#Once again I am so sorry for initially denying this request
dozing-marshmallow · 3 months
Hi hello there! Can you do a part 3 of the Ezekiel x yandere housewife reader!! It was really good!! Anyways keep up the good work!!
Aw thank you so much for the support lovely!! 🧸 This was my oldest request, going back to early October. I am so sorry I was so late in responding to this 😭. Enjoy everyone 💖
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It may not be shocking, but by this time, you’re pregnant.
Pregnant! With Ezekiel’s child! You knew those fertility drugs would be useful!
...Just to increase the number of babies you could subject your dear husband to.
After all, the more mini fusions of you and Ezekiel that ran around the house, the less likely he would leave you.
Not that you were insecure, but who’d pass on extra security?
He was yours, and yours alone.
You‘re so crazy that you had immunity to the draining changes your body was going through.
Ezekiel didn’t know how you got pregnant, but was intrigued nonetheless.
You both agreed that if it was a son, you would name him after Ezekiel. If a daughter, Elize.
Well, you conceived three sons and one girl all at once.
So there were three Ezekiels, one Elize.
Ezekiel didn’t meet them nor was in the same room until the labour was done.
Surprisingly, Ezekiel was equally overjoyed by each baby.
His sexism seemed to tone down drastically throughout the babies’ infancy and early childhood.
However, by adolescence, he reverted back to his old beliefs and declared Elize worthless, compared to her brothers.
You were ruthless to deny her comfort as she grew up to ask you in tears,“Why does dad hate me now, mom?” and “Did I do something wrong to make dad be so mean to me?” and “Please tell me he still cares about me, mom... Please?”
You’d condescendingly answer,“He thinks you were born the lesser gender is all, sweetheart. I can’t change what he thinks. Don’t bring this up again.”
What? If Ezekiel didn’t like something, you didn’t like it either. And your daughter, was no exception.
As a matter of fact, you were waiting for Ezekiel to demand you to dispose of her.
Or maybe you’d do it as an early birthday gift.
And by “dispose”, you simply mean put her up for adoption.
You weren’t heartless enough to kill your own child.
...Unless Ezekiel asked, then of course.
Eventually, living becomes tormenting for Elize as her once sweet brothers had morphed into sexist pigs and with no support from you, she ends up running away.
You had to pretend you cared for the sake of your image, filing a nonchalant missing report for her, though, some bizarre maternal voice was screaming, wailing your head off to find Elize.
So perhaps, in that fake initial glass of facade, reflected a real fragment of guilt.
However, there was no doubt of that insane, lovesick woman that steered control, saw Elize’s absence as an opportunity to fill her spot with a son.
A child your darling Ezekiel would actually like.
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Sir, I am sorry for that, but does not your zealous love towards Amanda make you a hypocrite, like those you hate so much. Let me explain: you call most of us survivors heretics for rather small sins, whereas Amanda was literally a drug-addicted prostitute(obviously, usually client requests contain a lot of perversion) AND later she killed mostly using contraptions, which in our, survivors case you see as cowardice, regardless of gender. Why would you trust and love her, while having sheer contempt towards the other marginal elements who, you know, also are having hard times?
(Love this blog, but I really want to know this)
"How dare thee... well... let me explain before I flay thee alive. Lady Amanda is exceptional for she was changed by that old man of twisted psyche. Reverse bear trap was her baptism, her rebirth, her cleansing of the past sins. She started cleansing the world, as corrupt as t'is, from scum, like she was once, showing her ascension above them. No longer she was the problem. She was a part of solution, and again she was martyred, with that being a complete and utter redemption. I sincerely believe Amanda deserves to be called saint more than... for example, that slavic prince who was initially a corrupt rapist heathen pillager and still lived as a bloody warmonger after accepting christianity and introducing it to his people. And... unlike thee, heretics, she never denied her sins or pretended to be saint and pure. She embraced her inner darkness, as I did, and found that will to kill ones she found unworthy. Contraptions, thee say... still, I know if someone in the realm, no matter how strong, is to threaten her, she will fight back violently and as effectively as possible. I also know those whom I call cowards shalt never do the same. I love her among all the others, for I just made my choice among them, for there is one love for one heart. Yet. If there is something I can respect in the others, I shalt say it out loud and I give no words to the wind. Now come out, filthy coward, and let me rip thy silver tongue!"
//In fact, I love questions like that. The tricky ones that question his entire idea. I also love the idea that Tarhos is sick and deluded, much like John Kramer or many other killers, making him a deeper and sadder case. Fairly, Tahros just made up an idealised portrait of Amanda in his mind, sick for tragedies and refuses to see the truth. In truth, his love towards Amanda is purely built on his emotional masochism and the emptiness of them both, and there is almost no actual virtue in both of those tainted souls. He is sincere, having only positive intention towards miss Piggy but he lies to himself as well, being a biggest heretic, the one he hates, so you're kinda right, anon. Violence and sadism are his other ways to silence the voice of truth. Well that still does not make the world or the others, like survivors, much better. And oh my, how I love the smell of grey morality and realization there are no good guys in the mornings)
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
💫Exception 💫
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Bonus flirting with danger chapter for Anon
(I won’t be doing this for everything guys, if you don’t have an A03 account yet I recommend you get one. When you request, it goes to them, not me. The reason many writers, including myself have locked our work is because AI is scrapping and stealing fanfics, supposedly. Once I hear news this has been stopped, or it’s been disproved, I’ll open my A03 to all again. Sorry to lock out those who don’t have accounts, i really am, I just want to protect my work)
How A03 invitations work
SPOILERS if you have not finished Flirting with Danger, of if you haven’t read the finale yet!!! Please catch up first.
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One year later
Ramón is a doting father. Everything you could have dreamed and more.
Over the last year, you’ve had moments you had to pinch yourself and make sure you weren’t dreaming. Before, when you dreamed of this outcome you felt foolish and like a romantic, it seemed so unreal, so unattainable. Your happy ending arrived, and you’re still savoring every single moment of it.
Unlike before, you’re not doing this alone anymore. Ramón is head over heels in love with Isabel and her with him; they’re two peas in a pod and you love seeing it. Ramón has been the happiest you’ve ever seen him. You didn’t think you could see him smile any brighter, or his eyes fill with anymore joy, he was already bursting at the seams with it.
Then, five months ago, you found out another little one is on the way. The news made you nervous but filled you with happiness too. Sure, you would have been fine only having Isabel, or at least waiting until she was 7 or 8 before another one. But you didn’t run from this one or deny it like before, and when you told Ramón it bought happy tears to his eyes. He so badly wanted to be there for everything with Isabel, and now he gets a second chance.
He's obsessed with your growing belly and is always littering it with kisses and speaking to the baby. When doing the tiniest tasks, he eases you away and takes things out of your hands, so you don’t have to lift anything.
“Ramón”, you say while giggling, “this isn’t heavy at all, I got it.”
“No, no let me. You should be resting, "he says while kissing your face, then dipping his head to kiss your belly.
Isabel’s excited too. One day when she was laying her head on your belly, as Ramón was reading a bedtime story to all of you, she sat up, looked you in the eyes and said,
“Mom it’s a girl.”
And when you went to the doctor around 4 months, you found out Isabel was right. You and Ramón have another little girl on the way and Isabel has already been suggesting names. Ramón has too.
Now, you’re in a beautiful spawning house, in a tropical place off way the map. The massive house is filled with laughter, jokes, and retelling of memories. You’ve been here for about a week now.
When Ramón suggested this, you were nervous, understandably so. The last time you saw any of the family was just before you were taken. And there was still a part of you that feared they knew the truth and you’d be walking into a trap.
Ramón did everything he could to calm your nerves and soothe your fears. He was amazingly supportive and even helped you come up with a narrative when the topic of where you were comes up.
Now, 7 days in, all those initial feelings and fears are long gone. You missed the family and being with them again feels like home. You didn’t realize how much you longed for family all these years having gone into hiding and not being able to contact anyone from your old life.
That's all changed now.
You are part of this family and the way they responded when they saw you made your heart grow 10 times larger. You didn’t expect to be missed, for them to wonder if you were okay, you didn’t expect to be received with open arms and Isabel stole the show, everyone loves her.
Before finding out about the second baby, Ramón surprised you with a ring. One he purchased before your disappearance with the help of Dina. It was cute, the story he told you about how nervous he was and worried he’d pick a ring you wouldn’t like.
Dina, as expected, did perfectly well, the ring is gorgeous and fits you to a T. You were surprised he held on to this, even after finding everything out and it conceived you even more that you two, despite the odds, despite the betrayal and lies, were always destined for a happy ending. Even in his angry and hurt state, he kept and traveled with your picture, and the ring.
The two of you didn’t do anything big or showy, he gave it to you and that was it. No church, no party. But the Arellano Felix family likes a party and even though they couldn't give you anything lavish that would call attention to their secret hideout, they had a party in the house (with just the family) and Benjamin officiated a small ceremony. It was beautiful, and you would have chosen this any day over a big party.
Going outside to get some air, you dip your feet in the pool and watch as Benjamin and Ramón run around with the girls, playing with Ruth and Isabel as they cackle and giggle. Dina exits the house next and sits to your left, in a lounge chair.
When you glance back at her, she’s grinning, there’s a light in her brown eyes. One you haven’t seen since her wedding.
“Look at them.” She glances at you, then back at the scene ahead.
“I know right,” you tilt your head to the side and smile.
After a moment Dina turns to you, “you’re different than before, in a good way.”
You make eye contact with her, “a lot’s happened in the last couple of years. It has a way of changing a person, making them more - mature, wiser.”
Dina nods.
“I’m happy to see all of you, and to see you smile. I know it’s been hard.”
Dina, in her classic way, only makes a micro expression but doesn’t dive deep on her heartbreaks of the last few years. Then she says, “we’re all here now, together, that's what matters.” her eyes jump to the ring on your finger. “It suits you.”
You nod in agreeance as you look at your hand then reply, “it’s perfect, thank you Dina.”
She gives you a little wave of the hand, like it’s not a big deal, then she smiles.
“What about you, think you’d even get married again? Is there a special guy?”
She grins and you can see her answer in her face before she replies.
“Marry? No. But let’s just say I’m not lonely.”
“Ah, okay.” You smile at her and glance back at the house. You have a sneaking suspicion who that someone is, you can see him inside in the living room. “As long as you’re happy.” You add warmly then start to rise to your feet.
Dina gets up and helps you. As you slide your feet into your sandals, her hand is warm on your back,
“Have you eaten? Do you need anything?” She asks.
“My stomach just started rumbling at me, so the little one is hungry now.”
Dina smiles and touches your belly, “come on, let’s get you both fed.”
As you two walked back into the house, you glance over your shoulder at Ramón. He’s holding Isabel in his arms. They both smile at you; you smile back and go inside.
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[Id: Two demiromantic flags colourpicked from official art of Trainer Mallow from the Pokemon Series. The flag has 6 horizontal stripes, with the top three stripes being shades of pink, whilst the bottom three are purple. In the middle of the flag there is a lineless yellow rose. The first flag has the official art over it, whilst the second is just the plain colourpicked flag. End id]
Requested by: anon
Flag made by: @yourlocalflagbitch
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cardansriddle · 3 years
I love your writing so much bestie it's just steals my heart each time, so I drop by to request:
could you write one about Tom Riddle like the reader is a pureblood Slytherin and they like each other but they can't stay together because her family doesn't approve ™️ of him? Her family were forcing her to marry someone(one of Tom's followers lmao) but he protests and they realize the scale of Tom's influence and he manages to win the family over?
(I'm really sorry if this is too specific, feel free to ignore this if you aren't comfortable)
Tom Riddle- Small, relevant obstacles.
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Warnings: None
A/N: First of all, thank you! I'm so happy you like my writing, it warms my heart <3 Secondly, I really loved writing this, and literally wrote it in one sitting which is rare for me.
The first time they met him, you could feel it all going downhill from the first moment.
You had invited Tom to dine with your family, as it was customary for parents to meet the man their daughter was courting, and he had agreed with little hesitance. You had informed him of all he needed to know, and did not worry a lot since you knew Tom had impeccable manners and charming people was as easy as breathing in air for him. You had seen him win over countless pureblood families in different balls and gatherings with his charms, and everyone that had met him, would always leave impressed.
Some would say you had overestimated Tom's abilities, but you knew you had just underestimated your parents' fussiness and paranoia. As their one and only child, they treated you like a fragile gem that could be stolen anytime, and while their concern was heart-warming, their overprotectiveness was irritating. They demanded and accepted only the best for their daughter, and they were not afraid to outright say it.
As you sat with Tom around the dining table, yo could feel your parents' gaze scrutinising every inch of Tom. His appearance, as always, was flawless, with not even a single strand of hair out of place. His suit was fitted against his form and made him appear even more intimidating that he already was.
As dinner got served, small talk was initiated but it was not long before the probing started. "So, Tom, tell us, where do you plan to work?"
As if he expected the question, he put his fork down and jutted out his chin. "Well, I will be working for the ministry and from there I am planning on working my way to the top until I become the Minister of Magic." He replied easily.
Your father rose a brow at his confidence. "You believe you can just become the Minister?"
Tom hid his smile. "That is the plan, yes."
Your mother cleared her throat. "That is quite...ambitious." She threw a look at your father.
You knew what they were thinking, so without any hesitance you spoke up. "Well, he is the Head Boy and the top of his classes. If anyone can be the next Minister, it is him. Even Headmaster Dippet said so."
Your mother looked at you for a moment, before addressing the wizard next to you once again. "Tell us a bit about your family. Where do they work?"
You inhaled sharply at her question, looking at Tom with a worried glance, hoping he would not get angry and storm out of the place. You had informed your parents about the death of Tom's parents and how it was a touchy subject, but it seemed your mother had no regards for neither his feelings or his privacy.
Your hand dropped under the table to find Tom's, and your fingers laced through his, providing some sense of comfort to him.
To his credit, he did not seem fazed by the question, and even if he was, he hid it well. "My parents are dead, ma'am. I am afraid I do not know much about them." He replied and his fingers squeezed your hand.
"Hm." She hummed thoughtfully, picking up her glass of wine and bringing it to her rouge lips. You glared at her darkly, wishing you could scream at her.
Your father took the opportunity to test him. "Tom, would you like some wine?"
He shook his head, denying the offer politely. "I do not drink." He lied easily.
"You know, I have never seen or heard of your family name. Are you not pureblooded?"
"Father—" You began but he held up a hand, gesturing for you to quiet down. You shut your mouth helplessly.
Tom's hold on your hand became painfully tight, and you resisted the urge to grimace.
"No. I am a halfblood." He said this as if the mere reminder of the word made him nauseous, and it probably did.
Your father leaned back in his chair, as if he already knew what he needed to know. "I see." He simply said, but you knew instantly he had decided that Tom was not worth it. They did not say it, but it was written all over their face.
It was only after the torturous dinner was over and Tom left the mansion, that your parents spoke their opinion.
"What were you thinking by courting a halfblood? Especially one with no inheritance or money! Have you lost your mind? He has no place in our society, no fortune to support you with." Your mother scolded disapprovingly. "I thought you knew better than to fall for a pretty face." She snapped and your father put a hand on her back to calm her.
"Your mother is right, dear. You would be better off with Orion Lestrange. Your mother and I had been thinking, and we think he is a perfect match for you. The other day his parents told us how he had taken a liking to you. It would be a powerful union of two influential families." He revealed, and even though his tone was far softer, his words were worse.
Your hands tightened into fists, and you could barely hold in your anger. "You...how can you say that?! I do not even like Lestrange, he is horrible!" Your voice rose with each exclamation. "Did you even consider how I would feel about this arrangement? Or you only cared about your reputation and connections? I will never marry Lestrange! And I will never forgive you if you force me into it."
They both looked astonished at your outburst and blatant refusal. You had always been obedient and had always been on your best behaviour. However, they had crossed a line by completely disregarding your personal feelings and trying to arrange a marriage between you and a person you despised.
"I will not hear any of this. Do not argue with us."
You huffed. "Do you even know who Tom is? He is the heir—"
Your father shook his head in frustration. "We do not care who he is. He has no title and no reputation. All we care about is that he is not suitable for you. This discussion is over." He said sharply, and you had never seen him act so cold.
Without looking back, you ran into your room, slammed the door shut and let the tears run down your face.
It was at the ball next day when you saw him again, looking frighteningly beautiful in his black suit. His hair was pushed back, highlighting his prominent features and the sharp jawline. The smile that blossomed on your face was instant. You held your gown so you could move easier, and started making your way towards him.
His head turned towards you and the dark expression on his face softened upon seeing you. When you halted in front of him, his lips curled into his signature smirk. "Hello."
Your smile wavered as you remembered last evening. "I- I'm really sorry about last night. I did not know they would be so—"
"Don't." He cut you off sharply. "It is not your fault." He said, and you could sense something was off. Maybe he did not want to admit it, but perhaps your parents' poor treatment did affect him.
