iced-souls · 2 years
So for the Skeleguy’s name I’m looking at font names cause eh he he he, hoping for one that connects to “soop” / “soup” cause also ‘he he he’.
In the process I am seeing font names that make me imagine more skeleton characters—
0 notes
waezi2 · 4 years
Re-reading Yu-Gi-Oh (part 1)
So... I bitch a lot about Yu-Gi-Oh. When I don’t complain about it online and accuse it of scamming kid me, I ridicule the story and the many holes in the game rules.
But I actually used to love this manga with a burning passion. I bought it because I was fixated with the cards, but instead I got traumatized. In an awesome way.
So I decided to re-read the manga about the possibly best known TCG game in the world and see how it started, how it evolved, and if the story still holds up.
So, I’m reading chapter 1, and we have to talk about the art.
The art style at the beginning was chunky and sometimes downright awkward. But it was still very enjoyable. The characters were very expressive and the tone of the style could swing quickly from wacky and rubberhose like to eerie and brooding depending on the situation. It makes you forgive odd-looking legs and hands that becomes massive. It is clear that it is someone’s first project.
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So, this is Yugi. Possibly the cutest and meekest punk kid who ever lived. Yugi is not an outdoor person, so he spends most of his recesses inside the classroom. He brings a ton of games to school, hoping that someone might wanna play with him, but all of his classmates prefer to go outside and do stuff like basketball. And being a short teenager who practically looks like a little boy means he is not a desirable team mate in any ball game.
This is totally just a theory, but I think Yugi’s signature punk hairstyle is his way of trying to look a bit more edgy to try do something about his cute appearance.
... Yeah, it’s not working. He still looks like a fricking Gummibear.
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As Yugi is minding his own business, we meet two familiar faces.
... their names are actually Jounouchi and and Honda, but most people know them by their American names, so I will just refer to them as Joey and Tristan. 
It’s so odd to see their old designs. Especially Joey since his hair is not as big and square like as it is today. And what the fuck is up with Tristan’s face?!
Anyways, while Yugi decides to play with the most valuable game in his collection, Joey and Tristan decides to mess with him. They make an interesting bully duo where Tristan is more loud and is clearly having more fun bothering Yugi who is too short to put up a fight while Joey seems more stoic and is almost annoyed by Yugi for being a pushover. He even tells Yugi to be a man about it and at least try and take the game back from him by force. So while Tristian just enjoys picking on Yugi for the heck of it, Joey seems to sincerely dislike Yugi.
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Luckily, Yugi doesn’t have trouble with bullies as such since he is friends with Tea who is so tough that she actually intimidate Joey and Tristan with sheer attitude. That’s actually impressive.
... A shame she is most of the time just the damsel in distress.
Tea is the only person in class who hangs out with Yugi since they have been friends since kindergarten. And she doesn’t mind staying inside at all since a ton of the guys are jerks who only wanna play basketball with the girls since it gives them an opportunity to look up their skirts.
Yeah, there is a lot of that in this manga. Most of the males in this series are kinda horny. the humor often relies on it, which downright creepy at times.
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Even Yugi finds basketball more appealing now that he knows about the skirt-looking.
Lewd panty-shot aside, I think it is a nice detail that Yugi is as pathetic as the rest of the dudes in school, he probably just doesn’t have the courage to try get a look. It makes him less of a pure hero.
Altight, let’s stop talking about Yugi being a closet creep:/
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Yugi shows Tea what his greatest treasure is: A LITTERAL treasure.
Yep, this is the famous Millennium Puzzle, practically the mascot of the series. It’s an ancient puzzle found in an pyramid that Yugi got from his grandfather who runs a game store. The puzzle is extremely valuable, both because it is from ancient Egypt and it is made of gold.
... And Yugi brings it to school where Tristan and Joey pushes him around...
Yugi has been struggling with the puzzle for eight years despite being a game nerd. Even though it is a blow to his not that big ego, he keeps trying to solve it since the box says that if he will be granted a wish if he manage to solve the puzzle.
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Meanwhile, Joey and Tristan makes the fatal mistake of talking about picking on Yugi while Ushio is close enough to hear it. He is the school’s hall monitor and rumor has it that he is downright psychotic and is feared by most of the students. Heck, some of the teachers are uncomfortable being near him.
And this guy has decided to become Yugi’s bodyguard, something poor Yugi doesn’t take serious when Ushio tells him that.
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Joey and Tristan are unaware how screwed they are as they keep having their fun bothering Yugi without our hero knowing it. Joey managed to steal a piece from the puzzle box before Tea interrupted, and Joey decides to throw the piece in the school’s swimming pool so that the puzzle becomes worthless as it can no longer be solved. I gotta say, that is pretty twisted and surprisingly sneaky of a teen bully. It’s downright creepy.
Speaking of creepy...
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This is Yugi’s grandfather Sugoroku. He runs the game shop that Yugi lives in and is a living encyclopedia when it comes to games of all sorts.
And he can’t just tell Tea that she has grown. He HAS to mention her breasts as well. Da fuck is up with all the sex talk and panty shots in this series?! Does Kazuki Takahashi(the author) have some sort of issues?!
Yugi’s grandfather notices that Yugi is STILL trying to solve the ancient puzzle and warns Yugi that the puzzle is supposedly cursed. That the archeologist and his team died mysteriously shortly after finding the puzzle and the last one to kick the bucket said something about a “shadow game” with his dying breath.
That however makes Yugi even more determent to solve the puzzle. If it really is magical then chances are that he will be granted a wish by completing the puzzle.
Personally, I would call the nearest museum and sell the dang thing before it could kill me with it’s insane cursed magic.
Speaking of insane, Yugi realizes that he should have taken Ushio serious when he said he would be his bodyguard.
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Yep, the SOB has dragged Joey and Tristan behind the school building and kicked their asses through and through. Tristan is in so much pain that he is barely conscious and Joey is so pummeled that all he can do is watch as Yugi shows how surprisingly brave he is as he demands that Ushio leaves them alone, even refer to them as his friends and that they were just trying to make him a man.
Yeah, picking on someone because they are too timid and demanding that they fight you despite knowing that they hat violence is the right way to make someone a man. Hip hooray for toxic masculinity!
Yugi defending Joey and Tristan results in him getting a beating as well.
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One of the interesting things about early Yu-Gi-Oh is the raw and ugly violence. We talking dirty violence where people get kneed in the chest and kicked while they lie down. Not just off-screen, we witness our heroes be pummeled, making the series a bit more gritty and frightening. And this series is not for those with a weak stomach.
Joey is stunned, partly because Yugi defends him, but way more of the short spiky-haired kid’s courage. But Yugi is anything but afraid. After all, he refused to fight Joey, but he still tried to get the puzzle back(not successfully, but he made an effort instead of just squirming).
After Ushio finished kicking poor Yugi’s ass, he tells him to bring him money as “payment” for his “bodyguard service.” And we talking 200000 yen, that’s a lot of dough.
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Ushio even pulls a god damn knife(!), just to show how fucking crazy he is!
Yugi goes home to see if he has money enough to pay Ushio, but he only has 1656 yen. In frustration, Yugi decides to solve his unsolvable puzzle, just to think of something else than the brute with a knife who is waiting for him at school.
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But what do you know? Yugi finally get the hang of it. He sees that some of the pieces just needs to be rotated differently and he finish it in a couple of minutes.
... Or he WOULD have. He finally sees that one of the pieces are missing, breaking his heart and making his awful day even worse.
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But Grandpa has the last piece. He tells Yugi that one of his friends from school had found it and asked him to give it to Yugi. And that he was soaked despite it not raining.
As Yugi is happy about being able to finish the puzzle and returns to his room, his grandpa thinks about that the boy was Joey and that he asked him not to tell Yugi it was him that came with the puzzle piece. Joey also told him about Ushio blackmailing Yugi, so Grandpa secretly puts money in Yugi’s schoolbag so he won’t get in trouble.
And this is where it get’s freaky.
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Yep, here it is. the iconic moment Yugi gets blessed by the puzzle so that he can turn into the split personality we refer to as Yami which is Japanese for “Dark”.
Yugi then calls Ushio and tells him to meet him outside school at midnight.
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Ushio is surprised as he sees that Yugi is wearing some sort of costume and that he looks way more cocky than before.
Yugi tells Ushio that he has the money he demands, but he has twice the amount. Fricking 400000 yen!
But Yugi only “owes” 200000 to Ushio, so he suggest that they play about them in a dark and twisted game.
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Yugi and Ushio take turns stabbing the stack of money placed on their hand. They have to stab hard enough to take more than one single bill. The winner is the guy with most yen bills.
As they play, Ushio seems to be winning... but when it is his turn, he can feel that his hand is way too eager to stab.
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This is not just a weird-ass game. This is a “shadow game”, a game that shows your true nature. Ushio’s greed is now collected in his hand, and he so desperately want to win the game that he can’t control it. He realizes that if he stabs, he won’t be able to control his strength and he will penetrate his own hand. Ushio has to either A) give up and keep his hand or B) win the game with one hand less.
Ushio picks C.
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Ushio tries to kill Yugi, but that was a mistake. The puzzle has made him super human and he leaps from the ground, evading the knife.
And cheating in a shadow game is a big no-go as the host of the game has authority to punish you.
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Yami Yugi curses Ushio with “Illusion of Greed”, meaning he will be doomed to live in an imaginary world where he sees nothing but money everywhere.
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Next morning, he is still outside the schoolyard like a drooling idiot who yells about all of his imaginary money.
Yugi has no memory of what happened but is glad he no longer has to be worried of Ushio who is a harmless nutcase. Not only that, he has finally finished his puzzle... and Joey offers him his friendship.
And that was the start of the horror manga turned card game commercial. It has a lot of charm, is very eerie and I think I prefer Yami Yugi’s first look that is more child like. making him look downright creepy.
This retrospective will continue ASAP.
Till then, I’m Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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nanamisflowerfield · 4 years
I'm a happy lil' girl rn so Can I also request a Sebastian one of the same request or maybe a second part like she starts to fix Ciel's mistakes and interacts with him and Elizabeth?( like Pluto's death or some other things? Also she teases Ciel and annoys him and Sebastian and her bond over their shared love for felines?)
I'd be delightful if you did that and again thank u so much! Take care hun muaaah
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Omggg! Thank you so much for your sweet words, hun!!❤️❤️❤️ That means so much to me!
I did the Sebastian x Reader now~ I tried to pit more Ciel and Elizabeth in it and make it more fluffier but I think it isn‘t so good ;-; I also thought about making a second part, but I think Ciel had made too many mistaked maybe in his life to fix them and if reader changed them, maybe she would change her entire future too! And omg... I have a few ideas for a serie.... not good... No one would wanted to read my stuff anyway ( ゚д゚)
No! I have to thank you for requesting it to me!~
Gender: I wanted to write it gender-neutral but it I wrote sometimes she/her in it.... Sorry! 
warnings: fluff? does that count?
words: 2106
Requests: Open
Other Version: Finnian
Everybody, please stay safe, take good care at you and the people around you!~
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🗡  “Come on! Go and get that, stupid witch!” You yelled over to your group of colleagues and friends. You all runed as fast as possible to hunt down a strong witch, who wanted to kill the Queen of England and as a good-hearted and well paid Phantomhive, you tried to help her. Unfortunately for you, the emphasis was on the word tried, because the witch was too fast.
🗡  “Sooo…. When is going to be our wedding?” You heard a too familiar voice asking you by your side. “This is no the time to joke around, Elijah! We need to hurry!”
🗡 Thanks to the gods above, you surrendered the witch. But she started to laugh like a frickin’ maniac! “Ohh, you know why I did so many things? Hahaha… I did it for a reason! So many people did so many mistakes and nobody ever tried to help them out or to fix their big problems … So… Why don’t you be a dear and fix the mistakes your beloved ancestors did!”
🗡 Suddenly a light dazzled you and when you opened your (e/c) eyes. No! The witch can’t escape her again! So you did the only intelligent thing and killed her.
🗡 But that damn light came again and out of the sudden your group was gone…
🗡  “Wow… That was strange.” But not Elijah. Your cousin. He stood up and walked to your direction, looking over your body to see, if you have any bruises or wounds. At least one of your group members were there.
🗡  “Yes, indeed. But not as weird as this place here.” You said and looked around you. The surroundings looked like London, the city you used to live in, but everything was so… old? What’s up with the furniture and this crappy paintings? You were to 100% sure that you were in your home. The Phantomhive Manor. But everything was so… weird!!
🗡 Before you could have asked your cousin about his little wound the witch inflicted him with, knives were thrown into your direction!
🗡 Fortunately, you were a skilled fighter. You could practically use every weapon if you wanted to! So you used your great skills and blocked the attacks of some strangers.
🗡 Some of them shot at you, some threw knives but then… You saw something weird. A tree!?
🗡 Elijah pushed you away in time, but only got stretched but a branch of it.
🗡 How in the world, could somebody throw trees around!? That was not possible for any human being!
🗡 Now, when you two were on the ground, you heard footsteps.
🗡  “Who are you?” - “Uhh… If I’m not wrong, people usually introduced themselves before they asked others.” – “You are inside my home. I’m pretty sure, that you know who I am, assassin.”
🗡 Assassin? That was new…
🗡  “What the hell? Hey, kiddo. This place belongs to (y/n)! Afterall this is her home for she is a Phantomhive!”
🗡  “Phantomhive?” The young blue-haired boy raised his eyebrow and did not believed any word Elijah had said.
🗡 So, it was your turn to explain your situation. Who you are, why you are here and so on and on. But the young boy still didn’t believe a word. His household even looked at you in confusion. Until you showed them your ring. The ring of the Phantomhives.
🗡 His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw it and immediately glanced to his finger. It was the same one! How could it be possible? A young woman with blueish hair, the same ring as his and not to forget a similar past… Is she mayhaps from another world? But no. You retold him everything again.
🗡 When your eyes glanced around, you saw very familiar red eyes. The red eyes of a demon. Sebastian Michaelis. “Ohhh my gosh. Are you kidding me, Sebastian!? Did you really… REALLY attacked ME!? What the hell! I thought that you wouldn’t do such a thing except if we had our training sessions, but this is just…. Oh god, I am really mad right now. And what the hell is wrong with your clothes?” Sigh. “Dude… you didn’t even bother changing yourself? Unbelievable.”
🗡 Everybody was just very confused…. Even Elijah.
🗡 And who knows. Maybe you were unfortunate or maybe not, but you were stuck in the past. At first you though it was your bad luck, but now… Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Afterall… he was here. With you.
 😈 “Lady (y/n), there you are.” Said a smiling demon behind you, while you trained in the garden a little bit. The only thing that some might hear, when you are nearby, is the wind and the sword you held tightly in your hand, cutting every leaf that tried to land on the ground.
“Demon. What do you need?” You asked, still focused on your training rather of the one you had a pact with. He might sound and looked like the demon you knew, but he for sure is not the one you’ve met. He was kind of a younger version. One which never had met you. One that has to get to know you better again. It was weird, but you have to live with it until the day will come and you will be back in your time.
Just a few days and maybe you will fix the mistakes Ciel’s have done. Even though you don’t know which mistakes he has done. But even then, you will stay on his side, whenever he needs your help so you can finally be back. Back with him. The only person who knows you best…
😈 “What are you thinking about again, my lady?” He asked you, like on every other day since you have been arrived here. “About me! Who else~” Elijah said, as he approached you two, sword in hand and ready to train with you.
Sighing, you ignored them and continued.
😈 It was like back then. Elijah never stopped to be by your side, while you tried to drink you tea, shaking your cousin off of you and Sebastian smiling at you two.
😈 But now… Now it was slightly different. He wasn’t always there like your shadow. He was now by your ancestor’s side and serving him. Were you…. Jealous? No. That couldn’t be possible. You tried to shake off those strange feelings you had, but your mind always seem to wonder of to the attractive butler and demon.
😈 “Cieeeeeeel!!~ Ohhh, I missed you sooooo much!” You heard a high-pitched voice and fast footsteps rushing through the building in search of the young head of the phantomhive household.
What happened right now? It was like seeing a pink something running around. Weird.
😈 But this pink-something was actually the fiancée of Ciel. Her name was Elizabeth Midford.
😈 Unfortunate for Ciel and for you, Elizabeth and your cousin Elijah were very alike. Both loved the same things and both were nearly overprotective over you two. It was horrible. Ciel just wanted to work in silence, while you read plenty of books in hope that you might find another way to break this curse or spell or whatever this stupid witch put on you! Just be far away from this crappy place and be back… Back to the people you love and back to great technology like computers and smartphones! The internet… The Fanfictions you’ve read in secret…. All these things you loved so much were gone now….
😈 “(y/n)! That was so funny! You have to hear Lizzie’s story! It is hilarious!” – “Ohhh, El! I laughed so much thanks to your great jokes. You can be happy to have such a great fiancée, (y/n)!” Rolling your eyes didn’t help to stop them…
😈 “My lady. I think I might have found what you were looking for.” Said the one and only demon behind you, as you turned around to see a smiling Sebastian. “Mh?”
Following him, you ignored the two blondes and a deadpanned Ciel, who just wanted to flee.
😈 “So, what have you found… Sebastian?” You asked him after you two walked into another room filled with plenty of books, like many other rooms Ciel had. Sure, back in your time you had many too, but in digital form, so it was different than this.
“Oh, nothing. I thought that you needed some space.” He smiled, placing his forefinger and thump on your chin, staring into your eyes.
😈 Time to fricking blush like jfejfösdjgöajö IT’S SEBASTIAN!!!
😈 But no! You are a badass and he was just a very very very attractive butler!
😈 He served you back then! As if you could ever feel attracted to him!
😈 “Sebastian. Stop.” You said, trying to hide your face, walking away from the chuckling demon.
😈 Since then, he won’t stop teasing you. For now, he has no pact with you, so he will only listen to your ancestor and not you. You are just a sweet little being to him. A plaything some might say.
😈 But you are not the only one who got a little bit annoyed or more likely teased. Ciel too, because you are “too cruel” how he described you once. Only because you teased him a couple of times (46 times a week… Ciel counted it.) His fault if he is adorable and blushy, when you tease him.
😈 But after two months you’ve decided to finally make Sebastian, the cruel demon, blush! So he will realize how mean he is to you!
😈 Mission: Make Sebastian Blush Like A Tomato!
😈 You tried it. Many times… Wearing short clothes (Baldroy, Meyrin, Finnian, Elijah and Ciel blushed furiously and you were certain, that you saw their noses bleed…), brushing your hands with his, smiling sexy at him, bending over, touching him a lot…. And it goes and goes… But nothing happened. He just smirked and teased you back.
😈 Mission: Totally Failed.
😈 “My lady, how it seems you tried to tease me.” Sebastian smiled as he poured tea into your teacup. “Yeah… And I give up.” – “Oh, that is quite sad. I was happy to see more today.” He chuckled or more likely laughed at your attempts. “Haha… Very nice of you… No go, Sebastian….”
😈 But there was Sebastian actually speaking the truth. He was a little bit to not see you trying to attract him. He had always fun to see you like this, but now that you gave up, you had no reason to be near him again… He liked it whenever you were there, staring at him or trying to talk dirty to him (without success).
😈 When you talked later on with Ciel during your usual cup of earl grey tea about your past and what so not, he told you about his cat allergy and why he hates it that Sebastian always hides cats everywhere, because of his love for the small kittens.
😈 Wait… Right… Back then, you figured it out. There was one thing that the demon butler and you had in common! Your love for cats!
😈 So you walked to Elizabeth once and asked for a favor…
😈 “Sebastian. Could you maybe turn around? I need to show you something.”
😈 And that’s what the good butler did. He turned around and saw you. You looked the same, except for your clothes. You changed your usual attire for skintight, beautiful clothes with a cat-ear hairband and a tail. On your hands you wore paw-gloves, as you smirked at the now slightly flushing butler, who worked a few seconds ago in the kitchen.
😈 The knife he used to cut the onions, fell down and his red eyes scanned your body many times, when his mouth turned to a smirk and he walked to you.
😈 “My my~ What do we have here?~”
😈 Let’s say that many kisses were exchanged… Too many to count, when he held you tight in his arms.
😈 Maybe the reason for you to make him blush was not only to get your revenge… Maybe it was because you fell in love with him once, when you were younger and that you fell for him again.
😈 “What the hell!? (y/n)!? Sebastian!? NO! Where is my sword!! Get your hands off of her, you goddamn butler!!! I never liked you!!” Elijah screamed when he tried to get his sword, ignoring the sweet words you and your beloved exchanged. The teasing kisses and the “I like you too much”s….
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ehh-is-the-name · 4 years
Inanimate Insanity II, ep 14.
I’m making a log of my feelings and thoughts during this ep, something tells me it’s gonna be a feels fest. Oh yeah, forgot to mention there’s spoilers in here, so be careful
Alright I had this idea less then 5 mins into the ep so I’m just gonna start to where Fan gets abducted. --~~~-- BRUH He just runs out to touch the egg like the papa he is and then just SHOOWP. there he goes, up in the green laser then fukin Intro with the chessy music. Are we just not gonna say anything about that?? Plus the convo of MePhone4 and MePad?
Hell yeah I can smell the story from here, 30 minutes of content here I come! ~~~ Alright HE HAS A FUCKIN SHEILD?! I wasn’t expecting a laser battle but damn ~~~ Test Tube’s livid and possibly gone bonkers. Punching a hole through the pop machine wasn’t the most necessary thing but I’ll back it up. Not to mention everyone’s kinda scared her at the moment too... Scared, well spoke a little too soon. ~~~ OUUU Oh SNAP- Suitcase telling of Test Tube like that- Now that’s tea.
