#Olympic Forest Reserve
foxintheferns · 9 months
For a Paul imagine: reader has a date night planned, and it would be the first time in a while. But, Paul forgets and switches patrol shifts with someone else. Reader waits up, but eventually realizes Paul forgot and goes to bed.
A/N: Thank you for this one, LOVED writing it. But ummmmmm it gets a lil spicy and they don’t even rly fight so I honestly failed at my own game. He’s just too persuasive, you know? Even the him that I create from my very own thoughts 🫣🙄
CONTENT WARNING: sexual implications, body licking/biting, heavy on the sexy vibez purrr
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[All dressed up, just for me?]
The pack’s patrols have been endless lately. A small group of slightly-too-interested bloodsuckers had been circling in around the Olympic Peninsula, and had unfortunately plucked off a couple of fisherman who had been out on their boats right off the beach. Sam and Jacob wanted all hands on deck for perimeter patrolling, and your imprinted lover, Paul Lahote, was their right hand man. You couldn’t remember the last time that Paul had been home for more than a night in a row, and you’d gotten quite used to -although not happy with- the feeling of an empty bed. You and Paul hadn’t gone farther than a few handsy make-outs in over a week, with Paul typically passing out as soon as he was home and only being woken from his sleep with a phone call from Jacob, or a howl coming from the forest outside the house early in the morning. The other day, you’d expressed to Paul how much you felt you needed a date night.
Paul had been exhausted, home for the first time in two days and apparently barely coherent. “Yeah! Um…,” He had yawned, lazily stretching out his lanky, muscular body and throwing his arm around you as he laid next to you in the bed, “Let’s go to dinner…Saturday night, we can do uh - oh, dinner at the Riverside?”
He had scratched his head, his eyes blinking as he stared across the room at the TV playing a movie.
“That sounds amazing.” You had happily sighed against him, feeling reassured that Paul had seemingly made an effort. You knew he loved you so deeply, and you knew there was nothing that could ever pull him away from you, what with his imprinting causing him to only truly ever see you. But, at the end of the day, the Alpha’s commands came first, and if the pack needed Paul, he was there in a heartbeat. Those commands came so often lately that you weren’t sure Paul even had a moment to realize that he hadn’t paid much attention to you. You’d been helping around the reservation, going to your job at the local farmer’s market, and hanging out with Emily throughout the long days.
Emily had even asked you how you were holding up, noticing that you seemed a bit quiet when you were visiting her last week.
“What’s up, (y/n)? Everything going good with you and Paul?” she had inquired, her hawk-like eyes seeming to observe you quietly for the entirety of the time you spent kneading breaddough together at her and Sam’s kitchen table. You hadn’t met her eyes, slightly embarrassed that she had so easily seen through your facade of…okay-ness.
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, no everything’s good,” You had proclaimed with a little too much enthusiasm, putting more force into your kneading as your internalized emotions presented themselves. Emily had stopped moving, staring at you intently from across the table. You had continued to knead your dough vigorously for several more moments, feeling her eyes burning into you, before you paused as well and finally looked up to meet her gaze.
“Okay…,” You mumbled, your shoulders slumping in defeat, “So everything is not good.” To your surprise, a wave of relief had washed over you as you finally said the words out loud. You had been going crazy, not entirely sure if the lack of affection and attention was in your head, or if you were being selfish, or if it was simply a reality you needed to accept as the pack’s Third in Command’s ‘imprintee’. Emily had nodded slowly, a knowing and empathetic smile creeping onto her lips.
“(y/n)… it’s not easy being an imprintee, I get it. Sam’s been gone every night, too. And if he’s not gone, he’s thinking about being gone, and thinking about who he needs to tell to go on shift. But it’s truly not a reflection of their love for us, I can promise you that.” She spoke in a soft and low voice, staring at you with her gentle brown eyes.
You shook your head, starting to poke at the bread dough again, “I don’t know, Em. It’s like he doesn’t even see me right now.”
She nodded understandingly, “Oh, (y/n),” She murmured, a sad and careful look in her eyes. “Because his soul is attached to yours so deeply, (y/n). You are part of him. He may genuinely, honestly forget that you are two separate beings sometimes, that you are a human who can’t hear his thoughts and know how deeply he loves you ALL the time. He may be so comfortable and happy with you that he forgets you aren’t part of the whole wolf thing, too. It sounds silly, but he’s still a man, after all, underneath all the magic and power.”
You smiled as you remembered Emily’s words, feeling more at ease as you prepared for your date with Paul. There’s nothing to worry about, you told yourself. You stared at your reflection in the mirror now, as you finished doing your hair. It was now Saturday evening, and you were waiting for Paul to finish his day shift. Dinner at the Riverside Restaurant - that was the plan for tonight. Paul had suggested it himself, so you felt reassured that tonight would be a good thing for the two of you. You were giddy with excitement, happy with how you look and looking forward to some long-awaited intimacy with him. You slid into a dress that Paul hadn’t seen yet, a silky spaghetti-strap number with a high leg slit up the right thigh, showing off a generous amount of long, toned leg. You decided to make it a bit more alluring and added a sparkly leg chain from your drawer, one you’d never worn, pulling it up and around your thighs and ass under the dress. You strode over to the floor length mirror in the corner of the room, nudging the dress down to sit perfectly against you, and adjusted your hair. You felt pretty. In fact, you looked pretty damn hot, and you knew without a doubt that Paul would think so too. He never failed to act shocked and overly impressed at your appearance, even when he woke up next to you every day and saw you at your greasiest, or most exhausted.
You grabbed your phone off the dresser next to the mirror, glancing at the time. 6:18pm. Paul usually gets off shift around 5:30, and you wondered for a brief moment if there could’ve been some emergency causing him to be late. Your face paled and you felt your heart rate increase the moment you let yourself consider he could be in danger. Nonetheless, his job was insanely dangerous, and it crossed your mind whether you liked it or not.
You quickly shot him a text.
Hey! Comin home soon?
You decided to try and busy yourself while waiting for him to arrive. You sprayed your favorite perfume on, checked your makeup and hair one last time, and went down the stairs of the cozy house. A crackling fire always helped you relax. You grabbed some of the wood Paul had carried inside the other day, and started to get a fire going in the living room fireplace. Paul had taught you quite well how to make a fire, and you were proud of yourself when you got it going relatively quickly. You lit your favorite candle as well, and decided you’d take the extra bit of time before Paul got home to clean up the house. You figured since he’s been so busy, and so tired, a clean place would be a nice gift for him to come home to. And, keeping your hands busy always helped time pass faster for you. Cleaning felt therapeutic at the moment. You got to work, vacuuming the living room, putting the clean dishes away, and throwing a load of laundry into the washing machine, folding and putting away the clothes from the dryer. You left your phone on loud, knowing that you’d either get a message from him or he’d walk through the front door any minute now. After you finished making the house nearly spotless, added another log onto the fire, and still hadn’t received a message from him, you decided to check the time again. Surprisingly, over an hour had passed, and it was 7:30. You were starting to worry.
You clicked Paul’s contact, calling him. After 6 rings, you heard the beginning of his voicemail - ‘I’m busy, you know what to do’ his gruff and cocky voice came through on the recording. You hung up before the beep, rolling your eyes. You stared down at your phone. Exhaling slowly, you tried to think of reasons why he wouldn’t be answering your text OR call, and would also be late for the date. You tried desperately to not let your mind go to horrible places, and decided to text Emily.
(Y/N): Hey Em- is everything okay with the boys? No answer from Paul, we had a date planned tonight.
Within the minute, Emily responded:
Emily: Sam stopped by only half an hour ago before he went back out, said everything was going fine… maybe call one of the boys? pretty sure Embry took tonight off, he’ll have his phone.
You stared down at her message for a few moments, relief washing over you once you realized that the pack wasn’t in any life threatening danger, but confusion hitting you in it’s place when you realized that that would mean there was nothing stopping Paul from getting home over an hour ago. You swallowed, trying to calm yourself. You flicked through your text conversations until you came to Embry’s name, and tapped the icons until you were calling him.
It rang twice, then Embry’s soft voice came through the phone speaker.
“(Y/n)! What’s up, honey?” Embry was always a sweetheart to you; all of the boys were. You knew they all loved you deeply, and it was hard for them not to - they could hear and feel all of the thoughts that Paul had for you.
“Hey! Um- just wondering, do you know where Paul is?? We had a date planned for tonight and he should’ve been home a while ago…,” You said into the phone, running your fingers through your long hair and starting to pace around the living room, your bare feet padding across the thick carpeted floor. You heard silence for a moment too long.
