AND CUTE!!!)
@aceofstars0 (so sweet makes some SCRUMPTIOUS ART- I wanna eat it please follow them :] )
@rion-isnot-an-ai (yet another underrated artist who is also very nice! Makes lovely art!)
@silas-png (bro im bouta eat your art if you’re not careful THE RENDERING THEY DO IS JUST 😭💖✨🤌)
@pearlymoonn (OMG they are so nice iv spoke with them before and they’re lovely fncndhshchvu they make very cute art!)
@cloudymistedskies (if you like Muichiro I suggest following them they have so many good fanarts of him :D)
@scrimblyscrorblo (very silly doodles iv spoken with them a couple of times and i absolutely adore they’re art its so goofy and cute and are also very nice 🫶)
@delirious-dan (THE ART <3 so good and they are very silly and cool)
thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :]
divider creds to:
my art tag is #Ryn’s art 💜
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archonfurina · 7 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Three things tag game ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
I was bored so I came up with some questions for you guys. I'm giving my taglist a break and I'm not tagging anyone, but if you're still reading this consider yourself tagged!
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Rules: answer with your three current favourite...
—characters: furina genshin impact, my oc veera luna falgrove, astarion bg3
— shows: crash landing on you, love by chance 2, extraordinary you
— games: genshin impact, overwatch, last epoch
— artists: twice, dreamcatcher, le sserafim
— flowers: roses, bleeding hearts, bluebells
— ships: furina x neuvillette, mammon x me, zhongli x lumine
— scents: petrichor, freshly cut grass, something sweet and fruity
— genres: romance, scifi, adventure
— movies: i rarely watch any
— celebrities: plan rathavit, shin hye sun, park eun bin
— saved/past urls: bunnyxavier, clotikissed, cove-holdens
— colours: blue, pink, purple
— aesthetics: cute/pink, witchcore, uhh.. academia?
— hobbies: gaming, writing, drawing (good at, decent at, suck at)
— gemstones: rose quartz, alexandrite, sapphire
— places: budapest, helsinki, podaca
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degrees-of-fuck · 8 months
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Wildly self indulgent OC Shipping Doodles with mine, @pip-n-chips & @asylumdweller 's lil guys!!!!! There will DEFINITELY be more tbh I'm unstoppable. I'm SO NORMAL about our fucked up little oc ships and it gets worse by the fucking day.
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jacenotjason · 11 months
Ekon Akọmalu!
..i made another one
this is Ekon! He’s a big ol dopey man and i love him very much :3
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Some doodles of em
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willowsfunnys · 27 days
I just wanted to note here real fast that school has officially started for.me, luckily though I graduate early! (In December, normally it would be in like may or april) My courses this year aren't that bad either meaning I'm gonna try and post more often so if you would still like to see me draw something whether that be your oc, a character from a fandom (preferably rainworld related..) or a ship then feel free to leave a ask in my asks bin!!
And also heres a few doodles I did in between testing, I may or may not digitalize a few of them on a later date ;)
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Featuring my lovely creature @colfy-wolfy 's character fsp!!!
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 month
(Chapter: One)
A poorly written fic with bad grammer about my fluffy shipkid comfort au i made cuz because of one oc
Also Rogerg and My Able are here
And Queenie is alive Fuck it
Ships: Showtime, BunnyDoll, abstragedy, Checkmates
TW: Child trauma , bullying
Pomni was roaming the corridors of the Tent, she stopped and saw The cast members gathered around in a circle, looking at something on the floor
Zooble: Ew what is that thing?
Gangle: It kinda looks like a giant booger...
Jax: Why are we staring at this thing? This is like, the least weird thing here
Kinger: Look! Look! Its moving! its Alive!
Pomni tilted her head and walked over
Pomni: What are you all doing?
Queenie turned her head to Pomni
Queenie: Pomni, Dearie! You're close to Caine, do you know what this is?
She walked over and joined the circle, on the floor was a big green splat on the floor, It like Jello in process of rotting only it was pulsating gently like a slime mold
Pomni: wah- what is this?
Kinger: we don't really know, do think its edible?
Jax: I dunno, you should Try it
Ragatha: No, No you shouldn't! You dont know what it is
Pomni: Its probably nothing, maybe I should go ask Caine-
Gangle: Look! Its moving again!
