#Otis would laugh at me and make fun of me
slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Imagine your F/O walking in and catching you crying at the end of Toy Story 3.
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ivanzplaid · 1 year
okay a bit of an odd request but my way of flirting is oddly threatening like “i want to hallow out your chest and live in your rib cage :((“ to me it’s endearing 🙏 and i totally want to see slasher hc on how they’d react !! idc what slashers you use and you can be as silly as u want !! i think it’d be funny with Stu though ^^
hi!! dont sorry about odd requests, i love seeing everybodies ideas, and i love this!! im also so excited about me choosing the slashers so ill pick a variety🫶
slashers will includdeee; Baby Firefly, Otis Driftwood, RZ Michael Myers, Billy Lenz, Stu Matcher
Slashers x Gn! Reader | Odd Flirting
Warnings: Language, Fluff, mentions of murder
Baby Firefly
oh she thinks its hilarious
you share a twisted sense of love? shes giggling at every sentence and comment you say, a hand hovering over her mouth to try to calm herself
she never thought if flirting like that before, but now that shes heard it shes as into it as you are
"You're too clever sweetheart! I woulda never thought of it like that, hm <3"
it started when you were helping her eith makeup for a show, she was bedazzled with a beautiful dress and a gorgeous amount of makeup over her already pretty face
you put on her lipstick and mindlessly let it slip, and before you know it shes smiling confused, asking uou to repeat what you said
she sees you laugh nervously before repeating it, and all she does is think about it before smiling, kissing your cheek to leave a red lipstick print, and then wants to come up with her own
she always likes to hear them, because not only is it sentimental and intimate to her, she loves to have somebody who acts or thinks a little like her, so maybe the more twisted / odder the flirting, she feels secure and that she understands you
will pout when she cant think of any, itll come with time
she wants to say some to you to see how you react, ahe loves i serving you when it happens and laughing, then hugging you
she claims her inspiration came from "her smart little doll"
a kiss after every comment is complimentary of course
"Aren't you just the cutest, I always learn the most with you!"
Otis Driftwood
"Fuck did you just say to me Darlin?"
takes the compliment very differently than baby, he thinks of it more of the gruesome manner than the romantic aspect, you may have to explain it to him
even after that he thinks its hilarious, did you come up with that yourself? fuckin genius
he says them back witty, but he loves to tease you about it, making them in snarky tones and drawn out phrases
he thinks of them a lot in his free time, analyzing them deeper than anybody else would think of it, because while he agrees theres a closeness to it, he wants to know why
will write down every one you say, for multiple reasons
your compliments give him ideas on his art, specifically the human-genre work of his, but when he thinks of you while carving and cutting hes never been more at peace
asks you about them at night so he can laugh while youre dozing off in his chest
most likely began when you two were awake late in the night because you couldnt sleep, and some rare sweet talk was going on before you said it
"Jesus honey, say that again?"
hes always amused when you speak, he treasures every sentence
"Sugar I need you to repeat that one, I didn't quite catch that,"
"Y'know, I thought that was what came out of that damn witty mouth of yours!"
RZ Michael Myers
he doesnt quite get it, but since he doesnt recieve compliments a lot, he doesnt think too much of it
he thinks of it along side his favor of killing, so in a way he can see the gorier side of it, and since he doesnt see anything wrong with that, he doesnt mind your flirting
he imagines what you said as hes on one of his sprees, he thinks your mind is excellent because hes never had as much fun without your ideas like that
he probably tries to think about the deeper meaning behind it, reflecting it in his art, and giving it to you to show his form of endearment
hes not really capable of reproducing flirtation it to you, since be doesnt have a good idea of it, but he has his own ways of loving you back
he'll tap you with his knife to get your attention when these start up, maybe tapping your heart lightly with the tip of it when you turn to look at him
will 100% hold you so youll stay in place, its his version if quality time, he grasps your side firmly and stares in silence, he thinks its endearing
guides you by the shoulders to take you somewhere
he has no opinion on your comments, but they do affect how he shows affection in some ways <3
Billy Lenz
possibly in the top 3 for king of twisted flirtatious comments, you went to the right man
he is EXCITED when you say it, hes definitely thought of flirting like that but has never been able to put it into words
"Billy likes this! Billy's pretty piggy is smart <3"
he will now use this 24/7, its his thing now, he thinks of comments youve never thought of before
whenever he sees and greets you, or wishes you goodnight, its always a "Billy wishes he could live in his special piggy," or "Heartbeats make Billy jealous, he should be there" he thinks its so intimate and smart
competitions come up with who can come up with more, its his favorite activity, he loves to test and play with you
new things to the relationship make him so happy, so this is oerfect
whenever you say these things to him, its like his hyperactivity shoots up
your sincerity is near and dear to his heart, he craves it now, he loves when you supply it
overall this only closens the relationship and makes him feel more comfortable, you inspire him and hes overjoyed, this is his pride and joy
"Billy loves his smart piggy!!"
Stu Matcher
normally he'd be the king of saying the most outrageous shit possible, he loves to catch people off guard and make you have to pause before you say anything
so when you say say something about how you wanna live in his ribcage, bro looks at you for a good minute with this face: 😲
"well you won that game babe, what did you say???"
he laughs hysterically while being confused, because you just outwitted him
"woahhh.. totally a creepy vibe, i love that!"
he likes to mess with billy and everybody else about it, crediting you as the 'founder' of it while shaking you by your shoulders
he likes to write down new ideas and recite them back to you, having eachother rate the newest ones you think of
if were being real, he probably takes some ideas from his killing onto these so they can be more intimate, hes a creative man who sees opportunity in every corner
because its in the gag-business, he deep dives and makes a fake analysis of 'what makes these compliments better than the rest' and presents it to you
everytime you say another one he does have to pause to think about it, hes a goofy little guy but these comments are more complicated so give the fella some time to realize what you said
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jokeringcutio · 8 months
Otis breeding you as part of the family Halloween ritual 🖤
Otis B. Driftwood x Reader - (WARNINGS)
Halloween Breeding Ritual
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Please read ALL warnings. Pairing: Otis B. Driftwood x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: When you and your friends ask for help, you end up as part of a horrific ritual. Warnings: Killer Family, murder, death of a friend, Sexual content, Non-con, Breeding. AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. There'll be less dark ones as well ;) 1.
The car, a useless hunk of metal now, stood desolate on the empty road. You stared at the flat tire, cursing your luck. What a way to celebrate Stacey's bachelorette party, lost and stranded miles away from civilization. Connor, Stacey's friend, shot you a mocking glance. "Nice going," he sneered.
"Shut up, Connor," you muttered, gripping your camera tightly. It was your solace in moments like these, capturing the world's beauty amidst the chaos. Stacey, oblivious to the tension, stood next to the car and held her pink plush bunny ears in her hands. They had been part of the fun costume you and the others had made her wear earlier on, but she had taken them off when you had all piled into the car.
You wished you were trapped on this trip with her alone. Stacey had always been your best friend. It was just unfortunate that you had to share the car with three of her other friends that you barely knew. There was Carrie, Connor and Heather. All people you had never really seen except on Stacey’s birthday.
"Hey, I remember seeing a house not too far back," Heather suggested, trying to break the tense silence. "Maybe we could ask for help?"
The group agreed, and with no other choice, you all began walking towards the supposed house. Connor walked beside Carrie, his girlfriend, whispering something in her ear as they laughed. He annoyed you, mostly because he was ever so present. His voice was loud, his smile dazzling, his physique one for the magazines. But he hadn’t been very kind to you during the trip. Carrie never really said anything to you either. This left Heather and Stacey, but they had been too busy talking about the upcoming wedding, how amazing Brad – Stacey’s fiancé – was, and Stacey’s dress.
Your footsteps crunched on the gravel with each step, the sun setting behind the trees, casting eerie shadows across the path.
As you came closer to the house, your heart raced. Junk littered the ground around it, a creaky wooden gate barely standing guard. The house itself looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Fitting, you thought, reminding yourself it was Halloween.
"Creepy place," Stacey said with a nervous giggle. “Looks like it came out of a horror movie.”
“I’m going to get you,” Heather shouted, crawling up behind Stacey while running her hand up Stacey’s back.
Stacey yelped while the others laughed. “Kill me gently,” Stacey teased. Her laughter was contagious, and soon, everyone joined in, making jokes about the ominous house. You bit your tongue though, and silently stared up at the house that you and the group now approached.
In horror movies the group of stranded young friends always made jokes before the killing started, you thought. No. You had to shake such evil thoughts off of you. This wasn’t a movie. This house was real, and the people who lived in it surely would have a working phone or a spare tire for you.
"Hey, since it is Halloween, we need a kid to collect the candy for us,” Heather said, grabbing the bunny ears from Stacey and placing them on your head. “Trick or treat,” she said laughingly. You frowned, displeased with the mockery, and instantly tried to take them off, but Heather tusked at you and you halted.
“Keep them on,” she simply said. But the grin on her face was anything but kind. “Yeah, don’t be a spoilsport,” Stacey added, sticking out her tongue before she stepped onto the porch. You lowered your hands and your shoulders sagged in defeat.
Let them mock you, you thought. If this brought them joy, then let them laugh and taunt you. After all, you needed to keep up the spirits of the group and God only knew how long you’d be stuck with them until you finally arrived at your destination.
"All right, let's get this over with," Connor said, striding towards the door. With a deep breath, he rang the doorbell.
As the chime echoed through the house, you couldn't shake the feeling that something dark awaited behind that door. The haunting tone of the bell reverberated through your chest, and your grip on the camera tightened. You tried to focus on the present moment, but it was difficult to ignore the lurking dread that threatened to consume you.
The door creaked open, revealing a blonde, matronly woman with kind eyes. "Oh, my! What happened to y'all?" she asked, her voice dripping with concern.
"Uh, we had a flat tire, and we're kinda lost," Connor explained hesitantly. He put on his most charming smile. It had an effect instantly, you could tell, for the woman’s eyes lit up at the display.
"Well, you poor things. Come on in, come on in," the woman insisted, ushering everyone inside. The warmth of the house was a welcome reprieve from the chilly night air.
As soon as the door closed, your heart pounded in your chest, but you tried to shake the feeling of unease. You were led into a cozy kitchen where a blonde young woman sat at the table. Opposite her, a man with long white hair stood leaning against the kitchen wall, a hand in his pocket.
“Well, I’m Mother Firefly,” the woman said, introducing herself. “And this here is Baby,” she said, gesturing at the young woman who was seated at the table. Baby looked up at you all with an excited and bright smile, and waved eagerly. Her cheerful greeting seemed to put some of your friends at ease. She seemed friendly. And she was gorgeous, you thought. She had that cheerleader vibe that many girls craved to have.
Then your gaze shifted to a brooding man leaning against the wall. His white tank shirt seemed messy, covered with spots of grease. His hair seemed unkempt and hung around his frame loosely. Mother Firefly continued, "And this is Otis."
At first, you thought the man to be old because of the grey long hair that fell around his face. But then you realized with a start he must be around your age. Because his grey hair was, in fact, white - as if all the pigment had been lost from it. And his face was much younger than you had expected. But when you saw the odd color of his eyes that only confirmed it. Otis was an albino man. Pale skin, pale hair. Eyes that seemed almost red.
Otis's eyes locked onto yours the moment he saw you, his intense gaze sending shivers down your spine. Something was unnerving about the way he seemed to study you. Suddenly, you remembered the ridiculous bunny ears on your head. Of course, that must explain it. You hastily removed them, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. What a foolish entrance you had made…
"Please, sit down and have some tea," Mother Firefly offered, gesturing to the chairs around the table. “We’ll get your car fixed in a jiffy. Let me call my son Rufus. He’s very good with tires,” she said, rummaging around to pour you some tea.
"Thank you," Stacey replied gratefully, and everyone took their seats.  
“So, what brought you all out here?” Mother Firefly asked curiously while she pulled out a chair to sit down with you.
“Well, it’s Stacey’s Bachelorette party and we’re going to have a little holiday over the weekend,” Heather answered for the whole group. Here she took the time to introduce each member of the group., hesitating when she came to you because she had obviously forgotten your name. You quickly whispered it and glanced down shyly at your tea, not wanting to be involved in this whole conversation. Especially when Baby started to ask about all the juicy details.
It felt odd to hear the others tell about their romances and sexual exploits. It felt even weirder because you felt Otis’s eyes upon you the entire time the others spoke. Shouldn’t he be looking at them? Was there something wrong with you that he kept his sole attention fixed on you?
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably. “So, our lucky bride-to-be ain’t no blushin’ virgin,” Baby recapped, pulling you out of your worried thoughts. You already knew Stacey and Brad had been it at like rabbits – hence Stacey’s cute bunny outfit – but you had not expected her to share all the details with a group of strangers. It somehow seemed disrespectful to you. Even if Baby seemed eager to know every little detail and even if her mother didn’t seem to be bothered by where the conversation was headed.
“How about you?” Baby suddenly turned to you and nudged you with her elbow. She waited, but you only glanced up at her with a frown.
“Not quite a talker, eh?” Baby asked, curiously cocking her head and faking a pout as she did so.
You felt your cheeks flush. “N-Not really into all of that,” you admitted hoarsely.
Luckily, the answer was enough, for Baby seemed to catch your distress and flashed you a comforting smile. “That’s all right, love. Nothing to be ashamed of,” and then, to your great relief, she turned her attention back to the group.
As you sipped the warm tea, conversation flowed around you. Despite the unsettling atmosphere of the house, the family seemed hospitable. During the conversation, you couldn't help but notice how Mother Firefly kept throwing you glances every now and then. It was making you worry that there was something weird about you. Was there something on your face? You felt your hair again but you had taken the bunny ears off. Mother Firefly seemed to have caught the gesture and flashed you a smile as if to say it was all right, but you didn’t feel as if it was.
And to add to your worry, Otis was growing increasingly moody. He grumbled under his breath and abruptly left the table, frustration evident in his tense body language.
"Please excuse him," Mother Firefly said with a sigh. "He's not used to company."
"Is everything okay?" you inquired softly, concern lacing your voice despite the churning unease within you.
"Everything's fine, dear,” she said, eyes gently upon you. “He's been working on one of his new art projects and your arrival just got him inspired. Just enjoy your tea," she reassured, her eyes flicking briefly to where Otis had disappeared.
"All right," you murmured, continuing to drink the tea. While the others kept talking, you felt a sudden drowsiness wash over you, making it difficult to keep your eyes open. Your fingers rested loosely around your cup as you fought to stay awake. What were they talking about now? Your friends' voices seemed to grow distant, and before you knew it, darkness enveloped you as you succumbed to sleep.
The sound of Otis's voice pulled you from the depths of slumber, his words seeping into your consciousness. "Those bunny ears... Oh man….they were a sign, I tell you."
Your heart raced as you realized he was standing somewhere near you, probably talking about you. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open to find yourself in the middle of a demonic circle, surrounded by flickering candles and eerie symbols etched onto the floor. The air was thick with a sense of malevolence as if you had stumbled upon some sort of twisted, witch-like offering.
What the hell had happened? Were you having a nightmare? Why then did your head hurt so?
"Wh-what's going on?" you stammered, fear gripping your throat as the dull pounding in your head slowly started to fade.
"Welcome back," Otis sneered, his pale face looming over you, a bit too close for comfort. Black makeup traced lines on his pale skin, making him seem more like a cheaply painted skeleton. “You're just in time for our family Halloween ritual."
Otis sat hunched over you, his white hair tickling your skin, and you flinched. The foul stench of his breath, mixed with sweat and other undefined smells reached your nose. You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side, earning you a deep laugh from him.
“Seems my Bunny is eager to get started,” you heard him say, and tried not to think of the denigrating nickname he had thought up for you.