“Embry? You there?” You asked, unsure if you’d lost connection.
“Uh yeah, (y/n), sorry…I’m here. I, I-didn’t know you guys had a date… I asked Paul if we could trade shifts cuz it’s my Mom’s birthday tomorrow and she wanted to celebrate tonight. He said no problem and that he had nothing goin’ on. I’m sorry, if I’d known I would’ve never asked him,” Embry’s sympathetic voice came through the phone, and your heart dropped.
“Oh…,” you murmured, trying to push aside the sudden onset of shocked pain that washed over you, “No worries, Embry, it wasn’t your job to know about it. Thanks for telling me. I hope you guys have a nice celebration tonight… tell your Mom I said Happy Birthday, yeah?”
“Aw man, (y/n), I’m really sorry, I’m sure he just forgot, you know? He’s rly gonna hear it from me for this one, though, don’t you worry. The guy’s gonna wish he remembered…and yeah, thanks, I’ll tell my Mom,” Embry responded lightheartedly, his tone sincere.
You managed a light chuckle, “Thanks, Em - I’ll see you soon, have a good night.”
After you hung up with Embry, you stood for a moment in the same spot in the living room and let your arms fall, your phone slipping from your hand onto the couch. You felt just about everything you could feel: anger, hurt, betrayal, confusion, disappointment. Above all else though, you felt alone. You seemed to be chronically alone, lately. This was the one thing you’d asked for. After weeks of Paul prioritizing the pack, which you’d understood and had patience for, you had finally expressed that you missed him; that you needed this. That something was missing. You knew now that he hadn’t been truly hearing you. You exhaled loudly, falling back onto the couch dramatically, and stared at the loudly crackling fire in front of you. For a few minutes, you sat stuck in your thoughts, unsure what to do with yourself. Suddenly, your phone dinged loudly. You quickly reached for it, turning it upright to see the screen. You were slightly disappointed to see a text from Emily instead of Paul, your anxiety having built up as you sat in silence, but then felt comforted at the fact that your best friend was always in your corner.
Emily: Did Embry answer! Where’s Paul?
You sighed, reading the message, and began to type back.
(Y/N): Paul apparently gladly took Embry’s shift when he asked to trade. Said he had ‘nothing going on’
You saw the (…) bubble pop up, showing you that Emily had begun typing the moment your text sent.
Emily: Wtf. Paul can be such an airhead, I swear! I’m sure he forgot, (y/n), hope you don’t think for a second that he’d ever do that on purpose
(Y/N): Oh, I know. There just seems to be a lot of forgetting happening recently
:( wearing a new dress and everything
Emily: :( love you (y/n) <3 I bet you look bangin, lady! Call me if u need me okay? Maybe take a bath or something, do a self care night, ya know?
You almost smiled at Emily’s text, and would have if you weren’t feeling so defeated.
(Y/N): Love you Em
You tossed your phone again to the side and decided to throw a few more logs on the fire. You ambled into kitchen, poured yourself a glass of rosé and put your favorite show on, getting under one of the massive fluffy blankets and settling in to try to relax. By 10pm, you were strewn across the big couch, the warmth of the fire having lulled you into a gentle snooze.
You woke with a start to the feeling of hot hands on your skin.
“Baby”, you heard the deep, rough voice murmur against your ear, hot breath hitting your cheek. Your eyes slowly blinked open, and you could see Paul’s massive frame over you as he knelt in front of the couch, one hand on your waist and the other caressing the back of your head.
He pulled back and smiled an immensely apologetic smile, the hand on your waist squeezing gently.
“Hi, sleepy girl,” He said softly, his rich brown eyes gentle and bashful. You didn’t respond, your brain glitching, confused and tired as you tried to piece together why you were mad at him, a difficult task when the man sat right in front of you. His features became more troubled when you didn’t respond.
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am, (y/n).”
You stared back at him, still not answering, and noted his shirtless torso only inches away from your face. When you peeled your eyes away from the abs and back to him, you caught his gaze stuck on your bottom half, and looked down to see what he was staring at so intently. Oh, that’s right. The dress. The slit that ran up the side of your leg was open, your entire thigh and right buttcheek exposed, and a large portion of your bikini line being put on display. You were glad you’d shaved. The faux fur blanket covered the rest of you, your half-bent leg being the one thing sticking out from under the fluffy cover. His eyes were stuck, his gaze lingering on the body chain that wrapped around your thigh, sparkling and glinting in the glowing firelight.
“(Y/n)…,” He whispered, swallowing hard. You watched as his Adam’s apple lifted up, then fell back down with the movement. His breathing hitched, and he finally flicked his eyes back to yours. His features were serious now, his brows drawn together.
“You have to know that I didn’t mean to forget, baby. I truly, honest-to-god didn’t mean to. Embry shifted like 10 minutes ago when he got home from dinner with his Mom just to let me know that you’d called him, and I had like 5 missed calls from Emily once I shifted back and…God I feel awful, (y/n), I figured if I traded shifts with Embry tonight, I’d get tomorrow off and we could spend the whole day together I-…I am so so sorry.”
You looked down, not bothering to hold his apologetic eyes, and took your bottom lip between your teeth as you absorbed his words and thought.
He bent closer, his large hand leaving your waist to caress your face, both hands framing your head now.
“I know it’s more than that, too. There’s no excuse for tonight but… I know I’ve been neglecting you, baby. I realize that now. You’ve needed me and I haven’t been there. I haven’t been there for you and I’m so, truly sorry for that. I’ll do better, I will. It’s easy to forget sometimes that just because you and I have this eternal bond, that doesn’t mean I can just forget to show you I care. And I care, (y/n), I care so much. You are who I’m thinking about when I’m out there on patrol, when I’m protecting this town. You are what gets me up every day. You’re the most important thing in my life. You know that, right?”
Throughout Paul’s rambling monologue, you had lifted your eyes, finally meeting his intense brown orbs. He held your face, gently and quietly speaking his words, not pulling his gaze away from you even for a single moment. He had brought a smile to your lips at several points in his little speech, and you felt wetness begin to prick in your eyes at his words. He had felt it too. He knew something was off between you, too. You felt an emotional release at his acknowledgment of what you’d been holding in for weeks. You could feel his love, deep and primal, radiating from him- oozing from his very being.
He continued to stare, his eyes narrowing and his hands shaking you ever so gently.
“Answer me, (y/n). You know that, right?,” he repeated, his tone and face still serious, but a glimmer of playful energy in his eyes now.
You couldn’t help but break into a wide smile now, and a light giggle fell from your mouth. His face broke into a massive grin at the sound, and he planted a hard, wet kiss on your lips, his mouth soft & hot. He groaned very lightly into the kiss, then pulled back to stare at your face again, proceeding to plant quick and delicate pecks over and over, along your mouth and then your cheeks, around your temples, down your jaw and along your throat. He kept going until you were a giggling, squealing mess beneath him. His hands fell to your waist and he gripped you against the couch, holding you hostage as he continued attacking you with his lips. “Okay, okay! Stop!” You finally broke your silence, your breathless voice coming out in begging pleads as his kisses and strong hands held you captive. He pulled back, his dark eyes now filled with a new expression. It was one you recognized, and hadn’t seen in a while. His gaze fell, trailing down your throat and along your chest, moving downwards until it fell yet again on the exposed, supple skin of your thigh. His jaw suddenly tightened, and his tongue left his mouth briefly to swipe across his bottom lip.
“Christ, (y/n). I really missed out, huh?” His eyes were still on your legs, and his left hand reached out to let the tip of his middle finger drag along the skin of your thigh. “Never seen this dress before,” he muttered, lowering his head to leave soft, hungry kisses, beginning at your knee and moving up until he reached the inner side of the open slit. He flicked his gaze up to your eyes. “You got all dressed up, just for me?”
“Mmm, really should’ve remembered our date, huh Lahote?,” You responded smugly, a smirk on your face as you took in the view of his slightly desperate expression. His eyes darkened suddenly at your words, and he moved his mouth up your body, leaving kisses wherever he could find skin. Between kisses, he murmured deeply against you, his hot breath sending waves through your core. “And what were you planning on us doing after this date, (y/n)?” His eyes shot up to your face now as he lowered his mouth down to the top of your thigh, letting his hot tongue slowly drag across the exposed flesh. You felt your face flush and your heart begin to thump harder in your chest. With his keen wolf senses, you knew he could likely hear the change in your heartbeat, and your fear was confirmed when a mischievous chuckle left his mouth.
