ink-livi · 2 years
Mmmm thinking about zombies again... :]
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clawsdevour · 9 days
𓈒*~ suna husband hcs
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wc: 0.6k content warning: post-time skip, fluff, #needthat, not proofread
 େ  ۫  ۪
-Suna, the type of husband to absolutely just love pleasing you. He does it for yours and his satisfaction. If you ask him to do little small tasks, he'd for sure grunt in laziness but still get up to do it because it's rewarding to him when he gets to see your smile.
-Suna, the type of husband to send you silly texts throughout the day whenever he's free. You're always on his mind and he's simply curious what you could be up to. It could range from texts like 'have you eaten yet?' and you'd have to send him a photo of your meal because he's just invested in you, not just because he's your husband but because he knows he's yours.
-Suna, the type of husband to secretly love whenever he wakes up earlier before you to find you clinging onto him under the covers as if begging for him to stay in bed with you. It's these cute little moments where Suna would sacrifice a bit of his morning to melt in your warm embrace just a tad bit longer.. or when he does wake up earlier than you, he'd put the blanket over your face to shut out the light for when he gets dressed. Pulling it back off to give you a kiss on your cheek or forehead before he heads out for work.
-Suna, the type of husband to find himself nestled in between your thighs whenever you're binge-watching a new show on the couch. He loves these moments alone where you're both on the same page at home just together, his face on your lap. He also loves to cuddle you on the couch as well, securing your every movement with his arms.
-Suna, the type of husband to stop by the convenience store on the way home to get some snacks. He remembers your favorite things to snack on and is constantly thinking about you. He'd bring home a bag full of your favorite drinks and chips to eat together for later in the day.
-Suna, the type of husband to take some really hot and warm showers where it's completely humid and drenched with beads of water when he leaves the bathroom. With the super fogged-up mirrors, he'd write or draw cute things for whenever you walk in or shower to see.
-Suna, the type of husband to love sitting on the kitchen chair or kitchen counter while watching you cook meals for both of you. It's like watching a YouTube cooking tutorial in real life except he gets to interact with you which he loves the most. Suna enjoys the little sweet talking and laughter that comes with it.
-Suna, the type of husband to go out of his way to get you chocolate, and give you warm water when you announce that you're on your period. He ensures you're stocked up on pads and tampons and his affection. When you get cramps he'd pull you onto his lap and rub your stomach with his warm hands while telling you that you're gonna be okay.
-Suna, the type of husband to thrive off the drama you tell him. He's all ears when you say "Can I rant real quick," followed by a "This just happened at work..." he is INVESTED. His commentary is super funny and blunt, adding in his own personal opinions on what went on and creating solutions to your problems.
-Suna, the type of husband to probably give your ass a slap the moment you bend down to pick something up. The moment you turn around, his back is towards you with him eying you from the side in deviousness.
masterlist here
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gummydummy19 · 1 year
Month six: Army nurse (October)
Summary: Sy is too grumpy and proud to ask for help, so you do what needs to be done.
Content Warnings: fluff, grumpy sy, bad writing idk lol APOLOGIES
Word Count: 2900+
(this is part six to my series: A year in apartment 6B)
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October 4th:
“Can I doodle on your cast?”
It was Sunday. The most sacred day of the week. The weather had been getting gloomier recently, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. Fall was your favourite season by far.
You and Sy were hanging on the couch, 4 hours into the Harry Potter marathon you finally convinced him to partake in.
“Hmm?” He groaned sleepily
“Can I draw something on your cast?” You repeated your earlier request
“Like what?”
“I don’t knoooww…I’m bored” you whined
“You’re kidding right? You nagged my damn ear off about these movies and now you’re bored?”
“Well not bored bored just, I need something else to do while we’re watching.”
Sy huffed as he ran his palm over his face and down his beard, clearly debating you request.
“Oh pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?” You begged
“Fine! But I better not catch you drawing a dick or some shit” he grumbled, making you chuckle as you jumped up to get your markers.
October 10th:
'Syverson, I swear to god if you don't pipe down and eat your damn veggies Im gonna tie you down and make you.'
The man was stubborn as a damn bull, but so were you damnit.
“Is that a promise, darling?” he replied with that damn smirk of his, making you roll your eyes as you tried to hide the inevitable blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Can it and eat” you rushed out, pointing your fork at him.
You wanted to help him. That’s what good friends do. Sure, some days you debated to either push him down the stairs or kiss him silly. But neither of those seemed very friendly of you, so you settled for just helping him.
It didn’t seem to bad at first, but the longer that damn cast stayed on, the grumpier he got.
You understood he was a man of pride, you really did, but there really wasn’t any shame in allowing you to help him from time to time, at least that’s how you saw it, but try explaining that to captain grumpy…
October 17th:
“I said I was fine didn’t I?” Sy grumbled, trying to manoeuvre himself through the kitchen on his crutches.
'Would you stop acting like a damn child?' You yelled
'Then stop treating me like a damn child!'
“Im not! I’m just trying to help!”
“I don’t need your damn help! I’m a grown man and I was doing just fine before you came along”
Okay, that stung.
'Fine!' Have it your way!' you huffed, 'Aika, c'mere girl' you called out, allowing Aika to walk past you and out the door before you slammed it angrily behind you.
You walked through the chilly, orange tinted streets with Aika trotting proudly beside you, glancing up at you every few seconds.
'He such an ass...' you grumbled, hugging yourself tighter as the cold fall breeze huffed passed you, helping you cool off.
Part of you had hoped having Sy back in the apartment would ease your ‘crush’ or whatever it was you had going on. You spent months trying to convince yourself you were just horny and alone. Fantasising about your hot roommate while he was away was just a way of coping. Right?
Except that since Sy came home your feelings had been all over the place. You worried about him like crazy. Which kinda scared you. You were nobody to him, so why did it matter to you wether or not he ate his damn vegetables?
Every time he made a flirty comment, you thought maybe he felt it too, but then when you offered to help him, he’d get all grumpy and cold. Sometimes you just felt ridiculous for even trying.
Your internal rant got interrupted when you felt Aika’s leash tug on your arm, bringing you to a rather abrupt halt.
“Wha- Aika come on.” You called, looking back at where she was currently sitting.
For a second you wondered why she had stopped, but then you noticed something.
She was sitting right next to some run down costume store. Nothing special at first glance, but then you noticed something in the window. For $29.99 including fake stethoscope and the promise of at least 4 jaws on the floor per room you walk into; a mildly sexist, hot nurse outfit.
“What do you think, Aika?” You looked down at your furry companion and you swore she nodded in agreement.
You've never bought something so fast in your entire life.
October 21th:
“what...what are you doing? Is that one of my chopsticks?!' You shrieked as you entered the living room, only mildly horrified by what you were currently looking at.
Syverson was sitting on the couch, well, sitting wasn't exactly the proper term for it. He was damn near folded in half. His big, muscly body bend over his stretched leg with one of your chopsticks in his hand, trying to poke around his cast.
“My foot itches,” he grumbled “Can you please just help?”
The past couple of days you tried avoiding Sy. He hadn’t apologised, neither had you. You figured it was one of those things you best ignored, but as he sat there whining for your help, you couldn’t help but make a snarky comment.
'Oh so, now you need my help?' you commented, rolling your eyes as you stepped closer, Aika still by your side.
You took the chopstick from him and carefully prodded around inside his cast. Sy fell back on the couch, groaning in relief.
'Little lower...just a little-Ah! Right there, sugar! Fucking hell...'
His words alone made your cheeks glow bright red, let alone the damn sounds he was making...You desperatly searched for a change of topic, when a certain scent hit your nostrils.
'Hey uh...Sy? When did u last shower?' You asked, retreating the chopstick and giving his big toe a poke. Sy propped himself up to look at you, raising his eyebrow at your comment.
“A proper shower? Must have been months.” He replied, chuckling at your grossed out face
'I've washed the important bits, don't you worry, sugar.' He winked
“Judging by this smell, I seriously doubt it.' you replied, trying to ignore yet another one of his flirty comments. Sometimes it felt like he knew what went on in your brain. Every dream, every fantasy. It felt like he saw right through you.
“It ain’t that bad.” He said, just when Aika stuck her nose near his foot, quickly retreating once she smelled his cast.
“See that? Even our dog won’t go near it!”
Normally, Sy would have been quick with a response, but he was busy trying to ignore the way his chest fluttered when you said ‘our dog’.
'You smell ripe, old man. This could be used as a fucking nuclear weapon. One whiff of this and the entire middle east would wave a white flag in a second.' you stated
'Hey, watch your mouth young lady!' Sy shot back with a raised finger.
'I could help you, if you want.' you carefully suggested
'Help me with what?' He grinned, knowing exactly what you were saying.
'Help you wash...'
'My important bits?' he teased
'Oh forget it' you groaned, turning away making Sy laugh
Before you could get too far, Sy got ahold of your wrist and tugged you back, making you sit down next to him.
“If you really wanted to see my dick that bad, you could’a just asked, sugar”
'I'm just worried your dick is growing a second dick"
That actually made him chuckle. The sound made your heart soar a little and you tried to ignore it.
“Well both of my dicks are fine, thank you very much”
He sat up, his face mere centimeters from yours. His fingers danced along your face, brushing some stray hairs out of his way. His voice got real low and quiet when he said,
'Besides, I'm not allowed to get this cast wet.'
