#Our Own Oslo
grubloved · 1 year
its so silly but i just keep thinking abt being in norway and seeing for the first time kinda ever that like governments can do things to make peoples life better. for no other reason but just to improve things. like im sure norway has lots of problems i didnt see on a trip but i cannot stress how insane it was that the government had done things because it would be nice. to take care of people. ?????
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jegheterkerry · 2 years
i have shingles! amazing! i was trying not to complain about my pain because i dunno i’m a woman i guess but then i got a rash on my belly and i was kind of hoping i had just touched something weird or maybe the dog transferred poison ivy from their fur to my bed to my belly (this sounds stupid now that i say it) but i went to urgent care by the end of the week and the doctor diagnosed it immediately, like i was still in the process of lifting my shirt when she said “that’s shingles.” so now here i am and i’ll tell you about the full body aches i’ve had for the past two weeks, the stinging pain and itchiness on my belly, the blisters that fill up to tiny balloons and then crater into bruises, the general skin sensitivity that makes me constantly aware of this stupid meatsack that...i am. there are probably other symptoms too, that i’m trying to brush off or toughen myself up against, but i’m too tired to look up my google search history to recap. my pain doesn’t matter unless someone else can identify the cause of it.
anyway, i got the chicken pox when i was a wee one, right before the vaccine came out, so shingles makes sense. i wish i had known more about it though, to diagnose myself better and faster. it was always this thing that old people get a vaccine for, but now i know you can get it when you’re younger, especially if you have a weakened immune system. i’m on an anti-viral medication now, so when my rash clears up i’ll go to my doctor and see if i can get the vaccine.
one thing that sucks though, besides the physical pain, is that this is just contributing to my covid paranoia. i was pretty convinced before that if i contracted covid, i would not survive, and here i am getting felled by a little herpes virus twenty years earlier than usual. what a wimp, what a weakling i am. i just know covid would knock me out the way a child flicks away a booger.
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doorhine · 7 months
"Europe’s oldest and last remaining Indigenous people are under grave threat as a result of borders, land seizures, construction projects dedicated to the extraction of natural resources and systematic discrimination.
Yet, that creeping sense of suffocation has made the Sami reach out to another set of Indigenous people nearly 4,000km (2,500 miles) away, whose fight for survival they identify with: the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.
Their own struggle for Indigenous rights and self-determination has turned the Sami into vocal advocates for the Palestinian cause.
“There is an instant urge to stand up for people who are being displaced from their homes,” Ella Marie Haetta Isaksen, a Sami activist and artist widely known for her singing, tells Al Jazeera.
Isaksen had just finished taking part in several months of demonstrations in Oslo for the rights of her own people when Israel launched its war on Gaza in October.
As the death toll mounted, anger about Gaza quickly spread through Norway generally and the Sami community in particular. Scores of Norwegians posted images of themselves holding “Stop bombing Palestine” placards on social media while mass demonstrations called for an immediate ceasefire after Nordic countries, with the exception of Norway, abstained from a United Nations General Assembly ceasefire vote on October 27.
For the Sami, it was a pivotal moment of two causes tangling into one. The community launched a series of regular protests in Oslo against the war in Gaza, and those rallies continue to take place."
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Hi hun, would you be in the mood to write something about dadrry dealing with his kids terrible twos pls
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The Terrible Two’s.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - something about lhh being a dad does something to me i simply cannot describe so enjoy my loves…!
word count - 1.4k
in which, travelling with your husband around europe hasn’t been the most smooth sailing, especially when your daughters currently experiencing her terrible twos.
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Faith Anne Styles.
After dating your boyfriend Harry for just over a year, you fell pregnant at the lovely age of nineteen and now both of you are at the age of twenty one and had a beautiful baby girl.
The perfect mix of both of you.
But life wasn’t all that swell.
As you stand backstage at the One Direction concert in Oslo, Denmark ,the pulsating excitement of the crowd seeping through the walls from the support act McBusted.
You watched as your boyfriend, the charismatic Harry Styles, attempts to navigate the treacherous waters of your two-year-old daughter Faith's terrible twos.
It seems that tonight, the tantrum monster has reared its head, threatening to disrupt the carefully choreographed chaos of the concert.
Great timing there, Faith Baby.
You glance around and notice Niall, Louis, and Liam, all observing the situation with wide eyes and amused expressions.
Harry, ever the doting father, crouches down to Faith's level, his brows furrowing in concern.
"Hey, baby love," Harry cooed gently, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of the chaos. "What's got you feeling so gloom and doom, eh?"
Faith's tiny face contorts, her little fists clenched tightly as she lets out a shrill cry. The sound reverberates through the backstage area, drawing amused glances from the rest of the band.
Louis, unable to resist a cheeky remark, leans over to Liam and whispers, "I think little Faith here is giving Harry a taste of his own teenage rebellion. Karma's a funny thing, innit?"
You never knew Harry in his pre teen years, however from the stories that you had been told by his family and fellow bandmates, he was a bit of a cheeky chappy.
And you couldn’t help but think that Faith, at just two years old, had developed some of his cheeky persona.
Before going down for naps, she would negotiate about how she wasn’t tired and then proceed to jump out of her crib, running through the house the same way that Harry would.
If you ever went to the shops or the park, then you would often catch her talking to random strangers as she held onto your hand or sat in her stroller, waving at them and being the kind girl she is and due to her father most likely doing the exact same thing.
You knew your two year old shouldn’t be interacting with strangers but she was just simply too adorable.
Liam chuckles and nods in agreement, but their attention is quickly pulled back to the unfolding drama.
Harry tries a different approach, his voice filled with patience and understanding. "Faith, darling, let's try to use our words, yeah? What's making you so upset?"
But Faith's wails persist, growing louder and more intense with each passing moment. She falls to the floor, kicking and flailing her arms, her cries echoing through the backstage area.
You watched as Harry ran a hand through his shoulder length hair, you could see slight stress lines appearing on his forehead.
He took it exceptionally hard when Faith would be upset, no parent liked to see their child sad but Harry absolutely hated it. He would always sit with her until she felt up for talking and although she was only a two year old and could hardly form a coherent sentence he would nod his head and listen to every word she said.
Faith idolised him.
Niall chuckles, watching the spectacle unfold. "Well, she's certainly giving us a show, isn't she? The drama of the terrible twos."
Tell you about it.
Harry shoots Niall a slight glare, finding absolutely nothing about the situation taking place funny in the slightest,before refocusing his attention on Faith.
He kneels down beside her, speaking softly amidst the cacophony. “Hey, my love, I know it's frustrating. Let's take some deep breaths together, okay? In and out."
