#Pct support
Hi! What is the average recovery timeline for top surgery? One of my best friends is getting married a couple weeks after my surgery date (17 days to be exact) and I'm invited to the wedding! He's also had top surgery and said from his experience I should be okay after 2 weeks. I'll have to fly, but my partner will be with me just in case I can't lift my bags or anything. But any advice? I'll be flying out there pretty much 15 days after my surgery date. Thanks!!!
Lee says:
I had my top surgery when I was 18 and bounced back pretty quickly, but my younger age, lack of physical disabilities or chronic illnesses, and relatively good health (semi-athletic, non-smoker) made it easier for me to recover than many.
For context, I had inverted-T incision top surgery (double incision plus two extra incisions) and drains.
I was exploring the city I had my top surgery in within the first 2 weeks post-op and going to libraries, museums, candy factories, etc and taking public transportation for all of it.
You'll need to speak with your surgeon about what they expect your recovery timeline to be like as it can vary depending on your medical conditions, and whether you develop post-op complications (something that can't always be predicted when you're still pre-op).
That being said, if you are in good health and a young adult, it's likely that you would be able to go to a wedding 17 days post-op, especially because it's an event that's important to you (one of your best friends) and you'll have the support you need (a partner who can do all of the heavy luggage lifting). You'll probably be more tired than usual, but it's probably worth it to you to be present for the wedding.
This is what my top surgeon told me about post-top surgery general activity limitations:
5-7 days: may engage in ADL’s (“activities of daily living”; light housework, etc, provided not lifting more than 20-30 pounds)
7-10 days: may consider RTW (“return to work”, again with the above lifting limitations x 4-6 weeks)
2-4 weeks: may engage in light exercise/extra activity (dog-walking, etc)
4-6 weeks: may engage in moderate exercise (bicycle or treadmill, but no full exertion)
6+ weeks: full activity (including heavy lifting/jogging) generally OK
Generally, most people are back to their normal routine by 2-4 weeks. Overall, it generally takes 3 months for significant swelling to go down and 6-12 months for scars to mature/fade.
Whatever you decide to do regarding the wedding is ultimately up to you (after you have your surgeon's clearance to attend); it's valid if you don't feel comfortable going because you're concerned about being away from your surgeon and developing a possible complication.
But people do travel for gender-affirming surgeries, and it's pretty common to only stay in the area for ~2 weeks after top surgery before flying home, which is what I did.
So if you do not develop any major complications early on, it likely would be fine to leave the town that your surgeon is located in and take a flight to the wedding at ~2 weeks post-op.
Good luck with the surgery!
Followers, any additional advice or personal experiences to share with anon?
Followers say:
sequintial said: I was NOT ready to do anything like a wedding 2 weeks after top surgery. I had double incision and I'm fat, so I had a much larger area to heal, and one that interfered more with my mobility
bdw531 said: I basically slept all day for the first 1.5 weeks and couldn't even lift a glass of water to my face. Went back to work after 2 weeks. At 4 weeks, I hiked 75 miles of the PCT and at 6 weeks I was bouldering again. As with any surgery, everyone heals differently. I probably would have been up for attending a laid-back wedding ~17 days so long as I could sit and didn't dance.
happysadyoyo said: I was 29 when I had top surgery, and it took me about two weeks to stop sleeping so much. I was able to move around and do things, but especially when I had the drains in I pretty much did nothing but sleep and watch TV. The drains I feel are the most limiting factor. If you still have them, they're gonna be annoying, but even with them, so long as you're able to pace yourself (and at a wedding it should be fine) and there's no major complications, it should be fine.
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pcttrailsidereader · 3 months
Trash on the Trail -- What's Out There
Bandages, balloons, bullet casings: Here’s how much trash is on the Pacific Crest Trail
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A pair of environmental scientists who thru-hiked the trail last year conducted the largest known and most comprehensive survey of litter on the Pacific Crest Trail. Illustration by Sophie D'Amato/The Chronicle from No Trace Trails elements.
Their findings reflected my own perception of trash on the PCT. The litter I have encountered does seem to be concentrated around highway crossings, campgrounds, trailheads, and high-use areas with easy road access. The issue of toilet paper along the trail is a more complicated issue . . . one that seemingly combines awareness, behavioral change, and some infrastructure support.
ByGregory Thomas and Harsha Devulapalli
Roughly 1 million people per year venture onto the wild and scenic Pacific Crest Trail, the 2,650-mile hiking route that winds through the West Coast’s soaring mountain ranges between Mexico and Canada.
That includes hikers out for a day in the woods, backpackers on multiday trips and thru-hikers seeking to conquer the whole thing in one long trek. Inevitably, some of those nature lovers leave behind micro-trash and bits of plastic litter. No one has sought to quantify the impact of trash on the trail — until now.
A pair of environmental scientists who thru-hiked the trail last year conducted the largest known survey of litter on the PCT, providing a sharp look at the kinds of materials people leave on the trail, in what concentrations, and where. The project was carried out, mile by mile, by Tori McGruer, 29, who holds a doctorate in environmental toxicology, and Macy Gustavus, 25, who holds a master’s degree in watershed sciences.
Here’s what they found.
A look at a few of McGruer and Gustavus’ findings
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Graphic by Sophie D'Amato/The Chronicle from No Trace Trails elements
© OpenMapTiles© OpenStreetMap contributors
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McGruer and Gustavus started their journey in March 2023 in Campo (San Diego County), near the Mexican border, the launchpad for northbound thru-hikers. They’d secured $16,000 in funding through grants and partnerships, quit their jobs and hit the trail.
From the get-go, they found significant concentrations of litter — bottle caps, gum wrappers and rubber fragments.
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Over the next six months, McGruer (right) and Gustavus hiked the full 2,650-mile trail, which crosses the High Sierra and the Cascade Range, to the Canadian border. They cataloged — and usually collected — more than 1,000 pieces of trash. They found lots of snack wrappers, used toilet paper, Band-Aids and cigarette butts as well as novelties like Mylar balloons, a spent shotgun cartridge and a rusty horseshoe.
