#Percy: but why have us cheat with each other?
doevademe · 1 year
An idea I've had for months with Percico that will never be real so I'm putting it out there.
Two AUs that are basically cheesy porn plots, but taken completely seriously and milked for all their dramatic potential.
Nico, the trophy husband who is being seduced by poolboy Percy (who is completely oblivious to the fact that he's seducing his boss's husband) as his husband takes longer and longer shifts at work.
Percy, the guy who's having study sessions with his girlfriend interrupted by shenanigans where he ends up in compromising poses where he basically dry humps nerdy goth Nico (While Annabeth remains so oblivious it breaks disbelief).
Both plots go on to examine their current relationships and why they are tempted to cheat with this random man, and both also examine attraction vs. love and lust, as well as commitment out of devotion vs commitment out of obligation.
And then the twist is that both scenarios are a set up by Phales (daimon associated with adultery and male sexuality) screwing with them to make them examine their current relationships and whether they are happy with them.
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ravenexy · 2 years
random percabeth hcs
• after getting their grey strands, they'd use hair chalk on them often, and usually match.
• except, the first time they did, they completely disagreed on the colour they wanted to choose
• they kept arguing about it until percy grabbed both of the chalks, broke them up, and mixed them together while annabeth stood there, her jaw on the floor.
• to say the least, they started taking turns when choosing which colour to have on.
• percy always had two hair ties around his wrist since he knew that annabeth constantly lost the one around hers. when planning, she'd fidget with it. when understimulated, she'd also fidget with it. it's bound to get lost every day.
• while on a quest, annabeth found a blue rose on the edge of a road, and gave it to percy. long story short, he sobbed when he lost it while fighting
• one time percy came tumbling down the stairs (which probably shoukdve killed him, but we know this boy cheats death) and annabeth was at the bottom with her hands clasped on her mouth
• he has the audacity to look up and go, "i think i just fell for you"
• percy dramatically declares his love for annabeth out loud, but no, her? she intends to make him flustered on the down-low so no one else would know why he's suddenly breathless and blushing hard.
• grover being the best and going "what're you blushing at, percy?"
• like when she'd whisper something into his ear as he goes to grab his food, or the secret compliments during meetings
• and then percy just so happens to be called on for his say on the mission, but he's not processing what he's been asked, ehich is usually followed by, "uhm what happened to you?"
• percy has a habit of walking around shirtless in his cabin. since he's alone there's no issue right? he's rarely ever alone, he's got people going in and out of his cabin for gods knows what
• and the day that annabeth tried to work on daedalus laptop in there, was the day she died. how was she supposed to focus
• share everything, literally
• percy would go through her closet and put on the most dramatic dress she owns
• detention buddies
• percy loves to to play with annabeth's curls. the first time he did, he blurted out "boing" every time he gently pulled on them and then watched them curl up again. since then he made the boing noise when he messed with them
• he also loved to stick a pen into the ringlets without touching the edges and shed smack his arm every single time
• they loved each other unconditionally (a fact)
• and they would forever be there for one another (again a fact)
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
“I can’t believe it,” [Percy] said. “Six months—” 
“I told you,” Leo said. “We tried sending more holographic scrolls. We tried Iris messages, dream visions, phone calls. Nothing worked… Anyway, we ran into one crisis after another.” (The Hidden Oracle p352)
Imagine if dream visions had worked because like. 
So far it seemed like something that was mostly done by Hypnos kids and other demigods who are magically inclined. 
Calypso lost her magic, which is a plot point I don’t like but that’s a different conversation. So like, she probably had some knowledge of how it’s done even if she could never do it on Ogygia, and Leo words it like they both tried. So imagine Leo actually does get through to Nico and Nico’s like how dare you if I ever see you again it’s on sight watch your back-
And Leo is just Over It in every capacity because he’s been questing for literal months- the war and the entire time since he came back to life and he’s tired because resurrection really takes it out of you, and he has to deal with nonsense on nonsense on nonsense all day everyday. Cause like, he and Calypso are this infamous duo to monsters and gods now because she broke out of her eternal magical prison and he literally cheated death and the universe is like. Hm. That doesn’t sound right we should do something about that and they did.
So Leo’s like. Hey yo slow your fucking roll, you don’t even know me like that, I know the besties Hazel and Frank explained everything like right away and I have been trying to get back, you wanna give this mess a whirl and see if you do any better?
And Nico’s like god fine if you’re gonna be like that damn fine okay
So he goes to the rest of the camp like “yeah okay so he did call, things are weird but he’s trying so like I guess we shouldn’t be so angry anymore I guess I guess” but he’s all petulant and reluctant and petty about it.
And Leo keeps showing up and they keep talking and actually get to know each other, swapping stories of trying to get through the European continent (which yeah if Nico had such a hard time then you’d think he’d be a little more understanding about this whole situation)
And Nico realizes eventually that oh he was so mad because he loves him and that’s. Okay fine. Embarrassing, whatever.
Bonus points if Leo ends up in Clovis’s dreams first because the Hypnos cabin is like the central hub of dream activity and Clovis is the one to languidly announce Leo making contact and Nico is fucking seething that Leo hadn’t shown up in his dreams.
Anyway the main reason for this is that I love the idea that Leo was a little off after he died, like, touched by death and more inclined towards shadows and the in-between and ghosts and magic and stuff and this was one of the manifestations of that. Which would explain why Leo couldn’t use dreams to tell Nico about his plan to resurrect himself before hand because Nico will of course bring that up at some point. 
Also I like to think that Leo and Cal broke into random places to make those phone calls- did Leo have numbers memorized? Maybe he could have looked up the strawberry farm that the camp poses as for their number or he must have Annabeth’s cell phone number memorized or maybe he looked up the Jackson’s or tried to call Piper or some random New Rome number- does New Rome have its own area code? That’d be funny if it did and he just went down all the possible sequences of numbers but every time he said who he was the person would just hang up. Okay maybe not funny funny but yeah.
Anyway yeah like them breaking into places and it playing out sort of like that scene from Buffy where she’s going through some villain’s  office and the person comes in and demands to know what she’s doing and Buffy’s all nonchalant like “I’m going through your files” and the evil person is like “I’m calling the police” so Buffy just rips the phone out of the wall.
I’d like to think that’s the sort of energy Calypso has because she’s still figuring out how the modern world works and how mortals do stuff. 
Or they just do the distraction and sneaking in thing at like a restaurant or office and then get told to stop doing that and buy something.
Or maybe Leo just whips up his own phone, who knows?
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destinywitch · 1 year
That Way- Percy Jackson
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Percy Jackson x reader, no use of Y/N
That way (percy jackson)
Percy Jackson is everything. He is a hero, a fighter and a savior. But most importantly, he is your best friend. Your loyal, kind, funny and reckless best friend, who would do anything for you. He carried the sky because of you, fought Kronos with you and risked his life for you. Because you are friends. 
Oh how that word hurt. The world thinks that you are friends. They do not know about the dimples when he smiles, or about the slight freckles on his face in the sun, or how he always become more vivid around the sea. They don’t know about the boy who shows up at your cabin in need of comfort after a nightmare, or how he calms you down when anxiety hits. How he noticed every single habit and pet peeve you had. How you both looked at each other with so much love. 
And they also do not know about the Percy that sneaks out just to see you in your cabin so he can listen to you. The same Percy who was there with you, being a good friend.
“You are so wrong! They loved each other, seaweed brain! That’s why it was so hard for her to let go” You explained. 
“But it didn’t matter if they were on a break! He cheated, she should have slapped him in the face!!” Percy whined. “It’s ridiculous, why would she put herself in that position?”
He complained. 
“You really don’t know anything about love do you?” You laughed at his antics. Rachel loved Ross, that is why she couldn’t seem to leave him, but Percy refused to understand. It was completely immature, but you felt proud of his little feminist moment. And you couldn’t help noticing how passionate his face become when he started to talk about how Rachel deserved better. You smiled at Percy, feeling your heart flutter a little bit every time he looked at you. You gazed into his ocean eyes, noticing how they had waves, just like the actual ocean. 
Suddenly, a white pillow hits your face.
“Ouch” You whine. “You are sooo dead Jackson”
“Sorry, but you were starring”
“I was gazing!”
“It’s creepy”
“It’s romantic”
You blushed, trying to see his reaction. Why wasn’t he acting like you flirted with him, were your feelings not returned, did he think of you in a platonic way? You felt the tears start burning, but before you could even move, he said
“You call that romantic? No wonder why your crush doesn’t take a hint” Your crush didn’t take hint, because if he did, he would know you talked about him every time that you mentioned that your crush made you feel like home, or when you talked about his beautiful eyes and smile, or even when you attempted to flirt. Your heart sank a bit with his answer. Why didn’t he love you the way you love him?
“What would you do if you wanted your crush to notice?” You asked, trying to hide the heartbreak.
“Well, for starters, I would look them in the eye.” He said, turning to face you. “Then, I would do this” He said, leaning in. Before you could process what happened, his lips were already touching yours. He tasted like saltwater, but his soft lips felt like home.
“That is a terrible strategy” You said, blushing while trying to hide a smile. 
“Do one better then” He teased.
“Alright, I would simply be direct. Percy, i like you” 
“Really? That’s it?” He smirked. 
“No, then I would kiss him” I said, pulling him in again.
“Okay your strategy is definitely better” He smiled. “But I don’t think you appreciated my strategy enough. I have to do it one more time so you can really absorve it” 
“Yeah I agree, I should definitely try again” You smiled at his antics, while pulling him in again. 
The world didn’t know about that Percy, your Percy. 
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
last christmas
summary: a small reminder of the last christmas season has you feeling way better this year.