But Faith's tantrum continues to escalate. She starts throwing toys and objects around, her frustration seemingly endless. The backstage area is filled with the commotion, drawing curious glances from the crew members and dancers nearby.
One thing you hated was gaining unnecessary attention.
Louis leans closer to Liam, a mixture of amusement and awe on his face. "I never thought I'd say this, but Faith might just give us a run for our money in the energy department."
Liam chuckles, nodding in agreement. "That she does. But Harry's got this. He's a patient one, that lad."
Harry tries different tactics, attempting to distract Faith with a toy or a silly face. But her cries persist, and the tantrum shows no signs of abating.
The band members exchange glances, a mixture of amusement, sympathy, and mild concern. This is uncharted territory for them, witnessing Harry deal with the full force of a toddler tantrum.
Harry's voice remains calm, though a hint of exhaustion seeps in. "Faith, sweetheart, I understand you're upset. Can you tell daddy what's wrong?"
But Faith's words are muffled amidst the tears and screams, her frustration rendering her temporarily speechless.
She continues to lash out, her tiny body wracked with sobs.
You step closer, offering your support. "Harry, maybe it's best if we take a break. Find a quiet spot for her to calm down."
Harry nods, his eyes filled with determination. "You're right, love. Let's find a quiet room where she can settle."
Together, a crew member leads you as well as Harry and Faith away from the backstage chaos, seeking Together, you lead Harry and Faith away from the backstage chaos, seeking refuge in a nearby dressing room.
The familiar scent of hairspray and the faint echoes of music provide a contrast to the storm of emotions still raging within Faith.
Gently closing the door behind you, you find a comfortable corner where Harry can sit with Faith in his arms. The room is dimly lit, allowing a sense of tranquillity to settle in.
Harry cradles Faith, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Shh, my love. We're here in our little haven. Take your time, sweetheart. We'll wait until you're ready to talk."
And if it was up to both you and Harry, you would both wait an eternity.
Faith's cries gradually subside into sniffles, her breath hitching as she tries to regain control, gripping a strand of her fathers long curls whilst the other grips onto the hem of his shirt.
Harry's soothing presence provides an anchor in the midst of her emotional tempest.
You sit beside them, offering a comforting smile. "It's okay, Faith. Mommy and Daddy are here for you. We love you, no matter what."
Faith looks up at you, her tear-stained cheeks glistening in the soft light. Her eyes search yours, seeking solace and understanding. You gently stroke her hair, allowing the silence to envelop the room, giving Faith the space she needs to collect herself.
Minutes pass, and the tension begins to dissipate. Faith's breathing steadies, her tiny frame relaxing against Harry's chest.
The storm of her tantrum has run its course, leaving behind a weary calm.
Harry speaks softly, his voice a comforting lullaby. "Sometimes, my love, we get overwhelmed. It's okay to feel angry or frustrated. But remember, we're always here to help you through it."
Faith nuzzles closer to Harry, finding comfort in his words. She wraps her tiny arms around his neck, seeking solace in his embrace.
The best father daughter duo.
The door creaks open, and Niall peeks inside, his eyes filled with concern. "Is everything alright?"
You nod, a sense of relief washing over you. "Yes, No, Faith just needed some quiet time. She's calming down now."
There was no doubt that Niall was Faith’s favourite uncle when it came to the four boys.
Niall steps into the room, his face softening as he gazes at the scene before him. "You're doing a great job, you guys. Parenting isn't easy, especially in the midst of all this craziness."
Harry smiles, gratitude and weariness mingling in his eyes. "Thanks, Niall. It's a learning process for all of us. But moments like these remind us why it's all worth it."
The sound of music drifts through the door, a reminder of the support act performing still in full swing. The energy of the crowd and the rhythm of the songs pulse through the walls, but in this small sanctuary, you find a moment of calm amidst the storm.
As Faith's breathing evens out and her grip on Harry loosens, you lean in and plant a tender kiss on her forehead. "We love you, Faith. And we're here for you, always."
Always and forever.
For eternity.
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the-old-mayhem · 1 month
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"In the early ‘90s, Euronymous also owned Helvete, a record store in Oslo that served as the Batcave for the black-metal movement. Members of the self-proclaimed Inner Circle crashed on mattresses in the basement, moist and dark like a dungeon. Parties at Helvete were legendary: huge, chaotic, candlelit affairs, where devotees wore corpse paint, black capes, and replicas of Viking gear. Many cut themselves with knives and broken bottles; particularly inspired groups would go out to desecrate graveyards, knock down stones, and spray-paint pentagrams and the number 666.
Hellhammer remembers people shooting guns into the shop walls; one guy hammered a nail into his own skull. Euronymous would beat himself with a bullwhip, causing blood to soak through his shirt in crimson stripes.
From his base at Helvete, Euronymous became a leader of the scene. He often expressed hope that black metal would incite young people to violence; conceiving methods of torture, he held lengthy lectures on how the pain would scare the victims. “It was an exciting period,” says Samoth, the guitarist for Emperor. “We all hung out and talked about our hatred for Christianity.”
- From ‘Blood Drinkers and Hellraisers: Norway’s Deadly Metal Underground’, Spin magazine February 1996. Part 2 of 2 🕯️
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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mayhem-things · 1 year
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Y/N starts to work for Euro in Helvete but when the heat between them grows they almost get caught by a customer
tw: slight mentioning of nsfw content
(1329 words)
thanks for 40 followers! It means a lot to me
In the small town of Oslo, Norway, nestled amidst the cobblestone streets and historic buildings, there was a record shop called "Helvete" Owned by the enigmatic Øystein Aaserth, it was a haven for music enthusiasts seeking solace in the world of vinyl. Øystein had always been passionate about music, and his knowledge was unmatched in the region. He took great pride in his carefully curated collection and longed to share it with someone who could truly appreciate it.
One sunny morning, Y/N, a young and vibrant individual with an immense love for the depths of Norwegian black metal music, found herself wandering the streets of Oslo. Y/N had recently moved to the city, seeking new adventures and a fresh start. Upon noticing the sign which strongly reminded her of the Venom logo belonging to Helvete, she couldn't resist stepping inside. The door chimed as Y/N entered the record shop, greeted by the warm and inviting scent of aging vinyl. She marveled at the neatly arranged rows of records and couldn't help but feel an immediate connection to the place. Lost in the melodies that floated through the air, Y/N didn't notice Øystein's intense gaze as he observed her from behind the counter. He had a way of spotting genuine music lovers, and Y/N's energy resonated deeply with him, differencing her from the other posers who would step into the store from time to time. As Y/N made her way through the aisles, meticulously sorting vinyls and occasionally humming along to a tune, Euro couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. The way her eyes sparkled with excitement, the way her slim fingers danced delicately across the records, it all fascinated him. With a smile on her face she purchased multiple vinyls of Venom, Bathory and Dissection.