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The researchers surveyed 1-kilometer segments of trail at 10-mile intervals — a total of 260 survey areas ● (a rate of about 2-3 per day). Each hiker scoped for litter on her respective side of the trail to a distance of about 6 feet from its center.
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They handled trash objects with plastic salad tongs for sanitary reasons and deposited them into waterproof stuff sacks, “so if there was something gross we could put it in there and not worry about it leaching out,” McGruer said.
Certain heavy or cumbersome items, like pieces of an abandoned car, were cataloged but left on the trail. They categorized each item using Rubbish, a mobile app that helps users organize and geolocate litter in open spaces.
So, the dirtiest stretch of the entire trail?
A long segment bookending the San Gabriel Mountains on the outskirts of Los Angeles was the dirtiest of the entire PCT, presumably due to its proximity to a major metropolis. One-third of all the trash the researchers logged during their trip came from this region.
A few survey areas there contained hundreds of litter items. However, the researchers set a 100-item maximum when counting litter in a given survey area. When they hit that threshold, they believed they could extrapolate the trash concentration with reasonable accuracy, they said.
Mylar Balloons
Those shiny, metallic, helium-filled balloons are remarkably durable and capable of floating long distances. Strangely, they are winding up in remote wilderness areas at a rate that is concerning to biologists, as the Chronicle has recently reported.
McGruer retrieved several of them in the Southern California desert — one stuck in a patch of bushes, another submerged in a river. Survey aside, she made it a personal mission to remove the ones she found.
“One day I had like three partially inflated ones attached to my pack and someone passing us on the trail said ‘happy birthday’ to me,” she said.
The researchers found trash in about 60% of the 260 survey zones, meaning 40% contained no discernible litter. The hot spots along the trail tended to correlate with areas of easy access and high human traffic like highway crossings, campgrounds and day-use areas.
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Brian Feulner/Special to the Chronicle
Many of the zero-trash areas were in remote mountain regions like Northern California’s High Sierra and Washington’s Cascade Range, where few people set foot.
That finding tracks with the experience of Jack Haskel, trail information manager for the Pacific Crest Trail Association, which maintains the trail on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service.
“Much of the trail is pretty pristine regarding trash but you do find hot spots where there’s a lot of it,” he said.
The most common trash materials found were: soft plastics, such as bits of bar wrappers or cuts of duct tape; hard plastics like water bottles and broken trekking pole baskets; brass bullet casings; paper shreds and used toilet paper; cigarette butts; and miscellaneous fragments.
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In many instances, researchers encountered single pieces of stray trash, one at a time. But sometimes they’d find dozens of pieces of litter linked to a single event. For instance, in the backcountry of Shasta County they found 50 or more strands of tree-flagging tape used by foresters scattered on the ground.
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What’s that?
In some cases, differentiating rubbish from natural ground materials was challenging. Identifying and classifying objects required four of the five senses — sight, smell, touch and, at one point, taste.
Unsure about the makeup of a smooth chunk of translucent detritus they found in the dirt –— was it plastic? glass? a natural mineral? — Gustavus popped it into her mouth and bit down. Glass, she decided.
“That’s not common,” Gustavus said. “I don’t encourage people to do that.”
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Toilet paper
Used toilet paper left along the trail — half-buried, stuffed under a rock, clinging to bushes — is the PCT’s single, stand-out trash problem, according to Haskel of the Pacific Crest Trail Association. It is a gross, unsightly bane of trail rangers and volunteer stewards. The trash researchers found a lot of it — particularly in the northern states.
“In Oregon and Washington there was toilet paper everywhere,” McGruer said. “I was like, what is happening?”
In lieu of using a toilet, backpackers and hikers should bury their waste several inches deep in the ground, or use a wag bag and carry it out, and take their soiled toilet paper with them. Poop carries toxins and bacteria that, even when buried, can leach into nearby water sources and infect wildlife, Haskel said.
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Sunflower seeds, pistachio and peanut shells, orange peels — the researchers found them scattered along the entire trail route, and seeing them drove Gustavus “absolutely insane.” Yes, they should technically break down over time, she said, but hikers shouldn’t feel free to dump them in the natural environment.
“It’s kind of a misguided principle,” Gustavus said. “That stuff does not belong out there.”
Pictured: Pistachio shells on the trail in the mountains of Washington State.
The pair completed their thru-hike in September 2023. McGruer (left) and Gustavus are shown here at the PCT's northern terminus in the remote mountains where Washington State meets Canada.
It’s important to note that many PCT users actively beautify the trail each year.
Local volunteer groups, rangers and backpackers are all known to pick up trash they encounter on their outings as a simple act of altruism. Also, eight years ago a pair of young men made it their mission to remove the junk they encountered during their thru-hike; they ended up with more than 700 pounds of stuff, including a mattress.
Extrapolating from their data, McGruer and Gustavus estimate there to be about 200,000 pieces of trash along the trail at any given moment. But that’s not to say the trail feels trashy, McGruer said.
“We frequently saw trash, but often there would be a small piece in one of our 1-kilometer surveys. You wouldn't register that as a ton of trash,” she said. “I think what our survey findings say is that people leave a trash footprint wherever we go with these materials that really don't break down in the environment.”
The survey project, which the researchers dubbed No Trace Trails, was supported by grant funding and financial backing through the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research in Long Beach via the Richard Lounsbery Foundation in Washington, D.C., and the American Alpine Club.
McGruer and Gustavus are putting together a research manuscript for peer review. They’re also seeking funds to help analyze the microplastic content of a series of soil samples they collected during their hike.
