#Percival king imagines
epithet-beloved · 3 months
Could we get some parental Percy and Ramsey? If not that’s fine
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synopsis… Percy and Ramsey as your parents
ft. Percival “Percy” King, Ramsey Murdoch, Howie Honeyglow (mentioned), Meryl Lockhart (mentioned), Sergeant Eros (mentioned)
tags… parental imagine, Percy and Ramsey’s relationship is unspecified, goofy family shenanigans, some anime campaign references but no spoilers, relationship study
word count… 702
a/n… I FINALLY GOT MY WRITING SPOONS BACK BAYBEYYYYYY. Apologies for the long hiatus, but I hope you all enjoy these imagines! ✧ 🦄
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Even if Ramsey is your actual father, he still gets treated at least a little bit like a weird uncle that the rest of the family doesn’t want you associating with.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Despite some general banter, Percy trusts Ramsey with your care quite a lot after he helped her in Redwood Run, and is always fair and never presumptuous. She has quite a few ground rules, some of them a bit odd, but never unfair.
“Uhhh….Percy?” Ramsey’s confusion was met by the policewoman’s polite smile.
“Yes? Is there something you’d like to ask me about the rules?”
A nod. “Just one thing.” Despite the fact that she couldn’t see what he was pointing to, the Australian pointed to one of the lines with his index finger. “I think ‘no crayons of debauchery’ is a bit unnecessary.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Your time between the two is divvied up almost perfectly evenly, as expected of Percy’s scheduling. Sometimes, Ramsey can even go somewhere with you as long as an officer (typically Percy) accompanies you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 On occasion, you’ll also get ‘babysat’ by Meryl or Sergeant Eros when both your parents are unavailable. Meryl can be a bit…jumpy, but typically well meaning. And Eros will let you ride shotgun if he takes you to work with him (given that the work is appropriate and something you can tag along for).
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ramsey makes drawings of your OCs and Percy hangs them on her fridge. It’s kind of comical to see your fursona or the like hung up in her otherwise rather plain kitchen, but it’s also a sweet reminder of how she’s invested in your interests.
“I must admit, I am curious.” You perked your head up at the sound of your mother’s voice, watching as she admired one of the papers hung up with a magnet on her fridge. When she was done examining the drawing like it was some sort of specimen, she’d stand up to her full height and look your way. “Why am I drawn as a beaver in this picture?”
“Oh,” you explained between bites of food, “I always thought if you were an animal, that’s what you’d be, because you make all kinds of buildings when you’re working.”
This answer seemed to leave her pleased, almost glowing in response to your perception of her. With a hand over her heart, she spoke in a calm voice. “Ah, the beaver. Truly an industrious creature. Nature’s architect, presiding over the flowing waters, arbiting their path….”
….Well, that probably meant she was happy about the fursona you came up for her.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 I wouldn’t call Percy overprotective per se, but she is very cautious. Like if you want to ride a bike, she’ll make sure you have a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads….overall, just makes sure to take all possible safety measures in a situation. She’ll never stop you from doing something you want to do within reason, she’ll just make sure she’s there to keep an eye on you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You’ve also likely met Howie once or twice because he’s a good friend (slash business rival) of Percy’s. He gave you a honeyed snack once. It tasted good, but the texture is…..questionable.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Despite Percy being classic lawful good, Ramsey can actually be the more reasonable one, aka having more common sense in a situation. Sometimes, parent-child bonding is just being surrounded by wackiness while both expressing complete and utter exasperation.
“Hey dad, do you know what is happening right now at all?” You loved your mother to death, but her idea of a ‘fun activity’ could often be rather strange. Like now, where she was currently trying to enforce road safety laws to the Mario Kart CPUs. While losing.
All the man could do was shake his head and crack a grin. “Eh, just roll with it, kiddo. You get used to it after a while.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They both give headpats, but Percy’s are a sort of stiff “pat pat” while Ramsey’s is more of a noogie that messes up your hair. You don’t have the heart to say either one is better than the other, though.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They’re both wonderful, really. Both a little weird, but that’s part of what makes your family so great.
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smokerswifey · 2 months
Guys I had a dream last night where adult Nasiens and Percival leave Brittania after the war against Arthur to settle in a little territory/land like God's Finger .
They get married and have a little girl with dark green hair, the prettiest golden/brown eyes you've ever seen and a smile so bright she could light up the entire room .
She's the absolute love of their life . Percival is ( obviously) a girl dad and let's her messily braid his long hair or paint his face atrociously with makeup . Despite the sparkly mess on his face he'll always gasp in delight when she proudly holds up her rhinestone orned mirror to his face and hug her tightly saying " Thanks kiddo I look beautiful 😊😊 "
He's very obviously lying but the toothy grin abd the hug that he gets from his little girl is worth it .
She's basically a mini Percy but with darker hair and brown eyes .
And Nasiens gosh Nasiens loves their little girl ( I'm using they cause I don't know if in the future he's going to remain a he or a she, so I'm keeping the pronouns neutral for know ) who runs on her wee little legs to hug his knees tightly and say the most adorable things ever like " You're so prettyy Mama/Papa" or " I love you so so much more than the whooooole world " .
And Nasiens eats it allll up, plucking the little girl from the floor to tuck her into their arms and to kiss her fluffy hair adoringly .
She's a very energetic little bean, running and bouncing around at every second . A very curious and sharp kid tooo always asking questions. Like... always 💀.
She's also very good at hand to hand combat, her and Percy roughouse all the time much to Nasiens dismay .
For her magic tho I haven't really figured put what it is and I would really appreciate some ideas :))
As for her race she technically has human/life spirit ??/ giant and fairy blood running through her veins so there are a lot of options for her magic lmao .
Zeldris and Gelda are crazy about her .
Zel actually burst into tears when they announced that they were expecting.
He burst into tears when he heard that she was born .
And he burst into tears when he saw her for the first time .
( he was very embarrassed and forbids everyone from speaking about it but Meliodas heard and calls him crybaby now 💀 )
Anywas he's always asking Persiens to babysit her, like all the fucking time .
P : Dad its been three times in a row, we can find another sitter if ya want ?
Z : Nonsense son * plucks the baby out of Percy's arms and pulls her gently into his * You and Nasiens need some alone time hmm ?
N : Alone time can wait, Zeldris-San we really don't want to bother you-
Z : Bother me ??? * dramatically puts a hand over the baby's ears as is he wanted to shield her from what Nasiens said even tho she can't understand *Bothering me with this angel ?
* gazes into her big eyes adoringly.*
Never .
*looks to the couple*
To be honest I'm doing this more for myself than for you guys lmao, I just want to spend time with my beautiful grandaughter, isn't that right my little monster?
B : *coos happily *
Z : * strokes her cheek softly * You two can go now have fun *he says dismissively and turns around * You want grandpa to read you a story about how he killed a thousand godesses in one day ??
P : Please don't Dad .
Z : *pretends he can't hear* oh son you're too far, love you, have fun, byeee.
He would be the silliest grandpa .
And Gelda, Diane and King would have an amazing relationship with her naturally .
My imaginative juice has ran out for today but please expect ro hear more about Persiens daughter 🥰🥰.
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katherynefromphilly · 3 months
for the DVD commentary thing:
“Did you ever?” Arthur asked.
Merlin lifted his gaze to the top of the canopy. Right, he thought.  He’d promised he wouldn’t lie anymore.  Why in the hell had he done that?  Oh, that’s right, because he was the world’s biggest idiot.
“In Camelot?” Merlin asked.  “No.”
Arthur made a brief humming noise that sounded to Merlin like approval, which was both worrying and confusing, because he’d not shown any sign of disapproval about Gwaine and Percival.  So why should he be different?
“Me neither,” Arthur said.
Merlin felt his eyebrows raise.  He couldn’t remember the last time Arthur had volunteered anything of such a personal nature. He’d always had to drag such things out of him.
“Crown Prince… then King…”  Arthur shrugged his shoulders.
Crown Prince and then King what, Merlin wondered.  But Arthur didn’t elaborate. 
“What about not?” Arthur asked.
“What about not in Camelot?”
The crisp ‘t’ sounds on his words made Merlin wonder how drunk and how sleep-muddled Arthur really was. 
“Not in Camelot,” Merlin repeated. 
“I… That’s… personal,” Merlin said, feeling more like a coward than he had in centuries.
“That’s a yes, then.”
Merlin closed his eyes and tried not to hyperventilate.  “Yes.”
