#Paladin or Bard (Usurper)
deconstructthesoup · 5 months
I saw a D&D AU with the Voices, and I decided that I also wanted to do a D&D AU with the Vessels, so here goes:
*cracks knuckles*
The players are the chapter 2 vessels, who have joined together after they were each mysteriously attacked---and nearly kidnapped---by worshipers of a primordial god only known as The Narrator. Even though they're all vastly different people with vastly different motivations, they have to work together in order to figure out how they've somehow angered a long-forgotten god.
The Tower is a scourge aasimar and an Oath of Conquest paladin, who devoted herself to The Apotheosis, queen of the gods and the embodiment of justice and retribution. She acts as the self-appointed leader of the group, even though a good chunk of the other players are having none of her self-righteousness and narcissism. She doesn't believe that the Narrator actually exists, and considers the quest to just be another heretic-killing spree.
The Adversary is a tiefling Ancestral Guardians barbarian, who grew up in a rough-and-tumble all-barbarian community and is slated to become its next leader. She's just happy to travel around the world bashing heads, and she winds up clashing the most with Tower---mainly due to their very different backgrounds. She genuinely doesn't care who or what the Narrator is, and just wants to kick ass and have a good time.
The Spectre is a ghost and a necromancer wizard, who actually died when she was attacked and has brought herself back in order to track down her killer and to take her revenge. She kind of lost herself in the ivory tower of academia when she was alive, and part of the reason she's sticking with the others is so she can actually form connections before it's truly too late. She's studied several old cults in her time, but the only thing she's found of The Narrator is an old painting of a crow with sharp teeth...
The Nightmare is a dhampir and an Undead warlock, who draws her magic from the dread vampire queen who turned her. She is no stranger to being hunted, for people fear and shun vampires and their spawn, but she knows full well that this time is different. And during the attack, she managed to devour a dream of her would-be captor, getting a little glimpse into the ancient powers of the god that wants her gone... and, well, who can resist the allure of taking down a being as old as time?
The Witch is a tabaxi Circle of Spores druid and an Arcane Trickster rogue, who's been living on her own in the woods after suffering a great betrayal and heartbreak that damaged her trust in anyone. She's only working with the others because she believes she'll get further if she does, and while she initially intends to backstab them once they're no longer useful, she finds herself growing closer to them as their journey continues. All she really wants is to go back to her old life... but her goal may change as her walls begin to come down.
The Prisoner is a human Armorer artificer, who once angered an archfey and was cursed to always be bound in chains. Undeterred, she turned this to her advantage, reforging her chains into armor that she could use as a weapon. She starts traveling with the rest purely due to self-preservation, as every time she resolved to just hide, The Narrator's worshipers found her again---but she's definitely the practical mind that they needed.
The Damsel is a half-elf College of Creation bard and a Beastmaster ranger, and she's a princess whose kingdom was usurped by an evil family member, leaving her on the run. She's very naive about how the world works, mainly due to being sheltered her entire life, and is sure that this situation can be solved with a nice conversation. Thankfully, she has someone to help her...
The Beast is a fey that was cursed to take the form of a barely-sapient panther, and she barely recalls her life in the Feywild. Still, she has a soft spot for the innocent princess she came across in the woods one day, and she will protect her for as long as she can.
The Razor is an elf Soulknife rogue and a College of Swords bard, and she's actually a pretty well-known circus performer. She's absolute chaos personified, and she really doesn't give a shit about The Narrator either way---she's just ready to kick ass, stab people, and hang out with her new best friends. Even if not all of them are super into being friends with the crazy blade lady.
And last but not least, The Stranger is a changeling Divine Soul sorcerer and a Grave Domain cleric, who unknowingly draws their power from the long-forgotten goddess of change, transformation, endings, and new beginnings. They woke up one day with no memory of who they were, and were immediately attacked for reasons they could not explain---so, needless to say, they're pretty traumatized. It also doesn't help that they don't even know what they really look like, so they're constantly changing to reflect what people expect of them... which isn't the most healthy thing, but they're an amnesiac, give them a break.
So... yeah!
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celestiall0tus · 8 months
Alright, car's cleaned off now so I have a chance to announce more details!
Alright! So. Polls are out for the first batch. Suggestions are still welcome as this will be an ongoing thing. Now, the fun stuff.
Adventuring party will so far consist of Luka, Juleka, and Adrien. Luka and Juleka were both blessed young by the snake of life with Juleka having a focus in death and Luka in life. Later in life, Luka was fortunate enough to receive a second blessing, something that is often reserved for the nobility, mainly monarchs. Meanwhile, Adrien is a fairy prince that's been hidden away from the world until his cousin, Felix, breaks him out in an attempt to kill him to usurp the throne, only to lose him when he's thwarted by the Crimson Death. Adrien escapes and encounters the twins, who keep him safe.
Luka's starting class is being determined by y'all, but Juleka will be an alchemist (and I'm very well aware that Artificers have an alchemist subclass but artificers make my head hurt) and Adrien will be a sorcerer.
Current NPCs:
Marinette and Felix. As mentioned, Felix is Adrien's cousin and looking to usurp control and power by being the sole remaining heir. Felix is blessed by the tiger of valor. Marinette is a wandering knight errant, a paladin. She never utters a word, but travels from village to village to help the innocent before she moves on. She was blessed by the dragon of nature, but a blessing that soon turned to a curse.
Marinette is a paladin and Felix is a monk/rogue multiclass
Now! For y'all. Suggestions are still open for the other characters for what blessings they get, and ships. Unlike Siren's Song, all ships are welcome and I will be open to other ships of one person. This is DND so, flings are, very much a thing (my players for example love to seduce people. Our greatest story is when our rogue got a nat 20 and seduced our prisoner and we still occasionally joke about their Stockholm syndrome love. Or when said rogue played a bard and seduced a man whore assassin through his bumbling, changing the whore from being a villain into a companion).
So, despite the Felinette ship poll up, I will be open to more potential Felix and/or Marinette ships. Among others.
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eluviannaa · 3 months
I often do free writes for Umbral to explore characters before their time in the main story. I loved thinking of how Taelan and Kanaan met. Kanaan is such a fun character and I always laugh at writing his personality. This is set at Northshire Abbey and when Taelan was recruited by him to Dalaran.
