#Originally this wasnt gonna have any color but well
azherwind-art · 2 years
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Some say more than three hours passed before he went to sleep It means nothing that I’m posting this at nearly 3am for me, nothing at all
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bvckbiter · 24 days
a couple of people were wondering about the pjotwt fiasco i referenced in my filipino!percy post so for those curious im gonna provide the best breakdown i can of that entire convoluted mess
ever since the live action casting, show fans have been saying repetitively that blonde haired blue eyed percy “just makes so much more sense” because blonde hair is like the sand and blue eyes is like the sea
I see a millionth iteration of that tweet and quote-retweet it making fun of how this fandom can’t come up with any actual hot takes of substance
op gets in my mentions all angry asking why the “discourse” makes me so triggered. I reply basically saying “im not triggered? and what discourse, we’re talking about the hair color of a fictional character”
op suddenly moves goalposts and talks about how leah and aryan faced racist backlash for their casting even though we were originally talking about percy's casting. I point that out and how theyre not even remotely similar cases, but she just goes “well it’s your fault you thought we were only talking about walker, and people like you who are disagreeing with my tweet are shitting on walker’s appearance which is harmful! So i will call you out! 🤓👆🏻”
I then proceed to be very baffled about how walker is getting harmed from any of this at all and try to end the convo since i realize that she’s not even arguing with anything I’m actually saying. But op continues being angry in my mentions going “how can you say that telling a 15 yo actor is a horrible casting and that he cant embody percy is not harmful!” and im like “huh???? Why did this come up i never said this you’ve lost the plot” and she says “i never said you said that YOU’VE lost the plot im sorry you’re stupid” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
the thread more or less ends there but op apparently firestormed a lot of people she caught disagreeing in her mentions so i wasnt the only battle she was fighting lol. Other people are talking about how while they enjoy walker’s performance, theyve only ever seen him as a character of color so… obviously blonde blue eyed percy really isnt the first thing they envision. Somewhere along the line, someone reposts THAT iconic fanart of latino!percy (from… well… user latinopercy) with the caption #MYpercyjackson
People jump on it in the comments and qrts saying “JUMPSCARE” who is that?!” “Idk who that man is” “this is your percy??? Be so for real…” One comment even said that he was ugly. Another comment said that he didn’t embody percy’s vibes because he was “too angry.”
I qrt talking about how scummy it is that people are attacking a fan depiction of latino!percy THAT WAS MADE WAY BEFORE THE SHOW WAS EVER ANNOUNCED just so they can make it known that theyre defending walker’s casting. I also point out that the fanart is a repost, so it’s really unfair for the artist that their art is being bandied around like that then receiving all that vitriol
Another motherfucker comes into my mentions saying “i need you to realize that a real life child is worth defending more than a headcanon.” I reply asking to clarify how walker is supposed to be getting harmed by any of this and why defending him should entail shitting on people who prefer dark-haired percy hcs. I also point out that if the actor is a real life person, so are the people who hold those hcs as well as the artist whose fanart was getting dragged into this.
Mf says that people are attacking walker over a drawing/hc, which aren’t real. I try to articulate that the imagined harm walker is facing is not in any way a tangible, material threat. He’s the most popular among the main trio and his acting has never been fully discredited just because of his hair color (unlike leah and aryan who people said only got casted for DEI and woke agendas, yk how the grifters go). “People hoping he’d dye his hair and wear contacts is not tantamount to harm and hate,” I said, and neither is having dark-haired percy and/or percy of color hcs.
I thought I explained it well but mf just repeats like a broken record that thinking like that is thinking that fake headcanons are more important than real life kids. No matter what I say in response. SEVERAL TIMES, AD NAUSEUM. “Headcanons aren’t real, the kids are.”
The final statement that really pissed me off was them saying this
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That’s where the brouhaha ends lol. Since then I’ve also seen tweets making fun of people who genuinely prefer/want a percy of color over a blonde percy because they say and I quote, “percy has been white ever since the books.” Like, YES WE KNOW 😭 But there is a deeply held lore for percy’s ethnic ambiguity in the fandom that was there long before the show was ever in development.
I have no problem with people who prefer the show or blonde Percy or walker or whatever. But to for some reason crusade FOR it on the pretense of protecting the actor from some imagined harm is just fucking ridiculous to me. Just to backtrack, this all came about simply because I made fun of how repetitive the “blonde percy supremacy” take was. And that was construed as shitting on walker. That guy is not seeing any of our tweets if his parents and agents know half a thing about media training??? No one cares! It’s a fucking hair color! Besides, as much as they want to pretend otherwise, the books and the show are invariably separate canons. Not that they can handle an analysis more complex than “yay perca/beth crumbs in the show so show good” lmao
Needless to say, show stans piss me off lol and this is one of the reasons why. A lot of them are show stans primarily because theyre so (parasocially) attached to the actors. It doesnt just show in the crusading, it also shows in how they keep lock and step with every single movement of the actors’ activities on social media. But that’s another discussion entirely deserving of its own post lol.
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saffronstoats · 1 month
gourmand's colony!
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the version under cut is less complete but ouster isnt glowing in that one. somehow i lost the layer. also under cut has rambles on everyone
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less cluttered version feat. i forgot gourmand and their pups
gourmand: if yall want me to explain him more i can. he/they
eel: idk what to put for them sorry :( he/it
nova: ^ ... it/its
the watcher: they/them. they don't have a nickname, but aren't in need of one. many people in the colony think they are an inv clone- they are not. watcher has been revamped since I last mentioned them. they are scarily fast at pinpointing anything in the area, and are able to retell it with incredible accuracy. Unfortunately, they are not good at fighting themself, should a threat ever choose to draw near.
luci [ in need of a campaign name ]: any/all. watcher's scout buddy. While they are less competent in actual scouting, luci can throw spears well in a pinch. If the colony is ever in danger though, she's mostly used as bait. he doesn't really appreciate it.
barry [ the barracuda ]: monk and survivor's sibling. used to be even more nervous than monk was, now has grown up a bit to be quite ambitious, often trying to hunt down entire lizards. he/she/they
harpy [ the harpoon ]: she/they. monk and survivor's mother-ish. doesnt really have eyelashes i dont know why ive been giving her those
ALSO one of the fiercer slugcats of the colony, hence her name. a hunter- outmatched in food collecting skills only by gourmand himself.
haylie [ the halibut ]: they/them. monk and survivor's parent. unlike their partner is quite the scaredy cat- rarely even offers to help fight blue lizards. they're a gatherer and if passages were canon they definitely have saint and monk
nightcat: the biggest one in the colony other than gourmand. a hunter, but not the worst one or the best one. honestly nightcat isnt super importsnt sorry guys. nightcat also babysits they/them
anaconda: the smallest one in the colony, ironically enough. anaconda is probably twice as long as they are wide. not big enough to help with much despite being old enough. related to luci in some way. he/it
firecracker: just a happy little baby /hj. they sometimes help gather blue fruit. average slugpup size. any/all
shrimp: helps hunt batflies, can explosive jump like artificier but only twice. despite having an artificier like trait fae aren't very strong and are generally pretty timid. fae/faer
spinach: kind of grumpy. not an agressive slugpup but probably has a kill count. really good at spotting hiding predators, so spinach is often brought scouting espevially in areas with a suspicious amount of poles or in places where strange things are littered on the ground. no pronouns, just use spinach's name
hyacinth: i wasnt gonna give them an outline originally but it helps them stand out and they're a close color to the background. they/it
cosmo: they'e actually named after the flower type of cosmos! he/specter [ this is indeed a refrence to cosmospectre ]
ALSO grumpy. has an intentional kill count and is probably one of those slugpups that' better at the game than the player
nectar: teenager! nectar takes a lot after gourmand, despite the two not being related. id like to think spearmaster has seen them before and thought they looked like suns but they have probably never met
oleander: younger sibling of wisteria. came from a pretty hard place- both of them are pretty miserable. gourmand is trying to help the two of them the best they can, though. almost a teenager.
wisteria: older sibling of oleander. also a teenager. the spiel olender got but also wisteria is friends with nectar too. wisteria talks more than oleander does
snapdragon: ill be honest i dont know anything about them either
kindle [ campaign name needed ]: nice as well, and is nectar's mentor for food collecting. though she'd never admit it nectar is probably better at collecting food than he is.
solarflare [ ^ ]: kindle's partner. born without part of one of their ears. solarflare is really sweet too but they don't talk too much. not afraid of anything though if it's going to hurt the colony
assume any slugcat without listed pronouns is any/all
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misterradio · 5 months
okay here are some tron 2.0 thoughts TEE HEE....... you have been Spoiler Warned for REAL!
tron fans talk abt this game with me okay 🥺
THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL .... MWWWWWAH!!!!!! i just love all the different environment designs, the color coding that went into the different computer systems was really cool too. my main takeaway is that the visuals Rule.
the npc designs were cool too but i kind of wish there was More variety (visually as well as voice acting)... but i really enjoy the design direction here ::-) why so many bald antagonist though? lol (AND WHY SO MANY MEN?)
In regards to gameplay i felt like it was pretty standard? i ended up using the basic disc weapon for most of the game because switching weapons takes Way too long if youre actively fighting, which is kind of a shame cuz there are so many weapon options... i did really enjoy the energy claw though 👍also the light cycle racing SUCKED and there was a graphical glitch that made it so that a bunch of visuals to my cycle were missing so i couldnt even enjoy the new design that was hyped up lol. as complicated as gameplay felt up front it definitely felt much better as it went on so it was pretty good.
game progression was very straightforward which i didnt expect..? go do this and then do that, etc. i thought it would be more open. this isnt rlly a complaint bc at least i wasnt lost or anything.
finding all the build notes was thankfully not hard but i enjoy poking around as much as i can in games already... and i liked the mechanics of searching archive boxes and being able to read emails between people ::-) YAY NOSINESS !!! despite finding all the build notes i still didnt end with the highest version i couldve...🤔 no idea how that works then...
moving on 2 story...
all the characters felt a bit flat so that was unfortunate... i wouldve liked to see some more emotions from everyone, bit more personality, etc...
i dont rlly know where jet's attachment to mercury came from, is he in love with this girl, if so why?? im thinking that since she was the first program to really reach out and help jet, that he latched on to her. but as the player i was kind of neutral on her SORRY although her design is cool
i was in disbelief that lora died and i was thinking she would just have been digitized and b in the computer somewhere? and there are allusions to her at least being superficially present in the program ma3a/ma2a etc (they have the same actress ^^__^^) but neither jet nor alan mention this which really shocks me??!!!??? thats your deceased mom or wife can u show a bit of tenderness or something..... maybe this can be cooked up more in an AU or something . idk i was really hoping she (and yori) would be around. i held on to hope for so long ✊️
OBVIOUSLY WISHING TRON WAS THERE... but omg alan being in the digital world shocked me so much i really liked that HEHE. him wearing tron's outfit was fun. i saw someone else in the tag say this, but if tron is "retired" then where is he?? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW !! he and jet werent very fazed by being digitized which surprised me buuut they also have to adapt fast given the urgency of their situation..
i felt rlly bad that thorne died SNIFFLE SNIFFLE jet and alan just watched a real guy die in front of them thats MESSED UP!! he was really cool too i enjoyed the corruption concept ::-) i was really worried the three fcon employees were gonna die too but im glad they implied that they could be repaired and manifested again.. (what is the word for un-digitized..?)
evil ma3a was really cool 👍 tbh all the antagonists are cool except im neutral on the kernel. i was confused that he was red i thought he was evil like in the original movie with the MCP's soldiers.. but i think hes just a guy who happens to be red. and also trying to kill u but just bc you (jet) are a freak of computer nature and should not be there. thats fair. i enjoyed his boss fight too.
THE FCON MONSTER WAS RLLY COOL HOW AM I NOT SEEING ANY FANART OF THEM.... ::-( i have to fix this... ALSO I WISH they had dialogue. like are they even aware of their situation. missed opportunity !!
okay thats all i can think of now.