The Splat Was pulling itself together and forming a small piller, The top of it Swelled bigger and bigger like bubble, until it stood atop of a thin neck connecting it to the body, the body slouched due to the weight of the bulbous head
Everyone was staring at it with awe as the slime took form of a vaguely humanoid shape, A single, Big, Bright Orange Eye opened
???: Wah- huh?- What the- where- where am I?
The voice of a young boy came out of the slimes mouth, his one eye shooting across the room and then staring quietly the cast members, The slime meekishly backed up form the cast members
???: w-whats going on?!
His voice was shivering with anxiety and confusion
Pomni: Oh my God thats kid!
She rushed over to the Boy, his breath audibly becoming heavy
Pomni: Are you okay?! Look, I-I know this is Scary but-
She was Cut off when The Child started Screaming like a Banshee
The Child slinked away and splated on the floor, he quickly pulled Himself Up and slithered away, Yelling like he was being murdered
The other Circus members trying to calm him down and catch him, He crashed into a trash bin and a weird looking Muppet thing with fly wings and antenna spilled out and crashed on the floor
Rogerg: GAH- WHAT THE (HONK)?!
The muppet and the slime just stared at eachother for bit before the fly puppet thing started shouting at the top of his lungs
The Slime leaped over the trash can, his body compacted into a sphere and started Bouncing all over the Circus, the Child screaming while he controllably spurng around the tent
Caine: Did Someone Called for me?!
Caine looked at the slimeball darting across the room and he grabbed him by the back of the neck, his gooey body went limp like a kitten, He sat him down on the floor, patting his head
Caine: Their you go! All better!
The boy was just silent, breathing quietly the confusion and fear still plastered on his face
Caine: You alright son? You look you've seen a ghost!
The Boy: .....Am.... Am I Dead? Because this doesn't look like heaven or Hell...
Caine chuckled and put his hand on his shoulder
Caine: No my Slimy friend! You certainly not Dead but digitally reborn! You my boy have entered A Digital world of Endless Fun and Adventure!!
The Boy perked up alittle
The boy: ....Adventure? Like... Dragons and Zombies?
Caine: Thats certainly a possibility!!
The Boy: That Sounds Sick!!
The Child's body bounced up and down, the confusion on his face turned into wonder and excitement
Caine was taken aback alittle about how Excited he was, usually new humans panicked and screamed at him when He explained the Digital world, but he was excited and even happy about His predicament
Caine: it certainly is "sick" my Boy! Let me show you around town!
He picks him up by his back againn and teleported him outside and told him all about the Grounds
The Boy: WOW! A free Carnival! They never let me in Carnivals! Awesome!
Caine: Now Thats the spirit son!! So glad you like it!
Caine teleported them back to the tent, and sat the Boy down next to the rest of the cast
They Boy: This place is epic!! I never wanna Leave!!
Caine: Love the enthusiasm Son! Im sure you'll have a great time!
The Boy: Yeah! I gotta go tell everyone about this place! There all gonna be so Jealous!!
The Boy sprinted to the door before stoping in his tracks coming to a terrifying realization
Where did he live? Where was everyone else? What was His name again? He didn't even remember what His face even looked like
He shuttered, Everything he knew was erased, his body became dead still, terror frozen on her face
He slowly turned his face back to the Ringmaster
The Boy: How..... How... Do I... Leave?
Everyone was uncomfortably silent and looking around, Jax tried to say something but Ragatha Shut him up
Pomni: Um.... Now don't freak out... but We... There isn't.... We don't Actually know....
The Boy: What Do you mean Dude?! I'm stuck here forever?!
Jax: Well yeah pretty much
Ragatha: Jax!
Jax: What? He was going to find out eventually!
The Boy was just Quiet, His pupil retracted and His mouth went agap, He started hyperventilating
His Gelatinous body starting shivering which looked a bit like jiggling, his eye started watering, His breath starting coming out in shaky spruts
Pomni: Hey! Hey! It'll be okay! ...Just ...Try to... um...
Ragatha: Think Positive! Its really not so bad here!...
The Child's crying became more profuse The cast tried to comfort him, embedding the tragic reality into His Head
Caine Quietly: Not again...
