#OH And ofc. hes transgendered
castielsparkle · 9 months
ik its beating a dead horse saying this but truly the things we dont see in spn are sooo. dean keeping up his haircut in particular offscreen makes me insane. i cant elaborate why yet im at work
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explanationpoint · 1 year
note to self: if you’re a trans woman and you become famous, tell people some bs about how you’re not actually trans despite transitioning. it’ll make everyone like you more.
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felkithecreator · 2 months
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(Full-Color Version under the cut!!)
I was inspired by @breannasfluff 's pride DTIYS!! But, well, why draw just Triple Threat when I could draw the entire Chain instead???
Is what I thought, when I started this over a month ago.
Reasons why I should've drawn only Triple Threat, rather than the entire Chain, is that this probably would've taken like, 3 or 4 weeks less than it actually did :D. (..that's not true, more like 2 weeks probably.) Ahaha
Still, I'm very happy with how this turned out!! :D
I'm still so so late though it's not even Pride Month anymore whoops.
The flags that I chose are my own personal head-canons for the Chain. But also I'll list some of my relationship headcanons too for fun.
Warriors: Gay, painfully single. 
Time: Ambiguously queer, for the purposes of this art I thought genderqueer fit well. Ofc he's married to Malon.
Wind: Queer/Gay (He and Tetra are queer platonic besties to me) I didn't really wanna assign too much to him though since he's like, 14, so he just got a rainbow.
Twilight: Pansexual. Used to have a crush on Midna, later develops a relationship with Shad?? Idk, he can do whatever he wants.
Sky: Bisexual, Polyamorous. Man is totally dating both Sun and Groose.
Four: I have no idea what Four is. Vio is gay, Shadow is gay, Blue and Green are not into romance, and Red is pan. Demiromantic I guess, for all of Four? But like Four would never date anyone cuz the colors. So I just went with a rainbow.
Legend: Transgender, gay, asexual. My headcanon says he's married to Ravio. (For tax reasons, ofc.)
Hyrule: Aroace!! (Aromantic asexual). I'm sorry but I cannot imagine this little fae dating anyone. Queer platonic relationships with the Zeldas though? I can see that.
Wild: Bigender. I also headcanon him as polysexual but I forgot that I headcanoned him as that until literally writing this bit so uh... I forgot to add it to the image. Oh well.
This took forever, literally I am dying, and now I can finally move onto drawing a different piece!! ...I still need to finish my Chain as mythical creatures series so maybe I'll get on that
Here's the full-color version:
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this-is-exorsexism · 1 month
I was talking to my friend (he's a cis boy) and we were talking abt gender and I called myself trans, and he asked "wait ur a boy?" And I was like no I'm nonbinary, nonbinary is literally under the trans umbrella. And brudda literally went "oh so your trans but not trans"
UM NO??? I'M TRANS, I'M TRANSGENDER, I'M NONBINARY! Nonbinary ppl deserve to be included in the trans label no matter if we had surgery or take hormones, and it's mostly from the misconception that Nonbinary means 'no gender' or 'doesn't give a fuck abt gender' and ofc it can be that, but that's certainly not the only definition or everyone's experience. I certainly have gender, but it's anything but binary. I just really wish everything wasn't so binary.
Thank u for listening to my rant, idk if this even counts as exorsexism but it's annoying to feel excluded from your own community, feeling like some side-kick to binary trans folks
this is exorsexism.
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fisherkn1ght · 2 months
tagged by: @bees-tes-blog (THANK YOU AGHH🥹)
tagging: @garzzum 😈
(I THINK MOST OF MY MUTUALS HAVE BEEN TAGGED but if you see this.. it's a sign to stop everything and fill this out IMMEDIATELY!!)
(game under the cut ((: )
(I realize I have..0 nice screenshots of him. oh well)
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nicknames: 'Leon' (by others), 'Little lion' (by pawn)
age: Ranges, starting from 19~24, ending around 37
race: elven, though from a different region than the Vermudian elves
gender: cis male (if he really thought on it, though, he'd consider himself some degree of apagender)
orientation: gay, demisexual
moral alignment: chaotic good (I thinmk..)
class/subclass: started out as an assassin (DDDA), aligned with warfarer for most of his years as an arisen, but ended as a magick archer/trickster when the left side of his body was burned to the point of being non-functional.
background: Raised in a quiet, distant fishing village for most of his childhood. Once 18, he set sail with his beloved. Upon making their home in Melve, a dragon razed the village shortly after, murdering his beloved and leaving him as that world's Arisen, however unwilling he may have been to the role.
interests/hobbies: fishing and sailing (as a sentimental hobby), bird keeping (lovebirds), and writing (:
languages: a basic understanding of common, but his background is fluency in elven (and it is his preference). He has selective mutism, however, so speaking (with others in general) is often difficult even in his birth language
height: 156 (SHORTTTT)
colors: solid reds, dark purples, and black (:
fruits: fig, passion fruit
alcoholic beverages: Just a solid mead or ale, to take the edge off of whatever state he's in.