"I tried to talk some sense into them but they kept talking about this nonsense on how I would have to marry Orion Lestrange just because he h—"
For the second time tonight, he cut you off. His eyes darkened, and you swore they flashed red for the briefest of moments. "What the fuck did you just say? You are not marrying anyone. Not as long as you are mine."
Your heartbeat was so fast you were afraid it was going to shatter your ribcage. Perhaps it was the outright admission of you being his, or maybe it was from the fear of not knowing what he would do to Orion Lestrange, but either way, you knew there was no way you were going to end up with anyone but him.
He clenched his jaw as he pondered over something before he excused himself. I watched him walk away without any protests, and saw him approach Orion Lestrange with a murderous look. He tilted his head to the right, signalling to Orion to come to him and when he did, Tom started speaking. I could not make out what he was saying, but from Orion's weakening posture and the tremble in his hands, it was easy to guess that Tom was making very dark promises. Lestrange’s eyes found yours across the bustling ballroom, and he quickly averted them elsewhere, as if a mere glance at me would get him killed.
Which probably would.
He nodded hastily when Tom was done, and he quickly hurried away to find his parents.
"Oh there you are, dear!" Your mother's voice caused you to break your stare from him, and you turned around to see your parents and...Slughorn. "Professor Slughorn was just telling us about how gifted you are at potions."
Slughorn beamed at you. "She is one talented witch, I am telling you. She is even almost as good as Tom I would say! Ah, that boy, he is a genius." The man rambled away. Then as if remembering we were there, he looked at us. "Have you ever met him? He is a delight!" He smiled brightly, turning around and trying to spot the wizard amongst the crowd.
Your father grimaced at the mention of the boy, feeling uncomfortable. "Is he not a halfblood?"
The question threw the Professor off and he turned his head so fast you were surprised it didn't snap. "A halfblood? Maybe but that boy is the heir of Slytherin himself! Any trace of muggle blood is irrelevant if you consider his ancestry! Perhaps that is why he is so brilliant..." He began to mull over his newfound theory, but the only thing you could focus on was the shocked expression on both of your parents' faces.
"The heir of Slytherin..?" Your mother asked hesitantly, as if she could not believe what she was hearing. You smiled smugly, enjoying their discomfort.
"I tried to tell you." You shrugged.
Slughorn then spotted Tom and he gasped in surprise "Would you look at that! Tom is speaking with the Minister! That boy...he is going places." He sighed, watching with adoration as his star student charmed the Minister. Slughorn excused himself, muttering something about wanting to introduce himself to the Minister and wondering if he would come to one his dinner parties.
Your mother sighed, and you could detect both of your parents' guilt, although it did nothing to soothe the hurt that they had caused. "We were speaking with Orion's parents earlier when the boy came looking panicked and announced he would not dare marry you because you were already with Tom. I suppose he has quite the influence over people."
You looked at your parents, smirking in triumph. "I tried to tell you he was not just a nobody. He has a name, a reputation and a future. If only you would listen to me instead of trying to decide my life for me, this would not have happened."
You knew these small yet significant things changed their perception, and you had a feeling they would grow to like Tom after some time. The mere thought made you happy and you knew this was another obstacle that you and Tom overcome together easily.
With a grin, you turned around only to find Tom staring at you and he smiled.
And his smile was dark but very telling.
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hoodiewithhorns · 3 years
━ using your safe word scenarios ★
characters : hajime iwaizumi, tetsuro kuroo, keiji akaashi.
there will be a part 2 & 3 coming soon!
edit : p.2 is out <3
m.sterlist + requests box
▲ cw : not proof read, angst, use of safeword, “red” used as the safeword, clit spanking, mean!doms, hurt/comfort, established relationship, forced orgasm, jealousy, oral m! receiving, facefucking, foreplay f! receiving, degradation, slight punishment if you squint, aftercare/reassurance , all characters are 18+, MDNI ▼
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- you weren’t necessarily in a good mood to be fucked roughly by him
- you just wanted some soft passionate sex with kuroo
- You assumed he’d figure out what you wanted due to him knowing you better than yourself.
- But you were wrong..very wrong.
-Not wanting to disappoint your boyfriend you played along.
- biggest mistake.
〜 ☆
you bobbed your head on his cock while he groaned at the slow pace. you were taking your time today since you weren’t in the best mood to be shoving him down your throat. you thought he take this as a sign of you wanting things slow soft and sweet, instead he took this as a sign of you being bratty, a brat who deserves punishment in his eyes.
“you little brat.” he forcefully shoved his cock down your throat. You gagged in response feeling your eyes become glossy, tears promising to spill at any given minute, looking up at him with pleading eyes hoping he’d show some form of mercy. but of course, he didn’t. tightening the grip on your hair he moved you back and forth on his cock causing you to gag and your breathing becoming heavy.
you heart ached in your chest as you tried to push him off, but to no avail. a dark chuckle leaving his throat as he watched you struggle, a sight he would commonly enjoy. “such a bad girl today huh? maybe i should go find another goodgirl. one that’ll actually listen.” you tried to shake your head as fat tears streamed down your face, the thought of him replacing you being one your biggest fears. did he mean that? just cause you weren’t in a good mood he was gonna replace you? you thought to yourself noticing the grip he had on you loosened a little. you could move away now and so you did. pulling away from his cock trying to catch your breath only causing him to get angrier. “why are you being so bad today? why cant you be a goodgirl and-“
“Red!” you choked out a sob as more tears fell from your face staining the bed sheets beneath you. sitting up, your palms resting on your thighs as you sobbed. the room went silent with the only sound present being your soft cries alongside with your occasional sniffles. confused he lifted your chin up, you pathetically looked up at him like a helpless little puppy. he finally understood what was wrong, mumbling a few curses as he got closer to you, sitting you on his lap as you cried into his chest.
“easy now baby. i’m so sorry...” he whispered thanking whatever was above that he hadn’t lost you, feeling horrible for not picking up the obvious signs you weren’t in the mood for any of this.
“d-do you really wanna l-leave me?” your voice was hoarse from one getting your throat fucked and two crying. hugging you tighter and feeling nothing but regret. each cry you let out tugged at his heartstrings. he never wanted this how could he have been so blind? you were his little baby he wanted to protect every chance he got. now you were here. sobbing into his chest all because he didn’t realize you weren’t in the right mood today. 
“never prettygirl. i’d be devastated without you in my life... I didn’t mean that I promise.” he pulled you away from his chest to face you. kissing the few tears you had left on you. even with tears pampered all over your face, to him you still managed to be pretty. even if it hurt him since he was the reason for all this, you could tell he was on the brink of tears too. he couldn’t imagine a life without you without his precious girlfriend in his life he’d be a train wreck.
“i-i...i just wanted us to go nice and gentle tonight..i didn’t have a good day today..but i didn’t want you to be mad since you like it when its rough so..”
he let out a chuckle at your last sentence causing you to look at him in confusion. “yeah being rough is nice and all but its only nice when you’re in the right mindset for it. you should’ve told me you weren’t feeling it tonight baby. If you wanna get fucked nice and gently by me you should’ve just said so my love.” he says planting a kiss on your forehead.
you smiled, reverting back to your previously cheery self making kuroo more than happy. he rested his head on top your shoulder “if you want, we can try again baby. this time i’ll give it to you nice and sweet..you’d like that wouldn’t you my pretty baby?” he whispers into your ear planting kisses down your neck as you let out a whimper feeling him smirk against your neck.
“mm-mhm please tetsu...”
he wastes no time wrapping his arms around your waist as your cunt feels him hardening again. “whatever my baby wants who am i to deny?”
- the thought of using your safeword never occurred to you when you were with akaashi
- in fact he suggested it just in case things took a turn you didn’t like
- tonight was different though you were his innocent girlfriend who just wanted to treat him the way he treats you so lovingly
- wearing nothing but his shirt accompanied by a cute pair of panties feeling confident about your plan to please your boyfriend.
- though it doesn’t go according to plan,
you saw him sitting on the bed reading a novel still in his formal clothing. You were feeling particularly needy tonight learning a few new things you read from the internet a week ago on how to please your boyfriend sexually. you did however feel a bundle of nerves fill you up, but you just assumed it was because this was something you’ve never done before to anyone.
akaashi was not only your first, but he was your first boyfriend your first everything when it came to romance. now, putting all your insecurities aside, you were going to try out what you learned tonight on your beloved boyfriend!
 walking towards him, you crawled on top of his lap, arms wrapped around his neck to pull him in for a sweet kiss. he smirked setting his book down on the nightstand while taking his glasses off as well.
“Can I help you pretty girl?” he questioned placing his hands on your hips. “oh nothing...i just want you tonight..is that okay?” you asked, your innocent voice making akaashi smile. you were just so cute and pure in his eyes. you jump in excitement ready to initiate your plan to please your boyfriend. you started kissing him slowly yet passionately, grinding your wet cunt against his slowly hardening cock through his pants.
he opened his eyes to clearly understand what you were doing. to his shock what he assumed was correct. His innocent girlfriend who had no knowledge on how to please her boyfriend grinding up against him. maybe you were just being extra needy? he told himself. not longer after he snapped back to reality as he felt you pull away from him only to kiss down his jaw leaving a trail of soft kisses.
His cheeks becoming red as your soft lips traced down to unbutton his shirt. “so handsome..” You said kissing his chest as you went down to his abdomen. he would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this, but.... Your not gonna do what he thinks you are right?? his own girlfriend who was too shy who cried at the first attempt to sucking him off?? no he must be getting ahead of himself.
looking down once more to check up on you, he finds you unbuckling his pants letting his cock spring free. his mouth agape seeing your head already lick his precum nice and clean, pumping him a few times to get all his precum out. he shudders as your wet tongue touches his cock, giving him kitten licks here and there. taking a deep breath, shoving him down your throat all in one go, a small gag escaping from you, squeezing your eyes tightly trying your best not to cry.
humming, you bobbing back and forth making him grunt at the waves of pleasure you were giving him. Still, he felt uneasy. who taught you this?? he was always the one guiding you, teaching you how to do things yet here you were sucking him down your pretty little throat. head thrown back his groans mixed with his thoughts, he kept overthinking the reasons as to how you picked up on this.
did Bokuto teach you?? you two always got along so well..sometimes leaving akaashi to third wheel, but why was he thinking about that now??
 “shit..” he grunted as he felt his high approaching. He tried to pull your head back so he wouldn’t end up cumming in your mouth, but you stayed on his cock till he came.
smiling at him, you licked your lips, swallowing his cum. leaving him surprised at everything you’ve just done. you’ve never did any of this nor tried to. It hurt the first time you tried to give him head now here you are taking him down your throat? He couldn’t believe it.
he wanted to get to the bottomed of this quickly.
“dirty girl.” he spits out flipping you to the other side of the bed, pushing your head down to the pillow putting your ass up with your cunt in full display for him. you winced at the sudden aggressive force.
“who taught you all those things you little slut?”hooking his finger onto your soaked panties to push them aside, he shoved two fingers deep inside of your dripping hole making you whimper at the painful stretch, not giving you enough time to adjust as he pumped into you.
“k-keiji w-wait!!” you whined screwing your eyes shut to fight back your tears, while he started pumping his fingers at an inhuman pace, he hovered over you, your back to his chest while his head rested on your shoulder.
“i asked you a question, so I expect an answer.” his voice was cold and stern without a sound of love or worry. the stretch of his fingers were painful especially with how he was practically scissoring you open. your eyes rolled at to the back of your head feeling your climax approaching, but it hurt so much you weren’t used to such a rough pace.
akaashi always took his time with you. Going slow and easy, praising you, calling you his angel or goodgirl for taking him in so well. but now he was none of these things.this felt like a completely different person to what you were use to.
“mm’ n-no one! keiji- p-please s-slow down it hurts!!” you sobbed only making him click his tongue at you, your heart sank feeling foggy and uneasy.“you probably like that it hurts huh? you’re dripping around my fingers you filthy slut.” he never used a tone as harsh as this before. never calling you names or degrading you in general. the pain in your chest overlapping the pleasure as more tears fall.
“n-no not a s-slut!! p-please stop! it hurts please keiji please-“ you begged feeling your stomach tighten as he kept fingering you till you screamed, squirting all over the bed sheets. “dirty slut.” He pulled out abruptly from you causing you to choke out another sob. your body trembling at this point as you pant out in desperation to form words scared of what he might do next. “N-no more please I’ll be good i p-promise just please..” you begged him once again, hoping he’d notice the pain you were in...he didn’t.
“no. sluts like you don’t get to make decisions like that.” He was about to pull your shirt off until you screamed and kicked  “red! red! r-red!!” he moved away only to watch you curl in on yourself, hugging your knees for comfort, refusing to look him in the eyes. “baby..?” he said softly trying to move you to face him to his horror you flinched shrinking in on yourself.
“keiji... why were you s-so...mean to me i only wanted to make you feel good..you always make me feel good so why did you..” immediately, he scooped you into his arms rocking you back and forth as if you were a toddler. you cuddled up against his chest as he felt your tears fall on his chest.he didn’t mind of course. “shh its okay..its okay..” the voice he commonly spoke to you coming back, soft, reassuring, just how you liked it.
“baby..im sorry i.. I didn’t mean to be so mean..i just got scared you were maybe..well someone might’ve been teaching you these things..” you froze pulling away to look at him.
“w-what? I didn’t learn that from anyone..id never let anyone teach me or touch me but you keiji! i just..read some stuff about it online...and I wanted to test it out..” you admitted through sniffles still rubbing your tears away. He sighed as he hugged you again running his fingers through your hair. 
all you wanted was to please your boyfriend from just that, his heart skipped a beat at how sweet you were being, but the feeling was overshadowed by  feeling so stupid for letting his insecurities take the best of him.
“I’m sorry baby.. I promise to never speak to you like that ever again..you’re my sweet girl and I love you so so much.. you were just trying to do something nice for me..thank you i appreciate it my love..it felt really nice you did good.” He cupped your face in his hands, peppering soft kisses around your face.
he smiled as you giggled at the ticklish feeling, sighing in relief.
“ i love you, my sweetgirl. ”
- he got home pissed off since he saw you chatting and giggling with mattsun. 
- he needed to blow off some steam
- he didn’t mean to be so mean he really didn’t
-he was usually a soft dom but today..he was everything but soft to you.
“ filthy fucking whore. what were you doing talking to mattsun huh?” his thrusts were sharp, painful, not being prepped well enough by him making the stretch of his cock burn through your gummy walls. feeling the air in your lungs start to leave you slowly as tears streamed down your face at iwaizumis cold , heartless, tone. there was not a single trace of him, not a sign of his love. you weren't trying to make him jealous, you just spend sometime to get to know mattsun just a little more since he was friends with your boyfriend never expecting him to react like this. 
snapping back to your current situation, you arched your back letting out a loud cry as he slapped your puffy clit. “didn’t i ask you a fucking question? or did your dumb slutty brain already get fucked out of you huh?” he wrapped his hands around your throat thrusting harder and deeper in you. 
his tip painfully hitting your cervix with each thrust making you cry at the pain. you tried pushing him off with the little strength you had in you, sobbing out an apology making him roll his eyes. 
“tch, what? you think a little apology is gonna change the fact you were all “buddy buddy” with mattsun? did you forget who fucking owns you little slut?” landing another harsh slap at your clit causing you cry in discomfort. everything around you made you feel light as if you were gonna pass out from the cruel words iwaizumi spoke to you. feeling helpless as there was no sign of your once loving boyfriend. 
“maybe i should’ve invited him over, let him have a turn at ruining your slutty little cunt.”
Finally, having enough you cried out “r-red..” it was soft, gentle, easily could’ve been unheard if it wasn’t for how closely iwaizumi payed attention to you. he halted his thrusts pulling out of you completely, eyes draining of all lust and jealousy converting to concern mixed with regret. he rushed to put back his boxers on, cuddling you against his chest. 
you didn’t push him away, no you could never. he was the man you loved and treasured more than anything. you were hurt obviously, but still wanted to seek his comfort.
“i-i dont like m-mattsun haji..i only like you..only you..” your voice sounding broken. he let out a deep sigh pulling you closer to kiss your head. 
“i know baby i know... i was just jealous..you get along so well with mattsun i..went too far on you..i’m sorry you didn’t deserve that baby” his voice sounding faint but full of comfort.
“i just wanted to get t-to know him...i didn’t mean to make you mad haji..”
