#Off-Road Rescue Rig
Come hell or high water. Pt.2
18+, MDNI. Tags: Gore, severe injury, trauma, amputation
Gaz watches as the whole operation turns to shit. One minute he's at the back of the line as the small group silently pick their way through the wooded area back towards soap and the rendezvous point, daring himself to think about what he'd do as soon as he's back on solid ground at the Garrison. Next both he and Price are blown onto their backs, as he watches you take the whole force of the explosive and roughly land in pieces on the upturned earth. While nothing could have prepared him for this moment, both he and Price automatically reverted back to the SOPs drilled into them from the start of their careers. Price flicks the switch on the Comms, informing Soap of the unfortunate development.
Price: “MAN DOWN!”
Soap : “SIT REP, NOW!"
He listens as Price updates Soap further, telling him to get the HALO free fall rig kit they'd stashed close by to the RV point before they'd engaged with the targets. And not to leave his position.
The next few minutes drag on, it seems like hours as Gaz and Price manually belly crawl forward and around you as they use their combat knives to check for any further IEDs within that immediate vicinity, digging into the soil carefully so as not to further detonate anymore. As soon as they've established the area to be as safe they get to work providing first aid. Flipping you over, they dig through your uniform pockets for the standard issue tourniquets all soldiers must carry.
“Mum… I want my mum… Fuck… can't die…like this.” Gaz hears as you whimper. The fear in your voice grips at his heart.
“S’alright, see Price and me are patching you up? You stay with us. We'll all laugh about this when we go for our pint, they'll slap a fucking bugs bunny plaster on you and call it a day.” He says, self assured. Only then does he look up and meet Price's gaze, the odds of you making out of this alive… he doesn't even want to think about that.
Tying off mid way up the thighs of the bloody stump and wrecked remains of your legs, tight, Gaz watches as the blood slows to a trickle. Looking up he spots Price as he tends to a penetrating injury on your right arm, applying another tourniquet there. Only then do they pause for a moment, realising that you've become still. Price puts his hand on your chest and simultaneously leans forward to listen for your breaths. There's nothing.
“Fuck! COMMENCING CPR!” He shouts, both he and Gaz work at cutting and tearing the clothing from your upper body until they see bare skin. Gaz moves to your head to provide the rescue breaths as Price compresses his fists hard into your chest.
“...twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Gaz watches as Price gives the allotted compressions before stopping and allowing Gaz to give the two rescue breaths. They go through three repetitions,Gaz about to take over from Price's exertions, before you finally take your own breath. It's shallow, weak. But you're breathing.
Gaz watches Price gingerly pick you up in a fireman's hold, and they cautiously retrace their steps back to the tree line before Price finds the original route the group had taken. They march in silence, it's only a matter of minutes before they're on the other side of the copse and they see Soap further down the road, waving his torch at them in the dark. They quickly make their way forward, meeting Soap half way, Price slowly and carefully laying you down on the dirt road as if you're made of bone china.
The next few moments are filled with Price's rapid fire shouting into the Sat phone, updating HQ of the situation, Gaz can barely keep up with the communications and the roaring in his ears. He looks down at you, unconscious, carefully laid down on the dirt road, your breaths short, gasps even.
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neon-kazoo · 2 months
(Villain POV)
To say I was impressed may have been an understatement.
I didn’t really realize how many people were in the building when I rigged it to collapse. Now, I was watching a steady stream exit from every available opening. Easily hundreds of people flooded the streets, melding into the crowd that was already gathered outside. I knew that Hero would be able to slow the collapse, but I had no idea she would be able to hold it for this long. The plan was to tire her out so I could initiate a battle with a higher chance of capture. At this rate though, there may not be much left of the hero to capture.
More chunks of granite and marble slid off the sides of the building, luckily avoiding the major crowds and leaving stragglers to successfully dodge the falling debris.
The people exiting the courthouse slowed to a trickle, and then to a stop as the remaining structure began to shake and show clear that collapse was imminent.
A heavy rumble and a chorus of shouts and screams erupted in front of me as I smiled. The commotion made for a great cover.
The second the dust settled I was scanning the crowd for where Hero had escaped to. I expected to see her ferrying wounded or checking on the children with first responders, maybe administering first aid or helping to reunite families. She was nowhere to be seen though, leaving those jobs to the police, medical professionals, and a few helpful civilians.
I turned back towards the collapsed building. The rubble was all greys and whites and reds, no sign of the conspicuous violet I sought. She wouldn’t have left the scene, not before everyone was taken care of and she was absolutely sure no one else needed to be rescued. But looking at the remains of the county building, I couldn’t imagine there being many survivors left inside.
She couldn’t have died, right?
I located the closest hole in the rubble and dashed in to explore. This wasn’t my first demolition and I was fairly certain there would be minimal shifting for at least a few minutes and what remained of the building was fairly structurally sound, but still, I needed to be quick.
It had been almost five minutes when I finally spotted a metallic purple jacket. For a second I feared that I would find Hero’s body pinned under a pillar or a large part of the ceiling with her chest caved in or something equally mission-ending, but I was relieved to find her lying in a small but completely open space, no debris but a thick layer of dust touching her form. I had been prepared to fight, but there was no need. Hero was definitely unconscious.
I approached quickly but quietly, sticking two fingers on her pulse point to detect a slow but steady heart beat. I immediately recognized her state as exhaustion. After all, there was no way she should have been able to hold up the entire building for as long as she did. Luckily, it seems she had been able to push long enough to protect herself with a small shield when the building did come down, with her still in it.
I had to work fast, before the site was deemed safe for rescue crews to enter and Hero was discovered before I could take her.
I wanted to leave unnoticed, partly due to the heavy police presence outside that I did not feel like dealing with today, so I had dressed rather inconspicuously. Jeans and black t-shirt. Hero, however, was in full dress so I stripped off the recognizable jacket and replaced her hood with a beanie. Her thick black leggings were passable, as long as no one looked too closely at what was sewn into the pockets. I rolled her into a hoodie I had wrapped around my waist, shoving her iconic jacket into my bag then picking her up and retracing my steps out into the crowded streets.
We were both covered in dust, looking inconspicuously like any two victims who had resolved to get themselves to the hospital instead of dealing with an expensive ambulance and backlogged roads. Unfortunately for Hero, the hospital was not our real destination.
Too busy with their eyes glued to the news or their phones to check on family members, nobody noticed me carry Hero back to my base on the other side of town.
She graciously stayed asleep for the walk, and would probably continue that for at least another day or two. All the more convenient for me.
I laid her down on a table in my receiving room, finally resting my sore arms from the trek across the city. As much as I would have loved to fireman carry her out of there, a bridal carry was much less suspicious on the streets of City, especially between a man and a woman.
I was just glad she wasn’t awake to question me about it. Gentleness and chivalry were not exactly on brand for me, and I liked it to stay that way.
I pulled her jacket out of my bag first and rifled through the pockets for anything of any importance. I came across an accordion folded card with a front that was caution-orange and stopped to read the text printed on the front. It read:
Yes I know my limits, I just choose to ignore them.
If found, pls read (or not lmao I’m probably too dead or unconscious to care)
I knew that some people carried emergency cards on their person with important information, but it was always a trade off because you ran the risk of it being found and revealing information in a situation in which you would rather it not. I wondered if Hero would want me to read this in this particular situation or not, had she been conscious. Either way, I entertained myself by unfolding the paper. It did say please, after all.
It continued:
So obviously I did something either super heroic (I hope) or really stupid (probable). Maybe even both.
Anyway if you’re trying to keep me alive, good luck.
It then listed key medical information such as blood type and medications, complete with a large print ‘please skip to here if actively dying’ label.
Villain scanned through information before moving to the back of the comically long card with comically tiny print and reading:
If I’m dead (and you’re taking requests) I would like to be cremated and have my ashes mixed with a tree. (And preferably planted somewhere I won’t be cut down or die within a year lol)
Have a great day :) (or, if you’re a villain: I hope both sides of your pillow are warm every night and you jump every time you hear a toaster go off.)
P.S. don’t feel bad about any of this, I knew what I was doing (unless, once again, you are a villain, in which case go fuck your self, feel bad all you want, dirtbag)
I allowed myself a small chuckle. She wasn’t consciously around to hear it anyway.
A broken com, some cash, and miscellaneous tools were all there was to find in the rest of the clothing I searched.
My next order of business was checking Hero for any injuries, a process which I will admit is a lot easier and less awkward when your subject is conscious. Still, I didn’t need the hero bleeding out or dying from some unseen wound while incapacitated in my care.
Rolling her back out of the hoodie, I crumpled and tucked the fabric under her head and neck to separate them from the hard surface.
A cursory inspection revealed no clear cuts in the fabric of her tank top or visible skin of the front, nor any bloodstains in the lighter sections of her leggings. I lifted and turned over both of Hero’s bare arms, finding nothing of concern anywhere I could see. The same was true for her lower legs and abdomen.
Resolved to simply deal with any other possible hidden wounds if the issue later arose, I retreated deeper into my lair to further prepare for my guest.
An empty cell awaited, and Hero would not stir on the cot for some time.
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mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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“Car trouble?”
Your first instinct was to lie but looking around there really was no other plausible explanation for you to be stopped, in the dark, on the side of barely two lane gravel road.
For the millionth time you wondered why the fuck Betsy had decided to get engaged and move to the middle of Fucking Nowhere Kansas.
She’d blamed it on “Country Boy Dick” which must have been damned impressive to make her give up Neiman’s and the Smithsonian. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah, I guess so.”
The stranger pulled ahead of your car, executed a perfect three point turn and parked facing your dead vehicle. 
“What happened?”
“I have no idea. It started making a weird noise and then it just stopped.”
Your words trailed off as you got a good look at the driver. 
He was tall, hair buzzed, dark stubble covering his face. 
A grimy, yet somehow still clean, tank top that revealed nicely defined abs, peeked out from under a rugged brown leather jacket. 
Battered jeans, that had no business being that snug on his crotch and thighs, completed the ensemble.  
“Country Boy Dick” didn’t seem like such a lame excuse anymore. 
“Hey, Hello?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you could pop the hood for me.”
A lazy, knowing smile formed on his lips. 
Mortified at being caught gawking, you opened the driver’s side door.
Peering in you looked for something that might “pop the hood” whatever the hell that was. 
“You aren’t from around here are you.”
Whirling around, you found him standing right behind you, your bodies almost touching. 
You scooted down car, a tiny warning bell tinkling in your head. 
“Oh, hey.”
He raised his hands up.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. My name’s Steve.”
Reaching under the dash of your car he pressed a button.
He strode to the hood, lifting it up. 
“What’s your name?”
“Uh, it’s Meredith.”
No way in hell were you giving a complete stranger your real name, smoking hot or not. 
“Well, Meredith,” by the way he emphasized your name you knew he knew you had lied, “your timing belt snapped off.”
“Fucking great.”
You kicked the back tire. 
“Ok, thanks for trying Scott. I’ll call Triple A.”
“It’s Steve.”
“Excuse me?”
“Steve. It’s my name Meredith.”
A tiny bit creeped out, you faked a smile.
“Sorry Steve. I suck at remembering names. I’m just gonna call Triple A and…”
“I hate to tell you but the only tow truck for miles is owned by Jake Plessy. And seeing how it’s Friday night I imagine he’s sitting at Rooster’s at least half a bottle in of Jim Beam. You’ll be lucky if he can find his rig before morning.”
“Ok, so, well I’ll call 911.”
Steve laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
You were in no mood for this bullshit. 
“Sorry, it’s not funny, but Sheriff Wison is probably sitting right next to Plessy. You might get lucky and catch a State Trooper on patrol, otherwise their closest substation is over an hour away. Or…”
“Or what.”
“Or you could let me give you a ride into town.”
“I think I’ll wait for the police. I mean, I appreciate the offer, uh, Steve, I really do but it’s a rental and I don’t want to just leave it.”
Steve let the hood drop with a bang. 
You jumped, flinching at the sound. 
“Suit yourself. Make sure you stay in your car. Lot’s of coyotes out on a night like this.”
Right on que a howl drifted across the air. 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. They’re more scared of you than you are of them. Normally.”
Your voice squeaked. 
“It’s been a bad summer. They like to pick off the weak. But you should be fine. Have a good night.”
Steve opened his car door. 
Looking around you noticed just how absolutely alone you were out here, in the dark. 
“Uh, wait. I’ll uh, I’ll take that ride. 
It’s alright if you love me
It’s alright if you don’t
I’m not afraid of you runnin away honey
I get the feeling you won’t
Say there ain’t no use in pretending
Your eyes give you away
Something inside you is feeling like I do
We said all there is to say
Breakdown, go ahead and give it to me
Breakdown, honey, take me through the night. 
The music spilling from the speakers coupled with the steady motion of Steve’s car had almost lulled you to sleep.
Vaguely you wondered why he had turned off the main road thirty minutes or so ago. 
You were almost certain Betsy's directions had you staying straight after turning off the highway. 
Looking back out the passenger window you watched the flat land pass by. 
It was almost hypnotic with nothing to break the view. 
Your eyes started to droop shut.
The sudden stop locked your seatbelt, pitching you forward.
“What the hell?”
Steve was facing you, the dashboard lights bathing him in a satanic-esque glow.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?”
“That,” his hand massaged a noticeable bulge under his zipper, “depends on you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Big city girl never heard of put out or get out?”
He unzipped his jeans, lifting his hips to free his cock. 
You inhaled sharply at the sight of the large appendage, crimson tinted head shiny with pre-cum.
“You putting out or getting out sweetheart? Town’s a good 20 miles North of here.
You stared out the windshield.
The moon was a pale sliver illuminating nothing. 
“Fine,” you huffed, bending towards him.
Steve slapped you.
“No teeth. You understand.”
“Yeah…I… Yeah, I understand,” you stammered.
“Then get to it.”
Leaning down, you took a tentative lick.
Determined to get it over quickly, you attacked his cock, head bobbing, cheeks hollowed, hand twisting at the base.
Steve gripped the back of your head pressing you down.
You gagged around him, hands beating his chest.
He pulled you up only to force you down again, repeating until you caught his rhythm, doing your best to take all of him, adding a swirl on each upstroke.
You prepared yourself to swallow, instead he shoved you away.
“Nuh Uh. No fucking way. I’ll give you a blowjob but that’s…..”
He held up his phone.
A video of you between his legs flared on the screen.
“Poor Betsy. Imagine how hurt she’ll be when she sees her best friend slobbering all over her future husband’s knob.”
