#Pantoran Bounty hunter
ladydancing · 5 months
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My Charlie’s Angels of Star Wars. The ladies of The Dancing Lady, my Star Wars OCs, former bounty hunter Tizz Uuram, smuggler Aola Beck, and former Jedi Rania Chera. An amazing commission done by @somewillwin
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sabellart · 2 years
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i’ve been so obsessed with her she’s the only oc i want to draw
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notsomeloncholy · 1 year
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Little bit of baby lore on this fine evening :]
In essence, Orull and Albara were victims to imperial mining that ravaged their home planets; only survivors jumping cargo ships at age baby (around 8-9) and discovering each other hiding in crates. Albara mimics Orull's voice and he decides then and there he wants to protect her forever (he doesn't know yet that she does the same lol)
After a few months of this, they're found by a lone Mandalorian who takes them in until they're old enough to both take the creed and live independently. As adults they still occasionally work with her, but not very often.
They're each other's only family for a long time, but Tefir (and eventually Cu and Winter) wooooooorm their way in <3
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my oc meyim after leaving the jedi order for may the fourth :)
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x-reader-things · 1 year
Hi!!! I was the one who requested the jealous Ezra x reader fic!
My request was Ezra being jealous around the best friend that is a boy (IDK if that was the original prompt but here it is!)
Thank you so much!
Thank YOU so much - especially for requesting again, I am so sorry that it got deleted-
I think it had something to do with being jealous and protective but I’ll just merge the two.
I hope you enjoy!
“Best friend or not.”
Ezra Bridger x Fem!Reader [romantic]
Summary ; In which Ezra is denying his jealousy, and gets protective of you after a mission.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; A bit of canonical type violence, reader’s best friend is a bit of an asshole, and mentions and of assimilation and depictions of losing important items of cultures.
Word Count ; 3.8 k
Ezra Bridger is never really one to be jealous.
Sure, he had bouts of it when he first met Sabine. Mainly vying for her attention instead of it being on others out of pure admiration, mistaking it for a crush. And sure, you were jealous of it back then too. But that was before you realized that Sabine was cool, and before he realized that all he wanted was a friend.
Never really had that before he met you and her.
And that, was almost a few years ago.
No, Ezra Bridger was never one to be jealous.
Not in the slightest.
Not at all.
No, he wasn’t drawn to it like a moth is to a flame. He didn’t feel a slow burning pit in the depths of his gut, the simmer of fire licking up the back of his neck. He didn’t feel annoyance ticking in the back of his head with a timer constantly going off and resetting when the feeling settles down. He didn’t roll his eyes every time Linel Rhayme, a pantoran rebel fighter known as the new Pheonix-3, and you were in the same room together. No.
He wasn’t jealous.
I mean, how could he be? You can have other friends. You HAVE had other friends. HE’S had other friends. He can’t be jealous, it’s not possible.
It’s a horrible emotion that Jedi shouldn’t have.
He wasn’t jealous.
“Ezra! Focus.”, his master sternly said in a low voice, a hand clamping down onto his shoulder with a pressure he knows only as Kanan. Kanan leaned down a bit to make sure Ezra was listening. “Specter-7 will be fine. Now pay attention to this meeting, we have another mission we have to focus on.”
Ezra’s eyes darted away from you loading up Phantom II with supply crates in the distance. Your laugh rang out and echoed softly against the stone walls of the rebel base on Yavin IV, blending into the ambient bustle of noise around the area like a raindrop to a puddle.
Serene and unbothered, unlike the surface tension of the water.
Your pantoran friend laughed along with you, a voice that Ezra immediately tuned out with a quiet huff of breath. His… dislike (not jealousy!) of said rebel allowed him to be drawn back into the meeting at hand, focus no longer split up between two parts of the base.
Linel was assigned another mission along with you and you alone. Something that had to deal with intel and grabbing specific packages of important items that belonged to a few of the cultures being forcefully assimilated into imperial culture.
You, before having joined the Ghost crew at your young age, had been training on your planet to be a cultural anthropologist. You knew a lot of bits and pieces and important information about thousands of different groups along the outer rim, and being in the rebellion helped you hone that ability for even the smallest and most important tasks a rebel could have.
Bringing hope to people that they would stay, and not be completely wiped away from existence due to the Empire.
“Items hold a lot of importance, Ez.” You once told him. “It’s physical evidence of people, and creatures, and even planets alike that they exist. The empire wants to take that away from us too. I think everyone here knows that, to some degree.”
You were definitely an integral part of that mission. And Ezra couldn’t knock that. You would be able to differentiate what came from where, and help other rebels send it back to the places that those items came from.
His problem lies with Linel.
Kind of.
And the fact that you had to get close to Dathomir, where those witch-spirit-things were. And remnants of Night Sisters and who knows what else around the place.
He wished you didn’t need to go.
He wished that his mission with the rest of the ghost crew wasn’t on the opposite end of the Outer Rim.
He wished someone else was going with you, not Linel—
No, no, no.
That’s jealousy talking, you aren’t like that Ezra.
He sighed through his nose, thoughts clearing up the more he paid attention to Hera’s instructions on their mission. Infiltrating another important supply run of ammunition that the Empire was sending off to one of the other planets they took.
It was just as important as your mission.
He needed to focus on that.
The ride back to their temporary home on Yavin IV couldn’t go any slower than it did. The amount of alternate hyperspace routes the Ghost Crew had to take due to an increase of imperial vigilance was both annoying and astounding all on its own.
They - especially Ezra - could only hope that you were alright. You were a great flier, a great fighter even, trained underneath both Hera and Sabine themselves. They all know you can handle the heat when things get tough.
Their questions lie within the realms of of Linel could take it.
Hopefully he should, being a Pheonix-3 fighter who has flown under Hera’s command herself before. She has no doubt that he can handle a flying situation when he’s at the helm.
Of a one-manned ship, that is.
The crew could only hope that nothing went wrong, and things went as smoothly as they usually would go. (Not that smoothly, knowing their luck, but at least smooth enough to make sure you weren’t physically hurt.)
The moment the Ghost docked down on Yavin IV, Ezra quickly got off the ramp once it touched the ground. He jogged over to Aleksandr Kallus once he saw him, and slowed to a stop once he was close enough.
“Hey, Kallus—“, Ezra greeted, a little bit breathless on his rush to get over to him. “—any sign of Spectre-7 and Pheonix-3 yet?”
“Not yet, Bridger,” Kallus told him, earning a frown from Ezra. And a furrowed brow. Odd. But not out of character. “Don’t worry, Spectre-6, they just hit a small snag coming home.”
“Needed to take another hyperspace route, I’m guessing?”
“Not… exactly.”, Kallus sighed, partly out of annoyance. He had a task he had to get to; Ezra was taking up some of his time doing it. “Look, we’ll know properly when they come back. Their comms were a little garbled but I’m sure it’s fine, now, if you excuse me.”
He stepped around Ezra, going off into some other part of the base of his task. Ezra groaned quietly, shaking his head while walking back to the Ghost.
“What’d Kallus say about her?”, Sabine asked him, pushing a crate of unopened ammunitions his way.
Ezra took the floating crate, and moved it to join the pile of other crates in front of them. “Said she hit a snag coming home. They aren’t exactly sure what’s going on, either. Comms weren’t all that clear, apparently.”
“That’s… concerning”, Sabine said. A worried furrow crinkled the skin in between her brows when she took off her mandolorian helmet. She set it against her side with her arm slung over it. “I mean, I’m sure she’s fine and all, but he said nothing else?”
“Not a thing.”, Ezra crossed his arms in front of him, his hands lightly digging into the orange material of his jacket. It wasn’t much of a worried furrow that made his brow angle downwards as much as annoyance. Disdain, almost.
Kallus was still a little iffy on the trusting end for the both of them.
Sabine hummed in thought, eyes boring into the stone ground below them. “I’m sure we’ll figure out more when they both come back. Spectre-7 is always careful, especially on a mission that plays to her strengths. She’ll be ok.”
The mandalorian gave Ezra a comforting pat on the shoulder, one he gratefully took with a small and thankful smile, and walked back onto the ghost. Sabine took another ammunitions crate from Zeb, and pushed it down the ramp towards Ezra. He took the crate from her, looking back and forth between the ghost and where the Phantom II should be showing up, and continued on with his task of putting them all in a pile to be moved.
