#Peace And Stability
tomorrowusa · 2 months
« If Putin succeeds in this aim the consequences for Europe will be horrendous. At the moment, the Russian forces facing the Baltic States are negligible. The units studied by Nato before 2022 are decimated, their equipment wrecked and crews slaughtered in Ukraine. The minute the war there ends, Putin will start to reconstitute and reinforce them. Unless Nato immediately restores credible deterrence, the three Baltic states would soon become uninhabitable. Moreover, the subjugation of Ukraine will lead to a fresh wave of millions of refugees westward, aggravating the already very fragile domestic politics of many polities here. The money we refused to spend on Ukraine will then have to be raised twice over to deal with the aggravated threat. »
— Brendan Simms, Director, Centre for Geopolitics & Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge. Writing at The New Statesman.
Prof. Simms makes a case for the recently elected Labour government in the UK making protection of Ukraine one of its priorities. Fortunately, Prime Minister Keir Starmer has already voiced his support for Ukraine and visited President Zelenskyy in Kyiv after Russia's illegal invasion.
Appeasers and tankies are too addled to understand how kowtowing to Putin and his totalitarian Kremlin lickspittles would lead to disasters which would play out for decades. Pacifism and appeasement did not prevent World War II but only fueled its onset. Bullies never respect those who cave to them.
Respect for international boundaries is a foundation stone of peace and stability. Putin's invasion of Ukraine shows that peace and stability don't interest him. Putin's nostalgia for the decrepit Soviet Union and his ambition to be known as the Peter the Great of the 21st century are all that matter to him.
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morimatea · 1 year
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My feeling was everyone in here was peaceful and soak in the laid back ambience.
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saxafimedianetwork · 14 days
Ethiopia's Ultimate Sacrifice To Restore Fragile Peace and Stability in Somalia
#Ethiopia's selfless commitment to restoring peace & stability in #Somalia is a beacon of hope for regional cooperation. Its troops have made the ultimate sacrifice, going above & beyond to combat extremism & lay the groundwork for a stable gov't. #Somaliland
Continue reading Ethiopia’s Ultimate Sacrifice To Restore Fragile Peace and Stability in Somalia
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touchaheartnews · 2 months
Eko Mi Awards Hosts Bldr. (Dr.) Abdulhakeem Odegade, Akmodel Group MD, Hon. James Abiodun Faleke, Favour Benson, Cardinal James Odumbaku, etc To Attend Maiden Edition
Akmodel Group Managing Director, Builder (Dr.) Abdulhakeem Odegade, number one citizen of the state, Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, Rt. Hon. Mudashiru Obasa, Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Favour Benson and other distinguished personalities will gather today Thursday 18th July, 2024  for *Eko Mi Awards* which maiden edition will take place at *Sheraton Hotel and Tower, Ikeja,…
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genocidepreventionday · 4 months
We Speak Because They Can Not – Voices to be Heard.
There were more than 100.000 victims on all sides, as well as the perpetrators of the crimes on all sides. For the families of victims, it is still difficult for their voices to be heard and recognized.
The participants in the discussion are the Serbs who experienced and witnessed horrific crimes and have suffered immensely for three decades. They have been begging for the truth and justice for 29 years and this discussion is an opportunity for them to share their testimonies. They best understand the pain of all the other victims and their families – regardless of whether they are Bosniaks, Croats or fellow-Serbs.
Watch the "We Speak Because They Can Not – Voices to be Heard''!
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Never a good situation when one has to rationalise making deals with one’s enemies.
Especially when said enemies are out to destroy the Earth and conquer the rest of the cosmos.
‘I’ve done the maths, Suri. There is no balance, but if I can pull this off, it could mean peace and stability across the cosmos, for eons!’
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mots7 hobi for @senor-hoberto 🤍 (cr. namuspromised)
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pidgefudge · 2 months
something about how hyacinth is a combination of her parents (part human part monster) and she was made with the magic that olala gave back to the universe
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greenqueenhightower · 3 months
This show has made/will make Alicent go through every torment known to (wo)man:
Orphaned by her mother-- ✅ 
Grew up far away from home with a longing to belong-- ✅ 
Domineered and dictated by her father to the expense of her own interests-- ✅ 
Haunted by life-long catholic guilt as a response to trauma-- ✅ 
Dermatillomaniac-- ✅ 
Passed off as a child-bride-- ✅ 
Forced to dress in her mother's or Aemma's clothes to be desired by Viserys-- ✅ 
R*ped throughout her marriage-- ✅ 
Gave birth as a result of r*pe-- ✅  ✅  ✅  ✅ 
Betrayed by her best friend-- ✅ 
SA'd by Larys-- ✅ 
Threatened by and lived in fear because of Larys-- ✅ 
Forced to accept her son's maiming with no justice served-- ✅
Obliged to nurse a living corpse-- ✅ 
Left to deal with Viserys' mess regarding the succession-- ✅
Used as a pawn by the Greens-- ✅ 
Sidelined, discarded, and disregarded by the Greens-- pending
Watched her children and grandchildren suffer and die-- pending
And now the show wants to make the only joy they eventually give her, a consensual relationship with a man she trusts and apparently loves, another source of anguish, pain, guilt, self-disgust, and misery, by pairing it with the most horrendous of tragedies that befall her family.
Honestly, dracarys on the producers and the writers if to further victimize, wh!re-ify, and capitalize on the exploitation of Alicent's suffering they make her have sex with Criston during Blood & Cheese.