Your eyes grew wide.
“How did you..No..no..this isn’t happening. She wouldn’t…”
Steve lurched across the seats, pinning you by the throat to the passenger door, head hitting the window.
“Yeah she would. She believes every word I say. I walk on water as far as that dumb bitch is concerned,” he sneered, “Good thing her mom’s loaded huh? Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to stand her.”
You batted at his arm.
“Let me go you son of a…….”
He tightened his grip.
“Or how about I send this to that hot shot Senator you work for? How long do you think it’d take Mr Family Values to fire your skanky ass?”
Eyes now the shape of saucers you croaked, “How do you know…”
“SHUT UP!,” he bellowed in your face, spittle flying.
“I know because Betsy never shuts the fuck up either. Your big career, your fancy apartment, all the parties you took her to. All I ever hear about is you.”
Steve scowled, pure hate emanating from his voice.
“But she’s mine now. It’ll suck when she finds out you seduced me, I mean I couldn’t keep you off my dick, practically raped me.”
“Or,” he leaned in, “We could have a little fun and no one would have to know.”
He caressed your cheek.
“Yes or no, I ain’t got all night.”
Too stunned to speak, you nodded your head.
“Good girl.”
Settling back in the driver’s seat, he gazed at you expectantly.
Shaking, you removed the knee high leopard print boots, black leggings and oversized black Cashmere sweater, leaving on the pink, lace edged balconette bra and matching thong.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a show of impatience.  
WIth a defeated sigh, you finished undressing.
You shivered even though the engine was still running, heat pouring from the vents.
Sliding closer, he pawed at your tits, one hand dropping to your apex.
His touch was crude, rough, devoid of any finesse. 
He shoved two fingers in your dry channel.
You gritted your teeth.
His mouth descended to your chest, laving and biting the nipples.
Graciously, your body provided some lubrication, Steve’s fingers finding less resistance.
By pure chance his thumb brushed your clit, stomach instinctively contracting.
Like a kid with a new found toy, Steve played with your nub, his harsh touch firing your senses.
You squirmed, embarrassed, his attention firmly on the bundle of nerves. 
He rubbed faster, callused fingers contrasting with the smoother skin.
Heat built, a sure sign of an impending orgasm. 
Horrified at your body’s betrayal, you fought to keep it at bay.
It was a losing battle.
The orgasm washed over you in soft waves, a small moan escaping your locked jaw.
Furious at your internal treason, you elbowed him away.
“Sit down,” you hissed, obviously intending to ride him.
“Not yet. I’ve got a better idea.”
Steve gestured to the hard, plastic shifter. 
You recoiled, revolted at the thought.
“Are you insane? I’m not doing that, no fucking way.”
He snatched your clothes, tossing them from the car.
“Start walking. By the time you make it to town everyone will know what a whore you are.”
The slump of your shoulders signaled your surrender.
“I don’t…” you fought back tears, “I ..how do I..”
Steve spit on the handle.
“Figure it out before I get bored and leave you here anyway.”
Softly crying, you positioned a knee on each bucket seat, arms braced on the dashboard.
Oh so carefully you descended, unable to stifle a whimper of pain.
He palmed his cock, licking his lips.
“Go on, I wanna see you ride it.”
You bounced haltingly, hyperaware not to take the object too deep.
Steve stomped on the gas pedal, the revving engine vibrating the shifter, sending sparks shooting from your core. 
Shame burned bright with the fresh slick that coated the plastic.
“Holy shit,” Steve muttered, voice low with lust.
He slid a hand between your legs, circling your clit causing you to gasp at the duel sensations. 
“Dirty slut. You’re getting off on this.”
You shook your head, silently pleading with your deceitful body.
Unfortunately, it had other plans.
Muscles tensed as you came again, stronger than the last, Steve supporting you as you shook with tremors.
Your humiliated bliss was short lived. 
Hesitation earned you another slap.
Extricating yourself, he opened the driver’s door, dragging you with him. 
Turning you around, Steve shoved your face down, leaving your lower half exposed, legs straight, ass in the air, gravel cutting the soles of your bare feet.
You stifled a scream as buried his cock in one brutal shove, stretching your walls to their limit. 
He clutched your hips, holding you steady.
“Fucking hell, I didn’t think your pussy’d be so tight.”
“Just,” you hiccuped, “Just hurry up.”
Instantly he changed pace. 
He leisurely slid back and forth, bumping your g-spot.
“Maybe I’ll cum inside you,” he mused.
“No, God no,” you blubbered, “Don’t..don’t do that.”
You reared up, trying to escape but Steve held you in place, your struggles egging him on.
“Been trying to knock Betsy up for a few months, insurance policy so’s she don’t leave.”
Tears streaming, you begged, “Don’t do this…I’m not on anything.”
“I bet you’d be cute, all fat, tits swelled up.”
“Please, please, please,” you sobbed, “Please don’t.”
The head of his cock nudged your puckered hole.
This time you couldn’t contain the scream.
Snot and tears mingled on your face.
“Poor baby, I thought you’d like taking a dick in the ass.”
He thrusted deeper, gaining enjoyment from your pain.
“Ass or cunt? Your choice. Either way I’m blowing a load in you.”
Picking the lesser of two evils you whispered.
“Good choice.”
Forcing your body to relax, you swept a finger across your still sensitive nub, praying for a distraction. 
“Piece of friendly advice Sweetheart.”
He punctuated the words with the snap of his hips. 
“Don’t leave your car alone at strange gas stations.”
You wanted to rage at his revelation, howl at the moon for this cruel twist.
Steve fucked you mercilessly, bruises forming on your hip and ass.
You lashed at your clit, shutting out everything  but the blooming pleasure.
Unbidden, your hips rocked to meet his body, caught in spasms as you came.
He followed, hips pumping erratically, rope after rope of warm, sticky cum coating your insides. 
Sated, he withdrew, buckling his jeans, tossing your clothes at your feet.
You dressed, shuddering both from the cold and his assault, folding yourself gingerly back in the passenger seat. 
“Check this out,”
You glanced over, eyes dull from crying.
Your mouth dropped open.
Another video, this time of you riding the shifter to orgasm, displayed.
“You fucking asshole,” you shrieked, pummeling him with your fists, “You said…”
“I didn’t say shit,” he smirked again, holding the phone just out of your reach, “It’s a  little extra motivation to keep your trap shut. I mean who knows, I might wanna get my dick wet again before you leave.”
You dove for the phone, managing to bite his wrist, drawing blood.
“Fucking cunt!”
He dropped the phone, wrapping both hands around your throat.
“I own you bitch! You hear me! I’ll post this on PornHub. You won’t be so high and mighty then will you!”
The fight left with each denied breath, until you laid still, tears once more flowing down your face.
Steve let go, straightened his jacket, popping the car in gear.
He sped off, humming along to the radio.
Curling into a ball, you stared blankly out the window, wishing in vain you’d taken your chance with the coyotes. 
Breakdown/Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/1976
@fanfic-fangirl @mcudarklibrary @caffiend-queen @alexakeyloveloki @americasass81 @lokislastlove @sweeterthanthis @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @ironlady1993 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @starynighty @sapphirescrolls @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @cockslutpadalecki @dangertoozmanykids101 @lizzystuffsthings @shikin83 @km-ffluv
@sinceimetyou @buckybarnesandmarvel @imdarkinme @xsapphirescrollsx @xoxabs88xox @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @titty-teetee @saiyanprincessswanie @dragon-of-dreams
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Olivia, MN. Corn capital of the world. It was freezing and do you think I brought a coat? Packed an empty fucking hand cream too. Idiot.
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These are my crap cell pics, haven't busted out the sd cards yet. Stopped at all the antique stores. Classic road regret re: Piper.
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Jankiest fucking hotel. The whole place was Jerry-rigged. Fucking extension cords all over the place. Who puts less than 8 pillows on a King? Telly: Hardcore Pawn, DDD, Bar Rescue, SVU, Simpsons
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I take my makeup off in the morning like a fucking lady god dammit. Yes, there's always tons of black shit around my eyes. (stfu)
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So many trucks and everything was stupid expensive. There was a great thrashed cab over that I wanted but $65 for shit cond. is ridic.
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Wanted the vintage Halloween black cat lamp but $100? This place had their prices so jacked that you could only haggle to "overpriced". Takes the spirit out of the game.
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So much taxidermy I was DYING. Wanted everything. Fish were all $200+, rams head $350, bunch of moose antlers crazy high regardless of size, cheapest thing was an 8pt buck for $150. Small antlers foraged from the gd woods were $25 minimum. They can all go pound salt.
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Lookit this shit. I don't even like benches but this was obviously made for me. That a 80s Ranger tailgate? $600. haha. Eat my entire ass.
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This fucking guy! The Big Fish Supper Club was unfortunately not open when we drove through. Pull Tabs! Meat Raffles! Muskies!
The F250 Turbo Diesel Super Duty is fave truck so far. Aesthetically not my cup of tea but as far as comfort, power, safety, etc. Ticks all boxes.
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Mostly dead towns and barren land the entire way up. Res dogs were in full force, must've been 9 or 10 breaking my gd heart. Think we hit 3 different Native lands and S/O to the nicest mf I ever met in BALL CLUB, MN Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (ily royal blue sierra)
Missed you guys. Feels good to be home.
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 4 months
Whirlwind Awareness
**trigger warning for those who have been pregnant**
Characters: Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
Lyn's Writing Event 2024 - Week 4 - Day 25
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May 25th: Week 4: Tornado
Characters: Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
*** Trigger warning for those who have been pregnant ***
*** Suicidal shock – please if you are easily triggered by this human experience, do not read***
Fandom: Richard Armitage/Sarah Wayne Callies – Into the Storm (AU continuation of ship)
The characters of Gary Fuller and Allison Stone were created by Steven Quale & John Swetnam
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Tornados, trauma, geriatric (over 35) pregnancy, pseudocyesis, presumed miscarriage, anxiety, depression, rescue, suicidal tendencies.
              Ally smiled as she felt a heartbeat in her abdomen and rubbed her belly through her soft cotton shirt. She prayed for a smooth transition into motherhood again. Grace was her miracle already, what would this new child bring into her life. Gary doted on her when she told him. Since the boys were off to college now, starting a new family, felt like a natural step forward for their relationship. It was Spring now, and storms were starting to come fast and often. Gary had told her not to go “chasing” once she hit the third trimester and she had agreed it would be unsafe. But right now, she was 12 weeks in and feeling fine.
Several storms were reported near home and she took the rig and her assistant and headed out. She was a little nauseous but was used to it by now. And often the excitement of the chase made her stomach a little nervous. When they headed out, her back started to hurt, but she didn’t think anything of it, these rough roads during flooding were, well, rough by anyone’s standards. She gripped the bar on the inside of the passenger seat of the truck and held on. Daryl apologized for the roads and Ally chuckled.
“Why? You didn’t pour them,” she smirked, and then a wave of nausea hit her, and her abdomen seized in a cramp. Ally let out a gasp and grimaced. Daryl smirked, “Ok, now your just making fun of me.” Laughing.
Ally momentarily paled and sweat broke out on her face and her neck. Ally shuddered visibly, as Daryl slowed down to a spot on the road.
“Ally? You ok?” Daryl asked. Ally looked to him, “Yeah, yeah” her color returning, “That was weird, but I think I am ok.” Daryl looked up and saw the clouds darkening as rain pelted the truck. Ally slowly crawled between the seats to her command center of monitors.
“I’m punching it up now, looks like we got two good ones coming up on our right”, Ally pointed out the window of the truck’s side door. Daryl pitched his head against the windshield looking for a sign of a small cyclone. A nearby siren echoed through the corn fields, that were green, but mostly bare looking, planted only a few weeks before.
“Nothing yet, but its ripe, did you feel that temp drop”, Daryl asked.
Ally nodded, “Yeah, I did”, she gripped her belly again and gritted her teeth. Daryl looked back at her, “Are you sure you are alright, I know Gary told me to,” he trailed off.
Ally looked at him sternly, “How long you known me, I don’t fade easily”,
Daryl sighed, “Yeah but you don’t look too good”, he spun back to face the windshield.
“Noted, thank you”, and she managed a smile. Daryl shouted mumbles excitedly and pointed out the window. Ally looked up at her screen and caught the red zone.
“Gotcha” she said, indicating the cyclone, starting up her tracking software, and filtering the data. The cyclone swirled and captured fencing and some other loose farm equipment, swirling it around inside itself, before dissipating quickly. A tractor crashed to the ground about 200 yards away from them.
Daryl chortled, “Well that was underwhelming,”
Ally giggled, “Yeah, tell that to the tractor”. Another cramp hit her and she missed the next cell indicator. A cyclone emerged right in front of them about 50 yards and Daryl put the truck in reverse and backed up, turning around. Ally held on to the monitors, taking a steady breath.
“I am not doing this again, you want to track them fine, but I need to live today.” Daryl warned.
Ally sat back up in her seat, “Fair. Maybe we should head back to town, the cell is clear there, for now.” Daryl headed back to Silverton. Ally stayed in the rear cabin and pulled out her cell phone, it was 155 pm, so Gary was still at the school.
His voice calmed her nerves, “hey, how are you?” Ally could hear Gary’s smile over the phone.
“I’m ok. We are calling it early I think, there’s some strong cells coming in, and I’m,” she paused,
“Yes, I understand. Can you come see me then?” Gary asked, hopeful. Ally looked at the time, and their general trajectory.
She nodded over the phone, “Yeah, I should be able to,” smiled audibly, “It will be nice to get a”
Ally grabbed her belly and breathed out harshly.
Gary immediately was talking as the phone slid off her cheek, “Babe? What’s wrong, Ally, hun are you ok?”
Ally sucked in a breath, “Yeah. I just, its just cramping.” She responded.
Gary made a face on his end of the line, “Look just get here, I will take care of you. Love you.”
Ally returned a ‘uhuh, love you too’ breathily and hung up the cell.
Daryl looked back in the rearview mirror, “So, am I dropping you at the high school then?”
Ally nodded and gave him a thumbs up. She broke out in another sweat and took a sip of cool water from a bottle nearby. She did her breathing exercises she had remembered, and it calmed her down a bit. Daryl pulled up to the entrance, and Gary was waiting outside for Ally.
Daryl got out and opened the side door, revealing Ally crouched on the floor of the van, lightly clutching her belly. Gary got right to her, “come on, come on”, he picked her up, and carried her into the school entrance, Daryl right at his heels, opening doors. Gary set Ally down on a cushioned chair in the front office. He scanned her with his eyes, and put his hand on her hand on her belly.