It should at least give him some time to stay calm. Distracting himself from the horrible flame of an emotion that sparked every time he thought of your mission, and who you were with.
He’s not jealous.
He’s not jealous.
He’s not jealous.
Concerned for your well-being, maybe.
But not jealous.
A roar of a smaller ship skidding harshly on the stone snapped the whole of the Ghost Crew out of their stupor. Their mundane task of unloading the ship ceased, a whole load of wide eyes - and lenses, in Chopper’s case - staring in a frightful concern at one of the most dangerous landings they’ve seen the Phantom II take yet.
Once the skidding stopped just before a whole weapons unit, the screams of other rebels scrambling away had trickled down into a lot of murmuring. Ezra took the first step and dashed down the ramp of the Ghost ship, followed by other concerned rebels who found their way over to the smoking engines of the Phantom II.
Ezra coughed, covering his nose with his elbow and opened the back door entrance with the force. He didn’t want to waste any time if you were injured.
You and Linel almost stumbled and fell out of the ship, coughs racking through your throats. Smoke billowed out of the back, and there was a chorus of shouts when you both got out of the ship.
“I told you to leave the flying to me—“, you said, wheezing out another cough. You shoved Linel’s side, and you heaved in air. Your hand snapped up to cover a gash - bruise? No, definitely a gash - on your right arm. Ezra was immediately at your other side, his right arm going under your left to help you up better.
Your tired eyes met his with a thankful nod, and he nodded back at you. The both of you turned towards Linel once he started speaking.
“I’m a better flyer than you! I fly more than you on the daily, Y/n!”, he snapped back, also wheezing out the smoke from his lungs. You scoffed at his words and stumbled a step closer towards your friend.
“Woah, careful—“, Ezra began. He promptly shut up the moment your accusatory finger from your injured arm pointed up at the pantoran.
“Shut up, Linel, I fly the Phantom II WAY more than you do. You had no idea what the hell you were doing when those damn imperials got there!”
Ezra blinked. He - wasn’t expecting the amount of disdain in your voice. The amount of venom spouting through your words and weaving through the air like an uncomfortable blanket.
“You wanted to take things slow, that’s not how I do things—”, Linel started.
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT - THAT’S ENOUGH, YOU TWO”, shouted another voice. Ezra, Linel, and you all flinched. Hera’s voice rung out in stern chords, silencing the yells that began to echo across the base. “That’s enough. Ezra, I want you to take Spectre-7 to the medical bay while Pheonix-3 tells me his version of what happened. Chopper, I need you to run specs on Phantom II, tell me everything we need to replace or get fixed. Sabine, Zeb and Kanan will go get what’s needed. Spectre-7 I’ll get a recount of your version of events later. Everyone understand me?”
A chorus of ‘Yes sir’s’, and ‘you got it’s’ and warbles from Chopper sounded off. Chopper headed closer to the damaged ship, Sabine, Zeb and Kanan following afterwards. Hera took Linel off to the side and sat him down on an empty crate, prompting him to tell her what happened on the mission.
Meanwhile, after Ezra was certain he glared holes into the back of Linel’s head, he led you carefully to the medical bay of the base. Your arm needed tending to, and he wanted - no, needed - to make sure you were ok.
“Alright, Spectre-7”, Hera began, walking into the room of the medical bay you resided in for the moment. “Spill. What happened during the mission?”
Ezra finished tugging the last of the bandage over the gash on your arm, and tucked the last sliver of gauze underneath the rest of it. You glanced over and let out a sigh, your eyes settling in on staring down at Hera’s shoes.
“The mission started off as planned.”, you started. Your good hand lightly picked at a rip against the seam of your pants, thick material rough against the tips of your fingers. They were comfier than they looked, that’s for sure.
“We got out of hyperspace near Dathomir, hid behind one of the asteroids nearby and cloaked our signature. The pirate ship - not from anyone we knew, that’s for sure - docked on the light cruiser and we flew close by and attached to the pirate ship as planned. Sabine’s implant on the ship from a couple weeks ago worked, we didn’t need to contact them inside. Bounty hunters were distracted, bucket heads distracted. Something about payments and other shit I wasn’t paying attention to.
“The crates were there, on the bounty hunter’s ship. And I wanted to take things slow. Take as much as we could for a run back, and then go back on it again for the rest. Linel stayed inside Phantom II to load in the crates as planned. On my second run things went to hell and back between the pirates and the imperials because of a mishap in their agreement and Linel almost took off without me!”
At this point your hands moved with your words. An angry astonishment still held into your words, a bitterness left by your best friend. One you wouldn’t think would betray you, but ended up doing any how.
The simmering spark of flame in Ezra’s gut flared again.
Now’s not the time for jealousy, he told himself.
“I had to leave half of the items there, and rush back on before the door closed. And because of how quick he left we got spotted by imperials, we fought over who’s going to fly and we fucked up the Phantom really badly. Got nicked by a bunch of TIE-fighters and we we finally got back here the atmosphere finally did those damages in. Most of what was in the crates still left in the Phantom II are as good as destroyed now, Hera!”
You finally looked up at Hera, and her eyes immediately softened. Not out if you being one of her soft spots of the rebellion. One of the kids she took under her wing. No, not just out of that. The pure look of anguish that you hid behind your irritation at Linel was there, clear as day.
You always loved caring and learning about other people.
Cultural items held a hand in that. Those were always important to you. Severely, almost.
“All those pieces - all those stories, maybe even people, gone. And it was his fault for being too impulsive and my fault for letting it get to me. It was like before I joined you guys, Hera - everything I fucking lost from my people I that promised to get back and didn’t. It’s all gone because we fucked up.”
You took a quiet breath, you shoulder bumping into Ezra’s. With a couple of blinks, you looked back down at Hera’s shoes, and wiped at the corner of one of your eyes, successful at keeping the dam that was your waterline of a lower eyelid at bay. “So… that’s all there is to it, General Syndulla.”
Hera sighed, and sat down on your left side, her hand gently settling down on your left shoulder. “Well, at least now I know that maybe some best friends shouldn’t be paired together.”, she lightly chuckled, and you let out a quiet scoff of a laugh.
That feeling isn’t jealousy.
Your pinky finger edged against Ezra’s on your right, and he tapped his against yours, both of you curling said finger around the other’s.
It’s anger.
“Linel’s going to be grounded here for a couple weeks”, Hera states, voice still as calming as ever. “I have to ground you here as well to save face, alright? I’ll have Chopper go over the mission logs and recordings made during it just in case, see which one of your stories are corroborated with it. Just in case.”
She said the last sentence in such a way that told you she was still on your side. And you couldn’t be more grateful to her.
“Now, about the gash?”, Hera asked.
“The landing”, both you and Ezra answered. The Twi’lek laughed softly at the two of you.
“I figured as much.”
“Hey, Linel Rhayme, right?”
Linel looked up from the data pad he was looking at, locking eyes with Ezra. “Oh, Commander Bridger. What’s up?”, he asked, letting his hands hang against his sides, datapad clutched into one of them.
“Nothing much,” Ezra said with a shrug. He leaned against the stone wall of the base, uncaring about the rough ridges digging into his back. “You and Y/n. Spectre-7. Best friends, right?”
“Right. The one and only!”, Linel answered, a nervous lilt slowly cantering into his voice. “Kinda messed up on that last mission though. We made up for it, I think. She’s still a little icy about it, but it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“Right.” Ezra said with a slow nod. “Well, kinda understandable when her best friend almost left her to fend for herself against both bounty hunter’s AND imperials. But I mean, you said it for yourself. Nothing you aren’t used to, right?”
Linel shuffled his feet. He was a couple inches further away from Ezra than he last stood.
“Look, Commander, it’s not like I had a choice. They would’ve grabbed us if I hadn’t started leaving—“, the pantoran began, brows beginning to furrow against his blue skin.
“—But, the thing is, you DID have a choice.”, Ezra cut off, eyes narrowed, darkened under the shade of the stone above them. His voice was calm and collected as his arms crossed in front of him. “You almost got captured regardless, and you put my partner in harms way. I don’t really take kindly to others that end up hurting the people I care about, you know.”