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
day 5 of ficmas! (december 23rd, 2022)
-last year-
if someone had told you that you’d be spending christmas alone in a park, you would have laughed right in their face. but here your were sitting a bench in a park feeling miserable but your outcomes. you were supposed to spent christmas with your boyfriend of six months and his family but once arriving to the house, you found your boyfriend making out with another girl in one of the rooms. the same girl he had told you not to worry about.
to say you were hurt was such an understatement. it wasn’t even just the fact that your boyfriend cheated on you but the fact that his family knew and let you walk into the house without telling or warning you. too embarrassed to go to your family for christmas dinner, you just ran. feet taking you to where you were now.
“rough night?” a voice coming from behind you. you could also hear the shuffling of their shoes on the gravel to the swings.
“that’s one way to put it.”
the stranger sits next to you on one of the other swings and you take one good look at him. long brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall and long legs. you thought he was cute but you quickly shook your head of those thoughts.
“why are you out here alone,” he stares at you for a minute taking in how your eyes were slightly puffy and red before looking ahead at the trees that blew from the wind.
“why are you out here alone?” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes.
“ah a question with a question. technically i’m not alone if i’m sitting with you.” you sighed because he was right.
“i was supposed to spend christmas with my boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend and his family. then i caught him in the act of cheating on me,” your voice was wavering through each word.
you cleared your throat quickly to hide the hurt that was in your voice, “now you gotta tell me why you’re here.”
“first of all, he’s a dick. what kind of coward does that? and secondly, i just got a little overwhelmed at a christmas party my friends threw. i needed a second to be alone i guess.”
“yeah, what’s worse is his family knew he was cheating and made me look even stupider for showing up. but i feel you parties can be overwhelming.”
“my name’s percy.” you turned your head to the boy who was sticking his hand out for you to shake. you sent him a small smile and grasped his hand shaking firmly.
who knew one person you met at your lowest would change your life for the better.
-this year-
“percy we are not getting that as a christmas decoration,” you pushed his hand away from your face with a laugh. he had shown you a ornament of a deer with a santa hat while on a stripper pole.
“babe, c’mon it’s funny!” he puts the ornament in the cart anyways as you guys still looked around the thrift store.
“you are a hot mess love.”
“oh stop it, you love me and i’m your hot mess,” he kisses temple making you grin up at the boy.
“yeah, two very true statements.” you patted his cheek and continued looking at all of trinkets.
you and percy turned around in sync to find the source of who called your name. your eyes widened when seeing it was in fact your ex boyfriend. you hadn’t seen him all year and of course coming up on the year anniversary of the tragic betrayal, you see him.
like a sixth sense, percy was able to take one glance at you and know you were uncomfortable. meaning this was the dick that broke your heart.
“y/n, i haven’t seen you in forever. how are you?”
“not much of a talker, huh?”
“listen man, how about you leave us the hell alone,” percy steps in front of you like a protective shield.
“who exactly are you?” you knew where this conversation was going and frankly you didn’t wanna see the outcome.
“perc we should just go. it’s not worth it baby.” you tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. he looks down at you and nods. he moves to grab your waist and pulls you into him before walking away. you heard your ex huff and turn the other way. funny how he’s not the one that should be upset.
“you okay sunshine?”
“mhm, thanks for being there with me. i dunno what would’ve happened if you weren’t.”
“always gonna be here for you,” he says while leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
the ride home was silent and percy wasn’t sure what to do. you’d never been this quiet before. he helped you place the bags of decorations in the house sighing to himself.
“sweetheart you gotta talk to me. i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me and it’s honestly killing me.”
“there’s nothing wrong.”
“baby, you were my best friend for months before you became my girlfriend. i think i would know when something’s wrong,”he grabs your hands waiting for you to feel comfortable to spill your thoughts.
“it’s just that seeing him was hard. being reminded of that awful time.”
percy picks your head up with one hand, still holding on your hand with his other hand. he cups your cheeks gently, “i know my love but it’s okay. you’re okay and he won’t bother you again.”
“i love you so much percy. what would i do without you.”
“be boring.” you hit his shoulder and playfully rolled your eyes. you began to walk away from him, “hey! you know it’s true.”
“yeah yeah yeah, leave me alone loser.”
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abbofff · 4 months
Percy slayed! (our algebra teacher)
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In the present, it's been 2 years and 2 schools since I met Percy. You see, we are not bad kids. The thing is, we always seem to get into misunderstandings and end up getting expelled. We were the only ones who really understood and trusted each other through all of that, and our mothers never thought we were a bad influence on each other. In the contrary, we made each other better. Percy made me stop paying attention to the bullies. Meanwhile, I helped Percy get out of many problems through my words. We became so close that I considered him my brother. I would do anything for him, and I know he would do the same for me.
At this time, we were on a school trip to the museum with Grover, a friend we made in Yancy. I really liked Grover, he was very funny and kind and thanks to him we learned to play mythomagic and a lot of Greek myths. Thanks to him, it's not just me and Percy anymore. But, as always, no matter how hard we tried to mind our business, there were always people who picked on us.
Grover, Percy and me were looking at the statues of Perseus, son of Zeus (like more than half of the statues there), while Professor Brunner told our class to pick a statue and write how it made us feel. Grover and I separated from Percy to look for a statue that caught our attention.
I stumbled with one of the statues of Zeus, the most famous all-powerful royal scumbag. I mean, how else could I describe the guy? He cheated on Hera literally countless of times, putting a target on the back his lovers and his kids for the goddess of marriage to strike when she found out they existed. All while ruling the Gods and the sky with extreme arrogance. But before I could get to write something on the clipboard, I heard Percy's voice.
- Mom? - He shouted, and everyone laughed.
- Yes, sweety, mommy's here. - That annoying red-headed demon spoke, Nancy Bobofit. That girl had it out for me and my friends since the beginning of the year, and she hadn't knock it out till this day.
- Percy Jackson, control yourself - said Miss Dodds. That old lady really loves taking Percy and me to the principal's office.
- He can't help it, Miss Dodds. Percy is special. - The blonde boy's shoulders fell as he sighed.
-Enough! - Professor Brunner ordered, of all the teachers, he was the only one who cared about his students, especially about Percy and me. He always said that something big was waiting for us.
I took advantage of the fact that Professor Brunner was busy talking to Percy, and I approached Nancy. Grover told me a bunch of times already to stay away from her to not get into any more trouble, but it wasn't like I was going to punch her, at least not in front of everyone.
- Oh my God, I finally found you! Now, tell me, little goblin, where's that pot of golden coins, huh? - I whispered to her. She looked at me with a harsh stare.
- Listen, you freak, get lost before I push you from the stairs.- She rolled her eyes on annoyance and walked away. I smiled, I hated injustices, so now at least the next time she picks on me, she'll be justified. Why be the bigger person if I can be the bigger pain in the ass?
After Percy was done talking with our professor, I walked to his side.
- Can you believe Nancy? - He asked.
- No, I can't believe she beat me on the joke - I smirked to him.
- Oh, shut up - He smiled back.
Then, Mr Brunner shouted again.
- Children, it's lunch time! Let's go outside now.
After a few minutes, me and the boys were sitting by the fountain about to eat our sandwiches.
- There are all sorts of schools of thought about what drives that kind of bullying. Childhood trauma, feelings of inadequacy... - Grover stated.
He was always so kind, but I didn't understand why he was trying to justify that bitch. She does have anger in her, but she wasn't justified of constantly picking on good people. She could be mean to me all she wanted, but Grover and Percy had done nothing to her.
-Look, I get that Nancy has issues, I'm just getting tired of her taking out on me - My brother said. - I feel like... maybe it's time to do something about it -
-You could do an appointment to see Mr Kane. He's really good at talking-- Oh my dear friend I though.
-I was thinking more like shoving Nancy in the nearest dumpster- Percy said with a little smile.
-Oh. No no no no no no noo- Grover was shocked.
-Yeah, Grover is right, bro. If you punch her it will be really bad, but if I was the one to grab her by the hair, then it wouldn't be so bad. - I proposed.
Grover was about to have a heart attack.
-Listen, if there is one thing I know about bullies, it is that you should never stand up to them. -
- That's bullshit. She made me watch as she threw my new cherry lip balm down the toilet the other day, it would only be reasonable if I were to put gum in that pile of straw she calls hair. - I always tried to be patient because for Grover and Percy, but Nancy really had a talent for being despicable.
- I know this place is hard for people like us, okay? But there are better places, somewhere where we will finally fit in. We just have to be patient and keep moving forward. - My dark haired friend always knew how to give a motivational speech. It was a nice thought, and for a moment, I let myself think that in the end, he would be right.
That until a piece of cheese was thrown into his face.
- Oops. - Nancy said with a smirk. Uh, I'm gonna kill her.
Percy and I got up quickly, and before I could even think Nancy was on the fountain screaming to Miss Dodds.
And when I tell you my brain stopped, I tell you I thought it was a fucking glitch in the matrix. I was sure I didn't push the bitch, nor did Percy. He just made, like, the gesture, but he wasn't even that close to her. It seemed like the water had grabbed her?? Did she just jumped into the fountain?
- What?! Stop being a liar. Nobody even touched her, she's doing it for the attention don't you see? How does evebody just can't see it? - I looked at Miss Dodds in the eyes, I was done with being pushed around.
- Miss Williams, this amount of disrespect won't be tolerated. Mr. Jackson and you will accompany me inside, we will talk about your punishment in private. - Well, there goes the 5th school I've been in.
As we followed Miss Dodds, I looked back to see Grover chatting frantically with Mr. Brunner while waving his arms, the professor opened his eyes and looked at us. I gave him a smile, he was the best teacher I had ever had and I had given him another reason to give up on me.
Miss Dodds took us to the back of the museum. There were only pictures with writing in what seemed like english, which was quite odd since it must have been in ancient greek.
The teacher stopped her walking in front of a statue of Hades.
- You filthy halfbloods really thought that you could remain hidden for this long. - Miss Dodds spoke, but it wasn't her normal voice. It was a cold and dangerous one.
I could feel my entire body vibranting in anticipation. I saw Percy carefully put his hand in his pocket.