“Is it the baby? Is everything alright?” Gary asked.
Ally looked at him, he was crouched in front of her, “I don’t know, I thought we were out of the woods”, smirked sadly. Gary looked firmly at her, “lets go see the doctor then ok?” Ally nodded. And Gary helped her up to her feet. The wave had subsided and she could stand again. Gary’s arm was melting into her back in support and care, she leaned into his side as he walked her out. The administrator waved him off when he looked to say something. Gary smiled at her and kept walking Ally out. Daryl was at the truck waiting. The side door was still wide open, and Ally could see the monitor blaring a warning. She rolled her eyes, as she stepped into the truck.
Gary entered behind her, “Daryl, can you take us to the ER?”
“Sure, of course”, Daryl answered. Gary held Ally in the back of the truck for the duration of the trip across Silverton to the hospital. Ally didn’t have any cramps in that interval and she was relieved. Maybe she just needed some rest, she thought. They pulled up to the entrance under an portico. Daryl stepped out and opened the side door again, Gary emerged and lead Ally out through the sliding glass doors to the patient counter.
Ally made her best effort, “Hey I would like to be seen please,”  Gary stood at her side.
“Yes, miss,” the nurse replied, “what has brought you in today?”
“I’m pregnant”, she looked to Gary, “and I’m having some unusual cramping, I don’t know if I’m bleeding though”, Gary’s eyes shifted widely, his grip on her shoulder tightened considerably.
“I see, well fill this out, we’ll be right with you”, the nurse said shoving a clipboard in Ally’s hand and pointing to a pot of pens to choose from. “I’ll need your insurance card, too”.
Ally moved her hands to pockets, as Gary pulled his bill fold and handed it to the nurse. Ally shyly thanked him. He looked at her without incident. Ally tucked her hair behind her ear, and thanked the nurse as they both found a seat. Ally filled out the basic information needed and noted the time. The weather channel was on a monitor above them in the waiting area, issuing another Tornado warning, and she grinned, wishing that was a distraction right now.
Gary looked at her with deep concern, “Don’t worry, hun. We’ll figure this out together.” He kissed the top of her head, and rubbed her shoulder as they shared a wide seat.
“Allison?” a new nurse called from a triage room, Allison got up and moved towards the room, Gary was right beside her. The triage nurse took her vitals, took the clipboard and asked her questions to confirm the information on it. Ally answered as usual, a keen understanding of the workings of a medical triage. The nurse looked up at her sharply, “How far along are you?”
Gary answered immediately, “12 weeks.” Ally, put her hand on his leg and squeezed it, he looked at her with keenly felt love.
“Alright, well, let’s get you checked out then. You can stay in here, then we will move you to an exam room.” The sirens started blaring again outside, Ally seemed to hear them in her sleep nowadays. The nurse left out an adjacent door into another hallway.
Gary rubbed her hand, “See this is going to be fine, you’ll see.” Ally looked at him hopeful, and sighed, “I just don’t want to disappoint you”.
He looked concerned again, “That is not why we are doing this, you cant disappoint me. It isn’t your fault if something,”
Ally put her fingers to his lips to stop him from talking, “Shh.. no no no.” She chided. Gary stifled a smile.
“I love you no matter what”, he said when she dropped her hand. Ally smiled lightly, “I love you too.” She sort of girl punched him in the side in playfulness. She was feeling a little better, maybe it was just stress. A while later they moved Ally and Gary to an exam room. A nurse took er vitals again, drew some blood, and palpated her abdomen. Gary stood at her bedside watching and holding Ally’s hand. Focused and ready for whatever was to come. A loud crack of thunder broke his concentration and Ally actually flinched. Gary noted that reaction, as it was out of character for her.
More time passed, the rain pelted the hospital, and the town. But thankfully no tornados.
A doctor came in to talk with them about the results of the blood tests, and Ally looked hopeful at some good news. During the exam, she had noted some bleeding, and she knew sometimes that occurred, but she just didn’t want to entertain any negativity.
The doctor looked at Ally flat in the eye, “So your tests came back negative,”
Gary and Ally both sighed in relief.
“let me finish,” said the doctor, “Your pregnancy test came back negative, we cannot explain your bleeding, or the cramping or anything else you have told us”.
Ally sat up angrily, “what are you talking about? I’m pregnant!” her voice raised in alarm.
Tornado sirens blarred again, and Ally looked to Gary who was standing in shock beside her.
The doctor was on a rolly stool, so he wasn’t at eye height, he stood up then to re-declare his position, “Look we ran it three times, I know it sounds strange. I swear I am trying to do this delicate,” Ally looked at him, her heart thundering in her chest, louder than those damn sirens outside.
Gary looked to the doctor, “What are you saying?” 
Ally could feel her world spinning then, and she flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling numb.
The doctor continued, “It’s called pseudocyesis, you have some of the symptoms of pregnancy, but its not a real pregnancy from a biological standpoint, its psychological” he moved back a little, looking at Gary who was now in a mix of confusion and protection. “I think you should leave,” Gary finally said.
The doctor bowed his head, “Take all the time you need,”
Ally’s head swam with thoughts, what was going on? The heartbeat, the cramping, the nausea, the sense of smell, she had it all. What was going on? Ally started to cry, big bubbling tears, and turned away from Gary on the bed. Gary moved towards her, his hand rubbing her back.
“I’m so sorry. I tried, I don’t know what happened”, She sobbed. Gary was working through his own disbelief and frustration, but he knew he loved her. He made a promise to take care of her. He wasn’t going to fail now. Gary curled up on the bed with her and held her.
“Shh…” he spoke against Ally’s sobs, “Its ok. We can try again, right?” Ally cried harder at that sentiment.
She turned slightly to look up at him, “Didn’t you hear that smarmy asshole, he said I wasn’t pregnant. You can’t try again for something that didn’t exist!” Gary held her tighter letting her cry. 
“I’m sorry. I know, I know. I just don’t, I’ve never even heard of that, have you?” Gary asked.
Ally shook her head, “No, never. What does that even mean? How can my body trick me like that? Am I losing my mind?”
Gary held her face in his hand, brushing a kiss to her temple, “No, no. your not crazy, something must have caused it.”  Ally closed her eyes at the kiss, “Then what, what caused it?” she sniffled.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think were going to find that out here”, Gary replied. The nurse knocked on the glass door, and peaked in.
“Were all ready to discharge,” she said. Gary looked at her a bit perturbed.
The nurse recognized this and slinked back out of the doorway. Gary kissed Ally on the head again, and got up, “I’m going to get you some water, do you need anything else?”
She sat up slowly, hugging her one knee and smirking, “Yeah, you got any dignity out there, grab me some.”  Gary looked at her, seriously and opened the door, “You are plenty dignified, you have nothing to prove to me, you have a kid already. Grace is wonderful. I’m perfectly satisfied with what we have.”
Gary closed the door and Ally openly wept into her hands, the grief of the realization palatable and earth shattering. She started to have a panic attack. Ally got up and paced the room a minute.
Gary had to go down a rather long hallway to find the water station. And it took some doing to get the nurses to instruct him on how to operate it.
Ally, started to get dressed again, she had to get away, had to clear her head. That doctor was the insane one, not me, Ally thought. She put on her shoes and opened the glass door carefully, peaking around the inner curtain to the nurse’s station. Everyone was busy or back turned to her, viewing monitors and discussing critical patients. Ally looked back and forth but did not see Gary. She snuck out of the room and through an alternate exit.
The cool and warm air hit her in succession as she stepped outside to a dark green sky and a strong breeze. The sun was still in the sky, but it was slowly approaching dusk. She could see Daryl parked a little ways down the parking lot, but she went the other direction. Cutting across the lawn to the hospital and heading for the ominous view of sickly green clouds and a scent of rain. Ally closed her jacket about her and stomped towards the storm.
Ally was aware that walking into a storm like this was utter madness, but her grief was so strong, she didn’t care what happened, she just wanted to wash away that feeling inside her heart. She was consumed by the shame and grief of that information. It just didn’t make any sense.
Gary came back to the room, and as he slid the door open smoothly it didn’t take him long to realize that Ally was gone. He mouthed the words “fuck”, and immediately pulled out his phone to call her. It rang on the bed in the room. He hung up and tried Daryl.
Daryl answered, waiting in the parking lot, “Is everything ok?”
“No, Ally ran off. We got some bad news. I don’t know where she would go, do you?” Gary said, walking towards the main entrance to the ER.
“No, I mean, I haven’t seen her. She didn’t come back to the Van, and I’m sure she could see me if she came out”. 
Gary acknowledged him, as he walked up to the truck and got into the passenger seat switching off the call.
“So, where do we go?” Daryl asked.
Gary pointed towards the ominous clouds ahead of them, “How about into that storm”,
Daryl sighed, “I was afraid you were going to say that”. Daryl put the truck into reverse and pulled out of his spot, heading to the road along the hospital. More open fields scattered businesses and residences around the town. Gary scanned streets and open fields for Ally.
Daryl and Gary headed towards the storm, and each minute they got closer, so did the storm.
Ally could feel the shift of wind over head, and she looked up as a pelt of heavy rain droplets hit her in force before reaching the ground and splashing back up against the divet puddles of a tilled crop field. Ally squished through the fields with effort, the rain so heavy it pushed her down into the ground as she walked. A sound of a train made Ally’s head snap up sharply, and the cyclone appeared in front of her about 75 yards away. She looked around for something to hide under or grab hold of. Nothing presented it self. The tornado gave chase as Ally moved away from it. It licked along the ground, kicking up mud and dirt and plants, heading straight for her.
Ally felt the wave of guilt again and stood still, arms out, ready to be taken, “Do your worst!” she shouted amongst the rain and wind.
Daryl spotted her first, they were driving down the parallel road to the field. Gary looked over out his window and saw Ally arms spread wide, and the tornado heading straight for her.
“Oh god,” he gasped, his hand over his mouth, “Can you cut through the field in this?”
Daryl laughed, “haha! Oh yeah I can, watch this.” He flicked some buttons on his side panel and engaged 4-wheel drive with a Jeep modification for mud terrain. “Hold on!”
Gary braced himself, then had a thought, “wait, I’ll go in back, keep the side door open so I can catch her”.  Daryl grinned.
The truck veered off the road sharply and into the field. They were headed straight for Ally.
But so was the tornado, it swooshed and dived, picking up more things as it passed a shed.
Ally kept her eyes closed and her arms open, “You can do better than that, try picking me up” she roared at the cyclone.
As the tornado made its way towards her, never breaking stride, Ally peaked at it and grinned desperately, tears streaming down her face. She looked at it careens towards her, a large arm swooped her up and into the van. Gary set her down, and slammed the side door, just as the tornado washed past and behind them. Daryl had his foot deep in the peddle, moving towards the road on the other side of the field.
Gary held her down against the floor of the van, “What were you doing? Trying to kill yourself?”
He shouted, even though the rain had gone. Ally looked up at him, momentarily startled.
“I, I.. I just wanted to be cleansed,” Her face in her hands, sobbing starting again. Gary dropped his anger, and held her to him, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry you felt you had to.  It will all be ok. We will heal from this, I promise.”
Ally sobbed into his chest, “But now I cannot trust my own body is telling the truth, let alone what you must think of me”. She held him closer, trying to find solace in his steady warmth.
“Its not about that. I don’t think anything of you. I love you. We will figure this out together ok?” Gary explained, rubbing her soothingly.
Daryl made it back to the road and they drove back to town. The tornado had vanished by then, taking it with it a little bit of Ally’s perseverance, and maybe some trust. She didn’t know where to go from here, but she knew that Gary would lead her safely home.
(Epilogue: There is no offense intended in characters or depictions, this story comes from a personal experience of mine. So it is not fictional for me. I hope that anyone who can identify with any aspect of this experience, though brief in its depiction can find some solace in not being alone with their thoughts or feelings about it)
Anyone I tagged I tried to remain sensitive. it is a short taglist for content reasons. Please reblog if you think it will help someone heal.
@scariusaquarius @lathalea @sweetestgbye
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 8 months
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day three - car accident
notes: hi friends and welcome back for febwhump day three! What better way to ring in day three than by having Squad 3 in a bit of a pickle? This is part one and part two will be posted tomorrow!
read on AO3 or below
It was a stormy morning in Chicago, the clouds looming in the sky above still frighteningly dark, as if the constant rain and thunderstorms that had plagued the city for the past 24 hours had done nothing to ease their burden.    
The men and women of Firehouse 51 were exhausted, having responded to countless car accidents and swift water rescues for those particularly brave (or foolish) drivers who chose not to heed the ‘turn around, don’t drown’ warnings. They were just a few hours shy of finishing their shift and they hoped the lull in the rain would last long enough for them to ride out the rest of their shift at the station and get home safely.   
That hope was shattered, however, as the bells tolled and Squad 3 was called out to yet another water rescue.
It was an easy rescue given the weather and within an hour, Squad 3 was headed back to 51. 
The rain had picked up again and between the downpour and the dark of early morning, visibility was low. The few cars that were out on the streets were driving with extreme care and caution. Even Tony, the experienced engineer he was, had difficulty navigating the city streets.
As they approached an intersection and made their way through, no one saw the delivery truck driving far too fast on the slick road. 
No one saw it blow through the stop sign.
No one saw it coming until it was too late.
The crash was catastrophic. By the time both trucks saw each other, there was nothing either of them could do. The delivery truck plowed into the front passenger side, sending both trucks careening in the intersection. 
The sounds of squealing tires, the sickening crunch of metal, and shattering glass filled the early morning air; a cacophony of harsh, devastating noise. It seemed to drag on for a lifetime, but it was barely more than a minute before all the noise stopped. As quickly as the accident began, it ended with both trucks smoking, Squad 3’s truck on its side, and all occupants unconscious.
… … …
“Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambo 61, Squad 6, Ambo 57, DC 4, auto accident at 16th and Whacker.”
The station erupted to life, each person running out to their respective rigs to get to the scene quickly.
“An entire station plus some for a car accident?” Carver asked from the back of Truck. “Do we know anything else?”
Stella grabbed her radio. “Chief, do we know any details on this accident?”
“Dispatch is still fielding calls from the scene. They’ll relay more information to us once they have it.”
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the scene but just before they rounded the corner dispatch came across the radio with an update. 
“51 be advised, Squad 3 was involved in the accident.”
