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anyone who thinks they need to separate needs to LEAVE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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darkcrowprincess · 7 months
In TLO, we are told that the Oracle cannot date. So what if Percy and Rachel were dating beforehand, and then right before she becomes the Oracle, they have a quick wedding ceremony so they’re married, not dating?
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*most of my knowledge of how consent of marriage in New York between two 16 to 17 year olds comes from google. So if I get anything legally wrong I apologize*
"Are you sure about this Rachel?"
"I'm sure Percy." Rachel says from inside the single family bathroom at the court house.
"Besides if it doesn't work out we can always get divorce."
"Gee thanks." Percy says sarcastically.
Rachel giggles softly, "You know what I mean Percy. Besides I've got a good feeling about this. It feels right."
"Like I'm about to have a weird vision of the future feeling, or just a regular good feeling?" Percy questions.
Before Rachel can answer Percy's Mom and Paul comes up behind him. Sally smiling with a piece of paper in her hands. Mr Dares written consent. He smiles and waves back. Nervousness fully hitting him
"How did you get your dad to agree to this?"
"Blackmail". Rachel says, finally opening the bathroom door and stepping out.
"Oh". Percy says, stunned at the sight he sees before him. Ocean eyes wide, cheeks turning red.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is a vision in ivory white. The dress she wears hangs around her all drape like but beautiful. Reminding Percy of greek women in movies. Two pieces of fabric attached to the skirt are also clip around her wrists so the skirt flows and swishes with her. As she move the dress moves with her, as if shes floating in water. The part of the bodice thats attached to the flowing skirt is aligned with white sea pearls. One perfectly lined up in a row, one after another. Circling her waistline. More pears are sewed at the top of the bodice near her chest. Showing a modest but greek style neckline. The look is completely with her red curls still wild but beautiful. A greek style flower laurel on her head, with a bit of white veil going down her back. Her face plain but no less beautiful natural. Big green wide eyes pop amongst the white, freckles all over her body standing out even more, but still beautiful. The most beautiful thing of all is her happy carefree smile.
Percy has said nothing, completely amazed by how beautiful she looks. He feels (embarrassing to think let alone admit) like Prince Eric from that Disney movie when Ariel the mermaid steps out of the shadows for the prince to see her in her pretty pink dress.
Flustred and still amazed Percy comments, "Yo-you look beautiful "
Rachel gives a happy flirty smile back. Eyes Percy up and down in satisfaction.
"No so bad yourself Percy. You clean up nice."
He laughs nervously, and tries not to mess up his styled black hair by running his fingers through it. After the yelling(first time ever really his mom has ever yelled like that and questioned what he was thinking) Percy's mom quickly came around once he fully explained about Rachel becoming the orcale. She again asked him if they were both sure(mainly eyeing her son for his reactions). But quickly became fully supportive with Paul's help. Paul more so getting Mr Dare's written consent, and finding a court house that would marry two teenagers in New York. Sally Jackson not only helped Percy with his hair, she got Percy a suit. A dark ocean blue suit. Plain white dress shirt. Matching ocean blue vest and tie. Percy felt like a ridiculous little boy playing dress up. However seeing Rachel, and her over all reaction. For once Percy felt maybe he did look good too. That they could actually maybe do this.
Percy reaches to hold both of Rachels hands. Linking their fingers together.
"Ready?" Questions Percy(he doesn't really need to.)
A determined look flashes in Rachel Elizabeth Dare's eyes. "Ready."
Percy nods then turns to his mom. She smiles at him.
Everything after that is a blur, what Percy remembers most is standing in front of the judge with Rachel. Holding her hands. He would be afraid that he's squeezing the circulation from her fingers, however shes squeezing just as hard back. So good to know he's not the only one freaking out. But soon the judge is having them sign their names on the paperwork. Afterwards he has them recite the typical lines you always hear at weddings.
"Do you Perseus Jackson, being of sound mind and body take Rachel Elizabeth Dare as you lawful wedded wife?" The old judge says, looking like stereotypical old man judge with glasses and gray hair. He has a disapproving look on his face('probably at their ages, but the old geezer can stuff it' thinks Percy).
Percy genuinely grins at Rachel. A soft fragile thing. He is fully putting his heart in her hands. "I do."
The judge continues, "And do you Rachel Elizabeth Dare, being of sound mind and body take Perseus Jackson as your lawful wedded husband?"
Rachel eyes shine. She has a serious look on her face. Not letting her eyes leave Percy she says, "I do."
"Than by the state of New York I pronounce you husband and wife. Young man you may now kiss your bride."
Percy sees a flash of blonde in the corner of his eye in the back of the court house but he ignores it(he's not letting her ruin this. Especially for Rachel). He takes a quick look a his mom and Paul (his parents) both smiling and crying. He finally looks at Rachel who smiles at him in reassurance. Rachel mouths the words 'I have a good feeling about this.' It gives him the courage to finally close the gap. Rachel leans up on her tip toes as he leans down and their lips touch. Warmth and comfort flashes through the both of them. It feels like home to Percy(it feels like he's breaking the cycle. Making his own destiny. They are no longer pawns of the gods)
Percy pulls Rachel closer and runs his fingers through her red curls. Kissing her a little harder. She hums in pleasure.
Too quickly they end the kiss and both pull back. Meadow green eyes meet ocean. Both unbelievably happy.
Hand in hand they walk to Percy's parents. Rachels sees the blonde sitting in the back and ignores it too. Through congratulations from both hugging parents Percy and Rachel dont let go of each others hands.
Rachel and his parents are both waiting outside the courthouse when Percy finally goes up to Annabeth. She meets him half way. Walking quickly to meet him. He expects it, but still flinches at the hard punch she gives him to his face( Annabeth is also wearing a silver ring with owl craved into the band. The owl cuts against Percy's eyebrow).
Casually the blonde shakes her fist out, her knuckles brused. Annabeth's eyes are cold, yet her face doesn't show much emotion. "How could you! Especially with her! She's a mortal Percy!"
Percy (ignoring the pain) tries to stay calm, hopefully he can get through this quickly. The quicker he gets through this the quicker he can get back to his parents and his girl- no his wife. His wife now he happily thinks.
"Since when is that your concern Annabeth? I can date and marry who I want. Your my friend. I would think you'd be happy for me."
Annabeth face goes a little red in angrer. Finally some emotion is showing.
" I kissed you, I thought even a seaweed brain like you can even figure out what that means!"
"Yeah you kissed me. Meaning you like me. But that doesn't mean I return those feelings Annabeth!" Percy says through clenched teeth.
Annabeth has worry in her eyes now. "This wasn't how this was suppose to go!" She grips his jacket collar hard and desperate. "You think this will be ok with the gods Percy?! Not only is she mortal, she's the psychic of Delphi too. They will not be pleased with this! They wont like being out smarted like this!"
Percy removes her hands from his person. "Its my life Annabeth! And I get to choose how I want to live it. We both get to. So I'm choosing her." Percy finally gives her and apologetic look. "I'm sorry, but I care for her enough to risk it." It's too early to say love Percy thinks. But he's definitely starting to feel it could go that way with time. "I don't feel that way for you Annabeth. I'm sorry."
Full blown emotion finally shows on her face. Her lip wobbles, and tears gather in her eyes. But than her face goes angry again. Tears finally spill. "I gave up Luke for you. Fine than, if that's how you want to play it. Have fun with your mortal. When the gods get pissed off enough to think of some horrible pay back. Don't come crying to me." She turns swiftly and not looking back. Percy makes a motion to follow her, but Annabeth puts on her baseball cap and goes invisible.
He feels horrible for Annabeth. But he wont let her ruin today. He looks at his hand with his ring on it and smiles. He wont let anyone one ruin it.
"What happened to your forehead?" Rachel questions with worry, she gently touches the mark on his eyebrow.
Percy just smiles at her, clasping her hand with hers.
"It's nothing don't worry about it Mrs Jackson."
Rachel laughs at that. The look on her face is so beautiful he can't help but kiss her.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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life-winners-liveblog · 10 months
Ok, for the song thing (if you’re still doing it), I’ve got quite a few:
Bang! By AJR
How far we’ve come by Matchbox twenty
Little lion man by Mumford & Sons
Lotta true crime by Penelope scott
Rät by Penelope Scott
Take me to war by The Crane Wives
Villain by Stella Jang
Touchy feely fool by AJR
Room where it happens from Hamilton
(You don’t have to do all these I just wanted to give as many options as possible)
(Good thing for you is that I know almost all of these, so I am going to do those... it might take a while XD)
Scott: Ok nice start, very rythmey.
Grian: Those lyrics "come hang" "let's go out with a bang"... is this one of those songs that have a cheery tune but have like deep stuff in the lyrics?
LimL!Jimmy: Oh I wasn't feeling it at first but that electric oh-dee-la-de-do just hit and wow.
Pearl:... Let's go out with a bang... thats a bit of an on the nose reference to Double Life.
Grian: What-
Pearl: You'll see when we watch Double Life.
(How far we have come)
Pearl: Another fast one, nice!
LimL!Jimmy: 🎶Let's see how far we've come, 🎵let's see how far we've come🎶. It's catchy.
Scott: I feel kinda sad? It gives the vibe of an ending song... An end in general... But endings don't exist do they? we know now that even death isn't one... Everything just goes on wether or not you are there to experience it...
Grian: Though...At the same time everything ends doesn't it? Everything dies, everything is eventually destroyed, mountains erode away and stars die and black holes evaporate...
LimL!Jimmy:... Why are you guys getting philosophical... It's a song... Don't take it so seriously....
(Little Lion Man)
Scott: Oh this one is slower...
Pearl: I don't need a song telling me to weep and what's with the lion man thing?
