#PFFFFFT he’s so over the top
kaveehs · 6 months
gojo “i don’t spoil my s/o” satoru after casually giving you 10k, taking you out on a unlimited shopping spree, and renting out one of the finest restaurants in the city just to eat alone with you
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Hi love ❤ could you maybe write something for the Mini lando Series,maybe where reader does Grocerie Shopping with Aiden and Lando stays at home with Caleb. And while they are shopping some man flirts with reader and Aiden is like THATS my mom and she only loves my daddy. And then he tells lando what happend when they are home. And lando is jelous but thinks its funny how People still trie to hit on reader even with Baby and ring on her finger.
A/N: pffffft love this, Aiden totally has his dads sass. Aiden is about 5 and Caleb is 2. This happens before you become pregnant with your 3rd child Daniel William Norris.
Warnings: Fluff and Angst, yep that's right it's not always going to be sunshine and roses, slight crude language and joke
Mini Lando Series Masterlist
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"Just, call if you need anything okay?" You ask Lando, about to run to the grocery store he waves you off. "What? Think I can't take care of my own son?" It's a teasing comment but with a tiny bite.
Taking a deep breath you have to remind your self to remain calm to his comment. "Lando, you're a capable father, I'm just saying-" You stop pursing your lips. "Whatever, forget it. Aiden! Baby, come on we're leaving!" Aiden runs down the hall smiling.
He loved going to the store with you, Caleb was about 2 and now able to talk and run around so Aiden didn't get much peace. And at 5, he was already an old man with Lando's mouth to boot.
"I'm ready! Bye daddy." Lando crouches, kissing Aiden on the cheek. "Be good for you Mom or I won't be taking you karting. Understand?" Aiden has gotten into karting, nothing serious yet. But he was a natural talent and it started to worry you.
That's why there was so much tension between you and Lando recently. "Yes, sir. I'll be good for Mom." Running to the garage, leaving you and Lando alone. "We'll talk later." Is all Lando says, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek and off to check on Caleb.
""Sure." You mumble, wanting to shake off the fog in your brain. You wanted a good day with your son and fighting with your husband wasn't going to damper that. "Mama! Come on!" Aiden yells, hurrying you to the car.
Opening the door, you help him in, strapping him into the booster seat. "Is Daddy mad?" Fingers fumble slightly with the last buckle at his question you look up. "No, baby. We're just having an adult conversation. He's not mad at you, I promise." Aiden nods, his question quickly forgotten by him but not by you.
The drive is relatively nice as you park, going over the rules again with Aiden who just nods saying "yes mom". Running into the store he grabs one of the mini buggies, making sure to copy you. The two of you giggle and talk about his karting.
Not even noticing as a man approaches you until he grabs something off the top shelf for you. "Here you go gorgeous." The guy smiles, you give a tight lip one taking the box of pasta from him. "Thanks." Aiden staring at the guy, wondering what he was doing.
"You're welcome. Can't turn down a stunning woman like you now can I? What kind of person would I be?" He chuckles moving closer, but not enough to make you uncomfortable. "One who isn't my daddy." Aiden's voice has the guy looking down, you hiding a smile as you turn.
"Excuse me little guy?" The man shocked at the little kids quip. "It's not little guy, my name is Aiden. You're not my daddy, and the only one to call Mommy pretty is Daddy." Aiden standing firm, staring the guy down. "Oh, well I don't see your daddy." Winking at you, now you're stepping in but Aiden doesn't stop.
"Daddy is busy at home with my little brother. He also drives super fast cars, the orange one. Unless you drive one like Daddy and Uncle Carlos or Uncle Pear you can't call Mommy pretty." The guy steps back, rolling his eyes. "Whatever." And walks off leaving you in shock.
"Aiden Carlos." Your voice calm, Aiden looks down. He knew he shouldn't have done that. His mommy could handle herself but...daddy always told him to protect mommy when he wasn't there. "Are you going to tell Daddy?" He knew he did wrong, talking back to a stranger unaware of what he could do.
"No, you will." Sighing you head to check out. "Mommy?" Aiden's voice soft as you two drive back. "Yes?" Aiden sniffles kicking his little feet. "I was just doing what Daddy does for you." He whispers, eyes looking in the rearview mirror you catch Aiden's head down.
"What do you mean baby?" Confused by that. "Daddy always protects Mommy, and Uncle Carlos said since I'm the oldest I have to protect you and Caleb when Daddy isn't here. I'm sorry." Sniffling again, reaching back you squeeze his little leg.
"My little boy. You don't need to do that. When you're bigger and older, sure. But you're still my little baby, it's my job to protect you." Aiden smiles, nodding as you pull into the garage.
The garage door opens, showing Caleb being held by Lando who laughs as Lando blows raspberries on his stomach. "Mama!" Caleb giggles, Aiden jumping out and running inside.
"Something happen?" Lando asks, you nod. Lando just nods sucking in his cheeks placing Caleb down. "I'll go talk to him." Caleb carrying light bags of groceries inside happy to help.
Lando walks to his eldest son's room, poking his head in not seeing Aiden he goes to second best spot. "Bubs?" Lando calls pushing open his office door, Aiden staring at all the trophies, helmets, and pictures.
"I thought I told you to be good?" Lando sighs, crouching to be eye level with the boy sitting in the desk chair. "I was, but a stranger was calling Mommy names and I protected her just like you and Uncle Carlos always say to do." Aiden whines, for such a little boy he sure did have mature emotions.
Anger fuels Lando hearing this, he has to take a couple deep breaths before asking his next question. "What kind of names, bubs? It's okay you can tell me." Lando comforts him, Aiden's curls bouncing back to place from Lando's fingers.
"They kept calling Mommy pretty, and doing what you do." Lando blinks, the anger shaping into jealousy. A guy was hitting on you? With his ring on your finger and in front of his child? Okay, this could be worse.
Lando having to talk himself down. "Aiden, you have to let Mommy handle that until your bigger, understand?" Aiden nods, staring at a picture of you, Aiden, and him holding a trophy. "Can we still kart?" Lando smirks, ruffling his hair. "Yeah, go get dressed." Aiden running off.
Lando stands, taking in the pictures. First date, Wedding, His first WDC, your entire life together was here. Yet he was still feeling jealous? He hated it. Walking back, he sees Caleb watching bluey holding his stuffed koala given to him by Oscar.
"Y/n?" You poke your head around the corner, Lando walks into the kitchen kicking the standout the door swinging closed. "A guy hit on you?" Voice calm, but even you could hear the lace of anger.
"Yes, but it was handled, by our 5-year-old. Apparently, you and Carlos have put in his head he's allowed to do that." You hiss, angry at the fact that your son could've been put in harm's way. "Y/n, that's not the point here, a guy hit on you." His temper fizzles out quickly as he laughs.
"What is so damn funny? This isn't funny!" You snap, pushing his shoulder as Lando just laughs. "This fucker hit on you, while you wear my ring. My child was next to you, and I'm here acting like a jealous teenager." He laughs harder shaking his head at his own actions.
"I felt threatened when I'm the one who married you, the one who is the father of two gorgeous boys. And," He steps closer, wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you into his chest. "The one who gets to fill you every night." You slap a hand over his mouth, feeling the smirk on your palm.
"Are you crazy! The kids could hear." Anger slipping too as you roll your eyes. "M swommy." Words muffled you drop your hand. "What?" "I'm sorry. About our fight recently and now, this. Just, ever since we had Aiden; I've been worried about your safety and the kids. Now I understand what Fernando and the others felt over their kids and partners." Lando wraps you in a hug.
"Lando, I love you. But, if you ever tell our child to do that again. I'm slicing your balls." Lando snorts shaking his head. "You love my balls to much." You shove him away as he laughs loudly.
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zukkababey · 4 years
modern college zukka falling in love with each other in their respective zoom squares during quarantine class and they private chat each other during class but they’re real stupid and don’t know that the host can see private messages so then they get in trouble for being cute and not paying attention
anon, why are you in my and @engagedzukka’s brain... we literally had a whole conversation about this au like, 2 days before i got this ask.
anyway, here’s what we came up with:
sokka’s the guy on zoom who has a super messy room and absolutely doesn’t care. he asks questions to professor piandao and is super engaged with the lecture. he has a bi pride flag on the wall behind him.
zuko’s the one who always has his camera on, always stays on mute, and has like 3 different cats walking across his screen at all times. he has dao swords on the wall behind him.
the swords are what initially peak sokka’s interest. (not that zuko is so very clearly smoking hot, pffffft, no, that’s definitely not the reason.)
sokka pins zuko to the screen instead of the professor. he learns better if he’s looking at something he’s interested in, right?
at some point, sokka physically cannot hold himself back from dming zuko. he types:
i see you wield dual blades.
zuko makes no sign that he’s read the message, or that he’s even gotten it. he goes on being stupidly attractive and perfectly poised. it isn’t until the end of the lecture when zuko sends back:
no, i’m gay.
sokka has to turn off his camera before his face does something truly embarrassing, but then the lecture is ending and sokka never had time to respond.
so, sokka keeps on messaging zuko. sometimes it’s stuff about the lecture, like a long tangent on astronomy and star systems because sokka’s really into the class subject. other times he sends a bajillion emojis in response to zuko’s cats. every so often, he’ll try to send a joke that will make zuko smile or laugh on the other side of the zoom call. zuko never smiles or laughs, much to sokka’s disappointment. 
but, zuko always responds. the only problem is that he responds at the very end of lectures, when sokka doesn’t have time to message him back.
one day, one of zuko’s cats—which sokka has learned is named druk—climbs onto zuko’s chest and nuzzles into his neck. zuko must be used to druk using him as a personal cat bed, because zuko barely even bats an eye, hugging druk closer and pressing his cheek to the top of his head.
sokka, who is feeling particularly bold on this fine friday morning, messages him:
where’s my hug? 🥺
zuko, as always, doesn’t give any acknowledgement that he’s read sokka’s message. but then, at the very end of the lecture, sokka gets a response: 
ask me on a date and maybe you’ll find out. 
sokka doesn’t have the brain capacity to comprehend that, so he’s almost thankful that the lecture ends less than twenty seconds later. 
sokka spends the whole weekend consulting with literally everyone he knows on how to ask zuko out. what should they do? how should he ask?
in the end, he decides on stargazing. it’s supposed to be a clear night on monday, it’s relevant to the course, and he could talk about astronomy for literal hours. the date should go off without a hitch. 
sokka logs into zoom on monday with an air of determination. he’s fairly confident he’s not about to get turned down—zuko gave him permission to ask him out, after all. 
he knows that zuko’s going to message him at the end of class, so sokka also waits until near the end of lecture. after what feels like eons of waiting, he sends the message he’s had typed out since the start of class:
it’s supposed to be a clear night tonight. want to go stargazing with me? i can tell you about constellations i bet piandao has never even heard of.
zuko responds:
so your idea of a first date is basically giving me more homework?
sokka’s immediate thought is oh shit. 
but then there’s a message coming through with an address, then another right after it:
pick me up at 8. 
professor piandao, who’s been keeping up with the Sokka and Zuko Show since the beginning of the semester, ends the zoom lecture with a sigh of relief. finally, finally, those two got their shit together. maybe now they’ll pay attention more in class. 
spoiler alert: they don’t. if anything, they get more distracted. between one lecture and the next, sokka’s usual background changes completely. and—was that just zuko’s cat that walked across sokka’s screen? piandao doesn’t think that it’s a coincidence that he can see sokka talking to someone off screen, and that zuko, who’s never once cracked a smile before, is laughing. piandao sighs wearily. thank goodness the semester is almost over.
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goodieghosty · 2 years
i offer u the concept of them all meeting a Karen
Patton: confusion, he was just chatting with Thomas when this Karen just shows up demanding their seats. Assumes she's unwell and treats her with super over the top kindness and care. Like one would a woman in a nursing home. Would get overtalked one too many times before using his big, booming, god voice. Demands she leaves. Super upset Patton. He gets to taste ice cream for the first time after that. He deserves it
Remus: he would turn her into a slug and Thomas would have to do his damnedest to keep him from eating her or plopping her in a salt jar. Karen just walked up to him and started belittling his many tatts and piercings and calling him a hooligan-which he i s to be fair. At first he was just laughing in her face.
Roman: completely baffled. Would probably end up charming her into stopping. Which leads to a whole new issue. And he ends up just, noping out of the situation. "I just remembered, I have to shave... my ceiling."
Janus: somehow convinces the woman that she's in the wrong and should feel awfully ashamed of herself. I mean-technically Thomas was in the wrong but the lady just blew the whole thing out of proportion. Janus was just chilling in snake mode because he wanted to see the sights at mortal level. Janus speaks and Thomas has to move his mouth to cover up the fact that this is not his voice. Janus, popping his lil snek head out of Thomas' coat when the woman leaves, "Bravo, Thomas. I definitely couldn't have done any better." "You! Don't just spring that on me!" "Ah, my apologies. Was I meant to reveal myself to her instead?"
Logan: completely deflates her argument with facts. Karen didn't stand a chance. He doesn't react strongly to it, and the fact he was keeping such a straight face and level voice angered her so much that she couldn't even speak. She was probably ranting about something outside a shop and Logan saw an opportunity to educate.
Virgil: doesn't like confrontation but definitely doesn't back down to a mortal woman with bad highlights. He'll just, have her see something absolutely terrifying and be paralyzed with fear while he moves Thomas along. "... what did you d o?" "Nothing. It'll wear off." "Her hair's white now." "That'd be an improvement. Now, what did you need to get?"
Remy cuz I love him: the clap backs. The sass. He could spend a minute on her fashion choices and a whole thirty on her attitude. Karen would be shook. Karen would be in tears. He'd just be sipping on his drink like this was a regular thing
Emile cuz I also love him, he's not a god but shhhhh: just, gives her his card. "You seem to need this."
