#Okay but Brian's video was actually super cute
mrsandypants · 11 months
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literally share the headcanons! dont tease!
HAHAHAHAH but i love teasing!! cant help it!!! okay well the ones im thinking of the most right now are about the characters and the kind of pets they have, animals they like, etc.
Also this ended up super long so.
trigger warning for animal/pet death. O_O
Alex loves all kinds of animals. He thinks they're all really cool and cute and sweet, rodents, dogs cats, reptiles. Mostly, I think he is definitely a cat person, but he also loves dogs. He had Rocky of course, and I don't really have a set breed for her, she's probably just a really mixed up mutt lol. Medium sized somewhat patterned brown dog with big ol sweet puppy eyes. I think during the summer of marble hornets, Rocky ... "ran away".. Alex doesn't know what happened to his sweet puppy, but he's just glad she wasn't one of the animals that turned up dead in his front yard. After he lost Rocky, he really didn't think he would ever have another pet. But because I love my little revival/nobody dies au's, I think as he's slowly recovering alongside the others, he starts getting really into the idea of owning a ferret. He probably saw some cute video of one, and it kinda became a little hyper-fixation since he had no hobbies or interests anymore. He still likes movies, but he doesn't ever want to make one again. He likes writing scripts, but would die before filming anything for it. He has nothing else he likes to do anymore, so he just gets really into ferrets. Ferrets are big thing to take care of, but Alex is very confident he can do it. So he gets one. And I think he is really successful at caring for it. He really loves that thing. And he takes the stupidest little up close pictures of its face. I think he would get the chocolate coloration, or maybe a sable mitt. I also think he would really enjoy owning cats. In the many little au's I have, he's owned several, but in a high school AU, I have him owning two little cats, a tabby boy named Neo and a black kitten girl named Trinity, after the Matrix characters lol. I don't think he ever gets a dog for himself aside from Rocky, though.
Tim also likes animals, but has never really had a pet of his own. When he was a kid, he had a hamster, but killed it during a Masky episode. His parents tried letting him have a dog, but again, during those Masky episodes he would just get too violent with it, and they had to give it away. I think, on that note, about his Masky episodes- when he was an unmedicated kid going in and out of psychiatric hospitals all the time, they would happen when he felt scared or threatened. Which is why later in life, when Alex Kralie attempts to kill him in college, thats the trigger for Masky coming back. I think there was probably a long period of time before that where he had grown out of Masky, and the episodes would have stopped. So, Tim has this sort of idealized dream where he really does want a dog, or honestly any kind of pet, but has told himself he's not allowed to have one. I think at some point, in that same recovery au, he ends up getting a seizure alerting/PTSD and anxiety service dog. I think it's a saint bernhard and german shepherd mix, one of those massive strong saint shepherds. It would be big and strong enough to give Tim good pressure during seizures and not be hurt, and it would actually pose enough of a threat to Masky that he wouldn't be able to hurt it. Just a big sweet gentle giant that adored Tim and isn't scared of Masky. Masky would manage to get past his scary little pet killer instincts and would be obsessed with this dog.
I don't really have anything to say about Jay or Brian, BUT I do have a lot to say about mr side background character Seth Wilson. Hes so real to me.
So much of this is based off of @drowsybugs portrayel of him in our shared AU's lol, but basically I feel like Seth has really severe asthma, and so he's got a service dog for that. And Seth isn't exactly very good at naming things, so his dog (you brought your dog) is just named. Seth Jr. Seth Jr is a sweet little chocolate lab, just adorable and so friendly. I adore this puppy. I love him.
But yes. This is what lives in my brain ty for asking
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
🎥It’s been so long 🎥||
Comfort one-shot reader x creepy pastas (Slenderman, Jeff, Toby, E.J, BEN, Sally, Masky, Hoodie, Jane and L.J.) ((Beauty and the beast spoilers))
Inspired by: The living tombstone
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The following morning you got ready to go to Hollywood studios. It was pretty chilly so you wore a jacket, bunched up in the car with everyone else. On the way there BEN wouldn’t stop talking about the new Star Wars exhibits.
Parking in one of the spots you all rode the tram to bring you to the entrance. All of the creeps stood in awe at the decorations at the entrance. Slender had to shoo them to disperse before they could hold up the other people coming in. Jeff looked irritated, probably cause he left his knife at the hotel as instructed.
A lot of people were dressed as people from the 50’s and such for Halloween weekend. Some of them gave strange looks at your groups’ costumes, but there was definitely compliments too. At least L.J was happy because there were less annoying children.
First up was the tower of terror, which you guys had a hard time finding since it was to the farther side of the park. BEN kept whining that he wanted to go to the Star Wars rides, but Jeff and you were pretty headstrong on wanting to go on this one.
The line was long too, about an hour in the hot Florida sun. Thankfully it was windy, and you sat on the ledges for the wait. Hoodie and Sally opted out since she was too short and he had a slight fear of heights. Slender could actually fit this time so he was pretty excited.
Jeff was pretty restless the whole time, fiddling with his hands in his hoodie pocket. BEN sat next to you on the ledge with his head on your shoulder, he seemed tired. Probably because he brought his Nintendo and played it all night even though you advised him not to.
Eventually you all made it inside where you looked at the “spooky” decorations. If slender had a face he would have one of disgust at the cobwebs. There was no comparison to his mansion, not creepy at all -in his opinion.
“Spooky does not mean unclean” he kept muttering to you guys telepathically.
Jeff rolled his eyes and Masky nodded his head, his arms crossed as you guys moved along. Then you were moved in to a separate room to watch some recording giving a backstory to the hotel. You were really focused on the video, there was even ominous music in the background.
There was this annoying whirr in your ear, you had to swat off the wind blowing on it. If the place really was haunted you were the victim. You felt a pair of hands grab your waist and you jolted, looking behind to find a cackling BEN.
“YOU SHIT” You slapped his arm- obviously- he deserved it.
He kept trying to fend you off until Masky gave both of you a really dangerous look. At least you didn’t need to be scared of ghosts anymore, Masky was the scariest thing there. Plus, BEN wasn’t exactly a terrifying ghost with those cute ears of his.
Finally it was time to get on the ride, slender looked really excited in his own way. He had his hands over his lap, the seatbelt buckled securely. You sat on the end with Jeff next to you and BEN next to him and then Toby after.
LJ was on the row behind you with Masky and EJ, you gave them a look as the cart moved. Then the doors opened and there was a stiff in the movement. Abruptly it shot upward, staying still for a second. You got to look at the beautiful view of the whole park before it dropped.
You felt your stomach drop as you clenched your hands on the handles, screaming along with LJ in the back. Glancing at him you saw the feathers on his shoulders fly up at the fall, Slender had his arms up, it was adorable. Toby was CRYING, holding onto the handles for dear life just like you.
After a few times of rising and going down Jeff started yelling at BEN, “STOP TAMPERING WITH THE CONTROLS”
“I’M NOT” he screached, holding onto his hat and trying to shake off a clingy Jeff. The outdoor daylight flashing onto his face, making his wide smiling face illuminate.
“STOP IT BEN” he kept repeating until there was one last drop. He gave a sigh of relief.
The people on the opposite rows looked mortified, scooting past you as you checked the pictures. They were absolutely hilarious, Jeff was gripping on for dear life to BEN, with Slender blocking the family in the back row and there was an open mouth shot of you.
It was a bit dizzying, so you held onto BEN until you regained your balance. He was a bit shocked too, a look of terror displayed at how Jeff yelled at him 50 feet in the air. Toby was pretty petrified too, his ticking increased and you had to rub him on the back to calm him down.
“I liked it” E.J said, shrugging at the picture and moving to the exit. Masky agreed with him, going to find his buddy Brian outside.
Toby needed something to take his mind off of the ride, so you took him and Sally to the Beauty and the Beast show. E.J tagged along too, which was pretty bizarre but hey maybe he liked theatre. The others went to the guitar ride while you waited for the next show to start.
The four of you sat in a back row to have the whole view of the stage. Needless to say that Toby and Sally really enjoyed themselves listening to the actors sing. When the conflict started Sally got anxious and you had to hold her in your lap.
Jack was quieter than usual watching the show, occasionally shushing Toby’s whimpers so he could concentrate. Gaston got on stage and started singing about killing the beast. You looked over at EJ who had his fists balled up in rage, he was really getting into it.
Giving a snarl when Gaston killed the beast but a huff of approval when he turned out to be okay. He didn’t say it but he kinned the beast, and he secretly wanted the happy ending. When the show ended you could have sworn there was tar rolling down his mask, you have him a little pat of affection.
He smiled at you under his blue mask and stood up, excusing himself for a moment. You shrugged as he went behind the stage, probably to get a snack. Leaving the gaston actor with one less kidney than when he started the show.
Then you pushed him out of there with the other two creeps, going across the road to find the rest of the group at the guitar ride. Slender was outside waiting with Hoodie and Jane, Sally ran up to give him a hug.
“They’re in the line for another round” he sighed, “go join them” he called to you and E.J.
You swerved through the other people, excusing yourself because you had to find your group. They told you all about how exciting it was, in the dark and super fast. Jeff was ranting, impatient once again. When you got inside BEN played with the marbles on the door, Masky was shooting him a disapproving look.
Jeff and BEN went in the cart in front of you, you went with L.J who wouldnt stop grinning. It would have been creepy if you weren’t used to it, but the lady making sure you were buckled seemed pretty terrified. Masky and E.J were behind you.
The car took off with a blast, music bursting in your ears as it climbed the tracks. You were overwhelmed with glowing decorations and unplanned curves, taking loopdy loops and hearing BEN and Jeff scream in delight.
You had to give heavy pants when it finished, catching your breath from all your screaming. You laughed along with L.J, whose hair was messed up. Reaching over to make it neater as the cart reached the exit point. The pictures made you cackle, especially since Masky and E.J on the same row had the same void expression.
After that you all headed to the toy story world. Admiring the green army soldiers and amazing childish scenery on the buildings. There were giant abc building blocks and gears making it seem like you had really shrunk.
Upon seeing the Toy Story mania BEN was teething. For some reason Jane too.
Finding out soon enough when she made you ride with her. Basically it was you and Jane in one cart with Jeff and BEN in the next.
She ignored the objective of the game and instead focused on shooting Jeff with the lasers. You kept telling her she had to shoot them at the targets but she shoved you off.
“I need to shoot this fucker” Jane kept muttering.
“You’ll never get me Jane!” Jeff yelled back.
Jeff aimed his cart towards you guys and started fighting back with the light filled lasers. You and BEN looked at each other like 😐, it was useless to break them up.
So you tried to win as much points as you cold but eventually BEN got more, he probably cheated. He did a little victory dance as you exited, you would definitely hold that against him later.
Slender wanted to go on the movie ride, which Jeff protested against but he wasn’t given much of a choice. Slender really liked the infographics and the interactives. Appreciating the realistic scenarios from the Indiana Jones movie and the Wild West.
Jeff did have a laughing fit when he saw the Alien from the Alien movie, saying it looked just as bald as slender. You were sure to give him a smack at that too. Overall though, you all enjoyed it, even Masky did too.
Next was the muppet show, so you all headed that way. While you all waited for the next viewing to start Toby was playing with the 3-D glasses. He kept walking with his arms out and pretending to be dizzy. Then he started “accidentally” bumping into Masky, poor Masky.
Thankfully for him, the doors opened and he sat as far as possible from Toby. You were sandwiched in between him and BEN. You guys lightly chattered until the lights dimmed and you had to put on your glasses.
L.J was having a laughing attack during the show, joined by Sally who actually really liked it. Then there was a part where the little muppet started spitting water, landing onto the audience. Now here was the part where a certain someone started screeching like a little girl, and it wasn’t Sally.
Benny was shivering in fear trying to cower on the floor, your ears rung as you tried to calm him down. You had to assure him like 20 times for him to come back, drying his seat so he could go back. Jeff was laughing but you quickly shut him up.
“It’s gonna be ok BEN, the show’s almost over” you said, giving him your jacket to warm up.
To compensate for BEN’s panic attack you convinced Slender to go to the Star Wars world next. At least BEN was pretty excited for that one, so you managed to diverge his attention to that instead.
His eyes widened and he started jumping up and down when you guys got there. Since there were so many rides you guys started just by walking around. It was pretty incredible, like straight out of the movies.
The architecture was amazing, with rusted technological buildings and the makeshift rocky terrain. The roofs of each buildings were domes, most of them were circular and extraterrestrial.
The stone was so realistic, some the walls were painted with a light aquamarine and some buildings with a yellow. The roofs were made up of a chipped bronze.
Even the ship which stood at the center was unbelievable, Slender made you and BEN take a picture together. You could see the grin of a lifetime on his face follow as you waited in line for the live action ride.
It was so fun! Even slender loved it, he knew he intimidated the storm troopers and if he could grin it would be a smug one. The design of the ride was amazing, the inside was like the real ships.
After you bought BEN a green milk and got a Blue one for yourself. It was sweet on your tongue, cold like a slushee too. You let BEN try yours after he gulped his own down and then he nagged you until you let him have the rest of it.
The next ride was the interactive one, this time you went with Masky and Hoodie. He had been quiet most of the time but this really fired him up. It was a three person ride, the mission was to get to a certain planet in the galaxy while escaping an evil ship.
Masky took all the control on this one, he was the pilot. He put Hoodie as the repair guy and you were the ammo man. He was solely concentrated on maneuvering that ship, swerving left and right like a pro. When the other ship started attacking he began commanding you too.
“SHOOT” he yelled back at you. He sure was bossy sometimes. “ARE YOU SHOOTING?”
“I AM” you said, pushing the button a million miles a minute to see the red laser shoot out on the screen.
Your wrist hurt from how hard you pushed it time and time again. “SHOOT THE GODDAMN SHIP” he said before you landed a good shot and got it out of the way, giving a sigh of relief that he would stop telling you what to do.
Hoodie was on repair duty so he just made sure you guys stayed a flight, silent and concentrated on his task.
Coming out of the Star Wars world you guys moved on to the Indiana Jones show, leaving Toby and Sally at the Frozen sing along with L.J as a chaperone. He was in literal hell, with so many little kids. He did like any reasonable adult and left, leaving the irresponsible person and Sally alone.
The Indiana Jones was one of the evening showings, probably the last one of the day before the main event. The whole thing was really thrilling, full of action and suspense. It was very exciting, and Jeff got a little too hyper.
He saw the weapons and started bouncing his legs on the floor. You eyed him suspiciously for a bit, he got so pumped he started raging. Luckily you covered his mouth before he could start yelling.
The smiling killer gave you a deadly look as he took his illegal knife out if his pocket. The very knife he promised he left at the hotel. You wondered how he snuck it in, probably his pants this time.
“You fucker” you deadpanned, moving out of his knife range. This was all while Indiana Jones was rolling over makeshift buildings with that dramatic music in the background. Thank goodness for the music, or else people would start calling security.
“BEN, E.J, HELP ME” you whisper yelled at them. They took Jeff by the arms and made him calm down, through your hand he gave muffled remarks.
His lidless eyes only widened as swords came into view, he simped over those blades like no other. Pulling and fighting for you to let him go, he wanted to cause rampage with his knife.
“I COULD BEAT THE SHIT” he paused to lick your palm which you made a squirmy face at but refused to let him go “OUT OF THOSE GUYS” you took his knife at this point.
You had to keep him restrained until the show ended, meeting up with the other half of your group then as you were walking to the restroom your group was encountered by a double line of storm troopers.
They stopped to make a round, approaching Masky and E.J, since they had masks. First was E.J, where they interrogated him with questions about if he with the first order cause or not.
“Are you part of the resistance” the trooper asked in a filtered voice.
“No” he said calmly.
“How can we know for sure?” the man in the white suit asked.
“I’m not one of the good guys, trust me” he said with a light chuckle. You laughed a little too and they moved to near Masky.
“Trooper get back in line” they said. You almost levitated, it was so funny you had to take a picture. Side by side his mask kind of resembled the storm troopers’.
“I’m not one of you” he said, boiling with anger as a few other troopers marched their way over to him.
“So you’re a Jedi in disguise then?” Another asked, face inches away from Masky.
“No” he said, the boy was about to burst with rage, too serious to take this as a game and gripping his fanny pack in anger to refrain from punching the guy.
The commander in a black mask passed by and spoke “Cleared”, the troopers dispersed, leaving a less distressed Masky behind.
Jeff was laughing at least, and L.J too, who appeared behind you mysteriously. Slender towered over him and asked where Sally was, the monochromed clown just gave a toothy smile and told him he dropped them off at the little mermaid show.
When that was over you guys got good seats at the fantastmic show, with the exception of BEN who feared water and was still having flashbacks from earlier. He gave rounds on the guitar ride with Jeff who opted to skip out with him, its not like he could sit still any longer too.
You hoped they didn’t kill anyone (they probably did), while the show went on. It was a beautiful display of lights in the water. There was a story told on the mountain and then the dancers came out. You smiled at the sight, it was another heartwarming day spent with the creeps. Holding Sally in your lap as she squealed at the pretty lights you were happy and at peace.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter Seven
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Masterlist Summary: Your finally home! comfortable and confident in the familiar surrounding's at least you are until Henry helps scout the woods for shooting location's and manages to get you alone and you both find out that admitting feelings is tough, but misunderstandings are much worse. Warnings: Implied Smut?, Innuendos?,  Angst, Fluff, Swearing A/N: so here we go chapter Seven!! I'm super happy with how this has ended up but its very long...very long like 1300+ words so get ready!!  This is mostly fluff and angst!!  And a special Thanks to @ayme301​ for helping my with the idead of Joey!!! I hope you all enjoy it xx Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @thummbelina @sofiebstar @jellicorn05 @m3anwhil3misha @thefangirlsblog @al-wiisa @healojane @goodpeoplegotohellanyway @heybitchhhh @britty443 @ayamenimthiriel @crazyandanonymous4u @rebel4fandom @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo @angelofthorr @harrysthiccthighss @loserrlauraa @tumblnewby @singeramg @cheeseman​ @lundelorient @isitmine @tinabean37
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"You ready?" You asked grabbing your phone checking the battery quickly. Eighty percent good enough. Freya smiled nodding it was time to get going! "Yeah lets go...This is a cool car its very you..Does it have aux? Bluetooth? Can I connect to it?" You chuckled nodding to her sitting in your baby. "Yeah go ahead! she has a killer sound system if I do say so myself~...Use the aux its better on your battery life its in the glove box" she clapped her hands excited as you moved tucking your phone in to the door pocket. She squeeled when she saw found the aux cable and gushed over how neat and cute your car was, you smirked, you thought your baby was cute to. "Oh my god! It's so so small but comfy! like its not cramped in here at all!" you shook your head. As she moved her seat back and streatched out. She was right looks were deceiving you had a black Peugeot 207cc, not to fancy but it was a convertible and all yours. You both fiddled about getting seat belts on and Freya popped her bag on the small bucket seat in the back letting her stretch out her feet in the foot well completely unhindered. You brought the car to life, a deeper growl than she should have thanks to your little customization's. Freya looked around it getting to grips with the stereo you moved your hand down to the roof controls pulling back and she flew, jumped about a foot nearly hitting the roof as it peeled away then began laughing loud. "Holy shit it's a convertible?!" You smiled nodding smugly to her as she leaned back already connecting her phone to the stereo. "I've so hit the jack pot today!" She called as suddenly her music came through the quality speakers you'd had put in.
