#OTP drabble challenge
ejzah · 1 year
A/N: @mashmaiden suggested a few prompts from the list linked below. Thanks for the inspiration! Set in season 3.
Prompt: 16. What do you have?” - “Pizza rolls and Cup O’ Noodles…that’s about it. Popcorn?”
Prompt List
Someone to Watch Over You
“You doing alright there, partner?” Kensi checked, leaning forward to look at Deeks. Even so with the way he was curled up, face pressed into his raised knee, she could only see side of one cheek.
“Fantastic,” he mumbled sarcastically. His hair was even more unruly than usual, sticking up randomly on several places and matted down in others while the left arm of his jacket was stained with dirt and ripped.
After working the same case involving a group of drug dealers all week, it had finally come to a head tonight. Deeks had been at the forefront since he infiltrated the group as Max Gentry. Everything was going well, until their criminal informant got nervous and inadvertently revealed Deeks’ identity.
Suddenly, a relatively non-violent takedown had morphed into Deeks fighting off 6 armed men. By the time Kensi, Sam, and Callen had reached him, all but one of the guys was down, Deeks bloodied, but alive.
It was terrifying. Fortunately, Deeks had come out of it with only minor injuries, though he did need to be on a 24 hour watch for a mild concussion. Which Kensi volunteered for. Deeks was apparently too exhausted and out of it to find it unusual, but Sam and Callen had teased her mercilessly.
“Hey, Deeks, we’re here?” She pulled into a spot across from her apartment.
He didn’t respond so she poked his shoulder several times; he squirmed out of reach, making a disgruntled sound.
“I’m up, I’m up,” he complained, slipping his seatbelt off, and getting out with a little less style than usual. He followed her through the door, plopping down on the couch while Kensi went around turning on a few lights and stashed (tossed) her bag in the bedroom.
There was a pile or two of laundry, possibly clean, which she scooted to the side. At this point, Deeks was well aware of her habits and even the most egregious messes didn’t shock him.
When she returned to the living room a few minutes later, Deeks had shucked off his boots and lay half on and half off the couch.
Kensi studied him under the dim light; the bruises had bloomed significantly in the last hour, particularly around his left temple, which bore a swollen purple-black knot. It looked bad, but could have been so much worse.
“Hey, I brought you a present,” Kensi announced quietly, holding out a glass of water and two orange tablets. She figured his head was probably pounding by now since he’d refused medication at the ER. S
Squinting through one eye, Deeks peered up at her. “Oh, god bless you,” he groaned, laboriously pushing himself into a seated position. He tossed both pills back and swallowed with a sound of relief.
He slumped bonelessly on the couch, jaw set tightly while he waited for the medication to set in. Kensi thought she saw a few dots of fresh blood under his nose.
The sudden need to comb her fingers through his hair or soothe his pain in some way struck her forcefully.
Kensi shook her head to dispel the idea. Clearly the exhaustion and worry was getting to her too.
“Ugh, my face is killing me.” Deeks paused and peeked up at her again. “Aren’t you supposed to say something like, “Well, it’s killing me” or “should have used your fists, not your face?”
“No, I wouldn’t do that,” Kensi said. “Not when you look like death.” She grinned. “Of course, tomorrow all bets are off and I have reign to tease you as much as I want.”
“I feel so loved,” Deeks drawled. Grimacing, he shifted around, looking fairly miserable.
“Are you hungry?” It had been hours since either of them ate.
“Eh, what do you have?”
“Um…pizza rolls and Cup O’ Noodles…that’s about it. I think? Don’t hold me to the soup though.” Deeks made a face at her suggestions. “Popcorn?”
“I’m pretty sure I had more in my cupboards when I was a struggling law student barely making rent and—” he cut himself off. “And, uh, waiting tables.”
“Shut up. I haven’t had time to go shopping this week,” Kensi defended herself. Or the last three weeks.
“Yeah, otherwise there’d be a stockpile of Twinkies and Reese’s in the kitchen,” Deeks joked.
“Ok, very funny. You’re lucky you’re injured. Enough about my shopping habits, do you want me to order something?”
“I’m not that hungry.” He touched his stomach briefly. “Honestly, I just want to sleep until my head stops hurting.”
“Ok.” Grabbing the TV controls, Kensi curled up on the other side of the couch.
