merakiui · 2 years
Meraaaa, im habing too much brainrot over ur fics 😢
Imagine Cater puts it in for the first time and he gets you preg on the first try. He's a mess but don't worry! Transfer med student Kalim knows juuuust how to take care of you! He has a ton of siblings afterall! Kalim knows just what to 'feed' the baby to keep them healthy while they're in ur belly. Cay kun is just happy to finally settle down with his first love, unaware of the cum dripping down her legs as she leaves her makeshift appts in kalim's dorm room. Everyone knows whats going on and instead of helping out poor Cay out, they ask Kalim to be let in on it 😖
AAAAAAAAA med students and roommates Kalim and Riddle who take such good care of you when Cater's off partying, neglecting you solely because he's struggling to cope with this new, life-altering circumstance. How can he continue to be cool, collected Cay if he's got a baby on the way? So not his style! But he'll warm up to the idea eventually. He just has to get the shock out of his system first (and work up the courage to break the news to his family and, unfortunately, his sisters. Though knowing how evasive Cater can be, he'll probably stretch the truth for as long as he possibly can just to avoid confronting the matter at hand).
Kalim is always so sweet. He has lots of healthy and delicious snacks prepared for each of your visits. Riddle is very level-headed and logical; very textbook, but still cordial and kind. It doesn't take Riddle long to realize Kalim's fucking you when he starts to put context clues together. At first he thought it was wrong to do such a thing behind Cater's back, but Kalim tells him he's just helping you out. Nothing wrong with helping friends, right? Besides, you and Cater aren't even together and he's not very present, is he? Someone has to take care of poor, cute, pregnant you! Riddle tells himself he ought to be the better person here and put a stop to Kalim's mischief before it spirals out of control. But then the next time you come in for a "check-up" you're spreading your pussy for him and he's sliding in and it feels so warm and wet and good inside, and suddenly being the better person doesn't really matter.
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togrowoldinv · 3 years
Omg I see your accepting Kate requests!! Could I possibly request one where reader and Kate are in college and reader has a crush on Kate but promised herself to never tell her but Kate eventually figures it out and it goes from there?
Hey! Thanks for this request! 💙 I hope it's cool that I tweaked the plot a little bit. Special thanks to @idkwhygregg for brainstorming this one with me!
Sun and Moon
Kate Bishop x Female Reader
Warnings: A curse word or two, tiny bit of spice towards the end
Kate Bishop Masterlist, Main Masterlist
Being in love with Kate is the easiest thing in the world. She is completely enamoring. From her mind to her heart, you have fallen for every part of her. To you, she’s the sun and the flowers it shines on and the moon with the tides it controls. There is only one problem: Kate does not know you feel this way.
You met Kate in your first year of college. It was a warm late summer day when you walked to your first ever college class and you sat down next to an approachable looking girl. You were extremely nervous, but the soft smile she gave you as she handed you the sign in sheet eased your nerves immediately.
It was two weeks later before the two of you actually spoke, but it was a match made in heaven as you two call it now. Kate quickly became the reason you didn’t mind getting up early for class or doing assignments late at night. She was by your side all the time and slowly you felt yourself feeling more and more drawn to her.
That was almost four years ago. Since then, you have moved into an apartment and are living your last few months of college to the fullest.
“Hey y/n, got a second?” Kate breaks you from your thoughts as she knocks on your open bedroom door.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you ask her as she sits down at the end of your bed.
“I got an offer to go overseas for an archery team, but I also got an offer to stay here in New York. I guess I just want your opinion on it. You know me so well and I don’t know I just want to know your thoughts on it,” Kate explains, not taking a breath between her words.
“First of all, that’s amazing, Kate. I’m so proud of you! Do you have any gut feelings about it? Usually, you have great intuition about things. You just have to trust it. We can make a pros and cons list if you want?”
That makes her laugh and you feel successful at bringing her some relief in the clearly stressful situation she is in.
“No lists, please. My gut is telling me maybe I should go. Maybe tonight after the party I will make more of a decision. You’re going, right?” Kate asks you hopefully.
“Um,” you contemplate the amount of schoolwork you have, but when you see the anticipation in her eyes you can’t help but agree. “Yeah, I’m going.”
“Yes!” Kate says excitedly and you two talk about what to wear and all things fun for the next few hours.
You end up at the party and are having a decent time, but your mind keeps going back to the fact Kate might leave the city. You’ve been avoiding her since you got to the party. You just can’t handle seeing her when things are about to change.
Kate catches your eye from across the room she marches over towards you. You look around for an escape but see none as the dark-haired girl fills your vision. She notices your hesitation to speak to her.
“Y/n, hey. Why have you been avoiding me all night?” Kate asks you.
“I’m not. I think I’m going to head home,” you brush past her, but she grabs your arm.
“Why are you being like this?” Kate asks, her tone is angry and almost pouty. “Don’t leave.”
“You’re the one who’s leaving!”
“I- that’s- you told me I should leave!” Kate shouts back at you.
“I only said that because I’m so fucking in love with you, and I want you to be happy!” you are so upset you can’t even filter yourself. “I didn’t think you’d actually choose to leave,” you say the last sentence quietly, feeling overwhelmed by emotion. You go to leave again, and Kate runs after you. She stops you once you are outside.
“Wait a minute, y/n. It’s true that you’re in love with me?”
“Kate, don’t patronize me.”
“I- I’m not. I heard a rumor, but I thought it was just that,” Kate says, and you lean back against a brick wall with a sigh. “But you really?” you nod in confirmation. “Say it again.”
“What? Kate, I don’t-”
She cuts you off with her lips. You let out a soft grunt as she pushes you further into the wall with her tall frame. She kisses your neck and your jaw before landing back on your lips. Kate pulls away to breathe and looks into your eyes intensely.
“Y/n, I’m in love with you too. I really want to take this offer though,” Kate says, and you look down at your feet. She lifts your chin to make you look at her again. “Would you consider coming with me? You could work, or go to graduate school, or just take some time to be young in Europe with me. What do you say?”
“I say… yes, Kate. Yes. Nothing in the world sounds better than being young in Europe with you,” you reply, and she smiles her beautiful smile, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
“It’s a plan, but for tonight let’s just be young in New York?” Kate asks. She sticks out her pinky finger for you to wrap yours around and you laugh. “Come on, y/n. Pinky promises cross the boundary of friends and lovers.”
You wrap your pinky around hers and she pulls you in for a hug. Tonight, you will definitely be young in New York with your sun and moon. With your Kate.
Tag list: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @idkwhygregg @nataliaromanova-widow @likefirenrain @be-missed @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @laaurrel @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @milfloverslut @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @picnicmic @exhaustedfangirl @wandaslittlewhore @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @kacka84
Let me know if you want to be added to my Kate tag list😁
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purplekiwis · 3 years
OMG YES! Damaged goods blurb! Can you do a fluff one where one of them is sick with seasonal flu and the other has to take care of them, but they're being stubborn about it because that's just what they do and how they are 🤧
Okay, okay... here she is! It's a bit meh I think, but I hope you like it! 🥰
Harry is sick and grumpy, and Y/N takes care of him (from the Damaged Goods AU)
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Harry feels miserable.
He’s worse than miserable, really,
because he has a cold… or is it the flu?! He has never known to spot the differences between the two, but he recognized all of the early signs, of course...
As per usual, it started with nothing but a sore throat one morning when he woke up, that ended up lingering throughout the whole day, then came a headache, and the tiredness, and the chills…
It wasn’t so unbearable at first… but the symptoms only kept getting worse and worse as the hours went by, to the point of leaving him with no choice but to skip his classes in favor of staying in bed… suffering.
The worst part about it? He wasn’t even suffering at home – where his mom could be taking her lips to his forehead every so often to see if he had a fever, and bringing him bowls of soup and fruit cubes on that same familiar bedtray that had accompanied him throughout all his periods of sickness.
Mom would also be making sure he stayed hydrated and took his medicine in time... which by the way, he wasn’t taking any. Logically speaking, Harry knew he should have gone to a pharmacy by now, to get something to make him feel better, but how? When he couldn't even muster the will to get up and go downstairs to fill the empty water bottle perched on his nightstand.
He couldn’t move.
Every single inch of his body hurt.
And now he was starting to get shivery under his bedclothes... for fucks sake.
If only he had Pepper, his spaniel mutt puppy, around to snuggle and keep his body cozy and warm like a hot water bag... then perhaps Harry would've been in a better mood. Yeah, definitely. Pepper would've let him bury his snotty face into its soft fur, and not even think to complain if its owner left a puddle of guck all over said fur.
But well, Pepper isn't there.
And being sick sucks.
Especially because Harry really wants some cuddles... and it hasn't been helping his case whatsoever that in this trying day of illness, his mind has done nothing but think of Y/N.
Pondering over what outfit she must have worn that day and what she might be up to while he’s laying there on his deathbed. He also wonders if she has noticed his absence, and if so… if she’s worried about him.
He huffs once he checks his phone again and realizes there are still no messages from her. She doesn’t have to check on him. He knows that, but he can't help that he likes to be cared for sometimes… and as it turns out illness has a tendency to turn him into a big, needy baby... who really wants to have Y/N taking care of him. It would be so good. She could play with his hair the way he likes, give him forehead kisses, hold his hand…
Harry sighs out loud. Her company would be even better than Pepper's, he believes... although Harry isn't so sure Y/N would enjoy having his snot on her as much as his trusty pup would, but that’s beside the point.
It’s even more beside the point because he knows she's not coming to see him.
She’s mad at him, he recalls now. Stupidly so, if he's allowed to think that - he did nothing wrong, after all. She asked him for a “brutally honest opinion” on a design work she was doing for one of her classes, and he simply gave her what she asked for, plain as that. But of course, then she didn’t like what he had to say and got sulky. Just girls being girls, he guesses…
Harry should've known better than to think that would stop her from coming to see him, though. His girl was a little box of surprises, after all... a true master in the art of keeping him on his toes.
She showed up only half an hour after she was done with her classes... softly knocking on his door before poking her head inside with a smile, only for her jaw to drop in shock at the absolute misery that oozed from his pores.
“Y/N…” His voice cracked sickly, almost comically. Harry could have laughed at it if he wasn't so utterly lethargic. “What- what are you doing here?”
“Well, what do you think?” The girl huffed, shutting the bedroom door behind her and heading towards the end of the bed to get a good look at him, hands on her hips. “Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Here I was, going about my day thinking you had slept in for being a bum, only to find out through your friends that you were unwell.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his downright amusement at her worried state. Y/N was worried about him? Well then, perhaps her irritation had passed and she had forgiven him… which meant maybe he’d get to have those cuddles he wanted so bad. “I thought you were mad at me?” He poked, eyebrows arching teasingly the best they could with the little energy the muscles on his face could muster.
“Well, I was and am now even more.” She punctuated. “But I still care, obviously. How am I supposed to leave you by yourself when you look like that?” She put down the bag she was holding at the edge of the bed and kneeled next to it on the floor.
“Look like what?” He frowned again. “All snotty and gross?”
“Precisely… and an awful lot like Rudolph the reindeer as well.” Y/N added, with a soft pat to the tip of his swollen, red nose.
Harry smiled at that, right before his eyes fell on the bag over his bed. “Did you go to the store to get those creepy sheet masks you wanted?”
“Huh?” She muttured confused, before noticing where he was looking at. “Oh no, um… these are just some things I got for you. Just vitamins and those gummies for when you have a sore throat, and also uh…” Y/N's cheeks went a little hot. “I got some chicken soup from the buffet restaurant as well, you know… the one next to the drug store. I thought it might do you good…”
“You went to get all that stuff for me?” Harry asked, Y/N hummed happily in confirmation, her eyes gleaming with tenderness. “Y/N... you shouldn't have. That shit is so expensive, and I'm fine, really. It's just a cold. You dont have to worry, let alone take care of me.”
“No offence, but I think I do.” The girl challenged his statement, picking up the halfway used toilet paper roll placed on his nightstand. “For a start, you shouldn’t even be using this to blow your nose. It’ll only irritate your skin and make it more sore.”
Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “That’s such a mum thing to say…” He grumbled in attempt to mask the fact that the secret big, needy baby in him was loving every single bit of the mom talk, and the same applies to when Y/N clicked her tongue chastisingly once he stubbornly snatched the roll off her hand and pulled out some more paper.
She took the chance that he had moved his arm to move a bit closer, sitting on the edge of the bed next to his pillow. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” She asked, lovingly running her digits through his unwashed curls. They felt a little waxy and knotty in her hands, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest. She just wanted to make him feel better in any way she could. So she kept playing with his hair, scratching at the roots and combing her fingers through his strands just the way she knew he reveled in - only breaking contact once she was almost certain that he had fallen asleep on her... However, as soon as Y/N began to pull her hand away to check her phone, Harry let out a whine and bumped his forehead against her wrist, in a silent request for her to keep going. “You're such a baby sometimes…” Y/N whispered, proceeding to fulfill his wish.
“Mhm... your baby.” He sighed happily.
Y/N smiled to herself at the state of pure bliss Harry was in. So utterly distracted by the slow puffy nature of his breaths, that she almost didnt notice that his droopy eyes had opened and were now fixed on her. He cleared his throat painfully. “Y/N... can I have one of those gummies you got? My throat hurts and I really want to try one.”
Y/N let out a tiny chuckle at the pleading tone he'd used, nodding as she got up to grab the bottle from the bag. She threw it at him playfully to catch midair, knowing that his reflexes were outstanding. “Ohh these seem nice. I love lemon and honey flavored shit.” He told her whilst inspecting the label.
“Yeah?” Y/N couldn’t help but to grin, feeling quite proud of herself for picking the right flavor. But her smile quickly melted into an expression of concern once she watched Harry crack open the bottle and carelessly throw a bunch of gummies into his mouth. “Harry! What are you- that’s not candy! You can’t eat them by the handful!”
“Oi, chill out… it’s just gummies. What wrong could it do?” He asked as he blithely chewed them. Words coming out garbled since he was speaking in between a mouthful.
“Oh, I don't know, perhaps there could be anesthetics in them... but who knows? It was just a thought.” Y/N ironized.
“Really?” He made a wry face similar to hers, inspecting the label closer. “Do you think we can get high on this shit?” He smirked, still chewing as he rolled the container around to check the ingredients in the back. “Cause I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like a pretty good afternoon plan to me...” He half joked, cracking the bottle open again and dropping a couple more gummies in his palm.
Y/N heaved at the suggestion. “I think it’s more likely that you get a terrible bellyache, and we end up in the ER...”
“You really think so?” Harry asked teasingly, taking another gummy to his mouth.
“Okay, that's enough. Give me that.” Y/N demanded, pushing for him to pass the container, but all he did was shake his head with a mischievous, defiant smirk. The girl rolled her eyes at him. “You know what? Fine.” She shrugged. “Eat as many as you want. Can't wait to watch you shit the bed once those anesthetics give you a loose bottom.”
He chuckled at the warning, amused. “If you’re so bothered, why don’t you come get them from me?” He questioned, but before he could prepare himself Y/N jumped on the bed to try and take the bottle away from his hands, what forced him to abruptly sit up and hold it over his head just so she couldn’t reach it from where she sat. “That was... real cute. Is that all you got, hm?”
Y/N huffed and crawled over his legs until she was practically on his lap. Seeing right through his facade once he happily handed off the gummies without putting up a fight and wrapped his arms around her middle to pull her in for a hug instead. “You must think you're so sly, don't you?” She mumbled in question, going back to petting his hair. “If you wanted a cuddle, you could’ve just said so… I don't mind your germs.”
“I was trying to behave to avoid getting you sick, actually…”
“Yeah right...” Y/N grumbled, dropping her head on his shoulder for a moment. “But I guess, since you've already passed me the germs and all... might as well just give me a kiss, no?” She proposed shyly, waiting for Harry to make the move. He did, pulling away slightly and placing his lips in hers softly. “Mm, more.” She pouted.
“Greedy.” He joshed, pecking the girl's lips again, and again... and once more for good measure. The damage was already done, after all... they might as well just keep doing it. “I feel disgusting, though. If I knew you were coming, I would’ve at least taken a shower and brushed my teeth. Can’t believe you still want to kiss me when I am like this.”
Y/N scratched at the frizzy hairs of his nape. “I promise you don't smell or look nearly as bad as you think you do… and you taste like lemon and honey so, that’s nice.” Harry distrustfully scrunched up his nose at her allegation, sniffing up some in the process before his digits rushed to grab some more toilet paper. He took it to his nose, blowing noisily. “Alright, snotty boy…” Y/N laughed, swiftly crawling off his lap. “How about I go downstairs to plate up our soup while you pick a movie for us to watch as we eat? It can be one of those “guy movies” and all, I promise I won't complain... today only, cause I'm giving you privilege for being sick.”
His eyes strayed towards you with interest, the lower half of his face still covered behind the poorly ripped toilet paper sheets. “I was actually thinking more like a musical or a pixar movie, maybe?”
“God, Harry.” Y/N gasped in awe. “I swear I've never felt more attracted to you in my life. Snot and everything.”
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
So, basically, Deuce receiving a phone call from his mom while he's getting it on with darling 👀 and he forces her to talk to his mom while he's hitting it back ya know what I'm saying?! 😩 Like legit, Darling's just trying her best to muffle her moans as she's bent over the mattress with Deuce rearranging her guts, not even caring about what her mom's saying on the phone anymore as her eyes roll up in ecstacy and cumming hard on his dick AAAAAAA lmao hope it's okay!!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)❤️❤️❤️
Chokes omg darling YESS???
Warnings : Non-Con | Yandere
The sheer amount of P A N I C alone had almost brought you into yet another embarrassing orgasm. His phone ringing not too far from the bed, where Deuce had you pinned down in all fours with his hand on top of your head. Filled with nothing but tears and moans, your fucked-out state barely manages to keep your consciousness intact as you glanced towards the vibrating device. For a moment there, you resented such a thing for bringing you back to full-awareness, when you were just about ready to pass out from the mixture of pain and pleasure swirling down your weeping pussy. But at the same time, you saw it as a desperate opportunity to get yourself out of your current situation.
Deuce was far too engraved in getting his dick wet over and over again as he slams continuously without rest inside of you, treating your pussy more of a fleshlight at this point. With his mouth offering small apologies and compliments of how good you felt, you didn’t think he even heard the sound of his own ringtone echoing throughout the room. Not when the sound of skin slapping against each other seemed to be even more pleasing to his ear alone. You didn’t know what you were trying to do, but getting fucked for almost an hour now had your mind in complete shambles that the most logical thing you can do at this moment was to reach out for that phone. You can’t quite see who exactly was calling on the other side, but no matter who it is, if they could at least just hear what kind of predicament you’re in, surely they’ll come running...correct?
However, it was just your luck when Deuce had opened his eyes to bask in the pleasure once more, just in time to see you struggling to reach for his phone. “Ah…” He was finally aware of the current caller and you felt him flinched behind you, you don’t know whether to take that as a good or a bad sign. “...I-It’s mom...” He muttered out, groaning as his grip against your hips tightened.
With that, you widened your eyes in realization and slowly retracted your hand away from answering that call. You could ask her for help, but it’s Deuce’s mother! It’s not very likely that she would come to believe you so easily since no mother can ever truly doubt their son like this. I mean, how could she not even believe someone like you over her own sweet child, who had been such a good son up until now? You might just end up making a fool of yourself! You let out a whimper that unfortunately caught Deuce’s attention as he reached for the phone himself and looked at you, gulping.
Then, to your surprise, he bought the phone right next to your ear as he leaned in to the other. “I can’t...ignore a call from mom...” He said, face flushed but his eyes were hazy as if he had been drinking alcohol all night long. “But I can’t face her...in this state...”
“So, please…Do the talking for me...”
You let out a sharp gasp, a shriek scraping against your throat as he slammed down inside you so hard that your vision darkened for a split second. Despite being able to barely recover from such an impact though, Deuce only repeated the same brutal thrust like it was normal, his aggressive grunts had your stomach rolling and swirling full of butterflies. He wants you to talk to his mom? At this state? If he can’t do it with the way he is right now, then what makes him think that you can!?
“Deuce? Hello, it’s mom~!”