“i know baby shhh its okay now..i’m not mad anymore.”he cooed kissing you softly. you nodded letting your last set of tears fall onto his chest. 
slowly shutting your eyes and falling asleep in the warmth of his chest.
him on the other hand was completely mortified at your sobbing accompanied with your sniffles it echoed through his ears replaying like a broken record each time the memory got to you saying your safeword. 
he never thought he’d reach that point for you to have to tell him that. he let out a few tears that night hating himself for hurting you. you forgave that very second he apologized but him on the other hand? he didn't..no he couldn’t.
let’s just say, he didn't get much sleep that weekend. 
akaashis is long asf (im sorry i just love him sm) and iwaiuzmis is short but i love these boys sm.  
i still am taking requests all links are above and down here. remember to drink water. oh and heres the m.sterlist  in case you missed it <3♡
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amistytown · 3 years
The Brothers Comfort MC During a Panic Attack
This is my first attempt at writing down my headcanons for the brothers, so I apologize if anything is out of character. I meant it to be short and sweet, but it grew out of my control after a while. I’m a perfectionist and wanted to rewrite everything. I made minor edits and am posting it anyway or it’ll sit in my drafts forever; I admit I put the most effort into Lucifer’s, forgive me. Also sorry for the repetitiveness and any typos you may find. I decided to write how the brothers would comfort MC during a panic attack, especially as someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks themselves. Honestly, I wrote this as a way to comfort myself since I’ve been dealing with terrible anxiety lately. Of course, everyone experiences anxiety differently, so I can only speak from my own experiences. I didn’t go into detail when it comes to the symptoms themselves because it’s from the point of view of the brothers and only so many are visible to the eye. Trigger warning for depictions of anxiety and panic attacks. Thank you for reading!
Lucifer is troubled. Following lunch, you disappeared, currently absent from class. This is unlike you, his worry intensifying every minute you’re out of his sight. Yet he maintains his composure, resigning himself to scouring the academy grounds. Time passes at a torturous pace, his thoughts beginning to take a turn for the worst. He contemplates whether to involve his brothers and Lord Diavolo himself at this rate, however the sound of his D.D.D diverts his attention. A wave of relief washes over him at the sight of your name lighting up his screen, chased by frustration at you, your silence, and himself for losing track of you so easily; he couldn’t bear living if anything happened to you under his watch. He expects this behavior from his brothers, not you. Though his heart sinks, the Avatar of Pride uncharacteristically overcome with guilt while he reads your message. Of course, you are not his brothers. He should not have doubted you.
Your texts are apprehensive, a weighty pause between them as you hesitate to lay bare the darkest depths of your soul. He approaches you cautiously, to avoid upsetting you further. Your words alone convey the sheer panic taking possession of you, the last of your strength used to press send. Outside he discovers you, huddled miserably in an isolated corner of the building, swathed in shadow. The desire to shelter you from the world burns within him, but your eyes widen fearfully in his presence, wounding his pride. Immediately, you apologize. Sorry you’re missing class, that you left without telling anyone, and upset him—especially when you’re aware of his busy schedule. You’re sorry for not having the courage to pull yourself together, succumbing to your anxiety, your shame palpable. The hand clutching your D.D.D is trembling, your chest heaving as you struggle to breathe. He aches for you, each tear shed hurting more than the last, your pain managing to touch the very core of his being and set him alight.
If anyone is sorry, it’s him, pride be damned. Kneeling in front of you, he assures you an apology isn’t necessary—your wellbeing of great importance to him. He wants you to rely on him, grateful you confided in him despite your doubts. Hopefully, he can eventually put your mind at ease. His voice low, soothing, he continues to console you, making sure you’re aware he’s not upset, and your feelings are valid. Although he’s not familiar with the inner workings of anxiety itself, he’s willing to listen, learning how to support you to the best of his ability—starting today, providing you’re comfortable accepting his offer. Initially, he prioritized your safety for the sake of the exchange program and Lord Diavolo’s wish to unite the three realms, now it’s merely out of adoration for you, his beloved. Once you’re ready, he’ll let you know you’re not alone. He’s never too busy on your behalf. 
Offering you his hand, a smile graces his features as you accept. Slowly, he helps you to your feet, steadying you against him. He notes the way you relax at his touch, shoulders sagging and head coming to rest on his chest. Only you exist in this moment, his gaze not leaving you, not even for a second. Standing in silence until your breathing settles and you regain your balance, he sees you through the height of your attack before escorting you back to the House of Lamentation. He’ll personally excuse you from the remainder of your classes, understanding you need a quiet place to recover. Classical music plays softly in the background of his room, and he’s content to have you in his embrace, drawing you onto his lap after you finish the tea he brewed to calm your nerves. Lucifer pays you special attention, massaging your tired body and kissing you tenderly, his breath fanning across your lips as he reminds you how special you truly are—brave, compassionate, and incredibly loved.
Mammon mourns his loss, wondering how he let them gain the upper hand; admittedly, a foolish mistake on his part. He dreads breaking the news to Lucifer, and the resentment that shows on his brothers’ faces once he confesses does little to ease his mind. Still, he worries about your reaction most of all, knowing his stupidity has put you in a precarious position. In that moment he believes their words—only a greedy scumbag like himself dares to place his human’s happiness on the line. Although certain of his win at the time, he should consider how his actions affect you more often; otherwise, how can he claim he’s the Great Mammon? His confidence is his downfall in the end. Now you’ll suffer along with him. Yet you feign optimism, attempting to soothe everything over despite your innocence. His guilt only grows, a heavy weight on his shoulders. One he deserves.
Three days of waiting on and performing for large crowds at The Fall proves hectic for everyone. He can tell you’re struggling beneath the façade of a composed and hospitable server, going above and beyond to ensure the patrons leave satisfied. Furthermore, you lend him and his brothers a hand, coming to their rescue; it should be him making it as easy on you as possible. His concern for you runs deep, no matter how hard he tries to maintain his usual air of indifference, but you have the nerve to reassure him—it’s meant to be the opposite, dammit. Each night he goes out of his way to check on you, frustrated that you continue to dance around the subject. He can see the exhaustion on your face, hear the slight tremor in your voice, the toll his stupid decision is taking on you, and it stung. You comfort him, even when he’s undeserving, so why won’t you allow him to hold you and kiss the pain away? Not that he’s asked. You should realize by now you can rely on him, right?
Watching you suffer in silence tortures him. He can’t deny it regardless of his best effort to make light of the situation. You barely eat or spend time outside your room, saying you’re tired, which isn’t a lie—working is exhausting, no doubt about it—but he understands you well enough to notice the subtle signs of your anxiety, your smile unable to trick him into believing otherwise. Perhaps you find him as insufferable as his brothers do, or worse, and don’t want to see his face after what he’s done. That doesn’t stop him from showing up at your door, hoping he can offer some form of comfort. However, you keep up appearances, supporting the seven of them during the longest weekend of their lives. You work hard too, his chest swelling with pride as he watches you care for his brothers and customers alike. How can you like an idiot like him? You’re selfless and loving, looking past his flaws to see what lay beneath his sin. His human. His angel. He wants—no needs—you to be okay.
The last day comes and goes in a blur. Finally, he can toss these ridiculous clothes and rabbit ears in the trash and never perform that dance again. Better yet, you’re free of his burden, though the guilt remains. He can’t relax until he’s positive you’re okay, knowing he’s genuinely sorry. Standing outside your room, he tries to muster up the courage to open his heart to you—apologies not his strong suit—when he hears you crying. They’re small, muffled sobs that manage to shake him to his core, blood running cold. Yeah, he should knock, but he can’t control himself, throwing the door open without hesitation and rushing to your side. The sight of your tears is almost too much to bear, and he draws you into his embrace, face heating up at his own moment of vulnerability, but this is about you, not him. He can be strong for you too, telling you everything’s going to be okay, that the Great Mammon is here to help.
After his stupidity, you tell him you were afraid to bother him? He can hardly suppress the shock at your confession, the sadness in your eyes breaking his heart. You wanted to make sure it went smoothly for his sake? You suffer through Hell alone because you chose to put his feelings first? Crazy. Though he thanks you, not completely ashamed to admit he’s touched. However, he tells you that you don’t have to put aside your feelings for his benefit; he prefers to be by your side then know you’re having a rough time on your own. He is your first. Taking the initiative, he asks what he can do to make it up to you, no matter how big or small the request is because he’ll do it in a heartbeat. You opt to stay in his arms, burying your face into his chest, and he wipes away your remaining tears, being as gentle as he possibly can. He can feel how tense your body is, your skin unnaturally warm, and it takes a while until you stop shaking. It’s moments like these he’ll tell you how much you mean to him—that he loves you, okay—and he wants you to come to him for everything. He’ll hold you, taking your hand in his, and kiss you with all the adoration in the world because you’re incredibly important to him. Mammon can attest to that.
Leviathan invites you to his room to play video games, a daily routine the two of you have comfortably fallen into. He loves gaming with you, though on occasion you opt to watch instead, thoroughly enthralled by whatever is on the screen. Miraculously, you enjoy listening to him ramble—whether it’s about the game he’s playing, anime he’s watching, or TSL among other things—genuinely showing interest in his passions; he’s incapable of expressing how truly grateful he is for your company. His heart nearly bursts whenever you compliment him on his gaming prowess, encourage him during a particularly intense battle, or merely tell him how you enjoy hanging out. How in the Devildom did a gross otaku like him get so incredibly lucky? He can hardly believe you love him of all demons. The thought alone sounds crazy lmao. 
Unable to contain his excitement, he awaits your arrival that night, ensuring everything is perfect when he hears a knock on the door. However, his smile fades the moment he lays eyes on you, mind beginning to race as he wonders why you look miserable, your gaze trained on your hands. Before he can speak, you apologize, dissolving into tears while you return the game he let you borrow. You’re stuttering, completely winded, and he can barely hear you confess to accidentally corrupting his data in your panic. In fact, he loses track of the number of times you choke out a sorry. He treasures his games, his collection extensive, but he cherishes you most of all. The loss is a minor annoyance, nothing that lessens the feelings he harbors for you. Although difficult, he overcomes his insecurities to show you it’s okay—you’re loved.
Not only are you sad, but you’re also terrified, a part of him wanting to destroy the game itself if it means you never have to experience the pain that torments you now. Regarding you carefully, afraid to make matters worse, he reassures you that he’s not upset—far from it, honestly—and that he cares about you more than any game. No stranger to your panic attacks, he reaches out to take your hand in his, hoping you find comfort in what he has to offer. And when you finally glance up, hope shining in your tear-filled eyes, he can’t help but wrap you in his arms. A warmth spreads across his face, heart pounding in his ears, but he knows you need him, allowing his body to relax around yours.
Holding you against him, he tells you everything’s all right, stuttering out how he loves you and, most importantly, wants to you to feel better. Your arms circle around his waist, causing his heart to jump into his throat, but he only pulls you closer. You’re his Henry, and what friend is he if you can’t rely on him? Leviathan is understanding, wanting you to come to him for support at your most vulnerable. Now he puts his knowledge to the test, easing you into his room with continuous words of affirmation. You always know how to console him at his lowest, and he hopes he can return the favor. If anyone deserves to feel loved it’s you, who brought joy into his otherwise bleak world, and he’ll sit with you every day and night if you need him to. 
Satan knows he shouldn’t be awake, though he finds it difficult to satiate his curiosity as he peruses the books lining his shelves. He barely registers the sound of his D.D.D, reluctant to put the book aside to see who’s messaging him at this ungodly hour; Asmodeus most likely. His tune changes after he sees your name lighting up his screen, his annoyance replaced with worry. He knows you struggle, especially at night, but he can tell you’re hesitant to reach out. Nevertheless, you gradually begin to confide in him, his patience limitless if you’re concerned, and he feels a sense of relief that you choose to trust him at your most vulnerable instead of suffering on your own. Pouring over every book he can locate on anxiety, he studies it religiously, engraining each page into his memory. Not by giving unsolicited advice—he doesn’t want to make that mistake twice—but by comforting you the best he can, even if it simply means to stay by your side, waiting for the panic to pass.
A second later, he appears at your door, gaze softening as your eyes meet. In the darkness of your room, he can tell how exhausted you are. You apologize for bothering him, particularly this late, but he dismisses you with a shake of his head and a reassuring smile, sitting beside you on the bed. It saddens him that you feel the need to, but he’s familiar enough with anxiety by now that he understands how much of a manipulative monster it truly is; if only he can destroy it with his own two hands, strangling the life out of it so it no longer taints that innocent soul of yours. To watch you struggle fills him with a rage that he forces deep within himself, fully aware anger isn’t the answer no matter how great his desire to protect you is. So, he cups your face in his hands, your skin warm beneath his fingers as he strokes your flushed cheeks and presses your foreheads together. 
Focus on him, he tells you, the steady rhythm of his breathing, and his voice while he whispers words of love and encouragement. He never tires of letting you know how beautiful and strong you are, that he’s always here for you and loves you—all of you. You unravel in his arms, opening your heart up to him, and he listens intently, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips the moment you look uncertain. You’re not a burden he promises, hoping one day you’ll believe it yourself, but he’ll remind you every chance he gets; forever if he must. It’s worth it in the end, when you relax against him and smile, kissing him in return. Slowly, the anxiety leaves your body, Satan thankful that the waves of panic have receded enough to let you rest your weary mind. He remains next to you, pulling you down to lay your head on his chest and closing your hand in his, entwining your fingers. He’s content here with you, watching you fall asleep and chasing away the nightmares.
Asmodeus loves shopping, but he loves shopping with you most of all. The day is bright with you by his side, and he can’t help but buy you clothes and matching accessories to bring out your inherent charm. Your potential is endless, and he gushes over how gorgeous you are, unable to contain his excitement when your cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink in return. He can hardly control himself around you, gaze fixated on your every movement and heart racing each time you flash him one of the sweetest smiles he’s ever seen; your very soul seeming to shine through and blind him. Nothing prepares him for the love he feels for you, but he considers it a welcome surprise, his desire to grow closer to you intensifying day after day. You captivate him, the Avatar of Lust of all demons. What an exciting turn of events!
Of course, he attracts attention wherever he goes, posing for pictures with adoring fans and basking in the compliments constantly thrown his way; nothing new, but he enjoys it, nonetheless. Who can resist the allure of his very presence? However, anger wells within him at the sight of you being shoved to the side, falling to the ground and lost to the crowd that has gathered. Their words of flattery fall on deaf ears as he rushes to you, throwing a heated glance at the lowly demon who dares to touch his darling human. He desires nothing more than to punish them for such an injustice, but the fear in your eyes tells him otherwise. By the time he scoops you up into his arms you’re trembling from head to toe, and he can feel your heart pounding against him. A part of him places the blame on himself, an unfamiliar feeling, but he chooses to ignore it for now, focusing on getting you home in your worsening state.
In the peace and quiet of his room, he sits you on the bed, wrapping you in his arms as he affectionately runs his fingers through your hair. He can tell you’re upset—in an absolute state of panic by the looks of it—and all he can do is hold you through it, quietly asking what you need and willing to answer your every beck and call if it means that adorable smile graces your features once more. For a moment he considers seeking out Lucifer, worried something has gone terribly wrong, but thankfully you find your voice, mumbling into his chest about anxiety and panic attacks, that you’ll be fine—eventually—and are sorry for ruining your date. He doesn’t understand completely, though he knows you need him, promising to stay by your side for as long as you want. Kissing your cheek, he assures you there’s no need to apologize to him, your safety more important than anything else; the demon who laid his hands on you won’t go without punishment either.
Admitting a bath helps calm you down, he prepares one for you, steam rising from the surface and the heady scent of roses filling the air. Together you slip into the water, enveloped by its warmth, and he hums in contentment as you lean into him, his arms coming to rest around your waist. He watches you carefully, making sure you’re able to relax and preparing himself in case you call on him; he’ll do anything for you if it brings you the happiness you deserve. Your eyes flutter close, Asmodeus showering you with delicate kisses, comforted by the fact your breathing has levelled out and you appear a lot calmer than before. The day didn’t go as planned, and he hopes to make it up to you, vowing that no one else will hurt you on his watch. He loves himself. He loves his brothers. But loves you most of all.
Beelzebub notices you haven’t touched your dinner and is beyond happy the moment you offer your plate to him. Yet he can’t bring himself to enjoy the food in front of him while you excuse yourself from the table, eyes downcast and voice quiet, the usual smile gone from your face and leaving behind an emptiness that rivals his own hunger. His mouth waters at the thought of seconds, but his concern for you grows, and he decides to follow you without question, disregarding the ravenous growl of his stomach. He catches you in the hallway, calling out your name. You turn to him, his brow furrowing in unease at the sight of your tears and the slight tremble of your lip. It hurts him to see you in obvious distress, and he earnestly offers his support.
The only sound is that of your sobbing. He desperately wishes to hold you tightly and rid you of your pain. However, he falters, studying you. Your gaze is trained on the floor, shoulders stiff with tension, and the color drains from your cheeks. When you speak, he’s surprised by how helpless you sound and the fact you’re trying to reassure him, putting his needs above your own although you’re struggling to hold yourself together. Fear flickers across your features at the echo of the brothers’ voices travelling up the stairs, and he mumbles out an apology as he carefully lifts you into his arms, cradling you to his chest. 