The sound of fabric crackling indicated he stood up. Faintly, you heard Baby’s voice in the background, saying something about it being time to have some fun. Muffled voices of your friends echoed somewhere in the distance. Where were they?
You slowly opened your eyes. To your relief, Otis had indeed moved away and stood at the edge of the circle. He was now wearing a large black cape, but his normal clothes were still underneath: the dirty tank shirt and the jeans with holes in them.
Your gaze darted around the room, searching for your friends. They were huddled together at one end, and to your shock, they seemed to be gagged and tied together. You saw the traces of blood on their skin and their clothes. Connor seemed to be missing part of his face, an ugly hole revealed the bone of his skull. It made your eyes turn wide in fear. Carrie, next to Connor, stood at such an angle that you couldn’t quite see her face, but you could hear her muttered pleas through the gag. Was she trying to tell Connor to stay alive? Or was she pleading for her own?
The group was bound by ropes that dug cruelly into their flesh. Despite their wounds, they were alive – but their eyes held a terror that mirrored your own. Especially when your eyes met those of Stacey. Your gorgeous friend. Ugly deep lacerations marred her perfect skin. You quickly tore your eyes away from her.
Footsteps signaled the approach of someone. By the sight of the shoes that came into your vision, you knew it had to be Otis again. But there was snickering from the edge of the circle and when you glanced up you realized there were more people gathered there. Not just Baby, but Mother Firefly stood at the side, watching you calmly. There were a few other men who stood there, making themselves comfortable. One, with the weird makeup of a clown smudged on his face, had taken his meat into his hand and was already battering it before the show had even started. What the heck was going on, you thought in alarm.
"Please, don't hurt them," you begged, tears streaming down your cheeks. "We didn't do anything to you."
Otis ignored your pleas, his fingers digging painfully into your arm as he dragged you into the center of the circle. You tried to resist, but your limbs felt weak, still heavy with sleep.
"Tonight, you become part of our family," he whispered menacingly, his breath hot against your ear. "I'm going to breed you, make you carry my child."
"Please, no!" you cried out, struggling futilely against his grip. You could feel your sanity unraveling, your mind consumed by terror. This man, this monster, could not mean to defile you in such a way. You were not ready for any of this. Not ready to be a mom, to have a child, to carry the offspring of someone as vile as him.
Someone who was hurting your friends…
"Shut up!" Otis snarled, silencing your protest. He towered over you, his presence both commanding and ominous. It was clear that your fate was sealed, and there was nothing you could do to stop him.
A chant erupted from Baby and some of the other spectators. Wonderfully melodic, considering the foul ritual that was about to take place. You tried to cover yourself up with your arms, but Otis tore them away from your chest, revealing yourself to him.
While you’d been out, someone appeared to have swapped your clothes for something far scarcer. You’d noticed it when you’d felt the cold air brush past your naked arms and shins. You were donned up. Glittering panties and a revealing contraption that did little to hide your breasts, as if it were some kind of holster rather than a bra. Your breasts peaked out and must have been on display all along. But the worst of all was when Otis flipped you over and made you sit on hands and knees, and you realized there was a slight weight on your head.
The pink bunny ears. He’d put them back on, you realized with a sob.
A tear, and whatever flimsy panties you had on were gone. With his hands firmly on your hips, Otis shouted out a few inexplicable words, either in a language you’d never heard or some kind of made-up song. As the ritual commenced, the air crackled with dark energy, and you couldn't help but wonder if you would make it out of this nightmare alive.
"Welcome to the family," Otis hissed, his voice dripping with malevolence as he entered you in one firm thrust.
The world came to a standstill.
His cock was stretching you open, throbbing deep inside your core. You gritted your teeth and tried to keep from crying out loud, but it was hard. Your hands curled into fists. You felt Otis stare down at you, his gaze burning while he remained motionless.
Your spectators cheered. “For the family,” you heard one of them shout. You felt Otis’s cock pulse deep inside. Then, he moved. His body pressed heavily against yours, a dark shadow overwhelming your senses. His breath was hot and ragged, punctuating each thrust as he forced himself inside you. You couldn't help but let out quiet whimpers of pain, feeling utterly humiliated and helpless.
"Silence," Otis growled, his fingers pressing into your throat – just enough to make you gasp for air.
You were starting to see stars when his grip finally faltered and you could breathe again. Taking deep gulps of breath, you tried not to focus on the salacious wet sounds that came from between your legs. You tried not to think of what his man was doing to you, or how his cock was battering your insides mercilessly.
His low groans filled your ears, and you winced when he pulled your hair, forcing your head back up and your back to arch awkwardly. Your breasts swung with each thrust, up and down, delighting the viewers. You heard coarse curses and increasingly wet sounds as some of the other family members were coming to a climax. Spunk was shot through the air, landing a few feet away from you, tainting the satanic circle.
You were relieved it hadn’t landed upon you, but the relief was only short-lived when a particularly hard thrust made it hard to think, reminding you of Otis’s promise.
“That’s right, Buny,” you heard his voice rasp behind you. A slap against your hips before he gripped them tight again and forced you to move along his cock. “Let me put a little Firefly in that pretty little tummy of yours.”
You felt the burning of his gaze leave your back when he addressed your bound and gagged friends at the other side. “Hear that? Your friend loves to milk my cock.” A low chuckle escaped him. You were vaguely aware of Baby and some of the others laughing.
“Gotta milk my cock, aren’t ya, Bunny?” This one was directed at you, but it was hard to focus. His hand had slipped from your hip to your breast, kneading it hard. You gasped, unable to bite back your reaction. Your walls clamped down on him hard, earning you another pleased groan.
“That’s it, girl. Take every drop,” his hips slammed against your own, wet sounds mingling. It was an evil betrayal, but your body responded well to him. The pain between your legs ebbed away and was replaced by something more passionate; a sensation of warmth and pleasure. Your walls pulsed around his shaft, eager to cum.
“Fuck,” Otis cursed in your ear. “Gotta milk my cock so baby can milk your tits, eh? Gotta grow nice and full for us, aren’t ya?”
You wanted to say no, wanted to protest or push him away from you. But his thrusts grew more desperate, more erratic, and his weight was still forcing you down on your hands and knees. You couldn’t help but slump over once his hand left your breast to guide your hips again, and you rested your forehead on your hands, gasping with each deep thrust of the devilish cock inside of your core.
You felt him hit the end of you; felt how his cockhead pushed against your cervix as if he wanted to open you up completely.
A few more harsh thrusts brought back the pain through the building pleasure, and Otis came. He made sure to bury his cock deep inside, groaning as his cum shot forth. You gasped, tears rolling down your cheeks at the feel of warmth flooding your womb. Your body trembled, and though you knew it was physically impossible, your breasts started to feel tense and full. Your stomach ached and your pussy pulsed around Otis’s cock. You hadn’t come yet. Dammit. You’d been so close.
Having reached his climax, a twisted grin spread across Otis’s face. He pulled out slowly, a trail of cum and blood dripping down your cunt and onto the dirt floor below. Your pussy twitched, eager for release. Instead, all it did was push the cum forth for everyone to see. And as you rolled over to your back, you could tell through the hazy spell you were in that his family was still watching. How their eyes were primed on your opened legs.
Without missing a beat, Otis began chanting in an ancient, guttural language. The ritualistic words echoed around the room, reverberating through your very core – chilling you to the bone. You had felt empty and violated, but upon hearing his words, your body started to heat up again. Your pussy pulsed wildly, clamping down on something that wasn’t there. But it was enough. You came, shrieking in surprise as your body reacted violently to his chant.
Otis stood between your legs once more, pushing his already hardening cock inside you in one go. You could see his face now as he took you, see his discolored teeth and his lips curled in a snarl while he started to pick up a quick pace. You felt his heavy balls slapping against your ass. How had they refilled this quickly, you wondered in shock?
But another ripple shook your body as another orgasm washed over you. You cried out, loudly this time, not caring if anyone would see or hear. This was pleasure. Absolute, horrific pleasure. Your pussy pulsed around his shaft, begging him, milking him. Again. And Again. You felt as if there had been no end to your orgasm.
Candles flickered wildly, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Your friends whimpered in their bonds, their eyes wide with terror as they watched the horrifying scene unfold before them. With a final, triumphant shout, Otis finished his incantation, and with it, he came inside of you once more. The room seemed to shudder under the weight of his dark power, and you struggled to keep from collapsing beneath him.
Then, the room grew silent.
You lay twitching underneath Otis’s larger frame, body pulsing in the aftermath of your orgasm. His cum had oozed from your joined bodies, your pussy lips felt raw as they enveloped his softening shaft. He pushed inside a few times for good measure as if to remind you of your duty to bear his child. The devil’s spawn.
With lips parted in a silent gasp, you looked up at him and saw how he opened his dark red eyes. Slowly, a grin crawled upon his lips. He reached out a hand and tapped something above your head. The bunny ears, you thought with a shock.
“I think it caught,” he murmured only for you to hear. “But for good measure, we shall have to do this a few more times. Hope you're not allergic to my cock. You’re gonna be ridin’ it for a good while to come.”  He chuckled at his own joke, but you felt no joy to join him.
Instead, your eyes went wide at the promise, realizing that Otis did not intend to lock you away until you’d given birth to a child. No. He was going to keep you as a little sex toy. A woman he could use for his own deprived pleasure. You’d have to do this again and again. The thought chilled you to the bone.
But Otis was already pushing himself up, grabbing your legs to pull them up while he studied the mess he’d made inside. Sticky sperm combined with your own juices were covering up your entrance. Your pussy pulsed, weaker now, but still enough to make it seem like it was gobbling up the mixture of cum.
The demonic man between your legs grinned at the sight and then shook his head before he let go of you. Your knees fell to either side, leaving your abused pussy on display. But you no longer cared for modesty. They had seen it all, hadn’t they?
As he turned away from you, Otis’s malicious gaze fixed upon your friends. “Well, thank ya’ll for coming to see our yearly Halloween ritual,” he said, although you wondered if any of your friends were listening to him. Most of them were jabbering nonsense behind their gags, squirming beneath their bonds in an attempt to either get away or plead for mercy.
Mercy, you thought sardonically. As if that existed in a place like this.
You rolled your head to the side and brought a hand up to your head. You ran your fingers past the soft fur of Stacey’s pink bunny ears. Cursed, you thought, as the afterglow of the sex finally left your body, and your senses started to return to you.
“As this is a yearly show,” you heard Baby’s excited voice but did not feel as if you had the energy to turn your head and watch them. “We have a little sacrifice to make to the Gods. Well, our God, anyway.” She sounded like a cheerleader all right. Especially when she excitedly shouted “Satan!”
You heard the desperate gasps from your friends at this revelation. They must know that their end was in sight.
“Now, usually, we only have the sacrifice part to look forward to. But I think your friend over there, provided that she’ll live long enough to bear Otis’s children, might be in for a treat each year, starting now.”
Wait the fuck. You held your breath. Did they just say you had to endure this sadistic ritual every Halloween from now on? You felt panic seize your heart at the thought that you would not only be subjected to this disgraceful treatment again each year, as long as you stayed alive, but that you would also be used as a cock sleeve by Otis the whole year round from now on.
You closed your eyes and tried to block out all sounds. Otis’s breeding Bunny. That’s all you were reduced to now. How could a small fun trip have gone this wrong?
"But as you guessed, your lives end here," Baby declared cheerfully to your friends. You heard them howl behind their gags in response. “Ah, don’t worry,” she cooed at them, almost lovingly. “Otis will make sure we get you all nicely prepped so you can stay with us in our museum forever.”
Her laughter pierced through the darkness of the night. Stalking towards them like a predator closing in on its prey, Otis and Baby made their way over to your friends. You did not see it. Did not deign to watch their suffering as their lives came to an end one by one.
Instead, you lay on the floor, in the middle of the circle, breathing heavily. You felt the cooling sticky goo between your legs and prayed it would not take. That you could escape this twisted house and make your way home. Start a new life there.
But as silence filled the area, the Firefly family crowded around you, smiling and cooing as if welcoming a newborn into their twisted fold. It was a sign that your friends were gone. Dead.
"Such a precious addition to our family," Mother Firefly crooned, gently stroking your hair.
You felt hands grasp your arms, helping you up.
"Otis's child will be strong," Tiny rumbled, his monstrous form looming above you.
"Congratulations, darling," Baby giggled, her eyes gleaming with a perverse excitement. "You'll learn to love it here."
You noticed that Otis stood quietly in front of you, staring down at you with an expression you couldn’t decipher. Fresh blood stained his hands and colored his shirt a deep crimson. He leaned down, his lips brushing against yours in a forceful, possessive kiss that left you breathless and shivering. The hands of the other Firefly members forced you in place so that you were unable to pull away.
The taste of him was vile, like blood and smoke and mold. Nonetheless, he deepened the kiss. His tongue surprised you, brushing past yours until it hit the back of your throat, nearly making you gag. You tried hard to breathe, to cooperate with this demanding kiss. But once it finally broke, you panted heavily, bare breasts heaving up and down. Otis didn’t even look down at them. You felt his hand run through the back of your hair while his lust-craven eyes sought to meet yours. The darkness in them frightened you.
 “Take my little Bunny to my room,” he commanded. The men who held your arms hoisted you up to your feet. A sickening quelch could be heard from your legs as globs of cum released from your core and dripped onto the floor.
“Might have to do it again, son,” you heard Mother Firefly say to Otis. It sounded so matter-of-factly… as if you were a cow that needed to be bred. Do it again? Your body flushed warm at the thought of Otis inside of you again. A physical betrayal. This wasn’t you.
Had his demonic ritual caused that effect?
You heard Otis laugh. “Yeah, that one won’t get away,” you heard him tell Mother Firefly. And as the men guided you away, you heard his ominous whisper follow you like a ghost.
“Welcome to our family, little Firefly. Enjoy your stay. I know I will…”
His words were a dark promise that echoed in the deepest recesses of your soul. The Firefly family's twisted games had only just begun. And as the night wore on, you knew one thing for certain: there would be no escaping the Firefly family. Not now.
Not ever.
~ Fin ~
AN: Liked my work? :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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slashv1xen · 3 months
Hiii! I have an idea in my mind, but you don't have to write about it!!!
Maybe Otis brings home a person he liked (not a victim, they met somewhere else) and waiting for them to realise about his deeds and THEN he can kill them because of their reaction. But the person is like "Oh, cool" and continues talking to Firefly family carelessly. What would be his reaction?
ooh this one got me thinking 💭
i reckon otis would be stunned, and have a blank expression on his face as he thinks why this person isn’t scared senseless. ‘what? how they ain’t scared?’
but if otis is interested in u he would probably have a smirk on his face and probably keep u around (ur also now baby’s best friend, good job!), but if not he’ll most likely kill u out of spite.
the two of u probably met in either a bar (this man is a heavy drinker), captain spaulding’s gas station or at red hot pussy liquor (he’s incredibly sleazy what can i say).
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one shot 💗
“okay, enough!” you announced as you put the shot glass down, gasping from the taste of the strong vodka. the man beside you, who introduced himself as otis just laughed and took a swig straight from the bottle (much to the bartenders protests).
“what’s wrong honey, i thought you could handle this, hm?” he teased, chuckling at your annoyed expression. “not more than 8 fuckin’ shots!” you snap, in disbelief as he looked at you, amused.
“how about you come home with me, i ain’t so drunk i can’t give you a ride liar and my mama can fix ya somethin’ real nice. least i can do, especially after you paying.” you rolled your eyes at his offer, but a small smile on your face was present.