And just like that, you clasped your hand over your mouth as soon as you heard the woman’s lovely voice on the other side of the device. It was taking all your willpower to not to let out questionable noises when Deuce wasn’t even cutting you off the slack by even attempting to slow down behind you. “Deuce?” His mom called once again, worried to hear a relative pause in the line. You glanced at the guy with widened, panicked eyes, begging for help in this situation, but he was too engrossed pounding you like there’s no tomorrow. That’s when you realized that there was no way Deuce was going to help you out with this, he’s probably gets on the fact that he was forcing you to do this in the first place.
So, with no other choice, you carefully opened your trembling lips and tried to stable your voice as much as possible. “Y-Yes...? This is...(Y/N) speaking...” You replied, trying to sound as cheerful as the woman knew you to be. “G-Good evening...!”
“Oh, (Y/N)? Are you with Deuce right now?”
You resorted into slamming your face in the bed sheets to muffle your moans once in a while. “Y-Yes...! Um, he’s...He’s...” You took another glanced at the man behind you. “He’s s-sleeping right now...”
You heard the woman gave a naïve sigh of relief. “Thank god, I thought something happened since he usually picks up within the first ring of his phone.” She laughed. “Anyway, I don’t want to disturb too much! You’re with Deuce for a reason, aren’t you~? Don’t worry, mom approves and supports the two of you~!”
You faked a laugh, but it sounded awkward and nervous in your opinion as you were trying so hard not to cringe at her attempt of playful teasing. “I just wanted to wish him a happy birthday, could you say that to him in my place, dear?” She said, a sweet mother that she is, unaware of the true nature of his son. “He’s been worrying a lot about his future and trying the best I’d ever seen him do, so naturally, as his mother, I’m really proud.”
“I’m lucky to have him, but I’d say he’s also as lucky to have someone as sweet as you so early on in his life.” She continued; she’s sounds so sentimental that it makes you want to cry for her kindness alone. “So, please take care of my little Deuce for me, will you? I’m counting on you~”
You closed your eyes, gulping down the building saliva inside your mouth and lowered your head down in shame. “...Yes, o-of course...”
And with a cheerful goodbye, Deuce’s sweet precious mother had finally hanged up and you couldn’t help but to let out a sob right after. Clinging onto the sheets, finally letting all those suppressed moans and shrieks out, your vaginal walls clenching uncontrollably against his dick in guilt. “So...Tight...” Deuce sighed, he was listening in until the very end and couldn’t keep a smile from forming on his lips. “You’re...gonna take care of me...as promised, huh...”
You reacted quite abruptly as he went in deep inside, knocking against your abused cervix to cause your eyes to roll back and to blank your mind. “I can’t wait...” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist, a change of pace from constantly trying to bruise up your hips. “W-We’re perfect...for each other.”
“I love you...!”
And with that, you could barely even register the warm liquid flowing through and slowly filling you up from the inside. Your mind wasn’t able to comprehend anything he said right after, the comforting feeling of slumber pulling you down was even more tempting. Especially when combined with how warm Deuce’s hand felt on the top of your head and his lips giving your neck a gentle wet kiss.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
dating johnny cruz would include
a/n: it's official, this is just turning into a soft Mayans page. left out the kisses because there's a type of kisses post comin
request: can we get dating coco? mayans masterlist
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Check out the others I’ve done so far?: Dating Angel Reyes + Dating Ezekiel Reyes + Dating Obispo Losa
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✦ to Coco, love is foreign territory--he's still learning to navigate the waters
✧ for the longest time, he was never on the receiving end of it
✦ that's why his love for the club is so strong. his brothers have loved him wholeheartedly, regardless of his past mistakes--so he's given them the same love in return
✧ in the past, sex was the extent of Coco's connection with women.
✦ quick and messy, gone the moment it's done--he never promised something more, never searched for it either.
✧ but there are moments when he's with Leticia that he finds himself thinking about wanting more
✦ he knows what she's grown up with--and although she's good at putting on a tough exterior she shouldn't have to.
✧ there are moments when he wants her to know the unconditional love of a mother
✦ although he believes Leticia deserves unconditional love, Coco doesn't believe he deserves the same
✧ so he doesn't go searching for it--it's brought to him courtesy of Leticia
✦ like Coco, she's perceptive--she notices the way he looks at you and goes out her way to make sure the two of you just "happen" to run into each other
✧ Leticia Cruz a.k.a. Miss "oh shit, I just remember I gotta go meet Gabi" and bolting before either of you can object
✦ in the beginning, he'll test you--so get ready--he's used to people leaving--why not help them do it?
✧ it'll come out of the blue, the moment he starts to feel himself getting comfortable with you
✦ he'll pick a fight, say how you're wasting your time, how you deserve someone's who's not as fucked up in the head
✧ he'll leave, expecting you to be gone when he comes back--nip that shit in the bud real quick
✦ wait for him to come home--pop up at the clubhouse if you really want to get your point across
✧ let him know that you're here to stay--and not to pull a stunt like that again--he'll silently nod, eyes dropping as you place a kiss against his cheek.
✦ but he won't ever try it again.
✧ remembers the smallest of things about you, and makes a point to show interest in things you're passionate about
✦ he learns more about his daughter when you're around, and the dates the two of you plan together--he still remembers the first time she came home gushing to him about the art gallery the two of you went to while he was away
✧ Coco isn't the biggest fan of PDA--he'll dial back a lot when he's around the club--so don't take offense
✦ his PDA comes through subtle touches and kisses
✧ soft kisses against your forehead, his hand squeezing yours before he leaves
✦ kisses against your temple as you stop to wrap your arms around his waist for a quick hug
✧ behind closed doors, that's when his true affection comes out--the invasion of personal space is the first sign.
✦ his arms around your waist, lips pressing against your neck and shoulders as you shuffle through the kitchen--head in your lap as you read, or watch tv
✧ a sucker for cuddles--little spoon? meet Mr. Don't Knock It Til You Try It
✦ that shit works wonders on him when he's stressed--you can find him that way on nights when he's feeling off
✧ loves to hold you against his chest
✦ most nights when you're lying on the sofa, head against his chest he has to carry you to bed
✧ run your fingers through his hair, please--if you don't then you don't deserve johnny coco cuz
✦ always mumbles in protest, but never pulls away--lets you braid it, run your fingers through it, massage his scalp--won't come out and say it, but he's a total sucker for it
✧ midnight conversations--laying face to face
✦ his hand tracing the curve of your hip, his eyes ghosting the features of your face
✧ most of the time they're about meaningless things, sometimes they're about the past or the future you want together, the things weighing heavy on his mind
✦ these are his favorite moments--he misses them the most when he's away, so they pick up over facetime--he'll stay on till you fall asleep
✧ Coco has trouble sleeping at times--one thing he loves about the club is sometimes it runs him ragged. before you, nights, where he would come home and pass out from exhaustion, were his favorite. less time to think
✦ he has nightmares--his inner demons resurfacing--he'll fall back to sleep, head resting against your chest, arm tight around you as you place soft kisses against his forehead
✧ on nights when he's restless, you two take late-night drives--lost beneath the wind and night sky
✦ he's a little too cautious the first time he gives you a ride on his bike--grins when you tell him to go faster
✧ he's an early riser--you'll wake up to your favorite cup of coffee/tea, breakfast made.
✦ it's nothing grand, he's not a great cook, but it's a gesture to say thank you for all you do for him and Leticia
✧ "hey, got you something." -- he's famous for pulling a gift for you out of his kutte pocket. they're never big or planned. they're often things that make him think of you when he's on a club run.
✦ date nights are nothing fancy--it's time for you two to unwind--alone time is what he's shooting for
✧ 80 percent of the time he'll bring Leticia along
✦ hickeys left against his skin as you two lay in the sunlight creeping through the living room window
✧ comfortable silence--that's how he knew you were the one, he knows hard it is to find someone you can simply be alone with
✦ pictures snapped--Coco has learned the importance of seeing the beauty in the world, he believes it can often be captured by a lens
✧ he often takes pictures of you--you beneath the sunlight, smiling while you whisper over ice cream with Leticia, you lying beneath the sheets on a lazy Saturday morning
✦ unplanned surprise but strategically planned on his part weekend getaways
✧ teaches you how to play pool, just so he can watch you kick everyone's asses
✦ you and Leticia convincing him it's not a safety hazard to take you both to target practice
✧ bike lessons--has a way of making you feel as though no matter many times you mess up, you're still doing a great job
✦ him respecting--and being thankful--for your girl time with Leticia. he knows there are just something's she'll never come to him for
✧ he makes a point to be there when you ask him to be home for dinner--he's trying to build family traditions
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Brothers React To MC Grabbing Their Butt: Luci, Mammon, Levi
I’ve had to write this 2 times now. If Tumblr deletes this post, I will be fighting someone. 
TW: Drunk character, use of phrase KMS
You just left your room to go down to the kitchen for some quick snack when you bumped into Lucifer. He gave you a nod which you return with a simple wave.
You were about to continue walking when a something white on the back of Lucifer’s coat. You glanced at it and saw it was a sheet of paper. “Lucifer has a flat ass  -Mammon”.
That was not Mammon’s handwriting. You recognized it as Levi’s since he always left notes in the manga you borrowed. He must be trying to get revenge on him. 
But, will you let your first man get hung up. He did buy you your favorite treat yesterday, even if he denied it. 
Turning around, you tiptoed behind Lucifer while you gained distanced on him. Your hand reached out towards the paper. 
“MC, why are you-”
Why was a slice of Lucifer’s cake in your hand? You froze up as you realized the situation you were in. 
You just groped one of the strongest demons in hell. Dear Diavolo, please make sure my funeral is fun. 
“MC?” You didn’t have the strength in you to look into Lucifer’s face. You weren’t ready to face death. No matter how thick he was.
“MC.” You knew that tone. He was getting angry. You should really let of his cheek, but you so overcome with fear that you can’t move. 
A blink of an eye. That’s all it took for you to have you back against the wall with Lucifer’s arm trapping you. Heat seems to be radiating off of him in thick rolls.
“MC, look at me,” he growled out. Your eyes briefly flickered up before dropping down once you saw that fire in his eye. 
A gloved hand traveled from the base of your neck up to your chin where it gripped it tightly before tilting your head up. You were met with the sight of Lucifer’s smirking with his red eyes slanted in mischievous.
“Looks like someone’s being disobedient. I want you in my room by the time I return to it. You better be ready to be punish.”
With that, he let go of your chin and walked away. The sign balled in your fist seem to go unnoticed by him. 
“Got in trouble for this dang lie,” you growled out, throwing the paper in the wastebin. Even if you tried to act disgruntled about what happen, the butterflies in your stomach on what was about to happen told a completely different story. 
It was a complete accident. Mammon was out most of the night drinking and stumbled into your room about 3 am asking you to hide him.
You got out of bed and helped him sit down on it. His clothes were strewed haphazardly on him. Guess someone had a good time. 
“MC, MC, MC, MC,” he whined while kicking his feet around. He was making so much noise that it would be so easy for Lucifer to know he was here. 
“What?” You asked in a quiet voice. He stopped calling your name and instead held his arms out and made grabby motions towards you. 
“You haven’t talked to me in foreverrrrrrrrr.” You literally talked to him at school. He’s the one who’s been gone most of the night. 
You made your way over to stare at him. His brown skin had a heavier red tint underneath it with his bluish yellow eyes glazed over. He really got wasted tonight. 
Mammon lean up a little and wrapped his arms around you. Yanking you down the bed next to him, he cuddled into you. “Wvndoisnvf”
“What?” you asked, leaning away from him. He made a low groan in the base of his throat before pulling you down into him. 
“Warm. You’re warm... but I’m hot... too much clothes,” he slurred. You navigated your head so you could get a view of him. He was staring at the wall behind.Then like a light bulb going off, his eyes widen. “I can- I can teleport to my room. And change... Be right back.”
He unwrapped his arms from around you and started rolling off the bed. The dumb idiot.
Shooting up, you grabbed whatever you could get your hands on. Which was his upper back.... and an entire handful of his butt.
“Mammon, you can’t teleport,” you growled out. You pulled at him to try to get him to get more into the bed. He was literally on the edge of the bed, tilting. If he fell on the floor, it would definitely make enough noise to wake up Lucifer. 
“Mmm, harder,” he grumbled. Remember, MC, he’s drunk He doesn’t know what he’s saying. 
“Mammon, if you don’t get in the bed, I won’t cuddle you,” you threaten. He let out a small whine, but he scooted into the bed. Relief filled you as you released your grip on him. Now, you can go to sleep. 
Mammon’s arms found their way around you and pulled you down again. You didn’t fight against him or the warmth he provided. 
“Wait,” he mumbled. His hand wrapped around yours and pulled at it. You allowed him to move it lower. He placed it on top of his butt and released your hand. 
You were too tired to question him. So you fell asleep with one arm wrapped around him and the other on top of his butt. 
“Hey, Levi, I was wondering if I could-” 
Your words died in your throat as you stared at the scene in front of you. You knew you should’ve knocked, but you didn’t think it was a big deal. Boy were you wrong. 
In the middle of his room, in a pink and white maid costume was Levi. His hands were froze in the midst of pulling up some tight pink stockings. 
“I can- um- Are you busy?”You didn’t know where to look at him. You tried to look at his face, but the pink eyeliner was causing you to stare. His neck was a no go with the bell choker on it. 
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” You jumped at the ear piercing screaming coming out of him. His face was the deepest shade of red you have ever seen it get. 
“Levi?” a voice downstairs called out. Followed by the sound of footsteps. 
“Sorry, scared him. Everything’s fine,” you yelled out. Yet the footsteps kept coming. In a fit of panic, you entered the room and shut the door. You were quick to lock the door behind you.
“OMG OMG OMG OMG KMS KMS I’m such a disgusting otaku,” he cried sinking to the floor. His hands covered his face as he started crying. 
“No, Levi, sweetie. You look amazing,” You comforted walking over. He let out a small sniffle, but seem to be slowing on crying. “Is that the limited edition Ruri- chan maid outfit you were telling me about last time?”
His head lifted up with a giant smile on his face. His nose was a little red from crying, but it blended in with the blush on his cheeks. 
“You- you remembered,” he croaked out while wiping the tears. He pulled his legs together and rested his chin on it, allowing you to see his entire beautiful face. “I got it in the mail today. And I was just going to put it on the mannequin and take some pictures. But-”
He trailed off for a little as the blush returned again. He let out a groan. His head dropped in embarrassment. “I can’t believe I forgot to lock the door. You probably think I’m some gross otaku who like to dress up in maid costumes all the time.”
“I mean, you look hot while doing it, so I don’t see a problem with it,” you admitted, glancing at his figure. He was a little muscular, but his shape seem to accentuate the outfit in the best ways. 
“Hey, is everything okay in there?” Lucifer’s voice rang through the door. You glanced at Levi to see his face still red and his pink gloved hand gripping the sides of the costume. 
“I locked the door. Don’t worry, he can’t come in,” you whispered. Trying to comfort him some more, you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Y-yeah, I’m okay. MC scared me while.. I was playing a game. Sorry for screaming,” Levi mustered out. Lucifer let out a long sigh before his footsteps disappeared. 
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Levi visabily relaxed too. 
“Sorry for bargaining in. I was trying to asking to borrow a new manga,” you explained. Levi let out a cough as he stood up. Your head lifted up as he grew in height. 
“Sorry for showing you this gross side to me,” he grumbled, pulling the bottom of the skirt down. Guess it wasn’t made wit hhis long legs in mind. It showed so much legs. Not that you were complaining. 
“You’re just cosplaying, nothing wrong with it. Plus as I mentioned earlier, you look hot af in the maid outfit. I mean damn,” you growled the last word. A dark red blush exploded over his face as a low whimper slipped out of him. 
“Well, if you like it. Would you mind-um- roleplaying a little.” 
You took a step forward and wrapped your arms his waist. You looked up at him with a innocent smile, but in each hand was a butt cheek. “Serve your master, Levi.”
I apologize for stopping here, but Tumblr just didn’t seem to like this curse post and I’m so tired that I can’t force myself to write the other brothers only to delete it again. I do plan on doing the other 4 brothers.
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109 w santi? please omg i love your work 🥺
A/N: Thank you Anon! I’m really happy you love my writing! It makes me feel really damn good. Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking.
Pairing: Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F! Reader
Warning: 18 + ONLY NSFW (Explicit AF, oral F! Receiving, p in v sex, rough sex, blowjob, light choking, spanking, language, mentions of groping/unwanted advances)
My Masterlist
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Pull Over 
Santiago was fuming. His hands clenched and unclenched around the leather of the steering wheel. His lip caught between his teeth as he gnawed on it, muttering curses under his breath. You were pissed too, running your hands up and down your jeans, looking at your boyfriend slowly lose his composure as the city lights reflected in his deep brown eyes. 
“Santiago,” you start, but he cuts you off with a sharp look, and you feel yourself retreat. His foot slams on the breaks at a red light, and he looks over at you. 
“What?” he tosses his hands in the air, “What the fuck could you possibly have to say to me right now?” His tone is stern, and you can feel the tension thick and suffocating in the cab of the truck, his eyes burning holes in you. 
“He was fucking asking for it, Santiago!” you shout, and the light turns green, but he just sits there stewing until the car behind you starts honking. It doesn’t phase him, and he continues to stare at you—the car behind coming around and flipping you both the bird. 
“I fucking know that! But did you have to break his goddamn nose?” He pinches the bridge of his nose, and you scoff. 
“He groped me at the bar!” 
“HE DID WHAT?!” Santiago roars, and you tremble to lean further back against the door. He slams down on the gas and whips the truck around back in the direction of the bar. “I’m going to fucking kill him!” 
“Baby,” you beg, “I’m pissed too, but if you go back there and kill him, you’ll go to prison, and you are way too pretty for prison.” The joke does nothing to lessen the tension, and he speeds down the road, blowing through stop signs and one red light. “Santiago,” you whimper, and he slows down his breathing erratic. “Santi, baby, please. Let’s just go home.” 
“I’ll drop you off,” he mumbles, and you let out a sharp no. “Querida, if I go home with you, I won’t be gentle. I need to go somewhere and calm the fuck down.” 
“Pull over,” his foot hits the break at the next red light, and you go flying forward, bracing your hands on the dashboard. 
“If I pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week,” his words aren’t a threat but a promise, and you feel the warmth between your thighs begin to bloom. 
“Pull the fuck over, Santiago.” He looks at you and nods before pulling off the main road and heading towards the woods. He drives for another fifteen minutes till the city’s lights begin to fade, and there is nothing but the coo of birds and the leaves rustling in the trees. 
The truck comes to a stop, and he gets out of the truck and stalks off into the trees, leaving you to scramble after him. He stops walking about twenty feet in and begins to pace before you hear him let out a loud curse and reach for you. You go to him instantly, and he slams your back against the nearest tree. His mouth going down to suck hard purple bruises into the flesh of your neck, you let out a whimper when you feel his teeth bite down hard, his hands kneading your ass and pushing you into his hard cock. 
“Motherfucker, tried to touch my woman,” he mumbles, and you gasp as he rips the front of your dress open and feasts upon your breasts. His teeth are grazing each of your erect nipples in his mouth, tugging them into the hot warmth of his mouth. Your hands entangle in his hair, and your head hits the back of the tree, panting. “I need to fuck you, can I fuck you?” You nod, eyes closed, and he freezes. His hand is coming to your chin and dragging you to look at him. “I need verbal consent, I’m pissed, Querida, but I’m not an animal.” 
“Yes, I want you to fuck me, Santiago. Erase any trace of that fucker on me, mark me up, I’m yours.” He growls and takes a handful of your panties before the fabric rips, and he tosses them over his shoulder. 
“Turn around,” he orders, and you listen facing the tree. His hands come over the swell of your ass and slap it a few times, the echo loud in the quiet forest. “Spread those thighs for me, let me see how wet this sweet cunt is for me.” You feel another gush of warmth between your legs, and you let out a scream as he impales you with three fingers, filing you so full of him it only takes a moment before your cumming. He continues pumping you through it, his teeth leaving bite marks all along your shoulders, marking you. 
When you feel the pleasure begin to fade, he slips out and sucks on his fingers; you turn and watch as he licks each one like a child trying to get all the chocolate off the spoon. “You taste so fucking good.” Both his hands come down on the sides of your ass, and he slaps them before kneading it roughly. You hear the sound of his belt coming apart and zipper lowering. The head of his cock pressing against your fluttering entrance. He runs it through your slick, and then you hear him lean down and spit into your cunt. 