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toujoursmiraculous · 2 years
I didn't do one for Psychomedian and I'm sorry. Dx I had things come up so I just didn't get around to it. But hopefully I make it up to you with this one! Woo all the heroes, love them! BUT YES HERE IT IS MY LADYNOIR MOMENT "Can I come with you?" sounding all sweet and vulnerable oh no 😭 "I know, I know. Only the guardian knows the identities of the Miraculous holders. And Cat Noir, despite being the first and most amazing team member of all, is now just a holder like any other." "Yep, but you'll always be my favorite. 😘 BYEEE!" I LOVE IT 😭 Like usual people are probably mad. But she's not wrong really, is she? She's the Guardian, everyone else is just kind of... below that. Including him. They can't just be partners anymore, not with her new role and the need for so many more. And we know the reason he doesn't get let in on everything. Everyone gets mad, but whenever he's found out about her and gets involved more, terrible things happen. She knows that. So she keeps him at a distance. So if you want to get mad, get mad at Gabriel for doing this to them. Also I SEE YOU RUNNING AWAY GIRLY AFTER YOUR CUTE "BYEEE". AS IF YOU DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM, PFFFFFT.
Ladybug goes to Kim first to collect the Miraculous because he's the least to be trusted for long with free time. Change my mind. But really I adore him xDD "I AM NOT. WORTHY. OF OUR LOVE!" dang Gabriel, don't make me feel for you please. But Keith Silverstein did such a good job there ahhhh! Sadness & crying to anger to laughing maniacally in a short span... you ok? You're getting even more unhinged. Okay the ANIMATION is so PRETTY "Hide your froggy toy well" welp. "I'm gonna hide it where she'll never find it." Wow... that's really not good. 😅 Yeah Shadow Moth's getting scary... ADRIEN IN PAJAMAS AGAIN WOO!! Seriously he needs better regular clothes. We shouldn't be this excited for PJs. DO BETTER GABRIEL, YOU'RE A FASHION DESIGNER. "But first and foremost the breakfast for two my father's been promising for months!" "Umm, about that..." Just crush his hopes. He hasn't had a meal with his dad for MONTHS and he still couldn't. He burst in there mad xD But then it washed away the moment his father told him not now. "A girl...a boy... they search for each other all over the world before finally meeting in Paris, on top of the Eiffel Tower." In this context with Lila and Gabriel being the one to say it....GAG. Also why do I get the feeling that this could be Marinette and Adrien's future someday? 😥I don't know why I thought about it, but now I can't get it out of my head. When the reason your father's sending you on a trip around the world is so that he can totally destroy Paris without you being in any danger. SMH. "Using CG they will meld together to become the perfume bottle. 2 souls, one mind, one heart. First Love the Fragrance" again GAG.
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He's absolutely miserable.
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Friends, see the news report: Oh yay Adrien gets to go travel around the world with Lila, it's going to be so great, I'm happy for him! His father never lets him leave the house so I'm sure he loves this! WHILE TOTALLY IGNORING NOW SAD HE LOOKS Hahaha Lila representing true love hahahah well that's a joke "I think above all that it was my sincerity that touched his heart."
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Same girl, same. It's been my reaction since Lila appeared on the screen, really. "Adrien doesn't look happy, and I feel like I'm the only one who sees it!" "You can see it because you love him, Marinette." That is very true. I honestly can't believe nobody else (in his class, at his school) sees it. How does Lila function with all those lies? How does she actually get away with it? For real, it's insane. Marinette needs to talk to Adrien, but because of this he gets distracted (tbh he probably would be distracted with his thoughts anyway) and Nino pummels him with a ball. Alya's reaction to him flying backwards and falling on the ground 😂 TO THE DUNGEON, ADRIEN!! Oh hey, someone send Marinette there too so she can- Oh. Oh Alya was on the same page as me. Sweet! "Are you really leaving for several months?" "It's what my father's decided :c" AND RISK INCOMING "If only you knew how sick I am of all of it. The photos, the film shoots, all these people fawning over me who don't even know me! These ads that don't make any sense...And now I'm expected to just leave my friends and travel to the end of the world for I don't know how long, with LILA?!" YES you finally said it! I know it's because of Risk but I'm still so proud of you 😭😭😭 Also she knows all of it now! She knew he wasn't happy at all, but now she knows why! She knows he hates what he has to do, hates how his father makes him, really does not like Lila at all! "Why don't you tell them all that you don't want to do this?" "No one would understand my complaining. They all think it's amazing what's happening to me :(" "I understand you." "Well, you're the only one...c: *holds her hand* ADRIEN. THAT TONE. THAT SMILE. THAT HAND HOLDING. THIS ISN'T WHAT FRIENDS DO I know you know that that is not what friends do so I'm seriously looking forward with what he's going to do in the future. 👀 LILA SIT BACK DOWN!! Adrien smiled for all of 8 seconds before it got washed away again. :/ "Has there ever been something you've wanted to tell someone, but just couldn't do it? As if some kind of invisible force was holding you back?" Yes. Like her feelings for you and the fact that she as Ladybug can't tell you as Chat Noir who she is because the world always ends up ending when she does. I love how Adrien turns to face her like, "Go on Marinette, I want to hear about what you want to say that you're never able to." AHHHHH such a sweetie. x3 LILA. I HATED YOU BEFORE BUT I HATE YOU A THOUSAND TIMES MORE NOW, HOW DARE YOU?! I'VE WAITED 5 AND A HALF YEARS FOR THAT LEVEL OF COMFORT AND COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THEM SHHHHH "You so richly deserve to finally see the beauty of this world!" OKAY I had no idea Mr. D'Argencourt was so caring and sweet towards Adrien but I'm loving this so much 😭😭😭 He knows how bad Adrien's life is that he feels he deserves the world. I'm crying. "I'm going to miss you all so much! *looks at Marinette with a grin*" BOOOOOOY I see Adrienette serious progress on the horizon and I am HERE FOR IT. Marinette was seriously about to tell him again and Chloe just has to come and ruin things again! But here's the thing, it's like the Bubbler when she pushed her out of the way. Only last time, he just walked off while she was on the ground. This time he's like, gasp you pushed her?? Then was like sure Chloe, now out of the way, I need to see what's up with Marinette. and he actually ASKS if everything's okay and his bodyguard won't even let him do that like DUDE please give the boy a minute, would you?? He kept his eyes on her whenever he could too awww Nino, Alya, Rose, and Kim need to chill. I'm sorry, I love them, but good grief. Nino being all, how dare you want to keep Adrien from an opportunity to leave his house, Marinette. He told you himself? You must be wrong, because I'm his best friend and he'd tell me. Alya and her, you're doing this because of Lila aren't you? GIRL you're talking to Ladybug here, Ladybug who caught her lies first thing. Ladybug that Lila hates with a passion. And that Adrien can't stand either for that matter. You'd
think that'd say something, but no. And then Rose's "If you love someone you have to let them go." okay but what if that person doesn't want to go? Should they still be forced to go, should the person that loves them just sit back and go "Oh well, everyone else thinks you should go, and I know you don't want to, but I'll just sit back and watch." ? This is Marinette we're talking about, she helps everyone. She's going to help him too. TBH this right here that she's going to help him with is probably the biggest thing she's ever had to get involved with to help someone. The outcome will be serious and affect his entire future. Then we have Kim over here like, oh what are you talking about, everyone wants to be a model! Not everyone thinks like you, Kim. I love how whenever we get serious scenes, they throw in things like Kim taking a risk to swim the Seine (ew okay don't do that that's gross) and Max being like, hey I can't swim but I wanna join you. SO I BROUGHT MY DUCKIE! XDDD So random but you can't not laugh. All this time, all these months waiting for this episode, I knew Felix would be in it. And yet I forgot going into the episode and was taken by surprise when I saw him lol Hahaha Felix has some sass lol "Why are you here this time? To mock me or ruin my reputation with my friends? "Neither, I'm here to save you." "I'm doing just fine, thank you." Oooh Adrien's not taking anything or forgetting what happened and is showing how irritated he is. I like the sass Adrien, keep it up! "I don't know what I want." "I know, and that's why the second I saw your face on TV this morning, I left London to get you out of this mess. Freedom is something you make, Adrien. For starters, you've gotta stop doing everything your father tells you to." I mean he's not wrong. 👀But what's his purpose for doing this? What does he gain going around the world? But then that would actually set it up so Felix and Lila would get to know each other, and there goes that ship that I'd love and hate because of how scary and fitting they'd be together. xDD They're getting the Peacock and Moth Miraculouses, I just know it. "Or maybe your fear keeps you from seeing a hidden side of him." Wait. This is important for later***** Wow, Felix sure has Adrien's "Yes father" down, the sadness and disappointment in both his expression and his voice is on point. "I know you've got a secret, uncle." yep he has two. Have fun! 😬You'll need therapy now, I hope it's worth it!
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Gotta love that foreshadowing! Hawk Moth wins this time? Okay, thanks for the heads up :O I'm scared o.o ALSO WTH FELIX, ARE YOU A SPY?! WHO ARE YOU?! I'm so confused! 14 year old children don't just get spy tech like that! Was your dad one, is that how you got it? We all know, Felix has seemed really cold and cruel the couple of episodes we've seen him. But as soon as he saw his aunt down there, the horror and disgust and torment, how he wanted out of there as soon as he could and stayed as far away as he could....that shows he's not too far gone. I like him a lot more now, but I'm afraid that this could drive him further down a bad road. *****it's later. Here's the moment where we see a different side of him. Adrien (Felix) told him no, determined and angry. Suddenly after looking him right in the eyes, the firm Gabriel seemed...subdued? Almost like he was drugged or something and didn't want to continue. I'm sorry what? Sentimonster, sentimonster, no. This has nothing to do with that. If it was that, he wouldn't have reacted like that looking into Adrien (Felix's) eyes. And we know that he's unaware that that's Felix, he showed no signs of it whatsoever. It has to do with the anger and speaking back. I've thought before that he does that motion with his ring whenever he thinks of Emilie, and I'm wondering if that moment with Felix, that look in his eyes and his anger, reminded him so much of Emilie that he was speechless and all his anger and fight went out of him. "To save a prince from a dragon, you need a KNIIIIGHT!" "And that knight is you?" "Course not, Tikki! That knight is Ladybug! No one listens to Marinette, but everyone listens to Ladybug!" Well ouch, that's not true Marinette! Obviously people listen to Ladybug more, but there are things Marinette can do that Ladybug can't. And I'm pretty sure this is going to be one of those times. ALSO SHE DID HER LITTLE LADYBUG MOVE WHEN SHE TRANSFORMS AHHHHHH! "You've been taking too many risks today, something's wrong!" Yeah it is, but it helped Adrienette progress much better because of it :D Kagami calling Adrien just to scream at him to get himself together and stick up for himself and stop being a puppet, like dang. See, they make great friends but terrible for a relationship. He needed that. First there was Marinette that started to tell him he needs to tell his father, and everyone else, how he feels about being a model and being forced to do all these things he doesn't want to do, because she can see he was miserable. Then there's Felix, though of course for his selfish reasons, could see he's miserable and doesn't want to go, and tells him that freedom is something you make, you have to work for it. He's not going to have it if he sits there and does nothing. Then now Kagami that is like the final blow that screams at him and tells him he's a puppet to everyone in his life, he lets everyone control him by pulling his strings, and that these strings need to be cut. And as we all know, the thing that's kept him from being able to actually find out about Marinette being Ladybug and being happy has been his father. The only person that isn't bought and easily tricked by things is Marinette. The only person that lets him be himself where he actually feels truly happy and special, is with Marinette. This is the point where all of that will change, the obstacle will be out of the way so they can finally have everything in the open and he can be free and they can be happy together. Oh please let this be the beginning of the end of Adrien's sad life. Please. Also I'm believing after seeing this episode, that this will be the start of her really seeing the Adrien side of Chat Noir and loving and appreciating him truly, so unlike Ephemeral where she was freaking out and didn't know what to do about Chat Noir being Adrien, and not seeing him the same, I bet after more development happens and then she finds out, her response will be like "Of course it's you, you couldn't be anyone else" AND I WILL CRY SO MUCH IN THAT MOMENT But getting back to the
episode. "Felix shouldn't be doing this for me. I need to take my own rightful place and tell my father what I have to tell him myself!" GOOD ON YOU. But oops Felix really wants to pretend to be Adrien and go around the world. Why?? "He tricked me again! It's time to end this game, I've got to talk with my father!" Sorry, your father can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because he's Shadow Moth. 🙃 HAAAAA the fact it's Felix and not Adrien being like, uhhh Ladybug what's going on? Legit he's doing a good job here, I would've expected to see a passing annoyed look or something. The only thing is he doesn't sound quite like Adrien, and she's too upset and worried for him to notice. Plus for all she knows, it could just be his sadness. "I don't have the courage. Unlike you, I'm not a superhero." Ironic when Adrien actually is one, but who she thinks is Adrien here actually isn't one so he's telling the truth. xD Okay hold up. Now I'm getting in spoiler territory for those of you who didn't see a previous trailer that showed clips from the second part of this, one that was from a few months ago. Where we saw Ladybug detransform and collapse in what looked to be Adrien's bathroom. If that was Strike Back, and it really was his bathroom, that means she still needs to go there. Why would she? I don't know, but I'm holding out hope that she'll actually speak with Adrien and they'll figure this all out. WITHOUT Felix finding out who she is. These scenes are honestly scaring me that he'll find out. She's going to use the horse miraculous to bring Felix back. PLEASE have her somehow see Adrien in the street and talk to him. PLEASE. Or at home. I don't care, just do not let Felix find out. Oooh Adrien found the spy monocle thing and then there's the sentimonster outside...then fades to credits. Well. :O My goodness this was insane, and even more so when this was not a planned episode but was just dropped on us out of the blue lol A lot of this doesn't feel as much like Miraculous Ladybug but like something else, and I honestly really love it. xD Now to wait the long wait (or maybe if we're lucky we'll get part two next week. I'm wishful thinking here) so we can see how this goes. But from the sounds of what we've been told, it's going to probably end in chaos so I'm just all around scared at this point lol
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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So to brighten up the mood let’s have
Poly hikaruzeke with male y/n taking their siblings out on a vacation!
This is just all fluff with a hint of something dark buried under it
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When you all arrived at the hot springs Mateo went straight to causing havoc by messing with ushio “ so if we do unisex hot spring you should totally let me at least put my mouth on one of your ti- OW!”
