#and I’m rambling so buh bye now—
iced-souls · 2 years
So for the Skeleguy’s name I’m looking at font names cause eh he he he, hoping for one that connects to “soop” / “soup” cause also ‘he he he’.
In the process I am seeing font names that make me imagine more skeleton characters—
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fae-of-fiction · 1 month
waaaaah cuties hello!! it’s been a few days, i know, i’m so sorry T^T things have been BUSY (planning a birthday party, celebrating 3 years with my fiancé, and other just general life things) but i’m still alive i swear!!
i know these sort of posts can be kinda annoying (especially since you follow for the content, hellooooo author-san??) i know, i know i’m sorry!! and i told myself i wouldn’t really make these but OH MY GOSH. logging in i was bombarded with notifs and cuties i am speechless — 108 followers????
good golly miss molly thank you all so much!!! that is so crazy i can’t believe that many people enjoy my writing! i promise to do my best to be more consistent for you guys and to get content out as fast as possible — it’s really such a huge pleasure to provide content to feed the fandom (as well as myself; i’m very self indulgent), and i just want to say thank you so, so much for giving me the opportunity!!
okay, okay— i know, i will stop rambling now!! but seriously thank you guys so much. you cuties are simply amazing!! buh-bye for now!
— ᡣ𐭩fae₊˚.⋆⁺₊
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So, I have a story that I’ve been working on for a few years now, (unfortunately, it does not have a name at the moment) and it’s about a robot apocalypse… More or less. It takes place in a post apocalyptic environment, so… Anyway, I’m here to infodump about some of the models of robots/AIs in it!
Emotional support: Yes, there are emotional support robots/AIs. Why? Well, why not? They’re small, sweet, kind of childish, and don’t have the best mobility, since they’re honestly just supposed to sit at home, and say nice things. They are small, and light enough for travel, if you want to bother carrying them, though… Their heads are usually, like, box TVs, or stuff like that. Good enough to work, but not exactly the highest quality, y’know?
Social workers/John Does: I. LOVE. THESE. BASTARDS. The main protagonist is a John Doe, and he’s so ✨SILLY✨. John Does are robots/AIs made to work in more social situations, for example, office work, (which the beloved main John Doe of the story did) store workers, nurses, show hosts, and more! They’re built to be pretty simplistic, and easy to replicate. They’re essentially built like the average person, more or less. Their heads are usually like computers, or flatscreen TVs. They have average, if not a little bit above average mobility, and speed, and are fully capable of running, unlike emotional support robots/AI’s, who have tiny legs, lol-
Oh!! Also, their heads can essentially be “unplugged!” Their bodies are just so they can actually move around, and function. If you “injure” the body, it doesn’t do much to the actual AI. The head, (which is TV, or computer like, because I absolutely love object heads) is the actual AI’s main point, so if you damage that, it WILL actually affect it!
“Tyranny”: Tyranny Labs is an unofficial factory reusing defective robots/AIs, like, for example, John Does. They usually enhance the bodies, to be faster, stronger, and usually, for dramatic effect, taller than the original model. They are MUCH quicker then humans. They ARE dangerous. They’re usually used as mercenaries, assassins, bodyguards, and… Y’know. Stuff like that. Their designs and models can vary, some even having traits like claws, more animalistic appearing limbs, and occasionally, gods forgive me, tails.
?????: There is one guy- who’s name I won’t reveal, because massive spoilers- is actually a more or less self made android. Well, technically, he’s a cyborg, but he’s, like, 80-90% robotic. I will make a separate post at some point to talk about him, but he’s quite strange, and different from usual robots in this story, and I really like him, honestly!
WELP, that’s all for now! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Buh-bye, and thank you for reading my strange autistic rambling!
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satans-arse-crack · 9 months
Guess who’s back 🙌🏻
You know the drill, yet another ramble
Hold on tight and buckle your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen it’s gonna be a very bumpy and confusing right 💀
I’m starting to wonder if it’s worse than I thought
I just spent the last almost 20 minutes hyperventilating crying and I’m not even sure why, I was just trying to put my new little hair bonnet thing on and I started bawling my eyes out. It hurt so much and I couldn’t stop, funnily enough the only way I started to calm down was when I put avatar on 😭
I started looking into anxiety and depression to see if I have any of the symptoms. Now I’ve always felt bad for even thinking I might have depression but I found out there are like different types so you can have it more mild or you can have it extreme, you can have it be more physical or more mental, which honestly I didn’t know.
Im probably going to look into it a lot more but I’ve made a start which is good. Definitely still thinking about getting a journal to write in to yk ramble and to write down my thoughts and feelings, maybe I will look into effective ways of journaling
I’m thinking about going into town tomorrow and maybe looking for a nice journal somewhere and to just get out of the house. Let me write a list of what I wanna maybe get in town so I don’t forget
Eyebrow gel (I ran out months ago and have been using moisturiser ever since 😭)
Fake nails
Cheese strings (I love cheese)
I think that’s it honestly
Although I wanted to to baking tomorrow so I don’t know if I can fit both baking AND going into town on the same day
Especially with this awful weather we are having in Scotland right now, maybe I can go on Friday who knows
This is quite nice honestly just being able to speak my thoughts and what’s going on, granted it would be nicer to be able to talk to somebody but hey ho this will have to do until I find someone to talk to
Anyway I think that’s me for tonight, crying really tired me out
Buh bye ❤️
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cherryflavoredguts · 2 years
i’m wayyyyy to late for the hype but i’m finally watching the newest teenage mutant ninja turtles and god do i love it. what stands out to me the most is the animation, everything is moving and there’s never a frame that’s completely still. it keeps your eyes on the screen because not only is the motion grabbing your attention but if you look away for a second you’ll miss so many little actions and details you’ll have no clue what you missed unless you rewatch the scene or see it online. but what really keeps me coming back is how 3D the characters feel, it’s like if you set up a camera in a cafe and watched how people behaved and talked. like watching real human interactions. it seems kinda obvious that of course they act human, it’s easy to make convos if you have basic skills for writing but it’s really not. when i watch a show i show i feel this block when it comes between the characters, they’re there but i don’t feel that connection that rawness. they can have a good character, writing and development but it’s these small details that make them feel flat. there but not quite yet. and yet this show makes them feel real, it’s make them raw. like they’re people you can go out and find. just so real and i love that. what adds to it is how great the voice acting is. there’s a lot of emotion in their voices even if the scene isn’t involved with emotion what’s so ever. and that’s what makes the show so great, how three dimensional the characters are.
i’m only on episode 8 so far i haven’t checked how many episodes they have but i’m pretty sure i’ll finish this show really quickly with the way it keeps reeling me back. this was just me rambling because i needed an outlet so if you this i’m sorry but give the show a try! i wish i had when it was being hyped now i don’t have any content on my dashboard :( anyways if you’re reading this i hope you have a nice day! buh bye
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With The Dozen Lasagnas Part Four (Buh-Bye)
Here we go! Another episode done, I can’t even believe it!
Last Part (Part Three), Series Masterlist
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You had been playing foosball for quite a while with Monica and the both of you were kicking Chandler and Joey’s asses. Unfortunately, at one point both of the men were becoming such sore losers that they traded you for Ross, but even with the new addition; Monica now doing literally all of the work and sometimes even switched places with Ross. So now you stood at the end of the table next to Phoebe after she had come over to explain that she told Rachel what had happened with Paolo, also Paolo had arrived so Phoebe decided to give the both of them some time. “I think she took it pretty well.” Phoebe told all of you, while you nodded your head in understanding. “You know, Paolo’s over there right now, so.” Phoebe said to you and Monica, meaning that Rachel probably needed her girlfriends to be with her at a time like this.
“We should get over there and see if she’s okay.” You added, hinting at Monica to finish the game. 
“Yeah, you’re right.” Monica agreed with you as she yet again switched places with Ross. “Just one...second. Woo, score!” Monica cheered as the ball went down the guys side again and she turned to celebrate with her brother. “Come on.” Monica said to you and Phoebe as she opened up the door, before you could follow Phoebe and Monica across the hall you turned quickly and you and Joey made eye contact so you smiled and winked him a goodbye. 
Yourself, Monica, and Phoebe all sat on the couch. You all decided to pretend to be watching tv so Monica held the remote in her hand, but the tv wasn’t even on. All of you had the plan to not seem like you were spying, but you had to admit that you were doing a terrible job. As soon as you saw Rachel dump Paolo’s clothes in his suitcase down from the balcony you just couldn’t look away. “How’s it going?” You heard Ross ask as he closed the door and came to watch out the window as he leaned on the couch. 
“Don’t stare.” Monica warned him. “Okay, she just finished throwing his clothes off the balcony. Now there’s just a lot of gesturing and arm waving.” Monica filled in the blanks, and she also tried to keep filling them in but went a step too far, even though it was funny to you. “Okay, that is either, “How could you?” or “Enormous breasts.”” 
“Here he comes.” You announced to get everybody’s attention, which was good because just as he was climbing over the window the four of you shot up and ran in different directions just to make it look like you weren’t just watching Rachel’s entire conversation. But of course all four of you chose to stand in the kitchen just so you could watch Paolo’s walk of shame. Phoebe took a drink from the refrigerator, Monica polished a glass, Ross flipped through mail, and you ate some chips that were left on the counter.
“Uh, I am, uh, to say goodbye.” Paolo announced to all of you slowly so he got it right. But he didn’t seem all that upset at what was happening which made you just want to punch him in the face and kick him in a place that would not be very friendly. 
“Oh, okay, bye-bye.” Phoebe waved to him with a smile on her face. 
“Paolo, I really hate what you did to Rachel, but I still have five of these so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubble.” Monica told the man with a pissed off look on her face as she reluctantly gave him one of her lasagnas. The Paolo stopped in front of you as if you were going to say anything.
“I don’t know why you think I’m going to say something, I didn’t really like you to begin with. You were always kind of odd. So, all I want to say is good riddance.” You told him before you turned back to the thing you were snacking on. 
“Paolo,” Ross started as he held the door open for the man. “I just want to tell you and I think I speak for everyone when I say…”Ross ended it with just slamming the door in Paolo’s face, which in your opinion was the perfect way to end this. 
“Oh, just look at her.” Phoebe sighed sadly as all of you looked at Rachel all alone on the terrace. All of you were about to go out there to make sure that she was okay, but it seemed that someone had a different idea. 
“I really think only one of us should go out there so she’s not overwhelmed.” Ross told the three of you, which made sense. 
“Oh, you’re right.” Monica agreed as she took a step to go, but Ross grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back before she could get too far. “And I really think it should be me.” Phoebe and Monica looked at each other confused, but you couldn’t help but shake your head and smirk as you watched him head out to Rachel. But it was about time he did something and took a step in the direction of the possibility of being with her. 
Monica, Phoebe, and you sat at the kitchen table eating one of the lasagnas when you noticed that Ross and Rachel had made their way back inside. “Hey, honey, are you alright?” Monica asked, running to give Rachel a hug to which you and Phoebe followed. Monica and Phoebe hugging her sides as you hugged her facing her. 
“Medium.” Rachel answered as you all hugged. “Any cookies left?” 
“Yeah.” Phoebe said as Monica and you followed the two over to the chair to indulge on cookies and eat your feelings with Rachel. 