“fine, you’re right. least you can do after giving me damn alcohol poisoning,” you say, to which otis laughs and says that you’re being dramatic.
after 20 minutes otis pulls up into what looked like an abandoned farm house. if you didn’t know you’d think the house was derelict. the door happened to be unlocked, to which otis let out a grumble and pushed it open, the two of you stepping inside.
the house was a mess, to say the least. you stepped over the empty glass bottle and year-old newspapers and sat on the couch, smoothing over your pants. otis said that he’ll be back in a second, and for you to just “hang tight cutie pie”, smiling as you laughed.
after what seemed like a few minutes two women came down the stairs. a younger one, about your age, and an older one who looked about 55. they both sat down next to you and introduced themselves as “mama firefly but just call me mama” and “baby”.
you were chatting with baby about movies while mama was making you a “special meal”, when otis pulled you aside, a devilish grin on his face.
“well, i figured now would be a good time to tell you…” he started, purposely being slow to create tension (to be an asshole)
“yeah? what did you need?” you reply, looking back at baby who waved to you, and you waved back. otis sighed, that grin still present.
“i tell this to everyone that comes here, and well, none of ‘em have made it out…” you were confused, why was this man talking in riddles? “i’m gonna kill you.” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath on the nape of your neck.
“shit, really?” you ask, no emotion in your voice. he nods, waiting for your reaction. “okay, just make it quick then.” you shrugged and walked back to the couch with baby, chatting again as if nothing happened.
otis however, was dumbfounded. he just said he would kill you, and you didn’t care? how? he was so confused, he can’t even think straight. hell, he can’t even think at all. the smirk slowly returned to his face as he thought of his next move.
‘maybe we could have a future together…’
hi hi, this was so much fun to write! in my eyes, this is so in character and i can totally imagine something like this happening in one of the movies. please never shy away from requests, i’m happy to do anything (that is SFW ofc). have a good day and i hope you enjoyed!
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 12: Otis Driftwood (Pumpkin Spice)
Day 12 is here! we're two days shy of being two whole weeks into my first ever Fictober. I don't have much to say in this intro but the usual so I hope you all enjoy!
Notes: Minors DNI, Smuty themes, Nsfw. My brain needs a bit of a full smut break so this one will have sexual themes and just be spicy. No descriptions of reader or pronouns are used. It's Otis Driftwood so proceed with caution.
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"Otis I'm trying to sleep" You said without opening your eyes.
"And I'm trying to get my dick sucked" He mumbled. Once again shoving his clothed erection against your ass. You tried to push forward but Otis gripped your hips.
"You're always trying to get your dick sucked" You bit back trying again to fall back to sleep.
Otis huffed but continued dry humping your ass. He was lucky you liked it or you would've tried harder to get him off of you despite him being a crazy bastard.
"Why don't you go harass Rj or somethin and let me fuckin sleep" You groaned again pushing him away and sitting up in bed. You weren't mad just annoyed.
"It's been a long fuckin time though" Otis pouted, You laughed at him.
"Otis! We had sex yesterday!" You swatted his chest playfully.
"We did?" He asked
"Yes Otis, After you turned those college kids into one of your projects" Otis thought for a second before nodding.
"Those kids gave me one of my best projects yet" He said. He slipped his hands into your pajama shorts teasing you gently. You moaned quietly and smiled.
"You're not gonna stop until you get what you want are you?" You asked him playfully, he shook his head.
"You know me" He smirked at you, One of those classic Otis smirks that told you there was really no chance at you getting away at this point.
Your lips met his in a feverish kiss as he tugged you closer by the straps of your underwear. The two of you slowly grinded against each other as you continued to kiss slowly. Otis must of really wanted it if he was acting this soft, the words soft and Otis Driftwood never were used in the same sentence.
Otis used to despise you, It was Baby who had brought you back to the firefly house begging mama to let you stay. She had met you at a gas station and could tell from the start you had things you were running away from. Baby always thinking her brothers were no fun anyway decided then and there for some reason that she didn't want to kill you but have you as a member of the family.
Otis hated the idea of anyone he considered an outsider living in his house and fraternizing with his family, even if mama had told him to consider as family. It took him 6 months from the first day you stepped through the door to finally fully trust you, then shortly after came the obsessing.
Otis couldn't remember the last time he had anything close to what people would even call a relationship, and he'd be lying if he had said the prospect of having someone living to fuck didn't thrill him. So thinking he was slick he started asking mama if you could accompany him on some projects and on the rare occasion he went out to find his own projects instead of making Baby do it.
Mama knowing full well what Otis's deal was let the two of you go without much hassle. She was thrilled that one of her kids had the possibility of having someone special.
The first time you and Otis fucked was the nail in the coffin. It had been outside the family home in one of the leftover cars from one of the victims. Otis couldn't take the building sexual tension and finally snapped.
It was everything you had ever hoped and you weren't about to tell him to stop. It was rough but surprisingly sensual, Don't tell anyone though, Otis would die if anyone knew he was intentionally "Soft" with anything.
Bringing you back to present Otis sat up, bringing you to straddle his lap. His hands making quick work of both your top and your shorts, you put both hands on his shoulders before pulling away to look him in his eyes.
"I love you Otis" It was the first time either of you had said it. You watched the emotions run through his eyes for a moment.
"i love you too" He said, quietly almost as if he was unsure of himself.
You grinned and kiss him once more before palming the bulge in his pants. Before someone pounded on the door.
"Goddamnit Otis! Mama's been callin' y'all to breakfast for the past ten fuckin minutes!' Baby yelled.
Otis instantly got angry as you laughed under your breath.
"Fuck you! We'll be down in a goddamn minute!" He yelled back without a second thought. Baby's laugh could be heard as she ran back downstairs.
Otis groaned and look at you
"I know, but you know if we miss breakfast mama will be pissed" You told him getting off his lap to replace your shorts and shirt.
"Breakfast isn't what I'm hungry for though" Otis said eyeing you up and down, you smiled at him.
"Well let's go eat actual breakfast, then late I'll give you something else to eat" You said taking his hand in yours and heading down stairs.
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carolmunson · 1 year
feelin' mighty fine
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rockstar!eddie x actress!reader
inspired by: merry christmas, baby part of carol's christmas song blitz a/n: this is a heavily reworked version of the opening for chrismtas '97 in the rockstar!eddie au. it just wasn't working in the story so i'm making it it's own standalone! you don't have to know much about my rockstar!eddie au to enjoy it -- but just know, you're a famous actress married to rockstar eddie munson and have twins - van and violet, they're about three here. would recommend listening to the song before or during reading to catch the vibe.
cw: 18+, brief smut mention/description, dad!eddie, parenthood, some swearing?, brief alcohol mention. minors dni 4eva. fluff, fluff, fluff.
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December 23rd, 1997 - Chicago Stadium
It was the last night of tour before the four of you, exhausted, would travel back to Indiana. It's a short flight, but getting the kids on a jet at midnight didn't sound like the Christmas Eve Eve plans you wanted to make. The twins were fussy backstage, the nanny long sent home earlier that morning since they'd have Wayne and everyone else to help you in Hawkins.
It was half way through the set and the kids should've been sleeping but they wanted to watch from the wings with you, Vi in your arms and Van by your feet -- both safe in headphones made to fit them perfectly to block out the sound. As the song ends and the crowd screams, you can see Eddie running toward you backstage, pulling his guitar from over him with a tech rushing by you to retrieve it. He only has a minute or two while Jeff works the crowd but he never wastes it. His skin shines with sweat, tattoos glimmering over his arms and chest.
"Hey, you havin' fun?" he doesn't wait for an answer, pulling you in from the back of then neck to kiss you. His mouth is cold from the water he's been drinking, he tastes like the faint twang of tequila from the flask in his back pocket. A hint of his mid-show cigarette lingers on his lips.
"Are you having fun, sleepy girl?" he asks Violet, she giggles and hides in the curls that match her dad's, "Shouldn't you be in bed?"
He looks down, seeing Van nearly jumping out of his little leather jacket to have his dad pick him up, "Shouldn't you be in bed, too?"
Eddie scoops him up, smattering his face in kisses -- Van shrieks in laughter so Violet laughs, too. Never one to miss out on kisses, she reaches for her dad desperately before Eddie pops her onto his free hip. He double fists the twins like he used to double fist bottles of Don Julio.
"Honey, you gotta go," you urge, you notice the tech waiting with Ed's other guitar by the wings.
"Okay, okay, sorry -- one more kiss, okay?" he nods to the twins, pressing a kiss to each cheek before placing them back down on the fold out chairs next to you.
"And one more for mommy," he swoons, slinging the new guitar over his shoulder. You roll your eyes and let him smooch you all sloppy, he grins like you just met when he's done. Ed tosses you a wink before rushing out to the stage where he starts to talk into the mic about what's coming up. The tech rushes by you again with Santa hats in his hands -- running onto the stage to pass them out to Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, and the rest of the band.
"Now normally we don't do this shit, we like to keep it a lil' scary here -- but it is Christmas time so, I wanted to play a little somethin' special. Y'all know Otis Redding?" Eddie asks. You beam, you know exactly what he's about to get the band to play. The crowd screams, barricades straining against them while they bounce and jump.
"I wanted to introduce some fellas on brass who are comin' to join us for this number," Eddie puts his hand back to reference a small brass band stepping onto the platform next to Gareth's drum set, "Give 'em a 'round of applause for me."
The applause is rauccus and the brass players wave sheepishly from their platform. You guess it's not often that they're playing with a band that used to be in the news for 'promoting Satan's music'. Especially not with someone with a reputation as sordid as Eddie's.
As the horns begin to play, Eddie puts on his Santa hat and gets close to the mic, "This song's called 'Merry Christmas, Baby', I'm sure most of ya know it. But it was my mama's favorite -- she used to wear that record out so much that my daddy had to buy it for her twice. So this is for my mama, and all the mama's that are out there tonight."
He winks towards the camera that fed out to the screens for the back seats, sending the women in the crowd to their knees. Their screeches nearly drowned out the opening chords.
Eddie's voice has a gruffness that meets the songs needs, Jeff's joining his in a playful duet. As the intro finishes, they both trade their shrill riffs for a funky bass lines and twangs to match the energy from the brass.
"Well I'm feelin' mighty fine y'all, got my music on the raay-di-oooo..." Eddie sings with a smile, his eyes closed against the bright lights. There's a lightness about him that his fans rarely see, something soft, something you get to see at home. Like when the babies would fall asleep on his chest.
"Feel like I wanna kiss ya, babe, standin' underneath that mistletoe..." he drawls, and you can see his head turn to try and peer at you behind the curtain. A silent dedication. He'd kiss you all the time if he could.
The crowd claps in time with the beat. You can see the gleams of painted nails and rings, silver bracelets, and leather arm cuffs glinting in the light of the first three rows. There was an air of genuine surprise that the crowd was singing the lyrics with them, but the holidays infect everyone. Even 'god damn delinquents', as put so delicately by the venues owner.
"Sure did treat me nice, said you bought me all those presents, and I feel like I'm in paradise..."
And overwhelming wave of nostalgia hits you as they reach the music breakdown, remembering what it was like before the kids were born. How things felt before you got married. You'd wait in his dressing room, watching the feedback on the TV in the corner, eating the snacks and drinking the champagne he'd get for you on his rider. He'd come back at the end of the show, dripping in sweat, vibrating from all the coke, chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels.
The grizziliness of him was so fucking hot at the time he didn't even have to ask you to bend over the couch. He'd rail into you so hard you could barely breathe, hand entwined in your hair, dampening your shirt when he pressed you against his slick chest.
"Been thinkin' about you all night. This tight fucking pussy," he'd grunt, whiskey might as well have been seeping out of his pores. But he was so different now. So straightened up. So present.
He was clean long before the twins were born, but something changed in him when they came. He was so alive again. Just so fucking happy to be there.
"Please give another round of applause for our brass band over here!" Eddie's announcement sends you right back to reality. The crowds cheers scream through the venue again and you instinctively cover your ears. You watch the brass band wave and bow, stepping down off the platform off the stage while the rest of the band hypes them up.
"That was fun, wasn't it folks?" Eddie asks, "So I guess we'll get back to--"
You're confused at the sudden shrill of shrieks from the crowd.
"Oh, you guys know Van? He's our new guitarist -- this is actually Jeff's last show," you hear Eddie's laugh boom over the speakers. You look down to the horror of only seeing one child next to you, who is now off her chair and inching towards the stage.
"You wanna play a chord, buddy?" you hear Jeff's voice say, the crowd cheers again. You look up at one of the screens, Van perched in his uncle Jeff's arms while he leans down to strum the strings. The crowd whoops and giggles while Jeff puts his hand over Van's tiny one and helps him play a real chord. Eddie claps, eyes shining with pride, the crowd goes absolutely insane- Van! Van! Van! Van! Your son hides, embarrassed at the attention -- always one to be shy, burying himself in the crook of Jeff's neck.
"Violet baby, come here," you coo over to her, taking a step. But that step makes her book it -- and god are they fast at 3, "Shit, fuck."
"Oh-ho-ho, wow, my little lady of the hour," Eddie laughs while she runs right into his legs, knocking herself to the ground softly, "You've all met Violet, right?"
You watch him pick her up, her soft and excited, "Daddy -- Santa!" echos through the stadium.
"Hi, baby! That's right, daddy looks like Santa!" he parentese's excitedly, placing her on his hip. He looks over his shoulder to see you crouched down, tip toe-ing quickly across the stage mouthing a guilt 'sorry' his way. He grins expectantly, his perfect show girl in her stretch pants and sweatshirt. Her clean white sneakers. "There she is -- I'm sure you folks know the wife."
You wince at first and then wave while the crowd thunders at the sight of you hurrying over to Jeff to scoop up Van. Your eyes squint against the lights, the only thing you can see in the crowd are the little flames from lighters being waved by fans. The venue shakes at their applause and you're almost embarrassed by the attention -- but not too much. What's this but another red carpet? The only difference is that you never go on stage -- the last time being just after you got married so Eddie could gush about his 'for real this time' wife.
"Mama," Van whined, hands outstretched and grabby over Jeff's shoulder while he climbs into your chest. You hoist him up to make room for Violet who at first, doesn't want to go, making Ed so close to cancelling the rest of the show to cuddle her before you're finally able to wrench her out of his arms. Their heads bobble with their headphones on, snuggling up against you.
You turn to leave, but he taps you on the shoulder, still speaking into the mic, "You forgetting something?"
You look at him confused, you have both babies with you, "What?"
"You gotta pay the toll, baby," he shrugs, his smug grin making you blush. The crowd roars, they love when he's a little bit of a bastard. He looks you over, tongue running over the inside of his cheek, "Can't let you go without paying the toll."
You let out an audible sigh, facial expression playing to the cheap seats so everyone knows just how fake exasperated you are with him. You lean in and his kiss is lewd and wet over the twin's heads, the clicks of spit sounding over the speakers. He scrunches his nose at you when he breaks away, a boyish blush blooms on his cheeks.
"Thank you," he smiles, "You're free to go."
"Okay babies, you gotta wave bye to daddy's friends!" you say softly to Van and Vi as they look at the crowd.
"Say bye-bye," Eddie says gently, mimicking a wave so they'll copy. They wave over your shoulder while you walk back stage, sitting down on the fold up chairs with them both on your lap.
"Alright folks, sorry for the cutest interruption you'll ever see in your life," he says to the crowd, "And I know outside of friends and family, Christmas is about y'know -- the Lord. So in honor of the birth of Christ I'd like to introduce this next song..."
Two incredibly face melting riffs play simultaneously.
"We call it, 'Your Mother Sucks Cocks in Hell'."
You roll your eyes as the music starts, but on the bright side the twins are finally starting to nod off to sleep.
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klausinamarink · 30 days
Hi Klaus! Ah, the birthday special is such a fun idea! If it's still available, I'll request:
You should have raised a baby girl, I should have been a better son
for Platonic Stobin
Happy early birthday! <3 Hope it's a wonderful year ahead -Jules
“Ok, I got another. If you were born a boy, would your parents still name you Robin?”