She turned around, she was covered in scales and her feet had changed into bat-like legs that matched the wings that were beginning to grow from her back.
- You have nowhere to run and that little necklace of yours can't protect you no longer. Now, where is it? -
What? My necklace? It was just a metal chain with a peacock tail pendant. I have worn it for as long as I can remember and I had never taken it out because mom said I would surely lose it if i did.
I didn't have time to think until she lunged at Percy. He blocked her claws with a sword that appeared out of nowhere, but from the force of the blow, he fell backwards. I grabbed a vase and threw it at Miss Dodds, it didn't hurt her in any way but it made her notice me. She tried to swipe at me with her claws but I rolled to the right to avoid it.
Now on my feet, Percy was at my side tightly gripping his sword. Miss Dodds lunged toward us again with a giant leap with her wings spread wide. I instinctively gave an exaggerated clap with my hands that sent Miss Dodds flying to the other side of the room. She quickly stood up and looked at me.
-Betrayal runs through your blood. Did you think we wouldn't come for you? My patience is running out. Tell me where it is and I'll be quick. -
She was faster this time. Her claws scratched my Yancy sweatshirt as I dodged her and before she attacked me again, Percy impaled her with his sword. Miss Dodds was now scattered into the air as she disintegrated into dust.
I could feel the evil coming from her in the air and I don't know how I knew, but I knew she would return.
And that was the last thing that went trought my mind before everything went black.
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When I opened my eyes, I saw Grover sweating with his eyes wide.
- OH MY GO-- Grover screamed.
- Grover? Where's Percy? - I was on the floor at the bottom of some stairs.
- Don't worry, he's ok. He woke up a minute ago, he's talking with Mr Brunner. You two seriously hit your heads really hard. He's talking about a Miss Dodds attacking you. -
- What? But --
- Yeah, I know. But don't worry, he'll snap out of it with time. Come on, let's get you up. - Grover offered me his hand and I took it.
I remembered being attacked by... that thing. I knew Miss Dodds was a harpy but that's not what I meant. And Percy had seen it too? It couldn't be possible.
I looked down to my sweatshirt, and it was completely fine. That monster wasn't real.
Okay, yeah, we daydreamed most of the time but that was just ADHD. Did we also have group hallucinations now? No, it couldn't be possible.
Everything will be fine. I'll just tell Percy that he hit his head. I'll get this pushed so deep that it'll never be mentioned again. Everything will be forgotten. I will not let him be sent to a shrink.
The ride back to Yancy was full of whispers. Some of the kids turned to look at Percy and then continue their silent conversations. He was looking at his feet like if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
- Don't worry, I got you. Nothing bad will happen as long we stick together. - I said in a soft whisper. I know he may not believe it now, but I will try everything to make sure my words are true.
He still didn't looked at me, but his breathing became softer.
I looked to my right to see Grover. He was deep in thought and looked worried. So I grabbed his hand too. He gave me a weak smile but there was something on his eyes still, guilt maybe. I will speak to him after.
When the buss finnaly stopped, the boys and I went straight to the principal's office.
- Percy Jackson, you have been accused of pushing Miss Bobofit into the fountain. - Percy shrank in his chair.
- And you, Miss Williams, yelled at a teacher, again. - The director sighed.
- Sir, I didn't pushed Nancy. You could ask anyone, everybody knows she loves getting me on trouble. - Percy stated.
- He's right, Mister. Please, let us tell you our side of the story. - I asked.
- No need, we already have a witness. - The director said, and then looked at Grover.
My friend stopped looking at the floor and looked at the director in the eyes.
- Yeah, they did it. Percy pushed Nancy and then Ada tried to protect him with lies, like always. - Grover did not stutter once.
Percy looked at him with a frown and I just went blank. Grover was a great friend, he understood and accepted us. Or at least so I thought.
- It's really a shame to have to do this one day before the end of the school year, but your actions cannot be overlooked. Mr Jackson, Miss Williams, you are expelled from this institution. -
I knew these speeches, but it still hurt. I really thought we could make it to seventh grade without causing trouble.
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A few hours later, I had my backpack ready with the few things I had hanging on my back while I was walking to the exit.
- Ada! - I heard an old voice calling my name behind me.
- Mr Brunner, hi. - I gave him a smile while I walk back closer to him.
- I suppose you have heard the news already. - I said shyly.
I was embarrassed. Not for defending Percy, but for ruining all the teacher's attempts to try to make me my best version. I don't know if I could ever be it, but now he couldn't be there to see it.
- That I've had. But that's not the reason I wanted to talk to you. Let me walk you to the exit. -
- During all my years teaching, I have come to witness cases similar to yours. Children born to lead, cunning, very intelligent, who did not tolerate injustice or no for an answer. - He said with his voice strong as always.
-Sir, I think you're making me sound like a brat. - I laughed. He smiled at me.
- But none of them had what you have rooted in your heart. - I stopped walking.
I looked at him in confusion.
- And what is that? -
- Devotion - He ended, with a stern look on his face.
- What many others deemed a weakness, you have made it your ultimate strength to push forward against all odds. A quality of a true hero. - He gave me a warm smile.
- You flatter me, professor. But I don't think I'm that strong. I have anger and doubts on me. But I promise you, I'm trying to not to be like this. I don't wanna be mean. I just wanna be kind. - I really tried to convince him, and myself too, that some day I might be able to find peace.
- You have not been given a great deck of cards, that's for sure. But you are as strong as you love. Do not fret the storm, child. It's but a part of you. - He smiled at me again. He sounded so sure, like If he had seen my fate written in the stars.
I was on the verge of tears. Only two adults apart from Mr Brunner were capable of see me as anything other than a difficult child. And they were Sally Jackson and my mom.
- Thank you for your words and everything you've done, Professor. I'll remember it all. Goodbye. - I promised.
- Until we meet again, Adara. - He looked at me like if he knew something I didn't yet.
I left Mr Brunner behind as I exited the school. I waited for my taxi to go home outside. Then, I felt someone walk behind me.
- Sorry, I really tried to be the best version of myself and all that but--
- Percy, do you know what makes me angry? - I interrupted. Percy looked at me with his head down.
- Not having had the opportunity to smack her too. She totally deserved it. - I said laughing. Percy chuckled.
- This is unfair. I know how hard this must be for you. - He was right of course, he knew me to the bone. Anger flooded me more and more every time I thought about everything, and the gray rumbling sky seemed to agree with me.
- But dont worry, sis. When I get home, I'm gonna make a bunch of blue pancakes for you, go to your place and then we can look up new schools together. - He proposed.
- With blueberries? - I asked with puppy eyes.
- Those are actually purple, you madwomen, you'll ruin the whole aesthetic. But sure, anything for you little sis. - He said before bumping me on the shoulder.
- You are older for a month, old man. -
At that moment, the taxi arrived and we were finally headed home.
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dreamcubed · 2 years
afterglow | oliver wood x reader
song; afterglow [taylor swift] pairing; oliver wood x fem!ravenclaw!reader genre; fluff, angst, hurt comfort, ex2l word count; 1,8k timeline; prisoner of azkaban warnings; swearing, usual post-break up angst summary; during your relationship with oliver, your friend groups fused to form one - so, when you broke up over a deemed "petty reason" and refused to go anywhere near each other, your friends decided to do something to fix the "split custody" situation they had found themselves in
"fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves."
"We're children of divorce."
"Tell me about it," Faye sighed, sinking down in her seat next to Percy in the library.
"We have to do something about it," Jideofor said from his position on the floor, "It's not like they broke up because one of them cheated or - I don't know - abused the other?"
"Literally," Faye replied, "It was the pettiest fucking reason."
Penelope, sat in an armchair, looked up from her book, "They're obviously still in love with each other, too."
"What was the reason?" Percy asked, "Nobody ever told me."
"They both forgot their anniversary," Jideofor sighed, "Like, they got mad at the other for forgetting when they literally forgot themselves."
"Fucking hypocrites," Faye scoffed.
"They're both too stubborn for their own good," Penelope closed her book and placed it neatly on her lap, "So I think we ought to step in."
"Is it really any of our business, though? I mean-"
"Percy," Faye interrupted, "They expect us to separate back to two separate friend groups like we never merged - this is absolutely our business."
Percy nodded with a dramatic sigh, "Okay, what's the plan?"
"Y/N," Penelope said as she sat down next to you, prolonging the last vowel in your name.
"Yes?" you said absently, not even looking up from your book.
"Will you come to Hogsmeade with us this weekend?"
"Depends who's attending."
"Me, Faye, Jid and Percy."
You finally looked up from the inked pages, casting a sceptical raised eyebrow in Penelope's direction. "And Wood isn't going?"
"No, it's your turn with us, or whatever," she rolled her eyes, "Oliver is busy with quidditch, as per usual."
You hummed, "Okay, I'll come."
"You have to talk to him again eventually, you know."
"Says who?"
"Says your children who are sick of split custody."
"You aren't our children."
Penelope rolled her eyes again, "We might as well be. Point is, it's traumatising for us to not have parents who are civil with each other."
"Then why don't you tell Wood to stop acting like everything was my fault."
"It's traumatising for us to be your messengers, too."
"Fuck off, Penny," you grumbled, sinking into the armchair and delving back into your book.
"I thought he wasn't supposed to be coming," you snapped, staring at Oliver Wood through the window of the Three Broomsticks.
"Yeah, uh, change of plans," Faye said hurriedly, pushing you through the door and into the pub.
"He was always gonna come, wasn't he?" you sighed, watching as the boy in question went through the similar stages of grief you just did.
Faye said nothing in response, and forced you into the seat next to Oliver before sandwiching you in place by sitting on your other side. His scent swarmed up your nostrils and you couldn't help the twinge of mixed comfort and regret that formed in your heart. For so long, that smell had been a relaxer for you, a source of tranquility at the end of a hard day - now, it filled you with a strange sense of mourning.
Oliver didn't look at you.
