evilminji · 3 days
I came across it in a fic and now it is DRIVING ME INSANE...
Marriage Hunts.
Mmmm, yes, Sexy™. Prove to me you are a Worthy Spouse! Fuckin FIGHT ME! Let's GO! You wanna put a ring on it? You better EARN that right! *weapons n explosion noises*
Okay. We have successfully DONE it. We caught the sexy, sexy Spouse Of Our Dreams. Much Hotness. Tasteful, of screen, and fully consenting sexy times were had. #NICE.
......whaaaaaat happens NEXT?
What, in a word, is Step Two? ESPECIALLY if? This is "suprise! You've found yourself in a Sexy Hunt For Marriage For PLOT REASONS!" which means that ONE of these two cultures? Sure as SHIT does not practice this custom?
You are Alien Married.
They are fully expecting to either take YOU home with THEM or YOU to take THEM home with YOU, presumably. You have marital responsibilities as defined by TWO different cultures, only one of which you know. This person? Is ALSO a stranger to you!
Basically just met.
High intensity one night stand that's now Forever.
No one ever follows UP. They have fics trying to get OUT of it. Or the boning itself. But not the "....so, like, do I need to help you pack, oooor?" And the culture shock. The dumped in a new society that may not even RECOGNIZE the validity of your marriage. May consider both IT and YOU, barbaric.
And??? For ADDED spice?? Just to make the two cultures REALLY different?
I'ma say Ghosts do it. Not all of um. It's regional. An opt in sort thing. Since fighting is so ingrained into socializing. What BETTER way? To speed run the dating process? Then to Hunt Each Other For SPORT! VIOLENTLY!!! So romantic~♡
And Danny? Keeps failing in the romance department. Too many secrets, ya know?
Figures... Fuck It. Not like anyone can BEAT him. Maybe he'll find someone he wants to date? Or maybe he WILL find that special someone! Who knows? He's lonely, man.
And who should arrive?
Pick a bachelor with a Summoning Contract. They tried to call their buddies while trapped in an old, long forgotten, HALF ROTTED Uzumaki Seal. It tore reality and yeet them sideways. Their Summons are frantic. THEY land just in time to hear the rules, the name of The Hunt, and see they are surrounded.
*opening horn blasts*
Oh FUCK no! They are NOT staying trapped here! They fight! They WIN!
They...accidentally pin a really, REALLY strong and hot Spirit Warrior to the ground. Oh shit. They have a husband.
......but I mean... worse things have happened to them.
But? BRINGING SAID HUSBAND BACK? That. THAT I want to see. They left for a god damned MILK RUN of a boring ass punishment mission. Come back with a possibly half alive, spirit prince husband? The husband glows.
*jazz hands* s-suuuuprise?
@hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @lolottes
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Could you do the TADC cast x cowboy reader?
TADC cast x cowboy!reader !!
this might be the last post of tonight, my backs killing me and i wanna wake up early tomorrow since im gonna be making cinnamon rolls!
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he would definitely copy your accent if you have one... he means nothing malicious, he just like how it sounds on you and this is how he shows that! has definitely made at least one in house adventure where you had to go like, stop a runnaway train or got a horse or whatever it is cowboys do in movies.. no thoughts only you taking off your hat and kissing him behind it... actually im thinking about this to all the characters...
i think she would be into it... if i had to give pomni a type i can oddly see her being into the rugged cowboy type. no i dont have any words to explain why... do not tip your hat at her and say something like "pardner" her face will immediately turn red and her eyes will do the thing where they get all huge
i said it in the post where the reader has a heavy southern accent, and i think a lot of the ideas would come up here. i think before ragatha got stuck in the digital world she grew up in a small southern town, so she probably finds comfort in your aesthetic even if she doesnt remember her past.... probably fans herself and get all red faced if you carry her during an in house adventure
if you can lasso things hes gonna try to ask you to teach him... he totally doesnt have any.. motives... he isnt trying to learn a new skill thats going to ultimately be used to annoy the others whaaaaaat? the voices.... the voices are telling me to draw jax as a cowboy.... RAAAAAAAAAH
huh... a cowboy and a king getting a long... not the worst pairing but a pairing nonetheless... no thoughts, only you using your lasso to rescue kinger during an IHA... you sure as hell aint a knight, but kinger still considers one!
still thinking about the lasoo thing but imagine trying to lasso them and the rope goes around their waist and you tug and... their head and limbs get left behind.. like i can totally see that happening and its making me laugh.. zooble would definitely be a little mad at you for a little while after that.. probably flicks your hat off your head when you two get reuinitec
gangle IS the lasso/j... well you wouldnt do that to her.. now jax on the other hand.... i know i said that gangle would be the type to be into monster dating sims in the demon post, and thus would be into monsters and stuff because thats just an artist trait all artists have; i do think gangle would also be interested in cowboys... i believe in gangle having cringe fantasies in her head about how you swoon over each other with the whole western cowboy movie aesthetic!!!!!!
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hom3landr · 1 year
Life with him is rarely perfect but there are moments so full of love that you nearly choke on it.
Birthmark concept courtesy of @blindmagdalena
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You can’t help but giggle as he nuzzles into that tender spot where your neck meets your shoulder. He’s so warm and the loose strands of his hair tickle as they brush your skin, still a little stiff from that gel he slicks it back with. He’s softened but still inside you, come leaking around the edges from where he’s filled you past the brink. You wiggle in his grip as you try to maneuver the two of you away from the quickly growing wet patch on the sheets. He nips at you, frustrated that you aren’t staying in place for him to properly cuddle.
“Johnnnnnnnn,” You whine. He just huffs and holds you tighter, as though he’s trying to meld the two of you into one being. It would break your heart if you weren’t stuck in the puddle of come from your lovemaking.
“Whaaaaaat?” He replies, petulant voice mocking yours. His hips shift against yours and if you weren’t so utterly exhausted, you’d be tempted to give in to the heat slowly building up between your legs. As it stands, you think if you do then you won’t be able to walk for the next week. Although it’s not like Homelander would mind one bit. He’d love to keep you in his bed forever.
“My ass is all sticky. Can’t we shift just a few inches to the left” You ask, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. You’ve learned that you can get him to do practically anything as long as your hands are in his hair. He purrs like a lazy lapcat. How could he ever scare you when he melts in your arms so easily. It makes you feel like you have champagne in your veins instead of blood.
“Hmmm…I dunno babe. You really wore me out. I just don’t think I have the energy.” He drops more of his weight on you, causing you to cough and smack at his shoulder. He’s impossible and he’s so close that you can feel his body shiver as he chuckles softly. You want him so fucking bad that you curse your human stamina. You think you might actually die if you don’t fuck him stupid, turning his self-satisfied giggles into wanton moans.
“I’m serious!” You wheeze out. He lays on you a half second more before taking pity on you and rolling to the side. You want to cry when his cock leaves you, his come now spilling freely between your thighs. Before he can cause any more mischief you roll to the side as his arm tucks you in tight against him. The sodden sheets stick to your skin for a moment before you’re laying on the wonderfully dry side of the bed. You look at his face only for your heart to tighten painfully at the earnestly lovestruck look on his face. You’ve never been the subject of such rapt attention. You’re worried that loving him is like looking head on at the sun, the light bound to blind you eventually. You’ve already grown used to the smell of iron on his suit after a patrol.
Without your brain even being aware of making the decision, you graze the birthmark on his hip with your fingers. His whole body trembles and he lets out a petulant little huff. It doesn’t even take a second for his cock to twitch, already starting to swell against his thigh. His eyelids flutter and you swear he blushes. It always flusters him something stupid when you pay it any attention. You don’t know how much he used to view that mark as an embarrassing imperfection.
“I’m going to fuck you unconcious if you keep that up.” He intends it as a threat but you view it as a temptation that you’re more than willing to give in to. Unfortunately, you really don’t think your overworked cunt would survive another pounding. He’d already fucked you full five times this evening. He barely gave you a chance to catch your breath before sinking back into your tender pussy and sliding his fingers against your clit. So despite your mind screaming at you to give in, you remove your fingers from his hip.
You intend to quip back at him but when you open your mouth all that leaves is a loud yawn. He exhales fondly before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. He mutters something too low for you to hear before tucking you tighter against his chest, sighing happily at the way you intertwine your legs with his.
“Attagirl,” He coos as he traces gentle circles on your back. He hopes you realize how much he loves you because it’s almost painful how badly he wants to feel you shiver around his cock one more time. You’re lucky he has such incredible restraint. He goes to give you one last kiss before he pauses. A soft snore reveals the fact that you’re already asleep, your slow and steady heartbeat like a balm to his soul as he soaks you in.
He knows deep deep down that he doesn’t deserve it but for fuck’s sake he’s earned it. After the universe kept him alone for so many years, he considers it his due that he found you. He’ll never ever ever let the universe take you back.
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geekedoutbunny · 7 months
My Unexpected Romance
Paring Cross-ship: Megumi Fushiguro x Ariel
Rating M
Warning: Suspense, Humor, Supernatural, Suspense
Summary: Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara, have all gone on a mission together to stop a curse from its rampant killings. The only issue is that they don't know where the spirit may be hiding, however, Megumi has a suspicious experience at a beach and he's sure that he's found where the curse may be ... But he may be shocked to know, that it isn't a curse at all, but rather an innocent girl who needs rescuing.
A car was riding down the road on a cliff, on the left side of the cliff, it was a field of trees, while on the right it was the sea. She was big, blue, and calm, the sun glittering along the water beautifully. In the car sat three passengers. Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara. Yuji and Nobara were talking among themselves while Megumi was looking out the window down at the ocean. He was practically entranced in its deep blue depths, he was leaning against the door, his borde gaze locked on the water below.
'The water looks so different right now... It looks deeper, mysterious almost... It's strange.' He thought as his body lightly bounced when the car hit a bump in the road... It wasn't too long before they made it to their destination, it was a hotel in the middle of the city, and it didn't stand out in any kind of way. They got out of the car, and both Yuji and Nobara stared up at the building while Megumi paid the driver... "So, what kind of curse do you think we'll end up exorcizing here?" Yuji asked as he stretched his arms above his head before he rested his arms behind his head.
Nobara crossed her arms as she leaned on one leg, a judgmental look on her face as she sized the building up. "Well, seeing as this is a pretty popular place for people to come and visit, I'd say we might be dealing with a Grade 2 or a Grade 1." She said. Yuji stared up at the building in question. Megumi spoke up behind them as he walked up to them. "We're not dealing with any curses here at this hotel." He explained they both looked back at him in question. "Then... Where?" Yuji asked his eyes wide in wonderment. Megumi walked past them both his hands in his pockets. He stopped a few steps before them before he looked back at them both. The serious look on his face made them both tense up. "The whole city." He said. They both gapped at him in shock before they shouted. "WHAAAAAAT!?" They screamed.