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You swore lightly as you crawled along the motorway in first gear. This was a shit day you should of known Mathew was a bad omen. Here you were nine nearly ten hours into what should have been a seven hour drive. Roof down in the blistering thirty four degree heat!!. The air con was on cooling your feet but that was little constellation to the burning on the back of your neck. "So here is the down side to a convertible no protection in the fucking heat!" You said trying to laugh off the brutal situation at least it was automatic and you wasn't shifting gear every few mineut's or so. Honestly your feet weren't even on the pedals the car did all the work crawling down the tarmac. Things had been great until an hour ago you'd been cruising,  blasting tunes,taking selfies with Freya even a video for her instagram story which over the course of filming you'd been involved with. Joey had also convinced you to make your own which was cool. But during this drive things had been just laid back and fun! Especially as you weaved in and out of the Witcher entourage singing along to the likes of queen, little mix and Rhianna as you went, having a proper girls road trip. Freya received a text from Joey who was in a car behind you at some point begging you to change the song when Freya decided to blare toss a coin once she spotted him waving in the window. Even Henry who was in the bus you were overtaking had popped his head up and called a few words out the window laughing as you passed him head bopping like pigeons to Joeys strumming. Naturally once you'd got those reactions the song was put on repeat and turned up. You'd even slowed down to be along side Henry's bus and trap Joey's car behind you for a few verse's or so the second time round before shooting off and pulling in infront of the bus. Then a lunch pit stop which included you and Freya following Joey singing toss a coin loud and off key to irritate him. But he laughed along with you, he found it quite flattering that you both knew all the words because you both had it on your phone..I mean what Witcher fan doesn't? After lunch the other trucks had caught up with you and you all set of again for the next few grueling hours of the drive. It was only one more hour of plain sailing until bang. Fucking traffic an accident by the looks of it, you were all trying to check the news but it had only just happened and nothing was being released about it. but by the amount of police and ambulances it was very bad. "Fuck me we will get there quicker reversing!" You groaned slumping Freya giggled finding the whole situation a laugh a mineut she moved opening a bag of crisps holding them out to you letting you take a few. "No no its fine besides I get to wear this fashionable hat~" she posing for anothet selfie in the large floppy sun hat that you kept in the car for this type of situation the hat covered the back of your neck. She scanned her phone and sat up from her slouched position seeing the traffic news. "Oh fuck they just put inline about the accident...We're on the M40 right?" You nodded to her and frowned what ever was online didn't seem good for her to frown like that "Says here tail backs are for a few hours...Accident was two lorries caused a ten car pile up at junction eight... looks nasty five fatalities." You squinted junction eight?! That was fucking miles away from where you were sitting. You moved to reply but was interupted by her phone going off. "Hold on its Lauren...Hi...You saw it to?...Hold on I'll ask her" she moved turning to you. "Are we close to the accident? Lauren said you'd know better than anyone" you shook our head at her letting the car crawl faster as someone pulled oof into the lay by getting out to have a piss. "Not really... About twenty minutes in normal traffic. I know a short cut the smaller cars and vans can take to avoid it busses can't tho just tell them to follow me" Freya recited that to Lauren who seemed to consult Tee the put the phone on loud speaker. "Really? You can get us there quicker around the traffic?" You heard the hope in Laurens tone as she asked you. "Yeah you just gotta trust me I know this area....Might cut through country roads near home okay? tell them to follow me off the motorway after the next junction A404 then down to the M4 the bigger trucks and busses will have to go on to A329 then to the M3 they should come off at towards blackwater and hawley...think its the A327or skmehing its an okay work around but the rest can fit in the smaller roads with me" you heard Tee speak up moving to the phone getting louder. "You thinking of going around ascot? The old back roads around the ferns and the old showground?" You smiled as she guessed correctly and nodded you could hear the smile in her voice. "Yeah then we can be in the woods from the back near the chocolatebox house just past the sand pitt" you explained knowing you and Tee were the only two who had a clue what you were talking about. In all honesty you wasn't that far from the woods it was just the motorway though a pain and longer in miles was usually faster. "But don't we need to be on the other side? We were setting up set on your side of Brian's woods...Better access" She questioned you huffed smiling she forgot it would all be cornered off for you. "Yeah but snake lane is gonna be clear with us booking the whole wood so can use that to cut through there" you grinned hearing a decisive hmpf and a chuckle fro Lauren before Tee spoke up again. "Alright smart ass" she said grumbling "I take that as a compliment~" You and Freya eyed one another giggling both knowing Tee was gonna pout. "Okay well it sounds like you have a plan could you text me the directions so we and text them to the others." Freya nodded and confirmed saying she'd text them over "Its better actually we still need to walk the woods and find exact locations...We panicked and had to book anywhere we could after the covid shenanigans.. But we trust you girls you seem to know where your going~" you quickly thanked Lauren and she hung up giving Freya the time to text over the directions so everyone could be informed of the new plans.
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Thanks to your short cut you and a few others managed to be home within 45 mineuts as apposed to the trucks and busses that were still another hour and twenty mineuts away others had also figured out the new work around. Much to your surprise Henry and Kal were also here managing to wrangle themselves into one of the small people carriers with Joey to practice lines. Currently you were walking through the woods near camp with Tomasz and Lauren looking for locations to shoot. You didn't really need to accompany them but after sitting in traffic for so long you all needed to stretch your legs. Freya had stayed behind with kal and Tee finding themselves a spot on a blanket under a huge tree just relaxing enjoying the soft breeze. It was the calm before the storm, the few days of relaxing and slowly throwing your base camp together before jumping right back into the hectic filming schedule. You walked along the trails completely at ease eyes roaming the familiar woods you were home. Not that you live in the woods but..You lived across from them literally you parents house was just over the field, across from the main entrance and base that was currently being set up on the small worn dirt car park enough to just squeeze everything in to. Although this wood was close to Hawley wood it wasn't apart of it. This was a private working woodland with hacking paths and logging areas. You looked down scanning the area out of habit, you did it automatically drilled into you from exploring and playing in these woods. You saw it, your trained eyes locking on the slim body and quickly without hesitating yanked Joey towards you causing him to yelp as you pulled him off his footing. The others stopped looking at you as Joey began creating a fuss. You pointed down to wear he nearly placed his foot. Joey had nearly stood on a fucking snake an adder to be more precise. "There's a fucking snake Joey?!" Suddenly there were 'manly' screams as Joey bolted around you away from the snake coiled on the floor by his foot. He was hysterical freaking out with frantic twitches with every brush of twigs and grass. "Joey its okay see he hasn't moved..He isn't bothered he wont bite you...He would have had you stepped on him" You noticed everyone suddenly paying close attention Henry came closer looking in awe fascinated. He went to pick up a stick making to poke it but you stopped him. "No Henry! Fuck no! That’s an adder..." he looked at as if to say and?...Oh yeah most people don’t know. You sighed motioning to it. "Venemous Henry...Their Venemous you do not want to be bit by it...Fucking nasty Levi got bit once painful business" you moved ushering everyone on before the snake got to aggravated you knew how fast they can move you were all in striking distance. As you moved across the trail everyone now seemed to watch the ground carefully as you walked through the sparse area before reaching camp. "But seriously a fucking snake!? I didn't think we had them over here!?" Joey said clutching at your arm eyeing the floor still twitchy you linked arms with the panicked man who looking around warily eyeing the sticks treading carefully. "Yes we do, a couple actually some grass snakes, smooth snakes worst are the Adders...Its rare to see them in all honesty Adders especially they are the only venomous snake in this country not life threatening though" You almost laughed as the others stuck close to you each making sure you were still eyeing the track.
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"How'd you spot it anyway?" You shrugged at him as you continued this particular path was a large c and you were close to the carpark by now. "I grew up here you learn to keep your eyes peeled...A little advice though they coil up in sun spots, so the clearer the canopy the more likely they are there, flat surfaces to he was just sunning himself...Just watch your feet and you'll be fine...They leave around October to, gets to cold" you tried easing the frightened man he nodded and relaxed his hold before trying to laugh it all off with some typical Joey-esque bravado and Jaskier worthy scoffing. "What else should I worry about Tinks? foxes? Wasps!" You shook your head laughing at him cutely patting his arm breaking away making him quickly clutch at you again. "Haha no foxes are skittish round here...But we do have a few vespa hornets...And badgers...Badgers are worse... Don't go poking around any borrows" you smiled smugly and slipped from Joey's hold properly he whined looking around still jumpy from the snake incident. "Fucking wait a minute what do i worry about more the hornets or badgers?" You hummed and weighed up the time. The vespa hornets are scary as fuck buzzing around you and they are few and far between you just brought them up to make him squirm...What can you say today you were just in that type of mood, besides your and Joeys whole friendship was annoying one another with banter. But you loved each other when it came down to it. You tapped your chin making the man wait with baited breath. Aw bless he looked so uncomfortable. "Badgers, I was pissing about with the hornets they haven't been spotted for a few years" you said finally putting Joey out of his misery. "Really...Badgers aren't they like tiny...The size of a house cat?" You smiled turning to face him shaking your head. "Wait a minuet you've never seen a badger? Like ever?" You asked completely struck with the fact he might never have seen an animal that to you is common, there is a burrow near your shed for christ sake!. "Nope...Never but really they can't be that bad" he said you gaped at him.Well I'll be damned. Never seen one, you were gonna fix that! "Joey hun they are bigger than a cat like neary a meter long and chubby big claws" he gulped looking around even more wary making you burst out laughing. "Joey, they are knocturnal you wont see a badger...Or a fox the most you'll see is squirrels, rabbits maybe some snakes or slow worms-which look like baby bronze snakes but are harmless nothing to deadly I assure you" he seemed to calm down at that.
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Once back at set you watched Lauren and Tomasz frustrated talking with each other trying to pick out spots for filming, they were under strain trying to find the perfect locations. But they seemed underwhelmed with the area ,You heard the word ritual and magic. You could see they were getting frustrated. Trying to think you snapped your fingers the gate! "You wanted a magical type place for filming?" You asked incredulous they nodded to you hoping you could pull another win out of the bag today "Wish you'd just said! I thought you were looking for some trail for Geralt to walk or something!...Follow me! I know a spot it's one of those things if you don't know about it you wont find it" You marched off slipping off the trail leaving no room for thought. Henry was the first to shrug following followed by Lauren and Tomasz. Joey had stayed behind this time wandering over to Freya Tee and Kal not willing to risk another snake encounter. Henry eyed your back as you walked on through the scrub leading once again Knowing exactly where you were off to for the second time today. He followed behind the two directors calling out to you as you lead them seemingly deeper into the woods. "Tinks are you sure we should leave the trail!?" You waved Henry off making him heave a sigh.
"Trust me! I know my way around these part this is home turf!" Was what you called out over you shoulder as you marched on wards, you continued leading them deeper into the woods away from the main trails ten minuets later you stopped looking down a steep bank, the ground broke of suddenly into a six foot drop a small clear trickling stream as the base you smiled...It was still standing. "Here this is it!! I used to play here as a kid I almost forgot it was here! It was only when you said magic I remembered" You quickly launched yourself down the bank that had seemed much higher as a kid. It looked much older now the over hanging roots now thick and looping out and in the dirt towards the old structure below. It was a stone moon gate on a flat pebbled bank that peeked out of the tiny stream that bended around it making the structure have a small five to six inch deep moat. A few larger trees had fallen but it actually did a favour opening up the canopy of trees letting larger streams of light frame the scene. Tomasz and Lauren smiled quickly speaking amongst themselves about how they could make this work as 'Geralt’s camp' and the small ritual Yennefer was going to do.
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You walked over to the lightly Aged stone smiling remembering all the times you played here as a kid. You were glad it was still standing. "You know I broke my wrist trying to climb this as a kid... Didn't even notice to much thought I sprained it...Mum went mental when I got home and she realized Id been playing on it for hours despite it being black and blue the size of a grapefruit...knocked me out of competition for a while to...I was always down here best place to find tadpoles!" You muttered as Henry crept up behind you smiling you turned eyeing him cautiously and quickly flicked your gaze to the stone again and pointed to one at the top. "That’s the bugger I slipped on! Everything seemed much taller then" he followed your gaze and sighed, it must have been something being raised around here. "Well I doubt there’s much difference now~" he smiled poking playfully at your height as he stood tall. Henry moved to the side eyeing the large stone circle. You whined at him giving a sweet pout before huffing stepping towards the small stream. Henry did a slow walk of the little make shift island in the stream taking in the tall aged trees, the canopy of leaves was high so the equipment would get in here fine without causing much damage...And the bank gives a good overview of the area. He turned one slow sweeping motion eyes landing on you who had tucked down letting your hands dip into the shallow water you sunk them to your wrists letting the cool water wash over them you sighed happily. It was good to be back home. To Henry you were a vision, the light hitting the water lighting up your face as you closed your eyes and smiled taking a deep breath just enjoying the moment. You were sexy and stunning, cute all in one you just seemed so? "Perfect" you looked back up to him shyly his soft eyes were glowing in the fractured light reflecting off the water. You swallowed unable to stop your staring the man was sunning his face was relaxed a small lopsided smile across the perfect jaw he licked his bottom lip and smiled wider, he was always happy to capture your attention. "I think its perfect here to!...The gate isn't that old though...Only like twenty odd years...Which does us a favor Brian had it put in when his daughter was at university studying photography and cinematography... She used it for her final project-" Henry shook his head with a chuckle You'd missed his point. He crouched down beside you angling himself to face you holding eye contact then slowly moved caressing your face lightly tucking the short lilac strands behind you ear in a sweet gesture. You gasped unable to hold eye contact for long looking down to you hands in the water trying not to squeak at him being so close. Yet so far? It was bittersweet. The object of your fantasies. Man of your dreams was right here. In touching distance constantly flirting and making almost romantic gestures. Yet he was still out of your reach. Out of your league. Your face dropped and you faltered.
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There you go again. Something crossed your eyes making you pull back. Nerves? doubt? Unease? Henry couldn't tell but he really wished he could stop it. Wished you'd stop getting yourself down. Its like when you acted but instead of a mask it almost felt like a wall. You slammed up a guard between you and he wanted nothing more then to tear it down. To comfort and reassure you, but it was hard to try and reassure you when he didn't know what was wrong. 'Maybe now's the time?....Yes! That’s it right come on superman pull some courage out of your ass...Tinks go out with me....No no that's not-your not giving her a choice she'd say no just to be stubborn...Right...Tinks I'd be honored if you'd accompany me on a date....What the fuck? Honored,accompanied? What is this a fucking marriage proposal?...Well not yet-WHAT THE FUCK HENRY? YOUR NOT EVEN DATING HER YET!! Right okay okay new plane ,new plan ask her out or?...Or just tell her you like her bingo ask her out and if you fail tell her you like her!..I mean fuck sake. AcOmPaNy Me On A dAtE. It wasn't a question either...Come on henners...WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO DIFFICULT!? its never been this difficult...So that means she's the one right?-So I cant afford to screw up!...No pressure then...Right just say Tink's would you like to go out with me?...Yes that’s it straight to the point....Would you go out with me? Would you go out with me? Right okay...Okay deep breath here we go' After Henry hyped himself up plans A and B all ready to go. Oh god. He moved his hands into the water it was a tactical move. His palms were sweaty. He took a deep breath watching his own hand dip into the cold stream sighing contentedly 'yes right now just ask....Ask her out...Move your lips say Tinks would you go out with me?...That's all you need to say! FUCK SAKE SAY IT! ASK HER?...Hold her hand first' He moved his hand through the water before stopping and wrapping his hand around yours, then brought the other to hold it to. Enveloping your hand with his own making your breath hitch you went to ask what he was doing but froze getting trapped in his eyes.
He was staring intently almost like when you first met him but there was something deeper like he wanted to get something out. It looked almost painful was he worried?
"H-henry? Are you okay? Do-don't you like this place? Do you think it wont work?" You asked panicking it was clear you were already trying to think of other places and little groves the wood has.
"No! No it's I....This place is perfect but...It's just that...That’s not quite what I meant~ I wasn't talking about ah... I was talking about...Well" you froze cheeks tinting pink as you cottoned on as he continued staring at you...That he had he been talking about you... He smirked feeling more confident watching as you became all shy realization crossing your face. You quickly looked down to the crystal clear water suddenly finding the colored stones that made up the stream bad interesting. You occupied yourself by curling your fingers in his hand gripping him as he squeezed it lightly reassuringly. It was more for him to reaffirm his resolve. You were here alone now. Time to do this go Henry go!
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"You-your so beautiful do you know that?" You smiled and chuckled at him waving your free hand to him⁸ nervously voice getting caught in your throat. 'Oh my god? Is this really happening!? Shit girl he is looking right at you,lovingly? IS THIS CLASSED AS ROMANTIC!? OH MY GOD IT FUCKING FEELS LIKE IT....Fuck fuck okay don’t scream...Don't scream or panic...Not to be one to toot my own horn but he is lost in your gaze like one of those fucking mills and boom romances...Was he meaning to look at you like that? All sweet and endearing...But no! Stop it!...It will never happen your just letting the others get to you...But then why is he saying this? If he didn't mean it? He doesn't seem the type to say things for no reason...But oh fuck wouldn't that be something?...This gorgeous sweet man thinking you were beautiful....But no, you can't afford to fall for it no matter how tempting' you swallowed looking away from him trying to distance yourself. This was a fantasy! He will never be yours. He was... Entertaining himself is all. You took a breath looking at him trying to slowly pry your hand from his but he wouldn't allow it, he was frowning at you lightly. "H-henry you don't..Don't have to...Mathew isn't here you don't have to say stuff like that...Don’t have to protect me from him" you muttered the words quietly unsure if you really wanted to hear his reply. A part of you liked to pretend that he was interested, that he could like you and he wasn't just doing all this out of some strange misplaced feeling of responsibility. You held your breath waiting for him to confirm that that was all it was. He felt responsible for you. He shook his head releasing a deep breath before speaking and even serious tone. "Tinks would you...Fuck okay no...Right. Tink's. Would you like to..." Henry turned his head squeezing his eyes shut and cursed angrily. You frowned at him he looked annoyed and upset. You knew it! You fucking knew it! It was just him taking responsibility for you! He was just being kind...To kind to even let you down easy. Your chest clenched horribly tight and your wind wipe constricted pulling in the most awful of ways. You felt so stupid for ever building your hopes . Of course he didn't really like you....This was Henry Cavill the incredibly handsome actor who'd never have looked twice at you if you hadn't been working along side him. You felt crushed and looked away as tears gathering in your eyes. You were so pathetic a silly little virgin with big ambitions. Maybe Mathew was a safer bet. You tried to slip away from him but he wouldn't let you instead of releasing your hand he moved circling your wrist in a firm grip.
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Henry swore under his breath.What the fuck just happened? One moment he had stammered out half of his admission, began to literally ask you out. Then the next you were all but falling to pieces in front of him trying to run off. How? Why?...No he'd fucked up along the way and he couldn't figure out how he'd shot himself in the foot this time. He held your wrist in on hand the other firmly interning  hi fingers with your despite you trying to wriggle away. "Whoa there-hey Tink's?....Whats the matter love?..Y/n could you look at me...Please love?" He asked softly tip toeing forward trying to inch closer but not fall ass first into the water, he settled knocking knees with you. Slowly you sniffled and put on a smile it was clear to see it was a forced one it didn't reach you eyes. He winced seeing the beautiful emeralds clouded by tears. His guts churned he had done that. He didn't like it. "Hey there gorgeous~ what's gotten you so upset?...Look love I was trying to say...That I-I know that I don't have to but I want to...I love complimenting you. You deserve to be told how incredibly beautiful you are" you frowned at him what? But that doesn't make any sense? You tilted your face slightly turning to him trying to conceal your unshed tears not wanting him to think your pathetic. It was a pointless endeavor he was looking right at you holding eye contact he could see them alright there was no denying that. But strangely it was his cheeks that were pink for once and with a lopsided uneasy smile on his face he looked like a little boy trying to dig himself out of a very big hole. He continued stuttering slightly stumbling over his words trying to find the right ones. "I...A-and I was trying to find the words..pfft still am...I-It's just that I'm finding this....Hard? harder then usual for some reason...I just really really wanted to tell you that I...I was serious the other day Tinks, about a possible relationship" His brow was twitching worriedly a he spoke and he still seemed completely out of his depth but he carried on clearing his throat. "I...Y/n I meant every word. I? I'm not just doing these things to protect you from that little prick...hehe That's just a bonus.. I just wish you knew what you did to me...I-Fuck me come on Henry!...I really like you Tinks..Like like" he finished with a small chuckle and sagged his shoulders in relief so glad to have that off his chest he didn't even notice you freezing holding your breath even.
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You just gaped at him in that moment everything stopped. 'What? but how? Why? That was why he...It wasn't because he didn't like you? He was nervous and couldn't find the words because he did?...OOOHHH SHIIITT HE WAS FUCKING WHAT?? HE WAS-NO NO no calm...That’s it breath and think...he liked you, he liked you!. He was serious....babe he was MOTHER FUCKING SERIOUS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHERE AM I? WHO AM I?... He meant it, he meant it this is just...wow Henry has meant all these things holy fuck...Oh my god, now that really does change things.GET IN THERE GIRL YOU CLAIM YOUR HONEY BUN!! Hehe more like Claim your sexy bun's...No...No not yet fuck play it cool shit your freaking out and he can see it! Stop it...ouch why do my lungs hurt? Oh I'm holding my breath yep that'd do it now breath...Any time now one big gulp of air should do it....Oh for the love of god! Breath it's not that hard! Just-just calm down and fucking breath!!...Oh fuck he is serious you weren't going crazy!!...Henry Cavill...Want's you? Like holy shit mind blown...Now how do we go about it? How do you start The dating process? Shit this would be so much easier of he didn't still take your breath away!' Henry cleared his throat nodding to himself a reassuring smile on his face and stood taking you with him you were having a meltdown that was clear so there wasn't much you could do. You were to lost in your own thoughts to fight him as he stood with you pulling you closer. He seemed pleased to have gotten that off his chest. He moved holding your hand by your fingers curling them until your hand was held firmly in a princess hold your hand trembled ever so slightly, palm growing sweaty...You hope he didn't notice as he pulled your now cool hand to his face placing another sweet kiss to the back of it snapping you out of your little tizzy finally he pulled away with a wink and grin now seeing you were back from where ever you'd gone to. "I love it when you zone out and glow like that, face all cute and red it normally means I'm doing something right~" you stuttered at him as he spoke in a low easing tone. How he can go from nervous and stuttering to cheeky and confident in seconds always caught you off guard. The man was blessed in so many ways...To many if you were honest.
