#Paula Snow
willstafford · 8 months
In and Out
HOUSE and GARDEN The Crescent Theatre, Birmingham, Saturday 3rd/Sunday 4th February 2024 That ever-ambitious lot at the Crescent have chosen to mark the theatre’s centenary by staging Alan Ayckbourn’s double-bill, where two plays run simultaneously, one on the main stage and the other in the studio, but (here’s the rub) there is only one cast between the two.  When someone leaves the house,…
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Les dejo este video a los que dicen que La sociedad de la nieve es una copia de Viven
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artgate-blog · 5 months
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Paula Rego
snow white swallows the poisoned apple
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ellebarnes90 · 2 months
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warnings: fluff, romance, não revisado, curtinho, a loba (pra mim) tem a mesma aparência da Ana Paula Arosio (sou obcecada nela rs) , blurb
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Enzo te conheci há pouco tempo, mas desde que pôs os olhos escuros em você ele não podia negar que você tinha uma beleza divina. Era viciante olhar para você e às vezes ele tinha que se esforçar para desviar o olhar, ficava hipnotizado por você.
Tinha te conhecido através de alguns amigos, os mesmos que também te chamaram para viajar com eles resultando no uruguaio ficando cada vez mais obcecado por você.
Agora, na neve, você conversava com Fernando sentindo a neve macia e gelada pelo fato de estar sentada nela. Enzo observava de longe com a câmera nas mãos, fotografando o lugar mas sempre olhando para você.
Ficava perdido na imensidão do azul de seus olhos, desejando que um dia você olhe para ele como ele olhava para você. Te vendo levantar e abraçar os próprios braços tentando se cobrir do frio, ele se aproximou e sorriu ao receber um olhar gentil seu.
O jeito que você olhava as árvores com as folhas congeladas hipnotizava ele, seu rosto tranquilo e delicado com as bochechas vermelhas assim como os lábios — graças ao frio —, os olhos azuis que ficavam mais claros que o normal por conta do reflexo do sol e o cabelo escuro que realçava ainda mais a sua beleza...tudo isso só fazia o desejo dele por você se intensificar.
Ele queria tanto registrar esse momento que involuntariamente ergueu a câmera e a posicionou, tirando uma foto sua. Ao ouvir o click você se virou para ele, o vendo abaixar a câmera e te olhar.
— Tirou uma foto minha? — o perguntou com um sorriso gentil, se aproximando dele
— Desculpa, é que...— ele riu envergonhado — você tava tão linda que eu não consegui me segurar
Você riu, segurando a câmera pendurada no pescoço dele você olhou a pequena telinha, vendo a tal foto e de fato, você estava linda. O olhando de novo você observou o rosto dele.
— Hm... você é um ótimo fotógrafo. Adorei a foto, depois me manda ela, pode ser?
— C-claro
— Gracias — inclinou a cabeça ficando admirada pelos olhos dele — Quién sabe, tal vez algún día te contrate como fotógrafo
— Seria um prazer — respondeu com a voz mais tranquila, um pouco mais aveludada
Você ia dizer algo, mas ouviu Fernando te chamando de longe querendo te mostrar algo, se virando para o uruguaio novamente você largou a câmera e se afastou dois passos, se virando para ir embora mas parando por um momento.
— Seus olhos são lindos...— o elogiou com a voz mais baixa e sedutora, o olhando por cima do ombro antes de ir até Fernando
Deixando Enzo para trás com os outros rapazes, ele não sabia o que sentir apenas te via se afastar aos poucos indo até o argentino, pensando em você e apenas em você, sentindo o coração errar as batidas.
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luceracastro · 6 months
Me to my bf: does it bother you that I like the cast of the new movie we watched???
My bf: no not at all, I think the actress that does the role of Liliana is pretty cute
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(Jk jk I support all his celeb crushes just like he supports mine, still hurts tho…..)
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the-reading-owl · 10 months
You’d be surprised how many people would actually read that post!
It’s really easy for people to see books/movies as black and white, grey is harder for people to understand (as you know!)