WAIT UM I READ THE COMIC CONTINUATION(?) the ghost in the machine AS WELL and i dont have many thoughts on it bc it was really confusing BUT i did enjoy the layers of horror and unreality which i really did not expect. was also expecting the titular ghost to have more to do with lora (SIGH I REALLY WANNA SEE HER AGAIN) but it didnt but thats okay. i really liked the art of the first book specificaly.....
do any tron fans also like soma (2015) haha just wondering [TWIRLS MY HAIR
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OKAY i just finished the 2000s Jesus Christ Superstar movie and I really enjoyed it as well. At the start I was under the impression that this was meant to be like, an actual movie adaptation and not 'just' a filmed version of the stage musical but when the last supper scene started I realized that theyve been on the same set the whole time and the only other set theyve shown was that small room where they sang This Jesus Must Die, so this was probably meant to be a fairly straight forward recording of the stage show only with some more elaborate and cinematic camera work. And I made that whole post complaining about the more theatrical staging of the 2000s film and why it didnt work and then I realized its because I really misjudged the filmmakers intentions and I was able to enjoy the movie way more after that.
Id say both movies are equally good, they just have different strengths. Like, if you prefer something thats grittier and closer to reality and is filmed more like a traditional movie, Id recommend the 70s film but if you prefer something more colorful and theatrical and presumably more accurate to the stage show, Id recommend the 2000s film.
Personally, I think im leaning more towards the 70s movie because while theres so much to like about the 2000s one, I just cant get past the actors they got for Jesus and Judas. I already didnt like Jesus in the original movie so the only thing that really changes here are my reasons for disliking him. I think in one of my previous posts I said that 70s movie Jesus brought the Jesus Christ while 2000s movie Jesus brought the Superstar and I prefer Jesus Christ and. yeah, cant sum it up any better than that
What they did with Judas was just awful though. The second the actor came on screen I was like "ohhhhhh noooooooo I dont think Im gonna like this guy" and yeah, I didnt. But unlike with Jesus where he really wasnt written or framed different and it mostly came down to the performance, i feel like they really went out of their way to portray him as way more malicious and antagonistic and it was just bad man. Like, when Mary is done putting Jesus to bed and singing her song about how He Scares Her So they reintroduce him like some kinda horror movie villain and like we're meant to be jumpscared by him its so weird. And then during that last song hes not wearing white and singing exclusively with presumed angels, hes wearing red and black like he did before the betrayal and hes singing with all these women who are also dressed in red and black but theres also this choir of angels in the background and its just messy and confusing. Like, I was kinda confused by that scene in the original movie but thats because the location suddenly changed, the actual point of it was pretty clear to me; Judas and his backup singers are audience inserts who are trying to make sense of Jesus and the things he did. In the 2000s movie there are two groups, the angels and Judas' guys and the latter appear needlessly antagonistic towards Jesus for no real reason because of the framing and because of the way Judas has been characterized. It feels like theyre taunting him, its so weird and I really dont like it. Also, while the actors singing voice was alright for most of the film (I didnt like his delivery but he wasnt an awful singer or anything) during the song right before he dies his voice just sounds so rough and raspy and awful, I really hate actors in a musical movie are like "oh Im letting the acting take precedent over the singing, oh im applying the reality of the situation I cant sing this pretty" because thats not the point of musicals!! stop it!!!
The other big issue I had was that there were no breaks between musical numbers whatsoever so Id often get whiplash because there was practically no breathing room between songs. Like, JCS is entirely sung-through with no real spoken dialogue but you gotta have a few breaks in there man (also they had those breaks in the 70s movie and it was a lot better that way)
But thats enough complaining, lets get to the shit I liked!! Right off the bat, I liked Judad kissing Jesus because the way it was filmed and acted made it look like Judas just went in for a straight up makeout session and I love that. Judas/Jesus shippers stay winning!
I also adored the lighting and and the camerawork, there were so many striking still images and they made great use of contrasting colors and dark silhouettes like during the crucifiction and when Mary was telling jesus to rest and the set was bathed in this cool shade of dark blue while they were both this warm orange and when they were singing This Jesus Must Die in that black room with the cool lighting and then the screens on the walls suddenly turned on and brought in these warm orange undertones
Speaking of This Jesus Must Die, I loved the way they handled that scene and the Hosanna, Heysanna scene right afterwards, its probably one of my favorite sequences in the movie
The scene ends with a bunch of guys in like riot police gear coming out and trying to arrest everyone/beat everyone to death and then right after that we get the bit where theyre all like Did You See I Waved I Believe In You And God So Tell Me That Im Saved and theyre passing around guns and stuff and I have no strong feelings about that, I just dont know why its there. I get the vibe that they were trying to go for more relevant political commentary since they were modernizing this story about a guy being wrongfully executed by a tyrannical government anyway, but then just gave up abount a third or a quarter of the way through only for it show up again for a brief moment at the very end, its pretty strange.
That being said, I really liked this anachronistic setting they managed to build here. One of the things i really enjoyed about the 70s movie was that it was set in the actual time period of Jesus death and then they would just throw in a small filler scene of Judas running away from some actual fucking tanks. It was really bizarre but it also really adds to the charm of that movie imo. They were definitely more deliberate about it here and had a more consistent tone as a result though, so I think I prefer the 2000s movie
I still didnt really get Pilates deal, even after someone in my replies graciously explained it to me. He just doesnt really have a clear through-line and he feels oddly unimportant considering hes yknow, the guy who gave the order to crucify Jesus, which is a pretty big deal Ive heard
Tangentially related to that guy, I love love love the scene of Jesus getting whipped. If theres one thing Ive learned about myself in these past few weeks its that I like my men how I like my sidewalks; wet n dirty. And BOY did they get our guy wet and dirty!! with blood. And then afterwards when the crowd is trying to get Pilates to crucify him and all these black hooded figures reach out to him with with blood red hands and its visually similar to a previous scene where Jesus was surrounded by beggars, ough I was going sick mode babeyyyyy
Speaking of that scene with the beggars, I think they did a good job of conveying the claustrophobia and the urgency and the rapid escalation, but they shouldve done less of those slow fade transitions and more hard cuts. Also, this scene, that scene where he gets caught and the crowd is taunting him as hes walked to his execution and the scene where he gets whipped and each strike is one person individually hitting him and coating him with blood are all great at conveying how uncomfortable being touched without consent like that is even if its not sexual or anything. It tapped into something very specific for me and i dont know if I'll be able to explain it well but here it goes: i like to write these fucked up little short stories in my free time and Ive recently developed something of a fascination with religion, mainly as a concept I can use to write more interesting stories. And a common theme in all those stories i came up with since i developed that fascination has been the horror of having bodily autonomy taken away from you, specifically how awful it feels to be touched in a non-consentual non-sexual way and those scenes were very striking to me because of that
7/10, they shouldve stayed more faithful to the original and had every guy show some boob
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tobi-momo · 4 years
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A Misunderstanding
PAIRING: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
GENRE: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Reverse Comfort
WARNINGS: a lot of crying from both you and kuroo | cursing | mentions of sex | cheating (kind of? youll know when reading) | angst | mentions of drinking/being drunk | nothing is suggestive!! oh ya yall are married btw
A/N: ok ik this is long but this idea came from literally nowhere but i decided to write it thank you @combat-wombatus for helping me you helped put ideas in my brain<333 now i wasnt originally going for a happy ending but im really bad at angst so enjoy the shitty ending :)
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“Please, Y/n, you know I didn't mean it,” he pleaded, his large hands desperately grabbing at your form while you push him away, your breaking sobs making his heart shatter. “Please, baby, don’t leave me,” he begs, falling on his knees in front of your trembling body, not being able to tear his eyes off of your heartbroken ones. He needed you to stay. He needed to show you that he isn’t that guy and that he would do anything for you. It was a one time thing. He wasn’t even sober. It wasn’t him. It was the alcohol. He wasn’t thinking straight. Please forgive him, please, please, please.
But you couldn’t. No matter how hard or how much you loved him and wanted to, the pain that ripped at your heart every time you looked at him was too much to bear. So you didn’t. You turn your blurry, glassy eyes away from him as he grabs your hand and forces it into his; your lips quivering and knees shaking. You couldn’t keep the betrayal and agony inside, whining and weeping at him, your knees giving out before your legs slam against the floor, your head near the carpet as you try and keep your affliction at bay.
“Y/n, please,” he whines, tears streaming down his pale cheeks; his admission of his unfaithfulness drained the color from his face. “Please forgive me, I need you, I love you so much.”
“W-” you sniffle, not knowing what to say. You knew you didn’t have to say anything at all, that you didn’t owe him any words, but you just...you just needed to know. “Why,” your voice quivered and cracked, your throat sore, “why did you,” you take a long breath, grabbing your chest to try and stop the heartache, the sudden cramp that formed where it used to be filled with warmth and love, “do this to me? With her?” You look up at him once with wide, searchful eyes as you ponder the reasons and look for the answers in his empty pupils.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, baby, I didn’t know what I was doing, please,” his voice stammers, trying to get you to understand that he really didn’t know what he was doing. “I would never do this to you, I-” “But you did.” Your tone is no longer sad and confused, but angry and fed up. His head backing up quickly, not expecting the response. “You made a promise, Tetsurou, remember?” You glare at him with menacing eyes as you hold up the very finger he kissed and placed the ring on on your wedding day. The beautiful diamond ring that had his initials carved in the interior and little gorgeous jewels that made the walls sparkle once hit with the hot sun was no more; the dark, gloomy piece of rock and metal meaning nothing but lies and mistrust.
“No, Y/n, please. Don’t do this to me,” he adjures guiltily.
“Don’t do this to you?” Your voice laced with deadly venom, standing and backing up, wiping your mouth with your hand in annoyance, placing it on your hip. “You did this to me! You did this to us! You went out! You got drunk! You fucked someone else! And not even a random girl! No! You just had to fuck your ex!” Your voice cracked again before you inhaled sharply and covered up your struggle.
“Y/n, I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“And that’s an excuse?? What, so now you can go fuck whoever you want and say ‘I didn’t know what I was doing!’” you mimic, “so you can get away with it every time?”
He didn’t answer. He looked at the ground, understanding exactly where you came from.
“Hm? Are you gonna answer me, or sit there like a coward?”
He could tell fully well you were just saying this because you were hurt. You didn’t mean any of it. You loved him. No matter what, you will always love him. Trusting him was out of the box for a while, maybe forever. But he can’t lose you. He knew you were soulmates- he knew you were made for each other. There was a reason you guys made it this far and only had big problems now. He needed to find that reason and use it for himself to win you back. He needed you back.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, your dramatic hand gestures coming to a halt at his words, your figure coming to a stand still as you wait for him to finish. “You don't deserve this. You don’t deserve me. Please know that it was a mistake and that I’ll never do it again ever, ever, ever,” he repeats, wanting it to sound as sincere as he means. “Just please give me a chance to make this up to you, please don’t leave me by myself without you,” he sobs out, putting his head in his hands.
You knew you shouldn’t feel bad for him. But god-fucking-dammit are you feeling bad for him. You knew you still loved him, you knew he still loved you- that much was obvious. You couldn’t see him for a while, no. Could you guys work it out? Maybe stitch the wound? Wait until the scar is barely visible anymore? Would that even work?
“Tetsurou,” a single, hot tear dripping down your face as you point to the ground. “I don’t know if I can ever trust you again.”
“I know, I know, just please give me a chance to help fix this!” He cries at your feet, his body bundled in a ball of self hatred and guilt. “I can do it, baby. I can help things go back to normal.”
“I don’t think they ever will be normal again.”
He whines, trying to negotiate with you as much as he can. “Let me fix us. Let me give you my everything again, let me show you that I’m all yours and no one else's, please,” he moans in anticipation for rejection, knowing the chances of you agreeing were next to zero.
The next few hours are silent. Him alone in the bedroom. Crouching on the floor as he ponders your possible answer. You work in the kitchen, making food to satisfy your appetite. He could hear your sniffles from the bedroom and picture you wiping your tears as you carry the pots on the stove. God, he was the biggest piece of shit ever known. What the fuck went through his mind when he was fucking his ex? He only remembers some of it, them waking up in bed together after, only wearing undergarments underneath the sheets and him holding her waist as if she were you. He thought they had ended on good terms, knowing that they were better as friends. He rushed out the door, not being able to stay in the same room without getting sick. He knew what he had to do.