“Your friend Will?”
Hearing that name after so long was so startling that Merlin’s gaze snapped to Arthur. Arthur’s brows were pulled together over his closed eyes, his lips pressed thinner than they should be if he were relaxed.
“Will?” Merlin repeated.
“You seemed… close.”
“We were. Yes.  But not… not like that.”
He watched Arthur’s features relax.  Saw his small nod against his pillow.  And that same small humming sound of approval.
“After Camelot, then,” Arthur said.  As if that was fine.  But the idea of Will was not. 
“Yes,” Merlin said, without really thinking, because he was too busy being perplexed by Arthur’s reactions. “You know he wasn’t a sorcerer, right?  That was me?  What happened in Ealdor?” 
“Yes,” Arthur said. “I know.”
“Right,” Merlin said.  So that wasn’t it, then.  Arthur’s problem with Will.  It wasn’t about magic. And why would it be?  He’d seen how Arthur reacted to his own magic.
“So those companions of yours then.  After Camelot.  Them.”
Merlin frowned up at the canopy, unable to begin to imagine why Arthur was asking all of this.  “Not- I mean- Some of them were… men.  Yes.  But not all of them.  I just… after living so long, I guess, I’m just… open minded.”
“Like Heath,” Arthur said. 
“But not Danyl.”
Merlin lifted himself up onto his elbows, frowning down at Arthur now.  “Why are you asking me this?” he asked, because he couldn’t help himself.
“Seemed relevant,” Arthur said.
For context, here’s the definition of “DVD commentary” from the original prompt and reblog: “what i was thinking when i wrote it, why i wrote it, what’s going on in the characters’ heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else you’d expect to find on a DVD commentary track.”
Oooooo this is a good choice. Thank you for submitting this one. I wrote so many words in We Begin Again but I definitely remember being very, very intentional about this scene.
This scene could be entitled “The One In Which They Finally Talk About Their Sexuality — Sort of. Except not really. LOL.”
In my head, I always imagined that Arthur had known about same-sex activities. He knew the knights had sex with each other on battle campaigns to work out their nerves or ease sexual frustration. Even the Romans did that, under certain circumstances, depending upon social rank and age. Arthur would have heard about that too.
Arthur though, could never engage in those activities himself. Could never even let himself entertain those thoughts if he had them. That path was always closed to him. That’s what his comment of “Crown prince… then king…” means. First as Crown Prince, he had to maintain a pristine reputation as an eligible bachelor, and then as King, he was already in love with Gwen, and his focus was on her, and the kingdom, so there was no opportunity.
(Oh, and by the way, Arthur is totally not as drunk as he’s acting. That’s why the “t” is landing so hard when he speaks. He’s a bit tipsy, yes, but he’s dramatizing it a bit to get a pass for his line of questioning.)
Merlin in this scene is terrified of Arthur rejecting him once he finally tells the truth about his own sexuality. Not only that he’ll be kicked out of the sleeping-together-but-not-sleeping-together, but that it will damage their friendship. It’s a big deal for him to tell the truth here, so of course I made it as painful as possible for him to do it. He doesn’t understand why Arthur is focused on Camelot — but Arthur is actually only curious if Merlin acted on his same-sex attractions during the time they’d known each other, because that would be one more thing Merlin had to lie about.
(Plus, okay, Arthur is a teensy weensy bit jealous, imagining Merlin with anyone he’d known.)
Mostly, though, Arthur is honestly trying to understand his own sexuality, and the various types out there, through the lens of people he knows. He hasn’t yet become Master of the Internet, or looked up the words that help us all define who we are at a particular phase of our lives. So he’s holding up examples in his head, and thinking “Am I like Heath? Am I like Danyl? And what is Merlin, exactly, after all these years?”
I thought a long time about how Merlin would answer that question. Arthur wants to know. And Merlin wants to tell him. But Merlin is not a “labels” guy, and he’s lived so long, as a man and a woman, being with all sorts of people, that “Open Minded” was where I landed. Arthur would understand that, especially not yet having been on the internet.
“Why are you asking me this?” Merlin asks, and he’s panicked here, and ready to be kicked out of bed.
“Seemed relevant,” Arthur says, meaning himself, and his own feelings, and the people he’s seen around him.
Merlin of course immediately freaks out right afterward, thinking that Arthur means “seems relevant to my letting you sleep in my bed”.
But Arthur of course comforts him, saying that there are no labels for them both, except the ones they make. And Merlin goes to sleep dazed but in his king’s arms. You know. As best friends do.
Thanks for the ask!
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winterlogysblog · 2 months
You know your theory about who took nasiens from king and Diana. There are things that I also noticed.
Aside from the fact that nasiens was taken as a new born as in the day he was born means that it was planed and they were watched.
The fact that they weren't able to find either mertyl's biological parents or nasiens say something. Especially when a changeling happened they were able to resolve it quickly in the manga.
Now come nasiens. The biggest reason that nasiens didn't think he was anything but human is because he can't do anything that a fairy is know to be able to do. From reading heart to shape-shifting to flying or controlling plants.
Wings would be ignored because not only was king a late bloomer but from what I understand fairies has two state. Child and adults. And for them to turn to adults they would have to mature mentally or emotionally.
Now put these with nasiens that seem to favor fairy blood more and tell me why did he not show any sing of being anything but human aside from their gender.
There come your theory. The ones who took nasiens would be connected to Camelot. But it would have to be a fairy. Since it would be hard for anything but fairy to be seen in that time especially considering that the king is having their first child.
Also the fairy that took Merlin form. If he has one fairy who to say he didn't have another.
Now here come why no one thought nasiens is anything but human. He didn't show any magic that any fairy or giant have. The reason for that could be because magic that connected to either race was sealed.
Then some might ask why was nasiens or rather king and Diana were the only ones that were targeted. The reason is simple.
They were the only ones of the seven deadly sins that married from the group. The others either married someone else or didn't marry at all.
I mean it would explain why a chaos knight target the forest that nasiens lived in. I mean around that time they found out about the four knights or things like that.
I mean what do you think would happen if Percival was not their. Anything could happen. Also could be why the knight didn't bother speaking with nasiens. Though I think it is more of if ordo didn't agree the child would also not agree.
Now to how Nasiens magic it cold be something that target bloodline magic. Therfore anything physical like immunity to poison would not be affected.
Him not having wing could be a growth thing. Also the same could be said about their gender. As they are still a child they would not change anytime soon.
Now imagine that the seal on nasiens is actually a curse. Now that would be interesting. Imagine nasiens is gravely injured and they need to give him the drug of yore but not only do his injuries heal but the cruse is broken and nasiens is overload by his magic especially reading hearts.
He suddenly can hear many voices and is overwhelmed. It also depends on his range.
The only thing that nasiens didn't have from his fairy side is shape-shifting. Also the fact that his magic was fighting all the time to remove the cruse could cause it to grow and other interesting side effects.
What do you think of writing a story about that?
I do agree that King and Diane are most likely being watched since Nasiens was taken away the moment he was born that's like the only logical assumption I could go to.
They resolved the changeling situation in the manga because the fairy who is responsible is there but with this situation it's probably someone from the outside and fairies can shape shift so they could easily blend in.
I don't want to think about this too much since we have literally no other information other than this whole thing is sus as heck.
With Nasiens not manifesting any type of fairy like ability I could just chop it up to in his mind he's human so it slowed down the manifestation, with Nasiens thinking he's just a human there really is no trigger for him to manifest these things, his back is sensitive though, dk how that correlates to anything but if he were to grow wings it makes sense why his back is sensitive. Lancelot got his heart reading ability when he was 10 and from my understanding I think Sixtus is the only one who can read minds out of the Kiane kids who are primarily fairy. Nasiens magic is Poison Mixer and he's not gonna get anything besides that, the magic itself is already very fairy like so it works, he might get his wings, there's a possibility he could fly and read hearts but that's in the future. Fairies are also known to have massive amounts of magic energy and with Poison Mixer being as great as it is during Nasiens first introduction could very well be due to how much magic energy Nasiens has.
It's a really great idea and I read through your other one and that got me interested as well however I don't think I'll be writing too much cause my school work is the definition of hell and I also have other fanfics I need to finish and work on.
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The story of how Mordred called Merlin mom and then proceeded to call Arthur dad and now he's adopted into the family
Author: Me aka @dalazygamerneko
Inspired by @tongjaitongjai merthur idea, check out it out here: 🐓x🐦=🐣
It was ordinary day. Birds were singing, training went well and the maids were busy but happily chatting.