Your eyes grew wide, as they gazed into his devilish ones.
He was doing this on purpose. He knew how he made you feel, the effect he had on you, he knew.
It took ever fibre in your body to shake yourself out of it.
“Okay, first of all, I meant when the cast comes off and second of all you’d be wearing underwear you moron” you stated, “and you damn well knew I meant that.”
Sy tried to hide his grin as he looked down and gave Aika a pet on her head.
“Why do you insist on helping me so much?” He asked, rather serious all of a sudden
“Because, well…I don’t know, we’re roommates” you mumbled,
“Doesn’t mean anything” he said dryly
That pissed you off a bit.
“Well, it does to me.” You replied, “Your family lives far away, and I know for a fact you’re far too proud to actually ask anyone else to come and help you.”
Sy didn’t interrupt you, so you continued, getting a little more riled up as you spoke.
“I live here now, wether you like it or not. It might not mean shit to you, but it means something to me. I’m a good roommate and an even better friend. Im not gonna let you rot away. I wanna help you because I’m a decent fucking person and it’s the bare minimum I can do.” You rambled before adding, “Oh and truth be told, Sy, I figured you’d do the same for me if the roles were reversed, but I’m strongly debating that right now.”
You don’t know when exactly you got upset, but suddenly you wanted to be anywhere but here.
“I’m gonna take Aika for her walk now if you-”
“Could you please drive me to the hospital on Monday?” Sy interrupted you
“My cast comes off on Monday, I’d appreciate it if you could drive me.” He stated again
“I uh, yeah sure. I can get a day off from work.”
“Thanks” he muttered, scratching the back of his head
And just like that, Sy had finally apologised to you.
October 23rd:
“My colleagues are throwing a halloween party next week, you should come. Get out the house, socialise, that sorta thing?”
You were driving Sy back from the hospital, where he had finally gotten his cast removed. The doctor said he needed at least 4 weeks of physio-therapy, but he should be fine, which was a huge relief.
“Not really a big fan of parties, sugar.” He replied “plus, I aint got no custume.”
“You have your army clothes, don’t you? I could splatter some ketchup on you if you want.” You joked, making him crack a smile, showing off his fangs in the process.
“Or a vampire…” you mumbled, staring at his pearly whites.
“Uh, n-nothing!” You replied, focussing back on the road, “So what do you say, huh? I think a party would do you good, Captain grumpy.”
“Hmm…what are you going as?” He asked, brow raised as per usual.
“Ill tell you if you let me cut your hair.” You suggested
“Like hell! You ain’t touching my hair, woman!”
“What if you just let me wash it then?”
“You really wanna get me naked, don’t you?” He joked, making you role your eyes
“I meant over the sink but whatever, dumbass”
“Fine, ill let you wash my hair if you tell me what you’re going as.”
“And let me cut it?!”
“Okay fine! And Ill let you cut it! Just tell me already.”
You smirked at your small victory before saying, “I’m going as a nurse”.
Sy’s eyes twinkled at the thought of you in a nurse outfit
“Ill go with you if you wear it while washing my hair” he smirked
“You’re an actual dog, Syverson.”
October 28th:
“Are you sure you know what your doing?” Sy asked unsure
He was propped on one of your high chairs over the sink at the kitchen island. You had a pair of scissors and a bunch of hair products scattered all over the marble top.
“Sure, can’t be that hard, can it?” You smiled, “now just relax”
You checked the temperature of the water on your hand before gentle running the tap over Sy’s dark head of hair. Your free hand softly wove through his locks, nails massing into his scalp.
“Oh fuck…” he muttered under his breath
“Too hot?” You asked
“N-no no, s’perfect sugar. Feels nice.”
His eyes were closed and you could see the tension seep out of his body as you rinsed out his hair.
A proud smile tugged at your lips with every appreciative hum that came from him.
You studied his face carefully as you took your time washing and conditioning his hair. Not a lot was said, but you didn’t mind. The silence allowed you to look at his beautiful face. Every scar, every spot, every hair. He was so gorgeous it almost hurt your eyes. Peace was a good look on him.
When his hair was all rinsed out, you gently towel-dried it, before draping the towel over his shoulders and grabbing the scissors.
Your fingers tangled through his locks as you studies his hair carefully, trying to figure out a starting point.
“Alright so, I’ll just trim up the sides a little and just shorten the general length. Sound good?”
“Whatever you say, Sugar…” Sy hummed, making you grin.
You were enjoying his compliant behaviour until you accidentally closed your first a bit too tight, pulling the root of his hair so hard his head yanked back a little, making Sy groan in what you presumed was pain.
“Oh shit, sorry!” You rushed out, soothing his scalp gently over the sore spot.
Sy let out a yelp that turned into half a groan before it became a couch as he jumped up and faced away from you.
“I-uh…gotta go to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back.” He mumbled before walking off, pulling the towel off his shoulders and holding it against his crotch…
October 31rd:
“I just don’t wanna go alone, Sy, come on! I don’t know a bunch of people there”
You yelled from down the hall. Sy was sitting on the couch in the living room, the same spot he’d been sitting all day.
His leg had been killing him all day. You just knew it.
Ofcourse he would never tell you because first of all, he can’t stand it when you’re right and second of all he didn’t wanna ruin her night. If he told her, she’ll stay home and miss the party, and he didn’t want that.
“You’ve been sitting on the couch all day! It’s gonna do you good to get out of the house” you spoke, standing closer to him now.
He finally looked up from the tv to see you standing in your nurse costume, stethoscope hanging over your shoulders, knee high socks hugging your thighs, heels just the right height…
It’s a shame you’re not a real nurse because Sy’s was definitely experiencing some shortness of breath…
“Nah, sorry Sugar, but you go have fun” he said, trying his best not to sound like he was in excruciating pain “I’m gonna go take a shower”
“A cold one”, he silently added.
“Fine, I’ll see you later then.” You watched as he made his way to the bathroom
It was clear from the way he was walking that he wasn’t doing good.
You heard him turn on the water as your rummaged through your purse, double checking if you had everything you needed.
After doing a final mirror check, you were about to walk out the door but you were stopped by a loud thud and a yell coming from the bathroom.
“Sy?!” You yelled out a little panicked, but you didn’t get any response
Before you could stop yourself you rushed to the bathroom and barged in, seeing Sy laying on the bathroom floor in nothing but his boxers. (A pair that looked a little familiar to you for some reason, but that’s besides the point)
“Sy, what the hell?! Are you okay??” You rushed to his side, quickly checking him for injuries
“Damn leg won’t do what I want it to” he groaned out
“How many painkillers have you taken today?”
“Took my last one this morning…m’all out…” he mumbled
“Sy you should have told me, I could have stopped by the pharmacy!”
“I’m a grown ma-”
“Yeah yeah you’re a grown man, I’ve heard it!” You interrupted “a grown man would have made sure he had enough pain meds!”
“I have some extra’s in the cupboard for emergencies.” You said, “I’m gonna get you some and then I’m gonna run you a bath and you’re gonna let me help you for once.”
“You don’t have to, really…”
“Oh relax, you can keep your boxers on but I’m not letting you shower by yourself when you can barely stand��
“What about your party?” He asked
“What about it?” You replied calmly as you walked out the room to get his meds.
A good 20 minutes later the smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon filled the room along with the calming sounds of the water.
At first he had whined about not needing a bath bomb but you just knew he secretly enjoyed being pampered as much as you loved pampering him.
You were sitting next to the tub, absentmindedly running your loofah over his muscular back when suddenly, amidst the silence, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“What’s so funny, Sugar?” He asked, raising his brow as he stared at you.
“You finally got me to give you a bath in the stupid costume…”
A/N: AAAAAAAAA ITS FINALLY POSTED IM SO SORRY PLS DONT HATE ME IM SORRY IF ITS BAD ALSO JDHHDUZFZSFXFC Im currently on vacation and I swear I wrote like 95 procent of this on my phone at the pool and Im now finally posted this from my moms laptop so HAVE MERCY ON ME PLSSSS xoxo as always comments and reblogs are very highly appreciated!
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sea-salted-wolverine · 4 months
I'm violently obsessed with the salmon plushie, is there absolutely any way we could get even a very rough pattern? Like rough ideas of shapes/sizes/placements? It wouldn't have to be super detailed, or even complete, I'm mostly interested in how you did the head/jaw and fins. I would be willing to pay you for it. You are the BEST auntie ever!!!! 🐟💗
@benevolentbirdgal you asked something similar i just haven't got around to answering
I have had people in real life ask for a pattern of how I did this and unfortunately I don't even know how to read/follow a pattern much less write/arrange/format one. If you scroll back through my blog a bit you can find all the progress pictures, they should all be tagged with both #plushie and #neice creature.
I suppose if you wanted a write up of the process it would go something like this.
Step one, become intimately acquainted with fish. Be born in a place where a large chunk of the state charter is about fishing rights. Go to kindergarten in a place where they not only teach kids about every phase of the life cycle but also raise salmon fry in classroom aquariums. Catch and clean alot of fish, like alot, like get up into the thousands. Become so quick and efficient at cleaning fish that tourists stop to watch you and people ask for lessons and knife sharpening.