A shocked silence filled the trucks. When Squad 3 was not included in dispatch’s call out, they’d all assumed they were still at their earlier rescue. None of them expected them to be the ones in need of rescue.
No one said anything, all their thoughts were on their teammates and friends. They hoped, by some miracle, it was a minor accident with minor injuries but given how many trucks had been called to the scene they suspected that wasn’t the case.
“Oh my god,” Stella said quietly, fear creeping into her every being.
Mouch had just turned the corner and Truck 81 had just gotten their first glimpse of the accident. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Pieces of warped, crushed metal littered the street along with glass from broken windows and windshields and fresh skid marks painted the road. A delivery truck with a crushed front end was smoking but the most alarming sight to them was the familiar Squad truck turned over on its side. 
Before Mouch even parked the truck, Stella was hopping out and rushing towards the involved trucks. She was desperate to get to Kelly and the others. She wasn’t alone in that desperation as the rest of 51 joined her almost immediately.
Squad 6 and Ambo 57 had not yet arrived on the scene, so Herrmann and the Engine crew took off towards the delivery truck. They’d handle the smoke and check out the driver while Truck assessed Squad’s situation.
Stella ran around to the front of the truck and knelt to look through the shattered windshield. It was hard to make anything out through the spiderweb of cracks but she could see movement on the driver’s side. “Capp! Tony! You guys okay?”
“We’re good!” Tony called out. “Some cuts from the glass but nothing major.”
“Capp, what about you?”
“I hit my head when we flipped but other than that and some cuts I’m good!” Capp answered, his voice strong.
“Glad to hear it,” Stella responded, genuinely. “What about Cruz and Severide? How do they look?”
“I’m okay Lieutenant!” Cruz’s voice was laced with pain, but he sounded coherent. “I think my shoulder’s busted.”
“Anything else hurt or feel off?” Stella asked as Brett knelt beside her.
“Maybe a concussion and some bruised ribs.”
“What about Severide? How’s he looking?” The anxiety in Stella’s voice was unmistakable.
“He’s been out the whole time,” Tony started. “The impact was on his side so he got the worst of it. I can see some blood and it looks like he’s stuck.”
“Stuck how?” Stella asked, waving over the Lieutenant from Squad 6 who’d just arrived on the scene.
“The frame of the truck looks like it wrapped around him.”
Stella relayed the information and updates to Lieutenant Hanson, who sent his men to get the tools they’d need. He bent down next to Stella and Brett. “Hang tight guys, we’ll get you out of there soon.”
When the rest of Squad 6 returned, Stella and Brett were forced to move back to give them room. Stella walked over to Boden who had stationed himself between the two trucks.
“How are they?” Boden questioned.
“Capp and Tony seem okay with some minor injuries. Cruz is a bit more banged up—possible broken shoulder, concussion, and bruised ribs.”
“And Severide?”
“Unconscious. Tony said he’s been unresponsive the entire time.” Stella took a shuddering breath. “He thinks he’s stuck in there, trapped under the crushed metal.”
Boden hummed, unable to put his thoughts into words at the moment. He’d spoken with the officers on scene and heard some of the statements from a few witnesses. While Stella’s update had provided some relief from his worry, his anger at the situation was overpowering every other emotion. This accident shouldn’t have happened.
“How’s the other driver?”
“Drunk,” Boden groused. He saw Stella’s eyes widen. “Witnesses say he blew through the stop sign. The paramedics on 57 checked him out and he’s getting a police escort to Med.” 
“Unbelievable.” Stella was beyond angry. Her friends and teammates, and her husband, could’ve died because some idiot decided to drink and drive. Her husband could be seriously injured and the other driver walked away scott-free.
The whirring of equipment and the sound of metal being cut and pried apart pulled Stella out of her thoughts and brought her back to the scene. She and Boden moved closer to where the team was gathered and to where Squad 6 had just opened the roof of Squad 3’s cab.
It took some careful maneuvering but after a few minutes, Capp and Tony were both out and being examined by Brett and Violet. They were cleared of any serious injuries, not even a concussion for Capp, but Boden still radioed dispatch for additional ambulances. Every member of Squad was taking a trip to Med to get checked out.
Getting Cruz out took a bit longer than Capp and Tony due to how smashed his side of the truck was. They also had to be extra careful to not jostle Severide’s seat. By the time Cruz had gotten out, two more ambulances had arrived on the scene. The paramedics from Ambo 21 immediately began treating Cruz while the paramedics from Ambo 37 took over helping Capp and Tony. 
Boden insisted they all head to the hospital and even ordered the paramedics to take them as soon as possible, but Cruz, Capp, and Tony all refused. They wanted to stay until Severide had been freed. “He wouldn’t leave until we were all out so we’re not leaving until he’s out.”
Cruz’s words rang true and Boden found it hard to argue.
… … …
Extracting Severide was an agonizingly slow process. The impact of the crash had folded and crushed the metal around him, creating a cocoon that had to be carefully cut and peeled away. Brett had climbed in and put a C-collar on Severide, taking full spinal precaution since he hadn’t woken up yet. The blood covering nearly half of his face, however, confirmed he was injured so they were working on the assumption he was far more injured than they could see.   
It took 30 minutes to get enough of the metal away so they could move Severide safely. Getting him out of what remained of the truck’s cab and onto a backboard called for great caution. It wasn’t until Severide was fully strapped and secured to the backboard and on his way out of the truck that he started to come to.
First, it was fluttering eyelids, then a quiet groan, then moving fingers which is what got everyone’s attention.
“Hey, I think he’s coming too!” Benson, one of Squad 6’s guys called out as the backboard cleared the wreckage. 
They gently set the backboard on the gurney Brett and Violet brought over. The paramedics immediately began assessing him. He never fully regained consciousness, but his pulse was strong given the circumstances and he was responding to stimuli. That’s as good as things got, unfortunately.
“Decreased breath sounds on the right,” Violet announced, removing the stethoscope from her ears.
Brett turned her pen light off and stuck it back in her pocket. “Right pupil is blown. Let’s get him to Med.”
Brett’s declaration set everyone else in action. Capp and Tony climbed into Ambo 37 under their own power and Cruz was loaded into Ambo 21. Brett and Violet loaded Severide into the back of 61 and allowed Stella to climb in beside him before closing the doors.
Brett sped away from the scene, leading the convoy of ambulances towards Med.   
… … …
As Violet started cutting away Severide’s shirt and jacket to start an IV and hook him up to the monitors, Stella stayed silent. She just sat on the bench on his other side and held his hand. Her fingers played absentmindedly with the black silicone ring on his finger while she stared at his face.
“You think he’s going to be okay?” she asked Violet.
Violet shot her friend a sympathetic smile. “I think he’s a little worse off than Cruz but he’s strong and he’ll pull through.”
Stella nodded and was quiet for a moment. Then, all at once, it was as if everything she’d been bottling up since her talk with Boden erupted. “The other driver? He was drunk…almost three times the legal limit. He blew through the stop sign and the roads were too slick for him to stop in time. He walked away with nothing but a few bumps and bruises! He hurt so many people! Cruz and Kelly are going to be out of work for weeks if not longer all because some idiot wanted to get wasted and get behind the wheel of a truck!”
Violet reached an arm over Severide and placed it on Stella’s arm. “That jackass is going to get what he deserves and Cruz and Severide are going to be fine. You gotta believe that. Focus on that.”
Stella nodded and went back to playing with Kelly’s wedding band.
“Before you know it, all four of the Squad guys will be back at 51 bragging about the shiny new truck they’re gonna have.” Violet added after a minute, trying to get a smile out of her friend.
It worked and Stella chuckled, some of the tension melting off of her shoulders.
Violet was right; Kelly would be fine.
He had to be.
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morethanaloveinterest · 4 months
A Detailed Look at Furiosa's Costume in Mad Max: Fury Road
With her solo movie coming out, let's revisit her first appearance and talk about Furiosa's costume and what it can tell us about the character.
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She wears this same costume throughout the movie, though she does add goggles and a mask when they go into the sand storm.
Starting at the bottom, she is wearing leather boots that, like so much in this movie, look like the combination of whatever could be found. They have a couple layers to keep them on her feet and are obviously adept at traversing the rugged terrain.
The pants are likely linen and have a lot of holes stitched together. This seems to be more for decoration, given the even patterning, rather than repairs she's made.
Next, the belt is a smaller version of what Immortan Joe wears in the same place. The symbol is clearly representative of him, likely indicating her status as Imperator for him. The chains coming off of it may indicate her status as well. The angle here changes what is basically a codpiece for him into something a bit more feminine, with the chains reminiscent of a skirt (the kind many women in lesser scifi dystopias have to wear).
Three belts secure her arm prosthetic to her body. Like the rest of her outfit, these feel cobbled together and do not match. There are connected to a piece of armor at the shoulder and a cuff around her upper arm.
The prosthetic itself matches her vocation as driver of the war rig - many of the parts are clearly those taken from other vehicles. It is a complicated device and she has some ability to use the fingers in place of her missing hand.
Her shirt is made of off-white fabric on the top with a dark, maybe leather, area resembling a corset. The off-white is similar to what the women she rescued are wearing and tie them all together visually. It has a lot more layers than they wear and can give the impression of bandages.
Finally, her hair is cut short like most of the male characters. She has painted her head black which might be because of the sun (at least around her eyes) but is probably a kind of pageantry to match the war boys and their silver paint.
Female Representation: 10/10 This is probably the best outfit I've ever seen a woman wear in a desert dystopia. She is fully covered, everything is very practical, there are a couple slightly feminine touches but nothing to single her out. She is the hero of this story and she looks like it.
Practicality: 10/10 Honestly, this may the most practical outfit I've ever talked about. She is ready for anything that may come at her and that is quite impressive in this society.
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Features of Professional Towing Services
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Towing services are an indispensable part of the automotive industry, assisting in various situations, from breakdowns to accidents. These services come in different forms, tailored to meet the diverse needs of drivers. This article will explore professional towing service in Kissimmee, highlighting their unique features and benefits.
Emergency Towing:
Emergency towing is the most common type of towing service. It involves rescuing vehicles broken down unexpectedly, often due to mechanical failures or accidents. Professional towing companies typically operate 24/7 to assist drivers in distress. Emergency towing services prioritize swift response times to ensure the safety of motorists and clear the roadways efficiently.
Accident Recovery:
Accidents happen, and when they do, accident recovery towing services come into play. These specialized services involve the removal and transportation of vehicles involved in collisions. Towing operators are trained to handle damaged vehicles carefully, minimizing further harm and facilitating the smooth traffic flow at accident scenes. Accident recovery towing requires expertise in dealing with wreckage and adhering to safety protocols to avoid exacerbating the situation.
Flatbed Towing:
Flatbed towing is commonly used for transporting vehicles over long distances or for those with special requirements. Unlike traditional towing, where vehicles are towed with their wheels on the ground, flatbed towing involves loading the entire vehicle onto a flatbed truck. This method ensures that the transported vehicle remains stable and protected from potential damage during transit. Flatbed towing is ideal for luxury cars, motorcycles, or vehicles with low ground clearance.
Winch-Out Service:
Winch-out towing service is designed to retrieve vehicles stuck in precarious situations, such as mud, snow, or off-road terrain. Towing operators utilize powerful winches attached to their trucks to safely pull vehicles out of challenging predicaments. Winch-out service requires skill and precision to avoid causing further damage to the stranded vehicle or the surrounding environment. It's a valuable service for drivers facing unexpected obstacles during their travels.
Motorcycle Towing:
Motorcycle towing is a specialized service tailored to the unique needs of motorcycle owners. Towing companies with motorcycle-specific trailers or tow trucks can safely transport motorcycles to repair shops or other destinations. Unlike traditional towing methods, which may not accommodate motorcycles securely, motorcycle towing ensures the protection of these valuable assets during transit. This service provides peace of mind to motorcyclists facing breakdowns or accidents on the road.
Long-Distance Towing:
Long-distance towing services cater to drivers in need of transportation over extended distances. Whether relocating to a new city or moving a vehicle for repair, long-distance towing offers a convenient solution. Towing companies employ experienced drivers and reliable equipment to ensure vehicles' safe and timely delivery to their destinations. Long-distance towing is cost-effective and efficient, providing a hassle-free option for drivers covering vast distances.
Heavy-Duty Towing:
Heavy-duty towing involves transporting large vehicles and equipment, such as trucks, buses, or construction machinery. These vehicles often exceed the weight limits of standard towing equipment, requiring specialized trucks and rigging techniques. Heavy-duty towing operators undergo rigorous training to handle the complexities of oversized loads safely. Whether responding to commercial incidents or industrial operations, heavy-duty towing services play a crucial role in keeping heavy vehicles moving. Professional towing services play a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of roadways. With their diverse range of specialized solutions, towing in Kissimmee companies, DLJ Towing & Roadside Assistance provide invaluable assistance to distressed drivers.
Professional towing services encompass various specialized solutions to assist drivers in various situations. From emergency towing to heavy-duty transport, towing companies offer tailored services to meet motorists' diverse needs. Understanding the types of towing service in Kissimmee available can help drivers make informed decisions and ensure prompt assistance during times of need.
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svalleynow · 8 months
Hang Glider Rescued after Crash Landing in Dunlap
At 2:45 PM CST, Monday 2/5/2024, the Dunlap Fire Department was called to assist a hang glider who crash-landed in a tree off East Valley Road. An unexpected shift in the wind caused the glider to hit the trees instead of the pasture. The individual was not injured, and firefighters were able to rig a system to lower the person to the ground. The individual was an experienced rock climber and was…
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My Fief for an Apple
Cringetober 2023, Day 7: Mary-Sue.
On AO3
Rating T - 1,636 words - Tortall - OC Future Fic
Summary: When Weldon's Son gets trapped in a ditch with his injured horse, Raoul and Buri's Daughter comes to their rescue.
Phillip surveyed his gelding, Bangle miserably. He was grateful at least that when they’d suddenly pitched off the road, Bangle fell in a way that he didn’t break his neck. Maybe more impressively the horse’s great body also didn’t break Phillip’s neck
While they’d survived the fall, they were both injured. Bangle had hurt his ankle. On his own he would never get out of this ditch. Phillip wasn’t of much help since his own knee was swollen and painful with what he hoped was a bad sprain.
Bangle was making awful sounds of distress. Phillip searched his saddle bag, hoping he had anything to distract the horse with, while they waited for a someone to pass by on the road. They were on the outskirts of a smaller village where the crown was hosting a jousting tournament. Eventually, someone would walk down the road. Phillip would be able to beg or bribe them for help. He just wished he could do something for his poor horse now.