He opens the door to the living room, a slight creak gaining your attention as you stir the sauce in the pan. Your eyes are puffy, your lip still trembling as you try to turn away from him. He only takes about two steps forward before he stops, trying to find the words he wants to say.
“Listen, I know you said you needed time, and I’m not rushing you at all whatsoever. I want to give you all the time in the world to think this over. If you need, I can go to Kou’s house and stay there for a while. He won’t mind. I just want to give you the space you deserve.”
You nod in response, your head still facing away before he whispers an “I love you” before he slips out of the apartment.
The next few days were tortue. Not being able to sleep in the same bed he would sleep in with you, not being able to watch the same tv shows, not being able to even be in his presence at least once a day like you used to melted a hole of despair inside you: eating away at your emptiness, taking away the numbness that you so desperately needed right now. The feeling came back- the one that you tried shutting out three hours ago. It crept up at you, flipping your stomach and weighing your lungs down to the floor, your throat sore and dry. Your eyes wet with a blurry wall as your tears build up once again, missing your cheeks as you crouch down looking at the floor, falling on the tile. The droplets containing your anguish splatter on the ground, your raggedy whimpers echoing throughout the vacant apartment, making it all the more obvious he wasn’t there.
Knock knock knock
Was that the door?
Your wide, unbelieving eyes turned to the wooden door frame; the knocks getting louder and faster. You quickly stand up and try to collect yourself, preparing to have a long talk with Tetsurou. You grab the handle, turning it- the door opening with a tiny creak.
“Hi! Kuroo left his jacket at the party the other day, is he here?”
Oh, that bitch.
“No. He’s not.” You deadpan, not finding her cheery, happy expression amusing.
“Oh no! Uh, well, here, can you give this back to him for me?”
“Stop smiling at me like you aren’t part of the reason he’s gone.” You snark, glaring at her with sharp eyes as she backs up, confused.
“You heard me. Don’t act fucking clueless.”
“Excuse me? Who are you to talk to m-”
“Oh, cut the shit,” you roll your eyes, “I know you slept with Tetsurou, you don’t need put on whatever the fuck this is,” you gesture at her.
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you, fucking crazy?” Your eyes narrow in confusion, your disgusted scowl lessening at her words.
“Right. You probably don’t remember because you were blacked out,” you add sarcastically. “He told me what you guys did. Now you know. So, I would love it if you would just leave.”
“What are you- Me and Kuroo didn’t do shit last night. I drank like two beers and was hanging out with another girl the entire time,” she explains, looking offended. Your face loosens into an expression she couldn’t read. “He blacked out early and passed out on the couch while I was busy talking with the other girl.”
“Huh?” You whisper, your disoriented thoughts not aligning to a proper conclusion.
“I didn’t go to bed until like,” she thought back, “I don’t know, three in the morning? There were people passed out on the floor so I decided to take the guest bedroom with her. I was still awake when Kuroo came into the room, I’m guessing because he thought it was yours, based off of how he kept mumbling your name and shit,” she exhales, “he grabbed onto me once he got in and just clung.” You glower at her, huffing. She sees this, sighing before continuing, “Calm down, remember nothing happened. Remember that girl? She ended falling off the bed because I was scooting away from his clingy ass.” You look at her blankly, trying to fit the pieces together. “She ended up leaving the party completely,” she mumbled in embarrassment before you speak up.
“Then why did he tell me you guys had sex?” You mutter quietly, although assuming she heard since her head backed up while she quickly scoffs.
“I swear to God, that man. Listen.” You look up into her eyes- her genuine eyes. “Me and Kuroo didn’t do a single thing. I didn’t do anything to him and he didn’t do anything to me. I’ll have a conversation with him later because he is an absolute dumbass,” she breathed.
What the fuck?? You were just supposed to believe her?
“How am I supposed to believe that?”
“Me and him ended a long time ago. I don’t like him like that and I haven’t for a while. And seeing he was bragging about you the entire time at the party, he’s over me, too. Besides, I’m not even into guys that much anymore anyways,” she grinned and winked at you. The shock and realization hit you like a truck. She wasn’t even- oh my God. She chuckled at your expression; you ran away from her to the counter to get your phone, quickly unlocking it and tapping on Tetsurou’s contact.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble over and over. To tap the call button, listening to it ring as you bring your phone up to your ear, hearing him pick up the phone almost immediately after.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He sounded worried. It’s only been about a week, he had hoped that you weren’t going to leave him.
“Get over here, right now, Tetsurou.” Your voice made it seem like it was urgent, so he quickly picked up his jacket from the couch, and you could hear the jingling of his keys as he grabbed them and opened the door, almost slamming it shut once he left.
“Y/n?” He asked at the open front door, wondering why it wasn’t closed. “Y/n, you have to be careful and close the door, we have them for a reason, you know,” he said as he walked in. Even after being at the line of a break-up, he still cares for your well-being. He didn’t even do anything wrong and he was still caring for you as a loved one should. He always did everything to make you feel comfortable and safe, so once he knew that he had slept with his ex he was completely devastated to his core. He didn’t want to do this to you, but you had the right to know.
“Tetsu.” You called. Already back to nicknames? This is good, right?
“Yes? Y/n?” He was scared, to say the least, feeling awkward and not knowing what to do. He walked scarcely towards your figure sitting on the couch, not caring to drop his keys and jacket on the counter. He had a feeling this might go wrong.
“We need to talk.” Shit. This is exactly what he didn’t want to hear. Hearing those words he couldn’t help but think that you were going to make him pack his stuff and go. “So, I talked with your ex.” You speak slowly, not wanting your words to come out wrong. You don’t want him to take any of this in a bad way at all. Yet his eyes widen drastically, his heartbeat racing and his nerves pricking him. “You are just one big dummy, aren’t you?”
What? What are you talking about?
“You didn’t sleep with her. She told me everything that happened that night. She’s not even into guys anymore. Tetsu-”
This couldn’t be happening. Not only did he accuse himself of cheating, he accused himself of cheating with his ex, and that he cheated with his ex at a party, while you two are married. And then it turns out it wasn’t true? What the hell was wrong with him? He jeopardized your entire relationship because he was too drunk to know what was going on.
“Wait, what?” He yells, angrily sitting down on the couch, “so you’re telling me-” you nodded and hummed an ‘mhm’ in response. His hands find their way to his hair, pulling at the roots and scratching his scalp, his low grunts of pain and fury seeping out of his throat as he frustratingly comprehends what he just did.
You rush over to him, grabbing his wrists and pushing them down to his lap as fast as you can, making his eyes find their way to your blown out pupils. You can see the hot tears prickle down his cheek as he frowns at you, completely and utterly defeated.
“Tetsu, I don’t want you to hurt yourself, it’s okay,” you reassure, giving him a happy smile. He wanted to smile back, but he couldn’t control the broken sob that escaped him. “Hey, hey,” you try to grab his attention as he pulls his head down, crying. “It’s okay, baby, it’ll be okay.” You wrap your arms around his head, protecting him as you softly coo and ‘shh’ him quietly in his ear. ‘I’m sorry’ kept coming out of his mouth as he clinged to you, not being able to help his want to be closer to you. The realization that he just almost broke your heart completely and he had worried about divorce for this shit made him want to just rip his scalp out. He was so stupid. So, so so, stupid. “Tetsu, look at me, please. Look at me,” you whisper, bringing your hand to his chin, dragging it up so you could catch sight of his hazel irises. His eyes red and puffy, his cheeks wet and his eyes droopy, you couldn’t do anything but frown at the sight. He hated himself right now, not wanting to face the embarrassment and the humiliation of the situation.
“You don’t deserve me, I’m so sorry,” he whimpered in your arms, gripping them tighter and tighter for comfort- you knowing that he needed it right now. You had already pulled him into your chest, feeling his wet tears soak your shirt, your hands rubbing his back and your fingers gently grazing his throbbing scalp.
“It’s okay, I forgive you, Tetsu, you did the right thing by telling me you did it instead of hiding it from me, and then it turns out you didn’t do it at all.” Your cheeks start to feel hot, and you don’t even realize your sniffles until you could feel a dam break at your water line. You couldn’t stop them, the tears of relief. You didn’t want to stop them. You were glad that they were her, glad that they were for him, glad they were because you knew the truth, glad because you knew you two would be okay.
You looked back at your ring, watching it bloom like a flower in the spring, the meaning coming back to your marriage. It wasn’t just metal and rock anymore, it was a gorgeous promise.
“I love you, Tetsurou. Don’t forget that. You’re staying with me, alright?” you whisper into his hairline.
“Thank you,” he cries.
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taglist: @solar3lunar @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @toosharkinternet @hitosushi @alpha3113 @awmahleebkg
haikyuu taglist: @pies-writes-and-more @luvrboykento
reblogs are appreciated :))
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attex · 2 years
Do you have any tips for shading? your shady is very pretty and i want to do something similar!
ok im gonna be honest im incompetent as fuck so be patient .
my ultimate rule is that you need to do everything and constantly fuck around and keep moving like youre a shark because if you stop any time you will literally die .
step 1: boot up etterna
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step 2: play a song just a tiny bit too much out of your skill range, fail
step 3: remember you were supposed to be drawing
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step 4: quit the game
step 5: open drawing software
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so this is gonna be odd to explain,
what i usually do is have the biggest color (aka the primary color of the thing im painting in) depending on the way i want to make the shading i obviously use a darker color of sorts . it depends on how i want to make the lighting look anyways .
important to mention here is that i try to choose colors that aren't exactly the color that's there (i always do this for colors like white)
look at this that shit is just straight up dusty pink
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whats most important is that i just do whatever the fuck i want and sometimes choose colors that would be considered odd or something because otherwise its boring as balls . fuck around and find out
the darker color is usually hue shifted as well, i would never ever try to use the same color hue but darker for the shading directly, idc about shit it is not satisfying when i do that .
step 6: i forgot the steps they existed for the intro of this post only
okay . also note that i used a very similar color to the main color,
i hue shifted it ever so slightly, you can do this with more of a hue shift but MAKE SURE ITS CONTRAST IS LOW
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blending in areas that need them aka the shadow isnt sharp . also dont blend everything you will regret your whole life choices if you dont keep a good amount of shadows sharp than not (this is obvious but its necessary to state for some people)
so this looks bland af right . yeah it does so i obviously need to do something aka slap more shit on it .
take the shading color or something
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hue shift and move across to make the contrast less clear (if i didnt move it from the spot the original one was in it would make it be a darker color which i didnt want)
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now it looks weird as fuck which is what i want . its an extra amount of color that might seem unnecessary but thru doing this i feel my soul thrive personally so i put on more and more colors with minimal contrasting as much as i like
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^ this is how it wouldve looked if i didnt adjust the brightness/etc. when shifting the hue, it doesnt look as satisfying unless im gonna do another layer of darkening on that shadow (which i wasnt gonna do, this was just to add extra colors)
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this is how it usually ends up looking in a mass scale, notice the bunch of similar colors (aside from the shading color or whatever) that are shifted in hues, the only reason its not jarring is bcz they Nearly have no contrast with one another it just looks trippy.
this Adding low contrast differently hued colors is just how i do anything really, i also often reuse the colors from one spot and put it in another even if they are barely related
see here i mushed very greyed greens with purples and slight pink tinges which look much more vibrant when next to one another (its good to have it be contrasting sometimes but do it with some control)
you have to keep a balance of hues and contrasting and lack of contrasting when painting, a balance of sharp and smooth blending and the like, a balance of light and dark
but most importantly you cant just keep doing the same shit over and over without any variation, you cant keep the balance being just black and white, sometimes you gotta fuck around and go against "rules" and especially go against everything i just said
not all colors interact the same way with one another thus need attention all on their own and if you dont change anything by experimenting its not gonna work
pro tip (???): i always say i slap colors onto things randomly and thats kinda true because i genuinely mess around by putting on more and more colors to stimulate my brain (whom is starving)
its up to you how much you do this.
i didnt necessarily explain how i shade exactly but i did *try* to explain how i ""pick"" the colors and such for it hope you enjoyed my ted talk . sorry if i repeated shit bcz im not proofreading this bye
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mercur1e · 3 years
Saw your Father’s Day post and I knew I had to ask for it:
Dilf!Jean x Teacher!Black reader fic
I’ll let you pick whether it’s sfw or nsfw, I just need some Jean content rn😌
Contains: Modern AU, female anatomy but no pronouns
Jean has had his eye on you for a while now. You're his kid's teacher, he know he shouldn't be feeling this way. But he can't help it. You're so kind and beautiful. You're great with the kids, and always patient with them. And god, your smile. That pretty, pretty smile. When he dropped Julia off at the first day of school, you had smiled and introduced yourself. Nothing unusual, it's just common courtesy. So why was he acting like a teenager in love all over again? He brushed it off thinking it was just because he hasn't dated in a while. Ever since his divorce he hasn't really been interested in dating.
