#Peen on my screen
primalvessel · 2 years
You’re at the hot springs and even though it’s broad daylight, Elucia’s intent on taking his fill of aether.
He growls, in a voice that sends a shiver down your spine:
‘On your knees.’
And you obey.
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And for those of you so inclined, the absolutely not safe for thine working environment version below the cut. 
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viiisenyas · 2 years
I just want a high poly replacer that doesn’t require the peen mod ;o;
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
How H can’t say the word ‘dick’ so he says peen peen/penis…whereas y/n says the word dick all the time…she would definitely tease him about this every time and laugh out loud whenever he says the P word!!!!😂😂😂😂
Potty Mouth
A/N: this just turned into a "yn cursing/being herself on stage for 5 minutes straight" video compilation
GENRE: 1d!yn, married!ynrry
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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"Hiya, love. What's yeh name? Katrina? Katrina, your sign says my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend." YN presses her tongue against the inside of her cheek and she squints her eyes in contemplation as the stadium full of fans let out a "oof!"
"Are yeh still with him? Yes. Ok. Huh? You don't know what to do. And you want my advice. Okay, Katrina here it is," She leans forward, resting a hand on her knee to help get her point across. "Fookin' dump his ass. And that so-called best friend of yours."
"Dublin! How are you lads feeling tonight--oh shit!" YN's arms flail out beside her as she almost trips over a stuffed bear that was thrown out on the catwalk. She continues her walk with a laugh, looking over her shoulder at the item in question.
"Damn, I almost ate shit for a second. Anyways..."
When YN sings Only Angel, she passes by a fan who holds up a sign that reads YN, let me have your man!
She gives the fan a playful curl of her lip and flips them off before she walks off laughing with a shake of her head.
"And I just want to say how incredibly grateful I am for everyone here tonight-"
YN's eyebrows shoot up when the crowd begins to scream out of nowhere. She takes out one of her in-ears to try to hear if she missed something. It isn't until she looks behind herself to the massive screens on stage when it finally clicks. A woman in the midst of the sea of fans shamelessly holds a sign above her head that reads MOMMY!
YN looks back to the audience again, putting a hand above her eyes to try to spot the source. Once she makes contact with the fan, she casually says, "I'm right here, baby. Did y'need something?"
"Yeah, I would love to do a shot with you."
As soon as the words leave her mouth, the stadium full of fans erupts in excited screams. YN crouches down at the edge of the stage and gets passed the plastic cup the fan brought.
"Huh? 'What do you mean how do we do this?'" She chuckles at the bashful girl at the barricade. "You just shoot it back, love. Is this your first time?"
The entire stadium lets out a collective 'awww' when the massive screens on stage display how the girl nods with a mix of excitement and nervousness written all over her face.
"Wha's yeh name, beautiful? Lilly? Lyla? Lyla, okay. Shot virgin, huh? Don't worry Lyla, I'm a gentle lover." YN throws her a wink and she doesn't think the fan's face can get any redder. She raises her cup, the fan following suit, "Salud!"
"Well, that's fookin' huge," YN says, blinking in disbelief when a fan in the crowd shows her the big 1D logo tattooed on his arm. But she's quickly leaning back with a smile tugging on her lips when the fans begin to scream out from the double meaning of her words.
"Alright, gets your mind out of the gutters. Yeh nasties!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to our very special guest for tonight. He's an indie artist, probably never heard of him before, very underground artist. Please give it up for my husband, Mister Harry Edward Styles!"
The stadium goes absolutely crazy, screaming at the top of their lungs before she could even finish the small introduction. Harry walks out onto the stage with a wave of his hand as he holds his microphone with the other. He gives his wife her favorite dimpled smile of his before he pulls her in for a hug.
He blows the audience a kiss before putting a hand over his heart as he mouths the words 'thank you so much' as they continue to go crazy. He even lets out a bashful laugh as they continue to scream their heads off.
"Okay. Alright, alright," YN playfully scolds. "Calm yeh fookin' tits."
While YN has a finger to her lips the other tries to get the crowd to settle down and be as silent as possible. Somewhere in the massive sea of fans, a girl screams out I fucking love you, YN!