Nothing could go wrong Mordred thought as he made his way to the afternoon roundtable meeting when he came across Merlin or Emrys as he is known amongst druids, quickly he hid into an alcove and gazed in envy at Lord Emrys, no, Merlin smiling and holding a little boy in his arms.
It's moments like these that he wished he knew his mother longer but he could barely remember her. He watched quietly at the soft look in Merlin's eyes and utter joy upon the little boy's face as they hugged each other, Mordred wondered if his mother would've looked at him the same way Merlin did.
He sighed, leaning back against the stone walls Mordred couldn't help but want to revert back into being a child again just so Merlin wouldn't gaze coldly at him, albeit he probably deserved it for the words of hatred he said in his youth. He knew now Merlin never meant to lead those knights towards his camp. That the warlock was only trying to help Morgana.
"What can I do to earn your trust?"
Mordred shook his head, he'd think of something maybe ask one of the knights for help? He's noticed that Sir Lancelot and Sir Gwaine are closer to Merlin than the other knights.
'They're also the most protective of him' Mordred thought dryly, a crease upon his brow as multiple ideas popped into his mind and many he shot down knowing it won't work.
"Well, I'll just have to hope the triple Goddess guides me." Mordred mumbled, he looked out into the hallway, Merlin was gone, most likely doing chores for the King.
Mordred chuckled as he continued walking, he would never understand the relationship Emrys and the once and future King had with each other. There were times they seem like close comrades begrudging in their respect for one another and then other times they would argue fondly like any old married couple.
Not surprising when plenty of townsfolk as well as even the nobles have speculated in the past if Merlin was being courted by Prince Arthur, to any outsider it certainly looked that way therefore Merlin was given the "mistress" treatment.
Now everyone are wondering(more like waiting impatiently) when will the King announce his engagement to Merlin.
"If I remember correctly, doesn't Sir Gwaine have a bet going on?"
Mordred pondered. 'Yeah, I'll definitely join in. There's no way they're NOT together. I mean, I've seen the lingering stares they give each other as if there is no one around them.'
Soon he was at the doors leading to the roundtable meeting, nodding at the vigilant guards they let him through. His eyes slowly moved over the knights, nobles and some commoners before landing on Merlin who was standing behind the King's chair.
An unassuming figure, most often underestimated but to those who know magic deeply or follow the old religion, Emrys entire being is a vast ocean of wild magic swirling in such a magnitude that no mere mortal could ever understand or harness the power Emrys wields.
Then he locked eyes with Merlin, there is no icy stare thankfully, yet he can still see a hint of wariness in his Lord's gaze.
He bowed his head in acknowledgement before finding a seat next to the gossiping pair Sir Percival and Sir Gwaine.
"I could be at a tavern right now, drinking and charming the barmaid Stella instead I'm stuck here." Gwaine said with a miffed face, his hand gripping the air imagining he was holding a mug of ale.
Elyan who sat across from Gwaine raised an eyebrow, "Isn't Stella old enough to be your grandmother?"
Gwaine smirked whilst shrugging. "Just like wine the older one gets the finer they become, besides she has experience, I'm sure there's a thing or two she could still teach mmph—"
Leon had reached over to clamp Gwaine's mouth shut.
The ginger haired knight had just about enough of hearing Gwaine's tavern tales of debauchery to which he thought was an inappropriate topic to be discussed or heard at the roundtable meeting.
"Sir Gwaine, leave your nightly talks at the tavern only, please."
Gwaine pulled Leon's hand away and smiled cheekily at the older knight.
"Oh, but wouldn't you like to know? Stella has mentioned she likes ginger haired men with beards and I bet she could show you—"
"I am going to strangle you—"
Gwaine leaned back avoiding Leon's hands from trying to keep him quiet again.
"Sir Leon I never knew you were this kinky, I think dear old Stella would like to feel your big strong hands—ack!"
Leon finally got him, unfortunately the meeting was starting, so Gwaine was safe from being throttled by him. However, tomorrow morning during training he'll get his chance.
Mordred along with the rest of the knights chuckled at Sir Gwaine's antics and Sir Leon's annoyed expression.
♤To be continued♤
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pajulammas · 3 months
This whole story idea was originally just a silly little daydream I liked to imagine while trying to fall asleep. I'm not super into the idea of Sonic and Shadow being parents, but the idea of Galahad being Lancelot's son from a previous relationship and Sonic being a stepdad was intriguing. It would have such a different dynamic, especially if Galahad is already an adult. My friends had to witness this AU Getting Me in real time, and now we're here. It's actually a fic now-
This AU is partially inspired by original Arthurian lore, partially by Sonic lore, and the rest are just all kinds of ideas that popped into my head. This AU is basically just "Since Sonic's Arthurian world doesn't have Guinevere in it, it's only logical that Lancelot would be in love with Arthur instead, right?" and old man yaoi-
Chapter 1: The Lost King’s Return 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Sonic the Hedgehog/Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Lancelot (Sonic and the Black Knight), Galahad (Sonic and the Black Knight), Gawain (Sonic and the Black Knight), Percival (Sonic and the Black Knight), Lamorak (Sonic and the Black Knight), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Forbidden Love, Developing Relationship, Parenthood, Single Parents, Step-parents, Trans Male Character, Trans Sonic the Hedgehog, Family, Aged-Up Character(s), Arthurian, Chivalry, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Asexuality, Pining, Dadow, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Betaed
Summary: Sonic has reached the ripe age of 50 and is now longing for another adventure. One day, he wakes up back in Camelot, but it’s not the same one he left, as no one seems to remember those events other than Sonic; and on top of it all, they all think that he is the lost king Arthur who has simply lost his memories.
Arthur’s most loyal knight Lancelot is the same age as Sonic and a single parent, who is struggling with his sudden loneliness as his son Galahad has recently moved away. Sonic is enthralled by him, since he’s something that Shadow isn’t; mortal. Given their position as king and his bodyguard, the two quickly become close, closer than their titles would suggest in fact.
Now Sonic is struggling with his new duties and expectations – ones that he didn’t really even ask for in the first place. In the midst of it all, he’s trying to keep his newly blossomed relationship a secret, while also adapting to yet another new, unexpected title; stepfather.
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taeloke · 2 months
My Turn on Fandom Opinions
This on its own generalizes my thoughts more than I'd like, so I'm supporting it with some clarifications below the keep-reading line.
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I like Escanor (Night). I dislike Escanor (Day) for Sunshine's powerscale hyping.
Before the 4KOTA anime came out, I read Percival in a Paimon-esque voice. That's my bad.
I wish Cath had more depth and that his arc didn't feel so shoehorned in at the end of SDS.
derieri put some clothes on plz
"Similar personality" is more like a blend of Nasiens, King, Merlin, and Gowther, but imagine trying to fit all of that into one opinion square.
Aside from the obvious, I dislike how sudden Lancevere is. I'd like to emphasize that more than you-know-what. Though it makes sense, a romance that starts with knowing a couple's future simply doesn't vibe with me, even if that future isn't their future anymore.
I always enjoy making friends, but I'm the kind of person who mostly makes friends by crossed-paths circumstances instead of sought-out interest. Otherwise, I keep to myself a lot. Therefore--it's really hard to say which characters I would or wouldn't befriend.
Can you tell how King-centric I am yet? My opinion of nearly every 4KOTA character is too neutral to point out.
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faker-aus · 6 days
Imagine being Lancelot though. Your king has sent the three most agile knights- Lamorak, Percival, and yourself- to take down a dragon that could cause harm to your kingdom like many a dragon before. When you get to his den, he isn't there, it's literally just some hedgehog. So you leave, come back the next day, and OH. That guy was the dragon. Fuck. And all you can do is wonder why you feel so weird about that? Why would it feel wrong to slay the dragon now? Why does he keep looking at you like that? Why are you so nervous?
What are you so afraid of?
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merri-berri · 4 months
My old hometown held its first ever anime/cosplay convention, a perfect opportunity to improve my Percival King cosplay!
And this time I actually have proper picks to show off it all!!