“I’m not going to be gentle, Querida. If you want me to stop, you have to tell me now.” He wraps his hand around your hair and pulls your head back to look at him. 
“Wreck me, Santiago, fucking destroy me.” You moan as he shoves inside you to the hilt, his hand moving down to your neck and keeping you looking back at him. His cock is so thick and fills you better than any toy. His pace is punishing, and you feel his fingers dig into your hip so hard you are sure to be littered in bruises. The orgasm builds inside you again, and you struggle against the hand on your throat, his eyes black with lust. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you pant, and he smirks down at you. 
“I didn’t tell you, you could.” He brings his hand off your hip to furiously rub your clit, and you feel your eyes roll back into your head. “Are you going to cum on my cock Querida?” You mumble incoherently, and he lets out a dark chuckle. “Cum, now.” You scream into the night and clench around him tightly, but he never slows down. Your eyes brim with tears, and he releases your neck, and you fall forward, bracing yourself on the tree. The bark sharp against your palms. He uses both hands now and slams into you over and over again, your breasts bouncing in the chilly night air at how hard he is pounding into you. 
He wraps your hair around his hand and pulls you up against his chest, biting down hard on your shoulder and licking over it. He fucks up into you and comes down to rub your clit. Going between English and Spanish, he whispers the filthiest things to you, and you feel another orgasm building. “I can feel you tighten around me again. Are you going to cum Querida?” 
You nod, and he chuckles, “Beg me, beg me to let you cum and soak my cock.” 
“Please,” you whimper, “please let me soak your cock sir, I promise I’ll be a good girl.” 
“Fuck right; you’re my good little girl, cum Querida, soak me.” You scream out again as the waves of pleasure crash over you, and the white dots blind your vision. You clench around him, and he lets out a loud moan, never straying his fingers from your throbbing clit.
“On your knees,” he pulls out, and you drop instantly. “Open your mouth.” 
You open your mouth and present your tongue to him. He shoves his cock into your mouth and tightens his hands in your hair again. He devastates your mouth with the force of his thrusts, and you take everything he gives you without complaint. His hand comes to your nose and plugs it. He shoves his cock so far down your throat it hits the back. You gag, and the tears brim your eyes before he pulls out, and you gasp. Only giving you a second before he is fucking into you again. 
“Touch yourself,” he orders, and you reach between your legs and circle your clit in time with his thrusts. The crescendo of pleasure crashes into you and almost knocks you over. His hands come to your throat, and he cums with a groan down your throat. Cum, hot and thick, trailing down your throat, and you swallow every last drop. “Open your mouth, show me.” You do as he says, and he smiles down at you, “good girl.” 
Your knees buckle from the force of your orgasms, your cum pooling beneath you and sliding down your thighs. “Lay back,” he helps you fall gently to the forest floor, your torn dress acting as a barrier between your bare skin and the crunch of fallen leaves. He tucks his cock back into his jeans and drops between your legs spreading them. “Santi,” you groan, reaching for him, and he drops to his forearms in front of your displayed pussy. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m reminding you who owns this pussy.” His tongue licks a broad stroke through your folds, and he devours you like an alcoholic, and you’re top-shelf whiskey. He makes you cum two more times on his tongue until you are a shaking mess on the forest floor. Too tired to even stand, he closes your dress the best he can and lifts you into his arms. Your head is coming to lie in the crook of his neck as he walks you back to the truck. 
When he reaches your home, he scoops you up from the seat and chuckles at the mess you left on the leather interior, and carries you into the house. He opens the shower and turns on the water getting it warm. He strips you out of your clothes and his and lifts you into the shower. You whimper when the washcloth slides over your oversensitive folds, and he places a gentle kiss on your lips. “I’m sorry, love,” he whispers, and you shake off his apology. When done, he wraps you in a fluffy towel and carries you to bed; sliding under the cool sheets naked, he crawls in next to you, pulling you into his chest. 
“Are you outraged I broke Tom’s nose?” you whisper, and he holds you tighter. 
“No, fucker deserved it. I’m sorry I shouted at you. Why didn’t you tell me he touched you like that? I would have killed him.” 
You shake your head, “Because I don’t need you to fight all my battles for me. But I do need you to trust me, trust my judgment.” 
“I promise. I will never doubt you again.” You sigh and snuggle closer. 
“You better not. But if it leads to hot forest sex, I may be able to forgive you.” He laughs and kisses the top of your head. 
“Go to sleep Querida; I love you.” 
“Oh, Santi,” you yawn, “I love you more.” 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @lunarthoughts @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @amberembers @santiagogarcia @jedi-mando @spider-starry @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @josepedropascal @revolution-starter
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westershiresauce · 4 years
Headcanon: Deus Ex Scuba Gear
Note: Spoilers for Bly Manor. 
So, here is my Bly Manor/Supergirl crossover crackfic headcanon where Kara is Dani and her ex Mike gets killed by a truck when he walks into traffic after Kara comes out to him and breaks off their relationship.
“Mike, I think I’m gay,” the blonde whispers, too ashamed to speak any louder. The man next to her tenses slightly before a look of relief washes over him.
“Oh thank God,” he says, and smiles at a confused Kara.
“What? You’re okay with this?” Mike shrugs and shoots the woman his frustratingly disarming grin. 
“I mean, am I glad I’m being dumped? No. Am I relieved that the reason is you aren’t into guys? Kind of.” Kara wrinkles her brows in confusion and he continues. 
“I mean, I know I’m hot.” Mike grins again and winks at the blonde who purses her lips at his peacocking, “I thought maybe you were just frigid or something.”
“Mike!” Kara looks around to make sure no one is listening. Mike laughs and she shoots him a glare. 
“Hey, you’re the one that decided to break my heart at the corner of a major intersection.” 
He winks at her and she advances on the man, trying to shut him up. He skips away from her, ignoring the fact that he is now in the crosswalk of the intersection. 
“Mike! Stop fooling around!” the blonde pleads but the man ignores her. 
“Hey, were you checking out chicks while we were together?” He waggles his eyebrows and Kara balls her fists at her sides. She refuses to take the bait. The man just laughs at her silence. “Dude, you totally did. What’s your type?” 
He goes quiet suddenly and his face lights up. Kara shakes her head. It is seldom a good thing when the man gets a light bulb moment. 
“Hey Kara,” his face gets lecherous and Kara readies herself for some horrifying comment, “Would you let me watch?” 
Kara’s face blooms red with embarrassment and anger. She steps closer to jab her finger against the man’s face and get her point across. However, Mike anticipates this and he takes another step back, grin still in place even as a truck barrels into his body. Kara stares in shock, midstep and with her finger still in the air as Mike is flung at least twenty feet down the street. The smell of burning rubber as the truck attempts to stop and the blaring sound of a horn being pressed much too late fill her senses. 
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Kara: “No, Mike, not gay as in happy. Good lord, dude!”
Kara is at the hospital when Mike is pronounced dead. Rhea never really liked her so she leaves for her apartment, still shaken but confused about how she feels about what happened. On the one hand she feels responsible for what happened, but on the other hand, she almost feels relieved. Until, that is, she goes to wash her hands in the bathroom and sees Mike standing behind her. She screams and when she turns around, he is gone. It isn’t until a few days later that she hears someone walking around her apartment that she realizes what happened. She grabs her trusty bat and walks out, expecting some coke addict rifling through her bookshelves but instead sees Mike, pawing at her bookcase. He grunts in frustration when his hand goes through a book but cheers when he manages to knock one onto the floor. Kara drops the bat in shock and Mike turns around, grins wide and puts a hand up in a peace sign, just like when he was alive.
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Mike: “I’m still here, bro!”
Turns out Mike is tethered to Kara and it is a horrible, cruel curse. He is both the best and worst wingman and Kara is still not convinced he doesn’t try to peek when she is getting dressed or showering but he also helps her learn to be more confident. All his shameless arrogance makes him a great cheerleader, at least once they talk about some ground rules.
1. No creeping on Kara in the bathroom or when she is changing. Mike scoffs at this and mutters about being able to creep on hotter ladies. 
2. No unsolicited advice or comments about women that Kara is not interested in pursuing a relationship with. This is added after a week of Mike making comments about women that had Kara blushing constantly, even at work.
3. No watching when Kara has a lady over. She wasn’t sure where Mike disappeared off to when she did manage to have a date come back to her place but he would always leave after shooting Kara another peace sign and telling her to “do the circle thing I showed you.”
It all hits the fan when Rhea gets wind of Kara dating women and she packs up and leaves. She does not want to deal with that fallout and she would rather get a fresh start somewhere else. Where is that where else? London, Bly Manor, American au pair, you know the rest.
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Kara: “Yeah, I’m gonna take a one way and gtfo of here.”
Who are our players at Bly?
Our cook Owen Sharma is good old Jack Spheer because sometimes these things write themselves. And who is our beloved Hannah Grose? Why, Lucy Lane. Because she was too good and I always want to see more of her. Plus she can be a stern little spitfire with the kids and ghosties (The kids refer to her to as Major). She takes her fine self and daydreams about the moment that charming Jack came over to get the job as a cook, not dead, just as a useless hetero (is that a thing? It is now...) that can’t fathom for some reason that Jack is totally in love with her.
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As for Rebecca Jessel and Peter Quint? Kelly Olsen (the only character with any brain cells half the time) and Andrea Rojas, our muy caliente Scotsman. Is that racist? No, but her horrendous accent might be a crime. This version has none of the controlling assholeroy of Peter and no secretly killing Rebecca. Just good old bad luck in a horror series. Andrea gets drunk and tries to dive into the lake to find the chest of loot she is convinced is down there so her and Kelly can run away to America. 
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Andrea: “This is a file on all the reasons you should run away from this haunted ass creepy mansion and come with me to America. Also, there is a map I drew of the lake with an X where the loot most definitely is.”
Kelly: “This is just a picture of you in lingerie and a sheet of paper you colored blue with a big red X in the middle.” 
Kelly dies trying to save her when Andrea starts to get hypothermia and they both drown in the freezing lake. Because why bury your gays when you can drown them? Amiright? Who finds their bodies the next day? This leads to the following section: Next slide, please!
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Who is standing in for Miles and Flora Wingrave? Why, Ruby and a tiny Nia, of course. Nia is a sweet baby angel and I want to meet her as a little sister, totally doted on by her big sister, Ruby. Nia sees Andrea and Kelly arguing like lesbians (so much hand waving and crying and angry whispering) on the far end of the lake while their blue popsicle bodies float around. Ruby and Lucy drag little Nia away from the scene.
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Nia: “My giant scarf is perfectly splendid! Also, I am baby.” 
Things get really spicy when Kara shows up, ghost!Mike and all. He complains about not being able to haunt the “hot chick from apartment 314” any more, but he perks up at the thought of “British broads.” Kara had hoped he was tethered to National City or something, but it appears he is linked to her. Mike is ecstatic when he finds out Bly is full of ghosts. He is always off somewhere exploring the mansion and only pops in to tell Kara snippets of Bly’s history and its many inhabitants. 
Meanwhile, we get to the real star of this indulgent charade. Lena as the wonderfully fit Irish (let her have the accent!) gardener, Jaime. She is convinced Kara is a corn-fed straighty from America until Kara throws herself at her in the greenhouse because flowers turn on lesbians (see Imagine You and Me and Georgia O'Keeffe’s many works. This is sapphic lore, kids.) She opens up about Mike and Lena smooches her so she doesn’t have to listen to the hot blonde’s delusions. 
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Lena: “What do you mean it is too bright? What book? This is a watering can for my gardening activities. So is my fashionable, appropriately sized hat.”
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Kara: *OMG she is so hot and cool, what do I do?* “Hey, do you guys do the circle thing in the UK?” 
Meanwhile, things are getting interesting with Mike and the ghosts: Kelly and Andrea, newly minted Bly ghosts, explain that they are stuck on the grounds. Mike, who believes in having the freedom of “you do you,” vows to break the curse. He strikes a heroic pose that makes Andrea roll her eyes but Kelly agrees they need to find out more about the origins of the Bly Manor curse. 
Flashback episode in a horrid b/w tone because I want to show this is old, okay. It’s not like we could figure it out by the clothes. Or the set dressing. Or the fact that the one of the characters died of “the lung.”
Anyway, we have our sisters, Viola and the other one. Their names don’t really matter because they are going to be the brunette one and the blonde one, played by the queen of period series: Katie McGrath.   
Anger-y brunette Katie, getting her smacking hand ready. 
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And blonde, sad (but also evil? plot twist!) Katie, lusting after her brother in law. 
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And they fight over none other than Daddy Cullen, Maxwell Lorde, because look at that hair, look at all those buttons, look at that big hand! Who could resist? 
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The child is baby Lena being twirled by Anger-y Katie pre-“the lung” because let’s just have this turn into a black hole that destroys itself. 
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Baby Lena: “Swing me, mummy. Swing me with your good lungs!”
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Anger-y Smack-You-Every-Time Katie: “I swung too close to the sky and now this is happening to me.”
So while Kara and Lena are christening all sorts of places at Bly (yes, even the master wing because, of course, the master wing), Mike, Andrea, and Kelly are incepting themselves into all sorts of memories and whatnot. Cue that montage!
Whoops, looks like we blew our budget on that black and white filter. Sorry about that.
Once the ghost trio realizes the chest in the lake doesn’t in fact hold some dragon’s hoard of gold, but the key to ending this madness, Mike pops in on Lena and Kara to bring them up to speed. Kara screams at him about the third rule while Lena tries to accept the fact that her girlfriend (yes, they are girlfriends by now, keep up) has a ghost for a best friend. 
Kara makes Mike look away while her and Lena get dressed and after quite a bit of exposition, they decide to pull the chest up from the lake. Lucy and Jack have been off playing hide the croissant or whatever the straights do during their leisure time, but they quickly hop on the “break the Bly manor curse” train.  
There is a fun B (C?) plot where Ruby and Nia steal Jack’s car and drive into town. No one in town cares because they are rich and all the adults at Bly are busy romancing each other and assume the girls are being odd rich kids playing somewhere in the manor. 
The adults are planning how to get down to the chest without suffering Andrea and Kelly’s fate, when they find some scuba gear the kids bought on their last trip to town. It is wholly impractical but the adults shrug and accept the plot hole so they can hurry this along. 
They draw straws and Kara has to dive down and tie some chains around the sunken chest. Lena jumps in front of limited edition Scuba Gear Kara to stop her but the American has to America so she dives into the freezing lake after a swoon inducing “I’ll be right back” kiss. Like, gifable on tumblr, twitter, and whatever new platform there is a hundred years from now.  
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Scuba Gear Kara: “Guys, I can’t see anything through this helmet. Guys?“
After a few tense moments where Anger-y Olden Time™ Katie tries to stop Kara, Mike, Andrea, and Kelly step in and use their ghost powers to keep her away from Kara. Jack uses his car to pull up the haunted chest and they pry it open with a crowbar and plenty of moxie. The screams of slap happy Katie of the past ring out around the heroes as the curse is broken. The ghosts cheer, everyone laughs nervously (they know the end is never the end in a horror story) and Kara shivers from the cold until she is next to the fire, dry and cuddled up with Lena.
As her final act of revenge, Anger-y Katie gives Kara the Lung(!) but thanks to the power of Science, our spunky American pulls through after properly completing the full course of treatment and antibiotics. This includes Lena taking sexy care of her girlfriend. *wink*
***** westershiresauce is not a medical professional and their thoughts regarding the health benefits/healing powers of a sexy nurse!Lena are not verified. Don’t take srsly. ***** 
Cut to, one more garden and I can retire, Lena, sitting next to an immaculate shrub, waiting for her wife Kara to bring out the tea and biscuits. 
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Lena: “I swear to all that is holy, if that tea is shite, I am leaving her. It’s been like thirty years!”  
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
The Collection Box/Honor Bound crossover AU - part 5
Omg folks, @whump-it is letting me use her darling boy Callum for this AU. We had this idea to make a short collab featuring Isaac, Sam, and Callum as an adult. If you haven’t read her Collection Box series, it’s a box boy AU where people can donate themselves to an Appointed Person where they can then be Selected by anyone who wants them. Anyone. You have no more rights, no protection, no documentation.
Callum donated himself when he was around 20. He was selected by some dick who made Callum call him Master Hayden, and then proceeded to torture him for 3 years before Rory (Callum’s Appointed Person and soulmate) was finally able to get him back. Years later Callum is a doctor, and uses his training and authority to help other Donations.
In this universe, Sam themself is a Donation. Isaac (and Vera, mentioned) are a duo that goes around saving Donations from abusive Selectors. It just so happens that Sam may not have been of age when they Donated themself… or were Donated by someone else. Now they’re injured, confused, and just want to be back with their Selector… or they might pay the price.
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Cw: human trafficking, past whump of a minor
Isaac stood just outside the curtains around the kid’s bed. All around him he heard the sounds of the hospital. Nurses chatting, machines beeping, children crying… It felt strange for the kid to be in the locked pediatric ward. They may be eighteen. But it was the best way to keep them safe, for now.
He’d been guarding the kid for days. Hardly sleeping. Vera had come in to relieve him a few times, but he had insisted on staying by the kid’s side as much as he could. He felt so protective of them, anchored to the spot, connected with them in a way they’d never felt connected to the other Donations he’d rescued. He couldn’t explain it.
Behind him, the kid – Sam, their name was Sam, it was better if he called them that – stirred in their bed. The sheets rustled against the mattress, the mattress crackled as it moved under their weight. The kid was waking up.
Isaac put his face in his hands. All night he’d stood, or sat, or paced by Sam’s room, waiting for the moment that seemed inevitable. He waited for the moment when the kid’s AP, that prick Leo Tierney, showed up to take them away. Or worse, Colleen Stormbeck herself. Technically it was her legal right. She owned Sam, owned their body like they were a thing. Like they were something to be bought and used and hurt because she felt like it. Sam had been tortured because someone felt like it.
Isaac’s chest burned with a rage he’d tried so hard to douse his entire life.
The kid groaned and tossed against the bed. I wonder if I could get the kid some breakfast. Then, a darker thought: I wonder how often they’ve gotten to eat in the past few months… or years.
Then the kid let out a whimper. The sound cut right to Isaac’s heart. He turned, his hand brushing against the curtain around their bed. He clenched his jaw and stopped himself. What if they don’t want to see me? What if it makes them worse? I took them away from their home. They’ve done nothing but beg me to take them back, for days.
The kid let out a scream. Isaac tore the curtains back and darted to Sam’s side.
Sam thrashed against the sheets, their eyes closed, their face twisted in a desperate sob. Isaac immediately stepped forward, his hands outstretched to them, before he stopped. His hands shook. Uncertainty muddied the waters of his mind.
“No, please!” the kid sobbed. All of Isaac’s hesitancy was knocked out of him in a moment.
“Sam, wake up,” he said urgently, shaking their shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re not back there. You’re safe.”
“No!” Sam sobbed, twisting away from Isaac’s hands. “No no no no please, I’ll be good, ma’am, please, please don’t hurt me, please…” They clawed at their neck, trying to tear away a collar that was no longer there. The torn skin and scars remained.
“Sam,” Isaac hissed, before they could get the attention of the whole ward. “Sam, stop. You’re safe. You’re alright.”
“NO!” Sam shrieked. Isaac grabbed their shoulders and shook them until their teeth rattled. Sam jerked awake and cringed back from Isaac’s hands.
“Sam?” Isaac croaked. “Sam, I…”
Sam squeezed their eyes shut and turned their face away. They tilted their head back, exposing their neck, holding out their hands to Isaac, their palms together. As if offering him… to tie their wrists. Isaac scrambled back off the bed with a gasp.
“I’m sorry,” Sam whispered. “I’m yours. I’m yours to do with as you please, ma’am.”
“No,” Isaac whimpered. “Sam, open your eyes. Look at me.”
Sam’s lips trembled. Their hands squeezed into fists as they held them out to Isaac. “P-please…” Their voice faltered. “I’m sorry. I can be good. D-do you want to… to tie me? Or should… um…” Their throat bobbed as they swallowed. “Should I kneel?”
Isaac took a heavy step forward. “Sam… please… stop…”
Sam whimpered and tilted their head back further. “I can wear the collar today. Do you want to, um… to cut me? Or… or the whip? Or…” They whined softly, their voice beseeching, as if… trying to guess what Isaac wanted. What their… owner… wanted.