smokes: No, it reminds him of his late lover (who was always on greenwarish)
drugs: No
drivers oxcart license: he claims to have one (jumping on the backs of unsuspecting oxen does count right..right..)
ever been arrested: yes.. but he will always deny it (the guards shouldn't have been there) because he is an angel💖
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nicknames: "little lamb" (by arisen)
age: appears late-twenties
race: Vermudian elven
gender: transgender male (later id's as transmasc)
orientation: aromantic, unlabeled for sexual orientation
moral alignment: chaotic neutral (methinks..)
class/subclass: begins as a warrior, persists as a mage, ends as a sorcerer
background: summoned by his arisen after wandering the Rift for most of his life. Despite their abrasive relationship, they softened eachother for the better. He had initially come to him as a pawn named Angmare, and for the first few years of gaining a conscience (with the arisen's presence) he began to feel uncomfortable, and even sickened by what he was perceived to be. In a possessed fit of rage shortly after contracting dragonsplague, he'd clawed out his own chest and declared himself anew to Leonen (after returning from the rift, that is😭).
interests/hobbies: loveloveLOVES dancing and music, along with stargazing (preferably from inside, though), and making jewelry with the scraps they collect from battle.
languages: common and Vermudian elvish, learned his arisen's dialect later.
height: 203 (I think..🙈)
colors: deep/royal purples, burgundy, black, soft turquoise
fruits: papaya, pineapple
alcoholic beverages: he steals the fruit wines that are wasting away aging in their storage
smokes: noo
drugs: nooo
drivers oxcart license: no (he despises the smell of ox poo... it's worth walking the whole way to him)
ever been arrested: he says they'll never find the bodies (he hasn't)
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thank you for suffering along with my world building that 100% makes sense 🤝
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s0lar-ch3ri · 3 months
when cheri has ocs
its time to go silly mode.
OKAY SO LIKE. paige (he/xey). 16 year old paige. he got multiple arms and shit, can grow up to 20 extra, and uses sign mainly to communicate as hes slowly losing his hearing (hes like at 40 as of rn, would be more but Events happened and it went down a LOT quicker)! he is a pd oc and has a nephew named collins (who ill talk about more either later or in a diff post, depends how i feel) and like. lets get into his silly lil thigns (putting a read more cause long rambles tee hee)
(OH AND NELF IK YOU FOLLOW ME. NO NO READING FOR YOU. or actually any of my friends in the rp sighs)
the arms can pop out basically anywhere on the back and sides of the torso (this does include the shoulders)! they can all be given different tasks to do, but paige prefers to have them all do the same things. the arms function like regular arms, and can be hidden on command. the arms arent really stored, they just appear. xeir skin though does has a faster scar-making process as to handle the arms that pierce out.
the arms do pierce the skin each time, and while xeir skin is able to form back at much quicker speeds, it still aches a bit when their first pulled out. the pain can last for longer and hurt more dependent on how many arms are pulled out. from this, everything becomes strange sensory wise and attempting tasks (like restraining someone or even picking something up) becomes a lot harder.
to command the arms to do different things requires a lot of focus on the arms. the more complicated, or the more arms doing all different things, the commands to the arms are, the less outside information is to taken in as to keep a focus over all the arms.
if an odd amount of arms is in use, it can cause an unbalance. its similar to phantom limb in a way, being incomplete in its set.
the arms can randomly pop out unexpectedly. whether its because of a fear response or he just had the misfortune of having them, it always hurts like hell (more then normal, and because of their wild nature, it doesnt really go away) and takes a bit to put away. he also becames basically unaware of his surroundings as all his focus goes into controlling these arms.
with the wild arms and shit, they also can damage paige. they are not under paiges control (unless, ofc, the focus thing) and as such squirm around. however, things can escalate and the arms seem to have a mind of their own, able to aimlessly grab and rip at things. this includes paige.
paige had started noticably going deaf at the age of 8. for a couple years, they (xeir parents) tried to have paige speak, but eventually (when he was like 9 or 10) they just had him learn sign. also around the age of 8, paige had noticed the arm thing, but managed to hide them easy. hes a lil transgender guy and uses binding tape (he/xey btw should have said that sooner)! he ended up telling his nephew his secret (moreso because he caught him once and paige just decided to explain it all). as of current, paige is in highschool (where he gets picked on i mean hes a disabled kid hello??), able to balance both being a hero and a student pretty well (he may be failing a couple classes but like. surely he can fix it).