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Shadow's Reach
In the serene grounds of Northshire Abbey, the morning's stillness was punctuated by the rhythmic clanging of swords. Vindicator Kaanan walked with Brother Alden. Their light conversation heavy with nostalgia. Kanaan, although a visitor, moved with the ease of one who knew his companion well.
Brother Alden allowed a friendly laugh. “You may finally have time to tend to your Ecolier. Perhaps your martial legacy will be usurped by tales of ‘Bard Kanaan’.”
As they approached the Hall of Arms, Kanaan was reflective, with arms behind his back. At the brother's words came a broad smile. “Ah, I see your penchant for flattery remains unchanged, Alden. But yes, I suspect there will be more opportunity now. I have yet to see what these young knights will think to challenge me with. It seems mentorship has much to do with guiding the confidence of youth.”
Alden nodded, “We do find it is their devotion and discipline that must be guided. The sword and shield will impart their own instruction at the pell.”
“Indeed. It is an unwavering duty to the Light which truly makes a paladin,” Kanaan agreed, his voice firm. “But the call to battle has always invigorated my spirit. And now I must answer with the weapons.. of knowledge.” Kanaan laughed loudly at his own joke, “Musical theory may still continue in its yield, I'm afraid.”
Full piece up in Discord/Patreon
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colnerys · 8 months
VERSE : paladin of the silver moon — baldur's gate 3
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default, i write her as a divergent dark urge. most of the stuff will be compliant with the dark urge origin story but some i've taken liberty in changing.
GIVEN NAME: kira nerys (surname, given name) CURRENT NAME: kira (just kira) AGE: 90 years old CLASS: paladin, oathbreaker ( acts i & ii) ; paladin, oath of vengeance ( act 3) RACE: elf - moon elf (but bg3 doesn't have that subrace) MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good (present), true neutral (past)
sired from the blood of bhaal himself, she was destined to be the most worthy of the god of murder's spawns. yet, bhaal waited for years but this young girl lead a life, leading her to believe that she was meant to serve the moonmaiden, selune. years passed, she's underwent a selunite rite of passage, she's yet to taken a life. oh, she's come close so many times but resisted — these so called foster parents were a bad influence, clearly. thus, off with their heads!
when nerys was 16, sceleritas fel first came to her, making those latent urges beneath her veneer of raw impulses and anger known to her. in fact, he encouraged those impulses, twisted her mind until one day she wakes with her parent's, her brothers' blood all over her hands.
from that day on, nerys was no more. it was kira. she didn't deserve the name the parents she murdered gave her after all. over the years, to survive she's become numb — she's become a murder machine, considering it's the only thing that gives her any modicum of emotions. eventually she rises up to becoming the leader of the bhaalist cult and through this, she meets enver gortash — the one person she believed to be her friend, mayhaps even the closest to a love.
kira at some point becomes a paladin of bhaal, swearing the oath of conquest. at this point she's truly numb, dissociating half the time. the plan with the elderbrain at the time was out of a fucked up desperation for freedom.
when orin usurped her position, little did her slaughterkin realize that she set kira free. waking up in the nautiloid with no memories but a vague recollection of her name, and a longing for the moon — she has divine powers and so, by that conclusion she was lead to believe that she was a paladin of selune.
however, when she killed the goblins at the goblin camp she felt something wane — then, the day after murdering the bard, quill, she truly felt the lurching, the pain ... she's broken her oath. little did she know, the oath was not broken for the murder of an innocent bard, it was the failure to conquer the grove.
starting there, she becomes an oathbreaker paladin and feels unworthy of even calling herself a selunite, despite the fact she still longs for the moon. it is only in act ii, when she meets isobel, confesses her sins that she finally allows herself to be selune's faithful. when isobel offered her penance, forgiveness even for confessing how she longed to murder her — that was the true catalyst for her to redeem herself. no matter the cost.
she will not allow dame aylin to be killed — no matter the cost. she will do whatever it takes to lift the curse because she has to, for all the bodies she's dreamt of taking and haven taken.
in act iii, she will refuse bhaal at every turn she could. it would be the most emotional turmoil that tugs at her as the torments get worse, the nightmares get worse, she doesn't sleep for days on end sometimes. after all, she fears if she sleeps, she'll murder a person she cares about deeply.
seeing gortash again stirs feelings inside of her — conflicting feelings. she was lead to believe that she loved him but the idea of being close to him is quite frankly, disgusting to her. she doesn't understand. little does she know, she's a lesbian.
after bhaal exsanguinated her, she spends a few days in bed, catatonic until she finds a little shrine for selune and prays for 12 hrs. she kneels there for hours on end and by the end of it she takes up a new oath of vengeance under selune's name. vengeance felt right to her — so many people she's tortured, killed deserves vengeance and justice; so many people who died for her design and bhaal deserves justice.
at this point, she is a child of none, selunite paladin of vengeance. she will never break her oath at this point.
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abysel · 2 years
a little rundown of my d&d ocs under the readmore!
alaric tanmer. (elf.) a roguish swashbuckler, duelist famous for his charm and cocksure attitude. on an almost eternal chase for new a new rush. played by: matt smith.
arno krauser. (human.) leader and usurper of the largest shadow syndicate of the continent. hides their tragic past behind smiles, and a mask. played by: maxim baldry.
cagliostro. (hobgoblin.) a wizard who thinks very highly of himself, usually seen coasting courts around the continent and delivering unwanted advice. played by: n/a.
charles “chuckles” stang. (goblin.) what happens when a goblin turns out to be interested in humans, and decides to adopt their lifestyle? well, he gets kicked out of course. but becomes one hell of a druid! played by: n/a.
croaker. (kenku.) a mythical figure in gaea, the croaker is known as the all-speaking kenku. they bring wares, and will tell the future to those they meet. played by: n/a.
erron ashwood. (human.) paladins are known for their heart, and loyalty to a cause. erron couldn't keep standing for the lies of a king he did not love. played by: david oakes.
gaius, the songblade. (halfling.) the bard, the glory-stealer. few don't recognize his ballads when they hear them, and those who do, wonder if they've heard them before. a hero? maybe not. played by: ralph fiennes.
goodfellow. (warforged.) discarded and forgotten, he was never given a name. his creator called him "good for nothing", he heard "goodfellow." played by: n/a.
issac aedne. (human.) zealots forsake their lives for their king. and who once was a farm boy, became a machine of terror for his king and god. played by: ewan mitchell.
mordred farron. (human.) the inquisitor's abandoned one and only successor, called up to his duty mere months after tragedy struck his life. played by: tom glynn-carney.
orion thales. (human.) leader of his band of wandering mercenaries, orion's life is full of nothing but revelry and brawls. dubbed "the storm lord's fist." played by: mark rowley.
sosara malanie. (half-elf.) the top student and researcher of the magic arts in the realm, or so people would call her, if she ever got out of her chambers. played by: cate blanchett.
steel-spines. (dragonborn.) his husband was his peace- without it, he's nothing more than the monster they made him out to be. and he will make them pay. played by: n/a.
viggo. (half-orc.) a legendary warrior, a mercenary who has slain over 100 men in a single battle. he's seemingly disappeared from the public eye, and retreated somewhere. played by: amar chadha-patel.
voxander “vox” orlesi. (changeling.) sometimes, wearing other faces... makes you forget your very own. who is he, really? nobody knows. not even himself. played by: donald glover. [main fc.]