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Things I added/remade:
-All the decorative bands are made by tablet weaving, a traditional nordic weaving technique
-I made new gloves! I bought the last ones but these are self made
-I lost the old paper tie so I knitted a new one (it's sewn to a fabric thingy so it stays in shape)
I even entered my first ever cosplay contest with this. I didn't win, but I did get an honorable mention prize for entering, and compliments about my crafting techniques
Finland has a way bigger con-scene than I imagined! And a lot of them are pretty small and chill too which is nice
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epithet-beloved · 10 months
Hello may I request some parental Percy? Really hyperfixating on her as a comfort character
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synopsis…  having percy king as a parental figure !!
ft.  percival “percy” king
tags… familial headcanons, percy trying her best
word count… 598
a/n… We love some parental headcanons in this house. I apologize if these are not the best I’m alas not a Percy expert ✧ 🦇
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 I’m not sure what kind of situation would have Percy end up be a parent for you
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Maybe you’re a rookie in the force or are just in her custody after some case (but like not in a bad way she’s not your parole officer)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Or maybe you just got attached to her. She’s not complaining, she considers herself a good role model and a good influence. She’s a responsible adult. 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Or maybe you’re just adopted/her child I forgot that can be a thing
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Anyway
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She’s definitely a little bit overbearing regarding your health; she just worries! She cares about you in her own way!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Like one of those moms that tell you to bring a jacket with you even though it’s summer and it’s sunny out
“You never know when the weather might play nasty tricks on you.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She will be a little smug if you get sick from not bringing a jacket. She told you!!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She’ll take care of you though she has everything ready. Very organized medicine cabinet and all
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Doesn’t get mad at you like ever. However you can definitely hear when she’s disappointed and it’s probably worse-
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Percy has her own brand of dad jokes. Unfortunately they seem understandable and funny only to her. You have no idea what she’s talking about. She appreciates it if you laugh anyway though.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Also the kind of person where if you tell her something that happened, she’ll be like: “Oh, something like that happened to Steve, once. Didn’t end well.” And then never follows up on who Steve even is or what happened to him. You are left in mystery.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She makes sure you have a good sleeping schedule and healthy meals !!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They’re important, just like routines. She definitely enjoys the two of you having a daily routine together. Part of her day is exclusively scheduled to spend time with you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She definitely does not want to involve you in her cases, she wants you to be safe and a lot of her cases involve dangerous epithet users
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Even if you have an epithet yourself, she still worries. Criminals are unpredictable, as she says.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Speaking of epithets
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you do have one, she’ll definitely teach you what she knows about using it efficiently and safely ! 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She tells you to “be sure to not use it for any…. Nefarious things.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you’re the age where you go to school she definitely helps with homework when she can. She’s actually a lot of help!!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Also loves hanging out with you when she can! You two do puzzles together :) 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you ever ask her to take part in any activities with you that you like she’ll be very happy to do it. She loves spending time with you and doing things you like !!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She attends all of your events / any award ceremonies  !! Every single one !! A proud mom
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Howie is the only person she trusts to do a good job looking after you if she can’t. Sorry but Ramsey is still  a criminal even if a responsible one and Meryl is just a little too anxious for her own good. It’s for your safety.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You know that scene from the first Spider Verse movie with Miles and his dad in the police car. Percy. (“I wanna hear it. I love you mom. Mom I love you.”)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You show her a funny meme and she goes, “ha. haha. I do that :)”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you show interest in any line of work, she’ll be more than happy to support you! She wants you to be happy and feel accomplished in life.
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untasdedessin · 4 months
My thoughts on chapter 138 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse:
A brief summary without going into too much detail:
In this chapter, we follow Nasien's journey into the world of fairies, in the company of Tioreh. After passing through the Tunnel of Whispers to try out his medicine on Percival, Nasien goes on to meet the royal family.While the King of the Fairies and the Queen of the Giants seem to welcome Nasien with open arms, this is not the case for all the couple's children. The conversation is suddenly interrupted by a group of fairies who come to warn that fairy creatures have committed an act of changeling.
As Suzuki hinted in an author-reader response, King and Diane have several children, each very different from the next. Alas, they seem (except perhaps one of them) old enough not to be able to tick the Gerheade babysitter checkbox in my bingo, but I don't despair of ticking other boxes soon. Rather than talking about Harlequin and Diane's children, even though he'd have a lot to say, I'd rather focus on the world of fairies and the creatures that inhabit it.
We do get to discover a little more about the fairy realm and the children of the Fairy King and Giant Queen. I've already taken a few screenshots of the chapter and the previous one, in preparation for future drawings. I'm happy because the fairy world is just as I'd imagined it: giant plants and mushrooms, a world where fairy cohabit with other fairy creatures (hide-and-seek, chicken-matango, etc.) in a misty atmosphere.
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At the end of the chapter, we discover that the group behind the changeling is a group of Hide-and-seek.
The Hide-and-seek are fairy-like creatures introduced to us in chapter 4 of Seven Deadly Sins, in the Forest of White Dreams, when Meliodas and Elizabeth have just begun their journey to find the Sins. These creatures have the unique ability to mimic the appearance of their victims to perfection. They inhabit the forests of Britannia. We also know that the Hide-and-seek of the Awepine Forest (a forest destroyed by the creation of Vazeil's labyrinth) seem to appreciate human flesh. But we don't know if this behavior is unique to the imps of this forest. What is certain is that the Hide-and-seek of the Awepine Forest have a different cape and a different symbol on the hood from the Hide-and-seek of the King's Forest or the Forest of White Dreams.
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Let's talk about their appearance: these small creatures are recognizable by the hooded cape that covers most of their body. They have a large nose covered with buttons, round pupil-less eyes on either side of the nose, and a wide mouth set with pointed teeth. In this chapter, we get to see a Hide-and-seek without a hood, but it's not the first time we've seen one without. One of the illustrations in the Light Novel, Seven Days, shows us three of them.
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The imp that Myrte catches has a slightly different appearance from those in this illustration. In addition to the hair and eyes, the shape of the face is morphologically closer to that of a fairy's face, than the oval face of his fellows. But perhaps it's the angle of the face that gives this impression. So the number of horns is not the only diversity of the Hide-and-seek. I'm not commenting on the absence of a symbol on the hood at the moment, as Suzuki only draws it on close-up panels. But I think it would be interesting to know it and to compare it with the Hide-and-seek of the Awepine forest, whose intentions are rather evil.
Hide-and-seek are also known as Prankster Imps, and while up until now only their ability to deceive their victims by imitating their appearance could explain this name, this chapter gives us other answers. These creatures practice changeling. Changeling is the practice of exchanging a human baby for a baby fairy or other creature, and many legends exist in Europe. For the moment we don't know whether previous acts of changeling have been carried out solely by Hide-and-seek, but we may find out more in the next chapter.
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A quick look back at one of the fairy who comes to warn the royal family of the kidnapping of a human. In the fairy group,we can see a fairy who seems to be Kulumil (a character from the film Grudge of Edinburgh), but we can't be 100% sure it's her. Suzuki, for example, drew several fairy characters in SDS who look like Puora without being Puora (same face, hair, eyes, but different clothes and sometimes different wings from the Puora we know). Just as there's a clearly distinct category of bearded fairy, we have a category of cherubic fairy that includes Puora and Kulumil, and this is the first time we've seen one in Four Knights of the Apocalypse.
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I'll end this commentary by mentioning Gerheade's whereabouts. After this chapter, I'm no longer sure she's in the fairy realm.
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Even if fairy people don't have the same perception of time as humans, I don't think they're all unaware of what's going on in Britannia at the moment. In times of crisis, if Gerheade isn't at the Fairy King's side, she may be in Britannia to keep an eye on events (and possibly report them to the Fairy King afterwards), and to lend a helping hand to the Liones camp. If Meliodas thinks of her as a potential ally of the Knights of the Apocalypse, wouldn't it be because she's recently been brought in to help Liones in some way? It's a possibility I don't want to rule out. Perhaps she's also on the side of Matrona (also a potential ally) and the clan of giants. What's certain is that Suzuki's decision not to show us Gerheade means he has no use for her at the moment.
If I find something interesting to say for chapter 139, I'll make another comment like that.
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moonyheartache · 2 years
So, the brain worms ara at it again and I thought "haha Merlin AU where not only Arthur returns but also Gwaine bc the whole «courage, strenght and magic» thing"
Me inmediatly also thinking about "well then maybe Lancelot should come back too"
You know, to spice things up
And then somehow it evolved into all of them returning from the dead
Like, every other week some dude sprouts from the ground like a daisy and the authoroties are already dialing Merlin's number.
He obviusly has a house in the forest.