“See, Rach,  I don’t think swearing off guys altogether is the answer. I really don’t. I think what you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process.” Ross rambled to her to try and change her mind so she would consider dating him. 
“No, I just need to be by myself for a while, you know?” Rachel spoke and you ladies nodded with her, all of you sitting on different parts of the armchair. “I just got to figure out what I want.”
“Uh, no,no.” Ross disagreed as he made his way to the fridge. “See, because not all guys out there are gonna be a Paolo.” 
“No, I know.” Rachel agreed with him on some extent, but then she started to talk without thinking. “And I’m sure your little boy is not going to grow up to be one.” She managed to realize what she had just done when her eyes opened wide and she stared at Phoebe in shock and you and Monica looked at each other in surprise before looking at the others. 
“What?” Ross asked her to make sure he had heard what Rachel just said. 
“What?” Rachel asked quickly, hoping that Ross had just misheard that entire thing. 
“I-I’m having a boy?” Ross asked as he felt the excitement growing in him, but he just needed confirmation first. 
“Uh, no.” Rachel just didn’t know how to fix this after her big mouth opened. “No, no, in fact, you’re not having a boy.” She scratched awkwardly behind her ear.
“I’m having, I’m having a boy.” Ross started repeating as the news got more and more real to him. “Huh? Am I having a boy?” He couldn’t take it anymore. 
“YOU”RE HAVING A BOY!” All of you cheered as you jumped up from your seats and you all ran over to give Ross a hug. 
“I’m having a boy!” Ross exclaimed as he picked Monica up and spun her. 
“What is it!?” Chandler and Joey burst in with worried looks. They came over when they heard shouting, but when they saw all of the smiles they calmed down. 
“I’m having a boy. I’m having a boy.” Ross repeated to them. 
“Hey!” They both cheered for him, but then they realized something. “We already knew that!” They both cheered as Joey and Chandler hugged each other. After a couple of seconds when you looked back at Ross it looked like all of the color had drained from his face.
“I’m having a son, umm.” Ross mumbled as if he just couldn’t believe it. 
Monica was over again and she was playing game after game after game of foosball. But it was so late that you couldn’t keep your eyes open as you sat at the counter peninsula in your pajamas, your hand resting on your chin as you felt your eyelids getting heavier. “Yes! And that would be a shut-down!” Monica cheered as she scored another point. 
“SHUT-OUT!” Both of the boys yelled at her in anger of losing again, but it made you groan loudly when it woke you up a little. Chandler and Joey shook their heads as Chandler started to make his way to his way to his room and Joey walked over to you and out his hand on your lower back as he helped you up and let you lean your sleepy body on his and he started to help you to his room. 
“Where are you guys going?” Monica asked in surprise. “Come on! One more game!” Monica whined like a child. 
“It’s 2:30 in the morning.” Joey told her in exhaustion and impatient as he kept rubbing your back. 
“Yeah, get out.” Chandler told her, but still playing off of the shut-out thing earlier. 
“You guys are always hanging out in my apartment. Come on, I’ll only use my left hand, huh? Come on, wussies.” Monica wiggled her left fingers as she tried to taunt the guys. Joey made sure that you were up and standing on your own before he and Chandler walked over to Monica and each grabbed one of her arms and lifted her off the floor. 
“Alright, okay, I got to go.” Monica said as you waved at her, thinking they’d put her down.  “I’m going, and I’m gone.” Monica announced as her feet hit the floor in the hallway and ran her way across back to her own apartment. Once the door was closed you thought that you could finally crawl into bed with your boyfriend but it seemed he and your brother had other plans.
“Another game?” Chandler offered his roommate.
“Oh yeah.” Joey immediately agree, causing you to let out a sigh and look up at the ceiling in exhaustion as your hands fell to the side. 
“Whatever, I’m going to bed.” You grumbled.
“Goodnight, sis.” Chandler called as he stepped to his side of the table. 
“Goodnight, baby.” Joey called to you as he just hit the foosball to start yet another game. 
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bellatrixxue · 4 years
Xue’s Supernatural Dare: Wendigo (S1 EP2)
Hello, everyone? How did everyone feel about the finale? Yes? Yes? Oh. Oh. Oh my. Oh, dear.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell that half-assed homophobic chicken-shit fuckbucket’s not gonna stop me, since I strapped myself onto this roller coaster already and I promised I’m not getting out until the ride’s over, so here we go, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Also, those who are in this roller coaster with me, ready? Tag list is: @fangirlxwritesx67​ @amazingiam00​ @kalliravenne​ @indecisive20something​ @2musiclover2​ @impossibletosleepthrough @there-must-be-a-lock​ @wingedcatninja​ @arvit​
Oh my gods this recap is so cheesy I actually can make a fondue out of it. 2000s, everybody!
So we’re starting the episode with the murder scene first, eh? Is that gonna be a trend?
Oh come on, Chads, you’re out in nature and you’re playing video games? Absorb the nature...before it absorbs you!
Waitwait. Holy shit is that...is that Cory Monteith? Oh, bless his soul...
If the wendigo eats his dick as he’s peeing I’m immediately giving Jensen Ackles $100. For no real reason, I just feel like giving him money for already carrying the show on his back.
I can’t tell if it did or not, so I’m not paying yet.
Aw, Sammy...
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"I should have told you the truth.” *Vine voice* BUT YOU DIDN’T
FUCKYOUINTHEASSHOhnightmare. Nightmare. So did he visit her at her grave or not? I need answers.
A week? Goddamn. Poor thing. That man-eating tree’s fucking good at his job, man.
“There’s nothing there, it’s just...woods,” Sam, I don’t know if Jess’s death hit you hard or if you got into law school by eating some ancient dick and/or pussy instead of earning that high score fair and square, but the woods “in the middle of nowhere” (your words) are known to be one of the top places full of weird-ass creatures. Even kindergartners know that.
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Ehehehehehehehehe he’s so smol next to his lil bro my lil shit
At least you’re coming up with decent covers this time. No Agent Mulder and Scully ruining things for you this time around.
“Bull” oop-
Oh Dean’s a smoooooooooth operator. Good going, buddy.
Oh that death really got to Sam. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a trigger-happy psycho. Or eat the man-eating tree and become one himself.
Oh, Haley’s a cutie! Which one’s her brother? Cory? Discount Enrique Iglesias?
Do you have a card for EVERY profession, Dean? And how do I get them too?
That is a very pretty car. I bet they wasted half the budget on that thing.
Okay, sonny boy, little bro, Broseidon, calm down.
Ah, fuck, Haley and Broseidon is gonna go into the woods, that’s more heads to worry about.
How the fuck does Sam find information this fast? I’m impressed, I take five hours to get to one article for my research paper. Or maybe I’m just lazy. So he really earned his law school interview without having to eat dick and pussy, huh.
Every 23 years? What is this, Pennywise? Are we going to see the wendigo do his best Tim Curry do his best scary clown impression? Honk honk?
“Whatever that thing is, it can move.” And the sun rises on the East, Sammy. Why are you so smart and dumb at the same time? Is this his character trait? It might grow on me.
Ahhh, so Sam’s go-to move at interrogation is doing puppy dog eyes and sympathize with the person. He’d make a good lawyer, shame that man-eating tree.
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Go Grandpa Exposition, go!
Go Grandpa Exposition, go, give us information and none at all!
Skinwalker, Back Dog...Ooh, those all sound cool! I hope we get to see them soon!
‘Corporeal’ doesn’t sound like a real word, but then again, English doesn’t sound like a real language. Sorry. Moving on.
Sam’s gonna eat the wendigo with that attitude, Jesus Christ.
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AND HIS BROTHER, AT THIS RATE. If the real villain turns out to be inside Sam all along I’m gonna flip. Is that why women keep dying and burning on ceilings where he sleeps? Is he secretly Lucifer’s spawn or something?
“Oh sweetheart I don’t wear shorts”. They queer-coded him from the start and they tried to make you believe he was straight for fifteen seasons straight? And some people bought that?
Oh, crap, another crappy death treatment for Cory before he got into Glee...No, I wasn’t into Glee, I just watched a few episodes and I might hate Rachel Berry...And Lea Michele...ahem...
Dean is totally flirting with Roy shut upppppppp
“It’s probably the most honest I’ve been with a woman. Ever.” See. Bi. Bi bi bi.
So...why the coordinates, Daddy Negan? Is this a portal to Hell? A place where man-eating trees grow?
*carefully places death flag on Roy*
Ooooh the campsite is very...haunted house-y. You know what I’m saying?
That’s not Discount Enrique Iglesias, but Pennywise wendigo, yes? Those things can mimic human voices, right?
*Google searches*...There are so many versions of this tale I can’t even confirm or deny it. Dammit.
Maybe Pennywise wendigo just wants some snacks and a nice phone and GPS? Maybe he misses his family in uh, Canada or something?
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Daddy Negan’s journal is  a e s t h e t i q u e .
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I’m so sorry, but the way Sammy smirks as he speaks with those dark, dark voids for eyes? My boy’s a demon. He’s a demon, I’m telling you.
At least Haley has some sense to her. *puts another death flag on Roy*
True, that. What the heck is Daddy Negan up to with all of this?
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business!” Okay, the way Dean said it gave me chills.
I can actually empathize with Sam here...As whiny and bitchy as he is, he has his reasons to be this way. I guess if I were in his shoes, I’d be less of a Dean and more of a Sam, too. We deal with our losses quite similarly.
Ah, the brotherly bonding moments like these little talks make the show worth it. It’s so heartwarming.
Pennywise wendigo! I didn’t miss you, why’re you here to burst my happy bubble?
I’m starting to see a slight parallel between Haley and Broseidon and Dean and Sammy. Hmm.
Nice meeting you, Roy. Zoop you go.
Haley and Broseidon are taking this rather well, I’m glad they do.
Okay, actual exposition time, thank you.
Whoa, Broseidon speaks! Donner Party! Please don’t remind me of that! Those poor people!
Hibernation and food storage. Delightful, just delightful.
Somehow, not being able to see the wendigo is scarier to me than what I will probably see itself. Limited budget horror can actually work well.
Oh, dear, Roy literally did a death drop. Badum tissssssssss.
FUCK IT TOOK DEAN THE ONLY CHARACTER I CARE ABOUImean I love you too, Sam! Come on, let’s find him before it’s too late!
A trail of M&Ms! Yes, Broseidon! And Hansel and Gretel refercalled it. Sammy, you and I share the same wavelength?
Thank the gods the Pennywise wendigo kept them right there. Chances.
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Ah, Dean Winchester, I love you so much that I can’t even begin to describe it.
Also how convenient that the flare guns are there. Deus ex machina!
Haley would bode well as a hunter, look at her courage, her will. There are more hunters around than Daddy Negan and the brothers, right?
Yeah, seeing the actual wendigo makes me less scared of it now. It’s unnerving, but still.
Graphics are...alright, but it’s the thought that counts!
Running with the grizzly bear story. Smart Broseidon. Ben. Sorry, you deserve to be called by your real name. I think with practice they could become good hunters, along with their Discount Enrique Iglesias brother! Is there a fanfiction for that? Can I write it now?
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Haley’s a lesbian, that’s why she kissed him on the cheek only. Headcanoned. Also I have a crush on her, she’s really pretty? Like? Heart eyes???
Ah, the siblings parallels again. Let’s hope neither of the two brothers end up in the bed like that.
“Man, I hate camping.” Really. Really really. Really.
