#i dont have to answer to anyone why i dont do x or y or why i dress in a certain way
barnbridges · 1 year
i adore how it took genuinely two days in a dorm for some girls girl to look at me, a masculine lesbian who dresses like adam sandler and doesnt shave my legs, to be like ew why is she appealing to men.
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
hiii!!!! lando and best friend reader and shes gotten into one of those sad days because shes thinking of how shes never dated anyone or had her first kiss or anything. and he offers to take her out on a date as friends and thats when he realizes hes in love with her (shes been in love with him this whole time). but they dont really say anything, but they just get increasingly more affectionate as best friends as the days go by. and everyone around them can see theyre so in love with each other - 🍒anon
loveless — LN4
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, slight swearing
a/n: lando p5 in japan HE WAS SO CLOSE TO BEING ON PODIUM
masterlist !
⋆ ˚ 。 ⋆ ୨୧ ˚
y/n loved her small apartment in monaco. she loved it so much in fact that she's convinced her best friend that she's fine staying in day after day.
however if you got to know y/n, you'd learn this is out of the ordinary for the girl. usually she'd be out partying with lando, or hanging around the other members of the f1 grid. not sulking in her bathrobe and pajamas for three days in a row.
on the fourth day she recieved multiple texts from her best friend, lando norris, asking if she wanted to go out for drinks with him and a couple of friends.
y/n groaned, after reading the messages more than once. she really didn't have the energy to go out. not since her almost date last week didn't go as planned.
she met a rather attractive uni student on tinder, and they talked for a few days to get to know each other. less than a week later they planned to have dinner at a nice monegasque restaurant.
long story short, said tinder date never showed up, and never texted y/n the next morning explaining himself.
before the 'date' y/n didn't really believe in love. so of course, this screwed up with her perception of it even more.
lando was informed about the date, and was happy for y/n. he knew her history of falling in love was bleak, and he just wanted to be happy for her. so seeing his best friend wrapped up in three colorful blankets in her messy bedroom put a damper in his mood.
"what did i tell you about laying in the dark?" lando's voice surprises y/n. she jumps, before pausing her netflix show on her laptop.
"lan? what are you doing here?" she sits up, her eyes adjusting to the light lando just turned on.
lando sits on the edge of the bed, moving the laptop away from y/n, causing her to sit up as well.
"well you never answered my texts about going out tonight, so i figured i'd come here. plus you gave me that apartment key years ago."
y/n sighs. she knows she doesn't have the energy to go out tonight. "do i have to?"
lando sends y/n a sympathetic look. "maybe it could get your mind off that douche who stood you up last week. he obviously missed out on getting to know a great girl."
y/n's heart warmed at lando's words. he always knew how to cheer her up after she fell down.
y/n lets out a groan and falls back onto her pillows, her blankets encasing her once again.
"what if i never fall in love?" y/n thinks out loud. "or never go on a proper date? or mever even have my first kiss?"
lando's eyebrows furrow, "you've never had your first kiss?"
y/n takes the opportunity to kick his thigh, "yes shitbird, you know this." she lets out a small chuckle as he groans from the attack.
lando recalls her words again, "wait you've never been on a date either?"
y/n shakes her head, "nope."
"so that's why you're so beat up about this one not working out. i get it now," lando stands and walks towards y/n's opened closet door.
y/n sits up again, "lando what are you doing? i told you i don't feel like going out tonight."
lando ignores her for a moment as he continues sifting through her closet. his eyes and hands stop on a light purple dress.
"you still have this?" he holds it at an angle so y/n can see from her bed.
she nods, "of course. i've never gotten rid of any birthday present from you."
lando silently takes it off the hanger and throws it on the bed, making y/n confused.
"you and i are going out tonight," lando says confidently. "i'm taking you on a proper date. i'll text pierre, charles and carlos that i'll go out with them some other time."
y/n stares at him dumbfounded. she can't believe lando is taking her out on a date.
"when you say a proper date, what exactly does that entail?" y/n wonders, now removing her blankets from her body.
lando starts looking through y/n's very impressive shoe collection. "a very nice drive to an expensive restaurant, possinly with a candle lit dinner. you and i enjoying the best monegasque food we can. and maybe end the date with a classic near-the-front-door kiss."
y/n's taken back by his words again. she can't believe what she's hearing.
lando places a pair of white heels beside the dress on the bed, and leans forward slightly. "i'll be waiting in your living room, okay?" and with that, he kisses her forehead. the motion's been done a million times, but this time however felt different for the both of them.
y/n stares at her now closed bedroom door, and chuckles in disbelief while picking up the dress. maybe this was the push she needed to get out there again. party with her friends, and maybe go on more dates.
so she did as lando told. she was quick to brush through her hair, and change into the dress and heels. she styled it with silver jewelry and made sure to grab her small handled clutch before leaving her room.
lando stands from the couch. "now i think you look much better in this, than being covered in blankets."
y/n blushes at his words.
"do you have an idea of where we're going?" she locks her apartment door behind her, before lando leads her down the stairs with his hand on her lower back.
lando was starstuck.
during the ride to the restaurant, all the way up until they got the bill. (of course being the gentleman he is, he paid.)
he could barely take his eyes off y/n. he saw them shimmer as she spoke about her new job starting this month. he noticed how excited she got when he parked outside her favorite fancier restaurant.
now he was holding her heels for her, after giving her his jacket once the midnight air hit her skin. they were walking along the streets of monaco, planning on doing a little wrap around the block to get back to lando's car.
as the duo was talking and walking, they're arms kept brushing against each others. y/n couldn't help but giggle almost everytime, thanks to the white wine slowly making it's way in her system from dinner.
lando thought it was the best sound in the world.
on the way back to y/n's apartment, lando contemplated resting his hand over her thigh. she sat towards him, angling her body, so in theory he easily could hold onto her leg. however he refrained, but his heartbeat sped up when he felt y/n grab his right hand. she played with his fingers, and ending up enclosing her hand in his. he hummed at the feeling.
"so, we've done almost everything on my list to get you to have a perfect date," lando speaks as the pair stops right in front of y/n's door.
"what are we missing?" y/n asks, forgetting what he had stated earlier in the evening.
lando smiles down at the girl, his pupils dilating. "in order for you to have a perfect date, we have to have a near-the-front-door kiss."
y/n instantly blushes. she's thought about kissing lando before, but never thought any of her daydreams would become a reality.
lando steps forward and places his unoccupied hand on her pink cheek. he runs his thumb over the skin, and notices her pupils becoming wider.
"so what do you say?" lando almost whispers, the rasp in his voice becoming evident.
y/n looks between his eyes, and can't come up with a complete sentence as her mind falls blank.
silently y/n stands on her tip toes and grabs lando's face between her hands. she brings him down to her to connect their lips.
his taste like chocolate, from the slice of cake he ordered for dessert. hers taste like sugar and cinnamon from the cocktail she had at the end of the night.
lando brings his other hand around to y/n's back. she can't help but smile against his lips at the feeling of his arm around her. in the hundreds of times she's pictured kissing her best friend, it never ended like this.
the two finally pulled away, both of their cheeks blushed and pupils wide.
they both let out a rather large breath, and in the span of three seconds, y/n's opening her apartment door with lando following right on her tail. before they can fully step inside, lando's lips meet hers again, and lando definitely plans on spending the night.
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
Can you write a fluff about Matt x reader, and he invites her to film a video for his personal channel introducing the reader as his girlfriend to the fans and answering some questions about their relationship.
meet her
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warnings: fluff, swearing, kissing, just very slightly suggestive
a/n: y’all, be honest, does the cover photo match? green and brown? idk 😕
a/n 2: yall I dont have instagram and dont have any idea how the qhole questions thing works, so bare w me
“my girlfriend”
“hi everyone, welcome back.” matt says, looking at the camera, his lips parted as he thinks of what to say next and how he’d like the video to go. “as you know, i made a post the other week about having a girlfriend but didnt say who she was.” he spoke, taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves before continuing.
“i’d, uh, like to introduce you all to my-“ matt took in a sharp inhale, glancing over at his girlfriend, whom was silently encouraging him. “my girlfriend.” he finishes, grabbing his girlfriends hand and bringing her into frame.
“hi!! my name is y/n.” she says, waving at the camera, her voice enthusiastic with a grin on her face. y/n has been waiting to finally announce her and matt’s relationship. she’s been waiting patiently for matt to be ready, as much as she wanted to, she’d never do such a thing without his consent.
matt fidgeted with her fingers, a nervous smile on his face. he was ready to introduce the love of his life to the internet, he was always ready. he just wanted to make sure y/n and him would last long enough for it to be okay to tell everyone. he didnt want to show everyone his girlfriend just for them to break up a week later.
and he knew y/n would never leave him. he was sure of it, she’d proved it so many times before.
another thing he was nervous about, he didnt want anyone going and bashing his girlfriend, sending death threats or doxxing her. she meant so much to him and he didnt want to risk their love, the love he’d been desiring for years.
“we’ll be answering some of your questions.” he spoke up, clearing his throat and letting go of y/ns hand. he grabbed his phone from his pocket and went to his instagram, reading the answers of the ‘questions?’ thing he put up the other day.
y/n stared down at his phone, chewing on her cheeks in order to hide the growing grin on her face. she was just so excited.
“alright,” matt said, looking up from his phone and at the camera. “first question is,” he mumbled, his eyes scanning the letters. “how long have you been together for?”
“y/n and I have been together, for about, six or seven months now, I’d say?” he said, looking over to y/n for re-assurance.
“yep! best seven months of my life.” she replied in return, balancing onto one of her legs as she stood. her legs getting slightly tired. (she was still recovering from last night)
matt noticed this and pushed his chair out some so y/n could sit on his lap easily. he grabbed his phone and looked for anothe reasonable question. as he did so, he pat his lap, inviting y/n.
y/n took the offer and gently sat on him, leaning her back into his chest and her head on his shoulder. basking in the moment, sitting with her boyfriend and answering questions about their relationship. it was so nice and comforting.
“okay, another one says, ‘have you guys dropped the L bombs yet?’” he giggled, resting his chin on y/ns shoulder.
y/n giggled along with him, a big grin on her face. “yes, we have.” she answered, their giggles dying down as they read matts phone together.
“can I read a question?” y/n asked, leaning her head to the side some, resting her forehead onto matts neck to get a better look at his phone.
“sure” matt passed his phone over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and folding his hands together on y/ns thighs.
“are you dating to marry or dating to play?” y/n spoke, her eyes widening as she realized.
matt looked over at her in surprise, a light scoff leaving his lips. “what? i’m dating to marry. why the fuck would I date to play?” he looked over at the camera, raising his eyebrows.
“I probably should proofread these questions first” y/n chuckled, her hand coming down to rest ontop of matts. gently rubbing his hand with her thumb, comforting and assuring him.
“dating to marry” y/n answered shortly, her voice trailing off as she was already scanning another question.
“alrighty, this question is good, good as in like, acceptable.” she mumbled, perking her head back up and looking at matt through the camera.
“has your girlfriend moved in?” she read, a small grin growing on her face.
“not yet, but im planning on moving in, in about a..?” she looked over to matt for an answer.
“a month or two. she needs to pack her apartment up and etc” he replied, a chuckle slipping past his lips.
“alright you guys, thats all for today. thanks for watching!” matt finished off the video, letting y/n wave bye before he grabbed the camera and screamed in the lens, hearing y/n fall into a fit of giggles.
895 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @e1ias3 @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza
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norizz-nation · 11 months
Hiii can you please do Charles leclerc x innocent reader and they have been best friends since childhood and he’s so soft for her and protective and like daddy and baby girl relationship please 🙏
Sure girl, hope you enjoy 😮‍💨
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Just with me ❤️
Summary: you always saw your childhood best friend charles dating so many girls but you were there with no boyfriends so you decided to go on a date with a guy you met on tinder which charles definitely hated
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, daddy kink, size kink, innocence kink, praise kink
Although you and charles were friends since you guys were kids but nowadays you feel like he isn’t the kid you were friends with anymore. He’s a man now. A grown man. A man who always goes out with girls. He’s never single. But at the same time he made you feel like you’re someone special. Someone he can always trust, he can always share a laugh with, someone who he needs to protect at all cost. He always made you feel so safe. But no matter what, he was dating others that made you feel jealous but he knew that you would never date anyone since all your life the only guy you know is charles. But surprise, you downloaded an app called tinder where you started to talk to this guy and tonight was a date night with him.
You got all dressed up and left for your date. After arriving at the restaurant you scanned the whole place to find the guy you met on tinder. After a while you saw a hand raise signaling you thats him. You then settled yourself down and smiled at him. God, this is so awkward. You guys had dinner and talked a little but it wasn’t that much of a nice date. Honestly you dont even know why you’re here. Maybe competing charles in this was a stupid idea. “Hey um.. i had fun but i guess i gotta go now. I’ve got some stuffs that needs to be done” you said as you grabbed your purse and got up and you felt a hand grabbing your wrist harshly as you turned around to face him. God. He was not looking safe. You got so scared and tried to pull away but he grabbed your wrist hard and pulled you closer to him. You tried your best to pull away. “Let m-me go!” You said sounding frustrated. “You’re not gonna leave until we do something fun. We’ve met on tinder for a reason my love.” He said calmly as you started to scared.