paige doesnt actually have "xeir" own powers. its a parasite, implanted into his brain. whether by accident or not (still havent decided), it was implanted around the birth of paige and is slowly eating away. its why the arms can be very wild and shit, theyre not really belonging to his control or him at all. it wasnt really identifiable and it isnt noticed by paige. so uh yeah
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rbvcdeluxe · 6 months
pinned post bc yeag
So, my name is Robert Bartolomeo but I have like, some nicknames ofc, I ain't tellin' 'em here rn. I go by he/him, I'm Mexican, transgender and I'm autistic with ADHD n OCD (send help). This is mainly a Starkid blog, some TCB and with the occasional mention of some other interests which are tbh quite some
If anyone wants to talk with me, feel absolutely free to do it. I would like to add that as normal as my typing seems when I post, I actually have terrible spelling n ton of typos when textin directly through DM or textin in general, even tho I still kinda try to be lowkey understandable (I cannot fuckin understand myself)
Feel free to send asks about anything, either if it's jus for interaction or questions, I'm totally fine w it n I love talkin so yeah. Even if we are not mutuals, you can totally send asks.
Anyone can ask for discord by DMing me btw
(more under the cut)
I'd call myself not so social (almost at all) but I do really, really appreciate when people wanna talk to me since socializing is a huge problem for me, so yup, everyone is welcome to interact with me.
Some of my interests are: Splatoon, The Good Place, Musical comedians (As in musical stand up and some comedy artists), some other musicals like Beetlejuice, Heathers, Jesus Christ Superstar and others. I'm also DEEPLY obsessed with Van Gogh, his paintings, his history and even other artists he was connected to like Paul Gauguin (who I fuckin' hate but I like learnin' 'bout him)
Going more deeply with my interest on musical comedians (since it's actually a pretty big term lmao), most of my interest goes to stand up musical comedians, those who are still on stage and off, like Bo Burnham, Tim Minchin, Tom Lehrer, Garfunkel and Oates, etc. But most of my interest goes to Bo Burnham and Tim Minchin, I can't physically be normal about them at all. I'm also in love with other works besides comedy some of them make or have been involved in, like movies and other projects. I LOVE Eighth Grade, Upright, Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous, and many others.
Also i think it would b silly to mention that my username are just the initials of my full name + deluxe. I just like the word deluxe so I put it there tbh (and it's also a reference but shhhh you saw nothing)
Imma write some silly fun facts about me n shit now.
Back to Starkid: My two ever fuckin' favorite starkid musicals will always be Black Friday and TTO. I will defend those fuckers until the day I die ALONG with Cinderella's Castle. I cannot be normal about any of these shows. No one will ever fuckin understand BF as much as I do
I also love writing little simple analysis of some characters and even scenes I love, even if most of them I do not end up posting bc I either didn't like how I phrased it or I just think it could be way better (or maybe it's just too stupid). Something I find fun to overanalyze are the most unimportant shit to the lore in general, I like to think about the specifics of even one singular character, even if it doesn't change much about the lore of Hatchetfield as in general. I love every single little detail there is. (and by little I mean LITTLE. like, hey, did you know that during Feast Or Famine, Tom does the ‘Squee squee’ motion like this emoji🤌?? THAT KIND OF LITTLE DETAIL I MEAN.)
Yeah so like. As I mentioned this is a SK blog but I also like to fuckin complain a lot. about everything. Im a damn complaining bitch and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Either if it's fandom related or just every day shit, I will always fuckin complain.
More stupid shit. For some fucking reason (many (almost my whole life)) I fuckin relate to Barry fucking Swift (Barry is literally. like one of my few nicknames. It's insane) n. yeag. I'm not even surprised.
Oh and just thought I's mention. I know im a fuckin asshole n a jerk I dont need fuckin reminders about it. thank yewwww C:
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cowardlybean · 7 months
teruki and minigishi. go forth
thank you fish my number one supporter
Why I like them- middle school be so fine then BAM. WILDLY HUMBLING EXPERIENCE. and learning to become better because of it. Also other reasons but I am not describing my ancient middle school drama in comparison to teru
Why I don’t- I actually cannot think of any criticisms about teruki that boy is just living
Favorite episode- S1 EP5 where Mob fights him! That’s actually the episode that got me hooked on mp100 :3 Also S3 broccoli arc when psycho helmet is behind him that scene scared the shit out of me
Favorite season/movie- I actually really like season 1 Teruki because his whole fucking world got flipped on its head and he immediately gets a giant ass wig. That’s how I acted in middle school too
Favorite line- can’t think of one off the top of my head but something from confession arc most likely
Favorite outfit- transgender shoes :3
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Brotp- Minori and Teru!
Head Canon- I think he used social media the most out of the main kids (Tome, Mob, Ritsu, Shou, etc) so he pulls references that Mob just does Not understand out sometimes
Unpopular opinion- um. Raises hand. I prefer platonic TeruMob,, I don’t mind the ship ofc I just see it better as a friendship!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
5 words to best describe them- “average middle-schooler wildly inaccurate worldview” turns into “that one really queer friend”
My nickname for them- haystack
Why I like them- the fact he gets a new start at the flower shop and learns to take care of plants rather than use them. God I love life.