Grian: Oh ... That... Oh... (The "It was not your fault but mine, i really fucked it up this time didn't I my dear" really hit Grian in the feels)
LimL!Jimmy:... I mean, if you mess up enough times you eventually get used to being a failure, speaking from experience eventually you just accept it.
Scott: You are not a failure... Jimmy. No matter what mistakes you might have done.
Grian: Like a daddy should? My parents litterally left me so yeah, thats not true, think again... Did...I say that out loud?
Scott:... Uhhhh...this is akward... Do you want an hug?
Grian:... Kinda.
Pearl: ... ... ... Anyway.
LimL!Jimmy: *alward hum* 🎶Take me to the moo-oo-on🎵
(Villain- english ver)
LimL!Jimmy: What do you mean pretend? I am the hero!
Scott: Oh the way "so many shades of gray" is sung is just so suave... This is very nice.
Pearl: 🎵I am villain why pretend🎶 that it isn't true? 🎶Didn't realize what an awful little devil I could be.🎵
I am going to have this in my head for a while.
Grian:... It's alright I guess...
(The room where it happened)
Scott: Good start already has a beat.
LimL!Jimmy: All you had to do was to die? Aha we are already dead!
Pearl: Are they just gonna keep calling him the immigrant, did we miss something?
Scott: It's from a musical I think so probably context we don't have.
Grian: *humming at "no one else was in the room where it happened"*
LimL!Jimmy: ...I know none of these names... (Logical result of making 2 British people, a Scottish man and an Australian listen to a song about people from the American Revolution).
Pearl: Me neither.
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little-blurry-stars5 · 8 months
editing this as i go--
so started right off at crusty's, and heres the thing- they walked right in and instantly took him down. the thing im a bit disappointed about is that in the books, its percy that thinks quickly on his feet to rescue his friends, and im sad they weren't able to portray that in the show, because too many times hes percived as dumb or slow when in reality hes actully really smart
grovers stress toy 😭 someone give this man (satyr?) a BREAK
ohhhhh i know percy's finna break a pearl and demolish new reader's hopes and dreams
HOLY FRIGGIN HELL THATS A BIG DOG (love that they kept the rottweiler detail tho)
GROVER GROVER R U OK PLEASE BE OKAY OH MY GODS oh wait annabeth has the ball itll b ok
shes. shes petting it
awww hes just a doggy just a very very big doggy oh hello grover thats. thats really gross but atleast ur ok
annabeth HOLD ON GIRL
shoes didnt do the the thing. huh
THERE THEY GO. awww theyre playing with him <3 glad they kept that. grovers in awe i would be too
why is his palace upsidedown...???
oh aw no.... poor sally. she didnt deserve everything that sucks. also poor percy
FUCK THATS CREEPY. oh theres more. wonderful. oh theyre in asphodel. why are they so creepy........... stop
annabeth?? girl whats goin on?? WHY IS SHE TIED UP ohh she regrets thalia doesnt she... how is she going to get out of there oh the pearl.. AIGHT GO GO GET OUTTA THERE i know it must break his heart to leave her but atleast shes safe
OOP THE SHOES. THEYRE THEY GO hes going to fall into that hole in five years oh my gods. and they were red converse too... damn. oh theres the bolt. wait he was supossed to figure it out himself why did it just. appear. what are they going to do... i thought they were supossed to meet hades??? oh there they go. HADES ISNT INVOLVED GUYS... OH HES FINNA GO FOR HIS MOM THATS HOW HADES IS INVOLVED
stop youre breaking my heart. stop stop thiS MADNESS [cries and sobs]
the underworld is weirddd but lowk cool?? its diff from wut i had in mind but still
is that.... hades??? THAT IS HUH.
cilp clack clip clack clip clack clip clack oh i could listen to that all day
WHY IS SHE A STATUE?? true hades... true... he looks way diff than i imagined. love the big speech.. hun... but he doesnt want the bolt
hades just minding his own buisness 😭
HES FIGIURING IT OUT HE FIGURED IT OUT woooooooo there he goessss
hes protecting them omg. hes such a good guy. ok we wiat why does ohhhh hes actully smart?? hes actully practical. hades is js trying to live his life man...
STOPP POISEDION?? he cares he cares so much- is he british?? im crying stop SALLY DESERVES BETTER SHE JS WANTS HER SON TO BE SAFE IM CRYING aww sally and poisiodon <333 hes here for here - at least now. oh wiat thats THATS SO GOOD STOP THIS SHOW IS AMAZING ADKLAJFKLDAJSFKL;SAJFKLAS;
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cometrose · 1 year
let me try to get all of my hunger game feelings down as quickly as possible
first of all, what a series it was so much better than i remember and i don't like 10 year olds should've been allowed to read this but i think for the most part all of the traumatic shit went over their heads
peeta my son, he has been reduced to a soft spoken bread boy over the years and i did not remember or realize how charming he was in the book gosh he is my babygirl and so sweet
in the first book he was an absolute treasure like the way he flirts with katniss the way he moves a crowd im in awe like i fucking love the interview scene in the first book and the movies do it such a disservice because his crush confession is so shocking that everybody kind of gasps like he has stolen this crowd at the show (im kind of sad cause caesar and peeta duo was so iconic naturally stars)
god katniss my dear i don't know where to start with her
i had no idea she was such a shitty narrator like if i didn't already know the entire plot i might have believed her crazy ass. Especially in the first book the girl is insane. peeta is living his terrible life with a crush while katniss is having a one sided enemies to lovers moment all in her fucking head. It is not until the train home that its like oh he was serious ofc you fucking walnut.
katniss is the star but everyone with eyes knows that if you take peeta away from her she'll breakdown and thats the cruelest part. I think if I was Snow i would've left katpee alone idk why put the spark back in the spotlight ya know?
the second book peeta was another beam of light god the baby line is so iconic and he deserved it malewife manslaughter manipulate he has done it all and did it flawlessly
and he’s still so sweet like trying to get katniss to leave him or backing off when he thinks she's with gale he always so respectful of her space
the fucking locket and pearl are very special to me like he knows and SHE KNOWS there is nothing left for him in 12 but she doesn't listen
there is so much warmth in him from painting rue's portrait for the gamemakers or offering gifts to district 11 like he didnt know thresh and rue but he knew how much it meant to katniss and how awful it was for them to die. Even him talking the morphling as they died just gently describing his paintings and rainbows was so precious
And I think about katniss and peeta were labeled as rebels for simply showing acts of kindness I like how he gets mad and that gentleness disappears but there is always a reason behind it, and him taking care of haymitch is just the sweetest he has attitude but so much warmth
then in MJ goodness its a lot first the torture and then risking it all to warn the rebels and then later like yes he tried to kill katniss but she overlooked it and so will i and hes so mean and cruel when he's out of his mind but can you blame him its not like he's lying??
the moments where that gentleness comes out again are so precious to me when he bakes annie and finnick's wedding cake when he talks sweet to delly its the little moments and how like every single book before he still wants katniss to live and he's crying and begging for death and digging his arms into his wrists to hold himself together
in the end he still wont let katniss die and the first thing he fucking does after getting out of wherever the fuck they stored him was to plant primroses in front of her house and i love him so much
he's really smart its just that no one tells him the fucking plan ever even though they all agree he's a great fucking actor
He knows he hold katniss back and he wants her to let him go but she wont and he wont let her go either and he gives her space to sort out her feelings like yes he loves her he always has and he has never tried to push her and he's just a kind person and i really really really that
At the end of the day i will always treasure a character who is simply a good person
Katniss has her moments of frustration but I don't think I can ever get mad at her because like peeta she is a genuinely good person.
Don't listen to her shitty inner monologue she doesn't have a fucking clue she is so empathetic and compassionate and caring she might not be outwardly sweet but she shows it with her actions, with rue, prim, peeta, everyone and everybody her kindness knows no bounds and she does it because she desperately wants to protect the people she loves
I think so much is lost from katniss' character into shitty ya dystopias of the 10s is that compassionate. She did not become a symbol of rebellion because she really wanted to she did it to protect the people she loves every act of rebellion was a show of love and compassion whether it is burying a little girl and singing her to her death or risking it all to help as many people as she can
peeta says it the best that she has no idea the affect she has on people and her crappy elder sister inner monologue shows that she thinks so little of herself and her ability that she undermines her skills and talents and natural charisma.
So much of her is survival “I want to the people i love to survive” and when innocent people die because of her when her friends fall to save her it hurts and hurts and she is buried under the weight of it all, burying the burden of a rebellion is not something that should be thrust upon a young girl trying to live
she's moody she's feisty but damn does she love deeply and passionately it just looks different.
THG is a very gross book there is no other way to describe everything is far uglier then you remember. The wolf mutts that look like tributes the tears the blood and pain its all so awful. Reading through the pain and the suffering and it does this really odd thing of making you smile in between the moments of terror. I love katniss' flashbacks through the book and how they reveal more and more of the story.
Katniss could have abandoned peeta and left him like he told her too multiple times but she wanted him to live she wanted that boy who gave her bread to survive and she knew if he died she would never recover it may not be the love we are thinking about but it was everything.
I don't think i will forget how awful cato's death is and how my eyes watered reading rue die again. THG is so good and making us despair you come out of that silly book hating nobody there is no tribute that i can afford to hate. The first book has a very unique vibe to it and i like it's style.
CF, catching fire is probably my favorite cause its the least traumatizing. I blame katniss and peeta for that because they are the cutest fucking thing in that stupid book. I argue that it might be a mix of love and codependency thrown in there but the cutest shit.
I totally forgot about the gale katniss love stint at the beginning so that was a total surprise.
I love the cast of catching fire i love them all i love finnick and mags and johanna and beetee and wiress and morphling 6 ( i dont like calling her that) i love the stylists and cinna and effie and i like themmmm. i like them all i love how the city and nation cries for their tributes and you see all of their friends and allies come together before the end begins.