“Sam,” Isaac rasped. “Sam, just…” he reached out and gently took their wrists in one hand. They shuddered and bit down on their lip. Isaac guided their hands down to rest in their lap. “Sam… open your eyes. Look at me. Please.”
Sam stifled a whimper. Their eyes fluttered open and slowly – slowly – brought their gaze to Isaac. Their lips trembled. “I-Isaac?”
Isaac let out a gusty breath of relief. “Yeah, Sam,” he said softly. “It’s me. You’re not, um, not there.”
Sam’s gaze bounced around the tiny room, moving past the curtains, the tiny table at their bedside, the machine behind them that normally monitored vital signs but had been turned off yesterday. “They’re medically stable. No need making them uncomfortable with all the wires and such,” Dr. Callum had said.
Sam swallowed hard. “M-Ms. Colleen, she—”
“She’s not going to find you,” Isaac said gently.
Sam whimpered. “But sh-she has, um the legal right to—”
“Not if you were underage when she took you,” Isaac said, hoping, praying this wasn’t what would shatter the delicate trust Sam had placed in him already.
Sam’s eyes went wide. Their chest began to heave with panicked breaths. Their hands fisted in the sheets. “N-no,” Sam whispered. “No, I’m… I’m not underage. I’m not underage. Ms. Colleen bought me with, with, with… within the constraints of the law…” Sam’s voice took on the dull, flat tone of someone reciting something they’d been forced to repeat over and over and over. “And I’m not… no… d-don’t say that…”
“Sam…” Isaac sat slowly on the side of the bed, careful not to touch them. “If we can prove you were underage when she took you, you’ll be free. She can never hurt you again. S-so…” He wet his lips. “…um… Sam, we need to know. We need to know how old you are. We need to know when she took you.”
Sam’s hands tightened around the sheets. “She’ll always get me,” they whispered. “She can, can always find me. I can n-never go f-far enough away from her to—”
“I’ll protect you,” Isaac said fiercely, the bite in his voice making Sam quiver and sit back against the pillow. Isaac squeezed his hand into a fist and forced himself to take a calm, slow breath. “We all will. Me… Dr. Callum… Rory…”
Sam’s eyes flicked to the blanket covering them. They opened their mouth to speak, then closed it again. Then, so quietly Isaac could barely hear, Sam said, “Dr. Callum’s like me.”
Isaac’s throat tightened. “Yeah, Sam,” he said heavily. “He is.”
“And… and he… he l-left. Escaped. He’s… he’s a doctor. He… um… he became something.”
“Yeah,” Isaac said softly, his eyes burning with tears. “He did. You can, too. We’ll get you away from Colleen. Get her arrested. Or, or something. Or…” Isaac clenched his jaw. “…or I’ll send you away from here. Somewhere far away, where she can’t get you. And I—”
“I’m eighteen,” Sam whispered. “I’m eighteen. I was, um, sixteen when she took me. Sixteen and a half.” They ducked their head. “I’m… I’m eighteen.”
Isaac bowed his head, the tears in his eyes running down his cheeks. “Oh,” he murmured.
“I… I told you… I… no,” Sam whimpered. “She’s… she’s going to be so angry…”
Without thinking, Isaac pulled Sam into his arms. Rather than pull away, Sam buried their face in Isaac’s shoulder and sobbed.
“We’ll keep you safe,” Isaac murmured against their hair. “I’ll keep you safe. I’ll protect you, so she can never lay a hand on you again.”
Sam trembled, their hands tightening in Isaac’s shirt. He held them until they pulled away.
“You want some breakfast?” Isaac said softly.
Sam licked their lips and nodded.
@pepperonyscience , @whumpygecko , @newandfiguringitout , @orchidscript , @gottalovethemwriters
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
"𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦." ━  𝐙𝐚𝐲𝐧 𝐟𝐭. 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭, 𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
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series masterlist
requested: yes | no
warnings: just angst tbh
word count: 5,850 [again of un proofread material sorry lmao]
authors note: [quick sidenote: if you want to make this sad af, then listen to heal by tom odell here bc that’s what i did when writing lmao.] omg yay part 10 finally! when this posts i’ll still be at work, but i’m so happy that i was able to get this out to you guys today! this series is coming to an end soon and honestly i’m sad about it bc idk what the hell i’m gonna do once it’s over lmao. for everyone who reblogs, likes and even reads this series– thank you from the bottom of my heart. i enjoy reading everyone’s tags and messages and it makes me happy and want to write even more when i see how much you guys enjoy the series. i hope this part is good enough bc part 11 is coming up and well...we’ll see what happens :)
Two days after the incident in the training room, finals week had wrapped up, Kennedy had already gone home to celebrate an early Christmas with her parents before joining you in Victoria, campus closed down and you had found yourself displaced. Originally, pre-Typocalypse...you were supposed to stay with Jamie and Katie, then all fly back together after the game tonight. But those plans had since changed since Jamie was obviously still not talking to you. Kennedy offered you to come and stay with her, but you were already stealing her for Christmas, you didn't want to intrude on the few days her and her parents got to spend together for the Holidays.  Before you could even think about booking a hotel for the next few days, Big Rig offered you his guest room and the two of you have been temporary roommates ever since.
It was a great set up, honestly. Since you were still obligated to be at team practices, the two of you drove there together and left afterward. He was like the big shield that protected you from Jamie's glares and Tyler's horrible attempts at trying to please Jamie by not looking at you. When they went on their Florida series, Dave offered you a chance to go since you were on break, but you turned it down and made a joke about how if you went to Florida you might not come back. Instead, you relaxed on Big Rig's couch, thought about going to see Tyler's dogs and switched between binging 'You' and 'Fuller House' on Netflix.
But today was the day that you would be handing John the paperwork for your internship that he needed to sign and handover. Just things saying that your timesheet was correct, signing off and typing up a letter about how you did. The practice before they left for Florida, actually the same day he had offered you a spot on the trip, was when you broke the news to him that you wouldn't finish out the season with them. Of course, he probably had some kind of inkling as to the reasons why. You always thought that girls were the worst when it came to gossip, but it turns out grown men are a lot worse. But he was kind and never asked for the specifics and respected your decision not to continue and just told you to give him the paperwork whenever you could and that he'd fill it out for you. He also commented on how good of a job you did and that if you ever changed your mind, they'd welcome you back without a second thought.
And that's what you told Katie when the two of you went out to an early dinner before heading to the arena for the game. But now, as the two of you were in your uber and headed towards the arena, the daunting task of having to actually hand over your paperwork weighed heavy on your heart. Katie had invited you along to dinner and you thought that it was probably her way of reaching out to you since your brother was failing to do so, but you didn't mind. You really liked Katie and she was like the other big sister you never had. To your surprise though, the two of you didn't talk much about what had happened between you, Tyler and Jamie. Instead, she focused on your senior year, where you were applying to jobs and how life in L.A. had been treating her.
But now you were itching to get her opinion on the matter, because if there was anyone besides you who was closer to Jamie in this city and had the insight of his thoughts– it was her. When the two of you stepped out of the Uber and made your way through security to get to the back hallway, you broke the silence on the matter.
"Did you know?" You blurted out as the two of you bypassed security. She turned to you with a generic expression. "Did you know before he...found out?"
"I mean, I kind of had a feeling something was going on," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Just even during the few times I was down here and we all went downtown. The two of you had never really been as close or hung out too often before and I just noticed all of the little things that boys are too oblivious to see."
"Yeah, maybe going out together was a bad idea. Maybe this whole damn thing was a bad idea," you sighed, clutching the manilla folder close to you.
"I don't think it was a bad idea, I just think that you and Tyler approached it wrong. You guys should've been a little more upfront and honest with Jamie. He still might have been angry, but it would have been a lot better than the alternative."
You nodded, accepting her cold truth as the two of you made your way through the parking garage and towards the hallway entrance. "Has he reached out to you yet?"
"Jamie or Tyler?"
"Both, I guess."
You shook your head, pushing back the pain that came with the thought of the two guys you cared for most, ignoring you. "Not even an in-person acknowledgment."
"I've been talking to them both, trying to get them to see the sense of it all. I told Jamie he needs to talk to you before this gets any worse...but you know how he is."
"Yeah, I do," you nodded, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. You looked down the right towards the training room and took a deep breath. "Well, I guess this is it."
"I can come with you if you want? Give you a little moral support?"
"Thanks, but I need to do this on my own," you took a deep breath and nodded, giving yourself a little encouragement. "I'll see you at home in a few hours?"
"Longest plane ride of our lives," she joked, hugging you before turning towards the elevator. "Oh, one more thing about you and Tyler!"
"Yeah?" You asked, giving her a hopeful, but sad look.
"It wasn't just the physical things I noticed, like the small touches." She shrugged her shoulders and gave you a small smile. "But it was just how different the two of you seemed. You were a lot happier and open and Tyler...he was a lot calmer and genuinely happy. I think the two of you are very good together."
You didn't know what to say, but instead gave her a thankful smile and watched her get into the elevator to head up to the upper level. It hurt your heart, to think about how your relationship had changed the two of you for the better and yet here you guys were– avoiding each other at all costs. You brushed those thoughts aside and walked down the hallway. You needed to give Dave your paperwork, but there was something else you needed to do first.
You knocked on to the locker room door, hearing a voice on the other side. You covered your eyes with one hand and pushed the door open, stepping into the room. "Is everyone in here decent?"
"It's just me and Dobby, Y/N," Klinger said, laughing. "So yes, open your eyes."
You uncovered your eyes to see the two men sitting in their respectful stalls. "Where's everyone else?"
"Training room, on the bench or playing footy," Dobby said, standing up. "You okay?"
You nodded, walking over towards Big Rig's stall and holding up your purse. "Big Rig just asked me to bring something for him, he forgot it at the apartment."
They nodded and Dobby walked out of the door, Klinger stopping while holding it open. "Do you think you can tape me today?"
You felt a crushing feeling inside of you because he had no clue that you weren't here to work...but instead to quit. "If no one's busy." You smiled, as he nodded in reply before leaving the locker room.
You took a deep breath and sighed before walking away from Big Rig's stall and over to Tyler's. You dug into your purse and pulled out his house key, which was attached to the  '#1 labrador mom' keychain he had given you, and placed it right in the middle of his stall. You've been meaning to give it back to him since everything crumbled, but you just haven't had the courage to face him since the day of he and Jamie's explosion. Plus, you were flying home to Victoria tonight and there would be no better time than the present to give him back the gift. Now, you had to do the one thing that you came here for– turn in your hour sheet, along with some other internship paperwork, to John. You had talked to him earlier in the week about deciding not to finish out the season, and you had to admit that you felt honored that he was upset that you were choosing not to continue. For the first time in a while, it made you feel like you had accomplished something here and that your work was appreciated. But the hardest part wasn't telling him that you were quitting, it was turning in your paperwork for him.
You stood outside of the training room door, contemplating whether or not to call Katie and tell her that you had changed your mind, that you'd love for her to walk into the room with you so you could walk right back out. But then you thought back on all of your conversations with Big Rig since Kennedy left and how, in her absence, he's been more than willing to lend an ear and even give you some advice and boost up your confidence. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling and then opening your eyes again. "I can do this." You gave yourself a few more seconds before bringing your shoulders back, lifting your chin and pushing the door open, walking into the training room like you owned the place.
"Y/N!" Pavs cheered, throwing his fists into the air. "You're finally here! I've been waiting for you to come and tape my ankle for me, for like...ever!"
"Sorry for being late," you replied, looking immediately in John's direction to see him walking over to his desk. "I just need to–"
"And you're out of your uniform?" Dickinson scoffed, walking by you. "What are they teaching you at this fancy college?"
"Yeah Y/N, you're not on winter break yet. No, relax!" Rads chimed in as the rest of the guys just laughed.
You rolled your eyes at their chirping but kept the smile on your face because you were glad that things seemed to have rolled over when it came down to the tension whenever you, Tyler and Jamie were all in the same room. This was ringing true because the three of you were in the same room at this very moment. Tyler was sitting down by Big Rig, stealing a resistance band from him to work on his shoulder, while Jamie was lying on a table in front of John's desk, getting his hamstring scraped by Craig. Neither of them looked as tense as they had in the last week, but they still weren't paying any attention to you. Well, you thought they weren't until you caught Tyler looking away from you the moment you went to say something to Big Rig about his bands. He played it off, looking immediately to his right, probably not realizing he'd be staring at a blank wall– but you were over it all, so it didn't bother you one bit.
"Is this the paperwork we talked about?" Dave asked, finally sitting down at his chair and tossing a towel on his desk.
You walked forward with the manilla folder in hand and held it up, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "Yep, this is it. Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner. It took a while to get together since Finals ended and everything is hectic."
You held it out to him and he grabbed it from you, placing it onto his desk and opening it, skimming through the pages and nodding. "Can I get this to you after you come back from break?"
"Absolutely. There's no need to rush," you looked off to see Big Rig giving you a supportive look. He was the only one in the room besides Dave, that knew just what those papers were for. "Just as long as it's before graduation."
"Y/N!" Miro said, rushing into the room and out of breath. "You're here! Please tape me, you're the only one who can."
"Looks like you're stuck with just Craig and me, Miro," Dave said, closing the folder and standing up from his chair. "You guys must have chased her away. She's finished with her internship and decided not to extend for the full season."
That non-existent tension that you mentioned earlier, sprung it's ugly head back into the room the moment that his announcement left his lips. Both Jamie and Tyler perked up at what Dave had said, both surprised and even had a split moment where they looked at each other. Though of course, they had no clue of your decision, so shock and confusion were along the lines of what you expected them to feel. You made eye contact with Jamie first and you couldn't exactly pinpoint just what he was feeling since three separate emotions ran across his face: shock, disappointment and finally, joy. When you acknowledged him back, he opened his mouth slightly as if he might just say something, but instead bit the inside of his cheek and rested his head back down onto his forearms as Craig continued to scrap him. Tyler on the other hand only had two visible emotions: sad and extremely pissed. And if it wasn't for the fact that his eyes carried hints of sadness, you'd only think he was extremely pissed, seeing as the scowl on his face and his knitted eyebrows were the key symbols of his anger. Rightfully, you were confused at his reaction. How could he even be bothered to be angry about your choice when he hasn't talked to you in nearly two weeks?
Screw him, he has no right to be angry.
You turned your attention away from him and started to make your way back to the training room door. "Well, shit, who the hell is going to deal with my shin problem now?" Big Rig said, clearing out the silence in the room.
Bishop laughed as well a few other guys who were still left in the training room before walking away from your desk and over to you. "You're 27 years old, figure it out, you dweeb!" He came to a stop in front of you and hugged you. "Good luck with the rest of your senior year. I hope you'll still come around."
"Eh, maybe I will," you joked, pulling away from the hug and giving the guys a small wave. "Good luck tonight guys. Someone fight Tkachuk or I'll disown you as my team and switch to the Canucks."
Your joke was followed by multiple groans and mumbles, in reply to your goodbye and to the fact that you were leaving their training room forever. Once the conversation returned to normal, you took that as your time to slip out of the training room unnoticed and back out into the hallway. The moment you stared down the empty hallway, you took a deep breath and felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You, Kennedy and Big Rig had made yourself a checklist of things to do before the year came to an end and you came back from winter break.
The first? Talk to Dave and give him the paperwork to wrap up your internship.
The second? Somehow repair your relationship with Jamie, which has yet to even have an outlined plan.
And the third? ...Close things off with Tyler on a positive note. He was a friend way before he was a hookup and he's your brother's best friend. Just because the two of you had relations, doesn't mean you couldn't still be friends.
You weren't one to lie to yourself. You knew that the last one probably wouldn't happen before the end of the year, if at all. Confronting Tyler was terrifying to you. Sure, you've planned everything that you wanted to say to him– it's been boiling inside of you for days. But there was never a moment that presented itself to where you could get Tyler alone, and you no longer felt comfortable just showing up at his place. So, you just pushed it onto the backburner and knew that somewhere down the road, you'd be able to accept that things would be like this from here on out– avoiding each other and pretending like nothing ever happened.
"Y/N, wait!" Halfway down the hallway, you stopped in your tracks as you listened to the sound of a door closing and shoes scuffing along the floor.
You didn't want to turn around, hell, you didn't even want to stop. But it was like your body turned against you the moment that you heard his voice. His footsteps came to a stop just behind you and you could hear him panting a little, trying to catch his breath. In his hand, you heard the slight jingle of a single key on a lanyard, and your heart squeezed in your chest.
"You can't do this. You can't leave!" The anger in his voice took you by surprise, just like his reaction only moments ago in the training room had. "You can't let me stop you from keeping this internship."
"Excuse me?" You scoffed, whipping around and feeling pure adrenaline running through your veins. "That's awfully narcissistic of you."
He looked taken back as he held tightly onto the lanyard he'd gifted you. "That's why you're leaving, though. Because of...everything?" He took a step towards you, shaking his head. "If it is I–"
Maybe it was the way he had phrased the sentence or maybe it was the way that he had pretty much just written off every moment the two of you had shared in a hesitant state. Whatever it was, you felt a whirl of anger and adrenaline swirling around inside of you as you clenched your fists by your side. "I completed my hours, Tyler, meaning my internship is done. I've fulfilled my duties as an intern here and even if it was about you and 'everything'," you threw your air quotes as you stared at him, your eyes hoping to burn holes into his head. "My position here was never permanent and we both knew that."
You felt slightly proud of yourself for the sly insinuation you threw in at him, and even more so proud when you saw that he understood just what you were implying. "Y/N listen, we need to talk."
Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have prevented the laugh that escaped from your mouth. "You've had almost two weeks to 'talk', Tyler. Two weeks to send me a text or a phone call to meet up someplace! But now that I'm leaving and I'll no longer be around for your convenience, it's the perfect time to talk?"
He stood there silent because he knew damn well that you were right. He had plenty of opportunities in the last two weeks to reach out to you, but he hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone and there was no denying it. You stood there, taking him in and it only made you feel worse. He had a hurt look on his face like he was lost as to what you wanted him to say or to do– and that only made you angrier. It was simple, what you wanted him to do. For the last two weeks, all you've wanted was for him to just talk to you, to let you know that he hadn't tossed you aside like another pointless hookup. But now, all you wanted to do was get everything off of your chest, and it was then that you realized...the universe was granting you the alone time you've desperately wanted.
"You don't get it, do you?" You asked, shaking your head as you felt a knot tighten in your throat. "You don't get how...how embarrassed I am! Do you know how many people told me to avoid getting involved with you? That you'd do nothing but end up hurting me in the end?"
"'He has a reputation for a reason, Y/N!' 'All he does is whore around Dallas, Y/N.' 'You guys are in two different stages of life, it won't work out.'" You laughed again, trying your damndest not to try. "I've heard it all, Tyler. From Kennedy, from your teammates, from kids at my school, hell– I even heard it from my mom!"
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked off to your left, giving yourself a few seconds to compose your thoughts before looking at him again. "But I brushed their worries aside because I saw a side of you that they never got the chance to. I saw how kind and sweet you were with me. How you'd jump at any opportunity to help me study and how you always made me feel welcome in your home."
"I saw it all and I thought, 'hey, you know what? They're all wrong. He's not that kid in Boston and he's not the same guy he was when he first got to Dallas.'" You pointed at him before letting your hand drop back to your side. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I know people can change and with my whole heart, I believed that you had."
He continued to stare at you, almost void of emotion now as if he had put up a wall and was just letting you scream at it, which only made you more upset. "I understand that you could have lost your best friend, I really do. And I'd never ask you to put our, whatever the hell we had, above your friendship with Jamie."
 Your bottom lip trembled as you thought about the nights since, where you've checked your phone every minute to see if he had texted you. "But you could have texted me. You could've said 'hey, I just need some space right now to figure stuff out' and I would have been fine with that! Instead, you just...tossed me aside and shut me out."
The more that you spoke, the more weightless you began to feel. It was as if speaking every word and feeling you had saved for Tyler was freeing you of the pain that him dropping you like nothing, had caused. Yet, you couldn't help but feel angry at how he was just standing there. You wanted a reaction, you wanted him to apologize– anything was better than this.
"Say something! Stop standing there and staring at me!" You yelled, feeling surprised at yourself for just how high your voice had gone and echoed off of the walls.
You watched his Adam's apple bob as his fingers tangled and twirled through the lanyard."Jamie and I... we've been talking and I think it's going well."
