#People don't notice him unless he makes a disruption
misslycoris · 5 months
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𐂂 Oh best believe he's not gonna take you seriously at the beginning of your so-called friendship, I don't even think he considers it as one.
𐂂 He just considers you as one of the many people he knows. He also definitely doesn't think of you as an equal or anyone significant.
𐂂 He'll probably acknowledge your existence if you were a part of the hotel, but if you were just a random demon off the streets then no, he has better things to do with his time. Not unless you do something that grabs his attention.
𐂂 Deliberately trying to be on his good side won't affect him in any way, he's used to that treatment, therefore what you're doing is nothing special.
𐂂 But what does grab his attention? Subtle things. Giving him his space, if you have a phone or any technology invented beyond the 1930s you generally try and avoid him, thanking him as he passes you your portion of the meal he cooks for hotel bonding nights that Charlie mandated. Stuff like that when added up makes Alastor generally more appreciative of your existence.
𐂂 Only then you're upgraded from an acquaintance to an acquaintance that isn't as annoying to be around as the rest.
𐂂 That's when he strikes up random conversations with you, he appreciates it if you take the time to listen and add to it, even more so if you actually set aside something you were doing just to talk with him. It gives him a mini ego boost every time.
𐂂 Writing something while he talks about the hotel's structural problems? His smile widens when you close your notebook and join him by recounting the time you almost fell down the balcony.
𐂂 Eating breakfast and he talks about how he hunts the perfect deer for venison? There you are, chewing your food and nodding, listening to how he graphically describes the process while the rest of the hotel stares at him in horror.
𐂂 Another thing he does during this phase is popping out of nowhere and keeping up with what you're doing, call it interest, call it curiosity, or maybe it's boredom. Now that Alastor knows that you are more tolerant of him he'll fully use that to his entertainment.
𐂂 I can see him trying to get a deal out of you but it doesn't go anywhere, since I'm going to assume we are all smart enough to not hand our souls to Alastor on a silver platter.
𐂂 Survive his onslaught of impromptu shenanigans and move on to the next tier of actually being friends.
𐂂 Alastor treats his friends as his equals so there's that, also be ready to accept his invites to drinking coffee around the hotel and talking about the latest mess the hotel went through.
𐂂 The way he treats you compared to how he treats Angel or Husk is way different that it physically gives everyone a whiplash. I'm talking about something like this:
"Can you not scare off people, smiles? We're tryna bring in people into the hotel." Angel explains, Alastor only simpers as he feigns ignorance.
"Why, I don't know what you're talking about!" He laughs as he skips off merrily. Charlie and Vaggie then nod to each other and drag you into the conversation, whispering you something before they push you towards Alastor.
"Hey Alastor, I just wanted to ask if you could help me with something?" You ask, you haven't made up a chore to ask for help from him but you needed a reason to try and stop him from scaring any potential guests. Does Alastor know? I guarantee you he does. But does he let you do it anyways? Yes, absolutely he does.
"Anything to help a dear out, if you'll excuse us then!" Alastor bids goodbye for the both of you as you walk away, despite being the one to ask him, he was the one leading the way.
𐂂 Alastor also invites you to meet Rosie! Rosie finds you very endearing and if you had a penchant for cannibalism expect luncheons together with them.
𐂂 By this point everyone in the hotel notices how Alastor gravitates towards you, they have mixed reactions to it but the general consensus is to not disrupt your "bonding sessions" as Charlie puts it.
𐂂 Alastor oftentimes shares jokes whether or not you appreciate his humor. Side note, Alastor full-on cackles if you or Rosie say something outta pocket about somebody, and hangouts with both of them are generally a good time. He'll try to say shit like:
"Let's be nicer now." All the while he holds in a laugh after you and Rosie called Susan the wicked bitch of the West.
𐂂 This is also a silly thought of mine, but picture this:
You decided to stay up late one night after you decided to do whatever it is you were putting off and after a while, you decided to grab some coffee from downstairs.
Arriving at the kitchen you see, this eldritch abomination in the shadows looming over the cabinet where the instant coffee packets were kept. It then takes you a few seconds to register that it was Alastor and you were just left standing by the kitchen doorway, wondering what to say.
"Can I grab the coffee packets from that cabinet over there?" You point towards the cabinet, Alastor then quickly shifts back to his usual form and ushers you to the kitchen counter.
"Nonsense my dear! Why don't I make us some nice and hot coffee instead of consuming such tasteless things." Alastor insists and before you could even refuse he was already doing a French press.
𐂂 Though as you can imagine Alastor has his off days, he makes it clear to you when he isn't in the best of moods and you steer clear of him per his request. Then the fight with Adam happened. As the rest of the hotel was busy with rebuilding the hotel, you were balancing both looking for Alastor and helping paint the walls of the new hotel.
𐂂 This is when the remaining walls he had crumbled down as you find him at his lowest, basically defeated and while he was royally pissed when someone saw him in such a vulnerable state, you were the best option out of the ensemble that was currently singing outside of the ruins of his old radio station.
𐂂 Hesitant as he was, he let you dress his wound with bandages, he wasn't comfortable with anything else you offered, not with cleaning up the wound itself, not with telling the rest that he was alive, and definitely not asking for help from anyone either. So you stayed there for a while after you finished dressing his wound up, his blood immediately soaking through the bandage. But you didn't say anything and let Alastor be, and after a few more minutes in silence, he got up and offered you a hand as if he wasn't the one who needed it. The only thing he says is:
"We mustn't dilly-dally now, the rest are waiting for you." Not us, just you. It sounded bitter but you didn't say anything.
𐂂 Romantic isn't the right word for Alastor, I imagine him to be somebody who doesn't outright say his feelings but there's a gradual change, and then one day, before you know it people around the hotel will start asking you if you two were a thing. He's not going to acknowledge the change verbally, but he does notice it and acknowledges it in his own way.
𐂂 Don't get me wrong he's capable of being romantic, acts of service is his go-to, and on days that he feels like it he can be very vocal with his affections. But it's not an everyday occurrence.
𐂂 This only starts right after something like seeing him at his lowest, that for me is when I feel like he's more willing to be more open to you. I mean, you've already seen him at rock bottom, so why not?
𐂂 Go to him during your more vulnerable moments, he's done it to you so he expects the same. Trust goes both ways after all.
𐂂 It starts out small, if you were used to setting things aside just to listen to him ramble, wait until you start to notice that he's doing the same thing for you. Usually when you're discussing something he multitasks, of course he still listens but efficiency is of the essence. Eventually though, he starts to physically put aside anything he is doing, showing that you have his full attention.
𐂂 There are also times when you (and the rest of the hotel) notice that your portion in meals that he cooked has significantly more than what the others have on their plates. Anyone who complains gets told that they were only imagining it by Alastor.
𐂂 Alastor also gradually becomes more lenient with you, letting you get away with a lot more than you should. Steal his monocle? He'll wear his glasses as he searches for you in the hotel. Break something by accident? He'll be by your side telling you to be more careful as he picks up every broken piece before you hurt yourself.
𐂂 Adjustment is key, I can see the other party doing more of it but he also makes an effort to meet you halfway. Are you particularly touchy? He doesn't get it but he knows it makes you happy so he makes an effort to accommodate you.
𐂂 Words of affirmation? Since he gets to see you get all flustered he's up for it! He finds you adorable whenever you do.
𐂂 Alastor tries for you, tries to navigate all of those unfamiliar territories that he's never had the chance to explore to ensure that you don't feel like the only one in your relationship. It does feel like it sometimes, I won't sugarcoat it, Alastor at heart is a man cold and sharp on the edges, but he isn't Alastor if he wasn't and he still cares for you all the same even if he doesn't show it.
𐂂 I'd say the most romantic part of the day for the both of you would be reading together in his room, fire crackling as you sit on the floor (much to Alastor's protest) while you lean against Alastor's chair. Sometimes he sneaks a peek into your book just to see what you were reading out of curiosity, and you'd rather not tell him that you could see him doing it from his reflection through the small mirror he had hanging by one of his shelves.
𐂂 Pet names for days! Yes he does call you chere, next question please. Pet names become more frequent the closer you two become, although, the more personal nicknames would be said behind closed doors. The most he'll call you in public would be darling, he didn't need to air out every part of his life and you both were content at that. Also, call me crazy, delusional even, but hear me out here sharks:
You were sitting by the fire, with Alastor still complaining that sitting on the floor was nowhere near as comfortable as you said it was, you only laughed lightly at how much of a fuss he's kicking up.
"I won't die a second time just because I decided to sit on the floor Al. Besides, you're a lot closer if I sit here. I like it like that. So let me have this one, please?" You don't know why, but he stops in the middle of his tangent. Something about what you just said struck something in him that got him laughing softly, even going so far as to ruffle your hair ever so gently.
"Oh, you dear old thing. I suppose I can't stop you." He eventually takes his hand back and goes back to reading as he hums together with the faint melody of jazz in the air.
𐂂 Alastor helps you dress up if you ask, need help with a zipper you can't quite reach? Hold his staff for a moment while he does. Can't pick between two things? Ask him and he'll give you his opinion, he'll often say you'll look just as lovely wearing either one but he does have his choice.
𐂂 You don't sleep in the same rooms unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, if you're a part of the rehabilitation program you both would have a separate room of your own. Neither of you made any plans of asking Charlie to move you to his room or vice versa either since you were both unprepared for whatever questions she may have so you both agreed to put it off, there really was no urgency or need to stay in the same room anyways.
𐂂 Letters! Events like Valentine's Day never interested Alastor, there was no one to spend it with so he never needed to worry about it. But with you in the picture he starts to think otherwise, you both rarely ask for anything from the other so gifts would have to be purely given by initiative, and now was the perfect time. It takes Alastor an almost embarrassingly long amount of time to settle on writing you a letter, a heartfelt one dedicated to thanking you for being a part of his afterlife, for being someone he can trust, and for making the days less monotonous for him. Imagine his surprise when he hands you a letter only for you to give one of your own. You both share a laugh and settle down by the fire, reading your letters together as Alastor sits down on the floor together with you just this once to humor you he says.
𐂂 All in all, it takes a while, but with time, patience, and I mean a lot of it, you'll get there.
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Interested in hearing me yap even more? Give Signed, Alastor a go if you have the time. It's about a bat and a deer faffing around until they sort their feelings out.
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brujahinaskirt · 1 year
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Okay, I obviously made the above post as a leetle joke, but since it's getting not insignificant traction, I do want to offer a more serious note.
I love this about Arthur. It's probably my favorite thing about him, but let me use this fresh new RDR2 meta post to clarify exactly what I mean. Despite the aspects of his personality & appearance that are traditionally hypermasculine, and despite how often he is annoyed with people (especially incompetents or people who meddle with his plans), Arthur is decidedly NOT annoyed by the social performance of femininity or by traits that are/were frequently stereotyped as feminine. Ever. Regardless of subject. I might go so far as to say he seems to canonically prefer hanging out with women and with "feminine" men.
Your long-winded, bullet-pointed analysis is below!
The Girls. Most noticeably, Arthur actually sits down to talk with and actively confides in the camp Girls (Tilly, Mary-Beth, Karen) more than anyone else around. These three are the most traditionally "girly" (single, 20s, active, pretty, unattached, highly social, feminine, chatty) members of the gang, though of course they are still criminals and don't perfectly adhere to all period-typical standards of feminine comportment. He doesn't mock the girls** like he sometimes does with other auxiliary members of the gang (like Uncle and Pearson, playful or not). Notably, he doesn't even gently tease Mary-Beth for writing her "silly" romance novels, a highly feminized hobby which she speaks about in a self-depreciating manner, much like Arthur speaks about his own artistic hobbies. Rather, he talks to her about writing like a peer and encourages her to write more by going out of his way to get her a nice pen. Crucially, there is no canon romantic or sexual interest in any of the girls on Arthur's behalf. He just feels the most comfortable in their company and seems to value their advice/opinions on life the most. To me, this is much stronger proof than his forever-burning torch for the cultured & ladylike Mary, which is (or was once) rooted in romantic desire. ** Unless the player persists in Antagonizing them, and these lines (while sometimes shockingly cruel and offhandedly sexual in nature; see Arthur teasing Tilly about pursuing Javier) are largely about goading them for laziness or, in Karen's case, her alcoholism. That said, many of the Antagonize lines strike me as clumsily tacked-on & poorly rooted in canon, which could indicate: (1) an Arthur who is deliberately trying to be disruptive (a generous interpretation), or (2) writers instructed to add throwaway content that will make a certain type of childishly misanthropic gamer (think 13 y.o. boys) squeal in glee with relatively low impact on the overall story.
