prodigal-explorer · 7 months
hey guys
let’s uh
let’s not spread misinformation about the israeli palestine conflict on social media to make ourselves feel political and activist-y and woke? please?
this is not jewish people vs. muslim people. this is not a religious war.
israelis are not evil genociders who are trying to wipe out the palestinian race.
palestinians are not terrorists. hamas are terrorists but palestine as a whole is not.
nobody deserves to die. we shouldn’t be saying that all zionists should die. we shouldn’t be saying that anyone who’s pro israel should die or that anyone who’s pro palestine should die. really, we shouldn’t be wishing death on anyone, and we shouldn’t be pro-anything but peace.
both sides are in the right and both sides are in the wrong. NOBODY should be dying.
do you really want to help the innocent people caught in the crossfire? actually do your research instead of attacking people for trying to have empathy for the other side. actually find it in your heart to want freedom and life for ALL people. not just palestinians. not just israelis. EVERYONE. that’s the only way this war will ever end.
it’s the fact that so many people on here just mindlessly “root for” palestine while completely ignoring why israel is doing what it’s doing, or vice versa. it’s ridiculous and hypocritical. EVERYONE in gaza is suffering. everyone. not just the side that’s the most talked about online in your little discord/tumblr bubbles. this conflict won’t be solved by putting flags in your description or wearing a “from the river to the sea” t shirt. stop making people’s lives a social media campaign. stop acting like you know everything about the conflict when you haven’t even talked to a single person who lives in gaza right now and is enduring this.
actually do research somewhere besides fucking tumblr, and stop posting fear-mongering, lie-spreading shit. or else you are making this whole thing even worse.
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the-catboy-minyan · 4 months
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chaosisorderao3 · 7 months
Who does it help to call what's happening in Gaza right now a genocide? Because it certainly doesn't help Gazans and Palestinians. The fact of the matter is it currently isn't a genocide. It absolutely is a humanitarian crisis; all wars are. When you're busy constantly calling it a genocide, it doesn't work to bring attention to any risk factors that it could become a genocide later because oh it was already a genocide to begin with.
Far more effective to say hey this is a humanitarian crisis and it's really concerning that so many people have been forced into Rafah which is now being attacked, the lack of access to safe zones and medicine and food and clean water and electricity could possibly turn this into a genocide soon. That helps way more because then you can actually hear the alarm bells.
And hey, then maybe people might see more urgency to examine why there's this lack of access to critical resources. Maybe then more people will realise that Hamas has been stealing all aid resources and depriving Gazans of what they so desperately need.
But if you actually want to help Palestinians and Gazans, think about what you're saying because right now all that's achieved by calling this a genocide already is A) distracting from the warning signs and B) boosting your own damn egos.
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chanaleah · 3 months
I'm a pro-Palestinian Jew. I'm also a Zionist.
And despite what you may think, these two statements are not contradictory.
I support Palestinians' rights to a state of their own, their right to food and water and humanitarian aid, their right to peace, their right to live as equal citizens in Israel, and their right to live in the Levant.
I also support Jews' rights to a state of their own, their right to food and water and humanitarian aid, their right to peace, their right to live as equal citizens in a future state of Palestine, and their right to live in the Levant.
Neither Israelis nor Palestinians are going anywhere. They don't have anywhere to go. Neither group should be expelled and neither group should be oppressed.
I also recognize that Israel has caused harm to Palestinians, and Palestine has caused harm to Israelis. In the end, if we truly want peace, both groups are probably going to have to forgive things no one should have to forgive.
But if we spend all our time blaming people and talking about all the faults of the "other side", we're not going to move forward. If we refuse to work together, we will be unable to build a better future.
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anchorsnreignbows · 4 months
“Social change… always appears slowly, over time, like bulbs that have to mature in the soil before the plant can grow upward and start blooming.”
Vivian Silver
You can now donate to the Vivian Silver Impact Award fund which will annually award two women, Arab and Jewish, for their influence in building Arab-Jewish partnership, promoting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and advancing women to decision-making and leadership positions.
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ultraericthered · 11 months
What I say:
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What I mean:
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omnist-angels · 7 months
It's ridiculous how many exceptions to "thou shall not kill" people can come up with.
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vikkicomics · 21 days
Ottoway Volume 2 - Otto vs Tank
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Passionate, biased, political. Events where millions of innocent people (mostly boys) were killed make me feel things, call me a bleeding heart. Zero-Dialogue scenes are my favorite.
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sanctiphera · 4 months
Strange, no men are killed in these attacks. We are only ever told by Hamas that women and children have been killed.
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lesbian-lady-bird · 10 months
My Jewish friends and I hosted a religious service to mourn Palestinians and pray for peace. I loved connecting with other pro-Palestine Jewish people and expressing our support. Campus is super hostile to anyone who’s Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, or even just sympathetic to the cause right now. We needed it!
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yes-17-15 · 2 months
Block me if you disagree with wanting peace for both Palestine and Israel.
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prodigal-explorer · 6 months
You say that both Palestine and Israel are in the right and wrong, which first of all is the most bullshit I've ever heard.
Stop saying that you're "staying neutral" when it's fucked up, sick headed people like you that the government leeches off of. Its your ignorance that they profit off of, your privilege to lay in bed, to watch a fun movie, to hang out with friends and eat your full plate. That is a privilege that Palestines dream of.
Little kids dreams of Palestine dream of watch TV. They dream of playing outside without the fear of their lives on the line. They dream of going to school, having families, growing old, yet Israel kills them for no reason. This is genocide of innocent civilians.