Ezra pushed himself off the wall, and walked closer to Linel. “Next time instead of spearheading your way to an impulsive decision like that on a mission under her lead, why don’t you listen to her instead, huh?”
He gave Linel a couple pats on his shoulder, and began to walk away.
“It’s not like you’re any better, Bridger.”
Ezra stopped in his tracks, not looking back at Linel behind him. He had more to say, so Ezra decided to wait until he said what he needed to.
“I’ve heard stories about how Commander Bridger of the great ship The Ghost was impulsive, and consistently put his teams into greater danger because of his decisions. Especially at the beginning.”, Linel said, a hint of malice lacing in between those words. “Don’t be a hypocrite and reprimand me for something I did that you’ve done multiple times.”
Ezra took a deep breath. “I may have been impulsive and done that a few times, especially during the beginning. I’m not knocking that in the slightest. But, they were never out of a selfish need to get away after I joined the Ghost. And I made sure I never left anyone behind if the situation allowed it.”
He turned back to Linel. “Can you say the same for yourself?”
“Be glad that my partner forgave you. That’s a trust you never want to try and earn back if you break it.”
Ezra turned away once again, not getting a sound out of Linel, and walked on. “Thanks for calling me out on my hypocrisy though. I’ll be sure to work on it.”
The pantoran could only watch the Jedi walk away.
Somewhere off in the distance was the rest of the ghost crew - minus you and Hera -!near Phantom II, checking it’s diagnostics and grabbing what was needed to replace it. Sabine caught a glimpse of Ezra talking to Linel, and excused herself from the rest of the group to grab some supplies they needed.
“You didn’t go too hard on the guy, did you?”, she asked Ezra when he walked by her. She had the hovering cart of supplies in her hands already, and pushed them with her while the two walked back to the broken down extension of the Ghost.
“I didn’t.”
Sabine raised a brow at her younger brother figure, a smirk rising onto her face at his shrug. She gave him a pointed look.
“I didn’t!”, he raised his hands (and his voice octave too), in mock surrender. “I swear.”
“Surreee you did.” The mandalorian rolled her eyes with a snort, looking ahead of them. “Sure.”
A long stretch of silence slid by them both as they walked, only broken by a quiet and reluctant scoff Ezra let out. “Like I’d ever let him get away with what he did with Y/n kriff free.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t let him either. Best friend or not.”
Ezra nodded in agreement.
“Best friend or not.”
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darksouls2yuri · 6 months
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old twi'lek oc
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andy-solo1 · 1 year
Bounty Hunter’s Tale
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Words: 1521
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They say that as you die your life flashes before your eyes. It’s like floating out of your body and watching everything you have done, every mistake, every victory, every heartbreak. How would I know this? Simple, I’m dying. 
Lying here on the ground, the noises around me are muffled as my vision of the world I feel I will be leaving soon fades around me, I find myself wondering, why. 
Why did my life lead to this? Is this all the galaxy had to offer me, after everything else it had put me through, this is how it ends?
I once pictured I’d go out in a bang, some way to cement my place and make sure people never forgot my name. I knew enough men like that to think it was possible for me too, but it seems the galaxy is very selective on who gets that honour. To the people of this world, I’m nothing, I'm nobody. 
Except, I wasn’t always a nobody. I used to be someone, I used to be known. I used to be loved. But, you wouldn’t know any of that, so maybe, this is why my soul still lingers for a few moments more, to make sure that somebody knows my story. 
My name was Dax Leopold, and this will be the story of love and loss, the story of how I died. 
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I’ll start our story at the beginning, not the very beginning, but the start of war. The start of when things in my life began to change. I was a bounty hunter by day and a smuggler by night, I never stuck around anywhere or anyone for long. Only connections I had were for jobs, but that day, that day set my life in motion. 
Dax sat in the cockpit of his ship, feet propped up on the dash as he stared out at the lights of hyperspace passing by. He always found the lights calming and enjoyed the peace of it all. However, his peace was interrupted by his comm beginning to ring. He let out a sigh and answered it, grinning when he saw the blue holographic figure appear. 
“Jango Fett, what can I do for you?” Dax asked the hologram. 
“Dax, I have a job for you if you’re interested.” Jango replied. Dax arched a brow in interest.
“Well you know I can never turn you down Jango, what’s the job?” 
“That’s more information than I’m willing to give out over a comm channel, meet with me at these coordinates and we’ll talk then.” Jango replied, Dax’s navigation computer lighting up moments later with the coordinates. 
“Well then, see you soon.” Dax quipped, turning off the communications before changing course. “Not like I had anything else to do today anyways.” The pantoran mused. 
Soon enough, Dax was landing his ship down next to one that was almost as famous as its pilot. Making his way off the ship, Dax made his way to the rendezvous point, a small cantina on the edge of the small town. 
Inside, it was easy for him to find the mandalorian so he sat himself down across from the warrior. 
“What was so important I needed to come here for?” Dax questioned, tilting his head at the helmeted man. 
“My employers have someone they need brought in, and you’re the best one for the job. I have my own work for them I need to handle.” 
“Alright, fair enough, but why specifically me? You have your network of hunters, including Cad Bane. And you know how I operate.” 
“I know, but you’re best for this because the person they want brought in is hiding out on Pantora. You’d blend in easier than I would, and this person has a habit of running off.” Jango supplied. Dax made a pained expression at the thought of going back to his homeworld, but he did understand that he would blend in better than any other hunter on the planet. 
“Alright, so where exactly am I bringing this person to once I get them?” Dax inquired. “Because you know I won’t kill them.” 
“I know you won’t, which is why you’ll contact me once you have them, and I’ll let you know then where to bring them to.” Jango replied. Dax nodded, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. The bleach blond strands mixed with the pink of his roots that were starting to grow out, messing up his normally neat hair style. 
“Sure you don’t got anything that doesn’t involve me going back home?” Dax questioned halfheartedly. He already knew he’d take the job, but still didn’t hurt to ask. 
“Unless you’ve changed your mind on killing people and are willing to assassinate a senator, then this is the only job I have for you.” Jango replied. Dax nodded and rose up from his seat.
“Send me all the data you have on the bounty then, I’ll contact you shortly once I have them.” He said, nodding a goodbye before turning on his heel and leaving.
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 Dax landed his ship down into the pantoran spaceport and looked around with disdain at his homeworld. He hated coming back here. He swallowed down his disgust and headed off the ship. One thing he enjoyed about being hired by Jango, the man was thorough. The information he’d transferred over to Dax told him everything about the target, including his favourite bar to frequent in the area. 
He knew these streets like the back of his hand, so finding the bar was the easy part. As he walked inside, he was glad he’d had the insight to change from his usual outfit of a worn brown jacket, work pants, and combat boots. Now he still wore his boots, but he wore just a simple pair of shorts with just an undershirt on, the collar unbuttoned. 
Eyes turned to him as he entered the bar, exactly like he’d wanted. A quick scan of the room, and he found his quarry easily, the Neimoidian standing out easily in the crowd of mostly pantorans. He caught the gaze of the man and threw a wink his way before heading over to the bar and sitting down. 
“What can I get you?” The lady behind the bar asked, flashing a smile at him. 
“Whatever’s got a strong kick darlin’.” Dax replied, flashing a smile back at her. She giggled and went off to get him a drink. Once he had his drink he took a few sips to take the edge off before making his way over to his target. 
“Don’t see many of your kind around here.” He greeted once he reached the man’s table. “Especially sitting here all on your own.” He added a flirtatious tone to his voice, which worked as the neimoidian gestured for him to take a seat. 
“Well not anymore.” The man replied. Dax grinned, sat down and got to work. 
It took him no time at all to flirt his way into getting the Neimoidian back to his ship, where once there, he stunned him unconscious and took off from the planet. Once he’d changed his outfit back he called up Jango. 
“Caught your bounty.” He said in way of greeting once the mandalorian appeared. 
“Didn’t expect any differently. I’m sending you coordinates now of where to take the target to. My employer will meet you there to take him off your hands and pay you.” 
“Understood. Got your coordinates and headed there now.” Dax replied before shutting off the comms. 
The fly to Serenno was short and soon he was just above the planet, passing his entry codes through to a droid before getting clearance to land. The Count’s home was a prominent and easy place to find as Dax soon landed his ship down. 