He winced when Hikaru hit him on the head “callate la boca!” Hikaru snapped out while you and Zeke were trying to get checked in. Ushio nervously rushed over to you a Zeke gripping zeke’s shirt hiding behind him. You glared at Mateo who rubbed his head with a huff “Zeke your stupid boyfriend hit me!” He whined and Zeke looked around
“He did? I didn’t hear or see shit.” Zeke mumbled out now wrapping an arm around both you and Hikaru a sly grin on his face. You rolled your eyes before holding two keycards “alright me and ushio will share a room, teo you’re with those two” and of course the horny 18 year old had something to say about that.
“OI! Why does he get to be with her!? That’s like all the way unfair!” He snapped out with a huff stomping his foot and Zeke felt his eye twitch, if he doesn’t kill his brother before this trip is over it will be a miracle.
“Cause y/n doesn’t have a habit of groping people while they are trying to sleep you little man whore and ushio doesn’t like sleeping alone”
“Man whore? Wonder who I got it from”
You and Hikaru snorted with laughter avoiding zeke’s glare before you all gazed over at ushio who was quietly playing on her switch. “I don’t mind sharing a room with him, it’s okay” she said softly immediately feeing Mateo latch onto her “hell yeah! Now this is a vacation!” He chirped out loudly as ushio pushed him away..this was going to be interesting.
You all got settled in your rooms and Zeke laid back on the bed his head in your lap while Hikaru sat ontop of him “you know, one good thing about having the room to ourselves is that we can wreck it all we want” the male purred and Hikaru scoffs “doesn’t make me feel any less worried about your disgusting brother” he sneers out only for you to laugh “ushio can handle herself I once saw her scare off a guy just by awkward silence” you added before planting a kiss on both zeke’s and hikaru’s cheek. “Come on! Let’s eat! I promised teo some sushi!” You cheered out
“WOOOAHHHH! SUSHI BOAT! LOOK ITS A SUSHI BOAT!” Mateo was screaming at the top of his lungs at the restaurant eyes sparkling with joy. “Can you not be a gremlin for five minutes? Like you took your adhd medicine yeah? How are you so hyper?” Zeke hissed out.
“Oh no I forgot it at home, but I mean I don’t really need it” Mateo mumbled out using the chop sticks to stab the sushi plopping it in his mouth which made Hikaru look downright offended.
“Did he just-”
“Yup” ushio mumbled out knees pressed to her chest eyes glued to her phone as she watched anime but Zeke took her phone. “Eat mama, you haven’t eaten today you still have to take your medication after you eat” he said firmly and the girl gave a small pout looking over at you with puppy dog eyes
You started to sweat now shoving food in your mouth and glancing away. “Psst, Y/n...” she whispers out making with twitch. “ y/n don’t you do it” Hikaru warned out and you looked over at the girl. “Can I borrow your phone?” She said it in her best cute voice and before you knew it you were giving her your phone to watch anime on.
“She’s too cute! I can’t help it!” You huffed out and Zeke chuckled shaking his head. “Hey ushio! I can feed you if yo-”
“If you touch me I’m calling the police” ushio stated coldly making the male pause and he gulped “y-yeah okay good talk” he said softly now turning his head away nervously.
When you all went to the spring the next day you decided to just to a unisex one to keep an eye on ushio so she doesn’t faint or anything. “Tiddies tiddies tiddies!” Mateo cheered out like a child causing Hikaru to kick his back pushing him in the water “knock it off!” He snapped out.
“I don’t think he’s gonna survive this trip”
“Oh no he’s definitely gonna die the question is how?” Zeke teased out gazing at ushio who had a towel wrapped around her. “You can keep the towel on if it makes you comfortable” you said softly to the girl who gave a shy nod. When you all got in you let out a long sigh tilting your head back in relaxation
It was peaceful for about three minutes, yup three minutes Mateo started splashing around “I’m bored!” He huffs out and Hikaru cracked his knuckles “oh yeah? I’ll give ya something to fucking do” he hissed out harshly. As the two fought you couldn’t help but laugh but what made you happy was seeing ushio smile at the antics
“Having fun ushio?”
She looked down face flushed a smile on her face before giving a small nod fingers interlaced together “ I never had family time like this, can we do this more?” She asked out making everyone pause at just how sweet she was.
“Of course!”
“Where should we go next?”
“I’ll go wherever ushio is going!”
“Shut the fuck up about my sister you incel!”
You all were definitely rowdy! Once you all got done and showered you and Zeke ended up blow drying ushio’s and mateo’s hair. You couldn’t help but trail your fingers along the white patches on mateo’s back eyes moving to the small holes along the side of his arm that reminded you of needle injections. Mateo glanced back at you now gripping your wrist tightly nearly crushing it eyes darkening lightly “stop that, okay?” He said softly before grinning to hide that dark tone he just gave you “ushhhiiiooooo~” he purred out now reaching out to touch the girl only for her to kick him off the bed
“Stop it.”
“You’re so cold to me!”
You tried to laugh it off though it struck you as odd, whatever. You three got the two settled in before making your way back to the room. “Hey Zeke? Does mateo take injections?” You asked making him snort with laughter “no way! The kid cries and screeches off you even show him a needle” he said while laughing and Hikaru rolled his eyes.
“Enough about them, didn’t someone say you wanted to wreck the room?” Hikaru purred out and the three of you exchanged looks. That night got very loud, when it came to the morning when you all had to leave you all were beyond tired.
Hikaru sighs softly letting out a sleepy yawn as you all talked to the limo. “Have fun?” Ushio mumbled out making you twitch nervously before she tapped her neck and you slapped your hand on your neck.
“Pffffft hahaha! It’s okay I got laid too riiiight ushio?”
“No. I only gave you one kiss on the cheek and you started crying so I let you cry yourself to sleep” she mumbled out eyes on her phone as she climbed into the limo making Mateo huff “l-liar! I-I dunno what you mean!” He snapped out face red as he turned his head away.
The rest of the ride was far more relaxed, Mateo fell asleep his head rested on ushio’s shoulder as she watched anime ignoring him.
“She looks happier, thanks for this y/n” Hikaru mumbled to you and Zeke chuckled “I can tell mateo had fun too, he works hard for all the sports clubs he’s in for college he doesn’t really chill out yknow?” Zeke added and you grinned widely
“Next trip let’s go to the mountains or something!”
“Vacation number two!” Mateo sprung up and shouted with a bright smile on his face.
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giuliafc · 3 years
The Matchmakers chapter 1
The Matchmakers
by: JuliaFC
Read on: Ao3 || FFN
Paris, 1909. Marinette and Adrien are two 16 year old who live the double life of superheroes as Ladybug and Chat Noir. One morning, they discover that their friend Rose is in in love with Juleka, the sister of her current fiancé, Luka Couffaine. Wanting only the best for their friends, the two heroes decide to play matchmakers. What they discover in the process ends up getting them closer than ever. Will they achieve the impossible and get not one, not two, but three happily ever after?
Betas: KhanOfAllOrcs, Agrestebug, Etoile-Lead-Sama, Rosehealer02, Malauu-Ladynoir, Genxha. Thank you all so much!
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
This story participates in the AU April fic exchange of the Miraculous Fanworks Server. This is for LadyEnna_50 who asked for:
"Something set in a historic context. Adventure maybe a little comedy. Secret identities being revealed." In the tags, she asked for Lovesquare and JuleRose, so there you go, LadyEnna, hope you like it! Crazy, crazy idea you gave me ^-^
Chapter 1 — Of Balconies and… surprises
"Let's see who's the first to the Iron Lady!" Chat Noir started racing around the City with his baton and gave Ladybug a massive smirk.
"You're on!" said Ladybug. The yoyo zipping around and of the baton crashing against the ground regularly were the only sounds echoing in the sleepiness of the city in the first hours of the morning. Although it was mid August, the air was still fresh because the rays of the rising sun hadn't yet managed to warm the dusky atmosphere. A horse from the cart of a junk dealer raised its head as the crystalline laughter of the girl in red polka-dotted costume resounded in the silence when she landed first on the metal structure. "Told you, you haven't got a chance, Chaton!"
"Would never dream to take the victory from a Lady!" Chat Noir landed next to her just seconds later and presented the girl next to him with a yellow rose. "I'm a gentle-cat, after all!"
Ladybug's smirk softened. "So you stopped on the way to pick this up? Oh, Chaton, you're incorrigible. How many times do I need to tell you that I'm in love with someone else?"
"Why, M'lady, this is a yellow rose, not red. It's a symbol of friendship!" He pouted.
She gave him a sly look as she picked the flower from his hand and gave it a good sniff. "Smells lovely, Chat Noir. Thank you." Then she elbowed him in the ribs. "But don't think you can fool me. It's a yellow rose with red tips. It's a symbol of falling in love from friendship." The sheepish glance back she got told the girl that the feline was very well aware of that.
"Uh, well, a young bachelor can hope!"
Ladybug smiled and looked at the view in front of her for a while, but never dropped or gave the boy back his rose. Eventually, she picked up her yoyo, opened the top part up and placed the rose inside.
She observed with vigilant eyes the cart of the junk dealer trotting away from the Champs de Mars just underneath them, and the silhouette of the lamplighter slowly turning off all the lampposts around.
"You know you don't need these tricks, Chat Noir. You're my best friend and I really do love you. Just… not in a romantic way." She patted the metal structure they were sitting on fondly. "I will miss this when it's taken down. When are they starting the works, Chaton?"
He gave her a smile. "You don't know the latest news, Ladybug? They actually decided to keep it."
She turned to him and looked at him with surprise. "You're joking?"
"Nah. They decided to place the radiotelegraph station permanently on the third floor. Not that people stopped complaining." He huffed. "Artists really hate it. Guy de Maupassant will be turning in his grave at the news, God bless his soul. He kept going on and on about how it outshines the classic elegance of the city. Have you heard that he had his meals in the café at the bottom of the tower because it was the only place where he couldn't see it 'ruining his view'?"
"Pffffft, really?" The girl snorted in her laughter. She patted the metal structure fondly. "Well, I like it. Sod the artists!"
The rising sun was tinting the darkness of the sky in shades of indigo and gold as the lights of the lampposts were slowly being switched off everywhere and the sky lit up. Chat Noir sighed, his gaze getting lost in the skyline, the fresh breeze blowing on top of the tower gently messing his hair. "I like it too. And they would also like it if they saw this view. But I'm glad nobody else can see this. It's only for us; and for the birds."
Ladybug turned to look at his partner, his blond mane shining almost like a halo in the backlight. "Yes, our own private view of inspiration."
Chat Noir smirked, invading her personal space to wiggle his eyebrows in her face. "I wonder why M'lady is not reading the newspapers, though…"
She 'hmph'ed. "I'm a busy girl in my civilian life, Chaton. I don't have the time to read silly gossip."
"Especially when people criticise your choice of costume, right?" He poked her and she faked-glared at him.
"That Lila Rossi. Just because she started modeling for the Agreste fashion brand, she thinks she's an expert in fashion now. How dare she insult my outfit? I saved Paris from her akumatised self twice already, and her outfits as an akuma victim were... atrocious!" She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, her eyebrows furrowing in an irritated frown. "What's wrong with my outfit, anyway? I need to be comfortable when I'm fighting akumas, I can't go around wearing bustiers and wide gowns!"
She looked down at the costume that wrapped around her body. Her top was like a second skin on her bosom starting from her neck, covering her up to her hands, but then flew into a long sleeved flap collar knee-length dress, all red with black polka dots and black accents. She wore a belt at her waist and covered her legs with a pair of red and polka dotted bloomers with black accents and skin-tight boots to cover her calves and feet. It was practical, it was comfortable, and it was decent. That Lila compared it to a bathing suit. How dare she!
Chat Noir sniggered. "Someone doesn't sound very happy about her comments, huh?" He gave her an amused grin when she shot him a second glare. "But you shouldn't be bothered by her opinion, Buginette. You know that, in my eyes, your outfit is the best in the whole world, because you are in it."
She smiled softly at him and rested her head on his shoulder. He gasped, but didn't move. In fact, soon his arm circled her shoulder and moved her a little closer as his cheek rested gingerly on the top of her head. She smelled of baked goods and wildflowers. He breathed in such an intoxicating scent and sighed happily.
It was only after a while that Ladybug shook herself out of her self induced réverie and moved to look at him. "Shall we do a last round of patrol before heading home?"
"You're on!" He smiled and as the girl started zipping her yoyo around, he gladly followed her.
They flew around different streets and neighbourhoods of Paris and everything seemed to be in order. The only excitement they had was helping a ginger cat come down a tree. So they were nearly going to end their round of patrol, when they passed in front of a big villa in the neighbourhood right behind the tower, a little out of the way from the Seine. Chat Noir saw Ladybug look at one of the balconies and freeze on the spot, her body stiffening as she lost control of her yoyo. He gave a push to his baton and dove down, managing to reach her and grab her in his arms before she could hurt herself and landed in an alley nearby.
"Wowow, M'lady, be careful, you nearly slammed your beautiful face against that chimney!" He took a deep breath to calm down and let the adrenaline rush wash off his body. "What did you see, is there an akuma?" He finally let go of her and she used her yoyo to pull herself up to a rooftop. She hid behind a chimney there and beckoned to him to do the same. He did as he was told and peeked curiously to understand what had caused such a reaction on his Lady.
"What am I looking at?" he said scratching his cheek.
Ladybug sighed. "That's the Lavillant villa. Since you said you read the news, you should know that they've been in every newspaper lately."
"Yes, I know," he said thoughtfully. "Because of the engagement. Why are we snooping at their residence?"
"Look!" She pointed at a balcony on the second floor of the mansion. Chat Noir squirmed his eyes to really pay attention to what she was pointing at and when he saw it, he gasped. "There, now you see it!" exclaimed Ladybug.
"Is that Rose Lavillant?" whispered the feline.
Ladybug nodded. "Yep, that's Rose. And the other girl is—"
"Juleka Couffaine!" He paused significantly. "Uh, it doesn't feel normal to see two girls kissing that way, especially when one is engaged," he mused, "and the other one is the sister of her fiancé…"
"I can't believe it. I knew that Rose didn't look happy, but I didn't expect her to… be…"
"In love with her future sister-in-law, you mean?" Chat Noir's voice still sounded stunned.
