#Peppermint the turtle
artcosmique · 11 months
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Foodie AU Gang :D
Owners (Its going to be quite long x))
From right to left (idk why)
Milkshake belong to @sleepis4theweak (I LOVE HER VERY MUCH)
Slushie : @buny1 (They are talking to Cookie Because now i cant see them separated-)
Cookie : @qeelovestea (=v= ^)
Ichigo : @tinker-the-dragon (my dumbass has failed to pin you buddy ;-; I LOVE UR LITTLE ONE SO MUCH AJAJAAJAJAJAAJAJ)
(Edit : oh my gosh it worked)
Toffee : @peoplepersonoaktree (Too cute for my artstyle TOT-)
Salad/Lettuce : @diona-98 (The precious girl~)
Sundae : @cosmocafe (THEY ARE VIBING)
Bill/Bilberry Bun : @minophlia (THEY ARE VIBING WITH SUNDAE).
Bluecrop Blueberry : @trashyandtiredsol (I have a soft spot with ur oc)
Pretzel : @ilikestarfoxturtles (Pretzel is eating bretzel lol Im so funny)
Kiwi : @banana-pancake5 (Kiwi is the mom friend)
Peppermint : @pinkatint (the cutie- love their design)
Sandy Sandwich : @kredena-dark (stunning *-*)
Waffles Pancake : @sleepis4theweak (i noticed that ur 2 character are framing the drawing- i love their Colors, so cozy ~^~)
But who took this picture….?
Its Blackberry ! My Foodie au Sona hehehe
Yes Its a Leatherback Turtle like Carravagio. Its Because they are my favorite turtles ever-
This little boy was raised by Draxum, he wanted to destroy humanity but now he is chilling, taking photo and becoming Batman at night (Its Barry and Berry lol—)
Its a grumpy one and i Will post a reference sheet one day……
(The second one picture is him While he wanted to destroy People, before the Draxum’s redemption arc, he also was wearing an Oni Mask, which now resting on his shoulder).
Annnd here are some close up to finish this post, Hope i didnt make any mistakes guys <33
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delicatechildwitch · 10 months
Thinking about how the foodie au has several categories of characters.
Like for instance, there's at least three Draxum made turtles (Slushie, Peppermint, Blackberry)
Then we have all the itty bitties. (Mellow, Gram, Toffee, Peppermint, etc.)
At least three ocean goers (Mellow, Gram, Chips).
The non-turtles (Cowtail, Caramel, Bluecrop Blueberry, Ichigo Miruku, Cotton Candy, and Cocoa who is not yet official).
Also, the Big Mama employees, of course. (Caramel, Milkshake, Waffle-ish, Kiwi, Chips, Muffin, Slushie, etc.)
Plus there are several that share colors or have similar types of foods for names. There are a lot of fruit/berries, for instance.
There's probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Just wanted to share my thoughts.
(owners of the characters mentioned, since I don't want to not credit them:
Milkshake, Waffles, entire AU - @sleepis4theweak
Slushie - @buny1
Peppermint - @pinkatint
Kiwi - @banana-pancake5
Bluecrop Blueberry - @trashyandtiredsol
Toffee - @peoplepersonoaktree
Ichigo Miruku - @tinker-the-dragon
Blackberry - @artcosmique
Chips and Muffin - @critter-core
Gram, Mellow and Cocoa - @allyheart707
Cotton Candy - @ofthefrogs
Cowtail - @3mutantsinatrenchcoat )
And Caramel is mine.
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diona-98 · 11 months
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A child
Peppermint belongs to @pinkatint
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revitalizationrat · 10 months
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Does- does this even count as a turtle pile??
Well, nvm snuggles it is
Psssst @kirasigncomics , i used some tips here you gave me about coloring✨️👍✨️
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bettertwin1 · 10 months
What about mint? Do you have any peppermint tea or minty smells you can sniff? I hear sniffing/drinking peppermint helps with nausea
I can probably find a grandma to hug me if I look pathetic enough
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boxfullaturtles · 10 months
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"Red is only two but he's getting so big!" "If he keeps going at this rate, you won't be able to pick him up by the time he's five, Yoshi!" "...oh." "Ah, now, hang on, don't cry! No, no, Yoshi, don't--don't do this, don't cry! Oh no..."
am i using the @tmnt-event-blog as an excuse to explore my Choosing Hope AU? maybe. should i be writing Adagio? yes. do i regret anything? also maybe.
anyway! enjoy this little tidbit! dunno when/if i'll do another lol
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writing-biting · 1 year
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I can't. Stop. Drawing them. I'm literally insane about them.
tm(n)t is by @nerves-nebula
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10x13 come along with me
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writing-biting-art · 5 months
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A late drawing for TMAYNT, for the first prompt! It’s batman vs tmnt donnie, who hold the title of my favorite turtle
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turtlealliebrainrot · 2 months
"Let's all hug and be friends!"