Step two, now that you have the anatomy of a salmon ingrained into the fibers of your soul, just, draw one in its entirety on the inside of a pair of jeans that never fit. Make it half size, for baby hands, about the size of a trout. I literally never put a ruler anywhere near this thing, but like, 12-14 inches tip to tail.
Step three, make the pectoral, pelvic, anal, and dorsal fins as well as the caudal fin(tail). Make vague plans about the adipose fin and then give up and ignore it because no one cares about the adipose fin, including the fish themselves. Turn all the fins right-side out and stitch their rays on, giving them a little bit of structure and shape. Get to the tail fin and realize you are not stitching 20 fin rays on there and find a happy medium between accuracy and ease.
Step four. Fuck. Fish are hollow. The whole point of cleaning a fish is to cut it into lots of little pieces, some of which you eat and some of which you discard, which is not something you want of a child's toy. You could. But you don't want whoever is cleaning up after this toddler to run around picking up lil fishy organs. Rethink the way you filet a fish. Cringe at the thought that the most efficient way to make this plush is the least efficient way to filet a fish.
The filets themselves are easy, or at least, they're easy if you've done step one. It's an oblong shape with the belly color stitched directly to the denim, about the width of a hand. The meat is a safety orange tee-shirt that is now a crop top (insert long rant about the correct color of sockeye salmon meat here. It should not be fucking pink. Do not let anyone tell you it should be pink.) Stitch everything inside out and turn the seams in, then stuff them with shredded tee-shirt scraps because batting and stuffing is for people who can plan projects before they do them.
Step five, carcass. The dorsal fin gets seamed between a pair of denim strips to make the back. The adipose fin is a useful reference point for the locations of everything else but I couldn't figure out how to get the seams to work the way I wanted them so I ignored the adipose fin. Rip. The meat color gets seamed to the back and then the belly color to make a funky looking tube shape with fins sticking out. There was some finagling to make the fins sit in the places I wanted them to but everything sits in a seam except the anal fin which was easy enough to shove in a dart.
Step six, fishheads. Uhh, okay, there's how I did it and then there's how I would do it again. What I did was make a head out of a single piece of denim with some darts to make it the shape I wanted. Then I made the gills a sort of half moon shaped pocket with a redish pink color and seamed the pectoral fins in where the red met the orange. The jaw was a stuffed tongue of material attached to the belly and inside of the mouth, which is when realized I forgot to stuff the body. I do like how I stuffed the body because I took 6 layers of tee-shirt material tacked together in the vague shape of a fish and crammed it inside so it laid flat. It held more structural shape without being rigid or puffy. If I could have remembered to do that before I stitched everything close it would have been ideal.
If I was gonna do it over I would have made the head hollow and lined it with the red gill color and made the jaw a continuation of the belly so there would be an opening all the way through. I would also add some gill frills and fill them with rigid plastic to maintain the structure. I would also rearrange the pectoral fins to seam them in right behind the gills rather than below them.
Eyeballs this time around were buttons and finding sew on eyeballs is harder than I thought it would be but thats the obvious upgrade.
Guts were just a simple blob hand-sewn on, but with a bit more planning, I could actually do a digestive tract gas bladder, liver and roe sac. If I was gonna get that in depth I would rearrange the piecing order to have correctly fileted belly, so it would better explain how to harvest roe and belly meat. Plus as long as I was planning things rather than just slapping things together I would do some quick machine embroidery for muscle separations and a midline on the scales, mostly to make it pretty but also as a reference and indication of musculature.
Oh. Step six, the damn Velcro. Every craft store in Alaska is out of Velcro at the moment. Okay, maybe not every single one but all of them in between Fairbanks and Anchorage. And Home Depot. I found the stuff to stick on walls at Lowes which did not work nearly as well as I hoped it would. I had to force the needle through by bracing it against the floor and forcing the plush down on top of it. Forget a thimble, I was considering pliers. I was rushing (and also finishing it at my moms house) by the time I got to this part but I would get more creative and cut it into a shape more reminiscent of a spine next time.
I was gonna vacuum pack it before I wrapped it as a present because it would have been hilarious but I was slapping wrapping paper on while getting squawked at about being late, so we can all mourn the joke that never got the chance to land.
In conclusion, winging it gets you some crazy places and wild results but there are trade offs to careening speed, mostly in missed opportunities. But if you have a lot of pre-existing knowledge like general understanding of how seams work and also how fish work, you can pad out a lot of the inevitable fuck ups. If you are just jumping into raw dog a plushy pattern, I recommend starting out with something you are innately familiar with, rather than something that strikes you as cool.
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aroninshonour · 3 months
I don't think anyone will actually understand just how much I love Ninjago
I love everything about it
The funny moments, the sentimental moments, the straight up sad moments or moments that make me angry
I love it all
I can't truly hate any character from it, everyone has their flaws but at the same time everyone has something to genuinely love about them
I physically cannot hate ANYONE from the show
No matter who it is
I will always find something to love about them
I don't think I can actually hate anyone...never had it in my heart to do that
But everything about it, the show(s), the movie, the fandom, the books, the good and the bad I'm here for it all
I will still stand by it and I will always respect everyone's opinions on their aspects of the show
But Ninjago always held a special place, it's always been there and it always will be
The stupid smiles on their faces, the stupid angst the stupid dumb celebratory moments the ninja get only for it to be ruined moments late, I love it all
The edits people make, the funny, the angsty, the nostalgic, the happy, the silly, the sad, and the angry, it always gets me
Everything about this show reminds me how much it means to me, how much it has *always* meant to me.
Words aren't even enough to describe this feeling, I don't know what it's called but whatever it is I'm so damned glad I've stuck around long enough to feel it
Maybe there's a ton of people out there who feel the exact same as I do and just don't know how to describe it well, and maybe there isn't
After all...it's just a silly kids show, right? A stupid, fun, silly kids show that I will never stop watching, that I will always love no matter what happens
I will forever be greatful that my 8 year old self found this damned lego show back in 2016 and watched it from beginning to end and loved every single aspect of it, every single moment of every minute of that show
I love Ninjago so much it makes me feel sick(In a way) but I don't even care because it is that special to me
Thank you Ninjago for just existing and feeding my fixations for all these years, and continuing to do so<33
Thank you Ninjago fandom for making all the silly shit you do and for the love of the fsm don't ever stop, y'all mean so much and you make everything so interesting with your silly creative minds<33
I hope someone can kind of connect with me on this but ykw if I'm on my own in this aspect of certain things that's okay too
And thank you to those who have put up with my excited fixation on this silly little show, and maybe even joined in on my excitement, hope you enjoyed it if you have!
Ninjago, I love you, and always will, thank you for literally just existing<33
Anyways sentimental rant over gonna go write or draw haven't decided yet<33
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lenacosse · 6 months
hi! could you maybe write a oneshot that’s amy santiago x fem reader, fluffy/romantic/friends to lovers? i just got into this show and i really wanna read a good and short fic about her but i can’t find many.
Ordinary things
pairing: amy santiago x fem reader
cw: none
word count: 1,560
‘there's never gonna be an ordinary thing
no ordinary things with you
it's funny, but it's true
there's never gonna be an ordinary thing
as long as I'm with you’
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You set down your pen after finalising your last report of the night, eagerly you start to gather your stuff up at your desk to head home. You all had been moved to the night shift after rescuing Holt and Jake from Florida. It was causing a real strain on everyone’s mood, everyone was miserable and lacking all sources of happiness, you had undoubtedly learned your lesson. Once your bag was packed you stand up stretching your legs and scanning the floor. You eyes dart over to Amy’s desk to find her hunched over paperwork. You make your way over to her and place a gentle hand on her back.
“Hey, Ames. Shift is over.”
“I know,” she sighs. “Just got so much to do I can barely register anything.” She looks up at you with dark, tired eyes.
“How about you leave it for tomorrow? Come on I’ll take you home.”
“I don’t know… if I leave it I’ll have double the work tomorrow night,”
“I’ll help,”
“No, I can’t ask you to do that,” Amy insists, turning her focus back to the paperwork.
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Now come on let’s go. Everyone else is gone, you need to rest.”
Amy takes a minute, looking between you and her paperwork as if deciding which is more important. Eventually she drops her pen and makes a move to start clearing up her desk. The two of you make your way out of the precinct and down to the carpark. You sit in a comfortable silence as you drive, it was always simple when you were with Amy. You didn’t have to force conversation or fabricate reality, she understood you perfectly and you appreciated that more than words could describe. There was something about her that made you feel warm, protected and appreciated. Maybe it was the way she looked at you, maybe it was the way she listened to you rant, maybe it was the way her intelligence inspired you. But it was something, a connection maybe, you’ve never believed in soulmates, but when you met Amy that changed. She was your soulmate, no matter your circumstance with her. There was nothing she could do to make you feel indifferent.
“Can we stop to get coffee?” Amy asked, drawing your attention back to the present.
“Yes, God knows we need it.” You smile.
You pull into the nearest coffee shop, Amy runs in to get it and you wait in the spot. From the window you can see her, even exhausted and overworked she radiates kindness. Even watching her interact with the barista has you smiling, you’ve always tried to push down your feelings, marking it as a childish crush. Besides even if you did tell her how you felt it would be pointless, Amy was strictly into men. You were almost certain there was something brewing between her and Jake, maybe that was far fetched but everyone else seemed to think so, as did you even if that made you want to curl into a pit blackness.