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Sarah “Mountain Goat” Steinbauer from Austria hikes the Pacific Crest Trail near Quincy (Plumas County) on June 19, 2023. The heavy snowfall in the Sierra Nevada that year created special challenges for thru-hikers along the PCT. Brian Feulner / Special To The Chronicle
Reporting by Gregory Thomas. Reporting and graphics development by Harsha Devulapalli. Editing by Yoohyun Jung and Kate Galbraith. Design, development and illustration by Sophie D'Amato. Design editing by Alex K. Fong. Visuals editing by Ramin Rahimian. Powered by the Hearst Newspapers DevHub.
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skpct · 3 months
Day 22: I-10, 2440 miles from the Southern Terminus.
Well, my trip has been derailed a little bit, again. I don’t want to get to much into the details, so I’ll just say I developed a minor medical problem and had to go see a doctor in Palm Springs to get some medication. I’m fine, don’t worry, but I’ll have to take a few days off to recover. I actually got to I-10 on day 20, but I was pretty tired that day and the next day, so I didn’t make a post then.
Hiking! I took a lot more pictures this time.
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I was able to get picked up from idyllwild and get to to Black Mountain Road okay. I saw some interesting advertisements outside the grocery store where I got picked up…
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Generally, walking on mountain roads is kinda boring, but this one was gorgeous. It got snowy, but it wasn’t too bad to walk on. When I got to the point it intersected with the pct, I could see that nobody had hiked across the entity of the San Jacinto mountains for a while. There was no boot track coming from that direction, so I think I made the right call. There were no serious hazards on the alternative route that I took, and with my crampons, I was invincible on the snow.
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I was able to get some great views of the mountains! The San Bernardino and San Gabriel mountains, but also the other side of San Jacinto.
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That was the first day, which was pretty much fine health wise. The second day I was deteriorating pretty quick, but I was able to drag my butt to I-10 I get into Palm Springs. Thank you to Aunt Lonnie and Uncle Joe for all their support while I’ve been here. I’ll maybe do another post later today or tomorrow. There’s some more stuff I need to talk about about what’s coming up on the trail. Peace!
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toughgirlchallenges · 2 months
Arlette Laan aka “Apple Pie”. First woman to hike all 11 National Scenic Trails in USA. 35,000+ miles hiked!
Join us for an exhilarating journey into the world of long-distance hiking with Arlette Laan, affectionately known as "Apple Pie." 
In this episode, Arlette shares her awe-inspiring tale of becoming the first woman to hike all 11 National Scenic Trails in the USA, covering over 35,000 miles on foot. From her childhood adventures in Holland to navigating the rugged terrains of America's most iconic trails, Arlette's story is one of perseverance, passion, and the sheer joy of exploration. 
Tune in as she delves into the essence of long-distance hiking, the challenges she faced along the way, and the profound lessons she learned from her epic adventures. Whether you're an avid hiker or simply someone who loves a good adventure story, this episode is sure to leave you inspired and itching to hit the trails!
 Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. 
Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Arlette?
Being born in Holland
Living in Boston, USA
Getting the trail name ‘Apple Pie’
Growing up in Holland and having a typical childhood
Moving over to California after college 
Visiting Switzerland and getting into backpacking 
The hiking culture in the Netherlands 
Starting with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in America in 2003
Learning more about the long distance trails
What she loves about long distance hiking 
Being empowered after reaching her goals
How hiking has changed over the years
The social aspect of hiking
Not being an ultra light fast packer
What a typical day hiking looks like
Having dinner at 5pm and then carrying on hiking 
Finishing up the 11 National Scenic Trails 
Not giving her body the rest she needed 
Pushing harder while hiking 
Dealing with the heat and humidity and struggling to hit the 25 miles per day needed
Advice for recovery and why taking time off is a good thing
Eating well while hiking 
Cooking v cold soaking 
Food chat!
Wearing dresses while hiking 
Hiking through all seasons
Tips for winter hiking 
Feet and shoes for hiking 
Road walking with a pack
Hiking with poles 
Fitting hiking into her life and working as a hiking guide
Hiking all of the 11 National Scenic Trails in the States 
Putting a plan in place in 2018  
Speaking with ‘Buck 30’ (Brian Tanzman)
Planning and preparation for the final few hikes 
Dealing with aggressive barking dogs
North Country Trail (4,600 miles) 
Advice for when it gets tough on a hike 
Making her goals smaller 
Keeping track of expenses while on trail
Paying for breakfast as it’s a better deal than dinner
Advice for hiking the Te Araroa (TA), New Zealand 
Skipping the road walks in New Zealand
Hiking in Nepal
Hiking in Europe
Preferring to hike in the wilderness
Going back to hike the Arizona trail
Wanting to thru-hikes the trails that she section hiked 
Wanting to ‘redlining’ the White Mountains guide book (1,440.4 miles ) 
How to connect with Arlette on social media #ApplePieHikes
Selling sock dolls (only sold/shipped to the US)
Redline Guiding
Final words of advice 
  Social Media
Website:  www.arlettelaan.com
Instagram: @arlette_laan 
  Check out this episode!