Before the others can round the corner, he hurries down the hall and slips into your room, determined to protect his vulnerable human. He notices you relax against him, your fingers curling into his shirt, and he can’t help but want to keep you close, relieved after you lean in closer to wrap your arms around his neck. Stroking your hair, he allows you to cry, his patience and love for you endless. Eventually, you mutter an embarrassed sorry, thanking him profusely, but he’s merely relieved you’re beginning to feel a bit better, reassuring you that you can always depend on him. 
Listening to you intently, he never breaks eye contact. You open up to him about your anxiety, his stomach twisting as you describe what you call a panic attack and how it wrecks you both mentally and physically. Beelzebub knows he has a lot to learn, but he expresses interest in understanding anxiety and, most importantly, how he can help you, so you don’t suffer alone. For the rest of the night, he keeps you company and eases you through the remainder of your attack, giving you plenty of hugs and rubbing your back in soothing circles until you no longer shake, and your heartbeat returns to its usual pace.
Belphegor enjoys the time you spend together, especially when the two of you are alone. He asks you to accompany him in the attic, and it’s not long before he curls around you, falling into a peaceful sleep as he listens to the steady beat of your heart. However, when he awakes it’s to the sound of your soft cries in the dark, which fill him with a fear he can’t seem to shake. Without hesitation he’s at your side, sitting up to softly place a hand on your shoulder and ask you what’s wrong. The sadness in your eyes as you glance up at him, tears staining your cheeks, tugs at his heartstrings. He can’t bear to see you upset.
Once he realizes you’re having a panic attack, he’s attentive to your needs, cradling you in his arms as you cry into his chest. You confided in him about your struggles with anxiety after you fell to pieces in front of him months ago. A part of him understands, the loss of Lilith haunting him throughout the years and instilling a similar feeling of unease within him, especially when his nightmares seem to blur the line between reality and the painful memories of his past. You always came to his rescue and now it’s his turn to comfort you in your time of need. Sleep can wait.
With you in his embrace, he brings you down to relax against the pillows, pulling the blanket around your shivering form. You rest your head on his shoulder, and he gently brushes the remaining tears from your face, whispering words of love and reassurance. He listens to you when you’re comfortable to talk, the slight tremble of your voice causing him to draw you closer and press a kiss to your forehead. Belphegor tells you he’s here for you—forever—and although he’s still learning about anxiety and finding the best ways to comfort you during an attack, he wants you to depend on him no matter what. Even if that means you wake him up in the middle of the night. He won’t rest until he knows you’re okay, and you’re peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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Hello barista! May i have a Medium Moccachino with almond syrup and sugar sprinkles
(Kaeya comforting reader after a bad nightmare)
Hey there, dear! Thank you for your request, I really enjoyed writing for Kaeya again and you chose a great combination of prompts. So, without further ado, here's your drink: a medium moccachino with almond syrup and some sugar sprinkles on top. Please enjoy! <3 (Reblogs and comments are very much appreciated.)
Prompts: hurt/comfort, Character A comforting character B after a nightmare, “I’m afraid you’re going to break my heart.” + “Shh. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” (400 followers event: JJ's coffee shop)
I’m with you – Kaeya x gn!reader (hurt/comfort)
Kaeya wasn’t sure what had woken him up in the middle of the night. Maybe it was the sound of the rain pouring down outside or the distant chatter of the Knights patrolling the streets but, in the end, it didn’t matter anyway. It was still dark outside and you were sound asleep next to him, so Kaeya shifted closer to you to drape his arm over your waist and closed his eyes again. If he was lucky, he’d get a few more hours of sleep, and if not… well, in that case he could at least enjoy the time he got to spend with you, maybe waking you up with a few kisses before your alarm went off.
A soft smile flashed over his face. Yeah, he definitely liked that idea.
It was only then when he realized that you didn’t sleep as peacefully as he had initially thought. Incoherent mumbles escaped your slightly parted lips and your brows were furrowed, almost as if you were in pain. The next moment, your hand shot up, your fingers curling around his wrist in a tight grip. “No, please,” he heard you mutter, and the sorrowful tone of your voice was enough to show him that your dreams weren’t pleasant at all. You sounded absolutely heartbroken. “Kaeya,” you continued, so quietly that he almost didn’t catch it. “Don’t leave me, please.”
His heart dropped. You were dreaming about him – leaving you? Just the thought was ridiculous to him; you had no reason to believe this, and yet, here you were, begging him not to go, even though he was right there beside you, holding you in his arms, just like he did every night when he wasn’t on duty or had to work overtime.
“(Y/N),” Kaeya whispered, carefully freeing his arm from your grasp to brush his fingertips over your cheek. “I’m here, dearie,” he reassured you softly, although you probably couldn’t hear him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He had expected you to calm down under his touch but your sleep was getting even more fitfully, to a point where you started to toss and turn as if you were experiencing the worst nightmare you ever had.
Carefully, Kaeya shook you by your shoulder after switching on the bedside light. At this point, he was convinced that it was better to wake you up and comfort you instead of watching you suffer through a nightmare that made no sense, at least to him. Why would he leave you? You were the love of his life, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his days with, and he would be more than an absolute moron if he’d ever throw that away.
He uttered your name again, his hand still resting on your shoulder. “Please, wake up. Everything’s alright, love, I’m here with you.”
When you finally stirred awake under his touch, Kaeya felt like an eternity had passed but in reality, it couldn’t be more than ten minutes. You were a bit disorientated at first, your eyes heavy with sleep as you looked up at him.
“Kaeya?” you mumbled tiredly, your voice so quiet that he could barely hear it. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, my dear. It’s me.”
You didn’t return his smile. Instead, you kept staring at him, an expression of utter disbelief on your face. “You’re here.”
Once again, Kaeya wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him in one swift movement. Your head was now resting against his chest while he rubbed comforting circles on your back. “Of course I am,” he replied softly and kissed the top of your head. “Where else would I be?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed, slowly melting into his embrace. Kaeya always had this effect on you. He made you feel safe and loved, no matter what had happened, and he was always there for you when you needed him. You had no idea how you would live without him; he was like a guiding light in the darkest night, shining just for you. Sometimes, you even felt like he was too good to be true. And – an even scarier thought – that he was too good for you.
It wasn’t that you constantly worried about these things, no. You knew that you weren’t his first love, and that was fine, but sometimes you couldn’t help but doubt that you were really the right one for him. And while you could keep these thoughts at bay pretty easily throughout the day, your subconsciousness didn’t let you forget them at night. Most of the time, you just slept badly then but occasionally, you suffered from nightmares about Kaeya leaving you – just like today.
Suddenly, there were tears in your eyes, even though you knew that Kaeya was right beside you. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made you lose control or the fact that your dreams always seemed so awfully real but in this moment, you just couldn’t help it. In a matter of seconds, your emotions had overwhelmed you, and you were quietly sobbing into his chest.
“Oh, my dear (Y/N),” Kaeya whispered, his fingers trailing to the back of your neck to caress the soft skin there. “What’s wrong, hm?”
You didn’t reply; instead, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, as if you wanted to make sure that he’d stay here with you. He cradled you while you cried, whispering soothing words. “Shh. Don’t cry,” he mumbled and pressed another kiss to your head. “Please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry,” you choked out in between sobs. “It’s – it’s late. We should – sleep.”
The grip of his arms around you tightened. “Don’t apologize,” he replied quietly. “It’s okay to cry.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck, your tears leaving a warm, wet trail on his skin as he held you close, patiently waiting for you to calm down.
When your tears finally dried up, he gently tilted your head up and brushed his lips against yours in a gentle kiss. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You hesitated. How would he react if you told him that you were insecure about your relationship sometimes? You didn’t want to hurt his feelings but on the other hand, you felt like you owed him an explanation after he had comforted you for what had seemed like an eternity.
“It’s stupid, really,” you replied eventually. Kaeya chuckled quietly but you knew him well enough to realize that he wasn’t trying to make fun of you or your emotions. “Dearie, if it makes you cry like that in the middle of the night it’s most definitely not stupid. Talk to me, please. Maybe I can help.”
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m… I’m afraid you’re going to break my heart.”
There, you said it. And while a part of you already regretted your honesty, you couldn’t deny that you also felt relieved at the same time.
“Kaeya?” you whispered when he remained silent even after a few minutes had passed. “I’m sorry. I told you it’s stupid.”
He cleared his throat but even then, his voice sounded a bit breathy when he finally replied, “You really have nightmares about me leaving you?”
“I know,” you said, your face heating up in embarrassment. “It’s pathetic. Don’t bother your head about it, please.”
“But how could I not? Have I done anything that makes you think that I don’t want to be with you?”
You cringed at his words. Now that he put it like that your concerns seemed even dumber, at least to you. “No,” you said and sighed. “It’s just – I don’t know, I can’t explain it. I guess I’m just afraid that you’ll find someone better than me one day and realize that I’m not what you want or need.”
“There’s no one out there who’s better than you, love. And you are exactly what I want,” Kaeya reassured you, the tone of his voice so earnest that it made a smile flash over your face, “I love you, (Y/N). And nothing is ever going to change that. Okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered, although you were sure that your doubts would never go away completely. But you trusted Kaeya. Even the worst nightmare couldn’t change that. And with that thought in mind, you snuggled up to him, indulging in the warmth of his body and the safety of his embrace as you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep again.
Taglist: @blissmal, @aimicoos, @childe-support, @rim0na, @sunsaturnn
203 notes · View notes
writing-in-april · 4 years
Poker Face
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader thought she could get away with speaking her desires out loud as long as they were in a different language. Turns out, someone could understand her.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my fourth fic for my 1250 follower celebration!! I got this request from @imagining-in-the-margins and if you want to see the original request go checkout my follower celebration Masterlist! I do not speak Russian, nor do I know someone who does so I made everything in italics as if they were speaking in Russian! Hope y’all enjoy reading and requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Public sex (who’s surprised lmao), Reader is very unprofessional and probably should be fired lmao, Dom Spencer with hints of Sub Spencer in the future (dont worry all my Sub Spencer lovers I’ve got more coming for that soon!), Nickname use: Princess, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral sex (M receiving),Creampie
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
Words in italics are in Russian
There was no harm in voicing my thoughts I thought to myself, in a different language, Russian specifically. Especially since the only one that could understand me wasn’t near me at the moment nor would she probably bat an eye at a slightly risqué remark. Emily was snuggled up at the other end of the jet, her headphones in both of her ears. They would plug up any sound around her preventing her from translating the lusty thought that sat on my lips.
If I said my thoughts in Russian, no one would be able to catch how much I wanted Spencer’s fingers inside me. They were long, obviously dexterous- I knew they’d be able to reach places inside me that I couldn’t reach myself. I couldn’t say these thoughts out loud, in English at least,
I didn’t want Spencer to ever know. But, I wanted to get the thoughts swirling in my head off my chest, the only way to do that without embarrassment was to say it in a way that no one here would be able to understand.
As Spencer shuffled with ease and delt the cards out with his dexterous fingers my lusty thoughts were too pressing for my lips to be able to contain. So I spoke quickly with my voice slightly lowered, maybe Spencer and the people around me would miss my transition into a different language, “I wished you would use those fingers on me instead, preferably inside of me.”
Spencer blinked back at me, obviously confused by my words.
“Sorry, just spaced out for a second, didn’t realize I had switched to Russian.” I giggled out, mostly because I was amazed that I had gotten away with it. I moved on quickly not wanting to linger on my ‘slip up’ any longer, plus I finally wanted to try and play against Spencer in a poker game, “Let’s see if your poker face is as good as everyone says it is, Spencer.”
“Please, fuck me?” Over the course of my daring adventures I had become increasingly louder with my declarations. Last week I had commented about how much I wanted his cock in my mouth, of course in Russian and the week before that I had made my initial comment about how much I wanted his fingers inside me.
This one happened to be the loudest out of the three little sentences that seemed like innocent slips into another language to everyone else, but to me and only to me I was voicing my desires. Each time I did it a little rush of adrenaline sparked through me, no one besides Emily would be able to translate, who wasn’t with me in the file room. It was only Spencer and I in here right now, the rest of the team had gone home for the night.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do that at the office, but if you asked me again somewhere else I’d do it.” He answered me back and in perfect Russian as well.
My entire being withered in embarrassment as soon as I had translated Spencer’s words, he understood me. He had understood all of what I had said, every last word. I should’ve remembered that he spoke Russian, we had a case where he spent the whole time translating, I couldn’t believe how idiotic I had been. I wanted the earth to swallow me up in that moment, just so I could escape Spencer’s piercing gaze. I couldn’t tell from his words or the look on his face what exactly he was feeling about my words, some profiler I was. He didn’t seem angry at least, maybe a bit bemused?
I shrank back a little more over fear if he was making fun of me or not. If I hadn’t been feeling so mortified I would’ve realized that Spencer wasn’t one to make fun of anyone, hindsight is 20/20 after all.
“Your poker face is spot on.” Was the only measly response that I could find myself to come up with, in an attempt to cover my embarrassment if only a little bit. A bunch of apologies also felt like they were crawling up my throat. I was absolutely mortified that I had been caught red handed, it was beyond unprofessional- I don’t think there was even a word for it. I had crossed the line so far I might as well have leaped over it, forgetting that it had ever existed.
“Well- I am from Vegas and before you start apologizing, you don’t need to. I liked it.”
Silence fell between us again after his smart remark. It was like we were sizing each other up, deciding what to do.
“You know- there’s no one here tonight, everyone’s gone home…” My confidence seemingly had come back after being knocked down a few pegs. I tapped my fingers absentmindedly on the large desk in the file room, my mind wandering to think about what it would be like if he bent me over it.
“That’s true.” A smirk was on his face now, one that I didn’t see often from him. I felt like I was going to be ensnared by him as soon as I took the time to blink.
Sure enough in a flash he had brought me into a bruising kiss that I got swallowed up by so fast there was no chance for me to try and win back any dominance.
In no time he had me bent over the table, my face pressed into the cool silver metal with my back arching up trying to reach his touch in any way I could. He gripped the waistband of my skirt roughly, but did not pull it down right away. He pulled my skirt down ever so slowly that by the time it reached the floor I impatiently wiggled to step out of it.
“You’re impatient.” He stated simply. I couldn’t deny it because of how true it was, all he’d have to do was pull my black lace panties off to see how wet I had become.
Instead I decided to lean in on how needy and impatient I was by whining out, “Spencerrr, please?”
“What do you want? Is it the same thing you said to me on the plane?” He pressed a kiss to my hip as he pulled down my panties just as slowly as he had done with my skirt, making me squirm again. Once I was bare from the waist down before him he paused for a moment to look at me; I withered a little under his gaze. I whined again when he carefully took his long fingers to just slightly part my folds before speaking again, “Tell me.”
I hesitated a little for a moment trying to focus to remember exactly what I had said on the plane. When I had collected my thoughts I whispered out in Russian, much more shaky than I had said on the plane, “I wished you would use those fingers on me instead, preferably inside of me.”
He was seemingly satisfied by my breathless reply, immediately beginning to work me up to orgasm. As he started to work his fingers inside of me he pressed his other hand down on the small of my back, a silent warning to not move.
I contemplated disobeying him, but when two of his fingers curled inside me to perfectly hit my g-spot it felt too good to lose.
“You gonna cum so quick for me, princess?” I got even wetter when he said princess like that, in Russian made me get even wetter than I already was. I was practically dripping down my thighs- and Spencer’s fingers.
“Yes! I’m gonna cum soon!” I gasped out and tried in vain to wriggle my hips to gain more friction, his hand on my back however was unyielding.
“Ask nicely and I might let you.”
“Please?!” I even asked it in Russian to make the plea possibly better in Spencer’s eyes. He didn’t respond right away, only picking up his pace faster. I tried to hold off my orgasm as best as I could, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to hold it. “Please, sir?”
“Alright, since you asked so nicely. You can cum, princess.”
I gave up the fight of holding off my orgasm, it immediately washed over me. My legs shook with the force of how hard and fast my orgasm shot through me, causing me to cry out as well.
Once I had come down from my high I slid off the table and down to my knees to repeat what I had said while at the round table a week ago “I want your cock in my mouth.”
He looked at me with wild eyes and obliged me, letting his cock free from his slacks. My mouth watered at the sight of him, his tip was bright red and dripping with precum. He had obviously not been the only one to be turned on.
As I grasped him in my hands and jerked him slowly I relished in the way he felt in my hand. He felt hot and heavy, I couldn’t wait to take him into my mouth.
I wrapped my lips around his tip, sucking lightly. Spencer’s head tipped backwards, his hands curled into fists as if he was trying to prevent himself from grabbing my hair to fuck my face. Little did he know that was exactly what I wanted.
When I guided one of his hands to the back of my hair to reassure him that I didn’t mind if he took control that way he almost let out a groan, but successfully stifled it by biting into his other fist. He then fisted my hair harder, wrapping his hand around so tight that tears prickled a bit in my eyes. It wasn’t a bad feeling at all, I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it even more when he started to use his hand to guide my head up and down. He set the pace to the one he desired. It wasn’t too fast or hard, it was actually quite slow. He dragged out each of my movements and when my nose nuzzled at the base of his cock he had me stay there for a moment each time. Each time I gagged a little on him he let out an almost whine, it made me wonder whether or not he’d look good underneath me as well. Though I was thoroughly content with being underneath him at this time.