She left the store yet the thought of her beauty stayed. To Euro's surprise she came back, purchasing more vinyls.
Days after days she returned, and Y/N became a regular fixture at Helvete, much to Øystein's delight. They would engage in lively discussions about artists, albums, and the magic of music. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, a harmony of shared passions and budding connection.
One evening, as the sun cast a warm glow over the record shop, Euronymous couldn't contain his growing affection any longer. With a gentle smile, he approached Y/N, their eyes meeting in a moment of anticipation.
"You know,"
he began, his voice filled with vulnerability,
"I've been searching for an employee for this place. I've been searching for someone who understands the profound impact music can have on our lives. Would you like to work for me?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected offer, her gaze locked with Øystein's. Unable to contain her excitement, she eagerly accepted, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her.
As Y/N began her new role at Helvete, she found herself immersed in a world of musical enchantment. Together with Euronymous, they spent countless hours organizing the records, discussing rare finds, and delving into the depths of the underground music scene. The more they worked side by side, the more they discovered the profound connection they shared.In the quiet moments between customers and the sound of vinyl spinning, Euronymous and Y/N engaged in deep conversations about their shared love for music, their dreams, and the mysteries of life such as the depths of satanism and the true evil hungering inside them.
Their thoughts intertwined effortlessly, forming a tapestry of understanding and intimacy.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, their relationship deepened. They became each other's confidants, trusting one another with their secrets and vulnerabilities. In the hallowed space of Helvete, their bond evolved beyond that of colleagues; it became a friendship forged in the fire of their shared passion.Yet, amidst the rhythmic beats of their growing friendship, a subtle undercurrent of something more began to surface. A flicker of attraction danced between them, both aware of the unspoken desires that lingered in their shared glances and lingering touches.
The chemistry that had sparked from their initial encounter continued to simmer, yearning to be explored.
One evening, after the shop had closed its doors, Euronymous and Y/N found themselves alone, surrounded by the echoes of music. In the soft glow of the dim lights, Euronymous looked into Y/N's eyes, his voice barely above a whisper. "Y/N, there's something, well uhh, fuck it" He uttered as he couldnt find the right words to admit to his feelings. In the end the instinct overtook and consumed him. As a result he grabbed the back of her head , bringing her lips up to his. Y/N's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. The kiss hung in the air, pulsating with anticipation. With a mix of vulnerability and determination, she reached out, her hand finding Euronymous's, their fingers intertwining. while giving  in to his lips, leaning in to deepen the intimacy they just commited to.In that moment, the barriers between them dissolved, and they surrendered to the undeniable chemistry that had simmered beneath the surface. Their lips met in a passionate kiss once again, igniting a fire that burned brighter than any record on the shelves. The world around them faded away as they explored the depths of their desire, their souls intertwining like a harmonious melody.
In that moment, the boundaries of Helvete blurred, and the music that surrounded them served as the backdrop to their love story.
As Øystein and Y/N shared an intense and passionate kiss after another, their connection grew stronger with each passing moment. Lost in the heat of the moment, Y/N's back accidentally bumped into one of the shelves in the vinyl store. The records rattled and shifted, momentarily breaking the spell of their embrace. But the interruption did little to deter their desire. Ignoring the commotion they had caused, their lips found each other once again, fueled by an undeniable chemistry that electrified the air around them. Her arms found their way behind his neck, pulling him closer, feeling  his breath against her soft skin. The world outside ceased to exist as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating dance of their intertwined souls. Euronymous couldn't help but slide down his cold slender hand down her torso, finding it's way under her shirt. Y/N froze as she felt his hand finding place at her left breast, drawing circles around her nipple. It gave Y/N goosebumps and shivers found their way down her spine. The action caused both of them to feel more aroused and their longing just fueled with lust even more with each passing moment.
However, just as their passion reached its peak, the sound of the door chime echoed through the shop, announcing the arrival of an unsuspecting customer. Startled, Øystein and Y/N quickly broke apart, their faces flushed with a mixture of desire and embarrassment.T 
he customer, a middle-aged man with a bemused expression, walked in and glanced around, oblivious to the momentary indiscretion. Øystein, the consummate professional, composed himself and greeted the customer, while Y/N attempted to regain their composure.
As the customer browsed the shelves, Øystein and Y/N exchanged nervous glances, their hearts still racing from the intensity of their kiss. They realized they needed to act quickly to avoid any suspicion. Y/N discreetly adjusted her clothing, smoothing out the creases and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. With a newfound resolve, she joined Euro at the counter, ensuring that their actions betrayed nothing of their intimate encounter. The customer, seemingly unaware of the charged atmosphere, made a few purchases and left the shop, leaving Øystein and Y/N alone once again. 
As the door closed behind the departing customer, a shared sense of relief washed over them. They exchanged a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgement of the powerful connection they had just experienced. It was a moment they would cherish, a memory woven into the fabric of their budding romance.
With a renewed sense of anticipation, Øystein and Y/N resumed their duties in the record shop, their fingers delicately handling the vinyls with a newfound tenderness. Their gaze lingered upon each other, a silent promise of more intimate moments to come, as they continued to explore the melodies of both music and love in the enchanting space of Helvete.
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Religion and the conflict- an excuse for antisemitism
Many users seem to use everyone's interest in the conflict to spread misinformation and antisemitic beliefs. Antisemitism today is being rebranded as antizionism.
Zionism is simply the notion that the Jewish people should have a state of their own, in Zion (AKA the historical and religious name for Israel).
Debunking some common musconcepti0ons about Zionism -It's not a new movement- This concept has been around ever since the Jewish people were first expelled from Israel. Jews have tried to immigrate to Israel ever since and were often met with refusal. They were then sent back against their will to nearby territories such as Cyprus.
But I’m not antisemitic, I’m just anti Israeli
-Antisemitic hate crimes rates have gone up globally:
from slurs, genocidal chants and violence in American college campuses, to hate crimes and violence spiking across Europe…
Take London for an example - there’s currently a 1,350% spike in antisemitism.
People are killed for being Jewish. Swastikas are drawn, and the hashtag “Hitler was right” is trending all over social media.