“My fief for an apple,” he told the air.
An apple soared through the air, thudding into his lap with absolute precision. He turned to the the road, looking up to see a woman astride her horse. He made note of the fabric muffling her tack—that’s why he hadn’t heard her coming.
He told her, “well, I’m not giving you my fief. You’ve got more than enough land of your own.”
Phillip recognized Lady Knight Amiram of GoldenLake and Malorie’s Peak. She was probably the most recognizable knight in Tortall. She had her mother’s golden skin. The masses of curling black hair could have come from either parent, though she wore it in the braids of the Raadeh clan. Her eyes of darkest blue, like ripe winter sloe berries were what marked her as her father’s daughter. There was good humor twinkling in the depths of her eyes.
Phillip had never met her. He’d seen her at tournaments or riding with the King’s Own. She was death with a lance. The fiercest jouster in the kingdom. He’d seen her compete before, proud and confident. She was like an aspect of the Goddess herself.
There was a legend the Own told that she had killed a giant when she was just a girl. She’d strung up a trip rope at the edge of a sudden drop with a lance propped up at the bottom. Then she’d drawn the giant’s attention, getting it to chase her through the woods of Goldenlake to where she’d rigged her trap.
“What fief am I being cheated of?” She asked.
Phillip got to his feet, wincing in pain. He sketched a bow. “I’m Phillip of Cavall.”
“Ah. Of course, you are. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner.”
Phillip felt a sense of pleased surprise. He’s never met Lady Amiram. She started as a page when he became a squire and so on, just missing each other. But he’d never have guessed, “You recognize me?”
The Lady blushed. “I recognize your horse.”
Phillip deflated. He made an admirable effort to hide it. “Cavalli horses are the best. I imagine someone who jousts as competitively as you do always has an eye for such things, Lady Amiram.”
She wasn’t taken back at all by his casual recognition of her. Phillip assumed that everywhere she went folks recognized her.
“Just Ama is fine.” She dismounted her horse. “Are you going to give that apple to your horse or did you make that request for yourself.”
Phillip had forgotten that he was holding the fruit. He offered it to Bangle, who pathetically munched on it. “We’ve fallen off the road and injured ourselves,” he pointed out somewhat unnecessarily. “If you wouldn’t mind helping, I’m sure we could get Bangle back on to solid ground.”
Ama looked them over, whistled. “That hole in the road sure got you.”
“Hole?” Phillip asked dumbstruck. He hadn’t seen a hole and didn’t like the idea that he could have been oblivious too it.
“Don’t berate yourself about it,” she advised him, sensing his thoughts in his tone. “The local lads have been covering it with a layer of leaves.”
Phillip saw red. “Someone deliberately did this?” His horse was whining in pain.
Ama produced a rope from her saddle bag, tying one end to her horse’s saddle.
“With all the knights visiting town for the tournament the local girls have been ignoring the local lads. And the local lads have decided to take that out on the knights. There’s little traps all over the village.”
She slid down the edge of the road into the ditch. She handed Phillip the free end of the rope. He suppressed his rage focusing on getting Bangle securely tied.
“And you know this how?” He asked.
She gave him a sideways smile. “Some of the local lads told me when I was checking in. I think their dislike of us knights only extends to you boys.”
“Ridiculous,” Phillip grumbled. “I’m hardly out here toying with girls. I don’t blow into town, bed whoever I want, and then carry on my merry way.” Phillip suddenly remembered Ama’s somewhat salacious reputation. “Not that there’s anything wrong about that, I just…”
She waited for him to pick his sentence back up but he couldn’t find the words. “My great-great-aunt Sebila, who marches on despite considerable age and infirmity, often says no man will marry me the way I, in her words, carry on like a feral cat in heat. I can never decide if it’s worse or better than the talking-tos my father got while he was a bachelor.”
“Any man would be lucky to marry you,” Phillip said with absolute conviction and completely by accident. He cursed his loose lips as she walked to the far side of Bangle.
She greeted the horse, giving him a chance to get used to her. The whole while Phillip couldn’t see her expression.
“Are you able to help push him up?” She asked.
Phillip lurched to Bangle’s other side ignoring the discomfort in his knee. “Of course.”
“Alright then.” She didn’t sound convinced. “On three.” She looked to her horse. “On three Killy.” The horse flicked his ears forward and backward in acknowledgement. The uncanny human understanding of an animal that spent time around the Wild Mage.
Ama braced herself and called, “one.” Phillip had heard other men talk about her, the beauty who could wield any weapon she got her hands on. She certainly wasn’t lacking for offers of marriage, just not accepting them. “Two.” When she was a page, she’d excelled in every subject. She done so well that her entire class was better than average for trying to keep up with her. Myles of Olau had often said “everyone runs faster to keep up with Ama of Goldenlake.” And Phillip felt like he understood why. “Three.”
Ama’s horse, Killy pulled hard at the rope as Phillip and Ama each shoved one of Bangle’s haunches. Between the four of them they got Bangle back on the road. Ama leaped up after him, reaching a hand back to Phillip. He clamored his way out of the ditch.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said, like he had any idea what she was referring to.
“What?” He asked breathless from the struggle to get on the road and the pain in his leg.
“If I never get married, it doesn’t matter,” she said. “I’m inheriting all of Goldenlake either way.
He didn’t know what the right response to that was all he could think to say was, “my sisters talk about that a lot.”
“I’ll bet,” she said with a snort. She started untying the rope from Killy. “They stood to loose Cavall to a cousin, if your parents hadn’t managed to have you.”
She moved on to untying Bangle. Her muscles were tense, as if she expected anger from him.
“I was an accident,” he announced.
She caught his gaze, shocked. “You were not.”
“I absolutely was. My mother was at an age where my parents weren’t bothering themselves about pregnancy charms anymore. Turns out it’s rather common.”
She took Phillip’s saddle bag and attached it to Killy. “A happy accident, I’m sure.”
“If you go to the law library and look at the records from when your father was petitioning to have you made heir, my father was one of his staunchest supporters.”
“You were already born then,” she said. “What did he have to gain.”
“It was the only thing my father didn’t like about not having a son. The idea that my sister’s claim to Cavall would never be seen as completely legitimate.”
“I suppose we should limp back to town. You can ride on Killy if you’d like. He’s a calm enough sort.”
Phillip was briefly seized by a manly vanity that urged him to turn down the offer. Luckily, the madness passed and he clamored onto the horse.
The ambled down the road. Ama produced another apple from her saddle bag, which she took a bite of before offering the rest to Killy.
“You’re jousting tomorrow,” he’d meant to ask it as a question (even though he knew she was.)
“I don’t think you or your horse are in any state to challenge me,” she said with a wicked smile.
“Actually, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner.”
He enjoyed the little blush that crept along her neck. He took it as a good sign.
“There’s a banquet.”
“Skip it.”
“Alright, but I picked out a very pretty dress for this evening. If you’re going to be the only one who sees me wearing it, then you have to make it worth my time.”
Phillip never thought he’d feel lucky to have fallen into a ditch. 
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txbesttowing1 · 1 year
Towing in Houston: Your Lifeline on the Road
Houston, Texas, a sprawling metropolis known for its vibrant culture and extensive network of highways, is a place where life moves fast. Yet, even in this dynamic city, unforeseen vehicular challenges can disrupt your journey. That's where towing services in Houston come into play, serving as your reliable lifeline on the road. In this article, we'll dive into the world of towing in Houston, exploring the pivotal role these services play, the diverse range of solutions they offer, and how they stand as your trusted roadside companions.
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The Crucial Role of Towing Services
Towing services are the unsung heroes of our roadways, always ready to come to your rescue when your vehicle encounters unexpected difficulties. Equipped with specialized tow trucks and staffed by skilled operators, towing companies provide an array of services that go beyond basic towing, ensuring that you can navigate Houston's diverse roadways with confidence.
A Multifaceted Solution for Roadside Predicaments
What sets towing services in Houston apart is their versatility. No matter what challenge your vehicle faces, be it a flat tire, engine malfunction, or a sudden accident, these services are equipped to handle it. Here are some core services they offer:
Towing is the cornerstone service provided by towing companies. They have the expertise and equipment to safely transport vehicles of all sizes, from compact cars to heavy-duty trucks.
Roadside Assistance
Towing companies offer a spectrum of roadside assistance services. This includes jump-starting a dead battery, changing a flat tire, delivering fuel when you run out, and providing lockout services when you're locked out of your vehicle.
In the aftermath of an accident or off-road mishap, towing operators are trained to recover vehicles from challenging situations. This might involve winching a car from a ditch, uprighting an overturned vehicle, or extricating a car from a precarious position.
Flatbed Services
Flatbed tow trucks are utilized for the transportation of vehicles over longer distances or for those that cannot be towed conventionally. These services ensure your vehicle is securely transported to its destination without wear and tear.
Accident Cleanup
Towing companies play a pivotal role in clearing accident scenes, helping to restore traffic flow and minimize disruptions after a collision.
Skilled Operators: Your Roadside Heroes
At the core of every towing company are skilled operators. These professionals of towing in Houston undergo rigorous training to handle a myriad of roadside challenges. They are adept at assessing situations, ensuring the safety of both drivers and their vehicles, and executing recovery or towing procedures with precision.
Furthermore, towing operators are well-versed in traffic management during accidents, a critical aspect of their role. They work seamlessly with law enforcement and other emergency services to clear accident scenes efficiently, minimizing disruptions and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.
Technology and Safety: A Symbiotic Relationship
Technology plays a pivotal role in modern towing services. State-of-the-art equipment, including hydraulic winches, air cushions, and specialized rigging gear, empowers towing operators to handle complex recoveries safely and efficiently. These tools not only enhance the speed of recovery but also reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle being towed.
Safety is paramount for towing services. They adhere to stringent safety standards and protocols, ensuring that the towing process is secure and accident-free. The use of cutting-edge technology, along with ongoing training, underscores their commitment to keeping both drivers and their vehicles out of harm's way.
Selecting the Right Towing Service in Houston
With numerous towing service providers in Houston, choosing the right one is pivotal, especially during emergencies. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a towing service:
Research towing companies with a strong reputation. Read customer reviews and seek recommendations to gauge the quality of their services.
Services Offered
Ensure that the towing company offers the specific services you may require, such as long-distance towing or specialized recovery.
Response Time
In emergencies, swift response times are vital. Inquire about the company's average response time to ensure timely assistance.
Ask about the equipment and technology the towing company uses, as modern and well-maintained equipment is crucial for safe and efficient towing.
Licensing and Insurance
Verify that the towing company is licensed, insured, and compliant with all relevant regulations.
Request quotes from multiple towing companies to compare pricing and services. Be cautious of unusually low prices, as they may indicate subpar service quality.
In the intricate tapestry of Houston's highways, towing services are your dependable roadside companions. They embody a unique blend of expertise, technology, and unwavering commitment to safety, ensuring that your vehicle is recovered or transported efficiently and without incident.
So, the next time you find yourself facing a roadside challenge on the bustling streets of Houston, remember that towing services are more than just tow trucks; they are your reliable, responsive, and reassuring lifeline on the road.
What services do towing companies in Houston typically offer?
Towing companies in Houston offer a wide range of services, including towing, roadside assistance, vehicle recovery, flatbed services, accident cleanup, and more.
When should I call a towing company in Houston for assistance?
You should call a towing company in Houston when your vehicle experiences a breakdown, flat tire, runs out of fuel, gets locked out, is involved in an accident, or needs recovery due to off-road incidents.
Are towing services in Houston available 24/7, including holidays and weekends?
Many towing companies in Houston operate 24/7, ensuring that help is accessible around the clock, including holidays and weekends, for emergencies.
What is the typical response time for a towing company in Houston to arrive at the scene?
Response times may vary but reputable towing companies aim for prompt responses and often arrive within a reasonable timeframe, especially during emergencies.
What safety precautions should I take while waiting for a towing company to arrive in Houston?
While waiting, activate your hazard lights, use warning triangles or flares, and stay inside your vehicle for safety until the towing company arrives.
How do towing companies in Houston determine the cost of their services?
The cost of towing services in Houston depends on factors such as the type of service, distance, and the specific pricing structure of the company. It's advisable to request a quote for accurate pricing.
Are towing companies in Houston licensed, insured, and regulated by authorities?
Yes, towing companies in Houston are typically required to be licensed, insured, and regulated by state and local authorities to ensure safety and compliance with towing industry standards.
What types of equipment and technology do towing companies in Houston use for their services?
Towing companies use specialized equipment, including tow trucks, flatbeds, hydraulic winches, air cushions, and rigging gear to safely and efficiently provide their services.
Do towing companies in Houston offer additional roadside assistance services beyond towing?
Yes, many towing companies in Houston offer additional roadside assistance services such as jump-starts, tire changes, fuel delivery, and lockout services to address various emergencies.
How can I select a reputable and reliable towing company in Houston that suits my needs and budget?
To select a reputable towing company, research companies with a strong reputation, read customer reviews, seek recommendations, verify their licensing and insurance, and request quotes from multiple providers to compare services and pricing.