“You keep drifting off, everything okay?” Amy said as she got into the car handing you your coffee.
“Oh, yeah no I’m fine. Just tired.”
Amy just smiles, taking a sip from her coffee as you continue your drive.
“Hey, thanks for this, I need to talk to someone other than a criminal.” Amy laughed softly.
“Honestly same, everyone is so clearly done with this. I hope we’re put back onto days soon, I haven’t seen daylight in weeks.”
“Me too. But really thank you, I really appreciate you.”
“Of course, what are friends for?” You smiled, she gave you a short nod, turning her attention out the window.
She sighs then turns back to you, “I want to ask you something, but you have to hear me out. I may be way off, but I can’t keep this in anymore.”
“Okay, is everything alright?”
“Yeah fine.” She bites her lip then looks at you, “I like you I’ve liked you for a long time now, but I’ve been too scared to tell you. I don’t want to lose our friendship and you mean so much to me and I really really want to try this- oh my god I mean do you even like girls? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything-”
“Amy.” You cut her off, just as you pull up to her apartment complex. You take her hand. “Breathe.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“No. I’m glad you did,” you run your thumb gently over her hand, “I feel the same, I really really like you.” You smile at her, your eyes bearing into hers. “But I thought you had something with Jake..”
Amy furrows her eyebrows, shooting you a baffled expression. “Jake?!”
“Well- actually I can’t justify it.”
“You’re really bad at reading signals, huh?”
“Shut up,” you laugh, your cheeks flushing ever so slightly.
“How about on Saturday, when we’re off you come around? I can make dinner?” Amy suggests.
“Yeah, I’d really like that.” You smile, a little too obnoxiously.
“Okay, cool cool cool. See you there.”
You both share an awkward hug which leads to you both furiously blushing like teenagers, you watched Amy get out of the car and of course laughed at her embarrassed wave goodbye. The whole way home you were smiling like an idiot, the events replaying in your mind.
You ran your hand through your hair again before knocking on Amy’s door, you stand with your hand at your side, the other holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Amy answers the door, looking rather distressed. She doesn’t wait around and rushes back into the kitchen. You follow her, extremely concerned.
“Ames? Is everything okay?” You set the flowers down and look around the kitchen, there were pots everywhere things clearly went wrong.
“No. I ruined dinner, God I’m so sorry. I wanted this to be perfect and now it’s unsolvable.” She sighs, eyes prickling with tears.
“It can’t be that bad? Maybe we can salvage what’s not ruined?” You say, trying to seem optimistic.
“Oh it’s definitely not salvageable.” Amy picks up a wooden spoon inside a pot, except out can the spoon and a block of what you assumed to previously have been sauce.
“…oh, well that’s only sauce?”
Amy opens the oven which fills the entire room with black smoke, you immediately open the window and she gets a towel to blow the smoke away. You bite your lip to stifle your laugh but making eye contact with Amy makes the both of you burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry, this is truly not how I excepted things to pan out.” Amy sighs, before you could reply she was crying.
Immediately you rushed to her side and pulled her into a tight hug, gently you run a hand up and down her back to sooth her. You felt sorry for her, it was clear she put a lot of effort into this just for it to not work out.
“This doesn’t have to mean our entire night is ruined. Why don’t you go get ready, I’ll clean up in here. Take your time we’re in no rush.”
Amy pulled back to look at you, you wiped the tears from her eyes and she softly smiled. “Are you sure? We don’t have to, we can reschedule or something.”
“No come on, I’m already here.”
“Okay, but really you don’t have to clean up. I’ll do that, it’s not your mess.”
“Ames. I don’t care about cleaning the mess. Just get ready, I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.”
Amy went to get ready and you cleaned the kitchen, as you were putting away the final dish she walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a sheer blue and black flowered blouse with a pencil skirt. You knew you were staring but you couldn’t help it, she looked so beautiful, so effortlessly radiant.
“Ames,” you exhaled. “You look gorgeous.”
She blushed as she walked over to you and wrapped her arms around your neck, your hands naturally rested at her waist. Your foreheads pressed together until she moved her lips onto yours, you pulled her closer and the kiss intensified. When you pulled away you both were blushing.
“Wait, I got lipstick on you.” Amy giggle and wiped her lipstick from your upper lip.
You swear you could have melted under her touch right there, but you knew you needed to collect yourself. You cleared your throat and Amy laughed. The two of you headed to the restaurant and got seated in a booth.
“Again I’m sorry, I had planned for a really nice meal and something more fun than a boring very ordinary restaurant.”
“No, it’s fine. This is still nice, besides it doesn’t matter what we do, we’re together that’s plenty fun.”
“Look at you being all sappy and motivational. I didn’t take you for the type.” Amy teased.
“I’m not usually, guess you bring it out in me.” You winked.
Amy just playfully rolled her eyes in response. The whole date may have started chaotically and completely gone to shit, but in the end you had a better time than you’d ever have dreamed of. Being with Amy truly was a thrill, the addition of knowing she liked you only emphasised that.
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Summary: Regulus wants nothing more than to be with you forever, but you know some things are just more important.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: Angst with sad ending, established relationship, Character death, regulus is lovesick.
A/N: I love writing about regulus, he's my first ever harry potter love. and he deserved sm better (I was also listening to "two birds on a wire" while writing this, kinda made me cry)
Ever since third year, Regulus black knew he was hopelessly in love with you, ever since the day in the library…he knew by the way his heart and face burned in your presence. how his hands shook when you passed him a book, by the way your eyes imprinted into his gray ones. it was only two years into the relationship when he proposed, and obviously. you said yes.
and now, fresh in school holidays. last year at Hogwarts, you stayed at one of his parents villas’
“Regulus?” your voice was similar to angel, and Regulus is sure that if you told him you were from the heavens, he’d believe you. “Yes, my love?” his hand grazing yours under the table of the kitchen. he took you in. clothes that fit you perfectly, hair in a ponytail, glasses hung down the bridge of your nose. “Oh nothing…you just seemed, deep in thought?” you smiled, continuing to read the book you’d been ranting about. while he just watched you.
“i suppose that would be correct”
its true…Regulus Black, Loves you, and there is only one thing stopping him from running away with you forever. the cursed tattoo that he tried deeply to scrub away. not that he would ever tell you that, you knew about it of course. in fact, you decided to make ‘light’ of the ‘dark’ mark. so to speak.
you embraced it, you adored him anyway. which was all he could ask for.
But what he hadn’t been telling you, was that he planned to steal and destroy Voldemort’s, Horcrux. meaning there is a chance he would not come back to you, his biggest fear.
and when the night had finally arrived, he started to doubt everything. as he stared at you in bed, tears started to well. Regulus Black, would be leaving you all alone. in the world without him…
“Reg? come back to bed…” you whispers through sleep, arm reaching out for him. and when he did not take it, you opened your eyes. “Baby?” glancing at his outfit, he seemed he’d be going somewhere. “where are you going, reg?”
“To see my brother, ill be back soon” it was shameful lying to you, the biggest sin ever. “Okay, well…tell him I said “hi”, I love you. be safe please” then going back to sleep, as quick as possible.
"I love you...so much"
how did you trust him? maybe he’d still be here if you said something different
maybe if you just asked him to stay, he would’ve. knowing Regulus…he actually might have if you asked.
but he didn’t come back, ever. part of you had to know he was acting strangely lately, you just wanted nothing more than to grow old with him...stomach clenching at the thought, the only thing to remember him by, were a few photos and drawings of him.
Maybe if you had said something, acted differently? Regulus would be in your arms, kissing you and telling you “everything will be alright”
however, everything isn’t alright.
and it wouldn’t be for awhile…but thats ‘okay’
“It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.”- Miguel De Unamuno.
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explorevenus · 1 year
Feeling absolutely devastated because of uni and grades all I’d want is the Leon that you write shower me in love and reassuring words :((((
awww honey :(
i’m so sorry you’re having a hard time. it means a lot to me that something i’ve written has brought you comfort during a tough time.
here’s a blurb to hopefully cheer u up ;~; it’s not specific to either canon!leon or yandere!leon, it can be read as either 💗
(writing this on mobile so i’m sorry if the formatting is shit)
leon had been away on assignment for a few days— the timing couldn’t have possibly been more inopportune. not only was he already apprehensive about leaving you to your own devices for any length of time due to pure paranoia, but you were currently being crushed under the weight of finals season.
you were barely sleeping, barely eating, barely blinking. you weren’t as gracious with yourself as he wished you’d be— you hardly allowed yourself any breaks despite how obvious it was that you’d needed one. on one hand, he understands. leon has always been one to absorb himself in his work that way. but you? he could hardly stomach watching you fold in on yourself more and more as the weeks dragged on.
still, duty calls, so away he went.
leon returned home on the cusp of 4 am and was pained to see the dull light of your laptop screen shining through the bedroom window. he didn’t even bother taking his bags out of the car as he headed inside and up the stairs to check on you.
you were practically right where he’d left you days ago, hunched over your laptop at your desk, hair thrown carelessly into a claw clip hanging loose at the nape of your neck, bundled up in one of his old hoodies that swallowed your body whole. you had your forehead rested on the desk before you— he almost thought you were sleeping until he heard a soft hiccup followed by a sniffle.
you were crying.