"Well that's great for you, isn't it?" You scoffed, shaking your head and motioning towards him with a hand. "At least my brother is talking to someone, right? Better you than me, I guess. I'm happy you got your best friend back, I truly am."
The longer you stood there, the more you felt your body begin to shake from the pure adrenaline running through you. And the more that he just stared at you, the more you felt your heart breaking because it was starting to become clear that you were the only one who was hurting from all of this. You laughed in disbelief at your revelation before turning away from him, preparing to walk down the aisle and out of his view.
"Why?" You asked, keeping your back turned. "Why did you do it?"
"...Why did I do, what?"
You turned around, your hair whipping into your face before you brushed it back with your fingers. "Why did you go back to Maisy?" Your voice cracked as you spoke softly, staring at him with the tears that were threatening to spill. "Why did you treat me like I was the most important person to you and then toss me aside like I was just another pointless hookup?"
"Did you even care? Wait, no, of course, you didn't and would you like to know how I know that, Tyler?" You stared at him, expecting an answer but knowing you wouldn't get one. "Because you practically rushed me out of your house and into an uber like I was nothing. You couldn't even be bothered to make sure I got home okay! The first sign of trouble and you toss me into an uber, sent me away and then ignored me like every..."
Your voice broke as you brought a hand to your mouth and turned away from him. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your racing heart before looking back at him. "You ignored me like every moment we spent together meant nothing to you. And m-maybe they did but to me? They're some of the best memories I've had here in Dallas."
"So imagine how it made me feel, when my brother of all people, tells me that she's here...in your seats, not even four days after you had sex with me and tossed me aside." You glared at him as your bottom lip trembled once again. "You made me look like a joke Tyler."
"It wasn't like that, okay? Maisy was just–"
"I don't care what it was like, Tyler! She was here, in seats YOU bought her last season!" You yelled, throwing your arms in the air. "You told me that you guys were over! That you haven't talked to her since July and yet, there she was!"
The moment you felt the first tear glide down your cheek, you knew that you only had moments before you would burst into tears. You went to speak and a small sob escaped from the back of your throat. Tyler went into a small panic, his eyes widening as he stepped forward and reached out for you. "Y/N–"
"Don't," You stepped back, smacking his hand away. "Don't touch me, just...don't." You closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing and collecting your thoughts before opening them and looking at him one last time. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt Tyler, but it turns out everyone was right."
You laughed again, shrugging your shoulders and shaking your head. "You're still that 19-year-old kid in Boston, who doesn't have a clue about what he wants for his life...you're nowhere near the man I thought you were." You looked him dead in the eyes, not caring about the tears running down your face. "Grow up."
With that, you turned your back to him and started to finish your journey down the hall and to the elevator, choosing to ignore how his footsteps followed you. "Y/N, wait...please."
You stopped, this time choosing to and kept your head down towards the ground and holding back your sobs. "SEGGY WHERE ARE YOU? GET DRESSED, WE'VE GOT 5 MINUTES TILL WARM-UPS!" Big Rig called out, his loud voice echoing down the hall.
You expected to hear Tyler's footprints walk in the opposite direction, but you were met with silence. "Y/N, stay after the game, please? I just," he sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "We really need to talk about everything and just...please wait for me after the game? Five minutes, two minutes, one minute– whatever you want, I don't care. Just...please, let me explain?"
"SEGGY LET'S GO!" Rads called out this time, his voice louder as you kept your back to Tyler.
You heard him sigh again before listening to his footsteps run in the direction back towards the locker room. You didn't hesitate to walk as fast as you could to the elevator, letting out every tear and sob your body had held back as he pleaded for a chance to explain. It was all you wanted from him, an explanation, but he was too late. You weren't staying for the game, you were leaving the arena and hopping onto a flight to Victoria in two hours.
You just didn't have the heart to tell him that.
You were grateful for the elevator attendant who stayed silent your entire ride up to the upper level. Before the doors opened, you took a deep breath and wiped your eyes, fixing yourself up before you'd make your way through the crowds and out of the arena. The attendant gave you a friendly smile as you walked out of the elevator. As soon as the doors closed and you made your way through the crowds, you spotted Paisley turning away from the drink cart ahead of you and you were desperate for the crowd to swallow you up before she could witness you in all of your misery.
Unfortunately for you, the universe wasn't so kind because as soon as she looked up from her purse, her eyes locked on yours and she smiled and waved at you. You froze in place, probably bothering the fans trying to make their way around you as you watched in horror, Paisley coming towards you.
"Y/N, hi!" She smiled, just as cheery as the first time you met her, which again, made it so hard to dislike her. "What are you doing up here? I thought you were down in the training room and stuff?"
"How did you know that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cole," she scoffed, rolling her eyes before taking a sip of her beer, which was another shock because you took her for a wine kind of girl. "He complained about it and Tyler Seguin and some dude named Big Rig? But I don't understand why because like, your job sounds really cool!"
"Well, it was pretty cool, but I finished up my internship, so I won't be here much longer." You replied, stuffing your hands awkwardly into your sweatshirt pockets.
She looked at you, her eyes taking in your appearance and lingering on your face for much longer than you'd like them to. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."
There were a lot of things you wanted to do right now and talking to the girl your boyfriend cheated on you with, was not on the list. But she was being so nice to you and after the horrible moment you just had with Tyler, you needed a little positivity right now. "I kind of just maybe...broke up with someone? I mean we weren't a thing, but we kind of were and it's just...it's a whole hot mess." You sighed, shaking your head and brushing it off. "It doesn't matter anymore."
She gasped, bringing her drink to her chest and grabbing onto your wrist with her free hand as she leaned in. "You broke up with Tyler? But why? You guys seemed so happy whenever I saw you out downtown. Even when I saw you walking around campus, you just looked so...happy."
"It's complicated."
She shook her head, sighing and taking a long sip of her wine. "I guess it is true then, men are shit. College guy or NHL player." She must have seen the shocked look on your face because she shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I dumped Cole's ass. Sometime after you left the ABC party. He's just an asshole! And I'm sorry about everything...I never knew and I feel horrible about it."
"It's okay, he really was an asshole." You laughed, feeling a small flutter of happiness rush through you for the first time in what felt like forever. As she joined you in laughter, you dug your phone out of your back pocket and smiled. "What's your number? Maybe we can hang out after break?"
"Oh my God, yes!" She squealed, taking your phone from your hands and bringing her own out. "And I'll add you on snap and Instagram, too! Honestly, you and Kennedy seem like the coolest girls and I've always wanted to be friends with you since freshman year English lit, but we never really had classes together again."
"We can make plans for spring break maybe?" You suggested as the two of you added each other on social media before putting your phones away.
"Yes! We can plan it after break! Maybe you can even introduce me to a cute hockey boy?" She winked, nudging you playfully. "It seems to have worked out for Kennedy well."
You laughed again, nodding your head. "I know a few single guys, we'll see what we can do." You felt your phone vibrating and you brought it back out to see the notification about your uber being ten minutes out. "Oh shoot, I need to go and get my bags before my uber gets here. But I'll text you later?"
"Sure thing!" She nodded before turning to walk away. "Oh, and one more thing!"
"Don't count him out just yet, okay? As I said, I saw how he looked at you whenever I saw you guys downtown and if I know boys like I think I do...I'd say that boy loves you. And a boy in love doesn't give up that easily." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders before winking at you. "Just a thought."
You watched her disappear into the crowd, wondering what the hell just happened. When you made your way down the escalators and into the main lobby, you navigated your way towards the front office where Big Rig had asked the staff to hold your bags for you. Sneaking in and then out quickly, you grabbed the Stars 'staff' lanyard around your neck and stuffed it into your sweatshirt pockets before walking out of the arena doors with your luggage in hand and made your way to the spot where you'd meet your uber. As you stood there, waiting for your Uber to arrive, you thought about what she said. Out of curiosity, you brought your phone out of your back pocket again to see a new text on your screen...from Tyler.
'see you after the game?'
You went to reply to tell him the news, but your uber pulled up and you locked your phone and shoved it into your sweatshirt pocket along with the Dallas Stars lanyard.
You were leaving for Victoria, Tyler would go home to Toronto and there would be no waiting for him in the hallway after the game, giving him a chance to explain.
The damage was already done.
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crystalk17 · 4 years
Cat at Movie Night/ Mouse of a Time
Virgil explores Roman’s room as a tiny instead of a mouse. This does lead to some feelings that were not suppose to come out. When this is all over at least everything calms down with a Movie Night! Well we thought they would calm down. 
Click here for Master Post to see previous chapters. 
Virgil looked down at himself still mesmerized and confused beyond all thought. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why was this happening? He didn’t think this happened to the others, so why him? In all honesty it didn’t matter. He would have to contemplate the questions later. Right now he was faced with another problem he really didn’t want to deal with. Since he was no longer a mouse, he could feel his body calm down a bit, but only to a point. He still felt his heart beating a mile a minute; he was shaking, but unlike when he was a mouse he had more control.
Yes, the heart was still going, but when he was an animal he could have sworn he was going to have a heart attack. Yes, his shaking was still present, but he was able to stand straight. The best side effect of his abrupt transformation was he was thinking straight now. As a mouse all that was passing through his head was “ OMG CAT! RUN!” Now he was able to take a few breaths, processing the situation at hand. This was Roman. Yes a cat, but still Roman. In reality, he loves his beauty sleep. Most likely Roman was not going to wake up, unless someone came in and deliberately woke him up, or a loud noise occurred. All the other Sides were with Thomas, so that wouldn’t happen. Just simply leave. The darker side ran across the perfectly made bed to the edge. He was honestly a little surprised it was made this well, not a crease in sight. He ran to the edge of the mattress, tripping over one crease in the blanket.
Virgil tumbled over the side, luckily reaching his hands out to grab the material present. “ Please don’t be silk. Please don’t be silk.”He whispered to himself with closed eyes. He felt his moment slow to a halt, causing him to open one eye at a time to peer at his new surroundings. Virgil gave a sigh of relief when he realized that one, the blanket wasn’t silk, and two, he barely went anywhere. Virgil could reach his hand up and just barely grab the edge. Virgil easily hefted his body to the top taking one last glance to the bottom of what seemed like an endless abyss to him. “ Alright there was one crease in the blanket... Now what to do about that?”
Virgil looked around for anything that could help him. He could simply climb down using the sheet, but that was too dangerous. There were not enough guarantees of a foot or handhold on the way down. His head looked around the room, looking for any solution, and his eyes laid upon some frilly looking pillows. Virgil just shook his head in disappointment in Roman’s sense of style, but then it hit him all at once. One of those frilly pillows had string like tassels coming out all over on the outside. They were thin enough for the tiny side to grab a hold. They were just for decoration, but they would be of use to him. He ran over to the pillows, slowing down his pace, gaining distance as he had to walk past the cat, then went back to running over to his destination when the cat did not move. He grabbed ahold of one piece with both hands, pulling with all his might.
It took a few pulls, but he was able to make the string release from the pillow, but the force of physics said when he pulled and made the string release he would stumble backward a few steps, making a loud tearing sound when the string detached. Virgil quickly looked over at the cat, looking for any sign of a stir or twitch. The only thing Roman did was twitch his ear. So he could hear it, but in his sleep he wasn’t registering it was of any concern.
Virgil did this process four more times, just making sure he had more grasp on his body, so he wasn’t stumbling back each and every time.
After collecting five total strings he grabbed the ends of all of them in a bundle, dragging them to the side of the bed. He plopped down on the bed, crossing his legs, and proceeded to tie all the ends together. The problem was the whole time he tied them together his eyes were wandering to the cat on the bed right beside him. In fact the whole time, his eyes would not leave the cat until he had to move onto the next knot. By the end he thought he was finished and took a deep breath out, finally relieved he could move, but as soon as he held up his creation the whole thing fell apart. He growled at himself then started again.
“ Look, it's just Roman. Knock it off you...scared mouse” He started to actually concentrate on his own work, not allowing his eyes to wander towards the animal next to him. The only time he did was when he heard the cat make movement with its body, but it was just a purr.
He just sighed and went back to working on his project.
It was too quiet for him now. Why couldn’t he be happy?
“You know? I think I’m doing a pretty good job of this if I say so myself.” He held up the first knot inspecting it, also acting like he was showing Creativity.
“ You know... why can’t you usually be like this? Usually, I can’t get you to stop talking...it’s kind of weird.” Virgil found himself talking to Roman like he was expecting the cat to answer back. At this point he was just ranting out loud.
“ Usually I can’t even get a nice comment to leave your mouth... I do have a question for you Roman.” Roman didn’t answer, but he continued anyway.
“ Why do you have such a hard time around me anyway? I mean, I can understand you siding with Patton a lot of the time. He’s optimistic like you are, but he just wants to please people so half the time he agrees to make you happy.” He looked over at the cat momentarily then moved onto the next knot.
“ I mean, Logan is the complete opposite of you, and you agree with him more than you can admit to me you like my opinions.” He aggressively tightened the second knot and started to raise his voice.
“ But trust me, I know why. It’s because I used to be a Dark Side, isn’t it? You just can’t get over that I used to be one even though I try to help you out with Thomas.” He realized his voice was getting too loud, and immediately lowered it while tightening the third knot. He looked over at Roman sighing. “ Even though I know you are trying because you don’t call me as many names, you can just be a jerk.” He sat in silence, finishing off the fourth and tieing the end of the strings to make a fifth knot. “ There.” He held it up one more time. “ I think you would even be impressed Creativity.” He showed it off to the Prince then stood up.
He didn’t know why he was doing it, but before walking to the edge he walked closer to the cat. The emo side wasn’t scared or hesitant. He just strolled on up to the creature taking in all the form. Virgil looked up and down trying to take in everything. Now that he thinks about it, he’s never been this close to Roman while he was in this form. Virgil would be close, even have conversations with human Roman, but cat Roman he always stayed as far as he could. His instincts always told him to stay away. Far away. But this creature was sleeping. What was the worst that could happen?
Anxiety walked up towards the sleeping cat’s face and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to wake him, but deep down he knew nothing would happen. He shakily placed his hand on the creature’s nose. Virgil had both of his own eyes shut and laid his hand there, unmoving for what seemed like an eternity. He was just waiting on movement or anything. The tiny opened one eye at a time, realizing nothing was happening.
Virgil could see the pink mixed with small black that a normal human wouldn’t have noticed. The texture itself felt like leather. He then traced his hand slowly up along the nose actually petting the creature’s fur. He saw after he let his hand go back and forth the fur would part just a bit revealing a second layer of grey underneath. Virgil relaxed as he progressed, but then he felt tingles go up his spine as he felt the cat breath through its nose, blowing back his hair. He closed his eyes once more as the air hit his face, but he smiled and pet the cat once more. “ Good Roman.” He picked up the strings and flung them over his shoulder to continue on his way.
But Roman was still Roman. Even in his sleep the side had to be difficult. The cat rolled over on its side and landed its paw right on top of the smaller side’s body, making the string fly across the bed surface. Virgil was flat on his stomach glaring up at the gigantic creature with his eyes. “ And this is the Roman I know. Come on let me go!”He used his arms trying to lift the paw off him with no success. He placed his hand under his chin, tapping on the bed trying to think what to do. Virgil sighed one more time, took some time to scream into the pillow, then dragged his body away from the creature.
It took a few tries, but he finally reached freedom, exhausted after using his arms to force his body to slide out from the paw. When finally free, he turned onto his back and took a few breaths. “ Who knew this was so hard.”
After catching his breath, he stood up. He was an inch away from storming over to the cat and kicking its paw, but he stopped himself. If all this action hadn’t woken him up, let's not push his luck right now. He marched over to the string he tied together and wandered over to the edge.
He flung the now rope over the edge. As quick as he could, he climbed down to exit the room he should have never entered.
(Hours later. Many hours later)“
“ Roman! We always watch Disney. Why don’t we watch Hidden Figures™? It will tell us all about women in the NASA program.” Logan said standing up holding the movie and straightening his tie a bit to prove a point.
“ No, and for your information, Onward ™ is not a Disney movie...It’s a Disney and Pixar movie.” Roman remarked.
“ We are not listening to another musical Disney movie about finding true love.”
“ How dare you! It is not a musical, and for your information they go on a marvelous quest to find true love...of their father.”
Patton was just sitting on the couch wearing his grey cat onesie looking back and forth listening to the two argue about something so simple as a movie for movie night.
“ Kiddos. Guys. Come on. They're both wonderful movies.” He was about to get confused about the whole situation.
Anxiety could hear these two from the kitchen. In reality, he wasn’t going to join them, but both movies did not sound too bad, plus who said he would get much done with these two arguing. Again. Virgil walked into the room holding a bowl of tortilla chips, sitting down on the couch. He hopped over the back landing right beside Patton to watch the argument like this was the entertainment for the night.
“ Virgil!” Patton suddenly wrapped his hands around Virgil's body and rubbed up against him like an excited puppy would. “ I thought you weren’t joining us!”
The purple and black wearing side looked over with wide eyes. He would never get used to Patton’s affections towards him. He looked at him just waiting for him to stop. “ In all honesty this is better than nothing, plus it’s not like I couldn't hear these two in my own room.
The loud side stopped fighting for a moment and didn’t really glare, but gave this uncomfortable look basically asking why are you here? Virgil honestly didn’t know if he imagined over half of Roman’s reactions. He was told he does.
“ Well hello Anxiety. Maybe if you are going to join us, you can straighten this out for us. Roman wants to watch this childish troll movie and I would like to watch Hidden Figures ™”
Roman about started to yell, but he fixed his hair so it was slicked back. “ It is not a troll movie. It is Onward ™.”
Virgil decided to think about the choices for a moment then blurted out his answer “ Why not Onward™? It’s a new movie.” 
Princey was noticeably surprised and relieved. “ Onward ™ it is!” He held the movie up in the air, marching over to the DVD player like he had a mission and to complete it he had to shove the movie into the player. Roman turned around and noticeably went to the opposite side of the couch, nowhere near Virgil.
He sighed, rolling his eyes at the pettiness and now wished he picked the other movie just to spite him. He made his Disney onesie appear on his body, sitting down with a small pint of ice cream himself in his lap.
Logan sat on the floor stating he did not mind, right between where Roman and Virgil were. At least Logic was trying.
“Logan! Virgil! You need to wear onesies too!”Patton yelled out cheering.
Both Logan and Virgil looked at each other then back at Patton. “No.” Both said in unison turning back around to watch the movie.
The heart side started to pout like a child in a cute way. Virgil had one thing he couldn’t resist. It was Patton. He was the first side to accept him to the group, plus he had such a kind and open-heart. He struggled with it eternally and finally broke down. “ Fine.” He rolled his head back in protest but complied. In one moment a skeleton onesie appeared on his body. “ Happy?”
Patton’s eyes got big, he was completely overwhelmed with excitement, but he was biting on his lip to not yell. “ Yes.”
Virgil gave him a slight smile he hoped none of the others noticed.
While the commercials were still playing, the Disney wearing side started to talk and blurted the most worrying and weird thing ever.
“ Oh hey, Logan?”
“ Yes Roman,” Logan asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“ I think we have a rodent in the house. We might not want to tell Thomas, though. I don’t want to freak him out.”
The used to be Dark side went white as soon as Roman said this. “ Wait, how did.” He then thought back to the room. “ He wasn’t all the way asleep was he?”
Logan looked confused, looking behind him toward Roman. “ What are you talking about?”
Roman put down the spoon of ice cream he was about to eat. “ Oh. I said there is a mouse here. I could smell him in my room. I was just too lazy to go after it myself. I was in the middle of a nap.”
“ That’s beside the point. You should have done something about it.” Virgil noticed Logan started to do that thing that he does when he’s really trying to process something or understand something.“ And you said in your room?”
“ Oh Yeah...Why?” he then inhaled a spoon of ice cream watching the actual movie.
“ Nothing,” Logan said quietly.
Virgil then noticed he was talking to himself for a second to help himself process the information. “ A mouse in the mindscape? How odd.”
Virgil went blank white once more but bit into a chip trying to hide his reaction.
The smart side looked up at Patton and Virgil to try to see their reactions, noticing Virgil pitch white. “ What is wrong Virge?”
Logan only ever used that nickname when he was concerned in his own way. “ Nothing. Just watch the movie already.”
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Libi & Bobby
Libi: Guess what I’ve just seen
Bobby: ?