Everytime Jean would pick up his child he made small talk with you. About his daughter, about your jobs, anything that would get you to talk to him. Jean would subtly compliment you, telling you that you look pretty or that a color looks good on you. Hell, he pointed out when you changed your hair up for a day, even if it wasnt anything major. Every once in a while he would lightly flirt with you, questioning how you're single and asking if you have a s/o. You'd always reply that you haven't been interested in anyone around here.
And it wasn't one sided, no. You'd glance at him when (you thought) he wasn't looking, looking as handsome as ever. His slicked back hair and style would make anyone swoon. A million dollar smile, great personality, and he was a good father? You wanted to be with him, you really did. But as a teacher you know you shouldn't. But the school year is almost out, you wish he would make a move.
Today was just like any other day, Jean came to pick up his kid and he was making small talk with you. Talking to you about your plans for the summer, and where you would like to go. Meanwhile Jean was was worrying about how to ask you out. "Do I just say it? Do I slip it in? Shit. Fuck it I'll just say it."
As you were talking about your summer plans, Jean interrupted you. "I..I was wondering if I can take you out on a date? If not I'm sorry that-"
"I've been waiting for you to say that." A smile forms on your lips. "I thought I'd become a corspe before you asked me out!" You poke in a joking manner.
Jean chuckled at you. "Well how about as an apology for making you wait so long, I take you out to dinner tonight?" He says while smiling at you. God, he's got a nice smile.
"I would love that. Is 7 o'clock good for you?" You ask Jean while writing your number on a slip of paper and handing it to him.
"Works for me. It won't be hard finding a babysitter for Julia for the night. I'll see you then sweetheart."
The rest of the school day went by fast. Happy to be home, you search through you closet to find something to wear. After digging in your closet you found your perfect outfit. Putting it on and standing infront the mirror you looked damn good in it. Going into the bathroom to finish up your hair and getting the look you wanted, you were almost done. Now you just had to find the right fragrance and any other additions. And with that, you were ready for your date. Hearing a knock on your door, you go to answer it.
You're met with Jean, looking as handsome as ever. He has on a dress shirt with some slacks, paired with a nice watch and shoes. Eyeing you up and down, he shoots you a smirk.
"You look amazing."
"And you look handsome, which is a shocker for you." You play, he knows he looks even on his worst days.
Jean guffawed at your comment. "Uh huh, like I don't notice you checking me out almost everyday at school."
Locking your door behind you, you two begin walking towards his car. "Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought."
"Nope, you're shit and trying to be sneaky."
"Oh shut up!" You giggled as you slapped his arm lightly. He opens the car door for you and you get in.
"So, where are we going?" You ask once he gets in the car.
"It's a surprise, but I think you'll like it when we get there."
As he was driving, you two talked and joked together. It wasn't a very long ride, maybe about 15-20 minutes until you arrived to the destination. It was a popular steakhouse that had recently opened up, and it wasn't cheap either.
"I've always wanted to go here, I've heard good things about this place." Looking around the parking lot, you could tell it wasn't a super busy night but they had business, that's good.
"Me too. I've heard good things about the place and its owned by a local chef." Holding out his hand to you, you take it as you're getting out of the car. To his pleasant surprise, you hold on to his hand until you two are seated at the table he reserved. The rest of the date went wonderfully, you both thoroughly enjoyed dinner and had fun getting to know each other more. And of course taking playful jabs at each other and eating dessert.
Pulling up in front of your house, Jean helps you out the car and walks you to your front door.
"I really enjoyed tonight, I loved every bit of it. Thank you for treating me to dinner."
"Of course." Jean replies, secretly hoping you'd you'd kiss him.
You two sat in silence for a few minutes until you looked him in the eye. His eyes were shining, hoping that you'd make a move. Finally, you broke the silence.
"Can I kiss you-" You didn't even finish your sentence before his lips landed on yours. He pulled back though, the kiss ending as quick as it started. You kissed him again. And again, until it turned into a full blown makeout session. "Do you want to go inside?" You asked once you finally caught your breath. Jean nodded at you, eyes now clouded with need. Opening your door, you barely have time to register what happened. Jean's got you pressed against your door, lips back on yours. Running your hands through his hair you let his tongue roam your mouth. He sucks on your tongue while trying to take your clothes off. "Mm, not here, my bedroom." While hurrying towards your bedroom, articles of clothing litter your hallway as you both rush to take off your clothes. After you get into the bedroom Jean motions for you to lay on the bed.
Laying between your legs, he leaves kisses on your navel and thighs, avoiding where you need him the most. Taking a long finger and swiping up your slit, he feels just how wet you are for him.
"Fuck, I've been waiting to do this for so long."
You hum in agreement. "Me too, I've wanted you for so long"
Licking a stripe up your pussy, you shiver under him. He kitten licks your clit before sticking a long finger into you. Your vagina clenches around the digit, adjusting to it after a minute.
"Another" you mewl, wanting more of him. He listens, putting his index finger in. He moves his fingers in a scissoring motion, loving the way you feel around him. His fingers are coated with your juices, creating a wet sound every time he thrusted them into you. Sucking on your clit, you moan and twitch under him. He speeds his fingers up, and starts sucking at your clit more harshly.
"Ah! Ah! M' gonna cum!"
"That's right, come for me baby. Cum all over my fingers."
Your body shivers from your orgasm as your hole convulses around Jean's fingers, creaming around him. He takes his fingers out of you, and you whine at the loss. He takes his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them.
"You tatse so good baby. So good for me. Can't wait to have you screaming for me."
He looks so hot like this. Hair disheveled and out of place, lust filled eyes just waiting to devour you. He takes his dick and strokes it a few times before pushing your legs against your chest. He lines himself up at your entrance, and slowly pushes in. It stings at first, he's so big. You already feel full, before you look down and see that you've only taken half of him. Jean slowly eases the rest of himself into you, before he's finally buried to the hilt. You swear you can feel him in your throat.
"Y-you can move baby, I can take it."
Jean smirks at you. "You sure?"
"Mhm..keep going."
Once Jean knew you were okay he started roughly thrusting into you. Leaning down to suck at your nipples, your hand grabbed at his hair. Tugging lightly at it, you wrangled a low groan out of the man above you. He can tell you're close because your moans are getting louder and he can feel you tightening around his dick.
"You gonna cum for me baby? Want me to fill you up?"
"Mm Mhm!"
"Say it."
"Cum in my Jean, please!"
He smirked. "Anything you want baby."
Slamming his hips into you, Jean's abusing your poor g-spot at this point. He flips you over so you're face down ass up and you can tell he's close too by the way his dick is twitching inside of you.
"Fuck! Fuck! I'm cummimg, I'm cumming-"
"That's it baby, come all over me."
Jean doesn't let up even after you've come. Your overstimulated pussy fills the room with sloppy noises. Jean gives a few more rough thrusts before coming inside of you. You both simultaneously groan out, you feel even fuller than before. He pulls out of you, feeling a sense of pride as he watches some of his cum drip out of your pussy.
Rolling over onto your back, you gaze up at Jean. A fucked out grin makes its way onto your face. Jean smiles back down at you before he lays down onto your chest.
"Is it selfish if I say I don't want this to end?" He mumbles in between the valley of your breats.
"Mm no. Because I don't want it to end either. I really like you Jean, I mean it." Your hand runs through his hair, its original style long gone.
"I really like you too, you think we could make something outta this? Maybe even a relationship?"
You giggle. "Is this your way of asking me to be your s/o?"
"Yeah...pretty shitty way huh?" Jean let's out a small laugh.
"Hmm yes, but I accept. I'll be your s/o."
"Guess it's not stupid if it works hm?" Jean leans up to plant a kiss against your lips.
"Oh shut up you!"
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THIS DONE YESTERDAY BUT I FEEL ASLEEP! Anyways I hoped you liked it! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated!! Have a good day! <33
This is my original work. Do not steal, repost, or copy my works. All works on this belong to @c00chi
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catboyklug · 2 years
oc x oc / oc x canon ships i have + my thoughts on most of em yay
i was enabled by gav . blame him
color coded - oc x oc is orange, oc x canon is urple.
if ur wondering who any of these guys r feel free 2 ask and/or just check out my artfight 'cause they're all on there
humaliens / hk:
masa x frey - the first!!!! love them sm. short punk femme x tall goth butch ftw. also theyre both super smart which makes them go well together imo
masa x frey x dusty - i made them a moodboard specifically bc their vibes go together well and it made me consider... consider what idk but
masa x hornet - now there's a thought
qeum'e x zismith - very very cute. originally wasnt even a thought, i was gonna make zismith go w/ some girl based off of a side character from tall girl ig?? but q x z won in the end and im glad it did.
berro x wist - not much 2 say. berro holds all the gender so wist doesn't need to
berro x wist x april - literally never happenin (april's aroace and wist's only attracted 2 nb people) but very very funny to thnk abt yk. two ridiculously romantic guys and the guy who is just sorta there
nothing for labfixation bc there are only like 1 possible ships
puyo puyo:
kikki x doppel - i thought abt this as a way to force kikki to interact w/ nate if sexism is no good ever is played in again but then i was like WAIT I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THIS. have been thinkng abt it since....
ajax x kikki - never happening but it's interesting 2 think abt. they both hate ace and r gay it could work
he/they polycule - couldnt go long enough w/o mentioning this. they r everything 2 me. i want them to kiss so fucking badly ok
remy x maguro - THE OG. the perfectest. they're so so so<3<3<3 mentally ill but they're there for each other & test out cool and new pronouns w/ each other
remy x klug - klug had a hate-crush on remy and nate and a legit crush on maguro which contributed to his hate-crush on remy earlier in the rp. they're also sort of terribly perfect for each other in the worst ways possible AND their brothers are dating. AND they have "i got possessed and it really was awful" solidarity. AND they have colors. AND-
aloe x ruby - very very cute. they love each other at a respectful distance bc that's what they both need & when they do need affection they know they can always ask. also rlly funny if you consider it for more than a few seconds
doppel x aloe - kurro kept bringing this up as a joke and it's sorta funny. aloe has minus 10 attraction towards doppel (in an affectionate way) but doppel has a massive crush on anyone who's taller than him so
8.1 x captain 3 - they shoul hold hands and homoerotically spar more often
8.TT x the concept of denial - OTP UWU
8.2 x captain 3 - they have 2 kiss immediately i think
there are more so this will prolly be updated a couple times in the future i just am being forced off my laptop and yeah
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meteorherd · 3 years
What do you think of Lilo & Stitch on the exotification verses representation front? I remember liking it as a kid but tbh I haven't seen it in years. ☆
OK readmore because this got rambly
hmm well i think its important to note that ultimately, lilo and stitch was written, directed, and produced by three white men. so thats gonna end up detracting significantly from any arguments of authenticity in the movie regardless, especially considering that the film was originally meant to be set in kansas; hawaii was a decision made afterwards but that being said MAN was it such a good decision. rural kansas was originally chosen because they wanted a place that seemed isolated, but it was only the moment they chose hawaii as a setting that the actual plot started to get laid down clearly. though i do think the idea of hawaii being a "perfect" choice for a film about isolation leans a lot more into the racist/exotifying idea that indigenous lands are untouched paradises rather than some sort of commentary on how colonialism led to forced isolation.