But there’s a lot more of us (lurking around lol) that would love to read your thoughts !(:
My thoughts are neither coherent nor especially thought through, but here goes nothing:
I am absolutely feral about how Snow, THE villian, the epitome of the Capitol and everything wrong and horrible in Panem was himself a victim of the Capitol and the system of Panem. Absolutely feral about how he was constantly torn between what he'd been taught all his life and what he SAW and FELT
Like sure, Coryo, keep telling yourself that Sejanus wasn't your friend, that you didn't love him because literally no one believes you
Something about children being so indoctrinated and so traumatized that the only two choices remaining are to rebell and to fight or to give in and become part of the system, how the Snow we meet in THG absolutely IS evil and a horrible person but that he wasn't born like that and that in the end yes, he chose to do the things he did but it's so logical and understandable why he does what he does in TBOSAS and I just.... Coriolanus Snow was not born evil and the kids in Capitol are also just victims
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k00282662 · 2 years
Temporary (14/12/2022)
Secondary Research - Paula Rego
Today I looked into two of Paul Rego's paintings, which show a more dark and less light and joyful version of childhood tales. The first painting is 'Little Miss Muffet' (1989). It's a more grim version of the children's story, where the spider is human sized and has a human face.
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The second painting I looked at was 'Snow White Swallows the Poisoned Apple' (1995). This painting shows snow white from the 1938 Disney suffering after she's been poisoned, as opposed to the movie where they only show her hand after she's passed out. She grabs her throat and dress in pain.
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While I found these more sinister versions of childhood stories intriguing, they don't really tie in with my project as it focuses more on celebratory life events.
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litandroses · 2 years
ARC Review: The Snow Hare by Paula Lichtarowicz
Rating: 2 ★ of 5
Release date: January 31, 2023  
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Between a 2 and a 3. Still conflicted with my rating.
The first few chapters made me think I could give this 4 stars. Until the introduction of a certain character and the twisted things he said and did. I know without those there wouldn’t be a story but honestly speaking I was really triggered to the point of considering not pushing through with the book. Fortunately, he wasn’t around for long and rarely mentioned.
Aside from that, characters fell a bit flat for me and I found the writing dry. It’s a poignant story - and based on a true one at that - but maybe these kinds of narration style aren’t for me. I like to see things play out, not just told; it wouldn’t have the same effect and makes me feel held at arm’s length.
On the other hand, I did like the way I had to piece things together myself to understand the history of the older Lena. I thought the transitions between the past and the present smooth as well. I appreciated the story the author wanted known, the injustices really made me want to chuck the book out. All things considered, the themes of the book hit MY mark.
An arc was granted in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc!
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lovelytsunoda · 4 months
indecent exposure // liam lawson
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summary: some men should not be allowed to buy gag shirts when they go to vegas. liam lawson is not one of them. or, the liam face-sitting fic i've been ruminating on for months and never wrote.
pairing: liam lawson x female! reader
warnings: 18+!!! SMUT!!! porn with very minimal plot if i do say so myself. lots of double entendres for common police charges (disorderly conduct, indecent exposure etc.), liam refers to himself as 'agent lawson' and makes us all cringe with laughter. the actual face-sitting portion of the fic is really only a few paragraphs at the end lmao the foreplay was too fun with all the cop jokes-
author's note: somebody should take both my library card and every british detective show in existence away from me because this is what happens when i watch too many episodes of anything with a hot detective in it. never mind the fact that i binged lauren layne's new yorks finest series last year when i was snowed in and my classes were cancelled for almost a week
there was nothing that y/n loved more than coming home from a long day at work and taking her dress pants off. and her high heels, and her bra. typically this would be followed by a pint of ben and jerrys and a few episodes of 'grace and frankie'. sometimes it would be followed by a feel good eighties movie, or by her boyfriend ordering takeout and ravishing her while they waited for it to arrive.
all of these were good options, as far as y/n was concerned.
"hey babe!" liam shouted, darting across the hall from the small gym space they'd set up, to the master bedroom. "look what i found in the closet...jesus. you look gorgeous." he stopped in his tracks, eyes fixed on his goddess of a girlfriend as she stood in front of the gilded mirror next to the walk-in closet.
"you saw be before i left for work." she laughed, taking out the small diamond studs in her ears. they were a gift from liam for their anniversary. "all i've done is take off my slacks and bra, and undo my shirt a little bit."
but it wasn't the lack of pants that was getting liam all flustered, nor was it the way the collar of her silk work shirt dipped down just a little too far, the hem not quite long enough to cover the area where thigh met ass.
no, it was the black prada glasses that delicately framed her eyes. the eyes that had so captivated liam from the moment they met.
"if you ever decide to get contacts, i'm leaving you. seriously."
he wasn't serious in the slightest.
