r0semultiverse · 1 year
Kawaki Homophobia Moments
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mwagneto · 1 year
ah gomens fandom homophobia it's you again. i hoped you were dead
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inkovert · 9 months
something that really grinds my gears as I venture into other writing/bookish spaces is the fact that people have to apologize when stating their opinions/personal preferences when it comes to what they read or consume for fear of offending The Majority. Like there's this sudden hyper-defensive stance that fans or certain groups of people take about what they love and if someone else god forbid states (on their OWN account or a comment thread mind you, with others who agree with them) that they prefer not to consume those things or they don't love it as much as those people do then these people suddenly feel attacked??
Like. Imagine me obsessing over a show that I've binged a million times and then someone across the globe whispers the words "eh I don't really like that show, it feels overhyped and I don't get why people like it. I prefer this other show to that' and I DIVE ACROSS THE OCEAN to be like 'You're entitled to like that other show, but I don't get why you have to put down my show that I love so much in order to say that. Like that's just very rude of you to even verbalize that opinion in your own space of living and existing that's nowhere near my space of living and existing.'
Like??? People?? Do we not see how mad that is?? THAT'S what's happening in the book community rn and we're treating that like it's normal, I don't know. I get that people can cross a line when stating an opinion or make generalizations about people who consume certain things, but...I don't need someone else's validation to love what I love? If they don't like it or think I'm weird or whatever for liking it that's their problem (and their opinion)??? It doesn't say anything about me or change how I feel about the things I like? And if I'm around people who are bashing what I enjoy and I don't want to see that then maybe just...click away? delete their comment? click unfollow? follow more people who like what you love to drown it out? idk. People are entitled to not like what you love, that's what makes us all beautifully diverse. idk.
#inkoverted thoughts#maybe my first mistake was leaving Tumblr to look at other bookish/writing communities#and this wasn't even TikTok which I refuse to touch with a ten foot pole#but I just watched a YT video of a girl talking about things she hates in Web comics and it was obviously said with goodnatured humor#but she still apologized or had to clarify that like these are just her opinions and she's not bashing people who enjoy these things#and someone in the comments was like I hate that she had to do that bc people can't take a joke or respect others' opinions#and I didn't even clock it when I watched the video but I was like yeah you're right...#and then I go on Insta and I see an author being like#'in a time when spicy romantasy books are being obsessed over...I'm writing “clean” sci-fi slow burn romance#and most people in the comments were like 'yes thank you I appreciate you adding some variety to the bookish community'#or 'there are diverse readers who like all types of genres its only that the romance readers are the loudest and dominating social media'#which is a separate thing that I do think is a valid point#but then a reader from the genre that's being pushed as The Majority came into the chat like#'good for you for writing a sci-fi slow burn - that sounds interesting but you don't have to put down other books when you say that'#and I'm just blinking at the comment like 😃#whooooo? where did OP put down other books???#all they did was say they're going against the grain and writing something less popular amongst the online book community#please learn reading comprehension#and fifth of all - if this upsets you why did you feel the need to click on it and comment like???#go back to your spicy romantasy community and talk to them I don't???? what do you gain from being in this comment thread??#I'm getting frustrated for no reason but it's just so mad to me that people have to walk on eggshells now to share what they like and don't#ON THIER OWN ACCOUNTS#mad#absolutely MAD#there was a separate debate that came up about the fact that people using “clean” to describe non-smut stories implies smut is dirty#which I didn't even think that and I don't even think that's what people meant to imply when using that term#it's the same way you would use the word “clean” to describe something PG vs something rated R or M in my opinion#but that's a whole other thing I'm not gonna get into#if you want a reason to be mad 24/7 then how about getting offline and looking at what's going on in the world? 😀#better use of your anger I can *promise* you
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doubleedgemode · 3 months
@followers/whoever reads this: Please feel free to metaphorically wallop me if I say an absurd badly-reasoned take about the series, and also correct me. Thank you
#Context: I was looking at a blog that posts gg and apparently op had been getting sent some incredibly stupid takes abt the series#I don't like saying it but truly ''so you think we piss on the poor“ opinions#I still stand that all things considered the side of the gg f.andom I lurk TENDS (not always but tends) to be better than ur average one but#there's stinkers in every place#*I don't like saying it so lightly [...] oops my bad I forgot a chunk of the previous phrase#I sometimes think of myself as a bit of a bad fan cause I am not fully familiar with a lot of important gg lore/story modes/routes etc#so I'm a bit afraid abt the chance I'll interpret and say something that's truly so pisspoor it's arguably tasteless.like th examples I said#idk if I make sense. the thing is some of these people seem to have read the material and YET interpret it like that.. so what if I do so..#open secret is that for as rich as the characters n worldbuilding are they don't pique my interest as much as U Know Who (🆎🅰️)#so I think I'm actually well-versed on her (as in. I think I have engaged w all media featuring her. fingers crossed she gets more 🤞)#esp cause she doesn't play that well of a role#but even then I STILL could perfectly be misinterpreting her terribly sometimes. so esp w her please. wallop and correct#ig I can add that to the “reasons I like seeing ppl's opinions on my posts or her in general” aside from liking to see dif interpretations#curiously I think this corner of the homunculus obsessed is p chill and has rly cool analysis. even ones I disagree w I think they're 98%#due to just having our own dif opinions#instead of.. claiming opposite to what happened in the text#anyhow this is a not-issue as in this whole thing does not ruin my day nor upset me but a topic I was thinking about#text tag2b named
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meidiary · 1 year
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synopsis: instead of them being jealous, this time you are because of their attention being focused on someone else 🤧
characters: zoro, luffy & sanji!
warnings: female terms used in zoro's & sanji's <3, nicknames + swearing, angst for sanji
mei's note: my previous post had an accidental angsty ending for luffy so i'll be posting a happy one soon! <3
⟶ @ahseyy request: ... And i have this idea 🤧 we had that the OP boys are jealous, sooooo obviously we need that Yn is jealous! ...
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☆ "they're just friends!" usopp's words kept ringing in your mind as you stare at ZORO and his ex-girlfriend.. you and the rest of the strawhat crew had stopped sailing, planning to settle a bit on the island you came across. oh, how you deeply regret telling luffy that "this seems like a good place for us to stay in and regain our energy!" now you're stuck witnessing this situation play out, having you completely engrossed in it.
☆ usopp, having a sixth sense for drama, immediately noticed the lack of your presence as a result of you spying observing zoro and his ex.
☆ "are you done spying on your boyfriend?" he chuckles seeing your startled expression. "i'm not spying on him! i'm just-" you see her playfully slap his bicep, earning a displeased look on your face. "why is he even speaking to her for so long? it's not like they left at the best terms.." you blurt out, sighing after seeing usopp's sly smirk.
☆ you know he thinks you're an obsessively jealous person, but you can't find it in you to care because there she goes touching him again! the worst of it all is that zoro doesn't seem to be bothered by it.. your eyebrows furrow as you keep witnessing them smiling way too much, standing way too close, being way too touchy, and the worst of all; they're talking way too soft for you to eavesdrop!
"that's it, i'm going over there!" you utter annoyed, dropping the mop you were holding for the past 15 minutes, having made little to no progress at cleaning the ship's floor. usopp, taken aback, dashes to stand in front of you, blocking the exit of the ship. "are you out of your mind? don't you understand you'll be labeled as the most controlling girlfriend ever?! just- sit this confrontation out alright?" he let's out a sigh of relief, feeling he prevented a major fight to go down, not only between you and zoro, but possibly also between you and zoro's ex..
usopp was right, you know he was, but you couldn't bother thinking straight while you were still seeing that woman being handsy with your man. fuming, you gaze at the two, loathing the almost non-existent space there was between them. "i'm so done," you mutter upset. "please take over cleaning for me today, usopp.." you left to your room and plopped down on your bed, trying to put all your intrusive thoughts to rest.
but of course you couldn't after having seen that interaction between the two. were you exaggerating? was this normal? is it wrong for you to feel this way? this fuming feeling is causing you so much distress. it's like your thoughts are eating you up from the inside. you don't want to feel this way, like you're the one at fault, like you're not enough, like you'll never be enough.. right after that thought crept up out of the darkest pits of your brain, you heard a knock on your, now locked, bedroom door. "baby? you alright?.. why's the door locked-? baby?" you recognize zoro's voice immediately, mentally being stuck between picking the easy choice: ignoring him and bottling up your feelings, or the hard one: facing him and talk to him about your current thoughts..
unbeknownst to you, you unconsciously chose the former option. you open the door and look him in his eyes, hiding as much of your feelings possible. "what?" he furrows his brows, confused by your cold welcome before he remembers usopp warning him you weren't in a good mood because of his overfriendly encounter with his ex. "is this about her?" he chuckles before shaking his head slightly, in disbelief you'd be this bothered by someone from his past. "so what if it is?! is it so weird for me to be upset some woman is being all handsy with you?! and is it suprising that i got bothered even more by you not minding her touching you? is it that weird, zoro? 'cause if it is, please, do tell me!" you blurt out, almost all in one breath, before slamming the door shut.
you weren't planning on letting it out, you didn't want to bother, assuming he'd just brush it off as you exaggerating.. you didn't expect him to open the door you aggressively slammed in his face, so soon. you didn't expect him to, when he saw you leant on the wall with furrowed brows and a trembling upper lip, grab you by the waist and pull you closer to him, so close there was barely anything between you at all.. and least of all did you expect him to grab your chin, raising it so you looked him in the eyes while he told you "if i gave one shit about her, would i be here right now? tell me, if i didn't care about you at all, then why would i tell her i'm not interested in getting back together with her when she asked? why would i tell her i finally found someone that i want to spend the rest of my life with? shit, as cheesy as it sounds, it's true, baby.. i can't imagine being with anyone else except you. so please, don't you get jealous about girls i don't give a damn about."
you send him a soft smile, leaning your forehead on him. "don' know who told you i was jealous.. but you got to get better sources 'cause i for sure wasn't jealous.." zoro scoffs letting out a "yeah, right."
☆ needless to say you two made up and cuddled for the rest of the day.
☆ that would be the end.. but of course usopp had to bug you.. "hey! i took over your cleaning today, so you better take over mine for the next week.." usopp pleaded, with both his hands on his hips. "out." zoro mumbled into your neck, expecting him to comply instantly. "but-!" usopp began to bicker, before getting interrupted by zoro. "now." you accidentally let out a giggle, swiftly moving your hand to cover your mouth right after. "whatever! i will be back, considering this debt!" with that usopp leaves the room, leaving you two alone, enjoying the comfortable silence.
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☆ SANJI is a womanizer, that's no shocking discovery. you've know about this fact since the moment you met him. he was charming you up while asking everyone's drinks and then he went off, flirting with another woman on his way back to the kitchen. that moment you learned that this was sanji. but there's also the caring sanji that'd make you a warm soup when you're sick, tending to your needs yet still somehow find away to make you blush whilst laughing with him. in addition to the caring sanji, there also is the determined sanji; whenever he'd speak about finding the all blue, and all the meals he would cook, all the different fish he would see, you could swear you saw his eyes glistening with adoration and resolve. further, intellectual sanji heavily plays a role in your daily life; happily helping you with mundane chores to the most exciting adventures you and your fellow strawhats go on. he fills you in on books he's read, food he's cooked, ingredients he's used, products he's bought and much more!
☆ you could go on and on, daydreaming of all sanji's positive personality traits, but you're all time favorite would have to be considerate sanji.. the way he could immediately sense from you that you weren't feeling like your usual self still amazes you. how he always chooses the right moments to bring you a freshly brewed cup of tea with your favorite desert right next to it, which you have know idea how he had the time nor ingredients for. how he treats you like a princes and tells you how much you mean to him in so many different ways when you feel absolutely miserable. and, oh, how he always knows when to embrace you tightly and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, until it becomes numb.
☆ so with all that, you accepted him being a womanizer, having the seemingly perpetuous habits of bantering with other women. you always wondered if he'd stop flirting with so many women if you asked him to.. but then the thought that you two were nothing and wouldn't be anything else than friends hit you.
☆ nevertheless, seeing his cheeky smile being sent to some random woman, seeing him subtly sling his arm around her waist as he guids her to the dance floor, seeing him lean closer to her every minute, it was killing you, no more like slowly scraping you from the inside, the bottled up pain waiting for you to finally burst open.
you've been eyeing them the whole night, not once taking your eyes off of them or bothering to answer usopp's rants with more than a 'mhm,' or a 'hmm'. "have you listened to a word i said?!" usopp voiced suddenly, turning the strawhats' complete attention to you. "mhm.." absent-minded, you nod hearing him say something, but not comprehending the words he spoke.
"see, told you she wasn't paying attention," usopp leaned back against his seat after pulling up his shoulders, indicating he was right about you not paying attention to what anyone was saying. zoro, being the one seated next to you, tapped your shoulder, earning a "hm?" from you. getting annoyed by your negligence, he shifted his gaze to the direction you were looking in, finally understanding what the issue was.
to clarify your absent-mindness, zoro nudged his head towards sanji and his date. his date, who was sat on his lap at this point, making the knot in your stomach grow substantially. seeing his arm wrap around her hips as she leaned on him was your final stroke, your last straw. it was your breaking point.. you've reached, no, you've long surpassed your limit for these shenanigans, but right now, this very moment you finally break.
you suddenly feel a rush of tears burn your eyes, overwhelmed with your thoughts and emotional distress. you jump up, hurriedly leaving the club room you were in, not wanting anyone to see you in your current state. you desperately search for a private area where you can cry yourself out of this situation without having people judge you. but you notice the whole place is packed with couples who can't keep their hands off of each other, except the balcony, so you shakingly make your way to the cold space.
all of a sudden, you hear someone's heavy breathing behind you. "darling? what's the matter? what happened?!" sanji. he asks you breathlessly, due to him running after you. you quickly tried to wipe your tears away, but they kept coming! making you feel even more hysterical. "hey, hey now -" sanji notices your crying, he turns you around, his arms moving from your arms down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. "talk to me, sweetheart.. please, just talk to me.." he pleads, moving his face closer to yours.
"i- i can't- do- it!" you babbled in-between sobs. "what, darling? who did this to you?" sanji moves his hands to your cheeks, pulling your face to his, carefully. "you..! you're killing me!" he furrows his brows in confusion. once you calmed down, you slowly tore one of his hands off your face. "i can't keep seeing you with others, sanji.. it really fucking hurts! i- i just can't-" you push him away a little, "i can't keep bottling it up sanji.. i'm done.."
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☆ he didn't even mean to.. he was just being friendly, he was cracking jokes, making sure she was feeling calm and at peace, he asked sanji to get her something to snack, he was being luffy..