“oh, sweetheart…” he gasped, approaching you gently so as not to spook you. leon wasn’t even sure if you’d noticed him yet. “what’s the matter? why are you still awake?” he asked, resting a hand on your shoulder, feeling your body quiver beneath his touch as you sobbed.
you peeked your head up to look at him, bleary eyes shot red and overflowing with fat tears. your bottom lip wobbled as you drank in the sight of him, clearly trying to find the words to describe your situation, but once you did, it was like you’d unleashed a rushing waterfall of word vomit that you’d clearly been stewing on since he’d left.
“i put everything i had into this essay, i’ve barely slept, i studied the material until it was printed on the backs of my eyelids and my professor won’t accept it because i turned it in one minute after midnight,” you rambled, pausing to inhale a breath before you continued, “it’s ridiculous and unfair and now i’m gonna have to retake the entire course over one stupid essay, one fucking minute. and now my gpa is probably fucked too and i don’t know what to do because i tried talking to him and he won’t hear it, he won’t give me an extension, and i’m still not even done because i have another final due at 6 pm tomorrow—“
leon listened carefully, occasionally wiping away your tears as he tried to follow your rant. you were firing off so quick he wasn’t sure you were breathing.
“okay, hey, hey… shh… come here,” he interrupted you, opening his arms to draw you out of your chair and into his embrace. you clearly hesitated but ultimately gave in, in sore need of comfort. you couldn’t stop crying, soaking his shirt with tears as you curled into his arms and bawled. he rubbed your back, pressing soft kisses against the crown of your head.
“i-i don’t have time to take a break,” you wept, though you were still clutching him like you’d die if you let go. “i need to finish this paper…”
leon shook his head, tightening his arms around you. “no, sweetheart, you need to take a breather, okay? there’s no way you’re getting that paper done until you relax. everything’s going to be fine, i promise. i’ll make sure of it.”
he rocked you back and forth in his arms as you cried, wishing he had the power to just award you your degree himself. you had been so excited when you first began higher education and it pained him to see how much of a toll it had taken on you over the months.
after a while your hiccups and sobs had subsided and he was prepared to help you back to your desk… that is until he realized you were finally sleeping. he didn’t have the heart to wake you, and it was evident you needed a nap anyway.
instead he helped you over to the bed, tucking you under the plush covers with a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“you’re gonna be just fine, pretty girl,” he whispered, although he was doubtful you were conscious enough to hear him. “just get some rest.”
leon made sure to set an alarm for you that would hopefully give you enough time to rest and finish your paper before it was due.
exhausted from his assignment, leon snuggled in next to you and pulled you into his arms, drifting off alongside you in minutes.
your education could wait— your well-being could not.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Hey There Jealousy ~ E.M
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Anonymous asked:
Hello there I am new to your blog and saw that someone sent a request for Eddie being jealous one shot can you do something like that ?
Eddie mumbles underneath his breathe as he peeks through his locker door at the sight of you talking to Patrick. His ears pick up to the sound of your giggle at something that Patrick had said. He took out his notebook and slammed his locker room door shut.
His shoulder slugged as he stared at the ground walking to class but not before he looks back at you with a sorrow look on his face.
He was never going to be the guy that you had eyes for.
" One date Y/N, come on" Patrick had asked you yet again with pleading eyes as he stopped you from making your way to class. Once a week Patrick has been asking you out and every time you told him you had not interest in him. It was true, he wasn't your type. Your type was more of your best friend with long mane of hair, brown eyes, who played guitar, drove a van and had a smile that made your heart flutter.
" No Patrick, sorry" you giggled at how desperate he sound. He threw his hands up as he sighed. " What do you have to lose Y/N? I'm a good guy"
" You're guy not my type, after all you toss balls into laundry baskets" you snickered remembering that time Eddie got on top of the table in the lunch room saying the exact words.
" You're loss L/N" Patrick bumps his shoulder at you making you stumble. You shook your head as you headed off to class.
" he had the audacity to ask me out there thinking I would say yes this week to him. He's unbelievable. It's like he doesn't know how to say no" you ranted to Eddie who sat next to you, slumped in his chair as he glared down at the open notebook he had been drawing in.
When you plopped down at your seat, next to him and began to tell him how Patrick was yet asking you out again, he couldn't help it but picture your giggling face in his mind standing with Patrick. His nose twitched in anger as his other hand gripped on his notebook.
He slammed it shut causing you to pause in your rant as your eyes turned to him. Eyes filled with concern at his action.
" Eds? Are you okay?" you asked reaching over to put your hand on his arm but he shrugged your touch off as he stood up. He grabbed his notebook off the table as he hurried off from class, passing the teacher who stopped to shout his name.
Your eyebrows frowned and wondered why Eddie was acting like this. You sighed hearing the teacher begin the lesson. You would find him later.
Things haven't changed as Eddie kept giving you the cold shoulder. His nose kept twitching as he heard your giggle again, this time it was Gareth who kept complimenting you on how the project you had worked with him, was the best thing he has ever heard. He complimented on how neat your hand writing was.
The green monster in Eddie was growing as he munched on his pretzel he had, eyes glaring at the table. You frowned hoping he would look at you just once but he doesn't. Your heart clenches.
" Eds" you call out to him. He hears you but refuse to meet your eyes knowing if he did, he would say something he would regret.
" Your hair is really pretty today" Jeff says. Eddie clutches the bag of pretzels as it makes a crinkling sound. You had worn your hair down but had put extra shine in it since last night was wash day. It was soft too as the unknown freak commented on it.
Eddie slammed the bag of pretzels on the table catching attention of the rest of the Hellfire table as he stood up. Some of the pretzels from the back had gotten out as they laid on the table. Both his hands were placed flat on the table as his brown eyes, no longer shade of brown glared from Gareth to Jeff to the unknown freak before he grabbed his lunchbox and stormed off.
" What's gotten into him?" Jeff asked watching Eddie leave. You sighed as you look down at your lap.
" Do you know what's going on Y/N?" you shook your head when you look up at Dustin as his eyebrow knitted together. Eddie wouldn't talk to you for the rest of the day. You had saw him in the hallway calling his name, but he ran the other way.
" He's been ignoring me all day. Every time I try to talk to him, he runs the other way. Honestly it's really hurtful" you sighed with your arm on top of the counter in front of Steve and Robin, they were listening about how Eddie was being a jerk to you.
" I don't know what I did wrong to deserve this" Steve knitted his eyebrows together as he shared a look with Robin.
" What happened today? Did he act a certain way?" Robin asks. She thinks she knows what's going on but needs to make sure.
" Well nothing really, Patrick asked me out again and I told Eddie how ridiculous he was being. It looked like Eddie was listening and then he stormed off before the class started. At lunch, Gareth gave me a few compliments, Jeff did too and the unknown freak too and Eddie stood up to look at them before he left. He didn't bother to say anything else"
Steve smirks as he puts two and two together.
" Oh Y/N , you poor blind girl" she shakes her head. Your eyebrow scrunch in confusion on what she was on about.
" How can you not see it Y/N?" Steve asks, " Even I can see the clear picture here."
"What are you guys talking about?" The two shared a look as they mentally face palmed each other before turning to you.
" He likes you Y/N, he is jealous that the other guys are giving you attention while he hasn't gotten to give you any all day"
Your eyes grow wide. Eddie likes you? There was no way.
" Eddie doesn't like me, you guys are pranking me" Robin shakes her head.
" He does like you Y/N. I can see, Steve can see it"
" You like him too, don't you?" Steve asks. He knows you do because every time you look at Eddie, your eyes are in heart shape eyes and you have the biggest smile on your face. He sees how close you like to be with him, always sitting next to him or trying to grab his attention. He sees your flushed cheeks when Eddie calls you " sweetheart."
" How do-" you didn't need to finish the question as both Steve and Robin walked behind the counter and took both of your arms in each of their hands. They pushed to the exit of Family Video.
" Go" Robin says.
" You'll thank us later" Steve says.
" Okay that was rude" Steve stuck his tongue out at you and pointed to your car, " Get your butt in there and drive over to Munson."
You sent him a smile as you raced to your car, throwing the door open with your heart in your throat.
Your fist raised to bang on Eddie's trailer when the door opened and he stood there with his keys in his hands. He looks like he was ready to head out.
His eyes went wide seeing you there.
" How long have you been standing there?" He asks as he steps outside. He takes a cigarette out of his pack, sticking it in between his lips as he pats his jacket down looking for a lighter.
He takes one out and you take notice of the orang lighter you have gifted to him with a guitar on it and his initials on it. It brought a smile on your face.
" You still have it" Eddie scrunch his eyebrows but follows your line of vision at the lighter in his hands. He nods.
" It was gifted to me by my best friend"
" She must be really great"
He chuckles, " Something like that" he puts the lighter away after lighting up his cigarette.
" What made you come over?" He asks remembering you stood by his door before he opened it to step outside. Oh.
Your heart was racing as you thought about what Robin and Steve had told you. You looked into his brown eyes as they stared back at you.