You can’t deny that chanting “gas the Jews” in protests in antisemitic…
It's not like what happened in Canada & the USA -Treatment of Palestinians after the founding of the state of Israel: To better understand the situation, you'll need to understand the difference between Palestinian territories outside of Israel, Palestinian territories inside Israel, and Israeli territories.
-Palestinians living in Palestinian territories Outside of Israel (The Gaza Strip) are governed by Hamas. -Palestinians living in Palestinian territories within Israel are governed by the Palestinian Authority and not Israel. *For further reading, you can read about the differences between A, B, and C zones.
-Arabic Muslims and Arabic Christians living within Israeli territories have the exact same rights as Jewish Israelis. There are many "mixed" cities in which Arabic people and Jewish people live peacefully, it's a nonissue.
Israeli people are European settlers \ white colonizers
Are they all white? I can't believe I have to write this, but contrary to popular belief, not all Jews are white, just like not all Christians are white ... Stop being ignorant: there are Jewish People from Asian, Arab, and African countries. Please stop telling Arabic\African Jews to go back to Europe, You are embarrassing yourself. The reason why there aren't a lot of them in those countries right now is that they were either killed or forced to leave them (often without any of their possessions) after years of discrimination and violence. *Are they collonsiers?
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The Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel. There is much historical, and archeological evidence for that. There is evidence that supports that the Jewish people have been here for thousands of years. The Jewish people all originated from Israel, and are an Ethnic group that originated from Israel. How can we be colonizers on our own land?
Most of the land of Israel was either given by the British mandate or purchased legally.
Obviously, some land was occupied- but that was during wars that were forced on Israel, after many terror attacks. -Many of the people claiming Israeli people are colonizers, are European, American, or Canadian.... AKA the biggest colonizers in history, who have 0 connection to the land they occupied. While Israel was a British colony until 1948-and Unlike popular belief, the conflict doesn't start there. That's what Hamas wants you to think. Your favorite Maps are a lie
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They won't tell you about the Balfour declaration in 1917, the 1936 Peel Commission, or the 1947 UN partition plan which the Palestinian people rejected. Do you know what followed that rejection? Foreign armies from Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia attacked.
Many peace accords including the 1993 Oslo Accords (which since then were violated by the Palestinians)- were all initiated by Israel.
Not one of the wars in Israeli history was initiated by Israel. * Besides the occupation of the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula** Most of the lands that make up Israel were either given by the British after their mandate over the country had ended or purchased legally*. *Besides the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula**. **The Sinai peninsula was returned completely to Egypt in 1982. as part of the 1977 peace accords between Egypt and Israel. Further context and more information:
I suggest you read about the Suez Crisis \ The Sinai War of 1956, The Egypt- Israel Peace Accords, the Oslo Accords, the British mandate over Israel (especially the end of it), and different UN decisions made in the years before the founding of Israel.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Tine Poppe, from the series G I L D E D L I L I E S
Portraits of cut flowers in constructed landscapes
Tine Poppe is an artist photographer living and working in Oslo, Norway.
Born and bred in industrial scale greenhouses, cut flowers have no contact with nature and generate high CO2 emissions - not unlike humans in the Western world.
Flowers are powerful symbols. People around the world use them to mark rites of passage and significant life events. In the Victorian era, flowers were considered the best medium to express feelings. Each type of flower was associated with specific, symbolic meaning.
Previously the western world’s supply of cut flowers derived from local run green houses. Today most of the flowers we buy in our stores have been transported by plane or lorries from industrial scale digitally run greenhouses around the world. Colombia, Ecuador and equatorial East Africa are the largest producers of cut flowers in the world. The greenhouses contribute to high water use and chemical runoff. On top of pollutants and water use, flowers can generate serious carbon emissions because of refrigeration and long-haul transport. Stems may be transported up to 6000 miles in refrigerated airplane holds. When grown in cooler climates, flowers need heated greenhouses and generate high CO2 emissions because of its high electricity usage.
The portrayed cut flowers were shot against a background of prints of my own images from vulnerable areas of the world. When giving these magnificent flowers and plants close attention, they become a mysterious, dreamlike universe in themselves and a reminder of the incredible beauty of nature that we are at serious risk of losing.
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fellthemarvelous · 11 months
The Small Back Room - Maggie's Record Shop (unhinged meta no one asked for, part 1)
I'm going to cover these in two separate posts because there are a lot. This post is going to be dedicated to the artists with multiple covers in Maggie's shop.
*This is all bonus content from The Arrival (2x1).
What is the purpose of the record shop? It's called The Small Back Room, and it's connected to Aziraphale's bookshop. And a small back room seems like a place someone would store their records.
"If I owned a record shop, I'd be more concerned about people breaking in and leaving more records behind." - Nina
And someone left more records behind. Records of "Every Day".
Aziraphale hears Gabriel sing a human song that Aziraphale is unfamiliar with, so he goes to the record shop to ask Maggie, who actually has way too many copies of "Every Day" because of a pub in Edinburgh, the place with the cemetery that has the statue of Gabriel.
There is more to it though. The pub called the Resurrectionist that plays "Every Day" over and over on the jukebox (and somewhere in America John Mulaney is cackling like a madman) now has direct ties with Aziraphale's personal life because they ended up in Maggie's record shop.
The place where they met Elspeth and Wee Morag, Mr. Dalrymple, messed with dead bodies, and where Crowley saved one woman's soul from Hell.
We heard one passage from Aziraphale's diary, and it was about the time he and Crowley went to Edinburgh that started off with them looking at the statue of Gabriel.
We know Aziraphale has more than 600 volumes of personal written history (as of 1827).
Where is he going to store records of his life on Earth? A record shop that no one other than him visits, attached to the building he owns.
The walls lined with record covers that are telling stories. Clues as to where the story is going to take us? Could they be Aziraphale's diaries or other important records Aziraphale has kept for thousands of years?