Caine looked the Child With sympathy, This ALWAYS happens whenever a new human eneters and never knew what to do to help them, Only it was worse this time because It was a Child, an innocent Child who was probably missing his Parents, his friends...
Wait... Friends... Pals... Caine got an idea
Caine: WELP! Son, you certainly got yourself into a pretty psychology damaging predicament, Which means theres only One thing to do!!
The Child looked up at him, Tears still in his eyes and Cast trying to comfort him
The Boy: .....What?
Caine: Social Therapy!!
The Boy: *sniff* what?...
Caine Took his baton and summoned a closed stage curtain
Caine: I give you.... Your Psychological Aid Liaisons!!
The Curtain opened and reveled 6 younger looking cast members
Caine: Your P.A.LS!!
The Boy looked at Caine confused and then the Pals, One who was a Black Chess piece like one of the Cast members, randomly fell on his face, The Boy looks back at Caine perplexed
Caine: Thats Right! These Googly Little Guardians are here to Bring you Endless Comfort and tranquility in Your lowest points in Life! Not To mention Tons and Tons Of Fun!
The Boy: ...What?
Before The Boy could question futher a Pal ran up to him, They were Brightly colorful like the circus they were in and made of Random shapes and parts, they could hardly run due to their fragile, lopsided body, They Shook his slimey with their ribbony one
Niku: Afternoon! My name is Niku, What a wonderful day it is such a swell person such as you!
The Boy: um... Okay-
A Rabbit Ragdoll, covered in Patches, bumped into Niku, toppling them over and smashing into pieces
Patchricia: Nice to meet'cha New friend! Cupcake?
She offered him a cupcake shaped like a bunny
The Boy: Um... I-Im good
Patchricia: suit yaself!
She ate the cupcake herself, two Chess pieces wearing Pink and Blue robes walked up Him and curtsyed
Princessa: A Pleased im sure, My Name is Princessa and this my Brother Princely
Princely: Hello! I like how green you are! Im certain we will be good friends!
Princely Extended his floating hand to him, The Boy slinked away in response, Princessa it and moved Her brother out of His way
Next, A Pal with Soma cube for a Head and one green eye went up to him, their calm and professional demeanor a contrast to the cutesy sailor suit they were wearing
Qwerty: Greetings, My name is Qwerty, I am here to assist with any inquiries or tasks you may have, Please let me know how I can be of service
Their monotonous and flat voice was unsettling to him, almost creepy sounding
The Boy: Uh-huh sure...
Qwerty: Alright then
They walked away and joined the Pals Who were helping Niku put them selves back together and adding new parts to them
Patchricia: sorry bout that, I got too excited
Nikus voiced changed to one androgynous to more high pitched and feminine
Niku: *Sniffle* oh no no no its all my fwault!!
Qwerty: unreasonable reason, Patchricia was the one who pushed you
The boy just stared at the absolute absurdity of the Artificial "Intelligences" that were supposed to help him
Ragtha: Isn't this great! Look at the new friends you have!
The Boy just stared with a dumbfounded face
Caine: One... Two... Three... wait, Wheres-
M' ere!
A little tooth-headed Boy wearing orange suspenders and a striped shirt ran up to the Ringmaster with Chocolate sauce all over his face
Caine: Ah! Enock! There you are Son!
Enock: I made a Chocolate foutain In the Bafroom!
Caine: Thats great champ! Say, why don't you go say to our new friend!
Enock: New Friend?! Well Hotdog! I love New friends!
Enock looked over to The slime Boy, He was bouncing up and down with Excitement, the Boy looked at him like he had two heads instead of a tooth one
Enock ran over as fast he could, and hugged and shaked him as hard as could, Squishing His Gooey body against him
Enock: HI! My names Enock!! I like to Sing and Dance and wear suspenders with my pants... Hey that Ryhmed!! Do you like it here?! I love it here! We can love it here together! Golly Gosh! You sure are Green! Like broccoli! I dont like broccoli, But I like YOU! Also your eye is my favorite color! And!... and...
Enock noticed The Boy was absolutely terrified by his over excitement so he went quiet as everyone else
Qwerty: ...I believe you have frightened him Enock
Enock: ....im sorry...