“Mmm, yeah. That’s what I thought…,” He squeezed your thigh with his hand, the muscles in his forearm flexing, “That’s what this dress was for, huh? Is that what you’ve really been needing?” His tone was soft, his deep voice babying you, the way that only Paul knew how. He nipped softly at the flesh on your inner thigh, another rough groan escaping his lips.
You decided he didn’t get to be rewarded for his mistake so easily, and snapped your legs closed, crossing your arms over your chest and furrowing your brows. His eyes snapped up to your face, his expression darkening again. He tsked; shaking his head and scowling slightly at you. When you remained still, your arms crossed and your chin lifted in defiance, he narrowed his eyes. Then, his features softened, and he lifted his massive body so that he completely hovered over you. Heat radiated from him, and you secretly ached for him. You wanted him to lower himself down, so that all of him was touching all of you. You stared up at his face, which was now only inches from yours. He could read you like a book; he knew forgiveness came easily to you. There was no fooling him - you knew he was very likely seeing the want in your eyes. He leaned in slowly, resting his soft lips against yours tenderly. When he pulled back, he gazed at you lovingly, now going along with your feigned hesitation and apparently, full of remorse again. Oh, the games this man sure can play.
“Baby…,” he whispered, leaning in against your ear, his hot tongue swiping along the delicate skin below it.
“I’m so sorry, sweet girl. Can you forgive me?” His voice was rough, hunger for you laced throughout but with a tone that was now a beg, filled with a tangible desperation. You knew he’d do whatever it took to gain your forgiveness. And you were ready to let him beg for it for as long as you felt necessary.
A/N: I could totally go further with this. And perhaps, if I was asked nicely, I would 😏
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beastlybardou · 1 year
The Aesthetics of Identity and Self Imposed Homesickness
As I worked on a playlist for myself and my werewolf identity, I came across something that I had never noticed before: the way that the aesthetics I associate with my identity make me feel more out of place in my current life.
I associate my werewolf identity with, well, probably the same things most people associate wolves and werewolves with. Frigid cold mountain ranges, dark frozen forests of birch and pine, bubbling streams lined with fern and moss, the bugle of elk and growls of bears, the absence of humanity for miles upon miles - the cold, isolated wilderness of the north. Engaging with these aesthetics makes me feel euphoric and at home. You can imagine then how it feels to get offline and live in the burning hot ranch-land plains of Texas. There are no mountains here, no birch and pine, no rushing springs, no lush fern nor moss, no elk, no bears, none of it.
So what to do then when the comfort of my kind's home is locked away behind a screen or a hundred dollar plane ticket?
Well for a good while I contented myself with the answer "suffer". But y'know I really don't think that is the best solution. The feeling of discontent in your surroundings and intense species dysphoria actually feels, well, kind of romanticized in our community, like the suffering makes your identity more real, but I think for me what really makes my identity shine is bringing it away from the online world and into the real one, even if what is around me isn't exactly the environment I prefer. I think a better answer is to do what wolves and humans have always done best: adapt. There is no reason that I shouldn't romanticize the aesthetics of the land that I do have around me through a werewolf perspective. That's where the playlist I was working on comes in. All this kind of "clicked" in a way for me driving down a long ranch road at sundown listening to Prowler by Coyote Kid which I had just added to my playlist on recommendation without listening to it first. Its southern gothic vibes mixed with werewolfery caught my attention immediately, because I noticed what I felt in that moment was a kind of species euphoria usually reserved for visits to the mountains. I was at home in my species *and* my environment. The dark dusky skies darkening over fields of cattle and juniper forests, the scent of sun baked straw and dust warming my snout, the hot evening breeze ruffling my fur - it all suddenly felt like home.
That feeling did quickly fade, but it gave me a glimpse of the fact that I am capable of feeling at home here. That I can be just as much, or even more, of a werewolf when I'm enjoying this land as I am when I'm made miserable by it and my homesickness. So from now on I am going to try to embrace the aesthetics and activities of the place that I am, rather than the place I wish I was. I'll be the beast lurking in the ranch lands and along the country roads, the snarl from in the grass much to deep to be a coyote, the mysterious paw prints littering the dust of your destroyed barn. And I can treat living near humans the same way. I will never fit in with humans. I try not to get too misanthropic about it, but I just won't. That doesn't mean I can't exist on the fringes of their society. Infiltrator. Beast hidden in the crowd. I can wear their mask and be proud of my ability to do so. I don't have to feel crushed by it when I know I am always just biding my time to meet others of my kind and let myself free when I am alone.
I know it might seem strange for a simple shift of aesthetics to be so impactful, but in this community especially, aesthetics and symbolism are such a foundational building block of self image and of how you interact with the community itself. And I suppose even then really this is less about the shift in self image around aesthetics and more about the refusal to continue participating in the misery olympics of "how homesick and species dysphoric can I be".
I am a wolf. We adapt.
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months
Offerings for Pan 🐐
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You guys seemed to like my Artemis altar, so I figured I might as well share what I keep in my pan altar as well, and why, so that you too may have some ideas on what to offer the handsome and enchanting god of the mountains and music! Let’s dive in:
Lilac Fragrance
In traditional Hellenistic and Phoenician mythology it is said that pans favorite flower of the woods and mountains is Lilac! (A great choice IMO) so offering up something lilac scented, such as soap or a candle, is a great way to appeal to his affection! Personally I offered him this bar of French lilac soap, with the understanding that I WILL use it some day in his honor! (Can’t waste a good bar of soap)
Lilac Iconography
If you can’t or don’t want to offer the fragrance of lilac, (although why wouldn’t you? It smells so good!) the likeness of the flower should be just as suitable! I personally gifted him a porcelain tea sugar cup from the 50’s with lilacs adorning it, but you don’t have to be that fancy, even a simple self made drawing of lilacs will be more than enough to please him!
Wild Bird Feathers
As a god of the mountains and music, it’s no surprise that wild song birds are sacred to pan, being natures music boxes and all! Now, the trick with this is to be ethical about it, because fun fact you might not have known, (and one that I only found out about last year) is that it is a federal FELONY to collect wild bird feathers from any species of wild bird in the United States and Canada due to the migratory bird act. HOWEVER, this is almost entirely reserved for poachers and people who attempt to SELL animal curios. As long as you are ethical about it, (I found these cedar waxwing feathers in my backyard) and don’t try to sell them to anybody, you should be just fine! So Just, y’know, don’t go ripping the feathers out of live birds or anything. Pan wouldn’t like that and the federal government CERTAINLY wouldn’t 😭
Goat horns
Pan is a satyr, a half man, half goat deity who is known for his billy goat like personality and Hooved feet, similarly to other mountain and nature gods such as Cernnunos of Celtic mythology. Because of this, recognizing this magical and unique part of pan by offering him a goat horn, (again, ethically obtained!!! Don’t go ripping the horns out of goats lmao) is a great way to connect with that wild, often unpredictable but joyous and hearty part of his vibrant and rich personality! I obtained my horn (mountain goat) from a friend who is a park ranger in Olympic national park, who collected my specimen off of an unfortunate baby goat who lost its footing and fell to its death into a ravine :(. Now, however, it is at peace, and it’s horn is used to honor a man who will truly look after it at his altar, where it is forever safe in death. I hope he is happily licking that mineral in the afterlife somewhere ❤️
Garden snail shell
As a god of the mystical and musical aspects of the forests and mountains, a classic spiral snail shell is a perfect token to the more mystical and mysterious aspects of pan’s character. Just make sure your shell is empty before you give it to him, and leave it be if it is occupied!
Acorns are one of the symbols sacred to Pan, the fruit of the oak tree, itself dappled in layers of sacredness and mythological value across many ancient religions. They are considered to bring the owner good fortune and abundance, and by offering them to pan, you are both honoring him and asking him for his guidance when it comes to your luck in his realms!
Moss Agate
Reminiscent of what I can only assume is his very mossy goat beard, moss agate is a staple offering to pretty much any nature deity, but I feel like it fits pan exceptionally well!
Garden Quartz
Garden Quartz feels like a terrarium inside a stone, formed when layers of actively crystalizing Quartz grows around a chemical impurity blocking its growth path. It is a perfect stone for a mountain god, reminiscent of the mossy hills and lichen beards that dangle from the trees in the alpine which pan calls home.
All these things and more make exceptional offerings or additions to a pan altar! Let me know, what do you find pan likes on his altar?
