clumsyhusky06 · 1 year
my cat: that perch doesn't look too stable, but it's squishy enough to sink my claws in for stability
me, attached to that squishy thing that is now gushing blood: D:
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sanjiaftersex · 1 month
remember when sanji was fighting CP7's ramen guy wanze who had a full armour made of ramen noodles and Sanji cut the armour up and served the noodles neatly in plates around the kitchen because he has a principle of never wasting food my dear sanji you are so honorable
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royalarchivist · 7 months
[Context: While talking about how he lost his leg, Pac accidentally says "Felps" instead of "Cell"]
Pac: Felps— no, it was Cellbit. Guys, I got confused, it was a lot of trauma in my life, they bit my leg while I was awake and conscious. At that moment, I passed out, I don't remember if it was Cellbit or Felps, both of them were there.
[ Translation via @TZC_updates ]
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bunitivity · 8 months
Sanji hemming and hawing to himself about his sudden inexplicable crush on Usopp in the kitchen late one night only for Luffy to walk in on him and hear everything. And he’s like great now everyone is going to know and tries to threaten him into silence despite knowing full well that Luffy cannot keep a secret to save his life. And Luffy is like relax I would never tell on you and I can keep a secret as long as no one asks point blank and who in the world would even ask him something like that if ever lol.
“Sometimes I forget that you can be mature sometimes.”
“Thanks.” Luffy grins as he picks his nose.
“You’ve the grossest man I’ve met.”
Luffy just laughs.
This turns into Sanji now confiding in Luffy about all his love troubles big and mundane whether it be about the fact that he accidentally brushed fingers with Usopp or some other lovesick Sanji nonsense. Luffy is not thrilled at first because of his short attention span and restless energy but fortunately Sanji quickly figures out just how to keep him around long enough to get things off his chest with just the right amount of finger foods.
So it starts with Luffy just sticking around just for the food and then because there’s something so fascinating endearing even about seeing Sanji actually in love. It’s so different from the way he usually fawns over women. So much more vulnerable and earnest and Luffy can’t just look away. So much so he even sticks around after Sanji has stopped feeding him snacks which is his usual signal that Luffy can go now.
He also finds that he really really likes hearing about Usopp through Sanji’s eyes because he’s usually right and true. Usopp really is the most amazing most perfect person ever. And he tells Sanji as much. Talking about the things he personally likes about Usopp. “I just really like his laugh and making him laugh and stuff like that.”
Sanji stops cold.
“Wait are you in love with him??”
Luffy’s first answer is “No” then “wait” then he thinks about it for a few seconds and goes “oh yeah I guess I am.”
“You guess??”
“Never really thought about it before.”
Sanji puts his head on the table. “I cannot believe this.”
Luffy blinks dumbfounded still licking his empty plate. “Hwat?”(what?”)
“I cannot believe you would do this to me.”
“Do what?”
“I trusted you!”
Now Luffy is truly and well lost. “Sanji?”
“Do you even know what any of this means?”
Luffy knows nothing. “I don’t think I understand anything.”
Sanji whips up his head to glare at him. “That means we’re love rivals!”
Luffy frowned. “You mean like you and Zoro?”
“No! God forbid! What I mean is that we can’t both like Usopp!”
”Why not?”
“Because he can only like one of us obviously.”
Luffy frowns. “Says who?”
“Says everyone!”
Luffy just wrinkles his nose and picks the crumbs off his plate.
“Which means!” Sanji continues. “That we can’t have any of these secret rendezvous anymore since we’re enemies now.”
“Nooo! But I love my little secret snack time with Sanji! They’re always so fun!”
Sanji’s heart gives an involuntary skip but then he twists his lips. “You’re just saying that because I always give you food.”
“That’s true but-“
“Get. Out.”
Then he very unceremoniously kicks Luffy out of his kitchen.
They don’t spend time apart for too long because Luffy is a fucking pest who won’t leave him alone and he plays dirty by sending Usopp as an intermediary to fix things between them and how could Sanji say no to him? (he does very loudly and harshly at first just to waylay any suspicions that he might be soft on him before folding almost immediately after). He might also have missed Luffy’s company just a tiny bit but he would sooner fall on one of mosshead’s stupid swords than admit to any of that.
Now that they know they’re both in love with Usopp their little rendezvous changes from Sanji just one sidedly talking at Luffy yapping away about his feelings to Luffy actively participating. He doesn’t talk as much nor wax as poetically about all of Usopp’s virtues like Sanji does but he does learn a lot about Usopp through him. The more childish and rambunctious side that Luffy brings out whenever they’re together and just falls that much more for him.
Also seeing the usual very unaffected and confident Luffy so aware of his feelings(and blushing! Something he never thought would ever see) just plucked on his heartstrings. Spending time with his quote unquote love rival turned out to be a lot more fun than Sanji could ever have anticipated.
There’s an easy camaraderie underlined by something more as they fall back into their old routine. Expanding beyond their(Sanji’s) hopeless romance. Just growing closer and becoming more fond of each other.
But then everything comes crashing down all at once.
Sanji is just watching them one day. Luffy and Usopp being chaotic and fucking insufferable. He sees the way Usopp’s eyes shines and the way he smiles at Luffy and realizes oh he’s in love with him.
Sanji knows he should be happy for him. He knows Luffy would be if the shoe were on the other foot. But he just can’t. He feels utterly betrayed and so fucking devastated and Sanji just hates him. Any fond feelings that he might have been growing for his captain shrivels up and dies.