He walked off of the ramp and looked up at the Count himself who stood waiting for him. 
“My, all this fuss over me, I wasn’t expecting a full royal welcome.” He purred, grinning at the Count, “Your man is up inside the ship.” 
Dooku looked unamused by the pantorans jests as he sent some of his droids inside the ship to collect the Neimoidian. 
“You are just as good as Jango claimed you are.” Dooku conceded. “Your credits for getting the job done.” He gestured and a droid came forward, handing a case to Dax that he gladly took. 
“Pleasure doing business with you your lordshipness.” Dax grinned, giving a mock bow. “If you ever need me again, you know who to call.” He purred, turning and heading back into his ship, intent on heading off to enjoy his newly gained funds. 
I didn’t know it then, but Count Dooku would play a large role in my life. Not long after I had completed that bounty, word spread fast through the hunters guilds that Jango Fett was dead. I thought at the time with Jango gone, so too were my connections to the separatists and Dooku. But with the war now upon the galaxy, Dooku reached out to me again with an offer I really couldn’t refuse.
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kindasleepywriter · 9 months
The way to a droid's heart (Cal Kestis x BountyHunter!Reader)
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Based on this wonderful request. Always open to hearing more ideas!
Summary: Cal demonstrates what happens to those who mess with you. Warnings: Implied and explicit threats, that's about it Word count: 2.9k
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In all the years you’d known him, you’d never understood how Cal Kestis was still alive. When you had met him 6 years ago, you’d been just as idealistic and adventure-seeking as he was. The years that followed, however, had changed you and shaped you for survival. Dreams didn’t get you very far, not in the galaxy like this one.
You’d quickly lost hope of ever becoming a fighter pilot when you’d realized the few rebel cells were dropping like flies, all at the Empire’s hand. One lone pilot wouldn’t make a difference out there, you’d concluded, and from that moment you’d just tried not to end up as space rubble like your parents. You’d ended up as a bounty hunter instead, a damned-good one, and you took what joy you could while chasing bounties all over space.
Cal, on the other hand, never seemed to lose his ambition of defeating the Empire. Not that he’d ever told you that’s what he was doing, of course, but only a space slug could’ve been so blind as to not see it. He wasn’t exactly being subtle, making no effort to conceal the weapon at his side and giving his real name to anyone who might have asked. His ever-growing collection of scars didn’t portray him as a man who sat around waiting for change, either.
Perhaps you’d ask about them, one day.
You watched from the far end of a bar you’d never tried learning the name of, as a stoned-faced Pantoran you didn’t recognize spoke with Cal. You couldn’t quite hear their conversation but, with the way BD-1 had whizzed in boredom for a good 10 minutes before scurrying off to scan whatever he could find, you could deduce they weren’t exactly talking about their latest game of holo-chess.
You turned back to your drink, flipping up your hood and shaking your head softly at the man’s persistence. On the move, as always.
You were starting to come to terms with the fact that your contact wouldn’t be showing up. You’d already sighed watching your watch more times than you could count, annoyed at the inconvenience of flying so far into the outer rim for nothing. It had been a pain negotiating your meeting too, the contact insisting on you being alone with no weapons. You’d eventually faked giving in, choosing to keep your rifle and pistol on board your currently broken down S40K and instead hiding vibro-blades inside your boots.
The ship was already on its last legs when you got it, the only reason why you’d been able to pay, but the years had caught up with it in the last two months. You spent almost all of your money on maintaining it in the air, and you were running out of funds fast.  The anticipated need to buy another cheap but more reliable hunk of metal was what had caused you to pick up another bounty only a few days after your last.
Normally, you liked to spread out jobs over a few weeks to enjoy the credits you made, but the sputtering of your engines when you’d crash landed into this city’s landing dock had made clear you couldn’t afford the luxury this time.
You were nearing the bottom of your drink, trying to plan a way off this planet without mounting any more personal debts to anyone, when you felt a small nudge at your right foot. You looked down, expecting to see some rodent or pest trying to eat through your sole, but were instead met with a little red and white hyperactive droid.
You scanned the room quickly to make sure no one was looking, and stretched a hand in his direction so he could haul himself up onto the cushioned booth. He didn’t hesitate to scramble up your arm, emitting a few whizzes and beeps of thanks on the way.
“Hey, beedee,” you greeted him flatly. “Thought I finally managed to evade your scans this time; guess I was wrong.”
A low whistle and a trill.
“I know, I know, you see everything. It’s hard to forget when you always choose to remind me at least twenty times every time you find me.”
He emitted a series of approving noises, and you rolled your eyes at his cockiness. Where he’d gotten that attitude wasn’t a great mystery. He jumped on one foot, nudging at your coat’s pockets with the other, his eyes going in and out of focus audibly as he searched for god-knows-what.
You tsked. “Will you stop that!” you chided and swatted him away like you would a cat. “Yes, I brought you something from my last job, stop assaulting me for a minute and let me find the damn thing. And you better not tell your dad, I’m not letting him think I’m a softie just because I keep entertaining your crow tendencies.”
Suddenly the picture of good manners, the droid sat and wiggled his legs as he sent you a sweet melody. Manipulative little shit, you thought affectionately. He was annoying as could be, but the little guy was cute.
You fished out a shiny piece of silver metal from your breast pocket. You had made sure not to lose the small leaf-shaped brooch, the perfect gift for BD-1. Your last bounty had necessitated infiltrating an Imperial event, and you’d found the piece while snooping through an officer’s desk. You’d never been so happy to have preemptively messed with the camera feeds.
The droid whistled in excitement and bathed your hand in a green light. You tried and failed to fight the smile that braced your lips as you watched him dance around your palm. He scanned the object from every angle he could find.
Too focused on his reaction, you failed to notice the individual looking over your shoulder until his shadow dimmed the wall you were facing. Too late to react properly, you shut your hand as quick as you could and turned to look at the man. Kin Fobam. Another bounty hunter, a Pau’an, one that always found a new way to piss you off. Today would apparently be no exception. BD beeped in annoyance at your movement before noticing you had company.
“Well, well. It would seem our little bounty hunter has a penchant for jewels after all.” the man sneered at you.
You rolled your eyes and did your best not to flinch at the lack of personal space, his two-meter height trapping you without much breathing room. You could smell the alcohol he had consumed, but you didn’t need it to know he was intoxicated. At this time of night, he always was. You were already almost pressed to the wall of your booth with only enough space to keep BD behind you, so you stood your ground and straightened up as best you could. You kept the droid in place as he spat angry threats at Kin, unwilling to let him make the situation worse.
“Kin, don’t you know women love shiny things?” you mocked with an arched brow, “Maybe if you’d known that earlier, that lovely Iridonian wouldn’t have spat at you again for your advances last week. How’s your attempt at courting her going, by the way?”
You subtly held the metal pin in pinched fingers behind your back as his white face somehow turned even paler in anger, desperately hoping BD-1 would understand what you were trying to tell him. You almost sighed in relief when you felt him swiftly slide it out of your hands into his stim container.
Kin moved even closer to you, forcing you to lean over BD in a desperate attempt to gain some personal space. Your free hand instinctively reached for your hip but only found the weathered leather of your empty holster. Shit, you’d left your guns on the ship! You didn’t have the space to reach for your blades either, so you had no choice but to do it the old way.
You tensed, ready to headbutt the towering Pau’an out of your space, but you stilled when you felt cold metal brush against your skin in the small gap where your shirt and pants met. A blaster. Fuck. This is why you never left without a firearm.
“I wonder, if that piece of metal is worth so much to someone like you,” he growled, “then maybe you’d accept payment in other forms… as thanks for sparing your life today, hm?”
You cringed at the implication of his words but took a steadying breath. You’d insulted this guy in more ways than you could count over the years and you knew he could pull that trigger without a second thought, but you’d fought bounties that were bigger, angrier, and certainly more skilled. He wasn’t the first to try and extort sexual favors from you, nor would he be the last.
Your brain spun in circles, trying to come up with a plan that didn’t involve blaster fire passing through your right kidney and BD-1 in one fell swoop. You didn’t have to think for long, though.
Before you could make a move, a blinding orange light flashed between you and Kin, floating just underneath his chin. You could feel the heat from where you were, could imagine the pain its power wielded. The way the man’s white flesh turned pink at its proximity didn’t go unnoticed.