" Well I.." you swallowed the lump in your throat that was begging to get out and you began to get interested in the ground rather than him. Eddie kept the cigarette at the corner of his mouth as he waited patiently what you needed to say.
" You hurt me today by ignoring me and rushing off before I got a chance to talk to you" Eddie sighed as he looked to the ground, at his Reeboks.
" Listen sweetheart-" you cut him off.
" I wasn't done, Munson" his lips grew in a thin line hearing you call him by his last name rather than Eds or Eddie. He nodded.
" I didn't understand at first why you were in such a mood and then it was like two and two got piece together. I might of needed a little help from Harrington and Buckley" you giggled, shrugging. He chuckled too.
" But I understand now" you nodded searching his eyes for an answer. His brown doe eyes had warmth in them, there was something too there but he was hiding it.
You took a step towards him.
" Why didn't you tell me Eds? Why didn't you tell me how you felt?"
Eddie's eyes got wide and the cigarette in his mouth dropped on the ground. He blinked before stomping on it as he froze hearing what you just asked him.
His mouth felt dry as his hands shook at his side, he looked away to hide the sadness in his eyes.
" I never did because why would you want to be with someone like me? I'm the freak, a loser, and I'm not good enough for you sweetheart. I'm not someone like you should be with" he turns to look at you.
His eyes are glossed over with tears.
" Eds" you call out him, grabbing onto both his hands feeling how sweaty they are. His heart was racing as you took another step, he can feel your breath fanning over his face.
" You are more than enough for me, your not a freak. I don't like it when you call yourself that. You're more than what you think of yourself. You're sweet, you're kind, you're caring, you're funny and one of the best people I know. Hellfire club looks up to you, one day you're going to be a rockstar, Eds. I feel it. But all I wanted was you, Eddie. All I need is you Eddie Munson."
His hands come up to cup your face with both his hands, " I don't need compliments from anyone but you, Eddie. Can't you see? You're all I ever see, all I ever want and need. Eddie Munson, you're everything to me."
His heart swells up with happiness as he pulls you into him, his lips crashing with yours. Your hands rest on his chest as his lips move against yours in a dance.
The kiss is filled withe passion.
You pull away from staring into his brown doe eyes, " I wanna be yours Eds."
" You were mine from the moment I laid eyes on you"
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spro-o · 6 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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red-pill-blue-pill · 2 years
Never have I ever (drabble)
Pairing: Javier Peña x gn!reader
Summary: just a tiny cutesy drabble. My fav trope: friends to lovers.
Warnings: fluffy fluff.
Word count: 1500
A/N: I'm rusty af and I had no inspiration whatsoever but I've been wanting to write Javi for some time so here you are. Proofread but you know how that goes. Hope you like it!
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“C’mon just tell me!” he threw at you the cushion he had carefully tucked under his head at the beginning of the night. It hit you square in the face and you huffed.
“I don’t want to, it’s embarrassing!” you said throwing the cushion back at him. He caught it midair and smiled triumphantly at you. 
You were laying on his couch opposite of each other. His arm rested over your legs as he held his half empty glass of whiskey. You had been playing never have I ever for the last half hour and since you basically knew everything about each other the questions were getting weirder by the second. 
Never have I ever puked while getting laid.
“That’s the whole point of this game, silly! C’mon I promise I won’t laugh.” He patted your leg encouragingly as he shamelessly lied. You knew Javi and there was no way in hell he would miss the opportunity to have a good laugh at your expense. 
You sighed while placing the glass on the coffee table and propped yourself back on your elbows. “Okay, this was a long time ago...” he smiled reassuringly, urging you to continue. “I was getting down to business with my date after prom. As you can imagine I was absolutely wasted, it was prom after all. Anyway, I was about to go down on him so I pulled his pants down and… oh God…” blush started to creep up your face.
“I don’t really know when was the last time he had showered, cause I’m telling you, that wasn’t normal.” his eyes widened and he covered his mouth trying to stifle a laugh. You narrowed your eyes at him “it reeked! and I just… I couldn’t stop myself and I puked all over him.” you managed to pull a small smile trying to hide your embarrassment. It was stupid, really. Javier knew everything about you, he had to endure your hour long rants after shitty hookups so it wasn’t like you shied away from talking about sex. This time, however, it felt completely different.
He stared at you in shock. “You puked all over him?”
Your smile widened out of pure nervousness and you nodded “I puked all over him.”
He couldn’t help the cackle that bursted through his mouth. He grabbed his sides while letting a laughing fit take control of his body. 
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” you said grabbing at his legs and tickling him, unable to stop the smile spreading on your own face. “¡Malo!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” he said wiping the few tears that had fell down his face. “Dios mío, it's the most embarrassing story I’ve ever heard. What did you do after?”
“He screamed at me and I got the hell out of there.” you shrugged. “I guess I was a bit of an asshole.”
“He was the asshole! should’ve showered before prom.” he laughed reassuringly at you. “His loss really.”
You chuckled in agreement and stared silently at him while he reached for the whiskey bottle to refill your glass. The domesticity of it all filled your heart. You really loved him. It was difficult not to fall for Javier and, despite being almost sure he didn’t see you as anything more than his best friend, it was impossible for you to stay away from him. For you, in a sense, he was home. You cherished the fact that he had let you in, let you witness the warmth he carried inside, shown you that he was capable of softness after all. It was a privilege only you and Steve had and there was no way in hell you were giving that up.
"Penny for your thoughts." He said sipping on his whiskey, clearly noticing the fact that you were blatantly staring at him. His hand came to rest on your ankle, drawing small circles with his thumb. Fuck Javi and his constant need of physical contact.
Your eyes snapped to his, so deep and dark you felt shy all of a sudden under his questioning stare and for a split second you feared he was able to read your mind. You reached for your glass and took a big gulp, hoping alcohol would inspire a better answer other than “nothing”.
"Oh, I was- I mean…” blush returned to your cheeks and he smiled softly at you. That damn dimple. You sighed before blurting. “I was just thinking about you.” Your voice came out small, shy, and you hoped he hadn’t heard you.
But he did, of course he did, and he hummed as he started running his hand up and down your calf. “and what about me, cariño.” His smile seemed cheeky but you could see the fondness in it. The pressure on your chest was getting unbearable, his deep stare combined with his touch was setting your skin on fire and you could hear you heartbeat thrumming in your ears. You shouldn’t have said anything.
Your fight or flight instincts kicked in. 
Flight, definitely flight. 
You stood up, letting his hand fall onto the couch, and downed the rest of the glass. “About how stinky you are.” you scrunched your nose. “It’s gettin’ late so I think I’m gonna get going.” 
You tried to ignore his confused stare as he sat up and watched you place your glass on the sink. “Are you okay? Weren’t you staying the night?” he made his way to the kitchen and stopped at the door frame, stepping aside to let you exit. 
“Yeah Javi, don’t worry. It’s just– I don’t feel well” you said as you walked past him, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Well done, not suspicious at all.
“Listen, if this is about the story, I’m sorry for pressuring you to tell me. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” His hands were now on his hips as he watched you put your shoes on, clearly not convinced by your excuses. 
“I’m feeling a bit funny, that’s all” you smiled weakly at him “I’ll make myself some tea when I get home, see if it calms my tummy.” Why did he have to be so fucking insistent. 
He reached to grab your arm softly, giving you the possibility to let go if you wanted, but you didn’t. “You and I both know lying is not one of your strengths.” he chuckled but his eyes remained serious. “What’s going on, cielo. You can tell me.”
Fuck him and his stupid pet names.
There was no way you could lie your way out of this one. The prospect of fucking this friendship up and not having Javier in your life was completely paralyzing. It was something you couldn’t afford to lose. Not now, not ever. Still, you couldn't keep running away from reality. This was something that was meant to happen sooner or later. 
In a surge of courage you looked up at him and met his eyes, your face still tinted with a reddish hue. The tenderness that swirled in his gaze knocked the air out your lungs. His hand travelled upwards until he cupped the side of your face, gently gracing your cheekbone with his thumb. He knew, he fucking knew. His stupid grin, the expectation in his eyes. Maybe he really could read your mind, or maybe it turns out you weren't as subtle as you thought and it had been written on your face all along. He inched closer and whispered “I just want to hear you say it.” 
You hesitated, the thought of him messing with you crossed your mind for a second but you quickly pushed it away. 
“I– I think I’m in love with you.” you gulped as his eyes studied your face with adoration. 
“You think?” he smiled cheekily. His breath ghosted over your face. “C’mon cariño, I’m gonna need more than that.” 
You huffed and shook your head in disbelief. Anxiety had died down by now, the only remnants were the butterflies that swirled violently in your stomach. “You’re a pain in the ass, Javier, you know that?” a big smile spread on your face. 
He laughed and whispered “I know, you tell me often.” his brow furrowed “Quite often actually…”
“Shut up."  you placed your hands on his chest and felt his heartbeat thumping wildly against your palms. "I’m in love with you.”
He looked up and mumbled “gracias a Dios” before pressing his lips to yours. It was soft, almost shy, so unlike Javier’s general confident demeanor. Before he could pull away you grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips against his again, hoping he would stop holding back. The kiss was sloppy this time. He lapped hungrily at your mouth, swallowing your whimpers as you clung to his shoulders. His teeth bit and sucked briefly on your bottom lip before pulling away. 