☆ normally, you'd swoon over him whenever he'd be in this caring mood of his. but not this time, no. this time, you were close to glowing green out of envy. you shouldn't be feeling this way, you know that. you trust luffy with your everything! it just hits you in the wrong place whenever he leans towards her when she speaks. it's like you can feel your heart cramp up each time she looks up at him and smiles, receiving his usual toothy grin in return.
☆ she was lost, abandoned at sea by her very own family. at least that's the bit you picked from usopp dramatically narrating her lifestory. is it heartless that all you could think of was that you hoped, the strawhats and you would drop her off at the very next island, wish her luck with her life, and continue your journeys? knowing luffy, that's the last thing that would happen. no, it's not even on the list of things he would ever consider! your thoughts made you feel absolutely terrible. you weren't a bad person, so why were you being so uncaring towards this poor girl who had lost so much? envy. jealousy can bring out the absolute worst in people. the lowest of a person's nature gets drawn out someone. and that someone now, was you.
you tried to stay away from her, not wanting to accidentally lash out. you felt bad for her, you did, but you also how far you could go, when jealousy takes apart in decision-making. so you avoid her, and just like that, you were also avoiding luffy. because for some reason, he was always near her, always. it's like he was scared she'd run away?
luffy noticed. but he didn't know the reason you were avoiding her. he's always optimistic and cheerful, so everyone expects him to always be exactly that, except you. you were there for him, allowing him to have bad days. he didn't have to hide his feelings or emotions. it was a relief for him to find someone like you, someone he lived so dearly, who lived him back just as much. it was refreshing, calming, delightful. what happened? what did he do? was he too much? or did he do too little to show you he cares so much, that he'd give you the world if you asked for it. he'd go to the moon and back for you. he doesn't know how, but he'd find a way. and now he lost you? that can't be true. it can't. he won't accept it!
that's how you got in your current situation; his face was buried in the crook of your neck, his hands holding you tightly by your waist, mumbling something about how good you smell.
you had told him the reason you were avoiding was because of your sudden jealousy. he laughed for a good 10 minutes about how ridiculous you were to think of something like that! but in his mind, oh, how relieved he was that you weren't avoiding him because you fell out of love with him. it was because you were too in love with him..
☆ you two ended up having a picnic on deck, trying to keep usopp and chopper away from your neatly set up meals prepared by sanji (duh)
☆ luffy kept teasing you about how jealous you were and that you love him too much for your own good. acting like he wasn't on the verge of being a crying mess because he thought he lost you 🙄
☆ he kept giving you nose tip smooches while telling you you'll never lose him <3
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MEI'S NOTE: so, uhm yeah sanji's part was definitely something...
... hope you enjoyed!! <3
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ohhgingersnaps · 1 year
I'm seeing some frustration over fandom creatives expressing anger or distress over people feeding their work into ChatGPT. I'm not responding to OP directly because I don't want to derail their post (their intent was to provide perspective on how these models actually work, and reduce undue panic, which is all coming from a good place!), but reassurances that the addition of our work will have a negligible impact on the model (which is true at this point) does kind of miss the point? Speaking for myself, my distress is less about the practical ramifications of feeding my fic into ChatGPT, and more about the principle of someone taking my work and deliberately adding it to the dataset.
Like, I fully realize that my work is a drop in the bucket of ChatGPT's several-billion-token training set! It will not make a demonstrable practical difference in the output of the model! That doesn't change the fact that I do not want my work to be part of the set of data that the ChatGPT devs use for training.
According to their FAQ, ChatGPT can and will use user input to train itself. The terms and conditions explicitly state that they save your chats to help train and improve their models. (You can opt-out, but sharing is the default.) So if you're feeding a fic into ChatGPT, unless you've explicitly opted out, you are handing it to the ChatGPT team and giving them permission to use it for training, whether or not that was your intent.
Now, will one fic make a demonstrable difference in the output of the model? No! But as the person who spent a year and a handful of months laboring over my fic, it makes a difference to me whether my fic, specifically, is being used in the dataset. If authors are allowed to have a problem with the ChatGPT devs for scraping millions of fics without permission, they're also allowed to have a problem with folks handing their individual fics over via the chat interface.
I do want to add that if you've done this to a fic, please don't take this as me being upset with you personally! Folks are still learning new information and puzzling out what "good" vs. "bad" use is, from an ethical standpoint. (Heck, my own perspective on this is deeply based on my own subjective feelings!) And we certainly shouldn't act like one person feeding a fic into ChatGPT has the same practical negative impact, on a broad societal scale, as a team using a web crawler to scrape five billion pieces of artwork for Stable Diffusion.
The point is that fundamentally, an ethical dataset should be obtained with the consent of those providing the data. Just because it's normalized for our data to be scraped without consent doesn't make it ethical, and this is why ChatGPT gives users the option to not share data— there is actually a standardized way (robots.txt) for website servers to set policies for how bots/crawlers can interact with them, for exactly this reason— and I think fandom artists and authors are well within their rights to express a desire for opting out to be the socially-respected default within the fandom community.
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willgrahamscock · 5 months
You should spread transgenderism even more, the more freaks we have the better the world becomes
I'm going to be serious on this blog for a second, I want to share my experience since being more outwardly supportive of trans people, and not backing down, pushing back against transphobes has truly been one of the only times in my entire internet history where I've gotten the MOST hate.
Standing up to transphobes is no issue to me, I do not care what hate they have to spew I will always be on trans peoples side. What I didn't expect is the vitriol from trans people themselves and my fellow lesbians.
I've been called a woke terf for giving platform to non binary people who express their gender through makeup and certain clothing, 'because gender is not makeup and clothes' and I'll be the first person to say I am STILL learning about what terms to use, but op themselves did not say that gender = clothes and makeup, they just showed how they use makeup and clothes to appear more masc and femme. I think that immediately jumping into my inbox to call me a woke terf is not the way to go about letting me know what terms to use. I know that this is a small percentage of people who behave like this, but they are the loudest.
I've gotten backlash from lesbians who were upset that I dare include trans women into our community, and I won't apologize for that. Trans women are women.
This is a fraction of what it's like to be trans, my experience in this is just a fraction of hate that trans people get. I understand why trans people leave this platform, why they get burnt out.
However I won't leave, won't stop posting in support of trans people. I won't get burnt out because hate fuels me so transphobes direct your bullshit at me, fight me instead.
Trans ppl are always welcome in my inbox if I ever get something wrong or if you think I should research more into a topic to educate myself please let me know.
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sinkableruby · 2 months
luffy doesn't have a tumblr but there's a 500k note post about him from one of the crew that does (going with robin)
📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Today officially marks the day my friend has been permanently banned from one thousand restaurants. He's very unhappy about it, but I couldn't be more proud of him. It takes dedication to achieve something like that.
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🐬 nauticalradical Follow
There's no way he got banned from 1000 separate restaurants come on at least make it believable
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
No, it really was a thousand, if I'm counting properly. He's always hungry, so he's always looking for new places to eat at, but whenever he finds one he orders so much food that they usually run out of ingredients and the chefs and other customers get upset. Then he tries to pay the bill with his "treasure tab," which is basically money he doesn't have yet but plans on getting in the future.
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🍐 eating-all-your-pears Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Normally I would agree, but to him it's not. He still intends to pay all of them back, and he thinks all the restaurant owners are being stingy for not letting him back in.
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👹 houseoftwigs Follow
OP I'd like to study your friend in a lab
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
I'm already studying him, so you can't.
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⚓ marine-triologist789 Follow
Wait, hold on, something doesn't add up here. If he really didn't pay for any of those meals, wouldn't he have been arrested by now??? Like, you can't just go to a bunch of restaurants, eat all their food, not pay, and then not get arrested for it, right?? Am I crazy???
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
The police have been after him for a long time now, but he's really good at evading them. He actually broke into prison once to bust his brother out and they still couldn't catch him, which is honestly embarrassing, in my opinion.
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🐸 froghopper47 Follow
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🧊 tumdruh Follow
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✌ be-free-drink-piss Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He had to go into hiding after that, though, or they really might have caught him. When he saw me again for the first time in 2 years, the first words he spoke directly to me were "do you have any meat?"
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🌵 spicegirl Follow
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👗 superdress Follow
this dude isa fucking alien who the fuck walks up to someone and asks them for meat straight up
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He really likes meat.
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🌪 the-windsmeth Follow
"average person has a carbon footprint of 4 tons per year" factoid is actually just a statistical error. Meat Menace, who eats 10,000 pounds of meat each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He might actually eat that much in a day. I wouldn't be surprised. His stomach is probably bottomless. Maybe it's for the best that he can't go to restaurants anymore.
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🐩 yaarrrrp Follow
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
op is there anything else we should know about this guy????
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Not really. He did grow up in the woods, though.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He's fine. Also, he doesn't know what sex is.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Good question. Hold on, I'm going to ask him.
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He said it's one of life's greatest mysteries.
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😊 delicate-tempest Follow
OP you told him where they come from right???? OP??????????
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🌃 felldownthestairslol Follow
op please get this man on tumblr we have to talk to the meat menace
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
503k notes
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gimmethatagustd · 3 months
call me baby | kth + jjk
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Amidst a heartless divorce, Taehyung, a renowned film director, desperately tries to hold himself together. Enter Jungkook, the Kim family's devoted nanny, who has had his eye on Taehyung for years.
○ Pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: PWP, sugar daddy au, angst, fluff, smut
○ 15 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Babysitter)
○ Word Count: 8,461
○ Warnings: TH's wife cheats on him, divorce, TH is def depressed, JK is a little bratty, hand jobs, phone sex, daddy kink (i stole part of the scene from two of my reader-inserts, see if you can guess jhskdfs), age gap, unprotected anal sex
○ Notes: This was supposed to be a standard little PWP and then I made it depressing. 🥲 I wrote it for the Top Taehyung x Bottom Jungkook Fest on AO3. I'm going to write a part 2 eventually~
○ Post Date: June 10, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? older - isabel larosa
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The most fucked up part about being a film director married to one of the most prominent actresses in mainstream cinema is having to still cast her in films after already signing the divorce papers. Second on the fucked-up list would be the forced joint attendance at premieres, galas, and other red-carpet events, with all the reporters asking the same goddamn questions:
Was their split amicable?
Have they told their daughter yet? Their goddamn six-year-old daughter who can barely tie her shoes and has never heard the word divorce before in her life?
How do they manage to work on set together?
Is Taehyung upset about the fact that his soon-to-be ex-wife is already in a relationship with the lead actor of a film he fucking directed? Amidst allegations that she was cheating on him with said actor during filming? 
Of course not! Why would Taehyung be upset? It’s only that he is the reason Eunji and Sunwoo ever met each other. He chose to pair them as the main love interests in what critics have referred to as the catalyst for a new era of the modern love story, and he encouraged Eunji to take the lead role despite her belief that she wasn’t talented enough. 
Of course, Taehyung isn’t upset. He’s a romantic! How could he possibly be upset about true love? The scowl Taehyung wears as he rips off his suit jacket and kicks off his black leather Louboutin Chelsea boots in the foyer of the mansion, which he still shares with Eunji, isn’t from being upset. He just has to sneeze. 
“Taehyung,” Eunji calls to him as she gingerly tiptoes toward the grand staircase across the foyer, heel straps threaded through manicured fingers adorned with thin gold rings on all but the one that matters. “Can you pay Jungkook, please? Cash, this time. He said he was having issues with KakaoPay.”
She doesn’t bother looking up from her phone as she climbs the staircase. She had barely looked Taehyung in the eyes all night, aside from during their obligatory photo op on the red carpet, this time for the premiere of a film he hadn’t directed. 
They’re gorgeous together, Taehyung and Eunji, tall and lean with angular faces and piercing eyes that they’ve passed on to their daughter, Yuri. Growing up poor and raised by a single mother, Taehyung was taught the value of hard work and humility. Still, even he knows that he and Eunji are the film industry’s power couple—that they were the film industry’s power couple. Everything the Kims touched turned to gold, except for each other. Eunji shines just as brightly as she did when they met fifteen years ago, but now Taehyung crumbles like ash between her fingers. 
Taehyung waits in the foyer until the creak of the floorboards tells him that Eunji is in Yuri’s bedroom. Only then does he follow in Eunji’s footsteps up the stairs, taking the opposite direction down the hall. 
Taehyung’s bedroom reminds him of a mouth full of missing teeth, with white walls and empty crevices around every corner. One half of his king-size bed is made. The double sink in the attached bathroom is bare on one side. Only one robe hangs on the hook beside the shower. 
He likes to poke at the empty crevices just to feel how groundless and gummy it makes him when he does. Lately, he has made a habit of running his fingers across the ornamental dresser next to the door of the walk-in closet. There are shapes in the dust that covers the dresser’s surface, one rectangle where Eunji’s antique jewelry box used to sit, others small circles and squares where she threw rings and makeup compacts whenever she was too tired to properly put them away. Taehyung links each shape with his finger, drawing little crossroads between them, and doesn’t think about how Eunji has left him with the dust—in the dust.
In the kitchen downstairs, Jungkook is washing dishes. He’s wearing loose sweatpants and a black hoodie with the sleeves folded past his elbows because Eunji keeps the house freezing in the summer. On the island counter is his laptop and a tattered leather-bound journal flipped open to messy notes. When Taehyung leans his hip against the counter, he reads the English alphabet repeated in Jungkook’s swooping handwriting in the journal and notices a podcast in English paused on the laptop. Beginner’s language learning may seem trivial, but it’s more than what most twenty-two-year-olds Taehyung knows are doing with their time.
Jungkook’s hair is a weak shade of green, pale like the mints Taehyung enjoys flicking around his teeth with the tip of his tongue when he’s trying to mask the smell of cigarette smoke on his breath. It never works; the minty burst a scent as weak as its color. Taehyung thinks if he sucks on multiple, it’ll make a difference, as though a minty smile is a bandage strong enough to clot the bloody wound in his marriage. 
That part of him has been amputated now. The only thing worse is knowing that other people know how miserable this has made him. 
Jungkook knows, probably better than anyone else. The nondisclosure agreement he signed before Eunji hired him prevents him from ratting Taehyung out for being lonely, but he knows, probably even more than Taehyung does. 
“Welcome home, Mr. Kim,” Jungkook greets as he dries his hands on a towel. They own a high-end dishwasher that Jungkook refuses to use. “Are you hungry?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” Taehyung holds up his hand when Jungkook opens the refrigerator to reveal the leftovers from his dinner with Yuri. “How was she tonight?” 
“Perfect, as usual, though she’s still doing that weird picky eater thing,” Jungkook says what Taehyung already expects. 
It feels domestic, Jungkook putting away the remaining dry dishes while Taehyung fiddles with his gold cufflinks. They often end up like this at night when they cross paths, Jungkook getting ready to leave and Taehyung finally coming home, both needing a quiet moment to wind down from their uniquely stressful days. 