i think something really important in what makes lilo and stitch feel authentic, though, aside from smaller things people point out like visiting kauai for research (these kinds of trips are actually pretty normal in the makings of stories in "foreign" places, and ultimately they dont really show any proof in and of themselves of Good representation) and allowing nani and david's (hawaiian) voice actors to modify the script, is the fact that this is pretty much one of the only movies from disney i can think of where the plot was built around the setting during production. the setting wasnt just slapped on top of the plot.
a lot of the scenery actually indicated hawaii's economic recession in the early 2000s, and what stands out to me in particular was the scene where nani works at what she calls the "fakey" luau...theres just sooo much in the movie thats subtle commentary on hawaii's forced commodification for white tourists. and of COURSE theres the deleted scene where lilo scares the tourists away from the beach and how it ends with "if you lived here youd understand" LIKE DAMN...a lot of disney Films Of Color now tend to focus on people of color in a fantasy setting devoid of racism WHICH IN ITSELF IS FINE. we deserve to have stories where suffering doesnt have to be capitalized upon in order to be considered a story "worthy" of telling. but thats what makes that sort of commentary actually being there in lilo and stitch feel unique. i think the fact that anything regarding tourists is treated sort of tongue-in-cheek rather than make it a part of the movie's aesthetic like most renaissance films of the 90s is what makes it tackle exotification more head on.
all this being said, the movie still obviously falls into the trap of commodifying hawaiian cultures just because its a movie, by disney no less, and theyre gonna do whatever they can to make money off it, including selling the idea of a "hawaiian paradise." but i think reading a lot about the production of the film itself, hawaiians did have a large part in contributing to the story when compared with other disney films of color, Definitely especially for 2002 when that sort of idea of a story of color that actually incorporated a culture in as a big part of the movie was unheard of in animation.
sooo ultimately i think its a Better disney movie in terms of exotification vs representation, but a lot of it just has to do with the fact that the bar is pretty low with other disney movies LOL. like. there are three films starring people of color in the experimental era, and this is the ONLY one that doesnt have the main character turn into an animal 🤨 though i cannot understate how big of a role it had in opening the gates for more stories of color in animation, not just in disney but in general due to how it was both a commercial and critical success when it came out
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professional-dikut · 3 years
ooh ooh a request? tech/crosshair, crosshair being supportive of tech's interest tangents and making sure he takes care of himself when he gets too invested and distracted with work? idk how to write requests lol. ps. i read your latest echo/cross one and it was freaking amazing wow so fluff much angst yes comfort :)))
Ahhhh so sorry this took so long! I love this idea sm and i had many plans for this req so i hope you enjoy! (Fic under cut⬇️)
Word Count: 2673
TW: minor bad eating habits?
Crosshair snapped his eyes up towards a muffled hiss from Tech.
The man was sitting at his small work table, shaking his right hand around as sparks began to die down on a small bundle of wires in front of him. He had a stylus between his teeth and there was a tiny pair of pliers in his left hand. His leg bounced and his eyes darted back and fourth between the flimsy next to him and the bundle of wires.
Crosshair raised an eyebrow and swung his legs off his bunk to rest his feet on the ground.
Tech grumbled some incoherent curses before snatching the stylus out of his mouth and jamming down a few messy scribbles onto the flimsy.
Hunter had randomly decided to head down to the training facilities for a few hours, and Wrecker and Echo were in the cafeteria having some late night snacks. Crosshair had grabbed a snack on the way back from their simulator course earlier, though he hadnt eaten since lunch. So He and Tech were left in the barracks to do their own thing for a while until they decided to sleep.
Slowly, he pulled a leg up to his chest as he watched Tech move.
His hands flew across the pieces and parts that only he understood. His eyebrows were furrowed in the way they always were when he was deep in thought, and his eyes were zeroed in on what was in front of him and nothing else. His leg continued to bounce up and down while he twirled the stylus in his hand.
Crosshair smirked.
He stood up, quietly, and began to make his way around and over to Tech's table.
Tech muttered something and scribbled down some more notes, readjusting the bundle of wires.
The sniper slowly pulled a stool around to sit across from Tech, making as little noise as possible.
Tech didnt look up. His eyes stayed narrowed on his project, hyper focused on the goal in front of him. He picked at a few of the wires with the pliers, before twisting some together into a pattern.
Crosshair watched and got comfortable in the stool, crossing his arms and resting a leg on one of the bars around the middle of it.
Still twisting and pulling the wires into a weird pattern, Tech glanced aside to look at a black panel with some buttons and screens on it. He looked back and fourth between the wires he was still messing with, and the panel, as if he was deciding which one he should focus on. The wires were starting to look less jumbled as he wove them together, and he chewed his lip before switching to only one hand on the wires.
Crosshair's eyes widened, watching as Tech worked the wires with one hand, as the other fiddled with the panel.
His right hand moved—somehow—still weaving the wires together in a perfect pattern. It was slower than both hands, of course, but it seemed to be working and he hadn't messed up yet. Crosshair watched with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
The panel had lit up at some point and was blinking in a few spots. Tech put a small screwdriver between his teeth as he tapped at the panel. Every few seconds, he'd grab the screwdriver and poke around the buttons, causing tiny colorful sparks that reflected in his goggles.
Eventually, the wires came together into one part, and Tech pinned the ends together with small ties. Pulling the panel towards him, he flipped it over and set the wires aside as he opened a small flap in the back of the panel.
He poked around in the small flap a bit with the screwdriver before grabbing the wires again.
Crosshair watched while Techs eyes narrowed and squinted at the wires, as he slowly placed them into the panel. Sparks jumped around his fingers as he attached the wires from the top and bottom, allowing them to sear together by them selves. Every few minutes a hand would fly up to readjust his goggles.
Shaking his head, Crosshair tried to suppress a grin as Tech finished up his project, swatting sparks away here and there.
"What is it?" Crosshair asked quietly, finding an opening where Tech wasnt as focused.
He waited a minute or two as Tech caught up to the question while putting things back together and into their original places.
"It is..." Tech mumbled, stuffing screws and tools into small containers and pouches.
Crosshair watched, waiting with patience as Tech finally gave a satisfied sigh.
"A power calibrator that I constructed to connect into the rear nose cannons." Tech began to say all at once. Crosshair listened intently. "It will allow more power to be transferred to the shields while the rear cannon is being fired, so that way we can do both at once without losing one mid-battle."
Crosshair squinted. It was actually genius. Half the time during missions, their shields would fail while firing the rear cannons due to the power usage. Though they had more power in the firing, the Marauder almost always got a pretty good beating if they used the cannons for to long.
"What wires did you use?" Crosshair asked, scooting his stool closer the table so that he could rest an arm in it.
"Twinaxial cables, acutally." Tech said spinning around in his own stool to toss something onto his bunk. "They're a variant of the coaxial cables, and have more than one conductor. They are good for short-range and high-speed power signals so they'll work well for what I'm using them for."
Crosshair nodded. He knew most of what Tech was talking about, and tried to understand what he didn't. Tech would usually explain if he was confused, but at the moment, he was pretty educated on what he was talking about.
"Great idea, Tech." Crosshair praised. Now that he had a quick opening, he could do their little routine that they always went through around these times.
"What did you have for lunch?"
Tech shut a drawer and froze.
Slowly, he turned in his stool to face the sniper with a look of deep thought on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows and rested his hand on his chin as Crosshair waited. Slowly, Tech conjured up an answer.
"It was a..." Tech began, tapping a finget on his chin. "A ration bar, I believe."
Crosshair raised an eyebrow and turned his head to the side.
"You had one for breakfast." He implied quietly.
Tech blinked and looked down at his hands.
"It's possible Ive had two, today." Said Tech, picking at his gloved hands.
"Any real food?" Cross asked.
A defeated look rested onto Tech’s face and he readjusted his goggles.
"Water?" He asked again.
Tech stared.
Crosshair sighed and turned in his seat, glancing at the snack next to his bed that he'd grabbed from the cafeteria earlier. He hadn't been hungry much then, but he did plan on eating it. He was pretty sure there was some soup, maybe a biscuit or two and possibly some meat.
He hopped out of his stool and Tech looked up in surprise.
Stalking over to his bunk, he grabbed the biscuits and a small thermal of soup. The meat was in a foil like bag and had a jerky texture and taste that Tech always liked, even since they were cadets. Cross took the bag and tossed it on his bed, poking around for any spoons or silverware. When he didnt find any, he shrugged and popped open the little thermal.
Crosshair caught Techs look of confusion as he spun around to sit down in his bunk, taking a whiff of the soup.
It smelled good, and it was still somewhat warm. If he didn't eat it soon, it would get cold in the next thirty minutes or so. He took a sip from the thermal and sighed as the warm liquid trickled into his belly and the bland taste settled on his tongue.
He looked up.
Tech frowned as he pulled his second glove off, the first one already on the table. His head was hung low and his eyebrows were still furrowed like he was thinking hard about something. His lips parted slightly as if he was going to say something, but he shut his mouth and froze as he looked up.
"Come here." Crosshair spoke, patting the spot next to him on his bunk.
Tech blinked and rested his hands on each other.
"The soup is gonna get cold." He spoke again, nodding to the thermal before taking another sip.
Tech looked at the soup, and then back up at Crosshair before scrambling out of his stool and padding over to the spot next to him on the bunk.
Cross leaned back to get the jerky/meat stuff as Tech got comfortable, pulling a leg up to his chest and turning towards the sniper.
Techs eyes lit up behind his goggles as Crosshair opened the bad of jerky, and quickly grabbed for a piece.
Crosshair caught his hand and swatted it away as Tech gave him an offended look.
"Excuse me?" Tech frowned, trying to maneuver around Cross's hand.
"Water first." The sniper said, shrugging and pulling the bag away from Tech and taking a bite of the jerky himself.
"Ugh." Tech grumbled and stood to stalk over to his own bunk, grabbing a flask of water that he took a few angry sips of on the way back.
Crosshair smirked as Tech plopped back down and snatched a piece of jerky out of the bag, taking a bite with a small smile on his face.
Cross handed Tech the thermal so he could open the small plastic container that had three biscuits in it. He peeled the plastic seal top off and took one if the biscuits out. They were a little deformed, and kind of stale and soggy at the same time, but thats what they got; And truthfully, they didn't really care.
Tech went between the thermal and the jerky, starting to realize how hungry he really was.
Cross handed him one if the biscuits and he took it happily, taking a bite and washing it down with some water from his flask.
"When's the last time you slept?" Crosshair asked randomly while Tech chewed.
Tech looked up up in thought and shoved another piece of jerky in his mouth. Crosshair sighed and moved the bag of jerky away for a second so Tech could finish chewing and not choke. He narrowed his eyes behind his goggles and stared at Crosshair as he took another sip of the soup.
"I woke up at five-hundred thirty like always." Tech said, wiping his mouth and shrugging.
Cross cocked an eyebrow at him. It was already nearing close to twenty-hundred, so Tech had been awake for longer than twelve hours at the least. He sighed again.
"Okay, what time did you go to sleep last night?" Crosshair asked.
"Around the time when I finished fixing Wrecker's blaster." Tech answered easily, looking around Cross for the bag of jerky.
The sniper was pretty sure he had fallen asleep before Tech finished up on Wreckers blaster. The amount of time spent fixing them depended in the damage, and depending on Wrecker, the damage was usually pretty major. Cross had fallen asleep at around twenty-four hundred, and Tech had only started working on the blaster a little bit before that.
"And when did you finish that." Crosshair questioned.
"Around four-hundred thir-"
Tech stopped, thermal tipped halfway towards his mouth.
Crosshairs eyes widened and the crease deepened between his brows.
"I meant-"
"No," Crosshair cut Tech off, turning to face him more. "You got an hour of sleep?!"
"Well, more like forty five minutes because it takes me a while to fall asleep sometimes." Tech said simply and then winced as Crosshair let his jaw drop.
"You need to sleep." Crosshair stated, closing the bag of jerky and standing.