The door to their hotel room opened, Nobara walked in first, followed by Yuji and Megumi. She looked around the room, checking the bathroom, the closet, the small kitchen, and the bedroom. Both Yuji and Megumi stood by the entrance, silently watching her. Yuji stared at her curiously while Megumi stared at her in boredom. She walked back to them and she nodded in approval. "This place seems clean and ready to be used." She said. Yuji stared at her in excitement as he balled his hands into fists. "YEAH!?" He said. She nodded her head. "Mmhmm, there are two beds, I get one to myself, and you and Megumi figure out who gets the other one and who gets the couch, until then later losers, I'm going to take a shower." She said as she spun around and she walked off.
Megumi and Yuji stood there a little longer before they looked at each other. Megumi placed his hand on Yuji's shoulder before he walked past him. "Have fun sleeping on the couch man." He said as she walked towards the room. Yuji stared at him in shock before he shouted. "HEY!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO PICK NOT JUST -" SLAM!! .... "Guess the couch can't be too bad." He said as he stared at the couch... It didn't take long before the group got comfortable in their new 'home' for the time being. Nobara exited the bathroom with a relaxed smile as she dried her hair, her pj's on with some pink slippers.
Both Yuji and Megumi sat on the couch. On the coffee table laid a map of the city, and they marked it with red ink. Circles, check marks, and X's could be seen scattered over the paper. Nobara walked over to them, peeking curiously over the back of the cough. "What you guys up to?" She asked. Yuji and Megumi looked back at her. Megumi spoke up. "We've marked the map to make it easier for us to find the hot spots, the cold spots, and the common areas, but not enough to raise alarms." He explained.
Yuji pointed his thumb at himself proudly. "AND I came up with the key for our mapping!!" He declared. She stared at him unimpressed. "Congratulations, you know how to mark a map." She said in a bored voice. He pouted at her, but he was ignored by her as she reached forward, pointing at the map. "Tell me, 'great map marker', what do these symbols mean?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. His face brightened up, and he squealed in excitement. "OKAY!! OKAY!! OKAY!! So, the X means it's a place where people vanish, but it's not common enough to cause panic. The check mark means that it's a major hot spot, and the circles mean that someone has vanished here once or twice."
He explained proudly. Nobara's eyes scanned the map, counting each mark repetition. "So we have 15 checks, 10 circles, and 41 X's." She said. Megumi spoke up. "Yeah, and the hot spots are pretty active but not as spaced out as the X's... they're off in secluded yet still pretty populated places... It's smart." He said as he looked over at the two. They both stared at him with serious gazes before they both looked back down at the map. "So what's the plan?" Nobara asked. Megumi sighed as he thought over his words before he pointed at the map. "I'll go check the circles, Yuji will go check the checks, and Nobara, you'll go check the X's." He said.
Yuji nodded while Nobara looked annoyed. "Why do I have to check the one with the most places?" She asked. Megumi looked up at her. "Simply because it's in the shopping center, so -" "SHOPPING CENTER!? SAY LESS!!" She yelled as she ran to the room, and she slammed the door. They both stared at the door for a moment before Yuji chirped out. "She seems excited." He said with a happy smile, Megumi just sighed as he leaned back against the couch.
Megumi walked along the streets of the busy city, people walked by him laughing, talking, running, rushing, and texting, trying to get from A to B as quickly and as safely as possible. He was looking down at the list of locations he had written down, speaking with the locals who were willing to answer his questions about the places that were deemed haunted or dangerous to venture to at night or alone. He sighed as he crossed off yet another area that led to a dead end. When he first did his research about the place, he wasn't expecting some of the places to be dead of activity, apparently, this curse likes to hop around and once it deems an area useless, it leaves. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as he threw his head back, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
"Ugh, my neck hurts." He muttered, ignoring the people who'd walk past him giving him a questioning stare or an annoyed glare. He looked down at his list again and he blinked in realization as he looked back up at the sign across the street from him. "Triton Beach" He read aloud as he walked across the street, he looked back and forth, checking for any cars as he jogged across. Once under the sign, he looked down at his and he saw Triton Beach with a small note next to it. 'Still Active Dissaperences'. It read he looked up at the sign and sighed. "This should be promising." He said as he walked under the entrance and onto the beach. He noticed that it was more empty than all the other areas on his list so far, which gave him hope that his traveling hadn't gone in vain. He noticed that the sand was clean, with not a footprint in sight, he felt around the area, sensing for any curse energy, but he couldn't feel anything.
He gave an annoyed sigh as he crossed off the words 'Triton Beach.' "Another dead site." He said in annoyance. He turned to leave, but the sound of a voice caught his attention. He looked back towards the beach, his eyes scanning for a person. He stared a little longer before he turned away, he got a few steps in before he heard it again. A woman singing. He looked back at the beach, frantically scanning the land and waters for anything. 'This is no coincidence... It's haunting... and I'm its next target... Perfect.' He thought as he went back to walking along the beach, looking for any sign of curse activity.
The longer he walked, the more he got the ominous feeling of being watched. He walked along the sands, becoming more aware of its soft surface, the deep waters, the dark small caves in the cliffs, the shadows from under the dock. "This is the most perfect hunting grounds... anywhere and anywhere could be a feeding spot... that could mean one of two things. One, it's fast and/or can teleport. Two, there's more than one... or the unmarked third option and the worst one... Both." He said as he muttered to himself. He was slightly nervous, he wasn't sure how strong these curses were and if there was indeed more than one. If so, he was going to need help.
He began walking back up to the streets when he heard the water splash. He whipped around, arms up and ready to summon his hounds... his eyes bounced around the surface of the ocean, looking for anything, but he saw nothing. 'So my guess was right... it is fast... extremely fast at that.' He thought. A nervous sweat broke out on his forehead. 'How long has it been on land with him? Was it even on the land? Was it on the cliff? The dock? ... Where? It made the water splash, which means that it jumped back into the water... is it a water-based curse? If so, that would make sense.' He thought as he slowly backed up to the streets behind him, his eyes locked on the sea before him.
'I just have to make it up to the streets, and I'll be off the hunting grounds... move slow, move smart. It's faster, it's hungry, it's smart... I can't let it out move me.' He thought cautiously. His feet scraped across the sand, leaving a jagged trail in front of him as he moved back. Then it happened again. The sound of a woman singing sounded out. His eyes widened, and his movement stopped. 'A woman? A female curse? Why is she singing? Is it to lure me in? Who is she singing to? Is she singing to me?... It's beautiful, like a lullaby. It's slow with meaning like she's telling me a story... Maybe she needs help... Maybe it's not a curse... Maybe... Maybe.' He thought. A heavy hand slapped his shoulder, making him whip around quickly, his hands coming up to release his cursed hounds, but he stopped when he saw Yuji.
"WOAH!! CALM DOWN MAN, IT'S JUST ME!!" He shouted out in alarm as he raised his hands in surrender. Megumi huffed and puffed as he stared at Yuji, his eyes fluttered as they darted around. "What's my first name?" He asked him. Yuji stared at him in confusion. "HUH? What kind of a question is that?" He asked him. "WHAT'S MY FIRST NAME!?" He shouted as he pointed his hands at him with tight arms. "ITS MEGUMI!!" He yelled as he raised his arms high above his head. Megumi sighed as he slowly lowered his arms.
"Itadori." He said, relief in his voice. Yuji blinked at him as his lips wobbled in fear and concern. "You okay, Fushiguro?" He asked him worriedly. Megumi sighed as he looked off from Yuji, eyes scanning the lands around them. "Yeah, I'm fine... It's just that... I'm convinced that I'm in the nest right now." He said. Yuji's worried look turned into a serious stare. "Are you sure?" He asked. Megumi nodded. "I'm positive." He said. Yuji nodded. "Okay, let's go and get Kugisaki." Yuji said. Megumi nodded. "Yeah." He sighed as he followed Yuji. His brows tightened and he stopped walking and looked down, seeing that he was shin-deep in the water. He looked down in shock and confusion at the fact that he was standing in the water.
He looked up and saw Yuji walking back up to land. 'When... When did I walk out into the water?' He thought in confusion. The sound of a woman singing again caught his attention and he looked out into the ocean, watching the small waves in the distance. "Something's wrong." He said to himself.
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The Egyptian Kwamis
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Whaaaaaat? Egyptian kwamis????!?!!?!?!?!!! What's up with that?! Well well well, young padawan, I'm introducing the egyptian miracle box to my mlb rewrite! Granted, there are only a few egyptian kwamis left (none of which are canon to the show which hasn't shown us any egyptian kwamis). So far, I only plan to introduce one of these guys in the first fic (it'll be Fraay) but the others will hopefully come later if I can find ways to worm them in there. I will also be making North American kwamis later for a short side fic of the New York special which'll be tied to the main fic so yeeeaaaaaaaaa! Now have some info:
Fraay- Fraay is the kwami of affliction and uses she/her pronouns. She comes from the center ring of the Egyptian miracle box (basically the equivalent of Tikki or Plagg in the Chinese one), making it so that she has the most powers/abilities of the kwamis which she can bestow onto a wielder of her miraculous, which is a golden necklace. She is a locust kwami, so she will turn her wielder into a locust themed hero. She has three powers to give her wielder; Devastation (which works similar to Plagg's cataclysm), infestation (generation of bugs, usually grasshoppers, which carry deadly/violent disease with them under the control of Fraay or the wielder of the locust), and bane (which gives the victim an intense feeling of whatever is paining them the most. Ex: They have a broken wrist, but the pain with be amplified ten fold. Or, Ex 2: They have a headache, it will now be a horrible migraine) The other kwami of the center ring, which would balance Fraay (as Plagg and Tikki do) no longer exists (at least in my plot so far, maybe I'll change my mind) Lynn- Lynn is the kwami of jubilation and uses she/they pronouns. She comes from the third ring of the Egyptian miracle box (as Sass, Mullo, Kaalki, etc would be in the chinese miracle box) and can bestow only one power onto her wielder through her miraculous, which is a golden headpiece. She is a kwami of the frog, thus, making her wielders into frog themes heroes. They have only one power to give their wielder; Borax, which can generate or cause something to be silly and distracting. (Think Xuppu or King Monkey) The only other kwami in the third ring with Lynn in my version of my rewrite so far is Dryxx.
Dryxx: Dryxx is the kwami of domination and uses he/him pronouns. He comes from the third ring of the Egyptian miracle box (with Lynn). He can only bestow one power to his wielder through his miraculous, which is a nose ring. He is the kwami of the ox (like Stompp in the chinese box) and makes his wielders into ox themed heroes. He only has one power, subjugate, which gives the ability to control the mind of an opponent.