It was after that a silence fell over you both as you stole glances each other. You shivered meeting his increasingly nervous gaze. Shit this was getting awkward real quick. You shuffled around each other daring the other to ask. Willing for one another to ask the all important question. Do you want have dinner with me?. That's all a simple question. The air felt fragile, neither of you wanted to speak nervous and quivering. Your eyes roamed him questioning. Should you? Was he waiting for you to ask? Or was it to early?  Was he just letting you know?
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Henry bit his lip. He was freaking out he had hoped his last comment had lightened the mood and it had, but you were still frozen blushing unsure where to put your face he began panicking. 'Shit. It was to much to soon. Was it? Were you not interested? Did he fuck this up...Fuck sake Henry you just had to be an eager beaver and now you've cocked up royally...Quick change the subject or-or ask...Ask her out dammit don't let this chance pass you by!!' He grunted and took a small step towards you grasping your hand again running his thumb over the back of it. But in the end it was fruitless just as you peeked up at him Lauren had called down to you both. You twisted your head nodding and moved walking over to the bank, but you didn't let got of Henry's hand, instead you interlocked your fingers squeezing trying to get across just how you felt in the tiny gesture. If you didn't have the courage to say anything you could at least try to show it? Lauren and Tomasz began speaking as you and Henry sauntered back to them looking up. Tomaz smiled knowingly at the interlocked hands but chose to say nothing. Instead he rose an eyebrow as you both had pink tinted cheeks. Henry was grinning like a Cheshire cat you were holding his hand! You held onto him and you wasn't letting go! So it meant you were interested, you were just to shy to ask him out. But what did he expect? He'd just sprung it on you- did he really think a shy inexperienced gorgeous young woman who was a self confessed fan was going to ask him out? What a dick!? Well at least he realized his mistake even if it was to late...There was always tomorrow. "Its time to head back it's six already!" Lauren said she was right the sun would be setting soon ,not that it was a problem but after today you all just wanted to sleep. Henry moved pulling you towards the bank releasing you holding out his arms out ready to catch you as you began climbing up the bank. Once you were up and away from the edge he moved hoisting himself up.
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The trip back to the base camp was fairly quiet. Henry had fallen instep beside you capturing your hand in his again making you smile as he rubbed his thumb absentmindedly over it. You grinned and swooned inside 'HOLY SHIT TODAY HAS BEEN ONE HELL OF A DAY....And oh my fuck He is holding your hand!...Like fuck me! This is insane Henry cavill-superman, Geralt Is holding your mother fucking hand after confessing he likes you in the woods.....And its not a scene THIS WAS REAL FUCKING LIFE AAAAHHHH!!...He is just- Fucking hell! This is just to surreal! And his hand is so big and warm and strong...His fingers are so fucking thick and ugh! God I wonder what they'd feel like if he was to-NO! NO THE SNEK INCIDENT WAS ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY YOU RANDY LITTLE PRAT.... Y/N DON'T YOU FUCKING GO THERE!...But gurl two finger would be the sizze of your mini rabbit...Now there was a though~...Like you had no qualms of him getting a little freaky...Or a lot you'd fucking die on the spot! UGH SHIT YOU FUCKING WENT THERE!!' You tilted your head looking at him again he gave a shy smile as he followed the others in the direction of camp. You and Henry both walked side by side fidgiting both unable to say anything. There was many things to be said but you were both to nervous...And for the first time you both sort of clicked thatthe other was nervous Henry couldn't stand it much longer so spoke up clearing his throat. "H-ahem...How'd you know about the snakes and moon gate?" you smiled quickly jumping to answer his question thankfull he had broke the silence. "Well I grew up here...Once at the set if you look across the road theres the cottage just over the field, with the blue windows? Thats my parents house." You explained  Henry nodded he had seen it when they pulled into the carpark earlier he smiled brightly. And twisted his body useing his interlocked fingers to usher you before him through the slim pating in the younger thick trees. You smiled blushing as his hand skimmed your ass face flaming. 'Did he do that on purpose? Was he trying to feel your ass and mor importantly...Did he like it? Was it to small? To big?OH MY GOD DID IT WRIGGLE AS YOU WALKED!!??' It used to be a pert little ass with all your training and shit but since you'd stopped competing it had gotten a little chubby... Youwwre pulled from your thoughts "The chocolatebox house?" He asked moving his other hand pushing some of the lower branches out of the way as to walked up the hill to the trail that you'd been on earlier. "That’s the one! Born and raised in that house" you explained eyeing him casually he rose his eyebrows looking a little shocked then let out a chuckle under his  breath. "Wow I knew you said we were going to your home but is didn't think we'd be that close, so I suppose we will be meeting your parents then? I can imagine your mummwantingnto come and visit...shes missed you"  henry moved slower not wanting this to end he wanted to drag this out because as soon as you reached the trailers youd both part ways. "Uhuh...Probably at some point she's gonna sneak over. Not today though I texted Mum that we were here late because of traffic so she said to pop by tomorrow to see her, she can't wait for a proper catch up..But dad is on a fishing trip so wont be back for a few days still he has been itching to get out on the lakes again he had to give it up over lockdown he really found it hard" henry nodded he could understand that the lockdown had been tough on everyone. "I bet he is making up for lost time...I didnt understand why they stopped fishing? I mean arnet ou normally alone and far apart do you dont tangle lines or so,thing you looked down with a grim look. "He is trying to, poor sod hasnt cuahgt anyhing in this heat" you explained with a giggle it was just his luck that when he finally got out for a few days the fish wouldn't bite, you could only imagine how irritated the man must be. "But as I was saying these are pretty much my woods in all but name...my brothers and I grew up playing in it I can navigate it with my eyes closed!" You gloated twisting swinging your intwined hands lightly he tipped his head back looking to the trees "Oh really you'll have join me and Kal on a walk sometime? Give us a tour?" You faltered then smiled shyly nodding that sounded fun. "Alright then it'd be nice...There are some hour long walks I wouldn't let Kal off though at this time of year, not with the snakes around I'd hate to see him bit" you offered out casually as you both crept up on the set lights seemingly moving slower but once you were both out of the woods you smiled shyly. Before both releasing hands slowly like a couple of  crushing school children and went your own ways. You were both clear with one another...Weren't you? 'Oh fuck! I didn't reply!? Fuck fuck what if he thought you wasn't interested? That he took your silence as refusal!! OH MY GOD NO NO NO PLEASE GOD NO!' You turned suddenly to him taking a step towards him as he walked away, swallowing curseing yourself for being so shy. Once again you'd held yourself back from what you truley wanted.No! No more, you'd over come this shit for him. He was worth the risk, worth the fear. "Henry! Wait a moment can I just?" He stopped frowning and stood still you jogged the last few steps to him body shaking like a leaf as you aproached him, he stood frim shoulder trembling with his own nerves. You finally made stood befor him gulping watching him with panicked wide eyes. Was he expecting the worse? "I er...Its probably obvious but...I sort of...Kind of...Well fuck it...Ireallylikeyouto" you muttered out your admission and with a rush of forced adrenaline you quickly surged forward darted up onto your tip toes one hand placed on his bicep the other on his chest keeping your balance and just li,ethat your lips connected with his jaw leaving a quick chaste kiss his light scruff...You were aiming for his cheek but the man was huge and your short ass only managed to place a kiss to the side of his mouth. You stood back twisting your hands back into your own top nervously, already regretting kissing the man for many reaons. One of which being now you'd had his skin below your lips you knew no one and nothing will ever compare and second...He was just standing there shocked wide eyed and a flush crept up his face before splitting into a painfully wide grin his eyes despite shocked were twinkling with an almost childish glee. You placed your hands on your own burning cheeks and quickly spun on your heels and all but ran in the opposite direction not stopping to see his face. It wasn't until you'd shut yourself in the trailer you peeked out of the porthole window on the door he had moved, was walking to his own trailer with a spring in his step...He was almost skipping.
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You sat down on the floor on the trailer feet down the entrance steps holding a hand to your chest feeling therabbit li,e heart beat leesa thumping morea hum from how frantic it was pumping...It'd be justyour luck the haveaheat attack now you gulped and began laughing smoothing your hands through your hair. 'Holyfuck...I just...I just kissed him!I JUST FUCKING KISSED HIM ALMOST ON THE MOUTH!! AND AND SHIT!...Fuck thatwas just so- his scuff was amazing and and hedidnt thrlwme off him?! He let me he was happy and and...OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HE DIDNT EVEN FLINCH... AND AND I KISSED HIM!' you flopped back to lay on the cool lamented floor arms stretched wide laughing and squeeling kicking your legs on the steps you couldn't contain your fangirl! You were blown away. 'I kissed him...And he accepted it...He smiled and was fucking skipping! And he scruff on my nose and cheek UGH~ FUCK YES BEARD BURN? PLEASE DADDY!' You rolled from side to side squealing still far to excited to even think of getting up and moving. It wasn't long before yourveiw ofthe ceiling wasblurred by tiny tears. You sniffled still laughing whilst wiping away atthe tears that trickled free from your eyes, tears of relief and joy. A life time's worth of silly worries releasing when the reality settled in. You were enough for someone? Pretty enough to be liked? Good enough for someone and of all the people he liked you...Henry Cavill liked you back!...Just having someone admit that they liked you would have meant the world to you, let alone someone you looked upto and were crushing on. It was silly but you always felt there was something wrong with you to get this far in life without having a boyfreind or a lover. Fuck all your freinds were married with kids and you were just left on the shelf so to speak. You knew it was mostly due to your brothers but after they left for the armed servicees a girl couldnt help wonder why no one looked her way?...Start to question yourself, your worth. And for the first time thats what you felt worthy and dareyou say desired.
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Later on Joey was in Henry's trailer watching the man pacing back and forth in a mess once again. It was deja vu. But this time Freya was here to witness the mental breakdown...Was it a break down sure the man looked worried but also ecstatic! It was a weird combination tosee. Henry was trying to explain bless him but he was cutting himself off with tonnes of mumbled what if's and maybe's. Basically the man was over thinking. "Soo...You want to tell us whats got you so frazzled or what??" He asked but Henry stopped facing the two sat at the table shook his head making one more legnth of the bus and finally stopped paceing and sliced his hands through the air. "I err ...Well...She kissed me...." Headmittd slapping his hips as he lowered his hands to his sides. Joey through his head back scoffing shaking hksheadin disbelief. "Bollocks" Henry sighed ans stopped before the smaller man arms out at his sides palms up shrugging trying to get across he was being deadly serious. "No no seriously Joey...Listen she fucking kissed me!" Henry explained ruffling his own hair as iffinding it hard to be.ive himself... "Fuck off you want me to belive our tiny shy little Tinkerbell just waltzed right up to you and snogged you?" Joey through out in to the trailer letting the words linger. Henry nodded to him then looked to Freya who had been quiet. "There must be more to it then that?" She added wanting to here the whole story behind this one. "When we were in the woods things were great! Then bad then catastrophically bad; Which I'm still confused by how that happened? But the then I clawed it back, climbed out of a hole in put myself in somehow? Still not sure how and once we got back here she kissed me! Likei waswalking back to my trailer and she just called me running uptomesaid he liked me and beforeIcould doanything she kissed me..." freya and Joeylookedateach other quietly beforesquealing and bouncing on the spot clapping each others hands a s they did so. "OH MY GOD! Henry thats great! Was it on the lips? Did you smooh back?....Oh no...No no no what's with that face? For god sake tell me you put some sugar on her and snogged her back!?" Henry sighedrubbing the backof his neck as Freyas excitement drained from her words. She slammed her hands on the tableas joey head butted it grkaning shaking his head. "Henry please pleeeaaasssee tel, me you didnt throwher off!?" He added whining pitifully tAnd rose to face the now twitching darkhaired man. Henry sucked threw his teeth and took the joy with it. "Okay right, she was fast and I wasn't expecting it and I just froze!" They both deflated groaning smoothing their hair out of their faces. "No! No no no Henry nooo you don't- you didn't do that?! Henry please tell me you didn't?!" Joey brust out throwing his hands up in theair as freya shook her head just as exasperated as Joey. Henry held up his hands as if calming a wild beast. "Hang on! Hang on I started the whole thing! Okay just bear with me okay its a long story...I tried to ask her out...It seemed perfect okay? We were there by the little stream...Just me and her okay? Lauren and Tomasz were on the six foot ledge eyeing the setting...and wewereat the moon gate shewas letting the water cool her hands and i just...It seemed perfect" Freya nodded to him it did sound perfect and romantic, she tried not to swoon.
"I...er choked , I couldnt ask her out it...My nerves got the best of me...And she got upset, she looked like she was going to cry...I didnt understand and i just- i quickly calmed her down and admitted my feelings...she didnt say anything back though...I thoughs i'd ballsed it up but then she held my hand and wouldnt let go as we came back.." they both listened carfully to henrys as he explained it took a few moments for them to really take in al, he'd said but once it clicked they looked to each other and grinned Joey spoke fisrt. "Soo? You took our dear little Tink's out into the woods with and admitted you loved her? And then walked back hand in hand?" "And then when you got back she kissed you, but you like a prat didnt kiss her back?....But seriously was it on the lips?" Freya asked leaning her face on her palm eyeing Henry with a sly grin trying to get the details to relay to Tee and Anya no doubt. "No..No it wasnt I think she was aiming for my lips but she's short...and missed but It counts! And i was there grinning like an idiot when she pulled back but what do you expect! Shes fucking gorgeous and she kissed me! I almost had a heart attack when she did it-OH MY GOD IN A GOOD WAY IN A GOOD WAY!!" Henry explained makingnthe both of them laugh. "Okay and what happened in the bad bit in the middle?" Joey pried wanting to kmow the ins and outs. "I just...I fucked up okay I fucking bottled it! I complimented her and she...She sort of freaked out...W-well not freaked o she was all like you dont need to say that Mathew's not here and then I was like I know but I really like you but I waited to long to say it...Couldnt get the right words and I think she was expecting the worst" Freya leaned forward and shook her head. Henry sat down with a huff petting Kal who'd come over to comfort him. "When I choked...I panicked and Instead of asking her out I just said I was serious the otherday" he explained to them Joey held a hand up. "Wait wait wait. What other day? what did you say the other day?" He asked confused. Ah yes, Henry hadn't mentioned what happened the otherday. Shit. "I asked about her and Mathew and sort of pointed out he liked her...Well long story short she tried laughing off the idea of me and her ever making a go of it and I sort of..Well I said why not? And she was...She was shocked when I said that I could see us getting together-that I thought we'd be a perfect couple"Henry said stuttering he yeyed Freya and Joey cautiously as they bpth gapped and him Joey dropped his hand slapping the table. "How the fuck did you miss that out!?" Joey exclaimed Freya nodded wonder just when Henry had managed to keep that quite?. The man was so excited about anythingnthat included Tink's he gushed like a schoolgirl. "Well yeah...I err it crossed my mind...It's just...She seemed open to the idea! But then today I-she seemed upset when i couldnt get my act together...do you think I fucked up not Kissing her back? Like she did see that I was happy! So everythings fine right? " Joey eyed Freya asking her to take this one she was the girl, Joey could only guess so much afterall he was a man. Freya hummed she  could see Henry was really out of it this time he was so flustered. Freya looked on as he ran a hand through his hair he was at a loss. "Well, from where I'm sitting you made it clear you liked her and she held your hand and had a wonderful walk through the forest...Which is pretty romantic~ and she kissed you admitting she liked you back so I'd call that a win Henry, so what if you didn't get an official date but a walk in the woods counts!" She said cheering him up Henry noodded slowly a bright smile creeping across his face. Freya smiled to Joey and winked. Oh yes she was good at this, her and Joey were the fucking dream team!! "I hadn't thought of it like that..It was romantic overall and we both spoke more on the way back and he nabbed another walk in the woods which could be classed as a date? If you squinted." Joey slapped henry on the back smileing like a maniac. "Thats the spirit! You go get her tiger~" he said all three chuckled for a few breaths henry bit his lip looking down then quickly turned to Freya as she began speaking. "Yeah and for the record Henry...Tink's and I were speaking in the car today and she well just...Shes worried of reading the signals wrong...The woman is in love with you we can all see it! She's just shy and doesnt know how to go about it...I'm sure she wanted to ask you out but just couldnt!" "Exatly just like Freya says you are both as bad as each other~but she must really really like you if sheovercome her own shyness to kiss you...Just try to kiss her back next time...Or even instigate it yourself girls like a man who take charge just walk up to her look her in the eyes and give her a big old smooch! "Oh in front of Mathew!" Freya spoke upand Joey hi fived her agreeing gasping to Henry who was laughing out loud already. "YES! Snog her infront of Mathew!...Or like make out! Go the whole hog" joey added making henry roar up slapping his knee imagineig Mathews face when he first kissed Tink's in frontnof him...With any luck he wont have to wait long.