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burlveneer-music · 5 months
VA - Q4 Statement, 2023 - a name-your-price sampler from Woodford Halse & related labels
Free/pay what you feel digital promotional sampler featuring physical and digital releases across Woodford Halse, Preston Capes and Fenny Compton. The purpose of this collection is to encourage our followers to investigate further the full WH/PC/FC catalogue by having tasty morsels from each release available in your collection without having to open your wallet. (Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app). Click on the links below to buy the full albums in digital or physical form (where still available). Includes excerpts from: October: The Xenakis Station by Audio Obscura audioobscura.bandcamp.com/album/wf-76-the-xenakis-station Changeable Depths by Greenshank woodfordhalse.bandcamp.com/album/wf-88-changeable-depths-2 It's Not Fine by Angeline Morrison fennycompton.bandcamp.com/album/fc3-its-not-fine November Above Inlets by Duolant duolant.bandcamp.com/album/wf-77-above-inlets Between Shadows And Lore by Pennycross Coven townandcounty-woodfordhalse.bandcamp.com/album/wf-75-between-shadows-and-lore I Don't Want To Worry You Unnecessarily by TVO and The Incidental Crack prestoncapes1.bandcamp.com/album/pct-15-i-dont-want-to-worry-you-unnecessarily December Penny - Original Soundtrack by Maya Hardinge & David Louis Zuckerman maya-woodfordhalse.bandcamp.com/album/wf-87-penny-original-soundtrack
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (23-29 Apr 2023)
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🥰👂‍Something Wild & Wonderful (Anita Kelly, author; Mark Sanderlin, narrator) - really enjoyable contemp romance about 2 guys who meet hiking the PCT - great MCs, great supporting characters
😍Backhoe (Zenaidamacrouras1) - 123K, no-powers modern AU with a smol Steve & beefy Bucky - absolutely incredible fic where Steve's an art grad student/activist & goes to protest a pipeline in Appalachia, which is going to be built across Bucky's family land - this fic was fantastic! Great (& authentic) sense of place & community, well-developed OCs (Bucky's sisters) - it's a meet-cute followed by all the work an actual relationship takes, very real & genuine with the emotions & hurdles that come up.
🥰Gravity's Got Nothing on You (zosofi) - 86K, sterek au, fake dating, frenemies-to-lovers with the encouragement(?) of some magic wolf figurines - it's probably been 8 years since I read this and it's as delightful as I remember - they're both so emotionally constipated it's hilarious
💖💖 +143K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
All I'm Saying, Pretty Baby series (IrisLanding) - Stranger Things: steddie, 21K - "Steve and Eddie stumble into a series of dirty talking sexual adventures that may actually lead somewhere."
turn down the lights, turn down the bed (rockinhamburger) - Ted Lasso: Trent/Ted, 25K - Trent, drunk & thirsty af & bemoaning his life, accidentally texts Ted instead of his bestie. Some really good dicking, angst & emotions ensue.
Love Runs Wild (DevilDoll) - TW: sterek, 9K - a fucking forever fave classic from the "Neckz 'n Throats" universe
Thursday Nights with Bucky Barnes (Ellessey) - MCU: stucky, 4K - short but super duper meet cute with grumpy Steve and NOT the normal laundromat guy
Not In The Answer But The Question (aimmyarrowshigh) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 27K - reread this fantastic shrunkyclunks with cap!steve (who's busy not processing his trauma) meeting queer disabled jewish deli owner bucky. So fucking good. Plus it will make you crave BEC bagels (which I 100% ordered from our local place this AM)
Dirty Laundry - s2, e11
Um, Actually - s1, e5; s6, e2-6,8-12, s8, e3-4
Shrinking - s1, e1
Schmigadoon! - s2, e5
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e3
Ted Lasso - s3, e7 [x2]
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Weird Al Yankovic
Into It - Roy Wood Jr. Is Ready for Late Night
Switched on Pop - Who killed the key change in pop music?
⭐Desert Island Discs - Dara Ó Briain, comedian and television presenter
99% Invisible #534 - For Amusement Only (Free Replay)
⭐Vibe Check - You About to Lose Yo’ Job
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Harry Belafonte
ICYMI Plus - We’ve Learned Nothing From West Elm Caleb
Decoder Ring Plus - The Artist Who Was Both Loved and Disdained
Ologies with Alie Ward - Delphinology Part 2 (DOLPHINS) with Justin Gregg
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Last Wild Apple Groves
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Telling Time through the Trees with the Places Team
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Caring for Canids
Shedunnit - Bonus: What is "Cosy"?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Moose Boulder
Into It - Are We Into Ed Sheeran's Lawsuit, Tucker Carlson's Firing, and Timothée Chalamet?
Endless Thread - The Birds and the Bugs
Sidedoor - Bill Nye the Sidedoor Guy
You're Dead To Me - The Rise of the Tudors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Video Pilled Suburbia’s Child
ICYMI Plus - Should We All Be Pirating More?
Presenting Paul McCartney
Presenting Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Emily King
Presenting Dio
Presenting Iron Maiden
synthwave radio [Lofi Girl]
Presenting Alice Cooper
Presenting Rush
The Look Of Love - The Very Best Of ABC [ABC]
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Episode 4 of My Only 12% was really good. I have a lot of thoughts that aren't coherent enough to put down. I loved how supportive all the friends tried to be of each other, especially of See-eiw. Even though they didn't know how to help him, and he didn't know what he needed, they kept trying. And I love how grounded this show feels.
The scene of See-eiw and Hom watching The Love of Siam was powerful. And his breakdown afterwards was heart wrenching. There's going to be a lot of heartbreak coming. I think it's going to be well done though.
However, I was a little thrown at first because I was under the misconception, from the voice over at the very beginning, that See-eiw already knew he was gay and in love with Cake. Apparently that was a voice from the future looking back. Realizing he's been confused about what he was feeling this whole time changes a lot, and makes it all sadder somehow.
as an aside, I just discovered from MyDramaList that the actress playing Hom (See-iew's sister) is the writer of this as well as Bad Buddy!
How is everyone tagging this so tumblr can search the tags? "my only 12 percent"? "my only 12 pct"? I want to read everyone else's thoughts and see your gifs, but I can't find them.
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prospercz · 1 year
Den 39
Vstávám brzy, nechce se mi, ale vím, že musím. Konečně nebylo v noci takové horko, tak se spalo dobře. Přes den ale horko bude, tak proto brzké ráno. Chybí mi 17 mil k cestě, odkud se dá dojet do města Tehachapi.
Terén je příjemný, žádné prudké stoupání ani klesání. Část z toho je něco jako naučná stezka pod větrnými turbínami. Jsou tu i tabule s informacemi o vzniku, produkci atd. Spousta lidí na tuhle část nadává kvůli horku, ale když si ji člověk odmyslí, je to celkem fajnová procházka.