You sighed, swirling around the liquid of the butterbeer that had been pushed over to you, too pensive to even take a sip. The conversations of the people on the table around you were mere background static as you began to feel tears threatening to spill. It didn't help that normally you would go to Oliver when you were like this.
Of course, his ability to recognise your emotions hadn't disappeared. Breaking up didn't change the fact that he knew you better than anyone else.
"Lass-" fuck, not that nickname, "-do you need to step outside?" He said it so quietly no one else heard, and your heart dropped at his caring tone.
"Don't do this to me, Oliver," you choked out silently, "I can't." You lifted your butterbeer to your lips and gulped some down, swallowing your tears with it and straightening your back.
You heard him sigh beside you.
"Oh my Merlin!" Jideofor exclaimed, "Look at all the new sweets!" He was gazing at Honeyduke's new assortment through the shop window. "Can we go in?" he was looking in Oliver's direction.
The Gryffindor quidditch captain shrugged, "Ask your mother."
You had been taking the back of the group as you walked, and had only now caught up to them.
"Y/N, can we go in?"
"Ask your father," you said, irritably, as you needed to piss from the multiple butterbeers you downed. You wished they were actually alcoholic.
"I did. He told me to ask you."
You side-eyed Oliver. "You can go in for the time it takes me to go to the toilet. Then we're going back."
You watched as all the group except Oliver and Percy rushed into the sweet shop.
"Why do they act like such children?" the latter grumbled, before following them into Honeyduke's.
Oliver turned to you, observing as you watched your shared friends through the glass.
"We're not being fair to them," you said with a hint of melancholy to your tone.
He let out a half-forced laugh, "You actually sound like a woman talking to her ex-husband about their kids."
"Aren't I?" you said somewhat jokingly - though Oliver could sense the depressing undertone.
"You broke up with me," he reminded.
"I can't take all the blame."
He chewed on his lip, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary. I've been so consumed with quidditch lately since it's my last chance to win the Quidditch Cup - I didn't mean to neglect you," he let out a breath, "But don't act like you didn't forget too."
"I've been so busy studying for my NEWTs," you lamented, "I'm a Ravenclaw - people expect so much from me! But... I- I'm sorry too. NEWTs weren't more important than you... they still aren't."
The last three words Oliver almost didn't hear, as you lowered your volume when you spoke them. He sighed, "Quidditch has never been more important to me than you."
You heard laughter echo from within the shop: your friends, clearly having made a stellar joke that got even Percy giggling.
"I still need the toilet," you said, walking away from Oliver slowly, finally letting your tears spill once your back was facing him.
"Hey," Oliver said softly, catching your attention in the hidden corner of the library you were sat in.
You put down the book on potions you had been reluctantly reading, and couldn't help but have flashbacks of your Hogsmeade conversation as you looked at his face. After going to the toilet that day, you hadn't had another moment alone with him, and (if you were honest) you had partly been responsible for ensuring that.
Oliver sat down opposite you on the table, letting his bag drop to the ground with a soft thud.
"Can I give something to you?" he asked.
With a cautious sigh, you nodded.
He fished around in his bag for a few moments, before pushing a small wrapped parcel in your direction. You glanced at him carefully, making him gesture for you to open it - slowly, you obliged.
The brown paper revealed a small box, which you carefully opened to see a little figurine buried in packaging paper for cushioning. Upon digging it out and examining it closely, you realised that it was of a miniature broom with two riders on it: the one on the front of the broom was a boy with brown hair, and the one behind him - with her arms wrapped around his - was a girl with hair matching yours. The boy was in red robes and the girl was in blue.
"I know it's a bit late, but I still wanted to get you something for our anniversary," he said, watching nervously as you stared at the gift.
A tear was rolling down your cheek before you could stop it.
"Ollie," your voice cracked as you spoke, "You really make this hard for me, don't you?"
"Why do we have to remain broken up?" he asked, his lower lip plump from chewing on it.
You began searching in your own bag as you processed the question he had just asked you, finally pulling out a book.
Quidditch: A Wizard's First Love.
"It's- it's nothing compared to your gift, but I- while we were in Hogsmeade, I saw this in the bookstore and it made me think of you - I couldn't help but buy it."
You pushed the leather-bound book across the table, and Oliver picked it up carefully, a smile itching on to his face.
"Not my greatest love, though," he said quietly, but in that section of the library you would have heard a pin drop.
You fiddled with your thumbs as he skimmed his eyes over the blurb.
"Thank you, lass, I'll read it as soon as possible."
Then his hands were wiping the tears off your cheeks, as he smiled down at you softly.
"Can I be your boyfriend again? Please?"
With a small sob, you nodded, allowing your foreheads to fall against each other's as you enjoyed his warmth and scent.
Fuck, you had missed him so much.
"Y/N!" Penelope exclaimed, making everyone's attention turn towards you.
You gave your friend group a warm smile as the Summer breeze tickled your cheeks. They were scattered around a tree by the Black Lake, some reading, some working, some chatting: you were the last member of the group to arrive.
"I was worried you wouldn't come," Faye said, glancing towards Oliver, who was sat against the large tree trunk with the book you gave him in his hands.
You gave her a light chuckle, "Of course I came." You then moved to sit beside your boyfriend, him greeting you with a peck to the lips.
The others watched the exchange in amazement.
"You made up?" Jideofor asked, his face stretched in a grin.
You felt heat rush to your ears as you nodded.
Cheers erupted from the people surrounding you, and you felt the vibrations of Oliver's laughter when he placed his arm around your shoulders.
"Thank fuck," Penelope sighed, "We no longer have the trauma of divorced parents."
"We aren't your parents," you retorted.
Everyone around you gave you a sceptical look, including Oliver.
"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," you said to him somewhat bitterly.
"I can still admit when you're wrong, lass."
"I'm never wrong."
"You sure?" your faces were getting closer, and as your lips were about to touch you heard a groan from beside you.
It was Percy. "Didn't miss the PDA," he said with disgust lacing his face.
"Oh, fuck off," Oliver replied, kissing you anyway.
written; 10/09/2022 —> 07/10/2022 published; 08/10/2022 edited; —/—/——
taglist; @workinatdapyramid
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hailucy · 1 year
REQUESTS for fanfics
Hi everyone! I’m Hai! i use she/her pronouns
I’ve always been using tumblr to read fanfics but never to write or post anything, however lately i’ve been having an urge to write fics. So here i am *jazz hands*
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at grammar specifically comma placements so if there’s a problem with any of that please ignore it or message me!! Also i’m probably a slow writer :) i’ll most likely start with drabbles and work my way up
(names written are the characters i would favour writing however you can suggest any)
Harry Potter (golden trio era):
Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaine Zabini, any of the other slytherins
Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,
Shameless USA:
Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher
(i’m only on season 3 but i know a lot of spoilers so that’s why i decided to write for shameless however if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after season 3, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Azriel, Cassian, Nesta Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Lucien, Vanserra
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble(platonic)
Across the Spiderverse:
Miles 42, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid, Elle Greenaway
Dean Winchester
(i’m only on season 5 so if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after/during season 5, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Dominic Fike:
(hes the only [real] person i will write for as of now)
- GN reader and Fem Reader (only because i’m more comfortable and experienced)
- Fluff
-Angst (my favourite)
-Smut (i’m not comfortable with it… yet;)
-incest, pedophilia or anything that correlates with these things
-yandere (i’m simply not able to write it. no shaming over here i promise!)
-second chance but the reason they broke up was because one cheated or abused the other. (i’m sorry but i cant, they deserve better) however i am able to write cheating or abuse if asked but only if it ends with a happy ending and reader does not end up with abuser/cheater. Or if there was a mistake(miscommunication when it comes to the cheating)
-If a character is part of the Lgbtq+ community i will not pair them with a gender they don’t like romantically (like Ian Gallagher x fem reader but i can do GN reader). This doesn’t mean i won’t write sibling or platonic reader for that person
(because i’m a hater, i’m sorry. however they can be mentioned or be the ‘antagonist’ but they can’t be the main character )
Luke Castellan, Rhysand, Feyre Archeron, Elain Archeron, Debbie Gallagher(don’t hate her but i don’t really understand/like her character enough to write for her), Calypso(i’m an avid hater)
Reminder i will write for anyone not mentioned but i will prioritise the names listed above
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shamelesstrekkie13 · 2 years
AOS Christopher Pike x Reader after a big fight
Tumblr media
Hiii!! So, this is my first time publishing a fanfic in here, so if I'm making any mistakes, please tell me! Also, you can send me requests for any characters of Star Trek, Percy Jackson, Shadow and Bone or Harry Potter :) Also, I should warn you that English isn't my main lenguage, so, I'm sorry for any mistakes I might've made. I really hope you enjoy this fic!
Words: 2662
I don't think there's anything to warn about. There are a couple cursewords, and the word "kill" does appear, but it's all very light.
After I stormed out of Chris’ quarters, I went to the Mess Hall, searching for Sulu, so that he could cheer me up. This wasn’t our first fight, but it was the biggest one yet. The reason why we fought was a really stupid reason, which usually wouldn’t have made either one of us mad, but the stress got to us. So I started getting annoyed and a disagreement became a full on fight. And then, because Chris was also under a lot of stress (because of his captaincy of the Enterprise), the relatively normal fight became the biggest fight we’ve ever had. We started calling eachother names that neither one of us meant, but Chris crossed a line after calling me clingy, needy and 'too much'. And by 'crossed a line' I mean completely shattered my heart. 
Honestly, the only reason why that bothered me so much is because my love language is a hundred percent physical touch. It’s one of the few things that make me feel loved and secure, and it’s my first method of showing love. I’ve always loved hugging and stroking or something as simple as holding hands, because that’s how the message of love got across from one person to another. With Chris being my superior, we could hardly do this kind of thing in front of other people, and since we both work so much, we didn’t have a lot of time for us either. That’s why Chris calling me 'clingy' and 'needy' and 'too much' hit me so hard. I didn’t even know I was 'too much'. For me this was a completely normal thing, it didn’t even cross my mind that it could be annoying. After hearing Chris tell me that, the only thing I could do was get out of his quarters as soon as possible, so that I wouldn’t break down in front of the person who called me 'too much.' That hurt in so many ways that I just couldn’t even look at him without hurting all over again.