"I love you, too but shut up."
"I just have one question, Norway." The audience can't see what the little item she picked up from the floor is, but they erupt when the concert cameras show her holding up a condom packet in the air. "Who the fook threw this? I'm a married woman, leave me alone!"
"Whot? It's for me to give to Harry?" She turns the packet around in her hand to read the back. "No, it's too small for him anyways," She says before tossing it back to the crowd.
Before she can get out another word, YN can't hold back her laughter when the fans scream out at her comment. She puts her hands on her knees as her eyes squeeze close with a scrunch of her nose. Eventually, it becomes too much for her as she drops to her knees and lies down on the stage floor holding her stomach.
"San Jose, I have a confession that I need to share with all of you. Literally since the show started, I've been needing to take a massive fookin' piss."
As soon as she finished singing her song and the lights went back to normal, YN quickly makes her way down to the side of the stage to read a fan's sign that caught her attention earlier.
"Hello! Hi. So you have a fun sign. It says Your husband called my boyfriend an 'absolute penis' the other night."
The two girls in question get displayed on the massive screens behind YN. They hold up their phones by their heads as they record the interaction.
"Well, let me just clarify a couple of things before yeh start to spread these false accusations," YN laughs, putting a hand up as she begins her little rant. She holds up her index finger, "First of all, I was at that show and my husband didn't directly call yeh boyfriend a 'penis,' okay? So calm yehself. Second of all, the only reason he even alluded to calling your man a 'penis' and didn't call him...the other word, was because our mums were there."
"Everyone, please make some noise for me mum, my mother-in-law, and Harry who they're all here tonight!" She happily points to the section at the corner of the massive pit full of fans reserved for family and friends. In the center of a team of security guards, her family can be seen happily waving back.
Anne blows kisses to her daughter-in-law, alternating her hands with each one. Penny jumps up and down, both of her arms straight up in the air as she waves her hands excitedly. And her husband sticks his fingers in the corners of his mouth as he blows out a whistle loud enough to be heard from her spot on the massive stage.
"Which brings me to me third and final point: this is my show yeh? So then I just have one simple question to ask you, lovely lady. Is yeh boyfriend being an absolute dick?" A sly smirk makes its way onto YN's lips when the crowd goes wild.
"No? Good. Well, if he ever is, let me know and I'll kick his ass meself."
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterfiles @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @obsesseddd @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunkown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall @rosehel @sucker4angstt @isalove @diorchives @mrshiddlestyles02 @fdl305 @tiaamberxx
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months
Review of Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix
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There are some spoiler-ish things below, but I think most of it is in the trailer, so I don't think I will ruin anything. I'll warn you during the most spoilery section, though the show makes the "twist" pretty obvious from the beginning.
Blue Eye Samurai is a Kill Bill-style revenge tale that takes place in 17th century Japan. The samurai is half white/half Japanese. The show states that no white folks were allowed in the country back then, so the samurai tries to conceal blue eyes with some sweet BluBlocker™ orange glasses. The Samurai is displeased to have white heritage and decides to try and kill all the "white devils" hiding in Japan.
Will some reactionaries complain there is a show all about someone trying to murder white people? I have no idea. But they're all bad white people, so I'm hoping it won't become a thing.
My Hot Takes
A few episodes meandered a bit, but I enjoyed the series as a whole quite a bit. If nothing else, the sword fights were epic and bloody. I would have watched it for that alone. And there is some gorgeous art direction where they really take advantage of the 2D styled, 3D animation. Plus, Japan is just really pretty. There is also a puppet show that was brilliantly mixed in with the story and the way they animated it was next level awesome.
They fell into cliche a few times. I think they were trying to do homages and tributes but ended up in Derivative Land and some of them felt a bit cringe.
They used "Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" which is that rousing instrumental song from Kill Bill and it was way too on the nose. Like, yes, this show is obviously a 1600s version of Kill Bill, but you're not supposed to make it that obvious.
Also, there was a Metallica song that equally made me roll my eyes and think, "That is badass" so I give them a pass on that one.