Few people in Taehyung’s life don’t expect him to do something. Life is a performance, even if he isn’t an actor. Everyone expects something interesting, something worthwhile. Jungkook expects nothing from Taehyung; nothing feels better than the relief he feels when so much weight is lifted off his shoulders. 
“She gets the picky eater thing from her eomma.” 
Jungkook hums in acknowledgment of Taehyung’s comment but doesn’t respond. 
Taehyung should tell Jungkook that he doesn’t need to finish cleaning the kitchen when it’s far past midnight on a Monday night, and he’ll need to be back at the Kim residence to take Yuri to school in the morning. He doesn’t, though. Just watches and fiddles and ignores the ache in his hip from the edge of the counter pressing against his hip bone.
“Do you need help with that, Mr. Kim?” 
“Oh, no, I—” 
Jungkook gently swats Taehyung’s hand away and grabs the sleeve of his white button-up shirt. Taehyung wonders how touch-starved he must be to shiver when Jungkook’s fingers brush his inner wrist as he removes Taehyung’s cufflinks. They’re elegant little gold pieces Eunji bought him for their first wedding anniversary. There’s no way for Jungkook to know that, but Taehyung feels judged when Jungkook drops the cufflinks in his open palm with a hard stare, as though he does know. 
“There,” Jungkook says quietly, and Taehyung wonders if he imagines Jungkook’s fingers lingering against his palm just a second longer than necessary. 
It’s been two years, yet not enough time for Taehyung to have learned how to read Jungkook, especially when they spend such little time together, just these little moments of gentle small talk and light touches that Taehyung ignores with the expertise of an acclaimed actor. 
“You should go home,” Taehyung replies when Jungkook lifts his tattooed hand to his face, covering a yawn. 
Jungkook shrugs with a cheeky grin that makes Taehyung’s body grow warm. 
“Sometimes, I feel like I might as well ask to become a live-in nanny, considering I’m here all the time.” 
The corner of Taehyung’s mouth twitches, a swell of affection making his body betray the melancholy muddling his brain. 
Rolling his cufflinks around in his hand, Taehyung considers whether they need a live-in nanny. Between Taehyung and Eunji traveling for work and Taehyung’s habit of locking himself in his home office for weeks at a time while he juggles conference calls and passion projects, he knows Yuri’s family life is unlike most children’s. She doesn’t care, has never known any other way of life. Between kindergarten and Jungkook, her time is well-structured and enriching.
“Would you want to be one?” Taehyung doesn’t know why they’re speaking so quietly. The house is massive. No one can hear them. 
Jungkook wets his lips, the tip of his tongue brushing over the metal hoop pierced through his bottom lip. Taehyung drops his gaze to focus on rolling his loosened sleeves. 
“Well, I actually wanted to talk about—” Jungkook is interrupted by Eunji’s shrill voice slicing through the quiet. 
Cringing, Taehyung twists to face the kitchen doorway, his back to the counter and his hands at his hips to squeeze the edge of it. 
Eunji is still wearing her wine-red dress from the premiere like a porcelain doll dipped in blood, but now she’s in sandals and carrying one of her many designer purses Taehyung never remembers the names of. She runs her fingers through her jet-black hair and fluffs it over her shoulder. 
“Yes?” He tries not to breathe in the sweetness of her perfume. 
“I’m going out,” Eunji tells Taehyung but looks at Jungkook, “I’ll be back before Yuri’s ballet class in the afternoon.” 
It’s nearly one in the morning. 
Taehyung inhales to speak, but Eunji is gone between blinks. Her goodbye sounds like the front door’s lock clicking once it’s shut.
“She’s going over to Sunwoo’s.” 
When Taehyung turns his head, Jungkook seems closer. He mirrors Taehyung and leans his hip against the island counter. He’s slightly shorter than Taehyung but bulkier in his upper body. Something about Jungkook’s physique reminds Taehyung of how much older he is. His late thirties haven’t been unkind, but he misses his youth now more than ever. 
“I know.” 
“They’ve been fucking for almost a year, Mr. Kim. Sometimes here, but normally in other places.” 
Taehyung twists to face Jungkook once again. Their hands slide into each other as he readjusts his grip on the counter. 
“I know.” 
He knows now. 
Tension builds like anxiety washing over Taehyung’s nervous system, an almost electrical feeling that sparks from where Jungkook’s fingers drag along the back of Taehyung’s hand. They follow a protruding vein up his exposed forearm before he hooks his index and middle fingers in Taehyung’s sleeve, right at the inside of his elbow. 
“You deserve better,” Jungkook tugs lightly, but Taehyung’s arm easily gives, letting Jungkook pull him forward. “You realize that, right? That Eunji noona isn’t worth the bullshit?” 
What’s the bullshit? An arduous divorce procedure that Eunji will pretend won’t turn into petty arguments over whether Taehyung gets to keep all the jewelry he bought her or if she gets more time with Yuri since her schedule isn’t as busy? Or does Jungkook think Taehyung will try to win Eunji back? 
The thought makes Taehyung laugh, dark and shallow. 
“I appreciate your concern, Jungkook,” Taehyung pulls his arm out of Jungkook’s grasp, “But what goes on between Eunji and I isn’t worth the bullshit, either.” 
“I know that,” Jungkook snorts and Taehyung thinks it’s stupid that it hurts his feelings. “But you’re so… Respectfully, Mr. Kim, you don’t pay attention.” 
Taehyung doesn’t, apparently. If this divorce has taught him anything, it’s that he doesn’t. 
Sighing, Taehyung squeezes his cufflinks until their corners bite his palm and pushes himself away from the counter. He’s tired, and thinking about Eunji before bed is the best way to prevent himself from sleeping. 
“I’ve told you, you don’t need to be so formal with me,” Taehyung runs his free hand through his hair, ruffling the strands, thick with gel, until they fall across his forehead. 
Chewing his piercing between his front teeth and bottom lip, Jungkook watches him intently enough to make Taehyung’s stomach flutter. 
“I could give you something better, hyung,” Jungkook whispers, his fingers hooking through one of Taehyung’s belt loops. 
Taehyung knows a proposition when he hears one, but he struggles to comprehend this one. Jungkook is young, with a good head on his shoulders and a future of possibilities. He has a life beyond the Kim home that isn’t tainted by divorce and abandonment. 
“I do not doubt that,” Taehyung murmurs, unable to look Jungkook in the eyes. He drops his gaze to watch Jungkook twist his belt loop between his fingers to tighten his grip. 
“Okay,” Jungkook’s tone is mocking, with a twinge of amused curiosity. 
Taehyung shouldn’t be surprised when Jungkook cups his jaw to force him to look him in the eyes. 
It’s been years since anyone looked at Taehyung the way Jungkook does now, with a gaze that slithers down his body, just to flit back up and remain steady on his mouth when he parts it slightly, suddenly breathless. Jungkook’s fingers tug on his clothes harder than before. 
Taehyung has no reason to follow Jungkook’s lead—except that he hasn’t been touched in so long, and Jungkook is pretty. His eyes crinkle, and his nose scrunches when he smiles, exposing prominent teeth that give his face an innocence that starkly contrasts with the rest of him. There’s something soft about him despite his hard edges. Funny, how Taehyung initially thought Jungkook, with his tattoos and facial piercings, would be more of a bad influence on Yuri than her own parents.
“Okay?” Taehyung doesn’t know what he’s asking and gasps because Jungkook has him backed against the counter. 
He should be more intelligent. Isn’t he? He can’t think with Jungkook’s thick thigh slotted between his legs, his mind too foggy from the draw of Jungkook’s cologne to consider how suddenly this has escalated. 
“Will you let me?” Jungkook seeks permission for something Taehyung doesn’t understand. 
He gives it to Jungkook anyway. 
Despite how rough Jungkook is as he digs his fingers in the hair at the back of Taehyung’s head to hold him steady, his whimper when he slots their lips together is so soft that Taehyung feels dirty from how the sound makes his cock twitch. He’s noisy as he sucks Taehyung’s bottom lip into his mouth, nipping and flicking his tongue over it. 
It isn’t difficult for Taehyung to remember the last time he was kissed, though the memory quickly spirals because it begins with a kiss and ends with, “Taehyung, I want a divorce.”
Kissing Jungkook won’t end in divorce, but Taehyung can’t keep himself from thinking about Eunji’s words, how they flayed him open with sharp precision, each syllable slicing off a piece of his heart. He thinks about them whenever he smokes his cigarettes, a more frequent occurrence now that he and Eunji live separate lives, Eunji hardly around enough to pester him about the smell. 
Taehyung wonders if Jungkook tastes cigarettes when they part their lips to roll their tongues over each other, flicking and pressing back against each other until their lips are slick with spit. 
Cigarettes and kisses, water and oil in Taehyung’s failed marriage. The less time his lips spent kissing, the more often they curled around a cigarette butt.
“Stop it,” Jungkook hisses into Taehyung’s mouth, “Stop thinking about her.” 
Taehyung wants to tell Jungkook that he can’t. They’re in his kitchen, in the house he still shares with his soon-to-be ex-wife and his daughter, who is fast asleep upstairs. 
But his words melt into moans as Jungkook grinds his thigh against Taehyung’s cock. 
“Oh, fuck,” Taehyung tilts his head back to let Jungkook leave wet, hot kisses along his throat. 
“You sound so good, hyung,” Jungkook grabs a handful of Taehyung’s shirt to untuck it with a hard yank so he can slide his palm against the warm skin of Taehyung’s waist, “Feel good, too.” 
Jungkook’s fingers dip lower, brushing along the edge of Taehyung’s Calvins and leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“Can I touch you?” Jungkook pants against Taehyung’s lips while he fumbles with the button of his slacks. 
The sound of Taehyung’s cufflinks clattering onto the marble floor gets lost beneath his moans.
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Taehyung’s stomach swoops and dips as Jungkook unzips his slacks and wiggles his hand down the front of his underwear. His cold touch makes Taehyung’s cock twitch and jump, just as unsteady as the rest of his body. 
“Always knew you were big,” Jungkook smirks, his teeth pressed against the curve of Taehyung’s jaw, and strokes his cock in one long, smooth movement that gathers the slippery precum that dribbles from Taehyung’s slit and drags it down to the base. 
Taehyung can hardly appreciate the praise and can’t come up with a single coherent thought. He quivers. Jungkook has to force his legs farther apart with his thigh because Taehyung’s knees buckle by the third stroke. 
It’s a tight fit because neither of them pulls Taehyung’s slacks down far enough to get his cock out, but he likes the restriction for some reason. It feels wrong, like something quick and dirty, too secret to risk getting comfortable. 
It is wrong, quick, and dirty, a secret Taehyung has no option but to keep. 
But Jungkook is pretty, and he watches Taehyung with innocent doe eyes that shine brighter than the polished gold cufflinks sprinkled on the floor as Taehyung moans and pants, the build of his orgasm turning his insides to lava. The innocence is a facade, but Taehyung thinks they’re both getting off on pretending. 
Taehyung slips his hands under Jungkook’s hoodie and the t-shirt beneath it to rake his nails across his skin, searching for the perfect section of smooth skin to dig into as his orgasm shudders through him. 
“Jungkook,” Taehyung panics, bucking up into Jungkook’s hand. 
No one has touched Taehyung like this in nearly a year. He rarely touches himself like this. 
Taehyung cums with Jungkook’s mocking laughter huffed along the curve of his ear. He nearly bends backward over the counter, dragging Jungkook with him. He pulls back, like he's trying to run from the pleasure. 
Unphased, Jungkook cups Taehyung’s balls with one hand to stroke them while they pulse, keeping his other hand rolling tight circles with his palm over the head of Taehyung’s cock. It does nothing to contain the mess, but neither of them cares.
Once Taehyung calms, Jungkook wipes his cum-slicked hand on his thigh. Taehyung’s brain is too floaty to be upset about cum getting on slacks that cost over a million won. 
“I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever made someone cum,” Jungkook looks over his shoulder as he teases Taehyung on his way to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. 
Jungkook’s comment makes shame curl in the pit of Taehyung’s stomach. The level to which Taehyung enjoys it concerns him. 
If Jungkook is bothered by how mute Taehyung is, he doesn’t show it. If anything, Taehyung thinks the whole situation seems funny to Jungkook, like he’s getting a kick out of making Taehyung cum on himself and regress into a fumbling, breathless, mindless version of himself fueled by the desire to be touched in a way no one wants to touch him anymore. 
It’s rather pathetic. 
Cheeks burning and body still suffering an occasional tremor, Taehyung is afraid to speak when Jungkook returns to stand between his legs with his hands gripping the edge of the counter at Taehyung’s hips. 
“I can’t believe Eunji is going to miss out on that,” Jungkook prods Taehyung’s clothed, soft cock with his knee. 
“Shit, don’t,” Taehyung curls inward from oversensitivity, “I, she—” 
Jungkook’s lips are pillowy and smooth when he isn’t biting and sucking Taehyung’s. They shut Taehyung up and make him melt against the counter. Jungkook is hypnotic, his presence somehow all-encompassing, all-consuming when it usually isn’t. 
Or is it? Taehyung thinks he can’t remember what it was like to know Jungkook before this. 
The difference twenty minutes make. 
Taehyung’s eyes fly open when Jungkook breaks the kiss to pluck Taehyung’s wallet from his back pocket. He’s got that cheeky, lopsided grin that makes Taehyung feel weird as he counts the bills inside, pulling out just a little more than what the Kims owe him for the day. 
“A little extra won for the additional services,” Jungkook winks, tossing Taehyung’s wallet on the counter, “I’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Kim.”
Taehyung sees Jungkook in the morning, hardly five hours later, but only briefly.
They squeeze past each other through the front door. Jungkook, with his backpack slung over one shoulder and his hair tousled from little sleep, and Taehyung, with a suitcase in one hand, a duffle bag strapped across his chest, and the rim of a disposable paper cup of English breakfast tea clenched between his teeth. At the same time, he tries to stick a wireless earbud in one ear.
“Hey, I know you forgot, but I have to be in New York for the next two weeks,” Taehyung snaps once he takes the cup from his mouth.
Taehyung gives Jungkook an apologetic look when he realizes it sounds like he’s getting pissy at him, and not Eunji complaining in his ear that he is so inconsiderate of her time, like as if Taehyung should schedule his life around Eunji’s extramarital affairs. 
There’s little time to feel embarrassed by the memory of the night before when Taehyung needs to get on a plane and Jungkook needs to prepare Yuri’s breakfast before school. Still, Taehyung’s stomach dips so low that his groin pulses when Jungkook grabs his waist to steady him after he nearly trips down the stairs leading from the house’s front door.
