#Ozempic (Semaglutide)
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ivyshrinks · 3 months
semaglutide update: day 3
on tuesday, july 9, 2024, I took my first dose of compounded semaglutide! I had to go the compounded route because my insurance doesn't cover wegovy for weight loss, and I'm only pre-diabetic so I did not qualify for ozempic for diabetes. my compounded semaglutide costs $297/mo, which is expensive, but I'm willing to budget for it for the sake of my health.
I was nervous to give myself the injection since I don't like needles, but it was easy peasy - it didn't hurt at all as the needle went in!
since then, I haven't had any side effects, nor have I really felt any of the primary effects of the medication. I still have the "food noise" that people report losing on semaglutide, I still have an appetite, etc. I didn't necessarily expect the food noise or my appetite to disappear since it was only my first shot of the starting dose, and I won't be at the therapeutic dose for a couple of months; however, some people are "super responders" to the medication and report losing their appetite immediately, food noise disappearing immediately, etc., so part of me is a little disappointed that I didn't have that kind of immediate response to the medication.
I've been white-knuckling it for the past few days. I've been eating healthier, eating smaller portions, etc. - but like I said, I still have the food noise and a strong appetite, so it's been a little rough. I know this medication doesn't magically burn fat - I still have to put in the effort to lose weight through cico.
that being said, the morning I started semaglutide, I was 380.0 lbs. as of this morning, I was down to 375.2 lbs! nearly 5 lbs lost in three days! I'm going to keep working hard to lose this weight and keep taking this medication, and hopefully the effects of the medication will be noticeable soon!
today I have the day off work, and part of me would love to order doordash, but I want to lose a little bit more weight before I go to the doctors office for a weight check next tuesday, so I'm going to try to keep myself busy by cleaning the house.
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exitrowiron · 1 year
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I probably see 2-3 articles everyday talking about the tsunami of prescriptions being written for the new semaglutide drugs (ex Wegovy and Ozempic). In case you've been living under a rock, these drugs were originally developed for type II diabetics, but they also can enable significant weight loss by slowing digestion and lessening appetite. There's a price to be paid, however. The drug has to be injected once a week, it can cause nausea and GI issues, it costs $1,500 a month and if you stop taking it the weight comes back!
Apparently this is just the first wave of a new class of weight-loss drugs and I'm not proud to admit that when I first started seeing these articles I had a negative reaction. After all, we already have the most expensive health care system in the world (with the some of the worst health measures). Are we really going to add this huge additional expense just because we can't eat right and exercise?
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A recent trip to the hardware store changed my mind. As I was buying a can of spray paint, I noticed a well-stocked end-cap display with candy, chips, cookies, salty meats, etc. by the register. Let me repeat that... this was at a hardware store. The gas station convenience store is filled with more of the same. Fast food is on every corner. Processed food fills the grocery store. Everywhere we turn we are surrounded by delicious, salty, sweet, relatively inexpensive calories. These are foods that have been engineered to have great mouth feel. They come in attractive packages like mini presents. The smell good, look appetizing and taste great. And according to recent studies, eating these foods actually changes our brain to increase the likelihood of eating more (see the bottom).
This is no longer a fair fight. Our primate brains haven't evolved to resist 21st century food engineering. Semaglutide simply evens the odds.
I'm still wary of the cost of these drugs but I'm sure that relatively soon the price will go down, side-effects will be lessened and they will be available in a pill. Whether you want to lose 200 lbs. or 20 lbs. I don't think there's any shame in using these drugs. This isn't a fair fight.
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selflovecentral · 2 months
CW: Wegovy, weight loss, appetite loss
For everyone who is newly on Wegovy/Ozempic/Semaglutide, something to be aware of when getting started is how drastic the change in appetite can be.
My doctor told me my appetite would be less, but I don't think I was really prepared for just how much of a reduction there would be.
I've been on Wegovy for about a week and a half now, and I am actually shocked about how much my appetite has lessened. It's currently 7:45 PM, I woke up at 9:00 AM, and all I've eaten today was a banana and an egg/avocado sandwich, and I am not hungry at all.
I lost exactly 6 pounds in my first week. That was also a shock. And while I'm very happy and excited about my results so far, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about this early experience where other people can see it and make use of it.