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
Ok. So. I've been adding things to the Ginormous-Multichapter-Fic-of-Doom. I have settled on 10. So there will be ten randomly rotating fics in one compendium worthy of any half-decent mage. In alphabetical order by working title or whatever random bullshit I've named the folders just bc that's how I organise them (and hiding them under the cut bc I'm adding *・☆descriptions☆・*):
The long-awaited Galtean Leakira fic that I first posted about on my main so many months ago. tl;dr version - cyberpunk version of the Galra Empire takes over Marmora, Altea, and the human city-state of Garrison, no one's fully human if at all, Shiro and Keith's dad are missing, and Lance is on his own but also has a Very Important Thing that might be able to help them get rid of the Galra.
I'm Yours (yes, after the Jason Mraz song) which I posted the outline to here a little while back. Writer/barista/bartender Keith and musician Lance with not-so-supportive parents, getting together, and working through their issues
This one doesn't have anything close to a name yet, just marked as klangst al/ok (alpha Lance/omega Keith) in my wips folder. But this is the plot bunny I've talked about before. The one with the stress, and the drama, and the angst, and the Klance spawn. I'm not sure how spoilery I should be with this one, so I'll just leave it here. There will also be two prequel parts to cover a few of the things in canon that I judiciously remodeled
Let Sleeping Lions Roar is next. This oddly enough was inspired by a cover of a song from Warframe of all places (holy shit that game is so goddamn pretty). This one's a little weird as it's 10,000 years post-canon with some significant changes. Allura didn't sacrifice herself, and the castle still stands, the lions sleeping in their hangars, and the legend saying that the paladins will return when they're needed. And they're needed.
The reverse fake relationship one with alpha Keith and omega Lance. Instead of trying to pass off a fake relationship as the real thing, they have to convince a planet on the fence about joining the Coalition that their relationship is real, starting with what led up to their mating in the first place all the way back in the Garrison (it's Lance's parents, mostly his mother)
Another one without a name (sensing a pattern here), but this is part royal au, part magic, a little Victorian/Steampunk and has an assassination attempt, a secret plot to usurp the throne, a surprise reunion, and a couple dumbasses falling disgustingly in love
The Single Parent Klance au where they're both 32ish, Keith trans and has a 16 yo daughter, Lance's little girl is only 4, both are painfully single for different reasons, but a 16 yo getting a new babysitting job might just fix that last problem, even if there are a few bumps in the road
Currently, and most likely temporarily, named The Howling, next is a werewolf au. Alpha Keith and omega Lance have a brief fling during an inter-pack meeting, leaving Lance with a surprise souvenir. Meanwhile another pack is planning something, no one knows what, and Lance is trying to keep his secret from his family. Let's see how that one works out for him
Ok, so, this one is entirely self-indulgent. I was actually a barista for the siren for ~3 years, and while talking about odd and/or regular customers, I got to thinking about a loosely connected oneshot/drabble series of Tales from the Coffeeshop. I will not allow them to work for a soulless corporation, so instead, it's an independent coffeeshop/bakery owned by Coran and run a bit more cooperatively. Some of the stories will be things that actually happened to me, some will be things that are totally plausible (trust me, I've seen things)
And last, a slightly more D&D-oriented Thunderpike soulmate au. I've made Pike into a bard, partially bc I felt like it, and partially bc I think it fits a little better. Keith (sorry, his emo-ness Thunderstorm Darkness) is a dual-wielding ranger with a celestial wolf animal companion. He's been tracking Pike for a while, ever since he first noticed the intangible silver thread connecting him. But this is them, and nothing is ever allowed to go smoothly
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cupcakecoterie · 2 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@miaaoi - Farideh, dragonborn sorcerer
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
@lovefrometernity - Rylan, wood elf sorcerer
Last one to catch up on! We were missing an Ava, but we got through okay.
While Hazel and Darvin were in warped mirror!Goldendale, and Clarity and Hazel were in warped mirror!Vanedar manor, Remi and Barnabus found themselves in warped mirror!Ravnica - specifically, Precinct 5, Tenth District, and Barnabus’ last beat before the accident that landed him in Ellon. As with Hazel before her, Remi found herself with no connection to her god or her patron. (Darvin might have had the same problem, but he didn’t actually try to tap into that, so...) After some figuring out what was going on - namely, that they were being stuffed in pocket dimensions so that whatever thought process behind the local sludge could gain a more detailed view of the world.
Alisaie came back to the town square with Rylan and Farideh, and found nobody there, and no one responding to shouting. This was of concern, so she and Rylan tracked Remi and Barnabus (Barnabus being easy to track because hooves). Alisaie hoped that she’d end up in the same place as Remi. Alisaie should not have thought that, because while the divine spark in Darvin’s soul was fairly tiny, Alisaie’s ... was not. No one’s sure exactly what the long-term consequences of this are, but Alisaie did trip into mirror!Ravnica screaming in agony because of whatever force was keeping the divine or celestial out.
Clarity found Henry - specifically, Henry’s soul, which Clarity took with her (in the lollipop she’d bought for him at the Egref sweet shop) so that Hazel could perform the rites to let his spirit move forward. When she’s grieving a little less, she might note that somehow, even if it obviously did some damage, the Archfey of Mischief and Whimsy either somehow freed Henry’s soul before it could be corrupted beyond repair or somehow cleansed it. Then again, given Clarity’s memory trip and losing Ava midway through her adventure, she wasn’t in the best state to think on it.