That fucking force field has me smiling every time because its the moment where everybody but katniss realizes how much peeta means to her. The stupid pearl and the stupid locket make my heart hurt because peeta loves her so much and wants her to live and she doesn't care because she'll do anything and everything to keep him alive.
Watching them hold each other in the train, cry over force fields, drag each other through fog and water, hold each other in their arms after terrible jabberjays, even before when she was watching him bring her bread and paint in her home and katniss would stare at his eyelashes. Like she says it would be easy to let peeta go but she will never do that and she can't. Calling out for each other before she blows up the damn force field like fuck you all even if they didn't fall in love i know damn well they should've stayed together.
MJ is such a hollow book you just come out of it with emptiness like im not sad i wont cry but i feel a bit empty because you look at all the things you had and then its all gone, what was katniss fighting for? her sister, her mother, gale? and its all gone in and instant nothing remains, her friends her home the companions she made along the way and it hurts and hurts. You close the book and take a deep sign and just feel whatever is left to feel. Madge's death kind of hurt me she was the symbol behind the symbol and she is just gone. everybody is gone
Like there is nowhere to begin its falling in love even more with finnick and watching him disappear its falling in love with katniss' little camera crew and watching them disappear
its prim the light that started this just disappear and whats left NOTHING
there are so many moments where katniss wants to rip her head off but she can't because she doesn't have time there is no space there is no room its not until she if shipped back to her home all alone that she truly breaks down because she can. there is no more rebellion she has to be strong for there is no prim or mother she has to lead and she is stuck with all the weight all alone.
MJ just left me hollow like maybe if i read this years ago after CF came out i would’ve hand the sticky stuffy feeling i get in chest when i read bittersweet stories but i don’t know if this is sweet enough and it’s not bitter? it’s nothing just nothing is left
i love the parallels the book has with modern society like this is a death game where children have to fight to the death and everyone only paid attention to the love triangle and romance like they did in the games of the fact nobody cared a 16 year old girl would die in senseless violence until they realized she was pregnant like the baby suddenly makes her life valuable
simple acts of kindness labeled as rebellious and innocent children are forced to shoulder the weight of the world when they have no one left. there are so many moments where death would be the kindest thing to any of these characters because they had no hope but hope enters so when they die their death hurts like nothing else.
it tells a story of war and survival that seems so far away but so close. Katniss just wanted to live and the people she loved to live she never asked to become the face of a war but she does it and she stands strong until she can’t anymore i love her and i think her love and empathy has been lost over the years
if i were to talk about the romance okay it’s been years i knew peeta was going to win but seeing him again was so refreshing cause he is so charming and sweet and it makes my heart flutter. if katniss didn’t want him i’ll take him
i don’t hate gale, like his anger and rage caused prim’s death and you can argue having Coin in his ear and having to raise his family all by himself traumatized him so he believes it’s okay to sacrifice innocent lives (children and doctors mind you) for the greater good.
Both boys are rebels and they are good people deep down but peeta is motivated by kindness he does these things because it is the kind thing to do gale does these things because he’s angry for all he has to suffer. Both sides are justified in their feelings but it’s about katniss at the end of the day
there are many moments where katniss is taken back my gale’s cruelness and flame. She doesn’t need him to appeal to her anger to the rebellious aspect of her being. Peeta however appeals to the softer side of her soul the one that nurtures little girls who sings people to sleep he opens up the sweet side of katniss that she is positive doesn’t exist. She can be painfully romantic and she can tell everyone she doesn’t see the beauty in the world but she does she sees it every time.
There is more to katniss that fighting and hunting and i don’t think gale knew that. At the end of the day the only option was Peeta because he complimented the side of her that was buried by the weight of the world and i think that adds more meaning to her life than anything else
there are so many characters to talk about j loved ever second with haymitch and how he acts like he doesn’t care but every single tribute that has come after him has left a hole in his heart. My district 12 tributes are disasters but they truly care about each other probably every only people left in the world who would risk it all
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duckmumbo · 5 months
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it! I was tagged by @oceans-swim
I said I wouldn’t write a sequel and yet here I am. Like a liar.
Elevator goes up elevator goes down why won’t it go faster I need to go down I am being left behind
Assassin Pearl. Maybe.
Role Swap fic who am I swapping? No Idea!!!
Philza minecraft you have ruined my life and now I will ruin the life of your cubito and his son
Why would someone sing about being turned inside out that’s so weird I know it’s a metaphor but like isn’t that weird anyway
Hey Bdubs when was the last time you saw someone asking for a friend
grian he is so silly and goofy and playful and murderous mostly murderous but thats ok his friends understand surely
hunger games au chap 2: 7-10k
I said I wouldn’t write a sequel and yet here I am. Like a liar.
It goes like this. sad kazoo noises
Why Can't You See Me (Like You Used To)
space jammies pearl you are so beloved to me
i love coming up with silly names for my gdocs it is so funny To Me. I am tagging @angst-for-the-angst-queen @pieofdeath @condorclaw @writer-room @oh-snapperss and anyone else who has a lot of wips they wanna talk about <3<3<3
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satorus-leftarm · 2 years
we all know kai. most of us hate him. but i would like to introduce u to the kai that lives in my head
first off, MY KAI ISNT A TOTAL ASSHOLE. i mean….he still kinda is bc i still wanna keep him slightly canon. SO HES NOT RACIST OR HOMOPHOBIC OR SEXIST OR ANY OF THAT GROSS STUFF. def not a tr**pie either. bc thats the ultimate EWWW
he dyed his hair blue bc of kurt cobain (bc face it, every evan loved nirvana)
he knows how to patch up wounds really well bc winter liked to get into fights at school a lot and aS WE SAW IN THE FLASH BACK (iykyk) WHEN HE HIT THE- THE GUY IN THE HEAD WITH THE FIRE PLACE POKER THINGY!!! YEAH THEY WERE BESTIES (ill write hcs with the 2 of them soon)
his dad made him learn russian at the age of 6 just bc “if spies were to infiltrate our house, u would understand, son”. kai the. proceeded to forget everything that was taught to him and learned french instead
he wants to live in italy. dont ask. he just does. 
his original plan when he first started college was to graduate and do teacher school to become a math teacher and make it less awful for kids to help them understand better bc he had trouble learning too. winter laughed in his face
vincent bullied him into doing a bunch of dodgy shit growing up. which lead to kai getting beat up CONSTANTLY
kai. loves. cake. hes obsessed. hes mastered baking JUST so he can make different variations of cake. he once made a space ship cake for winter once. and it was fucking delicious. he cant make anything else tho. only cake
has a thing for gardening. idk why i just feel like he would
he plays piano really well. he was in an academy and shit too
he has a VERY specific taste in music. like he fuckin loves nirvana and pearl jam and radiohead but i also feel like he would be a soft music kinda guy too. like think cage the elephant and david bowie. he’ll be listing to lets say space oddity and someone will ask him what he’s listing too and he’s like “oh- uh- metal” and he DOES like metal but its a very occasional listen for him
unconsciously falls in love with guys in movies
was the emo/grunge kid growing up. like the man has eyeliner stains and shit. he has to cover them up still but sometimes he leaves them bc they look good
when hes feeling down, he’ll end a cult meeting (bc theres no kai if theres no cult) early and go up to his room and listen to sad asf music. we’re talking where is my mind, all sad lana songs u can think of, depressing metal
once he made the cult sit down and watch the entirety of nirvana mtv unplugged. they asked why, he flipped them off and told them to fuck off. or it was the wide eyed death stare he has. 
milkshake addict
most likely will make a pt2 :3
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inward-shoe · 3 years
Last life members songs
For the Aesthetic-
None Shall Live- Thomas Bergeson. No lyrics, but the sense of impending doom that is the whole Last Life series. Anotherone Bites the Dust by Queen. Another one just for the aesthetic as they slowly are killed. Kill the lights by Set it off. This whole vibe is what the last few sessions were, people dying everywhere.
members songs:
bdubs- I'm Something Else by SomeThingElseyt. I like to imagine he puts on his moss cape every morning listening to this song.
Etho Revenge by TryhardNinja. Thats pretty obvious, but after Bdubs is killed he goes after them and gets his revenge
Grain Brothers Till the End by Ottomatic. This is a good song for when he got put on red. He and Joel going on a rampage, but being entirely unprepared.
Impulse Ain't No Crying by Derivakat. Yes, I know a Dream Smp song, but the lyrics are what goes through his head as he dies on the nether roof.
Mumbo Catch me if you Can by Set it Off. This is how he taunts Grian as he stills things
Pearl Let's kill tonight by Panic! At the Disco. Pearl and Scott did so much in their time together with some of the most lives between the two of them until she turned red.
Ren Kings Rise and Fall by Freedom Call. He was the Red King, but became a loyal soldier to Lizzie, only to be betrayed by her later. There's probably a good mumford and sons song for him, but this is my ideas.
Tango Wait in the Light by Shaman's Harvest. It strangely fits with his motif of anger as he goes on a "rage" but also as he causes himself to "wait in the light".
Cleo- Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. Cleo didn't trust anyone, and still got managed to get burned each time.
BigB Will the Sun Ever Rise by Five Finger Death Punch. Yest a lot of these are metal bands, but this is what he feels as he, Ren and Martyn are the only three green life left, as he was the cause of the fracture between their alliance.
Martyn The Best Day Ever by Spongebob. Grab the tissues. This is what Martyn listens to as he waits for the impending doom, remembering the good times in the Southern lands.
Lizzie Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab. I know this is classicaly a Flower Husbands song, but the rampage she goes on in the last episode, trying to kill both Joel and Jimmy, while trying to play sides with them. She is the "Angel" with a shotgun.