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Campmates. Following the above point... who doesn't Arthur hang out with much? The manly men of the gang; the very people social mores suggest he ought to be hanging out with. Bill, Micah, Joe, Cleet, and even Dutch. (To some extent, this includes John and Sean, but I'd say John sort of lives at the edges of gang life anyway, and Sean is, well, Sean.) Conversely, which male gang members does Arthur hang out with a lot? Sweet little bookish Lenny, a wordy, positive-energy, breezy intellectual who has just barely become an adult. Introspective, soft-voiced, long-haired Charles, who is traditionally masculine by some standards (strong, usually calm, can be standoffish) but decidedly NOT so when his appearance/demeanor is judged by the white Christian American male standards that began to dominate masculinity concepts in the later decades of the 1800s.
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Algernon. Oh, my, Algernon. Arthur clearly dislikes Algernon's fancy, loud, outrageous clothing. But weirdly, he seems to like Algernon, not just tolerate him. Arthur in fact goes through significant personal discomfort to avoid hurting Algernon's feelings (the awful hat, the POST.MAN. sobbing), and he immediately says yes to having tea with him without any awareness of a coming business proposition, though half the time Arthur clearly has no fucking clue what Algernon is talking about. I am left to conclude that on some level, he just enjoys hearing Algernon talk, which is word-for-word what he says while listening to the Girls argue about romance novels ("I just like listening to you [all] talk." Hello????). I mean, for God's sake, he meets the man while he's choking to death on a nut at a fancy party, and the second thing Algernon does is tell him he looks like a guy who wears a corset. If anything was going to set off the boiling defensiveness of a dude who worships masculinity, thirty seconds with Algie would have done it.
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Margaret, Mistress of Fucking Danger. It's pretty clear Arthur doesn't like Margaret. But that has little to do with Margaret's femininity & cross-dressing (this doesn't faze him at all when Charles Châtenay does it; more on that below) and everything to do with Margaret's deceptiveness and highly selective memory. It's not until the bullshittery unveils itself that Arthur starts getting visibly pissed off at Margaret. Conversely, Arthur does seem more positively disposed toward Sally Nash. (That said, this quest has a lot of problems and poorly aged lines that are depressingly easy for a politically motivated jerkoff to soundbite and miscast as Rockstar being pro-bigot. Cue 800 heterobnoxious gamerbro ARTHUR MORGAN ULTIMATE ANTI SNOWFLAKE SIGMA MALE OF THE WEST YouTube videos.)
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Albert, my beloved. Rather than goading him to man up, Arthur tries to persuade Albert (whom he very obviously likes) to pick safer animal photography subjects, e.g. horses, and doesn't insult him for his lack of wilderness knowledge (an aspect of traditional manliness that is highly relevant to Arthur's lifestyle). You'd think he would tear into him for this shortcoming, given that they share so many of the same interests and passions, and IMO his genuine eagerness to serve as Albert's protector and facilitate his art is highly convincing evidence that Arthur does not necessarily view masculinity as a net positive.
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Arthur is a basic goddamn boyfriend-hater. He pretty much harshly disapproves of every husband, boyfriend, male partner, etc. in the game and is very, very vocal about it... except one extremely unlikely candidate: Beau Gray. Weak, dandy artist Beau Gray, whom Arthur takes one look at and promptly hands the only gun to Penelope. Arthur is curt and impish to Beau at times, but helps him in his relationship troubles willingly (without collecting repayment), and seemingly for no other reason than the fact he can see that soft, fearful Beau is genuinely head-over-heels in love with Penelope. Is he projecting his own young love for Mary onto them? Maybe/probably, but Beau could not possibly be more different from young Arthur, and Arthur seems to believe this difference will make him a good husband for Penelope. A good husband, in Arthur's view, seems to simply be a man who ardently loves his beloved, regardless of his ability to provide for/protect her, and whose only goal in life is to live that life at her side. This is completely antithetical to mainstream late-1800s views on what constitutes a good husband and what it means to be a man.
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Châtenay. Arthur shows us some of the most obvious delight and mirth he experiences in the game when he's hanging out with Charles "Allo Boys" Châtenay, who is straight up in drag a third of that time. This baffles Arthur a little, but doesn't disgust or repel him. I've written about this mission elsewhere at greater length because it is one of my favorite disasters, but it's worth mentioning here too.
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Trelawny. Arthur clearly enjoys Trelawny despite his grumbly claims to the contrary. Most of these "claims" are just Arthur's established way of affectionate teasing (he does much the same with Uncle and Pearson, both of whom he genuinely likes). His authentic gripes about Trelawny are all about a perceived flightiness/lack of loyalty to the gang, not about his flamboyance. And even these gripes are half-assed, in Arthur's usual way.
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Bluegills & Daisy Chains. One of the most genuine moments of softness we have with Arthur in RDR2 is when he takes Little Jack out of the camp to go fishing. Arthur's usually a much truer version of himself when he doesn't have to play the Big Bad Gang Lieutenant role, but this moment of escape is especially important, and not just because Arthur reveals his fondness for children and his natural understanding of how to talk to them. I notice this: Arthur tries to gently teach Jack about fishing, and Jack is completely fucking uninterested. Jack prefers to make flower chains for his mommy. Arthur doesn't scold him for his drifting attention or his lack of attraction to masculine past-times; on the contrary, Arthur goes out of his way to encourage and protect Jack's natural sweetness and innocence. That's a wild stance for a murdering outlaw to have re: the "next generation" of his family. Hell, I've encountered far too many 21st century dads in my own family who flip their shit when their tiny sons prefer hanging out with women & partaking in "womanly" hobbies like art, cooking, and flowers rather than hunting and fishing.
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"...and be a god damn man." This seems like classic masculine bluster on the surface, but what does this keynote line mean in the context in which Arthur says it? Well, it's complicated. This statement serves as (a) Arthur's goodbye to John, (b) Arthur's final call to action for John, and (c) Arthur's last wish for his brother's life. But it certainly does not mean standing and fighting or being tough; i.e., "dying like a man." In that moment, it means abandoning all masculine bluster and revenge fantasy, and running away: leaving violence and fighting and brotherhood and all that crap behind to simply be there (alive, present) for your wife and son.
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The Best Women People. Who are the best people Arthur knows, by his own crystal-clear declaration? Abigail and Sadie. Sadie's a rough-and-tumble, super-violent gunslinger and Abigail's a stubborn thief & a former sex worker (in the time Arthur has known her), but they are also, critically, two wives: the most traditional feminine role for a woman of the time period (and indeed perhaps most of human history once the concept of "wife" subsumed that of "mother"). It's also important to note that Arthur doesn't truly give up on Dutch until Dutch abandons Abigail, which serves as Arthur's point of no return. The other men left in the gang at this point specifically note that she's "just a woman" and not worth going back for. Arthur is straight-up shocked by all of this; he obviously considers her among the most worthwhile and value-having members of the gang, and certainly one of the most core members of the gang. Without any hesitation or doubt, the instant it's clear Dutch is cutting Abigail loose, Arthur declares: "That's that, then."
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tl;dr: Arthur unironically prefers hanging out with women and queens and I love that for them.
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candywife333 · 6 months
Hey can u write a Professor Jimin fvcking slutty student(like with some degrading and blackmailing shit), Jimin blackmails oc with her naked videos which he secrectly filmed?
Don't Test Me
Thank you for the request! Sorry it took a while to get to it. Will be posting daily from now on. Finished all my major exams and am ready to write limitlessly now. As usual , not proofread.
chubby insecure student y/n x Professor Jimin (nasty yandere-ish).
Triggers: eventual smut, dubcon, blackmail
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"Y/N, stay back. I have a few things I need to discuss with you".
I stood there shell-shocked. Had no idea why Prof. Jimin would want to talk to me. I did my work silently, maintained a consistent B+ in his class, and made sure I never caused any disruption. He had a fan club filled with some of my most beautiful classmates that fawned all over him at any given time of the day. So what would he possibly need from me?
Most people in school acted as though I were invisible. And as much as others may hate it, I loved being a loner. I didn't want to be noticed. Didn't want to take up space. My life's goal is to be forgotten. Probably had to do with the fact that whenever I was noticed, it was never a pleasant experience.
I turned back to face Professor Jimin. He had a quizzical arch to his brow, almost in a questioning manner, as thought to ask why I kept so much space between me and him. If I didn't know any better, I would say that his plump lips were lifted up in a slight smirk, defiantly arrogant. Black eyes glinted back at me with an unrecognizable solemnity. Sent shivers down my back , an emotion akin to fear. He had never come off this scary before. Prof. Jimin was usually stern within good reason, but never this outright intimidating.
As though he knew something I didn't. He grumbled in a rather sharp tone of voice, "Close the door behind you Y/N. This is to be a private conversation. And come closer to my desk so I can talk to you without literally having to shout at you".
I gingerly closed the door behind me and walked over to his desk, dreading how up close I would have to be to face him. I hated invading people's personal space and I felt the same about other's encroaching on mine. Made me dicy and uncomfortable. Yet, I had no choice. I reluctantly sat in the chair right in front of his desk while he occupied the chair on the other side.
How did he even know my name? I never answered in class and was mostly just silent. The TAs usually graded all papers and assignments. He wouldn't know me, unless he made it a point to know me. This made me even more queasy. Sweat lined my forehead, droplets slowly sliding down the nape of my neck.
His face relaxed into a grin, white teeth encased by soft fluffy pink lips. Folding his hands on the table in front of him, he calmly implored, "Are you feeling alright Y/N? You seem a little nervous". I shook my head side to side rapidly as though I were a mute, gulping down my trepidation. "Nothing at all Professor Jimin, just a little stressed out with the work load in other classes", I managed to whisper out in a rush.
He laughed, his entire body shaking with laughter, tears dripping down his angelic face. Wasn't this a bit excessive reaction to what I had just said? Was he mocking what I had expressed?
The atmosphere strangely enough took on a sinister air. His black bottomless eyes, empty of all humor stilled on me. He grabbed my hand in his, a rather sudden motion, making me freeze in confusion. As he traced the lines of my hand, he hissed, "Of course you would be the only student worried about assignments, when you have grave issues of much more dire proportions to contend with Y/N".
I withdrew my hand from his warmth in bewilderment, muffling out , "I don't think I-I quite understand Professor. Have I done something wrong in class? Do I need to be punished for some mistake I made"?
My brain mindlessly droned on in a convoluted mess, calculating what I could've possibly done wrong in his class. Before I could even process it, Prof. Jimin was on the side of his table, leaning down towards my face. I flinched at his proximity. But he didn't let me get much further away.
He grabbed the nape of my neck as his breath ghosted across my lips. "Since we are in math class Y/N, what do you think about this angle"? My eyes focused on the phone screen placed in front of me. It showed a girl, chubby flesh overflowing , steam rising up all around her, completely naked bathing. As I looked closer, fear clouded my mind. Terror gripping my bones. That was me in the video.
My flushed skin, all red and blotchy from the steaming water of the shower was shown in perfect clarity. The only thing that couldn't be viewed in this video was my face, obscured by the steam. All my other body parts--droopy breasts , jiggly arms, bushy p**sy-- were visible on screen. The video was in perfect line with my frame, as though a voyeur were looking in through a keyhole, holding a camera.
My face whipped to view Professor Jimin's face. I was disgusted. Did he do this? No boy in this school would ever bother to do this. I was not attractive. Me and pretty didn't even run in the same circles. Heck she wasn't even a distant relative of mine. Why would anybody bother to take a nude video of the university's chronic loner?
Professor Jimin looked unfazed as he coolly calmly stated, no quiver in his voice, "Do you want this leaked to the university admin"? I felt like I was dying internally, squeaking out in a watery warble, tears streaming down my face in torrents, "No Sir. I-I don't. Please I beg you to get rid of this. I don't know who could have p-p-p-ossibly have done this".
I stammered out in a panic, getting on my knees on the floor below, holding his legs with both hands, begging him,"I am not even pretty. I don't have a clue who would take videos of me like this. I would never send anyone anything like this. P-please help me professor".
I looked up at Professor Jimin, expecting the cold expression he had on through this entire interaction. But what I saw in his face didn't make any sense. He seemed indignant. In fact enraged. I don't think I ever see him like this even in class. He grabbed me in an abrupt motion, with a strength I didn't think he had in him for how lithe he looks to be.
