#Ouat abc
skeeterofthefeeder · 2 months
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we do a little trolling
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Shipuary Day 1: Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
First day of Shipuary everyone! I may be able to actually complete the challenge this year!! Starting off with the couple I didn’t get to a few years back, good ol Captain Swan <3 These two will always hold a special place in my heart, and this piece is actually a redraw of one from some years ago lol, pretty proud of the improvement!
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alexgalaxyboo · 2 years
Listen okay okay listen to me sit down and listen to the words I am telling you.
I do not like any most adaptations of Alice in Wonderland. Nothing specific, just a squick I guess, not my cup of tea if you will. (pun 100% intended)
I do not like Once Upon A Time. Was it a fun show that I watched? Yeah sure! I mean, I watched it, I got invested and I cared- obviously- but it's not like a cinematic masterpiece or anything and I probably could've spent those hours of my life better. But it's a love hate relationship okay it's alright.
HOWEVER. Jefferson's story was, is and probably always will be absolutely HEARTWRENCHING to me. Is it because I'm just sad and gay and love anything that has to do with your good ole familial love? Possible. Is it because Sebastian Stan specialises in looking like a sad kicked puppy? Equally possible, I don't know what to tell you man.
His story will absolutely WRECK ME time and time again, doesn't matter how much time has passed I don't care I don't care. The show will be like "And so he took the job because he wanted to provide the best for his daughter and it was all a trap and he was betrayed." and I'll be sitting there probably like I don't know the fifth time I've watched it and I'll be going "AND SO HE TOOK THE JOB BECAUSE HE WANTED TO PROVIDE THE BEST FOR HIS DAUGHTER AND IT WAS ALL A TRAP AND HE WAS BETRAYED." and then the show will go and tell me "But then the curse was solved and he still didn't seek her out because he thought she'd be mad at him for abandoning her even though she wasn't and never would be." and I like a goddamn fool will always go "BUT THEN THE CURSE WAS SOLVED AND HE STILL DIDN'T SEEK HER OUT BECAUSE HE THOUGHT SHE'D BE MAD AT HIM FOR ABANDONING HER EVEN THOUGH SHE WASN'T AND NEVER WOULD BE."
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jennifersminds · 10 months
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A one time thing,
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If I had a nickel for every time a blonde and a brunette share the custody of a child and still aren't a couple, despite the world shipping them and the high level of chemistry between the two of them I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Furthermore, the coincidences go on, in fact the brunette is the longtime parent and so the strict one, while the blonde is the new and permissive one. The brunette has trust issues, a conflictual relationship with their family and a forced marriage that ended badly, meanwhile the blond one didn't have family at all growing up, was kinda baby trapped and will happily sacrifice themselves for the child and the brunette.
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agenttommykinard · 2 months
have some more of my OUAT 911 AU... part one here
* * *
The forest seems to move around them, the nature of its ancient depths unknown to all of them. This wasn't just an ordinary forest-
"Keep going!" Captain Gerard yells through the heavy storm. "We're not leaving until we find the Queen!"
Their group continues on, their numbers now merely seven, when at the begining of their campaign they were twenty men strong. Its disenheartening, watching thier brothers in arms get picked off one by one, but their Captain was a hardened man and he didn't allow any of them to grieve.
It sits like a rock, heavy on his chest, but Thomas pushes forward.
If they don't complete this quest, then all of their deaths will be for nothing.
"I hate it here," Salvatore grumbles under his breath. "It's been nothing since rain and darkness. My armor is rusting-"
Thomas smiles despite himself, shaking his head at his closest friend. He bumps his shoulder into Salvatore's own and gets the other man to smile. Even in the dark, Thomas can see it as a challenge.
Salvatore pushes back and for a moment they're both just young men who grew up together, finding joy when they can when their world was hard. Thomas almost laughs, but he restrains himself from doing so.
"You'll get the Captain's attention," Thomas says, and what brief joy he had falls from his face. "We both know what he's like."
Salvatore looks at him, and nods his head solemly.
They know what their Captain is like when he gets an idea in his head, stubborn to the point of being dangerous. The King sent them on this quest, to capture the Queen of the Fae so that the King could control magic. So that their country could never be in danger again.
It's the ultimate honor, to die for their King and Kingdom.
But looking around at what's left of the people Thomas had grown up with, withering away from the months of travel, shaking from the cold and jumping at their own shadows in fear-
He's starting to have his doubts.
"Come on Men!" Gerard yells. "We're so close! We can get that Fairy, put and end to this quest and come home as heroes!"
The men all cheer as much as they can, their voices carrying throughout the trees. It feels like a battle cry of sort, though Thomas doubts they would win in any fights with how exhuasted they all are.