“I’m driving”
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It’s just a sassy bisexual brother and his little snide bisexual brother on the road to kill evil creatures and find their father and I love this show? Help? Help???
I really, really see the charm of Supernatural now! I’m fully invested in both brothers and their story, and I’m cheering them both on! Let’s get Daddy Negan back and get rid of that man-eating tree once and for all!
Six stars out of five!
This dare is introducing me to a whole new world, and I really, really am glad I took that jump a few days ago, man!
Thank you everyone for reading my ramblings, and I’ll see you in the day after with the next review! Thank you for sticking with me! Buh-bye!
- Xue
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
witching hour
Rating: M (mentions of kidnapping, attempted dark fertility ritual, sex pollen?? kind of?? and obvi, smut)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Here’s my attempt at a Halloween-themed Mandalorian one-shot! It’s kinda spooky I guess, but mostly smut. Oops... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hope y’all enjoy!
Please consider commenting and reblogging! I love the feedback!
“I’m really not sure about this, Mando.”
You looked around cautiously, feeling as though there were eyes on you, but not seeing anything. The planet the two of you had stopped on was a backwater, far on the Outer Rim.
Din was looking for a bounty, and the last known location was in this... town, if you could even call it that. Half of the buildings looked abandoned, and there were dark alleys and suspicious-looking characters everywhere you turned.
“It’s fine.”
You rolled your eyes. Din’s monotone showed he truly wasn’t concerned about being here, and normally that would put you at ease, but for some reason, you were still uneasy.
The two of you finally found a shop that was open, and not just an abandoned building, and Din lead the way inside. It was some kind of apothecary. There were glass jars lining the shelves, different plants drying from the ceiling, and a number of other strange or unsettling items. An old woman stood behind the counter, and when she grinned at the two of you, you could tell she didn’t have any teeth.
“Oh-ho-ho! Visitors, I see! What can I do for two fine travelers such as yourselves?”
You winced at the woman’s voice. It sent shivers down your spine. The woman’s eyes ran over Din, before falling onto you. Her eyes widened, and she smirked, and you felt another chill. You wanted to step closer to Din, but you didn’t want to show any weakness, so you stood your ground.
“I’m looking for a bounty.”
Din placed the puck on the counter, and the woman watched as the holographic image appeared before her. Smacking her gums, she shuffled over to a large, old book, slamming it open, and dust flew into the air. She flipped through the pages until she appeared to find what she was looking for. She ripped a page out and shuffled back over to the two of you.
“This here’ll be what’cha need,” she croaked, shoving the paper at Din. “It’s a good ways away, but if you leave right quick, you can get there before dark.” She cackled. “You don’ wanna be out after dark in these parts.”
Din thanked the woman, and she leered at the two of you. “Buh-bye now!”
The two of you left as the woman continued to giggle and cackle. You shuddered as you left the building, unable to stave off the sense of paranoia that you felt.
“Do you want to go back to the Crest?”
You looked over at Din, about to protest, when he actually stopped walking and turned to you, his gloved hand coming up to cup your elbow. “Cyar’ika, you’re shaking.” You frowned, before looking down at your hands, only to see them trembling. “It’s okay. I’ve got this one. Go.”
You nodded, and Din waited for you to begin waking before he turned in the opposite direction, towards where the woman had directed him.
The walk back to the Crest was short, only about ten minutes or so. The Child was still in the Crest, as you and Din had finally managed to get him to stay in the ship for short trips without him trying to come after the two of you.
As you walked alone on the path, you couldn’t help but feel like you were being followed, but you couldn’t see anyone nearby. Just as the Crest came into view, there was a sharp pain at the back of your head, and everything went black.
You woke slowly, surprised by how cold you were and how much your whole body ached. You went to move, only to find that your arms and legs were tied down, and you couldn’t move them an inch. You opened your eyes, only to see a horrific sight.
It was night, and in front of you was a huge fire, flames leaping seven or eight feet tall. Surrounding the blaze was a number of people in dark robes, all chanting in a language that you didn’t understand. You realized you’d been stripped down to your under clothes, the cold wind biting at your exposed skin. You were tied to some kind of wooden frame, your arms stretched above your head, and your legs were spread slightly. As you tried to clear the fog still clouding your mind as you came back to consciousness, you realized something that immediately caused you to panic.
The tell-tale sensation of arousal was building in your belly, your underwear already damp. As the chanting continued, one of the people in robes came over to you, throwing some kind of powder in your face, and as you breathed it in, your arousal increased, almost to the point of pain.
You frantically tugged at the ropes binding you, but they didn’t budge. You tried to close your legs, but those ropes were tied just as tightly. You could feel tears welling in your eyes, the panic in your chest causing your breathing to come in short bursts and gasps.
The group’s chanting grew louder, and you cried out as a stab of pain pierced your lower abdomen. You tried to double over, but the ropes prevented it.
Suddenly, there was a sharp whistling sound, and you watched through your tears as the people in the robes began to drop. You gasped as you saw Din come running through the trees, his blaster drawn. His whistling birds took care of almost all of the black-robed people, except for one. He stormed forward, blaster aimed steadily at the lone standing figure.
“What. Did. You. Do.”
His voice was deeper than normal, his fury evident. You normally found his voice attractive, but at that moment, it was like the attraction was magnified. You gasped out as another wave of arousal washed over you, and you watched as Din’s helmet jerked over to look at you, still tied up.
The figure lowered their hood, and you weren’t all that surprised to see the woman from the shop in town. She was cackling, even with a blaster pointed in her face.
“Oh, I’m sorry sonny boy, but ‘m afraid you’re much too late to help your friend,” she giggled. “Tis a shame she won’t be able to complete the ritual as intended, but her death should satisfy the gods just fine.”
You figured you should probably be more upset at your impending death, but you were so aroused that it hardly seemed like it mattered.
“How do I save her?!”
You could hear a hint of panic in Din’s voice, underneath all the anger and rage. The old woman just continued to cackle.
“You can’t!” She sounded insane. “Unless ya can find some man ta fuck the fertilitatis powder outta her system, she’s dead! You can’t help her Mandalorian! Dead, dead, dead, dead, de–” Her mad ramblings were cut off abruptly as Din’s blaster went off, striking her in the chest and killing her.
He rushed forward, withdrawing his vibroblade and carefully cutting the ropes tying your feet before moving up and freeing your arms. As your arms came free, your legs crumpled, and Din grabbed your waist to try and keep you upright.
You cried out as Din’s hands unintentionally pressed against your lower abdomen, providing you with the barest hint of relief. You clutched at his shoulders, your whole body trembling.
“Fuck, fuck sweetheart, tell me–how do I–” Din’s voice was strained, and you could almost picture the look in his eyes.
As he attempted to support you, his thigh accidentally pressed between your legs, and the sudden brush of friction was all it took. Your mouth opened in a silent scream as an orgasm tore through you, your legs shaking and tears streaming from your eyes as the intense sensation overwhelmed you.
Immediately you could tell something was wrong. Instead of feeling any sense of relief from finally having come, your core was wound tighter than ever. Your cunt ached, and it hurt, and you just needed–
Your cry was torn from your throat as you desperately ground against Din’s thigh, trying to find relief. “N–Need you, Din. Maker, please, it hurts!”
You’d probably look back on this and feel ashamed of the way you were acting, but all you could focus on was the overwhelming, all-encompassing need to come, to be filled, to be fucked–
There was suddenly rough bark at your back as Din spun and pushed you back against one of the trees. He gripped your thighs and hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. His bulge ground into the fabric of your soaked panties, and you saw stars. Clawing at his arms, you begged him.
“Din, Din please–fuck–please I need it, I need you to fuck me, I–”
Your babbling was cut off as Din covered your mouth with his gloved palm. “Shh, shh sweetheart, I know,” he murmured, his other hand undoing the clasp of his pants. “I know you need it, but you have to be quiet, okay? I’ll fuck you, but you have to keep this pretty mouth shut.”
You were desperately nodding against his hand, your head jerking in uneven movements when you felt Din move the crotch of your underwear to the side, and slowly slide in to your cunt.
You tried to obey Din, really, you did, but you were just so sensitive. The wanton moan that left your lips was muffled by Din’s hand, and he shushed you again.
He kept pushing in until he was fully seated inside you, buried all the way to the hilt. The feeling of finally being filled caused your eyes to roll back in your head. Just as you were starting to think this would be fine, if Din just stayed inside you, keeping you filled, he began to withdraw.
You didn’t even have time to mourn the loss before his hips were snapping forward and filling you once more. You had no time to adjust, Din just began a downright brutal pace, his hips slamming into yours so hard you thought you might have bruises.
You tried to stifle the whimpers and cries that escaped your throat, but you’d never been able to stay quiet when Din fucked you in the past, so why should now be any different?
Your release was steadily approaching, the tightening in your core growing to an almost painful point once more. You were so close when Din growled out a single command.
You immediately knew what he wanted, biting the finger of his leather glove, letting him pull his hand free. He took a moment to rearrange the glove between your teeth, as a kind of gag, before lowering his hand and finding your clit with his thumb.
You came with a muffled scream, back arching as you writhed on Din’s cock, your walls clenching tightly, keeping him deep inside you.
This time, you felt better. You no longer felt like you were about to combust, and although you were still aroused, it was no longer painful.
Din removed his glove from your mouth, but made no other move to let you go.
“Din?” You asked, voice quiet. You realized he was still hard inside you, and your eyes snapped up to his visor.
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” As he began to slowly thrust again, he continued. “You wanted me to fuck you. So I’m going to fuck you until you’re begging me to stop, and then we’ll go back to the Crest.” As you whimpered at his words, he whispered one last thing.
“And you broke the rule, cyar’ika. I told you to stay quiet, and you just couldn’t listen. You need to be punished.”
Your moan at his words echoed around the clearing, as you realized you were in for a long night.
Tags: @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @marydjarin, @perropascal, @mxndoscyarika, @hayley-the-comet, @phoenixhalliwell, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my other works or in any future works!
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Ooo maybe some tiny shuichi content and kokichi! ( luv ur stuff btw :)! My initials are S.S btw-)
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okok (first of hii s.s and thanks sec anon you're super super sweeeet) so I'm making this one into an au and I'll be happy to ramble any it if someone sends an ask abt it 😳👉👈👉👈
Word count: 1700
Summary: Overtaken by a sudden, overwhelming feeling of despair, Shuichi goes for a stroll alone at night and ends up putting himself in danger's hands.
He didn’t deserve his title. He didn’t deserve it and the ultimate initiative was merciless and didn’t want to change his situation. How could anyone call Ultimate Detective the boy who’d solved a case by accident and ruined a man’s life doing so? Shuichi didn’t like the sound of his title, he didn’t like it when his uncle or classmates would call him that, as if it was something to be proud of.
Shuichi went to the forest near his home. If he didn’t deserve his title yet then maybe he could earn it by solving the case of people disappearing there; if he couldn’t solve it, then he’d at least become one of them. He didn’t have a preference for the outcome as long as it changed his situation.
The night was dark and the snow was thick and Shuichi wondered if the missing people hadn’t died buried under feet and feet of snow. With every step he took his feet would sink in to knee level.