Remi, Barnabus, Farideh, and Rylan all ended up in the Ismeri Library with a barely-conscious Alisaie and a very worried winged dire moose ... and found Petunia, whose soul was apparently stuck in-between because of that worthy’s efforts to keep the death fog contained. Petunia recommended that if they wanted to skip the twisted version of memory lane, they could just offer up a memory of a place and hope that the entity was placated. It seemed to work, and as Henry was granted escape via a large lollipop, Petunia was granted escape via Rylan’s scarf.
Hazel and Darvin saw some pretty horrifying sites in that version of Goldendale, but after tripping over the Tailor-Green manor (Darvin’s old home), Hazel started swearing about “It’ll be the knife-eared bitch next!” ... which references her mother. And since hers was the loudest thought-pattern at that point, they went into the Tailor-Green manor ... except they didn’t, because they found themselves in a prison. Not in one of the cells, thankfully. In one of the cells, though, was a woman who looks very much like the Lady Emavaela but had clearly been locked there for close onto two decades. Hazel made a very good insight check and ... yeah, twins exist. That woman had been locked up shortly before Hazel’s birth and usurped. Hazel is ... armageddon-level angry.
When almost all of them were back together,Ava all but fell out of one door, unconscious but seemingly unhurt, and they got out as fast as they could, because Remi seemed to hope that Alisaie would recover better out in the sun, all things considered. Jury’s still out on that one.
Hazel said some prayers to send the departed on, and they ended with pouring a drink and seeing if they can’t rouse Ava, so they can all talk about what happened to them, and how it might be best to proceed from that point.
I make no promises about staying up to date. But at least I am up to date now.
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Usurper: In fact they’re slithering over right now.
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Antimony: Though shame I just got back from hunting. Not really hungry now.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Disney Villains in DnD
With the Disney Princesses and Princes, I put them into parties, but for the villains, I’m going to start by listing the ones powerful enough to be a Warlock Patron in descending order of power (by their base form). The rest are ordered by the release date of their film. I’m not going to cover all of the Disney villains in this one post, as there’s just too many, and not all of them map easily onto DnD.
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AS BIG BAD: Archfield Patron Warlock (Asmodeus)
As Playable Character:
Race: Asmodeus Tiefling Background: Courtier Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer (Evil) Skills: Insight, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion
The Devil on Bald Mountain, Chernabog stands as Satan and Lucifer incarnate, the Disney-Canon equivalent to the Prince of Darkness, and the ruler of Hell. Like with Maleficent and Hades, Chernabog lacks a stat block, being a Greater Deity, and King of the Archfiends, Ruler of the Nine Hells. As a playable character, Chernabog doesn’t lend out his hellish powers or get them from an outside source. Instead he is a Tiefling with the infernal bloodline of Asmodeus (Lawful Evil) running through his veins. When he was an angel, Lucifer would have been a courtier, standing in the shining Court of Heaven before he was banished to Hell. His skills make him adept at lying to and manipulating people, as Insight lets him learn a person’s desires, and then use lies and honeyed words to lead them astray in his service. Consider this a free “how to play as satan” build.
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As Big Bad: The Raven Queen
As Playable Character:
Race: Hexblood Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Wildfire Druid Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Perception
Lore-wise, Maleficent uses “All the Powers of Hell”, but in terms of Dungeons and Dragons, the Wildfire Druid gives Maleficent the best parallels to her powers, as she’s able to grow a wall of thorns, call a bolt of lightning, Polymorph into a fire-breathing dragon, and spread fire. It also works lore-wise as the Wildfire Druid destroys the very forest they swore to protect. As a Hexblood, Maleficent becomes a fey hag, able to curse princesses and disguise herself as a racial ability. As the Big Bad, Maleficent maps perfectly onto the Raven Queen, ruling over the shadowfell, summoning the Heartless to do her biding, and loaning Diablo to those who worship or swear fealty to the Raven Queen.
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As Big Bad: Hades/Death God
As Playable Character:
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling/Reborn Background: Charlatan Class: Death Cleric Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
For Hades, the God of the Dead, making him into a Cleric was a no-brainer. But Clerics have very limited options for fire magic. Sacred flame and Flame Strike both deal radiant damage, and their only other fire spell is Searing Smite which they got in the spell list expansion. But as a Mephistopheles Tiefling, Hades can also gain temporary access to Burning Hands and Flame Blade, along with Mage Hand. Mephistopheles is also the demon best known for making a deal with Faust, a trait shared by the deal-making Hades. If you’re not feeling the fire theme, or your DM doesn’t like the tiefling subraces, Hades can also work as a Reborn.
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As Big Bad: Undead/Undying Warlock Patron (Lich)
As Playable Character:
Race: Reborn Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Necromancy Wizard Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
Ironically, there is a new magic item that maps perfectly onto the Black Cauldron, the Cauldron of Rebirth. But oddly, it can only be attuned by a Druid or Warlock, and the Necromancy Wizard creates the strongest undead thralls, as he adds his Proficiency Bonus to their attack and damage rolls. But if you’d rather have the Horned King be able to use the Cauldron of Rebirth, then make him a Spores Druid. If you absolutely must go warlock, make him an Undead Warlock. As a Warlock Patron, he would be a Lich. In the Chronicles of Prydain books, he served Arawn, God of Death. But the Horned King serves no such master in the Disney film.
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As Big Bad: Genie Warlock Patron (Efreeti)
Race: Human/Fire Genasi Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Genie Warlock (Djinni)/Wild Magic Sorcerer Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion
Jafar is the only one of the patron villains who themselves is a warlock to another patron. In his human form, Jafar has little to no powers. Everything Jafar is able to do is through either his magic snake staff or Genie’s magic. It’s only once he becomes a genie himself that Jafar has his own powers. So, Jafar here is split between two builds. As a human, he’s a warlock relying on a djinni. As a genie himself, he’s a wild magic sorcerer. Technically, he could be both. Play Jafar however you want. As a big bad, Jafar is stuck as one of the most subserviant types of warlock patron, which isn’t so surprising why he’s this low on the patron scale. Only Ursula is technically weaker than him, but that’s only true when she’s in her base form. Once she wields the trident, Ursula is even more powerful than The Horned King.