Mee: Mee is the kwami of veracition and uses she/her pronouns. She comes from the second ring of the Egyptian box (think Dusuu, Trixx, Nooroo etc from the Chinese box). She bestows two powers onto he wielder through her miraculous, which is a ring. She is the kwami of a sphynx (hairless cat, not the mythology type), and thus, makes her wielder into sphynx themed heroes. She has two powers to give; Verity (which forces opponent to only speak the truth) and justice (whatever harm the opponent has caused to anyone within the time of the fight can be recycled and used by the hero. Ex: Chat Noir uses his cataclysm to destroy the ground beneath the sphynx wielder, the sphynx hero can then use cataclysm themselves but ONLY against Chat Noir) (also, if working with Chat Noir, they cannot use his power unless it was used against them)
Mee is the only Egyptian kwami left from the second ring (in this draft so far, this may change) Basic dumbed down summary for y'all:
Fraay is the basic equivalent of Plagg and is a locust Lynn is the basic equivalent of Xuppu and is a frog. Dryxx is the basic equivalent of Stomp and is also an ox. Mee does not have an equivalent kwami to her from the Chinese box, but is basically the kwami of truth and is a spynx.
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kmp78 · 3 months
What's the story behind those pics and that meeting with Lordy?? Do tell!
Well, it was August 2018 and I was in Stockholm for the Gröna Lund gig. 🇸🇪
I had arrived the previous evening and was strolling around town looking at the sights and having a bite to eat, you know the usual stuff.
I knew Mars was most likely also already in town and I knew JL had a habit of going for strolls so I kept my eyes open and 🤞 that maybe I'd get lucky!
So I had walked around for a good hour or two cos it was a lovely evening, and my feet were getting a bit tired so I jumped in a tram for a bit, and for reasons still unknown to me to this day, I decided to get off the tram after only a few stops and walk to Gamla Stan via Kungsträdgården Park.
I mean, I could have turned right or left to walk through the streets, but I guess the universe beckoned me to cross the park and no longer than 5-10 seconds after I enter the park and head down that looooong pedestrian walkway towards the marina, who do I spot approaching me... 😂😳
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I mean whaaaaaat the fuck! 😵‍💫
Luckily he was wearing his usual and very easily recognizable rags... 😂
Well my brain of course completely melted as I knew in a few seconds he'd be right next to me, and luckily as I am always 📸 stuff I already had my camera ready to go cos I knew there would be no time to start fumbling with it once he got close! 🫣
So I snapped that sneaky pic and "caaaaasually walked towards him" like no biggie (🤭) and once he was within earshot I went "Oh hiiii it's you!" or smthg like that. As if I had just then spotted him and not when he was 200 meters away... 😂🤫
He said hi back and as I knew I had like 2 seconds max to spare here, I immediately whipped out my camera (that was ready to go cos honey I always come prepared!) and asked for a selfie, to which he agreed. ✌️
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Immediately after the pic he turned to walk away as I said thanks, and I mentioned that I was coming to the gig tomorrow. I can't fully remember what he said back but I'm 99.9% sure it was just smthg like "cool" or "great" or whatever.
Then I just yelled out "Have a good evening!" as he was already leaving and I can't remember if he said smthg back. 🤷🏼‍♀️
So... yeah. That was an epic turn of events indeed! I was shaking quite a bit afterwards... 🤭
Alas I was not offered any freebies... 🫤
But then again he was in a jovial mood and not in his Bitchred mood so that's reward enough I think! 😂
Also imagine this: he was ALONE!!! 😱
Without Kenny!!! 😱
Of course this all happened before he became addicted to Panna so no need to have a water carrier running behind him. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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neverhangd · 11 months
doing bits and bobs on the blog, obviously. rn i'm in potc hell (thank the gang lmao, s/o for dealing with me go to: @mvrtogg, @itismissswann, @norringtxn / @collectorofmuses), and i just realized that the majority of people who follow me may not have read this page (or even known it existed!), so i wanted to give two important bits of context!
1.) anne bonny walked so her archetypes could run.
i literally found out two weeks ago that anne bonny isn't stupid famous. whaaaaaat? but actually, that did shock me. maybe it's because i had two pirates phases and like research, but i've known a little bit about her since i was a kid: specifically, that she was a kick-ass pirate woman. i've learned a lot more since then, and i love to share it; i joined a group that i thought had a pirate phase only to learn that...they hadn't. and had no idea who anne bonny was outside of being a character someone before me had written as well.
it was exactly then that i realized anne bonny isn't a super famous kick-ass pirate woman and i felt like that one part of dogma. someone was trying to explain how my take on anne bonny both was and wasn't in-line with the previous writer's and it took me a while to realize they were asking what show or book i used for canon because they doubted she was the same character, despite sharing the archetypes. so. just so it's out there, here's an incomplete list of archetypes we can apply to the historical figure anne bonny, kick-ass pirate woman:
riches to rags (gave up a privileged life to marry a pirate)
the redhaired irish
girlboss/tits out for piracy (she would famously whip her shirt off in battle so men would know they'd been killed by a woman)
did it for love (left her first husband and became a pirate with her second)
it's a love story (whatever else they were, history tells us jack and anne were in love, even if i don't usually use that on this blog)
three's company, too (anne and read were absolutely an item at the same time as anne and jack)
ambiguously queer (i advocate for a bisexual anne, but the only lady-type lover she took was read, who can be fairly read as transmasc, putting some doubt on the full connotation of her orientation/s)
short fuse (she was known to fight over basically anything)
2.) what in the url?
since anne bonny isn't the kickass pirate bicon of my dreams--we'll get her there, one day!--it's relevant to also share what the fuck my url actually means. because she was a woman a pirate a woman and a pirate alive during the early 18th century, we actually don't have much record of anne speaking for herself. the most popularly known quote we have was spoken directly to jack rackham just before his execution:
if [you] had fought like a man, [you] need not have been hang'd like a dog. -A General History of Pyrates, Daniel Defoe
she said this to him because he and his men were the reason the ship had been caught and they had been taken prisoner and she took that very personally, as well she should! (it turns out that both anne and read were pregnant, anne by jack and read by their husband.) the larger thing is, she wasn't wrong: when the ship was invaded, only three people stood on the deck fighting: read, anne, and an unnamed pirate who presumably died in the struggle. everyone else was hiding below decks. read, in fact, famously fired TWICE down at the hiding men, killing one and injuring another.
the really wild part of all this, though, is the ending of anne's story. we don't know it.
anne's execution was stayed on account of her pregnancy, as was read's. read would die in prison from a fever, and presumably their child did as well; anne, on the other hand, simply...disappeared.
...but what is become of her since, we cannot tell; only this we know, that she was not executed. -A General History of Pyrates, Daniel Defoe (which, if you keep wondering why i'm referencing it, is considered THE source)
officially speaking, we may literally NEVER know what happened to anne. all we know is she NEVERHANGD.*
thank you for your time and attention! ♡
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guildwarsgirl · 1 year
My own lore for Shiro and the Tagachi Family (Part 5):
Holy moly, we're up to 5 parts now! And a new title?! Whaaaaaat?
So, quick recap from Part 4. Shiro and Sarah got married, their daughter Lilly was born, then the Envoys came in and ruined everything by taking Shiro away, and Togo showed up.
Togo arrived at Minister Wona's estate, hoping to negotiate peace talks betweens Humans and the tribes of Sensali and Angchu Tengu, hoping to put an end to the Tengu Wars.
However, Wona decided there could be no peace, stating "For the good of Cantha, you all must die."
Ordering his guards to seal all the exits and ensure no one escaped, he ordered every guest at his estate to be killed. This including Sarah Tagachi and her infant daughter, Lilly.
Wona was eventually killed by Togo's hand, and peace was forged between the two races.
Before Togo left the estate, however... He came across Sarah and Lilly. His heart softened at seeing the two, and offered them a place in Raisu Palace to stay, stating "You shouldn't be out here in alone in the cold. My brother Kisu is the emperor. He and I can keep the both of you safe."
Sarah would only go with her baby, on one condition, and Togo was all ears. She revealed the identity of Lilly's biological father, and begged the master to never tell anyone. Not even Lilly could know until the time was right, for if anyone knew Shiro the Betrayer had married and somehow sired a child, they could be put to death.
And so, Togo agreed to keep her secret, and the three of them set back off for Kaineng City, and Raisu Palace.
For 17 years, Lilly had been raised on a lie that her last name is Natsuko, and that her father died at sea before she was born.
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Togo, now 65 years old, was her mentor and father figure. She trained under him at Shing Jea Monastery to become an Assassin.
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He had commented to her mother once during her training: "She may look like you, but his spirit lingers within her, waiting to be released. I fear it may not be long before that happens."
This concludes Part 5. Part 6, we begin covering the events of Guild Wars Factions.
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superpixie42 · 3 years
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In which we crank the feels up to 9.5
Updates on Tuesdays and will be in the #mywriting tag.
This is the final Rated T portion. 7 & 8 are E.
Story Tags: Modern AU. Single Mom Kagome. Gruff on the outside but puppy on the inside Inuyasha. Bus friends to actual friends to lovers. Found family feels. Slowburn for people in a hurry. Eventual sexual content.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Part 6 Below The Cut
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In the months since meeting Inuyasha, Kagome had become a muffin baking master. She could also make scones, quick breads, and pound cake. And, while her experiments with bagels were technically successful, she quickly decided they were really more trouble than they were worth since her tiny cooktop struggled to keep the giant stock-pot she borrowed from her mother at a consistent boil.
But now that summer was well underway, she was very happy to start experimenting with portable breakfasts that weren’t so reliant on her oven. Today, it was fruit and yogurt parfaits with granola.
As she crested the hill, she was surprised to see the grungy little shelter was empty. She sat her bookbag and the breakfasts down and pulled out her phone, smiling down at the New Message notification from Inuyasha. Originally, she’d given him her number so he could text her to let her know he made it home okay after The Incident at work. He’d stayed at her place watching Netflix and playing with Toru until it was bedtime, but eventually her lack of guest space meant he had to go home — it’s not like he could sleep on the floor when her whole pretense for keeping him there was that he was injured! By the time he left for the bus, his ribs weren’t bruised anymore and the largest cut on his cheek had closed. Still, she begged him to text her when he got home. Which he did.
He also texted her the next morning. And after lunch when he got up for the day. And then when he saw something on TV that made him think of her. Just remembering how giddy she got at the first unprompted text made her want to die with embarrassment. They were friends, and that was nothing to get butterflies over.
She swiped open the notification: [Running late be there in 5]
She started absent-mindedly scrolling and waited until another message popped up: [Look up]
Kagome turned to the left, but instead of seeing Inuyasha walking up the hill, there was a small two-door red sedan parked right in front of the shelter, clearly blocking the bus zone. The driver’s door opened and she could see Inuyasha’s silver ears over the roof of the car as he climbed out and walked towards her.
“You've got a car?” she asked, her confusion clear in her voice.