I found Sulu sitting on a table with Chèkov, and I immediately went over to them, to explain and vent about what happened. As soon as they saw me, they knew something bad happened, I’m guessing because I didn’t greet them in my usual cheery and optimistic way. I sat down and sighed profoundly, and then I began explaining everything. While I was explaining the events trying desperately not to cry, Chèkov got up and went towards the replicator to order us some alcohol. When he came back with all the shots of tequila, I drank them all, without even thinking that some of those would be for them too. 
“I just don’t understand how he could say something like that” I continued venting. “It makes no sense. He never once complained about me being needy or clingy or annoying. What if that’s what he’s been thinking all this time but never told me?”
I started spirling and questioning everything about our relationship, because we had only been dating for almost a year, even though we had loved each other for much longer, but due to our ranks in StarFleet, neither of us had acted on our feelings. We didn’t even know if the other one felt the same way we did. 
“I wouldn’t say that” started Sulu “that man is crazy for you. I can’t even imagine him saying anything like this to you” 
Everybody knew about my way of showing love. Most people found it cute, and said they’d love to have a girlfriend who showed so much affection. Everybody jokingly said that the Captain didn’t need to be worried about any cheating. I loved too hard to ever cheat. 
“I agree with him. You should talk to him, I’m sure it was just the stress talking” said Chèkov with his pronounced accent. 
“But that’s the thing. Even if he said it because of the stress, doesn’t that mean that at some point in our relationship he felt that way?” I started to tear up again “Maybe everybody’s right and I love too hard”
Sulu and Chèkov looked at each other before addressing me.
“You loving so hard is something unique. And it’s a good thing. And even if he feels like that, which is hard to believe, you deserve much better. You are awesome, girl.” 
When Sulu finished his pep talk, Chèkov commented too:
“If the captain truly feels like that, then we’ll help you move on. We’ll call Nyota and she’ll create a party for you to drink and dance your pain away.”
At that moment I felt so lucky to have the friends that I have. To have support through those dark days that everybody has. I looked at them gratefully. 
Soon enough, Nyota and Spock joined us at the table, and she started to tell a story about a cadet that touched the wrong thing and caused a blackout in the entire ship. Even though I knew exactly what she was doing, which was to distract me from my chaotic love life, I followed her lead. 
Captain Pike was a very busy man. He was the captain of the Federation’s flag ship. He was in constant stress because of a million things, but today it felt different. Maybe because of the headache he woke up with. Or maybe because of the huge fight he had had earlier with his girlfriend. Yeah, that was probably it. He didn’t know what came over him. He just snapped when she got close to hug him. Maybe it was because he was late for his shift, and captains can never be late. It could also be because of the meeting he had that afternoon with Admiral Marcus, which made him really nervous and even more stressed than he already was. He didn’t know how to feel about Admiral Marcus, and because of that, he needed to be careful around him. 
Pike couldn’t afford to not be at his maximum when the time of the meeting with the Admiral came. He thought he should distract himself with work, because there was nothing left to do to prepare for the meeting, so the only thing he could do was work until the time came. 
It sounds as if Pike was going to a meeting to find out if he was guilty or innocent of some crime, but that wasn’t the case at all. Just the presence of Admiral Marcus caused this reaction in him. The goal was to go to that meeting free of stress, but now, after the fight he had had with his girlfriend, he was more stressed than ever. He was also worried. Like, sick worried. Because he obviously didn’t mean anything he had said to her, but he knew he fucked up. He knew it, and he was terrified of the consequences of his fuck up. He loved his girlfriend more than anything, she was there for him no matter what, even after his torture. Not many people would’ve stayed after an event like that. He loved her for that. He also loved the way she loved him. The way she loved in general. He loved everything about her, because her love was all he needed to survive. And she had more than enough love for him. All those things he had called her in their fight were repeating in his mind, like an infinite, torturous loop. He didn’t mean a single word of what he had said. 
He also knew that she loved harder than anyone, despite everything that had happened to her in her life. And he admired that above everything else. Her capacity for love was extraordinary, and he might’ve just lost her. No, he definitely lost her. And he couldn’t deal with the implications of that loss right now. Not when he had a ship to run, not when he had a meeting with one of the Admirals of StarFleet. Not when he knew that when he started processing that loss, he would break down, and he wouldn’t recover. He couldn’t. It was just impossible to move on from a love like that, especially when it was his own fault that the relationship had ended. 
Pike entered engineering, to distract himself from the heartbreak he was sure would kill him. He had to oversee a repair procedure on the warp core, to make sure nobody fucked it up. He started walking around engineering, not caring about the repair anymore, just trying to make sense of his thoughts. He walked past a console when a memory hit him. Over a year ago, a shipwide failure happened, knocking the Enterprise out cold. You were there, in engineering, on that same console, trying to revive the ship. You had found a solution on how to fix the problem, and he thought “damn, she’s smart.” And he was right. You were one of the smartest people he had ever met. He also thought you’d have a boyfriend, because it was impossible for a woman like you to be single for long. But, luckily for him, you were single. And the rest was history.
The time to meet Admiral Marcus had come, and the captain made his way to his ready room, to meet the Admiral on a call. He had no clue why this meeting was happening, which was worrying. He started thinking, once again, that maybe StarFleet Command would want to retire him from the chair, because of the torture. And that was an unthinkable thought. When he had thoughts like this, you were always by his side, ready to shine and dissipate all the shadows that were clouding his mind. But you weren’t there now. And you probably wouldn’t be anymore. So he had to force his thoughts away from his mind, which was very difficult to do, since there were shadows everywhere, and your light wasn’t there. 
The computer informed him about Admiral Marcus calling him, and so he straightened his spine and accepted the call.
“Good afternoon, Captain. You look like hell.”
“Good afternoon, Admiral. I must say, I have no idea why this meeting was scheduled in the first place, and that has been making me nervous.”
The captain was trying to keep his nerves under control, so that he wouldn’t say anything stupid. 
“Well, you can relax, Chris. StarFleet Command has decided to promote you to Admiral due to your admirable strength against Nero. Congratulations.”
Pike felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt an enormous relief that nobody was forcing him to retire. His next thought was to tell you about his promotion, and then he remembered he hadn’t seen you since the fight. So he decided to go see you, have you back, and tell you the news. He started to see everything from a different perspective, and he decided that he may have fucked up, but he wouldn’t give up so easily. He wanted you by his side, and it saddened him that you weren’t there when Admiral Marcus had told him about his promotion. 
“Those are excellent news, Admiral. I’d like to thank whoever made this decision, because it’s something I’ve been waiting for a long time. If you excuse me, I have people to share this news to. Have a nice day, sir.”
He hung up without waiting for an answer, and got out of his ready room on long, fast strides. He asked the computer where you were so that he could go and talk to you about both the fight and his promotion. Chris realised that if he was going to be Admiral, he didn’t want to be it without you. If it hadn’t been for you he probably wouldn’t even be on Starfleet right now, due to the torture. 
When he arrived at the mess hall, he saw you with Sulu, with all kinds of alcoholic beverages on the table and a couple of them in your hands. You were laughing at something Sulu had said, and Chèkov was explaining something, gesturing a lot with his hands, and you looked really interested at what he was saying. Suddenly, Pike wished that it was him at whom you were laughing and dedicating that beautiful smile. 
Chèkov saw the captain and stopped speaking abruptly. He then said something to you in quiet whispers. You turned around and looked straight at Chris. The captain’s heart started to beat at an unsafe rhythm, faster with each step you took towards him.
“We should talk” You said
“Yes, we should,” the captain agreed.
Chris took your hand and practically dragged you to his quarters. Once you both got there, he held both your hands and started talking.
“First of all, I need you to know that I didn’t mean a single thing that I said this morning. I love the way you love me, and your way of showing affection. I was really stressed about my meeting with Marcus, and I took it out on you. And I’m terribly sorry for that. I thought my whole future at StarFleet was in danger, and instead of letting you help me, I snapped at you. It will never happen again, because now I know what would happen to me if you ever left me. Just today, after the fight, I was absolutely terrified of you leaving me. For a moment there, I thought we might never be us again. And then, I had my meeting with Admiral Marcus, and he told me that I’ve been promoted to Admiral. The first thing I thought after being relieved that nobody was forcing me to retire was you. Without you, I probably wouldn’t even be on StarFleet after my torture. You’re the reason for this. You’re the reason for every single good thing in my life. You’re everything. So, I really hope you can forgive me for my fuck up. If you do forgive me, I have a lot of good ideas on how to celebrate our accomplishment.”
You were left speechless. After Chris’ speech, you felt as if you were going to cry and just break down right there of happiness and relief. 
“So you never meant anything you said this morning? I was starting to think that maybe you felt that way all along and that you weren’t happy or that maybe I really was ‘too much’” Your eyes were tearing up slowly, and the captain realised that.
Chris’ heart broke from just hearing your self-doubts. His heart broke a little bit more when he remembered that he was the cause of your self-doubts. 
“I would never think that. You’re more than enough, and I could never have ‘too much’ of you. In case you didn’t realise, I’m madly in love with you, and I’m absolutely horrified by the words that I said earlier today.”
As if the captain couldn’t restrain himself anymore, he took a step forward and engulfed you on a huge bear hug. He held you tightly for several minutes, enjoying your body temperature and having you in his arms once again. He rested his face on the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply, as if he wanted to memorise your smell and never forget it. He whispered how sorry he was in your ear and kissed you several times on your cheek and neck, as if tasting the most delicious and sweet food. 