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After an almost full night of fangirling the next morning after breakfast you found yourself outside in the shade sat on a soft blankets. You'd all sprawled out under the large tree on the edge of the woods trying to escape the heat, it was nine in the morning and the temperature was already twenty eight degrees. You huffed waiting untill ten to coss over to see your mum. Anya ,Freya and Joey all laid around on the blankets relaxing on your phones or in your case reading the new scripts you were handed this morning.The silence was broken by a high whine and Joey flopped back and huffed. "Its so fucking muggy! I feel gross already!" He cried out you all nodded grumbling but then after a few moments you spoke up. "Its not to bad today" you added eyeing Joey who scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Well its alright for some! you can go home and have a proper shower!" Anya nodded groaning along with Freya muttering somthing along the lines of a decent shower with proper water pressure. You could relate washing hair in these fucking trailer showers were a pain you thought yourself lucky to have short hair, fuck rinsing the long locks the girls had. "Look I'm just gonna pop to mums now...If you want to borrow the shower I don't think she'll mind Joey" you offered up, Joey rolled over to his front eyeing you cautiously as you unlocked your phone checking the time nine thirty five, she wouldn't mind if you went over early would she? You didnt think so...Not if you brought Joey, she loves Jaskier! "Really? She'd let me do that?" He asked grabbing the attention of everyone. You shrugged to him standing brushing yourself off. "Well yeah can't think of a reason she wouldn't,between me and you when she watched the first season she had a little soft spot for you so I'm sure if you asked nicely she would do anything for you she thinks your super sweet and adorable...She may demand a hug though" Joey got up locking his phone. "Really what about me?" You jumped and did a ridiculous side step as Henry crept up behind you out of nowhere. You flushed a bright red and giggled nervously...He smiled waitin for his answer and you swallowed quickly scrabbling for words..Preferably english and somehing that makes sense. "I-i  Err well she erm..She feels the same as the rest of the witcher fandom does" whew! 'Good girl you pulled thag out of your ass...Were things gonna be akward between you?.. it didnt feel akward... did it? Maybe no-No it wanst you were just skittish is all!' Henry shifted on his feet crossingnhis arms overnhis chest raisingnhis brow. Damn his beautiful biceps drawingnyou in like a moth to a flame. Your mouth became dry despite wantjngnto drool over him. He was dressed in his costume going fpr an small shoot nothing much just some horse whispeing scenes. "Oh?~ And whats that then?" You could have cursed him, didnt he know how hot he looked? How was you supposed to fucking concentrate when he was out here like a fucking witcher sized lickable snack...Damn you were thirsty more so now that you'd gotten away with kissing him last night. The temptation was just to great.'Be cool be cool be fucking cool!!! Nothing has changed, he is still the amazingly handsome fuckable snack he has always been....and He is your friendly neighborhood crush?? WHO FUCKING LIKES YOU BACK OH MY GOD?!?! HE ISN'T AVOIDING YOU!! YES YES YES GO GIRL WOOO YOU DIDNT FUCK UP!! THINGS WERE OKAY...Right now tone it down and answer the man- calmly like normal be cooool don't think about the kiss...The kiss that you stole...That was definetly the hottest kiss of your life and he didn't even do anything, god his skin was so hot and rugged and NO!...Right right cool as a cucumber-NOPE no long cylindrical objects today thank you very much!!...Well...Maybe later...Never say never~' Henry's lip twitched he could see you were stuck in your own thoughts probably godsmacked he was acting so casually, if only you knew he was loosing his shit inside quivering with the fear of things being awkward....But they didnt seem to be ad for that he was thankful. "Well she thinks th-that Geralt...Needs a good slap for how you treated muggin's here..." you said finally managing a fw breaths to in what you hoped helped you manage an even tone nodding to Joey. He looked away biting the inside of his lip growling softly clenching his fists. "..Fuck." he growled looking mildly concerned, you wiped your sweaty palms on your shorts taking his distraction as a moment to calm yourself and even your breathing you quickly spoke to Joey. "Joey go get your stuff quick and we can go visit mum" he nodded and left in the direction of his trailer. You eye'd henry and he seemed worried? Like he it was important to him that your mum liked him. You placed a hand on his tense bicep squeezing quickly. He looked to you golden eyes lighting up and he place his palm over yours in an attempte to keep it there. You flushed when he stepped forward casually letting your bodies lightly graze one another. You looked to Freya and Anya who were no help watching from the sidelines giggling between themselves, the words cute and adorable being thrown around. "I-if it's any constilation...She loved you as Superman...And man from uncle, she didn't want to watch it with me at first because she didn't like the tv series but in the end she was over the moon and got it on dvd that day incase Netflix ever deleted it...So I'm sure if you wanted a shower she'd let you" He quickly perked up standing taller squeezing your fingers lightly and sighing relaxing the worry on his face melted away. "So she does like me?! Oh good god thats a relief!" you didn't really understand why he'd got upset...It was almost as if he wanted to have impressed her. He looked over your head seein Joey return a small wash bag, towel and a bundle of folded clothes to change into. Henry patted your hand and released you letting you take a step back. "Well I will let you go, tell your mother I'm sorry I couldn't meet her today but I look forward to it soon..I best get back before they send a search party" you smiled cheekily, the look caught him off guard but he tilted his head ready to listen to what ever little comment you were about to make. "Yes Geralt You mustn't keep your little pony waitng~" you stated giggling as he rolled his eyes sighing as everyone laughed. He pointed at you as he walked back wards. "I'm warning you~ one of these days girl~" you thighs clentched and you almost whined. 'Fuck why was that so sexy?...Oh god why is he still teasing you? Is it worse today? It felt worse already!...I wonder if he'd call me that again if I asked...Like Henry that made me wet say it again!...Dont think about girl in the bedroom...dont ou-ah fuck he would definitely call you Iittle girl...and fuck me if he does I'm gonna fucking drench through like omg daddy pu-lease~"  you swear sometimes his whole misson in life is to fucking ruin your undewear and make you squee! You squinted at him as he smirked oh her thought he was getting away with it? Not today! "Oh I'm so scared Big boy, what you gonna do ask your little pony to run me over?" The others oooed as you stepped up for the first time playfully snapping back as the man. Henry faltered tiltjn his head slowly  in what could only be seen as 'Oh?...what was this? Tink's is trying to play?' He grinned devilishy and spoke loud and clear hands on his hips. Your body ceased and you rubbed tyour thighs together subtly as Henry stood tall and  began making more of an anouncement then a bit of banter. "Boy?! why you little?-Just you wait Tinks one day I'll show how much of a big boy I truly am, then you'll be singing a different tune I guarantee it~" he called out you gapped at him shrinking and flushing your tummy clentched and body shuddered as his shouted words carried across the open space of the car park. So much so that even the passing crew had looked over and had a chuckle 'Oh fuck me!? He had to go there HE JUST HAD TO DO IT!! He fucking went there sexy kissable lickable mother fucker...And thats a record-knickers destroyed before brunch...He is getting more efficient WHAT A DICK!.....yes what a dick indded~ How do I even respond to that?...There is no response to I'm gonna fuck you up with my MASSIVE DONG and mad you Sing...It not much of a threat either~FUCK NO DONT THINK ABOUT IT-BUT FUCK YES YOUD LOVE THE CHANCE, RIDE OR DIE BABY! WOO!' You flushed and growled trying to contain your embarrassment but there was no where you could put you face you just had to let this one go you bit your lip and turned away from him as he winked and turned back around...He knew he had won.
Henry 1 Tinks 0 Once Henry was out of sight the others stopped laughing and Anya spoke up first thankfully letting the whole Henry threatening to fuck you silly blow over. unlike Joey who was nudging and winking at you as if you say 'Get in there girl! You go get yourself some lovin~' you slapped at Joey's stomach and pointed at him making him wriggle his brows as Anya spoke. "So what about me? Think I could wrangle a shower?" You opened your mouth to speak but Freya quicklly pitched in. "Yeah me too!" You smiled at Freya and Anya and nodded to them both who grinned wide thankfull that they could finally have a real shower. "Of course you can we have two so one of you might have to wait but I'm sure she'll feed you in the mean time...Go get your stuff..." you all jumped when Joey through his head back with a victory cry! "Feed me? I'm getting a shower and food!? Oh my god your mother sounds like a saint!" He said sounding genuinely excited to get to your house.
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It was no longer then ten mineuts before you had all crossed the field and entered the back garden passing the well manicured garden and veggie patch to the kitchen door. You didn't bother to knock instead walked right into the medium sized cottage kitchen. You ushered the other three in through the door and called out for your mum. "Mum!? I'm home!" You heard some mpvement and claws scratchingnon the floor the excited yippjng of Nemi your jums dachsund you crouched and opened your ar,s catching her as she flung herself at you wriggling and crying "Hey there Nemi baby~ oh my love? Look at you you little chunky pudding? how ae you sweety? Such a good girl~" you cuddled her and then placed her back down "Go! go find mummy got get her baby~" true to form she raced off into the house barking he head off. You smoled to the others seeing they had been cooingmover the small dog. Then your mum came through the door and swallowed you up in a hug. "Oh gosh y/n sweety!! Come here let me look at you?!" You flushed as she held you at arms lenght before reaching forward again squishing you tightly to herself. You winced at how tight she held you and tried wrigglin free. "Mum whoa okay...wow I missed you to hey come here let me introduce you...This is Joey, Anya and Freya, Sadly Henry had to go over a few shots and couldnt make it, he feels bad and said he cant wait to meet you" you mum quickly gave them each a hug..Joeys lasting a little longer then the girls, she was biased and couldn't help it. She pulled back and crossed to the kettle ready to make some tea. "Henry?" She called over her shoulder you sighed, you'd tried bot to gush ablut him to much...but she should knlw who he is by now..Especially since youd been crushing on him since forever! "Oh fuck Geralt he plays Geralt mum...The white haired one" she smiled wide nodding finally placing the character. "Oh now I gotcha well im sure I will see him soon. Anyway Its nice to meet all of you~ y/n has told me all about you!" She said you could see she was excited about having these famous people in her house and you couldnt blame her, you were to when you first met them all. It was sweet seeing her all giddy. "Good things we hope mrs l/n" Freya spoke up politely and your mum waved her off rolling her eyes as the young woman. "Oh god none of that call me Terry...Gosh you must be famished! That long trip down here nothing but nasty greasy take away food, and I doubt you ate well last night here sit I will whip somthing up!" She said getting ready to race arou d the kitchen and make some snacks. You stopped her before she became to hurricane you knew and loved. "Actually mum they were hopeing for a shower" you said and all three nodded sheepidhly each adding ther own pleases and 'if its not to much trouble' you mum widened her eyes and nodded. "Oh of course of course, how silly of me! I dread to think what those trailers are like! But ladies first in this house I'm afraid young man" Joey held up his hands and smiled. "That's no problem Terry I can wait" your mum smiled and quickly ushered him to sit down at the table and then started rustling through the cupboards for some biscuits. "Right well he looks safley occupide so we should be safe to leave him you guys follow me we have a bathroom upstairs and down" you said leading them through the kitchen to the hall.
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It was ten mineuts later you found your mum in the living room watching Joey munching on a toastie haveing the time of his life with three tiny dachsund puppies? "Oh my god! mum? you didn't tell me Nemi had pups?!" You admonished quickly kneeling down to the floor cooing at them Joey smiled rolling the ball to you and they dutifully chased it yipping the whole time pouncing at one another. "Yes well it wasn't really planned... Harriots boy got her...He was only nine months old so we didn't think nothing of it....Then she got fat and here we are five pups" you stopped looking to her seriously placing a hand to catch the lighter of the three as they climbed up making a rather loud noise begging for attention. "Five but theres only three...Did the others you know?" You quickly glanced down to the pup in your lap tickling its tummy placating them. "Oh goodness no they have gone to their forever homes! The black female is a surprize and we are holding her here untill the little girls birthday at the end of the week and the males family are organizing travel from devon neither can drive they should be collecting him next week if not Euan said he will drop him off they seem like a nice couple recently retired and want a little pup to love and spoil" you smiled feeling better as your mum explained things, atleast they were all going to loving homes. "Aww their so sweet I wish I'd been here to see them born I bet they were so tiny~ is that a dapple?" You were interrupted by a squeal and turned seeing Freya standing at the door fresh in set of clothes looking relaxed. "Holy fuck puppies! Come come! Gimme! Come to aunty Freya! Oh look at that little pudding~ yes awoo to you to baby!" You laughed as Freya moved faster then you'd ever seen her move batting Joey away. "I left it on for you Joey go go! And I will take that!" She said snatching the black and tan pup from Joey and sitting down on the floor cooing and playing with the tiny dog.Your mum got up quickly heading to the kitchen and returned with two plates. "Yes shes a beauty isn't she?" You looked to the dog and smiled agreeing with your mum as she nodded to the colorful dapple puppy in your hands, she definitely was a pale beige grey with a mix of bright coffee and dark grey splotches. You rolled her over to her back tickling her chin and she quickly arched up closing her eyes enjoying the pamper. She would be a spoiled little madam that much was certain~ "I had her throughly checked out at the vets, apparently dapple's are more prone to problems but she is perfectly healthy and called a black tan brindle dapple...Cute huh?...Here you go dear eat up!" You watched as your mum handed Freya a plate with a toastie on it. "Its sweet, cherry pie filling" Freya smiled thanking her and quickly began nibbling it whilst playing with the pups who now licked at the sugar on her fingers. You leaned over the tiny dapple giggleing blowing a little puff of air on her tummy making her jump tilting her face at you yipping playfully trying to bite and paw at your hair. "She really is beautiful and her eyes their so blue...So gorgeous and cute~ get a decent amount for her I suppose" you moved to put her down sighing wishing you'd been here a litter of puppies must have been fun right? Playing with puppies all day? Why couldn't she have had pups in lockdown? "I would but...No shes a gift" your mum sighed watching as the small pup tried to wrangle your attention again. "Oh Really? Like for the fathers family?" Your mother smiled softly and leaned down scopping up the tiny pup, and she was tiny smaller then the other two she was the size of your mums cupped hands, the tiny girl whined softly then was quickly placed back in your lap. You cooed at her again making her jump up trying to give you kisses wriggling her little butt wagging her tail. You giggled leaning down to her as she yipped again then began nipping your nose. Your mum moved in kissing your head. "Happy late birthday sweet heart" you froze looking at her you could hear Freya gasp watching from the other side of the rug. "What? You can't be serious? Mum you can't give me a puppy" you asked but cuddled the tiny pup to your chest wanting to keep her so bad. But you couldn't accept...Could you? I mean Henry had Kal on set so? Doesn't that mean you can have a puppy in your trailer? "Oh I am...You looked after your father and I during that whole lockdown shitshow, sheilding just as carefully as us so you could take him to chemotherapy and do all our shopping and prescriptions...We missed your birthday so we decided this is our thanks...We know she's in good hands and you'll take good care of her...Besides now that your a big time actress you'll need a companion for on the road. Like your friend's doggy cow was it?" You laughed wiping at your eyes tears welling just overwhelmed with the idea of getting to keep the tiny dog. You shook your head at her believing kal was called cow. "Kal mum k-a-l you know...Like superman?" You mum clapped her hands and laughed out loud. "My god that makes more sense! I thought it was cow...Like you know 'Moo'...Your father and I couldn't figure it out~ Any way your puppy is eleven weeks old and vaccinated chipped-all using your details... We got her a bed and collar lead food ect for you to take so once you set off for london you can take her with you! Shes why we didn't tell you about Nemi it was a surprize" you looked down at your new puppy who was howling her little head off throwing a fit over the fact you stopped paying her attention you grinned at her and moved down kissing her little head , she jumped up pawing at your hair pulling and mouthing on it. "Oh I must warn you shes a bit of a singer...Needs to be center of attention and if she isnt she'll let you know about it!" You giggled she reminded you of Joey you smiled holding her up. Freya snorted "Now who does that sound like?~" Freya snorted and you chuckled "Who does what sound like?" You all looked up seeing Anya enter the room and smiled Freya was quick to hold up a puppy "Anya look! Puppies!" Anya grinned and quickly sat down taking one off Freya petting it cooing softly. "Oh my look how cute they are!? They are so tiny~ I need one to snuggle daily!" Freya smiled and nodded to you who was still quite emotional trying to think of a name for your cradled pup. "Well your in luck Terry gave that one to Tinks so we're gonna have one onset! For real to steal and snuggle" Anya smiled so that was what had you choked up. They watched as you looked up a grin on your face and held up your yapping puppy. "Anya here you go a cherry pie toastie~" you mum called out handing the second plate to her, she smiled greatfully and bagen eating face lighting up at the taste. Both women watched as you held your new found baby coddling her and playing completely awe inspired by the size of her. "Joey...Shes my baby joey! My little Jojoba~ my very own bard yesh you are oh thats right! Mummys gonna spoil you rotten yes I am my baby little sausage!" Your mum lifted a small blanket as Freya and Anya laughed out loud moving to put the two dogs back into the playpen still eating their snacks.Poor Joey. He was going to love this.
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"Go go show her off but remember she cant go on the floor yet...Not that I imagine your going to put her down" you smiled and turned facing the door and bumped into Joey you grinned at him and held her up to his face as she started 'singing' as she wasn't being snuggled correctly. "Joey meet Joey! The best little singer in town" Joey stuttered and moved to pet the small pup then tilted around her looking at you shocked only just relising what youd said. "What the-is that one yours?" You smiled at him nodding proudly and pulled he rto your chest letting her snuggle in you your boobs rubbing her chin. "Uhuh! Mum gave me one! My Joey!" He smirked watching you fawn over her and chuckled. "Aw he's so cute....Right thats it I accept Tinks we now have a son! Its official I shall teach him-" you snorted and interrupted his dramatic announcement. "Her" he faltered and frowned tilting his head. "What?" he asked not sure he heard you correctly. "She's a girl Joey" you giggled and he shook his head baffled looking between you and the dog. "Then you cant call it Joey...Its a boys name....Call her Josie or Joyce" he offered alternatives which made you cackle this was pay back for the whole tumblr thing...And every other time he's embarrassed you and Henry...Oh yes revenge was sweet~ "Her name is Joey and thats final, you should be happy listen she makes a lot of noise, she sings just like her uncle Joey~ don't you like her singing?" You teased holding he out to him again making him wince at how high pitch the sound was you could hear Anya and Freya laughing at him from behind. "Shes got a set of lungs on her I'll give her that much" he said still wincing and patter her head in a hopes of shutting her up. "Well I think she had a perfect singing voice~ See shes singing for her mummy...Arent you princess oh come here my baby~" you said cradling her again completely in love with her already. "Well she is cute...When she isn't making all that racket" Anya scoffed trying to bite back a laugh and Freya smirked saying outloud what you were all thinking. "pfft could say the same for you...Definitely Joey" you all walked past him making your way outside. Your mum had conveniently packed Joeys puppy pack in a small box for Anya to carry and a slamm princess bed was tucked under Freyas arm...she stopped by Joey and thrust it into his arms. "Come on then you time to earn your keep~" he stuttered but sighed as he soon found himself lugging the box Anya was carrying to. "Joey~" you called trying to get her used to her name as you walked across the field. "Yes Tinks" Anya and Freya shared a look then bellowed a laugh and so it begins. Joey sighed but smiled secretly excited to have a little pup about he was definitely gonna steal her for cuddles.
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cgbraincell · 3 years
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Be Gay, Do Crimes. This is Thel, one of four geckos I’ve actually purchased. He comes from Brian at Altitude Exotics, and was sold at a deep discount during his 2020 Black Friday sale due to the missing ‘toenails’ (actually missing a number of phalanges on that hand, but yes, he has exactly one toenail - likely just a shed issue, it happens).
I was contemplating names based on moons for the two I’d picked up from the sale, settling on Io for the other. Kind of led into naming for video game characters following that, so while I’d originally gone with Callisto for this fellow, it didn’t feel right. Technically Thel doesn’t either, but he is an incredibly handsome reptilian so...
Thel was my first ‘difficult’ crestie, showing a fear of literally everything and bouncing around my room so intensely that the chase lives on in memory forever. I sat down with him while he was in his temporary bin a few times and just talked to him following this, moving at his pace, and one day he came out to see what the heck I was about. I soon gained a significant trust with him, where my hands were his comfortable place to be outside of his space. When he relaxed, dropping his body weight entirely into my hand and was fired down, it was a truly spectacular thing.
To this day he still needs to see my hands before I touch him or he is startled. It’s a good practice though, so it’s come with me for many of my cresties.
His fired down tones took my breath away. I may be an oddity, but it’s a weird idea that we look for these animals based on what they look like fired up, naming them after that even. Often, the paler, sometimes pastel colors of a fired down crested gecko really win my heart.
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Older picture, but the greenish tones he has are beautiful.
Granted, he does fire up super dark, which is also spectacular.
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Probably could have waited to get a better picture though, this light is putting off enough UVB that he’s fully fired now and woof. He is also loosely pawing at this thing of superworms and it’s kind of cute, but I’m not sure what the heck he’s doing.
...he’s rubbing his femoral pores on it. Okay. Weird flex, but okay.
When outside of his enclosure he lacks a certain confidence and is most comfortable in my hands still, but I try to get him to explore a little bit. This does make the crimes part a little odd though, but he’s been watching me like a hawk recently when I’m around his enclosure, waiting for me to open the door so he can decide if he’s going to break out or not. I do like that confidence.
Thel is unbelievably soft to the touch, he feels extremely delicate and light-weight for his size (and he is light, 36g at 8″ / 20.3cm), and is honestly just a pleasure to hold. And look at. And be around. He’s a good boy. A scared boy, but a good boy. He may or may not grow a little more since he’s about a year and a half at this point, but we’ll see.
Homosexuality isn’t uncommon in the animal kingdom, but there’s very little referencing it in lizards (whiptails and mourning geckos come to mind). I see that some geckos are also marked to have observable homosexual behaviors. So what I am about to outline with Thel is probably not too bizarre, just not studied enough.
Thel was the first gecko in my house to show off his hemipenes to me, but specifically in the context of me feeding him on the same plastic lid I’d just fed Io on. Io is a very smelly boy, so while I don’t detect his smell on his person, I know the other geckos certainly can. I have had Thel meet (again, don’t do this thing) with Eddie and Chally and he has expressed an entire lack of interest. It was particularly amusing when I was showing him Chally and he leaned in really far to get a smell...of the food in a cup behind her. Thel may have some homosexual behavior, he’s a bit young still and we’ll see how it develops over time.
He seems to have decided to adopt the mantra of Be Gay, Do Crimes. Honestly, let’s do it.
There could be more to it than that. Alduin expressed an interest in Thel’s smell in a very similar way as he does to a female. I also would have no idea about hermaphroditism in reptiles, although I recall a post on Facebook not too long ago where someone’s Definitely Male crestie had laid eggs. Could certainly just write it off as “there was a female in there at some point too,” but who knows? only the poster in question.
Thel is a truly excellent fellow that I love dearly, and he has been sitting on my back for the bulk of my writing this after I took him off the superworm cup. I am hunched over like a shrimp, it works, but now I must put him back and finish feeding everyone.
...After we decide what crimes we’re doing next.
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jalapeno-princess · 5 years
Marry Your Daughter
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Genre: Cute and extremely sappy fluff
Summary: After years of dating, Mark decides it’s time to make you his wife. However, he needs to build the courage to ask your father for his permission to marry you before popping the question.
A/N: Based on the song “Marry Your Daughter” by Brian McKnight (it’s such a cute song holy shit @ God pls get me a man who will love me the way I deserve) Honestly, I could only dream a man would love me this much to go and ask my father for his blessing. 
“Mark? Is that you? Hey! How have you been? How’s my baby girl? What are you doing here by the way? Is everything okay? Is y/n with you? Is something wrong with her? Did something happen to my baby?” Mark lightly chuckled at your father’s many questions. Your boyfriend was fully aware of how much you meant to your dad. 