Robin snorted as she threw another almond in her mouth, “Oh, you should have seen their lists of names before I was born.” She shifted her seat on the couch and started counting off her fingers, “For their nonexistent son, there was Sebastian, Rocky, Thorn, Jay, Harry, Claude, Ethan, Todd, Luka-”
Steve already felt overwhelmed by the list. He almost interrupted but Robin was still going. 
“-Aloysius, Odysseus, and a couple more really obscure names. But the other ones they almost named me were Athena, Roberta, Viola or Violet, Crystal-”
Steve kicked at Robin’s shin, laughing, “You’re answering the wrong question!”
Robin kicked back before she too fell into laughter. Once she recovered, she wiped at her eyes and said, “Well, Robin wasn’t on the little boy’s list, so I guess that’s a no.”
“Oh god,” Steve moaned as he covered his face with his hands, “now that I know all of those other names, I’m afraid I can’t call you Robin anymore.”
An almond pecked him on the forehead. “Sure. Like you didn’t just already forgot all of them, dingus. Not that I’ll blame you.”
Steve peeked through his fingers, then took his hands off as he stretched up discreetly. “Yeah, you’re right. By the way, Viola, why didn’t you tell me your name was spelled Violet?”
Instead of taking his bait, Robin scowled at Steve and chomped on a few more almonds. Then she swiftly stole the pillow under his head so it bumped rather hard against the couch’s arm he was laying on. It didn’t hurt but he winced anyway.
“I’m running out of ideas so I’m stealing your last question and making it my own. If you were a girl instead, what would your parents name you?
Steve answered immediately, “Stephanie.”
Robin blinked at him with surprise, “Wait, really?”
“I guess creativity is a Harrington weakness so,” he shrugged, “Steve for a boy or Stephanie for a girl.”
“Don’t tell me they did the same with your middle name.”
“Yep. Otis after my grandpa, Dorothy after my grandma.” He paused before adding, “They’re my dad’s parents. Not that my mom’s are bad, but I haven't seen them since I was, like, three.”
“Huh,” Robin said. Then they both fell into silence.
It didn’t take long for Steve’s thoughts to steer their way back to an old subject he hadn’t touched in ages.
The night after the fateful fight with Jonathan and the monster in his house, his parents had came home and his mother gasped at the state of his face. Steve had latched on the careful warmth she exhibited while she tended him in the bathroom. 
Steve had almost cried then. He had missed when his mother had dropped everything to take care of him whenever he was hurt. That was how she expressed the words ‘I love you’ to him without even saying it.
But his eyes had immediately went dry when his mother had looked at him and sighed like Steve was a stain on the kitchen napkins. 
Then she’d said, “If you were a proper lady instead, neither of us would be here.”
He had gone to bed, hollow and confused. Replayed her words over and over, thinking what did she mean?
And then it was like some floodgate was open. 
It didn’t matter if it was over the sparse phone calls or face to face, Shirley Harrington had found a new mission in making mournful quips towards her son of how much she had desired a daughter and how much better the never-born Stephanie would be.  
“More low grade this semester? A girl studies much harder than a classroom of boys anyway.”
“No more girlfriends? Oh, but a daughter of mine would keep a boyfriend for far longer than you had with that Nancy girl.”
“Why are you being more difficult these days, Steve? If you were a woman, you would know exactly how to keep quiet.”
And then came that fateful day when Steve had admitted to his dad that none of the prestigious colleges had accepted him. 
After his father’s fury continued to ring in Steve’s ears long after his departure, his mother had shook her head in tired disappointment and hovered to her reading room.
Steve had called out to her, trying to reach out and grab on the edges of her old warmth he desperately needed. He wanted to beg her for something. Anything simple like a hug.
But he’d asked her, “What if I was your daughter who got herself pregnant before graduation?”
It was such a ridiculous question. But Steve had been getting sick of his mother’s ‘what-if’ comments and wanted to retaliate anyways.
His mother had paused but answered so quickly as if she was waiting for the opportunity.
“Then I would marry her off to a bachelor and wish for a son instead.”
“But I am your son.”
“Your father wanted a son anyways.”
She had left him in the kitchen as if her words were a snide compliment at an art gallery. Like she hadn’t just dove her hands inside Steve’s hollow chest, found the remains of his heart, splattered the walls bloody-red with it so he would be surrounded by the proof of his mother’s love, and wiped her hands clean.
That was three months ago. But fuck, it felt like it had happened three hours ago. 
A poke on his knee brought Steve out of the churning void he was about to fall back into. Robin was looking at him with a furrowed expression that yelled ‘I am very worried about you right now, should we talk?’
“I’m okay,” Steve said automatically. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sat up.
“No, you’re not.” Robin said, mirroring him so they were now sitting side by side. She bumped her arm against his.
“No, I’m not.” Steve echoed wearily.
Robin dropped her head on his shoulder. A comforting weight. She didn’t ask anything which Steve found grateful. But he couldn’t bear to hide the new aching in his chest from her. It would make him a hypocrite after the Russian torture.
“I guess it’s kind of funny that my mom wanted a daughter but she still would be disappointed in me.”
Robin made a small sad noise in her throat but said nothing. Instead, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
“As much as I would fear the tyranny of Stephanie Harrington, I wouldn’t regret being her platonic soulmate.”
“With a capital P.” Steve finished automatically, a tiny smile forming on his face. 
“With a capital P.” Robin echoed with a warm smile.
They sat together like this for several minutes. Then, Steve turned to her and asked, “So would that mean you would get a crush on me for having boobies?”
The bowl of almonds immediately exploded in his face. Steve fell back to the couch, clutching his stomach as he howled with laughter and Robin yelled, “Way to ruin an emotional moment, Steve Dingus Harrington!”
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Jealous - Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek
Request: I thought about Brian’s ex coming to town maybe Katie and reader gets jealous seeing how he reacted to her when she stopped by the firehouse. Fluffy ending of him putting her mind at ease that she’s his future and he loves her. Tysm for doing this❤️❤️ 
A/N: I found this in my drafts and realized I never finished it.
One Chicago Masterlist
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“Look, I get it,” you stressed, trying to make your voice sound a nonchalant as you weren’t feeling, “Kelly’s dad died and that’s awful and of course Katie is gonna come to the funeral...I just don’t know why she had to come here. To 51. To see Otis.”  
From the look on Stella’s face you knew that your nonchalance wasn’t anywhere near believable. And how could it be? You remembered Katie from last time, something that you knew Sylvie knew just from the sympathetic look on her face when Katie came walking onto the app floor that morning. You and Otis were just friends back then but you’d had a crush on him, one that you were fairly certain he had picked up on until he’d announced to you and Cruz that he was dating Severide’s sister.  
“She told him she’s got a boyfriend back in...wherever. I’m sure this is just a nostalgic trip down memory lane.” Stella tried, really she tried, but the words weren’t going through. Sylvie had tried this morning when ambo got called out on a run before you’d even sat down for briefing. And Cruz had tried when you came back and found Otis in the common room laughing at whatever hilarious thing you were sure that Katie had said to him.  
Probably something along the lines of ‘breakup with your partner and date me instead. Remember how much fun we had together? And you didn’t have to explain the inner-workings of Catan to me.’ 
“It better be.” You grumbled, slamming your locker door a little louder than you meant to. There hadn’t been a call since the one that pulled you away from Otis and Katie’s initial reunion and in all honesty you were hoping there would be a call soon just to get you out of 51 and focused on work. Couldn’t some uncoordinated Chicagoan have a slip and fall or something? Anything to get you away from them and all the thoughts swirling in your head. You didn’t want to seem like you were lurking or eavesdropping on their conversation and you wanted to seem like the cool partner, the person who could let their boyfriend and his ex hang out without feeling any jealousy. But it was the exact opposite and if Stella knew, everyone else probably did too.  
You left the locker room still somewhat aggravated, talking to Stella had helped you vent but it hadn’t given you any peace of mind. You still didn’t want Katie there and you were still annoyed that Otis had been so happy to see her. It wasn’t really his fault and you knew that. If there was anyone in the world that was guaranteed to have positive, healthy relationships with their exes, it was definitely Otis. What wasn’t to love about him? But knowing that just made the feeling in the pit of your stomach ten times worse. Why did he have to be so nice? Couldn’t he just be an asshole? Or maybe just an asshole to Katie? No...you didn’t want that either.  
“Hey, there you are!” Otis’ voice startled you as you turned to see him standing there in the in the hallway outside of the lockeroom. No Katie in sight, thankfully. You’d heard him mention something about a tour of the firehouse (as if anything had changed since the last time she was here) before you’d snuck off to the lockers.  
“Where’s Katie?” You asked, glancing over his shoulder as if she would materialize.  
“Just in,” he pointed back to the common area, “wanted to make sure you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.”  
Otis looked immediately skeptical and you crossed your arms defensively, trying to play off you tension as calm, still hoping that the alarm would go off. Even if it was a fire, you’d rather everyone go than have to be stuck here one more moment with Katie and Otis. You definitely didn’t want to go back into the common room and have to sit there at the table and listen to the two of them share stories and reminise about the past.  
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. It wasn’t even like you were being rational in your annoyance. Otis had introduced you as his partner immediately. The practical second after he said hello to Katie he was dragging her over to you and introducing you as if you were the best piece of his life in Chicago that he could share with someone. But still, you hadn’t been able to quell the voice in your head. “Fine.” 
Otis’ skeptical look turned contemplative, as if he was working something out. “Wait a minute...are you jealous?” He looked like he almost didn’t believe the words when he said them. As if it was such a crazy notion that saying it out loud made him feel like he was being ridiculous.  
You huffed, shoulders slumping. Otis’ mustache twitched as he smiled, correct in his analysis. “I really like Katie,” you defended, lowering your voice so no one would overhear. “She seems super nice and I can totally get why you went out with her.” 
“Can you totally get why I’m not interested in her now?” He asked, “Cause I love you and that’s not gonna change just cause my ex is in town?” 
“Yeah, yeah...I know.” You replied, defeat evident in your voice. “I don’t know I just saw her and you were so excited to catch up. It’s totally irrational, I know that! I just...ugh god. I can’t explain it.” You huffed. “Stop smiling me like that.” 
Otis’ smile didn’t diminish. He couldn’t deny that you getting jealous felt like a bit of an ego boost. That someone could love him so much that they were bothered by the idea of him hanging out with an ex. “Sorry, sorry, just kinda cute how annoyed you are.” 
“Oh yeah, how cute would it be if I had an ex come to town and spent the whole afternoon with them?” You asked, hands on your hips. 
Narrowed eyes, Otis’ smile turned to a slight grin. He knew what you were getting at and frankly, he knew you were right. Maybe it was silly that you were bothered by Katie but he knew if any ex of yours showed up at the firehouse he would be acting a lot worse. Less hiding in the locker room and more showboating. “Lets just not have exes, problem solved.” 
“Well I doubt I’ll have any more.” You replied, the alarm finally blaring in the background.  
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winchesterszvonecek · 9 months
Find out you hadn’t seen their favourite movie or tv show
17. Find out you hadn’t seen their favourite movie or tv show
Brian Zvonecek x fem
How Brian Would React to Finding Out You Hadn’t Seen His Favourite Movie/TV Show
Masterlist | Otis Masterlist
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He would think you’re joking at first, maybe laugh it off but when you said you were serious he would stop instantly as he wouldn’t want it to seem like he was making fun of you. He would definitely be surprised though, but at the same time he’d kind of understand as he always did think he was dorky when it came to TV shows and movie choices so it never really came as an actual shock to him that others hadn’t seen it.
He’d then ask you if you wanted to watch it, preferably with him as that way he’d get to see your genuine reaction to it. But also because he secretly likes you and wants to spend time with you… And he always wants you to like his favourite things as he always was worried he wouldn’t have anything in common with you.
He’d have to hide his excitement when you agree to a movie night with him, one you are genuinely looking forward to as you know how passionate Otis gets about things he likes and you always found it really cute when he would ramble on about things… Which is why you made sure to ask him plenty of questions about what you were watching, as you couldn’t resist seeing the way his eyes lit up when he explained things.
After the movie/show was finished he’d ask for your thoughts and if you told him you liked it, he’d get all giddy and excited and start showing you any memorabilia he happened to have for that specific show… For example if you watched Battlestar he’d show you his Viper Helmet and even let you try it on, something he doesn’t let anyone do… not even Cruz.
If you didn’t really like it, or it wasn’t really your thing, he’s understand. He’d be disappointed, sure, but there’d be other things the two of you could bond over.
The movie night would then turn into a sleepover, during which you fall asleep on his couch and he covers you with a blanket. And when you wake up, you’re all embarrassed and fluster that you fell asleep but he just waves you off, telling you not to worry and then he simply asks you which movie you’d prefer to watch next.
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tagging: @sancochillo @kellykidd
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The Story of You
Surprise! I hope you guys enjoy this new part 🥰 I cannot believe that we only have 6 parts left of the story! 🥺🥺 It has been a wild ride, and I am forever grateful that you guys have taken a moment to read it, I will never be able to repay you! IG post will be coming soon! Come talk to me about what you think of this part and what else would you want to see! All the love, Mar 🤍
Disclaimer: In no way do I wish to spread hate or negative opinions about any of the characters here depicted, this is just fiction and with the purpose of entertaining you guys
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Part 14: Openness
October 12, 2021: Week Thirty-Two
New York, New York. 2:30 PM
The restaurant smelled of garlic and tomato making my mouth water while I was led to the table, I smiled when I saw Jason sat down and next to him were Daisy and Otis, who were busy coloring, while we approached Jason saw me and smiled, he whispered something to Daisy’s ear and when she turned and saw me, she smiled and started waving at me.
“There she is! Look at you! You’re glowing!”, I smiled, “Hi guys! How are you?”, Daisy was the first one who said hello to me, she stood up and hugged me, “Hi beautiful girl! I’ve missed you!”, “Y/N! I have missed you too!”, Otis then came and gave me a hug and a smile, “Hi Y/N”, “Hi Otis! You have grown so much since I last saw you!”
Jason then stood up and sat down the kids and gave me a hug, “Look at you! How have you been feeling?”, we both sat down, “I hope you don’t mind but we ordered some pizzas to begin”, “I’m doing okay, can’t believe I only have eight weeks to go! And pizza sounds wonderful”, he smiled, “These eight weeks are the ones that will definitely fly the most”
“It’s crazy you know. Like I have been thinking of them and how they will look like, if they’ll look more like me or their dad”, I turned to look at the kids, thankful that they were still distracted, Jason also turned to look at them and smiled at me, “And him? How is he?”, I sighed, “Excited, we have still so much to discuss”
He reached to squeeze my hand, “Hey, don’t stress, you will have time for everything, but right now, what matters is that they get here safe”, I took a sip of my lemonade, “Will you come meet them when they’re born? I understand if you don’t, but I would love for you to meet them”, “Are you kidding me? Of course, I will come! We are friends after all aren’t we?”, I smiled and nodded.
The pizzas arrived and we all got a slice, man this restaurant was good, after the pizzas we ordered some pastas to share and after we ate, we decided to order some desserts, I had played some tic-tac-toe with Otis, and colored a chef with Daisy, I had missed having fun with them.
“Y/N?”, I turned to look at Daisy and gave her a smile, “Do you have a picture of your baby?”, I nodded, “I do, I actually went to the doctor today!”, I pulled out my phone and showed her the two ultrasounds, the normal one and the 4D one, “I wanna see too!”, I turned to look at Otis and showed him, “That is so cool! Dad, can we have a baby?”