“Eunji, listen, no—Listen to me. I told you a month ago that I need to tour the premises before I can just sign off on the—”
Taehyung is scouting the perfect location for his upcoming movie; shouldn’t she be excited for him? Instead, the beep of Eunji ending the call ricochets in Taehyung’s skull.
“Do you need help, hyung?”  
How many times in the past two years has Jungkook asked that question? 
Taehyung holds his breath when Jungkook presses his palm flat against his chest, curls his fingers around the strap of his duffle bag, and lifts it over his head to carry it on his own shoulder. Their fingers brush on the handle of Taehyung’s suitcase, and his body remembers the pleasure in the kitchen, their hands intertwined against the counter. 
Late, the Kim family’s chauffeur finally pulls up to the house in a nondescript black car. He rushes to help Jungkook with Taehyung’s luggage, carrying it as if it’s precious cargo, not two weeks' worth of underwear and a high-end camera that Taehyung could buy a billion times over. 
“Tell Yuri I said I love her,” Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s wrist when he turns to jog back up the driveway, “She didn’t want to wake up when I went into her room.” 
Jungkook’s gaze lingers on Taehyung's lips, his eyes lidded and heavy with sleep. Unsettled, Taehyung tries to divert his attention elsewhere. 
“You’ll call?” Jungkook asks.
The air around them is tainted by the smell of car exhaust, but Taehyung is engulfed by the fruity and sweet aroma of Jungkook's shampoo. His chauffeur has already slipped into the driver's seat, and the heavily tinted windows make it difficult for Taehyung to tell if he and Jungkook are being watched. The question hangs in the air, soft and warm, like Jungkook's breath brushing against Taehyung's cheek. 
They're standing too close.
“Yeah, I’ll call,” Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s wrist before he lets go to open the car door. 
As the chauffeur drives away, Taehyung leans against the window, watching Jungkook standing at the end of the driveway until they round the corner and he can no longer see him. With a heavy sigh, Taehyung lets his head fall back on the seat and wonders why it feels like he has just made a promise he can’t keep.
Contrary to what most people assume, Taehyung hates traveling. He likes to travel, experience the world, and live beyond what he’s accustomed to, but he hates the act of traveling—planes, cars, buses, etc. Taehyung hates it all. He can’t stand transitory spaces, moments in time when he’s not quite where he once was but not yet in the next place he needs to be. 
“Oh, so like your marriage,” Namjoon points out in the middle of Taehyung’s rant, much to Taehyung’s disliking. “Divorce proceedings are like a liminal space. You’re still married, but you’re not together. One foot in the door, the rest of your body out. Or, well, your body is still in the door. Eunji just barely has her big toe still across the threshold.” 
“Can you shut up?” Taehyung glares at Namjoon over the rim of his glass before taking a sip, hissing once the amber liquid washes over the back of his throat. Bourbon isn’t Taehyung’s drink of choice, but Namjoon said it’s “distinctly American” and thus a requirement for their trip. 
Were multiple glasses of Bourbon a requirement, though? Taehyung distinctly thinks not. Yet here he is, both forearms crossed against the sleek, black marble counter of some high-end cocktail bar, with rosy cheeks and an open tab. 
“Am I not wrong?” Namjoon slams down his glass, empty aside from melting ice cubes.
“For as long as I have known you, you are always wrong.” 
Ignoring Taehyung, Namjoon beckons the bartender and asks her for another round of drinks in Korean. The woman’s gaze slides from Namjoon to Taehyung, who kicks Namjoon in the shin and nearly throws himself off the barstool he’s perched on. 
“Sorry, it’s a mess up here,” Namjoon laughs as he taps his forehead and tries ordering in English this time, his smile all sweet and dimpled. 
Namjoon’s entire face is red, and sweat beads along his hairline. Despite the chilly air outside, it’s hot and stuffy inside the bar. Crowded yet calm, the bar patrons respect the quiet atmosphere, with its dim lighting and dark furniture, that seems to mute conversations. Even Taehyung and Namjoon, both easily boisterous, are subtle in their playful bickering. 
“Did the rest of the crew leave already?” Namjoon asks as he looks over his shoulder at the booths and tables. 
“Didn’t you hear Wonho say they’re going back to the hotel?” 
It takes a second for Namjoon to react. Taehyung wonders if they’re both too drunk to properly communicate with each other anymore. His lips are beginning to tingle, and that’s never a good sign. 
“It’s not even that late,” Namjoon pouts. He hands his credit card to the bartender in exchange for the next round of drinks anyway. 
Taehyung doesn’t want another drink. He’s exhausted from the jetlag that a fourteen-hour time difference triggers, and he’s spent the past few days talking nonstop. There’s always something. As Taehyung grows older, he realizes he desperately wishes for less. 
“Are you even listening? Did you hear what I said?” Namjoon shoves Taehyung’s shoulder hard enough to tip his barstool. 
With a panicked yelp, Taehyung clutches the edge of the bar counter to hold himself upright as the stool wobbles. 
“You’re going to knock me on the fucking floor,” Taehyung grumbles.  
Namjoon watches Taehyung with glossy eyes when he asks, “What are you thinking about, Tae?”
Namjoon waits for a response with a sense of earnestness as if he genuinely cares about what’s made Taehyung so quiet. He does care; he’s not only Taehyung’s colleague as a fellow film director, but he’s also one of Taehyung’s dearest friends.  
“Yuri hasn’t wanted to talk to me since we got to New York. She has only called me a handful of times,” Taehyung admits with a sigh. He runs a shaky hand through his hair as he speaks, “We spoke on the phone two days ago, briefly, and she told me she blames herself for everything going on with Eunji, as though she thinks she has done something to make Eunji and I no longer love each other.”
Taehyung reaches for the receipt and pen in front of Namjoon to sign for the expenses. He doesn’t bother paying attention to the cost; he only mentally processes it enough to calculate a tip before he tosses the pen on the counter. 
“Six years old, and she’s already carrying the burden on her tiny shoulders. This is exactly why I said I didn’t want to fucking tell her about the divorce.” 
“Taehyung…” Namjoon clasps Taehyung’s shoulder, digging his fingers into the tense muscles through his shirt. “Yuri just doesn’t fully understand what’s going on. She’s trying to make sense of it in her own way. Kids don’t understand how life can just… change like this, with no warning, no reason apparent to them.”
Namjoon is correct, but that reality doesn’t make Taehyung wrong. Yuri is young and impressionable, and she doesn’t understand, which is why she’s vulnerable to such terrible thoughts. Taehyung insisted that these things be kept a secret, but Eunji had other plans. 
Before Namjoon can say anything further, Taehyung’s phone vibrates loudly against the bar counter. 
“It’s Jungkook,” Taehyung mutters, reaching for his coat hung on a hook below the bar counter. He doesn’t wait for Namjoon to follow him as he shoulders past the other bar patrons until he can step into the chilly night. It’s still noisy. New York always is, but Taehyung feels less distracted when he can lean against the cold brick at the corner of the building and focus on accepting the incoming video call. 
“Appa!” Yuri shouts, her little voice cutting through the sirens ringing in the city streets. 
“Hi, baby. How are you doing?” 
“Good! Jungkookie oppa took me to the park! There was a doggy named Mouse, isn’t that silly? We should get a puppy and name it something silly. Like, well, um, I need to think about it.” 
Taehyung smiles as Yuri rambles on, waving her arm in every direction as she shows Taehyung the park they’re at. He can’t see Jungkook in the video, but he can hear him giggle with Yuri when she says something particularly amusing. 
Yuri is dressed cutely, with her hair in evenly parted pigtails, and wearing a sky blue puffy dress she refers to as her “princess dress.” Sometimes, Taehyung thinks Jungkook does a better job raising Yuri than he does. 
As most children are, Yuri is easily distracted. She quickly loses interest in describing every special rock she finds at the park and eventually passes the phone to Jungkook so she can “make new friends” and test out how many spins on the swingset it will take for one of them to throw up.
“Hi, hyung,” Jungkook’s smile shines in the midday sun, his eyes sparkling with the warm rays of light. Taehyung can’t stop himself from smiling, too. 
“Jungkook-ah,” Taehyung nearly whispers his name, still too aware of their secret. “How is everything?” 
“I know she’s been kind of stubborn, but she misses you,” Jungkook says. The wind ruffles his minty hair, lifting his bangs and giving him an angular look. “I miss you, too.” 
“Hyung,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling, and Taehyung is, too. “Just tell me you miss me.”
“I do,” Taehyung obliges, and it isn’t a lie. 
Every business trip away forces Taehyung to remember the fact that his days are better when he gets to spend those sacred quiet moments with Jungkook at the end of the night. In that transition period, the two of them come and go. He misses that, even without the handjob.
They’ve been through this already, earlier in the New York trip. It’s wrong to talk to Jungkook like this, someone so much younger than Taehyung, someone who works for him. 
It’s also wrong to deposit a little extra money in Jungkook’s bank account every time he leaves Taehyung little reminders of how much more Jungkook could do to remedy the lonely ache in Taehyung’s chest every night he goes to bed alone. 
It’s so, so wrong, but Taehyung doesn’t put an end to it—and he could. He could ignore Jungkook’s call later, when he’s back in his hotel room and Jungkook has put Yuri to bed for a nap. He doesn’t, though. He could end the call when Jungkook tells him again how much he misses him. He could tell Jungkook to stop when Jungkook moans into the phone and tells him that he’s touching himself to Taehyung’s rich, smooth voice. 
Taehyung could end all of it because it’s wrong, but he doesn’t. 
Instead, when Jungkook calls Taehyung during the New York trip, Taehyung lies in the dark hotel room as warmth spreads from his chest lower until he can’t ignore his cock stirring in his boxers with each of Jungkook’s moans. 
“Hyung, I can’t stop thinking about how incredible you sound when you cum,” Jungkook whimpers later when Taehyung and Namjoon have returned to the hotel and gone their separate ways. “I’d fucking listen to that all night, every night.
The cool air in the hotel room blows against Taehyung’s chest, making him shiver, but the heat pooling in his stomach is enough to keep him warm. 
“Where are you, Jungkook-ah?” Taehyung can hear rustling in the background. 
“In your bed. Eunji noona took Yuri out shopping.” 
Taehyung lets his head fall back on his pillow as he closes his eyes and imagines Jungkook sprawled on his bed, the one he’d shared with Eunji for so many years. He wonders if Jungkook would be even prettier than she was when Taehyung had her underneath him. 
“I don’t believe you,” Taehyung lies because he knows Jungkook will send him a picture. He doesn’t directly ask for one, though. He hopes that makes him less bad. 
Taehyung’s cock is a heavy burden fisted in his hand. Slowly spreading precum, he runs his thumb along his slit and thinks about the heat of Jungkook's mouth. He can practically feel them engulf his cock, stretched lips swollen and bitten red. He wants to know what Jungkook tastes like, what his name sounds like as a whimper or a moan spilling from Jungkook's needy mouth. 
“Ohh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Jungkook moans through the wet, sloppy sounds echoing over the phone. “Please, daddy, let me cum. Tell me I can cum.” 
“Daddy?” Taehyung nearly chokes. Shame tightens his chest when his cock twitches at the pet name. 
“You like that, daddy? Do you like when I call you daddy while you imagine you’re fucking my mouth? God, I wish I could taste your cock.” 
Jungkook is cheeky and mocking, even when he’s praising Taehyung. Taehyung likes how shameful that makes him feel, too. He lets out a breathy sigh and draws his bottom lip between his teeth as he pumps himself harder, slightly picking up the pace. 
“Tell me,” Jungkook hisses in what sounds like an attempt to hold back a whimper. 
“You can cum, Jungkook-ah. You can—” 
Taehyung presses his palm against his mouth to keep quiet when he cums, knowing Namjoon’s hotel room is right next door. 
The rub of Taehyung’s meaningless wedding ring, which he still wears out of depressing habit, dragging along the throbbing veins of his cock is what finally sends him over the edge. He cums into his hand as he imagines what it would feel like to sink inside Jungkook. In reality, his cum is messy and hot as it drips down his pulsing cock and between his fingers, making his useless ring stick uncomfortably to his skin. 
Taehyung is so fucked.
If someone told Taehyung he’d become a renowned film director, get married, have a child, get divorced, and become a sugar daddy before he turned forty, he would have laughed in their face. 
Now, his bank statements from the past few months reveal an embarrassing pattern of purchases of children’s toys, payments to his lawyer, and seemingly random purchases that always end up in the hands of Jeon Jungkook. 
Taehyung’s money isn’t endless, but the likelihood of it ever running out is slim. He supposes he could live off of royalties alone and never pick up another film project for the rest of his life. It’s not about the money, though. For other people it may be. Capitalism destroys art, though, and Taehyung prefers to keep thoughts about his finances separate from his film passion projects. If he considers his art his paycheck, he’ll never want to create anything again—and what kind of life would that be? 
Money is different for a twenty-two-year-old with dreams of making it big. The English language learning and desire to brush up against fame aren’t just for fun. After nearly two years, Taehyung finally learns that Jungkook’s true passions lie in acting and film production. Jungkook has goals, and Taehyung, as the seasoned professional between them, can’t possibly sit back and not help. 
If Namjoon looks at Taehyung funny when he asks him to babysit Yuri while he attends yet another obligatory celebrity event, this time with Jungkook, well, there’s nothing Taehyung can do about that. If Taehyung is going to be a proper mentor, he must ensure that Jungkook ends up in the right rooms with the right people. 
The fact that they have phone sex practically every night because Taehyung is too afraid to fall asleep alone and Jungkook likes the money he gets out of it is beside the point. Ever since that night in the kitchen, nothing physical has happened between the two of them. Taehyung and Jungkook maneuver with and around each other as though they don’t practically fall asleep to the sound of each other coming. Jungkook is sweet and caring to Yuri, as always. He gets along well with Eunji despite the tension that Eunji brings with her into every conversation. When he’s with Taehyung, he’s polite and cheerful. 
It’s strange, living a double life. It makes Taehyung feel even slimier, but he doesn’t stop. 
The thing is, Taehyung should have known that what's done in the dark always comes to light. 
Taehyung’s desk is littered with to-do lists. Some are on looseleaf paper, others on sticky notes or scrap paper ripped from notebooks or crumpled in the back of desk drawers. An artist type in the most terribly stereotypical way, Taehyung has yet to master the arts of time management and organization. He even maintains a digital to-do list attached to his work email account calendar. However, that one is a bit more successful than the physical to-do lists that get accidentally thrown out or left in the pockets of his slacks to disintegrate in the washing machine later. 
The digital to-do list is ideal because it’s more reliable and makes a cute little sound whenever Taehyung marks an item as completed. The application cheers him on whenever he completes more than five daily tasks. 
Five may not seem like much, but when Taehyung spends half his office days on conference calls, arguing about salaries and film sets, he needs something to motivate him. 