~~~ I swear there’s too much going on and I love it. Fan’s stuck with the egg in a horribly minimalistic room, The contestants are trying to defeat the giant egg that was apparently sent by cobs (I don’t by it), and MePhone4 basically saying he’s going lone wolf on everyone and everything, ahh the tea- the drama- the sauce! I love every second of it and I’m not even a whole 10 mins into the ep. ~~~ Um Taco, the fuck you doing with MePad back there? Also Mic, I’m 99% sure you guys aren’t equals, or at least not in Taco’s mind. ~~~ Ngl the lil egg dude being scared of fan made me tear up a bit. I’m weak I know ~~~ Lightbulb makes my day so much better, I love that glass bulb full of gases. The flying buddy is a wonderful name for a rocket made of scrap metal. I love it so much, I can’t- ~~~ Wait, did that glass orb just save the day by fueling the ship? holy fucc, that’s incredible. aLSO MePHone4 I swear- don’t you dare erase a god damn thing, just look at the rocket fly through the sky and don’t press the button. ~~~ ok good he didn’t press it. ~~~ YOOO Suitcase, that’s like the opposite of Ninja’s “It’s just a game” quote, or maybe it’s the same thinking... tbh I have no clue I was just reminded of the quote from she said. ~~~ There’s something mega fucked up about using the Ipad to teleport after forcing him to go in sleep mode... Taco you are one crazy bitch and I don’t condone of your actions but I respect the skills to con and devise.  ~~~ The prime shimmer huh, I have no clue how to feel about floating space eggs with spears calling themselves The Prime Shimmer. ~~~ I think the head prime shimmer’s gonna make me and fan have an existential crisis. I don’t know who I am?? Do I? Do you? Do any of us know who we are exactly? oh no it’s started. eh, why am I worried I’ve been having one for the past 3 years and I’m more or less fine. Idk about fan tho...  ~~~  Oh of course Steve Cobs is the oppressor but also managed to fuck with alien eggs? I’m not down with that. Where’s the cob of corn I wanna teach him a lesson on why you shouldn’t fuck with alien eggs. ~~~ HH H HH THEY STOLE THE BABY EGGS? AND THERE’S ANOTHER ONE? god I love this show. where’s the second baby egg tho, I wanna protect them. I’ve been switched to protect mode ahhah ~~~ Um stop the ha ha funny. Taco Straight up just fucking murdered Test Tube. Not cool, and what are your motives you fishless, bowtie havin, crunchy boi. Why did you need to teleport to the egg ship. Ahfh gfl I’m going mad.  ~~~ MIC DON’T STEAL THE BABY ~~~ Well the “Go on the alien egg ship to get Fan back” plan didn’t turn out so well huh. The worst part is that everything would have worked out it Taco didn’t go all trigger happy. ~~~  Yeah MePhone you kinda fucked up big time. 3-4 of your contestants are hurling though space and you don’t have properties like the blue number we should all know, where you could alter time and space, or at least just fly through space to get them back. ~~~ Am I stupid or something? This whole show I was wondering how these guy come back, like who’s recovering them? Duh of course it’s the host of this whole reality show. ~~~ Umm but Test Tube knows what happened on the ship. Mic how can you live with yourself? AH I’m in agony, this show is too good.  ~~~  oh oh oH OH OHHH SHIT! Mic has pulled the plug on Taco. Gain is all the way downtown. No more transmissions, no more shady business practices and telling her off while mentioning pickle. Taco, you messed up big time buddy. ~~~ - Knife: Did you see her do all that? - Test Tube: No... but I’m also not an idiot! I- - MePhone4: Well that’s fantastic.  I’m livid, listen to Test Tube. Mic was a traitor who helped in very bad practices. I will not stand for this. ~~~ UM Really now, MePad’s gone and it’s just like “eh, he’ll be back, it’s fax time,” smh. I’m not prepared for this elimination. ngl I forgot that this was even part of the show for a sec.
~~~ God damnit Lightbulb, you’re stealing my heart with your little quips. We’re having a meaningful and serious moment. Same thing with MePhone4 not the time, let Mic be the bigger person. Even  though she’s a criminal, possibly even a space criminal.  ~~~ Wait what? Your not gonna just kick Mic and have that be it? what wh y augh- ~~~ THAT’S SO MESSED UP THO! Mic is leaving AND Test Tube’s been kicked cause it’s “just a game”? Baseball, dude... I thought you were better than that. ~~~ No n no, Taco, No. You don’t get to feel bad about using someone alright. Go to space jail and revive MePad please. ~~~ ahf au u the lightbulb gang is too good. Imma cry. I- hic ~~~ MePhone4 you don’t get to be all peppy at the end of it. Lightbulb is fuckin distraught so I’m in pain, I look forward to ep 15 but AHH Hhgh my heart is damaged. Every single episode, angst and ahahh owchie mama. I love this show but damn does it make me upset. Wait what about MePad- I guess I’ll jsut have to be patient and wait. Frick. ~~~ Oh wait there’s extras after the credit? I it’s toilet. O NBIHFFNF JJGkdd njnkjdns FUCK FUCK IUFKC ABORT MISSION. TOILET GE THE FUCK OUT OF THERE AHHH- 
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Mos miraculous prompt #4
The Liar Duo 6
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Ladybug hid behind a chimney. First observe, try to see a pattern, locate the akumatized object and then jump into action. Maybe use a Lucky Charm and try to avoid that Chat Noir get’s himself killed. Jep that’s the plan. And defeat him quick to get back to Félix. Almost forgot that one. She sighs. Why can’t it be just plain simple ...
“You said something about revenge. What is that supposed to mean?” Chat asked in a mocking voice.
Ladybug shook her head. One day, one of these god damn days she will put some sense into that stupid cat!
“Are you that stupid? Do you seriously don’t understand what revenge means? Fine I will explain it to you kiddo.” The Akuma almost spat that last part out.
“My supposed Teammates and I were about to meet up for a new round of Dungeons and Dragons but these rats replaced me! Me! Pah, laughable. I was one of the founders, without me no one would be able to play long. So kiddo, do you understand now why I have the desire of revenge?”
His voice grew louder at the end of his sentence and he once again swung his scythe at Chat Noir. Unfortunately for him, this time he wasn’t fast enough. With much more force than before Chat slams against the nearest building. Ladybug flinched. That must hurt, much. She ever wished for a wake up call for her partner but not like this.
The Akuma laughed. “That’s what I’m talking about!“ He whirled around and began to march back to his Meeting Point. The ground shook with every new step.
Ladybug pinched the bridge of her nose. „Why always me? Fine, no more observation and again thinking on the spot.” She stretched and hopped towards her partner. Upon reaching him she helped him stand up and looked him up and down.
“Everything alright Chat? That was quite the blow you received.”
He rolled his head and shoulders. “I think so M'Lady. Nothings broken but that one will definitely land on my Top three hit list.” A cheeky grin appeared on his face, Ladybug only rolled her eyes.
“Come on Chat, I want to defeat this Akuma quick. I have plans!”
“Oh? Bugaboo do you have a date? Maybe with my civilian self without knowing it? I also have plans later, what a coincidence.”
“Once and for all Chat. Stop flirting with me! I don’t want a relationship with you and I told you countless times I want to work professional! I don’t want to talk about civilian stuff and I don’t want to reveal my identity. Who knows, maybe after Hawkmoth is defeated but right now work as a professional hero!”
Ladybug huffs violently after her rant, she narrows her eyes at him. He looked at her with a faked hurt expression. “But M'Lady I would never do something like that. You know I’m a catsanova sometimes but only to you. All I think about is you and your safety.”
“Yeah and that only caused more issues for me. You get in the way of an attack and were turned against me, were killed or you never showed up at all. Look Chat, I don’t want to argue with you right now. The Akuma wrecks havoc throughout Paris and we really need to defeat him right now and save as many citizens as possible. Please Chat!” She looked at him with her most pleading eyes, she really hoped he would play along. The Akuma would be much faster dealed with, with the two of them. And she really needed to get as fast as she could back to Félix.
He looked at her with calculating eyes. “Fine, but ...” She groaned inwardly, sadly that was predictable. “... I want a proper date after this Akuma is defeated.”
Ladybug shut her eyes and clenched her teeth. A deep breath in, hold and a long exhale. Quickly weigh the pros and cons. Pro, the Akuma will be dealed with fast and she could get back to Félix and Con, she need to bear with an annoying Chat Noir not only now but also at a date and afterwards at every encounter. Breath in, breath out. Félix is now more important.
“Okay Chat. I will bring pastries and hot Chocolate to our next Patrol. We can meet up at the Eifel tower and have a nice picnic there, would that be in your interest?” She crossed her arms above her chest.
“For now that will be enough. Shall we Bugaboo?” He extended his staff and held his hand towards her. She looked up at the sky and send a silent prayer.
Her Yo-Yo wrapped around the nearest Chimney and Marinette looked at Chat and pulled herself to the next roof. She started running the second her feet hit the rooftops. She followed the dust clouds and the sound of destruction.
She stopped a couple of meters away and looked back at her partner. “Chat we need a Plan. I heard that today’s Akuma is a D&D player, so his akumatized object might be something that a cosplayer would wear. He said he was on his way to a meeting. I don’t know why but I have a feeling that we need to get that little charm which hangs at the end of his scythe. The rest looks too perfect, too real. But we can’t get to close to him or he hits us with his weapon. I want to try something before I cast my Lucky Charm, can you distract him for a moment? I need to find his teammates, I have a few questions for them maybe we can talk to him.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and nodded slowly. “Ten minutes. I try to distract him for the next ten minutes. I don’t think I can hold him off much longer.”
She nodded and thanked him. One glance towards the Akuma and she rushed towards the nearest park, she recalled seeing some people dressed up in Medieval clothing. Sometimes she strolled throu the park and took inspriration from them, she even offered help if someone needed it with their costumes, she even got a few commissions from them.
Marinette frantically scanned the area and found the group she was looking for.
“Hey you guys, I have a question! Do you know the person that is akumatized?”
“Ladybug! Yes, his name is Erik. Erik Faux. He’s our friend and comrade and originally we were supposed to meet him here. We had a surprise prepared for him, we commissioned a few pieces to complete his costume and a friend of mine is currently wearing them, so that Erik won’t guess something. But I suppose he thought that we wanted to replace him because their costumes were similar. Erik's our friend, we would never abandon him! Please Ladybug, tell him this and please safe him, he is a good guy.”
She smiled at the small group. “I will. One last question, do you know what item would be important to him, so important that he gripped onto it in the moment he were akumatized?”
One guy of the group nodded and proclaimed “yes, we all got a little charm as we started out. We always laughed about the fact that Eric wanted his character to have a scythe as his Surname literally says scythe.” He let out a little chuckle. “His Charm is a little demon, his Character has a Demon shaped Scythe, if his Akuma form represents his character you will find that charm somewhere there.”
Ladybug has a soft smile on her lips. “Thank you. These informations will help me, I will safe him and now find shelter till Chat and I have detransformed Erik.” She nodded one last time and leapt back towards the Akuma.
Upon arriving she noticed that Chat could barely stand on his feet. He looked bruised and he had several cuts. The Akuma swung his scythe once again towards Chat and he barely managed to dodge with his baton. He stumbled a few steps back and finds hold on a nearby house facade.
Marinette decided that now were the perfect moment to cast her Lucky Charm. She throws her Yo-Yo into the air and shouted “Lucky Charm!”
Ladybug received a bag full of Cookies. She shook her head and huffed.
“Why Tikki. Are you that hungry? How am I supposed to defeat a full armoured, scythe swinging Akuma? With a fricking back of cookies!”
[Ch. 1] [Ch. 2] [Ch. 3] [Ch. 4] [Ch. 5] [Ch. 6] [Ch. 7]
I hope you all like the story so far :)
I’m sorry that this update took me so long but I wasn’t feeling quite well the past couple of days/weeks ... I got some problems at work and that brought back my anxiety and I was trying to build my confidence back up ... so I hope that writing this story will somehow help me calm down and focus my thoughts ...
I thought about a suitable Lucky Charm and ended up asking my best friend what where the first object that came to her mind and she told me Cookies. Well, I’m curious how I will let Ladybug defeat the Akuma with cookies ... any suggestions?
Other question, are the tags working? Somehow I have the feeling that not all of you get a notification. Especially since I have sometimes the same trouble with story’s where I want to be tagged ...
If someone new want to be tagged, just ask! I will try to add you :)
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oyesmendes · 4 years
The Coffee Roasters - Chapter 1
a/n: andddd chapter one is here!!! hope you guys like it!!!
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Espresso - boiling water shot under pressure through finely grounded coffee beans; like caffeine coursing through your veins, the rush of love felt exactly the same
7AM - When the sun was just rising, the Hoang family was already full steam ahead roasting coffee beans in the back rooms and stocking the shelves with fruit cups, yogurt and granola. They were ready for their morning rush. Sophie was putting on her apron when their first customers walked through the doors - Mr and Mrs Meloche, who have been coming to the cafe for over 40 years.
“G’morning Mr and Mrs Meloche!” The 3 siblings greeted the old couple, and their coffee was served in an instant. They had their coffee black, at 7am for 365 days a year (well, make it 364, the cafe closes on lunar New Years) without fail and they’ve watched the 3 siblings grow up over the years. When the couple came in for their coffee, everything else fell in place like clockwork; their usual customers started streaming in and the Hoang family began their business. over the years, Alex has given up the front of the house for his children to manage, while he remained at the back of the house roasting the infamous coffee beans and filling the entire shop with the aroma of coffee. He has passed down this art of coffee bean roasting to his children of course, but he could never let it go no matter how many times Harvey or Austin would try to coax their father into passing on the big wooden ladle to them. The morning rush went by at lightning speed this morning, and Sophie was summoned to the back of the house immediately to prepare a special order for her father’s old friend.
While the Hoang’s morning was coming to an end, Niall’s had barely started. He was still tucked deep inside the soft beddings of the hotel with the blanket pull all the way up to his chin. The warm stream of sunlight managed to wake him up by a bit, and when he looked at the time on his phone Niall shot up straight away.
“Holy shit! It’s flippin’ late” he muttered under his breath as he attempted to swoop all his things into his travel bag. Niall was checked out of his hotel room in minutes, and making that 10 minute walk to the Coffee Roasters. Somehow he felt a little bit nervous to see Sophie again, and it filled his stomach with butterflies when he thought of her working behind the coffee machine. There was something so unique about her, and Niall had a good feeling about it all.
When he opened the doors to the cafe, his heart sank a little as he saw 2 tall men standing at the counter. Maybe they work in shifts, and today wasn’t her shift? He could ask the boys about her, but would that be weird? He wanted to see her again though, and he didn’t know if he’d get the chance to-
“Hi there! What can I get you?” Harvey’s voice brought Niall back to reality. Niall stood there, stunned for a moment before another voice chimed in.
“Hey! You’re that guy from yesterday, caffe americano? Ahhh what’s your name… don’t tell me I got it…Ni-Niall! Right?” Austin shouted excitedly. Niall had a small smile on his face as he scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah that’s me… and about yesterday… that girl who made my coffee, is she working today?” Niall asked sheepishly. He watched Austin and Harvey give each other a look, before sizing him up. God this is embarrassing.
“You must be talking about our sister” Harvey said, a smirk forming on his face. Niall’s stomach immediately plummets to the ground. She not only has one, but two very handsome brothers to protect her. What has he done? Niall shifts uncomfortably in his place, nodding his head slowly. Harvey and Austin both burst out laughing
“Chill mate! She’s out back making some pastries, I’ll go get her.” Harvey makes his way to the backroom in search for his sister.
“I’ll get you your cup of coffee, on the house.” Austin moves behind the coffee machine, whirring away at Niall’s Americano.
In the backroom, both Sophie and her mother were busy piping the enormous birthday cake for their family friend until Harvey came bursting through the doors.
“HEY HEY HEY BACKOFF!” Sophie shoved her brother far away from the cake, “and no! I am not taking your shift outside-“
“There’s a boy asking for you outside” Harvey cut her off before she could finish. He smirked, knowing very well he got everyone’s attention. Sophie placed the bag of icing down on the table, and squinted at her brother - she couldn’t believe the words coming out from his mouth. Harvey shrugged, hands up in surrender, “Di said it was the guy from yesterday… something about caffe americano” Sophie had to think for awhile before her mind brought her to the image of Niall. She felt a blush on her cheeks and her mother gave her a knowing smile.
“I think you like him” Angela smirked at her daughter. Being the only girl out of the 3, it was natural that Sophie was closest to her mother and she told her absolutely everything. Even the short encounter with Niall, and how his eyes illuminated a sort of dullness or sadness that she couldn’t put her finger on. “But they were so blue” she told her mother again, they were mesmerising and it sort of had an effect on her. Sophie wanted to know more about this boy, and she prayed so badly that he would come back again the next day.
“We’ll see, I’ve only spoken 2 sentences to him so he’s probably not going to remember me. And not to mention Ma, he’s Niall fricking Horan” Sophie poured a glass of peach tea for both her mother and herself.
“Go, I can handle this. Your father can help me with it anyway” Sophie gave a kiss on both her parents cheeks.
“Go get it, Mei!” Harvey yelled before she ran out the doors to the front, shooting him her middle fingers. Sophie saw Austin who gestured over to the table by the windows, one of your favourite spots in the cafe. Niall was facing the outside, steaming mug of coffee in front of him. She approached him slowly, not wanting to startle the man.
“Hey, heard you were asking for me?” Niall jumped at the sound of her voice and Sophie let out a chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. My brother told me you were looking for me”
“Oh-yes, I am… uh have a seat..” Niall scrambled from his place, pulling out the chair for Sophie to sit on. She settled in and stuck out her hand for him to shake (weird gesture, I know)
“I’m Sophie, Sophie Hoang” Niall shook her hand, “Niall Horan” Damn she’s gorgeous, Niall thought to himself. They sat in silence for a bit, Niall just staring at her eyes and she fiddle with a stray piece of fabric from her apron.
“Um- I’m sorry I’m a mess I didn’t think this through” he stuttered, running his hands through his hair. Sophie gave him a soft smile, she was a conversationalist, so none of this startled her at all. They started talking, and laughing, and Niall opened up to her about why he was here. Sophie didn’t judge, she listened intently and leaned forward to give him as much of her attention as she could. She made him feel safe, as if he could conquer the world with her. That’s when he remembered why he came to the cafe.
“So I was wondering, would you like to take a tour of Brighton with me? I know you live here and you need to work but its my last day and I wanted to see-“ he was a blubbering mess once again and she stopped him before it got any worse.
“I would love to give you a tour.” Niall grinned, his smile stretching from ear to ear. She placed her hand on top of his, drawing small circles on them, “I’ll go ask my parents for the day off, give me a sec”
She left him by his seat to head to the backroom, and let out a small squeal that got Angela and Alex’s attention. Her brothers soon streamed in to, wanting to know all about the hour long conversation that they had by the most perfect spot in the cafe.
“Ma, Pa can I have the day off?” Sophie paused, looking back and forth between her parents. “He asked if I could show him around Brighton and I agreed…” she trailed off, watching her father’s face carefully. But before Alex could even breathe a word, Angela had already agreed to her daughter’s request, her hand placed on Alex’s to tell him to Shut up. Sophie kissed her parents again, giving both her brother’s a high-five before she ran to get her bag.
“You didn’t even let me-“ Alex protested, but to no avail. Angela’s hand was raised up in the air a signal in the family that the conversation was over. This earned a chuckle from Sophie’s brothers,
“Come on Pa, it’ll be fine the guy looks like he wouldn’t even hurt a fly, don’t worry about Mei. She’s a big girl now” Harvey told his father. It only earned him a smack on the head and a string of curse words muttered under his father’s breath. On the other side of the door though, Sophie was beaming and excited for her “date” with one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. She tapped him on his shoulders, a smile plastered to her face ever since she’s seen him. Niall stretched his arm out to her, and she gladly wrapped her hands around his bicep, her heart bursting at the gesture. What she didn’t know was that Niall was blushing too, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering from the physical contact.
She brought him to Brighton Pier, they spent their afternoon eating food and playing games at the arcade even though they were trash at almost every game they attempted. They sat by the benches over looking the sea, sharing their stories and before they knew it the sun was setting over the horizon. Sophie was wrapped under Niall's arms, their hands intertwined and it felt like they were teenagers in love.
“This sunset, is the second most amazing thing I have seen in my life” Niall said softly.
“And what’s the most amazing thing you have seen?”
“You” Niall replied her, kissing the top of Sophie’s head. She let out a laugh, burying herself deeper into Niall’s embrace, “Cheeseball” They sat in silence for a bit, watching the sun go down. This was it, this was Sophie’s cue to ask him to stay with her tonight. She wanted him- no, Sophie needed him in her life and she knew that this was her chance.
"Stay.” There, she said it.
Niall looked down at her and he melted instantly when their eyes met. Whatever commitments he had in London tomorrow could wait, this girl was asking him to stay and he couldn't say no to her.
“Okay.” He replied. Her face lit up at his words, and he gives her a peck on her forehead. She interlocks her hand with his as she gets up swiftly, pulling Niall along with her.
"Woah, where are we going?" Niall asks as he stumbles behind her. She crashes straight into Niall's arms, giggling like a child.
"Come home with me" Sophie says excitedly. And that sets them running, they're dashing for Sophie's car, hands interlocked as they manoeuvre through the crowds. People shot them dirty looks as they ran and laughed, circling into each other's arms ever so often. after sprinting for what felt like hours, they arrived at Sophie’s car and Niall swooped her into his arms, earning a squeal from her. Their foreheads touched, chest rising and falling away from each other as they caught their breaths. It was like this for a while, before Sophie pressed her lips against Niall’s. The kiss was gentle, filled with so much love, and before Niall could go deeper into it, Sophie pulled away with a smirk forming on her face. Niall pulled her back as she tried to walk away, but Sophie shook her head.
“You’re going to have to wait till we get home.” She was teasing him, leaving him to want more. Niall smiled back at her, knowing he was going to get all that he wanted when they got to her place. He watched as she sauntered to the other side of the car, each step feeling like an eternity. While for Sophie, her heart fluttered as she realised she was falling in love with Niall so quickly. She knew she shouldn’t, after all he only broke up with his long-term girlfriend two days ago. So she hoped and she prayed, that he was feeling exactly the same.
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zikadraws · 5 years
🌼Chara's Resort - Chapter 1 :'' ''I call monkey business on this hotel, partner'' or 'the Introduction' ''🌼
''*Are you 100% sure about that, partner ?''
Frisk eye rolled and with a big sigh made Chara understand that yes, they were and no, there was no need of asking that for the 387th time.
''*A-Alright then. Sorry, I shouldn't be the nervous one.''
Frisk gave their little undead partner a patient smile, and then a global look at the hotel. It was absolutely huge. Like, real huge. In the night they could barely even see the roof, and there was too many windows for them to count. It gave the young human a slight feel of anxiety, wondering if they would really be able to take care of something that big...
''*...why is it so little lightened ?''
Huh. Good question. The building was indeed barely lightened outside as for inside, and Chara completed their question with the observation that it was weird for a construction that seemed that brand new. Perhaps every customer was already asleep...?
''*At ten in the evening ? Every window ? Seriously, partner ? What do you think it is, a military camp ?''
Hmpf. Cut off the sass, Chara. There was anyway only one way of learning more, since whatever Frisk would say, their hirer didn't told them anything about the job yesterday.
''*Aaand right in the problems Chara & Frisk are bulling agaaain~'' crooned Chara ''Team-Rocket'' like, while their partner eagerly swinged open the front door of the building, ready for everyone and everything... Except for finding the check-in hall to be as darkened as the windows, and maybe even emptier than Jerry's personality -Chara !!!!
''*What ? He HAS the emptiest personality. And I'm the narrating one here, so frick off. Beyond of this, you gotta admit, this is like, really abnormal... Make me think of a horror movie scenario... y'know ? With the clueless guys who enter in a isolated recently bought house, and then- Nonono, don't close the door !! It's always once it's done that freaky stuff happens... Wha- NoI'mNotScaredButSeriouslyPleaseLetThatDoorOpen.''
Low-key laughing at their friend's nervousness, Frisk stepped deeper in the entrance, checking around for any clue of someone, in vain. The hall was inconfortably spacious... The silence didn't help, and Frisk rapidly felt their partner gripping their suit's leg, having decided to ground themselves in the hope to feel less exposed. The aspiring janitor frankly smiled at this sight. They did not know Chara still had scared child instincts.(*muttering*''*Mrrrmmrr....As if you didn't, you stupid mrmgrownup...(pfff)'')
Openly giggling this time, Frisk reached the check-in office and officializing the lack of reception, got ready to wait, gently messing the incorporeal hair of their pouty ghost friend.
Five minutes passed. Five more.
As it was getting to a quarter-hour, Chara had calmed down and Frisk was getting less and less sure about anything concerning their job. Their partner started swinging playfully around the deck, happy to feel getting closer the possibility of leaving the place, as they've been arguing about it during the whole wait.
''*That's just as what I'm killing myself in telling you, partner~ Nothing about this stuff is right ! 🎶Huge place, dark place, no one around...🎵 Nothing is right, yet here you are...🎶 Hmm hm hm hmmm... Oooh yeah~...🎵''
Hearing Chara starting to sing almost got the best out of Frisk, making them stand up all of a sudden and eye-dagger their smuggy brat of a friend, who promptly tempered.