Why I don’t- I’d probably like him more if there was more post-Claw content of him
Favorite season/movie- his appearances in s3. All of them. I love them.
Favorite line- can’t think of any :(
Favorite outfit- um the main one?
OTP- n/a
Brotp- I think he still hangs out with hatori sometimes
Head Canon- BOTANY NERD. KNOWS EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW. Put him in a greenhouse and he will flourish
Unpopular opinion- idk how popular it is but I don’t ship him with anyone so I guess there’s that? I dunno
A wish- minegeshi figure with plants. Please. Please. Ple
5 words to best describe them- “um. Uh. Plant. I guess”
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Loui and Mass both supporting each other and having each other's backs. Though it's a long time of knowing each other before Mass starts to open up to Loui. Mass thinking that Loui gives great hugs, especially when he's struggling.
Awwww that’s adorable and I 100% agree 🥺👍 I have a hc that Loui was genuinely SCARED of literally everybody when Gov bought him from France. Nobody could touch him without him flinching, running, or possibly using his magic to throw them away from him. He was just- scared that they were gonna hurt him, cuz that’s all he ever really knew. And Mass felt a kind of sense of "I must protect this child like it is my little brother (so basically protect and love him as much as he does NY)-" and became one of Loui’s first friends (after Mary, who was naturally warm and welcoming and gentle, and NY who liked Loui whether he would like to admit or not and felt the need to befriend him “secretly”).
Eventually, Loui told his three new friends about his past, the culture of what is now his state, and a bunch of other stuff (both happy and sad). And then Mass realized how alike he and Loui were in some ways. Like with the witch huntings, and the "my dad forced me into a war" thing, and how they both had (still have) daddy issues-, and then he was like-"Oh sh*t I like this kid even more goddamnit-".
And then a "little" while later, Mass starts opening up to Loui instead of just lying all the time when Loui asks if he’s doing alright, or how is he doing. Yea Loui was probably one of the first people that Mass opened up to. Loui is also the one that encouraged Mass to try going to therapy and helped him fully transition (they are trans buddies 🥹).
And the hugs- holy crap the HUGS. So many hugs. And Mass will never admit to ANYBODY that he thinks that Loui gives the best hugs (I think that too and I’m not ashamed to admit it-). He ain’t gonna admit that he loves when he’s feeling down and Loui just pops up outta nowhere and traps him in a bear hug from behind, or when Loui just comes up outta nowhere and latches onto him like a f*cking koala. Ofc tho, Mass sometimes gives the hugs as well, tho it’s more of a "I pick up this f*cking beanpole bridal style and hold him as close as I can" or trapping Loui in a headlock and ruffling his hair, or even sometimes just tackling him out of nowhere and just pinning him there for as long as he wants (it’s usually only a few minutes but still-). It’s not like Loui wants to or can escape tho lmao.
So basically:
Traumatized transgender brick wall with daddy issues that’s also maybe just maybe a witch + traumatized transgender lanky boi that also has daddy issues and is most definitely a witch = ✨ultimate friendship✨.
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beechbloom · 1 year
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Kaveh's s/o coming out to him as transgender
This one was originally meant to be for the enby folks but realized it pretty much works for trans people in general lol
Also godd I love this man so much? I'm obsessed with him? He's so sweet? Please send in requests for him?
Cw: slight accidental misgendering
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Oh my god he's honestly so good to you
He thinks about it so much in the start, wanting to understand as much as he can so he can be as respectful of your identity as possible
Though tbh he actually seems to grasp the situation way better than any other cis man typically would, being extremely good at putting himself in other's shoes
He doesn't doubt you. He understands that the only person who can know how you feel is you
And he never really gets into sensitive gender topics either unless you bring it up
If you ask him to use different pronouns then he might slip up a little bit in the start (got a lot on his mind and isn't very used to seeing you in this new light yet) but quickly gets ahold of it
It doesn't really cross his mind to do research on it, mainly because this is your experience of life. Words on a page written by someone else doesn't feel like the correct way of leaning about you
Though if you suggest it to him, or seem confused about it yourself, he'd gladly pick up a book
He doesn't really think much of what this will mean in terms of his sexuality. It's you. He's so smitten he knows he'd love you in whatever form you take
If you wish to change your gender presentation then ofc he will support you!
Sure he loves the way you look, but more than that he loves seeing you smile and be comfortable and confident in yourself. He honestly doubts any change to your appearance could stop him from loving you
If you'd like a new wardrobe then he'd love helping you pick out new clothes. His artistic eye would be excellent at finding clothes that suit you and the presentation you're going for
He thinks it's absolutely fascinating, no, mesmerizing to see you grow into yourself. Your appearance, and body language and... even the way you talk and act! You're being sculpted into an entirely new, happier person
It's almost like he's witnessing the most riveting art project's progression. He can't wait to see the end result!