Joel Partners in Crime by Set it off. This is totally for Joel and Grian as they're on red lives.
Scar Burn by Phillipa Soo. I like the whole vibe of him turning red, while it didn't pan out as much, but him just wrecking the server as the only red name. also Deal with Destiny as he's the only real salesman on the server.
Scott Not gonna DIe by Skillet. Thinking lorewise, as him he is the last survivor, he is the only one left.
Jimmy Bang by AJR. Sorry Jimmy Timmy, but you got out first twice in a row.
Skizzleman Sugar, we're goin down by Fall Out Boy. Mumbo and Skizz never really had a chance, lets be honest.
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zero-rider · 3 years
the adventures of Black and Arc
warning, this parody is based on a 2013 video of a mexican youtuber that I found funny, hope you like it
Both Jaune and Mercury got inside their appartment on vale, Jaune with a gloomy face and Mercury angry with something. And after leaving the keys in the coffe table, they leaved to the kitchen to grab a soda for the blond and a beer for the grey haired guy and seated in front of the table
Mercury: Well... Let's toast for another missed opportunity to do something awesome... you're an idiot, Arc
Jaune: and what did i do?
Mercury: You had the perfect girl for our machiavellian plans!
Jaune: *sigh* Are you still sore about the pent house of Vacuo
Mercury: Damn right i am! We made plans for a party in a good place -good place that we don't have, because you got scared to flirt with a fucking woman- and now we will have to do it here!
Jaune: I was not scared by her, it's a little more complicated than that
Mercury: complicated, asshole? you had that girl in a silver plate and even she made the fuck-me eyes to you. How can be more complicated than that!?
Jaune: Well, do you remember when we were at Scarlet's party?
Mercury: who?
Jaune: Scarlet, the friend of Sun, who had his party in a club
Mercury: what club?
Jaune: the one we go after we left Yatsu's house
Mercury: who the fuck is Yatsu?
Jaune: the friend of Fox, the owner of the house we were before we left to the club last night
Mercury: *totally lost and looking at Jaune*
Jaune: just check you right arm, we marked every place we go yesterday
Mercury: *checks his arm and effectively, there's names of places in his arm then look at Jaune* we go to Envy club!?
Jaune: you really don't remember anything?
Mercury: why did we go to a gay club?
Jaune: *surprised* Envy was a gay club? *mercury nod* fuck, anyway. At that club's bar, i met this beautiful girl with almost aqua hair, she was very pretty
Mercury:*zipping his beer* yeah, i remember that
Jaune: the case is that i got her two black pearls and when we were for the third round, i remembered that i didn't had my wallet
Mercury: and why you didn't had your wallet, you broke bastard?
Jaune: because a stripper took it from me at the strip club
Mercury: when did we go to strip club? *Jaune point his arm again* oh, now i see
Jaune: so, she find it cute, for a weird reason, that i didn't had any money on my bags and paid me other two rounds
Mercury: *chug heavily at his beer and look at Jaune*
Jaune: What?
Mercury: i don't know, theres something weird when you say that loud. A girl in a gay club who buy you drinks, but continue
Jaune: she said that her uncle is a rich guy and that she is the daughter of the treasurer of the secretary of agriculture of Mantle
Mercury: That sounds... really long
Jaune: And that she had a pent house in Vacuo
Mercury: You motherfucker!
Jaune: It wasn't my fault!
Mercury: So it was mine?
Jaune: It was! if you didn't come out of nowhere that could have been a given and without your help
Mercury: Dude, i hear that by accident, i was behind you and talking to another girl. Also, i knew that you wouln't ask her
Jaune: Pff of course i was gonna do it
Mercury: *zip his beer one more time* Okay, but did you take her home, if you know what i mean?
Jaune: aaaahhh
Mercury: NO?!
Jaune: Something like that
Mercury: You couln't even get laid after you fucked my life, you fucking bastard, son of a bitch, motherfucking whore?!!
Jaune: I kissed her
Mercury: Fuck, at least you did something! *start to finish his beer*
Jaune: She had a dick
Mercury: *spits the beer* WHAT?!
Jaune: When i kissed her -him- she put my hand on her thights and i started to move my hand up, thats when i felt something hard and venous
Mercury: She could had shit herself
Jaune: And why would she shit herself and had it stuck on her thong
Mercury: I don't know, a kidney problem?
Jaune: I got scared and left to the bathroom, and when i returned to apologise, i told her that we had to leave because we found you drugged and drunk on the bathroom and that you were under conditional freedom
Mercury: Jaune, if you had controled your damn sexual impulses, maybe right now we could have been packing for a trip to the biches of Vacuo
Jaune: You say that as it was the end of the world
Mercury: Just shut up for a moment... crap, you could had close you eyes an imagine that you were kissing Weiss or Ruby
Jaune: I was not gonna pretend that Weiss or Ruby -at least, for all i know- had a dick
Mercury: Pussy
Jaune: I just didn't want to be impaled by her, i like impale, not being impaled
Mercury: Him
Jaune: Doesn't matter
Mercury: ...Try it
Jaune: What?
Mercury: Call her
Jaune: Call May?
Mercury: Okay, let's forget that her previous name was provably Michael before the operation and that you meet her or him in a gay club. She paid for your drinks and i am of the idea of calling her and try to fix what happend last night and convince her to let us borrow her pent house in Vacuo
Jaune: And if she say no?
Mercury: You owe me that, bitch!
Jaune: Fine *take his scroll, calls May and put it on speaker*
May: Hello?
Jaune: Hey, May. It's Jaune, how are you? *with a meek smile*
May: A little hungover from yesterday, how bout you?
Jaune: Same as you, but, i wanted to apologise to you for what i did
May: It's okay, but it is i who has to apologise
Jaune: You?
May: Yeah, i know that you felt something when you had your hand between my legs
Jaune: Oh that, Don't worry about that i just thought-
May: It's just that i have a kidney problem and sometimes i poo myself witout knowing
Jaune: What?
May: i was embarassed and i didn't want you to laught about it
Jaune: embarassedick
May: What?
Jaune: No, nothing... eeh bye *hung out*
Mercury: hey, what does a kidney problem has to do with shitting yourself
Jaune: i dont' know, but she did it
Mercury: that's gross
Jaune: i really wished she had a dick. At least you had more luck with that chick
Mercury: she did had a dick
Jaune: that's fine
Mercury: and i got us 69% of disscount for life at DustMart *rise his can*
Jaune: Nice
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ahdflksjaklf;jsls ok buddies - I hate talking about 14x13: Lebanon, but it has relevancy in the “John Winchester is a villain and cannot and should not be redeemed” discourse as well as being a crucial piece of finale denialist lore so I Have Been Thinking About It Too Much.
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As you may recall, the Occult Object of the Week - the pearl - in Lebanon is supposed to grant Dean’s “heart’s desire.” Dean and Sam are Very Sure this means expelling Michael (the Dean Winchester Must Be Saved installment of season 14) (honestly that premise always seemed a little slim to me, I was hoping for Dean’s heart’s desire to be Cas, on Dean’s car, naked, covered in bees). 
Instead they summon Dad of the Year, which at first feels infuriating.  However after discussion with my earworms, I Have Fixed It (and also turned it into a grenade to launch at 15x20.)
Finale denialists and John Winchester derogatorians ASSEMBLE! and let’s discuss after the cut.
I’ve written in depth about Dean’s struggles with the cycle of abuse, so I won’t go too far into it here, but if you want to revisit any of that meta this is a good place to begin.  This post hinges on the same theory - that Dean’s true freedom is established in his release from that cycle - that is the logical outcome of any hero’s journey for him, and where he would finally be able to accept happiness and love.  This logically would also make release from the cycle of abuse and the feelings of self-hatred Dean struggles with his “heart’s desire” for purposes of the pearl.  When it comes to emotions, we also know Dean doesn’t deal with them well.  He punches things instead.  So odds are, Dean hasn’t really worked through these feelings.  
Dean also mentions when John returns that “it was what [Dean] wanted since he was 4″ - when they lost Mary, right before John became obsessed with revenge.  Season 12 Mary canonically remembers John as a “good dad,” so we can draw a line from that to the abuse really starting shortly after her death.  This is also corroborated by Dean himself:
DEAN: You know when you died, it changed Dad. 
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(A visual of the John Mary remembers) (just my excuse to put pictures of Matt Cohen on your dash) (I shouldn’t need an excuse) (Matt Cohen hi you are on Tumblr please don’t read any of this I’m embarrassed).
So what Dean has is pre-Mary’s-death John and post-Mary’s-death John, post-Mary’s-death John being the one whose abuse created Dean’s own damaged persona.  Dean thinks the fix is to stop things on the front end (he is ignoring any process-centered solution, he just wants it to never have happened, he is in denial that he has to work through this and just wants it to be erased, etc etc etc).  
***also keep in mind that going back in time to change things on the front end as a “fix it” is a storyline SPN repeats regularly***
***and it always ends up being impossible to do*** 
Ok so for Dean, his damage/anger/brutal nature/darkness is always linked to John, and this cycle “began” for Dean once their family was torn apart by Mary’s death.  So the fix is his “blood family” together.  That’s his heart’s desire in Lebanon because Dean hasn’t really worked through any of his emotions, and it’s his very Dean way of fixing it - “oh if my family gets put back together I will be put back together too.”
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***speaking of quick fixes, I’d like to note that any case in SPN that is referred to as a “milk run”  inevitably becomes complicated and messy***
***continuing the thematics of there’s no such thing as a quick fix***
This is no different.  Stopping the cycle by simply erasing it from the narrative erases anything else that happened along the way during the journey.  It erases this Mary (who they know as a person by this point and not just the mom on a pedestal) 
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and (most importantly) it erases this Cas (the episode specifically replaces Cas with one who Doesn’t Know Dean).