He looked down on the floor ashamed and sad he screwed up at an introduction so badly
Pomni and Caine looked at their child sympathetically, They hated seeing him so upset
Pomni: Hey um.. Enock.. why don't you go show your New friend Around the Tent?
Caine: Great Idea Love! Enock! Go show our little green friend The Magic of The Circus!
Enock: Really!? Hotdog!!
He jumped in the air with excitement
Patchricia: aw c'mon! Why does HE getta do it!?
Patchricia: I'm Sorry!
Later Enock was walking with The Boy through the Halls of the circus and they came to a colorful door with the words 'The Learning Room' in puffy, bold letters on it,
He opened the door to show a cartoony classroom with a alphabet puzzle carpet, circle tables spread across the area, arts and crafts covered the walls and storty books on the shelves and Big chalkboard with random doodles and phrases on it
Enock: Dishisda School room! We learn lossa things here! Like scince, Engrish, maff, arts, and Gramma! imma... not very good at dat last one... or tha others... ebendo.. My uncle is the teacher... and my dad is literally god... But das Okay! Because- Hey where'd ja go?
The Boy wasn't listening to Him, He was Staring into the affirmation mirror at his own reflection, a disconcert and absolute disturbed expression looking staring back at him
The Boy: This.... This... Isn't my face... I don't look like this...
Enock tilted his head
Enock: wattdiya mean? Weren't you Born slimy?
The Boy: ..... I don't know... I... I try to remember my face... my name...
His voice became shaky
The Boy: But... But its like it never existed in the first place...
Enock: Nothing?! Na' even your friends?... or your family? An all the People who love you?....
The Boy's voice hitches and Started tearing up...
The Boy: No... I- I don't...
Enock's demeanor quickly went from happy to one of sorrow
Enock: I.... I... *gasp* I know! You wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He went up to him, arms outstretched to hug the distressed Boy, But The boy slid away from Enock's kind gesture
The Boy: N-no!
He had a bothersome manner like Enock was doing something absurd or wrong, Enock put his arms down embarrassed and twiddling his nonexistent fingers
Enock: well... Do you... Do you wanna go play with other pals with me?
The Boy: .....Sure
Later, Enock took The Boy to the Pal's Clubhouse, Inside they were all sitting in a circle sharing Cookies and Chips and talking with eachother
Patchricia: So I Ended up accidentally spilling the batter all over my dress and I, like, literally Jumped six feet in the air! Now, I know it was just batter, but it was like, in that weird goop phase that I hate, Like, Slimy things are just gross and I hate them
The Boy gave Patchricia a dirty look
Patchricia: Oh! um... No offense to you of course! Im sure you're very nice and clean!
Princessa: Tch! I really don't get your obsession with everything having to be sparkly clean all the time, gosh you're so dramatic!
Patchricia: Oh really? If you're so chill bout Dirty things, why don't I go dump Trash all over your perfect, clean, sparkly room?
Princessa: oh Nonono! Please dont do that!
Niku: I Find trash quite exhilarating experience! I get to discover all sorts of new bits and pieces and rebirth them into parts! And I also I can be in the presence of My Uncle!
Princly: Oh yeah Uncle Rogerg Is awesome! Hes so sweet and nice!
Patchricia: Oh yeah! Like, I wouldn't touch him without a towl but hes awesome!
Everybody started talking about how they love Uncle Rogerg, confuseing the Boy
The Boy: wait... you're not talking about the weird Muppet thing that lives in the trash are you?
Niku: Tehe! No silly im talking about my Uncle Rogerg! He's a felt marionette that lives in the garbage
The Boy was looking at them all weird when he noticed the absence of someone
The Boy: hey, wheres the Blockhead?
Princessa: Qwerty has a Special Curriculum, apparently, their learning how to make new worlds and people!
Princely: oh Yeah! They're like the smartest person ever!
Patchricia: They can pretty much do anything
Princessa: A true Renaissanceman in the humble package of an Everyman
Enock: They are also my cousin! Didja know that?!
He shook the Boy a little
Niku: That is true Enock, but you certainly act opposite!
Patchricia: I know right? Its like your not even related at all
Enock slowly quieted down, The boy tilted his head to look at him, he looked like something distressing him was on his mind
The Boy: So... what do you guys do all day exactly?