I laughed and Jason choked on his coffee before answering, “Uhm, Otis we can discuss this later, okay?”, he nodded, and Jason gave me a look that said, ‘Can you believe this?’, I shrugged my shoulders while drinking my tea. When we finished, I wanted to pay, but Jason didn’t let me.
We walked out of the restaurant, and we started walking on the way to my home and their music class, “Thank you Jason, I really enjoyed seeing you guys today”, he smiled, “We did too, and we needed our ‘Monthly Friends Reunion’”, we laughed, “So, I’ll guess talk to each other later?”, I nodded, and reached for another hug before hugging Daisy ad Otis, we waved goodbye at each other and I made my way to my apartment.
October 15, 2021: Week Thirty-Two
New York, New York. 9:00 AM
A chill ran down my back, I turned to my other side, and everything hurt, which was weird, the weather was warm, yet I was cold and grabbed a chunky sweater while making my way to the kitchen, I turned on the kettle and placed two pieces of toast on the toaster when my phone started ringing.
I grabbed it and smiled when Sarah’s name appeared on my screen, “Hello?”, “Hey mama! how are you?”, “Not feeling great if I’m honest”, I heard her move from the other side, “Why honey? What are you feeling?”, I teared up, damn hormones, “My body hurts so much, and I left the aircon on, so I’m freezing”, I sniffled, “Oh lovely I’m sorry, when I felt like that a warm bath always helped me, maybe some warm tea and rest, do you need me to call someone”
I sniffled again, “I will do that, thankfully I have a slow workday today, right now I don’t think I should call anyone, so ‘ill follow your advice babe; oh! Good luck in Pittsburg S, I know you guys will rock", “Thank you lovie, I’ll call you later, okay? if anything happens you call me”, I whispered yes to her, and we said our goodbyes. I hung up the phone and went to pull out my toast and the Nutella, after spreading the toast and also grabbing a banana my phone started ringing again.
I grabbed it and saw that Jason was calling me, “Hello?”, “Hey Y/N! are you busy?”, I sat down on the couch, “No, don’t worry, is everything okay?”, he sighed, “Well, not ideal to be honest, uhm Daisy, and I just tested positive”, my heart dropped to my stomach, “Oh shit, are you guys, okay? Is Otis, okay?”
“We are, I feel like I have a cold and Daisy has been a little clingier, but well I think you should take a test, I don’t want to jinx it, but better to be safe than worry”, I nodded even though he couldn’t see me, “I know, I will do it but before, I’ll call my midwife first; thank you for letting me know”, “Of course, please let me know okay?”, “I will”
I had to take a few deep breaths before thing got worse, my thoughts were all over the place, were my symptoms related to Covid or pregnancy? Before I could spiral into a stress crisis I dialed Betty’s office, “Maternal Health Consultation, this is Randy speaking”, “Randy hi! It’s Y/N!”, “Well hello you! To what do we owe this pleasure?”, “Uhm, is Betty available? I need to ask her some things”, “Sure, let me dial you in”
It just took three rings for Betty to answer the phone, “Hello to my favorite patient! How are you love?”, “I’m okay, but we have an issue?”, “Oh?”, I sighed, “I had lunch three days ago with a friend of mine and his kids, and well, he let me know that him and his daughter tested positive for Covid today”
“Oh no; and how are you feeling?”, “Well, I woke up today with a lot of pain in my body and some chills, but I talked with my friend and she said she had a lot of pain and I did sleep with the aircon on so I just attributed to it”, she chuckled, “Darling I need you to take a test and then let me know okay? Is Harry up to date?”
“No, I haven’t spoken to him, but I will once we have the results, and he will probably want to talk to you too”, we both laughed, “Let’s start with the test, okay? Let me know how it goes”, we said our goodbyes and I went to my room and changed, I then grabbed my phone and made my way to the testing site.
The lady in the front desk smiled at me, “Hi! I need to get a Covid test”, “Sure thing darling, please fill in these formats and we will call you in a few, okay?”, I nodded and thanked her. Ten minutes after I arrived, I was called back by another nurse, I followed her into the exam room and sat down on the chair she told me.
“Okay darling, please pull down your mask and take a deep breath, okay?”, I did so, and she swabbed my nose, which caused me to sneeze, the lovely nurse laughed, “Bless you darling! So, we’ll just have you wait here until your test comes back, okay?”, I nodded, and she left the room.
I was browsing through baby websites when the nurse came back in, “Okay darling, let’s see your test”, she grabbed it and then turned to look at me, my stomach dropped when her eyes and mine met, “I’m sorry honey, your test is positive, do you have a doctor who can supervise you?”, I nodded, “My midwife and a general doctor, I had an inkling it would be, thank you”, she walked me to the door, “Of course darling, take care”
I arrived home and texted Jeff asking if he and Harry were busy, he answered that they had just arrived at Harry’s apartment so they could talk. I dialed Jeff’s number and he answered, “Hey mama! How are you? Let me put you on speaker”, I heard some noise on the other end before Harry spoke up
“Y/N?”, “Hi Harry, how are you?”, “I’m okay, and you?”, “Well that is why I called”, Jeff spoke up, “Oh?”, “Well I think that we should switch to FaceTime if you can?”, “Yeah sure, give me a minute and we’ll call you”, I hung up the phone and a few seconds later the FaceTime call ran through my computer.
I pressed answer and Harry and Jeff appeared I gave them a small smile and a wave, and they gave me one back, “Okay so long story short; I went out for lunch with Jason, Daisy and Otis three days ago, he called me today to let me know he and Daisy had tested positive for Covid, I called Betty and she asked I go and get tested, well, I’m positive too”
The smile fell from Harry’s face and even Jeff paled a little, Harry was kind of in shock and Jeff spoke up first, “How are you feeling?”, “Just achy, don’t have a fever or cough so I’m glad, uhm Betty texted me and told me that if you guys want, she can jump on the call so that we all are on the same page”
Jeff nodded while Harry was biting his nails, I dialed Betty I and she answered with the smile she always had, “Well, I guess that we all know why we’re here huh?”, I chuckled dryly and Harry gave me a worried look, to which I replied, “Hey, I’m okay”, he nodded and then turned to look at Betty
“Wish we could see each other under better circumstances”, she gave him a sympathetic smile, “Me too Harry”, she then turned to me, “How are you feeling?”, “Okay, just bummed, I wanted to see the girls this weekend”, she awed, “Well that’s good news; I need you to get an oximeter and a thermometer and monitor yourself constantly”, I nodded
“I’ll make sure she gets them, is there any painkillers she should take if she needs them?”, “Tylenol is the safest, plenty of fluids and rest darling, I’ll be monitoring you daily”, Harry spoke up, “Betty, what if… what if things go South?”, the tension could be felt through the camera, “Let’s not go there just yet; we will do everything to make sure we don’t reach that, okay?”
He nodded, the mood on the call had dampened and Betty spoke up, “Hey, we are okay yeah? She is okay and as long as things continue to be like this we will go through this smoothly, okay? Now darling, I need you to quarantine, and I’ll have you test again in ten days, now I know that normally it’s fourteen, but studies have shown that from day 10 tests come negative, if you test negative on the 25th I will get to see you on the 26th for a checkup, if you test positive, we’ll wait until day 14 okay?”, I nodded and she turned to look at Harry, “Don’t worry, we’ll wait for you for the ultrasounds okay?”
Harry laughed and nodded, Betty then asked me, “Do you have the number of a general doctor?”, Jeff stepped in, “We do”, “Perfect! So, unless anyone has any doubts, I think we have covered all of our bases, so we will be in contact, okay?”, we all nodded, thanked her and she left the call, I turned to look at Harry and Jeff, and damn these hormones I started crying
“Honey, what’s wrong?”, I sniffled, “I’m sorry, I was so excited to see everyone and we had some girl plans and now”, Harry spoke up, “Hey, please don’t cry, everything is okay, you are okay, the baby is okay and that is all that matters”, I nodded, “I am bummed because I wanted to talk to you about-“, “Harry, not now”, he sighed and nodded
“I’ll be there in about an hour to give you everything, okay?”, “Harry, I don’t want you to risk it”, he shook his head, “Please, promise I’ll leave it on the door and walk back, hell I’ll even wear two masks”, I turned to look at Jeff, “It’s okay, but only if you are okay with it”, I nodded, “Thank you love, I’ll be there in an hour”, I nodded and we hung up, I was so tired I decided to take a nap on the couch, until Harry got here.
Harry. New York, New York. 2:00 PM
We hung up and I ran a hand down my face, I had so many emotions around me, worry, dread, anger at Jason, betrayal, and jealousy, “Oh calm down Romeo, they’re friends”, that made me stop in my tracks and turn to look at Jeff with a surprised face, but he didn’t even look at me
“You knew?”, he locked his phone, crossed his arms and sighed, “Yeah, I kinda ran into them one day and joined them, that’s when I found out that they meet each other once a month, have been doing since she moved back to New York”, I scoffed, “So when they met in LA was that planned?”
“Uhm no, they had their lunch the week before, that was an accident”, he turned to look at me, “What?”, I stood up straight, “I don’t know, I have so many emotions”, “Well, maybe start by getting the things she needs and maybe then we’ll figure your feelings okay? we will work at one thing at a time”, I nodded. We made our way to the nearest CVS and after picking up everything I stopped to buy her a meal and made our way to her house.
Jeff parked outside and I got out, “I’ll wait for you here, let everyone know, okay?”, I nodded and went into the building, after arriving at her floor I left the bags on her door and knocked the door, I walked back and a few seconds later she appeared on the door, with two masks on, “Hi Harry”
I let out a breath I was holding, “Love, hi; I wish I could hug you right now”, she shrugged, “Too bad you can’t”, I cleared my throat, “I bought you some electrolytes, Gatorade, snacks, Tylenol and your thermometer and oximeter; I also stopped at Shake Shack”, she did a happy dance that made me smile, “Thank you, I had a terrible craving”
“You are welcome”, we stood there in silence, “You look beautiful, can’t believe we only have eight weeks to go”, she caressed her belly and turned to look at me, “I know, and I fear that we are not fully ready”, I chuckled, “Maybe… maybe we can talk later and see what we’re missing?”, “Sure Harry, now, I’ll go back home, thank you again, for bringing these things”
I shrugged, “It’s no problem, really, please call if you need anything okay?”, “I will”, she grabbed the bags and placed them inside before waving and closing the door, I made my way back into the car where Jeff was waiting with a Lysol and some gel, along with a plastic bag for my masks, I stopped in my tracks
“Are you serious?”, “Man we’re not risking it”, I rolled my eyes, and he used the Lysol and then gave me a plastic bag to throw my face masks and squirted some gel, he threw the bag at a trash can, sprayed Lysol again, and we got into the car and went home. When we got there Olivia had already arrived and was on the phone, from the conversation snippet I heard she was talking with her kids.
When she saw me, she gave me a small smile, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, a few seconds later I heard her walk in, she stopped at the door, “Hey you”, I straightened my back, “Hi”, “Harry, can we talk?”, I drank my water, “About?”, “You know about what”, I sighed and made my way to the dining table and motioned for her to sit down
“Harry, I know I was out of line, and I’m sorry”, “Why did you bring it up?”, she sighed, “I was scared, Harry, can you try and see it from my point of view? We were thinking of moving in together, maybe getting married, and all of a sudden you are going to have a baby, and the worst part is not that I’m not having your baby, but that you are still in love with their mom”
I coughed up the water I was drinking, “What?”, she sighed, “Harry… I’m not blind, I see the way you look at her, you love her”, “Liv…”, “Harry please, don’t lie to me”, I sighed and then turned to look her in the eye, “Liv, of course I love her, but”, she stood up and I also stood up in front of her, “But, the love I have for her comes from a place of gratitude, of a place needing to protect her to protect my child”
“And us?”, I sighed, “We are still learning about us, what we love, what we dream, want, and need”, I grabbed her face, “We are us, and she and I are different; that’s why you were out of line”, she nodded, “And I’m sorry, I won’t ever get in between you too okay?”, I kissed her lips, she then pulled back
“I want to apologize to Y/N, will she be there tomorrow?”, I scratched my head, “Uhm, no, she, uhm, she has Covid”, she pulled back surprised, “Her too? Jason and Daisy are down, Otis is not but the doctor said that we should treat him as if he did test positive”, she turned to look at me, “What’s with the face?”
“Uhm, they were together, that is why she got sick too”, she stood in shock, “What?”, I sighed, “Apparently, they have become friends and meet every month, this started after she moved back here”, she stood up straighter and shrugged her shoulders, “Oh”, I turned to look at her incredulously, “Oh? That’s all you have to say?”, she crossed her arms, “What do you want me to say? I know they are the better people here and they are definitely not dating, they are friends”
 “And that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable?”, she furrowed her brows, “Why would it?”, I scoffed, “Because it’s weird, because she’s my ex and he’s yours, and it looks to me like they’re playing house”, she gave me a sarcastic laugh, “House? Really?”, “Yes”, I rolled my eyes
She looked at me, disbelief painted all over her eyes, “You’re jealous”, I sat down and look at her with a straight face, “I’m not”, she rolled her eyes, “You are Harry and I’m not having this conversation with your emotions all heightened up by jealousy”, she walked to the door, and I started following her
“Please, let’s talk”, she called the elevator and got in, she turned to look me dead in the eye and said, “So much for your bullshit about not being in love huh?”, the elevator closed and I hit the door, as much as it pained me to admit it she was right, I was so goddamn jealous, she was talking to him, confiding in him, her fears, her excitement, her happiness, hell for all I know who she’s in love with.
And with a sinking feeling I started to realize that this was my fault, I pushed her there and caused for this to happen. All because I couldn’t figure out my emotions, and it has taken me almost two years to do so. I just hoped that it wasn’t too late for me.
October 19, 2021: Week Thirty-Two
New York, New York. 1:30 PM
It had been less than a week since I tested positive, and I was hating this quarantine so much. I had to watch the concert through a dingy live, I couldn’t see my friends and my sinuses had been killing me; but I was thankful that so far everything was going great. And I had been able to get all the rest I needed; I was thankful my job had given me a sick leave for the next three weeks at least.
I had just finished putting away the groceries Harry had sent me, putting the flowers in a vase, and heating up the lunch Jason sent me when I got a text message from Harry asking if we could FaceTime, I told him yes and went to get my computer, a few seconds later his call came through and I answered
“Hi love! How are you? How are you feeling?”, “Hi H, I’m okay, I feel good, just tired of being in quarantine”, he laughed a little, “Have you had lunch?”, “I was about to, Jason sent me some lunch”, “Oh. How nice of him”, I gave him a questioning look, “Is everything okay?”, he sighed
“Yes, everything is fine”, I gave him a teasing look, “I know you, what’s wrong?”, “He turned to look at me, “How long have you guys been friends?”, “Well, we started getting to know each other during filming and when I moved back home, we became a little closer”
He nodded, “Harry, does it bother you?”, he looked at me with wonder, “I just want to know how you feel, but let it be known, I won’t let your feelings define my friendship with Jason”, he mulled over his answer, “I won’t lie to you, it’s kinda weird for me, but if you are happy and he’s a good friend then that’s enough for me”, I smiled a little, “He is, such a good friend”
“I’m glad, so what’s this monthly thing you do”, I gave him a teasing look, “Since when do you have so many questions huh?”, he rolled his eyes and smiled, “I am just curious, feels like we haven’t talked like this in a while”, “Well, if you really want to know, we try and see each other once a month and just talk, about anything at all”, “That’s nice”, I smiled a little, “I enjoy it, and he does too, I think as adults we forget we also need friends you know?”