And there were a few sections where it felt like you were watching someone else play a video game. I don't know how else to describe it. As if the narrative melted away and suddenly a bunch of Prince of Persia obstacles appeared.
That said, the story was enjoyable, the actors were great, the characters were interesting, the animation was solid, and the fight choreography was top notch.
The nice thing about animation is you don't have to do any jump cuts during the action, so you get to really *see* the fights develop. Thankfully they didn't make use of a lot of impossible-in-real-life camera moves, so it all felt very grounded. As if these fights could actually be filmed in live-action. I suspect they may have even used motion capture or closely adhered to reference footage. Most of the non-fantastical choreography felt like something a stunt performer could actually do. They even had some legit Japanese samurai-style sword fighting moves before it got to the "John Wick with a katana" part of the show.
Back in the day, samurai duels were more akin to jousting than fencing and usually only lasted one or two moves. It can be pretty exciting as long as you build tension and anticipation. But if every sword fight in the show was like that, it would probably get boring. But it was still nice to see it toward the beginning.
So the quality was a bit roller coaster-y at times, but I think it was a solid first season. And I am really hopeful they get a chance to smooth things out in a second. But it is Netflix, soooooo...
As far as content warnings, there is a lot of blood and sex and nudity. Women are very subjegated and some of those depictions are rough. There are some brutal torture scenes. And I think there is implied rape, but it isn't made super clear.
The nudity was surprisingly balanced which felt refreshing. So get ready for boobies and floppy cartoon peens. All the genitals get screen time.
Quick aside about erotic scenes...
There has been recent discourse about nudity and sexy time in media. My biggest issue has always been that men's bodies are rarely shown aside from the patoot. It is never balanced and I always felt uncomfortable with that arrangement. I know movies are a bit stuck because the MPAA has decided dicks in a sexual context are an automatic NC-17. But even in newer HBO-type content where they do show penises, they are usually prosthetics. Hyper real fake dicks on top of real dicks that probably cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop and apply.
Like, the folks with boobs don't get expensive prosthetics. Only the most famous actresses can opt for a body double. For years, if an actress wasn't willing to get naked they would just say, "Well, I guess we'll just have to find another actress."
And now if a guy doesn't want to get naked, apparently the response is, "Don't worry, we'll raise Stan Winston from the dead so he can make you a perfect megadick."
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Women are usually asked to do the brunt of the nudity and I have long felt that wasn't fair and it was exploitative whether intentional or not.
I just think if you are going to ask actors to be vulnerable, everyone should do it or no one should do it.
I also think we need to see more normal non-porn genitals. Like, you can't brag about your progressive all-inclusive nudity if you slap a giant fake wang on every time.
/end tangent
And now, the spoilery part...
The big twist, which is really only a big twist for a character in the show and not the audience, is that the Blue Eye Samurai was born a girl. To avoid capture and death they essentially hid in a different gender identity. And I'm trying to decide if this is a trans story or not.
Sometimes it felt like the show was bluntly saying, "She's a girl. See, she has boobs and no penis. And we make a big deal about her getting caught naked. It's like Mulan!"
But then the show kinda/sorta implies that while identifying as a man was a tactic at first, the Blue Eye Samurai came to feel much more comfortable as a man most of the time and only revealed their feminine attributes to a select few. They also had a binding scene which felt like intentional trans imagery.
Since there wasn't the same concept of trans-ness in 1600s Japan as we understand it in modern times, I'm having trouble determining if this is just an homage to Mulan that wasn't thought very deeply about, or if this is allegory exploring a trans identity.
It is unclear if the identity was chosen purely out of necessity or if there was more to it.
Was it like... they tried on a coat because it was cold, but then they really liked how it fit and made it an essential part of their wardrobe?
Or was it just pure pragmatism? If they don't wear the coat they will die from exposure.
I'm worried they wanted to stay close to that line where they could say it wasn't a trans story if that ended up being more convenient. I don't know. I'm fine with allegory and I really enjoyed how they did it with Nimona, but this felt more deliberately ambiguous and it frustrated me a bit. It would be nice if we could just have blatant trans stories that didn't need to hide in ambiguity to avoid controversy. But maybe there were more obvious things I missed and my confusion is unwarranted.