"the way you look in those glasses should be a crime. you're gorgeous, babe."
facing him, she laughed, hands on her hips. "i thought you threw that shirt out!"
she groaned internally, looking at the tight-fitting black cotton shirt that liam was wearing, and the cracking white vinyl lettering over his heart. fbi. a gag gift he had bought in vegas. it was too tight despite it's age, hugging each and every one of liam's muscles far too tight, and looking deceptively erotic when paired with his dark blue jeans.
"so did i! isn't it great?" he grinned like an idiot, spinning in a little circle to show off the writing on the back.
female body inspector.
who the fuck came up with these things? on any random guy in the street, she would have gagged at the vulgar implications of the words. on her boyfriend? she only rolled her eyes.
"there's a reason it went missing in the move, babe."
liam shook his head, ignoring her words. "ma'am, i'm special agent lawson from the federal bureau of investigations. i've received a complaint about disorderly conduct on the premises. and now that i'm here i might have to upgrade that charge to indecent exposure, little lady."
"you're such a fucking idiot." she giggled, looping her arms around her boyfriend's neck before kissing him softly. "i love you."
"love you more." he rasped in between kisses, his hands travelling underneath the hem of her shirt. "what do you say the two of us make a case for disturbing the peace?"
"if you make one more cop-related come on, i'm walking out that front door and never coming back."
liam flashed a shit-eating grin, raking his bleached blonde hair out of his face. "so does that mean you won't consent to a frisk search?"
"i will humor you this one time." she laughed, taking a step back. "take it away, agent. but you do realize that the fbi don't get to make disorderly conduct calls? that's a beat cop's job."
"i seem to recall that you have a right to remain silent?"
she winked, undoing another button on her shirt, the fabric falling away just enough to give liam a glimpse of the soft flesh of her breasts. "and i don't recall being read my rights."
"hands against the wall, feet shoulder width apart, you beautiful smartass." liam laughed, waiting for her to turn slightly before playfully swatting at her backside. "then i can read them to you."
the wall was cold against her palms as she got into position, listening half-heartedly as liam attempted to remember the american miranda rights. he got about as far as 'you have the right to remain silent' and 'you have the right to an attorney' before he gave up.
"you know what, this isn't that serious. fuck the right to remain silent, you have the right to remain sexy as fuck. how about that." she could hear the playful annoyance in his voice, and couldn't help the smile that broke out across her face.
there was the liam she knew and loved. not one to mince words, even in the bedroom.
his smooth hands were a welcome presence on her body, travelling up her legs, over her hips and up the sides of her torso. torturously slow, his warm hands dipped underneath her shirt, taking her breasts in his hands, her peaked nipples between his fingers.
heat rose to her skin, adding a rosy sheen in the halflight. she sighed under his touch, her head dropping back to rest on liam's shoulder. liam smiled fondly, one of his hands reaching for hers, the other dropping to cradle her waist.
"you're beautiful." he hummed, kissing her neck gently. "i hope you know that."
this was a side of liam that only she ever got to see. on the outside, he gave off frat boy energy: the hair, the way he carried himself. the way he spoke. but just under the surface, was a man who was wrapped around his girlfriend's finger. one who loved shamelessly, and with his whole heart.
pulling away from the wall, the turned in his hold to face him, tangling her hands in his hair and kissing him deeply.
"if you can get that shirt off without tearing a stitch, you can keep it."
liam beamed, breaking from the embrace to scramble for the hem of the worn t-shirt. he had almost gotten it over his head when he heard the first few stitches begin to pop, fabric getting stuck by his shoulders.
"need some help with that?"
"i think i'm good!"
somehow they ended up on the bed, both half dressed and pent up. she was soaked through her thong, despite her earlier attitude towards the t-shirt and further proving the point that her lover looked good in just about anything (or nothing, for that matter). she was needy, every nerve in her body reacting to the way liam's tongue probed her mouth, the way his hands touched her body. the way he moaned when she pressed up against the bulge in his jeans.
"babe," he mumbled in between kisses. "do you trust me?"
she cocked an eyebrow, brushing his bangs out of his face before looking down at him "should i be worried?"
"do you trust me, yes or no?"
"of course, li. of course i trust you."
liam nodded. "good. so sit on my face."
she paused, almost as if her brain was sending up error messages. she knew this day would come. liam lawson would eat pussy any which way. truthfully, she was shocked this day hadn’t come sooner.
it wasn’t that she didn’t want to. of course she wanted to.
“babe, how will you be able to breathe? I’ll suffocate you.” she protested, reaching for his hand. “I don’t want that on my conscience.”