You meant everything to your father, just like you did to Mark. Which is why he was so nervous standing in front of your father knowing his reason for wanting to meet with him. His palms were sweaty, his cheeks were warm and he was sure he was shaking, but he had no idea why. Mark and your father were the two most important men in your life and because of it, you wanted to make sure they got along. Which they did, very well actually. For starters, they had many things in common. Their love for sports, video games, beer and most of all, you.
In the beginning of your relationship, your mother was quick to fall for Mark’s charm, intelligence, humor, kindness, generosity and extremely good looks. However, you were afraid winning over your father was going to take a little more time and effort to do considering the fact that you were daddy’s little girl and in his eyes, no man would ever be good enough for you. That was until Mark came along. Your dad was hard on your boyfriend in the beginning which was completely understandable. He wanted nothing but the best for you.
However, because of how strict and stern he could be, you were afraid Mark would call it quits between the two of you because he could no longer handle your dad’s rough personality. No matter how scary your father seemed, it didn’t phase Mark. The love he had for you was stronger than any obstacle that tried to come in between your relationship. When your father witnessed how Mark took such amazing care of you, how he took you home every night from school and work to make sure you got home safely, how he smiled at you every time he looked at you and how he treated you as if you set the stars in the night sky, he knew Mark was in love with you and would treat you the way you deserve.
 That’s why he found himself accepting the thought of you getting in to a relationship. Mark remembered the memory as if it was yesterday and snickered to himself when he thought about how long the two of you have been together and how he wants nothing more than to be able to spend the rest of his life with you. Which was why he was here today, standing in front of your dad with sweaty palms and fidgeting knees. He was going to ask your dad for his permission to marry you. Mark knew he was in love with you just months after the two of you began dating and because of that, he knew you were the girl he wanted to settle down and have a family with. 
It’s been almost five years since Mark first asked you out back in your senior year of high school and even if the two of you were still so young, he knew he never felt what he feels for you, for anyone else before. You sent fire to his bones. You made his heart flutter and his stomach filled with butterflies at the mere thought of you. He was sure your smile could cure cancer and your arms were his safe haven. The two of you were still in your early twenties and because of that, sometimes Mark was too afraid to propose to you because he felt as if he was making things go too quickly with you both. No matter how long the two of you have been together, he didn’t want to rush anything and wanted to go at your pace.  However, being three years older than you, he knew he wasn’t getting any younger and he could no longer wait for you to be “Mrs.Mark Tuan.” 
Throughout your relationship, the two of you would talk about getting married countless times, but because you both were so busy with college and your jobs at the time, marriage was just a dream for the future. However, that didn’t mean the two of you couldn’t plan what your future together would be like. You were currently at work and Mark took this chance to finally talk to your father. It took him months of countless pep talks from his friends to grow the courage to ask your father for his blessing. No matter how much your dad liked Mark, this didn’t make him feel any less nervous and worried about your father’s response. But at this point, even if your father refused to allow Mark to propose to you, Mark would still do it in the end. He came here with a purpose. He respected your parents and wanted them to think nothing but the best of him. However, at the end of the day, the only person who’s opinion matters to him is yours. If your dad said no, the two of you would just runaway to Vegas and get hitched.
“She’s fine. I’m fine. We’re fine. How are you? I actually came here to talk to you. I’m sorry for bothering you. I’m sure you’re pretty busy-“ your dad shook his head and playfully pat him on the back.
“Nonsense. Shall we go sit down?”
He motioned for Mark to follow him and your boyfriend found himself scratching his neck anxiously. 
“The 49ers are going to the super bowl, are you excited?” Right off the bat, your dad could tell that something was wrong with Mark. Everyone knew how shy and timid Mark could be. But after years of knowing each other and since Mark would constantly go over to your house, it was clear that Mark was very close with your family and felt comfortable with them. That’s why your dad knew by the way he was fidgeting and furrowing his brows that he had something on his mind. 
“What’s on your mind Mark?” Your boyfriend released a long sigh as he dug in to his pocket and pulled out the ring he bought for you just a few months ago.
 He had Jinyoung and Jaebum accompany him to go and purchase it because he kept chickening out when he was alone. They knew how madly in love with you Mark was and how you were the only person he’s ever loved. You were his weakness and with that being said, they forced Mark to purchase the ring and talked him in to finally having the conversation with your father. Once he brought the ring out and placed it on the table, your dad knew exactly what was going on. A small smirk grew on his face but he didn’t want to say anything or react all too much just yet. But on the inside, your father was really excited. He was fully aware of how much you loved Mark. He saw it in your actions, heard it in the sound of your voice when you talked to him or of him. He saw it when the two of you interacted and how sad you would look every time he would drop you home. Your father knew that Mark would take good care of you and he was the only man he would allow to take his place as the number one man in your life. 
“I um..you..I’d like to..hm, this is going to be harder than I thought.” Your dad had on a poker face, but only because he wanted to come off as stern and intimidating like he did when you first introduced Mark to him. He didn’t mean any harm, but he wanted to see how Mark would approach the topic knowing that there was a chance he would say no. 
“I’d like to ask you for your permission, your blessing to marry our beautiful y/n.” Once he got the words out, he felt as if a huge weight was taken off of his shoulders. Until he saw the blank look on your dad’s face. 
“I’ve been in love with your daughter for as long as I can remember. Y/n is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She makes me the happiest man alive and she’s taught me so much about life, love and what it genuinely means to be happy. She’s the most beautiful person I know both on the inside and out and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know she’s your little girl and I know how you want nothing but the best for her, I do too. Which is why I’m here right now. I promise to love her, take care of her, protect her and do whatever I can to make sure that contagious smile of her stays on her face. I’ll do whatever I can for her and be whoever she needs me to be. Y/n is my person. Soulmates, I think they’re called. I truly believe that she and I were meant to be. I know it might be early and I know were still kind of young, but whenever I look at her, I know she’s all I want. Forever. When I’m with her, everything just feels so right. All my worries go away, all my negative thoughts go to the back of my mind just because she’s all I ever think about. I was afraid of coming here and asking you of such a huge favor like this. But I couldn’t wait any longer. I hope you can see how much she means to me, not just by my words but in my actions too. I would give up anything and everything if it meant getting to be the lucky guy she calls her husband. So please, will you let me marry y/n?” 
Your dad sat there for a few seconds and processed the situation. He was very content that Mark came to ask him for your hand in marriage. It just showed how serious Mark was about you and how much he respected your father by asking him first. Hearing Mark’s speech about how much you meant to him and how he was willing to do anything for you brought warmth to your father’s heart. If anyone could love you as much as your father did, it was Mark and he was sure of it. Which is why your dad found himself walking to your boyfriend’s side of the table and pulled him in to a hug. 
“Yes. Of course. I was afraid that this day would come, only because I don’t want my baby girl growing too fast. But I see how much the two of you love each other. And I know you’ll treat my princess the way she deserves. You mean the world to her as much as she does to you. I’ve never seen her so head over heels in love with someone the way she is with you. I know she’ll be over the moon when you finally propose. I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time. I knew you were the man who was meant to take my place. She gets all dreamy eyed when she hears your name. You don’t understand how she gets so excited over the every little thing that you do. “Mark got a haircut today, he looks really handsome.” “Mark passed his psychology final.” “Mark bought me a succulent.” That girl is crazy for you. Don’t you ever take that for granted. My daughter has the biggest heart and I’m sure you’re aware of it. Hey, I might be giving you my blessing, and I know you’ll give her the world she deserves. But if you ever make her cry, I’m not responsible for paying your hospital bill. I wish you both nothing but the best. You guys are perfect for each other. Take care of my princess Tuan. She’s your queen now.” 
The smile on Mark’s face grew wider if it was even possible. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! I can’t even fathom in to words how excited I am. I promise I’ll be good to her and I’ll give her everything she deserves for the rest of our lives.” 
Mark was over the moon and his main thought now was to go home and see you. However, before he could say his goodbyes, your dad gave him a look of curiosity. 
“Let’s see the ring son.” Mark was hesitant at first, when he went with Jinyoung and Jaebum to pick the ring out for you, there were so many ones to choose from and he could only hope he chose the right one. No matter how long the two of you have been together and how much Mark thought he knew everything about you, he had a hard time deciding which ring would be the best for you. You were a very simple and down to earth person, but at the same time, what girl wouldn’t want a big diamond? When a smile rose upon your father’s face, he took that as a good sign. 
“It’s perfect. She’s going to love it. Congratulations again. Now go. You have some proposing to do.” 
Once he got in to his car and made his way to you, he couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on his face. He knew how much you loved your parents, which is why he wanted to get your father’s permission before asking you. Now that he had your father’s blessing, he had to plan how he was going to ask you. He decided to stop by a grocery store to pick up some dinner for the two of you as a way to calm his racing heart. When he arrived to your apartment complex and walked in to your apartment, the smell of garlic chicken engulfed your living room. 
“Babe?” You walked out of the kitchen and towards your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his waist and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “You’re home. I’ve missed you. How was your day?” 
He beamed down at you and pulled you closer in to his chest. He brought his fingers to your cheek and gently traced your features that he memorized like the back of his hand. His fingers caressed your soft cheeks that were full of tiny little freckles, poked your cute little dimples that he loved so much and booped your nose before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Everything okay? You’re being extra soft with me today.” He giggled against your neck. 
“I’m actually always very hard when it comes to you. But I’ve missed you too. Today was amazing. Wonderful. A very great day.” 
You brought your hands up to his face and playfully squeezed his cheeks. Whenever the two of you were alone together, that’s when Mark was the soft, fluffy and shy boy that you fell in love with all those years ago. Even if some people didn’t like how clingy their significant others could be towards them, you loved when Mark would show you sudden bursts of affection. 
“What happened that’s gotten you so smiley?” He playfully bit his lip while shaking his head. 
“It’s nothing. Shall we go eat? I bought some food. Although, it’s probably nothing compared to your garlic chicken.” You reached for his hand and brought him in to the kitchen. 
“I know how it’s your favorite food and you seemed so out of it these last few days. I hated seeing you so down, as if something is bothering you. I’m happy to see you in such a better mood today. Your smile is what keeps me going. So I thought I would make you some..what. What is that face?” The look your boyfriend was giving you sent butterflies to your tummy. You couldn’t describe it. It was a look that he’s given you many times before, but it felt different this time for some reason. Before you could ask him anymore questions, he quickly walked over to you and connected your lips together. Kissing Mark was one of your favorite things to do. He was gentle most of the time and treated you as if you were a fragile piece of glass. But with how passionate and rough this kiss was, you had a feeling there was meaning behind this kiss. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you so much. I can’t even describe how much I love you. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to explain my feelings for you. God y/n, I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you. Just you wait.”
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peachandmark · 4 years
Day6 Jae as your college senior (Political Science major since he’s one)
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Jae is the senior who’s in charge in freshmen orientation and head of poli sci association, a very charismatic leader. He’s a sophomore. His tall figure, fair skin and cute eyes under those glasses caught you off guard.
Super friendly and jokes a round to make the juniors comfortable, always asks “Do you have any question?” with a cheeky smile.
Most girls in your batch probably having crush on him because you too. He’s even famous in the entire faculty. Super respectful towards everyone.
But you’re competitive so you’re a step ahead, asking for his number in case you have any question without anyone noticing even your new friends. At random times you will chat him first tru katalk
Though he would gladly answer but instead he suggest to meet you face to face to explain further. He always chooses library as a place to meet you.
He’ll explain all about the course and the subjects in every semester, a little bit introduction of the lecturers and some tips to excel the subjects of your first final. He’ll also tell his experience during first year over coffee, in which he treats you
Sometimes you’ll came across him on your way to the class and you’ll greet him first and he replies as friendly to you that Brian, his closest friend and also your fellow senior, teases him over his over friendliness to you. And Jae will hit him and shut his mouth after that. You chuckles and yes your day has been made just by looking at that handsome figure
Would try hard to explain why Nicollo Machiavelli’s thought is not as evil as you think and is necessary in modern politics because you’re such a softie and more likely into Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy in which govern the nation with “love”
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He would suggest some helpful tips and inspirational books/movies in politics to help you understand the whole field better
He would hit you up to ask how you’re doing on midterm quiz and if you’re doing bad he’ll cheer you up and continue supporting you. “Actually there’s formula in understanding World Politics, it’s heavily based on realism theory with three key points; Identity, Geography and Power. Anyway, let’s have a tutor lesson on Saturday. I will explain later. For now let’s grab a lunch, are you free now?” he says
Whenever it’s just the two of you, Jae becomes flirty but not too much that it makes you uncomfortable. He’a really keep it slow and not too much. Complimenting you has becomes one of his die-hard habits. Some of your female seniors (his fans) are annoyed with you. But you brush them off, because who cares? Whenever Jae see some of them trying to bully you, he becomes more protective of you
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You will go supporting him for every debate competition he participates in. He’ll teach you the right way to debate too and make sure you’ll go practice with him whenever there’s time. He does that because he saw potential in you to replace him next year in the debate team. But stop the lesson if you’re too worn out in which you feel thankful for. He can be persuasive at times but knows too well about the limits. Anyway he’ll make sure you will do your best at it.
You and Jae will be in the same party in your campus. Besides, he would also run for campus elections and you’ll accompany him when he’s campaigning here and there even though it gets dark. He’s so thankful for it and always checks you up to make sure you’re okay. He would aslo asks your opinions on his manifesto and how he deliver his speeches
Whenever there’s issues regarding the university administration and national politics, he would lead the protest with all the students. Students and leaders from other universities also joining him. He and his friends will help solving the issues and if they’re successful, both of you will go out celebrating first then he’ll meet up with his friends later because you’re with him through thick and thin, giving ideas and supports, becoming his source of energy to go through it all
All of his friends know you even the political activist outside the campus because he won’t stop talking about you in front of them. You’ll be so shy but later on and change the subjects. You’re super comfortable and friendly with most of his friends and sometimes he’ll get jealous over it. “I shouldn’t tag you along!” He says with a cute pout while driving to your dorm
Jae will send you random memes and ugly pictures of himself when he gets bored in class and you will do the same. At the end you can’t concentrate in the class because it’s too funny. Your lecturer noticed that your mind is elsewhere and warns you. So whether you want it or not you have to keep your phone in your bag but still can’t stop laughing because of him.
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When he holds a visit to the parliament/UN building for the freshmen to expose themselves to, you’ll sit beside him in the bus. You lost your breath a bit at how dashing he looks in suits (usually he’s looks fine but at that moment he’s looks the finest!)
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Well, later Wonpil spill the tea that Jae purposefully bought a new one just to tease you. But Jae also secretly likes you in suits too, he captures your new look in his mind.
Whenever Jae is sick, you’ll take care of him, makes sure he’ll take his medicine on time and make him rest. Sometimes you’ll ask Brian about his health because he’s his roomate. Brian will guide you at what to do, what he can eat, wht he cannot eat etc. Usually Jae won’t be open so much about his health condition beacuse he doesn’t want to worry you
Jae likes to frame you in his lyrics and composing songs with his acoustic guitars, you probably not knowing this except Brian and Sungjin, a Music major who would help him with the composition.
Your faculty holds an annual dinner. You dressed up because Jae will be your date. You kind of want to sweep him off his feet that night. “Wow y/n, you’re...beautiful tonight” he says breathily. Yup, your mission cleared. “Shut up, Jae sunbaenim” you reply shyly.
To you surprise, he performed with a guitar in his hands that night on the stage. The song he sings is so unfamiliar, something you never heard of.
Sungjin whispers to you “He wrote this song himself”. “Oh really? He’s so good at it. Just how perfect a human can be?”
From the way he keeps looking at you while letting his beautiful vocals charm everyone, you kind of have a hunch that he sings about you. But you just be silence about it, don’t want to be upset if it’s the otherwise. Maybe he sings for another girl in this hall, no one that she knows of. Everyone claps and whistles for his amazing performance. His circles and your friends especially being loud for it.
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“Being oblivious is one of her talents, does she?” Said Brian to Wonpil and Wonpil just laugh it off. “Hey, let Jae suffer a bit dude. It’s fun to watch”
“Ah...ahh... Sungjin asked me to perform tonight. Hahaha...he said it will make my popularity rise among the students, so...it’s kind of important for the campus election, if you know what I mean hehe” , “But you’ve always been popular among the students what do you mean? I can see the girls almost...fainted” you pout and Jae captures this sight again in his mind
He shut you up as he takes your hand in his “Well don’t you know my name? ‘Jae’ means ‘fame’ in Greek. I born with it ya know. It’s the most natural thing to happen hahahah” He laughs out loud at his lame joke. You just laugh along with him since his laugh is that contagious. If he’a not Jae, you will slap this boy for sure with savage remark
“Hey you’re cute when you’re jealous, y/n.” Jae said while tapping his fingers on the steering. “Shut up, sunbaenim!”
After that you’ll bug him to make him sing again, so he had no other options but to send you several videos of him jamming or when he’s practicing
But when you’re having bad time, concerns or trouble sleeping, he’ll sing to you while face timing with you. At that time you never know you need a voice to put you to sleep since your busy parents never did that
Whenever Jae gives a speech at any events, because he won the elections and become one of the student leaders, you’ll take photos of him and once he recognises it, he looks at the camera with a smirk and you sequeled over it
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Study week is approaching, apart from your own circles doing revision together, sometimes you’ll ask Jae for help. So you guys will go to library together and have a little library “date”. He would also share some of his old notes with you. After teaching you something, he would go ask you some questions to test your understanding. “What’s the differences between oligarchy and aristocracy? Which one is better in Aristotle philosophy?” He asks but then you failed to answer it to his liking so he pinch your cheeks as a punishment
The library date is so fun, apart from being serious when it has has to be, Jae is so damn playful. He would tell some jokes about his friends, mostly about Dowoon and Wonpil, and make a fool of himself whenever you’re stress. The librarian sometimes will warn you guys to keep it down a little
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Your last paper has ended and Jae finished his first so he picked you and your friends up from the examination hall. Later he make excuses so that your friends get the fuck out of his car and that you’ll go on date with him peacefully. As usual, your friends kind of expected it and fake sulking about it but got out of the car nevertheless, warning him to take care of you and get you to the dorm safely that night
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After both of you got the result, you asked him first. He doesn’t want to reveal it unless you reveal yours. So you sent him your cute selfie, he doesn’t have a choice but to let you the screen shot of it. His cgpa is higher than you but regardless both of you are in the dean list. He sincerely hapy for you and deliver a bouquet of flowers to your house. Roses and baby breath to be exact because it’s your favourite
As the new semester begins, both of you’re able to meet now. It’s not a secret anymore that you and Jae are a thing now. Though both of you want to keep it low but he lowkey want to let the world know. Event the lecturer noticed and smirked to him whenever he see you guys talking while walking to the class
Jae asks you out the first day of the semester and both of you going to his favourite lobster restaurant. Yup, after working so hard saving up for this moment. He’s a simple person and you like that a lot bout him. Since you’re new to eating lobster, he cracks the lobsters for you and feeds you
Nothing too fancy, as he damn sure about his feelings and the probability of you liking him back, he asks you to be his girlfriend on the way to grab coffees before sending you back to the dorm. You hide your face with the sleeves of your hoodie and turn your face away from him as you say yes.
“Do I have to call you oppa now?”, “You can when it’s just the two of us. But if it’s in front of other people, just use sunbaenim, will you be okay with it? Either way my heart flutters whenever you said both hehe” , “Aren’t we obvious enough to hides it anymore?” , “You’re right but let’s just keep it simple, okay?” , “Sure Jaehyung oppa” you smile while locking hands with his free hand
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(Since I’m also a poli sci and ‘Jae’ major so why not?)
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cozywritings · 4 years
Stitches ch5: Be Alright
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It was finally Friday. The one day of the week that you didn’t have classes, so you slept in, your alarm clock read 10:36 when you looked over. Reaching for your phone you noticed a screen full of notifications, mostly from Emily talking about some cute guy in her anatomy class. Until you caught sight of a text you weren’t too surprised to see.
McDreamy: Good morning honey 😊 I’ve got my 4 hour lecture today and then I’m headed off to stay at Brian’s for the night. Meet me before I leave for enough kisses to last the evening?
To McDreamy: I’ll be waiting.
After pressing send, you got up and took a shower, washing off the week and just taking some time to relax before you started studying for the next week of lessons.
You’ve decided that the best thing about your dorm, besides your boyfriend being across the hall, was the fact that you had your own bathroom in your room. You could shower as long as you wanted, play music as you showered, and you didn’t have to worry about if you forgot a towel or your clothes.
As soon as you stepped into the hot water, you let out a sigh. The hot water feeling absolutely amazing, and you knew it would relax your muscles from the first week stress. Although it was gonna be pretty boring this weekend without Shawn there, you needed to catch up on the notes you missed on Monday during proff com. So you knew it was probably best that he wasn’t here.