''*Woah- hey, cool partner ! I'm just saying that apparently no one was warned you would come. That Gadd guy probably didn't bothered to get someone... (And honestly, for how he behaved yesterday, that would not surprise me...) ...Huh- wait, don't make that face !! Don't be sad, it's probably just an oversight... (...) Tell you what : let's ring the bell here, and if really nobody shows up, we'd get out of here, how about that ?''
Frisk sighed but had to admit it was the best option... Though before reaching out for the bell, they hesitated and then, to Chara's startlement, turned to them and bowing, waved in the bell's direction with a wink. After some confusing seconds, Chara understood : their partner offered them the first hit.
''*Wha-- But Frisky, I am a ghost. It won't do anything and you know it, right- oh.''
Of course they knew. But Chara could see it in Frisk's eyes. They wouldn't just get away with fifteen minutes of whining. And perhaps even wouldn't get away at all, if they didn't lowed themselves in that reminding of their incorporeal misery. Not while knowing how Frisk was.
''*... Alright then...''
Chara loomed over the bell, arm raised, eyesiding their partner's already satisfied grin. Swallowing their indignation, the little ghost sighed hard and hit that humiliating call bell with all of their frustration. ''*Here goes nothing-"
...the echo of the ringing rolled in the entire hall. Leaving the equally stunned duo in a deafening silence.
''*...Waitwaitwaitwait. How the fuc-''
Despite being genuinely confused, Frisk had that reflex of reminding language manners to Chara. For who it was really the leastest of their problems.
''*Partner, I just did physically interact with a material object after one hundred ghostly years of not even being able to interact with magic. I can talk however the hell I want. What- NO I have no idea. I did not do anything special- I wasn't even fricking expecting it to ring... No I don't think there's anything special with it. I mean it's a goddamn bell ?? It's not even glowing or anything... Oh danggit---I'm so damn confused !!! Why does it have to happen now...''
''...Hum, hello, and err...How may I help you ?''
The unknown voice caught the arguing duo off guard and, turning up towards the origin in unison, opening baby owl eyes, they faced an... unexpected figure. It was a skinny man-like creature, standing behind the desk, with a blue and transparent body ; whose eyes and mouth, and general being actually, was strangely glowing ; and was dressed as a groom ; and manifestly waiting for a response.
After a couple of seconds Chara broke the silence. ''*...You, huh. 'You encounter... (Wait lemme *CHECK...) ...Stuart Gangers.''
The newcomer suddenly looked like choking on that name evocation. ''Wait wha- How- how do you know-''
''*...Said 'Steward'. Like his fonction, which is outrageously convenient...''
''Hey !''
''*...Basically the ghost equivalent of Burgerpants ; doing his very best.' ...Hooold on : 'ghost' ??? But wait, then does that mean...''-
''HEY !!!''
Some seconds of overwhelming tension passed between the more-lost-than-ever duo and the rather mad bellhop. Finally, this last one decided it was not worth keeping up such an atmosphere if it didn't ended with anything good from those two unexpected visitors, and with a big sigh suggested them to forget about it and start over instead. So hello visitors, you can call me Steward, welcome to the Last Resort, new version, and how may I help you ?...
''*... Yeah'', croaked that strange-looking little petty ghost of a brat (having to be polite to customers didn't forbid him to think his mind) who guessed his true identity. ''*Yeah. Good idea. That's surely better. (Sorry). So, hum... Greetings mister... The names are Chara and Frisk Dreemur, and huh... Frisk here came in this place because they got hired as a janitor yesterday by some weird gu-(ahem)-Imeansomeone of the name of E. Gadd ; youuu...might have been warned...?''
Seeing the young spectrum getting shyer and shyer, to the point that their words gradually sounded less and less audible, restored Steward's sympathy ; and so that was honestly smiling that he informed them that indeed, he has been warned that the new janitor would come tonight, though the professor did not care to tell at which time. But on the other hand, he had in fact warned the entire staff hotel, including the residents, about this and that he wanted them all to meet the new employee (''for some reason -I don't really get it... they never did something like that before ??...-ahem-'') and so he had gathered them in integrity in the reception room, a bit next to the hall. May he leaded them in...?
A perplex silence fell through the ghosts and the human, before a steady-as-a-broom ghost kid finally asked : ''*...the 'professor' ? ...And... What do you imply by... The residents...?''
Steward squinted. ''...What...You mean that he did not told you ??''
As he faced the embarrassed look of the duo, it occurred to the incredulous bellhop that he had to brought himself to give them a summary on his own. How come the professor did not warn them... ??
''...god is it a funny story... So... Let's see...''
Ten minutes of wide explanations later, Frisk had to sum up to Steward. Did he really just said that 1) their hirer was a scientist focused on ghosts studies ; 2) the hotel itself was inhabited specifically by ghosts ; and 3) they were about to meet them all at once ??
''That's the long and the short of it, yes.''
But it was amazing ! It meant that Chara could for once meet up plenty people who could actually see them, hear them ! They could even make friends, finally !
Turning up to share their enthusiasm with the said children, Frisk brutally felt their happiness fade to concern. Noticing the human sudden worried face, Steward followed their eyes... and felt his chest tighten.
Chara was standing on their feet, abnormally steardy, eyes wide open and darting the ground, the whole spectra ran by violent shakes, their aura producing small red zaps of energy - an expression of fear iridiating from their whole being. It was a major panic attack, like Steward never could bear himself. No need to be a genius to understand that the kid wouldn't be able to interact with anyone in those conditions.
That establishment done, Steward turned to the alarmed human and suggested them to begin heading to the reception room by themselves, while he would take care of this. The young mortal hesitated but consented at the empathetic look on the bellhop's face. Giving a timid wave at their -oblivious- partner, they slowly engaged in the hallway. Once Frisk was out of view, Steward flew around the desk and crouched himself next to shuddering Chara. ''Hey kid. Are you feeling okay ?'' ''* . . . '' ''It's alright, okay ? I'm just sitting there. I swear I won't hurt you or anything else. Nobody will.'' ''*... I...I-I'm---...'' ''...There... See ? I'm just going to touch you on the shoulder... Here. Take a breath.'' Steward has cautiously began to open his arms, and Chara, still intensely shivering, instinctively moved themselves in. ''*I'm...I-'' they stuttered, as Steward very carefully closed his arms on the child's back. ''There, there... Shhh. Don't worry. You're safe. It's gonna be okay.'' Chara stared in shook, then their voice cracked down as they given back the ghost's hug, with all the force their violent shudders allowed them to use.
''*I'm sorry...''
Meanwhile, Frisky has already reached the reception room door.
They hesitated at the entrance. Being without their little partner felt so wrong... Having grown up with that constant -although sassy, and overly curious, and sometimes kinda annoying- presence, the young human felt unusually lonely. And worried for them. Would they really be alright...?
As Frisk was lost in their thoughts, the doors suddenly BUSTED open. Brutally brought back to reality, a startled Frisky eyecatched an obviously out of patience Professor E. Gadd, blabbering aggressively while being followed by some blue ghost.
''It's been almost an hour now since they should have arrived, what in the world is that guy doin- OH ! It's you !'' exclaimed the scientist, radically changing their tone at Frisk's recognition. ''We weren't expecting you anymore ! What took you so long ?'' As the newest janitor timidly attempted to remind Gadd that he literally did not told anything about what the program would look like, he interrupted them and grabbing them by the arm, dragged them towards the room ; ''Yeah yeah whatever. Anyway, we're so glad to finally have you here. You'll see : everyone's been waiting for you !'' Then practically pushed poor Frisky through the entrance.
Bursted up suddenly into the large place, bewildered Frisk reduced themselves to that latest rough treatment, and, blinking at the sudden relative amount of light, eyed the room... And almost let fall their backpack in amazement. Here, in this room, were standing (or more floating for some ominous reasons) dozens and dozens and dozens of ghosts, all sizes, all forms (perhaps as varied as monsters species), who were all doing (it wasn't the least astonishing thing to Frisk, knowing Chara) who were all doing normal corporeal people stuff, including eating for some !!...aaand were, hum. All staring at Frisk. The young human felt briefly their chest tighten at that last realization. But really briefly, as a ghost of tall stature, with blue sweater, cap and body (and a rather massive chin and pointy nose) approached to greet them -with the friendliest behaviour :
''Why, bonjour ! You must be the new concierge, n'est-ce pas ? Pleased to be meeting you, I'm Morty ! If you want, I can present you to everyone ! ^^''
Relieved by the reaction of the spectre, Frisk smiled widely and felt their loneliness flew away. Perhaps it would in fact not be as terrible as foreseen actually...
E. Gadd discreetly grabbed his captors.
In the meantime, back in the hall, Steward finally managed to get Chara to calm down... Well, sort of. If you can call calmed down a child sitting in ball-like position against the check-in desk, hidden under their hood, sobbing (gradually quieter, gotta admit). The bellhop was sitting right next to them, gently patting them, and wait for their hiccups to fade off to prudently ask them what got them to stress out that brutally.
''*...'' ''You don't have to tell me, but I think it would be better for us both to clear that up. If it's okay with you.'' ''*...I'm sorry... it's just that... (Hic) it's just that it's all happening at once... That's all.(snif)'' ''What are you talking of ?'' ''*But everything, whined the young ghost. We just came up in this creepy place and then... Then I'm able to touch things out of nowhere ? I just can't understand...'' ''...you mean it was the first time ever for you ??'' ''*Ever since I died, yup...'' ''How long-'' ''*One hundred and fifteen years.'' ''... Woah. Seriously ?'' ''*Huh-hu. ...Why ?'' ''Well actually, I did never heard of ghosts on the late...I was personally physically fully interactive hours after my death, in fact.'' ''*...'' ''Buuut I mean, it's okay. You seem to be an unusual...hum, special type of ghost anyway, so it's probably not that weird.'' ''*... what do you mean, exactly ?'' sneaked the little ghost, squinting. ''... Well... By example...''started the nervous bellhop, feeling he probably shouldn't have come up with this subject. ''I mean your appearance -and aura- is radically different from ours. Like you see, I have a tail and you seem to naturally have legs.'' ''*Oh yeah, smiled the small ghost. I did not notice it at first. It's funny.'' Encouraged by his achievement in getting a smile, Steward continued. ''Also, unlike mine, your eyes got pupils... (And your mouth is not glowing)'' ''*Yep... but, doesn't red pupils look a little weird though ?'' wondered the kid, suddenly sad. Getting that it was a sensitive topic, Steward eluded by assuring them it gave them an interesting look, and quickly switched to another subject (''And are those actually ears under your hood ?? Man, kid, you don't get your luck !!'' ''*Heee~ ! Quit it, it tickles !!''), effectively getting them to laugh, finally.
So after having managed to get Chara finally better, the blue ghost dared, after a short pause, to ask them if they wanted to head to the reception room with him, as he had to go there anyway. The little ghost shrinked on themselves. Then quietly confessed to Steward that in one hundred and a bit, they've never been able to interact with anyone but Frisk (''*and some rare exceptions... -ahem-''). So the perspective of having to meet plenty of new people able to perceive them in one shot, just like that, was a terrifying one. They just could't do it.
''*I'm really sorry...'' apologized the kid, rubbing their eye.
''... it's okay. I feel for you.''
''*I'm already happy to have met you today. I'd met the others, but like... Eventually'', stated the kid with a frank smile.
Steward felt his chest warm up at this one... ''Awww, thank you kid. That's fine, take all the time you need. We're all staying here anyway. And by the way, if you really have trouble with developing your ghost abilities we could teach you how it's done'', he added with a friendly wink ;).
Chara's eyes (and hair) bloomed with stars (and flowers (??)) at this unexpected offer ; but then, got melancholic...
''*...Do you really have to go ?''
''...yes, kid. Or else they'll be looking for me, sorry.''
The look on the child's face pitied the bellhop as he was getting up. Then an idea came to his mind, and with a wide smile he suggested Chara an alternative at being alone. Would they mind to try ?
''*...huh... Yeah, I guess ?''
So turning up, Steward clapped his hands, and a quartet of blue, yellow, red and purple glowing forms appeared from the walls. The bellhop informed the stunned kid that those were Goob, Slinker, Hammer and Sneaker. And as they gently approached the little ghost, and as the said 'Goob' managed its way through the very arms of that curious-looking new kid, Chara nearly teared up in awe.
''*Awww~ Oh my god they're so CUTE- thank you Mister !!!''
Steward nodded and, after making sure that the kid was in good escort, -gloriously- initiated his way to the reception room.
Plenty satisfied with himself for once.
Within the said reception room, Frisk was living their glorious hours. The guy named Morty knew indeed everyone and nobody got forgotten. The residents were globally really satisfied with the new janitor ; although being a little confused about if it was a boy or a girl, they all recognized their obvious ability to adapt to any given situation, their friendliness and, which wasn't the leastest of qualities for some, their quietness. In fact, the ghosts were really wondering how that human managed to be understood by everyone ? They did not see him/her open their mouth to actually talk even once !! But ah, in the end it didn't really matter. They were optimistic about...-well, in doubt- them, anyway. The atmosphere was sincerely light (ironically---hum.).
But as the presentations went along, the professor E. Gadd, who was keeping himself apart from the assembly, in a corner where he had a wide sight of the entire room, surrounded with complex instruments, seemed himself, less and less satisfied. The goobs who were providing the service were gossiping between themselves about how much he looked like he was searching for something and couldn't find it.
To the point where the friendly festivities got brutally interrupted when he jumped out of his seat and bulled towards the ghosts, arguing that something was not right.
''Wha- What's wrong, Professor ??'' asked the gal called Chambrea, confused. ''Everyone is having a good time. What's the matter ?''
''If something is wrong ? Yes something is definitely wrong. Don't you fellows ghosts sense like, I don't know... There's something off in that room ?''
''... ... ...''
''... Steward's... missing ?'' risked someone, bewildered.
''I don-''
''Not anymore~ !🎵'' whistled the interested, who just made his entry through the door-
''I DON'T FRICKING CARE ABOUT STEWARD !!'' shouted the professor, way more violently than he intended. Ignoring the shook he just caused in the gasping audience (and without even a look for poor Steward), he went on : ''What I mean is... Did really none of you guys perceive some strange presence, or aura, around 'Frick' here ?''
''...No, professor. ''Answered a tall purple ghost in costume in the coldest of tones. ''Why ,professor ?''
''Really ?'' enchained the said professor, totally oblivious to the inner menace. ''None of you did notice anything unusual with 'Frick' ? Nothing else than him (or her...?) ?? Utterly, positively, absolutely sure ???''
''Yes, professor.'' completed a rich-looking yellow ghost lady, in a similar tone. ''None of us. Why that question, professor ? Was there something you did not tell us, professor ?''
''...Bad timing.''
The scientist brutally turned away, gathered some of his instruments, and busted out of the room -nearly jostling away poor Steward, who glared at him suspiciously- while repeating over and over : ''Bad timing. Bad timing. Bad timing.''
Bad timing.
🌼~End of Chapter 1~🌼
Thank you very much for having read it all until the end. I hope my style did not bore you. And that you liked the plot.🥰
Love you all.
(Phew, it was really exhausting... Hope it was worth it at least^^''')
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 6
Your name is TYZIAS ENTYKK and you have had a long fucking six perigees.
It’s not like it was all terrible, because it wasn’t; a lot of it was actually super thrilling and dangerous enough for your matesprit to ask you, on several occasions, if you’re suicidal. You’re not, thankfully. However, your life has been, for the lack of a better term, apeshit crazy.
You are currently sitting in a loose circle with your coworkers and the jades, the alien sandwiched protectively between Stelsa and Tagora. Daraya had told you that they had two broken ribs and were severely underweight, but you’re still stunned by how frail they look. Had they been like that before they went missing? They’re strangely tangible now, like you’re truly seeing them for the first time. It haunts you.
“What’s the last thing you remember before you were kidnapped?” you ask.
The alien and Lanque exchange glances.
“I was coming back from a party Lanque invited me to,” they begin. “I was just walking down the street and… boom, next thing I know I’m up in Scratch’s mansion-dimension-hell.”
That’s what the jadeblood told you six perigees ago, but you just wanted to make sure everybody’s timelines were in order. “Right. After you disappeared, we all did a massive search party, and I’m assuming your other friends did the same. That went on for like, what, two and a half perigees? After that, I… well, we came to the conclusion that you got culled.”
They nod.
Your throat feels tight, but you continue. “Of course, we were all devastated. Nobody wanted to believe you were really gone, but… there wasn’t a trace of you left. So we decided to do the next right thing.”
“Oh boy,” Tirona mutters.
You ignore her. “Daraya and I kept in touch after you introduced us that one time. We kept coming back to what you would always tell us about making the world a better place, even if we were just talking about random shit. So eventually I was like… hey, fuck it. Let’s start a rebellion. Tegiri thinks we’re all gonna die and wants nothing to do with it, but that’s his problem. What have we got to lose?”
“Your lives,” they point out helpfully.
“True. But yeah, that’s how this whole thing got started. It took a bit of convincing, but we finally got some other people to join.”
“More like dragged us kicking and screaming into it,” Tagora mutters under his breath.
“So far we blew up a hangar full of rockets, hacked the government a few times to delete cull-on-sight lists, beat up a purpleblood, vandalised some stuff with Trizza’s face on it, uh… what else did we do, guys?”
“We organized a rescue for Outglut after a drone raid basically burned the place to the ground,” Stelsa added. Yeah, that had been one hell of a wipe. You guys had helped out a lot of survivors, but sometimes even sopor couldn’t keep away daymares of burning flesh and lifeless eyes. Saving everybody wasn’t an option, but you tried your best. That’s what was important.
“I saved a grub who was gonna be culled because he wasn’t as big as the others,” Wanshi mumbles shyly, kicking her feet against the log she was sitting on.
“Honk!” Karako adds.
“And Karako helped!”
The alien’s eyes twinkle with utter delight. “That’s amazing, Wanshi. And holy moly, dude, who blew up the hangar?”
“I think his name is Azdaja? He and his partner Konyyl absolutely destroyed the place,” Tagora explains shrewdly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Azdaja and Konyyl? They’re in this too?” they exclaim, getting even more excited. “Oh my God, I can’t wait to see them again. But who the frick hacked the government? That sounds pretty damn dangerous.”
Tirona clears her throat. “A mutual friend of ours is responsible for that. You knew Mallek Adalov, right?”
The goofy smile on their face falls away. “Mallek? Of course I know Mallek! How is he?”
“Hanging in there. He does his own thing, really,” Tirona says with a shrug.
“When’s the last time you saw him? Does he know I’m back?” they demand.
Lanque smirks. “Somebody’s eager, huh?”
Your friend splutters and shoots him a look like, I’ll kill you later, bitch.
“Well, I saw him a couple wipes ago, and… no. He doesn’t know anything. Should I call him?” Tirona asks helpfully, understanding dawning on her grub-round face as she and Lanque lock eyes. He nods eagerly, and the alien shrieks in protest and then clutches their side.
Tagora catches them as they faint, and together he and Stelsa carefully lay them out on the ground. Daraya’s eyes flicker between the alien and Lanque and Tirona, who are animatedly discussing whether or not they should call Mallek, like she doesn’t know whether or not to yell at them for making her beloved friend pass out from pain or join in on the fun.
You roll your eyes. Great, even more drama. “Jegus, just call Adalov and tell him his bag-of-bones flushcrush is half dead on the forest floor.”
“I thought this was supposed to be a business meeting?” Tagora snipes.
“Business can wait. I want to see where this goes,” Stelsa giggles. “Besides, they’re his friend, too. He deserves to see them again!”
In the dirt and dead leaves, the alien groans. “What…?”
“We’ll take care of everything, dear, just take deep breaths,” your matesprit promises sweetly. She pats the alien’s forehead and scooches over so Daraya can sit down with her and Tagora. Your bloodpusher warms at the sight.
Tirona’s palmhusk is cheerfully trilling, going through one, two, three cycles of that damn noise. You need to get that kid to change her ringtone, seriously.
Just when you think Adalov’s not going to answer, there’s a sharp click at the other end. “Yeah?”
“Mallek, hi!” Tirona sings. “What are you up to?”
“Re-wiring my PC so it stops overheating every time I try and play Mineclaw. Look, if you’re gonna ask me to hack anything again, it’s a hard no. I already risked my ass once so you guys could dick around in a major government server--”
“No, we don’t need you for that. Just get your blue butt down to the base of the jades’ mountain. There’s somebody I think you’d like to see,” she insists.
“I’m busy. Tell Tyzias to suck a fat one.”
“Okay, but seriously! Mallek, you need to come here, it’s important.”
“I already told you, I’m done doing stupid shit.”
“We both know that’s a lie, but okay. Please, dude, you won’t regret it--” Tirona pleads, but gets cut off by Lanque swiping the palmhusk from her hands, growling in exasperation.
“Adalov. It’s me, Lanque. Come here now. They’re back, they’re a little injured, but they’re alive and that’s what’s important. Don’t you want to see them?”
Dead silence.
Then, a low beeping as Mallek hangs up.
Lanque’s fangs glint as he grins in satisfaction. “He’s on his way.”
“You sound like you know him,” you state.
He shrugs. “Old hookup.”
“Ah.” That makes sense.
“Gimme my palmhusk back,” Tirona demands, grabbing for the device. Lanque obliges before bringing out his own and fiddling around with it. On the adjacent log, Wanshi and Karako start talking about some story they’re coming up with together.
Another groan reaches your ears, and you look down to see the alien pushing themselves up on their elbows. “Aw, crap. Did I pass out?”
“Yeah, you did. Also, Tirona and Lanque called your cerulean boyfriend. He’ll be here in a bit” Daraya explains dryly.
“You… oh, geez. He’s not my boyfriend!”
“I can help with that. Consider it your welcome-back present,” Lanque offers, smugness radiating off every pore.
“I thought you were on my side!”
“Darling, I’m on no side but my own.”
“I despise you.”
“Oh?” You almost burst out laughing when you see the bit of interest that sparks in his eyes. Good fuck, this alien had all of Thrashthrust wrapped around their little finger.
Their face burns bright red. “Not like that, you horny Onceler headass--”
Tagora tries and fails to cover both Wanshi’s, Tirona’s, and Karako’s ears at the same time. “Stop saying those things in front of the kids!”
“Gor-Gor, until somebody helps peel my injured self out of the literal dirt I’m not doing anything for anybody, okay?”
“So much for business,” Daraya huffs. You know her well enough by now to see that she’s amused by all of this. It’s in the slight narrow of her shadowed eyes, the tilt of her head.
“That’s what I just said-!”
Your fellow rebels’ bickering is abruptly cut off by the sound of a revving hoverboard engine somewhere above you. Karako yelps and slaps his hands over the sides of his head. The alien stops cussing out Lanque and looks up at the sky, pale face shining in the light of the moons. Despite Stelsa’s protests, they push themselves to their feet with a grimace. A fierce determination lights them up from within.
Could you convince them to use that strength for the rebellion?
“That was fast!” Wanshi notes cheerfully.
A lean figure blurs through the canopy and swoops down to land on the path outside of the clearing you guys are in. Any other time you’d start ragging on Adalov about him and his stupid pretentious rich-boy hoverboard, but you keep your mouth shut once you see the desperation in his wide blue eyes, and also because the little insect instinct that’s survived billions of years of evolution cringes away from the color. Only adult trolls have color in their eyes, and adults are bad news.