And don't say "BuT hAmAs!!" As if that's your supporting argument. Nothing, and I mean nothing in the world can justify the genocide happening in Palestine right now. The numbers don't lie, Annie. The 30,000+ people didn't deserve it.
I hope you enjoy riding Israel dick and I hope the true guilt you feel once you finally see past your comfort zone hurts you so bad.
Genuinely, for all of us. Delete your pathetic excuse of an account and never post a thing ever again.
first of all, i never said that i’m staying neutral. wanting peace isn’t the same as staying neutral. i’m not encouraging the genocide just because i’m holding empathy for both sides and wanting both sides to have peace.
your cruel words are just a further example of all the hate that social media is spreading that isn’t helping anyone. i’m spreading information about charities to SUPPORT PALESTINE. i’m spreading information to uplift the voices of israeli and palestinian people who have LOST FAMILY MEMBERS due to this conflict, and trying to uplift the things THEY are saying. if i deleted my account, all of that stuff would be gone. the stuff that’s helping palestine. so you want palestine to have less help? that’s so woke of you. /s
i never said that israel should be bombing innocent people. i’m not supporting that and i never ever did. i never justified the genocide one single time and the fact that you think i did only goes to show that you didn’t read my posts. you just wanted to get angry and righteous and you chose me to attack, but it’s not going to work. i will apologize for saying that both sides are in the wrong because that is a bit of a bold statement which could easily be taken as excusing the actions of the israeli government, which was not my intention. palestine didn’t do anything to deserve this attack. the actions of hamas do not represent palestine as a whole.
for the record, if i had to choose a side, i would choose palestine. the way that the israeli government is using the money america is feeding them is horrible and disgusting. too many people have died in this conflict. but it is unfair to paint israel as a whole in a light that suggests that they are trying to wipe out the palestinian race because that’s not what’s happening. did you know that in israel, citizens are required BY LAW to serve in the military? they’re sacrificing their lives and being forced to do things they don’t agree with because the government is forcing them. israeli people don’t enjoy doing this. if you’re going to point fingers at someone, point at the 0.01% of israeli government officials who are making these decisions. not at an entire race, an entire population of people who are just doing what they are forced to do. it’s hypocritical to get mad at people for addressing hamas while also accusing all of israel of terrorism when the only real decision makers are the government. it’s the same thing, blaming an entire population for something that only a small group of people are responsible for. neither should be encouraged.
i don’t agree with what the israeli government is doing whatsoever. but that is not an excuse to wish death upon the people who didn’t even make any of these choices. these people were born in israel and they have to follow the laws. you can’t stand here while you’re privileged and on your phone typing angry little paragraphs that you wouldn’t do the same to keep yourself and your family safe.
so many people are using this issue as an excuse to be antisemitic. that is what i’m addressing in these posts. people like you are so fucking performative that you can’t see what the real issue is.
i know both israeli and palestinian people whose families have died. who’s YOUNG family members have died due to this conflict. and you know what they are telling me?
they aren’t telling me to go on social media and attack random people. they aren’t telling me to post about how all israelis/palestinians are awful people who deserve to die. they are telling me that the only way to stop all these innocent children and people as a whole from dying is to promote PEACE. and guess what. it isn’t just palestinian people saying this to me. ITS ISRAELI PEOPLE TOO.
THATS WHAT IM ADDRESSING IN MY POSTS. promoting PEACE is how we can do more for these poor children than just getting angry on social media. when we pick sides and polarize, we create more of a divide between two beautiful nations who deserve to live in peace and harmony. we further remove the chances of there being a reconciliation.
what do you suggest we do? kill all the israeli children? what will that accomplish??? this is so much more complicated than petty revenge. what feeds a war is the possibility of winning. and creating sides and pretending that the other side are full of evil heartless monsters who are doing this for no reason is only making the war WORSE because it fabricated the possibility of one side winning MORE.
so if you think you’re helping anybody with this bullshit, you’re not. your mindset is a prime example of the horrible performative activism that america is doing in order to pretend to be helpful while thousands of innocent children are dying.
maybe put some of this righteous energy into donating, or listening to israeli and palestinian voices instead of talking over them and speaking for them. that’s what would really be helpful in a time like this.
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
I know it will not happen in our lifetime but you know what I wish for future generations? A pride parade held in Jerusalem, with Jewish and Palestinian pride flags and all of us celebrating together. I know it is corny and terribly idealistic but I think it is a future worth believing in
I think so too
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fictionalnation · 7 months
I wont lie the country i am of isnt particularly great on freedom of speech especially in support of muslims so i am trying my best to support watermelon state on the low by “copying link” and commenting on everything i can by researching and reposting on this platform i still feel its not enough but today i saw a video of a man saying that they are grateful for all who are even sharing because we are helping keep the conversation going and it made me cry because i just so desperately want to help
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chanaleah · 4 months
If the Pro-Palestine movement actually cared about peace, they would be supporting Israeli peace activists. Because there are plenty, and they have done far more for Palestinians than any of the college students in the encampments or the town of Genericton with a population of 3 passing a ceasefire resolution.
Israeli peace activists have driven Gazan children to hospitals, documented human rights violations in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria, and organized protests and marches for peace. They have advocated against settler violence and visited unrecognized Bedouin communities.
But the protestors don't support Israeli peace activists. Instead, they actively cheer on their deaths.
On October 7th, one of the many killed was Vivian Silver. She founded the organization Women Wage Peace, which unites Israeli and Palestinian women in support of peace. She was a pivotal figure in the Israeli peace movement. And Hamas killed her just like they killed everyone else.
When protestors cheer on Hamas, they are cheering on an end to the peace process.
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anchorsnreignbows · 5 months
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