You were a virgin. Although you’re charles’ age yet you never had sex with anyone. Your mind started to wander as you were hoping to see charles somewhere at the restaurant and thank god. Miracle happened, you saw charles from a distance and caught his eyes. At first he waved and smiled at you but his smiled slowly disappeared as he saw you with another guy. Someone he definitely doesn’t know. Someone who looks really unsafe and psychotic. Charles’ expression was a concerned one as he came to your table. “Whats going on here y/n? Who’s this guy?” Charles asked as he pointed a finger at him. You were so caught up in that situation that you weren’t able to answer his question. “Y/n?” He called out and you flinched and looked at him. “Im her boyfriend” that guy from tinder said as charles turned around to look at him and then looked at you. “Boyfriend?” Charles asked, looking at you as his brows furrowed. “Where did you even meet him?” He asked you. “On tinder” you said sounding embarrassed. Charles then scoffed as if it was just silly to him that you went on a date with someone from tinder. “But charles he’s not my boyfriend!” you explained and he just nodded and smiled. “He was kinda forcing me to sleep with him” you said, your words were like little whispers. Charles’ smile faded as he looked at you, his eyes so serious, his stare burning you. His jaw clenched when he say you so uncomfortable in front of that guy.
It felt like a movie when you saw charles punch that guy out of nowhere. Everything just happened so fast. “What the fuck man?!” that guy shouted as everyone looked at our way, gasping. “Charles! Stop please!” You screamed at him as you tried to pull his away from that guy whose nose was bleeding right now. “Apologize to her, right fucking now! If i see you near her again I’ll fucking kill you. I fucking swear you’re gonna be fucking dead.” Charles said as he grabbed his collar. That guy then got up and immediately apologized to you and left murmuring some “total asshole” or something.
Charles then turned to see you looking up at him. He then went closer and hugged you tightly and kissed your head, brushing his fingers through your hair. You let out a long sigh as your grip around him tightened. “Its okay y/n, im here now. You’re always safe with me, i promise” he said as he looked down at you smiling softly as you smiled back at him.
After reaching home, your home, you laid on your back in your bed as you groaned because you were tired as charles took his shoes off. You turned your head to look at him. “Shouldn’t you be with your i dont know 8th girlfriend of this month right now? Why are you here?” You asked. His face was really pissed for some reason, and you didn’t know why. He came closer to you so he was standing right in front of you as you looked up at him. God, you always loved him so much. He’s so beautiful. His thumb brushed your chin as your mouth started to part a bit. “Its so cute how you think you can date others just because i always date others. Well good news for you. Your trick worked. You did make me jealous” he said as he leaned down to whisper in your ear “but i know you’re always waiting for me. I know you’re still a virgin only for me and its so cute” his words made your heart beat faster as you looked at him, his smirking face making you more needy for him.
“But you’re always busy dating others. Im tired of waiting for you charles” you said as you sighed. Charles just giggled at you “you’re so innocent baby. you do know that right?” he said as he brushed your hair away from your face. “I always loved you, i just wanted to see how you would react to it. And it’s so cute that you wanted to make me all jealous for you” his face was just an inch away from yours. You parted your lips but he just smirked and pulled away giving a soft kiss on your nose. You then whined out as Charles sat on the edge of your bed and rested his upper body’s weight in his palm. “Get up baby girl” he said as you got confused. You got up standing in front of him as you looked down at him. “Take all your clothes off baby girl, nice and slow. I wanna see what I’ve been missing all this time” he said as you softly smiled at you. Your cheeks grew red as you unbuttoned your top and pulled your skirt down along with your panties and unhooked your bra. You then bend over to take off your heels but charles interrupted you as he got up and towered in front of you. Although you were wearing heels yet charles was like a giant in front of your figure. “Keep those heels on, you look so hot like that, so pretty. All for me baby girl?” He asked as you nodded. He then cupped your face and made you look up at him “you gotta speak with that pretty little mouth of yours baby girl”
“Im all yours charles” you said he smiled but his smile disappeared after few seconds. You were feeling so needy just by the fact that you were naked while charles was still fully clothed. You were wearing nothing but your black heels. “Charles? Baby girl i dont think you’re that innocent that you dont know what to call me” he said as he brushed your cheek with his thumb. “Im all y-yours daddy” you said softly as you looked up at him. His smile grew as he kissed your lips softly “that’s my good baby girl” he said.
You dont know how much but you were literally squirming for him right now. Your legs on his shoulder as he kept teasing you by rubbing your clit with the tip of his dick. The wet sounds it made was making you more whiny and needy for him. “Please daddy j-just fuck m-me please” you begged. “Are you sure you can take it baby girl? Can your pretty little pussy take it like a good girl?” God his words made you so over the edge right now. “I-i can, please d-daddy” you whined out as charles pushed his dick inside of you. Your jaw dropped as your head fell back and your grip on his forearm getting tighter. “Fuuuck you feel so good baby girl, so fuckin good” charles groaned as he fucked you in a slow pace, letting you adjust first.
“Daddy i-its so f-fucking b-big oh my god!” You screamed those words as charles’ pace got faster. His hips slapping your ass as he thrusted harder inside of you. “You’re so perfect baby girl, so beautiful fuck” he said breathlessly as he groaned more. His groans made you come closer to your orgasm as you felt your legs starting to shake, forehead sweating as you bit on your lip to adjust to the staggering amount of pleasure he was giving you. You couldn’t even tell him before cumming, you were so caught up in your orgasm that you forgot to tell him that you’re gonna cum. You then let out a loud groan as charles stopped his pace and stayed in that position for a while.
You then got up and sat on your legs as you looked up at charles and he knew what you were thinking. He jerked off as you sticked your tongue out. His groans were getting louder and you looked at him straight in the eye as he came on your face, some landing in your mouth and some all over your face. You then smiled at him innocently as charles brushed your hair off your face as he looked at you with a soft look on his face “you’re so beautiful when you’re just with me and no one else baby girl” he said as your smile grew bigger.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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synopsis// suguru gives you your first tattoo.
➚ pairing// tattoo artist!suguru geto x gn!reader
➚ word count// 2k
contents// friends to lovers, tattooed and pierced geto, reader is a chicken, mentions of drinking, maybe like the ittiest bittiest type of suggestive toward the end...? slightly teasing/cocky geto?
notes// this is kinda cringe but i am cringe and free. also this was inspired by heart tattoo by joyce manor (dont play with me rn.) hoping this will help hold yall off till i can finish the smau...
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Geto meticulously cleans up his tattoo station, occasionally stopping to take a swig of the beer you so kindly brought him. 
“You’re quiet.” 
You hum as you take a sip of your own beer. 
He stops and turns around to face you, his eyebrow raised. “Why?” 
“I like watching you clean.” 
Geto laughs. Not just a small one either, but the kind that makes his nose crinkle and his cheeks bunch to the point his eyes are forced closed. You ignore the butterflies in your stomach, blaming it on the alcohol (even if this is only your first beer and definitely not enough to have any sort of effect on you, but you digress). 
“What’s so interesting about watching me clean anyway?” 
You huff, ignoring the increasing heat on your face. “I don’t know... Just shut up and finish cleaning, Suguru. I wanna leave.” 
He smiles and turns back around, continuing to clean. “I told you you could go home.” 
“And leave you to fend for yourself?”
“I’m a grown man.” 
“Whatever… Besides, I can’t drink all these beers by myself.” 
Geto doesn’t say anything, but his shoulders shake slightly with a small, silent laugh, and you can’t help but smile to yourself. You love his little quirks. You always have.
maybe a little too much.
Meanwhile, he picks up his tattoo machine and stares at it. There’s nothing particularly interesting about it; it’s just plain black, freshly wrapped in some black medical tape. 
“Hey Y/N?” 
“Something wrong?” 
He shakes his head and turns to face you again, tattoo machine still in hand. “You still don’t have any tattoos, huh?” 
“Um, no,” you respond sheepishly. “I’m not like scared or anything-“ 
“I wasn’t gonna say that.” 
“Oh. then what were you gonna say?” 
“Can I give you a tattoo?” 
You blink at him. It’s not like you don’t trust him. You trust Geto with your life. You trust him more than anyone or anything in the world. Shit, you might trust him even more than you trust yourself. It’s just…
Geto impatiently groans at your lack of answer. “Oh, cmon, you literally promised me when we were younger that you would let me tattoo you!” 
“That was when we were like twelve!” you scoff, in disbelief he’d throw something as old as that in your face… Maybe he’s been hanging around Gojo too much. 
“Give me one good reason why you won’t let me tattoo you.” 
You frown as you look away, and right away you can hear his footsteps as he places himself in your line of vision again. raising his eyebrows as if to ask, “well?” 
You mumble something under your breath that he doesn’t quite catch. “Y/N, you know I can’t hear you when you do that.” 
“I actually am scared!” you finally say loud enough for him to hear, and it comes out more like a single word than a full sentence.
Geto can't help but giggle, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth, but not even that helps.
“Suguru, this isn't funny; I'm being vulnerable here!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he says through stifled laughter before finally calming down enough to clear his throat. “You're right, it isn’t funny,“ he pauses for a moment. ”Wanna know something?”
“Getting tattooed scares me too.”
“Liar,” you scoff. “You're covered in them.”
Geto shrugs. “Doesn’t mean it’s not unnerving each time.”
“I just don’t want it to hurt,” you explain with a slight pout.
“It’s a needle going in and out of your skin, Y/N.”
“Fine,” Suguru says with a sigh, and you think that's it; he's done, but not even a few seconds later does he speak up again: “What if I said I'll be gentle?”
“Haha.” Your brain immediately short circuits, and the butterflies in your stomach are something you can't blame on the alcohol this time. “Huh.”
Geto laughs softly. “With your tattoo?”
You nod blankly, your brain still not working properly and not yet actually computing what he’s still asking you.
“Yes?” he confirms excitedly.
“Yeah…” Finally, it hits you. “Wait, no! I mean, no. and not to mention you’ve been drinking?”
“Like two sips, Y/N,” he says with a slight pout and roll of his eyes. “You know better than anyone; it takes a lot more than that to get me drunk.”
“Okay, well, what about me? Isn't it bad to get tattoed when you’ve been drinking?”
“Oh my god, just say yes or no. You know I won’t be mad if you decide not to.”
You stare deep into Geto’s eyes, and he’s not lying; he won't be mad. disappointed, sure, but not mad. never mad, never when it comes to you. And right then and there, your conviction crumbles into a million tiny pieces, just dust in the wind.
“You can tattoo me. But!" you exclaim, pointing a finger at him as if lecturing him, “it has to be small! and somewhere where it doesn’t hurt.”
“Okay, I can't guarantee that last part, and you know that,” he says blankly.
You sigh in defeat. “Yeah, I know.”
Geto smiles at you softly and coos, “But I will try,” as he gently caresses your cheek before breaking away and turning around to pull back out the stuff he needs.
You stand there wide-eyed, and your jaw dropped. Geto is affectionate, sure, but he’s never been that affectionate. He couldn’t feel the same way, could he? You shake your head, denying that thought, even despite how hot you feel.
He just did that to comfort you.
That’s all.
He was just trying to be reassuring.
That's it.
At least that's what your brain is trying to say, but your heart is saying another with the way it violently beats against your rib cage.
The minute he turns around, you compose yourself, shutting your mouth and hoping to god he doesn’t notice your chest heaving almost uncontrollably.
Geto pats his tattoo chair. “Sit.”
You hesitate, standing there like a deer in headlights.
Geto clicks his tongue dramatically before grabbing your hand and leading you to his chair, mumbling a reassuring, “Trust me.”
You frown, placidly letting him drag you around like a rag doll. “I do trust you.”
“Then sit.”
And when he says it like that, how can you say no? When he’s staring at you so intently that it’s almost as if he can see right through you, how do you say no? You cant. So you don't. The only thing you can do is—petulantly—plop down into his tattoo chair.
“Sit right and lay your arm on the armrest.”
“No, do it like this.” By ‘this’ you mean with you hunched over and your arm resting on your leg rather than the armrest like Geto is telling you to.
He sighs deeply. "Y/N, your arm resting on your leg is not stable enough. like at all.”
“Do it like this or not at all.”
“Fine.” He raises an eyebrow at you in mild disapproval and says, "But if it comes out bad, it’s not my fault.”
You roll your eyes, unamused. Geto would never let anything he puts on your body come out even remotely bad. “Whatever.”
“Why like this anyway?”
“Because it’s comfortable..?”
Not really.
Like at all.
Actually, this is extremely uncomfortable, and you're sure your back will hate you later, but this gives you the best view of Geto, and that's all you care about.
“Okay, fine,” he says, not bothering to put up much more of a fight before getting in position. “Ready?”
“Yeah…” Not even a second later, you blurt out, “Wait!”
Geto’s head shoots up, his concerned eyes scanning your face intently. “What? What is it?”
You don't say a word; instead, you grab onto his shoulder with your free hand, prepared to claw into it if and when need be.