“sweetheart, it’s okay. you won’t hurt me. and if-god forbid-I do suffocate, trust me on this, I wouldn’t want to go out any other way than with your thighs on either side of my head.”
and with that, liam took her hands in his, and guided her towards where he needed her most. she looked down at him with a soft smile, running her fingers through his hair.
"i love you." she whispered, moving her hands to the headboard and beginning to lower herself down to meet her lovers tongue.
she inhaled sharply as she made contact, liam's plump lips mouthing at her pussy, her grip tightening on the wooden headboard.
"i've got you, princess." liam's voice was muffled, but his words were reassuring as he ran a hand up and down her thigh. "just ride my face, darlin'. use my tongue to get yourself off."
feeling bolder than she was when she first sat down, she began to grind on liam's face, his nose bumping against her swollen clit with each movement. every bit of friction, every swipe of liam's tongue drove her wild, was like setting fire to her nerve endings.
"oh sweet jesus, god." she whined, fighting the urge to close her thighs together around liam's head, focussing on the way his hands gripped her thighs in a bruising way. she looked down at his face and moaned again, seeing the pleasure mapped out on her boyfriend's features.
"oh, i'm in heaven." he moaned, pulling her down further to plunge his tongue inside of her, rapidly flicking it inside and out.
her eyes rolled back as her hips bucked, grinding against the tip of his nose as one hand came down to clutch at his hair. tears of pleasure pricked the corners of her eyes as she cried out his name.
"liam- right there, oh my god, keep doing that." she whined, trying to move her hips faster. liam's face was soaked, the entire bottom half coated in her juices. there was so much of it, running down the sides of his cheeks and soaking into the pillowcase behind him.
she felt so good she could barely see, screwing her eyes shut. her pants and whines became closer together and more high pitched, the movement of her hips more frantic as she chased that feeling, that high.
"are you going to cum for me, baby?" liam asked, pulling his face away from her. she continued to drip onto his face, and he opened his mouth wide, catching some of her slick on his tongue. "come on my face. please, i want to be drowning in it."
and how could she say no to that?
she could barely keep her shoulders straight as she resumed her motions, fingers gripping liam's hair to keep herself steady. his hands grasped desperately at the flesh of her ass cheeks, squeezing and massaging as one of her own hands came up to grasp at one of her tits, teasing the peaked nipple between her fingers.
"oh god, liam, i think i'm coming!"
"i've got you, i've got you. just breathe-"
his last word was cut off with a moan as she began to gush, coating his face in her release. his moans were muffled by the weight of her body, but they were no less loud as he set about licking her clean.
her legs felt like jello and her body like mush as liam tried to sit up, easing her body back so that she was sitting in his lap, wet core right over top of the massive bulge in his jeans. liam was certain that if she moved at all while she was on top of him, he'd come in his jeans. totally spent, she slumped against him, resting her head on his chest.
he leaned down to kiss her sweaty forehead and she scrunched up her face. she looked adorable in her fogged-up glasses with her messy hair. and liam couldn't stop his heart from melting as she reached for the box of tissues in the nightstand and began to clean up his face.
"that was incredible." her voice was soft as she cleaned him up. "i had no idea you could do that."
"don't give me all the credit." liam laughed, playfully nipping at her fingers as she moved to wipe his mouth down. "you played a very large part in why i'm still hard right now."
she laughed, a big smile on her face as she looped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him softly. with his large hands holding her in place, they kissed again. sweet, chaste and soft, with no intention of it leading anywhere else.
at least, not this early in the evening.
@magnummagnussen @httpiastri @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @lorarri @userlando @diorleclerc
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Acabo de terminar de ver La Sociedad de La Nieve y estoy con mil emociones.
mucha gente se llena la boca diciendo que es una copia de Viven y siento que los que dicen eso o no vieron la pelicula o la vieron con los ojos cerrados. J. A Bayona y todo el equipo detras de esta pelicula le tuvieron el respeto y el cuidado que se merecia, no estoy tratando de faltarle el respeto a Viven pero hay que ser sinceros, cambiaron tantas cosas y pareciera que hicieron la pelicula sin ganas de hacerla, la cantidad de errores no solo en la trama sino tambien en todos los aspectos de la pelicula como el vestuario e imagen (me vas a decir que estuvieron 72 dias en Los Andes y tenian la ropa impecable? que no les crecia la barba? ni bajaran de peso?) y ni hablar de el momento del copiloto y el mate, que carajos es eso?