I also think an argument could be made for ol' Blue Eye being genderfluid. Actually genderfluid would make a lot of sense. Their masculine side is the stoic warrior and their feminine side is their vulnerability, love, and humanity—reserved only for those most trusted. And when the two blend and they are a warrior woman they get super horny. So the entire spectrum is there.
I'm sure there will be a long complicated video essay analyzing this gender dynamic.
/end of spoilery section
In any case, I think if you liked Kill Bill, this might be a show that interests you. It has much less cultural appropriation and blatant stereotyping. No Pussy Wagon, but there is a cool horse. And they did use an all East Asian voice cast, so that representation was cool. And the co-showrunner was Japanese, and I think that influence definitely made a difference.
I give Blue Eye Samurai 7.5 Froggies out of 10.
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theehorsepusssy · 4 months
Is it just me or has oceaniccunt been deleted AGAIN? Tumblr is truly fucked at this point.
My Tumblr is all sorts of fucked tonight. Screen size keeps changing and scrolling all over. But there are some magnificent peens popping up.
Here is oceanicunt ..everybody follow
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gay-yosuke · 9 days
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minecraft minecraft on the screen, you are torturing my balls and peen
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gyozumaki · 2 months
I hate A24 movies solely because they have the weirdest sex shit and I just want my oscar-worthy agonized characters to suffer without random bloody peens flashing across the screen
Men (2022) was the worst movie I could have watched before taking my little nap. I made a better decision watching Martyrs (2008) before going to sleep :(
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obigem · 9 months
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Cameron's heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he turned toward the sound of the footsteps and instead of the redhaired android, he found in her place a tall man, short cropped hair, glasses, and the most wicked looking scar. It was Mr. V. It had to be.
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Somehow he'd worked his magic well enough that he saw fit to meet with him after all. He took a deep breath and psyched himself up to stay the course. He was so close now, he just had to find a pivot point to reveal his true intentions.
"Mr. V? It's so good to meet you!"
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"Mr. V?" He momentarily looked confused. "Oh right, that is the new codename I'm using here, isn't it? I'll have to task HANSEL with being more adventurous next time with his naming schemes."
"Nothing. It's good to meet you." He shook Cam's hand.
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"So, shall I show you my samples?"
"Samples?" Cam was the one to look confused now.
"Of my fiance. For the sculpture. That you'll be crafting?"
"Oh, right, yes, samples. Definitely need those." Cam laughed nervously.
"I can pull them now." Mr. V began swiping on his phone.
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"Ah, here they are." Cam leaned in so he could see the screen a bit better. "I had him select some of his favorites, and then I narrowed those down further to the ones I believed would be the most statuesque."
"That's um, wow, thats—"
"Yes, his penis."
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"We're still very much on the fence of whether it should be a nude or clothed statue. But I figured nude photos will give you a better idea of his anatomy. Perhaps you can use these to sketch up some mock ups?"
"Mock ups?"
"For the sculpture."
"Yes, um, yeah, I just need…"
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"Umm, clay?"
"For a sketch?"
"I mean, umm, pens? Or, er, markers? Um, what I mean is—argh, I cannot keep this up anymore!" Cam finally cracked. Not a minute sooner either. That was more peen than he ever wanted to see 😅
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cavity-core · 1 month
Here’s a cropped version of my Rouran with his hair down dakimakura style art wip
Keeping your screen clean of peen 👍🏻
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primalvessel · 2 years
There wasn’t much that could beat the prospect of a dip and a relax in the hot springs on a cool day in Kugane and the late hour meant that the place was deserted when he stripped down and, after scrubbing the day’s build-up of grime and sweat, stepped into the hot waters.
Picking a spot that overlooked the sea, the Miqo’te stretched in place and enjoyed the view as he did, only to hear the soft sound of footsteps behind him. One fuzzy ear turned towards the sound but, expecting the visitor to stop elsewhere in steaming waters, he didn’t turn from the view.