It’s a lot less dramatic than you thought it was going to be. Mallek steps off his hoverboard and kicks it up into his waiting left hand, opens his mouth to say something, and then his eyes fall on the alien.
Something incredibly sweet and vulnerable softens his face behind the obvious shock that makes him stiffen up like a corpse. He hardly looks like the tired, emotionless punk you had the misfortune of meeting once or twice since your mutual friend disappeared.
Mallek says their name, a perfect mixture of a question and an exclamation. The alien smiles, still holding their side, and limps over to him with their other hand reaching out to him. Something in your guts twist around when he hesitates, before slowly taking their pale, bony hand in his own, like he’s not believing what he’s seeing. You hear him inhale shakily when they finally touch.
“I was hoping we’d be able to do this a little more gracefully, but my friends are assholes,” the alien jokes feebly.
The cerulean shakes his head in disbelief. “How… how are you alive? I thought… we all thought--”
“I know. I’m so sorry.”
Out of the corner of your eye, Tirona sniffles and wipes her nose with a handkerchief. She looks like a proud lusus.
“I’ll explain everything, I promise,” the alien vows. “Wanna sit down with us? Tyzias is filling me in on everything I missed.”
Mallek opens his mouth like he’s trying to speak, but then he just nods and follows the alien back to your little friendship circle group. The poor bastard still looked like somebody had slapped the thinkpan cells from his skull.
He doesn’t get the chance to join you, though. A low hum of another engine reaches your ears, deeper than that of a hoverboard and more guttural. Lanque shoots to his feet, pointed ears sticking straight up.
“Drones!” Stelsa cries.
Your digestive tract drops down and out of your ass. No, no, no, not now! The government was getting an idea as to who you are, and once they see you and a bunch of other trolls meeting up in a fucking forest of all places-!
You’re on your feet and ready to bolt, but before you can go anywhere the alien reaches out and pulls your arm.
“Everybody hold hands!” they shout.
Tagora whips around to stare at them. “What?!”
“Just do it!”
They look deadly serious. You squeeze their wrist and wonder what your life has come to. Daraya and Lanque grab Wanshi and Karako, who grabs Tirona, who clings to Tagora, who holds on to Stelsa. Mallek grabs Stelsa, still hand-in-hand with the alien with his hoverboard tucked underneath his arm.
Three drones whiz by over your heads. Your blood turns to ice inside of you. Weirdly, the only thing you can think of is if you told Bearmom you loved her before you left.
“Okay, guys, this is gonna be weird. Brace yourselves!” The alien grits their teeth, looking like they were concentrating. Something in their strange hazel eyes flashes bright green.
One second you’re standing in a clearing in the woods, holding hands with your weird friend and some punk, and the next everything is pitch black.
Not black like a moonless night, but black like nothing you’ve ever seen before. It was the darkness of space, the endless void every living thing is subconsciously terrified of. You’d written a paper about the fear of the unknown when you were six sweeps old. It lasts for less than one beat of your bloodpusher, but it felt like an eternity in your panicked mind.
All at once the abyss goes away, and you and your group are in somebody’s messy apartment.
You and Tagora stare at each other for the time it felt like you were in the void. Tirona is holding his hand in a white-knuckled grip so intense you’re surprised somebody hasn’t broken a bone.
Wanshi is the first to speak. “Holy shit.”
“Wanshi,” Lanque hisses.
Slowly, Daraya lets go of his and Karako’s hands. “... Well. You weren’t lying about the whole space-time thing after all.”
Your alien friend snorts. “Nope.”
“We just teleported,” you realize.
Mallek breaks away and sits down heavily on the loungeplank. It looks like you’re in the living room, except there’s computer parts littered everywhere.
The alien looks back at him, guilt evident in the way they hold themselves. “Um, sorry. This was the only place I could perfectly visualize for some reason.”
“... You need to be able to visualize something or somewhere to travel to it?” he asks.
“Yeah. Space-time travel is weird like that.”
He nods.
There’s another long break of silence.
This time, Lanque breaks it. “Adalov, why is there a crusty grubcake stuck to the ceiling of your kitchen?”
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Sequel to That Body = Absolute Unit and Aaron is a Cute Name
Summary : 
*in DJ Khaled voice* Another one! Longer! Even less plot! I don't even know how to explain this one.
Chris and Aaron are now boyfriends. The couple is meeting each other's family. It doesn't go perfectly, and Chris is doing dumbass ways to fix that. With a side story of Chris freaking out because Aaron is giving him weeks of radio silence.
This is chapter 1 Out of 7, please red the rest at AO3
Words: 3.9 k
Anyone seeing him now would’ve thought he snoops into the evidence room and snorts all the cocaine they just raided. No, nothing like that, it’s something better. Chris is coming over to Virginia for a Christmas party at Rossi’s! That’s not all... He’ll be going as Hotch’s official boyfriend!
He’s both nervous and excited. He’s excited because he’s coming over to his favorite author’s home and have a legit Christmas party. Not some half-assed office party that’s there to keep the spirit up and 95% work anyway. Yet he’s nervous because Aaron’s coworkers are equivalent to his family, which means that Chris is coming over to ‘meet the family.’ That’s like the next step of a relationship, right?
It totally is! This means Chris can either be that ‘weird boyfriend’ that the family doesn’t bother to get to know about because they’re so sure they’re going to break up soon. OR, Chris can be so boyfriend/family material that’s so sweet so fun so snatched that is practically treated like family. Chris will be the latter as if his life depends on it. Aaron’s people are the coolest people on earth because they’re sweet, hot, hard-working, literal FBI agents, and most of all, they’re Aaron’s family.
Chris got himself ready for the party. He did yoga 4 times a week than the usual twice a week. He games up his skincare routine and he’s burning through his sheet masks. He trimmed his hair. Manicured his nails. His skin is glowing. The body is healthy. This year’s leave secured for the taking.
He’s never been this prepared in his entire life. Can’t wait to get to know the people closest to his darling beautiful lovely bf. It’s going to be so much fun.
“Hee hee hee hee hee.”
“Sweet Jesus, Chris, why are you the drug dealer from down the street this whole day?” Even Peralta’s jokes can’t get to him today.
“Chris is spending Christmas with his new man.” Haily answer for him because Chris is hyper-focused on his papers.
Chris is vibrating with excitement that he can’t even do his reports smoothly, but he’ll be damned if everything is not perfect by his holiday leave. Of course, they’re not having a Christmas party at the actual Christmas time. Work and all, especially’s Hotch’s work.
And he’s aware that there’s a good possibility that they may cancel it due to a case.
So, he needs to chill. The more he looks forward to it, the more he’ll be disappointed if it gets canceled. Be cool. Be chill. Whatever will be, will be. Namaste. All that shit.
“Look at what you’ve done!” Haily reprimands, slapping Jake at the back of his head.
“Ow, what did I do?!”
“You deflated him!”
“I shouldn’t get too excited, they can cancel the party if there’s a case,” Chris finally put his head out of his dreamy bubble, seeing Jake and Haily about to square up.
“We have a party here Chris! What’s better than having Christmas with your office family?” Jake paused as Haily raised her eyebrows at him. “Except maybe a private party in a crime author’s fancy house filled with FBI agents. Dammit, no I’m not jealous!” Jake points at him, in both denial and assertiveness, talking to himself. Yup, that is the face of the precinct best detective.
“I am attending the office party. I wouldn’t miss the dumpster fire for the world.”
“Our Christmas party is not always a dumpster fire!” Chris and Haily give him a look and Jake quickly folds. “Okay maybe it is, but it’s our signature!”
The day of the precinct's Christmas dumpster fire finally arrived. Like every year, his floor has a secret Santa event, though not everyone joined. When they’re close to clocking out, they reveal each other’s secret Santa.
“Hey, Ginnie Gina.” Chris struts over to Gina’s desk right outside of the Captain’s office. As usual, the Captain’s assistant has her feet up the desk and phone in hand. “I’m your secret Santa.”
“AH, maybe there is God. I thought my Santa was Scully and I was not gonna let it see the light of day.” She then – in the most casual way –  reach out to a saw blade blending into the clutter on her desk and put it under her drawer.
Chris gave his present with ease knowing it won’t fall victim to the saw blade. Gina’s Christmas colored acrylic nails dig and tears the red wrapping and voila! Creme de La Mer. Yes, that La Mer bitch, because Chris ain’t playin’ with presents.
“I swear to God Chris you’re the only salvation of this earth. I would kiss you if I’m not wearing my Christian Louboutin lip gloss right now.”
“You’re welcome.” Gina gave him an air kiss and Chris catches it. “Pray for my gift!”
“I will, love!”
That kiss must’ve been a curse because Chris got Scully as secret Santa. And his gift is a frozen pizza box with a slice missing and wrapped with worn an XXXXL hoodie with vaguely red and brown stains. Gracefully, Chris gives the pizza back to him and Scully lights up at the offer of his own food back at him.
Then nightshift rolls in, turns out they have a secret Santa event of their own. Chris then looks away when he noticed disappointments are brewing to a fight.
He goes back to his desk, finishing up before his nightshift desk buddy came. In the middle of finishing up his report, a phone call stops him from finishing up. Aaron!
The office starts to get noisy with shenanigans, greetings, and a new perp yelling out to let him go. He slips out to the roof, and the noise quiets down as if they’re far away.
“Hey, sugar,” Chris says as he walks to the furthest side of the roof.
“Hi, how’s secret Santa?” Aaron doesn’t sound so hot, maybe he’s just worn out a bit.
“I got the short end of the stick, but the shock and awe factor overcame my disappointment because it is kinda funny.”
“What did you get?”
“A frozen pizza box with a slice missing and his worn clothes that smells like pizza sauce and sweat. I think he just wrapped his dinner with the clothes he was wearing.”
Aaron chuckles, and Chris bites off his smile. They’ve only been dating for a few months but that chuckle still packs some damage on him.
“I’m sorry it didn’t go well.”
“It’s going better than last year at least. No one is getting into a fistfight with their secret Santa.”
“That’s good, and Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas! Where are you right now?”
“Case at Florida.”
“Aw, that sucks. You won't see the present I gave you to your office then.”
“I’ll open it as soon as I arrive. Are you still at the precinct?”
“Yeah, about to tidy up. I’m clocking out in an hour.”
“Good, my gift should be at your office by now.”
“Wait really??” Chris looks back to look at the desk from the windows. Probably still on the front desk. “D’waw! Thank you, I’m gonna ask the front desk if it’s here.” Chris goes back inside. “Are you at a hotel? Taking a break?”
“No, I’m still at the police station.”
Huh, that’s weird. Aaron never calls when he’s still on the job. Maybe after the team retires at their hotel, but never when they’re still at the police station. Chris stops by the door and gulped.
“Is everything okay?”
“I hope so, we’ve done all that we can.” Oh, Chris knows that tone of voice. Chris knows that hopeless feeling when all he can do is wait.
“I bet you do and more. I wish you guys are not too hard on yourselves.”
“I don’t think that can be helped,” Aaron resigned, and Chris also feels there’s nothing he can do, but lend an ear.
Actually, Chris can do one thing, “When you come home, we’ll meet up, promise.”
“I’ll need that. Your secret Santa fail helps too.”
“Then I’m glad I’m getting frozen pizzas for Christmas.”
“I hope my present can make you feel better.”
“Oh yeah! That.”
Chris has been standing like a dumbass in front of the rooftop door when he heard Aaron’s voice mellowed. Now that he’s in front of his desk, he sees his present. A big box that takes over the free space on his desk, sitting there as it looms a bit over him.
“Oooh, ominously big, I wonder what’s insiiide,” Chris sings as he presses his phone between his cheek and shoulder so his hands have their full tearing capacity. He puts the box down first before tearing, revealing a pink plain box.
Inside the big pink box is – he can’t believe it – a plushie version of the clay cat he had that reminded him of Rosco. Chris’s jaw hits the floor as he pulls it up and stares at it. Like the clay, it’s egg-shaped, has a condescending expression, but the markings are more accurate than the clay cat. The only thing not accurate is the size. It’s big and tall, and thicc with 10 c’s.
Chris inhaled deeply, ready to scream before he whined instead, remembering he’s still in the office.
“Aaaaaaaa,” He whispered the scream – somehow – hugging the cat that’s at least a meter in diameter. It’s a very thick plushie and he LOVES it as if the bitch herself (still talking about the cat) erected from the dead. “HOW! What???? I... This is... Frick! Aaron, I could kiss you right now!”
“I’m glad you like my gifts,” Chris can hear the smile through Aaron’s voice.
“Gifts? As in multiple???”
“You must’ve missed the board game.”
There’s Betrayal at The House on The Hill board games resting at the bottom of the box. It’s the board game he’s been wanting ever since he saw it on Smosh Board AF! Everyone has been wanting to play it.
“Oh, man this is great! I think I mentioned this ages ago.” Chris hugs it to his chest and makes the most disgusting lovey-dovey face. “You remembered!”
“I ordered it the second you mentioned it. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday but I figured it’ll be appropriate for Christmas so you can play it with everyone.”
“Yeah totally! Hey guys! Look at what Aaron gave me!” Chris flaunts his board games in the air and catches a few attention.
“That’s one big cat,” Haily said her long blond hair sway as she leans to the side and looks, totally missing the point, but still valid because Chris can’t even circle this plushy with two arms.
“Well, yeah, but look at the board game!”
“Whoa cool! Betrayal at The House on The Hill?” Jake came over with Rosa. “Amy! I found a board game I can beat you at!”
“Not a chance Jake, stop being salty over Bang.” Rosa claps back stoically.
“Ooh, did Hotch gave you that?” Santiago walks over.
“Yeah! We can play it in today’s after-party at my place!”
“Thanks, Hotch!” Jake says that soon followed with a few thanks from Haily, Rosa, and Amy. On the other end, he hears Aaron chuckles.
“You’re welcome.”
“He says you’re welcome. Yall tidy up cmon! Let’s ditch this dump. Get the captain.”
They all scatter over to their desks as Chris put the doll back to the box.
“Thank you for the doll, also the board game. I love them all!” Chris puts the plushy back to the box. “Don’t forget to open mine as soon as you get back!”
“I won’t miss it for the world.”
When the team comes back, the sighs and long faces disappear at the sight holographic ribbons, red and gold wrappings on a box as tall as a small child inside Hotch’s office, sitting on his desk.
“What is that,” Blake says.
“I assume that’s a gift from my boyfriend,” Hotch finds his smile again. The blinding holo ribbons are so sore to the eyes than he thinks of nothing else than what’s inside.
“Today doesn’t turn out as we had hoped, but we’ve done the best we can. Get home and rest. If any of you need a leave tomorrow, tell me first thing in the morning. Merry Christmas.”
The team gave him a collective Merry Christmas before dropping or grabbing something from their desk and tidy up.
Hotch needs to get a few papers ready, while he’s here, but all he wanted to do is open his present. The last time he felt like this was when he was a kid waiting for his birthday to come. No one else is here since it’s way past office hour, so he takes this time to open his present.
As soon as he drops his go bag, he cuts up the ribbon and tries to keep the wrappings intact so he can keep it.
To his absolute surprise, the box is roughly as big as what he gave Chris. When he opens it, from what he can see, there are a few items in there. To his relieve the box is only half-filled. The one he noticed is a thick blanket that takes up half of the box. A folded deep blue pajamas. A journal for the next year with black leather cover. A book called Black Beauty, a classic that Aaron never read before.
He touches the blanket first, and it was the softest fabric he ever touched. Taking out the present one by one, he found a slip of envelope between the blanket and the pajamas.
Inside is a Christmas card from Chris.
‘Merry Christmas Aaron!!
I know what you’re thinking, “What is inside that big thick box.” Sorry to disappoint it’s only half-filled. I was confident that I can and WILL fill it but in the end, I just ran out of ideas. I know it’s still a lot, and to tell you the truth I am overcompensating... but best believe that every item is chosen with love. Except for the journal, it’s MADE with love.
I had a lot of ideas but then a lot doesn’t make it because... I’ll list the scratched-out things so you can judge. A bbq grill. A shovel. Phone casing with those jiggly animal characters on it. Moonshine. Wine. Scotch. Many other exotic alcohols. Weed at some point. Sunscreen. Moisturizer. Eye cream. Eye serum. Eye mask. (I love the look on you but it looks so heavy I just want to lighten the burden and it’ll feel so good and soothing, call me if you change your mind, I’ll make your skin feels so good! Like a spa day! Ooh, let’s have a spa day. Anyway.) A custom calender of puppies. A real live puppy. A plushie puppy. Snacks box subscription from Japan. Snacks box subscription from South Korea. Cloud slime. Stress balls. Me in a box (I wanted to put myself in a box and be your Santa then soon realized how dumb it is.) Me but in BAU ft flowers and a Santa outfit. Me but in bed wearing a Santa outfit. Me in bed but in a Mrs. Klaus outfit.
The last ones are very lazy (and weird) because I ran out of ideas. So, aren’t we glad that none of those are your presents!
So you understand why I choose what I choose. The blanket is so soft! And so is the pajamas. They have a variety of pajamas where it has all the color of the rainbow, but I don’t have the heart to put you through that. I hope deep blue isn’t too much of a daring color for you, (jk, you can pull off any color you sexy beast.) I want to dump this and start over after I wrote that but this is my fifth card and the last out of the bulk I bought so... You just have to deal with being a sexy beast. I know... the horror!
The book is so wholesome! It’s different from your usual non-fiction. But like, I just put it in there if you need something to read.
Oh, and I hope you like the planner journal. The inside is nothing like the outside ;) I think it’s so you!
Text me if you get my present! Merry Christmas!
P.S. I know this is a lot and you’re the type that said you don’t want anything and means it. I won’t give you this much next year, but I’m gonna level up my gift-giving game... you’ll see.
P.P.S. I’m joking about this being my 5th card. It’s my 11th. I keep adding stuff that’s not in my draft and ended up cringing at it. It’s funny though. I would read to you if you’re interested.'
Aaron finds himself smiling the entire time he reads the letter even though it ended on an ominous note. He laughed at all the gift ideas. He didn’t know what cloud slime is.
He opens the journal with black leather cover, and the inside is a stark difference from the cover. It’s still meticulous, functional, and tightly tidy with its format. But the icons are flowers and cute animals. The papers are colored warm light brown and other earthy tones. The decorations throughout the planner are minimalistic drawings of decorative plants, flowers, and cute animals.
Though it was random items, all of them are thoughtful gifts. Thankfully Aaron hasn’t bought a book planner for next year. Aaron is also intrigued by the book because Chris doesn’t read a lot of books. More of a watcher than a reader he said. So when Chris recommends a book, it does perk his curiosity at what Chris count as interesting.
Sadly, the blanket would receive less love than all. Simply because Aaron rarely sleeps at his own bed because of cases. He can’t believe he’s genuinely feeling sad for not being able to sleep on his bed a lot because he won't feel the blanket as often. To be fair, it really is soft. The pajamas, however, are perfect. He can put that in the go-bag.
Just like Chris said, Aaron doesn’t have anything in mind when someone asked what he wants for birthdays or Christmases. He’s not materialistic in nature. He never bought anything that’s not necessary basic needs. Gifts, however, are different. Even if Chris just gave him a card, He would’ve kept it forever, just how he’ll keep this card in his keepsake box. And even if Chris gave him rainbow pajamas, he’ll still keep it and wear it.
The knock from his door is followed with an “Excuse me, sir,” and he goes back to Hotch.
Hotch looks back to see Garcia who’s surprisingly still in the building. She usually went home as soon as the case is done.
“Are you okay?” She says, and he gets why she’s here now.
“Yes. Are you?” Aaron asked back, because last time he saw her from the screen, she was crying.
“Oh, sir, I’m not, it sucks but you know... No, I don’t know. I hate not being able to do anything.”
“I know Garcia, you did a great job. We’ll all bounce back from this.” Like they always do.
“I know... We’re having a Christmas get together slash chill hang out at my place, trying to wind down. Do you want to join us?”
“That sounds great, but I’ll have to pass, I have to catch up some sleep.”
“Of course sir.” She looks around and gasps, finally smiling. “Are these from Chris?”
“Aw! That’s sweet. Merry Christmas sir!”
“Merry Christmas, Garcia.”
Aaron starts putting it away in a big paper bag included inside, the box is also foldable. For someone not knowing what to gift him, Chris thinks through how he’s going to bring the stuff back to his car. For Aaron, this exact gesture tells you everything you need to know about Chris as a person.
As everything is inside the bag, Aaron was about to text Chris that he received the gift. He had expected the string of text, but not a couple of videos and lastly a picture.
The videos were from yesterday when Chris received his gift. It’s a video of him dancing on the dancefloor with the doll. Haily was the one recording it while laughing in the background. It still baffles him how he met another Haily. Though in different spelling, it’s way too similar to his late ex-wife. He never wants to come to this conclusion, but in a way, it’s like some kind of fate.
Everyone else is dancing with human partners and Chris is there dancing with a round cat plushie that’s just too big for si arms. Laughing freely and happily, waving to the camera and blowing a kiss.
To be completely honest, the plushie wasn’t intended to be that big. He had ordered a size roughly identical to the clay cat he owned of Rosco because Aaron sees the paints faded away in a few places where Chris touched often. The company misinterpreted the size and it came out ten times bigger than it should’ve been.
The last picture is Chris in his sleepwear, which are a boxer and worn t-shirts. It’s a selfie of him in his bed hugging the doll. An arm draped around the cat and his knee resting on the cat’s belly.
Seems like Chris likes the size from the text that follows.
From Chris: Can’t even wrap my hands around my big thicc boi.
From Chris: That sounds suggestive lol but I swear I meant nothing but wholesome things.
From Chris: Unless?”
From Chris: Lol jk, I’m not getting it down with a plushie of my late dead cat.
Then a string of kisses emojis.
Aaron zones out for a couple of seconds seeing Chris in bed with a plushie. Aaron can see everything from his head to hip and his arms stretching out far to include the plushie. His hair tossed carelessly to the back. His shirt risen to show a bit of skin of the waist. Face buried partly on the cat’s cheek. Eyes sparkle as he looks at the camera and a smile so big it showed all his pearly teeth.
There’s no doubt that Chris is a grown man with masculine features. His face is incredibly youthful and masculine despite some soft features of his face. Round almond eyes. Bold angled eyebrows. Pale pink lips that always stretch out in a smile.
In that bed, with that pose, the picture stopped Aaron from breathing. Heat pricked under his skin. His hands clenched and unclenched. Lastly, he gulped.
How long has it been since he came over to his place?
To Chris: I got your presents. I love them all, but my favorite is the book planner, thank you.
Aaron doesn’t even need to wait for more than five seconds, Chris is already typing.
From Chris: I’m so glad! I thought the planner would be too fluffy for you
To Chris: It’s refreshing, and the decoration doesn’t disturb the functionality of a planner. The colors are easy on the eyes. I’ll bring this everywhere I go.
Chris is typing... while he does, the picture of Chris is still on his screen and he can’t tear his eyes away from it. He sends a follow-up text before Chris can send his.
To Chris: Can I come over?
From Chris: !!!!!
From Chris: CAN YA???? WILL YA???
To Chris: Yes. We promise to meet up when I came back.
From Chris: Ajanschbvha come on over bby ;)
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breaniebree · 5 years
A Second Chance Chapter 219
I received an amazing number of reviews on this chapter and I wanted to share them/address some of them here to show my immense appreciation for those who take the time to drop me a line or two for what I write.
Some of you have decided after this chapter you can no longer follow my story and while it saddens me, I expected it.  I write first for myself and I know where I want this story to go and while I hope you all keep reading it -- I know that not everyone will continue it. 