Merlin still has to work so imagine all 6 idiots being left alone in a closed space
Like imagine them getting hungry and then trying to figure out how an oven works so they can cook a chiken
Arthur: well Merlin always gets the food from the bridge-
Elyan: fridge
Arthur: that thing
Gwaine: I don't think this chiken is good, it's all frozen over
León: maybe we can use fire to heat it up?
Percival: I think we can use the oven to do that
Lancelot: I know where Merlin puts the matches
Gwaine: ok great, how do we turn it on
Dead silence
Fifty minutes and nearly three explosions after Merlin comes back from work to find them sitting in the forest floor with a small fire going on so they can eat
"Why is Elyan crying?"
After maybe a month or so they learn how tf the T.V. is supposed to work
No, it's not magic. Yes Percival I checked. No Arthur it isn't alive. Yes I'm a 100% sure of it
They decided not to watch the news anymore after Arthur almost had an Aneurysm
"At least the cat is doing his job"
Cue to more shenanigans since they happen to land on "Young Sheldon"
Merlin is starting to realise this may have been a mistake.
He is really starting to regret it when they discover "F.R.I.E.N.D.S"
He really hopes they don't find out about the other Sheldon.
They definetly freaked out about cars
Like an actual lot
Lancelot thought they were alive
He got bullied for that
Whoever introduced Gwaine and Percival to donuts, they don't realise the caos they ensured.
Let's not even talk about "Hawaian Pizza"
Arthur says that when he is king again he will ban it forever.
Lancelot doesn't mind it (almost gets bullied again)
Surprisingly Leon likes it
Actually gets bullied
"Guys don't be mean it's not so bad" "Percival not you too"
Merlin has no coments in the situation
Also, angst time ;)
They go to the zoo
Both Elyan and Gwaine hate the reptile house
Gwaine had a panic attack
They go to the museum
Lancelot discovered that he was supposed to be a french prince
Gwen's dress was in exibit
Percival wants to punch the guide in the face
They go to Merlin's work
It's a bookshop
Turns out he owns the bookshop
"Merlin I can't read this" "Sounds like a you problem" "MERLIN-"
I'll let the shenanigans up to you
When they finally learn enough to get a job
Lancelot and Arthur work at the same coffee shop
Somehow Arthur became the manager
"I want yo speak to your manager" "Ma'am please don't-" "What do you want bitch"
Karen vs. Karen
Elyan works with Merlin, he likes the quiet
Gwaine is a mascot for s fast food restaurant
Percival got a job at a restaurant as the delivery boy
And don't ask him how because he doesn't know the answer but Leon gets a job as a Taxi driver
He doesn't want to talk about it
Fun fact, Aithusa can speak now, barely
So when he was coming to visit one night he sees Leon chillin on the porch and decides to greet him
Now imagine a "I haven't drink water in 3 years" voice convined with a VERY HIG VOLUME and the utter darkness areound + Aithusa is very sneaky
"Greetings Sir León" "JESUS BLOODY FUCK"
He threw a few more colorfull insults he learned from his job
After (a lot) calming down and (also a lot) catching up the knights come to the realisation than Merlin saved their asses in múltiple occasions
Like, it's actually ridiculous
"I always knew"
Merlin: don't think too much about it
All the knights: No, I think I will
Now they want to AT LEAST do something nice for him
You know, for saving their literal lives, multiple times
So Elyan, Lancelot and Arthur are working to sneak out a lot of pastries form the coffe shop
"We were goin to throw them out anyways"
The thing is, tho, that they don't know that Leon, Gwaine and Percival are actually doing something similar
"Won't your boss suspect when a bunch of fruit is suddenly gone?" "Shut up and drive"
Cue to being too much food
"You guys realise that we don't need this much food right?" "It's for you" "Well actually I don't mind sharing"
It's the thought what matters
I'm gonna make a post when all of them discover what a phone is
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marukrawler · 8 months
Yeah there would need to be some reshuffling. I think many suggested Barry as Pyros as it would need minimal design alterations. Though it feels... a little boring ... you know. Ace can work as Aquos if we add Lancelot theme (lol) to his bakugan evolutions. We can even play with arthurian themes. Yes, it makes Mira his Arthur and we can pull so much from this. It doesn't matter that the original may not have been that deep. Doesn't matter.
it would mean no Marucho but! I think him having screentime in Gundalions was a right call because his Ren dynamics were good. So he is still represented. Mira must stay subterra for gus parallel purposes (and salt mines). Speaking of Gus, gus as bastard theory is good so maybe it would have worked as canon.
continuation of this ask and this ask.
couldn't help myself so i drew my version of pyrus!baron and aquos!ace ashjdjsksk
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some notes:
pyrus for baron works surprisingly well with his energetic attitude and canon catchphrase 「激熱!」 gekiatsu! → "let's fire this up!"
added some tails to his headband. i was gonna replace the lightning bolt with flames but i can't draw flames so 😭pyrus symbol it is rip
his overall fit is pretty nice so i didn't want to change anything. although i didn't draw the rest of him, i can imagine swapping his pants and boots for dan's since dan won't be in the resistance in this au lol
ace was lucky enough to get some of shun's gender ambiguous swag. the gloves and exposed shoulders are an obvious reference to shun's resistance fit. kept the big sleeves bc that's ace's thing™️but he will have to fight hatsune miku for the trademark tho.
the rings in his hair are actually a reference to elyon from w.i.t.c.h. for no other reason other than i thought it'd look cool. but it also works because marucho's resistance outfit has a lot of circles on it.
could be nice if there was some lady of the lake stuff sprinkled into ace's ability cards especially after percival evolves into knight percival but alas, i know nothing about the legend of king arthur so im leaving this up to you guys lmao.
and yeah, i totally agree with you. marucho is really not needed for the first half of nv so i don't mind swapping him out for runo or alice. mira of course should stay because she started the resistance and she needs to be the driving force behind the whole bakugan liberation movement. the spectra/gus and mira/ace parallels would be even more pronounced with ace acting as mira's lancelot 🫣
as for the gus theory asjhdjksask i don't mind if it's there in a possible s2 rewrite or not. i feel like that kinda plot twist would need a reason to be there so i'll think about what it could mean for gus' character arc to be zenoheld's bastard child because it would change a lot.
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Honestly,out of all the tua crossover ideas I’ve seen,none would top the chaos of a umbrella academy and merlin crossover
Imagine this
-Five accidentally teleports all his family back in time to the medieval times to the land of Camelot ,they’re all very confused and wander through town where they see a public wizard trial,which tells them magic is a thing in this world.
-Five spends their entire time there trying to keep Luther away from a knight that looks suspiciously similar to him,to avoid the possibility of paradox psychosis and then them fighting eachother to the death.When five gets tired of this,he just proceeds to knock sir Percival out and hide him in a cupboard.
-Luther gets treated very nice around the town as everyone believes him to be a noble.This draws the attention of merlin who was told by the dragon that mysterious travellers have come to Camelot.Merlin find confronts five and a fight ensues,but it ends in merlin learning they mean no harm and just want to go home.Feeling bad for them,merlin agrees to help them and tells five to assemble his family.
-Luther,under the guise of sir Percival,also meets King Arthur who’s fresh off his fathers death,they both talk about their families,how their fathers treated them and have a jousting match,which Luther so badly,it makes Arthur laugh and thank him for playing the fool for him.
-Meanwhile,klaus and Diego go immediately to the tavern to have drinks,where they meet sir gwaine and they all get along relatively well,becoming drinking buddies.This is until a bar fight insues bc they can’t pay their tab and klaus summons ghosts to fend them off.
-This gets him arrested and put in the dungeons for being a wizard,Diego also gets punished and put in the stocks for associating with a wizard (the punishment was meant to be more but Arthur was talked down by Luther and Gwaine),which five uses as an opportunity to pelt him with fruit for getting himself and klaus arrested.
-Allison and Viktor get captured by Lady Morgana,who tries to enlist them after hearing about Allison use their rumour trick to get food at the market.They reluctantly agree and are put on their first mission,to free and enlist a powerful sorcerer who stands trial at Camelot.
-The whole thing comes together as they all arrive at klaus’ public execution,where they try and fail to try him as a wizard,as he is immortal,popping up quite quickly from the execution and terrifying all the crowd and the king
-This distraction,with a little fire and showmanship from merlin,gives them the opportunity to break klaus free,with Diego and five warding off the angry crowd with swords,while Luther distracts the knights in the castle.