“Totosai let me buy it off him cheap. Said it was a bonus in thanks for not quitting, or calling the cops, or claiming workers comp or anything else that would make the old man’s life more difficult. And... because...” he paused and looked exasperatedly back down the hill.
He sighed and pinched his eyes closed. “And because… the neighborhood is going to the dogs...and I hate him for making me say that but it was his one requirement for the price…”
Kagome had to scrunch up her whole face, the pressure of the laugh she was holding back nearly driving her to tears. Even Toru started to giggle as his whole tiny body was jiggled about from his mother’s barely restrained laughter.
“Well, I'm very glad your boss is such a reasonable guy,” she said, wiping her eyes. “But I have to say I'll miss our mornings.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and stepped around the car. He pulled open the passenger door and slid the seat forward. There in the back was a newly installed rear facing car seat.
Now Kagome really was crying.
Tag Wall (please let me know if you want off or on!)
@mcornilliac @clearwillow @theinuyashareader @mayarab @lavendertwilight89 @kazeinori @dawnrider @kirrtash @bluejay785 @horriblehowl @neutronstarchild @fawn-eyed-girl @hopidoodle @hnn-wnchstr @sistasecbhere @smmahamazing​ @thornedraven @anisaanisa @liz8080 @princessinume @ruddcatha @lostinfantasyworlds @littlestuffstohide @kalcia @sacred-arrow @fandomobsessions016 @thirrinwildcat @gribed-li @kagometaishostory @sailorlolo @mymidnightnightmare @arcprz @greatlegallybadmorally @heynikkiyousofine @mrfeenysmustache @mamabearcat @heathersmusings @kawaiichan67
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
MC turns into MSheep!
Inspired by the lil anime announcement we got because I love MC still being represented by a lil sheepie~!
As usual, this is gender-neutral reader!MC
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It was a total accident. You were just working on your potion project with Solomon. He was helping you with the math of it, mostly, since it was pretty complicated. You had no idea where things went wrong. There was a puff of pink smoke when you added the last ingredient and suddenly Solomon was a giant! Well, actually you were turned into a small pink sheep...
He didn’t know what to say when Solomon brought you home.
You were a sheep. A tiny sheep. And very pink.
His beloved was a sheep.
Lucifer.exe has stopped responding.
Honestly, give this old man a few moments to take in the shock and let things settle.
Then he’s going to threaten Solomon because who else would have turned you into a fucking sheep?
A tiny voice sounded from the sheep. It sounded like you, only smaller.
“It was my fault. I think. Solomon didn’t even touch my potion ingredients.”
Well, that doesn’t change anything. Solomon had best change you back or else.
And those words shot pure ice through your veins. You knew when your Lucifer got pissed off, his threats were not to be taken lightly.
For the time being, however, you had to live as a sheep.
Lucifer didn’t hesitate to just carry you everywhere. What if you got lost? Or Beel tried to eat you? Or Belphie thought you were a pillow? Or Mammon tried to sell you?
There were too many variables and this old demon just wanted some peace of mind.
So you went literally everywhere with him. You two still talked as normal. You even slept in his room still. 
You promised yourself to help him relax once you were human again. You knew your situation caused a lot of unneeded stress on the poor man.
It took three whole days before Solomon was able to change you back.
But when you were human again you didn’t expect Lucifer to hug you so tightly or give you such a firm kiss. He had missed his human being, well, a human far more than he cared to admit.
But you better make good on helping him relax. I think there’s some grey in his hair now.
Haha, good joke, Solomon! Now, where was his human? Really, where were they hiding?
He was so sure it was a prank and you were taking pictures from the bushes or something.
When you voice sounded from the small sheep Mammon nearly fainted.
What the fuck did Solomon do to his human?! The Great Mammon’s human was a sheep!
You explained your situation and Mammon only grew more jittery.
He was grinding his teeth. He didn’t hesitate, though, to snatch you away from Solomon and hold you like you were the most sacred thing in the whole of Devildom.
“Ya better turn them back! I can make money at the casinos so name the price!”
Oh he was serious. Mammon was willing to pay good Grimm just to turn you back.
And Solomon, after cruel teasing with pricing your return to human at over a million Grimm, said he would do it for free. After all, there was no telling if this would wear off or if it needed to be reversed.
So he would do it. It was a good chance to study your potion recipe and figure out how you fucked up.
Mammon, like his older brother, took you literally everywhere with him. But by everywhere I do mean everywhere. Lucifer at least had the decency to leave you out when he went to the bathroom. Mammon did not.
He was also making sure to keep you away from Asmo, who had fallen for your pink and fluffy form on sight. 
Mammon talked to you like you were still human. He treated like his human.
But he also acted like you would break at any second. He had never been so careful in his life.
He honestly cried on the third day, worried you might be stuck as a sheep. He didn’t know what to do.
Of course, you were turned back by that evening. Solomon had dropped by to check in and the potion naturally wore off.
Mammon hugged you so tight you felt like you were being suffocated.
But he was back to normal the second Solomon joked that he wanted to get paid for his efforts.
Once Solomon was able to get into his bedroom, Levi just about fainted at the sight of you.
He wasn’t even skeptical about this.
It was just like the anime “Help I’ve Accidentally Been Turned Into a Sheep and Now I’m Stuck!”. Literally, just like the anime! 
You needn’t worry about anyone trying anything with you while Solomon worked to turn you back, it wasn’t like you would be leaving Levi’s room very much.
You were in his lap almost 24/7 save for when you needed food or to go to the bathroom. Or he needed to do the same. 
His room was a fortress so you were pretty much safe. 
You couldn’t remember the last time you got to spend quite that much time with your otaku. He could be difficult at times, especially when he was playing a game.
You actually relished the time spent as a sheep because of it.
Levi was not-so-secretly getting more and more anxious though. 
He saw the anime! He made you watch it with him in one sitting, too! What if this turned out just like the anime and you never turned back into a human?
The main character in the anime was a sheep for an entire YEAR!
If he had a soul it would have left his body at the very thought.
By the end of the third day you could tell he was totally falling apart.
His partner was a sheep. Probably forever.
With a poof of pink smoke you were human again.
And Levi unconscious because, for some reason, you turned human and had no clothes on.
You just put on some of his clothes for the time being and called Solomon.
You caught a glimpse in the mirror as you were on the phone and told him to keep working on that reversal potion.
You still had sheep fluff for hair, horns, and sheep ears...
If looks could kill then Solomon would have been dead where he stood.
The sin of wrath was so pissed off that there was an evil, menacing aura radiating from him.
And it was directed solely at Solomon.
“I don’t even want you working on a way to turn them back. You might be a great sorcerer but I’m going to do this myself.”
He snatched you away and slammed the door in the sorcerer’s face.
No one tried to bother him as he stormed back to his room. 
“I promise I’m going to turn you back, MC.”
He poured over his books and had you give him the potion you had been making. You had to tell every single detail you could remember of what happened leading up to your transformation.
But he didn’t only focus on turning you back.
He couldn’t neglect you being in the room with him. You still brought out the calm within him and made him feel at ease.
When you insisted he take breaks, he would make some tea and give you a straw so you didn’t get tea in your wool.
Like he usually did, he read to you when you wanted to go to sleep. It was even more relaxing holding a warm ball of fluff.
But he barely slept.
He had to figure out a way to turn his favorite person back to normal.
You were still you, no doubt about that, but he missed you being a person. Someone he could kiss and hold hands with. Someone he didn’t have to worry about accidentally crushing or losing because you were so small.
He finally figured it out. He studied your potion recipe for hours on end until he figured out what went wrong. You had been given a recipe that had been “mislabeled”.
Knowing that made it a cinch to turn you back within the hour.
Now to murder the dodgy sorcerer who gave you the recipe for class to begin with.
“Whaaaaaat? MC? A sheep? Oh, darling, you are so cute! And so soft!!”
He canonically loves cute things (did you read the Devilgram story about him taking care of bunnies?) so he was having the time of his life.
And then it hit him as soon as Solomon laughed.
He couldn’t go out on dates with you. He couldn’t kiss you. Or see your stunning face. Your voice wasn’t the same. 
Solomon promised to do what he could to fix this, but it could take a few days.
Did he spend the next hour crying and hugging your fluffy body? Yes, yes he did.
You got him calmed down, reassuring him that it was temporary and there were some perks. He would totally get lots of attention on Devilgram if he posted your pictures! You were pink, his favorite color! You had lots of soft wool he could brush and he could paint your tiny sheep hooves!
That perked him right up.
He spent the next several hours styling your wool, somehow managing to put braids in it. He gave you cute decorative pieces to wear in your wool, painted your hooves to match his nails, and even gave you a little bowtie!
And boy did his Devilgram blow up with attention at the sight of your pictures.
You even inspired his newest clothing designs! Clothing for pets! Devildom didn’t have a cute variety of pet clothes, and while you weren’t a pet, you were very inspiring to look at.
Even pets deserved to look beautiful!
You were so soft to snuggle with but nighttime really made him miss you. Even in an innocent way, he missed skin-to-skin cuddling. It was always so reassuring.
But he didn’t have that.
He managed to get through the days that went by before Solomon finally turned you back.
And he was beginning to wonder if Solomon had drawn out your time as a sheep on purpose.
That didn’t matter, though. Not when he had to take you out on a date!
Solomon was holding something soft and fluffy. Was it food? Cotton candy? It looked really sweet and tasty.
“Beel, no, it’s me!”
He wasn’t happy once the situation was explained. But he didn’t show it. To be fair, he wasn’t the most outwardly expressive of his emotions unless it was necessary.
With Solomon’s promise to return you to normal, he just carried you back to the kitchen with him.
But he wasn’t hungry anymore. Not when his dear human was in a new and unusual form.
It caused him to go into a bit of a crisis, though.
What did sheep eat? What could YOU eat? You were a human in a sheep’s body after all. Did you have to eat what sheep ate or could you still eat your favorite things?
He sat there, staring at the cupboards and fridge, with the most worried look on his face.
To be fair, you weren’t sure either.
And you two stayed liked that until Satan said you could still eat whatever you liked, though it would be best to avoid meat unless it was basically shredded. 
Then came Beel’s next huge crisis: he was terrified of crushing you!
You were so tiny and delicate now, even more fragile than when you were a human.
It took a little convincing but Beel took to carrying you literally everywhere you wanted to go. He loved how soft you were.
Though you didn’t like how often he drooled on you because your fluff looked too tasty. You promised to get him cotton candy once you were a human again, which kind of helped the situation.
Beel even made sure to make everything you ate easy on you! He didn’t want anything to be hurtful to your little sheep body or hard for you to eat!
He didn’t hesitate to help you drink the reversal potion once Solomon got it made, holding his breath until he saw you in your proper state again.
He could breathe easy again. 
What was Solomon carrying? A new pillow or something?
It looked so soft and like it would be a perfect napping pillow.