"Wait," Tech whined, reaching after the bag of jerky. "Im not tired yet."
Crosshair tossed the bag of jerky onto the little work table and whipped back around towards Tech.
"Yes you are." The sniper said, looking pointedly at the bags under Techs eyes that he tried to hid behind his goggles.
"Finish your soup, then you are sleeping."
Crosshair raised an eyebrow as Tech began to protest again, but wearily sipped the last of the soup and took the last bite of the biscuit.
Soon, Tech was out of his armor and in his blacks, pouting around as Crosshair nudged him towards his bunk. He had also gotten out of his armor, as encouragement to Tech so that he didn't feel like Crosshair was prodding too much or being too bossy. Even as cadets, Tech was never one for normal sleep; he loved to use the late hours of the night to get things done.
Crosshair paused as he looked at Techs bed.
"Well no wonder you don't sleep." Cross muttered, poking at cords and wires that were hanging from the ceiling of the bunk.
"They are projects." Tech argued, sliding a box away and onto the floor.
"I see that." Crosshair said and scanned the writing on the walls.
Tech yawned, and Crosshair found himself yawning too. He didn't feel too tired, but he didn't sleep well these days.
They usually didn't.
Tech gave a tired sigh before climbing into his bunk, and grabbing for the thin blanket.
"Are you- Oh." Tech stuttered in surprise as Crosshair climbed in after him.
The sniper wrapped an arm around Tech's waist and pulled him close as he tugged the blanket over the two of them. Tech wriggled around and tried to get comfortable under the blanket as Crosshair reached up to the light switch on the wall of the bunk. A wave of sleepiness surged over Cross as the lights slowly dimmed, until the only light was the faint glow of Tipoca City outside of the large wide window.
"You need to start getting better sleep," Crosshair started, closing his eyes as Tech scooted closer to him. "You're gonna stunt your growth."
Tech snorted and nuzzled farther into the snipers chest.
"Right." Tech whispered and yawned again.
Rain pattered against the window, and Crosshair could never tell if it was gentle or not. He'd gotten used to the ever present rain of Kamino, and wasn't sure there was such thing as gentle rain on the ocean planet. It was cool growing up, but it got old eventually.
"Do you remember when we went off-planet for the first time?" Crosshair asked randomly.
Tech pulled his head away from Cross's chest to look up at him with a confused face.
"Remember how fascinated you were by the karking grass." He said, grinning down at Tech.
Tech laughed and buried his face into the pillow, shaking his head a little.
"I thought it was so interesting." Tech said, voice muffled by the pillow.
He looked up at Crosshair and smiled sadly.
"It's so colorful." He sighed, resting his head next to Crosshair’s.
"I know." Cross whispered, pressing a kiss to Tech's forehead and nosing his dark curls as he closed his eyes.
Tech was out quick, snoring softly next to him within minutes. Crosshair smiled, a real smile, and gently pulled Tech’s goggles off. His eyes were tired, but his breathing was steady and his body was relaxed.
He looked so peaceful. So different from his constant state of either jumping around from project to project and rambling about different information and facts—or hyper focused and oblivious to everything around him. It was rare to have time like this with Tech.
Crosshair appreciated Tech.
He loved Tech.
He let that settle proudly in his thoughts as he slowly began to drift to sleep too.
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stormyykat · 3 years
shadow magic and its relation to witchdoctors (HEADCANON!!)
okay so in this post im gonna discuss my ideas for how shadow magic is related to witchdoctor magic! once again, this is all heacanon for my wizards/pirates spiral.
warning this post is long. lol.
so im gonna start off with how magic in the spiral relates to each other in general. also for Reasons, i have changed ‘hoodoo’ to ‘witchcraft’.
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astral schools - magics that were created by combining 3 (or more) of the main 7 schools. they share attributes and abilities with the schools they were created with. astral magic is very hard to master, which is why only few beings in the spiral are able to use them as their main school. instead, they are mostly learned as to enhance the main schools.
main schools - standard magic schools. have been studied thoroughly and can be safely learned by the people of the spiral.
shadow magic - like the astral schools, shadow magic is a combination of the main magic schools. shadow magic was the attempt to combine all 7 schools into one, however it was much too powerful. during these experiments, the being known as The Shadow was created, and while efforts have been made to destroy it, The Shadow persists, funneling shadow magic into every part of the spiral. shadow magic has no stable form, and if one were to try and main this magic, it would destroy them quickly overtime, feeding The Shadow’s power. even casual use of shadow magic can corrupt even the most pure-hearted wizards.
light magic - an attempt to create magic that rivaled The Shadow, made out of the Sun and Star astral schools. this type of magic wasnt very strong, and was quickly destroyed by The Shadow. however, rumors in avalon say a being made of pure light lurks in the forests, slowly growing stronger.
witchcraft - once shadow magic reached darkmoor, the humans there found a way to contain it. through vigorous research, testing, and attempts to contain The Shadow, witchcraft was born. witchcraft was able to do what the scholars of the past could not, it could contain shadow magic. with time, witchcraft evolved to not only use shadow magic, but pull from the original 7 schools as well, like Storm and Death. since then, the magic has been even more refined, with little room for shadow magic to take control. however, wizards still think that witchcraft is too dangerous to be considered a proper school of magic.
shadow magic and shadow corruption
so, shadow magic as a school by itself.
shadow magic is very unstable. you must have shadow pips in order to cast shadow magic, so shadowmancers push themselves to be connected with The Shadow. the deeper connection with The Shadow, the more powerful the magic, however, the chance of the user being killed by their own magic grows higher. shadow magic is much too powerful for one body, and slowly destroys the wizard using it.
shadow corruption happens with the consistent use of shadow magic. shadowmancers usually get corrupted willingly, feeding themselves into The Shadow. casual user corruption takes time, but happens eventually.
corruption usually starts at the palms, and slowly grows up the arm. however, because shadowmancers are willing to be corrupted, their corruption starts near the head and trickles down.
since they are corrupted by shadow for a very long time, shadowmancers actions become influenced by The Shadow. The Shadow’s end goal is to absorb the entirety of the spiral, including its patrons. It begins to encourage more dangerous heights of shadow magic, to the point the user fully relinquishes itself to The Shadow.
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(heres a doodle of my OCS, Skullgarden and Jack. Skullgarden has been corrupted for almost a decade, while Jack has only been corrupted for a few months. Jack has full control of his actions and thoughts, but Skullgarden is losing themself to The Shadow.)
witchcraft and shadow corruption
since witchcraft is like a tamed version of shadow magic, shadow corruption pretty much never happens at all. the magic is safe to use, just like the main 7 schools. in fact, The Shadow is weakened by the mere existence of witchdoctors. however, it does not experience wide practice, because while its safe, its not easy. a witchdoctor must have the will to push past The Shadow to master their craft, and if they dont, they risk becoming shadowmancers themselves.
witchcraft is flexible, and can be changed and bent in many different ways. while you can harness the shadow, you can also harness the powers of the main 7 schools. many witchdoctors like to combine shadow with its roots, popular choices being death, storm, and fire for the strongest of spells. a witchdoctors eyes will change colors to represent the school of magic they draw from the most. (ex; purple/storm, gray/death, orange/fire, etc)
speaking of harnessing shadow, a witchdoctor has the ability to harness raw shadow magic, however it is risky. if a witchdoctor chooses to do so, they will more than likely suffer from corruption, but starting at the palm. this will only happen if they choose to harness it.
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(a doodle of my witchdoctor Stephen. he has chosen to tap into raw shadow magic once, and luckily was not overtaken by it. however, he still suffered from shadow corruption. hes fine tho, dw)
so yeah!! this was fun to write and draw for....might do more like this in the future :]!! if u have any questions feel free to ask me!!! i love talking abt world building.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. Zeus would make a much more compelling character if RS grounded his obsession with gaining respect in the context of his childhood: He could’ve been Rhea’s favourite kid and grew a huge ego/sense of entitlement as a result while feeling deeply under appreciated by his brothers and Hera for his instrumental role in rescuing them and his care for her respectively, unable to look past his own trauma and ego to see that they too are struggling with their own demons rather than neglecting him.
2. I’m gonna have disagree with that one anon saying narrators are always a sign of weak storytelling because that’s not always the truth. Hades the game for example has a narrator and it’s used very effectively to give it an fairytale-like feel, a funny thing for zag to comment on because he can hear them and he will often comment on the rude things they say, and also provides a bit of world building. A narrator is also good if it’s established beforehand who is saying the narration, such as a storyteller or prophet, and it can establish to the audience they are viewing something from the past, and they can speak when there are major shifts in the story, not throughout the whole thing. A narrator in LO isn’t even a bad idea, the issue is it should have been established much earlier, maybe even episode one is we’re being honest, instead of just coming out of nowhere to speak of stuff in the future? It’s also pretty purposely only being there to be a cliffhanger instead of even putting in effort to make it interesting enough for anyone to care or come back without the narration there basically begging them to care what’s going on. It’s very strange and shows a lack of confidence and effort in her writing to be so literally spelled out like that.
I agree with the other comments too. The font is atrocious. LO is usually really good with fonts and they picked one that was visually very ugly and hard to read with an even worse color. I didn’t even think the fonts would degrade too like the art, and yet here we are!
3. I love how rachel dropped the cover for vol 2 of LO and its just a treasure trove of book design failures. her name is on top, giving the impression both she is the title and she cares more about getting her own name out there over the actual story, empty space where the title should be, the title covering most of hades, the title being cramped so much to cover him, persephone being covered by volume two, the list goes on. the first cover wasnt much better, but this is much worse.
4. RS is willing to change aspects of the story according to fan speculation but isn't down to do anything that would retcon out the offensive stereotypes, the homophobia, or the character-assassination of apollo.
5. I’m pretty sure Hera and Echo will have an infidelity arc followed by betrayal thanks to Echo’s role in Zeus’s meddling. It’s already established that Hera is just as willing to cheat as Zeus is and Echo’s blue colouration and short hair is clearly reminiscent of Hades. Given how RS has stated that character colour palettes are symbolic, I wouldn’t overlook this detail (the one instance of RS actually sticking to her colour rules lol). Also, Ares’ comment just seems to imply it!
6. Yo I just saw RS Insta story- SHES ALREADY MAKING A VOLUME TWO BOOK???? When the first volume isn’t out yet?????? Tbh, I never expected this 
7. Daphne has more personality than Persephone. Though both came from the same deprives mortal realm background, Daphne is thriving. Unlike Persephone, she’s confident and willing to take control over her own life (though this is only illustrated in the context of her dating life which is sad af, female characters never get any other kind of agency in LO). Perse would be a more interesting protagonist if she had Daphne’s (still limited af) personality.
8. There seems to be a lot of infighting here regarding Myth Hades and Persephone and it's 'modern retelling' or butchering by RS.
All fighting aside on whether Hades was a good husband and Persephones role (or lack of agency) in the myth of the Kidnapping - what is actually wrong with appreciating the myth as is?
(Isn't the myth there to give an explanation as to why the seasons change? As well as being a story of a mother in grief over her lost daughter? And her fight to find her?)
Also, in that context, is there really something wrong with liking the... lets say more "modern" adaptations of the Myth where Hades and Persephone loved one another, so long as one understands and respects the original canon (sources) and culture from which it originated?
9. The way Daphne is drawn went from sweet girl-next-door to model with overfilled lips and too many surgical alterations to increase her sex appeal.. Her lips look like they’ve been stung by several bees in the latest FP what is up with that? It’s especially irksome since RS normally draws very nice looking full lips (I.e Persephone) but they just look so off on Daphne.
10. So Minthe being in the story so early on (and already dating Hades) is lets say an "interesting" narrative choice. Mainly because it feels like RS did this because she doesnt want to acknowledge that Hades may have loved someone other than Persephone.
Because (as far as I am aware) Minthe does not show up until after Hades and Persephone are already married. And Hades did care about Minthe (as I believe one anon mentioned - he named a mountain after her?) - and she was stomped on by Persephone for daring to say that Hades liked her more.