-When the crowd get too hard to handle, Viktor knocks them down with their sound wave and Allison then rumours all the town and the king to go home and forget the days events
-They all head to gaisus chambers,and with the help of merlin magic to pinpoint their location,travels them back to 2019
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Masterlist 2.0
Klaus, cut the bullshit (tua) (closed)
Sandman (closed)
House of the dragon (closed)
Stranger things (closed)
Werewolf by night (closed)
Druig (eternals) 1 2 3
Disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo 1 2 3 4 5
Is this stalking? Potentially/hypothetically from a certain standpoint, yes. Yet it is. (Requested)
The legend of vox machina (closed)
Percival de rolo 1 2 3 4
Vox machina 1 2 3 4 5
Deadweight pt 2
Deadweight pt3
Deadweight pt4
Deadweight pt5
Deadweight pt6
Deadweight pt7
Deadweight pt 8
Comfort after disaster
How vox machina dealt with reader coming back from the dead (revival) (requested)
Prompt 29: actions that make them happy (requested)
Vax’s gn s/o takes a bit for him and Pike heals them (requested) (tw; blood, gore, Achilles heel slashing, throat slitting, a whole ass gash taking up reader’s torso.)
Weather report
Castlevania (closed)
Alucard tepes 1 2
Dracula 1 2 3
Trevor Belmont 1 2
Wednesday (closed.)
Wednesday Addams 1
Like a date date? (Requested)
Make a move (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Part 3 (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Black dahlia lovers (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Black cat and golden retriever (requested)
Truths and lies (requested) angst/happy ending. Tw: blood, hurt, gashes.
The day Wednesday Addams understood what sound a shattered heart makes. (Requested) angst/ one sided love
Part 2; it takes two to mend a shattered heart (Requested)
Change of heart (requested)
Wednesday missing reader (not click bait) (requested)
Someone’s (Enid) is a little butt hurt (requested)
Alive (requested)
Companion of darkness (platonic Wednesday imagine request)
A nightshade always protects (requested)
Precognitions aren’t to be taken seriously when processed without the necessary context aka Wednesday learns how to cry (requested)
Mad dog of Nevermore (requested)
1068 days isn’t nearly a long enough time to keep me from you. (Requested)
Dragon of Nevermore (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
The king of curses (requested)
Chaos witch (requested)
Chaos witch pt 2 (requested)
Chaos witch part 3 (requested)
Enid Sinclair 1
Liking you romantically (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Tomorrow’s another day (requested)
Because we work (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
Xavier Thorpe
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Finger friends (requested)
Xavier and Ajax’s no good, very bad day (requested)
Ear piercings are a bitch to heal. (Requested)
Xavier and reader’s children go to Nevermore (Requested)
Our rivalry became more because of a misdemeanour. (Requested)
Sketch your way into my heart (Requested)
Nasty bitch goblin mother fucker (requested) (may/may not include unrealistic selections of the usage/effects of marijuana otherwise known as weed)
AIB (alice in borderlands)
See you on the other side
On the other side (part 2 to fic above) (requested)
Name a star after me
Final Fantasy 7
Cuddling headcannons (requested)
Trigun stampede
Vash the stampede
Some Vash stuff
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Reader flusters Nicholas (requested)
Lockwood and Co
Fic page here.
Fic list here
Resident evil 4 remake
Fic list here
Spider-man: across the Spiderverse
Fic list here
Mortal Kombat 1
Fic list here
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baby-alien11 · 10 months
Return to Riverdale High (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
(this happens before the SAG-AFTRA strike, the WAG strike started during the filming of the last episode of Riverdale)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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Riverdale was ending, that was a fact that was a bit heartbreaking to you because of all the time you spend in there while growing and the bond you made with the cast
So when Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa invited you to go to the last days of filming, and give everyone a surprise you were already doing your luggage and asking Jack if he wanted to go with you, which he accepted
That's how both of you ended up in a flight to Vancouver and on the road to the set
"Look, there's Pop's", you exclaimed pointing at the place through the car window
"It looks better in person", Jack commented
"Just wait until you eat the burgers and the milkshakes", you smiled with excitement at what he intervined your hands
Thanks to knowing that everyone was at their trailers or hair and make up station, the car stopped in the parking lot where Roberto was waiting for your arrival with Mädchen by his side
"My little girl", Mädchen exclaimed hugging you the moment both of you stepped out of the car, "I missed you so much"
"Auntie Mädchen, I missed you too", you responded hugging her, "I'm so happy to see you"
"I needed someone else to to keep the secret, that's why I told her", Roberto explained hugging you next, "We're so happy you're back"
"I'm happy to be back", you smiled separating from the hug, "This is my boyfriend, Jack"
"Hi, nice to meet you", Jack greeted both of the adults with hugs
"Nice to meet you too", Roberto said, "You were awesome in Avatar and Scream"
"Okay, they are going to be in their trailers and eating breakfast for a while, so how about we have a little tour around set?", Roberto proposed
With both of you agreeing and Mädchen returning to her trailer to keep preparing for the filming, the tour started around the sets where you used to spend time that now where done as if they were in the 50's
"Are they going to be stuck in the 50's forever?", you asked while walking around the school set
"Just watch the season", Roberto responded, "I won't say any spoilers"
You were about to complain, but Roberto was called to check some things so he left both of you
"Welcome to Riverdale", you exclaimed resuming the walk, "On the left we have an unsolved murder, on the right the Blackhood, the Gargoyle King likes to hang out in the bathrooms with the Farm, the creepy VHS stalking everyone are in the AV club, the town fortunately is no longer under a criminal mayor, but everyone got powers and ended up in an alternate reality, but returned and a meteorite was about to destroy the town thanks to Percival Pickens but Cheryl saved everyone sending them to the 50's, and we had two crossovers with Sabrina"
"That was the best resume of all the seasons I've ever heard", Jack joked
"And I didn't count all the subplots", you said, "Come on, I'll show you the school"
With your hands intervined, the tour continued, stopping first in the students lounge
"While everyone was filming at the classrooms, I liked to spend my time in here", you spoke leaning against a couch, "If the school gave summer homework or readings, I'll do it here or just take a nap, and grabbing snacks from the machine"
"Wait, can we grab some?", Jack asked with excitement
"Of course we can!", you exclaimed walking to the false machine, "And the best part is that we don't have to spend a single cent"
Finishing the sentence, you openned the utilery machine to start grabbing some snacks from the back in case they film something later in the lounge
While grabbing the snacks, both of you didn't notice the person at entrance of the space
"Don't tell me you only came back to grab free snacks?"