Even though I had already had one orgasm the tingling between my thighs was not satiated, looking up at Spencer’s blissed out face only served to make me even more turned on.
“Stop.” I blinked up at him like he had done so at me on the jet, confused. I pulled off of his cock, a slight pop echoed in the air. He then lifted me up onto the table with my legs wrapped around his waist before I could ask him why he wanted for me to stop.
“Now what was that last thing you said to me? I want you to ask me again. ” His cock was running up and down my folds teasing me. My head fell back and I moaned when he bumped my clit.
“Please, fuck me?” My breathless voice sounded wrecked already.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” As he slid into me my eyes rolled back into my head as he slid into me. His pace was faster this time than what he had done while fucking my face. I was squirming with overstimulation and my orgasm was going to come ridiculously fast. Spencer could sense it too and brought his hand down to my clit to bring me over my peak even faster.
“You can cum again, princess.” My second orgasm was much longer than my first. It sparked through me slowly, almost in waves that felt like they had multiple peaks.
He too, was not that far behind me. When he tried to pull out to probably cum all over the tops of my thighs I kept him locked in place with my legs around my waist and asked, “Cum inside me?”
He obliged me with a groan pumping into me a few more times before spilling inside me. We were both slick with sweat, making me wish for a shower. As soon as I got cleaned up that would be the first thing I’d be doing when I bolted home. Maybe I could bring Spencer along for another round, I could hear him speak Russian to me all day.
“I’ll go get something to clean you up.” He spoke softly as if he was afraid I’d break, you’d think after the way he had fucked me that he’d realized I was not so breakable. I’d have to fix that later. As I sat there with his cum dribbling down my thighs waiting for him to return , mixing with my own I knew that I’d never underestimate Spencer’s poker face again.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom Spencer:
490 notes · View notes
professorsnape394 · 3 years
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DAY 5 - Occu-pied Orchard
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Rating: 😠🥰
Prompt: Apple Orchard
A/N: Day 5 of Snapetober 2021. So sorry for the late upload everyone! To be completely honest I found this prompt incredibly hard to get started, but I suppose I am pretty happy with how it turned out in the end. And now I'm completely in love with the idea that Hogwarts has a huge orchard hidden somewhere in the grounds.
Warnings:  Kinda Angsty with a fluffy ending.
Word Count: 2252
Credits to Gif Creator.
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The Hogwarts orchard had never been the most popular attraction among the students. I mean, why would it? They sit down to a full feast every meal and have a world of magic at their fingertips; who cares about a few apple and pear trees.
Which was undoubtedly the reason Severus Snape had taken to using it as his own personal sanctuary; First discovering it in his third year, the man continues to visit it even now in his years as a professor. It was the perfect refuge from the hordes of troublesome teenagers who persistently infest the castle grounds. His personal safe haven to escape the world.
It had been on very rare occasions had he ever bumped into another human amidst the labyrinth of fruit, the continuous rows of trees often successfully hiding Severus as he perched comfortably on an old tree stump. Even then the few passers-by had always chosen not to acknowledge the man with his large hooked nose stuck deep in the pages of a good book, clearly lost to a world other than this.
Which is why it came as a rather unwelcome shock to him, when not only was his preferred corner of the orchard invaded by an unfamiliar young woman, but she had the audacity to actually speak to him!
Though her initial presence did not go unnoticed by Severus, he elected to ignore her. Keeping his eyes transfixed on the pages in front of him though all the while secretly wishing she would hurry up and leave.
A quarter of an hour had passed and still Severus had paid her no attention, despite the fact her annoyingly cheery humming had long began to grate on his nerves.
How long does it take to fill a basket with fruit? He huffed to himself, completely distracted by the woman dancing up and down the line of trees, occasionally reaching up to pick a single apple.
Averting his gaze back once again to his book, Snape let out an exaggerated sigh, aggressively flipping the thin paper page of his novel.
As if she had only just been made aware of his existence the stranger waved politely in his direction, greeting him with a quick “hello”.
Rolling his eyes and turning up his nose, Severus hunched over further on his stool, making it clear he did not want to be acknowledged.
A further ten minutes passed, and once again the woman’s presence was causing even more disruption than before.
Huffing and panting could be heard from slightly further down the orchard as the witch jumped repeatedly in an attempt to snatch another apple from the tree, failing miserably every time.
Eventually giving up on her own body’s capabilities, she sought help from a nearby stranger.
Severus ignored her first request for help. Hoping if she would give up after her first try.
No such thing happened. Instead, the woman continued to call for help, knowing Severus would be tall enough to fulfil her request.
Just as determined as she, Snape persisted to ignore her. Until finally he could deny her no longer. The petite woman stormed her way back up the path, stopping no further than the tip of Severus’ toes. There was no way he could pretend he couldn’t hear her now.
“Yes?” He questioned, feigning ignorance.
“Could you be so kind, Sir, as to help me fetch an apple from the tree down there.” She smiled, but it was clear her once genuine gleefulness had quickly worn away, and was now replaced by a bitter imitation of the emotion.
Slamming his book shut, Snape turned reluctantly to face the woman. And in once swift movement he rose to his feet, towering over her intimidatingly.
“If you hadn’t noticed, I am trying to read here, and have been for the past half hour, despite your constant disruptions.”
Standing up straight, the young woman refused to cower under his stern gaze.
“I am aware. I am also aware that this orchard is a public area, or please correct me if I am wrong?”
Severus remained silent. Averting his eyes from her equally intense stare.
“I am simply asking for hand in picking one single piece of fruit. If that simple request proves too difficult for a man like you, then I am happy to go elsewhere to find the help I need. However as that may likely involve bringing even more people hear to disrupt your reading, then I suggest you take that stick out of your arse for one second and help me.”
“I want to make it clear; it is not my responsibility to aid every damsel in distress who wanders into this orchard unprepared. Might I suggest next time you visit you bring a step ladder. Or perhaps, do what everyone else does and use a spell?”
“Well excuse me for thinking I might encounter a decent human being, as opposed to you. I am not quite so idiotic as you may have presumed, I chose to leave my wand behind, therefore a spell, it seems, is out of the question.”
Grunting irritably, Severus silently accepted the young woman’s request, trudging behind her as they made their way down the path, allowing her to point out which apple she so desperately craved.
“Here.” He grumbled, forcing the fruit into the palm of her hand.
“I’ll treasure it always.” She beamed sarcastically, tossing it into her basket full of identical produce.
Without another word or second glance, the two went their separate ways; Severus back to his stump and y/n further into the orchard.
“Who is that infernal woman?” Severus asked his colleague curiously, his eyes fixated on y/n as she entered the Great Hall. This hadn’t been the first time he had laid eyes upon her since the orchard. He had occasionally spotted her prancing around the castle, chatting merrily to everyone who passed her by.
“That, would be the new Herbology professor.” Minerva McGonagall introduced.
“She’s quite lovely. I hear she’s baked a pie for every professor since her arrival, it must be her way of getting to know everyone. They really are deliciously tasty.”
“Oh, aren’t they.” Madam Pomfrey cut in. “She baked me a cherry pie this morning. I don’t think I’ve tasted anything sweeter. It was utterly delightful, as was the baker herself.”
“I got Rhubarb, my favourite. It was like she knew!” Minerva beamed. “What was yours, Severus?”
“I didn’t get one.” He huffed through gritted teeth.
“Don’t be silly, Severus, everyone got one. She even baked Hagrid an extra-large pear pie this afternoon. You must have lost it.”
“I think I would remember if I were to misplace an entire pie, Minerva. I’m telling you I didn’t get one.”
“Isn’t that peculiar. I wonder why. She can’t have taken a disliking to you already, Severus. Surely not, she’s barely been here a week.”
“I think you’re underestimating my ability to put people off. It’s a lot easier than you think.”
For the rest of the feast, Severus sat in silence. All the while keeping a watchful eye on y/n as she took her seat at the opposite end of the table.
It wasn’t uncommon for people to dislike Severus. In fact, there were very few people who did actually like him. But to be singled out in such a way was humiliating. And he refused to let that wretched woman think she had won.
That evening Severus worked tirelessly through the night in the dimly lit kitchens of Hogwarts trying, and failing on multiple attempts, to perfect the most crisp apple pie, y/n had ever laid eyes on.
As the night faded away and morning grew close, Severus reluctantly had to settle for his best competitor, who even at that, was less than adequate. With a soggy base and a mushy filling, his 5thattempt would have to do.
Quickly dusting the pie with a mountain of icing sugar for aesthetic purposes, Snape made a move to evacuate the kitchen before being spotted by the house elves. As he reached for the handle, the door flew open from the other end, sending Severus and his pie flying. Although startled by y/n sneaking her way into the kitchens, Snape managed to skilfully save his pie, placing it back on the counter before anymore disasters threatened to befell it.
“What are you doing in here?” She wondered suspiciously, barging her way into the room.
“I could ask you the very same question.” Snape responded bitterly, having regained his balance and composure along with it.
“I’ve come to bake. As I have done ever morning since my arrival. I don’t recall bumping into you on any of those occasions.”
“Bake? For who. I was under the impression every professor in this castle had received one of your sickening gifts. Don’t tell me you’re going to start on all of the students now.” He scoffed.
“You’re wrong, I haven’t given a pie to every professor in this castle.”
“Yes, I am quite aware.” He muttered grumpily to himself.
Y/n set about preparing for another bake, all the while moaning about the mess Snape had left for her to clear. Meanwhile Severus debated on whether or not he even wanted to give her his gift after all.
“You still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here?” She repeated, noting the potions master had still not left.
“I was… erm… checking the kitchen supplies. Sometimes they posses an ingredient or two I happen to be missing.” He made up.
Halting her tidying completely, the woman looked him up and down suspiciously.
“You’re lying.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re lying. You’ve got icing sugar all over you, you’ve been baking.” She accused, as if it wasn’t obvious from the state of the kitchen. Swiping a single finger across the breast of his undercoat, y/n gathered a small dusting of sugar on her fingertip, leaving in its place a long black void.
Severus struggled for words.
“Merlin! How many pies have you made? What are all these for?” She shrieked, noticing the vast amounts of failed attempts piled high on the worktop.
“They were practices.” He admitted.
“Practices for what?” Y/n wandered her way around the kitchen, turning her nose up as she came across pie after pie, all of them practically inedible.
“For this.” He whispered, revealing his best contender. “It’s for you.”
“For me? Why?” She eyed him apprehensively.
“Despite what you may think, Miss Y/L/N. I am not the type to burn bridges for no apparent reason. I simply noticed I was the only one not to receive one of your delicious pasties, and so I’ve taken it upon myself to make one for you, as a token of my apologies. I am not quite as disagreeable as I may appear upon first impressions.”
Shocked by the potion masters offering, y/n took a minute to let it all soak in.
The man she had previously found to be rude, arrogant and self-absorbed, had spent the whole night awake, for the purposes of baking a pie suitable enough to give to her as a gift. She looked around the room, truly appreciating his hard efforts. The sheer volume of pies scattered around the place showed his determination. He really was not the man she had assumed him to be.
“I didn’t leave you out.” She mumbled bashfully.
“I didn’t not make you a pie.” She explained a little louder. “I had to use all my other fruit first since I bought them before I arrived at Hogwarts. I only picked my apples and pears the other day, of course I had to leave them for last. And I thought it only fitting that I bake you an apple pie, after all you took the precious time out your day to help me pick them. I was just coming to bake it now.” She stated, emptying her canvas bag onto the giant island table, an abundance of apples rolling around randomly.
For the second time that morning, Severus was speechless.
“What’s in yours?” She nodded to the haphazardly latticed bake sitting in front of them.
“Apples.” He said blandly.
For the first time since their meeting, y/n let out the most musical laugh Severus had ever heard. The harmonious tune filled the room, almost breaking Severus into a smile, but not quite.
“We’ll, go on then, let us have a taste.” She smirked.
Fetching a couple of plates and cutlery from the drawers, He served up a slice of pie for her approval.
Though she tried her hardest to have a positive reaction, she couldn’t help her face from giving away her true opinion. Struggling to swallow the mush and under baked crust, y/n chewed for a lot longer than necessary, working up the courage to gulp it down her throat.
“It’s… lovely.” She grinned, though the twitch of her eye said differently.
“Don’t lie to me.” Severus warned, wanting her true review.
“How much sugar did you put in?” She wondered cautiously, putting down her fork.
Severus face fell; his mouth agape and his eyebrows risen.
“You’re supposed to add sugar?”
Once again, the woman fell into a fit of hysterics. Severus gradually chuckling along once he found the humour in it, despite hoping he had produced the perfect pie.
“How about I show you how it’s really done.” She offered.
“I suppose it couldn’t hurt to learn from the master herself.”
“You best hope it I just don’t poison it.” She winked.
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panda360c · 2 years
Going on a picnic date with the brothers!
This is my first time writing this kind of stuff so I hope you like it! And I apologize if its bad 😭, I've just wanted to do this for a while so here I finally am! If you have any request, feel free to ask me!
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You would be the one to bring it up as a date idea
After some convincing he agrees
He packs the food because he wants to have some charge in the situation
Once you guys arrive where you are going to have a picnic, he sets everything up for you
He pours your drinks for you
After you guys get done eating he will just gaze into your eyes
Loves seeing you flustered so will say things like, "The scene is no where near as beautiful as you" or "Your so cute when you insist on me doing these things with you"
If it gets cold he will wrap his coat around you even if you refuse
Bonus points if there are flowers, he might let you put flowers in his hair, but you will pay him back later 🤭
When you guys are leaving he wraps his arm around your shoulder and keeps you close for the rest of the day/night
(Sorry if his is bad, I don't really know a lot about him 😔)
He comes up with the idea but is to flustered to tell you directly
Drops hints a LOT because he think it would be so cute
Would say things like, "Man, its been a while since I've been ona picnic"
Once you figure it out and confront him, he completely denies it
Hides his tomato face and says "T-the Great Mammon would n-never go have a picnic with some human!"
You have to 'force' him to come with you
You would have to prepare the food unless you want noodles
Tries his best to be romantic but is super embarrassed
Finally once you guys get done eating and having a casual chat he takes both your hands and holds them in his and says "Look human! You outta be happy The G-Great Mammon went out with y-ya!"
Wants to hold you but doesn't know how to initiate it
So when you guys are going home, he just holds your hand and says "I hope yer happy, cause I sure am..."
Once again, you would be the one to ask
Completely freaks out and starts saying things like, "W-w-why would y-you w-want t-to g-g-go with m-me!?" And, "T-thats something n-n-normies d-do!"
Is actually really happy you asked him but will never admit it, at least to your face without dying of embarrassment
When you finally convince him that you are sure you want to go with him, you two will make some food together
Leviathan makes cookies shaped like Ruri-chan
Once you guys arrive you both set things up and have a seat
You two start talking and taking out the food to eat
He tells you all the new games he's been playing and he just looks so cute!
You move your hands to cup his face
He completely freezes and his face is on fire
"W-w-w-what are y-you d-d-doing?!?"
You tell him how much you love him and how much you appreciate him and he just melts
Levi.exe has stopped working
When he finally calms down he says that he loves you too
His face is still on fire tho and will be for the rest of the day
You guys hold hands and sit in a comfortable silence on the way back home
He was reading a romance novel and that's where he got the idea
Immediately comes to you and asks you about it
You two agree on going out and having a picnic
Both of you make food for the date, but he does most of it (such a gentleman 😌)
While you guys are setting up he pulls out a notebook of some sort
"Once we get done eating, I was wondering if you'd let me draw you?"
Of course you can't say no
So when you two finish eating he adjusts you the way he wants
The way he holds your waist makes the butterflies in your stomach come alive
He sits back down in his spot and starts drawing
There is a long silence but it's not a bad one
After he finishes he turns the book around to show you
(He can't really draw to well rn because he just started practicing)
You still find it cute and he gives you a kiss on the head as thanks
He carries you on the way home whispering how much he loves you
You barge into his room unexpectedly and he jumps and smears some of his nail polish
"MC! You made me mess uppp!"
Starts whining like a baby but stops as soon as you ask him
"A date with you? Of course honey!"
He has to fix his nail so you prepare the food
The whole way there he is absolutely gushing over his finger nails
"Look at how cute they are! I could do yours if you want! Oh! Then we would having matching nails, how cute!"
When you guys arrive you set things up and sit down across from him, to which he objects
"Love, I'm feeling lonely! Come over here and cheer me up?"
Won't stop pestering you until you sit next to him
Once you two love birds finish your meal, he pulls you into his lap and holds you
He has one hand around your waist and his other is brushing through your hair
Whispers sweet nothings into your ear
When you two head home, he has his arm wrapped around your shoulder and is talking about the spa you two are going to tomorrow
As soon as you say the word picnic hes in
Of course he's happy to go on a date with you, but he just can't help how hungry he is!