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losergendered · 1 year
I saw you're a total drama fan,, do you have any headcanons? I like seeing other folks headcanons ^__^ /nf
oh you KNOW I DO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im probably gonna make a followup post like. actually making the icons but. yes here they are (its just the gen 1 cast cause. theyre the best. and also i havent seen roti or pahkitew or the reboot)
Ezekiel is a genderqueer transmasc bisexual and uses he/they!
Sadie is a biaesthetic lesbian, Katie is a transfem omni lesbian, and they're dating!
Eva is an acespec demiplatonic unlabeled sapphic! She's also Sephardic!(one of my fave random hcs is that all of team escope is jewish but from different disporas :D)
Noah is a Mizrahi gnc gay guy! (ik that sometimes people consider mizrahi to be a subterm of sephardic but im making the distinction lol)
Izzy is an Ashkenazi genderfucked abrosexual aroace demihuman xenogirl who uses any pronouns!
Justin is a flamboric cupiospec arospec gay guy!
Beth is a nonbinary weirdgirlpunk bi lesbian who uses they/she!
Owen is. well i'll be so real with you i dont really care about him (IM SORRY OWEN FANS. I JUST DIDNT LIKE HIS JOKES VERY MUCH. his friendship w noah was cute tho) but like. literally i interpret him as canonically bisexual. like he was literally so in love with justin like that wasnt even subtext that just. was a fact
Geoff i also lowkey dont care about (SORRY) but i also find him bisexual. hes so in love with bridgette and hes so in love with brody. two hands <3
Bridgette doesn't label her sexuality, but has had feelings for multiple genders before!
DJ is questioning his sexuality, but thinks that he's somewhere on the aroace spectrum! He also considers himself a cisgender demiboy!
Leshawna is a bipan girl, and her girlboyfriend, Harold, is a bigender transfem genderqueer genderfluid bisexual boygirl!
Lindsay is a bi straight lesbian, and her partner, Tyler, is a cusper straight lesbian transfem boy who switches between identifying as a cishet man and a trans butch lesbian and uses he/she pronouns! (also this is because i like both headcanons for her lmao)
Trent is an ace bisexual with an aesthetic lean towards girls and a romantic lean towards boys! He leans more towards the cis man side of the gender spectrum, but likes to get a little funky with it u know. like he listens to arctic monkeys. u know.
Gwen is a bi lesbian/shadowlesbian trans girl who defaults to she/her, but doesn't mind neopronouns! Also gwourtney is real to me
Cody is a bisexual trans guy!
Sierra is an intersex trisfem paradoxibinary arospec bordersexual first-quarter/third-quarter neaptide mspec lesbian who prefers she/her, but also likes they/them and neos!
Duncan is a bisexual guy with a preference for girls! also i am still a duncney believer. who else still part of duncney nation in 2023.
Blaineley is an aphrodite bi lesbian and shes dating ME SHES DATING ME SHES MY WIFE ILY MS STACEY ANDREWS OHALLORAN. i actually made a whole oc to ship her with lmao. i guess i can include that um shes dating jules who's a lesbian and is my oc <3
Heather is a bisexual girl with a preference for girls and she's dating Alejandro, who is also bisexual! their romance was cute argue with the wall
Courtney is a bisexual girl and she's also a cit <3
Chris and Chef are both gay men and are married! gay wrongs
uhh random other hcs i have for non gen 1 chcs are bi trans girl kitty, bi straight emma, uh that little swagless kid from rr who competed with his dad uh hes a trans boy, jo is a butch bisexual girlboy & is dating brick, a gnc bisexual man, scott is bisexual and dating courtney, sam is a nonbinary bigender transfem straight lesbian who uses all pronouns & is dating dakota who is a bi trans girl, um that one dude who had the name reveal is ofc trans, svetlana is a transgender bi lesbian, vito is hypersexual and bi, uh my hcs for mal are. long so keep an eye out for a mogai-headcanons post in a few months, shawn (?? is that his name) is a transhet guy and is dating jasmine (??? i do not know these chcs at ALL) who is bisexual.
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staticshipstation · 11 months
(Shout out to @cherry-bomb-ships!)
for the entirety of November instead of me running the blog, My F/Os will be taking the helm for me. They'll be making posts, answering questions, etc. Generally just a fun time for them.
General DNI rules still apply ofc!
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🍞Dingodile (Bread and Butter)🍞
Non-labeled - He/She/They - Romantic F/O
for anyone whose looked at my blog this makes sense, he's my main F/O. I love him very dearly. He comes from the game Crash Bandicoot and is an ex villain who spends his days cooking for his diner.
