#Oropher and Thranduil
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Even kings need their parents sometimes, Thranduil and Oropher meet again.
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What most elves thinks it’s like talking to the trees:
Silvan: mighty oak tree, is there some trouble of which you would like to warn us?
Tree: no, my kind silvan. There is no darkness of which that can cause you harm.
What a silvan talking to a tree is actually like:
Legolas, cackling, landing on a tree branch: babe, you’ll never believe what happened!
Tree, lighting up and shaking their leaves: Legolas, my good bitch! I got news!
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thesummerestsolstice · 4 months
One of my most deranged Silm headcanons is that Elrond and Thranduil were meant to have an arranged marriage. Look, Oropher was well aware that the reemergence of Elu Thingol's heirs might not be a great thing for his claims to the throne. The obvious solution? Marry one of them into his family! They were about the same age as his son, after all. And it had to be Elrond, partially because Elros had picked mortality and partially because Elrond had already been identified as the "nice one" of the twins.
It really didn't help that Thranduil looked a fair bit like Thingol (especially for an unrelated elf), Elrond looked a lot like Melian, and many of the old Iathrim were still really not over losing their first king and queen. So Thranduil and Elrond got engaged to great joy (from almost all of the Sindar) and great awkwardness (from Elrond and Thranduil).
Now, Oropher thought this was a marvelous idea! He could secure his claim to the throne, please many of his nobles, and secure some ainur blood for his family all in one fell swoop.
(The running rumor was that Melian had created Luthien via a magical ritual with her and Thingol's blood, so he wasn't too worried about the fact that Elrond and Thranduil were both men. They could just brew up some grandchildren for him with Elrond Maia powers, no problem.)
Eventually, Thranduil was able to talk his father own and convince him that the arranged marriage was, in fact, a bad idea; and that Elrond, in fact, had no interest in challenging Oropher's kingship.
So Elrond and Thranduil never got married. They did become great friends, though, and legally, the engagement was never dissolved. They still decide to be obnoxious about it sometimes.
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southaway · 12 days
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@sindarweek Day Seven: Oropher, Thranduil, and Legolas
Couldn't finish Sindar Week without including the Greenwood fam! I don't know the timeline well enough to know if this is just headcanon or plausible, but I like the idea that Oropher got to meet his grandson before he died.
I think Oropher is one of those characters that gets treated a way in fandom. Hell, back in the day so did Thranduil, though, that mostly changed after the Hobbit movies came out.
Anyway, here they are having a nice family moment.
I had a lot of fun exploring the Sindar, I want to revisit these characters more in the future and there are plenty of Sindar elves I didn't get to this week
I'm most of the way the way through art I'd like to post for Imladris Week, and I'm about halfway through a Lords of Gondolin series, so we'll see how long my creativity holds out.
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eldamaranquendi · 2 months
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Oropher & Thranduil or Thranduil & Legolas
by Norma Romano
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carmisse · 7 months
Simarillion random moments pt 2
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thranduilswifesblog · 4 months
*playing Scrabble*
Elrond : "I will put my "A" down to make "A"
Thranduil : "I will add to your "A" to make "AT"
Gil Galad : "I will add onto your "AT" to make "RAT"
Oropher : "I will add onto your "RAT" to make BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC"
Gil Galad : *flips the board and fight Oropher instead*
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windrelyn · 9 months
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I miss them-
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artanis-draws · 1 year
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I somehow imagined Oropher just before the battle of Dagorlad, rising bis sword and encouraging his soldiers with a rousing battle cry, not knowing that it would be his last fight… Cuio vae, Oropher!
I also liked the idea of Thranduil wearing the silver crown in honour of his father on the battlefields in the future ❤️
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inspired by the classic fandom post https://www.tumblr.com/penny-anna/178677237688/penny-anna-can-tell-merry-pippin-apart-of?source=share by @penny-anna I wanted to try do the same thing for the Silm. But with everyones favourite half elven twins. So here goes nothing.
Can tell Elrond & Elros apart, of course they can, what kind of question is that: Elwing, Maglor, Maedhros
Could not initially tell Elrond and Elros apart but made an effort to learn their names & can now tell them apart: Celebrimbor, Cirdán
Try as they might cannot consistently tell Elrond and Elros apart: Gil Galad, Celeborn, Erestor, Finarfin
Can absolutely tell Elrond and Elros apart but pretends not to be able to: Galadriel
Cannot tell Elrond and Elros apart and not even trying: Thranduil, Oropher, Eonwe
Elrond: I’m Elros
Elros: I’m Elrond
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Oropher and Thranduil’s last moment.
A really really really rough sketch.
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I think we can all agree the elves don’t have periods, right?
Bc a period is the bodily function when people with uteruses expell an egg or two from their womb bc they didn’t get pregnant (this is a v bastardized version of the entire explenation) and the amount of eggs a uterus has is finite, meaning that there is a certain number you have before you are done. Humans run out of eggs at around 50-60 y/o, i cannot imagine how many eggs an elf would need to have at birth in order to have that bodily function for eternity, bc they do not age.
Furthermore, bc having kids is such a deliberate move amungst elves (from what i understand) where they need to creat the child’s soul, it doesn’t make sense to have a bodily function amongst the elves around child creation that’s, for lack of better words, so accidental and unreliable.
Therefor, i do not think elves have periods. It does not make sense for them to have them.
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meluiloth · 6 months
Let's talk about Thranduil (and the Mirkwood Elves)
The Woodland Elves are well known for being a suspicious and reclusive people, Thranduil most of all - but they are also as merry and light-hearted as the other Elven civilizations when it comes to their own people.
So I want to talk about why that is, why Thranduil is so determined to remain isolated. The reason is actually pretty simple: he lost everything in the War of the Last Alliance.
The army of Greenwood joined forces with the Elves and Men against Mordor, though their army was smallest and their people less skilled with open war, led by Oropher, Thranduil's father. Thranduil himself was there as well (and though not much is known about his wife, I headcanon her as fighting alongside her husband and her people).
The Free Peoples won that war, but with a heavy cost - and the Silvan Elves suffered greatest of all. They lost two-thirds of their army and their King, and returned to Greenwood crippled and mourning. (I headcanon that's when Thranduil lost his wife, too). The Prince of Greenwood had to take the burden of the crown while his people were suffering and while his home was rapidly falling into decay, along with struggling through the grief of losing his father (and his wife).
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the lore about the Silvan Elves receiving help from their allies, so I assume that they were left to rebuild alone, and also to contend with the Necromancer who had taken up residence in their home, and who they were not strong enough to exorcize themselves. They were even forced to take refuge underground, which hurt their woodland and tree-loving souls.
Thranduil was alone. Of course he would become bitter and reclusive, wanting to focus on helping his own people while resenting the fact that, though they had sacrificed so much, no one came to their aid. He decided that he would lend no more aid, make no more sacrifices, and suffer no more losses on account of those who would not return the favor. That was the end of that.
And really, who can blame him?
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youmisguidedmartyr · 1 month
I think about Thranduil Oropherion in reference to Doriath A LOT
Do you think he sat with a sickening disappointment for all that time because no matter how hard he tried, his Greenwood/Mirkwood fortress couldn't compare to the Menegroth of his childhood?? Or are you normal about the Sindar
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
i love the idea of thingol being super proud that oropher and thranduil managed to establish, maintain, and defend an elven kingdom for so long into the third age. he's the guy who's all "it seems like only yesterday that oropher introduced his young son thranduil to me... they grow up so fast 🥹"
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 10 months
me reading anything tolkien-related: this is all well and good but where are the sindar?
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