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As Big Bad: Fathomless Warlock Patron (Sea Hag/Kraken)
As Playable Character:
Race: Triton Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Glamour Bard Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Performance, Persuasion Items: Circlet of Human Perfection (reskin as seashell necklace)
I built Ariel as a Fathomless Warlock because in order for her to be on land, she had to make a deal with Ursula. So, with Ursula on land, she can masquerade as Vanessa, using Ariel’s voice to charm and manipulate people. We even see Ursula do this when she charms Eric, so we know that as Vanessa, Ursula could easily run a successful criminal empire using Ariel’s voice to hypnotize and manipulate people into obeying her orders. The Circlet of Human Perfection allows Ursula to maintain a perfect beautiful human disguise without having to eat up spell slots. As a Fathomless Patron, Ursula in her base form is a simple Sea Hag, being much weaker. But once she gets a hold of Dekella, the Bident of Thassa from King Triton, she can grow in both size and power to rival the might of a Kraken. And with Thassa’s divine bident, Ursula can command the tides and all the beasts and monstrosities within it, puting her nearly on par with the powers of a goddess of the sea. But unlike Hades, Maleficent, and Chernabog, even at her near godlike power, Ursula still has a stat block, her bident can still be taken from her, and she can still be slain and defeated.
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Race: Human Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Alchemist Artificer Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
I really did consider the Transmutation Wizard for Grimhilde, as it has the power to cast polymorph for all of your Frog Prince needs, and a master transmuter can even Restore Youth. But then, the alchemist can brew a potion of transformation, and the chemistry set is clearly how we see Grimhilde using magic. The only magic she performs without the chemistry set is when she creates a gust of wind in front of her magic mirror. She doesn’t even create the lightning bolt for her transformation spell, it just happens to be storming outside, so she’s not controlling the weather either. Plus, the most powerful spell she has is the poisoned apple and she has to summon a bolt of lightning to cast Alter Self, a 2nd level spell. By DnD standards, Grimhilde’s not really that powerful. She doesn’t even fight the player herself in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.  If you want Grimhilde to be more magical, then go with Transmutation Wizard, but if you want to be more accurate, the Alchemist is how Grimhilde does her magic. Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove shares a nearly identical build.
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Race: Human Background: Pirate (Athletics, Perception) Class: Swashbuckler Rogue Skills: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
While Hook’s still a putrid coward, he holds himself quite well, and is the epitome of Lawful Evil, maintaining a strict personal moral code to clash with Peter’s frankly Chaotic Neutral “heroism”. Hook’s not really good at the normal rogue skills like hiding or thieving, but he shines as a manipulative double-talking liar. Long John Silver from Treasure Planet has a similar build.
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Race: Human Background: Folk Hero (Animal Handling Persuasion, Survival) Class: Monster Slayer Ranger Skills: Athletics, Perception, Persuasion Stealth, Survival
As the strapping hero of Belle’s Village, Gaston has the favor of his entire community, keeping them safe from any and all beasties that lurk beyond the city. Too bad he’s as rotten as they come. Likely one of the weakest villains in terms of pure power scale as little more than a local hero, he’s still an iconic enough villain I couldn’t resist adding him. Clayton from Tarzan shares a similar build.
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Race: Leonin Background: Noble (History, Persuasion) Class: Oath of Treachery Paladin Fighting Style: Unarmed Skills: History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion
Simba was a druid because he was a wise king who could call upon his people to stand beside him. Scar is a paladin because he has devoted himself to a single goal: his own personal power. Scar shows little wisdom, but has a strong character and savvy charms about him that make him better suited as a CHA caster.
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Race: Human Background: Investigator Class: Light Cleric Skills: Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion
This was an easy villain to build. As a religious man worshipping God (who would def fall under Life, Light, and maybe Knowledge) Frollo would go for the one that lets him keep witches warm. His background was chosen as an investigator because he’s responsible for keeping the peace in Paris, and there wasn’t a background option for lawmaker. Noble or Courtier might have worked, but didn’t seem quite like the right fit as they deal more with aristocratic authority and royal court politics.
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Race: Human Background: Soldier (Athletics, Intimidation) Class: Raven Queen Warlock/Hexblade Warlock, Shadow Sorcerer Pact Boon: Blade Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation
In the first Kingdom Hearts game, Riku spends most of the game being manipulated by Maleficent. His DnD counterpart would surely be a warlock to her. But Maleficent oddly has not one but three possible warlock patron options. As the Raven Queen, she obviously has the Raven Queen Warlock, but the Raven Queen also created the Hexblade, which come from the Shadowfell, which she rules over. The third is unique to Maleficent, as she is a fairy, and a powerful one at that. Making her a valid choice for an Archfey Warlock. Archfey doesn’t quite fit Riku, but the other two do, and as a Sorcerer, Riku draws power from the Shadowfell which his patron rules over.
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Race: Human Background: Charlatan (Deception, Sleight of Hand) Class: Fiend Warlock Skills: Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
It’s kind of hard to deny that Dr. Facilier is obviously a warlock, though his patron options don’t really come close to a neat fit. Among his choices though, fiend comes the closest to selling his soul to the Other Siders or Shadow Folk. It’s possible he could have sold his soul to the Raven Queen and his shadowy friends are the emissaries of the shadowfell, but as he has no raven or crow familiar, that’s a somewhat weak comparison.
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beingatoaster · 3 years
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The August Vivienne Jiselle Magdalene Helvitica Ri'Hdrazan, Heir-Protector of the High Cantons, Lesser Lady of the Green Glass Tower, Keyholder of Mizran, and Sixth Attendant of the Royal Chambers (usually known as August Vivienne, Lady Ri’Hdrazan, or, for those very close to her, Vivi) is the daughter of the court wizard of the Grand Duke of Mizraythi. Her mother would have faced suspicion about her daughter’s origins if she was anyone but the court wizard. Fortunately, wizards are not held to the standards of other nobility, and moreover, everyone knows that the Magister heroically sacrificed her own soul in a deal with a bone devil to save the Grand Duchy from being overrun by demons when the paladins and clerics failed, so her daughter’s birth out of wedlock and unfortunate affliction have more burnished her reputation than harmed it.
Even more fortunately, the Grand Duke is known to be a generous man where children are concerned, and the Magister is an old friend who helped him claim the throne of the duchy (and, a few people still whisper, his lover, until politics required him to marry the daughter of the woman whom he usurped it from). So that young Vivienne, unintended casualty of his duchy’s salvation, might suffer from her status and appearance, he loaded her down with titles and favors. None of them with any true meaning, of course--those have to be saved for political bargaining--but she is protected by the sign of his favor, and by the upbringing alongside the royal children that it allowed her. Only the highest courtiers know that she’s a tiefling, for she goes heavily veiled and robed about the court, and the general understanding is that her affliction is albinism rather than outright infernal taint.