Up ahead and past impossibly tall trees there was a cabin. It was much larger than even his uncle’s place, but most importantly, the lights there were on. The detective hurried on to drag his feet there as fast as his tired brain would allow. When he got closer, he noticed a short girl playing in the snow outside. He tried to call out to her, but any words that formed in his mouth turned into a dry cough that cut his throat like glass shards. At least it did get her attention, but when she saw him she ran inside the cabin and slammed the door. Soon after, all lights went off.
Through the haze in his mind, it took a moment for Shuichi to realize he wasn’t supposed to still hear a set of shoes crunching on the snow after the girl had left. He turned around and looked left and right (he winced at the gesture; his neck felt stiff). As far as he could see in the darkness, there wasn’t anyone else. Then he turned back around and was faced with unfamiliar black. Up his gaze went, higher and higher upon white folds of fabric, until it settled on a grinning face looming overhead.
Shuichi’s mind didn’t comprehend the abnormality so much as it registered danger.
“Oh boy, look at this catch.”
A low whine escaped his lips, and Shuichi allowed his tired body to give out and sink deep in the snow until he could feel the cold seeping in at his forehead. He stayed there, paralyzed and frozen and oddly calm for maybe hours before he felt a faint pressure on his arm. Rather than get shattered like Shuichi feared it would, it only got pulled upward, dragging his body along until he could see the snowy scene again and a hand taller than himself pulling him up. Gravity fought to pull him down and Shuichi felt so heavy he couldn’t breathe. Only when he was lowered to rest his back against a wall could he finally take a deep breath in.
“Wouldn’t you know it, Shuichi Saihara came venturing here.” He barely caught the words past the blood roaring in his ears. Even with every limb and every muscle in his body worn down with exhaustion, he could still feel the pain of his heart pounding against his ribcage.
“How do you know me?” Despite his struggle to keep his mind awake and alert, Shuichi’s voice came out loud and clear, almost ready for an interrogatory. Past half lidded eyes, the detective tried to keep his gaze firm on the giant. It was an odd feeling for Shuichi not to properly realize the presence of a titanic boy with him; it felt almost trivial, like a fact read in textbook. He wanted to be more afraid, to run off and go back home and to his uncle, but he couldn’t get his body to move and act, couldn’t hold back the curiosity that could get him in trouble.
“The news. Congrats on the Ultimate title.” He only heard the words but didn’t see lips moving. Shuichi opened heavy eyes he didn’t realize he’d closed and looked again at the gigantic, childish face with a large grin and deathly pallor. He wondered if the stranger wasn’t born on the coldest day of the year.
The second time he noticed his eyes had closed was when Shuichi felt more of the cold, gentle pressure but only saw darkness. He cracked a lazy eye open and saw two hands wrap a monochromatic cloth around his frame. Even with his hazy mind and spotty vision, he could see every smallest detail of the large hands and snow white skin with remarkable clarity; he felt like a doll between these hands.
His gaze was lost in the snow white skin until the hands retreated and he snapped back to reality. A single shiver ran through his body, and Shuichi grasped the fabric and wrapped it tighter around himself. A moment later, all at once, he felt the cold biting down every inch of his skin, and his body was overcome with a series of uncontrollable shudders. Heat seeped in his freezing limbs, the air in his lungs warmed up, the fog in mind cleared, and Shuichi exhaled sharply when he finally looked far up at the strange being with all the wariness and fear he should have felt long ago.
Shuichi couldn’t help but think he looked slightly different, only he couldn’t exactly pinpoint the change.
“Looking better already! Now, what brings you here?”
“… I’m not sure.”
“Hmm? You should, though. You know people who come here never come back,” Then the giant boy’s face lit up and his eyes gleamed with joy, “Or perhaps, is that what you want?”
Was it? Shuichi wasn’t sure, he didn’t know a whole lot at the moment; he didn’t know why he had followed his whim and ventured in a forest on a winter night, didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of how worried his uncle would be, didn’t know who the girl was and why she’d hid from him, didn’t know why he was having a civilized conversation with a massive stranger who could squeeze his organs out with a single finger over his chest. But at the very least, Shuichi knew for sure that he didn’t want to deal with the surrealism of his situation any longer, he didn’t want to worry his uncle. He wanted to go home. Gaze still firm on the pair of gigantic purple eyes, Shuichi shook his head.
The other boy let out a long, dramatic sigh. “What a shame, I really wanted you in my collection, but I guess that’s not happening today.”Shuichi didn’t protest more than a sputter when the hands taller than him came closer and cupped around his bundled-up form. His breath hitched in his throat, and he wrapped his arms tighter around himself when he felt gravity shift and heard an “Upsy-daisy,” from above.
The giant boy stood up to his full height, and Shuichi swore to himself he wouldn’t look down to the ground. Instead, he looked up to the stars shining over his head. The sky looked nothing like what he’d see back home, when he’d go to the rooftop on lonely nights. Shades of colors mixed and merged in the sky, dark indigo faded into soft lilac and charcoal. Yellow ocher met rosewood and hints of dull orange and every shade in between like a flower field, shifting and swirling about. Millions of tiny sparks of dead stars shone bright in the galaxy, scattered about like broken glass, some shards bigger, brighter than others. A clear night sky would reflect the Milky Way, Kaito had told him once. Kaito would have loved this place.
Several fleeting thoughts filled the detective’s head, millions as the stars in the night sky. He settled for the question that had brought him there, “Where do the missing people go?”
“Oh, those? I ate them for dinner,” The giant boy eyed him down. His eyes, too, reflected galaxies and flower fields and broken glass, and Shuichi took a second too long to tear his gaze away and react to statement with a grimace. The boy only spared him a quick smirk before looking away. “Kidding, kidding. Fine, I’ll let you on a little secret if you promise not to tell the authorities.” He nodded, then had to wait a moment for the giant to speak. “They don’t wanna come back, and I make sure that doesn’t happen. But that’s not what you want, right? Where do you live?”
Shuichi stayed silent for a moment; mulling the answer over, thinking back to the strange girl he’d seen. His frustratingly tired mind couldn’t come up with a satisfying deduction, so he moved on and gave his vague address.
“So we’re neighbors, huh? Wild. You should totally rent somewhere else. Anywaaay, let’s pretend all of this was a dream, ‘kay? Buh-bye, Shuichi, hope I’ll never see you again here.” One last time, he looked back to the cabin the woods, before letting his eyelids drop and his consciousness drift off.
When he woke up in his room, Shuichi didn’t feel any less tired then when he’d gone to sleep in his bed. Cold gripped his bones and nipped at his skin, a strong gust of icy wind hit his cheek, and Shuichi winced and shuddered. He got up and walked over to his window. Before closing it and going back to sleep, he let his gaze wander over to the sky, pitch black with tiny stars shining here and there if he squinted hard enough. He frowned, let his head drop down and his gaze get lost in the milky white snow.
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rae-is-kinda-gae · 4 years
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yeah thats bout accurate.
uhhh next stuff is sp 24 spoilers and a lot of talking ig so yeah
soooooooo uh
literally south park became randy
honestly i dont have the big hate for randy but i do think his time to shine should be over. It’s trey and matts show not mine so i dont have the biggest say in this. do whatever they want ig.
j i m b ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
first off, i never thought jimbo was on sharons side of the family, meaning he grew up with two sisters rather than a brother. idk i think most of the fandom thought jimbo was on randy side for some reason. looking at it now it makes more since on sharons  since the hair. honestly i think it was added so randy feeding him his cum wouldn’t be so wired... then again doing that to your actual brother would be ten times worse which sounds more sp like but whatever i’m rambling.
also, where was ned? at this point i would assume two things 1. still somewhat recovering or 2. d e a d. i HOPE its not 2 because ya know, fav. boy qwq. but whatever...
welp time to be inactive til next week buh bye.
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grimalkinmessor · 5 years
(Okay, so, a friend of mine pointed out--after I pestered her for days--that she can't read things on Ao3. So I'm reposting this here so she has no excuse to deny me feedback anymore 😜 Love you, Hev!!!)
Starker - Superior Iron Man/The Spider
It was an oversight on his part.
A grevious oversight.
An oversight that was costing him time, money, and popularity. Unacceptable. Time was annoying, money was dispensable, but someone had publicly defaced his name. On his own damn building.
Tony stared up at Stark Tower with a scowl that could melt titanium. Several jittery, frightened PR agents and employees fluttered around him, not daring to get too close. At least they weren't that stupid.
"Who did this," Tony seethed. No one answered him for a beat, and his fury skyrocketed. "Who did this? I want a fucking name!" He roared as he whirled on the fidgety interns, who scattered like bowling pins in the face of his rage.
"W-We don't know, sir," A random employee in a lab coat stuttered. "The c-cameras were s-sc-scrambled, sir; they didn't catch the perpetrator. But the criminal did leave behind this." She shakily extended a black slip of cardstock, and Tony snatched it from her.
He flipped the flimsy strip of paper over to reveal a bright red spider printed in the center of the black. His lip curled up into a sneer. "A spider? Is this supposed to be a calling card?"
The woman swallowed. "With all due respect, sir," She pointed a trembling finger up at the message splattered across the stainless steel and glass of Stark Tower in drying blood, a body staked beneath it. Tony unwittingly followed her gaze. "I think that's enough of a calling card."
He's Gone
Ravin' Mad!
Tony snarled, "I'll find this bastard. And when I do, they're going to wish they'd never been born."
Rumors of a mercenary called the Spider littered the darknet like candy wrappers. Attestments to his prowess, curses to his name, shaky accounts of his insanity. It was enough for Tony to put together a profile, but not enough to get an actual name.
The Spider had popped up in the merc community about six months ago, by the looks of it, and began to carve his name into the world with numerous bodies in various stages of dismemberment. Statements said that he hung around a regular haunt for mercenaries all the way in New York, but no one had ever seen his face, nor heard of a name beyond the one used as a title.
"What the hell was a merc from New York doing in San Francisco? Besides fucking up my building," Tony growled as he ripped ruthlessly through firewalls and code locks in search of more to go on.
When further digging yielded nothing, Tony nearly flipped the table over in a fit of anger. Instead, he dug his fingers deep into the lacquer his desk and drew in a deep breath. Tapping the bracelet on his wrist, Tony stood and rolled his shoulders. "JARVIS, clear my schedule for the next week. I'm going to New York."
"Shall I reschedule your meetings for next week, sir?"
"No. I wasn't going to go to them anyway. Send Pepper and her complaints to voicemail," Tony drawled as the symbiotic metal slunk up over his chest and secured itself into something solid.
"Of course, sir."
Then Tony was off to stomp on a pest.
Tony Stark walking into Sister Margaret's was like a lion strolling into a herd of sheep. The entire bar immediately went silent, tension and fear thick and cloying on the back of his tongue. Tony strode across the room with easy confidence until he reached the bar itself. The crowd of unwashed murderers parted for him like the Red Sea for Moses.
Shaggy, dirty blond hair hung over thick coke bottle glasses to tangle in an even dirtier goatee. Bloodshot eyes of an unidentifiable color glanced lazily up at him. An almost imperceptible flash of tension twitched through the bartender's body, before it slumped back into a nonchalant slouch. "Can I help you, Wall Street?"
"Weasel, is it?" Tony drawled, the picture of relaxation. "I'm looking for a friend of yours."
"Friendship is for toddlers and Bronys," Weasel sneered. "Whoever you're looking for, they aren't here. Now run along back to your supermodel orgies and Extremis campaigns. Unless you have a fetish that makes you make want to rub elbows with us peasants, that is."