“How about I gift her with the loss of your life as an apology for letting her endure your dirty ass, Kin?” a smooth voice drawled, the speaker invisible to you with your still-focusing eyes, but you didn’t need to see him to know who it was. As if the lightsaber wasn’t already enough to identify him, but you’d know that voice anywhere too. You weren’t the only one, if the cheering beeps you heard behind you were any indications.
A smirk braced your features as the Pau’an gritted his sharp teeth, hesitating a second before raising his hands in a defeated manner. He demonstratively holstered his pistol to make sure his head wasn’t cut off at the movement and he slowly stepped back a few feet away. The lightsaber didn’t stray a single millimeter from him. His brows pinched in anger, and he looked expectantly towards you. “It was just a little bit of fun, right?” he said as he hissed in pain. “Nothing to get upset about.”
You chuckled at the attempt. “I don’t know, I’m thinking your head on a platter sounds pretty great right about now. Maybe I can find someone out here who’d enjoy some barbecued Pau’an. What do you think, Cal?”
Your heart skipped a beat when your gaze met amused grey eyes over Kin’s hunched shoulders. He winked at you, and you couldn’t help but bite your lower lip.
“I’m pretty sure that violates too many health codes,” he said, “you know, quality standards and such.”
BD whistled in agreement, scampering up onto your back and nudging the side of your head when you got up to lean against the side of your table.
“Too bad,” you sighed, crossing your arms, “maybe it could’ve bought me some new earrings.”
Cal laughed loudly, warmth spreading through your chest at the lovely sound before he closed a hand on the sweaty neck before him and brought his blade even closer to his chin. “The next time you even come within 20 feet of her,” he stated casually, loudly enough for the entire bar to hear and turn the heads of the few who weren’t already watching, “you won’t live long enough to say ‘womp rat’. Are we clear?”
Well, if your heart hadn’t been beating fast before, it sure was now. Never had a threat sounded so attractive before. You diverted your gaze. Get a grip, you reprimanded yourself.
BD-1 only encouraged him, a crackling sound buzzing entirely too close to your ear for your liking. When did he get a taser? You didn’t even want to know what he used it for, finding trouble with his new gadgets was a special talent of his.
Kin, now wide eyed, muttered an affirmative and a long line of fearful apologies, eager to escape the Jedi. Cal flicked off his saber and forcefully shoved him away. The Pau’an bolted out the door of the bar, running for his life, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his fear. BD reprimanded Cal for acting so late, beeps and squeals echoing through the room after the patrons returned to their usual business, but the red-haired man was only focused on you. Your skin heated at the attention.
“I could’ve dealt with him myself.”
He gave you a wide smile and stepped closer, no Pau’an separating you anymore. “Oh, I know. Wasn’t this much more fun though?”
The corner of your lips twitched, and you shrugged, softly shaking your head at his ever-lasting upbeat attitude. You uncrossed your arms, placing them behind you on the rusty table to comfortably lean back. “Still could’ve knocked him out faster without alerting every possible person of a Jedi’s presence here.”
“Give me a break,” he said almost sheepishly, reaching up a hand to scratch the back of his neck, “is a guy not allowed to show off to a pretty girl every once in a while?”
Your breath hitched on a single breath, caught off-guard. Sure, the two of you joked around all the time, but he’d never gone so far as to straight up flirt with you. You tried not to react, probably failing miserably at doing so.
He threw his head back in laughter, his reddened freckled cheeks showing more embarrassment that he let on. “I try.”
“Next time,” you said, striding past him, “if you really want to show off, perhaps you shouldn’t wait until there’s a blaster pointed at me before making your move.”  You had no idea how you kept your voice steady, and you couldn’t help but hear the rare softness of it. You were thankful that he couldn’t see how wide of a smile you currently wore.
He jogged to catch up, keeping pace with you as you headed for the docking bay. “I’ll keep that in mind” he chuckled.
You glanced back at the bar over your shoulder, and BD started emitting alarm noises from your other side, indignant at still being ignored. You patted his head, quieting him for a moment. “Where did your informant go?” you asked Cal. “Wouldn’t want to hinder your next side quest.”
“That was anything but a quest,” he said, “Just a boring old trade. Wouldn’t be so boring if you were there, though.”
A loud whistle of approval sounded above your shoulder.
“Hey, calm it, up there!” you exclaimed, using another opportunity to escape from answering. “I’ve only got two eardrums, let’s not break one of them.”
BD whistled again at a lower volume, followed by a barely audible series of sounds.
“Yeah, weak organics my ass,” you muttered. “We’ll talk about how great being a droid is the next time you bend your antennas and come running to me.”
Cal’s soft laugh caught your attention once more. He was watching you both with such a fond smile... Your heart squeezed at how soft he looked, for once not rushing towards something and instead enjoying the moment.
As you neared your ship, small tendrils of smoke still escaping the upper vents, he looked at his watch when it suddenly started beeping, and he made a face. “I’d love to hear the rest of your arguing, but we have to go. A revolution doesn’t fund itself.” he said. He looked up at the droid sitting on your shoulders. “Yes, beedee, that means you. Hop on.”
Cal held out an arm, BD begrudgingly taking his usual spot on his shoulders, spitting menacing sparks at the jedi along the way. The latter looked towards you with a flicker of hope as he stepped backwards towards the back of the hangar where the Mantis stood. “Can I convince you to join me this time? Still got an extra bunk if you want.”
“I don’t think you want me and beedee on the same ship 24/7, Cal. Anyways, I’ve told you before, I can’t just discard my old one.”
He stared at your smoking Hawk-Class before he turned to you unimpressed. “That thing can’t even fly.”
“It can! I just need to fix the cooling mechanism and-”
“And the hull, the reactors, the hyperdrive, the-” he continued, amused at your stubbornness.
“Okay, okay,” you scoffed, “you’ve made your point. Might as well drop it here, I guess. I could hitch a ride, if you’re heading towards the inner rim, but I’ve got approximately nothing to give in payment for the fuel.”
BD startled you with a burst of binary, so fast you couldn’t hear him. Cal looked at you sharply.
“You’ve been giftinghim things?” he exclaimed.
“You utter snitch, beedee!”
The droid whistled at you disapprovingly and loudly shot the brooch from his stim compartment right into Cal’s hands.
“I can’t believe you,” you continued, “the one thing I told you-”
You fell right back into your argument with the droid.
Cal tilted his head back in loud laughter and threw an arm around your shoulders as you whisper-yelled at BD-1, leading you towards the Mantis. “We’re going to have so much fun.”
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Getting side-tracked by BD1? In my supposedly Cal-centered fic? It's more likely than you think.
This was pre-realtionship like my last Cal fic because tbh i have trouble setting up the change from friends to lovers without writing a whole novel, but I have some ideas roaming around my head I'd like to write. We'll see how that turns out!
Tell me what you think, and check out my masterlist!
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obsessed with the thought of mirialan & pantoran tattoos & skin colors mixing. so.
i have no names for them all i know is that i love them. maybe they run a little shop. maybe a little weapons shop that bounty hunters frequent. maybe our gal dressed in purple falls for a certain pink twi'lek that visits the shop on occasion.
238 notes · View notes
awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Viral Vector Chp.1 (Echo X Reader)
Another addition to Caduceus. We've hit The Bad Batch now! This may be a bit of a brief series, but we'll see!
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Chapter 2.
Galactic Empire
TW: Order 66, death, shooting, Jedi genocide, mention of blood and gore, reader insert, Reader is gender neutral, Reader a medical scientist, Echo x Reader, a bit of a slow-burn though
Minimally proofread and edited LOL
Minors DNI
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Definition: a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.
Living organisms. Humans. Pantorans. Twi’leks. Togrutas. Many more species in the wide Galaxy.
And clones.
Clones of Jango Fett. a Mandalorian bounty hunter with a strong paternal instinct and superior fighting skills. 
Handsome too, but you try not to let anyone know. 
Kamino, your home and workplace as a medical scientist, did not see clones as living beings. Most of your colleagues viewed them as property. A notion that went against everything you knew with ethics and morals. 