“Is that why you’re sitting like this?” He asks, a smug smile creeping onto his face as it finally hits him. “You just wanted to hold onto me?”
You nod sheepishly.
Geto smiles. “Are you ready now, then?”
You nod again.
but that's not good enough for him. He wants a real reply. “For real this time?”
“For real this time.”
Geto doesn't miss a beat, and you close your eyes as your face scrunches up in anticipation, your nails already sinking into his shoulder. But the minute the tattoo machine actually meets your skin, you peek one eye open because all you really feel is some vibration and the tiniest of scratches. It doesn’t hurt that bad at all, actually; it’s more than tolerable, and with that, your hand relaxes against his shoulder, still resting on it but no longer gripping him like he’s the only thing tying you to this earth.
It’s not long after that the feeling fades into the background of your mind, like a blur. Being tattooed isn’t even a thought in your brain at all right now. Geto could be tattooing a dick on your arm right now, and you wouldn’t even know because the only thing you can focus on is him.
The only thing you can ever focus on is him, if you’re being honest.
But right now, something is different. Seeing him in his element makes your knees go weak, and you’re grateful for the fact that you’re sitting. and suddenly you don’t know why you’ve never let him tattoo you sooner. You’d let him tattoo you a thousand more times if it meant you got to see him like this. He somehow makes the way he focuses look like art—from the way his brows are knitted together in concentration to the way he absentmindedly bites and fiddles with his lip piercings—it’s all art; he makes it look too beautiful. like he’s more modeling and pretending to focus than actually doing it. You involuntarily let out a deep, longing sigh, your eyes fluttering close in the process.
Geto’s gaze flits up to your face. “You're not about to pass out on me, right?”
You open your eyes and meet his gaze with a small, content smile on your face. “No, I'm fine, Suguru.”
“I mean, if you were, that would be fine too, because I'm done,” he replies, turning off his tattoo machine and moving away from you.
“Already?!” you ask, slightly shocked. It didn't feel like it had been that long.
“Yeah,” he says plainly as he stands up and starts quickly cleaning up his workstation once more. "Don't know what you were so scared of, dork.”
You open your mouth, ready to say something sarcastic or explain yourself, but before the words can even leave your mouth, before you can even think of them, Geto is turning back around to face you and cupping your chin in between his index finger and thumb.
Geto leans down at the same time he tilts your head up and places a chaste kiss on the corner of your (still open) mouth, cooing, “You took it so well.”
All you can do is laugh nervously. “What?” You're still giggling; you don't think you could do much else at this point. “What was that- Why did you just-“
Geto starts laughing along with you, except it’s not a defense mechanism for him; he’s just finding this all too amusing. “You didn't think I gave you a heart for no reason, did you?”
You quickly look down at your arm, the action ripping your chin out of Geto’s hold. “You gave me a heart,” you say absentmindedly, and it sounds more like a question than an actual statement.
“Are you just now noticing?” he asks, returning his hand to your chin and gently guiding you to look up at him again. “I thought you were watching the whole time.”
You swallow sharply, becoming acutely aware of how close his face is to yours again. “I was watching something the whole time, but it was not the actual tattoo.”
“Oh? and what was so much more interesting?”
“Mind your business-“
Geto barely even lets you finish your snarky remark before leaning in and kissing you again. except this time for real. except this time you kiss back.
and suddenly tattoos don’t seem so bad anymore, so long as they all end like this.
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normansnt · 8 months
(Alastor x male reader)
Explain to Alastor what Ace means
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"(Y/N)?" Called out Alastor to you
"Yes?" You answered not looking up from what you were reading.
"Would you like to go, get some coffee with me, in, what your generation calls, a date?"
Now to this you looked up.
"What?" You answered very confused
"In a...romantic way?" He tried explaining it to you thinking thats the part you didn't understand.
"I mean...I would love to but you dont have to push yourself if it would make you feel uncomfortable" you answered while you put your book down slowly on the coffee table.
"Uncomfortable? Why would it make me uncomfortable we are close are we not?"
Now he got confused as well.
"Well because...your ace and/or aro?"
"What is with that word, Rosie said it as well and the meaning of it still avoids me" he answered starting to get annoyed by his lack of understanding.
"What- ohhhh what did you say when did you die?"
"1933, however its quite rude to ask someone that." He answered looking at you in a scolding way.
"I'm sorry but because you lived back than thats why you don't know that word, please sit let me explain"
He sat down on the couch in front of you.
"Ok, so when we say 'ace' we refer to someone who has little to no sexual attraction and aromantic or aro is someone who has little to no romantic attraction. Of course there is much more to this subject but this kind of sums it up."
Alastor just stared at you.
Him? Not being interested in romantic relationships or sex??
Thats...true. He never felt the need to sleep with anyone he was doing totally fine without it. Romance...was another category completely however, and he didn't know if it was something he was interested in it or not.
He asked you out in the first place because he felt very good in your presence. He felt comfortable and content. Was that not romance?
"Alastor?" He has been staring at you for a while and it was quite creepy.
"Listen I understand thats a lot of information to process especially if you just realized some things about yourself so I can leave if you like-"
"No" Answered Alastor a bit fast. He has made up his mind. He might not be interested in a sexual relationship however he really wanted to kiss you right now.
"It might be true that I have not known this so far in my life or death, and you did make me realize some things about myself, but even so my offer still stands."
"Oh? Are you sure because I only want to if it doesn't make you uncom-"
You couldn't get the rest of your sentence out due to a pair of lips on yours.
Alastor kissed you.
You were stunned for a second but after you realized what was happening you kissed back immediately.
His lips were surprisingly soft, not to mention he did pretty good looking at the fact that it was his first kiss.
"Trust me, dear, If something would make me uncomfortable I wouldn't do it." He said grinning and holding your chin after you two parted.
You were a blushing mess.
You've never thought about Alastor that way, since you thought he was aromantic. But now that you did, fucking god, you like him.
Whit that thought in mind you kissed him again.
This time you stood up and he put his hands on your waist while yours were on his neck.
It wasn't a heated kiss and it will never be very likely you didn't want to step over his boundaries.
"...So my dear, would you like to get that coffee now?" He asked smiling while offering you his arm.
"I would love to" you smiled back at him.
Guys I have a serious problem Im literally shitting words I have never written this many fanfics in one go🥹
I literally love almost all characters in hazbin hotel so much I JUST CANNOT STOP💀
Thank you sm for the correction @whyarewehere103 😎🙏🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies,gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night🦖🧡
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
Hi!! Could I get some harry hook x male!reader where reader is the eldest child of Anna and Kristoff please? Also maybe reader looks just like his mum but acts like his dad? Thanks and sorry if it's too specific fjdjdjvjs
Always - Harry Hook x male!reader
a/n: I honestly think that reader personaliy is more like anna han kristoff. somehow i really struggled wih that. i lowkey hate this but i still hope you enjoy his <3
warnings: no use of y/n, making out, small fight/angst, ew emotions, I love some good drama, i hate this tbh, not proofread
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When Mal decided to open the barrier forever, it was cerainly an adjusment for everyone.
The Vks that came over to auradon were enrolled into auradon prep and all assigned an auradon student to help them settle in and answer any questions they might have.
You weren't the biggest fan of that arrangementt. Not because you didnt like or trust the vks, you were actually quite close with all of the cour four. You just werent a big people person. So having to share your dorm with someone you dont know and most likely having them at your side 24/7? Not ideal for you.
Especially when you heard who you were going to be paired with. 
But Mal had basically begged you to help. 
"Please. I know you dont like this but he is kind of difficult and i know that you could handle him. I dont know anyone else that could."
So you reluctantly agreed.
Mal was right. Harry Hook was certainly difficult. He was really stuck in ways and refused to change. He refused to follow any rules, he was mean and he hated school. And the worst thing? He was stupidly hot.
Now, you hated school just as much, and you did skip a few lessons here and there but you had respect for your teachers and your peers. And you knew that unfortunately school was important for your future. 
Usually you couldnt care less if other people got on trouble but harry was your responsibility now, so everytime he got into trouble, you were getting dragged into it. And you hated it.
So thats how you ended up in fairy godmothers office for the 7th time that week (it was thursday) sitting next to Harry, who just looked bored while you were about to beat him up.
This has been happeneing for almost 3 months at this point.
"This can not keep going on. Harry If you cannot follow the rules and integrate yourself into Auradon then we might be forced to take stronger action." 
Back in your dorm Harry threw himself onto his bed.
"Well that a tad overdramatic aye?"
You couldnt hold it in anymore. 
Without looking at him you stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
The rest of your day was spend ranting to Mal and Evie about Harry.  Mal hat texted Uma during your rant, telling her to speak with Harry. He would probably listen to her. She was his best friend after all.
You dreaded going to bed that night. Just being in the same room with him.
Uma left your Room just before you arrived, so when you entered Harry was sitting on his bed, a conflicted expression on his face. 
You decided to ignore him, just grabbing a pair of sweatpants and heading to the bathroom to change for bed.
When you exited the beathroom agin harry had also changed into sweatpants. GREY sweatpants.
Fuck. Was he trying to kill you?
His head perked up at the sound of the bathroom door. 
You looked over at him.
"What Hook?"
He looked a little conflicted still, which confused you. Why the sudden change in mood?
"Look... I'm nae good at this but- fuck..." He sighed exxasperated. "I wanted to apologize."
You head snapped to him again In surprise.
"I acted like a total dickhead." He started ranting, trying to get it all outbefore he mentally talked himself out of it. " I didnt care how I might hurt ya. And I don't even have a good reason for that. I was just scared. I was scared of being vulnerable. All I have ever known was the Isle. I am used to hiding myself behind a Tough outside and I was scared to change from that."
Harry quickly wiped his eyes of the tears swimming in them, hoping you wouldnt notice. But you did.
You were shocked by his sudden and surprisingly honest outburst. For a few very long seconds you just stared at each other.
"Harry...." You took a slow step towards him. "I'm sorry. I should've realized how hard this would be. And I know it will be difficult, but i promise you that from now on you wont have to hide anymore. You're safe here." 
Now, standing right before harry, you layed your hand on his shoulder. Harrys eyes met yours, once again swimming with tears but a small smile gacing his lips.
"Thank ye."
You reached up to wipe the tear that had fallen from his eye, your hand resting on harrys cheek, his head leaning into your touch.
You noticed how close you two had gotten. Your eyes flickering from harrys eyes to his lips for a split second.
"Harry?" Your noses brushed against each other ever so slightly.
"Yea?" His voice was barely a whisper.
"I really hope I'm not reading this wrong," You voice matched his. "but can I kiss you?"
Harry was silent, and for a few excruciating second you truly thought you were wrong. Harry was into guys, you knew that much. He didnt hide that part about himself. But did he like you?
"Yes please." 
A small sigh of relief left your mouth as you leaned in, your lips moving against his. Harrys hands moved to your hips, gripping at the exposed skin, thanks to your lack of shirt. In turn your hands wrapped around his neck, your fingers gripping onto his hair.
When you parted for air, you kept your eyes closed, your foreheads leaning against each other. 
For a few seconds all you could hear was you heavy breathing and your own heartbeat, loud in your ears, before Harry leaned in and kissed you again. His hands pulling you flush against his bare chest by your hips.
Once again you pulled back, this time a little more, looking into each others eyes.
"Thank ye, darlin"
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st6rrrs · 7 months
TRAITOR || rafe cameron x fem reader
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summary: the pogues find out yn's secret
warnings: cursing, arguing, soft rafe!!!, fluff?
a/n: idk if i should keep this into to a one shot or make a story!!!!
Part 2
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you and rafe were in his bed talking when you realized what time it was, 5:29pm
"Shit rafe i gotta go" you said
you jumped off of the bed and quickly put your clothes on
"where are you going?" he asked getting off the bed also
"i gotta go to the chateau to meet up with the pogues"
he groaned.
you grab your backpack and head to the door but before you could open it rafe got in front of you.
"do you have to leave" rafe whines
"yes rafe, i'll be back in a couple of hours" you say
"fine" he groans again but louder this time, he walks back to the bed laying on it getting his phone out, you roll your eyes and exit the room.
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you get on your bike and start pedaling towards the cut.
you and rafe have been dating for a couple of months now but you guys haven't told anyone yet. if the pogues find out that you and rafe have been dating they would be PISSED
thats one of the reasons you dont wanna go public, rafe honestly doesn't give a shit if anyone finds out because he will still love you and you would still love him.
you arrive at the chateau and you see the pogues on the front porch, Sarah was sitting next to john b? why was Sarah here?
kie disliked Sarah for as long as you can remember. When kie and Sarah were friends Sarah threw this party without inviting kie and kie got mad and called the cops.
"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her."
you hear kie say as you approach them
"stop talking about me like im not here" Sarah says
"then leave."
"umm whats happening?" you mouth to pope and jj passing kie, Sarah, and john b them to busy arguing to notice you. You walk over to sit in between jj and pope.
"john b is banging Sarah" jj says while laughing
"WHAT" you almost yell
"oh look y/n is here, why dont we ask her opinion is on this" kie says
"please don't" you whine "but if im being honest i dont think its a good idea"
Sarah's scoffs
"oh you can talk" she says looking at you
"what?" you laugh
"like you aren't fucking my brother" she says rolling her eyes and looking away
you immediately go pale.