And is anyone else concerned about "Come on Over to Our Third Floor Apartment" or is that just me? Heaven is the third floor when you look at the button arrangements on the lift. ⬆️⬆️ ⬇️⬇️
Oslo Revival 1. Come on Over to Our Third Floor Apartment (We're Having a Party / Just for You / Four in a Bed / Have This Drink / It Doesn't Taste Weird / We'll Take Care of You / We Love You / You're One of Us Now / Together Forever) 2. Disguises (Carol and Her Hat / The Bicycle / Memories of a Windchime / Lunch / Who Am I Today? / Make Me Cry / Peggy Asked for Her Jumper Back) 3. It's Raining in My Kitchen (You Cast a Spell on My Wife / Running into Danger / Transcending the Patriarchy / Plumbing / A Dozen Eggs, (Too Many) / Someone New in the Bedroom) 4. Better Together
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Kubasulu 1. Great White Lies (Fishy Business / Fluent in Shark-asm / Vanish into Fin-air / Gettin' Chummy / You're Gill-ty / No-fin Left to Lose / I Chews You) 2. Sweating in the City
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Rat Keith 1. Look at This Mountain (The Mountain I Climbed / Assorted Wailing Chants of Peril / I Ate Some Berries (Shouldn't Have Done That) / What Happens on the Mountain, Stays on the Mountain / I See It in My Dreams / Soiled Leaves and Soft Bark / Don't Touch the Mushrooms / Huddle for Warmth / My Map Blew Away / This is My Home Now / Finally Rescued) 2. A Dog in God's Hot Car 3. Chem Trails
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Raga Koboj 1. Raga Koboj 2. Earth, Swallow Me Whole (Why Can I Just Stay in Bed? / Sighing Loudly / No One's Going to Lunch / I'm Hungry But I Don't Want to Eat Alone / I Wonder What's on the Menu Today / Probably Something Mediocre / I'm Tired / It's Friday / I Wish It Would End) 3. Just Sounds 2.0 (Falling Coin / Stubbed Toe / Oops! / Rice in a Bowl / Spoon Clang / Gagging / Crinkled Paper / Bad Alphabet / Winded)
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Deaf Dust 1. Change the Lightbulb (Cartwheels in Mexico / The cinnamon candle / Hold Me / Let Go / Who wait's for us? / Awesome / The basement's pretty dark / Broken Bulb / Stairway to your Mum's house) 2. Snapshots from the Moon
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Randa Ransom 1. Doin' it in the Dust (Hard on the Rocks / Ridin' the Horizon / Tall Drink of Water / Wear My Hat / Call My Name / Let Me Use a Saddle / Just Us in the Dust) 2. I'm Lost and I Don't Speak the Language (Lost in Tokyo / WHat's that shop selling? / Sex Dolls (Self-Assembly) / Where's the Bathroom? / This Toilet is Singing / More Sex Dolls / There's a Cafe for Cats / I Want to Go Home / What's Home in Japanese? / Take Me Anywhere Taxi Man) 3. The Answer May Surprise You
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Georgina O'Georgia 1. Gorgeous in Georgia ("Oh, George You're Gorgeous" / "It's Georgia with a G!" / "Get your hands off my hair" / "Yes, that's my real name") 2. Spur of the Moment
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CT Bazz 1. Locking Up & Looking Down 2. Dank Balaclava
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I've never seen anyone talk about these though, but they seem important. Have I missed conversation surrounding these? I'm just really curious as to what other people might think.
As I said above, there is a part two, but that part will cover artists with only one cover.
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bobgasm · 10 months
gun for hire ⦾ teaser
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It was exhausting work, but it was necessary. His connection in Oslo was a man by the name of Coyote. Jake didn’t know much more about him, other than that he had connections in LA. He thought about reaching out and finally becoming Jake Serein again. It was a fleeting thought, but sounding more desirable by the day. He was almost 30 now and had more money than he knew what to do with. 
Jake also didn’t know what he’d do to pass the time. 
It wasn’t until one day when he was hired for another job that he met someone in the same profession as him. His name was Rooster, which Jake had laughed at, but he couldn’t talk. His name was Hangman, after all.
Rooster had his own MO. He’d been hired to take out the same target as Hangman. Neither man had been able to make the first move on the target, because the other was always there. At first, Jake had thought the guy in the Hawaiian shirt with the tacky moustache was an undercover cop. 
Jake had the bright idea to reach out to this Rooster fellow through the back channels. He wanted to hire him for a meeting about a potential client. Rooster had told Jake that he was currently indisposed on another job, but that he’d be available for a one on one within the week. He’d encountered a slight problem he was working on handling. 
Jake could charm the paint off a wall on a good day, and soon learnt that Rooster might’ve encountered an undercover Fed. Jake had assumed Rooster was the Fed, but now it seemed that Rooster thought Jake was the Fed. Jake had laughed on the phone before uttering his famous question, “Do you want to play a game, Rooster?”
“Hangman,” Rooster had replied with a laugh of his own. “You’re different than I imagined you.”
“Taller or prettier?” Jake had replied. 
“More arrogant,” Rooster had said. “I’ll meet you where we first saw each other at noon.”
Jake had shown up right on time and found Rooster already waiting. He’d sat down in front of the moustached man with the horrible Hawaiian shirt and neither man spoke at first. Silently taking each other in.
“So,” Rooster said. “You thirsty? I just ordered a beer.”
“Sure,” Jake replied. 
When it was sat in front of Rooster, he asked for another, “one for my friend, thank you.”
“Is that what we are? Friends?” Jake asked once the waiter left. 
“There’s no friends in our line of work, only associates. Connections,” Rooster replied. “Friends was easier to explain without explaining anything.”
Jake chuckled softly. “Friends it is,” he said simply. “Call me Jake.”
“Call me Bradley.”
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blackaltarapparel · 1 month
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Well, everyone! We made it! 🙌🏽
A year in the making & we finally made it to Stockholm, Sweden. 🇸🇪 So, why are we here? Well, we thought it was only right! Consider we have already done Bergen & Oslo, Norway! 🇳🇴
We landed earlier today, dropped our bags off at the hotel & headed straight to pay our respects to Thomas Börje Forsberg, more famously known as Quorthon, from the band @bathoryofficialig. The band was part of the first-wave black metal scene, along with bands like Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost & Mercyful Fate. It’s undeniable that Quorthons vocals on the self-titled & Under the Sign of the Black Mark laid the foundations for future second-wave black metal bands & continue to influence black metal to this day. It’s been an honour to pay our respects to this legend today & we will be jamming Under the Sign of the Black Mark for the rest of the day! What’s your favourite Bathory album? ⬇️
📍 Memorial Location: Sandsborgskyrkogården, Location 1, Grave Number 525.
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my-deer-friend · 10 months
After being adrift for seven months, we have finally moved in to our own place in Oslo. Relief and exhaustion are currently battling it out for prime position, but in the movements where I can pause and look around, I'm feeling very fortunate.
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Also, all my books are finally with me again!! Somewhere in there...