Niku: were all here to make people happy and help them when feeling distressed
Princely: that or were at school
Patchricia: or playing minigames
The Boy: okay, cool... so what do the Adults do? Do they have Jobs? Or do they wander around aimlessly too?
Enock: OH! OH! My Dad makes them all cool adventures that they can go everyday! Hes really REALLY cool and make Cool worlds and People and Makes everybody happy! And someday Imma learn ta make em Too someday! And- And- And- When I do, imma make all sorts of cool things and make everybody happy!! And- And- And- An- An- An- ima Make all sorta kewl things like A diner Run by Talking dinosaurs and make Magic hotdogs!! And then imma make a magic Moose that tells your the darkest desires and Birds that throw up more birds and giant skeleton hands that pick up you and takes you to nirvana! or giraffes that are actually snakes!-
Enock started endlessly rambling about random weird things, he was talking so fast it started sounding like absoulte gibberish and started shaking his hands and stomping his feet
When he calmed down, He noticed everyone was looking at him like he was deranged, especially The Boy
The Boy: ....dude...What is wrong with you?
Enock meekly hid his face in his knees
Niku: So... Adventures! They're funnest!
Princessa: You know yesterday, Father told about me that they explored a Cave full of gemstones, He told me it was Magical! I wish I was there with him
The Boy: what? Can't you?
Patchricia: No, Mr. Caine said their to dangerous for us, we do get to do other things instead though
The Boy: well... im not one of you guys, so can I go?
Princely: Well im sure you figure out when Mr. Caine announces the next one tomorrow
Enock: OH! OH! You're gonna love my Dad! He's like the coolest ever!! You're gonna love him! He tells Me all sorts of smart things!
Enock started grabbed The Boy and playfully shaking him faster and faster
Enock: Like- Like- Why We should never pay taxes! Or How bathing in toothpaste is actually good for you, and it also feels nice because its minty! I like the Mango flavored one because I like mangos! Did you know Mangos and cashews are cousins? Thats because cashews come from a fru-
Enock accidentally pushed the boy onto the floor, splattering him all over the other Pals
The Boy: OW!- *Splat!*
Princely: Enock, Why'd you do that?!
Enock looked absolutely humiliated, and grabbed his long eyestalks on the sides of head and covered his face and left the club house, leaving The boy a splat on the floor
At night, The boy found a little playmat to use as a blanket, He was trying to get comfy but everytime he tried to relax he oozed out of the blanket not to mention a jelly body wasn't exactly comfortable for him, He hated this body that wasn't his, he hated this place that wasn't his home, he hated all the weird and annoying people in this Dumb, stupid Circus, He just wanted to go home but he couldn't even fathom what 'home' even felt like, did he ever? Will he ever know? He curled himself underneath the blanket which he oozed out of
The Boy: Ugh! This place sucks (CAR HORN)!
Enock: How'd you dodat with your mouth?
Great, The Crazy Clown boy was back, it COULD get worse than this
Enock: Wire you sleeping onda floor?
The Boy: Go Screw yourself freak! You're making everything worse!
Instead of screwing off he sat down on the floor and scouched himslef closer to him
Enock: 何が問題なの?
The Boy: Stop! Just Stop! Everything here is so freaking weird! I just... I just wanna go home, But I dont even now what home is! I dont even remember what normal feels like and YOU being a total weirdo freakazoid IS. NOT. HELPING. So go AWAY!
The Boy: Ugh, can my life get any worse??
Enock: Do You... wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He extended his arms to hug him, but he slithered away from him, His gelatinous body literally boiling and bubbling like a angry Cat hissing at a puppy, but Enock's arms were still extended
Enock: C'mon! It'll help!
The boys body sizzled louder, making the blanket burn off his body
Enock: ... pretty please?
Pomni far away: Ennie! Its Time for Bed!
Enock hesitated to leave for a bit, before sprinting away to his room, The boy continued helplessly to try to get comfortable on the hard floor, He felt his eye start to water and he started to weep, he didn't know why he was here, or what this place even his he just wanted to go home,
but... did he know even know home was?
Part 2
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blualt · 6 months
fandom is just like. we are a bunch of little kids playing with action figures and/or dolls.
shipping? youre just making your toys kiss
angst? youre just reenacting fucked up shit with your toys
crossovers? youre just playing with toys from completely different things
media ocs? youre just making your own little toy out of stuff from the arts and crafts bin
i want to fit sid from toy story in this metaphor somewhere but i dont know where. fics that involve body horror ig??? someone help
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 9 months
If my OC was Canon what God Awful Fandom Hot Takes would their be for them?