(Disclaimer: he's like. the only F/O I don't like sharing so please don't like. try flirting with him or anything??? General thing with him is DNIUC)
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🌊Dragon King (Boiling Water)🌊
Genderfluid Pansexual - He/She/They - Romantic F/O
My secondary main F/O! From the Monkey King Netflix movie! He's the king of the ocean! When he ISN'T attempting to drown the world, he's showing his love for the theater. He knows how to play the flute! Sadly he can't go on land due to his skin condition.
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🎵Phantom Of The Bwahpra (Sparks Of Passion)🎵
Nonbinary Lesbian - He/They/She - Romantic F/O
Oh hey! My blog is currently themed after this dude! The Phantom comes from Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope! Dude LOVES the spotlight and hogging it. He loves being the center of attention and will do ANYTHING to keep that up.
.. yeah I think those are all the F/Os I wanted to introduce...
.... fine I guess HE can have one.
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Transgender AroAce - He/Him -Familial F/O (Son)
Sonic.Exe comes from the game.. well Sonic.Exe. Despite his appearance, Xavier (at least this version) can't really.. harm anyone. DESPITE what he'll tell you. (He will try to convince you this blog is hacked, it is in fact not./nsrs).
(DISCLAIMER!: This version of Sonic.Exe is a teenager. Don't be weird with him. Period. This goes for a lot of my other child f/os. I also do not support his original creator.)
PLEASE NOTE! Despite the fact I've said that these are the MAIN F/Os running my blog for the month, feel free to ask the other F/Os on my blog things!
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myersesque · 11 months
here's some questions spam!
what do you think is the best joke in tgwdlm? which nightmare time episode is the strongest? would you vibe with any of the lords in black? opinion on webby? favorite character introduced in black friday? some people have said that the youtube version of nerdy prudes must die gets fanservice-y with its hatchetverse references - what're your thoughts? which hatchetverse couple is the most transgender in your eyes?
here ends the question spam
YEAAAA QUESTION SPAM I LOVE QUESTION SPAM!!! my laptop is currently updating and therefore i feel no shame doing this instead of my dissertation LET'S GOOO
best joke in tgwdlm? - augh, a hard one. idk if it's the BEST but i always lose it at the hivemind breaking out of unison and having to stop and find their notes/re-harmonise after not your seed (i've been there... SO many times)
strongest nightmare time episode - ok this is the part where i admit i am VERY behind on nightmare time and have only seen a few in random orders - my favourite of the ones i've seen is abstinence camp, though. i think it's a rlly strong, relatively self-contained story, and ofc i'm always down for a friday the 13th parody lmao. boy jerry and girl jeri are my little freaks and i love them (and ofc peter and steph my beloveds)
vibing with the lords in black? - i love all of them an unreasonable amount and would LOVE to hang out, honestly. i never stop singing so pokey would probably be fun company, and wiggly won my heart immediately since i LOVE possessed/evil toys (if the url wasn't a dead giveaway for that) and green is one of my fav colours. but honestly any of them!!! they're deliciously evil and i would love to chill (and then regret it when i inevitably face their torment BUT THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR FUTURE ME!)
opinion on webby - i haven't seen a ton of her but i think she's really cool, both conceptually and in the execution i have seen! i love how the visions she gives hannah are contextualised and start making sense slowly as you work through the show (which it took me AGES to figure out, admittedly, because i'm either eerily good or absolutely terrible at recalling dialogue, and fsr her prophecies always fell through my brain like a sieve)
favourite character introduced in black friday - i'm disqualifying wiggly bc we've established i love him already - honestly, it's a tie between linda monroe (one word: MOTHER) and ethan green (aka the sweetest motherfucker in hatchetfield, holy shit). i find both of their characters super compelling and also i'm very bisexual about both of them so !!!