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fancyfeathers · 3 months
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
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Thinking about Yandere Albert James Moriarty and his darling after the time skip…
He gets locked up for three years in the Tower of London for his crimes, but what about his darling? She committed no crime, so she is free…
That is a foreign word to her…
Her sister by now, Mycroft’s darling, has been married off to the rather strict man, her parents are dead due the actions of the Moriarty brothers, Louis’ darling is still stuck with him, William’s darling is god knows where, and everyone else she knew in her captive like marriage shares a similar fate to the others…
She is free and alone…
She meets with her parents’ old lawyer and in her parents’ death everything was either given to Albert since he was her husband or to Mycroft when her sister was married off to him. Since Albert is doing his time for his crimes, every last cent and property that was given to him in her parents’ death belong to her. Sure he did give quite a bit of it away to charity, orphanages and what not, but what was left of it was hers.
She is free, alone, and has more money than one person could spend in a lifetime…
She spends a few days in her family’s old home, the one she was raised in and her parents died in, contemplating what to do now, and then when she is out on a walk the answer hits her. She was walking past a pair of girls, just of the age of marriage and they were talking…
“Think of it, if we had the money, no one could tie us down, we could go see the world to our hearts’ content, actually live life instead of wasting it all for a man.”
That is what she would do…
She would live her life.
The next day she has packed her belongings in suitcases and sets out to see the world.
She travels everywhere…
Spending a summer in Paris where she met few old friends from her finishing school days.
Getting on a train to Monte Carlo for autumn.
Then down to Naples for the winter…
Saint Petersburg…
And every place she goes to, a new letter or postcard would be delivered to the drawing room of the home of Mycroft and his darling, her sister. Of course she would also send ones to Louis’ darling as well, but not as commonly as she knows that Louis would probably not be happy on her choice to travel instead of waiting on Albert’s release and staying with them in London.
But at some point one has to settle and make a home for themselves…
So she goes back to where she first started…
But she does not go back to stay with anyone she once knew, no she is finally making a name for herself and securing her own fortune and place in high society, and let’s just say her travels inspired her on how to do just that.
When Albert is finally free and he has a moment to relax, he is given an address from Mycroft to visit and soon he finds himself in the lobby of a high end hotel in London. Guests and staff rush past him, everyone having a place to be and things to do, but why was he told to come here if all places…
“My lady, was it the lilies or the lilacs that you wanted in the lounge on the first floor?”
“Lilacs along with forget me not. Also do not forget about the wisteria I wanted ordered for the gardens.”
“Ma’am, we have a reservation for a wedding party but we are short a room of the ones they requested.”
“Move the bride and groom to the honeymoon suite, do not charge them extra, it is our fault for overbooking. Also give them a formal written apology and free drinks at the first floor bar for the duration of their stay, the bride and groom that is.”
“Ma’am, the macarons for the gala next week, what were the numbers for the orders.”
“Twenty dozen, evenly split between the flavors ordered… actually wait, that will not be enough… make it forty baker’s dozen instead, that will give us 280 more, also do not forget about the cakes for that and the lavender based confections cannot be cross contaminated with the others, the Duchess of York has a horrible allergy to them.”
That voice…
He looks over to see a lady walking through the hotel lobby along side a few staff members...
It’s her…
His wife…
His darling.
“Now is my driver ready, I have dinner with my sister tonight and I do not want to be late, after all we only get to do this when he husband is out of the house- by the way speaking of Mycroft Holmes, I did not appreciate that police investigation of the third floor suite, the drug dealer was already long gone from here and they terrified the guests who had just came in there, I would like to see him held accountable and-“
She stops in her tracks and words as she sees Albert standing there and a look of pure terror comes across her face.
“Please excuse me, I feel unwell, I think I am going to lay down for the night.”
“But Mrs. Moriarty, you have dinner with-“
“Send her a telegram and tell her I am unwell.”
Before Albert could say anything she rushed up the grand staircase of the hotel, up to her own room.
A smile came across his face…
She kept his last name.
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the-old-mayhem · 4 months
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"Finally we had a steady line-up with Pelle and Jan Axel and a set list of our own original songs. That took two years of rehearsal to put together. We were halfway through writing De Mysteriis before we wanted to present the material to an audience.
I recall we were at the cinema hall in Fredrikstad to see Equinox play. After all the bands had ended Øystein was really bloody keen for us to play even though we didn’t have our own instruments.
We had found our way to the first floor above the venue and discovered a fridge full of beers so we started glugging. Then Øystein began nagging, “Come on, we got to get on stage! Let’s play a few songs!” I was already pretty wasted. I knew I was too hammered and said that I’d need a bass. He shot off to look for one but couldn’t find any and I did not do anything to help him.
Øystein tried this stunt several times including at the Blitz squat house. Finally we did play a couple songs with Pelle singing at Bootleg in Oslo in 1989 including “The Freezing Moon” and one more. That was the first time “The Freezing Moon” was performed live. It was the same kind of thing, we didn’t even have our own instruments.” - Necrobutcher, ‘The Death Archives’ 🕯️
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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aangelinakii · 1 year
in which you come back from your friend holiday in oslo and tell felix all about it
idol : lee felix
group : stray kids
song : together , beabadoobee
date : 18th june 2023
prompt : " i could listen to you talk for hours "
note : made myself feel lonely writing this oml 😭😭
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sun shone through the blinds, streaks of light landing on the sheets, warming your skin. fingertips grazing against collarbones and shoulder blades, drawing shapes against the soft surface.
"and then we visited the palace, and saw the guards change out. it was so interesting! imagine being a royal guard, and having so many people watching you all the time, and you can't talk or move until your shift breaks."
felix's deep voice chuckled throughout the room, his belly squirming beneath you, and his chest vibrating next to your ear.
"i can imagine it would be quite taxing," he replied, his fingertips finding your hair and playing with the soft strands between his fingers.
"but it's so cool to watch!" you grinned, pulling away from your pillow that was his bare chest.
a moment passed in which you both admired each other in the morning light, felix's kind eyes searching your face warmly. his plump lips sat in a soft smile, your happiness fuelling his.
"then what did you do?"
"oh, yeah!" you ran a hand through your own hair before your fingers found home back in felix's wavy brown locks. "so, after that, we went and grabbed food at the hotel and changed into our swimsuits under our clothes, and we walked down to bjørvika where we'd booked one of these floating saunas in the lake."
"oh, yeah? how come?"
"oh, felix, it was the coolest thing! you go in and, you know, sit there for a bit, as you do in a sauna, and then you go outside and jump in the lake, and it's so cold, but so cool!"
felix chuckled. "no, yeah, it sounds like it, my love."
at the nickname, you smiled, eyes shrinking even more into crescents, a soft flush beginning to appear on your cheeks. felix brought a hand up to cup a cheek, thumb brushing over your soft skin, eyes filled with utmost love and adoration.