For her own part, Vivienne has little to do with politics, preferring to entertain the royal children, all younger than her, with games and songs and puppet-shows. She has never been much for her mother’s form of magic, studying just enough to enhance those entertainments, though that has unlocked the ability to channel her own latent talents through certain of her tools, particularly her favorite puppet. She loves the people she’s grown up with, but the need to stay quiet and meek behind her veils has always chafed at her, and she wants to see the wider world beyond the palace walls. In recent years, as her magic and the combat skills she trained in with the royal children have developed to the point where she can defend herself, the Grand Duchess, always the least coddling of the adults around her, has encouraged that desire, and finally equipped her to set out, in company with a bodyguard as befits her status.
Race: Dispater Tiefling
ASI: Cha +2, Dex +1
Age: 24
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium (5′ even, 100 lbs)
Speed: 30 feet
Darkvision: Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. 
Legacy of Dis: You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Disguise Self spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Detect Thoughts spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. 
Languages: Common, Infernal
Class: Bard (College of Spirits)
Hit Points: 8 + CON / 1d8+CON per level
Armor proficiencies: Light armor
Weapon proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tool proficiencies: Ocarina,  Lyre, Flute
Saving throw proficiencies : Dexterity, Charisma
Skill proficiencies: Arcana, Deception (Expertise), Performance (Expertise)
Bardic Inspiration: As a bonus action, inspire one person within 60 feet who can hear you.
Jack of All Trades: Add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
Song of Rest: During a short rest, revitalize your allies with a performance.
Guidance: Cast the Guidance cantrip with a 60-foot range.
Spiritual Focus: Uses her puppet as a casting focus.
Tales from Beyond: Channel the tales of spirits to empower allies.
Background: Noble
Skill proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool proficiencies: Dragonchess set
Languages: Goblin
Feature: Position of Privilege (accommodated as a noble)
Personality Traits:
No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
I strive to have no personality—it's easier to forget what's hardly there. (from Faceless)
I am ever learning how to be among others—when to stay quiet, when to laugh. (from Faceless)
I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. (from Hermit)
Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine. 
Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without coddling from my family.
People. I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. (from Entertainer)
Nothing is more important than the other members of my family.
My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love.
I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever.
I would rather observe than meddle. (from Anthropologist)
I never make eye contact or hold it unflinchingly. (from Faceless)
I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone. (from Hermit)
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What is LotS??? I’m kinda new-ish and I don’t think I got the chance to read it...
LotS is Legend of the Six!
It is a D&D / Elder Scrolls AU involving the six. The six go on an epic quest to usurp Henry VIII. It’s set in a midevial fantasy setting in a country called The Realm.
All of them have banded together to take down Henry, who is a power-drunk Bard that has destroyed the country in the quest for world domination. He’s mainly gotten power though exploiting his people’s sympathy and love for his queens.
Catherine of Aragon is a paladin called a “Blessed,” aka a warrior that fights for the light. Beloved by the kingdom, Henry tried to murder her to move onto Boleyn, saying that she died in a surprise assassination attempt by a rival country. Henry used her “death” to justify the Blessed War, where he overtook his major political rival. Aragon, however, hadn’t died, and the rival country was never actually involved; it all was a plot to get Aragon out of the way and gain power. Some of Aragon’s own men turned on her that day. She’s out for revenge and to save her kingdom, which she can’t bear to see spiraling the way it is due to Henry’s bloodlust.
Anne Boleyn is a rogue and was called the “Shadow Queen.” Someone ordered her execution while she was visiting a neighboring city, and after escaping from the attempt, she’ll not rest until the person who ordered her death is killed by her hand. Henry made her death look like it was a murder as well, prompting the War of Shadows, which Henry also won and gained quite the impressive amount of land and power from. Her way of fighting - both in politics and in battle - was far more cloak and dagger than any of the other queens. She’s the stealthiest of the bunch.
Jane Seymour is a cleric (amongst other things) and was rumored to have died in childbirth. She is renowned as the greatest healer to ever live and, thanks to her research in a hospital called the Temple of Healing in a mining town called The Heart, advanced healing magicks to the point that she’s considered a patron saint of healers. What she did at The Heart yielded more research in its few month stint than what most clerics figure out in twenty to fifty years of research. She wants to help the others even though she truly loved him.
Anna of Cleves is a warrior from the country of Holbein. She was originally the princess of Holbein and battlereeve to its army - basically the leader of it - but was married off to Henry to establish peace between the two powerhouse countries. When it didn’t work out, she was simply discarded and disgraced in the Realm, though is still considered a battle hero and brilliant strategist by the people. She the reason the Realm had such a decisive victory in the War of Shadows.
Katherine Howard is a Druid and was known as “The Charming Queen,” known for her looks and beauty and ability to charm any man through a look or touch; at least, that’s what the rumors say. We follow her as she is stabbed by Henry during a gala, prompting the rest of the group to save her and start this journey. Katherine was easily manipulated by Henry thanks to some mind magicks that he developed (or did someone help him?) and she has the least resistance to mind magicks out of any of them. She wants revenge not really for herself, but for the kingdom she loved and the people within it, as well as her fellow queens.
Catherine Parr is a wizard and was the woman that Henry was going to take as the next wife after Howard was “murdered,” but Parr saw through his plans and escaped before he could get his hands on her. He loved her fiercely and even beheaded Parr’s husband to make her available for marriage. Parr is a brilliant illusionist and is said to be the strongest mage in the Realm and possibly the entire world. She elevated Seymour’s research and broadened it to practical care to help the common folk without magick involved. She was the mastermind of the operation against Henry in the first place, the one that came up with the idea and got all of the queens together.
It’s currently the longest piece of continuous fanfic for Six the Musical at over 55k words. Chapter 13 will be out soon.
You can read it here! 
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theimaginatrix27 · 4 years
My bunnies did it again
I have had this fanfic idea stuck firmly in my brain for the last week and I think it’s time I made a Tumblr post about it. It’s a crazy fun idea and I only have one Voyager friend. I would like to have more than one Voyager friend.
But also I need to make a Tumblr post about this because I feel like it’d make a good one.