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We Emphasize This Of Course In The Dialogue In Case You Missed It
DEAN Cas, you know us. ALTERNATE CAS I don’t know you.
***Simply erasing the origin of Dean’s trauma erases all of Dean’s growth.  It erases this family that Dean is so proud to tell John he has now. It erases everything he has already overcome despite how hard it was to achieve it.
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So, John goes back.  In that way, the pearl does give Dean his heart’s desire - his realization that this is not about a quick fix, it is about the journey to the good, and all you gain and become along the way (kind of similar to “Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being. It's in just saying it" eh?).  it’s the process.  It’s every moment along the way.  It’s the people who help him get there.
And then he starts the healing journey by taking control of his own life, by owning his feelings instead of displacing the blame, by recognizing he is NOT guided solely by the actions of his father and this cycle:
And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I gotta be honest – I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is.
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And the episode fucking ends with Cas, the Cas Who Knows Them coming into the bunker and asking them what happened, calling each of them by name just to emphasize again That He Knows Them, because Cas knowing Dean, and Cas being Dean’s family is the cornerstone of what Dean’s heart desires.
[CAS walks in from the door at the top of the stairs. SAM, DEAN and MARY walk out from the library to see him.]
CAS Mary, Sam, Dean. What happened?
So yeah, it took 14 damn seasons but Lebanon is where Dean realizes he can be defined by more than the acts of his father.  (That’s why it’s so terrifying for Dean when Chuck snatches back any control he gained in Season 15.  Because for Dean, Chuck is just John Winchester Controls My Every Action all over again, except he’s God which makes it even worse.) 
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That’s also why the final blow to Chuck is not Dean killing him. 
The last stage in the journey that begins here with Dean’s “I’m good with who I am” - [I’m still bad and dark and damaged but I’m good with it]
is Dean’s “that’s not who I am.” [the most caring man on Earth; the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know]
Thats equally why 15x18 is so brilliant, 15x19 is at least acceptable, and 15x20 simply does. not. work.
Dean Winchester’s perfect heaven cannot possibly center on the blood family.  It does not have John Winchester and Mary, husband and wife, who took away his own free will.  It is THIS FAMILY.  The found family.  Cas and Jack and Sam and the Mary that was resurrected.  Dean’s entire character arc supports this journey, and to have it culminate in something that is so established in the season prior to this one as something Dean knows he no longer wants is maddening.
I’m even more mad now because I just remembered that the most prominent picture above Dying Sam’s bed was the blood family portrait from this episode; almost like they wanted us to remember this particular stupid lesson.  This show is so stupid when it could have been so so so very good.
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***I want to say thanks again to all of you who read my spiraling if you got this far.  It’s therapeutic for me to do it, but it makes it all the better that people actually read it.  Seeing you in my notes MAKES my entire day****
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taegyuun · 4 years
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request: Can I request a ni-ki fluff where u both are besties but love each other and u try to confess but ur to shy so he kisses u ?🥺💗
word count: 1.5k+
note: his outfit is inspired by what he wore in his lie cover and italics are your thoughts :) 月が綺麗ですね means “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” which is a more poetic saying of “i love you” in japanese
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it was a around 4 pm and the sun was beginning to set. you promised to yourself that one last time, before riki left for a few months to go to a dance company, you’d see the sunset with him for old times sake.
but a teenager needs their sleep, right? right. so you overslept through your alarm.
you look at your phone in disbelief for a few seconds, letting your half asleep brain render what you’ve done. and then once you realise that the sun would be setting in 30 minutes, you scramble out of bed - legs still tangeled in your sheets and run to your wardrobe, pulling out a random hoodie that coincidentally belonged to the boy you were meant to be meeting in about 15 minutes.
you pull it over year head before checking yourself in the mirror and deeming your messy outfit enough, he is my best friend, you think to yourself.
ah yes, here’s that word again - best friend.
it was a cliché trope, the one where one of the two friends fall for the other and they either suck it up and deal with their feelings till they move on and possibly miss their chance at one of their best things in life or they confess and potentially ruin their friendship. you were a brave one, or at least that’s what you told yourself, and you decided it was the best choice to finally get your feelings out in the open - hoping they would be reciprocated.
and hey, if it didn’t work out, at least you wouldn’t have to see him for a month minimum and that would give you time to get over the embarrassment of ruining your tight knit friendship.
you snap out of your thoughts with a shake of your head and the sound of a message coming from your phone - it was from riki.
riki :D : hey u comin? 16:08
y/n <3 : hi yeah sorry got caught up with sumn 16:08
riki :D : alrighty i’m waiting outside 16:10
you furrow your brows at the message. outside? you both planned on meeting in the field and stuff yourself with your favourite food one last time before he had to stick to a diet - but you didn’t question it further and quickly ran down the stairs ready to run out the door to see your best friend.
instead, you’re met with your mother gushing over him in the kitchen and your father congratulating him on his future career - even as a 15 year old. it was common sense that your parents liked him, you’ve been best friends since elementary school but what you didn’t expect was your mother almost at the brink of bursting into obnoxious tears at the thought of the nishimura riki leaving okayama and her child behind.
to be quiet frank, she was completely more bothered about the fact that riki was leaving okayama, more so than the fact that he was also leaving you behind - she loved him as if he were her own son. “remember to call us ok? tell us how it’s going.” she gripped his shoulders tightly before caressing his face and pulling him into a tight hug. he quickly wrapped his arms back around her, reciprocating the feeling of homesickness even though he hadn’t left yet, before muttering a, “don’t worry, i’ll make sure to call everyday.”
he shared another hug with your dad, more manly than the one with your mum before your mother saw you waiting at the stairs, ushering you to come forward before shoving a bag full of snacks for you two. “make sure to stay safe with riki and don’t go wandering too far - oh also don’t stay out too late... have fun!” before she shoved the both of you out the door, quite stunned.
you then open the bag, seeing it full of yours and his favourite snacks and some... hearts? flowers? what on earth-
“hey, come on slowass... let’s go before it gets too dark,” rikis voice calls out before he softly grips your hand and tugs you along, a bright smile spreading across his face. “what are you wearing?” you look at his outfit and see him covered in a slightly large white dress shirt and black jeans. he looked... put together.
“oh this? i had a dance cover i had to do today, ignore it.” you usually wouldn’t pay attention to what he wore - especially if it was for his dance covers but what you couldn’t ignore was the slight blush that dusted his pale cheeks. is it because i’m wearing his hoodie? no that can’t be it. he never minded before - actually he was always the one to hand you his hoodies. so what could it be?
“let’s sit here, it’s a good spot for the sunset,” he pats the spot of grass next to him on the hill, indicating for you to take a seat. you place the bag at his feet before sitting down onto the cool grass, feeling it tickle at your ankles. 4:33 pm. the sun should be setting right about now-
“riki, uhm, uh well i was gonna uh-“
“spit it out, y/n,” he giggles through his words as he digs his hand into the bag before pulling out two snacks and handing one to you. easier said than done, einstein.
“do you really have to go?” you curse under your breath for being such a coward and not just saying what you wanted to say straight away. “yeah, unfortunately,”
“unfortunately? don’t you want to go? it’s your dream, riki. for the love of god, don’t tell me you’re starting to question it.” you voice raises slightly in bewilderment. he chuckles lowly while looking out into the sky: orange, pinks, purples and hints of blue mixed in the sky like water colour being dipped in a glass half full. “no i’m not... questioning it, i’m more concerned about what i’m going to leave behind.” he takes another bite before speaking again, “i’ll miss okayama, y’know? and all my friends... even that weird, janky shop on that corner that no one really goes to. but it’s the fact that i’m leaving you behind thats making me want to stay here... i don’t want to leave you.” as he speaks, the moon peaks through the clouds more, becoming more apparent to the human eye. it almost reminds riki of his own feelings - hidden for so long before finally becoming clear.
“riki, you two-braincelled dumbass, stop being worried about some janky corner shop and go follow your dreams! you won’t be gone forever, a few months at top and sure, i may not be there in person but... you’ll always have me y’know? i’m your best friend after all!” you end your little speech with a gentle push from your shoulder to his and a wide smile, making him chuckle.
but it was humourless.
“you good?” your smile fades and instead is replaced with a small frown. he looks out into the sky again, the beautiful sunset colours suddenly replaced with a darker blue and grey transparent clouds covering a tiny part of the moon. “best friends... yeah.” it was a very quiet mutter - clearly not meant to be heard by you but it was just loud enough for your ear to catch.
this is my chance.
his quiet words gave you a slight boost of confidence and you suddenly sit in front of him, making him jump slightly in surprise. “what are you doing?”
“riki, shut up for a second,”
“right ok well, i was meaning to say this for a very long time but i kinda didn’t want to ruin anything so i decided to be a genius and basically leave it till the day before you leave so incase i did mess anything up it would give us some time y’know? but anyways uh i just wanted to say that i uh... well ok so i - well basically-“
“y/n, shut up for a second so i can kiss you.”
“i’m sorry what?” that’s what you tried to say, but instead your words got muffled by his hands softly grabbing your face and connecting his lips to yours in a warm, slow kiss.
oh good lord.
kissing riki felt like midnight strolls. walks under a roof where the rain bounced off. mario kart competitions at friendly gatherings. ordering a takeout when you don’t feel like cooking. finding your favourite shirt after misplacing it for months.
it felt so... normal. so exciting yet homely. it was something you were so happy to experience - yet it made you feel at peace and as if you were meant to be there.
as he pulled away, your cheeks warmed in delight and he shyly smiled down at the ground. in return, you lift his face and place another soft peck onto his pink lips and smile brightly after. his black pearl eyes then flicker to look behind you, smiling tenderly as he looked back at you before opening his mouth to speak.