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aimeedaisies · 3 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in June 2024
04/06 As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, attended the Trinitytide Anniversary Annual Court Meeting, Church Service and Luncheon. 💼⛪️🍽️
As Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Corps of Signals, this afternoon inspected The Queen’s Gurkha Signals Regiment on public duties at St James’s Palace. 🫡
As Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, held a Members Election Commission Meeting at St James’s Palace. 💼
05/06 With Sir Tim As Colonel-In-Chief of The Royal Regina Rifles, unveiled a statue and attended a Reception at 10 Place des Canadiens, Thue et Mue, Bretteville. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇨🇦
With Sir Tim Attended a service of commemoration and reception to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🪖
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended the Annual Service in Bayeux Cathedral to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. ⛪️
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended a service to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🕯️
06/06 With Sir Tim Attended the Annual Founder’s Day Parade at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. 💂
As Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Household Cavalry Council Meeting at Hyde Park Barracks. 🐎
07/06 Opened Forest of Dean Community Hospital. 🏥
Visited Ruskin Mill Trust in Nailsworth. 🏫
09/06 Attended the Bramham International Horse Trials Prize Giving, on its 50th anniversary. 🏇🏼
11/06 Opened Mercator Media Limited’s 25th Anniversary Seawork Marine Exhibition in Southampton. ⛴️
As Patron of the British Nutrition Foundation, visited the British Armed Forces Nutrition Programme at The Royal Logistic Corps Regimental Museum in Winchester. 🍏🍊
As Patron of Farms for City Children, and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended a Festival of Learning at Butchers’ Hall. 🥩🥓🍖
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a reception at the King Edward VII Hospital and unveiled a plaque dedicated to Sir Jameson Boyd Adams. 🍾
With Sir Tim As Royal Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, attended The Prince Philip Fund Commemoration Dinner at Prince Philip House. 🍽️🍾
12/06 On behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
As Chancellor of the University of London, attended the School of Advanced Study 30th Anniversary Reception at Senate House. 📚📖
As President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, attended a Dinner. 🍽️🗺️
13/06 As Patron of Transaid, visited the Multimodal 2024 Exhibition. 🛻
As Patron of the Townswomen’s Guilds, attended the Annual General Meeting. 💼
As Patron of the Foundation for Future London, attended the UK Cultural Exchange launch. 🇬🇧🗺️
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, attended a President’s Panel Discussion and Dinner. 🎤🍽️
14/06 Presided over a conference attended by the Colonels of the Regiments of the Household Division. 💂
Cavalry Regiments
Blues and Royals - Princess Anne
The Life Guards - Non - Royal
Grenadier Guards - Queen Camilla
Coldstream Guards - Non - Royal
Scots Guards - Prince Edward
Irish Guards - Catherine, Princess of Wales
Welsh Guards - Prince William
London Guards - Prince Edward
15/06 With Sir Tim Trooping the Colour
17/06 With Sir Tim Attended a chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room, Windsor Castle. 🏰
With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon, hosted by the King, at Windsor Castle. 🍽️
With Sir Tim Attended an Installation Service was held in St George’s Chapel at which The Duchess of Gloucester was installed as a Lady of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 🪽🎖️
18/06 unofficial Attended day one of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
19/06 unofficial Attended day two of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
20/06 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended day three (Ladies Day) of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
21/06 With Sir Tim Attended the RNLI Beating Retreat, Reception and Dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. 🛟🥂🍽️
22/06 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Eric Liddell 100, attended a Service in St Giles’ Cathedral, followed by a Reception to commemorate 100 years since Eric Liddells Olympic gold medal win. 🥇
~ Engagements cancelled due to hospitalisation ~
Total official engagements for Anne in June:
2024 total so far:
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in June:
2024 total so far:
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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forest-falcon · 1 year
So I'm posting the middle of a story I've been working on as I never seem to get a whole story out and I'm still editing the other chapters. 😅 Who knows whether I'll end up posting the other chapters, but it's something at least! 🤷‍♀️🙈
"Penny brought a backup cake?"
"Yes, well, given you weren't able to have any last year, she deemed it wise to keep one in reserve." Grandma motioned to the poolside buffet.
"That, and she knew Grandma made the first one!" Alan whispered.
"I heard that!" 
The youngest Tracy scarpered, leaving Virgil alone with the decadent desert. Smooth chocolate dripped from the sides of the cake, which was carefully adorned with ruby red cherries atop swirled cream. 
How it had survived Alan's presence this far into the evening was a minor miracle in itself. Virgil scanned for the sweet-toothed teen but the astronaut had vanished.
"Ah well...all the more for me!" he shrugged happily.
The birthday bachelor was halfway through plating up a generous slice of the black forest gateaux, when he spotted Gordon and Tamara making their way back across the beach; their surfboards abandoned near the shoreline.
"Everything okay?" he heard himself call. The fact that Gordon was approaching sans board, and Tam was holding her head made it pretty clear that it wasn't, but a small part of him was hopeful that he was wrong, because...cake.  
"There was one rogue wave that toppled our boards. Tam decided to pick a fight with her board and lost." 
"Honestly, it's nothing - I'm fine!" 
Several Tracys straightened, ready to help, but Virgil was first to close the distance between them. Thankfully, the others continued with the celebration, as if not to overwhelm their injured guest.
"You're bleeding." 
"One of the fins nicked her just below her hairline." Gordon gestured.
"It's just a scratch."
"Let me see."
Gordon scooped her hair back in order for Virgil to gain a better look.
"Really, I told you, it's nothing. Can you both stop fussing? Let's just enjoy the party."
"Yeah, not likely. If fussing were an Olympic sport, you'd have podium victors one, two, and three here!" Gordon said, gesturing to his Grandma and two eldest brothers.
"This one here is your gold medalist." He nodded at Virgil.
The medic chose not to bite.
"You need it cleaned up and some butterfly strips applied. It's quite a clean cut, so should patch up nicely, if we see to it quickly." He set down his untouched cake.
"Really, it's-"
"Or, if you prefer, Virg can get the doctors at Auckland to take a look?" Gordon grinned.
Tam levelled him with a stare.
"Tempting as that is, what with Two being the best Thunderbird and all..."
Virgil stifled a laugh.
"Damn Virg, she must've really hit her head hard, if she thinks your green bathtub trumps Four!"
"I mean...Two does see more action than Four."
"Yeah, but Four has the more satisfied customers."
"Guys, you're both pretty..."
"Hear that Virg? She thinks I'm pretty! Wait, where y' going?"
"To find a plaster and hoodie?" As if to emphasize her point, Tam gave an involuntary shiver with the onshore breeze.
Virgil shrugged off his favourite plaid shirt and draped it over her shoulders. 
"Come on, there's a med kit back at the villa. I'll get you patched up."
"I can do it Virg; it's your birthday." Gordon offered.
"It's fine. I'm a gold medalist when it comes to fussing, remember?" He winked to keep the banter light. 
"Alrighty then. You kids have fun. I'm gonna go teach that board a lesson." The aquanaut gave a mock salute then trotted back towards the surf.
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littlechaoticwitch · 26 days
Pokémon Gijinkas
Inspired by the teams made by @fluorescencefuture, here some concepts of my own Pokémon teams!
Brilliant Diamond (Inspired by the magical girl genre)
-Aurora (Empoleon ♀): A former performer who took up teaching after a tragic accident. Thoughtful but reserved, she is awkward in social settings due to her "space cadet" personality, but she makes up for it with her unwavering kindness towards everyone she meets. After encountering a strange child, she vows to protect the three lakes from being harmed, just like in her childhood dreams….
-Violet (Shiny Roserade ♀): Aurora's mentor from her early days as a performer. A clever woman with a sharp tongue and a bitter opinion on fame, she lives for the theater and dancing but was stuck being the spokeswoman for a high-end perfume company instead. When her decades-long contract ended, she went to pursue her other passion, which is earning a PhD in toxicology.
-Ember (Rapidash ♀): A younger farmer from Solaceon Town. Independent, brave, and hard-working, she wants a better life for her siblings outside of their small farm, but she is extremely stubborn, struggles with following orders, and has a terrible temper. She was an aspiring Olympic star as a teenager but had to put those dreams on hold when her parents mysteriously passed away.
-Naomi (Lopunny ♀): A fashion student from Veilstone City. A sweet and cheerful young woman with crippling social anxiety, she has been taking kick-boxing lessons to build up her courage but she's still prone to running away from anything dangerous. The only time she isn't a complete sweetheart is when she sees a fashion disaster, which includes every member of Team Galactic.