Hearing that sentence made both of you jump of surprise and look at the entrance to see who talked
"Big brother!", you screamed leaving every item you grab to run towards Cole to hug him
"Hey, lil'sis", Cole smiled hugging you back
The hug lasted a few minutes during which Jack took a small video of the rencounter
"How did you knew we were in here?", you asked when the hug ended
"I didn't, we have to rehearse a scene to film later", Cole responded looking behind you, "The boyfriend"
"That would be me", Jack laughed a little nervous, "Hi, I'm Jack"
"Just hug me, we've been wanting to meet you since we knew about both of you", Cole smiled oppening his arms
Still laughing, Jack aproached him to share a hug that increased your smile even more
"What are you doing here?", Cole asked when the hug ended
"Roberto called me to say that this are the last days of filming and wanted me to come, I invited Jack, and here we are", you explained
"I have an idea, just smile or do something fun", Cole said
Smiling with fun, both of you went to the machine to keep getting some snacks, but this time looking at the camera as Cole took his phone to take a picture, and send it to the groupchat
"Now we wait until they come", Cole said again
During the minutes passed between the photo taken, the three of you sat in the couches to talk, until numerous fast steps were heard from the halls until they stopped at the entrance
"All of you look good in the 50's aesthetic", was the first thing you said standing up from the couch
"My sweet summer baby", Madelaine exclaimed
Almost tackling you, you were engulfed in a group hug between greetings and yellings, while Jack decided to take some photos and videos of the encounter
"Guys, I love you all, but I can't breathe", you spoke in a small voice
Hearing that, all of them were quick to break the hug only to start with individual hugs from everyone
"Let me see the tattoo", Vanessa softly sang at what you responded giving her your left hand
"It's so beautiful", Camila commented
"Did it hurt?", KJ asked
"Dude, you have a bunch of tattoos and asking if this small one hurt?", you joked, "Kinda hurt, but Jack was holding my other hand during the process"
Paying attention to that last phrase, everyone was fast to turn their attention to Jack who was standing next to Cole
"Hi", Jack greeted, "Y/N has told me so many stories about all of you, it's nice to finally meet you all"
At the instant he finished the phrase, everyone was sure that you made the right decision by choosing him and started a conversation with both of you until the production team started to arrive to start filming
"Before we start filming, I'm sure you all already saw our guests, but in the name of all the crew, I'd like to welcome Y/N and Jack to our set", Roberto spoke causing everyone to clap and cheer, "They are going to be with us during this last days of filming, and because of that we would like to ask you both to do a cameo in the last scene of Pop's"
"Yes", you were quick to scream with happiness
"I need to tell my agent first", Jack said
"Okay, we'll start to prepare to film this meanwhile", Roberto nodded
While everyone got into their positions to film, you and Jack walked to behind the cameras to sit in the high chairs, at the time that your boyfriend called his agent to talk about the cameo
"They told me I can", Jack said after a few minutes call
"This is great", you smiled taking his hand
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Earlier that day, specifically after a recess in filming and before both of you went to the cosume design department, a casual home-made dinner in Madelaine apartment was organized to keep up with the lost time
So, while everyone stayed to keep filming, you and Jack decided to go buy the things to make his mom's spaguetti to share with the others, and thanks to be in the same building as the others, the cooking was relaxed and playful
When the spaguetti was done, and everyone was already there, both of you change into comfortable clothes, you put your eras tour beige hoodie and black leggings with black crocs, while Jack put a red hoodie with dark grey sweatpants and adidas slippers and took the spaguetti to start the way towards the apartment
"This is going to be fun", you said while walking
"Do I have to expect an interrogatory?", Jack joked carrying the container with the food
"Maybe, and if they start to tell embarrasing stories about me just ignore it, we've had enough with dad telling the internet that we threw up in our first date"
Laughing because of that memorie at the early stages of your relationship, both of you continued walking until the door of the apartment came into view
"Mads, we are here!", you yelled without knocking the door
"It's open!", Casey yelled in response
Thanks to that answer, you were quick to open the door to see everyone gathered around the kitchen and dinning room preparing everything
"Guys, we told you that you didn't had to bring anything", Drew said the moment he saw the container
"We know, but we didn't wanted to come with empty hands", you replied
"We made my mom's spaguetti", Jack spoke leaving the spaguetti on the table
"Smells amazing", Charles commented
" It tastes even better", you spoke, "Trust me"
Once all the food was setled at the table, everyone took a seat to start eating
"Well, everyone in here knows this, but still isn't public", Casey spoke, "Finishing Riverdale, I'm going to New York, to start rehearsing for a Broadway show, I was chosen to be Christian in Moulin Rouge starting in august"
"Congratulations", you exclaimed with happiness, "That is such an amazing role"
"That is awesome, congratulations", Jack said sitting next to you
"So, Jack, tell us about you", Camila talked while everyone started to grab food
'Not the interrogatory', you though taking a sip of your drink
"Well, I grew up in Virginia with a single mother who encouraged me to start acting, and started in small things, then I auditioned for Avatar, which I'm fortunate to be casted, but before I got a small role in Avengers: Endgame, I was the kid in the bike", Jack responded, "Then I spend two years in LA and another two in New Zealand filming Avatar two, three and a little of the fourth one, then I filmed Retribution with Liam Neeson, then Scream VI, Freaky Tales and recently Everything's gonna be great"
"You have a great resume", KJ said, "As a someone from New Zealand, you're one of us now"
"Thanks, I apreciate that", Jack nodded, "It's a beautiful country"
"How was filming Avatar?", Erin asked
"It was fun and a great experience, I had to learn freediving and scuba diving for the underwater scenes, learn the na'vi language, work hard at the gym, film everything twice, but it was awesome"
"Why twice?", Charles questioned
"Once with the motion capture suit with the cast and another with crew people in blue suits and with a small escenography, the hardest one was when the recoms capture the Sully kids and Spider, and then they scape, but Spider is kinda hit by an explosion and ends up rolling down in a small clif, behind the scenes, I was hit by someone to make it in the most realistic way posible"
"There's a clip of that", you intervined, "It seemed painful"
"Almost as painful to watch Neteyam's dead four times?", Jack joked
"Don't start on that, you know it makes me sad", you replied
"Oh, and I was homeschooled", Jack remembered
"So you didn't experience the epic highs and lows of high school football", KJ said refering to one of his character phrases
"Please tell me you didn't just said that", you begged covering your face with your hands
"I did", KJ nodded with pride
"For context, Archie said that when he was in jail during season three", Cole explained
"And, how did the relation started?", Madelaine asked smiling
"Well, it was at the beggining of the production of Scream VI, in the day that a welcome party to reunite and know each other was done", you started, "Dad and I arrived when everyone was in the terrace, we said a general 'hi' and then he sat in aparently the only seat left leaving me standing, but Melissa said, 'there's a space next to Jack', and I turned around to see this curly haired guy smiling shyly, and I sat next to him"
"Then we started talking and the rest is history", Jack continued, "The night of the Halloween party shooting, which was one of the first parts we filmed, I asked her for a date and in the same weekend we went to an amusment park, and we started dating at the wrap party"
"I remember Skeet, around season one or two, once saying and I quote 'the guy or girl that wants to date my little girl has to be enough for her and I had to aprove them'", Cole remembered, "How did you achieve that?"
"I think it was when I asked him for advice on my ghostface performance", Jack answered, "They told me that I was going to be ghostface were Liana and I saw that we had a new costume fitting scheduled, and that's when they told us and give us the scripts with the third act, so first I told my mom, and then I went to him and literally told him 'I'm ghostface, can you help me to be one?', and he help me to build the ghostface part of Ethan"
"The best part is that I didn't knew anything until I saw the movie in march", you said, "I just went to set one day to film my cameo and never went again"
"Big difference between your time here", Lili joked
"That's because dad didn't let me watch the series until I was fifteen", you laughed
"He didn't let you watch it but he did let you learn the coreographies, help with some make up, do cameos and hang up with us", Vanessa pointed, "That's a lot better"
"Definitely", you nodded
"Don't forget when you almost played Jellybean", Drew reminded
"I did everything, camera and costume testing, hair and make up, chemistry test", you said, "But it was fun, and at the end, Trinity did a great job"
"Speaking of fun, we have a surprise for you", Madelaine sang standing with Vanessa, "Just wait a second"
Smiling in excitement, you stayed in your chair while helping to clear the table a little, until the two girls apeared with a white heart cake surprising you
"This is a gift for your three last birthdays", Madelaine said leaving the cake in front of you
"We literally bought everything after ending filming and prepare it the moment we arrive", Charles explained
"We made it almost exactly the same as the one in the 'Blank Space' video", Vanessa pointed
"This is awesome", you exclaimed, "Thank you so much, thank god that I decided to use my eras tour sweatshirt"
"And our miss americana and heartbreak prince bracelets", Jack reminded
The moment you stand up and the candles were lighten up, everyone started to sing 'happy birthday' and film the moment until they finish singing and you blew the candles
"Now, stab it", Camila said giving you the knife
"This is even better", you smiled taking it in your hands before turning to look at your boyfriend, "Any advice on how to do this?"
"Hold firmly the knife and have fun", Jack responded rolling your sleeves so they don't get any cake on them
Using that advice, you held the knife with one hand while the other was on the table to give the cake the first stab revealing the strawberry jam under the white frosting, stabing it four more times until you stopped feeling some of the straberry jam in your face
"This is fun", you laughed leaving the knife on the table
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The next day, while everyone was filming, you and Jack went to the costume department to get the clothes for the cameo that would be filmed that night before going to hair and make up to prepare
"I know you just end filming an 80's movie, but you should be in a 50's one", you said to Jack while waiting for the team to arrive, "You look so good in that outfit, babe"
"You look even better, gorgeous", Jack responded making you blush, "And with the writers strike starting, we're going to have a lot of free time"
"Honestly, good for them, they're the ones that hold the series or movies, they deserve better payment and laboral conditions", you pointed
A few minutes later, the hair and make up team arrived greeting you both -especially you since they knew you since you were twelve- to start doing the styling to complete the look for the cameo, including covering your tattoo
Once the styling was done about two hours later, they guide both of you to a trailer to let Roberto know that both of you were ready, and wait until someone go get you to film
"We look amazing", you said while looking at the white off shoulder short sleeve top with the mint green skirt and your hair in small waves with a mint colored headband and your make up according to the decade
"I'm really vibing with this outfit", Jack agreed, he was using a white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans with the Riverdale High letterman jacket, his hair was in his curly state but styled like in the decade
Using the time until filming, both of you decided to take photos with the outfits and also tik toks that were saved in both of your drafts
And noticing that they were going to take a little longer to call you to film, both of you decided to call both of your parents, starting with his mom
"Hey mom", Jack greeted focusing both of your faces
"Hi my love, hi angel", Anna greeted with happiness, "How's it going? Are you having fun?"