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steveskafte · 1 year
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WASHED IN THE SALT It's no easy hike to reach the spot where the S.S. Princess Louise went down, all those years ago in 1883. It's a couple kilometres of raw and rugged coastline with no easy shortcut, about halfway between Point Prim and Culloden Road. It's a world that's windswept, weather-beaten, and utterly unwelcoming on an afternoon like this. Still, it seemed like an appropriate day to drag myself out here, misty rain blowing sideways and soaked to the skin. It's not half as rough as what those sailors endured, so perhaps it serves as some sort of tribute not to visit when the skies are clear and the seas are calm and still. Princess Louise was one of the early iron ships, built at the O'Brien yard in Maccan, before being sent to Scotland where her engines would be installed. She left port early on the morning of Sunday, December 2nd, being towed by the steamer Newfield. They were connected by a two-inch thick steel cable called a "hawser", which would have been more than enough in most seas. But a big storm hit around noon, when they were only halfway through the Bay of Fundy, so plans were made to go ashore. After searching and failing to find the mouth of the Annapolis Basin, they turned north for Saint John instead. Soon after this, the cable snapped, and that was the last the two boats saw of each other. With no engines on board, the Princess Louise stood no chance against the storm. They dropped anchor, but with the ship being only partially constructed, the chains were unattached, and sank straight to the seabed. The boat struck shore at 4AM. The men ran for the rigging and tried to lash themselves on, but most didn't make it. Captain Brown was later found hanging on a sharp outcropping, and the body of another officer was discovered in a crack beneath a large boulder. Others were drowned in the hold. Eight of the ten men died in those first few minutes. Richard Soy and Jim Daine managed to survive in the front ballast until the tide fell, waiting hours in the bitter late-autumn cold. Once the sun rose, they lowered themselves to the rocks, and headed up through four inches of snow into the forest. Soy pushed ahead after Daine fell, finally reaching a small farmhouse off Broad Cove Road. Christopher Stark took him in, then Stark and a neighbour went back to rescue Daine. Both men survived that night, but Jim Daine never fully recovered, and would die young a few years later. Richard Soy lived to be an old man, and in 1923 – the fortieth anniversary – went back to thank those who rescued him. He made the hike to visit this monument as well. Seventeen years later in the fall of 1900, the towing boat Newfield was lost as well. Just down the coast of Digby Neck, it ran aground through thick fog at White's Cove. No lives were lost. After efforts failed to tow it back to sea, the ship eventually broke in two and was salvaged. Those boats leave their memories and stories on this shore, like countless others lost, all the way up till today. You could hardly record every body buried at sea, every hard tale forgotten, washed in the salt. At least this one has something set in stone to recall it. Just inches from the high water line and tilting precariously – eventually, the ocean will take it too. June 6, 2023 Culloden, Nova Scotia Year 16, Day 5686 of my daily journal.
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eyespolar · 2 years
Microsoft flight simulator x gold edition buy and download
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It's very nice to see how the world beneath you changes as you fly, for example, in December from Key West to Chicago. The autogen module, which creates terrain in areas that are not explicitly modeled, does a good job of generating ground features and vegetation that are appropriate for both the part of the world being generated and the weather for that location at that time of year. Higher-resolution textures are especially noticeable in areas such as harbors and coastlines, where the interface between the water and land is much more realistic. The terrain graphics are significantly improved over Flight Simulator 2004. While it sounds like a small touch, it does make a significant impact on the feeling that you're flying in a real-world environment.įlight Simulator X gives you a tow plane for your glider. You'll also see a variety of boat and ship traffic while flying over water (buzzing a cruise ship with your 747 provides a special thrill!) and an assortment of wildlife, depending upon your location. The new active world extends beyond the airports, as you now can look down while in flight and see moving automobiles and trucks on the roads below. Now when you taxi into one of these featured airports, you'll see fuel trucks realistically dashing from gate to gate, luggage carts driving out to aircraft, Jetways extending to connect with your parked airliner, and more. The new high-detail airports show off Microsoft's new "living world" emphasis in FSX. Not only is it pretty much guaranteed that any significant airport that you'd like to fly in or out of is in the sim, but the odds are also good that your local neighborhood grass airstrip is in there, too. You can select from any of the included aircraft (or add-ons that you may download or purchase) and fly to or from any of 24,000 airports around the world. In addition to the missions, free flight mode provides practically unlimited options. All of the additional content makes it worth the added costs. And for the record, if you're interested enough to purchase Flight Simulator X, you should go ahead and purchase the Deluxe version. While it probably won't keep you out of the cockpit for long, it is an interesting (and stressful) option. This last feature lets you step into the control tower and take the role of the air traffic controller in multiplayer mode. The deluxe version comes with 24 airplanes, versus 18 in the Standard version more high-detail airports, 45 versus 40 more high-detail cities, 38 versus 28 the advanced Garmin G1000 glass cockpit and the new tower controller module. There are about 50 missions in the deluxe version of FSX and about 30 in the standard version. Even hardcore simmers will find themselves sucked into these missions, wanting to find out just what's behind that clandestine mission flying into Area 51 or what is going to happen on your flight to pick up a famous movie star. You collect rewards and souvenirs, which is a nice touch that adds an extra incentive to complete the tasks.
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Even simple missions have a compelling nature to them, particularly search and rescue scenarios where you may be seeking a capsized sail boat or a lost camper in snowy mountains. Others are intense-for example, trying to fly a chopper to an exploding ocean oil rig and rescue stranded workers.
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Some are lighthearted fun, such as playing the role of a stunt pilot (complete with announcer) trying to land on a moving bus or racing a jet-powered truck. These include well-done tutorials and many missions with compelling goals and surprising midflight twists. But Flight Simulator X also adds significant features tailored to the player who would be bored to tears by simply flying from Akron to San Francisco in real time, most notably a series of goal-oriented missions (and an editor that will surely result in a huge number of add-on scenarios). How much these issues hinder your enjoyment of the game will depend upon what kind of frame rates you need to enjoy a civilian flight sim.Īll of the features hardcore simmers have come to expect in the Microsoft Flight Simulator franchise are here in spades, such as the entire world being modeled in exquisite detail simulations of everything from ultralights to gliders to Cessnas to commercial airliners to helicopters realism that makes the sim a great trainer for those seeking a real pilot's license and more. Unfortunately, on most systems at anything other than the lowest of the game's graphics settings, the simulation has significant performance issues. Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an incredible piece of software, providing almost unbelievable capabilities for a consumer product.
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caelos-legacy · 2 years
So what’s the technological advancement of this AU like? Whilst the coding capabilities are evidently highly advanced (I mean Sun and Moon are essentially just fully aware artificial intelligence being used as nothing more than computer assistants) has the world reached the point of robots and (you guessed it) animatronics yet?
If so could there potentially be a plot line (or non-canon fan work) of U/N eventually helping Sun and Moon to get their own physical body?
So like it could be a slow development with u/n slowly starting off just learning code and eventually being able to dissect Sun/Moon as it were; granting them access to the speakers on your laptop so they can actually talk (maybe a side plot where all they can produce is static-y noises, so they have to jerry-rig a digital voice box for them by combining a text-to-speak module with a voice changer).
After that they could eventually find a way to upload Sun/Moon on to their phone to take them around, which eventually leads to u/n hooking up a Go pro to their phone that way Sun/Moon can watch what u/n does whilst the phone is safely tucked away somewhere (perhaps this was prompted after an incident where u/n was trying to show Sun/Moon something through the camera but got distracted and accidentally tripped into the road, which whilst they do escaped unharmed perhaps the phone is skittled down a grate into the sewers or smth which leads to u/n having to find their own way down their to rescue Sun/Moon who are not amused once you finally find them).
Maybe their first physical body could come in the form of one of those robot pet toys. Maybe over time they’ve gotten to the point where they’re fully mobile like a real cat (going with cat cause of the flexibility) and you eventually get gifted one by a friend who has like a younger nephew or smth who goes to throw theirs out after it breaks, only for said friend to rescue it as they know about u/n’s coding capabilities (which have progressed a lot thanks to sun/moon’s help) as well as actually knowing about Sun and Moon; thinking that the cat could prove a good experiment
Which it does! And you briefly end up with Sun/Moon in a robot cat body which they are slightly salty about but also overjoyed that they actually have a physical body now! Until you start carrying then around in one of those weird cat bubble back packs at which point they alternate between glaring at you and looking out at the world in pure amazement
Following this you eventually managed to find a thrown out humanoid robot body (maybe something similar to a Security Breach Staff bot but with legs or smth) that you upload Sun/Moon into and slowly begin to customise for them with a new paint job and colours - and perhaps by this point news of your robot friend has become more public as you’ve been seen walking around with them a lot and heading down to the local scrap yard more and more frequently, eventually leading you to be contacted by a high end school somewhere in the city.
The catch? This school (primary school to be more specific; so for younger children) is run by animatronics. Perhaps Freddy teaches Music, Chica teaches Food tech, Monty teaches P.E. and Roxy teaches…I’m not honestly not sure. Maybe just a general sort of well-being class about self confidence and keeping yourself safe. Could even use some of the other animatronics that weren’t in sb as well; so Bonnie teaches maths (cause Idk about you but I’ve always had super nice Maths teachers) and Foxy, aside from working in safeguarding for children with disabilities (due to his peg leg, hook and missing eye), teaches English for no other reason but the fact that an English teacher with a pirate accent sounds amazing.
But anyway; this school reaches out and basically offers Sun and Moon jobs as the I.T. Teachers to come and teach the kids about internet safety (maybe they also volunteer in the mornings and after-school to help run some artsy clubs for the younger kids). And to sort of sweeten the deal, they also send over a new custom face plate complete with the sun rays and Moons cap (both of which had been lacking prior) with the promise of other upgrades should they take the job
Eventually they do gladly accept and it could just become a sort of sweet story where u/n and Sun/Moon end up living together; both of them working in the day and just enjoying each other’s company in their time off
alternatively, u/n could also be offered a job that includes a small engineering course that way they can become sort of the animatronic maintenance at the school. Vanessa is still there working as security (cause there’s only so much the robots can do), whilst Gregory is that one troublesome kid with a difficult home life (leading to Freddy adopting him and the two of them moving in with Vanessa cause otherwise Freddy doesn’t really have the means to provide for Gregory) and Afton is there just as a disgruntled janitor who nobody takes seriously as he makes all these rants about how he knows the secret to immortality and how the robots are all evil (and in reality it is all just rantings. Sorry Afton; no murderous vibes for you here)
Anyway this started off as a small concept and has now evolved into an entire plot. I may make something of this tbh- and if I do I shall make sure to let you know!
posting this so that others may read it, this is a lovely idea :3
actually funny thing of note, Fazbear entertainment doesn't exist in the au in any shape or form, nor do any other characters from the games. this is specifically centered around the daycare attendant
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whumplists · 3 years
Clark Kent Whump List (Smallville)
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One of the shows that introduced me to whump :') Seriously amazing whump throughout the whole show
1x1- falls over, hit by a car and thrown off bridge (not injured), worried dad, emotional whump from learning about past, kryptonite necklace tired around neck, tied up like a scarecrow, shivering, rescued by Lex, electrocuted (not hurt)
1x2- rescues Whitney from car crash, covers him during explosion (not hurt), worried parents, heavy kryptonite exposure, hit in the back with a pipe, thrown
1x3- locked in kryptonite sauna, collapsed, sweating, weak, rescued by Jonathan
1x4- thrown through window, bad headache, falls from rope in gym class, develops x-ray vision, thrown through wall, exposed to kryptonite, hit multiple times with a shovel, thrown into headstone
1x5- frozen, collapses, heat stolen again
1x7- hit in the head with a shovel
1x8- thrown through glass wall, held hostage with his class, hit in the face, worried friends
1x10- feels weak in locker room, hit in the face with metal weapon, choked
1x11- hypnotized Lex tried k!lling him, shot multiple times (left with bruises), Martha taking care of bruises
1x12- struck by lightning, loses powers, multiple nose bleeds, leg cramp, thrown against car, unconscious with bleeding head, ribs wrapped in hospital, in pain
1x13- affected by kryptonite, held in choke hold, punched, hit with metal rod, hand through stomach (hard to explain), in pain
1x15- shot by his father (not hurt though)
1x17- touched in face by person with disintegration abilities, briefly in pain
1x21- car rigged to explode (not injured)
2x1- kryptonite exposure, passes out, dragged on ground
2x2- develops heat vision, eye pain, fever, headache
2x3- kryptonite liquid on skin, in pain, collapses
2x11- forced to wear Lana’s necklace, tied up, weak, in pain, left in cellar, fight with himself (actually Tina Greer), hit with pipe, crashes through glass
2x12- affected by kryptonite, collapses
2x14- Pete exposes him to kryptonite, collapses, weak, in pain, forced into using red kryptonite, punched with meteor rock, unconscious
2x16- infected with meteor rock illness, dizzy, swerves car off road, power loss, passes out, falls down stairs in front of Lana, very sick and weak, unconscious
2x17- almost hit by Lex’s car, head pain from hearing loud noises
2x20- “actually hurt”, punched in the face and stomach multiple times, bloody mouth, thrown into furnace, temporary face burns, hit in the face with a pipe, thrown through window, difficulty standing up
2x23- spaceship burns scar onto chest
3x1- burning pain from his scar multiple times
3x2- yells in pain from scar, cuts his own arm with kryptonite, bleeds into jar, collapses in pain, kryptonite taped to chest, hands taped together
3x3- affected by kryptonite, collapsed on ground, in pain, kryptonite bullet shot through hand and into chest, screaming in pain, bullet carved out, stops breathing, unconscious, worried parents, Lana thinks he’s dead
3x4- falls asleep at the wheel, dragged out (not injured)
3x5- can’t control powers, burns hand, hanging off cliff, bad rope burns on hands, bleeding
3x8- affected by kryptonite, punched in the face multiple times with it, kicked, bleeding
3x10- temporarily blinded, red eyes, worried friends/family, hearing related sensory overload, incapacitated from loud noise + super hearing
3x11- hypnotized father punches him repeatedly with meteor rock
3x14- affected by kryptonite, lying down in pain
3x19- captured, strapped to table, lowered into kryptonite tank, convulsing, rescued by Lex
3x20- stabbed in the stomach, found bleeding and passed out by parents
4x1- amnesia, sound makes him fall over in pain
4x3- affected by kryptonite, hit in the head with a shovel
4x4- accidentally drinks kryptonite drink, gagging, feeling sick, tackled multiple times during football, beaten up by his coach, bleeding face, found by Lex
4x6- painful ringing noise, holding head in pain, forced body swap, beaten while in Lionel’s body
4x8- beaten up by witches, bloody and bruised face, powers stolen, chained up, cut/scraped chest, rescued
4x11- drugged with red kryptonite, crying
4x12- emotional whump, punched, thrown, crying, grief
4x14- affected by kryptonite, can’t move, locked in cage, difficulty standing
4x17- affected by kryptonite, stumbles, ceiling collapsed on him (no injury), punched with kryptonite, thrown out of window/barn, bleeding face, collapses in front of parents, worried parents, threatened
4x19- memories erased, collapses from kryptonite
5x1- loses powers, cuts finger
5x2- powers gone cont., punched in the face, bleeding lip, wound tended to by Lana
5x3- shot in the chest, coughing up blood, collapses, heavy bleeding, hospital scenes, worried friends and family, heart stops with Lana watching, pronounced dead
5x5- affected by kryptonite, attacked by Lana, bitten, blood sucked, weak
5x7- finger cut on silver kryptonite, infected with paranoia, car run off road, affected by kryptonite, hit with heat vision, poison extracted
5x8- kryptonite placed on his chest, incapacitate, thrown
5x12- extreme emotional whump, grief
5x13- more emotional whump/grief, fights (no injuries), crying
5x17- injected with kryptonite laced drug, unconscious, worried Lana
5x20- punched with kryptonite, buried under dirt pile with kryptonite
5x22- fight with powered Lex, trapped in the phantom zone
6x1- attacked in the phantom zone, bleeding, kicked, cuts treated, attacked again, choked, hand cut, fight with Lex/Zod, punched, bleeding
6x2- feeling guilty, pushes himself too hard, sick, first ever sneeze, weakened powers
6x3- fingers cut by thorns, bleeding, trapped by vines, thrown, choked
This list is a work in progress so the rest of the seasons will be added later! It might take me a while to finish, so I thought I'd post what I have so far — thank you all for being so patient!
