deepredness · 24 days
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''The Cruel Prince'' by Holly Black ''Plenty'' by aeseaes (song)
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mama-arma · 3 months
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"Plenty" the Hivemind Thi-kreen ⚬ Ranger ⚬ Swarmkeeper
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leslie057 · 7 months
jonathan byers: generally quiet personality, sensible, slow to speak
audience: boooring
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hobohobgoblim · 2 years
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random-xpressions · 2 months
And the desert thirsted for rain so longingly that even a drop felt like a flood...
Random Xpressions
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fieriframes · 2 months
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[-What pretension, everlasting peace, but everything must cease. Plenty of habanero.]
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
The happiest of birthdays to Sam Neill!!
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ihumaneveryday · 2 years
I have an abundant amount of money.  I can pay all of my bills on time and I have extra to save.  I’d like to help people in need around me, or deserving.  I have plenty of money so I can share.  I can easily take care of my family because I have plenty of money.  I am smart with my money and I have more than enough.
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darkmagicmirror · 11 months
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I wrote this out on Twitter and figured I might as well drop it here, too.
Thoughts on this:
1. Claudia's right and left hand are slightly different because she only has a metal ring on her left hand (while the right is fabric only), so through that you can tell it's not just a flipped image-- it's two separate scenes.
Like it wouldn't be able to even be close to the same scene the way these two are, y'know?
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I mean it could happen around the same time, but two different things are happening!
2. Viren's outfit is different: red is the fever dream in his Katolis clothing, while the blue one is actually what he's wearing now :'). Which makes it more possible to be real.
3. The background of the blue one has what looks like the bottom of the ocean. Or something like that. You can see the rocks/ground!
4. Claudia's fingers are extended out more (like stretched out more?) in the new image (prob because in the fever dream she's not awake). Viren's hand looks about the same in that regard, so maybe he's awake?
Though the angle for his hand is a bit different too, so he could be just sinking without being awake. Who knows,
5. There was that one theory about Viren being right-handed normally and left-handed under Aaravos's influence/while possessed, and he's reaching out with his left hand in the fever dream one. Whether this means anything or not probably depends on if that theory is true lmao ;;
Claudia might just like holding his right hand because that's also the hand she's holding in the trailer :P
(/not serious analysis on this part)
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Can't really apply the Aaravos-is-left-handed theory to Claudia since she seems to not be particularly left- or right-handed from what I can tell in other parts of the series
Anyway I just want them to be happy and okay please TDP I'm begging,
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chipthekeeper · 1 year
it's good that i pretty much have a fully realized alternate story ready to go in case tony gilroy decides to kill my gals off because folks, i'm getting increasingly worried that tony gilroy is going to decide to kill my gals off
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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red-ibis-red · 2 years
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a spider caught a lot of flies
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hannah--bug · 9 months
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The unique frames I've done thus far for Plenty
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tessofthedooby · 4 months
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"Plenty" - 1985 film
I am going to resist regurgitating the IMDB synopsis of what this movie was about as I barely remember it so I will just try to share my thoughts. Be warned, I am no longer able to watch movies with the same focus I did during my uni years. I can't seem to dedicate my attention to just watching a film. I am always in between a chore or sometimes scrolling on my phone.
The film opens up in somewhere in France during "the war" and Meryl's character is a brit working for her government in efforts against the war. I don't think they ever say what her position is, but I got the idea she fills whatever role is needed so it wouldn't feel correct to call her spy (not in the way you normally think of a spy I guess) but some of the work she was called upon to do was "covert". Perhaps the hesitation in calling her a spy is because the title of "spy" may evoke ideas of selflessness, dogged determination for a cause, slight fanaticism and violent bravery that is characteristic of a substance abuser (probably whiskey). Meryl's character, Susan, is not any of those things. She seems self-absorbed and too interested in her own pleasure during these times. Worse yet she betrays what can be described as "British sensibility"- being cold and unfeeling no matter the circumstances. She gives way to her emotions easily and there is a scene where she cries because she felt scared and angry after she and her companion are chased by armed forces. She gives in to her impulses which tends to result in her giving impassioned speeches during boring work meetings and deciding to have a baby with a man who (has fallen in love with her but that) doesn't love. But of course, as we all now know, the war ends and she has to go back to a society that won't countenance an errant woman spouting political rhetoric and shacking up with just anybody. Logically and without fuss she decides to marry a colleague (?) I like to think that she thought her moxie would save her from the tragedy of domestic life but she is wrong. She struggles to play the role of the supporting wife and meddles in her husband's political career by... you know... giving her opinion in front of his colleagues . The husband isn't a bad sort, in fact I thought he was devoted to her but they both live in this society and sometimes putting your head down and going along is the only way to survive. Yes, she doesn't think of the consequences of her actions on others but how can we not feel for someone who can't accept her assigned place as a heavily medicated housewife? A very complicated character and who is right (I really do agree with her on most things) but very easy to hate because as a seemingly wealthy (white) British woman, what is she complaining about? Her troubles seem petty and like a childish longing for the past (ehem... the war). No honey, we can't stay in France and play war games forever, at some point you have to go home and play "house" instead.
I don't recall this ever being explicitly discussed by the characters in the film, but the question begs, why was it more acceptable for her to work abroad in potentially life-threatening situations but when she returns home to the UK the idea of her continuing with the work is not even thought of? Not even by her? Maybe somewhere between going to the bathroom or cleaning the kitchen I missed that scene.
I want to rewatch this on a grey and rainy day. The green grey color treatment gave serious Twilight vibes.
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simsreaper · 2 months
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| The Blythe’s own the local pet shop in the town that mainly Harriet Blythe runs while her husband, Avner Blythe works at the hospital. They only have one child and for now that seems like enough for them, though as a doctor in training, Avner is worried about having more with Harriet. |
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random-xpressions · 2 years
You'll definitely face morons regularly in your life. That's God's way of telling you that you cannot have all the luxury of heaven on earth. Patience until then!
Random Xpressions
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