Ohhh what do you think they would perceive Aldreda/Alicent?
Not the ask I expected, & I'll be honest I've thought about this more with the Roycegaryens, so it took a minute but I think I've got a good thought process going here. I'm gonna tackle it first with Aldreda herself, because I think that's a lot of important context, & then I'll talk about Aldricent. [Also, content warnings for below the cut: mentions of sexual abuse, discussions of violence, mentions of emotona abuse, general unhinged fandom bs]
Aldreda would be fucking divisive. There's no way around it, I know she would be. Because she's only Gender Weird & not a man, she'd get viewed more negatively than someone like Daemon or Aemond, who are also divisive in their own ways but get more positive attention. She has all the makings of getting seen like a girlboss (she fights & raids, all her hobbies are masculine, she's “sexually liberated”), but she has way too much grit to get boiled down to that unless you want to be really fucking delusional (& trust, I know a lot of fans of HOTD are/can be because of how young a lot of them skew). She's mean & petty, early on in her arc she pretty obviously objectifies other women (regardless of how nice & respectful by comparison she is), she revels in violence if she's the cause of it, & she really quickly turncloaks in The Dance because wrong place/wrong time & getting captured & offered the position of Aegon’s Master of Ships in exchange for her & her remaining men's lives (nevermind she personally was determined to be neutral/wasn't really engaging with the war before getting conscripted by Team Green). Because she's not easily sanitizable & on the less popular side of the war, she wouldn't be getting any favors from a lot of fandom. And that's not even touching on how, like, way hard-core Team Green stans would feel about her, I cannot even fathom if it would be positive or negative (if anyone has thoughts there lmk, I'm curious).
So, just in general Aldreda would be getting hot takes about how she's not really one of the Ironborn & making up all kind of shit about honor & doing a disservice to her whole House & culture (like Sansa got/gets about Not Really Being Northern), & about how she should have either let herself get killed or have somehow murdered her way out of being surrounded by trained soldiers who'd disarmed her & were literally only leaving her unharmed/unacosted because they watched her rip a man's ear off with her teeth. Really vindictive Aldreda antis would come out with hot takes about her deserving all the emotional neglect & emotional incest & sexual abuse from her backstory & how it should have been worse, or that she should have “shut up & married her cousin instead of getting involved in the war & sticking her nose where it doesn't belong/betraying Rhaenyra [whom she has never fucking met].” There'd probably be a pretty vocal minority that ships her with her abuser/cousin just because he's “hot & possessive,” & that is a very rancid hot take. People would victim blame her & also claim she was the direct reason her murdered/not dead by happenstance brothers got murdered.
Aldricent, I don't think, would be super popular outside of tumblr. Like, Aldricent just is for the tumblrinas because it's “becoming less toxic yuri marriage arc,” & that would speak to the tumblr-flavor-chronically-online girlies (gender neutral).
I approach this next bit as a Rhaenicent Enjoyer, but a lot of hate for Aldricent would come from there, imo. Aldreda would get called “bargain bin Rhaenyra” due to the places their stories kinda overlap, & depending on which bias you approached the ship from would determine your hot take from there. It'd either be “Alicent is replacing Rhaenyra with Aldreda who's a lesser model, & she'd probably leave her in a heartbeat if she came to her senses & started supporting her girlboss one true love” or “Aldreda is sexually manipulating Alicent & is literally only one step above Larys or Viserys due to her issues/trauma surrounding female sexuality that she's obviously never going to grow from/improve upon. Criston should kill her.” Before the growth arc, there'd probably be hot takes/jokes about Alicent being a pillow princess & finally getting to nut, & some of them would probably come from a good place, but it's still a Bad Hot Take to me because Alicent's lack of active participation the first time they fuck is an Aldreda choice.
There'd probably also be hot takes about which one of them is fixing the other with their magic, problem solving pussy or w/e, because that's how relationships work 🙄 (whoever you think is fixing the other is determined by who you like more &/or whoever you think is worse, I suppose. Pick your poison/bad take).
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