were the npmd hatchetverse references fanservicey? - i mean... yeah? i don't super mind though, fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. i do wish there was some way to watch a pro shot of the show as it was on stage instead (i Lost My Mind when i found out the gerald part was originally my favourite little freak boy jerry), but i've heard through the grapevine that there's apparently a way to get your hands on a digital ticket recording as a bonus feature or smthn similar, which is good enough for me. so whilst i do think they came on a little strong in some sections (particularly hatchet town), overall i didn't mind - the smaller call-backs don't really harm the show at all if you don't get them (e.g. richie's joke abt peter looking like the homeless guy downtown is still a funny jab without the knowledge of who exactly that homeless guy is and how he's related to peter) and for fans who have been waiting for years, it's an extra little reward. i've seen some people be incentivised to watch the previous shows so they'd understand the audience's reaction to certain lines, too, so there's that. tl;dr it is a LITTLE much sometimes but i don't personally mind it and thought they were all fun
most transgender hatchetfield couple - oh you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE, i LOVE transgenderifying characters. i think lautski (peter/steph) feel very explicitly-queer gen z t4t, if that makes any sense, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't at least mention my quietly-queer first loves paulkins (paul/emma). they're like the chill trans elders (as in the community title, not in reference to their age lmao they're like 30) to lautski's spitfire trans youth. if that makes literally ANY sense
my laptop has great timing and has now finished updating (!!!) so i must return to the trenches of university coursework but this was VERY fun thank u
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isabelopaque · 5 months
im back again ty for the wonderful answer to the previous ask, what do u think her inner monologue closer to beginning of high school (maybe 8th/9th grade summer??) would be around her gender.. do u think she'd pay attention to it or push it aside more, think its not normal or the opposite and not understand how its NOT normal, etcetc
OFC!!! and inchresting inchresting... I think she used to pay attention to it much more t the point of voicing it out loud until she kind of clocked Oh im not supposed to say those kind of things. She knows there are social rules she doesnt understand like when to talk and whats polite so she files it under that. I think she knows its not something shes supposed to think but doesnt know Why akin to really young mac w sexuality so she pushes it down because shes already enough of a weirdo as is. I think theres a longing there with her gender that she understands more as shes older like she knows she likes when bonnie lets her wear dresses but that she isn't supposed to if that makes sense? I dont think she'd have the words for wanting to be a girl and for sure not transgender but i think going into hs she'd clock that she isnt Right but mac is stll her best friend so it doesn't really matter (Does he know? meme insert here). That one tweet like im probably nonbinary but i hae a job rn so i cant focus on that. Im a girl but im going into highschool with adriano so i cant let that happen rn
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ozziesjester · 6 months
I love your South Park si so much I would love to know more about him (this is also a reason to talk about South Park bc I know sweet fuck all besides what I played of fractured but whole which was not a whole lot)
OH I WOULD LOVE TO INFODUMP ABOUT HIM lemme put this under a readmore incase it gets long
ok ok so. he's based loosely off the new kid in the fractured but whole. charlie and his parents lived in denver before his mother died. his father fell into a deep depression and decided moving away from the memories of her would be the best route. also he became an alcoholic and stopped taking care of himself and all that. worth noting as well that charlie is a carbon copy of his mother, which led to a lot of...... complicated.... feelings from his father toward him
charlie was diagnosed with autism around 5 years old when he never started talking, so he was homeschooled up until moving to south park. his dad figured he could socialize with kids his age and get him out of the house for 8 hours a day so, win win LMAO
ofc around this time charlie doesn't know he's trans (or really what transgender is, he is very sheltered), and he tries hanging around the other girls but they don't really. Get him. everyone keeps trying to make him talk and try to put makeup on his face and he hates how it feels so he stops.
the Guys, though? they seem cool. they're playing outside in the dirt with silly costumes on, and charlie wants to be a part of it! he starts hanging around the back during their games, sort of trailing behind them because he wants to Belong somewhere.
i don't really consider him Part of the main group of guys? honestly, i think he's closest with butters and kenny. kenny likely told him what transgender is and got everyone to start referring to him as charlie, even if most the time they just call him soup. not like he can really object to it, plus they like him enough to give him a nickname so it's Fine
...honestly i'm kind of stream of consciousness-ing here so i'm gonna write if i think the boys would respect soup's identity
stan: was confused, didn't know what transgender was. asked his dad what it meant and got "the liberals are transing the kids" lectured by randy, so he decided he was fine with it to spite him kyle: is transgender. yes kenny: he's fine with it if soup shows him his boobs eric: ....i'm conflicted. i think Yes but only because he thinks it'd be unfair to be a huge dick to a girl, so he can be mean to soup because he's a boy
OKAY RIGHT ANYWAY. i don't have a specific character i ship soup with... i think he's kinda passed around the group because he goes along with anything. it's Stan's Turn to watch the resident autistic kid. he hangs out at stan's house a lot actually. randy is drinking buddies with soup's dad so he sleeps over sometimes
soup's dad is also friends with mrs. cartman, the two are so amazed that their children get along so well. papa campbell remarks that charlotte's always had such trouble making friends, and liane laments her poor eric has the same issue. meanwhile upstairs cartman is convincing soup to sit still so he can give him a lobotomy