"Oh, but I would just love to get up close and personal with a certain arachnid of yours. Because he's already rubbed me all kinds of the wrong fucking way." Tony lashed out a hand caught Weasel by the collar of his hoodie. Almost every patron in the bar pulled a gun on him, and a few even shot. Tony glanced back dispassionately with half-lidded eyes as the bullets ricocheted off his force field and sought their way back into their owners' skulls. Six people dropped to the floor of the bar, dead. Tony sniffed and turned back to Weasel, whose calm facade had abruptly abandoned him. "You have three days to get the Spider to come to me in San Francisco, or I burn you and your establishment to the ground, understand?" He said darkly.
Weasel had gone pale, faintly green, and he looked half a second away from puking as he nodded rapidly. Tony released him and wiped his hand off of his pants with a grimace.
"Good. Three days, and then I come after you with war on my heels. Don't disappoint me."
Tony left the bar behind him and straightened out his three-piece suit with a huff. He flicked his wrist and the surveillance device he'd implanted in Weasel's phone flared to life. Sure enough, not five minutes after he'd walked out of the bar, the Bluetooth in his ear flared to life.
"Wes! What's the occasion? You calling to congratulate me? I've gotten several thank you notes in the mail these past few days—I'm famous!" A voice considerably younger than Tony expected chirped.
"You are an absolute fucking idiot that's going to get me killed," Weasel snarled back. "Do you know who just walked into my bar?"
"Tony Stark, you fucking crazy bitch," Weasel hissed. "Your little stunt on your last mark brought Zeus himself down on my ass. Now you have to get your ass down here and fix it before I strangle you."
The voice's jovial tone dipped into something black and sharp. "Careful, Jackie. You wouldn't want two demons on your ass, now would you?"
A falter, then Weasel seemed to shake it off and said, "Just get down here before I throw away all of your Gushers."
"Not my fruit snacks! You monster!"
Tony's nose scrunched up in reproach. This was the man who'd defaced his building? Well, from the sound of it, the 'man' was a boy who wasn't really all there. Not that the knowledge softened Tony's ire in the slightest.
His bracelet pinged with a location. Tony grinned, shark-like, and let his armor slough over him once more. From there, it wasn't hard to launch up and over the few streets to where the signal was originating from. Sure enough, a brief scan of the alley displayed a man with all his organs neatly arranged outside his body on the dirty concrete. A small figure was crawling along the wall of one of the buildings, away from the scene. It was a full body suit made of black spandex, which left little to the imagination. The same blood red spider symbol that had been printed on the card marred both the back and the chest of the suit. The Spider.
Tony dove down towards the alley and fired off a repulsor blast just in front of the figure. Recoiling back from the blast, two slim lenses of red snapped over to glare at him. Tony slid to a smooth stop just before the Spider and hummed as the merc tipped his head at him. "Hi there, Muffet. I don't think we've formally met."
The lenses flickered at him as the Spider leaned back to lounge easily on the wall. "Nope, can't say we have. But what is formality, really? It's an outrageous concept when you think about it. After all," Here, the Spider leaned forward and his mask stretched like he was smiling beneath it. "If formal was wearing a codfish on your head, would you wear it?"
The casual reference to Alice in Wonderland reignited Tony's fury at the message left on his tower. It was obviously meant as a dig. He raised his hand to fire off another repulsor blast right at the Spider's face, but instead of looking scared, the brat just draped an arm dramatically over his face like a fainting maiden.
"Oh my, mister, please don't shoot me," He bemoaned in a theatrical southern bell impression. He fanned his mask with his other hand, only held up by his feet as he swooned. "I don't think I could take you teasing me so."
Before Tony could disperse the cloud of confusion the Spider's rambling had incited, the brat flipped off the wall and onto Tony's shoulders. One hand keeping his balance, the other reached between the shoulder slats and wrenched out a handful of wires. The suit guttered.
"Oops! Hope you didn't need those," the Spider sang as he backflipped off Tony and onto the nearest roof. The suit quickly made up for the lost tech, but it was enough of a stall for the Spider to vanish, "It hasn't been a pleasure, Stark! Buh-bye!" Called over his shoulder.
Tony was infuriated.
He was known as the unbeatable, the untouchable, the one not to be outwitted. He was Tony fucking Stark.
And yet in his first altercation with what had to be a middle level threat, he hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise, much less actually make a move. It tore at his pride until he became obsessed, tearing through archives and sending scans through voice recognition for something—something that would give him leverage.
Which he shouldn't have even fucking needed in the first place.
But no, there was nothing. Nothing but the memory of a glittery voice laughing in his ear, the stretch of black spandex over distinctive muscle that made Tony take more bedpartners than normal, growling angry obscenities into the sheets as he took everything out on his conquests—both his rage, and his lust. It left them bruised and limping away from him after, a spooked look in their eyes. It just made Tony angrier.
Three days ticked by with nothing. Then, just when Tony was fully ready to go blast Sister Margaret's into next week, about to take off towards New York, an encrypted email pinged into his inbox. It was an address.
'Do not tell him I gave this to you. If you can't kill him, then I don't want him coming after me. Frankly, I'm more scared of him than I am of you. I just don't want you nuking my bar.
Tony bared his teeth in a savage grin, triumph blooming hot in his chest. The slight niggle of indignance in the back of his mind—the brat was hardly more intimidating than him—went ignored. Address loaded into his suit, he shot off towards Queens.
The side of the building exploded beneath the force of the blast Tony directed at it. He flew forward and could have laughed in delight when the sound of a familiar voice cursing reached his ears. The dust began to clear as Tony ventured confidently into the rubble. A rough bout of coughing drew Tony's eye towards the far wall, which had collapsed on top of a waifish figure that was struggling to pull themselves up.
Wild brown eyes snapped up to glare at him, plush lips twisted into a snarl that bared actual fangs. "You bastard," That same shimmering voice rasped, scraped raw with pain. "You destroyed my lab!"
"You hung a dead guy from my tower," Tony replied as he made his way forward, head tipped to the side curiously.
"Oh don't tell me you're mad that I killed one of your chairmen." Doe eyes rolled as the kid shook out the dust from his curls. He had freckles. Tony drew his tongue across his bottom lip, intent. "I doubt you have actual emotions as it is. You didn't even know he worked for you, I bet," He said daringly as he twisted to try and push the wall off of him.
"You smeared viscera all over my name. Literally," Tony growled as he stalked even closer.
"If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't actually about you," the Spider drawled as he began to heft the wall up with the barest of strains. A mutant.
It decidedly did not.
Tony raised an arm and fired off a slip of liquid metal. It landed on the piece of wall the Spider was levering and quickly forced it back down. He wheezed as the full force of Stark tech crushed back into his chest. Tony stopped to look over the pinned bug, brow raised. He leaned down to better take in the amber shine of narrowed eyes, the sprinkle of freckles across a button nose, the endearing tangle of coffee curls draped over dark spider-leg lashes. He took in the sharpness of those bared fangs, then admired the petal pink softness of those lips. Tony wondered if he defanged the little pest, if they would grow back. More relevantly, how quickly would they grow back, and if he could fit his cock between those lips in the recovery time.
He leaned down even further. "Did you really think that you could get away with defaming me?"
A wide, broken glass grin cut up at him. "What're you gonna do, big man? You gonna toss me off a building? Threaten my loved ones? I don't have any!"
Just then, JARVIS chimed in his ear, "Facial recognition scan complete, sir. The Spider's true identity is one Peter Benjamin Parker."
"Peter Parker, huh?" Tony mused with a grin. The feral amusement slid off the Spider's face, and he went pale. "Let's call your bluff, Spidey. Any extended family, J?"
"All deceased, sir. But records display what appears to be a close friend of Parker's: Harry Osborn."
Tony smirked, "Is that so?"
He expected Parker to blanch further, maybe even make a bid for his friend's life, but to his surprise, Parker just tossed his head back and laughed, long and loud and unhinged. He gasped for air in between cackles, and Tony flicked his fingers in annoyance. The metal pressed the wall down harder, and Parker wheezed out a last delirious giggle. "You think I give a single shit about that piece of literal fucking human garbage? You're grasping at straws, Red Queen!"
Tony wasn't deterred. "I'd say something witty involving 'off with your head', but I've come to the realization that I don't actually want you dead," He mused as he propped his boot on the wall as well, just because he was feeling vindictive.
Parker raised an eyebrow, both wary and intrigued. It probably wasn't very often that people declared that they didn't want to kill him. He searched Tony's face with eyes that had lost their earlier giddy sheen. In their place were two hard shards of topaz, much more intelligent than the madness he'd observed before. "Then how do you want me, Executioner?"
"At my feet," Tony hissed as he fired a second slip of metal right at the kid's face. It was a sedative, one that worked instantly and wore off only when the tech was removed.
Parker was out like a light.
However tempted he was to tie Parker to his bed, Tony wasn't an idiot. The casual strength the brat had displayed would hardly be the only mutation Parker had up his sleeve, and Tony didn't want his house trashed. So he tossed Parker into the cell he'd created to house the Hulk, then left to give himself a congratulatory glass of Scotch, leaving JARVIS with orders to notify him when Parker woke.
Tony poured himself three fingers of Scotch, feeling like he'd caught a wild panther. He had wrangled a wild animal into a cage, a collar ready to be fastened around its neck, but the challenge of taming the beast looming overhead left a tingle of thrill in his chest.
He wanted to break Parker, to weigh down his limbs until he could lift nothing heavier than a butterfly, to cut up his sharp tongue beyond repair, to pry out his fangs and carve away the stores of venom likely resting in his jaw until he was nothing more than a pretty bauble for Tony to admire.
(There was a small part of him—very, very small—that lamented that Peter would become disgustingly boring should he lose those things. That suggested that he cap the fangs instead of removing them, just to let Peter try to bite him, try to end him, and watch that sweet face blossom in rage when nothing came of it. Wanted to hear him curse and watch metal twist beneath those delicately small hands as he railed against Tony, oh so powerful and yet oh so his. Fashion a sign that read 'Beware of Spider' because a pet he wanted but a beast he'd gained. See those amber eyes burn up at him because that helpless rage was a thing of beauty. The part of him that acknowledged that part of Peter's appeal was that he was a beast, a monster, and Tony wanted to make him kneel.)
(Not that he would ever admit it.)
"Sir, Mr. Parker is awake." JARVIS intoned, a bit ruffled if Tony was reading that tone correctly.
"Awake and lively, I assume." Tony tossed back the rest of his drink and wiped the corners of his mouth with his fingers as he made his way back down to the cell.
JARVIS didn't answer, but he didn't need to. Tony came in sight of the cell just as he heard a loud bang echo down the hall. Peter had apparently thrown himself at the wall. They held up, of course. The brat may have super strength but he was no Hulk.
He stilled when Tony came closer, poised to leap again at the walls, fangs bared. Though the window into the room was mirrored, Peter's head snapped to the side and focused with startling accuracy on Tony. Slowly, he straightened out of his crouch and turned towards the mirror. His head tipped, puppy-like.
"Do you think you can hold me?" Came the soft inquiry with an innocent blink of those doe eyes.
"Yes, actually." Tony didn't bother with the microphone. The kid's senses were enhanced—he could probably pick out Tony's heartbeat through the four foot reinforced concrete. "I'm doing it right now."