"Aha." Ladybug sighed and turned around, her cheeks dusting in pink because the two girls were getting more steamy with their kissing, and she was starting to feel bad about snooping. She saw that Chat Noir was STILL looking, so she grabbed him by his belt and moved him out of the view.
"Uh, you're such a killjoy, M'lady…"
She glared at him. "Chaton!"
"Okay, okay, sorry, I shouldn't have kept looking." He put a hand on his nape. "But you must admit that two girls kissing each other are the cat's meow… and they are doing it right in the open and, you know, a gentlecat's dream is—'' He stopped because Ladybug gave him a firm elbow in the ribs.
"A gentleman should be looking away! And may I remind you that it's not even five in the morning? They don't expect to have an audience!"
He sighed. "Okay, okay, I won't keep looking."
"You better!" She slid down and sat on the rooftop, resting her back against the chimney behind her. "So what are we going to do about it? I fear that the whole situation could become a real akuma magnet."
"Yeah… I'm sorry for Luka," mumbled Chat Noir under his breath. "I know he doesn't love her, but still… having competition in your own home isn't fun."
Ladybug looked at him in surprise. "You know Luka Couffaine?"
Worry filled his eyes, but he sighed and slouched his shoulders. "You could say I do, yeah. I don't think it would compromise my identity if I say that I'm in his circle of friends."
"Oh wow." She looked a bit startled. "I must have come across your civilian self sometimes, then, because I'm in Rose's circle of friends."
He looked at her funny. "She only knows and invites to her parties half of Paris… I'm so not surprised that you know her. Between her and Chloé Bourgeois, I think they know the whole city."
She looked down thoughtfully and pulled her legs close to her chest, hugging her knees. "I had noticed lately that her smiles weren't reaching her eyes and that she didn't laugh as genuinely as she always did anymore, but I would never have expected her situation to be so messed up." She sighed. "I'm really sorry for her. It must not be easy to have the one you love in front of your very eyes every day and have to pretend that instead, you love her brother."
Chat Noir's gaze locked into hers as she said that and the sadness and empathy she read in his green cat-like orbs caught her unprepared and made her heart skip a beat. "Yeah, it's terrible." He let out a big sigh. "I mean, not the arranged marriage; that's normal unfortunately." He broke eye contact and mirrored her pose, pulling up his legs and hugging his knees, his gaze getting lost in the endless view of the rooftops of the city of Light. "I did tell you that my father promised me in marriage, didn't I? I don't love her; I love you, M'lady. But I must pretend in public that I do. It's not that hard once you get used to it."
"I'm so sorry, Chat Noir." She put a gloved hand on his shoulder and placed a kiss on the top of his forehead. The intensity in his eyes when their gazes met made her feel weak in her knees.
"Rose is a nice girl, though," he said eventually. "I like her; she always has a kind word for everyone. I am sorry that she's not happy, don't get me wrong."
"Then we need to do something about it." Ladybug's frown was very determined as she slammed one of her fists on the palm of the other hand.
Chat Noir sat legs crossed and looked up at her. "Okay! So… what's your plan?"
"Still not sure, but I'll find a way. You're with me, partner?" She showed him her fist to bump.
His smile brightened. "To the moon and back, as always, M'lady. Operation ‘matchmakers’?" And then he fist bumped with her.
"Good idea! Pound it?" she said, a determined gleam to her eyes as she smirked at him.
"Pound it!" Then he looked at the position of the sun and his smile faded. "Now it's better if I head home, or someone may notice my absence and I could get in trouble. See you next Wednesday, same rooftop?"
"Unless there's an akuma attack!" she retorted.
"Purrfect! See you then, LB!" And that said, he extended his baton and jumped high in the sky with a little pirouette.
Author's Note:
Hi everyone!
This, as you may have read in the introduction note, is my effort for the AU April exchange of the Fanworks server. I hope that LadyEnna_50 likes it, because the good stuff is yet to come.
This story took me an awful amount of research to get ready. I actually started writing it last night, but I had the idea for it right after I got my assignment, at the beginning of the month. But I had been asked to put historical references and… well, that needs research. And Moi because it's Moi… LOVES doing research, but is also VERY anal about her research. I think I've become an expert of the first decade of the 20th century by now.
As always, please drop me a line and review. The more reviews I see the more the story goes high on my updating list, because I feel I'd let down more people if I wait. Worry not: I love all my stories so I will update them all eventually. But surely the ones with more reviews take priority for me. So… you know the drill. You review. I update! ^-^
I hope to update as soon as possible anyway, but I want to focus on "Caught in the Loop" and "When Magic Fails" after this, and of course "Stuck in a Cabin"!. I will come back here very soon! Please subscribe to know when the next chapter will be out.
If you read this and you’re not part of our wonderful Discord server already, but you enjoy reading, writing and talking about Miraculous, please join our Discord server, Miraculous Fanworks (for people on FFN, discord dot gg slash mlfanworks). See you there soon.
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lunzbaku · 4 years
“We can make it come true if you really want...”
Summary: Some U.A. boys go snooping around your diary and read the fantasies you wrote about them. They respond with “we can make it come true if you want.” and you can find out what happens after... ;)
Warnings: third year of A.U. so the boys are aged up and 18, includes smut.
Pairings: Bakugou x Female Reader, Todoroki x Female Reader.
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Shoto Todoroki
Why was he snooping thru ur things in the first place?
Too be honest he didnt know at first it belonged to you.
You dropped your diary in the common place...
nice going. btw
Todo saw the journal near the edge of the couch and he opened it to see who it belonged to.
First page he read “If lost please return to Y/N L/N. DO NOT READ.”
Todoroki then shut the journal and headed up to your dorm room.
As simple as that. Just kidding.
He flipped through the pages until he saw a folded edge.
On the bookmarked page he saw his name as the title.
He thought this mightve been a journal like Midoriya had and you just wrote things about his quirk.
He soon found out it was not a quirk journal.
He was pulled innnnn. He read everyy inch of those pages. The things you wanted to say and do to him, more specifically the things you wanted him to do to you
I mean come on. His crush returning the same thoughts (maybe even more thoughts) as him. He was very much turned on.
“Oh! Todo! There you are I was wondering if you saw my note-“
*Todoroki vigourlsy slaps the notebooks shut*
“-book. Oh.”
You snatch that book out his hands and put it close to your chest
“We can make it come true, if you really wanted to.”
Eyes widening, you couldnt believe what you were hearing. The Shouto Todoroki wants to get with you.
You felt the tips of your ear heat up as you awkwardly look down at your shoes. Of course you werent going to let this opportunity pass up, but again your crush just read the most dirtiest thoughts you had about him. You cant help but feel embarssed and vulnerable.
“You meant it all right?” Todoroki says putting his hand on your chin, lifting your head up so you were staring at him. Cheeks immediately heat up.
“O-Of course.” You reluctantly whisper back.
“Then you’ll let me kiss you, right?” Todoroki says, staring right into what it seems like, your soul. “Right here, right now.”
He leans in closer and closer. His soft lips finally connect with yours. You melt right into his arms as he puts them on your waist. He sits down on the couch, still lips connected and you sit on top of him. He moves one of his hand onto your thighs as you straddle him. The kiss getting steamier as time goes on.
“I’ve wanted you so bad.” You grunt in between the kisses.
“I know, I read about it.”
He doesnt know the effect he has on you. Any little thing he does turns you on. You wanted him so much closer. You start unbuttoning your shirt but Todoroki puts his hand on top of yours to stop you from continueing. He shook his head no.
A frown crept on your face. Why didnt he want to continue this?
“Dont forget we arent in our rooms.” He said unlocking his lips from yours and picking you up. “Lets go change that.” He says heading to the elevator with you in his arms.
You were not ready for what was coming.
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Katsuki Bakugou
Unlike Todoroki, Bakugou knew it was your diary.
He saw you write in it during class, sitting in the common space, before class, before practice. Basically 24/7.
He was a curious boy, he wanted to know what you wrote about
Who wouldnt want to know what their crush wrote about in their personal diary
He didnt even intend on stealing your journal or anything it kinda just happened
One day, Bakugou asked if you could lend him your class notes for a day he missed
You were in a hurry to go take a nap after school since you did so much today during practice
You hurriedly gave him the first notebook you grasped from your bag...
Bakugou didnt notice until he himself went in his room to copy your notes down. He was like...
Pffffft. It cant be. What a dumbass.
He was quick to read that joint
He honestly only wanted to see if you wrote anything about him in there
The most indented part of the diary is the first page Bakugou opened the journal to
On the left side of the book were multiple cute sketches of Bakugou that you drew whenever you were bored in class
He looked at the right side where you had journal entries logging how many times you had the urge to kiss him during the day.
“Damn Nerd.“ he thought.
Finally... he turned the page to see what it felt like erotica
It was like he was reading something that he shouldnt have been reading.
Oh wait, thats because he is.
You went into detail about how you wouldnt mind if Bakugou violated you in many different ways.
To keep it short. It was hot.
After reading your diary he decides he should finally return it.
He headed to your dorm room and knocked twice before you finally opened it.
“Oh! I didnt expect it to be you.” You said allowing Bakugou to come inside your dorm room.
You look around your dorm to make sure there wasnt any thing you needed to frantically pick up, like a bra or anything and then close the door
“You gave me the wrong notebook.” Bakugou says turning around to face you standing by the door
He lifts the notebook up to face you.
The smile on your face immediately drops once you realize what journal you gave Bakugou. How can someone be so dumb. You thought to yourself.
“Bakugou. You did not read it, did you?” You frantically ask, stepping closer to him to try and snatch the book out of his hands.
“Oi! Calm down.” He says smirking, lifting his hand holding the diary, above his head so its out of arms reach for you.
“Thats not funny I have some personal stu-“
“I wouldnt mind making it come true, if you really wanted to.”
Bakugou cut you off before you had to chance to finish explaining yourself. You were at a loss of words. Katsuki Bakugou reciprocating the same feelings you had?? You were internally screaming.
He steps closer to you, making you instanly back up until your back hit the door. His crimson eyes were staring at yours. You both were getting lost in the others.
He didnt say a word. He just pulled that cheeky smirk that he knew you liked, no loved.
Bakugou had this power over you, he was in control of yoy physically and emotionally. You didnt like it at first, but now you just wanted him to have you. He tossed you diary on your bed.
He nibbled your ear. Causing tons of butterflies to make an appearance in your stomach. Ugh. He left lingering paths of kisses until he finally reached your mouth. His lips were so soft. Softer than you even imagined. You were at peace of mind being this close to Bakugou, but you wanted to be even closer.
“I wanna feel how wet you are for me, Y/N.”
A/N: Ended it before I got tooooooo into itttttt. Whew. I HOPE YALL ENJOYED.
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desiraypark · 4 years
O, Christmas Treats
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Clyde x Sherri (Non-Linear Series)
Content: Clyde x Sherri eat cookies with medicine. Author’s Note: This may or may not be based on a real life experience.
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“Babyyyyyyy!” Sherri...whined? Cried? Moaned? Clyde had just walked through the door and Sherri came flying down the stairs.
“Hey, Babygirl,” he said. Sherri planted a kiss on his lips.
“Guess what came in the mail todaaaay?” she asked in a sing-songy voice. She helped Clyde out of his coat, nearly making him dizzy without how enthusiastic she was.
“Our treats.”
“Oh,” Clyde said nodding and smiling. Sherri was so cute when she was excited about something.
She took his hand, led him up the stairs, and into their entertainment room. 
“I just ordered us a pizza, too!”  “Oh, you’re really goin’ all out with...all things bein’ high...” Clyde said, trying to find the right words. Sherri giggled.
Clyde noticed that she’d restocked the mini-fridge with sodas and juice and filled the snack bin with all kinds of chips and candy and other salty and sweet snacks. Then, there was something wrapped up in green plastic and stuffed in a Ziploc bag.
“You’re real excited about this, ain’t you?” he asked.
“I am. I’ve always wanted to get high in my own house, and here I am--in a nice house with my husband,” Sherri said.
Clyde laughed and plopped down on the sofa. Then, Sherri retrieved the Ziploc bag, pulled the green plastic out, and unraveled it. She pulled out a cookie that had red and green frosting designs on it.
“I still can’t believe someone sends this stuff out through the mail,” he said.
“Me either. But I suppose as long as a police dog doesn’t go by the post office, we’re good to go.”
Sherri broke the cookie in half, then broke off quarter-size from the half. She gave it to Clyde. He put the piece in his mouth and Sherri did the same with her piece. Then, she stuffed the cookie bag inside the plastic wrap and tucked all the contents back into the Ziploc bag.
Clyde turned on the television and flipped through the channels. Then, Sherri rested her head on his shoulder.  ____________________
Thirty Minutes Later
Clyde lifted the top of the pizza box while Sherri retrieved paper plates from the pantry. He got a whiff of the cheesy pie, covered with sausage and green peppers.
“You feel anything yet, Baby?” Sherri asked, walking over with the plates. Clyde shook a slice loose with his right hand and plopped it on the top plate, and Sherri placed it on the table.
“Nah, not yet. You?”
Then, he tugged on the next slice, pulling the cheese off as he lifted the triangle. He folded the slice over and pulled it out.
“No, not really. I might get another little piece.”
“I don’t know, Baby. They said you’re supposed to let that stuff sit for a bit.” Clyde starting closing the box.
“I’m gonna get another slice,” Sherri said before Clyde closed the box.
“How about we just take this upstairs?” he asked.
Sherri nodded. “Even better.” ___________________
Another Thirty Minutes Later
“I’m about to get another piece,” Sherri said, putting her empty plate down on the sofa.
“Go on and grab me a tiny piece, will you darlin’?” Clyde asked.
Sherri broke the half from earlier in another half, and she and Clyde gobbled the pieces down.
Ten Minutes Later
“I think I’m starting to feel it, Baby,” Clyde said, leaning back on the sofa and staring at the television. They were watching Wheel of Fortune.
“I haven’t felt a thing yet,” Sherri said with a little pout. She looked between them and grabbed the empty paper plates they’d placed on the sofa. “You want another slice?”
“Naw, not now,” Clyde responded.
They’d placed the pizza box on the folding serve trays they kept in the entertainment room. Sherri stood up with the paper plates and fell right down to the floor.