“What are you doing?” Deeks asked.
“Watching TV. And supporting my partner,” Kensi replied, finding a nice baking competition. She muted the sound and turned on closed captions.
“Kens, you really don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”
“What kind of person would I be to leave you to fend for yourself when you’re all bruised and pathetic looking?” She inclined her head. “Besides, I promised to do concussion checks and I can’t do that from my bedroom.”
“Oh, just let somebody take care of you for once, Deeks,” she interrupted. “You did your part today, now you deserve to rest. Ok?” She stared at him until he relented with a nod, though his lips were twitching slightly too.
“Ok.” He settled into the couch cushions, taking the pillow Kensi passed his way and shoving it under his neck. “Thanks,” he murmured. “You’re a good partner.”
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bonhughbon · 10 months
Anyway, late once again. And I'm tired at this point of publishing this. But I enjoy this challenge!
I WILL SKIP NOVEMBER tho. Because I have a lot in my hand and I don't have any much ideas for the November prompts, so yes. Will be skipping that month.
Anyway, here's for @yearoftheotpevent for October. This previous month's prompt: Text Messaging!
FF.Net's link is here!
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miakate-writes · 7 months
hey loves! i rlly wanna write some drabbles just to get some writing practice in... any requests?? (pop them in my asks pls!) <3
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unseenacademic · 1 year
Which Plantagenet Do I Most Remind You Of?
The West Wing fic. Jed is excited about a play, but Abbey doesn’t share his enthusiasm. Takes place during “The Black Vera Wang” (3x20).
Written for The West Wing Wheel of Destiny Drabble Challenge @twwpress My prompts were Season 3 and Jed.
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narastories · 2 years
November OTP Prompt Challenge - Harry/Nic - Day 7
Day 7 - Forest path
demonic pet
The moment you step foot on the island, you know that something isn’t right. 
The moment you step foot on the island, you know that something isn’t right. You’ve been prepared to fight evil, but the hairs on the nape of your neck stand on end regardless.
It’s been decided that each of you arrive from different directions to circle the enemy. You say a quick prayer and head deeper, toward the center of the island. Your feet stumble upon the forest path as if every twig and rock wanted to thwart you. There are noises in the dark that make you uneasy.
When you find a set of stairs carved into the rock you start climbing them. They are uneven and slippery and you’re out of breath by the time you reach the top. The ruins of the old tower loom menacingly in the background, and in front of it are the monsters you came to fight.
There is a throne made of stone, and Nicodemus Archleone sits atop of it. Even if you didn’t know how many people he tortured and killed you would know that he’s pure evil just by looking at him. It’s in the eyes. You want to believe he’s only a lost soul in need of saving too, but it’s hard to think there’s still a human being in there.
Around him, there are his accomplices, each deadly on their own: Polonius Lartessa, Nicodemus’s wife in her mantis form, stands next to his throne. Their daughter is kneeling between them, her hair ribbons of steel, already rust-colored with splotches of blood. There’s Magog’s huge form crouching the closest to you, pure muscle, terrifying in his sheer size. The smaller form next to him on one knee must be Namshiel. He used to look different before the Fallen corrupted the Baron of Chicago. Maybe he’s the most likely to surrender the coin. Or maybe not. The rumors say the man has always been hungry for power.
The last Denarian kneels by Nicodemus’s feet. Even in this position, you can tell that he’s a tall man. Some people say the Wizard Harry Dresden used to help people. Others say he always walked the left-hand path. The latter is easier to believe looking at him now.
He has a bejeweled collar circling his throat. It’s attached to a leash, and both are made of black leather just like his long coat trailing on the ground. The other end of the leash is in Nicodemus’s hand, but the wizard doesn’t seem to struggle to get away. He looks content, like a large, demonic pet at his master’s feet.
His eyes are half-closed, his dark brows drawn together in concentration. When he speaks, his voice is clear, carrying easily in the night air.
“There are four of them. One twenty yards behind us, one just reached the tower, and the last one is coming from the east. He’ll get here last.”
You feel cold dread seeping into your veins. How can he know that with such precision? Dresden lifts his gaze and looks straight at you, his brown eyes void of emotion. For a chilling moment, you wonder if he can read your mind.