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back-to-louis · 3 years
I am CACKLING at larries rn, they are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for justifications for today. I saw one on here say that it’s “suspicious” that Lottie is “showing off” Freddie so much and “trying too hard” and thats what proved to them that the whole thing is staged. I really want to know what universe larries exist in where an auntie enjoying and posting pics of her nephew is abnormal? I am a doting auntie myself, my niece is my life and I probably posted pics of every single thing she did today. I have dozens of pics of us together. I guess that means our entire relationship is fake. When will they stop asking for someone to “end it” and realize that the only thing that needs ending is their insanity? They have been painting entirely ordinary activities and and interactions as abnormal and suspicious for years. And they keep saying babygate. I think that helps soothe them into a false sense of security by undermining how long its actually been. Its School-age-child-gate now larries. Get it right.
Until today, the go-to argument from the CTs was that Freddie wasn't Louis's son because Louis's family didn't interact with him, "never" saw him, didn't know him. [let's pretend phones and Facetime don't exist, why not]
Today, we all saw Louis' family interact with Freddie, and now it's them trying too hard, showing off, staged, suspicious.
Until today, the go-to argument from CTs was that Freddie wasn't Louis's son because he never flew to the UK after 2016 to meet with his family. Today, there are pearls clutched all over the larriesphere about how unkind it is to force a small child to take a trans-Atlantic flight.
Why, it's almost like a defining characteristic of conspiracy theories is that they are unfalsifiable and evidence against them is considered to be evidence of the conspiracy! Hmmm!
[I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to stop using ableist terms like 'insanity' in my criticisms of conspiracy theorists, just fyi!]
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i-am-infinite · 4 years
Guilt (Part 1): The Rescue
(Din Djarin x ForceSensitive!Fem!Reader)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Slight Chpt 12 and 13 spoilers. Read at your own risk.
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Description: Moff Gideon has found someone else to run his experiments on and word gets back to Din. Will he take his son far away and try and find somewhere safe? Or will the guilt of an innocent being put in his son’s place eat away at him? (No Y/N or ___ used)
Word Count: Slightly over 4K
Warnings: Mentions of blood and needles. Broken glass. Fainting. Blood loss. Canon type violence. Possible bad writing (first fic pls go easy on me). If I’m missing anything please let me know, I’ve never done one of these before. 
A/N: This is my first fanfic I’ve written so it might be really bad but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head so here it is. I also made up a planet/system and don’t know if star wars has alarm clocks but i wrote it in anyway. I also wrote this in Word first and then realized I couldn’t copy it over so I tried my best to type it over in here. 
Normal. That is what was used to describe your life. Nothing out of the ordinary. Life wasn’t boring per se, but it definitely wasn’t compelling enough for your tastes. Studying to be a healer help keep it somewhat interesting but not enough. 
Bzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz. Crust littered eyes creak open as your face unsticks from the textbook scattered across the desk. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz. Your stiff neck cracks as you finally sit up. Fell asleep studying again. You loved learning about healing, you really did. But the long nights and barely sleeping was enough to make your head explode. Looking over at the clock with bright red numbers blinking at you. 8:15. 
8:15! I’m late! You think as you force yourself awake. No not again! Being a student means you need to do hands on hours down at the nearest medcenter. All the late night studying also means that you oversleep most days. Grabbing your work bag filled with a change of clothes, in preparation of these events, you run out the door.
Your feet hit the wet cobble stones as it echos through your little part of the city. Vendors lining up the street ready to start their days. Passing the shop you went to yesterday, your mind too preoccupied to notice that it’s empty today. You know that theres is a faster route to the medcenter, but is it a path you really want to take today? Dark and windy path that you can barely see five feet in front of you on mornings like this. Too foggy and muggy for your liking. You’d rather stick to the main road where there’s people, where if anything were to happen, people would see, they would know. Regardless, it shaves fifteen minutes off your commute. You loathe having to be late for another shift. Making the sharp turn in between tow booths, you pace quickens to get through as quickly as you can. While not having much visibility, you swear you can see a pair of eyes in the dark. Has to just be my imagination, you convince yourself, I just need to keep going. It’ll be fine. 
Footsteps echo behind you. Hands grab your shoulders. A scream rises in your throat, but no sound comes out. Everything goes dark when you feel something hit the side of your head. 
Sigh. “Grogu get back in your seat.” The little baby waddles down off the controls and into his father’s lap. “Not what I meant,” Din grumbles with a smile hidden under his helmet. He grabs Grogu by his little robe and places him in the seat to his right and tells him to buckle up as a holo comes through from Greef Karga. 
“Mando, we’ve just got word that Moff Gideon might have been seen in the Braic system. It looks like they found a substitute for the baby for the time being. I would use this time to go find a hide-out and lay low. He could still come back for the little one. Be well,”
Din goes to start the ship and find coordinates to stay out of trouble for a while when he hears the baby whine. Looking back at his adoptive child, all Din can see is Grogu, then a nameless kid, lying unconscious on a metal table, trapped underneath a contraption. Din starts breathing heavy and feeling sick that he ever gave his son up to those Imps. All he can hear is the beeping of the machine he’s hooked up to. Anger boiling back to the surface as he hears himself yell at the doctor all over again in his memories. No, he tells himself, He’s here with me. He’s fine. He’s safe. He shakes himself out of it and goes to fly the Razor Crest off planet. 
Before he even gets off the planet, all Din can think about is that innocent person in his son’s place. They were going to kill Grogu, just for his blood for their experiments. Din can’t bring the kid anywhere near those people, he can’t risk losing his family, not when both of them have formed such attachments to each other. But he can’t stop thinking of this person who is in the that position now. He should’ve made sure Gideon was dead. Because of that now more people are going to get hurt. 
Without thinking he turns on his holo already asking, “Where is he taking them?”
Feeling groggy with heavy eyes, you are able to open them just a bit to a blinding light. Reluctantly closing them again, you lift your arm to rub your eyes, but only they don’t move. What? The rest of your senses start coming back and you can feel the cool metal against your back, the same metal wrapped around your wrists and your ankles attached to the table. Finally bracing the light and opening your eyes, lifting your head slightly off the table and oh no the room is spinning now. There is an IV in your arm drawing your blood out into some odd machine, explaining the dizziness. Second time in two days you’ve had to deal with your own blood. 
Walking through the shops on your one day off, you pick up a flower hair pin. The glasswork is so intricate and entrancing, you can’t help but turn it over and over in your hands. A pearl bead sitting in the center of iridescent gray and white petals. Placing it back in its place, your had scrapes against another glass design that is not yet finished, slashing open your palm. “Oh, dear let me help you with that,” the lady running the stand says. She looks you with her white hair barely covering her forehead. Tattoos liter her arms. A design peaks your interest as you swear you know but can’t quite place. 
“It’s fine, I can take care of it myself,” you state already inspecting your hand. No shards in it so thats good. 
“Oh no I insist. It happened at my booth, let me help clean it,” she declares taking your hand in her own. It feels like she squeezes the wound causing you to wince in pain slightly. Knowing she should just be cleaning it and wrapping it, you’re a little confused. Maybe she just doesn’t know how to tend to these sort of things, not wanted to embarrass her at her stand, you keep quiet. She finally gets a clean rag to help blot away at the blood on your hand. You didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it appears she has put it in a bag to the side. 
“I don’t have any gauze to help wrap it up,” the stand lady says. 
“Oh, don’t worry, I have plenty of my own,” you mention, “It will be fine until I make it back to my place.” Smiling you walk away. Without looking, you can feel her move the piece you cut your hand on into the bag. Must just be because it’s a dangerous piece, you think, not knowing there’s still some of your blood on it too. 
Closing your eyes again, you try to wonder why that is so significant to you right now. It was a harmless thing in passing, so why is it at the forefront of your mind? You are strapped to a table and all you can think about is that little cut you got the day prior. If your head didn’t feel like it was a spinner top right now, you would have laughed. Opening your eyes again you see men all in white armor and helmets guarding the door to your room, while a man in a white coat is working on the machine where your IV is attached. I thought the empire was dead. The same symbol that keeps going through your mind is the same one sewn into the man’s white coat. Your breathing gets shallower as you feel the panic rise in your chest. I’m never getting out of here, you realize as your vision becomes black once again. 
You’re losing a lot of blood. You know that. You can feel it when noise wakes you up and your eyelids feel like lead. All the noise is muffled, as if you’re underwater. Frankly it feels like you are. It would be so easy to let the waves of darkness just wash over you right now, to let the water take you under. No, you can’t give up the fight and drown into unconsciousness just yet. You force yourself to stay awake. 
Barely getting your eyes open, bright red lights flood your vision. You imagine you’re still in bed, or at least asleep at your desk, with the alarm clock blaring, not here with blaster fire. Wait, blaster fire? You attempt to turn your head to the side to look, or to dodge, you aren’t to sure in your current state. The fast action causes you to feel like you’re spinning, or it might be the room, either way your eyes can’t focus on what is going on. Closing your eyes again to make it stop, you hear voices surrounding you. They sound so far away at the moment but finally, after what feels like ages, one voice sounds clearer. 
“Please help us. Help us get out of here. Her m-counts aren’t nearly as high as the child’s. They’re demanding more blood. She’s already lost 2 liters, I don’t know how much longer she can last.”
Child? They wanted to do this to a child? You’d choke down a sob if you could just thinking of that poor baby. What did he even say about what-counts? What the hell are those? All these questions are making your head spin more and more. Taking most of your energy to open your eyes, you’re met with a chrome stormtrooper trying to unbind you. Wait no, not a stormtrooper. You’ve heard stories about him and his people. What were they called? For the life of you, you can’t remember right now. 