He pushed me against the wooden table, bellowing in my face, "Who told you that you weren't pretty"?
He held my wrists in his hands, restraining me in such a manner that I could not move them. I scoffed as tears stained my face, " Professor, who would even care to see me naked? This must be some horrible prank. It looks like a video of me taking a shower in the university gym after dance practice. But honestly, I don't get why it was even taken. You can see how unappealing my body looks".
I continued to sniffle in silence, till I was yanked back by the back of my hair. My eyes met his head on as he proclaimed rather bluntly, "I would. I would care to see you naked. In fact, I called you to my room to tell you that I took the video. And if you ever want it deleted, never to be seen by any other person's eyes other than mine, you must do as I say".
I crumpled in resignation, back slouching , defeated. Why would he even do this? I never did anything to him to warrant this type of blackmail. But I met his gaze that glimmered with something warm. I couldn't name it yet. I felt his left arm curl around my waist, pressing me closer to him, my clothed clit pressed against the front of his trousers as I set on the desk. I croaked out blankly, " What do I need to do Professor. What should I do to get rid of this video? I don't understand why you took it in the first place. But what can I do to never have those shown to anyone else"?
A victorious smirk filtered onto his otherwise angelic face as his finger rubbed against my clothed clit , an unyielding metal ring prodding against my hardened bud. I tried not to moan as he whispered into my ear, "All you have to do is be mine. Let me have my way with you forever. That is all".
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Friday the 13 Th - Eddie Munson x (Fem) Henderson! Reader
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Warnings: Friday the 13 Th franchise references.
Summary: Eddie has convinced you of making something big to bother Jason in the most fitting day for your inside joke about him.
Notes: Happy Friday the 13 th! Let's make fun of Jason lol
The school's cafeteria was a stage where Eddie loved to play being a dreaded artist annoying the well adjusted students with his unhinged dramatizations. He was an autentical court jester despite many loathed his performances. You may have been once too shy to get involved or even engage, but the spirit of companionship of Hellfire had slowly and consistently changed that.
As two lonely weirdos doing their best to not be noticed during most of your highschool experience, you have always been in a distant bubble with Jonnathan doing your own thing unless bullies would disrupt you. There was no one else at least untill he started to date Nancy and you befriended Eddie first, later also Steve. While you remained best friends, some of that crave to hide together in a little corner going unnoticed began to change and that was way more evident in you under the influence of Eddie.
For once at least, Jonnathan acceded to get involved for a small role in a carefully crafted espectacle you were planning because he got to appreciate the concept. Fellow horror geek, he found it simple yet quite effective. At very least you both would have a funny story to share with Will and Dustin.
Staged action took it's course as you approached him limping and pretending you were crying your heart out.
" Please, please! You have to help me!! " You begged him for the entire place to hear you, your ketchup soaked hands seeking to hold his clean ones . " … He is coming, he got my friends!!! He is gonna kill us! "
Pretending confussion wasn't that hard given your performance.
" What are you talking about?"
" The councelors were making love while that young boy drowned!!" You directly referenced the speech of Pamela Vorhees in a mashup with a victim character. " … Now we are all cursed. WE DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!!!! "
When your agonical, prophetic scream gave him the sign Eddie emerged rushing like a maniac into the scene.
" FRIDAY THE 13 TH!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13 TH, PEOPLE!!" He began to scream to anyone in his way. " RUN FOR YOUR LIVES CAUSE JASON IS GONNA COME TO GET YOU!"
The joke was perfectly timed with the entrance of Jason Carver. Annoyance was the less concerning feeling it awakened on the target. When you once started it he could have never imagined it was going to stick with the full weirdo group and even escalate.
" Are you looking for trouble, freak?"
Enacting a reaction fitting for a horror movie, you got in between them shielding Eddie with your body.
" No, Eds! Don't sacrifice yourself for me!! "
Eddie turned dramatically to play pretend a heartfelt objection.
" I must do it. You are the final girl and i am just the disastrous but charming male lead following you into the woods just because i'm in love with you. " He followed your performance with a self awareness touch. " Go, my beloved. Save that stoner and remember me. "
You held his hands as if his life trully depended of listening to you.
" I won't let you go! I know how to defeat Jason, you just have to trust me. "
The basketball player was frankly weirded. Still angry, but his lack of contextual orientation to whatever you were thinking to be doing temporally overcame his desire to punch Eddie in the face.
He was accidentally incarnating one of the lapsus of confussion Jason Vorhees could sometimes had in the films before resuming the chase for his victims.
Perfect moment for you to iniciate the end of the third act taking off your jacket to reveal a striped sweater in matching colors with the Tigers.
" Look at me Jason!! Look! Come over here … " You began to call him in the sweetest tone. " Do you recognize this? You are in home, honey.. It's gonna be ok, I'll take care of you!"
Your friends were laughing uncontrolably and you realized that even a guy in the jock's table was holding his chuckles. Probably only just for the excessive female nudity of the franchise, but he must have watched the film your joke was referencing. Not missing the chance to expose it, you smiled at him and his amusement turned inmediately into disgust.
" Friday the 13 Th Part 2, just in case you want to rent it for the weekend. " You explained to Jason after abandoning the character. " My interpretation didn't stick completely to the source material, but I found this sweater in a thrift store and inmediately thought of you. Eddie insisted we had to save it for the next Friday the 13 Th. "
" Meaning that you got that cheap sweater in my team's colours and prepared a scene arround it just to annoy me. " Jason summarized out loud, clearly fed up with all the freaks. " At least i can say you took too many bothers to get my attention in this oddly specifical charade. "
" Bullshit! He is pissed off, only tries to hide it because he lost. " Eddie quickly corrected. " We made it, sweetheart!!"
You both hi fived each other and rushed in the opposite direction, but hubris made Eddie deliver one last comeback on the way.
" Happy Friday 13 Th, Carver !!!! Don't get in the lake!!! "
Despite he did enjoy the thrill, Jonnathan was giving you judgamental looks as you reached him.
" … If i get targeted again for this."
Eddie patted him on the shoulder cheerfully before reassuring him.
" Chill, man! His feud is against us, you are totally safe. "
" That was freaking awesome! " You followed the cheers. " Don't lie to me, I saw it in your eyes. You are as excited as me. "
You had a point and he couldn't deny it.
" Fine, it was quite fun … Not as satisfying as punching Steve, but still. "
Eddie clearly supported the posibility of finding someone to complain about Harrington with that you couldn't object to. Besides, he was a big fan of the referenced episode.
" I heard all about it, the freak that kicked his bully's ass and stole his girlfriend … I just want you to know that Hellfire considers you a hero. You will always be welcome among us. "
His most inmediate answer was an awkward smile.
" Thanks. I really appreciate it, but i would like to keep my girlfriend. "
They chuckled and Eddie's was the loudest.
" Good call, man! Good call. "
Something in the specifical way Eddie choose to congratulate Jonnathan made you feel uneased. Probably because you were just jealous imagining he could want to steal his bully's girlfriend too if he had the same chance.
" Eds, if we were in a horror movie. Do you really think we would be the romantically coded final girl and last kill boy sacrificing himself so she could make it to the final fight?" You asked him as you were walking thowards the Hellfire table. " I mean, I won't do well as a final girl. To be one you need more than just be the virgin ... "
The joke may have been themed as a different thing, but you were masquerading your will to figure out if that was the case.
" ... And most times they aren't unwanted freaks, they are normal cute girls just too shy to approach their crush or too nervous to let their boyfriends convince them of sleeping together. "
He wasn't sure of where the point was going, but didn't mind to indulge you.
" Realistically, I would be the guy who dies alone getting high in the woods. " He mocked himself. " but i do think you could be a final girl. Although a rare breed we don't often get blessed with, freak girls tend to be passionate horror fans. You know all the rules to survive, my prediction is that you would make it and at the end of the film Harrington would be asking you out. "
The answer deviated from the path you expected.
" I thought you would accuse Steve of being the asshole jock dying in the sex scene. "
" As a judge I'm cruel, but fair. That has to be Hargrove, Harrington has higher chances of making it if he sticks with you. "
That made you laugh for reasons he could never possibly understand. In real life, Steve was the resourcefull fighter.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that Steve is a final girl ? "
He was laughing harder then, untill your softly delivered conclussion stopped it.
" I would like to make it with you too … It would be a refreshing change for the slasher formula. "
Eddie wasn't sure of it, but for an instant he choose to treat himself imagining you said you wanted to be with him in a very freakish way.
" There is no way i could make it. Ríght now i can tell you I would die for you. "
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cupidssorbet · 1 year
“Save a horse, Ride a cowboy.”
Agent whisky x Cowgirl/Rancher Reader.
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Summary: Reader assists whisky with a more on edge mission in saving some animals from corrupt people. What happens when things go a bit south after?
Includes: Flirty whisky, Fluff in the beginning, Filth half way through, Hair pulling, Oral (M & F receiving), P in V.
Word count: 2,074
★Please read! ★ This obviously contains smut so you are reading at your own volition! Expect the others coming soon!
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By Cupid.
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"You two are all set," Ginger spoke, adjusting the strap around your waist giving you a smile. "Thanks Ginge," You hummed, putting the weapon in it's place. "Now where's that cowb-" You let out a squeak as a pair of hands landed on your waist a picked you up. "Right here sugar." Whisky gave you a wink, a toothpick resting between his teeth.
You laughed looking at him, "Though I'd hafta leave without you for a second there." Quickly you reached up and took his hat placing it over your head. "You wouldn't," He stated plain and simple setting you down and taking the hat back. "Alright you two, Let's get movin' The vans waiting for you too." Ginger nodded her head to the doors. "Goodluck."
"Hey, We don't need no luck. We're the best team there is!" You smiled nudging your partner as he gave you his signature smirk and a wink. "In more ways than just work, ain't that right darlin'?" You smacked his chest lightly. "Whisky! Sweet Jesus, let's just go already." You sighed grabbing your own hat & the keys off the desk and heading out a laughing whisky not far behind you.
You both hopped in the van, heading out as fast as the van would allow you too as Ginge began to brief you guys over the headsets. With your eyes focused on the dirt roads ahead and your mind focused on listening to Ginger you failed to notice a hand making it's way onto and up your thigh. "Whisky." You whispered harshly moving his hand away. "What was that?" You cleared your throat, "Nothin' Ginger just thought I saw something." Lying as smoothly as you could giving your partner a harsh look.
All he did was wink and blow you a kiss chuckling to himself as he looked back out the road. "Well then, that's as much as I have for you two. You should be closing in on the place soon. Remember in and out." You both gave her the 'ok' before she gave you the directions of where to put the van for discreetness. "Remember, you two are interested in the horses they've got here. Get pictures, Any evidence. Just don't disrupt anything, with the amount of stuff they could have you ought to be careful. Goodluck." Then with that it was time for you two to get the job done.
You flipped the belt to hide any kind of weaponry, and began your way up to the large farm like area. "State your business here." Two burly men looked down at the two of you. "We're here to look at the extraordinary race horses we've heard so much about, Unless we've got it wrong?" Whiskey asked slyly pulling his sunglasses down to look at the two men. Who in exchange looked at one another, then a rather dazzling dressed man all in a rhinestone cowboy get up opened the doors. "Ah! You must be Mr. Vanholten and Mrs. Heimer. I've been expecting you two." He held out his gloved hands as you two shook them.
You gave whisky a look, Those weren't the name you two would be going along with but it was getting you in quicker. "Come in, We've got the finest racing horses. Only the best!" You looked around, the poor things were in the worst conditions. "How do you get such..strong racin' horses?" Whisky asked, giving you a chance to sneak some pictures and such. "Well between you and me, we've got some outsiders giving us some strong stuff to keep these equines as fast as they are now." The round man before you smiled proudly adjusting his rhinestone coat.
You swear you could've socked him right then and there for practically drugging these horses. "But between you and me.." That's when you hit record hiding it in your sleeve discreetly. "We don't just use it for the horses, if you catch my drift." Whisky's jaw tensed a bit before he nodded. "Well I'll be damned you've got some fine hor-" The doors opened wide as you looked over quickly. "Boss, We've got Mr. Vanholten and Mrs. Heimer. here to look for some new horses." He looked at the man and woman then the two of you. "But I have them right here." He motioned to you two. "Well we've just checked their IDs and they seem to be the real thing." You muttered a quick 'shit.' giving Whisky a look. Taking a quick look around as everything seemed to move in slow motion. A horse not too far from you would be a good way out and fast. There was no way you'd get past the burly men.