Volviendo con La sociedad de la Nieve, es una película de la puta madre, no me acuerdo la última vez que sentí tanto con una película. La escena antes de la avalancha? dios, fue de risa a llanto en un segundo, las transiciones y la actuación de todos fue impecable.
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apod · 8 months
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2024 January 21
The Upper Michigan Blizzard of 1938 Image Credit: Bill Brinkman; Courtesy: Paula Rocco
Explanation: Yes, but can your blizzard do this? In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's Storm of the Century in 1938, some snow drifts reached the level of utility poles. Nearly a meter of new and unexpected snow fell over two days in a storm that started 86 years ago this week. As snow fell and gale-force winds piled snow to surreal heights, many roads became not only impassable but unplowable; people became stranded, cars, school buses and a train became mired, and even a dangerous fire raged. Two people were killed and some students were forced to spend several consecutive days at school. The featured image was taken by a local resident soon after the storm. Although all of this snow eventually melted, repeated snow storms like this help build lasting glaciers in snowy regions of our planet Earth.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240121.html
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silver-screen-divas · 5 months
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Gardner became a friend of businessman and aviator Howard Hughes in the early to mid-1940s, and the relationship lasted into the 1950s. Gardner stated in her autobiography, Ava: My Story, that she was never in love with Hughes, but he was in and out of her life for about 20 years. Hughes' trust in Gardner was what kept their relationship alive. She described him as "painfully shy, completely enigmatic, and more eccentric...than anyone [she] had ever met".
Gardner lived her last 35 years outside of the United States. She first visited Spain during the filming of Pandora and the Flying Dutchman in 1950, and moved to that country in 1955, living there until 1968, when she moved to London. While in Spain, she began a friendship with writer Ernest Hemingway. She had starred in an adaptation of his The Sun Also Rises that year. Five years earlier, Hemingway had successfully urged producer Darryl F. Zanuck to cast Gardner in The Snows of Kilimanjaro, a film which adapted several of his short stories. While staying with Hemingway at his villa in San Francisco de Paula in Havana, Gardner once swam alone without a swimsuit in his pool. After watching her, Hemingway ordered his staff: "The water is not to be emptied".
Her time spent in Spain in the 1950s made her a fan of bullfighting and bullfighters, such as Luis Miguel Dominguín, who became her lover. She began dating Dominguín in 1954, around the time she filed for divorce from Sinatra. "It was a sort of madness, honey", she later said of the time. She was also linked to another bullfighter, Mario Cabre, in 1950.
Gardner was also involved in a relationship with her live-in boyfriend and companion, American actor Benjamin Tatar, who worked in Spain as a foreign-language dubbing director. Tatar later wrote an autobiography in which he discussed his relationship with Gardner, though the book was never published.
Gardner had a close friendship with Gregory Peck, with whom she starred together in three films, the first one being The Great Sinner (1949). Their friendship lasted the rest of Gardner's life, and upon her death in 1990, Peck took in both her housekeeper and her dog.
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Vote for your fave & reblog and feel free to give your thoughts as well 😊😊
Check out my masterpost for all the links to the other polls 😊😊 there's some time left to vote in the track 13 poll and tracks 14-17 plus the favorite acoustic poll are still open 😊😊
Thank you and have fun 😊😊
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Intro post!
This is Paula Dendafter.
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In the eyes of the locals, a lot about Paula stands out: her snow-white fur, her gigantic battle-axe, her shaggy black hair. She is the wolf-girl who captures the eyes of everyone around her and it drives Acela nuts, as she is the dancer who craves attention.
Despite her appearance, Paula Dendafter is an ordinary wolfgirl with an incredibly short temper who only pretends to keep herself calm and collected.
Especially since the first person to piss her off is the Swing Foot Dancer, Acela Valani, who runs off to cause trouble. Their overall relationship is filled with arguments, fighting, and refusing to acknowledge each other.
It doesn’t help that she is inconveniently clumsy as she sometimes slips, falls, trips anywhere. The pain only annoys her, but the one thing that she cannot stand for is the humiliation and embarrassment.
And Acela knows it.
Now, Paula isn’t always the angry wolfgirl. She plays her favorite lyre, one gifted to her by her father (or mother). Carved from the sturdy wood and built with thin delicate metal. She highly values her instrument as it her only method of playing out her sorrows and anger.
It’s quite tragic how Acela and Paula would make a killer duo as musicians, but their pride would never allow them to cooperate.