It was the subtle draw on his aether - caused by the vague notion at the back of his mind of how he was naked in a public place - that clued him in to who had joined him.
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A small shiver ran down his spine and he inhaled deeply as the voidsent’s aura engulfed him completely, putting him in mind of just how the demon would look when he turned around and his cock twitched in interest.
Finally, he turned from one view, to another and if his mind hadn’t already been descending towards the gutter, it would have dived into it when he laid eyes on the muscular form of the demon and his gaze naturally trailed along the neat ‘v’ of Elucia’s hips to settle on the dick Maru immediately wanted inside him.
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He reached between them to take Elucia’s length in his hand and stroked languidly, finally tearing his gaze away from the treat to meet the bright red eyes peering down at him. “So much for a relaxing night at the hot springs...”
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showerbong · 7 months
josh hutcherson bicurious (im paraphrasing)
i'm drinking miller and pirating contagion again on my laptop, which is overheating, and the fan is kicked on so high because i'm using all my available RAM with all the pop-up porn adds on this foreign streaming site called ww7.soap2day.co, and i am too lazy to try to close the titty pop-ups so i just let them loop, jiggling their tits over gwyneth paltrow's face as she hacks up a lung in the kitchen and keels over at matt damon's feet. i always forget that gwyneth paltrow has this insanely cunty and extraordinarily short-lived character arc as patient zero where shes in the movie for like 11 minutes and then next thing you know shes getting her head sawed open for an autopsy. the fan and the pop-up porn are so loud that i have the subtitles on and they just say [SAW BUZZING] and gwyneth's sort of stunned open-mouthed face is taking up the whole frame just staring slightly off screen. i feel like this has been said before but i love her character work here in contrast to the goop vagina rocks and pussy candles. me and jamie have been taking these quizzes recently to get our seasonal color analysis and i think gwyneth is a soft spring here. she's like pasty and bloodless but also so pastel while shes getting her brain dissected. me and jamie keep getting all four different seasons when we take all these different mommy blogger quizzes but i am just going to keep taking the quiz until i get what i want, which I think would be winter because its chic and classic and im so absolutely bored of midwestern people. i've only been to new york three times but i feel like its not too late to at least delude myself for a month or two that i'll move there next fall.
i keep seeing all these online debates about this new hunger games movie and something about the katniss / anti-katniss female lead character archetypes but i always scroll past before i have any sense of what they're talking about. i went through like 11 years of icloud photos tonight to show jamie because it got too complicated trying to explain all of the different phases & aesthetics i've cycled through. its so embarrassing to admit but in college literally everyone called me 'peen' for four whole years as some sort of extended callback to a weird comment i made freshman year about being team peeta & katniss and how i was team peenis. i really never set myself up for success and it was never mean spirited but it did feel particularly TARGETED, even when i came back to school in the fall one year incredibly TANNED and TONED from just working all summer and going to the gym like twice a day to avoid awkward one-on-one time with my mom. there was even this one dude that i fucked like three times or so, and we were like good friends but when i'd see him walking around campus he'd be like 'hey peen' and then proceed to text me to hang out a few hours later. classic that this would happen to me but again i did kind of bring it on myself in a moment of needing to just be the loudest, biggest breath-sucking striver in the room. i almost always succeeded, though, in captivating and maintaining.