For now, he clicks through an old list of tasks on his to-do list to watch the virtual confetti rain down his computer screen while two of his colleagues argue over the phone. Taehyung is working from his home office, so he keeps his wireless earbuds in rather than put the call on speaker phone, not wanting the loud conversation to carry out of his office and disrupt anyone else who may be home. 
Barely five minutes into the phone call, Taehyung already wants to hang up. He has more important matters to deal with, like buying a new condo in the city so he can have a good excuse to get out of this goddamn house. 
Too distracted by his colleagues, Taehyung doesn’t hear the knock at the door, nor does he notice someone slip inside his office until they’re picking at the stray papers scattered across his desk. 
“Hyung, your office is a disaster,” Jungkook says, amusement flickering like sun rays in his eyes and with a twitch of his mouth when he holds back a smile. 
Muting himself on his phone and removing one earbud, Taehyung slightly tilts back in his desk chair to stare at Jungkook. 
“I’m on a call, Jungkook. Do you need something?” 
Jungkook rolls his eyes. Nightly orgasms and a little more money in his bank account have turned Jungkook bratty. Taehyung hates that he likes it. 
“Eunji noona brought Yuri with her to her halmeoni,” Jungkook reaches for the removed earbud, but Taehyung pulls his hand back before Jungkook can snatch it.
“So,” Jungkook rolls his eyes again, “I’m bored.”
“And what exactly am I supposed to—” Taehyung cuts himself off as he scrambles to unmute himself when his colleagues address him on the call, “Yes, Seojoon, I already sent those documents to Bogum last week. The executives at Park Enterprises said security clearance wouldn’t be difficult to obtain once the cast is finalized.” 
Returning the earbud to his ear, Taehyung gives Jungkook a stern look before focusing on pulling up the documents on his computer. They’re highly technical, with lots of legal jargon that even Taehyung wasn’t well-versed in, so he has to review the document with his colleagues. 
“I assume they’ll all have valid passports?” Taehyung scrolls through the files, searching for the correct section to review. 
Determined to make his problems Taehyung’s, Jungkook maneuvers around Taehyung’s arms until he can forcibly sit in his lap. On another day, it could be cute and maybe even send Taehyung into a little panic attack, but Taehyung isn’t in the mood when he has frustrated coworkers in his ears. 
Get off, Taehyung mouths to Jungkook because his phone is out of reach now. 
Jungkook leans with his back against Taehyung’s chest, and his legs spread to rest on the outside of Taehyung’s thighs. When he turns his head, his lips brush against the base of Taehyung’s throat. 
“No,” Jungkook whispers before giving Taehyung's throat a gentle kiss that makes goosebumps spring across his skin. 
Jungkook’s weight feels nice, even more so if Taehyung just sits back and lets Jungkook get comfortable. Taehyung is too on edge for that, though, especially when Jungkook wiggles to get comfortable and inadvertently grinds his ass on Taehyung’s crotch. 
Hissing quietly, Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s hip to still him, but Jungkook giggles and does it again. He leans forward to grab the edge of the desk and gyrates his hips, grinding down on Taehyung in slow circles.
“Jungkook,” Taehyung whispers, fingers digging into Jungkook’s skin to tighten his grip on his hip bone. When he tries to reach for his phone to mute himself, Jungkook snatches it and sets it near the corner edge where Taehyung can’t reach it. 
“Are you mad at me, daddy?” Jungkook asks quietly. “I just want to spend time with you. Real time with you, not just on the phone.” 
Jungkook is wearing skimpy athletic shorts just like his homemade crop top, which exposes the toned expanse of his abdomen. It’s a shame that Taehyung can’t even appreciate it since Jungkook isn’t facing him, but he does have a full view of how firm Jungkook’s ass is as he rubs Taehyung’s now fully hard cock through his slacks. Each roll of his hips hikes his shorts up further until they’re at the crease of his thighs, putting his legs on display. 
“You’re always so busy,” Jungkook whispers against Taehyung’s throat when he leans back again. 
“It’s on page fifty-eight,” Taehyung’s voice cracks on the last syllable when Jungkook grabs his hand off the mouse and presses Taehyung’s fingers against his ass. Taehyung feels something round and knobby between Jungkook’s cheeks, not needing to see what it is to know that it’s a butt plug. 
Taehyung takes a deep breath as Jungkook curls his fingers around the waistband of his athletic shorts and uses both their hands to pull them down his thighs so Taehyung can see the diamond nestled between his cheeks. 
“I thought you might want to know where your money is going,” Jungkook smirks when he looks at Taehyung over his shoulder. 
Taehyung thinks he might start crying if his coworkers don’t stop asking him to read parts of the legal document out loud to them. 
It’s clear that Jungkook has turned this into a game. He twists around in Taehyung’s lap to rub his palm against the hard bulge in Taehyung’s slacks and grins when Taehyung tries not to look at him while he reads off the computer screen. Every time Taehyung opens his mouth to answer his colleagues’ questions, Jungkook squeezes his cock. 
“Can I have it, daddy?” Jungkook rubs the head of Taehyung’s cock through his slacks as he pulls down the zipper, “Please?”
Taehyung shouldn’t do it. He’s already struggling to breathe properly on this phone call, and his forehead and the nape of his neck are damp with sweat. He can’t even put himself on mute. Jungkook is twenty-two. Jungkook is their nanny. Taehyung shouldn’t do it. 
Jungkook leans forward to brush their lips together as Taehyung lifts his hips so Jungkook can pull his pants down far enough to release his cock. If having Jungkook half-naked in his lap wasn’t enough torture, when Jungkook turns back around, he guides Taehyung’s hand to the jewel sitting pretty between his cheeks. The plug makes a wet, squelching sound when Taehyung pulls it from Jungkook’s stretched hole, lube dripping from it in sticky strings that smear Taehyung’s desk when he puts it off to the side. One of his colleagues asks him a question, but he’s too mesmerized by how Jungkook’s shiny hole flutters now that it’s empty. 
“Give it to me,” Taehyung thinks he hears Jungkook whine. 
Taehyung swipes his thumb over a glob of lube that leaked down the inside of Jungkook’s thigh and uses it, along with his own precum, to slick up his cock. He takes too long, though, and Jungkook swats his hand away to grab his cock and line it up himself. 
Rather than go slow, Jungkook drops onto Taehyung’s cock with all his weight, making his ass slap against Taehyung’s thighs and ripping a moan out of his throat so loud that Taehyung immediately ends the phone call.
“What the fuck, Jungkook?” Taehyung wants to be stern and wants Jungkook to understand that he can’t just fuck around like that with Taehyung’s job, even if Taehyung encourages it. 
But then Jungkook leans forward to lift his hips and drop back down again, enveloping Taehyung’s cock in his wet heat. Taehyung’s other complaints immediately morph into moans so breathy and pathetic that he shocks himself. 
“I feel good, don’t I?” Jungkook whimpers as he fucks himself on Taehyung’s cock even harder, using the desk to give himself momentum. “Tell me, daddy, tell me.” 
“Fuck, baby, you do,” Taehyung flings his head back and bucks his hips to meet Jungkook with his own thrusts. 
“Mhm, you wish you had me sooner, don’t you?” Jungkook’s voice takes on a higher pitch, something whiny and cute. “Could have been fucking me instead of wasting your time being sad about noona.”
The chair creaks and scratches against the floor as Jungkook bounces on Taehyung’s cock, filling the office with the sound of their moans and wet skin slapping together. 
Taehyung nods fervently, his head rolling and lolling as Jungkook uses him, drawing breathy moans from Taehyung, little “ah, ah, ah’s” that make him feel lightheaded because he isn’t inhaling. 
“Yes, fuck, yes, yes,” Taehyung’s arms fall limp at his sides as he lets Jungkook control the pace.
“You like when I fuck you, hyung?” Jungkook sounds so smug as if he knows he has Taehyung right where he wants him. Taehyung can’t even care to feel ashamed of how easy he is. 
Taehyung nods, his voice caught in his throat. 
“Touch me. I wanna cum, please.”
“Yeah? Fuck, baby, fuck,” Taehyung reaches around to fist Jungkook’s cock as he feels his own orgasm build. It dips and burns the pit of his stomach almost as quickly as it had that first night, all those months ago. 
“I could give you something better, hyung,”
As touch-starved as Taehyung is, he holds off until after Jungkook cums with a cry that makes Taehyung glad there’s no one else home. 
It’s messy and loud, and it takes too long for Taehyung to come down from his high. He feels sluggish, even after Jungkook climbs off him and strips his shirt, using it to clean himself off before tossing it to Taehyung. It’s been so long since Taehyung has felt so content, not just satiated from physical pleasure, but from shared intimacy—even if it will make him feel slimy later. 
“If I didn’t work out so much, that position would have been too hard to maintain,” Jungkook mumbles against Taehyung’s chest when he climbs back into his lap. 
He’s unfazed by their current physical state and never seems shy about the fact that he’s fucking his boss, the father of the kid he cares for. Taehyung wants to be free like that, unashamed, unapologetic. Eunji is; she’s even worse. It’s a bunch of bullshit, just like Jungkook said. 
“How are you so casual about this, all the time?” Taehyung asks quietly, eyes closed so he can try to think through the fuzz in his brain. 
“I don’t know,” Jungkook shrugs, “I like you, you like me. What else is there?” 
It feels too simple, but Taehyung likes it. He thinks back on how much of a hopeless romantic he is and how his films revolve around finding love, or at least acceptance and intimacy. Does Jungkook love him? Taehyung feels too silly to ask, but he thinks if this were one of his films, he’d want it to end just the way they are, cuddled up despite the mess they’ve made of each other, without shame. 
“I’m not like her,” Jungkook likely mistakes Taehyung’s pensiveness for sadness. “I won’t do you the way she did you.”
“The thought never crossed my mind, Jungkook-ah,” Taehyung murmurs against Jungkook’s forehead, lips brushing a light kiss that can’t begin to convey the swell of affection Taehyung feels for the man he cradles against his chest.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories.
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd &daddytaehyungie).
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Hihi I'm new here! I really like your headcanons. Would it be alright if I could ask headcanons for the bachelors and how their romantic relationship with a farmer that already has a kid from a different relationship progress?
Like, one day a kid just randomly shows up at the farmer's doorstep with a social worker and farmer had to explain that their ex couldn't keep the child anymore, and the kid is also super anxious about moving in with them or something.
I'm really sorry- it was a scenario I've seen dabbled into once and I'm just very curious as to what others think of it too aha.
If this ask is not your cup of tea, feel free to disregard it. Have a great day op 🙏✨
Sorry for the delay, dear anon. This headcanon just turned out bigger than I planned 😅 Hope I understood your question correctly. Thank you very much for the ask, and enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship:
Oh, man. This is all very awkward...
Shane knew about Farmer's ex, the reason for the breakup and the fact that the child was in the care of their ex in Zuzu City.
Farmer visited their child almost every week, calling and writing letters, but Shane himself was not particularly involved, not knowing how to approach the little one.
Naturally, when the kid came to visit the farm, the chicken man would try to make the kid feel comfortable, but considering everything they'd been through, even here it was pretty awkward.
On the plus side, they was the same age as Jas, and the kids had become fast friends in a short time.
Farmer encouraged their spouse's attempts at friendship with their kid, but again, things were still pretty awkward.
When the Farmer's child arrived with a social worker some time later, Shane noticed how much the little one resembled him in his yought - confused, scared, resentful of everyone and tired of everything. Their familiar world where both parents were together was gone forever.
Later, Shane was able to explain how he'd been in a similar situation, how he'd almost lost because of the mistakes he'd made trying to cope with pain.
The kid quickly found common ground with him. Especially after they confessed that they liked chickens!
Shane doesn't claim to be a father, as the kid is pretty mature and understands on their own.
But he will treat them with the same care and responsibility as he does Jas.
They are all kinda weird family, but Shane loves them all and still can't believe how lucky he is.
It's quite a tricky situation, but thanks to his friendliness and personality, Sam is great with kids.
When Farmer finally introduced their kid to Sam, the young guitarist immediately went into cool brother/uncle mode.
The kid was worried, but Sam began to slowly gain their trust by asking about their interest in comics or other hobbies.
It makes him happy that the kid can forget about problem and concerns at least for now, because children should be happy and play while they have their childhood.
Sam knows that Farmer broke up with their ex more or less calmly, without scandal or drama, but he knows, like Farmer, it was still hard for the kid.
He's glad that he and Farmer are trying their best to be in theirs life.
The kid's upset look and the presence of the social worker took Sam by surprise.
While the social worker was talking to Farmer, Sam offered the anxious kid something to eat. Or some space, if they still feel uncomfortable.
After learning the reason for the visit and the fact that the kid will now live on the farm, Sam gently asks his partner how he should handle this. He wants to cheer the kid up, but he also doesn't want to make them more anxious.
Fortunately, Vincent and the kid get along quickly, which pleases both Farmer and Sam. Now, though, they need to keep an eye on the kids, or they'll both get into more trouble.
Jodi and Kent also do everything they can to make Farmer's kid feel comfortable (Jodi now spoils them with tasty baked goods).
Farmer can't help but be joyful with how hard Sam tries for them and their kid and his family to keep everyone happy.
Farmer was telling Alex about their loser ex, who had decided to trade Farmer and their child for a some stranger. What a shameless cheater...
Farmer visited their kid almost every week, but Alex was only able to go with them a few times.
At the sight of their ex, the athlete was so itching to break their nose. But he tried to keep his temper in front of the kid.
The child turns out to be a kind young one, though a bit shy and reserved. Alex thanks Yoba that they are more like the Farmer in looks and personality than the other parent.
Despite the awkward pause at first, the kid seems to like Alex. Of course, he's cool, kind, and gives them ice cream! Alex's trips with Farmer became more frequent and his friendship with Farmer's little kid grew stronger.
Some time later, when a confused Alex let the stranger into the house, he was shocked to find Farmer's kid standing behind him. They looked... so sad.
The social worker announced that the ex had decided to relinquish parental rights and the child had been brought here.
The poor kid was quieter than a mouse, but Alex was as friendly as possible and tried to cheer him up.
In the back of his mind, though, he felt a wild rage, because he could hear that the reason the ex had refused to give up their own child was because their new partner didn't want to babysit them.
Alex knows more than anyone what it's like when one parent is such a dirtbag. But right now he doesn't care about losers, he's got Farmer and their kid.
Getting the kid used to the new environment was very difficult, but Alex helped them get to know the local children.
Evelyn accepted the kid as her own great-grandchild, remembering to feed them delicious baked goods. George was a bit stingy with his emotions, but he also accepted them as his own.
Alex will not leave them in trouble and will help them to cope with all the difficulties. Now the Farmer and their child are his family.
Sebastian feels awkward and doesn't know what to do. Help.