"Fucking finally" he said as he leaned his forehead against yours trying to catch his breath. "I love you too. I've been loving you for a long time now I just didn't want to ruin whatever we had going on."
Your heart swelled at his words, a small chuckle escaping your mouth. "Well, thank god you got me to confess then.” 
He smiled and slid his hands down your body, resting them on the curve of your ass and giving it a playful squeeze. "So... does this mean you’ll stay the night?" 
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bkgrl · 3 months
Okay so since she has been in low spirits after everything that happened I decided to make one of those note posts that I have been seeing going around Tumblr 🩷 ( in short if the number of notes is reached she'll have to do the task assigned to it; I wanted to do this so that she knows she's not alone in this and to help her to go back to a seemingly normal state )
PS: sorry I know I rant too much (T-T)
5 notes and she'll drink more water.
10 notes and she'll try going out more and walking around the hospitals garden.
15 notes and she'll pick up this blog again and start posting more.
20 notes and when she's out I'll take her out to her favorite library and I'll buy her what she wants. ( I'll do this even if we don't reach the number of notes muahahaha, no one will stop me from spoiling my baby sis 😈 )
25 notes and she'll start drawing again.
30 notes and I'll help her to finish those drafts and whips, and finally start writing her book.
35 notes and she'll go back to therapy.
40 notes and I'll try to make her talk with her therapist about her fear of failing and her anxiety problem.
50 notes and I'll talk to her and try to make her realize that redoing one year in uni isn't the end of the world and that on the contrary, she's a goddamn warrior for kipping a social life and her hobbies while acing her test and studies.
55 notes and she'll get back into hiking and photography.
100 notes and she'll tell our parents about what happened and try to call them and me more often.
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Lokius Headcanons pt 3
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Loki keeps a journal. It’s small, small enough to fit in a jacket breast pocket, with a black leather cover. No one but Mobius knows about it, and even then, he doesn’t know about all that’s inside (and is completely okay with that.) He’ll rant about his feelings, draw things he finds beautiful (you’ll find sketches of Mobius on many pages), and he even writes poetry. He began writing in it back during the TVA days, right after the time slipping had stopped. He’d realized, given everything that was going on, that he had no real reason to fear the other agents. Back when he first arrived, he always kept his eyes out, not putting a single person past the motive of looking for any possible way to hurt him, or mock him, or invade his privacy. Nowadays, he figured if anyone found out about it, it would be the least of their worries. Thor once told him he seemed to thrive in chaos. Maybe this is what he meant.
Mobius is a shark lover. What started out as a love of jet skis became a love for the ocean and all of its creatures. One Valentine’s Day, Loki surprised him with a soft little shark plushie. He didn’t know if he’d ever seen Mobius so giddy. (Granted, Mobius had gotten him an old, leather bound book that contained every single one of Shakespeare’s works, so the excitement was mutual.)
If there’s anything the gods could not waterboard out of Loki, it’s the knowledge that, after being offered one by Mobius, he very much enjoys the taste of peanut butter cups. Again, he will die with this information.
Mobius watches the Discovery channel. Loki enjoys episodes of “The Golden Girls” when he’s able to catch them. Neither of them understand streaming.
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hearts401 · 1 year
"do NOT ask me about ggy or patient 46 because i WILL begin ranting"
You see, I am incapable of ever listening to anyone, ever, so I must ask about GGY and patient 46
I have absolutely no knowledge of modern FNaF lore; I have not read any of the books (something I plan to fix whenever my bank account stops bleeding) so you're gonna have to do some heavy lifting here and tell me all about it
Ooh boy rubs my hands together
okay so im gonna start with ggy because i love Tony and Ellis. (i dont have the book in front of me tho so this isnt gonna be 100% every detail)
GGY is about a kid named Tony Becker who has an assignment in his 6th grade english class. He has to write a fictional mystery with side plots that tie into the main plot. He chooses to do this with his two friends. They use pen names whenever they do their english projects together (sobs and wails and cries into my hands) and Tony picked Tarbell, and his friends were Boots and Dr. Rabbit (or Rab for short).
Tony wants to start working on their project, but Boots and Rab want to go to the fazcade. Tony gives in when rab backs up boots (tony sees boots as immature and worries about outgrowing him and hanging out more with rab) tony wanders around the fazcade trying to find inspo, and then notices someone named GGY with top scores on some of the games. when he asks other people about it, they tell him the scores are seemingly impossible, but when he asks a staff member, he's told they haven't been hacked.
At some point he makes an online blog to ask about it and a girl he'd talked to in the fazcade asks him to meet her. she tells him that she thinks this is more than just high scores, and that he should stay out of it.
Oh also freddy keeps watching tony and at some point begins following him.
Tony finds out that GGY has a hacked party pass (or it was like a fun pass or smth) that gives them access to much more than it should, working almost like a security card.
Tony then finds out one of the school counselors has gone missing, and he sneaks into the librarian's office to learn more about it. he finds out two other counselors have also gone missing, all of them having gone to the pizzaplex before disappearing.
tony writes his paper and gives it to Rab and Boots to look over, and when they come back the next day, they've changed it into a fantasy story. And GGY is labled as the wizard's favorite apprentice, rather than someone getting high scores on arcade games.
tony is upset with rab and boots and begins calling htem by their actual names.
Rab is Greg, Boots is Ellis.
tony is also in trouble for sneaking into the librarian's office and using her laptop, so he has detention shelving books.
Greg come and offers to take him to the pizzaplex when he's done, and it's kind of implied he killed him there.
again i have bad memory and i dont have the book in front of my so anyone can feel free to correct anythign i got wrong or missed
now onto patient 46 who's from the therapy tapes in sb.
this'll be undeniably easier because i can just listen to the tapes. patient 46 is also not confirmed to be gregory, its just a theory, so im just gonna call them 46.
its important to note that 46 does not speak.
everything here is things implied to have been nonverbally communicated to the therapist.
Tape 2:
It starts with the therapist talking about how the day is nice, but 46 doesnt like the light, so the therapist draws the blinds. she then comments on how 46 is not talking to her today, and says that she gets reviews from patients, and when 46 doesn't let her help them, she gets bad reviews. she tells 46 she could get in trouble and get put in timeout, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 4:
New therapist is here, she asks if 46 is going to talk to her, and they dont reply. she asks whats wrong, and they gesture to the flowers. the therapist comments on them being particularly fragrant and moves them. The therapist then comments on 46 staring at something, and says they're "amazingly alert." she says shed like to have 46 tell her about themself, but 46 does not. the therapist instead chooses to look through their notes. she also comments on the chair not fitting 46, but its not specified if its too big or too small. she then asks if 46 is bothered by a new therapist, but 46 doesnt seem surprised or confused at all. the therapist says shes surprised by whats in 46's notes. she says they have a "rebellious side" and a knack for computers, and explains the word phenom to them. the tape ends with her asking if 46 considers themself a hacker
tape 6:
new therapise again! she tells 46 shes already read their files and knows what theyve worked on. 46 asks for a candy, and she gives one to them, taking one for herself as well. she says she wants to start with 46's parents, and claims it was tragic but she doesnt think 46 has processed it emotionally. she says they wrote it like they had read it off of a book. (her exact words are they wrote an objective rather than a subjective narrative, but 46 didnt know what that meant.) she says 46 spends a lot of time alone and is good at self-dialogue, which she explains is "asking urself questions and getting answers" she tells them to try asking themself how they feel about what happened to them. she tells them to let themself be upset about it so they can let it go.
tape 8:
same therapist as 6! she asks 46 if theyve thought about what they talked about. 46 had told them their past had made them sad and scared. the therapist asks if they had written down exactly what made them feel that way. she then says she works with many people who respond to tragedy differently. she asks 46 if their fantasies would be different had this tragedy not happened to them.
Tape 13:
new therapist again! she says when shes getting to know a client, she likes to find out abt their hobbies. when she doesnt get a reply, she asks if they like sports. 46 tells her they like to watch sports, but not play them. and that they like to stay inside. the therapist then reluctantly tells 46 that their previous therapists have gone missing. except one who was found dead, and they said her body looked to be mangled by machinery. the therapist also comments that 46 doesn't look concerned about it. she jokes about watching her back, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 14:
same therapist as 13. she asks if 46 knows about the pizzaplex, and says the technicians who work there know them. theyve seen what they think is 46 on the security cameras. they say 46 was accused of hacking their systems. the therapist says that the hacks are causing tons of problems, but that there's no solid proof it was 46, and 46 finds it funny that the techs are having issues. she says she finds it weird that 46 would spend time in such a busy, crowded place despite their loner attitude. she asks if its the electronics that 46 likes. she also says theyve designed programs that talk to them and repeat phrases. she says it asks them questions and prompts for responses, like their own little therapist. she said at first she had thought they were talking to themself, but it seems more like they were talking to someone else. she asks who it was.
Tape 15:
same therapist as 13+14. she starts with asking if 46 wants to do an ink blot test. she shows them an image, and 46 asks to hold it. 46 says it reminds them of a mask. the therapist asks if 46 likes the idea of being disguised, and how they make you invisible. she says being invisible lets you get away with anything, and asks 46 if they like that idea. she then moves on to something else, telling 46 that it seems theyve been talking to someone else. she says the techs think that its someone trying to lure 46 away, or manipulate them. the therapist moves to where she can see 46's eyes, and says she got something different from the communications. she accuses 46 of manipulating someone, rather than being manipulated. she says they were recorded on the security cameras with someone else. she says that it looks like the person theyre with has rabbit ears, which 46 finds amusing.