He wasn’t even listening to anything Solomon had to say, the explanation going in one ear and out the other.
He was focused on going inside to use the new pillow.
Until he heard you talking to him after Solomon had given up on explaining anything.
Now he was mildly concerned. You weren’t you anymore. You were a sheep. He actually listened as you told him your story, unlike with Solomon, and he merely shrugged.
“Well, what can you do? You’ll be normal again eventually.”
You knew your grumpy demon, though. He was worried about you. But Belphie was never good at showing his worry for others unless it was drastic.
True to form, he passed out once he laid down again. You were held against him as if you might disappear while he slept.
It was all the more proof he was worried about your situation.
He still slept most of the time, he was like a cat in that he slept for hours without moving. You had to wiggle free to do anything. No one wanted to wake up to a sheep smelling like piss and you didn’t want a bath.
Belphie whined that taking care of you as a sheep was too much work, but the moment anyone tried to take you from him he immediately got defensive. He even threatened to break Mammon’s hands.
The only one he trusted with you was Beel.
Always sleeping holding your little sheep self did make him realize he wanted a stuffed animal version of you just like that.
It was so nice to snuggle with.
But he missed the normal you. He wanted to have you to lay on or go “star” gazing with. He wanted to do things with you again that weren’t quite possible with you as a sheep.
So he may have gone to find Solomon and threaten him if he didn’t turn you back quicker.
It was all for naught, as he came home to find you curled up in his bed in your human form once again.
He’d wake you up later. For now, he wanted to take another nap with you.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Wolfstar x reader
Word count : 1244
Warning : Allusions to sex but otherwise pure fluff!!!
Summary : You make a surprise for your boys
Sirius was trying to nap, emphasis on the trying, but every time he closed his eyelids they shot right open at the sound of an annoying rat- a-tat tapping coming from the bed room. He groaned as he reluctantly left his once comforting spot on the sofa to tramp on over to the bedroom you so graciously kicked him out of. He marched over intending to tell you off, but once he reached the doorway his frustration quickly turned into bewilderment.
“Y/N what the hell are you doing?”
You were standing on one of the dining room chairs holding a hammer in one hand and nails in the other. 
“Sirius, I told you not to come in here it’s a surprise for you and Remus.”
“You know doll, you could just ask for help, you look ridiculous being as short as you are doing that, or you could use magic at least you’d end my suffering faster.”
Your hands found their way to your hips very quick. “First of all I’m not short just cause I’m not a doofy giant like you (he dramatically clutched his chest at the word doofy.) yes that’s right doofy. Secondly, I don’t mind doing things the old fashioned way. Thirdly, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you helped now get out.”
He mocked your stance, mimicking your voice, not accurately at all though considering how high pitched it was. “Firstly, I was just trying to nap but you’re being loud. Secondly-”
“I’m Serious, get out.”
“No, I’m Sirius and you didn’t let me finish.”
“Ha ha I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Y/NNNNN” God he was dramatic.
He cleared his throat, “Secondly, dont-roll-your-eyes-at-me-i-swear-to-god-if-you-dont-let-me-finish- Secondly. How long are you gonna lock me out of my own bloody room!?”
“Excuse you, our bloody room and until Remus gets home, even longer if you don’t get out now, or else I won’t be able to finish before that.”
You waved your wand at him and he was blasted a few feet back and the door was slammed in his face.
He banged on the door, you just locked it. He scoffed when he heard the click.
“I can just unlock this with my wand you know!”
“You mean with the wand you left on the bedside table? Good luck with that love.”
“You’re being fucking ridiculous Y/N I’m bored. I’m going to die of boredom, do you want me to die of boredom.”
“If it would shut you up I’d be tempted to say yes. Just find a way to occupy yourself, the kitchen could use a good sweep.”
“Don’t act like you’re my fucking mother.”
“If you don’t want me to act like your mother then don’t act like a goddamn child! Now bugger off.”
“You hear that Y/N, it’s the sound of me dying.”
You couldn’t see but you heard the sound of two knees hitting the floor and the top half of his body following suit.
“Oh honestly” you muttered to yourself “what a big baby.”
Oh well, least he decided to be quiet, better get this done quickly.
You were just returning the dining room chair to the table when you heard the front door open and close, following the sound of the familiar footsteps of the tall lanky man you adored. 
You rushed to the door and didn’t even think about giving Remus the chance to either, when you jumped into his arms and quite literally became a koala in his arms.
“Remmy, missed you.” 
Between kissing your neck and cheek he responded.
“Yeah? Missed you too my love, so much.”
You could have stayed in his arms content forever but Sirius wasn’t having it. 
“Aren’t I your love too? Y/N stop being selfish I want a hug too.”
“You don’t deserve a hug you were mean today.”
“Was Sirius being mean to my baby?” Remus cooed.
“Was not!”
“What did Sirius do precious?”
“He said (insert fake sniffle) -he said that I was fucking ridiculous and he cursed at me in other ways too and I was just trying to do something nice by surprising you two with something in the bedroom.”
“Oops, not that kind of bedroom surprise.”
“That’s alright love, I’m sorry Siri was being such a meanie to my darling. Let’s go see your surprise.”
“Hey, I’m your darling too and don’t you want to hear what was said to me!?”
“You probably got what you deserved.”
Sirius stood with his mouth agape while you stuck your tongue out at him. Remus put you down and leaned forward to give Sirius a quick peck on the cheek.
“Come on Y/N, what did you do for Siri and me?”
You led them to the bedroom door and unlocked it with your wand.
“Alright boys, close your eyes.”
You waved your hands in front of their faces to see if they had listened and grabbed each of their hands to lead them through. You had them sit on the end of your bed.
“Alright, open.”
Sirius knew where to look right away, but it didn’t take Remus long for his eyes to find what you had done. The top of the walls were lined with beautiful gold ornate string lights. They were littered with butterflies that would look real if they weren’t so still. Though they were both in awe, Remus was the first to break the silence. 
“Y/N, where’d you even find these? What are they?”
“They’re string lights I made them.”
“String lights?” Sirius had snapped out of his daze. “And you made these?”
“Yep, here’s your wand Siri, now say lumos filum.”
“Lumos filum.”
The room was filled with a warm glow. They were dumbstruck.
“Okay Remmy now you say lumos pyralis.”
“Lumos pyralis.”
Suddenly the butterflies were fluttering around the room, still emitting that warm glow, like golden fireflies.
“Yes Siri?”
“I’m sorry for being an ass, these are beautiful.”
“It’s alright, sorry I ruined your nap.”
“Oh, that’s why he’s so cranky.” Remus chortled. 
“I’m not cranky!”
You only giggled at his furrowed eyebrows and crossed arms; you giggled even harder when he tried his hardest to maintain his shroud of anger when one of your creations landed on his nose. Remus moved his pointer finger to Sirius’s nose and let it crawl on. He blew on it gently so it would join the rest of its brethren resting on the ceiling. He paused to appreciate the beauty up there before his eyes rested on a sight much more beautiful.
“You are breathtaking darling, in everything you do.”
“Hey,” Sirius quipped “Aren’t I breathtaking too?”
You kissed his nose and your lips ghosted over his own. “Course you are darling.”
“Prove it.”
“You dork, if you wanna be breathtaking you have to take my breath away.”
Remus eyed the grin that took up Sirius’s face as he rose from his spot to tower over you. “Y/N, I have a feeling you’re gonna regret challenging him, you know how he gets.”
“He wants to be breathtaking, then he can prove it, not me.”
You squealed as you were flung onto the bed and your wrists were pinned beside your head. You gained the courage to look into his piercing grey eyes.
“You really are gonna regret it now, love. Then we’ll see who the big baby is after.”
Welp, you were in for a long, long night.
@thotbutpurple @sunny-bunnny @quindolyn 
@accioweaslcy @ambria I’m tagging you two lovelies cause you wanted wolfstar *mwah* enjoy
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paroxysmal-distaste · 3 years
acatalepsy. || prologue
copied and pasted from my wattpad, excuse the old writing.
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playlist.  0.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12. ----- ◈ Chapter 0 - Prologue ◈ ◈ Date Published: 24/12/2018 ◈ ◈ Word Count: 2147 ◈ -----
"What the hell are we doing in here?"
"Lighten up! You barely leave the house anyways."
"Yeah yeah yeah, you don't need to remind me. Did you bring the flashlight I asked you to bring?"
"I thought you were taking it."
You face palmed.
Recently, there's been a train accident where it's said to be believed that the tunnel was haunted. Everyone thought this was true because apparently there would be less people onboard after going through the tunnel than before. Almost like they were taken by something.
You thought it was bullshit.
The area had already been blocked off, but that doesn't stop your adventure loving friend from dragging you into her curiosities. In a way, you had always admired that about her, but other times you saw it as a flaw. One of those times being now.
"Can I go now?"
You rolled your eyes and frowned, speeding up your pace to keep up with her, "Wait up, will you?"
"Does your phone have any battery?" She questioned, ignoring your comment.
"Just a bit, I don't know if it will be enough though, especially since the flashlight takes up a lot of it."
"Turn it on for a moment, I can't see where I'm going." The both of you lifted up the Caution, Keep Out! police tape as you carefully stepped over the rumble. The atmosphere surrounding the place was giving you the chills, and you shivered quietly.
"Can we speed this up a little? I'm getting the creeps." You stated blandly, subconsciously tightening your grip around your backpack straps. You kicked a squashed can of Sprite to the left of you.
"Give me a hand with this." Mags gestured for you to help her with what seemed to be a large part of debris from the crash.
"Alright, but if it accidentally drops on your foot or something and it breaks, don't blame me." You raised your hands up comically and pursed your lips, before dropping them loosely to your sides. You grunted as your fragile hands attempted to pull off a large chunk of concrete from the side of the tunnel.
"You know, you're acting kind of weird. What's the rush? You don't have somewhere to be, right?" She asked abruptly.
You froze,"N-no, what makes you say that?" Your body stiffened as your friend squinted her eyes at you suspiciously.
"You seem to be in a really big hurry for some reason and you don't usually care when I pull you around on these trips."
You lifted your arms and shoulders, turning your head to the side, "I-I don't know, I think I'm just tired I guess."
"You're a terrible liar! You're meeting up with someone aren't you?" She placed her hands on her hips and neared you, making you back away nervously.
"Pffft- whaaaaaat? No way." You tugged at your turtleneck, "It's getting a little hot in here. Mind if I just-" Just as you were going to push past her, she said something that made you pause.
"It's Miles, isn't it?" The constant shifting of your eyes made her own widen and her lips to curve into a smile. "I knew it! You can't hide anything from me!"
"Shush! I was going to tell you, but I didn't know if I would call it anything yet." You fiddled with your hands in an antsy way, before pushing a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
"Ooo, you have to tell me what happened!"
"He just asked me out, that's all!"