The longer you were in the shower, the better you felt. Until you realised it was now noon and you had yet to eat. So you shut off the water, wrapped yourself in a towel and walked out to get dressed. All the while thinking about what you wanted from the buffet in the cafeteria next door.
After your lunch of mac and cheese and a sandwich, you found yourself packing up your backpack to move across the hall. Sure you had your own desk, but Shawn’s was so much nicer and his blackout curtains made you less stressed when you were in a deep study.
Walking into Shawn’s room, you looked around at the clothes on the floor and the unmade bed and sighed. So, you dropped your bag on the desk and took a few minutes to tidy up the room for him. When you were satisfied with your work, you kicked off your sneakers and got to work on your notes, taking Shawn’s notebook from the drawer and copying everything you missed from that first day.
It was a lot of important due dates and when the chapters should be read. Honestly, you weren’t missing much, but you still found it important to have them in your notebook to help you remember them.
Around 2:30, you heard the doorknob jiggle, and your smile widened. Half an hour ago you decided to move to the bed to read your chapters and take notes. When Shawn walked in, he was shocked to find you nestled into his bed with your Sociology textbook in your lap. He was quick to drop his backpack and collapse on top of you, pressing a few kisses to your jaw.
“This is a nice surprise.” He smiled against your neck.
“Your room seemed like the better study option.” You shrugged, running your fingers through his curls and scratching at his scalp. When he let out an involuntary moan you giggled, “feels good Bub?” He nodded, wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing his thumbs along your lower back.
You closed your eyes at the feeling. The two of you laid there in silence for a few minutes before Shawn said, “Maybe I’ll skip Brian’s and stay here to do this instead.”
You let out a soft laugh, “No you’ve gotta go have guy time. You’ve been with me almost every day this week, you need to see your friends.” He shook his head.
“No.” He leaned back to show you the cutest pout you’d ever seen.
“Shawn. Go out and have fun. I’m probably going to just catch up on project runway and maybe go see the movie in the planetarium with Em later tonight.” He gave you a huge smile, glad you were making good of your Friday night, considering every other night this week you were stressing over classes.
“What movie are they showing?” He mumbled, pressing his face into your neck again. Damn, he was making this really hard to tell him to go to Brian’s.
Threading your fingers into his hair and massaging his head you told him about your plans. “It’s called Abduction. It’s a Taylor Lautner movie. I’ve seen it before, but Emily hasn’t seen it yet so I told her I’d see it with her. After that I’ll probably just come back here and do some more reading.”
You felt him nod, curls tickling your neck. “Back to your dorm or mine?
You lightly smacked his shoulder. “Like I’m gonna come sleep in your empty bed. You’re crazy.” He just shrugged.
“I don’t see why not. The D.A’s never check on the upper classmen and it’s not like you’re sleeping with me. You’re just in my bed.” The idea was really nice. The bed smelled like him, and you were pretty sure that his TV was bigger than yours.
Biting your lip, you gave the idea a pretty good thought. “I’ll think about it.” He looked up at you and smiled, leaving a kiss to your chin.
“What do you mean you’re probably gonna sleep in his bed alone!” Emily yelled over a mouth full of pizza as the two of you sat in her dorm.
You just smiled at her. “He’s staying at Brian’s tonight and offered me to stay in his room. I thought it was cute.” A blush rising on your cheeks. The longer you thought about it, the more you wanted to.
Emily let out an exaggerated groan. “You two are disgustingly cute. But anyways. Do you want the details on Eric?” Eric was the guy from her class that she felt compelled to text you about during her lecture. “Well he’s super tall, and has these gorgeous blue eyes. He’s obviously a frequent gym goer. Oh! And he’s 21.” It was so cute to watch her fawn over him, because you’re positive that’s what you look like talking about Shawn. “But also, there’s this girl, Ashley, god she’s so fucking cute. But I don’t know if she’s into girls. So I’ll probably never pursue that one.”
You looked at her a bit shocked. “Em, I didn’t know you were bi.” She looked down quickly, her cheeks pink and eyes wide. “No, no babe it’s okay. I don’t care, I just didn’t know. You didn’t mention it to me before.”
She shrugged, giving you a lazy smile. “I just don’t feel like people believe it’s a thing. And it’s not something I just blurt out. ‘Oh yeah, I love both’” you just smiled at her.
“Well I know a girl in my accounting class that’s flawless and she’s gay, if you wanna know about her.” You swore you’d never seen anyone so happy in your life.
The two of you spent almost 3 hours just gossiping until the conversation got serious. “So, um, I was wondering how you were doing after the whole ex thing? Are you feeling any better since then?” She asked softly.
“It’s okay. He’s actually in my speech class, but so is Shawn so I’m pretty safe. He sits right next to me and holds my hand and stuff. Actually, I have a meeting with an on campus mental health counsellor next week. So I’m going to get back on track soon.” Without any warning, Emily leaned over and gave you the biggest hug.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.” She sighed, rubbing you back and playing with the ends of your hair.
Now settled back into your own room, you felt like something was missing. Your room was too quiet, even with Netflix playing some show in the background, and your bed seemed a lot colder than the one across the hallway. And it wasn’t because that one had a heated blanket nestled in the sheets.
Looking over at the clock, you smiled, 11:48. So you gathered your things: your charger, notebooks, and a pair of fuzzy socks, and made your way to Shawn’s room
The room was warm and dark, the lamp having been left on from earlier, was the only source of light. Your head was throbbing due to the laughing you’d done with Emily and the lack of actual sleep you’d been getting throughout the week, but knowing Shawn, he had a stash of medications somewhere. So you set down your things on the bed and searched the desk for a medicine drawer. Instead, what you found was a notebook with all the campus mental health counsellors written down. Next to eat name was a note.
-Dr. Moore: nice but not the right expertise
-Dr. Woodell: extremely kind, specializes in PTSD and rape victims
-Dr. Garcia: too harsh- probably not right for her
-Dr. Casey: way too mean, seems very unforgiving of personal issues- wrong specialisation
-Dr. Hendrix: very nice, another rape victim spec., also does depression and anxiety. (Top choice)
-Dr. Evans: see above note, but add that he’s the only male option (maybe not a good choice)
By the time you’d gotten to the bottom of the page, you were crying profusely. He had gone in and done research on the possible therapists you’d be seeing. He took the time to look into each option and make notes. But you couldn’t let him know you’d found it, so you put it back, opening the drawer labeled “meds”. How you didn’t see it before, you have no idea. So you took two Advil and moved back to the bed, turning on the heating blanket and flipping through the movies on Shawn’s amazon prime account.
It was almost 10am when Shawn opened the door to his room, he’d gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep at Brian’s. They spent all night playing video games, having a few drinks, and just talking about life. However, you were on his mind the whole time. He was hoping you were having a good time and wondering if you’d gone back to your own room.
Somewhere in the night, you had curled completely into the sheets, your body being covered by pillows and the huge blue comforter on the bed. So it was no surprise that Shawn didn’t see you when he walked in. Or when he plopped down on the bed. It wasn’t until he went to pull the blanket back that he noticed your small frame enveloped in the flannel blanket that was still radiating head. Instead of waking you, he just kicked off his sneakers and curled around you, a sleepy smile on his face.
The feeling of something other than the blanket around you startled you, and your eyes flew open in panic. That is, until you noticed that sparrow tattoo you loved resting on the bed. “Shawn?” You asked, not sure if he was awake.
“Shhh I’m sleeping.” He mumbled into the back of your neck, causing you to laugh.
“Can you at least let me roll over so I can see my boyfriend?” you smiled, trying you roll onto your other side.
With a groan and a kiss to the top of your head, he backed away slightly, allowing you to roll over and wrap your arms around his neck. “Wasn’t expecting you to take my offer. I’m glad you did though, I like seeing you comfortable in my room. Please stay?? My head hurts and I wanna love on you.” You responded by scratching at his scalp like you did the day before.
Once again, he let out a sigh, eyes closing as he nosed along the column of your throat. When your hand slid a little lower and rubbed the base of his neck he let out a soft moan. “You okay there Bub?” You giggled, your free hand being cradled in Shawn’s.
“Mhm. I’m fantastic.” He smiled, relaxing against your chest. “Just wanna stay like this all day. Didn’t sleep a lot last night.” You nodded, your lips pressing into his curls.
“We don’t have to do anything today. You can stay exactly where you are” he smiled, kissing along your shoulder as he wrapped himself around you.
And so you did. The day was spent right there in Shawn’s bed, cuddling, exchanging words of adoration, and plenty of kisses being shared. You were pretty sure that this was the best was the best thing to happen to you. That Shawn was the best thing to ever happen to you.
When it finally got dark, Shawn decided you two, more specifically you, needed to eat. So he called in Pizza Hut to be delivered to the dorm and, after learning it would be about an hour until the delivery driver got here, he settled on taking a shower, fearful he reeked of beer and whatever smell radiated from Brian’s apartment. “Shawn?” Your voice soft as you spoke. “Yeah babe?” He asked, closing the drawer full of shirts after he chose what he was gping to pt on after he was clean.
“Do you um, maybe want some company in there?” Your cheeks were a violent crimson when Shawn stuttered.
“A-are you sure?? That totally isn’t the reason I asked you to stay. You don’t have to do something you aren’t completely comfortable with. I mean- I’d love for you to, but you don’t have to if you’re not ready for something that intimate.”  With a soft nod, you started to unbutton your shirt. “Okay baby, okay. If this is what you want to do we can definitely do that. But let’s get into the bathroom and let me do this right. Okay?” You smiled, following him into the bathroom. He really was trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
With the shower water running, and the room filling up with steam, shawn kicked off his sweats, leaving him in his black boxers. Then he turned his attention to you, his fingers slowly unbuttoning your top for you. But his eyes stayed on your face, watching for any sign of panic. “Shawn, it’s okay. Really. I trust you, and I know you’ll be careful. I wouldn’t have asked to join you if I thought I was going to be uncomfortable” With that, he tugged the shirt off your shoulders, eyes following the fabric as it fell to the floor.
You took it upon yourself to shimmy out of your shorts and panties the same time Shawn rid himself of his boxers. So there you stood. Fully naked in front of the only other person who’s had the privilege of seeing you this way. “You look, so beautiful. I didn’t know you had a tattoo.” He smiled, staring at the flower on your hip.
“It was a congratulatory gift from a close friend. She took me to get it after my acceptance letter came it. I have a second one.” You stated, twisting your hips for him to see the black cat sitting on a crescent moon on the other side. “That one I got in an impulse, a Friday the 13th special.”
“I like them.” He mumbled, watching as you grabbed his hand and ran his fingers over the now healed skin. This was the first time he’s touched your naked body, and to be perfectly honest, he wanted to take you right then and there. But he knew his limits, and this right here was a huge deal for you. So he stepped forward and wrapped his arm around you. “I promise I’ll take such good care of you.”
The water felt amazing on your skin, it was the perfect temperature. Shawn stepped in behind you, blocking the water stream as he washed his curls. You had to admit, you’d seen Shawn shirtless before, but seeing him with soap running down his body was something different. You let your eyes travel a little lower, looking down at him. All of him. He looked bigger than Josh, and that worried you a little. But now wasn’t the time.
“Can I wash your hair?” He asked with his arm outstretched, a puddle of shampoo in his palm. “I’d really like that. Yeah.” You smiled, turning around and pressing your back against his chest, sighing at the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp, occasionally rubbing out the knots in your neck, causing you to lean your head forward as the release of tension.
You let out a sigh at the feeling. “Babe, why are you so tense?” He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence as the water rinsed out your hair.
You shrugged, “I’m not sure really. Maybe just all the stuff that happened this week. And I have the worlds worst posture when I sit, so I’m sure that doesn’t help.” You laughed, taking your fingers through your conditioner soaked hair.
“Do you mind?” He asked, placing his soap covered hands on your shoulders. You shook your head, curious as to what he was asking to do. You had to clamp down on your lower lip to stop yourself from straight up mewling at the feeling when he dug his fingers into your neck, his thumbs sliding along your upper back easily due to the soap.
“What the actual fuck did you just do?” You asked after you were able to speak again.
His thumbs still running along your shoulder blades, he simply responded, “Pressure points to relive tension. You should probably do that at least once a week if you want to stay out of any back pain in the future.” You noddd, keeping that in the back of your brain as he pressed a kiss to your neck. “Or you can come to me and I can do it for you. Ya know, to make sure it’s done right.”
You laughed, turning around to leave a kiss on his chest. Shawn was quick to wrap his arms around you and lift you up, looking at you for a sign to not do what he was about to do. Instead, you leaned in, wrapping your legs around his waist and stealing the first kiss.
Now dried off and in your “cute” pj’s, you sat on the bed stuffing your face with pizza while The Breakfast Club played softly on the tv. Shawn sat across from you, doing some reading on “nerves and the brain” or whatever the book was about. “Shawn?” He looked up, a grin plastered on his face. “Last night I was looking for some Advil for my headache and I accidentally came across a notebook.” Suddenly very nervous, you looked down at your nails. “And I saw that you did some research on the therapists on campus.”
His face paled. “Fuck. You um- you weren’t supposed to see that.” When he looked over at you, your smile calmed him down.
“I’m not mad Shawn. Actually it’s really sweet.” He reached over, closing the book to pull you into his lap.
“I just know that you wanted to see someone for a while and I wanted to make sure you were getting the best one. So I told them I was doing a paper on how they treated their patients and then I was gonna decide which one they should get you.”
You didn’t say anything. Just pressed a few lingering kisses on his jaw. “Thank you. It really means a lot to me. And thank you for everything you’ve done so far. I’ve never felt so loved and safe in my life.”
“Darling. You are loved and safe.”
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emmettspeakz · 4 years
Best Starkid Character in every musical (these cannot be argued, they’re my favs)
AVPM: Voldemort 
Even before my obsession with the amazing actor boy that is Joe Walker, watching the Quirrelmort scenes, especially Voldemort’s lines, would make me laugh non-stop to the point where I would have to pause the video to laugh for a good thirty seconds before continuing to watch. 
Me and My Dick: Joey Richter
This was a bit more difficult, as none of the characters really stood out to me. But I think just freaking Joey’s whole scene in the choir room got me good.  Dick and Sally are close seconds. 
AVPS: Lupin 
I freaking LOVED Brian Holden’s portrayal of Lupin in this one. I thought it was super creative and fun and also his dynamic with Snape had me cackling. I loved the emotional depth of Sirius too, so it was hard to pick between Lupin and Sirius, but Lupin’s constant thing about how he was actually best friends with James Potter and his insecurity when the students said he can’t sing was too funny not to love. 
AVPSY: Tom Riddle
Yeah, yeah another Joe Walker one, but I seriously loved Joe Walker playing a young Voldemort in this one more than him playing actual Voldemort because he just completely embodies the role and is legit the embodiment of sunshine as this character and dances so adorably and I think playing Tom Riddle brought out his inner cuteness. 
Trail to Oregon: Craphole
Probably in the minority here, but I CAN’T STAND this musical. I loved wagon on fire, I loved the acting but I just couldn’t get with the plot at all, it just wasn’t that interesting to me. That being said, I LOVED every single line that Craphole had and Mouthface was a pretty good contender as well for my favorite character, but just everything Craphole did was so chaotic and it killed me every single time. 
Ani: Obi Wan Kenobi by the wonderful NICK FUCKING LANG
The idea of Obi Wan as a drunk making fun of the prequels? CLASSIC. ICONIC, SHOWSTOPPING, WONDERFUL, AMAZING. Nick Lang, you need to act again buddy, I loved you so much in this role, even more than Mama Umbridge or Robin from Holy Musical B@man. He’s just always drunk and dealing with so much drama he doesn’t want to have to deal with and he’s just so fucking funny man oh my god.
Holy Musical B@man: Batman
Yeah, yeah obvious answer, but c’mon, at least for this one, this was really fucking hard. I LOVED Nick Lang as Robin and Brian Holden as Superman, but the iconic scream Joe does as Batman and also just the great lines he gets like “Batman loves the circus” and “you took my hopes and dreams and mugged and shot them in an alleyway” as well as the way Joe says “mama and papa” and the live version of the lyric “bruised and black” where his voice cracks never ceases to make me laugh when I listen to it. This is currently my favorite character that Joe Walker plays, so it had to also be my favorite character from Batman, I mean seriously there’s no contest.
Starship: TAZ 100%
Lauren Lopez is a fucking gem in this one, what else do I have to say? She never breaks character or her accent (as far as I can tell) and she plays such a badass character so fucking well oh my god. I wonder how long it took her to get in and out of character ‘cause it was just SO GOOD.
Twisted: Achmed
Achmed is a tiger fucker, need I say more? Okay yeah more Joe Walker but I can’t help that he plays fucking iconic roles okay? Just absolutely amazing. His line about bathing him with your tongue was hilarious. I’m still not over it. 
Firebringer: Ducker
Yes, another Joe Walker character. But hear me out: just him harassing Jemilla got me so much. The line “Jemilla...YOU DON’T HAVE THE GUTS” c’mon, tell me that wasn’t perfectly executed! And his reactions to the duck leaving him and losing his privilege and his “duck is lord” song was iconic, okay? Enough said. 
Kind of a generic answer, but this was the first Starkid musical I saw, and I’ve always been a person to love the main-main character, especially one who was so sassy with his co-workers and so brutally honest with them, even though it was clear that they were almost used to the banter and didn’t unfriend him for it. I freaking loved the little scene Jon did here with Paul and Emma about to kiss and then he got blood on his face and ran away going “BYEEEEE”. The total awkwardness is GOLD. 
Black Friday: Ethan Greene
WE WERE ROBBED. I LOVED ETHAN GREENE AND HE DESERVED TO MAKE IT TO CALIFORNIA I’M FUCKING PISSED Y’ALL. Also the bad Ethan Greene scene was fucking scary AF but I loved seeing another side of Ethan in it. Plus Robert Manion is a god damn treasure, that’s all I have to say about that. 
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yellow-r-o-s-e · 5 years
LAOFT Christmas headcanons
I’m lucky enough to have an awesome supportive family who makes me actually enjoy the holidays and now I’m going to project then onto LAOFT because Vi asked for headcanons and also because I’m having kind of a rough winter so this makes me focus on all the good on my life which makes me feel better:
For @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors ‘s au
It’s really impractical for Linda to try and buy gifts for all 4 of her dads so they start the gift exchange fairly early on. All five of them pick names out of a hat on black friday (shopping on black friday is not something that they’ve ever done, it’s always just Thanksgiving leftovers and/or putting up decorations much to Lagan’s fake annoyance because “it’s still November”) and they each only have to get gifts for the person whose name they draw. So Linda only has to make one gift and she always puts dozens of hours into it over the course of the entire winter.
Linda once teamed up with Brian to record him reading some of Roman’s favorite stories out loud and then she designed and drew a cover for the CD, she once spent a month putting together an entire tea garden for Logan when she was really little (and he did an amazing job of pretending to be surprised for someone who can’t lie, then again, his absolute joy was completely genuine), she made an entire homemade jacket for Virgil (May and Roman taught her how to sew over the course of that winter), she tried to get Patton a dog one time but her other dads wouldn’t let her so instead she decided to write a song for him (it sounded like it was written by a 9-year-old because it was but Patton cried and loved it so so much)
The dad squad each also get really nice presents for each other, although Linda’s gift is the coveted one (they always fight for who gets to give her a present and a lot of the time she mysteriously gets 4 presents somehow). Also everyone not chosen by Virgil mysteriously gets gifts “from Santa Clause” because “you can’t prove it was from me” or at least “please don’t try to prove it was from me” because this boy doesn’t ever stop being extra
Because Thomas Sanders is actually Christian I’m just going to say that the Sanders family is also the most traditionally Christian in this and project my family’s religion specific traditions onto them
So when Thomas was little he started the tradition where on Christmas day, instead of praying before they eat, the entire family just sings the happy birthday song to Jesus. They also had a tradition of a Christmas nativity play that was usually organized by Thomas and was always a disaster in a good way. It was just kind of:
Thomas: ring ring
Logan: *holds up fake phone* hello?
Thomas: Hello I’m the angel of the lord and he told me to call you
Logan: that’s not the line
Thomas: yes, and!
Logan: I cannot physically lie
Thomas: yes, and the reasons you cannot lie is because you are Mary and God made you without sin
Logan: wait I thought I was playing Joseph?
Thomas: you were, now you’re Mary
Logan: No?
Thomas: yes, and!
Logan: why?
Thomas: because I’m the director!
Larry: wait can I be baby Jesus then?