“Oh, shit--Baby, you alright?!” Clyde asked, leaning forward.
Sherri burst into laughter. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Clyde tried to stand up, but his feet felt like they were stuck to the floor. Finally, he rolled onto the floor and rubbed Sherri’s back. How that would help her up, he didn’t know.
“Just leave me down here,” Sherri said with a giggle. She rolled over on her back and cackled. Then, Clyde rolled over on his back and broke out into laughter, too. Fifteen Minutes Later
“I’m horny,” Sherri said as the Jeopardy! opening played.
Clyde looked over at Sherri with a smile. “You are?”
“Yes, but I don’t know if I’d be able to find my own hole right now.”
“Pffffft!” Clyde laughed.
Sherri cackled again. 
Clyde and Sherri Logan, newlyweds and best friends, sat on their floor for the rest of the evening, watching game shows and Christmas specials upside down.
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Lamia Drama Part 11
Heyooo. Guess who’s back... kinda. ^^;;; Not my favorite chapter by a long shot, but the idea got stuck in my head just enough to type out.
I hope tumblr doesn’t mess up the double-space formatting between texting and Liam’s thoughts, but I think it’s still distinguishable regardless.
A little bit of context for those who don’t play much DnD: Hexblade warlocks get their power from a patron who gives them a magic weapon. Fighters get a fighting style that allows them perks based on what kind of weapon they use. Sorcerers have inborn magic, and wild magic can make weird things happen sometimes.
Also, I know that it’s spelled y’all, but for some reason my fingers insist that it’s ya’ll??? Idek.
Aaaaaaanyways, these lamia species come from @vex-bittys ! Enjoy! <PREV | BEGINNING | NEXT>
           Liam sighed happily as he stretched himself out in his enclosure. His skull-cap had been removed for the night. In theory he could, and probably should, leave it on, but the tacky substance that held it in place irritated his bones and itched horribly. Plus it just felt like something was sitting on his head all the time. It’s not like he had any nerves in the fake-bone, so it just felt like a dead weight. Bandage and cloth wraps were far more comfortable and did just as good of a job at keeping things out of his head. But in the safety of his own habitat with daylight hours away? There wouldn’t be much harm in letting it air out a little. Air swirled into his skull as he moved, tickling the inside, as he slid on top of the silky, plush pillows and under a warmed up heating blanket.
           Normally he wouldn’t put on heat for the night unless it was freezing, it was easier to sleep in cool air, at least for him, but his eyes kept darting to his phone on its charger. Normally he’d have put it away by now, but they’d gotten Alex’s number and added her to the DnD group chat, Snarls and Snakes, so everyone with a phone was still chatting (save for Nikolai).
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): i demand you guys pronounce it G’nome. yeah i wear the pointy hat. m a G’arden G’nome
           Devising Machinations (Keith): Your character still needs a NAME.
           Pledged Companion (Trousle): YES, LAZYBONES!
           Proxy Child (Alex): Names are hard, I get it m’dude.
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): Still, that’s just lazy.
           Devising Machinations (Keith): Oh hey, ya got your phone back. Nice :)
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): They couldn’t keep it from me~
           Pledged Companion (Trousle): THAT ISN’T EVEN YOURS!
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): dude caps
           Pledged Companion (Trousle): I AM SMALL, YOU WILL NOT HEAR ME IF I DON’T SHOUT
           Proxy Child (Alex): That… That isn’t how text works???
           Devising Machinations (Keith): *nods* Understandable.
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): p sure that liam got it for good behavior
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): suck up
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): IT IS A VALID HUNTING STRATEGY!!! Deception is JUST as valuable as being able to bite things. Sometimes. I’m more fond of biting deer than trying to play mind games with them.
           Or he assumed he would be, if he got to see a deer. He was old enough to be rented out to handle overpopulated areas, but he wasn’t very popular… People saw the eye and all other thought seemed to go out the window. Nevermind that deer and rabbits pound at the ground like they were trying to break the earth, no one cared about that. They only cared that he was down an eye. Fuck them.
             Devising Machinations (Keith): Everyone happy with their characters before I get started with anything in depth? I’ve talked to Hux, dude’s fine ^u^
           Proxy Child (Alex): I think so??? I’m still trying to figure out whether or not to main in Hexblade or just go straight fighter. I mean, getting the fighting style is well worth dipping into it regardless, but, like, would my character *want* help from another fae, or is this something she felt she needed to do herself? Like, making pacts and stuff would make her seem more fey-y, but does she WANT to be fey-y? Or would I rather have her intentionally shun all of it?
           Devising Machinations (Keith): Not a call I can make, but can’t wait to hear about it.
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): I’ve had similar questions… I do think I’m going sorcerer one way or another, wild magic of course, since they’re inherently magic, but would they have been trying to learn other things as well?
             There was something he couldn’t quite put his finger on with their characters. They seemed so juicy already, enough angst and plot potential for them both to sink their teeth into, but something felt slightly off…
             Proxy Child (Alex): I guess it comes down to whether my character (who I will give a name to, eventually) would want the “crutch” of a more powerful fae helping them out, or if they’d rather prove their own worth.
           Liam’s fingers were typing before he’d even thought it through.
             Problematic Changeling (Liam): Prove your own worth. You don’t need someone hand-holding you through life.
           Proxy Child (Alex): Ya’ll both have points, just ain’t sure. I might have to try writing or RP’ing her a little to figure out what kind of person she is. Have to get a feel for her first, y’know?
           Devising Machinations (Keith): That’s fine by me. No pressure ^^
           Proxy Child (Alex): Thanks dudes.
           Proxy Child (Alex): I really like your character btw, Liam. Kinda wish I’d come up with that first XD It’s relatable, y’know? Though maybe a little too close to home anyways, ya’ll ain’t my therapists. Can’t wait to see how you play them out.
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): It’s going to be awesome, naturally. Are you sure you can keep up with me?
           Proxy Child (Alex): Honey, I don’t think you know what kind of angst machine you’re dealing with here >:3c
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): oh boy thisll be fun
           Pledged Companion (Trousle): GUYS I’M PUTTING YOU ON MUTE. I’M KEEPING EVERYONE UP. GOODNIGHT! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): night trus
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): also you should just play every single class at once
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): itd be HISSterical
           Devising Machinations (Keith): XD Dude. No. Just no. Also, you’re ripping that off from Puffing Forest
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): lies and slander
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): You watch it *while we game* sometimes. I’m half deaf and I can still hear it!
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): it aint my fault you take 5ever on turns sometimes
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): Well SOME of us know how to strategize.
           Pointy Combatant (Oozy): yeah, trus
           Proxy Child (Alex): PFFFFFT. Oozy omg. XD But I oughta go to bed. I’ve got work tomorrow. Sleep tight ya’ll!
           Devious Machinations (Keith): Niiiight!
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): I’ll get you back for that Oozy. But really, I’m looking forward to this. It’s been a while since we got fresh blood in.
             The last time they had was Trousle. Being the only bitty and the youngest of the group, they hadn’t been friends with him nearly as long as with each other, but he was still quite fun to have around. He was starting to grow on Liam, honestly. Liam had to respect his relentless optimism, at least to a degree. Albeit, Papython in general tended to be unwaveringly positive, but it seemed deeper than the surface-level sugar of some of his breed.
             Pointy Combatant (Oozy): sleep sounds good actually. Night
           Devising Machinations (Keith): Saaaame. Night everyone
           Problematic Changeling (Liam): Goodnight.
             Liam put the phone back and turned the heat off on the blanket, putting it over his head and settling in for the night. He was grateful that his wing tended to be pretty quiet; he never could sleep well with noise, lights, or too much movement, though the pillows muffled the vibrations in the ground nicely. No one was going to come anyways, not this late. Even if they did, he was a light enough sleeper to wake up and bite before the other even knew what hit them. He drifted to sleep alternating between contemplating his DnD character, and imagining hunting a deer.
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despairforme · 3 years
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Target Spotted
---- So it is time to ooze out love for Toby.
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Let me begin with, your boat. The first thing I commented on with you outside of trying to edge myself into playing your Teresa. I love them, they are so yellow and pretty and deserve to sail the world with you. Please share more images of the sea / boat-chan-san in the future. It looks so fun!! ;;
Now, onto YEE. Toby, the wonderful, talented, bamboozling, skillful, beautiful, warm hearted, gentle soul, show stopping, spectacular, amazing, brilliant, unique, never the same - do I need go on? They share skill-tree you have is out of this planet. I love how humble, gentle and wholesome you are as a person online and a real idol in my eyes to enjoy everything I do as I go on in life and roleplaying wise. I've yet to meet another person like you on this site, from the bottom of my heart, you are inspirational in every way.
As a roleplayer you are so fckin' grand. For a second language in english your vocabularies top tier, better than mine lmao! I love seeing you talk about Nnoitra, I know you hate meta but everything you say and do with Nnoitra, I take as gospel. I have never seen someone who damn obsessed but in the right ways with such a troublesome muse. Nnoitra was made so easily in the series to be just a one-hit wonder and yet, here I am, picturing Nnoitra in his own anime series, constantly with each thread, au or just image you draw of them.
So, a big shout out, a big thank you for sharing your passions online and being a great friend.
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     [ K.OED !!!!!! Omg ?? Tala what the heck are you doing?? I cannot?? Literally I went onto my blog to try and find that post about my boat but tumblr failed me. That's so cute that you remember that?? And pffffft you know I cannot imagine anyone else being my Teresa? When I think about Teresa I'm like: Yeah that's Tala's. I'm so happy you wanted to write them with me. It's truly amazing to have such a talented writer take it upon themselves to write a character as obscure as Nnoitra's Zanpakuto. I'm super lucky t - t And aaa I will try to share more pictures of her when I go sailing this year!
      YOU ARE LITERALLY BURYING ME HERE !!!!!! ALL THIS KINDNESS AND ALL THESE COMPLIMENTS !!!! iT’S funny because I literally just had a conversation about how ?? it’s difficult to know how to react to compliments fjfjfjf and here I am buried in them !! I feel like it’s difficult to get the appreciation across when I get compliments?? But PLEASE know that I’m T - T sO happy to hear these precious and kind things about me! Tbh the majority of my social interactions happen online and so to have online friends who appreciate me and who are kind and who like me is the best thing ever! We have known each other for such a long time and even if we don’t chat enough ( always wanna chat more with my friends uvu ) - I consider you one of my best friends on here. I cannot tell you how flattered and humbled I am to be called inspirational by you?? Since you are inspirational to me. The diversity between your muses and how amazingly you handle writing so many different ones - and the creativity behind your OCs... It’s something I aspire to. WATCH ME SWOON OVER YOUR OCS OK. 
      Thank you, Tala for just calling my love for Nnoitra what it is ahahaha I really am constantly obsessing over him and have been for years. I’m always so T - T !! incredibly happy !! about getting to write him and have people enjoy him and see him the way I see him. Getting to share what I love with my friends? Can’t get better than that. alSO aaaa as a non-native speaker that means a lot to have my vocabulary complimented! Thankfully for me, Nnoitra is not a purple-prose muse...... He just wants simple words ahahaha. 
     T - T !! PLEASE KNOW HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE THIS MESSAGE OK !! I’M SITTING HERE WITH HEART EYES!! I literally can’t t - t !! thank you for taking the time to literally write paragraphs about me ??? Tala you spoil me !! Bless you ! <5 ] 
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neerasrealm · 4 years
I am enabling you
BAND AU BAND AU. SO GLAD I GET TO WRITE ABT THIS YEEEEEEE i kinda lost motivation towards the end but dfvsdgfhsd its fiiiiine. i got a couple more ideas for this au so...expect a couple more fics?? maybe??
Jason wasn’t sure if he could call the room a ‘practice room’. It felt more like a lounge. The walls were checkered with soundproof foam in places, as was the floor. There were also a lot of things hanging up on the walls. Posters of various rock bands and cult classic movies, all framed of course. The room was littered with instruments. Guitars, basses, a keyboard, a drumset, microphones- any instrument one could need, it was there. But there was also a lot of comfy furniture. Bean bags, a couple armchairs that had been dragged out of the trash, and of course, the old reliable sofa. It was stained and the springs were starting to break, but it was comfy, and Jason was quite happy lounging across it. He kicked his foot calmly in time to the beat of the music quietly playing from his boyfriend’s record player. He sighed and glanced over at the boyfriend in question. His name was Zalgo, and he had copper-brown skin and fluffy brown hair that was dyed red at the tips. Tattoos swirled up his arms and another stretched across his neck. He was covered in piercings too. His ears, his nose, a couple on his eyebrows, even a snakebite on his lower lip. His eyes were closed, and he was lounging in a big bean bag, a weed joint clenched between his teeth.
‘’They’re late again.’’ he murmured. 
‘’Nnh?’’ the joint flicked upward as Zalgo grunted. 
‘’The girls. We were supposed to have a practice session,’’ he looked down at the watch on his wrist. ‘’Twenty minutes ago.’’ 
‘’Mmmh…’’ Zalgo shifted in the bean bag, then abruptly jumped up in a startlingly quick movement. He stretched and groaned, then pulled the joint out of his mouth, smacking his dry lips. He looked over at Jason. He was wearing contacts again. These ones were golden and bright, and accentuated how...alluring, his gaze could be. His mouth curled up into a small grin. ‘’Just means more time for you and me.’’ he murmured as he walked slowly over to the couch where Jason sat. The redhead smirked at him as he leaned down toward him. 
‘’...You’re getting old.’’ Jason murmured before shoving Zalgo’s face away. The other man groaned and swatted at him before breaking into laughs. 
‘’I am not! I am just as cool and as sexy as senior year! Girls love me!’’
‘’You’re gay, Zalgo. And almost thirty.’’
‘’Hmph.’’ Zalgo puts his hands on his hips, pouting. Jason looked him over for a long moment. Zalgo had certainly kept his style from highschool. He wore a loose cut black tank top with a metal band’s logo on it. The neck was low, exposing his collar and the necklaces he wore around his neck. He was also wearing black ripped jeans with a studded belt with chains hanging off it. Almost every finger on his hand was decorated with a ring shiny ring. He was attractive, and carried himself with a confident flare only he could pull off. Jason could never pull that off. Showing so much skin, playing with makeup- it wasn’t his thing. He stuck with classic jeans, button-ups and ties with sneakers. Simple, yes, but it worked for him. And somehow Zalgo thought he was handsome enough to have dated him for over ten years. Jason smiled a bit and settled back in his seat.