You have to prepare the food so he doesn't end up eating it
When you two get to the place, he sets things up because he feels bad for having to have you make the food by yourself
Of course the first thing you do is eat but once the food is gone, you two start chatting
Most of the chat is about foods he wants to try with you
You start getting sick from all the food you ate and so you lay your head on his shoulder
He looks concerned so you have to tell him that your not feeling well
He immediately starts packing things up and tells you to stay still
When everything is packed, he picks you up bridal style and carries you the whole way home
"Sorry MC, I'll take care of you now. I love you." (Man of few words but knows exactly what to say 😪)
When you go to ask him, he's asleep as per usual
You wake him up and ask him after a few minutes of him fully waking up
Of course he agrees but the falls right back asleep
You go and prepare the food for you two and wake him up again and drag him out of the house with you
When you two arrive he helps you set things up but is very slow about it
Both of you sit down and start eating
Once done, he crawls over to you and rests his head in your lap and closes his eyes
"Mm...thank you MC..." He says tiredly
You know he means well so you let him off the hook this time as he drifts off back to sleep
When you two arrive at home, he drags you to the attic to sleep together
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jae-yoonie · 3 years
So your bio said requests open so imma request. Can you do a fluffy first time with Mark where obvsiously the readers virgin skin breaks and bleeds a little and Mark is like panicking like omg i killed her i hurt her and so on but the reader explains to him that like it is all normal and that she wont die.
Cherry Sweet (M)
Pairing: Mark x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 2230
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“This movie sucks,” you groaned as you let your head plop onto your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I thought it’d be good,” Mark replied defensively, “The ratings were high.”
“It’s not your fault, I’m just disappointed,” you pouted.
“Did you wanna do something else?” he suggested since it was unlikely that you were gonna sit through the rest of the movie.
“Let’s just stay here for a bit and cuddle,” you replied as you snuggled into his chest.
“Okay, I like that idea,” he hummed as he pulled you close and rested his head on top of yours.
You enjoyed having these pure, wholesome moments with Mark and found the sound of his heartbeat rather calming, but for some reason, whenever you guys were physical for long periods of time, your mind would always end up drifting to dirty thoughts. The two of you had been sexual before, but a lot of the time, you tried to control yourself so you wouldn’t give him the wrong idea; you loved him more than words could express and it wasn’t just for sexual gratification.
You hadn’t gone all the way with him yet, but you couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed your mind more times than once. Since Mark never really mentioned much about sex to you other than making dirty jokes, it was hard for you to bring the topic up to him. He was a boy, but no matter how hard you thought about it, you just couldn’t convince yourself that he thought about it as much as you did.
“Mark...” you mumbled nervously, finally growing desperate enough to attempt having a conversation about the topic with him.
“Um… have you ever thought about… it?”
“About what?”
“Y’know… ‘it’…” You could feel your stomach folding into knots as you thought about what you should say next. You didn’t want to say it out right, but at the same time maybe it wasn’t a good idea to assume he’d know what ‘it’ meant.
“It?” he asked again, urging you to sit up before throwing you a concerned look, “What do you mean? If there’s something bothering you, tell me.”
“Er… well…” you started, breaking eye contact with him, “It’s just… uh…”
“Is it bad? Am I doing something wrong?”
“No! Not at all! It’s… ugh…” Out of frustration, you cupped your face in your hands and tried to calm yourself down so that you could start over and try again.
“Hey…” Mark said worriedly as he pulled you in for a hug, “I didn’t mean to upset you, sorry… you can tell me when you’re ready to.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you briefly looked back up at him before pressing your lips against his. You came to the decision that asking him verbally was too difficult, at least in that context, so you would ask him through actions instead. It’d been a while since the last time you’d done anything sexual with him so you felt it’d be okay to let things escalate a little bit today.
As you continued to move your lips against his, one of your hands found its way down to his stomach, slowly drifting lower and lower down his body. Before you knew it, your fingers slid right over the waistband of his sweats and landed right on his crotch, the feeling of his already hardening member under your palm making your core ache with desire.
He let a moan slip into your mouth as you started to stroke him over the thin material of his pants, his hand going to your waist and pulling you closer to him before he broke the kiss, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch.
“Is this the ‘it’ you were talking about earlier?” he asked breathily, as you continued to palm at his erection.
“Um well… possibly…” you trailed off, the movement in your hand starting to cease as you lost confidence amidst the topic that Mark had suddenly resurfaced.
“Are you scared to talk about ‘it’?”
“Maybe a little…”
“Why? It’s normal for couples to talk about these kinds of things. So what was it you were trying to ask me?”
“Um… okay,” you started, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Have you ever thought about… having sex with me?”
“Are you kidding me?” Mark laughed in disbelief, “Of course I have! All the time! What kind of boyfriend doesn’t think about that?”
“I don’t know… you never mentioned it before…”
“Well, I didn’t wanna be the one to initiate it or pressure you into it, so I figured it’d be safer to wait until you told me you were ready.”
Suddenly, you felt embarrassed that you were so worried over something so dumb, but at the same time you were relieved. You were thankful to have such a loving and considerate boyfriend who’s been patiently waiting for the ‘okay’ from you, but now you kind of regret waiting so long to bring up the topic. Communication is important in a relationship and you shouldn’t have been so scared to express how you felt.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed another quick kiss to his lips before speaking with a new burst of confidence, “I’ve been ready.”
Mark only smirked in response, carefully laying you down on the couch before getting your permission to remove shorts and panties. He was gentle as he removed each article of clothing, and once he had full access, his thumb went straight to your clit, skillfully rubbing over the sensitive bulb how he knew you liked it. “You’re so wet already,” He gawked as his other fingers wandered down to your wet folds and teased your entrance.
“I’m always wet for you,” you muttered before taking your lower lip between your teeth, brows furrowing as Mark slipped a finger into you and curled it up against your g-spot. Occasionally between curls, he pumped his finger in and out of your slick lips and when you least expected it, during one of those moments he surprised you by sneaking in an extra finger. “Mark!” you moaned out, toes curling and fists clenching at the newly intensified sensation.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the real thing? I’m only using two fingers right now,” he teased before leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead.
“S-shut up! I— can—” You struggled to make out between breaths, “It f-feels— good—”
With the combined feeling of his two fingers thrusting into you, stimulating your g-spot and his thumb continuing to toy with your clit, it wasn’t long before he had you shaking beneath him as you tried your best to fight back your oncoming orgasm.
“Cum for me,” Mark whispered as his fingers continued to work wonders between your legs.
The sheer sound of his raspy voice resonating in your ear was enough to push you over the edge, pleasure erupting throughout your body as you hit your first climax of the night. When you finally opened your eyes, Mark had quite a pleased look on his face as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats and briefs, pulling them both down in one go. Your mouth watered seeing his erection spring free, the tip already glistening with his essence. He gave himself a couple pumps before positioning himself to your entrance, nervousness etched into his features as he looked up at you for approval before proceeding.
“Wait,” you interrupted as you reached down to grab his cock, gently urging him to scoot closer to you, “It’s my first time y’know… a little extra lube might be a good idea.” With that, you took him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you slid your lips down his length.
“Fuck,” he cursed at your unexpected advance, “Don’t make me cum before we even start though.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, unintentionally adding to the sensation you were already giving him and forcing a throaty moan out of him. He only let you continue for a little longer before he withdrew himself from you, repositioning himself to your entrance again.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked, reaffirming that you meant what you said earlier about wanting to go all the way.
“I’m sure,” you replied confidently, giving him a small grin for extra assurance.
“Have you been taking your pills regularly?”
“Yes, I have!” you chuckled, “Are you stalling? Don’t tell me you’re more nervous than me.”
“Of course I’m nervous! I wanna make this a good experience for both of us… it’s a lot of pressure…”
“Don’t think about it too much. If you’re too stressed you won’t be able to enjoy it as much” you cupped his face in his hand as you spoke, “I’m nervous too, but we’ll figure it out together, okay?”
He gave a small nod in response, taking a deep breath before slowly trying to ease himself into you. “Oh my god, you’re... so tight… A-are you okay?” he asked, noticing that you were wincing a little.
“Mhm…” you nodded quickly, “It just hurts a little… but it’s normal...”
“Okay… just… tell me to stop if it hurts a lot okay?”
You nodded again, smiling lovingly as you looked up at him through half lidded eyes. The moment you’d been fantasizing about for so long was finally happening and you couldn’t be happier. You knew it’d be a little bit of a bumpy ride given both of your lack of sexual experience, but the fact that it was with the person who meant the world to you and understood you more than anyone else was what made the experience so perfect.
“Oh my god,” Mark gasped, quickly snapping you out of your thoughts, “Y-you’re bleeding…” When you looked up at him, his eyes were wide and he was completely frozen, like a deer in headlights. “What do I do? Oh my god… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was just—”
“Keep going,” you interrupted him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “We agreed that I’d tell you to stop if it hurts a lot… and I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“B-but… you’re bleeding?!”
“And it only hurt a little! It’s normal, don’t worry about it. I promise I’ll tell you if something doesn’t feel right.”
“You sure? This just seems so—”
“I’m sure! You’re doing a great job so far, Mark, stop worrying so much, okay?” You felt the tension in his body dissipate once you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, your chaste gesture finally convincing him that you were really okay. After what felt like forever, he continued to cautiously guide his full length into you before slightly retracting and snapping his hips again.
“You feel… amazing, by the way,” he puffed as he continued to meticulously control each of his movements.
“So do you… but go faster,” you begged, wrapping your legs around his waist for increased proximity.
“I’ll cum if I go faster,” he smiled at you playfully.
“Shut up,” you giggled, lightly slapping him on the shoulder.
Soon after, he complied, his pace gradually starting to pick up filling the empty living room with the sounds or raw sex, the coarse moans falling from both of your lips muffled by bare skin slapping against skin. “Y’know…” Mark started, his voice shaky as he tried to speak between pants, “I was only half joking earlier.”
“Ah— it’s okay, I- I’m close too,” you struggled to speak over how good he was making you feel. Maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe something else, but you didn’t even realize when the initial pain you’d felt had gone away; you just felt like you were on cloud nine and your whole body was buzzing with anticipation as your peak quickly neared.
As Mark chased his own high, he didn’t dare let down the quick and consistent tempo he managed to maintain up until that point, especially knowing how close you were to cumming. In no more than a minute and a handful of thrusts later, a second and more intense explosion of bliss filled your body making your back arch off the couch and toes curl as you uncontrollably fisted at the back of Mark’s shirt.
The feeling of your walls pulsating around him brought him to his climax shortly after you, leading him to quickly pull out and lift up your shirt just enough for him to release his hot seed onto your stomach. He hung his head as he hovered above you, taking a moment to catch his breath before reaching for some tissues to clean up the mess he’d made.
“Why didn’t you cum inside of me?” you asked wearily as you watched him gently wipe up the last of the sticky substance.
“I was too scared to risk it,” he admitted, tossing the used tissues into the nearest trash can, “Especially for our first time.”
“You’re lame,” you mumbled jokingly.
“That’s what you say after I make you cum twice?” he scoffed as he squished himself onto the couch to lay down next to you.
“Thank you for always being so considerate of me,” you mumbled as you snuggled into him, “I love you.”
“Of course, I only want the best for the best girlfriend in the world. I love you more.”
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Donna x Elena ----From Winter to Spring
This is a commission written for the lovely @saltwatereulogies and I cannot thank you enough for all your support! I hope you enjoy the story :)
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She doesn’t know how she escaped that nightmarish inferno. How she still draws breath. Why her body keeps running despite its condition and despite the fact that she has lost everything.
The village is gone. Everyone she knew is either dead or a monster. She watched her own father growl like a beast and cleave a woman in half, then soon after wail out her name and succumb to the flames swallowing up the building. There is nothing left. There is nothing left for her.
Why? Elena wonders. A trail of blood marks her path through the snow, towards the unknown. Why still fight?
It will be easier to surrender to the agonizing burns, to the open gashes and wood splinters stuck in her skin. It will be far, far simpler to stop pressuring her rattling lungs to provide oxygen and fall into the snow, instead. It looks… peaceful. Soft. Pure.
It will welcome her to a quiet death, she thinks, so she may join her friends and her father.
Her father. The man who had never reached his hand out to help her when she fell –either on the fields or when she tripped over hardships— yet had always been there in his own stubborn, strict way, telling her to pick herself up.
“I didn’t raise no quitter.”
Ah, is that why.
Perhaps part of her feels it owes it to him to try. She did miraculously survive the fiery wreckage she’d initially thought would be her grave. But… the odds just aren’t with her.
Elena is only human. She’s lost too much blood, been through too much punishment. Her vision is growing blurrier by the second, her legs more sluggish. When she steps on grass instead of snow, she believes her mind is now playing tricks on her, too.
Something smells sweet, like wildflowers.
That is the last thing Elena is aware of, before she drops to her knees and blacks out.
When she blinks her eyes open, she is… confused.
She never thought heaven nor hell would have a wooden ceiling. She wouldn’t have guessed pain follows one into the afterlife, either, yet there she is, prone and throbbing with every weak breath on a bed too comfortable to be her own.
Unless she’s not dead. Unless, against all odds, she survived a second time only to suffer some more. Elena wants to cry. What cruel game is the universe playing with her? The luck she never had in life is suddenly gracing her in extreme bursts now that she doesn’twant it.
“She’s awakeeee!” an overly excited voice exclaims somewhere around the room. Elena is too dizzy to tell.
“Shh.” A second presence makes itself known, calming the first.
“Who…” Who are you, Elena tries to say, but the words never make it past her dry throat.
Heels tap against the floor, until a black-clad figure comes to peer down at her. Elena expected to see the face of her savior, yet all she sees is a ghost, its visage hidden behind a mourning veil. The image is jarring; it sends her heartbeat skyrocketing, which doesn’t help her condition.
Oh, Lord, Oh, Lord what… Elena wants to tell herself she’s dreaming. It isn’t real, none of this is real—
Until a doll jumps into the edge of her bed and says something she doesn’t hear over the sound of her hoarse scream.
The ghost flinches backwards as the world turns dark once more.
The second time she opens her eyes, hours or days later, the pain has subsided somewhat.
Elena can feel her body, at least. All the wounded parts are carefully wrapped in gauzes and all her burns are covered by a soothing salve. Her lungs no longer hiss when she inhales, so long as she does so slowly, evenly.
That, of course, is not so easy to do when she turns to her left and sees the ghost sitting there, an open book in her lap. The veil is still on, obscuring her features, but Elena takes note of her fingers as they cradle the spine of the tome, long and pale, manicured black.
Appearances aside, there is a certain calm about her that doesn’t feel threatening.
“I… I’m not hallucinating, am I?” she whispers, not trusting her voice to go any higher.
The mystery woman tenses as though her voice has startled her. “…No.” she eventually replies. Her voice is quiet, like the rest of her.
“Did… you save me…?” A single nod is all she gets in return. Her company doesn’t seem very comfortable speaking, but Elena has questions that she needs answered. “Where am I?”
“The Beneviento estate.”
Elena would gasp if she could. I made it that far? And this woman… is she really Donna Beneviento? Her father told her all she needed to know about the four Lords residing at the outskirts of the village. He had also told her to avoid them at all costs.
“Um. I’m Elena—” A cough cuts her off. The sudden motion causes every injury across her body to burn.
“…I know.”
She is too much pain, in that moment, to ask how Donna knows.
In the following days, Elena comes to accept a few things that would have normally made her question her sanity;
The doll is alive. Her name is Angie and she is Donna’s friend. Donna is the adopted daughter of Mother Miranda, who, upon the former’s request, has given her permission for Elena to remain in the mansion. When she asked what would have happened had she denied, the doll only sing-songed that she doesn’t really want to know.
It still plagues her mind, probably because she has far too much time to think and this is the only thing she can focus on, lest she starts crying over and over again.
When Donna comes to change her bandages, it is a relief.
The woman sits at the edge of her bed, at the absolute maximum distance. Elena slowly brings her body to a semi-reclining position to assist. Angie hops on the bed and pulls the covers to the side… and that is when they arrive to a standstill. Donna doesn’t move, Elena doesn’t know what to do.
“Um. May I?” the veiled woman motions with her –admittedly very elegant— hands. It’s… endearing, how she approaches the subject of touching her.
Elena nods and tries to be a good patient for her. Tries being the key word. When she’s not fighting for her life, she is not nearly as brave in the face of pain. Her teeth are gritted as Donna’s cool hands unwrap the gauzes at her right arm, her eyes closed, breath held.
“…Am I hurting you?” Donna asks, quiet as ever.
“No.” Elena forces herself to exhale. “No, you’re… very gentle.”
Donna nods and continues with the same measured movements. Elena doesn’t want to look at her wounds, afraid of what she’ll find there, so she turns to the veiled visage of her companion. She wishes she could see her face. Wonders what she may look like, what flaw she’s trying to hide.