-Dusk (Honchkrow ♀): The daughter of a low-level crime boss, she lives in Eterna Forest to practice witchcraft in peace. She has become infamous in Eterna City for her impish, mean-spirited attitude and her tendency to speak her mind, no matter how cruel it sounds. But with a love for pulling pranks and stealing shiny things, she has become quite the problem for Team Galactic.
-Kyu (Mew): A mysterious young child whom Aurora meets in Floaroma Town, where they were originally under the care of an elderly couple. Despite having great psychic abilities, they have no memory of where they came from or how they are able to give magical powers to others. Playful and childish, they are also curious and shy, clinging onto Aurora like a child would with their mother.
Let's Go Pikachu! (Inspired by detective stories such as Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys)
-Paprika (Pikachu ♀): A bright and excitable orphan who wishes to travel the region to solve its mysteries. From the fossils at the Pewter Museum of Science, to the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, there isn't a mystery she won't try to solve… except maybe what happened to her birth parents. When Team Rocket starts causing problems, she takes it upon herself to stop them.
-Luna (Nidorina ♀): A soft-spoken and gentle young girl from a large family, she is Paprika's best friend and partner-in-crime when it comes to solving mysteries. She has more of a practical reason of doing detective work, as the money they earn goes right back to her parents and younger siblings. She dreams of becoming a photojournalist one day, so she carries a camera around with her.
-Rex (Venusaur ♂): A research assistant from Cerulean City. A mature but burnt-out college graduate who wishes to publish his research on evolution oddities, he takes up a responsible "big brother" role towards the girls, as they both remind him a lot of his own little sister. He is curious about the odd stone he found but has never gotten the chance to do proper research.
-Ursula (Tentacruel ♀): A professional surfer and Rex's ex-girlfriend, where they have a love-hate relationship. Classy, flamboyant, and oozing with confidence, she takes on a "big sister" role to the girls, where she tries to help instill more confidence in them and learn how to go after what they want in life. She will deny any claims of being an "alien nerd" back in college.
-Mochi (Arcanine ♂): The teenage son of a Silph Company employee, the group comes across him after he is caught trying to break into the building. Well-mannered and respectable, he comes from a rich family, but he secretly craves a life of adventure, hence why he decides to tag along with the group. He has an odd sort of rivalry with Zero, though he denies everything.
-Zero (Haunter ♂): A punk teenager from Lavender Town who tags along to mess with people. When Paprika and Luna try to uncover the mysteries of the Pokémon Tower, he tried to pull a nasty prank on the girls but instead got beaten up for his troubles. Mischievous and a bit weird with his dark humor, which he uses quite often to tease a certain rich boy.
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medicaldoctordana · 2 years
Can you write something with mulder’s boyish charm and Scully absolutely delighted by it?
Well it's not exactly that but it sure is something.
Scientific Integrity
Rated G
W/C: 650
“Look, Scully! I found another one!”
“Mulder, when you said a nice trip to the forest, I was skeptical. Especially considering how the last two nice trips turned out. But this, this one’s actually kind of nice.” Scully’s smile was bright, it was the one she usually reserved for quiet moments of joy. Like biting into her mother’s corned beef, or seeing the name of an old med school friend in her medical journals.
Scully looked up through the trees, astounded by their height and the peaceful sounds they made in the breeze. They had only been walking through the woods for a mere hour. The sun was shining and the heat was abnormal but satisfying for an October in Washington. This trip was much more pleasant than the last time they traipsed around the Olympic National Forest.
“Woolly bear’s stripes are said to predict the conditions of the upcoming winter. You see here?-”
Mulder brought his palm up to Scully’s face with the wiggly little caterpillar crawling from finger to thumb.
“The more black there is on their body, the harsher the winter will be. But then, you also have to take into consideration the amount of orange, and! And! Where its head is and how far the coloring extends before shifting.”
Mulder’s free hand indicated where the borders were on the particular caterpillar resting in his hand.
“You see here, Scully?”
Yes, she saw there, his childlike delight.
“Here we can see that the orange is equidistant from both sections of black, which span the same length. You'd think from this that the area will see a moderate winter. It starts moderate and will end moderate. The Isabella tiger moth will hatch come May.”
Mulder made frequent eye contact with Scully, eyes shifting back and forth from her to the caterpillar. Her gaze, however, rarely glanced downward.
With a giddy grin, Mulder somehow produced another caterpillar and placed it beside the other.
“But this caterpillar here- he barely has any orange. He’s telling us it will be a harsh winter. Starting moderate but ending harsh. See how far the black extends on both sides, Scully?”
Mulder sustained his gaze as he waited with bated breath for her answer.
“Yes, Mulder. I see.” Scully’s arms were crossed in amusement. Some days her job felt more like babysitting and less like professional investigating.
“Good that's great because here we have a third caterpillar with-”
“Mulder, how many caterpillars do you have?” Scully interrupted.
“Just seven,” he responded innocently like he’d been asked how many of his mother’s vases or lamps he broke while playing baseball inside.
“Mulder!” Scully’s eyes widened at the number. Surely he wasn't going to perform this little show and tell with all seven of the caterpillars. And where was he hiding the other four?
“What? Scully! We’re in the forest. It's prime larvae time. These little critters have to start their metamorphosis before the weather turns too cold. If I picked up each one I saw along the way I’d have 27, not just seven. Be happy, Scully. I could be crawling with ‘pillars right now but instead, I selected only the most prestigious of crawlers for scientific integrity. I thought you'd be proud.”
Scully rolled her eyes, “Mulder if you were concerned with scientific integrity, you'd know to pick seven at random to get a more accurate accumulation of data points. By hand selecting seven out of 27, you've tainted your data with personal bias.”
“Scully you wound me! How dare you accuse me of inciting bias!”
“It's not an accusation Mulder, it's fact! You have a biased sample group!”
“Well, lucky for you, there are still another three miles to our destination. Plenty of time to un-bias my sample group.”
Scully’s eyes were getting sore at the number of rolls they were engaging in. She took back her sentiment, this trip wasn't that nice.
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kitsapmarketing · 3 months
Living the Kitsap Life: Your Ultimate Guide to Local Hotspots
Discover the Best of Kitsap Life
Are you ready to embrace the Kitsap Life? Nestled between the beautiful Puget Sound and the majestic Olympic Mountains, Kitsap County, Washington, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, vibrant communities, and rich local culture. This comprehensive guide will immerse you in the best experiences Kitsap Life has to offer, from outdoor adventures to charming local businesses. If you're looking to explore what makes Kitsap Life special, read on to uncover the ultimate hotspots and activities that define this beautiful region.
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Explore Outdoor Adventures in Kitsap Life
Scenic Trails and Parks
One of the cornerstones of Kitsap Life is its abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities. The Kitsap Peninsula is dotted with scenic trails and lush parks perfect for hiking, biking, and exploring nature. Start your journey at Bloedel Reserve in Bainbridge Island, where you can wander through meticulously landscaped gardens and serene woodlands. For a more rugged adventure, head to Olympic National Forest, which offers a range of trails from easy walks to challenging hikes with stunning views of the surrounding wilderness.
Water Activities and Beaches
Water plays a central role in Kitsap Life, and there are countless ways to enjoy it. Silverdale Waterfront Park provides a family-friendly spot for picnicking, kayaking, and beachcombing. For a more secluded experience, visit Rhododendron Beach Park on Bainbridge Island, where you can relax on the shore, explore tide pools, or enjoy a peaceful sunset.
Immerse Yourself in Local Culture
Farmers' Markets and Local Shops
A true representation of Kitsap Life can be found in its local markets and shops. The Port Orchard Farmers Market offers a delightful selection of fresh produce, artisanal goods, and homemade treats. Dive into the local food scene by visiting The Bread and Rose, a cozy bakery in Bremerton that’s a favorite among residents. Additionally, the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art showcases regional artists and provides a glimpse into the creative spirit of Kitsap Life.
Historic Landmarks and Museums
Kitsap Life also encompasses a rich historical heritage. The Kitsap Historical Society Museum in Bremerton is a great place to learn about the area's past through engaging exhibits and artifacts. Another must-visit is the Puget Sound Navy Museum, where you can explore the history of the U.S. Navy’s presence in the region.
Savor the Flavors of Kitsap Life
Local Dining Spots
Food is an integral part of Kitsap Life, and there are many exceptional dining options to explore. For a memorable meal, visit The Loft, a Bremerton restaurant known for its creative dishes and waterfront views. Another excellent choice is Mora Ice Cream, which offers a delightful range of flavors made from local ingredients.