Overall attacks:
Axe attacks: heavy swings and ground pounds
Hand-to-hand: Punches, kicks
Flying Drop Kick (running at top speed and jump kicking the target with both feet)
Plunge attack: Jumping into the air and slamming into the target with the added force of gravity
Dnd stats below
Note: previously wrote her stats as a Ranger…
Paula Dendafter:
Class: Lv. 1 Barbarian [Outlander Background]
Race: Wolf-folk
AC: 13
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 8 (-1)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
Saving Throws: (Strength + Constitution)
- Athletics (Str) [+5]
- Survival (Wis) [+1]
- Intimidation [+2]
- Perception [+1]
- Breastplate [AC 13] (14 + (-1) = 13)
- Greataxe [1 d12 slashing, heavy, two-handed]
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paulabastos · 3 days
This last episode of are you sure was my favorite ever. They being so soft for eo and JK saying that these were the best trips he ever did, Broooooo this is insane! Jimin and JK are really special for each other, whatever they are. And the jacuzzi scenes broooo...I cant. ( jimins body is perfect, he looks like a Greek God) and JK is so funny frozen on the snow ground lol, they are so funny together, I really want more seasons of ays. I feel that these trips have a deep meaning to them, come on, they was going to keep 18 months together and not enough, they traveled 3 times before they go, like...bro they really like eo company, this is so cute to us ( true armys, Jikookers supporters), We that saw these 2 boys grow up and they relationship grow up together. This is really adorable.
Here is my fanart for sapporo jikook, again. If someone want a print for support me to keep doing my art, I will let the link here. 💕 let me know you throughs about the show too! ❄💙
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cremesofaart · 17 days
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Mostly just posting these to this blog bc our main blog is mostly just for reblogs and such, we don't really post things there.
Since it's been confirmed there will be no more Our Life games after OLNF is finished, and because OLBA and OLNF are both themed around summer and fall respectively, we decided to take a crack at making our own Our Life game! (This is all, like, hypothetical, for the fun of coming up with ideas. This will never be a game in any real way.)
The characters from top to bottom are Ray Adler, Paula Reid, and Apricity Redlarch! They live in a town in northwest Michigan called Port Pearlescent, on the shore of Lake Michigan. Paula and the MC have lived there their whole lives, Ray is a new arrival (about a month or two before the prologue begins), and Apricity shows up during the prologue with her family!
(outdoor outfits on the left, indoor outfits on the right)
(also I only choose to put the setting where I put it because I don't know anything about the west coast lol)
Ray Adler is a kid from a warm southern state, who moved to Port Pearlescent with his mom (Ruby) and his pet box turtle named Champ. He prefers to stay indoors, but will still play outside to be with his friends. He doesn't like the cold, but some things he does like to do are draw and watch TV. Ray has blue hair he gets from his mom, and his hair quirk is that his hair changes slightly based on his mood (puffy and spiky if he's scared or angry, and sort of droopy if he's sad. It's subtle).
Paula Reid is a girl who loves to play outside, but she equally loves to have fun inside. She's lived in Port Pearlescent her whole life with her mom (Dahlia) and dad (Eli). Paula likes to play in the snow, making snow angels and snowmen and the like, and she loves to sit inside by a fire with hot cocoa and blankets. She has red hair, and her hair quirk is that her hair is a gradient from purpley~red to orangey~red.
Apricity Redlarch loves the cold and the outdoors. She loves winter sports, snowball fights, and walking the dogs her mom trains for a living. She came down from Canada with her 3 parents- her mom (Lucia Fontaine), her pa (Norton Redlarch), and her dad (Alpin Redlarch)- who love the cold and the outdoors a lot as well, but their daughter just might outshine them in that respect. Apricity has light blonde hair, and her hair quirk is that her hair is extra shiny.
Here are the families (not including Ray's pet turtle):
The Adler Family (not including the dad bc divorce lol. Also I haven't designed him or given him a name bc he just doesn't appear in the story. The divorce happened long before step 1 starts and is done and dusted. Ruby has full custody of her son. IK it's a bit similar to Cove and such but lalalalalalala)
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The Reid Family
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The Redlarch (& Fontaine) Family (I really really really have wanted to make characters w a poly family at some point. And this was a golden (or rather pearlescent teehee) opportunity.
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Ok that's all I just felt like rambling about my goobers for a while. I have more to share but it's 1 am and I have work tmrw ok bye lalala
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