Until a bandage catches on a particularly bad burn and Elena cries out.
Her whole body jumps—
Donna’s hands fly to her shoulders, keeping her steady with surprising strength, yet she steps away the very next second as though she’s been scorched.
Elena bites her lower lip hard enough to draw blood. There you go, making her uncomfortable…
Angie takes over for a while, also quite precise. Elena peeks down to realize she isn’t in as terrible a condition as she may have imagined. Scars will be left, no doubt, but she will probably heal well enough.
Then the last difficult spot comes up. She knows it when Angie warns: “You need to stay still here.”
“No, no wait!” Elena pleads. “I—I can’t.” I can’t, I can’t deal with this again, not again—
But Donna sits back next to her and her mere presence calms her down. “You are very strong, Elena. This is the last one.” she says.
“Hold me down.” Elena requests.
Donna doesn’t seem to like the idea. Still, she slowly brings her hand back over the uninjured part of Elena’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright.” she whispers.
“On three.” Angie says. “One… Two…”
She pulls the bandage on two and Elena would jump high enough to burst through the ceiling if it wasn’t for Donna. When the agony subsidies she realizes she’s sobbing helplessly, clutching at the dollmaker’s sleeves for dear life.
“Shh, I’m sorry, it’s over now. It’s over.” Donna’s slender fingers comb through her unruly hair.
The brunette closes her eyes and lets her head drop back down into her pillow, but she doesn’t let go of the dollmaker right away. She smells like the flowers outside her house,she thinks.
She feels like a safe space, steady, in a world that’s broken and tilted for Elena.
Gradually, Donna talks to her more. Gradually, Elena tests her body’s limits until she is strong enough to walk around the house on her own.
Angie is with her, most of the time, but she knows it’s less a security measure and more one for her safety. Her mental connection to Donna is something Elena cannot grasp nor understand, but she tries to.
The first time she manages to get to the living room, Elena stops and stares at the painting of Donna adorning the wall opposite her.
“…is that her?” she asks Angie.
“Of course!” the doll replies excitedly. “I am so proud of that one, the artist did a great job! Mistress Donna looks splendid, but it is me who steals the show!”
Elena can’t look away from the canvas. Why is she so familiar…? “Is that what she looks like?”
“Well, excluding a scar she wishes to hide. Kind of like my face. We match.” Angie answers, giving her version of a grin.
For the rest of the day, Elena sneaks glances at Donna, then the painting. It isn’t proper, she knows, but she’s curious. And… surely, no scar is enough to justify hiding that cute face from the world?
Weeks pass. Elena has healed well and she owes it all to Donna.
The two of them have grown closer in the time the former’s injuries have forced them together, close enough to have tea in the mornings and brief chats over common interests throughout the day.
When the weather grows a tad warmer, Elena asks the dollmaker to take a stroll with her outside. She sees the decorated graves, of course, but she knows better than to ask. She doesn’t want their time to be poisoned by grief. The scars of losing loved ones run deep, she knows this too well and they never really heal.
The two of them are basking in comfortable silence for a while, until a thought that feels impossible not to be voiced strikes Elena.
“Donna.” she speaks.
“When I first woke up and I told you my name… you said ‘I know’.”
“I’m sure we’ve never met before…?” Elena stops and turns to face her companion. Donna mirrors her.
“How certain are you?” she asks. Upon Elena’s obvious confusion, she elaborates; “As a child, I used to visit the village with my father. In one of those visits, some of the kids made fun of my scar. A boy, especially, was saying some very mean things.”
Elena starts to recall one such incident in the blurry images of her childhood.
“You stopped him.” Donna says. Pauses. “…with a punch to the face.”
Elena raises a hand to her mouth, but a quick laugh escapes her anyway. “I did?” A nod. “No way.”
“You did.”
“It couldn’t have been a strong one, though.” Elena giggles.
“I don’t know. Rumor has it he still hasn’t gotten up, to this day…” The little exhale of a chuckle that escapes Donna makes something in Elena bloom and flutter.
She wants nothing more in that moment than to lift the damned veil and see the face of the gentlest, kindest woman she’s ever met.
The winter eventually gives way to spring. The earth heals from the wounds of the cold like Elena has, under Donna’s care.
She no longer has doubts about what she feels, what she wants. It is only a matter of overcoming her fears and nervousness. Only a matter of finding the right timing and the appropriate setting.
Elena has rehearsed the words she needs to say many times in her dreams and thoughts, yet she finds herself tongue-tied and completely lost on what to do in reality. She has asked Donna to walk with her, taken her to where the waterfall calms into a river… and now struggles to summon her voice.
“What is it, Elena?” Donna, ever the sweetheart, asks. “You know you can tell me anything… right?”
“What if…” she hesitantly begins. “What if I can’t tell you? …can I show you, instead?”
“Of course.”
Elena takes a deep breath and chastises herself to woman up. One little step brings her into Donna’s personal space. Her hand raises to the edge of the veil, blue eyes searching for a sign she should stop. The dollmaker is tense, but she hasn’t made a move to back away, nor lower Elena’s hand.
She trusts her.
And that’s all Elena needs to finally, finally remove the barrier separating them for months. The cute girl she defended as a child is a beautiful woman now, looking back at her with gentle, dark eyes. The jagged scar running down the right side of her face does nothing to retract from that beauty.
“You don’t need that.” she breathes. “You never did.”
Donna glances to the side, a hint of color spreading over her pale cheeks. Elena chases her chin with her fingers, then slowly inches closer, making sure the dollmaker has ample time to decide if she wants this, too.
When their lips meet, color blooms behind her shut eyelids, within her chest. Donna’s mouth is as soft and sweet as her personality, Elena discovers. It is a short, chaste kiss but it is also a promise for many more to come.
It is the gratitude Elena will eternally hold for Donna, who found her at the ending of her life and nursed her back to this,
A new beginning.
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ysljoon · 3 years
Daddy’s Favorite Student|DILF!Kim Seokjin x Reader
This fanfic has mature content so please avoid if you’re not 18+.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is 18 and Seokjin is about 45 years old), dirty talk, unprotected sex (please use protection people!), creampie, spanking, fingering (f receiving), oral sex (m receiving)
“Little girl you have to be fucking quiet if you want to continue doing this.”
You are in the current situation of fucking your project partner’s dad while your partner left to go get food for the both of you. You will never deny the fact that older men have always been much more attractive to you then boys your age. This rendezvous started when your teacher partnered you together with a boy that you weren’t even aware that he was in your class. His name was Kim Taehyung and you had to do your senior project with him to ensure that you would be walking across the stage with your diploma in the spring. 
Initially when you were planning out your project with Taehyung he suggested to do the project at his house since it was located right next to a plaza that had a craft store with extensive selections. You rolled your eyes at the suggestion because it definitely had underlying suggestions that you were not interested in. His suggestion was something that you will be forever grateful for. On the first day of working on his project you drove to his house and knocked on the door. You were slightly annoyed since you had a heavy backpack that you were itching to take off since its heavy weight was due to all the craft supplies you thought would be useful. 
You knocked again with an even heavier fist to hopefully get a response and this time the door swung open. You were instantly faced with a gorgeous man that definitely was not Taehyung. His broad shoulders had your mouth watering and you were ready to jump this man’s bones. “Oh, you must be Y/N! Taehyung told me you were coming. Sorry for his awful manners, he's in his room right now and he seems to be deaf once he’s in there.” He moved his body to the side to allow you to come inside and you ignored anything he said about Taehyung. You just wanted to stare at his plush lips all day. “I’m his father,” He stuck out his hand for you to shake it and you were in awe with how big his hand was. You knew they were perfect to manhandle your smaller frame. “You can call me Seokjin or Mr. Kim. It doesn’t matter to me I won’t give you a hard time.” He gave you a warm smile and led you to the stairs and instructed you which door was Taehyung’s. You thanked him and wished that you could spend more time with him. You knocked on the door and saw Taehyung open up with disheveled fluffy hair and wearing a white shirt and sweatpants. Definitely a lot more casual than the vintage style he sports at school.
After brainstorming and getting a rough outline of the project Taehyung was generous enough to suggest getting lunch. He originally wanted you to accompany him while he drove to the fast food restaurant of your choice, but you came up with the excuse that you’ll continue to work on the project so there will be less to do after the lunch break. He looked like he was going to try again to convince you, but he just shrugged and went downstairs to get his keys. You spied through his bedroom window to make sure he was well down the street before you proceeded to make your advances towards Mr. Kim. Just the sound of his name gives you butterflies. 
You got up from the bed and slowly started to explore the upstairs part of the house and you heard busy fingers typing behind a door and you figured it was Mr. Kim doing some work from home. You tried to suppress a grin from your impulsive thought of him fucking you against his desk and making a mess all over his office. You timidly knocked on the door and held your breath while waiting for an answer. He cracked open the door and made it wider once he saw you. “Y/N is everything okay? Where’s Taehyung?” You slipped past him into his office and he closed his door behind him. “Taehyung went to go get lunch for the both of us and I was bored so I wanted to spend some time while I was waiting!” You gave him a wide smile and he nodded at your response. “Well, I don’t think I can entertain you much since I’m doing work, but you can keep me company till Taehyung gets back.” He pulled out a chair for you to sit and you watched him type away on his desktop computer. After a couple of minutes you knew you had to speed up your plan especially if you wanted to get what you wanted before Taehyung came back. 
“Mr. Kim, do you have a wife?” He suddenly spluttered at the sudden question and looked at you from above his monitor. “U-uh no she’s out of the picture.” He tried to keep the answer as vague as possible, but that was all you needed to hear. You got up and made your way around the table and started to rub his back in an attempt to do a faux massage. You started to press your breasts against his back to really get him riled up and this did the trick. “Y/N what are you trying to do right now? I am a father not a teenage boy that does hookups. If that’s what you’re looking for then please go look somewhere else.” His words did not match his actions though and this made you smirk while you continued to rub his broad shoulders. “Mr. Kim, if you really don’t want this you can kick me out right now, but I don’t think that’s what you want.” You purred into his ear and in result he got up and wrapped his hand around your neck. His mood took a 180 and you were getting wetter and wetter by the second.
“Y/N, you better be ready to take whatever the hell I give you since you want to whore yourself out to me. I will make you feel like a fucking whore since you want to be one so bad.” He flipped you and had your body pressed up against the wall. He pulled down your leggings and you felt him already pressing up against your ass. He tapped between your thighs to indicate for you to spread them and you did it with no fight. He started to rub your cunt agonizingly slow to tease you and he let out a low chuckle. “I barely even touched you and your pussy is already so wet and sloppy for me. Christ, you really are a slut. I wonder if Taehyung knows how much of a slut you are.” You shook your head and stuck out your ass to press further against him. 
He ripped your panties off and with no warning he slipped two fingers into you with no resistance considering how turned on you are right now. “You definitely are a whore for me, you can take two of my fingers with barely any prep. I wonder if you can take more?” You nodded and this was not the answer he wanted. He removed his fingers from inside you and gave a loud slap to your ass. “Use your fucking words. If you wanna fuck a grown man you’re gonna answer me and give me the respect a grown man deserves.” “Y-yes sir. I want more of your fingers please.” He fulfilled your request and put an additional finger in your pussy and this had you screaming out in please. If he kept this up you would be cumming in no time. You were already starting to clench and Seokjin was having none of it. “You’re gonna cum on my fucking cock and that’s final.” He took out your fingers and he left you as a whimpering mess against the wall.
“Get on your knees and do what useful whores do by sucking my cock.” You obeyed and waited with baited breath. Once he pulled down his pants your mouth instantly salivated. He was so much bigger than you could’ve ever imagined and it had your whole body tingling with excitement. You took it in your mouth and instantly you knew that you couldn’t get more than half of him down your throat. Seokjin was definitely enjoying the sight of you struggling to deepthroat his dick. “Aw, poor slut can’t even take daddy’s cock. Looks like someone should go back to fucking stupid little teenage boys.” This lit a fire under your ass and you were determined to take more of his cock now. You needed to prove yourself to him. You started to gag around him trying to take more of him and this was enough to bring him close to cumming. 
He yanked your hair to remove your mouth and he slapped your cheek indicating for you to stand up. He quickly admired your tear stained cheeks and the drool dripping from the corner of your mouth. Your fantasies were coming true when Seokjin came behind you and took one of your arms to bend you across his desk. You spread your legs and felt the excitement inside you when you could feel him lining up against your pussy. In one swift motion he came close to bottoming out in your pussy and you let out a screaming moan that was out of pleasure and pain. “Little girl you have to be fucking quiet if you want to continue doing this.” You tried your best to try and quiet your moans, but he just felt so fucking good. Your pussy started to clench again and you knew the tightening in the pit of your stomach was about to pop. “Yeah, be the little fucking slut you are and cream all over daddy’s big fucking cock. You’re taking me so well baby.” His words of encouragement made you completely let go and you were arching your back from how strong your orgasm was. You knew Seokjin was also close because his thrusts were getting faster and sloppier. “Fuck your cunt feels so good wrapped around me. I bet you want me to cum in you. You wanna be filled with my fucking kids huh?” “Yes fuck please! I want your cum so bad!” This was all he needed to hear and he was dumping his cum deep inside of you and it felt so good. 
Once you put your clothes back on you heard the front door open. The timing couldn’t be anymore perfect. “Hey Y/N I’m back! Sorry it took so long. The traffic was crazy. I hope you’re hungry!” “I’m starving! Thanks again for the lunch, Tae.” You scampered out of the office and gave one last wink to Mr. Kim before you went to eat. 
Notes: I got really inspired to write a DILF fic after reading some of @taesinferno content (which is super good go check them out!). If you enjoyed what you read then please like and reblog. If you would like to support my work further you can give me a Kofi.
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treeashhere · 3 years
Hello, may I request cuddle headcanons for the protagonists (Makoto, Hajime, Kaede, and Shuichi)?
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Haha! sure, Sorry for keeping you waiting!
Cuddle session with Protagonists!
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This guy is such a cuddle bug!
Makoto would want to cuddle anywhere! except school oml-
Bro he's a small spoon BUT he can be the big spoon if you want
Whenever you two would cuddle, He'll fall asleep either from studies or feeling relaxed in your touch!
To be honest when first time cuddling, he can be a bit touch starved right..'bit'
So when you two first cuddled, He's happy because someone actually did this to him!!
So whenever you two cuddled, You can always see him smile..
If he's stressing over something, You'll have to ask him first
Once you found out on what he was all stressing about, You told him "Hey.. How about we cuddle so we can try to ease your mind?"
He looks at you for a minute and smiled "Sure s/o..!"
Once you two cuddle he's problem just went away from his mind and started drifting to sleep..
You looked at him and smiled, finally relaxed and relief that he's not stressed at the moment..
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This man is a bit stiff since he's not used to cuddle
But he loves it!
He's the big spoon since he wants to hold you tightly..!
This man will whisper like "I love you s/o.."
He'll wait for you to fall asleep then he'll let himself too
When cuddling at first, he won't initiate or ask for it
When you ask for it...He didn't get it at first..
Hajime was a bit awkward too..!
So when you asked for cuddles, he would try, But when you guys cuddle every now and then
he gets the hang of it and boldly cuddles you back too!
If he is stressing about school
Just hug him in the back!
He will start hugging you back too but will apologize "Sorry, s/o for being busy.."
You just told him that it's fine and that he should take a break
He denied but he thought again and said yes because 'only for a few minutes'
And now he's feeling warm through your touch and finally.. he can get the sleep he deserves..
Best cuddle bug!!
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Cuddling with Shuichi is weird..
Like it's awkward at first
Shuichi is flustered when doing this..!
He even hesitated to touch you-
He was like "Am I doing this right?" in his head right now
But give him time, he will try for you!
Though he's a bit busy since he's always in work
But whenever he got home, You two are ready to cuddle!!
Especially if he's tired from work, now is the perfect time.
Whenever he's stressing over detective works, You try to convince him on stopping by cuddling
but he says "I'm a bit busy Y/N- AH!" just carry him, he's not that heavy.
After forcing making him cuddle with you, he smiled at the thought because you care for his health! duh
He can be the the big spoon or the small spoon too
He will fall asleep through your touch..trust me.
One of the best!
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Kaede is already good at it when you two first cuddle
She was warm too..!
She will sing you or started humming some songs that she knows
She doesn't care if she is the big or small spoon, as long as she can feel your touch
This gal over here is one of the best too!
Just like Hajime, She'll wait for you to fall asleep then let her self too
Whenever you two would cuddle, She'll peck you in your cheeks or your temple!
you got in a bad day? You two will cuddle while Kaede would try to make you laugh with her corny jokes..!
Now she was stressing over the finals for her Piano competition
She was practicing the song all over and to be honest you were a bit annoyed A BIT-
You went to her Piano room and try to stop what she was doing but you saw her stressing
she was sweating, maybe tears all dried up too..!
You rushed to get some water for your girlfriend and gave that to her "Hey.. I know this finales is important but please take a break.."