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sheetsonfire · 3 years
The Academy
Summary: Y/N and Firehouse 51 respond to a call at the CFD's Fire Academy. It's a bad day, with good friends to see you through.
Fandom: Chicago Fire / Chicago Med
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Platonic!Reader
Characters: Reader, Kelly Severide, Firehouse 51, Will Halstead
Genre: Drama/Whump/Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, description of injury
Word Count: 5807
A/N: This is based purely off of a dream I had recently, so enjoy me trying to make it something coherent! Happy reading!
The alert sounded out over the speakers at Firehouse 51, “Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Engine 51, container collapse at 558 West DeKoven St”
You spring up from your chair at Squad 3’s table, a game of ‘Battleship’ between you and Capp now forgotten. The table exchanges brief looks as you all move fast to step into your gear, everybody knew that very specific address. It was the address to the CFD’s Fire Academy.
Tony pulls Squad 3 out of the Firehouse and in towards the city, followed by the other trucks. The Chief’s voice filters out over the radio, Kelly sits listening at the front of the truck taking in the details, you listen intently from your seat opposite Joe and next to Capp.
“The Academy was retrofitting the container system for real-world simulation, three of the containers were not appropriately fixed together before the retrofit began, they are collapsing in on themselves. A construction crew of approximately three or four are trapped, headcount is in progress. Be advised there are exposed construction materials and flammable materials on sight, they are not secure. I repeat, they are not secure. Approach with caution.”
Kelly keys his radio, “Copy chief, we are 5 minutes out.”
Casey’s voice is next, “Right behind you, Squad 3.”
Then Herrmann’s, “Copy, Chief. Right behind you guys.”
Sylvie is last to check-in, “We’re already here, Chief. Setting up triage, we’ve called in extra ambos.”
Squad 3’s engine rumbles loudly as it moves at speed down the stretch of road that the academy sat on, you could see that some of your ‘neighbours’ from Engine 42’s company had already arrived at the scene; but it seemed that they were missing Squad 1 and their ambulances, presumably on another call. That’s where you and the rest of 51 came in.
The rig rolls to a stop and you all hop out, pulling on the remainder of your equipment and checking it was secure, standing by Severide to wait for orders. Truck and Engine doing the same by Casey and Herrmann. Chief pulls up and strides purposefully in the direction where everybody had grouped. A foreman for the construction site comes scurrying over, the distress on his face highlighted by dirt and tears.
Chief Boden commands his attention, asking for details.“Three of the containers collapsed, the floors we were retrofitting have come loose, it's pushing one container down onto the other, I think some of my guys are trapped. There are gas lines that aren’t secure. Please, you gotta help ‘em!”
Chief places a reassuring grip on the man’s shoulders, “Stay here, I don’t want you to move unless I need more information from you. We’ll get to work.”
He then assesses the area fast, before turning to all of you,
“Squad 3, take Truck 3's aerial to get a view, find your entry point, I want no more than two of you entering those containers for a rope rescue.”
“Truck 81, find a way to secure these containers and their contents. Straps, jacks, cribbing, whatever you have to do to get it still.”
“Engine 51, coordinate with all Trucks and make sure the gas lines are secure or be ready to put them out.”
There’s a resounding chorus of “Yes, Chief!” as you all set to work, taking commands from your individual leaders.
“Capp, Tony... get on that aerial with Mouch, make sure we have at least two stokes baskets ready to go. Cruz, I want you to find a way in from the lower side, just in case the aerial doesn’t work out. Cut into the containers if you have to. Y/N, you’re with me, we’re gonna use Truck 3’s aerial to get in.”
You all confirm you’ve heard Kelly’s instructions as Truck 3 pulls into position with Joe’s guidance, giving your gear one last check you hold your thumbs up to Kelly as you begin to climb the aerial ladder. Starting to hear the creaking groans of metal on metal as the containers shift and grind together, you begin to hear the faint echoey yells for help from within, climbing fast and efficiently behind Severide as you focus on the rails of the ladder in front.
Reaching the top of the aerial you now had a clear view of the awkward angle that the containers had slanted into, exposed pipelines and support rods jutted out at dangerous angles. Further below you could roughly make out a potential victim unmoving, as well as another who was seemingly pinned to a container's wall by a steel sheet. Kelly takes in the scene himself and then turns to you,
“Y/L/N I want you to go down and assess the load-bearing situation, get a read on the victims as well, radio back up to me and we’ll go from there.”
You nod as you switch places with Kelly, “Copy you, Lieutenant.”, he begins to connect a harness line to you from the aerial, just in case you yourself needed lifting out. Feeling a reassuring firm pat on your shoulder as Kelly signals that you can begin your descent.
On the other side of the weakened structure Truck 81 lifts its aerial into place as well. Casey climbs past Capp and Tony to look for another entry point should the one you and Kelly were using become unviable.
He keys his radio, “Severide, I have an access point here. It looks like a window built into the second container, if you get a check on victim locations I can break the glass and create a second extraction point.”
“Copy, Casey. Y/L/N is assessing now. I’ll let you know.”
“Copy that.”
Meanwhile, on the ground, Stella and Gallo were working together to put cribbing and jacks in place. The idea was that it would prevent any further tilting from the containers, keeping them relatively still. Herrmann and Ritter were helping other firefighters with securing the gas lines one by one.
The smell of gasoline was lingering in the air; despite it being turned off the gas that had leaked was trapped within the confines of the stacked containers. The further you lowered yourself down, the more daylight was fading. You take one hand off the rope and activate your helmet headlamp.
You catch sight of what, or rather who, you had set out to look for first, radioing Kelly. "Severide, hold."
The rope stops, you settle your boots on a rail in front of a contractor who is shaking with a gash on his head, by your assessment the steel sheet he was “pinned in” by was actually light enough to be moved. You couldn’t see any other injuries on him, and likely the reason he was ‘stuck’ was more to do with shock than anything else, although in fairness he wouldn’t be able to climb up even if he could move. You meet his eyes and reach out a tentative gloved hand.
“Sir, I’m with the CFD. My name’s Y/N. Are you hurt anywhere else besides your head?”
His eyes blink rapidly, you can see now that he is covered in sweat. Yeah, he was definitely in shock.
“Sir, it’s alright. We can get you out, but I just need to know if you’re hurt anywhere else before we try and move you. Can I ask your name?”
“J-Jackson, my name’s Jackson.” You smile reassuringly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, Jackson, are you hurt anywhere else?”
He shakes his head frantically.
“Paul, Paul fell… he fell... and Dennis got cut off from me!” You squeeze his arm gently, trying to keep him in the moment and not in the throes of distress.
“It’s okay, Jackson. We will get to Paul, and to Dennis. So just to confirm, it’s just your head, yeah?”
He nods.
“Okay. Let’s see about getting you free, then I’ll climb across to see Paul and your other friend.”
“Dennis was… he was next to me, but then the beam fell and knocked Paul, we got separated… it-”
“Hey, it’s okay. You’ve got help now. I need to let my Lieutenant know how many of you there are. Is it just three?”
“Yeah, yeah just us three. Steve went to get us lunch.”
“Okay, thank you. Sit tight, bud. Give me a sec.”
You look up and can faintly make out Kelly’s watchful silhouette above, you key your radio, keeping a hand on a beam you think will keep you still as you stand on the thin rail with Jackson.
“Lieutenant, the weight threshold is holding. I wouldn’t advise additional personnel unless absolutely necessary. I will coordinate from down here with you and Captain Casey if you’re good with that. There are 3 victims, the fourth man is not on site. One is with me, the other’s status is unknown and a third, Paul, looks to have been knocked further into the structure, suspected spinal injury - I’ll know more the lower I go.”
“Copy, Y/L/N. Let’s do a rapid extraction of Jackson, get yourself to Paul if you can, I’ll get Cruz to open a stable entry point on the lowest container... We need to assess his condition ASAP. Then find your third victim.”
“Right away, Lieutenant. Prepping Jackson for rapid extraction now.”
You turn to the wide-eyed Jackson, he has a white knuckle grip on the same beam you’re steadying yourself on. He coughs, clearly having inhaled gas for a while.
“Jackson, I need you to step out from there, for me.” Jackson shakes his head in refusal.
“I can’t, it’ll crush me if I try to move.”
“Trust me, it won’t, I’ll hold it still and you just need to shimmy out a little bit.”
Jackson is on the verge of refusing again but then changes his mind, sucking in a breath as he inched his way out from behind the sheet. You keep a firm grip on its edge to prevent any significant shift in position.
“Okay, bud. That’s great. Next step, my Lieutenant is lowering a separate line for you, you’re gonna slip your arms into the straps, like a vest, and then he’s going to pull you up.”
"Is… Is it safe?"
"Absolutely, Lieutenant Severide is the best in the job. You're in good hands, here's the harness…"
You grasp the lowered harness and help Jackson into it, and key your radio.
"He's secure, Lieutenant. You can take him up."
"Copy. Lifting."
You give Jackson another reassuring smile, watching as he slowly begins to ascend towards daylight.
"You'll be fine, Jackson. See you on the outside."
He's overwrought by the whole thing, quietly sobbing as he grips the harness tight.
"Thank you, thank you so much."
Now that you were satisfied that Jackson was out of harm's way you glance down at the next level below, and after that there was the very bottom of the containers where Paul's limp body lay, you could only see his legs, the rest of him obscured by half a wooden panel.
You contact Kelly first.
"Severide, I'm going to the bottom to check Paul's condition. Lower me another 10 feet please."
“Lowering you now, be careful, Y/L/N.”
“Always am.”
You were about to be lowered into the final third container when a loud crash to your left grabbed your attention,
“Lieutenant, hold!” The line comes to an abrupt stop, Kelly’s voice is worried over the radio.
“What’s wrong, Y/L/N?”
“Sorry, nothing’s wrong. I heard movement to my left, I think this could be Dennis, the third vic. Give me a minute.”
“Copy you.”
You squint into the darkness, seeing if you can either see or hear the source of the sound.
“Dennis? Are you in here, bud? This is Y/N, I’m with the CFD.”
There’s silence, and then from behind you more movement, you whip your head around, the rope swaying you, you put your hands out against another part of the framework to keep from spinning.
“G-Get me out! Why am I here? Why did you put me here?!” You curse under your breath as you flinch at a wild-eyed man.
Dennis has a larger gash on his head than Jackson did, and if your eyes were seeing correctly in the low visibility he was exhibiting the signs of gasoline poisoning. Discolouration of the eyes, the way he looked around in a disorientated fashion, his breaths were much more wheezy than Jackson’s had been.
You reach into your pocket as you keep an eye on where Dennis was standing, he seemed to have found a decent enough platform to be on.
“Dennis, I’m a firefighter. I’m with a rescue squad. You were in an accident, I’m here to help.”
Dennis remains unfocused, flinching at every creak and groan that came from all around.
Pulling a device, a stopwatch-shaped object, out of your pocket, you push the top button as the screen illuminates with a reading.
“Shit.” You mutter under your breath.
“Y/L/N, report.” It’s a crackling line, but you recognise the voice as the Chief.
“Chief, I’ve got a second victim. Dennis. He’s inhaled a lot of gasoline, not looking too hot. I want to move him to the same extraction point as my first victim, but uh… he’s not too trusting right now, I’m just gonna see if I can get him to see that I’m here to help.”
“Alright… - just -sure… you are sec-ure… be cautious.”
“Copy, Chief. The connection is a little choppy. You should know there are high CO2 levels down here. I’m trying to get Dennis to move for me.”
“Copy, Y/L/N. Do what you can, if you have to bail then you bail.”
“Of course, Chief. I’ll get back to Lieutenant Severide in just a few.”
“5 minutes, Y/L/N.”
And with that, you are left with just Dennis and the impending sense of the deterioration of the structure around you.
You turn to your companion, reaching out a gentle hand. Again, Dennis flinches. You lower your voice, as though you were speaking to a child.
“Hey, Dennis. It’s okay. I just want to help you get out of here, it’s not very nice down here, is it?”
Dennis shakes his head, looking around again.
“Dennis, do you think you can take my hands and come to me? Then I can help you climb out of here.”
“You’ll drop me! It’s too far down!”
“I won’t drop you, bud. All you have to do is hold on to these loops on my waist, and I’ll do the rest.”
Dennis looks down to the bottom, and then up to where the floor above was at a sharp slant. His voice was quiet and strained.
“How are we getting out?”
“We’re going to move really carefully across that beam, and then my Lieutenant will lower a harness for you to get into.”
He shakes his head in resistance, in his confusion he starts looking for somewhere to run. You sharply hold out a hand, ready to catch him if need be.
“Y/L/N? What’s going on?” It’s Kelly again, you knew his different tones for things. This wasn’t the ‘You’re taking too long and I’m pissed’ tone, it was the ‘I know there's a reason you’re taking too long but I’m getting worried’, tone.
“Lieutenant, I’ve got Dennis here. We’re making our way to the previous extraction. He's not feeling too great, so we're just taking it easy.”
Kelly sensed that now wasn’t the time for more dialogue, he knew you’d let him know if you needed more than just his guidance via radio. “Copy. We’re on standby.”
You look at Dennis and carefully lean forward to take his hand.
“Just take my hand, Dennis. You can hold on to these loops and I can shuffle us along the beam, from there Lieutenant Severide will lift you on the harness that’s going to be waiting.”
He lets out a strangled whine, not sure of what else to do but trust you. His options were limited, after all.
“Good. That’s great, bud. Here we go…” And so slowly Dennis creeps forward, the metal beneath your feet begins to creak, and Dennis begins to panic trying to move faster.
“Dennis, it’s alright. Just look at me, look at me… that’s it, there we go-” But Dennis cannot ignore his flight response, leaping into your arms, pushing the weight of you both into the other side of the container. Your body hits a corner edge of some cable boxing and sharp pain radiates through your side.