‘’Do you...want to sit down?’’ he asked slowly. Zalgo looked down at him and grinned. He moved to lay down beside Jason, but the redhead put his hand on his chest and stopped him. ‘’...give me the joint first.’’ 
Zalgo huffed and rolled his eyes. He handed his boyfriend the joint and lay down, snuggling up against Jason as he took a drag of the joint. He sighed out, smoke blowing from his mouth. Zalgo looked up at him, watching him calmly. He reached up and caressed the other male’s jawline. ‘’...anyone ever tell you you’re fucking beautiful?’’ 
‘’No, my mother didn’t love me.’’ 
‘’PFFFFFT-’’ Zalgo wheezed loudly, bursting into loud cackles of amusement. Jason smiled and laughed gently. They were so distracted with just laughing on the couch like a couple of stupid dumb teens that they didn’t hear the front door being opened. They did however, hear it being slammed shut without warning, and it scared Zalgo so bad he fell off the couch with a yelp. The two stared at each other as they heard voices in the front hall downstairs. Zalgo grinned and rolled over onto his stomach, listening intently to the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs toward them. Zalgo skittered across the room and pressed himself against the wall beside the door. 
Jason took a drag of the joint and watched the door, which was quickly and violently kicked open.
He blew smoke out of his mouth. "Hello Natalie." He greeted calmly. Natalie was a short girl, with long caramel hair and tanned skin. Her eyes were bright and green, and she grinned wide at him. She was dressed in a denim jacket that hung off her shoulders, along with a white Guns N' Roses t-shirt and ripped navy jeans. As she waved her hands excitedly Jason could see the watch around her wrist glint in the light. A birthday gift he'd given her a few years ago.
"There you are!" Zalgo lunged out from behind the door and yanked his niece into a tight bear hug. She squealed and battered her fists against him, making the both of them giggle. Jason glanced over at the door and noticed a girl he'd never seen before, standing there looking around anxiously.
She had curly ginger hair and wore a simple green jacket with denim jeans. She was shorter than Natalie, who was short enough for a seventeen year old already. When she caught Jason's gaze she smiled nervously and waved a bit. Her smile quickly dropped however when she noticed the joint in Jason's hand. He glanced at it, then reached over and snuffed it out in the ashtray on the end table beside him. Zalgo would probably be mad about him wasting good weed later, but he didn't really care. 
"This a friend of yours, Natalie?" The redhead asked as he sat up on the couch. 
"This is Alice." Said a tall girl as she walked into the room and leaned against the doorway. Her name was Jane, and she was Natalie's girlfriend. She had dark skin, decorated with paler splotches in random places. She wore a long black dress with a leather jacket, fishnet gloves and tights, and platform boots that made a satisfying 'clunk' noise when she walked. Her hair was done up in braids, which were tied up in a pseudo ponytail. And she was also munching on a teacake that she'd definitely stolen from the kitchen. Jason glared at her.
"I told you to ask before taking those, y'know." He muttered. Jane shrugged and watched Natalie stumble out of the tight hug she'd been suffocating in. She turned to Alice with a grin and lunged over, slinging an arm over the smaller girl. 
"This is Alice!" She said again. "She's part of the drama club in school. Really good singing voice!" She turned to the ginger girl. "Right? You're an amazing singer!"
"U-Um-" Alice rubbed at her arm anxiously. "I'm not...that good…" she mumbled, her head lowering. Jason softened as he looked at the poor, nervous girl. 
"Nice to meet ya, Alice." Zalgo said gently. He walked over and crouched down, holding out his hand for her to shake. Alice stared at his arm.
"Your tattoos are so cool-" she blurted. She immediately slapped her hands over her mouth, wincing. Zalgo chuckled.
"Why thank you! I'm pretty proud of em myself." He said with a warm smile. "So you're Nat's friend?"
"I...guess," Alice rubbed at her arm again. "She uh- she said she wanted me to...join a band…? I-I dunno if I'm really cut out for that…"
Natalie shook her head and clamped her hand down on her shoulder. "Alice, I already told ya, your singing is incredible bro!" She leaned down and grinned at her. "Uncle Zalgo knows eeeverrryyythinggg about music. You just gotta impress him and you're in the band."
Alice looked at Zalgo. "You're...uncle Zalgo…?" She asked quietly, sounding even more scared. Zalgo nodded and stood up.
"Sure am." He gestured over at Jason. "That's Jason, by the way. He has a huge crush on me and sleeps in my bed. It's super embarrassing."
"Hey, you came out to me." Jason growled. Zalgo laughed. 
"It's...nice to meet you, sirs." Alice murmured. Jason looked at her and smiled gently. He sat up on the couch so the others could sit down. Zalgo obliged, flopping himself down next to him with a soft grunt. Natalie was quick to join them, sitting on Zalgo's other side while Jane occupied the arm of the chair. That left Alice...standing in front of them. Like she was being judged. It reminded her eerily of an audition.
"How old are ya?" Zalgo asked with the tilt of his head. Alice fidgeted. 
"Erm- fifteen." Zalgo looked at Natalie and arched a brow. Alice coughed. "B-But um- I've been singing since I was seven." She added. Zalgo gave a nod.
"Alright...think you can demonstrate?" He asked. Alice glanced away anxiously and he smiled a bit. "C'mon, you can't be any worse than Jason."
"I like Jason's voice." Jane piped up. Jason smiled.
"Thank you, Jane, you're the only person here who shows me any kindness…"
"Hey! I bring home pizza for you!" Zalgo said, pouting.
"You work at Pizza Hut, Zalgo. You get that stuff for free." Jason replied sternly. Alice laughed a little bit at the two of them. Jason turned back to her and smiled. 
‘’So what style of music do you do?’’ he asked. Alice’s eyes widened.
‘’Oh- mostly showtunes, broadway stuff.’’ she replied. Jason nodded. She felt a bit more relaxed now. It just….felt like an audition. She’d done those dozens of times before. ‘’I can sing Defying Gravity- from uh- Wicked?’’ she suggested. 
‘’Go ahead, girl.’’ Zalgo replied, leaning back on the couch again. Alice nodded and cleared her throat. 
‘’Something has changed within me...something is not the same, I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game,’’ she hadn’t had a chance to warm up, and she winced at how her voice sounded. But when she looked at the others they didn’t seem to notice. ‘’Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep…’’ she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the high notes coming up. ‘’It’s time to trust my instincts...close my eyes...and leap.’’ 
‘’Stop.’’ Zalgo interrupted her. She stopped and looked at him, afraid. Had she failed the high note? Did her rusty voice really sound that bad…? ‘’You’re amazing girl!’’ 
‘’Seriously! You sound like you could be on broadway!’’ Zalgo grinned wide at her as he spoke. Jason nodded in agreement. Nat hopped up off the couch and slung her arm around Alice’s shoulder again.
‘’So is she in?’’
‘’Well of course she’s in!’’ Zalgo stood up and thrust out his hand. ‘’Welcome to the band, Alice.’’
Alice smiled sheepishly and took his hand. ‘’Thanks...what uh- what do I get for being in it?’’
‘’Free music lessons and pop tarts. Plus vibing privileges.’’ 
‘’V-Vibing privileges…?’’ 
‘’You’re allowed come over whenever.’’ Jason explained. ‘’Though you probably have better things to do than hang out with two thirty year old men who do nothing but watch Netflix all day.’’
‘’Oh c’mon, we’re cool!’’ Zalgo pouted at him. ‘’In fact, I can prove it.’’
‘’Please don’t.’’ Jason murmured. Alice watched Zalgo scamper over to the corner of the room and grab one of the instruments. He held it up proudly. It was a red guitar, with two necks and a body cut into jagged shapes. He grinned and held it down to playing height, strolling back over to Alice. 
‘’Pretty sweet, huh?’’
‘’Oh my god do you have to show that thing to every guest we get?’’ Jason called irritably. Zalgo shot him a look. 
‘’How do you even play that…?’’ Alice asked in amazement. Zalgo smiled.
‘’Lots of practice and quick timing.’’ he replied, strumming a few chords. ‘’What instruments do ya play, girl?’’
‘’Oh uh- I- don’t. I just sing.’’ Alice glanced away nervously as she spoke. Zalgo arched a brow at her, surprised.
‘’I thought she’d be good for backup!’’ Natalie chimed in.
‘’I think she’d be good for my songs,’’ Jane added. ‘’Just like with Jason.’’ Zalgo nodded and looked at the ginger girl for a moment. He turned on his heel and put his beloved guitar down, then moved over to another part of the room and rummaged through a plastic bin he had laying around. 
‘’I know just the thing for you then,’’ he murmured. Alice looked surprised, until he stood up again and held up a tambourine. ‘’This is exactly what we’ve been missing, and it’s easy to learn!’’
‘’...oh.’’ Zalgo strode over and handed the tambourine to Alice. She looked at it for a moment, then shook it halfheartedly. He grinned and clasped his hands together.
Jason sighed quietly and climbed up off the couch. He dusted his hands off and glanced at Nat and Jane. ‘’You guys hungry?’’ he asked. Zalgo shot him a look.
‘’Wait what happened to practice?’’ he whined. Jason rolled his eyes and walked over to the door.
‘’You already showed off your guitar, Zalgy. And I’m hungry.’’ Jason muttered. ‘’And I’m sure the girls are starving too.’’ he turned and looked at his boyfriend. He knew Zalgo couldn’t say no to him, not when he pulled out that nickname. He eventually sighed.
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ryvswb · 4 years
@proximio-5 Asked: "Oh! Oh! Are the Meta and the Freelancers nearby?"
*RvB guitar jingle plays as the camera does an overview of Valhalla, until we see Wyoming and Maine crouched together next to a river*
Wyoming, fiddling with something in the back of Maine's head: Hrrrrm. Almost there....argh Maine stop squirming!
Maine, shifting uncomfortably: *growl*
Wyoming: Almost theeeeeere...aaaaannnnnnd...
Wyoming, standing back up, a small storage device in his hand: Done!
Maine, slowly standing up, his legs a bit wobbly: *long, low growl*
Wyoming, trying to help Maine steady himself, but the latter shoving his hand aside: Easy there lad. I know you want to be able to use all your programs, but even Ol Carolina had trouble handling the twins, be sure to tell me if anything feels off.
Maine, his legs now steadier, knodding in acknowledgement: *grunt*
Wyoming, showing Maine the storage device he's holding: So what do we do with this knobhead?
Sigma, his hologram emerging from the device: Where- where am I? Oh?
Maine, towering over Sigma intimidatingly: *long, angry growl*
Sigma: Oh. Agent Maine...you are alive as well...I...if you would just let me explai-
Maine, snatching Sigma out of Wyoming's hand and aggresively chucking him in the river:...
Wyoming, awkwardly watching Sigma float away as Maine dusts his hands off: Well...thats one way to solve that problem I suppose...
Wyoming: Now what shall we do nex-
Gamma, appearing next to Wyoming's head: Reggie, I am recieving an unknown transmission.
Wyoming: Play it trough.
Wyoming, talking to an unkown individual through his com device: Who are you? How did you get this frequency?
Maine, staring at Wyoming as chatter can be heard from the latter's helmet:...
Wyoming: Oh? A job? Interesting. How much?
Wyoming, as more chatter is heard from his helmet:...
Wyoming: Well now, thats a very generous offer.
Wyoming, as yet more chatter comes from his helmet: Hm hm. Huh uh. Alrighty then. Consider it done. Pleasure doing business.
Wyoming, turning to Maine after hanging up: Maine old chap, looks like we'll be able to give your programs a test run already.
Wyoming: Cause we got some work to do.
York, trying to pick the lock on a warehouse's door: Come oooon....come ooooooooonnnnn...
York, as his lock pick breaks: COME ON!
Carolina, Wash at her side: York? York is that you!?
York, turning around, startled: AHH!
York: Oh. Hey Carolin-
Carolina, pulling York into a hug: Oh I'm SO happy to see you again you can't even imagine...
Washington: Hey York whats up! Where have you been man?
York, speaking casually as Carolina lets go of him: I've been dead.
Washington, awkwardly: Oh. Right. Sorry.
York: PFFFFFT don't be! I've been hanging out and playing DDR with some red headed girl in armor and the Epsilon AI. Its was great!
Church, in AI form, materialising next to Carolina, in an excited tone: SPEAKING OF THE DEVIL! YORK MY DUDE WHATS UP!
York: YOOOOOOO Church how are you doing man?
Church: Oh I've been doing awesome. Being alive again is great!
York: You can say that again!
Carolina, visibly confused: So you guys met...in the afterlife?
Church: Yeah we're afterlife bros!
York and Church in unison, as Carolina and Wash silently look back and fort between the two of them: AFTER LIFE BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!
York: *Ahem* So anyway. What are you guys doing here?
Washington: Mercenary work. Our client contacted us a couple hours ago and instructed us to meet up here with the other mercs they hired.
York: Me too! What a coincidence! I've been trying to get in but the lock on this door is no joke!
York, as Carolina walks past him: Must be some kind of high secury lock set up by our employer to prevent random bystanders or thieves from getting in. I've been picking away at it for almost an hour now. I think I'm about to go insa-
York, as Carolina casually opens the door:...
Washington, smugly: High security lock huh?
York: Shut up.
Carolina, as everyone enters the warehouse: Did you come here alone York? Do you know who else got hired for this job?
York, as he scopes out the room: I came into contact with North and South Dakota over com. They said they'd meet me here, but North called me several minutes ago saying that they'd be late.
Washington, as he closes the door behind him: Really? What happened to them?
York: They...
York:...Took a wrong turn...
North, next to a warthog in front of the Xiao Long household on Patch: I told you we should've just followed the GPS!
South, as Taiyang warily opens the front door to check what is going on: And I keep telling you the GPS is busted!
North: Oh yeah? If you're really better than the GPS then why are we at the WRONG LOCATION?