He and the Farmer's child were so similar in personality when they met - silent, shy and withdrawn.
Sebastian realises that Farmer's child is having a hard time with the fact that their parents are divorced. But emo doesn't know how to start a conversation.
So when Farmer left Sebby and their kid alone for half an hour, there was an awkward silence for the first 5 minutes.
The kid was already getting bored. Sebastian decided to give it a try after all.
"Do you like frogs?" Judging by the spark in the kid's eyes, they had already found at least one topic of interest to both of them.
Farmer smiles when they returned to see the two of them chatting about different amphibians.
A few such encounters and Sebastian had become a cool uncle to them.
Sebastian was hurt to hear that Farmer's ex had given up their parental rights, when Farmer's kid had already visited them, with a social worker.
He will leave the kid alone, as they definitely need some time alone and to collect their thoughts.
Yet, Sebby and the Farmer are always there to cheer up the kid.
On a rainy day, he will show the baby the best place to find frogs.
Sebastian is good at supporting both his partner and their baby.
It can be awkward at times, but Sebby loves them all, so it will be okay.
Given Harvey's profession, he's pretty adept at finding common ground with anxious children.
So when Farmer first introduced Harvey to their child from their first marriage, the local Pelican Town doctor already knew how to behave.
He's glad that despite the divorce, Farmer is trying their best to support their kid, as stress can take a big toll on not only their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Even more so, it's not the child's fault that fate has worked out this way and their parents live in completely different places.
Of course, Harvey is not as "cool" as other bachelors, but he manages to interest the child in his model aeroplanes.
Maybe if they like to read, the doctor will give them something interesting to read (something that isn't a medical encyclopedia).
Harvey almost cried when the kid called him uncle and cool adult.
And all was going smoothly until a social worker knocked on the door of the farmhouse.
After explaining that the other parent, Farmer's ex, could no longer financially support the child, they placed the child in their care.
Harvey is worried about them, because all the fear of moving, new surroundings, and separated parents can have a very negative effect on poor kid.
Harvey will try to be there to help them and Farmer.
Maybe insist on therapy for the kid. Still, it could use some professional help.
Fortunately, Harvey knows what to do and he won't let anyone or anything upset Farmer and their kid. Doctor's words!
Elliott still can't believe that Farmer's ex turned out to be such a coward and unworthy person! Cheating on Farmer. when they already had a child together!
Of course, now Farmer is with him, and yes, it's not worth spending all the nerves on the past, but it's just that the writer is outraged to the core.
Also outraged that the ex just abandoned their child like that, saying they "don't have time for them now." Unbelievable!
Poor child... As much as the Farmers tried to comfort their own kud, all of these events took a heavy toll on them. And Elliott decided it was his duty to help the kid and Farmer, the love of his life.
His first attempts, though, end awkwardly, as Elliott doesn't know where to start. And should he start so immediately? Maybe they need some alone time on the contrary?
He decided to pick up a couple of books to help (mostly children's books, and a couple of books about how to communicate with children/teens).
The writer was lucky that the kid loves books!
There was even a moment when the kid felt comfortable around Elliott and asked them to help make their own little book. Elliott is more than happy to help them.
He also won't forget to praise the Farmer, because it was through their efforts and love that their child didn't fall victim to the neglect of the other parent. It's a shame that, coincidentally, the kid didn't arrive sooner.
Elliott will have a bit of a hard time, but he will do a great job in the role of carer for the Farmer and their kid, accepting them as his own child.
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solalunar-eclipse · 8 months
Okay. Okay, I don’t normally do this, but I’ve been wanting to do some sort of analysis post recently and the Sonadow shipper inside me grabbed me by the throat and pointed in Netflix's direction, soooooo...let’s have a look at some clips of Sonic and Shadow interacting in Sonic Prime, shall we? (Putting this under a readmore because of all the images.)
The first clip comes from this post. (I don't know how to add that particular gif to my post, or else I'd put it here too, but oh well. I'm analyzing the first one, to be specific.)
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So, we begin with Shadow walking away, saying “We’re going after Nine”.
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Sonic then reaches out to stop him (with his right hand, despite the fact that he has to reach all the way across his own body to do so, possibly suggesting that Prime!Sonic is right-handed?). This seems to be just before Shadow’s noticed, because he’s still moving forward, looking resolved now that he’s decided what to do.
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Shadow sees Sonic’s hand, and looks at it with an expression that seems…mildly irritated, but not outright angry. It’s about halfway between his “resting grumpy face” and his “actually angry face”, in my opinion.
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He looks over at Sonic himself with a slightly angrier face (mainly made evident by the fact that the point in the middle of his brow is actually touching his muzzle instead of resting above it).
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Then he looks back at Sonic’s hand again (in a pose that I swear is slightly different from the last one even if it doesn’t look that way). The only real difference is that he’s just looking down a little more. The effect of these last three images in actual motion, though, is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glance at the hand, up to Sonic, and then back to the hand. It's sort of a "huh-what-huh?!" motion, I think. To me, this gives off extremely strong “what the heck is even happening right now?!” energy.
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For completion’s sake, I’m going to finish out the rest of the gif with these last three pictures. Shadow pulls away from Sonic at this point (which, fair, Sonic did grab him out of nowhere and he’s not normally very touchy-feely although this may be disproved in the next gif), and it may or may not have felt like a small punch to the gut for me to see Sonic’s hand outstretched like that, but anyway.
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Shadow shifts into one of his patented I’m Trying To Be Cool And Aloof Despite Being An Adorable Three Foot Tall Hedgehog poses, complete with an eyeroll. He doesn’t actually seem that upset about Sonic touching him, however, I think it’s probably more the context of the situation. Shadow keeps insisting that Nine is a threat that needs to be stopped, and Sonic keeps preventing him from doing that, so his frustrated reaction seems to have much more to do with why Sonic touched him than the fact that he did so at all.
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And, least but certainly not least, a cute contemplative (and still slightly grumpy) expression from Shadow. (He’s just adorable!! Aaaaaaa—)
Now then! Let’s move onto a really, really big one…
…The Hug™.
The post that I got this clip from actually has some really good points that I’m going to discuss further, so please go read that first! It won’t take long, and also everything the OP says there is absolutely true.
Ready? Here we go! (Please excuse the slightly crunchy pictures...the only way I was able to get this level of detailed analysis was by recording the gif, scrubbing through the frames, and taking screenshots of specific moments, which naturally led to some artifacting.)
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So, what's just happened prior to this frame was Rebel Rouge saying happily, "Sonic, you're okay!". Sonic, like the goof he is, does not acknowledge this in any way, fully focused on introducing his boyfriend to his other Shatterspace pals. Instead, he's just looking over at Shadow. Notably, Shadow is instead looking up at Rebel. I'd like to think this is because Rebel has the most put-together and leader-like behavior out of the Rouge counterparts, so he could be waiting for her to continue speaking and give instructions or commentary on the situation, like she does with Team Dark in the games. That's just my take, though, he could just as well be generally on edge—he is in the middle of a battlefield, after all.
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Smear frame!! This is included for the expressions as well as for completeness…but mostly for the expressions. Look at how big Sonic's eyes are. Look at how excited he is. He's so hyped to introduce his best rival to everyone. Shadow, meanwhile, looks like he just bluescreened out of pure shock. Sonic's yanking him over so fast he's all blurry, but we can see that his expression is basically 0—0 right now. He has been Touched and he is being Moved and he has not had time to process Why.
(Notably, however, he doesn't break the hold, despite the fact that he definitely could...)
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Now, they’ve both settled into place (although ‘settled’ may be the wrong word for Shadow, haha). Sonic is doing what I can only describe as beaming—just look at him! He has a big smile on his face, and he looks almost proud to be introducing Shadow. It really shows how much Sonic values and respects him. (*sobs*) Shadow, meanwhile, has shifted from “what is happening” to “oh Chaos I am being held I am being hugged?? What??? Physical contact? Why????”. He just looks so stunned by the hug, it’s too adorable! More specifically, in addition to the obvious fact that his irises and pupils have shrunk and that he has very stiff posture, if you look very closely at the gif as well as at the following pictures, his ears are also standing up a little straighter and his quills have pushed back slightly, possibly prickling at the sudden contact? Interesting…
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Here, we can see Shadow’s ears relax now that he’s processed what’s going on, and his quills have more of a visible curve to them instead of sticking out so much. He’s also glaring off to one side in a position that could either be interpreted as frustration at his current situation (though not so much that he’s willing to push away!!) or as embarrassment. Personally, I think it’s a little of both. Sonic, meanwhile, is still smiling like the sweetheart he is.
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Now, we’re getting into the frames leading up to Sonic leaning into Shadow (aka one of the most precious moments of the show). Honestly, I don’t have too much to say about this one, except that Sonic is moving in a way that he would normally while talking right now (shifting around, because this boy has loads of energy) so I have a feeling Shadow probably doesn’t expect the cuddles that are coming his way, ehehe.
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The Smush begins!! Shadow looks like he’s quickly resigned himself to his fate, but also decently irritated that he’s essentially getting side-snuggled in front of everyone. This could’ve been another part where he shoved Sonic off himself (goodness knows he did it before in Avoid the Void), and yet he doesn’t, leading to the best part of this whole moment!
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Sonic, you smug hedgie. Shadow’s already letting you hug him, don’t push it with that smirk! Shadow does have his eyes closed here, suggesting to me that he is at least a little bit annoyed by now. Again, though, I think this has more to do with the fact that he’s essentially in front of an entire crowd, none of whom recognize or know him. I’ve seen someone else point out that Shadow gets more closed off in Prime when he’s around people aside from Sonic, so honestly, the fact that he’s putting up with this at all sure is…something. (Shipping goggles on: it could be because he appreciates Sonic’s affection enough that he’s willing to cope with the embarrassment if it means the cute annoying hedgehog next to him will hold him a little longer :] )
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Okay, so this is really difficult to see, but look at Shadow’s wrist protectors in this image as well as the last one. See how there’s less of them visible in this picture here? That’s because, as the person who posted this gif noted, Sonic moves his hand up and down Shadow’s arm twice after cuddling up to him like this. It actually moves Shadow’s entire arm and shoulder up and down with the movement, making it look a little bit like a friendly rub or shake. Sort of like “hey, look at my grumpy friend, isn’t he great?”. Meanwhile, Sonic’s still looking smug, but I’m now wondering if it’s a bit of a knowing look as well? I mean, this is the one friend of his who’s truly known him for more than a few days. I’m wondering if there’s a bit of “‘ey, Shadow, c’mon, don’t be so shy! You’re my pal!” vibes here, partially because he knows it’ll annoy Shadow and partly because he just knows how Shadow is but wants to drag him into his circle of friends regardless. (Look at how much Sonic cares about Shadow, trying to make sure he’s included! So cute!!)
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THE PAT. Two of Sonic’s fingers are lifted up here, which he then uses to give Shadow a light tap on the arm. THE AFFECTION. THE OBVIOUS CARE AND FRIENDLINESS IN THIS ONE SIMPLE ACTION. SONIC CARES ABOUT SHADOW SO OBVIOUSLY IT HURTS ME TO WATCH. MY HEART. No matter how many times Shadow puts up walls, Sonic smashes them down. After all, Shadow doesn’t get to be the only one who does things like keeping Sonic safe or helping him stay grounded! Sonic’s not going to pretend those things just didn’t happen—Shadow cares about him in his own awkward, emotionally constipated way, and Sonic is reciprocating. You can’t stop him, Shadow!
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I’m skipping the smear frame here, just because Sonic and Shadow basically pop up and right into this position. Sonic’s two fingers come out of the tap/pat and straight into the peace sign, and now he’s smiling even more than he was at the start of this whole thing. His eyes are all big and shiny too—he’s clearly very happy to have introduced Shadow, and perhaps also quite happy that he’s getting this moment of prolonged physical contact with Shadow. Now, while Shadow’s shoulder is still kind of smushed upwards, which could indicate stress in another circumstance, it seems to me here that this is mainly because Sonic’s hand is pulling it upwards slightly. (Although, I’m afraid it does appear to be the case that Sonic and Shadow are approximately the same height in Prime—remember, Shadow’s ears aren’t as perky right now as Sonic’s, and the ears are really the only height difference between them here.) Shadow’s expression, however, is honestly quite neutral. Despite his previous discomfort (part of which, I just realized, could be because Sonic essentially was pushing him off balance. Shadow was tilted pretty far to his left, which could be a little awkward of a position to be in, especially for an extended period of time), he doesn’t look bothered at all, instead just quietly existing in this situation. Most of the irritability in his expression comes from his angular eyes and his aforementioned “resting grumpy face”, honestly.
(I couldn’t find any gif that includes this next part—probably because the camera cuts away from Sonic and Shadow here for a moment to show the general confusion of the Shatterverse folks—but when it cuts back, Shadow is still standing there with Sonic’s arm around him. Heck, he looks willing to continue standing there for however long Sonic stays next to him, only pulling away when Nine comes back and makes noise, reminding everyone that we’re in the middle of a battle for everyone’s survival here. And when he does pull away, Sonic is dragged with him, which is probably mostly for laughs, but does also imply that a) he was holding onto Shadow pretty tightly and b) he wasn’t expecting to have to let go even AFTER Nine made himself known.)
This post is long enough already (and I drafted it when I could've been going to sleep, because the force of Sonadow infected me), so I won't be doing the "Shadow saves Sonic" scene just yet (unless a lot of people want to see that). For now, though, thanks for bearing with me throughout my descent into madness over these two. And if you want me to take a look at other gifs, feel free to send them my way or put them in a reblog and I'll see if I can make the time to analyze them!
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hyperactively-me · 1 year
141 Task Force + Ale and Kö with a ballerina civilian wife. THEN!!! (NO PLEASE THIS IS SO CUTE LISTEN) They came back from a mission without warning and they go to a presentation bcse they never actually saw one AND!!!! Their wife almost pass out in the middle of the stage by seeing them there (they look at her all in love and proud UGHHH).
BESTIE I'M LISTENING. LOUD AND CLEAR. this is so cute omg!!! also, i've never written for anyone other than ghost, and i don't have the confidence to write for anyone other than simon, so please don't be upset but i will be writing this only for ghost. (although, i genuinely want to get some practice in writing for all the other COD men, which i am trying to somewhat do through my king!ghost au, i just don't wanna fuck up their characters too badly haha. if at any point i decide to write for the others, i will totally come back to this prompt!). also, i wanted to make this more into a oneshot rather than blurb/headcanons soooo! yeah!
As the soft notes of The Sleeping Beauty Suite filled the dimly lit theater, you stood backstage, your heart racing. You sat on a spare box, fastening your pointe shoes on securely. The spotlight beckoned, the hushed whispers of the audience creating a palpable tension in the stiff air. The curtains were about to rise, and you were the prima ballerina. As you finished fastening your pointe shoes, you stood, brushing out your tutu. The weight of anticipation bore down on you, but you stood tall, chin up, back straight. You had practiced this routine a hundred times. It was just another night, another ballet. Nothing you weren’t used to. 
