#Or keep going
womp-womp-waa · 4 months
When Aiden woke up in a hospital his first reaction was to panic. All it did was remind him of his childhood. When he was 13 his parents sent him away to a psych ward after he got diagnosed with depression.
For some reason their first thoughts was that he was a danger to himself. How could he be a danger to himself if he couldn't even get out of bed. All this reminded him of those horrid years in that hospital. All of the workers claimed that they were only trying to help him when all they did was make everything worse. Every single day he woke up in that place he wanted nothing more for it all to end. He wasn't a stranger to a routine, he use to just stay in bed all day, only getting up to use the bathroom. But that routine, that was hell. Maybe it was the lack of control that he had in there. Being forced to do activities with people when he didn't want to. 'It'll help you' they said 'Talking to people who share the same problem with you will help' it didn't.
Did his parents get sick of him again. Was learning about the phantom realm too much. Did they decide it was too much trouble to help him or did they think he truly lost it. Why did he have to be in a fucking hospital again?
His head snapped at the door opening as he backed away in the corner. No he wasn't doing this again.
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person4924 · 6 months
“just make it through tommorow” “just make it through the week” “just make it through the weekend” “just make it through this class” “just make it through this test” can i kill myself already 🥰
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nariarts · 2 months
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Spent a ridiculous amount of time last night obsessively editing my hand written zines in Photoshop to take away any tiny blemishes so they were definitely readable.
Whatever. Understand or don't.
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hunny-k · 1 year
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This is the funniest way you could've put it
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frankierotwinkdeath · 2 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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oldbutchdaniel · 7 months
hey guys if you’re planning on making a vaguepost on the dashboard can you message me with the details and some of the lore behind the vague post you’re making. a vaguepost for the dash and a detailedpost for me. because i like to know what’s going on. if you do this i will automatically take your side because you’ve done the right thing by letting me know what’s up. thanks in advance ❤️
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dovesick · 9 months
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endless night
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Kinda fucked up that we all coo and sympathize with "former gifted kids" but never talk about the students who had to stay late after school or over the summer for remedial classes/clubs, who struggled to get above a C, who were given up on or punished. Who tried so hard to understand or just couldn't. Who were grouped with the "stupid kids" (a classmate called us that in remedial math btw)
Autistic kids and adhders who can't relate to their gifted peers and are constantly alienated by them. Kids who struggled in school due to dealing with a chronic or mental illness or physical/learning/developmental disability. Those of us who have had to drop out of highschool or college. Kids who worked so hard and wanted to be seen as smart, but never were. Who watched as their peers seem to fly by them in school, while they were left behind. Who were bullied and put down by those in the gifted and honors classes. Whose confidence was absolutely destroyed by education.
I love you all and I'm so sorry the school system failed you. I'm sorry you weren't properly accommodated and given the education you deserved. I'm sorry people put you down for something that they never had to fight for.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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planefood · 2 months
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rules for thee and not for me
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junglejim4322 · 6 months
Me at the beginning of this year: I’m so gonna fix my life dude this is gonna be the year everything changes I’m not gonna let anything slip through the cracks it’s time to live
Me approaching the end of March:
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flame-shadow · 1 year
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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guy who's stuck in a timeloop for so long he stops wanting to leave it. guy who started out trying to escape but slowly grew used to and became comforted by the familiarity of the repeating day. guy who is no longer who he was before the timeloop. guy who is offered a way out and violently refuses it because he can't leave, doesn't want to leave. guy who escapes the timeloop by chance or force or accident and doesn't know how to live anymore. guy who keeps going through motions that don't match the situation and keeps having conversations that aren't actually occurring. guy who panics every time he realizes he can't predict the next instant. guy who left the timeloop but still lives with it.
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evilwizard · 7 months
what is the difference between a witch and a wizard
wizards are mathematicians and physicists. witches are chemists and biologists
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the-maw-consumes · 1 month
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do you think it'll let up soon?
static version:
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habken · 6 months
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I had a vision
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