"ah, i could just listen to you talk for hours," he sighed, eyes twinkling, mouth unable to contain a smile.
bashful giggles racked your frame, blush growing in colour. you shrugged, rolling your eyes jokingly. "i could watch you listen to me talk for hours," you replied with humour in your tone. "you're so pretty when you listen."
"and you're so pretty when you talk."
felix carefully pulled your face towards his and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "i'm glad you had a fun time away. can you take me next time?"
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imeternallylove · 1 year
Prepared for takeoff - S.Strange
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Pairing: Flight Crew!Stephen Strange x Reader
genre: aw just fuffly hahah
warning: implied make out idk should it be‘warning’ or not lel
word: approx 2.6k
main mastetlist | request | prompts 
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"All flight attendants please prepare for takeoff."
Captain Strange's deep voice filled the aircraft all at once, and you attempted to hide the shudder that raced up your spine as you stowed away the trolley for departure; when you were helping, Captain Strange would always make his voice a little deeper. As you took your jump seat alongside Christina, who is side eyeing you in distaste before scoffing, a faint smile formed across your face.
"Wipe that smug look off your face Y/N, we're mid flight." She corrects and you fiddles with your fingers in your lap, turning your head ever so slightly to look around the corner at the handsome, broad shoulders of your captain for today's trip from New York to Oslo. You wasn’t ashamed to say the sigh you let out when while leaning into you palm, dreamily as they begin assent isn't boredom induced.
The sound of Christina unbuckling beside you is heard a few minutes later and you grins at the rest of girly crew gang widely in silent gratitude as the younger had agreed to trade your own number four position as Galley-coach to Christina’s number one serving first class to be close to their dreamy pilot. 
First thing you do after unbuckling is go to greet the pilots for a second time, as you had only gotten to say a short hello earlier so instead you step into the cockpit, leaning close to the blue suited man and wrapping his arms slowly over his shoulders and down his chest as  if in mock massage before resting his chin against the crook of his neck.
"Good to see you again, captains." You breathe, not missing the smirk rising to Stephen’s face as he keeps his eyes straight ahead.
"How is my favorite flight attendant? Are you well rested? You'll need to be for our date after we land." He teases and you puff your cheeks while playing with the pins on the your collar.
"My rules are simple, and the first is that I can talk about anything related to my job on the flight." You grin with a shade of red on your lips, leaning towards his side to make his heart ache, then let him just glimpse your thighs beneath your tight tiny skirt, paired with your black high heels, which make you look utterly fascinated. Well, you know how to make your short-term lure during flight swing berserk.
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The first few hours of the flight were, predictably, boring. Doting on first class passengers wasn't resilient for you, and most of the men and women slept while you served beverages or snacks; you weren't obliged to put forth any kind of effort for it, and the way you worked as a flight attendant illustrates that it's nothing new.
Around three hours in, you sought a break and trudged over to the bunks for a short siesta. You walk in after giving the pilot a worn out, smiling nod. However, before you could even close the curtain to your bunk; your back end up by get forced up against the wall, a hard, powerful arm wrapping around your waist.
"We have already squandered three hours of our time together. Miss, I would really like to enjoy the sweetness of your voice for more than just the safety demonstration." Before you leaned up and pushed your lips to the pilot's face, the owner of the baritone voice murmurs, wiping the locks of hair from your tired eyes.
"You're so hot, Steph, but I don't think I can give up my rest time, even for your adorable face." You mumble, slipping your hands beneath the taller's jacket and untucking his neatly ironed shirt to push against your chiseled, warm body. "But.. If you leave your door cracked for me at the hotel, I promise to make it worthy."
"That's quite a big pledge." Stephen grins and glides his hand down his back onto your thighs. "On the contrary, you always deliver though, don't you?" He mumbles, lightly kissing your ear. "We have a 20-hour layover; if you don't let me take you out this time, I have a feeling I'll go insane." He breathes heavily.  "You've played dirty minds and tricks on me more than once, and I've never been able to do anything further." 
“Oh? Like erm- you want me to tell ya my hobbies and favorite foods? Well, I’m allergies to ginger, you already knows." You divide away his ardent contact while nudging the door open, signifying that you intend for Stephen to leave, and Barry stumbles in, undoubtedly ready for a break, before freezing with startled eyes and hurrying out with a slur. 'I'll give you both 2 minutes.'
You chuckled, waving an innocent bye-bye to Barry while sending him your sensual wink.
"I'll make sure you get that date, honey. I promise." You redirect your attention to Stephen, caressing the corner of the content captain's jaw before leading him out and returning to your bunk with a cheesy smirk on your whole face.
The water has reached boiling point, and you like it quite a lot.
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It wasn't always so tense between them. You remember when you two first met; you were a brand new hire, steadily making friends within your airline with your bright smile and loud sense of humour, but that day when you stepped onto the plane for a quick flight from HNL to KIX and Christina nudged you shoulder, playfully greeting your greeting with a wry smile.
"Did you see today's crew? Heard we've got some hot pilots." She sings tunes that make you blink in awe.
"Pilots? Have they arrived yet?" You whisper, and Barry sighs and tosses his head before stiffening and peering over your shoulder, causing you to glance around attentively.
You first encountered the one of a pilot on the broad, strong chest of a tall, lean man with light brown hair bursting out from beneath his pilot cap. His deep blue eyes were fixed on you, a slight smirk tugging at his lips as the rest of the crew gaped, yet you both stayed like this long enough for a long, strong arm to wrap flirtatiously around your waist.
"I'm Leroy, the second captain for this flight, and you are?" He spoke meticulously and lightly shaking his hand with yours. It made you blush before you two parted ways as a taller man walked hurriedly past you. 
"King, keep an eye on your ass, Y/N is part of this crew." He tsks, as if reprimanding a youngster, but it appears to work, as Leroy draws his arm away from you as if he's been scorched. You turn to read the first captain's squinted eyes, who shrugs his head in counterfeit scorn before disappearing into his cock pit without saying another word.
Behind people around, you pinching your bottom lips.
The flight went about as well as you'd expect after that. You worked First Class on that flight as well and with every soft offer of coffee or tea to the, possibly, fatigued pilots ended in a dismissive glare from the taller, cold first captain.
Captain Strange's startlingly deep voice came over the speaker, demonstrating his dominance over Leroy, as Barry and Christina described (the co-pilot never did the announcement). Strange was a genius in every way. The more two of your friends talked him about the athletic, intellectual, musically inclined man with a secure job and a passion for cooking, the more enraged you became. Mr. Perfect didn't even know you one bit, and yet he immediately despised and judged you based on his foolish guts due to the minor blunder of establishing out eyes contact with Leroy's for two seconds.