Except it wasn’t. 
You didn’t know your husband had just slipped in through the doors. He was still in his uniform, except for his mask and tactical gear. He never wore the mask around you. 
You had no idea that tonight would be different. All you knew was that Simon was not supposed to come back home for another three weeks. He had been deployed for three long months now. Your heart ached just thinking about how long you’ve been without him, the loneliness and longing that came with being a military spouse weighing heavy on you. 
The sudden sound of the orchestra snapped you out of your daydream, and the curtain began its ascent. Your delicate tutu billowed around you as you took your first step onto the stage, your body moving with the grace and precision that only years of training could produce.
But then, in the midst of your pirouettes and arabesques, something caught your eye in the sea of dimly lit faces. A figure, tall and strong, standing in the back of the theater. The world around you blurred as your heart leapt into your throat. It couldn't be.
The shock of seeing him in the audience was enough to make you falter, to disrupt the airy balance of your performance. You stumble over your feet slightly, your knees shaky from the sudden interruption. 
You recover as best you can, continuing to dance. Your eyes locked onto his, you wanted to cry. He was home early. And he was here to watch you. His expression was one of awe and pride, like a lovesick puppy gazing at his beautiful wife.
You pranced and twirled, lost in the music and the whirlwind of emotions coursing through you. It was as if the two of you were the only people in the world, the stage your sanctuary.
As the final notes of the music filled the theater, you struck your final pose, your breath ragged, your body trembling. The audience erupted into applause, their adoration washing over you like a warm embrace. But your eyes remained locked with Simon's, who was clapping with ferocious fever. His eyes never left yours. You flash him a teary, wet smile.
As soon as the curtains closed, you fell from your pose, taking in a ragged breath. 
Your fellow ballerinas had come up to congratulate you on a beautiful performance, but all you could do was say a rushed “thank you” before you were running through the backstage area. The backstage was a labyrinth of bustling dancers, stagehands, and dimly lit corridors. Your heart raced as you rushed to find a way out into the audience to reach Simon. The echoes of applause still reverberated through the walls, but all that mattered now was him.
Finally, you burst through a side door that led to the theater’s lobby. And there he was, waiting for you, his eyes shining with unbridled love and pride. His dark uniform was a stark contrast to the delicate pink of your ballet attire.
Without a word, you threw yourself into his arms, and he caught you, lifting you off your feet. The world around you ceased to exist as you held each other, tears of joy streaming down your face. His calloused hands wrap around you, squeezing you tight against him. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you whisper into his ear, your watery voice filled with pure happiness. 
“I missed you so much, love.” Simon placed you gently back on your feet, his hands cradling your face with care, wiping away your tears. 
“I missed you, Si,” you take in a shaky breath. “So much.”
“I– I can’t believe you’re here, how did you know?”
“I would never miss my wife’s performance, now would I?” 
A mixture of laughter and tears escaped your lips as you leaned in to kiss him, a deep and passionate kiss. It felt like a dream come true that he was here, watching you perform. It had been ages since he was last able to come to one of your performances, and his support meant the world and more to you. You pull away from the kiss, shoving your face into his neck.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered, his voice reverberating in your eardrums. “You looked beautiful, look beautiful.” 
You pull back, looking at him with a huge smile, rubbing his back gently. "Thank you, Si."
He pulls you back into a tight embrace, wrapping you in his warmth and burly arms. More tears welled up in your eyes, and you clung to him, feeling the weight of the months apart melt away.
His words warmed your heart. You rested your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. The two of you held each other close, savoring the moment as long as you could.
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Aita for bluntly telling a telling a friend I don't want to discuss *media* with them after them not taking the hint for a couple months?
I read a serialized manga —nothing mega popular like op or jjk but popular— as do many other folks excluding this friend from a different fandom. This manga fandom is full of shippers who can't figure out how fan shipping works so they shit on the manga for not making their headcanons true. They'll call the author illiterate fetishizer over ships and frankly most of them read it through other fans' tweets or tiktoks so I don't care for those opinions regardless. I think the manga doesn't deserve the hate and real readers who look up meta or volume extras enjoy it more. Needless to say I have my own fave ships with varying degree of canon backing, and I'm a "hag" fan I make my own food without resorting to bashing someone's work.
This dear friend of mine has been on and off into this manga for about a year, has been part of a server that's full of Those shippers, but also talk to me and another mutual separately when they remember we also like it. Problem is that their opinion about the manga changes according to who they're talking to, if it's us two individuals this manga is aight, good shit, if it's the server girlies they Loathe that manga it burned their crops— the latter is their real opinion I have proof of that. Naturally I don't enjoy discussing it with them but lately every time there's a new chapter they comes knocking, "Omg did you see 👀? My fyp was saying this and this"
One time I had dismissed them saying I hadn't read it to discuss anything, I fell into a habit of saying this again and making other excuses while being publicly open about hating the manga hate bandwagon over ships. They should have noticed this but I can't be sure. This week again they wanted to talk but I was pretty upset about something at work so I went unfiltered and ranted just a little bit. My sister believes they use me to form discussion topics for their server which was also bugging me. I said to them, "You should start reading the manga if you want to discuss it. I'm getting tired of correcting you and you should know I can see what you tell your other friends so can you quit making contradicting comments in my dms?"
They got really mad and started subtweeting me so I blocked them. Replies to them are still visible and I saw another mutual tell them whoever didn't communicate nicely was a bad friend and it's sad that a long time friend would break up over ships. I'm having a little guilt feeling now because I was really not in my best mood yesterday.
I can't say I'm new to this sort of inane arguments over ships especially in today's fandom climate, but them being all Jekyll and Hyde to desperately be part of the conversation while never reading the manga first hand is still crazy to me. This could have been a nonissue.
So was I the asshole or are we both in the wrong? please share if you faced something similar or like what my sis said.
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bjtch-craft · 1 year
"Can I make it up to you, please?"
Peter Parker x Black! Male reader
✩ Summary: Peter gets into an argument with the reader but makes it up to him...
✩ Word count: 2k
✩ Genre: Angst to Smut
✩ Request: Yes or No
✩ Warnings: Smut, crying, over stimulation (if you squint you'll see it), and (LIGHT) choking!!
✩Authors note: Sorry for disappearing for a while. School started again, and I wanna d!e already!!! Anyways this is my first attempt at writing smut, and it's so totally not proofread! So if there's any mistakes, please comment them so I can correct them.
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"I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me!"
"Peter, I’m not fucking mad at you!"
Peter takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes with his wrist before placing them on either side of him, softly gripping at the sheets.
"Then why are you yelling at me?"
"I’m not-!" [Name] cuts himself off after hearing his tone. "I’m not yelling at you; I'm just... worried. Okay? Worried that one day you’ll meet your match or run into some crazy obsessed fan." He finishes his sentence with a softer tone.
"Well, you don’t have to be! Okay?"
"I know, but..."
"Is this about MJ?:
[Name’s] worried look is wiped away by Peter’s accusation and a look of shock forms.
"W-what? No!"
"Because it feels like it is! Is that why you meant by an obsessed fan?" Peter says, putting up air quotes while saying "obsessed fan. " 
"That’s not what I meant!"
"Then what did you mean? Because to me, it seems like you’re upset; I’ve been hanging out with her more often. Jealous even."
"Oh my God, Peter, you’re un-fucking-believable! This isn’t about her or anything else; this is about me! And my concerns! You don’t even know how many times I’ve seen you go up against some big and how terrified I've been! Terrified that you’ll get seriously hurt or worse."
Peter lets out a scoff.
"So you’re just being overprotective now?"
[Name's] jaw dropped at the sentence that left Peter’s lips. He wasn’t sure how to react.
Peter and [Name] never argued, and even if they did, they’d get over it within a minute or two, but for some god-forsaken reason, Peter was being an absolute dick.
The energy in the room increased by ten as both of them (mostly [Name], of course) could feel the anger begin to sink in even deeper.
"Peter. What. The. Fuck! Is wrong with you today? I don’t know why you’re being like this!"
"Like what?"
"Like a dick! I don’t even know why you’re arguing with me; I’m just telling you my fucking concerns, and you have the fucking gall to call me jealous and  overprotective."[Name] says, dragging out the word "Gall". 
"And I’m just telling you how I feel too!"
[Name] didn’t know how to react; he felt hurt and could feel a sob begin to make its way up his throat. He gulped it down (that didn’t work; he ended up still crying later, but that’s later) he began to pull at the bottom of his shirt while looking at the floor.
"Peter… Can you leave?" [Name] said quietly.
"I said," Can you leave," please?"
"Okay. Fine."
And with that, Peter stood up and made his way out the door, leaving [Name] standing there in silence, a tear threatening to fall from his eye. It wasn't an empty threat, and the tear fell. And fell. And fell. And fell.
Soon the sun set behind the tall buildings of New York, and the moon rose, casting a small bit of light into [Name's] room. [Name] sunk into his bed as he stared up at the ceiling, a million thoughts rushing through his brain.
Are we over?
Why was he mad at me?
Should I say sorry?
Should he say sorry?
Is it my fault?
No, it's his fault.
For sure.
Tap tap tap. [Name] sat up softly and looked towards his window, expecting to see the source of the sound. But there was nothing…
"Am I hallucinating? Can you even hallucinate sounds?" [Name] thought aloud.
Now, you can actually hallucinate sounds, but this wasn't a hallucination. Tap. Tap. Tap. [Name] got up from his bed, crept towards the window, and slid it open.
"Hello…? Why'd I say hello? That's basically a death wish if this was a horror movie. "
[Name] jumped back from the window with a yelp. Before creeping back towards it and looking out it once again, but this time staring down to see a familiar blue and red suit.
Peter stood on the building's brick wall, looking up at [name], his arms crossed around.
"Can I come in?"
[Name] backed up from the wall as Peter climbed inside with a smile on his face.
"Do you have anything I can change into, babe?"
[Name] let out a scoff.
"Babe! Don't babe me, dude. Are you seriously going to pretend that our argument didn't happen?
"Sorry! I thought you'd be a little calmer. But do you?"
[Name] walked to his closet, pulled out a sweater, made his way toward his dresser, grabbed a pair of sweats, and threw them at Peter.
Peter changed and threw the suit in a corner before sitting down on the mattress. And a somewhat awkward energy filled the room.
"I'm sorry… I am. I don't know why I was being such a dick! But I'm sorry for what I said." Peter looked down at the floor, unable to look at his boyfriend.
[Name] wasn't sure what to say, and in situations like this (awkward, scared, and nervous), he often coiled his already-curled hair around his finger.
"I feel like such a shitty boyfriend."
[Name] placed his hand on Peter's cheek. "You're not a shitty boyfriend, though... You admit when you're wrong and understand why 6 wrong. That's legit one of the many reasons why I love you!"
Peter looked up at [name], nuzzled his face into his palm, and planted a soft kiss on his palm. [Name] ran his thumb over his pale cheek. It was a sweet moment that didn't last very long.
[Name] softly ran his thumb over the corner of Peter's soft lips. Peter adjusted his head and planted a kiss on the darker-skinned boy's thumb. [Name] smiled down at Peter.
"I love you, Peter..."
"I love you too."
[Name] pressed his finger against Peter's lip. He got the hint and opened his mouth, letting his boyfriend's thumb in. He looked up at [name] with innocent eyes as he bobbed his head up and down on his thumb.
"Jesus..." [Name] whispered out.
Peter came off his finger with a pop, his face turning a light pink.
"Can I make it up to you, please?"
[Name] nodded his head softly and backed up as Peter got up off the bed and kneeled in front of him.
"You can say no at any time, and I'll stop," Peter said with a smile.
"Same to you."
Peter reached up and pulled down [Name's] basketball shorts, dropping them to his ankles. Peter reached up and gently groped at the bulge in the other boy's boxers. Peter pulled them down with ease.
Peter stroked it gently, causing a soft whimper to release from [Name's] mouth as Peter's soft hands glided over his cock. Peter grabbed the base of [Name's] cock and gently licked the tip before taking it into his mouth. Peter looked up at [Name] as he slowly took more into his mouth, gagging a bit as he made his way towards the base.
[Name] reached down and placed his hand in Peter's hair, holding his head in place, making Peter gag as drool pooled out of the corner of his lips.
"Fuckkk! Peter, your mouth feels so  good."[Name] moaned out.
Peter let out another gagging sound and tapped the side of [Name's] thigh, signaling for him to let go. And [Name] did Peter come off his cock with a pop and look up at him with a smile, a rope of drool connecting [Name's] tip to his lips.
"Are you okay, Peter?"
"Yeah. Fine." Peter said as he began to slowly stroke [Name's] dick.
He placed it back in his mouth and began to go back down on it. He bobbed his head up and down in a repeating motion as he reached into his sweats and pulled out his own cock and began jerking himself off.
Peter came off his dick and kitten, licked the tip, and placed it back into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
"Agh, Jesus Peter" [name] whimpered out.
[Name] placed his hands on either side of his head and slowly began pulling his head further down on his shaft.
"I'm going to go a little rough. Is that okay with you?"
"Mmmm," Peter hummed in response, causing a soft vibration on [Names] dick, making him let out another moan.
[Name] gripped a handful of Peter's hair and began to pull his cock out of his mouth before slamming it back down his throat. Peter, still stroking his own cock, reached out and grabbed at [names] thighs for support.
[Name] strengthened his grip on Peter's head and began slamming his cock down Peter's throat harshly, causing drool to pool out of the corners of his lips.
"Ohhh God! F-fuck!"
Peter whimpered and whined around the length as tears filled his eyes, threatening to spill.
"MM~ MMM~" Peter whined out.
Peter jerked himself off at an even faster rate, chasing his climax. And he chased it, cumming all over his hands and floor.
"Aww, Pete...."
[Name] pulled his dick out of Peter's mouth, leaving him gasping for air.
"F-fuck~" Peter said in between breaths.
"Are you okay, Pete?"
"You came... kind of fast."
Peter's pale face turned a soft pink as he ran a hand through his hair, looking down at the floor.
"Do you want to, like, you know, go all the way? You don't have to say yes." [Name] said, reaching down and lifting Peter's chin up to look at him.
"Yes, I want to do it."
[Name] reached down and pulled Peter up by his arm, smashing his lips against his. [Name] kicked off his shorts and boxers and began walking them toward the bed, lightly pushing Peter down. Peter reached out and gripped the collar of [Names] shirt, pulling him down with his lips, never breaking contact.
[Name] broke the kiss, placed a soft kiss on Peter's cheek, and started making his way towards his neck. Kissing down his jawline before softly biting his neck.