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Silly Animatic Battle piece that took me TEN HOURS-
But yeah I wanted to humanize that one scene in episode one, cause I thought it would be cool-
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Original Image if anyone cares
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incorrecthifirush · 1 year
Peppermint: Oh, sure. Let me just load my “Tap into every security camera on campus” app.
Peppermint: I’m sorry if that sounded like sarcasm, it wasn’t. I am in.
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aquietwritingcorner · 9 months
Turtle Pile
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Title: Turtle Pile Challenge: TMNT-Event-Blog’s “Peppermint Lane” Bingo Care (Raphael) Prompt: Turtle Pile  Fandom: TMNT 2003 Word Count: 1758 Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: K/G  Characters: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Splinter Warning: NA Summary: Little Raph loves staring at the tree Master Splinter brought down to the lair and that they decorated. He could stare at it all night long, although maybe tonight  a few interruptions wouldn’t be too bad.    Notes: Turtle tots!    AO3 || ff.net
Turtle Pile
Raphie stared at the tree, the seven-year-old entranced by it. He’d been amazed by the tree since Master Splinter had first brought it down to their burrow. It was green, with what Donnie had said were “needles” although they didn’t look like the needles that Master Splinter used to sew up the blankets and clothes that they had. They were sharp and pointy, though, so it did sort of make sense to Raphie, although he had quickly learned how to touch them without getting stuck. He had spent hours with the tree, touching it, smelling it, feeling it, exploring it long after his brothers had grown bored. It was so different than anything that they had in the sewers that Raphie hadn’t been able to help himself.
The tree by itself had been entrancing enough. But what Master Splinter had done to the tree had entranced Raphie even more.
He’d found some old Christmas lights that had been only partially working and given them to Donnie. Donnie had taken them gleefully and spent several hours happily working on them, taking apart and splicing together the strands until he had enough working lights that Master Splinter had been able to put them on the tree, lighting it up with all sorts of colors.
Then they had spent time taking paper from old magazines and books that were unreadable and cutting them into strips, using the partially used glue sticks they had to make paper chains that Master Splinter had wrapped around the tree.
And after that, they had gone through boxes scavenged of ornaments, pulling out the ones that weren’t broken too badly, hanging them on the tree. Master Splinter had taken the broken ones and shown them ways to turn them into useful ornaments again, using pieces from various ones to make something new. When they had finished, they had ended up with a handful of new ornaments to put on the tree. And then—then Master Splinter had put candy canes on the tree. New ones! He told them that they couldn’t have them until Christmas Day, but they were still there, and the anticipation of having them on Christmas Day was strong.
But all of the decorations had only added to Raphie’s fixation on the tree. It was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, and he could spend hours just sitting in front of it, staring. In fact, over the past couple of weeks he had often spent his free time in front of the tree, playing with his toys under it, coloring around it, or reading books near it.
Tonight, though, he was just sitting there, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders to keep out the ever-present winter chill as he looked at the tree.
Splinter walked out from the kitchen, heading towards the rooms when he paused, seeing Raphie sitting near the tree. “Raphael?” he said. “What are you still doing there? Your brothers are already in bed.”
Raphie didn’t look away from the tree. He just kept staring at it. “I just like lookin’ at it, Master Splinter,” he said. “It’s pretty.”
Splinter came over and knelt down next to Raphie. “I understand that, my son. But you do realize that it is past time for you to be in bed. Tomorrow you will be able to open the gifts under the tree.”
Raphie nodded. “I know, Sensei. But can I stay up a little longer and look at it? Please?”
Splinter was quiet for a few moments, but then he nodded. “Very well, my son. I am heading to bed. Please do not stay up much later.”
“Thank you, Father,” Raphie said. “I’ll go to bed soon.”
Splinter nodded. “Do not forget to unplug the tree before you do.”
“Yes, Father!” Raphie said, taking a second to smile up at the rat.
Splinter smiled down at his son, patted his head, and then left for his room.
Raphie sat there, just staring at the tree, looking at all of the things on it one by one as if he were committing them to memory. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there before he heard someone walking up behind him.
“Raphie?” It was Mikey’s voice, and Raphie looked over to see his brother standing there, not completely awake, rubbing an eye with one hand and holding a blanket in the other. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m looking at the tree. Father said I could,” Raphie said. “Why are you up?”
“Hadta go to the bathroom,” Mikey said. He didn’t leave or go back to his room, though, and Raphie turned his attention back to the tree. Mikey stood there a moment longer. “Why d’ya like lookin’ at the tree, Raphie?” he finally asked.
Raphie shrugged. “I dunno. It’s pretty. It’s really pretty. I like the colored lights.”
Mikey hummed, and then plopped himself down next to Raphie. “I like the lights, too,” he said. “They’re fun.”
“Yeah,” Raphie agreed. They both sat there for a moment, until Mikey moved to where he was laying down more, his head resting on Raphie’s knee. It didn’t take long for him to fall back asleep, but Raphie didn’t mind. He let Mikey sleep, and he sat there, watching the tree.