“Chris, this morning I’ve also said a couple of things that I didn’t mean at all. So, really, I’m at fault here too. And I love you too. You’re also one of the most loyal, kind and smart men I’ve ever met, and I’m really grateful to have you as my partner.” You held him tighter than ever too. You had missed him terribly throughout this day. 
You cupped your lover’s cheeks and directed his lips towards yours. 
Sure enough, that night neither of you slept much.
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dandelion-blues · 1 month
A PJO Headcannon
Idea time:
So, I was reading this fic (it's really good so far btw) and the author was thinking of making Nancy a demigod, and who her godly parent should be, and I thought of Laverna.
Laverna, the Roman Goddess of thieves, cheats, and the Underworld. She was believed to rule Rome's underground with her army of outcasts.
Here I'm thinking that Nancy is just a kid acting out, abandoned by her mom, and being a bully when seeing someone that's like her and has one parent (Percy) and taking it out on him. Also, in the books, Rick described Nancy in an unflattering way, which could go with her feeling like an outcast and whatnot.
It's not an excuse to her behavior, but I think it'd actually be pretty cool to give Nancy a bit more of a backstory. Like how some bully's lash out to hurt, so they don't feel the hurt themselves. And we only knew Nancy as a 12 year old.
But what if when Nancy grows older and learns of her heritage, she doesn't join the Legion like many demigods, but ends up forming a group of other outcasts who feel unloved and were thrown out by society.
Nancy wasn't sure how old she was when she knew that her dad didn't love her like other parents loved their kids. Five? Younger? Nancy didn't know, but she knows it's been a fact of her life for a very long time.
But Nancy got by. After all, even if she didn't have her dad's love, she had his money. That's why she went to expensive boarding schools was sent away and wore pristine itchy uniforms.
Nancy grew up around the cold walls and fleating sunlight of dorms and schools, and it was home to her. Moreso than the beach house her dad lives in.
The damp underground smell when the rain soaked the cracked cement and the running tracks dirt was euphoria. While the sea salt smell on her dad was like a smothering perfume on his skin that was a reminder of all the nonexistent hugs and loving caresses she would never have.
And Nancy's mother. Well, as far as Nancy is concerned, she doesn't exist. Ignoring all the times she cried for a parent, a mother, to love her.
Dad called her mom some whore, and left it at that.
Still, sometimes Nancy's dad would say how Nancy was taking after her mother's unappealing beauty.
Her too orange freckles smeared across her face like powdered cheese instead of like glinting bronze or perfectly clear skin.
Ignoring how Nancy actually liked her freckles. She loved cheese because she imagined it was for royalty to be served at balls like the most divine dishes. At least she loved cheese until other kids started making fun of her cheese powder freckles like they were disgusting.
And that's not even touching on Nancy's frizzy red hair. Hair that Nancy thought was like Ms. Frizzle, the most adventurous and brave woman Nancy saw as a kid. The woman that Nancy looked up to and learned from on TV.
But of course, her dad hated her hair. While his hair was brown and straight, her's was a mess. A reminder of her mother.
And all these unapleiang beauty marks just added up and up like a neverending pile of stone titering precariously over her, waiting for her to give up and let the stone's fall and crush her under the weight of her ugliness.
Each insult from her dad, from her peers, from adults around her added more cracks to the stone tower. Her crooked teeth (she thought she looked like a fiercesome pirate), her prominent nose (a good detective always has a big nose), her tallness (she like being taller than kids her age, made her not feel as small), her squinty eyes (like she was looking to steal something. It's true, she likes shiny things, besides surely they can do without it to smile so carelessly without a worry).
So yeah, Nancy gets it. She's not attractive, but so what? Because of this, she's learned to use her words and body language to get what she wants. Other kids will use puppy eyes, and she'll call an adult a pervert and pickpocket from the "concerned" adult around her. And guess what? She'll get more than the kid who uses puppy eyes.
But she won't ever get a parent's love.
And now that Nancy's twelve, and going to sixth grade, she knows all the tricks. How to be the top dog at school, and be the teacher's favorite.
She'll surround herself with worshipers, and her heart will finally not feel so empty.
But why?
Why are there still people ignoring her?
And why does the one boy that smells like sea salt bring tears to her eyes?
It's because he reminded her of her dad. Her dad and that horrible beach house that she desperately tries to forget once school starts again.
And why does that boy, who seems to come from nothing, seem to have such a carefree smile?
No, it's not carefree. Nancy can see that it's strained, like hers.
But why does he still seem so happy?
Is it because of that cripple, Grover?
No, if that was it that Nancy would be happy. After all, she has better, more superior friends.
And yet why isn't she happy like him?
It makes Nancy furious. Her heart hammers in her chest, and her eyes sting. She clenches her teeth and balls her hands into fists.
What right does that nobody have to be so happy?
Is it because he has a mom that mails him blue cookies and handwritten letters in a cheap tuba ware box?
That he has a parent that loves him unlike her?
It doesn't matter because Nancy will do whatever it takes to wipe that happy smile off of Percy's face if it's the last thing she does.
Nancy's face burns bright red with pure retribution when it never seems to work. Her eyes gleam with fury as Grover and Percy seem to have gotten closer than ever after she started to pick on them. At least their math teacher, Mrs. Dodds seems to hate Percy just as much as her.
Whatever, she has more plans. Nancy rolls her eyes and washes her face as she gets ready for bed. She glances in the mirror, looking at all her ugly traits. Her yellowish eyes like pyrite, fake gold, glaring back at her while she scowls.
Ugly, deformed little girl. Trying to fill your empty heart again?
"Shut up!" Nancy yelled at her mirror self, and the other her seemed to grin maliciously back.
Ugh, your voice sounds as disgusting as how the rest of you looks.
"Stop." Nancy's voice cracks, her eyes watering, as she starts to tremble.
Tch, pathetic. Don't pretend to have emotions now. You mons-
Nancy screams and punches the mirror, the glass splintering before her as it cracks and falls.
Nancy sheild's her face in her arms, as the glass shattered and broke completely, thudding loudly as the pieces hit the sink and floor.
Nancy stood there a moment, breathing heavily, her heart pounding wildly. She lowers her arms, her left hand throbbing with pain, and looks at the shattered glass all on the ground and sink. Her blood mixes with the pure white tiles painting her crime scene red.
And for a second, when Nancy glances at the shard pieces, she doesn't see herself, but Percy. Another scarred kid with anger issues and wants to be heard. And then it's gone when Nancy blinks.
Nancy breathes a moment before slumping to the ground, laughing hysterically.
She's going crazy, hasn't she?
Seeing things?
Having more strength than a twelve year old girl should have?
H-how did she even do that?!
The mirror shouldn't have broken that easily!
Maybe she really is some depraved lunatic villain after all.
Nancy shakes her head in disbelief, some giggles spilling past her lips.
She looks at her blood entranced. It shines bright red and leaves her body. Has she ever lost so much blood before? She doesn't think she has.
Nancy continues to laugh and giggle.
She really is crazy isn't she?
Then, Nancy feels a lump in her throat, tears threatening to spill as she shutters a dry sob.
She's a monster!
And Nancy's leaves the bathroom in horror, her heart beating rapidly. She sinks into her bed covers, wincing as her hand is still bleeding, but she ignores it, like she ignores everything else and she forces herself to fall asleep in her single dormitory. Alone, not noticing tears leaving her eyes as she wants to forget everything and dream of everything she'll never have.
And the anguish Nancy feels only makes her feel more helpless and angry. So she does the only thing a twelve year old can think of when she has nothing else. She lashes out at the world at everyone. Especially at those who dare to stand up to her. To be so happy when she never will be!
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mors-mvrdre · 1 year
canon compliant ramblings (1/?)
He likes Penelope. Brilliant, bold, bright Penelope, made of smiles that light up rooms, who doesn’t think he’s a pompous arse.
Penelope's read all of the same books Percy has and then some; and she's never out of recommendations or intriguing commentary to show for it. She'll question his sources and rip his arguments apart, and his work will, always, ultimately be better for it. She can argue any case just as fiercely and passionately as Percy, and he falls in love a little bit every time. They laugh it off, proclaiming victory or conceding defeat, and go about their days content with a good verbal sparring.
They get each other, but they're not the same.
Where Percy is restrained, methodical, and often playing roles, Penny is authentic and unapologetically herself. He both envies and adores that about her; the way she laughs, the single dimple on her right cheek, how she never shies away from her feelings. For Percy, who's always struggled at reading people ("read the room", "take the hint", he's heard so many times he's lost count), it's a welcome reprieve. Percy knows he can trust Penelope to tell him what she wants, what she means. He won't be blindsided.
He reckons he could enjoy her company for that alone, were Penelope a lot less smart and a lot more boring and uninteresting.
(Or perhaps he wouldn't, he frowns. There is a not-unsubstantial chance Penelope would be a lot more superficial and vapid in turn. But that's a non-issue. Would they run out of things to talk about?)
Penelope is a half-blood on a mere technicality, which raises eyebrows left and right even from the most tolerant of wizards. She's a little round (Percy's reminded of his mother at her age), a shade of tan not very common in their corner of the British Isles, and she speaks languages which, much to his befuddlement, their muggle-born classmates seem to sneer at more viciously.
Percy is very aware that all of this matters, socially. He knows what it's like to be poor and shunned and ridiculed -- that he can call himself a pureblood despite it, that he's at the top of his year and has many of the teachers' favour is not a deterrent. It's a drive, actually. It's why he has high ambitions, why he tries his best to dress and act the part -- why he complies even when he doesn't understand, even when it makes him feel like clawing at his own skin.
But Percy's not Penelope, so he never finds an edition of Witch's Weekly with a five-page article on miraculous weight loss open on his bed, and he doesn't hear snickers from behind his roommates' curtains when he angrily tosses it into the trash. The other boys don't tell him that he's "so brave" for not caring what other people say about his body, or not using glamour charms to hide his pimples, or for not wanting to know where he ranked on a “list of attractiveness” some git pinned to the announcement board in the Common Room. The only person who ever comments on Percy's food intake at school is Oliver -- but Oliver is an athlete and a bit of a health freak, and Oliver's comments are harmless; fondly exasperated "You’d have less headaches if you ate more greens", not malicious or backhanded.