Even if you weren’t technically a part of the cloning experiments, you still interacted with many of them daily. Afterall, along with your lab and research, Shaak Ti had put you and several others incharge of running a clinic for the clones. 
Your place was taken from a lower level Hospital on Coruscant and put all the way to Kamino at the Jedi’s request. Once the war had begun, they wanted several non-Kaminoan doctors overseeing the clones' health as they grew and trained. You, along with a few others, had volunteered to stay on the stormy planet. To you, this was an escape away from the dark, crime filled low levels of the Republic planet. 
Apparently the Jedi tried to stress ethics to the Kaminoans, only for their words to fall on deaf ears. So, the compromise was the clinic.
You mostly saw cadets with bruises from tussling with batchmates, training accidents and occasional sicknesses their rapidly developing immune systems couldn't handle. Rarely did you receive any true emergencies, but it was fine. Less emergencies meant more time for you to research. 
It was medicine. Created specifically to slow a clones ' accelerated aging.
It was a secret. One that you were careful not to tell anyone. 
Well…Except for Omega. 
The little girl was a helpful assistant. Nala Se didn’t like her going out of the lab, so you meeting her was entirely an accident. She hid in your office months ago during a surprise lockdown. Apparently a clone had triggered a false alarm, but no one knew that at the time. 
Ever since then, when Nala Se didn’t have her, she wanted to spend time with you.
Right now, she was with you and Rig Nema, a Jedi healer. The older woman had come to visit Kamino at the request of Shaak Ti. You weren’t entirely sure why, but she seemed interested in your clinic.
“How many patients do you see in a day?” The Jedi asked as she helped you tend to Rein, a Kamino guard who, unfortunately, was hit by the shrapnel of an exploded training droid. 
“It can vary,” You informed her with a smile, “depending on when specific batches train. Some are more prone to injuries than others.”
“Like Clone Force 99?” Omega chimed in from where she was organizing some medicine for you.
Rig tilted her head, silently asking you to explain. 
“Genetically different clones.” You explained quickly, “They had genetic mutations that gave them…advantageous traits.” They were your friends. Having developed a rather close relationship with them since they were often at Kamino. 
Especially Echo. The ARC trooper had always been polite and kind to you. He’d visit your clinic first whenever Force 99 had returned from a mission. You were already friendly with the other members of the squad when he officially joined them.  His addition was welcome, and you treated him with the same amount of respect as you did the rest of them. It helped him feel welcome, even normal after everything he went through on Skako Minor.
She nodded in understanding. The Jedi was about to speak before an alarm blared. The lights overhead turned red, bathing everywhere with crimson. In between the high pitched beeps, a gravelly, unfamiliar voice announced.
Execute Order 66. 
You looked around confused, stepping away from the clone on the medical bed. What the hell was Order 66? The beeping stopped just as quickly as it started, but the lights were still a deep red.
Beside you, Rig stumbled back, gripping her head. You were at her side, hands holding her arm firmly. She was weak all of a sudden, and worry washed over you.
“Ms. Rig?” Omega approached, looking concerned. She had abandoned her task, and approached the two of you. 
“I got her.” You informed the blonde child, “Omega, go to the back of the room and hide behind the scanner. Can you do that?”
She nodded and rushed back, getting out of sight quickly.
You weren’t sure what was happening, but you’d be damned if anything happened to Omega.
“The Force…” The woman in your arms was trembling, “It's…It's weeping.” 
Your hands squeezed her arm, “Stay with me, Jedi.” You lead her to the bed across from Rein, who was already standing. He seemed ready, tense and prepared to fight if needed.
It was a relief, having a trained guard. Once he was up, you turned to see him holding a laser scalpel. Your brow furrowed and you spoke, “Rein…What are you-”
“Good soldiers follow orders.” He mumbled coldly, twirling the medical instrument in his hand, “The Jedi have committed treason against the Republic. Step aside or you will be executed.” His steps were slow and deliberate.
“Rein, what…?” Your confusion was palpable. You tried to get between him and the Jedi healer behind you, “Slow down, whats-”
The clone guard grabbed your shoulder and shoved you out of the way. He used enough force to cause you to stumble, hands and knees hitting the sterile white tiles. You looked up as soon as you heard the Rig and Rein scuffle.
“Get back!” Rig shouted. She raised a hand, lifting him with the Force. Her free hand activated her bright green lightsaber, “Why are you doing this!?”
“Good soldiers follow orders.” Rein repeated, raising a shaky hand to make a weak attempt at a stab. She, however, raised him higher before throwing him into the wall.
You heard a crack and Omega yelp from her hiding spot.
Before you could speak, the healer panicked. She ran out of your clinic, lightsaber ready. However before the door fully closed, you saw Kamino guards with their blasters aimed, as if waiting for her.
The sound of multiple rifles firing pierced your ears through the door. After the barrage of noise, there was the thump of a body hitting the metal floor of the hall. Then silence.
“What…” You scrambled to your feet and shot to the door. It slid open and you nearly tripped over Rig’s smoking corpse. She had been riddled with blaster bolt holes. Her eyes were still wide with terror, and her lightsaber was tight in her palm. Blood began to surround her, staining the once white floors.
All around you were clones. Those you recognized. Those you treated. But they looked…empty. Their helmets were on. Their blasters were steady. 
“Doctor,” Captain Silvo lowered his gun, “Did this traitor harm you?” 
“What…What is going on?” Even the Captain sounded unlike himself. It seemed like every clone had their personality stripped away, leaving only husks. 
What the fuck was going on!?
“The Jedi have committed treason against the Republic.” He answered, repeating Rein’s words. He motioned for the others to lower their own weapons, “We were given orders to execute them.” 
“The Jedi…as in…All of them?” 
“Yes, Doctor.”
It felt like the floor beneath you collapsed. The Jedi. Peacekeepers. Were ordered to be executed?
Omega had crawled from her hiding spot, and you turned, raising a hand to her, “Stay back. Close your eyes and stay right there.” You didn’t want her to see…Rig.
Kamino suddenly felt…cold. Empty. Everyone around you, your former friends, were now strangers. 
“I..I see Captain.” You swallowed. Your instincts were screaming at you to run. But Omega was behind you. She could be in danger if you acted out, “Well…I…I’m glad none of you were…hurt by the…traitor.” 
The word barely managed to leave your mouth. You swallowed thickly.
“There is still more out there. But they will be brought to justice.” He answered your statement with coldness. 
Your nod was stiff, “Thank you, Captain.” 
“Return to your duties, Doctor.” He turned swiftly before commanding his men, “Spread out, there are more Jedi on Kamino. Find them and execute on sight. You three, get this body covered and out of the way.” 
You were shaking when you turned back into your clinic. the door closed behind you, and there was silence. The light switched back and you blinked, adjusting your eyes to the sudden lack of crimson.
Omega stared at you, wringing her hands and looking so small. Wordlessly, you knelt and she ran into your arms for a hug.
You waited as you held her. Until you didn’t hear the plastoid boots outside. Until you didn’t hear the shuffling of Rig’s body being taken. Until you were certain the chaos had passed.
You waited until Nala Se walked into the clinic, “There you are.” She sounded as steady and emotionless as ever, “Come. There is still work to do.” 
Behind her were two clones, both wearing the identifiable Coruscant red. 
Shock troopers.
“Nala Se…?” You looked at the Kaminoan, “What…happened?” 
“The Jedi have betrayed the Republic.” She stated, repeating things you already knew, “They are being hunted and executed.” 
None of this made sense…
You squeezed Omega before letting her go to follow your boss. She gave you a sad look but remained silent as she stepped behind Nala Se. Wordlessly, you watched as the two of them walked out of your clinic. Once they were gone, you grabbed your holo, attempting to get a hold of your other colleagues. 
Silence. The others, those you came to Kamino with, didn’t answer. 
Assuming the worst, you tried to seek them out. Your assumptions were half-correct. Some of them were killed, either by interfering or cut down by panicked Jedi. Others you managed to catch in the hangar before they left to go back home. 
“The war is over, we’re leaving before Nala Se fires us officially.” Doctor Ulluk stated, stepping on the transport. You debated on going with them. Leaving the cloning facility behind, but before you could move, another ship touched down. 
The Marauder. Clone Force 99. 
You stepped back, watching your colleagues and friends leave Kamino.