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V jednu hodinu jsme u cesty. To je výhoda, když člověk vyrazí brzy. Jít i celé odpoledne, dáme určitě přes 30 mil. Ale druhý den bychom byli zničení.
Do města nás doveze TyeDye, holka, která dělá support svému manželovi a zrovna jsou tady. Sama to jít nechtěla, je to na ní moc, ale zároveň chtěla být součástí té jeho cesty. Tak jezdí souběžně s ním autem a vozí hikery a dělá trail magic.
První věc ve městě je jako vždycky pivo a jídlo. Číšník se zdál být na první dobrou celkem přívětivý, evidentně hladové hikery potkává každý den. Pak ale začal být docela vlezlý. Jen co nám donesl hlavní chody, už se ptal, jestli budeme chtít i dezert. Když jsme mu řekli, že ne, do minuty přinesl účty. A chtěl po nás, abychom to hned zaplatili. Kluci to udělali s prstama od burgerů, já jsem ho poslal slušně do háje, že se nejdřív v klidu najím. Pak, i když ještě všichni nedojedli, začal uklízet nádobí ze stolu.
Přišlo mi to všechno dost neslušné. Tak jsem se rozhodl, že to zohledním na dýšku. Přinesl terminál a po zaplacení se vždycky ukáže obrazovka, kolik procent chcete dát jako spropitné. Amíci jsou dost nenažraní a nejnižší částka je tu už málokdy míň než 20% (i sami Američani to zmiňují, že to někde dost přehání). Já jsem si řekl, že mu nedám víc než 10%. Doma bych mu nedal nic, za to jak se choval. Ale tady je platí tak málo, že žijou spíš z toho spropitného. Mačkám tlačítko “Custom” a píšu 10. Odeslat. V tu ránu mi došlo, že to už v tu chvíli nebyly procenta, ale dolary. Ale zmáčkl jsem naštěstí málo nul, takže jsem mu dal dýško 10 centů! Jinak by to bylo deset dolarů! No, zpátky už to prý nejde. Sice to nebyl úmysl, ale zasloužil si to trochu.
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Já a Stir it up máme tady na PCT stejnou strategii. Zaplatit co nejmíň za hotely a ušetřit tak na jídlo a pivka. Spíme teda venku na dvorku u jedné paní, Sarah. Říká se tomu tady Hippie Hiker Heaven. Stir it upa po cestě tam malém sežral pes, přišli jsme špatným vchodem. Naštěstí jsme stačili rychle zase zabouchnout.
Je tu pár lehátek a pak několik míst, kam sebou člověk může plácnout. Nějaké sezení, malý bazének na ochlazení nohou. Sprcha, mini kuchyňka s ledničkou a hikerbox. Nic moc, ale tohle nám bohatě stačí. Pokud nezačne pršet, což se tady ve městě poslední dny odpoledne prý děje.
Začne zase klasické městské kolečko. Sprcha, převléct do erárního oblečení, které tady je k dispozici, a hned všechno do laundrymatu ve městě (místo na praní). Pak si na kole, která jsou tu k půjčení, dojedeme pro nějaké jídlo do Walmartu. Walmart, totální ztělesnění kapitalismu. Je tady všechno. Fakt všechno. Obchod je tak veliký, že by se v něm dalo ztratit i na několik hodin. Fuj. Nemám to rád. Ale ressuply tu půjde udělat skvěle, to rozhodně jo.
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Vracíme se už navečer a sedáme ke stolu na večeři. Pořídili jsme si hlavně zeleninu a ovoce, chleba a humus, pomerančový džus a nějaké pivo. Děláme sendviče. Stir it up našel v hikerboxu sůl, tak si to ještě vylepšil. Po chvilce znejistí a začne koukat na balení. On si tam nasypal sůl do koupele!!! No pěkně jsem se mu vysmál. Ale jíst by to neměl, takže jídlo letí do popelnice a maže nový chleba.
Večer sedíme se Sarah a jejím manželem Johnem a klábosíme. Zajímá nás, proč tohle vůbec dělá. Prý na ni všichni celý život koukají skrz prsty, protože je z Kalifornie. Být z Kalifornie je tady v Americe něco jako být z Bavorska v Německu. Nikdo vás nemá rád, každý si myslí, že máte kopce peněz a několik domů. Tak se tímhle snaží aspoň někomu pomoci a ukázat, že ne všichni lidi jsou stejní. Že i v Kalifornii se najde někdo, kdo pomáhá. Ale tak je to všude. Vždycky je to o lidech a ne o předsudcích, které někdo dřív vymyslel a všichni se jich drží. Zatím si na kalifornské nemůžu stěžovat. Těší ji pocit, že i něco tak malého, jako je třeba sprcha, nám hikerům udělá neskutečnou radost. Proto to dělá. Nemá z toho žádný výdělek, naopak do toho ještě svoje peníze vkládá.
PS: taková hezká perlička. Jsem zatím v největším městě za celou dobu šlapání. Přesto tady nefunguje můj operátor. Prostě tu nemám signál. Je to horší než nahoře na kopcích. Přijde mi to jako hezký paradox. Nicméně je to trochu nepohodlné na domlouvání se s ostatními.
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mylifeisweirdok · 1 year
31, 10, 12, 13
OOO YES ok let's do this in numeric order
10) has a written piece ever haunted me?
I in particular write some rather ~disturbing~ dead doves on AO3 (no I won't drop my user but if you find me, message me to win the contest!) and have created a small name for myself in horror poetry books. For my works, you can't not be haunted by what I write... The graphic, the terrible, the unwanted. I write not what comes naturally, but what is deeply despised.
My first "big" story to really become a hit was a story about a group of teenagers being trapped under layers and layers of broken and collapsed buildings after an earthquake. They were in the dark, with exponentially decreasing oxygen, the only sounds being created were by the settling of rubble and their friends rattled breaths. The MC fell asleep at one point (thought to be dead) and when they woke up they were topside and being treated. They recovered physically (slowly) and helped support their friends who were in the process of recovering, one specifically who had a pipe through their shoulder.