Nicodemus considers that information for a moment, the fingers of his left hand sliding into Dresden’s hair. The wizard tips his head back and lets out a quiet moan. Your stomach turns from the obscenity it implies.
“This one’s no use to me,” Nicodemus says. “Get rid of it for me, Harry.”
It takes you a moment to realize by “it” he means you. Dresden’s grin is a wild thing, full of teeth. Violet eyes open above his brown ones and a sigil, shaped like an hourglass burns on his forehead.
You draw your sword, but it’s of no use because fire crackles through the night. It smells of sulfur as if coming straight from the depths of Hell. Fear and despair take hold of you and your prayers fall uselessly from your lips before white-hot pain starts consuming you whole.
Maybe your faith was never strong enough.
You fall to the ground in agony. The last thing you see is Nicodemus smiling, while Harry Dresden pushes his temple against his leg. A pet wizard, looking for affection after a murder well done.
“The others won’t go this quick, don’t worry,” Nicodemus says to him. “I have personal scores to settle.”
Prompt list
My series on AO3
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mynonah · 4 months
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3/30 A selfie together 🌈
Part of our OTP Challenge, a collaboration between @esilher and @mynonah.
If you feel like writing a drabble for any of these drawings and want to join us this way, go for it!! We can't wait to read it!
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esilher · 4 months
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2/30 Building an IKEA cabinet (...or not) Part of our OTP Challenge, a collaboration between @esilher and @mynonah. One chooses a topic from a list and starts drawing it without saying anything. Then sends it to the other, who finishes the drawing. Highly recommended, it's a lot of fun! :)  If you feel like writing a drabble for any of these drawings and want to join us this way, go for it!! We can't wait to read it!
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usamamoweek · 1 year
UsaMamo Week 2023 will be the week of July 23 - July 29! We’re posting these prompts early to help you prepare, and also realize by the time of the challenge that the Cosmos parts I and II will be streaming. We reserve the right to modify any prompts that may be “too soon” with Cosmos knowing the trauma about to befall our OTP. 
See below for the daily prompts. Every day has two to pick from–you are not required to use both. You can utilize as many or as few of the daily prompts as you are inspired to do. We would love to see any form of creative works – stories, drabbles, poetry, drawings, digital art, webtoons, moodboards, photography, cosplay… whatever medium speaks to you!
Usa/Mamo must be the central pairing
Any rating is OK as long as you flag / label correctly
All types of fanwork are accepted
You can do one prompt or more; there’s no minimum
Tag a Tumblr post with #usamamoweek2023 and/or @usamamoweek2023 to be reblogged by this account
Add to the collection on AO3 and tag #usamamoweek2023
If requested, we will share AO3 works on Tumblr
Have fun!
Daily Prompt List for July 23 - 29
Day 1: Year of the Rabbit / Kiss Game*
Day 2: Royalty / Sword
Day 3: Love Letters / Poetry
Day 4: Beach / There was only one …
Day 5: Free day
Day 6: Crystal / Wings
Day 7: Midnight / Fireworks
*Examples of kiss games are the pocky challenge, spin the bottle, lady-and-the-tramp-style noodle eating that results in kissing, or something similar your characters have dreamed up!
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soulprompts · 2 months
Ahh, welcome back! I always get so excited to see you on my dash again! How about this for a request: kidfics! I want to write some domestic fluff involving OTP original kiddos, but I can't figure out how to go about it. Help me out? Thank you!
oh man i love this already! i'm gonna be presumptuous as all hell and assume you mean prompts in a more of a "starting off point" sense, but honestly, i'm a sucker for some domestics, so i may make some prompts in the roleplay sense in a while!
first of all, i love domestic stuff in general. and i write a multi myself with a tonne of original characters who are adopted by another OC of mine, so i have a tonne of drabbles and scenes, and one of my absolute faves is when the kids are trying to buy gifts for their parents. in reality this is obviously a very stressful thing, but in a writing context, i love it! mainly because you can play around with the concept of which child knows which parent the best, or the dynamics between the OTP, or the dynamics between the kids. "mom loves cooking, right?" "no, dad loves cooking, mom cooks out of obligation." or "i can't think of anything... dad likes sleeping... right? maybe a new pillow?" "...how sad is it that i think that's the best idea ever?" like the options are very open and easy to work with!