His eyes, this time, traveled over the ornaments, looking at the ones that they had been able to use, and the ones that they had cobbled together from pieces they had. He looked at the paper chain, made up of all sorts of different kinds of paper and from different things. They’d done all of that together, and he liked it.
He stared at it for a while longer, until he, again, heard footsteps. They came up behind him and Mikey, but they stopped, and Raphie looked back to see Donnie standing there. “Watcha doing up?” he asked his brother.
Donnie looked at the tree for a moment longer, and then looked at Raphie. “I woke up, and Mikey wasn’t there, and you weren’t there, so I decided to see if you were still out here and if Mikey was with you.”
Raphie nodded and turned his attention back to the tree. “Yeah, we’re here. Mikey woke up cause he had to go to the bathroom, and then he came here and fell asleep.”
Donnie nodded, as if that was what he had expected. “You like looking at the tree,” he said, as he sat down, and settled his arms and head on Mikey’s shell. Mikey didn’t even notice.
Raphie nodded. “I do,” he said. “It’s pretty. It’s a nice thing we did all together.”
Donnie hummed. “It is,” he said. “I liked doing it all together. I think I liked the paper chain the best.”
“Not the lights?” Raphie asked, surprised.
Donnie shook his head. “The lights were fun, but I did that by myself. The paper chain we did all together, and we didn’t have to worry about accidently hurting ourselves.”
“That’s true,” Raphie said.
“Yeah,” Donnie said.
“Where do you think Father found all those ornaments?” Raphie asked after a moment.
Donnie hummed again. “Probably in dumpsters or left outside. It’s sad, because some of them look like they used to belong to families.”
“Yeah?” Raphie asked. “How can you tell?”
Donnie started talking about the things he had noticed about the ornaments, making guesses as to the kinds or types of people that they had belonged to before. At least, he did until he fell asleep right on Mikey’s shell. Raphie didn’t mind. It was nice sitting here with his brothers.
Again, he sat there for a while in silence, just staring at the tree, letting the quiet roll over him. It was kind of nice to be here like this. It was quiet, he had two of his brothers with him, and the tree was on and pretty. He sat there a while, content to just let the moment be.
He almost didn’t hear Leo’s footsteps until they were almost on him. Raphie looked over his shoulder to see Leo coming up beside him, on the side that Mikey and Donnie weren’t sleeping on.
“I woke up and no one was there,” Leo said, answering Raphie’s question before he could ask it.
Raphie shrugged and went back to looking at the tree. “Mikey woke up and had to use the bathroom. Donnie woke up and came to see where me and Mikey were. I’ve been sitting out here. Father said I could.”
Leo nodded and sat down beside Raphie. “It’s late, though,” he said. “Why are you still out here?”
Raphie was quiet for a second. “I dunno. I just really like it. The tree is pretty. The lights are pretty, and it has the chain we made and the ornaments we hung up. And it’s just really nice to just sit out here and look at it in the quiet. I just kinda like how it feels.”
Leo was quiet himself for a moment, and then he nodded. He leaned over on Raphie a bit. “Do you mind if I sit with you in the quiet?” he asked.
Raphie shook his head. “It’s fine.”
The two brothers sat in the quiet for a good long time, just watching the tree and living in the moment. Leo stayed awake longer than Mikey or Donnie, but he eventually fell asleep as well, half-laying on Raphie’s lap. But it was okay. Raphie didn’t mind. He wasn’t far behind Leo, and soon he had fallen asleep, too, curled around Leo, with Mikey’s head still on his other leg, and Donnie still on Mikey’s shell.
In the morning, that was how Splinter found them. The tree was still on, but all four of his sons were curled up in a pile together, sleeping soundly right in front of the Christmas tree. Splinter couldn’t help but smile. Carefully he put the remaining presents under the tree and went to make himself some tea. He quietly came back to the living area with it, and sat down, smiling to himself as he took in the scene.
It was fitting, he reflected to himself, as it was tradition to have presents under the tree, and this morning, he had the best present he had ever been given—his four sons—curled up and sleeping in a little pile together. He would let them wake on their own, but as he sat there and looked at the tree that had so enraptured Raphael, he felt a peace wash over him. Yes. This was the perfect Christmas.
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harmcityherald · 4 months
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fresh lettuce and fresh herbs, parsley, oregano, rosemary. I had a pack of Asian style dressing. the salad lunch is something I am trying to promote in my life. I have to damn near purée it to get it in me but even the smell wakes my body up. where the mind goes the body follows. something magic in them there plants my body has been missing. like my turtles a certain percentage of the diet should be plant material. peppermint is sick :-( she went very lethargic at the bottom overnight. I hope she gets thru it.
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masoncarr2244 · 9 months
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dnnnitsme · 9 months
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also silly video :)
i luv it 🌸
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thecupidwitch · 4 months
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
Tip jar
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