"is that true y/n?" kie ask you in disbelief
you don't answer her
jj gets up from beside you and just looks at you in disbelief. you look over at pope his hand on his forehead and he's shaking his head disappointed.
"you cant be fucking serious!" jj yells at you "he beat up pope with a golf club and then jumped us with topper and kelce"
jj has had a crush on you ever since you guys were 14 but you didn't feel the same way. Everyone always shipped you guys together but you wouldn't force yourself to date someone you didn't like You only liked jj as a friend but he never really listened to you.
"i-i-im sorry!! but he's different with me" you try to explain to them
"hes just gonna use you like he does every other girl on this island" Sarah says
"no he-" but before you could finish your sentence pope interrupted you
"just leave y/n." he said annoyed not looking at you
"g-guys please!"
"JUST FUCKING LEAVE JEEZ!" jj yells at you, you have never seen him this angry in the whole 7 years you knew him.
tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked at him. He had no remorse for what he said he was very angry and you could understand why but none of them even gave you a chance to explain yourself. You quickly grabbed your bag pack and left without looking back.
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you open the front door to the camerons household, rafe gave you the key when you guys started dating. the house was so quite and cold, you walk up the stairs to rafe room still sobbing.
you open his room door and hes sleep on his bed, it was sometime pass 7 you didn't want to wake him and you were exhausted yourself so you just laid next to him and got under the covers still sobbing quietly. you couldn't believe that jj would ever say that too you, it wasn't like him
you hear rafe groan awake
"y/n is that you" he says in his sleepy voice
"are you crying?"
"im fine go back to sleep rafe."
"no.,whats wrong come here" he gestured so you could lay on his chest
you gave in and sobbed in his chest for a while until you fell asleep.
part 2?
this might be bad but i tried 😪 👍🏻
@bbsxsaa @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @drewstarkeyslut @stvrkey. @blondbrat @sevenwivesofrafecameron @tracymbcm
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fookingmuffins · 8 months
it's time to go
James potter x reader
Summary: Angst. You love James, but it's time to go.
Warning: cheating, screaming and James being a dick.
A/n: lmao I really ran after posting like 4 fics, but I'm doing a little better and even though I'm stressed with uni I've been dying to write something, so I hope y'all enjoy. (This actually took me so long to finish and i dont lobe the ending but i needs to move on, oops)
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You sighed as you prepared to open the door to the house you shared with James. Once upon a time, you would've rushed in without a second thought. But lately the war had taken a toll on the two of you. Once happy moments were now filled with fear and dread, making you feel like you were drowning. And no matter how hard you tried to hold on to the love of your life, you could feel him shutting you out. James had always been an open book anyone who ever met him knew that, but lately he had built this wall meant to keep you away, only you. At first, you tried to understand and be patient considering everything you two were going through, but after countless fights of you begging for him to talk to you, you were tired. You squeezed your eyes shut once before pushing the door open and plastering a fake smile in your face, maybe today would be different.
"Jamie, I'm home, I brought your favorite from the bakery by my work!" you shouted into the house buy were greeted with only silence. After checking the house you realized you were alone which immediately sent you into a spiral of worry since James was supposed to be here an hour ago but deciding that maybe he had gotten caught up with something you tried to ignore your panic and start getting ready for your friend's Alice’s engagement party.
You heard the door open and close while you were finishing up with your hair, causing you to get up and genuinely smile when you saw James make his way to the bedroom that the two of you shared.
"I was wondering where you were, I got you some pastries they are in the counter." you tried, but he just gave you a tight-lipped smile with a wave before passing by you to your shared bedroom. You went after him and saw he was getting ready to jump in the shower. Figuring it was going to be another quiet afternoon, you sat at your vanity staring at yourself in the mirror holding back the tears threatening to spill and ruin your makeup and just prayed that at the wedding maybe you two could have fun like you used to. You didn't even realize how long you sat there until you heard James get out of the bathroom and start getting ready, and you decided to just get dressed too and sit by the window with a book while you waited for James to be ready.
"Are you okay?" You were broken out of your train of thought by James’s question.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. " You answered, giving him a similar smile to the one he gave you when he arrived.
"I don't know, you just keep staring into space, and it's kinda creepy." he tried to joke, but what once would've made you smile and roll your eyes instead caused a knot to form at your throat again, and you felt tears prickling your eyes once again.
"Well what am I supposed to do is not like I can talk to you anymore James you always shut me out, and I don’t know what to do anymore to get you to bring down the walls that keep shutting me out! I don't even know what I did for you to shut me out!" You couldn't help but let out everything for the millionth time, hoping that maybe today would be the last time you two were having this conversation and that he would finally open up and let you two go back to normal.
However, you soon realized that it was only wishful thinking because James immediately lowered his head and mumbled "For fuck's sake y/n not this again"
"Yes, this again, James! Please talk to me! Stop shutting me out, please!" you were a sobbing mess by this point, begging him to let you in, not caring if you ruined your makeup.
But James just shook his head and walked out, "I'll wait for you in the car while you get cleaned up, we can't do this right now, or we’ll be late." just like that, he left you alone frozen with mascara running down your cheeks. You felt numb and just quickly tried to clean up but when you were done and staring at your reflection stare back at you with puffy red eyes you just felt pathetic.
On the way neither one of you talked James kept his eyes on the road while you looked out the window too lost in your thoughts to realize your usual music that would usually be playing while the two of you drove was not playing, James realized, and he felt like he was suffocating in the empty car ride.
The wedding was beautiful and despite your problems you couldn't help but imagine that one day it would maybe be you and James standing in an altar professing your love in front of all your friends and family. You turned to look at him as Alice and Ben were sharing their vows, only to catch him staring at Lily, and she was staring right back at him. You felt something break in you as confusion overtook you. Why is he looking at her?
Was she the reason that you were slowly getting kicked to the curb? Back in Hogwarts everyone knew that James was obsessed with Lily but when she finally gave him a chance things just didn't work out. Then you caught James's attention, and the rest is history.
You tried to focus on the happy couple in the altar as the ceremony came to an end, but you felt someone was stabbing you and twisting the knife.
By some miracle during the reception James asked you to dance which shocked you, but his eyes seemed so sincere and like they were almost begging that you couldn't help but to foolishly be filled with hope once again. As you took his hand, he genuinely smiled at you again the way he used to with that same boyish grin that made you fall for him 5 years ago.
The two of you danced in the center of the dance floor spinning and laughing around, you had not been this happy in so long. After a particularly long fit of giggles, James pulled you closer and looked into your eyes with a spark that the two of you hadn't shared in months. When you two were about to lock lips, someone cleared their throat besides you two and the two of you pulled slightly away.
"James could I have a word with you please?" Lily asked looking at James who immediately pulled away from you and went with her after telling you he'd be right back. Just like that you were brought back to reality the cloud 9 that you had been in for a little bit long gone, and again the sinking feeling invaded you, feeling like you were drowning. You needed a drink.
You went to the bar and after getting your drink you decided it wasn't enough, and you needed air. You walked out of the salon where everybody was and made your way to the garden, and that's when you heard it.
"James! You said you two were over, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it! I can't beli-"
"I know, I know, but I can explain Lily please! I-I-I came here with her because she was embarrassed to come alone, so I promised this would be our last outing together." You felt your heart stop, air getting caught in your throat.
"What? That doesn't-" Lily started as you felt the glass in your hands slip and shatter on the ground.
Both of them froze and looked at where you were standing, you could feel a knot forming in your throat but glared at the pair in front of you with tears forming in your eyes.
"Y/n I can explain!"
" I think both of us want an explanation, James, but she deserves it more. Y/n/n I'm so sorry I had no idea you two were still together." Lily went to walk away and James was about to chase after her when she heard you scoff and as you turned around.
"Say goodbye to Alice and Ben for me, would you? I have to go." you rushed out before basically sprinting to the nearest exit, hearing James chase after you, which wasn't hard considering he was taller than you and an athlete. He grabbed your arm when you two had made it to the parking lot and turned you around.
"So that's why I'm getting the cold shoulder." you blurted out before whatever he was able to utter whatever shit excuse he was going to tell you. You almost wanted to laugh, which made you feel like you were insane, but you thought about all the hours you had spent over the past couple of months looking in the mirror trying to see what was wrong with you, overanalyzing every tiny detail in your face. Laying in bed staring at the ceiling, replaying everything you had done that day that might have set James off.
"No no baby, I swear it's not what it looks like, Lily is just bitter we didn't work out, and she's trying to sabotage us! I've just been so stressed because of it, and I am so sorry I let it out on you."
"Bullshit James! You were literally just talking shit about me before i showed up and ruined your little act." You were seething by this point, and James flinched after your outburst. You had never been one to scream, and he knew that, but right now you honestly felt like nothing was the same and you weren't the same. "A-and you wanted to chase after her and you know what? maybe you should. Maybe you have a better shot at getting her back because we are over James Potter! I-I am so tired... I-" You were crying from all the different emotions you were feeling at that moment. Finally getting some enlightenment about why your relationship was dying gave you some relief of the crushing pain you were feeling being hunted by the "what if's" and "why's" you weren't the problem.
James tried to get close and wrap his arms around you. god he felt like an idiot for hurting you. He honestly doesn't know what he was thinking. He had hoped you never found out and had planned to break up with Lily soon enough, but he just needed to explore a little what it could've been like if he had stayed with her. Plus the thrill of it was something that James had loved for the time being, but he never wanted to hurt you. His heart broke at the sight of you, he couldn't imagine what you were feeling.
"Don't even think about it! Don't ever touch me again don't ever look at me, I hate you so much Potter, I don't want to know anything about you from this day on James! We now mean nothing to me, we are strangers!" You glared at him in a way he had never seen you look at anyone, and felt his heart drop.
He tried to protest, feeling the tears leave his own eyes at the idea of losing you completely forever. But you just turned around and walked away.
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haniebabes · 2 months
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ - Jun as your childhood bestfriend who has feelings for you
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GENRE fluff, smut
PAIRING Jun x reader
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who loves hanging out with you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who always protected you from your bullies ever since your childhood
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who your parents loved, and still love to this day, he was like their son
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun whos parents treated you like their daughter
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who is still close to you even after you guys graduated still going to eachothers houses to hang out
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would trust you soooo much thst he would give you a spare key to his house, which in return you also gave him the key to your house as a return of trust
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who comforts you when you cry, he would always hum your favorite song while caressing your hair
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would not be embarrassed if you asked him to buy you pads, but he will be confused and ask you what size are you down there, and will be much more confused when you burst out laughing
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would even buy you your favorite snacks and drinks for you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who always used to help you with your homework back then when you and him are still in school
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would have you and him as his wallpaper
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would ramble in his private account about how hes so inlove with you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would agree to every tiktok trend you would make him do with you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who you would often find spaced out while admiring you, "earth to jun?" You say as you snap your fingers
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would who would only realize whats happening when you spoke, and would apologize and look in the oppisite direction
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would play truth or dare with you and yours and his friends, and when they dont wanna answer or do it, they will need to drink
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would drink instead of answering "whos your crush?"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would get jealous when another person admitted they have a crush on you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would suddenly talk in the middle of the convorsation of you and the guy who has a crush on you, saying "umm, I'll leave now by guys", thats when he akwardly walks to the door gripping hard on his bag, as he was holding back his tears
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who hated that he felt jealous when he saw you with another guy, telling himself that he has no right to get jealous, "why cant I be straight forward and tell her I like her like that guy did" he would say to himself, as he shoves his face on his pillow
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would ignore you for one week
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would get drunk in some bar with Minghao one of his close friends rambling about how stupid he is and how he loves you so much
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would pass out drunk, so minghao decided to do one thing, and its to call his emergency contact, and his emergency contact, is you, you would get the call at 12 am, with Minghao begging you to come to the bar, and come pick Jun up because Jun was just calling your name, and not letting anyone else take him home
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who you would pick up from the bar, but you were shocked because he still smelled nice, he smelled like fresh flowers and baby powder with a hint of alcohol
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who was known to be a light drinker, drank a lot based on what Minghao told you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who you would bring to his house and unlock it with a spare key he gave you, you would bring him to his bedroom and lay him down on his bed
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would pull you down for you to fall on top of his body
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun he would say "you dont know how much I love you y/n" he would say in a mumble way, which your gonna reply with "shut up your drunk Jun"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who you would find asleep right away after telling that to you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who you would have too wake up for him to change his clothes, but he would mutter "you do it"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would make you wipe a wet cloth on his body, and change his clothes
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would have you not leave him, and will still beg you to stay even if you said a bunch of excuses
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would make you wear his clothes so you could stay the night with him
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would wake up with you on his bed while he was hugging you, he was woken up by the thought of you on his bed, he was there frozen in place until he rembered everything that happened last night
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would see you wake up, and he would get shocked when you acted so calm with the situation, "good morning Jun"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would say "did you see my body?" because he saw that his clothes changed, which you would reply with "of course I did, but I didnt remove your underwear"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would get shy when you ask him "Jun do you have your phone in your pocket?"
"Heh... No.."