Devereaux13: I can’t. You really just did that to us? Started this story with a oh! Sirius is gonna live! But NOO u had to frick us all over. Oh my god. I love you for this story but hate you for this story. I cried more this time than the cannon one. Goddamn
Lightningscar: Huh, well, judging from the reviews, this chapter is getting you a lot of heat... personally, I though it was great in many ways, both in action, description of thoughts/feelings and great descriptions of what was going on. My biggest beef, though, gotta be this: *Ginny grabbed Luna's hand and the two of them climbed onto the wolverine's back* Ehm, it is likely it was explained in previous chapters, and if memory serves, Animagi are generally slightly larger than their natural counterparts, but... a wolverine is generally about the same size as a medium dog, shoulder height being around 30-45 cm (12-18 inches), 65–107 cm (26–42 in) long (not counting the tail). Basically, Ginny and Luna are crawling on top of a Spaniel or a Golden Retriever (on the small size) Yes, wolverines are ridiculously strong compared to their size, capable of carrying prey many times its own size... carrying dragging it. One big difference between carrying something in its powerful jaws, compared to carrying something heavy on its back. A few other minor beefs Ehm, why did Voldemort pull a Jafar on the cat (Lady G, was it?) and not outright kill it? So they got giants wandering down mid London without anyone being the wiser? I'm sure you have thought of the logistics about it :) Well, all in all, great chapter. Things have advanced rapidly compared to canon, for better (less Horcruxes) and worse (Ministry bye-bye)... though, in the latter case, it can be interpreted somewhat ambigious. Fallen as in the place (which was a given, seemed to be completely overrun suddenly... makes one wonder where all of the defence forces went, guess we will find out sooner) or if it has fallen as an orginazation like they did in canon. Curious to see what happens next. Yours sincerely, Lightningscar
Menna Taha: Ok let me just say.. Sirius was going into battle with the intent to save his son, knowing that his Fiancée who he was very much in love with was pregnant with TWINS. I mean you’d think he would be more careful than in the books where he was reckless, lonely, rusty and under house arrest in a place he hated. Also the ministry fell! Just like that! After all the preparation and the relations with the french, Bulgarian and Russian ministries AND the fae and the army they made AND the warning they recieved! What were they fucking sleeping! I love you please don’t hate me.
They were not sleeping, but they weren’t prepared like they should have been.  It’s a problem that will be addressed.
HGRHfan35: Well...shit... This was a really bad idea: to read this in bed. How the blazes do you expect me to sleep, now?!
Daddy: WTF! Why end it here. WHY!
Wade Bradford: Noooooooooooooooo!
AZfangirl: i cant believe you killed sirius. this one really hurts
Ofglitterandgiggles: I’m broken
axelvaz: Started this about a week ago and I’m finally all caught up! But oh my gosh! What a cliffhanger! Sirius!
Emeralds and Rubies: I thought we might get off easy when Pettigrew fell through the veil, butI’m heartbroken for Harry and Zee, but you definitely did this whole plot point justice.
maximusrexmundi: Eeeeeehhhhh so I was with you until the very end. I just can't imagine a Voldy who is objectively in a weaker position (than in the books) being able to muster a force that could attack and defeat a FULLY prepared ministry who both knew he was coming AND had international allies
Runningtwiceasfast: I have to say I am incredibly impressed with this chapter. I am obviously sad as I was in canon when Sirius died but due to the more uplifting tone of your work overall that you would shy away from a turn like this. Sirius' death is so important in canon a it really is a turning point in the story. Obviously when Cedric died it was sad but Sirius' death made everything all the more real. Your Harry has gotten so much more of a life and childhood than canon Harry but he too is now faced with the reality of life without Sirius. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Joanne: Wow! I’m so sad. I’ve been listening to Led Zeppelin in honour of Siri. I had hoped that this part of canon would be ignored but alas. War is war. Amazing storytelling: you made us feel this loss and that takes talent. I both dread and look forward the next chapter. Will Harry take Ginny with him? Will the breakup occur? Did Remus and Tonks make it out? Will there be a funeral? So many questions! Enjoy your birthday and rest while we all grieve.
Ahugefun: I need you to undo sirius death. Im not joking He shouldnt Not with zee pregnant and harry so attached to him Its not fair to us the readers who enjoyed your story so much andddd already mourned sirius a little bit when he was kissed before you changed that.. Im hoping that you wont kill remus and tonks in the end of the war. U are your own story and if somthing happen in jkr world doesnt mean it should here!
Everything that happens in JKR’s world is what inspired me to write my story so of course it affects it.  Some will be the same, some will not -- includes character death.  Not everyone will die who did in canon, but some will, and some who survived in canon, will die here.  
jakegarrett94: nooooooo not sirius
Leaf Ranger: ...I'm sorry...but this...this is exactly why I called fucking bullshit in the last chapter. Because of all this. This. My problem isn't the pacing of your story. My problem is all this death and carnage and bullshit happened...not because of something realistic...but because the Grey lady, for no reason, was a cryptic dumbass. That is my problem. While it'd be hard to swallow, I'd have accepted most of what happened in this chapter if there was an ACTUAL reason, in the story, as to why they weren't able to be told where the diadem was. but there wasn't. The only reason was solely because YOU wanted it that way. And it's your story, fine, but at the very least, there should be a damn good reason WHY, in the story itself, things happen the way they do. It should never...EVER be just because you, the author, want it to happen that way. because then it breaks the immersion of the reader, if something happens solely for the sake of you, the author, having it happen that way. *sighs* To be honest? I'm sorry, but this, this just is too much. You killed off Sirius and had the Ministry fall DESPITE the preparations they had already made, despite the warnings they had. That just...no. I'm sorry, but no. I'm done. Thanks for what was a pretty entertaining story up to this point, but after this? Just nope. It's not worth it. It really isn't.
Sorry to hear that, but again, it is obvious to us the readers where the diadem is, but not to them.  The Grey Lady can be cryptic if she wants as she’s dead and has nothing to lose, it’s up to our heroes to find the answer.  Sorry you feel it’s not worth it, thanks for reading as long as you did.
Redplayer1998: Please tell me it's a trick sirius can't be dead not after 200 chapters of building his character please no
Dutchie: Oh man Sirius died, bummer! Still a great story.
Whiton: Hey I’m a bit late but I wanted to say happy belated birthday. I love this story it’s fun it’s sad it’s thought provoking and is just a wonderful thing to read. Hope this finds you well and hope you keep writing.
AkashiyaHyrule: What the... this can't be it. What's the point of creating all that military platoons, and gathering allies-if the Ministry are just going to fall so fast? This feels waaay to early for this story plot to occur. But that's just my opinion. Hopefully you got a plan that works, and it's believable. It's also in my opinion that if Sirius Black's "death" is true (hope it's not), Zacharias should not be with anyone else or find someone else to replace him. I suspect you might do something of that nature. You haven't shy away from all the random romances that occurs, even in minor characters. Don't think I haven't notice your tendencies to ship characters! Anyways, it would be annoying, weird, not the same, awkward, and off-putting. I hope that will never happen. But then again, this your AU, so you have the final say on what you want to implement. I invested a lot of my time in this piece of fanfic, so I don't wish for it be ruined by very disagreeable choices (it's all subjective, of course). I mean no disrespect, as I know writing is a tough pastime, and you deserve to be commended for the amount of time you put into your AU. So, good luck. You deserve your break, and hopefully things will be explained Chapter 220! P.S: He's really dead, isn't he? I guess I would have to expect the death of Remus, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown (at least in the movies), Dumbledore, Snape, Moody, Dobby, etc, etc. P.S. Why the hell am I just naming character deaths?
Guest: There . Are . No . Words. Saz J
Guest: I, like so many other readers here, have absolutely loved the changes you have made to the story of Harry & Sirius - it has been a wonderful story that we have looked forward to reading every week. However, as much as I love your story, I am upset and disappointed that you had this last chapter play out the way it did. You have, for 218 chapters, written about great changes and strengths for Harry, all the others, and especially Sirius. To have this last chapter happen almost like the original version (book & movie) is a bit of a let-down to your earlier chapters. I will still look forward to reading your story, but maybe without the enthusiasm I have had this past year.
KittenWithAnAx: damn it! I'm crying! Why do I always hope that Sirius survive? even when I watch the movie I hope he don't die! I hate and I love you! yes A break is need! let us mourn in peace! my baby died! and I know that in two weeks I will be back! because I'm too curious and I love how you write! I will still mourning Sirius but I will be back... anyway I will go cry in the shower! have a nice two week break! (and Happy Birthday!)
Blitz90: Hello Breannie ! First of all, I wanna say that your story is awesome ! I really like many of the change that you bring to the HP world! Congrats on that ! Now, about chapter 219, nice chapter all around but I felt that the training they got change nothing but maybe because of the stress to fitgh Death Eater explain it to... maybe you can show me the light on this ? Second, the death of Sirius... I must say that I am disapointed about that. I know that you said in the beginning that it will be ultimately a Hinny story but for me, Sirius was the heart and soul of you fiction. Lets hope that he is just in shock or king of a coma !
Qarz: You put a lot of effort into this, writing so many words is nothing to sneeze at and it shows dedication. However, you don't seem to understand that actions have reactions. If you make changes in Canon then the whole story has to change to make any modicum of sense. You didn't do that and the more than 1.5m words are a waste since it led to the same place and somehow things are even worse than in said Canon. I truly pity those who read this huge story just to be disappointed.
nesciamema: Kinda disappointed by Harry's shoddy fighting since they've all been training for a while, the only one who seemed to be thinking strategically was Ginny before she was taken out. Hoping Zee doesn't miscarry and fights for the babies rights as heir to the Blacks. No way in hell should any Malfoy hold the title with what just happened.
goldenone: thank you for posting this on my birthday it was a great gift but also HOW COULD YOU IMA CRY
aj613: ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod I was hoping Sirius would be spared holy shit oh my god whyyy? Amazingly written as always, BUT WHY?! THEY WERE GONNA GET MARRIED AND HAVE BABIES AND HARRY CALLED HIM DAD I—
Rufus777: I understand why you had to kill Sirius. But it still makes me sad. Well written as always. I've been a fan since chapter one. I had forgotten about the Dursley stuff. Good on you to remind everyone of those memories. Keep up the awesome -rufus
kyle.grimm90: I am so sad that Sirius died again... I was really hoping he would survive this time. I love you story is so addictive but I wish that would have gone different. I was so excited he didn’t go through the veil I was jumping for joy and then wammm he died. I won’t stop reading but it killed me when he died.
Haillie: WHAT! OH COME ON!
yunkol76: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for the present! Now time to enjoy another GREAT chapter
coloredwords: First things first. A very happy birthday to you. I hope you have (had) a wonderful day. Second I wish you no riot reviews for your birthday. As much as I want to know what happens next, I respect you too much to shout and riot. But what a chapter! Damn. When Peter fell through the curtain I thought for a second Sirius would be safe. But alas. My last hope lies within some time turner or time room miracle. And all of a sudden we skipped right to the beginning of DH. I'm so curious to see what happens next. Have fun writing and enjoy your two weeks off. I will be here, waiting patiently.
Fruitcake49: I would rather this entire chapter be a nightmare. Why do Sirius and Harry always get the short dirty end of the stick? Such terrible childhoods and Sirius has to die leaving Harry alone. I gotta tell you if anyone other than a character in a story were put under this much pain and unhappiness they would crack and cease to function. As much as I like this story, Harry needs Sirius. I'm tired of people killing him off.
X.pix.X: Happy birthday, and great chapter
Undead Gothic Princess: you are mean and a god all at once! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time reading this, then took a sigh of relief when pettigrew died cuz I thought "hey, Sirius will be fine now, he survived!" then wham! I dont think he's really dead dead though. they'll either be a way so that it was polyjuice or maybe they use a time turner. something better happen so that he just appears through the front door/hospital wing and is like "whys everyone so down when my hansome face is here?!" please let it be true, otherwise I dont think I can go on in this cruel world xxx
HarryPotterLover2422: Such an amazing chapter! I have enjoyed reading this story for quite some time now and look forward to each new chapter. I am so sad with what happened to Sirius, but I am looking forward to what’s to come! I loved the Lucius called Theo his son that was amazing! I think one of my favorite things about this story, other than how amazing it is, is how you humanize especially the Malfoy family in terms of Draco and Theo. Amazing as always! Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait for more! ️
Leo: Happy Birthday! I was so excited to see that you have written this chapter, until I read it, I can't believe you've hit us with the double whammy. This chapter both made me cry and amazed at your incredible writing skills. I hope you carry on and finish this story. However, most importantly, please, please please, please, puppy eyes please can you post the chapter. I know you said you won't but imagine puppy eyes, you know you can't say no to that. Keep us the brilliant work.
I am imagining puppy eyes, but no, I’m sorry.
GoldenPotterFan: Chapter 219 and the first time I am commenting. Started reading this story between Christmas and New Year 2018 and read all chapters up to then by the time I went back to work. Since then I have waited for updates every week. Somehow, I don't believe that Sirius is dead. Just a feeling I have. I also think Lucius might be working against Voldemort while still not quite working for the Order. I would not be surprised if he saves Sirius somehow. I cannot wait for another update. PS Happy Birthday, I hope you had a great day :)
devonleney27: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Thank you for the gift of this chapter, sorry I didnt get you anything!
DoodleBug78: OMFG cannot believe that! Really?!
witchyromy: mmmm i would have thought that with the time living in the magical world, and all the extra training harry has done, with sirius and remus and mischa and the rest of the group as well in the extra defense lessons that this would have gone better, they almost only used stupify and some 1st year spells. The whole thing is 80% the same as the original... i have to say i am a bit disappointed.
Sorry to hear that, but I kept what I needed to keep in there for a reason and I hope you will stick around to see that, but if not, well thanks for reading.
Guest: Welp, I’m crying. I’ve been following this story for a while, and honestly didn’t expect to be so upset about Sirius’ death, again. You’ve done wonderful work at recreating this moment. There are so many tiny complexities in this rendition and I can’t wait to see what comes next. Hoping zee’s fall didn’t hurt those babies. Thank you for your work. ️
snowball0709: Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day:) Now to the story.. HOW COULD YOU KILL SIRIUS? This story is all about his second chance! And the wedding, the twins... come on, siriusly! I really hope you have something up your sleeve and that he miraculously lives somehow. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Lolikiano: I'm so excited you posted early! I can live with the cliffhanger as an exchange! Your stories have inspired me to write my own fanfiction and I can't thank you enough for that! I'm looking forward to your next update in two weeks! P.S. I love the "Surprise" pregnancy (which i TOTALLY called when Zee got ill!) I can't wait to read Harry's reaction!
Maggie1874: I'm so sad and disappointed that Sirius died. I was really hoping he'd live in your story.
Krazyasibe: Happy birthday! But why would you do that! I love Sirius!
alix33: No need for anyone to shoot Nott senior in his undersized wanker, Ginny will just have bat bogeys coming out of it rather painfully (and satisfactorily for us readers) in a jiffy. Dumbles had sweet fanny adams to do with the six being able to turn into animaguses. I like Lady Godiva's way of dealing with Death Eaters far better than I do any of the light side's humans' only effective for a couple of seconds stupefying. That vile bitch Bellatrix killed Sirius! I wonder which charm was used on the statue which made it keep Harry away from Dumbles and Tom Riddle junior.
wheezing-reader: Happy Birthday! Your story is probably one of my all-time favorite fics! Saying that WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! No. This is not okay. I'm not okay with this.
Josh: Can't believe you killed Sirius! Hope something miraculous is going to happen. This is supposed to be about "A Second Chance" for him, so he needs to be alive!
Menna Taha: Happy birthday! But still how fucking dare you
jmdaz44: I know Sirius canon-ly dies in the fifth book but I was hoping you’d spare us somehow, especially after the proposal and pregnancy. Instead you were just fattening us up to be slaughtered. You’re cruel. I love the story and your writing but it hurts. It hurts. I truly hate your Bella. I should have waited to read this until this evening because now I feel like my whole day is ruined and it is just starting. I hope you’ve got something feel-good planned because I’m pretty down on this right now. I guess that parallels where we are in the story; things are getting real and nothing is for certain anymore. Hope is a dangerous thing.
alyson3il: First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day, and short hiatus to get everything straight! Second of all, WHHHHYYYYYY?! WHY? Why? Y? y? WHHYYYY! I thought Sirius would be SAFE, you lured us into security with Peter, but then it just HAD to happen. I got my hopes up that it wouldn't be him, he had Zee, he had the twins on the way, HE WAS GONNA GET MARRIED! I get that things happen, BUT THIS THING DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN, or maybe it did. You're the author, you have a plan in place, and you know what you're doing. I'll just be hurt for the next two weeks.
Miss Elyon: 1) Happy birthday dear ! All good for you! 2) Thad Nott - It was too late! (I loved that Lucy killed this son of a troll) And Wormtail ... I'm sure you will be very well received in hell! 3) Bella ... fucking crazy bitch ... something will come to you and it won't be pretty! 4) More importantly - You made me cry so fucking hard with Sirius. I went into depression until you post again. I truly love your story (although it makes me cry like a baby!). The pain at his death was more brutal than the book. I know you have something planned (I hope) and I will be reading (with a sniffling nose) the next chapter! To cure this chapter I'll read the whole story again and cry all over again ... I think I like to suffer ... kkkk See you in the next chapter ;)
chefke: o.m.f.g. omfg. I'm freaking out
xcherry91x: OMG NOOOOOO! I was hoping that Sirius wouldn’t die. I cried when I read that. The babies! They gots no daddy
SuperBossy: Not happy at all.
rolly21: I can’t believe you killed Sirius. I was really hoping that you wouldn’t.
LilyBlack18: I was so not expecting that. I was sure Sirius wouldn't die . My god, reading his death again was pure torture. At least Harry still have Zee, Remus, etc. I'm so sad, though... I really thought you wouldn't keep that part of the story, and you gave me false hope when Peter died x)
greg.is.wilson: You are evil.
Mutt N. Feathers: Yes my dear, I do trust authors. Needless pain is never inflicted by them. I made readers think I killed Sirius too, but instead had other plans. You love him too much. I live in hope. Mutt
supersandman86: Oh man! Not Sirius! He just got his life to perfection. Loving son, a fiance and a child on the way. Nice to see Wormtail redeem himself by shoving zee out of the way and Thaddeus got what he deserved. Now we just need to give Crouch and Bellend Lestrange pain that even they can't endure. This was always the dark point in the whole franchise in my opinion, where Harry felt the most hopeless. Let's see how it goes.
Sirius black411: You are so cruel...so so soooo cruel. They were going to get married...have twins and raise them.. How could you?! I can't imagine what Zee must be going through but she is still there for Harry. She will be a great mother.
Wodril: This Sirius didn't really seem like the guy to be done in while taunting. Not being hit by the killing spell, and the whole "he'll writhe in pain as he dies" spiel makes it a bit more uncertain. I never really appreciated him coming back to life after the dementors, and kinda hope, for the sake of the story, he'll stay dead this time. He will probably show up as an inferi anyway?
Jewels46: Omg... I’m crying! You’ve reduced me to tears. I know it was a very real possibility, but I hoped it wouldn’t actually come to fruition even though I understand the significance. I do really like how you wrote his death though, a much more fitting end. The bit you added with Peter had led me into a false sense of security that the lovable mutt would be safe. I just can’t even right now. Wonderful chapter. I’m going to cry some more and eagerly await the next one
Dianne: Yes I need atleast 2 weeks to emotionally reconstruct myself after this bombshell of a chapter. Deep breaths in and out. Curious about how you've brought a 7th year canon event now itself. I'm not sure I even took in everything coz I was crying so hard and couldn't read clearly, was reading this at clg and I surprised everyone by suddenly crying out loud and sobbing :'( and everyone was baffled when I said one of my most favourite characters just died painfully and I was crying for that, but they don't understand the power of reading or the power of HP thankyou for an early update and kudos you're an amazing writer!
purplevictory: That wasn't nice. I mean, happy birthday and everything, but did your present to yourself really have to be the torture of your fans? I know Sirius will be fine, I just don't know how you're planning to get there. Thank you for the early chapter. But, when your birthday celebrations are over you really ought to write "I will stop being mean to my readers" 50 times. You don't have to use a blood quill.
Write lines as punishment?  I don’t have time for that, I need to write the next chapters.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx: Noooooo I can’t believe that after all this you still killed Sirius! When his life was finally all good with babies on the way!
eternal king of fire: wow this chapter was a tear jerkier poor sirus and zee
speedsONEandONLY: No. Nope. No. I refuse to see this as a real chapter. None of this happened. I mean what was the point of letting them be happy, of getting rid of the Horcrux early. Only to fucking destroy them. To make him want to sacrafice, kill himself anyway. This chapter didn't happen. This is a "what couldve been" I doesn't make any fucking sense. Nor does it for the narrative. So, No. I refuse to think, Believe, You could be so heartless to characters/people you love. That you made us love. I don't see anyway how the story Could really go on, if this chapter actually happened. It reads more like the last Twilight movie from when Aro rips off Carlisles head. Sorry, but no.
Sorry, I guess I’m heartless.  Comparing me to Twilight though, that’s heartless. 
Ari Black-18: I know that this is a war, but please let Sirius escape death again, don't do this please, please make this better, tell me that Remus and Tonks somehow save him, tell me that even tho he is in bad condition he's still alive, don't leave his twins and Harry without a father, don't live Zee without her love, don't rip away Remus's brother from him, give him a second chance from the original story, let him be there with Harry at the end, the world it's already too shitty for it even to suck in a fanfic. Call me naive or delusional, but I actually believe that this is not over, I trust you enough to know that you wouldn't do this, your story it's to damn good to lose such a character just like that, so I know you are going to fix it, you're going to pull a surprise under your sleeve and make us love it so much. I believe in you, I mean you wouldn't just kill Sirius like that, not this Sirius, your Sirius. I trust you, I know you wouldn't do this. Please enjoy your break, chill, eat a lot of snacks, maybe even party a little, and then, please, bring our uncle Siri back.
Seriuslypadfoot: Hey Breanie, very well written as per usual. I hope Sirius isn’t actually dead, as this story is one of the few Sirius and Harry fics that I have thoroughly enjoyed and don’t want his character to end this way. Powerful moment with Malfoy in this chapter, but I wish he showed more backbone and fully went against the death eaters like his family wants. Again, hope Sirius doesn’t end here, the death will really hurt the story in my opinion. But this is your story so write it how you will. Thanks for your hard work!
Thank you!  Malfoy doesn’t have much of a backbone, but I do have a plan for him.  I’m sorry you feel that Sirius’ death hurt the story, I think it’s important for what’s next.
DetroitNate: A review? I hated this chapter. Oh the writing is great as usual, but what happened in it? I hated, loathed, detested it. I hope justice comes and comes quicker than Hinny did in this story cause it is getting too difficult to read of how these vicious bastards seem to get away with anything they want. JKR did two things I can't stand in canon kill off Sirius and Fred and now I'm wondering if this story will follow her on that pattern... I hope not, I really do.
Thank you and I promise, justice will come quicker than Hinny -- as in it won't take another 197 chapters, maybe 196, just kidding! 
Paola1991: So is this death for real or is he coming back? I mean you tricked us once. I guess i kind of assumed you’d never kill him off because it was kind of a sirius fix it story? Where he gets a better life? This took me by surprise. Its primarily why i hate book 5. I thought someone else was gonna die instead. Hes the one character i would never kill i guess. Especially with zee having his kids! Not sure how i feel.