He nodded and we stared at each other, and for the first time in a while, the silence was a comfortable one, like the ones we used to share while we dated, “Harry, I had my lawyer look into the affidavit you gave me”, he nodded, “She said everything was okay, and wanted to know if you wouldn’t mind sharing your lawyer’s number”, he grabbed his phone while talking to me
“Sure thing love, I sent you her contact”, I smiled, “Thank you”, “Y/N?”, I turned to see me, his eyes were full of sincerity, something I hadn’t seen in a while, “I know you don’t want to talk about it, and I promise that after this I won’t ever mention it again, unless you want to talk about it”, I nodded, dread filling my stomach
“I would rather give up my money, my fame, hell even music before thinking of fighting you for any kind of custody; that is not what I want for our child, you and I, we are a team, we decide together what we want to do, we decide if we want to get lawyers involved or not, and we decide how we want for them to live”
I started tearing up, “What Olivia said, it was a very low blow, and like you said, she is a grown up and she should apologize, and I hope that she will, but I am also apologizing, I’m sorry for not stepping in sooner, I’m sorry for not having discussed this with you, but I truly felt like we had so much time before even thinking of arrangement, they will need you so much more than me, that I will be working around what you both need”
I sniffled while he continued, “I promise to be around to the best of my capacity, whether they need me or you need me, and I also promise to become a master at changing poopy diapers, let me tell you, I’ve been practicing with little man Rowland”, we both laughed, “I’m really truly sorry”
“H, I forgive you”, he looked at me surprised, “I know we will work things out and yes, the way the message was delivered was not the best, but it brought light to the fact that we will need to discuss this, and when the time comes, we will do it, as parents and not as Harry and Y/N”, “I have felt like a douche bag all week”, I shrugged, “Well it was a douche bag move, but we can get over it, as you said, we still have time”
He cleared his throat, “So, we have some things to finish right?”, I nodded, “Yup, let me go grab my baby book”, I stood up and grabbed my book along with my lunch and sat back down, “Okay let’s see”, I opened it to the baby to-do list, “So, nursery furniture is set to be delivered the week of the 26th, that way you and Mitch can build it after Harryween”
He nodded while writing down on his journal, “Since we don’t know the gender, I looked into some neutral color clothing, something easy to wear and so comfy materials”, he smiled, “Please pay them with my card”, “Harry”, he looked at me, “Y/N I insist”, I raised my hands in surrender
“Mom has also been knitting non-stop, so we will have a lot of stuff from her; on furniture what are we missing?”, I turned to see my list, “Well, we ordered the crib, changing table, rocking chair and bassinet; I don’t know if you want to order the same for your home”, he shook his head, “We have a few months before we need them”, I nodded
He looked up from his list, “Have we started buying diapers? Or do you want to ask for diapers as a gift on your baby shower?”, I turned to look at him surprised, “Baby shower?”, he gave me a look that was both teasing and incredulous, “You really thought that you would get away without a shower?”
“I don’t want to bother anyone”, he laughed, “Darling, there’s a chat between mum, Gem, Glenne and Sarah called ‘Baby Shower for Squish’, it has existed since they all found you were pregnant”, I smirked and crossed my arms, “And how do you know about this group?”, his cheeks turned red in embarrassment knowing he had been caught
“I may or may have not forced my entry into it in order to help plan it”, it shouldn’t have; but my heart was beating so fast, “Well, since you are part of the planning committee of an event I wasn’t even aware of, I have a request”, he nodded, “I want for every guest to gift our baby two things, the first one is a copy of their favorite children’s book, and I want them to write a little note for them”
He smiled, “I love that idea, and the second?”, “I want them to write a letter for our baby giving them some advice, it could be about life, love, cooking, how to bribe mom and dad, having a partner, smoking, navigating LA or NYC, I don’t know”, we both laughed, “I just want them to know that they will always have someone looking out for them”
“They always will love; and I’ll make sure to deliver your request”, I thanked him, and he continued to look through his list, “So… I guess we will look into diapers and decide which brand we want and start buying them?”, I nodded, “Sarah has already sent some recommendations and your mum was going to ask Ella”, “Perfect love”
We checked out a few more of our pending items until Jeff texted Harry letting him know that he had a phone call to join, “I’ll talk to you soon, okay? Please, if anything happens call me, I really do not care what time it is”, “I will H, we still have some things to go through together”, he smiled and blew me a kiss, “We will love, I’ll text you tonight”, I waved, and we ended the call.
After talking with Harry, I felt a weight be released from my body, I never expected that he was so serious about giving up everything for the baby and I, but that look, that look was the same one he gave me when we first started dating, and the feeling of trust and safety I had them returned now. But along with that feeling came something I was familiar with, but I did not want to acknowledge. Not yet.
October 25, 2021: Week Thirty-Three
New York, New York. 11:30 PM
Hi bug! Another week down, seven to go! The last ten days have been scary for us bub, we had Covid, which is a virus that appeared on the Earth last year and it put us all in lockdown, and having to learn to work from home and it left your daddy and I stranded on two different sides pf the country; he then turned into prince charming and came rescue me (I’ll tell you that story later), we took a long road trip and that is when we decided that your middle name would be Robin.
I really haven’t talked to you so much about him, but I will now. Robin was your dad’s stepdad, he married your Nana Anne a few years ago and they were so happy and in love, you daddy told me that Robin became a second father to him, he was one of the people who he trusted the most. You may be wondering why I write in past tense while talking of him, you see my heart, your Papa Robin died a few years ago from cancer, a terrible illness that had him fighting a long battle, I’m sure that if you ask daddy, your nana our auntie Gem, they will tell you so many stories about him.
 I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting him, but I learned to love him from the stories your daddy, nana and auntie told me, and that’s why we decided we would honor him by naming you after him. Your name was chosen with so much love baby, that I can only hope that we made the right choice, and you love it as much as your dad and I do.
Speaking of your dad, he is still being a rockstar! He is currently in Boston, and we watched a livestream of him performing, and well you are having a dance party, I’m sure he’ll be happy once I send him the video of you dancing lovie, but the most exciting part is that he will be back here in New York in four days!!! He has some Halloween shows, which means he will use some costumes, I cannot wait to see what he comes up with! I promise to include some pictures for you, he is also excited because he will finally be able to feel you kick again!
Remember Covid? The thing I described above, well as I told you, we got sick :( which was a bummer because we couldn’t see auntie Sarah and Uncle Mitch and the rest of the band when they were here in New York but guess what… WE ARE NEGATIVE!!! Which means that we can now leave our quarantine and have a party! Well… we have to go see Betty first and then we will have a party at daddy’s concerts. We are also putting together your nursery baby, I have chosen everything with great care and just picturing us and daddy in there, my heart is pounding just thinking about it!
I hope these seven weeks go away fast but not too fast, I’m not ready for our journey to be over, so bug, please, hold on for a little longer, okay? I know seven weeks sound like a lot, but I promise you, they will fly; in the meantime, you have my full permission to kick me up a storm and have me go to the bathroom every three minutes, just as long as you stay facing down to the floor (I promise you I’ll explain why we need you in that position when you’re older)
I love you, with all of my heart little one, my heart beats so fast when I think of you and the love I have for you, that I fear my heart will explode
October 26, 2021: Week Thirty-Four
Harry. Boston, Massachusetts. 12:15 AM
My battery died so I had to wait until I was back at the hotel to charge it since I forgot my charger. When my phone started back up, I saw I had some messages from Y/N, I smiled so big, I really couldn’t wait to hug her again
From Y/N <3 (20:50 PM): We did it [Attachment]
To Y/N <3 (12:15 AM): Oh my god 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I feel like I can properly breathe now
From Y/N <3 (8:30 AM): You and I both H 🙏🏼💛 I will let you know how the appointment goes, safe travels to Atlanta
To Y/N <3 (8:31 AM): Please do love Counting down the days until I can hug you both ♥️
From Y/N <3 (8:32 AM): We cannot wait either 🤍
Taglist @tinydestinybear @amyleeeee @harry-is-my-sunflower @beachwoodcaferryy @msolbesg @clarawolf22 @harrysficreblog @infinitely-yellow @cherrylovesblog @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry @harryspirate @kaitieskidmore1 @michellekstyles @qualitygiantshoepsychic @irelilien @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @shawnsblue @behindmygreyeyes @sunshinemoonsposts @dirtytissuebox @little-freak-satellite @tinydeskwriter @be-with-me-so-happily @watercolorskyy @goldenlouvr @sunshinemoonsposts @jgoff717
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Ok so because of my autism I crave to be like crushed in a good way ya know? I had someone do this before but their account got deactivated so I wanted to revive it.
Can I get Rz, Michael, Otis Driftwood, Brahms Heelshire, and the Sinclair brothers with a s/o who asks for them (the slasher) to lay on top of them (the reader)
YESYES I GET IT, for me itd literally judt the feeling if the weight of somebodg i love is so securing and nice, but i love this ask omfg, also if i may i added doomhead because i know you were asking for more content if him :)
requests are open, masterlist is up!!
Slashers x Gn Reader | Laying Ontop of You
Warning: Language, Slight Teasing
RZ Michael Myers
hes already impulsive, he acts on what he thinks, so more than not hes probably already laid ontop of you because it was what he wanted, or most convenient
he thinks of it almost as extra protected to fall asleep ontop of you, because not only is he with his s/o but he knows youd go out of your way for him, so he will get extra comfortsble
actuslly either way hes settling in, you didnt protest him when he positioned himself so now he is going to make himself at home, so what if a leg traps your arm or his body eeight is probably enough to crush you? hes calmed
BUT if you want him to donit more, and you decide to tell him, hes thoughtful about it
he now knows that you like it, so hell wrap his arms around you, or put his face to your shoulder while he rests
he is all for it, and while he may seem indifferent, or not verbally affirming you, he has a small glint in him thats grateful to know it, and he will be caring with it
with this knowledge he may try to apply it to other things now
firm hugs? letting himself lean into you while standing? a nice yet secure holding hands time? he wants to put it to the fullest extent
you may catch a smallll smile on his face while you two are half asleep
he really loves to put a hand on your chest and feel you heartbeat, or feel you breathe, something sbout it is just very easing to him and he likes to do it when you two rest
Otis Driftwood
he loves to lay his weight on you because he thinks its funny trapping you under him, because whats better than him snickering as you try to push yourself against his weight and failing?
he stares you in the eyes as he does this judt to see your reaction, but when he sees you settling in and accepting it, his fun is ruined
"Whaddya like me doin' this? I'm tryin to crush you for gods sake!"
you in fact do, and tell him this exactly
when he hears this he laughs like an idiot, he not only finds this hilarious that when he spreads himself out and prevents you from moving that you like it, but you ask if he would do it more often
"Darlin', are you feeling alright?"
thats the only argument he gives, because he sees that this is something you like and he thinks its a little nice to be able to hold you so thoroughly while you two relax
strolling his fingers along your collar bone and looking at your face, maybe keeping ideas for his art to perform later is his favorite pros about this
if you want to lay in silence hes all for it, your beauty makes him adore you, and hell take his time to look over your body and see every thing specific to you
this is a winddown time for him as well, he may put his ear to your heart and just simmer down there, or grt away from his family like that
something about the unspoken intimacy is his favorite part if this, but he wouldnt let you know that
Brahms Heelshire
i STAND my ground that he is all too nervous to touch you or hurt you, his childhood was never easy and hes not used to it, so please ease him into this at his own pace, because one day it will be holding hands, and a few weeks later his lightly cuddling you
his touches at first are cautious, he doesnt want to scare you or be too firm, and even when you tell him its alright, you can see the slight tremble in his hands when he puts them over yoh
he consistently nods at you as an 'ok' to confirm youre ok, hes worried his weight may literally crush you
once he gets more comfortable, he likes to hold you from your under arms while he rests his head on your neck, hes trying not to be as hesitant because of your smile snd your happy aura
he truly loves cuddling snd physical touch, it makes him very clingy and he feels so much closer, emotionally & physically
he falls asleep so quickly, once hes nestled in snd happy hes tired, hes been yearning for someone to hold him and the fact that your protected and secured by him, being able to feel you wont leave, makes him trust you sm more
this is definitely a milestone if youre in a relationship, he truly loves you enough to push himself to do more
he may be distant after, as hes vulnerable, but warms up nicely after, and he will ask to do this more often
is still a bit shy, so the fact that you like it will loosen him up a bit
he feels closer to you, and less awkward or nervous about asking you for intimate things🫶
it was one night where he was entirely exhausted after a day of outing, where the minute he hit the bed he was out
he slightly missed the bed, and ended up falling asleep on you, arms outstretched to your sides like a pillow as he slept hard
your cheeks were burning, and embracing this nice moment, you held him comfortably as you drifted off to sleep, his breath hitting your neck as he slept heavier
eventually when the morning sun came through, he got up and went about his day, trying some to not wake you up from the way you two slept
he found it a little odd you didnt tell him to move, but what should he care, you two both slept in the end
when you got up, he was sitting at a chair in the kitchen with the paper, skimming the news for anything be wanted to see, giving you a tired hum as his goodmorning
"Could've moved me y'know. Fell asleep right ontop of ya."
his eyes moved from the paper slightly, seeing if you were disturbed, but when he saw a slight smile on your face with your chest faintly quickening, he was amused
both eyebrows raised with curious look, he wanted to know whats so funny
"What? Looks like that was your best nights sleep in a while honeybun."
he loved to use his sarcastic little petnames to lighten you up, but thr last thing he expected you to say was that you actually liked it
he laughs thinking youre joking, because that night he was just limp on you, but you said you eere serious as you made your breakfast
"You like me being laying on you, is my weight a pillow for you?"
hes still trying to grasp thr concept, but in the end he realizes that you truly did appreciate it, but he will keep being a dick about it
"Whatever you say darling,"
he does slightly enjoy it because he feels like he can let some of his stress go, and it leads to him being less tense as he gets usually throughout the day
he will talk to you the whole time, he has too much fun passing the time by getting into imaginary arguments where he gets annoyed, and eventually rests his chin on your chest while he sits in silence, cooling down
Lester Sinclair
he is too damn excited when he gets to hold you, bear hugs, resting his chin on your head or shoulder, kissing your forehead and pulling you along when your holding hands
so when you even mention the fact that you like it, hes curious, he wants to see why youre all flustered just asking
so after a ling day of work, he asks if you can 'do that cuddle thing'
he is also very careful when adjusting himself to s comfortable position, but he likes to pull you close to him as he smiles into your chest
his hat falls onto you and he likes to put it on you since youre like his ' gorgeous image', he thinks you look wonderful
very hearty laugh, so if he laughs with his head tilted on its side on your chest, you can feel the vibrations from it
he is such an open and chill boyfriend, he thinks this new way of cuddling is perfect and lived to bring it up in a fun light
he likes to try to stay awake since this is the time where you two talk about anything n everything, its calming and peaceful
but he is very prone to sleeping sweetly on you
he trusts you truly, and this is like a dream he never knew he was having that was fulfilled
Vincent Sinclair
if snything, he is the most thoughtful brother when it comes to this
are you sure? what if he hurts you? maybe hes too heavy for you? how could he live with himself if something happened?
he takes caution when you ask, and slowly transitions from sleeping by your side to resting on your chest lightly
while hes there he loves to admire your features, your face is so delicate and he wishes he could explain to you judt how encapsulating you look, but his muse could never be captured perfectly that would reflect their natural beauty
when you tell him youd want this, hes not weirded out, he understands to just want something that may seem ofd but is truly comforting to you
he takes strands of your hair in his hand to examine, putting his head sideways while he sleepily adores everything sbout you
rubbing his back is something that makes him melt into you, its so reassuring he loves it
if you fall asleep or begin to shoe signs your tired, he wants to fall asleep with you, so hell trace your body in a calming way
sometimes his hair may fall as a curtain when he looks over you, his hair is soft and strong, giving you two a little privacy curtain while he presses light kisses over you
just happy to be with you likr this, its almost a privilege to him to have soft and caring touches
Bo Sinclair
oh my god hes laughing when you tell him, he has small tears springing from the corners of his eyes from laughing because you outta be joking
youre not?? oh sweetheart, you want a hefty man like him to relax on you? if its what youd like
hes not exactly against it, hes surprised and amused you said anything like that, but to see what its like, why not
he thinks hell be able to outlast you, its almost like a game of chicken for him, lets see how ling till youre begging him to move, and he will, smugly
but as you two rest and grt settled in, you have thr most serene look on your face like this is enjoyable, and he gets his doubts
he soon realizes this is a battle he wont win, and thats how the first time went
second time was slightly better, he can be a heavy sleeper when hes truly at peace, and a slight snorer, so if you feel his head just rest hesvily and a noise come from him, hes out cold
probably the best nights sleep he got in a bit
likes to mess with you subtly, flicking your nose softly or playing and abruptly coming to a stop when he runs his hands through your hair
he likes to see how relaxed tou get, its impressive to him
i finslly got to this im so sorry🤞🤞 but i hope u like it!!