"You're letting your technology do the holding for you," Peter spat back. "Because you know you aren't man enough to grapple with me face to face."
Tony's lips twitched. "Does goading usually get you what you want?"
Instead of getting angry, or denying the blatant manipulation tactic, Peter smirked at him, amused. "Yes, actually. Wes can't stand it."
The gleeful note to his voice made something in Tony's chest flicker. He drew his tongue along his bottom lip in thought, wondering. "So what are you, Peter Parker?"
He, of course, meant the mutations. He had never seen a mutant that could do what the Spider could do. He could stick to walls, he could spin actual webs, he could lift things easily ten times his own weight, not to mention his bite was most likely lethal. Almost all mutations manifested in a latent gene of some sort, one that had to be put under stress to become active. The gene was not all-encompassing. It gave one gift, and no matter how powerful, it was still only one. Peter had at least five.
But Peter didn't take it that way. He beamed at Tony through the glass and began to him to himself, swaying in place to a silent rhythm. "I am what happens when an angel falls from the sky. I am what happens when goodness realizes that good and evil do not truly exist. I am that one that dared to ask why a God sits on his throne, and lead a third of his children down into the chasm with me." He drew his arms sensually up his sides, cupped his throat, and ended with his hands tangled in his messy curls. He grinned at Tony, eyes half-lidded, taunting. "Do you think yourself a God, Stark?"
The conversation he'd had with Murdock rang in his ears like the high of a church bell. A damning, indisputable truth.
"No use thinking when I know," Tony drawled, heart thudding calmly in his chest. But Peter seemed to hear the flutter of his excitement anyway, known what he was thinking, because his grin widened.
"Mayhaps this was supposed to be the ultimate battle!" Peter tossed his arms high. He began to twirl across the room, light on his toes, humming erratically. "God versus Man! Or, well, it would have been, had poor Daredevil been up to the task. But alas, he fell to the temptation of sacrificial miracles—the taste of the rainbow! Let's call him Skittles from now on, yeah? But if Man won't kill God,"
Peter slung to a stop in front of the glass, a small palm smacked up against the glass, and it cracked. The Spider grinned, predatory.
"Then the Devil will do it."
Adrenaline flooded Tony's veins, made his teeth buzz in expectation—an urge to bite. "Are you forgetting Revelations?"
"Hardly," Peter trilled, ecstatic. "I don't need to win to ruin you, baby. I can the devastation to your reform! Besides, I like you much better than the other one. A Martyr. Please." His eyes rolled as his fingers scraped along the hairline fissures in the glass which had, until that moment, been bulletproof. "But you're not him. You're not Jesus—you're Judas. Ready to sell out the world for a few slips of paper that ultimately will amount to nothing. You are...pure greed," He breathed, enraptured even as his eyes darkened.
"And you think you can stop me? You're a child," Tony sneered, but it was a front for the surge of angry hunger that had roared to life in his chest. He ached with the need to press his fingers around that pale, flawless column of flesh and stain his mark upon it. Take that odd, rapturous insanity and breathe it into his lungs. Brand it back into Peter's skin with his mouth. Mine.
"I saw the way you looked at me, Stark. I can feel it right now," Peter sighed pleasantly as he continued to stroke his fingers down the glass. "The temptation that will allow me to strangle your empire from the inside out. Press my knives to your skin and snip it from the roots." He crooned.
"Oh please, baby," Tony purred. "We both know you don't actually give a shit about me taking over the world. You profit off other people's anger. You can't have the moral high ground. Your hands are covered in blood."
Peter slammed his hand into the glass again, hard, and the glass splintered. It pierced his skin, drew blood to paint its way down his wrist. He started humming again, louder. "Hmmm, you can't fix your broken promise, our ties have come undone; your lies fool no one. You can't offer your poison to me, in your kingdom of filth," He sang, high and eerie. He grinned, fangs bared. He leaned his head against the glass, pupils blown, and looked up at Tony through his lashes as he murmured, "You're just afraid to get your hands dirty."
"Oh but I don't need to," Tony breathed, giddy. "Not when I have you to do it for me." Without further ado, Tony spun on heel and began to stalk away, back turned on Peter's sudden snarl.
When Tony pulled himself from beneath the rubble of his building three days later, the Spider's farewell still sparkling in his ears, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Forgot to tell you, I hid some bombs around here when I left Louie up there on your sign. My bad. Payback's a bitch, baby. But really, you could use some redecoration—far too much white. Red's more my color, for future reference, though I'm going to assume you knew that." The recording had mused, suit reaquired as black, clawed fingers toyed with the leather strip of red around his throat. He'd blown a kiss at the screen, the brat, and then the explosion behind him had cut out the feed.
Laughter rang from Tony's chest, light and toxic, and he turned his dusty face to the sky and grinned. A predator, a chase—a hunt.
"I'm going to fucking kill him."
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@totallycorrectghostpokemonquotes here ya go XD
Froslass: Gengar, you would not believe what I saw this morning when I was folding laundry! It was the most amazing thing!
Gengar: Was it the ghost of Rotom rising from the grave to take the region back to its proud Kantonian way?
Froslass: No. No, it wasn’t.
Gengar: Shame…
Froslass: It was an alien!
Gengar: WHAT?!
Froslass: I know! I just got done starching and I saw it! It was so bright and so shiny and I almost dropped the iron on the cat because it was so amazing!
Gengar: And you’re sure it wasn’t Spiritomb and the Russians?
Froslass: No sweetie, I’m sure it wasn’t Spiritomb and the Russians.
Gengar: Well, damn again… now how should I know that what you saw was actually some sort of extra-terrestrial and not some sort of weather balloon or Soviet Russia's Invasion?
Froslass: Because I’m your wife, Gengar, not some power hungry communist or a big weather balloon flying around.
Gengar: But you’re a woman.
Froslass, laughing: Of course I’m a woman sweetie!
Gengar: …Right. But there’s no way of confirming what you saw was an alien coming to Earth or not.
Froslass: Well I saw it, and… and Polteageist across the street saw it too! We were both doing our laundry and we both saw it at the same time!
Gengar: Hmmm… another woman. I’ll call up her husband Shedinja, we fought together back in the war and he should be able to confirm what this whole ordeal is about.
Froslass: Perfect! I’ll go and make deviled eggs and Jell-O pudding and talk politics! Maybe even this time I can vote for myself.
Gengar: Great idea! I love Jell-O pudding! Let me call Shedinja up right now. *Talking to Shedinja* Hello Shedinja, me and my woman here would like for you and your woman to come over and talk about things. Alright. Sounds great. See you at 4. Arceus Bless Kanto. Death to Spiritomb. Okay. Buh-Bye. *to Froslass* They’ll be here at 4. I’m going to read the newspaper.
Froslass: Do you think she’ll make something? Last year when we were celebrating the 4th, do you remember when she brought the tuna fish casserole? I never thought to use onions! Onions of all ingredients! And then she brought the quilted napkins and I told her, I said “Polteageist, I just can’t belie-“
Gengar: Null matters woman, her tuna casserole tasted like pesto and regret. Don’t bother me anyway, as I am reading the newspaper. Oh, seems here, a bird Pokémon named Decidueye wants to make Pokémon equal.
Froslass: He’ll probably get shot somewhere in Cerulean City.
Gengar: You’re probably right. Says here Sears and Roebuck are going to make more catalog houses in the area. They’ll never go bankrupt!
Froslass: No chance!
Gengar, laughing: Ah… I trained you right.
*Shedinja rushes in*
Shedinja: Gengar!
Gengar: By Arceus, Shedinja! I haven’t seen you since the war!
Shedinja: Still smoke without a filter?
Gengar: Still a lazy drunk that cries when your mother writes?
Shedinja: You dog! So good to see you!
*Polteageist enters*
Polteageist: Did somebody ask for tuna casserole!
Gengar and Shedinja: NOPE!
Froslass: I did! Oh and it smells the same as it did last year!
Gengar: You two go off and do something feminine while we talk about things we believe are too logical for you to understand.
Froslass and Polteageist: Okay!
*Froslass and Polteageist leave*
Gengar: So Shedinja, when I go home today, Froslass said the wildest thing to me!
Shedinja: Did Rotom rise from the grave to bring Kanto back to its true form?
Gengar: Sadly no.
Shedinja: Damn.
Gengar: But what she did say was particularly peculiar and that’s why I wanted to have you over for dinner. She said she that she along with your wife, saw an alien in the sky this morning!
Shedinja: An alien, you say… not a communist invasion lead by Spiritomb?
Gengar: No, I already got rid of that idea.
Shedinja: Weather balloon?
Gengar: That too. What I’m worried about is that if she is right, we’re going to have to tell the paper, and then there’s going to be people everywhere and the military is going to come…
Shedinja: Not to mention that we’re going to have to admit they’re right.
Gengar: That too! I just haven’t been able to make up my mind on whether she saw an alien or not!
Shedinja: Here’s an idea; let’s eat dinner and test them to see if they actually saw aliens. If what they say makes sense, we’ll call the paper and tell them that what they saw and… *rambling*
*Froslass and Polteageist enter*
Froslass: We’re back, you two!
Gengar: *to Shedinja* But they’re women!
Froslass and Polteageist: We are!
Froslass: Gengar, I don’t know why you keep saying that. I’m obviously a woman, you know… how we’re trying to have a baby…
Shedinja: You found a good one.
Gengar: I really did.
Shedinja: Mine just wants to talk about artifacts all the time.
Polteageist: You know Gengar, I’ve been meaning to ask you about where you got your little Tapu fellow at, he’s just so cute!
Gengar: You weren’t kidding.
Shedinja: Not one bit.
Gengar: I hope she has good child-bearing hips. Do you folks want to start dinner?
Everyone: Of course!
Gengar: Great. Froslass, take it away!
Froslass: Okay. What do you want me to take?
Gengar: You- you- you- Just bring the food woman.
Froslass: Oh… okay!
Shedinja: Like a dog, Docile.
Gengar: Exactly. Polteageist, would you mind saying grace? I feel like I haven’t heard a word from you this evening!
Polteageist: That’s how you boys like it! I’ll start if you insist. Dear figure of omnipotence, may you rest in peace somewhere peaceful, like Poni Wilds or somewhere close to that.
Froslass: I hear Alola is quite nice this time of year.
Polteageist: And they have the world’s biggest artifact museum in their region!
Shedinja: Hush woman! Proceed.
Polteageist: Anyway Mr. Arceus, I hope you can do all the things we want in the world or something like that. Also, I really hope my casserole doesn’t flop, last 4th of July, I put way too much pesto in it.
Gengar: I told you, Froslass. I told you.
Polteageist: Oh, and don’t forget to get rid of my dad’s cancer. Amen!
Gengar: That was beautiful Polteageist. Now let’s dig into this tuna casserole and-- OH MY ARCEUS!
Froslass, Shedinja, and Polteageist: What?
Gengar: AN ALIEN!
*a ridiculously colored Blacephalon enters*
Blacephalon: Hey guys, did I make it into Alola?
*everyone starts screaming*
Gengar: By Arceus!
Froslass: It’s an alien!
Shedinja: From another planet!
Polteageist: That somehow speaks English!
*silence… then contunied screaming*
Gengar, holding a chair: Fend off, satanic being or this chair will be perpetually stuck in your face!
Blacephalon: What do you mean?