alternatively, if you want the parents involved more, maybe a family day out? a road trip is definitely one of my faves for that option, snacks, music, pit stops, destination, "are we there yet?" like you really have a lot of stuff there! bonus if the car breaks down. bonus bonus if they start bickering in the backseat. (again, reality vs. fiction plays a huge role here!)
another way to lean with this is maybe the siblings are trying to solve a mystery within the family. a strange phone call, a weird note, something off in the calendar. definitely plays more with the thinking of both siblings, whether they're logical or emotional, how they confront challenges, teamwork, all that fun stuff. maybe the mystery is boring as hell, but it gets amped up because of something else that's happening. a bad report card, a family argument, something negative that automatically skews the natural logic surrounding this mystery event and leads the siblings to making outlandish risks and decisions to resolve it.
aaaaand one more because it feels better to give four suggestions than three: you mentioned these are OTP kids, so maybe there's another kid on the way? the other suggestions all involve much more active storylines, but this one could go either way. the idea of the siblings doing homework or playing video games and just idly discussing baby names and favorite siblings and "will they be more like parent A or B?" and casual discussions of how to interact with the new sibling, like you could even have the parents cooking dinner in the background and dropping in a few bits of information to go with the discussion, yk? a more chill, laid-back, ordinary domestic event.
anyway i hope these are what you were looking for! i hope you have lots of fun writing the fics!
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Devotion: A Kotaloy Kinktober drabble collection
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Saw the list of prompts that @starsandskies shared here and decided to give it a shot at writing 31 drabbles for Aloy/Kotallo, my OTP in the Horizon fandom, as a Kinktober challenge. Will post a drabble a day until the end of this month.
Screenshot taken by @fogsblue. LOOK AT THESE CUTIES! :3
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kanerallels · 5 months
Today's prompt for Spring Fling, hosted by @monthly-challenge, is Sunshine! And for it, I have produced a little Williza drabble
(And yes, I know that it's probably never gonna be canon now. But I'm fueled by spite and the Vibes, not logic. And I hate the idea of letting the fandom die just because the actor is no longer in the show. This ain't my first OTP that I've watched die in front of me, and it sure as cuss won't be the last. That won't stop me from writing fan fiction for it. Public service announcement over!)
(Oh also this is set sometime around season one or two, I'd say?)
It was rare that there was a sunny day in London. Usually a nice day was only mostly cloudy, without any rain.
But today the sky was clear, and sunshine warmed the damp streets. Most of the other residents of London were in more cheerful moods than usual, and who could blame them?
William Wellington, on the other hand, considered himself relatively unaffected by the reappearance of the sun. Sure, it was nice, but he had a job to do, which meant he wasn’t about to get distracted just because it was a nice day out.
He was on his way into work, his head already filled with a dozen things he’d have to do when he got there. With the expansion of Scotland Yard, his workload seemed to pile up faster and faster each day. There wasn’t really much time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.
All the same, his steps slowed a little as he walked past a certain street corner. The one directly across from the small shop with the sign reading “Mr. Henry Scarlet, private detective.”
Of course, Henry hadn’t been the one in that shop in a long time. And no matter how much William missed him, he was equally fond of the new inhabitant— if not, he would only admit to himself, fonder.
And there she was, as he casually paused on the curb to glance at the shop door. Eliza was on time for once, and was politely making conversation with her neighbor, Herr Hildegard. She was wearing blue, and the warm sunlight illuminated her soft blonde hair, the beams of light seeming to catch in the strands.
William felt his heartbeat stutter, and he took a quick breath. This is not the time to get distracted, he scolded himself. But, as he continued on his way, he couldn’t resist the urge to look back once. Or twice. And his mood was a little lighter as he headed into work.
The sunshine was pretty nice, after all. No sense in not enjoying it.
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bonhughbon · 9 months
The final YOTP is here! Man, it was a tiring but fun challenge! I don't love all of the works I made, but hey—it was something! 😅
Anyway, here's the final fic for this challenge. @yearoftheotpevent for December: Forgiveness. Enjoy!
FF.Net link is here!
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melisusthewee · 5 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
I was tagged in this by both @dreadfutures and @blarrghe ! I did this once a few years ago, so it's interesting to see what's changed since then.