Craft Breweries and Wineries
Kitsap Life also offers a vibrant craft beverage scene. Snoqualmie Falls Brewery in Bremerton provides a variety of locally brewed beers that reflect the region’s unique flavors. If you prefer wine, check out Nash’s Organic Produce, which hosts wine tastings and sells a selection of locally-produced wines.
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Engage with the Community
Annual Events and Festivals
Living the Kitsap Life means participating in community events and festivals. The Kitsap County Fair is a highlight of the year, featuring carnival rides, live entertainment, and exhibits showcasing local talent. Another annual event, Bainbridge Island Film Festival, offers film enthusiasts the chance to enjoy independent films in a picturesque setting.
Community Groups and Activities
For those who want to become more involved in Kitsap Life, there are numerous community groups and activities to join. Engage with the local community through Kitsap Humane Society’s volunteer opportunities or participate in Kitsap Regional Library events and programs for all ages.
In Understanding This…
In understanding this ultimate guide to living the Kitsap Life, it becomes clear that this region offers a diverse array of experiences and opportunities for every type of resident or visitor. From its stunning outdoor landscapes to its rich cultural scene and welcoming community, Kitsap Life represents a unique and fulfilling way of living. Embrace the local hotspots, savor the flavors, and dive into the activities that define Kitsap Life. Whether you’re a lifelong resident or a new visitor, there’s always something new to discover in this enchanting part of Washington State.
By exploring these local gems and embracing the opportunities available, you can truly experience the best of what Kitsap Life has to offer.
Discover our exciting blog series, 'Unveiling Kitsap Life: Discover the Hidden Gems of PNW.' Learn revolutionary techniques, refine your design expertise, and gather essential perspectives to create stunning digital solutions that define excellence.
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mayakshethra · 3 months
Top Travel Destinations: Your Ultimate Guide for 2024 Adventures
As the world continues to open up, 2024 is shaping up to be a year of unforgettable travel adventures. Whether you're seeking cultural immersion, breathtaking landscapes, or thrilling experiences, this ultimate guide highlights the top travel destinations to explore in 2024. From exotic escapes to classic favorites, these locations promise to satisfy your wanderlust and create memories that will last a lifetime best travel agency in alappuzha
1. Japan: The Land of the Rising Sun
Japan remains a perennial favorite for travelers, offering a unique blend of traditional culture and modern innovation. In 2024, the country's allure is stronger than ever, with events like the Tokyo Summer Olympics drawing global attention. Visit Kyoto for its serene temples and stunning cherry blossoms, explore Tokyo's bustling neighborhoods and cutting-edge technology, and soak in the natural beauty of Hokkaido's landscapes.
Must-See Attractions:
Kyoto's Fushimi Inari Shrine
Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing and Akihabara district
Hokkaido's Niseko ski resorts and hot springs
2. Italy: A Journey Through History and Cuisine
Italy's charm lies in its rich history, world-class art, and delectable cuisine. In 2024, destinations like Rome, Florence, and Venice continue to captivate visitors. Wander through ancient ruins, marvel at Renaissance masterpieces, and indulge in authentic Italian dishes. The Amalfi Coast, with its stunning coastal scenery and charming towns, remains a top pick for those seeking a picturesque escape.
Must-See Attractions:
Rome's Colosseum and Vatican City
Florence's Uffizi Gallery and Duomo
Venice's Grand Canal and St. Mark's Basilica
Amalfi Coast's Positano and Ravello
3. New Zealand: Adventure and Natural Wonders
For those craving adventure and natural beauty, New Zealand is an ideal destination. The country's diverse landscapes, from rugged mountains to pristine beaches, offer endless opportunities for outdoor activities. In 2024, explore the vibrant cities of Auckland and Wellington, embark on thrilling hikes in Fiordland National Park, and discover the geothermal wonders of Rotorua.
Must-See Attractions:
Auckland's Sky Tower and Waiheke Island
Fiordland National Park's Milford Sound
Rotorua's geysers and Maori cultural experiences
4. Greece: Mythical Islands and Ancient Ruins
Greece continues to enchant travelers with its stunning islands, ancient ruins, and vibrant culture. In 2024, destinations like Santorini, Mykonos, and Athens offer a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration. Enjoy the sun-drenched beaches, explore historical sites, and savor delicious Greek cuisine. The lesser-known island of Naxos is also gaining popularity for its unspoiled beauty and traditional charm.
Must-See Attractions:
Santorini's Oia and Fira
Mykonos' beaches and nightlife
Athens' Acropolis and Parthenon
Naxos' Portara and traditional villages
5. Costa Rica: Ecotourism and Biodiversity
Costa Rica is a paradise for eco-conscious travelers, known for its commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. In 2024, the country's lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and abundant wildlife make it a top choice for nature lovers. Explore the Arenal Volcano, relax on the beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park, and embark on thrilling zip-lining adventures in Monteverde.
Must-See Attractions:
Arenal Volcano and hot springs
Manuel Antonio National Park's beaches and wildlife
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve's zip-lining and canopy tours
6. South Africa: Wildlife and Scenic Beauty
South Africa offers a unique blend of wildlife encounters, vibrant cities, and breathtaking landscapes. In 2024, embark on a safari adventure in Kruger National Park, explore Cape Town's iconic Table Mountain, and visit the picturesque Garden Route. The country's rich cultural heritage and diverse ecosystems make it a must-visit destination for any traveler.
Must-See Attractions:
Kruger National Park's Big Five safari
Cape Town's Table Mountain and Robben Island
Garden Route's coastal beauty and charming towns
7. Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice
Iceland's otherworldly landscapes and natural wonders continue to captivate travelers. In 2024, this Nordic island offers a unique combination of volcanic activity, glaciers, and hot springs. Witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights, relax in the Blue Lagoon, and explore the stunning Golden Circle. Iceland's rugged beauty and outdoor adventures make it an unforgettable destination.
Must-See Attractions:
Northern Lights in Reykjavik
Blue Lagoon's geothermal spa
Golden Circle's Geysir, Gullfoss, and Thingvellir National Park
8. Australia: Diverse Landscapes and Unique Wildlife
Australia's vast landscapes and unique wildlife offer endless possibilities for exploration. In 2024, discover the vibrant city life of Sydney and Melbourne, snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef, and explore the Outback's rugged terrain. Australia's blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty makes it a top destination for travelers seeking diverse experiences.
Must-See Attractions:
Sydney's Opera House and Harbour Bridge
Great Barrier Reef's snorkeling and diving
Uluru's sacred rock formations and Aboriginal culture
9. Peru: Ancient Civilizations and Scenic Trails
Peru is a treasure trove of ancient civilizations and breathtaking landscapes. In 2024, explore the mystical ruins of Machu Picchu, trek the scenic Inca Trail, and discover the vibrant culture of Cusco. The Amazon rainforest and the Sacred Valley offer additional opportunities for adventure and exploration.
Must-See Attractions:
Machu Picchu's ancient ruins
Inca Trail's trekking adventure
Cusco's colonial architecture and vibrant markets
Amazon rainforest's biodiversity
10. Canada: Natural Wonders and Vibrant Cities
Canada's vast wilderness and cosmopolitan cities make it a diverse travel destination. In 2024, explore the stunning Rocky Mountains, experience the multicultural charm of Toronto, and visit the picturesque coastal cities of Vancouver and Halifax. Canada's friendly locals and breathtaking landscapes ensure a memorable journey.
Must-See Attractions:
Rocky Mountains' Banff and Jasper National Parks
Toronto's CN Tower and multicultural neighborhoods
Vancouver's Stanley Park and Granville Island
Halifax's historic waterfront and maritime culture
2024 is a year of incredible travel opportunities, with destinations offering a mix of adventure, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're exploring the ancient ruins of Greece, embarking on a safari in South Africa, or experiencing the vibrant city life of Japan, these top travel destinations promise unforgettable experiences. So pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and make 2024 a year of exploration and discovery  best travel agency in kochi
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kitsap-life · 3 months
Kitsap Life Adventures: Thrills Beyond the Ordinary
Kitsap Life offers an array of thrilling adventures that go beyond the ordinary, promising unforgettable experiences for all who seek them. From outdoor escapades to unique local attractions, Kitsap County is a playground for adventurers. This article dives into the exhilarating activities that define Kitsap Life, providing an in-depth guide to the thrills that await.
Top Outdoor Adventures in Kitsap Life
Kitsap Life is synonymous with outdoor adventures. The region’s diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for exploration and excitement. One of the most popular activities is hiking the numerous trails that wind through Kitsap County. Green Mountain State Forest stands out with its challenging terrain and panoramic views of the Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound.