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julliett-warner · 5 months
Hi there, you were asking about Ozempic in the Ozempic tag and wanted to know if anyone had personal experience with it. I have and I'd be happy to share with you! I've been on it a few months now. I used to have an eating disorder. I'd be super restrictive with my calories for a couple of weeks at a time, trying to lose weight because I was obese, but then I'd give in and binge and be worse off than I was before. The best way I can describe Ozempic is that it's like food doesn't matter anymore. I used to think about it constantly. Whether that was in a dieting way, or a bingy "I want to eat a whole box of donuts now now now now" way. Like, I'd be at work, trying to negotiate with myself in my head about getting fried chicken on the way home. But from the very first shot of Ozempic it's like that little voice that always talks about food just went quiet. I no longer count calories, and I no longer binge, I just eat healthy food until I'm full, and I feel satisfied. I've lost weight, but the peace of mind was the best part. I've had a box of cookies next to my bed on my bedside table for 5 days and I have eaten one cookie from the box that whole time. I'll go to a fast food place and get a medium meal and be happy with it, I'll eat one chicken and salad wrap and feel full for lunch. I'm no longer starving myself to lose weight, nor binging. For the first time in my life, I forgot to eat lunch at work, it was like 4pm and I realized I hadn't taken my lunch break yet and I finally realized what people meant when they said "oh I forgot to eat". These skinnier people don't suffer for their weight, they feel like this, they feel more satiated when they eat. Feeling like this, eating a normal, healthy amount of food seems normal and doable. Not an impossible struggle. There are some side effects like queasiness and you have to make sure you eat lots of protein and stay hydrated, but if you have a problem with "food noise" and snacking it's wonderful for that. Slow, steady weight loss has had the bonus effect of making me feel better about my body. People keep talking about it like it's an eating disorder in a shot, but I feel differently. It feels like it got rid of mine. I hope this helps. If you are interested, 100% talk to your doctor, they might be willing to start you off on a very low dose so you can see if it's right for you.
Oh my god thankyouu so much. This is so helpful. I have binge ed and I know exactly what you’re talking about that little voice in my head always talking about food.
I have tried restricting and it always leads to burnout and binging after. I just want something to end this addiction for me.
I was worried about the nausea and bloating, but I think those things can be manageable. I will definitely bring it up with my doctor.
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666methods · 9 months
Has anyone thought about tying to order ozempic/semaglitide online? Even if you aren’t obese per doctor standards?
what if I just did the telehealth questions and…
Lied? 🤭
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annarexcouture · 6 months
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"Critical fat perspectives" doesn't mean critical thinking. It means critical theory. The idea of oppressor vs oppressed and paranoid scrutinization of everything for offence and malicious intent.
Reminder that this unscientific activist jibber-jabber, once published, becomes regarded as serious academic scholarship.
Not everything needs to be "destigmatized or "normalized."
Unlike traditional approaches to weight, a fat studies approach offers no opposition to the simple fact of human weight diversity, but instead looks at what people and societies make of this reality. The field of fat studies requires skepticism about weight-related beliefs that are popular, powerful, and prejudicial. This skepticism is currently rare, even taboo. Questioning the received knowledge on weight is socially risky. American culture is engaged in a pervasive witch hunt targeting fatness and fat people (a project that is rapidly being exported worldwide). Although this urge to eradicate fat people continues, it is not only challenging to be fat, but also especially challenging to question any aspect of the witch hunt on fat people (not that it is so very comfortable to be thin during a weight-based witch hunt). Whenever members of a society have recourse to only one opinion on a basic human experience, that is precisely the discourse and the experience that should attract intellectual curiosity. -- Forward by Marilyn Wann, "The Fat Studies Reader," Rothblum and Solovay
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infotrendz · 2 months
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Ozempic® (semaglutide) injections, the World most sought after medicine, is prescribed to improve type 2 diabetes, control unnecessary appetite in obesity, reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, and also reduce chronic kidney disease.
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fatanddisordered · 3 months
i got a prescription for a weight loss drug lol. ive thought about it for months but it felt like taking the easy way out. but now? idc. i need to lose weight. the restricting and binge eating cycles need to stop. i need to just restrict consistently. and (hopefully) ill be able to do that now.
idk. im excited bc weight loss has been on my mind since i was like 10 yrs old. but i also feel pathetic bc im rly spending money on a weight loss drug … ☠️
i got prescribed semaglutide. this comes in pill form as well as an injectable. its the main component of drugs like 0zempic or weg0vy. it works by decreasing your appetite and slowing down your digestion so you feel fuller longer. it doesnt magically make you lose weight. because of the decreased appetite and increase in satiety, most people end up eating very little amounts of food and THATS what leads to weight loss.
i already have a generally healthy diet, i just over-consume so im not changing WHAT i eat, just how much. i will be adding in exercise though. im going to get a gym membership once i start my prescription.
idk i think this was a good idea for me. if i kept living life without medical intervention i would likely continue to fluctuate in weight, continue to binge eat and restrict on and on, and ultimately continue to be overweight and unhappy.
feel free to message me if youre interested in talking about this i guess lol.