Tagging forward: @theluckywizard @greypetrel @darethshirl @natliecole @if-not-now-tell-me-when @madame-fear
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 35, though I believe 5 of them are artwork only for exchanges and not actually fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 87, 413 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? In my AO3 era: Hockey RPF; Dragon Age; La Sociedad de la Nieve/Society of the Snow Pre-AO3 (the ff.net/LJ era): Digimon Adventure, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Beatles RPF, a little bit of DC/Marvel
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. The Tang of Liquor On His Tongue (Dragon Age) 2. The Dreamer Sets the Rules (Dragon Age) 3. mala suledin nadas (Dragon Age) 4. Smut Challenge 2: War Table Boogaloo (Dragon Age) 5. Mañana (LSDLN/SotS)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try to! There have been a couple of times where I've gotten overwhelmed or have been busy and fallen behind. But I try really hard to reply to every single comment I get.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That's hard to pick. I think that a lot of my fic endings lean more towards catharsis than raw angst. Perhaps "Lathbora Viran" is the angstiest ending because it concludes a trilogy of fics about Solas' spirit friend Wisdom and ends with the implication that Wisdom became corrupted into the Regret demon that appears in Skyhold in "Tevinter Nights".
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Any of my romantic fics, I guess? If I had to pick one then I would probably say "Nothing Else Than What is Now" which was the extremely long one shot that led to all my Quinn Trevelyan/Horatio Morris nonsense. It originally wasn't supposed to have a happy ending, but about midway through writing it I changed my mind and even though OC / OC is extremely niche in just about any fandom, I'm still glad I did it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. We'll see if that changes now that I've mentioned I've written LSDLN fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep. 2 out of my top 5 fics are smut, and 2 more out of the top 5 have implied sex. I suppose that says I must be good at it. I don't really know what kind of smut I write since every smutfic I've written has been either a challenge or a prompt fill or a gift. I think I'm an example of that meme of "the 2000 word blow job is an important piece of character development". I really lean into tricking you into having emotions and feelings and getting introspective inside characters' heads while they're naked and getting down dirty. Come for the smut, stay for the emotional feelings!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I did when I was younger, but haven't really vibed with it much in recent years. In terms of published fic, maybe the Harry Potter/Beatles crossover drabble I wrote based on a piece of artwork that an old friend of mine had done. I still have the fic, but the artwork has sadly been lost to the ethers of the internet. But the idea was that the Beatles didn't really break up in 1970, they just took on a different career.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge. But I have taken to granting permission in my author's notes of new fics for anyone who might want to translate them into other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, actually! Some of my very first fanfics were co-written with a friend of mine. We never published them, but it was just fun to write little stories together.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? Even though I've never written any fanfic for it, I am 100% pure unleaded Chrobin trash. They are my OTP and I am probably due for a replay of Fire Emblem Awakening for it again. "YOU ARE THE WIND AT MY BACK AND THE SWORD AT MY SIDE."
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? One of the very first fics I ever started writing for the Dragon Age fandom was an Alistair/Cousland piece that looked at the period of time between the Warden's disappearance and their (hopefully) eventual return. It was meant to be 10 chapters, with each chapter split between a section in the past that looked at their romance over time and a section that took place in the more immediate present as Alistair navigated the events of DAI. I still have the document sitting on my laptop as well as backed up in my google drive, but I only ever finished the first chapter and even though I go back to it sometimes and make notes, I've not worked on it with any serious attention in years (I started this fic not too long after the Trespasser DLC was released) and at this point I doubt it will ever be in a publishable state let alone finished.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at dialogue! I'm very good at conveying personalities and speech patterns in written dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Blowjobs
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? For me, I think it depends on the amount of dialogue that is being spoken in another language and whether or not it's something the character whose POV is being written would understand.
With fantasy settings like Dragon Age, most of my fics are written from the POV of one of the game protagonists which are all human in my world state. So they wouldn't understand things like Qunlat or Elvhen, but also as those conlangs are incomplete languages, I will usually just refer to dialogue as being spoken in a language that the POV character doesn't understand. In a few fics where I've written from Solas' POV, I have used things like italics or sometimes <<special dialogue brackets>> to denote that this speech is being spoken between two characters in another language. Since the languages are fictional but the story is being told in English, it makes sense that the "author" translates in a similar logic to how Tolkien's books are "translated" for us to read.