you know years later i did finally succeed in reinventing myself as a cool fun party coke girl, but like one who also knows every pavement song and went to post-bar sex parties at this one allston dj's house. i think i fucked at least a couple guys who had josh hutcherson vibes but were considerably uglier. i think josh hutcherson once said that katniss & peeta & gale should have a threesome or something. in my personal experience, during this time i did have a threesome with this guy who i must have thought looked vaguely josh hutcherson, kind of stocky but with a nice jawline, but in reality this dude had a weird fupa and carried himself with a sort of an all-around, prematurely-aging affect. once after we boned he asked me to take pictures of him for his tinder account, and everything was just so boring then so i said sure yeah im game, and i truly had nothing else to do, so he had me take a bunch of shots of him laying completely naked on top of the bed with a copy of infinite jest folded open on his lap covering his crotch. you can see like a sliver of ballsack in every single picture. this, along with a few additional reasons, is why i think gwyneth paltrow's lobotomy on steriods speaks to me. i think a lot of my problems in life would be solved if i was just team gale
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Through all the fics and wips you have, i can’t imagine what your files must be labelled as (affectionately)
some real life titles include:
rethink your life
the color violet
too many peens
mean elain
delete this
and my all time favorite
I have 20 untitled documents and sometimes i have to squint at the screen and figure out which one im looking for and then give it a "normal" name so i know what im looking for at least
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Is that a peen on my screen? 👀 Dude it’s only Friday 🤣🤣🤣
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I just got a chance to read the third chapter of The Risk in this Kiss. And my heart is breaking for both of them! I wanted Billy to rip into the people on the basketball team. Poor Steve, I just wanted to cuddle him and pet his fluffy hair. I love Dustin and Will being his kryptonite, because I too would break and spoil them with whatever they wanted because they are so adorable! They would get away with so much and love that Dustin is in tune with Steve to know there is something wrong! I feel sorry for Billy because of each rejection but from a reader standpoint you can tell that Steve is doing it to protect himself( and Billy) and knowing it’s a trauma bond. Just ugh it’s so good and love that your are expanding the timeline in the story! Love it! I’m so glad I watched the show to read your story and to figure out who the boy with the pretty blue eyes and long curly locks was. Ugh slay me 🥵
Steve is literally just in survival mode. Doesn't have the energy to try and pretend he's fine, so he doesn't. Tries to keep it together for the thing that he thinks matters (basketball) but gives that up too cos coming to terms with the team not caring about him anymore is too hard to deal with. Can't be around Nancy and doesn't trust himself to be around Billy, too heart sick to be around his only other friend Jonathan and too afraid to give Billy a chance.
The saddest thing I think about any version of Steve but specifically Omega Steve is how he's had to cope by himself for so long that finding someone he could trust (Nancy) and then having it torn away from him means that it he's WORSE than he was before her. It's one thing to cope and survive on your own your whole life, that's just how life is and its fine. But to have a YEAR with someone who made you think about "forever" and then trying to go back to doing it alone?? ARGH!
Also, yeah FUCK the boy with pretty blue eyes and long hair UGH.
I am not the sort to be Flustered by most peen-owners cos generally... no. Like obvs I love the characters and I'd go to the moon and back for my faves, but as far as like me IRL being That Sorta Flustered over an actor or character? Nah.
(I did bite right through my goddamn tongue the first time I saw Hela but nobody blames me for that.)
So yeah. Peen owners don't usually do it for me.
BUT The very first time I saw Billy on screen I went "OH MY " and had to turn off the TV so thats-- yeah. Welcome to the chaos. This is a 'we love billy' blog now.
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midnightostara · 1 year
I had an idea pop into my head.
Before I start with what it is. I remember that an Anon sent Flipper here about Rami Malek's team and also click on the notes with my opinion and Peens.
Here it is 👇
Amazon is doing a TV series of God Of War (doing it in the Norse mythology). This thought came into my head.
I was thinking more of someone playing Heimdall, God of foresight, surveillance, foreknowledge and order in the series.
That is when it hits me that Rami should play Heimdall since they have the same nose shape and Rami could sport blonde hair....
Or not.
But, the thing is this could help Rami's career to reinvigorate his fanbase and his following again in a heartbeat. They'll be seeing Rami on the TV screen instead of the big screen.
All he is doing is just one day movie roles that will only last on the big screen before turning into a DVD which his PR team is dead set on doing with him instead of even trying to give him roles for streaming services and as well focusing on his faux-romance with Worzel instead of pushing his talent out there.
Which he really needs a new PR team that will work with him. Instead of the team he has that are dead set on old Hollywood Stardom work of just him doing movies.
This could be his chance to do a TV role again like he did in The Pacific and Mr. Robot.
Just a thought.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
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I apologize for the peen on your screen but I am fairly certain you realize why I could not restrain myself
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