Libi: Had art first lesson
Libi: Look what was on the noticeboard when I got out
Libi: [Audition sign-up list]
Libi: !!!
Bobby: You haven’t written our names down yet
Libi: 😃😃 yeah?
Libi: The premise sounds interesting
Libi: not the worst; remember that Cinderella knock-off they did when I first started? That was REAL cringey
Bobby: There’s loads of people I’d fake kill, none I’d stay out til midnight 💃🕺 with
Libi: Maybe the ‘glass’ slippers are still in the cupboard
Libi: you can make it your diva request
Libi: you really FEEL your character would wear shoes made out of sellotape in every scene
Bobby: sticking to the floor might make me a bit easy to catch ❌🏃🏻🚔🚨
Bobby: I’ll probably save them to wear backstage
Libi: Power move
Libi: In English now, but I’ll go have a loo break and sign us up
Libi: There were only a few names already on there
Bobby: Hang on, is there anyone signed up that’ll put me off? You left that off the pic
Libi: Signing up doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll get a part
Bobby: yeah but
Bobby: whose name are you deliberately not saying
Libi: China must’ve had music, she would’ve passed by it too
Bobby: She’ll only be after the lead
Bobby: be alright when you get it, we won’t see no sign of her
Libi: There’s the 😇/😈 leads though
Libi: Which one do you think Jake will like? OMG! 🙄
Bobby: 😈🤘🎸 DUH
Libi: She already thinks she’s a femme fatale in her day-to-day
Libi: I hope someone else gets it, she’ll be seething
Libi: Mean but can you imagine?
Libi: She’d be unbearable
Bobby: You heard me say you will, unless you’re seriously gonna just audition for 😇
Libi: You think I could pull that off?
Libi: I’ll take any role I suit
Bobby: I think you’d suit a one-woman show but sir bothered to 💭 up all those roles now so it’d be a bit rude
Libi: You overestimate my abilities 😚
Libi: but it is encouraging
Libi: I think it could be really cool if you were the 😈 guy if I WERE to be the 😈 girl, because we could basically secretly communicate and no one would clock it was us ‘til the end and it’d be such a good reveal that we were signing in plain sight, you know?
Bobby: You underestimate yourself, that’s such a top idea, for 1.
Bobby: I was still trying to work out how to audition nevermind how they’d sort it if I got given the role
Bobby: 🏆🥇🎬
Bobby: Gutted you’re not directing it and all for 2.
Libi: You didn’t think I was going to volunteer us without a solid idea, did you?
Libi: Work on your brooding cold stare, Bobs 😝
Libi: I think they film it, but I also think Mr Mullan sets up a static tripod at the back of the hall and if anyone’s ma or da gets up the ‘shot’ is ruined 😷
Bobby: I never thought you wouldn’t get there, Libs, just wasn’t expecting it that fast
Bobby: I’ll stick on Clockwork Orange and The Shining and Voila! 👍
Bobby: Yeah? Didn’t have Mr M down as such an amateur
Libi: 🏃‍♀️
Libi: Oh, we have to have movie night
Libi: let Jim and Jan know it’s basically homework 🤞
Libi: Makes sense to get ahead of the competition
Libi: You’re free, right?
Bobby: If I wasn’t I’d be cancelling plans
Libi: I’d question who I was talking to if not
Bobby: 💔 if I’d been hacked and it took you this long to work it out
Libi: Never
Libi: not even in a bad teacher-written Agatha knock-off
Libi: too far fetched
Bobby: Sir sounds like he’s not above a 🔪 in the back murder if he’s still team tripod
Libi: I can’t wait to get out the corn syrup 😋
Libi: We can watch Scream even though it isn’t strictly genre
Bobby: Taxi Driver, The Godfather and Kill Bill too then for the 🥇🩸🏆
Libi: Now you’re talking
Libi: we might need a weekend marathon
Libi: now they’re boring adults, can’t pull all-nighters, even for 🥇🩸🏆
Bobby: maybe we can bribe them with back instead of front row seats
Bobby: not having to sit next to China’s mum could swing loads for us
Libi: Oh God
Libi: She LOVES to talk
Libi: and treat them like she’s known them since/they’re still kids
Bobby: I don’t wanna 🤞 that neither get roles, America’d probably be decent at the over the top stuff sir’s gonna want to make people laugh
Bobby: distance’ll have to do
Bobby: I’ll 🤞 instead that she don’t notice them sneaking in or out
Libi: She’ll for sure get a role, if she’s auditioning
Libi: Which I bet she will, the get-out-of-lessons-free pull is real for us all
Libi: She’ll be too busy making her own 📹 I reckon
Bobby: 🤔 How many lessons do you reckon we’ll end up missing?
Libi: The nearer the performance the more rehearsals they usually end up pulling for
Libi: But it’s Wednesday and Friday after school, so sometimes we get to miss last lesson on those days
Bobby: Alright, I’ll get over my 😳
Libi: You’ll be great
Libi: I wonder what other boys will audition
Libi: There’s never quite enough boys
Libi: What about Sean?
Bobby: I can’t imagine him learning lines
Bobby: Jake’s mates though, easy to 💭 of them trying to take over
Libi: Totally, every school event is a popularity contest as far as their egos are concerned
Libi: Some of them will think they’re too cool to even do it for a laugh but really it’s just 😳
Libi: As long as we have each other, it doesn’t matter
Bobby: It’ll be great, me and you, even if it takes me a sec longer to find my feet without sellotape 👠
Libi: 😚
Libi: It’ll be good to have a school thing we can actually do together
Libi: this school needs better clubs
Bobby: I bet he’ll let you start a 🎥📽🎞 club after the play
Bobby: when he’s 🤞🤩🤞 you’ll sign up for the next one
Libi: Okay I don’t know about that but that would be fun
Libi: even if it was just you and me again because no one else has seen a film that isn’t in Netflix’s catalogue 😆
Bobby: Even if it’s just us he’ll have a hard job ❌😒👎 when you’ve done such a good one
Libi: We’ll see 🤞
Libi: Usual spot at break then? I better go do some actual work now 😓
Bobby: 👀
Bobby: Me too, dunno who said there wasn’t any in transition year
Libi: They want to make it seem like there’s a break between exams, but as if they’re gonna let you get away with doing nothing
Libi: not got enough ideas to keep you busy 😏
Libi: Guess it is nice to have all that time to decide what to pick for next year but if you’ve already got a good idea… 🤷‍♀️
Bobby: Reckon if they could force everyone in the year towards that sign up sheet they would
Bobby: about as far as their ideas go
Bobby: good thing I can sort myself out
Libi: With a little help 🤏
Libi: I know my Grandma will help us out loads though, she’ll be buzzing about this
Bobby: Yeah 🤏 of work with Jim at his for a start
Bobby: when I’m not fake murdering people with you anyway
Bobby: he’ll be buzzing at the chance to art and craft again too 😏
Libi: Awh
Libi: Bet he’s missed school so much, like
Bobby: 😂
Libi: [Skip to day where they put the roles up]
Libi: I think I’m going to be late
Libi: If you want to walk to school without me
Bobby: I don’t mind waiting, not got loads on first thing
Libi: I can’t get my hair to do anything
Libi: stupid, I know
Bobby: I get it, you wanna look worthy of your starring role
Bobby: you’ve already earned it though
Libi: More like, I don’t want to look a total mess if I already made an idiot out of myself in auditions
Libi: China’s gloating will be insufferable enough without giving that satisfaction too
Bobby: I was there Libs, you didn’t
Bobby: China’ll be the one dreading the list and you can 😁 all you like
Libi: Lowkey feel like I’m gonna barf, this is ridiculous
Libi: and no one seems to know if they’ll put the list up break or lunch-time
Bobby: if you wanna stay home, I’ll keep lookout for it
Libi: No, I can’t do that
Libi: but thanks, I’ll only be 5 more minutes, max, promise
Bobby: enough time for me to make you a congrats card
Libi: Only if you make yourself one too
Libi: If I get a part, it’s only because of you, so you will too
Bobby: if I get a part it’s only because of you, more like
Bobby: and Jake’s mates messing up most of their lines
Libi: Okay, it’s not me admitting I was amazing to say some of them were awkwardly bad 😬
Libi: Thought Sir might start crying/have his nervous breakdown before we’d even started
Libi: Oh God what if one of us gets a role where we have to be all 😍 with one of that lot instead, that’ll be so… 😰
Bobby: I’d have to drop out of it before being 😍 with her
Bobby: save me from my own breakdown or her from a real murder
Libi: We can’t let you go that method, let the 🤩 go to your head
Bobby: You keep my head the right size, I’ll keep you from 🤮
Libi: Keep your hands clean of any real 🩸 it’s not that play
Libi: 🤐 on the name
Bobby: You don’t reckon I could play Scotish royalty? It’s not like I have to bother with the accent
Libi: ‘course you could
Libi: and she’d make an excellent witch
Libi: totally a compliment 😇
Libi: alright, I’m ready
Bobby: So’s your card
Bobby: If I was as 😇 as you, I’d have made her one saying sorry she missed out
Libi: no substitute for 🌹 at her feet, I feel
Libi: let’s 👀
Libi: [can skip again to after we actually know, ‘cos clearly that would be in person at school]
Bobby: [fuck that teacher for having a marvelous time ruining everything]
Libi: [could’ve been brave and taken that risk but nah, so rude]
Libi: hey
Libi: you awake?
Bobby: [at least IRL he could focus on being happy for her cos he is instead of having to pretend it’s fine when it’s not fine which she obvs would’ve seen through]
Bobby: You don’t need to keep worrying, you got the part over her and she’s still got one to keep her too busy if she fancies sabotage
Libi: I’m not worried
Libi: just bummed out, I suppose
Bobby: prospect of spending that much time with Jake’ll do that
Bobby: maybe China’ll bully him into quitting
Libi: he isn’t even her boyfriend
Libi: not that it matters, because it’s acting
Libi: I really thought he’d go for our idea
Bobby: I probably should’ve known he wouldn’t
Bobby: sorry for getting your hopes up, Libs
Libi: It’s not your fault
Libi: it feels kind of… wrong?
Libi: but not in a provable way, arguably he was better for the role and you still have one so
Libi: I don’t know
Libi: I’m sorry, are you alright?
Bobby: It’s not yours either, and yeah, maybe he was better
Bobby: face, and more importantly voice, fits
Bobby: we still get to hang out, that’s what’s alright by me
Libi: I don’t think he’s better
Libi: but yeah, that’s what it’s all about
Libi: and there’s plenty other people who got cast who are actually nice
Libi: we could do our own rehearsals separate to the regular ones, once a week or something, with those people, do some bonding
Libi: friday nights maybe? get takeout, watch a relevant movie or show, it doesn’t have to be all serious and 🤓
Bobby: Then I don’t care what sir thinks
Bobby: I’m in and Sean will be too, I don’t see why crew should be left out
Libi: 😊
Libi: Totally, whoever wants to come can
Libi: just think it’s fair to assume that they won’t wanna come any more than we’d really like them there
Bobby: What’s the first film or show gonna be?
Libi: That’s the question 🤔
Libi: [The relevant Poriot episodes] One of these, for sure, but how do you decide between a deadly murder mystery party and a deadly halloween party?!
Bobby: You were ready, have you been watching them both instead of 😴?
Libi: Maybe
Bobby: Your dreams are gonna be so on brand, let me know about it if you kill Jake
Libi: Bobby 😂
Libi: Imagine the look on her face if I was overheard dreaming about Jake
Bobby: 😡🤬🤯
Libi: Not trying too convince him it’s real, just the audience
Bobby: Neither of them need much convincing, they’re sure everyone’s 😍💘🌹 for them and their mate group
Libi: It’s so weird
Libi: How are they so unaware?
Bobby: I dunno but it don’t help now that sir has fuelled the 🔥
Libi: Yeah 🙄
Libi: Main characters of the School
Libi: must be nice to be so in 💘 with yourself
Bobby: You got a bit of their usual 👏🌹 today, what did you think?
Libi: I wouldn’t go that far
Libi: we all got parts
Libi: I don’t feel any different or better, that’d be weird
Bobby: 🤏 I said,‘cause I knew you wouldn’t
Bobby: but alright, I’m glad you’re still you
Libi: You thought I’d turn into a total diva? 🥺
Libi: how very rude 😏
Bobby: I’m just sulking ‘cause Mullan literally cast me as a mime, white gloves and all
Libi: Oh no
Libi: Can’t unsee 😬
Libi: but you’re gonna make it so much more than that
Libi: even if just to spite him, prove how 🔥 you can be without a voice
Bobby: and for the next play, unless it’s a musical or something even more 😬 than Cinderella
Libi: There’s the whole Disney catalogue to go through…
Libi: OMG
Bobby: Just don’t start dreaming of Jake as your prince charming
Libi: NO
Libi: but how cool would you as a boy Ariel be
Libi: unless you really want flowing long red hair
Bobby: BUT it’s such a fun throwback 🔊❕📢❗️
Bobby: 🤔💭?
Bobby: put it in the school suggestion box tomorrow in all CAPS
Libi: Hey! 😳
Libi: I was much younger and even more foolish back then
Libi: I’m reticent to give any more of my good ideas to Mr Mullan now
Bobby: yeah, what’s his excuse for being a poohead?
Libi: If we’re bringing up past embarrassments
Libi: I remember PLENTY too, FYI 😜
Libi: Honestly, I don’t know why J&J didn’t try harder to tell me to 🔉
Bobby: You’d never 😳 me when I’m down
Bobby: and you shouldn’t be 😳 for then, it was 🤝 not 👊
Bobby: your heart has always been massive and right where it should be
Libi: Backatcha Bobs 😊
Libi: Best friends for a reason
Bobby: Exactly, so you don’t have to worry
Bobby: we’ll have as much fun doing the play as we planned
Libi: That’s all I care about
Libi: well, I’d quite like to not shame myself and do a good job with this play
Libi: definitely 🥈 though
Bobby: Well that’s a given and all, didn’t you read your congrats card?
Bobby: I’ll have to get some real 🌹🌹 to chuck, you won’t be able to ignore them
Libi: Of course I did
Libi: but you’re my best friend, you HAVE to say all those things
Bobby: I’m a non-speaking character, saying it in spite of that
Bobby: must be important
Bobby: 🤏
Libi: I’ll stop worrying at full 🔊
Libi: It’ll be good
Libi: Do you think I should like, try to get together with Jake and Louie, get to know them and work out how to make our respective 💘s work?
Libi: I can’t think how to word it without sounding like I’m being thirsty
Bobby: *at any volume
Bobby: It will be good, I promise
Bobby: you could ask if they wanna run lines, see how they react, if they take it as you’re 😍💘🌹 1.’cause it’s them you’re expecting that and 2. it’s such a 😇🤓 request they’d be the ones who look 🤤
Libi: Ugh, how is that easy for you? 😎
Libi: That’s perfect
Libi: they signed up for the play too, they must wanna put some effort in too
Bobby: I wouldn’t go that far *😳
Bobby: It should work alright though, they bothered to learn their lines for the audition on top of signing up
Libi: Louie is alright
Libi: I’ll start with him
Libi: Lucie who’s playing the maid is cute
Bobby: He is, you’ll be alright
Libi: Don’t you think so?
Libi: She could be your 💘 and she can really beef up her role and be devastated when you get whacked
Bobby: I don’t mind her being 💔 if she wants but I don’t think I need a 💘
Libi: Married to the job
Libi: I see it
Bobby: There you go, it makes loads of sense
Libi: Plus Lord whatshisface might be being a rogue with her
Libi: that makes more sense
Bobby: 😂
Libi: Do you wanna go to the shops after school tomorrow? 👀 inspo even if we just window shop
Bobby: There’s loads of props I wanna have a go at making so I do need to have a look about to get them right
Bobby: it’s a date
Libi: I’ll wait on the 🌹🌹
Libi: Really should do some work for them first
Bobby: I can always put to 🖍 paper or fold you a paper one
Libi: Only if you colour it in [her favourite crayon colour name]
Bobby: [We’re obviously doing that as we watch these Agatha eps so prove of both those things in progress is gonna get sent]
Libi: 😇🤓 points x1000
Bobby: That’ll be why sir didn’t give me the 😈 role, if we asked
Libi: Hmm
Libi: He’s just failing to see your full potential but not for long
Libi: no one can ignore the talent
Bobby: He’s seen my potential for carrying a tray, might be as far as it goes for him
Bobby: least until my 🔈🧜‍♂️ starring role changes his mind
Libi: You are old enough to get that part-time job
Bobby: Imagine serving China and her mates ☕️ every day though
Bobby: not to disrespect the family trade but
Libi: 😅 I’m sure Jim would NEVER wish that on you
Libi: At least Asia was kinda nice, she could be anyway
Libi: Comparing her group to China’s now, feel like you’d be worse off
Bobby: he might wish the tips on me, but I reckon you’re right about it not being worth it
Libi: That’s true, it’s probably the best 💰💰 part-time
Libi: I want to get one, to help out, but I don’t know what I’ll do
Bobby: I’m gonna see if a proper job’ll come of going to work with him this year, even if that’s just doing ☕️ for everyone
Libi: That’d be ideal
Libi: I can totally see it happening, you’re enjoying it and they’re all impressed with you
Libi: 🤞🤞
Bobby: And we’ve got time to find a job for you 🎥📽🎞 that isn’t just scooping 🍿 into a carton
Libi: If I got to watch all the films for free
Libi: but that kind of slacking would make the whole job bit of it pointless 😅
Libi: We’ve got time
Libi: maybe I’ll be a maid
Libi: or a socialite, without the social-standing
Bobby: I bet [the name of a cinema that still plays films in an old school way] would train you as a projectionist
Libi: 😱
Libi: I can’t believe I’ve never thought about that
Libi: Do you think they would? That’d be-
Libi: -well 😍
Bobby: I’d put 💰💰 from my first wage on it
Bobby: you know loads of complicated stuff about 🎥📽🎞 already, I reckon they’d be 😁 to have you
Libi: I’ll take an IOU on a commission instead 🖼
Libi: 😘
Libi: Definitely going to look into it, I’ll have to see what hours they’d allow… nan and grandad might not be cool with the late shift a cinema allows for
Bobby: they might if J or J agree to pick you up
Bobby: but either way we’ve got a deal 🌹 not included
Libi: I could ask
Libi: but I don’t wanna put them out either
Libi: anyway, what am I even worrying about, it’s not like it’s happening yet, if at all 🤨🙄
Libi: Play hysteria is real
Bobby: by the time it is maybe you’ll let me pick you up 🚗
Libi: Maybe… 😱😜
Libi: Seems crazy you aren’t still 6 sometimes
Bobby: 😲!!!
Bobby: You must mean that I’m SO 🤴🗡🐲
Libi: Of course
Libi: You know I didn’t mean anything bad by it
Bobby: I 💭 you meant if we were still 6 we could do our own play with no adults telling us how
Libi: That is an 💭
Bobby: one that’s keeping us up
[a pause for realisation when she hasn’t replied that she’s fallen asleep lol]
Bobby: * me anyway 😂
Bobby: night Libs
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britishchick09 · 4 years
help! livewatch
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to kick off my beatleversary, we’re taking a look at my fellow beatle fan (aka my dad)’s fave movie from the lads... help! i’ve only seen 15 minutes of ‘a hard day’s night’ because it was a bit boring and ‘yellow submarine’ was fantastic, so i hope this falls right in between. let’s go get some help!
...why are we back to the end of return of the jedi?
OMG the sacrificial ring!!! :o
wait does ringo have it?
people: “ring ring ring ring!!!” john in ob-la-di-ob-da-da anthology: “a ring!”
and it goes right into ‘help!’ clever one lads ;)
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the movie is in color yet this is in black and white like it’s on tv. coolio! :D
‘help’ is a bop! :D
you’d think the credits would play over them but nope :/
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eyyy called it! :D
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♫ won’t you pleeeeeease please
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me!!! :D 
this guy keeps throwing darts on the screen and it’s so weird:
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OMG lester like phil lester???? ;o
tribe chief: “we need to find the ring!” guy: “has nobody looked in the washbasin?” lol :D
so the guy is only finding the ring for himself and not the tribe?
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cool they live at 221b! :D
lady: “still the same they was before they was!” grammar much?