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would say that is sheepish way, looking down at his erection, "I cant help it you know..." he would say
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would be shocked when you ask him "can I help you with that?" After that, one thing led to another
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who was caught off guard when you started kissing him, but he would also immediately kiss you back, with that kiss turning into a heated make out session
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would be embarrassed when you complimented on how his dick looked, and how it hit his abdomen when you removed his underwear
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who didnt think he would ever experience having you on top of him naked
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would start whimpering when you started riding him, no need for prep, you were already wet enough, and with Juns facial expression, it doesnt look like he could wait either
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would have lewd facial expressions while you are riding him, which will make you more aroused
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would moan and whimper your name
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who felt like he was in cloud nine when he came, and you squirted all your juices all over his dick
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who was panting after what happened with you by his side panting also
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who swore that, that was the best ride he had ever had
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would havd both of cleaned and dressed up
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would cuddle up with you
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who was akward when you asked "why did you leave all of the sudden when we were hanging out and you ignored me for a week?"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would admit that he was jealous, and you would reply with "You do know I rejected him right?"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would be confused and say "What? Why?"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would get shy and all flustered when you say "because of you, I like you Jun", "h-huh?"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who would hug you tighter and say "I love you y/n" "I love you too Jun"
ChildhoodBestfriend!Jun who is know your loving boyfriend
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated
@haniebabes work
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Hello! Recently I've been reading your works (usually twst, disney and sometimes oc) and im really interested.
I would like to request yandere cinderella x reader please if thats okay!
Im not sure if there is any request rules i should follow since i cant really find any or if its open so sorry if i broke any of them! Btw no need to answer this if you aren't interested or dont have the energy, im just curious in how you would write them since they are very unique and nicely written. Remember please take care of yourself and take rest when you need to!! (since you literally post almost everyday)
I try I do post everday, though I'm surprised anyone noticed 🖤🖤🖤
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Yandere Genderbend Cinderella x Reader
To say you didn’t like you’re step-brother would be an understatement. 
You hated him. 
Him and all that he stood for.
It was disgusting, how wicked Ellwick was to you and your family. Not wicked in the way that he looked down on you; more so in the way that his existence was an obstacle to yours. Currently he made it his mission to insert himself where he never belonged, constantly upending your rightful place. You remembered the time before the single father and son duo shoved their way into your family’s lives. It was peaceful, well as peaceful as life with your family could be. Guns, knifes, drugs, cement shoes–the life that meant serving your family and running the city from behind the scenes. Your mother, your brother, and the many associates that joined your family. 
What can you say? Blood is binding especially when spilt.
Cinder Ellwick and his father came into your home under the silly notion of ‘healthy’ love. As if fighting alongside one another wasn’t love, these men marched into your lives expecting to ‘fix’ your already perfect family. 
Your brother and the many others could spot the foolishness in their morale, unfortunately your mother could not. Which devastated her the moment her new husband got his rightful comeuppance. 
“He shouldn’t have joined the game, if he didn’t know how to play.” 
Your brother scoffed under his breath during your mother’s mournful eulogy. You couldn’t help but agree. Only irritating you more when your mother dressed in black brought the blonde-headed boy to you two saying something along the lines of him being a permanent burden on your family.
“It’s what he would’ve wanted.”
So what? It was his fault for getting involved! His fault for getting kidnapped! His fault for refusing to arm himself, when you warned him! So why did you, your family, have to live with the nuisance?
“I’m going to try my best, to be apart of this family. Properly this time.”
“That’s good to hear, Ellwick.”
Not long after that he took up the role as you’re family’s cleanup crew, eliminating those your family marked. Unpaid debts and traitors were his targets, the scum of your faction–perfect level for Ellwick to begin truly becoming apart of this family. You’d think that’d be enough for him to feel included. But that’s just like him to be so greedy.
“May I come with you on that mission?”
Ellwick asked, still panting from running down the halls from Mother’s office trying to catch up to you and your brother. You both were prepared, dressed to the nines in comparison to him who was in a dirtied leather suit. It'd be a burden and embarrassment for him to come.
Your brother laughed, ” No chance! Look at you covered in cinders again! What’d you do, wrestle your target in a fire pit?”
Ellwick awkwardly smiled as your brother held his stomach. Laughter rising and eyes widening as if he had an epiphany. He points at the blonde, who barely winces at the pressure.
“Kind of like–Cinderwick! Haha!” 
You rolled your eyes as he repeated the name inbetween his belly laughs. Ellwick’s smile was twitching on the otherhand turning his attention to you. Glaring at him you ushered your brother away, barely turning your head to the crushed boy.
“You can’t. We won’t be letting an outsider handle things as private as this.”
Many of your interactions would go like this. Cinderwick inserting himself in your personal business and you putting him in his place, your latest mission was no different. Only that you were older and more responsibility will have fallen to you. You had to step up more than ever.
“Alright my children as we discussed you will be infiltrating the gathering. Your target is the first son of the Mayor. Blackmail, romance him, kiss up, we need a foothold on the city. I can only trust my children.”
“Than why is he here?” 
You shifted your eyes to the blond hitman who was standing barely a foot you and your brother. Your mother sighed.
“We need all hands on deck. Our competitors are in attendance as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try anything and I just can’t have my babies be put in danger.”
She held both you and your brother’s cheeks pinching it a little. Leaning into her touch you happily smiled at her over-endearment. Whereas your brother recoiled and wriggled away nursing his cheek.
“Aw geez Ma will you stop.”
“Now my children.” She looked to Ellwick.”All my children. I wish you the best.” 
It was almost commendable, how fast Cinderwick managed to do it. Wooing the son of the mayor and leading him on a wild goose chase that ultimately led to a grand proposal. To which he accepted. 
There was a nervousness about him being the victor; a sudden power handed to someone who wasn’t apart of the family. He was in a position of power, a position that allowed him to string your family along. 
“Congratulations my son! We’re happy you’ve found love in such a place!” 
Sugarcoated words and fake pearly smiles were the next step in the mission. Officially tying the mayor to your family…all with a man who wasn’t apart of the family. 
“Oh thank you step-mother! I can’t wait to have you and the family at our wedding.”
Your mother’s eye twitched at the ‘step’ but she maintained her smile letting Cinderwick cuddle into his fiance’s arm as they continued to chatter. It was revolting that it was he who returned to the estate with a cocky smile and a ring on his finger.
“Well you told all your children to do your best and they tried. So I will take the mantle up…as long as you agree to my terms.”
The following sentence had your mother sending you and your brother out of the room–treatment originally reserved for an outsider like him. Your brother stomped away dropping his emotionless persona, you followed.
“ARGH! How the heck did that slimy cinderblock idiot get ahead of us!? This is ridiculous!”
“...We tried…Arthur don’t do what I think you’re going to do.”
He turned to you the fire in his eyes directed to you.
“Tried?! We should’ve easily bested that bag of soot!” 
Turning back around he made his way to his office slamming his mini fridge open to reveal a plethora of beers and cheap wine bottles. You thought you threw those out. You debated staying as he quickly began to chug the drinks haphazardly dropping the finished cans to the ground. 
“Arthur. Don’t drink anything else.”
“Why!? Why wasn’t it me or you even!?”
“Well for one, typical romance isn’t exactly our field of expertise. I don’t know what you exp–”
You were cutoff by the ceramic smashing near the wall behind your head. Barely missing you it was lucky all you got was a cut from the ricochet glass shatter. It didn’t bother you, it seemed shallow, so you pressed further entering the room more. Closing and locking the door behind you as you closed in on your brother aiming to simply hug him. 
It didn’t stop his drinking bout but it did bring him to a wobbly pause. Letting you slowly walk him away from the desk the alcohol sat. As if he was being taunted once he got barely three steps away he wrenched himself from your grip darting towards the alcohol. In his raw distracted strength he barely pushed you back into the decorative cabinet. 
You would have repeated your attempt if it weren’t for the sudden grip of Ellwick’s leather glove on your wrist. Naturally you pulled yourself away or tried to. Struggling against his bone breaking hold, you ultimately relented as Arthur began to shove off the contents on his desk. Ellwick easily shoved you out of the room, successfully doing so. With that same force he pushes you against the wall, trapping you against it with his narrowed irises and presence alone.
“What are you doing?!”
“Its none of your business.”
“It is every bit my business! Why would you go anywhere near him when he’s in a drunken rage?”
“Because he’s family!” Your voice cracked with emotion, daring to look up at his softened blue eyes. With faux cough, you fixed yourself staring head on to the blonde before slipping past him.
“I don’t expect you to understand that though.”
Speed-walking out of the hall, your only goal was to return to your room hoping to finally relieve the burning sensation in your eyes. Ellwick on the other hand watched you walk away more specifically the cut that had let blood of yours trickle down. 
In a fury like none other Ellwick made his way to the closed door. It was time to end this. 
For good.
“My son. I want you to know I will always love your mother and I’ll never stop loving her.”
“But I’ve found someone who makes me happy! Someone who will cherish me and you!”
“The thing is…she has a very different line of work.”
Ellwick wasn’t sold. Even as young as he was there wasn’t an inherent attraction to the mafia-life. When he had the chance to he’d read a torrent of love-stories and twisted family relations all with mafia environments. It usually ended in death, somehow bringing a foreboding cloud over this new developement. 
“Whoa whoa little one I get that I’m not a replacement for any–”
“My gun. Take it.”
“E-excuse me?”
Ellwick didn’t really register you before this. Eyes widening as someone as tiny as you easily cocked and flipped the butt of a gun in the direction of his father. Wielding the weapon he’d only seen on those forbidden adult movies with such ease. A silent urgency on your part, you were offering your gun with a custom handle of your favorite color. 
It was an uncharacteristic show of kindness. 
The first he’d seen in a while. 
Since the announcement of your parent’s engagement there was a tension birthed among your closest members and your family. It was a clear sentiment that they dared not express with Ellwick in the room or their boss for that matter.
‘You’re going to be a target. You’re going to die.’
Everyone wanted to say it. Hint at it. But the air was too thick and they were too scared to break the silence. 
But not you.
You were the only one to tell it to him straight. Other than Ellwick himself. Of course the old geezer didn’t listen, avidly refusing to take your weapon and then attempting to get the weapon back from you.  
It made you his favorite.
To think underneath such a cold exterior there was something soft–small but soft. Its what Ellwick told himself when you’d glare and insult him. He’s never found himself doing the same for your mother and brother. Only finding it in him to imagine their tortuous ends at his hands, he could never do that with you. Even when he began to do his work, he’d be all the more motivated when imagining two-thirds of his step-family.
Step-family. He didn’t like that title.
He hated associating you with that.
He liked you a lot more than that of a step-family.
He could handle the exclusion, the insults, the glares, all of it but he couldn’t have you being in the arms of someone else. So he pulled something he’d thought he buried long ago, charming the mayor’s son. 
Having an influential leader’s heir willing to bend to his every whim and need made him powerful. 
A threat. 
So when your mother came to him practically begging for his forgiveness, Ellwick knew this was his chance to set everything in motion. So when you and your brother angrily departed he was prepared.
“The bit of your faction, handselected at my beck and call.”
“Done. You inform us of the policies and actions of the mayor?”
“Policies and upcoming legislation only. I’m not stalking my in-law.’
“We meet once a month, I’ll come to you.”
“We can do that. Be willing to let your siblings visit you in-home during ermengenies?”
“Yes…I want (Y/n).”
“Excuse me?”
“I want (Y/n).
“You can’t be serious—”
“I am. I want full ownership of (Y/n) their activities, everything. Otherwise I’ll be inclined to fully inform the mayor and police department of what your true business entails.”
“I can’t possibly give you my child! Who do you think I am?!”
Ellwick made a face. Naturally and quickly pulling a gun out of his suit, earning a horrified reaction from his stepmother who was staring at the barrel. It’s not that Ellwick was unaware of the metal detectors and constant pat downs but when you’re a trained assassin this is light work.
“The same idiot, who thought’d I’d always be cleaning your messes. The same idiot who’s been ostracizing me and still put a gun in my hand.” 
He moved closer but not close enough for his step-mother’s garrote-technique to be effective. He was almost inclined to reveal his companions ‘guarding her door or the poisoned dart in his cuff link. But he decided it wouldn’t be needed…not today at least.
“The same idiot who’s blind to the abusive alcholic she raised. That is more than likely hurting (Y/n) right now.”
“What’re you–”
“That’s what your first-husband was like, right? An alchoholic who ran the mafia with an iron fist.”
“Enough!...Fine. You can take them with you after your honeymoon.”
“Why would you–” 
“....It will be…done.”
When she finished, Ellwick had full intentions to find you. No doubt cooking up a barrage of insults to cutely angrily whisper behind you’re door. But before he could make it to your room, he heard the sound of glass shattering and muffled yelling.
He could only see red. Red as the cut that was bleeding on your skin. 
Seems like his role as the family’s ‘cleanup crew’ would come in handy.
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
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Kiss me where it hurts the most
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : sometimes,things happen and hearts break. Sometimes,everyone need a good cry. But maybe hiding away and crying alone,away from your boyfriend wasnt a good idea.