The idea hit me while I was listening to Spotify. It started with me thinking about this vague idea of Voyager, but fantasy with magic ‘n’ stuff, and then I was suddenly struck with ... well. Time to break out the list. My one Voyager friend helped me hash this out, so I’d like to give credit where it’s due. Thanks for the help thus far,     @gwen-skyes!
So this is post-series. Everyone’s legal stuff has been cleared up because I am a happy optimist and think it would be sorted out fairly quickly given they survived for seven years in the Hellta Quadrant.
Harry got his promotion! So did Janeway, but that was expected.
Anyways, Tom is bored.
I think anyone who’s watched more than a handful of episodes of Voyager knows this does not bode well.
So one night he’s scouring archives of human knowledge for something to do, and discovers DND.
Let’s pretend there probably weren’t any current editions of the game and he picked the 5E rules just because.
He knows he can’t play this on his own and he’s been missing having his friends around constantly, so after he’s convinced B’Elanna the game has potential, he invites the others over.
He does not tell them he is inviting them over to play a 21st-Century tabletop role-playing game.
Until the day their schedules have dictated will suit for them all to assemble.
Then he’s like “Check out this cool game I found! We can tell a story together—won’t that be fun? Anyways, here’s the rules, please take this time to design your characters.”
Any somewhat formal language is totally over-dramatic, but he does ask that they take this seriously.
Everyone’s actually pretty interested, though they express it differently.
Janeway and Chakotay help each other with backstories and stuff. Janeway settles on a Human Fighter, while Chakotay’s a Half-Elf Ranger with a falcon companion (Hey, that is a fucking hot image and you can’t tell me otherwise).
B’Elanna put together her character earlier and she’s a Half-Orc Barbarian (she basically called dibs).
Seven spends so much time trying to optimise her stats and her backstory is basically her history with a few tweaks. I won’t get into the back and forth here but Tom does entreat her to get more creative if she can.
The Doctor and Harry both pick Paladin and then just diverge from there. The Doctor’s character is human, Harry’s is Dragonborn. Both are Lawful Good but Harry is particularly intent on being as awesome as possible.
Tuvok surprises everyone except possibly Janeway by announcing late into the character-building session that he has observed they do not have a dedicated magic-user in their party yet and this is “an oversight that cannot go unaddressed, or disaster is inevitable.” He then declares his character an Elven Wizard.
Tom asks if he picked an Elf for the ears. Tuvok gives him a look and points out it’s the most logical choice to pair with a magical Class. It actually was the ears but he only admits it to Janeway at the end of the fic.
While everyone is taking things seriously as Tom asked, Tom himself does the 24th-century equivalent of using a random-number-generator to slap together a character, mostly for fun. He is, after all, planning to be the DM.
I know what you’re thinking. “When’s this gonna get really interesting, Trix? It sounds rather boring so far.”
They’re just getting ready to start playing. Miral is asleep upstairs. All seems well.
And then Q shows up.
He is bored.
This also is never something that bodes well.
And he sees this game as an irresistible opportunity for some good chaotic fun.
So he creates an alternate reality bubble and sends everyone into it, to play the Campaign from the inside. As their characters.
That half-joking character Tom made on the fly? It’s a Halfling Bard And he’s had his DM position usurped by Q, so now he’s stuck in a Fantasy-laced reality and is half the size of any one of his friends. And has lovely fluffy hair!
Also Harry got genderbent ‘cause Q was being a troll both before and after it was cool.
And that’s the jist of it. There’s more stuff a little further in but this is the basic premise. And my brain won’t let it go, so ... Yay? I guess? I’m not much for writing Sci-fi but this leans right into Fantasy territory, which is my strong point. I hope I am able to do it justice. Provided I can get it off the ground, that is.
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feifheadcanons · 6 years
Selena, Laslow, Odin, Camilla, Xander, Leo
Xander would DM but if he were to play, he’d play a human Paladin named Marx.
Leo is a Tiefling Warlock named Wanshi, seeking knowledge so he can become the most learned scholar the world has ever seen, and use his knowledge to gain political favor and become a leader who can lead the world to prosperity.
Camilla would play an Elven Druid named Maro. She’s a thrillseeker more than a quest-goer, this is just this week’s thrill.
Laslow plays a human Bard he calls Inigo, who seeks the to return to a homeland lost and forgotten to time.
Selena plays a Fire Genasi Monk named Severa. She works as a mercenary for hire, having forsaken most of her ascetic training for a life of her own choosing.
Odin plays a Half-Orc Fighter named Owain, a capable master of arms who seeks only to travel and improve his skills to become the stuff of legends.
Corrin insists that they should play something a little less close to home, but they’re having too much fun.
Xander, Camilla, and Leo are all rulers of a powerful kingdom, seeking to find their youngest sibling, Elise, after she disappeared into the night one day. 
They travel alongside Selena, Odin, and Laslow, their retainers who, unbeknownst to them, are also members of royalty.
Laslow, the son of the ancient King Chrom
Selena, daughter to dragons and King of Plegia, Robin
And Odin, Laslow’s cousin, son of Princess Lissa
The retainers were once the beloved rulers their own kingdom but due to a military coup from the Vizier Validar, they have been run out of the castle and have bounties on their heads.
Now, they pretend to be commonfolk, mercenaries for hire, so they may return to their home, stronger and with help to unseat the Usurper King Validar.
Laslow is a rougish Bard, who’s specialties lie in Deception and Sleight of Hand.
His Liege, Xander, is a powerful half-dragon Paladin.
Selena is a skilled Fighter.
With her liege Camilla, a half-Orc Barbarian princess.
Odin is a deadly Warlock
While his liege Leo is a fearsome Elven Sorceror.
They’re rather amicable, although they butt heads at moral junctures and about respecting authority, as the three retainers have streaks of..disobedience.
While Odin, Selena, and Laslow are Chaotic, Neutral, and Lawful Good respectively, Leo, Camilla, and Xander are respectively Chaotic, True, and Lawful Neutral.  
The Nohrsibs have much less of a hard time killing NPCs and interrogating people, while the retainer trio are a bit more restrained and have even pulled steel on their masters to save innocents.
Will this motley crew be able to rescue Elise AND defeat Validar? Will they split once one goal has been achieved? Will they come to an all-out bloody battle with each other?? Only time will tell...
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newtypezaku · 3 years
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
Megaton-kyuu Musashi (Last: 3): In a complete 180, Yamato had a pleasant time with Arshem and decided to fight alongside her.