"That's all! What do you mean- that's great!"
Your face reddened as she hugged you, "Stop... you're making it seem bigger than it is."
Mags nudged you suggestively, before walking forward. "I'll drop it. For now."
After a moment or two, a giant hole in the wall was finally revealed, and your friend carefully put a foot in the gap, trying to squeeze their way in.
"I can't get in! I think I'm stuck." She murmured, her voice echoing since half her body was left through the wall and her legs were kicking up and down in panic.
You snickered at her flailing limbs, and you could hear her getting cross at your lack of helpful action.
Something made a clicking sound, and you shielded your eyes from the sudden bright light in your face. It flickered for a moment, and a loud horn sound blew.
"M-Mags." You tugged at the bottom of her jacket, your eyes widening as you noticed that the light was from an incoming train.
"Huh?" She questioned, "I can't see! What's going on?"
Your face paled as you began to roughly tug at her legs, accidentally slipping one of her shoes off. "Dammit! A train's coming!"
"I thought there weren't supposed to be any trains seen this place had been closed off!"
"Yeah, well, it's not going to be stopping anytime soon - let me help you, stop kicking!"
Just as Mags was easing herself out of the hole, something made you pause momentarily.
Something tickled your arm, and instantly, you began to mentally freak out. Whatever it was, if you made any sudden movements, you were sure it was going to harm you.
"Ow! Something bit me!"
Never mind.
A burning sensation began to occur on your palm, and it felt as if your skin was falling off. You tried your best to not yell out in pain, since you and Mags were trying your best to get out of the place alive.
"I'm out! Quick! Hurry up, it's coming!"
You snapped your head to look behind you, seeing the lights coming closer. Turning your attention back to what was in front of you, a few metres forward was Mags with her hand extended, waiting for you to grab it.
The train seemed to get closer every second, and you bolted forward, almost tripping over the tracks.
You finally managed to clasp your hand around your friend's, and she hoisted you up immediately.
It was right on time too, because the train violently broke through the large concrete rumble, and continued going ahead at full speed.
The rubble of rocks flew everywhere, causing both you and Mags to fall backwards and to scoot backwards with your hands.
"Oh my goodness." You ran a shaky hand through your hair, which was now messed up. By doing so, a striking pain ran through your arm again, and it brought attention to what happened earlier.
You breathed in through your teeth, as Mags grabbed your hand gently in worry.
"I think it was a spider, but it must have been a pretty nasty one because it hur- gah! Careful!" You snatched your hand away from her grasp, making her stumble out a 'sorry'.
"Let's just get out of here." You frowned at her before walking out of the subway, her footsteps following quick behind.
You stared at your hand curiously, wondering what sort of bug would produce a large wound and sensation like that.
A radioactive spider definitely didn't cross your mind.
You ended up cancelling on Miles, and it made you feel terrible since you were really looking forward to your 'hangout'. He had invited you to go rollerblading with him, since he knew you loved it.
What you told him was that you weren't feeling very well, but you promised you would make it up to him.
That bite from a week before, was no ordinary bite. Your daily life was increasingly difficult, from accidentally ripping papers the second you tried to remove it from your own fingers, to climbing walls.
You did put two and two together, and realise that it must have been during that train episode because that's where you first started feeling weird.
Going out for a walk, you hummed the song that was playing through your headphones and looked around at the lights and streets of Brooklyn.
The moment was short lived though, since what happened next was only made aware to you when you heard an extremely high pitched scream. It must have been pretty loud since your headphones are always full volume, which signalled that something was seriously wrong.
You pulled your hoodie down, and carefully removed your headphones to find out what was happening.
Another villain.
And Kid Arachnid - as everyone called him - was saving the city once again. You had never seen him in action up close, and it only took you a few moments to notice that his abilities were the same ones that you had.
Your fingers began to tingle, and you looked down at them, slightly startled at the realisation. Were you just like him? You didn't know, and a small part of you wished you were. It would be interesting becoming a hero and fighting alongside Kid Arachnid.
A loud yell pierced your thoughts again, and you jumped at the sudden sound.
A car was thrown your way, but a string of webs managed to prevent it from going any further.
You looked up to see your saviour, who was now struggling to fight against the person opposing him.
A strong urge to help was almost forcing you to get up and assist him, but your fears held you back.
The villain seemed to have said something to him that alarmed him, because he ended up grabbing you and holding you up.
Wait, Y/N? How does he- His voice. I know that voice. Of course I do, I could recognise it a mile away. A mile...
Everything that happened next was a blur, and you still couldn't process it. Before you knew it, you were free from the malefactor but in exchange for the well-being of someone else.
"Miles." You whispered, before running over to where he was laying. Almost instantly, you moved him off of the wreckage to make him feel a little more comfortable instead of having sharp rocks digging into his back.
"Miles- are you o-okay?" You managed to cry out. "You didn't have to do that!" You kneeled down to his level, unsure how to treat him.
"I did anyways though, didn't I?" He grinned and stated in a raspy voice. Of course that was his response.
"I-I should have gone to our meetup- maybe then I wouldn't have disappointed you, and left things like this. I-I-It's all my f-fault and-"
"Y/N. It's not your fault. This was bound to happen eventually." He was cut off when he gave out a weak cough.
Your hands shook vigorously as you placed them over Miles' cheek, using one to pull off his mask.
He smiled delicately when he saw you a little clearer, and he pushed the strand of hair that was sticking out behind your ear. "You always did have those little bits of hair pointing out all the time."
Your laugh made the tears that were brimming your eyes fall down on his chin.
Miles' eyes trailed to his stomach, where a large and deep, bleeding cut was held. There was no way he was recovering from that.
Suddenly, he squinted, and a pressure built into your head. It felt like a headache, but it actually felt nice. His eyes widened at you, and he smiled.
"Y-you're like me."
He didn't reply, and his eyes were beginning to close.
"Miles. Miles! Answer me!" You tried your best to try to shake him awake without damaging him, but he wouldn't wake up. "M-Miles...?"
You stood up carefully.
This happened way too fast. First you get bitten by a radioactive spider, next your crush, best friend and also the city's super hero dies in your arms.
You couldn't even cry anymore, because you were still processing what had just happened. The villain was still on the loose.
Of course, at this point, you were fully aware that what ever caused Miles to be as skilled as he was, also got you.
It was a spider.
You dug your fingers into your fist until your knuckles turned white.
If there isn't going to be anymore Kid Arachnid, then there needed to be someone else to be there for him. Not to take his place, but rather, in his memory.
An idea started to form into your mind.
Chapter 1 >
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
Finaly some fluff :)
I. i wrote comfort. I never did this before…. But i needed comfort so i made ashy boi sad again.. Oh well :)
Also this sort offffffffff takes place after this piece but it's not too important :)
Asher sighed when he woke up. He stared at the plain white ceiling. His head felt… heavy… He stretched again, seeing if he could get rid of the numb, tingling sensation in his head. No luck. He rubbed his eyes but the blurriness still remained.
Rodger suddenly came through the door, “Up, I’ve called you already, now, get the fuck up!” Asher whimpered and buried his face into the thin duvet. Rodger stopped by the mattress, hands on hips. He saw Asher’s body shake. Was he….. crying?
“Asher?” His voice was soft. “Please, I’m be-begging you. Just don’t hurt me today. Please.” Rodgers eyebrows furrowed, “Asher, what’s wrong?” He slowly knelt down and placed his hand on Asher’s shoulder, making the boy flinch, “Please!”
“Hey shhh, stop, I’m- I'm not going to hurt you!” Asher sniffled, keeping his back facing Rodger. Rodger sighed, concerned, “Okay, I’ll be back in a second okay?” Asher didn’t say anything, never mind nod or shake his head.
Rodger went to the kitchen and filled up a water bottle. Next he went to his room and took out a soft oversized hoodie. He hesitated at the door, was he being too soft on him? Should he just yell at him to get up and quit whining? But…. he felt bad for Asher. Okay, just this once. This wouldn't mean anything. He was still tough and… and.. scary. Yeah…. Scary.
He then went back into Asher and knelt back beside Asher, “Ca- I mean,,, Sit up.” Asher shook his head. “Asher, don't ruin this.” Asher slowly pushed himself up and looked at Rodger, eyes puffed and face red. “You look like shit,” Rodger commented, scoffing. Asher looked at him, bored.
“Here, put this on,” Rodger smiled, handing him the hoodie. Asher’s eyebrows furrowed before taking it and quickly putting it on. He pushed the sleeves down his arms until only his fingers were showing. He pulled the hood over his head and it draped just over his fringe.
Rodger chuckled at how cute Asher looked, before handing out the glass of water, “Here, sip at this.” Asher slowly took it from Rodger, bringing it to his lips and suddenly stopping. Rodger rolled his eyes, took the glass from Asher’s hands, taking a gulp of it and shoving it back into Asher’s hands, “See?” Asher slowly took a sip of water and nodded, “Th-thanks.”
Rodger sat down beside the mattress, “You can keep the hoodie.” Asher looked up at him with big eyes, “Really?” Rodger nodded. “This isn’t one of your stupid jokes?” Rodger chuckled, “Nope. It looks better on you than me.” Asher chuckled, “Yeah that’s because I'm better looking than you.” Rodger laughed, “Mhm, sure.”
Asher laughed, “Thank you.”
“You hungry?” Asher shook his head, face going pale. “Okay okay, just keep sipping your water alright?” Asher nodded. “Okay, I’m going to the shop, you stay here and try to chill your brain the fuck out, got it?” Asher chuckled, rubbing his eyes.
Rodger lazily strolled down the shopping aisles. His phone started ringing and he quickly answered it, “Hello?”
“Rodger! Heyyy, listen, Romeo invited Jack and I over for a drinking game, it’s gonna be hilarious. You in?” Rodger thought for a moment, “I uh… I think I’ll have to pass for tonight.”
“Whaaaaaat? No faiiiirrrrr!! I wanted to show Romeo Asher. Cmonnnnn Rodger, don’t be boring!!!”
“Nah. I’m sorry but I can’t go. Another time though. Definitely.”
“Fine.” Alicia hung up and Rodger scoffed, shaking his head.
Asher rolled over and yawned. Tears streaked down his face. He didn’t even know why he was crying. There was so much going on in his head he couldn’t pin it on just one thing. His head felt like a traffic jam.
He wiped his tears with the sleeve of the hoodie and sniffled. He pulled the duvet over his head and sighed. He couldn't get to sleep, his head felt too… full. He heard the front door open and close again. He yawned and stretched, rolling over so he faced the wall.
“Asher?” Asher made a grunt of recognition. “I'm making food, you have like.. Fifteen minutes left in that mattress and then you're getting up, alright?” Asher rolled his eyes. He just wanted to stay in bed.
Rodger poured some pasta into water and set the stove on a high heat. Next he mixed flour butter and milk together and later added cheese. A small while after, he strained and added the pasta. He poured the mac n cheese into two separate bowls and set them on the counter.