"But.." "How about..we cuddle to try and ease your mind, yeah?" You suggested as she nodded
She was starting to feel relaxed.. She slowly closed her eyes and started to fall asleep..
Keep this woman.
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That was fucking fun to write! Hope to see more request from ya'll! 🌸
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sparklingaquarius · 3 years
Can you do one maybe after your breakup with Bucky? Like seeing him for the first time?
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Type: One Shot
A/N: oh this was so much fun to write, thanks for being my first request! turned out to be a bit longer than i had initially entailed, but longer fics the better, right? i am so sorry it took so long to get to you, i take a bit longer to write to make sure it is the best i can do! i hope you enjoy dear nonnie :)
5 years ago today you had gotten engaged. You were engaged to the man you thought was the love of your life, then the unexplainable happened, you were gone from existence for 5 years. You couldn’t explain what happened, as you didn’t know it was 5 years, it felt more like 5 minutes. But, when you came back, to your house, your life, you realized the extent of what had happened. The man who had proposed to you 5 years ago, wanted to start a life with you, had done that with someone else. The man who told you he loved you continuously every day was now telling it to another woman in your apartment. You were devastated, upset enough to forget all the things you figured were no longer left in the apartment and run away to a new city and start a new life.
Then you met Bucky.
When you met Bucky, you could feel yourself rejuvenate, come back to life. You were discovering what love was like all over again, he was helping you heal after what happened, and you were helping him heal from his own troubles. You two were right for each other, as your friends and his had both told you. You finally felt like things were falling into place for you, and you had hoped things were falling into place for Bucky all the same. You felt like this was meant to be, that maybe losing those 5 years was the best thing to ever happen to you instead of the worst.
Then you found out.
You had found out that San Wilson needed Bucky’s help in catching a group and that would require Buck to leave and travel immediately. You knew this day would be coming, and you knew you couldn’t and wouldn’t stop him. You were selfish sure, hell you had every reason to be selfish, but you weren’t that selfish. But you also knew that you weren’t able to handle not hearing from him days on end. You were too much of a worry wart, and especially with missions as big and dangerous that Bucky will end up taking on, you couldn’t do that to yourself, or to him. So, before he had to leave to meet Sam, you knew what you had to do and end it with him. You knew how it would hurt both of you, but you also knew Bucky would know you would be worrying constantly, especially if he didn’t get in contact, so it made the process a bit easier for the both of you this way.
That was 2 months ago.
It’s been 2 months since the breakup, 2 months since you heard from Bucky. You knew it was better this way, but that didn’t help the ache you felt in the pit of your stomach every time you looked at the box of his things you had packed up sitting in the corner of your bedroom. You knew you should’ve just dumped it, but you wanted to give them back to him, whenever you could see him. He wasn’t back yet from his mission with Sam, you thought, so the box of his washed and folded clothes he left at your place, the cologne he bought and would wear specifically for you, and a little stuffed teddy bear named Mr. Waddles you won him at a fair that he kept at your place because it looked way cuter on your bed than his, all remained in the corner on a chair in your room.
You would wake up every morning and face the box, seeing Mr. Waddles’s head stick out of it, and you sighed. All the memories would flow back, and the ache you tried to push down and keep out of mind came back full force, and you desperately just tried to forget him for the day. But you knew you just couldn’t. You knew that no matter how hard you tried to forget Bucky, that you just couldn’t. All the memories played in your mind like a film, and all the love and warmness he made you feel returned to you when you would see them in your mind. Even though you had broken up, you were still in love with him, and you still worried about him. Wherever he was, that was something you couldn’t deny, something you wouldn’t deny. But you had to move on, and today, like every day, you had to live your life Bucky free, and march on living. Today was Saturday, which means it was time to go grocery shopping, an activity you loathed but one that Bucky loved and always made fun for you. You smiled softly to yourself and got up and got dressed, remembering how he would always challenge you and say “last one to the car has to push the shopping cart” to motivate you to get out of bed. You remembered this as you currently got out of bed to get ready to go do your shopping. The quicker you accomplished it, the quicker you could get home and relax.
As you were pulling your credit card out of your purse at the grocery store, you looked up and saw a very familiar face walk through the doors, entering. You gave the cashier your card and you walked over fast to the person and you held your breath.
“Sam?” you asked a bit breathlessly, shocked to see him back home. And if you saw Sam back home, then you knew Bucky was back home as well.
Sam turned around as he heard his name, and more importantly, your voice, and he smiled softly at you. Although Bucky would never admit it, Sam was one of his best friends besides Steve, so Sam was around a lot for your relationship, and you considered him a friend and big brother you never had. “Well hello there little rocket, how the hell are you?” Sam asked you laughing as he opened his arms to give you a hug, and you chuckled hugging him gently. Sam had nicknamed you Little Rocket when you told him that in high school you were on your school’s track team and you were in fact very fast, giving him your time in your races.
As you broke the hug you cleared your throat and smiled softly looking back at him. “I’m doing as good as I can, I mean I’m grocery shopping so I’m as miserable as ever.” You joked and laughed softly, and Sam as well laughed.
“Yeah Buck did always say you hate grocery shopping.” He said, casually mentioning his name and you just nodded, not wanting to out right ask Sam about Bucky.
You and Sam walked back to your cart to put your bags in your cart so you could finish checking out, and you organized your cart as you watched Sam jump into helping you accomplish the task quicker. “So I see you’re back home, I assume the mission went well considering you were only gone for 2 months?” you asked him, trying to break the silence between you two.
Sam put the last bag in your cart and he nodded, immediately pushing it out as he followed you to your car. “Yeah, I mean it went as well as it could. We got the end result we desired, not the tactics we wanted to take. But I don’t have any broken bones and if I can escape spraining my wrist or ankle again I’ll consider it a win.” He smirked and you shook your head laughing.
“Yeah that would be such a tragedy if Captain America had a sprained wrist. How ever will he hold his shield up? A crime to this country.” You joked, popping your trunk to put bags in it.
“Damn you saw that? I was hoping to stop by with my shield, you know like a trick or treater.” Sam told you and you rolled your eyes shaking your head.
“I watch the news dummy. I’m so proud of you, but you knew that. But the suit looks good on you, nice and tight.” You winked and smirked, not finding the comment odd because that’s how your and Sam’s relationship was. Always funny comments without any meaning.
Sam smirked and finished putting the bags in and he looked at you, leaning against the car a bit, “So you were looking at me instead of Bucky in those clips? Or are you trying to butter me up into asking about him? I know you’re curious. He’s back home, adjusting. He wouldn’t admit it, but I know he was thinking about you just as much as you were him. And don’t even try to deny it lady, you were thinking about him.” Sam told you bluntly, and a part of you was relieved he got to the point.
You sighed and crossed your arms nodding, looking down at the pavement. “I can never lie to you Samuel, but I was going to ask if he’s home. I wanted to drop a box of his stuff off, you know stuff that was left at my place.” You admit, semi truthfully.
Sam listens to you and nods, clicking his tongue. “You sure that’s all you want to do in seeing him?” he asks raising an eyebrow and you take a deep breath and simply shrug your shoulders. “In my honest advice, take the stuff but you two need to talk. Whether it be about what happened between you two or just to catch up, you need to talk. For his sake and for yours. He talked about you briefly, but enough while we were gone. He needs closure, reasoning. Hell maybe you two can even make up and make it work. If not, then it’ll bring the closure you two need. You two had something special. Don’t let it go down in flames.” He tells you and pushes the cart back and he points to you smirking “You better make up! I miss weekly taco nights, you give it the right amount of spice.” He smirks and winks and walks into the store, leaving you with the short but deep thoughts.
Once you got home and unpacked your food, you went into your room and looked at Bucky’s box of things in the corner, tempting you. You took a deep breath and let a sigh out, knowing Sam was right. Besides, you were desperate to see Bucky, even just a glimpse of his face. You took a look over yourself in the mirror, making sure you looked presentable, and well good. You were going to drop a box of stuff off to your ex-boyfriend and you wanted to look good. You chuckled at yourself and grabbed the box and drove over to his apartment, not sure what you would be met with when you got there.
You still had the key to Bucky’s apartment building on your key ring. You felt like letting that go would be officially letting him go. This time you were thankful as you let yourself into the building and made your way up to the third floor to Bucky’s apartment. You took a deep breath as the elevator ascended and as it stopped and let you out, you walked nervously and slowly to his apartment. As you stood face to face with his shut door, you gently reached out and knocked on his door, not to loud to scare him, but loud enough to make sure he knew someone was there.
After about a minute of him not coming to the door, you knocked again, wondering if he was even home. After still no answer, you were about ready to turn around and leave when suddenly the door was open slowly, and there in grey sweats and a shirt to match, stood the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid your eyes on, that man being Bucky Barnes.
He stood in front of you, looking at you a bit in awe and disbelief. He swallowed gently as he took you in and he opened the door a bit more. “I looked through the peep hole, wondering who was knocking on my door. I was a bit shocked that it was you.” He told you, his tone soft and you looked down in the box nodding.
“If I’m being honest, I’m a bit shocked you even answered the door. I didn’t think you would want to even see me.” You told him, licking your lips nervously. “I’m also shocked you kept your hair short, if I recall you said it once made you feel like an old man?” You ask him, trying to get the banter going again.
Bucky laughed softly shaking his head as he led you inside the apartment you’ve been in over hundreds of times. “That’s just silly, not wanting to see you. And how could I destroy this magical hair cut? I had the best hair dresser in town.” He tells you, smirking softly as he keeps his eyes detailed to your every move.
You walk in and set the box down on the table, some color returning to your cheeks and you groan a bit shaking your head, turning to face him. “I wouldn’t say I was a hair dresser now, a fast learner from YouTube tutorials.” You tell him narrowing your eyes, matching his smirk, the tension loosening a bit.
Bucky laughed and walked over to where you were, looking inside the box. Bucky didn’t care what was inside the box, he just wanted to be near you. Feel the energy you gave off again, one of the many things he missed. He picked up Mr. Waddles and he looked at him, trying his best not to look at you, despite him feeling your eyes on him. “I can tell this is a box of my stuff, but I am shocked to see Mr. Waddles in here. He looked way cuter on your bed than mine.” He tells you and you roll your eyes letting a laugh out.
“True but he is your bear. I won him for you. So that makes him yours, no takesies backsies.” You tell him smirking and look down at the floor, examining your shoes. “Besides if I cuddled with him anymore he wouldn’t smell like you so he needed to be with his rightful owner.” You admit looking up at Bucky finally, holding your breath as you saw his face stay soft.
Bucky kept his expression neutral and nodded simply as he looked through the box a bit and as he was looking away, you studied him. Studied his features. You loved looking at him, studying him. Whether it was when he was asleep or wasn’t paying attention, you loved taking him in. Which is exactly what you were doing now, and in your doing so, you noticed him wince a bit as he held a tshirt up. You raised an eyebrow and walked closer to him, standing next to him. “Bucky, why did you wince when you held the shirt up?” you ask curiously and defensively now, and you could hear him sighing.
“It’s nothing here doll, you know how some missions are. I get hit, I recover. Nothing to worry about.” He tells you, blowing it off, using the nickname he reserved for when he didn’t want you to worry about him.
You sighed and shook your head, putting his arm down to his side. “I think you’ve forgotten I also know when you’re lying. This is more than a hit Buck. Are you hurt? Did you get hurt?” You ask seriously, now worrying about him as you gently put his human arm out to examine it for any injuries. You rolled your eyes at his protests and noticed when you rolled up his sleeve he had a giant purple bruise on his arm with the entire area red in color. You figured he had gotten hurt but not to the point where there was clearly some kind of internal injury. You set the box down and led him to his couch, and you went to his hall closet to grab a kit you put together for him in case he ever got hurt.
You sat down next to him and looked at him seriously but with soft eyes. “Alright Buck, put your arm out.” You tell him seriously, and as he looks at you, the light from his eyes catching yours, a light indicating he was feeling something resembling happiness, he held out his vibranium arm, in an effort to tease you, smirking wide as he did. You shook your head biting your lip, rolling your eyes laughing grabbing the correct arm, as you began to bandage it and put it into a sling. “Oh very funny sailor.” You told him as you gently put his hand on your shoulder so you could have full coverage to it.
Bucky raised an eyebrow as he looked at where his hand was, the exposed skin of your shoulder that was warm to the touch, he could feel the below his fingers. He tried not to move his fingers to run them gently over it, so to distract himself he looked at you, focused so intently on making sure he was okay. He noticed a loose piece of hair was clouding your vision, so he used his free arm to move it out of your face. You held your breath as he did so, trying not to let it on that you were affected by a simple touch. Bucky smirked as he watched you, biting the inside of his cheek. “Now you and I both know I wasn’t a sailor, unless you know something about myself that I don’t?” he asked, completely messing with you now.
You smirked, biting your bottom lip gently and you laughed, finally looking at him. “You seem to forget I know all about you Barnes, my greatest advantage.” You tell him with a wink, and set the cloth you were using down. Bucky just kept his focus on you, realizing how badly he missed you during those 2 months, realizing how badly he hated breaking up, not having you, and how badly he needed you. He once again used his free hand to use two fingers to put them gently under your chin to turn your head to face him, so you’re both looking at each other.
“It was always you’re greatest advantage, knowing all about me. And in knowing all about me, you’ll know how badly I’ve missed you.” He lets out, his tone soft but serious, and you let your eyes wander up to his face, getting lose in his eyes.
You tried looking down, but your instincts were taking over in not letting you, as you felt the pull to him that you’ve always felt, and if you looked away you knew it would be gone, and you didn’t want it. You simply nodded and let a breath out through your nose. “Bucky…it was for the better…I mean—” you start and Bucky shakes his head and just leans in to give you a soft kiss to get you to stop talking. Before he left he didn’t get to kiss you goodbye, so he was considering this a makeup one.
After he backed his face up, he looked at you and reached up to cup your face, using his thumbs to pet your cheek. “It wasn’t for the better, can you honestly say you didn’t miss me? Miss that? You know all about me, and guess what? I know all about you. And I know you missed me, you didn’t want to break up. I read it on your face that night.” He tells you, his face serious and you continue to bite the inside of your cheek as he continues. “Can you honestly tell me that you didn’t think about me every night while I was gone? Didn’t think about the memories we had together? Because I did, every single night. And all I’ve wanted since I came back was to see you, to absorb you in any way I can, forget that night happened. Because I could tell that you broke up with me because you didn’t want me worrying about you.” He explains and you close your eyes listening.
“I didn’t want you worrying about me worrying about you. I thought breaking us up would lessen my worries. But it only made me worry about you more.” You admit softly, opening your eyes looking in his and he moved his thumbs to your lips, petting them softly.
“Well my sweet girl, that made two of us worry.” He says and he smiles. “No matter what, I will always worry about you. Whether we are together or apart, no matter where we are in the world. You will always be the number one thought on my mind, whether you like it or not.” He tells you smiling wide and genuinely now and you laugh softly looking down.
“Yeah Buck, you’re always my number one thought too. I just…when I broke up with you that night, I thought it was for the better. That we both would be better off. With you leaving more now, you helping Sam or whoever needs it, I just didn’t want you worrying about checking in, and I thought that if I didn’t need you to check in, I would be okay. That I wouldn’t worry about you. But, Jesus Christ, I wasn’t expecting ANYTHING from you and I still was worrying about you.” You admit, trying not to cry telling him this.
Bucky was listening and he adjusted so he could pull you into a hug, rocking you gently as he carefully wrapped his arms around you, and you did the same, soaking in the warmth radiating off him. “I just thought we’d be better off.” You whisper and he shakes his head, kissing the side of yours.
“Baby doll I am NEVER better off without you. You are the one who taught me to love again, you got me through a shit ton of stuff. You helped me every day, every night. Even if you didn’t do all of that, I still love you and can never be better off without you.” Bucky tells you gently but passionately and you let a breath out and bury your face in his shoulder nodding.
“I still love you too.” You mumbled into him, knowing it to be true, refusing to fight it or hide it. You knew it the night you broke up with him, you knew it the months he was gone, and you knew it now as you were cradled in his arms. “I’ll always worry about you when you go off on these missions. I can’t not.” You explain and Bucky rubbed your back gently, running his fingers up and down your spine.
“I know, I wouldn’t ask you not too. I’d rather you worry with me than without me.” He whispers into your ear and you just nod, kissing his shoulder.
“I hate to be without you, and I hated possibly hurting you, I’m so sorry.” You said and he chuckled, resting his chin on top of yours.
“Nah doll you didn’t hurt me. Because I knew that’s not what you really wanted. If it was then that’s a different story. You can never hurt me, I promise.” He told you, rocking you gently as you stayed pressed against him on the couch, the unsaid words of love and affirmation making their ways out with the physical actions. You were right where you needed to be, where you both needed to be. All the worry, the talks of him travelling can be discussed later. But for now, you needed to be with each other, soaking in the moments and love you both missed.
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