He didn't let that bother his trip however. That night the crew ended up all going to dinner in the city of Osaka. They had a late afternoon pick up in the lobby so they were happy to explore the foreign city all night. Turns out Mr. Perfect was also a damn good translator and was the only way the coworkers managed to order their food. 
Strange ordered you ginger sauce despite your allergies, you swear, not that the staff made a mistake.
You told the chefs you couldn't have any of ginger in your food with dead glare and ready-to-kill smile, and they all understand that. You then heard an 'Oh' from the grumpy man next you, who looked damn cute in his tight ripped jeans and hoodie, his hair was just the right amount of a bit curly with metallic curls around the corners of his hairline that made you want to play with it. If he wasn't so irritated at you all the time, you'd be the one dry humping his awkwardly long limbs on the small casual bar's dance floor instead of downing another shot that your fragile body probably couldn't and shouldn't handle, because right now, every part of you is glowing red.
You absolutely no memory of how you reached back to the hotel, and you don't attempt to fantasize about how you hauled your drowsy form to the suite. 
Later on the plane heading back to Hawaii, Stephen Strange whispers to you precisely in your ears and it is extremely hazardous closeness while the two of you strolled pass through the gate into the plane.
"La Bouche Rouge Nude, nice choice."
You were completely distracted the entire flight, serving red wine although your passengers only needed mineral water, and Stephen Strange is the only one reason to be blamed.
You scolded him inside your head all the way from the terminal through an uber to your apartment, and even until you drifted asleep.
Praying that he won't be your captain on the next flight.
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"You look bored." Again, Stephen says, it's excessively close to your ear. So, now you're all in Sydney, spending time in the bar since everyone on the crew has 14 hours for wander here before to get back to New York. And, if you aren't erroneously this is nearly your 36th flight with Captain Strange. By now, it has been over a year.
You turned and immediately regretted it because the first captain has locked you up against the bar, a huge grin on his face as you tried to lean back but the booze and warmth of the body in front of you convince you differently. You can smell the alcohol on your pilot and know you shouldn't be playing this dangerous game, but the look this man gives you as you lean in, never taking your gaze away from his lips until they're finally locked together in such a passionate and lustful kiss that you can't remember how you both got back to the hotel.
Only that you were halfway into his pants by the time they got to the lobby, which lead to the most incredible night of sex that the young Y/L/N had ever had.
The next morning was...horrible. You awoke after Stephen, who was staring at you from across the bed. As you sat up, he brought you a bagel with cream cheese already spread and a glass of orange juice. You and he stayed silent till you finished your light meal.
Stephen brought you a water bottle before gently and sweetly touching your face, making you dizzy once again. You immediately rushed back to your room, forcing your dress back on and saying softly that you needed to clean up and wash your uniform. You did your best to ignore Stephen's dimples, without looking back at the pilot, who was watching you from his own door frame.
You felt much better after going back to sleep and snoozing until the very last second before gathering yourself and meeting the group downstairs in uniform. You tried not to notice the eyes on you, but every now and then his damn stare would meet and you'd be the first to look away; the cycle continued until they boarded the plane and Stephen finally grabbed your wrist, forcing you into the lavatory and pressing your body into the tiny sink as he hovered over you, breathing down your neck.
"At least look at me." He hisses, and you hiss back, raising your eyes to see the frustrated man who gently grips the side of your face. "Last night was fantastic." He speaks again, surprising you into silence so that you only nod, agreeing too enthusiastically that your cheeks flush with shame.
"But you ran away." He goes on, and you raise your head, softly biting your lip before your captain kisses you, forcing that cursed lip out of the confines of your teeth. "You were beautiful." As you sheepishly poke at his chest, he complements you and you feel like you're back in high school. The captain responded to your bashful response with delicate kisses on the light brunette's neck. "I'd like to take you out." The powerful man mutters against your hot skin, and you nod in return, fiddling with Stephen's coat lapels before pressing a soft kiss to his lips and finally leaving the tight room.
But after that, every flight you had together became a game of cat and mouse. Stephen was serious about the dating thing, insisting on the steward giving you an opportunity to sweep you off your feet on every trip they took together. But Mr. Perfect only made you nervous and sometimes you felt irritated.
Because. Sex was simple. Sex is a drug, and the brilliant, handsome, and charming pilot would get lost in the throes of desire, unable to truly express his love for any woman on plane. So why should you put your trust in them?
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When you landed at Heathrow, you didn't have to wait long for the hotel shuttle since Stephen's warm arms were wrapped around your petite frame, murmuring soothing words into where your sensitive spot would be aroused. You'd noticed Stephen was fluent in an annoying number of languages over the last year of working together, including English, as he helped the driver in cutely accented British English that made your heart flutter and your fingers squeeze ever so slightly around Stephen's, eliciting a soft but toothy smile in response.
How can you deny the adorableness that he is? Right?
Over the course of that brief bus ride, you persuaded yourself to go on that date and sent Stephen off to your own room to get dressed with a long kiss in the corridor. You bath had a painfully nice time with all of the necessary giggling and cuddling before making the long walk back to the hotel since neither of you wanted it to end.
By watching him munching his noodle from the Chinese cuisine shop, you mentally swallowed your own opinions about the two of you having little chemistry outside of the bedroom.
To be honest, it was frightening how much they had in common. Stephen, like you, was a true nerd who enjoyed anime and arcade games. He was amusing and far too relaxed to be around on your first date, but everything just seemed perfect.
If you didn't know any better, you could believe in soulmates.
When Stephen dropped you off at your door #6164, you stood there for a long time staring up at the man who stared back at you, your fingers playing with the collar of his leather jacket as the first captain's hands wrapped around your hand gently as if just wanting more contact, making you wiggle the tiniest bit closer with each thump of your heart.
"Come inside?" You make a gentle proposition, and he raises a mischievous brow. "Well, I can make you some goodnight tea maybe."
"On our first date gorgeous? Isn't it a bit much." Stephen smirks, but you simply lean up on your toes and kiss his dimple that forms alongside your smile.
"Dunno… All I want to do is fall asleep in your arms." You can't believe those words came out of your mouth, and by the look on your date's face, neither can you, but a smile soon replaces it, and Stephen takes the hotel key from your pocket, pulling you into his chest as he unlocks the door, and he kisses the shell of your ear before he speaks.
"I think that sounds perfect."
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no no I still cannot wrote smut well by now so sorry huhuhuhu 😆
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