Next he walked down the hall and came into Asher’s room, “Up and atem Asher, come on.” He gently took hold of Asher’s shoulder and slowly helped Asher stand up, despite Asher’s protests. He held him up for a moment so he could regain his balance.
They both walked into the kitchen and Rodger handed Asher a bowl, “Here, take a seat on the couch, I was thinking we could watch a movie?” Asher nodded. Rodger’s eyebrows furrowed, he saw Asher’s eyes slightly glazed, “Asher, you with me... here?
Asher blinked a few times and nodded, “Y-yeah sorry.” “You're alright, it's okay. Just take a seat, yeah?” Asher slowly walked over to the couch and slumped on the couch. He picked at one small piece of macaroni and nibbled at it slightly. Rodger chuckled, “Okay, we’re watching Bambi and you have no say in it, we’re watching it, got it?” Asher nodded, “Sure.”
Halfway through the movie, Asher fell asleep. Rodger slowly walked over and placed a blanket over Asher, tucking it in, in the sides. He washed the dishes and put them back into the cabinet. Tomorrow he’d go back to being tough on Asher. Days like this wouldn't happen again, no, they won't.
He strolled back to the couch and scrolled on his phone while Asher snored quietly. Rodger smirked and took a picture of Asher. Oh he was going to show Alicia that tomorrow, no doubt.
taglist: @as-a-matter-of-whump @happy-whumper @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @likeit-or-whumpit @appy-polly-loggies @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies
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Heya, could I ask for the ikevamp boys finding mc passed out at the table surrounded by work? Uni's been killing me lately. If all of them is too much then just Leonardo, Jean, Comte, Theo and Mozart? Thanks x
I cried five times while making this.
Dear Anon! Thanks sooo mush for the request. 😘I’m sorry for taking this looooong I also have a shit ton of work but HERE IT IS. I hope things get better for you and good luck!😘❤️❤️ I added a different type of uni to each of the guys just to make it interesting. @nad-zeta your daily dose of Theo. XD. Love you. Hope you enjoy! Ok here we go!
Ikevamp boys x an overworked mc
he just woke up from one of his naps and he decided he’s going to have a snack most probably mc
as he’s walking towards kitchen he spots you sleeping on one of the tables in the library surrounded by a huge pile of books, pens and papers
now he knew that you refused to give up on the uni you where going to when you came here but he’s still a bit surprised
he walks up to you and takes a peek at what you are studying 
more specifically some designs he came up with
*eyes emoji*
after the initial shock of finding out you where studying his work he smiles and picks you up and caries you to your bed
from that moment on he will always help you with whatever you are studying and always makes sure you take breaks
he was walking around socializing with the residents when he stumbled upon you snoozing on the dining table buried in a mountain of book
ha was aware of your studies and offered to let you off work completely
but you insisted on dedicating 4 days a week on housework
however this meant you had to study like crazy
when he saw you there he already knew what’s wrong
he panicked internally but calmly walked to your side
he didn’t insist one knowing what exactly you where studying but this was so convenient he just had to take a look
finance studies
well damn
finds it very amazing that you manege to work and study that at the same time
sighs and carefully picks you up and takes you to bed
after that he makes sure you get enough rest in between study sessions
he will spoil you a bit more and offer to help with your studies
ok so we know poor baby can’t read
he doesn’t get why you are so passionate about your university
what did you call your studies? Linguistics? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
he has no idea what you are talking about but he loves you and loves that you have a passion
when he sees you passed out in your room in a very uncomfortable position surrounded by books...
oh wait no panic you probably just fell asleep ‘cause you where tiered
wait tiered?
he will pick you up and take you to your room, makes sure you are tucked it
from that moment on he will make sure you get enough rest
precious little bean
on one hand he understands why you are so passionate about your studies on the other he is worried
one time you where working late into the night and he asked you to stop and you brought up the argument that he does the same
so he decided not to stop you
however when he finds you passed out in the gazebo...
he is panicked and scared and angry at himself for not realizing sooner
he hurries to your side when one of your books catches his eye
you are studying quantum physics?
say what?
ok he now has a whole lot of respect for you
he will gently shake you awake
“ Mmmhmm...I did my essay” “Y/N it’s me, wake up”
you immediately wake up
“ Don’t ever do that again. You scared me.”
Now you guys study together so cute
if he saw you just hanging off a table passed out he will have a heart attack
then he will realize that you are just sleeping and you are not dead so he will calm down a bit
he can’t resist the urge to take a look at what you are studying either
so you want a  politics degree
what you will do with it he has no idea. After all you are in a different time period, but he thinks  it’s good to have a goal
what he doesn’t think is good is over working your self
“nunuche wake up” “noooooooooo I won’t wake up unless you do what I do to wake you up”
so he will kiss you and you agree to wake up how adorable i  think i’m going to cry over my own work damn I’m weird  
If he ever see you looking even a little tiered he will steal you away and you will cuddle
Heart attack nr.2
oh no wait my bird is just sleeping
he’s not happy
ok let me rephrase that
he’s happy that you are happy but he’s not ok with the fact that you have overworked yourself and on top of that he’s beating himself up for not noticing earlier
he’s debating whether you’d be more pissed if he carried you to your room* or if he woke you up when something catches his attentive eye
you where studying to get a bachelor's degree in English whaaaaaat!
will go through your notes and
when he finds out you want to become a writer.....
Omg fanboy mode: activate
“ I didn’t know I had such an effect on you Luv”
you: say wut? Arthur I became writer because I wanted to
Now you two run around n the corridors smiling like dorks and narrating random events when your free and he writes next to you when you study   ( to keep and eye on you. He loves you so much)
* if that doesn’t apply to you I’m sorry. I try to write from another persons prospective, but a lot of my writing is based of my reactions to a situation or my personality. In this case I’d be pissed if he left my stuff there or went into my room ( it’s my sanctuary ok my disaster). And waking me up oh no bitch run. But on a serious note don’t be mad if it doesn’t fit your description, and if it didn’t and you want me to change something feel free to let me know. Ok next victim:
to say he’s pissed is an understatement
he’s pissed at you for taking it to far but he’s pissed at himself a lot little more for not noticing sooner
like his bff he’ll also be contemplating taking you to bed rather then yelling you awake like witch one will end up in a bigger slap
then he notices what you are studying
when you are done with this you are literally going to get an art degree
Theo ex. has stopped working
he is getting emotional on the inside
 will gently take you to bed and tuck you in
he’ll pat your head “ Creative Hondjie”. He has such a gentle smile on his face god I can picture it I’m crying
from then on when you have a project he will help criticize you and he will help you progress with your art
 will be keeping an eye on you 25/7 yes 25 this guy will create a time loop if it meant that you had more time to do the things you love (ahem Theo) xd  no
all in all he will be just a little softer with you, but only you. And will also deny it if somebody points it out
Let’s all just sit down, take a moment and appreciate Vincent
He will see you passed out and he will PANIC
he will rush up to you and make sure you are ok
also waking you up in the process
he will ask what you are studying
“sooo you want to become a chef”
Pffffffff we all know poor baby is parallel with cooking
like he will burn water
is super supportive tho gee who would have thought
this boy is an angel and will help you cook
Jesus I hope Comte has fire insurance
you have a lot of fun with him and he will actually end up learning a few things form you.
will make sure you never overwork yourself again
this dork almost stepped on you
you had passed out under you window , ‘cause you had been studying on the floor
and this guy came waltzing in through the window
“Toshiko-san? Toshikooooo shit”
*cricket sounds* yup
he will squat down next to you and poke your cheek
“ what are you doing on the floor?” you: “what are you doing in my room?”
you two of you will laugh about it and he will ask you what you are studying
you proudly shove your text book under his nose
“ well well Toshiko-san want’s to take care of small animals?”
you: Yes, like Isaac
he’s not really fazed by you falling asleep but  will make sure you don’t overwork and if he sees you getting tired he will crack a few terrible jokes to lighten your mood and then he will proceed to steel you away
ok now clean freak here is going to be worried
not panicked just worried
uhum Wolf you keep telling yourself that
you where studying in the music room while Wolf was playing
suddenly he heard a thump
he stopped and looked around only to find you passed out on the table
seems like the all-nighter combined with the music led you to fall asleep
he’s frozen for a hot second until he realizes you are just sleeping
he will slowly walk up to you and poke you with a broom ‘cause he doesn’t want to touch you
he will go up to you and gently attempt to shake you awake when he notices what your studying
 you where studying music
“Marry me?”
he will wake you up and question you about it
from that moment on he actually helps you a little when you don’t get something and you study in the music room at all times because” it’s noisy outside”
we know you just care about her Mozart
he flicks your forehead
that’s it. Thant’s the canon
no I’m kidding he knows how much you study and is worried about you even before you pass out
and when you do that’s it
he scoops you up and takes you to your bed
he only flicks your forehead when you wake up
yeah you get an ear full from him
he asks what you are studying and tell him you want a degree in history
ok suddenly he’s not mad at you
from that moment on he always makes sure you are not over working
he actually shows you his notebook and you find it fascinating 
now you both collectively stalk the residents
y’all aren’t ready for this
when he sees you passed out in the garden he’s ready to pull out a gun and kill anyone and everyone who dared harm you
then he realizes you’re actually sleeping and he calms down a bit ( he’ll keep the gun tho shhhhh don’t tell Comte)
he will gently pat your hair and just look at you
when you wake up he will ask you what you are studying
you are a complete blushing mess when you tell him you want to become an actress
he’s shooketh and also really happy at the same time
now he takes you with him to the theater and he gives you a role to play and he watches while you practice
he’s also super attentive and will never let you overwork yourself again
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone! 😘😘😘
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Paper Rings”
Aww shit ya’ll, ya girl did it again! 
I was able to pop out a one shot combining an entry for @storiesofsvu bingo, and prompts from two people! Whaaaaaat?!
Sometimes I even impress myself. I’m totally kidding it just happened this way unintentionally but yay!
“Paper Rings” By Taylor Swift
Marrying one person but running away with someone else
Friends confessing love to each other! Granted it was a slow burn request but I can still cover that too!
Also just a side note: I’m very sorry Carisi fans this is a total dirty move on him but I had to. I still love him!
Also not ENTIRELY sure my babes wanna be tagged but I’m going for it:
It was your wedding day, and you were a bundle of nerves.  But it wasn’t the typical “giddy butterflies” nervous, it was a pit in your stomach, “What am I doing?” kind of panic. Sure, you did love Sonny Carisi; he was a perfectly fine, upstanding man. He made you dinner every night, took care of you while you were sick, decent in bed, loved your family, etc. He checked all the boxes on paper. The only problem? 
His mentor.