(“Fewer”, Percy corrects him distractedly, and so Oliver rolls his eyes and piles broccoli onto his plate in revenge.)
Percy’s not Penelope, so Henrietta Glossop's attention-grabbing "Wow, I could never eat that much" is not directed at him. It reverberates across the Great Hall, though -- he catches it from two tables away. Percy's not Penelope, and nobody tells him he cheated his way into a blood status, calls him slurs, or makes fun of his adoptive mother for being a Squib.
He doesn't understand -- Penelope is brilliant.
She's eloquent, knowledgeable, and far more travelled than anyone he's ever met. She knows the ins and outs of Wizarding Law and international treaties better than most adults in his life, and Percy finds himself enraptured by the way she lights up talking about it more and more frequently over the years.
He finds her gorgeous in ways he doesn't fully comprehend yet, and she's one of his favourite people. He can’t fathom anyone seeing her differently.
Percy tells her this, once, at the end of their fourth year. He’s so consumed in righteous anger on her behalf that he completely misses the way Penelope freezes; how she turns to him as though she's seeing him for the very first time. He catches her smiling, though, and so, a little confused, Percy smiles back, because it's the polite thing to do.
In hindsight, that's probably when things start to change.
info sheet (i guess).
random stuff pours out of my head sometimes. this is canon-compliant to a certain extent (that Penny and Percy like each other), but it's a lot of my own (various, overlapping, inconsistent) headcanons too. it was weirdly worded, so, for context: this Penelope is the UK-born daughter of a muggle man, a thai immigrant who gets remarried to a squib, and because the woman adopts Penelope that makes it so she has a set of wizard grandparents. this means she's "technically" a half-blood, and that doesn't sit well/is oddly regarded by a lot of people. hope that makes sense.
needs revision
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cabin7-hufflepuff · 2 years
argo II crew as songs from my musical playlist (not including tlt musical cuz i think that would be cheating)
percy: once and for all - newsies (king of new york for the jokes)
"we ain’t come this far to lose”
“in a few hours by dawn's early light we’ll be ready to fight us a war”
“once and for all there’ll be blood on the wall if they doubt us. they think they’re running this town, but this town would shut down without us”
annabeth: not your seed - the guy who didn’t like musicals
“i’m not your girl anymore”
“you left me out of your sight for one second and look what happens”
“if you actually paid attention to me”
“why does it hurt to love you? why am i in pain?”
“if i turned my insides out, would you even know that i was there?”
jason: louder than words - tick tick boom
“why does it take an accident before the truth gets through to us?”
“why does it take catastrophe to start a revolution?”
“someone tell me why so many people bleed”
piper: take me back - black friday
“you and i were meant to be something more than a faded memory”
“take me back when we were lost. lost in love and lost in feeling without the cost”
“take me back in time to love you. hold me closer than before. heal my heart and mend what’s broken”
leo: let me make you proud - tangled the series
“maybe you’re right to have doubts in me”
“if you for once could just trust me”
“let me make you proud. let me show you the best in me. let me give you a reason to believe that i can stand tall”
“i know that i’ve disappointed you”
“i will make you have faith in me”
frank: not alone - a very potter musical/darren criss
“i’ve seen how heartless the world can be”
“nothin’ can keep me from lovin’ you”
“i trip and stumble tryin’ to make sense of things sometimes”
“all i need is to look in your eyes and i realize. baby i’m not alone, cause you’re here with me”
Hazel: perfect harmony - julie and the phantoms (dead girl walking for the jokes)
“life can be so mean. but when he goes, i know he doesn’t leave”
“two worlds collide when i’m with you”
“you and me together is more than chemistry”
“we say we’re friends, we play pretend. you’re more to me”
nico: if i believed - twisted: the untold story of a royal vizier
“i’d turn back the sands of time and save you”
“but wishes are dreams and dreams are pretend”
“science says your dead and gone forever. reason says i’m talking to the air. but something in my heart, some secret, hidden part, illogically insists that you are there”
will: days of summer - a very potter sequel
“we got these days of summer to remind us of each other”
“i’m hoping that the good old days are something i can dream about at night”
“i don’t wanna see you go, but it’s not forever”
“you’re the part of me that makes me better wherever i go”
reyna: woman is - lempicka
“woman is powerful”
“woman is shape, breath, form. woman is bone, muscle, light. woman is curve and shadow. woman is beautiful”
“i am alive”
“i am on fire”
“please let me hold you close, here in the breathing dark”
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
is the showrunner's connection to Percy at all related to Aphrodite? she gives me Aphrodite energy.
"Twoleg? What is your name?"
It was late, and Firestar quietly padded out from underneath Artemis's bed, where he had built a nest. Graystripe lay there, still unconscious.
"What?" Asked the twoleg, sitting on the edge of a bed, head in his hands. He looked older than Artemis and Prosper, and had black hair and green eyes. His pants were blue, and he was wearing a shirt that was the same color brown as Firestar's pelt. It had text on it that Firestar couldn't read, because he was a cat.
"My name is Firestar. What is yours?"
"I saw you look at Showrunner with a particular hatred. She even bared her teeth at you. Do you have some history?"
Percy scowled, and the glass of water on his bedside table shook. "She has my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Was that like a mate?
That didn't answer Firestar's question, but okay.
"Th- that mouthless twoleg, he looked upset, too, when she took that kit."
"Stanley? Yeah, that was his friend. We- we're gonna try to get them back, b-"
Firestar jumped onto the bed, getting nearer Percy's ear, "Don't be so loud! The one-eyed one will hear you!"
"Wh- Xigbar?" Percy whispered, looking bewildered.
"I don- Sure! Him!" He whispered. He and Percy both looked up, where Xigbar was relaxing some kind of wooden beam near the top of the room, about 10 fox-lengths away.
They looked at each other, green eyes meeting. Percy said, "Why are you worried about him? The showrunner hates him."
"I wouldn't be so sure. I saw them sharing tongues not long after her clanmates finished feeding the monster."
"I- you saw them doing what?"
"I know!" Firestar said, glad that Percy was just as shocked about the clear show of friendship.
Percy paused, and then looked at Firestar, "Monster? What kind? Why didn't it attack?"
Firestar tilted his head, "The big one that was outside. It vomited out the-" he tried to remember the word- "lunch...balls?"
Percy blinked. "Do you mean the truck?"
"Maybe, do twolegs climb inside trucks and order them around?"
"Then yes."
"Okay." Percy said, loosening his grip on the small, blue tube he was holding. That had writing on it, too, but Firestar still couldn't read.
A pause.
"I got an aura from the Showrunner," Percy said, "When she gave me the necklaces from Carter-"
"She- she gave you those?!" Was Percy working for her, too?
"Yeah. To gi-" Percy clutched the tube again, "To give to you guys. She also." he blinked some kind of water out of his eyes, and pulled something out of his pocket. It looked like a long curl of twoleg fur, the pale yellow color of the long grass the twolegs grew in rows outside of Ravenpaw and Barley's place.
Firestar sniffed it. Definitely twoleg. "Is this from your Annabeth?"
Percy nodded, and the glass of water again shook on the table. Was Percy doing that?
But this Annabeth. Clearly she was in danger if Showrunner was able to cut some of her fur.
"What is an aura?" He asked Percy.
"It- it's a kind of... a feeling. The Showrunner, I think she's a daughter of Aphrodite."
"And that's important?"
Percy nodded, still staring at Annabeth's fur.
"You saw them... sharing tongues?"
"Yes," Firestar said, recalling Xigbar kneeling in front of Showrunner and grooming her hand.
"She could be using Charmspeak on him." Percy said thoughtfully.
"Who is Charmspeak?"
Percy gave him an odd look, "I mean she could be using magic to convince him to do things. It's something Aphrodite kids can do. My friend Piper used it to defeat Gaia."
Those were definitely words.
A few moments passed in silence.
"Wait," Said Firestar, "Why would Showrunner want you to help us cheat?"
"I don't know," Percy said.
Firestar's ear perked up as a rustle came from the other side of the room. Percy didn't look like he'd heard it.
"But it's late," Continued Percy, "and apparently we're heading back to the arena tomorrow. We should get some rest."
Firestar moved to get off the bed, and then paused, "Percy, do you have more of the necklaces?"
He nodded, and opened his drawer to reveal... a shiny container of twoleg food.
He asked, "Why, did someone lose theirs?"
"N-no, but I want to give one to my friend Graystripe. And I think you should have one, too."
Percy seemed to consider it. He split open a few of the two-leg foods and sure enough, they had necklaces baked inside. he held one out for Firestar to take (it tasted weird in his mouth), then put one on himself, keeping a few in his hand. He shut the drawer.
"'Night, Firestar."
Firestar nodded to him, and then jumped off the bed, padding back to Graystripe.
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Shep coughed nervously , wringing his cloak in their hands and glancing at Percival “May we return to our seats yet, dearest Percival? It is cramped up here.”
(Previous) Percy, arm still around Shep, leaned in a bit. “That’s not how it works! We have some questions for you! I think I’ll open it up to the audience first.” Immediately after Percy announced that, a few arms in the crowd shot up. And of course, instead of waiting to be called on, they just started shouting their questions over each other. One of them was louder than the rest, though. It was the deacon Lola, who had earned the nickname Blabber. “YES QUESTION SHEP DON’T YOU HAVE A BIG FAT CRUSH ON BISHOP PERCIVAL THOUGH BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HIM AND-” She was interrupted when the deacon Autumn, who was sitting next to her, jabbed her with their elbow. “DUH Lola, people can love multiple people at once!” Then Terry, the prison guard acolyte chimed up. “Uuuh then Theodore, do you still love your prisoner fiance? Does she know you’re cheating on her?” The soldier Amy blurted out “Were you not paying attention? Bro can’t handle a long distance relationship. Bro’s touch starved. Bro don’t care about the prisoner chick.” Amy then raised her voice to shout a question. “Bro are you gonna break up with her? If so, then it won’t even be cheating anymore so who cares?” The crowd continued murmuring amongst each other. Percy released Shep to put his hand to his chin and spoke back up. “Seems the crowd is debating the severity of this sin. Do either of you have anything to say to defend yourselves?”