*** i have EDNOS and struggle with cycles of binge eating and restriction. ***
HW: 260 • LW (as of recently): 203 • CW: 224 🙃
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crossfitandcarbs · 11 months
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I almost finished listening to this on my drive to work this morning and it was fascinating. I listen to this podcast semi regularly and I really appreciate how well they talk about fatphobia, especially in the medical industry but also in society as a whole.
I love how well they break down medical trials and really examine the pros and cons.
Yes, Ozempic (semaglutide) does seem to generally work. But pretty much everyone puts the weight back on afterwards. And currently 60% of people get some pretty bad side effects- constipation, nausea, diarrhoea.
There was also a whole segment on there about how there is a shortage of semaglutide and in the US, that means other companies are allowed to make it without it being FDA approved. But semaglutide is patented for about the next ten years, so companies are creating their own version of it and saying it's the same thing. Which it's not. And now they're selling it online. Which is actually terrifying.
I understand why people would want to go on it. In moments of weakness I think I would try it. But then I think about shitting about my pants and absolutely not. 😅😅
And I haven't even touched on the fact that the shortages are causing issues for people who rely on it for diabetes medication. And the price of it is outrageous.
Give the podcast a listen if you're interested in that sort of thing, it was fascinating.
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weightcarehouse · 4 months
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ivyshrinks · 29 days
semaglutide update: week 7
weighed in at 361.3 lbs today.
I've been stuck in the mid- to low-360s for the past four weeks or so, which has been a little frustrating, though I know my eating could be better. for example, this past week I overate at work for three days in a row (monday we had a pizza party, tuesday we had bagels and taco bell and high calorie coffee drinks, and wednesday we had a potluck). plus, I got my financial aid refund for school, and I went a little crazy with ordering doordash a few times. however, I hope that by being a bit more moderate and in control with my eating this week, I can be in the high 350s by next week!
I have a goal of being down to the mid- to low-350s by september 17th, when I have a weight check appointment at my doctor's office. I was 375 at my last weight check, so I'd like to be down about 20 lbs from that at my next one. I think I can do it! I just gotta buckle down and make some better choices.
yesterday was supposed to be my fourth and final week at 10 units of compounded semaglutide, but I increased to 20 units a week early since I was losing weight rapidly on 5 units but have been stagnant on 10 units. I've been handling the medication well, so I figured it wouldn't hurt too much to increase a week early and see if the higher dose has more of an impact on me. so far, so good. I haven't really had any side effects besides feeling a little fatigued, but I don't have work this week, so it hasn't been that big of a deal for me to lay down for a little while midday.
even though I've been getting frustrated about being stuck in the 360s, sometimes I have to pull back and look at the bigger picture. I started semaglutide on july 9th, and in less than two months I've lost nearly 20 lbs. that's awesome! I'm proud of myself and I'm motivated to keep on going!
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living400lbs · 6 months
Scammers are trying to cash in on semaglutide, mostly for weight loss.
"The U.K. medicines agency has seized 869 fake Ozempic pens so far — more than its counterparts in Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Iceland and the Netherlands combined. The pens found in Britain include crude fakes as well as ones distributed in bulk by more sophisticated criminals.
Some contained insulin — a potentially lethal filling — rather than semaglutide, the active ingredient in both Ozempic and Wegovy. While vital to people with diabetes, insulin can cause seizures and even death for the average person."
- from https://www.seattletimes.com/business/surge-in-fake-ozempic-reveals-dark-side-of-weight-loss-frenzy/
(I would add that insulin is vital for all people. Whether you need *supplemental* insulin depends on individual circumstances. As always, *dosage* is critical. See also digitalis.)
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herwellnessjourney · 1 year
Has anyone taken medications such a as Ozempic or Semaglutide?
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emdelphi · 1 year
starting ozempic tomorrow - anyone else on it please tell me what you eat!!?
I’m feeling overwhelmed with info, and I feel myself slipping into the danger zone of my eating disorder brain. Overly concerning myself with calories and macros and making sure EVERYTHING is perfect. I hate that lifestyle and reaaaally don’t want to return to it
Figuring out how to intuitively eat, lose weight and remain having gratitude towards my body eeeeeekkk
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