For water enthusiasts, Kitsap Life provides a plethora of options. Kayaking in the serene waters of Liberty Bay and Hood Canal offers a unique perspective of the region’s stunning coastline. More adventurous souls can try their hand at paddleboarding or sailing, with several local outfitters providing rentals and guided tours.
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Unique Experiences in Kitsap Life
Kitsap Life is full of unique experiences that set it apart from other destinations. One of the most enchanting activities is a bioluminescent kayak tour. During the summer months, the waters around Kitsap County light up with glowing plankton, creating a magical and surreal adventure that’s truly beyond the ordinary.
Another unique aspect of Kitsap Life is its rich marine life. Scuba diving off the coast of Kitsap County reveals vibrant underwater ecosystems teeming with diverse marine species. Dive sites like Orchard Rocks and Blakely Harbor are popular among divers for their stunning underwater scenery and abundant sea life.
Also Read - Kitsap Life: Hidden Gems You Need to See
Cultural and Historical Adventures
Beyond its natural beauty, Kitsap Life offers a wealth of cultural and historical adventures. The Kitsap Peninsula is dotted with historical landmarks that provide a glimpse into the region’s past. The Suquamish Museum, for instance, offers an in-depth look at the heritage of the Suquamish Tribe, including artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of Chief Seattle.
For a more interactive experience, the Puget Sound Navy Museum in Bremerton showcases the naval history of the area, complete with exhibits on shipbuilding and life at sea. These cultural adventures enrich the Kitsap Life experience, providing context and depth to the region’s vibrant history.
Festivals and Community Events
Kitsap Life is alive with festivals and community events that bring residents and visitors together. The annual Viking Fest in Poulsbo celebrates the town’s Scandinavian heritage with parades, traditional music, and delicious food. The Kitsap County Fair and Stampede is another highlight, offering rodeo events, carnival rides, and local exhibits that showcase the community’s talents.
These events not only provide entertainment but also foster a strong sense of community, making Kitsap Life a truly welcoming place for all.
Hidden Gems of Kitsap Life
Exploring Kitsap Life means uncovering its hidden gems. The lesser-known Anderson Landing Preserve offers tranquil hiking trails and stunning views of the Hood Canal. For a peaceful retreat, visit the Guillemot Cove Nature Reserve, where lush forests and scenic shoreline create a perfect escape from the everyday hustle.
Old Man House Park in Suquamish is another hidden gem, offering historical significance and serene waterfront views. This park, once the site of Chief Seattle’s longhouse, provides a quiet spot for reflection and connection with the area’s rich cultural heritage.
Understand This
Kitsap Life is a haven for adventurers seeking thrills beyond the ordinary. From outdoor activities and unique experiences to cultural adventures and hidden gems, Kitsap County offers a diverse array of exciting opportunities. This in-depth guide has highlighted the top adventures that define Kitsap Life, encouraging you to explore and embrace the thrilling experiences that await in this beautiful region.
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gunelle · 4 months
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Photos and text: @ladzinski
1-. Blue Wax Bill's enjoying a mid day bath in the Timbavati Reserve in northern South Africa in a small pool of water
2-. Carmel. California
3-. A male Great Horned Owl sits perched and alert within eye sight of his nesting mate in the early evening
4-. Endless Chamonix
5-. Courting egrets mirrored up
6-. Chasing the Midnight sun. Iceland
7-. Dogs
8-. Exploring the covered bridges and foggy streets by headlamp in the lower Grindelwald Valley on the Alps
9-. Explosions under a falling sky, last nights lighting storm from Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park was unreal
10-. Fading light over the shivwits reservation in SW Utah
11-. Glacial runoff pouring down the rocky cliffs and mossy talus of the interior of south east Greenland
12-. Golden beams of sun breaking through storm clouds and warming up the hills of South West Utah
13-. Grindelwald valley, not a bad morning view with a cup of coffee
14-. I shot this photo here in Torres del Paine in february of 2014
15-. I'm not sure what kind of bird this is, ut it had a serious fearless attitude, even when I was at groud level with it. Everything in Africa is tougher
16-. It's hard not to love. Olympic National Park
17-. It's nice to be back in Grindelwald, Switzerland
18-. It's tough to beat the view of an electrial storm at 12.000 ft from trail ridge road in Rocky Mountain National Park
19-. A lone seagull chillin at sunset, bigSur California
20-. A paraglider floating high above Grindlewald, Switzerland
21-. A Red Tail Hawk on the prowl
22-. Nesting on the hunt
23-. Seagulls on the hunt for French fries near Westminster Abbey
24-. The Sintra Forest in Portugal just feels prehistoric, even more so when the fog rolls in
25-. The TowerBridge under a chilly winter night sky
26-. Light beams dancing and illuminating the Grindelwald Valley, Switzerland
27-. A Sandhill Crane in flight cruising over the Lee Metcalf Wildlife Preserve in Montana
28-. Blue Moon
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slowtravelingcat · 8 months
Cat meditation and Olympic National Park
Monday, August 23rd, 2021
CAL - After nearly two weeks of constant company from the large, bald one, I was finally given a break this weekend. Around nightfall, on Friday she left the house without so much as a goodbye. Judging from the size of her bag, I estimated that she would return on Monday morning. Having 2 full days to myself, I engaged in my own form of silent meditation and am just starting to make sense of this past year on the road. 
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MICHELE - After two full weeks without adventure, I finally left our temporary home to explore Olympic National Park. The adventure started on Friday evening with a 30-minute ferry ride from Coupeville to Port Townsend. The boat was small and the route is popular, for this reason, reservations are highly recommended. 
Upon arrival in Port Townsend, I made the 1.5-hour drive to a private campground, just outside of Port Angeles. My little RV proved to be the perfect jumping-off point for the most well-known sites in the park.
Unlike most National Parks, this one spans nearly 1000 acres, which includes highways and entire towns. It’s broken down into areas of interest, each with its own park entrance kiosk and visitor center. It can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate, especially with the lack of cell service throughout the area. Luckily I planned ahead!
On Saturday I started the day with the hour-long drive to the town of Forks. I made a quick stop for breakfast and coffee at “A Shot in the Dark”, a drive-through coffee hut. Upon arrival at the Hoh River Rainforest, I waited approximately one hour to enter the park, due to the parking lot being full. For any summer visits to the park, I’d recommend budgeting extra time for this reason. 
I spent most of the afternoon hiking the Hoh River trail, in search of a place called One Square Inch of Silence. Located 3.2 miles into the forest, this space has been designated as the most silent place in North America. I followed the directions provided by OneSquareInch.org and found the location on my first try. 
After successfully experiencing the silence of the rainforest, I took about 20 minutes to peek into the Hall of Mosses, the better-known trail in the area. On the way back to Port Angeles, I passed through Forks again, stopping at the Subway in the 76 gas station for lunch. A short, 15-minute drive landed me at Rialto Beach for a picnic with one of the most dramatic views I’ve ever experienced. If possible, I’d recommend arriving at Rialto during low tide. 
By the time I was heading home, it was already starting to get dark. I made my final stop at the Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort for a quick soak. For just $15 of admissions, you can enjoy up to one hour of soaking time in 3 different pools. The full capacity is 100 people, so reservations may be required. I personally found the facilities to be overcrowded and left after just 20 minutes. 
For Sunday, I focused on exploring the sites closer to Port Angeles, starting with Hurrican Ridge. This is a must-see if you are ever in the area!
After a 45-minute drive up a mountain, I landed at one of the most beautiful views to date. The visitor center alone is worth the drive up the hill. After consulting with a park ranger, I decided to hike the 1-mile loop, called Cirque Rim, just outside of the visitor center and Hurricane Hill, which is a 3.2-mile (round trip), paved pathway to a stunning, 360-degree view of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Olympic Mountains. 
After a morning of hiking, I enjoyed a late lunch in Port Angeles and then headed over to Lake Cresent Lodge for a slow amble along the beach and then to the Salt Creek Recreation Area to sit on the rocky beach as the tide came crashing in for the evening. 
After a long day, I ended up back at my home base with a pint of ice cream for dinner. After a brief encounter with Netflix, I slept like a rock before waking up at 6am to catch the ferry back to Whidbey Island. What a whirlwind weekend! I could have easily stayed at Olympic National Park for a full week. 
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popeofmars · 9 months
Oh my dearest beloved please take heed when I tell you of the depths of my affection for while I admit I drone ever on for this topic it is part of how I love.