It feels like RS made this narrative choice because she wanted to (mess with the myths) showcase that Persephone is Hades 'One True Love' and the only way she could think do to that was to make Minthe a vicious abuser. Which is unfair.
11. Uh …. Why are they already publishing a volume 2 or LO only four months after the first one? If they keep that rate up won’t they catch up really quick to the actual comic and run out of stuff to publish? I would be pissed to get a book with a cover with effort put into it just to get rushed nonsense in the actual book. Girl take a break.
Also the logo is literally covering up half of the couple while there is a giant empty space above them so her name is the main focus. Either Rachel is shit at book cover design (likely) or she needs to stroke her ego real bad and make sure her own name is the main focus. Good lord. 
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dinolikes · 4 years
summery ❤︎ Nobody has any quirks and are stuck on a ship like among us
pairings ❤︎ Imposter!Dabi x Reader
content warnings ❤︎ major character death
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you sobbed into dabi's chest as hawks and ingeniumu covered thirteens body with a sheet, everyone looking over, some with tears, and some with just a blank look, like they were still processing it.
it was silent for a long time before ingeniumu cleared his throat and looked up, everyone seeing the ghost of tears in his eyes, "we have to call h-headquarters," his voice cracked but he stood tall, he would make a great captain one day, even with his pushover attitude.
you were crowded in the cafeteria, a computer resting on the table with headquarters on the line.
"im sorry to say this but you have an imposter."
you shook your head, you refused to believe it, how could these people, your FRIENDS, who you've lived with for a year, how could they be imposters?
though you shouldnt be surprised, the league has been gaining members, rarely any ship didnt have at least ONE imposter, some even having as much as three, you just thought you guys were the exception.
"twice, hawks, you searched thirteens body correct?" a voice came through the screen.
"yes sir," hawks quietly muttered.
"was everything in place?"
"he didnt have the vent key."
the vent key, really easy to pass through, was originally made for people to quickly go from room to rooms, but after the rise of imposters who started using it to sneak up on people, only one person was allowed to use it per day.
the voice cursed, "very well." a sigh could be heard, "well you know the drill," you did, you just didnt like it, "if you suspect someone, send them out and let them die," you gulped.
you didnt know if you could do that, even knowing that someone here murdered thirteen, you learned to care for each of them, even weirdo itchy snatch tomura. you didnt know if you could just send them into space to suffocate. even the thought made you sick.
"until then, we'll need you to finish your tasks fast, we'll have you home by the end of the day, which means the imposter will probably try to kill faster today. watch out." with that a beep was heard, signaling that you were disconnected.
a grim silence filled the room.
hawks finally spoke up, "which one of you assholes did it?"
dabi glared at the taller man, "fuck you dude, how do we know you didnt do it?"
hawks took a step closer, "bold accusations from someone who seems to hate everyone!"
"why would I kill one of the only people I actually like in this shithole?"
"because he had the vent key dumbass!"
"hey!" twice yelled.
hawks glowered at him, "oh yeah, how could we forget twice here? you found the body right? meaning you were the last one to see him? why DID you decide to check on him huh?"
"why would I come to you guys then?!"
"i dunno, to throw off suspicion maybe?"
you finally snapped "stop it!" everyone's heads shot towards you, "thirteen is dead," you choked out, "and I know thay we're all upset but we just have to finish today's tasks and then we're back home, okay?"
everyone stared, until deku started nodding, "y-yeah! just today's tasks left! then we'll go home and catch the imposter and we'll be fine!"
"what makes you so sure we'll catch him once we get home idiot?"
deku stared up confusingly at kaachan, "dont we have cameras?"
ingeniumu looked at his friend "obviously deku but whatre you getting at?"
"our cameras have memory sticks," shoto spoke up quietly, "when they're connected into one of headquarters machines, you can access all of what it caught,"
deku nodded rapidly, "exactly!"
your eyes lit up, "deku your a genius!" you grabbed his head and gave him a big smooch on the forehead, leaving him a red and stuttering mess.
dabi tsk'ed, "c'mere,' he grabbed you hand and pulled you towards him, wrapping you hands around you and resting his head on your shoulder.
you rolled your eyes playfully at his jealous nature.
"fine. we finish our task but if another person is found dead we're booting someone off." with that, hawks stormed off.
you tried not to go too harsh on him, you knew hawks looked up to thirteen, and beneath that cocky demeanor, he really was soft.
knowing that though, you couldnt help but feel some fear and resentment.
fear because you didnt think you could kill off one of your own and resentment because you knew hawks would make you do exactly that.
"we should have a plan," ingeniumu speaks up, "4 groups of two who continue on and do their tasks, and I think twice should be on security, just incase the imposter attacks again," everyone nods.
"i'll go with wonder," dabi states, already grabbing your hand,
"dont you think you'll get distracted with...other things?" tomura smirks, dabi clenching your hand in his.
"fuck. off."
"oo feisty~"
dabi glares, "yknow you dont really seem to care much that thirteens dead!"
tomura's eyes flash a dangerous color and he leans forward.
"the FUCK did you just say?"
"you heard me you fucking incel,"
"stop!" ingeniumu yells, "tomura is right, you guys do get quite distracted, wonder is with hawks, dabi your with shoto. ill go with tomura and that leaves deku and kaachan, with twice on security. let's go!"
dabi grumbles but goes with his brother as you lightly kiss him on the cheek and go with hawks.
you cant help but think about how amazing that kid is gonna be when hes older as a captain of his own ship.
you and hawks head off, both of you checking your list and stopping by rooms, the other waiting as they finish their task and repeating, until hawks sighed.
"how are you dating that asshole?"
you laugh, "hes not too bad once he likes you,"
"and what? he just doesn't like me?"
"what if he didnt like thirteen?" your smile drops instantly.
"I'm just saying!"
"well STOP saying! I know dabi and he wouldnt betray me like that, so whatever accusations you have against MY boyfriend, I dont wanna here it," you scowl as you check your notebook, and started heading forward, "c'mon. I have to do wires in electrical."
hawks stayed quiet through the walk, as you stormed forward, wanting to get as much away from him as possible without ACTUALLY losing him. if you were being honest you were scared of going off alone.
as you walked in electrical you instantly went towards the wires, not noticing hawks standing in the doorway,
"yes hawks?" you snap.
"I just saw someone vent." you pause and turn around.
"where and who?!"
"I dont know! I just saw the vent close when we walked in here and since Thirteen had the key before he died, that means that only the imposter can vent!"
"fuck! why would they vent though?!"
hawks paused. "maybe they killed someone again."
tears filled your eyes as you started searching the dark room, almost tripping over something, you only briefly looked up but you choked back a sob.
it was a foot.
he came running towards you from behind the wall and saw the foot, gulping as he turned on the flashlight.
there say ingeniumu, with his throat slashed.
you couldnt hold back the cry that left your throat as hawks pulled you in for a hug, mostly to hide his own tears.
"what's going on in here?" you heard dabi's voice and you lifted you head to see him and shoto.
he looked mad but when hawks gestured with his flashlight towards the body, the brief flash letting both of the boys see, dabi understood.
"c'mere baby," he grabbed you quickly and held you tight as you sobbed into his chest, dabi looked up at his brother, "shoto can you call a meeting?" he asked softly. you assumed shoto nodded because there were no other words spoken.
there you all sat again, in cafeteria.
you were sniffling as dabi played with your hair, you holding shoto close as he leaned into you, still in shock of seeing his friend's lifeless corpse like that.
deku stood tall and didnt bother to hide the tears streaming down his face and even kaachan was caught sniffling a bit.
twice sat quietly in the corner, with his elbows on his knees.
hawks though, was red in the face from anger. and the victim of his anger was none other than tomura.
"you were teamed up with him fuckface!"
tomura simply shrugged, "I got bored and wanted to check on twice, see if he was alive,"
"well he is! but your partner fucking isnt!" hawks jammed his finger against the other mans chest, "and I think YOURE the cause!"
tomura raised his eyebrows, "I was with twice, right twice?" he did a 180 to stare hard at twice who looked up slightly and slowly nodded. that seemed to please tomura though as he turned back around, "see?"
"that doesnt mean shit! you were supposed to be with him!"
"but I wasnt."
"but you WERE! that's why the kid is dead!"
"I say we vote." shoto's voice was muffled by your neck and dabi's chest, where he was currently crammed in, but it was still intelligible.
you raise your head and wipe a few stray tears, "I think that's smart sho,"
you all nod and murmur in agreement.
"fine then. let's vote." hawks glares at tomura one last time, "who says skip?"
tomura, twice and shoto raise their hands.
"i dont think theres enough evidence." shoto explains and you nod, quietly telling him that theres nothing wrong with his belief.
hawks has a slight triumph look on his face, "who says that tomura is a fucking psychopath who likes to murder children!"
"murder a child. thirteen is practically twice my age" tomura corrects, "and besides I didn't do it."
hawks rolls his eyes, "whatever, everyone just vote."
you, dabi, hawks, deku and kaachan raise your hand, making you guys the winner.
"perfect." hawks drags tomura over to the ejecting room, usually used for heavier garbage that didnt fit in the disposal.
as you all surrounding the glass wall that separated you and tomura you cried a bit more.
sure you hated this dude but you still KNEW him!
"anything left to say sicko?" hawks glared at the smiling tomura.
"maybe you arent as much of a bird brain as I thought hawks. good job, you win," he does a slight bow like this was a performance before hawks pulls the lever, tomura's body flying out before hawks closed it again.
"he admitted to it." deku stated simply.