But they were so hungry.
All the time.
They made so much food and kept eating more and more and more. They became an amazing cook because they were starving. Their friends continued to praise their cooking skills as they grew and but they were hollow. They had the most rapid, drawn out, gradual decent into madness, and the story described every detail of it.
In the end, they never had escaped the rubble.
An obvious twist, even as you read it. You knew the MC never got the chance to escape. You knew what they were actually smelling when the MC opened the fridge to find rotten food. You knew, in the pits of your satiated yet somehow uncomfortable stomachs, why the MC was hungry.
You knew what the MC was actually eating, when they first got a bite to eat topside.
You knew what the MC was feeding their friends, when they were begging for comfort in the hospital.
And yet you, the reader, kept reading. You knew what the end result was,
and you
still finished it.
All in all my favorite work I've written so far, but alas that one hits differently in the back of my mind.
12) what three wishes would you ask a genie for?
The ability to separate water from other substances without physical repercussions, an RV skeleton that is in pristine condition, and a wifi router that provides the best wifi in any location.
I eventually want to travel the mainland Americas and explore inter/national parks. And hike the PCT! Love the outdoors. Plus I grew up with a dad who never quite knew what learning level I was at and would rant about certain things going on environmentally, so I was raised with an,,, eco friendly? mindset. If I had the powers, I would simply separate the water from the pollutants, and hopefully not get hunted by any governing body of power for doing so. And of course the wifi thing is fairly straightforward to me.
13) What is a subject hard to write about?
All of them! Words are hard
Nah but seriously? I can't go near anything inherently sexual I gross myself out and my intrusive thoughts eat it up. Consented stuff and not I am viscerally repulsed by any and all of my past attempts into the field of smut.
Any other subjects...? (I'm thinking) I guess romance too, unless it's really drawn out and vital to the storyline (I've only written a handful or romance works, I tend to stick to platonic and familial stuffs). In short I torture my characters, not a lot of room for romance in there ya know?
31) Write a short love letter to your readers!
My readers,
I apologize for any and all hurt I have done unto your beloved blorbos. I don't apologize for writing them though; when I open my website or my email and I see all the reviews left on my works I am filled with many emotions unnameable.
I adore your commitment to reading through my DDDNEs and smile at every comment saying you don't know how you finished it but did anyway. I cherish every notification letting me know my book has sold another copy to someone out there, looking for a story of hurt hurt hurt and finally a mite bit of comfort.
Does it make you treasure what you have, reading the torture I put fictional characters through monthly? Does it make you hold onto the life you live, allowing yourself to finally settle into your day to day life? Do any of my stories sit in the back of your mind, waiting to be remembered in the foggiest ways, so that you may dredge your way back to my works and lose yourself once again within my pages?
I hold all of my readers in the highest regards, and hope that every story of mine read is another person's motivation to keep going, for once you know the worst thing that may occur everything else seems much better in the end.
I love you all in the same way a college student loves coffee; you are the only thing keeping my blood pumping and my mind racing.
Thank you ✨✨
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findingmypeace · 2 years
So hello! It’s definitely been awhile since I’ve updated. I admitted to residential treatment on July 29th and I’m still there. I have a tentative step-down (to php) date of August 24th but that really is tentative. There is no set plans as of right now for me to step down. I’m honestly hoping it’s sooner rather than later given the atmosphere of the house I’m in. It really sucks to be the only one eating. Stepping down will also be nice given that it’s the same place I graduated from at the beginning of April and all the same staff will be there. I’m excited to see everyone. The only person not there is my favorite pct since she left and went to a different treatment center. That’s going to be hard. On a weird note the Mom of my favorite pct is a nurse for res at the same treatment center and sometimes works at the house I’m in. It’s definitely strange to have the night nurse be my favorite PCT’s Mom every now and then. Also, they’re personalities are almost identical which makes it even more strange. Definitely something I’m going to bring up with my therapist.
Speaking of therapy, I really like my new treatment therapist. She’s the kind of person who will call you out but do it kindly. I need that. My old treatment therapist moved to utilization review so she’s not treating patients anymore. Anyway, my new treatment therapist is having me write a letter to my parents. I don’t remember how much I disclosed before I admitted to residential but I had blocked my parents due to comments my Dad made to me. They are still blocked. I’m too afraid to unblock them. My outpatient therapist had reminded me that we had agreed I wouldn’t talk to my parents about treatment for the exact reason of what happened. It was almost a self-fulfilling prophecy. For that reason I’m scared that unblocking my parents will unleash a similar path of what happened beforeI went to treatment. Instead, I’m writing my parents a letter and will probably e-mail it to them next week when I have the support of my treatment therapist and treatment team. I’m still scared to open up that path but at least I’ll have support.
I’m also beginning to come to the strange conclusion that there’s this certain dynamic that I’m having trouble explaining. It’s perpetuated a lot of my body image stuff the last few years. I don’t know how to explain it. It involves stuff with R and things that occurred in 2017. Basically, I look back at that time as if I was “special” aka worthier, I was thinner, I was somehow a better person. None of it is reality. But things with R were happening at that time and that made me feel special and I was thinner at the time so it all somehow links together in this distorted way. And now I feel like being heavier at this very moment makes me less worthwhile than at that moment. Again it’s completely distorted. I also need to work on this in therapy. This is a major driver for me to lose weight and for why I view myself as fat. I recognize that it’s distorted but I struggle with letting it go.
Anyway, it’s almost time for dinner so I need to go. I’ll try to update more often.
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pcttrailsidereader · 3 months
Support Comes in Many Ways
So often we write about our experiences as hikers on the PCT. We describe places, challenges, feelings, and even a few frustrations. In a recent article posted by Julia Clarke she reminded me of another aspect of hiking the PCT or anywhere really. She outlines the ways we can support a thru hiker(s) or anyone who is getting on a trail for an extended period...five days, fifteen, or longer but not a full 4-5 months.