When I lay awake at night with a heart overflowing with love I must find something to do with this excess so I write of you and how just your memory eases my distress.
When my sugar cravings make everything in the cabinet seem bland I need only call for my dearest because your presence is like nectar my love.
In those days when my well of socializing has run dry it always finds a secret reserve for the one who sets my heart ablaze for you erase the need for words such as solitude.
Some people express their love through touch, adorning their partners with embraces softer than a chill winters air, others will do it by acting out their love in wonderful displays of Cooking. I however need to write.
I need to put pen to paper and ink to parchment and infuse each stroke with the drops from the endless sea of fondness that stirs within me.
I love by using what words exist today in dazzling dances of vocabulary in an attempt to give definitions to words that do not and may not ever exist because no mortal tounge can translate this devotion you inspire.
I love by making sure that even after I have long since shed my mortal coil and the forest that we use to dance in has fossilized itself unto stone that my love for you can still be close at hand for when the days seem painted over with grey and gloom.
I write because that is what someone does when given a glimpse of Divinity, I make holy doctrine and religious texts full of nothing but devotion to a deity I am never worthy of and forever greatful to.
My Paramore I write to and of you because this is how I love and I know no other way that I can show it so truthfully.
My hands cannot make statues or paintings or jewelry or meals with the gusto some can provide. My touch alone cannot convey all to you that I have to express. Only my words have the strength to carry such passion. Each sentence an embodiment of Atlas or Hercules, given the Olympic task of holding a sliver of the love in my heart to you when and wherever you reside when you need them most.
I only ask that you forgive me for the torrents of text and piles of poetry, and promise that one day in the decades to come I will find a way to consolidate my writings if ever possible.
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whattheabcxyz · 1 year
Government to announce new incentives for family offices here - new Trade Finance Registry also set up to mitigate risks such as duplicate financing
Economy to get a boost from several upcoming concerts by big names - mainly Coldplay, Taylor Swift & Jacky Cheung
More than 100 haj pilgrims here stuck in plane on runway for hours before being finally told to go home - the Saudia plane they were on had supposedly experienced technical issues
Barriers erected at 3 sites in Zhenghua Nature Park to keep residents safe from wild boars - it wouldn’t have come to this if our government hadn’t persistently deforested our island, robbing wildlife of their homes!!!
Tonga volcanic eruption last year generated 192K lightning flashes across 11 hours - there were 2.6K flashes per minute at its peak!
Singapore: The Reserve Residences in Bukit Timah promises “forest reserve living” - how ‘bout NOT cutting down forests to build more homes in the 1st place?!
Singapore: Olympic Esports Week action kicks off at Suntec - what are they in actual sports gear for?! lol
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^ Physicists knew black holes eventually disappear particle by particle... now they think everything else does, too
Singapore: P6 & Sec 4 students flock to tuition centres for mock exams after scrapping of school midterms
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miniatdetective · 1 year
Un buon posto dove atterrare ツ
𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐡 è un'area di villeggiatura all'interno dell'Olympic National Park, nella parte occidentale della contea di Jefferson (Washington, Stati Uniti).
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ll nome Kalaloch è deriva da Quinault, pronunciato Kq–â-lā'–ȯk, che significa un buon posto dove atterrare, lancio e atterraggio della canoa o atterraggio riparato. Il sito era uno dei pochi luoghi di atterraggio sicuri per le piroghe tra il fiume Quinault e il fiume Hoh.
Gli artefatti scoperti nel Parco nazionale, sono la prova che i primi esseri umani abitavano la penisola da 6.000 a 12.000 anni fa.
Oggi, otto tribù (Elwha Klallam, Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Makah, Port Gamble, Quileute, Quinault, S'Klallam e Skokomish) vivono in riserve lungo le coste. Nel 1855 e nel 1856, le tribù della Penisola cedettero le loro terre e le loro acque al governo federale.
Nel 1889, Washington divenne uno stato; il presidente Grover Cleveland creò l'Olympic Forest Reserve nel 1897 (ribattezzata Olympic National Forest nel 1907). Becker utilizzò il legname fresato dei tronchi di legni riversati sulla spiaggia per costruire il lodge principale e le cabine.
Per preservare alcune delle terre forestali primordiali di Washington, nel 1938 il presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt designò 898.000 acri (363.000 ettari) come Parco nazionale; due anni dopo, il presidente Roosevelt aggiunse al parco 300 miglia quadrate (780 km 2 ).
Il presidente Harry S. Truman aggiunse 75 miglia (121 km) di deserto costiero al Parco nel 1953 (inclusa l'area di Kalaloch). Nel 1976, il Parco Nazionale Olimpico è stato designato Riserva Internazionale della Biosfera.
Il National Park Service acquistò la proprietà Becker nel 1978, chiamandola Kalaloch Lodge.
Il Parco nazionale è stato designato, nel 1981, come sito del patrimonio mondiale; nel 1988, il Congresso ha approvato la designazione del 95% del parco come Olympic Wilderness.
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Circa 73 miglia (117 km) di spiaggia nel Parco Nazionale Olimpico offrono opportunità di beachcombing; a Kalaloch, sette sentieri sulla spiaggia conducono a escursioni costiere e a Kalaloch Creek.
Le possibilità di pesca a Kalaloch includono: pesce persico, salmone e trota autoctona; con la bassa marea, si può scavare alla ricerca di cannolicchi.
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Aquile calve, tridattidi dalle zampe nere, svassi dalla gola rossa, scoter neri e pellicani bruni sono qui tra i maggiori avvistamenti; dalle scogliere di Kalaloch, si possono vedere balene grigie in migrazione, leoni marini, focene e foche del porto, lontre marine e orche.
Il National Park Service gestisce una stazione dei ranger nella zona, durante l'estate.
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samuell2 · 1 year
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May 29th — Shibuya, Harajuku, and Meiji Shrine
We started the day with another delicious Japanese breakfast (so many macros) and rode the Ginza line all the way to Shibuya. It was a rainy day, and I decided to go for a rain coat, which was a pretty horrible idea with all the humidity. I felt like I was back in Florida for a minute. Shibuya station had some amazing architecture that I really enjoyed, and of course, seeing the crossing was amazing. It really has a similar atmosphere to Times square, but a little more organized and open. The hachiko statue was adorable. In Shibuya, we popped into the 109 department store, but, after climbing all 7 levels, found out that it only had women’s clothes, which was a bummer. After that, we walked around to a few more shops, and I visited a record store with a pretty crazy selection of American music, though none of the Japanese bands I was looking for. From there, we went on to Harajuku. Me and Sebastian went into a few thrifts there, which were curated nicely, but I didn’t find them especially different from American thrifts— it seems the popular thrifted brands are the same in both places (or maybe the shop just caters to tourists). Vishnu and I ate at a western restaurant, which served Chicken and Waffles— a strange thing to eat in the middle of Tokyo, but pretty tasty nonetheless. After Harajuku, we took a walk to Meiji shrine (passing an amazing stadium from the 1964 Tokyo olympics), a peaceful and beautiful place, especially on a rainy day. The sheer size of the property was amazing in the middle of such a big city, and the canopy of bright green leaves above the wide path lined by trees was beautiful. I am quickly finding out that my favorite thing about Tokyo is the presence of beautiful nature in a sprawling metropolis. Actually, on the walk home from the hotel, I found another pretty shrine to Confucius, which was totally empty. At the hotel, I again was totally drained, and quickly collapsed at about 7:00 pm.
Academic Reflection
Wink on Pink was a pretty fascinating reading, but not exactly a surprising one. A lot of my female friends are pretty into Sanrio, so I’ve gotten familiar with all the characters and their prevalence in feminine culture in the US. It was really interesting to think about the idea of the infantilization of Japanese culture that is associated with this character. Certainly, I have seen many people in the west with this childish perception of Japan. The idea of soft power was also really interesting, especially considering the date of this article. As a young person, I know that, since the article's publication, Japan’s soft power over youth culture has grown tremendously. The prevalence of Sanrio in Japan has been obvious in many places (the massive Hello Kitty store in the Skytree, for one) but especially in Harajuku, which boasted a whole Pompompurin cafe. I did not see any Lolita fashion, though.
The second reading made me appreciate just how impactful the Meiji emperor was in changing Japan into a modern nation. That the government would construct not only a large shrine, but reserve a massive forest in the heart of Tokyo in his honor (featuring wine donations from France, no less) goes to show the reverence he receives. Seeing the shrine in person really drove this home.
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