“You’re going to need help getting her out of here,” you realize that the man in the whit coat was the one who spoke before and is now pleading with the metal man, “Please Mandalorian take me with you and I’ll help you get her out of here.” 
That’s it. He’s a Mandalorian. He gets your wrists free as the doctor takes the IV out. Pushing off the table to sit up, the world starts spinning again. You don’t even realize you’re about to hit the table again until the Mandalorian grabs your shoulders to keep you semi-upright. You hear some sort of static come from his helmet. “Fine.” he grumbles, “help me get her out of this thing.” 
With a flip of a switch, the rest of your body is free from restraints. Eager to get out of there, you swing your legs over the edge of the table, hands finding the arms of the Mandalorian with his hands still on your shoulders. Nauseous and woozy, you try to use the cold metal of his pauldron to ground yourself, to get the room to stop spinning. He can see you start to sway and wraps his arms around your waist as he lowers you from the table. Your feet hit the floor and black dots start to cloud your vision. Blood pounding in your ears trying to tell you to stop and lie back down. Muffled voices come from beside you again as you feel another arm wrap around you from the other side. Your feet dragging against the floor as both men on either side of you go towards the door. 
You feel the heavily armored man to your left let go. Eyes that are still fuzzy and unfocused sort of see him peak out the door with his blaster drawn. He leaves the room and all that can be heard is the pew pew pew of blaster fire. Vision start to come back the tiniest bit, you can see him standing in the door way waving his hand as to say Come on. 
The three of you hurry as fast as you can down the corridor to get to an exit. Lots of twists and turns, just for you all to come up at a dead end. So much for rescuing, you think to yourself as the doctor still holding you up, leans you up against a pillar as the two of them survey the situation. More of the Mandalorian assessing the situation and the doctor just frantically pacing back and forth. 
Sitting down now that the adrenaline of being kidnapped and “rescued” die down, you feel your breathing getting shallower and harder to breath. Eyelids getting heavy again. You just want to lay down and go to sleep, hoping that will fix things. Starting your descent from your upright position to close your eyes, two hands grab your shoulders and jerk you up. It takes a second to realize this modulated voice was talking you you. “Hey, you got to stay with me now,” he pleads, one hand going to the side of your face. Pain spreads across your features due to being struck there earlier, a bruise starting to form in its place. Pulling his hand away like seeing the your face contorted burned him, he continues, “I’m going to get you out of here, you just have to stay awake.” You open your mouth to speak, but your throat feels like it’s filled with sand from Tattooine, so you just weakly nod your head yes. “Okay good,” the shiny man says after letting out a deep breath. 
Still holding your shoulders, he helps you stand up and tells the doctor to take you and go further down the hall. Taking something small and circular out of his belt and placing it on the far wall, he speed walks back toward you two. It starts blinking red as his arms come and cage both of you in. Peeking over his shoulder, you see the wall disappear. Well explode, but one second ago it was there and now it’s not. When the explosion first rings in your ears, you reflexively reach out for the Mandalorian’s arm and feel him tense under your touch. 
When he deems it safe to move again, letting go of his arm, he hops over the rubble to the outside world, blaster drawn. Looking out you think it looks like a desert, but one you’ve never seen before. You have no idea where you are, even what planet you are on. You eyes go to where the chrome man is stalking towards. It seems he found two speeder bikes that the troopers use, sans the troopers. Your feet hit the gravel and you realize you aren’t wearing shoes anymore. How long was I out? You begin to question when you see a stormtrooper take aim at your rescuer. Right when he pulls the trigger, you reach your hand out and scream, “NO!” 
You could’ve sworn it was going to hit him. It should’ve hit him. But at the last second it bent and went in another direction. You knew stormtroopers were bad shots, but nothing like that has ever happened. The Mandalorian whips around at your scream and shoots the trooper down. He goes back to what he originally planned to do, but not without turning to you. You see his chest plate heave up and down a few times before turning back around. After a beat, the only sound you can hear is the Mandalorian starting up the speeders and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. The doctor helps guide you to the bikes and as you’re about to get on behind him, the Mandalorian picks you up bridal style and sits on his own respective bike. You make a noise of discontent at the sudden action and are then seated in front of him, yet again caged in by his arms with your legs draped over one of his. You can hear him breathing through the modulator as he states, “Just in case you pass out again. Can’t have you falling off the back of the bike.” You go to adjust how you are sitting when he takes off. 
Gasping in shock, you hug your arms around his neck with you head in his cowl as you take panicked breaths. His hand touches your back as you hear him shout over the noise of the engines, “Put your legs around me, you’re slipping off.” He holds your waist as you sling your right leg around and hook it with your left one behind his back. Not the position you thought you’d end up in as a blush creeps up on your face, but neither the less here you are. His hand lets go of your waist and back to the handlebars as he steers. 
Suddenly getting the feeling like you’re being followed, you say into his neck cowl, “Go left!” You don’t know why, but you just get a gut feeling to go that way. He follows your lead, not without a brief hesitation. The doctor follows on his speeder in the same direction. Finally looking up you see two stormtroopers in the distance. I wish their speeders would just stop or something, you plead with yourself and you think back to what happened with the blaster. Testing the waters, you unhook one of your hands from Mando’s neck and hold it out and... nothing. Okay focus, you close your eyes and picture their speeders stopping, or malfunctioning, or anything at this point. 
The sound of a crash comes ringing into your ears. Opening your eyes, you can see the troopers flip over their handlebars as if their engines just died. You slightly chuckle to yourself as your eyelids feel heavy again. You try to get them to stay open, but sleep just feels so much better at the moment. And with that, you’re out like a light. 
Din feels you go limp against him. His arm once again going to grab you by your waist to keep you in place. He wills his speeder to go faster, to get back to the Razor Crest sooner as he’s panicking thinking he somehow made the situation worse. He exposed you on the bike by having you sit like this. Your arms, legs, and head were all exposed to possible blaster fire. Have you been hit? He heard a crash but couldn’t look back without moving you more, risking leaving you more unprotected. His blame for himself spirals as his grip on you grows tighter. He can’t explain why he’s so distraught over a stranger, but still every time he blinks, he swears he sees back on that table. The next time he swears he sees his son on that very table again. First he gave the kid up to those people, now he didn’t finish Gideon off and let you, an innocent stranger who he is now clutching onto for dear life, get in the crossfire. Too many people have gotten hurt because of this. Because of him. He needs to make it right. 
Finally Din and Dr. Pershing arrive at the Razor Crest where Din is already lowering the hatch and carrying you in. Kicking some crates together, he gently lowers you down onto this makeshift bed. He uses his thermal setting to see your body temperature, to see how you are recovering from the blood loss. He isn’t thrilled to see it still low, you were getting your energy back slowly before, along with more body heat, bit not enough to Din’s liking. Turning his helmet to Pershing, the doctor says, “She’s going to need more blood.” Din, already standing ready to run out and get some, not even knowing where or how to do  that, is stopped by Pershing telling him that he’ll go get it, that it would look less suspicious. Agreeing, Din sits by your side while using his comm-link to tell Greef that he could bring Grogu back to the ship. How Din always finds someone to babysit still surprises him. 
You wake up with a start. Eyes not yet adjusted to the lights overhead. Looking down you can see an IV in your arm again. Now towards the side, you can see the same doctor from before asleep up against a wall. Please tell me it wasn’t a dream, tears well up in your eyes as you think you’ve made the whole thing up to cope. It wasn’t until you felt your hand come to wipe away your watery eyes that you realized it just might not be a dream. The IV isn’t taking blood this time, it’s giving it. 
Finally looking around, you realize you’re on a ship that feels like it’s moving. Confused by this, you try and sit up. Not nearly as dizzy as before, you slowly swing your legs off the wooden crates you’re lying on. Noticing your still barefoot as a chill gets sent up to your spine by the cold metal floor, you grab your IV bag off what appears to be just a hook poorly attached to the ceiling. You venture around the small area of the ship, noticing there isn’t a lot besides these boxes and what appears to be two storage type of units. You don’t even tempt to look in, too intrusive. You do however see a ladder going higher up on the ship. Taking the IV out and ripping a piece of your shirt off to wrap around your arm for pressure, so you can use both hands to climb, you start your ascent up. 
Once you finally reach the top, you hear cooing? Didn’t that doctor say something about a child earlier? Looking forward into the cockpit, you see your savior flying while looking to his right at one of the co-pilot chairs. Clearing your throat to get his attention, two little eyes peer at you from the seat. A bright smile appears on this little green things face and you can’t help but stifle a laugh because its ears are the size of his body. 
Distracted by this cute baby, you don’t notice the way the Mandalorian swivels his chair to face you. Finally looking at the man who saved you today, your breath hitches. You don’t know how to thank him for what he did, so you sort of just stand and stare for a second. He stands up and lightly grabs your arm with your homemade bandage on it. Tilting his helmet to the side you hear static coming from it. Did he just sigh at you? “You were supposed to keep it in your arm,” he finally states, with a tinge of annoyance. 
Eyes not wanting to meet the T of his visor, you direct your gaze to the ground. “ I jus- I-,” you stammer, not able to find the right words. “Thank you.” It comes out more hushed than you’d like, but he still hears you. He just gives you a slight nod before releasing his arm and heading back to his seat. All your muscles turn to stone as you stand there not knowing if you should leave or not, until he cocks his head towards the seat to his left. On shaky legs you find your way to the seat. Before even sitting down fully, the little green child is already trying to get into your lap. Giggling to yourself you let him up onto your lap. 