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pretty house! :D
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he’s reading it in a hole how nice :)
george is using fake teeth to mow a lawn inside their house how epic :D
and paul is playing the organ! :D
ringo: “me finger’s stuck in the door” no rongles it’s “I HAVE THE DOOR IN ME FINGERS!!!!’
also his hair is a hot mess
john: “that’s immature of you, son” says you
ringo thought the lady thought his fingie was a sandwhich lol :D
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ooh light :o
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NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :o
ringo just fell off the bed lol :D
john sleeps in the hole lol :D
why does john have a phone in the hole lol
he’s calling george and paul who are in the other rooms WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TALK TO THEM
and all he did was say ‘hello’ JOHN YOU DORK
the guy pronounced beatle ‘bee-ah-tle’ lol :D
guy: “they all look the same!” me before a year ago today
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yo like harrods the store? :o
they keep saying ‘shilling’ why
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ooh title!
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ringo to john: “what was it that first attracted you to me?” WOAH LENNSTARR???? john: “you’re very polite aren’t you?” yes that’s true thanks for not making it sarcastic :)
john: “ah HA HA!!!!” op there’s the sarcastic bish!
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two lads walking 0.2 feet apart in a 2 BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT BI!!!!
why are ringo and john saying the same things at the same time chaotic lads!
john: “what’s the matter?” ringo: “oh there’s no matter. OW OW OWWW!!!!” i think there’s a matter....
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‘65 beatle girls: *swoon!!*
also don’t tell the lady she sucked up the wrong hand...
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george keeps going ‘oh ho ho ho!!!” and i love it :D
they’re playing ‘you’re gonna lose that girl!’ :D
and it goes from not as clear film audio to clear recording audio which is weird
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cool shot! :D (and beatle girls probably thought this was so hot)
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ringo cig WHY
they have to do it again WHY IT WAS PERFECT
awww ringo’s dancing a bit :)
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OMG :o
john: “you naughty boy!” don’t say that plz why :/
lady: “please flee!!!” ringo: “ok” lol :D
indian music! (you think this is how george started liking it?)
they’re seeking enlightenment! :D
ringo: “does this ring mean anything from you?” british guy: “freemason?” senpai wants your number
george is asking everyone if the blood rushes to them lol :D
guy: “could you pick this up for me please?” *knocks the chef out rapunzel style* lol :D
awww the lady wants to save ringo!
lady: “that’s the sacred ring!” paul: “say no more!” lady: “i can say no more!” lol :D
awww ringo is john’s best friend :)
oh no they have until 5 until a new victim is closing! :o
why is there a ticket in the soup
ringo: “that’s a season ticket!” john: “i love me a good seasoning” *puts it back in his soup* lol :D
ringo: “i got it from this eastern bird... lady” ;)
ringo can’t take the ring off!
george *about his soup*: “there’s footprints in here!” wut
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jeweler: “some problems are matrimonial” john: “eh heh heh” ;)
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john wtf
the ring can’t be cut and it’s breaking the tools like rapunzel’s hair! :o
john: “you’re a failure, aren’t you scientist?” shut up plz
scientist: “voltage, up, up!” paul: “up up up up!!!” awww :)
scientist: “made in america you see!” john: “this is english” lol :D
john: “how do you feel?” ringo: “i used to use me hands” john: “he used to use his hands” lol :D
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paulie likes it ;)
oh no the lady has a gun!! :o
the ‘brain drain’!
it’s ‘you’ve got to hide your love away’ so that’s cool :D
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she’s not impressed :/ (but i am!)
john said the lady had ‘filthy eastern ways’ SHUT UP JAWN >:(
the lady wants ringo to shrink his fingo! :o
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wait what
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ooh intermission! :D
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this is so random lol :D
that was random af and very family guy!
ringo’s allergic to penicillin like my mom! :D
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my fave show! :D
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aww finger guns! :D
ringo’s crying at his suit having red all over :(
ringo: “how can i get the ring off with me hands held up?” lol :D
ringo has a voice crack when he said ‘look!” :D
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john’s ‘get out’ is so good omg :D
oh no the scientists really want the ring now! :o
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they’re in the snow for ‘ticket to ride’!!! :D
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me lol :D
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what a giffable shot! :D
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ooh music notes! :D
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penny lane much? ;)
oh no the guys are watching them... ;)
the lads are saying ‘oh ho ho ho’ WHAT HIGH DORKS
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he says ‘ouch ouch ouch’ when rolling down the snow lol :D
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evil snowman... >:)
the bad guys have a curling bomb and one of them keeps saying everything he does lol :D
george: “hey it’s thingie! a fiendish thingie!!” lol :D
guy: “useless! what rubbish!” *THINGIE BLOWS UP A SECOND LATER* lol :D
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snowman battle! :o
guy: “in the name of kindness, stop! stop!” the lads: *don’t stop*
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paul running into john at the train station... ;)
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ooh sherlock holmes reference!!!!!! :D
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ringo: “they have a different religion... i think” lol :D
the scotland guy is mimicking ringo and ringo’s not impressed lol :D
why are the bad guys playing indian music in the phone booth WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE
999 is 911! :D
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wowza editing in person! :o
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paperback writer much? ;)
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‘she’s a woman’ from past masters is playing on a walkie talkie! :D
the chief thinks it’s shocking and hates it lol
chief: “take this hastily scribbled note hastily!” lol :D
motorcycle go brrrr
guy: “they shall not pass!” gandolf who
‘the night before is playing!!!! :D
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what a cool shot!
‘she’s a woman’ interrupted it no!!!! :/
good ‘night before’ is back! :D
the lip syncing was kinda off tho
the bad guys are in camoflage and it’s like we’re in ww1!
i came here to watch beatles NOT THE WAR
oh no john fell! :o
ringo: “get up johnny! get up for me, baby!” lennstarr tho ;)
so many explosions I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS
guy: “MISSED you naughty boys!!!” ...plz dont call them that :/
victory music is playing did the bad guys win???
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buckingham??? :0
i swear if john is in nothing but a sheet-
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not your lockie’s palace ;)
ringo: “IT APPEARS i need one card. IT APPEARS i need to chuck one in” IT APPEARS that you need to emphasize that for some reason...
them playing cards is so domestic :)
ringo: “i don’t just use my drumstick for drummin’” paul: “well what else is it for?” ringo: “i use it!” OH GOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT RONGLES
john: “we’re risking our lives for the most useless member!” is that fingo or ringo
ringo: “let that be an end to it, END TO IT” same ringo
omg the palace is haunted! :o
the guards are tripping over each other!
the scientists are the guards!!!! :o
they made time slow down! :o
someone sprayed that red paint and the lads yeeted out of there! :o
paul to ringo: “you’re a rat underneath aren’t you?” OHHHHH ROASTED!!!!!
paul used to wink at paul... mcharrison has sailed! :D
ringo’s alone with it no! :o
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thanks for the clarification?
lady to ringo: “don’t move!” ringo to ‘a tiger’: “don’t move, that’s what she said!” lol :D
why is she whistling the 9th symphony
they’re all singing it to make the tiger calm and ringo’s like “ok!!”
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this is legit abbey road! :o
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ooh bahamas!
i love how george is taking pics of everything :D
i didn’t think cameras sounded like static back then tho...
oh no THE CHIEF IS THERE TOO!!!!! :o
no the scientist is there too! :o
prepare for the beatle bahamas battle lads...
idk what pc is but they all the soldiers all named that
ooh ‘another girl’! :D
i heard it was cold when the lads filmed the movie so rip to their arms :/
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so much purple! :o
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hey john! :D
george: “let’s play a game it’s called peep peep peep peep-“ yup THEY SO INCREDIBLY HIIIGHHHH
the lady said ringo’s getting ‘disembowled’ and john’s like “keeps ye busy eh?” like the lil’ bish he is
ringo: “i don’t want to knock anyone’s religion but-” *runs away*
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bike lads! :D
they keep saying ‘let’s go back and get ‘em!” yep they hiiiigh
a triumphant one of ‘i’m so happy to dance with you’ is playing!! :D
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wtf bro
paul’s explaining things cryptically and george is like ‘why tho’
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paul: “there’s the temple and that swimming pool and... i’m lost” lol :D
ringo: “read on” B)
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george: “typical!” lol :D
omg he’s in the orange blanket! :o
ringo: “HEEEEELP!!! help me!!!” title drop roll credits! :D
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dere he is! :D
i remember seeing that before i was a fan and thinking it wasn’t beatles lol
john: “he’s got a plan” paul: “a really famous plan!” john: “a plan superintendent...” superintendent: “you see i’ve got a plan!” ...i think he has a plan
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the plan is baseball?
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everyone’s calling for ringo and george is beating his chest lol :D
scientist: “dust in the generator. gets everywhere” and it’s rough & coarse too...
the lady is saving ringo!
the scientist doesn’t need the ring now that he has...’nobel prize juice’?”
they keep saying ‘eastern’ as the language.... :/
ringo: “i can’t swim!” lady: “what do you mean you can’t swim?” he means HE CAN’T SWIM LADY!!!!
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the sacrifice involves a horrible, inaccessible name... voldemort?
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he’s free!!!! :D
ringo: “i don’t subscribe to your religion!” lol :D
‘help’ is playing again! :D
and the chief has the ring now... >:)
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...what does that have to do with anything tho
and with the trippy credits came the end of the movie! the only help i’ll be needing is why it was more weird than yellow sub but i had such a fun time with it (especially the snow scene and ‘i need you’)! what a great movie! :D
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tiktoks-we-like · 5 years
Omg do you have any more ghost stories??
I’ve told all the significant ones that occurred in this house except 1 other (but I felt that it could be brushed off as something else so it's eh), but I can tell some from my childhood home/neighborhood!
Okay so the last story in this home took place few years ago at around 11pm or so me and my parents just finished watching a movie and my parents had gotten up and went into another room. I was just chilling on my phone with the dogs when suddenly I heard this horribly loud sound of metal scratching from outside. It sounded very much like our shed door opening, the doors on the shed opened by rolling them to one side, kinda poor design but like eh n they were all rusted so you had to put some strength into it and it made a lot of noise. I told my parents and like white people in a horror movie we all went outside to see who was getting into the shed, but when we got out there it was empty, no one to be seen, the doors didn't even look like they had been touched. It could've honestly been someone trespassing on our property, but it's still very unusual considering we live ou in the middle of nowhere. 
That shed has always creeped me the fuck out though, I can’t stand in there without feeling like I’m being watched by something. The shed it split into since one half used to be a chicken coop (old owners had chickens) and the side that used to be for the chickens just...feels the worse to me, I can’t stand in there long without feeling very anxious and when I'm on the other side it feels like someone or something is over there watching me. 
Then to my childhood home back in lansing, it wasn’t a very old house just built in the 1900s sometime and was owned by my great-grandma and we moved in after she passed away n I wasn’t born yet. Usually, only little things would happen here like the sound of footsteps down the hall or on the basement steps or the kitchen sink would turn itself on at night. 
My most memorable occurrence was when I woke up late at night(prob around 1-3am area) to the sound of something falling in the basement. At first I brushed it off as my grandmas cat knocking a box over then I heard it again so I got out of bed and went to investigate. I went down to the basement and boxes literally were just..falling randomly around the basement. Theres no way the cat was bouncing across the room within seconds to knock a box over so?? I ran upstairs so dang fast and hid under my sheets.
This one took place a few years before we moved so I was about 11ish, I’m pretty sure I was staying up late on my gameboy or ds when I wasn’t supposed to but when I decided to finally go to sleep and dozed off a bit I suddenly woke up to the feeling of being watched. Up at the top corner of me and my sister's bedroom window there was something like look like a person's head with glowing eyes just...looking into the room at me. I just stared at it until I had to blink and when I did it was gone, I literally didn’t sleep until the sun came up. I don’t know if it was like a hallucination or sleep paralysis but it scared me enough that I started being afraid to sleep at night and would stay up until the sun came up until school started back up and I had no choice but to sleep earlier. 
Most of the super werid paranormal esq stuff didn’t happen in my childhood home, but my best friends home right next door. In his house they just had an empty room, no one used it, literally the only thing inside it was a bed frame sitting on its side and like 2 small storage boxes. Every once and awhile his dog would just stand outside the room and growl and bark then run away nervously, she didn the same thing in other parts of the room like in the living room corner or at the TV well it was off. 
We were super into ghost hunting shows like all thru 7-10ish so one time we decided to have a paranormal investigation in that room where we just sat in there in the dark with his dog and asked the ghost questions. Of course, we got no response but after a few questions, his dog started to get really riled up and upset which started to freak us out so we went to leave, but the door just wouldn’t open. We were banging on that door so hard until it finally decided to open and never went in the room again. Every so often the door would just open itself well we were playing in his room which was the next room over.
His bedroom was kinda equally as unsettling though, we were playing hide and seek with me, him, and my sister. I think I was looking when suddenly I heard yelling from his bedroom. He was hiding in the closet when he felt something grab him and when he tried to leave the closet the door wouldn't open. I opened the door easily from my side which made him think I was holding the door open, but when it happened I was way down the hall in the living room, but he still doesn’t believe me to this day lmao.
One of the days I was sleeping over at his house n we were both home alone since he dad left to the store. When he dad left things started getting really weird, his dog was just freaking out over was seemed like nothing just barking and growling then hiding nervously, then the Tv turned itself on and was just static and we tried everything to get it to stop even tried turning it off, but nothing worked on it. Then that stupid door down the hall opened up all the way, I think at that point we just ran outside and sat on the porch until his dad came home. When his dad got home and we went back in everything was normal, the tv was off and the door was closed.
Lastly, this isn’t really a ghost story, but its still creepy as fuck. When I was 12 the other parents on the street just decided it was okay for me to watch their kids, like they were my friends but uh trusting a 12 yr old to take your kids to the park n the rite aid down the road was a bad decision. Since I was the oldest and in charge me I’d take my friends to the park, but instead of going to the park we started exploring the area further back. This park was actually just the elementary school playground but it had a big field in the bad and at the end of the field there was a fence, behind the fence was a hill n up it was a road, but if you just walked around the fence you’d end up behind the property of the building besides the school which had lovely signs saying “trespassers will be shot on sight” and if you kept walking you’d reach train tracks. So I’d take my friends to the train tracks and we’d walk down them until we reached these old train boxcars that were just sitting abandoned besides the track, this area had tons of small sinkholes so it def wasn’t safe(besides being by active train tracks), but we’d open the trains up and play inside them. On one side of the tracks though there was a forest and a fence around it.
 Me and my friends were gonna make a clubhouse in one of the trains, but one of the final trips we made to the tracks there were people on the other side of the fence in the forest looking at us, they were further back so they weren’t noticeable at first. I don’t know why they were there, how they even got there, or why they were looking at us, but we booked it back to the park when we saw em. After that we only visited a few more times, but we didn’t stay for long because the area just felt unsettling and after seeing those people we were worried we were being watched constantly. 
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dorkzrul · 4 years
32 Reasons Why
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Note: This is after the Second Titan War but Silena and Beckendorf never died and Percabeth never got together :(
She yawned, sitting up on her bed. She got up to open the curtains of the cabin and “SURPRISE!!!”, yelled half the Aphrodite cabin. “What is going on. What's happening. Ughhhhh. It's too early for this!”, she cried, sleepily rubbing her eyes. “Don’t tell me you forgot, silly. It’s Valentine’s Day today!”, exclaimed Silena, perky as always. “Here you go!”, and she shoved a bunch of little pink bags covered in hearts, into Annabeth’s arms. “These are for the Athena Cabin, and Annabeth, there's something special in there for you”, she winked at Annabeth. Ugh, couldn't Silena know that the only person she’d ever want to receive a card from. Ugh!!! And now that Seaweed Brain was making her sappy. How could he not know that she liked her. For gods’ sake! Even the clueless Ares kids knew. She wanted to run over to his cabin (He was visiting camp for a week) and scream into his ear that she liked him. Here are the hints she has given him:
-She kissed him on the cheek.
-She asked him to ask her to dance.
-She refused the hunters for him.
-She agreed to dance with him up on Olympus.
-She was mad that he was at Calypso’s island while she thought he was dead.
-She was jealous of Rachel.
It was a pretty extensive list if she did say so herself. Hmm… maybe she should send him a card for Valentine’s Day. Anyways, gotta get to work. She segregated the cards and gifts and gave them to the respective Athena kids, and was rather surprised when she came across an envelope with her name untidily scrawled across the front. Her heart leapt. She’d recognize that handwriting anywhere, Percy’s. “Calm down Annabeth, it may just be a card telling how he thought of her as nothing more than a very good friend or maybe that she was like a sister to him”, she told herself. She opened the envelope and found a folded sheet of paper. ‘32 Reasons Why’, was written in big, bold letters on the top of the page. 32 reasons for what? She looked down and this is what she found.
You call me Seaweed Brain.
You let me call you Wise Girl, even though I know you hate nicknames.
What? Where was this going?
You have beautiful blonde hair.
You defy the stereotype “Dumb Blonde”.
You’re super smart.
You correct me when I mess up.
Your brilliant grey eyes.
Your tan skin that practically shines in the sun.
Your long legs.
Your pink lips.
She blushed at that. Had that Seaweed Brain been staring at her lips?
Just you (You’re beautiful you know)
You keep me on my toes.
You put up with my klutziness.
You put up with my Seaweed Brain-ness
You aren’t afraid of anything (except spiders).
You made me your official spider-killer.
You watch finding nemo and the little mermaid with me.
Oh my gods! The number of times she and Percy had cuddled on his couch and had a Disney movie marathon. She personally thought it was adorable how much he loved them, especially Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid.
My mom loves you.
You love my mom.
You baked a cake for me (with Tyson’s help)
The first thing you ever said to me was “You drool in your sleep”.
You like Tyson even though you hate cyclops.
You kissed me on the cheek.
You fell off a cliff for me.
You danced with me.
You kissed me in the labyrinth.
You were jealous of Rachel (btw you looked adorable when you were jealous)
Wait! Percy thought she was adorable… And he had apparently known that she was jealous and still insisted Rachel come… SHE WAS GOING TO KILL HIM!!!
You took a knife for me.
I turned down immortality for you.
You kept me alive when I was in the River Styx (You are my mortal anchor to the world).
Huh, she hadn't known that.
You are going to march over to my cabin after you read this and either kill or kiss me.
He really did know her. She was going to-Wait! Kiss?
I am in love with you.
32 Reasons Why I Love You
He loved her! That Seaweed Brain loved her! She couldn’t even be mad at him right now. She was just so happy… and turning into one of those Aphrodite girls… UGH! WHAT WAS THIS SEAWEED BRAIN DOING TO HER?!?! She was going to march over to his cabin right now and give him a… hug! NO! That was not what she was going to do! She was mad at him!!! She was going to give him a slap. Right? She immediately went over to his cabin. He was sleeping, drooling all over his pillow. And then he said something; her name. Somehow the combined ideas of her seemingly being in his dream as well as him drooling made Annabeth blush a red so bright, tomatoes would be jealous. “Wake up Seaweed Brain!”, she cried, shoving him so hard, he almost fell off the bed. “5 more minutes mom”, Percy sleepily muttered. Then he opened his eyes. “ANNABETH!”, he yelled in surprise and fell off his bed. She laughed until she noticed he was only wearing boxers. Her face immediately became a blazing red. She turned away,”PUT SOME CLOTHES ON SEAWEED BRAIN!” He didn't seem to have realised until then and immediately ran to the washroom to get dressed, leaving her standing there blushing. She’d never admit it but Percy was HAWT! He finally came out, this time wearing clothes. Half of her was relieved, but the other half, the one she tried to push deep inside, was disappointed. “So. What's up?”, Percy asked, seemingly nonchalant. That idiot! Had he really forgotten about it? Then, the Aphrodite cabin knocked on his door and shoved a box into his arms when he opened it. The box must have had at least 50 letters, cards and gifts from adoring girls. Annabeth could feel the jealousy boiling up inside her. She so wanted to snatch the box from his arms and throw it far away. Percy was HERS! Fortunately though, it seemed to have reminded Percy of the letter. His face was rapidly turning red and was avoiding her gaze. Annabeth decided to make him wait and didn't say anything. For a minute or so, none of them said anything. Then Percy burst out, “Annabeth, I can't take this any longer! Have you read it yet?” “What are you talking about, Seaweed Brain?”, asked Annabeth, deciding to have some fun with this. “The letter!”, exclaimed Percy. “Oh! That letter!” “So you have read it” “Maybeee” “Annabeth! Just tell me please!”, Percy begged. “Yeah, I have read it”, said Annabeth nonchalantly. “Wise Girl, you’re killing me”, Percy moaned and fell on the bed. She kissed him, right on the lips. And he had some nice ones. He made a surprised sound against her mouth and for a moment she was afraid she did something wrong. But Percy immediately pulled her closer and started kissing her back with just as much passion. Annabeth pulled back, gasping for air. “Sooo, does this mean you like me too?”, Percy asked. She glared at him,”DO I HAVE TO TATTOO IT ACROSS MY FOREHEAD?! Yes, I like you Seaweed Brain!” Percy smiled goofily and kissed her again. “Perce, you in there?”, they heard one of the Stolls call and quickly jumped apart. “So there you are”, smirked Connor. “And it seems like it finally happened huh. The great getting together of PERCABETH. Hey Travis”, he called for his brother who came in grinning a minute later. “Time for Plan Percabeth!” “Omg! I knew this was going to happen”, cried Silena as she rushed in, dragging a couple of campers with her. “To the lake”, Clarisse declared, and they dumped the couple in the lake. Underwater, Percy made an air bubble and it was them who had the last laugh as everyone convenienlt forgot that Percy was the son of Poseidon. They stayed down there for ages, just talking and laughing. And maybe they made out a little; but nobody has to know!