The troopers, Guard, Shiny and Shock, shuffled and moved around. They resembled droids, emotionless and empty as they walked in line. Announcements rang out from the intercom system, directing them. No one bid you any mind.
Level five lockdown remains in effect. Security teams report to the command center.
You walked towards the ship slowly, waiting until the clone force stepped off. Once they did, you approached.
Hunter stepped down first, brown eyes scanning the area. He was alert, guarded yet calm. He gave a questioning look to you when he was on the Kaminoan floors. Wrecker was the same, but more curious than tense, he gave a friendly wave. Tech was beside him, unsurprisingly tapping a datapad. Crosshair looked uninterested, bored even, at the state of Kamino.
Once Echo Stepped down, he saw you and got to your side first, “You look spooked.” He was concerned, looking your form over for any injuries, “What happened?”
“Doctor, do you know what's going on?” Hunter got beside the ARC trooper, “This…isn't a drill.”
“Oh, man. What did we miss now?” Wrecker huffed, crossing his arms. 
A shock trooper, one with a datapad, stopped and answered, “The end of the war.”
The sergeant turned to him, “Say again, trooper?”
He answered, voice flat and emotionless, “General Grievous was defeated on Utapau. The Separatist leadership has collapsed. The war is over.” Behind him, two other clones were pushing a wheeled autopsy table. Draped over it was a white sheet, covering the body underneath.
Your eyes widened, watching as it passed. You were frozen, hyper focused on who was on the table.
“Just like I said.” Tech barely looked up from his datapad. His eyes roamed the screen, uninterested in the world around him.
Wrecker gasped, “It is like you said!”
Crosshair and Tech both rolled their eyes.
A lightsaber rolled from the autopsy table and hit the floor with a clatter. A hand, Rig’s hand, slipped out, confirming it was her under the sheet. 
Your throat tightened as the Shock trooper knelt and picked up the Jedi weapon, “Is there a problem?”
Hunter answered first, “No problem.” He looked to his squad before continuing, “We'll just head to our barracks then.”
The trooper nodded, continuing to walk, “Best hurry. There's a mandatory general assembly at 1500.”
Echo put a gloved hand to your shoulder, “Doc?” 
“That was Rig,” You whispered, “I watched them…they just…”
“Stay calm.” Hunter’s harsh, hushed tone snapped you out of your state, “Explain everything once we have some privacy.”
With a nod, you followed them to their barracks. Echo was at your right, and Crosshair was at your left. Occasionally Hunter would cast a glance back to you, as if making sure you were still present. Wrecker and Tech were behind you. The squad encircled you, as if intending to protect you. 
“Are you ok?” The ARC trooper leaned closer to whisper, “did anyone hurt you?” He was protective. Ever since you met him he’s always tried to keep you safe. 
Really all the clones had the drive to protect. To fight and defend. But after….after order 66….
That instinct was gone now. From all of them.
You shook your head and were about to speak when a shock trooper snapped, “Where do you think you're going, doctor?” He wore the standard painted red armor. There was a rifle in his hands as he spoke to you. 
You froze and damn near jumped out of your skin when he demanded an answer. Echo stopped beside you, as did the others of his squad. 
“I…They..” Your voice was lost, and after a quick clearing of your throat, you gave a proper answer, “Examining Clone Force 99. They’ve just returned from their mission and…”
“There is a Level Five Lockdown in effect.” The trooper stepped towards you, “All nonessential personnel are to go to their quarters and remain until the all clear is given.” 
You hated pulling rank, but in the hierarchy of Kamino, you stood above most clones, “Excuse me,” your tone became stern, hiding your shock from earlier. With a quick movement, you had your I.D out and nearly shoved in the clone's helmet, “I head the clinic in medical wing B. I am essential personnel. If it's such an issue for me to be out, you can take it directly to Nala Se.”
After a second, the Coruscant Guard stepped back, “My apologies Doctor. Continue on your way.”
Echo shared a look with you, “Are…you allowed to be with us?”
“No.” you admitted once the guard was out of earshot, “But I…I’m scared. I don’t want to be alone.” It felt like you were in the ocean, surrounded by predators. All they needed was a single drop of blood before they attacked.
Would they gun you down like they did the Jedi? Or would they opt to throw you in a cell? Would they try to mind-wipe you the same way many of their brothers had been? 
Your pace was hurried once you got to their barracks. The door slid open, and Crosshair damn near shoved you inside. Hunter caught you and gave the sniper a harsh look. 
Their barracks were messy but homey. There were posters and used targets on the walls. There were scribbles and doodles carved into the once shiny metal. Tables had droid pieces, tools and other projects that Tech most likely worked on. 
It was…personalized. Very Un-Kaminoan.
Hunter was about to speak when his comrade cut him off.
Wrecker walked past you, letting out a small cheer, “Ah! Good to be back!” He stretched his large arms above his head, entirely missing your state, “Well, I'll get the board. Eleven more successful missions.”
“Kaller wasn’t a win,” Hunter softly chastised his brother. He wanted to hear what you had to say, but Wrecker chimed in again to argue.
“Says who?” The larger clone turned, facing the team leader, “We completed our objective.”
“Not every objective.” It was Crosshair that spoke, not allowing you to talk, “Hunter let that Jedi kid escape.” His arms were crossed, glaring at the long haired sergeant, “Or do you want to keep lying to us?”
“E-even the padawans?” Your throat tightened. Horror washed over you all over again. Nausea slammed into your stomach, and you nearly dry heaved. You slapped your hand over your mouth and bent slightly. 
Children were executed too?
Echo’s arms were around you, “Everyone, shut up!” He snapped, “None of this makes sense!” His angry gaze was trained on the sniper, clearly not happy he wanted a padawan dead, “Those clones served alongside General Billaba for years. How could they have turned on her like that?”
“Because of the regs programming,” Tech finally spoke up, hands tinkering with a small robotic project.
You looked up at the intellectual clone, realization dawning on you. 
Months before this, Kamino was put on lockdown. A clone and a Coruscant doctor had infiltrated the labs and went through genetic files searching for something. To your knowledge they were trying to cure another clone from a disease of some type. 
The trooper had died anyway. And according to the news from Coruscant, once the ARC trooper and doctor left, the clone had gone insane and killed the doctor before trying to assassinate the Chancellor. 
It was shared with the medical team that every clone had a bio-mechanical chip in their brains. You were told that the chip was planted to help the clones deal with the stresses of war. What caused the ARC trooper to go insane was a breakdown of said chip. In his insanity, he killed the doctor.
But now it was clear, you had been lied to. 
“It's been well documented that the Kaminoans inhibited the cognitive functions of clones to engineer them to follow orders without question,” Tech continued, “The good doctor here can confirm.” His eyes were on the small trinket he was working on.
You nodded, “I…I think…Yes. But I’d need to confirm. Check some records…” You straightened, still feeling sick to a degree, “All the clones were programmed to kill Jedi after being given an order.”
Wrecker furrowed his brow, “If that's the case, why weren’t we affected?” 
“Obviously, we are different,” The intellectual clone picked up a small screwdriver and continued to tighten something in his project, “They manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA, resulting in your brute strength, Crosshair's sharpshooting skills, Hunter's enhanced senses and my exceptional mind.”
“Those differences make you immune.” You looked at Echo. He still kept a hand on your shoulder, something you appreciated, “And Echo, most likely what happened to you on Skako Minor…it might have affected the chip. So the order didn’t affect you either.” 
He sighed and looked down, “Lucky me…” However, his eyes met yours again, “All the Jedi executed, even…”
“Most likely General Skywalker too. I’m sorry, Echo.” You raised a hand to squeeze his shoulder before pulling him into a comforting hug. 
He told you stories of Skywalker. How he was a good, if adventurous general. How he cared for his men deeply enough to risk everything for them. 
And now…the Jedi general was most likely dead too. Shot in the back by the very troopers he fought alongside.
You hoped, for Echo’s sake, he was alive and in hiding. 
The former ARC trooper accepted the embrace before he pulled away, turning to look out the window. You could see the storm of emotions in his soft brown eyes. Hunter was about to speak, most likely offer words of sympathy, but he had been cut off by an announcement over the PA system.
All personnel report to the staging area for a briefing on the state of the Republic.