Once you do the strangest thing happens. You can feel what he’s thinking, his emotions, his past. How he was trained with the special abilities, much like the ones you just displayed before. How he was scared and in hiding until the man sitting in front of you found him. How he thinks of him as a father, his dad. Your chest tightens at that one. Still confused as to why the same people who wanted this child, Grogu, for his powers, also wanted you, you pull him to your chest to comfort you both. You finally speak up again and ask, “Did they want me because I might have the same abilities as this one?” You meant it to sound strong, but it just came out sounding weak. 
Without looking at you, the Mandalorian replies shortly after a pause, “Yes.” You swore you can see his grip tighten on the ships steering as he says that. Turning to the two of you finally, he says in the sincerest voice you’ve heard out of him, “They wont get to either of you again. I can promise you that.” Your chest swells at this statement and Grogu looks up at you with a smile as if he felt the way your heart fluttered. You wish you were the one wearing the helmet right now because you can feel your cheeks heat up. To ease the situation in the best way you can, awkwardly, you clear your throat before asking, “So where are we headed now?”
Swiveling back in his chair to hit a few buttons, you’re confused not knowing what they are supposed to do until he pulls up a map and points a place out. He tells you that he’s going to drop off Dr. Pershing at one of the squiggles you see and then try and figure it out from there. “So, I guess thats where I get off too?” You meant it to come out more as a statement than a question, but after what you just went through, you’d rather not be left to fend for youself. 
“If that’s what you want,” he finally utters after a while. “ But they’re not going to stop coming after you. Either of you. It might be safer for you to stay here with me, us.” The last part comes out so quiet, it’s almost as if he didn’t want you to hear, out of fear of your response. 
Trying to not answer too quickly, you take a deep breath and finally say, “Yes. I’d like that a lot.” With a curt nod, he turns back around. Warmth fills your chest yet again at this stranger’s kindness. It’s just because I have the same abilities as his child, you try to convince yourself. But deep down you’re hoping it’s more than that. The child in your lap grips your fingers tightly and coos, as if he’s trying to tell you your hopes might not be too far off. 
Oh, it’s going to be an interesting adventure with these two, you smile to yourself. 
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(Open Rp) Winter, Romance, Valentines day Au, Drama, Mermaid Au And Fish Tales Au in " He Came From Fathoms Below"
In a Year of 1839 at Bedford, Massachusetts. It was Glorious Day For a Wedding..And The Kitsune Woman Who is Marrying the Noble Man, Her name Is Saphira Lorraina Fox and The Man that She's married to is Lord Barley James Griffin..He's the Son of Lord Vincent von Griffin, 6 Months after the Wedding, Saphira Sees her Husband acting a Little Suspicious...But Lets just Say Her Husband was treated Saphira terribly.. During that Time Something from the waters that has been witness of barleys mistreatment of saphira...and its not having it at all..then 2 weeks later, barley was Set sail To Hunt the whales For whale oils and  For Whale meats as well...While Lord Barley was Away, Saphira was At the Market getting some good Food supplies and helping the Servants of The Griffin family Manor... Saphira's Father in law stayed with saphira by his side..He was Worried about Saphira's Discovered of her Sons.. Unthinkable Affairs because On the Day After The Wedding, Lord Vincent Saw his Son Having an affair with a wench.. In Flash back, Lord Vincent came into his Sons Bedroom and saw Barley with a Horrid Wench Name Ariana.. Lord Vincent was Shocked and Infuriated and then he said,
Lord Vincent: BARLEY JAMES GRIFFIN!!!! What in Blazes do you think your Doing!?
Barley: Father! This is Not What it looks Like!
Lord Vincent: Oh thats Pretty Wonderful! It Looks Like MY OWN SON HAS BEEN SLEEPING WITH A WENCH WHILE BEING MARRIED!!!
Barley: *scoff* I don't Love her.. I only love her For Money thats all
Lord Vincent: YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH BOY!! *turns to Ariana* And You! Get out of here ya Damn She-devil Harlot!
Ariana: Fine *She gets up and Her pregnant belly is Shown* And also.. Barley and I are going to have a baby
*kicked Ariana out and turns to Barley*
Lord Vincent: Barley! Your Married to a Good Woman! and you are Going to Stay Faithful! and I Forbid You To Go Near that Harlot!! Or Else.. I Will Cut you off and Give my Inheritance To My Daughter in Law Saphira... So you better be Good or else I will tell saphira what you did You Scoundrel of my Son!...I raised you a man...not a Man Whore! What Would your Own Beloved Mother Would think of it..along with our Family generations!?
After the flashback..Saphira stands with her father in law while Shopping For Dinner..But then..She met the Handsome Mystery Man Who's Hair is Black as Raven, His Eyes are the Emerald Jewel That Can Shines Like a Star...He Look like a Handsome Nobleman from Great Britain...But She sees him with a Shell that is Gold with a beautiful great white Pearl on it..and then..The Handsome Noble Man Saw her..and approach her and he said...
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theaurahunter · 3 years
dnd notes 3/20/22
further into the cave is a figure
the group croud into the tunnel to try to take their shots at it
shawty takes some damage
misty pulls back shawty and boosts his ac
oboron telmaria and ragnar wail on it
shawty uses shatter to get the killing blow
telmaria opens the chest
oboron grabs the boots and the hat
misty grabs the goggles and the pearl
shawty takes the cloak
oboron investigates the water by the bridge
he feels a warmth and slight scent of magic with a hint of death
a moment passes he feels another breeze
he jumps into the water
he enters a dark cave
he feels still feels the hot breath
something moves in the dark scraping agaisnt the rock
oboron approaches
Progenitor i have found you at last. i am oboron...  i need your guidance
a breath escapes its nostrils
the cave illuminates softly
Oroborod lets gazes at us
he offers his clawed hand to oboron
oboron climbs onto it
he lifts oboron
so you are the great grand son however many thats is. i see youve brought others.
yes i hope thats all right they have helped me to get here
shawty remembers the conflict in the book between zenith and an unnamed dragon
sh what hav eyou come here for
i was hoping to find out why my family loses their teeth
long time ago
was a proud bronze dragon one of many of the ancient brood
we had a defacto leader named zenith
she wanted things done a particular way you could say. i wanted it done another
so i recruited some help from a plane lets say lower than this one
i was able to recruit many others but was banished
then i got a visit from an old friend thats when i lost my first one
(everysingle tooth is fake)
he demanded i hold up my end of the bargain
and it was
where do i fall in all of this
maybe you will be the one to break it
if you could end this deal another way
so were looking for a loophole
a loophole or destroy the being that holds the contract
how would we go about tracking the ddevil down
i would not reccomend going to the nine hells
usually he appears to you there is a way to summon him
how i summoned it just a general ritual to summon a devil
i chose a specific ritual for a specific demon but my memory is foggy
 i see youre in possession of some magical items
much to know about ice dragons
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set-in-stardust · 3 years
yooooo i'm back with babel album pt2 (i just realized i think i typed 1/2 in the last ask? i meant 1/3 i also want to do I Will Wait)
hopeless wanderer:
okay before the song lyrics i just want to bring up the guitar intensity on this one? after the bridge just before the chorus the guitar gets really intense- before it's calm and then it just goes dododo(etc) with a little stumble in the middle and honestly it just feels like w+w!mumbo's mind. i don't know why
but in the dark I have no name/so leave that click in my head
mumbo, both in canon and in w+w, is likened to a robot like the ones he creates. he sometimes just becomes the redstone guy, there to make sure everything's working fine (because why else would anyone care about him?)
don't hold a glass over the flame/don't let your heart grow cold/i will call you by name/i will share your road
is it just me who thinks that boatem suffer from burnout at different points? i think when this happens, impulse goes to see tango/zed (listen team z.i.t. is very nice), pearl goes to find gem to get some newcomer tea-time, and scar just finds jellie and wheels around the server talking to people he can find. then we have mumbo and grian, who isolate themselves to not let anyone see them down...
and hold me fast, hold me fast/'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
does. does mumbo know what he's doing? he's getting wingmanned by scar just as much (as far as we know), but don't you think he maybe suffers with a little bit of self-consciousness with the flirting sometimes? thinks maybe he doesn't deserve it, grian's just doing it to get a laugh?
but do not tell me all is fine/when i lose my head, i lose my spine
gay panic and also self-depricating mumbo at the same time (:
and i will learn, i will learn to love the skies i'm under
heyy you know how mumbo's a redstoner who's surrounded by builders and so he's getting better at his own building (and also out of analysis mode, the armchair is hecking gorgeous i love it so much it may have been my second favorite part of boatem- the first being the boatem Pole itself)? and how he ends up looking for validation from anyone that will come by? i think mumbo took losing grian for those few chapters really reset his view of himself- as he's figuring out grian, he's figuring out himself.
part 3 soon (sorry D:)
hopeless wanderer is such a favourite of mine. it was one of the first mumford and sons songs i heard and god, it definitely fits mumbo.
with the intensity on the guitar, i think it rlly takes you by surprise. it juxtaposes the majority of the rest of the album and seems a bit out of place (but they make it work, ofc). i think this matches mumbo pretty well. he seems like a calm, really put together guy, but then you start to see the lengths he's willing to go for his own personal convictions and curiosities. i.e. throwing Grian from the top of the world just to get an answer to a question he doesnt even know if he should be asking!
also absolutely with the hermits going to cool off for a bit from their burnout! grian and mumbo (w&w specifically) dont rlly take a lot of time to cool off, so hey, why not pair up and take a break together? it works out really well actually
"...thinks maybe he doesn't deserve it, grian's just doing it to get a laugh?"
heh... heh... no comment
and that last fucking line in ur analysis BROOO /pos thats completely the case. mumbo may seem like a loner at face value, but he really thrives off of others. hes becoming a builder like his friends, hes building a base with them, hes part of their team, etc.
loving this i saw the 3rd one come in as i was typing my response, gonna read now
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