Teddy couldn't help but blush when Amy bluntly spoke about his needs. That's how he should feel about her, isn't it? (Well, aside from not caring.)
After a long pause Teddy managed to calm himself so he could pick out individual voices from the crowd. They didn't seem completely convinced that Shep initiated it. Yet it sounded like this would dispel any doubts about his overblown sins.
Teddy waited for Bishop Percival to speak before kicking the side of the pulpit, hard. For a brief time the crowd was startled into silence and he spoke before they could get over it.
"Why yes Amy," Teddy said as he leaned on the side of the pulpit and rested his arms on it to directly look her in the eye.
"We're confessing a sin that'll be resolved in a few days simply to waste our time and open ourselves up to your annoying probing questions."
Then Teddy smirked at her. "Say, have I ever told you how smart you are?"
Several Glornists snickered at that and he smiled in satisfaction. Any chance to get a jab at one of his least favorite Glornists was a blessing.
Then Teddy glanced at Terry before averting his eye. It was a shame that this plan involved alienating the few normal Glornists.
"As for whether I still love her... well... it's complicated. She has fifty years left of her sixty year sentence. Even if she manages to get released early for good behavior it's so far away that one of us may not live that long."
After a brief pause he said, "We're both in our mid thirties. For reference."
"That doesn't mean I don't want to give up any hope of a life together but..." Teddy clenched his fists as he struggled to maintain a neutral expression.
"I have waited and will wait years before I can give her any more than a chaste kiss in front of creepy guards. Don't I deserve something in the meantime?"
Then Teddy took a deep breath as he prepared to say something particularly cruel.
"So if she didn't want me to be easily swayed she shouldn't have gotten caught." He looked up at the audience while wrapping his arm around Shep's waist.
"What could she possibly do if she finds out anyhow?"
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seob-i · 2 years
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3.) 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
In the dark, gloomy and dusty but well organised classroom, [Y/N] akwardly sat beside the slim, tall and bonde boy named Malfoy, who was visibly irritated. He was throwing glares at her and tapping his foot for the past 15 minutes.
Professor Snape had made seating arrangements. The reason for this occurrence, some students were caught cheating and sleeping, so, now, the poor Hufflepuff had to sit next to the worst Slytherin ever.
"Now, before we end this class, I want to make an assignment because some of YOU.." Professor Snape seethed. "Forget. And waste the ingredients Hogwarts has provided you."
He said, looking at the students who accidentally put the wrong ingredients in the wrong vials, pouring the wrong liquids and ending up wasting or blowing the whole class up.
"Your partner is your seat mate, now I want you to make a 5 page research about Fluxweeds, I want to see the background, how to harvest it, what potions it could make or what it is used for. The deadline is in next week, for those who will fail to pass it, you might as well never come in my class again."
[Y/N] gulped as she turned to look at Malfoy. He stood up and looked at her "You do it on your own mudblood. If you don't do it right I will make your life miserable." The Hufflepuff felt tiny, Infront of him, closing her eyes as she felt a splash of saliva that came from his mouth because of how dramatic he was talking.
Gross. Her face scrunches.
He walks out of the classroom and The girl follows behind him. "B-but! It's a 5 page research! I can't do it by myself!" He suddenly stops causing the girl to bump behind his back.
"Ooph!" "And why would I help a Mudblood like you?" The Slytherin pokes the girls fore head with his finger harshly. "Hey!" She pulls away and touches her forehead, face visible with distaste.
"Mudbloods are below me, you should be my servant for being one. You shouldn't have come to Hogwarts. You are not. Welcome. Here." He walks away snickering.
[Y/N] stares at his back as he walks away. Jerk. "Aw! Poor Girlie!" A voice said behind the girl exclaimed "Don't mind him first year, Slytherins are just a bunch of gits." The other added.
A pair of red heads touched the girls shoulder. She turns around. "Oh, Hello Fred, george!" "What do you say we prank that spoiled boy-" "-and teach him a lesson?" They grin, each with excitement on their faces.
"What? N-no thanks, why would you even do that?" "'Cause you're our baby brothers friend of course!" George rubs the girl's head. She holds his wrist and pulls it away, gently.
"Ah, well thank you..? But I'm pretty alright, thank you very much." [Y/N] smiles at them and turns around. Fred blocks her way, "Come on Girlie! We could turn his frown upside down with a spell-" "- Or we could make him burp loudly non stop!"
[Y/N] giggles at the idea, "Or-" "What are you two doing?" The three turned their head to see another red head. [Y/N]'s gaze turned to George who winked and mouthed 'our brother'.
"Are you two harassing a first year again?" The boy asked, he was a lot older than the twins and looked much more mature, he had a badge and stood straight, confidently.
"Aw, you really think of us that way Percy?" "Harassing isn't the right word, it's more like- chatting." Fred puts his arm around the girls shoulder, pulling her closer with a grin.
Percy, looks at [Y/N] for approval. "We were just talking..sir?" "Percy is fine. Now, go back to class you two!" He ushers the twins off as they groan, childishly.
"I'll be seeing you..?" "[Y/N] [L/N]!" "[L/N]-" "[Y/N] will do!" The girl cut off the prefect. His lips formed a flat line from it, as she grins sheepishly.
"Right, [Y/N]. I'll be seeing you, do enjoy your day." The Hufflepuff smiles at him as he walks away. The girl sighs, she'll be not enjoying her day. After all, she had draco as her partner.
"That's not fair!" Hermione exclaims, as she looks at the Hufflepuffs head on her lap in distaste, The two had grew close over the past few days, they took every chance to be together and hang out.
Be it studying, chatting, complaining and sharing candy- which Hermione would only eat one, tiny piece -right now, [Y/N]'s head was on Hermione's lap.
She was complaining about how, Malfoy had forced her to do their research paper. She whined stuffing her mouth with more candy to suffice herself and contain her anger.
"You're going to choke if you continue to eat while laying down, [Y/N]." Hermione commented, in which the Hufflepuff girl on her lap only giggled in response. "If I were you, I would turn him to a frog." Ron then said leaning on the bench.
Harry only hummed in agreement. "... it's not that bad. Maybe I'm just.. being dramatic." "He had no right to do that!" "Hermione's right." Harry said, taking a piece of candy from the Hufflepuffs hand before she could smash it from anger.
She suddenly sat up, causing Hermione to move her head away, almost getting hit on the face. "I'm going to force him to do it with me!" Determined, she lifted herself off the bench and dashed away.
Leaving her friends. "She won't be able to do it." Ron says nonchalantly, still chewing candy he took from the Sweet toothed Hufflepuff.
The bushy haired girl sighs. "She can do it, I hope." Harry added. The three looked at their friends figure, running away. Since that day, the Hufflepuff was determined to make Malfoy help her with their research papers even if she had to use threatening.
"You are not going anywhere!" She says, pulling the Slytherin's wrist to sit him back down. "Hey! Are you mad?" "If you don't help me, I will make throw up slugs!" [Y/N] threatens "I'd like to see you tr-"
She points a wand at him. Causing the boy to stiffen, "T-that's-! I-ill tell my father about this!" "Try! And I'll make you puke slugs before you could utter the word 'daddy!'"
Malfoy then sat down in defeat.
For hours, the two sat in the library working on their paper- except [Y/N] was doing all the work-, but she was pleased as long as Malfoy showed up and participated.
Everyday, she wouldn't miss the opportunity to show up as he was leaving the door to drag him to the library to complete their work. Malfoy would just pull his wrist away irritatedly and follow the Hufflepuff.
Everything was fine until....
[Y/N] woke up, a bit late than the usual time she would wake up. It was the weekend, after all. When she entered the great hall and went to her housemates to greet them, everyone was ogling at her.
"Good morning!" She greets her friend, Susan. The red head only stares at her, "Is there something on my face? Why are you guys looking at me like that!" The confused Hufflepuff pouts.
"[Y/N], are you dating Draco Malfoy? The Slytherin?"
"Excuse me?"
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( Hello! Sorry for the long wait, I'll try to update once a week. )
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
honestly i think this person is real. Because if she were some crazy fan trying to defend him she would not have said this happened in his house. Plus, she had the guts to tag Aries.
I think Percy had some very bad friends that maybe manipulated him as well and took advantage of the fact he was a kid actor that had parents working all the time, that was away often etc. If he were such a terrible abuser himself then why is he still friends with so many of his exes. Why is he still on good terms with Lena (both still follow each-other) even after the whole debacle with him cheating and leading karis on? If he were such an abuser, why did this girl say he stood up for her many times.
Yes he was dumb af for still being friends with these kinds of people but thing is sometimes when you get involved with dangerous people its very hard to get out. How do we know they never threatened him or manipulated him as well? So Desiree and Kayla and the rest of the girls who were friends with assaulters are allowed to say they are victims and now have changed for the better after they fucked with so many people, but Percy is not?
he is paying with blood tears rn for having a shit group of friends in high school.
I think this person is real as well, and my heart goes out for them because I can't imagine how this shitshow might have made them feel.
I agree, I think that Percy had bad friends who used him for a long time, for one reason or another. And as a teen, you don't have the emotional maturity to get out, or to even see it's wrong, what they're doing to you. The claims that Percy couldn't be a victim of his friend group reek of misogyny. People really should get in touch with their internalised misogyny and patriarchy before commenting on this.
I'm glad that he found friends now that only want to be his friends because he is wonderful. I'm so glad he has Georgie, and Joy, and Jenna, and Emma and everyone else.
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