Warnings : none,just hurt/comfort,reader is having a hard time,break downs and panic attacks,soft zoro,fluff
For anyone who's having a rough time :) hope u get well soon
Leaning against the wooden wall of the storage room,you calmly sit down and try to make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can in the small space behind the stored boxes. You try to be as quiet as possible;not wanting to make any noise and wake someone up.
You didnt want to be found just yet.
You knew what you were doing wasnt actually wrong;after all,its only human nature wanting to hide away and have a little alone time. But for some reason,you felt guilty. Guilty for running away from your friends' help,and your boyfriend's concerned gaze.
It was too much.
Your life wasnt all sunshine and flowers,thats why you chose to join the StrawHats and sail away; hoping that maybe becoming a pirate,may solve your problems. But boy,you were wrong.
Problems seem to sail with you as well. And no matter how hard you tried to bottle everything up,at some point,it was bound to break,and break you as well. So when everything became too much,you skipped dinner,told your boyfriend that you're tired and instead of resting,you found a secret spot in the storage room to calm down.
And when the first tear rolled down your cheek,you knew you were screwed;once your tears start, there's no stopping them.
You hands tightly press against your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut and try to muffle your cries. Everything feels so heavy. Too fucking much. You have no idea what finally triggered your breaking,but whatever it was,it fucked you up good.
You lower your head and rest your forehead against your knees;since when life became so complicated? sure,ever since you remembered,you understood way too much,more than your age. You were always the kid trying to make everyone feel better,helping them and be a shoulder they could lean or cry on. But ironically,no one ever did the same for you.
So when your own boyfriend,Zoro,tried to make you talk,of course you shut him out;not understanding why he would waste his time listening to your nonsense. You were fine,maybe feeling a bit down and suffocating,but you were fine.
You wouldn't want Zoro to leave you after all with your problems-
Zoro would only hate you-
Who we would want someone with so many baggage after all?
Trying desperately to shut up the voices in your head,you wrap your arms around your head to cover your ears;so when a pair of rushes footsteps hurry toward you,of course you dont hear.
You jerk shakily,your eyes snapping open when a pair of hands settle on your shoulder and squeeze with a small amount of pressure;trying to ground you and make you look at him.
Your lips wobble as your eyes lock with Zoro's;and with a sudden rush of panic,you try to push him away.
He doesn't move.
"Y/n," his voice is thick, heavier than always, " whats wrong?"
When you dont answer and choose to bite your lips until they almost bleed,with a sudden move, he's pulling you to his chest
"babe,tell me what the fuck is wrong. I swear I'll fix it."
And thank god your face is buried in Zoro's chest;because as soon as those words leave his mouth, you're breaking down again.
Your sobs are loud and heartbreaking to anyone listening,and you feel Zoro's arms squeezing you tighter. You wrap your own arms around his back,and burry your face more in his shirt;taking in his soothing scent.
Zoro always smelled liked rain,apples and freshly cutted grass.
"baby girl," his voice is soft as he rubs up and down your back;one hand combing through your hair, "dont cry. Tell me whats wrong. Who hurt you? I'll kill them myself."
"just," your throat feels hoarse after crying so much,but you manage to get out few words, "stay. Dont go."
And Zoro never denies you anything.
So you just sit there. Half in Zoro's lap,with your arms wrapped around his neck,and your face buried in his neck. His hands never once stop rubbing your back,and for someone not a fan of talking,he never stops his sweet words and gentle praises.
For you,Zoro is always a different man.
After a long time,when you're finally calmed down and tired from all the crying,Zoro leans his back against the wooden wall and pulls you completely in his lap to cradle you against his chest. Your eyes are heavy when you look up at him
And after a nod from you, your eyes fall shut when his presses his lips to your forehead.
"then sleep. We can talk when you're awake."
With another nod,you close your eyes and fall asleep. And strangely,you dont dream of anything.
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spidercomics · 2 years
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pairing(s): avatar!jake x f!na'vi!reader.
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summary: "all the things you want to do, just relax and i'll take care of you" ─ being the olo'eyktan's oldest daughter, you rarely take time to enjoy yourself. luckily, jake knows how to make you loosen up.
contents: established relationship, talks about missing meals, kissing, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, riding, m/f ejaculation, overstimulation (kinda).
wc: 2.59k
a/n: normally i dont like the uh, "neytiris sister" shit but, here we go ig, tried not to mention her too much, felt kinda guilty 😭😭 bear with me on this one, haven't written since april. i cant believe i wrote fucking alien sex
"yom wutsot"; eat (your) meal/food.
"rutxe"; please.
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all your life, you'd strived to be perfect. you'd be constantly disappointed in yourself if you didn't exceed expectations in every task and skill you tried to master. you were also scared of failure, one of the main issues as to why you got so much stress and anxiety when stuff didn't work out as planned, or things changed last minute. it was a big problem for you, until jake came along.
jake was carefree, one; because he came from an entirely different planet, he didn't know anyone and didn't have anyone to disappoint or impress, and two; he was just a free spirit. he lived now, he did what he wanted, and he didn't look back. jake had the mindset you'd love to have.
all you ever wanted to hear was that someone was proud of you, not how you could improve, not what you could to better next time — no, you wanted to hear that you did well, make you feel like you've accomplished something, not just gotten better at it.
jake had filled that place, reminding you often how proud he is and sometimes playing extra dumb just to somehow boost your confidence. he's cocky, but he doesn't come close to the amount of skills you have, he'll admit that much.
sitting by the fire, jake didn't listen to the conversation neytiri and tsu'tey tried to involve him in. he was grateful of them trying to make him feel included, but he also felt kinda like a burden; since he restricted them from using their native tongue around him — just so he'd understand. it was nice, but unnecessary in this case when he didn't pay attention to them anyway.
he was eyeing the clusters of families and friends around the fire, but he didn't see you. you weren't there.
jake knew there was an annual feast coming up, and knowing you, it had to be perfect. you were probably working your ass of planning it somewhere, and here he was, enjoying a meal and talking to his friends.
you heard someone walking into your tent, jake had a certain scent, and along with the way he always dragged his heavy feet around, you had heard him coming. knowing it was jake, you didn't make a move to acknowledge him.
the sigh you let out before answering almost made him nervous, "ma jake."
he loved how you said his name.
"i brought you dinner."
"i have already ate." he hated how you didn't even turn around to answer him, too occupied with weaving finishing touches to decorative cloths.
"don't lie," walking up to you, jake lazily set down the bowl on a nearby surface, crouching down and resting his hands on your shoulders, "you need to take a break, you've been sitting here since morning."
"it needs to be perfect jake, the feast is tomorrow and mother keeps telling me how this is a big celebration of me completing the passage."
"everything will look perfect, don't be so harsh on yourself," jake reached over to grab the bowl of food before sitting in front of you, now in your line of sight. you didn't look up tho, not until he handed you the food and it smelled so good your insides started making an embarrassingly loud noise, "yom wutsot."
this made you look up. jake didn't use na'vi more than necessary, but whenever he did, he sure got your attention. you wanted him to speak it more, it would help him learn it better too. you grabbed the bowl, and jake let a small, smug smile grace his face in celebration.
jake let you eat without talking your ear off (as he usually would), and instead letting himself observe the beautiful patterns you've chosen to weave. he didn't understand why you were being so hard on yourself, as if the work wouldn't be appreciated no matter how it looked. maybe not by your parents to a full, but by the people. you were a role model for everyone already, you didn't have to prove yourself anymore.
watching you stand up and moving across the tent to leave the bowl, he had been on his feet not long after — reaching for your empty hands. he engulfed your smaller ones in his own, and using the grip to start swaying with you. you let out a small laugh, before leaning your head in his neck and enjoying the solid warmth he gave you. skin on skin, jake closed his eyes, feeling your hands now laying flat against his upper back, pushing him impossibly closer. one of his hands wrapped around your waist, starting to control your swaying, and the other grabbing the back of your neck, occasionally moving your hair through his fingers.
your breathing fell in rhythm with his own, feeling the slight brush of air against the nape of his neck. your heartbeat had slowed considerably, the complete warmth and comfortable hold of jake calming you down from the stressed out state he found you in. jake's heart, on the other hand, had picked up. your fingers tracing his back sent chills up his spine, in the best way possible, and he would never get enough of how easy you made him melt into a mess.
jake was sure that you could throw a dagger into his chest and his heart would still be whole, beating for you, until his death. you hadn't mated yet, and with the frequent attacks from the rda, jake wanted it over with — to connect before it was too late, wanting to feel your souls connecting like they were meant to, atleast once.
your hands traced around his torso, palms against his chest before straightening yourself, your hands around his shoulders, swaying with him. jake was holding your waist, leaving small kisses on the top of your hair, he leaned his head down to connect his forehead against yours. he felt your tail rubbing his leg slightly, a little shocked when it circled his thigh to pull him closer, forcing your lips to meet in a kiss. jakes hands dropped lower, grabbing your hips in his hold and enjoying the slight purring bouncing around your chest when he rubbed his hands on the seam of your cloth, moving his lips fiercely against your own.
jake would do anything for you to de-stress, and if this is what it took, he wouldn't complain.
one of his hands trailed lower, a simple grip on the back of your thigh. when you playfully swatted his hand with your tail he let out a deep chuckle, seperating your lips with a smirk on his lips.
"lay down for me." it wasn't a question, and you didn't think for a second before detaching yourself from jake, laying down on the rugs and blankets displayed across the tent.
jake watched how you sat up, untying your top piece and tossing it away to the side for later. you leaned down on your forearms, legs bent, feet planted against the ground. jakes ears started immediately twitching, tail swaying excitedly. it was so easy to rile him up.
jake got down on his knees, placing soft kisses along your legs, getting closer and closer to the place you desired him the most. he took his time, if it was for his own pleasure or for the sake of teasing, you didn't know. he nipped at your soft thighs, enjoy the way your mouth dropped open, soft mewls escaping when he left small hickeys on the inside of them, claiming you, even if it was somewhere he wished no one would see them except him.
his hands found themselves untying the second piece covering you, admiring the way your cunt looked so smooth, so wet. so wet, it had him twitching under his own loincloth, he couldn't wait to devour you. it wasn't the first time he'd done this, but he still felt so giddy each time, even if what you were doing was nothing close to innocent. he wanted to be the one undressing you forever, the one to worship your body, the ground you walked on.
jake traced two fingers along your core, experimentally dipping a finger inside and feeling the way you clenched at the intrusion of his finger. he kept pushing it in, coming to a hilt and listening to your small, inaudible mumbles. he pulled it out, toying with your slit as your chest heaved slightly, heartbeat racing significantly.
"ma jake, rutxe," jake pushed a finger in, pulling it out again, and redoing the same motions. his thrusts became steady, and brought you immense pleasure. his thumb traced along your cunt, landing on your clit, rubbing slow circles around it.
it was a sight for sore eyes, your wet cunt, only for him to cherish, twitching and clenching around his fingers, sucking him in for more. you had him absolutely entranced. he would stay in this position forever if he could.
"jake, please, can you just— oh," his tongue replaced his eager thumb, licking a stripe up your slit, collecting your arousal. his thrust had picked up, adding a finger, he watched your back arch up a bit, your eyes closed from the new added pressure against your already slick walls.
jake payed close attention to the soft sighs and mewls you let out, adjusting his fingers to reach even deeper. jake felt his chin covered in your essence, and he wondered if any other man had found themselves lucky enough to be in his position. a man could only dream to find themselves between your thighs like jake is, tasting every piece of you, cherishing your body with more love than his heart could withhold.
his fingers found the spot inside of you that made your hand desperately grasp at his soft hair, the shorter strands getting caught between your fingers, pushing him closer to your heat. he let out a satisfied groan, enjoying the way you pulled on his dark locks, fingers digging into his scalp.
the thrusts of his fingers were calculated and steady. a slowly increasing pace, with a force that made your body shiver, and a hand laying hard on you hip, sure to leave a purple mark in the morning. every prod and drag had a coil tightening in the pit of your stomach, a fire growing inside of you. the soft pleas and sighs, along with the wet squelch from his constant thrusts had his dick twitching. he was so hard, he started considering rubbing himself against the rug for the slightest pleasure.
the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm washed over you. the long-awaited feeling that had you absolutely seeing stars. as cliche as it was. a hand wrapped around your wrist that was in his hair, a soft kiss was placed against your palm and then you felt the man that had spent minutes between your thighs grabbing you, pulling you up and out of your hazy state to sit in his lap.
your mouth dropped open from the overwhelming feeling of his bulge against your bare sex. quickly detaching yourself, sitting up on your knees to calm yourself down before taking it any further. jakes hand rubbed against your head, fingers tracing from the top of your head down to your neck, waiting for your body to relax.
"you good?"