"Whisky, Come on!" You grabbed his hand pulling him outta the way of the big men as more came barreling through. Quickly leaping over the metal fence and over the horse. "Sugar we can't just get on and go." He motioned, "Well we hafta!" You hoisted yourself up and over, "Now c'mon." You took his hand and helped him up. With a quick call the horse was up and over, racing towards the now closing metal doors. You kept muttering a 'come on,' One hand holding on tightly to the horses mane as Whisky kept his hands 'round your waist.
With what seemed like luck to you, you made it out on time. The doors shutting on the yelling man. You just kept going, you couldn't stop not until that place was nowhere in sight. "Darlin'! You can stop, You can slow down now!" Whisky called to you, snapping you out have it. You slowed the horse down, letting out a sigh that broke in a laugh. "Whisky I can't believe I did that, I- I did in a spur of the moment kind of situation. There was no way we'd get out to the van and-" He just shushed you, "Hey you got us out of there, as well as one of these poor fellas. I reckon we've got room on the ranch?" You sighed leaning back into him and nodding. "I reckon we do, Now ring up Ginger and tell her we wanna come on home and that we'll need a trailer." He just chuckled kissing your cheek and nodding.-
When you had arrived back Ginger had wanted to do some tests, but it was gettin' late and the poor thing looked more tired by the second. So, you refused for the time being saying that in the morning she could come by and the two of you could get a look at the fella better. You and Whisky brought him back, and Whisky insisted he take the horse for ya and that you should go shower. You sighed and smiled a him taking your hat off and stealing his. "Alright, See you inside Cowboy." You didn't waste time heading inside putting his hat on the bed and getting into the warm shower the water hitting your skin making you feel refreshed.
You grabbed your towel wrapping it around yourself and using another one to dry your hair. Humming a tune as you walked outta the master bedrooms bathroom, your husband sitting on the bed his hat back on his head. Tip toeing over you traced your fingertips along his neck getting his attention. "Well Cowboy I think we did damn good. We at least saved on of those poor things," You sat down beside him.
He looked at you smiling, planting a kiss on your lips. "And I mean..You know what they say, Save a horse, Ride a cowboy." You smirked looking at him pulling your towel to the side exposing your wet body to him. He sighed dramatically taking his hat off and placing it at his chest. "Goodness Sugar, What are you tryin' to do to me." He leaned in kissing you harder, your hands went to finding his shirt and jacket tugging at them. Making him break away to undress. You smiled looking at him through your lashes, biting your lip gently. "You enjoyin' the show over there?" You hummed in response to his question. Sitting back and carefully opening your legs. "Sweet Jesus Darlin', You really are trying to kill me aren't you." He groaned his belt and pants hitting the floor. A prominent tent in his boxers as he leaned forward, his hands clinging to your (skintone) thighs.
Massaging them in his hands, planting kisses everywhere and anywhere but where you wanted him. Desperately. "Whisky, Please." You sighed leaning your head back then looking at him again. "Shh, I'm getting to the best part Honey." He leaned forward his dark eyes focused on yours as he licked a long stripe up your wet pussy. Your hand flew to your mouth. "Ah-Ah, I wanna hear you." He pulled your hand down and away as he brought his fingers to your dripping hole, dipping one in causing you to inhale eyes fluttering. "Ohh whiskyyy.." You dragged it out. "That's it," He smirked into your cunt, licking again as he added another finger in pumping.
It felt like your head was spinning as you cried out, his tongue focusing your clit. making you bite your lip instinctively. It felt too good, too much. The knot in your stomach forming. "Shit, Shit right there Whisky," You sighed out, your hand finding his dark hair. You could swear his smiling into as you continued to cry, your thighs clamping down on his head. Your pussy fluttering around his fingers as you came, your head lolling back,
He hummed and sat up a bit. "Taste as sweet as pie darlin' Can't ever get enough of ya." You pulled him down to kiss you, your tongue on his tasting a bit of yourself. You could feel him grinding his bulge in you. Resting your hands on his rest you pushed him back, "Whisky, come sit." You patted the spot where you were as you got onto your knees on the floor. "Oh darlin' Come on." He chuckled, "I insist, Can't leave me without a snack." You smiled winking at him as he sat before you.
Running your finger tips over the now wet spot in his boxers. Palming him through his boxers. "Shoot sweetheart.." He said breathlessly running a hand over his mouth. You smiled at him making eye contact as you pulled his briefs down your hand flying over running over his tip. He groaned loudly heading leaning back. You leaned forward placing butterfly kisses on his lean and tall cock, before your mouth fully covered as much as you could. Bobbing your head fast then slow, your hand pumping what you couldn't take.
He hissed lightly at the teasing before he murmured a 'Fuck it,' he thrusted up lightly making you gag. His eyes looking at yours through your now watery eyes. You moved faster, your hand fondling him. "Shit, Darlin'." He pulled you off trying not to hurt you. "You did say save a horse, ride a cowboy. Time for the cowboy part." He got you onto the bed making sure you were comfortable.
"Ain't you eag- Oh my!" He drilled into you quick and fast. You noises muffled by the pillows until his hand grabbed hold of your hair bring your head up, a loud 'Ohhh!' coming out and a few mewls and cries. "That's it sugar, be as loud as you want." He leaned forward going deeper, peppering your shoulders and neck in kisses. Before he leaned back pulling out fully causing you to whine then cry out his name again as he went back in starting a steady pace.
"Shit sweetheart..Your so goddamn perfect. I don't think I'm gonna last long." He snaked his other hand away from your hips and to your clit as you held onto the headboard, rubbing slow then fast circles. Your noises becoming louder by the second and more breathless, your pussy walls tightened around him. "Shit- Shit, Whisky..I'm close!" You called out, He nodded fervently. "I am too sugar," his pace picked up and you gripped the headboard as you came, you swore you saw stars for a second there. Snapping back as he pumped into you slowing down.
You let out a breathless laugh, "I wouldn't say that was much riding cowboy." He leaned down letting go of your hair and kissing you pulling out. "Eh, We can save that for another time."
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maochira · 1 year
Hi, I hope I'm not disrupting anything, but I was hoping to request something (I'm sorry if this is too long-). Tsundere! Barou x GN! Reader who's laid back and reserved, but they're also a sweet person. Reader has a habit of never thinking about themselves, but for others (just look at the examples below if you wanna). This caught Barou's eye from the start and it not only angered him but concerned him as well. Then finally there's a final straw for Barou, and he confronts Readers. From then on Reader had a guard dog best friend. You can ignore this if you want TvT sorry again if this is long or too detailed, you can cut something out if you want.
(Ex: Cooking for other members, Cleaning stuff like messes that aren't theirs, Letting others burrow their things, Buying/Getting things for other members whenever they asks or don't have the money to get it/giving the other members money from time to time whenever they need it, Giving the members great advice, Would never shoot/score and instead let others have their moments and spotlight, etc. Or you can do whatever you want :) )
YOU CAN'T JUST LITERALLY DESCRIBE THE DYNAMIC BAROU AND I WOULD HAVE OMG........ OF COURSE I'M WRITING THAT!! Also, I don't mind long requests at all!! (Unless someone describes literally the entire thing and there's nothing for me to add anymore, had that happen a few times)
Requests open! - writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, this is before Blue Lock, Barou and reader are on the same school team, reader is a midfielder
-Barou doesn't care about anyone but himself, so when he started having some sort of feelings for you - even though they're just platonic - it confused the shit out of him. He doesn't understand what makes him want to protect you so badly
-it just irritates him SO MUCH to see how you never think of yourself and only do things for everyone else. It irritates him even more when he realizes that makes you an easy target to be used by others for their own advantage
-every single time you have the chance to score a goal but end up passing it so someone else, Barou can't help but groan in frustration
-it was his last straw when you were so close to scoring a goal, but ended up passing the ball to him instead. Of course, he ended up scoring that goal, but in his head, he debated for a fraction of a second if he should pass the ball back to you so you'll be forced to score
-even though that thought only crossed his mind for a moment, he kept questioning himself over and over
-he kept thinking about you for a bit and he realized you don't really have friends, not even on your team. It's just you who's a massive people pleaser without ever getting anything back
-and with that, Barou decided he'll be your friend. He just approached you, told you you're his friend now, and of course, you went along with that in an instant
-but you didn't expect him to get so defensive whenever people ask you for selfish favours
-you never protest about that, though. You don't even notice how much better you feel because not all of your self-worth is dependent on what you do for others
-the friendship itself was a bit weird in the beginning. You're the first friendship Barou ever really cared about and all he really did at first was scare off other people
-but it really didn't take long until your friendship became more personal. At first, for Barou, it was weird to talk about more personal subjects and for you it was weird to actually talk about yourself and the way you feel about things
-that made Barou even more protective of you. He definitely doesn't let anyone else get close to you or ask you for selfish favours again that won't give you any benefits either
-because Barou struggles to find activities to do with you, so his go-to thing is playing soccer with you. Nothing you'd ever complain about (not only because you go along with literally anything, but also because you love soccer)
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Burning Too Much Daylight
(This series of events is part of the alternate continuity of @robovoidfrog's Funkinverse, and is again not to be considered canon unless they state otherwise by the release of Beyond the Spider-Verse.)
After Benjamin and BluBuni managed to save Goatfriend from a landslide in an area and overpower Kenji proper, they came to a stop at the far end of Aquatic Ruin.
Benjamin: Geesh, what is with you trying to stop us from doing the right thing?
Kenji: Dude, you seriously CAN'T save everybody yourself. That's a given in life, and I've had to witness that over time.
Benjamin: I mean, you have a point about it being impossible to save everyone, but that doesn't mean we won't try to anyway.
Kenji: ...Is this why you're still on board with Salty's thoughts, even when you've seen him turn you down?
BluBuni: He's still paranoid from when your group tried to stop him from doing what he felt the urge to do. He might cool off if more -friends side with his desire to stop The X.
Goatfriend: So this is why you've tried to enable my death? Out of that desire to maintain a linear plot that doesn't exist?! I knew there was something fishy about you when Ben and his pack first knocked you out, but this just sells you off as a murderer by inaction!
Kenji: Murd-?! I'm not the one actively trying to murder people to uphold the multiverse! I... I don't even want to deliberately murder anyone. Having my family drift apart and my own counterpart of Pico being driven to a murderous insanity hasn't helped my situation at all, nor has having to witness practically everyone around me undergo their own angst periods.
Benjamin sighed, knowing he couldn't yet forgive Kenji for his repeated disruptions to their parole, but sympathised enough with him to let him be.
Benjamin: Okay. It doesn't excuse what you tried to do, but I'm letting you go.
Alt MIX Boyfriend: What?! He tried to stop us from saving Goatie there, man.
Benjamin: I know, but a lot of these guys aren't thinking straight, more so than what is necessary.
Neo Girlfriend: Which makes sense, considering Leo and Soft Pico's Ben are both stuck with the Society.
Kenji: I don't get it, Ben. Why WOULD you spare me after I've tried to stop you? After I tried to stop... t-the alternate Aloe?
Benjamin: Simple; I don't believe in killing people for the greater good, not even other -friends. Me and Gracie's groups are trying to do the true greater good, by rallying up others to help stop The X as soon as possible. It doesn't help, however, that we've been side-tracked constantly by you derailing our bids to help Salty out. I'll let you go, but you gotta promise not to continue interfering with our mission.
Kenji: *sigh* Okay. I promise.
They nodded to each other.
Soft Pico: Before we let you go... We need to know something important.
Neo Girlfriend: What Earth designation is the Society HQ at?
Kenji wasn't sure if it was best to tell them, but knew it couldn't be hidden forever.
Kenji: I'll tell you, though if necessary, get in there, get whoever you need to out and then hurry out, before Cam notices what you're doing. Alright, so the location is Earth 1-2-4-
He was interrupted as he witnessed blood splatter, showing horror from what happened.
Benjamin: Kenji? Is that all there is?
Kenji: H-He... He figured it out...
BluBuni: What do you mean by-?
Blu turned around, and to her horror, Goatfriend had been shot in the back, now kneeling on the floor.
She kneeled by his side, tears welling from her eyes. Benjamin did the same, equally horrified.
BluBuni: No no no no! P-Please, stay with me.
Benjamin: Hang tight, G. I'll try and get you healed up.
Goatfriend: I- *cough* I don't want you to waste your strength o-or energy, Ben. That X creep needs stopping b-before he destroys the multiverse.
BluBuni: What about you? I can't just leave you to... t-to...