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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stevebabey · 1 year
im giving some steve thoughts here bcs I have no where else to go:
steve knows how to ballroom dance. his parents made him go to cotillion classes when he was in elementary/early middle school so that, when they had to take him to fancy business events, he would know the proper etiquette. he knows which tiny fork and tiny spoon to use for what dish, he knows what to say to certain people, and he knows how to lead someone in a dance.
he probably never mentions it, like ever, but he still remembers everything he learned in the class, because his parents, when they’re home, force him to use the previously mentioned tiny spoons and forks. it makes his parents feel more pride in their money, and more important.
but just think about the possibilities. steve knows how to ballroom dance and we are doing NOTHING with this information. i need a cinderella or sleeping beauty or any other fairytale that involves dancing au. or a time travel au. something!!! anything!!!
🤲 <- dats me gratefully accepting ur steve thoughts forever and always <3 nonnie u sent like 7 whole ass ideas i coulda unpacked and i had to painstakingly pick the first one cos that one ALONE had me going a bit rabid!!! ur brain is humongous btw all ur reasoning for it all made perfect sense i am KISSIN ur brain so hard
you 100% find by completely accident because there is no way steve would never tell you on his purpose that his parents put him through finishing school, giving him this completely strange set of skills- but you find out nonetheless :) you’re in his kitchen, sometime in morning, the sun just peeking in through the windows and setting a warm glow across the room. ur both a bit sleepy and mumbly and steve’s making coffee for you both, tinkering at one of the counters, and while u wait, you decide to turn up the radio when a song you rlly adore comes on >:) you shuffle over to behind him, wind your arms around his waist, and bury your face his shoulder blades— nd steve lets out a lil sigh of content, thinking you’re just back for more cuddles (even after the 7 billion he just gave you in bed, you’re insatiable) and just leans back, relaxing into you a bit— but then you’re shuffling back, tugging him with you by the waist and he’s like woah! and when he looks over his shoulder with this endeared loving grin, you’re like, ‘dance with me?’ and begin this silly little dance, a half-hearted sway that you pull him along to and steve’s laughing, unable to deny you.
he turns to face you properly and lets you arrange his arms so you’re clasping one of his hands and his other is curled on your waist, beginning to amble across the wooden floor to the tune of the song— it’s only when you start jokingly counting, moving in time with a little ‘one, two, three,’ does steve accidentally open his gob and let his secret fall out. ‘honey, that’s not how you- proper waltzing is more like—‘ and for a single second, he is completely swept up in leading you in the dance, the skill coming back easily, and for a moment, it’s so worth it seeing the awed expression on your face as he holds your waist firmer and turns you both effortlessly. but then- THEN you get this little coy smile and steve realises what he’s done - ‘steven otis harrington can you BALLROOM dance?’ ‘that’s not even my middle name’ ‘don’t avoid the question’
you roll in your teasing for a moment when he steps back, hands coming up to cover his face because steve hates this — he hates that it’s almost dorky to know how to do this (dorkier to enjoy it, like he does) hates that it’s proof of his parents wealth forced upon him, and shit, tommy used to give him a hard time for it, jeering and actually making fun of him— but that’s not you. you reach up and grab his wrists, egging his hands away from his face and as much as it does make u want to laugh just a bit, you push it away when you speak softly, ‘steve? c’mon, why are you hiding? it’s not embarrassing if you know how to dance’ and he lets you move his hands an inch, his embarrassed eyes peeking out from behind his fingers, ‘it’s humiliating actually, is what it is’ and you’ve gotta roll your eyes a bit because drama queen alert
‘nah,’ you say casually because it isn’t a big deal, ‘who told you that? probably some idiot like tommy who doesn’t know shit’ and since you actually hit the nail on the head with that one, it makes steve feel a little better because you KNOW him, you know what makes him feel small. he lets his hands slip away from his face and is granted a relieved smile from you, all adoring and you reach up to tuck his messy hair behind his ears. ‘baby, i am not gonna laugh at you for that, you just- you surprised me, okay? and maybe i’ll be just a little bit mad’ you pinch your fingers together in front of him, showing just a SLIVER of space between them, ‘that you KEPT this from me. like how many romantic slow dances have we missed? can you tango? can you do the dips?’ and without missing a beat, steve’s moving swiftly—arms circling your torso in all the correct positions, his feet moving to a stance as he leans and immediately dips you, drawing out a surprised yelp — your hands instinctively grab his shoulders to hold on and while your stomach swoops in surprise, after a moment, you realise he really does fuckin know what he’s doing cos you’re draped in his arms in a deep dip, not being dropped, and his face hovering just above yours. ‘yes,’ he murmurs, a familiar smirk gracing his pretty mouth. ‘i can do the dips,’ and then, well, if you kiss him a little more passionately than you have all morning because of that dip, that’s your own business
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urmom609402 · 7 months
Part 2 of The Cold
Happy Halloween!! I saw the interaction with the first part of this story and was really relieved to see that people enjoyed it. I hope this new addition will suffice, again, much love <33
PS. this is NSFW- w/w and w/m (I've never written smut so forgive me, but again, any notes or suggestions I will happily read them)
What felt like hours had passed, I was starving and even if I didn’t want to admit it…cold. Beyond all other feelings I somehow felt calm. It wasn’t Otis making me feel this way, but the fact that I was out of the storm. As the sky boomed outside I heard a clash of yelling and laughter roaring from below. Before I could try and make out what they were saying, there were stomps right outside the door. 
“Knock Knock poopy-head!” Baby cackled before busting the door down. “What’d my brother do to you? You dont look too good.” She smiled wide. “You need a new dress, I got just the thing.” she ran out the door before popping her head back in. “I’ll untie you when I get back.” She blushed faintly and sauntered across the hall.
Baby was a peculiar woman, precious in a way but clearly a little out of her mind. I enjoyed her company, although that could just be because she was the only person my age in the house. More than anything else I wish to get out of this rotting maze of a house, but if I step foot out of this room I know I'm going back to my boyfriend in a bodybag. The thing is, we lived near here too. Always driving past that fork in the road, steering clear of it everytime…like clockwork. But I guess it wasn't a total lie to say I needed a ride home, but i chose to walk home because I knew it was close enough before the convertible got to me. 
"I got just the thing.." Baby lifted up two dresses, one, a vintage flower dress from the early 60s. And the second, lingerie and a robe that looked exactly like Mama's. "I wasn't sure which one you preferred but I thought it could be fun to do a makeover." She smiled and sat in my lap. "You got real pretty eyes, you know? I think the blue flowers would match you well…." She reached around me to untie my wrists from the chair. "I'm gonna untie you, but please don't scream, or run. We'll just have a little makeover while my brothers…" she pauses. "Go find more friends." 
I didn't know how to respond as she was clearly covering herself up, but as she untied me I caught her staring at my exposed cleavage a couple times. I didn't feel uncomfortable per say, but I started to feel an unexplainable tension between us. She stood up in front of me, taking the dress off its hanger and putting it in front of me as I very slowly got up on my feet, taking a quick spin to get a better look at Otis' room. The drawings on the wall were unlike any I've ever seen, it was grotesque but beautiful. He had a talent for arts of some kind, clearly, but of what I couldn't tell beyond the walls. Baby quickly grabbed the sides of my hips.
"Hey silly? Gotta take your clothes off if you wanna look nice for Otis!" She smiled wide, spinning me around to face her.
"For Otis?" I asked, face still shocked from her hands.
"Yeah! I saw how he looked at you… you two know each other. I assume you two must've fucked or something-" she laughed softly at my discomfort. "Oh… my bad, but you'll still look very pretty once I'm done…" She blushed gently, holding my arms up in the air to take off my T-shirt. It was drenched in sweat, tears, rain and dirt. I had gone through hell and back and now she just took off all the pressure I've felt for the past few hours. As she undressed me I felt her hands explore a little more than expected. Pulling the dress over my breasts gently sliding up and down seeing if I noticed her touch or not- I had- or how her hands always hovered over mine as I slid the bottom of the dress down my thighs when I sat down again. She looked at me as if I was some goddess, a beauty she's never seen before.
"Thank you…I feel much better now." I said, voice a little hoarse.
"You look much better too… got a nice set of tits on you, huh?" She bit her lip taking me all in. 
"Thanks, not too bad yourself." I saw her mouth curve into a small grin before pouncing me onto the bed.
"You flirting with me?" She plays with my hair, tugging on it gently, as I try to weigh out my options. She tugs on one long strand hard "Heyy!!" She sounded annoyed like a little kid about to throw a tantrum. "Are you flirting with me or not?" 
Putting my hand over hers I tried to calm her down as her gaze became slightly animalistic over me. "Yes." Her face lit up, she readjusted herself so her knees were against my thighs, leaning over me. 
"Otis hasn't touched you has he?" She whispered before kissing my neck.
"No… should I be concerned about that?" I said petting her hair. I was too paralyzed and surprisingly turned on to move away.
"Maybe… he usually doesn't keep someone alive for this long so he must really admire you. Don't be surprised if he does more than touch you though…" she giggles softly and peppers kisses over my head and neck.
I felt a shiver go down my spine as she touched me.. caressing each curve with passion, slowly rocking herself back and forth over my thighs unknowingly. I felt so desperate for escape I just did what I needed to. Explore her. She didn't mind, but I had ever been with a woman, that became clear as soon as I tried to dip my hand between her thighs. 
She giggled, shoving my hand against her inner thigh. "You wanna feel how happy you make me?" She keeps my hand still as I try to glide up and down, a weak attempt at teasing. "Say it!" She said angrily. 
I sat up, hand still between her legs and nodded. "I want to feel every inch of you Baby." I took my other hand and hooked it onto her other leg, spreading them out more, so I can flip her under me. Before I could do that she stuck her hand under the dress knocking me back down onto the bed, kneading my breasts. As my breath grows shaky, I feel my pussy throb, desperate for some kind of touch. As I reached my free hand under the new panties she had given me, before she grabbed it and pinned my arms to my side.
"Let me help." Never breaking eye contact she snaked her way down onto the ground, grasping my ankles and draping my legs over her shoulders. As she dipped her head between my legs, she left long, soft kisses on my inner thighs. When I clamped my legs together she playfully bit my left leg. "I'll be gentle… just keep them apart for me.." she whispered sweetly, all previous emotions out of the window, no more anger, or animalistic urges, she wanted to help me out.
Bang bang bang
"Open the fucking door! This is my room Baby you better get your fucking ass out of it before I send a bullet through your god damn skull and drag you out myself!" Otis frustratedly screamed from the other end of the door. 
Baby wiped her lips, and looked behind us at the door. "Make me!" She pushed my legs back into the bed as if nothing happened, leaving me to lay down star-struck in the middle of the bed.
Soon there was a crash, door flying open to see Otis, now shirtless and a little bloodied. As he held himself back from smacking the shit out of Baby, he locked eyes with me, splayed out on his bed, legs trembling as my chest heaved post-orgasm. His stare wasn't how it was before, it wasn't the look of death.. it was a look of the admiration Baby mentioned before. He looked back at me, and then back at Baby, who was now flushed in the face as red as I was, giggling and licking my cum off her fingers trying to continue seducing me from across the room.
"Oh Jesus Baby you didnt!" Otis groaned, ripping her fingers out of her mouth.
"You're just jealous I got to her first!" She said hitting him and wiping the remainder of liquids from her hands on her dress. Otis pushed her out of the room leaving us alone together.
"Baby really touch you?" He gruffed walking over to me.
"She did more than touch.." I smiled.
He sat down on the other end of the bed. "Up." 
"Don't ask questions, just do it." He barked, flicking his finger up at the ceiling.
I felt very wobbly, unable to balance. I stood against the bed and looked back at him. He gave another inquisitive look at my face, and panned down my body.
"What are you doing?" I mumbled.
"Seeing what I'm working with sweetheart." I felt myself cringe at the pet name but tried not to let it show in my face as he edged closer to me, tracing his fingers against my waist. "Baby treated you real good didn't she?" He tisked. "If you just waited for me to come back like I said.. you would've been just as warm." He slapped my ass, holding me up causing me to jump. "You move an inch and I'll rip your spine out, y'hear me?"
I nodded. He let go of my ass and worked his way off the bed and onto his feet, looking down at me, gripping my chin firmly to get me to look at him.
"Here's what's gonna happen. You wanted to feel warm, so I'll make you feel like you're burning." He lifted my dress up. "Baby's?"
"Yeah… gave me a makeover."
"Good…” He took the dress and flung it across the room, taking in every inch of my body. “She gave you bruises, you know.”
“I don’t mind…”
“You don’t mind a little pain with your pleasure momma?” He smirks and leans down. “Baby treated you real good… but I can treat you better.” 
Suddenly, Otis took a quick bite on my neck, causing me to hold onto his shoulder. As he bit he gently kissed the wound, working his way around it with his tongue, noticing how I would jump a little under his touch. He understood I was afraid, and tried his best to control himself. The kisses he gave reached from my neck to my breasts, taking his sweet time. This lasted for nearly twenty minutes, simple kisses, nothing more, he wanted to tease me. 
Seduce me.
But who am I kidding? His goal was to tease.
And it was a success, I felt comfort and lust unlike any previous encounters I've had with a man...which freaked me out. How come a man who looked like he was going to kill me only hours before be able to turn me on so much? A question I’ll never be able to answer, I kept it in the back of my mind letting my body give into this wave of pleasure- forgetting I was stranded in a house of horrors. 
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myers-meadow · 1 year
House of 1000 Corpses AU ch. 6.1: Initiation
Title: chapter 6 Initiation
Summary: Doe Eyes' initiation into the darker part of the family. Shared AU with @immortal-velociraptor and @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, who Blinky and Selena belong to, respectively.
Wordcount: 2278
Warnings: canon-typical stuff. Gore, blood, grossness, psychological torture, cigarettes. Also: some fluff.
Trying to make chapters smaller so it's less daunting for me to write, so I cut the current chapter I'm working on in two (the thing is already longer than 5k words and I'm still going). Quite a large chunk of this was written weeks ago. Hope you enjoy <3
Divider by firefly-graphics as always.
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“What you wanna do with him, princess?” Otis asked, as I finished my braid, leaving the end untied for now. It was greasy enough for it to stay decently enough. His hand that first pet my head, now warmed my thigh. “Take his fingers? His hand? Baby’d wanna scalp him, we can do that too. It’d be fitting.”
“Do you want to use him for a project?” I asked, keeping my voice quiet. The excitement was practically buzzing from Otis as he thought of the numerous ways he could torture poor Neil, but he kept his attention on me.
He hummed. “Don’t think this one’s inspiring me much. So, tell me, what’s your idea? I can tell you have some in that big brain of yours.”