Logan: dad, you’re always baby Jesus, it’s Momma’s turn
Dot: I’m totally okay with him being baby Jesus again, I can be Joseph
And it’s largely entertaining for everyone involved, especially when they add more people
Nowadays it’s put together by Brian, who usually just plays the narrator and is an actual good storyteller and features Linda who’s incredibly stubborn and later also Percy who’s even more stubborn so it’s just a mess in the best way possible, and you can bet Thomas and Harley and May and the husband squad are recording the entire thing
Thomas: “For hysterical purposes”
Logan: “You mean historical purposes?”
Thomas: “I know what I said”
They make so many Christmas cookies throughout the season, Linda and Patton especially bond over it, and at first she loves to make sugar cookies the best because then she gets to decorate them with frosting and it’s like art but as time goes on her favorite cookies are Kourabiedes (yes that’s really specific but just look them up, if you’ve never had then I’m sorry for your loss) and she gets powdered sugar Everywhere while making them
A tradition started from Patton’s side of the family: Every year when they cut down a tree, they also cut down a little circle of stem from the bottom (so you just get a thin little circle of wood) and then decorate it with Sharpies, making sure to write the year somewhere on it, and then they attach a little hook to it and hang it on the tree as an ornament. So they have a little piece of every tree they’re ever had hanging up.
Thomas and Harley make eggnog for all the little cousins and it’s super unhealthy and they don’t care
Roman teaches Linda to make “fancy hot chocolate” which contains the amount of hot chocolate mix you’re supposed to add, is made with cream instead of milk, and also contains melted white chocolate, chocolate syrup, nutella, m&ms, whipped cream and sparkly sprinkles on top, and whatever else is in the house thrown in
Patton: Roman, sweety, I love you but you might actually die if you keep drinking that
Roman: yes but what a way to go
Virgil: Roman, we’re right in front of Linda-
Linda, slurping from her own mug: I look death in the eye and laugh
Virgil: you know what, never mind, I can’t stop either one of you
If you haven’t already guessed Roman is the one who starts singing Christmas carols and stringing up lights the first day of November and Patton and Thomas encourage him
Also, newer tradition started by Linda, December 26th is family board game day. This is because
1. She gets new games on Christmas a lot of the time so of course she wants to actually be able t try them out as soon as possible
2. She really likes board games where she can beat her dads and she cackles when she does and it’s actually really cute somehow
3. She always craves attention and this is a way to ensure that all four of her dads are paying attention to her at once and extend the attention she gets on Christmas day
4. Christmas is fun but it’s also easy to get “peopled out” so it’s really nice to just have a day of staying inside and confining social interactions to the immediate family
It doesn’t have to just be board games, they can play with other toys, video games, etc. but the Official Sacred Rules made by Linda dictate that everyone must do something fun that involves Christmas toys and give Linda affection. Patton, Logan, Roman, and May when she’s available are happy to comply. Virgil does his best to be available (it can be hard to get two days in a row off of court duties but Belladonna would die for Linda and does everything she can to let Virgil be home)
The few times Virgil wasn’t home Linda at least made him bring a deck of cards and called him via magic mirror to play games with him throughout the day
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brianc521 · 5 years
Skyla Rae Anne Mendes has a surprise for her Dad on tour.
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He didn’t realize when planning tour that Father’s Day would land on a show day. It was really unfortunate because not only was he not able to spend the day with his own Dad, he wasn’t able to spend the day with Skyla either.
He had invited the family to join him and Sky in Edmonton, but with scheduling they weren’t able to make it out.
He was trying not to be super bummed out about that, but it was hard. He felt like he was missing so much. 
He threw an arm over his eyes as he rolled to his back. He wasn’t completely sure why he was waking before his alarm, the room was still really dark and quiet. He sighed, looking over so peak at Skyla, and sat up straight when he noticed that the spot she was taking up last night was empty. 
“Skyla Rae!” He called, throwing the covers to the side and almost knocking the whole lamp off the table in his attempt to flip the light on. 
All of their things were in the room but she wasn’t. He burst into the bathroom and his heart sped up more when he came up empty. 
“Skyla Rae!” He yelled louder, running to the front door, and almost ripping it off its hinges. 
He looks back and forth down the hall of the hotel they were staying in, it might as well been a ghost town.
“Holy shit,” He muttered to himself, mind racing so fast. He was shaking. “ANDREW!” He yelled, banging on the door, looking back and forth again. “SKYLA!” He leaned over to look further down the hall. “ANDREW!” He pounded on the door.
Andrew whipped the door open, almost getting hit in the face by Shawn who was still knocking. “Shhh!”
“I woke up and Skyla was gone, I can’t find her. She’s not in the room, I haven’t checked the lobby yet. I can’t-can’t-, Andrew I can’t- find her, I can’t-I’m scared.” 
“Daddy! You can’t be in here!” She comes rushing down the hall towards the door where both men were standing. 
Shawn’s heart stops at the sound of her voice, “Princess.” He sighs, crumbling to the ground and pulling her into his chest. “What are you doing? You scared me so bad!” 
“You can’t be in here.” She says again, pushing at his chest.
“What?” Shawn looked up at Andrew.
“You heard her.” He shrugs.
“What do you mean I can’t be in here, what are you doing in here? How’d you get out of the room? Why are you up?” 
“I got her when I woke up, we planned this.” 
Shawn’s still confused, and his sleepless night was catching up with him. 
“Go away! You can’t be in here.” Skyla points at Shawn. 
“Why?” He asks with a pout.
“Because it’s a surprise! Now go!” 
He looks at Andrew and then back to his girl, “Can I have a hug and a kiss first? You scared Daddy really bad.” 
She stares at his face and notices how he’s still breathing weird. “You okay?” She asks softly.
“You scared Daddy, you have to tell me when you’re leaving even if it’s a surprise. That wasn’t okay, I woke up and you were gone and that scared Daddy.” 
She pouts her lips as she looks up at Andrew and then back to her Dad. “I’m sorry Daddy, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to finish the surprise before you woke up.” 
He smiles, caressing the side of her face and planting a kiss to her forehead. “When can I see the surprise?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“No!” She jumps back into her business mode. “Go back!” 
“Okay,” He kisses the top of her head. “I’ll pick you up for breakfast, be good.” 
At the arena Shawn waits at the back doors for Brian and Skyla to return. Brian explained that he was taking her to go get the last few things she needed for her surprise. 
When they walked in Skyla was in front of Brian, sneaky smile on her lips. 
“Hi Daddy.” 
“Hi Princess.” He eyes Brian who’s got his hands behind his back. “Whatcha up to?”
She giggles as she says, “Bout’ three feet tall.” 
Shawn laughs, crouching and pulling her in for a hug. “That was funny, who taught you that?” 
“Connor!” She yells as he starts to tickle her sides. 
“What did you do with Uncle Brian?” He re-words his question. 
“Nothing much,” She shrugs, turning to Brian. “Right?” 
“Right.” Brian nods.
“What are you two up to? Hmm? Why are you being so secretive?” 
“No reason.” Skyla shakes her head. “So have a good sound check Daddy, we’re gonna go...” She points down the hall.
“What? No!” He shakes his head. “No, what are you doing now?” 
“I have to,” She points to where Tiffany has emerged from the dressing room. 
“How long is it gonna take?” He asks with a whine.
“I’m gonna steal her till showtime, I set your stuff in your room.” 
He groans, laying down on the ground.
“You’re so dramatic.” Brian laughs. 
“I haven’t seen her all day.” He spies at Brian, catching her hand. “Kisses please.” 
She leans over and kisses his nose, waving and running to Tiffany.
He’s looking around backstage, the intro to Lost in Japan has already started and he’s seconds from going on and she’s not here yet.
“Okay, where’s my kid?” He turns to Cez. 
“She’s closer than you expect, go!” 
Shawn walks on stage with furrowed brows, but forces a smile as he walks on stage. The crowd erupts when they see him, but when the lights go to the piano they lose their minds.
He turns around and laughs as he sees the piano. 
Signs are taped to his piano reading;
“Happy Father’s Day Daddy!” 
“My Daddy is a Rockstar!” 
“I love my Daddy.”
But when he walks around and notices that Skyla is the one sitting at the piano playing the intro he loses it himself.
“Princess?” He yells running to the bench where she’s playing for him.
Her dress matches his shirt, her hair is done up in a cute ponytail with curled ends, and if he looks closely he can see some makeup on her face.
“Go sing Daddy!” She stops and waves at him. 
“Oh my god.” He smiles, looking at the rest of the team who’ve picked up on the pause and expanded their time without Shawn singing yet. He walks up to the Mic totally blown away. “Hi everybody!” He yells out to the crowd. “Oof okay, sorry,” He smiles looking back at the piano. “Give it up for my daughter!” He waves towards her and smiling as the crowd yells louder than they did before. “Okay, okay” He shakes his head. “Sorry this is a dream come true for me.” 
They all tell Skyla to play the beginning again and she does, this time playing the whole song while her Dad sings. 
When the song is over she runs over to her Dad, smiling up at him as he hauls her up and kisses her cheek. 
“How was your surprise?” She asks into his ear. 
He laughs and hugs her, “I loved it!” 
And with the excitement flowing through them Shawn unintentionally steps closer to the mic so now the whole crowd can hear them. 
“Happy Father’s Day Daddy!” 
“Thanks Princess.” 
“Okay I have to go.” She looks over his shoulder where Cez was waiting for her. 
“Okay,” He turns a little stepping that much closer to the mic. “Go take that make up off Missy, you’re 5, you’re gorgeous and will never need that stuff!” He plants one more kiss to her cheek and lets her go to go running to Cez and Brian. 
He’s just laid Skyla down for bed on the bus and meets Andrew and Josiah. 
“Thank you for setting that up tonight.” He whispers, knowing the rest of the team has headed off to bed as well.
“Of course, it was her idea actually.” 
Shawn smiles, “Yeah she told me that.” He rubs his chin and grins, “Who taught her how to play?”
“You.” Josiah laughed. 
“No?” Shawn shakes his head.
“The amount of days that girl has spent in the studio with you, or at sound checks, watching you write songs at home? Eddy sat her down while you were at an interview a month or two ago, and he showed her three notes? She knew the rest already.” 
Shawn stares at Josiah and blinks three times before he responds. “You’re kidding?”
“Nope, she’s been working with Eddy since then so she can play the whole song perfectly like she did tonight.” 
Shawn grins down at his hands and shakes his head, “Is it sad that I’m tempted to make that the new intro, with her on stage.” 
“Not sad, but not possible either. Sorry man, but that’s a-”
“I know,” He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t put that pressure on her, she’s 5.” 
“Speaking of her age,” Josiah grins, typing into his phone and then laughing. “Can we please talk about how Shawn Mendes told his five year old daughter to take her make up off because she was five and because she was gorgeous.” 
Shawn looks at Josiah. “How did you know I called her gorgeous?”
Josiah turns his phone and shows Shawn the video of him telling Skyla that and then kissing her cheek before letting her go. He puts his hand over his mouth, “You could hear us?”
The boys both laugh as they nod. Just then Shawn’s phone pings with a text and notices that Josiah messaged him.
“Oh my god,” Shawn mumbles, swiping through the pictures. “I love this, this right here is the greatest thing I’ve seen all day.” 
“They came out really well.” 
“Thank you so much,” Shawn gushes, changing his phone background to the picture of him and Skyla on stage.
“Happy Father’s Day man.” Josiah nudges his knee.
“Thank you.” Shawn wipes his eye before standing to go kiss his daughters forehead just because he loved her.
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appelssiini · 4 years
thank you @all-razzle-no-dazzle 💛
nickname: i really dont have any :( my mom and closest friends call me Nooruska when they want to be cute
zodiac: capricorn sun, virgo moon, libra rising
height: 164cm (i’m exactly one average finnish woman tall)
hogwarts house: slytherin (but its been a while since i took the test)
last thing i googled: online gif maker lol (my adobe premiere stopped working :( )
song stuck in my head: GUESS WHAT THIS IS A HISTORIC OCCASION I DONT HAVE A SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD unless u count 24 soundtrack
number of followers: 400-something <3
amount of sleep: i usually go for 8 hours buuuut it can be anything from 3 to 12 hours
lucky numbers: 3, 9
dream job: something to do with videos and journalism
wearing: winnie the pooh pyjama shirt, one (1) sock
favorite song: i do not have an answer to that. dont do this to me. 
favorite instrument: i do not have an answer to this either. i really like harmonica buuut i’d say bass lol
aesthetic: oh no please dont okay ummm at the moment it’s mostly self-knitted jumpers and skirts that look like i stole them from your grandma lol but what my ideal aesthetic would be is vintage space stuff meets punk/glam + some futurism, i’m talking about silver dresses with stars on them with huge planet earrings and a blue mohawk, blue walls and yellowish lights and the video of moon landing, weird old cameras, brian may’s new horizons playing in the background while im knitting another blue jumper
favorite author: uhhh maybe tim radford
favorite animal noise: when guinea pigs are super happy and content and they make that oink-sound like actual pigs
random: i loooooove building with legos!!
i tag no one cos im boring :(
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bluesfortheredj · 6 years
Standing behind Gwilym and Joe, you jump a little at the feel of Ben’s arm snaking its way around your waist gently, and when you look in his direction he gives you a wink that sends a jolt of electricity throughout your body. You smile up at him as you lean in closer to his body and he kisses your temple twice before giving your side a squeeze.
“Are you okay?” he whispers as he nudges his nose through your hair and grazes his lips against your ear. You give a small nod in reply as you try and focus on the two men in front of you, but it’s no use as Ben’s warm breath sets fire to your skin.
“You know we haven’t actually started to film yet, right?” Joe asks as he turns to face you both.
“I know,” Ben smirks.
Joe rolls his eyes before turning back to face the crew and you can feel Ben’s eyes drifting over your body as you stand next to him as still as possible. It was difficult to concentrate around him and it had been like this since day one when he’d given you a lingering hug after you’d been introduced. It was no hardship pretending to be his other half, it all came very naturally as his affections continued off screen as well, but you knew it was purely to keep in character and help you feel comfortable when the cameras did start to roll.
“What are you doing for lunch?” Ben asks as your break begins.
“I was just going to get a sandwich from the food van,” you reply, painfully aware of how boring your answer sounds.
“Mind if I join you?”
“Of course not,” you smile. Ben takes your hand as you start to walk off set then swings your arms in the thin gap between your bodies and you hear giggling coming from behind you both.
“Guys!” Joe calls out, causing you both to turn around. You’re greeted by the sight of him laughing as he holds his phone up and films you both, then the laugh of Gwilym as well when they notice that you and Ben are doing your best supermodel pouts down the camera. “Did you two plan that?”
You look at one another with the same facial expression then start to crack up as Joe ends the short video and uploads it straight to his instagram story. Within moments both of your phones are buzzing with notifications of being tagged in screenshots of the video and the captions make you laugh as you make your way to the van to get some lunch.
“Oh, they’re cute together,” Joe smirks as he watches the video again once you’d both disappeared from sight. Gwilym peers over his shoulder to take a look as well, and chuckles lightly as he nods.
“You’re right. They’re cute. I’ve got a feeling they won’t need plus ones to the premiere when it comes around...”
You chuckle quietly as Ben sits down on the armchair in the studio with your hand in his, then tugs you down onto his lap and proceeds to run his fingers up and down the side of your thigh delicately. You rest your arm around his shoulders as your free hand finds a comfortable spot on his chest and he looks up at you with a smile before leaning in for a kiss.
“Roger, concentrate!” Gwilym sighs in exasperation as Brian.
“I am, I am!” he laughs, turning his attention to the guys but keeping a tight grip on your waist.
There were no speaking parts for you which suited right down to the ground, as you knew you’d mess them up from nerves if you did have to say something, and to be honest having Ben lavish you with attention was more than enough for you. The scene soon ends but as you go to get up Ben stops you from leaving, and you give him a questioning frown. Joe, Gwilym and Rami all watch as Ben whispers something to you and you both start to laugh uncontrollably, then the guys raise their eyebrows as they see Ben’s hand stop on your thigh and give it a hard squeeze as he bites his lip while trying to stifle another laugh.
“We’re being watched,” you say quietly as you lean in to Ben’s ear, and he shivers as your warm breath ghosts over his neck.
“Shall we take this somewhere a little quieter?” he asks.
“I think we should,” you nod.
You spot Joe with his phone once again as you turn to get up but he quickly puts it down when he notices you looking at him, and as soon as you and Ben get to his trailer all you can hear is his phone going off.
“Joe,” you both say at the same time.
Ben lifts his phone out of his bag and rolls his eyes before handing you the device to see you and Ben on Joe’s story yet again with hearts floating around you both as he zooms in an uncomfortable amount. You laugh at the short video then hand the phone back to Ben with an embarrassed smile.
“Feeling slightly relieved that filming’s almost over now,” you chuckle.
“You are?” Ben asks, feeling a little dejected.
“No! Well, yes… No, I mean being spied on by Joe,” you ramble, falling over your own words as you try to clarify what you mean.
“Ah! Yes, in terms of that, I agree,” Ben smiles, “but in terms of not being able to see you everyday...”
“Oh,” you reply shyly, completely unable to elaborate on your response.
“Sorry, was that too much?” Ben asks as he sits down opposite you.
“No, not at all. I just didn’t expect it.”
“You didn’t?” he almost laughs as he raises an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s all acting isn’t it?”
“Partly. But I’ll be first to admit that I haven’t had to act much around you,” he says as a blush creeps up his pale cheeks, “it’s come quite effortlessly when I’ve had someone as wonderful as you playing my other half.”
You sit in a stunned silence as you take in Ben’s words and your eyes look everywhere but at the man sitting opposite you while you try to think of an appropriate reply. An increasingly worried expression appears across Ben’s face when you finally make eye contact with him, and you know you need to say something soon before he gets the wrong idea.
“I agree,” you nod.
“Yeah,” you grin.
“Well that’s a relief,” he sighs happily, “had me worried for a moment there.”
Time had passed at a rapid rate since that short conversation you’d both had and now you were only a couple of hours away from the premiere in a hotel room getting your hair and make up done by a team of incredibly talented people. There are three knocks on the door just as the last hair clip is slid into place, and Ben appears in the doorway as one of the team open it up.
“Hello- woah,” he gasps as you get up and walk towards him in all your preened glory.
“Don’t,” you blush, “I won’t be able to recreate this look at home.”
“I wouldn’t want you to,” he smiles, “you look just as beautiful in my sweatpants and old t-shirts when you’ve just woken up.”
He slides his arms around your waist and the people around you both suddenly aren’t quite sure where to look as he pulls you close and kisses you deeply. When you pull away you lift your hand and wipe a smudge of lipstick from just beneath his lip, then Ben pulls his phone out and waves it around in front of you.
“Sorry, could you just take a quick photo for us please?” he asks the woman standing closest to you both.
“Of course,” she smiles as she takes the phone.
Ben turns his body to face yours with one arm still around your waist and you mirror his action, then he lifts his free hand to place his fingers gently underneath your chin and kiss you. The woman is pressing the button on his phone over and over to capture the moment, then she hands it back with a huge smile across her face when Ben turns to her.
“Thank you,” he nods. He starts to swipe through the photos and chooses one when your lips are just about to meet and smiles are evident on both of your faces. You watch as he opens up the instagram app and selects that picture to be posted with the caption found my date to the premiere…
“You’re going to send the fans wild with that,” you laugh as he hits the share button.
“Not as half as wild as you’re sending me right now,” he winks.
Request: so I was thinking that yn played Rogers wife on the film and the fans(and cast) started to ship them(because both are super freaking cute!)even before the film (thanks to Gwilym and Joe ig stories for that)and found out that they actually started to date irl
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Like every player have their own tumblr and time to maintain it. what will each player blog look like? here coconuts🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥 and 🍌🍌, cause they are pretty much the only fruit emoji i can find grown in my country.
Okay. This could fun. We’re gonna use the world cup roster and see what my brain comes up with. 
Alyssa Naeher - Alyssa’s would be clean. Simple. And probably filled with pictures of morning aesthetics, her favorite people/places in Chicago, stuff about bikes/bike riding, and family. There be little to no commentary except the occasional zinger in the tags.
Mal Pugh - Mal’s blog lacks proper color coordination but no one will tell her that font color hurts their eyes. Mal would probably post about a bunch of popular cultural places she wants to visit, mixed in with things about partying (cause she’ll never actually have time for it), and back and forths with other people on the team over random memes. Somehow, all the advertisements on the page will be her in her new endorsements. 
Sam Mewis - Her blog is in the NC Courage gold and blue scheme. It’s generally a quiet place. A mixture of athletic “you can do its,” stuff about her favorite people, and non-profit organizations. She’s too good and too pure. She can’t help getting drug into things though and her friends will definitely tag her in dumb memes. 
Becky Sauerbrunn - Becky’s would probably be a comfortable grey scheme. Easy on the eyes. She’d post about Adidas, nintendo, places to relax (like the beach), napping, and cat pictures. So many cat pictures/videos/memes. There’d be at least one hulu ad. 