Rees, Jim, and I have benefited from the kindness of friends as well as strangers (at least they were initially). We have gotten rides, sodas, a much deserved and required shower, and more over the years. When I read Julia Clarke's article it reminded me of just how important it is to be a supporter of a hiker. Sure, we would all like to walk in someone else's shoes, at least vicariously, but when we can't we can still be a key part of someone's journey.
Clarke suggests six ways we can support a hiker. She specifies a thru hiker but in my mind I won't limit the support you and I can offer. These six suggestions all have relevance.
As for any kind of short to long duration hike, finances, gear, rest days and transportation all must be coordinated.Whether or not you are planning a long distance thru-hike or a shorter hike it still takes a lot of research and effort.
A  hiker needs to figure out getting to the trail, what they need for their entire journey, and how to get it to the right places. Calculating or at least guesstimating how far they’ll have to walk each day if they want to reach their goal or are trying to beat winter all come into play. How often breaks occur and stays in towns along the way all have to be budgeted for. When the hike is complete a hiker also needs to make a plan for how to get home.
Lastly, previous or prior knowledge can be very valuable to a hiker. If you happen to have specific knowledge of a specific hike or hiking/backpacking in general you may provide a valuable benefit to a prospective hiker. Assisting with logistics could be a great way to help someone with their hike. This is another way to share the 'load' with someone.
2. Re-Supply
Re-supply is an essential part of any longish hike. More and more we hear about hikers flying by the seat of their pants/hiking shorts and shopping as they go. Depending on local towns for re-supply, can be an expensive way to do things. Re-supply boxes on the other hand are mailed to a drop point such as a post office or store along the trail and held until the hiker arrives. Costs are expended on the front end of a hike and not throughout the length of a hike. Both shopping along the way and re-supply boxes can be effected by store and post office hours. Nevertheless, arriving to discover your re-supply box hasn’t made it can be disastrous. It can really be important that a hiker has someone they trust in charge of this getting boxes shipped on time to the right place. If you choose to offer this level of support you’ll need a space that you don’t mind being filled with boxes until they go out the door.
3. Transportation
Getting to and from a trailhead requires some help. These trailheads, especially for long distance hikes, are often in remote areas, so a hiker may need someone to give them a long ride at the beginning, end or one or more times along the way. The PCT is over 2,000 miles long so working out transportation is a key element. Yes, there is hitchhiking but as I have found it doesn't always work the way I planned, at least how I imagined it in my head.
4. Trail Magic
If you happen to live near a stretch of any long distance trail, one of the most feel good efforts you can make is to support a hiker by performing a little “trail magic.” Trail magic is basically just a hiking version of random acts of kindness. This usually entails providing hikers on the trail with something as ordinary as a soft drink or extraordinary in the form of a meal. Any and all is often greatly appreciated. Trail magic is typically something a hiker may enjoy while they’re hiking. I still remember finding some mandarins just south of Cajon pass.
Trail angels, can perform their act(s) anonymously and leave a camping cooler full of fruit or lemonade and soda on the trail, or even set up a table with food like home-cooked brownies. A trail angel might also offer hikers rides into town, buy them dinner, or even offer them a bed and a warm meal for the night. These offerings are acts of service, with nothing expected in return, and will make memories that hikers cherish forever, I know I have. 
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Two of my favorite Trail Angels in Tehachapi
5. Visit Them
If you know someone who is heading out on a long hike, a nice way to support them might be with a little company. Even though hikers on long distance trails often meet other hikers throughout their time on the trail, they might still appreciate seeing a friendly face show up to walk with them. If you’re not a hiker, you can still plan to meet them in town during one of their zero days. If you are a hiker then you may like joining them for a day hike an overnight or even a section hike over a few days to keep them company.
6. Trail Crew
Most hikers rely on there being a well-maintained trail so they can live out their hiking dreams. Trails don’t just create themselves. It takes a small army to build water diversion dams, cut back brush, clear trees and replace signage, and most of that work is performed by volunteers. 
You can donate your time (or funds) to help maintain a section of a long distance trail. This could be a one time commitment or an annual or on-going role. Remember, this work can be physically demanding and usually requires you to be available for an extended period of time. It entails lots outdoor time with like-minded people and can be very rewarding. The PCTA manages many of these crews and they welcome people to join their efforts.
Whether or not you are embarking on your next great PCT or some other hiking adventure it is worth considering another way or ways to experience the PCT. Providing support to one or more hikers can be very rewarding on a variety of levels. You may be a believer in karma or you may simply want to take an opportunity to return a favor you enjoyed in the past. Either way offering support to one or more hikers can have a lasting impact for you and them.
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A little something along the way
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blessphemy · 2 years
weirdly I saw an article about how a guy this year (2022) set the new self-supported (no trail/logistics support) PCT (2,653 mile) Thru-hike speed record at 55 days, 16 hours and 54 minutes
which is kinda weird cuz the last one was set in 2013 by Heather Anderson: 54 days, 7 hours and 48 minutes
Math connoisseurs will notice that Heather’s speed is shorter, actually
maybe they meant he beat the fastest male record (Scott Williamson, 2011: 64 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes)
but the post did seem pretty dramatic about the Fastest Ever thing
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acronlaboratories1 · 15 hours
Drostanolone Enanthate Cycle for Beginners
Starting a journey with anabolic steroids like Drostanolone Enanthate requires careful planning and understanding to ensure safe and effective results. This guide is tailored for beginners looking to explore the benefits of Drostanolone Enanthate while minimizing potential risks.
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What is Drostanolone Enanthate?
Drostanolone Enanthate, commonly known as Masteron Enanthate, is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), renowned for its ability to promote lean muscle mass, enhance muscle hardness, and aid in fat loss. It's favored for its mild androgenic properties, making it suitable for individuals new to steroid use.
Benefits of Drostanolone Enanthate
Lean Muscle Development: Supports the growth of quality muscle tissue without significant water retention.