"Lots, they are super nice and welcoming", Jack responded
"It's been nice to see almost everyone of them and being on set after three years", you said
"I'm glad to hear that", Anna smiled
"And we're not only making a visit, beacuse we are doing a cameo also", you exclaimed
Positioning the phone against the vanity mirror, both of you walked a few steps to show the costumes
"You look amazing", Anna exclaimed already taking screenshots of the call, "Do some poses, I want to have photos of this"
Listening to her indication, both of you did it with poses that showcased the costumes individually and couple ones
"Are you going to film right now?"
"Yeah, we are waiting until they come to get us", Jack nodded, "We are in the last scene of Pops"
"The best place in Riverdale", you continued making sure your hair was still perfect
"Please take photos of both of you there to add to the album", Anna asked
"We took some since we arrived", you said, "Want me to send them to you?"
"That would be fantastic, thank you angel", Anna thanked you, "By the way, Jack, the other day I was walking Butters and he jumped on a dog four size bigger, both pets are okay, it was just the scare"
After sending her most of the photos and talking a while to her, the call ended, and almost inmediatly, you were calling your dad
"Hi dad", you greeted
"Hello, how's everything in Riverdale?"
"Crazy as always", you joked, "Everyone misses the serpent king leading the gang and protecting the town"
"Good thing the serpent princess and prince are there"
"Did you just call me serpent prince?", Jack asked with surprise
"You earned it, kid", Skeet simplified noticing the styling of the hair of both of you, "You are doing a cameo, don't you?"
"How did you know?", you asked, "Did somebody told you? It was Mädchen?"
"I knew by the way both of you are hairstyled", Skeet laughed, "Let me see you in costumes"
Listening to him, both of you did the same as the previous call taking a few steps back to show the whole outfits
"You look awesome", Skeet complimented, "Kinda wants me to go back there"
"There's still time, tomorrow is the official last day of filming", you said a little sad
"Even if I wanted, I can't because I'm taking care of the orange furr ball", proving his point, he moved the phone to focus on Tatum who was playing with an ikran plushie in her cat tower flower on the living room
"Look at my baby", you exclaimed, "She's so cute"
"Your brother was here yesterday, she scratched him in the arm", Skeet said making both of you laugh a little, "He said he prefers Naiia's cat, Ivy"
"I can just imagine Megan's face when he returned and saw his arm", you laughed, "And Tatum and Ivy are best friends, so he has to love them both"
"Tell him that the next time you see him or spoke to him", Skeet joked, "Hey, I got a convention on Denver by the start of july, it's only saturday and sunday, want to come?"
"Dad, you know I would never decline going to one"
"Okay", Skeet nodded, "Jack?"
"Sure, it sounds fun"
"Perfect, I'll tell the organization that you're coming with me", Skeet nodded, "Hey kids, I've got to go but good luck filming and send me photos of both of you on set, please"
"We will, and I'll send you some of the ones we already have", you nodded
Saying goodbyes to Skeet and hanging up the call, Jack and you looked at each other
"Our cats are unhinged", Jack commented
"Totally", you agreeded
A few moments later, two members of production came to the trailer to led both of you to the set who was empty with only the cameras on place
"Welcome to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe", you said while walking around the place, "This is the Riverdale icon, numerous people tried to destroy it but they couldn't because there's no Riverdale without Pop's"
"Feels like going back to the fifty's decade", Jack pointed looking around the place, "I feel if they did it in real life it would be a success"
"I always think about that, but without the tragedies", you laughed walking to the booths, "This was my usual spot or the bar when filming, my usual order was a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake, even thought this wasn't a real restaurant"
Sensing that you were starting to feel sad and nostalgic, Jack inmediatly aproached to hug you and leave a kiss on your forehead being careful of not ruining the hair, while you circled his waist with your arms
And just like yesterday, both of you didn't notice someone arriving at the place until the click of multiple cameras was heard making both of you turn around to see everyone with their phones -or camera on Cole's case- out to keep the moment
"We're sorry for interrupting, but this was so cute", Camila justified
"That's okay", you sighed, "I was just telling Jack a little about this place"
"So many good memories", Casey nodded, "It's truly the end of an era"
"Where is my unofficial kid? I need to see Y/N and Jack in their costumes", Mädchen exclaimed entering the place stopping when she was in front of both of you, "Oh, I'm going to cry, both of you look incredible"
Waisting no time, Mädchen to hug both of you while the others just watched and took photos of the moment
While the cameras started to be prepared to film, Cole decided to take some photos of everyone with his professional camera
"Guys, it's time to start the blocking for the last scene in Pop's", Roberto anounced causing applauses for everyone, "We'll do a small rehearsal and then we'll start filming"
While everyone started to get in their positions for the scene, Roberto aproached both of you
"Guys, you are going to be sitting in the booth next to KJ, Camila, Lili and Cole", Roberto instructed, "Jack, you enter first because your taller than Y/N", listening to the instruction, Jack was the first to sit and then you in the same side, "Perfect, just like that, when Betty enters the place she's going to meet first with Kevin, Reggie, Fangs, Midge and Pop, then she's walking to this side, mets with Cheryl and Toni, she's going to wave at you before sitting with Archie, Veronica and Jughead, it's easy, we'll bring you a milkshake with two straws in a moment, got it?", in response, both of you nodded, "Good"
Once Roberto leave to make sure everything was good with the cameras, Jack took his phone out to take some photos of both of you and the place
"Y/N, Jack, what's your favorite episode and character of the series?", Camila asked with her phone pointing at both of you
"The Midnight Club and Nana Rose", you responded
"Judgment Night/The Locked Room and Pop Tate", Jack continued
"And I want Choni to be together forever", you added
"Say it louder baby Ulrich", Vanessa yelled before turning to speak to Madelaine in a low voice, "She's going to love the finale"
"And cry a lot", Madelaine nodded
A few moments later, a crew member arrived to leave milkshakes on all the tables for the scene, which you end up with a chocolate one with two straws, and also a comic of Archie
"This looks delicious", Jack commented looking at the glass
"They are, come on, take the first sip"
Trusting in your words, Jack leaned to take a sip of the milkshake surprising himself for the taste
"This is really good", Jack exclaimed, "I can say that this is the best milkshake I've ever tasted"
"I told you so", you smiled, "After this ones, it's hard to find another better, believe me I tried"
"Well, we can try to recreate them when we came back", Jack tried to cheer you up at the same time that he intervined both of your hands above the table at what you rested your head on his shoulder
"Everyone, we start filming in five!", Roberto screamed while hair and make up people continued to end some details, "Remeber to hide your phones and to put them in silent mode, or give them to someone to guard them while we film"
During the next minutes, the filming started following the scene that was described in the script with a few pauses to change camera angles for all the scenes
"And cut!", Roberto anounced, "Ladies and gentleman, that is a wrap for Alvin Sanders, Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion"
Between applauses, the three of you went to the center of the dinner to hug each other and smile at everyone around
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jackchampion, madelainecwhite, kiernanshipka, lucyhale and 141, 937 more
yn.ulrich dear sweet old Riverdale, I thought saying goodbye to you three years ago was hard, but coming back this time was harder than I expected knowing this was the last time
I can speak for my dad and my siblings, when I say that we are greatful for let us be part of this big, amazing and talented family
Thank you for letting dad bring me to the set, because I had the pleasure of meeting incredible people and grow up there, and discover my love for VFX make up (and having the inspiration for my first tattoo), I arrived with only two siblings and ended up with more older siblings and uncles
Thank you for letting me came back one last time and bring someone special for one last milkshake
Until we meet again, Riverdale...
jackchampion it was amazing being there, even if it was only for a short time, serpent princess
› yn.ulrich i'm glad we had the oportunity to share a last cameo on set, serpent prince
skeetulrich once a serpent, always a serpent
writerras we're glad to have you on set again
user905 my girl is succeeding in everything
› user7201 that's queen
camimendes so happy that we had one last scene
amenahsoares gorgeous words from a gorgeous girl
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