"mhm, felt so good jake, you're so good," jake didn't know if you would even remember this conversation, but it still left him a little flustered. your praise always had that effect on him, his ears falling flat. jake felt your hands reaching behind him to untie the cloth covering him from you, his eyes falling shut when your smaller hand touched the tip of his dick, "so pretty."
your eyes were casted downwards, your words merely a muttering to yourself. regardless of him hearing it or not, it was true, and it left his eyes falling shut from just the smallest pressure on the slit of his tip. leaning against him, you rubbed yourself on his dick, his hands had find solace on your hips, your knees constricting against his own. your head was leaning back, jake's forehead laying on top of your chest, eyes closed in pure pleasure.
his cock bumped against your clit, leaving your mouth open in silent moans, jake striving to keep doing the same movements over and over again. you wondered how something could feel so intimate and wonderful, without even connecting queues. your hands held the sides of his throat, fingers splayed across his jaw. keeping his head bent down between your breasts, a few kisses left on your soft skin.
"can i...?" you looked down at where jake was preparing to line himself up with your slick entrance, an eager nod from you left him pushing inside slowly, a groan leaving him when your tight walls sucked him in more and more, deeper and deeper, "so tight, so good for me... oh fuck— such a good girl, taking me so well."
you barely heard the last part, his voice breaking into small pants when you moved yourself up and down on him, the back of your thighs slamming down on his with every drop of your body.
"don't hold back on me baby, i wanna hear you," with his encouragement, you let yourself be a little louder, still aware of the people around the camp, outside of the tent. jake didn't seem embarrassed at all, rather proud of having you instead, glad to let as many people as possible know that he's the only one who can have you this way. you were his. with or without the bond.
beginning to set an alright pace for yourself, you let yourself relax further into his hold, feeling every shift of him against you — inside you. the way he grabbed your hips, ragged breaths fanning across your bare chest, small kisses being placed across your breasts and nipples, rough from the night air nipping away at your damp bodies.
jakes hand found its way back between your legs, his thumb rubbing slowly against your clit, bringing the pleasure to new heights. your mewls got louder, your tail wagging behind you in sharp twists, ears flat. he knew you were close, he'd seen the sweet sight before him too many times. he glanced up at your pretty face, forehead glistening from the overhead lights, sweaty from the long session of pleasures. jake hadn't even noticed his own orgasm coming, too distracted by the way your eyes closed shut, mouth open in the sweetest form of intimacy. he wanted to hold you in his arms forever.
"ma jake," your hand drifted to grab the back of his head, soft hair back between your fingers, bringing him back to the scene, the image of his dreams playing out in front of him. you were so close, desperately wanting the man who was all around you, in you, to be with you at the finishing line, "come with me jake, please, need you jake," how could he possibly resist you? resist your pleas?
"i got you, let go for me." he held you close, thumb circling your clit with more pressure as you writhed on his lap, body falling limp against him, face tucked into his neck. the way you clenched around him had him coming seconds after yourself. hand petting your hair, words of affection all around you as his other hand traced along your spine.
he couldn't wait to have you like this forever. officially.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Can I request some/any type of angst with rhys x yn. 🥲
Remember me?
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: okay, so I know anon asked for angst, but I don't think there's much angst in this, but I'm planning on writing part two, and I'll try to make it more angsty, so bear with me please.
Edit: this series has turned into an Eris x reader fic, so know what you're going to be reading if you decide to continue on reading. If Eris is not someone you like, please dont read this fic
She ran, glancing behind her to see if the creepy male was still following her. He was, even though he was far behind.
This wasn't working. She had to find another way to get rid of him.
She had been sitting in a corner of the throne room, trying to not catch anyone attention when the male had shown up. He had started up a conversation, his hands slowly inching towards her rear. Even though she had told him she was uncomfortable and made it clear she did not want anything to do with him. He had gotten angry, as all makes did when denied something, especially something they felt entitled to. He'd tried to force her to a dark alcove nearby, but she had fled.
Now here she was.
She turned around the corner, glancing behind her again. And smacked straight into something hard.
As she reared back to look at what–who– it was, all the blood drained from her face.
The Queen's Whore.
Night Court's High Lord works too, she thought to herself.
He smirked at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Going somewhere? Maybe I could accompany you?" Y/n shook her head, petrified. She had seen what he could do, and she had no intention to get his attention on her. "What a shame, I would have loved to spend some time with such a beauty."
Despite being scared out of her wits, she blushed. But then she remembered why she was running in the first place. But it was too late now.
A hand clamped down on her wrist, so tight her hand started to go numb. She turned to the male, trying to tug her hand out of his hold to no avail. She stared at his hand helplessly, knowing nothing could save her now. Screaming would only incense him further, and the High Lord at her back was more likely to laugh at her than help her out.
"Do you know him darling?"
Her head whipped around to the High Lord, but before she could answer, the male still holding her hand wrapped an arm around her and stepped back. "We've been talking all night, my Lord. We know each other."
The High Lord raised a brow. "Did I ask you?" Then, turning to her, he asked. "Is he telling the truth?"
Y/n wanted to deny it, but he was speaking the truth. And she had seen the High Lord kill people for the smallest lies. Not wanting to offend him by lying, she nodded, her eyes pleading.
And she didn't know if he saw the pleading in her eyes, or he was just curious, but he asked, "Do you want to go with him?" She shook her head frantically, hope flaring in her chest.
But then the High Lord shrugged and turned away. She was so shocked that she didn't pay attention to the male who was still holding her as he started struggling against invisible forces, only looking at him when crumpled to the ground.
Stunned, she turned back towards the High Lord, who smirked at her.
"I don't think I caught your name. What was it again?"
"Y/n." He muttered, as if testing out the syllables of her name. He hummed. "I like it." He leaned against the nearest wall, as if getting comfortable. "So, miss Y/n, what do you do when you are not being chased around by males?"
"Nothing... my job is to sit and look pretty so my father can marry me off to the highest bidder when he deems fit." She slapped a hand over her mouth as soon as the words were out. She hadn't meant to say that. The High Lord wasn't to be trusted, especially because he could just run back to his mistress and blabber all about what he'd seen today.
A slow smile spread on his as he studied her. "I like you."
A few months later, he would be whispering I love you in her ear.
But that isn't the point here.
The point is that he would forget those words and the female he had said them to when a mortal would free them from their prison.
The point is that he would leave the female he had loved so fiercely.
The point is that he would leave her to fend for herself in a dangerous world.
The darn point here is that he would leave her with a life growing in her.
And he wouldn't know about it until it was too late.
She was dreaming. Again. Of him.
It wasn't a nightmare, but that would have been preferable to the happy dream that she was having, where he hadn't left her to her father's mercy. Where he was present in their life. Her and her son's. Their son's. But when she had dreams as these, she was filled with a sense of longing and sadness, hatred and fury.
But thank the cauldron, she was woken up. By a little body jumping around on the bed. She smiled sleepily, eyes still closed. She grasped around blindly in search of the little devil, who shrieked and evaded her. She pulled back her hands, lying still as her son came to plop down on her chest. She knew he was going to do that, but still she grunted when his weight settled over her.
"Mama! Wake up." He whined. Y/n opened her eyes to look into the beautiful violet orbs of Finnian. He grinned at her, sitting up. "Mama, you said we'll go to a drawing class."
"That I did, my little joy. But before that, would you help Mama with breakfast?"
He nodded enthusiastically, already jumping off the bed and running out the doors. Y/n yelled after him to be careful, getting up before stretching and making her way downstairs.
As she set about making some pancakes for the two of them, Fin blabbered about anything he could think of. As he started eating, Y/n's mind wandered to a few days ago, when she had arrived in this city. The City of Starlight, they called it. And she could see why.
She was originally from Dawn Court, but after they had been freed from Amarantha's reign, she had fled from her father's home, making a life for herself in Day Court. A few weeks ago, she had seen her father waking in one of the markets that she visited frequently, and she had never been more scared. For her life, sure, but more so for her sons life. If her father realised of Fin's existence, he wouldn't stop until he got rid of the little boy.
So Y/n had sought out a man who promised her that he could smuggle the two of them to a place that not many knew about. Frantic in her instincts to save her child, she didn't ask where this secret place was.
She didn't regret her decision, but now she was always on alert, always looking over her shoulder to see if her former lover was somehow following her. And then again, what were the odds of her crossing paths with him in such a big city?
Extremely high. A voice inside her screamed, but she ignored it.
After the breakfast, Fin again started talking about the painting classes that he was going to today. A neighbor had told Y/n about these classes and that her kids loved to go and that she should let Fin attend them too.
And since Fin had learned of it, that's all he had been talking about.
Fin ran through the large doors with Sam, his new friend who was the son of their neighbour, leaving Y/n yelling at them to slow down. Despite that, the two boys didn't listen and then Fin ran into a male who was standing inside the room where the classes were going to take place.
"Oh mother, are you okay?" Y/n rushed to help Fin stand back up, crouching in front of him and checking him for any injuries.
"I'm okay mama."
Y/n nodded, standing and turning to the male to apologise. As her eyes met ones identical to her son's, she froze. Those eyes she had loved, ones she adored always, were wide with shock and staring straight at her.
Neither of them said anything. It seemed like they didn't breathe as well.
The male she had spent years searching, the male she had waited everyday for, the male she had grown to resent day by day when he didn't show up, the one she had been trying her best to hide away from, was now standing in front of her, his lips parted and an anguished look in his eyes.
She was numb, her mind not working, but atleast she had the sense to push Fin behind her.
Which wasn't the best move, considering the High Lord's eyes went straight to the little boy peeking from behind Y/n's skirts.
A broken breath escaped him, his eyes starting to water as he looked back at Y/n.
She took a step back, turning away. Her eyes fell on another familiar face, whose eyes constantly jumped from Y/n to him.
Sam tugged on Feyre's hand, pulling her to stand right next to the High Lord. As she did, her scent reached Y/n. And it was mixed with his. And her heart broke once more.
The high lord had left her for Feyre?
"Auntie Y/n, this is our teacher."
The females offered each other tentative smiles. "I didn't realise our cursebreaker would be teaching kids to paint."
"But here we are." Feyre said, confusion still lacing her features. But then her eyes fell on the boy behind Y/n, her brows furrowing. Her features smoothed out with understanding as her eyes met Y/n's again. "I believe he is here to join us?"
"Yes. A neighbor told us about this. He's been impatient to finally to make friends. Isn't that right baby?"
"Yes mama!"
She smiled, despite her heart and mind screaming at her to take Fin away in case his father tried to take him away from her.
She told herself she wouldnt stop him from being here though, especially as she knew how excited her son had been for this. And she won't keep him away from making friends, as she had been when she was his age.
She would maybe start looking for somewhere else to settle. But for today, she would let him enjoy.
She crouched to his height, kissing his chubby cheeks and forehead, to which he giggled. "You remember what mama has told you about talking with strangers?"
"Yes. Okay bye mama. I wanna go with Sam."
"Bye darling." She whispered, knowing he couldn't have possibly heard it as he sprinted away. She stared after him for a moment, he motherly instincts telling her to go get her child. She stood, prepared to leave, but then turned to the High Lord who still stared at her helplessly.
"Stay away from him." A pause. "My lord."
"Y/n..." His voice broke. "Please."
"Please what?"
"Don't kick me out of his life. He deserves to have a father. He deserves to know–"
"He doesn't need a father. He's been well and happy without one. And even if he does need one, I'll get him one. But not one that would probably run away at the first chance."
Then she turned and left, hoping Rhysand wouldn't try to do something to her child.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
Part 2
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ratsonastick · 7 months
could you do jock!clarisse x nerd!(fem)reader and like clarisse bullies reader but then they somehow like each other at the end! idk if this makes sense but i loved your other fics of clarisse! tyyy xxx
Jock!Clarisse La Rue x NerdFem!Reader
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AN - Hey! Sorry, this took me so long to answer I didn't notice I had a request!!
I also don't know If you want this as a modern HC or camp .... so we are gonna do Modern and kinda mix it up! xoxo - Emma
Clarisse was someone everyone knew about, she was the star on the field for the hammer throw (Which for those who dont know is when you throw a heavy ball in the air and you try to make it go a far distance … requires a LOT of upper arm muscles) 
Everyone admired her, but you? You hate her. She always had something to say, especially ever since the day that you said no to givng her the homework answers. 
Ever since that day she always picked on you, saying something that made you roll your eyes and tell her to get lost. 
If you havent figured it out yet the reason why this all started was because she thought you were smart … everyone does, and thats why she had asked you for the answers. She though you would have said yes, an easy target, but she was mistaken when she realized how stubborn you are.
“What is the answer to this.” You heard a voice ask, disturbing your peaceful evening in the library. “When will you ever stop.” You mumbled, not even having to look up to realize it was Clarisse. 
“Once you give me the answers” She answered with a roll to her eyes as if you should have already known the answer. 
You stood up grabbing your book but before you fully stepped away from the table you grabbed your notebook before she could grab it which made her sigh. Getting up she followed you as you walked down the dark isles of books, dim lights following the two of you. 
“Don't you have practice to get to?” you asked softly stopping abruptly which caused her to almost crash into you, “stalking me Y/n? How do you know I got practice.” She asked, not stopping the smirk that covered her face.
You turned to look at her, an annoyed look on your face “Everyone knows when you have practice… don't go thinking you're so special now.” you mumbled starting to walk again but she cut off your exit by standing in front of you and raising her arms. “Where are you going so soon?” she asked a piece of her hair falling in her face and for a moment you felt something change in your stomach, maybe it was a fear or maybe it was butterflies. 