Guest: can i honestly beg something? can you please bring back sirius alive? please? i know u wont do it.. u have a plan with ur story... but as a big big fan of ur story im really really begging will u please?
Queen Raja: Wow. And I thought the book’s death was heartbreaking! Seriously, bravo. I don’t cry easily, and this chapter made me UGLY cry! Waiting until two weeks will be very hard, but I’m glad you’re able to take some much deserved time for yourself and Dusk. Happy Birthday, Breanie!
Maisie: how and why could you do this to mee im cryinggg please say its looking better in the next chapter
midnitewanderer: Dumbass went and reread it. Not gonna lie, it was a brilliant chapter but I am still this close to hunting your ass down and forcing to rewrite Sirius back in. Where’s my angry emoji when I need it. I can’t help but feel that you wrote Zee the way you have specifically for this chapter. Not only does she come into their lives and becomes the best pseudo mom ever written in any HP fanfic, she basically adopts Harry into her entire family. Sure there’s stories out there with the Weasley’s treating him as one of their own but not like this. ZEE’S ENTIRE FAMILY ADOPTS HARRY. Your sneaky ass has been prepping us from the beginning of her intro! He calls them all Grandad/Grandpa, Grandmama/Grandma, etc. so that eventually he sees that he’s never truly alone. Then enter the Weasleys, McGonagall, Rem&Tonks, Andi&Ted, Dumbles, Nev, Lu, Mione, he’s surrounded by so much love. I just know the next chapter is going to be hard for me seeing as I’m a crybaby but damn it to hell, I can’t wait. 2 whole weeks. What am I gonna do?
Thank you.  I guess I was kind of sneaky like that, wasn’t I? 
Zacnelson0628: Breanie... I kinda had a feeling that was going to happen. Still really sad though. I hope you kill of bellatrix in a spectacular manner.
I will do my best -- I do know exactly how it will happen and who will do it.
notthatchhavi: Oh, wow!  I don't know what to say!  This was a extremely well-written chapter When Lucius said that Theo was his son...it was such a moment I went ooooooohhh Well other then that..I cried I literally cried when Sirius died and yes I am still in denial I hope atleast Remus and Tonks will be okay.. Harry needs some support from one father When Sirius died.. it broke my heart.. Harry calling Sirius Dad.. and Sirius saying that Harry was the best thing ever happened to him I feel that he was not saying that just to Harry.. it was to James too because the Potters were the best thing which happened to Sirius I feel really bad for Zee...being pregnant with your fiancée's children and then him dying is not an easy thing to go through But the most importantly...this chapter made me cry I have read many fanfictions.. but i have never cried.. they might have been super good.. but has never made me cry I think the ability for a writer to make the reader both and laugh and cry is extremely important and difficult...I think by this story you have proven yourself as a damn good writer
Having Harry call him dad was vital and every time I tried to change it, I came back to it.
josht1987: Just know, that I am very mad at you you right now. We'll see what happens after the next one. An extremely well written chapter, but... You know what you did.
Daerwin45: not Sirus oh please he is so important it was going so good im sorry i am just a fan and it has been such a great story i did not mean to question your reason. i just was enjoying harrys and Sirus' relationship.
PotterBlondie: Oh my god, I wasn’t expecting Sirius to die! Or for anything to go this badly in one chapter! I hope he gets to escape death again? Pretty please? I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
midnitewanderer: Nope. I’m done. I’m done. I AM FUCKING DONE! I will have no more toilet tissue by the end of the night. My chicken is currently burning on the stovetop. My emotions are freaking fried right now. Not only was he... UGH! I can’t. I literally can’t right now. I know this is fiction and whatnot, but my heart is hurting. How in the hell did I get so emotionally invested in this damned story?! Now, I’m going to remove my burning chicken and cry in a corner.
scrappy8: OMG what a chapter Poor Sirius is gone
Covley Hatake: Please let Sirius some how had lived. I like cheered when Pettigrew went in the veil instead and then that. You like ripped my heart out with Sirius. Like come on. Still good story but wanted Sirius to be there for the happy ending. I picture Harry though being the best big brother to those babies and protecting the hell out of Zee and the babies. Betting she tells Harry soon as well. Also question if he is dead what does that mean for them claim the Black title? With out him to claim them they would be seen as illegitimate and as the deal with Malfoy was made he could take it? curious on that one.
akshutalankar: well this is a really bad chapter to be posted on birthday... plz give us next soon... make Sirius alive pretty please
shooter124: O my god, I am crying. Please don’t take Sirius from us, Zee needs him and so does Harry! However that death scene was crazy good. I’m hoping that you have this elaborate plan as to why Sirius had to fake his death or something. Please please please say he is still alive, Sirius and Zee have not finished their story yet and Remus needs his best friend. This is my favourite story I have read on FF, you are a fantastic writer and I get excited every time you post!
Wolf's scream: Nice set of Bat-Bogeys, Miss Weasley! Yeah, a ticked-off wolverine is NOT something I'd prefer to cross. Greengrass is there? That's ... something I was not expecting. Yeah, Theo's advice to smash the Prophecy seems pretty sound to me. (With the possible caveat that certain DEs might lose whatever semblance of control that they have...) Seriously, Hermione? That's not a "baby." And in any case, Petrification is not intrinsically harmful: it merely decreases the probability that the Petrified one will pose a danger to himself or others. Sheesh. Somebody needs to get her priorities sorted. :-) I'm a little surprised that the DEs that trapped the teenagers in the Brain Room were using less-than-lethal spells. Granted, I'm rather glad that they did, but I don't understand whys. Well..! Lucy IS good for something, I guess... It's rather a pity that Harry hadn't smashed the Prophecy and grabbed another as a decoy. :-} Oh! What would happen if Harry were to chuck the Prophecy through the arch...? Ah - excellent move, Lady G! :-) Remus was dueling Dolohov? But Harry had Petrified Dolohov just a bit ago... maybe another DE released him, or the spell wore off? So - the Rat did something useful before departing... BTW, a fairly effective dueling technique might be to blast the floor/ground out from under one's opponent. Or merely make it incapable of supporting the opponent's weight. Especially if one is in a structure and not on the bottom floor. Well, at least there's no ambiguity at all regarding Sirius's fate. :-/ Well, laughing at Bella is a pretty good way to ensure that she's even more off-balance, yeah. It's good that Dumbledore addresses Tom by his given name (vs. the nom de guerre that he made up)
Guest: You cant do this Sirius can't be dead! Please let him live! P.S. happy Birthday Seriously though bring Sirius back.
dhnysports88: for the love of god tell me they planned to fake his death, DON'T DO THIS TO US
minerdude: Wow this is a great story, even if you killed Sirius, although with the next chapter I hope we discover thinking he was dead was part of the fog of war. If Sirius is dead it was truly well written to get our guard down by sending Peter though the veil
Old-fashionedAnglophile: What. The. ACTUAL. HELL?! Are you trying to destroy us? And you're making us wait for it? Damn your excellent and captivating writing. I'll be waiting for the next chapter with bated breath.
Thank you (I think).
littlehughesy: WHY? Why must you keep killing off characters that I love!? It's like Game of Thrones all over again! I get that it is canon for Sirius to die at the Ministry, but for fuck's sake can't Harry just have a little less suffering for once? For the love of God, if you kill Remus and Tonks in this story, I am done. Just done. I cannot handle my emotions right now. Okay, venting over. As much as I don't like it, your story is still fantastic. And hey, cheers for the early update and happy birthday!
Atea1793: You... are... absolutely... evil... YOU KILLED SIRIUS, KILLED DEADALUS DIGGLE, LEFT ZAHIRA A PREGNANT WIDOW BEFORE SHE EVEN GOT MARRIED, MAY HAVE LEFT HARRY AN ORPHAN AGAIN, AND HAD THE MINISTRY FALL A WHOLE YEAR EARLIER THAN IN CANON?! I'M STARTING TO THINK YOU'RE AS SICK IN THE HEAD AS VOLDEMORT IS! Excuse me while I spend these next two weeks gathering a mob to go after your twisted ass. The Death Eaters will seem like playground bullies when we come for you...
Guest: Omg. Omg. You actually killed Sirius. I cried. I honestly would have rather see Remus die, but maybe that’s what makes this story stronger and more intense. I definitely need 2 weeks to process this. Poor Zee and poor Harry.
lcwintersoldier: Goddamit how could you kill Sirius :'(
LifeonEarth: Oh come on you hand to bring Marauder into this. This hurts.
I’m sorry, but I thought Marauder deserved to be in Harry’s thoughts.
White Squirrel: Why does everyone feel the need to kill off Sirius even when there's good reason for events to play out differently? Honestly, this whole section felt like it wasn't up to your usual standards. You copied so much from the book, even when they had different people there and a different plan. It would have made more sense and wouldn't have been that hard to choreograph a different battle sequence.
I felt that it was important to keep it similar which I will explain later on, but of course you’re entitled to your opinion.
love reading20613: Oh god no please no
alistark94: What an ending! I gotta say I'm suprised you still killed off Sirius. Great story by the way!
Anixara: Wow, I find this story just in time for the latest chapter to be THAT. God damn it. Now I have to figure out if waiting for the next chapter is even worth it with how much that fucked with my emotions.
Breaniefan: This was so unrepresentative of your characters to just shove them back into JK's exact plot. This Harry would never have been so impulsive, Ginny and Theo would have escaped, the well trained Order would have been quicker on the mark and more effective. This was just lazy writing, taking so much of the original story and just shoehorning it in - I'm so disappointed! Also why the fuck would you kill Sirius? The whole point of fanfic is to FIX those stupid character deaths from the original, not go and do it again. I've followed this story from the start and loved it, but if Sirius is still dead next chapter... You've lost a reader.
I’m sorry that I’ve lost a reader over this, but as I said, I knew he would die from the first chapter.  Harry would be that impulsive because Ginny was kidnapped and there's no way he wouldn't try to save her.  She and Theo may have been able to escape but not unscathed.  I don’t believe that fan fiction is made to “fix” stupid character deaths because the original story is amazing and I’m getting the chance to play with the characters we all love so much and Sirius had a second chance on life and he lived it.
Adelite: AAAAH. aaAAAH. I came here for a BETTER WORLD and you killed SIRIUS BLACK of ALL PEOPLE and just when HE LEARNED HE IS HAVING TWINS?!?? I swear to god AaaaaahahahAH the original didn’t hurt this bad I read 219 chapters in 2 weeks just to be welcomed with this I am absolutely gonna riot and also what happened to Tonks? P.S if you kill Rem, Tonks and Fred in the battle of Hogwarts I will personally pee your pants
Pegg7: I can not believe it!!It has been chapter that i'm saying something bad was about to happen, but not this bad!!!!!The only think i can do now is wait and speculate: you had wormtail die through the veil and not Padfoot, so, maybe, there is a chance, i have hope! By the way, the chapter itselff is good, nothing less to say... I'm going to have a lot of speculation as how the thing are going to be next, so i'll dread this 2 next weeks Love you (a little less) as always
lovelyellie: that really hurt my feelings damn
phoenixmaiden13 (Lady Phoenix): I so hate this chapter, yet it was so good. Still can't believe you killed off Sirius, I thought he was safe for a minute but I guess not. At least they will have a body to bury. I'm going to go cry now.
They will have a body to bury and I hope that chapter makes you all feel the emotion as much as I did writing it.
MrToddWilkins: But he is still alive! The blood-Harry’s right!
Bosma18: Happy birthday but why did you have to kill Sirius he was one of my most favorite characters he and zee where supposed to marry and live happily ever after I wanted Sirius to die of old age while being surrounded by his grand children
Jmcglynn522: You killed him.... you killed him... he just found out that Zee was preggers, with twins(FYI: Taking antibiotic potions and birth control potions = Twins. Mine just turned 20.).And there’s no do over this time....no time turner.... just... you killed Sirius Black.I love your story, I’m bawling hysterically right now, but I don’t like you very much at the moment.... you killed him....why??? (Happy parts: Ginny preforming the “bat bogey hex” on Thaddeus’s dick for Theo! Lucius killing Thaddeus for hurting Theo, “his son!”. Ron touching “Uranus”. Lady G not dying. Zee not dying. And Pettigrew’s death was to kind.) And Happy Birthday!!!(Even though I may be traumatized for life.)
Pettigrew’s death may have been too kind but I think it was an important turning point for him in that he saved Zee for Sirius.
LordSmidgeon: I'm hoping so much all this was pushed in his head by Voldemort after the brain room to mess with his psyche. I'm hoping he comes to and they are just getting him away from the veil. Or it was all what he saw in the veil. Like honestly, if you have to have someone die please dont kill Sirius (at least not yet).
Siriuslover: Im in denial. He’s not dead.  How could you kill Sirius!! He was the main reason I’ve loved reading this!! Ugh please take it back I’m so sad
kellykat1889: Your evil.
RiverFord: I think I’m going to need two weeks just to recover from this. I’ve absolutely loved this story so far but you literally just killed off my favorite character and I can’t even...
archiveScrapper: Happy birthday! I'm a long time reader and first time reviewer, but I finally felt like I had something to say (plus wishing you a happy birthday is important). I'm actually weirdly... proud? of you for keeping Sirius's death at this point in the story. In the books it's kind of the point at which Harry has to officially grow up, and realize that even though he's a kid, he's the center of a really vicious war where his actions have very real consequences. And he has no one left to fully protect him either. Even in a fic where Sirius matters a whole lot more, and Harry is gonna be a thousand times more hurt by his death, that moment of change, and of Harry accepting his inevitable place in this fight is really important? So I just wanted to say that as much as I'm really sad about Sirius being gone, because I really did enjoy him getting to be happy for once, i think it's an important moment for the story and I'm really happy that it's one that you kept even in a version of this story that's a lot happier than the original story ever was. I've been wondering how you were gonna handle this moment for a long time now, and although I'm definitely gonna go cry about Sirius's death now, I'm really happy with what you decided to do.
TheOneWithWritersBlock: Please tell me this is a dream. Please tell me that Sirius didn't actually die. Please tell me that the ministry hasn't actually fallen. Please tell me it's all one big giant nightmare.
leflemmeenrose: Happy birthday!A break is definitely needed. I'm gonna spend it crying until you upload the next chapter haha. Take your time.
Zerius: Yay! Pettigrew's dead!I am struggling so hard not to say I hate you. I don't actually, but why did you feel the need to kill off Sirius?! He was Harry's family, he had Zee, he was in love, he had such an amazing life and now... Now he's never going to see Harry and Ginny get married, he won't see his children grow up... And Dedalus Diggle? What was the meaning of his death? Why did he have to die? And so cruelly... I love the new battle though. I've got a love/hate relationship with this chapter. Great job, can't wait to see what happens next. Please heal Sirius! Maybe he's not actually dead? Maybe there's a cure? Please say there's a cure! Again, amazing job! Update soon! I love it!
LaureWithAnE: I don’t really like you at the moment. But, happy birthday! How is it, after 17 years, the death of Sirius Black still makes me cry?
PurpleLotus (Person of Earth): Why did you have to kill Sirius? I just can't even process everything that happened. You made me cry and my heart is broken for Harry and Zee and the twins. I don't know what is going to happen and it's killing me. The ministry fallen already...I have no words for the desolation I feel. You have emotionally annihilated me, so congratulations. I understand the need for a break, I will be waiting impatiently for the next update. Happy Birthday and Happy Writing!
9 notes · View notes
strayneoculturekids · 6 years
enemies to lovers AU Doyoung x Reader
Summary: Your roommate was the worst possible person ever, always fricking nagging. The only person you’re able to complain to is your online friend, and in return, you listen to his complaints about his roommate. You two find out you got to the same college and finally he tells you his name, turns out he’s actually your roommate.
Tumblr media
College AU, enemies to lovers AU
Genre: fluff, kinda slight a little bit angst but like not really, crack(?)
BTW “Y/U/N” means your username and for the sake of the story it can’t be your actual name
You walked into your shared dorm where you found your roommate sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He immediately turned his eyes to you when you walked in as if he was waiting for you to return.
“You didn’t clean up after yourself this morning, so I did it for you” 
Now, normally, cleaning up after someone when they forgot to do it is considered a nice gesture and you would’ve thanked them. With Doyoung though, his tone was so passive aggressive and you were much more than sure that he did it just so he could rub the fact that he’s cleaner than you in your face.
You grumbled a barely audible thanks, quickly going to your room so you didn’t have to look at him any longer.
You’ll admit, Doyoung is handsome. Probably the best-looking person you’ve ever met. But oh god was he annoying. Every second you spent with him was another cell gone from your brain. His constant nagging and passive-aggressive responses to everything were the worst things you had ever gone through.
You made it to your room, shutting the door behind you and immediately getting out your laptop from your bag, sitting down on the floor, placing the laptop in your lap because both you and Doyoung were too broke to afford two desks so you bought one and split the price. But the desk was in the room Doyoung was currently in and there was no way you were spending more time with him than absolutely needed.
You opened your laptop and got up the messaging app you used to message your closest friend. You’re pretty sure he knew like everything about you, and you knew everything about him. Including the fact that you were...pretty kinky. Hey, he was your closest friend, like you weren’t gonna tell him about all that.
[Y/U/N]: hey
[dongie]: heya, what’s up? You seem in a bad mood
[Y/U/N]: how were you able to tell that from one word
[dongie]: cuz i’m smart, unlike someone I know
[Y/U/N]: shuddup, you wish you were as smart as me
[dongie]: yeah yeah, just tell me what’s up
[Y/U/N]: my goddamn roommate is nagging again, he’s so annoyingly passive-aggressive. ughhhh save meeee
[dongie]: trust me, I wish I could but I gotta get to class like right now and unlike someone, I actually care about my grades
[Y/U/N]: wow thanks for making me feel better
[dongie]: I know, I know, I suck but hang in there. Your roommate is just a total dick. I gotta go now, love ya!
[Y/U/N]: love you too you absolute dummy
You smiled when you read his message. You guys told each other that you loved each other pretty much every day. It wasn’t a romantic thing but it definitely got you flustered, even after he had said it so many times.
This was basically routine for you two. You texted all the time but at least twice a day, you both would complain about your roommate to each other. He hated your roommate along with you and you hated his roommate along with him. It was a winwin situation. (A/N: sorry for my shit pun making skills)
Just as you were about to start studying, you heard the door slam shut, making you jump. Geez, could he be any louder? You thought, annoyed but glad that he was gone so you could use the desk.
The next day came around and you were so rudely awoken to the noise of the door being opened and then slammed shut. Again.
“Seriously?! I don’t have any classes until the afternoon! Could you be a little quieter?!” You yelled
No response.
Usually, he would argue back so you can guess that he had just gone to one of his morning classes and in fact, didn’t just come back from staying out ridiculously late after his night class yesterday.
Doyoung sucked. Like really sucked. But he was always on time for rent and never invited anyone over without your permission, plus he wasn’t a party guy and never trashed the apartment. He was just a dick in his attitude, not his behavior. Which you guess is the only reason you tolerated him.
You grumbled, rolling over on your side and grabbing your phone, seeing a message from your best friend.
[dongie]: hey, you up yet sleepyhead?
[Y/U/N]: ya, unfortunately
[dongie]: my roommate just yelled at me while I walked out of the apartment :(
[Y/U/N]: aw, my poor baby, you must be so devastated
[dongie]: I literally cannot tell whether you’re being sarcastic or not
[Y/U/N]: I’m being sarcastic. Anyways, what are you doing right now
[dongie]: I deserved that
[dongie]: and i’m just walking to class
[Y/U/N]: it just occurred that I never asked you what college you go to?
[dongie]: oh yea. I go to insert college name here
[Y/U/N]: ...
[dongie]: ?
[Y/U/N]: ...I go there as well...
[dongie]: ...
[dongie]: so you’re telling me that we’ve been going to the same college all this time and didn’t know?
You sigh, trying to calm down your racing heart as well as trying to prevent yourself from throwing your phone against a wall as hard as you possibly can
[Y/U/N]: yep, that’s exactly what i’m telling you
Immediately, you feel your phone vibrate and look to realize that he’s calling you. Like anyone would be, you were surprised but answered the call anyway.
“Holy SHIT” 
is the only thing you heard before silence and very ragged breathing
“I just screamed that in the middle of the street.”
“Dongie?” you asked, trying to hold back a bit of laughter
“Yep that’s me”
His voice sounded familiar but you couldn’t really put it to a face. It was over the phone so you couldn’t hear him that clearly
“so...are we meeting up?” you asked, trying not to freak out
“I’ll be fucked if we’re not”
You finally let out a laugh and you got a small chuckle in return. The only thing that went through your mind in that second is how beautiful is laugh was and how you wanted to hear more of it.
“I haven’t even told you my real name yet,” he said, slightly breathless “It’s Doyoung”
Your eyes went wide and before you knew what you were doing, you immediately hung up. You threw your phone at your floor, looking at it as if it were the most cursed object in existence
“...fuck,” you said aloud, just about ready to yell at the top of your lungs
You hear your phone vibrate again, most likely Doyoung trying to call back. You pick it up and deny the call, hands shaking.
[dongie]: Y/U/N?
[dongie]: hello?
[dongie]: what happened?
[dongie]: are you ok?
You turned away from your phone, trying to distract yourself. But it just kept vibrating because of Doyoung’s consistent and confused messages.
After a while, the vibrating stopped which you assumed was because Doyoung had reached his class.
About maybe two hours had passed and you voiched for studying on the desk the entire time. Normally you would procrastinate and leave it till last minute like every other completely logical college student, but all you needed right now was something to distract yourself with.
You heard the door open and turned around to see Doyoung, his eyes and shoulders droopy and his lips contorted into a frown. You had never seen him so sad in all this time living with him. It definitely hurt your heart.
“hey” he said quietly, quickly brushing past you to go to his room
You were frozen. You were pretty damn sure that you had never felt this bad about anything in your entire life. Ever.
You took in a deep breath and picked up your phone, your heart beat picking up. Your fingers shakily moved to call Doyoung. As soon as you hit the button, you heard a thump come from his room, as if he had fallen off of his bed and immediately after a very loud and worried hello, which you heard from your phone as well.
“why did you hang up?! Did I do something?! Are you ok?!” you could hear everything he was saying loud and clear from his room
“yeah, you did”
“What is it?! I’ll do anything to fix it!” he sounded so desperate, making your heart ache even more
“yeah. You nag way toO FRICKIN’ MUCH” you said, getting louder with each word, making sure Doyoung could hear you from his room
There was more loud thumping and suddenly Doyoung burst out of his room, his eyes meeting yours. His hair was dishevelled and his eyes were wide.
“FUCK” he shouted before sighing extremely loudly “THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOW I WANTED TO MEET YOU”
“tell me about it” you said, trying to control yourself, not believing you had never noticed the resemblance between your online friends’ personality and Doyoung’s personality.
You both stared at eachother for a long time. Once the you had both calmed down, it started getting really awkward.
“I- this is too much” he said, confused
“Don’t worry, it took me a while to process it too”
Without warning, Doyoung started walking up to you and put his face at the same level as yours. You could see red rising to his cheeks and he opened his mouth.
“I love you.”
“You- you what?” you said, heat rising to your cheeks as well
“You’re annoying as fuck. I know you think I’m also annoying as fuck. But you’re also funny and you listen to my worries and always manage to make me smile with your utter stupidity, and I know that I also somehow manage to make you smile. I love you.”
you blinked a few times before what he had said completely registered in your brain.