With stories and settings that are more grounded in reality, I'll use other languages where appropriate. Usually this is in the form of nicknames or titles or expressions that I feel can't really convey the same tone or idea if they were translated into English. I've been very fortunate to find several new friends in the LSDLN fandom who have taught me a lot about monickers and nicknames and phrases in different regional dialects of Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically it was Digimon Adventure - baby's first Mary-Sue fic
20. Favourite fic you've written? It's a tie between "In the Long Hours of the Night" and "The Many Faces of Wisdom". With the former, this was the fic where I first felt like I finally got Quinn Trevelyan. It was the fic where he emerged as a more formed and complete character and I'm still proud of it. With the latter, it was an experimental idea that toyed with a rather ambiguously-defined relationship between Solas and the Inquisitor. It also was the first time I played around with writing Fade scenes and spirits and you can see a lot of the building blocks that I would eventually revisit and explore more as I fleshed out my own lore. It's also the one fic where I started with a very specific image in my mind and that I would really love to commission art for one day.
Blank Form Under the Cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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unseenacademic · 1 year
My second fic written for @twwpress The West Wing Wheel of Destiny Drabble Challenge.
This time my prompt was first kiss.
I had so much fun writing this, hope you'll enjoy reading it!
You should also check out other fics written for the challenge, they're great!
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docescene · 3 months
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Masterlist & Tags — Reblogs
Welcome to my masterlist of reblogged post tags!
This will be updated as the tag list grows. You can return to the main post here!
In alphabetic order | Update: 07.08.24
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Bing prompt
Character development
Dialogue prompt
Dice roll prompt
Fandom prompt
Image prompt
Masterlist prompt
Multiple prompt
One word prompt
Prompts list
Prompt set
Song prompts
Writing tips / Masterlist / Vocabulary
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Ask meme
Event / AUgust / Drabblecember / Fictober / Inktober / MicroficMay / Promptober
Monthly / 30 days
Word numbers / Short Story / Microfic / Drabble
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New Year
Valentine's Day
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Alternative universe
Arranged Marriage
BDSM / Gore / Kink / Smut / NSFW
College / School / Academy
Dark / Manipulative
Friendship / BrOTP
Flower / Plant
Horror / Terror / Spooky
Love / Date / Heartbreak / Break up / Jealousy
Pain / Sick / Whump
(Something) to lovers
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A/B/O (Omegaverse) / Werewolf/Lycan
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hp-flowers · 1 year
Prompt Challenges and Events for May
Here are some other monthly challenges or events to combine HP Flowers’ Spring Round prompts with, should you need some more inspiration for your flowery works: >> Microfic May- a May HP multi-ship daily microfic prompt challenge, all prompts are up! >> Sapphic Microfics- HP Femslash daily microfic prompt challenge, and all May prompts are up! >> More HP Microfic communities by ship (Drarry, Wolfstar, Jily, Hinny, Prongsfoot, Marauders era femslash, etc.) >> HP Coffeehouse- monthly prompts for coffee or tea based works >> Liquid Luck Drabble and Art Challenge- bi-monthly prompts for fic and art works >> Wood You Rather- Oliver Wood-centric prompt challenge (the event may be over after April, but late submissions are welcome)! >> HP Fruit Fest- low-key, chill fest that runs until June 21st for all the fruity goodness! >> House of Snarry- This Discord releases monthly prompts for creators to make Snarry content. May prompts have been posted up! >> Domaystic- a May multi-ship and multi-fandom daily prompt challenge based on the domestic trope, all prompts are posted up! >> Ageplay May- a May multi-ship and multi-fandom daily prompt challenge based on the ageplay trope, all prompts are posted up! >> Whumpay- a May multi-ship and multi-fandom daily prompt challenge based on all the whumpy and painful things, all prompts are posted up! >> Play the List Bingo- a multi-ship and multi-fandom bingo challenge inspired by songs and music; see all the bingo cards and prompts available >> May Mixtape Challenge- A May writing challenge where you can grab a playlist and let the music guide you! >> Year of the OTP- a multi-ship and multi-fandom event designed to encourage creators to make more content for a particular ship they love and end 2023 with 12 new works for an OTP. Prompts for the whole year have been posted! If you know of other challenges that should be added to the list, send an ask. :) Cheers, and have fun!
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