“Clarisse … move.” You mumbled, looking to meet her in the eyes but she shook her head “Give me the answers.” She spoke clearly, her smile dropping “I told you, Clarisse, keep dreaming.” she rolled her eyes and shook her head “I don't think you understand” 
“I don't understand? You're the one who keeps trying to get answers from me even when I say no. if you don't understand the work then maybe you could ask me for help instead.” You spoke back with more of an annoyed voice, pushing her arms down which felt so strong in your grasp, and then walked away. 
She followed your figure as you walked, her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned her weight onto one hip. “You’ll regret this.” She yelled out and you just waved her off. 
The next day you continued your life as usual, but this time you felt more people staring at you. It wasn't until your friend stopped you in the hallway did you found out why “Is it true?” she asked to which you looked at her with a puzzled look “Is what true?” you mumbled and she seemed even more confused “that you made a move on Clarisse.” 
You stopped for a moment “Hello? Clarisse? The girl I hate with all my life? No way.” you let out a chuckle at the thought, but you couldn’t help the shake in your hands increase. You didn't know who made this rumor, or why they did it in the first place. 
You have no issues with anyone (Except Clarisse) always trying to help others (Except Clarisse) theres no reason as to why someone would make such a weird rumor. 
Later that day you found yourself in the library again, helping the librarian put the books away. You were on the top floor that no one ever really went to unless it was to make out. You looked outside the window and saw the teams playing on the field, Clarisse and her teammates had finished up because you saw her swinging her bag over her shoulder and walking off towards the library. 
You let out an annoyed sigh hoping she wouldn't find you, but just as you thought of her you swore she looked up at you. 
So you quickly pushed the cart forward so you weren't in front of the window anymore.
It didn't take long for her to find you, you turned down an aisle and saw her standing there leaning against the shelf. “Can I help you?” you asked as you grabbed a book and traced the shelf until you found a spot for it. 
“Just wanted to see if you liked the little rumor?” she smiled coming closer to you “Oh yeah it was very clever” you spoke with a shrug as you walked down the aisle moving so you wouldn't hit her “All the teams were talking about it at practice.” You felt embarrassed for a moment but just shrugged your shoulders. 
“Okay … oh and by the way Mrs.Cofin wants me to help you in English.” You mumbled as you turned back to look at her, her smirk wiped off. “What! You little shit why didn’t you say no!”
She yelled and you quickly hushed her “Don't you think I wanted to! I have no choice, if you don't pass her class you'll be kicked off the time. I’m doing you and the school a favor.” 
You spoke annoyed, a frown on your face as she licked her lip and rolled her eyes, “Fine” she grumbled and walked off which made you shake your head. 
The next day you were back in the Library, top floor for privacy as you sat at a small table. Clarisse showed up late which didnt surprise you, she flung her bag onto the floor and leaned on the palm of her hand. 
You started to explain things to her looking over the notes the teacher had given you to help her. Clarisse couldn't help but not listen, she just stared at you with annoyance, but after a while, it started to feel like she was looking at you for another reason. 
“Okay do you understand that?” you asked and she nodded her head, adverting her gaze from you and instead at the paper. “Yeah… yeah I understand” she spoke softly. 
These tutoring sessions continued for the next few weeks, and even though it sucked, it started to feel like you both hated each other less.
She started to listen to what you said, and you took the time to learn about her sport so when she complained you understood what she was saying. 
You both still made fun of each other, bickered often, and rolled your eyes at each other, but you both couldn't help it, it's just how it's always been. 
But Clarisse picked on you less, smiled at you in the hallway, and always acknowledged your presence, and thats all you've ever needed from her. 
One day something in the air made you think differently about her, and the thoughts made your stomach flutter. It didn't help that your friend started to tease you in the hallway about the possibility of her taking you to the upcoming prom since the two of you got along. 
When you saw her walk past you in the hallway when you were with your friend, you couldn't help but follow her with your eyes, and when she smiled at you, your friend just watched you and how you reacted and let out a squeal when she saw you blush.
That afternoon you hated yourself, why did you like the girl that always had it out for you. 
As you waited for her in the library, you laid your head down on the table, you wouldn't even work out if you started dating anyways. The two of you are complete opposites, and even know that you are semi-friends you still bicker, it would be a bad relationship. 
Plus you saw her with that boy Ryan, so she probably doesn't even like girls. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt someone tapped your head and sat down. You raised your gaze and watched as she got herself comfortable in her seat “What's wrong with you today?” she asked with a sigh as she finally stopped to look at you. 
“Nothing … just thinking.” 
“When are you not.” she snickered, but as she looked back at you, and realized you seemed actually upset her smile dropped. 
“Okay … that's enough, just tell me what's wrong so you'll start yapping and we can end tutoring early,” she spoke up leaning back in the chair, her hand playing with the pencil she took from you 2 days ago.
"It's nothing really. Just something my friend said.” You mumbled shaking your head and opening your notebook. “Really? What’d she say.” Clarisse spoke a bit harsher sitting up in her chair. “I can do something.” 
You shook your head “No! You don't have to do anything … it's not like we are together you don't have to take care of me.” You mumbled which made you mentally smack yourself ... who says that!
She paused and watched you as you flipped through your pages “Okay but what if I want to.”
You paused and looked at her confused “Want to what?” 
“Take care of you,” she answered, a serious look on her face. You let out a short chuckle and looked away from her “You don't want to.”
“But I do.” She answered, you noticed how she sat up more, something she did when she was getting defensive, her knuckles turned slightly white as she clenched her hands, the rings cutting off some of her circulation. 
"you really don't" you mumbled trying to convince yourself she didn't for some reason
“Says who,” she replied, her face still straight which confused you. Clarisse was being honest she wanted to help you, this whole time she always wanted to and the only reason she picked on you was that she knew no one else would, you were hers only. 
“Says you Clarisse, you hate me.” You replied, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion as if you had missed something. 
She scoffed “I thought you were smart.” She dropped the pencil on the table and slouched in the chair, her arms crossing over her stomach as her legs widened. 
Your mouth slightly opened and you shook your head back, confused “I'm sorry … did I miss something?” you asked and she scoffed “Yeah maybe the part where I like you! Do you really think I would’ve complied with these tutoring sessions if I didn't?” 
“Uhm yeah … your sport-” She cut you off “ That I dont care about.” 
“Okay, but the rumor-” She cut you off again “Was only created so people thought you were only into me so no one would go after you.”
You sat there dumfounded for a few moments, “Oh” 
“Oh” she answered back, she looked away for a moment “So I’m guessing you dont like me?” 
You closed your eyes and shook your head “Okay woah woah woah … lets slow down partner.” you raised your hands slightly and opened your eyes to see her smiling, inching closer to you. 
Before you knew it her lips were on yours, and you had your arms wrapped around her shoulders. You never thought you would be one of those people who would be found making out in the library, yet here you are. 
A nerd and a jock, opposites attract I suppose. 
Anywho after a few moments she finally pulled back, a smile gracing her red lips that were plum from the kiss. “So I’ll take that as a yes?” 
“A yes to what?” you asked still in a bet of a haze “A yes to being my prom date.” 
“Oh yeah”
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cherishmiya · 6 months
and you dont seem the lying kind, a shame that i can read your mind
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Now playing: 'duvet'- bôa
Synopsis: after finding Luke is the lighting thief and a traitor, you go to comfort and talk to him only to find him with someone else, leading to Clarisse mending your broken heart
fem!y/n x Luke Castellan, endgame fem!y/n x Clarisse La Rue
Warnings: luke, cheating, kissing, swearing. Lmk if I missed any
A/N: this is my first ever ff so please have constructive criticism only.
Your head spun and your heart felt like it was torn in half.
percy, Annabeth, and grover had just arrived back from their quest and it was revealed who the real lighting thief was, Luke Castellan, your boyfriend. While your head knew that the right thing to do was break up with him immediately, your heart still ached with love for him. 'Maybe if I just have a talk with him I can understand his prospective' you thought to yourself.
You start heading towards his cabin, other campers surrounded in a huge frantic crowd, wondering whats going to happen next. There were thunder clouds forming over the entire camp, and the lake tides were getting heavy, something serious was about to happen, but you didn't care, you didn't care that World War 3 might start, you didn't give a shit about that, all you could care about was finding Luke.
You slowly walked into the Hermes cabin, and you could hear muffled moans in the background. Luke's door was locked shut but you assumed that it was just because he didn't want to see, hear, or look at anybody. You softly knock on the door "go away I'm busy" Luke shouted, followed by a giggle. That giggle didn't sound like them though, it was sweet and girly. You wondered to yourself if you were just hearing things or if something was going on inside of the room, something that shouldn't have been.
"Luke it's me, look I know you may not want to see anyone right now, but we seriously need to talk, can I come in?" You shouted. " oh shit it's y/n" Luke whisper shouted as if their was someone else in the room "hide." You wondered who he was talking to and why they were being told to hide but then, luke opened the door, he was shirtless and only had his boxers on making you I tiny bit flustered, you blushed as you met his eyes "hey. Who were you just talking to?" You said in a soft tone voice making luke nervous, "no one." He said, looking down at his feet, clearly lying. "Well then may I please come in?" You said again in your soft tone and using your doe eyes as a way to persuade him, and while that usually drives him crazy and bends him to your will, today he was just not budging. "No. I'm kind of busy at the moment but I'll catch you at dinner" he said with a nervous smile.
You then saw another person far behind him, peering out of the corner whispering "is she gone? Come back I miss you." Luke looked at you with nervous and guilty eyes. You look at him with tears welling up "who Is that?" You tried to say but your voice broke, you already knew the answer, and you didn't like it. " I said who is that?" You shouted, your sadness quickly turned into anger, a trait you inherited from your godly parent. "Look I can ex-" luke tried to say but you immediately cut him off "You know what luke, down answer. Don't fix your mouth to speak at all. You know I was going to stick by you? I was going to deny everything and defend you even if it ment my friends and reputation gone? Gods, you might have been a lightning thief and a traitor to percy, but I would have never thought you would ever betray me. Go fuck yourself" you spewed out all in one breath, you thought that if you had said it slowly, you would break down, something you didn't want to do Infront of him or the person behind him.
you storm around the camp, unsure of where to go. If you went back to your cabin, your half siblings would want an explanation, something you weren't ready to waste your breath on just yet. You immediately thought of clarisse, your best friend, someone who was always there for you and vice versa. Though she was already pissed at luke for being framed as the lighting thief ,something you didn't believe at all, and you didn't want to fuel her fire, you urged to be held in clarisse's arms, crying your heart out.
You arrive at the ares cabin. Luckily no one else is there but her, you can see her though the window, sharpening her new spear, the spear that you paid double to get a hephaestus kid to make. You make your way through the door and you couldn't hold it in any longer, you burst into tears, clarisse immediately dropped her spear and rushed over to hug you " what's wrong pretty girl?" She said in a worrisome voice. The nickname immediately ran through your head. Pretty girl was the nickname she gave you when you arrived at camp, though back then it was used as an insult. "It's luke....." you managed to say through sobs " he's and traitor and a cheat." "He what" clarisse whisper shouted, her grip tighted for a second and you could practically feel the anger rushing through her vains, "im going to kill that son of a bitch." "No no clarisse don't do or say anything, he's already going through so much..." your voice started to shake as you trailed off. " he did you so wrong and yet your still protecting him, I don't understand you y/n." You spend the rest of the night laying in clarisse's arms
A few weeks has passed since the incident. Word got around about luke cheating on you and now he has been cut our and avoided entirely, including his own half siblings. You've gotten over him, with the help of clarisse. You almost want to thank Luke, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have been spending this much time with her, or been able to see her in a new light.
calling it a crush was an understatement. You were head over heels, something you hadn't felt for Luke. Butterflies flew in your stomach by just the mention of her name. You excitingly anticipated your next meet up with her. You were completely and utterly down bad. And the feeling was mutual. Clarisse blushed at the sight of you, stealing glances at you and nervously fidgeting whenever you caught them. Now all you had to do was make it official.
You were nervous, not at her response but at others. Would people think its werid how you moved on from luke to clarisse? Would people think it was an odd pairing? What would your half siblings think? Hell- what would ares think? But all your thoughts washed away as soon as you saw her. She was just gorgeous. Suddenly you didn't care about what people thought about you two, not even the gods, if it ment that you got to see that face all the time. " clair..." you said, using your soft voice and doe eyes combo that once drove luke mad. "I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine." Clarisse was very flustered by this, she normally makes the first move and so to have someone else do it for her was a feeling she was not yet used to. You shot her a fearful look seeing as clarisse was hesitant to respond. "Im sorry if that's weird I just thought-" you tried to splur out but you were interrupted by clarisse's Lips meeting yours.
The kiss was surprisingly soft and sweet. You'd imagine what it would been like kissing her before and you always thought it would be rough seeing as she's an ares kid, but you weren't complaining. You kissed her back. Tugging on her curls and pushing your head forward to deepen the kiss, then you suddenly pulled away, "does this mean we're dating now?" You questioned her playfully, laughing at her astonished look from the sudden stop "what do you think?" She said in a annoyed tone. You giggled and continued on with the kiss
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆the end ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。
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