Enhanced Muscle Definition: Helps achieve a more defined and sculpted physique.
Increased Strength: Enhances physical performance and strength during workouts.
Fat Loss: Assists in reducing body fat, particularly in stubborn areas.
Essential Tips for Success
Gradual Dosage Increase: Begin with lower doses to assess tolerance and adjust accordingly.
Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet rich in proteins and nutrients.
Regular Exercise: Follow a consistent workout routine focusing on resistance training.
Health Monitoring: Conduct regular check-ups and blood tests to monitor your body’s response.
Potential Side Effects
While Drostanolone Enanthate is considered mild, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects such as:
Androgenic Effects: Acne, oily skin, and increased facial/body hair.
Cardiovascular Issues: Monitor cholesterol levels due to potential cardiovascular strain.
Hormonal Imbalance: Consider post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore natural testosterone production.
Embarking on a Drostanolone Enanthate cycle as a beginner can be rewarding with proper planning and adherence to safety guidelines. By understanding its benefits, potential risks, and following a structured approach, you can achieve your fitness goals effectively. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any steroid regimen to ensure it aligns with your health and wellness needs.
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elitepharmas15 · 2 days
How to Use Trenbolone Acetate Safely
Using Trenbolone Acetate safely is essential for achieving its benefits while minimizing potential risks. Here are key guidelines to ensure safe and effective use:
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Guidelines for Safe Use of Trenbolone Acetate
1. Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Before starting Trenbolone Acetate, consult a healthcare provider to discuss your fitness goals, medical history, and potential risks associated with steroid use.
2. Dosage and Administration: Follow recommended dosages typically ranging from 50-100mg every other day due to its short half-life. Avoid exceeding recommended doses to reduce the risk of side effects.
3. Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): Implement a proper PCT regimen after completing a Trenbolone Acetate cycle to restore natural testosterone production and minimize hormonal imbalances.
4. Diet and Exercise: Maintain a balanced diet rich in protein and nutrients to support muscle growth. Combine Trenbolone Acetate with regular exercise to maximize results.
5. Side Effects Awareness: Be aware of potential side effects such as acne, hair loss, and cardiovascular issues. Promptly seek medical advice if any adverse reactions occur.
By following these guidelines and seeking professional guidance, you can safely harness the benefits of Trenbolone Acetate for muscle growth and strength while prioritizing health and well-being.
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healthlineonline · 8 days
Even seasoned bodybuilders might not be familiar with cabergoline, known as Cabermed 0.5, despite its benefits for post-cycle therapy (PCT). Originally developed for fertility issues, cabergoline helps regulate prolactin levels, aiding in conditions like Parkinson's disease. In bodybuilding, cabergoline boosts dopamine production, enhancing motivation and workout intensity. By decreasing prolactin levels, it helps maintain higher testosterone levels, making it an effective PCT supplement. Buying Cabermed 0.5 online can help bodybuilders feel more focused and driven, balancing reduced testosterone effects and supporting overall performance and recovery.
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mranabolics5 · 10 days
The Balancing Act: Integrating Competitive Bodybuilding with Everyday Life
Introduction: Competitive bodybuilding is a demanding sport requiring immense dedication and discipline. However, many bodybuilders also juggle full-time jobs, family responsibilities, and social lives. Mr. Anabolics is dedicated to helping athletes master this balancing act, offering solutions and support to integrate their training and competitions with daily life seamlessly.
Understanding the Challenges: Competitive bodybuilders face unique challenges as they strive for excellence in the gym and their personal lives. Managing time effectively, maintaining energy levels, and keeping motivated amidst daily responsibilities can be daunting tasks. Mr. Anabolics provides targeted strategies and products to help athletes navigate these hurdles.
Time Management Strategies: Effective time management is crucial for integrating bodybuilding with daily life. Mr. Anabolics offers personalized planning tools and resources, helping clients schedule workouts, meal prep, and rest periods efficiently. Our consultants work with athletes to optimize their routines, ensuring they maximize gym time while still leaving space for work and family.
Nutritional Support on the Go: Proper nutrition is a cornerstone of bodybuilding, but busy schedules can make meal prep challenging. Mr. Anabolics provides tailored nutritional plans and offers high-quality, convenient meal replacements and supplements that fit easily into a busy lifestyle. These solutions ensure bodybuilders receive optimal nutrition without spending excessive time in the kitchen.
Stress Management Techniques: Balancing competitive ambitions with personal life can be stressful. Mr. Anabolics emphasizes the importance of mental well-being, providing clients with stress management resources such as mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and access to professional counseling services.
Family Involvement and Support: Incorporating family into the bodybuilding journey can enhance support and understanding. Mr. Anabolics encourages athletes to engage their families in their routines, offering workshops and resources on the benefits of bodybuilding and how families can be part of the process.
Maintaining Social Connections: Social interactions are vital for mental health and happiness. Mr. Anabolics helps clients find ways to maintain these connections, suggesting social activities that can be combined with fitness, such as group workouts or fitness-related social events.
Supplement Schedules for Optimal Performance: Balancing the demands of bodybuilding with daily life requires precise supplementation. Mr. Anabolics designs supplement schedules that align with the bodybuilder's daily routine, optimizing the effectiveness of each product and ensuring the best possible performance without compromising other life commitments.
Achieving Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest and recovery are as important as training and nutrition. Mr. Anabolics provides guidance on effective recovery techniques and offers products like sleep aids and recovery supplements to help athletes rejuvenate effectively, even in the midst of a hectic schedule.
Conclusion: Competitive bodybuilding does not have to be isolating or overwhelming. With Mr. Anabolics, athletes find the support and resources they need to excel in the sport while thriving in their personal and professional lives. By mastering the art of balance, our clients achieve success across all areas, proving that with the right support, bodybuilding and daily life can complement and enhance each other.
Customised Courses
Sleep Aid
Human Growth Hormone
Fat Loss
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