“What you do with him is not up to me, you do as you like anyway.”
Glancing at panicked yet tired Neil did not give me any hope for him. His fate was sealed the moment he set foot in this house.
Otis barked out a laugh. “You’re part of this, whether you like it or not. May as well have some fun with it. Come on, Doe Eyes.”
“Okay, fine, but outside,” I said, playing with the charm on my earring.  
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After telling him my idea in hushed voices in the hallway, Otis could not contain his grin – and I felt like a true part of the Firefly family, however strange that sounded. Not wanting to see or hear whatever he got up to until it was time for my part in it, I wandered the house to look for chores to do.
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“Doe Eyes! There you are,” it was Blinky, who rounded the corner, rushing to get to the attic.
“Blink! What are you up to?”
“Selena said that RJ was trying to catch raccoons, but that will hurt them, so we need to save the them.”
“Ah, I’ll come with. He put traps in the attic?”
After gathering the traps, and making sure neither of us got hurt in the process, we sat in their room with a bowl of sugary cereal.
“I don’t think there’s really any raccoons,” I tried, to make sure they wouldn’t worry, “or we would’ve seen traces of them up there.”
“After all that crawling around, we have to do something fun,” they said, head already somewhere else. Resolutely they set the bowl down on the nightstand. “Baby went through her old make-up, wanna try something out?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be your canvas if you like.”
Blinky chatted as they did my make-up, something colourful, in pink and blue. I wasn’t allowed to talk or I’d move my face too much. At the end, they held a mirror up like they would at the hairdresser’s. “What do you think?”
“It’s so pretty, thank you. My turn next? I have an idea.”
“Oh, exciting!” They sat down, kicking their feet since they were short enough for them not to touch the floor.
“Sit still,” I warned, although that was just a formality, a habit. It didn’t matter if it takes a little longer. Dipping the brush into yellow first. I wasn’t practiced like Blinky was, but I used to paint kid’s faces sometimes, on special days at the end of the school year – colourful things.
“There, all done,” I said, trying to hide that I was proud of how good it came out. A yellow-brown butterfly, the one with many gorgeous eyes on its wings. I held the mirror up to show them. “Mein schöner Augenfalter. Do you like it?”
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After dinner, it was time to do my part of the idea I had – wanted to give Neil the advantage of darkness. Nerves made my hands tremble and my heart race. I went up the stairs, feeling like each step made terrible noise from how uncoordinated my body felt, then crept in Otis’ dark room, only lit by a strip from the door that I left open to hear if anyone was coming. Neil’s chair was in the middle of the room, his back to me. The knife still stuck in the arm rest of the chair where Neil was sitting. He looked pretty beaten up, cuts all over, some even on his face and I cringed just looking at him. But now was to moment to prove my worth, my place in this family – so I kneeled down in front of the chair and pried the knife from the wood.
“Hey Neil,” I whispered. He was awake, and tried saying something through the rag in his mouth. I held my finger in front of my lips. “You gotta be very silent, okay?”
Pulling the gag down, he coughed and licked his dry lips, trying to croak out words, I shook my head.
“Quiet, or they’ll hear you.”
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? They’re all downstairs in the living room, except Tiny, he’s in the basement. Can you remember that?” With the knife out of the way, I untied the ropes binding his wrists and torso.
“You’re all going to jail for this,” he managed to get out.
I halted my movements, raising my eyebrows at him. “Do you prefer me to leave you here?”
Neil’s eyes widened as he realised he messed up again. “I mean, you’re with them, aren’t you?”
I shook my head. “I was like you not too long ago,” and I pushed up my sleeve enough for him to see one of the scars, “but it’s fine. Even if I go to jail, it’s fine. Please just get help.”
Neil, impatient, bend down to help me undo the ropes around his ankles. He looked at me then, only nodded.
“There’s a set of car keys by the door or in one of the coat pockets. They have a dog tied outside somewhere. I’m gonna go back downstairs and try to keep everyone there for a bit – wait until I’m down, yeah? Yeah.”
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And so it began. I trailed back downstairs, where I made tea with hands that shook so bad I only dared fill the cup halfway. The danger of what I did felt terrible. What if Neil really got away? What if he really went to the police and- the thought of it was too much, making my heart beat a terrible rhythm. Blinky in jail- no, never, that should never happen. Even if Blinky was safe, and Selena too, on reasonable grounds of having been imprisoned, the thought of the rest of the family torn apart and imprisoned like common criminals was a horrifying thought. They had it coming, according to some, perhaps. But no, this family was more than just- than just criminals. They were a family. It felt like they were well and truly above the law, like nothing of the morals and values of the world outside of this house applied to them. And by now, I’m part of this. I’m part of this family. I pulled the tea bag from the mug and left it for later on the counter; time to go to the living room and hope for the best.
Mrs. Firefly, Baby and Blinky occupied the couch; RJ and Ghost must be in RJ’s room. Or walking the dog. Once I reached the living, Otis pulled me to sit with him in the armchair.
“Careful with the tea,” I said, which he ignored. I sat down on the matching ottoman in front of him. Our knees bumped into each other, which only further frayed my nerves.
He leaned forward. “You’re nervous.”
I hummed as I took a first sip of the tea that was still too hot, but I needed the comfort.
“Let’s have smoke,” he said as he stood up, expecting me to follow.
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The cold January wind bit my face as soon as we stepped outside. Otis got the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, let me take one first.
He chuckled as he lit it for me and I took a first, big drag.
“Shut up,” I said, before he even opened his mouth.
“Don’t you love a good hunt?” he said, choosing to ignore me. He breathed in deep. “Can already smell the fear.”
“That’s just me.”
He put his smokes away – did he take me outside just so I could smoke?
“Princess, what are you afraid of? It’s not your hide on the line.” His voice was smoother as he talked, pleasant to the ears. As I toyed with the cigarette and looked anywhere but him, he trailed his finger up my arm, teasingly. He steadied my hand, raising it to his face so he could take a drag for himself.
“You’re in a good mood and it’s making me even more nervous,” I mumbled, messing with my earrings. His hand found a spot at the back of my head, underneath the braid, and he pulled it lightly so I’d look up at him as I exhaled the smoke. His unusual amber eyes searched my face, and as he pulled at my hair, that specific spot, it was like a switch flipped. His hold was not tight, but I felt like a puppet, easy for him to manipulate, easy for him to overpower – cruel hands so tender then, so sure of their hold on me. It was an almost a primal, base feeling, something ingrained, something I couldn’t stop. With a soft gasp, my eyes flickered shut as arousal stabbed my gut unexpectedly with each small tug.
“That’s a sweet sound, princess,” he chuckled darkly. “Be patient, I’ll spoil you after I’m done with the Scot.” His breath was hot on my face, and I felt caged by his presence alone. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he looked to mine. “You can be good and wait for me tonight, yeah?” Then he let go of my hair, and the spell was broken. Shakily, I took a last drag, staring at my boots in the mud.
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As soon as I caught a glimpse of Neil’s auburn hair, I retreated to brush my teeth, even though it was rather early. In the bathroom, I stared at myself for a long while, before washing my make-up off. I looked normal. Fine. Just like any other day. It felt like I should be going grey from stress by now, but no, no such thing. A dangerous mood to be alone in, but I didn’t want to worry Blinky, and Baby would just tease me about Otis. I was already halfway down the stairs to the basement, before I realised that it was Tiny I headed to. I knocked and he opened the heavy basement door.
“Hi, Tiny, how are you? Can I stay here for a little bit? You can kick me out any time.”
His movements slow, he stepped aside to let me enter, and nodded to let me know he understood me. He handed me the book on his nightstand, even though Mrs. Firefly said he couldn’t hear well, and gestured me to sit down on his bed and read to him. The story was a simple adventure story, and halfway through, tiny laid down with his head in my lap. Not long after that, his eyes fell closed, and I replaced my thigh with the pillow, hoping he’d continue his sleep.
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Immediately as I closed the basement door behind me, being careful with the noise even though Tiny wouldn’t hear, the dread and jitters were back. Right. Neil.
Up the stairs, on my way to brush my teeth a second time – just to stall, I passed Otis’ open door. He noticed me walk by, and went over to pull me inside, a knife in his hand, blood dripping on the floor.
“Nice of you to join us,” he said, grinning smugly. “All thanks to you, Neil and I had a nice time getting to know each other, didn’t we, Neil? Why don’t you say ‘thank you’ to sweet Doe Eyes for setting you free?”
Otis pulled down the gag and Neil spit out a string of profanities so vile, I flinched. “You betrayed me, you fucking cunt-”
Otis, who noticed my discomfort, shoved the gag back in his mouth, but the grin remained on his face. I’d truly done my part, and my stomach twisted itself into knots.
“Oh, Doe Eyes, come over here for a second, yeah, come ‘ere,” Otis opened his arms for me, and feeling lost and sick, I walked around Neil’s chair and right into them. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, then rubbed my back. “You did well, real well. Couldn’t have thought of a better gift.”
“Gift?” I echoed, swallowing the bile in my throat. He released me, turning his attention back to poor Neil.
Otis chuckled. “If you wanna give the knife a try, he’s all yours.”
“No,” I said, voice firm for the first time that day.
Otis shrugged and twirled the knife in his hand. The handle was slippery with blood. “No matter.”
“I’m gonna try to sleep,” I said. “Do you know if Baby still has hers? If not, I can sleep with her if it’s quieter.”
He shook his head. “She’s gonna stretch ‘em out for a while – had a crush on the short one.” With the confidence of a jaguar, he walked around the tied man, seizing me up like he once seized Neil up. His eyes caught mine and it felt like a stab in my gut. “Don’t forget my promise, we’ll play too, tonight. I won’t be long.”
“You know Spaulding will complain if you don’t keep it down; don’t make it too late.”
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On the topic of gilfs. Can you imagine how the horror guys would respond to this phrase? Like, I'm pretty sure that Inkubus knows about this a little TOO well. Drayton, I'm pretty sure, probably hasn't heard a thing like that and is just asking why he gets the occasional heart eyed look. Jim... I'm not sure if he'd know or not, but I bet he'd get SO smug once he finds out/someone reminds him.
You know I love talking about the old folks. Here we go-
Old Folks reacting to you calling them a GILF (Grandparent I'd Like to Fuck)
Captain Spaulding: He thinks this is so fucking funny XDD He's gonna make so much fun of you. You want this wrinkly old dick?? That's what you're into? Fuck!- You're something.
Drayton Sawyer: Omg the picture you painted XD Like- what's that?? Bubba, what- what is that face she's givin me? What do I look like, a snack food?? When someone tells him what (he is) GILF is, he thinks its a mean joke. Like yeah, make fun a' the old guy, ha ha ha- fuck you.
Granny Boone: Hell yeah I am!
Inkubus: Like you said XD Tell him something he doesn't know, honestly-
Luda Mae Hewitt: ... Are you messing with her?? =_= If not, then she's so flattered, haha XD She thinks its so funny, and its been a while since someone complimented her!! ^^ <3<3 If you're a victim, though... she's not gonna react.
Manual Dyer: How nice of you to say, dear. Would you like to be his 27th wife?
Mayor Buckman: He's choking again. You what!?-
Peepaw Myers: ... *stabs you*
Norman Nordstrom: Uh... really? He's not gonna show it but he is intrigued by this and will be thinking about it to himself for a while. You think he's handsome?? You wanna fuck him?? Can he use this to get you to have his child? Hmmm...
Otis B Driftwood: Yeah whatever, good for you, I don't give a flying fuck.
Pamela Voorhees: hahahahaha you're so funny! be sure to lock your door tonight, okay dear? i heard their was a murderer around... (you are in peril.)
Sheriff Hoyt: ... ladies love a man in uniform.
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Stuart Lloyd: So many things going on in his head. Like really?? Are you making fun of him?? Do you actually think he's handsome?? How old are you?? How does he respond?? What does he say to that?? Are you laughing?? He wants it to be true but he's suspicious.
Walter Harris: He's flustered but also READY. Like, he thinks you're gonna fuck him right there?? Calm down Walter.
Dr Peter Andover: ... excuse him, he needs a vat of coffee to deal with this. Be right back. Here's a pamphlet about Freud to peruse.
Ivan the Awesome: ... what!???? Very alarmed, staring you down, hoping to god you're joking-
Jim Bickerman: Smug, yes XD Like, oh really?~ Gilf, huh? He's gonna keep that in mind for later when their aren't any crocs around okay?~ (he'll come back for you 🤣🤣)
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I’m not going to lie when I say I'm a huge simp for this man, right here. Yes I know that he’s really problematic, but every slasher is problematic in there own way (besides Bubba sawyer, Jason Voorhees and Carrie white they’re amazing sweethearts)
Dating Otis driftwood would include:
//warning: nsfw-ish, minors DNI//
•Gore. And lots of it, he loves gore and he loves everything that comes with it, organs, bones, brains everywhere. so that kind of stuff grosses you out, you’re out of luck
•you’re going to have to deal with him being A necrophiliac, sorry, but Otis really loves them cold and lifeless.
•you’re going to have to deal with major PDA, so stuff such as, holding your hand, groping you, public sex (When the devil himself wants you, he's going to have you), or his favorite kissing you.
•walks during the midnight hours, after he is done with rituals, talking about stupid things that don't make sense to either of you, but hey nights like these are fun for Otis and you and it definitely makes up for that peace and quiet you to seem to miss out on so often. Thanks to Spaulding, or grandpa Hugo (Most of the noise is caused by Otis, but don’t tell him that)
•Being best friends with Baby which is amazing, Baby is one of those crazy loyal best friends, definitely will steal you from Otis most of the time, because she wants more ’girl time’
•being Otis’s muse, and giving him ideas for his next art piece. Him asking you what he could do to make his work better, etc
• Cutter aka Captain Spaulding is definitely going to be protective of you like he is with Baby and Otis, why?, because your Otis’s S/O and part of the family. the problem with Spaulding being like a protective father figure to you, is that it’s not really that pleasant sometimes, like he’ll definitely watch out of you and have your back, but the moment he helps you out of the situation your in he’ll laugh at you, or tell you how stupid you were. Baby says that's how he shows he cares
• prepare getting degraded a lot, and when i say a lot, I mean A LOT. this man loves degrading people, and just because you’re his S/O doesn’t make you any different. In or out of the bedroom he’s going to call you names ”slut” is his favorite. This doesn’t mean Otis won’t praise you, he will trust me, its just When he’s more in a calm mood. He just likes to see you blush.
•He has a really high text Drive, so if those corpses don't satisfy him. It’s your turn, but in case you’re a masochist, it won’t really feel nice, but he’ll make it up to you with craze in aftercare.
•Be prepared to never talk to any man again, besides the ones that are in the firefly family, this man is definitely obsessive and possessive, hardly lets you leave the house, or even out if his sight. Deep down he’s just really insecure because no one’s ever liked him like you do, especially if you can put up with all the sick, twisted and disgusting things he does and still smile at him with heart eyes. Definitely doesn’t want to share you.
• if a poor victim of the firefly family insult you in anyway, Otis is definitely going to torture them and make it as painful as he possibly can and he’s going to make you watch, because he’s into that kind of thing. He’ll also fuck you next to the victims corpse, but that just Otis being Otis.
• On the contrary of what people think of him, I think he wouldn’t care about what gender his S/O is, or the way they dress, he just wants someone to love him. I also think Otis would be into an S/O who dresses all cute. He likes the idea of him, this gross man loving on someone who’s adorable and loving, but also gross.
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I know this is bad, but I really was trying to think for this one, I haven’t been on here in awhile, I needed someway to get The creative juices flowing. Anyways hope you liked his I really tried to keep this as close as i can for canon Otis, even though I know this isn't close to canon.
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