Luffy is surprised when Sanji suddenly shuts him out of nowhere. He can tell it’s way worse than it was last time but at least last time he had known why Sanji had been pissed at him. Last time he was at least talking to him if only to tell him to fuck off. Now there’s just this veneer of professionalism as Sanji keeps him at arm’s length as if they’re nothing more than captain and cook. Acting as if he’s nothing more than a subordinate who just works for him. Calling him captain in that cold and detached way and never by his name. And Luffy hates it.
So of course he has to confront him about it.
It takes a lot of cajoling to get it out of him but Sanji eventually gives and lays into him about his absolute betrayal and cusses him out for getting ahead of him and making him look like a fool because he might not know but Usopp was definitely in love with him. But then he sees the look on Luffy’s face and something in Sanji just breaks. 
“You knew.” Luffy tries to look away but Sanji pushes. “You already knew he liked you.”
Luffy finally looks at him grimacing. “Why does it matter?”
Oh that hurts. 
“Because that means that you two are going to date now and there won’t be any room for me.”
“No!” Luffy looks aghast and tries to reach for him and Sanji flinches away. “There’s always going to be a room for you!”
There’s something about the way he says that that has Sanji’s heart seizing up but surely not?
“Luffy do you…like me?”
And then he smiles like Sanji had hung all the stars in the night sky and Sanji has to clutch his chest to prevent his treacherous heart from bursting free and leaping right into Luffy’s thieving hands. Fuck.
“Of course.”
“And not in a friend way but-“
“Sanji.” He stills him so easily with just the strength his voice and a gentle hand on his cheek. “I love you.”
Hearing him actually say it does unimaginable things to Sanji’s heart he might actually keel over and die.
But then he remembers and he retreats from Luffy’s hand. “And you love Usopp.”
“Yes I love all of you. Sanji, Usopp and Zoro.”
“Zoro? Zoro?? Where the fuck did Zoro come from???”
Luffy gives him a funny look. “Zoro has always been there.”
“You can’t-you can’t just do this-date all of us at the same time!”
“Says who?”
There’s this question again. Does he really think he can just do whatever he wants whenever he wants? Of course he does. It’s Luffy.
“Because then it wouldn’t mean anything. If you really love someone you would want them to feel special and loved. You would want to put them before anyone and anything. They should be your everything. There’s a reason people look for The One.”
Sanji doesn’t like the way Luffy looks at him. Like he’s seeing Sanji hadn’t meant him to.
Luffy shakes his head and is about to say something more bullheaded and untrue but Sanji can’t hear any more of this. Of his wild fantasies. He doesn’t like the way it gets his hopes up. It’s just cruel.
“Just choose me.”
“What? But what about Usopp and-“
“I’ll always love him but Usopp obviously doesn’t like me but you like me and I like you so-“
“You like me?” The dismay that had been slowly building on Luffy’s face is immediately washed away and replaced by that bright brilliant smile and Sanji can’t help but blush as he feels all that adoration suddenly shine down on him.
“Yes. So instead of all these needless complications and love triangles -love squares?- We should just keep it simple and date each since we already know that we like each other.”
All that adoration and fondness abruptly ebbs away and Sanji is left standing cold and adrift.
“Luffy,” Sanji takes his hands and forces himself to look into his clear and steadfast eyes. “Just choose me.”
Sanji sees the indecision in Luffy’s eyes and knows. He could never choose just him.
What else could Sanji have expected from the man who took the world by storm. Who seeks to stand atop of the world. Luffy wants to be the freest man in the world of course he wouldn’t just settle for Sanji. No one ever does. It’s so arrogant of him to think he could ever deserve all of the love and the attention of the man who is destined to be king of the pirates.
So Sanji lets go and walks away.
Of course it’s in that moment that he walks in on Zoro and Usopp hooking up and just screams.
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cats-and-confusion · 2 months
Seriously considering getting mobility aids, my legs are in so much agony right now that I'm literally panting after walking for 15 seconds, I just don't know what kind to get.
It has to be easily portable, able to support both of my legs, and be easy to get out and put away. where the heck am I gonna find something like that??
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 5 months
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I only care about insignificant things, so. here's an ow2 junkrat edit where his left pant leg matches his right.
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hauntedpotat · 3 months
For context at band camp there's a really steep hill and when we march on the streets we go up and then down said hill, while playing etc
I'm not kidding it's probably a 70 degree angle and I know math stuff
I hate it so much because I have snare drum and I can't lift my knees very far without hitting the bottom of the drum so the entire percussion section is just struggling for like 30 feet
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davinciae · 10 months
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saw a painting
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twizzlers-disliker · 8 months
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holy moly baboly
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barnbridges · 1 year
i adore how it took genuinely two days in a dorm for some girls girl to look at me, a masculine lesbian who dresses like adam sandler and doesnt shave my legs, to be like ew why is she appealing to men.
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lokilysolbitch · 1 year
me getting my ass beat by chronic illness and ignoring it so i can do arts and crafts: bruh i cannot find my scissors anywhere. do y'all know where they are bc i cannot figure it out
my deities: damn that sucks anyways um what if we had wind down chill time together💅what if we just sat down maybe even got into bed and watched a movie idk--
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got too autistic about something and now it Physically Hurts event. </3
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bumblebeerror · 2 years
I’m like,,, 9 months on t now and I’ve had (not super noticeable but definitely still there if I don’t shave it) facial hair since like the 3 month mark,, and every time I shave my face it ow :(
Face hurt :(
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halloweeneva · 1 month
Nothing like that 3AM All-Consuming pain wake up 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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robinniko · 2 months
idk why im shocked my leg is cramping im pretty sure im dehydrated
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bananacat76 · 4 months
why must i be subjected to this pain i hate this so much whwywhwywhywhwywhwywhwwywwhywhwwhwywhw
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