#Pain remover
abhisanu · 3 months
MAGNESIUM SPRAY BENIFITS: what are they? Magnesium chloride at a concentration of 1,600 meters below the seafloor is the source of the magnesium oil utilized in magnesium sprays. This offers a natural, pure solution devoid of contaminants from human activity.
Restoring your magnesium levels is simple and quick using magnesium sprays. They come in several variations and are portable, making them useful for a wide range of purposes, including muscle relief and relaxation. readmore
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chilltidetrance · 3 months
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Joint Paint Hack - High Converting Joint Pain Offer
Stiff Joints No More! A Review of Joint Paint Hack
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For years, I'd been struggling with stiff joints, particularly in my knees. It made even simple tasks like climbing the stairs or going for a walk a chore. I tried various over-the-counter pain relievers, but the relief was always temporary. That's when I came across Joint Paint Hack, and I'm so glad I did!
Relief Right Where It's Needed
Joint Paint Hack is a topical pain relief cream that's easy to apply and absorbs quickly. Within a few minutes of applying it to my knees, I could feel a noticeable difference. The stiffness began to subside, and movement became more fluid. I was genuinely impressed by how quickly it worked!
Long-Lasting Effects
But Joint Paint Hack isn't just about temporary relief. I found that the effects lasted for several hours, allowing me to go about my day without worrying about joint pain. This was a game-changer for me, as it enabled me to be more active and participate in activities I previously had to avoid.
All-Natural Ingredients
One of the things I appreciate most about Joint Paint Hack is its use of all-natural ingredients. I'm always wary of using harsh chemicals, especially on my skin. The fact that Joint Paint Hack relies on natural ingredients to deliver relief gives me peace of mind.
A Must-Have for Anyone with Joint Pain
If you're suffering from stiff or painful joints, I highly recommend giving Joint Paint Hack a try. It's a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution that has made a real difference in my life. Don't let joint pain hold you back any longer – try Joint Paint Hack and experience the freedom of movement for yourself!
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ashleys-doodle-corner · 2 months
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i'm sorry, siffrin. and thank you, loop.
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da-janela-lateral · 3 months
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Silly boy why are you trying to kiss your boyfriend when you're too drowsy to see him
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repmet · 5 months
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Alex's cowboy hat appreciation
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liam-summers · 17 days
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Buffy and Darla + Bargaining for Angel's Soul
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mspaint-flower · 17 days
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micc0ro · 8 months
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Error belongs to loverofpiggies
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bandtrees · 3 months
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reverence and dehumanization in equal measure
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youngchronicpain · 1 year
common experiences living with chronic pain that sound kinda odd: frequently imagining removing my most painful body part
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jeongjinman · 3 months
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Lee Dong Wook as Seo Moon Jo | Strangers From Hell (2019) Episode 3
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shepscapades · 2 months
OBSESSED with dbhc doc but is there a reason he only sometimes has his horns? i don’t think they were in his ref so i was curious <3
YEAH!! I did a stupid doodle about it here, but basically he eventually added them in s8 when he got really into the goat thing (and they were non-removable), but when he went into season 9 his player model reset, and he thought he would theme his season differently anyway so he decided to go without them. However, halfway through the season he realized he really missed them and made them again, re-coding himself so that they would now be part of his actual player model (so they won’t disappear every time he enters a new world). In addition to adding them to his code, however, he also made them removable! so they’re like, his default state, but he can manually remove them to sleep or whatever else (like when I forget to draw them n.n )
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kitocrystal · 1 year
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I'm tired.
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fllagellant · 9 months
Do You Know What Dry Socket Is?
Informational post about something a lot of people might be unaware of.
So, let’s say you loose a tooth. You fell and knock it out, maybe you pulled it at home for whatever reason. All that is important in this scenario is that you’ve lost a tooth outside of a dentist visit, so there is no field professional there to walk you through the healing process.