soup is just so happy to make friends. he doesn't really care that they're all a bunch of douchebags that nearly get him killed on a weekly basis, he likes being around them. i think he likes kenny the most... randy likes HIM but the feeling is. probably not mutual
thank you so much for the chance to dump soup lore oh my god this shit has been festering in my brain for years ily if you read all this muah <3
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suhmayzooka · 1 year
Sano trio for the ask game please?? 👀✨
YAYY!!! my boys<3<3<3
1: sexuality headcanon gay gay homosexual gay gay. also, i learned about what transgender was due to some trans rin headcanons/fanfics/meta i read during the height of the fandom, so trans man rin is also something that's been in the back of my mind 2: otp sourin >>>>> permanently changed my brain chemistry and ideal of relationship; rinrei is so much funnn i swear; and ofc sano trio as a whole!! 3: brotp rin & haru--while i don't think of them romantically, their relationship is the cornerstone of the whole story and i love how they're always pushing each other to go further rin & nagisa--such an underrated relationship but in the original book rin teaches nagisa to swim and nagisa from then on really looked up to rin as an older mentor. i love them because they're so unexpected as a friendship, but they really have a deep bond that i wish was more present in the show (besides a few "rin-rin!") rin & makoto--SUCH an important relationship for both of them!!!!! they're the real complements of each other, i think, rin is fiery and passionate and sharp and makoto is grounded and doting and UGHHHH 4: notp when i was younger i'd say rin x haru, less due to the actual relationship and more due to the way SOME fans treated me at the tender age of like 13.... i don't dislike them enough to say they're my notp, but i guess yeah, they're my notp 5: first headcanon that pops into my head he's a thirty seconds to mars stan (bc of that one shirt he wore that looked like the 30stm triangle...) fuck jared leto and everything but i think rin learned english partially through music. he's also a swiftie 6: favorite line from this character oh god.... "PERFECT BODY" 7: one way in which I relate to this character every way he's my blorbo whom i project onto ever since i was in middle school . um. who said that i think i really connected to both his emotional crybaby ways (i cry at conflict), his hopeless romantic nature, and his insecurities, feeling like you're meant to do something but you hit a wall and just.,. can't. 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character his fashion.......i'm sorry but........ i cannot defend you ....... 9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave? LOL depends on who you ask! he's a cinnamon roll who looks like he can kill you
1: sexuality headcanon: also gay but at the same time, i don't think he really cares much for romance outside of his immediate partner, you know? so i guess somewhere on the demi spectrum 2: otp sourin, again, and soukisu, and basically the whole sano trio. oooh special mentions to soumako and souharu, for no real canon reason aside from them having some really good fan artists and writers 3: brotp sousuke & nitori & momo; he's a good mentor to them, and they have so much respect for him (while knowing how to have fun). sousuke & gou--after rin left for australia, i imagine him and gou spending more time together. bonding over rin lol there was that scene where he gave her his jacket during the water gun fight that always gets me 4: notp hmm. don't really have one? maybe sousuke x gou? i really can't think of him viewing her as anything other than his sister 5: first headcanon that pops into my head that he likes opera, and this is ENTIRELY due to an old fic @testosterogna wrote that i read back in my youth and i SOMEHOW actually forgot i read it in a fic and thought it was canon. 6: favorite line from this character "because i knew you would cry" (ಥ﹏ಥ) 7: one way in which I relate to this character we're both stoic and monotone and come across as aloof/cold. he probably has a touch of the 'tism like haruka does. oh and i'm terrible at directions kajsdhaskljdh 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character when he found haru and backed him into the wall like "don't u DARE hurt my man again >:(" and haru was like :| you dUMBASS WHY DID YOU HIDE YOUR STUPID INJURY ??? DO NOT DESTROY YOUR CAREER FOR LOVE!!!! IDIOT (ಥ﹏ಥ) 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? looks like he could kill you, doesn't care enough to try
1: sexuality headcanon this is one i'm actually 10000% assured of, unlike the other two above where i was just like 'yeah probably' this is something i actually dedicated a LOT of time to thinking about and even starting a fic years ago: he's asexual. i don't remember WHAT i read all those years ago, but i found some asexual kismui hcs and it just clicked. i can't imagine him any other way. i think he's also demi or grayromantic; his 'relationships' are closer to QPR than, i suppose, traditional 'romance.' he's sex-favorable to neutral, but it's not something he really craves and he doesn't feel sexual attraction. he's still a massive flirt and a gossip and loves to know about/mess with his friends' love lives 2: otp sano trio!!! asakisu too, and hiyokisu could be fun. 3: brotp kisumi & makoto. "JOIN THE BASKETBALL CLUB!!!!!!" 4: notp kisumi x most people 5: first headcanon that pops into my head well, the first one is that he's ace, the second is that he's a plant lover, which is less headcanon than it is me extrapolating from some official art 6: favorite line from this character probably everything he says to haru. OHH and when he casually is like "oooh sousuke didn't tell you about his super plot-relevant secret? oooh too bad. anyway i'm out!" 7: one way in which I relate to this character me having ace kisumi was 100% me projecting when i was younger and ID as asexual, but i relate to the love/protectiveness he feels over his younger brother 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character the way he tried to get everyone to join his basketball team </3 baby you're in the wrong anime you missed the casting calls for kuroko i'm sorry 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? sinnamon roll :3
character ask game
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