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mammalsofaction · 7 months
I've been having a lot of thoughts lately about Human Perry headcanons as I read a bunch of fic and rewatch phineas and ferb. You know you're hitting the nail on the head when scenes from a fic you might never write dog your every waking step and haunts your dreams so, I thought putting it on paper will help.
A lot of fics like to suggest that Perry's full name is Peregrine, which is understandable, but ever since I've rewatched 2D and found out their first name for him was actually Bartholomew my life was never the same. So Perry's actual name is Bartholomew. But nobody actually calls him that least of all himself.
-I really like winding headcanons that Perry is Ferb's biological mom's BROTHER, which honestly makes so much sense as to why both he and Ferb have green hair. Here are some add-ons that may get depressing;
Ferb's mom was Eve, or Evelyn. Her codename was E, for Echidna...because egg-laying mammals native to Australia. They were both orphans, and attached to the hip. They were each other's partner in crime.
-They were scouted for OWCA one day, bc the agency liked picking up kids with potential as young as possible. So Perry and Eve were trained for the agency since the start (which is why Perry is such a good agent at what seems to be a young age)
-Owca is a largely independent authoritarian enterprise with branches all over the world. They aren't the only ones, obviously.
-OWCA also prefers training agents as early as they could. Sometimes that entails scouting talent. Sometimes that means taking in kids of employed agents. Either way, this means OWCA has elementary and high schools that are more akin to militant training camps. It's not cruel. The kids are well cared for and well fed, but OWCA prioritized competency, obedience and discipline.
On every level of OWCA recruitment, training and employment, there is a fedora, and band to mark whichever level you are on the totem pole.
1) Middle school kids are given a bandless fedora.
2) High school kids (soon to be graduates) are given a white band
3) Fresh graduates, training into full employment, are Yellow Bands. Here you start being assigned to full branches, and trained by field work professionals. Think OWCA Files.
4) It's fairly easy to graduate from Yellow Band into a Purple Band. Purple Bands are largely refereed to as Junior Agents, but that's not quite accurate. Purple Bands are the highest reporting authority in any division that ISN'T FIELD WORK. The OWCA Tech, Clerks, RnD and Science Divisions all have Purple Bands to signify they are fully employed, or Superior Officer. Pinky has a Purple Band.
5) It's VERY DIFFICULT to graduate from a Purple Band to a Black Band, not least because there IS NO PREDETERMINED TEST. Black Band agents are Superior Agents, only one level below Division General. There's no telling what could turn you from a Purple to a Black, because the agent has to prove unwavering obedience and faith to the agency in dire circumstances. It's saying "I am willing to do anything for the Greater Good."  Often it entails a death of some sort. OWCA often says Black is the band soaked in blood. Black Band agents have licenses to kill. It's why Black Band Agents are few and precious far in between.
6) After a black band, and you live long enough to retire, you can choose a bunch of things. Most agents choose to become Division Generals or Branch Managers: think Major Monogram. They're basically glorified "Guy in the Chair". Some agents choose to become educators, in which case they are given White Fedoras. White fedoras arent exclusive to black bands though; there are plenty purple band white fedoras. In fact most educators are purple band white fedoras.
-Perry's Black Band Event was Eve's death
-At the time of Eve's death, she had already been married to Lawrence. Ferb was barely a year old, maybe 10 months old?
-Lawrence was told it was a car accident: drunk driver. Truthfully it was a mission gone wrong, involving an underground child trafficking ring, and she stayed behind to give them all the chance to escape. She didn't have the chance to escape when security explosives around the building detonated, and she got caught in the crossfire. Perry had to leave her behind.
-This is why Perry refused to get a partner btw, aka his Lone Wolf tendencies come from.
-In the aftermath, OWCA agents approached the family to give them their condolences, and offer to take Ferb into the fold. For the first time since Eve's death, Perry practically lost it. He didn't hurt anyone, he's much too professional, but he knew Eve didn't want Ferb to get wrapped up in OWCA, and for good fucking reason. Due to their training, neither he nor Eve had much of a childhood, and he refused to subject Ferb to the same kind of life experience.
OWCA was NOT happy. Things were tetchy for a while, at least until Perry was approached by Major Monogram. Francis had a wife, and a son, and he understood where Perry was coming from. He suggested taking a permanent residence in Danville, which was his branch division. It was more stability than Perry ever had working in England, where he and Eve was originally stationed, and it was easy enough to come up with a work-related story to convince Lawrence, who was more than ready enough to leave the house where he and Eve originally lived.
-It was after moving did Lawrence meet and fall in love with Linda.
Edit; I've decided to change Ferb's bio mom's name bc I found something that fits better to me :) She's Eve now
End Backstory.
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pollenallergie · 4 months
self-care is rewatching all of bridgerton but skipping to all the parts with philippa and mr. finch because they are truly the only consistently happy couple on this show
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morimatea · 2 years
The breeze therefrom that churned our little world sounded in reality but little above a murmur.
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saxafimedianetwork · 1 year
Somaliland's Struggle To Gain Recognition, Sovereignty, And Stability In The Horn Of Africa
By establishing diplomatic relations with other countries, #Somaliland hopes to attract foreign investment, increase trade partnerships, & access international aid and assistance.
Continue reading Untitled
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serenityquest · 2 days
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etz-ashashiyot · 1 month
Really did not mean to start a fight on Tisha b'Av by *checks notes* relentlessly defending my view that all people are human and that human suffering matters on both sides of the border wall, but here we are.
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rainbow-crane · 1 month
hey this is the opposite of what I wanted from season 6, actually. Why do these writers hate me personally
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