Taiyang: Uuuuummm...excuse me? How did you get here?
South, dryly: We drove.
Taiyang, blinking in confusion before talking: H-how???
South, with gritted teeth: WITH A CAR.
Taiyang, visibly confused:...M'am this is an island.
North and South: And?
Taiyang: WHAT DO YOU MEAN "AND"???
York: We've been standing here for an hour now! How long are we gonna have to wait!?
Washington: I need to pee...
Carolina, scolding Wash: I told you to go do it before leaving!
Church, scolding Carolina: And I told YOU that stopping for slushies was a bad idea.
Carolina, indignantly: Well they were very good slushies and I will die on that hill!
Church: *sigh* My scanners say theres a porta potty behind the building Wash.
Washington, running out the door: THANK YOU I'LL BE RIGHT BACK.
*A few seconds pass*
*Knock* *Knock*
Church: God damn is he done already?
*Knock* *Knock*
Church: Its unlocked Wash.
York: Whoa wait a minute! GUYS. Think about it. I'm alive. North and South are alive. All of us have been told to come. All of us freelancers.
Church: What are you going on about- wait. Oh god please no.
Carolina, deep in thought: Knock knock...
Wyoming, entering the room with Maine in tow: Who's there?
Church: UUUUURRRGH! Fuck my life they're alive too!
Washington, walking back into the room: Alright I'm back what did I mis-
Wyoming: Top of the morning Wash! I missed you lad!
Maine: *Grunt of agreement*
Everyone, sitting in awkward silence for a few seconds:...
Church: I think we have a lot of catching up to do...
-To be continued-
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
1. Do you like having your picture taken? No.
2. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non? I’ve had pictures taken at photo studios and I have a cousin who’s a photographer that did my college graduation photos.
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I mean, nowhere right now. BUT, there’s a lot of places I’d love to visit one day. Various countries and places here in the US. I just want to be able to travel a lot one day.
4. Who would you take with you on this little adventure? My family.
5. What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime? That’s going to be different for everyone of course, but basically something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Conquering a fear.
6. Would you ever do that? I don’t know. 
7. Have you ever done crossword puzzles? Yeah. I much prefer word searches, though.
8. Ever actually completed one? Yeah.
9. Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it. There isn’t a book near me.
10. Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio. Nah.
11. Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? Yeah, many times. I’ve tried to look up what some things symbolize and what it might mean for me. 
12. Would you put up posters in your room? Yeah. I have some things hung up. 
13. Can you sing? I can’t sing well at all. I wish.
14. Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks? Yes.
15. What's your favorite color of post-it note? Pink.
16. How many cassette tapes do you own? Zero.
17. How many cd's do you own? I don’t have any CDs anymore.
18. Ever bought a cd for just one song? I probably have. 
19. What would your perfect day consist of? Beach days are nice. Or since it’s winter, renting a cozy cabin in the snow sounds lovely.
20. Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone online? Yes.
21. Have you ever written a survey? Once. It was several years ago during the Xanga days. I wish I still had it saved.
22. How about a song? If so share it. No.
23. Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them. I dabbled with poetry when I was 16. I am definitely not sharing one, they’re super cringey.
24. Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time? I don’t have a VCR. Wow, cassette tapes and VCRs how old is this survey?
25. Do you read your horoscope? No.
26. If so, do you base your day on it? No, I’ve never been into astrology. I used to read it when I was younger like in an magazine, but it was always just for fun.
27. Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why? Chew gum. Mouthwash is way too strong to me and I find it irritating for my mouth and yeah it’s just not a pleasant experience.
28. Do you floss? No. :X
29. Are you addicted to napster like me? Okay, now you’ve mentioned Napster so this survey is super old. Napster was like late 90s and early 2000s. 
30. How many times a year about are you sick? I rarely get things like a cold, which I find interesting because I feel like my immune system is crap, but I feel sick and crappy often for other reasons.
31. Ever been in an airplane? Yes, a few times.
32. If so where were you flying to? Georgia and back and to Disneyland and back.
33. What radio station to you listen to most? It’s been a few years since I’ve listened to the radio.
34. What color are your shoes? I wear my black Adidas the most.
35. Was fuzzy wuzzy a bear? He was. He had no hair, though, so he wasn’t actually fuzzy.
36. Do you know how to play dominos? I’ve never really played.
37. Or do you think I just mean pizza by that? No, I know what dominos are.
38. Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind? (toppings and/or place to get it from) My favorite is from this local place. I like to get white sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, crumbled meatballs, garlic, spinach, and pesto and olive oil drizzles. I’ve been really craving that lately.
39. What color are your eyes? Brown.
40. How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime? Oh pffffft, I am not even going to attempt to figure that out. There’s no way I could. I’ve been doing surveys for so long and sadly so many of them are gone because they were done on Myspace and Xanga. :(
41. Describe your bedroom, include all details. Okay, you want details? Here we go...
It’s small and has way too much stuff. For one thing, there’s giraffe stuffed animals all over, including a 4 ft one in the corner. There’s a dresser by the window that has my TV and Christmas decorations on it. To the right of that is a 6-cube shelf with some of the aforementioned giraffe stuffed animals as well as giraffe knickknacks, some coloring books and coloring supplies, a mini Christmas tree on top, a few more giraffe stuffed animals, a nice picture frame with my dog, Brandie, who passed away, and my BB8 droid I made at Disneyland. Above the shelf is an I Love Lucy wall clock. My closest is nearby and is full of medical supplies, 3-drawer file thing with random stuff I insist on holding onto, my shoes, and all my jackets and sweatshirts. To the left of my dresser is my bookshelf with a lot of books and other figurines and knickknacks of various things I like and hey surprise, surprise, more giraffe stuffed animals! Across from the bookshelf and dresser is my bed, which is also my desk cause I keep my laptop on it, my chargers, my phone, a coloring book, a couple packs of colored pencils, my Bible study stuff, my remotes, and my Nintendo Switch. I have a pile of clothes, too, cause dresser and closet are too full. I have like 8 throw pillows, a body pillow, a back pillow, and a couple actual pillows. I have a few stuffed animals that sit on my bed as well, which are a huge squishmallow giraffe, a small squishmallow pug, a small squishmallow Dumbo, a small squishmallow Baby Yoda/Grogu, and a Baby Yoda/Grogu plushie. To the right of my bed is a TV tray that has my bottles of water, my medicine and pill crusher, a box of straws, a glass, a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink, chapstick, my wallet, a Zip-loc bag with half a glazed donut and half a chocolate one, and a small bag of shortbread cookies. Behind the TV tray is my 3-drawer bedside table, which has a makeup storage thing on it that I plan on cleaning out and getting rid of cause I don’t wear makeup anymore and could use that space for something else, a bottle of lotion, a couple little room sprays from B&BW, and a jewelry tray. Hung up on my walls around the room are a few giraffe framed paintings, a couple beachy canvas paintings, two Alexander Skarsgard calendars, a bulletin board with various stuff pinned to it, and a marker board. There’s also a hamper in here, a floor lamp, a ceiling fan/light, two fans, and an ottoman.
42. Name one person your life is made better by. My mom. She’s my best friend. 
44. How about someone else's? Huh?
45. Can you do math with ease? Ha, noooo. Me and math never got along.
46. What size is your computer screen? It’s 13.3 inches.
47. If you could only talk to one person online who would that be? Someone from the survey community on here.
48. Name your favorite type of music and why. I like a variety of music--various genres and decades.
49. Are you a vegetarian? No.
50. How about an aspiring actor/actress? Not at all.
51. What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? Alexander Skarsgard.
52. Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors? There’s a lot of movies I could do that with. I try not to cause it gets annoying, but it happens.
53. Name one of your passions in life. I don’t know. :/
54. What's your least favorite time of day? Evening time.
55. Who's your favorite member in a band, singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer, and why? The singer, typically.
56. Do you use hairspray or gel? I use neither.
57. Describe your favorite meal. Wingstop’s boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings. I also really enjoy my nightly bowl of ramen.
58. What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes? Black.
59. Ever listen to classical music? Not typically, but it is nice.
60. Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it? No.
61. Do you find you use internet language when writing notes irl? I use “wtf, “wth”, “omg”, and “lol.” 
62. What songs would be on your ideal cd? Like I said, I like variety, so a mix of songs.
63. Say one thing you've learned today. Nothing, really.
64. What is the best present you've ever given someone else? I don’t know.
65. What is the best present someone else has ever given to you? I’ve been given many nice gifts throughout my life. I’m appreciative of all the gifts I’ve received.
66. So hey, what's your full name? Stephanie is all you need to know.
67. Describe yourself while drunk. I was chatty and annoying.
68. How big are the windows in your house? Regular, common size? .
69. Do you wear a watch? Nope.
70. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else? Nothing.
71. What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated? Just a year.
72. How many mirrors do you have? Just one in my room.
73. Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on. I don’t know, man.
74. Have you ever sailed? Nope.
75. How fast can you run? I used to be able to go pretty fast, but not now. I don’t have the upper body strength or energy I used to have.
76. What do you believe in? I believe in God.
77. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? Not long at all. I just change clothes, quickly do something with my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, put on my shoes, and then grab my bag and mask and go. And a coat if needed.
78. Do you shower daily? If not how often? No, I shower 3-4 times a week.
79. What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so? I’d make it so I had good health.
80. Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it. Teleportation. I’d travel all over.
81. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? They can be both.
82. Name something you've done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small. I had coffee and donuts. Exciting stuff.
83. Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings? I haven’t worn any in awhile.
84. What colors are you wearing right now? Just black.
85. How often do you change the sheets on your bed? Twice a month.
86. Have you ever gotten lost? Not alone, thankfully, but yeah.
87. What's on your computer desk? I mentioned in the question about my room that my bed is also my desk and I listed the things on it.
88. How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment? Zero.
89. When your talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words? Sometimes, if I find it necessary to do so.
90. Which landmark would you climb if you could? None.
91. Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? I read the Chicken Soup For The Soul books when I was younger but that's it. <<< Same.
92. Ever seriously questioned your sanity? Yes. 93. Can you breakdance? No.
94. What's in your fridge right now? Food and drinks. I’m tired from listing everything in that room description question lol.
95. How many people do you live with? I live with 3 people and a doggo.
96. Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area? No.
97. What is the strangest thing you've ever done? Uhhh. I don’t know.
98. Name an instrument you've never played but would like to. Guitar.
99. Have you ever been on tv or the radio? Myself, as well as my story, was on TV after my accident happened. 
100. What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you? Physically hurt me.
101. Are you a fast typer? Yes.
102. How high have you counted before getting bored? I don’t know, but probably not very high. I probably would get to 100 and be over it.
103. Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep) I sleep slightly propped up and turned to my left side. I have indigestion and post-nasal drip issues, so I can’t sleep flat. I have a whole nighttime routine consists of scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, and listening to ASMR until I feel tired enough to fall asleep.
104. Are you straight, bi, gay? I’m straight.
105. Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so what? Sometimes I’m watching TV.
106. What is the most expensive item you own? My MacBook Air.
107. How about the least expensive? My little knickknacks.
109. What do you do online? Check my social medias, watch YouTube, scroll through Tumblr, and do surveys.
110. Name some stores you've bought clothes in before. Boxlunch, Hot Topic, Kohl’s, JCP, Target, H&M, Macy’s, Forever 21... those are a few that come to mind.
111. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? I struggled with mythology. I just couldn’t get into it, so that definitely didn’t help, and it was hard to follow.
112. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? Yeah. Whenever that happens I jump on Google and read up on it afterwards. 
113. Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs? I pick up lingo from others most often. 
114. Are you easily influenced by other people, or current trends? No, I wouldn’t say that.
115. What makes you unique in your own opinion? I don’t feel very unique.
116. Name your worst quality. Where to start... .
117. Name your best. I like that I’m open-minded.
118. What would you like to do with your life? I need to get myself together and figure that out.
119. Do you blowdry your hair? Nah.
120. How many clocks are in your house? We have like 3 wall clocks and there’s digital clocks throughout the house on appliances and electronics.
121. Are they all set on the same time? The phones and electronics are. The others are a few minutes fast. My parents set their digital clock like 15 minutes fast.
122. Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the actual time? Like I said, we set some of them a few minutes ahead.
123. What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning? "What time is it?"
124. Which browser do you use? Google Chrome.
125. Do you bite your nails? Ugh, I don’t bite them but I pick and clip at them with clippers constantly. 
126. Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf? Sure, I think that’s cute.
127. Ever been to a farm? Yes.
128. Tell me about your dream last night. I don't remember. I rarely ever do. What typically happens is I’ll remember when I first get up, but then it like vanishes. My dreams are like Snapchat. If only there was an option to save or screenshot them like Snapchat.
129. Ever seen a shooting star? No, actually.
130. Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone. Uhhhh. I’m so boring, I can’t think of something interesting to share.
131. Do your days fly by or seem to last forever? It often seems like the days go by slow, but then before I know it it’s already been a whole week again and I’m like wtf it was just Monday? That’s how the years tend to feel, too. There’s definitely some days that just really seem draaaaag, though. And there’s something about January that always feels super long. 
132. Have you ever stayed in a fancy high class rich hotel? Yes. 133. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? No.
134. What in your opinion is the best advertising slogan out there? If they get stuck in your head then they’re doing something right. It’s gotta be catchy. Jingles work well.
135. When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go? Noooo, absolutely not.
136. How are you feeling right now? Tired, kinda hungry, and lonely.
137. Have you ever written anything on your skin? Yeah.
138. If so what? Random stuff. That was something a lot of people seemed to do in like middle school and high school for some reason.
139. Which website do you frequent most often? Tumblr and YouTube.
140. What color are most of your clothes? Black.
141. Do you own any plants? Nope.
142. Are things as bad as they seem? They sure seem bad to me.
143. Describe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. My mom is amazing. She’s sacrificed so much. I’m 31 years old and require aid with some things and here she is still taking care of me and doing so much for me on top of working a full-time job, being a caregiver for a family friend as well, taking care of us as a family and of things at home, and she very rarely has anytime for herself. She’s spread very thin and works so hard and yeah I just could never thank her enough. She’s the absolute best and I would be so lost without her. I couldn’t keep going if it weren’t for her.