You shared a confused look with Wrecker. That was sudden…
“This is one meeting I don't want to miss,” Hunter shrugged and began to walk out of the barracks. 
“First time for everything.” Crosshair snarked, following the sergeant. 
You followed the others before bidding farewell and going to your designated place. Your thoughts overwhelmed your mind and you nearly walked right into Nala Se’s back when you met up with her and Omega.
The young girl greeted you happily and grabbed your hand. She smiled up at you, “Good to see you, doctor!” 
Your smile was small but you were relieved to know that she seemed to handle the rapid change well enough, “Glad to see you, Omega. Are you alright?” 
She nodded, but remained silent when Lama Su joined you three.
You were behind the heads Kamino. The scientists and leaders you reported to walked steadily to the observation deck. None of them seem bothered from the chaos just hours before. No one seemed to care that Shaak Ti was gone…
Was she dead? Did Commander Colt shoot her down? Or did she escape and survive? 
You were so deep in thought you missed the entirety of the beginning of the briefing. In fact, you didn’t even register that it was Chancellor Palpetine announcing the news. By the time you snapped into focus, he was already giving a speech. 
“and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated.” The holo echoed around the large staging area. “The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you. My resolve has never been stronger!”
Troopers stood in line. You could easily spot clone force 99. Their black and red armor was stark against the white plastoid of the other soldiers. 
“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability the Republic will be reorganized,” Palpetine continued, and you perked up. 
“into the first Galactic Empire!”
Immediately troopers began to cheer. Many raised their fists in celebration, however, some of them looked around as if confused, entirely shocked by the news.
Your head spun, no longer hearing the speech. 
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thehollowprince · 2 months
Build a Bounty Hunter With Me!
Let's keep it going with some other staples of Star Wars.
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ladydancing · 7 months
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Rania Chera and Tizz Uuram ready for action by @jun-c
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sabellart · 2 years
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i….yeah i have no excuse for making this
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bolithesenate · 2 months
Alone, desire and failure for Pev'la!!!!
Pev'la my beloved! Thanks for the ask :D
Alone - how does she deal with loneliness/has she ever been completely alone/how does she act when no one is around
Before Tipit was born, there were moments where she indeed was factually alone. Una - her younger sister - is the breadwinner of their family and quite often off-planet on bounty hunter business and after their ba'buir died( the woman who adopted them and dragged them to Coruscant in the first place) that only got more frequent. Pev'la herself isn't the most social mando out there and so she doesn't really have many friends, close or otherwise. She only started the eatery around the time of Tipit's birth, during the period where Una wasn't able to go out on hunts, to at least get some money in. It forced her to become a bit more social, even though that was an uphill battle.
Pev'la never was a talented fighter and so she's very self conscious about her status as a mando'ad when she's around other, more active warriors. In fact, she and her sister originally were raised in a pantoran nunnery that was very spiritual and had a big focus on self-restraint and conscious living. Some parts of that ideology still linger in her, even though it's been like two decades since they left.
So it is more comfortable for her to be alone, sometimes. She doesn't feel like she has to pretend to like the parts of mando culture she feels little connection to.
But ever since she's Tipit's main caretaker , loneliness isn't really a factor anymore anyways.
desire - what's one thing she wants more than anything in the world/is she open with that desire/what would she do to fulfil it
Pev'la doesn't really wish for many things in life (apart from the death of every tax auditor on Coruscant during tax season). at least not for herself.
Her main desire in life is to see her niece grow up healthy and maybe that Una was more of a part in her life. But she is very aware of the fact that her chances of actively influencing these things arw rather limited.
She would still kill a man for Tipit though. She has killed for Una.
failure - what is her greatest failure/has she been able to move past it/does anyone know about it
I think the biggest failure she percieves is all the little ways she doesn't fit into mando society. She lives at it's edges, consciously of that choice, yet she has a sister and a niece that are basically picturebook mandos.
Una knows this about her and she doesn't agree with her sister. She claims that Pev'la is plenty mandokarla in her own right, and that not every mando has to fight.
(but Una doesn't quite remember that Pev'la's discomfort with fighting and the life of a bountyhunter was the reason their ba'buir took them away from the greater Clan and moved to Kih'keldabe. Pev'la does. And sometimes she hates that she was the reason that Tipit now only knows Coruscant's metal jungle and will never get the joy of spending her childhood on a planet with actual flora and fauna)
(THIS Una doesn't know. It's a secret that followed their ba'buir to the grave and will follow Pev'la to hers, because there is no way she'll ever tell anyone about this)
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legofanguy · 4 months
Star Wars Sapphic Week High Republic
A Star Wars The High Republic fanfiction featuring my original characters Sola Kulvai in a late entry for @starwarssapphicweek day 4 High Republic AU. This is set after the destruction of the Starlight Beacon.
Pantoran Jedi Knight Sola Kulavi check the cargo of the damaged cargo ship. It seems to be shot down by the Nihil whose start taking control of parts of the Outer Rim after they destroy the Starlight Beacon. Sola is trying all she can keep the peace in the memory of her late master.
Sola see a Mandalorian woman looking around the wrecked ship and draw out her indigo colored lightsaber as she order, "Stop right there!" and the Mandalorian turn to see the Jedi and said in surprised, "Sola?" The Jedi recognized the voice and ask, "Rai." and the Mandalorian take off her helmet to show herself to be a female human and said to the Jedi, "It's good to see you alive, Sola. I arrived too late to save this ship and have to find the ship records to find the ones whose did this. Let's talk for a bit." Sola nod while the butterflies in her stomach start turning again, just like when they first meet when Rai was hired to help their Pathfinder team.
The two women sit down next to each other with Rai telling the Jedi Knight, "With the Nihil increase their attacks, things has gotten crazy and I and many bounty hunters in this region of space find ourselves getting more jobs than usual. I guess it take the Jedi getting a huge blow for the people to turn to the lawless..." only to notice Sola upset and said, "Master Lamon... He was killed... when Starlight Beacon was destroyed..." and the shocked Rai said, "Oh. Oh, Sola. I'm so sorry." The Pantoran Jedi look at Rai in the eyes and the two lovers kiss, with them forgetting about the galaxy for a moment, just them.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
I was tagged by @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 and @sinfulsalutations thank you guys!
This is from the first chapter of "The Captain and the Shadow", the Rex x Jedi reader series I've mentioned in the past. I promise I haven't forgotten about it, it's just been put to the back burner for awhile 😅
Rex did take the moment to examine you a little more closely, though. Your garb was…actually just the slightest bit reminiscent of jedi robes, though he knew no one would make that connection unless they knew your true identity. The clothes also succeeded in hiding everything about you, the androgynous fit giving away nothing of your gender, age, or even species.
When you reached the last door of the second floor, you tossed another credit chit to a pantoran man leaning against the railing. “Make sure we aren’t disturbed,” you ordered, before opening the door to a private room.
They all stepped in after you, and Echo sealed the entry shut the moment they were all in. The room was small, with a booth of benches and table at the center that might transform into a bed with some work.
“The room’s been sound sealed,” you said, and the more that heavily modulated voice spoke, the more he started to liken it to a metallic growl. “We can speak freely in here, Anakin.”
The general took that as an invitation to remove his head gear and the rest of them followed suit one by one. When Rex and his brothers tucked the bounty hunter helmets under their arms (as was habit with their own armor) the visor of yours snapped to them.
“Clones?” you asked, “the council let you bring clones?”
Ahsoka, who had just removed her mask, narrowed her eyes at you. “This is Captain Rex, and ARC troopers Echo and Fives. They’re some of the best men you’ll ever fight beside!”
“Snips,” Anakin warned, just as you chuckled- or at least, that’s what it sounded like through the modulator.
That’s when you reached up and lifted your own helmet. Rex was rarely taken by surprise anymore, he wasn’t sure what he had been expecting under that bucket, but when your face was revealed, he found himself caught off guard. And he didn’t even know why.
“I see your apprentice is just as sassy as you, Ani,” you said with a grin, your real voice finally shining through, “I didn’t mean any offense by it.” That's when you turned to face Rex and his men, “I’m just surprised the council let troopers in on such…delicate jedi business.” You held out your hand to Rex, “pleasure to meet you, Captain.”
I'm 99% sure everyone I would have tagged has been tagged already! but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!!
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