“...I love you too. You absolute dummy” you said, a bit hesitantly
He smiled and pulled you into a slightly awkward hug. You would work out the fact that you two complained about each other to each other without knowing for who knows how long. For now though, let’s just focus on all the things you loved about each other.
199 notes · View notes
guacameowle · 6 years
V’s After End - Notes / Opinion
Below the cut will be my reactions, opinions, & spoilers for V’s After Ending episodes & endings. There’s a sprinkling of ~thirst~ & a lot of confusion/screaming throughout. I am afraid I haven’t gone back to proofread the episode reactions, so they’re likely a little messy & misspelled. 
Episode reactions are at the top, separated by episode & endings. Long-winded opinion/discussion about the route itself is at the bottom.
Journey below at your own risk! xx
Episode 1
80 hourglasses for EPISODE ONE? Oh this man is EXPENSIIIIVE. How many episodes is this going to be? 8 TOTAL?! Goodness.
JUDGE OR FORGIVE?! Who am I judging & forgiving? Jihyun? Rika? Cauuuuuse... uhhhh.... that might change my answers a bit (a lot)
So this means there is going to be multiple endings, yeah?!
Probably hasn’t even kissed you yet & is already packing up, leaving, & asking you to wait for him. I WAIT FOR NO MAN (Jk I waited for this man for over a year. Fuck.)
Oh shiiiit. He’s leaving me his house?! Ok, I’ll wait. Have fun storming the castle! *waves*
Excuse me but does the news screen on Jumin’s tv in his room show a picture of Rika & a caption underneath that says “More Catfood”???
The bottom of the news reel also says “Does Jumin Han is Gay?” Please, release us. Let it die.
JUUUMIIIIN. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. Let us comfort each other in these trying times. *waggles eyebrows*
SOMEONE GET THIS MAN HIS WINE! Ohhh, nevermind he’s been drinking too much. Let’s have some water now, Juju.
This man is mourning & distraught. I am so sad for him. & now they’re making him dependent on alcohol to relieve his stress? Uh, I don’t like where this is going.
If anything happens to Jumin in this ending I swear...
WE HAVE CHATS TOO?! Damn what a complex update!
Wait, Zen WANTS to see MC & Jihyun being lovey dovey? Zen’s an imposter. He’s been replaced. That’s the real secret of this After End.
Oh wait, he said he was lying. Whew.
It is weird giving replies in chats & not seeing little colorful hearts flying everywhere…
Zen coming in HOT with the “Do you think you can forgive Rika?” question. Woooow.
You bet your ass I asked if anyone has heard anything from Ray. I’m going to cry.
“He’s an adorable shy man.” Instantly chose this option. Vanderwood is cuuuute. Yes, Seven, please tell Vandy that I called him adorable & shy. Then tell me his reply. Then give him my number.
Yoosung’s got a package. I’M SURE HE DOES. ::eyes emoji::
OH SHIT, JUMIN DROPPING THE DNA BOMB. Wait, riddle me why the fuck Jumin had access to Seven’s DNA in the first place...
Poor Seven, I thought he had already sort of knew/assumed the hacker was his twin. But I guess he didn’t really know until now?
Looks like I’m on the “FORGIVE” path. Unlocked a Jumin’s VA free chat. Alriiiight.
Episode 2
Episode 2 & I’m already fucking crying. Great. Awesome. Lovely.
Honestly, I’m glad they’re having this discussion about V keeping all this information to himself about Saeran’s existence & use within Magenta because that’s always had me side-eyeing V HARD. I’m still of the opinion that he should have told at least Seven & Jumin about everything sooner. I get that he wanted to save Rika, but he was responsible for Saeran. I’m still heated.
Mailman route when?! Kidding. His voice is nice though.
“Burn the letter” JESUS, MC. CALM IT DOWN.
“We found remnants of DNA that matched with those of Luciel scattered about in the remains of Magenta. Since the explosion was of no ordinary size….” My heart hurts. My head hurts. My soul hurts.
This super sad music is just making me feel worse. I hate this. I’m crying again. I’m getting emotional whiplash.
Ray deserved better. Full stop.
Rika & Saeyoung left alone & Ray’s theme starts playing. How fucking dare this game fuck with me. I’m literally lying on the floor in a ball, playing this game & crying. What the hell.
For a second I saw Saeyoung making that fist in the CG & thought he was about to punch Rika.
Wow can y’all believe Jihyun basically Noped the Fuck Out of his own After End?
Hey Siri, turn off Rika’s voice.
Seven is dropping a lot of truth. ::quietly sips my tea::
God, Saeyoung’s prayer to Saeran is heartbreaking. Props to this VA though, damn he’s good.
Still on the “FORGIVE” path. I’m going to have fun going back & taking the judgement path.
Episode 3
Jumin “THERE WILL BE NO MORE SECRETS” Han fucking coming through! My boy! God, I love him so much.
First sun reference we’ve had. I thought there would be more by now.
Jihyun is out there falling in love with an MC in his head that he’s hardly spoken with since he left. That… can’t be healthy, my dude.
Jumin showing up in the goddamn woods in his suit is hot.
Jumin Han is so so good, y’all. This conversation between him & Saeyoung is absolutely amazing. He’s doing his best to comfort & protect at the same time. He asked about Saeran. He’s encouraging Saeyoung to live, helping him understand he’ll come out of this pain & find new reasons to live. He’s struggling too, but he’s doing so much to reach out & help Saeyoung.
The line about creating a new family, one without blood ties, broke me.
Uhhhh…. who was that? “We found him but that woman is with him.” Saeyoung & Rika?
Hell yeah I flirted with Zen. He is still prettier than starlight.
“Why don’t you come over? :)” MC. GIRL. …. I like the way you think.
Yoosung: “WELL I’M NOT GANDHI.” I fucking lost my shit.
“Should I drive V’s car?” Uhhhhh YES.
“But you’re gonna have to drive thru the night for hours. I’m kind of worried.” Bitch, I’m from Texas. I got this. 8 hours is a SHORT TRIP.
The disrespect. They aren’t going to let me drive. I don’t need a man to drive me.
Omg my heart. Why do they play with my emotions like this. Whew. WHEWWW.
Saeyoung is getting a lot of love tonight from his two new dads- Jumin & Vanderwood. Soft love & tough love. Shouting love at you with a gun in your face is new though.
“Would you mind giving me some spotlight now?” Please let this be foreshadowing. I would eat UP a Vanderwood route.
Is another agency trying to kidnap Saeyoung? I am confusion? His dad?
Still on the “FORGIVE” path. Yoosung’s VA has a cute voice. I liiiiike.
Episode 4
My Yoosung is so sad. This boy has a lot of hate built up in him. First for V, now for Rika &&& V. Goodness.
She? Who the hell is Rika talking about? She who?!
Seems like everyone is concerned that MC will pity or listen to Rika too much. Hmm. Hmm hmmm…
Jumin is getting shit DONE.
2 years flashback. ????
Mika?! Who the fuck? Is this the “she” Rika was talking about earlier?
What he hell kinda narrative? Who is this woman? Supposedly some other girl from the orphanage Rika was a part of. She’s introduced & being used as the device that implanted this idea into Rika’s brain that she had “a devil” inside of her? She’s the reason Rika broke it off with V? Why? This feel like it cheapens everything. & why the hell is she calling Rika “Mina”? Is that Rika’s real name & I just forgot?!
Ok so the twins’ father has to be in on this somehow. He’s probably the one trying to get Saeyoung, I get that much. Omg... what if the reason they didn’t find proof of Saeran being dead is because his dad snatched up the remains?! Or kidnapped him alive? Or or or
Still on the “FORGIVE” path. This is hard. I want to be mean. 😈
Episode 5
I don’t know why I go into this game thinking I will just get to kiss the pretty boy. Or any boy.
Ok so more hints dropped their dad is probably involved.
I hope hope hope they find Saeran. Please please PLEASE.
Zen’s “WOOOOW” made me laugh.
These new CGs are a delight. I like seeing the mix of characters in them, too. Zen’s hand is huge. ::eyes emoji:: 
Maaan, Yoosung really flipped emotional spectrums so fast about Rika. The boy is certainly driven by his emotions.
These philosophical type chats always blow me away. This game really does get you thinking about social constructs. Fun & educating. Huh.
Getting these dirty boys to wash their hands before eating.
Still on “FORGIVE” path.
Episode 6
Jumin, this is a very roundabout way to tell Saeyoung you care about him & just want to look after him. You long-winded, man. I adore you.
10 years?! I don’t know if that is a blessing or a curse. Lol. That’s a lengthy commitment for Saeyoung though.
“Why must we give up one thing once we get something else?” Yeah, Cheritz. Why must we give up one boy once we save the other boy?!?! Hmmmm???? Lmaoooo
Saeyoung in a suit & tie!!!!!!! Niiiiiiice.
How in the hell are they gonna wrap up this story?! It’s gonna be a cliffhanger isn’t it?! Omg...
Did these idiots just straight up leave Zen, Yoosung, & MC in a random cabin in the woods FOR DAYS & go back to civilization on their own? How long does it take to return Rika back to proper authorizes?! Goodness.
Uhhhh lmao uhm why are they dressed like Jedi? Jihyun is giving Obi Wan vibes right now. I’m cackling, when I shouldn’t be. This is supposed to be a serious moment, goddamnit.
I know Jihyun probably thinks he’s doing right by taking care of Saeran but AGAIN WITH THIS DOING IT ON HIS OWN BUSINESS?! Saeyoung is devastated his brother & all the while Jihyun had actually swooped him away for some self-medicated detox tour? Just more & more secrets. I’m tired.
“Let’s wait until detox is done & you don’t wanna murder your brother. So I booked a flight for next week.” A WEEK? HA! YEAH RIGHT! BEST CANCEL THAT.
Oh, he just keeps booking & cancelling flights. Lmao. Ok. I am less judgmental now.
If Saeyoung & Saeran don’t get a reunion.... I will die inside.
Unlocked the “FORGIVE” ending.
Shit that costs 80hg too? I have nearly depleted what I had saved up!
“FORGIVE” Ending
This song is hauntingly beautiful.
Who is this speaking?
Is Rika high right now wtf?!
God is a woman.
I am so over all this sun talk. Let. It. Go.
Weren’t security guards left with them at the cabin?! Did Rika just WALK out?!
Of course she’s going to run away & get away with everything. Mhmm ok.
So Rika is gone & for no reason Zen & Yoosung & MC are going to stay in the cabin alone? (& not have a threesome?!?!?!)
Jumin is literally putting his own company on the line to protect Saeyoung. This man is amazing. “We’ll rebuild.” My nipples are hard. Jumin has fully aroused me. I would have taken him right on a conference table.  
Welcome to Rika’s Ted Talk
Well.... I am pleased she stepped up & laid the truth all out there. Took us years to get here, lads, but we did it!
Twin cribs. Hmmm.
2 years, huh... I would have shacked up with Jumin looooong before now. That man is a whole snack. Selfless, sweet, handsome, has a cat. I’m thirsty.
Jumin’s become an alcoholic?! Great. /s I guess this is meant to show just how drastic things are? That Jumin, our token rational & logical man, is resorting to a dangerous lifestyle as a means of coping? I’m heartbroken.
“Have I kept you waiting for too long.” Yes.
His gift better be bringing Saeran on stage because if he unveils a white puzzle I will lose my fucking mind. It is nearly 4am. I haven’t slept. I just want a smooch.
Omg I think it’s happening.
It’s gonna happen.
Please let there be a CG of this
Pink suit pink suit pink suit PINK SUIT!!!! 💗
Ohhhh... Saeran has burns all over his face & his hand. Is his whole left side burned? My poor boy.
5 years later?!? (Mmmm think about mid30s Jumin Han though 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻)
*gasp* A BABY!
Holy shit, not a baby. A full child.
Awwww Saeyoung & Saeran live together!!
“When is Uncle Jumin gonna marry.” I marry him every few weeks, little girl. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 when I reread his endings.
“Daddy thinks he will never get married.” I am now sad. I want to marry Jumin.
Jaehee got a promotion. Good for her. It’s what she deserves.
Aw Lucy is cute. Surprised they didn’t give her Jihyun’s hair color.
Their house has a lot of windows. 👀👀👀 Floor to ceiling windows. 👀👀👀 Good for fucking against. 👀👀👀👀
“Daddy is good with secrets, too.” TRUST ME, LITTLE GIRL. WE KNOW. WE KNOOOW. Y’all the noise I made when I read this line. Scoff wheezing?! Full exasperation.
“But you tell everything to Mommy!” About fucking time, honestly. How long did it take for him to break his secrets habit?
Ohhhhh she’s adopted! That’s why she doesn’t have his hair color. Curious why they didn’t go with the biological child path? I certainly don’t mind adoption. It definitely feels like a sort of tribute to Rika.
Girl already has a crush on Zen. Ha! Giiiirl, same. Jihyun’s reaction was funny.
I wanna ride Zen’s motorcycle & his diiiiiiiii
7 years later & Yoosung is still addicted to LOLOL. Keep it up, Yoosung. Live your best gaming life.
Now she’s plotting murder against her own dad. Goodness. & Yoosung just TOLD her this entire dark plot of the game. Lmaooooo
What happened to Vanderwood? Did he accept working at C&R? How is he? Is he eating? Did he take a vacation away from Saeyoung? I need to know.
Jihyun’s speech to his wife is sweet. Now kiss!
Omg I can’t believe I didn’t get to smooch him at all. What.
100 HOURGLASSES TO RESET?!?! HIGHWAY ROBBERY! I need to save up all over again for when (if) they drop a Saeran After End
“JUDGE” Ending
No, going back to the place you hate most isn’t a sufficient form of punishment for the crimes you’ve committed. You can’t just punish yourself & call it justice. Thank u, next.
Why the fuck is Rika called Serena now?! How many names does she have?! 
Is Rika really free & just doing her own apology tour?! No trial or hospital involved? I’m????
Yoosung’s dialogue makes it seem like he still wants Rika around. Flip flop. 
I do enjoy that Yoosung is a very emotional character, even if sometimes in the stories I don’t agree with him. He’s always very open & honest with how he feels, even if taken to extremes.
Jaehee’s discussion with Rika was very rational. As expected.
Damn Zen gave her the boot double quick.
Jumin: “You are a minus given a breathing body.” Ohhhhhhh my god. 😮😮😮 & he told her he wants her sent to a lab to have data collected from her. Jumin is ANGRY.
So this discussion with Saeran is meant to be in her own head, yeah?
Ok her discussion with Saeyoung felt real -ish again but then her discussion with Jihyun sounded bizarre & far-fetched again. So has she just been inside her own head this entire time?
What the fuck... is going on.
Wow, let’s toss in some sexual assault via clergymen to spice things up. Alright. /s What the hell is this?
This ending is fucking bonkers
Omg Zen’s robotic reply made me lose my shit. First time I’ve laughed because of this ending.
Poor Vanderwood. He sounded excited to have a line.
Sooo... the ending has just been a mock of how a Rika route would have gone if she had one?
Wait this was all just MC’s dream?! Rika’s dream?
& now Rika is in a coma?!? What? What???!! I’m... tired.
You know what, at least Saeyoung & Saeran are back together. Silver lining. The only silver lining to this madness.
Yoosung got a whole new look again. I’ll admit, for a hot second I thought he had become a cult leader & I was worried.
Sooo... the RFA became some sort of support group for Rika’s victims?????
Jumin doesn’t want to be a part of the meetings because he doesn’t particularly subscribe to their efficiency. Zen just doesn’t want to be involved because he doesn’t want the reminder. Jihyun basically just didn’t show up. So is this to mean the RFA has fallen apart entirely? Rename the group, change your ideals, be more open with each other, & formulate new ways to create charity events/fundraisers. Find a new purpose together! PULL. YOURSELVES. TOGETHER.
Ugh. Ugggghhhhhhh.
So, I’ve sat on this for a little under 24 hours. I let it sink in, in hopes that I could make better sense of it. But honestly, I don’t feel like I have. I feel perhaps this after end should have been listed in a separate section like the secret endings. These episodes certainly read more like a secret ending.
Rather than call this “V’s After End” I think it would make more sense to have called this “V’s Route After End” (or even “Rika’s After End”). This ending felt more like a means of giving closure to the route itself, rather than an acknowledgement of Jihyun’s relationship with MC. We were shown Saeran was alive, we were given Saeyoung & Saeran reunited with one another finally, we got answers as to what happened with Rika & how she ended up in Alaska, we found out why Jihyun was really away for two years, we had Saeyoung & Saeran stepping out from the hunting shadow of their father. Questions were answered, resolutions of sorts were given.
When I think of “after end” I’ll admit, I assumed we would be given a short snippet of story revolving primarily around Jihyun & MC post-good end, like we had for the other characters; not this dramatic saga between the end of the route & before Jihyun returns two years later. 
Jihyun’s route revolved around him understanding his relationship with Rika & then distancing himself from that & trying to find himself. His route felt like it had more Jihyun x Rika content than it did Jihyun x MC content. This After End there was hardly any Jihyun x MC content as he was gone essentially the entire time. He really Noped Out of his own After End; I’m still a bit shocked I paid so many hourglasses for V content.... only to not be given V content. I admit, I feel foolish & cheated, somehow. I went in hoping for more content about a character I was interested in, only to be given this dramatic story revolving around a character I don’t particularly care for.
I’m disappointed that there is a Forgive or Judge aspect to this ending. 
In the Forgive path/end, the blame of Rika’s crimes & actions is pinned on Rika’s mental illness, choice individuals swaying her into taking particular actions ( “embrace your devil” ), and various circumstances she’s had to endure & live through. By introducing this new character (Mika?), are we meant to blame her instead of Rika? Is she a scapegoat since the idea was originally hers & not Rika’s, even though Rika was the one that enacted everything? On top of this, Yoosung is shown to be reading a psychology book & also comes to the conclusion that what Rika has done isn’t really her fault, but the fault of her circumstances. All of this feels like we were being ushered into forgiving Rika and feeling guilty if we don’t. Provided you do choose to forgive Rika, she finds her own inner happiness, becomes “her own sun”, and goes off to live her life in Alaska; no consequences aside from distance (physical & emotionally) from her once friends/family & developing a negative public appeal. This forgive path directly ties in with Jihyun’s good end, implying it’s the better (intended?) ending. That doesn’t sit well with me. MC shouldn’t have to forgive their captor & tormentor in order to achieve their own “good” end. 
In the Judge path/end, the other characters often show hesitancy when MC expresses she will never be able to forgive Rika. There are philosophical chats about what is actually good vs bad, what is just, & who is to decide these sort of standards. We are led to question if holding on to a grudge hurts ourselves or the other party more. And in the end, when we choose to judge Rika, the RFA falls apart; everyone is miserable. Again, the reader is left feeling as if their judgement was too harsh, too cruel, or uncalled for as the consequences of it have seeped out & negatively touched other people. Rika falls into a coma – doesn’t go off to live her life in Alaska, doesn’t find her own inner peace – & this is all because she was blamed or shunned for her actions, as opposed to being forgiven. Why does everyone’s happiness depend on MC forgiving her captor?  It all left a sour taste in my mouth.
I understand the discussion of what is truly good vs bad or what is meant to be just & unjust can go fairly deep, but I feel that discussion applies only to circumstances that are in a grey area. What Rika did (attempted murder, abuse, emotional & physical manipulation, drugging/brainwashing) is clear cut wrong. There is no question that these are bad decisions. It should not be up for debate whether these sorts of actions are “good or bad.” While I do not deny that Rika’s past (whatever it fully may be as I have not read her backstory DLC) has attributed to her behaviors, it does not excuse them. I believe that mental illness does not excuse someone’s actions.
These are two very extreme endings - either Rika gets off free from her actions or she becomes comatose & succumbs to a darkness. Why have these drastic differences when you can merge the two; have Rika go through treatment to help her, serve a punishment that is fitting of her crimes, help her grow & understand, then have forgiveness come later? There were several options within gameplay along the lines of “I hope one day I can forgive her” & “I hope she finds her peace.” I see nothing wrong with not having MC forgive Rika but still wish for progress to be made.
Everyone was happier in the end where you forgave Rika, though. And isn’t that what everyone wanted in the end?
Overall, I didn’t mind Yoosung & Zen portraying the voices that provide the philosophical discussions in the routes and this After End. In fact, I enjoyed the chats with them as I tend to find philosophical discussions thought provoking, even if I do not always agree with what these characters were expressing. While MM is marketed as a visual novel romance, it has never shied away from delving into deeper topics & oftentimes tries to provide a lesson. Perhaps this time, the lesson they hoped to get across, didn’t hit the mark with me.
Yoosung’s emotions were very extreme in this After End. I have come to expect Yoosung being very up front, unapologetic, & pushy with his feelings. In a game where so many characters are often keeping secrets, it’s almost refreshing to have a character that is so viscerally open. Personally, I found it interesting that Yoosung’s feeling towards Rika had flipped so drastically. It was almost as if he was now trying to overcompensate for his previous idolization of her. 
I’m still of the opinion that the world does not deserve Jumin Han. Through his own pain & suffering, through dealing with the disappearance of his dearest friend, through having to come to terms with the fact that a woman he once considered a close friend turned out to be someone so villainous, he has stepped up & even at one point risked his own company, reputation, & livelihood to protect someone he now considered family. He used his time & resources to help as much as he could. He sat & genuinely listened to Saeyoung & calmly gave input despite Saeyoung verbally lashing out at him. I’ll admit I hated that Jumin seemingly became an alcoholic, or at least heavily dependent on wine, during the stretch of time these After Ends covered. He was suffering, but because he needed to keep his shit together, he used liquor as his means of turning off his brain so he wouldn’t think too heavily about what was happening, otherwise he’d spiral. You can bet your ass that every time there was an option to choose “How is Jumin doing?” I took it, because this man needs someone to look out for him while he’s busy looking after everyone else. I love him. He remains my favorite. 
I am thrilled Saeran is alive. I am ecstatic Saeyoung & Saeran got the reunion I had been hoping for (& in both endings!). The doctor part of me really wishes his treatment & recovery occurred in a hospital, instead of some nature tour with Jihyun while wearing Jedi robes, but beggars can’t be choosers in fiction, I suppose. I am glad Saeran is safe, recovering, had the time to heal his relationship with Jihyun, & is living with Saeyoung now. It’s what I wanted for him.
On one hand, I can see why Jihyun kept Saeran being alive a secret (Saeran wasn’t ready to see Saeyoung yet, he was detoxing, he needed more recovery time, he needed the peace away from everything, if Saeyoung knew he would have gone after them immediately rather than wait for some time to pass) but on the other hand, I had had enough of the secrets. I am glad though that the story allowed for Saeyoung to have some hope that Saeran was alive. If the narrative had left no suggestion of hope & Saeyoung had fallen into a depression of sorts, then I feel when Saeran was finally revealed he [Saeyoung] may have not handled it as well. But Saeyoung was given a chance to hope, to grow, to finally relax/settle where he was, & was allowed time himself to recover from everything that happened, which I think helped in how he received Saeran’s reappearance.
Definitive proof that Vanderwood has grown to care about Saeyoung as a person?! Sign me the fuck up. That was amazing. I greatly enjoy Vanderwood.
With Saeyoung, I did enjoy seeing his range of emotion & reactions to this entire ordeal. He was desvasted, broken, distraught, angry. My heart went out to him & I felt his pain. His monologues were great. His reactions felt real. It was a bit jarring to see how readily he was contemplating suicide & how quickly he cast that aside as soon as some other bit of info to cling to came along. I understand, though, that this story took place in a short amount of time & the creators were trying to portray his progression in the time they had. I am tickled that he was offered a 10 year contract with C&R & that he readily accepted. I have enjoyed seeing him begin to accept that he can plant roots somewhere, open up to those around him, & not fear that he’ll one day have to leave.