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
this was written several weeks ago in response to asks i was receiving i am posting it now it is very long the longest i have ever made and it is not very well edited but here it is in this final essay i talk about how shitty rae is about black people in her writing as well as just me talking about how her writing sucks in general lets begin
hello everyone 
as you may know i have received a lot of anons in the last week or so about issues of racism in the beetlejuice community both just generally speaking and also within specific spaces 
i was very frustrated to not be getting the answers i wanted because i typically do not talk about what i do not see but in an effort to be better about discourse i went looking through discourse from before my time in the fandom and i also received some receipts and information from my followers and from some friends
keep in mind that the voices and thoughts of bipoc are not only incredibly important at all times but in this circumstance it is important that if a bipoc has something to add you listen and learn and be better
i admit that when this happened i wasnt aware of the extent of what occurred and im angry at myself for not doing more at that time and i want to work harder to make sure something like this doesnt go unnoticed again
im a hesitant to talk about months old discourse because i have been criticized for bringing up quote old new unquote but this is very important and i am willing to face whatever comes from to me
lets talk about this
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content from our local racist idiot that may be months old but its important
putting my thoughts under a cut to spare the dash but before i begin obviously this is awful
lets fucking unpack this folks
right out the gate op states that she supports artistic freedom but then within a couple words she goes against that statement
being entirely canon compliant isnt artistic freedom and even so if this person has so much respect for canon they wouldnt be out here erasing lydias obvious disgust for beetlejuice in the movie or ignoring lydias age for the sake of shipping that shit isnt canon either 
also we love the quick jab at the musical there hilarious we love it dont we because god forbid a licensed and successful branch on a media have any standing in this conversation but whatever
now lets scroll down and talk about the term racebending
the term racebending was coined around 2009 in response to the avatar the last airbender movie a film in which the east asian races of the characters were erased by casting white actors in the three leading roles of aang sokka and katara 
whenever the term racebending is used in a negative light it is almost always a case of whitewashing like casting scarlett johansen in ghost in the shell or the casting of white actors of the prince of persia sands of time instead of iranian ones
this kind of racebending erases minorities from beeing seen in media and is wrong
all that being said however racebending has also been noted to have very positive after effects like the 1997 adaptation of cinderella or casting samuel jackson as nick fury in the marvel movies nick fury was originally a white guy can you even imagine
i read this piece from an academic that said quote writers can change the race and cultural specificity of central characters or pull a secondary character of color from the margins transforming them into the central protagonist unquote
racebending like the kind that rae is so heated about is the kind of creative freedom that leads to more representation of bipoc in media which will never be a bad thing ever no matter how pissy you get about it
designing a version of a character as a poc isnt serving to make them necessarily better it serves to give new perspective and perhaps the opportunity to connect even more deeply with a character it doesnt marginalize or erase white people it can uplift poc and if you think uplifting poc is wrong because it tears down white people or whatever youre a fucking moron and you need to get out of your podunk white folk town and see the real world
the numbers of times a bipoc particularly a bipoc that is also lgbt+ has been represented in media are dwarfed by what i as a white dude have seen myself represented in media is and that isnt okay that isnt equality and its something that should change not only in mainstream media but in fandom spaces as well
lets move down a bit further to the part about bullying straight people which is hilarious and lets also talk about the term fetishistic as well lets start with that
this person literally writes explicit pornography of a minor and an adult are we really going to let someone like that dictate what is and what isnt fetishistic
similarly to doing a positive racebend situation people may project lgbt+ headcanons on a character because its part of who they are and it helps them feel closer to the character and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that
depicting lgbt+ subject matter on existing characters isnt an inherently fetishistic action generally things only really become fetishistic when the media is being crafted and hyped by people who are outside of lgbt+ community for example how young teens used to flip a tit about yaoi or how chasers fetishize trans people
but drawing a character with top surgery scars or headcanoning them as trans is harmless and its just another way to interpret a character literally anone could be trans unless if their character bio says theyre cis and most of them dont go that deep so it really is open to interpretation and on the whole most creators encourage this sort of exploration because it is a good thing to get healthy representation out in the world
as for it being used to bully straights thats just funny i dont have anything else on that like if youre straight and you feel threatened and bullied because of someone headcanoning someone as anything that isnt cishet youre a fucking idiot and a weak baby idiot at that like the real world must fucking suck for you because lgbt+ people are everywhere and statistically a big chunk of your favorite characters arent cishet sorry be mad about it
lets roll down a bit further about the big meat of the issue which was when several artists were drawing interpretations of lydia as a black girl which i loved but clearly this person didnt love it because they have a very narrow and very racist and problematic view of what it means to be a black person
and before i move forward i must reiderate that i am a white person and you should listen to the thoughts of poc people like @fright-of-their-lives​ or @gender-chaotic it is not my place to explain what the black experience is like and it certainly isnt this persons either
implying that the story of a black person isnt worth telling unless if the character faces struggles like racism and prejudice is downright moronic 
why use the word kissable to describe a black persons lips now thats what i call fetishistic and its to another extreme if youre talking about a black version of lydia on top of that
the author of this post says herself that shes white so clearly shes the person whos an authority on the black experience and what it means to be a black person right am i reading that right or am i having a fucking conniption
how about allowing black characters to exist without having to struggle why cant a black version of lydia just be a goth teenager with a ghost problem who likes photography and is also black like she doesnt have to move to a hick town and get abused by racist folks she doesnt have to go through any more shit than she already goes through and if you honestly think thats the only way to tell a black persons story you need to get your brain cleaned
you know nothing about the complexities about being a black person and i dont either but you know wh odo black people who are doing black versions of canon characters they fucking know 
lets squiggle down just a bit further 
so the writer has issues with giving characters traits like a broad nose or larger lips if theyre a woman but if theyre a man suddenly its totally okay to go all ryan murphy ahs coven papa legba appropriation when approaching character design like are you fucking stupid do you hear yourself is that really how you see black men like what the fuck is wrong with you
none of the shit youre spewing takes bravery it takes ignorance and supreme levels of stupidity
do you really think you with your fic where a black lgbt+ woman is tortured and abused where you use the n word with a hard r to refer to her like that shits not okay its fucking depraved and yeah we know you love being shitty but like christ on a bike thats so much 
can we also talk about this
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what the fuck is this fetishistic bull roar garbage calling this black character beyonce dressing her up in quote fuck me heels unquote are you are you seriously gonna write this and say its a shining example of how to write a black character youre basically saying ope here she is shes a sex icon haha im so progressive and i clealry understand the black experience hahahaha fuck you oh my god
on top of that theres a point where this character is only referred to as curly hair or the fact that the n word is used in the fic with the hard r like thats hands down not okay for you to use especially not in a manner like this jesus christ
oop heres a little more a sampling for you of the hell i am enduring in reading this drivel
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oh boy lets put a leash on the angry black woman character lets put her in a leash and have the man imply hes a master like are you kidding me are you for real and what the fuck is with calling her shit like j lo and beyonce do you actually think thats clever at all are you just thinking of any poc that comes into your head for this 
also lydia fucking tells this girl that she shouldnt have lost her temper like she got fucking leashed im so tired why is this writing so problematic and also so bad
hold up before i lose my head lets look at some of her own comments on the matter of this character and what happens to her
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hi hello youre just casually tossing the word lynch out there in the wide open world as if thats not a problem that is still real like are you fucking unhinged there have been multiple cases of this exact thing happening in our firepit of a country in the last five months alone like how can you still have shit like this up for people to read how can you be proud of work like this in this climate
and also what the fuck is that last bit 
what the actual fuck
i dont speak for black people as a white person but you do!? im sorry i had to get my punctuation out for that because wow thats fucking asinine just because one black person read your fic and didnt find the torture and abuse of your one black character abhorrant doesnt mean that the vast majority of people not only in the fandom but in the human population with decency are going to think its okay because its not 
i started this post hoping to be level headed and professional but jesus fucking christ this woman is something else white nationalism is alive and well folks and its name is rae
if you defend this woman you defend some truly abhorrant raecism
editors notes 
in order to get some perspective on these issues more fully some of the writing by the author was examined and on the whole it was pretty unreadable but i want to just call back to the very beginning of this essay where the person in question talked about holding canon in high regard but then in their writing they just go around giving people magic and shit and ignoring the end of the movie entirely like are you canon compliant or nah 
the writing doesnt even read like beetlejuice fanfic it reads as self indulgent fiction you could easily change the names and its just a bad fanfic from 2007
also can we talk about writing the lesbian character as an angry man hater like its 2020 dude and als olets touch on that girl on girl pandering while beetlejuice is just there like here we go fetishizing again wee
i cant find a way to work this into this already massive post but
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im going to throw up
okay so thats a lot we have covered a lot today and im sure my ask box will regret it but this definitely should have been more picked apart when it happened
please feel free to add more to this i would love more perspectives than just my own.
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Oooh could you expand on why you liked the op?? I honestly don't know what to make of it yet, especially since it felt so different from other ops, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Absolutely will do!! This took longer than I wanted cause everytime I sat down to write I started getting distracted from the OP and just listening to it on repeat lmao
To start this off, I should add that throughout the week leading up to release date, I was following a couple of leakers on twitter who did drop some info on the OP; mainly that Shinsei Kamattechan were returning, the title, that it wasnt gonna feature any characters and instead be a metaphor for the “cruelty of war”. Knowing all of that had me pretty excited but also gave me the right expectations, so it wasnt too jarring to see at first. 
But, to jump into this, first of all, I just loooove the visual style in general. It mostly just being static shades of white and light grey, with these very washed out colors exploding and flowing onto the image...it’s absolutely gorgeous! Like I just really dig this color scheme. And it’s highlighted even further by the gorgeous, fluid animation...these explosions look so good! I’m also just a big sucker for familiar characters/entities being represented in a sort of timeless way...be it a portrait, a statue, a monument, whatever (think smth like this), so seeing Eren and the other titans at the end there was just an absolute treat. Whatever that thing is, I want some kind of print/purchasable piece of merch of it because that heap of titans looks amazing. 
The song also just bangs tbh. It’s such a weird agglomeration of instruments and vocals but I find it comes together really well. The childrens choir, the piano at the beginning, the distorted vocals and most importantly that E-violin!!! so fucking good! Honestly I just love the way this song sounds and Im more hyped for the full version than the ost release atm (even tho I love what we heard so far from that too). The combination of the visuals with the music too is great here...I’ve never seen a flamethrower used in combination with the beat of a song before (outside of mad max fury road I guess lol?) but goddamn its just such a cool fucking combination I cant get over it. 
I have some thoughts on the imagery and the symbolism and my interpretations of it all, and I wanna get into those too, but really, the main thing I absolutely love about this OP is how different it is. Just as the marley arc is probably the most different of all in the manga, just as the new studio has made a show that, in many ways, looks feels and sounds vastly different from the old Attack on Titan, the OP encapsulates all of that by just being this new thing and succeeding at it
I love WIT’s OP’s, I love Linked Horizon’s work on the show. But honestly, the “Linked Horizon hype OP” genre pretty much peaked with Guren no Yumiya for me. I still like all the others, but overall, OP 1, 2, 3 and 5 just feel a bit too same-y for me, especially given that I honestly don’t think any of the follow ups surpass the original. Heck all these other songs even reference GnY in some capacity--I cant help but feel like they could never let go of Guren’s success and never tried something else. Except for Red Swan of course, which is also my 2nd favorite WIT OP. It’s slower, it’s sadder, it’s melancholic, and vastly different from all the others, and I really appreciate that. It tries to be its own thing and it succeeded for me. And “My War” even more so feels like it has a very distinct, unique vision, goes all out in that way, and it just works beautifully.   
And it’s that distinct, unique vision that I wanna dig into lastly here, because, just as the marley arc does for this manga, I find that out of all the OP’s, My War most explicitely depicts and visualizes many of the core thematic ideas of Attack on Titan and brings them directly into the forefront. I’ve seen a bunch of cool interpretations of the song at this point, and someone may have somewhere already said all this, but I wanna throw it in here regardless
After countless battles, sacrifices, victories and losses, Eren and the survey corps were able to win the war against the titans that their walled world was stuck in for a hundred years. Their gigantic enemies were defeated, and freedom ought to lie ahead. But no, beyond the shores is just more...more oppression, more war, more death and more sacrifice. The history their king to from them is one of war and oppression, a never ending cycle of violence, spanning back 2000 years, continuing forward. One oppressive regime falls, only for the next to take its place. This has been the history of mankind since the dawn of man, and it continues on and on and on. 
This is what this episode shows us, another military battle around another walled encampment, and this is what this opening shows us...a world perpetually at war. Man’s hatred for one another leads to conflict, to war: it’s continued existence in history and continued technological advancements are the perfect visual representation of this. Man’s capacity for war breeds more war, and it takes lives and it takes freedom and it doesnt stop, it just keeps consuming. 
The Opening starts off with battleships, artillery fire, mortars, flamethrowers, nuclear explosions and a titan spine forming among them all, until the birds of freedom fall dead out of the sky. Neverending armies of soldiers march the streets, airships rule the sky, but all the soldiers, all the military craft, the marleyan military and the paradisian soldiers all fall to pieces and get destroyed. War and conflict rage on and all the pieces fall to the ground, littering the earth in nothing but death and destruction. And at the end, atop this mountain of corpses and mayhem, the titans arise, reaching forward, attacking. They are born from mankinds neverending cycle of destruction, the physical manifestation of our inner demons that lead us to kill each other. 
I thoroughly believe that this sequence of events most perfectly encapsulates all of attack on titan. Look at the marley arc: the years of their attempts to wipe out Paradis island lead the island and the attack titan straight to them, delivering a terrible blow to them during their declaration of war. 2000 years ago it was the warmongering, slave hording king fritz who had a girl hunted for sport who brought about the era of the eldian empire, creating a system to eternally maintain the titan’s ability to wage war and rule the lands that would wind up ripping humanity apart. Look at the final arc: all of humanities hatred towards the island devils birthed the final attack titan and his horde of demons who have come to trample the world underfoot. The titans have always arisen as the consequence of man’s tendency towards conflict and death. Eren’s titan first formed from inside a titan who just killed him, his last titan was born out of his own death yet again. Titans are man’s desire to kill given shape, and the more man kills and fights, the more titans arise. 
It’s a bleak and terrible look at the cruelty of the world, that I think the OP highlights immensly well. It’s a gorgeous looking and sounding 90 seconds, and despite its contents being essentially horrifying, its fun to look at and listen to. Isayama once said about Eren’s attack in marley that “what eren does here is the worst thing. but if you were able to feel just a little bit of excitement from it, then it was worth drawing manga all this time”. Somehow, one way or another, we’re drawn to conflict, despite how terrible it is. And I think this opening manifests this beautifully 
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