Sakugan (Last: 2): A cave-in trapped everyone on an island and Memempu's rescue attempts eventually resulted in fruit batteries.
Dragon Quest (Last: 5): Dai's existential crisis was soothed by Popp, who found himself the one party member with a clear head.
Eighty Six (Last: 8): Kiri almost got the drop on the squad but Frederica's timely warning kept them alive despite Shin's combat madness.
The Faraway Paladin (Last: 6): Will found traveling partners in a peddler and a bard who regaled him with tales of Blood, Mary, and Gus.
Shikizakura (Last: 4): Dad moved up the timetable for the ceremony, so Oka decided to spend her last day enjoying normal Nagoya stuff.
Lupin the 3rd (Last: 7): Jigen found himself escorting Lily, kind of, in a mission where he said farewell to his magnum, almost.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. [Full Watch List]
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someone pls
ask me about my d&d characters
I have a tiefling gunslinger/sorcerer who is becoming a demi-god
A bard/paladin Half-elf champion of The Raven Queen who is sad and wants to usurp Lolth.
and now a very sad avariel gunslinger that just
so much to talk about with her
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blackjacketmuses · 6 years
hc; proper xiv au
Because my only XIV ‘verse so far is the one where the canon XV boys were dumped there postgame, here’s the bios for a proper XIV verse, where the gang is and always has been Eorzean.
Noctis is a RDM (a family tradition) and 1.0 WoL, and he and his companions fought together -- though while they all had the Echo, only Noctis and his girlfriend Lunafreya had the Blessing, and only they were thrown into the future. He and Luna found themselves in Kugane until 4.0, when they can return.
Ravus is a PLD (has a crystal / was Sultansworn trained), and he grew up in Ul’dah with his sister after their mother died. He was a 1.0 Walker of the Path, tagging along with his sister and her boyfriend through adventures, and lost an an arm and his sister at Carteneau. This broke him, and though he and Noctis’s close friend Ignis (who was blinded) have mostly recovered, now that they remember they search for their lost loved ones.
Ardyn is...complicated. A fallen king from a fallen kingdom -- destroyed by Mhach in the war, though Noctis descends from the final king (Ardyn’s usurping brother) -- and a voidsent, transformed such via Mhach’s machinations. He lives his life away from mortals and traveling constantly, too misanthropic and antisocial to interact with such small and fleeting lives but in pain and lonely all the same.
Ardyn Lucis Caelum
Age: 1500+, give or take 38 years Class: Red Mage / Bard
Ardyn was the king of a small kingdom called Lucis during the War of the Magi, a kingdom that resided where present day Vesper Bay stands. Thus was his kingdom within the reach of the kingdom of Mhach, and when Ardyn was approached by emissaries of the black mages, he kicked them out without question: he refused to bow to monsters.
Mhach retaliated in due time, poisoning the kingdom’s water supply with voidsent flesh and blood, causing a terrible illness to sweep the kingdom, turning people into Voidsent. At first King Ardyn sought the aid of the Amdapori white mages, but was refused. After that, he and his queen, Stella, decided to heal their people themselves, hoping they would be enough.
They weren't. The two of them tried their best, supported by their inner circle (Gilgamesh [DRK], Pyrrhus [SAM], and Hermes [ROG]), but were corrupted themselves...and then Somnus, Ardyn's brother, staged a coup -- claiming that the king and queen weren't helping and were now monsters. Somnus and his men killed Stella and the inner circle, and attempted to kill Ardyn. It failed, and they instead imprisoned him in an underground oubliette.
Years later, Lucis fell, and Mhach freed the now fully voidsent Ardyn. They took him from his prison and bound him into service, keeping him in servitude until the flood. They trapped him in a coffin in the Void Ark, but he eventually escaped 500 years later.
From then on, he wandered Hydaelyn, traveling and never staying long in one place. He picked up the bow eventually, out of boredom, and learned several crafts to pass the time. He disguises himself as a Hyur, and calls himself Ardyn Izunia. He avoids Thanalan as much as possible, but otherwise lives his life unobtrusively. Except lately, with the awakening of the Ark…
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Age:  Chronologically 25, physically 20 Class: Red Mage / Fisher
Noctis is the last living Lucis Caelum, a family line that claims to be descended from distant, Magi-era royalty. They prided themselves on being talented mages and swordsmen -- red magic a family tradition, the crystal an heirloom -- and though they all tried to be heroes, they weren't well known despite being rich and influential in Thanalan.
Noctis’ frail mother died giving birth to him, and he grew up raised more by his childhood companions Ignis and Gladio (both sons of his father's friends and retainers). He also later made friends with a boy named Prompto and two Gridanians named Lunafreya and Ravus Fleuret, who came to live with them after the death of their mother. Regis, his father, passed from an illness when he was 16.
When Noctis was 20, there was an odd meteor shower, and he and his dear friends found themselves with an ability called the Echo, and then became involved in events leading up to the Calamity. Luna and Noctis, also having something especially special about them...were teleported away from Carteneau through time by Louisoix, sent five years into the future and forgotten by their friends and loved ones.
They found themselves in Kugane, and spent the better part of a year and a half there, getting by and trying to live their lives -- Noctis doing odd jobs and selling fish on the Ruby Sea -- until Doma was liberated and it was safe to return to Eorzea…
Ravus Fleuret
Age: 33 Class: Paladin
Ravus is the eldest child of Sylva Fleuret, a powerful conjurer and Hearer from a family known to produce many padjals. While his younger sister, Lunafreya, was just as strong as their mother, Ravus had no talent at all for magic. So he took it upon himself to protect his sister, studying and learning how to fight. When they were young, their mother died, and they went to live in Ul'dah with a family friend, Regis Lucis Caelum. They grew up alongside his son Noctis and his companions, and he ended up learning from the Sultansworn and becoming a free paladin.
They all followed Noctis and Lunafreya through their adventures and to Carteneau, and Ravus lost first his arm in the Calamity and then his sister -- and her memories of her. He recovered alongside the similarly injured Ignis (a friend and companion to Noctis), and...he really doesn't recall the years between then and the recovery of his memories of Lunafreya. A fundamental part of him was missing, and without it he was empty save for Ignis.
When the memories returned, he immediately began searching frantically for her, refusing to believe her dead, throwing himself at any enemy despite his one arm. He had to find her...
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