"Fuck~" Peter moaned out.
[Name] began sucking on the flesh and biting at it before licking over the bite. The warmth of [Names] tongue made Peter blush even more, making his already pink skin turn a deep scarlet. [Name's] hands traveled down Peter's body, slipping them up his shirt and feeling him up.
[Name] reaches out from under Peter's shirt and takes his cock in his hand, gently tugging at it. Peter let out a soft whimper at the feeling of [name's] warm hand.
"Is this okay?" [Name] says speeding up the pace.
Peter bites down on his bottom lip and nods his head.
With his other hand, [Name] begins to pull Peter's shirt up and begins placing soft kisses on his torso, making his way toward Peter's cock. Peter pulled his shirt off, making [Name] let go of his cock.
[Name] delicately kissed Peter's tip, spat in his hand, and began jerking him off once more. The sound of wet noses and whimpers filled the room.
"Does that feel good, Peter?"
"Mhm-ahh~ Fuck~!" Was all he could whine out as [Name] ran his thumb over his tip in a particularly hard motion.
[Name] let's go of Peter's cock and steadied himself on his knees, grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it off.
"Let me know if it hurts or if I'm going to be rough, okay?"
[Name] placed Peter's legs on his shoulders and steadied himself on the mattress before lining himself up with Peter's hole. Peter reached out and felt around on his boyfriend's bedside table until he felt a familiar wrapping.
Peter handed him a condom. [Name] opened it and slid it over his dick and pushed into Peter slowly, wanting him to adjust to his size before moving.
Peter gripped the sheets and twisted them in his hands as he let out a soft moan.
[Name] reached out and grabbed Peter by the waist and pulled him down on his cock. [Name] bottoming inside of Peter as he looked down at him to see his arm covering his face, his face somehow even pinker.
"Does this feel okay?"
"Can you uncover your face? I want to see all the pretty little faces you make, Pete."
Peter's cock twitched at this, and a drip of precum made its way down his cock. Peter did as he was told, took his arm off, and looked up at the curly-haired boy.
"I'm going to start moving, okay? Let me know if it's too much or if you want to stop. I won't be mad, I promise!"
"Okay, I will."
[Name] began to roll his hips in and out of the pale boy, starting off with a slow pace to ensure he didn't hurt him. [Name] decided to test the limits and pulled out of Peter, making him let out a breathy gasp at the loss of friction before slamming back into him and producing another loud moan from him.
His face contorted into a mixture of pleasure and pain as his hands shot out and grabbed at [Names] shoulders as he rocked his hips into Peter.
"Aghh~ C- Can you go a little  harder?'
[Name] listened to his question and sped up the pace, filling the room with the sound of a headboard banging and the sound of skin against skin. [Names] hands roamed down Peter's thighs until they reached his cock, took it in his hand, and began once again jerking him off at an irritatingly slow pace.
[Name] placed his other hand on the back of Peter's head and leaned in their lips inches apart. [Names] thrust slowed for a second before stopping all together.
"Why did you stop?" Peter said, his voice barely above a whisper.
[Name] closed the gap between them. Peter kissed back almost instantly and placed his hand on the back of [Names] head, tangling his fingers in his curls. [Name] began to thrust into him slowly and more gentle as the kiss deepened.
[Name] grabbed Peter's hands and placed them above his head, holding them in place and breaking the kiss in the process. His thrust quickened, and once again, the sound of skin against skin filled the room.
"Fu-fuck~ ugh!" [Name] moaned out.
His thurst became even harder as he chased his high. Peter could feel tears starting to fall from his eyes, not from pain but from pleasure. It was all too much. His ccok standing up straight twitched and shot ropes of cum all over his abdomen, painting that area of his body glossy white.
"I'm not too far behind," [Name] grunted out.
His thrust became sloppy, losing the rhythm as he tightened his grip on Peter's wrist.
He let go of Peter's wrist, pulled out of him, and made his way to the floor. Peter got the idea quickly and knelt before sticking his tongue out as [Name] jerked himself off.
After one or two strokes, he came, shooting his load over Peter's face. Blotches of white landed on his lashes, chin, nose, forehead, tongue, and hair.
Peter swallowed the cum that had landed in his mouth and smiled looking up at [name] innocently.
"Jesus Christ, Peter, you're so pretty."
Authors note part 2!!!:
Okay so y'all I'm thinking of doing an Olivia Rodrigo type of story with Bad Idea, right? Should I do this???
Link to the song in case y'all haven't heard it yet!!!
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distracted-obsessions · 4 months
Can't You Hear Me Scream? Part 1
Warnings: Shock collars, calling Whumpee 'Puppy', mild disassociation (I think), mild sleep deprivation, TV show hosts.
Please tell me if I need to tag anything else.
Part 2 | Masterlist
Knock, knock.
Mal groaned at the knock at the door, far too tired to actually get out of the pile of soft blankets and plush pillows that made up his little nest on the floor. From the long day of press releases and photo ops with 'the city's greatest heroes' to a long, overcast night fighting supervillains and getting his ass kicked while he hoped for a glimpse at the moon, he had barely been awake when he crawled into the nest last night. That hadn't stopped the nightmares but then again, nothing would.
"Mal?" A far too chipper voice said through the door. Liam. "Mal, you're going to miss breakfast! Wake up!" a couple more knocks at the door.
Mal rolled over and covered his head with a pillow. He just wanted to sleep. Preferably without dreams.
There was an uncomfortable buzz from the shock collar around Mal's neck, a warning of pain that shocked him awake in a moment, making him sit up in the nest. "I'm awake!" Mal shouted, hoping to avoid a real shock. "I'll be out in a minute!"
"You better be! You know how the captain gets when our puppy doesn't eat!" Liam laughed, not unkindly, but Mal flinched at the nickname anyway. He really should have been used to it by now. After 5 years at Camp Rainer and 3 different teams after that, he should have been used to being called 'puppy'. But it made his inner wolf growl with irritation every time, self-preservation be damned.
"I'll hurry," Mal said, reaching to pull on some clothes. He didn't dally but he still expected it when a second warning buzz came 5 minutes later, this one probably from the captain. He trudged out of his room and headed to the dining room, ignoring the happy chatter as he sat at the table and laid his head on the cool wood, closing his eyes.
"You tired, Mal?" Maya asked with a gentle smile.
Mal smiled back out of habit and nodded. "Just stayed up too late last night. I'll be fine."
"Good," the captain, Simon, said, putting a plate of food down for Mal and petting him in between his wolf ears. "We have an interview with Callie so you need to eat up and be well-rested so that you don't try to bite people's heads off."
Mal fixed his hair and dutifully ate the food set in front of him. He hated interviews and Callie specifically. The fake smiles and cutting remarks made him want to bang his head against the wall. She wasn't any worse than any other TV show host but she seemed just as equally upset that the team treated Mal like a dog as she was likely to treat him like one herself. The hypocrisy itself was enough to make Mal's head hurt.
Mal ate quietly while the team ran over test questions and rehearsed answers. Mal didn't need to participate. He didn't technically have to be there at all. He was just there to show how good the rehabilitation centers like Camp Rainier were at taming wild beasts like Mal and he was already an expert at that. He hadn't even realized that he had zoned out until-
"And before we forget, we should probably change Mal into his public appearances collar."
Mal glanced at Kate, carefully keeping his face neutral as twin waves of anger and anxiety ran down his spine. His 'public appearances' collar was about four times more sensitive than his normal collar and the shocks ramped up in intensity much quicker. Even on his most careful and obedient behavior, he still got shocked at least once every time he wore it. If he didn't know this team better and didn't know the policy he might have assumed that they were just cruel for the sake of cruelty. Sadly, he did know better and no amount of begging would change policy. He had tried.
"Thank you, Kate," Simon said, pushing Mal's plate closer to him in an effort to make him eat more. He knew from experience that just being in that collar made Mal lose his appetite. Mal took a moment to indulge in some healthy annoyance at that before shoving everything back into their respective boxes in his head and forcing down a few more bites. "Liam, since you're done eating, can you go grab that?"
"Right away, Captain!" Liam left whatever he was tinkering with today on the table and left the room. Mal managed about four more bites before Liam came back. His fingers tightened around the fork, the thought of stabbing Liam with it and bolting entering his head and immediately being directed towards the appropriate box as he slowly put the fork down and pushed away his plate.
Simon stood and walked around behind Mal, turning off and unbuckling his current collar and putting the new one on. It was sleek and black, the 'corrective measure' more hidden but easily seen when pointed out. Mal's shoulders tensed when Simon switched it on, the tell-tale beep almost making Mal flinch. Simon rested one hand on Mal's shoulder and pet him with the other until Mal could force himself to relax back into his calm mask.
"Good boy," Simon said in that same deadpan he said everything in. Mal knew it was just the conditioning that made him preen at the praise but that didn't make him stop. Just sent an undercurrent of frustration through his head. Simon gave him one last pat and sat back down, leaving Mal to figure out how to breathe around the collar.
They finished breakfast quickly and piled into the armored car to head to the studio. When they got there, everyone got into their makeup and headed to their spots, having small chats with Callie and the staff. Mal mostly just sat quietly in his chair and started weaving in his head to calm himself down.
In. Out. Over. Through. Add another color. First color in. Second color out. Second color over. First color through.
The music that signaled the start of the show played and Mal made sure he hadn't forgotten to put on a smile before going back to his weaving. Add another color. Second color in. Third color out. Carry first color. Third color over. Second color through. Carry first color.
"So Mal, how has working with the city's greatest heroes been treating you?" Callie asked in her blindingly bright voice.
Mal looked at her and then glanced around at the team. The captain's serine smile and eyes that stared right through Callie, Liam's bouncing leg and hands signing the conversation to the crowd, Kate's calm, neutral expression and subtle 'get on with it' gesture, Maya's expectant look and encouraging smile. He heard his own screams playing from one of the boxes in his head as he turned back to Callie with his own calm smile.
"Better than anything else in the world."
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Hmmm Levi’s young daughter spills her ice cream cone all over herself and thinks he’s going to be mad. He’s always complaining about messes :/ and now her ice cream is gone and she’s so upset!
Levi’s such a big ‘ol softy that he just comforts her and doesn’t mind the mess. Bet he even gets her a new cone 🥺
Taaay this has sat here for months I'm sorry ILY. Also made a minor change as I had a quick idea and ran with it!
Content: Just under 1k words, not proof read, dad Levi fluff!
Ohh Levi hates messes. You yourself have learned to clean extremely well to keep him happy. Sunday is cleaning day and every other day you still keep things neat and organized. Once your daughter comes along, Levi has to learn to adjust because... messes happen. But one of you cleans it right away while the other tends to your daughter.
As she gets older Levi tries to teach her proper cleaning techniques, but it's hard for a six year old, you know? She does try because she loves getting his praises though. She cleans with you both and picks up after herself after playing and all the things you'd expect. Well, she tries, really. However...
Yep, there she goes again. Levis daughter is a clumsy little thing. You or he are always cleaning up after her. Messy with her toys, her arts and crafts, her food. And having her try to help clean it? No, please no, that makes it more of a mess.
You always tell her it's okay and to please be more careful. Levi after a hard days work can't always hide his exhaustion and she can hear it in his voice.
"Sorry daddy!" She's ready to cry and he has to quickly backtrack.
"It's okay pumpkin, daddies just tired." He pats her head and sends her away. He knows that she knows he hates messes and realizes she isn't doing it op purpose. But, how could he have such a naturally messy child?
After dinner one day while you're in the shower and Levi is washing dishes, your little one is sitting in the living room with the ice cream you put in a dish for her. Half way through her show, while it is on commercial, she decides she wants a cone.
"Honey, no, just eat from the dish." Levi says sternly, almost done with dishes.
"It's okay daddy, I can do it!" She puts her bowl on the counter and before he can stop her she's climbed up the counter. Somehow she makes it and pulls a cone from the box and sits on the counter, and with her tiny hands tries to scoop the half melted ice cream into the cone.
"Honey, no!" Levi stops what he's doing and hurries to dry his hands, worried about her falling.
She does not, but ice cream is now running all down her hands and shirt, and the counter.
Levi sighs and closes his eyes as she looks at him with teary ones.
"Why don't you listen to me? And how are you so fast?!" Is she just fast or is Levi getting slower?
She sits there crying as the cold melted ice cream gets everywhere and Levi takes a rag and starts wiping her off.
"Daddy! I- I'm sorry!" She sobs as he cleans her.
He sets her on the floor, careful not to get sticky.
"Just go change your shirt. Can you do that?" He asks without much hope.
"Yes!" She cries out and runs off.
Levi finishes cleaning the counters and cabinets and now the floor that the mess has dripped down onto.
Levi pauses and listens to her sniffles as she comes back in with a new shirt.
"Honey, do you know why I got upset?" He asks softly, getting down to her level.
"Because I made a mess?" She frowns.
"It's not so much that. It's because I was afraid, that you might fall, and hurt yourself." That scared him and made him act more that anything.
"You were scared?" She asks him in surprise.
"Yes, I don't want you falling. I didn't so much mind the mess. But it does bother me you didn't listen but I know you want to be a big girl and do it yourself, and I appreciate it. But please, let me help you next time, okay?" He hugs her.
If a six year old could feel relief that is what is washing over her right now. "You're not mad about the mess?" She squeaks out.
"You know, even daddy makes a mess sometimes." Hardly, he means.
"No you don't!" She giggles because she's never seen it.
"Sure I do, I just clean it up fast!" He pokes her and smiles at her happy reaction.
Then she's frowning again. "What is it?" He had thought things were okay.
"I didn't get to finish my ice cream." She looks down at the floor. She'd only gotten a couple bites.
"Is that all? We can fix that!" Levi picks her up and twirls her and she squeals with delight.
They make her a proper cone together and he makes her hold a paper plate underneath it, just in case.
If Levi hadn't told you what happened while you were in the shower, you never would've known it.
As you all settle in the living room for another little bit of tv time before bed, your daughter situates herself between you.
"I love you mommy." She kisses your cheek, and you kiss hers back and cuddle her.
"I love you too button." You smile and rub her cute little cheeks.
"I love you daddy." She turns to Levi and looks at him like only a daughter who loves her father very much can, and it warms his heart.
"I love you too, my little girl." He hugs her as she clings to him, and after a moment you get in on the hugging too.
You end the night with a kid friendly cartoon episode all about being messy and also cleaning it up.
Your daughters giggles make you happy and Levi hopes she's learned a little something tonight. About listening... and being messy.
She promises to try harder as you both tuck her in, and you assure her she'll get there eventually.
After that she becomes a much better listener, not wanting to ever upset her father like that again. And she also becomes just a tiny bit less messy, with her parents help, of course.
Extra: Here's the episode you watch! hehe
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