He put his hand on her cheek, trying to calm her down.
Goatfriend: Hey. Look at me, Blu. You've still got a lot to live for. I don't want your happiness to be permanently gone b-because of this. Y-You need to help Ben and the others stop The X, for m-my sake, alright?
BluBuni: A-Alright, G...
Goatfriend: A-And Ben? Y-You've become tight-knit with B-Blu, haven't you? In case I d-don't make it, please... take g-good care of her for me.
Benjamin: I... I promise she'll be safe with me, Goatfriend.
Goatfriend: A-And, er... just remember that s-she doesn't like carrots. I... heh, I l-learned that the hard way m-myself.
Benjamin: Heh, I'll keep that in mind.
BluBuni smiled to Ben, happy he had the right material as one of her best friends.
Benjamin: I'm gonna get you healed anyway, though. Even if it burns out my strength for a bit, it's better than leaving you to die.
He got started on healing the bullet wound right away.
Goatfriend: Y-You really didn't have to do this, you know?
Benjamin: It's the least I can do for a friend, man. Plus, the shot didn't manage to hit any vital organs, so you're alright.
Goatfriend: T-Thanks, Ben. I really appreciate it.
Grace and Pico arrived on the scene.
Pico: Is he alright? We heard the gunshot before.
Benjamin: Thankfully so. If whoever tried to kill him is still in range, he's not safe here. Grace, can you warp him to a safe spot that's still in this dimension?
Grace: I'm right on it.
She was about to do so, but her neck was clasped by a power inhibitor that prevented her from doing so, right before extra lead was shot into Goatfriend, this time successful in killing him.
BluBuni: NO! G!
She rushed to his body, tearing up a lot as Benjamin went next to her and Grace broke the inhibitor.
Grace: O-Oh, no...
BluBuni: P-Please, d-don't die on me... p-please...
When she realised he really was killed this time, she started crying, now having been through TWO events where she had lost a loved one to outside forces. In response, Benjamin hugged her tightly to comfort her.
Benjamin: H-Hey. I'm here, Buni.
BluBuni: W-Why did it have to be him...?
During the hug, Barbara noticed something close by and pointed Benjamin's focus towards it; a pair of glowing pink eyes that were all too familiar to him. He watched the figure he knew was actively trying to stop him from doing the right thing with contempt, as he slipped away into a portal.
Benjamin: ...Cam!
Pico turned to Kenji.
Pico: Okay, dude. Change of plans, get us straight to his HQ. He needs a reality check.
Kenji kept true to his word, generating a portal that got Benjamin's group into the Funkin' Society HQ at Earth-1249, where Softie was at alongside several other -friends.
Soft Pico: There's Softie!
Softie turned back, seeing his boyfriend having come for him.
Soft Benjamin: Pico?
Soft Pico: Boy, am I glad to see you in one piece. They didn't hurt you, did they?
Soft Benjamin: Thankfully not. Though, I'm not sure I can say the same about all these guys that have been through a lot. Oh, er, who's this (EB!Softie) you've got with you?
EB!Softie: Oh! Hey there!
Soft Pico: It's a long story, Ben. I'll tell you later.
Gracie's group entered the area as well.
Gracie: Did you guys make it?
Benjamin: I... I was so close to saving Goatfriend, but... (through gritted teeth) Cam murdered him in cold blood to try and maintain his "canon"!
Gasps of horror, concern, worry and anger were heard around the other present -friends.
Kenji: I witnessed it happen, everyone. I... I'm sorry.
Judith: I never knew he'd... go as far as to defy our morals just to get his way.
Neo Boyfriend/Leo: The point still stands that, if Salty is out there trying to stop The X, and a few of us couldn't apprehend him ourselves, he needs all the help he can get!
Benjamin: Just what I was thinking.
Gracie: We called you guys together not just to save Salty, but to preserve the very fabric of reality itself.
Benjamin: As it stands, the multiverse needs us to keep it safe, and we need to split from a civil war and unite as one to achieve it.
Gracie: So, our goal is simple. Save our friend, safeguard every universe... and never back down!
Even some of the other defectors, like B3 and Lexi, were present and hearing this.
Galfriend: So how do we go about destroying him if he's pretty much nigh-invincible?
Benjamin: There is a way. Despite him being a distorted demon, his weak spots are going to be where the dark matter in his body hasn't reached. We'll need to make him waste enough of it for us to get good hits in and bring him back down to a vulnerable state.
Leo: Then we shouldn't waste any more time. We're allying as one, and we're staying that way to the end! At this point, no -friend is being left out, no matter what!
Benjamin: And in defiance of defined fates, we'll fix this mess once and for all! Who's with us?
Many -friends in the room raised their fists in their parole to join the cause to stop The X and prove that they're still capable of doing the right thing. However, Cam soon entered the room on a higher level, witnessing what was going on.
Cam: <Everyone, we'll focus on the X after we've stopped Salty's defiance! Get back to your-!>
However, Benjamin spotted him and threw his microphone cord at him, yanking him down by the leg in front of everyone present.
Cam: GAH!
Benjamin: Shut up with your so-called "authority", Blueballs!
Cam: <I'm the good guy here! None of you get it!>
Kenji: He said shut UP!
Kenji speaking up second shocked a lot of the -friends, considering that he had been one Boyfriend the others barely hung around.
Kenji: Everyone, Cam does NOT know what he's doing as a leader, and he's proved that quite well!
Cam: <Traitorous scum! I gave you a simple task, and you botched it on purpose!>
Judith: No! He's right. All of us in here have to atone for our past failures; the loved ones we've lost, the people we couldn't save thanks to your rules... I told you before, Cam. THIS is what we do. We HELP people, even if it affects us badly in the long-run.
Bartholomew/B3: I know it's hard to accept, boss, but THAT is the truth I had been blinded to since you brought me here.
Aloe Mano: In there, you clearly didn't want to hesitate in chasing Salty down the second he got free from your energy cage. And look what things have become now!
Benjamin: It's clear now, isn't it, Cam? Your little society you made under the guise of "protecting the multiverse"? It's nothing but a cult enabling murders by not allowing others to try and save those close to them. Even if you didn't directly kill them, their blood's still on your hands, and on those you and your strike force have prevented from helping those close to them.
The -friends around him were clearly ashamed for enabling the deaths of those close to them.
Benjamin: THAT'S why Salty defied your goals; BECAUSE he isn't going to let his adoptive family meet the same fate as countless others have in your guise of stopping those universes from destabilising! It doesn't help you've been hiring children as young as Lexi into your twisted actions, and I'm sure as hell glad I got to Evan before any of your squad could try and usurp him!
B-Bot: Isn't it obvious from your backstory? It's YOU who's the original anomaly.
Brooke: Make that more of a paradox. You saw the anomalies, attributed them to Salty, and even then, you stood in for a dead counterpart of yourself.
Cam: <That changes nothing. We ARE the good guys, and you all know it. We're still keeping the multiverse safe.>
Softie shook his head.
Soft Benjamin: Not like THIS, we aren't, Cam.
Romantic Boyfriend: Too darn right.
RecD Boyfriend (with accompanying subtitles): Yeah, like, how is this meant to be fair on us when our motive's meant to be doing the right thing?!
Benjamin: In fact, I'll never forgive you for disrupting my attempt to help BluBuni save Goatfriend from his "canon event"! She's been deeply scarred from this second major loss in her life, and his death remains on YOUR hands! AND Kenji's! AND anyone else who deliberately tried to intervene!
Cam growled at Benjamin as other -friends stepped back a little in fear, realising from words alone that the angel was a force to be reckoned with.
Benjamin: THIS is who your leader is, everyone; a deluded and sickening bully who uses force to get his own way! Well, I've made it clear I won't be joining your "alliance", Cam, and neither will any of my pack, end of! We're supposed to be the good guys, and look what you've made hundreds of -friends become!
Cam attempted to lunge at Benjamin before being blocked by BluBuni, who was especially angry at him for what he did.
BluBuni: You're a murderer, and you know it.
Cam: <Get out of the way right now!>
BluBuni: I won't!
Cam: <I will not ask you again, girl! Get the fuck out of MY WAY!>
In response, Bently rushed forward and slashed at Cam's eye again, this time truly damaging it.
Bently: There's a fresh one if you try that again!
Benjamin: ...I guess I should never have bothered trying to redeem you, Malicious.
Toon Boyfriend: You know, you shouldn't even consider yourself a "hero" when you can barely hold a mass group of these guys together!
D-Sides .XML: Like how I don't see myself as a hero. Just shows that you really are a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat, ain't ya?
Cam: <This is for the sake of millions of people. Don't ANY of you get it?!>
Gracie stepped forward.
Gracie: What about YOUR Girlfriend, both in this universe AND the one you crossed into? What would she think of you if she could see what you're doing right now?
In response, Cam's stoic expression broke, his look visibly distressed from the thought.
Cam: I-I... Uh...
Gracie: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Benjamin: You CAN still help us if you want, but we're not forgiving you for murdering an innocent just to maintain your flawed philosophy. We're headed for Salty's world all together, with or without you. We're through with wasting time on a wild goose chase and civil war while a monster runs amok!
The others got their watches ready, teleporting away one-by-one with the now-common goal in mind.
Gracie: Farewell, Cam. May you think about your life choices.
Brooke Jr. blew a raspberry at him to make it clear again his opinion on the fallen hero, as he and his father warped away. Even Evan couldn't help but show his contempt to Cam for his unjustifiable actions.
Benjamin: Alright, guys. Let's go do what we should've been focusing on from the start!
The Funkin' Gang and Benjamin's crew warped away, leaving Cam (and Derpina) the only ones left in the HQ.
Derpina: Well... THAT happened, I guess.
Cam: <Not now, Derpina.> *sigh* <Do you have any idea on how we can get rid of The X?>
Derpina: Should all else fail, I've run scans about a nuclear solution. I've run simulations wherein reversing the polarity of the colliders will destabilise Grimbo's being and erase him from the multiverse, as well as all those in Salty's universe.
Cam: <That's an option I don't even want to consider, Derpina! Haven't you got any more feasible options on hand?!>
Derpina: Oh, I'm certain the solution will work should it need to be employed. It has before... in the universe you lived in temporarily.
This realisation hit Cam like a ton of bricks. Everything in his world view fell apart in an instant as he realised that "canon" was not the cause of his failed act to be happy again, and Derpina knew it all along. He fell to his knees and looked around the now-empty building, his face showing genuine sorrow and regret for the first time in a long time.
He slowly made his way back to the control room, looking at his hands, which flashed blood being on them from time-to-time to hammer in the points thrown at him.
Salty: Who decides that? I'm not a kid! Gracie: We're supposed to be the GOOD guys! Judith: Millions of people will be in grave danger if we keep sitting on the wayside. Kenji: Cam does NOT know what he's doing as a leader! B-Bot: It's YOU who's the original anomaly. RecD BF: How is this meant to be fair on us when our motive's meant to be doing the right thing?! BluBuni: You're a murderer, and you know it.
Finally, he rested his hand by the control panel, remembering that one self-destruct command he had installed just in case the silly and quippy natures of his peers annoyed him so much that he'd blow up the entire building with them and himself inside. He also saw his watch very close to running out of power, a look of determination and the urge to actually do the right thing washing over him.
Derpina: So... what's YOUR plan on stopping The X?
Cam (hovering his hand over the switch): <What I should've done before Salty got here to begin with.> I'm going to help the others out and right my own wrongs!
He pressed the button before using his watch to warp to Earth-405 (Derpina in tow), the building itself blowing up shortly after and leaving only debris and badly-damaged machinery at its former site.
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lunammoon · 10 months
For the asks! ☁️🎀📸
Little long so it's going under a readmore. Ik tumblr shortens longer posts now but still.
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Marion looks younger and calmer while she sleeps (assuming she isn't having a nightmare). She also sleep talks, but it's largely intelligible. If she falls asleep on a couch, sometimes the Doctor (mostly Four, but not just him) will pretend that she understands what he's saying and respond to her by going "hmm. yes. of course. i hadn't thought about that. good thinking Marion."
The Doctor often jokes that they don't want to wake her up unless it's an emergency because she's asked them not to and "gets grumpy" and while that's true, another part of it is that they rarely get to seee Marion look that calm and peaceful. And they don't want to disrupt that.
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Got a handful of ways to answer this so just going to slam down a bunch.