I was originally miffed that Jihyun went off for two years on his own, seemingly to get over Rika, making MC wait around, before he could commit himself to MC. Knowing now that those two years were actually spent helping to rehabilitate Saeran in seclusion, I am assuaged. A bit.
I am, however, left feeling as though maybe MC isn’t meant to be with Jihyun. I’ve certainly felt as if there is more push to have Jihyun x Rika remain together as Cheritz still doesn’t give, what I would consider, adequate bonding & development between Jihyun x MC (not that 11 days of story in any of the routes could be described as adequate bonding time, lolol). Majority of Jihyun’s scenes (in his route) are about him reminiscing about his past with Rika, rather than discussions that may cultivation a budding relationship with MC. I like Jihyun, but it feels likes it’s been made intentionally hard to romance him. Maybe it was naive of me to hope we would get cute scenes of Jihyun & MC getting to know one another more, or be shown ways Jihyun made it up to MC for being gone for so long, or even a mini date story, or actually seeing the proposal happen, or even a kiss? But I did hope for all of that, so I can’t pretend I’m not sad we didn’t getting to see it. The romance between Jihyun & MC feels brushed aside, like an afterthought, & I was hoping that this After End would finally put it at the forefront of the story told.
While I don’t like how the situation with Rika was handled in either route, & while this After End was not at all what I was expecting (I just wanted to kiss Jihyun, omg), it wasn’t a total loss for me since the twins are reunited & happy, which I think may have been my biggest wish. The voice acting as phenomenal & I can tell how much time & effort Cheritz put into creating this mammoth, complex & thought-provoking story. I’ll be honest & admit that I am upset I spent so many hourglasses for content that seemed packaged as Jihyun content but turned out to be more about Rika, but nothing can be done about that now. 
If I had to pick an ending I preferred, it would definitely be the Forgive End, as there is more happiness for everyone I care about when it concludes. It was nice seeing Jihyun & MC have their little family, even if it was a very brief interaction. Their adoption of a little girl feels like a nod to Rika, of sorts. Perhaps that isn’t what Cheritz intended, & maybe there is no hidden meaning to why they adopted at all, but I am happy to see Jihyun & MC having brought a child into their home to create a family with.
The CGs are beautiful. Is there even a way to unlock the title page Jihyun proposal CG? I didn’t get it in my play-through at all. 
I didn’t hate this After End, but I definitely didn’t love it either. I guess it kind of falls in a strange floaty grey middle area for me, somewhat flat. Hopefully many of y’all enjoyed it! I look forward to seeing what they may give us for Saeran’s After End. I have a feeling that may be a wild story too.
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
"I’m a master debater" there is it. Episode 69 everyone.
I’m waiting for them to slip up and actually say The Word
Matt, every week: "thank you D&D Beyond, I am... so sorry..."
Oh that conversation about the flask went better than I thought
lol using her dice bag as her haversack
Pulls objects towards you or you towards objects that sounds handy!
Y: "I’m tired of being in the middle, not able to do anything."
Oh smart Fjord checking for tracks
...do you think Yasha wanted to go first because she’s afraid this is a trap and if it is she doesn’t want to risk one of her friends stepping into it in her place because I think so and it’s hurting me
Stone slabs are a BIIIIIIIIG no
A stone sarcophagus is an even bigger no
Ugly giant worm gods are THE BIGGEST NO
Please don’t touch the sigil it makes me nervous
So many nat1s
It’s payback for all the nat20s
Oh there he is! I was wondering when he’d show up
Oban: "Do you know where you stand?"
"Bet you’re gonna fuckin’ tell us." I love Fjord
"Welcome to the heart of the Kong’s Cage" mmm don’t like
Matt’s got all the nat20s
Oh he’s talking to Yasha oh boy
Oh Yasha oh no sad story involving
Fjord: not today, Satan. Eldritch blaaatyyst
"Man this is just a mess" yes Taliesin it is
Come onnnnn Jester get him!
It big
Oh no oh no
I feel like they walked into like a level 20 encounter
At least one of them is going down
Matt: "a 19 hits"
Me, channeling that one vine: I SURE HOPE IT DOES
"I wanna whack him!" I love you Tasliesin
Wtf Matthew
Wounds turning into mouths?? The fuck??
I have nerves because like they can’t lock this thing away again (right??) so they’re gonna have to kill it but if it could be killed wouldn’t it have been killed instead of locked away to begin with??
53 damage in a single turn
guys I’m legitimately scared for the first time in a while
Where can you go?? There’s the death bridge!!
We’re fucked
C: "Im going to turn him into a turtle.
"A regular turtle."
I’m so glad Marisha is having good rolls again because there for a while she wasn’t and I felt really bad
Cad going to get in the way of Caleb so he can protect him from anything that comes at him WHAT A GOOD BOY
Counterspell NICE
Mess him up Nott!
Fjord, about to ruin this fiend’s whole career: "oh I’m sorry, hexblades curse +4"
Oban: "Avenge me" DIE BITCH
oh no Yasha no
oh Yasha oh honey
Oh no oh god
Fuck I wish she hadn’t failed that wisdom throw
Is Yasha gonna go down? That might not be terrible... like just unconscious not dead
Nott gave Yasha a flower I cry
Oh god Cad
I’m gonna throw up
You can’t kill him AGAIN Matt
He’s still up oh thank the wildmother
Caleb and Caduceus protecting each other so much tonight
"Whatifitdisappearsansweallenduptrappedohjesus" // "fuck my life" Taliesin is channeling my mood SO HARD
Taliesin is shaking so bad you can HEAR it
Ashley looks so upset
This is NOT how I want her last episode for months to go
Matthew Mercer
Oh thank god for that 16
Trip it up Nott
Oh god Fjord
I’m gonna throw up please don’t kill Fjord
Please don’t kill Fjord
Please don’t kill Fjord
Please don’t kill Fjord
Please don’t kill Fjord
Please don’t kill Fjord
I’ll literally cry Matt please
Not by Yasha’s hand please
oh thank god for relentless endurance
Caleb’s wall of fire getting my boy Fjord loose
I’m gonna throw up
Yasha break free of those chains baby girl please come back to us
Oh fuck it’s still holding him through the fire
"Cause my brain is made of panic" still a big mood
Okay they’re mostly all safe but god I’m worried about Yasha
I go invisible out of sheer panic
YASHAAAA I’m gonna cry
I’m gonna cry
She’s gonna be gone now until Ashley can come back
This is the WORST
I’m gonna CRY YOU GUYS
Ashley looks so sad guys
I’m sad Ashley is sad
Everyone is sad
Caleb crits himself and breaks his own nose
Don’t make me laugh I’m still crying about Yasha
Nott and Caduceus and Jester are right, y’all need to tell the Bright Queen the truth.
This is bad. This is gonna cause problems in the group for sure.
Some of y’all are being kinda shitty about Yasha right now I feel like
Nott’s being smart and Cad’s trying to be positive and everyone’s just so upset
I’m gonna cry I can’t believe that this is how she leaves the show for so long
Y’all gotta remember Yeza is there
"What’s his name? Hot boy?" Essek.
Oh god here we go Yasha time
“A traveling troup... of zealots”
And then she found a family with a traveling troup of a circus
And then the chaotic mess that is the M9
Ashley looks like she’s been crying and MOOD
Ew scooping up Oban ichor
“You’re scared.”
MATT how could you.
We’re gonna miss you SO MUCH, Ashley.
Oh Yasha. I’m so sad.
we love you too
I’m gonna cry
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rycolfan · 5 years
Author Meme
Tagged by, @semperama - thanks, bb!
Author Name:
I’m Snarryeyes/Rycolfan/Lovespie on AO3
Fandoms You Write For:
Whose Line RPF (Rycol), Star Trek RPF (Pinto), and HP (Snarry) - though I don’t write much HP these days.
Where You Post:
Most Popular One-Shot:
Bound To You (HP fandom) is by far my most popular in both hits and kudos.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
Three’s A Crowd for kudos, Muted Pleasure for hits (both Pinto). But, to be fair, a lot of my Rycol stories were orginally posted on LJ so all the comments etc went there before the stories were reposted to AO3 years later.
Favourite Story You Wrote:
Probably What Darkness Conceals for Rycol (and all round), The Wedding Date for Pinto and Bound To You for HP.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Hahaha, EVERY STORY. You’d think I’d get better at it, but no it’s still nerve-racking every damn time. Like Semper said, though, it’s always worst when you’re posting your first fic for a new fandom. *shudders*
How Do You Choose Your Titles:
Oh my god, I hate trying to come up with fricking titles (which is why most of mine end up being incredibly lame). I search for inspiriation in absolutely everything - poems, song lyrics, you name it.
Do You Outline:
I hate outlining. I really, really hate it. I feel like I should do it, because I always start to get lost about halfway through a long story, but even when I do try to make a loose outline, I usually end up going off of it and getting lost anyway. I’m starting to think that getting lost is just an inherent part of my writing process that I need to earn to embrace and work with.
^^^^ This. I was going to delete Semper’s comment and write my own, but she said it better. XD 
I have 222 works on AO3, but a couple of those are WIPs and some of them are bunches of ficlets. Also I posted way more on LJ back in the day and only crossposted a selection of them to AO3. So, yeah, hundreds. 
Still plodding along with Absolution. Also still writing a handful of others across my three fandoms (I like to switch WIPs to refresh my muse when I’m getting stuck).
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
So many. Too many. *cries*
Do You Accept Prompts:
I do, although I can’t promise I’ll always fulfill them. I generally like to write short prompt fics when my muse is struggling with my longer stories. It’s a nice change of pace.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:
I’ve already started writing all of them! That’s the trouble with me - when I’m excited about an idea, I generally start writing it straight away. XD
Tagged By:
@semperama Thanks!
Absolutely no idea who’s done this already, but I’ll tag @thatmysticbafflingwonder @elisa-pie @ms-zilia @withinmeloveresides1 and anyone else who wants to do it! (✿◠‿◠)
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Tumblr media
Dear Anonniiee~....
"Clint call the doctor's pronto. Natasha get...."
Everything became a blur for everyone since then. People were on autopilot trying to bring back Tony. He was rushed to the medical suite and almost died on the table a couple of times. There were times everywhere after managing to get Tony back to an alright stable condition.
What felt like an hour or so later everyone was gathered around as the doctor took a look at the notes.
"he is alright and the baby is now in a somewhat stable condition"
Steve was the first to speak up as everyone was stunned into silence trying to process what they just heard.
"I'm sorry what did you say? That can't be right"
"I'm sorry I thought you all knew"
Natasha stepped up looking at the doctor like she was going to interrogate him.
"he has been coming to me for a couple of months now. He said that he had already told everyone but wanted to keep it as a surprise for bu- what's going on?"
"what do you mean what's going on? We should be asking you that. I know you were about to say bucky. What has he got to do with any of this?"
"fine let's share stories. When Tony and Bucky first met they instantly connected. Next thing you know Bucky helps Tony through his heat. A day later a baby is rapidly growing in his tummy."
"what do you mean rapidly growing?"
"well a mix between Starks extremis and Barnes' super serum this baby Is slightly growing faster than a normal baby. Tony is looking at 3 more months until Tony gives birth rather than 6 months"
Steve feels like his gonna be sick. No one told him anything. If he had known then maybe none of this would have happened.
"Steve are you okay?"
Steve looks worryingly at the doctor before sighing. It's better that everyone heard what happened now then find out in the future.
"over 2 months ago when we had that fight in the airport, that wasn't the only time we fought."
"oh god I remember that. I helped Wanda send cars on top of him. Oh god the stress he went through between us and the acc- wait what do you mean wasn't the only time?"
"zemo showed Tony what really happened to his parents"
"Jesus Steve when we found out I told you to tell him."
"I couldn't do it Nat. I wanted to keep him happy and protected."
"just because you were in love with the man doesn't mean you should lie or keep secrets"
"woah woah woah in love? Parents? What the hell is going on?"
"Tony found out that Bucky killed his parents and that I kept him from him. He didn't take it to well and sent me flying to the ground. Next thing you it's a 2 v 1 all guns blazing. Wait! Doc he took so many punches to the stomach and a shield to tje chest. Not to mention flying in that suit! The baby couldn't have survived that"
"we thought so too. If anyone payed close attention to Tony's stomach then you would have seen a glow on his stomach. The baby healed itself using extremis"
"oh cool kinda like the doc in Doctor who with all that nano energy mumbo jumbo what was is called again?"
"doctor what now?"
"oh my god once Tony has healed and we all have a civilly stern talk with one Anthony stark about how we are going to bundle him up and lock him awa- hold up now. Woah woah woah back the frick frack paddy wack up TONY'S AN OMEGA!?!"
Everyone facepalmed at the sudden realization too busy worrying about Tony and the baby that it suddenly crossed their mimds thanks to the class clown Clint.
"yeah I thought you all knew. I mean Bucky did"
"ahhh soul mates. Never question a bond when it's a soulmates bond. They know everything about each other after meeting for just a split second. I love watching shows and movies based around those types of plots."
"okay so tony is actually an omega and not a beta. The only omega on a team filled with just alphas. I'm guessing he had suppressants. Has a secret thing with Bucky. Has his own secret thing which has cost him his life. Almost lo-"
"Jesus what is with us cutting off our sentences when we realize something. What's the matter?"
"from what pepper has been telling me, Tony has been under alot of stress lately. He hasn't been eating and sleeping well. I'm guessing it was taking a toll on the baby?"
"yes that is correct"
"great then I as the greatest man to ever live the oh so great cl- ow!"
"just get on with it"
"Clint Barton! Has decided we bring back the helper of this mess. I'm sure he can leave or bring his pet goat I don't mind but the thing hates me as an FYI. Ok ok put your hands down I don't need a group slapping session thanks. Anyway, we sit Tony down and we have a group meeting followed by a family bonding time. Let's clear the air, especially between Tony and Bucky because there is going to be alot of tension."
"what do you mean oh wise clint Barton?"
"it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Dude they must have bonded their first night together completely. Like bite and everything. It must have been hard for Tony with all his omega and baby hormones and then the stress of us and the accords to finding out information he should have known in the first place"
"not to mention the asshole who caused all of this not only fought him and almost killed him but also broke the bond and left him in this mess a couple of months later without so much as a call or letter"
"Bucky when did you get here? How much did you hear?"
"heard all of it Stevie. Got here the moment something happened. Friday called Shuri when I was down in the gym. Stephen was there to help out with a project she was working on so he portaled me right here. How's he doing doc?"
"he's in a stable condition now. How about everyone get settled down, have a bite to eat...."
"how about goat curry? Ow! Would you guys stop it"
"no I think not"
After everyone settles down they leave the medical suite and go watch a movie to calm themselves down.
It's not until the next day when everyone woke up to a shocked voice.
"what are all of you doing in my room?"
Everyone rushes up and hugs Tony giving him a good old group hug.
"okay have I gone through a time machine? Or did I get sent to a different reality? Friday?"
"I'm here boss. No you are still in the same timeline. This is what people call a group hug"
"better watch that sass before I remove it in your next upgrade and replace it with a water pistol"
"that will so much better because I can't sass fire off of you when you experiment"
"my own baby is talking back to me. I am shocked"
"I learned from the best boss"
"damn straight you have now can some one please tell me whats going on he-oomph"
Everyone stares in shock as a teary eyed Clint kisses the life out of Tony and while Tony is in shock Clint bites Tony's bond mark causing the smaller man to Yelp.
"wow I'm the youngest here, completely pregnant and this is how I'm treated"
Tony gets another shock as a growl comes out of Clint's mouth before he is slammed onto the bed. He gets a cry baby sitting on his lap leaving kisses all over his face.
"I'm sorry for leaving you, for going against you, for not listening to you, for demanding to much, for bullying you, for putting huge amounts of stress on you, for beig so angry at you when I was actually angry at the government, for hurting you, for saying nasty shit and for possibly being the worst best friend anyone could ever have. Please please please forgive me. I promise I won't bring harm to you ever again. if you can't trust me now then at least, actually it would be better if you don't trust me now. I just bit your bond mark and kissed you without permission"
"you think you moron?"
"well obviously I wasn't thinking. That's how we became best friends right? Because we don't think? Speaking of thinking"
Clint starts slapping Tony's thighs
Natasha ripped a pouting Clint away before she ruffled Tony's hair and kissed his cheek smiling.
"I think Pepper would get angry if I marked you"
"2 fiery red heads filled with love for each other. Can only imagine what a fight between you two would look like"
"even though she is an omega she is a fiery hot headed one. Hmmmm I remember when I thought she was just a beta. Kinda reminds me of someone I know"
"okay I can explain"
"explain later for right now"
Sam comes jumping on Tony and sobs his heart out.
"im so sorry Tony. You know I didn't mean any of it. Neither did vision. It was just a poorly executed mess"
"you do realize I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to for that"
"I know. I apologized to vision and well you know how Rhodey gets"
"hey don't worry Sam. Don't give up. He'll come around. Rhodey has forgiven me and doesn't blame me for it. He at least talked to me. I don't know what's wrong with T'Challa"
"like I said Sam, he'll come around"
"I hope so. Just know that if you really truly forgive me then you would name your baby after me"
"wait how"
"don't worry about it. Any way come on Clint, Nat let's get our of here for this one"
Clint pouts and makes grabby hands for Tony as he gets dragged out by Nat.
Tonys heart stops as he sees one of the people he doesn't want to see. He stands up and his hand goes straight to his chest. Face hardens as he looks directly into the blondes eyes.
"please don't put your walls up. I promise I won't hurt you ever again"
"I don't trust you"
"then I'll take my time to earn your trust back and wait patiently. For now please just hear me out"
"now why would I do that Steve? Did you ever listen to me?"
"ouch okay yeah I deserve that. What I also should have deserved was you actually showing off your strength and kill me in siberia. That's the least I deserve for what I put you through"
"Steve look. What happened back there wasn't just your fault but all of ours. We butted heads instead of talking it out like a family"
"but your parents"
"I am extremely hurt because of that. I wouldn't have been that bad if you had told me in the first place. As you can see I wasn't angry at Bucky. I was angry at Hydra for turning him into their bitch, I was angry because instead of hearing it from someone I care alot about, I hear it from the monitor set up by a damn villain. I was angry because no one listened to me about what I can do if everyone signed. Even team iron Man spoke against me, then again at least they stood by my side"
"okay okay I deserve that too"
"damn right you do. Look I'm not in a place to send or receive forgiveness yet. Hell none of us do but that shouldn't stop any of from working tofuckengether and finding out where on God's green earth is the bloody hulk and Thor because then that airport battle would have been awesome!"
"that's not fair"
"why isn't it fair?"
"because then banner wouldn't want to participate and the hulk would have been on your side while Thor protects his omega from getting hurt thus realizing he will need to be on team iron Man because of the hulk. We would have been outnumbered. Not to mention my ex chose you over me"
"don't regret it"
"but I do"
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psianabel · 6 years
KH3 thoughts under the cut. Spoilers for everything. Kinda got long, lol.
I’m used to make up happy stories about my favorite characters, think about them in happy situations, make up happy ending AUs. The more I proceeded in this game, the more I just ... recieved. Happy things. Over and over and over and my tears didn’t stop. 
This ending is e x a c t l y what i wished for in my life. Minus Sora but lets leave him out here They are all here. They got their hugs. All of them. Heck, even the wayfinder trio got to hug Eraqus, I’m goddamn living. I didn’t know I needed Riku, Roxas, and Terra racing on Destiny Island (and Terra being the slowest because he is, lmao). Isa getting welcomed into the friendship group y e s ... And Lea, Isa, Ven playing with Lea’s frisbee. And eating ice cream on the clock tower with the Twillight Town crew. Namine and Xion looking for seashells together. Ven’s Chirithy coming back to him????? ALL OF THEM OUT OF THEIR COATS AND HAVING ACTUAL CLOTHES. Holy goddamn this, this is what my heart was longing for.
khux not important my ass. I’m so glad the Age of Fairy Tales is one of my fave story arcs, I was screaming at that epilogue and it is very high up in my list of fave scenes of that game (only because i want that Foreteller content. AVA MY GIRL WHERE ARE YOU). Also that Luxu reveal? Wasn’t surprised but damn I’m so in for that ride.  Speaking of khux, all these hints, my h e a r t. Ven dreaming of the Foretellers, Ephemera being there for Sora (which makes me wonder about Sora’s involvement of the story there but lets see about that), the 300 keykids!!! I even recognized some names, that was so fucking cool. (I died there because I was so busy looking at the names....) And I guess we have to expect Demyx and Luxord in khux soon huh.  Sort of khux related, but thank the lord for giving me that Marluxia and Larxene fight together. Since Elrena’s reveal and knowing she knew Lauriam even back then, I wished for this so so much. And their interactions in battle, blessed. Perfect. Good. These two, I swear.
Insert something about the Secret Reports here. Love this cryptic stuff. Luxu you sly fox, my theory is he is gonna pass No Name onto Blaine, I also believe the girl there is Skuld, which would also be the girl Lea and Isa searched for, huh ... this is gonna get so wild. Even wilder with Blaine being Eraqus’ ancestor. God these reports are gving me so much im in love. Aqua. My girl, my love. My heart hurt so much at the Anti Aqua fight, but the whole setup was just perfect. (Not gonna lie, the name Aquanort is still close to my heart. And I probably continue calling her that, lmao.) I cried so fucking much when they were at the Destiny Islands then, hugging her. LIKE, YES, PLEASE SHE IS FREE. And fricking Land of Departure. The fight. THE F I G H T. I WAS READY FOR THIS god yes, playing her for one last time, wonderful, just wonderful. The whole scene there, Ventus waking up, Vanitas calling him brother, I wouldn’t have wanted it in any other way.  “Good morning, Ven.” KSDJFHDSF??? Y E S 
Something about Eraqus and Xehanort. Old husbands really cannot live without each other, and it showed. Together forever now huh. Please Eraqus, make sure he will never do something stupid again.
Uhhhh since this is a videogame I think I have to say something about the gameplay. I love it. The fighting feels so good, with all the triangle commands it makes things interesting. Sora’s mobility is great - the shotlock, the wall climbing, and he finally gets the double jump wooh. Lots to farm, but hey it’s KH, it’s okay.  I wish Donald and Goofy would shut up about ingredients lmao. ... fuck Gummiship tho, but this kind of stuff isnt my thing anyways, but I’ll manage, oh well lol.
RIGHT Disney/Pixar is a thing too. Can’t say much about it, since I don’t really care that much about it, but I looove how these character stand up to roast the evil KH characters lmaooo, go Woody and Sully. I was screaming. The did That.
What they also did is that goddamn secret ending, which I’m HMMM about, but hey it’s a Secret Ending and Nomura is really out there for blood. Good for him. All I can say is, well, see you in Shibuya.  Alright. There are still so many things, but. I just have to say.  I love this game. I enjoyed it so so much. I’m so grateful I was able to play it without seeing leaks or spoilers. If someone would have shown me a picture of the ending where they eat ice cream on the clocktower ... i wouldn’t have believed it. The game set it up for me perfectly. 
I treasure these characters. And I’m happy they found their happy ending. This is what I wanted. Thank you for that.
... until the next act opens. Can’t wait to see how Luxu takes the lead now.  Eraqus cheats at chess, part 2.
What have you planned, boy ... 
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