Kelley O’Hara - Kelley O’Hara keeps her page with a dark theme because she knows most people are looking at this stuff when they’re up late. It’s definitely the only time she’d have for it. She’d have weird coffee/juice posts, athletic inspirationals, home aesthetics, and beach life. You’ll be able to tell that one day she’ll retire to a life of surfing. 
Morgan Brian - Morgan’s would probably be super fancy, and well thought out. Definitely paid for a theme. But it’ll just be stuff about her vacations and her husband, and if you don’t follow her you’ll probably forget it’s really there. (Sorry.)
Abby Dahlkemper - Puppies. California life. Landscapes. It’s pretty and makes you want to see real palm trees. 
Julie Ertz - Travel Pictures and the Eagles. Her husband would have a companion blog. It would be women’s rights and the USWNT and Chicago. It feels like the ultimate couples goal blog. Its so cute it hurts. 
Lindsey Horan - Horan’s blog is surprisingly sparse on content that she hasn’t been tagged in and dragged into. Mostly stuff about the Thorns. 
Carli Lloyd - The blog is plain. The theme has never been changed. It’s strictly about team championships and fitness. So much fitness. So much stuff about running. Also some New Jersey aesthetic pictures, but somehow nothing about Sky Blue. 
Ali Krieger - Ali’s would be full of all different things. Dogs. Ashlyn. Reposts of Kyle Krieger tweets. Beach pics. Things that show her own tattoos (but not in a shallow way) and like....explain stories. It will be cute af, but also Orlando purple and I’ll hate that. 
Tierna Davidson - Her blog will be super chill and lowkey. You’ll almost forget it’s there because it never stirs up trouble. It will however, have lots of love for stanford. And her girlfriend. 
Alex Morgan - Her blog will literally be advertisements and endorsements. It’s not actually hers at all. It’s run by a PR team because she can’t afford to spend time on that.
Emily Sonnett - Sonnett’s blog will be a trash fire. She’s my favorite. It’s still true. There will be no theme. She will shitpost her friends. Tag them in dumb memes and pretend to be a food blog from time to time. She’ll be the group’s resident photoshop girl. It will be dumb and it will be great. 
Megan Rapinoe - Her blog will be gay. So so so gay. And unapologetic. It will also include posts about social and societal issues. Support for the Seattle Storm. And fashion. Somehow she’ll tie it all together. She’ll probably get in trouble for something she posts at some point and still refuse to take it down. 
Rose Lavelle - Dogs. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. 
Tobin Heath - Her blog will be some weird artsy blog. It will be full of stuff that we don’t really get but appreciate looking at anyway. Occasionally she’ll post a selfie and every single one of her followers will die on the spot. It’ll definitely be her in some form of terrible shorts/underwear. 
Ashlyn Harris - Tattoos. Ali. To write love on her arms. Sharks. Her own dog. Lots of original content that she’ll tag with #yourewelcome. Also I somehow see her posting pictures of the beach. 
Crystal Dunn - Crystal doesn’t have time for tumblr. She’s too busy busting her ass and doing the work. 
Allie Long - Her blog is content of her pups. Futsal. Videos of pranks. Fashion. Dumb stuff happening with Bati, pictures of bible verse quotes, and the occasionally text argument. 
Adrianna Franch - Thorns content. Dapper fashion. Inspirational quotes. And places she either has or would like to travel. She keeps it lowkey. Also lots of photos that make her happy/herself actually smiling and joking around. She wants people to feel good and be better for looking at it. 
Jessica McDonald - She’s a professional athlete and a mom. If you think she has time for a blog you’re nuts.
Christen Press - Dogs. Pictures of sunsets and sunrises. Her family and how much she loves and appreciates them. Random poetry. Home aesthetics and where she’s comfortable. Quotes on being at peace. Random art. Pinks and Oranges. Interesting fashion choices. 
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I thought I knew all your on going projects but apparently not! :D If you don't mind me asking about some of them? (NOT full on spoilers but maybe tell us a little bit about them?) Eboy // Twitch Streamer, Plane delay, Frian fight, Post ‘91 Dom/Sub, Witch AU(have you talked about this before? did I somehow missed it?) Reincarnation, Air Bubble AU, Alice in Wonderland. I'm sorry I know I ask a lot but I'M JUST VERY INVESTED IN YOUR WRITINGS OKAY I love you *cue Lady Gaga's paparazzi*
Ihad like 80% of the answer done, but then I accidentally closed out of the browser,so then I gave up for the night and just wrote more on a different story, buttoday, we try again!
 Hopefully, I avoided spoilers?
Oh, long post ahead!!
Eboy// Twitch Streamer
 Okayso borrowing from the aesthetic of an Eboy, or “soft boy” mixed with egirlculture but ignoring a lot of that gross subculture (fun fact these things meantwo different things but I’m using them as one because I’m lazy.
BasicallyJohn is an accidental eboy, Roger has a pretty decent sized following, but oneday he invited John to be in one of his videos, and then John got a lot of peoplefollowing him because of it. And while he’s not super thrilled about it, fansdo tend to donate to his koi-foi or paypal or whichever so he can’t exactlycomplain when all he has to do is make a video about something and make himselflook “soft.” Freddie helps them both with it, but their videos do talk aboutscience things or cars or music.
Thenthere’s Brian, who gained a following on Twitch, because he was bored one dayand decided to play Animal Crossing. Because of the game and his voice, itpicks up popularity as a very relaxing stream to watch. Brian will just rambleabout anything from his classes to his music to deep questions, occasionallybreaking it up by shouting about something happening in game. He like overshares, but not about his personal life.
Johnfinds the channel one night when he’s going through a very high anxiety phase,and starts at Day 1, and by the time he’s caught up it’s already late afternoonand may have developed an accidental crush on the streamer. He thinks it’ll goaway because it was an exposure crush.
Spoiler,it doesn’t really.
Brianis also a lowkey fan of Roger and John’s channel, because he likes learningabout the things they talk about + and they’re both very cute (even if hispreference is the brunette with the beautiful smile), so win-win.
Theymeet when they’re both (John and Brian) invited to be parts of different panelsat a con.
Therest is as they say, history, or a massive amount of pining, long distancerelationships, drama, at least one break up, and Freddie being a saint forputting up with this.
 Basedon the time that I was stuck on a tarmac for two hours because it was anopen-exit and there was lightning within 15 miles but it happened to be Floridaso there’s always lightning and they only checked every 15 minutes.
Brian’sbeen away trying to get big name donations for his charity, as well as doing a lecturetour on campuses. It’s been fun, and exciting to not just be Brian May, Queen’sGuitarist, but two months in the states (alone) is more than he can really beexpected to enjoy. He is so very ready to get home and not leave his house (ormore specifically his bed) for the next week reconnecting with his boys.Calling had simply not been enough. So here comes the big day of him gettingback to the UK.
Firsthis plane gets delayed for almost a full twelve hours due to mechanical issues.So now he has to mope around the air port for over fifteen hours (and that’sbeing optimistic that the plane won’t be delayed further).
Aftera quick call to his boys about the delay (to which Freddie whined about andRoger got irritated about and John just said they’d make sure a car would gethim), Brian sits by his gate and pouts.
Hedoes end up writing some very sappy love songs as presents and managing tocatch a few hours of sleep.
Anywaythe plane is only eighteen hours late by the time it fully touches down. Therest of the flight is pretty uneventful, sans Brian’s mind drifting to what he’sgoing to do when he sees his boys when he finally gets to their house (air portreunions aren’t exactly possible now with the fame they’ve accrued over the years)
Butwhen they touch the tarmac there’s a problem with the ramp. Mechanical failureof some kind, so he’s stuck again for a few hours while they move one toreplace it. Brian is literally so exhausted that by the time he grabs his bagsall he can imagine is sleep.
 Oneof the first (and I think only?) Frian things I’ve written was about themgetting into a fight during Hot Space and Brian basically ending it, this is thefollow up to that
Post‘91 Dom/Sub
 Soafter Freddie dies and John grows distant with the Roger and Brian beforeultimately leaving the relationship, Brian and Roger hadn’t gotten into thatusual type of scene. They had sex, sure, and sometimes it was kinky, but itwasn’t any of the dynamic that they had before. When Brian finally gets upsetenough to ask for it (part of his brain is telling him that Roger doesn’t wanthim anymore etc), Roger has to figure out to do what John did.
TL;DRAngsty bdsm sex
//this is an ask that I have, but it got kind of out of hand orwill when I actually type it out
 MainlyI fell in love with the world (Sammy falling in love with world building, tellme it isn’t so) but hopefully the plot is super interesting
So,summarizing the ask text:
1)it’s possibly going to be a fem!queen au (I haven’t actually figured that outyet because I had such a weird relationship with those types of AUs)
2)John, Roger, and Freddie (for the sake of organization we’re using their realnames) are a coven
3)Brian has been dealing with spirits and visions since he was little, but hedidn’t know that he was a witch
Butthe spirits take a heavy mental toll on Brian: depression, anxiety, andinsomnia. When he meets the other three things surprisingly get a little better.
Briandevelops a crush on all of them, proceeds to panic and not tell them about it,and suffers in silence (so the unusual).
Nowthe plot revolves around Queen being a particularly powerful coven (each havingrare Gifts) and other witches in the world not exactly happy about that. One inparticular (a combination of a lover scorned and someone who has always wantedpower) decides that she’s going to stop them from having the power they possess.Her target? Brian, who has no idea that he’s a witch, much less come into hispowers. So basically this witch keeps getting more and more aggressive with herattempts. At first it was trying to distance him from the others (which Johndragged him back handily talking about how stupid Brian is, and that of coursethey want him around), her next step was to distract him from finding out his heritage,then to try and  turn him against theothers (now she’s using magic for this) but Freddie manages to counter thespell, and finally she moves on to straight up trying to murder him.
Andthe spell she uses? It might very well succeed.
Iwrote this as a prompt a long time ago, where if you look into the eyes of yoursoulmate, you remember your previous life with Maylor I ended up writing, orstarting to write John’s reintroduction 
AirBubble AU
MyMerfolk AU, that was the Thought of the Day a few days ago
Alicein Wonderland
Brian,later on in Queen’s career once again falls ill with hepatitis (in the late 80s),and his fever dream basically makes him go on this adventure (because they hadjust watched the animated movie the night before this all flared up).Sothis one involves rapid shifting from fever dream to real life.Oh,and it’s going to be a little bit of a darker Wonderland. Going from say, thatthing resembles a deer to that thing was never a deer.
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layesica · 5 years
2019: It was a year that ends tonight.
2018 was rough, right? Well, so was 2019!
I did not feel like writing this, but it’s a tradition now, so for the fifth year in a row, here’s what I did all year with some of the crappy crap that made it not the greatest. I can’t promise an unwavering sense of optimism, but it’s okay. I’m okay. Here we go!
JANUARY Went to The Not Inappropriate Show at UCB curated by the Odenkirks, then Spent New Years Eve at Dynasty Typewriter with Ian & Emily. It was fun, but... eh. Home is better, y’all. Home is always better. Did a couple performances of a show at Second City – A Fonzie Scheme. It was fun. I was in an improv class at The Pack. I think it was Improv 4. The last weekend of January, Very Famous went to Sketchfest, which was super amazing. That’s, like, a goal. And even though it had pretty much nothing to do with anything I did, it was cool. And it was fun. And I was at a party with Neil Patrick Harris and I was SUPER cool about it.
Tumblr media
Went to stuff: LA Times screening of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. It was free, and I would have never seen it otherwise. I enjoyed it. It was good.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Toasted Coconut Milk & Cookies (V)
FEBRUARY Made a return trip with Ian & Emily to San Francisco. Well, Oakland with an SF jaunt. I don’t have any cool stories, but Emily fought a seagull for her cookie and won, and that was pretty badass. On the drive back, there was a ton of snow just on the other side of the Angeles National Forest. I wasn’t excited enough to get out of the car, but snow is nice to look at. Oh, I had lunch with one of the head writers on my dream show that my old roommate met at the gym. I am terrible at networking.
Went to stuff: LA Times screening of VICE. It was free, and I would have seen it... eventually. It was... a bit... self-indulgent.
Salt & Straw Flavor: “The Chocolatier Series” = Jeni’s Coffee & Sweet Cream
MARCH Auditioned for a house improv team at The Pack. I didn’t mention working with a practice group all of February & March to prep for that. The biggest bummer about not getting on a team may have been the loss of that practice group. It was fun while it lasted.
Went to stuff: Saw comedy dads, Bob & David, at Largo. They asked for volunteers, and I almost passed just thinking about it. Ian & Emily jumped up there. Good for them!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Smoked Sea Salt & Chocolate Crack
APRIL Interviewed for a new job at one of the guilds. HEY! I owe the government $3700. That’s fun! I went ahead and added a good purse to my new 0 APR card.
Went to stuff: Dana Gould Podcast at Dynasty Typewriter. Panel with Conan Writers at Lyric Hyperion. For some reason, I saw Avengers: Endgame. I dunno. I feel like I should see it through for some reason. Deadline did their day-long FYC event, The Contenders, at Paramount, so I spent all day seeing so many people from TV and eating so much yummy food in between. Amazon FYC at Hollywood Athletic Club – went mostly for the building. Prime seat at Conan taping.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Wildflower Honey with Ricotta Walnut Lace Cookies – I wait all year for this to roll around again!
MAY We were supposed to have a call for a travel show on Buzzfeed, but they ghosted us. I went camping with a huge group at Idyllwild, which would have been fun, but it was FREEZING and I got SUPER sick on the second day. After a few days, I got better and got the guild job. Free insurance, baby! (More on that later.) Bought a Universal pass.
Went to stuff: A UCB show with people from Chicago. Free Booksmart screening with Q&A. Such a good movie! LA Times panel for Broad City. I never really watched it, but I would love to have a partnership like that! Netflix FYSee for Nanette. Guys, people are like vultures for the passed trays. Adam Sandler at Dynasty Typewriter. Attended the actual red carpet, fancy-pants premiere of Amazon’s Late Night. It was enjoyable and not at all realistic, and I could not stop staring at John Early in the theater. He glows!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Pear & Blue Cheese
JUNE Went to stuff: FYSee for Dead To Me. I had not seen it yet, but then I watched it and it’s good. JV show at UCB with Paul F Tompkins. Did a lap at the AT&T Shape event that is always free. I only go to be on the WB lot where I would like to be more often. Like, 40+ hours a week more often. That’s it. I just went to stuff.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Campfire S’mores (with Brian)
JULY SO. MANY. EARTHQUAKES. After the third one, it stopped being cute. Went for a drive to the Angeles Forest and hiked to a waterfall. Did a sketch with Very Famous at Packcon. It was a small group, so I got a part! Huzzah!
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Went to stuff: Saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at the Cinerama dome. (First visit!) Not a great idea because I kept trying to pick out the scenery and got a bit of motion sickness. Shirtless Brad Pitt on a roof in the ‘70s is nice.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Goat Cheese Marionberry Habanero (2x)
AUGUST Went on a random overnight to San Jose. Time to get panicky about Pack Sketch Teams! I did what I should have done last year and requested to be moved. I loved the people on my team, but I wasn’t getting a return on investment for myself. And that’s no fun. Did a show called Gibberish with Duckboi as Sharon Osborne and wore a great wig. Sketch is fun. Fell off my bike & got bruised legs.
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Went to stuff: Mike O’Brien & Friends at Lyric Hyperion. Saw some Pack shows to be a supportive. Put up a sketch at GSY.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Green Fennel & Maple
SEPTEMBER Started working tech at UCB. It’s pretty easy. I get to see new faces... and old faces, too. I have no more comedy theaters to work at. Well, unless someone is going to pay me real money. My vision has been getting blurrier, so I went to the eye doctor to get new glasses. Ended up getting referred to a specialist for a “freckle” in my eyeball, but had to wait a month to go. Submitted a character video for Pack Sketch performer auditions. Got a callback! That’s one step further than last years attempt, and I actually came up with characters and I was pretty proud of it. Came up with more characters, then faced the fear of being on a stage all by myself while trying to be funny. I felt good about it. It used to take a day to find out, but not this time...
Link to Character Audition Video
Went to stuff: Got an AMAZING ticket (location & price) to see Skintight at the Geffen with friggin’ Idina Menzel. She is a queen! It’s a cute theater I should go to more stuff at. Saw Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole at the Lyric Hyperion. So good! I think I’ve seen the evolving show every year I’ve lived here. My face hurts for several days after. Lyndsey got a fancy job and invited me to the Dreamworks Friends & Family screening of Abominable. Would not have seen it. It was cute. Thanks, Lyndsey!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Forgettable
OCTOBER Flew to Denver for my cousin’s wedding. I almost typed, “weeding.” That’s Colorado for you. It was my first time to see my family all year. The time just got away from me. I got a late flight out and spent the day walking around Denver on my own. Went to a good bookstore. Ate some Giordano’s. Left my luggage in a van. Found out I got cut from Very Famous – also, Very Famous got cut from sketch night – and I didn’t make a new team. Started watching new season of Mr. Robot and felt so lost, so started it from the beginning. The new Almodóvar came out, so I bought one of those expensive Arclight tickets. It was very, very good. Maybe my favorite Almodóvar film. Worth it! Saw the specialist about my eye. They dilated it, took a bunch of pictures, did a closed-eye ultrasound (Yeah, they use jelly for that!), and refereed me to another specialist. Hunter picked me up, and I ate at Canter’s for the first time. The specialist’s office made the appointment for me at an oncologist. Guys, I just wanted new glasses and now can’t stop Googling some pretty scary stuff! Lyndsey took me to USC & hung out with me for a while. They dilated my eye, took a bunch of pictures of it with a bunch of different machines, performed an OPEN EYE ultrasound, saw two trainees and then the doctor. She said she is not diagnosing me with melanoma. BUT it has the orange color and a sliver of the fluid that are “concerning.” The pictures of the tumor weren’t as large at the ophthalmologist’s pictures made it look. So... bright side, I guess. I go back in January to check for changes. Margot scooped me up and brought me home. Baby’s first root canal! 
For our very last Very Famous show, everyone got to put up a sketch they wrote. My favorite had too much production, so I did a black out. It turned out great, and I felt loved. It was a very nice way to go out.
Went to stuff: Two weeks after the Arclight screening, the LA Times invited me to see Pain & Glory with a Q&A, so I finally got to be in a room with my favorite director. I may have cried... slightly more than I did just seeing the film.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Black Cat Licorice & Lavender (2 cones, 1 pint)
NOVEMBER It was time for Penelope’s annual visit to the vet, so I rented a car for the weekend and took her. She had lost quite a bit of weight. I sprung for all the tests, and she has kidney disease. Her numbers aren’t terrible, but there’s not really treatment for it. We switched to a new kind of prescription food. All I can do is be good to her and try to keep her hydrated & happy. So... yeah... September – November have been... uh... not so great. On the bright side, I got invited to be in the Night Cap with Stacy Rumaker show as a character! I love this show so much - and when you read a thing in December, this show is the exception to that. I was so nervous, but I pulled it together and think it went very well. It felt good! Also, I am so emotionally invested in Mr. Robot! Mom & Dad came to visit for Thanksgiving and that was a nice relief. It rained most of the time, but we got out at about a bit.
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Went to stuff: Vulture Fest screening of MacGruber with Will Forte & John Solomon.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Spiced Goat Cheese & Pumpkin Pie (with Mom & Dad)
DECEMBER Fell off my bike, bruised my legs, and scraped a chunk of skin off my hand. Finally: I left my mark on this town! I was not in the mood to plan a birthday thing, but rented a car to take Penelope for her health certificate she might need to fly home with me, then went on a showtune-belting drive on my birthday. Not the best drive ever, but it was nice to just drive aimlessly. Margot went with me to dinner at an Italian place in Los Feliz. In other news, Penelope gained some weight. Then I flew home for Christmas. I’ve just been sitting around with Mom & Dad, and it has been great. I had lunch with Justin & traditional margaritas & Tex-Mex with Lindsey. I finally did an entire month of morning pages after 4 years, so I may be done with that. Oh, and I (temporarily) quit comedy.
Went to stuff: Saw CATS (can’t hate on a bad movie with bad source material) & Little Women (I cried so much!)
Salt & Straw Flavor: Apple Brandy & Pecan Pie (with Brian), but I’m in Texas now, so I’m ending the year with some Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. Do better, Tyler!
So, that’s it. I was not looking forward to this, but it did make me feel a little better since the crap at the end has just felt like it has beaten me down. I’m not a quitter, but a breaker is maybe a good idea for a bit. I don’t have any resolutions for 2020.
If you’re still here, THANK YOU for reading my yearly download. I hope that you are doing well.
You’re great!
I love you!
Have a great 2020!
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