Said this before, but in a TMA AU the Vast is looking at Marion and going *psst psst*. She might also get the End going *psst psst* and wind up yoinked by the Web. Either way, Marion would Not Have A Good Time
Homestuck Classpect wise she'd be a Knight of Heart and a Prospit Dreamer
In a wing au, Marion would have bluejay wings and blue feathers poking out of her scalp that would stick up and out when she was angry/scared. Marion would also wordlessly sit next to people and raise a wing for them to sit under. She would also chirp sometimes.
In like a soulmark AU (platonic soulmates obviously) the Doctor would have an infinity sign made of cracked stone with heather flowers growing through the cracks while Marion would have a deep blue black band starting from the pulse point of her right hand and curling up up her forearm. When she was taken, she noticed stars in the black, the stars look different depending on which Doctor she's with and visibly move into a new position when the Doctor changes.
Her Daemon would be a cat.
In an AU where Marion has to keep the Master safe instead of the Doctor, Marion could not "fix him" but she could probably manage to get him down to a 2 as opposed to an 8 out of sheer persistence.
the idea of writing an au where instead of being there physically, Marion gets isekaied as the consciousness of the TARDIS has crossed my mind. Would've started post-Time War, and while she couldn't "leave" the TARDIS, she would be tangible enough to touch and would encourage him to "get out and go make some friends who can go outside with you okay?"
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Marion struggles to smile on purpose for photos in a way that doesn't look like she's being held hostage. So most of the nicer photos of her are ones that she didn't realize were being taken at the time, which means she's not posing. If she has to pose for a photo, she typically has her arms crossed andna neutral expression.
Most of the photos Marion has taken herself that aren't like, reference photos for later (like a photo of a map or something) are either pictures of neat buildings, fall trees, or pictures taken by Marion swinging an arm around a person's shoulder and getting a selfie of them together.
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
Beverly Crusher or Tuvok for the ask game
ironically this took me a while because i was participating in an insane about the crusher family moment so severe i am lightheaded. anyway. i feel like i dont have a ton of meaningful things to say about tuvok yet except "i generally like him i think he has a lot of interesting moments i just wish they didnt regress his characterization gains with such regularity" but i do enjoy him and maybe i will come back to this when i have more coherent thoughts
favorite thing about them
love her confidence tbh like she knows she can do it all and do a great job of it. she has such a wide variety of skills between her actual job and her hobbies and i think that's very fun to see. i also think she's spectacular in the Some Fuckshit Is Happening To The Enterprise mystery episodes like im glad they gave those to her a lot bc it works within her skillset of like. ok this is how i would go about examining a scientific hypothesis this is how i would break the problem down to something manageable so i think that's neat, and i also just think gates mcfadden is very good at carrying the tension of those episodes.
least favorite thing about them
fucking TERMINAL picard disease. remember me is like the prime example of it to me to the point where i literally rewrote part of the script one time but just. so many of her plotlines get taken over to instead be about her thing with picard in ways that don't actually progress anything. and so many of the things that should be about her and wesley end up being about picard and wesley. and like clearly these are importantly dynamics in all their lives but it feels like there's a lot that gets sacrificed in the name of putting picard at the center
also i do think they have a problem with like. not letting her be significantly wrong a lot? i noticed this in like s6 but the plot frequently kind of curves to make sure she's right about things like with both ethics and suspicions they introduce new elements of the plot to be like yeah actually she did not do anything wrong and i just think that holds a character back.
favorite line
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe." queen of believing in yourself. i know this seems counter to what i just said about not letting her be wrong but i liked this one ok. it's about moderation. i love her confidence and i definitely don't want that disrupted in any deeply significant way but i also wish they would let her be wrong every once in a while.
she does have really fun dynamics with like most people but hers with troi is good and i like her dynamic w/alyssa ogawa. like yeah alyssa is a subordinate so they're not like Bros bros but beverly clearly cares a lot about her as a person and i think it's neat. also riker if we uhhh. if we don't count. listen if i try to think about the host too long im gonna start setting shit on fire so we're not counting that right now ok we're just counting them in normal episodes.
listen im combining this into one question i think her whole thing with picard is fine and despite what it sounded like earlier i actually kind of enjoy it at points i just hate the way it consumes her whole plotline. if they had just been normal about it it would have been fine.
random headcanon
god ok i know that like all the plays she stages are like Classics and all but i really think they shouldve let her at anything that was fosse-related. i think she would be a great director for that kind of deal.
unpopular opinion
i never know what opinions anyone has on any of these characters unless ive recently seen something that made me mad lmao but. idk sam @sallytwo and i were just talking about this but any attempt to reduce the beverly and wesley dynamic to like "it's good and they're close" or "it's bad and they're distant" is such a doomed endeavor. it's so much more complicated than that like they're close in that they clearly love each other a lot and they don't have a lot of open conflict but they're both deeply repressed people when it comes to expressing meaningful emotions and it definitely takes a really significant toll. again no idea where it falls on the like popular/unpopular opinion scale but it seems like a lot of people don't quite know what to do with that relationship and that's fair because it is. odd especially when you try to figure out what the writers meant for it to be.
favorite picture of them
ngl this is less about her and more about how much utility I get out of it (due to the. i have brain damage.) but it has been very useful so thank you bev
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a-crimson-dawn · 2 years
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Merilliam Advent Calendar - Day 24
Mereoleona Vermillion did not do jealous. What was there to be jealous of, for a royal with a fit physique and more power than most in Clover? She was healthy, strong and with good enough fortune to be in a good family with a lifestyle of her choosing. And to her knowledge, there wasn't anything missing in her life.
No, other people were jealous.
Not Mereoleona Vermillion.
Perhaps the other women in Clover, such as those currently hovering a certain masked captain with their insipid attempts at flattery and poorly hidden desires would be envious.
But not Mereoleona -
"It must be difficult being captain sometimes." Cue the attempt to get physically closer to him with a flimsy excuse of trying to comfort him. God that shrill voice was starting to get on her nerves.
-- not usually.
"Well... it helps having squad members as hardworking and talented as mine..." Maybe if she wasn't so focused on how irritating those women were she would have noticed Vangeance pulling away from his "company".
"I can see why your squad members respect you so much." Now it was turn for the eyelash batting. If she wasn't so tense she would have gone to the nearest bathroom to deal with incoming nausea.
"Ahaha... well... that is kind of you to say, but I'm only stating the truth." And no doubt avoiding anything that reminded of the reincarnation arc.
Having overheard enough of this conversation, she turned to go to Ultime. It wasn't as though evening parties were her thing. She wasn't a born conversationalist, nor had she really wanted to come here. Most years she had skipped the Festiver party, in favour of solitary time elsewhere. Granted, that meant being further from Leopold and Fuegoleon, but she was sure they'd understand. There just didn't seem to be anything worthwhile enough to go here for...
And that assessment had been right, she'd bitterly decided on her to the forsaken realm.
The sound of boots against the rocky ground made her turn her head slightly, mildly annoyed by the disruption to her wallowing. If it was her brother, then -
"Lady Mereoleona... skipping the party for the best part of the night, I see." Instead, she was greeted with a teasing comment from Mr Popular.
Rolling her eyes, she did not quite meet her gaze, nor did he seemed to be looking directly at her, either. But then, if he didn't want her company, why go here where there was no one else? "Don't you have fans to attend to back there, Vangeance? Unless you're telling me you don't like being flattered by pretty women?"
He laughed. What was so funny about her questions?
"No need to be so sarcastic, my lady. You and I both know it isn't as though I deserve all that praise... and besides, I've come here to get a better view of the stars. Without the lights of the party dulling their shine."
She bit her lip. Damn him. His damn guilt made it hard to hold a grudge against him. "And there was nowhere else to see the stars from?"
"Nowhere else from where I could observe all the stars I wished... including the brightest."
"I'm sure you could have seen Vecirnka from the castle," she huffed.
"That is technically not a star but a planet... though I suppose you make a point. I could have seen Vecirnka from the castle. Regardless, there is a far brighter star which I can see from where I now stand..."
How cryptic. And nerdy.
"And I'd much rather be in her orbit than in that of all those others stars out tonight."
She tensed, sensing a pair of eyes on her, only to meet Vangeance's gaze. "Are you planning on retiring from the magic knights to pursue astronomy, Vangeance?" She wasn't sure what else to say or why he was suddenly looking at her.
His eyes sparkled with mirth.
"I doubt that would be a wise idea," he responded. "As much as I love the stars, I still have debts to repay."
"Then maybe you should return to the party..."
"Impatient to get rid of me?" he quipped.
"As I've said before, don't you have fans to attend to? Maybe an event to guard?"
"I do. But I've been given some freedom from it, and I plan on using it to enjoy myself. Unless, you have objections to my being here?" He added in an awkward, stilted voice. "In which case, I'll take my leave."
She sighed. "Alright, humour me, what is the brightest star in the sky?"
He turned a little red. "Sky? Maybe not sky, but the b-brightest star tonight is..."
Were did the confidence go? He was so casually cryptic just moments ago, why stammer now? And why was he looking at her so awkwardly? Honestly...
"Um... it's you..." she barely caught that last bit, only for him to start backtracking nervously. "Y-you know what, nevermind, that was an awful line. Maybe forget the whole star thing?"
Nevertheless, she found the corners of her lips turning upwards against her will. "Oh, I don't know. It is rather difficult to forget that "whole star thing"... especially given how cheesy it is..." It was rather cute how flustered he was now. "Very memorable metaphor, really... I should share it with someone..."
"N-no- don't," his embarrassment only seemed to grow. "Please?"
"Oh, I don't know... I think Sukehiro might find it entertaining." She knew the man wasn't going to let his colleague live that corny down. Even if it was somewhat flattering. Cute, even. Wait-no- not cute. Just corny. Definitely just corny. Definitely not cute.
"Look, can we please just..."
"So, what are you willing to give me in return for my silence, Vangeance?" Yep, just completely ignore what is basically love confession and go straight to the blackmail. Because that is how royalty does it. Well, that, and she didn't really do feelings. Feelings were awkward.
"Ah, I..." Maybe she'd sounded too serious about the whole thing? He certainly seemed rather uncomfortable right now. "What do you want?"
Clearly not that uncomfortable, however.
"In case you haven't noticed, the volcano is inactive at night," feelings, she wasn't so good with. "And right now, there is a hotspring in place of molten lava..." At least, not most of them. There was one feeling she was quite alright with being upfront about however - well, maybe two if you included anger. "And I could use someone to wash my back."
Watching him turn a deep shade of crimson was worth making her glee apparent.
"Well, Vangeance?"
"I - but - water - clothes - can't - um..."
'Oh, dear, I think I might have broken him.' Safe to say, Mereoleona's evening just got a lot more entertaining. "Well, yes, I suppose you would have to take off your clothes for this. I'd take off your mask too, if I were you." It was her turn to laugh now. "Take it this way, Vangeance: you will be getting a much better view of the "brightest star of the night"."
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rasywmtra · 10 months
*cw for a sort of rant under the cut, I mean no offence to anyone by writing it but I just had to let it out and swearing*
(This is just a rant for myself, not on my main blog for obvious reasons)
white boy neurodivergent privilege. It exists and it pisses me tf off.
Because when they have a melt down, it's ok, they're just being boys and they don't know what they're doing and you have to understand that they have issues so they can do no wrong because their disorder made them do it. When they (due to being enabled their whole lives) throw a violent tantrum, it's not their fault. It's never their fault, they're just confused and they can't have possibly stoped it or anything, they're perfect little angels. When they need accommodations, it's provided. They're so cute with their silly stims and cute little entitlement and how they always get away with it because look at them they're a little blond boy who can do no wrong.
This isn't to say that all white boy neurodivergents have perfect lives, or that any of them do, but I think we can all see they are by far the most accepted packaging for spicy brains.
Now when anyone else has a meltdown? OH NO FUCK THE CRAZY PERSON NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP! "stop being dramatic" "Stop crying, you have no right" "Don't you dare make another sound" "you're making a scene" "You ruin everything with your crazy mood swings" "Stop faking it" "You're making me look bad" "Why can't you just be normal?"
Stimming? "Go sit in the corner and think about what you did" "You're disrupting the class" "Stop, it annoys me" "Why are you so weird" "Hands at your sides, this is important" "Why are you fidgeting? are you hiding something?" "I'm going to take it away from you until you can hold it normally"
Sensory issues? "It's not that bad" "wow so convenient that you can't come help us because of this, suck it up" "No one else has an issue with it" "The flickering isn't even noticeable" "What do you mean you can't hold it? Why is it so hard to do one thing for me?" "It's not like you can even hear it"
nonverbal? "Use your words" "Stop ignoring me you brat" "Speak to me! I didn't do anything wrong!" "Answer me right now or else" "did you lose your voice or something? It was working fine when you were yelling at me for [insert triggering thing they did]"
Need accommodations? too bad! You're gonna need about five billlion notes including one from your dead relative, figure it out!