Hey guys, dorkzrul here! Hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic. I may write a partner one-shot thingy featuring other couples like jasper, solangelo, gruniper, etc. so stay tuned for that. And don’t forget to leave a review. It really means a lot. Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Thanks for reading! Dorkzrul, signing off!
This story is also available of Fanfiction.net and Wattpad with the same name and username.
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thorscock-y · 6 years
First time: A Derek Hale imagine
Request: Can you do an imagine where Derek takes your first time but you guys aren’t together, he just wants to take it away? And also can you use my name? 
Warning: Smut, Oral, female receiving, NSFW 18+, Dominant Derek
A/N: Derek is such a dad, omg I rewrote this in so many ways but finally decided on one of my least favorite ideas lol. Anyway this goes for Rose, hope you like! 
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“Are you sure it’s no trouble?” I asked for maybe, the tenth time since I’ve sat down in his car. Derek’s kind offer had me feeling exultant but at the same time this small part in the back of my mind,felt antsy. Scott and the pack had to take off, due to some confidential case that wasn’t up for discussion. Well not up for discussion for me of course. For everyone else it seemed like an option. For me, nothing is up for debate. Being Scott’s little sister had it’s redeeming qualities. Sort of.......
“Rose, it’s fine. Seriously, you can stop asking.” His tone was stone cold, making me want to shrink into the leather seat. I wasn’t surprised. Derek was usually very sullen, especially with me. That’s why I was so surprised that he said yes into taking care of me. Maybe that’s why I’m so nervous right now. Of course it is, dummy! He’s never taken an interest in you whatsoever so why now? I pushed away the thought and looked out the window trying to evaporate my subconscious. 
Derek’s car was warm, the leather seats were the only thing that had the back of my thighs gelid. To warm myself up I tried to get some friction going by rubbing my thighs together. My results were inconclusive. 
“Cold?” Derek’s voice seemed to soften from his last choice of words. That was unexpected. I’m so shocked by this new tone, that I don’t respond right away. When it’s quiet for more then thirty seconds, I speak. 
“Uh,” My voice is shallow, so I clear my throat and speak up. “Uh, yeah. Just a little.” 
He stops the car. I get this uneasy feeling but then look up to see we’re just at a red light. Take it easy, girl! He takes off his seat belt. I watch him with curious eyes. He looks over at me, before taking off his black leather jacket. My mind just wrapped around the concept that everything of his is black. His hair, his clothes, his car, his jacket, his personality, shall I go on? Oh come on admit it, you like that about him. No, I don’t. Stop it. 
I go back to watching him. He hands his jacket to me.I take it, then hold it in my lap. Should I put it on? I mean it would look odd if I wrapped it around my freezing thighs. I suddenly despise my body for reacting to this freezing passenger seat. Nevertheless, I put the jacket on my arms. 
“Er, thanks.” I mutter. 
The smell of his cologne pervades my nostrils. I inhale his scent silently. It smells heavenly. Holy fuck. Mmm. No, no, I can’t want him like this. Why am I all of a sudden thinking of him in this way? He had this effect on me, and I had only been about five minutes alone with him. What the hell? Ugh. 
I won’t lie there is always been this nasty thought in the back of my mind about Derek but tonight was not the night to act upon it. 
Soon enough we arrive to his place. It’s dark outside, the moon is a crescent. While getting out of the car, I look up at it hoping Scott and the rest are okay. With all the danger going on in beacon hills, I all of a sudden realized why they had wanted Derek to watch over me. I hope my mother is safe as well. Even though the hospital is a danger to magnet, all I can do is wish for the best. 
We walk inside his loft. It’s warm in here as well, and it’s filled with his smell. I’m going to have to get used to his masculine aroma if I’m going to stay here for tonight. But there is something I do know. This smell is something I’ll never be able to get rid of. It’s so..........balmy. 
“Let me show you to where you’ll be sleeping.” He says, not looking at me. Was he as uncomfortable as I was? Or was that him just being his usual malignant self? His cold shoulder actions didn’t distract me from being mousy. 
My legs were shaking as I followed him. We stopped at this door. He opened it and in he went. I went inside behind him to get a look of my chamber tonight. It was an average sized room with a small bed with white sheets. It was very neat. The room was barren though, proving no one has previously been in it. Or if they have they left it immensely tidy. 
“Cozy,” I said, my voice timid. I walked over to the bed and set my bag down. “Is this a guest room?” Of course it’s a guest room. What a dumb question. I just didn’t know what to say. 
He looked around the room and shrugged. “Uh yeah, I guess. Let me show you where the bathroom is.” 
The bathroom where he showers. Hmm. I lick my dry lips and follow him. He shows me where the bathroom is. In there, is an assortment of men soaps, cologne, and whatnot. I tried to ignore how bad this had an effect on me. My lady parts were jumping up in exhilaration , while clapping. No, no, this is not what the purpose of me sleeping here is about. 
What was he doing to me?
“Sorry, I don’t have anything other than my soaps to clean with. It wont be hell to smell like me will it?” 
He didn’t allow me to answer as he walked around me. I bit my lip. I would love to smell like Derek Hale. Thinking about his intoxicating scent surrounding me had my mind wanting to go into an erotic daydream. 
I looked at all the soaps that read "The Belveder Men’s Soap” I imagined Derek walking down the aisles at the store while buying suds. I giggled at the image for no apparent reason then walked out of the bathroom. 
Derek was in the kitchen, at the island looking down at something. I felt awkward and out of place in his home. 
“I’m just going to take a shower.” I said.
He glanced up at me with quick eyes then looked back down at whatever he was looking at. Okay then. It was evident he didn’t care. I walked into the guest room then got naked, trying to ignore the tinging down on my little friend. I set out my bed clothes I had brought which was only a big t-shirt. I always went to bed naked but I thought it would be more appropriate to at least put some clothes on because I wouldn't be in my own bed. I would be under the same roof with a man whom I barely knew. A man who barely said a word to me at pack meetings, or barely said a word to me anywhere. 
When I get in the shower, it’s warm and soothing. I try not to get my hair wet, knowing I don’t have a dryer to dry my hair with. I grab the container of soap that was sitting on the ledge. It was halfway empty. I squirted some on my hand then rubbed it all over my body. I do a deep clean and I think I take too much than I needed. Oops. Yes, that was definitely an ‘accident’. I hope Derek won’t notice and get too mad. 
I hop out of the shower. It’s steamy, and hot. I didn’t have a towel to dry myself with. On the rack was a towel but I knew it was his. It would be impolite of me to just use it without his permission. I didn’t want to ask though. I was to embarrassed and shy. I opened the door and peaked out to see no sign of him. I could dash across the hallway and make it without him seeing me. 
I steel myself and go along with my plan. When I’m in the guest room, I smile in my triumph, but also feel a rush. My heart is beating. The thought of him almost seeing me naked had me feeling naughty. 
I put on my panties along with my over sized t-shirt then crawl into the bed. It’s not as comfortable as my own bed but I could make due for now. The bed didn’t smell like him. I frowned at this. I smelled my arm so I could smell him. Wasn’t his jacket still in here? He forgot to take it back. 
I sat up in the bed. In the dark, I couldn’t really see a thing so I stood up and turned on the light. It was lying on the edge of the bed. I picked it up then walke out of the room. I didn’t know where Derek’s room was. I walked down the short hallway to the last door to the left. It was the only other room besides the bathroom so this had to be it. 
I knocked three knocks then backed up from the door. That anxious feeling came back, and all of a sudden I was kind of scared to see him again. Would he be annoyed that I was coming to his room? He was most likely tired, and I felt like he didn’t even want me here. Yes, he offered to watch me and protect me, yet I felt like a burden. 
He yanked open the door with an exasperated look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed. He looked upset but then again he looked so.........hot. Fuck. He was shirtless, with only some shorts. They were below his waistband. 
“Um, I, your,” Crap, I’m stuttering. “Here’s your jacket, I forgot to give it back. Thanks by the way.” I hand it to him. 
I’m fighting not to look down at his amazing pack. Mmm. 
He takes the jacket away from me with an enigmatic look. 
“Get some sleep Rose.” He says in such a demanding voice. 
“I’m not tired.” I reply lowly but honestly. “I can’t sleep.” 
“Try to sleep.” 
I don’t want to sleep. But I follow his command. 
“Okay, goodnight Derek.” 
I walk away before he says anything. 
2 hours later. 
My eyes just didn’t want to do their job and close and not open for another eight hours. They actually wanted to do the complete opposite. I was worried about my mother and my brother. They were both out risking their lives for the protection of the town.
I felt useless and down. You never see me getting up and helping but that’s because I’m human and weak. Trust me, I wanted to turn. I wanted to be of some help. Scott wouldn’t allow it. At all costs, I was always protected. Like a damsel in distress. It was annoying, though I knew Scott cared for me. That’s why I loved him so much. And the rest of my friends. Gosh, I hope they make it through this trip. 
I didn’t want to worry about this right now. I wanted to sleep this off then wake up in the morning to find out that they are alive and well. 
I got out of bed then walked out of the bedroom. I wonder if Derek has any milk. Milk is my go to drink for when I can’t sleep. Milk and ice cream that is. Nothing couldn’t be fixed without some ice cream, and a romance movie with a happy ending. That’s how my lonely nights usually ended. 
It was ill-mannered of me to just go rummaging through his refrigerator but he was probably sleeping by now. He seemed tired and in plus this was for a good cause. I couldn’t sleep. 
Sadly, his refrigerator didn’t contain ice cream but it did have milk. I poured myself a glass of milk then leaned against the counter while taking sips. The milk tasted sweet and creamy. Oh it was strawberry milk. I guess I didn’t care enough to read the label. Oh well, milk is milk. It tasted divine to me, either way. 
“Go on, help yourself.” I whipped around to see Derek standing there with his hands on his hips. The moonlight from the balcony is shining on him. He startled me and my heart is beating very fast, my hands are shaky. “It’s not like you should have to ask.” 
I all of a sudden feel like the worst guest ever. 
“Sorry, you’re right I should’ve asked. That’s horrible on my part.” Derek was only in some black Calvin Klein boxers. Holy fuck. My vagina has a heartbeat now. 
“I thought I told you to sleep, hmm.” He slowly walks over to me. 
My blood is hot, I’m nervous. What is he doing? 
“I wasn’t tired, I should've went to bed. “ My voice is apologizing, though I don’t know why I feel the need to apologize. 
He takes the cup out of my hand then sets it on the counter. His body is so close to mine. He’s taller than me though. The very top of my head reaches his chin so lips are at his chest. I gulp and look up at him in the dark. My heart is palpitating. 
“Let me make you tired,” He puts his hands so he’s cradling my cheeks. A current of electricity runs through me and my body jolts. He’s touching me. Derek Hale is touching me. All my strict yelling at myself that this is not what was going to happen tonight is happening. Oh my gosh. “Hmm?” 
I don’t know what to say, I’m at lost for words. He leans down and I feel the pressure of his lips against mine. I haven’t been kissed in so long that I am suddenly shy. I do not know how to kiss. 
His lips are demanding, but slow. The muscles inside of me clench and I can feel myself getting excited everywhere. 
He pulls away. 
“Do you not want to kiss me?” I can tell he’s confused. 
“I do it’s just that,” I’m so embarrassed to admit this but I don’t want him to think that I don’t want him. “I don’t know how to kiss.” 
I look down, avoiding his eyes. My cheeks are flaming hot, I know they’re red. It’s a good thing it’s dark. He pulls me up by my chin so I’m forced to look at him. 
“It’s okay baby, just move your lips with mine.” His words are comforting but I’m still nervous as ever. His lips are back on top of mine and somewhere inside of me I’m bold enough to kiss back. He’s delighted at this action and I’m turned on to know that it’s me that’s delighting him. 
I want to touch him. I move my hands to his biceps to feel that they hard. He’s very muscular. I wonder what else is hard. I’m eager to find out. He pulls away from me, but this time my bottom lip his between his teeth. It’s so hot. Everything in this moment is hot. 
His lips explore my neck. I’ve never been kissed on the neck. It feels amazing. A soft moan escapes my mouth. I put one hand into his hair while the other his on his shoulder. 
I feel his hand under my shirt, and the shyness creeps up on me but it’s not enough for me to deny the great pleasure he’s bringing me. I don’t want to stop him. His fingers brush lightly against the area under my breasts then he leads a trail of fire all the way down to the base of my panties. I’m scared. My heart is beating rapidly. 
No, don’t you dare stop it now, don’t you dare ruin this experience!
He kissed the corner of my mouth, then backed up to pull my shirt over my head. I let him. I was immediately conscious. No guy had ever seen my boobs. No guy has even got this far with me. Derek stayed backed up, he seemed to be examining me.His eyes, going over each hardened nipple, then down to my vagina. He probably thought I wasn’t pretty enough. Great. 
“It’s such a privilege to even look at you.” he muttered. What did he just say? A privilege? To look at me? I was certain he was messing with me. But with how serious and sincere his words sounded, he couldn’t be joking. “Let alone even touch you.” 
His hands found their to my waist and pulled me to him with such force. We kissed for a little bit before I felt his hands behind the back of my thighs. He lifted me up with no problem. I wrapped my hands around his neck, continuing to kiss him. If someone told me that I would be kissing Derek Hale someday I wouldn’t believe them. 
He’s walking somewhere, I don’t care to look. His lips feel to good on mine for me to break away. We were in his room when he set me down on the bed. Should I lay down? I didn’t know what to do. My skin is burning and I’m flushed. 
I’m at the edge of the bed, with my short legs dangling over the mattress. He kisses my jaw, my neck, and then above my breast. Each kiss has my body singing in enchant. I feel his tongue on my sensitive nipple. They harden even more. I’m so wet. 
His other hand gives attention to my other nipple by rubbing it with his thumb. My libido grows by the second. I’ve never felt this before. I’m wiggling under him. This just feels too good. 
“Keep still,” he murmurs gently. I can’t, but I try anyway. The churning inside my stomach was more than I can contain. 
He’s sucking one one of my nipples while rubbing the other. I moan feeling the sweetest sensation that was going all the way down to my vagina. He moves to my other nipple, doing the process all over again. I feel like I’m going to convulse by just this action. 
Derek’s kisses further until he’s above my pantie line. I’m shaking with each and every one he leaves. I stiffen. Down there is a place where no one but me has ever looked. What if he thought it wasn’t pretty? I would hear guys at school talk about how so and so’s vagina was distasteful but they would pretend they liked it just to be nice. In the end they never wanted to mess with her anymore. Would Derek do the same? Also what if it didn’t smell good. Oh no!
I bulk my legs together. Through the dark, I see him look up at me.
“You okay?” His voice is soft. 
“Yes, I just, I’m nervous.” I reply sheepishly. This is the second time I’ve stopped him. I’m the worst. 
“It’s okay baby,” he rubs my thighs trying to calm me down. He then comes back up to me, so I feel his face against mine and he’s kissing me. His forehead moves against mine. His kiss is rough and wanting. Oh my. He wants this. He wants me. I want him too. I was just too shy and self conscious. “Your skin is so soft.” He says through kisses. He’s still rubbing my thighs. “I want you.” He whispers. 
I moan against his lips. I want you too. 
“I’m just going to kiss here, k?” He kisses my navel. I jerk forward. “And here.” He goes lower. “And here.” He’s right there. 
I can’t fight it anymore, my nerves are practically screaming at me to just let him. So I do. My legs open by just a fraction. He takes that as his chance. He licks over my baby blue lace underwear. I’m suddenly grateful for packing my best looking panties. 
He pushes my legs apart, completely taking control. I liked it. He moved his nose around my clit which was soaking. I hear him inhale my scent. I’m so scared. I don’t know how I smell. Isn’t sex a nasty smell? 
“You smell so fucking good princess,” he growled. I knew he wasn’t lying by the look of pleasure on his face. I calm down and relax, knowing that it’s okay to let him in. He moves his hands and hooks his fingers under the band of my panties then pulls them down over my legs so now I am completely naked.
He stands up and positions me so my head is on the pillows and the rest of my body is just exposed. He crawls in between my legs then ducks his head down to my vagina. I feel him lick and I lift my back up from the bed. His hand comes up and cups my breast. I let my back fall. 
His tongue swirls round and round my clit keeping a pleasuring pain to occur. My stomach is full of butterflies, my breath is uneven. He kisses it before his whole mouth is just everywhere down there. He pushes my leg as far apart as he could, not wanting to miss anywhere. I feel a tight knot beginning to form in my stomach. 
My gosh, this is all so exhilarating. In this moment, Derek is sending me into a world I’ve never entered. I want to stay here with him forever. My moans come more as my body let’s go on him. He kisses my sex a couple times more before moving back up to my face. 
I’m panting. My first time receiving oral and it felt amazing. He leans down, kissing me in a sweet kiss. I can taste what he previously was just eating. Me. I do taste good. I can now understand why he did it for so long. It tasted of.............vanilla. I tasted like that? I was stunned. 
He pulls away from me to sit up on his knees. I watch him. His penetrating eyes don’t look away from me as he takes off his boxers. Woah. It’s so big, and thick. I’ve never seen one before. I gulp and try to wrap my mind around that that is going to be inside of me. 
I look back into his eyes. He leaned back down, his body level with mine.That anxious feeling became inside of me again. At the same I was ready. His arms supported off of me while he adjusted himself down there. He rubbed his cock against my soaking folds. It was the most pleasurable torture ever. 
Very slowly he enters me. It hurts. I gasp and sit up. Derek brings his lips to mine to calm me down, and he hushes my silent screams. His thrusts are slow, he’s being gentle. I become accustomed to the alien feeling and move my hips along with his. He picks up speed, my head in between his hands, our lips rubbing against each others. 
I feel amazing, this feels perfects, I love it. I don’t want him to stop. I’m moaning as he rips through my virginity. He pounds in and out, in and out. Sweat becomes on the both of us and it gets steamy. The moment is intense, heated, impassioned. It feels to good to be real. 
“Oh you feel so perfect around me.” He says huskily, then has my bottom lip between his teeth again. I loved it. 
My body begins to stiffen, my legs are shaking. There is this build up in my stomach that is the most painful pleasure I have ever felt. 
“Cum for me, beautiful.” He says breathlessly. I let go on his words, my climax ripping through me as I explode around him then fall into pieces underneath him. 
Even though it is over I am still panting, my heart is beating out of my chest and my desire for him didn’t seem to lessen not one bit. I want more. I want to do it again. I’m sure it’s just my raging hormones talking but I’m not sure. I am sure that I want to do it again, just not right away. I wanted it with Derek. 
He came a minute after me, grunting at his peak. His forehead leans against mine, our breaths ragged. He’s still inside of me. Before he pulls out of me he kisses my lips. He lays down next to me then pulls me so I am cuddled up into a chest. He feels like a blanket over me. 
I want to say something to him about the event that just took place but my eye lids hush my wants and slowly close, the last thing felt is complete contentment. 
Author- Hey guys I’m planning on making a part 2. I just wasn’t sure if I should add it in here or if that wold be too much to read. Welp, hope you enjoyed my joke of a smut. 
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