And still, Thomas joined in their cheers.
The forest twists endlessly in front of them, blocking their view. Thomas swears they've been walking in circles. It feels endless.
They're tired, exhausted and in such poor spirits that even Gerard agrees they should try and camp out for the night.
They find an area where the forest is so dense, that they are covered from most of the rain, and Thomas is sent out to try and find anything dry enough to use for firewood. He gives Salvatore his sword to watch after and grabs an axe. Gerard won't let any of them go in pairs with how few of them are left.
"Come back," Salvatore says grips Thomas' forearm weakly. Thomas has noticed how he had begun to visibly shiver hours ago, and that he was hiding his coughs from the others. "Don't make me come save your bastard ass."
"I can handle myself." He promises. "I always do." Thomas smiles and sits his friend down, giving him his waterskin. Salvatore tries to push it back but Thomas is stronger and they've both been taught never to show weakness and Salvatore gives up and takes the water. "Rest. Please." Thomas urges quietly.
"Fine," Salvatore huffs. "If only so I have the strength to cary you out of this cursed forest." He gives Thomas's arm another squeeze.
Then Thomas is off.
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okay i get that unfailing good and mercy was kind of belle’s thing, but personally if i was locked up for nearly thirty years and my all powerful, decently evil boyfriend wanted to kill the woman who did it, i would simply let him
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
Honestly? I'm in no rush for things to go past the point tevan are in now. And I don't understand the complaints about them being "underdeveloped". That's the exiting part and what I'm enjoying the most! that they're still in the very early stages and we're witnessing their development along the way. It's all shiny and new and exciting and I don't want it to end just yet. And I don't want to jump to a full established relationship and missing so many firsts. There's something exhilarating about the awkwardness and fascination of the person you like and getting to know. I'll never get enough of buck's giddiness and huge smile when tommy's mentioned. And to me personally this spark fades a little when a couple are past this part. So I don't mind being here for a little while.
Anon I’m gently kissing you on the forehead 😌
Because YES their pace is so slow and yet so excruciatingly sweet. We’re witnessing the blooming of a relationship and Buck is taking his time and enjoying it. He’s not panicking and rushing into it just to feel safe and secure like we’ve seen in the past. We’ve seen an established pattern of Buck jumping in head-first because he was trying to make the relationship feel more stable then it was (see asking Taylor to move in with him after drunkenly kissing Lucy).
With Tommy it feels like they’re creating something substantial that will last. And I completely agree that I don’t want to miss major moments of their relationship. If we need to wait and Tevan has a slow build then that’s just fine. All of us are familiar with slow burns. We don’t need them declaring their love for each other, or moving in together only a few episodes after their first kiss. Buck is so painfully enamoured with Tommy and I almost never want that first-rush-giddiness to go away even as they become more settled with each other.
The timelines of this show are so nebulous anyway, that trying to establish how long they’ve been together without them directly saying it would be really hard. For now, all we can do is sit back and enjoy the moments we’re given. And, if we’re really lucky, we’ll get to witness the beginning and the growth of their relationship throughout the rest of the show.
Like Buck said - here’s to another 7.
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skeeterofthefeeder · 2 months
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coming out as a once upon a time liker. i dontknow how many people are still into this show but i am here and i am very ill. please send help
based on this image vvvvvv
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aesthetic--mood · 1 month
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Ruby Lucas Aesthetic
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round Two (Bracket 8)
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clowniconography · 2 months
It's interesting going from watching Once Upon a Time to Lost (two shows that share a lot of the same cast members both onscreen and off) because it really shows how the creators' attitudes towards certain actors and tropes evolved over time. Like, the actresses who played the ice queen and the wicked witch on ooat both had larger roles on Lost but the actress who plays the evil queen is only briefly in like one episode. really makes it seem like they hired her and then went "y'know, she would be GREAT at playing a really evil lady for about six seasons"
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Me: "...Wait, why does this feel so familiar...?"
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Me: "....OHHHHHHHH............."
(Well played, ABC)
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anewkindofme · 4 months
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I don’t know if anyone else watches OUAT, but I got major Regal Believer feels from the goodbye scene.
“I want you to be here because you want to be here. Not because I forced you…I want to redeem myself.”
“I love you, no matter what. You want to go with your grandparents, okay. I hate it. But I love you. So, I’m letting you go.”
I’ve said this before, but I don’t need shows with perfect parents. I need shows with parents who fuck up but are willing to put in the work to do better. Two examples right here.
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New Evil Queen / Regina Mills bot is out :)
Icon by: Source was Pinterest
Link: https://character.ai/chat/_aQjuGtGAQFZIP8jZuch0EZLHtZTOh8U5DMMVFXmPqI
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