"You're not disabled enough for this" "Well you aren't like really neurodivergent- you function properly" "My cousin is autistic and you're not like him at all! So clearly you're faking it!" "You can talk though" "Oh... that's not normal, my brother is hyperfixated on trucks and you aren't, so clearly you don't really have adhd" "You don't LOOK neurodivergent" "You're not exactly like [insert white boy name] and he's [insert disorder] so you have it easy!"
It happens time and time again!
I was shunned and called names and just fucking hated for just being myself and my brothers were put on a gold stage for using their neurodivergence as an excuse to be brats.
Me? banned from the office unless i was fucking dying
My brothers? "Oh come in dear, have a key to the back door so you can come in if you ever need anything!" "You don't like class? just stay here!" "You beat up a kid? I'll call them in to apologize to you"
And clearly this isn't the instance for every person but I have seen it far too often, not just with me but with literally every single time I come across neurodivergent people. There is a diferent between how we're treated and it sucks ass!
Anyway sorry if I offended anyone, but yeah, if I help even one person not feel like a bitch for agreeing with me i've done my job
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writersarchivex · 2 years
International Hotel
austin!elvis x reader
summary: elvis passes out before his preformance , reader saves the day i guess? just read. slightly better than the other one. im gonna do younger elvis next. enjoy. if not thats also cool.
word count: 1842
Work had never been your favorite thing. It was something you needed to do to survive yes, to keep you happy? No.
When you started out nursing was your passion. You've loved taking care of people. Even at a young age. Over the years though, the work grew tireless, and you enjoyed it less and less.
The day had gone by slow, just patient rounds and the occasional drug addict coming in trying to pawn drugs out of hospital.
You were finally given a moment to sit and relax while catching up on some charts that were busy piling themselves up throughout the day.
"Y/N! You'll never guess what I done got!" Evelyn screamed, disrupting the silence in the room.
You loved that girl; you've known her your entire life. Somehow, she also made it into nursing.
She's a sweetheart, but she's certainly not the brightest.
"Well, what'd you get Eve." You smiled softly at her over heightened enthusiasm.
"Father got me tickets to international hotel! To see the one and only Elvis! Gosh darn it you have to go with me!"
Your head snapped towards the girl, dread instantly filling your entire body.
No absolutely not.
"Darlin' you gotta understand I have to do this. Colonel says it's the best for publicity." Elvis spoke as you wiped a tear away.
He gave him a look.
You had supported him through everything, defended him, helped him when his mama was completely against what he was doing.
"You're breakin' up with me for publicity? I love you. I've loved you through all of this mess. After all that you're leavin'" You paused when you noticed the empty look on his face.
"You know what EP. The colonel can have you. I hope this gets you what you truly want." You cried, stepping out of the vehicle.
"I uh- that's awesome! What about work Evelyn, I can't just leave anytime I want."
She shook her head, smiling.
"Pop's is gonna take care of it all for us. Don't worry 'bout a thing unless it's getting pretty. Come on, it's Elvis Presley."
You sighed, knowing you had no choice. Avoiding the topic of Elvis Presley was easy for you until now. There wasn't a good enough excuse.
"Fine, I need to borrow some shoes though, I ain't got any good ones." You gave her a fake smile.
After you were finally dressed your nervousness was becoming more apparent.
It was simple. You would go, offer up some fake excitement, maybe yell a little, then it would be over and done with.
Dressed in a black dress, showing far too much cleavage for your liking, and some sky high black heels you were finally ready to go.
"Now you clean up nicely. Lets go, I wanna find our seats. We've got the VIP section." She grinned obviously jumping with joy.
This is literally your worst nightmare. After supporting that man for years he just left, and you haven't heard from him or seen him since.
Arriving at the hotel, you finally let the curiosity get the best of you. You began to wonder if he had changed any. He was always a fan of flashy suits and shoes. You smiled at the thought.
"Help! We need some help over here!" You and Evelyn heard the shouts from down the hallway.
You looked at each other making a dash towards the commotion.
"I'll be dammed." You sighed at the sight.
Vernon Presley was stood over his son, who had obviously collapsed.
"Holy cow! I'm gonna throw up!" Evelyn exclaimed as she ran quite literally the opposite direction.
Now you have no idea what kind of bad karma you were experiencing right now, but you were starting to regret every bad thing you've ever done.
"I- I'm a nurse." You said as loudly as your voice would allow.
Vernon turned to you, finally realizing who you are.
He nodded over at his son who was still very much compromised.
You knelt down to him getting a whiff of his cologne, as you took of your jacket.
His pulse was high, and as you were examining him who you assumed to be the colonel and some sort of doctor approached the group.
"He needs to go to the hospital. Don't know much about him but I assume the collapse was from exhaustion." You spoke, lifting his head gently to check for any sign of injury.
Nope, and sure enough as you were holding him, his eyes fluttered open, clearly the man was disoriented.
"All that matters is that this man preforms on that stage tonight."
You tried to protest but before you knew it, that "doctor" had injected the singer with some sort of fluid, causing him to shoot up with a cough.
Before you had time to even register what was happening, he was ushered off to get ready for the performance. You stood and brushed your dress off and fixed you hair a bit before you leaned against the wall.
"Y/N, it's been a long time." Vernon offered a smile.
You gave him a polite one back, you and he never had much of a relationship, it was always his mama.
"Yes. Mr. Presley, quite a reunion. How's Mrs. Gladys?" You turned to him as you watched his face fall.
"She passed a few years ago. Elvis ain't been the same since. He needs rest. Won't listen to nothin' I got to say though."
He looked at you while you thought for a moment. You had adored that family for years, spending quality time with Elvis' mother.
You sighed, tonight definitely went way worse than you thought.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You simply said.
He offered you another smile.
"Y/N, I don't know what happened between you and my son, but could you talk to him? Maybe ask him to get some rest."
You sighed. You didn't quite understand why the man was asking you to do this, the two of you haven't spoken in years. You wouldn't even know what to say.
You saw him though. How tired he looked. You never could've imagined that the light in his eyes could die, but it did. It was missing.
"I'll try. Only doing this cause I know this is what his mama would want." You smiled rubbing Vernon's shoulder.
Vernon led you to the side stage so you could at least see him preform.
He was certainly a star. The light returned just a moment as he looked out to the crowd. He was obviously exhausted, but the movements where there.
He wasn't.
He looked like a shell of himself. Like someone else was in control of his body.
He looked like a puppet.
The sight was unnerving.
You actually had to turn away and choose to just listen.
It comforted you to just imagine him as was.
"The show's almost over, I'll show you to his dressing room. No one ever goes in there." Vernon said as he pulled me from the side stage.
The two of you walked through the venue, allowing you to realize how big this was. You were about to talk to the biggest celebrity in the world, and the love of your life, and you were meant to convince him to take a break from the show business.
Way to go Y/N.
Mama would be real proud, you thought. Shaking your head in resentment towards the situation.
The dressing room was filled with his clothes, and some other things that obviously belonged to him.
Not to mention an unnecessary number of huge mirrors. You would go crazy if you had to be in here as often as he, though you supposed if you had his looks you wouldn't mind.
Vernon left, and you took a seat in front of his dressing mirror. There were a few rings stacked on the table and a comb. Some women's eyeliner that made you let out a chuckle.
Then you noticed a particular ring. The exact one you gave him many years ago. You picked it up and smiled.
He loved this ring. It was his first one.
You stared at it for a moment before you heard the door open behind you.
"Have mercy- Y/N? What the hell are you doin' back here."
You quickly placed the ring down on the table. Feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Vernon wants us to talk." You said, voice slowly shaking.
The man before you held you stare, seemingly taking in every inch of your beautiful body. Which had become far more womanly since last he saw you.
"Then talk darlin. Ain't like I got nothing better to do."
You stood walking slowly towards him. It's not that he intimidated you, he was just so different. Colder.
"You're tired Elvis." You stated, earning an eyeroll in response.
He shook his head and sat slowly on the couch.
"Don't start that shit. You all don't know what you're talking 'bout." He griped.
You shook your head. This was not him. The passion had been drained out.
"I don't know you anymore, and from the looks of it, I don't want to,"
This earned a sad look from the man.
"But you used to love this. Was all you could ever talk about. It was your passion. Now I got a question for you? When did the passion for music die? When did music simply just become your job."
At this point you had to force yourself for going on a rant. You were a nurse, and you were going to treat him as one of your patients. Nothing more.
You held your finger up to the man.
You looked around the room for a moment trying to spark up some confidence.
"I'm a nurse Elvis. Let me be frank. If you don't slow down, at least for a while, you will die. The pills that doctor is feeding you, and the tireless hours slaving for the no-good Colonel are gonna kill you. Your mama would've wanted better for ya baby,"
You inhaled sharply as you watched his head shoot up. Maybe at the mention of his mother, maybe because you called him baby.
"Nurse huh. You were always so good at takin' care of me," He started.
"No one's spoken to me lke that in years. It's always so, anyway"
His thoughts must've been all over the place. His eyes darted all over the room, and his hands and legs were steady shakin.
"Come sit darlin'"
You hesitated. Not good no. Stay far away. Nurse. Patient.
"Okay." You smiled sitting next to him.
He leaned against the couch, still staring at me as I sat, this was the closest I've been to him in a long long time.
You looked him in the eyes, and you said something you'll probably regret.
"Don't die on me, okay?"
He pulled you by the arm and wrapped you in a warming hug. The sweat was something you just kind of had to overlook, God you had missed this man.
Somehow this simple gesture made you forget what happened all those years ago.
"I'll take a break. Just for a while, get back on my feet I suppose," He slurred into your shoulder.
You rubbed circles into his back, waiting for him to finish.
"On one condition. You let me kiss you darlin'" He said as he gently pull away.
Your face heated up immediately, like clockwork.
Before you could even think you nodded, and he took hold of your jaw.
His lips were chapped, but full. Just like you remembered.
part two is up :)
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hey! Can I request mortal Kombat kung Lao, Takeda, kenshi, Fujin, and Shang Tsung with an unintentionally quiet and sneaky S/O. Like S/O walks into a room and nobody even notices unless they make it clear, S/O consistently seems to just appear behind them.
as an unintentionally sneaky person, i will sprinkle some of my life experience into this post for you, nonny
MK Lads x Unintentionally!Sneaky!Reader
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If you're really close behind him when he first notices you he will scream
A fun game you like to play is when you send him a photo of him looking at his own phone, so when he opens the message he starts glancing around frantically
If you have location sharing on he begins using it to see how close you are sometimes (á la that scene from Aliens)
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Kenshi is probably one of the only people you can't sneak up on, cuz you know, he's literally psychic
The best part is even if he knows you're there he won't warn anyone else so you can still freak them out
He appreciates how subtle and undisruptive you are, he can think of several people who can learn a lot from you
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exhibit a
Don't worry, he recovers from being startled really quickly, but will demand a hug while he calms down
When outdoors, he'll start using disruptions in wind patterns to work out where you are
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Shang Tsung
If your remarkable sneakiness ever freaks him out then he doesn't let it show
Once he notices you're right next to him, he'll turn towards you calmly with an "Ah, there you are, my dear"
Shang is already quite sneaky himself, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to creep up on you too
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Kung Lao
Nothing you say will convince him that you are unable to teleport, surely no one can move around that silently without teleporting
He thinks you're hiding your teleportation ability from him in case it makes him jealous or something (so many insecurities, so little time)
So for the next day, he watches you like a hawk, he's gonna catch you teleporting even if that means no blinking or sleeping. He lasts about 17 hours before passing out in the hallway
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dourpeep · 3 years
Imagine being friends with Signora, Tartaglia, Scaramouche
Like you're not even part of the fatui you're just some person who they vibe with and owns a teashop (of course you're strong but you prefer to just sit down and enjoy a cup of tea and talk about the weather) like can you imagine the power you'd have?(both mentally and physically) I'd be pretty amazing. People would be worried about you thinking they might kill you soon even though you tell them not to worry. Also to add a bit of comedy they all 'low-key' have feelings for you but you don't notice (or maybe you do ;)) and you think that's just their way of telling you they care about you or consider you their friend
-no primogems
Primos I-
Someone physically restrain me before I end up getting carried away with writing again- oh no- I...got carried away.