From the outside of the containers, the plethora of emergency responders snap their heads in the direction of the sound, looking to the lower middle of the second container as it lists, only to be stopped by the jacks that were holding it in place.
Through the sudden pain, the adrenaline helps you keep your grip on Dennis’ panicking frame, clutching him under his armpit and around his back. Inadvertently he had got you both to the same spot where Kelly had lifted Jackson, just further down.
“Y/L/N, report! Was that you?” Chief again.
You steel yourself, pushing the pain out of your voice.
“Chief… it’s alright… just some turbulence… ah… Severide needs to lower the secondary harness another 6 feet, I can connect Dennis from there.”
Severide chimes n, “It’s on its way, Y/N. Are you alright?”
“Fine, boss. My air’s at amber. I can make it to Paul, but extraction will have to be from below. Do I have your go-ahead, Severide?”
In the beat you’re waiting for Kelly's response, you can hear the familiar sound of the cutters working into the metal body of the base container. Chief’s voice confirms your hearing.
It's Chief again, you briefly wonder where Kelly was. “Copy, Y/N. Cruz has begun creating the extraction point. Severide has gone to wait for you below. Capp will assist you.”
The Chief sounds pissed but, again like Kelly, you know it’s out of concern than actual anger. Dennis’ arms squeeze around you like a vice, you know if you try and move him now he’ll more than likely panic further or let go entirely, so you grin and bear it as you see the harness slot into a good position.
“Okay, Dennis. You see those loops? Put your arms through them and then I’ll secure this secondary piece here, and then you’ll be on your way up and out of here to one of my squad.”
Your companion is looking a little green around the gills, but he gingerly does as he’s told. You’re still holding on to his legs as Dennis begins to ascend through the haze towards the top. You’re about to let go but Dennis has one last influx of panic, kicking his legs around as he yells.
“I’m gonna fall! You’re gonna drop me! No!”
“Dennis, stop! It’s alright. The harness has you, you won’t-” But you don’t get to finish your sentence as a steel toe boot clips the front of your mask, knocking you back off the beam, even with the harness it’s an awkward swing towards the centre and your rope snags on a piece of jagged support rod. In a heart-stopping moment, you feel your line sever, weightlessness consuming you as you fall straight down from the second level to the base.
When Dennis finally reaches the top opening, Capp is there to pull him up and get him to lay in a stokes basket, Tony is there to assist.
Kelly had heard you over the radio, knowing that you would be going to the bottom, he was expecting to see you once Joe had finished cutting. But the radio brings news that only serves to get his blood pumping more intensely than it already was.
It’s Capp’s voice, “Severide! Y/L/N was kicked in the face, the motion knocked them into a support rod, severed their line, they fell. I repeat, they fell.”
“Copy, Capp. We’re almost in.” Kelly’s voice was tight, the adrenaline he felt now was immense. You were like a little sister to him, and he felt a sickly sense of no control over the whole situation. Even though he knew that Dennis was suffering the effects of being exposed to so much gasoline, his fear for you overrode the level-headedness he would usually keep. He couldn't help but feel angry towards the man.
Your friends watched anxiously as Squad worked to get access to you and the last victim, Sylvie and Violet were busy treating the other two workers, occasionally glancing where you would be. It was tough to let another ambulance crew be on standby for you until they could send their patients to Med.
Mouch stayed controlling and monitoring the aerial, face contorted in worry as he occasionally ducked his head to see what was going on.
Knowing that the rest of the rescue would be done from below, Stella, Casey, Gallo, Herrmann, and Ritter were pacing the area nearby, ready to assist Joe and Kelly when it came to it.
Your ears were ringing, your mask vibrating and flashing red to let you know that you had 5 minutes of air left. You knew you had fallen, but Paul needed to be assessed. You take a breath gathering your jumbled thoughts. Even turning your head slowly causes nausea to tumble through your gut, into your throat and mouth, making you gag inside your mask. The word "concussion" crosses your mind, but you were part of the rescue squad, and you'd be damned if you weren't going to finish the rescue.
Attempting to push yourself upright only makes you scream as the pain comes roaring through your side and your arm, waves of agony now throbbing through the left of your whole body. That had clearly been the angle you had hit the floor. You splutter inside your mask, managing to keep your vomit down. The side of your head felt wet…but your brain couldn’t supply an answer as to why.
Vibrations were no longer coming through your mask, meaning you had approximately two minutes of air before you were really in trouble.
There’s a new set of vibrations, which you realise to be your own shivers. It was cold down here. And you knew the pain was probably sending you into shock.
One last half attempt to get up and look around was thwarted by your abdomen burning, you took as good a breath as you could, whimpers of agony muffled by the noise of machinery outside.
The container begins to let the light leak in as Joe's cutters neatly make quick work of the container walls. In the haze of dust, you weakly turn your head to the side you hadn't yet looked at.
You let out a strangled yelp, the sight before you is horrific. Paul had clearly not even survived the fall, as now you were faced with the sight of his frigid, ashen, body impaled on four support rods.
You feel disbelief at how you had avoided the same fate, eyes fluttering as your oxygen depletes. You're fast losing consciousness as your PASS alarm blares, the sound of cutters floating away as you fall down into darkness.
Joe finishes his cut of the container, and a large panel of metal is pulled away, tossed aside to avoid obstructing the entrance that had been created. The gas finally had a way to be ventilated further. Your friends watch in anticipation as Kelly and Joe disappear inside towards you.
Kelly’s gut is cold with fear when he clasps eyes on your still form in the mess of different materials, Kelly points to Paul,
“Cruz, check him!”
Kelly comes to your side as Joe quickly assesses Paul laying next to you.
With careful hands he lifts the mask off your face, exposing a laceration by your hairline. Gently taking your helmet away to check for a further head injury. The source of the wetness you had felt. Supporting your head, he waits for assistance.
For Joe’s victim, it’s a tragically clear prognosis, and he radios it in to Chief Boden.
“Chief, Paul is DOA, he didn’t survive the fall, dead on impact. We’ll send in Tony and Capp to recover him once we’ve got Y/L/N out.”
“Copy, Cruz. What’s the situation with Y/L/N?” Joe glances at you and Kelly, he can hear your groans of pain, which despite the heartbreaking nature is a relief.
“Chief, she’s alive. Rough shape, it looks like. Severide has her, we’re gonna need 61 in here right now.”
“Copy, Sylvie and Violet are coming now. Sending in Kidd to assist.”
Joe steps aside to make room for the trio, crouched pensively in a corner waiting to help extract you, occasionally checking above for any signs of collapse.
Kelly and Stella exchange looks as she enters the space with the paramedics, she squeezes Kelly's arm in silent reassurance.
In synchronisation Sylvie and Violet start taking your vitals, searching for your injuries, allowing Stella to be a helping hand.
“Y/L/N, can you hear me?” She places a palm on your sternum, looking for a reaction. With great relief, she gets it. You let out a pained half-cough, half-whimper, Kelly wishes he had been the one to go down.
Your eyes are glazed with pain as you look at Kelly and Stella, you register movement around you, Sylvie and Violet exhale in relief.
Kelly holds your head still as Stella places the C-Collar on you, his thumb soothes across your scalp,
“Don’t worry, alright? We’re here, I’m here.”
Sylvie finishes listening to your chest and lungs, quietly comforted by hearing positive sounds given the situation.
"Let's slide the board underneath, get her out from under here, and then triage."
You're placed onto a board, everyone can't help but feel their stomachs drop when they hear you cry out in agony from being jostled. As they move, you can hear faint murmurs of apologies, and soothing words as they take you back out into the warmth of the sun.
Your eyes wander, nausea still rolling within as you feel the burning in your left side. You're lifted onto a gurney and Sylvie places a mask over your face, your eyes flutter in relief as the sense of claustrophobia is somewhat lessened.
From there you can only lay in wait as hands move to assess all of you,
"Kelly, I need you to cut her pants open. Violet get that jacket off her arms and chest."
Violet calls out what she sees, face creased in worry, your body was mottled with bruises from impact, and your arm looked particularly mangled,
"Suspected fracture of the left ulna."
Kelly reveals the bigger source of everyone's dismay, your left knee was swollen beyond comprehension.
"Suspected dislocation of the left knee. That's probably her biggest source of pain."
Stella is checking the centre of your body, feeling for any anomalies as well checking for pain response. She lets out a string of curses as she takes in the sight of your redraw skin on your stomach, deep purple bruising making its way through, you give a sharp wailed hiss as she touches your abdomen.
"Severe abdominal strain, potentially a tear."
"Let's get her strapped and on her way to Med."
Everyone ushers out of the way, 42's Chief pats Chief Boden on the back, advising that he and your house follow 61 to Med. They would take care of Paul's recovery and securing of the site.
Herrmann strokes your cheek gently, tears in his eyes. Making a few slip from yours too, you wish you had the energy to reassure him.
"Hang in there, kiddo."
The first word Kelly hears out of your mouth makes him let out a huffed, euphoric, laugh.
“Shit is right.”
You crack an eye open, keenly aware of the fact that you feel like someone had put you on the apparatus floor and let all the vehicles steamroll over you.
“Mh… Lieutenant.”
“I think Kelly is allowed, given the day you’ve had.” He reaches a tentative hand to hold your good one, on the right side.
You make a noncommittal noise of approval, gently squeezing back. You had always been grateful for his mentorship, his unspoken friendship, his reassuring demeanour even in the most 'shit meets fan' situations.
“Kelly… wh-at’s the damage?” Your voice is raspy, dry from inhaling purified air from your tank and then some more purified air from your oxygen mask.
“Here…” He reaches for the cup on your side table, helping you sip through the straw. You wince as you make an effort to readjust.
“Woah, I wouldn’t do too much of that. Not until Halstead has had a look at you.”
“Will’s my doctor?”
“Sure is. Is that alright?”
“Yeah of course it is, it’s just… he’s like you, a worrier.”
Kelly shakes his head in disbelief, letting out a snort.
“Oh, and this-” He gestures to all of you.
“-is nothing to be worried about?” His arms are folded in that stern way he is prone to do when he needs to. His Squad jacket hangs over the side of a chair next to your bed, a few empty coffee cups... he had been keeping vigil it seemed.
You give a weak sheepish smile, “Fair point Lieu- Kelly…”
He sits back down, placing your cup on the side again. Pressing the call button to let someone know you were awake.
“So, you never said…what’s the damage?” You’re almost pouting, you didn’t need to be a clairvoyant to know that this wasn’t a “See you in a week!” situation. You hated being out of action and away from Squad.
Kelly is about to open his mouth when another voice answers the question for you,
“Fractured left ulna, a total dislocation of your left patella, multiple contusions, spinal bruising, laceration to the right of your forehead, and a complimentary side of a severe abdominal strain. All of which to say is you’ve got yourself at least 7 weeks out, if not more. Do you like competing with my brother for causing me stress?"
You smile brightly at Will who leans against the doorway, "Jay's got me beat, dude. He gets shot at like all the time."
"And you go into burning buildings, collapsing buildings, tight sewers, car wrecks, collapsing containers..." His eyebrows raise in an expression that says, "Really?"
"Ah, yeah yeah, alright. I didn't think that one through... Hi Will."
"Hi, Y/N. How're feeling?"
"Oh, you know. Like I fell a good 15 feet into a construction site."
Will shakes his head, all of you were so blasé about these things.
"Well let's see how that's working out for ya, I'll check your vitals, stitches, the swelling and then we can talk about what's next."
Kelly is only half smiling, he appreciates that you were feeling alright enough to be making quips but he had really thought he was going to lose you from that fall. And he easily could have, given how Paul had met his fate.
You frown at him, wanting to ask what was wrong, but before you can probe he speaks, "I'm gonna let the others know you're awake, be back in a bit." And with that, he was gone.
You look down at your blanket, avoiding Will's gaze.
Will's voice is gentle, he rests a hand on your good shoulder. "Hey, kid. Look at me."
You look up, lips in a tremble, the day's events had caught up with you, and you didn't like seeing Kelly upset with you. Tears dropped silently onto your hospital gown.
As if your friend could read your mind, he squeezes your shoulder gently.
"He's not upset with you, he's upset at the situation. He loves you like his own, Y/N. He only wants you to be okay."
"Yeah... yeah, I know you're right, Will. Thanks... what a damn day."
It had turned out that the CFD had to outsource their engineering work to a separate contractor due to internal staffing issues. You feel frustrated and your stomach knots. The irony of people retrofitting the fire and rescue safety training facilities were the same people who did not, in fact, have fire and rescue training themselves. Granted it could have perhaps happened even on the CFD’s watch, but the room for error had been widened unnecessarily. It could have saved a lot of people, including yourself, a difficult day had the correct people been doing the work.
You were feeling cranky now, missing being on Squad more than you ever thought possible. Kelly had been absolutely clear that your spot would be there for you when you were healthy again, but you still itched to be on calls now.
"This is the worst."
"Next time you'll think before you let someone swing their boot into your face..."
"I didn't know he was gonna-!"
Kelly's face is plastered in that ever mischievous smile, he was teasing,
"You suck."
"I know, but I'm also an awesome nurse."
"Yeah, yeah..."
He laughs, opening his front door before wheeling you inside. He had offered up his apartment to be your recuperating headquarters as your apartment didn't have elevator access. Between them, Kelly, Stella, and Casey would cook in advance for the days they would be on shift, and then they would make sure you had everything you needed. They would take you to physio, checkups, and just generally run errands for you and with you. You were 3 weeks into your predicted 7-week convalescence.
"Mhm, yeah kiddo?"
"Thank you."
Kelly's head looks up from the kitchen counter where he was checking mail, looking at you on the couch mid-bite through your bagel.
"For what?"
Your eyebrows shoot up, "Take a wild guess, Einstein."
"Y/N, this isn't even a question. You put everything out there that day, you did everything any Squad firefighter could and should have done. And more than that, you're important to me, alright? Don't forget it, and don't think it means you owe me anything. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Lieutenant."
Kelly nods, going back to rifling through the mail.
"But can I still get us tickets to see the Bulls at the first chance we have?"
"I will not say no to that, yes ma'am."
You grin, satisfied you could thank him in some way and some point. You'd have to really save and take Stella and Casey too.
"Sweet. And, Kel? Don't call me, ma'am." You both start laughing, Kelly finishes up his mail check and swipes two sodas from the fridge - solidarity with you for not being able to drink on your medication - he plops himself next to you and turns on the TV. Making sure you were comfortable and bundled under a blanket.
"What movie is it today?"
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