Gengar: I mean, I will beat the devil outta you, you devilish foe!
Blacephalon: Why are you talking like that?
Gengar: I… Don’t know.
Blacephalon: Well anyway, do any of you guys know where Alola is?
Polteageist: Why do you want to go to Alola?
Blacephalon: Well, you see, I was initially planning on Galar but then my other alien friend, Lunala, was all like “Nah, man, Alola.” and I was all like “Alola?” and she was all like “Alola!” so yeah…she died on entry but I still wanted to play the slots, ya know?
Froslass: We’re in Kanto.
Blacephalon: Now how far is that from Alola?
Froslass: Very far… from Alola.
Blacephalon: Oh…
Shedinja: Listen here, you white freak! What’s going to happen to you is that I am going to go next door, grab my M1, come right back here, and shoot you in the face!
Blacephalon: No, you’re not.
*Blacephalon kills Shedinja*
Gengar: By Arceus! Why have you done this? Such horror is none I’ve ever seen before!
Blacephalon: Look, buddy, you really gotta stop talking like that. It’s weird.
Gengar: You’re weird.
Blacephalon: Uh, yeah. I’m an alien. So, I killed him because he was going to kill me first. And I’ll kill you if you keep talking like that. *starts mocking Gengar*
*Froslass and Polteageist laugh at Gengar*
Gengar: That’s not fair.
Blacephalon: Well, life isn’t fair, kiddo. Trust me, I’ve been alive for 3 million years.
Gengar: That explains the wrinkles-
Blacephalon: Thin fucking ice Gengar! You are walking on thin fucking ice!
Gengar: Wait, how do you know my name?
Blacephalon: The person writing this script made an error. Listen, what I’m going to do is that I’m going to take a straight shot from here to Alola, making a stop for some Kantonian BBQ, make a fortune on slots, and spend the rest of my life as an alcoholic in Hau'oli City. This *kicks Shedinja* never happened.
Froslass: Wait a second… make a fortune?
Blacephalon: Yeah baby. You, me, and all of the money in the world!
Polteageist: Can I come along? I hear Alola has the biggest artifact collection in the world!
Blacephalon: Sure thing suga, go outside and warm up our ride.
Froslass: You fly an alien spaceship?
Blacephalon: Actually, I rented a Buick. It’s got leather seats though!
Polteageist: Leather?! *knocks over Gengar to EXIT*
Gengar: You- you can’t just do that to me!
Froslass: I’m sorry Gengar, it’s just that he’s so charming and he’s going to make good money, and his Buick has leather seats!
Blacephalon: So does my regular spaceship.
Froslass: And his spaceship too!
Gengar: That is kinda cool. Just one thing before you take my wife and go for BBQ and slot machines…what planet are you from?
Blacephalon: *puts on MLG glasses* Planet Cool. Come on woman, let’s go eat some brisket and make interstellar love, ratio 2 to 1.
Froslass: You had me at brisket!
Blacephalon: Oh, and don’t forget that tuna casserole, Gengar. I smell pesto!
*Blacephalon and Froslass leave arm-in-arm*
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whumpywhumper · 5 years
Puppy Face 🐶
So, I had some very lovely individuals request another Markus/Lucien drabble and, for some reason, that freaked my poor anxiety-ridden brain right the fuck out, and I couldn’t do it. 😅
Therefore, I went ahead and worked with Illyn and @0idril0 ‘s amazing OC, Clint, from her Nico series! 
I now have a solid idea for what I want to do with Markus and Lucien and, hopefully, I can get another drabble up today or tomorrow. My lovely requesters, @starrywhump @castielamigos @comfy-whumpee @imagination1reality0 , please bear with me! 
Edit for Masterpost
Illyn paced, hands in her hair, smoke from her altar fouling the air. Her latest fucking failure.  She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know who to call. Usually, she would call Markus, but that wasn’t an option. 
She gave her messy blonde hair a vicious tug and swallowed a sob of frustration. Crying wouldn’t help anything. She turned sharply on her heel, feet sinking into the fluffy carpet, and stalked back to the myriad of books that lay stacked and open to various pages. There had to be something there that she could try, something that she hadn’t thought to use. 
If Markus was here he would know what to do. He would open right up to a spell or a dowsing rod and he would have the answers. He was a genius at this shit. Illyn was too new, inexperienced. Her talents lay in different directions. 
The old books were musty to her stopped up nose and their leather bindings crinkled as she shuffled through them. Her eyes were burning and she brushed away tears as they fell onto the vellum pages. She didn’t even know what she was looking at. Glyphs and diagrams swam in front of her vision, carefully drawn botanical depictions blurred together,  and she squeezed her eyes shut to get away from them.  
Markus had been gone for 40 hours.  Almost two fucking days. 
In that time, she had been able to make contact with him once for all of two minutes before she couldn’t hold the spell any longer. The only information she had was that he was still within a fifty-mile radius of his shop and he was being kept in a concrete room with florescent lights. 
She had nothing. 
All subsequent attempts to contact him had failed. She barely understood the spell that she used the first time well enough to get it working and had no idea why it wouldn’t work again. The police weren’t an option. Pretty much all supernatural incidents were ignored unless they had to do with a human. She and Markus didn’t have many friends here in Salem and the friends she had that could help her were half a country away. 
Her hands tightened in the overly large flannel she wore over her nightshirt, pulling it up to her nose to suck in the rosemary and sage smell. She’d taken the flannel from Markus’s work station; he wore it constantly and she never let the chance to make fun of it get away from her.   She hadn’t changed her own clothes since Markus’s call had woken her up in the middle of the night. 
She stank. Her hair was greasy. She was exhausted. 
She couldn’t do this. 
Illyn’s lip trembled and she bit it to quell the oncoming sob-fest. She sank to the floor and hugged her knees, rocking slowly, back and forth. 
All of the information that she had didn’t give her any new leads, any new direction to go. She’d found Markus’s cell phone, the crumpled remains of the demolished electronic were exactly at the GPS location Markus had texted her. 
She’d driven as fast as she could, screaming, hitting her steering wheel. Breaking every traffic law that she knew in order to get there as fast as she could. And she was still too late. All there was was the fucking cell phone. A small spatter of blood from Markus’s fucking bullet wound that didn’t lead anywhere. There weren’t any footprints on the asphalt.  Nothing. 
Her rocking sped up and her hands sank back into her hair. A noise bubbled up in her throat and she didn’t fight the agonized wail that escaped her lips. She pressed her face to her knees but it did nothing to muffle the heartache. 
Illyn didn’t let herself break down for long. Great hiccuping breaths followed after a few moments and she tried to pull herself together. The meat of her palms pressed the tears away, and she stood. She’d run very option through, now it was time for someone else to step in. As much as she didn’t want to call. Face what she’d done. 
Hands trembling with fatigue, she dug through her purse and found her phone. Still charged like a miracle in and of itself. Her favorites list was only two clicks away and she pressed the nickname “Puppy Face” with the dog emoji. 
The phone rang twice before a deep masculine voice answered. “Hey dumplin’, mind if I call ya’ back? In the middle of tryin’ to tie up some loose ends.” 
“Clint.” She squeezed the name out of her tight throat, eyes burning, and her entire face scrunched up of its own accord. “Clint, I need your help. Please.” 
“Illyn? What’s wrong?” 
She sobbed, recalling those same words coming out of her mouth. “It’s Markus, he’s been taken. I can’t find him. Please, you have to help. I’ve tried everything. Scrying, dousing, spells— there’s a spell in here that calls for the damn lens from a fly’s eye, not even the whole fly. Is says specifically not to put the whole fly in there. Can you fuckin’ believe that? There’s another—” 
“Illyn— Dumplin’, you’re rambling. Slow down. What do you mean Markus has been taken?” 
Her shaking hand moved to cover her mouth, to stop the random deluge of information, and she took a deep breath. Right. Priorities. 
“I mean that he called me at two o’clock in the morning almost two days ago and I’m pretty sure that he was kidnapped by something that showed up on one of my augers. Something that scared the shit out of me.” 
“Two- Two days ago.” There was a deep breath over the line and what was possibly a suppressed growl. “Illyn you know the first 48 hours are the most important in these situations. Why didn’t you call me sooner?”
Guilt rumbled through her body like the subway overhead at midnight. She bit her lip and sank back down to the floor. Fighting tears. She pressed her back into the cabinet, grounding herself. “Ca-Cause it’s m-my fault.” Her breaths hitched in her chest, oxygen lacking from every inhale. The knobs of her spine dug into the wood behind her. 
“Explain.” The word was short, to the point. 
A whine made its way out of her mouth and she hated how pathetic she sounded. How pathetic she was. “I-I borrowed Markus’s gr-grahm, Clint. I-I was scared and a-asked if I could buh-borrow it and copy it. And—And he didn’t have it—“ she sucks in a wild breath, trying to make the dark spots gathering in front of her eyes go away “—he didn’t—“ she couldn’t say it again. She curled in on herself, her head pounding with tears. 
Clint’s voice softened, just barely, “Dumplin’, this isn’t your fault. Just tell me what happened.” 
She sniffed, snot and mucous slurping up her nose, as she told him what happened. “. . . I swear, Clint, I tried to get there. But he was just gone. He screamed and—and he just wasn’t there. . . . “ She trailed off after giving him all of the information. Her forehead rested against her knees. Exhausted. 
“Okay,” Clint sighed. She could almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m going to head up there as soon as I can, but there’s someone closer to you that I think will be able to help. Illyn, I need you to do something for me, okay?” 
“Anything,” she begged. 
“Go take a shower and a nap. You’re exhausted and ya’ can’t help if you’re dead on your feet.” 
Illyn rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Okay,” she mumbled, “okay.” 
“Illyn,” Clint said, voice catching her attention. “We’ll find him, okay?” 
She swallowed. “Yeah, okay.”  
“I’ll talk to you soon Illyn” 
“Bye Clint.” Illyn hung up the phone and dropped it to the floor with a thump. There was nothing else she could do.  
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satans-arse-crack · 9 months
Heyy there.. So im back after only a day 😭
I’m really annoyed and upset rn and I just need to ramble soo enjoy 🥰✌🏻
I’m ready to isolate myself for the next couple of days honestly
My friends are just pissing me off so much and I can’t deal with anyone rn
I still don’t know if I’m depressed or just sad
I also did a little bit of research (if you can count scrolling through many TikTok pages as research) on anxiety and adhd. Now I know this sounds a lot like self diagnosis but I admit I relate to a lot of the stuff that is said and it’s made me kind of curious. I want to look more so into anxiety cause I seem to have alot of stuff going on that correlates to anxiety
I’m not sure how to go about getting a diagnosis however because where I live it seems to be quite hard to get something like that diagnosed
God I planned on rambling about a lot of stuff here but I seem to have pushed it out of my mind so I don’t cry about it
All I want to do is lie in bed for the holidays, maybe do some more baking to take my mind off stuff but my dad has come to me and said “oh yea we’re gonna start getting you out of bed earlier now beacuse you’ve been lying in too much” bitch 😒
Speaking of baking, I’m not sure what I want to bake next. I’ve given up making cakes and cookies cause no one eats them and they end up going to waste. I’ve made crepes for the past few days and they seem to be a fit with my family so I guess I’m gonna continue making more of those, I also made meringues twice and they went ok so maybe I’ll make more at somepoint. My next baking objective is custard creams so we will see how that goes
Anyways I genuinely don’t know what else to say soooo
Buh bye 🥰
0 notes
broken-clover · 5 years
Sorry I keep doing GG stuff I dunno why I’m having such a Blazblue block today
This is making me seriously question my music tastes.