Rafael Barba had been Sonny’s mentor for as long as you had been dating him, maybe even before. You two hadn’t actually been dating that long when Sonny popped the question spontaneously on a ski trip you were on. It was romantic, but a little fast. Maybe that’s why you were feeling this way. Maybe that’s why you were pacing your dressing room and making a hole in the carpet with your stilettos.
But you knew it wasn’t. 
It started out innocent; you’d go to work functions with Sonny and Rafael would be there, obviously. You’d smile and nod to his co-workers as he bragged about you, carry on polite conversations, this and that. But one very particular night you’d realized you’d left your phone at Rafael’s apartment, and didn’t want to wake Sonny to go get it. So you had gone yourself. And you had commented on a piece of art he had while he had run to get your phone. 
And that led to more conversation, which led to trading numbers, and having more conversations via text. And those texts became more and more frequent until it had gotten to the point that when your phone would buzz with a text, you’d hope it was Rafael and not your fiancé.
A huge problem.
But, you were with Sonny. And Sonny had never been anything but sweet to you, he didn’t deserve to be dumped. And anyway Rafael had never expressed anything more than friendly conversation with you. Except on nights when it was in the middle of the night, and he was tipsy, and he’d tell you how pretty and smart you were. But obviously it was because he was drunk and horny, it wasn’t like he’d really meant it. Even if you wished he did. And so here you were; getting ready to stand up in front of all your friends and family and God, and making vows you really weren’t sure you should be making. 
“But it will be fine,” You told yourself as a white ball of taffeta stared back at you in the mirror. “I’ll be married to Sonny, and he’ll make a good husband, and Rafael and I will be friends,” 
And that was that.
You needed to go find your bridesmaids, they were waiting in another room while you had been getting dressed. You opened the door and literally bumped into someone who was in the doorway.
“Oh! I’m so sorry…” You started to apologize to the person only to recognize that it was Rafael.
“No no, my fault, I was going to knock 10 minutes ago but I’ve just been standing here,” He sheepishly replied while rubbing the back of his neck.
“....Why?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Because…” He shrugged while he looked at the floor. “Well, because…”
“Because…?” You waved your hand as you waited for him to continue.
“Because you shouldn’t be marrying Sonny,” He finally blurted out still refusing to look at you.
You just stood there, mouth half open. You stood there in silence so long Rafael was forced to look at you to make sure you hadn’t run away or passed out.
“Are you gonna say something?” He was getting more annoyed now than anything. 
“Why not?” You finally spoke.
“Because,” He looked at you very seriously; The time you had taken to answer him had given him time to get over his nerves.
“Because why?” You were pretty sure you knew the answer, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Because you should be marrying me,” He finally took your hands in his.
 “Y/N I’ve tried just being your friend, telling myself that you’re Sonny’s girl and that it’s horrible to even think about being with you, but I can’t anymore. And I know this is going to break Sonny’s heart, and perhaps even make the entire squad hate me, but I’ve decided it’s worth it to be with you,” He finished his speech by getting down on one knee and pulled out a “ring” he’d made with your wedding program. 
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want, and
I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this
Uh huh, that's right
“...Please say you feel the same way,” he whispered, looking up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes.
You took another short pause and pinched yourself to make sure this was actually happening and not the result of you passing out from your corset being too tight in the bodice of your wedding gown. Amazingly, it hurt. 
This was actually happening. 
You took your engagement ring from Sonny and placed it on a table next to you before slipping on the paper ring Rafael had offered. You looked into his beautiful green eyes with the biggest smile as you asked:
“...What took you so long?” 
He jumped up off his knees and spun you around, before pulling you into a long and passionate kiss. You’d worry about the impending doom of having to explain this to everyone in the chapel later. Right now, in this one perfect moment, you were with the man you wanted all along.
Darling, you're the one I want, and Paper rings and picture frames and dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time- Ch 12
whaaaaaat? an update on a Tuesday? I may be failing bio, but I sure am enjoying writing this!
no triggers today! (YAY)
I'm really excited for some of the world-building that happens today, and then there is a chaotic Tim...based completely on the state of my own room right now!
Tim woke up earlier than usual the next morning, and promptly let out a yelp.
Apparently, he hadn’t been paying attention to the date because he would be leaving in less than 24 hours for Paris, and he hadn’t even packed yet. Shit.
The teen scrambled out of bed and glanced around his room with a wince. If Alfred knew how he had let it fall apart over the last few days the man would have his head on a plate. With a heavy sigh, Tim started working through his room.
His efforts to make it presentable before he started packing were in vain, however when the door opened with a light tap and Alfred himself poked his head in.
“Master Timothy. Really, was all this absolutely necessary? I know that you worried about your young friend, but you did not have to respond like this!” Tim’s face flushed red at Alfred’s words. How had he known? Tim hadn’t even told Bruce and had made sure to keep his plans from the rest of the family. He glanced over at Alfred, only to see the older man looking at him with a knowing smile and a twinkle in his eye. “Just do yourself a favor, don’t come on too strong.” Tim opened his mouth to protest, before Alfred tacked on, “and do try to keep away from the press. I know that we have a statement released that the two of you are not in a relationship, but you don’t want to get their hopes up.”
The “what! Alfred!” that reached the older man’s back as he walked away made him smile.
As Tim was panicking over packing, and mulling over Alfred’s words, Marinette was in a situation that could only really be described as self-inflicted. For the past three days, Marinette had been working with both Adrien and Chloé to ensure that they were prepared for what she knew was coming their way.
That morning, when the girls had to go back to school, Adrien had been borderline catatonic. When they had visited over lunch, the teen had calmed down enough for the girls to convey the reactions of his class over Gabriel’s declaration of his ‘kidnapping’. That conversation had led to many laughs, and Marinette and Chloé had returned to school with the knowledge that Adrien would be okay for the rest of that long Monday.
Although the newer parts of her team didn’t know it yet, Marinette planned to confront Gabriel (and Nathalie) before she left for the Winter Gala that she had committed to in Gotham. Aurore was up to date in the plans, because the two had spent the last nights camped out in Aurore’s room. The floor was covered in paper as they brainstormed. Once the two had found a plan that they were comfortable with, they started to plan contingencies.
Partway through the second night, Alix joined them. The three had spent time evaluating what miraculous they would need to have on hand to ensure victory over the man that they had been fighting for years.
Now, Adrien and Chloé worked (again) through the exercises that Marinette had laid out for them. On the other side of the room, Aurore was curled up with a book that Marinette recognized as one of the Miraculous tomes. The girl had promised to look through the tomes to see if there was anything else that they could use to their advantage.
When the group broke for dinner, Marinette and Aurore shared a worried glance. That evening, the girls were going to explain what their plan was to the Kwamii. This could go either really well, or really badly.
The sound of a door closing broke the girls from their silence and brought Chloé’s attention to the doorway. A look of outrage developed on the heiress’s face as she watched for whoever would deign to enter her home uninvited. On the other side of the closed door, the sound of something heavy hitting the floor could be heard.
Then, there was the sound of a second set of feet. A male voice rumbled a question, and a very familiar female voice answered back. At the sound of Alix’s voice, Chloé’s eyes flipped to Marinette and narrowed.
“Knock knock, my dudes.” Alix’s voice rang out and caught Chloé’s attention again. The pinkette pushed through the door and threw herself onto a chair. A guy with blue hair cautiously followed her in, confusion obvious on his face. “Mari, Aurore, meet Luka. He’s your missing link.”
The shriek that left Chloé’s mouth had Marinette flinching, and Alix rolling her eyes.
“Marinette, who the hell is this? And why is Kubal coming into my house like she owns the place? What the hell are you playing at?” Marinette raised an eyebrow, and sat there, waiting until her friend was done with her rant.
“Chloé, I love you dearly, but there is more going on than you were brought in on. Aurore and I asked Alix to go and find the last person we would need. There have been plans that you haven’t been brought in on yet. And there are very good reasons for my discretion too. I need you to trust me, and I need you to trust Aurore on this.” After Marinette had finished, the guy who had been brought in by Alix interrupted before Chloé could respond.
“um, I’m not sure what exactly is going on, but Alix told me that there was something going on? She was really vague.” Aurore smiled and intervened before Chloé could get started again.
“Yes, we do need your help, but Luka? I have to have your word that you will see this through if you join us, and that you will use the utmost secrecy.” The taller boy nodded and looked Aurore dead in the eye.
“you have my word.” Marinette smiled and clapped her hands together.
“then let's get to work.”
That evening, after bringing Luka in and bringing her new team up to speed, Marinette and Aurore sat them down and started to talk their team through the plans. As Aurore was explaining the process they would use to take down Hawkmoth, Marinette was distracted by the sound of her phone going off. With a glance down, the teen’s eyes widened when she saw an unknown number on her screen. An American unknown number.
Unknown- Hey Marinette, it’s Tim. I’m sorry that I’m texting so late, but I just landed here in Paris and wanted to find out when a good time to meet up would be. I’ll be staying in the Grande Paris, so I should be close by.
Marinette-Hey Tim! No worries about texting so late, I’m up anyways! The next couple of days are kind of hectic but let me know when you are free and I’ll see what I can do.
Unknown has been changed to Tim(!)
Tim(!)- perfect! I have meetings all day tomorrow, (ew) but I should be free Tuesday evening. Is there somewhere that we could meet? I’m not very familiar with the area and would rather not bring more unwanted attention to you.
Marinette- I appreciate the discretion! There is a café near the hotel that is usually discrete. Maybe we could meet there? Chloé and I go pretty regularly.
A kick under the table from Chloé brought Marinette back to the conversation with a jerk. When she looked up, Marinette met her friend’s blue eyes that were narrowed in thought. “Dupain Cheng, after this your mine.”
“I…Ok? I have to talk with Luka though.”
“Hmmmmmmm. Maybe” Marinette rolled her eyes at her best friend before looking over at the older teen. “are you ready to go over what the Miraculous entails? The one Alix and I picked you for is a bit more complicated than some of the other ones that I have handed out” Luka swallowed nervously before nodding.
“what do we need to talk about?”
A/N sooooooooo. Luka. let's talk.
here's the skinny. Alix is tight with Marinette. Alix is friends with Mylene. Alix and Ivan go skating together. (not often, but the bond is there.) Alix has a standing invite at Kitty Section rehearsals. Luka knows about her, she knows about him. Alix is a Time Jumper. one of two things happens, she jumps to the point in time and sees that he has to be the one to hold the snake. OR Alix and Mari share the magical mystical Guardian Vibes that can tell when there is a holder nearby.
TIM IS BACK IN PARIS...staying at the Grand Paris. How could that go wrong? and remember Chaotic Gina and Jason? leaving Italy? with a bunch of angry bikers behind them? yeahhhhhh nothing could go wrong there...
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @solangelo252 @corporeal-terrestrial @woe-is-me0  @toodaloo-kangaroo @sizzling-fairy-oil
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