Tape 16:
Same therapist as 13+14+15. she says shes gotten another message from the pizzaplex that says that theres a glitch in the system that makes the animatronics more eerie than entertaining. she says the glitch spread system-wide and infected all the machines. she also says it was traced back to 46. she says the glitch broadcasted a dangerous message. she also says that when the techs were trying to fix it, the source shifted. she says that the glitch changed from a glitch and became a set of sub-routines that were made to do exactly what the glitch was doing. (which basically means it stopped just being a glitch and became part of the system?? i think?? idk shit abt computers bruh) when 46 does not reply, she presses, saying she is on their side and wont tell anyone what is told to her during the session and that the techs have no proof it was 46, so theyre not in trouble. when 46 doesnt reply still, she brings up their past. 46 refuses to look at her, but she continues. she says it doesnt matter if they look at the floor, because nothing they told her about their parents was true. she says they had great parents, and a great childhood. she asks 46 why they lied, and tells them to look at her. she then says she understands why 46 would be upset about the confrontation, and says they can come back to this another day. the last line she says is "you're shaking your head like that's not going to happen."
i have a lot of thoughts on both of these parts and i personally believe 46 is Gregory. but if i dumped all my thoughts we'd be here all day so have this long ass explanation instead
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kiragecko · 8 months
What if the reason Tim seems to like Jason is that Jason acknowledges Tim was better at Robin then Jason? Being the second best Robin matters to his pride.
Okay, I have to work through a few things before I respond directly.
So, everything related to canon resurrected Jason is a problem. Including how canon Tim interacts with him.
There are very few signs that preboot Tim likes or respects Jason after his resurrection. Which is WEIRD. Especially HOW Tim disrespects Jason.
Like, Tim doesn't get the rest of the Titans to watch, walk back to someone, and kick them in the crotch. That ... isn't his form of petty? He doesn't LIKE having an audience! And one of his most unique Robin traits is the respect he shows unstable villains and allies! Like, the way he shut down Jason's 'tenderize the teen gangs' plan is ... wrong. He would be MUCH more likely to seem to go along with it and then slip handcuffs on Jason once he relaxes. Or turn him into a temporary ally against Ulysses.
Tim is consistently out-of-character when dealing with resurrected Jason, and I haven't figured out a Watsonian explanation that works for me. Until I do, I'm forced to rewrite most of canon - the events happened, but MY Tim responded differently.
Canon Jason's reactions to Tim make a bit more sense. Jason seems to like and respect Tim. He tries to work with him. He left Titan's Tower impressed and wishing he'd had the same supports. (Though his understanding of what supports each of them had is baffling enough that I suspect some amount of amnesia.) I'm not sure he ever says he thinks Tim is a BETTER Robin, but I can see that being possible.
So, your supposition is possible for canon Jason. It seems very unlikely for canon Tim, but canon Tim's actions are even more unlikely, so that doesn't mean much. Our final problem comes with squaring this idea with my FANON Tim.
My fanon Tim draws as much from canon as it can, while still being consistent. And it draws MOST heavily on Tim's early arcs. In those early arcs, Tim was attempting to build Robin out of what he imagined Jason and Dick would want. He dreamed about them, hallucinated them, asked the Case for advice. Jason seemed incredibly important to him, on a similar scale to Dick.
That steadily disappears over the years, and becomes really hard to integrate with later Tim. (The authours' victim-blaming anti-Jason agendas are at fault, but that doesn't work as an in-world explanation.) But I'm keeping it anyways, even if it makes everything harder!
See, everything I've seen from Tim in other contexts suggests that Jason's behaviour wouldn't actually have any bearing on whether or not Tim likes him. Tim is perfectly comfortable idolizing someone who neglects or takes advantage of him. That's kind of central to his character - he's the Robin who sees Bruce's flaws and follows him anyways. Who saw an out-of-control 30-something and decided to parent him. Who rants about his parents' neglect without ever considering he might not owe them everything.
Jason earned Tim's loyalty when he was 13, and Tim doesn't stop being loyal, as far as I can tell.
Jason and Tim should be like Harvey Dent and Bruce. Tim doesn't TRUST him, but he desperately wants to help him.
Not necessarily like the fandom tends to write: "Oh, I'll stop being Robin and do anything possible to get you back into the family because I'm valueless!"
More like deescalation in a hostage situation. More like how Tim talks Poison Ivy down. Vulnerability only as a weapon. Always ready to knock him out and disarm him if he gets the chance.
There's also some issues with insecurity. My weak spots are similar but not identical to Tim's. There are areas where he's self-confident that I don't quite get. His pride about being Robin is one area of ambiguity. I think he's been written mostly consistently, but my own issues are getting in the way.
So I'm not entirely sure exactly which ways JASON validating Tim as Robin would be important. I know it would be! But there are some ways where Tim wouldn't believe other people, some where he is entirely reliant on other people ... just, his mixture of self-confident and insecurity is fractal and complex.
In conclusion, I think it would make Tim feel REALLY good to think that Jason thought Tim was a better Robin. I don't think it would have much affect on his opinions about Jason, though. Those got locked in the first time Tim saw Jason rescue someone, and Tim couldn't change them if he wanted.
Also, canon preboot Tim DIDN'T seem to like Jason, and I want to ignore that but it's hard.
(Also also, how I write about Tim and Jason sometimes contradicts what I think canon says AND my personal fanon. It's COMPLICATED!)
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jackszegras · 2 months
Nightly Duty- Trevor Zegras
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I’m laying in bed as i watch my phone buzz from Jack calling me.
“Yes Rowden?” I sighed as I hear him and a couple other boys giggling in the back.
“Me and the boys are going to stop at Sonic before dropping everyone off, do you want anything?” Jack asks basically yelling in my ear from how loud the boys were being.
“Uhhh….just get me a slushy please. Maybe some onion rings with barbecue sauce.”
“So basically your usual…?” Jack questions. “Yes goober, thank you.” I hang up the phone and put my phone back down while I finish watching Greys Anatomy.
About 20 minutes later I hear Jacks car pull in the driveway. There wasn’t a lot of talking so I’m assuming he didn’t invite the boys to stay the night.
Jack walks upstairs to my room and hands me my food. “Thank you Rowd-“ I get stopped in the middle of my sentence by Trevor running into my room.
“So where’s the life changing skin care products located?” He asks laughing.
“Did you guys seriously only get me food so that I will do your skin care?” I say laughing putting my slushy on my nightstand.
“Perhaps, we thought it could happen since you know. We won the game, we deserve special treatment.” Jack yaps on about.
“Yeah yeah, whatever goobers. Go take showers and I’ll think about it.” I stuff an onion ring in my mouth while Jack wobbles his way out of my room dramatically. Trevor stays behind.
“So, what’s your show about?” Trevor gets up from my desk chair and sits next to me so he can see my tv better.
“Doctors!” I dramatically gasp looking at him.
“No like, actually tell me about it.” He looks at me laughing.
I rant on about Greys until Jack gets out of the shower and then Trevor goes and takes one and while Trevor is gone, Jack tells me about the game.
Trevor walks in the door, “Okay I’m ready to be girly pop.”
I shake my head and walk over to my vanity and get all my skincare products out.
“Trev, you’re first. Let’s go.”
Trevor walks over to my bed and lays down and puts his head in my lap. Jack stands up while looking at his phone.
“Hey, Quinn said mom wants me and him to go to the store to get some food for Dads birthday dinner. I’ll be back later.” Jack walks out of the room without even inviting Trevor to go with him.
I continue to put the headband over Trevors head. “Do you do this every night, before bed?” He questions, looking up at me.
“Most of the time when I don’t fall asleep.” I smile, putting the skin care products on his face.
After 10 minutes of just talking and me doing Trevors skin care, me and him both have a face mask on watching Grey’s Anatomy. He doesn’t know what’s going on, but he still seems to be paying attention.
Trevor has always been really clingy to me. Jack thinks it’s because he has a crush on me. I think he just thinks of me as a little sister, even though we are the same age because me and Jack are twins.
Trevor moves over closer to me and without thinking I lay my head on his chest, making sure my face is still up from the face mask being on. His fingers run up and down my arm, drawing hearts with his finger tips.
Without knowing how tired I was, I fell asleep in Trevors arms and woke up to being curled up to my stuff animal shelly the turtle.
I look around at my tv and see my clock sitting on my tv stand and it’s 4am. I don’t see Trevor or Jack in sight. Must have left while I hit snooze for a bit.
I check my phone and I see texts from Trevor and a story mentioned on my private spam account on instagram from Jack.
I open my phone to see, Jack posting a picture of me and Trevor cuddled up. Trevor texted me telling me he really enjoyed our time together and hope to do it again.
Maybe Jack isn’t wrong, maybe I feel the same way.
This is so bad, but I’m just starting to get back into all of this writing stuff so hear me out guys. I hope you enjoy and I might do a p2 to this but idk.
Hope you guys all have a good day!!
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