Now, how do you recover from this? Saltwater rinse, wad of cotton to help slow the bleeding, painkillers, eating soft foods. It stands to reason that, like any other recovery period that involves the mouth and teeth, you’d also need a straw. Makes sense, easier to get liquid into your mouth and you’ll have more control over where in your mouth it goes. Makes sense, right?
You are about to give yourself dry socket.
The main difference between most other well known recovery periods from a jaw / mouth injury, is that the act of sucking on a straw can dislodge the blood clot from your gums.
The reason is, for a few days, your blood clot is actually smaller than the hole left behind by the missing tooth. Gums do heal quicker than most other tissue on your body , so the opening will close to be smaller than the blood clot itself. But there is a period of time, the first few days of healing, that the blood clot is at a serious risk of coming loose or being dissolved away . This risk does not truly go away until healing is over , but the likelyhood slowly goes down.
This blood clot being removed will reveal the traumatized and damaged nerve + the jaw bone to the open . Unsurprisingly, this is extraordinary pain, that nothing can soothe. Any fluid gets into the wound ? Food particles ? You inhale / exhale too hard ? That nerve is going to Ache. Not to mention , you’ re at an even higher infection risk now .
And the things that can cause dry socket are so innocuous , that unless you know about the possibility , you may do these actions without thinking.
1) Straws ( and Sucking )
The pressure from drinking through a straw is enough to pull the blood clot from your gums . This pressure can be caused by anything that requires sucking , this includes smoking as well . Anything that requires a strong pull into your mouth to eat / ingest is exerting the same pull on your loose blood clot . If you suck on a straw now , you can feel the kind of pressure vacuum you make in your mouth . That pressure does not care about what it might cause to dislodge .
2) Spitting Out Blood
At least , for the first 24 hours . After 24 hours ( specifically , after your gums stop consistently bleeding ) and you start doing saltwater rinses , you’ re free to spit . But regardless , forceful spitting can do the exact same damage as drinking from a straw . It’ s the pressure and force you cause . When you do saltwater rinses , don’ t really swish. Tilt your head side to side and slowly push the water around . For the first 24 hours , you are encouraged to swallow blood instead of spitting , to avoid the risk of spitting out the start of a blood clot and prolonging the bleeding cycle . Keep in mind the nausea this can cause .
3) Alcohol and Hot Food/Liquid
Paring these together since they cause similar issues . Alcohol can melt a blood clot , and abundance of heat can increase blood flow too the clot . Both of these will cause the clot to dissolve or come loose , but cold food/drink is more recommended . Yes , cold can cause an ache if it manages to come into direct contact with the healing area , but it will not affect the blood clot as seriously as hot food/drink will . Room temperature is also okay for consumption.
4) Exercise
Light exercise is okay , but anything that ups your heart-rate is upping blood flow to your wound . Nothing strenuous, nothing that pushes endurance , nothing that you know will exhaust you . Even if you heart-rate jumps from something like chasing a cat down because they have something they shouldn’ t have can cause increased blood flow ( trust me , it felt like I was undergoing divine punishment because I stopped my cat from eating a tuff of dog hair . ) The sudden taste of blood is a warning to slow down what you’re doing .
While dry socket can heal on it’s own, the gums will cover the exposed bone regardless of if there’s a clot there or not, this pain is not something anyone deserves to struggle with . Once again , dealing with dry socket is dealing exposed bone and nerve .
Dentists are expensive , and if you cannot afford a dental visit after the loss of a tooth, I only want you to be aware of one of the more serious complications that come with such a thing happening . Everyone deserves to heal in comfort , and I only want people to have the best chance at having a complication free healing process .
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syn0vial · 1 year
living in a country with nationalized healthcare after being raised in the US is just
> experience uncomfortable medical issue > leave it untreated for months or years bc it's "not serious enough" to warrant professional medical attention > it gets worse > finally go to a clinic > they ask me how long i've had this problem and i tell them how long > they look at me like i'm a fucking nutter, treat it in 5 minutes, and charge me $6 USD > i walk out feeling like the world's luckiest idiot
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