I think that this is another favorite thing of mine because you're just living peacefully, probably out in the Liyue countryside. It's beautiful and rather out-of-the way. More a place that depends on word of mouth rather than foot traffic.
So, taking advantage of this, of course the trio of Harbingers would find themselves at this secluded area for a short break.
There is just one rule: do not cause trouble.
This isn't a problem at all, your customers are well behaved enough to not spread rumors within the walls of your shop and the Harbingers aren't really ones to cause a ruckus if it's unnecessary.
After a few more visits, they get to witness just exactly what happens if you break the rules. Quick and resolute, you ensure that the gentleman who disrupted the peace is dealt with. No using visions, nor physical force. Just a short phrase.
Get out.
And he does.
Of course, the Harbingers are there to witness just exactly how powerful you are. To be able to utter two words and the man leaves with a frightened expression and nearly begging for forgiveness?? What sort of power do you truly hold? It grabs their interest, and now, you see the three of them visit on their own now and then.
With running your shop, you also believe it is good to relate to your clients. To offer fresh tea personally, start a short conversation, or even just listen to the stories they have to offer.
Tartaglia is the first to speak to you.
He's young, bright-eyed, and recounts a few of his own battles (to which his companions' body language suggest that he should not). As always, you sit with your legs folded beneath you and listen. They're fascinating, really, and tell you a lot about his passions. You also hear a bit about his family--parents, siblings, his homeland, definitely a bit more about a certain younger brother who'd journeyed to Liyue on his own (Tartaglia assures you that his brother, Teucer, was entirely unharmed).
Next, would be Signora.
No doubt, the beautiful woman has caught a few eyes as she sits in the serene silence. But, she didn't speak. Not like Tartaglia. Instead, she'd invite you to sit with her and enjoy a cup of tea--a reward for hard work that certainly is earned.
The wind flows and the gentle tinkle of bells sounds from the ornament hanging from the tea shop's window.
As for Scaramouche, he seemed to be most stubborn of them. A moment of reprieve is fantastic, but he seldom stops by unless he's accompanied by his coworkers.
Rather than striking conversation or inviting you to join him, he watches. You can nearly feel his gaze on you, trying to figure out who you are. If you should be considered a threat.
Luckily, your calm, amicable nature quells that. Though that still doesn't stop him from believing there's more to meet the eye. Rather similar to himself, actually. Between you, there is an unspoken respect.
There isn't a chance that the three of them would confide in the other about their feelings. Until a passing comment Tartaglia makes on the trio's way to the shop piques interest. You weren't married, not from the way the shop is owned and ran by you just to the side of your small home, and not from the way your fingers were bare of any ring.
Nothing more than a little glance towards each other is exchanged at this revelation.
But, you notice, that they have often had gifts delivered. A new, exquisite tea set (you set it aside for when the three of them, together or individually, visit), the finest quality tea leaves (you notice they're a particular type of tea from Inazuma), jewelry, even (which accept gratefully but do not use, it would be considered rude to decline a gift).
This idea isn't out of the ordinary when you tend to be close to your clients. Often, they'll drop by with gifts, though not of this quality. In fact, the reason for having such a wide variety of tea sets is due to your dear customers.
So you take these as a sign of goodwill between you and them.
When they offer protection or a steadier source of tea leaves, you decline. It's a nice gesture that you are just as grateful for, but it's unnecessary when you can protect yourself and have no need for such large quantities of tea.
Of course, this is frustrating when you're essentially being courted by three of Snezhnaya's most powerful soldiers.
But you, a humble teashop owner, have all the time in the world to figure that out.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
re: racist fic, what I've mostly seen isn't single examples of horribly racist fics, but patterns in characterization over lots and lots of fics.
example: I liked winter soldier and read a fair bit of stevesam fic because they had a great dynamic in that movie. but after AOE and especially civil war, the stevesam stuff pretty well vanished in favor of stucky. and if Sam showed up at all, it was in a very mammy-ish role, where he baked cookies and played counselor for Steve and seemed to have no inner life of his own.
if it had been just a few fics, whatever. but the huge flood of them--while at the same time seeing the fandom pick apart every tiny microexpression on Steve and bucky faces while treating Sam like a prop..... it all came together into something undeniably racist.*
you can't point the finger at any one fic or fan when this happens. taken alone, no single fic might merit a "racism" tag. it's the snowball effect of all of them. and I just cannot see an easy solution to it.
*disclaimer: I'm not hating on stucky or anyone in the fandom, it's just one example of a pattern of sidelining black characters that I've seen in a lot of fandoms.
Yeah. I see those situations all the time.
One extra problem, on top of nobody being at fault specifically, is that the general pattern happens in all fandoms. Sam gets sidelined into the Free Therapy Friend role, and the choice of whom to sideline is undoubtedly influenced by racism. However, if he were white, it would still happen.
Look at Harry Potter fandom. In most fic shipping Harry with anybody other than Ron, Ron is either the prop best friend or the equally stock Impediment To The Ship friend, usually via cartoonish homophobia or jealousy.
I walked into TWS excited to see Bucky come back (I love characters coming back from the dead). I walked out a Sam/Steve shipper. But the things that make me like Sam are the same things I suspected would make him a less popular shipping choice. Yeah, he's also an adrenaline junkie nut when you really dig deep, but the vibe the movie gives him is the super sane, supportive friend who is just so stable he can handle the most ridiculous shit. I always go for this character. Which means that if there's a black guy in the cast, I always go for him because our casting is hella racist. Fandom's favorite broken-but-beautiful disaster who takes over everyone else's life with his drama trope is cast as a white guy time after time after time. Unless you watch Asian media or something.
What I noticed after TWS is that a lot of people were pleasantly surprised by Sam, but that at the same time, the FLOODGATES of Stucky opened. I did not stay in the fandom, but I have a feeling that it's less that these later movies made Stucky overtake Sam/Steve and more that most ships peter out after a bit, and it was only at that point that Sam/Steve fans were forced to notice just what abnormal staying power Stucky had.
If canon were about an epic, star-crossed bromance with a black guy and treated him as the woobie who gets all the humanizing closeups, that might be enough to somewhat disrupt fandom's usual pattern of not caring about black characters. But casting the black guy as the supportive friend who comes in half way through the incredibly epic loss and recovery story is not going to do it. Not even if he's massively charismatic and gets good one-liners. Big shipping trends also tend to kick off at the very beginning of a franchise. "How Steve and Bucky reunite" had already been going strong as a fic genre before TWS came out. It's hard to unseat that even when you don't add racism to the mix.
It's not nearly such a big fandom, but the closest analogy I can think of is Star Trek: Discovery. And unsurprisingly, a lot of that AO3 section is Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets. I know a lot of people still felt like the couple was sidelined too much in canon, but they're still arguably a central-to-canon epic romance with return from the dead.
So yes, the lack of Sam/Steve is racism in the sense of fans just not being into the black guy "for some reason", but it's also everything else about how canons tend to play out.
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lilallama · 4 years
Bulsajo Highschool's Students aren't the only ones taken by L/n Y/n.
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Lee Jieun - Philosophy/Poetry
Kim Hyuna - Drama
Kim Hyojong - Music
Kwong Jiyong - PE
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Lee Jieun
"Just know that I'm always open to talk, Y/n. We can sit down and have a cup of tea or cocoa, if you want. You can confide in me, don't worry, dearest."
Jieun is one of the youngest teachers at Bulsajo High. Her gentle voice and aura led her to becoming one of the most popular teachers on campus. She really cares for the students wellbeing, and is always open to discuss different issues with her students. Students don't exclusively visit her to tell her of their woes, but also just to chat over a cup of hot tea or cocoa. She always says, it's important to stay calm. The one thing she won't ever tolerate in class are disruptive or aggressive students. She will give them detention, but all it really is, is another discussion of what they did wrong over a cup of tea or cocoa. Unbeknownst to the students and staff, she took it upon herself to provide the students with the needed calmness. To help them achieve such a relaxed state, she mixes different types of benzodiazepines, anxiety medications, into the beverages she gives them. It works like a charm every time. Especially Jeongguk seeks out her help when frustrated. The hot cocoa she gives him reallt works like a charm.
If there is one person she adores, it's Y/n. They're just so pleasant and adorable to her. They're no trouble and so intelligent. She's not ashamed to say that she truly has gained a little crush on the student. Ever since they met in their 3rd year at Bulsajo High, she was utterly enraptured by their everything. She spends her free time fantasizing about them.
Kim Hyuna
"Good morning, Y/n! How was your weekend? I'm so jealous of your parents. I'd love to have a child like you. If I could I'd adopt you right away."
Hyuna is a well respected teacher. She's known to be strict during classes, but very cool outside of her lessons. She is unapologetically honest with everyone and actively dismisses rules, such as the dress code. Since she is so honest, she's also openly biased with her students. She has her favourite and isn't afraid to show it. Neither is her husband; Hyojong. These two are partners in crime, they favour the same students and discuss almost everything with each other first. They are a very lowkey couple, which most students appreciate. Hyuna is a wonderful teacher who actually listens to the students advice and opinions. Her biasing certain students doesn't mean she's treating the others bad, though she does have a few on her blacklist.
Sadly, Hyuna was never able to get a child. Her job is not the only way to the perfect family of three, she had always wanted. A while ago, they went to the doctor when they realised; all efforts to get pregnant failed. Turns out; Hyuna was infertile. She would not be able to get a child, unless they adopted. This deeply affected both Hyuna and Hyojong. When she met Y/n it was like they were sent from heaven. The perfect child, which was stolen from her.
Kim Hyojong
"Of course, what do you need? Homework? No no. You don't have to do any homework, Y/n. I thought you knew that. You're busy enough with all the work the others give you. All idiots, really."
Hyojong is a very chill teacher. The students like his class, since he's always very laidback and tries to make the subject understandable to all the students. Sadly though, his homework can be really time consuming. And the quizzes are difficult. He's not that strict and allows the students to eat, drink and even sleep during his class. It's not his problem if they write a bad grade on the upcoming test, it's their mistake. But he will not hold it against them. If they study outside of school and end up writing a good grade, then that's good enough for him. Just like his wife, he is openly biased but not as obvious about it. He doesn't try to hide it, but it's not as noticeable unless you pay attention to it. Hyojong and the principle have a rather... difficult relationship. They hate each other absolutely. Yet the principle cannot find a reason to fire him, since he still does his job and teaches the students well enough. The entire reason for their hatred towards each other is really just a difference in ideals. Nayeon doesn't like him, at all. But he really doesn't care for her.
He was just as distraught as Hyuna when they found out, they would not be able to have a child. But he tried getting over it, not thinking too much about it. That was, untill Hyuna started talking about a Y/n. A new student, with whom she really seemed to have gotten attached to. He immediately agreed ypon closer inspection. They seemed like the perfect child, the child they had always wanted. Hyuna claimed their parents had, stolen you away from them. He could not agree more.
Kwong Jiyong
"Hop, hop, hop! No slacking off in my class. Oh, Y/n dear, don't exert yourself! Take a break, I'll get you some water. Hey, continue everyone! If I see just one of you stopping before you finished ten laps, you're up for detention."
A very strict and passionate teacher. He thinks pushing yourself to the limit is how you learn your boundaries. He views life as pure survival. Either you learn how to protect yourself or you get yourself someone who can protect you. Jiyong always assumes that most people end up alone either way, so it's best to learn how to protect and discipline yourself, before you end up vulnerable and alone. After serving 10 years in the military, he went and finished his education and became a teacher at Bulsajo High. The students respect him, but aren't necessarily fond of his teaching methods. There's only few students who he can tolerate. Some of them being Jeongguk, Namjoon, Ryujin, Jeongyeon and Moonbyul. He respects those who are tough and don't complain. Those with a love for extreme sports are well received by him, but not necessarily favoured. He was always very fair.
His fairness streak disappeared when Y/n came into the picture. They weren't necessarily fragile or seemed as though they needed protecting, but he still couldn't help feeling the urge to protect them. They were his personal favourite student, and it shows. If Y/n's feet hurt, he's that close to calling an ambulance. If they say they don't like acertain sport, they will never be confronted with that sport again. They don't like sport in general? Baby, don't worry. He'll find an excuse for you so you don't have to participate. He absolutely adores them. Why would they need to know how to protect themselves. He wants them to rely on him for that. Jiyong would do anything to protect them.
If you liked my work please reblog! 🍑
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