144. Ever looked directly at the sun? Yes.
145. Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse? No.
146. What's your favorite cereal? All the main sugary ones, ha.
147. Who do you miss? My loved ones who have passed away.
148. Name something you just can't forget no matter how hard you try. Uh, a lot of things. My mind doesn’t like me to forget things like that. It likes to remind me of them often. Things like that hit at random times as well, like my brain will be like, ‘hey remember when...’ and I’m like, ‘ugh, yes I remember you won’t let me forget.’
149. Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal. I’ve never been in a physical fight, but there were some verbal ones. I don’t want to get into them right now.
150. Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before. Noooo. 
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Quiet Afternoon Crush
(Hiiiii ik that this is oddly writtted as English is not my first language but I hope you enjoy this :,))
Amadeus found a comfort in romanticizing everything around him, so when he met Delphyne, he loved her. It was just fun to see the best case scenario in everything that could happen with her (even though studies show that individuals only feel true romantic love once they hit their early thirties), everything else in his life seemed very ‘Set In Stone’-ish so having a part of his life be purely based on a guilty pleasure was needed. When he was around her he felt the type of emotions that he knew wouldn’t be felt again once he does experience a genuine romantic attraction (which is not entirely true as romantic love is less a single type of relation and more so a complex friendship with a sexual attraction, but that sounds too much like something a guy that un ironically hates Kesha would say which is unacceptable to Amadeus) his only emotion around Delphyne is a pure rush of so many emotions at once and a need to just do something.
He knew that she knew that he knew that she knew that. After all he is a genius.
He also knew that Delphyne Gorgon was objectively a smart person. She’s strategic, years of being trained by the best warriors in the world helped, but it also had something to do with the way her thoughts process. While Amadeus went from point a to point c to point 67abc, she followed rational thought.
When fighting Delphyne doesn’t bring out her knife and stab a mans knee, she stabs his weaker looking knee exactly on the spot that would make him scream and distract his teammates. So he doesn’t question it when she tells him an order and ends up winning a battle. So he doesn’t question it when she gets frustrated with him for not understanding his logic behind not fighting everyone and just using a single calculation to take all the bad guys out (“I know that you think it’s not fair that I can use math to better our strategies but that’s not a reason for you to be angry with me. We’re fighting side by side so don’t take the piss on me because I hurt your ego”)
He doesn’t question how instead of a hurt expression on her face she’s solemn. Uncomfortable silence fills the air on their way back home until she stops and tells him “My issue with you is not an ego that was bruised, it is the lack of respect-“
“I respect you!”
“Not if you interrupt me”
“You seem too interested in endorsing your intellect, to a point where you forget that behaving impatiently and on your toes is the same tactic as someone who lacks intellect” she stood up taller as she continued “When you ask me for a plan I recognize that you are able to calculate in a matter of milliseconds, the cursed Athena blessed you with that skill, but I also recognize that your calculations would only stop the person in charge of the chaos not the chaos itself. So I commanded you to use your calculations to stop the technology used in the fight, you however decided that it was more important to impress everyone by doing something you knew would work but weren’t told to do. That to me is irony is it not?”
The brick stuck in his throat made it harder for him to swallow his pride “I’m.. I’m sorry Delph, I guess I just got frustrated because you didn’t really recognize ways that I co-“
“An apology were the blame is shifted on me reeks of coward ness” he swore the snakes in her hair glared with her.
“I.....” he stopped “You’re right. It was very Johnny Storm of me to disrespect you like that when I know how skilled you are. To top it off I acted like an ass when you tried to call me out on it the first time, even though I was right about the ‘me-being-a-genius’ part it was highkey tasteless I’m sorry.” He unlocked their apartment with guilt settling into his chest
“I appriciate your apology”
“Seriously though I am a genius”
So he doesn’t question it when she pushes him onto the couch shouting “asshole” in Greek.
So he doesn’t question it when she kisses him in a way that was more passionate then they ever really did. Usually when they did that it was slow and they stopped for air.
But tonight it was something that was just pure joy; she jumped on him and he couldn’t help but laugh at the impact, she smiled but they didn’t stop. It wasn’t one long fight with their tongues over dominance, it was pecks on kisses all over his face as she straddled him.
His hands shaking while he reached under her shirt, he’s nervous but he can’t help the laugh that comes out when he asks her “Would you be okay with me...” his face feels warm and his eyes are welcoming the smile that reaches them “pffffft.... you know!”
Delphyne’s laugh filters the room a warm orange. It’s comforting, excited, delighted, and matches the tone in his eye.
He unhinges the clips on the back, only to cringe. Immediately she stops.
Her facial expressions don’t say much but she openly tells him “If you are of any discomfort inform me. I respect myself and you, far too much to continue if that is-“
“I don’t know how to take off your bra when you’re still in a shirt” Jesus does he have two brain cells.
Delphynes laugh has the element of a typical Greek laugh, it’s loud and vibrant, but it just has a happier ring to it, one that makes Amadeus join in at how ridiculous his statement is.
“Mood just kinda died didn’t it?” He asked with a toothy grin.
“A little bit” they’re both still smiling so genuinely he loves it. They both love that there isn’t an awkward silence that follows but a roar of laughter.
((This was created by confused-Sagittarius. Below is my response))
AAAAAAAA I LOVE! You’re so good at writing and akdnaksn this made me feel really goofy and light! Thank you for submitting it!
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 12: The 4pm Bookstacks (Part 2)
Previously: Yashiro and the suspicious girl (yes, I’m gonna keep calling her that until we learn her name) met for the first time. Her suspicion levels rose to even greater heights since she seems not only to know about Hanako (and the other mysteries) but also she seemed to imply that there’s possibly another little ghost boy going around? Which made me ask a lot questions last chapter, and apparently they will be answered in due time, so I won’t repeat those here. Anyway, following her advice, Yashiro and Kou ventured into the 4pm Bookstacks a.k,a. the fifth mystery of the school to hopefully learn more about Hanako. And Yashiro did find some details but the big terrifying butterfly monsters in that boundary made their little expedition come to an unexpected end. Thankfully, Hanako and...Tsuchigomori, yes, that was his name, appeared just in time to get rid of the two big butterfly Yashiro and Kou look-alikes. Tsuchigomori really wasn’t pleased with the state the kids left the bookstacks in sooo..... we’ll see what happens.
Now onto the next chapter!
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Ohhhhh we’re starting with a colour page of the last portion of last chapter! It’s so gorgeous and btw one of the main things that caught my attention when I saw the anime screenshots was the art style and the colouring. And I gotta say, the manga really doesn’t dissapoint, it’s so beautiful.
Okay, so onto the actual chapter and....
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I legit had to go check how the last chapter ended again because I thought I was forgetting something but no. It seems like we’re starting after a little timeskip and Tsuchigomori wants Yashiro to say something?
Ah, here’s narrator Yashiro again. And I just
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There’s so much going on here. Hanako cheering with the fans, the little “shame” sign above her head, the “(working title)” gag, and omg the little radishes with the microphones pffft I can’t. This manga really is something else.
But yes, Yashiro is recapping what happened between the end of the last chapter and the start of this one.
Kou mentions that he can’t believe that one of their teacher’s is not actually human and yeah, finding out someone you interact with almost every day is actually a supernatural being must be quite a shock. huh? But! Tsuchigomori says that it’s more common than one would think
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Huh. When he puts it like that, I can see his point. I mean, there must be an array of supernaturals that aren’t necessarily bound to a place and they might not want to live in hidding. If they can blend in with the humans and live semi-normal lives, then why not do it? Also, being able to influence your own rumors makes a lot of sense, that way you would be able to stop them if they got too out of hand. But also
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................well, now that he’s said that, I’m 90% sure that one of them will end up being a supernatural. Because come on, it would make the plot more exciting.
Yashiro brings up a good point: that could be dangerous, but Hanako says that they shouldn’t worry since that’s what the mysteries are here for and I just 
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There’s something so funny about this panels. Like, the contrast between Hanako’s cheery disposition and Tsugochimori and Yako’s just overall “done” aura it’s just great. 
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It just keeps getting better pffffft Yeah, idk if that’s the best way to describe their group. “Emo spider” made me giggle more than it probably should have
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............Yes, the leader thing is clearly true. And I talked about it during last chapter, but I really wonder if he’s the “boss” because he’s the most powerful one of the bunch and because his task is to take care of not only the random apparitions but also the mysteries themselves (like with what happened with Yako). Also jfc sometimes I forget how scary Hanako can get
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh we have a clearer picture of the mysteries!!! Okay so we have Hanako, Yako and Tsuchigomori highlighted since we have met them already. Then we have another three: I had noticed the girl and the mirror before but this confirms that they are two different mysteries; then there’s a clocked figure....that I know it’s facing away from us but my brain just keeps seeing it as a big bug that has huge bulging eyes and almost human teeth and I hate it. But this is just showing six right now, yes? There’s one missing? (EDIT: Oh, I think I see it now, there’s a separate silhouette between Yako and the bug man, right?)
But anyway!! the important point is here is that apparently they think there’s a traitor among them. And they think this traitor has tied their fate to a human and they’re using this human as a way to alter the rumors around the school. So the human would be the suspicious girl because we know that she’s been spreading rumors. And if that’s the case, then this possibility about the “other Hanako” being the traitor would also be high. Because, come on, the drama would unbelievable
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Ohhhhhh that’s interesting. So the reason they think that one of the seven is behind this is because only a powerful supernatural would be able to change the rumors in a way that would actually affect another one of the seven mysteries. And I was right to a point: there meeting was indeed about the changes in the rumors.
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...........oh. I mean, I guess that would get rid of the problem. But I really need to know what that would entail. Because it obviously isn’t permanent if he says it’s only “for a while”. Like, would it involve doing something like what they did with Yako? Because Hanako had said that she had to “return her number” or something of the sort when he fought her, right? And she has less power than she had before, too, right?
Ah, okay. The next page confirms that yes, that’s exactly the case. And because of that, Hanako’s idea is to destroy all of the mysteries’ yorishiros before they even have a chance of going berserk. And I can see the value in doing that but like, what if the “traitor” isn’t, for some reason, actually part of the seven? Wouldn’t that leave them vulnerable?
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And I agree with Tsuchigomori (side note: my brain always autocorrects his name to “tsugochimori” and I have to make a conscious effort to actually type his name the correct way why is this so hard for me). It does seem like quite a rash plan to put into action, even if they can reappoint the mysteries later on. Then again, I understand why Hanako wants to avoid pissing Teru off because we know how that went and... yikes
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Pffffft this face made me laugh so much, it reminds me of one of my favourite Tanjirou faces.
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^this one
Also ngl my heart stopped for a second when he said “no” because I thought it would lead to a fight but then I scrolled down so thankfully that’s not the case.
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.................. *looks up echinococcus*: any of a number of tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus whose larvae are parasitic in humans and domestic animals. 
Omfg by e that’s harsh but also so nerdy. Yako’s response is both appropriate and incredibly over the top at the same time. I really like their dynamic so far
Ohhh okay. Tsuchigomori says that he’s a supernatural who craves knowledge, and if they’re gonna destroy his yorishiro and temporarily take away his boundry, then he wants information that would be valuable enough as compensation. And, okay, I now see what the beginning of the chapter was about.
Ah, he says that he will still let Yashiro destroy his Yorishiro even if they don’t tell him anything, but he says that if they don’t, then he will broadcast their most embarrassing secrets to the school. That.......that would do it, yeah, I completely understand why Yashiro was so willing to talk at the beginning. That would be a nightmare jfc
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.............still kinda hot ngl
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Btw I love that this is drawn as a fighting game, it’s so cute.
Yashiro gives it a shot but Tsuchigomori is not impressed. 
(Side note but Hanako’s reaction just gives me life:
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He doesn’t even try to hide his jelousy, does he?)
Omg he’s reading the one of the letters she “exchanged” with Teru and omfg Tsuchigomori stop she’s already dead
Okay now it’s Kou’s turn. Good luck, sweet child. It’s probably something really pure
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...........Baby boy, bless him
Both of them are getting fired up and spitting out their secrets and they’re such small and dumb secrets, bless their little hearts
Ohhh and Kou is appealing to what’s probably their last resort: asking Hanako to spill any secret he might have (there are probably a lot of secrets, my instincs tell me Hanako’s secrets probably have secrets)
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Oh? What’s this we have here? Those looks scream shared history. Well, I guess that Tsuchigomori could have read Hanako’s book since that’s part of his boundary. It would make sense for him to have read it. But idk, I feel like there’s something more to it that I can’t quite put my finger on. Like, why would he say “enough”? Because he’s read Yashiro’s book and he still wanted to know more. What makes Hanako different?
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ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ 
They’re so freaking cute I can’t deal with it omg Also look at Hanako’s surprised face! The NeneKou combo is too pure to resist
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.......................................................of all the things I could have expected, this was not one of them. I- why is that so wholesome, though?? like, it’s really silly but also no one gave this child the right to be so freaking adorable (EDIT: also, is this gonna be relevant to the chapter title “donuts”? is Hanako gonna get some yummy donuts? I would honestly be okay with a chapter that centered around that. let the baby have his donuts)
“Are you both morons?” Yes, Tsuchigomori, they are. geez, I thought you had read their books, you should know by now. But also give them so leeway, they’re excited to learn more about their ghost friend. Like seriously
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Look at them, they’re so happy together, even Hanako has what seems to be a genuine smile. And by that comment I’m guessing that Tsuchigomori noticed that, as well
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Hmmm. Okay, two things: 1) so Tsuchigomori did read Hanako’s book and knows everything about his life 2) the fact that, knowing everything about him, he believed that Hanako wouldn’t want to create any new friendships AND the fact that this kinda implies imo that he hasn’t seen Hanako making that kinda gentle expression before is all just. really sad and it makes my heart hurt
 Anyway, sad thoughts aside, spiderman here tells them their time is up because their secrets are so ridiculously dumb that they’re not worth discussing.
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Why is he so fucking weird? and why do I kinda fucking love him already??
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This man just keeps earning more and more points in my book
But yeah, he says that he’s not gonna broadcast their secrets since he was (kinda) joking and he did end up seeing something interesting after all. In the end, he agrees to take them to his yorishiro! Yaaay!
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