“Now if I appear to be carefree
it’s only to camouflage my sadness,
And honey to shield my pride I try
to cover this hurt with a show of gladness.”
“G’night, fellas!”
Chipp and Anji offered a wave back as they turned towards the train station. They had a much longer commute to take, so it only seemed reasonable that the night was cut short so they could make it back home at a reasonable hour.
“Maaaan, that was nice, wasn’t it?” Axl stretched out under the light of a streetlamp. Despite the short night, his cheeks were still flushed pink, and his smile was lopsided.
Sol rolled his eyes, nudging his companion in the other direction. “Let’s just get your drunk ass back home, alright?”
The walk home was mostly quiet, punctuated only by giggly hiccups. No conversation really picked up until they were back in the residential district, flanked on either side by apartments, mainly occupied by drifters who had stopped by for a month or two.
“What’s your room number?”
“Two thirty- *hic* -seven?”
“Think you’re gonna be able to manage yourself, or do I need to stay and hold your hair back?”
Axl broke out in snorting laughter. “Not m’first time, chief! I’m a- *hic* grown-ass man!”
“I question that, sometimes...”
“Nah, nah, trust me! Been *hic* doin’ this since I was fourteen, Imma pro!”
Sol paused for a moment. “...What?”
“Hahaha! S’cool, s’cool! O’course, that w’s- *hic* back when you could buy ginger ale at the corner-shop for two-eighty, now you gotta make that shit from scratch!”
Sol’s expression was stony as Axl rambled to himself. “Fuckin’ hell! That’s *hic* how everything is now, innit? The future’s shite! Livin’ in a goddamn hellhole! What’s the point? ‘m never gettin’ home, but is it better there anyway? ‘S shit ‘ere ‘n it’s shit back there? *hic* What’s the point in even tryin’? Why’s the point in anything? Hahahaha! Better off dead!”
Mercifully, Axl’s apartment came up fast. Sol offered a light pat on the shoulder. “Get some sleep, man, you need it. Call me if you need me to swing by in the morning.”
“Buh-bye chief, see ya~”
As soon as the door slammed behind him, the smile dropped clean off of his face. Axl slumped back against the wood, sank to the floor, and began to cry.
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smilexcaptainx · 6 years
new years eve | eddie brock
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Pairing: Eddie Brock x Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Request: Happy New Years baby! Can I request an imagine with Eddie Brock where the reader is a good friend of his and Eddie has a crush on her but never really knows how to express it. He gets invited to a New Years Eve party that Anne is going to as well and he wants to make her jealous, so who does he ask to be his date? Of course the reader😂 He says that they just have to be flirtatious with each other but Eddie hits her with a kiss after the count down that she wasn't expecting. Luv ur writing! thx!
Warning(s): Fluff, Swearing
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS TO YOU TOO BABE <3 | i hope you enjoy♥
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 Eddie drummed his fingers against the wooden table, his stormy blue-gray eyes gazing at his phone.
“Come on Edward, it’s not that difficult to pick up a phone and dial in a number.”
‘’It is when it’s (Y/N)’s number,’’ eddie disagreed pushily. ‘’damn, if I were to ask her, do you think she would say yes?’’
“That’s a question I can’t answer until you do it.”
Eddie’s hand hovered the phone, but before he picked it up he anxious pulled it away. ‘’I-I don’t know man. I mean, what if she says no?’’
“Eddie, you always talk about how you two were the biggest trouble makers back in your day,” venom reminded, boosting up Eddie’s confidence a tad bit. “I’m sure if you ask her to do one simple favor, it won’t be that big of a deal.”
‘’I know but (Y/N)’s a really good friend, and you know that I have a crush on her,’’ eddie contemplated out loud. ‘’and piled on top of all of that, she’s my co-worker for Pete’s sake!’’
‘’Just do it you pussy!’’
 Eddie yelled out loud and grabbed his phone. He swiped to contacts and pressed on yours. He  than confidently clicked on the phone button. He raised it to his ear and listened to the three rings. Your voice soon came after the third ring.
‘’Hey Brock!’’ you greeted happily. ‘’What’s up?’’
“Oh um, I was wondering if you got anymore information of the recent case that we’re doing together?”
“You idiot! That is not the reason of why you called!’’
‘’I got everything I needed,’’ you reported. ‘’how about you, do you have anything new?’’
‘’New? Oh! Speaking of new, happy new years eve!’’ he cheered half-heartily. You echoed what he said. ‘’Yeah um, well, I got invited to this party, and guess who’s going? Anne! Yeah yeah, but any who, I’m in need of a date, and you were the first person to come to mind. So yeah, I was just wondering if you were free tonight because I wanted you to be my date. It’s totally fine if you’re not free tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody already asked you on a date. I just thought that you would be the best bet because we—’’
‘’Yes Eddie!’’ you blurted loudly. ‘’Yes, I will be your date, just…please stop rambling, dude.’’
‘’Yes? Oh okay, well okay! Um, I’ll be at your place at seven to pick you up. Yeah. Okay. Uh, thanks (Y/N). Goodbye!’’
 Eddie hastily hung up and slammed his phone onto this table. His heart was pounding a thousand miles per second.
“You really suck talking to girls.”
“Yeah, I know,’’ eddie sighed. ‘’especially to beautiful ones like (Y/N).’’
 You entered the party in your dress of which Eddie said looked, ‘’absolutely damn gorgeous’’ on you. And you agreed, you thought you slayed in your dress. Eddie didn’t look too bad himself. Before you two were off to the party, you made a few ground rules with him. As for, he doesn’t get to kiss you. You two are only able to hold hands and hug, but nothing more.
 He could flirt with you as much as he wanted, but the most important rule that you hoped he’d follow was that ‘’no kissing’’ rule. The reason behind that rule was because you knew if Eddie kissed you, your feelings for him would definitely increase. Eddie didn’t know that you liked him though, and you wanted to keep it that way.
 You held onto Eddie’s arm as you entered the room full of people. You got compliments by many ladies that you passed. It took a while, but Anne and her husband soon walked up to you and Eddie. You held on tighter to Eddie’s arm. Anne shot daggers at you with her eyes as she saw the way you were holding onto Eddie.
‘’Um, you must be (Y/N),’’ she said. Anne suddenly put the most fake smile you’ve ever seen in your life. ‘’it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Anne.’’
‘’Yes yes, very nice to meet you,’’ you greeted, returning the most fake smile. ‘’I wonder why you left Eddie though,’’ you said, tilting your head to the side. ‘’I mean, he’s the sweetest man alive, and also the sexiest.’’
 You swung your eyes over at him and smiled. He smirked at you. Anne laughed uncomfortably. She suddenly tucks her arms underneath her husband’s trying to copy your stance.
‘’Well uh, me and my husband love to–’’
‘’I’m sorry honey, but I don’t care,’’ you interrupted with piled with attitude. Anne gasped at your rudeness. ‘’now, if you would excuse me and Eddie? We’re going to continue to go to conversation that’s actually interesting.’’
 You gave her a little ‘’buh bye’’ wave and walked off. You loved getting the last word. Eddie leaned in a complimented you on your acting skills and your bitchiness.
‘’Well, to anybody who hurt you, I’ll gladly hurt myself,’’ you boasted quietly, yet proudly. ‘’whether it be verbally, emotionally or physically.’’
‘’Damn.’’ eddie sighed. ‘’You’re so hot.’’
‘’What was that?’’ you asked, pretending like you didn’t hear him. Eddie replied with the classic, ‘’oh nothing’’ and continued with his doing. Little did he know though, you heard exactly what he said, and it made your heart flutter, but you just brushed it off with a little. ‘’Oh, okay than.’’
 The party continued and you were having the time of your life being his fake date. Although you had to do most of the flirting, you were still enjoying every second of it. Unfortunately the party began to come to an end, but before the end, there was the New Year’s Eve count down.
‘’Everybody everybody! There are exactly ten seconds until New Years day!’’ the host announced loudly. ‘’So grab your date and get ready to kiss them at the end of the count down!’’
 You swallowed hard. You didn’t want to kiss Eddie, but at the same time you didn’t want to be the only couple there who wasn’t kissing. Eddie wasn’t a bad guy, it was just that you didn’t want to catch feelings. Because from your past experiences, having feelings for somebody always leads to them getting crushed.
You scratched the back of your neck. ‘’I uh, need to go use the restroom.’’
 Before Eddie could respond you twisted around and began to speedily walk away. Eddie frowned as he watched his crush walk away from him. The people in the room abruptly started to count down from five.
“What the hell are you doing?! (Y/N) is getting away!”
“S-She needs to use the restroom.’’
“Why do I have to do everything.’’
‘’What do you—’’
 Venom took over for a split second and used his long black tentacle to stretch out to you. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you right back to Eddie, twisting you to face him in the process.
 As soon as they screamed ‘’Happy New Year!’’ your lips collided hard with Eddie’s. You clenched onto Eddie’s shirt as he deepened the kiss. His kiss was magical. You could hear the fire works going off outside, and that made the moment even better. Eddie just kept going until he heard a chorus of coughs and ‘’ahem’s!’’
 Eddie pulled away and you were still in shock. You still couldn’t process on what just happened, but you weren’t complaining.
‘’You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that,’’ eddie whispered roughly, holding you by the waist. ‘’a very long time.’’
‘’Well, you broke the ‘’no kissing’’ rule,’’ you said, pulling out of his grip. Eddie withdrew his eyes from yours and looked down at the ground in embarrassment. ‘’but that was one hell of a kiss Eddie.’’
‘’And you’re one hell of a girl,’’ eddie complimented, swinging his eyes up to meet with yours. ‘’I love you (Y/N).’’
 Again, with the fireworks, they just kept going off in the background. The fireworks reflected in his beautiful blue eyes. When Eddie told you that, you felt weak in your knees. Your stomach knotted and you couldn’t breathe.
‘’I-I.. I love you too,’’ you admitted shyly. ‘’I have for a long time.’’
“I guess that makes two of us,” eddie chuckled. ‘’come here.’’
 He swooped you back into his arms and laid another soft kiss onto your lips. You smiled through the smile and so did he.
‘’Happy New Year (Y/N).’’
‘’Happy New Year Eddie.’’
“Yes. Very happy new year to the both of you.”
The End
@pillow223 , @ketterdame , @fstobsessed , @jdhvsbzxjdhdhshsnsr , @erinrose817 , @snowpupsstorys , @buckysblonde , @umwhatandrea , @ajaxfuckingfreeman ,  @myplaceofthingsilove , @nadtandy, @crybabycth ,@graceisobsessed , @multi-parker , @guera31 , @iamahugeassmess , @kdchoi , @bear105 , @wowitstonystark , @caswinchester2000 , @deanslittlebitch , @princesssandalwood , @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy , @theindecisivemess , @arelywinterss , @teenwolfbitches2 , @britishfangirl , @someshadeofblack , @kaitlynw011 , @mrsmouthymerc , @marvel-mendes8 , @mschrisaholic , @thisismysecrethappyplace , @hoodgirl163 , @justkeepdreaminganddreaming , @tomhardy41
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